[med-svn] [giira] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 0.0.20131015

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Fri Feb 7 23:05:27 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository giira.

commit 979142cff004fb74fd7ce5b9922cafababa6d78a
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Feb 8 00:04:22 2014 +0100

    Imported Upstream version 0.0.20131015
 README.txt                                       |  169 ++
 scripts/bwa_aln.py                               |   41 +
 scripts/bwa_index.py                             |   28 +
 scripts/bwa_samse.py                             |   42 +
 scripts/bwa_sw.py                                |   42 +
 scripts/callCat.py                               |   27 +
 scripts/callCat_RnaFile.py                       |   27 +
 scripts/filterGenes.py                           |   56 +
 scripts/getMeanCov.py                            |  108 +
 scripts/lpCall.py                                |   17 +
 scripts/sortReaSam.py                            |   24 +
 src/geneFinder/BWA_Call.java                     |  167 ++
 src/geneFinder/CalculateScores.java              |  173 ++
 src/geneFinder/CleanAfterAmbiOpti.java           |  382 ++++
 src/geneFinder/DefineAlternativeTranscripts.java |  423 ++++
 src/geneFinder/ExtractGeneCandidates.java        | 2641 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/geneFinder/FindExonsOfGene.java              |  404 ++++
 src/geneFinder/FrameSearch.java                  |  582 +++++
 src/geneFinder/GeneFinder.java                   |  241 ++
 src/geneFinder/Giira.java                        |  238 ++
 src/geneFinder/HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.java   |  590 +++++
 src/geneFinder/IntronExonSearch.java             | 1152 ++++++++++
 src/geneFinder/LocalTwinResolve.java             |   64 +
 src/geneFinder/MergeClusters.java                |  283 +++
 src/geneFinder/Operon_LP.java                    |  425 ++++
 src/geneFinder/OptimizeAmbis.java                |  502 ++++
 src/geneFinder/PrepareMapping_GF.java            |   56 +
 src/geneFinder/ProkaryoteExtraction.java         |  623 +++++
 src/geneFinder/Prokaryote_Specials.java          |  589 +++++
 src/geneFinder/ReadInParameters_GeneFinder.java  |  485 ++++
 src/geneFinder/SamParser.java                    | 1248 ++++++++++
 src/geneFinder/TopHat_Call.java                  |  103 +
 src/geneFinder/WriteOutput.java                  |  480 ++++
 src/types/Contig.java                            |   27 +
 src/types/Gene.java                              |   74 +
 src/types/Rna.java                               |   30 +
 36 files changed, 12563 insertions(+)

diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdca0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+GIIRA is a stand-alone java program to predict genes based on RNA-Seq reads without requiring 
+any a-priori knowledge.
+Copyright (c) 2013,
+Franziska Zickmann, 
+ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0.
+When using GIIRA, please cite the following manuscript:
+GIIRA - RNA-Seq Driven Gene Finding Incorporating Ambiguous Reads 
+Franziska Zickmann; Martin S. Lindner; Bernhard Y. Renard 
+Bioinformatics 2013; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt577
+GIIRA is designed to run on a linux system with the following minimum requirements for installed software:
+- Python (http://www.python.org/)
+- Java (http://www.java.com)
+- either the CPLEX Optimizer (http://www-01.ibm.com/software/integration/optimization/cplex-optimizer/) 
+  or the GLPK solver (http://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/glpk.html)
+If you want to use the GLPK solver for the optimization, make sure that the executable "glpsol" is installed in 
+a directory included in your path. For CPLEX, the path of the file "cplex.jar" and the cplex Djava.library.path
+have to be passed as parameters in each GIIRA run (refer to parameter description below).
+To install GIIRA, download the compressed zip folder from https://sourceforge.net/projects/giira/ und unpack the package with: 
+> unzip GIIRA.zip
+This creates a folder named "GIIRA" in your current directory. This folder includes the executable GIIRA.jar.
+To receive the help message of GIIRA, type:
+> java -jar GIIRA/GIIRA.jar --help
+Note that GIIRA needs several helper scripts to call external programs, these scripts are included 
+in the directory GIIRA/scripts. To run GIIRA it is necessary that this folder is always in the same directory as 
+the file GIIRA.jar.
+In the following example we assume that the file GIIRA.jar is contained in the directory foo/.
+Further, if you have CPLEX installed on your system, we assume that the path to the file "cplex.jar" and 
+to the cplex library "Djava.library.path" is foo_CPLEX/.
+GIIRA can either be provided with the raw reads and reference and then calls an external mapper to perform the necessary 
+alignment, or it is presented an already existing alignment. It is important that mappings that are provided to GIIRA are 
+in SAM-Format(http://samtools.sourceforge.net). The SAM file has to be sorted by read names, which can be performed using 
+samtools sort and the -n option (see samtools manual).
+In the following we show a simple example run with the testdata that are included in the download package in the directory GIIRA/example/.
+In this example, we apply GIIRA to a set of 500000 reads and chromosome IV of Saccaromyces cerevisae as a reference genome. 
+Both the reads and the reference are provided in the example, as well as a SAM file with an existing alignment.
+To run GIIRA with the already existing SAM file:
+1. Create a directory for the results, e.g "GIIRA_example"
+2a. to call GIIRA when you have CPLEX installed on your system, type:
+> java -jar foo/GIIRA.jar -libPath foo_CPLEX -cp foo_CPLEX/cplex.jar -iG GIIRA/example/Scer_chr4.fasta -haveSam GIIRA/example/scer_example_mapping.sam -out GIIRA_example/
+2b. Alternatively, you can call GIIRA without CPLEX (using GLPK):
+> java -jar foo/GIIRA.jar -iG GIIRA/example/Scer_chr4.fasta -haveSam GIIRA/example/scer_example_mapping.sam -out GIIRA_example/ -opti glpk
+You can also apply GIIRA to the unmapped reads, using either TopHat2(http://tophat.cbcb.umd.edu/) or BWA(http://bio-bwa.sourceforge.net/) to obtain the read mapping 
+(either must be installed on your system to run this example, note that in this description we use TopHat2):
+1. Create a directory for the results, e.g "GIIRA_example"
+2a. to call GIIRA when you have CPLEX installed on your system, type:
+> java -jar foo/GIIRA.jar -libPath foo_CPLEX -cp foo_CPLEX/cplex.jar -iG GIIRA/example/Scer_chr4.fasta -iR GIIRA/example/scer_example_reads.fastq -out GIIRA_example/
+2b. Alternatively, you can call GIIRA without CPLEX (using GLPK):
+> java -jar foo/GIIRA.jar -iG GIIRA/example/Scer_chr4.fasta -iR GIIRA/example/scer_example_reads.fastq -out GIIRA_example/ -opti glpk
+General information:
+1) If you use the CPLEX optimizer to solve the linear program, please provide the absolute path to the cplex library Djava.library.path as well as to the file cplex.jar  
+(included in the directory of your CPLEX installation). 
+> java -jar GIIRA.jar -cp PATH_TO_CPLEX/cplex.jar -libPath PATH_TO_CPLEX/Djava.library.path
+2) Depending on the size of your dataset, you might have to assign more memory to the GIIRA run to avoid an out of memory error.
+   To do so, set a higher Xmx value when calling GIIRA, e.g. 3GB (="3000m"):
+> java -Xmx3000m -jar GIIRA.jar
+ -h : help text and exit
+ -iG [pathToGenomes] : specify path to directory with genome files in fasta format (it is also possible to address one fasta file directly)
+ -iR [pathToRna] : specify path to directory with rna read files in fastq format (it is also possible to address one fastq file directly)
+ -out [pathToResults] : specify the directory that shall contain the results files
+ -outName [outputName] : specify desired name for output files, DEFAULT: genes
+ -haveSam [samfileName]: if a sam file already exists, provide the name, else a mapping is performed. NOTE: the sam file has to be sorted according to read names!
+						 (this can be achieved by using the samtools (http://samtools.sourceforge.net/) sort command with option "-n")
+ -nT [numberThreads] : specify the maximal number of threads that are allowed to be used, DEFAULT: 1
+ -mT [tophat/bwa/bwasw] : specify desired tool for the read mapping, DEFAULT: tophat
+ -opti [cplex/glpk] : specify the desired optimization method, either using CPLEX optimizer (cplex, DEFAULT) or glpk solver (glpk)
+ -libPath [PATH] : if cplex is the desired optimizer, specify the absolute path to the cplex library Djava.library.path
+ -cp [PATH] : if cplex is the desired optimizer, specify the absolute path to the cplex jar file cplex.jar
+ -mem [int] : specify the amount of memory that cplex is allowed to use (Note: this parameter should be set for large sets of reads with high ambiguity, 
+			  e.g. when the number of ambiguous mappings is above 10 million. Specify the amount in MB, e.g. -mem 10000 means 10GB of memory are allowed)
+ -maxReportedHits [int] : if using BWA as mapping tool, specify the maximal number of reported hits; DEFAULT: 2 (if the number of hits of an ambiguous 
+				          read exceeds this threshold, it is not reported.)
+ -prokaryote [y/n] : if set to true (y), no spliced reads are accepted and structural genes are resolved. DEFAULT: n (Note: if structural genes shall be 
+					 resolved, it is necessary to apply CPLEX as the optimizer. To predict genes on prokaryotes without installed CPLEX, do not set this
+					 parameter to receive the prediction of coding regions.)
+ -minCov [double] : specify the minimum required coverage of the gene candidate extraction; DEFAULT: -1 (If -1, it is estimated from the mapping. Otherwise,
+					it is recommended to choose minCov very small, e.g. = 1 to achieve maximum sensitivity.)
+ -maxCov [double] : optional maximal coverage threshold, can also be estimated from mapping (DEFAULT) (Note: this parameter should be set by the user if 
+					coverages above a certain threshold are not desired. Reads mapping to regions with a coverage higher than maxCov are excluded from the analysis.)
+ -endCov [double] : if the coverage falls below this value, the currently open candidate gene is closed. This value can be estimated from the minimum coverage (-1); DEFAULT: -1
+					(If this parameter is set by the user, it is recommended to choose endCov small to garantuee higher sensitivity)
+ -dispCov [0/1] : if set to 1 (or if minCov is not specified), the minimum coverage and maximum coverage are automatically estimated from the mapping, DEFAULT: 0
+ -interval [int] : specify the minimal size of an interval between near candidate genes, if "-1" it equals the read length. DEFAULT: -1 (Note: this parameter directly
+				   affects how often nearby candidate regions are merged to one candidate, if it is set to 0, only overlapping regions are merged. If the dataset has an
+				   overall low coverage, it can be helpful to set a bigger value for interval because then coverage gaps are covered more frequently.)
+ -splLim [double] : specify the minimal coverage that is required to accept a splice site, if (-1) the threshold is equal to minCov, DEFAULT: -1
+ -rL [int] : specify read length, otherwise this information is extracted from the SAM file (DEFAULT)
+ -noAmbiOpti : if specified, ambiguous hits are not included in the analysis (and no optimizer is necessary)
+ -settingMapper [(list of parameters)] : A comma-separated list of the desired parameters for TopHat or BWA. Please provide
+        for each parameter a pair of indicator and value, separated by an equality sign.
+        Note that paramters intended for the 3 different parts (indexing, aln, sam) of BWA have to be separated by a lowercase bar
+        Example: -settingMapper [-a=is_-t=5,-N_-n=5]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/bwa_aln.py b/scripts/bwa_aln.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d7ef6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/bwa_aln.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Oct 31 16:29:55 2011
+helper script to call bwa aln
+Copyright (c) 2013,
+Franziska Zickmann, 
+ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import optparse
+import subprocess
+parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+args = parser.parse_args()
+paras = args[1][0]
+orfFile = args[1][1]
+rnaFile = args[1][2]
+outFile = args[1][3]
+callPara = " "
+fnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
+if paras == 0:
+	syscall = "bwa aln %s %s > %s" %(orfFile,rnaFile,outFile)
+	os.system(syscall)
+	result = subprocess.call(syscall, shell = True, stdout = fnull, stderr = fnull)
+	fnull.close()
+	stringAr = paras[1:(len(paras)-1)].split("_")
+	for data in stringAr:
+		callPara=callPara+data+" "
+	syscall = "bwa aln%s%s %s > %s" %(callPara,orfFile,rnaFile,outFile)
+	os.system(syscall)
+	result = subprocess.call(syscall, shell = True, stdout = fnull, stderr = fnull)
+	fnull.close()
diff --git a/scripts/bwa_index.py b/scripts/bwa_index.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14f7093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/bwa_index.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Feb 03 2012
+helper script to call bwa index 
+Copyright (c) 2013,
+Franziska Zickmann, 
+ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import optparse
+import subprocess
+parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+args = parser.parse_args()
+orfFile = args[1][0]
+print orfFile
+para = args[1][1]
+print para
+fnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
+syscall = "bwa index -a %s %s" %(para, orfFile)
+print syscall
+result = subprocess.call(syscall, shell = True, stdout = fnull, stderr = fnull)
diff --git a/scripts/bwa_samse.py b/scripts/bwa_samse.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb0a225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/bwa_samse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Oct 31 16:29:55 2011
+helper script to call bwa samse
+Copyright (c) 2013,
+Franziska Zickmann, 
+ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import optparse
+import subprocess
+parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+args = parser.parse_args()
+paras = args[1][0]
+orfFile = args[1][1]
+alnFile = args[1][2]
+rnaFile = args[1][3]
+outFile = args[1][4]
+callPara = " "
+fnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
+if paras == 0:
+        syscall = "bwa samse %s %s %s > %s" %(orfFile,alnFile,rnaFile,outFile)
+        os.system(syscall)
+        result = subprocess.call(syscall, shell = True, stdout = fnull, stderr = fnull)
+        fnull.close()
+        stringAr = paras[1:(len(paras)-1)].split("_")
+        for data in stringAr:
+                callPara=callPara+data+" "
+        syscall = "bwa samse%s%s %s %s> %s" %(callPara,orfFile,alnFile,rnaFile,outFile)
+        os.system(syscall)
+	print syscall
+        result = subprocess.call(syscall, shell = True, stdout = fnull, stderr = fnull)
+        fnull.close()
diff --git a/scripts/bwa_sw.py b/scripts/bwa_sw.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd0c258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/bwa_sw.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Oct 31 16:29:55 2011
+helper script to call bwa samse
+Copyright (c) 2013,
+Franziska Zickmann, 
+ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import optparse
+import subprocess
+parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+args = parser.parse_args()
+paras = args[1][0]
+orfFile = args[1][1]
+rnaFile = args[1][2]
+outFile = args[1][3]
+callPara = " "
+fnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
+if paras == 0:
+        syscall = "bwa bwasw %s %s > %s" %(orfFile,rnaFile,outFile)
+        #os.system(syscall)
+        result = subprocess.call(syscall, shell = True, stdout = fnull, stderr = fnull)
+        fnull.close()
+        stringAr = paras[1:(len(paras)-1)].split("_")
+        for data in stringAr:
+                callPara=callPara+data+" "
+        syscall = "bwa bwasw%s %s %s> %s" %(callPara,orfFile,rnaFile,outFile)
+        #os.system(syscall)
+        print syscall
+        result = subprocess.call(syscall, shell = True, stdout = fnull, stderr = fnull)
+        fnull.close()
diff --git a/scripts/callCat.py b/scripts/callCat.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..349897f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/callCat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Copyright (c) 2013,
+Franziska Zickmann, 
+ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import optparse
+parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+args = parser.parse_args()
+fastaFiles = args[1][0]
+output = args[1][1]
+fileArr = fastaFiles.split("&&")
+fileNames = ""
+for file in fileArr:
+	fileNames = "%s %s" % (fileNames,file)
+syscall = "cat %s > %s" %(fileNames,output)
diff --git a/scripts/callCat_RnaFile.py b/scripts/callCat_RnaFile.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3766ccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/callCat_RnaFile.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Copyright (c) 2013,
+Franziska Zickmann, 
+ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import optparse
+parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+args = parser.parse_args()
+fastqFiles = args[1][0]
+output = args[1][1]
+fileArr = fastqFiles.split("&&")
+fileNames = ""
+for file in fileArr:
+	fileNames = "%s %s" % (fileNames,file)
+syscall = "cat %s > %s" %(fileNames,output)
diff --git a/scripts/filterGenes.py b/scripts/filterGenes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f06f91c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/filterGenes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+filters a given GIIRA GTF file for all genes with sufficient support
+Copyright (c) 2013,
+Franziska Zickmann, 
+ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+import sys
+import numpy
+if len(sys.argv) <= 4:
+	print "Script to filter a given GIIRA GTF file for all genes with sufficient support."
+	print "Usage: python filterGenes.py [Path_TO_GTF] [PATH_OUTFILE] [WANT_AMBI_FILTER: (y/n)] [WANT_COVERAGE_FILTER: (y/n)] [WANT_UNIQUE_COVERAGE_FILTER: (y/n)]"
+	print "AMBI-FILTER = tag \"alsoUniqueSupport\" in GIIRA output"
+	print "COVERAGE-FILTER = tag \"coverageSupport\" in GIIRA output"
+	print "UNIQUE_COVERAGE-FILTER = tag \"hasEnoughUniques\" in GIIRA output"
+	print "Example: python filterGenes.py myGenes.gtf myGenes_filtered.gtf y y n"
+	print "This applies a filtering for genes only supported by ambiguous reads or lacking sufficient overall coverage."
+	sys.exit(1)
+if "-h" in sys.argv[1]:
+	print "Script to filter a given GIIRA GTF file for all genes with sufficient support."
+	print "Usage: python filterGenes.py [Path_TO_GTF] [PATH_OUTFILE] [WANT_AMBI_FILTER: (y/n)] [WANT_COVERAGE_FILTER: (y/n)] [WANT_UNIQUE_COVERAGE_FILTER: (y/n)]"
+	print "AMBI-FILTER = tag \"alsoUniqueSupport\" in GIIRA output"
+	print "COVERAGE-FILTER = tag \"coverageSupport\" in GIIRA output"
+	print "UNIQUE_COVERAGE-FILTER = tag \"hasEnoughUniques\" in GIIRA output"
+	print "Example: python filterGenes.py myGenes.gtf myGenes_filtered.gtf y y y"
+	print "This applies a filtering for genes only supported by ambiguous reads or lacking sufficient overall coverage."
+	sys.exit(1)
+pathToGTF = sys.argv[1]
+pathOutFile = sys.argv[2]
+wantMultiFilter = sys.argv[3]
+wantCovFilter = sys.argv[4]
+wantUniqueCovfilter = sys.argv[5]
+infile = open(pathToGTF, 'r')
+outfile = open(pathOutFile, 'w')
+for line in infile:
+	arr = line.rstrip().split("\t")
+	arrTag = arr[8].split(";")
+	wantLine = True
+	if "y" in wantMultiFilter:
+		if ": n" in arrTag[len(arrTag)-4]:
+			wantLine = False
+	if "y" in wantCovFilter:	
+		if ": n" in arrTag[len(arrTag)-3]:
+			wantLine = False
+	if "y" in wantUniqueCovfilter:	
+		if ": n" in arrTag[len(arrTag)-2]:
+			wantLine = False
+	if wantLine:
+		outfile.write(line);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/getMeanCov.py b/scripts/getMeanCov.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a49600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/getMeanCov.py
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013,
+Franziska Zickmann, 
+ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+import pysam
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+from math import *
+import scipy.stats as stats
+import sys
+# calculate coverage without x-coverage bases
+def covWOzero(cov,x):
+	cov2 = np.array([])
+	count = 0
+	for i in cov:
+		if i!= x:
+			count += 1
+			cov2.resize(count)
+			cov2[count-1]=i
+	return cov2
+# only computes the maxCov without the need to refine the coverage map
+def computeMaxCov(cov,maxCov,it):
+	if it > 100:
+		return cov
+	# first remove all maxCov entries
+	while (np.max(cov)) == maxCov:
+		cov = np.delete(cov,(len(cov)-1))
+	mean = np.mean(cov)
+	median = np.median(cov)	
+	if (median * 10.0) < mean :
+		maxCov = np.max(cov)
+		cov = computeMaxCov(cov,maxCov,(it+1))
+		maxCov = np.max(cov)
+	return cov
+nameIn = sys.argv[1]       # name and path sam file
+nameOut = sys.argv[2]
+""" extract a genome coverage profile from a sam file. """
+sf = pysam.Samfile(nameIn,'r')
+cov = np.zeros((sum(sf.lengths),))
+start_pos = np.cumsum(sf.lengths)-sf.lengths[0]
+read_length = 0
+num_reads = 0
+for read in sf:
+	if not read.is_unmapped:
+		r_start = start_pos[read.tid] + read.pos # start position 
+		r_end = start_pos[read.tid] + read.pos + read.qlen # end 
+		cov[r_start:r_end] += 1 
+		num_reads += 1
+		read_length += r_end-r_start
+#print "length including zero: %s" %(len(cov))
+# calculate coverage
+covWOZRef = covWOzero(cov,0)
+#print "length without zero: %s" %(len(covWOZRef))
+mean_cov_wozRef = np.mean(covWOZRef)
+percentileQuart_cov_wozRef = np.percentile(covWOZRef,25)
+median_cov_wozRef = np.median(covWOZRef)
+percentileUpQuart_cov_wozRef = np.percentile(covWOZRef,75)
+print "average: %s" %(mean_cov_wozRef)
+print "median: %s" %(median_cov_wozRef)
+print "25-quart: %s" %(percentileQuart_cov_wozRef)
+print "75-quart: %s" %(percentileUpQuart_cov_wozRef)
+maxCov = -1
+if (median_cov_wozRef * 10.0) < mean_cov_wozRef:
+	sys.setrecursionlimit(100000)
+	covSorted = np.sort(covWOZRef)
+	print "finished sorting!"
+	maxCov = np.max(covSorted)
+	itNum = 1
+	while True:
+		covSorted = computeMaxCov(covSorted,maxCov,1)
+		maxCov = np.max(covSorted)
+		mean = np.mean(covSorted)
+		median = np.median(covSorted)
+		print "iter %s max: %s, median: %s, average: %s" %(itNum,maxCov,median,mean) 
+		itNum = itNum + 1
+		if (median * 10.0) >= mean:
+			break
+print "maximum threshold: %s" %(maxCov)
+outfile = open(nameOut,'w')
+outfile.write(str(min(percentileQuart_cov_wozRef,(mean_cov_wozRef/5.0))) + "\n");
+outfile.write(str(maxCov) + "\n")
+outfile.write("25-qua: " + str(percentileQuart_cov_wozRef) + "\n")
+outfile.write("median: " + str(median_cov_wozRef) + "\n")
+outfile.write("average: " + str(mean_cov_wozRef) + "\n")
diff --git a/scripts/lpCall.py b/scripts/lpCall.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a53620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lpCall.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Created on 4 November 2013
+calls the glpsol lp solver to assign the rnas
+ at author: zickmannf
+import sys
+import numpy
+import os
+inputFile = sys.argv[1]
+outputFile = sys.argv[2]
+syscall = "glpsol --lp %s --output %s" %(inputFile,outputFile)
diff --git a/scripts/sortReaSam.py b/scripts/sortReaSam.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aa8a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/sortReaSam.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Copyright (c) 2013,
+Franziska Zickmann, 
+ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import sys
+pathOut = sys.argv[1]
+syscall1 = "samtools view -b -S %sresultsRun/reassignedReads.sam > %sresultsRun/reassignedReads.bam" %(pathOut,pathOut)
+print syscall1
+syscall2 = "samtools sort -n %sresultsRun/reassignedReads.bam %sresultsRun/reassignedReads_sorted" %(pathOut,pathOut)
+print syscall2
+syscall3 = "samtools view -h -o %sresultsRun/reassignedReads_sorted.sam %sresultsRun/reassignedReads_sorted.bam" %(pathOut,pathOut)
+print syscall3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/BWA_Call.java b/src/geneFinder/BWA_Call.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a9dc084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/BWA_Call.java
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+package geneFinder;
+ * call BWA to map the rna reads against the reference genome 
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ */
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+public class BWA_Call {
+	/*
+	 * map the reads against all ORFs using bwa 
+	 * creates a sam output file
+	 * note: allows only one setting for the indexing (-a XX) and various ones in the aln step
+	 */
+	public void callBWA(File refFile, String nameOutSamFile) {
+		File rnaFile = null;
+		if(GeneFinder.rnaFilesWithNames.keySet().size() > 1){
+			// more than one read file, so concatenate them to one big file
+			rnaFile = new File(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/mergedReadFiles.fastq");
+			callConcatenateReadFiles(); // perform the concatenation
+		}else{
+			for(File readFile : GeneFinder.rnaFilesWithNames.keySet()){
+				rnaFile = readFile;
+			}
+		}
+		// now that we have the read file, do the alignment 
+		System.out.println("Start to do the alignment with BWA...");			
+		WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Start to do the alignment with BWA... \n");
+		long timebef = System.currentTimeMillis();
+		long timeAfter = 0;
+		String nameIndexTool = "is";	// these are the variables for the different options given for each part of the BWA process
+		String optionString_aln = "";
+		String optionString_samse = "";
+		if(GeneFinder.settingMapper != null){	
+			String[] returnArr = getMapperOptions_BWA(nameIndexTool,optionString_aln,optionString_samse);  // get the options
+			nameIndexTool = returnArr[0];
+			optionString_aln = returnArr[1];
+			optionString_samse = returnArr[2];
+		}else{
+			optionString_aln = "0";   // "0" is the indicator that no options are provided
+			optionString_samse = "0";
+		}
+		System.out.print("Indexing.... ");	// first step
+		String firstExe = "python " + GeneFinder.pathToHelpFiles+"bwa_index.py " + refFile + " " + nameIndexTool;    // first index reference file		
+		Giira.callAndHandleOutput(firstExe);
+		System.out.println("\nPerform alignment.... ");
+		if(!GeneFinder.useBWAsw){
+			String saiOut = GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/aln_sa.sai";
+			String secondExe = "python "+GeneFinder.pathToHelpFiles+"bwa_aln.py " + optionString_aln + " " + refFile + " " + rnaFile + " " + saiOut;  // perform alignment				
+			Giira.callAndHandleOutput(secondExe);
+			System.out.println("\nWrite to SAM format....");
+			String thirdExe = "python "+GeneFinder.pathToHelpFiles+"bwa_samse.py " + optionString_samse + " " + refFile + " " + saiOut + " " + rnaFile + " " + nameOutSamFile;  //output: sam file
+			Giira.callAndHandleOutput(thirdExe);
+		}else{
+			String secondExe = "python "+GeneFinder.pathToHelpFiles+"bwa_sw.py " + optionString_samse + " " + refFile +  " " + rnaFile + " " + nameOutSamFile;  //output: sam file
+			Giira.callAndHandleOutput(secondExe);
+		}
+		System.out.println("\nDone.");
+		timeAfter = System.currentTimeMillis();	    
+		System.out.println("Time required for the alignment: "+ (double) (timeAfter-timebef)/1000.0 +"s.");
+		WriteOutput.writeToLogFile(" Done.\n Time required for the alignment: "+ (double) (timeAfter-timebef)/1000.0 +"s.\n");
+	}
+	/*
+	 * if more than one read file is provided, concatenate them for BWA to provide one big merged read file
+	 */
+	public static void callConcatenateReadFiles(){
+		System.out.println("Concatenate read files.");
+		Runtime prepRef = Runtime.getRuntime();
+		Process firstExe;
+		String allRnaNames = new String();  // necessary for python helper script
+		for(File rnaFileTemp : GeneFinder.rnaFilesWithNames.keySet()){  // generate the name
+			String name = GeneFinder.rnaFilesWithNames.get(rnaFileTemp);
+			allRnaNames += name+"&&";
+		}
+		try { // call python helper script
+			String exe = "python "+GeneFinder.pathToHelpFiles+"callCat_RnaFile.py " + allRnaNames + " " + GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/mergedReadFiles.fastq";
+			firstExe = prepRef.exec(exe);
+			firstExe.waitFor();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * if options are provided by the user, extract those options
+	 */
+	public static String[] getMapperOptions_BWA(String nameIndexTool, String optionString_aln, String optionString_samse){
+		String[] splitParts = GeneFinder.settingMapper.split("_");
+		for(int i=0;i<splitParts.length;i++){  // each part is for one of the parts of BWA (indexing, aln, samse)
+			String[] paraSplit = splitParts[i].split(",");
+			for(String para : paraSplit){
+				if(i==0){
+					String[] paraArr = para.split("=");
+					nameIndexTool = paraArr[1];
+				}else if(i==1){		// aln part, add option here
+					String[] paraArr = para.split("=");
+					if(paraArr.length == 1){	// this means an option that only consists of one tag
+						optionString_aln = optionString_aln+paraArr[0]+"_";
+					} else{
+						optionString_aln = optionString_aln+paraArr[0]+"_"+paraArr[1]+"_";
+					}
+				}else{ // samse part, add option here
+					String[] paraArr = para.split("=");
+					if(paraArr.length == 1){	// this means an option that only consists of one tag
+						optionString_samse = optionString_samse+paraArr[0]+"_";
+					} else{
+						optionString_samse = optionString_samse+paraArr[0]+"_"+paraArr[1]+"_";
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// now prepare the option string in a way that it can be passed to the python helper script
+		if(splitParts[1].length() > 1){
+			optionString_aln="["+optionString_aln.substring(0, (optionString_aln.length()-1))+"]";
+		}
+		if(splitParts[2].length() > 1){
+			optionString_samse="["+optionString_samse.substring(0, (optionString_samse.length()-1))+"]";
+		}
+		return new String[] {nameIndexTool,optionString_aln,optionString_samse};
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/CalculateScores.java b/src/geneFinder/CalculateScores.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b71c1dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/CalculateScores.java
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+package geneFinder;
+ * based on the assigned reads, assign a score to each identified gene
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+import java.util.Vector;
+import types.*;
+public class CalculateScores {
+	public static double minScoreClust;    // necessary for the normalization later on
+	public static double maxScoreClust;
+	/*
+	 * depending on the number and quality of assigned reads calculate a score for each cluster
+	 * multiple and uniques are distinguished via certain weighting
+	 */
+	public static double[] assignGeneScores(boolean befOpti){
+		minScoreClust = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+		maxScoreClust = Double.MIN_VALUE;
+		for(String contigName : GeneFinder.mappedContigs.keySet()){
+			Contig thisContig = GeneFinder.mappedContigs.get(contigName);
+			Vector<Gene> twinsAlternativeSplicing = new Vector<Gene>();
+			for(Gene cluster : thisContig.allGenes){
+				scoreCalculation(cluster, contigName, befOpti);
+				if(cluster.twinNode != null){
+					scoreCalculation(cluster.twinNode, contigName, befOpti);
+					// make sure that only one of the twins is included
+					if((cluster.twinNode.score != 0) && (cluster.score != 0)){
+						// also include twin node in contig genes
+						twinsAlternativeSplicing.add(cluster.twinNode);
+						cluster.twinNode = null;
+					} else if(cluster.twinNode.score == 0){
+						cluster.twinNode = null;
+					} else{
+						cluster = cluster.twinNode;
+						cluster.twinNode = null;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			thisContig.allGenes.addAll(twinsAlternativeSplicing);
+		}
+		double[] minMax = {minScoreClust,maxScoreClust};
+		return minMax;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * does the calculation
+	 */
+	public static void scoreCalculation(Gene cluster, String contigName, boolean befOpti){
+		double exonLength = 0;
+		// first determine exonlength
+		cluster.exonsOfGene.clear();
+		cluster.exonLength = 0;
+		FindExonsOfGene.findExonsForGene(cluster); // TODO: also check if exons are there!
+		OptimizeAmbis.sumUpExonLengths(cluster, cluster.exonsOfGene);
+		exonLength = cluster.exonLength;
+		if(exonLength <= 0){
+			System.err.println("Exon length <= 0 for gene " + cluster.geneID);
+		}
+		double scoreRnaPart = 0.0;
+		cluster.numOfMultis = 0;
+		for(String rnaKey : cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet()){
+			Rna rna = ((Rna) cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rnaKey)[0]);
+			double uniqueFactor = 1.0;
+			if(rna.isMulti != 0 || rna.isSharedBy.size() > 0){
+				uniqueFactor = (1.0)/(rna.hitNum);
+				if(rna.isMulti == 1){
+					cluster.numOfMultis++;
+					if(GeneFinder.iteration == 1 && !befOpti){
+						prepareRnasForIteration(rna, cluster,contigName);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			scoreRnaPart += (rna.quality * GeneFinder.readLength * uniqueFactor);  // * mapQual was excluded, because multi hits might have always mapQual = 0
+		}
+		cluster.score = (double) ((scoreRnaPart/(double)exonLength));
+		if(cluster.score > 0 && cluster.score < minScoreClust){
+			minScoreClust = cluster.score;
+		}
+		if(cluster.score > maxScoreClust ){
+			maxScoreClust = cluster.score;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * calculate score for alternative isoforms, depending on their supporting reads (as fraction of all reads supporting this gene)
+	 * note: will be called during output writing 
+	 * Careful: its necessary to make sure that this method is only called for non-fake splice keys!!
+	 */
+	public static double calculateIsoformScore(Gene cluster, int spliceKey, int positionInVector){
+		double score = ((double)((Vector<Vector<Rna>>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceKey)[2]).get(positionInVector).size()  * 1000.0)/((double) cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet().size());  // multiply with 1000 to avoid too small numbers
+		return score;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * to initialize iteration
+	 */
+	public static void prepareRnasForIteration(Rna rna, Gene gene, String contigName){
+		Contig thisContig = GeneFinder.mappedContigs.get(contigName);
+		rna.isSharedBy.clear();
+		if(rna.contigsMappedOn.size() > 1){
+			Object[] minInfo = {Integer.MAX_VALUE,""};
+			for(int pos = rna.contigsMappedOn.size() -1;pos>=0;pos--){
+				Object[] info = rna.contigsMappedOn.get(pos);
+				if(!(((Integer) info[1] > gene.startPos)  && ((Integer) info[1] < gene.stopPos) && (((Contig) info[0]).equals(thisContig)))){
+					rna.contigsMappedOn.removeElementAt(pos);
+				}else{
+					if(((Integer)minInfo[0]).intValue() > (Integer) info[1]){
+						String rnaInfo = "";					
+						rnaInfo += rna.rnaID + "\t0\t"+ contigName + "\t" + ((Integer)info[1]) + "\t0\t" + ((String)info[2]) + "\t*\t*\t*\t*\t*\tNH:i:1\n"; 
+						minInfo[0] = ((Integer) info[1]).intValue();
+						minInfo[1] = rnaInfo;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			WriteOutput.writeToOtherFile(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/reassignedReads.sam",(String)minInfo[1]);
+		}else if(rna.contigsMappedOn.size() == 1){
+			String rnaInfo = "";
+			Object[] info = rna.contigsMappedOn.get(0);
+			rnaInfo += rna.rnaID + "\t0\t"+ contigName + "\t" + ((Integer)info[1]) + "\t0\t" + ((String)info[2]) + "\t*\t*\t*\t*\t*\tNH:i:1\n"; 
+			WriteOutput.writeToOtherFile(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/reassignedReads.sam",rnaInfo);
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/CleanAfterAmbiOpti.java b/src/geneFinder/CleanAfterAmbiOpti.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..639babc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/CleanAfterAmbiOpti.java
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.FileReader;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import types.Gene;
+import types.Rna;
+ * after the optimization, assign ambiguous reads to their final position + erase all genes and isoforms not any longer supported by reads
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ */
+public class CleanAfterAmbiOpti {
+	/*
+	 * method that parses the solution file of cplex
+	 */
+	public static void parse_solution_and_clean_CPLEX(Map<String,Object[]> multiRnas, int fVar_counter){
+		long timeBefClean = System.currentTimeMillis();
+		Gene currentCluster = null;	// to avoid searching for a candidate that we already found
+		int processedNum = 0;    // for progress reporting
+		String rnaKey = "";		// Initialization to avoid long run times
+		int countRna = 0;
+		Iterator<String> it =  multiRnas.keySet().iterator();
+		if(it.hasNext()){
+			rnaKey = it.next();
+		}
+		int counterVars = 0;
+		try{
+			BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/solutionCPLEX_it" + GeneFinder.iteration + ".sol"));
+			System.out.println("Parsing solution of cplex and clean ambiguous reads... ");
+			System.out.print("Processed: ");
+			String line = "";
+			while((line = br.readLine()) != null){    // go through file until we reach the part where we find the variables
+				if(line.contains("<variables>")){
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			while(((line = br.readLine()) != null) && (!line.contains("</variables>"))){  // make sure to stop when variable part is over
+				String[] lineSplit1 = line.split(" ");   // position 1 contains name, 3 contains value
+				counterVars++;
+				if(counterVars > fVar_counter){
+					String[] valueSplit = lineSplit1[5].split("\"");  // to extract the value		
+					int score = 0;					
+					if(!(valueSplit[1].equals("0") || valueSplit[1].equals("1"))){  // sometimes cplex does not round
+						double sol = Double.parseDouble(valueSplit[1]);
+						if(sol<=0.5){	// if 2 variables are both 0.5, then we cannot take both! so remove both because no real support!
+							score = 0;
+						}else{
+							score = 1;
+						}
+					}else{
+						score = Integer.parseInt(valueSplit[1]);  // directly grab the score, without rounding
+					}
+					// now search for the right gene using the list of genes associated to each ambiguous read (more complicated than storing a map, but also more memory efficient)
+					if(countRna == (((Vector<Gene>) multiRnas.get(rnaKey)[1]).size())){
+						if(it.hasNext()){
+							rnaKey = it.next();
+							countRna = 0;
+						}else{
+							System.out.println("crash at: " + line);
+							System.out.println("fCount: " + fVar_counter);
+							System.out.println("var Count: " + counterVars);
+						}
+					}
+					if(score == 0){	// read was assigned elsewhere, so delete it from the candidate of this variable
+						// get variable name by search in binaryVars
+						if(currentCluster == null){	// to avoid exceptions in searchAndErase fkt.
+							currentCluster = ((Vector<Gene>) multiRnas.get(rnaKey)[1]).get(0);
+						}
+						currentCluster = searchAndErase_CPLEX(multiRnas, rnaKey, currentCluster, countRna);	// performs the deleting task
+						if(currentCluster == null){
+							break;	// this means we did not find the candidate, so something is wrong
+						}
+					}
+					countRna++;
+					processedNum++;
+					if(processedNum % 100000 == 0){
+						System.out.print(processedNum + "; ");
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			br.close();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			System.out.println("Create solution file:");
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+		// log messages
+		System.out.println(processedNum + ".");
+		System.out.println("Done.");
+		long timeAfterClean = System.currentTimeMillis();
+		System.out.println("Time needed to parse solution and to clean up after ambiguous reads assignment: "+(double) (timeAfterClean-timeBefClean)/1000.0 +"s.");
+		WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Time needed to parse solution and to clean up after ambiguous reads assignment: "+(double) (timeAfterClean-timeBefClean)/1000.0 +"s.");
+		Runtime r=Runtime.getRuntime();
+		r.gc();
+		r.gc();	// to keep the memory requirements down as much as possible
+	}
+	/*
+	 * method that parses the solution file of glpk
+	 */
+	public static void parse_solution_and_clean_GLPK(Map<String,Object[]> multiRnas){
+		long timeBefClean = System.currentTimeMillis();
+		Gene currentCluster = null;	// to avoid searching twice for the same candidate
+		int processedNum = 0;   // for progress reporting
+		try{
+			BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/solutionGLPK_out_it" + GeneFinder.iteration + ".out"));
+			System.out.println("Parsing solution of glpk and clean ambiguous reads... ");
+			System.out.print("Processed: ");
+			String line = "";
+			while((line = br.readLine()) != null){			// proceed through file until we reach the variable part
+				if(line.contains("x__") && !line.contains("__f")){
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			while((line != null) && line.contains("x__")){
+				String[] lineSplit1 = line.split(" ");   // position 1 contains name, value is contained in next line
+				if(line.contains("x__") && (!line.contains("__f"))){
+					// we arrived at a "real" ambiguous read constraint				
+					line = br.readLine();
+					int score = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(line.indexOf("*")+1,line.indexOf("*")+20).trim());   // the first integer after the "*" is the score we need
+					// now search for the right gene using the list of genes associated to each ambiguous read (more complicated than storing a map, but also more memory efficient)
+					if(score == 0){	// read was assigned elsewhere, so delete it from the candidate of this variable
+						String[] nameSep = lineSplit1[lineSplit1.length-1].split("__");
+						String varName_read = "x__"+nameSep[1];
+						if(currentCluster == null){	// are there any exceptions possible?
