[med-svn] [bwa] 02/04: Imported Upstream version 0.7.10
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Thu Aug 14 16:34:15 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to tag debian/0.7.10-1
in repository bwa.
commit e18d03d21a2683969454f0f4ee2b70bf7e8965d2
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Thu Aug 14 18:31:32 2014 +0200
Imported Upstream version 0.7.10
NEWS.md | 19 +++++++++++++++
bwamem.c | 85 ++++++++++++----------------------------------------------------
main.c | 2 +-
3 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index 82a0f6c..33a4760 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
+Release 0.7.10 (13 July, 2014)
+Notable changes to BWA-MEM:
+ * Fixed a segmentation fault due to an alignment bridging the forward-reverse
+ boundary. This is a bug.
+ * Use the PacBio heuristic to map contigs to the reference genome. The old
+ heuristic evaluates the necessity of full extension for each chain. This may
+ not work in long low-complexity regions. The PacBio heuristic performs
+ SSE2-SW around each short seed. It works better. Note that the heuristic is
+ only applied to long query sequences. For Illumina reads, the output is
+ identical to the previous version.
+(0.7.10: 13 July 2014, r789)
Release 0.7.9 (19 May, 2014)
diff --git a/bwamem.c b/bwamem.c
index 76871e0..e9d9304 100644
--- a/bwamem.c
+++ b/bwamem.c
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ mem_chain_v mem_chain(const mem_opt_t *opt, const bwt_t *bwt, const bntseq_t *bn
s.qbeg = p->info>>32;
s.score= s.len = slen;
rid = bns_intv2rid(bns, s.rbeg, s.rbeg + s.len);
- if (rid < 0) continue; // bridging multiple reference sequences or the forward-reverse boundary
+ if (rid < 0) continue; // bridging multiple reference sequences or the forward-reverse boundary; TODO: split the seed; don't discard it!!!
if (kb_size(tree)) {
kb_intervalp(chn, tree, &tmp, &lower, &upper); // find the closest chain
if (!lower || !test_and_merge(opt, l_pac, lower, &s, rid)) to_add = 1;
@@ -383,6 +383,7 @@ int mem_patch_reg(const mem_opt_t *opt, const bntseq_t *bns, const uint8_t *pac,
double r;
if (bns == 0 || pac == 0 || query == 0) return 0;
assert(a->rid == b->rid && a->rb <= b->rb);
+ if (a->rb < bns->l_pac && b->rb >= bns->l_pac) return 0; // on different strands
if (a->qb >= b->qb || a->qe >= b->qe || a->re >= b->re) return 0; // not colinear
w = (a->re - b->rb) - (a->qe - b->qb); // required bandwidth
w = w > 0? w : -w; // l = abs(l)
@@ -507,7 +508,9 @@ void mem_mark_primary_se(const mem_opt_t *opt, int n, mem_alnreg_t *a, int64_t i
#define MEM_SHORT_EXT 50
#define MEM_SHORT_LEN 200
-#define MEM_HSP_COEF 1.1
+#define MEM_HSP_COEF 1.1f
+#define MEM_MINSC_COEF 5.5f
+#define MEM_SEEDSW_COEF 0.05f
int mem_seed_sw(const mem_opt_t *opt, const bntseq_t *bns, const uint8_t *pac, int l_query, const uint8_t *query, const mem_seed_t *s)
@@ -516,6 +519,7 @@ int mem_seed_sw(const mem_opt_t *opt, const bntseq_t *bns, const uint8_t *pac, i
uint8_t *rseq = 0;
kswr_t x;
+ if (s->len >= MEM_SHORT_LEN) return -1; // the seed is longer than the max-extend; no need to do SW
qb = s->qbeg, qe = s->qbeg + s->len;
rb = s->rbeg, re = s->rbeg + s->len;
mid = (rb + re) >> 1;
@@ -527,7 +531,7 @@ int mem_seed_sw(const mem_opt_t *opt, const bntseq_t *bns, const uint8_t *pac, i
if (mid < l_pac) re = l_pac;
else rb = l_pac;
- if (qe - qb >= MEM_SHORT_LEN || re - rb >= MEM_SHORT_LEN) return -1;
+ if (qe - qb >= MEM_SHORT_LEN || re - rb >= MEM_SHORT_LEN) return -1; // the seed seems good enough; no need to do SW
rseq = bns_fetch_seq(bns, pac, &rb, mid, &re, &rid);
x = ksw_align2(qe - qb, (uint8_t*)query + qb, re - rb, rseq, 5, opt->mat, opt->o_del, opt->e_del, opt->o_ins, opt->e_ins, KSW_XSTART, 0);
@@ -537,14 +541,18 @@ int mem_seed_sw(const mem_opt_t *opt, const bntseq_t *bns, const uint8_t *pac, i
void mem_flt_chained_seeds(const mem_opt_t *opt, const bntseq_t *bns, const uint8_t *pac, int l_query, const uint8_t *query, int n_chn, mem_chain_t *a)
- int i, j, k, min_HSP_score = (int)(opt->min_chain_weight * opt->a * MEM_HSP_COEF + .499);
+ double min_l = opt->min_chain_weight? MEM_HSP_COEF * opt->min_chain_weight : MEM_MINSC_COEF * log(l_query);
+ int i, j, k, min_HSP_score = (int)(opt->a * min_l + .499);
+ if (min_l > MEM_SEEDSW_COEF * l_query) return; // don't run the following for short reads
for (i = 0; i < n_chn; ++i) {
mem_chain_t *c = &a[i];
for (j = k = 0; j < c->n; ++j) {
mem_seed_t *s = &c->seeds[j];
s->score = mem_seed_sw(opt, bns, pac, l_query, query, s);
- if (s->score < 0 || s->score >= min_HSP_score)
+ if (s->score < 0 || s->score >= min_HSP_score) {
+ s->score = s->score < 0? s->len * opt->a : s->score;
c->seeds[k++] = *s;
+ }
c->n = k;
@@ -554,66 +562,6 @@ void mem_flt_chained_seeds(const mem_opt_t *opt, const bntseq_t *bns, const uint
* Construct the alignment from a chain *
-/* mem_chain2aln() vs mem_chain2aln_short()
- *
- * mem_chain2aln() covers all the functionality of mem_chain2aln_short().
