[med-svn] [gwamar] 02/09: Imported Upstream version 1.15.1+dfsg
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Tue Dec 8 15:49:54 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gwamar.
commit 953c5519bfa92c9af114fe932fb7d52e32b461ad
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Mon Dec 7 12:24:02 2015 +0100
Imported Upstream version 1.15.1+dfsg
.project | 24 +
.pydevproject | 5 +
config/config_params.txt | 11 +-
config/config_tools.txt | 8 +
.../input/point_mutations.txt.REMOVED.git-id | 1 +
.../input/point_mutations.txt.REMOVED.git-id | 1 +
gwamar.py | 605 +++--
other/cctsweep/bm.sh | 104 -
other/cctsweep/cct.sh | 114 -
other/cctsweep/init.sh | 29 -
other/cctsweep/wm.sh | 63 -
other/comp_data/Rifampicin/tmp_tab_mtu173.aux | 1 -
other/comp_data/Rifampicin/tmp_tab_mtu173.log | 480 ----
other/comp_data/Rifampicin/tmp_tab_mtu_broad.aux | 1 -
other/comp_data/Rifampicin/tmp_tab_mtu_broad.log | 480 ----
other/comp_data/comp_rpoB_figure.aux | 1 -
other/comp_data/comp_rpoB_figure.log | 456 ----
other/comp_data/comp_rpoB_table.aux | 1 -
other/comp_data/comp_rpoB_table.log | 455 ----
other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_figure.aux | 1 -
other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_figure.log | 452 ----
other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_table.aux | 1 -
other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_table.log | 481 ----
other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_table2.aux | 1 -
other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_table2.log | 481 ----
other/res_data/spn/portable.xls.REMOVED.git-id | 1 +
other/res_data/spn/portable2.xls.REMOVED.git-id | 1 +
other/visR/backup/Xtr.png | Bin 2243 -> 0 bytes
other/visR/backup/chimp.png | Bin 2243 -> 0 bytes
other/visR/backup/colored-predictions.py | 198 --
other/visR/backup/dog.png | Bin 2243 -> 0 bytes
other/visR/backup/ete_test.py | 140 -
other/visR/backup/fish.png | Bin 2243 -> 0 bytes
other/visR/backup/fly.png | Bin 2243 -> 0 bytes
.../backup/generate-excel-tables-scored-genes.py | 232 --
other/visR/backup/img_faces.png | Bin 24277 -> 0 bytes
other/visR/backup/mouse.png | Bin 2243 -> 0 bytes
other/visR/backup/out.pdf | Bin 14327 -> 0 bytes
other/visR/backup/save-tree-mutations_old.py | 433 ----
other/visR/backup/score-subset-mutations.py | 518 ----
other/visR/backup/show-dates.py | 261 --
other/visR/backup/show-mutations.py | 259 --
other/visR/backup/show-tree-mutations.py | 209 --
other/visR/backup/show-tree-mutations_new.py | 206 --
other/visR/backup/test.svg | 2666 --------------------
other/visR/backup/where-located.py | 96 -
other/visR/curves/.fuse_hidden000185b700000003 | 116 -
other/visR/curves/pr_bars.R | 80 -
other/visR/curves/pr_scores_paper.R | 151 --
other/visR/curves/pr_scores_rand.R | 151 --
other/visR/curves/roc_scores_rand.R | 108 -
other/visR/data_stats/data_abailable.R | 30 -
other/visR/data_stats/data_abailable_corr.R | 33 -
other/visR/data_stats/data_corr.R | 37 -
other/visR/data_stats/data_ranks.R | 29 -
other/visR/data_stats/panels_res_stats.R | 60 -
other/visR/data_stats/res_stats.R | 46 -
other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_ami_Rv3919c.R | 53 -
other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_ami_Rvnr01.R | 53 -
other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_ami_Rvnr02.R | 53 -
other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_emb_Rv3795.R | 52 -
other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_flq_Rv0005.R | 52 -
other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_flq_Rv0006.R | 53 -
other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_iso_Rv1483.R | 53 -
other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_iso_Rv1484.R | 53 -
other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_iso_Rv1908c.R | 54 -
other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_pza_Rv2043c.R | 51 -
other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_rif_Rv0667.R | 52 -
other/visR/drug_spec/data_scores_variants_fig.R | 57 -
other/visR/genome/gene_positions.R | 22 -
other/visR/genome/gene_positions_em59.R | 35 -
other/visR/genome/gene_positions_str238.R | 23 -
other/visR/genome/genome_positions.R | 43 -
other/visR/genome/genome_positions_full.R | 43 -
other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall.R | 121 -
other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_diff.R | 88 -
.../prec_recall/data_prec_recall_norm_scores.R | 71 -
other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_pvalues.R | 69 -
other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_scores.R | 57 -
.../prec_recall/data_prec_recall_spec_pvalues.R | 72 -
.../prec_recall/data_prec_recall_spec_scores.R | 48 -
other/visR/pvalues/data_hist_pvalues.R | 106 -
other/visR/roc/roc_pvalues.R | 108 -
other/visR/roc/roc_scores.R | 123 -
other/visR/roc/roc_scores_all.R | 102 -
other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp.R | 32 -
other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp_fig.R | 40 -
other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp_fig2_all.R | 48 -
other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp_fig2_high.R | 47 -
other/visR/scores_corr/data_rank_corr.R | 21 -
other/visR/scores_corr/data_ranks_simple.R | 24 -
other/visR/scores_corr/score_correlations.R | 35 -
other/visR/test.R | 26 -
src/drsoft/analysis/a1_save_details_scores_all.py | 50 +-
src/drsoft/analysis/a2_save_details_scores_sel.py | 58 +-
src/drsoft/analysis/a3_save_associations_all.py | 55 +-
src/drsoft/analysis/a4_save_associations_sel.py | 65 +-
src/drsoft/comparison/cmp0_save_associations.py | 61 +-
...c-recall_stats.py => cmp1_prec_recall_stats.py} | 44 +-
src/drsoft/comparison/cmp2_auc_stats.py | 17 +-
src/drsoft/comparison/cmp3_draw_figures.py | 67 +-
src/drsoft/comparison/show0_gold_associations.py | 43 +-
.../backup => src/drsoft/compensatory}/__init__.py | 0
.../compensatory/show0_save_putative_muts.py | 44 +-
src/drsoft/compensatory/show1_latex_rpoB_figure.py | 23 +-
src/drsoft/compensatory/show2_latex_rpoB_table.py | 26 +-
.../compensatory/show2_latex_rpoB_table_sel.py | 26 +-
src/drsoft/compensatory/show3_latex_rpoB_table2.py | 65 +-
src/drsoft/compensatory/show4_rpoB_rels.py | 82 +-
src/drsoft/compensatory/show5_rpoB_pvalues.py | 26 +-
src/drsoft/format_comp/a0_mutations_latex_sel.py | 43 +-
src/drsoft/format_comp/a1_mutation_types.py | 47 +-
src/drsoft/format_comp/a2_mutation_patterns.py | 45 +-
src/drsoft/format_comp/a3_mutation_rel1.py | 47 +-
src/drsoft/format_comp/a4_mutation_rel2.py | 48 +-
src/drsoft/format_comp/a5_mutation_rel3.py | 47 +-
src/drsoft/format_comp/a7_graphvis.py | 82 +-
src/drsoft/format_comp/a8_graphvis_pvalue.py | 58 +-
src/drsoft/format_comp/a9_graphviz_new.py | 58 +-
src/drsoft/format_input/generate_geo_trees.py | 21 +-
src/drsoft/format_input/generate_latex_data.py | 27 +-
src/drsoft/format_input/generate_res_data.py | 83 +-
src/drsoft/format_input/generate_res_trees.py | 15 +-
src/drsoft/format_input/show1_save_mutatinos.py | 146 --
src/drsoft/format_input/show2_mutations_tree.py | 211 --
src/drsoft/format_input/show3_resistance_tree.py | 102 -
src/drsoft/format_input/show4_latex_mutations.py | 364 ---
src/drsoft/format_input/show5_res_tree_graphviz.py | 99 -
.../format_input/show6_res_mut_tree_graphviz.py | 198 --
src/drsoft/format_input/show7_latex_rpoB.py | 198 --
.../drsoft/format_results}/__init__.py | 0
.../format_results/a1_mutations_latex_sel.py | 42 +-
src/drsoft/modelling/cct.py | 51 +-
src/drsoft/modelling/fcct.py | 355 ---
src/drsoft/modelling/habib.py | 27 +-
src/drsoft/modelling/model_logic.py | 23 +-
src/drsoft/modelling/oldhabib.py | 233 --
src/drsoft/modelling/snew.py | 157 --
src/drsoft/modelling/stgh.py | 18 +-
src/drsoft/modelling/tgh.py | 70 +-
src/drsoft/modelling/tgh2.py | 353 ---
src/drsoft/modelling/treeutils.py | 731 ------
src/drsoft/modelling/xcct.py | 339 ---
.../visR/backup => src/drsoft/other}/__init__.py | 0
src/drsoft/other/show0_gold_associations.py | 41 +-
src/drsoft/permtest/perm1_generate_res_profiles.py | 42 +-
.../permtest/perm2_compute_perm_rep_scores.py | 45 +-
.../permtest/perm3_save_perm_rep_rankings.py | 49 +-
.../permtest/perm4_compute_perm_comb_scores.py | 42 +-
.../permtest/perm5_combine_perm_rep_scores.py | 33 +-
src/drsoft/permtest/perm6_calc_pvalues.py | 36 +-
src/drsoft/prepare/p0_convert_gold_associations.py | 36 +-
src/drsoft/prepare/p0_save_strains_ordered.py | 96 +-
src/drsoft/prepare/p1_prepare_experiments.py | 120 +-
src/drsoft/prepare/p2_convert_profiles_genes.py | 210 +-
src/drsoft/prepare/p3_convert_profiles_muts.py | 271 +-
src/drsoft/prepare/p4_gen_binary_trees.py | 148 +-
src/drsoft/prepare/p5_cmp_resistance_profiles.py | 125 +-
src/drsoft/scoring/sc1_compute_std_scores.py | 43 +-
src/drsoft/scoring/sc2_save_std_rankings.py | 50 +-
src/drsoft/scoring/sc3_compute_perm_scores.py | 24 +-
src/drsoft/scoring/sc4_save_perm_rankings.py | 46 +-
src/drsoft/scoring/sc5_compute_norm_scores.py | 48 +-
src/drsoft/structs/rel_graph.py | 2 -
src/drsoft/structs/res_tree.py | 1 -
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_ann_utils.py | 4 +-
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_bin_utils.py | 12 +-
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_comp_utils.py | 6 -
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_generator_utils.py | 19 -
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_muts_io_utils.py | 8 +-
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_muts_utils.py | 2 -
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_params_utils.py | 12 +-
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_pws.py | 9 +-
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_res_io_utils.py | 71 +-
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_res_utils.py | 6 +-
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring.py | 71 +-
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring_flat_utils.py | 28 +-
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring_tree_utils.py | 101 +-
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_stat_utils.py | 20 -
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_strains_io_utils.py | 6 +-
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_tree_io_utils.py | 13 +-
src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_utils.py | 2 +-
{other/visR/backup => src/prebroad}/__init__.py | 0
.../backup => src/prebroad/prepare}/__init__.py | 0
src/prebroad/prepare/p1_download_files.py | 31 +-
src/prebroad/prepare/p2_save_strains.py | 21 +-
src/prebroad/prepare/p3_save_resdata.py | 26 +-
.../prepare/p4_combine_resistance_profiles.py | 25 +-
src/prebroad/prepare/p5_save_point_mutations_aa.py | 23 +-
src/prebroad/tree/t0_save_point_mutations_nt.py | 25 +-
src/prebroad/tree/t1_prepare_alignments.py | 31 +-
src/prebroad/tree/t2_compute_subset_tree.py | 35 +-
src/prebroad/tree/t3_resolve_clusters.py | 31 +-
src/prebroad/tree/t4_save_strains_ordered.py | 23 +-
src/visR/accuracy/auc_simmat.R | 314 +++
195 files changed, 2022 insertions(+), 17909 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.project b/.project
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3508e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.project
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <name>gwamar</name>
+ <comment></comment>
+ <projects>
+ </projects>
+ <buildSpec>
+ <buildCommand>
+ <name>org.python.pydev.PyDevBuilder</name>
+ <arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </buildCommand>
+ <buildCommand>
+ <name>de.walware.statet.r.builders.RSupport</name>
+ <arguments>
+ </arguments>
+ </buildCommand>
+ </buildSpec>
+ <natures>
+ <nature>org.python.pydev.pythonNature</nature>
+ <nature>de.walware.statet.base.StatetNature</nature>
+ <nature>de.walware.statet.r.RNature</nature>
+ </natures>
diff --git a/.pydevproject b/.pydevproject
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40e9f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pydevproject
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<?eclipse-pydev version="1.0"?><pydev_project>
+<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_INTERPRETER">Default</pydev_property>
+<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_VERSION">python 2.7</pydev_property>
diff --git a/config/config_params.txt b/config/config_params.txt
index 9701b2f..951d816 100644
--- a/config/config_params.txt
+++ b/config/config_params.txt
@@ -26,21 +26,16 @@ RAND:10 # number of repetitions for score comparision
NEG:1000 # number of negatives selected randomly
TOP:50 # number of top associations taked into account
OW:N # overwrite / not overwrite
-SUBSETS:s3 # methods of score comparison
+SUBSETS:p14,p15 # methods of score comparison
CMP_PROFILES:Fluoroquinolones,Streptomycin,Isoniazid,Ethambutol,Rifampicin,Pyrazinamide # drug resistance profiles used for comparison
diff --git a/config/config_tools.txt b/config/config_tools.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1740be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/config_tools.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/datasets/mtu173/input/point_mutations.txt.REMOVED.git-id b/datasets/mtu173/input/point_mutations.txt.REMOVED.git-id
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dee060d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/datasets/mtu173/input/point_mutations.txt.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/datasets/sau461/input/point_mutations.txt.REMOVED.git-id b/datasets/sau461/input/point_mutations.txt.REMOVED.git-id
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a6852f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/datasets/sau461/input/point_mutations.txt.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gwamar.py b/gwamar.py
index 0a31cb9..92d5510 100644
--- a/gwamar.py
+++ b/gwamar.py
@@ -1,359 +1,344 @@
import sys
import os
import time
-import platform
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import logExecutionTime
-def getGWAMARPathRun(run_path, cmd_path):
- full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(run_path, cmd_path))
- gwamar_path = os.path.dirname(full_path)
- return gwamar_path + "/"
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-run_path = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
-cmd_path = sys.argv[0]
-gwamar_path = getGWAMARPathRun(run_path, cmd_path)
-sys.path += ["src/"]
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import logExecutionTime
-if sys.version.startswith("3"):
- raw_input = input
-def createCommandParams(attrs, parameters):
- new_cmd = ""
- for key in attrs:
- if key in parameters:
- new_cmd += " " + key + "=" + parameters[key]
- return new_cmd
+def createCommandParams(attrs, parameters):
+ new_cmd = ""
+ for key in attrs:
+ if key in parameters:
+ new_cmd += " " + key + "=" + parameters[key]
+ return new_cmd
def prepare(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/drsoft/prepare/"))
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
- "MT", "EP", "TREE_ID"]
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " p0_save_strains_ordered.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " p1_prepare_experiments.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " p2_convert_profiles_genes.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " p3_convert_profiles_muts.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " p4_gen_binary_trees.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " p5_cmp_resistance_profiles.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "prepare")
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "drsoft", "prepare")
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
+ "MT", "EP", "TREE_ID"]
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/p0_save_strains_ordered.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/p1_prepare_experiments.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/p2_convert_profiles_genes.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/p3_convert_profiles_muts.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/p4_gen_binary_trees.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/p5_cmp_resistance_profiles.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "prepare")
def scores_std(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/drsoft/scoring/"))
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
- "MT", "EP"]
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "drsoft", "scoring")
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES", "MT", "EP"]
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- print(passed_params)
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " sc1_compute_std_scores.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " sc2_save_std_rankings.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "scores_std")
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/sc1_compute_std_scores.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/sc2_save_std_rankings.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "scores_std")
def scores_ranks(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/drsoft/scoring/"))
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
- "MT", "EP"]
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- print(passed_params)
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " sc2_save_std_rankings.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "scores_ranks")
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "drsoft", "scoring")
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES", "MT", "EP"]
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ print(passed_params)
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/sc2_save_std_rankings.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "scores_ranks")
def scores_pvalues(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/drsoft/scoring/"))
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
- "MT", "EP"]
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " sc3_compute_perm_scores.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " sc4_save_perm_rankings.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "scores_pvalues")
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "drsoft", "scoring")
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES", "MT", "EP"]
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/sc3_compute_perm_scores.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/sc4_save_perm_rankings.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "scores_pvalues")
def scores_norm(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/drsoft/scoring/"))
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "drsoft", "scoring")
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
- "MT", "EP"]
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES", "MT", "EP"]
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/sc7_compute_norm_scores.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " sc7_compute_norm_scores.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "scores_norm")
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "scores_norm")
def perm_test(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/drsoft/permtest/"))
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
- "MT", "EP"]
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " perm1_generate_res_profiles.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " perm2_compute_perm_rep_scores.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " perm3_save_perm_rep_rankings.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " perm4_compute_perm_comb_scores.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " perm5_combine_perm_rep_scores.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " perm6_calc_pvalues.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "perm_test")
-def analysis1(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/drsoft/analysis/"))
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
- "MT", "EP", "SCORE_SORT"]
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " a1_save_details_scores_all.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " a2_save_details_scores_sel.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "drsoft", "permtest")
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES", "MT", "EP"]
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/perm1_generate_res_profiles.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/perm2_compute_perm_rep_scores.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/perm3_save_perm_rep_rankings.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/perm4_compute_perm_comb_scores.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/perm5_combine_perm_rep_scores.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/perm6_calc_pvalues.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "analysis")
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "perm_test")
+def analysis1(parameters):
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "drsoft", "analysis")
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES", "MT", "EP", "SCORE_SORT"]
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/a1_save_details_scores_all.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/a2_save_details_scores_sel.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "analysis")
def analysis2(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/drsoft/analysis/"))
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "drsoft", "analysis")
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
- "MT", "EP", "SCORE_SORT"]
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
+ "MT", "EP", "SCORE_SORT"]
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " a3_save_associations_all.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " a4_save_associations_sel.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "analysis2")
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/a3_save_associations_all.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/a4_save_associations_sel.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "analysis2")
def other(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/drsoft/other/"))
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
- "MT", "EP"]
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " show0_gold_associations.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "other")
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "drsoft", "other")
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES", "MT", "EP"]
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/show0_gold_associations.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "other")
def comparisonF(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/drsoft/comparison/"))
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "drsoft", "comparison")
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
- "MT", "EP", "RAND", "SUBSETS", "STATS"]
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
+ "MT", "EP", "RAND", "SUBSETS", "STATS"]
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- t0_time = time.time()
- #if os.system(python_cmd + " cmp2_auc_stats.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " cmp3_draw_figures.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "comparisonF")
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/cmp3_draw_figures.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "comparisonF")
def comparison3(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/drsoft/comparison/"))
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "drsoft", "comparison")
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
- "MT", "EP", "RAND", "SUBSETS", "STATS"]
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
+ "MT", "EP", "RAND", "SUBSETS", "STATS"]
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " cmp2_auc_stats.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "comparison2")
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/cmp2_auc_stats.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "comparison3")
def comparison2(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/drsoft/comparison/"))
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "drsoft", "comparison")
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
- "MT", "EP", "RAND", "SUBSETS", "STATS"]
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
+ "MT", "EP", "RAND", "SUBSETS", "STATS"]
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " cmp1_prec-recall_stats.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "comparison2")
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/cmp1_prec_recall_stats.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "comparison2")
def comparison1(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/drsoft/comparison/"))
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "drsoft", "comparison")
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
- "MT", "EP", "SUBSETS"]
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GEN_BIN_PROFILES",
+ "MT", "EP", "SUBSETS"]
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " cmp0_save_associations.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "comparison1")
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/cmp0_save_associations.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "comparison1")
def comp_mutations(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/drsoft/compensatory/"))
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "drsoft", "compensatory")
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GWAMAR_DATASETS"]
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GWAMAR_DATASETS"]
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " show0_save_putative_muts.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " show1_latex_rpoB_figure.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " show2_latex_rpoB_table.py" + passed_params): exit()
- #if os.system(python_cmd + " show3_show_comp_rels.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "comp_mutations")
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/show0_save_putative_muts.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/show1_latex_rpoB_figure.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/show2_latex_rpoB_table.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "comp_mutations")
def preparebroad(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/prebroad/prepare/"))
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GWAMAR_DATASETS",
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " p1_download_files.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " p2_save_strains.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " p3_save_resdata.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " p4_combine_resistance_profiles.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " p5_save_point_mutations_aa.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "preparebroad")
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "prebroad", "prepare")
-def preparebroadtree(parameters):
- os.chdir(os.path.abspath("src/prebroad/tree/"))
- params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GWAMAR_DATASETS",
- passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- t0_time = time.time()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " t0_save_point_mutations_nt.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " t1_prepare_alignments.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " t2_compute_subset_tree.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " t3_resolve_clusters.py" + passed_params): exit()
- if os.system(python_cmd + " t4_save_strains_ordered.py" + passed_params): exit()
- t1_time = time.time()
- os.chdir("../../../")
- logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "preparebroadtree")
-def print_help(parameters):
- print("You have not specified the -a parameter or specified it as =h (help)")
- print("For more help, please visit "+"http://bioputer.mimuw.edu.pl/gwamar/")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- WORKERS = int(parameters["W"])
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GWAMAR_DATASETS", "RAXML_TYPE",
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
- python_cmd = sys.executable
- action = parameters["A"].upper()
- if action == "P":
- datasets = parameters.get("D").split(",")
- for dataset in datasets:
- parameters["D"] = dataset
- prepare(parameters)
- elif action in ["H", "HELP"]:
- print_help(parameters)
- elif action == "O":
- other(parameters)
- elif action == "S":
- datasets = parameters.get("D").split(",")
- for dataset in datasets:
- parameters["D"] = dataset
- scores_std(parameters)
- elif action == "SR":
- datasets = parameters.get("D").split(",")
- for dataset in datasets:
- parameters["D"] = dataset
- scores_ranks(parameters)
- elif action == "SN":
- scores_norm(parameters)
- elif action == "SP":
- scores_pvalues(parameters)
- elif action == "PV":
- perm_test(parameters)
- elif action in ["A1", "AS1"]:
- datasets = parameters.get("D").split(",")
- for dataset in datasets:
- parameters["D"] = dataset
- analysis1(parameters)
- elif action in ["A2", "AS2"]:
- datasets = parameters.get("D").split(",")
- for dataset in datasets:
- parameters["D"] = dataset
- analysis2(parameters)
- elif action in ["A", "AS"]:
- datasets = parameters.get("D").split(",")
- for dataset in datasets:
- parameters["D"] = dataset
- analysis1(parameters)
- analysis2(parameters)
- elif action in ["C", "CMP"]:
- datasets = parameters.get("D").split(",")
- for dataset in datasets:
- parameters["D"] = dataset
- comparison1(parameters)
- comparison2(parameters)
- comparison3(parameters)
- parameters["D"] = ",".join(datasets)
- comparisonF(parameters)
- elif action in ["C1", "CMP1"]:
- datasets = list(parameters.get("D").split(","))
- for dataset in datasets:
- parameters["D"] = dataset
- comparison1(parameters)
- elif action in ["C2", "CMP2"]:
- datasets = list(parameters.get("D").split(","))
- for dataset in datasets:
- parameters["D"] = dataset
- comparison2(parameters)
- elif action in ["C2", "CMP3"]:
- datasets = list(parameters.get("D").split(","))
- for dataset in datasets:
- parameters["D"] = dataset
- comparison3(parameters)
- elif action in ["CF", "CMPF"]:
- comparisonF(parameters)
- elif action == "CM":
- comp_mutations(parameters)
- elif action == "PB":
- preparebroad(parameters)
- preparebroadtree(parameters)
- elif action == "PBT":
- preparebroadtree(parameters)
- else:
- print("Unknown action: " + action);
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/p1_download_files.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/p2_save_strains.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/p3_save_resdata.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/p4_combine_resistance_profiles.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/p5_save_point_mutations_aa.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "preparebroad")
+def preparebroadtree(parameters):
+ appdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ srcdir = os.path.join(appdir, "src", "prebroad", "tree")
+ params = ["D", "REVORDER", "SCORES", "OW", "W", "GWAMAR_DATASETS",
+ passed_params = createCommandParams(params, parameters)
+ t0_time = time.time()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/t0_save_point_mutations_nt.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/t1_prepare_alignments.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/t2_compute_subset_tree.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/t3_resolve_clusters.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ if os.system(python_cmd + " " + srcdir + "/t4_save_strains_ordered.py" + passed_params): exit()
+ t1_time = time.time()
+ logExecutionTime(t1_time - t0_time, "preparebroadtree")
+def print_help():
+ print("You have not specified the action '-a' parameter.")
+ print("Example gwamar invocation: python gwamar.py -a p -w 4 -d mtu173")
+ print("For more help, please read the manual: <gwamar>/manual/manual.pdf")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ action = parameters.get("A", None)
+ if action == None:
+ print_help()
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
+ WORKERS = int(parameters["W"])
+ python_cmd = sys.executable
+ action = action.upper()
+ if action == "P":
+ datasets = parameters.get("D").split(",")
+ for dataset in datasets:
+ parameters["D"] = dataset
+ prepare(parameters)
+ elif action == "O":
+ other(parameters)
+ elif action == "S":
+ datasets = parameters.get("D").split(",")
+ for dataset in datasets:
+ parameters["D"] = dataset
+ scores_std(parameters)
+ elif action == "SR":
+ datasets = parameters.get("D").split(",")
+ for dataset in datasets:
+ parameters["D"] = dataset
+ scores_ranks(parameters)
+ elif action == "SN":
+ scores_norm(parameters)
+ elif action == "SP":
+ scores_pvalues(parameters)
+ elif action == "PV":
+ perm_test(parameters)
+ elif action in ["A1", "AS1"]:
+ datasets = parameters.get("D").split(",")
+ for dataset in datasets:
+ parameters["D"] = dataset
+ analysis1(parameters)
+ elif action in ["A2", "AS2"]:
+ datasets = parameters.get("D").split(",")
+ for dataset in datasets:
+ parameters["D"] = dataset
+ analysis2(parameters)
+ elif action in ["A", "AS"]:
+ datasets = parameters.get("D").split(",")
+ for dataset in datasets:
+ parameters["D"] = dataset
+ analysis1(parameters)
+ analysis2(parameters)
+ elif action in ["C", "CMP"]:
+ datasets = parameters.get("D").split(",")
+ for dataset in datasets:
+ parameters["D"] = dataset
+ comparison1(parameters)
+ comparison2(parameters)
+ comparison3(parameters)
+ parameters["D"] = ",".join(datasets)
+ comparisonF(parameters)
+ elif action in ["C1", "CMP1"]:
+ datasets = list(parameters.get("D").split(","))
+ for dataset in datasets:
+ parameters["D"] = dataset
+ comparison1(parameters)
+ elif action in ["C2", "CMP2"]:
+ datasets = list(parameters.get("D").split(","))
+ for dataset in datasets:
+ parameters["D"] = dataset
+ comparison2(parameters)
+ elif action in ["C2", "CMP3"]:
+ datasets = list(parameters.get("D").split(","))
+ for dataset in datasets:
+ parameters["D"] = dataset
+ comparison3(parameters)
+ elif action in ["CF", "CMPF"]:
+ comparisonF(parameters)
+ elif action == "CM":
+ comp_mutations(parameters)
+ elif action == "PB":
+ preparebroad(parameters)
+ preparebroadtree(parameters)
+ elif action == "PBT":
+ preparebroadtree(parameters)
+ else:
+ print("Unknown action: " + action);
diff --git a/other/cctsweep/bm.sh b/other/cctsweep/bm.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 8beeb04..0000000
--- a/other/cctsweep/bm.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-set lide deslist[0 %1];
-if (’Bcal[’lide[0]’]’ <0)
-set B[’lide[0]’ 0 0 0 0] 1;
-set Bcal[’lide[0]’] 1;
-recurse ’lide[0]’ %2 %3 %4 %5 %6;
-set lide deslist[0 %1];
-if (’Bcal[’lide[1]’]’ <0)
-set B[’lide[1]’ 0 0 0 0] 1;
-set Bcal[’lide[1]’] 1;
-recurse ’lide[1]’ %2 %3 %4 %5 %6;
-set lide deslist[0 %1];
-set ancstate states[%6 %1 0];
-if (’ancstate’>2)
-set ancstate 1;
-set decstat1 states[%6 ’lide[0]’ 0];
-if (’decstat1’>2)
-set decstat1 1;
-set decstat2 states[%6 ’lide[1]’ 0];
-if (’decstat2’>2)
-set decstat2 1;
-set isblack1 ’decstat1’-’ancstate’;
-set isblack2 ’decstat2’-’ancstate’;
-if(%1 > ntax)
-loop 0 %2
-loop 0 %3
-loop 0 %4
-loop 0 %5
-loop 0 #3
-loop 0 #4
-loop 0 #1
-loop 0 #2
-set temp ’temp’+(’B[’lide[0]’ #7 #8\
-#5 #6 ]’*’B[’lide[1]’ (#1-#7) (#2-#8)\
-(#3-#5) (#4-#6)]’);
-if ((#3-1)>=0)
-loop 0 (#3-1)
-loop 0 #4
-if ((#1-’isblack2’)>=0)
-loop 0 (#1-’isblack2’)
-loop 0 #2
-set temp ’temp’+(’B[’lide[0]’ #7 #8\
-#5 #6 ]’*’B[’lide[1]’ (#2-#8) ((#1-\
-’isblack2’)-#7) (#4-#6) (#3-#5-1)]’);
-loop 0 (#3-1)
-loop 0 #4
-if ((#1-’isblack1’)>=0)
-loop 0 (#1-’isblack1’)
-loop 0 #2
-set temp ’temp’+(’B[’lide[0]’ #8 #7\
-#6 #5 ]’*’B[’lide[1]’ ((#1-’isblack1’)\
--#7) (#2-#8) (#3-#5-1) (#4-#6)]’);
-if ((#3-2)>=0)
-loop 0 (#3-2)
-loop 0 #4
-if ((#1-’isblack1’-’isblack2’)>=0)
-loop 0 (#1-’isblack1’-’isblack2’)
-loop 0 #2
-set temp ’temp’+(’B[’lide[0]’ #8 #7\
-#6 #5 ]’*’B[’lide[1]’ (#2-#8) ((#1\
--’isblack1’-’isblack2’)-#7) (#4-#6)\
-set B[%1 #1 #2 #3 #4] ’temp’;
-set temp 0;
-set Bcal[%1] 1;
diff --git a/other/cctsweep/cct.sh b/other/cctsweep/cct.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dd742b..0000000
--- a/other/cctsweep/cct.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-loop 1 nchar
-set wgain 0;
-set wloss 0;
-set bgain 0;
-set bloss 0;
-set root states[#1 (ntax+1) 0];
-if (’root’ > 2)
-set root 1;
-loop (ntax+1) nnodes[0]
-set lide deslist[0 #2];
-set charstanc states[#1 #2 0];
-if(’charstanc’ > 2)
-set charstanc ’root’;
-set charstdec states[#1 ’lide[0]’ 0];
-if (’charstdec’ > 3)
-set charstdec ’charstanc’;
-if (’charstdec’ > 2)
-set charstdec ’root’;
-set ancstate states[0 #2 0];
-if (’ancstate’>2)
-set ancstate 1;
-set decstat1 states[0 ’lide[0]’ 0];
-if (’decstat1’>2)
-set decstat1 1;
-set decstat2 states[0 ’lide[1]’ 0];
-if (’decstat2’>2)
-set decstat2 1;
-set isblack1 ’decstat1’-’ancstate’;
-set isblack2 ’decstat2’-’ancstate’;
-set wgain ’wgain’+1;
-if (’isblack1’==1)
-set bgain ’bgain’+1;
-set wloss ’wloss’+1;
-if (’isblack1’==1)
-set bloss ’bloss’+1;
-set charstdec states[#1 ’lide[1]’ 0];
-if (’charstdec’ > 3)
-set charstdec ’charstanc’;
-if (’charstdec’ > 2)
-set charstdec ’root’;
-set wgain ’wgain’+1;
-if (’isblack2’==1)
-set bgain ’bgain’+1;
-set wloss ’wloss’+1;
-if (’isblack2’==1)
-set bloss ’bloss’+1;
-set btot 0;
-set temp ’btot’;
-if (states[#1 (ntax+1) 0]==2)
-if ((’bgain’-’bloss’)>=0)
-loop (’bgain’-’bloss’) ’wgain’
-loop 0 (#2-(’bgain’-’bloss’))
-set btot ’btot’+’B[(ntax+1) #3 #2 ’wloss’ ’wgain’]’;
-loop (’bloss’-’bgain’) ’wloss’
-loop 0 (#2-(’bloss’-’bgain’))
-set btot ’btot’+’B[(ntax+1) #2 #3 ’wloss’ ’wgain’]’;
-if ((’bgain’-’bloss’)>=0)
-loop (’bgain’-’bloss’) ’wgain’
-loop 0 (#2-(’bgain’-’bloss’))
-set btot ’btot’+’B[(ntax+1) #2 #3 ’wgain’ ’wloss’]’;
-loop (’bloss’-’bgain’) ’wloss’
-loop 0 (#2-(’bloss’-’bgain’))
-set btot ’btot’+’B[(ntax+1) #3 #2 ’wgain’ ’wloss’]’;
-set temp ’btot’;
-if (states[#1 (ntax+1) 0]==2)
-set cct ’btot’/’W[(ntax+1) ’wgain’ ’wloss’ 1]’;
-quote #1 1 ’wgain’ ’wloss’ ’bgain’ ’bloss’\
-’W[(ntax+1) ’wgain’ ’wloss’ 1]’ ’btot’ ’cct’;
-set cct ’btot’/’W[(ntax+1) ’wgain’ ’wloss’ 0]’;
-quote #1 0 ’wgain’ ’wloss’ ’bgain’ ’bloss’\
-’W[(ntax+1) ’wgain’ ’wloss’ 0]’ ’btot’ ’cct’;
diff --git a/other/cctsweep/init.sh b/other/cctsweep/init.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 3090f07..0000000
--- a/other/cctsweep/init.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-var =
-0 temp
-+B[(nnodes[0]+1) tg tg bg bg]
-+W[(nnodes[0]+1) tgain tgain 2]
-loop 0 (nnodes[0])
-set Bcal[#1] (-1);
-set Wcal[#1] (-1);
diff --git a/other/cctsweep/wm.sh b/other/cctsweep/wm.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 3605a78..0000000
--- a/other/cctsweep/wm.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-set temp 0;
-set lide deslist[0 %1];
-if (’Wcal[’lide[0]’]’ <0)
-set W[’lide[0]’ 0 0 0] 1;
-set W[’lide[0]’ 0 0 1] 1;
-set Wcal[’lide[0]’] 1;
-recurse ’lide[0]’ %2 %3;
-set lide deslist[0 %1];
-if (’Wcal[’lide[1]’]’ <0)
-set W[’lide[1]’ 0 0 0] 1;
-set W[’lide[1]’ 0 0 1] 1;
-set Wcal[’lide[1]’] 1;
-recurse ’lide[1]’ %2 %3;
-set lide deslist[0 %1];
-if(%1 > ntax)
-loop 0 %2
-loop 0 %3
-loop 0 #1
-loop 0 #2
-set temp ’temp’+(’W[’lide[0]’ #3 #4 0]’*’W[’lide[1]’\
-(#1-#3) (#2-#4) 0]’);
-if ((#1-1)>=0)
-loop 0 (#1-1)
-loop 0 #2
-set temp ’temp’+(’W[’lide[0]’ #3 #4 0]’*’W[’lide[1]’\
-(#1-#3-1) (#2-#4) 1]’);
-loop 0 (#1-1)
-loop 0 #2
-set temp ’temp’+(’W[’lide[0]’ #3 #4 1]’*’W[’lide[1]’\
-(#1-#3-1) (#2-#4) 0]’);
-if ((#1-2)>=0)
-loop 0 (#1-2)
-loop 0 #2
-set temp ’temp’+(’W[’lide[0]’ #3 #4 1]’*’W[’lide[1]’\
-(#1-#3-2) (#2-#4) 1]’);
-set W[%1 #1 #2 0] ’temp’;
-set W[%1 #2 #1 1] ’temp’;
-set temp 0;
-set Wcal[%1] 1;
diff --git a/other/comp_data/Rifampicin/tmp_tab_mtu173.aux b/other/comp_data/Rifampicin/tmp_tab_mtu173.aux
deleted file mode 100644
index f23e546..0000000
--- a/other/comp_data/Rifampicin/tmp_tab_mtu173.aux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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-File: color.cfg 2007/01/18 v1.5 color configuration of teTeX/TeXLive
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-Package xcolor Info: Model `HTML' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1355.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `Hsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1356.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `tHsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1357.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `HSB' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1358.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `Gray' substituted by `gray' on input line 1359.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `wave' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1360.
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-File: pgfcorepathprocessing.code.tex 2008/10/09 (rcs-revision 1.8)
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-File: pgfcoreshade.code.tex 2008/11/23 (rcs-revision 1.13)
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-File: pgfcorepatterns.code.tex 2009/07/02 (rcs-revision 1.3)
-File: pgfmoduleshapes.code.tex 2010/09/09 (rcs-revision 1.13)
-File: pgfmoduleplot.code.tex 2010/10/22 (rcs-revision 1.8)
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-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 6.
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-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 6.
- ABD: EveryShipout initializing macros
-[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
-) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/pdftexcmds.sty
-Package: pdftexcmds 2011/11/29 v0.20 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO
-Package: ifluatex 2010/03/01 v1.3 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
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-(etexcmds) that some package has redefined \expanded.
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- restricted \write18 enabled.
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-Package xcolor Info: Model `HSB' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1358.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `Gray' substituted by `gray' on input line 1359.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `wave' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1360.
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-File: pgfcorescopes.code.tex 2010/09/08 (rcs-revision 1.34)
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-File: pgfcoretransformations.code.tex 2009/06/10 (rcs-revision 1.11)
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-File: pgfcorepathprocessing.code.tex 2008/10/09 (rcs-revision 1.8)
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-File: pgfcorepatterns.code.tex 2009/07/02 (rcs-revision 1.3)
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-File: pgfmoduleplot.code.tex 2010/10/22 (rcs-revision 1.8)
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-File: pgflibraryplothandlers.code.tex 2010/05/31 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.15)
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-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
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-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
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-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
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-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
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-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
- ABD: EveryShipout initializing macros
-[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
-) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/pdftexcmds.sty
-Package: pdftexcmds 2011/11/29 v0.20 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO
-Package: ifluatex 2010/03/01 v1.3 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
-Package ifluatex Info: LuaTeX not detected.
-Package pdftexcmds Info: LuaTeX not detected.
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-Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf at ifprimitive is available.
-Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdfdraftmode found.
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-Package: kvsetkeys 2012/04/25 v1.16 Key value parser (HO)
-Package: etexcmds 2011/02/16 v1.5 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands (HO)
-Package etexcmds Info: Could not find \expanded.
-(etexcmds) That can mean that you are not using pdfTeX 1.50 or
-(etexcmds) that some package has redefined \expanded.
-(etexcmds) In the latter case, load this package earlier.
-Package grfext Info: Graphics extension search list:
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- []
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-This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013/Debian) (format=pdflatex 2014.7.16) 25 FEB 2015 11:51
-entering extended mode
- restricted \write18 enabled.
- %&-line parsing enabled.
-LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
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-File: pdftex.def 2011/05/27 v0.06d Graphics/color for pdfTeX
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-File: color.cfg 2007/01/18 v1.5 color configuration of teTeX/TeXLive
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-Package xcolor Info: Model `RGB' extended on input line 1353.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `HTML' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1355.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `Hsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1356.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `tHsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1357.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `HSB' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1358.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `Gray' substituted by `gray' on input line 1359.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `wave' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1360.
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-File: pgfcorepathprocessing.code.tex 2008/10/09 (rcs-revision 1.8)
-File: pgfcorearrows.code.tex 2008/04/23 (rcs-revision 1.11)
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-File: pgfcorepatterns.code.tex 2009/07/02 (rcs-revision 1.3)
-File: pgfmoduleshapes.code.tex 2010/09/09 (rcs-revision 1.13)
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-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
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-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
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-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
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-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
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-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
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-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
- ABD: EveryShipout initializing macros
-[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
-) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/pdftexcmds.sty
-Package: pdftexcmds 2011/11/29 v0.20 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO
-Package: ifluatex 2010/03/01 v1.3 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
-Package ifluatex Info: LuaTeX not detected.
-Package pdftexcmds Info: LuaTeX not detected.
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-(etexcmds) that some package has redefined \expanded.
-(etexcmds) In the latter case, load this package earlier.
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-(grfext) \AppendGraphicsExtensions on input line 452.
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-Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
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-This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013/Debian) (format=pdflatex 2014.7.16) 3 MAR 2015 18:17
-entering extended mode
- restricted \write18 enabled.
- %&-line parsing enabled.
-LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
-Babel <3.9h> and hyphenation patterns for 78 languages loaded.
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-File: pdftex.def 2011/05/27 v0.06d Graphics/color for pdfTeX
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-Package xcolor Info: Model `hsb' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1341.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `RGB' extended on input line 1353.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `HTML' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1355.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `Hsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1356.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `tHsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1357.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `HSB' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1358.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `Gray' substituted by `gray' on input line 1359.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `wave' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1360.