+							currentCluster = ((Vector<Gene>) multiRnas.get(varName_read)[1]).get(0);
+						}
+						int idGene = Integer.parseInt(nameSep[2]);
+						currentCluster = searchAndErase(multiRnas, varName_read, idGene, currentCluster);  // performs the deleting task
+						if(currentCluster == null){
+							break;	// this means we did not find the candidate, so something is wrong
+						}
+					}
+					processedNum++;
+					if(processedNum % 50000 == 0){
+						System.out.print(processedNum + "; ");
+						Runtime r=Runtime.getRuntime();
+						r.gc();
+						r.gc();	// to keep the memory requirements down as much as possible
+					}
+				}
+				line = br.readLine();
+			}
+			br.close();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			System.out.println("Create solution file:");
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+		// log messages:
+		System.out.println(processedNum + ".");
+		System.out.println("Done.");
+		long timeAfterClean = System.currentTimeMillis();
+		Runtime r=Runtime.getRuntime();
+		r.gc();
+		r.gc();	// to keep the memory requirements down as much as possible
+		System.out.println("Time needed to parse solution and to clean up after ambiguous reads assignment: "+(double) (timeAfterClean-timeBefClean)/1000.0 +"s.");
+		WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Time needed to parse solution and to clean up after ambiguous reads assignment: "+(double) (timeAfterClean-timeBefClean)/1000.0 +"s.");
+	}
+	/*
+	 * search the gene this variable is assigned to and erase the rna from all lists
+	 */
+	public static Gene searchAndErase(Map<String,Object[]> multiRnas, String varName_read, int idGene, Gene currentCluster){
+		if(idGene != currentCluster.geneID){  // otherwise we do not need the time consuming search
+			// search for the next node
+			currentCluster = null;
+			for(Gene cluster : ((Vector<Gene>) multiRnas.get(varName_read)[1])){
+				if(cluster.geneID == idGene){
+					currentCluster = cluster;
+					if(cluster.twinNode != null){	// the removal leads to a speed up, because we do not need to look at one candidate more than once (per read)
+						((Vector<Gene>) multiRnas.get(varName_read)[1]).add(cluster.twinNode);
+						((Vector<Gene>) multiRnas.get(varName_read)[1]).removeElement(cluster);
+					}else{
+						((Vector<Gene>) multiRnas.get(varName_read)[1]).removeElement(cluster);
+					}
+					break;
+				}else if((cluster.twinNode != null) && (cluster.twinNode.geneID == (idGene))){    // if the candidate does not have the correct id, than maybe its twin
+					currentCluster = cluster.twinNode;								
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(currentCluster == null){
+			System.out.println("Did not find the node!");   // This would mean that something is wrong
+			return null;
+		}
+		// this read must be deleted from the list of associated reads of this candidate
+		if(currentCluster.idTOassociatedRnas.containsKey(varName_read.substring(3))){  // first remove from candidate
+			Rna rna = ((Rna) currentCluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(varName_read.substring(3))[0]);  // grab the necessary information from map
+			int[] spliceSupport = ((int[]) currentCluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(varName_read.substring(3))[1]);
+			int fussyExonSupport = ((Integer) currentCluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(varName_read.substring(3))[2]);
+			if(spliceSupport[0] != -1 && (currentCluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSupport[0])[0] != null)){ // check if this was a read supporting a split
+				// remove this rna from split, first find the right one
+				for(int pos = 0; pos < ((Vector<int[]>)currentCluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSupport[0])[1]).size();++pos){
+					if(((Vector<int[]>)currentCluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSupport[0])[0]).get(pos)[1] == spliceSupport[1]){
+						// found intron, so erase rna and break;
+						((Vector<Vector<Rna>>)currentCluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSupport[0])[1]).get(pos).removeElement(rna);
+						// now check if intron has not enough support left, if yes, then mark as to-be-erased intron
+						if(((Vector<Vector<Rna>>)currentCluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSupport[0])[1]).get(pos).size() == 0){
+							// mark intron as intron to be erased, note that exons are only erased if no other support
+							currentCluster.eraseIntrons_temp.add(((Vector<int[]>)currentCluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSupport[0])[0]).get(pos));
+						}
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(fussyExonSupport != -1 && currentCluster.possibleFussyExons.containsKey(fussyExonSupport)){  // also erase read from fussyExon support list
+				currentCluster.possibleFussyExons.get(fussyExonSupport).removeElement(rna);
+				if(currentCluster.possibleFussyExons.get(fussyExonSupport).size() == 0){
+					// erase and also update in possibleIntrons
+					currentCluster.possibleFussyExons.remove(fussyExonSupport);
+					if(currentCluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(fussyExonSupport)){
+						currentCluster.possibleIntrons.get(fussyExonSupport)[2] = -1;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			currentCluster.idTOassociatedRnas.remove(varName_read.substring(3));
+		}else{
+			System.out.println("Did not find the read "+ varName_read.substring(3) + " in the candidate " + currentCluster.geneID + "!");
+		}
+		return currentCluster;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * search the gene this variable is assigned to and erase the rna from all lists
+	 */
+	public static Gene searchAndErase_CPLEX(Map<String,Object[]> multiRnas, String varName_read, Gene currentCluster, int posInVec){
+		currentCluster = ((Vector<Gene>) multiRnas.get(varName_read)[1]).get(posInVec);
+		// this read must be deleted from the list of associated reads of this candidate
+		if(currentCluster.idTOassociatedRnas.containsKey(varName_read.substring(3))){  // first remove from candidate
+			Rna rna = ((Rna) currentCluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(varName_read.substring(3))[0]);  // grab the necessary information from map
+			int[] spliceSupport = ((int[]) currentCluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(varName_read.substring(3))[1]);
+			int fussyExonSupport = ((Integer) currentCluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(varName_read.substring(3))[2]);
+			if(spliceSupport[0] != -1 && (currentCluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSupport[0])[0] != null)){ // check if this was a read supporting a split
+				// remove this rna from split, first find the right one
+				for(int pos = 0; pos < ((Vector<int[]>)currentCluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSupport[0])[1]).size();++pos){
+					if(((Vector<int[]>)currentCluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSupport[0])[0]).get(pos)[1] == spliceSupport[1]){
+						// found intron, so erase rna and break;
+						((Vector<Vector<Rna>>)currentCluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSupport[0])[1]).get(pos).removeElement(rna);
+						// now check if intron has not enough support left, if yes, then mark as to-be-erased intron
+						if(((Vector<Vector<Rna>>)currentCluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSupport[0])[1]).get(pos).size() == 0){
+							// mark intron as intron to be erased, note that exons are only erased if no other support
+							currentCluster.eraseIntrons_temp.add(((Vector<int[]>)currentCluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSupport[0])[0]).get(pos));
+						}
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(fussyExonSupport != -1 && currentCluster.possibleFussyExons.containsKey(fussyExonSupport)){  // also erase read from fussyExon support list
+				currentCluster.possibleFussyExons.get(fussyExonSupport).removeElement(rna);
+				if(currentCluster.possibleFussyExons.get(fussyExonSupport).size() == 0){
+					// erase and also update in possibleIntrons
+					currentCluster.possibleFussyExons.remove(fussyExonSupport);
+					if(currentCluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(fussyExonSupport)){
+						currentCluster.possibleIntrons.get(fussyExonSupport)[2] = -1;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			currentCluster.idTOassociatedRnas.remove(varName_read.substring(3));
+		}else{
+			System.out.println("Did not find the read "+ varName_read.substring(3) + " in the candidate " + currentCluster.geneID + "!");
+		}
+		return currentCluster;
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/DefineAlternativeTranscripts.java b/src/geneFinder/DefineAlternativeTranscripts.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0c8fd6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/DefineAlternativeTranscripts.java
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import java.util.*;
+import types.*;
+ * as a final step, define alternative transcripts for all genes with contradicting splicing events
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+public class DefineAlternativeTranscripts {
+	/*
+	 * go through all splice  sites, if a site has more than one intron or is fuzzy, then create a new transcript, defined by the intron
+	 */
+	public static boolean searchForTranscripts(Gene gene){
+		boolean onlyTranscriptStarts = true;
+		for(int split : gene.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if((gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0] != null) && ((Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0]).size() > 1){
+				if(firstTestIfEraseIntron(gene, split) > 1){
+					for(int i = 0; i<((Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0]).size(); ++i){						
+						int[] intron = ((Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0]).get(i);
+						if(!findSuitableTranscriptPartner(gene, intron)){
+							Vector<int[]> correspondingPartner = new Vector<int[]>();
+							correspondingPartner.add(intron);						
+							gene.alternativeTranscripts.add(new Object[] {gene.startPos, gene.startPos, gene.startPos, gene.startPos, gene.startPos, correspondingPartner});
+							onlyTranscriptStarts = false;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return onlyTranscriptStarts;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * before different transcripts are assigned, check if there are indeed more than 1 left
+	 */
+	public static int firstTestIfEraseIntron(Gene gene, int split){
+		for(int i = ((Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0]).size() - 1; i >= 0; i--){
+			int[] intron = ((Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0]).get(i);
+			if(gene.eraseIntrons_temp.contains(intron)){		
+				FindExonsOfGene.searchCorrespondingExons(gene, intron);
+				((Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0]).removeElementAt(i);
+				((Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[1]).removeElementAt(i);
+			}
+		}
+		return ((Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0]).size();
+	}
+	/*
+	 * we have an alternative splicing event, so now check whether we can assign it to an existing transcript
+	 */
+	public static boolean findSuitableTranscriptPartner(Gene gene, int[] intron){
+		for(int posi = 0; posi < gene.alternativeTranscripts.size(); ++posi){
+			Object[] transcriptPartner = gene.alternativeTranscripts.get(posi);
+			if((((Integer) transcriptPartner[0]).intValue() < intron[0]) && (((Integer) transcriptPartner[1]).intValue() < intron[0])){
+				boolean suitable = true;
+				if(transcriptPartner.length >= 6){
+					if((((Integer) transcriptPartner[4]).intValue() == -1) || ((transcriptPartner.length == 7) && (((Integer) transcriptPartner[6]).intValue() != 0))){  // because at the moment these ones are erased anyway or are indicating isoform ends
+						suitable = false;
+						break;
+					}else{
+						for(int[] partner : ( (Vector<int[]>) transcriptPartner[5])){
+							if(!((partner[0] < intron[0]) && (partner[1] < intron[0]))){
+								suitable = false;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(suitable){
+					if(transcriptPartner.length >= 6){
+						((Vector<int[]>) transcriptPartner[5]).add(intron);
+					}else{
+						Vector<int[]> partner_temp = new Vector<int[]>();
+						partner_temp.add(intron);		
+						if(transcriptPartner.length >= 5){
+							gene.alternativeTranscripts.setElementAt(new Object[] {transcriptPartner[0], transcriptPartner[1], transcriptPartner[2], transcriptPartner[3], transcriptPartner[4], partner_temp},posi);
+						}else{
+							gene.alternativeTranscripts.setElementAt(new Object[] {transcriptPartner[0], transcriptPartner[1], transcriptPartner[2], transcriptPartner[3], transcriptPartner[0], partner_temp},posi);
+						}
+					}
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * during output writing, it is important which exon has to be assigned to which transcript
+	 */
+	public static Object[] assignExonsToTranscripts(Gene gene, Object[] altTranscript){
+		Vector<int[]> exons = new Vector<int[]>();
+		int maxExonEnd = -1;
+		int minExonStart = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		if(((Integer) altTranscript[0]).intValue() == ((Integer) altTranscript[1]).intValue()){
+			if(gene.onRevStrand && (((Integer) altTranscript[3]).intValue() != -1)){
+				minExonStart = (Integer) altTranscript[3];
+			}else if(!gene.onRevStrand && (((Integer)altTranscript[2]).intValue() != -1)){
+				minExonStart = (Integer) altTranscript[2];
+			}else if(((Integer) altTranscript[2] == -1) && (((Integer)altTranscript[3]).intValue() == -1)){
+				minExonStart = (Integer) altTranscript[0];
+			}else{
+				minExonStart = Math.max(((Integer) altTranscript[2]).intValue(),((Integer) altTranscript[3]).intValue());
+			}
+			int intronEndForFirstExon = -1;
+			boolean goOn = true;
+			if(altTranscript.length == 6){
+				intronEndForFirstExon = ((Integer) altTranscript[4]).intValue();
+			}else if(altTranscript.length == 7){
+				int valueSeven = ((Integer) altTranscript[6]);
+				if(valueSeven == Integer.MAX_VALUE){
+					maxExonEnd = ((Integer) altTranscript[4]).intValue() + GeneFinder.readLength;
+					int[] newExon = {minExonStart,maxExonEnd};
+					exons.add(newExon);
+					goOn = false;
+				}
+			}
+			if(goOn){
+				boolean foundFirstExon = false;
+				for(int[] exon : gene.exonsOfGene){
+					if(exon[0] >= ((Integer)altTranscript[0]).intValue()){
+						// is not contained in intron, so its part of this transcript
+						if(checkCorrespondingPartner(altTranscript,exon)){
+							if(exon[0] == intronEndForFirstExon){
+								foundFirstExon = true;
+								int startNew = (Integer)altTranscript[0];
+								if(startNew != minExonStart){
+									startNew = minExonStart;
+								}
+								int[] newExon = {startNew,exon[1]};
+								if(FindExonsOfGene.checkIfExonIsContained(exons, newExon) == 0){
+									exons.add(newExon);
+									altTranscript = addExonAsFakeTranscriptPartner(altTranscript,newExon);
+								}
+								if(maxExonEnd < exon[1]){
+									maxExonEnd = exon[1];
+								}
+							}else{
+								if(FindExonsOfGene.checkIfExonIsContained(exons, exon) == 0){
+									exons.add(exon);
+									altTranscript = addExonAsFakeTranscriptPartner(altTranscript,exon);
+								}
+								if(maxExonEnd < exon[1]){
+									maxExonEnd = exon[1];
+								}
+							}		
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(!foundFirstExon && altTranscript.length >= 6 && intronEndForFirstExon != -1){
+					int startNew = (Integer)altTranscript[0];
+					if(startNew != minExonStart){
+						startNew = minExonStart;
+					}
+					int[] newExon = {startNew,intronEndForFirstExon};
+					if(FindExonsOfGene.checkIfExonIsContained(exons, newExon) == 0){
+						exons.add(newExon);	
+						altTranscript = addExonAsFakeTranscriptPartner(altTranscript,newExon);
+					}
+					if(maxExonEnd <intronEndForFirstExon){
+						maxExonEnd = intronEndForFirstExon;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}else{
+			boolean exonAfterEnd = false;
+			boolean haveIsoformEndFussy = false;
+			if(altTranscript.length == 7){
+				// this is a transcript because of a fussy exon, so treat first two positions not as an intron
+				exons.add(new int[] {(Integer)altTranscript[0],((Integer)altTranscript[1])+1});
+				if(maxExonEnd < (((Integer)altTranscript[1])+1)){
+					maxExonEnd = ((Integer)altTranscript[1])+1;
+				}
+				if(minExonStart > ((Integer)altTranscript[0])){
+					minExonStart = (Integer)altTranscript[0];
+				}
+				int endIso = (Integer) altTranscript[6];
+				if(endIso == 1){
+					haveIsoformEndFussy = true;
+				}
+			}
+			for(int[] exon : gene.exonsOfGene){
+				if(((exon[0] < ((Integer)altTranscript[0]).intValue()) && (exon[1] <= ((Integer)altTranscript[0]).intValue())) || (exon[0] >= ((Integer)altTranscript[1]).intValue() && exon[1] > ((Integer)altTranscript[1]).intValue())){
+					// is not contained in intron, so its part of this transcript
+					if((haveIsoformEndFussy && ((exon[0] >= ((Integer)altTranscript[1]).intValue() && exon[1] > ((Integer)altTranscript[1]).intValue())))){
+						exonAfterEnd = true;
+					}else{
+						if(checkCorrespondingPartner(altTranscript,exon)){
+							if(FindExonsOfGene.checkIfExonIsContained(exons, exon) == 0){
+								exons.add(exon);
+								altTranscript = addExonAsFakeTranscriptPartner(altTranscript,exon);
+							}
+							if(maxExonEnd < exon[1]){
+								maxExonEnd = exon[1];
+							}
+							if(minExonStart > exon[0]){
+								minExonStart = exon[0];
+							}
+						}		
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(haveIsoformEndFussy && !exonAfterEnd){
+				//the last exon has to assigned stopPos of gene
+				int[] thisExon = {(Integer)altTranscript[0],((Integer)altTranscript[1])+1};
+				for(int[] exonTmp : exons){
+					if((thisExon[0] == exonTmp[0]) && (thisExon[1] == exonTmp[1])){
+						exons.removeElement(exonTmp);
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				exons.add(new int[] {(Integer)altTranscript[0],gene.stopPos+1});
+				maxExonEnd = gene.stopPos+1;
+			}
+			if((Integer) altTranscript[1] == Integer.MAX_VALUE){
+				// this is a transcript end
+				int start = (Integer)altTranscript[4];
+				if(start == Integer.MIN_VALUE){
+					start = gene.startPos;
+					minExonStart = start;
+				}else if(start < minExonStart){
+					minExonStart = start;
+				}
+				exons.add(new int[] {start,((Integer)altTranscript[0])});
+				maxExonEnd = ((Integer)altTranscript[0]);
+			}
+		}
+		return new Object[] {exons,minExonStart,maxExonEnd};
+	}
+	/*
+	 * the exon looks as if it can be assigned to the transcript, but check the corresponding partner alternatives first
+	 */
+	public static boolean checkCorrespondingPartner(Object[] transcriptAlt, int[] exon){
+		if(transcriptAlt.length >= 6){
+			for(int[] intron : ((Vector<int[]>)transcriptAlt[5])){
+				if(!(((exon[1] <= intron[0]) || ((exon[1] > intron[1]) && (exon[0] >= intron[1]))) || ((exon[0] >= intron[1]) || ((exon[0] < intron[0]) && (exon[1] <= intron[0]))))){			
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * when you add an exon, than make sure that no overlapping exon can be assigned to this transcript by adding it as a fake "transcript" partner
+	 */
+	public static Object[] addExonAsFakeTranscriptPartner(Object[] transcriptAlt, int[] exon){
+		if(transcriptAlt.length >= 6){
+			((Vector<int[]>) transcriptAlt[5]).add(exon);
+		}else{
+			Vector<int[]> partner_temp = new Vector<int[]>();
+			partner_temp.add(exon);		
+			if(transcriptAlt.length >= 5){
+				transcriptAlt = new Object[] {transcriptAlt[0], transcriptAlt[1], transcriptAlt[2], transcriptAlt[3], transcriptAlt[4], partner_temp};
+			}else{
+				transcriptAlt = new Object[] {transcriptAlt[0], transcriptAlt[1], transcriptAlt[2], transcriptAlt[3], transcriptAlt[0], partner_temp};
+			}
+		}
+		return transcriptAlt;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * during final gene candidate extraction, check if there are alternative transcripts that are outside the extraction gene
+	 * (might happen due to non supported large introns, where we first start a  new transcript but later define the end to be the last position of the "normal" transcript)
+	 */
+	public static void finalIni_alternativeStartsCheck(Gene gene){
+		if(gene.alternativeTranscripts.size() > 0){
+			for(int posi = gene.alternativeTranscripts.size()-1; posi >= 0; posi--){
+				Object[] altTrans = gene.alternativeTranscripts.get(posi);
+				if(((Integer)altTrans[0]) > gene.stopPos){
+					gene.alternativeTranscripts.removeElementAt(posi);
+				}else if((altTrans.length < 6) || ((altTrans.length >= 6) && (((Integer)altTrans[4]).intValue() == -1))){
+					gene.alternativeTranscripts.removeElementAt(posi);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * final check if by chance we included to identical transcripts
+	 */
+	public static void eraseEqualTranscripts(Gene gene){
+		Vector<Integer> similarTranscripts = new Vector<Integer>();
+		for(int i = 0;i<gene.alternativeTranscripts.size()-1;++i){
+			Object[] alt_i = gene.alternativeTranscripts.get(i);
+			Vector<Integer> similarTranscripts_i = new Vector<Integer>();
+			for(int j = i+1;j<gene.alternativeTranscripts.size();++j){
+				Object[] alt_j = gene.alternativeTranscripts.get(j);
+				int numSame = 0;
+				if(alt_i.length == alt_j.length){
+					for(int pos = 0; pos<alt_i.length;++pos){
+						if(pos != 5){
+							if(((Integer)alt_i[pos]).intValue() == ((Integer)alt_j[pos]).intValue()){
+								numSame++;
+							}
+						}else{
+							int samePartner = 0;
+							for(int[] exon : ((Vector<int[]>) alt_i[pos])){
+								for(int[] exon_j : ((Vector<int[]>) alt_j[pos])){
+									if((exon[0] == exon_j[0]) && (exon[1] == exon_j[1])){
+										samePartner++;
+										break;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							if((samePartner == ((Vector<int[]>) alt_i[pos]).size()) && (samePartner == ((Vector<int[]>) alt_j[pos]).size())){
+								numSame++;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if((alt_i.length == alt_j.length) && (numSame == alt_i.length )){
+					similarTranscripts_i.add(j);
+				}
+			}
+			if(!similarTranscripts_i.isEmpty()){
+				for(int posSim : similarTranscripts_i){
+					if(!similarTranscripts.contains(posSim)){
+						similarTranscripts.add(posSim);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(!similarTranscripts.isEmpty()){
+			for(int i = gene.alternativeTranscripts.size()-1;i >= 0;i--){
+				if(similarTranscripts.contains(i)){
+					gene.alternativeTranscripts.removeElementAt(i);
+					System.out.println("Removed twin transcript! Gene: " + gene.geneID);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/ExtractGeneCandidates.java b/src/geneFinder/ExtractGeneCandidates.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a663c7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/ExtractGeneCandidates.java
@@ -0,0 +1,2641 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.FileReader;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import types.*;
+ * extracts high-coverage clusters as potential genes, includes alternative splicing
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ */
+public class ExtractGeneCandidates {
+    // variables for log file
+	public static int numMergedClusters;
+	public static int numFoundNoStart_firstTime;
+	public static int numFoundNoStop_firstTime;
+	public static int numNoFrameFound;
+	/*
+	 * method to analyze the mapping -> extract clusters of high coverage and assign start and stop codons 
+	 */
+	public int initializeClusterSearch(String nameRefFile){
+		File refFile;
+		if(GeneFinder.useTopHat){
+			refFile = new File(nameRefFile+".fa");
+		}else{
+			refFile = new File(nameRefFile+".fasta");
+		}
+		int id = 1;
+		for(String contigName : GeneFinder.mappedContigs.keySet()){
+			Contig thisContig = GeneFinder.mappedContigs.get(contigName);
+			StringBuffer contigSeq = new StringBuffer();
+			try{ 
+				BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(refFile));
+				String line;
+				while((line = br.readLine()) != null){
+					if(line.startsWith(">")){
+						// test if correct contig
+						if(line.substring(1).startsWith(contigName)){
+							// found right one, now extract sequence
+							while(((line = br.readLine()) != null) && (line.length() != 0) &&  (!(line.startsWith(">")))){
+								String line2 = "";
+								if(Character.isLowerCase(line.charAt(0))){
+									for(int i = 0;i<line.length();i++){
+										char letter = line.charAt(i);
+										letter = Character.toUpperCase(letter);
+										line2 += letter;
+									}
+								}else{
+									line2 = line;
+								}
+								contigSeq.append(line2);
+							}
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(contigSeq.length() == 0){
+					// oops, did not found contig
+					System.out.println("Error, could not find contig " + contigName);
+					System.exit(0);
+				}
+				// now that we have the sequence, search for areas with high coverage
+				Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
+				id = searchClusters(thisContig, id, contigSeq);
+				double memBef_2 = (r.totalMemory()-r.freeMemory());
+				thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.clear();
+				thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas = new TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Rna>>();
+				thisContig.splicePositions.clear();
+				thisContig.splicePositions =  new TreeMap<Integer,Integer>();
+				thisContig.positionTOdiff.clear();
+				thisContig.positionTOdiff = new TreeMap<Integer,Integer>();
+				contigSeq = null;
+				r.gc();
+				r.gc();
+				double memAft_2 = (r.totalMemory()-r.freeMemory());
+				if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+					System.out.println("Memory freed = " + (((memBef_2-memAft_2)/1000.0)/1000.0) + "MB");
+					System.out.println();
+				}
+			} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+				e.printStackTrace();
+			}  catch (IOException e) {
+				e.printStackTrace();
+			}
+		}
+		return id;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * searches potential genes on forward and reverse strand, extracts the specific regions respecting reading frame (if possible)
+	 */
+	public int searchClusters(Contig thisContig, int id, StringBuffer contigSeq){
+		if(GeneFinder.noAmbiOpti){
+			HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.removeAmbiHits(thisContig);
+		}
+		Iterator<Integer> positionIt = thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.keySet().iterator();
+		if(GeneFinder.iteration == 2 && !GeneFinder.secondPart){
+			System.out.print("Iteration 2. ");
+			WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Iteration 2. ");
+		}
+		if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+			System.out.println("Contig: = " + thisContig.contigName);
+			WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Contig: = " + thisContig.contigName + "\n\n");
+		}
+		int spliceKey = -1;                             // this is important to always know the next spliceSite without checking all rnas each time
+		if(!thisContig.splicePositions.isEmpty()){
+			spliceKey = thisContig.splicePositions.firstKey();
+		}
+		int startPos = 0;
+		int currentPos = 0;
+		int nextPos = 0;
+		// variables for log file
+		numMergedClusters = 0;
+		numFoundNoStart_firstTime = 0;
+		numFoundNoStop_firstTime = 0;
+		numNoFrameFound = 0;
+		if(positionIt.hasNext()){
+			currentPos = positionIt.next();
+			while((spliceKey != -1) && (currentPos > spliceKey) && (thisContig.splicePositions.higherKey(spliceKey) != null)){
+				spliceKey = thisContig.splicePositions.higherKey(spliceKey);   //update the key until it appears AFTER the current position
+			}
+		}
+		// initialize the coverage handling:
+		Object[] coverageVecAndPos = new Object[3];
+		Vector<Integer> coverageVec = new Vector<Integer>();   // vector is preferred over array because more flexible
+		// first the coverage is zero at all positions:
+		for(int arrPos=0;arrPos<GeneFinder.readLength;++arrPos){
+			coverageVec.add(0);
+		}
+		coverageVecAndPos[0] = coverageVec;
+		coverageVecAndPos[1] = currentPos;
+		coverageVecAndPos[2] = -1;
+		if(GeneFinder.spliceLim == -1){
+			GeneFinder.spliceLim = GeneFinder.minCoverage;
+		}
+		if(GeneFinder.endCoverage == -1){
+			GeneFinder.endCoverage = (1.0/3.0)*GeneFinder.minCoverage - 0.001; 
+			if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+				System.out.println("End coverage estimated from required minimum coverage: " + GeneFinder.endCoverage);
+				WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("End coverage estimated from required minimum coverage: " + GeneFinder.endCoverage + "\n\n");
+			}
+		}
+		if(GeneFinder.maxCov == -1){
+			GeneFinder.maxCov = Double.MAX_VALUE;  // so we always accept the coverage
+		}
+		boolean noMoreCluster = false;
+		boolean startedNewCluster = false;   // this boolean ensures that also the last cluster is completed once it has been started due to sufficient coverage (otherwise, if map is empty, cluster is not extracted)
+		boolean doNotCountTwice = false;	 // if true we do not perform the coverageVec update for the first current position (when starting a new cluster) because this has already been done with "nextPos"
+		int numIdentifiedClusters = 0;       // if = 1, this ends the while loop
+		Vector<Gene> temporaryGenes = new Vector<Gene>();   // contains all candidate genes that have been derived by regarding isoforms completely spanned by introns
+		Object[] proceedFromIsoStartStuff = new Object[2];  // 1: int , 2: reads
+		proceedFromIsoStartStuff[0] = -1;
+		proceedFromIsoStartStuff[1] = new Vector<Rna>();
+		do{
+			Gene cluster = new Gene();
+			coverageVecAndPos[2] = -1;
+			do{
+				startedNewCluster = false;
+				cluster.possibleIntrons.clear();
+				int currentCompete = -1;  // stores the current alternative interval, is only -1,-1 if no alternatives exist for current position
+				int currentCompeteStart = -1;  // defines the first split determining the currentCompete, necessary to not extract exons, that overlap with currentCompete region
+				Vector<Rna> rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit = new Vector<Rna>();  // contains all rnas that do not support any splits
+				int localExonEnd = -1;
+				int localSpliceSite = -1;
+				int searchTranscriptStart = -1;  // indicates whether a transcript starts within an intron
+				int inTranscriptMode = -1;		// indicates if we currently also respect a newly opened transcript
+				int inNormalTranscript = -1;	// indicates whether we closed a new transcript within an intron or with an overlap to the normal transcript
+				int endToPassForclosedGenes = -1;  // when we have to close a gene within a currentCompete interval, it is important to grab the last included position as the end
+				boolean chooseAlternativeEndInstead = false;
+				int acceptReads = 0;
+				Vector<Rna> isoformRnas = new Vector<Rna>();
+				boolean goToIni = false;
+				TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap = new TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>();  // for each intron, the coverage add after begin and end ist stored
+				int diff = 0;
+				int considerSpliceSiteForCovUpdate = -1;	// with alternative splicing, all positions after splice site would could twice, so take it into account
+				if(!doNotCountTwice){
+					if(!(spliceKey < 0) && ((currentPos+GeneFinder.readLength)-spliceKey >= 0) ){  // note,old: && (thisContig.splicePositions.get(spliceKey) >= GeneFinder.spliceLim)
+						// find splits associated with this site, only take introns into account that are supported by a sufficient number of reads		
+						double limit = 1; // formerly geneFinder.spliceLim					
+						Object[] returnObject = IntronExonSearch.findIntrons_RespectAlternative(cluster, thisContig, spliceKey, currentPos, currentCompete, posiCovMap,limit);
+						currentCompete = (Integer) returnObject[0];
+						if(currentCompete != -1){
+							if(spliceKey < currentCompete){
+								currentCompeteStart = spliceKey;
+							}	
+						}else{
+							currentCompeteStart = -1;
+						}
+						posiCovMap = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnObject[1];
+						rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit.addAll((Vector<Rna>) returnObject[2]);
+						if(thisContig.splicePositions.get(spliceKey) >= GeneFinder.spliceLim){
+							considerSpliceSiteForCovUpdate = spliceKey;
+						}else{
+							Vector<Integer> otherSpliceSites = ((Vector<Integer>) returnObject[3]);
+							if(!otherSpliceSites.isEmpty()){
+								int minSite = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+								for(int site : otherSpliceSites){
+									if(site < minSite){
+										minSite = site;
+									}
+								}
+								considerSpliceSiteForCovUpdate = minSite;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					int covPlus = thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(currentPos).size();
+					Object[] returnValues = updateCoverageInterval_respectAlternatives(thisContig,covPlus,currentPos,coverageVecAndPos,posiCovMap,considerSpliceSiteForCovUpdate);
+					coverageVecAndPos = (Object[]) returnValues[0];
+					posiCovMap = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnValues[1];
+					if(thisContig.positionTOdiff.keySet().contains(currentPos)){
+						diff = thisContig.positionTOdiff.get(currentPos); // if there occurred insertions or deletions before this positions add/subtract the difference
+					}
+				}else{
+					if(!(spliceKey < 0) && ((currentPos+GeneFinder.readLength)-spliceKey >= 0)){ // note: old :  && (thisContig.splicePositions.get(spliceKey) >= GeneFinder.spliceLim)
+						// we have a "valid" splice site within the next covered interval, so regard this in the update of the coverage vector			
+						double limit = 1;
+						Object[] returnObject = IntronExonSearch.findIntrons_RespectAlternative(cluster, thisContig, spliceKey, currentPos, currentCompete, posiCovMap,limit);
+						currentCompete = (Integer) returnObject[0];
+						if(currentCompete != -1){
+							if(spliceKey < currentCompete){
+								currentCompeteStart = spliceKey;
+							}								
+						}else{
+							currentCompeteStart = -1;
+						}
+						posiCovMap = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnObject[1];
+						rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit.addAll((Vector<Rna>) returnObject[2]);
+						if(thisContig.splicePositions.get(spliceKey) >= GeneFinder.spliceLim){
+							considerSpliceSiteForCovUpdate = spliceKey;
+						}else{
+							Vector<Integer> otherSpliceSites = ((Vector<Integer>) returnObject[3]);
+							if(!otherSpliceSites.isEmpty()){
+								int minSite = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+								for(int site : otherSpliceSites){
+									if(site < minSite){
+										minSite = site;
+									}
+								}
+								considerSpliceSiteForCovUpdate = minSite;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				int[] normalExonAndDifferenceToIt = {-1,-1,-1};   // if an alternative transcript start merges with the normal exon, make sure that the difference between alternative and transcript is < readLength, so remember diff here
+				boolean startWithGene = false;
+				if(((Integer)proceedFromIsoStartStuff[0]).intValue() != -1){
+					startWithGene = true;
+					goToIni = false;
+				}else if((((Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0]).get(0) + diff >= GeneFinder.minCoverage) && (((Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0]).get(0) + diff < GeneFinder.maxCov)){
+					startWithGene = true;
+				}
+				if(startWithGene){
+					double averageExonCov = 0; // is updated with every new read start and reflects the average coverage for the current exon
+					int currentExonLength = 0; // length from start of the currentExon until current position
+					int numReadsExon = 0; 	   // reads mapping this exon (intron read-ending are handled differently - average of posiCovMap added) 
+					if(((Integer)proceedFromIsoStartStuff[0]).intValue() != -1){
+						startPos = ((Integer)proceedFromIsoStartStuff[0]).intValue();
+						HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(cluster,(Vector<Rna>)proceedFromIsoStartStuff[1]);
+						numReadsExon += ((Vector<Rna>)proceedFromIsoStartStuff[1]).size();
+						proceedFromIsoStartStuff[0] = -1;
+						((Vector<Rna>)proceedFromIsoStartStuff[1]).clear();
+					}else{
+						startPos = (Integer)coverageVecAndPos[2]; // potential start of a new cluster begins at currentPos - bases covered by already present rnas	
+						if((Integer)coverageVecAndPos[2] == -1){
+							startPos = currentPos;
+						}
+						int pos_temp = (Integer)coverageVecAndPos[2];
+						if((Integer)coverageVecAndPos[2] != -1){
+							do{							
+								HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(cluster,thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(pos_temp));
+								numReadsExon += thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(pos_temp).size();
+								if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.higherKey(pos_temp) != null){
+									pos_temp = thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.higherKey(pos_temp);
+								}else{
+									pos_temp = currentPos;
+								}
+							}while((pos_temp != currentPos) && !(pos_temp > currentPos));
+						}		
+					}
+					int posStartExon = startPos;
+					currentExonLength = (currentPos - startPos) + GeneFinder.readLength;
+					HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(cluster,thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(currentPos));
+					numReadsExon += thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(currentPos).size();
+					averageExonCov = (double)((double)(numReadsExon * GeneFinder.readLength)/(double)currentExonLength);
+					startedNewCluster = true;    
+					Gene fakeGene = new Gene(); // this is the pseudo gene used to account for different isoforms
+					while(positionIt.hasNext()){ 
+						nextPos = positionIt.next();
+						acceptReads = -1;
+						while(!(spliceKey < 0) && (nextPos > spliceKey)){
+							if((localExonEnd != -1) && (localSpliceSite != -1)){
+								// update fussy exon for last local splice site, take the split as the end
+								if(cluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(localSpliceSite)){
+									cluster.possibleIntrons.get(localSpliceSite)[2] = spliceKey;
+									cluster.possibleIntrons.get(localSpliceSite)[3] = 0;
+									localExonEnd = -1;
+								}else{
+									System.err.println("Splice site not included!");
+								}
+							}
+							double limit = GeneFinder.spliceLim;   // according to average exon coverage specify a threshold that has to be exceeded
+							int rivalNum = 0;   // number of competitors at this site (they "share" the overall coverage)
+							if(cluster.possibleFussyExons.containsKey(spliceKey)){
+								rivalNum++;
+							}
+							if((cluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(spliceKey)) && (cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceKey)[0] != null)){
+								int intronNum = ((Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceKey)[0]).size();
+								rivalNum += intronNum;
+							}
+							if(rivalNum > 0){
+								limit = ((double)(averageExonCov/(double)rivalNum))*0.1;
+							}
+							Object[] returnCheck = IntronExonSearch.checkIntronsAfterSpliceSiteSwitch(cluster,spliceKey,currentCompete, posiCovMap,nextPos,limit);
+							boolean spliceSiteNotContained = (Boolean) returnCheck[3];
+							if(!spliceSiteNotContained){
+								currentCompete = (Integer) returnCheck[0];  // if splice site not contained, this can mean that it was simply not above the limit or that it has been included in fake gene
+							}
+							posiCovMap = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnCheck[1];
+							boolean switchedFromFussyToExon = (Boolean) returnCheck[2];
+							if(currentCompete != -1){
+								if(!switchedFromFussyToExon && spliceKey < currentCompete && (currentPos > currentCompeteStart) && (thisContig.splicePositions.get(spliceKey) >= GeneFinder.spliceLim)){
+									currentCompeteStart = spliceKey;
+								}	
+							}else{
+								currentCompeteStart = -1;
+							}
+							if(!switchedFromFussyToExon && (rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit.size() != 0)){
+								Object[] returnVal = checkIfNonSplitRnasAreSufficient(cluster, rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit, spliceKey, currentPos,posiCovMap,limit);	
+								localExonEnd = (Integer) returnVal[0];
+								posiCovMap = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnVal[1];
+								localSpliceSite = (Integer) returnVal[2];  // is only set to local splice site if the non split rnas are kept
+							}else{  
+								localSpliceSite = -1;
+								localExonEnd = -1;
+							}
+							rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit.clear();
+							if((thisContig.splicePositions.higherKey(spliceKey) == null)){
+								spliceKey = -1;
+							}else{
+								spliceKey = thisContig.splicePositions.higherKey(spliceKey);
+							}
+							considerSpliceSiteForCovUpdate = -1;
+							if(inNormalTranscript != -1){
+								int[] intronEndFound = HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.checkIfNextPosMergesWithPreviousIsoform(cluster,nextPos,inNormalTranscript);
+								if((intronEndFound[0] != -1) && (intronEndFound[1] == 1)){
+									inNormalTranscript = -1;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						if(!(spliceKey < 0 ) && ((nextPos+GeneFinder.readLength)-spliceKey > 0)){ 
+							acceptReads = 1;  // indicates that we deal with a split, so make sure that all rnas are included in normal candidate if we proceed
+							if((inTranscriptMode != -1) || (searchTranscriptStart != -1) || (inNormalTranscript != -1)){
+								// test in general if we merged with normal transcript, if not, break
+								int[] intronEndFound = HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.checkIfNextPosMergesWithPreviousIsoform(cluster,nextPos,inTranscriptMode);
+								if(intronEndFound[0] == -1){
+									// check if split is leading to a normal exon
+									Vector<Integer> theseEnds = IntronExonSearch.findIntronEnds(spliceKey,nextPos,thisContig);
+								    acceptReads = -1; // if -1 we do not accept
+									for(int thisEnd : theseEnds){
+										int[] intronEndMerges = HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.checkIfIntronEndsInNormalTranscript(cluster,thisEnd,inTranscriptMode);
+										if(intronEndMerges[0] != -1){
+											acceptReads = 1;
+											break;
+										}
+									}
+									if(acceptReads == -1){
+										if(inTranscriptMode != -1){
+											// make sure that the fake gene gets a chance in next extraction
+											proceedFromIsoStartStuff[0] = inTranscriptMode;
+											((Vector<Rna>)proceedFromIsoStartStuff[1]).addAll(isoformRnas);
+											fakeGene = new Gene();
+											isoformRnas.clear();
+										}
+										// we do not want to proceed with this candidate, but rather close it at endToPassForClosedGenes
+										if(endToPassForclosedGenes != -1){
+											chooseAlternativeEndInstead = true;
+										}
+										goToIni = true;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							if(!goToIni){
+								// find splits associated with this site, only take introns into account that are supported by a sufficient number of reads		
+								Object[] returnObject = new Object[4];
+								double limit = 1;
+								returnObject = IntronExonSearch.findIntrons_RespectAlternative(cluster, thisContig, spliceKey, nextPos, currentCompete, posiCovMap,limit);
+								currentCompete = (Integer) returnObject[0];
+								rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit.addAll((Vector<Rna>) returnObject[2]);
+								if(currentCompete != -1){
+									if(spliceKey < currentCompete && (currentPos > currentCompeteStart)){
+										currentCompeteStart = spliceKey;
+									}							
+								}else{
+									currentCompeteStart = -1;
+								}
+								posiCovMap = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnObject[1];
+								if(thisContig.splicePositions.get(spliceKey) >= GeneFinder.spliceLim){
+									considerSpliceSiteForCovUpdate = spliceKey;
+								}else{
+									Vector<Integer> otherSpliceSites = ((Vector<Integer>) returnObject[3]);
+									if(!otherSpliceSites.isEmpty()){
+										int minSite = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+										for(int site : otherSpliceSites){
+											if(site < minSite){
+												minSite = site;
+											}
+										}
+										considerSpliceSiteForCovUpdate = minSite;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						int covPlusNext = thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(nextPos).size();
+						Object[] returnValues = updateCoverageInterval_respectAlternatives(thisContig,covPlusNext,nextPos,coverageVecAndPos,posiCovMap,considerSpliceSiteForCovUpdate);
+						coverageVecAndPos = (Object[]) returnValues[0];
+						posiCovMap = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnValues[1];
+						if(thisContig.positionTOdiff.keySet().contains(nextPos)){
+							diff = thisContig.positionTOdiff.get(nextPos); // if there occurred insertions or deletions before this positions add/subtract the difference
+						}else{
+							diff = 0;
+						}
+						if(!goToIni && ((nextPos - currentPos) <= (GeneFinder.readLength)) && (((Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0]).get(0) + diff > GeneFinder.endCoverage) && (((Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0]).get(0) + diff < GeneFinder.maxCov)){
+							if((inTranscriptMode != -1) || (searchTranscriptStart != -1)){
+								int[] intronEndFound = HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.checkIfNextPosExceedsIntronEnd(cluster,nextPos,inTranscriptMode);
+								if(searchTranscriptStart != -1){
+									if((intronEndFound[0] == -1) && (((Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0]).get(0) + diff >= GeneFinder.minCoverage)){
+										// start new isoform now
+										inTranscriptMode = searchTranscriptStart;
+										fakeGene = new Gene();								
+										fakeGene.startPos = searchTranscriptStart;
+										if(inNormalTranscript != -1){
+											if(searchTranscriptStart > inNormalTranscript){
+												inNormalTranscript = searchTranscriptStart;
+											}
+										}else{
+											inNormalTranscript = searchTranscriptStart;
+										}
+										searchTranscriptStart = -1;
+									}else if(intronEndFound[0]  != -1){
+										// already passed the "normal" transcript, so forget about alternative one
+										searchTranscriptStart = -1;
+										isoformRnas.clear();
+										fakeGene = new Gene();
+										if(intronEndFound[1] == 1){
+											inNormalTranscript = -1;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								if((inTranscriptMode != -1) && (intronEndFound[0]  != -1)){
+									if((normalExonAndDifferenceToIt[0] == intronEndFound[0]) && (normalExonAndDifferenceToIt[1] == -1)){
+										int[] transcriptStarts = FrameSearch.lookForStartOfIsoform(inTranscriptMode,contigSeq);
+										cluster.alternativeTranscripts.add(new Object[] {inTranscriptMode,inTranscriptMode, transcriptStarts[0],transcriptStarts[1]});
+										HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(cluster,isoformRnas);
+										isoformRnas.clear();
+										fakeGene = new Gene();
+										IntronExonSearch.replaceEntryInAltTransWithUpdatedOne_endTranscript(cluster, inTranscriptMode, currentPos, normalExonAndDifferenceToIt[2]);
+										normalExonAndDifferenceToIt[0] = -1;
+										normalExonAndDifferenceToIt[1] = -1;
+										normalExonAndDifferenceToIt[2] = -1;
+									}else{
+										// this time we do not need to extract a fake gene
+										int[] transcriptStarts = FrameSearch.lookForStartOfIsoform(inTranscriptMode,contigSeq);
+										cluster.alternativeTranscripts.add(new Object[] {inTranscriptMode,inTranscriptMode, transcriptStarts[0],transcriptStarts[1]});
+										HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(cluster,isoformRnas);
+										isoformRnas.clear();
+										fakeGene = new Gene();
+										IntronExonSearch.replaceEntryInAltTransWithUpdatedOne(cluster, inTranscriptMode, currentPos, intronEndFound[0],nextPos);
+									}
+									inTranscriptMode = -1;
+									searchTranscriptStart = -1;		
+									if(intronEndFound[1] == 1){
+										inNormalTranscript = -1;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							if(inNormalTranscript != -1){
+								int[] intronEndFound = HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.checkIfNextPosMergesWithPreviousIsoform(cluster,nextPos,inNormalTranscript);
+								if((intronEndFound[0] != -1) && (intronEndFound[1] == 1)){
+									inNormalTranscript = -1;
+									isoformRnas.clear();
+									fakeGene = new Gene();
+								}
+							}
+							if((searchTranscriptStart == -1) && (inTranscriptMode == -1) && (inNormalTranscript == -1)){
+								endToPassForclosedGenes = nextPos;
+							}
+							currentPos = nextPos;
+							if(currentPos >= currentCompete){
+								currentCompete = -1;
+								currentCompeteStart = -1;
+							}
+							if(((searchTranscriptStart != -1) || (inTranscriptMode != -1) || (inNormalTranscript != -1)) && (acceptReads != 1)){
+								isoformRnas.addAll(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(currentPos));
+							}else{
+								HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(cluster,thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(currentPos));
+							}					
+							currentExonLength = (currentPos - posStartExon) + GeneFinder.readLength;
+							numReadsExon += thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(currentPos).size();
+							averageExonCov = (double)((double)(numReadsExon * GeneFinder.readLength)/(double)currentExonLength);
+							if(localExonEnd != -1){
+								localExonEnd = currentPos + GeneFinder.readLength;
+							}
+						}else{
+							boolean closeGene = false;
+							if(goToIni){
+								currentCompete = -1;
+								currentCompeteStart = -1;
+								if(endToPassForclosedGenes != -1){
+									chooseAlternativeEndInstead = true;
+								}
+								closeGene = true;
+							}else{
+								int basesToAddForOverlap = 0;
+								int positionPosiCovMap = HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.findIntronNearNextPos(cluster,nextPos);
+								if(posiCovMap.containsKey(positionPosiCovMap)){
+									basesToAddForOverlap = posiCovMap.get(positionPosiCovMap).size();
+								}
+								if(inTranscriptMode != -1){
+									int[] intronEndFound  = HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.checkIfNextPosExceedsIntronEnd(cluster,nextPos,inTranscriptMode);
+									if(intronEndFound[0] != -1){
+										if(((nextPos - currentPos) <= (GeneFinder.readLength))){
+											// put isoform to normal gene candidate
+											int[] transcriptStarts = FrameSearch.lookForStartOfIsoform(inTranscriptMode,contigSeq);
+											cluster.alternativeTranscripts.add(new Object[] {inTranscriptMode,inTranscriptMode, transcriptStarts[0],transcriptStarts[1]});
+											HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(cluster,isoformRnas);
+											isoformRnas.clear();
+											fakeGene = new Gene();
+											IntronExonSearch.replaceEntryInAltTransWithUpdatedOne(cluster, inTranscriptMode, currentPos, intronEndFound[0],nextPos);
+										}else{
+											// put isoform as fake gene aside
+											fakeGene.startPos = inTranscriptMode;
+											HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(fakeGene,isoformRnas);
+											fakeGene.geneID = id++;
+											fakeGene.stopPos = currentPos + GeneFinder.readLength;
+											temporaryGenes.add(fakeGene);
+											fakeGene = new Gene();
+											isoformRnas.clear();										
+										}
+										inTranscriptMode = -1;
+										searchTranscriptStart = -1;
+										if(intronEndFound[1] == 1){
+											inNormalTranscript = -1;
+										}
+									}else if(positionPosiCovMap != -1){
+										normalExonAndDifferenceToIt[0] = positionPosiCovMap;
+										if(((nextPos - currentPos) <= (GeneFinder.readLength))){
+											normalExonAndDifferenceToIt[1] = 0;
+										}else{
+											normalExonAndDifferenceToIt[1] = -1;
+											normalExonAndDifferenceToIt[2] = currentPos; // indicates the end that we want
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								if((currentCompeteStart != -1 && ((currentCompeteStart - currentPos) < GeneFinder.readLength)) && ((currentCompete + basesToAddForOverlap + 1) >= nextPos) && (((Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0]).get(0) + diff < GeneFinder.maxCov)){   // old: ((currentCompete+GeneFinder.readLength+1) >= nextPos)
+									// +1 because currentCompete defines the intron end
+									// have to go on because we are still within the cluster, so just decide if this part shall be included or not								
+									int goOn = 0;
+									int spliceStartAfterCurrentPos = -1;
+									if((nextPos - currentPos) > (GeneFinder.readLength)){
+										int[] returnValuesCheckGoOn = new int[3];
+										if((inTranscriptMode != -1) || (searchTranscriptStart != -1) || (inNormalTranscript != -1)){
+											returnValuesCheckGoOn = IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronSupported_fakeGene(cluster, currentPos, nextPos, posiCovMap, inTranscriptMode,searchTranscriptStart,endToPassForclosedGenes,inNormalTranscript);
+											goOn = returnValuesCheckGoOn[0];
+											if(goOn == -1){
+												// check for isos that should be closed or not
+												goOn = 0;
+											}
+										}else{
+											returnValuesCheckGoOn = IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronSupported(cluster, currentPos, nextPos, posiCovMap, inTranscriptMode,searchTranscriptStart,endToPassForclosedGenes,inNormalTranscript);
+											goOn = returnValuesCheckGoOn[0];
+											if(goOn == 2){
+												// alternative transcript erased, adapt modi
+												goOn = 0;
+												searchTranscriptStart = -1;										
+												inTranscriptMode = -1;										
+												inNormalTranscript = -1;
+											}
+											if(goOn == 3){
+												goOn = -1;
+											}
+										}
+										endToPassForclosedGenes = returnValuesCheckGoOn[1];
+										spliceStartAfterCurrentPos = returnValuesCheckGoOn[2];
+									}
+									if(inNormalTranscript != -1){  // TODO: should not be necessary any longer!  wrong here? because we already check with inTranscriptMode?
+										int[] intronEndFound = HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.checkIfNextPosExceedsIntronEnd(cluster,nextPos,inNormalTranscript);
+										if((intronEndFound[0] != -1) && (intronEndFound[1] == 1)){
+											if((nextPos - currentPos) > (GeneFinder.readLength)){
+												fakeGene = new Gene();
+												isoformRnas.clear();
+												inNormalTranscript = -1;
+											}else{
+												int[] transcriptStarts = FrameSearch.lookForStartOfIsoform(inTranscriptMode,contigSeq);
+												cluster.alternativeTranscripts.add(new Object[] {inTranscriptMode,inTranscriptMode, transcriptStarts[0],transcriptStarts[1]});
+												HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(cluster,isoformRnas);
+												isoformRnas.clear();
+												fakeGene = new Gene();
+												IntronExonSearch.replaceEntryInAltTransWithUpdatedOne(cluster, inTranscriptMode, currentPos, intronEndFound[0],nextPos);
+												inNormalTranscript = -1;
+											}
+										}
+									}
+									if(positionPosiCovMap == -1 && ((nextPos - currentPos) > (GeneFinder.readLength)) && (nextPos < currentCompete)){
+										// indicates a potential transcript start
+										if(searchTranscriptStart != -1){
+											isoformRnas.clear();
+											fakeGene = new Gene();
+										}
+										if(!((inTranscriptMode != -1) && ((nextPos - currentPos) <= (2*GeneFinder.readLength)))){
+											// for alternatives, we do accept greater differences due to coverage inconsistencies
+											if(inTranscriptMode != -1){
+												// extract fake gene as a new potential candidate
+												fakeGene.startPos = inTranscriptMode;
+												HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(fakeGene,isoformRnas);
+												fakeGene.geneID = id++;
+												fakeGene.stopPos = currentPos + GeneFinder.readLength;
+												temporaryGenes.add(fakeGene);
+												fakeGene = new Gene();
+												isoformRnas.clear();
+											}
+											searchTranscriptStart = nextPos;
+											inTranscriptMode = -1;
+										}							
+									}
+									if(goOn != -1){ 
+										if((nextPos - currentPos) > (GeneFinder.readLength)){
+											int intronEnd = HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.findIntronNearNextPos(cluster, nextPos);
+											if(intronEnd == -1){
+												if((nextPos - currentPos) > (2*GeneFinder.readLength)){
+													posStartExon = nextPos;
+													numReadsExon = 0;
+													averageExonCov = 0;
+												}
+											}else{
+												if(intronEnd > nextPos){
+													intronEnd = nextPos;
+												}
+												posStartExon = intronEnd;
+												numReadsExon = 0;
+												averageExonCov = 0;
+											}							
+										}
+										if(goOn == 0){
+											if(((searchTranscriptStart != -1) || (inTranscriptMode != -1) || (inNormalTranscript != -1))  && (acceptReads != 1)){
+												isoformRnas.addAll(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(currentPos));
+											}else{
+												HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(cluster,thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(nextPos));
+											}
+											currentExonLength = (nextPos - posStartExon) + GeneFinder.readLength;
+											numReadsExon += thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(nextPos).size();
+											averageExonCov = (double)((double)(numReadsExon * GeneFinder.readLength)/(double)currentExonLength);
+										}									
+										if(((nextPos - currentPos) > (GeneFinder.readLength)) || ((((Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0]).get(0) + diff < GeneFinder.endCoverage))){
+											if(rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit.size() > 0){	
+												double limit = GeneFinder.spliceLim;
+												Object[] returnVal = checkIfNonSplitRnasAreSufficient(cluster, rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit, spliceKey, currentPos, posiCovMap, limit);
+												posiCovMap = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnVal[1];
+												rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit.clear();
+											}		
+										}
+										if(((nextPos - currentPos) > (GeneFinder.readLength)) && localExonEnd != -1 && localSpliceSite != -1 && (cluster.possibleIntrons.get(localSpliceSite)[0] != null)){										 
+											cluster.possibleIntrons.get(localSpliceSite)[2] = currentPos + GeneFinder.readLength;
+											if(spliceStartAfterCurrentPos == -1){											
+												cluster.possibleIntrons.get(localSpliceSite)[3] = -2;
+											}										 
+											localExonEnd = -1;
+											localSpliceSite = -1;
+										}
+										if((nextPos - currentPos) > (GeneFinder.readLength)){
+											for(int position : posiCovMap.keySet()){
+												if(currentPos < (position-GeneFinder.readLength) && nextPos > (position+GeneFinder.readLength)){						
+													// had no chance to look at it, so create fake intron to also regard this exon and close
+													IntronExonSearch.searchCompleteIntronForEndingAndMakeNewIsoform(cluster, position,posiCovMap);
+												}
+											}
+										}
+										currentPos = nextPos;							
+										if(currentPos >= currentCompete){
+											currentCompete = -1;
+											currentCompeteStart = -1;
+										}
+									}else{
+										currentCompete = -1;
+										currentCompeteStart = -1;
+										if(endToPassForclosedGenes != -1){
+											chooseAlternativeEndInstead = true;
+										}
+										closeGene = true;
+									}
+								}else{
+									closeGene = true;
+								}
+							}
+							if(closeGene){
+								int basesToAdd =  GeneFinder.readLength;
+								if((localExonEnd != -1) && (localSpliceSite != -1)){
+									// update fussy exon for last local splice site, take the split as the end
+									if(cluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(localSpliceSite)){
+										cluster.possibleIntrons.get(localSpliceSite)[2] = (currentPos+basesToAdd);										
+										cluster.possibleIntrons.get(localSpliceSite)[3] = -2;										
+									}else{
+										System.err.println("Splice site not included!");
+									}
+								}
+								if(chooseAlternativeEndInstead){
+									currentPos = endToPassForclosedGenes;
+								} 
+								if(((currentCompeteStart != -1 && ((currentCompeteStart - currentPos) < GeneFinder.readLength))) && currentCompete > currentPos){
+									if((nextPos - currentPos) > (GeneFinder.readLength)){
+										for(int position : posiCovMap.keySet()){
+											if(currentPos < (position-GeneFinder.readLength) && nextPos > (position+GeneFinder.readLength) && (position != currentCompete)){						
+												// had no chance to look at it, so create fake intron to also regard this exon and close
+												IntronExonSearch.searchCompleteIntronForEndingAndMakeNewIsoform(cluster, position,posiCovMap);
+											}
+										}
+									}
+									if((currentCompeteStart != -1) && ((currentCompeteStart - currentPos) < GeneFinder.readLength) && !((currentCompete + basesToAdd) >= nextPos)){
+										IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronSupported_forGeneIni(cluster, currentPos, nextPos, posiCovMap, inTranscriptMode,searchTranscriptStart,endToPassForclosedGenes);												
+									}
+									currentPos = currentCompete + 1;   // nextPos is bigger than split end, but we have to consider the split anyway
+									// look new number up in posiCovMap
+									if(posiCovMap.containsKey(currentCompete)){
+										basesToAdd = posiCovMap.get(currentCompete).size();
+									}
+								}
+								// extract this cluster, interval [startPos,currentPos+readLength]							
+								id = clustIni(cluster, thisContig, contigSeq, startPos, id, currentPos,basesToAdd);
+								numIdentifiedClusters++;
+								currentPos = nextPos;  // now nextPos is potential new start
+								doNotCountTwice = true;
+								break;
+							}
+						}							
+					}
+				}else{
+					if(positionIt.hasNext()){
+						currentPos = positionIt.next();
+						doNotCountTwice = false;
+						cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.clear();
+						cluster.possibleIntrons.clear();
+						while(!(spliceKey < 0) && (currentPos > spliceKey)){
+							if((thisContig.splicePositions.higherKey(spliceKey) == null)){
+								spliceKey = -1;
+							}else{
+								spliceKey = thisContig.splicePositions.higherKey(spliceKey);
+							}
+						}
+					}else{
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if(!positionIt.hasNext() && (numIdentifiedClusters < 1) && startedNewCluster){  // to grab very last cluster
+					int basesToAdd =  GeneFinder.readLength;
+					if((localExonEnd != -1) && (localSpliceSite != -1)){
+						// update fussy exon for last local splice site, take the split as the end
+						if(cluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(localSpliceSite)){
+							cluster.possibleIntrons.get(localSpliceSite)[2] = (currentPos+basesToAdd);
+							cluster.possibleIntrons.get(localSpliceSite)[3] = -2;	
+						}else{
+							System.err.println("Splice site not included!");
+						}
+					}
+					if(chooseAlternativeEndInstead){
+						currentPos = endToPassForclosedGenes;
+					} 
+					if(((currentCompeteStart != -1 && ((currentCompeteStart - currentPos) < GeneFinder.readLength))) && currentCompete > currentPos){
+						if((nextPos - currentPos) > (GeneFinder.readLength)){
+							for(int position : posiCovMap.keySet()){
+								if(currentPos < (position-GeneFinder.readLength) && nextPos > (position+GeneFinder.readLength) && (position != currentCompete)){						
+									// had no chance to look at it, so create fake intron to also regard this exon and close
+									IntronExonSearch.searchCompleteIntronForEndingAndMakeNewIsoform(cluster, position,posiCovMap);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						if((currentCompeteStart != -1) && ((currentCompeteStart - currentPos) < GeneFinder.readLength) && !((currentCompete + basesToAdd) >= nextPos)){
+							IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronSupported_forGeneIni(cluster, currentPos, nextPos, posiCovMap, inTranscriptMode,searchTranscriptStart,endToPassForclosedGenes);												
+						}
+						currentPos = currentCompete + 1;   // nextPos is bigger than split end, but we have to consider the split anyway
+						// look new number up in posiCovMap
+						if(posiCovMap.containsKey(currentCompete)){
+							basesToAdd = posiCovMap.get(currentCompete).size();
+						}
+					}
+					id = clustIni(cluster, thisContig, contigSeq, startPos, id, currentPos,basesToAdd);
+					numIdentifiedClusters++;
+				}
+			}while(positionIt.hasNext() && (numIdentifiedClusters < 1));
+			if(!positionIt.hasNext() && (numIdentifiedClusters < 1)){
+				// reached end of reference sequence, no cluster has been extracted this time, so stop
+				noMoreCluster = true;
+				break;
+			}
+			// now that we found the high-coverage area, search for start and stop codons
+			int possibleStart_FO = FrameSearch.findPossibleStarts_Forward(cluster, contigSeq, 0, (int) (cluster.startPos+3));  // now the start positions are directly the right ones
+			int possibleStart_RE = FrameSearch.findPossibleStarts_Reverse(cluster,contigSeq,0,(int) (cluster.startPos+3));
+			boolean foundNoStart = false;
+			boolean useClusterBef = false;
+			boolean doWithoutStart = false;
+			Gene clusterBef = null;
+			if(thisContig.allGenes.size() != 0){
+				clusterBef = thisContig.allGenes.get(thisContig.allGenes.size()-1);
+			}
+			if(((possibleStart_FO == -1) && (possibleStart_RE == -1)) || (clusterBef != null && !clusterBef.hasStop_temp) || (clusterBef != null && clusterBef.twinNode != null && !clusterBef.twinNode.hasStop_temp)){
+				if((possibleStart_FO == -1) && (possibleStart_RE == -1)){
+					numFoundNoStart_firstTime++;
+				}
+				if(thisContig.allGenes.size() == 0){
+					doWithoutStart = true;
+				}else{
+					boolean overlaps = false;
+					boolean overlapsTwin = false;
+					int tolerance = GeneFinder.interval;
+					if(tolerance == -1){
+						tolerance = GeneFinder.readLength; 
+					}
+					if((cluster.startPos <= clusterBef.stopPos+1) || (cluster.startPos - clusterBef.stopPos+1 <= tolerance)){
+						overlaps = true;					
+					}
+					if(clusterBef.twinNode != null){
+						if((cluster.startPos <= clusterBef.twinNode.stopPos+1) || (cluster.startPos - clusterBef.twinNode.stopPos+1 <= tolerance)){
+							overlapsTwin = true;
+						}
+					}
+					// combine current cluster with the one before
+					if(overlaps || overlapsTwin){
+						useClusterBef = true;
+					}else if((clusterBef.hasStop_temp) || (clusterBef.twinNode != null && clusterBef.twinNode.hasStop_temp)){
+						doWithoutStart = true;
+					}else{
+						clusterBef.hasStop_temp = true;
+						if(GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+							clusterBef.sequence = contigSeq.substring(clusterBef.startPos,Math.min(clusterBef.stopPos+1,contigSeq.length()));
+						}					
+						clusterBef.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+						if(clusterBef.twinNode != null){
+							clusterBef.twinNode.hasStop_temp = true;
+							if(GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+								clusterBef.twinNode.sequence = contigSeq.substring(clusterBef.twinNode.startPos,Math.min(clusterBef.twinNode.stopPos+1,contigSeq.length()));
+							}
+							clusterBef.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+						}
+						if((possibleStart_FO == -1) && (possibleStart_RE == -1)){
+							doWithoutStart = true;
+						}	
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			int possibleStop_FO = -1;
+			int possibleStop_RE = -1;
+			possibleStop_FO = FrameSearch.findPossibleStops_Forward(cluster,contigSeq,0,(int) cluster.stopPos-2);
+			possibleStop_RE = FrameSearch.findPossibleStops_Reverse(cluster,contigSeq,0,(int) cluster.stopPos-2);
+			if(!foundNoStart){
+				// first have a look, if already forward or reverse direction is excluded due to missing start or stop
+				if(useClusterBef){
+					numMergedClusters++;
+					boolean overlaps = false;
+					boolean overlapsTwin = false;
+					clusterBef = thisContig.allGenes.get(thisContig.allGenes.size()-1);
+					thisContig.allGenes.remove(thisContig.allGenes.size()-1);
+					int[] intronBef = new int[2];
+					intronBef[0] = clusterBef.stopPos+1;
+					intronBef[1] = cluster.startPos;
+					int tolerance = GeneFinder.interval;
+					if(tolerance == -1){
+						tolerance = GeneFinder.readLength; 
+					}
+					if((cluster.startPos <= clusterBef.stopPos+1) || (cluster.startPos - clusterBef.stopPos+1 <= tolerance)){
+						overlaps = true;					
+					}
+					if(clusterBef.twinNode == null){
+						// easy case, we simply take direction of this cluster as our new direction
+						MergeClusters.updateCluster_AfterMerging(cluster,clusterBef,cluster.stopPos-2,contigSeq);
+						handleFrameSearchWithoutTwin(cluster,possibleStop_FO,possibleStop_RE,contigSeq,overlaps);
+						if(!overlaps){
+							IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef);
+						}
+					}else{
+						// clusterBef has a twin, now it gets a bit more complicated: first check if we can exclude one direction because we do not find the adequate stop/start
+						int[] intronBef_twin = new int[2];
+						intronBef_twin[0] = clusterBef.twinNode.stopPos+1;
+						intronBef_twin[1] = cluster.startPos;
+						if((cluster.startPos <= clusterBef.twinNode.stopPos+1) || (cluster.startPos - clusterBef.twinNode.stopPos+1 <= tolerance)){
+							overlapsTwin = true;
+						}
+						if(possibleStop_RE == -1 && possibleStop_FO == -1){   // useClustBef, no start found
+							// ooops, found nothing at all, so merge with both?
