[med-svn] r19042 - in trunk/packages/mummer/trunk/debian: . patches
Andreas Tille
tille at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Apr 13 20:31:07 UTC 2015
Author: tille
Date: 2015-04-13 20:31:06 +0000 (Mon, 13 Apr 2015)
New Revision: 19042
Add some patches from mugsy enhancing functionality by adding two tools
Modified: trunk/packages/mummer/trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/mummer/trunk/debian/changelog 2015-04-13 19:20:43 UTC (rev 19041)
+++ trunk/packages/mummer/trunk/debian/changelog 2015-04-13 20:31:06 UTC (rev 19042)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+mummer (3.23~dfsg-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ * Add some patches from mugsy enhancing functionality by adding two tools
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Mon, 13 Apr 2015 22:29:27 +0200
mummer (3.23~dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/enable_building_with_tetex.patch: enable building with recent
Added: trunk/packages/mummer/trunk/debian/patches/addition_from_mugsy.patch
--- trunk/packages/mummer/trunk/debian/patches/addition_from_mugsy.patch (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/mummer/trunk/debian/patches/addition_from_mugsy.patch 2015-04-13 20:31:06 UTC (rev 19042)
@@ -0,0 +1,1587 @@
+Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+Last-Update: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 21:50:34 +0200
+Description: The tool mugsy provides a mummer code copy with an additional
+ tool delta2maf. Since the mummer copy in mummy does not feature all the
+ mummer patches we rather inject the additional tool right into the Debian
+ package.
+ .
+ The source can be found in
+ svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/mugsy/code/trunk
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/tigr/delta2blocks.cc
+@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
++// Programmer: Adam M Phillippy, The Institute for Genomic Research
++// File: show-aligns.cc
++// Date: 10 / 18 / 2002
++// Usage: show-aligns [options] <deltafile>
++// Try 'show-aligns -h' for more information
++// Description: For use in conjunction with the MUMmer package.
++// "show-aligns" displays human readable information from the
++// .delta output of the "nucmer" and "promer" programs. Outputs
++// pairwise alignments to stdout. Works for both nucleotide and
++// amino-acid alignments.
++#include "delta.hh"
++#include "tigrinc.hh"
++#include "translate.hh"
++#include "sw_alignscore.hh"
++#include <vector>
++#include <algorithm>
++using namespace std;
++//-- Output this many sequence characters per line
++#define CHARS_PER_LINE 60
++//------------------------------------------------------------- Constants ----//
++const char NUCMER_MISMATCH_CHAR = '^';
++const char NUCMER_MATCH_CHAR = ' ';
++const char PROMER_SIM_CHAR = '+';
++const char PROMER_MISMATCH_CHAR = ' ';
++//-- Note: if coord exceeds LINE_PREFIX_LEN - 1 digits,
++// increase these accordingly
++#define LINE_PREFIX_LEN 11
++#define PREFIX_FORMAT "%-10ld "
++int Screen_Width = DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH;
++//------------------------------------------------------ Type Definitions ----//
++struct AlignStats
++ //-- Alignment statistics data structure
++ long int sQ, eQ, sR, eR; // start and end in Query and Reference
++ // relative to the directional strand
++ vector<long int> Delta; // delta information
++struct sR_Sort
++//-- For sorting alignments by their sR coordinate
++ bool operator( ) (const AlignStats & pA, const AlignStats & pB)
++ {
++ //-- sort sR
++ if ( pA.sR < pB.sR )
++ return true;
++ else
++ return false;
++ }
++struct sQ_Sort
++//-- For sorting alignments by their sQ coordinate
++ bool operator( ) (const AlignStats & pA, const AlignStats & pB)
++ {
++ //-- sort sQ
++ if ( pA.sQ < pB.sQ )
++ return true;
++ else
++ return false;
++ }
++//------------------------------------------------------ Global Variables ----//
++bool isSortByQuery = false; // -q option
++bool isSortByReference = false; // -r option
++char InputFileName [MAX_LINE];
++char RefFileName [MAX_LINE], QryFileName [MAX_LINE];
++//------------------------------------------------- Function Declarations ----//
++long int toFwd
++ (long int coord, long int len, int frame);
++void parseDelta
++ (vector<AlignStats> & Aligns, char * IdR, char * IdQ);
++void printAlignments
++ (vector<AlignStats> Aligns, char * R, char * Q, char * IdR, char * IdQ);
++void printHelp
++ (const char * s);
++void printUsage
++ (const char * s);
++long int revC
++ (long int coord, long int len);
++//-------------------------------------------------- Function Definitions ----//
++int main
++ (int argc, char ** argv)
++ long int i;
++ FILE * RefFile = NULL;
++ FILE * QryFile = NULL;
++ vector<AlignStats> Aligns;
++ char * R, * Q;
++ long int InitSize = INIT_SIZE;
++ char Id [MAX_LINE], IdR [MAX_LINE], IdQ [MAX_LINE];
++ //-- Parse the command line arguments
++ {
++ int ch, errflg = 0;
++ optarg = NULL;
++ while ( !errflg && ((ch = getopt
++ (argc, argv, "hqro:c:w:x:")) != EOF) )
++ switch (ch)
++ {
++ case 'h' :
++ printHelp (argv[0]);
++ exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
++ break;
++ case 'q' :
++ isSortByQuery = true;
++ break;
++ case 'r' :
++ isSortByReference = true;
++ break;
++ case 'w' :
++ Screen_Width = atoi (optarg);
++ if ( Screen_Width <= LINE_PREFIX_LEN )
++ {
++ fprintf(stderr,
++ "WARNING: invalid screen width %d, using default\n",
++ }
++ break;
++ case 'x' :
++ MATRIX_TYPE = atoi (optarg);
++ if ( MATRIX_TYPE < 1 || MATRIX_TYPE > 3 )
++ {
++ fprintf(stderr,
++ "WARNING: invalid matrix type %d, using default\n",
++ }
++ break;
++ default :
++ errflg ++;
++ }
++ if ( errflg > 0 || argc - optind != 3 )
++ {
++ printUsage (argv[0]);
++ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
++ }
++ if ( isSortByQuery && isSortByReference )
++ fprintf (stderr,
++ "WARNING: both -r and -q were passed, -q ignored\n");
++ }
++ strcpy (InputFileName, argv[optind ++]);
++ strcpy (IdR, argv[optind ++]);
++ strcpy (IdQ, argv[optind ++]);
++ //-- Read in the alignment data
++ parseDelta (Aligns, IdR, IdQ);
++ //-- Find, and read in the reference sequence
++ RefFile = File_Open (RefFileName, "r");
++ InitSize = INIT_SIZE;
++ R = (char *) Safe_malloc ( sizeof(char) * InitSize );
++ while ( Read_String (RefFile, R, InitSize, Id, FALSE) )
++ if ( strcmp (Id, IdR) == 0 )
++ break;
++ fclose (RefFile);
++ if ( strcmp (Id, IdR) != 0 )
++ {
++ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Could not find %s in the reference file\n", IdR);
++ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
++ }
++ //-- Find, and read in the query sequence
++ QryFile = File_Open (QryFileName, "r");
++ InitSize = INIT_SIZE;
++ Q = (char *) Safe_malloc ( sizeof(char) * InitSize );
++ while ( Read_String (QryFile, Q, InitSize, Id, FALSE) )
++ if ( strcmp (Id, IdQ) == 0 )
++ break;
++ fclose (QryFile);
++ if ( strcmp (Id, IdQ) != 0 )
++ {
++ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Could not find %s in the query file\n", IdQ);
++ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
++ }
++ //-- Sort the alignment regions if user passed -r or -q option
++ if ( isSortByReference )
++ sort (Aligns.begin( ), Aligns.end( ), sR_Sort( ));
++ else if ( isSortByQuery )
++ sort (Aligns.begin( ), Aligns.end( ), sQ_Sort( ));
++ //-- Output the alignments to stdout
++ printAlignments (Aligns, R, Q,IdR,IdQ);
++ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
++long int toFwd
++ (long int coord, long int len, int frame)
++ // Switch relative coordinate to reference forward DNA strand
++ long int newc = coord;
++ newc = newc * 3 - (3 - labs(frame));
++ if ( frame < 0 )
++ return revC ( newc, len );
++ else
++ return newc;
++void parseDelta
++ (vector<AlignStats> & Aligns, char * IdR, char * IdQ)
++ // Read in the alignments from the desired region
++ AlignStats aStats; // single alignment region
++ bool found = false;
++ DeltaReader_t dr;
++ dr.open (InputFileName);
++ DATA_TYPE = dr.getDataType( ) == NUCMER_STRING ?
++ strcpy (RefFileName, dr.getReferencePath( ).c_str( ));
++ strcpy (QryFileName, dr.getQueryPath( ).c_str( ));
++ while ( dr.readNext( ) )
++ {
++ if ( dr.getRecord( ).idR == IdR &&
++ dr.getRecord( ).idQ == IdQ )
++ {
++ found = true;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if ( !found )
++ {
++ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not find any alignments for %s and %s\n",
++ IdR, IdQ);
++ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
++ }
++ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < dr.getRecord( ).aligns.size( ); i ++ )
++ {
++ aStats.sR = dr.getRecord( ).aligns[i].sR;
++ aStats.eR = dr.getRecord( ).aligns[i].eR;
++ aStats.sQ = dr.getRecord( ).aligns[i].sQ;
++ aStats.eQ = dr.getRecord( ).aligns[i].eQ;
++ aStats.Delta = dr.getRecord( ).aligns[i].deltas;
++ //-- Add the new alignment
++ Aligns.push_back (aStats);
++ }
++ dr.close( );
++ return;
++void printCigarChar(int matches,int mismatches, int insertions, int deletions, int skips){
++ if(matches){
++ assert(mismatches==0);
++ assert(insertions==0);
++ assert(deletions==0);
++ assert(skips==0);
++ printf("%dM",matches);
++ }
++ if(mismatches){
++ assert(matches==0);
++ assert(insertions==0);
++ assert(deletions==0);
++ assert(skips==0);
++ printf("%dX",mismatches);
++ }
++ if(insertions){
++ assert(matches==0);
++ assert(mismatches==0);
++ assert(deletions==0);
++ assert(skips==0);
++ printf("%dI",insertions);
++ }
++ if(deletions){
++ assert(matches==0);
++ assert(mismatches==0);
++ assert(insertions==0);
++ assert(skips==0);
++ printf("%dD",deletions);
++ }
++ if(skips){
++ assert(matches==0);
++ assert(mismatches==0);
++ assert(insertions==0);
++ assert(deletions==0);
++ printf("%dS",skips);
++ }
++void printAlignments
++ (vector<AlignStats> Aligns, char * R, char * Q, char * IdR, char * IdQ)
++ // Print the alignments to the screen
++ vector<AlignStats>::iterator Ap;
++ vector<long int>::iterator Dp;
++ int index = 1;
++ char * A[7] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
++ char * B[7] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
++ int Ai, Bi, i;
++ int Sign;
++ long int Delta;
++ long int Total, Errors, Remain;
++ long int sR, eR, sQ, eQ;
++ long int Apos, Bpos;
