[med-svn] [fitgpc] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.0.20130418

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Fri Feb 7 16:00:13 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository fitgpc.

commit 915099fd9d23f17c4898b29b97f02e83a29b132c
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Feb 7 17:03:52 2014 +0100

    Imported Upstream version 0.0.20130418
 README.txt |  79 ++++++
 fitGCP.py  | 795 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 874 insertions(+)

diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..747b68d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+Help on python script fitGCP.py
+Fits mixtures of probability distributions to genome coverage profiles using an
+EM-like iterative algorithm.
+The script uses a SAM file as input and parses the mapping information and
+creates a Genome Coverage Profile (GCP). The GCP is written to a file, such that
+this step can be skipped the next time.
+The user provides a mixture model that is fitted to the GCP. Furthermore, the
+user may specify initial parameters for each model.
+As output, the script generates a text file containing the final set of fit
+parameters and additional information about the fitting process. A log file
+contains the the current set of parameters in each step of the iteration. If
+requested, a plot of the GCP and the fitted distributions can be created.
+Python 2.7
+Python packages numpy, scipy, pysam
+fitGCP runs on the command line. The following command describes the general
+python fitGCP.py [options] NAME
+fitGCP fits mixtures of probability distributions to genome coverage profiles using
+an EM-like iterative algorithm.
+The script uses a SAM file as input and parses the mapping information and
+creates a Genome Coverage Profile (GCP). The GCP is written to a file, such that
+this step can be skipped the next time.
+The user provides a mixture model that is fitted to the GCP. Furthermore, the
+user may specify initial parameters for each model.
+As output, the script generates a text file containing the final set of fit
+parameters and additional information about the fitting process. A log file
+contains the the current set of parameters in each step of the iteration. If
+requested, a plot of the GCP and the fitted distributions can be created.
+NAME: Name of SAM file to analyze.
+  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+  -d DIST, --distributions=DIST
+                        Distributions to fit. z->zero; n: nbinom (MOM); N:
+                        nbinom (MLE); p:binom; t: tail. Default: zn
+  -i STEPS, --iterations=STEPS
+                        Maximum number of iterations. Default: 50
+  -t THR, --threshold=THR
+                        Set the convergence threshold for the iteration. Stop
+                        if the change between two iterations is less than THR.
+                        Default: 0.01
+  -c CUTOFF, --cutoff=CUTOFF
+                        Specifies a coverage cutoff quantile such that only
+                        coverage values below this quantile are considered.
+                        Default: 0.95
+  -p, --plot            Create a plot of the fitted mixture model. Default:
+                        False
+  -m MEAN, --means=MEAN
+                        Specifies the initial values for the mean of each
+                        Poisson or Negative Binomial distribution. Usage: -m
+                        12.4 -m 16.1 will specify the means for the first two
+                        non-zero/tail distributions. The default is calculated
+                        from the data.
+  -a ALPHA, --alpha=ALPHA
+                        Specifies the initial values for the proportion alpha
+                        of each distribution. Usage: For three distributions
+                        -a 0.3 -a 0.3 specifies the proportions 0.3, 0.3 and
+                        0.4. The default is equal proportions for all
+                        distributions.
+  -l, --log             Enable logging. Default: False
+  --view                Only view the GCP. Do not fit any distribution.
+                        Respects cutoff (-c). Default: False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fitGCP.py b/fitGCP.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2613daa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fitGCP.py
@@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
+Created on Fri Aug 31 2012 14:05
+Copyright (c) 2012, Martin S. Lindner and Maximilian Kollock, LindnerM at rki.de, 
+Robert Koch-Institut, Germany,
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+    * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
+      derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+usage = """
+%prog [options] NAME
+Help on python script fitGCP.py
+Fits mixtures of probability distributions to genome coverage profiles using an
+EM-like iterative algorithm.
+The script uses a SAM file as input and parses the mapping information and 
+creates a Genome Coverage Profile (GCP). The GCP is written to a file, such that
+this step can be skipped the next time.
+The user provides a mixture model that is fitted to the GCP. Furthermore, the 
+user may specify initial parameters for each model. 
+As output, the script generates a text file containing the final set of fit 
+parameters and additional information about the fitting process. A log file
+contains the the current set of parameters in each step of the iteration. If 
+requested, a plot of the GCP and the fitted distributions can be created.
+NAME: Name of SAM file to analyze.