+							if((!clusterBef.freeToResolve && !clusterBef.twinNode.freeToResolve) || (overlaps != overlapsTwin)){
+								MergeClusters.findLeadingTwinAndMerge(cluster,clusterBef,false,overlaps,overlapsTwin,intronBef,intronBef_twin,contigSeq);
+							}else{
+								MergeClusters.mergeClustWithBothBefs(cluster,clusterBef,contigSeq,false);
+								if(!overlapsTwin){
+									IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster.twinNode,intronBef_twin);;
+								}
+								if(!overlaps){
+									IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef);
+								}
+							}	
+							numFoundNoStop_firstTime++;
+							cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+							cluster.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+						} else if(possibleStop_FO != -1 && possibleStop_RE != -1){  // useClustBef, both starts found
+							if((!clusterBef.freeToResolve && !clusterBef.twinNode.freeToResolve) || (overlaps != overlapsTwin)){
+								MergeClusters.findLeadingTwinAndMerge(cluster,clusterBef,true,overlaps,overlapsTwin,intronBef,intronBef_twin,contigSeq);
+								if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+									if(!cluster.onRevStrand){
+										int[] pair_FO = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+										if(pair_FO == null){
+											cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+											checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster, false, cluster.possibleStarts_Forward, contigSeq);
+											numNoFrameFound++;
+										}else{
+											cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+											cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+										}
+									}else{
+										int[] pair_RE = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+										if(pair_RE == null){
+											cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+											checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster, true, cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse, contigSeq);
+											numNoFrameFound++;
+										}else{
+											cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+											cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+										}
+									}
+								}else{
+									int[] pair_FO = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+									int[] pair_RE = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+									if(pair_FO == null && pair_RE == null){
+										// if possible, refer to XS tag		
+										if(cluster.direcCounter[0] > cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+											cluster.onRevStrand = false;
+										}else if(cluster.direcCounter[0] < cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+											cluster.onRevStrand = true;
+										}
+										if(!cluster.onRevStrand){
+											cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+											checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster, false, cluster.possibleStarts_Forward, contigSeq);
+										}else{
+											cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+											checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster, true, cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse, contigSeq);										
+										}
+									}else{
+										// choose smallest interval possible
+										if(pair_FO == null && pair_RE != null){
+											cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+											cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+										}else if(pair_FO != null && pair_RE == null){
+											cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+											cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+										}else{
+											// if possible, refer to XS tag		
+											if(cluster.direcCounter[0] > cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+												cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+											}else if(cluster.direcCounter[0] < cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+												cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+											}else{
+												if(pair_FO[2] <= pair_RE[2]){   // extract smallest possible interval
+													cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+												}else{
+													cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+												}	
+											}
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}else{
+								// merge with both
+								MergeClusters.mergeClustWithBothBefs(cluster,clusterBef,contigSeq,true);
+								if(!overlapsTwin){
+									IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster.twinNode,intronBef_twin);
+								}
+								if(!overlaps){
+									IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef);
+								}
+								// if possible, refer to XS tag		
+								if((cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().size() > 0) && cluster.direcCounter[0] > cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+									cluster.onRevStrand = false;
+								}else if((cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().size() > 0) && cluster.direcCounter[0] < cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+									cluster.onRevStrand = true;
+								}
+								if(!cluster.onRevStrand){
+									int[] pair_FO = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+									int[] pair_RE_Twin = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.twinNode.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.twinNode.possibleStops_Reverse);
+									if(pair_FO == null){
+										cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+										checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster, false, cluster.possibleStarts_Forward, contigSeq);
+										numNoFrameFound++;
+									}else{
+										cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+										cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+									}
+									if(pair_RE_Twin == null){
+										cluster.twinNode.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+										checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster.twinNode, true, cluster.twinNode.possibleStarts_Reverse, contigSeq);
+										numNoFrameFound++;
+									}else{
+										cluster.twinNode = refineExtractedCluster(cluster.twinNode, contigSeq, pair_RE_Twin[0], pair_RE_Twin[1]+2,true);
+										cluster.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+									}
+								}else{
+									int[] pair_RE = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+									int[] pair_FO_Twin = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.twinNode.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.twinNode.possibleStops_Forward);
+									if(pair_RE == null){
+										cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+										checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster, true, cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse, contigSeq);
+										numNoFrameFound++;
+									}else{
+										cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+										cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+									}
+									if(pair_FO_Twin == null){
+										cluster.twinNode.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+										checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster.twinNode, false, cluster.twinNode.possibleStarts_Forward, contigSeq);
+										numNoFrameFound++;
+									}else{
+										cluster.twinNode = refineExtractedCluster(cluster.twinNode, contigSeq, pair_FO_Twin[0], pair_FO_Twin[1]+2,false);
+										cluster.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+									}
+								}						
+							}	
+						}else if(possibleStop_FO != -1 && possibleStop_RE == -1){  // useClustBef, forward start found
+							// take forward twin
+							if((!clusterBef.freeToResolve && !clusterBef.twinNode.freeToResolve) || (overlaps != overlapsTwin)){
+								boolean changeDirections = false;
+								boolean changeOverlap = false;   // only necessary to give the right argument to changeDirections function
+								if(!clusterBef.freeToResolve && !clusterBef.twinNode.freeToResolve){
+									if(clusterBef.isMergedTwin){
+										if(clusterBef.onRevStrand || clusterBef.realDirectionNotKnown){
+											// make this twin a forward one, other twin becomes a reverse one instead
+											changeDirections = true;
+										}
+										MergeClusters.mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef,contigSeq,false,true,true);
+										changeOverlap = overlaps;
+										if(!overlaps){
+											IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef);
+										}
+									}else{
+										if(clusterBef.twinNode.onRevStrand || clusterBef.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown){
+											// make this twin a forward one, other twin becomes a reverse one instead
+											changeDirections = true;
+										}
+										MergeClusters.mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef.twinNode,contigSeq,false,true,true);
+										changeOverlap = overlapsTwin;
+										if(!overlapsTwin){
+											IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef_twin);
+										}
+									}
+								}else{
+									if(overlaps){
+										if(clusterBef.onRevStrand || clusterBef.realDirectionNotKnown){
+											// make this twin a forward one, other twin becomes a reverse one instead
+											changeDirections = true;
+										}
+										MergeClusters.mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef,contigSeq,false,true,true);
+										changeOverlap = overlaps;
+									}else{
+										if(clusterBef.twinNode.onRevStrand || clusterBef.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown){
+											// make this twin a forward one, other twin becomes a reverse one instead
+											changeDirections = true;
+										}
+										MergeClusters.mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef.twinNode,contigSeq,false,true,true);
+										changeOverlap = overlapsTwin;
+									}
+								}								
+								int[] pair_FO = null;
+								if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+									pair_FO = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+								}else{
+									pair_FO = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+								}
+								if(pair_FO == null){
+									cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+									checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster, false, cluster.possibleStarts_Forward, contigSeq);
+									numNoFrameFound++;
+								}else{
+									if(changeDirections){										
+										boolean haveChanged = changeDirectionsIfPossible(cluster,contigSeq,changeOverlap,true);									
+										if(!haveChanged){
+											cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+											declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster,cluster.startPos,contigSeq);
+											numNoFrameFound++;
+										}
+									}else{								
+										cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+										cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+									}
+								}
+							}else{
+								int[] pair_FO = null;
+								int[] pair_FO_twin = null;
+								if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty() && clusterBef.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+									pair_FO = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(clusterBef.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+								}else{
+									pair_FO = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(clusterBef.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+								}
+								if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty() && clusterBef.twinNode.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+									pair_FO_twin = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(clusterBef.twinNode.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+								}else{
+									pair_FO_twin = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(clusterBef.twinNode.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+								}
+								if(pair_FO != null && pair_FO_twin == null){									
+									MergeClusters.mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef,contigSeq,false,true,true);		
+									if(!overlaps){
+										IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef);
+									}
+									cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+									cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+								} else if(pair_FO == null && pair_FO_twin != null){
+									MergeClusters.mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef.twinNode,contigSeq,false,true,true);
+									if(!overlapsTwin){
+										IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef_twin);
+									}
+									cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO_twin[0], pair_FO_twin[1]+2,false);
+									cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+								} else if((pair_FO != null && pair_FO_twin != null) || (pair_FO == null && pair_FO_twin == null)){
+									// merge with both
+									cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+									MergeClusters.mergeClustWithBothBefs(cluster,clusterBef,contigSeq,true);
+									if(!overlapsTwin){
+										IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster.twinNode,intronBef_twin);
+									}
+									if(!overlaps){
+										IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef);
+									}
+									if(pair_FO == null && pair_FO_twin == null){
+										numNoFrameFound++;
+										cluster.hasStop_temp = false;
+										cluster.twinNode.hasStop_temp = false;
+										cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+										cluster.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+									}else{
+										// merge with present forward, set other to noStop
+										if(!cluster.onRevStrand){										
+											cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+											cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+											cluster.twinNode.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+											declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster.twinNode,cluster.twinNode.startPos,contigSeq);
+											numNoFrameFound++;
+										}else{
+											cluster.twinNode = refineExtractedCluster(cluster.twinNode, contigSeq,pair_FO_twin[0], pair_FO_twin[1]+2,false);
+											cluster.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+											cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+											declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster,cluster.startPos,contigSeq);
+											numNoFrameFound++;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}else if(possibleStop_FO == -1 && possibleStop_RE != -1){  // useClustBef, reverse start found
+							// take reverse twin
+							if((!clusterBef.freeToResolve && !clusterBef.twinNode.freeToResolve) || (overlaps != overlapsTwin)){
+								boolean changeDirections = false;
+								boolean changeOverlap = false;   // only necessary to give the right argument to changeDirections function
+								if(!clusterBef.freeToResolve && !clusterBef.twinNode.freeToResolve){
+									if(clusterBef.isMergedTwin){
+										if(!clusterBef.onRevStrand || clusterBef.realDirectionNotKnown){
+											// make this twin a forward one, other twin becomes a reverse one instead
+											changeDirections = true;
+										}
+										MergeClusters.mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef,contigSeq,false,true,true);
+										changeOverlap = overlaps;
+										if(!overlaps){
+											IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef);
+										}								
+									}else{
+										if(!clusterBef.twinNode.onRevStrand || clusterBef.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown){
+											// make this twin a forward one, other twin becomes a reverse one instead
+											changeDirections = true;
+										}
+										MergeClusters.mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef.twinNode,contigSeq,false,true,true);
+										changeOverlap = overlapsTwin;
+										if(!overlapsTwin){
+											IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef_twin);
+										}
+									}
+								}else{
+									if(overlaps){
+										if(!clusterBef.onRevStrand || clusterBef.realDirectionNotKnown){
+											// make this twin a forward one, other twin becomes a reverse one instead
+											changeDirections = true;
+										}
+										MergeClusters.mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef,contigSeq,false,true,true);
+										changeOverlap = overlaps;
+									}else{
+										if(!clusterBef.twinNode.onRevStrand || clusterBef.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown){
+											// make this twin a forward one, other twin becomes a reverse one instead
+											changeDirections = true;
+										}
+										MergeClusters.mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef.twinNode,contigSeq,false,true,true);
+										changeOverlap = overlapsTwin;
+									}
+								}
+								int[] pair_RE = null;
+								if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+									pair_RE = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+								}else{
+									pair_RE = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+								}
+								if(pair_RE == null){
+									cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+									checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster, true, cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse, contigSeq);
+									numNoFrameFound++;
+								}else{
+									if(changeDirections){										
+										boolean haveChanged = changeDirectionsIfPossible(cluster,contigSeq,changeOverlap,false);									
+										if(!haveChanged){
+											cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+											declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster,cluster.startPos,contigSeq);
+											numNoFrameFound++;
+										}
+									}else{								
+										cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+										cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+									}
+								}
+							}else{
+								int[] pair_RE = null;
+								int[] pair_RE_twin = null;
+								if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty() && clusterBef.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+									pair_RE = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(clusterBef.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse);
+								}else{
+									pair_RE = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(clusterBef.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse);
+								}
+								if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty() && clusterBef.twinNode.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+									pair_RE_twin = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(clusterBef.twinNode.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse);
+								}else{
+									pair_RE_twin = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(clusterBef.twinNode.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse);
+								}
+								if(pair_RE != null && pair_RE_twin == null){									
+									MergeClusters.mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef,contigSeq,false,true,true);		
+									if(!overlaps){
+										IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef);
+									}
+									cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+									cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+								} else if(pair_RE == null && pair_RE_twin != null){
+									MergeClusters.mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef.twinNode,contigSeq,false,true,true);
+									if(!overlapsTwin){
+										IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef_twin);
+									}
+									cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE_twin[0], pair_RE_twin[1]+2,true);
+									cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+								} else if((pair_RE != null && pair_RE_twin != null) || (pair_RE == null && pair_RE_twin == null)){
+									// merge with both
+									cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+									MergeClusters.mergeClustWithBothBefs(cluster,clusterBef,contigSeq,true);
+									if(!overlapsTwin){
+										IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster.twinNode,intronBef_twin);
+									}
+									if(!overlaps){
+										IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef);
+									}
+									if(pair_RE == null && pair_RE_twin == null){
+										numNoFrameFound++;										
+										cluster.hasStop_temp = false;
+										cluster.twinNode.hasStop_temp = false;
+										cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+										cluster.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+									}else{
+										// merge with present reverse, set other to noStop
+										if(cluster.onRevStrand){										
+											cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+											cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+											cluster.twinNode.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+											declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster.twinNode,cluster.twinNode.startPos,contigSeq);
+											numNoFrameFound++;
+										}else{
+											cluster.twinNode = refineExtractedCluster(cluster.twinNode, contigSeq,pair_RE_twin[0], pair_RE_twin[1]+2,true);
+											cluster.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+											cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_RE +2;
+											declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster,cluster.startPos,contigSeq);
+											numNoFrameFound++;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}else if(possibleStart_FO == -1 && possibleStart_RE != -1){   // reverse start found
+					// if it is an ORF, a reverse one is more likely, so search only for a possible start position of an reverse gene
+					if(possibleStop_RE != -1){
+						int[] pair = null;
+						if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+							pair = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+						}else{
+							pair = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+						}			
+						if(pair != null){
+							cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair[0], pair[1]+2,true);
+							cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+						}else{
+							cluster.startPos = possibleStart_RE;
+							cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+							checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster, true, cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse, contigSeq);
+							numNoFrameFound++;
+						}
+					}else{
+						cluster.onRevStrand = true;
+						declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster,possibleStart_RE,contigSeq);
+						numFoundNoStop_firstTime++;
+					}
+				}else if(possibleStart_RE == -1 && possibleStart_FO != -1){   // forward start found
+					// if it is an ORF, a forward one is more likely, so search only for possible stop positions of a forward gene
+					if(possibleStop_FO != -1){		
+						int[] pair = null;
+						if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+							pair = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+						}else{
+							pair = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+						}
+						if(pair != null){
+							cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair[0], pair[1]+2,false);
+							cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+						}else{
+							cluster.startPos = possibleStart_FO;													
+							cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+							checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster, false, cluster.possibleStarts_Forward, contigSeq);
+							numNoFrameFound++;
+						}						
+					}else{
+						declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster,possibleStart_FO,contigSeq);
+						numFoundNoStop_firstTime++;
+					}
+				}else if(possibleStart_RE != -1 && possibleStart_FO != -1){    // both starts found
+					// at the moment both directions are equally likely, so first search for the right frames
+					if((possibleStop_FO == -1) && (possibleStop_RE == -1)){
+						declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster,Math.max(possibleStart_FO,possibleStart_RE),contigSeq); // use the smallest possible interval!
+						numFoundNoStop_firstTime++;
+					}else if((possibleStop_FO != -1) && (possibleStop_RE == -1)){
+						int[] pair = null;
+						if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+							pair = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+						}else{
+							pair = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+						}
+						if(pair != null){
+							cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair[0], pair[1]+2,false);
+							cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+						}else{
+							cluster.startPos = possibleStart_FO;													
+							cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+							checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster, false, cluster.possibleStarts_Forward, contigSeq);
+							numNoFrameFound++;
+						}
+					}else if((possibleStop_FO == -1) && (possibleStop_RE != -1)){
+						int[] pair = null;
+						if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+							pair = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+						}else{
+							pair = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+						}		
+						if(pair != null){
+							cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair[0], pair[1]+2,true);
+							cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+						}else{
+							cluster.startPos = possibleStart_RE;													
+							cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+							checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster, true, cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse, contigSeq);
+							numNoFrameFound++;
+						}
+					}else{
+						// both are still equally likely, so check both of them
+						int[] pair_FO = null;
+						int[] pair_RE = null;
+						if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+							pair_FO = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+							pair_RE = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+						}else{
+							pair_FO = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+							pair_RE = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+						}
+						if(pair_FO == null && pair_RE == null){
+							// if possible, refer to XS tag		
+							if(!(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()) && cluster.direcCounter[0] > cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+								cluster.startPos = possibleStart_FO;
+								cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+								cluster.onRevStrand = false;
+							}else if(!(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()) && cluster.direcCounter[0] < cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+								cluster.startPos = possibleStart_RE;
+								cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+								cluster.onRevStrand = true;
+							}else{
+								if((possibleStop_FO - possibleStart_FO) <= (possibleStop_RE - possibleStart_RE)){
+									cluster.startPos = possibleStart_FO;
+									cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+									cluster.onRevStrand = false;
+								}else{
+									cluster.startPos = possibleStart_RE;
+									cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+									cluster.onRevStrand = true;
+								}
+							}
+							declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster,cluster.startPos,contigSeq);
+							numNoFrameFound++;
+						} else if(pair_FO != null && pair_RE == null){
+							cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+							cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+						} else if(pair_FO == null && pair_RE != null){
+							cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+							cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+						}else if(pair_FO != null && pair_RE != null){
+							// if possible, refer to XS tag	
+							if(!(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()) && cluster.direcCounter[0] > cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+								cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+								cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+							}else if(!(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()) && cluster.direcCounter[0] < cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+								cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+								cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+							}else{
+								// now is the time to create a twin, note: TODO: first a twin was always created -> change in results?
+								Gene clusterTwin = new Gene();
+								HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.declareAsShared(cluster);
+								cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+								clusterTwin = refineExtractedCluster(clusterTwin, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);					
+								HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addAssociatedRnas(clusterTwin, cluster.idTOassociatedRnas);
+								clusterTwin.geneID = id++;
+								HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.declareAsShared(clusterTwin);
+								twinIni(cluster,clusterTwin,thisContig);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(doWithoutStart){
+					// we simply use the identified start as a starting point and do not have any forward start codon or reverse stop codon
+					possibleStart_FO = cluster.startPos;
+					possibleStart_RE = cluster.startPos;
+					if((possibleStop_FO == -1) && (possibleStop_RE == -1)){
+						declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster,cluster.startPos,contigSeq);
+						numFoundNoStop_firstTime++;
+					}else if((possibleStop_FO != -1) && (possibleStop_RE == -1)){
+						cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq,cluster.startPos, possibleStop_FO+2,false);
+						cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+					}else if((possibleStop_FO == -1) && (possibleStop_RE != -1)){
+						cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq,cluster.startPos, possibleStop_RE+2,true);
+						cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+					}else{			
+						// if possible, refer to XS tag	
+						if(!(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()) && cluster.direcCounter[0] > cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+							cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, cluster.startPos,possibleStop_FO+2,false);
+							cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+						}else if(!(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()) && cluster.direcCounter[0] < cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+							cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, cluster.startPos, possibleStop_RE+2,true);
+							cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+						}else{
+							if(possibleStop_FO <= possibleStop_RE){
+								cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, cluster.startPos, possibleStop_FO+2,false);
+							}else{
+								cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, cluster.startPos, possibleStop_RE+2,true);
+							}
+							cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// now test for overlap merging:
+				if(thisContig.allGenes.size() > 0){
+					Gene clusterBeforeInVec = thisContig.allGenes.get(thisContig.allGenes.size()-1);
+					if(MergeClusters.checkIfNeedMerge(cluster, clusterBeforeInVec,thisContig,contigSeq)){
+						numMergedClusters++;
+					}else{
+						thisContig.allGenes.add(cluster);
+					}
+				}else{
+					thisContig.allGenes.add(cluster);
+				}
+			}
+			if(thisContig.allGenes.size() > 1){
+				// test previously added gene, if it has a twin and if yes, if it can be resolved
+				Gene clustBef = thisContig.allGenes.get(thisContig.allGenes.size()-2);
+				if((clustBef.twinNode != null) && (clustBef.freeToResolve)){
+					thisContig.allGenes.setElementAt(LocalTwinResolve.resolveTwins(clustBef),thisContig.allGenes.size()-2);
+					clustBef = thisContig.allGenes.get(thisContig.allGenes.size()-2);
+				}
+				FrameSearch.useDirecInfo(clustBef,contigSeq);
+				if((clustBef.coreSeq <= (2*GeneFinder.readLength)) && ((clustBef.stopPos-clustBef.startPos +1) <= (clustBef.coreSeq + (2*GeneFinder.readLength)))){
+					if(!checkIfOnlyMultiRnas(clustBef)){
+						thisContig.allGenes.removeElement(clustBef);
+						removeGenesRnas(clustBef,thisContig);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(!positionIt.hasNext()){
+				noMoreCluster = true;			
+				break;
+			}
+			numIdentifiedClusters--;
+		}while(!noMoreCluster);
+		// check for the last extracted cluster if it has a proper stop or not and further check for twins
+		if(thisContig.allGenes.size() != 0 && !thisContig.allGenes.get(thisContig.allGenes.size()-1).hasStop_temp){
+			thisContig.allGenes.get(thisContig.allGenes.size()-1).hasStop_temp = true;
+			Gene clustBef = thisContig.allGenes.get(thisContig.allGenes.size()-1);
+			if((clustBef.twinNode != null) && (clustBef.freeToResolve)){
+				thisContig.allGenes.setElementAt(LocalTwinResolve.resolveTwins(clustBef),thisContig.allGenes.size()-1);
+				clustBef = thisContig.allGenes.get(thisContig.allGenes.size()-1);
+			}
+			FrameSearch.useDirecInfo(clustBef,contigSeq);
+			if((clustBef.coreSeq <= (2*GeneFinder.readLength)) && ((clustBef.stopPos-clustBef.startPos +1) <= (clustBef.coreSeq + (2*GeneFinder.readLength)))){
+				if(!checkIfOnlyMultiRnas(clustBef)){
+					thisContig.allGenes.removeElement(clustBef);
+					removeGenesRnas(clustBef,thisContig);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(!temporaryGenes.isEmpty()){
+			// check also the temporarily extracted candidates, add the coreSeq, check if they are multi-read artifacts and assign a proper start and stop and direction
+			for(int pos = temporaryGenes.size()-1;pos >= 0; pos--){
+				Gene tempGene = temporaryGenes.get(pos);
+				if(tempGene.startPos == 0){
+					System.err.println("Fake gene " + tempGene.geneID + " has zero start!");
+					WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Fake gene " + tempGene.geneID + " has zero start!\n");
+				}
+				tempGene.coreSeq = (tempGene.stopPos - tempGene.startPos);
+				if(GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+					tempGene.sequence = contigSeq.substring(tempGene.startPos,tempGene.stopPos+1);
+				}
+				if((tempGene.coreSeq > (2*GeneFinder.readLength)) && (checkIfOnlyMultiRnas(tempGene))){ // TODO: test if this stricter version yields better results
+					//tempGene.sequence = contigSeq.substring(tempGene.startPos,tempGene.stopPos+1);
+					tempGene.onRevStrand = false;
+					FrameSearch.findFrameAndCheckWithNeighbors(tempGene, thisContig, contigSeq);
+					FrameSearch.useDirecInfo(tempGene,contigSeq);
+					thisContig.allGenes.add(tempGene);
+				}else{
+					removeGenesRnas(tempGene,thisContig);
+					temporaryGenes.removeElementAt(pos);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+			String s = "";
+			s += "No more clusters can be found \n";
+			s += "Total identified clusters: " + thisContig.allGenes.size() + "\n";
+			s += "Number mergings: " + numMergedClusters + "\n";
+			s += "no start at first trial: " + numFoundNoStart_firstTime + "\n";
+			s += "no stop at first trial: " + numFoundNoStop_firstTime + "\n";
+			s += "no frame determined at first trial: " + numNoFrameFound + "\n";
+			WriteOutput.writeToLogFile(s + "\n");
+			System.out.println(s);
+		}
+		return id;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * check if only multiRnaSupport
+	 */
+	public static boolean checkIfOnlyMultiRnas(Gene gene){
+		for(String rnaString : gene.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet()){
+			Rna rna = ((Rna)gene.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rnaString)[0]);
+			if(rna.isMulti == 0){
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * for all rnas mapping to this gene, remove the gene alignment
+	 */
+	public static void removeGenesRnas(Gene gene, Contig thisContig){
+		for(String rnaID : gene.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet()){
+			Rna rna = (Rna) gene.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rnaID)[0];
+			for(Object[] info : rna.contigsMappedOn){
+				int alignPos = ((Integer) info[1]).intValue();
+				if((((Contig) info[0]).equals(thisContig)) && (alignPos > gene.startPos) && (alignPos < (gene.stopPos-GeneFinder.readLength))){				
+					rna.contigsMappedOn.removeElement(info);
+					rna.assignedNum = rna.assignedNum -1;
+					break;				
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * initiate twinNodes, set freeToresolve, alternative Splicing, hadTwinBefore, isMergedTwin etc...
+	 */
+	public static void twinIni(Gene cluster, Gene clusterTwin, Contig thisContig){
+		cluster.twinNode = clusterTwin;
+		clusterTwin.twinNode = cluster;
+		cluster.freeToResolve = true;
+		cluster.twinNode.freeToResolve = true;
+		cluster.hadTwinBefore = true;
+		cluster.twinNode.hadTwinBefore = true;
+		cluster.isMergedTwin = false;
+		cluster.twinNode.isMergedTwin = false;
+		cluster.twinNode.possibleStarts_Forward = cluster.possibleStarts_Forward;
+		cluster.twinNode.possibleStarts_Reverse = cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse;
+		cluster.twinNode.possibleStops_Forward = cluster.possibleStops_Forward;
+		cluster.twinNode.possibleStops_Reverse = cluster.possibleStops_Reverse;
+		cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+		cluster.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+		cluster.twinNode.possibleIntrons.putAll(cluster.possibleIntrons);
+		cluster.twinNode.possibleFussyExons.putAll(cluster.possibleFussyExons);
+		cluster.twinNode.alternativeTranscripts.addAll(cluster.alternativeTranscripts);
+		cluster.twinNode.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued.addAll(cluster.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued);
+		cluster.twinNode.coreSeq = cluster.coreSeq;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * if no stop was found, mark the cluster 
+	 */
+	public static void declareClusterAsNotCompleted(Gene cluster, int possibleStart, StringBuffer contigSeq){
+		cluster.startPos = possibleStart;
+		cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+		if(GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+			cluster.sequence = contigSeq.substring(cluster.startPos,cluster.stopPos+1);
+		}
+		cluster.hasStop_temp = false;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * applied to twin nodes: we try to switch their directions and find suitable reading frames
+	 */
+	public static boolean changeDirectionsIfPossible(Gene cluster, StringBuffer contigSeq, boolean overlap, boolean wantForward){
+		boolean haveChanged = false;
+		if(wantForward){
+			int[] pair_FO = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+			int[] pair_RE_twin = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.twinNode.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.twinNode.possibleStops_Reverse);
+			if(pair_FO != null && pair_RE_twin != null){
+				haveChanged = true;
+				cluster.onRevStrand = false;
+				cluster.startPos = pair_FO[0];
+				cluster.stopPos =  pair_FO[1]+2;
+				cluster.twinNode.onRevStrand = true;
+				cluster.twinNode.startPos = pair_RE_twin[0];
+				cluster.twinNode.stopPos = pair_RE_twin[1]+2;
+				if(GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+					cluster.sequence = contigSeq.substring(cluster.startPos,cluster.stopPos+1);
+					cluster.twinNode.sequence = contigSeq.substring(cluster.twinNode.startPos,cluster.twinNode.stopPos+1);
+				}
+				cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+				cluster.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+				cluster.hasStop_temp = true;
+				cluster.twinNode.hasStop_temp = true;
+			}else if(pair_RE_twin != null && cluster.possibleStarts_Forward[0] >= 0 && !overlap){
+				// we can change directions, because start and stop are at least in same direction and twin is ok
+				haveChanged = true;
+				cluster.onRevStrand = false;
+				cluster.startPos = cluster.possibleStarts_Forward[0];
+				cluster.stopPos =  cluster.possibleStops_Forward[0]+2;
+				cluster.twinNode.onRevStrand = true;
+				cluster.twinNode.startPos = pair_RE_twin[0];
+				cluster.twinNode.stopPos = pair_RE_twin[1]+2;
+				if(GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+					cluster.sequence = contigSeq.substring(cluster.startPos,cluster.stopPos+1);
+					cluster.twinNode.sequence = contigSeq.substring(cluster.twinNode.startPos,cluster.twinNode.stopPos+1);
+				}
+				cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+				cluster.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+				cluster.hasStop_temp = true;
+				cluster.twinNode.hasStop_temp = true;
+			}
+		}else{
+			int[] pair_RE = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+			int[] pair_FO_twin = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.twinNode.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.twinNode.possibleStops_Forward);
+			if(pair_RE != null && pair_FO_twin != null){
+				haveChanged = true;
+				cluster.onRevStrand = true;
+				cluster.startPos = pair_RE[0];
+				cluster.stopPos =  pair_RE[1]+2;
+				cluster.twinNode.onRevStrand = false;
+				cluster.twinNode.startPos = pair_FO_twin[0];
+				cluster.twinNode.stopPos = pair_FO_twin[1]+2;
+				if(GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+					cluster.sequence = contigSeq.substring(cluster.startPos,cluster.stopPos+1);
+					cluster.twinNode.sequence = contigSeq.substring(cluster.twinNode.startPos,cluster.twinNode.stopPos+1);
+				}
+				cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+				cluster.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+				cluster.hasStop_temp = true;
+				cluster.twinNode.hasStop_temp = true;
+			}else if(pair_FO_twin != null && cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse[0] >= 0 && !overlap){
+				// we can change directions, because start and stop are at least in same direction and twin is ok
+				haveChanged = true;
+				cluster.onRevStrand = true;
+				cluster.startPos = cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse[0];
+				cluster.stopPos =  cluster.possibleStops_Reverse[0]+2;
+				cluster.twinNode.onRevStrand = false;
+				cluster.twinNode.startPos = pair_FO_twin[0];
+				cluster.twinNode.stopPos = pair_FO_twin[1]+2;
+				if(GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+					cluster.sequence = contigSeq.substring(cluster.startPos,cluster.stopPos+1);
+					cluster.twinNode.sequence = contigSeq.substring(cluster.twinNode.startPos,cluster.twinNode.stopPos+1);
+				}
+				cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+				cluster.twinNode.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+				cluster.hasStop_temp = true;
+				cluster.twinNode.hasStop_temp = true;
+			}
+		}
+		return haveChanged;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * updates the coverage entries in the vector representing the current covered interval
+	 */
+	public static Object[] updateCoverageInterval_respectAlternatives(Contig thisContig, int covPlus, int currentPos, Object[] coverageVecAndPos, TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap,int considerSpliceSite){
+		boolean addedValues = false;
+		int splitDiff = 0;    // necessary to consider splice site, do not update with covplus if we exceed splice site	
+		if(considerSpliceSite != -1){
+			splitDiff = (considerSpliceSite-currentPos);
+		}
+		Vector<Integer> covVecClone = new Vector<Integer>();    // stores all coverage add values derived by posiCovMap
+		Object[] returnObject = HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.lookIntoPosiCovMap(posiCovMap, currentPos);
+		addedValues = (Boolean) returnObject[0];
+		covVecClone = (Vector<Integer>) returnObject[1];
+		posiCovMap = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnObject[2];
+		if(currentPos - (Integer) coverageVecAndPos[1] > GeneFinder.readLength){
+			Vector<Integer> coverageVecNew = new Vector<Integer>();
+			// initialize:
+			for(int arrPos=0;arrPos<GeneFinder.readLength;++arrPos){
+				if((considerSpliceSite != -1) && (arrPos >= splitDiff)){
+					coverageVecNew.add(0);
+				}else{
+					coverageVecNew.add(covPlus);
+				}
+			}
+			coverageVecAndPos[0] = coverageVecNew;
+			coverageVecAndPos[2] = -1;
+		}else{
+			Vector<Integer> covVec = (Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0];
+			for(int pos = 0;pos<(currentPos- (Integer) coverageVecAndPos[1]);++pos){
+				covVec.remove(covVec.firstElement());
+				covVec.add(0);
+			}
+			for(int vecPos=0;vecPos < covVec.size();++vecPos){
+				if(!((considerSpliceSite != -1) && (vecPos >= splitDiff))){
+					covVec.set(vecPos,(covVec.get(vecPos) + covPlus));    // correct?
+				}
+			}
+			if((((Integer)coverageVecAndPos[2] == -1)) || (currentPos-((Integer) coverageVecAndPos[2]) > (GeneFinder.readLength))){
+				// update overlap-position
+				boolean foundPos = false;
+				int pos_temp = (Integer) coverageVecAndPos[2];
+				if(pos_temp == -1){
+					coverageVecAndPos[2] = (Integer) coverageVecAndPos[1];
+				}else{
+					if(!addedValues){  // if we have introns, then stay with the current start position
+						do{	
+							if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.lastKey() != pos_temp){
+								pos_temp = thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.higherKey(pos_temp);
+							}else{
+								pos_temp = (Integer) coverageVecAndPos[1];
+							}
+							if((currentPos-(pos_temp) <= (GeneFinder.readLength))){
+								coverageVecAndPos[2] = pos_temp;
+								foundPos = true;
+							}
+						}while(!foundPos || !(pos_temp >= (Integer) coverageVecAndPos[1]));
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		coverageVecAndPos[1] = currentPos;
+		if(addedValues){
+			for(int posVec = 0; posVec < GeneFinder.readLength; ++posVec){
+				((Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0]).setElementAt((((Vector<Integer>)coverageVecAndPos[0]).get(posVec) + covVecClone.get(posVec)),posVec);
+			}
+		}
+		Object[] toReturn = {coverageVecAndPos,posiCovMap,addedValues};
+		return toReturn;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * set start and stop of the cluster + extract new sequence interval
+	 * be careful: the position stop refers to the exact stop, for sequence extraction +1 has to be added
+	 * stop = possibleStop + 2
+	 */
+	public static Gene refineExtractedCluster(Gene cluster, StringBuffer contigSeq, int start, int stop, boolean isReverse){
+		if(GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+			cluster.sequence = contigSeq.substring(start,stop+1);
+		}
+		cluster.startPos= start;
+		cluster.stopPos = stop;
+		cluster.hasStop_temp = true;
+		cluster.onRevStrand = isReverse;
+		return cluster;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * first extraction of each cluster, simply regard the high coverage interval
+	 */
+	public static int clustIni(Gene cluster, Contig thisContig, StringBuffer contigSeq, int startPos, int id, int currentPos, int basesToAdd){
+		if(GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+			cluster.sequence = contigSeq.substring(startPos,currentPos+basesToAdd);
+		}
+		cluster.geneID = id++;
+		cluster.onRevStrand = false;
+		cluster.startPos = startPos;		
+		cluster.stopPos = currentPos+basesToAdd-1; // note: without "-1" stopPos would be the position necessary for seq-extraction = actual stop + 1 
+		cluster.coreSeq = (cluster.stopPos-cluster.startPos);
+		cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;	
+		DefineAlternativeTranscripts.finalIni_alternativeStartsCheck(cluster);
+		IntronExonSearch.finalIni_IntronSupportCheck(cluster,thisContig);
+		return id;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * check which of the possible start positions is the smaller one
+	 * return value shall be understood as "isReverse"
+	 */
+	public static boolean checkWhichStart(Gene cluster){
+		if(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse[0] >= 0 && cluster.possibleStarts_Forward[0] >= 0){
+			if(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse[0] > cluster.possibleStarts_Forward[0]){
+				// take reverse start
+				cluster.startPos = cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse[0];
+				return true;
+			}else{
+				// take forward start
+				cluster.startPos = cluster.possibleStarts_Forward[0];
+				return false;
+			}
+		}else if(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse[0] >= 0 && cluster.possibleStarts_Forward[0] < 0){
+			// take reverse start
+			cluster.startPos = cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse[0];
+			return true;
+		}else if(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse[0] < 0 && cluster.possibleStarts_Forward[0] >= 0){
+			// take forward start
+			cluster.startPos = cluster.possibleStarts_Forward[0];
+			return false;
+		}
+		return true;  // we only call this method if we will never reach here, so whether true or false stands here makes no difference
+	}
+	/*
+	 * if clusterBef had no twin, then perform this frame search after the merge
+	 */
+	public static void handleFrameSearchWithoutTwin(Gene cluster, int possibleStop_FO, int possibleStop_RE, StringBuffer contigSeq, boolean overlaps){
+		// check both directions
+		int[] pair_FO = null;
+		int[] pair_RE = null;
+		if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+			pair_FO = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+			pair_RE = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+		}else{
+			pair_FO = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+			pair_RE = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+		}
+		// stop and clusterBef start should be in frame
+		if(pair_FO == null && pair_RE == null){
+			boolean foundAdequateStartStop_FO = false;
+			boolean foundAdequateStartStop_RE = false;
+			if(possibleStop_FO == -1 && possibleStop_RE == -1){
+				numFoundNoStop_firstTime++;
+				// if possible, refer to XS tag		
+				if((cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().size() > 0) && cluster.direcCounter[0] > cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+					cluster.onRevStrand = false;
+				}else if((cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().size() > 0) && cluster.direcCounter[0] < cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+					cluster.onRevStrand = true;
+				}
+			}else{
+				if(possibleStop_FO != -1 && possibleStop_RE == -1){
+					cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+					if(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward[0] >= 0){
+						cluster.startPos = cluster.possibleStarts_Forward[0];
+						if(!overlaps || (cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().size() > 0)){
+							foundAdequateStartStop_FO = true;
+						}
+					}
+				}else if(possibleStop_FO == -1 && possibleStop_RE != -1){
+					cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+					if(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse[0] >= 0){
+						cluster.startPos = cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse[0];
+						if(!overlaps || (cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().size() > 0)){
+							foundAdequateStartStop_RE = true;
+						}
+					}
+				}else{
+					// if possible, refer to XS tag			
+					boolean isReverse;
+					if(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse[0] < 0 && cluster.possibleStarts_Forward[0] < 0){
+						cluster.stopPos = Math.min(possibleStop_FO,possibleStop_RE) + 2;
+					}else{
+						if((cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().size() > 0) && cluster.direcCounter[0] > cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+							isReverse = false;
+						}else if( (cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().size() > 0) && cluster.direcCounter[0] < cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+							isReverse = true;
+						}else{
+							isReverse = checkWhichStart(cluster);
+						}
+						if(isReverse){
+							cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+							if(!overlaps || (cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().size() > 0)){
+								foundAdequateStartStop_RE = true;
+							}
+						}else{
+							cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+							if(!overlaps || (cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().size() > 0)){
+								foundAdequateStartStop_FO = true;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				numNoFrameFound++;
+			}
+			if(foundAdequateStartStop_FO){
+				cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, cluster.startPos, cluster.stopPos,false);
+				cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+			}else if(foundAdequateStartStop_RE){
+				cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, cluster.startPos, cluster.stopPos,true);
+				cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+			}else{
+				declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster,cluster.startPos,contigSeq);
+			}
+		} else if(pair_FO != null && pair_RE == null){
+			cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+			cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+		} else if(pair_FO == null && pair_RE != null){
+			cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+			cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+		}else if(pair_FO != null && pair_RE != null){
+			// if possible, refer to XS tag		
+			if((cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().size() > 0) && cluster.direcCounter[0] > cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+				cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+			}else if((cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().size() > 0) && cluster.direcCounter[0] < cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+				cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+			}else{
+				if(pair_FO[2] <= pair_RE[2]){   // extract smallest possible interval
+					cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+				}else{
+					cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+				}																	
+				cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * method to test whether we find at least start and stop on same strand, though they are not in frame
+	 */
+	public static void checkIfAdequateAndRefine(Gene cluster, boolean wantReverse, int[] possibleStarts, StringBuffer contigSeq){
+		boolean foundAdequateStartStop = false;  
+		cluster.onRevStrand = wantReverse;
+		if(possibleStarts[0] >= 0){
+			cluster.startPos = possibleStarts[0];
+			if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().size() > 0){
+				foundAdequateStartStop = true;
+			}
+		}
+		if(foundAdequateStartStop){
+			cluster = refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, cluster.startPos, cluster.stopPos,wantReverse);
+			cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;
+		}else{
+			declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster,cluster.startPos,contigSeq);
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * when we have passed a split start, then check if the number of rnas not supporting a split is sufficient 
+	 */
+	public static Object[] checkIfNonSplitRnasAreSufficient(Gene cluster, Vector<Rna> nonSplitRnas, int splitStart, int currentPos, TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap, double limit){
+		int exonEnd = -1;
+		int kept = splitStart;
+		if(nonSplitRnas.size() < limit){
+			// erase
+			kept = -1;
+			for(Rna rna : nonSplitRnas){
+				if(cluster.moreThanOneHitRnas.contains(rna.rnaID)){
+					// if it is contained here, this serves as one "back-up life" that is now destroyed
+					cluster.moreThanOneHitRnas.remove(rna.rnaID);
+				}else{
+					cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.remove(rna.rnaID);
+				}
+				for(Object[] info : rna.contigsMappedOn){
+					if(info[4] == null && ((splitStart - (Integer) info[1]) < GeneFinder.readLength) && ((splitStart > (Integer) info[1]))){															
+							int diffToSplitStart = (splitStart - (Integer) info[1]);							
+							posiCovMap = HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.updatePosiCovMap_AfterSpliceSwitch(posiCovMap,splitStart,(GeneFinder.readLength-diffToSplitStart));							
+							rna.contigsMappedOn.removeElement(info);	
+							break;  // have to be removed soon!
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(cluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(splitStart)){
+				cluster.possibleIntrons.get(splitStart)[2] = -1;
+			}
+			if(cluster.possibleFussyExons.containsKey(splitStart)){
+				cluster.possibleFussyExons.remove(splitStart);
+			}
+		}else{
+			// keep this alternative
+			exonEnd = currentPos + GeneFinder.readLength;
+			if(cluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(splitStart)){
+				cluster.possibleIntrons.get(splitStart)[2] = exonEnd;
+			}else{
+				System.err.println("Splice site not included!");
+			}
+			for(Rna rna : nonSplitRnas){   // do this update here to save time later
+				cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rna.rnaID)[2] = splitStart;
+			}
+		}
+		return new Object[] {exonEnd,posiCovMap,kept};
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/FindExonsOfGene.java b/src/geneFinder/FindExonsOfGene.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..614b046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/FindExonsOfGene.java
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import types.*;
+import java.util.*;
+ * for each gene all possible exons defined by alternative splicing are listed
+* Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+public class FindExonsOfGene {
+	/*
+	 * method that goes through possibleIntron map of the gene and extracts all exons
+	 * currentStart is initialized with startPos
+	 */
+	public static boolean findExonsForGene(Gene gene){
+		if(gene.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+			// no splicing, whole gene is exon
+			gene.exonsOfGene.add(new int[] {gene.startPos,gene.stopPos+1});
+		}else{
+			// first add the exon starting at the starting position
+			int firstKey = gene.possibleIntrons.firstKey();
+			gene.exonsOfGene.add(new int[] {gene.startPos,firstKey});
+			if(((Integer) gene.possibleIntrons.get(firstKey)[2]) != -1){  // add the fussy exon	
+				Vector<int[]> vecTemp = new Vector<int[]>();
+				// note: the "-1" in [1] is necessary for transcript extraction, it is important to add it later!!!!!
+				int endIndicator = 0;    // 0 if no end, 1 if it shall be a transcript end
+				if(((Integer) gene.possibleIntrons.get(firstKey)[3]) != -2){
+					endIndicator = 0;
+				}else{
+					// treat this fussy as a transcript end
+					endIndicator = 1;
+				}
+				Object[] newFussy = {gene.startPos,((Integer) gene.possibleIntrons.get(firstKey)[2])-1,gene.startPos,gene.startPos,((Integer) gene.possibleIntrons.get(firstKey)[2]),vecTemp,endIndicator};
+				if(!gene.alternativeTranscripts.isEmpty()){
+					boolean doNotAdd = false;
+					for(Object[] altTrans : gene.alternativeTranscripts){
+						int start = (Integer) altTrans[0];
+						int stop = (Integer) altTrans[1];
+						if((altTrans.length >= 7) && (start == gene.startPos) && (stop == ((Integer) gene.possibleIntrons.get(firstKey)[2])-1)){
+							doNotAdd = true;
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					if(!doNotAdd){
+						gene.alternativeTranscripts.add(newFussy);
+					}
+				}else{
+					gene.alternativeTranscripts.add(newFussy);
+				}
+			}
+			for(int key : gene.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+				boolean hadIntron = false;
+				if(gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0] != null){
+					Vector<int[]> exonSubSet = new Vector<int[]>();
+					for(int[] intron : ((Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0])){						
+						hadIntron = true;
+						if(!gene.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued.isEmpty()){
+							boolean allowed = true;
+							for(int[] forbiddenIntron : gene.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued){
+								if((forbiddenIntron[0] == intron[0]) && (forbiddenIntron[1] == intron[1])){
+									allowed = false;
+									break;
+								}else if((forbiddenIntron[0] != intron[0]) && (forbiddenIntron[1] == intron[1])){
+									// another intron that has the same ending, could be a second transcript, so make a new one or first try to merge it some other alternative
+									allowed = false;
+									if(!gene.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued.contains(intron)){
+										gene.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued.add(intron);
+										Vector<int[]> vecTemp = new Vector<int[]>();
+										vecTemp.add(intron);
+										int begin = searchTranscriptWithCorrectEnd(gene,forbiddenIntron);
+										if(begin == -1){
+											System.err.println("Intron end not contained");
+										}else{
+											gene.alternativeTranscripts.add(new Object[] {begin,Integer.MAX_VALUE,-1,-1,intron[1],vecTemp});
+										}	
+									}
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+							if(allowed){
+								exonSubSet = exonStopSearch(gene, key, intron[1], exonSubSet);
+							}
+						}else{
+							exonSubSet = exonStopSearch(gene, key, intron[1], exonSubSet);
+						}
+					}
+					if(((Vector<int[]>)gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0]).size() > ((double)(Math.pow(GeneFinder.minCoverage,2))/(double)GeneFinder.spliceLim)){
+						testExonsIfLargeIntronKey(gene, key,exonSubSet);
+					}
+				}				
+				if(!hadIntron){
+					// this only marks an exon end point, so grab the next start				
+					int nextStart = ((Integer) gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[3]);  // very important that [2] is -1!
+					if(nextStart >= 0){
+						// this is the next start
+						Vector<int[]> exonSub = new Vector<int[]>();
+						exonStopSearch(gene, key, nextStart, exonSub);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(gene.exonsOfGene.isEmpty()){
+			return false;
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * for each intron end, search for the next starting intron and extract the exon in between
+	 */
+	public static Vector<int[]> exonStopSearch(Gene gene, int key, int intronEnd, Vector<int[]> exonSubSet){
+		if(gene.possibleIntrons.higherKey(key) != null){
+			int higherKey = gene.possibleIntrons.higherKey(key);
+			boolean foundEnd = false;
+			do{					
+				if(higherKey > intronEnd){
+					int[] newExon = {intronEnd,higherKey};
+					if(checkIfExonIsContained(gene.exonsOfGene, newExon) == 0){
+						gene.exonsOfGene.add(newExon);	
+						exonSubSet.add(newExon);
+					}
+					if(((Integer) gene.possibleIntrons.get(higherKey)[2]) != -1){  // add the fussy exon	
+						int endIndicator = 0;    // 0 if no end, 1 if it shall be a transcript end
+						if(((Integer) gene.possibleIntrons.get(higherKey)[3]) != -2){
+							endIndicator = 0;
+						}else{
+							// treat this fussy as a transcript end
+							endIndicator = 1;
+						}
+						Vector<int[]> vecTemp = new Vector<int[]>();
+						Object[] newFussy = {intronEnd,((Integer) gene.possibleIntrons.get(higherKey)[2])-1,intronEnd,intronEnd,((Integer) gene.possibleIntrons.get(higherKey)[2]),vecTemp,endIndicator};
+						if(!gene.alternativeTranscripts.isEmpty()){
+							boolean doNotAdd = false;
+							for(Object[] altTrans : gene.alternativeTranscripts){
+								int start = (Integer) altTrans[0];
+								int stop = (Integer) altTrans[1];
+								if((altTrans.length >= 7) && (start == intronEnd) && (stop == ((Integer) gene.possibleIntrons.get(higherKey)[2])-1)){
+									doNotAdd = true;
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+							if(!doNotAdd){
+								gene.alternativeTranscripts.add(newFussy);
+							}
+						}else{
+							gene.alternativeTranscripts.add(newFussy);
+						}
+					}
+					foundEnd = true;
+					break;
+				}
+				if(gene.possibleIntrons.higherKey(higherKey) == null){
+					break;
+				}else{
+					higherKey = gene.possibleIntrons.higherKey(higherKey);
+				}
+			}while(!foundEnd);
+			if(!foundEnd){
+				int[] newExon = {intronEnd,(gene.stopPos+1)};
+				if(checkIfExonIsContained(gene.exonsOfGene, newExon) == 0){
+					gene.exonsOfGene.add(newExon);	
+					exonSubSet.add(newExon);
+				}
+			}
+		}else{
+			int[] newExon = {intronEnd,(gene.stopPos+1)};
+			if(checkIfExonIsContained(gene.exonsOfGene, newExon) == 0){
+				gene.exonsOfGene.add(newExon);	
+				exonSubSet.add(newExon);
+			}
+		}
+		return exonSubSet;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * check if the exon is already contained
+	 */
+	public static int checkIfExonIsContained(Vector<int[]> exonsOld, int[] newExon){
+		for(int[] exon : exonsOld){
+			if((exon[0] == newExon[0]) && (exon[1] == newExon[1])){
+				return 1;
+			}
+		}
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * if a splice site has an unusually large number of introns, check if they can be condensed 
+	 */
+	public static void testExonsIfLargeIntronKey(Gene gene, int key, Vector<int[]> exonSubSet){
+		HashMap<Integer,Vector<int[]>> endPosiToNum = new HashMap<Integer,Vector<int[]>>();
+		for(int[] exon : exonSubSet){
+			if(endPosiToNum.containsKey(exon[1])){
+				endPosiToNum.get(exon[1]).add(exon);
+			}else{
+				Vector<int[]> vecTemp = new Vector<int[]>();
+				vecTemp.add(exon);
+				endPosiToNum.put(exon[1],vecTemp);
+			}
+		}
+		for(int posi : endPosiToNum.keySet()){
+			if(endPosiToNum.get(posi).size() > ((double)(Math.pow(GeneFinder.minCoverage,2))/(double)GeneFinder.spliceLim)){
+				// condense to the smallest exon
+				int maxStart = -1;
+				for(int i = 0; i< endPosiToNum.get(posi).size();++i){
+					int[] exon =  endPosiToNum.get(posi).get(i);
+					if(exon[0] >= maxStart){
+						maxStart = exon[0];
+					}
+				}
+				gene.exonsOfGene.removeAll(endPosiToNum.get(posi));
+				gene.exonsOfGene.add(new int[] {maxStart,posi});
+				for(int j = ((Vector<int[]>)gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0]).size()-1;j >= 0; j--){
+					int[] intron = ((Vector<int[]>)gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0]).get(j);
+					if(intron[1] < maxStart){
+						((Vector<int[]>)gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0]).removeElement(intron);
+						((Vector<Vector<Rna>>)gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[1]).removeElementAt(j);   //TODO: these rnas also have to be removed from the gene!!
