[med-svn] [gwama] 01/01: Add upstream examples
Dylan Aïssi
bob.dybian-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 16 07:15:14 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
bob.dybian-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gwama.
commit 4c8cd11637ae6753a362e73e678787a9a1a00ec9
Author: Dylan Aïssi <bob.dybian at gmail.com>
Date: Tue Dec 16 07:50:40 2014 +0100
Add upstream examples
debian/TODO.Debian | 5 --
debian/copyright | 4 +
debian/examples | 8 ++
debian/rules | 4 +
debian/upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/PLINK2GWAMA.pl | 81 +++++++++++++++++++
.../Perl_scripts/SNPTEST2.5_2_GWAMA.pl | 1 +
debian/upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/SNPTEST2GWAMA.pl | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++
.../upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/SNPTEST2_2_GWAMA.pl | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/upstream.docs/R_scripts/MANH.R | 68 ++++++++++++++++
debian/upstream.docs/R_scripts/QQ.R | 34 ++++++++
debian/upstream.docs/log2.txt | 65 ++++++++++++++++
debian/upstream.docs/samples/gwama.in | 3 +
debian/upstream.docs/samples/pop1.txt | 12 +++
debian/upstream.docs/samples/pop2.txt | 13 ++++
debian/upstream.docs/samples/pop3.txt | 12 +++
15 files changed, 487 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/TODO.Debian b/debian/TODO.Debian
deleted file mode 100644
index fc049ab..0000000
--- a/debian/TODO.Debian
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Add addtional files from http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/gwama/download.shtml
-# -- Changelog - http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/gwama/log2.txt
-# -- Samples files - http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/gwama/samples.zip
-# -- R scritps - http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/gwama/*.R
-# -- Perl scritps - http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/gwama/*.pl
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index 7f89f43..93e68e8 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ Files: debian/*
Copyright: 2014 Dylan Aïssi <bob.dybian at gmail.com>
License: BSD-3-clause
+Files: debian/upstream.docs/*
+Copyright: 2009-2010 Reedik Mägi, Andrew P Morris, Joshua C Randall, Matthias Wuttke.
+License: BSD-3-clause
License: BSD-3-clause
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
diff --git a/debian/examples b/debian/examples
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..049b5c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/examples
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Upstream R scripts for Manhattan and QQ Plots
+# Upstream Perl scripts for reformatting SNPTEST and PLINK output to GWAMA input format
+# Upstream samples files
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 3db83ea..420ea92 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ override_dh_auto_build:
# Don't override the upstream FLAG -O3
+ # Install upstream log2.txt file as changelog
+ dh_installchangelogs debian/upstream.docs/log2.txt
uscan --verbose --force-download --repack --compress xz
diff --git a/debian/upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/PLINK2GWAMA.pl b/debian/upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/PLINK2GWAMA.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63a2d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/PLINK2GWAMA.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Script for creating GWAMA input file from PLINK association results file.
+# The allele frequency file must also be used for generating GWAMA file.
+# Use the script: perl PLINK2GWAMA.pl <PLINK assoc file> <PLINK frq file> <output GWAMA file>