-Package: pgfcore 2010/04/11 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.7)
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-File: pgfcorescopes.code.tex 2010/09/08 (rcs-revision 1.34)
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-File: pgfcoretransformations.code.tex 2009/06/10 (rcs-revision 1.11)
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-File: pgfcorepathprocessing.code.tex 2008/10/09 (rcs-revision 1.8)
-File: pgfcorearrows.code.tex 2008/04/23 (rcs-revision 1.11)
-File: pgfcoreshade.code.tex 2008/11/23 (rcs-revision 1.13)
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-File: pgfcoretransparency.code.tex 2008/01/17 (rcs-revision 1.2)
-File: pgfcorepatterns.code.tex 2009/07/02 (rcs-revision 1.3)
-File: pgfmoduleshapes.code.tex 2010/09/09 (rcs-revision 1.13)
-File: pgfmoduleplot.code.tex 2010/10/22 (rcs-revision 1.8)
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-File: pgflibraryplothandlers.code.tex 2010/05/31 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.15)
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-Package: ifxetex 2010/09/12 v0.6 Provides ifxetex conditional
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-\Gm at cntv=\count108
-\c at Gm@tempcnt=\count109
-\Gm at bindingoffset=\dimen148
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-\Gm at dimlist=\toks24
-\openout1 = `tmp_comp_rpoB_figure.aux'.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 4.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 4.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 4.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 4.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 4.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 4.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 4.
- ABD: EveryShipout initializing macros
-[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
-) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/pdftexcmds.sty
-Package: pdftexcmds 2011/11/29 v0.20 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO
-Package: ifluatex 2010/03/01 v1.3 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
-Package ifluatex Info: LuaTeX not detected.
-Package pdftexcmds Info: LuaTeX not detected.
-Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf at primitive is available.
-Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf at ifprimitive is available.
-Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdfdraftmode found.
-Package: epstopdf-base 2010/02/09 v2.5 Base part for package epstopdf
-Package: grfext 2010/08/19 v1.1 Manage graphics extensions (HO)
-Package: kvdefinekeys 2011/04/07 v1.3 Define keys (HO)
-Package: kvoptions 2011/06/30 v3.11 Key value format for package options (HO)
-Package: kvsetkeys 2012/04/25 v1.16 Key value parser (HO)
-Package: etexcmds 2011/02/16 v1.5 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands (HO)
-Package etexcmds Info: Could not find \expanded.
-(etexcmds) That can mean that you are not using pdfTeX 1.50 or
-(etexcmds) that some package has redefined \expanded.
-(etexcmds) In the latter case, load this package earlier.
-Package grfext Info: Graphics extension search list:
-(grfext) [.png,.pdf,.jpg,.mps,.jpeg,.jbig2,.jb2,.PNG,.PDF,.JPG,.JPE
-(grfext) \AppendGraphicsExtensions on input line 452.
-File: epstopdf-sys.cfg 2010/07/13 v1.3 Configuration of (r)epstopdf for TeX Liv
-*geometry* driver: auto-detecting
-*geometry* detected driver: pdftex
-*geometry* verbose mode - [ preamble ] result:
-* driver: pdftex
-* paper: custom
-* layout: <same size as paper>
-* layoutoffset:(h,v)=(0.0pt,0.0pt)
-* modes:
-* h-part:(L,W,R)=(14.45377pt, 679.33868pt, 14.45377pt)
-* v-part:(T,H,B)=(14.45377pt, 303.5349pt, 14.45377pt)
-* \paperwidth=708.24622pt
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-* \textheight=303.5349pt
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-* \evensidemargin=-57.81622pt
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-* \headheight=12.0pt
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-* \topskip=10.0pt
-* \footskip=30.0pt
-* \marginparwidth=65.0pt
-* \marginparsep=11.0pt
-* \columnsep=10.0pt
-* \skip\footins=9.0pt plus 4.0pt minus 2.0pt
-* \hoffset=0.0pt
-* \voffset=0.0pt
-* \mag=1000
-* \@twocolumnfalse
-* \@twosidefalse
-* \@mparswitchfalse
-* \@reversemarginfalse
-* (1in=72.27pt=25.4mm, 1cm=28.453pt)
-(./tmp_comp_rpoB_figure.aux) )
-Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
- 10456 strings out of 493304
- 196981 string characters out of 6139871
- 266669 words of memory out of 5000000
- 13729 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000
- 4255 words of font info for 16 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000
- 957 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
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-Output written on tmp_comp_rpoB_figure.pdf (1 page, 26242 bytes).
-PDF statistics:
- 19 PDF objects out of 1000 (max. 8388607)
- 13 compressed objects within 1 object stream
- 0 named destinations out of 1000 (max. 500000)
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diff --git a/other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_table.aux b/other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_table.aux
deleted file mode 100644
index f23e546..0000000
--- a/other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_table.aux
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diff --git a/other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_table.log b/other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_table.log
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca0bbb..0000000
--- a/other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_table.log
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-This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013/Debian) (format=pdflatex 2014.7.16) 11 MAR 2015 19:51
-entering extended mode
- restricted \write18 enabled.
- %&-line parsing enabled.
-LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
-Babel <3.9h> and hyphenation patterns for 78 languages loaded.
-Document Class: article 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
-File: size10.clo 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
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-Package: pgfrcs 2010/10/25 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.24)
-Package: pgf 2008/01/15 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.12)
-Package: graphicx 1999/02/16 v1.0f Enhanced LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)
-Package: keyval 1999/03/16 v1.13 key=value parser (DPC)
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-Package: graphics 2009/02/05 v1.0o Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)
-Package: trig 1999/03/16 v1.09 sin cos tan (DPC)
-File: graphics.cfg 2010/04/23 v1.9 graphics configuration of TeX Live
-Package graphics Info: Driver file: pdftex.def on input line 91.
-File: pdftex.def 2011/05/27 v0.06d Graphics/color for pdfTeX
-Package: infwarerr 2010/04/08 v1.3 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO)
-Package: ltxcmds 2011/11/09 v1.22 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO)
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-Package: pgfsys 2010/06/30 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.37)
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-\pgfkeys at tmptoks=\toks18
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-File: pgf.cfg 2008/05/14 (rcs-revision 1.7)
-Package pgfsys Info: Driver file for pgf: pgfsys-pdftex.def on input line 900.
-File: pgfsys-pdftex.def 2009/05/22 (rcs-revision 1.26)
-File: pgfsys-common-pdf.def 2008/05/19 (rcs-revision 1.10)
-File: pgfsyssoftpath.code.tex 2008/07/18 (rcs-revision 1.7)
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-File: pgfsysprotocol.code.tex 2006/10/16 (rcs-revision 1.4)
-Package: xcolor 2007/01/21 v2.11 LaTeX color extensions (UK)
-File: color.cfg 2007/01/18 v1.5 color configuration of teTeX/TeXLive
-Package xcolor Info: Driver file: pdftex.def on input line 225.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `cmy' substituted by `cmy0' on input line 1337.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `hsb' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1341.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `RGB' extended on input line 1353.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `HTML' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1355.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `Hsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1356.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `tHsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1357.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `HSB' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1358.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `Gray' substituted by `gray' on input line 1359.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `wave' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1360.
-Package: pgfcore 2010/04/11 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.7)
-\pgfmath at dimen=\dimen113
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-File: pgfcorepoints.code.tex 2010/04/09 (rcs-revision 1.20)
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-\pgf at yy=\dimen125
-\pgf at zx=\dimen126
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-File: pgfcorepathconstruct.code.tex 2010/08/03 (rcs-revision 1.24)
-\pgf at path@lastx=\dimen128
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-File: pgfcorepathusage.code.tex 2008/04/22 (rcs-revision 1.12)
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-File: pgfcorescopes.code.tex 2010/09/08 (rcs-revision 1.34)
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-\pgf at picture@serial at count=\count96
-File: pgfcoregraphicstate.code.tex 2008/04/22 (rcs-revision 1.9)
-File: pgfcoretransformations.code.tex 2009/06/10 (rcs-revision 1.11)
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-File: pgfcorequick.code.tex 2008/10/09 (rcs-revision 1.3)
-File: pgfcoreobjects.code.tex 2006/10/11 (rcs-revision 1.2)
-File: pgfcorepathprocessing.code.tex 2008/10/09 (rcs-revision 1.8)
-File: pgfcorearrows.code.tex 2008/04/23 (rcs-revision 1.11)
-File: pgfcoreshade.code.tex 2008/11/23 (rcs-revision 1.13)
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-File: pgfcoreimage.code.tex 2010/03/25 (rcs-revision 1.16)
-File: pgfcoreexternal.code.tex 2010/09/01 (rcs-revision 1.17)
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-File: pgfcorelayers.code.tex 2010/08/27 (rcs-revision 1.2)
-File: pgfcoretransparency.code.tex 2008/01/17 (rcs-revision 1.2)
-File: pgfcorepatterns.code.tex 2009/07/02 (rcs-revision 1.3)
-File: pgfmoduleshapes.code.tex 2010/09/09 (rcs-revision 1.13)
-File: pgfmoduleplot.code.tex 2010/10/22 (rcs-revision 1.8)
-Package: pgfcomp-version-0-65 2007/07/03 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.7)
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-Package: pgfcomp-version-1-18 2007/07/23 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.1)
-Package: pgffor 2010/03/23 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.18)
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-\pgffor at stack=\toks22
-\pgffor at toks=\toks23
-Package: tikz 2010/10/13 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.76)
-File: pgflibraryplothandlers.code.tex 2010/05/31 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.15)
-\pgf at plot@mark at count=\count98
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-\tikz at figbox=\box33
-\tikz at tempbox=\box34
-\tikz at fig@count=\count102
-File: pgfmodulematrix.code.tex 2010/08/24 (rcs-revision 1.4)
-\pgf at matrix@numberofcolumns=\count105
-\tikz at expandcount=\count106
-File: tikzlibrarytopaths.code.tex 2008/06/17 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.2)
-))) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/booktabs/booktabs.sty
-Package: booktabs 2005/04/14 v1.61803 publication quality tables
-Package: geometry 2010/09/12 v5.6 Page Geometry
-Package: ifpdf 2011/01/30 v2.3 Provides the ifpdf switch (HO)
-Package ifpdf Info: pdfTeX in PDF mode is detected.
-Package: ifvtex 2010/03/01 v1.5 Detect VTeX and its facilities (HO)
-Package ifvtex Info: VTeX not detected.
-Package: ifxetex 2010/09/12 v0.6 Provides ifxetex conditional
-\Gm at cnth=\count111
-\Gm at cntv=\count112
-\c at Gm@tempcnt=\count113
-\Gm at bindingoffset=\dimen161
-\Gm at wd@mp=\dimen162
-\Gm at odd@mp=\dimen163
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-\Gm at layoutwidth=\dimen165
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-\Gm at layouthoffset=\dimen167
-\Gm at layoutvoffset=\dimen168
-\Gm at dimlist=\toks24
-Package: fixltx2e 2006/09/13 v1.1m fixes to LaTeX
-LaTeX Info: Redefining \em on input line 420.
-\openout1 = `tmp_comp_rpoB_table.aux'.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 7.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 7.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 7.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 7.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 7.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 7.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 7.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 7.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 7.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 7.
-LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 7.
-LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 7.
- ABD: EveryShipout initializing macros
-[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
-) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/pdftexcmds.sty
-Package: pdftexcmds 2011/11/29 v0.20 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO
-Package: ifluatex 2010/03/01 v1.3 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
-Package ifluatex Info: LuaTeX not detected.
-Package pdftexcmds Info: LuaTeX not detected.
-Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf at primitive is available.
-Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf at ifprimitive is available.
-Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdfdraftmode found.
-Package: epstopdf-base 2010/02/09 v2.5 Base part for package epstopdf
-Package: grfext 2010/08/19 v1.1 Manage graphics extensions (HO)
-Package: kvdefinekeys 2011/04/07 v1.3 Define keys (HO)
-Package: kvoptions 2011/06/30 v3.11 Key value format for package options (HO)
-Package: kvsetkeys 2012/04/25 v1.16 Key value parser (HO)
-Package: etexcmds 2011/02/16 v1.5 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands (HO)
-Package etexcmds Info: Could not find \expanded.
-(etexcmds) That can mean that you are not using pdfTeX 1.50 or
-(etexcmds) that some package has redefined \expanded.
-(etexcmds) In the latter case, load this package earlier.
-Package grfext Info: Graphics extension search list:
-(grfext) [.png,.pdf,.jpg,.mps,.jpeg,.jbig2,.jb2,.PNG,.PDF,.JPG,.JPE
-(grfext) \AppendGraphicsExtensions on input line 452.
-File: epstopdf-sys.cfg 2010/07/13 v1.3 Configuration of (r)epstopdf for TeX Liv
-*geometry* driver: auto-detecting
-*geometry* detected driver: pdftex
-*geometry* verbose mode - [ preamble ] result:
-* driver: pdftex
-* paper: custom
-* layout: <same size as paper>
-* layoutoffset:(h,v)=(0.0pt,0.0pt)
-* modes:
-* h-part:(L,W,R)=(14.45377pt, 549.25246pt, 14.45377pt)
-* v-part:(T,H,B)=(14.45377pt, 1777.84247pt, 14.45377pt)
-* \paperwidth=578.15999pt
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-* \topskip=10.0pt
-* \footskip=30.0pt
-* \marginparwidth=65.0pt
-* \marginparsep=11.0pt
-* \columnsep=10.0pt
-* \skip\footins=9.0pt plus 4.0pt minus 2.0pt
-* \hoffset=0.0pt
-* \voffset=0.0pt
-* \mag=1000
-* \@twocolumnfalse
-* \@twosidefalse
-* \@mparswitchfalse
-* \@reversemarginfalse
-* (1in=72.27pt=25.4mm, 1cm=28.453pt)
-LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
-(Font) <7> on input line 9.
-LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size
-(Font) <5> on input line 9.
-(./tmp_comp_rpoB_table.aux) )
-Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
- 10269 strings out of 493304
- 193161 string characters out of 6139871
- 296222 words of memory out of 5000000
- 13537 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000
- 3640 words of font info for 14 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000
- 957 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
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-Output written on tmp_comp_rpoB_table.pdf (1 page, 37968 bytes).
-PDF statistics:
- 23 PDF objects out of 1000 (max. 8388607)
- 16 compressed objects within 1 object stream
- 0 named destinations out of 1000 (max. 500000)
- 13 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 10000 (max. 10000000)
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deleted file mode 100644
index f23e546..0000000
--- a/other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_table2.aux
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diff --git a/other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_table2.log b/other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_table2.log
deleted file mode 100644
index a6536ee..0000000
--- a/other/comp_data/tmp_comp_rpoB_table2.log
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013/Debian) (format=pdflatex 2014.7.16) 11 MAR 2015 19:50
-entering extended mode
- restricted \write18 enabled.
- %&-line parsing enabled.
-LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
-Babel <3.9h> and hyphenation patterns for 78 languages loaded.
-Document Class: article 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
-File: size10.clo 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
-\c at part=\count79
-\c at section=\count80
-\c at subsection=\count81
-\c at subsubsection=\count82
-\c at paragraph=\count83
-\c at subparagraph=\count84
-\c at figure=\count85
-\c at table=\count86
-\pgfutil at everybye=\toks14
-\pgfutil at abb=\box26
-Package: everyshi 2001/05/15 v3.00 EveryShipout Package (MS)
-Package: pgfrcs 2010/10/25 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.24)
-Package: pgf 2008/01/15 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.12)
-Package: graphicx 1999/02/16 v1.0f Enhanced LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)
-Package: keyval 1999/03/16 v1.13 key=value parser (DPC)
-\KV at toks@=\toks15
-Package: graphics 2009/02/05 v1.0o Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)
-Package: trig 1999/03/16 v1.09 sin cos tan (DPC)
-File: graphics.cfg 2010/04/23 v1.9 graphics configuration of TeX Live
-Package graphics Info: Driver file: pdftex.def on input line 91.
-File: pdftex.def 2011/05/27 v0.06d Graphics/color for pdfTeX
-Package: infwarerr 2010/04/08 v1.3 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO)
-Package: ltxcmds 2011/11/09 v1.22 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO)
-\Gread at gobject=\count87
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-\Gin at req@width=\dimen104
-Package: pgfsys 2010/06/30 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.37)
-\pgfkeys at pathtoks=\toks16
-\pgfkeys at temptoks=\toks17
-\pgfkeys at tmptoks=\toks18
-\pgf at x=\dimen105
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-\pgf at xa=\dimen107
-\pgf at ya=\dimen108
-\pgf at xb=\dimen109
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-\w at pgf@writea=\write3
-\r at pgf@reada=\read1
-\c at pgf@counta=\count88
-\c at pgf@countb=\count89
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-File: pgf.cfg 2008/05/14 (rcs-revision 1.7)
-Package pgfsys Info: Driver file for pgf: pgfsys-pdftex.def on input line 900.
-File: pgfsys-pdftex.def 2009/05/22 (rcs-revision 1.26)
-File: pgfsys-common-pdf.def 2008/05/19 (rcs-revision 1.10)
-File: pgfsyssoftpath.code.tex 2008/07/18 (rcs-revision 1.7)
-\pgfsyssoftpath at smallbuffer@items=\count92
-\pgfsyssoftpath at bigbuffer@items=\count93
-File: pgfsysprotocol.code.tex 2006/10/16 (rcs-revision 1.4)
-Package: xcolor 2007/01/21 v2.11 LaTeX color extensions (UK)
-File: color.cfg 2007/01/18 v1.5 color configuration of teTeX/TeXLive
-Package xcolor Info: Driver file: pdftex.def on input line 225.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `cmy' substituted by `cmy0' on input line 1337.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `hsb' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1341.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `RGB' extended on input line 1353.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `HTML' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1355.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `Hsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1356.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `tHsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1357.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `HSB' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1358.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `Gray' substituted by `gray' on input line 1359.
-Package xcolor Info: Model `wave' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1360.
-Package: pgfcore 2010/04/11 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.7)
-\pgfmath at dimen=\dimen113
-\pgfmath at count=\count94
-\pgfmath at box=\box27
-\pgfmath at toks=\toks19
-\pgfmath at stack@operand=\toks20
-\pgfmath at stack@operation=\toks21
-\c at pgfmathroundto@lastzeros=\count95
-File: pgfcorepoints.code.tex 2010/04/09 (rcs-revision 1.20)
-\pgf at picminx=\dimen114
-\pgf at picmaxx=\dimen115
-\pgf at picminy=\dimen116
-\pgf at picmaxy=\dimen117
-\pgf at pathminx=\dimen118
-\pgf at pathmaxx=\dimen119
-\pgf at pathminy=\dimen120
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diff --git a/other/res_data/spn/portable.xls.REMOVED.git-id b/other/res_data/spn/portable.xls.REMOVED.git-id
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..750f2ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/other/res_data/spn/portable2.xls.REMOVED.git-id
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/Xtr.png b/other/visR/backup/Xtr.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 34089f3..0000000
Binary files a/other/visR/backup/Xtr.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/chimp.png b/other/visR/backup/chimp.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 34089f3..0000000
Binary files a/other/visR/backup/chimp.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/colored-predictions.py b/other/visR/backup/colored-predictions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 55f871e..0000000
--- a/other/visR/backup/colored-predictions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from ressoft.utils.file_utils import ensure_dir
- from queue import Queue
-except ImportError:
- from Queue import Queue
-from ressoft.utils.pvalue_utlis import hyperTestPvalue
-from ressoft.utils.stats_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.generator import choose
-from ressoft.utils.pred_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.input_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.names_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.output import *
-def readParameters(param_tab):
- parameters = {}
- for param_el in param_tab:
- tokens = param_el.split("=")
- if len(tokens)==2:
- key = tokens[0]
- value = tokens[1]
- parameters[key] = value
- return parameters
-def coloredPredictions2(res_profiles, output_format_fn):
- output_format_fh = open(output_format_fn, "w")
- output_format_fh.write('<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">\n')
- output_format_fh.write("<head>\n")
- output_format_fh.write('<script src="sorttable.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>\n')
- output_format_fh.write('<script src="jquery-1.7.1.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>\n')
- output_format_fh.write('<script type="text/javascript">\n')
- output_format_fh.write('$(document).ready(function(){\n')
- output_format_fh.write('init();\n')
- output_format_fh.write('});\n')
- output_format_fh.write('</script>\n')
- output_format_fh.write('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="vert_text.css" />\n')
- output_format_fh.write("</head>\n")
- output_format_fh.write("<body>\n")
- output_format_fh.write('<table>\n')
- output_format_fh.write('<th> </th>')
- for res_profile in res_profiles:
- drug_name = res_profile.drug_name
- output_format_fh.write('<th style="width:20px"><div class="verticalText">'+drug_name+'</div></th>')
- for strain_index in range(0, strains.count(), 1):
- strain_id = strains.getStrain(strain_index)
- print(strain_id)
- #strain_id = strains.strain_ids[strain_index]
- strain_index = strains.getPosition(strain_id)
- output_format_fh.write('<tr>')
- output_format_fh.write('<td>'+strain_id+"</td>")
- for res_profile in res_profiles:
- if strain_index in res_profile.getResistant():
- if strain_index in res_profile.predicted_strains:
- output_format_fh.write('<td style="background-color: rgb(255,170,170); width:20px">'+'r'+'</td>')
- else:
- output_format_fh.write('<td style="background-color: rgb(255,0,0); width:20px">'+'R'+'</td>')
- elif strain_index in res_profile.getSusceptible():
- if strain_index in res_profile.predicted_strains:
- output_format_fh.write('<td style="background-color: rgb(170,255,170); width:20px">'+'s'+'</td>')
- else:
- output_format_fh.write('<td style="background-color: rgb(0,255,0); width:20px">'+'S'+'</td>')
- else:
- output_format_fh.write('<td style="width:20px">'+'?'+'</td>')
- output_format_fh.write('</tr>')
- output_format_fh.write('</table>\n')
- output_format_fh.write("</body>\n")
- output_format_fh.write("</html>\n")
- output_format_fh.close()
-def coloredPredictions(res_profiles, output_format_fn):
- output_format_fh = open(output_format_fn, "w")
- output_format_fh.write('<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">\n')
- output_format_fh.write("<head>\n")
- output_format_fh.write('<script src="sorttable.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>\n')
- output_format_fh.write('<script src="jquery-1.7.1.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>\n')
- output_format_fh.write('<script type="text/javascript">\n')
- output_format_fh.write('$(document).ready(function(){\n')
- output_format_fh.write('init();\n')
- output_format_fh.write('});\n')
- output_format_fh.write('</script>\n')
- output_format_fh.write('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="vert_text.css" />\n')
- output_format_fh.write("</head>\n")
- output_format_fh.write("<body>\n")
- output_format_fh.write('<table border-collapse=collapse;>\n')
- #output_format_fh.write('<tr>\n')
- #output_format_fh.write('<img src="tree.png" style="width=80px; height:600px">\n')
- #output_format_fh.write('<td style="width:100px; border-bottom-color: black; border-left-color:black; border-top-color:black;">\n')
- output_format_fh.write('<td style="width:100px;">\n')
- #output_format_fh.write('</td>\n')
-# output_format_fh.write('<table>\n')
-# output_format_fh.write('<th style="height:100px">\n')
-# output_format_fh.write('</th>\n')
-# output_format_fh.write('<tr>\n')
- #output_format_fh.write('</tr>\n')
- #output_format_fh.write('</table>\n')
- output_format_fh.write('<img src="tree.png" style="margin-top:120px; width=80px; height:1700px">\n')
- output_format_fh.write('</td>\n')
- output_format_fh.write('<td>\n')
- output_format_fh.write('<table border-collapse=collapse;>\n')
- output_format_fh.write('<tr>\n')
- #output_format_fh.write('<td style="width:150px; border-top-color:white;">Phylo</td>\n')
- output_format_fh.write('<td style="width:150px;">Strain:</td>\n')
- for res_profile in res_profiles:
- drug_name = res_profile.drug_name
- output_format_fh.write('<th style="width:20px"><div class="verticalText">'+drug_name+'</div></th>')
- print("LEN", len(strains.strain_ids))
- for strain_index in range(0, len(strains.strain_ids), 1):
- strain_id = strains.getStrain(strain_index)
- print(strain_id)
- #strain_id = strains.strain_ids[strain_index]
- strain_index = strains.getPosition(strain_id)
- output_format_fh.write('<tr>')
- output_format_fh.write('<td>'+strain_id+"</td>")
- for res_profile in res_profiles:
- if strain_index in res_profile.getResistant():
- if strain_index in res_profile.predicted_strains:
- output_format_fh.write('<td style="background-color: rgb(255,170,170); width:20px">'+'r'+'</td>')
- else:
- output_format_fh.write('<td style="background-color: rgb(255,0,0); width:20px">'+'R'+'</td>')
- elif strain_index in res_profile.getSusceptible():
- if strain_index in res_profile.predicted_strains:
- output_format_fh.write('<td style="background-color: rgb(170,255,170); width:20px">'+'s'+'</td>')
- else:
- output_format_fh.write('<td style="background-color: rgb(0,255,0); width:20px">'+'S'+'</td>')
- else:
- output_format_fh.write('<td style="width:20px">'+'?'+'</td>')
- output_format_fh.write('</tr>')
- #for drug_name in res_profiles:
- # drug_res_profile = res_profiles[drug_name]
- #
- #
- # output_format_fh.write(drug_name)
- output_format_fh.write('</td>\n')
- output_format_fh.write('</tr>\n')
- output_format_fh.write('</table>\n')
- output_format_fh.write("</body>\n")
- output_format_fh.write("</html>\n")
- output_format_fh.close()
-species = "mtb80"
-input_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_input/"+species+"_res/")+"/"
-output_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_html/")+"/"
-input_fh = open(input_dir + "strains-all.txt")
-strains = readStrains(input_fh)
-input_fh = open(input_dir + "res_profiles_ret.txt")
-res_profiles = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, strains)
-input_fh = open(input_dir + "pred_res_profiles.txt")
-pred_res_profiles = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, strains)
-#strains_ord_fh = open(input_dir + "names-strains-ord.txt")
-#strains_ord = readStrainNamesOrd(strains_ord_fh)
-output_format_fn = output_dir + "colored_res_profiles2.html"
-coloredPredictions(res_profiles, output_format_fn)
-pred_output_format_fn = output_dir + "colored_pred_res_profiles2.html"
-coloredPredictions(pred_res_profiles, pred_output_format_fn)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/dog.png b/other/visR/backup/dog.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 34089f3..0000000
Binary files a/other/visR/backup/dog.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/ete_test.py b/other/visR/backup/ete_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c83dac..0000000
--- a/other/visR/backup/ete_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# Import Tree instance and faces module
-from ete2 import Tree
-from ete2 import PhyloTree
-from ete2.treeview.main import TreeStyle, NodeStyle, TreeStyle
-from ete2 import faces, layouts
-from ete2 import Tree, faces, TreeStyle
-# Loads an example tree
-nw = """
-t = Tree(nw)
-# You can create any random tree containing the same leaf names, and
-# layout will work equally
-# t = Tree()
-# Creates a random tree with 8 leaves using a given set of names
-# t.populate(8, ["Dme", "Dre", "Hsa", "Ptr", "Cfa", "Mms"])
-# Set the path in which images are located
-img_path = "./"
-# Create faces based on external images
-humanFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path+"human.png")
-mouseFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path+"mouse.png")
-dogFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path+"dog.png")
-chimpFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path+"chimp.png")
-fishFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path+"fish.png")
-flyFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path+"fly.png")
-# Create a faces ready to read the name attribute of nodes
-#nameFace = faces.TextFace(open("text").readline().strip(), fsize=20, fgcolor="#009000")
-nameFace = faces.AttrFace("name", fsize=20, fgcolor="#009000")
-# Create a conversion between leaf names and real names
-code2name = {
- "Dre":"Drosophila melanogaster",
- "Dme":"Danio rerio",
- "Hsa":"Homo sapiens",
- "Ptr":"Pan troglodytes",
- "Mms":"Mus musculus",
- "Cfa":"Canis familiaris"
- }
-# Creates a dictionary with the descriptions of each leaf name
-code2desc = {
- "Dre":"""The zebrafish, also known as Danio rerio,
-is a tropical freshwater fish belonging to the
-minnow family (Cyprinidae).""",
- "Dme":"""True flies are insects of the order Diptera,
-possessing a single pair of wings on the
-mesothorax and a pair of halteres, derived from
-the hind wings, on the metathorax""",
- "Hsa":"""A human is a member of a species
-of bipedal primates in the family Hominidae.""",
- "Ptr":"""Chimpanzee, sometimes colloquially
-chimp, is the common name for the
-two extant species of ape in the genus Pan.""",
- "Mms":"""A mouse is a small mammal belonging to the
-order of rodents.""",
- "Cfa": """The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a
-domesticated subspecies of the Gray Wolf,
-a member of the Canidae family of the
- }
-# Creates my own layout function. I will use all previously created
-# faces and will set different node styles depending on the type of
-# node.
-def mylayout(node):
- # If node is a leaf, add the nodes name and a its scientific
- # name
- if node.is_leaf():
- # Add an static face that handles the node name
- faces.add_face_to_node(nameFace, node, column=0)
- # We can also create faces on the fly
- longNameFace = faces.TextFace(node.name)
- faces.add_face_to_node(longNameFace, node, column=0)
- # text faces support multiline. We add a text face
- # with the whole description of each leaf.
- descFace = faces.TextFace(node.name, fsize=10)
- descFace.margin_top = 10
- descFace.margin_bottom = 10
- descFace.border.margin = 1
- # Note that this faces is added in "aligned" mode
- faces.add_face_to_node(descFace, node, column=0, aligned=True)
- # Sets the style of leaf nodes
- node.img_style["size"] = 12
- node.img_style["shape"] = "circle"
- #If node is an internal node
- else:
- # Sets the style of internal nodes
- pass
-# node.img_style["size"] = 6
-# node.img_style["shape"] = "circle"
-# node.img_style["fgcolor"] = "#000000"
- # If an internal node contains more than 4 leaves, add the
- # images of the represented species sorted in columns of 2
- # images max.
- if len(node)>=4:
- col = 0
- for i, name in enumerate(set(node.get_leaf_names())):
- if i>0 and i%2 == 0:
- col += 1
- # Add the corresponding face to the node
- if name.startswith("Dme"):
- faces.add_face_to_node(flyFace, node, column=col)
- elif name.startswith("Dre"):
- faces.add_face_to_node(fishFace, node, column=col)
- elif name.startswith("Mms"):
- faces.add_face_to_node(mouseFace, node, column=col)
- elif name.startswith("Ptr"):
- faces.add_face_to_node(chimpFace, node, column=col)
- elif name.startswith("Hsa"):
- faces.add_face_to_node(humanFace, node, column=col)
- elif name.startswith("Cfa"):
- faces.add_face_to_node(dogFace, node, column=col)
- # Modifies this node's style
- node.img_style["size"] = 16
- node.img_style["shape"] = "sphere"
- node.img_style["fgcolor"] = "#AA0000"
- # If leaf is "Hsa" (homo sapiens), highlight it using a
- # different background.
- #if node.is_leaf() and node.name.startswith("Hsa"):
- # node.img_style["bgcolor"] = "#9db0cf"
-# And, finally, Visualize the tree using my own layout function
-ts = TreeStyle()
-ts.layout_fn = mylayout
-t.render("img_faces.png", w=600, tree_style = ts)
-t.show(tree_style = ts)
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/fish.png b/other/visR/backup/fish.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 34089f3..0000000
Binary files a/other/visR/backup/fish.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/fly.png b/other/visR/backup/fly.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 34089f3..0000000
Binary files a/other/visR/backup/fly.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/generate-excel-tables-scored-genes.py b/other/visR/backup/generate-excel-tables-scored-genes.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 197c315..0000000
--- a/other/visR/backup/generate-excel-tables-scored-genes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-from ressoft.utils.pvalue_utlis import hyperTestPvalue
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from ressoft.utils.stats_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.generator import choose
-from ressoft.utils.pred_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.input_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.names_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.output import *
-from ressoft.utils.file_utils import *
-def readParameters(param_tab):
- parameters = {}
- for param_el in param_tab:
- tokens = param_el.split("=")
- if len(tokens)==2:
- key = tokens[0]
- value = tokens[1]
- parameters[key] = value
- return parameters
-parameters = readParameters(sys.argv)
-def filterTopGeneProfiles(gene_profiles, n):
- subset = set([])
- for gene_profile in gene_profiles:
- if gene_profile.norm_wsupport > 0.0:
- subset.add(gene_profile)
- subset_sorted = sorted(subset, key=lambda gp:(-gp.wsupport, -gp.cover_support))
- return subset_sorted[:n]
-def filterGeneProfilesByPvalue(gene_profiles, drug_res_genes, target_genes):
- subset = set([])
- for gene_profile in gene_profiles[:10]:
- subset.add(gene_profile)
- subset_sorted = sorted(subset, key=lambda gp:(gp.pvalue_wsupport, -gp.cover_support))
- return subset_sorted[:10]
- return None
-def loadGeneFunctions(input_fh):
- gene_ids = {}
- for line in input_fh.readlines():
- if not line:
- continue
- line = line.strip()
- tokens = line.split("\t")
- if len(tokens) <= 1:
- continue
- gene_id = tokens[0]
- function_id = tokens[3].lower()
- function_id = function_id.replace("_", "\_")
- if not gene_id in gene_ids:
- gene_ids[gene_id] = function_id
- return gene_ids
-def decorateScors(parameters):
- species = parameters["SPECIES"]
- details = parameters["DETAILS"]
- subset = parameters["SUBSET"]
- hide = int(parameters["HIDE"])
- theta = float(parameters["THETA"])
- zeta = float(parameters["ZETA"])
- tscore_type = parameters["TSCORE_TYPE"]
- beta = int(parameters["BETA"])
- pred = parameters["PRED"]
- dist = int(parameters["DIST"])
- type_param = parameters["TYPE"]
- exp_prefix = parameters["EXP_PREFIX"]
- grouping_type = parameters["GROUPING"]
- supp_type = parameters["SUPP_TYPE"]
- drug_name = parameters["DRUG_NAME"]
- m_type = parameters["TYPE"]
- input_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_input/"+species+"_res/")+"/"
- output_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_out/")+"/"
- format_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_format/")+"/"
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "strains-all.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- diffTime("Input reading...")