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * when an intron has been declared as non supported, erase the corresponding exons if the do not have support of other introns
+	 */
+	public static void searchCorrespondingExons(Gene gene, int[] intron){
+		for(int pos = gene.exonsOfGene.size() -1; pos >= 0; pos--){
+			int[] exon =  gene.exonsOfGene.get(pos);
+			if(exon[0] == intron[1]){			
+				if(!searchOtherIntronSupport(gene,intron)){
+					gene.exonsOfGene.removeElement(exon);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * if one exon is to be erased, first search for other intron supporting this exon
+	 */
+	public static boolean searchOtherIntronSupport(Gene gene, int[] intron){
+		for(int key : gene.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if((key != intron[0]) && gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0] != null){
+				for(int[] intronOfKey : (Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0]){
+					if((intronOfKey[1] == intron[1]) && (intronOfKey != intron)){
+						return true;  // found other support
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * sort exons via bubblesort
+	 */
+	public static void sortExons(Gene gene){
+		int[] temp;
+		for(int i=1; i<gene.exonsOfGene.size(); ++i) {
+			for(int j=0; j<gene.exonsOfGene.size()-i; ++j) {
+					if((gene.exonsOfGene.get(j)[0]) > (gene.exonsOfGene.get(j+1)[0])) {
+						temp=gene.exonsOfGene.get(j);
+						gene.exonsOfGene.setElementAt(gene.exonsOfGene.get(j+1),j);
+						gene.exonsOfGene.setElementAt(temp,j+1);
+					}
+				}
+			}	
+	}
+	/*
+	 * sort exons in a vector via bubblesort
+	 */
+	public static Vector<int[]> sortExonsInVector(Vector<int[]> exonVec){
+		int[] temp;
+		for(int i=1; i<exonVec.size(); ++i) {
+			for(int j=0; j<exonVec.size()-i; ++j) {
+					if((exonVec.get(j)[0]) > (exonVec.get(j+1)[0])) {
+						temp=exonVec.get(j);
+						exonVec.setElementAt(exonVec.get(j+1),j);
+						exonVec.setElementAt(temp,j+1);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		return exonVec;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * checks if the given exon set is already present from previous isoforms
+	 */
+	public static boolean checkIfExonsAlreadyPresent(Vector<int[]> exonsOfTranscript, Vector<Vector<int[]>> allTranscriptVecs){
+		boolean isContained = false;
+		for(Vector<int[]> formerSet : allTranscriptVecs){
+			int counterSame = 0;			
+			if(formerSet.size() == exonsOfTranscript.size()){
+				for(int posi = 0; posi < formerSet.size(); ++posi){
+					if((formerSet.get(posi)[0] == exonsOfTranscript.get(posi)[0]) && (formerSet.get(posi)[1] == exonsOfTranscript.get(posi)[1])){
+						// same exon
+						counterSame++;
+					}else{
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(counterSame == exonsOfTranscript.size()){
+				isContained = true;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		return isContained;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * returns the correct value to generate the new alternative Transcripts
+	 */
+	public static int searchTranscriptWithCorrectEnd(Gene gene, int[] intron){
+		int end = -1;
+		for(Object[] altTrans : gene.alternativeTranscripts){
+			if((((Integer)altTrans[1]).intValue() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) && (((Integer)altTrans[4]).intValue() == intron[1])){
+				return ((Integer)altTrans[0]).intValue();
+			}
+		}
+		return end;
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/FrameSearch.java b/src/geneFinder/FrameSearch.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d469eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/FrameSearch.java
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import types.Contig;
+import types.Gene;
+ * contains methods necessary for the frame determination of candidate gene regions
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+public class FrameSearch {
+	/*
+	 * new way of gene extraction by remembering all starts that are not in the same frame (maxNum = 3)
+	 * after that, starts and stops are checked if we find a combination that defines the frame of the cluster
+	 * 
+	 * tempStop is initially (int) (cluster.startPos+3) ; after that it is the position of the last detected ATG
+	 * recursive call
+	 */
+	public static int findPossibleStarts_Forward(Gene cluster, StringBuffer contigSeq, int posAr, int tempStop){
+		if(tempStop < (int)Math.max(0,(cluster.startPos-GeneFinder.readLength))){
+			return -1;
+		}
+		int start1 = contigSeq.substring((int)Math.max(0,(cluster.startPos-GeneFinder.readLength)),tempStop).lastIndexOf("ATG");
+		if(start1 == -1){
+			return start1;
+		}
+		start1 = (int)Math.max(0,(cluster.startPos-GeneFinder.readLength))+start1;
+		boolean foundSameFrame = false;
+		for(int i = 0; i<posAr;++i){
+			if((cluster.possibleStarts_Forward[i] - start1) % 3 == 0){
+				foundSameFrame = true;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if(!foundSameFrame){
+			cluster.possibleStarts_Forward[posAr++] = start1;
+			findPossibleStarts_Forward(cluster,contigSeq,posAr,start1);
+		}else{
+			findPossibleStarts_Forward(cluster,contigSeq,posAr,start1);
+		}
+		return start1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * new way of gene extraction by remembering all starts that are not in the same frame (maxNum = 3)
+	 * after that, starts and stops are checked if we find a combination that defines the frame of the cluster
+	 * 
+	 * tempStop is initially (int) (cluster.startPos+3) ; after that it is the position of the last detected StopCodon (reverse)
+	 * search for TTA, TCA and CTA
+	 * 
+	 * recursive call
+	 */
+	public static int findPossibleStarts_Reverse(Gene cluster, StringBuffer contigSeq, int posAr, int tempStop){
+		int start_RE = -1;
+		if(tempStop < (int)Math.max(0,(cluster.startPos-GeneFinder.readLength))){
+			return -1;
+		}
+		String startPart = contigSeq.substring((int)Math.max(0,(cluster.startPos-GeneFinder.readLength)), tempStop);
+		int startSub[] = {startPart.lastIndexOf("TTA"),startPart.lastIndexOf("TCA"),startPart.lastIndexOf("CTA")};
+		java.util.Arrays.sort(startSub);
+		if(startSub[2] > -1){ 
+			start_RE = (int) Math.max(0,(cluster.startPos-GeneFinder.readLength)) + startSub[2]; 
+		}else if(startSub[1] > -1){
+			start_RE = (int) Math.max(0,(cluster.startPos-GeneFinder.readLength))+ startSub[1];
+		} else if(startSub[0] > -1){
+			start_RE = (int )Math.max(0,(cluster.startPos-GeneFinder.readLength)) + startSub[0];
+		}
+		if(start_RE == -1){
+			return start_RE;
+		}
+		boolean foundSameFrame = false;
+		for(int i = 0; i<posAr;++i){
+			if((cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse[i] - start_RE) % 3 == 0){
+				foundSameFrame = true;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if(!foundSameFrame){
+			cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse[posAr++] = start_RE;
+			findPossibleStarts_Reverse(cluster,contigSeq,posAr,start_RE);
+		}else{
+			findPossibleStarts_Reverse(cluster,contigSeq,posAr,start_RE);
+		}
+		return start_RE;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * new way of gene extraction by remembering all starts that are not in the same frame (maxNum = 3)
+	 * after that, starts and stops are checked if we find a combination that defines the frame of the cluster
+	 * 
+	 * tempStart is initially (int) (cluster.stopPos - 2) ; after that it is the position of the last detected CAT+3
+	 * recursive call
+	 */
+	public static int findPossibleStops_Forward(Gene cluster, StringBuffer contigSeq, int posAr, int tempStart){
+		int stop_FO = -1;
+		if(tempStart > (int) Math.min(contigSeq.length(),cluster.stopPos-2 + GeneFinder.readLength + 1)){
+			return -1;
+		}
+		String stopPart = contigSeq.substring(tempStart, (int) Math.min(contigSeq.length(),cluster.stopPos-2 + GeneFinder.readLength + 1));
+		int stopSub[] = {stopPart.indexOf("TAA"),stopPart.indexOf("TGA"),stopPart.indexOf("TAG")};
+		java.util.Arrays.sort(stopSub);
+		if(stopSub[0] > -1){ 
+			stop_FO = tempStart + stopSub[0]; 
+		}else if(stopSub[1] > -1){
+			stop_FO = tempStart + stopSub[1];
+		} else if(stopSub[2] > -1){
+			stop_FO = tempStart + stopSub[2];
+		}
+		if(stop_FO == -1){
+			return stop_FO;
+		}
+		boolean foundSameFrame = false;
+		for(int i = 0; i<posAr;++i){
+			if((cluster.possibleStops_Forward[i] - stop_FO) % 3 == 0){
+				foundSameFrame = true;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if(!foundSameFrame){
+			cluster.possibleStops_Forward[posAr++] = stop_FO;
+			findPossibleStops_Forward(cluster,contigSeq,posAr,stop_FO+3);
+		}else{
+			findPossibleStops_Forward(cluster,contigSeq,posAr,stop_FO+3);
+		}
+		return stop_FO;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * new way of gene extraction by remembering all starts that are not in the same frame (maxNum = 3)
+	 * after that, starts and stops are checked if we find a combination that defines the frame of the cluster
+	 * 
+	 * tempStart is initially (int) (cluster.stopPos - 2) ; after that it is the position of the last detected CAT+3
+	 * recursive call
+	 */
+	public static int findPossibleStops_Reverse(Gene cluster, StringBuffer contigSeq, int posAr, int tempStart){
+		if(tempStart > (int) Math.min(contigSeq.length(),cluster.stopPos-2 + GeneFinder.readLength + 1)){
+			return -1;
+		}
+		int start1 = contigSeq.substring(tempStart, (int) Math.min(contigSeq.length(),cluster.stopPos-2 + GeneFinder.readLength + 1)).indexOf("CAT");
+		if(start1 == -1){
+			return start1;
+		}
+		start1 = start1 + tempStart;
+		boolean foundSameFrame = false;
+		for(int i = 0; i<posAr;++i){
+			if((cluster.possibleStops_Reverse[i] - start1) % 3 == 0){
+				foundSameFrame = true;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if(!foundSameFrame){
+			cluster.possibleStops_Reverse[posAr++] = start1;
+			findPossibleStops_Reverse(cluster,contigSeq,posAr,start1+3);
+		}else{
+			findPossibleStops_Reverse(cluster,contigSeq,posAr,start1+3);
+		}
+		return start1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * test if there is one of the possible start-stop codon pairs which is in frame
+	 * take the smallest interval possible
+	 */
+	public static int[] checkAndChooseReadingFrame(int[] startPosis, int[] stopPosis){
+		Vector<int[]> pairs = new Vector<int[]>();
+		for(int start : startPosis){
+			if(start >= 0){
+				for(int stop : stopPosis){
+					if(stop >= 0 && (stop - start) % 3 == 0 && (stop - start) > 0){
+						// both are in frame
+						int[] pairInfo = {start,stop,(stop-start)};
+						if(pairs.size() != 0){
+							if(pairs.get(0)[2] > (stop-start)){
+								pairs.remove(0);
+								pairs.add(pairInfo);
+							}
+						}else{
+							pairs.add(pairInfo);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(pairs.size() == 0){
+			return null;
+		}else{
+			return pairs.get(0);
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * especially for spliced genes, because here the in-frame search becomes less important
+	 * take the smallest interval of start and stop codon that is possible
+	 */
+	public static int[] checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(int[] startPosis, int[] stopPosis){
+		Vector<int[]> pairs = new Vector<int[]>();
+		for(int start : startPosis){
+			if(start >= 0){
+				for(int stop : stopPosis){
+					if(stop >= 0 && (stop - start) > 0){
+						// both might be not in frame!
+						int[] pairInfo = {start,stop,(stop-start)};
+						if(pairs.size() != 0){
+							if(pairs.get(0)[2] > (stop-start)){
+								pairs.remove(0);
+								pairs.add(pairInfo);
+							}
+						}else{
+							pairs.add(pairInfo);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(pairs.size() == 0){
+			return null;
+		}else{
+			return pairs.get(0);
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * it appears that a new transcript started within an intron, so search for its start in the given interval
+	 */
+	public static int[] lookForStartOfIsoform(int oldStart, StringBuffer contigSeq){
+		int startFO = contigSeq.substring((int)Math.max(0,(oldStart-GeneFinder.readLength)),oldStart+3).lastIndexOf("ATG");
+		if(startFO != -1){
+			startFO = (int)Math.max(0,(oldStart-GeneFinder.readLength))+startFO; 
+		}
+		int startRE = -1;
+		String startPart = contigSeq.substring((int)Math.max(0,(oldStart-GeneFinder.readLength)), oldStart+3);
+		int startSub[] = {startPart.lastIndexOf("TTA"),startPart.lastIndexOf("TCA"),startPart.lastIndexOf("CTA")};
+		java.util.Arrays.sort(startSub);
+		if(startSub[2] > -1){ 
+			startRE = (int) Math.max(0,(oldStart-GeneFinder.readLength)) + startSub[2]; 
+		}else if(startSub[1] > -1){
+			startRE = (int) Math.max(0,(oldStart-GeneFinder.readLength))+ startSub[1];
+		} else if(startSub[0] > -1){
+			startRE = (int )Math.max(0,(oldStart-GeneFinder.readLength)) + startSub[0];
+		}
+		return new int[] {startFO,startRE};
+	}
+	/*
+	 * use the information of direc counter to refine the frame
+	 */
+	public static void useDirecInfo(Gene gene, StringBuffer contigSeq){
+		if(!(gene.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty())){
+			if(gene.direcCounter[0] > gene.direcCounter[1]){
+				// try forward				
+				if(gene.onRevStrand){
+					//System.out.println("should be forward!");
+					int [] pair_FO = checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(gene.possibleStarts_Forward,gene.possibleStops_Forward);
+					if(pair_FO != null){
+						//System.out.println("changed to forward");
+						gene = ExtractGeneCandidates.refineExtractedCluster(gene, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+						gene.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+					}else{
+						if(gene.possibleStarts_Forward[0] != -1 || gene.possibleStops_Forward[0] != -1){
+							//System.out.print("changed to forward without pair for gene " + gene.geneID);
+							int start = -1;
+							int stop = -1;
+							if(gene.possibleStarts_Forward[0] != -1){								
+								int[] temp = gene.possibleStarts_Forward;
+								start = biggestNonNegativeArrayEntry(temp);
+								stop = gene.stopPos;
+								//System.out.println(" Old start: " + gene.startPos + " new start: " + start);
+							}else{
+								int[] temp = gene.possibleStops_Forward;
+								stop = smallestNonNegativeArrayEntry(temp);
+								start = gene.startPos;
+								//System.out.println(" Old stop: " + gene.stopPos + " new stop: " + stop);
+							}
+							gene = ExtractGeneCandidates.refineExtractedCluster(gene, contigSeq, start,stop+2,false);
+							gene.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+						}else{
+							// change both start and stop
+							gene = ExtractGeneCandidates.refineExtractedCluster(gene, contigSeq,  gene.startPos, gene.stopPos+2,false);
+							gene.realDirectionNotKnown = false;							
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}else if(gene.direcCounter[1] > gene.direcCounter[0]){
+				// try reverse				
+				if(!gene.onRevStrand){
+					int [] pair_RE = checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(gene.possibleStarts_Reverse,gene.possibleStops_Reverse);
+					if(pair_RE != null){
+						gene = ExtractGeneCandidates.refineExtractedCluster(gene, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+						gene.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+					}else{
+						if(gene.possibleStarts_Reverse[0] != -1 || gene.possibleStops_Reverse[0] != -1){
+							//System.out.print("changed to reverse without pair for gene " + gene.geneID);
+							int start = -1;
+							int stop = -1;
+							if(gene.possibleStarts_Reverse[0] != -1){								
+								int[] temp = gene.possibleStarts_Reverse;
+								start = biggestNonNegativeArrayEntry(temp); 
+								stop = gene.stopPos;
+							}else{
+								int[] temp = gene.possibleStops_Reverse;
+								stop = smallestNonNegativeArrayEntry(temp);
+								start = gene.startPos;
+							}
+							gene = ExtractGeneCandidates.refineExtractedCluster(gene, contigSeq, start, stop+2,true);
+							gene.realDirectionNotKnown = false;
+						}else{
+							// change both start and stop
+							gene = ExtractGeneCandidates.refineExtractedCluster(gene, contigSeq,  gene.startPos, gene.stopPos+2,true);
+							gene.realDirectionNotKnown = false;							
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * small function that returns the smallest position not -1
+	 */
+	public static int smallestNonNegativeArrayEntry(int[] arrayOrg){
+		int smallest = -1;
+		int[] array = new int[arrayOrg.length];
+		for(int entry = 0; entry < arrayOrg.length;++entry){
+			array[entry] = arrayOrg[entry];
+		}
+		java.util.Arrays.sort(array);
+		if(array[0] > -1){ 
+			smallest = array[0]; 
+		}else if(array[1] > -1){
+			smallest =  array[1];
+		} else if(array[2] > -1){
+			smallest = array[2];
+		}
+		return smallest;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * small function that returns the biggest position not -1
+	 */
+	public static int biggestNonNegativeArrayEntry(int[] arrayOrg){
+		int biggest = -1;
+		int[] array = new int[arrayOrg.length];
+		for(int entry = 0; entry < arrayOrg.length;++entry){
+			array[entry] = arrayOrg[entry];
+		}
+		java.util.Arrays.sort(array);
+		if(array[2] > -1){ 
+			biggest = array[2]; 
+		}else if(array[1] > -1){
+			biggest =  array[1];
+		} else if(array[0] > -1){
+			biggest = array[0];
+		}
+		return biggest;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * manages the frame search
+	 */
+	public static void findFrameAndCheckWithNeighbors(Gene cluster, Contig thisContig, StringBuffer contigSeq){
+		// now that we found the high-coverage area, search for start and stop codons
+		int possibleStart_FO = FrameSearch.findPossibleStarts_Forward(cluster, contigSeq, 0, (int) (cluster.startPos+3));  // now the start positions are directly the right ones
+		int possibleStart_RE = FrameSearch.findPossibleStarts_Reverse(cluster,contigSeq,0,(int) (cluster.startPos+3));
+		int possibleStop_FO = -1;
+		int possibleStop_RE = -1;
+		possibleStop_FO = FrameSearch.findPossibleStops_Forward(cluster,contigSeq,0,(int) cluster.stopPos-2);
+		possibleStop_RE = FrameSearch.findPossibleStops_Reverse(cluster,contigSeq,0,(int) cluster.stopPos-2);
+		// first have a look, if already forward or reverse direction is excluded due to missing start or stop
+		if(possibleStart_FO == -1 && possibleStart_RE != -1){   // reverse start found
+			// if it is an ORF, a reverse one is more likely, so search only for a possible start position of an reverse gene
+			if(possibleStop_RE != -1){
+				testFrames(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse,true,cluster,contigSeq);
+			}else{
+				cluster.onRevStrand = true;
+				ExtractGeneCandidates.declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster,possibleStart_RE,contigSeq);
+			}
+		}else if(possibleStart_RE == -1 && possibleStart_FO != -1){   // forward start found
+			// if it is an ORF, a forward one is more likely, so search only for possible stop positions of a forward gene
+			if(possibleStop_FO != -1){		
+				testFrames(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward,false,cluster,contigSeq);
+			}else{
+				cluster.onRevStrand = false;
+				ExtractGeneCandidates.declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster,possibleStart_FO,contigSeq);
+			}
+		}else if(possibleStart_RE != -1 && possibleStart_FO != -1){    // both starts found
+			// at the moment both directions are equally likely, so first search for the right frames
+			if((possibleStop_FO == -1) && (possibleStop_RE == -1)){
+				ExtractGeneCandidates.declareClusterAsNotCompleted(cluster,Math.max(possibleStart_FO,possibleStart_RE),contigSeq); // use the smallest possible interval
+			}else if((possibleStop_FO != -1) && (possibleStop_RE == -1)){
+				testFrames(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward,false,cluster,contigSeq);
+			}else if((possibleStop_FO == -1) && (possibleStop_RE != -1)){
+				testFrames(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse,true,cluster,contigSeq);
+			}else{
+				// both are still equally likely, so check both of them
+				int[] pair_FO = null;
+				int[] pair_RE = null;
+				if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+					pair_FO = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+					pair_RE = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+				}else{
+					pair_FO = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(cluster.possibleStarts_Forward,cluster.possibleStops_Forward);
+					pair_RE = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse,cluster.possibleStops_Reverse);
+				}
+				if(pair_FO == null && pair_RE == null){
+					// if possible, refer to XS tag		
+					if((possibleStop_FO - possibleStart_FO) <= (possibleStop_RE - possibleStart_RE)){
+						cluster.startPos = possibleStart_FO;
+						cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_FO + 2;
+						cluster.onRevStrand = false;
+					}else{
+						cluster.startPos = possibleStart_RE;
+						cluster.stopPos = possibleStop_RE + 2;
+						cluster.onRevStrand = true;
+					}
+				} else if(pair_FO != null && pair_RE == null){
+					cluster = ExtractGeneCandidates.refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+				} else if(pair_FO == null && pair_RE != null){
+					cluster = ExtractGeneCandidates.refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+				}else if(pair_FO != null && pair_RE != null){
+					// if possible, refer to XS tag	
+					if(!(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()) && cluster.direcCounter[0] > cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+						cluster = ExtractGeneCandidates.refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+					}else if(!(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()) && cluster.direcCounter[0] < cluster.direcCounter[1]){
+						cluster = ExtractGeneCandidates.refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+					}else{						
+						// take longest interval, because this region is likely to be overlapping with other regions
+						if(pair_FO[2] >= pair_RE[2]){
+							cluster = ExtractGeneCandidates.refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_FO[0], pair_FO[1]+2,false);
+						}else{
+							cluster = ExtractGeneCandidates.refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair_RE[0], pair_RE[1]+2,true);
+						}	
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		} 
+	}
+	/*
+	 * test if there exist a pair in frame
+	 */
+	public static void testFrames(int[] starts, int[] stops, boolean isReverse, Gene cluster, StringBuffer contigSeq){
+		int[] pair = null;
+		if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().isEmpty()){
+			pair = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame(starts,stops);
+		}else{
+			pair = FrameSearch.checkAndChooseReadingFrame_SplicingVariant(starts,stops);
+		}			
+		if(pair != null){
+			cluster = ExtractGeneCandidates.refineExtractedCluster(cluster, contigSeq, pair[0], pair[1]+2,isReverse);
+		}else{
+			cluster.startPos = starts[0];
+			cluster.stopPos = stops[0] + 2;
+			ExtractGeneCandidates.checkIfAdequateAndRefine(cluster, isReverse, starts, contigSeq);
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/GeneFinder.java b/src/geneFinder/GeneFinder.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bf48ac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/GeneFinder.java
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+package geneFinder;
+ * manages gene finding
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import types.*;
+public class GeneFinder {
+	public static String pathToGenomeFiles; 	// path to directory with genome.fasta
+	public static String pathOut;		 		// path to directory for resultsFiles
+	public static String pathToHelpFiles;		// path to directory with all help scripts
+	public static File logFile;					// file to store all run information
+	public static String outputName;			// basis name for all output files
+	public static String haveSam;				// if a sam file already exists, haveSam contains the name
+	public static Map<File,String> genomeFilesWithNames = new HashMap<File,String>();
+	public static Map<File,String> rnaFilesWithNames = new HashMap<File,String>();
+	public static boolean useTopHat;			// indicator for mapping tool
+	public static String settingMapper;			// setting for the mapping tool, differs slightly depending on which tool was chosen
+	public static int maxReportedHitsBWA;		// specify number of multiple hits maximal reported in tag of BWA
+	public static boolean useBWAsw;				// use longer reads and therefore choose BWAsw as mapping tool
+	public static boolean useCPLEX;
+	public static boolean useGLPK;
+	public static int memForCplex = -1;			// if necessary, memory is set by user
+	public static boolean optiSolve;			// if we have separate runs to reduce the memory consumption, this parameter turns off the optimization solver
+	public static int readLength;				// read length of the rna reads
+	public static double minCoverage;			// coverage threshold for the beginning of a gene
+	public static double endCoverage;			// coverage threshold for the end of a gene
+	public static double maxCov; // threshold in case average cov and median cov differ too much
+	public static int interval;				// minimal interval length
+	public static boolean dispCov;				// decide whether the coverage histogram is computed
+	public static double spliceLim; 			// coverage threshold for splice site acceptance
+	public static boolean isProkaryote;         // if set to true, it forbids the extraction of spliced reads
+	public static boolean noAmbiOpti;			// do not use ambiguous reads and perform no optimization
+	public static int numberThreads;			// indicates the maximal number of threads used during the run
+	public static Map<String,Contig> mappedContigs = new HashMap<String,Contig>();
+	public static Map<Contig,String> contigTOname = new HashMap<Contig,String>();
+	public static boolean splitRunAndOpti; // indicates if the optimization and GIIRA shall be run separately, to reduce the memory consumption
+	public static int iteration;				// number of iterations
+	public static double ambiProportion;
+	public static boolean secondPart;       // indicates whether we print out messages or not, required to avoid double messaging when in splitted analysis
+	public static boolean useSequential;    // indicate if we have a second chrom sorted Sam file which is parsed in a sequential manner
+	public static String haveSam_ChromSorted;	// if a sam file already exists, haveSam_ChromSorted contains the name (needed at the moment for sequential stuff)
+	public static boolean inprogeaCall;   // indicates whether called from inprogea framework or independently
+	public static void main(String[] args){		
+		manager(args);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * manages the first part
+	 */
+	public static Object[] manager(String[] args){
+	ReadInParameters_GeneFinder.readIn_GF(args);
+		/*Gene gene = new Gene();
+		gene.startPos = 0;
+		String seq = readInFasta();
+		Prokaryote_Specials.define_OrfsInOperon(seq,gene);
+		System.exit(0);*/
+		long timeBef = System.currentTimeMillis();
+		PrepareMapping_GF mappingPrep = new PrepareMapping_GF();
+		String nameRef = mappingPrep.prepareRefFile_GF();
+		File inputFileAlign;
+		File inputFileAlign2 = null;
+		if(GeneFinder.useSequential){
+			 inputFileAlign2 = new File(haveSam_ChromSorted);
+		}
+		if(useTopHat){
+			if(haveSam != null){
+				inputFileAlign = new File(haveSam);
+			}else{
+				inputFileAlign = new File(pathOut+"resultsRun/accepted_hits.sam");
+				GeneFinder.haveSam = pathOut+"resultsRun/accepted_hits.sam";
+				// first test if not already created in earlier rounds
+				try{
+					BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileAlign));
+					br.close();
+				}catch (IOException e) {
+					TopHat_Call tophatStart = new TopHat_Call();
+					tophatStart.callTopHat(nameRef);
+				}
+			}
+		}else{
+			if(haveSam != null){
+				inputFileAlign = new File(haveSam);				
+			}else{
+				inputFileAlign = new File(pathOut+"resultsRun/aln_BWA.sam");
+				GeneFinder.haveSam = pathOut+"resultsRun/aln_BWA.sam";
+				// first test if not already created in earlier rounds
+				try{
+					BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileAlign));
+					br.close();
+				}catch (IOException e) {
+					BWA_Call bwaStart = new BWA_Call();
+					bwaStart.callBWA(new File(nameRef+".fasta"), pathOut+"resultsRun/aln_BWA.sam"); 
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(iteration == 2){
+			WriteOutput.sortReassignSamFile();
+		}
+		SamParser parser = new SamParser();
+		parser.samFileParser(inputFileAlign,inputFileAlign2,nameRef);
+		if(iteration == 2){
+			WriteOutput.removeReassignSamFile();
+		}
+		geneFinder_managing(nameRef, "");
+		long timeAft = System.currentTimeMillis();	
+		System.out.println("Gene identification finished in " + (double) (timeAft-timeBef)/1000.0 +"s.");
+		WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Gene identification finished in " + (double) (timeAft-timeBef)/1000.0 +"s.");
+		if(inprogeaCall){
+			return new Object[] {mappedContigs,readLength};
+		}else{
+			return null;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * coordinates everything necessary exclusively for the gene finder
+	 */
+	public static void geneFinder_managing(String nameRef, String namePartOut){
+		long timeBef = System.currentTimeMillis();
+		if(!isProkaryote){
+			ExtractGeneCandidates searchC = new ExtractGeneCandidates();
+			searchC.initializeClusterSearch(nameRef);
+		}else{			
+			ProkaryoteExtraction searchC_Pro = new ProkaryoteExtraction();
+			searchC_Pro.initializeClusterSearch(nameRef);
+		}
+		long timeAft = System.currentTimeMillis();	
+		if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+			System.out.println("Time required for candidate extraction: " + (double) (timeAft-timeBef)/1000.0 +"s.\n");
+			WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Time required for candidate extraction: " + (double) (timeAft-timeBef)/1000.0 +"s.\n");
+		}
+		if(!GeneFinder.noAmbiOpti){
+			OptimizeAmbis.maxFlowLP();
+		}
+		double[] minMax = CalculateScores.assignGeneScores(false);
+		if(isProkaryote){
+			WriteOutput.writeGeneFinderOutput_Prokaryote(minMax,namePartOut);
+		}else{
+			WriteOutput.writeGeneFinderOutput(minMax,namePartOut);
+		}
+	}
+	public static String readInFasta(){
+		String seq = "";
+		try {
+			BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("/home/franziska/paper_giira/EcoliSim/testAlign_30_6/extract4.fasta")));
+			String line = "";
+			while((line = br.readLine()) != null){
+				if(!line.startsWith(">")){
+					seq += line;
+				}
+			}
+		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+		System.out.println(seq);
+		return seq;
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/Giira.java b/src/geneFinder/Giira.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c381279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/Giira.java
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+package geneFinder;
+ * controls the jar call
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ */
+import java.io.*;
+import java.net.URLDecoder;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Map;
+import types.Contig;
+public class Giira {
+	public static int iterationNum;
+	public static int optiMethod;       // 0 - cplex // 1 - glpk
+	public static String libPath;		// library path for cplex optimization
+	public static boolean splitRunAndOpti; // indicates if the optimization and giira shall be run separately, to reduce the memory consumption
+	public static String classPath;   // the class path provided in the GIIRA call
+	public static void main(String[] args) {
+		if(args.length == 0 || args[0].equals("-h") || args[0].equals("--help")){
+			ReadInParameters_GeneFinder.printHelp_GF();
+		}
+		// get memory
+		Runtime rtMem = Runtime.getRuntime();
+		double maxMemMB = (((rtMem.maxMemory())/1000.0)/1000.0);
+		String str = String.valueOf(maxMemMB);
+		String[] mem = str.split("\\.");
+		//System.out.println("Maximal Memory: " + mem[0] + "MB");
+		// get path
+		String path = Giira.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();
+		long timeBef = System.currentTimeMillis();
+		try {
+			String decodedPath = URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8");
+			String scriptPath = decodedPath.substring(0,decodedPath.length()-9);
+			//System.out.println("Path of Giira: " + decodedPath);
+			classPath = "";
+			parseForGlobalParas(args);
+			// get class path
+			if(classPath.length() == 0){
+				classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
+			}
+			//System.out.println("Class Path: " + classPath);
+			String argString = "";
+			for(String part : args){
+				argString += part + " ";
+			}
+			for(int itNum = 1;itNum<=iterationNum;++itNum){
+				//System.out.println();
+				//System.out.println("Iteration " + itNum);
+				//System.out.println();
+				if(splitRunAndOpti){
+					// perform two runs, with optimization in between
+					// run 1
+					String sysCall_1 = "java -Xmx"+ mem[0] +"m -cp " + classPath + ":" + decodedPath + " geneFinder.GeneFinder " + argString + "-iter " + itNum + " -solverOn n -splitRunAndOpti n -scripts " + scriptPath + "scripts/";				
+					System.out.println("Call part 1:");
+					callAndHandleOutput(sysCall_1);
+					// optimization
+					String sysCall_Opti = "";
+					if(optiMethod == 0){
+						sysCall_Opti = "java -Xmx"+ mem[0] +"m -Djava.library.path=" + libPath + " -cp " + classPath + ":" + decodedPath + " geneFinder.GeneFinder " + argString + "-iter " + itNum + " -splitRunAndOpti y -secondPart y -scripts " + scriptPath + "scripts/";		
+					}else{
+						sysCall_Opti = "java -Xmx"+ mem[0] +"m -cp " + classPath + ":" + decodedPath + " geneFinder.GeneFinder " + argString + "-iter " + itNum + " -splitRunAndOpti y -secondPart y -scripts " + scriptPath + "scripts/";
+					}
+					System.out.println("Optimization: " + sysCall_Opti);
+					callAndHandleOutput(sysCall_Opti);			
+					// run 2
+					String sysCall_2 = "java -Xmx"+ mem[0] +"m -cp " + classPath + ":" + decodedPath + " geneFinder.GeneFinder " + argString + "-iter " + itNum + " -solverOn n -splitRunAndOpti n -secondPart y -scripts " + scriptPath + "scripts/";
+					System.out.println("Call part 2:");
+					callAndHandleOutput(sysCall_2);
+				}else{
+					String sysCall = "";
+					if(optiMethod == 0){
+						sysCall = "java -Xmx"+ mem[0] +"m -Djava.library.path=" + libPath + " -cp " + classPath + ":" + decodedPath + " geneFinder.GeneFinder " + argString + "-iter " + itNum + " -scripts " + scriptPath + "scripts/";
+					}else{
+						sysCall = "java -Xmx"+ mem[0] +"m -cp " + classPath + ":" + decodedPath + " geneFinder.GeneFinder " + argString + "-iter " + itNum + " -scripts " + scriptPath + "scripts/";
+					}
+					System.out.println("Call: ");
+					callAndHandleOutput(sysCall);
+				}
+			}
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			System.out.println("IO Exception.");
+		}
+		long timeAft = System.currentTimeMillis();	
+		System.out.println("Finished GIIRA in " + (double) (timeAft-timeBef)/1000.0 +"s.");
+	}
+	/*
+	 * extract the global parameters for GIIRA
+	 */
+	public static void parseForGlobalParas(String[] args){
+		boolean foundLib = false;
+		boolean foundOpti = false;
+		boolean foundSplitIndicator = false;
+		boolean foundIteration = false;
+		boolean foundCPLEX = false;
+		String parameter = Arrays.toString(args);
+		if(!parameter.isEmpty() && args.length > 0){
+			System.out.println();
+			for(int i = 0; i<args.length;i++){
+				String arg = args[i];
+				if(arg.equals("-iter")){
+					foundIteration = true;
+					int iteration = Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]);
+					if(iteration == 1){
+						iterationNum = 1;
+					} else{
+						iterationNum = 2;
+					}
+				}
+				if(arg.equals("-libPath")){
+					foundLib = true;
+					libPath = args[i+1];
+				} else if(arg.equals("-opti")){
+					foundOpti = true;
+					String optimizer = args[i+1];
+					if(optimizer.equals("glpk")){
+						optiMethod = 1;
+					} else{
+						optiMethod = 0;
+					}
+				} else if(arg.equals("-splitRunAndOpti")){
+					foundSplitIndicator = true;
+					if(args[i+1].equals("y")){
+						splitRunAndOpti = true;
+					} else{
+						splitRunAndOpti = false;
+					}
+				} else if(arg.equals("-cp")){
+					foundCPLEX = true;
+					classPath = args[i+1];
+				} 
+			}
+			if(!foundLib){
+				if(!foundOpti || (foundOpti && optiMethod == 0)){
+					System.out.println("Cplex is chosen as optimizer, but no Djava.library.path is provided.");
+					System.out.println("Either choose glpk as the optimizer (-opti glpk), or specify the Djava.library.path for cplex with -libPath [PATH].");
+					System.exit(0);
+				}
+			}
+			if(!foundCPLEX){
+				if(!foundOpti || (foundOpti && optiMethod == 0)){
+					System.out.println("Cplex is chosen as optimizer, but no path to cplex.jar is provided.");
+					System.out.println("Either choose glpk as the optimizer (-opti glpk), or specify the path to both files with -cp PATH_TO_CPLEX/cplex.jar");
+					System.exit(0);
+				}
+			}
+			if(!foundSplitIndicator){
+				splitRunAndOpti = false;
+			}
+			if(!foundIteration){
+				iterationNum = 1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * call GIIRA and handle the output streams
+	 */
+	public static void callAndHandleOutput(String sysCall){
+		try{
+			System.out.println(sysCall);
+			System.out.println();
+			Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime();
+			Process exe = run.exec(sysCall);
+			BufferedReader bExe = new BufferedReader(new  InputStreamReader(exe.getInputStream()));
+			BufferedReader bErr = new BufferedReader(new  InputStreamReader(exe.getErrorStream()));
+			String lineExe = "";
+			while((lineExe = bExe.readLine()) != null){
+				System.out.println(lineExe);
+			}
+			while((lineExe = bErr.readLine()) != null){
+				System.out.println(lineExe);
+			}
+			exe.waitFor();
+			bExe.close();
+			bErr.close();
+		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
+			System.out.println("Interrupted Exception.");
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			System.out.println("IO Exception.");
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.java b/src/geneFinder/HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6685cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.java
@@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import types.Contig;
+import types.Gene;
+import types.Rna;
+ * contains methods for various kinds of tasks required during cluster extraction, intron and exon search and frame determination
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+public class HelperFunctions_GeneSearch {
+	/*
+	 *  if we do not take into account ambiguous hits, remove them from mapping rnas
+	 * 
+	 */
+	public static void removeAmbiHits(Contig thisContig){
+		for(int currentPos : thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.keySet()){
+			Vector<Rna> rnaWithoutMulti = new Vector<Rna>();
+			for(Rna rna : thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(currentPos)){
+				if(rna.isMulti == 0){
+					rnaWithoutMulti.add(rna);
+				}else{
+					// search splice sites and remove support, go through all info entries in case this read has mapped more than once on the same position
+					for(Object[] info : rna.contigsMappedOn){
+						if(((Integer) info[1] == currentPos)  && (((Contig) info[0]).equals(thisContig))){
+							if(info[4] != null){
+								int splitStart = ((int[]) info[4])[1];
+								if(thisContig.splicePositions.containsKey(splitStart)){
+									thisContig.splicePositions.put(splitStart,thisContig.splicePositions.get(splitStart)-1);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.put(currentPos,rnaWithoutMulti);
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * remove all hits from posisitions they are not any longer assigned to
+	 */
+	public static void removeReassignedHits(Contig thisContig){
+		for(int currentPos : thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.keySet()){
+			Vector<Rna> rnaWithoutMulti = new Vector<Rna>();
+			for(Rna rna : thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(currentPos)){
+				if(rna.isMulti == 2){
+					if(rna.contigsMappedOn.size() > 0){
+							Object[] info = rna.contigsMappedOn.get(0);
+							if(((Integer)info[1]).intValue() == currentPos){
+								rnaWithoutMulti.add(rna);
+							}
+						}						
+				}else{
+					rnaWithoutMulti.add(rna);
+				}
+			}
+			thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.put(currentPos,rnaWithoutMulti);
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * this method updates the posiCovMap that stores coverage-Add-Vectors for intron-starts and endings 
+	 * here we subtract 1 for each covered position, because if we call this method the read has been erased 
+	 */
+	public static TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> updatePosiCovMap_AfterSpliceSwitch(TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap, int posi, int lengthThatIsLeft){
+		if(posiCovMap.containsKey(posi)){
+			for(int i = lengthThatIsLeft - 1; i >= 0; --i){ 
+				if(posiCovMap.get(posi).size() > i){
+					int oldCov = posiCovMap.get(posi).get(i);
+					if(oldCov == 1){
+						posiCovMap.get(posi).removeElementAt(i);
+					}else{
+						posiCovMap.get(posi).setElementAt((oldCov - 1),i);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(posiCovMap.get(posi).size() == 0){
+				posiCovMap.remove(posi);
+			}
+		}
+		return posiCovMap;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * this method updates the posiCovMap that stores coverage-Add-Vectors for intron-starts and endings 
+	 */
+	public static TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> updatePosiCovMap(TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap, int posi, int lengthThatIsLeft){
+		if(posiCovMap.containsKey(posi)){
+			for(int i = 0; i < lengthThatIsLeft; ++i){
+				if(posiCovMap.get(posi).size() > i){
+					int oldCov = posiCovMap.get(posi).get(i);
+					posiCovMap.get(posi).setElementAt((oldCov + 1),i);
+				}else{
+					posiCovMap.get(posi).add(1);
+				}
+			}
+		}else{
+			Vector<Integer> vec_tmp = new Vector<Integer>();
+			for(int i = 0; i < lengthThatIsLeft; ++i){
+				vec_tmp.add(1);
+			}
+			posiCovMap.put(posi,vec_tmp);
+		}
+		return posiCovMap;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * help function to update the original coverageVec according to entries stored in posiCovMap
+	 */
+	public static Object[] lookIntoPosiCovMap(TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap, int currentPos){
+		Vector<Integer> covVecClone = new Vector<Integer>();    // stores all coverage add values derived by posiCovMap
+		for(int arrPos=0;arrPos<GeneFinder.readLength;++arrPos){
+			covVecClone.add(0);
+		}
+		boolean addedValues = false;
+		//Vector<Integer> visitedPositions = new Vector<Integer>();   // positions that have been visited can be removed in map!