- * However, it may waste time on extracting the reference sequences given a
- * very long query. mem_chain2aln_short() is faster for very short chains in a
- * long query. It may fail when the matches are long or reach the end of the
- * query. In this case, mem_chain2aln() will be called again.
- * mem_chain2aln_short() is almost never used for short-read alignment.
- */
-int mem_chain2aln_short(const mem_opt_t *opt, const bntseq_t *bns, const uint8_t *pac, int l_query, const uint8_t *query, const mem_chain_t *c, mem_alnreg_v *av)
- int i, qb, qe, xtra, rid;
- int64_t rb, re, l_pac = bns->l_pac;
- uint8_t *rseq = 0;
- mem_alnreg_t a;
- kswr_t x;
- if (c->n == 0) return -1;
- qb = l_query; qe = 0;
- rb = l_pac<<1; re = 0;
- memset(&a, 0, sizeof(mem_alnreg_t));
- for (i = 0; i < c->n; ++i) {
- const mem_seed_t *s = &c->seeds[i];
- qb = qb < s->qbeg? qb : s->qbeg;
- qe = qe > s->qbeg + s->len? qe : s->qbeg + s->len;
- rb = rb < s->rbeg? rb : s->rbeg;
- re = re > s->rbeg + s->len? re : s->rbeg + s->len;
- a.seedcov += s->len;
- }
- if (qb <= 10 || qe >= l_query - 10) return 1; // because ksw_align() does not support end-to-end alignment
- rb = rb > 0? rb : 0;
- re = re < l_pac<<1? re : l_pac<<1;
- if (rb < l_pac && l_pac < re) {
- if (c->seeds[0].rbeg < l_pac) re = l_pac;
- else rb = l_pac;
- }
- if ((re - rb) - (qe - qb) > MEM_SHORT_EXT || (qe - qb) - (re - rb) > MEM_SHORT_EXT) return 1;
- if (qe - qb >= opt->w * 4 || re - rb >= opt->w * 4) return 1;
- if (qe - qb >= MEM_SHORT_LEN || re - rb >= MEM_SHORT_LEN) return 1;
- rseq = bns_fetch_seq(bns, pac, &rb, c->seeds[0].rbeg, &re, &rid);
- assert(c->rid == rid);
- xtra = KSW_XSUBO | KSW_XSTART | ((qe - qb) * opt->a < 250? KSW_XBYTE : 0) | (opt->min_seed_len * opt->a);
- x = ksw_align2(qe - qb, (uint8_t*)query + qb, re - rb, rseq, 5, opt->mat, opt->o_del, opt->e_del, opt->o_ins, opt->e_ins, xtra, 0);
- free(rseq);
- a.rb = rb + x.tb; a.re = rb + x.te + 1;
- a.qb = qb + x.qb; a.qe = qb + x.qe + 1;
- a.score = x.score;
- a.csub = x.score2;
- a.rid = c->rid;
- a.frac_rep = c->frac_rep;
- if (bwa_verbose >= 4) printf("** Attempted alignment via mem_chain2aln_short(): [%d,%d) <=> [%ld,%ld); score=%d; %d/%d\n", a.qb, a.qe, (long)a.rb, (long)a.re, x.score, a.qe-a.qb, qe-qb);
- if (x.tb < MEM_SHORT_EXT>>1 || x.te > re - rb - (MEM_SHORT_EXT>>1)) return 1;
- kv_push(mem_alnreg_t, *av, a);
- return 0;
static inline int cal_max_gap(const mem_opt_t *opt, int qlen)
int l_del = (int)((double)(qlen * opt->a - opt->o_del) / opt->e_del + 1.);
@@ -1012,17 +960,14 @@ mem_alnreg_v mem_align1_core(const mem_opt_t *opt, const bwt_t *bwt, const bntse
chn = mem_chain(opt, bwt, bns, l_seq, (uint8_t*)seq, buf);
chn.n = mem_chain_flt(opt, chn.n, chn.a);
- if (opt->min_chain_weight > 0) mem_flt_chained_seeds(opt, bns, pac, l_seq, (uint8_t*)seq, chn.n, chn.a);
+ mem_flt_chained_seeds(opt, bns, pac, l_seq, (uint8_t*)seq, chn.n, chn.a);
if (bwa_verbose >= 4) mem_print_chain(bns, &chn);
for (i = 0; i < chn.n; ++i) {
mem_chain_t *p = &chn.a[i];
- int ret = 1;
if (bwa_verbose >= 4) err_printf("* ---> Processing chain(%d) <---\n", i);
- if (opt->min_chain_weight == 0)
- ret = mem_chain2aln_short(opt, bns, pac, l_seq, (uint8_t*)seq, p, ®s);
- if (ret > 0) mem_chain2aln(opt, bns, pac, l_seq, (uint8_t*)seq, p, ®s);
+ mem_chain2aln(opt, bns, pac, l_seq, (uint8_t*)seq, p, ®s);
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
index b3ce197..b873b75 100644
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#include "utils.h"
-#define PACKAGE_VERSION "0.7.9a-r786"
+#define PACKAGE_VERSION "0.7.10-r789"
int bwa_fa2pac(int argc, char *argv[]);
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