+import pysam
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.stats as stats
+import sys
+import os
+from collections import namedtuple
+import time
+import cPickle
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from scipy.special import digamma, betainc
+from scipy.optimize import newton
+    Define the distributions
+class Distribution:
+	_p1 = None
+	_p2 = None
+	_name = "General Distribution"
+	_dof = 0 # Number of degrees of freedom
+	alpha = 1.
+	def __str__(self):
+		""" return the name of the distribution """
+		return self._name
+	def set_par(self,p1=None, p2=None):
+		""" explicitly set a parameter """
+		if p1 != None:
+			self._p1 = p1
+		if p2 != None:
+			self._p2 = p2
+	def pmf(self, x):
+		""" return the value of the probability mass function at x """
+		return x*0.
+	def estimate_par(self, data=None, weights=None):
+		""" estimate the distribution parameters from the data and the weights 
+		(if provided) """
+		pass
+	def init_par(self, mean=None, var=None):
+		""" estimate initial distribution parameters given the mean and 
+		variance of the data"""
+		pass
+	def report_stats(self, width=20):
+		""" return a string that reports information about the distribution """
+		return str(self._name).ljust(width) + str(self.alpha).ljust(width) + \
+	           str(self._p1).ljust(width) + str(self._p2).ljust(width)
+class Zero(Distribution):
+	_name = "Zero"
+	_dof = 1
+	def pmf(self,x):
+		if isinstance(x,np.ndarray):
+			return (x==0).astype(np.float)
+		else:
+			return float(x==0)
+class NBinom(Distribution):
+	_name = "NBinom"
+	_dof = 3
+	_use_MOM = False
+	def pmf(self, x):
+		return stats.nbinom.pmf(x,self._p1,self._p2)
+	def estimate_par(self, data, weights=None):
+		if weights == None:
+			weights = data*0. + 1.
+		norm = np.sum(weights)
+		mean = np.sum(data*weights)/(norm + 10**(-25))
+		var = np.sum((data - mean)**2 * weights) / (norm + 10**(-25))
+		if self._use_MOM:
+			if var < mean:
+				print "Warning: var < mean"
+				var = 1.01*mean
+			self._p1 = mean**2 / (var - mean)
+			self._p2 = mean / var
+		else:
+			def dp1_llnbinom(param,obs,obs_w):
+				# param: parameter 1
+				# obs:   observed values
+				# obs_w: weight of each value
+				N = np.sum(obs_w)
+				data_mean = np.sum(obs*obs_w)/(N)
+				return np.sum(digamma(obs+param)*obs_w) - N*digamma(param) + \
+			           N*np.log(data_mean/(param+data_mean))
+			try:
+				self._p1 = newton(dp1_llnbinom,self._p1, args=(data,weights),
+								  maxiter=10000)
+				self._p2 = (self._p1)/(self._p1+mean)
+			except:
+				print "Warning: MLE for negative binomial failed. Using MOM."
+				if var < mean:
+					print "Warning: var < mean"
+					var = 1.01*mean
+				self._p1 = mean**2 / (var - mean)
+				self._p2 = mean / var
+	def report_stats(self, width=20):
+		""" return a string that reports information about the distribution """
+		return str(self._name).ljust(width) + str(self.alpha).ljust(width) + \
+	           str(self._p1).ljust(width) + str(self._p2).ljust(width) + \
+			   str(stats.nbinom.mean(self._p1,self._p2)).ljust(width)
+class Poisson(Distribution):
+	_name = "Poisson"
+	_dof = 2
+	def pmf(self,x):
+		return stats.poisson.pmf(x,self._p1)
+	def estimate_par(self, data, weights=None):
+		mean = np.sum(data*weights) / (np.sum(weights) )
+		self._p1 = mean
+class TailDistribution(Distribution):
+	_name = "Tail"
+	_dof = 1
+	_norm = False  # normalization; recalculate only if necessary
+	_parent = None
+	_active = True # switch tail on/off
+	def set_par(self,p1=None, p2=None):
+		""" explicitly set a parameter """
+		if p1 != None:
+			self._p1 = p1
+		if p2 != None:
+			self._p2 = p2
+		self._norm = False
+	def estimate_par(self, data=None, weights=None):
+		""" Do not estimate parameters, but obtain parameters from parent 
+		distribution """
+		self._p1 = self._parent._p1
+		self._p2 = self._parent._p2
+		self._norm = False
+class NbTail(TailDistribution):
+	_name = "Tail"
+	_dof = 1
+	def __init__(self, nbinom):
+		""" NbTail distribution must be connected to a negative binomial"""
+		if isinstance(nbinom, NBinom):
+			self._parent = nbinom
+		else:
+			raise(Exception("NbTail must be connected to a NBinom object"))
+	def pmf(self, x):
+		if np.isscalar(x) and x == 0:
+			return 0.