++ long int SeqLenR, SeqLenQ;
++ int frameR, frameQ;
++ int matches=0;
++ int mismatches=0;
++ int skips=0;
++ int insertions=0;
++ int deletions=0;
++ int ct = 0;
++ //Set sequence lengths
++ SeqLenR = strlen (R + 1);
++ SeqLenQ = strlen (Q + 1);
++ //Store sequence
++ {
++ A[1] = R;
++ A[4] = (char *) Safe_malloc ( sizeof(char) * (SeqLenR + 2) );
++ strcpy ( A[4] + 1, A[1] + 1 );
++ A[4][0] = '\0';
++ Reverse_Complement ( A[4], 1, SeqLenR );
++ B[1] = Q;
++ B[4] = (char *) Safe_malloc ( sizeof(char) * (SeqLenQ + 2) );
++ strcpy ( B[4] + 1, B[1] + 1 );
++ B[4][0] = '\0';
++ Reverse_Complement ( B[4], 1, SeqLenQ );
++ }
++ for ( Ap = Aligns.begin( ); Ap < Aligns.end( ); Ap ++ )
++ {
++ printf ("%s %s %d %d %d %d ",IdR,IdQ, Ap->sR,Ap->eR,Ap->sQ,Ap->eQ);
++ index++;
++ ct = 0;
++ sR = Ap->sR;
++ eR = Ap->eR;
++ sQ = Ap->sQ;
++ eQ = Ap->eQ;
++ //-- Get the coords and frame right
++ frameR = 1;
++ if ( sR > eR )
++ {
++ sR = revC (sR, SeqLenR);
++ eR = revC (eR, SeqLenR);
++ frameR += 3;
++ }
++ frameQ = 1;
++ if ( sQ > eQ )
++ {
++ sQ = revC (sQ, SeqLenQ);
++ eQ = revC (eQ, SeqLenQ);
++ frameQ += 3;
++ }
++ Ai = frameR;
++ Bi = frameQ;
++ if ( frameR > 3 )
++ frameR = -(frameR - 3);
++ if ( frameQ > 3 )
++ frameQ = -(frameQ - 3);
++ // skips = Ap->sR-1;
++ Apos = sR;
++ Bpos = sQ;
++ Errors = 0;
++ Total = 0;
++ Remain = eR - sR + 1;
++ for ( Dp = Ap->Delta.begin( );
++ Dp < Ap->Delta.end( ) &&
++ *Dp != 0; Dp ++ )
++ {
++ Delta = *Dp;
++ Sign = Delta > 0 ? 1 : -1;
++ Delta = labs ( Delta );
++ //-- For all the bases before the next indel
++ for ( i = 1; i < Delta; i ++ )
++ {
++ if(A[Ai][Apos] == B[Bi][Bpos]){
++ if(matches){
++ matches++;
++ }
++ else{
++ printCigarChar(matches,mismatches,insertions,deletions,skips);
++ matches=0;
++ mismatches=0;
++ insertions=0;
++ deletions=0;
++ skips=0;
++ matches++;
++ }
++ // fprintf(Output,"%c",A[Ai][Apos]);
++ if ( ++ ct == CHARS_PER_LINE ){
++ ct = 0;
++ // fprintf(Output, "\n");
++ }
++ }
++ else{
++ if(mismatches){
++ mismatches++;
++ }
++ else{
++ printCigarChar(matches,mismatches,insertions,deletions,skips);
++ matches=0;
++ mismatches=0;
++ insertions=0;
++ deletions=0;
++ skips=0;
++ mismatches++;
++ }
++ //fprintf(Output,"%c",A[Ai][Apos]);
++ if ( ++ ct == CHARS_PER_LINE ){
++ ct = 0;
++ //fprintf(Output, "\n");
++ }
++ }
++ Apos ++;
++ Bpos ++;
++ }
++ //-- For the indel
++ Remain -= i - 1;
++ if ( Sign == 1 ) {
++ if(insertions){
++ insertions++;
++ }
++ else{
++ printCigarChar(matches,mismatches,insertions,deletions,skips);
++ matches=0;
++ mismatches=0;
++ insertions=0;
++ deletions=0;
++ skips=0;
++ insertions++;
++ }
++ //fprintf(Output,"%c",A[Ai][Apos]);
++ if ( ++ ct == CHARS_PER_LINE ){
++ ct = 0;
++ //fprintf(Output, "\n");
++ }
++ Apos ++;
++ Remain --;
++ }
++ else {
++ if(deletions){
++ deletions++;
++ }
++ else{
++ printCigarChar(matches,mismatches,insertions,deletions,skips);
++ matches=0;
++ mismatches=0;
++ insertions=0;
++ deletions=0;
++ skips=0;
++ deletions++;
++ }
++ Bpos ++;
++ Total ++;
++ }
++ }
++ //-- For all the bases remaining after the last indel
++ for ( i = 0; i < Remain; i ++ )
++ {
++ if(A[Ai][Apos] == B[Bi][Bpos]){
++ if(matches){
++ matches++;
++ }
++ else{
++ printCigarChar(matches,mismatches,insertions,deletions,skips);
++ matches=0;
++ mismatches=0;
++ insertions=0;
++ deletions=0;
++ skips=0;
++ matches++;
++ }
++ //fprintf(Output,"%c",A[Ai][Apos]);
++ if ( ++ ct == CHARS_PER_LINE ){
++ ct = 0;
++ //fprintf(Output, "\n");
++ }
++ }
++ else{
++ if(mismatches){
++ mismatches++;
++ }
++ else{
++ printCigarChar(matches,mismatches,insertions,deletions,skips);
++ matches=0;
++ mismatches=0;
++ insertions=0;
++ deletions=0;
++ skips=0;
++ mismatches++;
++ }
++ //fprintf(Output,"%c",A[Ai][Apos]);
++ if ( ++ ct == CHARS_PER_LINE ){
++ ct = 0;
++ //fprintf(Output, "\n");
++ }
++ }
++ Apos ++;
++ Bpos ++;
++ }
++ printCigarChar(matches,mismatches,insertions,deletions,skips);
++ matches=0;
++ mismatches=0;
++ insertions=0;
++ deletions=0;
++ skips=0;
++ //fprintf(Output, "\n");
++ printf ("\n");
++ }
++void printHelp
++ (const char * s)
++ // Display the program's help information to stderr
++ fprintf (stderr,
++ "\nUSAGE: %s [options] <deltafile> <ref ID> <qry ID>\n\n", s);
++ fprintf (stderr,
++ "-h Display help information\n"
++ "-q Sort alignments by the query start coordinate\n"
++ "-r Sort alignments by the reference start coordinate\n"
++ "-w int Set the screen width - default is 60\n"
++ "-x int Set the matrix type - default is 2 (BLOSUM 62),\n"
++ " other options include 1 (BLOSUM 45) and 3 (BLOSUM 80)\n"
++ " note: only has effect on amino acid alignments\n\n");
++ fprintf (stderr,
++ " Input is the .delta output of either the \"nucmer\" or the\n"
++ "\"promer\" program passed on the command line.\n"
++ " Output is to stdout, and consists of all the alignments between the\n"
++ "query and reference sequences identified on the command line.\n"
++ " NOTE: No sorting is done by default, therefore the alignments\n"
++ "will be ordered as found in the <deltafile> input.\n\n");
++ return;
++void printUsage
++ (const char * s)
++ // Display the program's usage information to stderr.