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "pred_res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, strains, map=True)
- input_fh.close()
- cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "conn_comp-det-"+str(0)+".txt")
- clusters, id_cluster_map = readClusters(cluster_fh, strains)
- cluster_fh.close()
- strains_ord_fh = open(input_dir + "names-strains-ord.txt")
- strains_ord = readStrainNamesOrd(strains_ord_fh)
- strains_ord_fh.close()
- if os.path.exists(input_dir + "cc_mutability.txt"):
- mutability_fh = open(input_dir + "cc_mutability.txt")
- mutabilities = readMutabilities(mutability_fh, clusters, id_cluster_map, strains_ord)
- mutability_fh.close()
- else:
- mutabilities = None
- if os.path.exists(input_dir + "gene_mapped_functions.txt"):
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "gene_mapped_functions.txt")
- gene_functions = loadGeneFunctions(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- else:
- gene_functions = None
- diffTime(drug_name)
- print(res_profiles)
- drug_res_profile = copy.deepcopy(res_profiles[drug_name])
- drug_name = drug_res_profile.drug_name
- input_res_fn = output_dir +"/det/"+str(exp_prefix)+"-"+str(hide)+"-"+str(dist)+"-"+grouping_type+"-"+details+"-"+subset+"-"+m_type+"-"+pred+"-"+str(beta)+"-"+str(theta)+"-"+str(zeta)+"-"+str(tscore_type)+"-"+drug_name+".txt"
- print("HERE", input_res_fn)
- if not os.path.exists(input_res_fn):
- print("HERE2")
- return None
- input_res_fh = open(input_res_fn)
- output_res_fn = format_dir +"/html/"+str(exp_prefix)+"-"+str(hide)+"-"+str(dist)+"-"+grouping_type+"-"+details+"-"+subset+"-"+m_type+"-"+pred+"-"+str(beta)+"-"+str(theta)+"-"+str(zeta)+"-"+str(tscore_type)+"-"+drug_name+".html"
- output_fh = open(output_res_fn, "w")
- hidden_strains, gene_profiles, gene_targets, drug_res_genes = readFeaturesOne(drug_name, strains, input_res_fh)
- genes_to_show = filterTopGeneProfiles(gene_profiles, 500)
- printHtml(genes_to_show, drug_name, strains, output_fh, show_profiles=True, hidden_res_profile=drug_res_profile, drug_res_genes=drug_res_genes, drug_targets=gene_targets, gene_functions=gene_functions, type=type, mutabilities=mutabilities)
- input_res_fh.close()
- output_fh.close()
- return None
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = readParameters(sys.argv)
- if "SPECIES" in parameters and not parameters["SPECIES"] in ["mtb","sta"]:
- species = parameters["SPECIES"]
- else:
- species = "mtb80"
- #species = "mtb80"
- if "W" in parameters:
- WORKERS = int(parameters["W"])
- else:
- input_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_input/"+species+"_res/")+"/"
- output_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_out/")+"/"
- format_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_format/")+"/"
- ensure_dir(format_dir)
- ensure_dir(format_dir +"/html/")
- details_param = "S"
- hide_param = 0
- dist_params = ["0"]
- exp_prefix = "FINAL3"
- grouping_param = "G"
- subset_param = "N"
- pred_params = ["A","B"]
- theta_params = ["0.2","0.5","0.8"]
- type_params = ["G","S"]
- zeta_params = ["0.0"]
- tscore_params = ["P"]
- TASKS = []
- TASK = {}
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "res_profiles_ret.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- print(drug_names)
- for theta_param in theta_params:
- for tscore_param in tscore_params:
- for zeta_param in zeta_params:
- for dist_param in dist_params:
- for type_param in type_params:
- if type_param == "G" and dist_param == "20":
- continue
- for pred_param in pred_params:
- for beta_param in range(-1, 0, 1):
- for supp_type_param in ["wsupport", "support", "or", "tscore", "gene_tscore"]:
- if supp_type_param != "tscore" and theta_param != "0.5":
- continue
- for drug_name in drug_names:
- TASK["SPECIES"] = species
- TASK["PHASE"] = str(0)
- TASK["DETAILS"] = str(details_param)
- TASK["HIDE"] = str(hide_param)
- TASK["DIST"] = str(dist_param)
- TASK["GROUPING"] = str(grouping_param)
- TASK["EXP_PREFIX"] = exp_prefix
- TASK["TYPE"] = type_param
- TASK["PRED"] = pred_param
- TASK["BETA"] = beta_param
- TASK["THETA"] = theta_param
- TASK["ZETA"] = zeta_param
- TASK["TSCORE_TYPE"] = tscore_param
- TASK["SUPP_TYPE"] = supp_type_param
- TASK["SUBSET"] = subset_param
- TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
- TASKS.append(TASK.copy())
- for TASK in TASKS:
- print(TASK)
- if WORKERS > 1:
- pool = Pool(processes=WORKERS)
- for r in pool.imap(decorateScors, TASKS):
- print(r)
- else:
- for T in TASKS:
- decorateScors(T)
- print("END")
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/img_faces.png b/other/visR/backup/img_faces.png
deleted file mode 100644
index c0942c7..0000000
Binary files a/other/visR/backup/img_faces.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/mouse.png b/other/visR/backup/mouse.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 34089f3..0000000
Binary files a/other/visR/backup/mouse.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/out.pdf b/other/visR/backup/out.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 7221ce4..0000000
Binary files a/other/visR/backup/out.pdf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/save-tree-mutations_old.py b/other/visR/backup/save-tree-mutations_old.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b9be1f..0000000
--- a/other/visR/backup/save-tree-mutations_old.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-import random
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from ete2 import Tree
-from ete2 import PhyloTree
-from ete2.treeview.main import TreeStyle, NodeStyle, TreeStyle
-from ete2 import faces, layouts
-from soft.utils.camber_params_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.file_utils import ensure_dir
-from ressoft.utils.stats_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.generator import choose
-from ressoft.utils.pred_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.input_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.names_utils import readClusters, readClusterNames
-def calcResistantNodeLeaves(phylo_tree):
- mutated_nodes = set([])
- mutated_node_leaves = {}
- queue = deque([])
- for node in phylo_tree.nodes.values():
- node.visited = 0
- for i in phylo_tree.leaf_ids:
- node = phylo_tree.nodes[i]
- queue.append(node.parent)
- while queue:
- node = queue.popleft()
- if node == None:
- continue
- node.visited += 1
- if node.visited < len(node.children):
- continue
- i = node.node_id
- children_list = list(node.children)
- node_mut = node.complete_res_state
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- node_j = children_list[j]
- node_j_mut = node_j.complete_res_state
- if node_j_mut == 'R' and node_mut == 'S':
- mutated_nodes.add(node_j)
- queue.append(node.parent)
- for node in mutated_nodes:
- mutated_node_leaves[node.node_id] = node.getLeaves()
- return mutated_node_leaves
-def calcMutatedNodeLeaves(phylo_tree):
- mutated_nodes = set([])
- mutated_node_leaves = {}
- queue = deque([])
- for node in phylo_tree.nodes.values():
- node.visited = 0
- for i in phylo_tree.leaf_ids:
- node = phylo_tree.nodes[i]
- queue.append(node.parent)
- while queue:
- node = queue.popleft()
- if node == None:
- continue
- node.visited += 1
- if node.visited < len(node.children):
- continue
- i = node.node_id
- children_list = list(node.children)
- node_mut = node.complete_mut_state
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- node_j = children_list[j]
- node_j_mut = node_j.complete_mut_state
- if node_j_mut == '1' and node_mut == '0':
- mutated_nodes.add(node_j)
- queue.append(node.parent)
- for node in mutated_nodes:
- mutated_node_leaves[node.node_id] = node.getLeaves()
- return mutated_node_leaves
-def scoreMutations(drug_res_profile, drug_name, drug_targets, drug_res_genes, tree, all_mutations, gene_presence, strains, output_format_fh=None, parameters=None):
- dataset = parameters["D"]
- details = parameters["DETAILS"]
- subset = parameters["SUBSET"]
- hide = int(parameters["HIDE"])
- beta = int(parameters["BETA"])
- pred = parameters["PRED"]
- theta = float(parameters["THETA"])
- dist = int(parameters["DIST"])
- zeta = float(parameters["ZETA"])
- tscore_type = parameters["TSCORE_TYPE"]
- exp_prefix = parameters["EXP_PREFIX"]
- grouping_type = parameters["GROUPING"]
- m_type = parameters["TYPE"]
- dataset_dir = os.path.abspath("../camber-pred/datasets/"+dataset)+"/"
- if beta == -1:
- beta_str = str("%.2f" % float(len(drug_res_profile.getResistant())/float(len(drug_res_profile.getSusceptible()))))
- beta = float(beta_str)
- tree.setObservedResProfile(drug_res_profile.full_profile)
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
- newtree.calcContributions(drug_res_profile, beta)
- calcRefSatesMutations(all_mutations, drug_res_profile)
- calcBinSatesMutations(all_mutations, drug_res_profile)
- calcGenesCoverSupports(all_mutations, drug_res_profile, beta)
- con_mutations, neu_mutations, ess_mutations = categorizeMultiMutations(all_mutations, drug_res_profile)
- imp_mutations = con_mutations + neu_mutations + ess_mutations
- gene_profiles = geneMutations(imp_mutations)
- con_gene_profiles = geneMutations(con_mutations)
- gene_profiles = groupGeneMutations(gene_profiles, dist, con_gene_profiles, grouping_type)
- computeGeneProfiles(gene_profiles)
- computeGeneProfilesEss(gene_profiles)
- calcGenesCoverSupports(gene_profiles, drug_res_profile, beta)
- calcGenesWeightedSupports(gene_profiles, drug_res_profile, newtree, beta)
- calcGenesTreeScore(gene_profiles, drug_res_profile, newtree, theta=theta, zeta=zeta)
- calcOddsRatio(gene_profiles, drug_res_profile)
- for gene_profile in gene_profiles:
- muts_sorted = sorted(gene_profile.mutations, key=lambda mutation:mutation.tscore)
- gene_profile.start = muts_sorted[0].position
- gene_profile.end = muts_sorted[0].position
- gene_profile.desc = muts_sorted[0].desc
- if grouping_type == "G":
- gene_profiles_sorted = sorted(gene_profiles, key=lambda gp:-gp.best_mutation.wsupport)
- genes_to_show = list(gene_profiles_sorted)[:1000]
- elif details == "N":
- genes_to_show = filerGenesToShow(gene_profiles, drug_res_profile, drug_res_genes=drug_res_genes, drug_targets=drug_targets)
- elif details == "H":
- genes_to_show = filerGenesToShowHigh(gene_profiles, max_support, max_support2=max_support2, drug_res_genes=drug_res_genes, drug_targets=drug_targets)
- elif details == "Y":
- genes_to_show = filerGenesToShowBySupport(gene_profiles, 1, drug_res_genes=drug_res_genes, target_genes=drug_targets)
- elif details == "S":
- gene_profiles_sorted = sorted(gene_profiles, key=lambda gp:-gp.wsupport)
- genes_to_show = list(gene_profiles_sorted)[:1000]
- alignments = {}
- for leaf_id in newtree.leaf_ids:
- strain_id = strains.getStrain(leaf_id)
- alignments[strain_id] = ""
- for i in range(0, min(10, len(genes_to_show)), 1):
- gene_profile = genes_to_show[i]
- gp_score = gene_profile.tscore
- for strain_index in newtree.leaf_ids:
- strain_id = strains.getStrain(strain_index)
- alignments[strain_id] += gene_profile.bin_profile[strain_index]
- fasta_txt = ""
- for strain_id in alignments:
- fasta_txt += ">" + strain_id + "\n" + alignments[strain_id] + "\n"
- output_fh = open(dataset_dir +"/tree_mapping/"+drug_name+"_aln"+".txt", "w")
- output_fh.write(fasta_txt)
- output_fh.close()
- output_fh = open(dataset_dir +"/tree_mapping/"+drug_name+"_muts"+".txt", "w")
- for i in range(0, min(10, len(genes_to_show)), 1):
- gene_profile = genes_to_show[i]
- newtree.setObservedMutProfile(gene_profile.bin_profile)
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
- mutated_node_leaves = calcMutatedNodeLeaves(newtree)
- line_text = gene_profile.gene_id + "_" + str(gene_profile.start)
- for mutated_node_id in mutated_node_leaves.keys():
- line_text += "\t"
- for leaf_id in mutated_node_leaves[mutated_node_id]:
- line_text += strains.getStrain(leaf_id) + ";"
- line_text = line_text[:-1]
- output_fh.write(line_text + "\n")
- output_fh.close()
- output_fh = open(dataset_dir +"/tree_mapping/"+drug_name+"_res"+".txt", "w")
- resistant_node_leaves = calcResistantNodeLeaves(newtree)
- line_text = ""
- for resistant_node_id in resistant_node_leaves.keys():
- line_text += "\t"
- for leaf_id in resistant_node_leaves[resistant_node_id]:
- line_text += strains.getStrain(leaf_id) + ";"
- line_text = line_text[:-1]
- output_fh.write(line_text + "\n")
- output_fh.close()
- output_fh = open(dataset_dir +"/tree_mapping/"+drug_name+"_tree"+".txt", "w")
- output_fh.write(newtree.toString(strains = strains, lengths = False, int_labels = True)+"\n");
- output_fh.close()
- return None
-def evaluateMethod(drug_name, res_profiles, drug_targets, drug_res_genes, tree, all_mutations, gene_presence, strains, parameters):
- dataset = parameters["D"]
- details = parameters["DETAILS"]
- subset = parameters["SUBSET"]
- hide = int(parameters["HIDE"])
- theta = parameters["THETA"]
- beta = int(parameters["BETA"])
- pred = parameters["PRED"]
- zeta = float(parameters["ZETA"])
- tscore_type = parameters["TSCORE_TYPE"]
- dist = int(parameters["DIST"])
- exp_prefix = parameters["EXP_PREFIX"]
- grouping_type = parameters["GROUPING"]
- m_type = parameters["TYPE"]
- input_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_input/"+dataset+"_res/")+"/"
- output_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+dataset+"_out/")+"/"
- drug_res_profile = copy.deepcopy(res_profiles[drug_name])
- scoreMutations(drug_res_profile, drug_name, drug_targets[drug_name], drug_res_genes[drug_name], tree, all_mutations, gene_presence, strains, parameters=parameters)
-# output_format_fh.close()
-def scoreDrug(parameters):
- dataset = parameters["D"]
- subset = parameters["SUBSET"]
- m_type = (parameters["TYPE"])
- pred = (parameters["PRED"])
- drug_name = parameters["DRUG_NAME"]
- dataset_dir = os.path.abspath("../camber-pred/datasets/"+dataset)+"/"
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + "strain_profiles_ord.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + "strain_names_ord.txt")
- strain_names_ord = readStrainNamesOrd(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- if pred == "B":
- input_fn = dataset_dir + "res_profiles_ret.txt"
- else:
- input_fn = dataset_dir + "pred_res_profiles.txt"
- input_fh = open(input_fn)
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, strains)
- input_fh.close()
- res_profiles = {}
- for res_profile in res_profiles_list:
- res_profiles[res_profile.drug_name] = res_profile
- cluster_fh = open(dataset_dir + "cluster_names.txt")
- cluster_names, cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = readClusterNames(cluster_fh, strains)
- cluster_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + "drug_targets.txt")
- drug_targets = loadDrugTargets(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + "drug_res_genes.txt")
- drug_res_genes = loadDrugResGenes(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + "drug_res_rel.txt")
- drug_res_rel = loadDrugTargets(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
- input_fh.close()
- print("DRUG RES GENES: ", drug_res_genes)
- print("DRUG TARGETS: ", drug_targets)
- if subset == "Y":
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + 'subset_imp_genes_neigh.txt')
- gene_subset = readGeneSubset(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
- input_fh.close()
- else:
- gene_subset = None
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + 'phylo_tree.txt')
- tree = readPhyloTree(input_fh, strains)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + 'man-all-mutations.txt')
- all_mutations, gene_presence = readMultiMutations(input_fh, strains, cluster_names=cluster_names, cluster_ids=cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev=cluster_ids_rev, strains_ord=strain_names_ord, gene_subset=gene_subset, m_type=m_type, syn=False)
- input_fh.close()
- print("READ", len(all_mutations))
- sys.stdout.flush()
- imp_mutations = filterMutations(all_mutations, strains)
- diffTime("FILTERED")
- print("MUTATIONS: ", len(imp_mutations))
- evaluateMethod(drug_name, res_profiles, drug_targets, drug_res_genes, tree, imp_mutations, gene_presence, strains, parameters)
- diffTime("EVALUATED")
- return drug_name
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- if "W" in parameters:
- WORKERS = int(parameters["W"])
- else:
- #dataset = "sta_plas_184"
- if "DATASET" in parameters and not parameters["D"] in ["mtb","sta","ba"]:
- dataset = parameters["D"]
- else:
- dataset = "spe"
- dataset = "mtb79"
- dataset_dir = os.path.abspath("../camber-pred/datasets/"+dataset)+"/"
- print(dataset_dir)
- ensure_dir(dataset_dir)
- ensure_dir(dataset_dir + "/html_subset/")
- ensure_dir(dataset_dir + "/r_subset/")
- ensure_dir(dataset_dir + "/tree_mapping/")
- ensure_dir(dataset_dir + "/det/")
- #scripts_dir = "/research/wongls-group/wozniak/scripts_pred/"
- #scripts_dir = "../../"+dataset+"-scripts_pred/"
- #ensure_dir(scripts_dir)
- cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) +"/"
- hide_params = set(["0"])
- dist_params = set(["0"])
- pred_params = set(["B"])
- beta_params = set(["-1"])
- grouping_params = set(["N"])
- details_params = set(["S"])
- subset_params = set(["N"])
- type_params = set(["S"])
- theta_params = ["0.5"]
- zeta_params = ["0.0"]
- tscore_params = ["P"]
- exp_prefix = "FINAL7"
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + "res_profiles_ret.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- print(drug_names)
- TASKS = []
- TASK = {}
- count = 0
- for theta_param in theta_params:
- for beta_param in beta_params:
- for pred_param in pred_params:
- for type_param in type_params:
- for hide_param in hide_params:
- for dist_param in dist_params:
- for tscore_param in tscore_params:
- for zeta_param in zeta_params:
- for grouping_param in grouping_params:
- for details_param in details_params:
- for subset_param in subset_params:
- for drug_name in drug_names:
- if not drug_name in ["Ofloxacin"]:
- continue
- if type_param == "G" and dist_param != "0":
- continue
- if grouping_param == "G" and dist_param != "0":
- continue
- #if drug_name == "Rifampicin":
- # continue
- TASK["D"] = dataset
- TASK["DETAILS"] = str(details_param)
- TASK["HIDE"] = str(hide_param)
- TASK["SUBSET"] = str(subset_param)
- TASK["DIST"] = str(dist_param)
- TASK["GROUPING"] = str(grouping_param)
- TASK["EXP_PREFIX"] = exp_prefix
- TASK["TYPE"] = type_param
- TASK["PRED"] = pred_param
- TASK["BETA"] = beta_param
- TASK["THETA"] = theta_param
- TASK["TSCORE_TYPE"] = tscore_param
- TASK["ZETA"] = zeta_param
- TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
- #output_det_fn = output_dir + "/det/"+str(exp_prefix)+"-"+str(0)+"-"+str(dist_param)+"-"+grouping_param+"-"+details_param+"-"+subset_param+"-"+type_param+"-"+pred_param+"-"+str(beta_param)+"-"+drug_name+".txt"
- TASKS.append(TASK.copy())
- # scoreDrug(TASK)
- for TASK in TASKS:
- print(TASK)
- if WORKERS > 1:
- pool = Pool(processes=WORKERS)
- for r in pool.imap(scoreDrug, TASKS):
- print(r)
- else:
- for T in TASKS:
- scoreDrug(T)
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/score-subset-mutations.py b/other/visR/backup/score-subset-mutations.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bd79fe0..0000000
--- a/other/visR/backup/score-subset-mutations.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,518 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from soft.utils.camber_params_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.file_utils import ensure_dir
-from soft.utils.camber_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.stats_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.generator import choose
-from ressoft.utils.pred_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.input_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.names_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.output import *
-from ressoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-def printScoresGene(genes_to_show, drug_name, output_det_fh, only_mutated = False):
- sorted_gene_profiles = sorted(genes_to_show, key=lambda gene_profile:(gene_profile.gene_id, gene_profile.start))
- output_det_fh.write("gene_id\tdesc\tposition\ttree_score\twsupport\tsupport\tor\n")
- genes_map = {}
- for gene_profile in sorted_gene_profiles:
- if not gene_profile.gene_id in genes_map:
- genes_map[gene_profile.gene_id] = []
- genes_map[gene_profile.gene_id].append(gene_profile)
- for gene_id in genes_map.keys():
- last_pos = -1
- for gene_profile in genes_map[gene_id]:
- gene_profile_id = gene_profile.gene_profile_id
- gene_id = gene_profile.gene_id
- tokens = gene_profile_id.split("-")
- if len(tokens) == 2:
- gene_id_text = tokens[1]
- else:
- gene_id_text = tokens[0]
- gene_profile.setGeneIDText(gene_id_text)
- if only_mutated == False:
- while last_pos + 1 < gene_profile.start:
- text_line = gene_profile.gene_name + "\t"
- text_line += "no" + "\t"
- text_line += str(last_pos + 1) + "\t"
- text_line += str("%.2f" % 0) + "\t"
- text_line += str("%.2f" % 0) + "\t"
- text_line += str("%.2f" % 0) + "\t"
- text_line += str("%.2f" % 0) + "\t"
- output_det_fh.write(text_line + "\n")
- last_pos += 1
- text_line = gene_profile.gene_name + "\t"
- text_line += gene_profile.desc + "\t"
- text_line += str(gene_profile.start) + "\t"
- text_line += str("%.2f" % gene_profile.tscore) + "\t"
- text_line += str("%.2f" % gene_profile.wsupport) + "\t"
- text_line += str("%.2f" % gene_profile.support) + "\t"
- text_line += str("%.2f" % gene_profile.odds_support) + "\t"
- output_det_fh.write(text_line + "\n")
- return None
-def printHtmlStephen(genes_to_show, drug_name, strains, output_det_fh, show_profiles = True, hidden_res_profile = None, drug_res_genes=None, drug_targets=None, strain_index = None, predicted_res_profile = None, gene_functions = None, type="G", mutabilities=None):
- sorted_gene_profiles = sorted(genes_to_show, key=lambda gene_profile:(gene_profile.gene_id, gene_profile.start))
- output_det_fh.write('<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">\n')
- output_det_fh.write("<head>\n")
- output_det_fh.write('<script src="sorttable.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('<script src="jquery-1.7.1.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('<script src="row_expand.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('<script type="text/javascript">\n')
- output_det_fh.write('$(document).ready(function(){\n')
- output_det_fh.write('init();\n')
- output_det_fh.write('});\n')
- output_det_fh.write('</script>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="vert_text.css" />\n')
- output_det_fh.write("</head>\n")
- output_det_fh.write("<body>\n")
- output_det_fh.write('<table>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('<tr>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:100px">Gene identifier</th>\n')
- if len(sorted_gene_profiles) > 0:
- if sorted_gene_profiles[0].start != None:
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:40px">Position</th>\n')
- if sorted_gene_profiles[0].desc != None and sorted_gene_profiles[0].desc != "":
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:40px">Description</th>\n')
- if type == "S":
- if gene_functions != None:
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:200px">Gene functional annotation</th>\n')
- if mutabilities != None:
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:200px">Gene mutabilities/th>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:40px">Weighted support</th>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:40px">Tree score</th>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:40px">Odds ratio</th>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:40px">Drug-resistance determinant?</th>\n')
- else:
- if gene_functions != None:
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:200px">Gene functional annotation</th>\n')
- if mutabilities != None:
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:200px">Gene mutabilities/th>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:40px">Weighted support</th>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:40px">Tree score</th>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:40px">Odds ratio</th>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="width:40px">Drug-resistance determinant?</th>\n')
- if hidden_res_profile != None:
- for strain_index in range(0, strains.count(), 1):
- strain_id = strains.getStrain(strain_index)
- strain_id = strain_id.strip()
- if strain_index in hidden_res_profile.getSusceptible():
- if strain_index in hidden_res_profile.predicted_strains or strain_index in hidden_res_profile.hidden_strains:
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="background-color: rgb(170,255,170); width:65px">'+strain_id+' (s)</th>')
- else:
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="background-color: rgb(0,255,0); width:65px">'+strain_id+' (S)</th>')
- elif strain_index in hidden_res_profile.getResistant():
- if strain_index in hidden_res_profile.predicted_strains or strain_index in hidden_res_profile.hidden_strains:
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="background-color: rgb(255,170,170); width:65px">'+strain_id+' (r)</th>')
- else:
- output_det_fh.write('<th style="background-color: rgb(255,0,0); width:65px">'+strain_id+' (R)</th>')
- else:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:65px">'+strain_id+' (?)</td>')
- output_det_fh.write('</tr>\n')
- count = 0
- for gene_profile in sorted_gene_profiles:
- count += 1
- gene_profile_id = gene_profile.gene_profile_id
- gene_id = gene_profile.gene_id
- tokens = gene_profile_id.split("-")
- if len(tokens) == 2:
- gene_id_text = tokens[1]
- else:
- gene_id_text = tokens[0]
- gene_profile.setGeneIDText(gene_id_text)
- output_det_fh.write('<tr>\n')
- if type == "S":
- if gene_profile.gene_id != gene_profile.gene_name:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:200px">'+gene_profile.gene_id+"("+gene_profile.gene_name+")"+'</td>')
- else:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:200px">'+gene_profile.gene_id+"("+gene_profile.gene_name+")"+'</td>')
- if gene_profile.start != gene_profile.end:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:200px">'+"["+str(gene_profile.start)+":"+str(gene_profile.end)+"]"+'</td>')
- else:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:200px">'+str(gene_profile.start)+'</td>')
- else:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:200px">'+gene_profile.gene_id_text+'</td>')
- if gene_profile.start != None:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:20px">'+str(gene_profile.start)+'</td>\n')
- if gene_profile.desc != None and gene_profile.desc != "":
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:20px">'+str(gene_profile.desc)+'</td>\n')
- if gene_functions != None:
- if gene_id in gene_functions:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:200px">'+gene_functions[gene_id]+'</td>')
- else:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:200px">unknown</td>')
- if mutabilities != None:
- if gene_id in mutabilities:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:200px">'+str("%.8f" % mutabilities[gene_id])+' </td>')
- else:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:200px">NA</td>')
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:20px; border-left-width: 3px;">'+str(gene_profile.wsupport).replace(".",",")+'</td>')
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:20px">'+str(gene_profile.tscore).replace(".",",")+'</td>')
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:20px">'+str(gene_profile.odds_support).replace(".",",")+'</td>')
- # output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:20px">'+str(gene_profile.pvalue_wsupport).replace(".",",")+'</td>')
- # output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:20px">'+str(gene_profile.pvalue_wsupport_corr).replace(".",",")+'</td>')
- is_det = False
- #print(drug_targets)
- #print(drug_res_genes)
- if (drug_targets != None and gene_profile in drug_targets) or (drug_res_genes != None and gene_profile in drug_res_genes):
- is_det = True
-# if drug_targets != None and gene_id in drug_targets:
-# (start, end) = drug_targets[gene_id]
-# (s, e) = gene_profile.positionRange()
-# if s>=start and e<=end:
-# is_det = True
-# if drug_res_genes != None and gene_id in drug_res_genes:
-# is_det = True
- if is_det:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:20px">YES</td>')
- else:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:20px">NO</td>')
- #output_det_fh.write('<td style="width:20px">'+gene_profile.diff_type+'</td>')
- for strain_id in range(0, strains.count(), 1):
- if gene_profile.getDescState(strain_id) == "?":
- if gene_profile.getBinState(strain_id) == '1':
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="background-color: rgb(230,180,180); width:20px">'+"1:"+str(gene_profile.getState(strain_id))+'</td>')
- elif gene_profile.getBinState(strain_id) == '0':
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="background-color: rgb(140,230,190); width:20px">'+"0:"+str(gene_profile.getState(strain_id))+'</td>')
- else:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="background-color: rgb(200,200,190); width:20px">'+"0:"+str(gene_profile.getState(strain_id))+'</td>')
- else:
- if gene_profile.getBinState(strain_id) == '1':
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="background-color: rgb(230,180,180); width:20px">'+"1:"+str(gene_profile.getState(strain_id))+":"+str(gene_profile.getDescState(strain_id))+'</td>')
- elif gene_profile.getBinState(strain_id) == '0':
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="background-color: rgb(140,230,190); width:20px">'+"0:"+str(gene_profile.getState(strain_id))+":"+str(gene_profile.getDescState(strain_id))+'</td>')
- else:
- output_det_fh.write('<td style="background-color: rgb(200,200,190); width:20px">'+"0:"+str(gene_profile.getState(strain_id))+":"+str(gene_profile.getDescState(strain_id))+'</td>')
- output_det_fh.write('</tr>\n')
- output_det_fh.write('</table>\n')
- output_det_fh.write("</body>\n")
- output_det_fh.write("</html>\n")
-def scoreMutations(drug_res_profile, drug_name, drug_targets, drug_res_genes, tree, all_mutations, gene_presence, strains, output_format_fh=None, parameters=None):
- species = parameters["SPECIES"]
- details = parameters["DETAILS"]
- subset = parameters["SUBSET"]
- hide = int(parameters["HIDE"])
- beta = int(parameters["BETA"])
- pred = parameters["PRED"]
- theta = float(parameters["THETA"])
- dist = int(parameters["DIST"])
- zeta = float(parameters["ZETA"])
- tscore_type = parameters["TSCORE_TYPE"]
- exp_prefix = parameters["EXP_PREFIX"]
- grouping_type = parameters["GROUPING"]
- m_type = parameters["TYPE"]
- input_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_input/"+species+"_res/")+"/"
- output_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_out/")+"/"
- if beta == -1:
- beta_str = str("%.2f" % float(len(drug_res_profile.getResistant())/float(len(drug_res_profile.getSusceptible()))))
- beta = float(beta_str)
- tree.setObservedResProfile(drug_res_profile.full_profile)
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
- newtree.calcContributions(drug_res_profile, beta)
- calcRefSatesMutations(all_mutations, drug_res_profile)
- calcBinSatesMutations(all_mutations, drug_res_profile)
- calcGenesCoverSupports(all_mutations, drug_res_profile, beta)
- con_mutations, neu_mutations, ess_mutations = categorizeMultiMutations(all_mutations, drug_res_profile)
- imp_mutations = con_mutations + neu_mutations + ess_mutations
- gene_profiles = geneMutations(imp_mutations)
- con_gene_profiles = geneMutations(con_mutations)
- gene_profiles = groupGeneMutations(gene_profiles, dist, con_gene_profiles, grouping_type)
- print("AAA", len(gene_profiles))
- computeGeneProfiles(gene_profiles)
- computeGeneProfilesEss(gene_profiles)
- calcGenesCoverSupports(gene_profiles, drug_res_profile, beta)
- calcGenesWeightedSupports(gene_profiles, drug_res_profile, newtree, beta)
- calcGenesTreeScore(gene_profiles, drug_res_profile, newtree, theta=theta, zeta=zeta)
- calcOddsRatio(gene_profiles, drug_res_profile)
- for gene_profile in gene_profiles:
- muts_sorted = sorted(gene_profile.mutations, key=lambda mutation:mutation.tscore)
- gene_profile.start = muts_sorted[0].position
- gene_profile.end = muts_sorted[0].position
- gene_profile.desc = muts_sorted[0].desc
- if grouping_type == "G":
- gene_profiles_sorted = sorted(gene_profiles, key=lambda gp:-gp.best_mutation.wsupport)
- genes_to_show = list(gene_profiles_sorted)[:7000]
- elif details == "N":
- genes_to_show = filerGenesToShow(gene_profiles, drug_res_profile, drug_res_genes=drug_res_genes, drug_targets=drug_targets)
- elif details == "H":
- genes_to_show = filerGenesToShowHigh(gene_profiles, max_support, max_support2=max_support2, drug_res_genes=drug_res_genes, drug_targets=drug_targets)
- elif details == "Y":
- genes_to_show = filerGenesToShowBySupport(gene_profiles, 1, drug_res_genes=drug_res_genes, target_genes=drug_targets)
- elif details == "S":
- gene_profiles_sorted = sorted(gene_profiles, key=lambda gp:-gp.wsupport)
- genes_to_show = list(gene_profiles_sorted)[:7000]
- output_res_fn = output_dir +"/html_subset/"+str(exp_prefix)+"-"+str(hide)+"-"+str(dist)+"-"+grouping_type+"-"+details+"-"+subset+"-"+m_type+"-"+pred+"-"+str(beta)+"-"+str(theta)+"-"+str(zeta)+"-"+str(tscore_type)+"-"+drug_name+".html"
- output_fh = open(output_res_fn, "w")
- printHtmlStephen(genes_to_show, drug_name, strains, output_fh, show_profiles=True, hidden_res_profile=drug_res_profile, drug_res_genes=drug_res_genes, drug_targets=None, gene_functions=None, type=m_type, mutabilities=None)
- output_fh.close()
- output_res_fn = output_dir +"/r_subset/"+drug_name+".txt"
- output_fh = open(output_res_fn, "w")
- printScoresGene(genes_to_show, drug_name, output_fh, only_mutated = False)
- output_fh.close()
- return None
-def evaluateMethod(drug_name, res_profiles, drug_targets, drug_res_genes, tree, all_mutations, gene_presence, strains, parameters):
- species = parameters["SPECIES"]
- details = parameters["DETAILS"]
- subset = parameters["SUBSET"]
- hide = int(parameters["HIDE"])
- theta = parameters["THETA"]
- beta = int(parameters["BETA"])
- pred = parameters["PRED"]
- zeta = float(parameters["ZETA"])
- tscore_type = parameters["TSCORE_TYPE"]
- dist = int(parameters["DIST"])
- exp_prefix = parameters["EXP_PREFIX"]
- grouping_type = parameters["GROUPING"]
- m_type = parameters["TYPE"]
- input_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_input/"+species+"_res/")+"/"
- output_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_out/")+"/"
- drug_res_profile = copy.deepcopy(res_profiles[drug_name])
- scoreMutations(drug_res_profile, drug_name, drug_targets[drug_name], drug_res_genes[drug_name], tree, all_mutations, gene_presence, strains, parameters=parameters)
-# output_format_fh.close()
-def scoreDrug(parameters):
- species = parameters["SPECIES"]
- subset = parameters["SUBSET"]
- m_type = (parameters["TYPE"])
- pred = (parameters["PRED"])
- drug_name = parameters["DRUG_NAME"]
- input_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_input/"+species+"_res/")+"/"
- output_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_out/")+"/"
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "strains-all.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- if pred == "B":
- input_fn = input_dir + "pred_res_profiles.txt"
- else:
- input_fn = input_dir + "pred_res_profiles.txt"
- input_fh = open(input_fn)
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, strains)
- input_fh.close()
- res_profiles = {}
- for res_profile in res_profiles_list:
- res_profiles[res_profile.drug_name] = res_profile
- cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "conn_comp-det.txt")
- clusters, id_cluster_map = readClusters(cluster_fh, strains)
- cluster_fh.close()
- anns_fn = input_dir+"names_anns.txt"
- if os.path.exists(anns_fn):
- anns_fh = open(anns_fn)
- names_mapping = readNamesMapping(anns_fh)
- anns_fh.close()
- else:
- names_mapping = None
- strains_ord_fh = open(input_dir + "names-strains-ord.txt")
- strains_ord = readStrainNamesOrd(strains_ord_fh)
- strains_ord_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "drug_targets.txt")
- drug_targets = loadDrugTargets(input_fh, clusters, id_cluster_map, strains_ord)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "drug_res_genes.txt")
- drug_res_genes = loadDrugResGenes(input_fh, clusters, id_cluster_map, strains_ord)
- input_fh.close()
- print("DRUG RES GENES", drug_res_genes)
- input_fh = open(input_dir + 'phylo_tree.txt')
- tree = readPhyloTree(input_fh, strains)
- input_fh.close()
- if subset == "Y":
- input_fh = open(input_dir + 'subset.txt')
- gene_subset = readGeneSubset(input_fh, clusters, id_cluster_map, strains_ord)
- input_fh.close()
- else:
- gene_subset = None
- # gene_subset = set(gene_subset) & set(drug_res_genes[drug_name].keys())
- input_fh = open(input_dir + 'man-all-mutations.txt')
- all_mutations, gene_presence = readMultiMutations(input_fh, strains, clusters=clusters, id_cluster_map=id_cluster_map, strains_ord=strains_ord, names_mapping=names_mapping, gene_subset=gene_subset, m_type=m_type, syn = True)
- input_fh.close()
- print("READ")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- imp_mutations = filterMutations(all_mutations, strains)
- diffTime("FILTERED")
- print("MUTATIONS: ", len(imp_mutations))
- evaluateMethod(drug_name, res_profiles, drug_targets, drug_res_genes, tree, imp_mutations, gene_presence, strains, parameters)
- diffTime("EVALUATED")
- return drug_name
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- if "W" in parameters:
- WORKERS = int(parameters["W"])
- else:
- #WORKERS = 1
- #species = "sta_plas_184"
- if "SPECIES" in parameters and not parameters["SPECIES"] in ["mtb","sta","ba"]:
- species = parameters["SPECIES"]
- else:
- species = "sta100"
- # species = "sta_plas_184"
- input_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_input/"+species+"_res/")+"/"
- output_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_out/")+"/"
- format_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_format/")+"/"
- ensure_dir(output_dir)
- ensure_dir(output_dir +"/html_subset/")
- ensure_dir(output_dir +"/r_subset/")
- ensure_dir(output_dir + "/det/")
- #scripts_dir = "/research/wongls-group/wozniak/scripts_pred/"
- #scripts_dir = "../../"+species+"-scripts_pred/"
- #ensure_dir(scripts_dir)
- cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) +"/"
- hide_params = set(["0"])
- dist_params = set(["0"])
- pred_params = set(["A"])
- beta_params = set(["-1"])
- grouping_params = set(["N"])
- details_params = set(["S"])
- subset_params = set(["Y"])
- type_params = set(["S"])
- theta_params = ["0.5"]
- zeta_params = ["0.0"]
- tscore_params = ["P"]
- exp_prefix = "FINAL4"
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "pred_res_profiles.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- print(drug_names)
- TASKS = []
- TASK = {}
- count = 0
- for theta_param in theta_params:
- for beta_param in beta_params:
- for pred_param in pred_params:
- for type_param in type_params:
- for hide_param in hide_params:
- for dist_param in dist_params:
- for tscore_param in tscore_params:
- for zeta_param in zeta_params:
- for grouping_param in grouping_params:
- for details_param in details_params:
- for subset_param in subset_params:
- for drug_name in drug_names:
- if type_param == "G" and dist_param != "0":
- continue
- if grouping_param == "G" and dist_param != "0":
- continue
- #if drug_name == "Rifampicin":
- # continue
- TASK["SPECIES"] = species
- TASK["DETAILS"] = str(details_param)
- TASK["HIDE"] = str(hide_param)
- TASK["SUBSET"] = str(subset_param)
- TASK["DIST"] = str(dist_param)
- TASK["GROUPING"] = str(grouping_param)
- TASK["EXP_PREFIX"] = exp_prefix
- TASK["TYPE"] = type_param
- TASK["PRED"] = pred_param
- TASK["BETA"] = beta_param
- TASK["THETA"] = theta_param
- TASK["TSCORE_TYPE"] = tscore_param
- TASK["ZETA"] = zeta_param
- TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
- #output_det_fn = output_dir + "/det/"+str(exp_prefix)+"-"+str(0)+"-"+str(dist_param)+"-"+grouping_param+"-"+details_param+"-"+subset_param+"-"+type_param+"-"+pred_param+"-"+str(beta_param)+"-"+drug_name+".txt"
- TASKS.append(TASK.copy())
- # scoreDrug(TASK)
- for TASK in TASKS:
- print(TASK)
- if WORKERS > 1:
- pool = Pool(processes=WORKERS)
- for r in pool.imap(scoreDrug, TASKS):
- print(r)
- else:
- for T in TASKS:
- scoreDrug(T)
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/show-dates.py b/other/visR/backup/show-dates.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5368aee..0000000
--- a/other/visR/backup/show-dates.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-from ete2 import Tree
-from ete2 import PhyloTree
-from ete2.treeview.main import TreeStyle, NodeStyle, TreeStyle
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from soft.utils.camber_params_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.file_utils import ensure_dir
-from soft.utils.camber_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.stats_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.generator import choose
-from ressoft.utils.pred_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.input_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.names_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.output import *
-from ressoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-from ressoft.modelling.habib import *
-from ressoft.utils.pvalue_utlis import hyperTestPvalue
-from ressoft.utils.stats_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.generator import choose
-from ressoft.utils.pred_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.input_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.names_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.output import *
-nstyle = NodeStyle()
-#nstyle["shape"] = "sphere"
-nstyle["size"] = 10
-nstyle["fgcolor"] = "black"
-resstyle = NodeStyle()
-#resstyle["shape"] = "sphere"
-resstyle["size"] = 20
-resstyle["fgcolor"] = "red"
-suscstyle = NodeStyle()
-#nstyle["shape"] = "sphere"
-suscstyle["size"] = 20
-suscstyle["fgcolor"] = "green"
-interstyle = NodeStyle()
-#nstyle["shape"] = "sphere"
-interstyle["size"] = 20
-interstyle["fgcolor"] = "yellow"
-def loadDrugsATC(input_fh):
- #drugs_list = []
- drugs_map = {}
- for line in input_fh.readlines():
- if not line:
- continue
- line = line.strip()
- tokens = line.split()
- if len(tokens) == 0:
- continue
- drug_name = tokens[0]
- atc_name = tokens[1]
- if atc_name == "x":
- continue
- if not drug_name in drugs_map:
- drugs_map[drug_name] = atc_name
- drugs_list = sorted(drugs_map, key=lambda dn:drugs_map[dn])
- return drugs_list, drugs_map
-def loadDrugsFromData(input_fh):
- drugs_list = []
- for line in input_fh.readlines():
- if not line:
- continue
- line = line.strip()
- tokens = line.split()
- if len(tokens) > 0:
- drug_name = tokens[0]
- strain_id = tokens[1]
- res_info = tokens[2]
- cite = tokens[3]
- if not drug_name in drugs_list:
- drugs_list.append(drug_name)
- return drugs_list
-def loadResProfiles(input_fh):
- res_profiles = {}
- for line in input_fh.readlines():
- if not line:
- continue
- line = line.strip()
- line = line.split("#")[0]
- tokens = line.split()
- if not len(tokens) in [3,4]:
- continue
- drug_name = tokens[0]
- res_profiles[drug_name] = {}
- res_profiles[drug_name]["R"] = set([])
- res_profiles[drug_name]["S"] = set([])
- res_profiles[drug_name]["I"] = set([])
- if len(tokens) == 3:
- strains_res_tokens = tokens[1].split(";")
- strains_susc_tokens = tokens[2].split(";")
- for strains_res_token in strains_res_tokens:
- strain_id = strains_res_token.strip("*")
- if len(strain_id) > 0:
- res_profiles[drug_name]["R"].add(strain_id)
- for strains_susc_token in strains_susc_tokens:
- strain_id = strains_susc_token.strip("*")
- if len(strain_id) > 0:
- res_profiles[drug_name]["S"].add(strain_id)
- elif len(tokens) == 4:
- strains_res_tokens = tokens[1].split(";")
- strains_susc_tokens = tokens[2].split(";")
- strains_int_tokens = tokens[3].split(";")
- for strains_res_token in strains_res_tokens:
- strain_id = strains_res_token.strip("*")
- if len(strain_id) > 0:
- res_profiles[drug_name]["R"].add(strain_id)
- for strains_susc_token in strains_susc_tokens:
- strain_id = strains_susc_token.strip("*")
- if len(strain_id) > 0:
- res_profiles[drug_name]["S"].add(strain_id)
- for strains_int_token in strains_int_tokens:
- strain_id = strains_int_token.strip("*")
- if len(strain_id) > 0:
- res_profiles[drug_name]["I"].add(strain_id)
- return res_profiles
-def loadResData(input_fh):
- res_data_map = {}
- for line in input_fh.readlines():
- if not line:
- continue
- tokens = line.strip().split("\t")
- if len(tokens) == 4:
- try:
- drug_name = tokens[0]
- if len(drug_name) > 0 and drug_name[0] == "#":
- continue
- strain_id = tokens[1].replace("/", "")
- res_info = tokens[2]
- cite = tokens[3]
- if not strain_id in res_data_map:
- res_data_map[strain_id] = {}
- if not drug_name in res_data_map[strain_id]:
- res_data_map[strain_id][drug_name] = set([])
- res_data_map[strain_id][drug_name].add((res_info, cite))
- except:
- print("ERROR", line)
- elif len(tokens) == 5:
- try:
- drug_name = tokens[0]
- if len(drug_name) > 0 and drug_name[0] == "#":
