[med-svn] [conquest-dicom-server] 02/10: Imported Upstream version 1.4.17d

Pablo Lorenzzoni spectra at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 20 20:47:02 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

spectra pushed a commit to branch master
in repository conquest-dicom-server.

commit bdb4f5f645e1e2c20d725b1afddbffac43c3761e
Author: Pablo Lorenzzoni <spectra at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Mar 20 15:52:57 2014 -0300

    Imported Upstream version 1.4.17d
 conquest-pacs.sh                               |  97 -------------------------
 jasper-1.900.1-6ct/data/colorprofiles/srgb.icm | Bin 3144 -> 0 bytes
 2 files changed, 97 deletions(-)

diff --git a/conquest-pacs.sh b/conquest-pacs.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cbf3b7..0000000
--- a/conquest-pacs.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-# conquest-pacs.sh  SysV init script for Conquest PACS.
-# Written by Miquel van Smoorenburg <miquels>.
-# Modified for Debian GNU/Linux by Ian Murdock <imurdock>.
-# Customized for Conquest by Mark Pearson <markp>
-# HOME and PACSUSER should be the only variables that may need to be modified.
-# Modify HOME to suit your environment.
-# This is the user to run as. Modify it if you don't use username conquest.
-# All defaults here will be overridden by values from $HOME/dicom.ini
-DESC="Conquest PACS Server"
-STOPPACS=$HOME"/dgate --quit:"
-test -f $DAEMON || echo "Cannot find $DAEMON" exit 0
-test -f $INI || echo "Cannot find $INI" exit 0
-set -e
-if grep "TCPPort" $INI > /dev/null ; then
-    PORT=`egrep -i '^*TCPPort *= ' $INI | sed 's/\r//' | awk '{ print $3}'`
-if [ $PORT -le 1024 ]; then
-    test -f /usr/bin/authbind || echo "authbind is needed for access to ports < 1024" exit 0
-    STARTAS="/usr/bin/authbind "
-if grep -is "^ *StatusLog" $INI > /dev/null ; then
-    STATUSLOG=`egrep -i '^*StatusLog' $INI | sed 's/\r//' | awk '{ print $3}'`
-if [ $STARTAS = $DAEMON ]; then
-case "$1" in
-    start)
-        if [ -f $HOME/disable_autostart ]; then
-            echo "Not starting $DESC: disabled via $HOME/disable_autostart"
-            exit 0
-        fi
-        echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
-        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
-            --chuid $PACSUSER --chdir $HOME --exec $DAEMON \
-            --startas $STARTAS --background -- $ARGS
-        echo "$NAME."
-        ;;
-    stop)
-        echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
-        cd $HOME
-        $STOPPACS
-        start-stop-daemon --oknodo --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
-            --exec $DAEMON -- $ARGS
-        echo "$NAME."
-        echo
-        ;;
-    restart|force-reload)
-        echo -n "Restarting $DESC: "
-        start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
-            --exec $DAEMON -- $ARGS
-        sleep 1
-        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
-            --chuid conquest --chdir $HOME --exec $DAEMON -- $ARGS
-        echo "$NAME."
-        ;;
-    *)
-        N=/etc/init.d/$NAME
-        echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
-        exit 1
-        ;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/jasper-1.900.1-6ct/data/colorprofiles/srgb.icm b/jasper-1.900.1-6ct/data/colorprofiles/srgb.icm
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f9d18d..0000000
Binary files a/jasper-1.900.1-6ct/data/colorprofiles/srgb.icm and /dev/null differ

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/conquest-dicom-server.git

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