[med-svn] [conquest-dicom-server] 01/08: Begin to compile other backends and split package.

Pablo Lorenzzoni spectra at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Mar 31 18:32:03 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

spectra pushed a commit to branch master
in repository conquest-dicom-server.

commit 7cdc546944c8206293746f958bd488b2269a98d3
Author: Pablo Lorenzzoni <spectra at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Mar 29 12:45:34 2014 +0000

    Begin to compile other backends and split package.
 debian/README.Debian                               | 26 ++----
 debian/README.cgi                                  | 14 +++
 debian/TODO                                        |  6 +-
 ...uest-dicom-server.dirs => conquest-common.dirs} |  0
 ... => conquest-common.doc-base.dicom-conformance} |  0
 ...anual => conquest-common.doc-base.linux-manual} |  0
 ...ual => conquest-common.doc-base.windows-manual} |  0
 debian/{docs => conquest-common.docs}              |  1 +
 ...om-server.examples => conquest-common.examples} |  0
 debian/conquest-common.install                     |  4 +
 debian/conquest-dbase.install                      |  4 +
 ...erver.init => conquest-dicom-server.dgate.init} |  4 +-
 debian/conquest-dicom-server.postinst              |  9 +-
 debian/conquest-mysql.install                      |  4 +
 debian/conquest-postgres.install                   |  4 +
 debian/conquest-sqlite.install                     |  4 +
 debian/control                                     | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++-
 debian/make-manpage                                |  3 +-
 debian/replicate-common-files                      | 11 +++
 debian/rules                                       | 75 ++++++++--------
 20 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/README.Debian b/debian/README.Debian
index 82e8d83..6f63dde 100644
--- a/debian/README.Debian
+++ b/debian/README.Debian
@@ -20,25 +20,13 @@ Running User
 The main software runs under an unpriviledged user (_conquest) as daemon
 (initscripts were provided). Check README._conquest for details.
-CGI Interface
-The main software can act as a CGI behind a webserver and it's the only
-"friendly" interface provided in GNU/Linux version (Windows version has a
-GUI).  It still can be used as such, but you'll have to copy/move the binary
-to the proper place yourself. This package only provides it as a DICOM server
-I recommend against running it as a CGI interface since it is not very
-secure. If anytime in the future I (or upstream) am able to patch the
-obvious vulnerabilities, I will prepare the package to act as a CGI interface
-as well, but that is just not the case righ now.
-Other Databases
-Originally ConQuest can work with DBIII, SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL. This
-package was only compiled to work with SQLite, for now. In the future I
-intend to work on different versions to provide the remaining databases
+Database backends
+The database backend for ConQuest needs to be decided at compilation time. So
+we provide 4 different binary packages named after the database backend they
+use: conquest-{dbase,mysql,postgres,mysql}.
+At this moment they conflict each other, so you can only have one installed.
 Modified Shipped Libraries
diff --git a/debian/README.cgi b/debian/README.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c805bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/README.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+CGI Interface
+The main software can act as a CGI behind a webserver and it's the only
+"friendly" interface provided in GNU/Linux version (Windows version has a
+GUI).  It still can be used as such, but you'll have to copy/move the binary
+to the proper place yourself. This package only provides it as a DICOM server
+I recommend against running it as a CGI interface since it is not very
+secure. If anytime in the future I (or upstream) am able to patch the
+obvious vulnerabilities, I will prepare the package to act as a CGI interface
+as well, but that is just not the case righ now.