+		if(posiCovMap.keySet().size() != 0){
+			for(int position : posiCovMap.keySet()){
+				if(Math.abs((position-currentPos)) <= GeneFinder.readLength){
+					// add this coverages to cov vec
+					Vector<Integer> tmpCovs = posiCovMap.get(position);
+						if(position <= currentPos){
+							int posInClone = 0;
+							for(int posTmp = (currentPos - position); posTmp < tmpCovs.size(); ++posTmp){
+								if(tmpCovs.get(posTmp) > 0){
+									addedValues = true;
+								}
+								covVecClone.setElementAt((covVecClone.get(posInClone) + tmpCovs.get(posTmp)),posInClone++);
+								posiCovMap.get(position).setElementAt(0,posTmp);
+							}
+						}else{
+							int posInClone = (position - currentPos);
+							int threshold = Math.min(tmpCovs.size(), (GeneFinder.readLength - (position - currentPos)));
+							for(int posTmp = 0; posTmp < threshold; ++posTmp){
+								if(tmpCovs.get(posTmp) > 0){
+									addedValues = true;
+								}
+								covVecClone.setElementAt((covVecClone.get(posInClone) + tmpCovs.get(posTmp)),posInClone++);
+								posiCovMap.get(position).setElementAt(0,posTmp);
+							}
+						}
+				}else if(position > (currentPos + GeneFinder.readLength)){
+					break;  
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		Object[] returnObject = {addedValues,covVecClone, posiCovMap};
+		return returnObject;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * method that rnas to map
+	 */
+	public static void addRnasFromVector(Gene cluster, Vector<Rna> newRnas){
+		for(Rna potRna : newRnas){
+			if(!cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.containsKey(potRna.rnaID)){
+				cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.put(potRna.rnaID, new Object[] {potRna,new int[] {-1,-1},-1});
+				potRna.assignedNum++;
+			}else{
+				cluster.moreThanOneHitRnas.add(potRna.rnaID);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * method that rnas to map, without caring for duplications
+	 */
+	public static void addRnasFromVector_NotRespectDuplis(Gene cluster, Vector<Rna> newRnas){
+		for(Rna potRna : newRnas){
+			cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.put(potRna.rnaID, new Object[] {potRna,new int[] {-1,-1},-1});
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * method to ensure that only reads that are not already included will be assigned to the vector
+	 */
+	public static void addAssociatedRnas(Gene cluster, HashMap<String, Object[]> newRnas){
+		for(String potRna : newRnas.keySet()){
+			if(!cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.containsKey(potRna)){
+				cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.put(potRna, newRnas.get(potRna));
+				((Rna) newRnas.get(potRna)[0]).assignedNum++;
+			}else{
+				cluster.moreThanOneHitRnas.add(potRna);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * when we extract twin clusters, declare all their rnas as "shared"
+	 */
+	public static void declareAsShared(Gene cluster){
+		for(String rnaKey : cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet()){
+			Rna rna = ((Rna) cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rnaKey)[0]);
+			rna.isSharedBy.add(cluster.geneID);
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * when two clusters are merged, take care to correctly assign the shared rnas
+	 */
+	public static void declareShared_AfterMerge(Gene cluster, Gene clusterBef){
+		for(String rnaKey : cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet()){
+			Rna rna = ((Rna) cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rnaKey)[0]);
+			if(rna.isSharedBy.contains(clusterBef.geneID)){
+				rna.isSharedBy.removeElement(clusterBef.geneID);
+				if(!rna.isSharedBy.contains(cluster.geneID)){
+					rna.isSharedBy.add(cluster.geneID);
+				}
+			}			
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * also update the shared rna information for the twin node
+	 * note: the modulo operation tests whether this shared rna really is shared between cluster and twin or between cluster and another overlapping cluster
+	 */
+	public static void declareShared_For_FutureTwin(Gene cluster, Gene futureTwin){
+		for(String rnaKey : cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet()){
+			Rna rna = ((Rna) cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rnaKey)[0]);
+			if(rna.isSharedBy.contains(cluster.geneID) && !rna.isSharedBy.contains(futureTwin.geneID)){			
+				rna.isSharedBy.add(futureTwin.geneID);
+			}			
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * check whether there exists an intron end near nextPos, such that we can extract the number of bases, that define the overlapping region with nextPos
+	 */
+	public static Integer findIntronNearNextPos(Gene cluster, int nextPos){
+		int posiCovPosition = -1;
+		for(int key : cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(cluster.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0] != null){
+				for(int[] intron : ( (Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0])){
+					if(Math.abs(nextPos - intron[1]) <= GeneFinder.readLength){
+						posiCovPosition = intron[1];
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(posiCovPosition != -1){
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		return posiCovPosition;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * check if nextPos is within readLength range of an intronEnd (exceeding it) 
+	 * also check if a splice site opens after transcript start, if yes, take what occurs first, split start or intron end
+	 */
+	public static int[] checkIfNextPosExceedsIntronEnd(Gene cluster, int nextPos, int transcriptMode){
+		int minEndKey = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		int minEndIntron = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		int keyThreshold = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		int inNormalTranscriptKey = 1;   // 1 indicates "yes", 0 indicates "no"
+		int inNormalTranscriptIntron = 1;   // 1 indicates "yes", 0 indicates "no"
+		if(transcriptMode != -1){
+			keyThreshold = transcriptMode;
+		}
+		for(int key : cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(cluster.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0] != null){ //&& key<=keyThreshold){  tryOut
+				for(int[] intron : ( (Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0])){
+					if((key >= transcriptMode) && (transcriptMode != -1)){
+						if(key<minEndKey){
+							minEndKey = key;
+							if(key >= keyThreshold){
+								inNormalTranscriptKey = 0;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if((nextPos - intron[1] <= GeneFinder.readLength) && (nextPos >= intron[1])){
+						if(intron[1] < minEndIntron){
+							minEndIntron = intron[1];
+							if(key >= keyThreshold){
+								inNormalTranscriptIntron = 0;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if((minEndKey != Integer.MAX_VALUE) || (minEndIntron != Integer.MAX_VALUE)){
+			if(minEndKey <= minEndIntron){
+				return new int[] {minEndKey,inNormalTranscriptKey};
+			}else{
+				return new int[] {minEndIntron,inNormalTranscriptIntron};
+			}
+		}
+		return new int[] {-1,0};
+	}
+	/*
+	 * check if nextPos is within readLength range of an intronEnd (exceeding it) of a previous transcript
+	 * also check if a splice site opens after transcript start, if yes, take what occurs first, split start or intron end
+	 */
+	public static int[] checkIfNextPosMergesWithPreviousIsoform(Gene cluster, int nextPos, int transcriptMode){
+		int minEndKey = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		int minEndIntron = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		int keyThreshold = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		int inNormalTranscriptKey = 1;   // 1 indicates "yes", 0 indicates "no"
+		int inNormalTranscriptIntron = 1;   // 1 indicates "yes", 0 indicates "no"
+		if(transcriptMode != -1){
+			keyThreshold = transcriptMode;
+		}
+		for(int key : cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(cluster.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0] != null){ //&& key<=keyThreshold){  tryOut
+				for(int[] intron : ( (Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0])){
+					if((key >= transcriptMode) && (transcriptMode != -1)){
+						if(key<minEndKey){
+							minEndKey = key;
+							if(key >= keyThreshold){
+								inNormalTranscriptKey = 0;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if((nextPos - intron[1] <= GeneFinder.readLength) && (nextPos >= intron[1])){
+						if(intron[1] < minEndIntron){
+							minEndIntron = intron[1];
+							if(key >= keyThreshold){
+								inNormalTranscriptIntron = 0;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if((minEndKey != Integer.MAX_VALUE) || (minEndIntron != Integer.MAX_VALUE)){
+			if(inNormalTranscriptKey == 1 || inNormalTranscriptIntron == 1){
+				if(inNormalTranscriptKey == 1 && inNormalTranscriptIntron == 1){
+					if(minEndKey <= minEndIntron){
+						return new int[] {minEndKey,inNormalTranscriptKey};
+					}else{
+						return new int[] {minEndIntron,inNormalTranscriptIntron};
+					}
+				}else{
+					if(inNormalTranscriptKey == 1 && (minEndKey != Integer.MAX_VALUE)){
+						return new int[] {minEndKey,inNormalTranscriptKey};
+					}else if((minEndIntron != Integer.MAX_VALUE)){
+						return new int[] {minEndIntron,inNormalTranscriptIntron};
+					}
+				}
+			}else{
+				if(minEndKey <= minEndIntron){
+					return new int[] {minEndKey,inNormalTranscriptKey};
+				}else{
+					return new int[] {minEndIntron,inNormalTranscriptIntron};
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return new int[] {-1,0};
+	}
+	/*
+	 * check if the intron end leads to a previous transcript
+	 */
+	public static int[] checkIfIntronEndsInNormalTranscript(Gene cluster, int intronEnd, int transcriptMode){
+		int minEndIntron = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		int keyThreshold = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+		int inNormalTranscriptIntron = 1;   // 1 indicates "yes", 0 indicates "no"
+		if(transcriptMode != -1){
+			keyThreshold = transcriptMode;
+		}
+		for(int key : cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(cluster.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0] != null){
+				for(int[] intron : ( (Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0])){
+					if((Math.abs(intronEnd - intron[1]) <= GeneFinder.readLength)){
+						if(intron[1] < minEndIntron){
+							minEndIntron = intron[1];
+							if(key >= keyThreshold){
+								inNormalTranscriptIntron = 0;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(minEndIntron != Integer.MAX_VALUE){
+			return new int[] {minEndIntron,inNormalTranscriptIntron};
+		}
+		return new int[] {-1,0};
+	}
+	/*
+	 * find the intron that defined currentCompete
+	 * return 1 means we go on with the gene
+	 */
+	public static int findIntronOfCurrentCompete(Gene gene, int currentCompete){
+		for(int key : gene.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0] != null){
+				for(int[] intron : ((Vector<int[]>)gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0])){
+					if(intron[1] == currentCompete){
+						// found intron
+						if(((Vector<int[]>)gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0]).size() == 1){
+							return 1;
+						}else{
+							return -1;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return 1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * test if also other splits support the currentCompete, such that it is better to goOn and leave candidate open
+	 */
+	public static boolean checkForOtherSupport(Gene gene, int currentCompete, int nextPos){
+		int numBiggerThanNextPos = 0;
+		for(int key : gene.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0] != null){
+				for(int[] intron : ((Vector<int[]>)gene.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0])){
+					if((intron[1] == currentCompete) || (intron[1] > nextPos)){
+						// found intron
+						numBiggerThanNextPos++;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(numBiggerThanNextPos >= 2){
+			return true;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * add rnas from the interval start-currentPos
+	 */
+	public static void addRnasFromInterval(Gene cluster, Contig thisContig, int currentPos, int formerPosi){
+		int pos_temp = formerPosi;
+		if(pos_temp != -1){
+			do{
+				HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(cluster,thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(pos_temp));
+				if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.higherKey(pos_temp) != null){
+					pos_temp = thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.higherKey(pos_temp);
+				}else{
+					pos_temp = currentPos;
+				}
+			}while((pos_temp != currentPos) && !(pos_temp > currentPos));
+		}		
+	}
+	/*
+	 * add rnas from the interval start-currentPos not respecting duplication
+	 */
+	public static void addRnasFromInterval_notRespectDuplis(Gene cluster, Contig thisContig, int currentPos, int formerPosi){
+		int pos_temp = formerPosi;
+		if(pos_temp != -1){
+			do{
+				HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector_NotRespectDuplis(cluster,thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(pos_temp));
+				if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.higherKey(pos_temp) != null){
+					pos_temp = thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.higherKey(pos_temp);
+				}else{
+					pos_temp = currentPos;
+				}
+			}while((pos_temp != currentPos) && !(pos_temp > currentPos));
+		}		
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/IntronExonSearch.java b/src/geneFinder/IntronExonSearch.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bb9899f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/IntronExonSearch.java
@@ -0,0 +1,1152 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import types.*;
+ * class that contains methods to extract and verify introns and define the corresponding exons
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+public class IntronExonSearch {
+	/*
+	 * check if all introns have enough support. If they are below the threshold, erase them and the connected rnas
+	 */
+	public static void finalIni_IntronSupportCheck(Gene cluster, Contig thisContig){
+		Vector<Integer> keysToErase = new Vector<Integer>();
+		for(int spliceSite : cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[0] != null){
+				for(int i = ((Vector<int[]>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[0]).size() -1; i>= 0; --i){
+					if((((Vector<int[]>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[0]).get(i)[1] > cluster.stopPos)){
+						// intron has not enough support, so erase and also delete rnas from cluster
+						int[] badIntron = ((Vector<int[]>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[0]).get(i);					
+						for(Rna rna : ((Vector<Vector<Rna>>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[1]).get(i)){
+							if(cluster.moreThanOneHitRnas.contains(rna.rnaID)){
+								// if it is contained here, this serves as one "back-up life" that is now destroyed
+								cluster.moreThanOneHitRnas.remove(rna.rnaID);
+							}else{
+								cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.remove(rna.rnaID);
+							}
+							if((((Vector<int[]>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[0]).get(i)[1] > cluster.stopPos)){
+								// remove direcCounter
+								for(Object[] info : rna.contigsMappedOn){
+									if(info[4] != null){
+										if((((int[])info[4])[1] == badIntron[0]) && ((((int[])info[4])[0]) + (((int[])info[4])[1]) == badIntron[1])){
+											if(info[6] != null){
+												if(((String)info[6]).equals("+")){
+													cluster.direcCounter[0]--;
+												}else{
+													cluster.direcCounter[1]--;
+												}
+											}
+											rna.contigsMappedOn.removeElement(info);
+											rna.assignedNum = rna.assignedNum -1;
+											break;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						((Vector<int[]>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[0]).removeElementAt(i);
+						((Vector<Vector<Rna>>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[1]).removeElementAt(i);
+						if(( (Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[0]).size() == 0){
+							if((badIntron[1] > cluster.stopPos) && (spliceSite < cluster.stopPos)){
+								//checkSplitRemovalSituation(cluster, spliceSite,keysToErase);
+								searchLastIntronEndBeforeCurrentPos_closeGene(cluster, spliceSite,keysToErase);
+							}
+						}
+					}else{
+						// update idTOassociatedRnas, saves time later
+						for(Rna rna : ((Vector<Vector<Rna>>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[1]).get(i)){
+							cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rna.rnaID)[1] = new int[] {spliceSite,((Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[0]).get(i)[1]};
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(( (Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[0]).size() == 0){
+					keysToErase.add(spliceSite);								
+				}else{
+					// check if fussy indicated and if it is suitable (we only accept a fussy end if it is followed by an intron or if it marks a transcript end)
+					if(((Integer)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[2]).intValue() > 0){
+						if((((Integer)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[2]).intValue() != -2) && (((Integer)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[2]).intValue() != 0)){
+							// remove fussy
+							cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[2] = -1;
+							cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[3] = -1;
+							// remove from fussy list
+							if(cluster.possibleFussyExons.containsKey(spliceSite)){
+								for(Rna rna : cluster.possibleFussyExons.get(spliceSite)){
+									if(cluster.moreThanOneHitRnas.contains(rna.rnaID)){
+										// if it is contained here, this serves as one "back-up life" that is now destroyed
+										cluster.moreThanOneHitRnas.remove(rna.rnaID);
+										if(cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.containsKey(rna.rnaID)){
+											if(((Integer)cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rna.rnaID)[2]).intValue() != -1){
+												cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rna.rnaID)[2] = -1;
+											}
+										}
+									}else{
+										if(cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.containsKey(rna.rnaID)){
+											cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.remove(rna.rnaID);
+											rna.assignedNum = rna.assignedNum -1;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								cluster.possibleFussyExons.remove(spliceSite);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		for(int key : keysToErase){
+			cluster.possibleIntrons.remove(key);
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * if we are in currentCompete but between currentPos and nextPos is a large gap, search for a supporting split
+	 * if none is found, erase the intron and all other ones, which end beyond the current position and close candidate gene at currentPos 
+	 */
+	public static int[] checkIfIntronSupported(Gene gene, int currentPos, int nextPos, TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap, int inTranscriptMode, int searchTranscriptStart, int endToPassForclosedGenes, int inNormalTranscript){
+		int foundSupport = -1;
+		int foundCurrentPosSupport = -1;
+		for(int split : gene.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0] != null){
+				for(int[] intron : ( (Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0])){
+					if(currentPos<=intron[0]){ 
+						foundSupport = 0;
+						foundCurrentPosSupport = 0;
+						break;
+					}else{
+						if((Math.abs(nextPos - intron[1]) <= GeneFinder.readLength)){ // && nextPos <= (intron[1] + GeneFinder.readLength)
+							foundSupport = 0;
+						}
+						int fussyPossible = (Integer)(gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[2]);
+						if(currentPos <= fussyPossible){
+							foundCurrentPosSupport = 0;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if((foundCurrentPosSupport == 0) && (foundSupport == 0)){
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if(foundSupport == -1){
+			if(inTranscriptMode == -1){
+				// close gene here
+				if((searchTranscriptStart == -1)){// && (inNormalTranscript == -1)){	
+					foundSupport = 3;	
+				}else{
+					foundSupport = 0;
+				}
+			}else{
+				//delete transcript or close it
+				foundSupport = replaceEntryInAltTransWithUpdatedOne(gene, inTranscriptMode, currentPos, -1, nextPos);   // -1 indicates that closed within an intron
+			}
+		}else{
+			for(int position : posiCovMap.keySet()){
+				if(currentPos < (position-GeneFinder.readLength) && nextPos > (position+GeneFinder.readLength)){						
+					// had no chance to look at it, so create fake intron to also regard this exon and close
+					searchCompleteIntronForEndingAndMakeNewIsoform(gene, position,posiCovMap);
+					endToPassForclosedGenes = position+posiCovMap.get(position).size();
+				}
+			}
+			if(foundCurrentPosSupport == -1){
+				// we have no split near currentPos, so indicate this via new transcript end (define end by a fake intron starting at currentPos + read length)
+				searchLastIntronEndBeforeCurrentPos(gene,currentPos,searchTranscriptStart,inTranscriptMode);  // this intronEnd is not allowed to be paired with the next higher key, but instead it is defined as a new exon,
+														// so indicate this for ExonSearch
+			}
+		}
+		return new int[] {foundSupport,endToPassForclosedGenes,foundCurrentPosSupport};
+	}
+	/*
+	 * if we are in currentCompete but between currentPos and nextPos is a large gap, search for a supporting split
+	 * if none is found, erase the intron and all other ones, which end beyond the current position and close candidate gene at currentPos 
+	 */
+	public static int[] checkIfIntronSupported_fakeGene(Gene gene, int currentPos, int nextPos, TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap, int inTranscriptMode, int searchTranscriptStart, int endToPassForclosedGenes, int inNormalTranscript){
+		int foundSupport = -1;
+		int foundCurrentPosSupport = -1;
+		for(int split : gene.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0] != null){
+				for(int[] intron : ( (Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0])){
+					if(currentPos<=intron[0]){ 
+						foundSupport = 0;
+						foundCurrentPosSupport = 0;
+						break;
+					}else{
+						if(nextPos <= (intron[1] + GeneFinder.readLength) && (Math.abs(nextPos - intron[1]) <= GeneFinder.readLength)){ 
+							foundSupport = 0;
+						}
+						int fussyPossible = (Integer)(gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[2]);
+						if(currentPos <= fussyPossible){
+							foundCurrentPosSupport = 0;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if((foundCurrentPosSupport == 0) && (foundSupport == 0)){
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if(foundSupport != -1){
+			for(int position : posiCovMap.keySet()){
+				if(currentPos < (position-GeneFinder.readLength) && nextPos > (position+GeneFinder.readLength)){						
+					// had no chance to look at it, so create fake intron to also regard this exon and close
+					searchCompleteIntronForEndingAndMakeNewIsoform(gene, position,posiCovMap);
+					endToPassForclosedGenes = position+posiCovMap.get(position).size();
+				}
+			}
+			if(foundCurrentPosSupport == -1){
+				// we have no split near currentPos, so indicate this via new transcript end (define end by a fake intron starting at currentPos + read length)
+				searchLastIntronEndBeforeCurrentPos(gene,currentPos,searchTranscriptStart,inTranscriptMode);  // this intronEnd is not allowed to be paired with the next higher key, but instead it is defined as a new exon,
+														// so indicate this for ExonSearch
+			}
+		}
+		return new int[] {foundSupport,endToPassForclosedGenes,foundCurrentPosSupport};
+	}
+	/*
+	 * check each support during the candidate initialization
+	 */
+    public static void checkIfIntronSupported_forGeneIni(Gene gene, int currentPos, int nextPos, TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap, int inTranscriptMode, int searchTranscriptStart, int endToPassForclosedGenes){
+		int foundSupport = -1;
+		int foundCurrentPosSupport = -1;
+		for(int split : gene.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0] != null){
+				for(int[] intron : ( (Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0])){
+					if(currentPos<=intron[0]){ 
+						foundSupport = 0;
+						foundCurrentPosSupport = 0;
+						break;
+					}else{
+						if(nextPos <= (intron[1] + GeneFinder.readLength) && (Math.abs(nextPos - intron[1]) <= GeneFinder.readLength)){ 
+							foundSupport = 0;
+						}
+						int fussyPossible = (Integer)(gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[2]);
+						if(currentPos <= fussyPossible){
+							foundCurrentPosSupport = 0;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if((foundCurrentPosSupport == 0) && (foundSupport == 0)){
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if(foundSupport == -1 && foundCurrentPosSupport == -1){
+			if(searchTranscriptStart == -1){
+				for(int position : posiCovMap.keySet()){
+					if(currentPos < (position-GeneFinder.readLength) && nextPos > (position+GeneFinder.readLength)){						
+						// had no chance to look at it, so create fake intron to also regard this exon and close							
+						searchCompleteIntronForEndingAndMakeNewIsoform(gene, position,posiCovMap);
+						endToPassForclosedGenes = position+posiCovMap.get(position).size();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(foundCurrentPosSupport == -1){
+				// we have no split near currentPos, so indicate this via new transcript end (define end by a fake intron starting at currentPos + read length)
+				searchLastIntronEndBeforeCurrentPos(gene,currentPos,searchTranscriptStart,inTranscriptMode);  // this intronEnd is not allowed to be paired with the next higher key, but instead it is defined as a new exon,
+																// so indicate this for ExonSearch
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * searches the intron which has the specified position as its ending
+	 * for each intron we generate a new isoform that ends here
+	 */
+	public static void searchCompleteIntronForEndingAndMakeNewIsoform(Gene gene, int ending, TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap){
+		for(int split : gene.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0] != null){
+				for(int[] intron : ( (Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0])){
+					if(ending == intron[1]){ 							
+						if(testIfAlternativeIsoformIsNotContained(gene,(ending+posiCovMap.get(ending).size()),ending)){
+							gene.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued.add(intron);
+							Vector<int[]> vecTemp = new Vector<int[]>();
+							//vecTemp.add(intron);
+							gene.alternativeTranscripts.add(new Object[] {(ending+posiCovMap.get(ending).size()),Integer.MAX_VALUE,-1,-1,ending,vecTemp});
+						}						
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * this intronEnd is not allowed to be paired with the next higher key, but instead it is defined as a new exon,
+	 * so indicate this for ExonSearch
+	 */
+	public static int searchLastIntronEndBeforeCurrentPos(Gene gene, int currentPos, int searchTranscriptStart, int inTranscriptMode){
+		int[] maxEnd = {-1,-1};
+		for(int split : gene.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0] != null){
+				for(int[] intron : ( (Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0])){
+					if((currentPos>= intron[1]) && (maxEnd[1] < intron[1])){ 						
+						maxEnd = intron;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(maxEnd[1] != -1 && (searchTranscriptStart == -1) && (inTranscriptMode == -1)){  // && (gene.possibleIntrons.higherKey(maxEnd[0]) == null)){
+			if(checkIfExtractOk(gene, maxEnd, currentPos)){				
+				gene.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued.add(maxEnd);
+				Vector<int[]> vecTemp = new Vector<int[]>();
+				gene.alternativeTranscripts.add(new Object[] {(currentPos+GeneFinder.readLength),Integer.MAX_VALUE,-1,-1,maxEnd[1],vecTemp});
+				return 0;
+			}
+		}
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * if we have identified a possible intron end, check if this end is really feasible or if there is a contradicting splice site
+	 */
+	public static boolean checkIfExtractOk(Gene gene, int[] maxEnd, int currentPos){
+		if(gene.possibleIntrons.higherKey(maxEnd[0]) == null){
+			return true;
+		}else{
+			int higherKey = maxEnd[0];
+			do{
+				higherKey = gene.possibleIntrons.higherKey(higherKey);
+				if((higherKey > maxEnd[1]) && (higherKey < currentPos)){
+					return false;
+				}			
+			}while(gene.possibleIntrons.higherKey(higherKey) != null);
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * replace entry in alternative transcripts with one containing a stop position
+	 */
+	public static int replaceEntryInAltTransWithUpdatedOne(Gene gene, int inTranscriptMode, int currentPos, int indicatorIfWithinIntron, int nextPos){
+		int foundSupport = -1;
+		for(Object[] altTrans : gene.alternativeTranscripts){
+			if(((Integer) altTrans[0]) == inTranscriptMode){
+				if(!((indicatorIfWithinIntron == -1) && ((nextPos - currentPos) > (2*GeneFinder.readLength)))){	
+					Object[] newEntry = new Object[6];
+					newEntry[0] = altTrans[0];
+					newEntry[1] = altTrans[1];
+					newEntry[2] = altTrans[2];
+					newEntry[3] = altTrans[3];
+					newEntry[4] = indicatorIfWithinIntron; 
+					Vector<int[]> vecTemp = new Vector<int[]>();
+					newEntry[5] = vecTemp;
+					gene.alternativeTranscripts.setElementAt(newEntry,gene.alternativeTranscripts.indexOf(altTrans));
+					foundSupport = 0;   // to include the rnas
+				}
+				if(foundSupport == -1){
+					gene.alternativeTranscripts.removeElement(altTrans);
+					foundSupport = 2;
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		return foundSupport;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * replace entry in alternative transcripts with one containing a stop position, which is also the end of the transcript
+	 */
+	public static int replaceEntryInAltTransWithUpdatedOne_endTranscript(Gene gene, int inTranscriptMode, int currentPos, int indicatorIfWithinIntron){
+		int foundSupport = -1;
+		for(Object[] altTrans : gene.alternativeTranscripts){
+			if(((Integer) altTrans[0]) == inTranscriptMode){
+				if((gene.alternativeTranscripts.get(gene.alternativeTranscripts.indexOf(altTrans)).length < 6) || ((gene.alternativeTranscripts.get(gene.alternativeTranscripts.indexOf(altTrans)).length == 6) && (indicatorIfWithinIntron != -1))){
+					Object[] newEntry = new Object[7];
+					newEntry[0] = altTrans[0];
+					newEntry[1] = altTrans[1];
+					newEntry[2] = altTrans[2];
+					newEntry[3] = altTrans[3];
+					newEntry[4] = indicatorIfWithinIntron; 
+					Vector<int[]> vecTemp = new Vector<int[]>();
+					newEntry[5] = vecTemp;
+					newEntry[6] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+					gene.alternativeTranscripts.setElementAt(newEntry,gene.alternativeTranscripts.indexOf(altTrans));
+					foundSupport = 0;   // to include the rnas
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		return foundSupport;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * this intronEnd is not allowed to be paired with the next higher key, but instead it is defined as a new exon,
+	 * so indicate this for ExonSearch
+	 * note that in the close gene version we try to make sure, that a new transcript is included to avoid big exons
+	 */
+	public static int searchLastIntronEndBeforeCurrentPos_closeGene(Gene gene, int splitTooBig, Vector<Integer> keysToErase){
+		int[] maxEnd = {-1,-1};
+		for(int split : gene.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0] != null){
+				for(int[] intron : ( (Vector<int[]>) gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0])){
+					if((splitTooBig>= intron[1]) && (maxEnd[1] < intron[1])){ 						
+						maxEnd = intron;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(maxEnd[1] != -1){
+			int indicator = checkIfExtractOk_closeGene(gene, maxEnd, splitTooBig);
+			if(indicator == 1){ // simply extract the alternative transcript
+				if(testIfAlternativeIsoformIsNotContained(gene,splitTooBig,maxEnd[1])){
+					Vector<int[]> vecTemp = new Vector<int[]>();
+					gene.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued.add(maxEnd);
+					gene.alternativeTranscripts.add(new Object[] {splitTooBig,Integer.MAX_VALUE,-1,-1,maxEnd[1],vecTemp});
+				}
+				return 1;
+			}
+		}else{
+			// check if splitTooBig is the only site or the first site, if yes, assign to gene start
+			boolean assignToGeneStart = true;
+			for(int split : gene.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+				if(gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0] != null){				
+					if(split < splitTooBig){
+						assignToGeneStart = false;
+						break;
+					}					
+				}
+			}
+			if(assignToGeneStart){
+				if(gene.alternativeTranscripts.size() > 0){
+					// search for the alternative start with the left-most position
+					int start = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+					int bestPos = -1;
+					for(int posTrans = 0; posTrans < gene.alternativeTranscripts.size();++posTrans){
+						Object[] altTrans = gene.alternativeTranscripts.get(posTrans);
+						int startThis = -1;
+						if(((Integer)altTrans[1]).intValue() == Integer.MAX_VALUE){
+							startThis = ((Integer)altTrans[4]).intValue();
+						}else{
+							startThis = ((Integer)altTrans[0]).intValue();
+						}
+						if((startThis < start) && (startThis < splitTooBig)){
+							gene.startPos = startThis;
+							start = startThis;
+							bestPos = posTrans;
+						}					
+					}
+					if(bestPos != -1){
+						// defined an alternative transcript as the new start, so this transcript is regarded as normal and can be erased
+						gene.alternativeTranscripts.removeElementAt(bestPos);
+					}
+				}
+				return 0;
+			}
+		}
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * this intronEnd is not allowed to be paired with the next higher key, but instead it is defined as a new exon,
+	 * so indicate this for ExonSearch
+	 * note that in the close gene version we try to make sure, that a new transcript is included to avoid big exons
+	 */
+	public static int checkSplitRemovalSituation(Gene gene, int splitTooBig, Vector<Integer> keysToErase){
+		boolean assignToGeneStart = true;
+		for(int split : gene.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(gene.possibleIntrons.get(split)[0] != null){				
+				if(split < splitTooBig){
+					assignToGeneStart = false;
+					break;
+				}					
+			}
+		}
+		if(assignToGeneStart){
+			if(gene.alternativeTranscripts.size() > 0){
+				// search for the alternative start with the left-most position
+				int start = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+				int bestPos = -1;
+				for(int posTrans = 0; posTrans < gene.alternativeTranscripts.size();++posTrans){
+					Object[] altTrans = gene.alternativeTranscripts.get(posTrans);
+					int startThis = -1;
+					if(((Integer)altTrans[1]).intValue() == Integer.MAX_VALUE){
+						startThis = ((Integer)altTrans[4]).intValue();
+					}else{
+						startThis = ((Integer)altTrans[0]).intValue();
+					}
+					if((startThis < start) && (startThis < splitTooBig)){
+						gene.startPos = startThis;
+						start = startThis;
+						bestPos = posTrans;
+					}					
+				}
+				if(bestPos != -1){
+					// defined an alternative transcript as the new start, so this transcript is regarded as normal and can be erased
+					gene.alternativeTranscripts.removeElementAt(bestPos);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * check if the new isoform is already contained
+	 */
+	public static boolean testIfAlternativeIsoformIsNotContained(Gene gene, int split, int end){
+		for(Object[] altTrans : gene.alternativeTranscripts){
+			if(altTrans.length >= 6){
+				int start = (Integer) altTrans[0];
+				int stop = (Integer) altTrans[4];
+				if((start == split) && (stop == end)){
+					return false;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * if we have identified a possible intron end, check if this end is really feasible or if there is a contradicting splice site
+	 */
+	public static int checkIfExtractOk_closeGene(Gene gene, int[] maxEnd, int currentPos){
+		if(gene.possibleIntrons.higherKey(maxEnd[0]) == null){
+			return 1;
+		}else{
+			int higherKey = maxEnd[0];
+			do{
+				higherKey = gene.possibleIntrons.higherKey(higherKey);
+				if((higherKey > maxEnd[1]) && (higherKey < currentPos)){
+					return -1;
+				}else if((higherKey > currentPos) && (higherKey < gene.stopPos)){
+					return -1;					
+				}
+			}while(gene.possibleIntrons.higherKey(higherKey) != null);
+		}
+		return 1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * check whether an intron is already included for a certain splice site, and if not, add it
+	 * note: most of the times these introns only emerge due to the merging of two clusters, so their supporting rna vector is empty!
+	 */
+	public static void checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(Gene cluster, int[] intron){
+		if(cluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(intron[0])){
+			if((cluster.possibleIntrons.get(intron[0])[0] != null)){
+				boolean foundIntron = false;
+				for(int[] intronOld : ((Vector<int[]>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(intron[0])[0])){
+					if(intronOld[1] == intron[1]){
+						foundIntron = true;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if(!foundIntron){
+					Vector<Rna> rnaTmp = new Vector<Rna>();
+					( (Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(intron[0])[0]).add(intron);
+					( (Vector<Vector<Rna>>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(intron[0])[1]).add(rnaTmp);
+				}
+			}
+		}else{
+			Vector<int[]> intronTmp = new Vector<int[]>();
+			intronTmp.add(intron);
+			Vector<Rna> rnaTmp = new Vector<Rna>();
+			Vector<Vector<Rna>> rnaVec = new Vector<Vector<Rna>>();
+			rnaVec.add(rnaTmp);
+			Object[] tmp = {intronTmp,rnaVec,-1,-1};
+			cluster.possibleIntrons.put(intron[0],tmp);
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * extract all introns supported by a sufficient number of reads
+	 * posiCovMap contains positions that belong to different introns and indicates how the coverage map has to be updated at this position
+	 */
+	public static Object[] findIntrons_RespectAlternative(Gene cluster, Contig thisContig, int splitStart, int currentPos, int currentCompete, TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap, double limit){
+		Vector<int[]> listOfIntrons = new Vector<int[]>();  // contains all introns supported by this splice site (note: first take all possible introns, remove introns without sufficient support later)
+		Vector<Rna> rnasThatDoNotFit = new Vector<Rna>();  // store all rnas that have to be erased from this position
+		Vector<Rna> rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit = new Vector<Rna>();  // store all rnas that are not split reads
+		Vector<Integer> otherSpliceSites = new Vector<Integer>();  // if the currentSite does not have enough support, but others in reach, store them to regard them in coverage update
+		boolean hadSiteBefore = false;
+		if(cluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(splitStart) && cluster.possibleIntrons.get(splitStart)[0] != null){
+			listOfIntrons = (Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(splitStart)[0];			
+			// simply add up all rna vectors if new support is found
+			hadSiteBefore = true;
+		}
+		for(Rna rna : thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(currentPos)){
+			int occurenceCounter = 0;
+			Vector<Object[]> badInfo = new Vector<Object[]>();   // if a splice site is not accepted, remove this info and remove this read from the current position
+			for(Object[] info : rna.contigsMappedOn){
+				if(((Integer) info[1] == currentPos)  && (((Contig) info[0]).equals(thisContig))){
+					occurenceCounter++;
+					if(info[4] != null){
+						if(((int[])info[4])[1] == splitStart){
+							if(thisContig.splicePositions.get(splitStart) >= limit){
+								Object[] returnObject = findRightIntronAndAddRna(cluster, currentPos, ((int[])info[4])[1] , hadSiteBefore, listOfIntrons, posiCovMap, rna, info);
+								posiCovMap = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnObject[0];
+								boolean updateCompete = (Boolean) returnObject[1];
+								listOfIntrons = (Vector<int[]>) returnObject[2];
+								if((currentCompete == -1) || updateCompete){							
+									currentCompete = Math.max(currentCompete,(((int[])info[4])[0] + splitStart));
+								}
+								if(info[6] != null){
+									if(((String)info[6]).equals("+")){
+										cluster.direcCounter[0]++;
+									}else{
+										cluster.direcCounter[1]++;
+									}
+								}
+							}else{
+								badInfo.add(info);
+							}
+						}else{
+							if(thisContig.splicePositions.get(((int[])info[4])[1]) >= limit){  
+								otherSpliceSites.add(((int[])info[4])[1]);
+								Vector<int[]> listOfIntrons_alternative = new Vector<int[]>();
+								boolean hadSiteBefore_alternative = false;
+								if(cluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(((int[])info[4])[1]) && cluster.possibleIntrons.get(((int[])info[4])[1])[0] != null){
+									listOfIntrons_alternative = (Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(((int[])info[4])[1])[0];			
+									// simply add up all rna vectors if new support is found
+									hadSiteBefore_alternative = true;
+								}
+								Object[] returnObject = findRightIntronAndAddRna(cluster, currentPos, ((int[])info[4])[1] , hadSiteBefore_alternative, listOfIntrons_alternative, posiCovMap, rna, info);
+								posiCovMap = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnObject[0];
+								listOfIntrons_alternative = (Vector<int[]>) returnObject[2]; // TODO: was listOfIntrons before!
+								if(currentCompete == -1){  // at the moment no open alternative interval, so open a new one
+									if(cluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(splitStart)  && cluster.possibleIntrons.get(splitStart)[0] != null && !((Vector<int[]>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(splitStart)[0]).isEmpty()){
+										currentCompete = Math.max(((Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(splitStart)[0]).get(0)[1],(((int[])info[4])[0] + ((int[])info[4])[1]));
+									}else{
+										currentCompete = ((int[])info[4])[0] + ((int[])info[4])[1];
+									}
+								}else{
+									currentCompete = Math.max(currentCompete,(((int[])info[4])[0] + ((int[])info[4])[1]));
+								}
+								if(info[6] != null){
+									if(((String)info[6]).equals("+")){
+										cluster.direcCounter[0]++;
+									}else{
+										cluster.direcCounter[1]++;
+									}
+								}
+							}else{
+								// else we will not accept this site, so delete this entry for the mappings of the current read
+								badInfo.add(info);
+							}
+						}
+					}else{
+						if(thisContig.splicePositions.get(splitStart) >= limit){
+							if(!rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit.contains(rna)){
+								rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit.add(rna);	
+								HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.updatePosiCovMap(posiCovMap, splitStart, (GeneFinder.readLength - (splitStart-currentPos)));
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(badInfo.size() > 0){
+				for(Object[] info : badInfo){
+					rna.contigsMappedOn.removeElement(info);
+					rna.assignedNum--; 
+					if(rna.contigsMappedOn.size() == 0){
+						rnasThatDoNotFit.add(rna);
+					}
+				}
+				if(occurenceCounter <= badInfo.size() && !(rnasThatDoNotFit.contains(rna))){
+					rnasThatDoNotFit.add(rna);
+				}
+			}
+			if(occurenceCounter > 1){
+				for(int i = (occurenceCounter - badInfo.size()); i > 1;i--){  // if there are x occurrences, we include x-1 in moreThanOnehitRnas and 1 in idTomaapingRnas
+					cluster.moreThanOneHitRnas.add(rna.rnaID);
+				}
+			}
+		}	
+		if(rnasThatDoNotFit.size() > 0){
+			thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(currentPos).removeAll(rnasThatDoNotFit);
+		}
+		if(rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit.size() != 0){
+			if(cluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(splitStart)){
+				cluster.possibleIntrons.get(splitStart)[2] = (currentPos + GeneFinder.readLength);
+			}else{
+				Vector<int[]> intronVec_tmp = new Vector<int[]>();
+				Vector<Vector<Rna>> rnaTmp = new Vector<Vector<Rna>>();		
+				Object[] objectTmp = {intronVec_tmp,rnaTmp,(currentPos + GeneFinder.readLength),-1};
+				cluster.possibleIntrons.put(splitStart,objectTmp);
+			}
+			if(cluster.possibleFussyExons.containsKey(splitStart)){
+				cluster.possibleFussyExons.get(splitStart).addAll(rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit);
+			}else{
+				cluster.possibleFussyExons.put(splitStart,rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit);
+			}
+		}
+		Object[] returnObject ={currentCompete,posiCovMap,rnasThatDoNotSupportAnySplit,otherSpliceSites};
+		return returnObject;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * help function to search for the right intron and add the rna
+	 */
+	public static Object[] findRightIntronAndAddRna(Gene cluster, int currentPos, int splitStart, boolean hadSiteBefore, Vector<int[]> listOfIntrons, TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap, Rna rna, Object[] info){
+		boolean foundIntron = false;
+		for(int pos = 0; pos < listOfIntrons.size(); ++pos){
+			int[] intron = listOfIntrons.get(pos);
+			if(intron[1] == (((int[])info[4])[0] + splitStart)){
+				boolean updateMap = true;
+				// already have this intron, so add to list of supporting rnas
+				if(hadSiteBefore){
+					if(!(((Vector<Vector<Rna>>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(splitStart)[1]).get(pos).contains(rna))){
+						((Vector<Vector<Rna>>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(splitStart)[1]).get(pos).add(rna);
+					}else{
+						updateMap = false;
+					}
+				}else{									
+					updatePossibleIntronsOfCluster(cluster, splitStart, rna,((int[])info[4])[0]);
+					listOfIntrons = (Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(splitStart)[0];	
+					hadSiteBefore = true;
+				}
+				foundIntron = true;
+				if(updateMap){
+					HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.updatePosiCovMap(posiCovMap,(((int[])info[4])[0] + splitStart), (GeneFinder.readLength - (splitStart-currentPos)));
+				}
+				break;   // break to get out of this intron for-loop
+			}
+		}
+		boolean updateCompete = false;
+		if(!foundIntron){
+			if(hadSiteBefore){
+				int[] intron_tmp = {splitStart,((int[])info[4])[0] + splitStart};
+				((Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(splitStart)[0]).add(intron_tmp);
+				Vector<Rna> rnaTmp = new Vector<Rna>();
+				rnaTmp.add(rna);
+				((Vector<Vector<Rna>>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(splitStart)[1]).add(rnaTmp);
+				updateCompete = true;
+			}else{
+				updatePossibleIntronsOfCluster(cluster, splitStart, rna,((int[])info[4])[0]);									
+				hadSiteBefore = true;
+				updateCompete = true;
+			}
+			listOfIntrons = (Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(splitStart)[0];	
+			HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.updatePosiCovMap(posiCovMap,(((int[])info[4])[0] + splitStart), (GeneFinder.readLength - (splitStart-currentPos)));
+		}
+		return new Object[] {posiCovMap,updateCompete,listOfIntrons};
+	}
+	/*
+	 * function to update the possible intron feature of the cluster, needed for alternative splicing
+	 */
+	public static void updatePossibleIntronsOfCluster(Gene cluster, int splitStart, Rna rna, int sizeIntron){
+		Object[] objectTmp = new Object[4];
+		Vector<int[]> intronVec_tmp = new Vector<int[]>();
+		Vector<Vector<Rna>> rnaTmp = new Vector<Vector<Rna>>();		
+		Vector<Rna> firstVec = new Vector<Rna>();
+		firstVec.add(rna);
+		int[] intron_tmp = {splitStart, sizeIntron + splitStart};
+		intronVec_tmp.add(intron_tmp);
+		rnaTmp.add(firstVec);
+		objectTmp[0] = intronVec_tmp;
+		objectTmp[1] = rnaTmp;
+		objectTmp[2] = -1;
+		objectTmp[3] = -1;
+		cluster.possibleIntrons.put(splitStart,objectTmp);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * after a splice site change, check if the introns of the last splice site have enough support
+	 */
+	public static Object[] checkIntronsAfterSpliceSiteSwitch(Gene cluster, int spliceSite, int currentMaxInterval, TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap, int nextPos, double limit){
+		int maxInterval = -1;
+		boolean changeCurrentMaxInterval = false;
+		boolean foundAtLeastOneIntron = false;	// if set to true, this indicates that this splice site can stay in possible introns
+		boolean switchedFromFussyToExon = false;
+		boolean notContained = false;   // indicates whether this spliceSite is contained in cluster or not
+		if(cluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(spliceSite)){
+			for(int position = ((Vector<int[]>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[0]).size() - 1; position >= 0; --position){
+				if(((Vector<Vector<Rna>>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[1]).get(position).size() < limit){
+					// intron has not enough support, so erase and also delete rnas from cluster
+					int[] badIntron = ((Vector<int[]>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[0]).get(position);
+					((Vector<int[]>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[0]).removeElementAt(position);
+					if(badIntron[1] == currentMaxInterval){
+						int localMax = checkIfOtherSpliceSitesSupportCurrentmax(cluster,currentMaxInterval,nextPos);
+						if(localMax != -1){
+							maxInterval = localMax;
+						}
+						changeCurrentMaxInterval = true;											
+					}
+					for(Rna rna : ((Vector<Vector<Rna>>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[1]).get(position)){
+						if(cluster.moreThanOneHitRnas.contains(rna.rnaID)){
+							// if it is contained here, this serves as one "back-up life" that is now destroyed
+							cluster.moreThanOneHitRnas.remove(rna.rnaID);
+						}else{
+							cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.remove(rna.rnaID);
+						}
+						for(Object[] info : rna.contigsMappedOn){
+							if(info[4] != null){
+								if((((int[])info[4])[1] == badIntron[0]) && ((((int[])info[4])[0]) + (((int[])info[4])[1]) == badIntron[1])){
+									int diffToSplitStart = (badIntron[0] - (Integer) info[1]);
+									posiCovMap = HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.updatePosiCovMap_AfterSpliceSwitch(posiCovMap,badIntron[1],(GeneFinder.readLength-diffToSplitStart));
+									rna.contigsMappedOn.removeElement(info);
+									rna.assignedNum = rna.assignedNum - 1;
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					((Vector<Vector<Rna>>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[1]).removeElementAt(position);					
+				}else{
+					maxInterval = Math.max(maxInterval,((Vector<int[]>)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[0]).get(position)[1]);
+					foundAtLeastOneIntron = true;
+				}
+			}
+		}else{
+			notContained = true;
+		}
+		if(changeCurrentMaxInterval){
+			currentMaxInterval = maxInterval;     // if all splice sites have been erased, set to -1, but this is as desired
+		}
+		if(!foundAtLeastOneIntron && cluster.possibleIntrons.containsKey(spliceSite)){
+			// also remove this splice site from possible intron map, only remember "fussy exon", if exist
+			int fussyExon = ((Integer)cluster.possibleIntrons.get(spliceSite)[2]);
+			if(fussyExon != -1){
+				// remove from fussy exons, serves as real exon now!
+				if(cluster.possibleFussyExons.containsKey(spliceSite)){
+					cluster.possibleFussyExons.remove(spliceSite);
+				}else{
+					System.err.println("Splice site not in fussy exons!");
+				}
+				switchedFromFussyToExon = true;
+			}
+			cluster.possibleIntrons.remove(spliceSite);
+		}
+		Object[] returnObject = {currentMaxInterval,posiCovMap,switchedFromFussyToExon,notContained};
+		return returnObject;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * only change currentCompete interval if there are no other splice sites supporting it
+	 */
+	public static Integer checkIfOtherSpliceSitesSupportCurrentmax(Gene cluster, int currentMaxInterval, int nextPos){
+		int localMax = -1;
+		for(int key : cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet()){
+			if(cluster.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0] != null){
+				for(int[] intron : ( (Vector<int[]>) cluster.possibleIntrons.get(key)[0])){
+					if(intron[1] >= nextPos){
+						if(intron[1] > localMax){
+							localMax = intron[1];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return localMax;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * find all intron ends associated with the given spliceSite
+	 */
+	public static Vector<Integer> findIntronEnds(int spliceKey, int nextPos,Contig thisContig){
+		Vector<Integer> intronEndings = new Vector<Integer>();
+		for(Rna rna : thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(nextPos)){		
+			for(Object[] info : rna.contigsMappedOn){
+				if(((Integer) info[1] == nextPos)  && (((Contig) info[0]).equals(thisContig))){
+					if(info[4] != null){
+						if(thisContig.splicePositions.get(spliceKey) >= GeneFinder.spliceLim){
+							int ending = ((int[])info[4])[0] + ((int[])info[4])[1];
+							if(!intronEndings.contains(ending)){
+								intronEndings.add(ending);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return intronEndings;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * manages the splice analysis
+	 */
+	public static Object[] performSpliceAna(Gene cluster, Contig thisContig, int spliceKey, int currentPos, int nextPos, int currentCompete, int currentCompeteStart, TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap){
+		Object[] returnFromAna = new Object[5]; // currentCompete, currentCompeteStart, posiCovMap, considerSpliceSiteForCovUpdate, rnasThatDoNotSupportSplit
+		// find splits associated with this site, only take introns into account that are supported by a sufficient number of reads	
+		Object[] returnObject = IntronExonSearch.findIntrons_RespectAlternative(cluster, thisContig, spliceKey, nextPos, currentCompete, posiCovMap, GeneFinder.spliceLim);
+		returnFromAna[0] = (Integer) returnObject[0];
+		if(((Integer)returnFromAna[0]).intValue() != -1){
+			if(spliceKey < ((Integer)returnFromAna[0]).intValue() && (currentPos > currentCompeteStart)){
+				returnFromAna[1] = spliceKey;
+			}else{
+				returnFromAna[1] = currentCompeteStart;
+			}
+		}else{
+			returnFromAna[1] = -1;
+		}
+		returnFromAna[2] = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnObject[1];
+		returnFromAna[4] = ((Vector<Rna>) returnObject[2]);
+		if(thisContig.splicePositions.get(spliceKey) >= GeneFinder.spliceLim){
+			returnFromAna[3] = spliceKey;
+		}else{
+			Vector<Integer> otherSpliceSites = ((Vector<Integer>) returnObject[3]);
+			if(!otherSpliceSites.isEmpty()){
+				int minSite = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
+				for(int site : otherSpliceSites){
+					if(site < minSite){
+						minSite = site;
+					}
+				}
+				returnFromAna[3] = minSite;
+			}else{
+				returnFromAna[3] = -1;
+			}
+		}
+		return returnFromAna;
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/LocalTwinResolve.java b/src/geneFinder/LocalTwinResolve.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d33f110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/LocalTwinResolve.java
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import types.*;
+ * contains methods to make sure, that extracted twin clusters and can be treated locally (no relationship to neighboring clusters) are 
+ * resolved before starting the ambiguous reads optimization
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+public class LocalTwinResolve {
+	/*
+	 * takes two twins and their assigned reads and decides whether the forward, or the reverse twin shall live
+	 * note: at the moment only consider exon length
+	 */
+	public static Gene resolveTwins(Gene cluster){
+		Gene twin = cluster.twinNode;
+		cluster.exonLength = (cluster.stopPos-cluster.startPos +1);
+		twin.exonLength = (twin.stopPos-twin.startPos +1);
+		if(cluster.exonLength <= twin.exonLength){
+			// return the cluster
+			undeclareShared(cluster);
+			cluster.twinNode = null;
+			cluster.exonsOfGene.clear();
+			cluster.exonLength = 0;
+			return cluster;
+		}else{
+			// return the twin
+			undeclareShared(twin);
+			twin.twinNode = null;
+			twin.exonsOfGene.clear();
+			twin.exonLength = 0;
+			return twin;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * when we removed one twin cluster, declare all the rnas of the remaining one as "not shared"
+	 */
+	public static void undeclareShared(Gene cluster){
+		for(String rnaKey : cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet()){	
+			Rna rna = ((Rna) cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rnaKey)[0]);
+			rna.isSharedBy.removeElement(cluster.geneID);
+			rna.isSharedBy.removeElement(cluster.twinNode.geneID);
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/MergeClusters.java b/src/geneFinder/MergeClusters.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2b422fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/MergeClusters.java
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import types.Contig;
+import types.Gene;
+import types.Rna;
+ * contains methods to correctly merge two extracted raw clusters
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+public class MergeClusters {
+	/*
+	 * check if merging is necessary and grab pairs according to their exon length
+	 */
+	public static boolean checkIfNeedMerge(Gene cluster, Gene clusterBeforeInVec, Contig thisContig, StringBuffer contigSeq){
+		boolean wantMerge = false;
+		int tolerance = GeneFinder.interval;
+		if(cluster.startPos <= (clusterBeforeInVec.stopPos+1+tolerance)){
+			wantMerge = true;
+		}else if(cluster.twinNode != null){
+			if(cluster.twinNode.startPos <= (clusterBeforeInVec.stopPos+1+tolerance)){
+				wantMerge = true;
+			} else if(clusterBeforeInVec.twinNode != null && (cluster.twinNode.startPos <= (clusterBeforeInVec.twinNode.stopPos+1+tolerance))){
+				wantMerge = true;
+			}
+		}else if(clusterBeforeInVec.twinNode != null && (cluster.startPos <= (clusterBeforeInVec.twinNode.stopPos+1+tolerance))){
+			wantMerge = true;
+		}
+		if(wantMerge){
+			// grab the right pair
+			Gene firstClust = null;  // will be assigned accordingly
+			Gene secondClust = null;
+			if(cluster.twinNode != null && (!cluster.freeToResolve && !cluster.twinNode.freeToResolve)){
+				if(cluster.isMergedTwin){
+					firstClust = cluster;
+				}else{
+					firstClust = cluster.twinNode;
+				}
+			}else{
+				firstClust = cluster;
+			}
+			if(clusterBeforeInVec.twinNode != null && (!clusterBeforeInVec.freeToResolve && !clusterBeforeInVec.twinNode.freeToResolve)){
+				if(clusterBeforeInVec.isMergedTwin){
+					secondClust = clusterBeforeInVec;
+				}else{
+					secondClust = clusterBeforeInVec.twinNode;
+				}
+			}else{
+				secondClust = clusterBeforeInVec;
+			}
+			wantMerge = doOverlapMerge(firstClust, secondClust, thisContig, contigSeq);   // we took the largest possible exon length partners to perform the merge
+		}
+		return wantMerge;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * when two clusters overlap after the start and stop codon determination, merge both
+	 * new: do not pay attention to the direction, only grab the largest possible exon length!
+	 * erase other twin
+	 */
+	public static boolean doOverlapMerge(Gene cluster, Gene clusterBeforeInVec, Contig thisContig, StringBuffer contigSeq){
+		HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addAssociatedRnas(cluster, clusterBeforeInVec.idTOassociatedRnas);
+		HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.declareShared_AfterMerge(cluster,clusterBeforeInVec);
+		if(clusterBeforeInVec.twinNode != null){
+			for(String rnaKey : cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet()){
+				Rna rna = ((Rna) cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rnaKey)[0]);
+				if(rna.isSharedBy.contains(clusterBeforeInVec.twinNode.geneID)){
+					rna.isSharedBy.removeElement(clusterBeforeInVec.twinNode.geneID);
+					if(rna.isSharedBy.contains(cluster.geneID)){
+						rna.isSharedBy.removeElement(cluster.geneID);
+					}
+				}			
+			}
+		}
+		if(cluster.twinNode != null){
+			for(String rnaKey : cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet()){
+				Rna rna = ((Rna) cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rnaKey)[0]);
+				if(rna.isSharedBy.contains(cluster.twinNode.geneID)){
+					rna.isSharedBy.removeElement(cluster.twinNode.geneID);
+					if(rna.isSharedBy.contains(cluster.geneID)){
+						rna.isSharedBy.removeElement(cluster.geneID);
+					}
+				}			
+			}
+			cluster.twinNode = null;
+			cluster.hadTwinBefore = true;
+			cluster.isMergedTwin = true;
+			cluster.freeToResolve = false;
+		}
+		cluster.possibleStarts_Forward = clusterBeforeInVec.possibleStarts_Forward;
+		cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse = clusterBeforeInVec.possibleStarts_Reverse;
+		cluster.startPos = clusterBeforeInVec.startPos;
+		cluster.hasStop_temp = true;
+		cluster.direcCounter[0] += clusterBeforeInVec.direcCounter[0];
+		cluster.direcCounter[1] += clusterBeforeInVec.direcCounter[1];
+		cluster.possibleIntrons.putAll(clusterBeforeInVec.possibleIntrons);
+		cluster.possibleFussyExons.putAll(clusterBeforeInVec.possibleFussyExons);
+		cluster.alternativeTranscripts.addAll(clusterBeforeInVec.alternativeTranscripts);
+		cluster.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued.addAll(clusterBeforeInVec.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued);
+		ExtractGeneCandidates.handleFrameSearchWithoutTwin(cluster, cluster.possibleStops_Forward[0], cluster.possibleStops_Reverse[0], contigSeq,true);
+		if(GeneFinder.isProkaryote || GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+			cluster.sequence = contigSeq.substring(cluster.startPos,cluster.stopPos+1);
+		}		
+		thisContig.allGenes.remove(thisContig.allGenes.size()-1);
+		thisContig.allGenes.add(cluster);
+		return true;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * manages all the steps necessary to perform a merge of two clusters (inkl. twin)
+	 */
+	public static void mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(Gene cluster, Gene clusterBef, StringBuffer contigSeq,boolean freeToResolve, boolean isLeading, boolean hasStop){
+		updateCluster_AfterMerging(cluster,clusterBef,cluster.stopPos-2,contigSeq);
+		HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.declareShared_AfterMerge(cluster,clusterBef);		
+		handleTwinsWhenMerge(cluster,clusterBef,freeToResolve,isLeading,hasStop);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * after we merged the current cluster with the one before, perform the update stuff
+	 * deleted: boolean overlaps
+	 */
+	public static void updateCluster_AfterMerging(Gene cluster, Gene clusterBef, int stopPos, StringBuffer contigSeq){
+		HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addAssociatedRnas(cluster, clusterBef.idTOassociatedRnas);
+		cluster.possibleIntrons.putAll(clusterBef.possibleIntrons);
+		cluster.possibleFussyExons.putAll(clusterBef.possibleFussyExons);
+		cluster.alternativeTranscripts.addAll(clusterBef.alternativeTranscripts);
+		cluster.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued.addAll(clusterBef.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued);
+		if(GeneFinder.isProkaryote || GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+			cluster.sequence = contigSeq.substring(clusterBef.startPos,stopPos + 3);
+		}
+		cluster.startPos = clusterBef.startPos;
+		cluster.possibleStarts_Forward = clusterBef.possibleStarts_Forward;
+		cluster.possibleStarts_Reverse = clusterBef.possibleStarts_Reverse;
+		cluster.direcCounter[0] += clusterBef.direcCounter[0];
+		cluster.direcCounter[1] += clusterBef.direcCounter[1];
+		cluster.stopPos = stopPos+2;
+		cluster.hasStop_temp = true;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * when previous cluster and current cluster are merged, do the necessary updating stuff
+	 */
+	public static void handleTwinsWhenMerge(Gene cluster, Gene clusterBef, boolean isFreeToResolve, boolean clusterIsLeading, boolean hasStop){
+		cluster.freeToResolve = isFreeToResolve;
+		cluster.onRevStrand = clusterBef.onRevStrand;
+		cluster.twinNode = clusterBef.twinNode;
+		cluster.twinNode.twinNode = cluster;
+		cluster.twinNode.freeToResolve = isFreeToResolve;
+		cluster.hasStop_temp = hasStop;
+		cluster.isMergedTwin = clusterIsLeading;
+		cluster.twinNode.isMergedTwin = false;
+		cluster.hadTwinBefore = true;
+		cluster.twinNode.hadTwinBefore = true;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * we have a leading twin, so find out which one and merge
+	 * is necessary for the cluster extraction merge, if the cluster before has a twin and either we found no stop or a stop in both directions
+	 */
+	public static void findLeadingTwinAndMerge(Gene cluster, Gene clusterBef, boolean has_Stop, boolean overlaps, boolean overlapsTwin, int[] intronBef, int[] intronBef_twin, StringBuffer contigSeq){
+		if(!clusterBef.freeToResolve && !clusterBef.twinNode.freeToResolve){
+			if(clusterBef.isMergedTwin){
+				// only merge with clusterBef
+				mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef,contigSeq,false,true,has_Stop);
+				if(!overlaps){
+					IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef);
+				}
+			}else if(clusterBef.twinNode.isMergedTwin){
+				// only merge with twin									
+				mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef.twinNode,contigSeq,false,true,has_Stop);
+				if(!overlapsTwin){
+					IntronExonSearch.checkIfIntronIsIncluded_AndAdd(cluster,intronBef_twin);
+				}
+			}
+		}else{
+			if(overlaps){	
+				mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef,contigSeq,false,true,has_Stop);
+			}else{									
+				mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef.twinNode,contigSeq,false,true,has_Stop);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * we have to merge the current cluster that shall be extracted with both twins before
+	 */
+	public static void mergeClustWithBothBefs(Gene cluster, Gene clusterBef, StringBuffer contigSeq, boolean hasStop){
+		clusterBef.twinNode.possibleIntrons.putAll(cluster.possibleIntrons);
+		clusterBef.twinNode.possibleFussyExons.putAll(cluster.possibleFussyExons);
+		clusterBef.twinNode.alternativeTranscripts.addAll(cluster.alternativeTranscripts);
+		clusterBef.twinNode.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued.addAll(cluster.intronEndsThatAreNotContinued);
+		clusterBef.twinNode.direcCounter[0] += cluster.direcCounter[0];
+		clusterBef.twinNode.direcCounter[1] += cluster.direcCounter[1];
+		HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.declareAsShared(cluster);
+		HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.declareShared_For_FutureTwin(cluster, clusterBef.twinNode);
+		HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addAssociatedRnas(clusterBef.twinNode,cluster.idTOassociatedRnas);
+		clusterBef.twinNode.possibleStops_Forward = cluster.possibleStops_Forward;
+		clusterBef.twinNode.possibleStops_Reverse = cluster.possibleStops_Reverse;
+		mergeWithOneIncludeTwin(cluster,clusterBef,contigSeq,true,false,hasStop);
+		if(GeneFinder.isProkaryote || GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+			cluster.twinNode.sequence = contigSeq.substring(cluster.twinNode.startPos,cluster.stopPos+1);
+		}
+		cluster.twinNode.stopPos = cluster.stopPos;
+		cluster.twinNode.hasStop_temp = hasStop;
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/Operon_LP.java b/src/geneFinder/Operon_LP.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bb668c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/Operon_LP.java
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+package geneFinder;
+ * identify the set of ORFs optimizing the alignment scoring metric
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+import ilog.concert.IloException;
+import ilog.cplex.IloCplex;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.Vector;
+public class Operon_LP {
+	public static Object[] writeOperon_LP(String inputSeq, int[] cov, Vector<int[]> allORFs, int maxLength, Vector<Integer> existingORFs){
+		/*int[] covAll = new int[inputSeq.length()];
+		covAll = calculateCoverage(allORFs, covAll);
+		int[] covExist = new int[inputSeq.length()];
+		Vector<int[]> tempExist = new Vector<int[]>();
+		for(int i = 0; i<allORFs.size();++i){
+			if(existingORFs != null && existingORFs.contains(i)){
+				tempExist.add(allORFs.get(i));
+			}
+		}
+		covExist = calculateCoverage(tempExist, covExist);*/
+		int maxLengthOrf = 0;
+		/*if(maxLength != -1){
+			maxLengthOrf = maxLength;
+		}else{*/
+			for(int[] orf : allORFs){
+				if(((orf[1]-orf[0]+1)) > maxLengthOrf){
+					maxLengthOrf = orf[1]-orf[0]+1;
+				}
+			}
+		//}
+		StringBuffer binaryVars = new StringBuffer("");			// will include all variables
+		boolean doNoOpti = false;
+		int seqL = inputSeq.length();
+		try {
+			BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/input_operonLP.lp"));	// name of lp file
+			bw.write("Maximize\n");
+			StringBuffer targetFunction = new StringBuffer("");		// will include the target function
+			// before write out, search overlaps
+			int formerCov = cov[0];
+			int beginPos = 0;
+			int numZeros = 0;
+			Vector<Vector<Integer>> overlaps = new Vector<Vector<Integer>>();
+			for(int pos = 0; pos<cov.length;++pos){
+				if(cov[pos] == 0){
+					numZeros++;
+				}
+				if(formerCov != cov[pos]){
+					// change, so check if write out necessary
+					if(formerCov>1){
+						Vector<Integer> temp = new Vector<Integer>();
+						temp.add(beginPos);  
+						temp.add(pos-1);		// inclusively
+						temp.add(formerCov);
+						overlaps.add(temp);
+					}
+					beginPos = pos;
+					formerCov = cov[pos];
+				}
+			}
+			StringBuffer match = new StringBuffer("");	
+			StringBuffer openPenalty = new StringBuffer("");
+			StringBuffer bounds = new StringBuffer("");
+			int constNum = 0;
+			for(int i = 0;i<allORFs.size();++i){
+				targetFunction.append(" + x__"+i+ " + p__" + i + "\n");		
+				binaryVars.append(" y__" + i + "\n");
+				double matchScore = (double) (allORFs.get(i)[1]-allORFs.get(i)[0]+1.0);
+				double penScore = ((double) seqL)/((double) (allORFs.get(i)[1]-allORFs.get(i)[0]+1.0)) * (((double) maxLengthOrf)/((double) (allORFs.get(i)[1]-allORFs.get(i)[0]+1.0)));
+				match.append(" c" + (constNum++) + ": x__"+i+ " - " + matchScore + " y__" + i + " = 0 \n");
+				if(existingORFs != null && existingORFs.contains(i)){
+					match.append(" y__" + i + " = 1 \n");
+				}
+				if(penScore >= 0){
+					openPenalty.append(" c" + (constNum++) + ": p__"+i+ " + " + penScore + " y__" + i + " = 0 \n");
+				}else{
+					penScore = -penScore;
+					openPenalty.append(" c" + (constNum++) + ": p__"+i+ " - " + penScore + " y__" + i + " = 0 \n");
+				}	
+				bounds.append("-inf <= x__" + i + " <= +inf \n");
+				bounds.append("-inf <= p__" + i + " <= +inf \n");
+				if(overlaps.size() > 0){
+					// search if this orf overlaps
+					for(int pos = 0; pos < overlaps.size();++pos){
+						int startO = overlaps.get(pos).get(0);
+						int stopO = overlaps.get(pos).get(1);
+						if(((startO >= allORFs.get(i)[0]) && (stopO <= allORFs.get(i)[1])) || ((startO <= allORFs.get(i)[1]) && (stopO >= allORFs.get(i)[1])) || ((startO <= allORFs.get(i)[0]) && (stopO >= allORFs.get(i)[0]))){
+							// found overlap, so add position
+							overlaps.get(pos).add(i);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// check if overlap groups are correct
+			if(overlaps.size() > 0){
+				// search if this orf overlaps
+				overlaps = checkOverlaps(overlaps,allORFs);
+			}
+			// now add all overlaps
+			StringBuffer overlapPen = new StringBuffer("");	
+			for(int pos = 0; pos < overlaps.size();++pos){
+				targetFunction.append(" + ov__"+pos+ "\n");		// var is correlated to position in overlaps vector	
+				double ovScore = (double) overlaps.get(pos).get(1) - overlaps.get(pos).get(0) + 1.0;
+				/*if((covAll[overlaps.get(pos).get(0)] > covExist[overlaps.get(pos).get(0)]) && (covExist[overlaps.get(pos).get(0)] > 0)){
+					ovScore = ovScore * 1.5;
+				}*/
+				// note: should be multiplied with -1.0, but instead we keep it positive for the lp format, to make ov_i negative
+				StringBuffer orfNum = new StringBuffer("[ " + ovScore + " ");
+				int numO = 0;
+				if((overlaps.get(pos).size()-3) > 2){
+					StringBuffer allPartOrfs = new StringBuffer("");
+					for(int ovP = 3; ovP < overlaps.get(pos).size()-1;++ovP){
+						for(int ovP_2 = ovP+1; ovP_2 < overlaps.get(pos).size();++ovP_2){
+							orfNum.append("y__" + overlaps.get(pos).get(ovP) + " * y__" + overlaps.get(pos).get(ovP_2) + " ] <= 0");
+							overlapPen.append(" c" + (constNum++) + ": ov__"+ pos + "__" + numO + " + " + orfNum.toString() + " \n");
+							bounds.append("-inf <= ov__" + pos + "__" + numO + " <= 0 \n");
+							allPartOrfs.append(" - " + "ov__" + pos + "__" + numO);
+							numO++;
+							orfNum = new StringBuffer("[ " + ovScore + " ");
+						}
+					}
+					overlapPen.append(" c" + (constNum++) + ": ov__"+ pos + allPartOrfs.toString() + " <= 0 \n");
+					bounds.append("-inf <= ov__" + pos + " <= 0 \n");
+				}else{
+					for(int orfs = 3;orfs < overlaps.get(pos).size();++orfs){
+						orfNum.append("y__" + overlaps.get(pos).get(orfs) + " * ");
+					}
+					overlapPen.append(" c" + (constNum++) + ": ov__"+ pos + " + " + orfNum.substring(0,orfNum.length()-2) + "] <= 0 \n");
+					bounds.append("-inf <= ov__" + pos + " <= 0 \n");
+				}
+			}
+			if(allORFs.size() == 0){
+				doNoOpti = true;
+			}else{
+				// write out the lp
+				if(targetFunction.length() > 3){
+					bw.write(targetFunction.substring(2));
+					targetFunction = new StringBuffer("");
+				}
+				// now constraints
+				bw.write("Subject To \n");
+				bw.write(match.toString() + openPenalty.toString() + overlapPen.toString() + "\n");
+				//now declare normal variables as binary
+				bw.write("Bounds \n");
+				bw.write(bounds.toString());
+				bw.write("Binary \n");
+				bw.write(binaryVars.toString());
+				bw.write("END");				
+			}
+			bw.close();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+		double score = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
+		Vector<Integer> chosenORFs = new Vector<Integer>();
+		if(!doNoOpti){  // now solve the lp
+			if(GeneFinder.useCPLEX){  // use cplex
+				solveOperonLPWithCPLEX();
+				// parse solution file
+				Object[] returnArr = parseOperonLP_CPLEX(allORFs,maxLengthOrf,seqL);
+				score = (Double) returnArr[0];
+				chosenORFs = (Vector<Integer>) returnArr[1];
+			}
+		}
+		return new Object[] {score,chosenORFs,maxLengthOrf};
+	}
+	/*
+	 * solves MaxFlow with the CPLEX optimizer
+	 */
+	public static void solveOperonLPWithCPLEX(){
+		try {
+			IloCplex cplex = new IloCplex();
+			cplex.setOut(null);
+			cplex.importModel(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/input_operonLP.lp");
+			cplex.setParam(IloCplex.IntParam.Threads,GeneFinder.numberThreads);
+			cplex.solve();
+			cplex.writeSolution(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/solution_operonLP.sol");
+		} catch (IloException e2) {
+			e2.printStackTrace();
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * method that parses the solution file of cplex
+	 */
+	public static Object[] parseOperonLP_CPLEX(Vector<int[]> allOrfs,int maxLengthOrf, int seqL){
+		Vector<Integer> chosenOrfs = new Vector<Integer>();
+		double objective = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
+		try{
+			BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/solution_operonLP.sol"));
+			String line = "";
+			while((line = br.readLine()) != null){    // go through file until we reach the part where we find the variables
+				if(line.contains("objectiveValue")){
+					String[] objectiveArr = line.split("\"");
+					objective = Double.parseDouble(objectiveArr[1]);
+				}
+				if(line.contains("<variables>")){
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			while(((line = br.readLine()) != null) && (!line.contains("</variables>"))){  // make sure to stop when variable part is over
+				String[] lineSplit1 = line.split(" ");   // position 1 contains name, 3 contains value
+				String[] valueSplit = lineSplit1[5].split("\"");  // to extract the value		
+				if(line.contains("y__")){
+					int score = 0;					
+					if(!(valueSplit[1].equals("0") || valueSplit[1].equals("1"))){  // sometimes cplex does not round
+						double sol = Double.parseDouble(valueSplit[1]);
+						if(sol<=0.5){	// if 2 variables are both 0.5, then we cannot take both! so remove both because no real support!