+# NB! If PLINK association file contains data of covariate effects or multiple models then please remove unnecessary rows prior using this script
+$inputassoc = $ARGV[0];
+$inputfrq = $ARGV[1];
+if($inputfrq !~ /frq$/){die "Please enter PLINK frq file. File extension must be frq"};
+$outputfile = $ARGV[2];
+open F1, "$inputassoc" or die "Cannot file PLINK assoc file. This must be first command line argument!\n";
+open F2, "$inputfrq" or die "Cannot file PLINK frq file. This must be second command line argument!\n";
+if ($outputfile eq ""){die "Please enter the outputfile name as third command line argument!\n";}
+open O, ">$outputfile" or die "Cannot open $outputfile for writing. Please check folder's access rights and disk quota!\n";
+ chomp;
+ @data = split(/\s+/);
+ if ($i>0)
+ {
+ $snp_ref{$data[2]}=$i;
+ $snp_ea[$i] = $data[3];
+ $snp_nea[$i] = $data[4];
+ $snp_eaf[$i] = $data[5];
+ $snp_n[$i] = $data[6]/2;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ chomp;
+ @data = split(/\s+/);
+ if ($i==0) # header line
+ {
+ $locSNP=$locBETA=$locSE=$locOR=$locCIL=$locCIU=-1;
+ for ($j=0;$j<scalar(@data);$j++)
+ {
+ if ($data[$j] eq "SNP"){$locSNP=$j;}
+ if ($data[$j] eq "BETA"){$locBETA=$j;}
+ if ($data[$j] eq "SE"){$locSE=$j;}
+ if ($data[$j] eq "OR"){$locOR=$j;}
+ if ($data[$j] eq "L95"){$locCIL=$j;}
+ if ($data[$j] eq "U95"){$locCIU=$j;}
+ }
+ if ($locOR>-1)
+ {
+ print "Using OR with CI output.\n";
+ print O "MARKER\tEA\tNEA\tOR\tOR_95L\tOR_95U\tN\tEAF\tSTRAND\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "Using BETA with SE output.\n";
+ print O "MARKER\tEA\tNEA\tBETA\tSE\tN\tEAF\tSTRAND\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($i>0) #snp line
+ {
+ $marker = $data[2];
+ $loc = $snp_ref{$marker};
+ if ($loc>0)
+ {
+ $ea = $snp_ea[$loc];
+ $nea = $snp_nea[$loc];
+ if ($locBETA>-1){$beta = $data[$locBETA];}
+ if ($locSE>-1){$se = $data[$locSE];}
+ if ($locOR>-1){$or = $data[$locOR];}
+ if ($locCIL>-1){$or_95l = $data[$locCIL];}
+ if ($locCIU>-1){$or_95u = $data[$locCIU];}
+ $n = $snp_n[$loc];
+ $eaf = $snp_eaf[$loc];
+ $strand = "+";
+ if ($locOR>-1){print O "$marker\t$ea\t$nea\t$or\t$or_95l\t$or_95u\t$n\t$eaf\t$strand\n";}
+ else {print O "$marker\t$ea\t$nea\t$beta\t$se\t$n\t$eaf\t$strand\n";}
+ }
+ }
+ $i++;
diff --git a/debian/upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/SNPTEST2.5_2_GWAMA.pl b/debian/upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/SNPTEST2.5_2_GWAMA.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f612f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/SNPTEST2.5_2_GWAMA.pl
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# Script for creating GWAMA input file from SNPTEST2 association results file.
# Use the script: "perl SNPTEST2_2_GWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> SE" for quantitative trait analysis
# Use the script: "perl SNPTEST2_2_GWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> OR" for dichotomous analysis
# NB! Script uses BETA and SE values which are in last columns of file. If multiple analyse models were used then please edit this script
# Thanks to Dr. Matthias Wuttke for script update
$inputfile = $ARGV[0];
$outputfile = $ARGV[1];
$scheme = uc($ARGV[2]);
for ($i=3; $i<scalar(@ARGV);$i++)
@arg = split(/=/, $ARGV[$i]);
if (uc($arg[0]) eq "N" && $arg[1]>0){print "N cut-off $arg[1]\n"; $cN=$arg[1];}
if (uc($arg[0]) eq "MAC" && $arg[1]>0){print "MAC cut-off $arg[1]\n"; $cMAC=$arg[1];}
if (uc($arg[0]) eq "MAF" && $arg[1]>0){print "MAF cut-off $arg[1]\n"; $cMAF=$arg[1];}
if (uc($arg[0]) eq "PROPERINFO" && $arg[1]>0){print "PROPERINFO cut-off $arg[1]\n"; $cPROPER=$arg[1];}
if ($ARGV[0] eq "" || $ARGV[0] eq "-h" || $ARGV[0] eq "--help"){printhelp();exit;}