diff --git a/debian/TODO b/debian/TODO
index ff193af..d565630 100644
--- a/debian/TODO
+++ b/debian/TODO
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-[  ] Add support for MySQL
-[  ] Add support for DBIII
-[  ] Add support for PostgreSQL
 [  ] Replace get-orig-source
 [!!] Bind to by default (probably have to patch source code)
@@ -9,3 +6,6 @@
 [**] Add Manpage
 [**] Convert Repository layout to git-buildpackage
 [**] Run as non-root user
+[**] Add support for MySQL
+[**] Add support for DBIII
+[**] Add support for PostgreSQL
diff --git a/debian/conquest-dicom-server.dirs b/debian/conquest-common.dirs
similarity index 100%
rename from debian/conquest-dicom-server.dirs
rename to debian/conquest-common.dirs
diff --git a/debian/conquest-dicom-server.doc-base.dicom-conformance b/debian/conquest-common.doc-base.dicom-conformance
similarity index 100%
rename from debian/conquest-dicom-server.doc-base.dicom-conformance
rename to debian/conquest-common.doc-base.dicom-conformance
diff --git a/debian/conquest-dicom-server.doc-base.linux-manual b/debian/conquest-common.doc-base.linux-manual
similarity index 100%
rename from debian/conquest-dicom-server.doc-base.linux-manual
rename to debian/conquest-common.doc-base.linux-manual
diff --git a/debian/conquest-dicom-server.doc-base.windows-manual b/debian/conquest-common.doc-base.windows-manual
similarity index 100%
rename from debian/conquest-dicom-server.doc-base.windows-manual
rename to debian/conquest-common.doc-base.windows-manual
diff --git a/debian/docs b/debian/conquest-common.docs
similarity index 88%
rename from debian/docs
rename to debian/conquest-common.docs
index 929bafa..2bc350d 100644
--- a/debian/docs
+++ b/debian/conquest-common.docs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/debian/conquest-dicom-server.examples b/debian/conquest-common.examples
similarity index 100%
rename from debian/conquest-dicom-server.examples
rename to debian/conquest-common.examples
diff --git a/debian/conquest-common.install b/debian/conquest-common.install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e9c8403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/conquest-common.install
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+dgate.dic => etc/conquest-dicom-server/dgate.dic
+acrnema.map => etc/conquest-dicom-server/acrnema.map
+dgatesop.lst => etc/conquest-dicom-server/dgatesop.lst
diff --git a/debian/conquest-dbase.install b/debian/conquest-dbase.install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e9e3054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/conquest-dbase.install
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+dgate-dbase => usr/bin/dgate
+dicom.sql.dbase => etc/conquest-dicom-server/dicom.sql
+dicom.ini.dbase => etc/conquest-dicom-server/dicom.ini
diff --git a/debian/conquest-dicom-server.init b/debian/conquest-dicom-server.dgate.init
similarity index 97%
rename from debian/conquest-dicom-server.init
rename to debian/conquest-dicom-server.dgate.init
index cc7d8f8..b08bbf3 100755
--- a/debian/conquest-dicom-server.init
+++ b/debian/conquest-dicom-server.dgate.init
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Provides:          conquest-dicom-server
+# Provides:          dgate
 # Required-Start:    $network $local_fs $remote_fs
 # Required-Stop:     $network $local_fs $remote_fs
 # Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ USER=_conquest
 DAEMON=/usr/bin/$NAME # Introduce the server's location here
-DAEMON_ARGS="-^$LOGDIR/dgate.log" # Arguments to run the daemon with
+DAEMON_ARGS="-^$LOGDIR/$NAME.log" # Arguments to run the daemon with
diff --git a/debian/conquest-dicom-server.postinst b/debian/conquest-dicom-server.postinst
index 2dafaa4..40ce4d1 100644
--- a/debian/conquest-dicom-server.postinst
+++ b/debian/conquest-dicom-server.postinst
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 set -e
@@ -26,12 +27,12 @@ create_user_group() {
 setup_db() {
   echo "We'll regenerate the database..."
   if which invoke-rc.d >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-    invoke-rc.d $PACKAGE regen
+    invoke-rc.d $SCRIPTNAME regen
-    /etc/init.d/$PACKAGE regen
+    /etc/init.d/$SCRIPTNAME regen
-  echo "If it's the first time you install $PACKAGE, disregard any error" \
-       "messages about absent database tables."
+  echo -e "\n\nIf it's the first time you install $PACKAGE, disregard any" \
+          "error messages about absent database tables."