+							score = 0;
+						}else{
+							score = 1;
+						}
+					}else{
+						score = Integer.parseInt(valueSplit[1]);  // directly grab the score, without rounding
+					}
+					if(score == 1){
+						String[] name = lineSplit1[3].split("__");
+						String[] name2 = name[1].split("\"");
+						int pos = Integer.parseInt(name2[0]);
+						chosenOrfs.add(pos);
+						// recompute penalty
+						double penOld = ((double) seqL)/((double) (allOrfs.get(pos)[1]-allOrfs.get(pos)[0]+1.0)) * (((double) maxLengthOrf)/((double) (allOrfs.get(pos)[1]-allOrfs.get(pos)[0]+1.0)));
+						double penNew = ((double) seqL)/((double) (allOrfs.get(pos)[1]-allOrfs.get(pos)[0]+1.0));
+						objective = objective - penOld + penNew;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			br.close();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+		}
+		return new Object[] {objective,chosenOrfs};
+	}
+	/*
+	 * check overlaps
+	 */
+	public static Vector<Vector<Integer>> checkOverlaps(Vector<Vector<Integer>> overlaps, Vector<int[]> allORFs){
+		for(int pos = overlaps.size() - 1; pos >= 0;pos--){
+			if((overlaps.get(pos).size()-3) > 2){
+				int startO = overlaps.get(pos).get(0);
+				int stopO = overlaps.get(pos).get(1);
+				Vector<Vector<Integer>> newORFs = new Vector<Vector<Integer>>();  // contains new intervals if those are necessary
+				for(int i = 3;i<overlaps.get(pos).size();++i){
+					int start = allORFs.get(overlaps.get(pos).get(i))[0];
+					int stop = allORFs.get(overlaps.get(pos).get(i))[1];
+					if(start < startO && stop < stopO){
+						Vector<Integer> newOV = new Vector<Integer>();
+						newOV.add(startO);
+						newOV.add(stop);
+						newOV.add(overlaps.get(pos).get(2));
+						newORFs.add(newOV);
+					}else if(start > startO && stop > stopO){
+						Vector<Integer> newOV = new Vector<Integer>();
+						newOV.add(start);
+						newOV.add(stopO);
+						newOV.add(overlaps.get(pos).get(2));
+						newORFs.add(newOV);
+					}
+				}
+				if(!newORFs.isEmpty()){
+					for(int posNew = 0; posNew < newORFs.size();++posNew){
+						int startOnew = newORFs.get(posNew).get(0);
+						int stopOnew = newORFs.get(posNew).get(1);
+						for(int i = 3;i<overlaps.get(pos).size();++i){
+							if(((startOnew >= allORFs.get(overlaps.get(pos).get(i))[0]) && (stopOnew <= allORFs.get(overlaps.get(pos).get(i))[1]))){
+								// found overlap, so add position
+								newORFs.get(posNew).add(overlaps.get(pos).get(i));
+							}
+						}
+						overlaps.add(newORFs.get(posNew));
+					}
+					overlaps.removeElementAt(pos);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return overlaps;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * derive the coverage from a set of given ORFs
+	 */
+	/*public static int[] calculateCoverage(Vector<int[]> orfs, int[] cov){
+		for(int[] orf : orfs){
+			for(int i=orf[0];i<=orf[1];++i){
+				cov[i]++;
+			}
+		}
+		return cov;
+	}*/
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/OptimizeAmbis.java b/src/geneFinder/OptimizeAmbis.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..05c1e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/OptimizeAmbis.java
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import ilog.concert.IloException;
+import ilog.cplex.IloCplex;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import types.*;
+* manage the assignment of ambiguous hits to their final position, using a maximum flow formulation
+* current methods: GLPK solver, CPLEX linear program
+* Copyright (c) 2013,
+* Franziska Zickmann, 
+* ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+* Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+public class OptimizeAmbis {
+	public static Map<String,Object[]> multiRnas = new HashMap<String,Object[]>();						// store all ambiguous rnas
+	public static Map<Gene,Vector<String>> multiRnas_eachCluster = new HashMap<Gene,Vector<String>>();  // stores all variables that belong to one gene
+	public static Map<Gene,Object[]> clustNeighbors = new HashMap<Gene,Object[]>();  // first entry: gene vector, second entry: multiRnas, note: if too memory intensive, sacrifice running time and use associated rnas
+	/*
+	 * set up the maximum flow formulation
+	 */
+	public static void maxFlowLP(){
+		multiRnas.clear();
+		multiRnas_eachCluster.clear();
+		clustNeighbors.clear();
+		long timeBef = System.currentTimeMillis();	
+		// the following 3 variables are required for output messages
+		int numMulti = 0;	// count all ambiguous reads 
+		int numShared = 0;	// count all reads of twin candidate genes
+		int processCounter = 0;	// for progress report
+		int fVar_counter = 0; // necessary to parse cplex solution
+		StringBuffer binaryVars = new StringBuffer("");			// will include all variables
+		boolean noMultis = false;
+		try {
+			BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/input_it" + GeneFinder.iteration + ".lp"));	// name of lp file
+			bw.write("Maximize\n");
+			StringBuffer targetFunction = new StringBuffer("");		// will include the target function
+			for(String contigName : GeneFinder.mappedContigs.keySet()){
+				Contig contig = GeneFinder.mappedContigs.get(contigName);
+				for(int posGene = contig.allGenes.size() -1; posGene >= 0; posGene--){
+					Gene cluster = contig.allGenes.get(posGene);
+					boolean hasMultis = false;		// hasMultis and hasTwin indicate if we have to deal with another gene candidate
+					boolean hasTwin = false;
+					cluster.totalCov = 0.0;
+					if(!FindExonsOfGene.findExonsForGene(cluster)){	// define the exons as they are at the moment, necessary for exon length calculation
+						contig.allGenes.remove(cluster);
+					}else{
+						sumUpExonLengths(cluster, cluster.exonsOfGene);
+						if(cluster.twinNode != null){
+							// we have to resolve the twin as well					
+							cluster.twinNode.totalCov = 0.0;
+							if(!FindExonsOfGene.findExonsForGene(cluster.twinNode)){
+								cluster.twinNode = null;
+							}else{
+								sumUpExonLengths(cluster.twinNode, cluster.twinNode.exonsOfGene);
+								hasTwin = true;
+							}
+						}
+						int multiNumNode = 0;		// count the ambiguous reads of each candidate
+						for(String rnaKey : cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet()){
+							Rna rna = ((Rna)cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rnaKey)[0]);
+							String varName = "x__"+rna.rnaID; 
+							if(rna.isMulti == 1 || (rna.isSharedBy.contains(cluster.geneID))){
+								if(rna.isMulti == 1){  // to determine the right unique coverage
+									multiNumNode++;
+									numMulti++;
+									cluster.totalCov += (double) (((1.0)/((double) rna.hitNum)) * (double)GeneFinder.readLength);  // ambiguous reads have fewer weight, according to the number of their hits
+								}else{
+									cluster.totalCov += (double) GeneFinder.readLength;
+								}
+								if(rna.assignedNum > 1){
+									hasMultis = true;
+									if(((multiNumNode % 50) == 0) && (targetFunction.length() > 10)){
+										bw.write(targetFunction.substring(2));
+										targetFunction = new StringBuffer("  ");
+									}else{
+										targetFunction.append(" + x__"+rna.rnaID + "__" + cluster.geneID + "__f" + "\n");  // include the variable for each readTOgene connection in the target fkt.									
+									}
+									fVar_counter++;
+									initialize_MaxFlow(cluster,varName);	// perform the necessary updates of the maps
+								}								
+							}else{
+								cluster.totalCov += (double)GeneFinder.readLength;
+							}
+						}
+						cluster.totalCov = ((double) cluster.totalCov)/((double) cluster.exonLength);
+						if(hasMultis){
+							cluster.numOfMultis = multiNumNode;
+							cluster.uniqueCov = (((double)((cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet().size() - multiNumNode) * GeneFinder.readLength))/((double)cluster.exonLength));
+						}
+						if(hasTwin){ // now perform the same stuff for the twin candidate
+							for(String rnaKey : cluster.twinNode.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet()){
+								Rna rna = ((Rna)cluster.twinNode.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rnaKey)[0]);
+								String varName = "x__"+rna.rnaID; 
+								if(rna.isMulti == 1 || rna.isSharedBy.contains(cluster.twinNode.geneID)){							
+									if(!rna.isSharedBy.contains(cluster.twinNode.geneID)){
+										// this is non-shared multiple read, so count it
+										//cluster.twinNode.numOfMultis++;
+										numMulti++;	
+									}
+									if(rna.isMulti == 1){											
+										cluster.twinNode.numOfMultis++;	
+										cluster.twinNode.totalCov += (double) (((1.0)/((double) rna.hitNum)) * (double)GeneFinder.readLength);
+									}
+									if(rna.isSharedBy.contains(cluster.twinNode.geneID)){
+										numShared++;	// at this point, update the shared rna number								
+									}
+									if(rna.assignedNum > 1){
+										if(((cluster.twinNode.numOfMultis % 50) == 0) && (targetFunction.length() > 10)){
+											bw.write(targetFunction.substring(2));
+											targetFunction = new StringBuffer("  ");
+										}else{
+											targetFunction.append(" + x__"+rna.rnaID + "__" + cluster.twinNode.geneID + "__f" + "\n");
+										}
+										fVar_counter++;
+										initialize_MaxFlow(cluster.twinNode,varName);
+									}
+								}else{
+									cluster.twinNode.totalCov += (double)GeneFinder.readLength;
+								}
+							}
+							cluster.twinNode.uniqueCov = (((double)((cluster.twinNode.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet().size() - cluster.twinNode.numOfMultis) * GeneFinder.readLength))/((double)cluster.twinNode.exonLength));
+							cluster.twinNode.totalCov = ((double) cluster.twinNode.totalCov)/((double) cluster.twinNode.exonLength);
+						}
+						processCounter++;
+						if((processCounter % 2000) == 0){
+							if((processCounter % 10000) == 0){
+								long timeAfterTmp = System.currentTimeMillis();
+								if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+									System.out.println("Processed " + processCounter + " candidates in " + (double) (timeAfterTmp-timeBef)/1000.0 +"s.");
+								}
+							}
+							if(!(numMulti == 0 && numShared == 0 &&  multiRnas.keySet().size() == 0)){
+								if((targetFunction.length() > 10)){
+									bw.write(targetFunction.substring(2));
+									targetFunction = new StringBuffer("  ");
+								}
+							}
+						}else{
+							if((targetFunction.length() > 10) && (fVar_counter % 1000) == 0){
+								bw.write(targetFunction.substring(2));
+								targetFunction = new StringBuffer("  ");
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// log messages:
+			if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+				System.out.println("Processed " + processCounter + " candidates.");
+				System.out.println("Number of multiple rnas: " + numMulti);
+				System.out.println("Number of shared rnas: " + numShared);
+				System.out.println("Number constraints: " + multiRnas.keySet().size());
+				WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Processed " + processCounter + " candidates. \n" + "Number of multiple rnas: " + numMulti + " \nNumber of shared rnas: " + numShared + " \nNumber constraints: " + multiRnas.keySet().size() + "\n");
+				long timeAfter1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+				System.out.println("Time needed for max flow initialization: "+(double) (timeAfter1-timeBef)/1000.0 +"s.");
+				WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Time needed for max flow initialization: "+(double) (timeAfter1-timeBef)/1000.0 +"s.\n");
+			}
+			if(numMulti == 0 && numShared == 0 &&  multiRnas.keySet().size() == 0){
+				System.out.println("No multiple rnas, no optimization necessary!");
+				WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("No multiple rnas, no optimization necessary! \n");
+				noMultis = true;
+				GeneFinder.noAmbiOpti = true;
+			}else{
+				// write out the lp
+				if(targetFunction.length() > 3){
+					bw.write(targetFunction.substring(2));
+					targetFunction = new StringBuffer("");
+				}
+				bw.write("Subject To \n");
+				// now constraints
+				for(String varName : multiRnas.keySet()){
+					StringBuffer constraint = new StringBuffer("");			// three different types of necessary constraints
+					StringBuffer constraintVar_f = new StringBuffer("");
+					StringBuffer constraintVar_Diff = new StringBuffer("");
+					for(String var : (Vector<String>) multiRnas.get(varName)[0]){  // set up the different constraints
+						constraint.append(" + " + var + "\n");
+						binaryVars.append(" " + var + "\n");
+						constraintVar_f.append(var+"__f >= 0 \n");
+						//constraintVar_Diff.append(var+"__f - " + GeneFinder.readLength + " " + var + " <= 0 \n");
+						constraintVar_Diff.append(var+"__f - " + var + " <= 0 \n");
+					}
+					constraint.append(" = 1");
+					bw.write(constraintVar_f.toString() + constraintVar_Diff.toString() + constraint.substring(2) + "\n");
+				}
+				// now add the weight-constraints
+				for(Gene clust : clustNeighbors.keySet()){
+					double covSum = 0.0;
+					double sum_exonL = clust.exonLength;
+					StringBuffer constraintF = new StringBuffer("");
+					for(Gene neighbor : (Vector<Gene>) clustNeighbors.get(clust)[0]){
+						covSum += neighbor.uniqueCov;// + ((1.0/100000.0));   // the ((1.0/100000.0)) ensures that also candidates without unique hits can be chosen
+						sum_exonL = sum_exonL + neighbor.exonLength;
+					}
+					for(String var : (Vector<String>) clustNeighbors.get(clust)[1]){
+						constraintF.append(" + " + var + "\n");
+					}
+					// 1) no additional read length factor
+					// 2) multiple rnas have a penalty according to their number of ambiguous hits, already included in totalCov
+					// 3) competing candidates have a direct influence on the weight due to covSum
+					double weight = 0; 
+					covSum = Math.pow((covSum+1),2);
+					weight = ((clust.totalCov/covSum) * ((double)clust.exonLength/(double)sum_exonL));
+					constraintF.append(" <= " + Math.pow((weight+1),2));  // to the power of two leads to a more "the winner takes it all fashion"
+					bw.write(constraintF.substring(2) + "\n");
+				}
+				//now declare normal variables as binary
+				bw.write("Binary \n");
+				int posBin = 0;
+				for(posBin = 0;posBin<binaryVars.length();){
+					int posBin2 = posBin + 500000;
+					if(posBin2 < binaryVars.length()){
+						bw.write(binaryVars.substring(posBin,posBin2));	// extracted: posBin - (posBin2-1)
+					}
+					posBin = posBin + 500000;
+				}
+				if((posBin-500000) >= 0){
+					bw.write(binaryVars.substring(posBin-500000));
+				}
+				bw.write("END");				
+			}
+			bw.close();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+		long timeAfter = System.currentTimeMillis();
+		if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+			System.out.println("Time needed to set up lp file: "+ (double) (timeAfter-timeBef)/1000.0 +"s.");
+			WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Time needed to set up lp file: "+ (double) (timeAfter-timeBef)/1000.0 +"s.\n");
+			System.out.println();
+		}
+		if(!noMultis){  // now solve the lp
+			long timeBefSolve = System.currentTimeMillis();
+			if(GeneFinder.useCPLEX){  // use cplex
+				if(GeneFinder.optiSolve){
+					solveMaxFlowWithCPLEX(numMulti);
+					long timeAfterSolve = System.currentTimeMillis();
+					System.out.println("Time needed to solve max flow: "+ (double) (timeAfterSolve-timeBefSolve)/1000.0 +"s.");
+					WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Time needed to solve max flow: "+ (double) (timeAfterSolve-timeBefSolve)/1000.0 +"s.\n");
+				}else{ // for debugging of human real
+					double[] minMax = CalculateScores.assignGeneScores(true);				
+					WriteOutput.writeGeneFinderOutput(minMax,"");
+				}
+				// parse solution file
+				CleanAfterAmbiOpti.parse_solution_and_clean_CPLEX(multiRnas,fVar_counter);
+			}else{	// use glpk	
+				if(GeneFinder.optiSolve){
+					solveMaxFlowWithGLPK();
+					long timeAfterSolve = System.currentTimeMillis();
+					System.out.println("Time needed to solve max flow: "+ (double) (timeAfterSolve-timeBefSolve)/1000.0 +"s.");
+					WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Time needed to solve max flow: "+ (double) (timeAfterSolve-timeBefSolve)/1000.0 +"s.\n");
+				}
+				// parse solution file
+				CleanAfterAmbiOpti.parse_solution_and_clean_GLPK(multiRnas);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * solves MaxFlow with the CPLEX optimizer
+	 */
+	public static void solveMaxFlowWithCPLEX(int numMulti){
+		try {
+			System.out.println("Start cplex solve...");
+			IloCplex cplex = new IloCplex();
+			cplex.importModel(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/input_it" + GeneFinder.iteration + ".lp");
+			cplex.setParam(IloCplex.IntParam.RootAlg,IloCplex.Algorithm.Network);
+			cplex.setParam(IloCplex.DoubleParam.EpGap,0.01);
+			cplex.setParam(IloCplex.IntParam.Threads,GeneFinder.numberThreads);
+			if(numMulti >= 10000000){
+				if(GeneFinder.memForCplex != -1){
+					cplex.setParam(IloCplex.DoubleParam.WorkMem,GeneFinder.memForCplex);
+				}
+				cplex.setParam(IloCplex.StringParam.WorkDir,GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/");
+				System.out.println("Directory: " + cplex.getParam(IloCplex.StringParam.WorkDir));
+				cplex.setParam(IloCplex.DoubleParam.PolishTime,1000.0);
+				System.out.println("polish time: " + cplex.getParam(IloCplex.DoubleParam.PolishTime));
+				cplex.setParam(IloCplex.IntParam.HeurFreq,-1);
+				cplex.setParam(IloCplex.IntParam.NodeFileInd,3);
+				System.out.println(cplex.getParam(IloCplex.IntParam.NodeFileInd));
+				cplex.setParam(IloCplex.BooleanParam.MemoryEmphasis,true);
+				System.out.println(cplex.getParam(IloCplex.BooleanParam.MemoryEmphasis));
+			}
+			cplex.solve();
+			cplex.writeSolution(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/solutionCPLEX_it" + GeneFinder.iteration + ".sol");
+		} catch (IloException e2) {
+			e2.printStackTrace();
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * solves MaxFlow with the glpsol of the GLPK optimizer
+	 */
+	public static void solveMaxFlowWithGLPK(){
+		try {
+			System.out.println("Start glpk solve...");
+			Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
+			Process firstExe = rt.exec("glpsol --lp " + GeneFinder.pathOut + "resultsRun/input_it" + GeneFinder.iteration + ".lp --output " + GeneFinder.pathOut + "resultsRun/solutionGLPK_out_it" + GeneFinder.iteration + ".out");
+			firstExe.waitFor();
+		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * do the initialization for the max flow optimization
+	 * fill the required maps
+	 */
+	public static void initialize_MaxFlow(Gene cluster, String varName){
+		if(!clustNeighbors.keySet().contains(cluster)){
+			Vector<Gene> geneTmp = new Vector<Gene>();	// candidate is not contained so far, so add to map
+			Vector<String> varTmp = new Vector<String>();
+			varTmp.add(varName+ "__" + cluster.geneID + "__f");
+			geneTmp.add(cluster);
+			Object[] geneObj = {geneTmp,varTmp};
+			clustNeighbors.put(cluster,geneObj);
+		}else{
+			( (Vector<String>) clustNeighbors.get(cluster)[1]).add(varName+ "__" + cluster.geneID + "__f");  // add this variable to reads of the candidate
+		}
+		if(multiRnas.keySet().contains(varName)){   // add this candidate to the list of genes connected to this read
+			((Vector<String>) multiRnas.get(varName)[0]).add(varName+"__"+cluster.geneID);
+			((Vector<Gene>) multiRnas.get(varName)[1]).add(cluster);
+			Vector<Gene> clustGenes = (Vector<Gene>) clustNeighbors.get(cluster)[0];
+			for(Gene clust : (Vector<Gene>) multiRnas.get(varName)[1]){			// add this candidate to the list of competing genes for all those genes already connected to this read
+				if(!clustGenes.contains(clust)){
+					( (Vector<Gene>) clustNeighbors.get(cluster)[0]).add(clust);
+				}
+				if(!((Vector<Gene>) clustNeighbors.get(clust)[0]).contains(cluster)){
+					((Vector<Gene>) clustNeighbors.get(clust)[0]).add(cluster);
+				}
+			}
+		}else{
+			Vector<String> vecTmp = new Vector<String>();  // first time ambiguous read was looked at, so add to map
+			Vector<Gene> vecGeneTmp = new Vector<Gene>();
+			vecGeneTmp.add(cluster);
+			vecTmp.add(varName+"__"+cluster.geneID);
+			Object[] objTmp = {vecTmp,vecGeneTmp};			
+			multiRnas.put(varName,objTmp);															
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * go through all exons and sum up their lengths do determine the total exon length 
+	 */
+	public static void sumUpExonLengths(Gene gene, Vector<int[]> exons){
+		for(int[] exon :exons){
+			gene.exonLength += (exon[1] - exon[0] + 1);
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/PrepareMapping_GF.java b/src/geneFinder/PrepareMapping_GF.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..03b0c8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/PrepareMapping_GF.java
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+ * concatenates different genome files to one reference file
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+public class PrepareMapping_GF {
+	/*
+	 * concatenate the reference files to one large fasta
+	 */
+	public String prepareRefFile_GF(){
+		String nameRef = GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/concaRefFile";
+		Runtime prepRef = Runtime.getRuntime();
+		Process firstExe;
+		String allRefNames = new String();
+		try {
+			for(File genomeFile : GeneFinder.genomeFilesWithNames.keySet()){
+				String name = GeneFinder.pathToGenomeFiles+GeneFinder.genomeFilesWithNames.get(genomeFile);
+				allRefNames += name+"&&";
+			}
+			if(GeneFinder.useTopHat){
+				nameRef += ".fa";
+			}else{
+				nameRef += ".fasta";
+			}
+			String exe = "python "+ GeneFinder.pathToHelpFiles+"callCat.py " + allRefNames + " " + nameRef;
+			firstExe = prepRef.exec(exe);
+			firstExe.waitFor();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+		return (GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/concaRefFile");
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/ProkaryoteExtraction.java b/src/geneFinder/ProkaryoteExtraction.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..77292a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/ProkaryoteExtraction.java
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.FileReader;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import types.*;
+ * extracts high-coverage clusters as potential genes of prokaryotes
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ */
+public class ProkaryoteExtraction {
+    // variables for log file
+	public static int numMergedClusters;
+	//public static int numFoundNoStart_firstTime;
+	//public static int numFoundNoStop_firstTime;
+	//public static int numNoFrameFound;
+	/*
+	 * method to analyze the mapping -> extract clusters of high coverage and assign start and stop codons 
+	 */
+	public int initializeClusterSearch(String nameRefFile){
+		File refFile;
+		if(GeneFinder.useTopHat){
+			refFile = new File(nameRefFile+".fa");
+		}else{
+			refFile = new File(nameRefFile+".fasta");
+		}
+		int id = 1;
+		for(String contigName : GeneFinder.mappedContigs.keySet()){
+			Contig thisContig = GeneFinder.mappedContigs.get(contigName);
+			StringBuffer contigSeq = new StringBuffer();
+			try{ 
+				BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(refFile));
+				String line;
+				while((line = br.readLine()) != null){
+					if(line.startsWith(">")){
+						// test if correct contig
+						if(line.substring(1).startsWith(contigName)){
+							// found right one, now extract sequence
+							while(((line = br.readLine()) != null) && (line.length() != 0) &&  (!(line.startsWith(">")))){
+								String line2 = "";
+								if(Character.isLowerCase(line.charAt(0))){
+									for(int i = 0;i<line.length();i++){
+										char letter = line.charAt(i);
+										letter = Character.toUpperCase(letter);
+										line2 += letter;
+									}
+								}else{
+									line2 = line;
+								}
+								contigSeq.append(line2);
+							}
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(contigSeq.length() == 0){
+					// oops, did not found contig
+					System.out.println("Error, could not find contig " + contigName);
+					System.exit(0);
+				}
+				// now that we have the sequence, search for areas with high coverage
+				Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
+				id = searchClusters(thisContig, id, contigSeq);
+				double memBef_2 = (r.totalMemory()-r.freeMemory());
+				thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.clear();
+				thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas = new TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Rna>>();
+				thisContig.positionTOdiff.clear();
+				thisContig.positionTOdiff = new TreeMap<Integer,Integer>();
+				contigSeq = null;
+				r.gc();
+				r.gc();
+				double memAft_2 = (r.totalMemory()-r.freeMemory());
+				if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+					System.out.println("Memory freed = " + (((memBef_2-memAft_2)/1000.0)/1000.0) + "MB");
+					System.out.println();
+				}
+			} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+				e.printStackTrace();
+			}  catch (IOException e) {
+				e.printStackTrace();
+			}
+		}
+		return id;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * searches potential genes on forward and reverse strand, extracts the specific regions respecting reading frame (if possible)
+	 */
+	public int searchClusters(Contig thisContig, int id, StringBuffer contigSeq){
+		if(GeneFinder.noAmbiOpti){
+			HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.removeAmbiHits(thisContig);
+		}
+		Iterator<Integer> positionIt = thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.keySet().iterator();
+		if(GeneFinder.iteration == 2 && !GeneFinder.secondPart){
+			System.out.print("Iteration 2. ");
+			WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Iteration 2. ");
+		}
+		if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+			System.out.println("Contig: = " + thisContig.contigName);
+			WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Contig: = " + thisContig.contigName + "\n\n");
+		}
+		int startPos = 0;
+		int currentPos = 0;
+		int nextPos = 0;
+		// variables for log file
+		numMergedClusters = 0;
+		if(positionIt.hasNext()){
+			currentPos = positionIt.next();
+		}
+		// initialize the coverage handling:
+		Object[] coverageVecAndPos = new Object[3];
+		Vector<Integer> coverageVec = new Vector<Integer>();   // vector is preferred over array because more flexible
+		// first the coverage is zero at all positions:
+		for(int arrPos=0;arrPos<GeneFinder.readLength;++arrPos){
+			coverageVec.add(0);
+		}
+		coverageVecAndPos[0] = coverageVec;
+		coverageVecAndPos[1] = currentPos;
+		coverageVecAndPos[2] = -1;
+		if(GeneFinder.endCoverage == -1){
+			GeneFinder.endCoverage = (1.0/3.0)*GeneFinder.minCoverage - 0.001; 
+			if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+				System.out.println("End coverage estimated from required minimum coverage: " + GeneFinder.endCoverage);
+				WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("End coverage estimated from required minimum coverage: " + GeneFinder.endCoverage + "\n\n");
+			}
+		}
+		if(GeneFinder.maxCov == -1){
+			GeneFinder.maxCov = Double.MAX_VALUE;  // so we always accept the coverage
+		}
+		boolean noMoreCluster = false;
+		boolean startedNewCluster = false;   // this boolean ensures that also the last cluster is completed once it has been started due to sufficient coverage (otherwise, if map is empty, cluster is not extracted)
+		boolean doNotCountTwice = false;	 // if true we do not perform the coverageVec update for the first current position (when starting a new cluster) because this has already been done with "nextPos"
+		int numIdentifiedClusters = 0;       // if = 1, this ends the while loop
+		do{
+			Gene cluster = new Gene();
+			coverageVecAndPos[2] = -1;
+			do{
+				startedNewCluster = false;
+				int currentCompete = -1;  // stores the current alternative interval, is only -1,-1 if no alternatives exist for current position
+				int currentCompeteStart = -1;  // defines the first split determining the currentCompete, necessary to not extract exons, that overlap with currentCompete region
+				int localExonEnd = -1;
+				int endToPassForclosedGenes = -1;  // when we have to close a gene within a currentCompete interval, it is important to grab the last included position as the end
+				boolean chooseAlternativeEndInstead = false;
+				TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap = new TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>();  // for each intron, the coverage add after begin and end ist stored
+				int diff = 0;
+				if(!doNotCountTwice){
+					int covPlus = thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(currentPos).size();
+					Object[] returnValues = updateCoverageInterval_respectAlternatives(thisContig,covPlus,currentPos,coverageVecAndPos,posiCovMap,-1);
+					coverageVecAndPos = (Object[]) returnValues[0];
+					posiCovMap = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnValues[1];
+					if(thisContig.positionTOdiff.keySet().contains(currentPos)){
+						diff = thisContig.positionTOdiff.get(currentPos); // if there occurred insertions or deletions before this positions add/subtract the difference
+					}
+				}
+				boolean startWithGene = false;
+				if((((Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0]).get(0) + diff >= GeneFinder.minCoverage) && (((Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0]).get(0) + diff < GeneFinder.maxCov)){
+					startWithGene = true;
+				}
+				if(startWithGene){
+					startPos = (Integer)coverageVecAndPos[2]; // potential start of a new cluster begins at currentPos - bases covered by already present rnas	
+					if((Integer)coverageVecAndPos[2] == -1){
+						startPos = currentPos;
+					}
+					// add also all rnas starting in interval startPos-currentPos
+					int pos_temp = (Integer)coverageVecAndPos[2];
+					if((Integer)coverageVecAndPos[2] != -1){
+						do{							
+							//associatedRnas = addRnas(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(pos_temp),associatedRnas);
+							HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(cluster,thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(pos_temp));
+							if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.higherKey(pos_temp) != null){
+								pos_temp = thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.higherKey(pos_temp);
+							}else{
+								pos_temp = currentPos;
+							}
+						}while((pos_temp != currentPos) && !(pos_temp > currentPos));
+					}		
+					HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(cluster,thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(currentPos));
+					startedNewCluster = true;    
+					while(positionIt.hasNext()){ 
+						nextPos = positionIt.next();
+						int covPlusNext = thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(nextPos).size();
+						Object[] returnValues = updateCoverageInterval_respectAlternatives(thisContig,covPlusNext,nextPos,coverageVecAndPos,posiCovMap,-1);
+						coverageVecAndPos = (Object[]) returnValues[0];
+						posiCovMap = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnValues[1];
+						if(thisContig.positionTOdiff.keySet().contains(nextPos)){
+							diff = thisContig.positionTOdiff.get(nextPos); // if there occurred insertions or deletions before this positions add/subtract the difference
+						}else{
+							diff = 0;
+						}
+						if(((nextPos - currentPos) <= (GeneFinder.readLength)) && (((Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0]).get(0) + diff > GeneFinder.endCoverage) && (((Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0]).get(0) + diff < GeneFinder.maxCov)){
+							endToPassForclosedGenes = nextPos;
+							currentPos = nextPos;
+							if(currentPos >= currentCompete){
+								currentCompete = -1;
+								currentCompeteStart = -1;
+							}
+							HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(cluster,thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(currentPos));
+							if(localExonEnd != -1){								
+								localExonEnd = currentPos + GeneFinder.readLength;
+							}
+						}else{
+							boolean closeGene = false;
+							int basesToAddForOverlap = 0;
+							int positionPosiCovMap = HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.findIntronNearNextPos(cluster,nextPos);
+							if(posiCovMap.containsKey(positionPosiCovMap)){
+								basesToAddForOverlap = posiCovMap.get(positionPosiCovMap).size();
+							}
+							if((currentCompeteStart != -1 && ((currentCompeteStart - currentPos) < GeneFinder.readLength)) && ((currentCompete + basesToAddForOverlap + 1) >= nextPos) && (((Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0]).get(0) + diff < GeneFinder.maxCov)){
+								// +1 because currentCompete defines the intron end
+								// have to go on because we are still within the cluster, so just decide if this part shall be included or not								
+								int goOn = 0;
+								if((nextPos - currentPos) > (GeneFinder.readLength)){
+									goOn = -1;
+								}
+								if(goOn != -1){ 
+									if(goOn == 0){									
+										HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.addRnasFromVector(cluster,thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(nextPos));
+									}									
+									currentPos = nextPos;							
+									if(currentPos >= currentCompete){
+										currentCompete = -1;
+										currentCompeteStart = -1;
+									}
+								}else{
+									currentCompete = -1;
+									currentCompeteStart = -1;
+									if(endToPassForclosedGenes != -1){
+										chooseAlternativeEndInstead = true;
+									}
+									closeGene = true;
+								}
+							}else{
+								closeGene = true;
+							}
+							if(closeGene){
+								int basesToAdd =  GeneFinder.readLength;
+								if(chooseAlternativeEndInstead){
+									currentPos = endToPassForclosedGenes;
+								} 
+								if(((currentCompeteStart != -1 && ((currentCompeteStart - currentPos) < GeneFinder.readLength))) && currentCompete > currentPos){
+									currentPos = currentCompete + 1;   // nextPos is bigger than split end, but we have to consider the split anyway
+									// look new number up in posiCovMap
+									if(posiCovMap.containsKey(currentCompete)){
+										basesToAdd = posiCovMap.get(currentCompete).size();
+									}
+								}
+								// extract this cluster, interval [startPos,currentPos+readLength]							
+								id = clustIni(cluster, thisContig, contigSeq, startPos, id, currentPos,basesToAdd);
+								numIdentifiedClusters++;
+								currentPos = nextPos;  // now nextPos is potential new start								
+								doNotCountTwice = true;
+								break;
+							}
+						}							
+					}
+				}else{
+					if(positionIt.hasNext()){
+						currentPos = positionIt.next();
+						doNotCountTwice = false;
+						cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.clear();
+						cluster.possibleIntrons.clear();
+					}else{
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if(!positionIt.hasNext() && (numIdentifiedClusters < 1) && startedNewCluster){  // to grab very last cluster
+					int basesToAdd =  GeneFinder.readLength;
+					if(chooseAlternativeEndInstead){
+						currentPos = endToPassForclosedGenes;
+					} 
+					if(((currentCompeteStart != -1 && ((currentCompeteStart - currentPos) < GeneFinder.readLength))) && currentCompete > currentPos){
+						currentPos = currentCompete + 1;   // nextPos is bigger than split end, but we have to consider the split anyway
+						// look new number up in posiCovMap
+						if(posiCovMap.containsKey(currentCompete)){
+							basesToAdd = posiCovMap.get(currentCompete).size();
+						}
+					}
+					id = clustIni(cluster, thisContig, contigSeq, startPos, id, currentPos,basesToAdd);
+					numIdentifiedClusters++;
+				}
+			}while(positionIt.hasNext() && (numIdentifiedClusters < 1));
+			if(!positionIt.hasNext() && (numIdentifiedClusters < 1)){
+				// reached end of reference sequence, no cluster has been extracted this time, so stop
+				noMoreCluster = true;
+				break;
+			}
+			// now test for overlap merging:
+			if(thisContig.allGenes.size() > 0){
+				Gene clusterBeforeInVec = thisContig.allGenes.get(thisContig.allGenes.size()-1);
+				if(MergeClusters.checkIfNeedMerge(cluster, clusterBeforeInVec,thisContig,contigSeq)){
+					numMergedClusters++;
+				}else{
+					thisContig.allGenes.add(cluster);
+				}
+			}else{
+				thisContig.allGenes.add(cluster);
+			}
+			if(thisContig.allGenes.size() > 1){
+				Gene clustBef = thisContig.allGenes.get(thisContig.allGenes.size()-2);
+				if(clustBef.operonOrfs.isEmpty()){
+					Object[] returnArr = Prokaryote_Specials.define_OrfsInOperon(clustBef.sequence,clustBef);
+					clustBef.operonOrfs = (Vector<int[]>) returnArr[0];  // first entry is always 1-d array indicating whether normal gene sequence follows (1) or operon sequence (-1)
+					clustBef.operonDirectionIsForward = (Boolean) returnArr[1];
+				}			
+			}
+			if(!positionIt.hasNext()){
+				noMoreCluster = true;			
+				break;
+			}
+			numIdentifiedClusters--;
+		}while(!noMoreCluster);
+		// check for the last extracted cluster if it has a proper stop or not and further check for twins
+		if(thisContig.allGenes.size() != 0){
+			Gene clustBef = thisContig.allGenes.get(thisContig.allGenes.size()-1);
+			if(clustBef.operonOrfs.isEmpty()){
+				Object[] returnArr = Prokaryote_Specials.define_OrfsInOperon(clustBef.sequence, clustBef);
+				clustBef.operonOrfs = (Vector<int[]>) returnArr[0]; // first entry is always 1-d array indicating whether normal gene sequence follows (1) or operon sequence (-1)
+				clustBef.operonDirectionIsForward = (Boolean) returnArr[1];
+			}
+		}	
+		if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+			String s = "";
+			s += "No more clusters can be found \n";
+			s += "Total identified clusters: " + thisContig.allGenes.size() + "\n";
+			s += "Number mergings: " + numMergedClusters + "\n";
+			WriteOutput.writeToLogFile(s + "\n");
+			System.out.println(s);
+		}
+		return id;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * check if only multiRnaSupport
+	 */
+	public static boolean checkIfOnlyMultiRnas(Gene gene){
+		for(String rnaString : gene.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet()){
+			Rna rna = ((Rna)gene.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rnaString)[0]);
+			if(rna.isMulti == 0){
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * for all rnas mapping to this gene, remove the gene alignment
+	 */
+	public static void removeGenesRnas(Gene gene, Contig thisContig){
+		for(String rnaID : gene.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet()){
+			Rna rna = (Rna) gene.idTOassociatedRnas.get(rnaID)[0];
+			for(Object[] info : rna.contigsMappedOn){
+				int alignPos = ((Integer) info[1]).intValue();
+				if((((Contig) info[0]).equals(thisContig)) && (alignPos > gene.startPos) && (alignPos < (gene.stopPos-GeneFinder.readLength))){				
+					rna.contigsMappedOn.removeElement(info);
+					rna.assignedNum = rna.assignedNum -1;
+					break;				
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * updates the coverage entries in the vector representing the current covered interval
+	 */
+	public static Object[] updateCoverageInterval_respectAlternatives(Contig thisContig, int covPlus, int currentPos, Object[] coverageVecAndPos, TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>> posiCovMap,int considerSpliceSite){
+		boolean addedValues = false;
+		int splitDiff = 0;    // necessary to consider splice site, do not update with covplus if we exceed splice site	
+		if(considerSpliceSite != -1){
+			splitDiff = (considerSpliceSite-currentPos);
+		}
+		Vector<Integer> covVecClone = new Vector<Integer>();    // stores all coverage add values derived by posiCovMap
+		Object[] returnObject = HelperFunctions_GeneSearch.lookIntoPosiCovMap(posiCovMap, currentPos);
+		addedValues = (Boolean) returnObject[0];
+		covVecClone = (Vector<Integer>) returnObject[1];
+		posiCovMap = (TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Integer>>) returnObject[2];
+		if(currentPos - (Integer) coverageVecAndPos[1] > GeneFinder.readLength){
+			Vector<Integer> coverageVecNew = new Vector<Integer>();
+			// initialize:
+			for(int arrPos=0;arrPos<GeneFinder.readLength;++arrPos){
+				if((considerSpliceSite != -1) && (arrPos >= splitDiff)){
+					coverageVecNew.add(0);
+				}else{
+					coverageVecNew.add(covPlus);
+				}
+			}
+			coverageVecAndPos[0] = coverageVecNew;
+			coverageVecAndPos[2] = -1;
+		}else{
+			Vector<Integer> covVec = (Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0];
+			for(int pos = 0;pos<(currentPos- (Integer) coverageVecAndPos[1]);++pos){
+				covVec.remove(covVec.firstElement());
+				covVec.add(0);
+			}
+			for(int vecPos=0;vecPos < covVec.size();++vecPos){
+				if(!((considerSpliceSite != -1) && (vecPos >= splitDiff))){
+					covVec.set(vecPos,(covVec.get(vecPos) + covPlus));    // correct?
