[med-svn] r16505 - in trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian: . patches sbin universe_wsgi.d

Timothy Booth tbooth-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Mar 24 10:13:56 UTC 2014

Author: tbooth-guest
Date: 2014-03-24 10:13:56 +0000 (Mon, 24 Mar 2014)
New Revision: 16505

Various updates, trying to get tool-shed installations to work.

Modified: trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/README.apache2-setup
--- trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/README.apache2-setup	2014-03-24 07:38:24 UTC (rev 16504)
+++ trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/README.apache2-setup	2014-03-24 10:13:56 UTC (rev 16505)
@@ -15,12 +15,17 @@
 is that users will also be able to transfer their files securely into Galaxy
 without using the web upload form.
-The galaxy-server-apache-proxy package activates both these
-features at once but you may want to enable proxying while still using internal
-authentication in Galaxy or you may have reconfigured your Apache server in a way
-that conflicts with the default settings.  If this is the case, you should ignore
-the package and set things up manually as described here.
+So if you just want the standard set-up, go ahead and install the
+galaxy-server-apache-proxy package which activates both these
+features at once.  But if you want to understand what that is doing, or to
+enable proxying while still using internal authentication in Galaxy, or if you
+have reconfigured your Apache server in a way that conflicts with the default
+settings then you can ignore the package and set things up manually as described
+#! Text like this in the document indicates what would be a footnote if this were
+#! a printed doc.
 Security warning!!
@@ -36,7 +41,7 @@
 You should have Apache2 installed and running from the regular apache2 package,
 so that your configuration fragments can be added to /etc/apache2/conf.d.  This
 is the default on Bio-Linux.  Visit http://localhost in a web browser to check
-iApache is running and you can see the standard test page displayed.
+if Apache is running and you can see the standard test page displayed.
 In addition, assuming you want PAM authentication, install the following packages:
@@ -48,32 +53,29 @@
 We're going to set things up so Galaxy appears at http://your.machinename/galaxy.
+If you want to use a different path, modify the instructions accordingly.
-The Galaxy package on Bio-Linux is already configured to use a /galaxy prefix
-for the URLs, but if for some reason you decide to use some other prefix you will
-need to edit /etc/galaxy-server/universe_wsgi.ini and change the lines that say
-"prefix = /galaxy" and "cookie_path = /galaxy" and ensure that 
-"filter-with = proxy-prefix" is also set appropriately.
+First for Apache.  Enable the modules.
-Now for Apache.
- % sudo -i    ## Will give you a root shell, represented here by a hash (#)
+ $ sudo -i    ## Will give you a root shell, represented here by a hash (#)
  # a2enmod proxy proxy_http rewrite
 Put the following lines into a file named /etc/apache2/conf.d/galaxy:  
-!  Note: These are essentially equivalent to the ones listed in the Wiki page
-!  but for those to work on BL they would need to be placed within the <VirtualHost>
-!  tags in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default whereas this variant can be put
-!  into conf.d without editing any existing files.  Order of rules is very important.
-!  Also the use of the proxy directory allows us to avoid costly auth calls for every
-!  static file requested.
+#!  Note: These are essentially equivalent to the ones listed in the Wiki page
+#!  but for those to work on BL they would need to be placed within the <VirtualHost>
+#!  tags in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default whereas this variant can be put
+#!  into conf.d without editing any existing files.  Order of rules is very important.
+#!  Also the use of the proxy directory allows us to avoid costly auth calls for every
+#!  static file requested.
 Alias /galaxy /usr/share/galaxy-server
 <Directory /usr/share/galaxy-server>
 Options -Indexes
 RewriteEngine on
 RewriteBase /galaxy
+RewriteRule ^(logout\..*) logout/$1 [L]
+RewriteRule ^logout/ - [L]
 RewriteRule ^static/style/(.*) static/june_2007_style/blue/$1 [L]
 RewriteRule ^static/scripts/packed/ - [L]
 RewriteRule ^static/scripts/(.*) static/scripts/packed/$1 [L]
@@ -81,6 +83,10 @@
 RewriteRule ^(favicon.ico|robots.txt) static/$1 [L]
 RewriteRule (.*) proxy/$1
+<Directory /usr/share/galaxy-server/logout>
+Options -Indexes
+AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo
 <Directory /usr/share/galaxy-server/proxy>
 Options -Indexes
 AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo
@@ -89,9 +95,9 @@
 RewriteRule (.*) http://localhost:8080/$1 [P,E=RU:%{REMOTE_USER}]
-Ensure the proxy directory exists:
+Ensure the logout and proxy directories exists:
- # mkdir -p /usr/share/galaxy-server/proxy
+ # mkdir -p /usr/share/galaxy-server/{proxy,logout}
 And tell Apache to restart and activate this new config like so:
@@ -136,7 +142,7 @@
 Add the following lines to /usr/share/galaxy-server/proxy/.htaccess:
-!  Note the "Require group" line means only users in the galaxy group get access.
+#!  Note the "Require group" line means only users in the galaxy group get access.
 AuthBasicProvider external