++ fprintf (stderr,
++ "\nUSAGE: %s [options] <deltafile> <ref ID> <qry ID>\n\n", s);
++ fprintf (stderr, "Try '%s -h' for more information.\n", s);
++ return;
++long int revC
++ (long int coord, long int len)
++ return len - coord + 1;
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/tigr/delta2maf.cc
+@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
++// Programmer: Adam M Phillippy, The Institute for Genomic Research
++// File: show-aligns.cc
++// Date: 10 / 18 / 2002
++// Usage: show-aligns [options] <deltafile>
++// Try 'show-aligns -h' for more information
++// Description: For use in conjunction with the MUMmer package.
++// "show-aligns" displays human readable information from the
++// .delta output of the "nucmer" and "promer" programs. Outputs
++// pairwise alignments to stdout. Works for both nucleotide and
++// amino-acid alignments.
++#include "delta.hh"
++#include "tigrinc.hh"
++#include "translate.hh"
++#include "sw_alignscore.hh"
++#include <vector>
++#include <algorithm>
++#include <map>
++#include <string>
++using namespace std;
++//------------------------------------------------------------- Constants ----//
++const char NUCMER_MISMATCH_CHAR = '^';
++const char NUCMER_MATCH_CHAR = ' ';
++const char PROMER_SIM_CHAR = '+';
++const char PROMER_MISMATCH_CHAR = ' ';
++//-- Note: if coord exceeds LINE_PREFIX_LEN - 1 digits,
++// increase these accordingly
++#define LINE_PREFIX_LEN 11
++#define PREFIX_FORMAT "%-10ld "
++#define DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH 100000
++int Screen_Width = DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH;
++//------------------------------------------------------ Type Definitions ----//
++struct AlignStats
++ //-- Alignment statistics data structure
++ long int sQ, eQ, sR, eR; // start and end in Query and Reference
++ // relative to the directional strand
++ vector<long int> Delta; // delta information
++ std::string idR; //!< reference contig ID
++ std::string idQ; //!< query contig ID
++struct sR_Sort
++//-- For sorting alignments by their sR coordinate
++ bool operator( ) (const AlignStats & pA, const AlignStats & pB)
++ {
++ //-- sort sR
++ if ( pA.sR < pB.sR )
++ return true;
++ else
++ return false;
++ }
++struct sQ_Sort
++//-- For sorting alignments by their sQ coordinate
++ bool operator( ) (const AlignStats & pA, const AlignStats & pB)
++ {
++ //-- sort sQ
++ if ( pA.sQ < pB.sQ )
++ return true;
++ else
++ return false;
++ }
++//------------------------------------------------------ Global Variables ----//
++bool isSortByQuery = false; // -q option
++bool isSortByReference = false; // -r option
++bool forceDNA = true; // show DNA alignments even for promer generated alignments
++char InputFileName [MAX_LINE];
++char RefFileName [MAX_LINE], QryFileName [MAX_LINE];
++//------------------------------------------------- Function Declarations ----//
++long int toFwd
++ (long int coord, long int len, int frame);
++void parseDelta
++ (vector<AlignStats> & Aligns, char * IdR, char * IdQ);
++void printAlignments
++(vector<AlignStats> Aligns, char * R, char * Q, map<string,char *> & seqsMap);
++void printHelp
++ (const char * s);
++void printUsage
++ (const char * s);
++long int revC
++ (long int coord, long int len);
++//-------------------------------------------------- Function Definitions ----//
++int main
++ (int argc, char ** argv)
++ long int i;
++ FILE * RefFile = NULL;
++ FILE * QryFile = NULL;
++ vector<AlignStats> Aligns;
++ char * R, * Q;
++ long int InitSize = INIT_SIZE;
++ char Id [MAX_LINE], IdR [MAX_LINE], IdQ [MAX_LINE];
++ IdR[0]='\0';
++ IdQ[0]='\0';
++ map<string, char *> seqsMap;
++ //-- Parse the command line arguments
++ {
++ int ch, errflg = 0;
++ optarg = NULL;
++ while ( !errflg && ((ch = getopt
++ (argc, argv, "hqrw:x:")) != EOF) )
++ switch (ch)
++ {
++ case 'h' :
++ printHelp (argv[0]);
++ exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
++ break;
++ case 'q' :
++ isSortByQuery = true;
++ break;
++ case 'r' :
++ isSortByReference = true;
++ break;
++ case 'w' :
++ Screen_Width = atoi (optarg);
++ if ( Screen_Width <= LINE_PREFIX_LEN )
++ {
++ fprintf(stderr,
++ "WARNING: invalid screen width %d, using default\n",
++ }
++ break;
++ case 'x' :
++ MATRIX_TYPE = atoi (optarg);
++ if ( MATRIX_TYPE < 1 || MATRIX_TYPE > 3 )
++ {
++ fprintf(stderr,
++ "WARNING: invalid matrix type %d, using default\n",
++ }
++ break;
++ default :
++ errflg ++;
++ }
++ if ( errflg > 0)
++ {
++ printUsage (argv[0]);
++ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
++ }
++ if ( isSortByQuery && isSortByReference )
++ fprintf (stderr,
++ "WARNING: both -r and -q were passed, -q ignored\n");
++ }
++ strcpy (InputFileName, argv[optind ++]);
++ if((argc - optind) >=1)
++ strcpy (IdR, argv[optind ++]);
++ if((argc - optind) >=1)
++ strcpy (IdQ, argv[optind ++]);
++ //-- Read in the alignment data
++ parseDelta (Aligns, IdR, IdQ);
++ //-- Find, and read in the reference sequence
++ RefFile = File_Open (RefFileName, "r");
++ InitSize = INIT_SIZE;
++ Read_File (RefFile, InitSize, seqsMap, FALSE);
++ //printf("Seqmap size %d\n",seqsMap.size());
++ fclose (RefFile);
++ //-- Find, and read in the query sequence
++ QryFile = File_Open (QryFileName, "r");
++ InitSize = INIT_SIZE;
++ Read_File (QryFile, InitSize, seqsMap, FALSE);
++ //printf("Seqmap size %d\n",seqsMap.size());
++ fclose (QryFile);
++ //-- Sort the alignment regions if user passed -r or -q option
++ if ( isSortByReference )
++ sort (Aligns.begin( ), Aligns.end( ), sR_Sort( ));
++ else if ( isSortByQuery )
++ sort (Aligns.begin( ), Aligns.end( ), sQ_Sort( ));
++ //-- Output the alignments to stdout
++ // printf("%s %s\n\n", RefFileName, QryFileName);
++ //for ( i = 0; i < Screen_Width; i ++ ) printf("=");
++ //printf("\n-- Alignments between %s and %s\n\n", IdR, IdQ);s
++ printf("##maf version=1 scoring=single_cov2\n");
++ printAlignments (Aligns, R, Q, seqsMap);
++ // printf("\n");
++ //for ( i = 0; i < Screen_Width; i ++ ) printf("=");
++ //printf("\n");
++ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
++long int toFwd
++ (long int coord, long int len, int frame)
++ // Switch relative coordinate to reference forward DNA strand
++ long int newc = coord;
++ newc = newc * 3 - (3 - labs(frame));
++ if ( frame < 0 )
++ return revC ( newc, len );
++ else
++ return newc;
++void parseDelta
++ (vector<AlignStats> & Aligns, char * IdR, char * IdQ)
++ // Read in the alignments from the desired region
++ AlignStats aStats; // single alignment region
++ bool found = false;
++ bool foundany = false;
++ DeltaReader_t dr;
++ dr.open (InputFileName);
++ if(forceDNA)
++ else
++ DATA_TYPE = dr.getDataType( ) == NUCMER_STRING ?
++ strcpy (RefFileName, dr.getReferencePath( ).c_str( ));
++ strcpy (QryFileName, dr.getQueryPath( ).c_str( ));
++ // while ( dr.readNext( ) )
++ //{
++ // if(IdR != NULL && IdQ != NULL
++ // && dr.getRecord( ).idR == IdR &&
++ // dr.getRecord( ).idQ == IdQ )
++ //{
++ // found = true;
++ // break;
++ //}
++ // else
++ //{
++ // if(IdR != NULL && dr.getRecord( ).idR == IdR ){
++ // found = true;
++ // break;
++ // }
++ // else
++ // {
++ // if(IdQ != NULL && dr.getRecord( ).idQ == IdQ ){
++ // found = true;
++ // break;
++ // }
++ // }
++ //}
++ //}
++ //printf ("IdR:%s %d IdQ:%s %d\n",IdR,strlen(IdR),IdQ,strlen(IdQ));
++ while ( dr.readNext( ) ){
++ for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < dr.getRecord( ).aligns.size( ); i ++ )
++ {
++ if(strlen(IdR) == 0 && strlen(IdQ) == 0){
++ found=true;
++ }
++ else{
++ if(strlen(IdR) != 0 && strlen(IdQ) != 0){
++ if(dr.getRecord( ).idR == IdR && dr.getRecord( ).idQ == IdQ){
++ found=true;
++ }
++ }
++ else{
++ if(strlen(IdR) != 0 && dr.getRecord( ).idR == IdR){
++ found=true;
++ }
++ else{
++ if(strlen(IdQ) != 0 && dr.getRecord( ).idQ == IdQ){
++ found=true;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ if(found){
++ aStats.sR = dr.getRecord( ).aligns[i].sR;
++ aStats.eR = dr.getRecord( ).aligns[i].eR;
++ aStats.sQ = dr.getRecord( ).aligns[i].sQ;
++ aStats.eQ = dr.getRecord( ).aligns[i].eQ;
++ aStats.idR = dr.getRecord( ).idR;
++ aStats.idQ = dr.getRecord( ).idQ;
++ //printf("Saving match ref=%s query=%s\n",aStats.idR.c_str(),aStats.idQ.c_str());
++ aStats.Delta = dr.getRecord( ).aligns[i].deltas;
++ //-- Add the new alignment
++ Aligns.push_back (aStats);
++ foundany=true;
++ }
++ }
++ found=false;
++ }
++ dr.close( );
++ if ( !foundany )
++ {
++ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not find any alignments for %s and %s\n",
++ IdR, IdQ);
++ printf("##maf version=1 scoring=single_cov2\n");
++ printf("##eof maf");
++ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
++ }
++ return;
++void printAlignments
++(vector<AlignStats> Aligns, char * R, char * Q, map<string, char *> & seqsMap)
++ // Print the alignments to the screen
++ const char * IdR;
++ const char * IdQ;
++ map<string, char *>::iterator finditer;
++ map<pair<string,int>, char *> seqsMapArray;