open F, "$inputfile" or die "Cannot file SNPTEST file. This must be first command line argument!\n";
if ($outputfile eq ""){die "Please enter the outputfile name as second command line argument!\n";}
open O, ">$outputfile" or die "Cannot open $outputfile for writing. Please check folder's access rights and disk quota!\n";
if ($scheme eq "OR")
print "Using OR with CI output.\n";
print "Using BETA with SE output.\n";
LINE: while(<F>)
next LINE if /^#/;
@data = split(/\s/);
if ($i==0) #header line
for ($j=0;$j<scalar(@data); $j++)
if ($data[$j] eq "all_AA"){$locAA=$j;}
if ($data[$j] eq "all_AB"){$locAB=$j;}
if ($data[$j] eq "all_BB"){$locBB=$j;}
else #snp line
$marker = $data[1];
$ea = $data[5];
$nea = $data[4];
$beta = $data[scalar(@data)-3];
$se = $data[scalar(@data)-2];
$proper = $data[scalar(@data)-4];
$or = exp($beta);
$or_95l = exp($beta - 1.96* $se);
$or_95u = exp($beta + 1.96* $se);
$n = $data[$locAA]+$data[$locAB]+$data[$locBB];
if (($data[$locAA]+$data[$locAB]+$data[$locBB])>0){$eaf = ((2*$data[$locBB])+$data[$locAB])/(2*($data[$locAA]+$data[$locAB]+$data[$locBB]));}
else {$eaf =0;}
if ($eaf>0.5){$maf = 1-$eaf;}
else {$maf=$eaf;}
$strand = "+";
if ($data[0] eq "---"){$imp=1;}else{$imp=0;}
if ($cMAF > $maf || $cMAC>$maf*$n || $cN>$n || $cPROPER>$proper || $beta eq "NA" || $se eq "NA")
if ($scheme eq "OR"){print O "$marker\t$ea\t$nea\t$or\t$or_95l\t$or_95u\t$n\t$eaf\t$strand\t$imp\n";}
else {print O "$marker\t$ea\t$nea\t$beta\t$se\t$n\t$eaf\t$strand\t$imp\n";}
sub printhelp()
print "Script for creating GWAMA input file from SNPTEST association results file.\n";
print "Quantitative analysis:\n\tperl SNPTEST2_2_GWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> SE\n";
print "Case-control analysis:\n\tperl SNPTEST2_2_GWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> OR\n";
print "NB! Script uses BETA and SE values which are in last columns of file. If multiple analyse models were used then please edit this script.\n";
print "NB! Script expects that all markers are from positive strand. If not, Strand column must be modified with correct strand information.\n";
print "Data can be filtered according to minimum number of samples (N), minor allele frequency (MAF), and minimum number of allele count (MAC = MAF*N)\n";
print "All cut-offs must be entered after mandatory 3 command line options shown above.\n";
print "Example: N=100 MAF=0.01 MAC=10 PROPER=0.4, will remove markers with less than 100 individuals, MAF<1% and MAC<10 and properinfo<0.4\n";
print "Don't leave any spaces into the equations.\n";
print "Example command line:\n\tperl SNPTEST2_2_GWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> SE MAF=0.01 MAC=10\n";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/SNPTEST2GWAMA.pl b/debian/upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/SNPTEST2GWAMA.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6d748b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/SNPTEST2GWAMA.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Script for creating GWAMA input file from SNPTEST association results file.
+# Use the script: "perl SNPTEST2GWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> SE" for quantitative trait analysis
+# Use the script: "perl SNPTESTGWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> OR" for dichotomous analysis
+# NB! Script uses BETA and SE values which are in last columns of file. If multiple analyse models were used then please edit this script
+$inputfile = $ARGV[0];
+$outputfile = $ARGV[1];
+$scheme = uc($ARGV[2]);
+for ($i=3; $i<scalar(@ARGV);$i++)
+ @arg = split(/=/, $ARGV[$i]);
+ if (uc($arg[0]) eq "N" && $arg[1]>0){print "N cut-off $arg[1]\n"; $cN=$arg[1];}