- continue
- strain_id = tokens[1].replace("/", "")
- res_info = tokens[2] + ":" + tokens[3]
- cite = tokens[4]
- if not strain_id in res_data_map:
- res_data_map[strain_id] = {}
- if not drug_name in res_data_map[strain_id]:
- res_data_map[strain_id][drug_name] = set([])
- res_data_map[strain_id][drug_name].add((res_info, cite))
- except:
- print("ERROR", line)
- return res_data_map
-def translateDataIntoResProfiles(res_data):
- res_profiles = {}
- for strain_id in res_data:
- for drug_name in res_data[strain_id]:
- if drug_name != "Penicillin1":
- continue
- res_count = 0
- susc_count = 0
- int_count = 0
- unk_count = 0
- if not drug_name in res_profiles:
- res_profiles[drug_name] = {}
- res_profiles[drug_name]["R"] = set([])
- res_profiles[drug_name]["S"] = set([])
- res_profiles[drug_name]["I"] = set([])
- for (drug_res_info, cite_info) in res_data[strain_id][drug_name]:
- tokens = drug_res_info.split(":")
- if tokens[0] == "R":
- res_count += 1
- elif tokens[0] == "S":
- susc_count += 1
- elif tokens[0] == "I":
- int_count += 1
- elif tokens[0] == "U":
- unk_count += 1
- if res_count > 0 and susc_count == 0:
- res_profiles[drug_name]["R"].add(strain_id)
- elif res_count == 0 and susc_count > 0:
- res_profiles[drug_name]["S"].add(strain_id)
- elif res_count > 0 and susc_count > 0:
- pass
- elif int_count >0:
- res_profiles[drug_name]["I"].add(strain_id)
- elif unk_count > 0:
- pass
- else:
- pass
- return res_profiles
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- dataset = "em59"
- dataset_dir = os.path.abspath("../camber-pred/datasets/"+dataset)+"/"
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + "strain_profiles_ord.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- print(strains.strain_ids)
- #res_profiles = translateDataIntoResProfiles(res_data)
- # drug_name = "Cefotaxime"
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + 'phylo_tree.txt')
- tree = readPhyloTree(input_fh, strains)
- input_fh.close()
- strain_dates_map = {}
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + 'res_dates.txt')
- for line in input_fh.readlines():
- tokens = line.split()
- strain_id = tokens[0]
- date = tokens[1]
- strain_dates_map[strain_id] = date
- input_fh.close()
- print(strain_dates_map)
- output_fh = open(dataset_dir + 'phylo_tree_dates.txt', "w")
- tree_dates = tree.root.toString(lengths=False, strains=strains, is_root=True, strains_map=strain_dates_map)
- output_fh.write(tree_dates + "\n")
- output_fh.close()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/show-mutations.py b/other/visR/backup/show-mutations.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 889fba0..0000000
--- a/other/visR/backup/show-mutations.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-import random
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from ete2 import Tree
-from ete2 import PhyloTree
-from ete2.treeview.main import TreeStyle, NodeStyle, TreeStyle
-from ete2 import faces, layouts
-from soft.utils.camber_params_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.file_utils import ensure_dir
-from soft.utils.camber_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.stats_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.generator import choose
-from ressoft.utils.pred_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.input_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.names_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.output import *
-from ressoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-from ressoft.modelling.habib import *
-from ressoft.utils.pvalue_utlis import hyperTestPvalue
-from ressoft.utils.stats_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.generator import choose
-from ressoft.utils.pred_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.input_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.names_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.output import *
-nstyle = NodeStyle()
-#nstyle["shape"] = "sphere"
-nstyle["size"] = 10
-nstyle["fgcolor"] = "black"
-resstyle = NodeStyle()
-#resstyle["shape"] = "sphere"
-resstyle["size"] = 20
-resstyle["fgcolor"] = "red"
-suscstyle = NodeStyle()
-#nstyle["shape"] = "sphere"
-suscstyle["size"] = 20
-suscstyle["fgcolor"] = "green"
-dupFace = faces.ImgFace("./Xtr.png")
-#suscstyle = NodeStyle()
-#suscstyle["shape"] = "sphere"
-#suscstyle["size"] = 20
-#suscstyle["fgcolor"] = "green"
-#suscstyle["hz_line_type"] = 1
-#suscstyle["hz_line_color"] = "#cccccc"
-ts = TreeStyle()
-ts.show_leaf_name = True
-def allRanks(parameters):
- dataset = parameters["D"]
- details = parameters["DETAILS"]
- subset = parameters["SUBSET"]
- hide = int(parameters["HIDE"])
- theta = parameters["THETA"]
- beta = int(parameters["BETA"])
- pred = parameters["PRED"]
- dist = int(parameters["DIST"])
- exp_prefix = parameters["EXP_PREFIX"]
- grouping_type = parameters["GROUPING"]
- supp_type = parameters["SUPP_TYPE"]
- rt = parameters["RT_PARAM"]
- m_type = parameters["TYPE"]
- type_param = parameters["TYPE"]
- dataset_dir = os.path.abspath("../camber-pred/datasets/"+dataset)+"/"
- ensure_dir(dataset_dir + "/det/")
- ensure_dir(dataset_dir + "/ranks/")
- ensure_dir(dataset_dir + "/det_trees/")
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + "strains-all.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + 'phylo_tree.txt')
- tree = readPhyloTree(input_fh, strains)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(dataset_dir + "res_profiles_ret.txt")
- res_profiles = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, strains)
- input_fh.close()
- # sptree = PhyloTree(species_tree_nw)
- #recon_tree, events = genetree.reconcile(sptree)
- #recon_tree.link_to_alignment(alg)
- # Visualize the reconciled tree
- #recon_tree.show()
- #recon_tree.render("phylotree.png", w=2000)
- print("here")
- gene_names = set([])
- for drug_res_profile in res_profiles:
- drug_name = drug_res_profile.drug_name
- print(drug_name)
- if drug_name != "Isoniazid":
- continue
- tree.setObservedResProfile(drug_res_profile.full_profile)
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- tree_txt = newtree.root.toString(lengths = False, is_root=True, strains=strains)
- genetree = PhyloTree(tree_txt + ";")
- for node in genetree.traverse():
- node.add_face(dupFace, 1)
- node.add_face(dupFace, 2)
- node.add_face(dupFace, 3)
- #faces.add_face_to_node(dupFace, node, 0)
- node.set_style(nstyle)
- for strain_index in drug_res_profile.res_strains_ids:
- strain_id = strains.getStrain(strain_index)
- for n in genetree.get_leaves_by_name(strain_id):
- n.set_style(resstyle)
- for strain_index in drug_res_profile.sc_strains_ids:
- strain_id = strains.getStrain(strain_index)
- for n in genetree.get_leaves_by_name(strain_id):
- n.set_style(suscstyle)
- #genetree.show(tree_style = ts)
- input_res_fn = dataset_dir +"/det/"+str(exp_prefix)+"-"+str(hide)+"-"+str(dist)+"-"+grouping_type+"-"+details+"-"+subset+"-"+type_param+"-"+pred+"-"+str(beta)+"-"+str(theta)+"-0.0-P/"+drug_name+".txt"
- if not os.path.exists(input_res_fn) or os.path.getsize(input_res_fn) < 100:
- print("NOT EXIST: ", input_res_fn)
- continue
- input_res_fh = open(input_res_fn)
- print("www")
- ret = readFeaturesOne(drug_name, strains, input_res_fh)
- if ret == None:
- # print("None RETURNED: ", input_res_fn)
- continue
- hidden_strains, gene_profiles, target_genes, drug_res_genes, drug_res_rel = ret
- alignments = {}
- for leaf_id in newtree.leaf_ids:
- strain_id = strains.getStrain(leaf_id)
- alignments[strain_id] = ""
- gene_profiles_sorted = sorted(gene_profiles, key=lambda gp:-gp.supports_map[supp_type])
- for i in range(0, min(10, len(gene_profiles_sorted)), 1):
- gene_profile = gene_profiles_sorted[i]
- gp_score = gene_profile.supports_map[supp_type]
- print("XXXXX", drug_name, gene_profile.gene_name, gene_profile.gene_id)
- for strain_index in newtree.leaf_ids:
- strain_id = strains.getStrain(strain_index)
- alignments[strain_id] += gene_profile.full_profile[strain_index]
- fasta_txt = ""
- for strain_id in alignments:
- fasta_txt += ">" + strain_id + "\n" + alignments[strain_id] + "\n"
- genetree.link_to_alignment(alignment=fasta_txt, alg_format="fasta")
- genetree.render(dataset_dir + "/det_trees/"+str(exp_prefix)+"-"+str(hide)+"-"+str(dist)+"-"+grouping_type+"-"+details+"-"+subset+"-"+type_param+"-"+pred+"-"+str(beta)+"-"+str(theta)+"-0.0-P-"+drug_name+ ".pdf")
- genetree.show()
- return None
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- if "DATASET" in parameters and not parameters["D"] in ["mtb","sta"]:
- dataset = parameters["D"]
- else:
- dataset = "spe"
- dataset = "mtb79"
- if "W" in parameters:
- WORKERS = int(parameters["W"])
- else:
- dataset_dir = os.path.abspath("../camber-pred/datasets/"+dataset)+"/"
- ensure_dir(dataset_dir +"/trees/")
- details_param = "S"
- hide_param = 0
- dist_params = ["0"]
- exp_prefix = "FINAL5"
- grouping_params = ["G"]
- subset_param = "N"
- pred_params = ["B"]
- theta_params = ["0.5"]
- type_params = ["S"]
- rt_params = ["T"]
- TASKS = []
- TASK = {}
- for rt_param in rt_params:
- for grouping_param in grouping_params:
- for theta_param in theta_params:
- for dist_param in dist_params:
- for type_param in type_params:
- if type_param == "G" and dist_param == "20":
- continue
- for pred_param in pred_params:
- for beta_param in range(-1, 0, 1):
- for supp_type_param in ["tscore"]:
- if supp_type_param != "tscore" and theta_param != "0.5":
- continue
- TASK["D"] = dataset
- TASK["PHASE"] = str(0)
- TASK["DETAILS"] = str(details_param)
- TASK["HIDE"] = str(hide_param)
- TASK["DIST"] = str(dist_param)
- TASK["GROUPING"] = str(grouping_param)
- TASK["EXP_PREFIX"] = exp_prefix
- TASK["TYPE"] = type_param
- TASK["PRED"] = pred_param
- TASK["BETA"] = beta_param
- TASK["THETA"] = theta_param
- TASK["SUPP_TYPE"] = supp_type_param
- TASK["SUBSET"] = subset_param
- TASK["RT_PARAM"] = rt_param
- TASKS.append(TASK.copy())
- for TASK in TASKS:
- print(TASK)
- if WORKERS > 1:
- pool = Pool(processes=WORKERS)
- for r in pool.imap(allRanks, TASKS):
- print(r)
- else:
- for T in TASKS:
- allRanks(T)
- print("END")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/show-tree-mutations.py b/other/visR/backup/show-tree-mutations.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fdcd6a4..0000000
--- a/other/visR/backup/show-tree-mutations.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-import random
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from ete2 import Tree
-from ete2 import PhyloTree, TreeNode, TreeFace
-from ete2.treeview.main import TreeStyle, NodeStyle, TreeStyle
-from ete2 import faces, layouts
-from drsoft.utils.gwadrib_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwadrib_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwadrib_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwadrib_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwadrib_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-mut_faces_map = {}
-img_path = "./"
-for i in range(1, 11, 1):
- mut_fn = os.path.abspath("../../resources/muts/m"+str(i)+".png")
- if not os.path.exists(mut_fn):
- print("not exists: ", mut_fn)
- mut_faces_map[i] = faces.ImgFace(mut_fn)
-resstyle = NodeStyle()
-resstyle["fgcolor"] = "#ffbeb1"
-resstyle["bgcolor"] = "#ffbeb1"
-suscstyle = NodeStyle()
-suscstyle["fgcolor"] = "lightgreen"
-suscstyle["bgcolor"] = "lightgreen"
-interstyle = NodeStyle()
-interstyle["fgcolor"] = "yellow"
-interstyle["bgcolor"] = "yellow"
-#def mylayout(node):
-# if node.is_leaf():
-# descFace = faces.TextFace(node.name, fsize=10)
-# descFace.margin_top = 10
-# descFace.margin_bottom = 10
-# descFace.border.margin = 1
-# faces.add_face_to_node(descFace, node, column=0, aligned=True)
-def showTreeMutations(params):
- drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "strain_profiles_ord.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
- input_fh.close()
- ensure_dir(input_dir + "/res_muts/")
- input_fh = open(input_dir + 'phylo_tree.txt')
- trees = readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains)
- input_fh.close()
- tree = trees[0]
- res_profile = None
- for res_profile_tmp in res_profiles_list:
- if res_profile_tmp.drug_name == drug_name:
- res_profile = res_profile_tmp
- full_profile = res_profile.full_profile
- tree.setObservedResProfile(full_profile)
- tree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- newtree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
- phylotree = Tree(newtree.toString(strains=strains) + ";")
- mut_id = 0
- input_fn = results_dir + "/trees_data/" + drug_name + ".txt"
- input_fh = open(input_fn)
- lines = input_fh.readlines()
- input_fh.close()
- line0 = lines[0]
- tokens = line0.strip().split()
- if len(tokens) < 1: exit()
- for mut_token in tokens:
- strain_id_tokens = mut_token.split(";")
- strain_ids = []
- for strain_index_str in strain_id_tokens:
- strain_ids.append(strains.getStrain(int(strain_index_str)))
- nodes_list = []
- for strain_id in strain_ids:
- nodes_list.append(phylotree.get_leaves_by_name(strain_id)[0])
- node0 = nodes_list[0]
- node = node0.get_common_ancestor(node0)
- for node1 in nodes_list[1:]:
- node = node.get_common_ancestor(node1)
- if phylotree.get_tree_root() == node:
- nodes_list = phylotree.get_leaves_by_name(strain_ids[0])
- for node in nodes_list:
- # faces.add_face_to_node(mut_faces_map[mut_index], node, column=2)
- # node.add_face(mut_faces_map[mut_id], 0)
- node.set_style(resstyle)
- #node.add_face(mut_faces_map[mut_id], 0)
- else:
- # faces.add_face_to_node(mut_faces_map[mut_index], node, column=2)
- node.set_style(resstyle)
- #node.add_face(mut_faces_map[mut_id], 0)
- for line in lines[1:]:
- mut_id += 1
- if mut_id > 10:
- break
- tokens = line.strip().split()
- if len(tokens) < 1: continue
- for mut_token in tokens:
- strain_id_tokens = mut_token.split(";")
- strain_ids = []
- for strain_index_str in strain_id_tokens:
- strain_ids.append(strains.getStrain(int(strain_index_str)))
- nodes_list = []
- for strain_id in strain_ids:
- nodes_list.append(phylotree.get_leaves_by_name(strain_id)[0])
- node0 = nodes_list[0]
- node = node0.get_common_ancestor(node0)
- for node1 in nodes_list[1:]:
- node = node.get_common_ancestor(node1)
- if phylotree.get_tree_root() == node:
- nodes_list = phylotree.get_leaves_by_name(strain_ids[0])
- for node in nodes_list:
- # faces.add_face_to_node(mut_faces_map[mut_index], node, column=2)
- node.add_face(mut_faces_map[mut_id], 0)
- #node.add_face(mut_faces_map[mut_id], 0)
- else:
- # faces.add_face_to_node(mut_faces_map[mut_index], node, column=2)
-# if getattr(node, "_temp_faces", None):
-# print("xxx")
-# getattr(node._temp_faces, 0).add_face(mut_faces_map[mut_id], 0)
- node.add_face(mut_faces_map[mut_id], 0)
- ts = TreeStyle()
- # ts.show_leaf_name = False
- # ts.layout_fn = mylayout
- # ts.mode = "c"
- phylotree.render(results_dir +"/trees_muts_pdf/"+drug_name + ".pdf", tree_style=ts)
- #phylotree.show(tree_style=ts)
- return None
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(results_dir +"/trees_muts_pdf/")
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "res_profiles.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- WORKERS = 1#int(parameters["W"])
- TASKS = []
- TASK = {}
- count = 0
- for drug_name in drug_names:
- TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
- TASKS.append(TASK.copy())
- # scoreDrug(TASK)
- for TASK in TASKS:
- print(TASK)
- if WORKERS > 1:
- pool = Pool(processes=WORKERS)
- for r in pool.imap(showTreeMutations, TASKS):
- print(r)
- else:
- for T in TASKS:
- showTreeMutations(T)
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/show-tree-mutations_new.py b/other/visR/backup/show-tree-mutations_new.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a998229..0000000
--- a/other/visR/backup/show-tree-mutations_new.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-import random
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from ete2 import Tree
-from ete2 import PhyloTree
-from ete2.treeview.main import TreeStyle, NodeStyle, TreeStyle
-from ete2 import faces, layouts
-mut_faces_map = {}
-for i in range(1, 11, 1):
- mut_fn = "../../resources/muts/m"+str(i)+".png"
- if not os.path.exists(mut_fn):
- print("not exists: ", mut_fn)
- mut_faces_map[i] = faces.ImgFace(mut_fn)
-resstyle = NodeStyle()
-resstyle["fgcolor"] = "#ffbeb1"
-resstyle["bgcolor"] = "#ffbeb1"
-suscstyle = NodeStyle()
-suscstyle["fgcolor"] = "lightgreen"
-suscstyle["bgcolor"] = "lightgreen"
-interstyle = NodeStyle()
-interstyle["fgcolor"] = "yellow"
-interstyle["bgcolor"] = "yellow"
-nameFace = faces.AttrFace("name", fsize=20, fgcolor="#009000")
-img_path = "./"
-# Create faces based on external images
-humanFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path+"human.png")
-mouseFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path+"mouse.png")
-dogFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path+"dog.png")
-chimpFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path+"chimp.png")
-fishFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path+"fish.png")
-flyFace = faces.ImgFace(img_path+"fly.png")
-def mylayout(node):
- # If node is a leaf, add the nodes name and a its scientific
- # name
- if node.is_leaf():
- # Add an static face that handles the node name
- faces.add_face_to_node(nameFace, node, column=0)
- # We can also create faces on the fly
- longNameFace = faces.TextFace(node.name)
- faces.add_face_to_node(longNameFace, node, column=0)
- # text faces support multiline. We add a text face
- # with the whole description of each leaf.
- descFace = faces.TextFace(node.name, fsize=10)
- descFace.margin_top = 10
- descFace.margin_bottom = 10
- descFace.border.margin = 1
- # Note that this faces is added in "aligned" mode
- faces.add_face_to_node(descFace, node, column=0, aligned=True)
- # Sets the style of leaf nodes
- node.img_style["size"] = 12
- node.img_style["shape"] = "circle"
- #If node is an internal node
- else:
- # Sets the style of internal nodes
- pass
-# node.img_style["size"] = 6
-# node.img_style["shape"] = "circle"
-# node.img_style["fgcolor"] = "#000000"
- # If an internal node contains more than 4 leaves, add the
- # images of the represented species sorted in columns of 2
- # images max.
- if len(node)>=4:
- col = 0
- for i, name in enumerate(set(node.get_leaf_names())):
- if i>0 and i%2 == 0:
- col += 1
- # Add the corresponding face to the node
- if name.startswith("Dme"):
- faces.add_face_to_node(flyFace, node, column=col)
- elif name.startswith("Dre"):
- faces.add_face_to_node(fishFace, node, column=col)
- elif name.startswith("Mms"):
- faces.add_face_to_node(mouseFace, node, column=col)
- elif name.startswith("Ptr"):
- faces.add_face_to_node(chimpFace, node, column=col)
- elif name.startswith("Hsa"):
- faces.add_face_to_node(humanFace, node, column=col)
- elif name.startswith("Cfa"):
- faces.add_face_to_node(dogFace, node, column=col)
- # Modifies this node's style
- node.img_style["size"] = 16
- node.img_style["shape"] = "sphere"
- node.img_style["fgcolor"] = "#AA0000"
-def showTreeMutations(parameters):
- nw = """
- (((Dre:0.008339,Dme:0.300613)1.000000:0.596401,
- (Cfa:0.640858,Hsa:0.753230)1.000000:0.182035)1.000000:0.106234,
- ((Dre:0.271621,Cfa:0.046042)1.000000:0.953250,
- (Hsa:0.061813,Mms:0.110769)1.000000:0.204419)1.000000:0.973467);
- """
- t = Tree(nw)
- ts = TreeStyle()
- ts.layout_fn = mylayout
- t.render("img_faces.png", w=600, tree_style = ts)
- t.show(tree_style = ts)
- return None
-# muts = {}
-# input_fn = dataset_dir +"/tree_mapping/"+drug_name+"_muts"+".txt"
-# input_fh = open(input_fn)
-# for line in input_fh.readlines():
-# tokens = line.strip().split()
-# if len(tokens) < 2:
-# continue
-# mut_id = tokens[0]
-# if not mut_id in muts:
-# muts[mut_id] = set([])
-# for i in range(1, len(tokens), 1):
-# muts[mut_id].add(tokens[i])
-# input_fh.close()
-# try:
-# mut_index = 1
-# for mut_id in muts:
-# for leaf_tokens in muts[mut_id]:
-# node = phylotree.get_common_ancestor(leaf_tokens.split(";"))
-# if phylotree.get_tree_root() == node:
-# nodes_list = phylotree.get_leaves_by_name(leaf_tokens.split(";")[0])
-# for node in nodes_list:
-# print("here", node)
-# # faces.add_face_to_node(mut_faces_map[mut_index], node, column=2)
-# node.add_face(mut_faces_map[mut_index], 1)
-# else:
-# # faces.add_face_to_node(mut_faces_map[mut_index], node, column=2)
-# print("www", node)
-# node.add_face(mut_faces_map[mut_index], 1)
-# # faces.add_face_to_node(mut_faces_map[mut_index], phylotree.get_tree_root(), column=1)
-# #phylotree.add_face(mut_faces_map[mut_index], phylotree.get_tree_root(), 1)
-# mut_index += 1
-# # phylotree.get_tree_root().set_style(resstyle)
-# except Exception as e:
-# print("exception ! ", e)
-# print(drug_name)
-# phylotree.get_tree_root().add_face(faces.ImgFace(mut_fn), 0)
-# phylotree.get_tree_root().set_style(suscstyle)
-# ress = set([])
-# input_fn = dataset_dir +"/tree_mapping/"+drug_name+"_res"+".txt"
-# input_fh = open(input_fn)
-# for line in input_fh.readlines():
-# tokens = line.strip().split()
-# if len(tokens) < 2:
-# continue
-# for i in range(0, len(tokens), 1):
-# ress.add(tokens[i])
-# input_fh.close()
-# try:
-# for leaf_tokens in ress:
-# node = phylotree.get_common_ancestor(leaf_tokens.split(";"))
-# if phylotree.get_tree_root() == node:
-# nodes_list = phylotree.get_leaves_by_name(leaf_tokens.split(";")[0])
-# for node in nodes_list:
-# node.set_style(resstyle)
-# else:
-# node.set_style(resstyle)
-# except Exception as e:
-# print(e)
-# print(drug_name)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # scoreDrug(TASK)
- showTreeMutations({})
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/test.svg b/other/visR/backup/test.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bdfd1a..0000000
--- a/other/visR/backup/test.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2666 +0,0 @@
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-<g fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,878.956,1)"
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-<g fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,632.279,417)"
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-<g fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,632.279,417)"
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-<g fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,0,514)"
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-<g fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,0,514)"
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-<polyline fill="none" vector-effect="none" points="50,0 50,10 " />
-<g fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,0,514)"
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-<g fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,0,524)"
-font-family="MS Shell Dlg 2" font-size="8.25" font-weight="400" font-style="normal"
-<g fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,0,524)"
-font-family="MS Shell Dlg 2" font-size="8.25" font-weight="400" font-style="normal"
-<text fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1" stroke="none" xml:space="preserve" x="0" y="11" font-family="MS Shell Dlg 2" font-size="8.25" font-weight="400" font-style="normal"
- >0.27</text>
-<g fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,0,524)"
-font-family="MS Shell Dlg 2" font-size="8.25" font-weight="400" font-style="normal"
-<g fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,0,0)"
-font-family="MS Shell Dlg 2" font-size="8.25" font-weight="400" font-style="normal"
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/where-located.py b/other/visR/backup/where-located.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 42f4a2c..0000000
--- a/other/visR/backup/where-located.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from ressoft.utils.pvalue_utlis import hyperTestPvalue
-from ressoft.utils.stats_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.generator import choose
-from ressoft.utils.pred_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.input_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.names_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.output import *
-def readParameters(param_tab):
- parameters = {}
- for param_el in param_tab:
- tokens = param_el.split("=")
- if len(tokens)==2:
- key = tokens[0]
- value = tokens[1]
- parameters[key] = value
- return parameters
-parameters = readParameters(sys.argv)
-species = "sta_plas8"
-phase = 0
-input_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_input/"+species+"_res/")+"/"
-output_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_out/")+"/"
-input_fh = open(input_dir + "strains-all.txt")
-strains = readStrains(input_fh)
-def readCCPresence(cluster_fh, strains):
- input_lines = cluster_fh.readlines()
- cc_presence = {}
- if len(input_lines) == 0:
- return None
- else:
- for line in input_lines:
- tokens = line.split()
- if tokens[3] in ["+", "-"]:
- #print("XXX", tokens0)
- strain_id = tokens[1]
- cc_id = tokens[0]
- genome_id = tokens[4]
- gene_id = tokens[5]
- if not cc_id in cc_presence:
- cc_presence[cc_id] = {}
- if not strain_id in cc_presence[cc_id]:
- cc_presence[cc_id][strain_id] = {}
- if not genome_id in cc_presence[cc_id][strain_id]:
- cc_presence[cc_id][strain_id][genome_id] = set([])
- cc_presence[cc_id][strain_id][genome_id].add(gene_id)
- return cc_presence
- #return readClusters1(input_lines, strains)
-def readPlasmidMapping(input_fh):
- plasmid_mapping = {}
- for line in input_fh.readlines():
- if not line:
- continue
- tokens = line.split()
- if len(tokens) < 2:
- continue
- plasmid_id = tokens[0]
- strain_id = tokens[1]
- if not plasmid_id in plasmid_mapping:
- plasmid_mapping[plasmid_id] = strain_id
- return plasmid_mapping
-cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "conn_comp-det-"+str(phase)+".txt")
-cc_presence = readCCPresence(cluster_fh, strains)
-input_fh = open(input_dir + "plasmids.txt")
-plasmid_map = readPlasmidMapping(input_fh)
-for cc_id in cc_presence:
- if cc_id in ["2400"]:
- for strain_id in cc_presence[cc_id]:
- for genome_id in cc_presence[cc_id][strain_id]:
- if genome_id in plasmid_map:
- print("PLASMID", cc_id, strain_id, cc_presence[cc_id][strain_id][genome_id])
- else:
- print("GENOME", cc_id, strain_id, cc_presence[cc_id][strain_id][genome_id])
diff --git a/other/visR/curves/.fuse_hidden000185b700000003 b/other/visR/curves/.fuse_hidden000185b700000003
deleted file mode 100644
index bcf89a4..0000000
--- a/other/visR/curves/.fuse_hidden000185b700000003
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
-if (length(args) >=1) {
- dataset = args[1]
-} else {
- #dataset="sau461"
- #dataset = "mtu173"
- dataset = "broad_mtb"
-if (length(args) >= 2) {
- mut_type = args[2]
-} else {
- mut_type = "P"
-if (length(args) >= 3) {
- subset = args[3]
-} else {
- subset = "eq1"
-if (length(args) >= 4) {
- prefix = args[4]
-} else {
- if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux") {
- prefix = "/home/misias/gwadrib/"
- } else {
- prefix = "D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/gwadrib/"
- }
-inputdir = paste(prefix,"datasets/",dataset,"/ex",mut_type,"/analysis/stats_", subset, "/", sep="")
-score_files = list.files(path = inputdir)
-score_areas = c()
-score_colors = c()
-outdir = paste(prefix,"datasets/",dataset,"/ex",mut_type,"/analysis/figures/", sep="")
-dir.create(outdir, showWarnings = FALSE)
-output_fn = paste(outdir, "/pr_",dataset, "_", subset, ".pdf", sep="")
-pdf(output_fn, width=18,height=10)
-input_fn = paste(inputdir, "/",score_files[1], sep="")
-data = read.table(input_fn, header=FALSE, sep="\t")
-if (dataset == "broad_mtb") {
- positives = 75
- negatives = 870
-} else if (dataset == "mtu173") {
- positives = 39
- negatives = 1450
-} else if (ncol(data) > 4) {
- positives = data[1,1] + data[1,4]
- negatives = data[1,2] + data[1,3]
-} else {
- positives = 0
- negatives = 0
-main_txt = paste("PR curves; positives: ", toString(positives), "; negatives: " , toString(negatives), sep="")
-plot(c(), xlab="tpr (recall) = TP/(TP+FN)", ylab="precision = TP/(TP+FP)", main=main_txt, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-for (score_file in score_files) {
- score = score_file
- if !(score %in% c()){
- next
- }
- input_fn = paste(inputdir, "/",score_file, sep="")
- data = read.table(input_fn, header=FALSE, sep="\t")
- prec = c(data[1,2], data[,2])
- recall = c(0.0, data[,3])
- n = length(prec)
- area = 0.0
- for (i in 2:n) {
- area = area + 0.5*(prec[i] + prec[i-1])*(recall[i]-recall[i-1])
- }
- color = rgb(runif(1),runif(1),runif(1))
- score_desc = paste(score, " [AUC=" , round(area,2) , "]", sep="")
- score_areas[[score_desc]] = area
- score_colors[[score_desc]] = color
- points(prec~recall, col=color, pch=18, lwd=1.5, type="l", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-score_desc_sorted = names(sort(score_areas, decreasing = T))
-score_colors_sorted = c()
-for (score_desc in score_desc_sorted) {
- score_colors_sorted = c(score_colors_sorted, score_colors[[score_desc]])
-legend("topright", fill=score_colors_sorted, legend = score_desc_sorted, ncol=4)
diff --git a/other/visR/curves/pr_bars.R b/other/visR/curves/pr_bars.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 76ff9c4..0000000
--- a/other/visR/curves/pr_bars.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
-if (length(args) >=1) {
- dataset = args[1]
-} else {
- #dataset="sau461"
- #dataset = "mtu173"
- dataset = "broad_mtb"
-if (length(args) >= 2) {
- mut_type = args[2]
-} else {
- mut_type = "P"
-if (length(args) >= 3) {
- subset = args[3]
-} else {
- subset = "sel3"
-if (length(args) >= 4) {
- prefix = args[4]
-} else {
- if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux") {
- prefix = "/home/misias/gwadrib/"
- } else {
- prefix = "D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/gwadrib/"
- }
-input_fn = paste(prefix,"datasets/",dataset,"/ex",mut_type,"/comparison/", subset, ".txt", sep="")
-#score_files = list.files(path = inputdir)
-outdir = paste(prefix,"datasets/",dataset,"/ex",mut_type,"/comparison/figures/", sep="")
-dir.create(outdir, showWarnings = FALSE)
-#input_fn = paste(inputdir, "/",score_files[1], sep="")
-data = read.table(input_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-if (dataset == "broad_mtb") {
- if (subset == "sel3") {
- positives = 75
- negatives = 870
- } else {
- positives = 220
- negatives = 725
- }
-} else if (dataset == "mtu173") {
- if (subset == "sel3") {
- positives = 39
- negatives = 1450
- } else {
- positives = 113
- negatives = 1376
- }
-} else if (ncol(data) > 4) {
- positives = data[1,1] + data[1,4]
- negatives = data[1,2] + data[1,3]
-} else {
- positives = 0
- negatives = 0
-scores_sel = c("mi_x0", "or_x0", "lh_x0", "r.fcctw2_x0", "ws_x0")
-output_fn = paste(outdir, "/pr_bars_",dataset, "_", subset, ".pdf", sep="")
-pdf(output_fn, width=18,height=10)
-boxplot(data[, scores_sel], par=2)
-#boxplot(data[,], par=2)
diff --git a/other/visR/curves/pr_scores_paper.R b/other/visR/curves/pr_scores_paper.R
deleted file mode 100644
index a8380f2..0000000
--- a/other/visR/curves/pr_scores_paper.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
-scoreFullName <- function(score) {
- score_full = score
- if (score == "mi") {
- score_full = "mutual information";
- } else if (score == "or") {
- score_full = "odds ratio";
- } else if (score == "lh") {
- score_full = "hypergeometric score";
- } else if (score == "r-fcctw2") {
- score_full = "tree-generalized hypergeomtric score"
- } else if (score == "ws"){
- score_full = "weighted support"
- } else if(score == "ws+lh+r-fcctw2+mi+or") {
- score_full = "combined"
- }
- return(score_full);
-if (length(args) >= 2) {
- mut_type = args[2]
-} else {
- mut_type = "P"
-if (length(args) >= 3) {
- subset = args[3]
-} else {
- subset = "sel3"
-if (length(args) >= 4) {
- prefix = args[4]
-} else {
- if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux") {
- prefix = "/home/misias/gwadrib/"
- } else {
- prefix = "D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/gwadrib/"
- }
-outdir = paste(prefix,"datasets/paper/", sep="")
-dir.create(outdir, showWarnings = FALSE)
-output_fn = paste(outdir, "/pr_", subset, ".pdf", sep="")
-pdf(output_fn, width=18,height=10)
-for (dataset in c("mtu173", "broad_mtb")) {
- inputdir = paste(prefix,"datasets/",dataset,"/ex",mut_type,"/comparison/stats_", subset, "/", sep="")
- print(inputdir)
- score_files = list.files(path = inputdir)
- print(score_files)
- score_areas = c()
- score_colors = c()
- input_fn = paste(inputdir, "/ws/0.txt", sep="")
- print(input_fn)
- data = read.table(input_fn, header=FALSE, sep="\t")
- print("read")
- if (dataset == "broad_mtb") {
- if (subset == "sel3") {
- positives = 75
- negatives = 870
- } else {
- positives = 220
- negatives = 725
- }
- } else if (dataset == "mtu173") {
- if (subset == "sel3") {
- positives = 39
- negatives = 1450
- } else {
- positives = 113
- negatives = 1376
- }
- } else if (ncol(data) > 4) {
- positives = data[1,1] + data[1,4]
- negatives = data[1,2] + data[1,3]
- } else {
- positives = 0
- negatives = 0
- }
- scores = c("mi", "or", "r-fcctw2", "ws", "lh")
- #scores = c("mi_x0", "or_x0", "r-fcctw2_x0", "ws_x0", "lh_x0")
- if (dataset == "mtu173"){
- main_txt = paste("PR curves for the mtu173 dataset: ", toString(positives), " positives; " , toString(negatives), " negatives", sep="")
- } else {
- main_txt = paste("PR curves for the mtu_broad dataset: ", toString(positives), " positives; " , toString(negatives), " negatives", sep="")
- }
- plot(c(), cex.main=1.5, cex.lab = 1.3, xlab="tpr (recall) = TP/(TP+FN)", ylab="precision = TP/(TP+FP)", main=main_txt, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
- for (score_file in score_files) {
- score = strsplit(score_file, "[.]")[[1]][1]
- print(score)
- if (score %in% scores){
- input_fn = paste(inputdir, "/",score,".txt", sep="")
- print(input_fn)
- data = read.table(input_fn, header=FALSE, sep="\t")
- prec = c(data[1,2], data[,2])
- recall = c(0.0, data[,3])
- n = length(prec)
- area = 0.0
- for (i in 2:n) {
- area = area + 0.5*(prec[i] + prec[i-1])*(recall[i]-recall[i-1])
- }
- color = rgb(runif(1),runif(1),runif(1))
- score_full = scoreFullName(score)
- score_desc = paste(score_full, " [AUC=" , round(area,2) , "]", sep="")
- score_areas[[score_desc]] = area
- score_colors[[score_desc]] = color
- points(prec~recall, col=color, pch=18, lwd=1.5, type="l", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
- }
- }
- score_desc_sorted = names(sort(score_areas, decreasing = T))
- score_colors_sorted = c()
- for (score_desc in score_desc_sorted) {
- score_colors_sorted = c(score_colors_sorted, score_colors[[score_desc]])
- }
- legend("topright", fill=score_colors_sorted, legend = score_desc_sorted, ncol=1, cex=1.2)
diff --git a/other/visR/curves/pr_scores_rand.R b/other/visR/curves/pr_scores_rand.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 74cf335..0000000
--- a/other/visR/curves/pr_scores_rand.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
-scoreFullName <- function(score) {
- score_full = score
- if (score == "mi") {
- score_full = "mutual information";
- } else if (score == "or") {
- score_full = "odds ratio";
- } else if (score == "lh") {
- score_full = "hypergeometric score";
- } else if (score == "r-fcctw2") {
- score_full = "tree-generalized hypergeomtric score"
- } else if (score == "ws"){
- score_full = "weighted support"
- } else if(score == "ws+lh+r-fcctw2+mi+or") {
- score_full = "combined"
- }
- return(score_full);
-if (length(args) >=1) {
- dataset = args[1]
-} else {
- #dataset="sau461"
- #dataset = "mtu173"
- dataset = "broad_mtb"
-if (length(args) >= 2) {
- mut_type = args[2]
-} else {
- mut_type = "P"
-if (length(args) >= 3) {
- subset = args[3]
-} else {
- subset = "eq1"
-if (length(args) >= 4) {
- prefix = args[4]
-} else {
- if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux") {
- prefix = "/home/misias/gwadrib/"
- } else {
- prefix = "D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/gwadrib/"
- }
-inputdir = paste(prefix,"datasets/",dataset,"/ex",mut_type,"/comparison/stats_", subset, "/", sep="")
-score_files = list.files(path = inputdir)
-score_areas = c()
-score_colors = c()
-outdir = paste(prefix,"datasets/",dataset,"/ex",mut_type,"/comparison/figures/", sep="")
-dir.create(outdir, showWarnings = FALSE)
-output_fn = paste(outdir, "/pr_",dataset, "_", subset, ".pdf", sep="")
-pdf(output_fn, width=18,height=10)
-input_fn = paste(inputdir, "/ws/0.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(input_fn, header=FALSE, sep="\t")
-if (dataset == "broad_mtb") {
- if (subset == "sel3") {
- positives = 75
- negatives = 870
- } else {
- positives = 220
- negatives = 725
- }
-} else if (dataset == "mtu173") {
- if (subset == "sel3") {
- positives = 39
- negatives = 1450
- } else {
- positives = 113
- negatives = 1376
- }
-} else if (ncol(data) > 4) {
- positives = data[1,1] + data[1,4]
- negatives = data[1,2] + data[1,3]
-} else {
- positives = 0
- negatives = 0
-scores = c("mi", "or", "r-fcctw2", "ws", "lh", "ws+lh+r-fcctw2+mi+or")
-#scores = c("mi_x0", "or_x0", "r-fcctw2_x0", "ws_x0", "lh_x0")
-main_txt = paste("PR curves; positives: ", toString(positives), "; negatives: " , toString(negatives), sep="")
-plot(c(), cex.lab = 1.5, xlab="tpr (recall) = TP/(TP+FN)", ylab="precision = TP/(TP+FP)", main=main_txt, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-for (score_file in score_files) {
- score = strsplit(score_file, "[.]")[[1]][1]
- print(score)
- if (score %in% scores){
- input_fn = paste(inputdir, "/",score,"/0.txt", sep="")
- print(input_fn)
- data = read.table(input_fn, header=FALSE, sep="\t")
- prec = c(data[1,2], data[,2])
- recall = c(0.0, data[,3])
- n = length(prec)
- area = 0.0
- for (i in 2:n) {
- area = area + 0.5*(prec[i] + prec[i-1])*(recall[i]-recall[i-1])
- }
- color = rgb(runif(1),runif(1),runif(1))
- score_full = scoreFullName(score)
- score_desc = paste(score_full, " [AUC=" , round(area,2) , "]", sep="")
- score_areas[[score_desc]] = area
- score_colors[[score_desc]] = color
- points(prec~recall, col=color, pch=18, lwd=1.5, type="l", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
- }
-score_desc_sorted = names(sort(score_areas, decreasing = T))
-score_colors_sorted = c()
-for (score_desc in score_desc_sorted) {
- score_colors_sorted = c(score_colors_sorted, score_colors[[score_desc]])
-legend("topright", fill=score_colors_sorted, legend = score_desc_sorted, ncol=1, cex=2)
diff --git a/other/visR/curves/roc_scores_rand.R b/other/visR/curves/roc_scores_rand.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 36c8401..0000000
--- a/other/visR/curves/roc_scores_rand.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
-if (length(args) >=1) {
- dataset = args[1]
-} else {
- dataset = "mtu173"
- #dataset = "broad_mtb"
-if (length(args) >= 2) {
- mut_type = args[2]
-} else {
- mut_type = "P"
-if (length(args) >= 3) {
- subset = args[3]
-} else {
- subset = "eq1"
-if (length(args) >= 4) {
- prefix = args[4]
-} else {
- if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux") {
- prefix = "/home/misias/gwadrib/"
- } else {
- prefix = "D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/gwadrib/"
- }
-## myScript.R
-inputdir = paste(prefix,"datasets/",dataset,"/ex",mut_type,"/comparison/stats_", subset, "/", sep="")
-score_files = list.files(path = inputdir)
-score_areas = c()
-score_colors = c()
-outdir = paste(prefix,"datasets/",dataset,"/ex",mut_type,"/comparison/figures/", sep="")
-output_fn = paste(outdir, "/roc_", dataset, "_", subset, ".pdf", sep="")
-pdf(output_fn, width=18,height=10)
-input_fn = paste(inputdir, "/",score_files[1],"/0.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(input_fn, header=FALSE, sep="\t")
-if (ncol(data) > 4) {
- positives = data[1,1] + data[1,4]
- negatives = data[1,2] + data[1,3]
-} else {
- positives = 0
- negatives = 0
-main_txt = paste("ROC curves; positives: ", toString(positives), "; negatives: " , toString(negatives), sep="")
-plot(c(), xlab="fpr = FP/(FP+TN)", ylab="tpr (recall) = TP/(TP+FN)", main=main_txt, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-for (score_file in score_files) {
- print(score_file)
- score = score_file
- input_fn = paste(inputdir, "/",score_file,"/0.txt", sep="")
- data = read.table(input_fn, header=FALSE, sep="\t")
- fp = data[,2]
- tn = data[,3]
- fpr = fp/(fp+tn)
- tpr = data[,6]
- fpr = c(0.0, fpr)
- tpr = c(0.0, tpr)
- n = length(fpr)
- area = 0.0
- for (i in 2:n) {
- area = area + 0.5*(tpr[i] + tpr[i-1])*(fpr[i]-fpr[i-1])
- }
- color = rgb(runif(1),runif(1),runif(1))
- score_desc = paste(score, " [AUC=" , round(area,2) , "]", sep="")
- score_areas[[score_desc]] = area
- score_colors[[score_desc]] = color
- points(tpr~fpr, col=color, pch=18, lwd=1.5, type="l", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-score_desc_sorted = names(sort(score_areas, decreasing = T))
-score_colors_sorted = c()
-for (score_desc in score_desc_sorted) {
- score_colors_sorted = c(score_colors_sorted, score_colors[[score_desc]])
-legend("topright", fill=score_colors_sorted, legend = score_desc_sorted, ncol=4)
diff --git a/other/visR/data_stats/data_abailable.R b/other/visR/data_stats/data_abailable.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b21348..0000000
--- a/other/visR/data_stats/data_abailable.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(corrgram); require(corrplot)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/data_available.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-data_mat = t(as.matrix(data[,c(2,3,4)]))
-colnames(data_mat) <- data[,1]
-par(mar=c(12,8,1,1), oma=c(0,0,1,1), mgp=c(5,5,0))
-barplot(data_mat, col=c("green", "yellow", "red", "grey"), cex=0.8, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex.main=1.5, cex.sub=1.5, las=2, ylab="number of strains")
-axis(1, at=3*1:3-1, labels=data[,1], las=2, cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=2.5, cex.sub=2.5, cex=2.5)
-legend(34, 1.05, c("PATRIC annotations", "PATRIC annotations after eCAMBer"), cex=1.8, bty="n", fill=c("green", "yellow", "red"));
-#barplot(data_mat2, col=c("green"), beside=TRUE)
-#data_mat2 = t(as.matrix(data[,c(6,9,8)]))
-#colnames(data_mat2) <- data[,1]
-#barplot(data_mat2, col=c("red", "green", "blue"))
-#barplot(data_mat, col=c("red", "brown", "green", "blue", "orange"),main=paste("Method: ", m, sep = " "))
-#legend("topleft", c("TP", "TN", "FP", "FN", "NO"), cex=0.6, bty="n", fill=c("red", "brown", "green", "blue", "orange"));
diff --git a/other/visR/data_stats/data_abailable_corr.R b/other/visR/data_stats/data_abailable_corr.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b85b44..0000000
--- a/other/visR/data_stats/data_abailable_corr.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(corrgram); require(corrplot)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "mtb79"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/data_available_corr.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[,-1]
-corrgram(data, order=TRUE, lower.panel=panel.shade,
- upper.panel=NULL, text.panel=panel.txt,
- main="Drug resistance profile correlations", cex=1.5)
-data_mat = t(as.matrix(data[,c(2,3,4)]))
-colnames(data_mat) <- data[,1]
-par(mar=c(12,8,1,1), oma=c(0,0,1,1), mgp=c(5,5,0))
-barplot(data_mat, col=c("green", "red", "grey"), cex=0.8, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex.main=1.5, cex.sub=1.5, las=2, ylab="number of strains")
-axis(1, at=3*1:3-1, labels=data[,1], las=2, cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=2.5, cex.sub=2.5, cex=2.5)
-legend(34, 1.05, c("PATRIC annotations", "PATRIC annotations after eCAMBer"), cex=1.8, bty="n", fill=c("green", "red"));
-#barplot(data_mat2, col=c("green"), beside=TRUE)
-#data_mat2 = t(as.matrix(data[,c(6,9,8)]))
-#colnames(data_mat2) <- data[,1]
-#barplot(data_mat2, col=c("red", "green", "blue"))
-#barplot(data_mat, col=c("red", "brown", "green", "blue", "orange"),main=paste("Method: ", m, sep = " "))
-#legend("topleft", c("TP", "TN", "FP", "FN", "NO"), cex=0.6, bty="n", fill=c("red", "brown", "green", "blue", "orange"));
diff --git a/other/visR/data_stats/data_corr.R b/other/visR/data_stats/data_corr.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 24a029c..0000000
--- a/other/visR/data_stats/data_corr.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(corrgram)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "../camber-pred/datasets/broad_mtb"
-#data_fn = paste(dataset, "/det_bin_comb_ranks/",drug_name,"/FINAL7_S.txt", sep="")
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/det_bin_comb/",drug_name,"/FINAL7_S.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-corrgram(data[,c("odds_ratio", "mi", "wsupport", "tscore")], order=TRUE, lower.panel=panel.shade,
- upper.panel=NULL, text.panel=panel.txt,
- main="Drug resistance core rankings correlations", cex=1.5)
-#corrgram(data[,c("odds_ratio", "mi", "wsupport", "tscore", "ranks_sum_score")], order=TRUE, lower.panel=panel.shade,
-# upper.panel=NULL, text.panel=panel.txt,
-# main="Drug resistance core rankings correlations", cex=1.5)
-plot(data[,"wsupport"], data[,"tscore"])
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-cutoff = 100