 AuthExternal pwauth
@@ -151,30 +157,39 @@
  # service apache2 restart
-! Note: The Wiki page gives a slightly more complicated way of dealing with the REMOTE_USER
-! variable which doesn't actually work for the setup described here.  Looking on Google there
-! are various discussions of the issue but no explanations of the underlying problem, so I
-! had to experiment.  The final RewriteRule in conf.d/galaxy above passes REMOTE_USER to the Proxy
-! module before it disappears from scope, and the RequestHeader line in .htaccess then adds
-! it to the proxied request.  Passing the variable in the RewriteRule has no effect without
-! the RequestHeader directive so there is no reason not to have it there even if you are not
-! using Apache for authentication.
-! Also, the Authorization header has the password embedded in it, so I scrub this out before
-! proxying.  Galaxy doesn't need this info and the less that login passwords are passed around
-! the better.
+#! Note: The Wiki page gives a slightly more complicated way of dealing with the REMOTE_USER
+#! variable which doesn't actually work for the setup described here.  Looking on Google there
+#! are various discussions of the issue but no explanations of the underlying problem, so I
+#! had to experiment.  The final RewriteRule in conf.d/galaxy above passes REMOTE_USER to the Proxy
+#! module before it disappears from scope, and the RequestHeader line in .htaccess then adds
+#! it to the proxied request.  Passing the variable in the RewriteRule has no effect without
+#! the RequestHeader directive so there is no reason not to have it there even if you are not
+#! using Apache for authentication.
+#! Also, the Authorization header has the password embedded in it, so I scrub this out before
+#! proxying.  Galaxy doesn't need this info and the less that login passwords are passed around
+#! the better.
-Finally, tell Galaxy to defer user authentication to Apache.  Edit /etc/galaxy-server/universe_wsgi.ini
-and find and modify these settings:
+Finally, tell Galaxy to defer user authentication to Apache.  Make a file
+/etc/galaxy-server/universe_wsgi.ini.d/31_apache-proxy.ini and add the following:
 use_remote_user = True
 remote_user_maildomain = localhost
+filter-with = proxy-prefix
+use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix
+prefix = /galaxy
+Note that the last four lines should not be necessary as they are already the
+defaults on Bio-Linux but if for some reason you want to change the prefix from
+/galaxy you can do so here.
 And restart Galaxy:
  # service galaxy restart
-#### TODO - see if I can make logout work as per the last suggestion here:
-http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4163122/http-basic-authentication-log-out ###
+#### TODO - I need to document my implementation of the logout hack.
 Enabling Efficient File Transfers
@@ -184,20 +199,21 @@
 /var/lib/galaxy-server/transfer and set appropriate permissions so that users can place files
 there for upload with the Upload File feature of Galaxy.
-To enable this feature set the ftp_upload_dir option in /etc/galaxy-server/universe_wsgi.d to
-/var/lib/galaxy-server/transfer, and also set ftp_upload_site to the name of your server.
+To enable this feature set the ftp_upload_dir option in universe_wsgi.ini.d/31_apache-proxy.ini
+to /var/lib/galaxy-server/transfer, and also set ftp_upload_site to the name of your server.
 Users likely want to make a symlink to their transfer area in their home directory - eg:
  $ ln -s /var/lib/galaxy-server/transfer/$USER at localhost ~/galaxy_transfer
-!  Note1 - galaxy-server-apache-proxy package will enable file transfers as described here, but
-!  will not add symlinks to user home dirs.  Each user has to do that themselves.
-!  Note2 - users with a personal umask of 007 or 077 will need to ensure that the files they
-!  put in their transfer directory are world-readable (o+r) so the Galaxy server can see them.
-!  This will not make the files visible to other users as users cannot see into other transfer
-!  directories at all.
+#!  Note1 - galaxy-server-apache-proxy package will enable file transfers as described here, but
+#!  will not add symlinks to user home dirs.  Each user has to do that themselves.
+#!  Note2 - users with a personal umask of 007 or 077 will need to ensure that the files they
+#!  put in their transfer directory are world-readable (o+r) so the Galaxy server can see them.
+#!  This will not make the files visible to other users as users cannot see into other transfer
+#!  directories at all.
 It is also possible to have things the other way round, replacing the user1 at localhost directory with
 a symlink to some folder in the user's home dir.  The user will need to "chmod a+x ~" and the
 sysadmin will need to put the link in place.  This could be useful if your /home
@@ -208,7 +224,7 @@
 If you are using Galaxy on the local machine, connecting via "http://localhost/galaxy" there
 is no problem with network security as no passwords go over the wire.  On a local ethernet
-segment it is arguably over-paranoid to worry about password sniffing, but on a WAN or any
+segment it is arguably paranoid to worry about password sniffing, but on a WAN or any
 sort of wireless connection youa really want to encrypt traffic.
 Option 1: Use FreeNX or X2Go or SSH with X11 forwarding to run a web browser on the Bio-Linux