 # Change ownership of files
diff --git a/debian/conquest-mysql.install b/debian/conquest-mysql.install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..78f0f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/conquest-mysql.install
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+dgate-mysql => usr/bin/dgate
+dicom.sql.mysql => etc/conquest-dicom-server/dicom.sql
+dicom.ini.mysql => etc/conquest-dicom-server/dicom.ini
diff --git a/debian/conquest-postgres.install b/debian/conquest-postgres.install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fcd0058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/conquest-postgres.install
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+dgate-postgres => usr/bin/dgate
+dicom.sql.postgres => etc/conquest-dicom-server/dicom.sql
+dicom.ini.postgres => etc/conquest-dicom-server/dicom.ini
diff --git a/debian/conquest-sqlite.install b/debian/conquest-sqlite.install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e155d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/conquest-sqlite.install
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+dgate-sqlite => usr/bin/dgate
+dicom.sql.sqlite => etc/conquest-dicom-server/dicom.sql
+dicom.ini.sqlite => etc/conquest-dicom-server/dicom.ini
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index a320ee4..1d255c4 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
 Source: conquest-dicom-server
-Section: web
+Section: science
 Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Pablo Lorenzzoni <spectra at debian.org>, Mathieu Malaterre <malat at debian.org>
 Priority: extra
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), liblua5.1-dev, libsqlite3-dev, autotools-dev, dh-autoreconf, help2man (>= 1.40.10)
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), dh-exec, liblua5.1-dev, autotools-dev, dh-autoreconf, help2man (>= 1.40.10), libsqlite3-dev, libmysqlclient-dev, libpq-dev
 Standards-Version: 3.9.5
 Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/tweb/?p=debian-med/conquest-dicom-server.git
 Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-med/conquest-dicom-server.git
 Homepage: http://ingenium.home.xs4all.nl/dicom.html
-Package: conquest-dicom-server
+Package: conquest-sqlite
 Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, adduser (>= 3.11)
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, adduser (>= 3.11), conquest-common
+Provides: conquest-dicom-server
+Conflicts: conquest-dicom-server
+Replaces: conquest-dicom-server
 Description: DICOM Server with storage, verification, query and retrieve
  A full featured DICOM server that has been developed based on and heavily
  extending the public domain UCDMC DICOM code. Some possible applications of
@@ -25,3 +28,91 @@ Description: DICOM Server with storage, verification, query and retrieve
   - Advanced scriptable image modification, filtering, forwarding and
   - DICOM caching and archive merging 
+ .
+ This package uses SQLite as database backend.
+Package: conquest-dbase
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, adduser (>= 3.11), conquest-common
+Provides: conquest-dicom-server
+Conflicts: conquest-dicom-server
+Replaces: conquest-dicom-server
+Description: DICOM Server with storage, verification, query and retrieve
+ A full featured DICOM server that has been developed based on and heavily
+ extending the public domain UCDMC DICOM code. Some possible applications of
+ the ConQuest DICOM software are:
+  - DICOM training and testing 
+  - Demonstration and research image archives 
+  - Image format conversion from a scanner with DICOM network access 
+  - DICOM image viewing and slide making 
+  - DICOM image selection, (limited) editing, and splitting and merging of
+    series 
+  - Advanced scriptable image modification, filtering, forwarding and
+    conversion 
+  - DICOM caching and archive merging 
+ .
+ This package uses DBase files as database backend.
+Package: conquest-postgres
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, adduser (>= 3.11), conquest-common
+Provides: conquest-dicom-server
+Conflicts: conquest-dicom-server
+Replaces: conquest-dicom-server
+Description: DICOM Server with storage, verification, query and retrieve
+ A full featured DICOM server that has been developed based on and heavily
+ extending the public domain UCDMC DICOM code. Some possible applications of
+ the ConQuest DICOM software are:
+  - DICOM training and testing 
+  - Demonstration and research image archives 
+  - Image format conversion from a scanner with DICOM network access 
+  - DICOM image viewing and slide making 
+  - DICOM image selection, (limited) editing, and splitting and merging of
+    series 
+  - Advanced scriptable image modification, filtering, forwarding and
+    conversion 
+  - DICOM caching and archive merging 
+ .
+ This package uses PostgreSQL as database backend.
+Package: conquest-mysql
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, adduser (>= 3.11), conquest-common
+Provides: conquest-dicom-server
+Conflicts: conquest-dicom-server
+Replaces: conquest-dicom-server
+Description: DICOM Server with storage, verification, query and retrieve
+ A full featured DICOM server that has been developed based on and heavily
+ extending the public domain UCDMC DICOM code. Some possible applications of
+ the ConQuest DICOM software are:
+  - DICOM training and testing 
+  - Demonstration and research image archives 
+  - Image format conversion from a scanner with DICOM network access 
+  - DICOM image viewing and slide making 
+  - DICOM image selection, (limited) editing, and splitting and merging of
+    series 
+  - Advanced scriptable image modification, filtering, forwarding and
+    conversion 
+  - DICOM caching and archive merging 
+ .