-data_h_acc = (data_h[,"tscore"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"mi"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"odds_ratio"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"wsupport"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"ranks_sum_score"] < cutoff)
-data_h_top = data_h[data_h_acc >= 5,]
-summary(data_h_top[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-data_a_acc = (data_a[,"tscore"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"mi"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"odds_ratio"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"wsupport"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"ranks_sum_score"] < cutoff)
-data_a_top = data_a[data_a_acc >= 5,]
-summary(data_a_top[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
diff --git a/other/visR/data_stats/data_ranks.R b/other/visR/data_stats/data_ranks.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 646fcec..0000000
--- a/other/visR/data_stats/data_ranks.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/ranks_bin_genes/FINAL7_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-cutoff = 200
-data_a_acc = (data_a[,"tscore"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"mi"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"odds_ratio"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"wsupport"] < cutoff)
-data_a_top = data_a[data_a_acc >= 4,]
-summary(data_a_top[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "tmow", "tmo", "to", "tow")])
-data_h_acc = (data_h[,"tscore"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"mi"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"odds_ratio"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"wsupport"] < cutoff)
-data_h_top = data_h[data_h_acc >= 0,]
-summary(data_h_top[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "tmow", "tmo", "to", "tow")])
diff --git a/other/visR/data_stats/panels_res_stats.R b/other/visR/data_stats/panels_res_stats.R
deleted file mode 100644
index bc61d7e..0000000
--- a/other/visR/data_stats/panels_res_stats.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste("../../../",dataset,"/stats/res_stats.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=F)
-output_fn = paste("../../../",dataset,"/figures/panels_f1.pdf", sep="")
-rows1 = (data[,2] >= 10 & data[,3] >= 10)
-rows2 = (data[,2] < 10 | data[,3] < 10)
-data_mat1 = t(as.matrix(data[rows1,c(2,3,4)]))
-data_mat2 = t(as.matrix(data[rows2,c(2,3,4)]))
-colnames(data_mat1) <- as.vector(data[rows1,1])
-colnames(data_mat2) <- as.vector(data[rows2,1])
-y1_lim = max(data_mat1[1,]+data_mat1[2,] + data_mat1[3,]) + 100
-y2_lim = max(data_mat2[1,]+data_mat2[2,] + data_mat2[3,]) + 100
-pdf(output_fn, width=18, height=10)
-par(mar=c(17.5,7,1,0), oma=c(0,0,0,0), mgp=c(5,1,0))
-colors = c("green", "red", "yellow")
-b <- barplot(data_mat1[c(1,2,3),], col=colors, ylim=c(0, y1_lim), cex.lab=2.5, cex.axis=2.2, cex.sub=2.5, las=2, xaxt="n", ylab="# isolates")
-axis(1, at=1.2*1:length(colnames(data_mat1))-0.5, labels=colnames(data_mat1), las=2, cex.axis=2.2, cex.lab=2.5, cex.sub=2.5, cex=2.5)
-rect(12, 0.99*y_lim, 24, 0.72*y_lim, col="white")
-legend(12, 0.99*y_lim, pt.cex=0.1, bg="white", border="black",
- c("susceptible strains",
- "resistant strains",
- "intermediate-resistant strains"),
- text.width=c(5,5,5),
- bty="n", box.lwd=c(0,0,0,0), cex=2.7, fill=colors, y.intersp=0.7, x.intersp=0.1)
-text(x=b,y=(data_mat1[1,])-data_mat1[1,]/2-35, labels=data_mat1[1,], pos=3, col="black", cex=1)
-text(x=b,y=(data_mat1[1,]+data_mat1[2,])-data_mat1[2,]/2-35, labels=data_mat1[2,], pos=3, col="black", cex=1)
-text(x=b,y=(data_mat1[1,]+data_mat1[2,]+data_mat1[3,])-data_mat1[3,]/2-10, labels=data_mat1[3,], pos=3, col="black", cex=1)
-b <- barplot(data_mat2[c(1,2,3),], col=colors, ylim=c(0, y2_lim), cex.lab=2.5, cex.axis=2.2, cex.sub=2.5, las=2, xaxt="n", ylab="# isolates")
-axis(1, at=1.2*1:length(colnames(data_mat2))-0.5, labels=colnames(data_mat2), las=2, cex.axis=2.2, cex.lab=2.5, cex.sub=2.5, cex=2.5)
-rect(12, 0.99*y_lim, 24, 0.72*y_lim, col="white")
-legend(12, 0.99*y_lim, pt.cex=0.1, bg="white", border="black",
- c("susceptible strains",
- "resistant strains",
- "intermediate-resistant strains"),
- text.width=c(5,5,5),
- bty="n", box.lwd=c(0,0,0,0), cex=2.7, fill=colors, y.intersp=0.7, x.intersp=0.1)
-text(x=b,y=(data_mat2[1,])-data_mat2[1,]/2-35, labels=data_mat2[1,], pos=3, col="black", cex=1)
-text(x=b,y=(data_mat2[1,]+data_mat2[2,])-data_mat2[2,]/2-35, labels=data_mat2[2,], pos=3, col="black", cex=1)
-text(x=b,y=(data_mat2[1,]+data_mat2[2,]+data_mat2[3,])-data_mat2[3,]/2-10, labels=data_mat2[3,], pos=3, col="black", cex=1)
diff --git a/other/visR/data_stats/res_stats.R b/other/visR/data_stats/res_stats.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 53a3dad..0000000
--- a/other/visR/data_stats/res_stats.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste("../../../datasets/",dataset,"/stats/res_stats.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=F)
-output_fn = paste("../../../datasets/",dataset,"/figures/f1.pdf", sep="")
-rows1 = (data[,2] >= 1 & data[,3] >= 1)
-rows2 = (data[,2] < 10 | data[,3] < 10)
-data_mat1 = t(as.matrix(data[rows1,c(2,3,4)]))
-data_mat2 = t(as.matrix(data[rows2,c(2,3,4)]))
-colnames(data_mat1) <- as.vector(data[rows1,1])
-colnames(data_mat2) <- as.vector(data[rows2,1])
-y1_lim = max(data_mat1[1,]+data_mat1[2,] + data_mat1[3,]) + 100
-#y2_lim = max(data_mat2[1,]+data_mat2[2,] + data_mat2[3,]) + 100
-pdf(output_fn, width=18, height=10)
-par(mar=c(17.5,7,1,0), oma=c(0,0,0,0), mgp=c(5,1,0))
-colors = c("green", "red", "yellow")
-b <- barplot(data_mat1[c(1,2,3),], col=colors, ylim=c(0, y1_lim), cex.lab=2.5, cex.axis=2.2, cex.sub=2.5, las=2, xaxt="n", ylab="# isolates")
-axis(1, at=1.2*1:length(colnames(data_mat1))-0.5, labels=colnames(data_mat1), las=2, cex.axis=2.2, cex.lab=2.5, cex.sub=2.5, cex=2.5)
-n = length(data_mat1[1,])
-x = 18 / n
-rect(18-8*x, 0.99*y1_lim, 18-4*x, 0.72*y1_lim, col="white")
-legend(18-8*x, 0.99*y1_lim, pt.cex=0.1, bg="white", border="black",
- c("susceptible strains",
- "resistant strains",
- "intermediate-resistant strains"),
- text.width=c(5,5,5),
- bty="n", box.lwd=c(0,0,0,0), cex=2.7, fill=colors, y.intersp=0.7, x.intersp=0.1)
-text(x=b,y=(data_mat1[1,])-data_mat1[1,]/2, labels=data_mat1[1,], pos=3, col="black", cex=1)
-text(x=b,y=(data_mat1[1,]+data_mat1[2,])-data_mat1[2,]/2, labels=data_mat1[2,], pos=3, col="black", cex=1)
-text(x=b,y=(data_mat1[1,]+data_mat1[2,]+data_mat1[3,])-data_mat1[3,]/2, labels=data_mat1[3,], pos=3, col="black", cex=1)
diff --git a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_ami_Rv3919c.R b/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_ami_Rv3919c.R
deleted file mode 100644
index c73894f..0000000
--- a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_ami_Rv3919c.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/ranks_bin_genes/FINAL7_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#gene_id = "Rvnr02"
-gene_id = "Rv3919c"
-score_id = "tmow"
-drugs = "ami"
-cutoff = 1020
-pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/drug_sens_", drugs, "_", gene_id,"_", score_id,".pdf", sep="")
-drug_names = c("Amikacin", "Kanamycin", "Capreomycin", "Streptomycin")
-for (drug_name in drug_names) {
- data_d = data[data[,"drug_name"]==drug_name,]
- data_dg = data_d[data_d[,"gene_id"]==gene_id,]
- data_dg_a = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y" | data_dg[,"all"] == "Y",]
- data_dg_h = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y",]
- scores_vec = sqrt(1.0/data_dg[,c(score_id)])
- scores_vec_a = sqrt(1.0/data_dg_a[,c(score_id)])
- scores_vec_h = sqrt(1.0/data_dg_h[,c(score_id)])
- plot(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, col="black", pch=16, xlim=c(x_lim,y_lim), main=drug_name, xlab="position", ylab=paste("score value: ",score_id, sep=""), ylim=c(0,1))
- points(data_dg_a[,c("position")], scores_vec_a, col="blue", pch=16)
- points(data_dg_h[,c("position")], scores_vec_h, col="red", pch=16)
- textxy(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, labs=data_dg[,c("position")])
diff --git a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_ami_Rvnr01.R b/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_ami_Rvnr01.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 548fdae..0000000
--- a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_ami_Rvnr01.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/ranks_bin_genes/FINAL7_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-gene_id = "Rvnr01"
-#gene_id = "Rv3919c"
-score_id = "tmow"
-drugs = "ami"
-cutoff = 1020
-pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/drug_sens_", drugs, "_", gene_id,"_", score_id,".pdf", sep="")
-drug_names = c("Amikacin", "Kanamycin", "Capreomycin", "Streptomycin")
-for (drug_name in drug_names) {
- data_d = data[data[,"drug_name"]==drug_name,]
- data_dg = data_d[data_d[,"gene_id"]==gene_id,]
- data_dg_a = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y" | data_dg[,"all"] == "Y",]
- data_dg_h = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y",]
- scores_vec = sqrt(1.0/data_dg[,c(score_id)])
- scores_vec_a = sqrt(1.0/data_dg_a[,c(score_id)])
- scores_vec_h = sqrt(1.0/data_dg_h[,c(score_id)])
- plot(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, col="black", pch=16, xlim=c(x_lim,y_lim), main=drug_name, xlab="position", ylab=paste("score value: ",score_id, sep=""), ylim=c(0,1))
- points(data_dg_a[,c("position")], scores_vec_a, col="blue", pch=16)
- points(data_dg_h[,c("position")], scores_vec_h, col="red", pch=16)
- textxy(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, labs=data_dg[,c("position")])
diff --git a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_ami_Rvnr02.R b/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_ami_Rvnr02.R
deleted file mode 100644
index fb995fc..0000000
--- a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_ami_Rvnr02.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/ranks_bin_genes/FINAL7_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-gene_id = "Rvnr02"
-#gene_id = "Rv3919c"
-score_id = "tmow"
-drugs = "ami"
-cutoff = 1020
-pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/drug_sens_", drugs, "_", gene_id,"_", score_id,".pdf", sep="")
-drug_names = c("Amikacin", "Kanamycin", "Capreomycin", "Streptomycin")
-for (drug_name in drug_names) {
- data_d = data[data[,"drug_name"]==drug_name,]
- data_dg = data_d[data_d[,"gene_id"]==gene_id,]
- data_dg_a = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y" | data_dg[,"all"] == "Y",]
- data_dg_h = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y",]
- scores_vec = sqrt(1.0/data_dg[,c(score_id)])
- scores_vec_a = sqrt(1.0/data_dg_a[,c(score_id)])
- scores_vec_h = sqrt(1.0/data_dg_h[,c(score_id)])
- plot(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, col="black", pch=16, xlim=c(x_lim,y_lim), main=drug_name, xlab="position", ylab=paste("score value: ",score_id, sep=""), ylim=c(0,1))
- points(data_dg_a[,c("position")], scores_vec_a, col="blue", pch=16)
- points(data_dg_h[,c("position")], scores_vec_h, col="red", pch=16)
- textxy(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, labs=data_dg[,c("position")])
diff --git a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_emb_Rv3795.R b/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_emb_Rv3795.R
deleted file mode 100644
index e0e9e92..0000000
--- a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_emb_Rv3795.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(calibrate)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb/"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "expP/analysis/tbdb_scores_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#gene_id = "Rv3795"
-gene_id = "Rv3795"
-score_id = "tmow"
-drugs = "emb"
-cutoff = 1020
-pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/drug_sens_", drugs, "_", gene_id,"_", score_id,".pdf", sep="")
-drug_names = c("Ethambutol")
-for (drug_name in drug_names) {
- data_d = data[data[,"drug_name"]==drug_name,]
- data_dg = data_d[data_d[,"gene_id"]==gene_id,]
- data_dg_a = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y" | data_dg[,"all"] == "Y",]
- data_dg_h = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y",]
- scores_vec = -log(data_dg[,c(pv_score_id)])
- scores_vec_a = -log(data_dg_a[,c(pv_score_id)])
- scores_vec_h = -log(data_dg_h[,c(pv_score_id)])
- plot(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, col="black", pch=16, xlim=c(x_lim,y_lim), main=drug_name, xlab="position", ylab=paste("score value: ",score_id, sep=""))
- points(data_dg_a[,c("position")], scores_vec_a, col="blue", pch=16)
- points(data_dg_h[,c("position")], scores_vec_h, col="red", pch=16)
- textxy(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, labs=data_dg[,c("position")])
diff --git a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_flq_Rv0005.R b/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_flq_Rv0005.R
deleted file mode 100644
index fe47d68..0000000
--- a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_flq_Rv0005.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb/"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "expP/analysis/tbdb_scores_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-gene_id = "Rv0005"
-#gene_id = "Rv0006"
-score_id = "tmow"
-pv_score_id = "pv.tmow"
-drugs = "flq"
-cutoff = 1020
-pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/drug_sens_", drugs, "_", gene_id,"_", score_id,".pdf", sep="")
-drug_names = c("Rifampicin", "Rifabutin")
-for (drug_name in drug_names) {
- data_d = data[data[,"drug_name"]==drug_name,]
- data_dg = data_d[data_d[,"gene_id"]==gene_id,]
- data_dg_a = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y" | data_dg[,"all"] == "Y",]
- data_dg_h = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y",]
- scores_vec = -log(data_dg[,c(pv_score_id)])
- scores_vec_a = -log(data_dg_a[,c(pv_score_id)])
- scores_vec_h = -log(data_dg_h[,c(pv_score_id)])
- plot(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, col="black", pch=16, xlim=c(x_lim,y_lim), ylim=c(0,10), main=drug_name, xlab="position", ylab=paste("score value: ",score_id, sep=""))
- points(data_dg_a[,c("position")], scores_vec_a, col="blue", pch=16)
- points(data_dg_h[,c("position")], scores_vec_h, col="red", pch=16)
- textxy(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, labs=data_dg[,c("position")])
diff --git a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_flq_Rv0006.R b/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_flq_Rv0006.R
deleted file mode 100644
index e248c86..0000000
--- a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_flq_Rv0006.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb/"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "expP/analysis/tbdb_scores_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#gene_id = "Rv0005"
-gene_id = "Rv0006"
-score_id = "tmow"
-pv_score_id = "pv.tmow"
-drugs = "flq"
-cutoff = 1020
-pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/drug_sens_", drugs, "_", gene_id,"_", score_id,".pdf", sep="")
-drug_names = c("Ciprofloxacin", "Ofloxacin", "Levofloxacin", "Moxifloxacin")
-for (drug_name in drug_names) {
- data_d = data[data[,"drug_name"]==drug_name,]
- data_dg = data_d[data_d[,"gene_id"]==gene_id,]
- data_dg_a = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y" | data_dg[,"all"] == "Y",]
- data_dg_h = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y",]
- scores_vec = -log(data_dg[,c(pv_score_id)])
- scores_vec_a = -log(data_dg_a[,c(pv_score_id)])
- scores_vec_h = -log(data_dg_h[,c(pv_score_id)])
- plot(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, col="black", pch=16, xlim=c(x_lim,y_lim), main=drug_name, xlab="position", ylab=paste("score value: ",score_id, sep=""), ylim=c(0,10))
- points(data_dg_a[,c("position")], scores_vec_a, col="blue", pch=16)
- points(data_dg_h[,c("position")], scores_vec_h, col="red", pch=16)
- textxy(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, labs=data_dg[,c("position")])
diff --git a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_iso_Rv1483.R b/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_iso_Rv1483.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d2d4d0..0000000
--- a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_iso_Rv1483.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(calibrate)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/ranks_bin_genes/FINAL7_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#gene_id = "Rv1908c"
-#gene_id = "Rv3854c"
-gene_id = "Rv1483"
-score_id = "tmow"
-drugs = "iso"
-cutoff = 1020
-pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/drug_sens_", drugs, "_", gene_id,"_", score_id,".pdf", sep="")
-drug_names = c("Isoniazid", "Ethionamide", "Prothionamide")
-for (drug_name in drug_names) {
- data_d = data[data[,"drug_name"]==drug_name,]
- data_dg = data_d[data_d[,"gene_id"]==gene_id,]
- data_dg_a = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y" | data_dg[,"all"] == "Y",]
- data_dg_h = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y",]
- scores_vec = sqrt(1.0/data_dg[,c(score_id)])
- scores_vec_a = sqrt(1.0/data_dg_a[,c(score_id)])
- scores_vec_h = sqrt(1.0/data_dg_h[,c(score_id)])
- plot(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, col="black", pch=16, xlim=c(x_lim,y_lim), main=drug_name, xlab="position", ylab=paste("score value: ",score_id, sep=""), ylim=c(0,1))
- points(data_dg_a[,c("position")], scores_vec_a, col="blue", pch=16)
- points(data_dg_h[,c("position")], scores_vec_h, col="red", pch=16)
- textxy(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, labs=data_dg[,c("position")])
diff --git a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_iso_Rv1484.R b/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_iso_Rv1484.R
deleted file mode 100644
index c9000c0..0000000
--- a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_iso_Rv1484.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(calibrate)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/ranks_bin_genes/FINAL7_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#gene_id = "Rv1908c"
-#gene_id = "Rv3854c"
-gene_id = "Rv1484"
-score_id = "tmow"
-drugs = "iso"
-cutoff = 1020
-pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/drug_sens_", drugs, "_", gene_id,"_", score_id,".pdf", sep="")
-drug_names = c("Isoniazid", "Ethionamide", "Prothionamide")
-for (drug_name in drug_names) {
- data_d = data[data[,"drug_name"]==drug_name,]
- data_dg = data_d[data_d[,"gene_id"]==gene_id,]
- data_dg_a = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y" | data_dg[,"all"] == "Y",]
- data_dg_h = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y",]
- scores_vec = sqrt(1.0/data_dg[,c(score_id)])
- scores_vec_a = sqrt(1.0/data_dg_a[,c(score_id)])
- scores_vec_h = sqrt(1.0/data_dg_h[,c(score_id)])
- plot(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, col="black", pch=16, xlim=c(x_lim,y_lim), main=drug_name, xlab="position", ylab=paste("score value: ",score_id, sep=""), ylim=c(0,1))
- points(data_dg_a[,c("position")], scores_vec_a, col="blue", pch=16)
- points(data_dg_h[,c("position")], scores_vec_h, col="red", pch=16)
- textxy(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, labs=data_dg[,c("position")])
diff --git a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_iso_Rv1908c.R b/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_iso_Rv1908c.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a2ca5c..0000000
--- a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_iso_Rv1908c.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(calibrate)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb/"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "expP/analysis/tbdb_scores_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-gene_id = "Rv1908c"
-#gene_id = "Rv3854c"
-#gene_id = "Rv1483"
-score_id = "tmow"
-pv_score_id = "pv.tmow"
-drugs = "iso"
-cutoff = 1020
-pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/drug_sens_", drugs, "_", gene_id,"_", score_id,".pdf", sep="")
-drug_names = c("Isoniazid", "Ethionamide", "Prothionamide")
-for (drug_name in drug_names) {
- data_d = data[data[,"drug_name"]==drug_name,]
- data_dg = data_d[data_d[,"gene_id"]==gene_id,]
- data_dg_a = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y" | data_dg[,"all"] == "Y",]
- data_dg_h = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y",]
- scores_vec = -log(data_dg[,c(pv_score_id)])
- scores_vec_a = -log(data_dg_a[,c(pv_score_id)])
- scores_vec_h = -log(data_dg_h[,c(pv_score_id)])
- plot(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, col="black", pch=16, xlim=c(x_lim,y_lim), ylim=c(0,15), main=drug_name, xlab="position", ylab=paste("score value: ",score_id, sep=""))
- points(data_dg_a[,c("position")], scores_vec_a, col="blue", pch=16)
- points(data_dg_h[,c("position")], scores_vec_h, col="red", pch=16)
- textxy(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, labs=data_dg[,c("position")])
diff --git a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_pza_Rv2043c.R b/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_pza_Rv2043c.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 95c1c95..0000000
--- a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_pza_Rv2043c.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(calibrate)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/ranks_bin_genes/FINAL7_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-gene_id = "Rv2043c"
-score_id = "tmow"
-drugs = "pza"
-cutoff = 1020
-pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/drug_sens_", drugs, "_", gene_id,"_", score_id,".pdf", sep="")
-drug_names = c("Pyrazinamide")
-for (drug_name in drug_names) {
- data_d = data[data[,"drug_name"]==drug_name,]
- data_dg = data_d[data_d[,"gene_id"]==gene_id,]
- data_dg_a = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y" | data_dg[,"all"] == "Y",]
- data_dg_h = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y",]
- scores_vec = sqrt(1.0/data_dg[,c(score_id)])
- scores_vec_a = sqrt(1.0/data_dg_a[,c(score_id)])
- scores_vec_h = sqrt(1.0/data_dg_h[,c(score_id)])
- plot(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, col="black", pch=16, xlim=c(x_lim,y_lim), main=drug_name, xlab="position", ylab=paste("score value: ",score_id, sep=""), ylim=c(0,1))
- points(data_dg_a[,c("position")], scores_vec_a, col="blue", pch=16)
- points(data_dg_h[,c("position")], scores_vec_h, col="red", pch=16)
- textxy(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, labs=data_dg[,c("position")])
diff --git a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_rif_Rv0667.R b/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_rif_Rv0667.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 41a3594..0000000
--- a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_drugs_sens_rif_Rv0667.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(calibrate)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb/"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "expP/analysis/tbdb_scores_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-gene_id = "Rv0667"
-score_id = "tmow"
-pv_score_id = paste("pv.", score_id, sep="")
-drugs = "rif"
-cutoff = 1020
-pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/drug_sens_", drugs, "_", gene_id,"_", score_id,".pdf", sep="")
-drug_names = c("Rifampicin", "Rifabutin")
-for (drug_name in drug_names) {
- data_d = data[data[,"drug_name"]==drug_name,]
- data_dg = data_d[data_d[,"gene_id"]==gene_id,]
- data_dg_a = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y" | data_dg[,"all"] == "Y",]
- data_dg_h = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y",]
- scores_vec = -log(data_dg[,c(pv_score_id)])
- scores_vec_a = -log(data_dg_a[,c(pv_score_id)])
- scores_vec_h = -log(data_dg_h[,c(pv_score_id)])
- plot(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, col="black", pch=16, xlim=c(x_lim,y_lim), ylim=c(0,10), main=drug_name, xlab="position", ylab=paste("score value: ",score_id, sep=""))
- points(data_dg_a[,c("position")], scores_vec_a, col="blue", pch=16)
- points(data_dg_h[,c("position")], scores_vec_h, col="red", pch=16)
- textxy(data_dg[,c("position")], scores_vec, labs=data_dg[,c("position")])
diff --git a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_scores_variants_fig.R b/other/visR/drug_spec/data_scores_variants_fig.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 026e646..0000000
--- a/other/visR/drug_spec/data_scores_variants_fig.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(stringr)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/ranks_bin_genes/FINAL7_P.txt", sep="")
-data_tmp = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-statesCount <- function(states) {
- (nchar(as.character(states)) + 1) / 2
-data_tmp["states_count"] <- sapply(data_tmp[, "non_ref_states_broad"], statesCount)
-data = data_tmp[with(data_tmp, order(data_tmp[,"tmow"])), ]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-dimnames = list(cutoffs, scores)
-data_h_means = matrix(nrow=length(cutoffs), ncol=length(scores), dimnames=dimnames)
-drug_pairs = list(list("Rifampicin", "Rv0667"), list("Ethambutol", "Rv3795"),
- list("Ciprofloxacin", "Rv0006"), list("Isoniazid", "Rv1908c"),
- list("Streptomycin", "Rvnr01"), list("Pyrazinamide", "Rv2043c")
- )
- pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/scores_variants.pdf", sep="")
- pdf(pdf_fn,width=18,height=10)
-for( drug_pair in drug_pairs) {
- drug_name = drug_pair[1]
- gene_id = drug_pair[2]
- data_d = data[data[,"drug_name"]==drug_name,]
- data_dg = data_d[data_d[,"gene_id"]==gene_id,]
- data_dg_a = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y" | data_dg[,"all"] == "Y",]
- data_dg_h = data_dg[data_dg[,"high"] == "Y",]
- colors = c()
- for(i in seq(length(data_dg[,"high"]))) {
- if (data_dg[i,"high"] == "Y") {
- colors = c(colors, "red")
- } else if (data_dg[i,"high"] == "Y" | data_dg[i,"all"] == "Y"){
- colors = c(colors, "blue")
- } else{
- colors = c(colors, "black")
- }
- }
- plot(data_dg[, "states_count"], main=paste(drug_name, ", ", gene_id, sep=" "), xlab="Mutation ranking", ylab="Number of variants", pch=16, col=colors)
- textxy(seq(length(data_dg[, "states_count"])), data_dg[, "states_count"], labs=data_dg[,c("position")])
diff --git a/other/visR/genome/gene_positions.R b/other/visR/genome/gene_positions.R
deleted file mode 100644
index e1849fa..0000000
--- a/other/visR/genome/gene_positions.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(corrgram); require(corrplot)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "em57"
-drug_name = "Ciprofloxacin"
-#drug_name = "Streptomycin"
-#gene_id = "rpoB_Rv0667"
-#gene_id = "katG_Rv1908c"
-#gene_id = "phrB_SAR0744"
-gene_id = "WEB035_GERMS-WGS.pl_2095_0"
-#gene_id = "rrl_Rvnr02"
-#gene_id = "rpsL_Rv0682"
-score = "mi"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/det_bin_genes/",drug_name,"/FINAL7_S_",gene_id,".txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-data_t = data[, c("position",score)]
-plot(data_t[,2]~data_t[,1], pch=16, type="h", lwd=2)
-points(data_t[,2]~data_t[,1], pch=16, cex=1.0)
diff --git a/other/visR/genome/gene_positions_em59.R b/other/visR/genome/gene_positions_em59.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d3d689..0000000
--- a/other/visR/genome/gene_positions_em59.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(corrgram); require(corrplot)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "em59"
-drug_name = "Cefatoxime"
-drug_name = "Ciprofloxacin"
-drug_name = "Nalidixic acid"
-drug_name = "Levofloxacin"
-drug_name = "Piperacillin-tazobactam"
-drug_name = "Tigeccyline"
-drug_name = "Gentamicin"
-#drug_name = "Streptomycin"
-#gene_id = "rpoB_Rv0667"
-#gene_id = "katG_Rv1908c"
-#gene_id = "phrB_SAR0744"
-gene_id = "x_D505_07023"
-gene_id = "gyrA_D505_04539"
-gene_id = "x_D505_18590"
-gene_id = "x_D505_12535"
-#gene_id = "rrl_Rvnr02"
-#gene_id = "rpsL_Rv0682"
-scores = c("mi", "tscore", "odds_ratio")
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/det_bin_genes/",drug_name,"/FINAL7_S_",gene_id,".txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-for (score in scores) {
- data_t = data[, c("position",score)]
- plot(data_t[,2]~data_t[,1], pch=16, type="h", lwd=2, xlab="Position", ylab="Score")
- points(data_t[,2]~data_t[,1], pch=16, cex=1.0)
diff --git a/other/visR/genome/gene_positions_str238.R b/other/visR/genome/gene_positions_str238.R
deleted file mode 100644
index b6816b8..0000000
--- a/other/visR/genome/gene_positions_str238.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(corrgram); require(corrplot)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "str238"
-drug_name = "Penicillin1"
-score = "tscore"
-gene_ids = c("mraY_SPJ_0330", "pbp1a_SPJ_0355", "pbp1b_SPJ_2119", "ruvA_SPJ_0201", "x_SPJ_1921", "rluD2_SPJ_2019")
-for (gene_id in gene_ids) {
- data_fn = paste(dataset, "/det_bin_genes/",drug_name,"/FINAL7_S_",gene_id,".txt", sep="")
- data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
- data_t = data[, c("position",score)]
- plot(data_t[,2]~data_t[,1], pch=16, type="h", lwd=2, xlab="Position", ylab="Score")
- points(data_t[,2]~data_t[,1], pch=16, cex=1.0)
diff --git a/other/visR/genome/genome_positions.R b/other/visR/genome/genome_positions.R
deleted file mode 100644
index e3f18d3..0000000
--- a/other/visR/genome/genome_positions.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(corrgram); require(corrplot)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-#dataset = "mtb79"
-dataset = "sau439"
-drug_name = "mecA_SAR0039_360"
-#drug_name = "Streptomycin"
-#gene_id = "rpoB_Rv0667"
-#gene_id = "katG_Rv1908c"
-#gene_id = "phrB_SAR0744"
-#gene_id = "dnaX_SAR0477"
-#gene_id = "rrl_Rvnr02"
-#gene_id = "rpsL_Rv0682"
-score = "odds_ratio"
-#score = "mi"
-data_fn = paste( "datasets/", dataset, "/det_bin_show_full/",drug_name,"/FINAL7_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-data_t = data[, c("gene_id", "position", score)]
-#data_t = data_t[with(data_t, order(data_t[,"gene_id"])), ]
-data_t = data_t[with(data_t, order(data_t[,"position"])), ]
-gene_color_map = c()
-gene_colors = c()
-gene_id_colors = c()
-for (gene_id in data_t[, "gene_id"]) {
- if (!gene_id %in% names(gene_color_map)) {
- gene_color_map[[gene_id]] <- rgb(runif(1),runif(1),runif(1))
- }
- gene_colors = c(gene_colors, gene_color_map[[gene_id]])
-for (gene_id in names(gene_color_map)) {
- gene_id_colors = c(gene_id_colors, gene_color_map[[gene_id]])
-plot(data_t[,3], pch=16, type="h", lwd=2)
-#plot(data_t[,3], pch=16, type="h", lwd=2, xlim=c(length(data_t[,1])-20, length(data_t[,1])),ylim=c(0,100))
-points(data_t[,3], pch=16, cex=1.0, col=gene_colors)
-legend("topright", names(gene_color_map), ncol=2, cex=0.7, bty="n", fill=gene_id_colors);
diff --git a/other/visR/genome/genome_positions_full.R b/other/visR/genome/genome_positions_full.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 994ba55..0000000
--- a/other/visR/genome/genome_positions_full.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(corrgram); require(corrplot)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-#dataset = "mtb79"
-dataset = "em57"
-drug_name = "Ciprofloxacin"
-#drug_name = "Streptomycin"
-#gene_id = "rpoB_Rv0667"
-#gene_id = "katG_Rv1908c"
-#gene_id = "phrB_SAR0744"
-#gene_id = "dnaX_SAR0477"
-#gene_id = "rrl_Rvnr02"
-#gene_id = "rpsL_Rv0682"
-score = "tscore"
-#score = "mi"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/det_bin_genome/",drug_name,"/FINAL7_S.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-data_t = data[, c("position", "gene_id", score)]
-#data_t = data_t[with(data_t, order(data_t[,"gene_id"])), ]
-data_t = data_t[with(data_t, order(data_t[,"gene_id"])), ]
-gene_color_map = c()
-gene_colors = c()
-gene_id_colors = c()
-for (gene_id in data_t[, "gene_id"]) {
- if (!gene_id %in% names(gene_color_map)) {
- gene_color_map[[gene_id]] <- rgb(runif(1),runif(1),runif(1))
- }
- gene_colors = c(gene_colors, gene_color_map[[gene_id]])
-for (gene_id in names(gene_color_map)) {
- gene_id_colors = c(gene_id_colors, gene_color_map[[gene_id]])
-plot(data_t[,3], pch=16, type="h", lwd=2)
-#plot(data_t[,3], pch=16, type="h", lwd=2, xlim=c(length(data_t[,1])-20, length(data_t[,1])),ylim=c(0,100))
-points(data_t[,3], pch=16, cex=1.0, col=gene_colors)
-legend("topright", names(gene_color_map), ncol=2, cex=0.7, bty="n", fill=gene_id_colors);
diff --git a/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall.R b/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 09c2c06..0000000
--- a/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "../camber-pred/datasets/broad_mtb"
-drug_name = "Pyrazinamide"
-drug_name = "Rifampicin"
-drug_name = "Ethambutol"
-drug_name = "Isoniazid"
-drug_name = "Ofloxacin"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/ranks_bin_genes/FINAL7_S.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-data_drug = data[data[,"drug_name"] == drug_name,]
-data_drug_a = data_drug[data_drug[,"high"] == "Y" | data_drug[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_drug_h = data_drug[data_drug[,"high"] == "Y",]
-data_all = data
-data_all[,"wsupport"] = data_all[,"wsupport"]*5
-data_all[,"tscore"] = data_all[,"tscore"]*5
-data_all[,"odds_ratio"] = data_all[,"odds_ratio"]*5
-data_all[,"mi"] = data_all[,"mi"]*5
-data_all[,"ranks_sum_score"] = data_all[,"ranks_sum_score"]*5
-data_all_a = data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_all_h = data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y",]
-data_drug_sel = data_all
-score_name = "tscore"
-ranks_sel = sort(data_drug_sel[, score_name])
-max_rank = max(ranks_sel)
-n = length(ranks_sel)
-prec = c()
-recall = c()
-tp = 0
-for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[i]
- tp = tp + 1
- fp = round(rank) - tp
- prec = c(prec, tp / round(rank))
- recall = c(recall, tp / n)
- print(tp / n)
-plot(prec~recall, col= "red", pch=17, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-score_name = "wsupport"
-ranks_sel = sort(data_drug_sel[, score_name])
-n = length(ranks_sel)
-prec = c()
-recall = c()
-tp = 0
-for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[i]
- tp = tp + 1
- fp = round(rank) - tp
- prec = c(prec, tp / round(rank))
- recall = c(recall, tp / n)
- print(tp / n)
-points(prec~recall, col= "blue", pch=18, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-score_name = "odds_ratio"
-ranks_sel = sort(data_drug_sel[, score_name])
-prec = c()
-recall = c()
-tp = 0
-for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[i]
- tp = tp + 1
- fp = round(rank) - tp
- prec = c(prec, tp / round(rank))
- recall = c(recall, tp / n)
- print(tp / n)
-points(prec~recall, col= "green", pch=19, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-score_name = "mi"
-ranks_sel = sort(data_drug_sel[, score_name])
-prec = c()
-recall = c()
-tp = 0
-for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[i]
- tp = tp + 1
- fp = round(rank) - tp
- prec = c(prec, tp / round(rank))
- recall = c(recall, tp / n)
- print(tp / n)
-points(prec~recall, col= "black", pch=20, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-score_name = "ranks_sum_score"
-ranks_sel = sort(data_drug_sel[, score_name])
-prec = c()
-recall = c()
-tp = 0
-for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[i]
- tp = tp + 1
- fp = round(rank) - tp
- prec = c(prec, tp / round(rank))
- recall = c(recall, tp / n)
- print(tp / n)
-points(prec~recall, col= "orange", pch=15, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-#i2, u2, l2, r2 = compareSets(set(golden_genes), set(patric_ecamber_annotation.multigenes))
-#if i1+r1 > 0: prec_b = float(i1)/float(i1+r1)
-#else: prec_b = 0
-#if i1+l1 > 0: rec_b = float(i1)/float(i1+l1)
-#else: rec_b = 0
diff --git a/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_diff.R b/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_diff.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f6519c..0000000
--- a/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_diff.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb/expP/analysis/"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/tbdb_scores_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-db_type = "high"
-data_all = data
-#data_all = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Isoniazid", "Ethambutol", "Ofloxacin", "Ciprofloxacin"),]
-data_all_a = data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_all_h = data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y",]
-good_count = length(data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,db_type] == "Y", "mi"])
-score_name = "pv.wsupport"
-ranks_sel = data_all[order(data_all[score_name]), c(score_name, "all", "high")]
-n = length(ranks_sel[,score_name])
-prec = c()
-recall = c()
-tp = 0
-for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[i, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[i, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[i, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- }
- fp = i - tp
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, tp / good_count)
-plot(prec~recall, col= "blue", pch=17, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-score_name = "wsupport"
-ranks_sel = data_all[order(data_all[score_name]), c(score_name, "all", "high")]
-n = length(ranks_sel[,score_name])
-prec = c()
-recall = c()
-tp = 0
-for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[n-i+1, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[n-i+1, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- }
- fp = i - tp
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, tp / good_count)
-points(prec~recall, col= "black", pch=18, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-score_name = "pv.tmow"
-ranks_sel = data_all[order(data_all[score_name]), c(score_name, "all", "high")]
-n = length(ranks_sel[,score_name])
-prec = c()
-recall = c()
-tp = 0
-for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[i, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[i, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[i, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- }
- fp = i - tp
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, tp / good_count)
-points(prec~recall, col= "red", pch=19, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-score_name = "tmow"
-ranks_sel = data_all[order(data_all[score_name]), c(score_name, "all", "high")]
-n = length(ranks_sel[,score_name])
-prec = c()
-recall = c()
-tp = 0
-for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[i, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[i, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[i, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- }
- fp = i - tp
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, tp / good_count)
-points(prec~recall, col= "yellow", pch=20, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
diff --git a/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_norm_scores.R b/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_norm_scores.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 400e6c1..0000000
--- a/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_norm_scores.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb/expP/analysis/"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/tbdb_scores_P_all.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-db_type = "high"
-#data_all = data[data[,"drug_name"]!="Pyrazinamide",]
-data_all = data
-data_all_a = data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_all_h = data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y",]
-good_count = length(data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,db_type] == "Y", "mi"])
-scolor = c()
-scolor[["norm_mtmow"]] = "green"
-scolor[["norm_tscore"]] = "blue"
-scolor[["norm_mtscore"]] = "lightblue"
-scolor[["norm_tor"]] = "lightblue"
-scolor[["norm_tmi"]] = "lightblue"
-scolor[["norm_wsupport"]] = "black"
-scolor[["norm_rand_wsupport"]] = "grey"
-scolor[["norm_or"]] = "red"
-scolor[["norm_mi"]] = "orange"
-scolor[["norm_tmi"]] = "pink"
-scolor[["norm_tor"]] = "pink"
-scolor[["norm_stor"]] = "pink"
-scolor[["norm_tmow"]] = "yellow"
-scores_desc = c()
-plot(c(), xlab="recall", ylab="precission", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-lwdc = 2.5
-for (score_name in names(scolor)) {
- area = 0.0
- ranks_sel = data_all[order(data_all[score_name], data_all[db_type]), c(score_name, "all", "high")]
- n = length(ranks_sel[,score_name])
- prec = c()
- recall = c()
- tp = 0
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n, score_name]
- for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[n-i+1, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[n-i+1, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- }
- fp = i - tp
- if (rank != last_rank) {
- if (length(prec) == 0) {
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, 0.0)
- }
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, tp / good_count)
- k = length(prec)
- area = area + 0.5*(prec[k] + prec[k-1])*(recall[k]-recall[k-1])
- }
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- }
- lwdc = lwdc - 0.05
- scores_desc = c(scores_desc, paste(score_name, " [AUC=" , round(area,2) , "]", sep=""))
- points(prec~recall, col=scolor[[score_name]], pch=18, lwd=lwdc, type="l", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-legend("topright", fill=scolor, legend = scores_desc)
diff --git a/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_pvalues.R b/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_pvalues.R
deleted file mode 100644
index d70fcf0..0000000
--- a/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_pvalues.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb/expP/analysis/"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/tbdb_scores_P_sel.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-db_type = "high"
-#data_all = data[data[,"drug_name"]!="Pyrazinamide",]
-data_all = data
-data_all_a = data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_all_h = data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y",]
-good_count = length(data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,db_type] == "Y", "mi"])
-scolor = c()
-scolor[["pv.hyper"]] = "orange"
-scolor[["pv.or"]] = "red"
-scolor[["pv.mi"]] = "orange"
-scolor[["pv.tscore"]] = "lightblue"
-scolor[["pv.mtscore"]] = "pink"
-scolor[["pv.rand_tscore_stoch"]] = "blue"
-scolor[["pv.mtmow"]] = "green"
-scolor[["pv.tmow"]] = "yellow"
-scolor[["pv.wsupport"]] = "black"
-scores_desc = c()
-plot(c(), xlab="recall", ylab="precission", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-lwdc = 2.5
-for (score_name in names(scolor)) {
- ranks_sel = data_all[order(-data_all[score_name], data_all[db_type]), c(score_name, "all", "high")]
- n = length(ranks_sel[,score_name])
- prec = c()
- recall = c()
- area = 0.0
- tp = 0
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n, score_name]
- for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[n-i+1, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[n-i+1, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- }
- fp = i - tp
- if (rank != last_rank) {
- if (length(prec) == 0) {
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, 0.0)
- }
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, tp / good_count)
- k = length(prec)
- area = area + 0.5*(prec[k] + prec[k-1])*(recall[k]-recall[k-1])
- }
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- }
- print(area)
- lwdc = lwdc - 0.05
- scores_desc = c(scores_desc, paste(score_name, " [AUC=" , round(area,2) , "]", sep=""))
- points(prec~recall, col=scolor[[score_name]], pch=18, lwd=lwdc, type="l", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-legend("topright", fill=scolor, legend = scores_desc)
diff --git a/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_scores.R b/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_scores.R
deleted file mode 100644
index d064abd..0000000
--- a/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_scores.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-prefix = "D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/gwadrib/"
-dataset = paste(prefix,"datasets/broad_mtb/exP/stats/", sep="")
-scolor = c()
-scolor[["n.or"]] = "red"
-scolor[["n.mi"]] = "orange"
-scolor[["n.ts"]] = "blue"
-scolor[["n.ws"]] = "black"
-scolor[["n.r.cct"]] = "green"
-#score = "n.or"
-input_fn = paste(dataset, "/",score,".txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=FALSE, sep="\t")
-plot(c(), xlab="recall", ylab="precission", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-for (score_name in names(scolor)) {
- area = 0.0
- n = length(ranks_sel[,score_name])
- prec = c()
- recall = c()
- tp = 0
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n, score_name]
- for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[n-i+1, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[n-i+1, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- }
- fp = i - tp
- if (rank != last_rank) {
- if (length(prec) == 0) {
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, 0.0)
- }
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, tp / good_count)
- k = length(prec)
- area = area + 0.5*(prec[k] + prec[k-1])*(recall[k]-recall[k-1])
- }