Modified: trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/README.postgres-setup
--- trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/README.postgres-setup	2014-03-24 07:38:24 UTC (rev 16504)
+++ trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/README.postgres-setup	2014-03-24 10:13:56 UTC (rev 16505)
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
 for more details.
 Bio-Linux already comes with both PostgreSQL and MySQL.  Furthermore, a
-convenience package called galaxy-server-pg-database can help you set this up to
-work with Galaxy.  In the simplest case:
+convenience package called galaxy-server-pg-database can help you set PostgreSQL
+up to work with Galaxy.  In the simplest case:
   $ sudo apt-get install galaxy-server-pg-database
-will give you a secure and ready-to-use set-up.
+will give you a secure and ready-to-use set-up, and you are done.
 This document is therefore useful if you want to:
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@
 Checking the PostgreSQL set-up on Bio-Linux
-(( NB: You will not find any information about PostgreSQL "clusters" in the
-regular PostgreSQL documentation because they are a specific feature of Debian
-(inherited by Ubuntu and thus Bio-Linux) - see
-and /usr/share/doc/postgresql-common/README.Debian.gz. ))
+#!  NB: You will not find any information about PostgreSQL "clusters" in the
+#!  regular PostgreSQL documentation because they are a specific feature of Debian
+#!  (inherited by Ubuntu and thus Bio-Linux) - see
+#!  http://nebc.nerc.ac.uk/tools/bio-linux/other-bl-docs/sql-databases-on-bio-linux
+#!  and /usr/share/doc/postgresql-common/README.Debian.gz.
 Run the command "pg_lsclusters".  You should see output something like this:
@@ -88,13 +88,13 @@
 above), or you can just stop the old cluster before installing the package - the
 script will then ignore it and proceed to create the new database.
-Once these check are passed, the script will do the following:
+Once these checks are passed, the script will do the following:
 sudo -Hi -u postgres createuser -w Debian-galaxy -DRS
 sudo -Hi -u postgres createdb -w Debian-galaxy -E UTF8 -O Debian-galaxy
-/etc/galaxy-server/universe_wsgi.ini will be modified to access the new database
-and options recommended for PostgreSQL will be activated:
+/etc/galaxy-server/universe_wsgi.d/32_pg-database.ini will tell Galaxy to access
+the new database and options recommended for PostgreSQL will be activated:
 database_connection = postgresql:///Debian-galaxy
@@ -115,14 +115,15 @@
 The package does not directly populate the new database.  This is done by
 restarting Galaxy, which will see that the database is empty and will
-automatically repopulate it.  Updated versions of Galaxy should also look after
-adding their own modifications to the Galaxy schema.
+automatically repopulate it.  Updated versions of Galaxy will (or at least should)
+also look after adding their own modifications to the Galaxy schema.
 The package doesn't add any cron jobs to clean out stale data (I may look at
 adding this).
-The package does not purge the database when it is removed, but it will try to
-re-set the configuration in universe_wsgi.ini.
+The package does not purge the database when it is removed, even if the package is
+purged.  Also you currently need to purge the package to remove the files in /etc
+though this might change at some point.
 Things you might want to set up manually
@@ -147,4 +148,3 @@
   $ head -c 21 /dev/urandom| base64