+ if (uc($arg[0]) eq "MAC" && $arg[1]>0){print "MAC cut-off $arg[1]\n"; $cMAC=$arg[1];}
+ if (uc($arg[0]) eq "MAF" && $arg[1]>0){print "MAF cut-off $arg[1]\n"; $cMAF=$arg[1];}
+ if (uc($arg[0]) eq "PROPERINFO" && $arg[1]>0){print "PROPERINFO cut-off $arg[1]\n"; $cPROPER=$arg[1];}
+if ($ARGV[0] eq "" || $ARGV[0] eq "-h" || $ARGV[0] eq "--help"){printhelp();exit;}
+open F, "$inputfile" or die "Cannot file SNPTEST file. This must be first command line argument!\n";
+if ($outputfile eq ""){die "Please enter the outputfile name as second command line argument!\n";}
+open O, ">$outputfile" or die "Cannot open $outputfile for writing. Please check folder's access rights and disk quota!\n";
+if ($scheme eq "OR")
+ print "Using OR with CI output.\n";
+ print O "MARKER\tEA\tNEA\tOR\tOR_95L\tOR_95U\tN\tEAF\tSTRAND\tIMPUTED\n";
+ print "Using BETA with SE output.\n";
+ chomp;
+ @data = split(/\s/);
+ if ($i==0) #header line
+ {
+ $locAA=$locAB=$locBB=0;
+ for ($j=0;$j<scalar(@data); $j++)
+ {
+ if ($data[$j] eq "all_AA"){$locAA=$j;}
+ if ($data[$j] eq "all_AB"){$locAB=$j;}
+ if ($data[$j] eq "all_BB"){$locBB=$j;}
+ }
+ }
+ else #snp line
+ {
+ $marker = $data[1];
+ $ea = $data[4];
+ $nea = $data[3];
+ $beta = $data[scalar(@data)-2];
+ $se = $data[scalar(@data)-1];
+ $proper = $data[scalar(@data)-3];
+ $or = exp($beta);
+ $or_95l = exp($beta - 1.96* $se);
+ $or_95u = exp($beta + 1.96* $se);
+ $n = $data[$locAA]+$data[$locAB]+$data[$locBB];
+ if (($data[$locAA]+$data[$locAB]+$data[$locBB])>0){$eaf = ((2*$data[$locBB])+$data[$locAB])/(2*($data[$locAA]+$data[$locAB]+$data[$locBB]));}
+ else {$eaf =0;}
+ if ($eaf>0.5){$maf = 1-$eaf;}
+ else {$maf=$eaf;}
+ $strand = "+";
+ if ($data[0] eq "---"){$imp=1;}else{$imp=0;}
+ if ($cMAF > $maf || $cMAC>$maf*$n || $cN>$n || $cPROPER>$proper)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($scheme eq "OR"){print O "$marker\t$ea\t$nea\t$or\t$or_95l\t$or_95u\t$n\t$eaf\t$strand\t$imp\n";}
+ else {print O "$marker\t$ea\t$nea\t$beta\t$se\t$n\t$eaf\t$strand\t$imp\n";}
+ }
+ }
+ $i++;
+sub printhelp()
+ print "Script for creating GWAMA input file from SNPTEST association results file.\n";
+ print "Quantitative analysis:\n\tperl SNPTEST2GWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> SE\n";
+ print "Case-control analysis:\n\tperl SNPTESTGWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> OR\n";
+ print "NB! Script uses BETA and SE values which are in last columns of file. If multiple analyse models were used then please edit this script.\n";
+ print "NB! Script expects that all markers are from positive strand. If not, Strand column must be modified with correct strand information.\n";
+ print "Data can be filtered according to minimum number of samples (N), minor allele frequency (MAF), and minimum number of allele count (MAC = MAF*N)\n";
+ print "All cut-offs must be entered after mandatory 3 command line options shown above.\n";
+ print "Example: N=100 MAF=0.01 MAC=10 PROPER=0.4, will remove markers with less than 100 individuals, MAF<1% and MAC<10 and properinfo<0.4\n";
+ print "Don't leave any spaces into the equations.\n";
+ print "Example command line:\n\tperl SNPTEST2GWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> SE MAF=0.01 MAC=10\n";
diff --git a/debian/upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/SNPTEST2_2_GWAMA.pl b/debian/upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/SNPTEST2_2_GWAMA.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3e1bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream.docs/Perl_scripts/SNPTEST2_2_GWAMA.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Script for creating GWAMA input file from SNPTEST2 association results file.