++ map<pair<string,int>, char *>::iterator seqsiter;
++ vector<AlignStats>::iterator Ap;
++ vector<long int>::iterator Dp;
++ char * A[7] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
++ char * B[7] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
++ int Ai, Bi, i;
++ char Buff1 [Screen_Width + 1],
++ Buff2 [Screen_Width + 1];
++ //Buff3 [Screen_Width + 1];
++ int Sign;
++ long int Delta;
++ long int Total, Errors, Remain;
++ long int Pos;
++ long int sR, eR, sQ, eQ;
++ long int Apos, Bpos;
++ long int SeqLenR, SeqLenQ;
++ int frameR, frameQ;
++ //for ( i = 0; i < LINE_PREFIX_LEN; i ++ )
++ //Buff3[i] = ' ';
++ for ( Ap = Aligns.begin( ); Ap < Aligns.end( ); Ap ++ )
++ {
++ //HACK, shortcut to test perf
++ //memset(&Buff1,'Z',Screen_Width + 1);
++ //memset(&Buff2,'Z',Screen_Width + 2);
++ sR = Ap->sR;
++ eR = Ap->eR;
++ sQ = Ap->sQ;
++ eQ = Ap->eQ;
++ IdR = Ap->idR.c_str();
++ IdQ = Ap->idQ.c_str();
++ finditer = seqsMap.find(Ap->idR);
++ //printf("Looking for R:\"%s\" in map of size %d\n",IdR,seqsMap.size());
++ assert(finditer != seqsMap.end());
++ R = finditer->second;
++ SeqLenR = strlen(R+1);
++ seqsiter = seqsMapArray.find(make_pair(Ap->idR,1));
++ if(seqsiter == seqsMapArray.end()){
++ A[1] = R;
++ A[4] = (char *) Safe_malloc ( sizeof(char) * (SeqLenR + 2) );
++ strcpy ( A[4] + 1, A[1] + 1 );
++ A[4][0] = '\0';
++ Reverse_Complement ( A[4], 1, SeqLenR );
++ //printf("#Allocating memory for %s\n",Ap->idR.c_str());
++ seqsMapArray.insert(make_pair(make_pair(Ap->idR,1),A[1]));
++ seqsMapArray.insert(make_pair(make_pair(Ap->idR,4),A[4]));
++ }
++ else{
++ A[1] = seqsiter->second;
++ seqsiter = seqsMapArray.find(make_pair(Ap->idR,4));
++ assert(seqsiter != seqsMapArray.end());
++ A[4] = seqsiter->second;
++ }
++ }
++ finditer = seqsMap.find(Ap->idQ);
++ //printf("Looking for Q:\"%s\" in map of size %d\n",IdQ,seqsMap.size());
++ assert(finditer != seqsMap.end());
++ Q = finditer->second;
++ SeqLenQ = strlen(Q+1);
++ seqsiter = seqsMapArray.find(make_pair(Ap->idQ,1));
++ if(seqsiter == seqsMapArray.end()){
++ B[1] = Q;
++ B[4] = (char *) Safe_malloc ( sizeof(char) * (SeqLenQ + 2) );
++ strcpy ( B[4] + 1, B[1] + 1 );
++ B[4][0] = '\0';
++ Reverse_Complement ( B[4], 1, SeqLenQ );
++ //printf("#Allocating memory for %s\n",Ap->idQ.c_str());
++ seqsMapArray.insert(make_pair(make_pair(Ap->idQ,1),B[1]));
++ seqsMapArray.insert(make_pair(make_pair(Ap->idQ,4),B[4]));
++ }
++ else{
++ B[1] = seqsiter->second;
++ //printf("#Looking for Q:\"%s\" in map of size %d\n",IdQ,seqsMapArray.size());
++ seqsiter = seqsMapArray.find(make_pair(Ap->idQ,4));
++ assert(seqsiter != seqsMapArray.end());
++ B[4] = seqsiter->second;
++ }
++ }
++ //-- Get the coords and frame right
++ frameR = 1;
++ if ( sR > eR )
++ {
++ sR = revC (sR, SeqLenR);
++ eR = revC (eR, SeqLenR);
++ frameR += 3;
++ }
++ frameQ = 1;
++ if ( sQ > eQ )
++ {
++ sQ = revC (sQ, SeqLenQ);
++ eQ = revC (eQ, SeqLenQ);
++ frameQ += 3;
++ }
++ {
++ frameR += (sR + 2) % 3;
++ frameQ += (sQ + 2) % 3;
++ //-- Translate the coordinates from DNA to Amino Acid
++ // remeber that eR and eQ point to the last nucleotide in the codon
++ sR = (sR + 2) / 3;
++ eR = eR / 3;
++ sQ = (sQ + 2) / 3;
++ eQ = eQ / 3;
++ }
++ Ai = frameR;
++ Bi = frameQ;
++ if ( frameR > 3 )
++ frameR = -(frameR - 3);
++ if ( frameQ > 3 )
++ frameQ = -(frameQ - 3);
++ /*
++ if ( A[Ai] == NULL ){
++ assert ( DATA_TYPE == PROMER_DATA );
++ A[Ai] = (char *) Safe_malloc ( sizeof(char) * ( SeqLenR / 3 + 2 ) );
++ A[Ai][0] = '\0';
++ Translate_DNA ( R, A[Ai], Ai );
++ }
++ if ( B[Bi] == NULL ){
++ assert ( DATA_TYPE == PROMER_DATA );
++ B[Bi] = (char *) Safe_malloc ( sizeof(char) * ( SeqLenQ / 3 + 2 ) );
++ B[Bi][0] = '\0';
++ Translate_DNA ( Q, B[Bi], Bi );
++ }
++ */
++ //-- Generate the alignment
++ printf("a score=%d\n",abs(Ap->eR - Ap->sR));
++ //Loop over query and reference
++ int query;
++ for(query=0;query<2;query++){
++ Apos = sR;
++ Bpos = sQ;
++ Errors = 0;
++ Total = 0;
++ Remain = eR - sR + 1;
++ //sprintf(Buff1, PREFIX_FORMAT, toFwd (Apos, SeqLenR, frameR));
++ //sprintf(Buff2, PREFIX_FORMAT, toFwd (Bpos, SeqLenQ, frameQ));
++ Pos = 0;
++ /*
++ int rgaps=0;
++ int qgaps=0;
++ for ( Dp = Ap->Delta.begin( );
++ Dp < Ap->Delta.end( ) &&
++ *Dp != 0; Dp ++ )
++ {
++ Delta = *Dp;
++ Sign = Delta > 0 ? 1 : -1;
++ Delta = labs ( Delta );
++ if(Sign < 0){
++ rgaps++;
++ }
++ else{
++ qgaps++;
++ }
++ }
++ */
++ //printf("# gaps %d %d\n",rgaps,qgaps);
++ if(query == 1){
++ //printf("#%s s:%d e:%d len:%d f:%d\n",IdQ,sQ,eQ,eQ-sQ+1,frameQ);