+		if self._active == False:
+			return 0*x
+		if stats.nbinom.mean(self._p1, self._p2) < 1.:
+			self._active = False # switch tail permanently off
+		def betaincreg(x,p1,p2):
+			return 1-betainc(p1,x+1,p2)
+		# calculate normalization up to certain precision
+		if not self._norm:
+			ks = int(max(2,stats.nbinom.ppf(0.999999,self._p1,self._p2)))
+			norm = np.sum(betaincreg(np.arange(1,ks),self._p1,self._p2))
+		else:
+			norm = self._norm
+		# now return the value(s)
+		ret = betaincreg(x,self._p1,self._p2) / norm
+		if not np.isscalar(x):
+			ret[np.where(x==0)] = 0.
+		return ret
+class PoissonTail(TailDistribution):
+	_name = "Tail of Poisson"
+	_dof = 1
+	def __init__(self, poisson):
+		""" PoissonTail distribution must be connected to a poisson 
+		distribution """
+		if isinstance(poisson, Poisson):
+			self._parent = poisson
+		else:
+			raise(Exception("PoissonTail must be connected to a Poisson object"))
+	def pmf(self, x):
+		if self._p1 < 1.:
+			self._active = False # switch tail permanently off
+		if self._active == False:
+			return 0*x
+		if np.isscalar(x) and x == 0:
+			return 0.
+		xmax = int(max(np.max(x),5,stats.poisson.ppf(0.999999,self._p1)))+1
+		xs = np.arange(0,xmax, dtype=np.float)
+		#backward cumulative sum
+		tx = np.cumsum((stats.poisson.pmf(xs, self._p1)/xs)[::-1])[::-1]
+		tx[0] = 0
+		tx /= np.sum(tx)
+		return tx[x]
+def build_mixture_model(dist_str):
+	""" Build a mixture model from a string """
+	num_dist = len(dist_str)
+	mm = np.array([Zero()]*num_dist)
+	it = 0	
+	for dist in dist_str:
+		if dist == "z":
+			it += 1
+		elif dist=="n":
+			mm[it] = NBinom()
+			mm[it]._use_MOM = True
+			it += 1
+		elif dist=="N":
+			mm[it] = NBinom()
+			mm[it]._use_MOM = False
+			it += 1
+		elif dist == "t":
+			if it > 0 and isinstance(mm[it-1], NBinom):
+				mm[it] = NbTail(mm[it-1])
+				it += 1
+			elif it > 0 and isinstance(mm[it-1], Poisson):
+				mm[it] = PoissonTail(mm[it-1])
+				it += 1
+			else:
+				raise Exception("Error: wrong input '%s'. A Tail distribution "
+								"(t) must follow a Negative Binomial (n|N) or "
+								"Poisson (p)."%dist_str)
+		elif dist == "p":
+			mm[it] = Poisson()
+			it+=1
+		else:
+			raise Exception("Input Error: distribution %s not recognized!"%dist)
+	# initialize all distributions with equal weights
+	alpha = 1./len(mm)
+	for dist in mm:
+		dist.alpha = alpha
+	return mm
+def init_gamma(mixture_model, dataset):
+	""" create initial responsibilities gamma. The probability that a coverage 
+	belongs to a distribution is equal for all distributions."""