+ This package uses MySQL as database backend.
+Package: conquest-common
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Suggests: conquest-dicom-server
+Description: ConQuest DICOM Server common files
+ A full featured DICOM server that has been developed based on and heavily
+ extending the public domain UCDMC DICOM code. Some possible applications of
+ the ConQuest DICOM software are:
+  - DICOM training and testing 
+  - Demonstration and research image archives 
+  - Image format conversion from a scanner with DICOM network access 
+  - DICOM image viewing and slide making 
+  - DICOM image selection, (limited) editing, and splitting and merging of
+    series 
+  - Advanced scriptable image modification, filtering, forwarding and
+    conversion 
+  - DICOM caching and archive merging 
+ .
+ This package contains common files.
diff --git a/debian/make-manpage b/debian/make-manpage
index d6fb653..82493c1 100755
--- a/debian/make-manpage
+++ b/debian/make-manpage
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 VERSION=`dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n -e 's/^Version: \(.*\)-[^-]*$/\1/p'`
 help2man -h "-w$PWD -?" -N -s 1 -n "UCDMC/NKI DICOM server thread and PACS utility application" \
@@ -15,4 +14,4 @@ help2man -h "-w$PWD -?" -N -s 1 -n "UCDMC/NKI DICOM server thread and PACS utili
          --include debian/manparts/aetitle.h2m \
          --include debian/manparts/author.h2m \
          --include debian/manparts/reportingbugs.h2m \
-         -o dgate.1 ./dgate
+         -o dgate.1 ./dgate-dbase
diff --git a/debian/replicate-common-files b/debian/replicate-common-files
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..923ad84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/replicate-common-files
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+EXTENSIONS="dgate.init manpages lintian-overrides postinst postrm"
+PACKAGES="conquest-dbase conquest-mysql conquest-postgres conquest-sqlite"
+for package in $PACKAGES; do
+	for extension in $EXTENSIONS; do
+		cp debian/$BASE.$extension debian/$package.$extension
+	done
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 9912ca8..d0155d1 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -14,12 +14,41 @@ LDFLAGS:=$(shell dpkg-buildflags --get LDFLAGS)
 	dh $@ --with autotools_dev
+	#dh_autoreconf_clean --sourcedirectory=jasper-1.900.1-6ct
+	(cd jasper-1.900.1-6ct && ($(MAKE) distclean || echo "Already clean"))
+	(cd jpeg-6c && ($(MAKE) distclean || echo "Already clean"))
+	-rm dgate-*
+	-rm dgate.1
+	-rm debian/conquest-{mysql,postgres,dbase,sqlite}.{manpages,lintian-overrides,postrm,postinst,dgate.init}
+	# autoreconf ?