+# Use the script: "perl SNPTEST2_2_GWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> SE" for quantitative trait analysis
+# Use the script: "perl SNPTEST2_2_GWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> OR" for dichotomous analysis
+# NB! Script uses BETA and SE values which are in last columns of file. If multiple analyse models were used then please edit this script
+$inputfile = $ARGV[0];
+$outputfile = $ARGV[1];
+$scheme = uc($ARGV[2]);
+for ($i=3; $i<scalar(@ARGV);$i++)
+ @arg = split(/=/, $ARGV[$i]);
+ if (uc($arg[0]) eq "N" && $arg[1]>0){print "N cut-off $arg[1]\n"; $cN=$arg[1];}
+ if (uc($arg[0]) eq "MAC" && $arg[1]>0){print "MAC cut-off $arg[1]\n"; $cMAC=$arg[1];}
+ if (uc($arg[0]) eq "MAF" && $arg[1]>0){print "MAF cut-off $arg[1]\n"; $cMAF=$arg[1];}
+ if (uc($arg[0]) eq "PROPERINFO" && $arg[1]>0){print "PROPERINFO cut-off $arg[1]\n"; $cPROPER=$arg[1];}
+if ($ARGV[0] eq "" || $ARGV[0] eq "-h" || $ARGV[0] eq "--help"){printhelp();exit;}
+open F, "$inputfile" or die "Cannot file SNPTEST file. This must be first command line argument!\n";
+if ($outputfile eq ""){die "Please enter the outputfile name as second command line argument!\n";}
+open O, ">$outputfile" or die "Cannot open $outputfile for writing. Please check folder's access rights and disk quota!\n";
+if ($scheme eq "OR")
+ print "Using OR with CI output.\n";
+ print O "MARKER\tEA\tNEA\tOR\tOR_95L\tOR_95U\tN\tEAF\tSTRAND\tIMPUTED\n";
+ print "Using BETA with SE output.\n";
+ chomp;
+ @data = split(/\s/);
+ if ($i==0) #header line
+ {
+ $locAA=$locAB=$locBB=0;
+ for ($j=0;$j<scalar(@data); $j++)
+ {
+ if ($data[$j] eq "all_AA"){$locAA=$j;}
+ if ($data[$j] eq "all_AB"){$locAB=$j;}
+ if ($data[$j] eq "all_BB"){$locBB=$j;}
+ }
+ }
+ else #snp line
+ {
+ $marker = $data[1];
+ $ea = $data[5];
+ $nea = $data[4];
+ $beta = $data[scalar(@data)-2];
+ $se = $data[scalar(@data)-1];
+ $proper = $data[scalar(@data)-3];
+ $or = exp($beta);
+ $or_95l = exp($beta - 1.96* $se);
+ $or_95u = exp($beta + 1.96* $se);
+ $n = $data[$locAA]+$data[$locAB]+$data[$locBB];
+ if (($data[$locAA]+$data[$locAB]+$data[$locBB])>0){$eaf = ((2*$data[$locBB])+$data[$locAB])/(2*($data[$locAA]+$data[$locAB]+$data[$locBB]));}
+ else {$eaf =0;}
+ if ($eaf>0.5){$maf = 1-$eaf;}
+ else {$maf=$eaf;}
+ $strand = "+";
+ if ($data[0] eq "---"){$imp=1;}else{$imp=0;}
+ if ($cMAF > $maf || $cMAC>$maf*$n || $cN>$n || $cPROPER>$proper)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($scheme eq "OR"){print O "$marker\t$ea\t$nea\t$or\t$or_95l\t$or_95u\t$n\t$eaf\t$strand\t$imp\n";}
+ else {print O "$marker\t$ea\t$nea\t$beta\t$se\t$n\t$eaf\t$strand\t$imp\n";}
+ }
+ }
+ $i++;
+sub printhelp()
+ print "Script for creating GWAMA input file from SNPTEST association results file.\n";
+ print "Quantitative analysis:\n\tperl SNPTEST2_2_GWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> SE\n";
+ print "Case-control analysis:\n\tperl SNPTEST2_2_GWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> OR\n";
+ print "NB! Script uses BETA and SE values which are in last columns of file. If multiple analyse models were used then please edit this script.\n";
+ print "NB! Script expects that all markers are from positive strand. If not, Strand column must be modified with correct strand information.\n";
+ print "Data can be filtered according to minimum number of samples (N), minor allele frequency (MAF), and minimum number of allele count (MAC = MAF*N)\n";
+ print "All cut-offs must be entered after mandatory 3 command line options shown above.\n";
+ print "Example: N=100 MAF=0.01 MAC=10 PROPER=0.4, will remove markers with less than 100 individuals, MAF<1% and MAC<10 and properinfo<0.4\n";
+ print "Don't leave any spaces into the equations.\n";
+ print "Example command line:\n\tperl SNPTEST2_2_GWAMA.pl <SNPTEST output file> <output GWAMA file> SE MAF=0.01 MAC=10\n";
diff --git a/debian/upstream.docs/R_scripts/MANH.R b/debian/upstream.docs/R_scripts/MANH.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e613bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream.docs/R_scripts/MANH.R