+	N_mm = len(mixture_model)
+	N_cov = len(dataset.cov)
+	return np.array([[1./N_mm for d in mixture_model] for i in range(N_cov)])
+    Define DataSet to store all relevant information (incl. GCP)
+class DataSet:
+	fname = ""                        # path to original SAM file
+	cov = np.array([],dtype=np.int)   # observed coverage values
+	count = np.array([],dtype=np.int) # number of observations for each cov
+	rlen = 0                          # average read length of mapped reads
+	rds = 0                           # total number of reads
+	glen = 0                          # length of the genome
+	def read_from_pickle(self,filename):
+		""" read a genome coverage profile from a pickle file. """
+		data = cPickle.load(open(filename,'r'))
+		self.cov = np.array(data[0],dtype=np.int)
+		self.count = np.array(data[1],dtype=np.int)
+		self.rlen = data[2]
+		self.rds = data[3]
+		self.glen = data[4]
+		if len(data) == 6:
+			self.fname = data[5] 
+	def read_from_sam(self, filename):
+		""" extract a genome coverage profile from a sam file. """
+		sf = pysam.Samfile(filename,'r')
+		cov = np.zeros((sum(sf.lengths),))
+		start_pos = np.zeros((len(sf.lengths),))
+		start_pos[1:] = np.cumsum(sf.lengths[:-1])
+		read_length = 0
+		num_reads = 0
+		for read in sf:
+			if not read.is_unmapped:
+				r_start = start_pos[read.tid] + read.pos # start position 
+				r_end = start_pos[read.tid] + read.pos + read.qlen # end 
+				cov[r_start:r_end] += 1 
+				num_reads += 1
+				read_length += r_end-r_start
+		self.fname = filename
+		self.rds = num_reads
+		self.rlen = read_length/float(num_reads)  # average length mapped reads
+		self.glen = len(cov)
+		self.cov = np.unique(cov)
+		self.count = np.array( [np.sum(cov==ucov) for ucov in self.cov] )
+	def write_to_pickle(self, filename):
+		""" store dataset in a pickle file. """
+		return cPickle.dump([self.cov, self.count, self.rlen, self.rds,
+							 self.glen, self.fname], open(filename,'w'))
+    Iterative Method function definitions
+def update_gamma(data_set, mixture_model, gamma):
+	""" Update the probability gamma_i(x), that a position with coverage x 
+	belongs to distribution i
+	"""
+	num_dist = len(mixture_model)
+	for it in range(len(data_set.cov)):
+		# calculate probability that coverages[it] belongs to a distribution
+		prob = [dist.alpha*dist.pmf(data_set.cov[it]) for dist in mixture_model]
+		if sum(prob) <= 0:
+			gamma[it,:] = 0.
+		else:
+			gamma[it,:] = np.array([prob[i]/sum(prob) for i in range(num_dist)])
+	return 1
+def update_alpha(data_set, mixture_model, gamma):		
+	""" Update alpha_i, the proportion of data that belongs to 
+	distribution i """
+	for i in range(len(mixture_model)-1):
+		w_probs = np.array([p*w for p,w in zip(gamma[:,i],data_set.count)])
+		mixture_model[i].alpha = np.sum(w_probs) / np.sum(data_set.count)
+	mixture_model[-1].alpha = 1 - sum([d.alpha for d in mixture_model[:-1]])
+	return 1
+def iterative_fitting(data_set, mixture_model, gamma, iterations):
+	""" Generator fuction to run the iterative method. Operates directly on the
+	data structures mixture_model and gamma. """
+	for i in range(iterations):
+		# Expectation-step: update gammas
+		update_gamma(data_set, mixture_model, gamma)
+		# temporarily store old parameters
+		old_p1 = np.array([d._p1 or 0 for d in mixture_model])
+		old_p2 = np.array([d._p2 or 0 for d in mixture_model])
+		old_alpha = np.array([d.alpha for d in mixture_model])
+		# Parameter estimation step
+		for j,dist in enumerate(mixture_model):
+			dist_weights = gamma[:,j]*data_set.count
+			dist.estimate_par(data_set.cov, dist_weights)
+		update_alpha(data_set, mixture_model, gamma)
+		# calculate relative change of the parameters
+		new_p1 = np.array([d._p1 or 0 for d in mixture_model])