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- }
- scores_desc = c(scores_desc, paste(score_name, " [AUC=" , round(area,2) , "]", sep=""))
- points(prec~recall, col=scolor[[score_name]], pch=18, lwd=1.5, type="l", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-legend("topright", fill=scolor, legend = scores_desc)
diff --git a/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_spec_pvalues.R b/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_spec_pvalues.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e8e523..0000000
--- a/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_spec_pvalues.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb/expP/analysis/"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/tbdb_scores_P_sel.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-db_type = "high"
-for (drug_name in c("Rifampicin", "Isoniazid", "Pyrazinamide", "Levofloxacin", "Moxifloxacin", "Ciprofloxacin", "Ofloxacin", "Ethambutol", "Streptomycin")) {
- plot(c(), xlab="recall", ylab="precission", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0), main=drug_name)
- data_all = data[data[,"drug_name"]==drug_name,]
- data_all_a = data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,"all"] == "Y",]
- data_all_h = data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y",]
- good_count = length(data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,db_type] == "Y", "mi"])
- scolor = c()
- scolor[["pv.tscore"]] = "blue"
- scolor[["pv.mtscore"]] = "lightblue"
- scolor[["pv.wsupport"]] = "black"
- scolor[["pv.or"]] = "red"
- scolor[["pv.mi"]] = "orange"
- scolor[["pv.tmow"]] = "yellow"
- lwdc = 2.5
- scores_desc = c()
- for (score_name in names(scolor)) {
- ranks_sel = data_all[order(-data_all[score_name], data_all[db_type]), c(score_name, "all", "high")]
- n = length(ranks_sel[,score_name])
- prec = c(1.0)
- recall = c(0.0)
- area = 0.0
- tp = 0
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n, score_name]
- for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[n-i+1, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[n-i+1, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- }
- fp = i - tp
- if (rank != last_rank) {
- if (length(prec) == 0) {
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, 0.0)
- }
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, tp / good_count)
- k = length(prec)
- area = area + 0.5*(prec[k] + prec[k-1])*(recall[k]-recall[k-1])
- }
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- }
- print(area)
- lwdc = lwdc - 0.05
- scores_desc = c(scores_desc, paste(score_name, " [AUC=" , round(area,2) , "]", sep=""))
- points(prec~recall, col=scolor[[score_name]], pch=18, lwd=lwdc, type="l", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
- }
- legend("topright", fill=scolor, legend = scores_desc)
diff --git a/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_spec_scores.R b/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_spec_scores.R
deleted file mode 100644
index f6671db..0000000
--- a/other/visR/prec_recall/data_prec_recall_spec_scores.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-for (drug_name in c("Rifampicin", "Isoniazid", "Pyrazinamide", "Levofloxacin", "Moxifloxacin", "Ciprofloxacin", "Ofloxacin", "Ethambutol", "Streptomycin")) {
- plot(c(), xlab="recall", ylab="precission", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0), main=drug_name)
- data_all = data[data[,"drug_name"]==drug_name,]
- data_all_a = data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,"all"] == "Y",]
- data_all_h = data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y",]
- good_count = length(data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,db_type] == "Y", "mi"])
- scolor = c()
- scolor[["n.ts"]] = "blue"
- scolor[["n.ws"]] = "black"
- scolor[["n.or"]] = "red"
- scolor[["n.mi"]] = "orange"
- for (score_name in names(scolor)) {
- area = 0.0
- ranks_sel = data_all[order(data_all[score_name], data_all[db_type]), c(score_name, "all", "high")]
- n = length(ranks_sel[,score_name])
- prec = c(1.0)
- recall = c(0.0)
- tp = 0
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n, score_name]
- for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[n-i+1, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[n-i+1, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- }
- fp = i - tp
- if (rank != last_rank) {
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, tp / good_count)
- k = length(prec)
- area = area + 0.5*(prec[k] + prec[k-1])*(recall[k]-recall[k-1])
- }
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- }
- print(paste(drug_name, score_name, area))
- points(prec~recall, col=scolor[[score_name]], pch=18, lwd=2.0, type="l", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
- }
diff --git a/other/visR/pvalues/data_hist_pvalues.R b/other/visR/pvalues/data_hist_pvalues.R
deleted file mode 100644
index a1e3f6d..0000000
--- a/other/visR/pvalues/data_hist_pvalues.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb/expP/analysis/"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/tbdb_scores_P_all.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-db_type = "high"
-data_all = data[data[,"drug_name"]=="Rifampicin",]
-#data_all = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Isoniazid", "Ethambutol", "Ofloxacin", "Ciprofloxacin"),]
-data_all_a = data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_all_h = data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y",]
-good_count = length(data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,db_type] == "Y", "mi"])
-score_name = "pv.tscore"
-ranks_sel = data_all[order(data_all[score_name]), c(score_name, "all", "high")]
-n = length(ranks_sel[,score_name])
-prec = c()
-recall = c()
-tp = 0
-for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[i, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[i, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[i, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- }
- fp = i - tp
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, tp / good_count)
-plot(prec~recall, col= "blue", pch=17, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-score_name = "pv.wsupport"
-ranks_sel = data_all[order(data_all[score_name]), c(score_name, "all", "high")]
-n = length(ranks_sel[,score_name])
-prec = c()
-recall = c()
-tp = 0
-for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[i, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[i, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[i, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- }
- fp = i - tp
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, tp / good_count)
-points(prec~recall, col= "black", pch=18, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-score_name = "pv.odds_ratio"
-ranks_sel = data_all[order(data_all[score_name]), c(score_name, "all", "high")]
-n = length(ranks_sel[,score_name])
-prec = c()
-recall = c()
-tp = 0
-for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[i, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[i, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[i, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- }
- fp = i - tp
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, tp / good_count)
-points(prec~recall, col= "red", pch=19, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-score_name = "pv.mi"
-ranks_sel = data_all[order(data_all[score_name]), c(score_name, "all", "high")]
-n = length(ranks_sel[,score_name])
-prec = c()
-recall = c()
-tp = 0
-for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[i, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[i, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[i, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- }
- fp = i - tp
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, tp / good_count)
-points(prec~recall, col= "orange", pch=20, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-score_name = "pv.tmow"
-ranks_sel = data_all[order(data_all[score_name]), c(score_name, "all", "high")]
-n = length(ranks_sel[,score_name])
-prec = c()
-recall = c()
-tp = 0
-for (i in 1:n) {
- rank = ranks_sel[i, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[i, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[i, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- }
- fp = i - tp
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, tp / good_count)
-points(prec~recall, col= "yellow", pch=20, xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
diff --git a/other/visR/roc/roc_pvalues.R b/other/visR/roc/roc_pvalues.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a91cf1..0000000
--- a/other/visR/roc/roc_pvalues.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb/expP1/analysis/"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/tbdb_scores_P_all.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-db_type = "high"
-#data2 = data[data[,"drug_name"]!="Pyrazinamide",]
-data2 = data
-data_all = data2[(data2[,"gene_rel"]=="N" | data2[,db_type] == "Y") & !(data2[,db_type] == "Y" & data2[,"R1"] < 2),]
-good_count = nrow(data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,db_type] == "Y",])
-neg_count = nrow(data_all[data_all[,"gene_rel"] == "N",])
-print(paste("All associations: ", nrow(data_all)))
-print(paste("Positives (high confidence): ", sum(data_all[,"high"] == "Y")))
-print(paste("Negatives (high confidence): ", sum(data_all[,"high"] == "N")))
-score_names = names(data_all)[5:(length(data_all)-9)]
-pv_score_names = sort(score_names[substr(score_names,1,2)=="pv"])
-scores_desc = c()
-plot(c(), xlab="fpr", ylab="tpr", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-lwdc = 2.5
-n = nrow(data_all)
-m = n
-scolor = c()
-scores_fill = c()
-for (score_name in pv_score_names) {
- scolor[[score_name]] <- rgb(runif(1),runif(1),runif(1))
- ord = 1.0
- if (substr(score_name,1,1)=="c" | substr(score_name,1,2)=="pv") {
- ord = -1.0
- }
- ranks_sel = data_all[order(ord*data_all[score_name], data_all[db_type]), c(score_name, "all", "high", "gene_rel")]
- prec = c()
- recall = c()
- fpr = c()
- tpr = c()
- area = 0.0
- area_roc = 0.0
- dist = 1.0
- tp = 0
- fp = 0
- fn = good_count
- tn = neg_count
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n, score_name]
- for (i in 1:m) {
- rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[n-i+1, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[n-i+1, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- fn = fn - 1
- } else {
- fp = fp + 1
- tn = tn - 1
- }
- if (rank != last_rank) {
- if (length(prec) == 0) {
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, 0.0)
- fpr = c(fpr, 0.0)
- tpr = c(tpr, 0.0)
- }
- prec = c(prec, tp / (tp + fp))
- recall = c(recall, tp / (tp + fn))
- tpr = c(tpr, tp / (tp + fn))
- fpr = c(fpr, fp / (fp + tn))
- k = length(prec)
- dist_c = sqrt(2*(fp / (fp + tn))^2 + (1-tp / (tp + fn))^2)
- dist = min(dist, dist_c)
- area = area + 0.5*(prec[k] + prec[k-1])*(recall[k]-recall[k-1])
- area_roc = area_roc + 0.5*(tpr[k] + tpr[k-1])*(fpr[k]-fpr[k-1])
- }
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- }
- prec = c(prec, tp / (tp + fp))
- recall = c(recall, tp / (tp + fn))
- tpr = c(tpr, tp / (tp + fn))
- fpr = c(fpr, fp / (fp + tn))
- k = length(tpr)
- if (k > 1) {
- area_roc = area_roc + 0.5*(tpr[k] + tpr[k-1])*(fpr[k]-fpr[k-1])
- #print(paste(score_name, area))
- #print(paste(score_name, area_roc))
- lwdc = lwdc - 0.05
- scores_fill = c(scores_fill, scolor[[score_name]])
- scores_desc = c(scores_desc, paste(score_name, " [AUC=" , round(area_roc,3) , "]", " [AUC=" , round(area,3) , "]", " [DIST=" , round(dist,3) , "]", sep=""))
- points(tpr~fpr, col=scolor[[score_name]], pch=18, lwd=lwdc, type="l", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
- #points(prec~recall, col=scolor[[score_name]], pch=18, lwd=lwdc, type="l", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
- }
-legend("bottomright", fill=scores_fill, legend=scores_desc, y.intersp=1, ncol=2)
diff --git a/other/visR/roc/roc_scores.R b/other/visR/roc/roc_scores.R
deleted file mode 100644
index f6bc3bc..0000000
--- a/other/visR/roc/roc_scores.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-substrRight <- function(x, n){
- substr(x, nchar(x)-n+1, nchar(x))
-curve_type = "ROC"
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb/exP/analysis/"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/tbdb_scores_P_all.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-db_type = "high"
-data2 = data[data[,"drug_name"]!="Ethionamide",]
-#data2 = data
-data_all = data2[(data2[,"gene_rel"]=="N" | data2[,db_type] == "Y"), ]
-good_count = nrow(data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,db_type] == "Y",])
-neg_count = nrow(data_all[data_all[,"gene_rel"] == "N",])
-print(paste("All associations: ", nrow(data_all)))
-print(paste("Positives (high confidence): ", sum(data_all[,db_type] == "Y")))
-print(paste("Negatives (high confidence): ", sum(data_all[,db_type] == "N")))
-score_names = names(data_all)[5:(length(data_all)-9)]
-#comb_score_names = score_names[substr(score_names,1,1)=="c"]
-sel_score_names = score_names[substr(score_names,1,2)!="pv" & substr(score_names,1,2) == "n." & !substrRight(score_names,1) %in% c("0", "1")]
-sc_score_names = sort(sel_score_names)
-scores_desc = c()
-if (curve_type == "ROC") {
- plot(c(), xlab="fpr = FP/(FP+TN)", ylab="tpr (recall) = TP/(TP+FN)", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0), main=paste("Positives: ", sum(data_all[,"high"] == "Y"), ", negatives: ", sum(data_all[,"high"] == "N"), sep=""))
-} else {
- plot(c(), xlab="tpr (recall) = TP/(TP+FN)", ylab="precision = TP/(TP+FP)", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0), main=paste("Positives: ", sum(data_all[,"high"] == "Y"), ", negatives: ", sum(data_all[,"high"] == "N"), sep=""))
-lwdc = 2.5
-n = nrow(data_all)
-m = 200
-scolor = c()
-scores_fill = c()
-for (score_name in sc_score_names) {
- scolor[[score_name]] <- rgb(runif(1),runif(1),runif(1))
- ord = 1.0
- if (substr(score_name,1,1)=="c" | substr(score_name,1,2)=="pv") {
- ord = -1.0
- }
- ranks_sel = data_all[order(ord*data_all[score_name], data_all[db_type]), c(score_name, "all", "high", "gene_rel")]
- prec = c()
- recall = c()
- fpr = c()
- tpr = c()
- area = 0.0
- area_roc = 0.0
- dist = 1.0
- tp = 0
- fp = 0
- fn = good_count
- tn = neg_count
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n, score_name]
- for (i in 1:m) {
- rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[n-i+1, db_type] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- fn = fn - 1
- } else {
- fp = fp + 1
- tn = tn - 1
- }
- if (rank != last_rank) {
- if (length(prec) == 0) {
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, 0.0)
- fpr = c(fpr, 0.0)
- tpr = c(tpr, 0.0)
- }
- prec = c(prec, tp / (tp + fp))
- recall = c(recall, tp / (tp + fn))
- tpr = c(tpr, tp / (tp + fn))
- fpr = c(fpr, fp / (fp + tn))
- k = length(prec)
- dist_c = sqrt(2*(fp / (fp + tn))^2 + (1-tp / (tp + fn))^2)
- dist = min(dist, dist_c)
- area = area + 0.5*(prec[k] + prec[k-1])*(recall[k]-recall[k-1])
- area_roc = area_roc + 0.5*(tpr[k] + tpr[k-1])*(fpr[k]-fpr[k-1])
- }
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- }
- prec = c(prec, tp / (tp + fp))
- recall = c(recall, tp / (tp + fn))
- tpr = c(tpr, tp / (tp + fn))
- fpr = c(fpr, fp / (fp + tn))
- k = length(tpr)
- if (k > 1) {
- area_roc = area_roc + 0.5*(tpr[k] + tpr[k-1])*(fpr[k]-fpr[k-1])
- #print(paste(score_name, area))
- #print(paste(score_name, area_roc))
- lwdc = lwdc - 0.05
- scores_fill = c(scores_fill, scolor[[score_name]])
- #scores_desc = c(scores_desc, paste(score_name, " [AUC=" , round(area_roc,3) , "]", " [AUC=" , round(area,3) , "]", " [DIST=" , round(dist,3) , "]", sep=""))
- scores_desc = c(scores_desc, paste(score_name, " [AUC=" , round(area_roc,3) , "]", " [AUC=" , round(area,3) , "]", sep=""))
- if (curve_type == "ROC") {
- points(tpr~fpr, col=scolor[[score_name]], pch=18, lwd=lwdc, type="l", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
- } else {
- points(prec~recall, col=scolor[[score_name]], pch=18, lwd=lwdc, type="l", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
- }
- }
-legend("bottomright", fill=scores_fill, legend=scores_desc, y.intersp=1, ncol=2)
diff --git a/other/visR/roc/roc_scores_all.R b/other/visR/roc/roc_scores_all.R
deleted file mode 100644
index b5a050c..0000000
--- a/other/visR/roc/roc_scores_all.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb/expP/analysis/"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/tbdb_scores_P_all.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-db_type = "high"
-#data2 = data[data[,"drug_name"]!="Pyrazinamide",]
-data2 = data
-data_all = data2[(data2[,"gene_rel"]=="N" | data2[,db_type] == "Y") & !(data2[,db_type] == "Y" & data2[,"R1"] < 2),]
-good_count = nrow(data_all[data_all[,"high"] == "Y" | data_all[,db_type] == "Y",])
-neg_count = nrow(data_all[data_all[,"gene_rel"] == "N",])
-print(paste("All associations: ", nrow(data_all)))
-print(paste("Positives (high confidence): ", sum(data_all[,"high"] == "Y")))
-print(paste("Negatives (high confidence): ", sum(data_all[,"high"] == "N")))
-score_names = names(data_all)[5:(length(data_all)-9)]
-scores_desc = c()
-plot(c(), xlab="fpr", ylab="tpr", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
-lwdc = 2.5
-n = nrow(data_all)
-m = 1000
-scolor = c()
-scores_fill = c()
-for (score_name in score_names) {
- scolor[[score_name]] <- rgb(runif(1),runif(1),runif(1))
- ord = -1.0
- if (score_name %in% c("hyper", "tmow", "mtmow")) {
- ord = -1.0
- }
- ranks_sel = data_all[order(ord*data_all[score_name], data_all[db_type]), c(score_name, "all", "high", "gene_rel")]
- prec = c()
- recall = c()
- fpr = c()
- tpr = c()
- area = 0.0
- area_roc = 0.0
- dist = 1.0
- tp = 0
- fp = 0
- fn = good_count
- tn = neg_count
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n, score_name]
- for (i in 1:m) {
- rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- if (ranks_sel[n-i+1, db_type] == "Y" | ranks_sel[n-i+1, "high"] == "Y") {
- tp = tp + 1
- fn = fn - 1
- } else {
- fp = fp + 1
- tn = tn - 1
- }
- if (rank != last_rank) {
- if (length(prec) == 0) {
- prec = c(prec, tp / i)
- recall = c(recall, 0.0)
- fpr = c(fpr, 0.0)
- tpr = c(tpr, 0.0)
- }
- prec = c(prec, tp / (tp + fp))
- recall = c(recall, tp / (tp + fn))
- tpr = c(tpr, tp / (tp + fn))
- fpr = c(fpr, fp / (fp + tn))
- k = length(prec)
- dist_c = sqrt(2*(fp / (fp + tn))^2 + (1-tp / (tp + fn))^2)
- dist = min(dist, dist_c)
- area = area + 0.5*(prec[k] + prec[k-1])*(recall[k]-recall[k-1])
- area_roc = area_roc + 0.5*(tpr[k] + tpr[k-1])*(fpr[k]-fpr[k-1])
- }
- last_rank = ranks_sel[n-i+1, score_name]
- }
- fpr = c(fpr, 1.0)
- tpr = c(tpr, 1.0)
- k = length(tpr)
- if (k > 1) {
- area_roc = area_roc + 0.5*(tpr[k] + tpr[k-1])*(fpr[k]-fpr[k-1])
- print(paste(score_name, area))
- print(paste(score_name, area_roc))
- lwdc = lwdc - 0.05
- scores_fill = c(scores_fill, scolor[[score_name]])
- scores_desc = c(scores_desc, paste(score_name, " [AUC=" , round(area_roc,2) , "]", " [DIST=" , round(dist,2) , "]", sep=""))
- points(tpr~fpr, col=scolor[[score_name]], pch=18, lwd=lwdc, type="l", xlim=c(0.0,1.0), ylim=c(0.0, 1.0))
- }
-legend("bottomright", fill=scores_fill, legend=scores_desc, y.intersp=1, ncol=2)
diff --git a/other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp.R b/other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f53a5e..0000000
--- a/other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/ranks_bin_genes/FINAL7_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-cutoff = 30
-data_a_acc = (data_a[,"tscore"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"mi"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"odds_ratio"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"wsupport"] < cutoff)
-data_a_top = data_a[data_a_acc >= 4,]
-data_h_acc = (data_h[,"tscore"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"mi"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"odds_ratio"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"wsupport"] < cutoff)
-data_h_top = data_h[data_h_acc >= 4,]
-summary(data_a_top[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "tmow", "tmo", "to", "tow")])
-summary(data_h_top[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "tmow", "tmo", "to", "tow")])
diff --git a/other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp_fig.R b/other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp_fig.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 914809c..0000000
--- a/other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp_fig.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/ranks_bin_genes_ranks/FINAL7_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-cutoff = 1060
-data_a_acc = (data_a[,"tscore"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"mi"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"odds_ratio"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"wsupport"] < cutoff)
-data_a_top = data_a[data_a_acc >= 4,]
-summary(data_a_top[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "tmow", "tmo", "to", "tow")])
-data_h_acc = (data_h[,"tscore"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"mi"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"odds_ratio"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"wsupport"] < cutoff)
-data_h_top = data_h[data_h_acc >= 4,]
-summary(data_h_top[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "tmow", "tmo", "to", "tow")])
-window_size = 1000
-pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/scores_cmp_200.pdf", sep="")
-plot(data_h_top[,c("tmow")], data_h_top[,c("tscore")], xlab="tmow", ylab="scores", col="blue", pch=16, xlim=c(0,window_size), ylim=c(0,window_size))
-points(data_h_top[,c("tmow")],data_h_top[,c("mi")], col="orange", pch=17)
-points(data_h_top[,c("tmow")],data_h_top[,c("odds_ratio")], col="red", pch=18)
-points(data_h_top[,c("tmow")],data_h_top[,c("wsupport")], col="black", pch=19)
-points(data_h_top[,c("tmow")],data_h_top[,c("tmow")], col="yellow", pch=20)
-#legend("topleft", c("tree score", "mutual information", "odds ratio", "weighted support", "tmow"), cex=1.6, bty="n", fill=c("blue", "orange", "red", "black", "yellow"));
diff --git a/other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp_fig2_all.R b/other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp_fig2_all.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 80b8c52..0000000
--- a/other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp_fig2_all.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/ranks_bin_genes/FINAL7_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-cutoffs = seq(2, 1000)
-scores = c("tscore", "mi", "odds_ratio", "wsupport", "tmow", "tmo", "to")
-dimnames = list(cutoffs, scores)
-data_a_means = matrix(nrow=length(cutoffs), ncol=length(scores), dimnames=dimnames)
-pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/scores_cmp_means_all_200.pdf", sep="")
-for (thr in c(1,2,3,4)) {
- for (cutoff in cutoffs) {
- data_a_acc = (data_a[,"tscore"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"mi"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"odds_ratio"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"wsupport"] < cutoff)
- data_a_top = data_a[data_a_acc >= thr,]
- for (score in scores) {
- data_a_means[as.character(cutoff), score] = mean(data_a_top[, score])
- }
- }
- plot(cutoffs, data_a_means[,"tscore"], pch=16, xlim=c(0,200), ylim=c(0,100), col="blue", xlab="cutoff", ylab="avg. ranking", main=paste("Mutations selected by ",as.character(thr)," scores",sep=""))
- points(cutoffs, data_a_means[,"mi"], pch=17, col="orange")
- points(cutoffs, data_a_means[,"odds_ratio"], pch=18, col="red")
- points(cutoffs, data_a_means[,"wsupport"], pch=19, col="black")
- points(cutoffs, data_a_means[,"tmow"], pch=20, col="yellow")
- points(cutoffs, data_a_means[,"tmo"], pch=20, col="green")
- legend("topleft", c("tree score", "mutual information", "odds ratio", "weighted support", "tmow"), cex=1.6, bty="n", fill=c("blue", "orange", "red", "black", "yellow"));
diff --git a/other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp_fig2_high.R b/other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp_fig2_high.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 1051a44..0000000
--- a/other/visR/scores_cmp/data_scores_comp_fig2_high.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/ranks_bin_genes_ranks/FINAL7_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Isoniazid", "Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide", "Ethionamide", "Streptomycin"),]
-#data = data[data[,"drug_name"] %in% c("Rifampicin", "Pyrazinamide"),]
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-cutoffs = seq(2, 1000)
-scores = c("tscore", "mi", "odds_ratio", "wsupport", "tmow")
-dimnames = list(cutoffs, scores)
-data_h_means = matrix(nrow=length(cutoffs), ncol=length(scores), dimnames=dimnames)
-pdf_fn = paste(dataset, "/figures/scores_cmp_means_200.pdf", sep="")
-for (thr in c(1,2,3,4)) {
- for (cutoff in cutoffs) {
- data_h_acc = (data_h[,"tscore"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"mi"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"odds_ratio"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"wsupport"] < cutoff)
- data_h_top = data_h[data_h_acc >= thr,]
- for (score in scores) {
- data_h_means[as.character(cutoff), score] = mean(data_h_top[, score])
- }
- }
- plot(cutoffs, data_h_means[,"tscore"], pch=16, xlim=c(0,200), ylim=c(0,100), col="blue", xlab="cutoff", ylab="avg. ranking", main=paste("Mutations selected by ",as.character(thr)," scores",sep=""))
- points(cutoffs, data_h_means[,"mi"], pch=17, col="orange")
- points(cutoffs, data_h_means[,"odds_ratio"], pch=18, col="red")
- points(cutoffs, data_h_means[,"wsupport"], pch=19, col="black")
- points(cutoffs, data_h_means[,"tmow"], pch=20, col="yellow")
- legend("topleft", c("tree score", "mutual information", "odds ratio", "weighted support", "tmow"), cex=1.6, bty="n", fill=c("blue", "orange", "red", "black", "yellow"));
diff --git a/other/visR/scores_corr/data_rank_corr.R b/other/visR/scores_corr/data_rank_corr.R
deleted file mode 100644
index dc4efa2..0000000
--- a/other/visR/scores_corr/data_rank_corr.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(corrgram)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "../camber-pred/datasets/broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/det_bin_comb_ranks/",drug_name,"/FINAL7_S.txt", sep="")
-#data_fn = paste(dataset, "/det_bin_comb/",drug_name,"/FINAL7_S.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-#corrgram(data[,c("odds_ratio", "mi", "wsupport", "tscore")], order=TRUE, lower.panel=panel.shade,
- #upper.panel=NULL, text.panel=panel.txt,
- #main="Drug resistance core rankings correlations", cex=1.5)
-corrgram(data[,c("odds_ratio", "mi", "wsupport", "tscore", "ranks_sum_score")], order=TRUE, lower.panel=panel.shade,
- upper.panel=NULL, text.panel=panel.txt,
- main="Drug resistance core rankings correlations", cex=1.5)
diff --git a/other/visR/scores_corr/data_ranks_simple.R b/other/visR/scores_corr/data_ranks_simple.R
deleted file mode 100644
index cadb416..0000000
--- a/other/visR/scores_corr/data_ranks_simple.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices);
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-dataset = "datasets/broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/ranks_bin_genes/FINAL7_P.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-data_a = data[data[,"high"] == "Y" | data[,"all"] == "Y",]
-data_h = data[data[,"high"] == "Y",]
-#summary(data[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_a[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-#summary(data_h[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport", "ranks_sum_score")])
-cutoff = 200
-data_h_acc = (data_h[,"tscore"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"mi"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"odds_ratio"] < cutoff) + (data_h[,"wsupport"] < cutoff)+ (data_h[,"ranks_sum_score"] < cutoff)
-data_h_top = data_h[data_h_acc >= 5,]
-summary(data_h_top[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport","ranks_sum_score")])
-data_a_acc = (data_a[,"tscore"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"mi"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"odds_ratio"] < cutoff) + (data_a[,"wsupport"] < cutoff)+ (data_h[,"ranks_sum_score"] < cutoff)
-data_a_top = data_a[data_a_acc >= 5,]
-summary(data_a_top[,c("tscore", "mi","odds_ratio", "wsupport","ranks_sum_score")])
diff --git a/other/visR/scores_corr/score_correlations.R b/other/visR/scores_corr/score_correlations.R
deleted file mode 100644
index e598791..0000000
--- a/other/visR/scores_corr/score_correlations.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-require(graphics); require(grDevices); require(corrgram); require(corrplot)
-#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
-drug_name = "Isoniazid"
-dataset = "broad_mtb"
-data_fn = paste(dataset, "/det_bin_corr/",drug_name,"_FINAL7_S.txt", sep="")
-data = read.table(data_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
-cor(data[1:10,c(2,4,5,6,7,8)], method="kendall")
-par(mar=c(12,8,1,1), oma=c(0,0,1,1), mgp=c(5,1,0))
-data_mat = t(as.matrix(data[,c(12,15)]))
-data_mat1 = t(as.matrix(data[,c(12)]))
-data_mat2 = t(as.matrix(data[,c(15)]))
-colnames(data_mat) <- data[,1]
-barplot(data_mat, col=c("green", "red"), beside=TRUE, xaxt="n", cex=2, ylim = c(0,1.0), cex.lab=2.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex.main=2.5, cex.sub=2.5, las=2, xlab="", ylab="F1 measure of accuracy")
-axis(1, at=3*1:20-1, labels=data[,1], las=2, cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=2.5, cex.sub=2.5, cex=2.5)
-legend(34, 1.05, c("PATRIC annotations", "PATRIC annotations after eCAMBer"), cex=1.8, bty="n", fill=c("green", "red"));
-#barplot(data_mat2, col=c("green"), beside=TRUE)
-#data_mat2 = t(as.matrix(data[,c(6,9,8)]))
-#colnames(data_mat2) <- data[,1]
-#barplot(data_mat2, col=c("red", "green", "blue"))
-#barplot(data_mat, col=c("red", "brown", "green", "blue", "orange"),main=paste("Method: ", m, sep = " "))
-#legend("topleft", c("TP", "TN", "FP", "FN", "NO"), cex=0.6, bty="n", fill=c("red", "brown", "green", "blue", "orange"));
diff --git a/other/visR/test.R b/other/visR/test.R
deleted file mode 100644
index e83fae9..0000000
--- a/other/visR/test.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-x <- 1:10
-y <- x + rnorm(10)
-delta <- runif(10)
-errbar( x, y, y + delta, y - delta )
-# Show bootstrap nonparametric CLs for 3 group means and for
-# pairwise differences on same graph
-group <- sample(c('a','b','d'), 200, TRUE)
-y <- runif(200) + .25*(group=='b') + .5*(group=='d')
-cla <- smean.cl.boot(y[group=='a'],B=100,reps=TRUE) # usually B=1000
-a <- attr(cla,'reps')
-clb <- smean.cl.boot(y[group=='b'],B=100,reps=TRUE)
-b <- attr(clb,'reps')
-cld <- smean.cl.boot(y[group=='d'],B=100,reps=TRUE)
-d <- attr(cld,'reps')
-a.b <- quantile(a-b,c(.025,.975))
-a.d <- quantile(a-d,c(.025,.975))
-b.d <- quantile(b-d,c(.025,.975))
-errbar(c('a','b','d','a - b','a - d','b - d'),
- c(cla[1],clb[1],cld[1],cla[1]-clb[1],cla[1]-cld[1],clb[1]-cld[1]),
- c(cla[3],clb[3],cld[3],a.b[2],a.d[2],b.d[2]),
- c(cla[2],clb[2],cld[2],a.b[1],a.d[1],b.d[1]),
- Type=c(1,1,1,2,2,2), xlab='', ylab='')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/drsoft/analysis/a1_save_details_scores_all.py b/src/drsoft/analysis/a1_save_details_scores_all.py
index 3caaf47..46fd929 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/analysis/a1_save_details_scores_all.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/analysis/a1_save_details_scores_all.py
@@ -1,29 +1,21 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_scoring, gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_muts_utils
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
def saveScoresCombined(params):
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
@@ -40,7 +32,7 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ res_profiles_list = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
res_profiles = {}
@@ -66,18 +58,18 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
score_map[score][bin_profile_id] = score_val
- revord = revOrder(score_sort)
+ revord = gwamar_scoring.revOrder(score_sort)
bin_profile_ids_sorted = sorted(bin_profile_ids, key=lambda bin_profile_id:(
input_fh = open(results_dir + '/bin_profiles_' + parameters["MT"] + '.txt')
- bin_profiles = readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True, decompress=True)
+ bin_profiles = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True, decompress=True)
input_fh = open(results_dir + '/bin_profiles_' + parameters["MT"] + '_det.txt')
- bin_profiles_details = readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, strains.count(), parameters["MT"], out_format="tuple", ref_counts=True)
+ bin_profiles_details = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, strains.count(), parameters["MT"], out_format="tuple", ref_counts=True)
tls = []
@@ -86,9 +78,9 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
if show_profiles in ["B","Y"]:
tl = dr_profile + "\t"
elif show_profiles == "K":
- tl = ''.join(profileSubset(drp.full_profile, drp.getKnown())) + "\t"
+ tl = ''.join(gwamar_muts_utils.profileSubset(drp.full_profile, drp.getKnown())) + "\t"
elif show_profiles == "R":
- tl = ''.join(profileSubset(drp.full_profile, drp.getResistant() | drp.getInterresistant())) + "\t"
+ tl = ''.join(gwamar_muts_utils.profileSubset(drp.full_profile, drp.getResistant() | drp.getInterresistant())) + "\t"
tl = ""
@@ -102,15 +94,15 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
bin_profile_id = bin_profile_ids_sorted[i]
bin_profile = bin_profiles[bin_profile_id]
- mut_details = binProfilesDetailsToStr(bin_profiles_details[bin_profile_id])
+ mut_details = gwamar_bin_utils.binProfilesDetailsToStr(bin_profiles_details[bin_profile_id])
s0, s1, i0, i1, r0, r1 = compareProfiles(bin_profile, dr_profile)
if show_profiles in ["B","Y"]:
tl = ''.join(bin_profile) + "\t"
elif show_profiles == "K":
- tl = ''.join(profileSubset(bin_profile, drp.getKnown())) + "\t"
+ tl = ''.join(gwamar_muts_utils.profileSubset(bin_profile, drp.getKnown())) + "\t"
elif show_profiles == "R":
- tl = ''.join(profileSubset(bin_profile, drp.getResistant() | drp.getInterresistant())) + "\t"
+ tl = ''.join(gwamar_muts_utils.profileSubset(bin_profile, drp.getResistant() | drp.getInterresistant())) + "\t"
tl = ""
@@ -140,8 +132,8 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("a1_save_details_scores_all.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -159,7 +151,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
diff --git a/src/drsoft/analysis/a2_save_details_scores_sel.py b/src/drsoft/analysis/a2_save_details_scores_sel.py
index eb3afb8..bb7cb8b 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/analysis/a2_save_details_scores_sel.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/analysis/a2_save_details_scores_sel.py
@@ -1,28 +1,22 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_scoring, gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_muts_utils, gwamar_ann_utils,\
+ gwamar_muts_io_utils
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
def saveScoresCombined(params):
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
gold_dir = parameters["DATASET_GOLD_DIR"]
@@ -40,7 +34,7 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ res_profiles_list = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
res_profiles = {}
@@ -67,23 +61,23 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
score_map[score][bin_profile_id] = score_val
- revord = revOrder(score_sort)
+ revord = gwamar_scoring.revOrder(score_sort)
bin_profile_ids_sorted = sorted(bin_profile_ids, key=lambda bin_profile_id:(
input_fh = open(results_dir + '/bin_profiles_' + parameters["MT"] + '.txt')
- bin_profiles = readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True, decompress=True)
+ bin_profiles = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True, decompress=True)
input_fh = open(results_dir + '/bin_profiles_' + parameters["MT"] + '_det.txt')
- bin_profile_details = readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, strains.count(), parameters["MT"], out_format="tuple", ref_counts=True)
+ bin_profile_details = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, strains.count(), parameters["MT"], out_format="tuple", ref_counts=True)
if os.path.exists(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt"):
cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt")
- cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
+ cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = gwamar_ann_utils.readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
cluster_ids = {}
@@ -96,13 +90,13 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_res_rels = readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev, genes_level=True)#loadDrugResRels(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev, genes_level=True)
+ drug_res_rels = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev, genes_level=True)#loadDrugResRels(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev, genes_level=True)
drug_res_rels["Rifampicin"]["Rv0668"] = None
drug_res_rels["Rifampicin"]["Rv3457c"] = None
- bin_profiles_res_rel = selectResRelBinProfiles(bin_profile_details, drug_res_rels.get(drug_name, {}), cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev)
+ bin_profiles_res_rel = gwamar_bin_utils.selectResRelBinProfiles(bin_profile_details, drug_res_rels.get(drug_name, {}), cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev)
tls = []
@@ -111,9 +105,9 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
if show_profiles in ["B","Y"]:
tl = dr_profile + "\t"
elif show_profiles == "K":
- tl = ''.join(profileSubset(drp.full_profile, drp.getKnown())) + "\t"
+ tl = ''.join(gwamar_muts_utils.profileSubset(drp.full_profile, drp.getKnown())) + "\t"
elif show_profiles == "R":
- tl = ''.join(profileSubset(drp.full_profile, drp.getResistant() | drp.getInterresistant())) + "\t"
+ tl = ''.join(gwamar_muts_utils.profileSubset(drp.full_profile, drp.getResistant() | drp.getInterresistant())) + "\t"
tl = ""
@@ -128,16 +122,16 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
if not bin_profile_id in bin_profiles_res_rel:
bin_profile = bin_profiles[bin_profile_id]
- mut_details = binProfilesDetailsToStr(bin_profiles_res_rel[bin_profile_id])
+ mut_details = gwamar_bin_utils.binProfilesDetailsToStr(bin_profiles_res_rel[bin_profile_id])
s0, s1, i0, i1, r0, r1 = compareProfiles(bin_profile, dr_profile)
if show_profiles in ["B","Y"]:
tl = ''.join(bin_profile) + "\t"
elif show_profiles == "K":
- tl = ''.join(profileSubset(bin_profile, drp.getKnown())) + "\t"
+ tl = ''.join(gwamar_muts_utils.profileSubset(bin_profile, drp.getKnown())) + "\t"
elif show_profiles == "R":
- tl = ''.join(profileSubset(bin_profile, drp.getResistant() | drp.getInterresistant())) + "\t"
+ tl = ''.join(gwamar_muts_utils.profileSubset(bin_profile, drp.getResistant() | drp.getInterresistant())) + "\t"
else: tl = ""
@@ -165,8 +159,8 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("a2_save_details_scores_sel.py: Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -184,7 +178,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
diff --git a/src/drsoft/analysis/a3_save_associations_all.py b/src/drsoft/analysis/a3_save_associations_all.py
index 0923edd..64e02a2 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/analysis/a3_save_associations_all.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/analysis/a3_save_associations_all.py
@@ -1,26 +1,16 @@
import sys
import os
-import shutil
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readResistanceProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring import revOrder
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-THR = 10000
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_scoring,\
+ gwamar_res_utils, gwamar_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_ann_utils, gwamar_muts_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_progress_utils
+THR = 10000
def printGoldShort(gold_assocs, comment=""):
for drug_name in gold_assocs:
@@ -104,12 +94,9 @@ def goldAssociations(bin_profile_details, drug_name):
def saveAssociations(params):
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- dataset = parameters["D"]
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
analysis_dir = parameters["RESULTS_ANALYSIS_DIR"]
@@ -118,7 +105,7 @@ def saveAssociations(params):
statistics = {}
associations = {}
- revord = revOrder(score)
+ revord = gwamar_scoring.revOrder(score)
for drug_res_profile in drug_res_profiles:
dr_profile = drug_res_profile.full_profile
@@ -147,7 +134,7 @@ def saveAssociations(params):
associations[(drug_name_id, mutkey_id)] = mut_scores[(mutkey, bin_profile_id)]
- s0, s1, i0, i1, r0, r1 = compareProfiles(bin_profile, dr_profile)
+ s0, s1, i0, i1, r0, r1 = gwamar_res_utils.compareProfiles(bin_profile, dr_profile)
statistics[(drug_name_id, mutkey_id)] = "\t".join(map(str, [s0, s1, i0, i1, r0, r1]))
associations_sorted = sorted(associations, key=lambda assoc_key:revord*associations[assoc_key])[:THR]
@@ -171,8 +158,8 @@ def saveAssociations(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("a3_save_associations.py: saves association lists.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
dataset = parameters["D"]
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
@@ -186,30 +173,30 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
scores_p = parameters["SCORES"].split(",")
- ensure_dir(analysis_dir + "/assocs_best_all/")
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_dir + "/assocs_best_all/")
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
m_type = parameters["MT"]
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_res_profiles = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ drug_res_profiles = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
input_fh = open(results_dir + 'bin_profiles_' + m_type + '_det.txt')
- bin_profile_details = readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, strains.count(), mut_type=m_type, out_format="tuple", ref_counts=False, mut_counts=True)
+ bin_profile_details = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, strains.count(), mut_type=m_type, out_format="tuple", ref_counts=False, mut_counts=True)
input_fh = open(results_dir + 'bin_profiles_' + m_type + '.txt')
- bin_profiles = readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
+ bin_profiles = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
input_fn = input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt"
if os.path.exists(input_fn):
cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt")
- cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
+ cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = gwamar_ann_utils.readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
cluster_ids = {}
@@ -221,7 +208,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
drug_res_conf_db = {}
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_res_conf_db = readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
+ drug_res_conf_db = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
input_fn = gold_dir + "/gold_assocs_A.txt"
@@ -230,7 +217,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
drug_res_all_db = {}
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_res_all_db = readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
+ drug_res_all_db = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
score_params_union = set([])
@@ -264,7 +251,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Associations all")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Associations all")
if WORKERS > 1:
pool = Pool(processes=WORKERS)
diff --git a/src/drsoft/analysis/a4_save_associations_sel.py b/src/drsoft/analysis/a4_save_associations_sel.py
index 96909c6..8ed8103 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/analysis/a4_save_associations_sel.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/analysis/a4_save_associations_sel.py
@@ -1,24 +1,14 @@
import sys
import os
-import shutil
import multiprocessing
-import re
from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readResistanceProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring import revOrder
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_scoring,\
+ gwamar_res_utils, gwamar_muts_io_utils, gwamar_muts_utils, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_strains_io_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_bin_utils,\
+ gwamar_ann_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
THR = 10000
@@ -47,7 +37,6 @@ def readScoreMutations(bin_profile_details, scores_bin_map):
mut_scores = {}
for bin_profile_id in scores_bin_map:
- bin_profile_score = scores_bin_map[bin_profile_id]
bin_profile = bin_profiles.get(bin_profile_id, None)
if bin_profile == None: continue
@@ -104,14 +93,10 @@ def goldAssociations(bin_profile_details, drug_name):
def saveAssociations(params):
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- dataset = parameters["D"]