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#Manhattan plot script for GWAMA
+#Written by Joshua C Randall & Reedik Magi
+for (e in commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE))
+ ta = strsplit(e,"=",fixed=TRUE)
+ if(!is.null(ta[[1]][2]))
+ {
+ assign(ta[[1]][1],ta[[1]][2])
+ } else {
+ assign(ta[[1]][1],TRUE)
+ }
+ input <- paste("gwama.out")
+if(!exists("out")) {
+ out <- paste(input,".manh.png",sep="")
+data<-read.table(input,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,header=TRUE,sep = "\t",na.strings = "-9")
+obspval <- (data$p.value)
+chr <- (data$chromosome)
+pos <- (data$position)
+obsmax <- trunc(max(-log10(obspval)))+1
+sort.ind <- order(chr, pos)
+chr <- chr[sort.ind]
+pos <- pos[sort.ind]
+obspval <- obspval[sort.ind]
+x <- 1:22
+x2<- 1:22
+for (i in 1:22)
+ curchr=which(chr==i)
+ x[i] <- trunc((max(pos[curchr]))/100) +100000
+ x2[i] <- trunc((min(pos[curchr]))/100) -100000
+for (i in 2:24)
+ x[i] <- x[i-1]-x2[i]+x[i]
+ x2[i] <- x[i-1]-x2[i]
+locX = trunc(pos/100) + x2[chr]
+locY = -log10(obspval)
+col4 <- ifelse (chr%%2==0, col1, col2)
+curcol <- ifelse (obspval<5e-8, col3, col4)
+plot(locX,locY,pch=20,col=curcol,axes=F,ylab="-log10 p-value",xlab="",bty="n",ylim=c(0,obsmax),cex=0.8)
+for (i in 1:22)
+ labpos = (x[i] + x2[i]) / 2
+ mtext(i,1,at=labpos,cex=0.8,line=0)
diff --git a/debian/upstream.docs/R_scripts/QQ.R b/debian/upstream.docs/R_scripts/QQ.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30c164d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream.docs/R_scripts/QQ.R
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#Quantile-quantile plot script for GWAMA
+#Written by Joshua C Randall & Reedik Magi
+for (e in commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE))
+ ta = strsplit(e,"=",fixed=TRUE)
+ if(!is.null(ta[[1]][2]))
+ {
+ assign(ta[[1]][1],ta[[1]][2])
+ } else {
+ assign(ta[[1]][1],TRUE)
+ }
+ input <- paste("gwama.out")
+if(!exists("out")) {
+ out <- paste(input,".qq.png",sep="")
+data<-read.table(input,stringsAsFactors=FALSE,header=TRUE,sep = "\t")
+obspval <- sort(data$p.value)
+logobspval <- -(log10(obspval))
+exppval <- c(1:length(obspval))
+logexppval <- -(log10( (exppval-0.5)/length(exppval)))
+obsmax <- trunc(max(logobspval))+1
+expmax <- trunc(max(logexppval))+1
+plot(c(0,expmax), c(0,expmax), col="gray", lwd=1, type="l", xlab="Expected -log10 P-value", ylab="Observed -log10 P-value", xlim=c(0,expmax), ylim=c(0,obsmax), las=1, xaxs="i", yaxs="i", bty="l")
+points(logexppval, logobspval, pch=23, cex=.4, bg="black")
diff --git a/debian/upstream.docs/log2.txt b/debian/upstream.docs/log2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..843bc96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream.docs/log2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+*Added option "--indel_alleles" for using longer allele names than single character. Please note that enabling that option will remove strand flipping.
+*Added "Analysis finished." line to log file and standard output.
+*Fixed a typo in printing effect directions for cohorts where p-value was 1
+*Fixed typos in manual and in command line options (thanks Josh!)
+*Repaired effect allele frequency discrepancy check. will print now warning and increase strand problem quantity if eaf difference larger than 30%
+*Repaired an issue with IMPUTED column (segmentation fault if value not 1 or 0)
+*Removed a bug created by previous fix
+*Repaired issue with sex-specific results in case of missing eaf
+*Repaired issue with alternative column names - all names are converted to uppercase to remove case sensitivity
+*Added genomic control output file
+*Repaired header line in case of map option is used
+*If using OR and confidence intervals, the std.err calculation has changed a bit - in previous version both upper and lower confidence interval were used (and average was measured), in GWAMA v.2 only the lower one is used. This might cause a slight change in results due to rounding.