++ if(frameQ < 0){
++ // printf("s %s %d %d %s %d ", IdQ, SeqLenQ - (sQ-1+eQ-sQ+1), eQ-sQ+1, "-",SeqLenQ);
++ printf("s %s %d %d %s %d ", IdQ, sQ-1, eQ-sQ+1, "-",SeqLenQ);
++ }
++ else{
++ printf("s %s %d %d %s %d ", IdQ, sQ-1, eQ-sQ+1, "+",SeqLenQ);
++ }
++ }
++ else{
++ //printf("#%s s:%d e:%d len:%d f:%d\n",IdR,sR,eR,eR-sR+1,frameR);
++ if(frameR < 0){
++ //printf("s %s %d %d %s %d ", IdR, SeqLenR - (sR-1+eR-sR+1), eR-sR+1, "-",SeqLenR);
++ printf("s %s %d %d %s %d ", IdR, sR-1, eR-sR+1, "-",SeqLenR);
++ }
++ else{
++ printf("s %s %d %d %s %d ", IdR, sR-1, eR-sR+1, "+",SeqLenR);
++ }
++ }
++ for ( Dp = Ap->Delta.begin( );
++ Dp < Ap->Delta.end( ) &&
++ *Dp != 0; Dp ++ )
++ {
++ Delta = *Dp;
++ Sign = Delta > 0 ? 1 : -1;
++ Delta = labs ( Delta );
++ if(Pos+Delta-1 < Screen_Width){
++ if(query==0){
++ memcpy(&Buff1[Pos],&A[Ai][Apos],Delta-1);
++ //memset(&Buff1[Pos],'Z',Delta-1);
++ Apos = Apos + Delta - 1;
++ }
++ else{
++ memcpy(&Buff2[Pos],&B[Bi][Bpos],Delta-1);
++ //memset(&Buff2[Pos],'Z',Delta-1);
++ Bpos = Bpos + Delta - 1;
++ }
++ Pos = Pos + Delta - 1;
++ i = Delta;
++ }
++ else{
++ //-- For all the bases before the next indel
++ for ( i = 1; i < Delta; i ++ )
++ {
++ if ( Pos >= Screen_Width )
++ {
++ if(query == 1){
++ Buff2[Pos] = '\0';
++ printf("%s", &Buff2);
++ }
++ else{
++ Buff1[Pos] = '\0';
++ printf("%s", &Buff1);
++ }
++ Pos = 0;
++ }
++ if(query==0){
++ Buff1[Pos] = A[Ai][Apos ++];
++ }
++ else{
++ Buff2[Pos] = B[Bi][Bpos ++];
++ }
++ Pos++;
++ }
++ }
++ //-- For the indel
++ Remain -= i - 1;
++ if ( Pos >= Screen_Width )
++ {
++ if(query == 1){
++ Buff2[Pos] = '\0';
++ printf("%s", &Buff2);
++ }
++ else{
++ Buff1[Pos] = '\0';
++ printf("%s", &Buff1);
++ }
++ Pos = 0;
++ }
++ if ( Sign == 1 )
++ {
++ if(query==0)
++ Buff1[Pos] = A[Ai][Apos ++];
++ else
++ Buff2[Pos] = '-';
++ Pos++;
++ Remain --;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ if(query==0)
++ Buff1[Pos] = '-';
++ else
++ Buff2[Pos] = B[Bi][Bpos ++];
++ Pos++;
++ Total ++;
++ }
++ }
++ //-- For all the bases remaining after the last indel
++ if(Pos+Remain < Screen_Width){
++ if(query==0){
++ memcpy(&Buff1[Pos],&A[Ai][Apos],Remain);
++ //memset(&Buff1[Pos],'Z',Remain);
++ Apos = Apos + Remain;
++ }
++ else{
++ memcpy(&Buff2[Pos],&B[Bi][Bpos],Remain);
++ //memset(&Buff2[Pos],'Z',Remain);
++ Bpos = Bpos + Remain;
++ }
++ Pos = Pos + Remain;
++ }
++ else{
++ for ( i = 0; i < Remain; i ++ )
++ {
++ if ( Pos >= Screen_Width )
++ {
++ if(query == 1){
++ Buff2[Pos] = '\0';
++ printf("%s", &Buff2);
++ }
++ else{
++ Buff1[Pos] = '\0';
++ printf("%s", &Buff1);
++ }
++ Pos = 0;
++ }
++ if(query==0)
++ Buff1[Pos] = A[Ai][Apos ++];
++ else
++ Buff2[Pos] = B[Bi][Bpos ++];
++ Pos++;
++ }
++ }
++ //-- For the remaining buffered
++ if ( Pos > 0)
++ {
++ if(query == 1){
++ Buff2[Pos] = '\0';
++ printf("%s", &Buff2);
++ }
++ else{
++ Buff1[Pos] = '\0';
++ printf("%s", &Buff1);
++ }
++ Pos = 0;
++ }
++ printf("\n");
++ if(query==1){
++ printf("\n");
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ //SVA, leaks here because I'm saving the all the seqs
++ //-- Free the sequences, except for the originals
++ for ( i = 0; i < 7; i ++ )
++ {
++ if ( (DATA_TYPE != NUCMER_DATA || i != 1) && A[i] != NULL )
++ free ( A[i] );
++ if ( (DATA_TYPE != NUCMER_DATA || i != 1) && B[i] != NULL )
++ free ( B[i] );
++ }
++ printf("##eof maf");
++ return;
++void printHelp
++ (const char * s)
++ // Display the program's help information to stderr
++ fprintf (stderr,
++ "\nUSAGE: %s [options] <deltafile> <ref ID> <qry ID>\n\n", s);
++ fprintf (stderr,
++ "-h Display help information\n"
++ "-q Sort alignments by the query start coordinate\n"
++ "-r Sort alignments by the reference start coordinate\n"
++ "-w int Set the screen width - default is 60\n"
++ "-x int Set the matrix type - default is 2 (BLOSUM 62),\n"
++ " other options include 1 (BLOSUM 45) and 3 (BLOSUM 80)\n"
++ " note: only has effect on amino acid alignments\n\n");
++ fprintf (stderr,
++ " Input is the .delta output of either the \"nucmer\" or the\n"
++ "\"promer\" program passed on the command line.\n"
++ " Output is to stdout, and consists of all the alignments between the\n"
++ "query and reference sequences identified on the command line.\n"
++ " NOTE: No sorting is done by default, therefore the alignments\n"
++ "will be ordered as found in the <deltafile> input.\n\n");
++ return;
++void printUsage
++ (const char * s)
++ // Display the program's usage information to stderr.