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
- ranks_dir = parameters["RESULTS_RANKS_DIR"]
analysis_dir = parameters["RESULTS_ANALYSIS_DIR"]
output_type = parameters.get("A_OUTPUT_TYPE", "LATEX")
@@ -120,7 +105,7 @@ def saveAssociations(params):
statistics = {}
associations = {}
- revord = revOrder(score)
+ revord = gwamar_scoring.revOrder(score)
for drug_res_profile in drug_res_profiles:
dr_profile = drug_res_profile.full_profile
@@ -149,7 +134,7 @@ def saveAssociations(params):
associations[(drug_name_id, mutkey_id)] = mut_scores[(mutkey, bin_profile_id)]
- s0, s1, i0, i1, r0, r1 = compareProfiles(bin_profile, dr_profile)
+ s0, s1, i0, i1, r0, r1 = gwamar_res_utils.compareProfiles(bin_profile, dr_profile)
statistics[(drug_name_id, mutkey_id)] = "\t".join(map(str, [s0, s1, i0, i1, r0, r1]))
associations_sorted = sorted(associations, key=lambda assoc_key: revord*associations[assoc_key])
@@ -159,7 +144,6 @@ def saveAssociations(params):
output_fh = open(output_fn, "w")
for (drug_name_id, mutkey_id) in associations_sorted:
score_val = associations[(drug_name_id, mutkey_id)]
- stats_tmp = statistics[(drug_name_id, mutkey_id)]
gold_assoc = gold_assocs[(drug_name_id, mutkey_id)]
db_all, db_hc, db_neigh_hc, db_gene_all, db_gene_high = gold_assoc.split()
if db_gene_high == "Y":
@@ -167,7 +151,7 @@ def saveAssociations(params):
gene_id, cluster_id, gene_name, position, ref_states_txt, mut_states_txt = mutkey_id.split()
#mut_info = "\t".join([gene_id, gene_name, ref_states_txt+position+mut_states_txt.replace(",","/").replace("/*","")])
if output_type.startswith("L"):
- mut_states_out = mutsDescToLatex(mut_states_txt)
+ mut_states_out = gwamar_muts_utils.mutsDescToLatex(mut_states_txt)
mut_states_out = mut_states_txt
mut_info = "\t".join([gene_id, gene_name, ref_states_txt+position+mut_states_out])
@@ -182,8 +166,8 @@ def saveAssociations(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("a3_save_associations.py: saves association lists.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
dataset = parameters["D"]
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
@@ -198,34 +182,31 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
scores_p = parameters["SCORES"].split(",")
- ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_dir + "/assocs_best_sel/")
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_dir + "/assocs_best_sel/")
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
m_type = parameters["MT"]
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_res_profiles = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ drug_res_profiles = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
input_fh = open(results_dir + 'bin_profiles_' + m_type + '_det.txt')
- bin_profile_details = readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, strains.count(), mut_type=m_type, out_format="tuple", ref_counts=False, mut_counts=True)
+ bin_profile_details = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, strains.count(), mut_type=m_type, out_format="tuple", ref_counts=False, mut_counts=True)
- for bin_profile_det_k in bin_profile_details.keys()[:2]:
- print(bin_profile_det_k, bin_profile_details[bin_profile_det_k])
input_fh = open(results_dir + 'bin_profiles_' + m_type + '.txt')
- bin_profiles = readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
+ bin_profiles = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
input_fn = input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt"
if os.path.exists(input_fn):
cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt")
- cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
+ cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = gwamar_ann_utils.readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
cluster_ids = {}
@@ -237,7 +218,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
drug_res_conf_db = {}
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_res_conf_db = readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
+ drug_res_conf_db = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
input_fn = gold_dir + "/gold_assocs_A.txt"
@@ -246,7 +227,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
drug_res_all_db = {}
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_res_all_db = readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
+ drug_res_all_db = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
score_params_union = set([])
@@ -280,7 +261,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Associations selected")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Associations selected")
if WORKERS > 1:
pool = Pool(processes=WORKERS)
diff --git a/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp0_save_associations.py b/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp0_save_associations.py
index 60313ab..ef02a25 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp0_save_associations.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp0_save_associations.py
@@ -1,23 +1,14 @@
import sys
import os
-import shutil
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring import revOrder
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_scoring,\
+ gwamar_res_utils, gwamar_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_ann_utils, gwamar_muts_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_progress_utils
def readGeneSet(input_fh):
lines = input_fh.readlines()
@@ -64,7 +55,6 @@ def readScoreMutations(bin_profile_details, scores_bin_map):
mut_scores = {}
for bin_profile_id in scores_bin_map:
- bin_profile_score = scores_bin_map[bin_profile_id]
bin_profile = bin_profiles.get(bin_profile_id, None)
if bin_profile == None: continue
@@ -124,15 +114,10 @@ def goldAssociations(bin_profile_details, drug_name):
def saveAssociations(params):
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- dataset = parameters["D"]
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
- ranks_dir = parameters["RESULTS_RANKS_DIR"]
- cmp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_CMP_DIR"]
cmp_assocs_dir = parameters["RESULTS_CMP_ASSOCS_DIR"]
score, gold_assocs, mutations_map, drug_names_map = params
@@ -140,7 +125,7 @@ def saveAssociations(params):
statistics = {}
associations = {}
- revord = revOrder(score)
+ revord = gwamar_scoring.revOrder(score)
for drug_res_profile in drug_res_profiles:
dr_profile = drug_res_profile.full_profile
@@ -169,7 +154,7 @@ def saveAssociations(params):
associations[(drug_name_id, mutkey_id)] = mut_scores[(mutkey, bin_profile_id)]
- s0, s1, i0, i1, r0, r1 = compareProfiles(bin_profile, dr_profile)
+ s0, s1, i0, i1, r0, r1 = gwamar_res_utils.compareProfiles(bin_profile, dr_profile)
statistics[(drug_name_id, mutkey_id)] = "\t".join(map(str, [s0,s1,i0,i1,r0,r1]))
associations_sorted = sorted(associations, key=lambda assoc_key: revord*associations[assoc_key])
@@ -189,8 +174,8 @@ def saveAssociations(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("cmp0_save_associations.py: saves association lists.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
dataset = parameters["D"]
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
@@ -201,8 +186,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
cmp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_CMP_DIR"]
cmp_assocs_dir = parameters["RESULTS_CMP_ASSOCS_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(cmp_dir)
- ensure_dir(cmp_assocs_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(cmp_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(cmp_assocs_dir)
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -210,31 +195,31 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
scores_p = parameters["SCORES"].split(",")
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
m_type = parameters["MT"]
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_res_profiles = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ drug_res_profiles = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
input_fh = open(results_dir + 'bin_profiles_' + m_type + '_det.txt')
- bin_profile_details = readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, strains.count(), mut_type=m_type, out_format="tuple")
+ bin_profile_details = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, strains.count(), mut_type=m_type, out_format="tuple")
input_fh = open(results_dir + 'bin_profiles_' + m_type + '.txt')
- bin_profiles = readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
+ bin_profiles = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
input_fn = input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt"
if os.path.exists(input_fn):
cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt")
- cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
+ cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = gwamar_ann_utils.readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
cluster_ids = {}
@@ -246,7 +231,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
drug_res_conf_db = {}
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_res_conf_db = readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev, drug_names=drug_names)
+ drug_res_conf_db = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev, drug_names=drug_names)
input_fn = gold_dir + "/gold_assocs_A.txt"
@@ -255,7 +240,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
drug_res_all_db = {}
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_res_all_db = readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev, drug_names=drug_names)
+ drug_res_all_db = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev, drug_names=drug_names)
input_fn = gold_dir + "/broad_genes.txt"
@@ -320,7 +305,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Associations")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Associations")
if WORKERS > 1:
pool = Pool(processes=WORKERS)
diff --git a/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp1_prec-recall_stats.py b/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp1_prec_recall_stats.py
similarity index 90%
rename from src/drsoft/comparison/cmp1_prec-recall_stats.py
rename to src/drsoft/comparison/cmp1_prec_recall_stats.py
index 539dc67..11d4fb1 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp1_prec-recall_stats.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp1_prec_recall_stats.py
@@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import time
-import math
-import shutil
import random
+import os
+import sys
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_progress_utils, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_scoring
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring import revOrder
def selectAssocs(input_fn, subset="a1"):
positives = []
@@ -201,25 +197,23 @@ def calcStats(score, input_dir, revord=1, positives=None, negatives=None, thrs=N
def computePRs(params):
score, subset, reps_tmp = params
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- cmp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_CMP_DIR"]
cmp_stats_dir = parameters["RESULTS_CMP_STATS_DIR"]
cmp_assocs_dir = parameters["RESULTS_CMP_ASSOCS_DIR"]
- dataset = parameters["D"]
overwrite = parameters.get("OW", "N")
if subset.startswith("a"): reps = [0]
else: reps = reps_tmp
- rev_order = revOrder(score)
+ rev_order = gwamar_scoring.revOrder(score)
stats_subset_dir = cmp_stats_dir + "/" + subset
stats_subset_pr_dir = stats_subset_dir + "/pr/"
stats_score_dir = stats_subset_pr_dir + "/" + score
- ensure_dir(stats_score_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(stats_score_dir)
for i in reps:
output_fn = stats_score_dir + "/" + str(i) + ".txt"
@@ -246,16 +240,16 @@ def computePRs(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print("cmp1_prec-recall_stats.py: Start.")
+ print("cmp1_prec_recall_stats.py: Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
cmp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_CMP_DIR"]
cmp_stats_dir = parameters["RESULTS_CMP_STATS_DIR"]
cmp_assocs_dir = parameters["RESULTS_CMP_ASSOCS_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(cmp_stats_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(cmp_stats_dir)
dataset = parameters["D"]
@@ -270,14 +264,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if score_fn in score_fns:
- subsets = parameters.get("SUBSETS", "s3_1000").split(",")
+ subsets = parameters.get("SUBSETS", "p14,p15").split(",")
for subset in subsets:
stats_subset_dir = cmp_stats_dir + "/" + subset
stats_subset_pr_dir = stats_subset_dir + "/pr/"
- ensure_dir(stats_subset_dir)
- ensure_dir(stats_subset_pr_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(stats_subset_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(stats_subset_pr_dir)
score = scores_list[0]
pos_sel, neg_sel = selectAssocs(cmp_assocs_dir + score + ".txt", subset)
@@ -305,7 +299,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(reps) > 0:
TASKS.append((score, subset, reps))
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Prec-recall stats")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Prec-recall stats")
@@ -318,4 +312,4 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
r = computePRs(T)
- print("cmp1_prec-recall_stats.py: Finished.")
+ print("cmp1_prec_recall_stats.py: Finished.")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp2_auc_stats.py b/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp2_auc_stats.py
index 099743e..41b8ac0 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp2_auc_stats.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp2_auc_stats.py
@@ -1,22 +1,15 @@
import sys
import os
-import time
-import math
-import shutil
-import random
-import multiprocessing
-from multiprocessing import Pool
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("cmp2_auc_stats.py: Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
dataset = parameters["D"]
reps_tmp = int(parameters.get("RAND", "1"))
@@ -35,7 +28,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if score_fn in score_fns:
- subsets = parameters.get("SUBSETS", "s3_1000").split(",")
+ subsets = parameters.get("SUBSETS", "p14,p15").split(",")
for subset in subsets:
if subset.startswith("a"): reps = 1
diff --git a/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp3_draw_figures.py b/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp3_draw_figures.py
index 9ef9c29..08b98f3 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp3_draw_figures.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/comparison/cmp3_draw_figures.py
@@ -1,44 +1,35 @@
import sys
import os
-import time
-import math
-import shutil
-import random
-import multiprocessing
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print("cmp3_draw_figures.py: Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- dataset = parameters["D"]
- cmp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_CMP_DIR"]
- cmp_assocs_dir = parameters["RESULTS_CMP_ASSOCS_DIR"]
- Rscript_dir = parameters["GWAMAR_SRC"] + "visR/accuracy/"
- scores_p = parameters["SCORES"].split(",")
- scores_list = []
- for score in scores_p:
- score_fn = score + ".txt"
- scores_list.append(score)
- scores_arg = ','.join(scores_list)
- subsets = parameters.get("SUBSETS", "s3_1000")
- stats = parameters.get("STATS", "auc,auc10,auc20")
- rparams1 = " ".join([dataset, parameters["MT"], subsets, parameters["GWAMAR_PATH"], scores_arg, stats])
- print(rparams1)
- command = "Rscript " + Rscript_dir + "/auc_barplots.R " + rparams1
- print(command)
- os.system(command)
- print("cmp3_draw_figures.py: Finished.")
\ No newline at end of file
+ print("cmp3_draw_figures.py: Start.")
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
+ dataset = parameters["D"]
+ cmp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_CMP_DIR"]
+ cmp_assocs_dir = parameters["RESULTS_CMP_ASSOCS_DIR"]
+ Rscript_dir = parameters["GWAMAR_SRC"] + "visR/accuracy/"
+ scores_p = parameters["SCORES"].split(",")
+ scores_list = []
+ for score in scores_p:
+ score_fn = score + ".txt"
+ scores_list.append(score)
+ scores_arg = ','.join(scores_list)
+ subsets = parameters.get("SUBSETS", "p14,p15")
+ stats = parameters.get("STATS", "auc,auc10,auc20")
+ rparams1 = " ".join([dataset, parameters["MT"], subsets, parameters["GWAMAR_PATH"], scores_arg, stats])
+ print(rparams1)
+ command = "Rscript " + Rscript_dir + "/auc_barplots.R " + rparams1
+ print(command)
+ os.system(command)
+ print("cmp3_draw_figures.py: Finished.")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/comparison/show0_gold_associations.py b/src/drsoft/comparison/show0_gold_associations.py
index 7a1b72f..1da28ed 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/comparison/show0_gold_associations.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/comparison/show0_gold_associations.py
@@ -1,22 +1,11 @@
import sys
import os
-import shutil
import multiprocessing
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_ann_utils, gwamar_muts_io_utils
def printLatexGold(drug_res_all_db, drug_res_conf_db, gene_ids_map={}):
tls = []
@@ -68,8 +57,8 @@ def printGoldShort(gold_assocs, comment=""):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("show0_save_associations.py: shows gold association lists.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
dataset = parameters["D"]
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
@@ -85,45 +74,43 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
scores_p = parameters["SCORES"].split(",")
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
m_type = parameters["MT"]
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_res_profiles = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ drug_res_profiles = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
input_fh = open(results_dir + 'bin_profiles_' + m_type + '_det.txt')
- bin_profile_details = readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, strains.count(), mut_type=m_type, out_format="tuple")
+ bin_profile_details = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, strains.count(), mut_type=m_type, out_format="tuple")
input_fh = open(results_dir + 'bin_profiles_' + m_type + '.txt')
- bin_profiles = readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
+ bin_profiles = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
input_fn = input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt"
if os.path.exists(input_fn):
cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt")
- cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
+ cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = gwamar_ann_utils.readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
cluster_ids = {}
cluster_ids_rev = {}
- # print(cluster_ids["Rv0005"])
- # print(cluster_ids_rev["Rv0005"])
input_fn = gold_dir + "/gold_assocs_H.txt"
if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
print("File does not exist:" + input_fn)
drug_res_conf_db = {}
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_res_conf_db = readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev, drug_names=drug_names)
+ drug_res_conf_db = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev, drug_names=drug_names)
input_fn = gold_dir + "/gold_assocs_A.txt"
@@ -132,7 +119,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
drug_res_all_db = {}
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_res_all_db = readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev, drug_names=drug_names)
+ drug_res_all_db = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev, drug_names=drug_names)
score_params_union = set([])
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/__init__.py b/src/drsoft/compensatory/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
copy from other/visR/backup/__init__.py
copy to src/drsoft/compensatory/__init__.py
diff --git a/src/drsoft/compensatory/show0_save_putative_muts.py b/src/drsoft/compensatory/show0_save_putative_muts.py
index ee83d4b..6b1e8a8 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/compensatory/show0_save_putative_muts.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/compensatory/show0_save_putative_muts.py
@@ -1,45 +1,23 @@
import sys
-import os
-import copy
-import multiprocessing
-from multiprocessing import Pool
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_comp_utils,\
+ gwamar_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_comp_utils import *
def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- WORKERS = 1#min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_SEL_DIR"]
- analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
comp_dir = parameters["COMP_DATA"]
- print(analysis_comb_dir + drug_name + ".txt")
input_fn = analysis_comb_dir + drug_name + ".txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- gene_muts, rdr_muts, dr_profile = selectPutativeComp(input_fh, only_comp = False)
+ gene_muts, rdr_muts, dr_profile = gwamar_comp_utils.selectPutativeComp(input_fh, only_comp = False)
# print(gene_muts.keys())
# print("xxx", len(rdr_muts))
- rdr_sets = [getBinSet(rdr_mut_profile) for (rdr_mut_desc, rdr_mut_profile) in rdr_muts]
+ rdr_sets = [gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(rdr_mut_profile) for (rdr_mut_desc, rdr_mut_profile) in rdr_muts]
# print("xxx", len(rdr_sets))
tls = []
@@ -58,7 +36,7 @@ def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
tls.append(mut_out + "\n")
- ensure_dir(comp_dir + "/" + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(comp_dir + "/" + drug_name)
output_fn = comp_dir + "/" + drug_name + "/" + parameters["D"] + ".txt"
# print(output_fn)
@@ -74,8 +52,8 @@ def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = 1#min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -86,12 +64,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
comp_dir = parameters["COMP_DATA"]
- ensure_dir(comp_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(comp_dir)
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
drug_names = ["Rifampicin"]
diff --git a/src/drsoft/compensatory/show1_latex_rpoB_figure.py b/src/drsoft/compensatory/show1_latex_rpoB_figure.py
index bf963af..3c07f46 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/compensatory/show1_latex_rpoB_figure.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/compensatory/show1_latex_rpoB_figure.py
@@ -1,14 +1,7 @@
import os
import sys
-import filecmp
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_strains_io_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils
def readCompMutations(input_fh):
comp_mutations = {}
@@ -58,8 +51,8 @@ source_shifts = {"comas_whole-genome_2012": 0, "de_vos_putative_2013": 10, "casa
x_offset = 5
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
@@ -67,15 +60,15 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
latex_dir = parameters["LATEX_DIR"]
comp_dir = parameters["COMP_DATA"]
- ensure_dir(stats_dir)
- ensure_dir(latex_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(stats_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(latex_dir)
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ res_profiles_list = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
input_fh = open(comp_dir + "/comp_data.txt")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/compensatory/show2_latex_rpoB_table.py b/src/drsoft/compensatory/show2_latex_rpoB_table.py
index b07e1dc..bade944 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/compensatory/show2_latex_rpoB_table.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/compensatory/show2_latex_rpoB_table.py
@@ -1,15 +1,7 @@
import os
import sys
-import filecmp
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_strains_io_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_muts_utils
def readCompMutations2(input_fh):
comp_mutations = {}
@@ -57,8 +49,8 @@ sourse_shifts = {"comas_whole-genome_2012": 0, "de_vos_putative_2013": 10, "casa
x_offset = 10
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
@@ -66,15 +58,15 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
latex_dir = parameters["LATEX_DIR"]
comp_dir = parameters["COMP_DATA"]
- ensure_dir(stats_dir)
- ensure_dir(latex_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(stats_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(latex_dir)
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ res_profiles_list = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
input_fh = open(comp_dir + "/comp_data.txt")
@@ -120,7 +112,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
for source in sources:
if source in comp_mutations[gene_name][(position, ref_state)]:
mut_txt = comp_mutations[gene_name][(position, ref_state)][source]
- tl += " & " + "\\textcolor{"+color+"}{" + mutsDescToLatex(mut_txt) +"}"
+ tl += " & " + "\\textcolor{"+color+"}{" + gwamar_muts_utils.mutsDescToLatex(mut_txt) +"}"
tl += " & "
tl += "\\\\ \n"
diff --git a/src/drsoft/compensatory/show2_latex_rpoB_table_sel.py b/src/drsoft/compensatory/show2_latex_rpoB_table_sel.py
index 418be08..5754408 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/compensatory/show2_latex_rpoB_table_sel.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/compensatory/show2_latex_rpoB_table_sel.py
@@ -1,15 +1,7 @@
import os
import sys
-import filecmp
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_strains_io_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_muts_utils
def readCompMutations2(input_fh):
comp_mutations = {}
@@ -57,8 +49,8 @@ sourse_shifts = {"comas_whole-genome_2012": 0, "de_vos_putative_2013": 10, "casa
x_offset = 10
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
@@ -66,15 +58,15 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
latex_dir = parameters["LATEX_DIR"]
comp_dir = parameters["COMP_DATA"]
- ensure_dir(stats_dir)
- ensure_dir(latex_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(stats_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(latex_dir)
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ res_profiles_list = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
input_fh = open(comp_dir + "/comp_data.txt")
@@ -120,7 +112,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
for source in sources:
if source in comp_mutations[gene_name][(position, ref_state)]:
mut_txt = comp_mutations[gene_name][(position, ref_state)][source]
- tl += " & " + "\\textcolor{"+color+"}{" + mutsDescToLatex(mut_txt) +"}"
+ tl += " & " + "\\textcolor{"+color+"}{" + gwamar_muts_utils.mutsDescToLatex(mut_txt) +"}"
tl += " & "
tl += "\\\\ \n"
diff --git a/src/drsoft/compensatory/show3_latex_rpoB_table2.py b/src/drsoft/compensatory/show3_latex_rpoB_table2.py
index d2d5bb6..6b77a3e 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/compensatory/show3_latex_rpoB_table2.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/compensatory/show3_latex_rpoB_table2.py
@@ -1,43 +1,24 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
-import multiprocessing
-from multiprocessing import Pool
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_comp_utils,\
+ gwamar_muts_utils, gwamar_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_comp_utils import *
def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- WORKERS = 1#min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_SEL_DIR"]
- analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
comp_dir = parameters["COMP_DATA"]
print(analysis_comb_dir + drug_name + ".txt")
input_fn = analysis_comb_dir + drug_name + ".txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- gene_muts, rdr_muts, dr_profile = selectPutativeComp(input_fh, only_comp = True)
+ gene_muts, rdr_muts, dr_profile = gwamar_comp_utils.selectPutativeComp(input_fh, only_comp = True)
- rdr_sets = [getBinSet(rdr_mut_profile) for (rdr_mut_profile, rdr_mut_desc) in rdr_muts]
+ rdr_sets = [gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(rdr_mut_profile) for (rdr_mut_profile, rdr_mut_desc) in rdr_muts]
tab_res = {}
@@ -45,10 +26,10 @@ def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
for rdr_mut_desc in rdr_mut_descs.strip().split(";"):
m1_gene_id, m2_c_id, m1_gene_name, m1_p_str, m1_ref_txt, m1_mut_txt = rdr_mut_desc.split()
- m1_mut_latex = mutsDescToLatex(m1_mut_txt)
- m1_set = getBinSet(rdr_mut_profile)
+ m1_mut_latex = gwamar_muts_utils.mutsDescToLatex(m1_mut_txt)
+ m1_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(rdr_mut_profile)
- if not isMutInRRDR(rdr_mut_desc):
+ if not gwamar_comp_utils.isMutInRRDR(rdr_mut_desc):
if not rdr_mut_desc in tab_res:
@@ -59,8 +40,8 @@ def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
for gene_mut_desc in gene_mut_descs.strip().split(";"):
m2_gene_id, m2_c_id, m2_gene_name, m2_p_str, m2_ref_txt, m2_mut_txt = gene_mut_desc.split()
- m2_mut_latex = mutsDescToLatex(m2_mut_txt)
- m2_set = getBinSet(gene_mut_profile)
+ m2_mut_latex = gwamar_muts_utils.mutsDescToLatex(m2_mut_txt)
+ m2_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(gene_mut_profile)
if m2_set.issubset(m1_set):
@@ -92,7 +73,7 @@ def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
if len(tab_res[m1_desc]) == 0:
m1_gene_id, m2_c_id, m1_gene_name, m1_p_str, m1_ref_txt, m1_mut_txt = m1_desc.split()
- m1_mut_latex = mutsDescToLatex(m1_mut_txt)
+ m1_mut_latex = gwamar_muts_utils.mutsDescToLatex(m1_mut_txt)
tls.append("\\midrule \n")
m1_desc_out = " ".join([m1_ref_txt[0], m1_p_str, m1_mut_latex])
tls.append(" & ".join([m1_gene_name, m1_desc_out]) + "\\\\ \n")
@@ -100,7 +81,7 @@ def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
for m2_desc in sorted(tab_res[m1_desc], key=lambda m2: (m2.split()[2], int(m2.split()[3]))):
m2_gene_id, m2_c_id, m2_gene_name, m2_p_str, m2_ref_txt, m2_mut_txt = m2_desc.split()
- m2_mut_latex = mutsDescToLatex(m2_mut_txt)
+ m2_mut_latex = gwamar_muts_utils.mutsDescToLatex(m2_mut_txt)
m2_desc_out = " ".join([m2_ref_txt[0], m2_p_str, m2_mut_latex])
tls.append(" & ".join([m2_gene_name, m2_desc_out]) + "\\\\ \n")
@@ -109,7 +90,7 @@ def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
- ensure_dir(comp_dir + "/" + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(comp_dir + "/" + drug_name)
output1_fn = comp_dir + "/" + drug_name + "/tmp_tab_" + parameters["D"] + ".tex"
output2_fn = comp_dir + "/" + drug_name + "/tmp_tab_" + parameters["D"] + ".pdf"
output3_fn = comp_dir + "/" + drug_name + "/tab_" + parameters["D"] + ".pdf"
@@ -126,20 +107,10 @@ def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
command = "pdfcrop --margins '5 5 5 5' " + output2_fn + " " + output3_fn
- # command = "acroread " + output3_fn
- # os.system(command)
-#507 - 533
-#450 - 531
-#zatem: 426 - 452
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = 1#min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -150,12 +121,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
comp_dir = parameters["COMP_DATA"]
- ensure_dir(comp_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(comp_dir)
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
drug_names = ["Rifampicin"]
diff --git a/src/drsoft/compensatory/show4_rpoB_rels.py b/src/drsoft/compensatory/show4_rpoB_rels.py
index aee559b..eaef81d 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/compensatory/show4_rpoB_rels.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/compensatory/show4_rpoB_rels.py
@@ -1,60 +1,36 @@
import sys
-import os
-import copy
-import multiprocessing
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_comp_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_comp_utils,\
+ gwamar_muts_utils, gwamar_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_stat_utils
def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- WORKERS = 1#min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_SEL_DIR"]
- analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
comp_dir = parameters["COMP_DATA"]
print(analysis_comb_dir + drug_name + ".txt")
input_fn = analysis_comb_dir + drug_name + ".txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- gene_muts, rdr_muts, dr_profile = selectPutativeComp(input_fh, only_comp = True)
+ gene_muts, rdr_muts, dr_profile = gwamar_comp_utils.selectPutativeComp(input_fh, only_comp = True)
- dr_set = getResSet(dr_profile)
- rdr_sets = [getBinSet(rdr_mut_profile) for (rdr_mut_profile, rdr_mut_desc) in rdr_muts]
+ dr_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getResSet(dr_profile)
tab_res = {}
for rdr1_mut_descs, rdr1_mut_profile in sorted(rdr_muts, key=lambda x:x[0].split()[3]):
tokens = rdr1_mut_descs.split()
- print("\\item " + tokens[4][0] + tokens[3] + mutsDescToMathLatex(tokens[5]))
+ print("\\item " + tokens[4][0] + tokens[3] + gwamar_muts_utils.mutsDescToMathLatex(tokens[5]))
for i in range(len(rdr_muts)-1):
rdr1_mut_descs, rdr1_mut_profile = rdr_muts[i]
for j in range(i+1, len(rdr_muts), 1):
rdr2_mut_descs, rdr2_mut_profile = rdr_muts[j]
- rdr1_set = getBinSet(rdr1_mut_profile)
- rdr2_set = getBinSet(rdr2_mut_profile)
- pval = hyperTestPvalue(len(dr_set), len(rdr2_set), len(rdr1_set), len(rdr1_set & rdr2_set), twoends=True)
+ rdr1_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(rdr1_mut_profile)
+ rdr2_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(rdr2_mut_profile)
+ pval = gwamar_stat_utils.hyperTestPvalue(len(dr_set), len(rdr2_set), len(rdr1_set), len(rdr1_set & rdr2_set), twoends=True)
# if pval < 0.05:
# print(rdr1_mut_descs, rdr2_mut_descs)
@@ -65,10 +41,10 @@ def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
for rdr_mut_desc in rdr_mut_descs.strip().split(";"):
m1_gene_id, m2_c_id, m1_gene_name, m1_p_str, m1_ref_txt, m1_mut_txt = rdr_mut_desc.split()
- m1_mut_latex = mutsDescToLatex(m1_mut_txt)
- m1_set = getBinSet(rdr_mut_profile)
+ m1_mut_latex = gwamar_muts_utils.mutsDescToLatex(m1_mut_txt)
+ m1_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(rdr_mut_profile)
- if not isMutInRRDR(rdr_mut_desc):
+ if not gwamar_comp_utils.isMutInRRDR(rdr_mut_desc):
if not rdr_mut_desc in tab_res:
@@ -78,10 +54,10 @@ def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
for gene_mut_descs, gene_mut_profile in gene_muts[gene_name]:
for gene_mut_desc in gene_mut_descs.strip().split(";"):
m2_gene_id, m2_c_id, m2_gene_name, m2_p_str, m2_ref_txt, m2_mut_txt = gene_mut_desc.split()
- m2_mut_latex = mutsDescToLatex(m2_mut_txt)
- m2_set = getBinSet(gene_mut_profile)
+ m2_mut_latex = gwamar_muts_utils.mutsDescToLatex(m2_mut_txt)
+ m2_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(gene_mut_profile)
- pval = hyperTestPvalue(len(dr_set), len(m2_set), len(m1_set), len(m1_set & m2_set), twoends=False)
+ pval = gwamar_stat_utils.hyperTestPvalue(len(dr_set), len(m2_set), len(m1_set), len(m1_set & m2_set), twoends=False)
if pval < 0.001:
print(rdr_mut_desc, gene_mut_desc)
@@ -97,17 +73,17 @@ def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
# if len(tab_res[m1_desc]) == 0:
# continue
m1_gene_id, m2_c_id, m1_gene_name, m1_p_str, m1_ref_txt, m1_mut_txt = m1_desc.split()
- m1_mut_latex = mutsDescToLatex(m1_mut_txt)
+ m1_mut_latex = gwamar_muts_utils.mutsDescToLatex(m1_mut_txt)
m1_desc_out = " ".join([m1_ref_txt[0], m1_p_str, m1_mut_txt])
tls.append(">"+" ".join([m1_gene_name, m1_desc_out]) + "\n")
for m2_desc in sorted(tab_res[m1_desc], key=lambda m2: (m2.split()[2], int(m2.split()[3]))):
m2_gene_id, m2_c_id, m2_gene_name, m2_p_str, m2_ref_txt, m2_mut_txt = m2_desc.split()
- m2_mut_latex = mutsDescToLatex(m2_mut_txt)
+ m2_mut_latex = gwamar_muts_utils.mutsDescToLatex(m2_mut_txt)
m2_desc_out = " ".join([m2_ref_txt[0], m2_p_str, m2_mut_txt])
tls.append(" ".join([m2_gene_name, m2_desc_out]) + "\n")
- ensure_dir(comp_dir + "/" + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(comp_dir + "/" + drug_name)
output1_fn = comp_dir + "/" + drug_name + "/rels_" + parameters["D"] + ".tet"
output_fh = open(output1_fn, "w")
@@ -115,20 +91,10 @@ def retrieveCompMutations(drug_name):
- # command = "acroread " + output3_fn
- # os.system(command)
-#507 - 533
-#450 - 531
-#zatem: 426 - 452
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = 1#min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -139,12 +105,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
comp_dir = parameters["COMP_DATA"]
- ensure_dir(comp_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(comp_dir)
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
drug_names = ["Rifampicin"]
diff --git a/src/drsoft/compensatory/show5_rpoB_pvalues.py b/src/drsoft/compensatory/show5_rpoB_pvalues.py
index 996db62..fdbdf3b 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/compensatory/show5_rpoB_pvalues.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/compensatory/show5_rpoB_pvalues.py
@@ -1,15 +1,7 @@
import os
import sys
-import filecmp
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_strains_io_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_muts_utils
def readCompMutations2(input_fh):
comp_mutations = {}
@@ -57,8 +49,8 @@ sourse_shifts = {"comas_whole-genome_2012": 0, "de_vos_putative_2013": 10, "casa
x_offset = 10
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
@@ -66,15 +58,15 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
latex_dir = parameters["LATEX_DIR"]
comp_dir = parameters["COMP_DATA"]
- ensure_dir(stats_dir)
- ensure_dir(latex_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(stats_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(latex_dir)
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ res_profiles_list = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
input_fh = open(comp_dir + "/comp_data.txt")
@@ -105,7 +97,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
for source in sources:
if source in comp_mutations[gene_name][(position, ref_state)]:
mut_txt = comp_mutations[gene_name][(position, ref_state)][source]
- tl += " & " + mutsDescToLatex(mut_txt)
+ tl += " & " + gwamar_muts_utils.mutsDescToLatex(mut_txt)
tl += " & "
tl += "\\\\ \n"
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a0_mutations_latex_sel.py b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a0_mutations_latex_sel.py
index ebccb82..b174585 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a0_mutations_latex_sel.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a0_mutations_latex_sel.py
@@ -1,19 +1,8 @@
-import math
import os
import sys
-import filecmp
import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_comp_utils import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_comp_utils,\
+ gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
colors_map = {"?": "gray", "0": "white", "1": "orange", "2": "blue",
@@ -23,21 +12,17 @@ colors_map = {"?": "gray", "0": "white", "1": "orange", "2": "blue",
def saveMutsLatex(params):
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
dataset = params["D"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- stats_dir = parameters["STATS_DIR"]
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_SEL_DIR"]
analysis_latex_sel_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_LATEX_S_SEL_DIR"]
- analysis_latex_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_LATEX_S_DIR"]
input_fn = analysis_comb_dir + drug_name + ".txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
#gene_muts, rdr_sets = selectPutativeComp(input_fh, only_comp = True)
- gene_muts, rdr_sets, dr_profile = selectPutativeComp(input_fh, only_comp = False)
+ gene_muts, rdr_sets, dr_profile = gwamar_comp_utils.selectPutativeComp(input_fh, only_comp = False)
mut_profiles = []
@@ -62,7 +47,7 @@ def saveMutsLatex(params):
# gene_id, position = mut_desc_full.split(" ")[2:4]
# mut_profiles.append((bin_profile, gene_id, position))
- mut_profiles_sorted = sorted(mut_profiles, key=lambda profile_gene_position: (-countNonZeros(profile_gene_position[0]), profile_gene_position[1]))
+ mut_profiles_sorted = sorted(mut_profiles, key=lambda profile_gene_position: (-gwamar_bin_utils.countNonZeros(profile_gene_position[0]), profile_gene_position[1]))
tls = []
@@ -128,8 +113,8 @@ def saveMutsLatex(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -141,8 +126,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
analysis_latex_sel_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_LATEX_S_SEL_DIR"]
analysis_latex_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_LATEX_S_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(analysis_latex_sel_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_latex_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_latex_sel_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_latex_dir)
TASKS = []
@@ -150,23 +135,23 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
drug_names = ["Rifampicin"]
for drug_name in drug_names:
- ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir + drug_name)
TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
TASK["D"] = parameters["D"]
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Combined")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Combined")
if WORKERS > 1:
- pool = Pool(processes=WORKERS)
+ pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=WORKERS)
for r in pool.imap(saveMutsLatex, TASKS):
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a1_mutation_types.py b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a1_mutation_types.py
index 5162583..63ca195 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a1_mutation_types.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a1_mutation_types.py
@@ -1,35 +1,16 @@
import sys
-import os
-import copy
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_comp_utils import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_comp_utils,\
+ gwamar_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
def saveMutsCategorized(params):
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_SEL_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
- show_profiles = parameters["SP"]
input_fn = analysis_comb_dir + drug_name + ".txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
@@ -40,7 +21,7 @@ def saveMutsCategorized(params):
mutation_desc_list = []
#dr_set = set(range(len(dr_profile)))
- dr_set = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True)
+ dr_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True)
# print("x", drug_name, len(getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=False)))
# print("x", drug_name, len(getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True)))
@@ -49,7 +30,7 @@ def saveMutsCategorized(params):
tokens = line.split("\t")
bin_profile = tokens[0]
mut_desc = tokens[-1]
- mut_set = getBinSet(bin_profile) & dr_set
+ mut_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(bin_profile) & dr_set
if len(mut_set) <= 0:
@@ -161,8 +142,8 @@ def saveMutsCategorized(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -172,25 +153,25 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
TASKS = []
TASK = {}
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
- ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir + drug_name)
TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Categotized")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Categotized")
if WORKERS > 1:
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a2_mutation_patterns.py b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a2_mutation_patterns.py
index ad22921..19cf69a 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a2_mutation_patterns.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a2_mutation_patterns.py
@@ -1,35 +1,16 @@
import sys
-import os
-import copy
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_comp_utils import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_comp_utils,\
+ gwamar_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
def saveMutsPatterns(params):
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_SEL_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
- show_profiles = parameters["SP"]
input_fn = analysis_comb_dir + drug_name + ".txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
@@ -38,7 +19,7 @@ def saveMutsPatterns(params):
dr_profile = line0.strip().split("\t")[0]
- dr_set = getResSet(dr_profile)
+ dr_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getResSet(dr_profile)
mutation_sets_list = [dr_set]
mutation_desc_list = ["res"]
@@ -49,7 +30,7 @@ def saveMutsPatterns(params):
tokens = line.split("\t")
bin_profile = tokens[0]
mut_desc = tokens[-1]
- mut_set = getBinSet(bin_profile) & dr_set
+ mut_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(bin_profile) & dr_set
if len(mut_set) <= 0:
@@ -79,8 +60,8 @@ def saveMutsPatterns(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -90,16 +71,16 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
TASKS = []
TASK = {}
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
@@ -107,7 +88,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Combined")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Combined")
if WORKERS > 1:
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a3_mutation_rel1.py b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a3_mutation_rel1.py
index bcc6d70..e47fcd6 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a3_mutation_rel1.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a3_mutation_rel1.py
@@ -1,35 +1,15 @@
import sys
-import os
-import copy
-import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_comp_utils import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_comp_utils,\
+ gwamar_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
def saveMutsRelations(params):