+				}
+			}
+			if((((Integer)coverageVecAndPos[2] == -1)) || (currentPos-((Integer) coverageVecAndPos[2]) > (GeneFinder.readLength))){
+				// update overlap-position
+				boolean foundPos = false;
+				int pos_temp = (Integer) coverageVecAndPos[2];
+				if(pos_temp == -1){
+					coverageVecAndPos[2] = (Integer) coverageVecAndPos[1];
+				}else{
+					if(!addedValues){  // if we have introns, then stay with the current start position
+						do{	
+							if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.lastKey() != pos_temp){
+								pos_temp = thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.higherKey(pos_temp);
+							}else{
+								pos_temp = (Integer) coverageVecAndPos[1];
+							}
+							if((currentPos-(pos_temp) <= (GeneFinder.readLength))){
+								coverageVecAndPos[2] = pos_temp;
+								foundPos = true;
+							}
+						}while(!foundPos || !(pos_temp >= (Integer) coverageVecAndPos[1]));
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		coverageVecAndPos[1] = currentPos;
+		if(addedValues){
+			for(int posVec = 0; posVec < GeneFinder.readLength; ++posVec){
+				((Vector<Integer>) coverageVecAndPos[0]).setElementAt((((Vector<Integer>)coverageVecAndPos[0]).get(posVec) + covVecClone.get(posVec)),posVec);
+			}
+		}
+		Object[] toReturn = {coverageVecAndPos,posiCovMap,addedValues};
+		return toReturn;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * first extraction of each cluster, simply regard the high coverage interval
+	 */
+	public static int clustIni(Gene cluster, Contig thisContig, StringBuffer contigSeq, int startPos, int id, int currentPos, int basesToAdd){
+		basesToAdd = basesToAdd + GeneFinder.readLength;
+		startPos = (int)Math.max(0,(startPos-GeneFinder.readLength));
+		cluster.sequence = contigSeq.substring(startPos,Math.min(currentPos+basesToAdd,contigSeq.length()));
+		cluster.geneID = id++;
+		cluster.onRevStrand = false;
+		cluster.startPos = startPos;		
+		cluster.stopPos = currentPos+basesToAdd-1; // note: without "-1" stopPos would be the position necessary for seq-extraction = actual stop + 1 
+		cluster.coreSeq = (cluster.stopPos-cluster.startPos);
+		cluster.realDirectionNotKnown = true;	
+		return id;
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/Prokaryote_Specials.java b/src/geneFinder/Prokaryote_Specials.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ed886ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/Prokaryote_Specials.java
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import types.Gene;
+ * class that includes method especially applied in prokaryotic gene finding
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+public class Prokaryote_Specials {
+	public static Vector<Integer> bestCombi;		// only store the best possible combination achieved so far
+	public static boolean bestIsForward;
+	public static int covered_Local;
+	public static int notCounted;  // counts how often we rejected an ORF due to the size threshold
+	public static int alreadyCovered; // counts how often we rejected an ORF because it is contained in a bigger one
+	public static int[] cov; // necessary for divide and conquer
+	/*
+	 * search all ORFs and determine the best set
+	 */
+	public static Object[] define_OrfsInOperon(String inputSeq, Gene gene){
+		// first extract all possible ORFs
+		//String report = "";
+		bestCombi = new Vector<Integer>();
+		bestIsForward = true;
+		notCounted = 0;
+		alreadyCovered = 0;
+		cov = new int[inputSeq.length()];
+		Vector<int[]> allORFs_FO = searchFO_orfs(inputSeq);		
+		//report += notCounted + " below, " + alreadyCovered + " covered, " + allORFs_FO.size() + " left (FO). ";
+		Object[] returnArr_FO = Operon_LP.writeOperon_LP(inputSeq,cov,allORFs_FO,-1,null);
+		double scoreFO = (Double) returnArr_FO[0];
+		Vector<Integer> chosenORFs_FO = (Vector<Integer>) returnArr_FO[1];
+		int maxL_FO = (Integer) returnArr_FO[2];
+		notCounted = 0;
+		alreadyCovered = 0;
+		cov = new int[inputSeq.length()];
+		Vector<int[]> allORFs_RE = searchRE_orfs(inputSeq);
+		//report += notCounted + " below, " + alreadyCovered + " covered, " + allORFs_RE.size() + " left (RE). ";
+		Object[] returnArr_RE = Operon_LP.writeOperon_LP(inputSeq,cov,allORFs_RE,-1,null);
+		double scoreRE = (Double) returnArr_RE[0];
+		Vector<Integer> chosenORFs_RE = (Vector<Integer>) returnArr_RE[1];
+		int maxL_RE = (Integer) returnArr_RE[2];
+		// now determine the BIC and remember the maximum 
+		Vector<int[]> orfsVec = new Vector<int[]>();
+		if(scoreRE > scoreFO){
+			bestIsForward = false;
+			bestCombi.clear();
+			bestCombi = chosenORFs_RE;
+			// second iteration
+			Vector<int[]> mergedORFs = new Vector<int[]>();
+			Vector<Integer> posChosen = new Vector<Integer>(); 
+			int posNum = 0;
+			for(int pos : chosenORFs_RE){
+				int[] tmp = {(allORFs_RE.get(pos)[0]), (allORFs_RE.get(pos)[1])};
+				mergedORFs.add(tmp);
+				posChosen.add(posNum++);
+			}
+			mergedORFs.addAll(allORFs_FO);
+			cov = new int[inputSeq.length()];
+			calculateCoverage(mergedORFs);
+			Object[] returnArr_RE_2 = Operon_LP.writeOperon_LP(inputSeq,cov,mergedORFs,maxL_RE,posChosen);
+			double scoreRE_2 = (Double) returnArr_RE_2[0];
+			Vector<Integer> chosenORFs_RE_2 = (Vector<Integer>) returnArr_RE_2[1];
+			if(chosenORFs_RE_2.size() > chosenORFs_RE.size()){
+				// start final iteration
+				Vector<int[]> mergedORFs_2 = new Vector<int[]>();
+				Vector<Integer> posChosen_2 = new Vector<Integer>(); 
+				int pos2_temp = 0;
+				for(int pos : chosenORFs_RE_2){
+					int[] tmp = {(mergedORFs.get(pos)[0]), (mergedORFs.get(pos)[1])};
+					mergedORFs_2.add(tmp);
+					if(!posChosen.contains(pos)){
+						posChosen_2.add(pos2_temp);
+					}		
+					pos2_temp++;
+				}
+				cov = new int[inputSeq.length()];
+				calculateCoverage(mergedORFs_2);
+				Object[] returnArr_RE_3 = Operon_LP.writeOperon_LP(inputSeq,cov,mergedORFs_2,maxL_RE,posChosen_2);
+				double scoreRE_3 = (Double) returnArr_RE_3[0];
+				Vector<Integer> chosenORFs_RE_3 = (Vector<Integer>) returnArr_RE_3[1];
+				orfsVec = determineBestComposition(mergedORFs_2,chosenORFs_RE_3,posChosen_2,inputSeq,gene,0);
+			}else{
+				int[] first = {1};
+				orfsVec.add(first);
+				for(int pos : bestCombi){
+					int[] tmp = {(gene.startPos + allORFs_RE.get(pos)[0]), (gene.startPos + allORFs_RE.get(pos)[1])};
+					orfsVec.add(tmp);
+				}
+			}
+		}else{
+			bestIsForward = true;
+			bestCombi.clear();
+			bestCombi = chosenORFs_FO;
+			// second iteration
+			Vector<int[]> mergedORFs = new Vector<int[]>();
+			Vector<Integer> posChosen = new Vector<Integer>(); 
+			int posNum = 0;
+			for(int pos : chosenORFs_FO){
+				int[] tmp = {(allORFs_FO.get(pos)[0]), (allORFs_FO.get(pos)[1])};
+				mergedORFs.add(tmp);
+				posChosen.add(posNum++);
+			}
+			mergedORFs.addAll(allORFs_RE);
+			cov = new int[inputSeq.length()];
+			calculateCoverage(mergedORFs);
+			Object[] returnArr_FO_2 = Operon_LP.writeOperon_LP(inputSeq,cov,mergedORFs,maxL_FO,posChosen);
+			double scoreFO_2 = (Double) returnArr_FO_2[0];
+			Vector<Integer> chosenORFs_FO_2 = (Vector<Integer>) returnArr_FO_2[1];
+			if(chosenORFs_FO_2.size() > chosenORFs_FO.size()){
+				// start final iteration
+				Vector<int[]> mergedORFs_2 = new Vector<int[]>();
+				Vector<Integer> posChosen_2 = new Vector<Integer>(); 
+				int pos2_temp = 0;
+				for(int pos : chosenORFs_FO_2){
+					int[] tmp = {(mergedORFs.get(pos)[0]), (mergedORFs.get(pos)[1])};
+					mergedORFs_2.add(tmp);
+					if(!posChosen.contains(pos)){
+						posChosen_2.add(pos2_temp);
+					}	
+					pos2_temp++;
+				}
+				cov = new int[inputSeq.length()];
+				calculateCoverage(mergedORFs_2);
+				Object[] returnArr_FO_3 = Operon_LP.writeOperon_LP(inputSeq,cov,mergedORFs_2,maxL_FO,posChosen_2);
+				double scoreFO_3 = (Double) returnArr_FO_3[0];
+				Vector<Integer> chosenORFs_FO_3 = (Vector<Integer>) returnArr_FO_3[1];
+				orfsVec = determineBestComposition(mergedORFs_2,chosenORFs_FO_3,posChosen_2,inputSeq,gene,1);
+			}else{
+				int[] first = {1};
+				orfsVec.add(first);
+				for(int pos : bestCombi){
+					int[] tmp = {(gene.startPos + allORFs_FO.get(pos)[0]), (gene.startPos + allORFs_FO.get(pos)[1])};
+					orfsVec.add(tmp);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/*if(bestIsForward){
+			for(int pos : bestCombi){
+				int[] tmp = {(gene.startPos + allORFs_FO.get(pos)[0]), (gene.startPos + allORFs_FO.get(pos)[1])};
+				orfsVec.add(tmp);
+			}
+		}else{
+			for(int pos : bestCombi){
+				int[] tmp = {(gene.startPos + allORFs_RE.get(pos)[0]), (gene.startPos + allORFs_RE.get(pos)[1])};
+				orfsVec.add(tmp);
+			}
+		}*/
+		//report += "OrfNum: " + orfsVec.size() + ", FO:" + bestIsForward + ", time: " + (double) (timeAft_all-timeBef_all)/1000.0 +"s.";
+		return new Object[]{orfsVec,bestIsForward};
+	}
+	/*
+	 * sort reverse ORFs beginning with left-most start position (via bubblesort)
+	 * necessary for combination determination
+	 */
+	public static Vector<int[]> sort_ORFs(Vector<int[]> allORFs_RE){
+		int[] temp;
+		for(int i=1; i<allORFs_RE.size(); ++i) {
+			for(int j=0; j<allORFs_RE.size()-i; ++j) {
+					if((allORFs_RE.get(j)[0]) > (allORFs_RE.get(j+1)[0])) {
+						temp=allORFs_RE.get(j);
+						allORFs_RE.setElementAt(allORFs_RE.get(j+1),j);
+						allORFs_RE.setElementAt(temp,j+1);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		return allORFs_RE;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * searches all ORFs assuming forward direction
+	 * note: no length limit is set, ORFs too short should be penalized in the BIC scoring
+	 */
+	public static Vector<int[]> searchFO_orfs(String inputSeq){
+		Vector<int[]> allORFs_FO = new Vector<int[]>();
+		int foundNewATG = 1;
+		int posLastATG = 0;
+		do{
+			int startPos = inputSeq.substring(posLastATG).indexOf("ATG");
+			int stopPos = -1;
+			int posLastStart = -1;
+			if(startPos == -1){
+				foundNewATG = 0;
+				break;
+			}else{
+				startPos = startPos  + posLastATG;
+				posLastATG = startPos + 3;
+				posLastStart = startPos + 3;
+			}
+			int goOn = 0;
+			do{
+				goOn = 0;
+				String stopPart = inputSeq.substring(posLastStart);
+				int stopSub[] = {stopPart.indexOf("TAA"),stopPart.indexOf("TGA"),stopPart.indexOf("TAG")};
+				java.util.Arrays.sort(stopSub);
+				if((stopSub[0] > -1)){ 
+					if(((((posLastStart + stopSub[0])-startPos) % 3) == 0)){
+						stopPos = posLastStart + stopSub[0]; 
+					}else{
+						posLastStart = posLastStart + stopSub[0]+1;
+						goOn = 1;
+					}
+				}else if((stopSub[1] > -1)){
+					if(((((posLastStart + stopSub[1])-startPos) % 3) == 0)){
+						stopPos = posLastStart + stopSub[1];
+					}else{
+						posLastStart = posLastStart + stopSub[1]+1;
+						goOn = 1;
+					}				
+				} else if((stopSub[2] > -1)){
+					if(((((posLastStart + stopSub[2])-startPos) % 3) == 0)){
+						stopPos = posLastStart + stopSub[2];
+					}else{
+						posLastStart = posLastStart + stopSub[2]+1;
+						goOn = 1;
+					}				
+				}
+				if(stopPos != -1){
+					if(stopPos-startPos > 30){
+						if(!checkIfORFcovered(allORFs_FO,new int[]{startPos,(stopPos+2)})){
+							allORFs_FO.add(new int[]{startPos,(stopPos+2)});
+							for(int i=startPos;i<=stopPos+2;++i){
+								cov[i]++;
+							}
+						}else{
+							alreadyCovered++;
+						}						
+					}else{
+						notCounted++;
+					}
+					break;
+				}
+			}while(goOn == 1);
+		}while(foundNewATG == 1);
+		return allORFs_FO;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * searches all ORFs assuming reverse direction
+	 * note: no length limit is set, ORFs too short should be penalized in the BIC scoring
+	 */
+	public static Vector<int[]> searchRE_orfs(String inputSeq){
+		Vector<int[]> allORFs_RE= new Vector<int[]>();
+		int foundNewCAT = 1;
+		int posLastCAT = inputSeq.length();
+		do{
+			int startPos = inputSeq.substring(0,posLastCAT).lastIndexOf("CAT");
+			int stopPos = -1;
+			int posLastStop = -1;
+			if(startPos == -1){
+				foundNewCAT = 0;
+				break;
+			}else{
+				posLastCAT = startPos;
+				posLastStop = startPos;
+			}
+			int goOn = 0;
+			do{
+				goOn = 0;
+				String stopPart = inputSeq.substring(0,posLastStop);
+				int stopSub[] = {stopPart.lastIndexOf("TTA"),stopPart.lastIndexOf("TCA"),stopPart.lastIndexOf("CTA")};
+				java.util.Arrays.sort(stopSub);
+				if((stopSub[2] > -1)){
+					if(((startPos-stopSub[2]) % 3) == 0){
+						stopPos = stopSub[2];
+					}else{
+						posLastStop = stopSub[2]+2;
+						goOn = 1;
+					}				 
+				}else if((stopSub[1] > -1)){
+					if(((startPos-stopSub[1]) % 3) == 0){
+						stopPos = stopSub[1];
+					}else{
+						posLastStop = stopSub[1]+2;
+						goOn = 1;
+					}
+				} else if((stopSub[0] > -1)){
+					if(((startPos-stopSub[0]) % 3) == 0){
+						stopPos = stopSub[0];
+					}else{
+						posLastStop = stopSub[0]+2;
+						goOn = 1;
+					}
+				}
+				if(stopPos != -1){
+					if(startPos-stopPos > 30){
+						if(!checkIfORFcovered(allORFs_RE,new int[]{stopPos,(startPos+2)})){
+							allORFs_RE.add(new int[]{stopPos,(startPos+2)});
+							for(int i=stopPos;i<=startPos+2;++i){
+								cov[i]++;
+							}
+						}else{
+							alreadyCovered++;
+						}					
+					}else{
+						notCounted++;
+					}
+					break;
+				}
+			}while(goOn == 1);
+		}while(foundNewCAT == 1);
+		return allORFs_RE;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * filter out all orfs that are completely included in bigger ones
+	 */
+	public static boolean checkIfORFcovered(Vector<int[]> allORFs,int[] thisORF){
+		for(int[] orf : allORFs){
+			if((orf[0] <= thisORF[0]) && (orf[1] >= thisORF[1])){
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * derive the coverage from a set of given ORFs
+	 */
+	public static void calculateCoverage(Vector<int[]> orfs){
+		for(int[] orf : orfs){
+			for(int i=orf[0];i<=orf[1];++i){
+				cov[i]++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * if we have chosen additional ORFs for the current direction, try to find the best combination of operons
+	 * orgForward = 1 indicates, that original set was on forward strand, = 0 means reverse
+	 */
+	public static Vector<int[]> determineBestComposition(Vector<int[]> mergedORFs, Vector<Integer> chosenORFs, Vector<Integer> posChosenBef,String inputSeq,Gene gene, int orgForward){
+		Vector<int[]> orfsVec = new Vector<int[]>();
+		int orgAdd = -1;
+		if(orgForward == 1){
+			orgAdd = 0;
+		}else{
+			orgAdd = 1;
+		}
+		Vector<int[]> originalStrandORFs = new Vector<int[]>();
+		Vector<int[]> additionalORFs = new Vector<int[]>();
+		Vector<int[]> connectedComp_add = new Vector<int[]>();   // contains one connected component per int[] (boundaries at 0,1 and the posis of genes at following positions) for addtional orfs
+		Vector<int[]> connectedComp_norm = new Vector<int[]>();
+		for(int i : chosenORFs){
+			if(posChosenBef.contains(i)){
+				additionalORFs.add(mergedORFs.get(i));
+			}else{
+				originalStrandORFs.add(mergedORFs.get(i));
+			}
+		}
+		// determine connected comp for additional orfs
+		additionalORFs = sort_ORFs(additionalORFs);
+		cov = new int[inputSeq.length()];
+		calculateCoverage(originalStrandORFs);
+		connectedComp_add = defineConnectedComps(additionalORFs,connectedComp_add);
+		// now for original orfs
+		originalStrandORFs = sort_ORFs(originalStrandORFs);
+		cov = new int[inputSeq.length()];
+		calculateCoverage(additionalORFs);
+		connectedComp_norm = defineConnectedComps(originalStrandORFs,connectedComp_norm);
+		// fill orfsVec
+		orfsVec.add(new int[] {-1});
+		if(originalStrandORFs.get(0)[0] <= additionalORFs.get(0)[0]){
+			orfsVec = fillVec(connectedComp_norm,orgForward,gene,orfsVec,0);
+			orfsVec = fillVec(connectedComp_add,orgAdd,gene,orfsVec,connectedComp_add.get(0)[0]);					
+		}else{		
+			orfsVec = fillVec(connectedComp_add,orgAdd,gene,orfsVec,0);
+			orfsVec = fillVec(connectedComp_norm,orgForward,gene,orfsVec,connectedComp_norm.get(0)[0]);
+		}
+		return orfsVec;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * fill the orf vector with operons for this candidate gene
+	 */
+	public static Vector<int[]> fillVec(Vector<int[]> connectedComp,int strand,Gene gene,Vector<int[]> orfsVec,int startPosition){
+		for(int i = 0; i<connectedComp.size();++i){
+			int[] temp = new int[connectedComp.get(i).length+1];
+			temp[0] = strand;
+			if(i==0){
+				temp[1] = gene.startPos + startPosition;
+			}else{
+				temp[1] = gene.startPos + connectedComp.get(i)[0];
+			}		
+			temp[2] = gene.startPos + connectedComp.get(i)[1];
+			for(int pos = 2;pos<connectedComp.get(i).length;++pos){
+				temp[pos+1] = gene.startPos + connectedComp.get(i)[pos];
+			}
+			orfsVec.add(temp);
+		}
+		return orfsVec;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * search for connected components in additional Orfs
+	 */
+	public static Vector<int[]> defineConnectedComps(Vector<int[]> additionalORFs, Vector<int[]> connectedComp){
+		int[] tempBound = new int[2];
+		Vector<int[]> tempOrfs = new Vector<int[]>();
+		tempBound[0] = additionalORFs.get(0)[0];
+		tempBound[1] = additionalORFs.get(0)[1];
+		tempOrfs.add(additionalORFs.get(0));
+		for(int i = 1; i<additionalORFs.size();++i){
+			int[] orf = additionalORFs.get(i);
+			if(orf[0] <= tempBound[1]){  // connected
+				tempBound[1] = orf[1];
+				tempOrfs.add(orf);
+			}else{
+				int orfWithin = 0;
+				for(int pos = tempBound[1]+1; pos < orf[0];++pos){
+					if(cov[pos] > 0){
+						orfWithin = 1;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if(orfWithin == 0){
+					tempBound[1] = orf[1];
+					tempOrfs.add(orf);
+				}else{
+					// define as not connected
+					int[] tempComp = new int[((tempOrfs.size()*2)+2)];
+					tempComp[0] = tempBound[0];
+					tempComp[1] = tempBound[1];
+					int posArr = 2;
+					for(int[] tempOrf : tempOrfs){
+						tempComp[posArr++] = tempOrf[0];
+						tempComp[posArr++] = tempOrf[1];
+					}
+					connectedComp.add(tempComp);
+					// newly initialize
+					tempBound = new int[2];
+					tempOrfs = new Vector<int[]>();
+					tempBound[0] = orf[0];
+					tempBound[1] = orf[1];
+					tempOrfs.add(orf);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		int[] tempComp = new int[((tempOrfs.size()*2)+2)];
+		tempComp[0] = tempBound[0];
+		tempComp[1] = tempBound[1];
+		int posArr = 2;
+		for(int[] tempOrf : tempOrfs){
+			tempComp[posArr++] = tempOrf[0];
+			tempComp[posArr++] = tempOrf[1];
+		}
+		connectedComp.add(tempComp);
+		return connectedComp;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/ReadInParameters_GeneFinder.java b/src/geneFinder/ReadInParameters_GeneFinder.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..70ae2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/ReadInParameters_GeneFinder.java
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.net.URLDecoder;
+import java.util.*;
+ * class to read in the command line parameters and get all information
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+public class ReadInParameters_GeneFinder {
+	/*
+	 * do the read in
+	 */
+	public static void readIn_GF(String[] args){
+		if(args.length == 0 || args[0].equals("-h") || args[0].equals("--help") || args[0].equals("-help")){
+			printHelp_GF();
+		}
+		String parameter = Arrays.toString(args);
+		// read in everything:
+		String inputText = "";
+		System.out.println();
+		inputText += "Input:\n";
+		boolean foundGenome = false;
+		boolean foundRna = false;
+		boolean foundThreadNumber = false;
+		boolean foundOutFileName = false;
+		boolean foundTool = false;
+		boolean foundLength = false;
+		boolean havePathOut = false;
+		boolean foundMinCov = false;
+		boolean foundMaxCov = false;
+		boolean foundEndCov = false;
+		boolean foundMaxRepHits = false;
+		boolean foundHelpPath = false;
+		boolean foundIntronMin = false;
+		boolean foundAmbiOpti = false;
+		boolean foundOptiMethod = false;
+		boolean foundDispCov = false;
+		boolean foundSolveOn = false;
+		boolean foundIter = false;
+		boolean foundnoSplLim = false;
+		boolean foundSam = false;
+		boolean foundSplitIndicator = false;
+		boolean foundSecondIndicator = false;
+		boolean foundProkaryote = false;
+		boolean foundSequential = false;
+		boolean foundInprogea = false;
+		if(!parameter.isEmpty() && args.length > 0){
+			System.out.println();
+			for(int i = 0; i<args.length;i++){
+				String arg = args[i];
+				if(arg.equals("-iG")){  //genome
+					GeneFinder.pathToGenomeFiles = args[i+1];
+					if(args[i+1].endsWith(".fasta") || args[i+1].endsWith(".fa")){
+						File dir = new File(args[i+1]);
+						String[] nameSplit = args[i+1].split("/");
+						String name = nameSplit[nameSplit.length-1];
+						GeneFinder.pathToGenomeFiles = args[i+1].substring(0,(args[i+1].length()-name.length()));
+						foundGenome = true;
+						inputText += "genome: \n";
+						inputText += " - " + name + "\n";
+						GeneFinder.genomeFilesWithNames.put(dir,name);
+					}else{
+						File dir = new File(args[i+1]);
+						String[] fileList = dir.list(new FilenameFilter() {
+							public boolean accept(File d, String name) {
+								if(name.endsWith(".fasta") || name.endsWith(".fa")){
+									return true;
+								}else{
+									return false;
+								}
+							}
+						});
+						if(fileList.length != 0){
+							foundGenome = true;
+						}
+						inputText += "genomes: \n";
+						for(String name : fileList){
+							inputText += " - " + name + "\n";
+							File newFile = new File(args[i+1]+name);
+							GeneFinder.genomeFilesWithNames.put(newFile,name);
+						}
+					}
+				} else if(arg.equals("-iR")){ //rna reads
+					String pathToRnaFiles = args[i+1];
+					if(pathToRnaFiles.endsWith(".fastq") || pathToRnaFiles.endsWith(".fq")){
+						File dir = new File(pathToRnaFiles);
+						String[] nameSplit = pathToRnaFiles.split("/");
+						String name = nameSplit[nameSplit.length-1];
+						foundRna = true;
+						inputText += "rna file: \n";
+						inputText += " - " + name + "\n";
+						GeneFinder.rnaFilesWithNames.put(dir,pathToRnaFiles);
+					}else{
+						File dir = new File(pathToRnaFiles);
+						String[] fileList = dir.list(new FilenameFilter() {
+						    public boolean accept(File d, String name) {
+						    	if(name.endsWith(".fastq") || name.endsWith(".fq")){
+						    		return true;
+						    	}else{
+						    		return false;
+						    	}
+						    }
+						});
+						if(fileList.length != 0){
+							foundRna = true;
+						}
+						inputText += "rna files: \n";
+						for(String name : fileList){
+							inputText += " - " + name + "\n";
+							File newFile = new File(pathToRnaFiles+name);
+							GeneFinder.rnaFilesWithNames.put(newFile,pathToRnaFiles+name);
+						}
+					}
+				} else if(arg.equals("-outName")){  // output file name
+					GeneFinder.outputName = args[i+1];
+					inputText += "Outfile name: " + args[i+1] + "\n";
+					foundOutFileName = true;
+				}else if(arg.equals("-rL")){ // read length
+					GeneFinder.readLength = Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]);
+					foundLength = true;
+					inputText += "Read length: " + GeneFinder.readLength +"\n";
+				} else if(arg.equals("-mT")){  // read mapper
+					String mapper = args[i+1];
+					foundTool = true;
+					if(mapper.equals("bwa")){
+						GeneFinder.useTopHat = false;
+						GeneFinder.useBWAsw = false;
+					}else if(mapper.equals("bwasw")){
+						GeneFinder.useTopHat = false;
+						GeneFinder.useBWAsw = true;
+					}else{
+						GeneFinder.useTopHat = true;
+					}
+				} else if(arg.equals("-minCov")){  // minimal number of required coverage for the beginning of a gene
+					GeneFinder.minCoverage = Double.parseDouble(args[i+1]);
+					foundMinCov = true;
+					inputText += "Minimal required coverage: " + GeneFinder.minCoverage + "\n";
+				} else if(arg.equals("-maxCov")){  // minimal number of required coverage for the beginning of a gene
+					GeneFinder.maxCov = Double.parseDouble(args[i+1]);
+					foundMaxCov = true;
+					inputText += "Maximal coverage threshold: " + GeneFinder.maxCov + "\n";				
+				} else if(arg.equals("-endCov")){  // minimal number of required coverage for the end of a gene
+					double endCov = Double.parseDouble(args[i+1]);
+					foundEndCov = true;
+					if(endCov == -1){
+						GeneFinder.endCoverage = -1;  // indicates that it will be reassigned once we obtained the minimum coverage
+					}else if(endCov == 0){
+						GeneFinder.endCoverage = 0.0; 
+					} else{
+						GeneFinder.endCoverage = endCov - 0.001;  // subtract 0.001 to make sure that simple greater than is possible in extraction (necessary for endCov == 0)
+					}
+					inputText += "Minimal required end coverage: " + GeneFinder.endCoverage + "\n";
+				} else if(arg.equals("-settingMapper")){ // setting for topHat
+					GeneFinder.settingMapper = args[i+1].substring(1,(args[i+1].length()-1));
+					inputText += "Setting of alignment tool: " + GeneFinder.settingMapper + "\n";
+				} else if(arg.equals("-nT")){  // number of threads allowed to be used
+					GeneFinder.numberThreads = Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]);
+					foundThreadNumber = true;
+					inputText += "Number of threads used in parallel: " + GeneFinder.numberThreads + "\n";
+				} else if(arg.equals("-out")){  // output directory
+					GeneFinder.pathOut = args[i+1];
+					havePathOut = true;
+					inputText += "Path to output: " + GeneFinder.pathOut + "\n";
+				} else if(arg.equals("-samForSequential")){  // output directory
+					GeneFinder.haveSam_ChromSorted = args[i+1];
+					GeneFinder.useSequential = true;
+					foundSequential = true;
+					inputText += "Perform sequential analysis. Using sam file: " + GeneFinder.haveSam_ChromSorted + "\n";
+				} else if(arg.equals("-haveSam")){  // output directory
+					GeneFinder.haveSam = args[i+1];
+					foundSam = true;
+					inputText += "Using sam file: " + GeneFinder.haveSam + "\n";
+				} else if(arg.equals("-scripts")){ // help file directory
+					GeneFinder.pathToHelpFiles = args[i+1];
+					foundHelpPath = true;
+					inputText += "Path to help files: " + GeneFinder.pathToHelpFiles + "\n";
+				} else if(arg.equals("-maxReportedHitsBWA")){  // max reported hits in BWA output
+					GeneFinder.maxReportedHitsBWA = Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]);
+					foundMaxRepHits = true;
+					inputText += "maximal number of reported hits for BWA: " + GeneFinder.maxReportedHitsBWA + "\n";
+				} else if(arg.equals("-interval")){  // minimal intron length
+					GeneFinder.interval = Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]);
+					foundIntronMin = true;
+					if(GeneFinder.interval == -1){
+						inputText += "use read length as minimal interval length\n";
+					}else{
+						inputText += "minimal interval length: " + GeneFinder.interval + "\n";	
+					}
+				} else if(arg.equals("-noAmbiOpti")){  // turn on or off the optimization of ambiguous reads
+					foundAmbiOpti = true;			
+					GeneFinder.noAmbiOpti = true;
+					inputText += "Ambiguous reads are excluded from analysis.\n";	
+				} else if(arg.equals("-opti")){
+					String optimizer = args[i+1];
+					foundOptiMethod = true;
+					if(optimizer.equals("glpk")){
+						GeneFinder.useCPLEX = false;
+						GeneFinder.useGLPK = true;
+						inputText += "Using glpk for ambiguous read optimization.\n";
+					} else{
+						GeneFinder.useCPLEX = true;
+						GeneFinder.useGLPK = false;
+						inputText += "Using cplex for ambiguous read optimization.\n";
+					}
+				} else if(arg.equals("-mem")){
+					GeneFinder.memForCplex = Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]);			
+				} else if(arg.equals("-dispCov")){
+					foundDispCov = true;
+					int display = Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]);
+					if(display == 1){
+						GeneFinder.dispCov = true;
+					} else{
+						GeneFinder.dispCov = false;
+					}
+				} else if(arg.equals("-solverOn")){
+					foundSolveOn = true;
+					if(args[i+1].equals("y")){
+						GeneFinder.optiSolve = true;
+					} else{
+						GeneFinder.optiSolve = false;
+					}
+				} else if(arg.equals("-splitRunAndOpti")){
+					foundSplitIndicator = true;
+					if(args[i+1].equals("y")){
+						GeneFinder.splitRunAndOpti = true;
+					} else{
+						GeneFinder.splitRunAndOpti = false;
+					}
+				} else if(arg.equals("-secondPart")){
+					foundSecondIndicator = true;
+					if(args[i+1].equals("y")){
+						GeneFinder.secondPart = true;
+					} else{
+						GeneFinder.secondPart = false;
+					}
+				} else if(arg.equals("-prokaryote")){
+					foundProkaryote = true;
+					GeneFinder.isProkaryote = true;
+					/*if(args[i+1].equals("y")){
+						GeneFinder.isProkaryote = true;
+					} else{
+						GeneFinder.isProkaryote = false;
+					}*/
+				} else if(arg.equals("-iter")){
+					foundIter = true;
+					int iteration = Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]);
+					if(iteration == 1){
+						GeneFinder.iteration = 1;
+					} else{
+						GeneFinder.iteration = 2;
+					}
+				} else if(arg.equals("-splLim")){
+					foundnoSplLim = true;
+					double num = Double.parseDouble(args[i+1]);
+					if(num == 0){
+						GeneFinder.spliceLim = 0.0;
+						inputText += "Accept all present splice sites. \n";
+					} else if(num == -1){
+						GeneFinder.spliceLim = -1.0;				
+						inputText += "Using minimal coverage as a threshold for splice site acceptance. \n";
+					} else{
+						GeneFinder.spliceLim = num;				
+						inputText += "Using " + num + " as a threshold for splice site acceptance. \n";
+					}
+				} else if(arg.equals("-inprogea")){
+					foundInprogea = true;
+					GeneFinder.inprogeaCall = true;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// defaults and error messages:
+		if(!havePathOut){
+			GeneFinder.pathOut = "";
+		}
+		if(!foundGenome){
+			System.out.println("No genome file specified. Use \"-h\" to print usage options. ");
+			System.exit(0);
+		}
+		if(!foundRna){
+			if(!foundSam){
+				System.out.println("No rna file specified. Use \"-h\" to print usage options. ");
+				System.exit(0);
+			}			
+		}		
+		if(!foundThreadNumber){
+			GeneFinder.numberThreads = 1;
+		}
+		if(!foundTool){
+			GeneFinder.useTopHat = true;
+		}
+		if(!foundMinCov){
+			GeneFinder.minCoverage = -1;
+			inputText += "Estimate minimal coverage from the alignment. \n";
+		}
+		if(!foundMaxCov){
+			GeneFinder.maxCov = -1;
+		}
+		if(!foundEndCov){
+			GeneFinder.endCoverage = -1;
+		}
+		if(!GeneFinder.useTopHat && !foundMaxRepHits){
+			GeneFinder.maxReportedHitsBWA = 2;
+		}
+		if(!foundHelpPath){
+			//GeneFinder.pathToHelpFiles ="";
+			String path = GeneFinder.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();
+			try {
+				String decodedPath = URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8");
+				String scriptPath = decodedPath.substring(0,decodedPath.length()-9);
+				GeneFinder.pathToHelpFiles = scriptPath + "scripts/";
+			} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+				e.printStackTrace();
+			}
+		}
+		if(!foundLength){
+			GeneFinder.readLength = -1;
+		}	
+		if(!foundIntronMin){
+			GeneFinder.interval = -1;
+		}
+		if(!foundOutFileName){
+			GeneFinder.outputName = "genes";
+		}		
+		if(!foundAmbiOpti){
+			GeneFinder.noAmbiOpti = false;
+		}
+		if(!foundOptiMethod){
+			GeneFinder.useCPLEX = true;
+		}
+		if(!foundSolveOn){
+			GeneFinder.optiSolve = true;
+		}
+		if(!foundDispCov){
+			GeneFinder.dispCov = false;
+		}
+		if(!foundIter){
+			GeneFinder.iteration = 1;
+		}
+		if(!foundnoSplLim){
+			GeneFinder.spliceLim = -1;
+			inputText += "Using minimal coverage as a threshold for splice site acceptance. \n";
+		}
+		if(!foundSam){
+			GeneFinder.haveSam = null;
+		}
+		if(!foundSplitIndicator){
+			GeneFinder.splitRunAndOpti = false;
+		}
+		if(!foundSecondIndicator){
+			GeneFinder.secondPart = false;
+		}
+		if(!foundProkaryote){
+			GeneFinder.isProkaryote = false;
+		}
+		if(!foundSequential){
+			GeneFinder.useSequential = false;
+		}
+		if(!foundInprogea){
+			GeneFinder.inprogeaCall = false;
+		}
+		Runtime rtAlign = Runtime.getRuntime();
+		Process firstExe;
+		try {
+			String exe = "mkdir "+GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun";
+			GeneFinder.logFile = new File(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/log_it" + GeneFinder.iteration + ".txt");
+			firstExe = rtAlign.exec(exe);
+			firstExe.waitFor();
+			if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+				System.out.println(inputText);
+				WriteOutput.writeToLogFile(inputText);
+			}
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}	
+	}	
+	/*
+	 * print the help text to screen
+	 */
+	public static void printHelp_GF(){
+		System.out.println();
+		System.out.println("GIIRA (Gene Identification Incorporating RNA-Seq data and Ambiguous reads) is a method to identify potential gene regions in a genome " +
+				"based on a RNA-Seq mapping and incorporating ambiguously mapped reads.");
+		System.out.println();
+		System.out.println("Copyright (c) 2013,");
+		System.out.println("Franziska Zickmann, ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany,");	
+		System.out.println("Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0.");
+		System.out.println();
+		System.out.println("usage example: \n  java -jar GIIRA.jar -iG genomeFile.fasta -iR rnaFile.fastq -libPath [PATH_CPLEX_LIB] -cp [PATH_CPLEX/cplex.jar] \n");
+		System.out.println();
+		System.out.println("options: \n  -h : help text and exit \n" +
+				" \n -iG [pathToGenomes] : specify path to directory with genome files in fasta format \n" +
+				" \n -iR [pathToRna] : specify path to directory with rna read files in fastq format \n" +
+				" \n -scripts [absolutePath] : specify the absolute path to the directory containing the required helper scripts, DEFAULT: directory of GIIRA.jar \n" +
+				" \n -out [pathToResults] : specify the directory that shall contain the results files \n" +
+				" \n -outName [outputName] : specify desired name for output files, DEFAULT: genes \n" +
+				" \n -haveSam [samfileName]: if a sam file already exists, provide the name, else a mapping is performed. NOTE: the sam file has to be sorted according to read names! \n" +
+				" \n -nT [numberThreads] : specify the maximal number of threads that are allowed to be used, DEFAULT: 1 \n" +
+				" \n -mT [tophat/bwa/bwasw] : specify desired tool for the read mapping, DEFAULT: tophat \n" +
+				" \n -opti [cplex/glpk] : specify the desired optimization method, either using CPLEX optimizer (cplex, DEFAULT) or glpk solver (glpk) \n" +
+				" \n -libPath [PATH] : if cplex is the desired optimizer, specify the absolute path to the cplex library Djava.library.path \n" +
+				" \n -cp [PATH] : if cplex is the desired optimizer, specify the absolute path to the cplex jar file cplex.jar\n" +
+				//" \n -splitRunAndOpti [y/n] : indicates if the optimization and giira shall be run separately, to reduce the memory consumption (y), DEFAULT: n" +
+				" \n -mem [int] : specify the amount of memory that cplex is allowed to use \n" +
+				" \n -maxReportedHits [int] : if using BWA as mapping tool, specify the maximal number of reported hits, DEFAULT: 2 \n" +
+				" \n -prokaryote : if specified, genome is treated as prokaryotic, no spliced reads are accepted, and structural genes are resolved. DEFAULT: n \n" +
+				" \n -minCov [double] : specify the minimum required coverage of the gene candidate extraction, DEFAULT: -1 (is estimated from mapping) \n" +
+				" \n -maxCov [double] : optional maximal coverage threshold, can also be estimated from mapping (DEFAULT) \n" +
+				" \n -endCov [double] : if the coverage falls below this value, the currently open candidate gene is closed. This value can be estimated from the minimum coverage (-1); DEFAULT: -1 \n" +
+				" \n -dispCov [0/1] : estimate (1) the coverage histogram for the read mapping, DEFAULT: 0 \n" +
+				" \n -interval [int] : specify the minimal size of an interval between near candidate genes, if \"-1\" it equals the read length. DEFAULT: -1 \n " +
+				" \n -splLim [double] : specify the minimal coverage that is required to accept a splice site, if (-1) the threshold is equal to minCov, DEFAULT: -1 \n" +
+				" \n -rL [int] : specify read length, otherwise this information is extracted from SAM file (DEFAULT) \n" +
+				" \n -samForSequential [pathToSamFile] : if it is desired to analyse chromosomes in a sequential manner, provide a chromosome sorted sam file in addition to the one sorted by read names, DEFAULT: noSequential \n" +
+				" \n -noAmbiOpti : if specified, ambiguous hits are not included in the analysis \n" +					
+				" \n -settingMapper [(list of parameters)] : A comma-separated list of the desired parameters for TopHat or BWA. Please provide \n" +
+				" 	for each parameter a pair of indicator and value, separated by an equality sign. \n" +
+				"	Note that paramters intended for the 3 different parts (indexing, aln, sam) of BWA have to be separated by a lowercase bar \n " +
+				"	Example: -settingMapper [-a=is_-t=5,-N_-n=5]");
+		System.exit(0);
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/SamParser.java b/src/geneFinder/SamParser.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7e8eda5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/SamParser.java
@@ -0,0 +1,1248 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import types.*;
+* parse the sam file derived from the read mapping,
+* Copyright (c) 2013,
+* Franziska Zickmann, 
+* ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+* Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+public class SamParser {
+	public static int posiNotContained;
+	public static int removedHits;
+	/*
+	 * here we do the special parsing of the SAM-file, that only extracts the basic info to prepare the cluster extraction
+	 * no initial scores are assigned
+	 */
+	public void samFileParser(File inFile, File inFile2, String nameRef){
+		if(GeneFinder.minCoverage == -1){
+			// estimate the threshold by using coveragePlot script
+			GeneFinder.minCoverage = estimateCoverage();
+			if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+				System.out.println("Estimated minimum coverage: " + GeneFinder.minCoverage);			
+				System.out.println("Estimated maximum coverage threshold: " + GeneFinder.maxCov);
+				WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Estimated minimum coverage: " + GeneFinder.minCoverage + "\n");
+			}	
+		}else if (GeneFinder.dispCov && (GeneFinder.iteration != 2)){
+			estimateCoverage();
+		}
+		if(GeneFinder.useSequential){
+			partParser(inFile2,nameRef);
+			GeneFinder.iteration = 2;
+			WriteOutput.sortReassignSamFile();		
+		}
+		if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+			if(GeneFinder.iteration == 2){
+				System.out.print("Parse SAM file second time.... ");			
+				WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Parse SAM file second time.... ");
+			}else{
+				System.out.print("Parse SAM file.... ");			
+				WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Parse SAM file.... ");
+			}	
+		}
+		long timebef = System.currentTimeMillis();	
+		long rnaCount = 0;
+		long timeAfter = 0;
+		int multiCount = 0;
+		int multiTotalCount = 0;
+		int totalHitCount = 0;
+		int reassignedCount = 0;
+		int notReaCount = 0;
+		posiNotContained = 0;
+		removedHits = 0;
+		try{
+			BufferedReader rnaIn = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inFile));
+			BufferedReader br = null; 
+			String lineReaSam = "";
+			if(GeneFinder.iteration == 2){
+				br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/reassignedReads_sorted.sam")));
+				while((lineReaSam = br.readLine()) != null){
+					String[] parts1 = lineReaSam.split("	");
+					if(!parts1[0].startsWith("@") && parts1.length >=4){
+						break;  // now lineReaSam is at first read
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			String line;
+			while((line = rnaIn.readLine()) != null){
+				String[] parts1 = line.split("	");
+				if(!parts1[0].startsWith("@") && parts1.length >=4){
+					// now go to next while loop to skip previous check
+					String currentReadID = new String();	
+					Rna currentRead = null;
+					if(GeneFinder.readLength == -1){
+						if(parts1[10].length() == 1){
+							System.out.println("No read sequence in sam file, please specify with option -rL.");
+							System.exit(0);
+						}
+						GeneFinder.readLength = parts1[10].length();
+						if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+							System.out.println();
+							System.out.println("Read length: " + GeneFinder.readLength);
+						}								
+					}
+					do{
+						String[] parts = line.split("\t");
+						String flag = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(parts[1]));
+						String[] flagArr = flag.split("");
+						// test if mapped					
+						if(!((flagArr.length >= 3) && ((flagArr[((flagArr.length)-3)]).equals("1"))) && (!(GeneFinder.isProkaryote && parts[5].contains("N"))) && !((parts[5].contains("H")) || (parts[5].contains("P")) || (parts[5].contains("S")))){  // part 5 restriction for blat alignment....
+							// get the contig
+							String contigName = parts[2];
+							Contig thisContig;
+							if(GeneFinder.mappedContigs.containsKey(contigName)){
+								// already seen this contig
+								thisContig = GeneFinder.mappedContigs.get(contigName);
+							}else{
+								thisContig = new Contig();
+								thisContig.contigName = contigName;
+								GeneFinder.mappedContigs.put(contigName,thisContig);
+								GeneFinder.contigTOname.put(thisContig,contigName);
+							}
+							totalHitCount++;
+							if(!parts[0].equals(currentReadID)){  // now we have proceeded to a new read
+								if(GeneFinder.iteration == 2 && currentRead != null && currentRead.isMulti == 1){
+									TreeMap<Integer,String> allReassigned = new TreeMap<Integer,String>();  // will contain all lines than deal with this read
+									if(lineReaSam != null){
+										do{
+											String[] partsReaSam = lineReaSam.split("	");										
+											if(currentRead.rnaID.equals(partsReaSam[0])){
+												allReassigned.put(Integer.parseInt(partsReaSam[3]),partsReaSam[2]);
+											}else{
+												break;
+											}
+										}while((lineReaSam = br.readLine()) != null);
+										if(!allReassigned.isEmpty()){
+											compareMappingsWithReaSam(currentRead,allReassigned);
+											reassignedCount++;
+										}else{
+											notReaCount++;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								currentReadID = parts[0];				
+								// set up new rna node
+								Rna newRna = new Rna();
+								newRna.rnaID = parts[0];  		
+								newRna.isMulti = 0;
+								newRna.hitNum = 1;
+								newRna.assignedNum = 0;
+								// assign quality,
+								double qualScoreRead = 0.0;
+								double maxQual = Double.MIN_VALUE;
+								double minQual = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+								if(parts[10].length() > 1){
+									for(int i = 0; i< parts[10].length();i++){
+										int posQualInt = parts[10].charAt(i); 
+										double baseQual = 1.0 - (Math.pow(10.0, (-((double) posQualInt/10.0))));
+										if(baseQual < minQual){
+											minQual = baseQual;
+										}
+										if(baseQual > maxQual){
+											maxQual = baseQual;
+										}
+										qualScoreRead += baseQual;
+									}
+									newRna.quality = ((qualScoreRead/((double) parts[10].length())))/(maxQual-minQual+1);
+								}else{
+									newRna.quality = 1.0;
+								}
+								int thisAlignmentPosition = (Integer.parseInt(parts[3])) - 1; // TopHat and BWA refer to the 1-based start, so subtract -1 (because we refer to 0-based start)
+								double thisMappingQuality = (1-(Math.pow(10.0,(-(Integer.parseInt(parts[4]))/10.0))));
+								if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.containsKey(thisAlignmentPosition)){
+									if(!thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(thisAlignmentPosition).contains(newRna)){
+										thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(thisAlignmentPosition).add(newRna);
+									}
+								}else{
+									Vector<Rna> itsRnas = new Vector<Rna>();
+									itsRnas.add(newRna);
+									thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.put(thisAlignmentPosition,itsRnas);
+								}
+								Object[] mappedContig_and_Info = new Object[7];
+								mappedContig_and_Info[0] = thisContig;
+								mappedContig_and_Info[1] = thisAlignmentPosition;
+								mappedContig_and_Info[2] = parts[5];
+								// this is for mismatch info
+								String mdTag = "";
+								if(line.contains("MD:Z:")){
+									String[] splitMD = line.split("MD:Z:");
+									String[] splitMD2 = splitMD[splitMD.length-1].split("\t");
+									mdTag = splitMD2[0];
+								}else{
+									System.err.println("No MD tag!");
+									System.exit(0);
+								}
+								mappedContig_and_Info[5] = CigarParser.extractAllAlignDiffs(parts[5],mdTag,parts[9]);
+								/*if(parts[5].contains("X")){
+									String[] cigarSplitX = parts[5].split("X");
+									int posTmp = 0;
+									Vector<int[]> missMatchInfo = new Vector<int[]>(); // entries are of form: position (within contig),baseCode (A=0;C=1;G=2;T=3)
+									for(String tmp : cigarSplitX){
+										// the more parts, the more mismatches; note that the last part have to be checked if it ends with another letter!
+										if(!(tmp.endsWith("M") || tmp.endsWith("N"))){
+											String[] tmpSplit = tmp.split("[MN]");
+											for(String tmp2 : tmpSplit){
+												posTmp += Integer.parseInt(tmp2);
+											}
+											// now we have the position of a mismatch
+											int[] mmInfo = new int[2];
+											mmInfo[0] = thisAlignmentPosition + posTmp;
+											// now get base at this position
+											String base = parts[9].substring(posTmp,posTmp+1);
+											mmInfo[1] = returnBaseCode(base);
+											missMatchInfo.add(mmInfo);
+										}
+									}
+									mappedContig_and_Info[5] = missMatchInfo;
+								}*/
+								mappedContig_and_Info[3] = thisMappingQuality;
+								if((parts[5].contains("N"))){
+									mappedContig_and_Info = performSplitExtract(mappedContig_and_Info, thisAlignmentPosition,thisContig,parts[5]);									
+								}
+								if(line.contains("XS:A:+")){
+									mappedContig_and_Info[6] = "+";
+								}else if(line.contains("XS:A:-")){
+									mappedContig_and_Info[6] = "-";
+								}
+								if(parts[5].contains("I") || parts[5].contains("D")){
+									int splitSize = 0;
+									if(mappedContig_and_Info[4] != null){
+										splitSize = ((int[]) mappedContig_and_Info[4])[0];
+									}
+									countInDels(parts[5],thisAlignmentPosition,thisContig,splitSize,false);								
+								}
+								newRna.contigsMappedOn.add(mappedContig_and_Info);
+								// note: new try to avoid out of mem: rnaList.add(newRna);
+								rnaCount++;
+								currentRead = newRna;
+								if(!GeneFinder.useTopHat){
+									// multiple hits in BWA file are indicated with XO:A:R and named in tag XA
+									String[] splitPart = parts[13].split(":");
+									String[] splitPartX1 = parts[14].split(":");
+									if((Integer.parseInt(splitPart[2]) > 1) && ((Integer.parseInt(splitPart[2]) + Integer.parseInt(splitPartX1[2])) <= GeneFinder.maxReportedHitsBWA)){
+										// parse through all other hits
+										String[] multiHits = parts[19].split(";");
+										for(String hit : multiHits){
+											multiTotalCount++;
+											if(currentRead.isMulti == 0){
+												multiCount++;
+												currentRead.isMulti = 1;
+											}
+											multiTotalCount++;
+											String[] hitInfo = hit.split(",");
+											// first get the contig
+											Contig secondContig;
+											if(GeneFinder.mappedContigs.containsKey(hitInfo[0].substring(5))){
+												// already seen this contig
+												secondContig = GeneFinder.mappedContigs.get(hitInfo[0].substring(5));
+											}else{
+												secondContig = new Contig();
+												secondContig.contigName = hitInfo[0].substring(5);
+												GeneFinder.mappedContigs.put(hitInfo[0].substring(5),secondContig);
+											}
+											// now mapping position
+											int mapPos = Integer.parseInt(hitInfo[1].substring(1)) - 1;
+											if(secondContig.positionTOmappingRnas.containsKey(mapPos)){
+												if(!secondContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(mapPos).contains(currentRead)){
+													secondContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(mapPos).add(currentRead);
+												}												
+											}else{
+												Vector<Rna> itsRnas = new Vector<Rna>();
+												itsRnas.add(currentRead);
+												secondContig.positionTOmappingRnas.put(mapPos,itsRnas);
+											}
+											Object[] mappedContig_and_Info_second = new Object[7];
+											mappedContig_and_Info_second[0] = secondContig;
+											mappedContig_and_Info_second[1] = mapPos;
+											mappedContig_and_Info_second[2] = hitInfo[2];  
+											mappedContig_and_Info_second[3] = thisMappingQuality;
+											// this is for mismatch info
+											if(hitInfo[2].contains("X")){
+												String[] cigarSplitX = hitInfo[2].split("X");
+												int posTmp = 0;
+												Vector<int[]> missMatchInfo = new Vector<int[]>(); // entries are of form: position (within contig),baseCode (A=0;C=1;G=2;T=3)
+												for(String tmp : cigarSplitX){
+													// the more parts, the more mismatches; note that the last part have to be checked if it ends with another letter!
+													if(!(tmp.endsWith("M") || tmp.endsWith("N"))){
+														String[] tmpSplit = tmp.split("[MN]");
+														for(String tmp2 : tmpSplit){
+															posTmp += Integer.parseInt(tmp2);
+														}
+														// now we have the position of a mismatch
+														int[] mmInfo = new int[2];
+														mmInfo[0] = mapPos + posTmp;
+														// now get base at this position
+														String base = parts[9].substring(posTmp,posTmp+1);
+														mmInfo[1] = returnBaseCode(base);
+														missMatchInfo.add(mmInfo);
+													}
+												}
+												mappedContig_and_Info_second[5] = missMatchInfo;
+												if(hitInfo[2].contains("I") || hitInfo[2].contains("D")){
+													int splitSize = 0;
+													if(mappedContig_and_Info_second[4] != null){
+														splitSize = ((int[]) mappedContig_and_Info_second[4])[0];
+													}
+													countInDels(hitInfo[2],mapPos,secondContig,splitSize,false);								
+												}
+											}
+											currentRead.contigsMappedOn.add(mappedContig_and_Info_second);
+											currentRead.hitNum++;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}else{
+								// still same read, but with different mapping 
+								if(currentRead.isMulti == 0){
+									multiCount++;
+									multiTotalCount++;  // to count also the hit before this one
+									currentRead.isMulti = 1;
+								}
+								multiTotalCount++;
+								int thisAlignmentPosition = (Integer.parseInt(parts[3])) - 1;  
+								double thisMappingQuality = (1-(Math.pow(10.0,(-(Integer.parseInt(parts[4]))/10.0))));
+								if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.containsKey(thisAlignmentPosition)){
+									if(!thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(thisAlignmentPosition).contains(currentRead)){
+										thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(thisAlignmentPosition).add(currentRead);
+									}								
+								}else{
+									Vector<Rna> itsRnas = new Vector<Rna>();
+									itsRnas.add(currentRead);
+									thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.put(thisAlignmentPosition,itsRnas);
+								}
+								Object[] mappedContig_and_Info = new Object[7];
+								mappedContig_and_Info[0] = thisContig;
+								mappedContig_and_Info[1] = thisAlignmentPosition;
+								mappedContig_and_Info[2] = parts[5];
+								mappedContig_and_Info[3] = thisMappingQuality;
+								// this is for mismatch info
+								String mdTag = "";
+								if(line.contains("MD:Z:")){
+									String[] splitMD = line.split("MD:Z:");
+									String[] splitMD2 = splitMD[splitMD.length-1].split("\t");
+									mdTag = splitMD2[0];
+								}else{
+									System.err.println("No MD tag!");
+									System.exit(0);
+								}
+								mappedContig_and_Info[5] = CigarParser.extractAllAlignDiffs(parts[5],mdTag,parts[9]);
+								/*if(parts[5].contains("X")){									
+									String[] cigarSplitX = parts[5].split("X");
+									int posTmp = 0;
+									Vector<int[]> missMatchInfo = new Vector<int[]>(); // entries are of form: position (within contig),baseCode (A=0;C=1;G=2;T=3)
+									for(String tmp : cigarSplitX){
+										// the more parts, the more mismatches; note that the last part have to be checked if it ends with another letter!