+	dh_clean jasper-1.900.1-6ct/config.log
+	dh_clean jasper-1.900.1-6ct/config.status
+	dh_clean jpeg-6c/config.log
+	dh_clean jpeg-6c/config.status
 	# see bug #673254
 	#dh_autoreconf --sourcedirectory=jasper-1.900.1-6ct -- -i --force
 	(cd jasper-1.900.1-6ct && autoreconf -i --force)
 	dh_auto_configure --sourcedirectory=jasper-1.900.1-6ct -- --disable-libjpeg
 	dh_auto_configure --sourcedirectory=jpeg-6c
+	./debian/replicate-common-files
+override_dh_auto_build: dgate.1
+	# Avoid compressing PDF files
+	dh_compress -X.pdf -X.lua -X.cq -Xsop -Xini
+	# Install a common initscript
+	dh_installinit --name=dgate
+	./debian/get-orig-source
 	$(MAKE) -C jasper-1.900.1-6ct
@@ -27,43 +56,17 @@ jasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/.libs/libjasper.a:
 	$(MAKE) -C jpeg-6c
-dgate: jpeg-6c/libjpeg.a jasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/.libs/libjasper.a
-	$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -Ijasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/include -Ijpeg-6c -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -DUNIX -DNATIVE_ENDIAN=1 -DHAVE_LIBJASPER -DHAVE_LIBJPEG -DUSESQLITE -Wno-write-strings total.cpp -o dgate -lpthread -llua5.1 -lsqlite3 jpeg-6c/libjpeg.a jasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/.libs/libjasper.a -Wno-multichar $(LDFLAGS)
+dgate-sqlite: jpeg-6c/libjpeg.a jasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/.libs/libjasper.a
+	$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -Ijasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/include -Ijpeg-6c -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -DUNIX -DNATIVE_ENDIAN=1 -DHAVE_LIBJASPER -DHAVE_LIBJPEG -DUSESQLITE -Wno-write-strings total.cpp -o dgate-sqlite -lpthread -llua5.1 -lsqlite3 jpeg-6c/libjpeg.a jasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/.libs/libjasper.a -Wno-multichar $(LDFLAGS)
-dgate.1: dgate
-	./debian/make-manpage
+dgate-dbase: jpeg-6c/libjpeg.a jasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/.libs/libjasper.a
+	$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -Ijasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/include -Ijpeg-6c -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -DUNIX -DNATIVE_ENDIAN=1 -DHAVE_LIBJASPER -DHAVE_LIBJPEG -Wno-write-strings total.cpp -o dgate-dbase -lpthread -llua5.1 jpeg-6c/libjpeg.a jasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/.libs/libjasper.a -Wno-multichar $(LDFLAGS)
-override_dh_auto_build: dgate.1
-	cp dicom.ini.sqlite dicom.ini
-	cp dicom.sql.sqlite dicom.sql
-	# DICOM Server:
-	dh_install dgate        usr/bin/
-	dh_install dgate.dic    etc/conquest-dicom-server/
-	dh_install dicom.sql    etc/conquest-dicom-server/
-	dh_install dicom.ini    etc/conquest-dicom-server/
-	dh_install acrnema.map  etc/conquest-dicom-server/
-	dh_install dgatesop.lst etc/conquest-dicom-server/
+dgate-postgres: jpeg-6c/libjpeg.a jasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/.libs/libjasper.a
+	$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -Ijasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/include -Ijpeg-6c -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -I/usr/include/postgresql -DUNIX -DNATIVE_ENDIAN=1 -DHAVE_LIBJASPER -DHAVE_LIBJPEG -DPOSTGRES -Wno-write-strings total.cpp -o dgate-postgres -lpthread -llua5.1 -lpq jpeg-6c/libjpeg.a jasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/.libs/libjasper.a -Wno-multichar $(LDFLAGS)
-	# Avoid compressing PDF files
-	dh_compress -X.pdf -X.lua -X.cq -Xsop -Xini
-	#dh_autoreconf_clean --sourcedirectory=jasper-1.900.1-6ct
-	(cd jasper-1.900.1-6ct && ($(MAKE) distclean || echo "Already clean"))
-	(cd jpeg-6c && ($(MAKE) distclean || echo "Already clean"))
+dgate-mysql: jpeg-6c/libjpeg.a jasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/.libs/libjasper.a
+	$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -Ijasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/include -Ijpeg-6c -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -I/usr/include/mysql -DUNIX -DNATIVE_ENDIAN=1 -DHAVE_LIBJASPER -DHAVE_LIBJPEG -DUSEMYSQL -Wno-write-strings total.cpp -o dgate-mysql -lpthread -llua5.1 -lmysqlclient jpeg-6c/libjpeg.a jasper-1.900.1-6ct/src/libjasper/.libs/libjasper.a -Wno-multichar $(LDFLAGS)
-	-rm dgate
-	#dh_clean dicom.ini
-	#dh_clean dicom.sql
-	# autoreconf ?
-	dh_clean jasper-1.900.1-6ct/config.log
-	dh_clean jasper-1.900.1-6ct/config.status
-	dh_clean jpeg-6c/config.log
-	dh_clean jpeg-6c/config.status
-	./debian/get-orig-source
+dgate.1: dgate-sqlite dgate-mysql dgate-postgres dgate-dbase
+	./debian/make-manpage

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/conquest-dicom-server.git

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