++ fprintf (stderr,
++ "\nUSAGE: %s [options] <deltafile> <ref ID> <qry ID>\n\n", s);
++ fprintf (stderr, "Try '%s -h' for more information.\n", s);
++ return;
++long int revC
++ (long int coord, long int len)
++ return len - coord + 1;
+--- a/src/tigr/Makefile
++++ b/src/tigr/Makefile
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ VPATH := $(AUX_BIN_DIR):$(BIN_DIR)
+ ALL := annotate combineMUMs delta-filter gaps mgaps \
+ postnuc postpro prenuc prepro repeat-match \
+ show-aligns show-coords show-tiling show-snps \
+- show-diff
++ show-diff delta2blocks delta2maf
+ #-- PHONY rules --#
+@@ -83,6 +83,12 @@ repeat-match: repeat-match.cc tigrinc.o
+ show-aligns: show-aligns.cc tigrinc.o translate.o delta.o
++delta2blocks: delta2blocks.cc tigrinc.o translate.o delta.o
++ $(BIN_RULE)
++delta2maf: delta2maf.cc tigrinc.o translate.o delta.o
++ $(BIN_RULE)
+ show-coords: show-coords.cc tigrinc.o delta.o
+--- a/src/tigr/tigrinc.cc
++++ b/src/tigr/tigrinc.cc
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+ #include "tigrinc.hh"
++#include <string>
+ FILE * File_Open (const char * Filename, const char * Mode)
+@@ -413,3 +413,87 @@ void Reverse_Complement
+ return;
+ }
++int Read_File (FILE * fp, long int & Size, map<string,char *> & seqsMap,
++ int Partial)
++/* Read next string from fp (assuming FASTA format) into T [1 ..]
++* which has Size characters. Allocate extra memory if needed
++* and adjust Size accordingly. Return TRUE if successful, FALSE
++* otherwise (e.g., EOF). Partial indicates if first line has
++* numbers indicating a subrange of characters to read.
++ {
++ char * P, Line [MAX_LINE];
++ char * T;
++ char * Name;
++ long int Len, Lo, Hi;
++ int Ch, Ct, HLen;
++ //init
++ Len=0;
++ HLen=0;
++ P=NULL;
++ T = (char *) Safe_malloc ( sizeof(char) * Size );
++ while ((Ch = fgetc (fp)) != EOF)
++ {
++ if(Ch == '>'){
++ //printf("Length %d %d\n",Len,HLen);
++ if (P != NULL){
++ //save previous seq
++ T [Len] = '\0';
++ string sP(P);
++ //printf("Saving seq %s of length %d %d\n",sP.c_str(),Len,strlen(T));
++ seqsMap.insert(make_pair(sP,T));
++ assert(seqsMap.find(P) != seqsMap.end());
++ T = (char *) Safe_malloc ( sizeof(char) * Size );
++ }
++ fgets (Line, MAX_LINE, fp);
++ HLen = strlen (Line);
++ assert (HLen > 0 && Line [HLen - 1] == '\n');
++ P = strtok (Line, " \t\n");
++ //printf("Reading %s\n",P);
++ Lo = 0; Hi = LONG_MAX;
++ Ct = 0;
++ T [0] = '\0';
++ Len = 1;
++ }
++ else{
++ if (isspace (Ch))
++ continue;
++ Ct ++;
++ // if (Ct < Lo || Ct > Hi)
++ // continue;
++ if (Len >= Size)
++ {
++ Size += INCR_SIZE;
++ T = (char *) Safe_realloc (T, Size);
++ }
++ Ch = tolower (Ch);
++ if (! isalpha (Ch) && Ch != '*')
++ {
++ fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected character `%c\' in string %s\n",
++ Ch, Name);
++ Ch = 'x';
++ }
++ T [Len ++] = Ch;
++ }
++ }
++ if (P != NULL){
++ //save previous seq
++ T [Len] = '\0';
++ string sP(P);
++ //printf("Saving seq %s of length %d %d\n",sP.c_str(),Len,strlen(T));
++ seqsMap.insert(make_pair(sP,T));
++ assert(seqsMap.find(P) != seqsMap.end());
++ }
++ return TRUE;
++ }
+--- a/src/tigr/tigrinc.hh
++++ b/src/tigr/tigrinc.hh
+@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ void * Safe_realloc (void *, size_t);
+ char Complement (char);
+ bool CompareIUPAC (char, char);
+ int Read_String (FILE *, char * &, long int &, char [], int);
++int Read_File (FILE *, long int &, map<string, char *> &, int);
+ void Reverse_Complement (char S [], long int Lo, long int Hi);
+ #endif
Modified: trunk/packages/mummer/trunk/debian/patches/series
--- trunk/packages/mummer/trunk/debian/patches/series 2015-04-13 19:20:43 UTC (rev 19041)
+++ trunk/packages/mummer/trunk/debian/patches/series 2015-04-13 20:31:06 UTC (rev 19042)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
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