+		new_p2 = np.array([d._p2 or 0 for d in mixture_model])
+		new_alpha = np.array([d.alpha for d in mixture_model])
+		rel_p1 = np.max(np.abs(new_p1-old_p1) / (new_p1 + 1e-20))
+		rel_p2 = np.max(np.abs(new_p2-old_p2) / (new_p2 + 1e-20))
+		rel_alpha = np.max(np.abs(new_alpha-old_alpha) / (new_alpha + 1e-20))
+		max_change = np.max([rel_p1, rel_p2, rel_alpha])
+		# maximum CDF difference
+		xs = np.arange(np.max(data_set.cov)+1)
+		ref_pdf = np.zeros((np.max(data_set.cov)+1,))
+		for dist in mixture_model:
+			ref_pdf += dist.pmf(xs)*dist.alpha
+		obs_pdf = np.zeros((np.max(data_set.cov)+1,))
+		obs_pdf[data_set.cov.astype(np.int)] = data_set.count/float(np.sum(data_set.count))
+		max_cdf_diff = np.max(np.abs(np.cumsum(ref_pdf)-np.cumsum(obs_pdf)))
+		yield i, max_change, max_cdf_diff
+    Auxiliary code
+class Logger:
+	""" simple logger class """
+	log_file = None
+	def __init__(self, filename=None):
+		if filename:
+			self.log_file = open(filename,'w')
+	def log(self, s, c=True):
+		""" write string s to log file and print to console (if c) """
+		if c:
+			print s
+		if self.log_file:
+			self.log_file.write(s+'\n')
+def create_plot(ds, mm, filename):
+	""" create a plot showing the data and the fitted distributions """
+	plt.figure()
+	xmax = np.max(ds.cov)+1
+	plotXs = np.arange(xmax)
+	plt.plot(ds.cov[np.where(ds.cov<xmax)],ds.count[np.where(ds.cov<xmax)]/
+			 float(ds.glen),'k', lw=2, label="GCP")
+	plotY_total = np.zeros((len(plotXs),))
+	for dist in mm:
+		if isinstance(dist,Poisson):
+			format_string = "--"
+			color = 'r'
+		elif isinstance(dist,NBinom):
+			format_string = "-."
+			color = 'b'
+		elif isinstance(dist,TailDistribution):
+			format_string = ":"
+			color = 'Purple'
+		elif isinstance(dist,Zero):
+			format_string = "-"
+			color = 'YellowGreen'
+		plotYs = dist.pmf(plotXs)*dist.alpha
+		plotY_total += plotYs
+		plt.plot(plotXs,plotYs, format_string, color=color, lw=2, label=dist._name)
+	plt.plot(plotXs,plotY_total,'--',color='gray',lw=2, label="Mixture")
+	plt.xlabel('coverage')
+	plt.ylabel('')
+	plt.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=xmax)
+	plt.legend()
+	plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
+    Main function
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	# Define command line interface using OptionParser
+	parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+	parser.add_option("-d", "--distributions", dest="dist",	
+	help="Distributions to fit. z->zero; n: nbinom (MOM); N: nbinom (MLE); "
+	"p:binom; t: tail. Default: %default", default="zn")
+	parser.add_option("-i", "--iterations", dest="steps", type='int', 
+	help="Maximum number of iterations. Default: %default", default=50)
+	parser.add_option("-t", "--threshold", dest="thr", type='float', help="Set"
+	" the convergence threshold for the iteration. Stop if the change between "
+	"two iterations is less than THR. Default: %default", default=0.01)
+	parser.add_option("-c", "--cutoff", dest="cutoff", type='float', 
+	help="Specifies a coverage cutoff quantile such that only coverage values"
+	" below this quantile are considered. Default: %default", default=0.95)
+	parser.add_option("-p", "--plot", action="store_true", dest="plot", 
+	help="Create a plot of the fitted mixture model. Default: %default",
+	default=False)
+	parser.add_option("-m", "--means", dest="mean", type='float', 
+	action="append", help="Specifies the initial values for the mean of each "
+	"Poisson or Negative Binomial distribution. Usage: -m 12.4 -m 16.1 will "
+	"specify the means for the first two non-zero/tail distributions. The "
+	"default is calculated from the data.", default=None)
+	parser.add_option("-a", "--alpha", dest="alpha", action="append", 
+	help="Specifies the initial values for the proportion alpha of each "