Modified: trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/README.split-ini
--- trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/README.split-ini	2014-03-24 07:38:24 UTC (rev 16504)
+++ trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/README.split-ini	2014-03-24 10:13:56 UTC (rev 16505)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 modular configuration bits I need to use this, so it has been incorporated into the
 Galaxy start-up script.
-The package provides a /etc/galaxy-server/universe_wsgi.d directory containing:
+Bio-Linux packaging provides a /etc/galaxy-server/universe_wsgi.d directory containing:
 00_upstream.ini - A copy of universe_wsgi.ini from upstream.
@@ -13,12 +13,14 @@
 32_pg-database.ini - Added by galaxy-server-pg-database if you install that.
+35_tools_bl.ini - Added by galaxy-tools-bl if you install that.
 Users are advised not to edit any of these but to make new files with
 a higher priority and modify the contents.  Eg. to change the Apache settings:
-$ cd /etc/galaxy-server/universe-wsgi.d
-$ sudo cp 31_apache-proxy.ini 50_local.ini
-$ sudo nano 50_local.ini
+ $ cd /etc/galaxy-server/universe-wsgi.d
+ $ sudo cp 31_apache-proxy.ini 50_local.ini
+ $ sudo nano 50_local.ini
 The scripts/build_universe_config.py script will be used to create a
 config file under /tmp each time Galaxy is started, and there will be no

Modified: trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/changelog	2014-03-24 07:38:24 UTC (rev 16504)
+++ trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/changelog	2014-03-24 10:13:56 UTC (rev 16505)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+galaxy (1.bl.py27.20140210-0biolinux2) precise; urgency=low
+  * Fixed misspelling of shed-tools/shed_tools that messed up symlinks 
+ -- Tim Booth <tbooth at ceh.ac.uk>  Thu, 20 Mar 2014 11:49:33 +0000
 galaxy (1.bl.py27.20140210-0biolinux1) precise; urgency=low
   * Updated Galaxy since previous version seems to have fundamental

Modified: trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/copy_sample_config.sh
--- trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/copy_sample_config.sh	2014-03-24 07:38:24 UTC (rev 16504)
+++ trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/copy_sample_config.sh	2014-03-24 10:13:56 UTC (rev 16505)
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
-    shed_tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample
@@ -32,21 +31,21 @@
 # Create all the config files
 for sample in $SAMPLES; do
-    	file=`echo $sample | sed -e 's/\.sample$//'`
-	filebase=`basename $file`
-	if [ -e "../config_override/$filebase" ] ; then
-	    echo "Initializing /etc/galaxy-server/$file from config_override/$filebase"
-	    mkdir -p etc/galaxy-server/`dirname $file`
-	    cp "../config_override/$filebase" etc/galaxy-server/$file
-	    ln -s /etc/galaxy-server/$file usr/lib/galaxy-server/$file
-	else
-	    echo "Initializing /etc/galaxy-server/$file from `basename $sample`"
-	    mkdir -p etc/galaxy-server/`dirname $file`
-	    cp usr/lib/galaxy-server/$sample etc/galaxy-server/$file
-	    ln -s /etc/galaxy-server/$file usr/lib/galaxy-server/$file
-	fi
-	#And remove the .sample versions
-	rm usr/lib/galaxy-server/$sample
+    file=`echo $sample | sed -e 's/\.sample$//'`
+    filebase=`basename $file`
+    if [ -e "../config_override/$filebase" ] ; then
+	echo "Initializing /etc/galaxy-server/$file from config_override/$filebase"
+	mkdir -p etc/galaxy-server/`dirname $file`
+	cp "../config_override/$filebase" etc/galaxy-server/$file
+	ln -s /etc/galaxy-server/$file usr/lib/galaxy-server/$file
+    else
+	echo "Initializing /etc/galaxy-server/$file from `basename $sample`"
+	mkdir -p etc/galaxy-server/`dirname $file`
+	cp usr/lib/galaxy-server/$sample etc/galaxy-server/$file
+	ln -s /etc/galaxy-server/$file usr/lib/galaxy-server/$file
+    fi
+    #And remove the .sample versions
+    rm usr/lib/galaxy-server/$sample
 # Deal with universe_wsgi.d
@@ -58,8 +57,9 @@
 mv usr/lib/galaxy-server/universe_wsgi.ini.sample "$d"/00_upstream.ini
 cp ../universe_wsgi.d/1* "$d"
-# Deal with shed_tool_conf.xml
-echo "Initialising /var/lib/galaxy-server/${stc} from ${stc}.sample"
-mv usr/lib/galaxy-server/${stc}.sample var/lib/galaxy-server/shed-tools/${stc}
-ln -s /var/lib/galaxy-server/shed-tools/${stc} usr/lib/galaxy-server/${stc}
+# Deal with shed_tool*_conf.xml
+for stc in shed_tool_conf.xml shed_tool_data_table_conf.xml ; do
+  echo "Initialising /var/lib/galaxy-server/${stc} from ${stc}.sample"
+  mv -v usr/lib/galaxy-server/${stc}.sample var/lib/galaxy-server/shed_tools/${stc}
+  ln -s /var/lib/galaxy-server/shed_tools/${stc} usr/lib/galaxy-server/${stc}

