[med-svn] [conquest-dicom-server] 03/04: Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.17d'

Pablo Lorenzzoni spectra at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Mar 19 20:46:01 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

spectra pushed a commit to branch master
in repository conquest-dicom-server.

commit a824926e15461fd5d8e3a5c110985e8e929c4eec
Merge: 80cc77e 3c0effe
Author: Pablo Lorenzzoni <spectra at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Mar 19 16:47:41 2014 -0300

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.17d'
    Upstream version 1.4.17d

 DicomConformance_FilesLST_Changes.pdf | Bin 599714 -> 602752 bytes
 aarj.cxx                              |   5 +-
 buffer.cxx                            |   3 +-
 dbsql.cpp                             |  44 +++++--
 device.cpp                            |  22 +++-
 dgate.cpp                             | 236 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 flpdu.cxx                             |  41 +++---
 linuxmanual.pdf                       | Bin 146456 -> 146426 bytes
 lua/anonymize_script.lua              |  10 +-
 lua/deanonymize_script.lua            |   3 +-
 lua/livecoding.lua                    |   7 +-
 lua/niftytest.lua                     |   4 +-
 lua/overview.lua                      |   5 +
 lua/welcome.lua                       |   4 +-
 nkiqrsop.cpp                          | 103 +++++++++++++--
 trnsyn.cxx                            |   7 +
 vrtosql.cpp                           |   8 +-
 windowsmanual.pdf                     | Bin 1383178 -> 1384733 bytes
 18 files changed, 430 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/conquest-dicom-server.git

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