+	"distribution. Usage: For three distributions -a 0.3 -a 0.3 specifies the "
+	"proportions 0.3, 0.3 and 0.4. The default is "
+	"equal proportions for all distributions.", default=None)
+	parser.add_option("-l", "--log", action="store_true", dest="log", 
+	help="Enable logging. Default: %default", default=False)
+	parser.add_option("--view", action="store_true", dest="view", 
+	help="Only view the GCP. Do not fit any distribution. Respects cutoff "
+					  "(-c). Default: %default", default=False)
+	(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+	if len(args) != 1:
+		parser.print_help()
+		sys.exit(1)
+	# process command line input
+	# check input file name
+	name = args[0] # filename is the first (and only) argument
+	if not os.path.exists(name):
+		raise Exception("Could not find file with name '%s'."%name)
+	if name.endswith('.sam'):
+		name = name[:-4]
+	# enable logging
+	if options.log and not options.view:
+		logfile = name + '_%s_log.txt'%options.dist
+	else:
+		logfile = None
+	lg = Logger(logfile)
+	# load data
+	DS = DataSet()
+	if os.path.exists(name+'.pcl'):
+		print 'found pickle file'
+		DS.read_from_pickle(name+'.pcl')
+	else:
+		DS.read_from_sam(name+'.sam')
+		DS.write_to_pickle(name+'.pcl')
+	# weight cutoff. Coverages above this value have no weight in parameter estimation
+	try:
+		cutoff = max(int(np.max(DS.cov[np.where(np.cumsum(DS.count)<= \
+				 options.cutoff*DS.glen)])+1),10)
+	except:
+		cutoff = np.max(DS.cov)+1
+	lg.log("Using coverage cutoff: %i"%cutoff)
+	DS.count = DS.count[np.where(DS.cov < cutoff)]
+	DS.cov = DS.cov[np.where(DS.cov < cutoff)]
+	num_unique = len(DS.cov)
+	DS.glen = np.sum(DS.count)
+	mean_cov = np.sum(DS.cov*DS.count)/np.sum(DS.count).astype(np.float)
+	# only view the GCP
+	if options.view:
+		try:
+			import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+		except:
+			raise Exception("Error: could not import matplotlib.")
+		# create empty mixture model
+		MM = np.array([])
+		create_plot(DS,MM,name+'.png')
+		print "Wrote GCP plot to file %s."%(name+'.png')
+		sys.exit(0)
+	# Plotting: check if matplotlib is installed
+	plot = options.plot		
+	if plot:
+		try:
+			import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+		except:
+			lg.log("Warning: could not import matplotlib. Plotting disabled.")
+			plot = False
+	# create the mixture model
+	if options.dist.count('z') > 1:
+		raise Exception("Error: only one Zero disribution is allowed!")
+	if options.dist.count("t") > 1:
+		lg.log("Warning: more than one tail distribution may yield inaccurate "
+		"estimates!")
+	MM = build_mixture_model(options.dist)
+	num_dist = len(MM)
+	the_zero = options.dist.find('z')
+	if options.alpha != None:
+		if len(options.alpha) >= num_dist:
+			raise Exception("Error: the number of alpha values (%i) exceeds "
+			"the number of distributions (%i)!"%(len(options.alpha,num_dist)))
+	# set initial proportions for each distribution
+	if options.alpha:
+		alpha = options.alpha
+		if len(options.alpha) < len(MM):
+			rest_alpha = 1. - sum(options.alpha)
+			rest_models = len(MM) - len(options.alpha)
+			alpha.append([rest_alpha / rest_models] * rest_models)			
+		for dist,a in zip(MM,alpha):
+			dist.alpha = float(a)
+	# initialize distribution parameters
+	n_dist = options.dist.count('n') + options.dist.count('N') + \
+		     options.dist.count('p')
+	factors = np.linspace(-n_dist,n_dist,n_dist)
+	data_mean = np.power(np.abs(factors),np.sign(factors))*np.mean(DS.cov[1:]*\
+				DS.count[1:]/np.mean(DS.count))
+	if options.mean:
+		# use mean values provided by the user, where possible
+		for i,m in enumerate(options.mean):
+			data_mean[i] = m
+	data_var = np.array([np.sum((DS.cov-m)**2*DS.count)/DS.glen \
+						 for m in data_mean])