Modified: trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/get-orig-source.sh
--- trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/get-orig-source.sh	2014-03-24 07:38:24 UTC (rev 16504)
+++ trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/get-orig-source.sh	2014-03-24 10:13:56 UTC (rev 16505)
@@ -59,11 +59,13 @@
 # Work on the tarball...
 # Sort out the directory name
 mv -v galaxy-galaxy-dist-* galaxy-dist
-# Download all the eggs, including psychopg2
+# Download all the eggs, but not psychopg2
+# Purge any .pyc files
 pushd galaxy-dist
     python ./scripts/fetch_eggs.py -c universe_wsgi.ini.sample
-    python ./scripts/fetch_eggs.py -c universe_wsgi.ini.sample -e psycopg2
+    #python ./scripts/fetch_eggs.py -c universe_wsgi.ini.sample -e psycopg2
     python ./scripts/fetch_eggs.py -c universe_wsgi.ini.sample -e sqlalchemy-migrate	
+    find -name '*.pyc' -delete
 echo "Repacking galaxy-repack_$REPACK_VERSION.tar.xz"

Modified: trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/patches/series
--- trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/patches/series	2014-03-24 07:38:24 UTC (rev 16504)
+++ trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/patches/series	2014-03-24 10:13:56 UTC (rev 16505)
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@

Added: trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/patches/shed_tools_data_path
--- trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/patches/shed_tools_data_path	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/patches/shed_tools_data_path	2014-03-24 10:13:56 UTC (rev 16505)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- a/lib/tool_shed/util/tool_util.py
++++ b/lib/tool_shed/util/tool_util.py
+@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
+ def copy_sample_file( app, filename, dest_path=None ):
+     """Copy xxx.sample to dest_path/xxx.sample and dest_path/xxx.  The default value for dest_path is ~/tool-data."""
+     if dest_path is None:
+-        dest_path = os.path.abspath( app.config.tool_data_path )
++        dest_path = os.path.abspath( app.config.shed_tool_data_path )
+     sample_file_name = suc.strip_path( filename )
+     copied_file = sample_file_name.replace( '.sample', '' )
+     full_source_path = os.path.abspath( filename )

Modified: trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/sbin/galaxy-add-administrator
--- trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/sbin/galaxy-add-administrator	2014-03-24 07:38:24 UTC (rev 16504)
+++ trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/sbin/galaxy-add-administrator	2014-03-24 10:13:56 UTC (rev 16505)
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@
 elsif( $create_ini && $mode eq 'show' )
-    print "The file $ini was not found.  If you add an administrator with this\n".
-	  "script it will be created for you.\n";
+    print "The file $ini was not found.\n".
+	  "If you add an administrator with this script it will be created for you.\n";

Modified: trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/universe_wsgi.d/10_debian_defaults.ini
--- trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/universe_wsgi.d/10_debian_defaults.ini	2014-03-24 07:38:24 UTC (rev 16504)
+++ trunk/packages/galaxy/trunk/debian/universe_wsgi.d/10_debian_defaults.ini	2014-03-24 10:13:56 UTC (rev 16505)
@@ -45,5 +45,10 @@
 # public.
 new_user_dataset_access_role_default_private = True
+# By default tool defs installed into the shed try to write to ./tool-data,
+# but that is read-only.
+shed_tools_data_path = shed_tools/data
+tool_dependency_dir = shed_tools/deps
 # And no debugging, ta.
 debug = False

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