+*Added new command line options
+*Added sex-specific analysis framework
+*Fixed bug concerning numeric alleles and negaitive strands
+*Made program more memory efficient
+*Summary file info on screen while running analysis
+*Added random effect correction
+*Log and error file names now have changable output file root ("--output" option)
+*PERL scripts for reformatting SNPTEST and PLINK association results to GWAMA format have been added to webpage
+*Added check for column count for each row of input data
+*Repaired directions column - it used to be mirrored
+*Added automatic strand flipping if marker is not A/T nor C/G
+*Repaired threshold use in effect directions
+*Changed file input format: added N column
+*Changed input format: added chromosome and position columns, N column
+*Added --map and -qt command line options
+*Added R scritps for plots
+*Added HapMap marker maps
+*Changed file input format: removed imputation accuracy, chromosome and position columns.
+Added alternative input file format with odds ratio information.
+*Changed output format: removed chromosome and position columns. Added different
+format options
+*Replaced single configuration file with command line options
+*Improved error trapping
+*Replaced chi-distribution median 0.456 with 0.4549364. Value received from R using
+qchisq(0.5, df= 1)
diff --git a/debian/upstream.docs/samples/gwama.in b/debian/upstream.docs/samples/gwama.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acaee76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream.docs/samples/gwama.in
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/debian/upstream.docs/samples/pop1.txt b/debian/upstream.docs/samples/pop1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b9d137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream.docs/samples/pop1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+rs12565286 + 0 G C -0.0223417 0.403115
+rs2977670 + 0 C G -0.0137211 0.406126
+rs12138618 + 0 G A -0.0763812 0.3712373
+rs3094315 + 0 G A 0.0258089 0.101264
+rs3131968 + 0 G A -0.3734 0.1012374
+rs2519016 + 1 T C 0.26655 0.347234
+rs12562034 + 1 G A 0.00923484 0.279129
+rs2905035 + 1 G A -0.0435863 NA
+rs12124819 + 1 A G 0.0262434 0.121293
+rs2980319 + 1 T A -0.0423165 0.1241691
+rs4040617 + 1 A G 0.0230683 0.1012426
diff --git a/debian/upstream.docs/samples/pop2.txt b/debian/upstream.docs/samples/pop2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ff8605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream.docs/samples/pop2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+rs12565286 + 0 G C 0.01123417 0.4075
+rs11804171 + 0 T A 0.011236 0.406971
+rs2977670 + 0 C G 0.0112432 0.406756
+rs12138618 + 0 G A -0.5312453 0.374873
+rs3094315 + 0 G A 0.02158089 0.102164
+rs3131968 + 1 G A -0.273734 0.10202
+rs2519016 + 1 T C 0.2331655 0.377374
+rs12562034 + 1 G A 0.009284 0.279969
+rs2905035 + 0 G A -0.0469863 0.101732
+rs12124819 + 0 A G 0.0264434 0.12393
+rs2980319 + 0 T A -0.0469165 0.102291
+rs4040617 + 0 A G 0.0470683 0.101526
diff --git a/debian/upstream.docs/samples/pop3.txt b/debian/upstream.docs/samples/pop3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..733d60f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/upstream.docs/samples/pop3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+rs12565286 + 1 761153 0 G C -0.0134423 0.4075
+rs11804171 + 1 763682 0 T A -0.015524 0.406971
+rs2977670 + 1 763754 0 C G -0.0142455 0.406756
+rs12138618 + 1 790098 0 T A 0.32344 0.374873
+rs3094315 + 1 792429 0 G A 0.0258089 0.107864
+rs3131968 + 1 794055 0 G A -0.0475233 0.102074
+rs2519016 + 1 805811 0 T C 0.2334523 0.377374
+rs12562034 + 1 808311 0 G A 0.00923552 0.279969
+rs2905035 + 1 815522 0 G A -0.0412412 0.101732
+rs2980319 + 1 816985 0 T A -0.02134 0.101691
+rs4040617 + 1 819185 0 A G -0.04423 0.101526
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/gwama.git
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