+										if(!(tmp.endsWith("M") || tmp.endsWith("N"))){
+											String[] tmpSplit = tmp.split("[MN]");
+											for(String tmp2 : tmpSplit){
+												posTmp += Integer.parseInt(tmp2);
+											}
+											// now we have the position of a mismatch
+											int[] mmInfo = new int[2];
+											mmInfo[0] = thisAlignmentPosition + posTmp;
+											// now get base at this position
+											String base = parts[9].substring(posTmp,posTmp+1);
+											mmInfo[1] = returnBaseCode(base);
+											missMatchInfo.add(mmInfo);
+										}
+									}
+									mappedContig_and_Info[5] = missMatchInfo;
+								}*/
+								if(parts[5].contains("N")){
+									mappedContig_and_Info = performSplitExtract(mappedContig_and_Info, thisAlignmentPosition,thisContig,parts[5]);
+								}
+								if(line.contains("XS:A:+")){
+									mappedContig_and_Info[6] = "+";
+								}else if(line.contains("XS:A:-")){
+									mappedContig_and_Info[6] = "-";
+								}
+								if(parts[5].contains("I") || parts[5].contains("D")){
+									int splitSize = 0;
+									if(mappedContig_and_Info[4] != null){
+										splitSize = ((int[]) mappedContig_and_Info[4])[0];
+									}
+									countInDels(parts[5],thisAlignmentPosition,thisContig,splitSize,false);								
+								}
+								currentRead.contigsMappedOn.add(mappedContig_and_Info);
+								currentRead.hitNum++;								
+							}
+						}
+					}while((line = rnaIn.readLine()) != null);
+					if(GeneFinder.iteration == 2 && currentRead != null && currentRead.isMulti == 1){
+						TreeMap<Integer,String> allReassigned = new TreeMap<Integer,String>();  // will contain all lines than deal with this read
+						if(lineReaSam != null){
+							do{
+								String[] partsReaSam = lineReaSam.split("	");
+								if(partsReaSam[0].compareTo(currentRead.rnaID) > 0){
+									break;  // we exceeded this read, so stop
+								}else if(currentRead.rnaID.equals(partsReaSam[0])){
+									allReassigned.put(Integer.parseInt(partsReaSam[3]),partsReaSam[2]);
+								}
+							}while((lineReaSam = br.readLine()) != null);
+							if(!allReassigned.isEmpty()){
+								compareMappingsWithReaSam(currentRead,allReassigned);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}else{
+					if(GeneFinder.iteration == 1){
+						WriteOutput.writeToOtherFile(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/reassignedReads.sam",line+"\n");
+					}					
+				}
+			}
+			rnaIn.close();
+			if(GeneFinder.iteration == 2){
+				br.close();
+			}
+		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}  catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+		if(GeneFinder.interval == -1){
+			GeneFinder.interval = GeneFinder.readLength + 1;
+			if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+				System.out.println("Intron minimum: " + GeneFinder.interval);
+			}
+		}
+		timeAfter = System.currentTimeMillis();	    
+		if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+			if(GeneFinder.iteration == 2){
+				System.out.println("reassigned: " + reassignedCount);
+				System.out.println("not reassigned: " + notReaCount);
+			}
+			System.out.println("Done.");
+			System.out.println((rnaCount) + " rnas have been mapped to the reference.");
+			System.out.println((multiCount) + " of them are ambiguous reads.");
+			System.out.println("The total number of hits is " + (totalHitCount) + ".");		
+			System.out.println("Total number of multiple hits: " + multiTotalCount + ".");
+			System.out.println("Time needed to parse SAM file: "+ (double) (timeAfter-timebef)/1000.0 +"s.");
+			GeneFinder.ambiProportion = (double) ((double)multiTotalCount/(double)totalHitCount);
+			System.out.println("Proportion of ambiguous reads: " + GeneFinder.ambiProportion);
+			System.out.println();
+			WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Done.\nTime needed to parse SAM file: "+ (double) (timeAfter-timebef)/1000.0 +"s.\n" + rnaCount + " rnas have been mapped to the reference. \n" + (multiCount) + " of them are ambiguous reads. \nThe total number of hits is " + (totalHitCount) + ".\nTotal number of multiple hits: " + multiTotalCount + ".\nProportion of ambiguous reads: " + GeneFinder.ambiProportion + ".\n\n");
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * care for split extraction
+	 */
+	public static Object[] performSplitExtract(Object[] mappedContig_and_Info, int thisAlignmentPosition, Contig thisContig, String cigar){
+		String[] cigarSplit1 = cigar.split("[DIMX]");
+		int currentPos = thisAlignmentPosition;
+		for(String cigSplit2 : cigarSplit1){			
+			if(cigSplit2.contains("N")){
+				String[] cigarSplit = cigSplit2.split("N");
+				int[] spliceInfo = new int[2];          // first entry: intron size, second: start position of intron
+				spliceInfo[0] = Integer.parseInt(cigarSplit[0]);
+				// check if an insert occurred before split start, if yes, position has to be updated
+				String[] cigarSplitN = cigar.split("N");
+				if(cigarSplitN[0].contains("I")){
+					String[] splitN_I = cigarSplitN[0].split("I");
+					String[] splitN_I_All = splitN_I[0].split("[DMX]");
+					currentPos = currentPos - Integer.parseInt(splitN_I_All[splitN_I_All.length-1]);  // this contains the number directly before "I"
+				}
+				spliceInfo[1] = currentPos;
+				mappedContig_and_Info[4] = spliceInfo;
+				if(thisContig.splicePositions.containsKey(currentPos)){
+					thisContig.splicePositions.put(currentPos,thisContig.splicePositions.get(currentPos)+1);
+				}else{
+					thisContig.splicePositions.put(currentPos, 1);
+				}
+				break;
+			}else{
+				// count position before split starts
+				currentPos += Integer.parseInt(cigSplit2);
+			}
+		}
+		return mappedContig_and_Info;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * returns the integer belonging to one of the 4 bases respecting baseCode (A=0;C=1;G=2;T=3)
+	 */
+	public static int returnBaseCode(String base){
+		if(base.equals("A")){
+			return 0;
+		}else if(base.equals("C")){
+			return 1;
+		}else if(base.equals("G")){
+			return 2;
+		}else if(base.equals("T")){
+			return 3;
+		}else if(base.equals("N")){
+			return 4;
+		}else if(base.equals("gap")){
+			return 5;
+		}else{
+			return 6;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * counts the number of insertions and deletions
+	 */
+	public static void countInDels(String cigar, int thisAlignmentPosition,Contig thisContig, int splitSize, boolean calledFromSequential){
+		int[] indels = {0,0};
+		if(cigar.contains("D")){
+			String[] cigarSplitD = cigar.split("D");
+			for(int i = 0; i<cigarSplitD.length -1;++i){  // "-1" because we not not want to go through last part (cigar does not end with D)
+				if(cigarSplitD[i].matches(".*[a-zA-Z].*")){
+					String[] parts = cigarSplitD[i].split("[a-zA-Z]");
+					indels[0] += Integer.parseInt(parts[parts.length-1]);
+				}else{
+					indels[0] += Integer.parseInt(cigarSplitD[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(cigar.contains("I")){
+			String[] cigarSplitI = cigar.split("I");
+			for(int i = 0; i<cigarSplitI.length -1;++i){  // "-1" because we not not want to go through last part (cigar does not end with I)
+				if(cigarSplitI[i].matches(".*[a-zA-Z].*")){
+					String[] parts = cigarSplitI[i].split("[a-zA-Z]");
+					indels[1] += Integer.parseInt(parts[parts.length-1]);
+				}else{
+					indels[1] += Integer.parseInt(cigarSplitI[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(calledFromSequential){
+			for(int i = 1; i<=indels[0]; ++i){
+				if(thisContig.positionTOdiff.keySet().contains(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize + i)){
+					int value = thisContig.positionTOdiff.get(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize + i) - 1;
+					thisContig.positionTOdiff.put(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize + i,value);
+					if(thisContig.positionTOdiff.get(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize + i) == 0){
+						thisContig.positionTOdiff.remove(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize + i);
+					}
+				}				
+			}
+			for(int i = 0; i<indels[1]; ++i){
+				if(thisContig.positionTOdiff.keySet().contains(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize - i)){
+					int value = thisContig.positionTOdiff.get(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize - i) + 1;
+					thisContig.positionTOdiff.put(thisAlignmentPosition + splitSize + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) - i,value);
+					if(thisContig.positionTOdiff.get(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize - i) == 0){
+						thisContig.positionTOdiff.remove(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize - i);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}else{
+			for(int i = 1; i<=indels[0]; ++i){
+				if(thisContig.positionTOdiff.keySet().contains(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize + i)){
+					int value = thisContig.positionTOdiff.get(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize + i) + 1;
+					thisContig.positionTOdiff.put(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize + i,value);
+				}else{
+					thisContig.positionTOdiff.put(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize + i,1);
+				}
+			}
+			for(int i = 0; i<indels[1]; ++i){
+				if(thisContig.positionTOdiff.keySet().contains(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize - i)){
+					int value = thisContig.positionTOdiff.get(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize - i) - 1;
+					thisContig.positionTOdiff.put(thisAlignmentPosition + splitSize + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) - i,value);
+				}else{
+					thisContig.positionTOdiff.put(thisAlignmentPosition + (GeneFinder.readLength-1) + splitSize - i,-1);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * compare reassigned hits with the former extracted ones + manage update maps
+	 */
+	public static void compareMappingsWithReaSam(Rna read,TreeMap<Integer,String> allReassigned){
+		for(int posMap = read.contigsMappedOn.size()-1;posMap>= 0;posMap--){							
+			Object[] hit = read.contigsMappedOn.get(posMap);
+			if(allReassigned.containsKey((((Integer)hit[1]).intValue()))){
+				String info = allReassigned.get((((Integer)hit[1]).intValue()));
+				if(!(info.equals(GeneFinder.contigTOname.get(((Contig)hit[0]))))){
+					updateMapsForRemovedElement(hit,read);
+					read.contigsMappedOn.removeElementAt(posMap);
+				}
+			}else{
+				updateMapsForRemovedElement(hit,read);
+				read.contigsMappedOn.removeElementAt(posMap);
+			}
+		}
+		if(read.contigsMappedOn.size() == 1){
+			read.isMulti = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * update positionToreads and splicing maps
+	 */
+	public static void updateMapsForRemovedElement(Object[] hit, Rna read){
+		Contig thisContig = (Contig) hit[0];
+		if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.containsKey((Integer)hit[1])){
+			if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get((Integer)hit[1]).contains(read)){
+				thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get((Integer)hit[1]).removeElement(read);
+			}
+			if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get((Integer)hit[1]).size() == 0){
+				thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.remove((Integer)hit[1]);
+				removedHits++;
+			}
+		}else{
+			//System.out.println("posi not contained for " + read.rnaID);
+			posiNotContained++;
+		}
+		if(hit[4] != null){
+			int[] spliceInfo = (int[]) hit[4];		
+			if(thisContig.splicePositions.containsKey(spliceInfo[1])){
+				thisContig.splicePositions.put(spliceInfo[1],thisContig.splicePositions.get(spliceInfo[1])-1);				
+			}
+			if(thisContig.splicePositions.get(spliceInfo[1]) == 0){
+				thisContig.splicePositions.remove(spliceInfo[1]);			
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * use coveragePlot.py script to plot the overall coverage and estimate the needed coverage threshold
+	 */
+	public static Double estimateCoverage(){
+		if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+			System.out.println("Estimate coverage.... ");			
+			WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Estimate coverage.... \n");
+		}
+		long timebef= System.currentTimeMillis();
+		long timeAfter = 0;
+		double meanCov = 0.0;
+		String nameSam = "";
+			if(GeneFinder.useTopHat){
+				if(GeneFinder.haveSam != null){
+					nameSam = GeneFinder.haveSam;
+				}else{
+					nameSam = GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/accepted_hits.sam";
+				}
+			}else{
+				if(GeneFinder.haveSam != null){
+					nameSam = GeneFinder.haveSam;				
+				}else{
+					nameSam = GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/aln_BWA.sam";
+				}
+			}
+			String nameOutfile = GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/covMean.txt";
+			try {
+				// if covMean.txt already in results directory, we do not need to estimate the coverage again
+				BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(nameOutfile));
+				String line = "";
+				if((line = br.readLine()) != null){
+					meanCov = Double.parseDouble(line);
+				} 
+				if((line = br.readLine()) != null){
+					GeneFinder.maxCov = Double.parseDouble(line);
+				} 
+				br.close();
+			} catch (IOException e) {
+				// no coverage file provided, so create a new one
+				String firstExe = "python " + GeneFinder.pathToHelpFiles+"getMeanCov.py " + nameSam + " " + nameOutfile; 	
+				Giira.callAndHandleOutput(firstExe);
+				timeAfter = System.currentTimeMillis();
+				if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+					System.out.println("Done. Time needed: "+ (double) (timeAfter-timebef)/1000.0 +"s.");			
+					WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Done. Time needed: "+ (double) (timeAfter-timebef)/1000.0 +"s. \n");
+				}
+				try {
+					BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(nameOutfile));
+					String line = "";
+					if((line = br.readLine()) != null){
+						meanCov = Double.parseDouble(line);
+					} 
+					if((line = br.readLine()) != null){
+						GeneFinder.maxCov = Double.parseDouble(line);
+					} 
+					br.close();
+				}catch (IOException e2) {
+					System.err.println("File not found!");
+				}
+			}
+			return (meanCov);	
+	}
+	/*
+	 * parses a sam file sorted according to the chromosomes
+	 * at the moment no BWA support!
+	 */
+	public void partParser(File inFile,String nameRef){
+		long timebef = System.currentTimeMillis();	
+		long rnaCount = 0;
+		long timeAfter = 0;
+		int multiCount = 0;
+		int multiTotalCount = 0;
+		int totalHitCount = 0;
+		int reassignedCount = 0;
+		int notReaCount = 0;
+		int interChromoCount = 0;
+		int interChromoTotalCount = 0;
+		posiNotContained = 0;
+		removedHits = 0;
+		TreeMap<String,Vector<Object>> seenReads = new TreeMap<String,Vector<Object>>(); // first entry in Vec: ok (1) or not ok (0), second: read
+		try{
+			BufferedReader rnaIn = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inFile));
+			String currentName = "";
+			String line;
+			while((line = rnaIn.readLine()) != null){
+				String[] parts1 = line.split("	");
+				if(!parts1[0].startsWith("@") && parts1.length >=4){
+					// now go to next while loop to skip previous check
+					//String currentReadID = new String();	
+					//Rna currentRead = null;
+					if(GeneFinder.readLength == -1){
+						if(parts1[10].length() == 1){
+							System.out.println("No read sequence in sam file, please specify with option -rL.");
+							System.exit(0);
+						}
+						GeneFinder.readLength = parts1[10].length();
+						if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+							System.out.println();
+							System.out.println("Read length: " + GeneFinder.readLength);
+						}								
+					}
+					do{
+						String[] parts = line.split("\t");
+						String flag = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(parts[1]));
+						String[] flagArr = flag.split("");
+						// test if mapped					
+						if(!((flagArr.length >= 3) && ((flagArr[((flagArr.length)-3)]).equals("1"))) && (!(GeneFinder.isProkaryote && parts[5].contains("N"))) && !((parts[5].contains("H")) || (parts[5].contains("P")) || (parts[5].contains("S")))){  // part 5 restriction for blat alignment....
+							// get the contig
+							String contigName = parts[2];
+							Contig thisContig;
+							if(GeneFinder.mappedContigs.containsKey(contigName)){
+								// already seen this contig
+								thisContig = GeneFinder.mappedContigs.get(contigName);
+							}else{							
+								if(!GeneFinder.mappedContigs.keySet().isEmpty()){
+									// start new round here!!
+									timeAfter = System.currentTimeMillis();	    
+									System.out.println((rnaCount) + " rnas have been mapped to the reference.");
+									System.out.println((multiCount) + " of them are ambiguous reads.");
+									System.out.println("The total number of hits is " + (totalHitCount) + ".");		
+									System.out.println("Total number of multiple hits: " + multiTotalCount + ".");
+									System.out.println("Number of interchromosomal reads (so far): " + interChromoCount + ".");
+									System.out.println("Number of interchromosomal hits (so far): " + interChromoTotalCount + ".");
+									System.out.println("Time for parsing chromosome: "+ (double) (timeAfter-timebef)/1000.0 +"s.");
+									GeneFinder.ambiProportion = (double) ((double)multiTotalCount/(double)totalHitCount);
+									System.out.println("Proportion of ambiguous reads: " + GeneFinder.ambiProportion);
+									System.out.println();
+									WriteOutput.writeToLogFile(rnaCount + " rnas have been mapped to the reference. \n" + (multiCount) + " of them are ambiguous reads. \nThe total number of hits is " + (totalHitCount) + ".\nTotal number of multiple hits: " + multiTotalCount + ".\nProportion of ambiguous reads: " + GeneFinder.ambiProportion + ".\n\n");					
+									String nameOut = "_" + currentName;
+									GeneFinder.geneFinder_managing(nameRef,nameOut);
+								}							
+								currentName = contigName;
+								timebef = System.currentTimeMillis();	
+								thisContig = new Contig();
+								thisContig.contigName = contigName;
+								GeneFinder.mappedContigs.clear();
+								GeneFinder.contigTOname.clear();
+								GeneFinder.mappedContigs.put(contigName,thisContig);
+								GeneFinder.contigTOname.put(thisContig,contigName);
+								rnaCount = 0;
+								multiCount = 0;
+								totalHitCount = 0;
+								multiTotalCount = 0;
+								System.out.println();
+								System.out.println("Starting chromosome " + contigName + ".");
+							}
+							totalHitCount++;
+							Rna read;
+							if(seenReads.keySet().contains(parts[0])){
+								Vector<Object> temp = seenReads.get(parts[0]);
+								if(((Integer)temp.get(0)) != 0){
+									//multiCount++;
+									multiTotalCount++;
+									// read ok up to now, check tag XX
+									if(line.contains("CC:Z:")){
+										if(!line.contains("CC:Z:=")){									
+											// search for all former hits and delete read
+											searchAndDeleteFromContig((Rna)temp.get(1),thisContig);
+											temp.clear();
+											temp.add(0);
+											seenReads.put(parts[0],temp);
+											if(totalHitCount % 100000 == 0){
+												Runtime r=Runtime.getRuntime();
+												r.gc();
+												r.gc();	
+											}
+											interChromoTotalCount++;
+											break;
+										}
+									}
+								}else{
+									interChromoTotalCount++;
+									break;
+								}
+								read = (Rna)temp.get(1);
+								read.isMulti = 1;
+								read.hitNum++;
+								//read.assignedNum++;
+							}else{
+								rnaCount++;
+								if(line.contains("CC:Z:")){
+									multiCount++;
+									if(!line.contains("CC:Z:=")){
+										interChromoCount++;
+										interChromoTotalCount++;
+										Vector<Object> temp = new Vector<Object>();
+										temp.add(0);									
+										seenReads.put(parts[0],temp);
+										interChromoTotalCount++;
+										break;
+									}
+								}
+								// create new read
+								read = new Rna();
+								read.rnaID = parts[0];  		
+								read.isMulti = 0;
+								read.hitNum = 1;
+								read.assignedNum = 0;
+								// assign quality,
+								double qualScoreRead = 0.0;
+								double maxQual = Double.MIN_VALUE;
+								double minQual = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+								if(parts[10].length() > 1){
+									for(int i = 0; i< parts[10].length();i++){
+										int posQualInt = parts[10].charAt(i); 
+										double baseQual = 1.0 - (Math.pow(10.0, (-((double) posQualInt/10.0))));
+										if(baseQual < minQual){
+											minQual = baseQual;
+										}
+										if(baseQual > maxQual){
+											maxQual = baseQual;
+										}
+										qualScoreRead += baseQual;
+									}
+									read.quality = ((qualScoreRead/((double) parts[10].length())))/(maxQual-minQual+1);
+								}else{
+									read.quality = 1.0;
+								}
+								if(line.contains("CC:Z:")){
+									Vector<Object> temp = new Vector<Object>();
+									temp.add(1);
+									temp.add(read);
+									seenReads.put(parts[0],temp);	
+								}
+							}
+							int thisAlignmentPosition = (Integer.parseInt(parts[3])) - 1; // TopHat and BWA refer to the 1-based start, so subtract -1 (because we refer to 0-based start)
+							double thisMappingQuality = (1-(Math.pow(10.0,(-(Integer.parseInt(parts[4]))/10.0))));
+							if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.containsKey(thisAlignmentPosition)){
+								if(!thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(thisAlignmentPosition).contains(read)){
+									thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(thisAlignmentPosition).add(read);
+								}
+							}else{
+								Vector<Rna> itsRnas = new Vector<Rna>();
+								itsRnas.add(read);
+								thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.put(thisAlignmentPosition,itsRnas);
+							}
+							Object[] mappedContig_and_Info = new Object[7];
+							mappedContig_and_Info[0] = thisContig;
+							mappedContig_and_Info[1] = thisAlignmentPosition;
+							mappedContig_and_Info[2] = parts[5];
+							// this is for mismatch info
+							String mdTag = "";
+							if(line.contains("MD:Z:")){
+								String[] splitMD = line.split("MD:Z:");
+								String[] splitMD2 = splitMD[splitMD.length-1].split("\t");
+								mdTag = splitMD2[0];
+							}else{
+								System.err.println("No MD tag!");
+								System.exit(0);
+							}
+							mappedContig_and_Info[5] = CigarParser.extractAllAlignDiffs(parts[5],mdTag,parts[9]);
+							/*if(parts[5].contains("X")){
+								String[] cigarSplitX = parts[5].split("X");
+								int posTmp = 0;
+								Vector<int[]> missMatchInfo = new Vector<int[]>(); // entries are of form: position (within contig),baseCode (A=0;C=1;G=2;T=3)
+								for(String tmp : cigarSplitX){
+									// the more parts, the more mismatches; note that the last part have to be checked if it ends with another letter!
+									if(!(tmp.endsWith("M") || tmp.endsWith("N"))){
+										String[] tmpSplit = tmp.split("[MN]");
+										for(String tmp2 : tmpSplit){
+											posTmp += Integer.parseInt(tmp2);
+										}
+										// now we have the position of a mismatch
+										int[] mmInfo = new int[2];
+										mmInfo[0] = thisAlignmentPosition + posTmp;
+										// now get base at this position
+										String base = parts[9].substring(posTmp,posTmp+1);
+										mmInfo[1] = returnBaseCode(base);
+										missMatchInfo.add(mmInfo);
+									}
+								}
+								mappedContig_and_Info[5] = missMatchInfo;
+							}*/
+							mappedContig_and_Info[3] = thisMappingQuality;
+							if((parts[5].contains("N"))){
+								mappedContig_and_Info = performSplitExtract(mappedContig_and_Info, thisAlignmentPosition,thisContig,parts[5]);									
+							}
+							if(line.contains("XS:A:+")){
+								mappedContig_and_Info[6] = "+";
+							}else if(line.contains("XS:A:-")){
+								mappedContig_and_Info[6] = "-";
+							}
+							if(parts[5].contains("I") || parts[5].contains("D")){
+								int splitSize = 0;
+								if(mappedContig_and_Info[4] != null){
+									splitSize = ((int[]) mappedContig_and_Info[4])[0];
+								}
+								countInDels(parts[5],thisAlignmentPosition,thisContig,splitSize,false);								
+							}
+							read.contigsMappedOn.add(mappedContig_and_Info);
+						}
+					}while((line = rnaIn.readLine()) != null);
+				}else{
+					if(GeneFinder.iteration == 1){
+						WriteOutput.writeToOtherFile(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/reassignedReads.sam",line+"\n");
+					}					
+				}
+			}
+			if(!GeneFinder.mappedContigs.keySet().isEmpty()){
+				// start new round here!!
+				timeAfter = System.currentTimeMillis();	    
+				if(GeneFinder.iteration == 2){
+					System.out.println("reassigned: " + reassignedCount);
+					System.out.println("not reassigned: " + notReaCount);
+				}
+				System.out.println((rnaCount) + " rnas have been mapped to the reference.");
+				System.out.println((multiCount) + " of them are ambiguous reads.");
+				System.out.println("The total number of hits is " + (totalHitCount) + ".");		
+				System.out.println("Total number of multiple hits: " + multiTotalCount + ".");
+				System.out.println("Number of interchromosomal reads (so far): " + interChromoCount + ".");
+				System.out.println("Number of interchromosomal hits (so far): " + interChromoTotalCount + ".");
+				System.out.println("Time for parsing chromosome: "+ (double) (timeAfter-timebef)/1000.0 +"s.");
+				GeneFinder.ambiProportion = (double) ((double)multiTotalCount/(double)totalHitCount);
+				System.out.println("Proportion of ambiguous reads: " + GeneFinder.ambiProportion);
+				System.out.println();
+				WriteOutput.writeToLogFile(rnaCount + " rnas have been mapped to the reference. \n" + (multiCount) + " of them are ambiguous reads. \nThe total number of hits is " + (totalHitCount) + ".\nTotal number of multiple hits: " + multiTotalCount + ".\nProportion of ambiguous reads: " + GeneFinder.ambiProportion + ".\n\n");					
+				String nameOut = currentName;
+				GeneFinder.geneFinder_managing(nameRef,nameOut);
+			}							
+			rnaIn.close();
+		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}  catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+		if(GeneFinder.interval == -1){
+			GeneFinder.interval = GeneFinder.readLength + 1;
+			if(!GeneFinder.secondPart){
+				System.out.println("Intron minimum: " + GeneFinder.interval);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * method to remove all mappings of this read
+	 */
+	public static void searchAndDeleteFromContig(Rna read ,Contig thisContig){
+		Vector<Integer> mapPosis = new Vector<Integer>();
+		for(Object[] temp : read.contigsMappedOn){
+			// [contig, alignPos, cigarString, mapQual,spliceInfo,mismatchInfo,direcInfo]
+			int posi = (Integer) temp[1];
+			if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.containsKey(posi)){
+				if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(posi).contains(read)){
+					thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(posi).remove(read);
+				}else if(!mapPosis.contains(posi)){
+					System.out.println("Read not contained!");
+				}
+				if(thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.get(posi).isEmpty()){
+					thisContig.positionTOmappingRnas.remove(posi);
+				}
+			}else if(!mapPosis.contains(posi)){
+				System.out.println("Position not contained! " + read.rnaID);
+			}
+			mapPosis.add(posi);
+			// splice positions
+			if(temp[4] != null){
+				int[] spliceInfo = (int[]) temp[4];          // first entry: intron size, second: start position of intron
+				if(thisContig.splicePositions.containsKey(spliceInfo[1])){
+					thisContig.splicePositions.put(spliceInfo[1],thisContig.splicePositions.get(spliceInfo[1])-1);				
+				}else{
+					System.out.println("Splice position not contained!");
+				}
+			}
+			// posiDiff
+			int splitSize = 0;
+			if(temp[4] != null){
+				splitSize = ((int[])temp[4])[0];
+			}
+			countInDels((String)temp[2],posi,thisContig,splitSize,true);
+		}
+		read.contigsMappedOn.clear();
+		read = null;
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/TopHat_Call.java b/src/geneFinder/TopHat_Call.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..91e7465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/TopHat_Call.java
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+package geneFinder;
+ * call TopHat to map the rna reads against the reference genome 
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ * 
+ */
+import java.io.File;
+public class TopHat_Call {
+	/*
+	 * map the reads against the reference using TopHat2 
+	 * creates a sam output file
+	 * note: topHat setting is only possible for the mapping step, not for the indexing with bowtie-build
+	 */
+	public void callTopHat(String nameRefFile){	
+		System.out.println("Start to do the alignment with TopHat...");
+		WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Start to do the alignment with TopHat... ");
+		long timebef = System.currentTimeMillis();
+		long timeAfter = 0;
+		// first build a bowtie index on the reference file
+		File refFile;
+		refFile = new File(nameRefFile+".fa");
+		System.out.print("Indexing with Bowtie.... ");
+		String firstExe = "bowtie2-build " + refFile + " " + nameRefFile;
+		Giira.callAndHandleOutput(firstExe);
+		String optionString = "";   // get the options for the alignment
+		if(GeneFinder.settingMapper != null){
+			for(String para : GeneFinder.settingMapper.split(",")){   // comma separated list
+				String[] paraArr = para.split("=");
+				if(paraArr.length == 1){		// if length == 1, than this parameter has only one key as indicator
+					optionString = optionString+paraArr[0]+" ";
+				} else{
+					optionString = optionString+paraArr[0]+" "+paraArr[1]+" ";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		System.out.println("Done. \nPerform alignment.... ");
+		if(optionString.length() > 1){	// report the options
+			System.out.println("Options for TopHat: " + optionString);
+			WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Options for TopHat: " + optionString + "\n");
+		}
+		// now call topHat, note that we do use the bam format as an intermediate format to ensure the right ordering of reads, final output is in sam format
+		// output directory shall be resultsRun
+		String out_dir = GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun";
+		String fileNames = new String();
+		File rnaFile = null;
+		for(File readFile : GeneFinder.rnaFilesWithNames.keySet()){     // if there is more than one read file, report them to tophat in a list
+			fileNames += (GeneFinder.rnaFilesWithNames.get(readFile))+",";
+			if(GeneFinder.rnaFilesWithNames.keySet().size() == 1){
+				rnaFile = readFile;
+			}
+		}
+		fileNames=fileNames.substring(0,fileNames.length()-1);  // trim to correct format
+		String secondExe = "";
+		if(GeneFinder.rnaFilesWithNames.keySet().size() == 1){	// make the right call depending on how many read files are provided
+			secondExe = "tophat2 --no-sort-bam " + optionString + "-o " + out_dir + " " + nameRefFile + " " + rnaFile;
+			Giira.callAndHandleOutput(secondExe);
+		}else{
+			secondExe = "tophat2 --no-sort-bam " + optionString + "-o " + out_dir + " " + nameRefFile + " " + fileNames;
+			Giira.callAndHandleOutput(secondExe);			
+		}
+		// the following is necessary to ensure that the reads in the resulting sam file will be in the necessary order
+		String thirdExe = "samtools sort -n " + out_dir + "/accepted_hits.bam " + out_dir + "/accepted_hits_sorted";  // sort and view guarantees that sam file is sorted correctly
+		String fourthExe = "samtools view -h -o " + out_dir + "/accepted_hits.sam " + out_dir + "/accepted_hits_sorted.bam";  // accepted_hits.sam is the file for the further analysis
+		Giira.callAndHandleOutput(thirdExe);
+		Giira.callAndHandleOutput(fourthExe);
+		// log messages
+		System.out.println("Done.");	    	
+		timeAfter = System.currentTimeMillis();	    
+		System.out.println("Time required for the alignment: "+ (double) (timeAfter-timebef)/1000.0 +"s.");			
+		WriteOutput.writeToLogFile("Done.\n Time required for the alignment: "+ (double) (timeAfter-timebef)/1000.0 +"s.\n\n");
+	}
diff --git a/src/geneFinder/WriteOutput.java b/src/geneFinder/WriteOutput.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d6ed517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geneFinder/WriteOutput.java
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+package geneFinder;
+import java.io.BufferedWriter;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.FileWriter;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.*;
+import types.*;
+ * write the result of the gene finding procedure to several output files
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+public class WriteOutput {
+	public static int geneNumTotal;
+	/*
+	 * opens the log file and appends the given string
+	 */
+	public static void writeToLogFile(String text){
+		try {
+			FileWriter log = new FileWriter(GeneFinder.logFile,true);
+			log.write(text);
+			log.close();
+		} catch (FileNotFoundException r) {
+			r.printStackTrace();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * opens the sam file containing the reassigned hits and appends the given string
+	 */
+	public static void writeToOtherFile(String filename, String text){
+		try {
+			FileWriter f = new FileWriter(filename,true);
+			f.write(text);
+			f.close();
+		} catch (FileNotFoundException r) {
+			r.printStackTrace();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * sorts the sam file containing the reassigned hits (according to read names)
+	 */
+	public static void sortReassignSamFile(){
+		String exe = "python " + GeneFinder.pathToHelpFiles+"sortReaSam.py " + GeneFinder.pathOut;
+		Giira.callAndHandleOutput(exe);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * opens the sam file containing the reassigned hits and appends the given string
+	 */
+	public static void removeReassignSamFile(){
+		try {		
+			Runtime removeFile = Runtime.getRuntime();
+			Process exe3 = removeFile.exec("rm " + GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/reassignedReads.bam");
+			exe3.waitFor();	
+			Process exe4 = removeFile.exec("rm " + GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/reassignedReads_sorted.bam");
+			exe4.waitFor();
+		} catch (InterruptedException e) {			
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * created a fasta file with all gene sequences and a bed file with all statistics like score, start, stop etc.
+	 */
+	public static void writeGeneFinderOutput(double[] minMax, String namePartOut){
+		try{
+			BufferedWriter bwGTF = null;
+			if(GeneFinder.iteration == 2){
+				bwGTF = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/stats"+ GeneFinder.outputName + "_final.gtf")));		
+			}else{				
+				bwGTF = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/stats"+ GeneFinder.outputName + namePartOut + ".gtf")));
+			}
+			int exonLength_covered_total = 0;
+			geneNumTotal = 0;
+			int geneRefNonZero = 0;
+			int numGenesWithOnlyMulti = 0;
+			int numGenesWithSupportBelowThreshold = 0;
+			int numGenesWithTotalSupportBelowThreshold = 0;
+			for(String contigName : GeneFinder.mappedContigs.keySet()){
+				Contig thisContig = GeneFinder.mappedContigs.get(contigName);
+				for(Gene cluster : thisContig.allGenes){
+					geneNumTotal++;
+					if(cluster.score != 0){						
+						cluster.score = (cluster.score/( minMax[1]- minMax[0] + 1 ) );  // normalization
+						String multiInfo = "y";  // y stands for non-multi support, n stands for only multi support
+						String supportInfo = "y";  // yes stands for sufficient total support, no for not sufficient support
+						String hasEnoughUniques = "y";  // is n, if proportion of unique reads is below 1% and also unique coverage
+						if(cluster.numOfMultis == cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet().size()){
+							numGenesWithOnlyMulti++;
+							multiInfo = "n";
+						}else{
+							if(GeneFinder.noAmbiOpti){
+								if(((((double) cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.size()) * (double) GeneFinder.readLength)/( (double) cluster.exonLength)) < GeneFinder.minCoverage){
+									numGenesWithSupportBelowThreshold++;
+								}
+							}else{
+								if(cluster.uniqueCov < GeneFinder.minCoverage){
+									numGenesWithSupportBelowThreshold++;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						if(((((double) cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.size()) * (double) GeneFinder.readLength)/( (double) cluster.exonLength)) < GeneFinder.minCoverage){
+							numGenesWithTotalSupportBelowThreshold++;
+							supportInfo = "n";
+						}
+						double coverage = ((((double) cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.size()) * (double) GeneFinder.readLength)/( (double) cluster.exonLength));
+						int uniqueNum = (cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet().size() - cluster.numOfMultis);
+						if((((double)uniqueNum)/((double)cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet().size()) < 0.1)){ // proportion of multi reads
+							if((((double) uniqueNum) * (double) GeneFinder.readLength)/((double) cluster.exonLength) < 0.1){  // uniqueCov
+								hasEnoughUniques = "n";
+							}
+						}
+						geneRefNonZero++;
+						exonLength_covered_total += cluster.exonLength; 
+						String strandInfo = "+";   // has to be updated if reverse strand
+						if(cluster.onRevStrand){
+							strandInfo = "-";
+						}
+						boolean onlyNewTranscriptStarts = DefineAlternativeTranscripts.searchForTranscripts(cluster);
+						if(cluster.alternativeTranscripts.isEmpty()){
+							// first write out transcript
+							bwGTF.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\ttranscript\t" + (cluster.startPos+1) + "\t" + (cluster.stopPos+1) + 
+									"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + ".1\"; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+							// now write out all exons
+							int exonNum = 1;
+							for(int[] exon : cluster.exonsOfGene){
+								bwGTF.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\texon\t" + (exon[0]+1) + "\t" + exon[1] + 
+										"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + ".1\"; exon_number " + (exonNum++) + "; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+							}
+						}else{
+							int transcriptID = 1;
+							if(cluster.possibleIntrons.keySet().size() == 0 || onlyNewTranscriptStarts){
+								// only alternative transcripts because of new transcripts starts, add the start to ensure that we grab all exons in at least one alternative
+								cluster.alternativeTranscripts.add(new Object[]{cluster.startPos,cluster.startPos,cluster.startPos,cluster.startPos});
+							}
+							FindExonsOfGene.sortExons(cluster);
+							DefineAlternativeTranscripts.eraseEqualTranscripts(cluster);
+							for(Object[] definingIntron : cluster.alternativeTranscripts){
+								if(!(((Integer) definingIntron[0] == (Integer) definingIntron[1]) && (definingIntron.length >= 6) && ((Integer)definingIntron[4] == -1))){
+									Object[] returnObject = DefineAlternativeTranscripts.assignExonsToTranscripts(cluster,definingIntron);
+									Vector<int[]> exonsOfTranscript = (Vector<int[]>) returnObject[0];
+									cluster.exonsOfTranscripts.add(exonsOfTranscript);
+									int transcriptStart = (Integer) returnObject[1];
+									int transcriptEnd = (Integer) returnObject[2];
+									if(!exonsOfTranscript.isEmpty()){
+										bwGTF.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\ttranscript\t" + (transcriptStart+1) + "\t" + (transcriptEnd) + 
+												"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + "." + transcriptID + "\"; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+										int exonNum = 1;
+										for(int[] exon : exonsOfTranscript){
+											bwGTF.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\texon\t" + (exon[0]+1) + "\t" + exon[1] + 
+													"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + "." + transcriptID + "\"; exon_number " + (exonNum++) + "; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+										}
+										transcriptID++;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(GeneFinder.iteration == 1 && !GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+					thisContig.allGenes = new Vector<Gene>();			
+				}
+			}
+			//System.out.println("Number of identified genes with support below threshold: " +  numGenesWithSupportBelowThreshold);
+			System.out.println("Number of identified genes with total coverage below threshold: " +  numGenesWithTotalSupportBelowThreshold);
+			System.out.println("Number of identified genes with only ambiguous support: " +  numGenesWithOnlyMulti);
+			System.out.println("Number of identified genes on reference: " +  geneRefNonZero);
+			writeToLogFile("\n\nNumber of identified genes on reference: " +  geneRefNonZero + " \nNumber of identified genes with total coverage below threshold: " +  numGenesWithTotalSupportBelowThreshold + "\nNumber of identified genes with only ambiguous support: " +  numGenesWithOnlyMulti + "\n");
+			bwGTF.close();
+		}catch (FileNotFoundException r) {
+			r.printStackTrace();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * output for prokaryotes
+	 */
+	public static void writeGeneFinderOutput_Prokaryote(double[] minMax, String namePartOut){
+		try{
+			BufferedWriter bwGTF_ccAna = null;
+			BufferedWriter bwGTF_prok = null;
+			bwGTF_ccAna = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/stats"+ GeneFinder.outputName + namePartOut +"_ccAna.gtf")));
+			bwGTF_prok = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(GeneFinder.pathOut+"resultsRun/stats"+ GeneFinder.outputName + namePartOut +"_prok.gtf")));
+			int exonLength_covered_total = 0;
+			geneNumTotal = 0;
+			int geneRefNonZero = 0;
+			int numGenesWithOnlyMulti = 0;
+			int numGenesWithSupportBelowThreshold = 0;
+			int numGenesWithTotalSupportBelowThreshold = 0;
+			int noCistron = 0;
+			int moreThanOneCistron = 0;
+			int moreThanTwoCistrons = 0;
+			int moreOperons = 0;
+			int operonSplitNum = 0;
+			double operonSplitAv = 0.0;
+			for(String contigName : GeneFinder.mappedContigs.keySet()){
+				Contig thisContig = GeneFinder.mappedContigs.get(contigName);
+				for(Gene cluster : thisContig.allGenes){
+					geneNumTotal++;
+					if(cluster.score != 0){						
+						cluster.score = (cluster.score/( minMax[1]- minMax[0] + 1 ) );  // normalization
+						String multiInfo = "y";  // n stands for non-multi support, y stands for only multi support
+						String supportInfo = "y";  // yes stands for sufficient total support, no for not sufficient support
+						String hasEnoughUniques = "y";  // is n, if proportion of unique reads is below 1% and also unique coverage
+						if(cluster.numOfMultis == cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet().size()){
+							numGenesWithOnlyMulti++;
+							multiInfo = "n";
+						}else{
+							if(GeneFinder.noAmbiOpti){
+								if(((((double) cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.size()) * (double) GeneFinder.readLength)/( (double) cluster.exonLength)) < GeneFinder.minCoverage){
+									numGenesWithSupportBelowThreshold++;
+								}
+							}else{
+								if(cluster.uniqueCov < GeneFinder.minCoverage){
+									numGenesWithSupportBelowThreshold++;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						if(((((double) cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.size()) * (double) GeneFinder.readLength)/( (double) cluster.exonLength)) < GeneFinder.minCoverage){
+							numGenesWithTotalSupportBelowThreshold++;
+							supportInfo = "n";
+						}
+						double coverage = ((((double) cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.size()) * (double) GeneFinder.readLength)/( (double) cluster.exonLength));
+						int uniqueNum = (cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet().size() - cluster.numOfMultis);
+						if((((double)uniqueNum)/((double)cluster.idTOassociatedRnas.keySet().size()) < 0.1)){ // proportion of multi reads
+							if((((double) uniqueNum) * (double) GeneFinder.readLength)/((double) cluster.exonLength) < 0.1){  // uniqueCov
+								hasEnoughUniques = "n";
+							}
+						}
+						//else{
+						geneRefNonZero++;
+						exonLength_covered_total += cluster.exonLength;  
+						String strandInfo = "+";   // has to be updated if reverse strand
+						if(!cluster.operonDirectionIsForward){
+							strandInfo = "-";
+						}
+						if(cluster.operonOrfs.isEmpty()){
+							// first write out transcript
+							noCistron++;
+							// CC ANA:
+							bwGTF_ccAna.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\ttranscript\t" + (cluster.startPos+1) + "\t" + (cluster.stopPos+1) + 
+									"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + ".1\"; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+							// PROK FILE:
+							bwGTF_prok.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\tgene\t" + (cluster.startPos+1) + "\t" + (cluster.stopPos+1) + 
+									"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + ".1\"; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+							// now write out all exons
+							int exonNum = 1;
+							for(int[] exon : cluster.exonsOfGene){
+								bwGTF_ccAna.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\texon\t" + (exon[0]+1) + "\t" + exon[1] + 
+										"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + ".1\"; exon_number " + (exonNum++) + "; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+							}
+							exonNum = 1;
+							for(int[] exon : cluster.exonsOfGene){
+								bwGTF_prok.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\tCDS\t" + (exon[0]+1) + "\t" + exon[1] + 
+										"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + ".1\"; exon_number " + (exonNum++) + "; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+							}
+						} else if(cluster.operonOrfs.size() == 2){
+							bwGTF_ccAna.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\ttranscript\t" + (cluster.operonOrfs.get(1)[0]+1) + "\t" + (cluster.operonOrfs.get(1)[1]+1) + 
+									"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + ".1\"; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+							bwGTF_ccAna.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\texon\t" + (cluster.operonOrfs.get(1)[0]+1) + "\t" + (cluster.operonOrfs.get(1)[1]+1) + 
+									"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + ".1\"; exon_number 1" + "; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+							bwGTF_prok.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\tgene\t" + (cluster.startPos+1) + "\t" + (cluster.stopPos+1) + 
+									"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + ".1\"; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+							bwGTF_prok.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\tCDS\t" + (cluster.operonOrfs.get(1)[0]+1) + "\t" + (cluster.operonOrfs.get(1)[1]+1) + 
+									"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + ".1\"; exon_number 1" + "; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+						} else{
+							moreThanOneCistron++;
+							if(cluster.operonOrfs.size() > 3){
+								moreThanTwoCistrons++;
+							}
+							//manage 1/-1 for operon distinction
+							if(cluster.operonOrfs.get(0)[0] == 1){
+								bwGTF_prok.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\tgene\t" + (cluster.startPos+1) + "\t" + (cluster.stopPos+1) + 
+										"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + ".1\"; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+								for(int i = 1; i<cluster.operonOrfs.size();++i){
+									int[] orf = cluster.operonOrfs.get(i);
+									bwGTF_ccAna.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\ttranscript\t" + (orf[0]+1) + "\t" + (orf[1]+1) + 
+											"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "_" + (i) + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + "_" + (i) + ".1\"; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+									bwGTF_ccAna.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\texon\t" + (orf[0]+1) + "\t" + (orf[1]+1) + 
+											"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "_" + (i) + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + "_" + (i) + ".1\"; exon_number 1" + "; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+									bwGTF_prok.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\tCDS\t" + (orf[0]+1) + "\t" + (orf[1]+1) + 
+											"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + ".1\"; exon_number " + (i) + "; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+								}
+							}else{
+								moreOperons++;
+								for(int i = 1; i<cluster.operonOrfs.size();++i){
+									operonSplitNum++;
+									if(cluster.operonOrfs.get(i)[0] == 0){
+										strandInfo = "-";
+									}else{
+										strandInfo = "+";
+									}
+									bwGTF_prok.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\tgene\t" + (cluster.operonOrfs.get(i)[1]+1) + "\t" + (cluster.operonOrfs.get(i)[2]+1) + 
+											"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "_" + i + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + "_"+ i + ".1" + "\"; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+									int exonNum = 1;
+									for(int posArr = 3; posArr<cluster.operonOrfs.get(i).length;++posArr){
+										int[] orf = new int[2];
+										orf[0] = cluster.operonOrfs.get(i)[posArr++];
+										orf[1] = cluster.operonOrfs.get(i)[posArr];
+										bwGTF_ccAna.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\ttranscript\t" + (orf[0]+1) + "\t" + (orf[1]+1) + 
+												"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "_" + i + "_" + (exonNum) + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + "_" + i + "_" + (exonNum) + ".1\"; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+										bwGTF_ccAna.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\texon\t" + (orf[0]+1) + "\t" + (orf[1]+1) + 
+												"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "_" + i + "_" + (exonNum) + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + "_" + i + "_" + (exonNum) + ".1\"; exon_number 1" + "; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+										bwGTF_prok.write(contigName + "\tGIIRA\tCDS\t" + (orf[0]+1) + "\t" + (orf[1]+1) + 
+												"\t" + cluster.score + "\t"+strandInfo+"\t0\tgene_id \"Gene." + cluster.geneID + "_" + i + "\"; transcript_id \"Transcript." + cluster.geneID + "_" + i + ".1\"; exon_number " + (exonNum++) + "; coverage: " + coverage + "; alsoUniqueSupport: " + multiInfo + "; coverageSupport: " + supportInfo + "; hasEnoughUniques: " + hasEnoughUniques + ";\n");
+									}
+								}
+								operonSplitAv = ((double) operonSplitNum)/((double) moreOperons);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if(GeneFinder.iteration == 1 && !GeneFinder.inprogeaCall){
+					thisContig.allGenes = new Vector<Gene>();			
+				}
+			}
+			//System.out.println("Number of prokaryotic genes without operon cistron: " +  noCistron);
+			//System.out.println("Number of prokaryotic genes with more than one cistron: " +  moreThanOneCistron);
+			//System.out.println("Number of prokaryotic genes with more than two cistrons: " +  moreThanTwoCistrons);
+			//System.out.println("Number of identified genes with support below threshold: " +  numGenesWithSupportBelowThreshold);
+			System.out.println("Number of identified genes with total coverage below threshold: " +  numGenesWithTotalSupportBelowThreshold);
+			System.out.println("Number of identified genes with only ambiguous support: " +  numGenesWithOnlyMulti);
+			System.out.println("Number of identified genes on reference: " +  geneRefNonZero);
+			System.out.println("More than one operon in transcript: " +  moreOperons + " with average split number: " + operonSplitAv);
+			writeToLogFile("\n\nNumber of identified genes on reference: " +  geneRefNonZero + " \nNumber of identified genes with total coverage below threshold: " +  numGenesWithTotalSupportBelowThreshold + "\nNumber of identified genes with only ambiguous support: " +  numGenesWithOnlyMulti + "\n");
+			bwGTF_ccAna.close();
+			bwGTF_prok.close();
+		}catch (FileNotFoundException r) {
+			r.printStackTrace();
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/types/Contig.java b/src/types/Contig.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..95899a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/Contig.java
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+package types;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.Vector;
+ * stores contigs and their mapped positions, splicing information and assigned genes
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+public class Contig {
+	public String contigName;	// key
+	public TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Rna>> positionTOmappingRnas = new TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Rna>>();	// such that we can traverse all mapped positions
+	public Vector<Gene> allGenes = new Vector<Gene>();	// stores all assigned gene candidates of this contig
+	public TreeMap<Integer ,Integer> splicePositions = new TreeMap<Integer,Integer>();  // first entry: position in contig; second entry: number of reads 
+	public TreeMap<Integer ,Integer> positionTOdiff = new TreeMap<Integer,Integer>();  // remembers read differences, needed for insertions + deletions, coverage increased/decreased according to value
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/types/Gene.java b/src/types/Gene.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bde10c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/Gene.java
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package types;
+ * all properties of genes identified by the gene finder
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ */
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.Vector;
+public class Gene {
+	public int geneID;	// key
+	public String sequence = new String();  // interval determined by start and stop codon if this candidate gene, introns are included
+	public Vector<int[]>  operonOrfs = new Vector<int[]>();  // only for prokaryotes, contains operon orfs
+	public boolean operonDirectionIsForward;  // true if forward
+	public int exonLength;					// sum of all exon lengths
+	public double score;					// score depending on assigned reads, reflect probability of this candidate to be a true gene
+	public int startPos;					// position of start codon
+	public int[] possibleStarts_Forward = {-1,-1,-1};  // each gene has 6 possible starts (3 for each strand) within a specified interval
+	public int[] possibleStarts_Reverse = {-1,-1,-1};
+	public int stopPos;						// position of stop codon
+	public int[] possibleStops_Forward = {-1,-1,-1};	  // each gene has 6 possible stops (3 for each strand) within a specified interval
+	public int[] possibleStops_Reverse = {-1,-1,-1};
+	public int coreSeq;  // if the core is only as big as the read length, this gene is penalized, because it is very likely to be a false positive
+	public TreeMap<Integer,Object[]> possibleIntrons = new TreeMap<Integer,Object[]>(); // first entry: Vector<int[]>, second entry: Vector<Vector<Rna>> -> introns of this site 
+																						// with supporting rnas; third entry: exon end if rnas exist not supporting this split, -1 else ; fourth entry: starting site for "fake splits"
+	public TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Rna>> possibleFussyExons = new TreeMap<Integer,Vector<Rna>>();  // stores all rnas that support a "fussy exon" where reads do not support the splice site
+	public Vector<int[]> exonsOfGene = new Vector<int[]>();  // contains all exons of this gene
+	public Vector<Object[]> alternativeTranscripts = new Vector<Object[]>();  // if this gene has alternative transcripts, these are defined by one intron, which is stored here
+	public Vector<int[]> eraseIntrons_temp = new Vector<int[]>();
+	public Vector<int[]> intronEndsThatAreNotContinued = new Vector<int[]>(); // if this intron end leads to an exon that is not continued, store this here to remember for exonSearch
+	public double uniqueCov;	// coverage of this gene only by unique reads
+	public double totalCov;     // coverage of this gene given by all assigned reads
+	public int numOfMultis;		// number of ambiguous reads mapping this gene
+	public boolean hasStop_temp;	// indicator for candidate extraction, sign if the gene did not find a stop during the first search
+	public boolean onRevStrand;  // indicates whether ORF is on forward or reverse strand
+	public boolean realDirectionNotKnown;		// allow a gene to switch the direction if necessary
+	public HashMap<String,Object[]> idTOassociatedRnas = new HashMap<String,Object[]>();  // Object[0] = rna,[1] = supportedSplit (int[] with spliceKey and intronEnd (-1,-1) if not present), [2] = supportedFussyExon (int or -1)
+	public int[] direcCounter = {0,0};  // counts the reads supporting forward [0] and reverse [1] strand, only possible if XS tag provided
+	public Vector<String> moreThanOneHitRnas = new Vector<String>();    // if a read maps more than once to this gene, add its id here as a backup
+	public Gene twinNode;
+	public boolean freeToResolve;  //indicates if this cluster and its twin can be locally resolved, if false, this is only possible during the ambiguous read optimization
+	public boolean hadTwinBefore;  // if true we have to mark the associated transcript as one to be 6-frame translated (because there is an uncertainty which strand)
+	public boolean isMergedTwin;	     // indicates the twin that has been merged with other clusters (if this has happened only to one twin)
+	/////////////// FOR RNA-ProGen //////////////////////
+	public Vector<Vector<int[]>> exonsOfTranscripts = new Vector<Vector<int[]>>();
+	public boolean wasLookedAt;   // necessary for score update
+	public double scoreRnaPart;
diff --git a/src/types/Rna.java b/src/types/Rna.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..590f31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/Rna.java
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+package types;
+ * rna object to store quality and other important stuff 
+ * Copyright (c) 2013,
+ * Franziska Zickmann, 
+ * ZickmannF at rki.de, Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany
+ * Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0
+ *
+ */
+import java.util.Vector;
+public class Rna {
+	public String rnaID;	// key		
+	public double quality; 	  	
+	public Vector<Object[]> contigsMappedOn = new Vector<Object[]>(); // contains several Arrays á: [contig, alignPos, cigarString, mapQual,spliceInfo,mismatchInfo,direcInfo] (one for each hit)
+	public int isMulti;		// indicator if this read is an ambiguous read
+	public int hitNum;	// the original number of hits
+	public int assignedNum;  // shows the number of assignments to a candidate
+	public Vector<Integer> isSharedBy = new Vector<Integer>();  // necessary for twin clusters -> contains the ids of all clusters that share this rna

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