+	it = 0
+	for dist in MM:
+		if isinstance(dist,Zero) or isinstance(dist,NbTail) \
+		or isinstance(dist,PoissonTail):
+			dist.estimate_par()
+			continue
+		if isinstance(dist,NBinom):
+			m,v = data_mean[it],data_var[it]
+			if m > v:
+				v = 1.01*m
+			dist.set_par(m**2 / (v - m) , m / v )
+			it += 1
+			continue
+		if isinstance(dist,Poisson):
+			dist.set_par(data_mean[it])
+			it += 1
+	# set initial values for the responsibilities gamma
+	GAMMA = init_gamma(MM,DS)
+	# write initial values to log file
+	lg.log('Initial values',False)
+	lg.log('distribution'.ljust(20)+'alpha'.ljust(20)+'parameter 1'.ljust(20)+
+		   'parameter 2',False)
+	for i in range(num_dist):
+		lg.log(str(MM[i]).ljust(20)+str(MM[i].alpha).ljust(20)+
+			   str(MM[i]._p1).ljust(20)+str(MM[i]._p2),False)
+	lg.log('\n',False)
+	# run the iteration, repeatedly update the variables MM and GAMMA
+	t_start = time.time()
+	for i,change,diff in iterative_fitting(DS, MM, GAMMA, options.steps):	
+		print i
+		t_step = time.time() - t_start
+		lg.log(('step#: '+str(i+1)).ljust(20)+'time: '+str(round(t_step,1))+'s'
+			   +'\n',False)
+		lg.log('distribution'.ljust(20)+'alpha'.ljust(20)+
+			   'parameter 1'.ljust(20)+'parameter 2',False)
+		for d in MM:
+			lg.log(d.report_stats(20),False)
+		lg.log('Max. CDF diff:'.ljust(20)+'%f'%diff,False)
+		lg.log('\n',False)
+		if change < options.thr:
+			break
+		t_start = time.time()
+	# Estimate genome fragmentation and correct the zero-coverage estimate,
+	# if a tail distribution was used
+	zero_frac = MM[the_zero].alpha
+	tail = False
+	for dist in MM:
+		if isinstance(dist,PoissonTail) and dist.alpha > 0:
+			p_tail   = dist.alpha
+			p_parent = dist._parent.alpha
+			part_cov = dist._parent._p1
+		elif isinstance(dist,NbTail) and dist.alpha > 0:
+			p_tail   = dist.alpha
+			p_parent = dist._parent.alpha
+			part_cov = stats.nbinom.mean(dist._parent._p1,dist._parent._p2)
+		else:
+			continue
+		tail=True
+		gfrag = DS.glen/(1.+p_parent/p_tail)/2./DS.rlen*(p_parent+p_tail)
+		start_prob = 1. - stats.poisson.cdf(0,part_cov/float(DS.rlen))
+		zero_corr = (2*gfrag-1)*(min(stats.nbinom.mean(1,start_prob),DS.rlen) 
+								 - start_prob/3.*4./9.)
+		zero_est = DS.glen*MM[the_zero].alpha
+		zero_frac = (zero_est-zero_corr)/float(DS.glen)
+	# write results to file
+	res = open(name+'_'+str(options.dist)+'_results.txt','w')
+	res.write('Genome length:       %i\n'%DS.glen)
+	res.write('Number of reads:     %i\n'%DS.rds)
+	res.write('Average read length: %i\n'%DS.rlen)
+	#res.write('Average Coverage:    %f\n'%mean_cov)
+	res.write('Max. CDF difference: %f\n\n'%diff)
+	res.write('Distribution'.ljust(20)+'alpha'.ljust(20)+
+			  'parameter 1'.ljust(20)+'parameter 2'.ljust(20)+'[Mean]\n')
+	for d in MM:
+		res.write(d.report_stats(20)+'\n')
+	if tail:
+		res.write('\nNum. Fragments:'.ljust(20)+'%.01f'%gfrag+'\n')
+		res.write('Observed Zeros:'.ljust(20)+
+				  '%.04f'%(zero_est/float(DS.glen))+'\n')
+		res.write('Corrected Zeros:'.ljust(20)+
+				  '%.04f'%((zero_est-zero_corr)/float(DS.glen))+'\n')
+	res.close()
+	lg.log('\nFinal Results:\n')
+	#lg.log('Average Coverage:    %f'%mean_cov)
+	lg.log('Max. CDF difference: %f\n'%diff)
+	lg.log('Distribution'.ljust(20)+'alpha'.ljust(20)+'parameter 1'.ljust(20)+
+		   'parameter 2'.ljust(20)+'[Mean]')
+	for d in MM:
+		lg.log(d.report_stats(20))
+	if tail:
+		lg.log('Num. Fragments:'.ljust(20)+'%.01f'%gfrag)
+		lg.log('Observed Zeros:'.ljust(20)+'%.04f'%(zero_est/float(DS.glen)))
+		lg.log('Corrected Zeros:'.ljust(20)+'%.04f'%((zero_est-zero_corr)/
+													 float(DS.glen)))
+	# plot the figure, if requested
+	if plot:
+		create_plot(DS,MM,name+'_'+options.dist+'.png')
+	print "\nFinished."

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