[med-svn] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianMed/Meeting/Aberdeen2014" by TimBooth
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Thu Sep 19 15:37:56 UTC 2013
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The "DebianMed/Meeting/Aberdeen2014" page has been changed by TimBooth:
- = Debian Med Sprint 2014, Stonehaven near Aberdeen =
+ = Debian Med Coders Weekend* 2014, Stonehaven near Aberdeen =
+ [ *note - we're currently waiting for the thumbs-up to call this a "Debian Sprint" but we hope that it will be. ]
Following on from the previous event in Kiel, and earlier annual meetings, we invite enthusiastic hackers to attend the next meeting in Stonehaven, near Aberdeen in Scotland (UK) [[http://www.stonehavenguide.net/]].
@@ -18, +20 @@
The meeting will be held at the [[http://theroyalhotelstonehaven.co.uk|Royal Hotel]] near the sea front in Stonehaven. We hope that all attendees can stay in the hotel. Regular prices are £65 for a single or £75 for a twin room per night (incl. breakfast), but [[http://minke-informatics.co.uk|Minke Informatics Limited]] will sponsor part of the cost for early-bird hotel bookings before 31 Oct 2013. The discounted rate will be £55 a night for a room to yourself or £32.50 each if you are sharing with someone else. The Royal Hotel have reserved rooms for us until 31 Oct 2103, but bookings made after that date will be at the hotel's normal rates and rooms may no longer be available. Please use the [[http://www.theroyalhotelstonehaven.co.uk/contact.html|Royal Hotel web mail]] to book a room and ask for the discounted accomodation rate for our meeting.
We hope to also cover at least refreshments and hopefully some food through sponsorship too. This is still being worked on.
+ === Organisers ===
+ Tony Travis and Tim Booth (see below) are the main organisers. Tony is our local boy in Aberdeen. Please feel free to contact us directly or to discuss the
+ meeting with us via the Debian-Med mailing list.
== Participants ==
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