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_SEL_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
- show_profiles = parameters["SP"]
input_fn = analysis_comb_dir + drug_name + ".txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
@@ -37,8 +17,7 @@ def saveMutsRelations(params):
line0 = lines[0]
dr_profile = line0.strip().split("\t")[0]
- dr_set = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True)
+ dr_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True)
mutation_sets_list = [dr_set]
mutation_desc_list = ["res"]
@@ -49,7 +28,7 @@ def saveMutsRelations(params):
tokens = line.split("\t")
bin_profile = tokens[0]
mut_desc = tokens[-1]
- mut_set = getBinSet(bin_profile)# & dr_set
+ mut_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(bin_profile)# & dr_set
if len(mut_set) <= 0:
@@ -80,8 +59,8 @@ def saveMutsRelations(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = 1#min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -91,16 +70,16 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
TASKS = []
TASK = {}
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
@@ -108,7 +87,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Combined")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Combined")
if WORKERS > 1:
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a4_mutation_rel2.py b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a4_mutation_rel2.py
index c4d9a8e..4160cdb 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a4_mutation_rel2.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a4_mutation_rel2.py
@@ -1,35 +1,15 @@
import sys
-import os
-import copy
-import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_comp_utils import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_comp_utils,\
+ gwamar_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
def saveMutsRelationsSep(params):
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_SEL_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
- show_profiles = parameters["SP"]
input_fn = analysis_comb_dir + drug_name + ".txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
@@ -37,8 +17,8 @@ def saveMutsRelationsSep(params):
line0 = lines[0]
dr_profile = line0.strip().split("\t")[0]
- dr_set = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=False)
- sc_set = getSuscSet(dr_profile, inc_q=False)
+ dr_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=False)
+ sc_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getSuscSet(dr_profile, inc_q=False)
mutation_sets_list = []
mutation_desc_list = []
@@ -54,7 +34,7 @@ def saveMutsRelationsSep(params):
mut_states_list = mut_states.split(",")
- mut_sets_map = getBinSetsMap(bin_profile)
+ mut_sets_map = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSetsMap(bin_profile)
for bin_id in mut_sets_map:
mut_set = mut_sets_map[bin_id]
if len(mut_set & dr_set) < len(mut_set & sc_set):
@@ -129,8 +109,8 @@ def saveMutsRelationsSep(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = 1#min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -140,16 +120,16 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
TASKS = []
TASK = {}
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
@@ -157,7 +137,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("saveMutsRelationsSep")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("saveMutsRelationsSep")
if WORKERS > 1:
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a5_mutation_rel3.py b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a5_mutation_rel3.py
index 5a206fb..5805300 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a5_mutation_rel3.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a5_mutation_rel3.py
@@ -1,36 +1,15 @@
import sys
-import os
-import copy
-import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_comp_utils import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_comp_utils,\
+ gwamar_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
def saveScoresCombined(params):
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_SEL_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
- show_profiles = parameters["SP"]
input_fn = analysis_comb_dir + drug_name + ".txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
@@ -39,7 +18,7 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
dr_profile = line0.strip().split("\t")[0]
- dr_set = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True)
+ dr_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True)
mutation_sets_list = [dr_set]
mutation_desc_list = ["res"]
@@ -49,7 +28,7 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
tokens = line.split("\t")
bin_profile = tokens[0]
mut_desc = tokens[-1]
- mut_set = getBinSet(bin_profile)# & dr_set
+ mut_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(bin_profile)# & dr_set
if len(mut_set) <= 0:
@@ -81,8 +60,8 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = 1#min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -92,16 +71,16 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
TASKS = []
TASK = {}
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
@@ -109,7 +88,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Combined")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Combined")
if WORKERS > 1:
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a7_graphvis.py b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a7_graphvis.py
index 0b7ae47..0e684b7 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a7_graphvis.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a7_graphvis.py
@@ -1,25 +1,10 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
-import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_comp_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import *
-from drsoft.structs.rel_graph import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_ann_utils,\
+ gwamar_muts_io_utils, gwamar_comp_utils, gwamar_stat_utils, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
+from src.drsoft.structs import rel_graph
def readDrugResAssoc(input_fh, drug_name = ""):
drug_res_assoc = {}
@@ -39,20 +24,17 @@ def readDrugResAssoc(input_fh, drug_name = ""):
def saveScoresCombined(params):
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_SEL_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
gold_dir = parameters["DATASET_GOLD_DIR"]
- show_profiles = parameters["SP"]
if os.path.exists(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt"):
cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt")
- cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
+ cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = gwamar_ann_utils.readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
cluster_ids = {}
@@ -64,7 +46,7 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
drug_res_assoc = {}
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_res_assoc = readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
+ drug_res_assoc = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
@@ -76,37 +58,27 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
input_fn = analysis_comb_dir + drug_name + ".txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- gene_muts, rdr_sets = selectPutativeComp(input_fh)
+ gene_muts, rdr_sets = gwamar_comp_utils.selectPutativeComp(input_fh)
- # input_fn = analysis_comb_dir + drug_name + ".txt"
- # input_fh = open(input_fn)
- # lines = input_fh.readlines()
- # line0 = lines[0]
- # dr_profile = line0.strip().split("\t")[0]
- # all_set = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=False, inc_susc=True)
- # dr_set = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=False, inc_susc=False)
- # drq_set = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=False, inc_susc=False)
nodes_map = {}
snodes = set([])
ncount = 0
- rel_graph = RelGraph()
+ rel_graph = rel_graph.RelGraph()
for gene_name in gene_muts.keys():
gene1_muts_list = gene_muts[gene_name]
for gene1_mut in gene1_muts_list:
position1, mut1_desc, mut1_profile = gene1_mut
gene_id, cluster_id, gene_name, position_str, ref_aa, mut_aa = mut1_desc.split()
- mut_set = getBinSet(mut1_profile)
+ mut_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(mut1_profile)
nlabel = " ".join([gene_name[3], position_str, ref_aa, mut_aa])
- if isMutInRRDR(mut1_desc):
+ if gwamar_comp_utils.isMutInRRDR(mut1_desc):
ncolor = "red"
ncolor = "blue"
- node = RelGraphNode(str(ncount), label=nlabel, ncolor=ncolor, mprofile=mut1_profile)
+ node = rel_graph.RelGraphNode(str(ncount), label=nlabel, ncolor=ncolor, mprofile=mut1_profile)
if ncolor == "red":
nodes_map[node.node_id] = node
@@ -116,30 +88,30 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
for node1_id in nodes_map.keys():
node1 = nodes_map[node1_id]
m1_profile = node1.mprofile
- m1_set = getBinSet(m1_profile)
+ m1_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(m1_profile)
for node2_id in nodes_map.keys():
if node1_id == node2_id:
node2 = nodes_map[node2_id]
m2_profile = node2.mprofile
- m2_set = getBinSet(m2_profile)
+ m2_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(m2_profile)
N = len(m1_profile)
n = len(m1_set)
m = len(m2_set)
k = len(m1_set & m2_set)
- pvalue = hyperTestPvalue(N, m, n, k)
+ pvalue = gwamar_stat_utils.hyperTestPvalue(N, m, n, k)
if m1_set.issubset(m2_set) and len(m1_set) > 1:
elabel = str(len(m1_set & m2_set))
- edge = RelGraphEdge(node2, label=elabel, ecolor="blue")
- edge_rev = RelGraphEdge(node1, label=elabel, ecolor="blue")
+ edge = rel_graph.RelGraphEdge(node2, label=elabel, ecolor="blue")
+ edge_rev = rel_graph.RelGraphEdge(node1, label=elabel, ecolor="blue")
- ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir + drug_name)
output1_fn = analysis_comp_dir + drug_name + "/graph.dot"
output2_fn = analysis_comp_dir + drug_name + "/tmp_graph.pdf"
output3_fn = analysis_comp_dir + drug_name + "/graph.pdf"
@@ -147,7 +119,7 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
subnodes = rel_graph.visible_nodes(snodes)
- saveRelGraph(rel_graph, output1_fn, subnodes=subnodes)
+ rel_graph.saveRelGraph(rel_graph, output1_fn, subnodes=subnodes)
# output_fn = os.path.relpath()
command = "dot -Tpdf "+output1_fn + " -o " + output2_fn
@@ -160,8 +132,8 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = 1#min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -171,16 +143,16 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
TASKS = []
TASK = {}
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
drug_names = ["Rifampicin"]
@@ -190,7 +162,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Combined")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Combined")
if WORKERS > 1:
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a8_graphvis_pvalue.py b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a8_graphvis_pvalue.py
index 6dc8f12..e606733 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a8_graphvis_pvalue.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a8_graphvis_pvalue.py
@@ -1,24 +1,8 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
-import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_comp_utils import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_comp_utils,\
+ gwamar_stat_utils, gwamar_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
def readDrugResAssoc(input_fh, drug_name = ""):
drug_res_assoc = {}
@@ -38,15 +22,12 @@ def readDrugResAssoc(input_fh, drug_name = ""):
def saveScoresCombined(params):
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_SEL_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
- show_profiles = parameters["SP"]
input_fn = input_dir + "/drug_res_muts.txt"
if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
@@ -62,9 +43,9 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
line0 = lines[0]
dr_profile = line0.strip().split("\t")[0]
- all_set = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True, inc_susc=True)
- dr_set = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=False, inc_susc=False)
- drq_set = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True, inc_susc=False)
+ all_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True, inc_susc=True)
+ dr_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=False, inc_susc=False)
+ drq_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True, inc_susc=False)
N = len(all_set)
mutation_sets_list = [drq_set]
@@ -81,7 +62,7 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
for tmp in mut_desc_tokens: mut_desc += tmp + " "
mut_desc = mut_desc[:-1]
- mut_set = getBinSet(bin_profile)
+ mut_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(bin_profile)
if len(mut_set) <= 0:
@@ -121,18 +102,13 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
set2 = mutation_sets_list[j]
inter = set1 & set2
jk = len(inter)
- # if len(set2-set1) < len(set1-set2):
- # continue
- # pvalue = hyperTestPvalue(N, len(set1), len(set2), len(inter))
- pvalue = hyperTestPvalue(N, len(set1), len(set2), len(inter), twoends=False)
- #if len(set1-set2) <= 0.3334*len(set1):
- #if set1.issubset(set2):
+ pvalue = gwamar_stat_utils.hyperTestPvalue(N, len(set1), len(set2), len(inter), twoends=False)
if pvalue < opt_pvalue:
opt_set = set2
opt_j = j
opt_pvalue = pvalue
- pvalue_two = hyperTestPvalue(N, len(set1), len(set2), len(inter), twoends=True)
+ pvalue_two = gwamar_stat_utils.hyperTestPvalue(N, len(set1), len(set2), len(inter), twoends=True)
if pvalue>pvalue_two and pvalue_two<0.01:
if not set1.issubset(set2) and not set2.issubset(set1):
if i<j:
@@ -160,8 +136,8 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = 1#min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -171,23 +147,23 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
TASKS = []
TASK = {}
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Combined")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Combined")
if WORKERS > 1:
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a9_graphviz_new.py b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a9_graphviz_new.py
index 6dc8f12..e606733 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/format_comp/a9_graphviz_new.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/format_comp/a9_graphviz_new.py
@@ -1,24 +1,8 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
-import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_comp_utils import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_comp_utils,\
+ gwamar_stat_utils, gwamar_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
def readDrugResAssoc(input_fh, drug_name = ""):
drug_res_assoc = {}
@@ -38,15 +22,12 @@ def readDrugResAssoc(input_fh, drug_name = ""):
def saveScoresCombined(params):
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_SEL_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
- show_profiles = parameters["SP"]
input_fn = input_dir + "/drug_res_muts.txt"
if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
@@ -62,9 +43,9 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
line0 = lines[0]
dr_profile = line0.strip().split("\t")[0]
- all_set = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True, inc_susc=True)
- dr_set = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=False, inc_susc=False)
- drq_set = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True, inc_susc=False)
+ all_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True, inc_susc=True)
+ dr_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=False, inc_susc=False)
+ drq_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True, inc_susc=False)
N = len(all_set)
mutation_sets_list = [drq_set]
@@ -81,7 +62,7 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
for tmp in mut_desc_tokens: mut_desc += tmp + " "
mut_desc = mut_desc[:-1]
- mut_set = getBinSet(bin_profile)
+ mut_set = gwamar_comp_utils.getBinSet(bin_profile)
if len(mut_set) <= 0:
@@ -121,18 +102,13 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
set2 = mutation_sets_list[j]
inter = set1 & set2
jk = len(inter)
- # if len(set2-set1) < len(set1-set2):
- # continue
- # pvalue = hyperTestPvalue(N, len(set1), len(set2), len(inter))
- pvalue = hyperTestPvalue(N, len(set1), len(set2), len(inter), twoends=False)
- #if len(set1-set2) <= 0.3334*len(set1):
- #if set1.issubset(set2):
+ pvalue = gwamar_stat_utils.hyperTestPvalue(N, len(set1), len(set2), len(inter), twoends=False)
if pvalue < opt_pvalue:
opt_set = set2
opt_j = j
opt_pvalue = pvalue
- pvalue_two = hyperTestPvalue(N, len(set1), len(set2), len(inter), twoends=True)
+ pvalue_two = gwamar_stat_utils.hyperTestPvalue(N, len(set1), len(set2), len(inter), twoends=True)
if pvalue>pvalue_two and pvalue_two<0.01:
if not set1.issubset(set2) and not set2.issubset(set1):
if i<j:
@@ -160,8 +136,8 @@ def saveScoresCombined(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = 1#min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -171,23 +147,23 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_DIR"]
analysis_comp_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comb_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir)
TASKS = []
TASK = {}
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Combined")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Combined")
if WORKERS > 1:
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_geo_trees.py b/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_geo_trees.py
index 7c661c5..30d7004 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_geo_trees.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_geo_trees.py
@@ -1,16 +1,6 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import saveResistanceProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_tree_io_utils
def loadGeoData(input_fh):
geo_data_map = {}
@@ -62,9 +52,6 @@ bgcolor_map = {
def generateGeoTrees(output_fh, tree, geo_data):
tls = []
- color_map = {}
tls.append("digraph "+ "G" + " {\n")
@@ -101,8 +88,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
dataset = "mtu"
tree_ids= ["t1", "t2","tPHYLIP","tPHYML","tRAXML"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
gwamar_dir = parameters["GWAMAR_PATH"]
input_dir = parameters["GEO_DATA"] + dataset + "/"
@@ -119,7 +106,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- trees = readPhyloTrees(input_fh)
+ trees = gwamar_tree_io_utils.readPhyloTrees(input_fh)
tree = trees[0]
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_latex_data.py b/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_latex_data.py
index f20fd0f..8000ea5 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_latex_data.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_latex_data.py
@@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
import sys
-import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import saveResistanceProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils
def loadResData(input_fh):
res_data_map = {}
@@ -21,7 +11,6 @@ def loadResData(input_fh):
if line.startswith("#") or len(line) < 2:
tokens = line.split("\t")
- # print(tokens)
if len(tokens) < 1: continue
elif len(tokens) <= 2:
if len(line) < 40:
@@ -95,7 +84,7 @@ def determineResistance(res_data_infos):
susc_count = 0
int_count = 0
unk_count = 0
- for (res_info, cite_info) in res_data_infos:
+ for (res_info, _) in res_data_infos:
tokens = res_info.split(":")
if tokens[0] == "R":
res_count += 1
@@ -126,7 +115,7 @@ def determineCellColor(res_data_infos):
susc_count = 0
int_count = 0
unk_count = 0
- for (res_info, cite_info) in res_data_infos:
+ for (res_info, _) in res_data_infos:
tokens = res_info.split(":")
if tokens[0] == "R":
res_count += 1
@@ -171,7 +160,7 @@ def drugsList(res_data):
def strainsList(res_data):
strains_set = set([])
- for (strain_id, drug_name) in res_data:
+ for (strain_id, _) in res_data:
strains_list = sorted(strains_set)
return strains_list
@@ -182,11 +171,7 @@ def generateDataTable(res_data):
drugs_list = drugsList(res_data)
strains_list = strainsList(res_data)
- #Ciprofloxacin\tprint(drugs_list)
- #print(strains_list)
k = len(drugs_list)
- n = len(strains_list)
tls.append("\\caption{\\bf{Complete collected data on drug resistance.}}")
@@ -235,8 +220,8 @@ def generateLatexFile(output_fh, res_data):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
gwamar_dir = parameters["GWAMAR_PATH"]
for dataset in ["spn", "mtu", "sau"]:
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_res_data.py b/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_res_data.py
index 9c15610..6015223 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_res_data.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_res_data.py
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
import sys
-import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import saveResistanceProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils
+from src.drsoft.format_input import generate_geo_trees
def loadGeoData(input_fh):
geo_data_map = {}
@@ -32,84 +23,22 @@ def loadGeoData(input_fh):
continuent = tokens[2]
geo_data_map[strain_id]= (country, continent)
return geo_data_map
-# def drugsList(res_data):
-# drugs_map = {}
-# for (strain_id, drug_name) in res_data:
-# if not drug_name in drugs_map:
-# drugs_map[drug_name] = 0
-# drugs_map[drug_name] += 1
-# drugs_list = sorted(drugs_map, key=lambda drug_name:-drugs_map[drug_name])
-# return drugs_list
-# def strainsList(res_data):
-# strains_set = set([])
-# for (strain_id, drug_name) in res_data:
-# strains_set.add(strain_id)
-# strains_list = sorted(strains_set)
-# return strains_list
-# def generateResData(output_fh, res_data):
-# tls = []
-# drugs_list = drugsList(res_data)
-# strains_list = strainsList(res_data)
-# k = len(drugs_list)
-# n = len(strains_list)
-# for drug_name in drugs_list:
-# tl = drug_name + "\t"
-# strains_res = []
-# strains_int = []
-# strains_susc = []
-# for strain_id in strains_list:
-# res_data_infos = res_data.get((strain_id, drug_name), [])
-# res_status = determineResistance(res_data_infos)
-# if res_status == "R": strains_res.append(strain_id)
-# elif res_status == "I": strains_int.append(strain_id)
-# elif res_status == "S": strains_susc.append(strain_id)
-# for strain_id in sorted(strains_res): tl += strain_id + ";"
-# if len(strains_res) > 0: tl = tl[:-1] + "\t"
-# else: tl = tl + "\t"
-# for strain_id in sorted(strains_susc): tl += strain_id + ";"
-# if len(strains_susc) > 0: tl = tl[:-1] + "\t"
-# else: tl = tl + "\t"
-# for strain_id in sorted(strains_int): tl += strain_id + ";"
-# if len(strains_int) > 0: tl = tl[:-1]
-# else: tl = tl
-# if len(strains_res) > 5 and len(strains_susc) > 5:
-# tls.append(tl)
-# for tl in tls:
-# output_fh.write(tl + "\n")
-# return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
dataset = "mtu"
tree_ids= ["t1"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
gwamar_dir = parameters["GWAMAR_PATH"]
input_dir = parameters["RES_DATA"] + dataset + "/"
- print("xxx")
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/res-data.txt")
geo_data = loadGeoData(input_fh)
- print("yyy")
for tree_id in tree_ids:
output_fh = open(input_dir + "/geo-tree-"+tree_id+".dot", "w")
- generateGeoTrees(output_fh, res_data)
+ generate_geo_trees.generateGeoTrees(output_fh)
- print("zzz")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_res_trees.py b/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_res_trees.py
index 117786d..ccc0479 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_res_trees.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/format_input/generate_res_trees.py
@@ -1,14 +1,5 @@
import sys
-import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import saveResistanceProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils
def loadResData(input_fh):
@@ -130,8 +121,8 @@ def generateResData(output_fh, res_data):
if __name__ == '__main__':
dataset = "spn"
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
gwamar_dir = parameters["GWAMAR_PATH"]
input_dir = parameters["RES_DATA"] + dataset + "/"
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_input/show1_save_mutatinos.py b/src/drsoft/format_input/show1_save_mutatinos.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b1cb2d..0000000
--- a/src/drsoft/format_input/show1_save_mutatinos.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-import random
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from ete2 import Tree
-from ete2 import PhyloTree
-from ete2.treeview.main import TreeStyle, NodeStyle, TreeStyle
-from ete2 import faces, layouts
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-def showTreeMutations(params):
- drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- analysis_sel_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_SEL_DIR"]
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
- input_fh.close()
- ensure_dir(input_dir + "/res_muts/")
- input_fh = open(results_dir + 'phylo_tree.txt')
- trees = readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains)
- input_fh.close()
- tree = trees[0]
- res_profile = None
- for res_profile_tmp in res_profiles_list:
- if res_profile_tmp.drug_name == drug_name:
- res_profile = res_profile_tmp
- full_profile = res_profile.full_profile
- tree.setObservedResProfile(full_profile)
- tree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- newtree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
- tls = []
- tl = ""
- for node in newtree.inner_nodes_bu + newtree.leaves:
- if node.complete_res_state == "R" and node.parent.complete_res_state == "S":
- for leaf_node in node.getLeaves():
- tl += str(leaf_node.node_id) + ";"
- tl = tl[:-1] + "\t"
- tl = tl.strip()
- tls.append(tl)
- #tree_txt = newtree.root.toString(lengths = False, is_root=True, strains=strains)
- phylotree = Tree(newtree.toString(strains=strains) + ";")
- muts = {}
- mut_id = 1
- input_fn = analysis_sel_dir + "/" + drug_name + ".txt"
- input_fh = open(input_fn)
- for line in input_fh.readlines()[1:]:
- tokens = line.strip().split()
- if len(tokens) < 2:
- continue
- mut_profile = tokens[0]
- newtree.setObservedMutProfile(mut_profile)
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
- tl = ""
- for node in newtree.inner_nodes_bu + newtree.leaves:
- if not node.complete_mut_state in ["0", "?"] and node.parent!=None and node.parent.complete_mut_state == "0":
- for leaf_node in node.getLeaves():
- tl += str(leaf_node.node_id) + ";"
- tl = tl[:-1] + "\t"
- tl = tl.strip()
- tls.append(tl)
- mut_id += 1
- if mut_id >= 10: break
- input_fh.close()
- output_fn = results_dir + "/trees_data/" + drug_name + ".txt"
- output_fh = open(output_fn, "w")
- for tl in tls:
- output_fh.write(tl + "\n")
- output_fh.close()
- return None
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(results_dir + "/trees_data/")
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "res_profiles.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- WORKERS = 1#int(parameters["W"])
- TASKS = []
- TASK = {}
- count = 0
- for drug_name in drug_names:
- TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
- TASKS.append(TASK.copy())
- # scoreDrug(TASK)
- for TASK in TASKS:
- print(TASK)
- if WORKERS > 1:
- pool = Pool(processes=WORKERS)
- for r in pool.imap(showTreeMutations, TASKS):
- print(r)
- else:
- for T in TASKS:
- showTreeMutations(T)
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_input/show2_mutations_tree.py b/src/drsoft/format_input/show2_mutations_tree.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b0a8687..0000000
--- a/src/drsoft/format_input/show2_mutations_tree.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-import random
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from ete2 import Tree
-from ete2 import PhyloTree, TreeNode, TreeFace
-from ete2.treeview.main import TreeStyle, NodeStyle, TreeStyle
-from ete2 import faces, layouts
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWADRIBProgress
-from idlelib.ColorDelegator import prog
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-mut_faces_map = {}
-img_path = "./"
-for i in range(1, 11, 1):
- mut_fn = os.path.abspath("../../resources/muts/m"+str(i)+".png")
- if not os.path.exists(mut_fn):
- print("not exists: ", mut_fn)
- mut_faces_map[i] = faces.ImgFace(mut_fn)
-resstyle = NodeStyle()
-resstyle["fgcolor"] = "#ffbeb1"
-resstyle["bgcolor"] = "#ffbeb1"
-suscstyle = NodeStyle()
-suscstyle["fgcolor"] = "lightgreen"
-suscstyle["bgcolor"] = "lightgreen"
-interstyle = NodeStyle()
-interstyle["fgcolor"] = "yellow"
-interstyle["bgcolor"] = "yellow"
-nodes_face_map = {}
-def mylayout(node):
- global nodes_face_map, mut_faces_map
- if node.is_leaf():
- descFace = faces.TextFace(node.name, fsize=10)
- descFace.margin_top = 10
- descFace.margin_bottom = 10
- descFace.border.margin = 1
- faces.add_face_to_node(descFace, node, column=1, aligned=True)
- node_hash = str(node)
- if not node_hash in nodes_face_map:
- pass
- else:
- for mut_id in sorted(nodes_face_map[node_hash]):
- faces.add_face_to_node(mut_faces_map[mut_id], node, 0)
-def showTreeMutations(params):
- global nodes_face_map
- drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
- input_fh.close()
- ensure_dir(input_dir + "/res_muts/")
- input_fh = open(results_dir + 'phylo_tree.txt')
- trees = readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains)
- input_fh.close()
- tree = trees[0]
- res_profile = None
- for res_profile_tmp in res_profiles_list:
- if res_profile_tmp.drug_name == drug_name:
- res_profile = res_profile_tmp
- full_profile = res_profile.full_profile
- tree.setObservedResProfile(full_profile)
- tree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- newtree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
- phylotree = Tree(newtree.toString(strains=strains) + ";")
- mut_id = 0
- input_fn = results_dir + "/trees_data/" + drug_name + ".txt"
- input_fh = open(input_fn)
- lines = input_fh.readlines()
- input_fh.close()
- line0 = lines[0]
- tokens = line0.strip().split()
- if len(tokens) < 1: exit()
- for mut_token in tokens:
- strain_id_tokens = mut_token.split(";")
- strain_ids = []
- for strain_index_str in strain_id_tokens:
- strain_ids.append(strains.getStrain(int(strain_index_str)))
- nodes_list = []
- for strain_id in strain_ids:
- nodes_list.append(phylotree.get_leaves_by_name(strain_id)[0])
- node0 = nodes_list[0]
- node = node0.get_common_ancestor(node0)
- for node1 in nodes_list[1:]:
- node = node.get_common_ancestor(node1)
- if phylotree.get_tree_root() == node:
- nodes_list = phylotree.get_leaves_by_name(strain_ids[0])
- for node in nodes_list:
- node.set_style(resstyle)
- else:
- node.set_style(resstyle)
- #node.add_face(mut_faces_map[mut_id], 0)
- nodes_face_map = {}
- for line in lines[1:]:
- mut_id += 1
- if mut_id > 10:
- break
- tokens = line.strip().split()
- if len(tokens) < 1: continue
- for mut_token in tokens:
- strain_id_tokens = mut_token.split(";")
- strain_ids = []
- for strain_index_str in strain_id_tokens:
- strain_ids.append(strains.getStrain(int(strain_index_str)))
- nodes_list = []
- for strain_id in strain_ids:
- nodes_list.append(phylotree.get_leaves_by_name(strain_id)[0])
- node0 = nodes_list[0]
- node = node0.get_common_ancestor(node0)
- for node1 in nodes_list[1:]:
- node = node.get_common_ancestor(node1)
- hash_node = str(node)
- if not hash_node in nodes_face_map:
- nodes_face_map[hash_node] = set([])
- nodes_face_map[hash_node].add(mut_id)
- ts = TreeStyle()
- ts.show_leaf_name = False
- ts.layout_fn = mylayout
- ts.mode = "c"
- phylotree.render(results_dir +"/trees_muts_pdf/"+drug_name + ".pdf", tree_style=ts)
- #phylotree.show(tree_style=ts)
- return None
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(results_dir +"/trees_muts_pdf/")
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "res_profiles.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- WORKERS = 1#int(parameters["W"])
- TASKS = []
- TASK = {}
- count = 0
- for drug_name in drug_names:
- TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
- TASKS.append(TASK.copy())
- # scoreDrug(TASK)
- progress = GWADRIBProgress("PDF")
- progress.setJobsCount(len(TASKS))
- if WORKERS > 1:
- pool = Pool(processes=WORKERS)
- for r in pool.imap(showTreeMutations, TASKS):
- progress.update(str(r))
- else:
- for T in TASKS:
- r = showTreeMutations(T)
- progress.update(str(r))
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_input/show3_resistance_tree.py b/src/drsoft/format_input/show3_resistance_tree.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9715f0a..0000000
--- a/src/drsoft/format_input/show3_resistance_tree.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-from ete2 import Tree
-from ete2 import PhyloTree
-from ete2.treeview.main import TreeStyle, NodeStyle, TreeStyle
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readResistanceProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-nstyle = NodeStyle()
-#nstyle["shape"] = "sphere"
-nstyle["size"] = 10
-nstyle["fgcolor"] = "black"
-resstyle = NodeStyle()
-#resstyle["shape"] = "sphere"
-resstyle["size"] = 20
-resstyle["fgcolor"] = "red"
-suscstyle = NodeStyle()
-#nstyle["shape"] = "sphere"
-suscstyle["size"] = 20
-suscstyle["fgcolor"] = "green"
-interstyle = NodeStyle()
-#nstyle["shape"] = "sphere"
-interstyle["size"] = 20
-interstyle["fgcolor"] = "yellow"
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
- input_fh.close()
- ensure_dir(input_dir + "/res_trees/")
- input_fh = open(results_dir + 'phylo_tree.txt')
- trees = readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains)
- input_fh.close()
- tree = trees[0]
- for res_profile in res_profiles_list:
- drug_name = res_profile.drug_name
- full_profile = res_profile.full_profile
- print(full_profile)
- tree.setObservedResProfile(full_profile)
- tree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- newtree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
- tree_txt = newtree.root.toString(lengths = False, is_root=True, strains=strains)
- genetree = Tree(tree_txt + ";")
- for node in genetree.traverse():
- node.set_style(nstyle)
- for i in range(len(full_profile)):
- strain_id = strains.getStrain(i)
- state = full_profile[i]
- if state == "R":
- for n in genetree.get_leaves_by_name(strain_id):
- n.set_style(resstyle)
- elif state =="S":
- for n in genetree.get_leaves_by_name(strain_id):
- n.set_style(suscstyle)
- elif state == "I":
- for n in genetree.get_leaves_by_name(strain_id):
- n.set_style(interstyle)
- genetree.render(input_dir + "/res_trees/"+drug_name+".png", w=600)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_input/show4_latex_mutations.py b/src/drsoft/format_input/show4_latex_mutations.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e24d143..0000000
--- a/src/drsoft/format_input/show4_latex_mutations.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from ressoft.utils.file_utils import ensure_dir
-from soft.utils.camber_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.stats_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.generator import choose
-from ressoft.utils.pred_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.input_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.names_utils import *
-from ressoft.utils.output import *
-from ressoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-def printLatexTreeScoreNode(gene_profile, drug_res_profile, phylo_tree, node, strains, output_format_fh, strain_names=False):
- res_state = node.complete_res_state
- mut_state = node.complete_mut_state
- if res_state == 'R':
- res_color = "red"
- elif res_state == 'S':
- res_color = "green"
- else:
- res_color = "black"
- if mut_state == '1':
- mut_color = "orange"
- elif mut_state == '0':
- mut_color = "blue"
- else:
- mut_color = "black"
- if node != phylo_tree.root:
- parent_res_state = node.parent.complete_res_state
- parent_mut_state = node.parent.complete_mut_state
- tscore = stable(parent_res_state, res_state, parent_mut_state, mut_state, theta=0.5)
- if tscore > 0.0:
- output_format_fh.write("\edge[green] node{"+str(node.e_len)+"};\n")
- elif tscore < 0.0:
- output_format_fh.write("\edge[red] node{"+str(node.e_len)+"};\n")
- else:
- output_format_fh.write("\edge[black] node{"+str(node.e_len)+"};\n")
- output_format_fh.write("[."+str(node.tscore)+",")
- output_format_fh.write("\\textcolor{"+res_color+"}{"+str(res_state)+"},");
- output_format_fh.write("\\textcolor{"+mut_color+"}{"+str(mut_state)+"}");
- if len(node.children) == 0:
- if strain_names:
- output_format_fh.write("\\\\"+strains.getStrain(node.node_id).replace("_","-"));
- else:
- output_format_fh.write("\\\\"+str(node.node_id));
- else:
- pass
- output_format_fh.write("\n")
- for child_node in node.children:
- printLatexTreeScoreNode(gene_profile, drug_res_profile, phylo_tree, child_node, strains, output_format_fh, strain_names=True)
- output_format_fh.write("]\n");
- return None
-def printLatexTreeScore(gene_profile, drug_res_profile, phylo_tree, strains, output_format_fh):
- output_format_fh.write(gene_profile.gene_id_text + "\n");
- output_format_fh.write("\\setlength{\\unitlength}{1mm}\n");
- output_format_fh.write("\\begin{tikzpicture}[level 1/.style={level distance=1.5cm}]\n");
- output_format_fh.write("\\tikzset{every tree node/.style={align=center,anchor=north}}\n");
- output_format_fh.write("\\tikzset{edge from parent/.append style={very thick}}\n");
- output_format_fh.write("\\Tree[\n");
- printLatexTreeScoreNode(gene_profile, drug_res_profile, phylo_tree, phylo_tree.root, strains, output_format_fh);
- output_format_fh.write("]\n");
- output_format_fh.write("\\end{tikzpicture}\n");
- return None
-def drawTrees(drug_res_profile, drug_name, drug_targets, drug_res_genes, tree, all_mutations, gene_presence, strains, output_det_fh=None, output_format_fh=None, parameters=None):
- species = parameters["SPECIES"]
- details = parameters["DETAILS"]
- subset = parameters["SUBSET"]
- hide = int(parameters["HIDE"])
- beta = int(parameters["BETA"])
- pred = parameters["PRED"]
- dist = int(parameters["DIST"])
- exp_prefix = parameters["EXP_PREFIX"]
- grouping_type = parameters["GROUPING"]
- m_type = parameters["TYPE"]
- input_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_input/"+species+"_res/")+"/"
- output_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_format/")+"/"
- calcRefSatesMutations(all_mutations, drug_res_profile)
- calcBinSatesMutations(all_mutations, drug_res_profile)
- con_mutations, neu_mutations, ess_mutations = categorizeMultiMutations(all_mutations, drug_res_profile)
- imp_mutations = con_mutations + neu_mutations + ess_mutations
- gene_profiles = geneMutations(imp_mutations)
- con_gene_profiles = geneMutations(con_mutations)
- tree.setObservedResProfile(drug_res_profile.full_profile)
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- calcDetParsResModel(tree)
- diffTime("Classification: "+drug_name)
- calcMutCoverSupports(imp_mutations, drug_res_profile);
- diffTime("Coverage support: "+drug_name)
- gene_profiles = groupGeneMutations(gene_profiles, dist, con_gene_profiles, grouping_type)
- diffTime("Grouping: "+drug_name)
- computeGeneProfiles(gene_profiles)
- diffTime("Gene profiles: "+drug_name)
- computeGeneProfilesEss(gene_profiles)
- diffTime("Coverage support: "+drug_name)
- if beta == -1:
- beta_str = str("%.2f" % float(len(drug_res_profile.getResistant())/float(len(drug_res_profile.getSusceptible()))))
- beta = float(beta_str)
- print(drug_name, "NEW BETA: ", beta)
- diffTime("Gene profiles essentiality: "+drug_name)
- calcGenesCoverSupports(gene_profiles, drug_res_profile, beta)
- tree.calcContributions(drug_res_profile, beta)
- calcGenesWeightedSupports(gene_profiles, drug_res_profile, tree, beta)
- diffTime("Weighted support: "+drug_name)
- calcOddsRatio(gene_profiles, drug_res_profile)
- diffTime("Odds ratio: "+drug_name)
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- newtree.setObservedResProfile(drug_res_profile.full_profile)
- print("TREE", newtree.leaves_count, newtree.nodes_count)
- for i in newtree.leaf_ids:
- children_ids = ""
- for child in newtree.nodes[i].children:
- children_ids += str(child.node_id) + ","
- if newtree.nodes[i].parent == None:
- prant_id = "null"
- else:
- prant_id = str(newtree.nodes[i].parent.node_id)
- print("TREE", i, "-->", children_ids, " | ", prant_id)
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
- gene_profiles_sorted = sorted(gene_profiles, key=lambda gp:-gp.wsupport)
- thr = list(gene_profiles_sorted)[4].wsupport
- count = 0
- tscore_res_map = {}
- wsupport_res_map = {}
- for gene_profile in gene_profiles_sorted:
- count += 1
- if gene_profile.wsupport < thr:
- continue
- key = gene_profile.getFullBinKey()
- if not key in tscore_res_map:
- newtree.setObservedMutProfile(gene_profile.bin_profile)
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
- gene_profile.tscore = calcTransitionScore(newtree, 0.5)
- tscore_res_map[key] = gene_profile.tscore
- wsupport_res_map[key] = 0.0
- else:
- gene_profile.tscore = tscore_res_map[key]
- gene_profile.exp_wsupport = wsupport_res_map[key]
- output_format_fn = output_dir +"/latex/"+str(exp_prefix)+"-"+str(hide)+"-"+str(dist)+"-"+grouping_type+"-"+details+"-"+subset+"-"+m_type+"-"+pred+"-"+str(beta)+"-"+drug_name+"_"+str(count)+".tex"
- output_format_fh = open(output_format_fn, "w")
- printLatexTreeScore(gene_profile, drug_res_profile, newtree, strains, output_format_fh)
- output_format_fh.close();
- return None
-# output_format_fh.close()
-def scoreDrug(parameters):
- # print(drug_name)
- # parameters = readParameters(sys.argv)
- species = parameters["SPECIES"]
- subset = parameters["SUBSET"]
- m_type = (parameters["TYPE"])
- pred = (parameters["PRED"])
- drug_name = parameters["DRUG_NAME"]
- phase = 0
- input_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_input/"+species+"_res/")+"/"
- output_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_out/")+"/"
- format_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_format/")+"/"
- ensure_dir(format_dir)
- ensure_dir(format_dir +"/latex/")
- ensure_dir(output_dir)
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "strains-all.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- if pred == "B":
- input_fn = input_dir + "res_profiles_ret.txt"
- else:
- input_fn = input_dir + "pred_res_profiles.txt"
- input_fh = open(input_fn)
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, strains)
- input_fh.close()
- res_profiles = {}
- for res_profile in res_profiles_list:
- res_profiles[res_profile.drug_name] = res_profile
- cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "conn_comp-det-"+str(phase)+".txt")
- clusters, id_cluster_map = readClusters(cluster_fh, strains)
- cluster_fh.close()
- anns_fn = input_dir+"names_anns.txt"
- if os.path.exists(anns_fn):
- anns_fh = open(anns_fn)
- names_mapping = readNamesMapping(anns_fh)
- anns_fh.close()
- else:
- names_mapping = None
- strains_ord_fh = open(input_dir + "names-strains-ord.txt")
- strains_ord = readStrainNamesOrd(strains_ord_fh)
- strains_ord_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "drug_targets.txt")
- drug_targets = loadDrugTargets(input_fh, clusters, id_cluster_map, strains_ord)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "drug_res_genes.txt")
- drug_res_genes = loadDrugResGenes(input_fh, clusters, id_cluster_map, strains_ord)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(results_dir + 'phylo_tree.txt')
- tree = readPhyloTree(input_fh, strains)
- input_fh.close()
- print("TREE", tree.leaves_count, tree.nodes_count)
- for i in range(tree.nodes_count):
- children_ids = ""
- for child in tree.nodes[i].children:
- children_ids += str(child.node_id) + ","
- if tree.nodes[i].parent == None:
- prant_id = "null"
- else:
- prant_id = str(tree.nodes[i].parent.node_id)
- print("TREE", i, "-->", children_ids, " | ", prant_id)
- if subset == "Y":
- input_fh = open(input_dir + 'subset_imp_genes_neigh.txt')
- gene_subset = readGeneSubset(input_fh, clusters, id_cluster_map, strains_ord)
- input_fh.close()
- else:
- gene_subset = None
- input_fh = open(input_dir + 'man-all-mutations-'+str(phase)+'.txt')
- all_mutations, gene_presence = readMultiMutations(input_fh, strains, clusters=clusters, id_cluster_map=id_cluster_map, strains_ord=strains_ord, names_mapping=names_mapping, gene_subset=gene_subset, m_type=m_type)
- input_fh.close()
- print("READ")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- imp_mutations = filterMutations(all_mutations, strains)
- diffTime("FILTERED")
- drug_res_profile = copy.deepcopy(res_profiles[drug_name])
- drawTrees(drug_res_profile, drug_name, drug_targets, drug_res_genes, tree, imp_mutations, gene_presence, strains, parameters=parameters)
- diffTime("EVALUATED")
- return drug_name
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- if "W" in parameters:
- WORKERS = int(parameters["W"])
- else:
- #species = "sta_plas_184"
- #species = "mtb68"
- if "SPECIES" in parameters and parameters["SPECIES"] != "mtb":
- species = parameters["SPECIES"]
- else:
- species = "sta_plas_184"
- input_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_input/"+species+"_res/")+"/"
- output_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_out/")+"/"
- format_dir = os.path.abspath("../../../data_output/"+species+"_format/")+"/"
- ensure_dir(output_dir)
- ensure_dir(format_dir)
- #scripts_dir = "/research/wongls-group/wozniak/scripts_pred/"
- #scripts_dir = "../../"+species+"-scripts_pred/"
- #ensure_dir(scripts_dir)
- cur_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) +"/"
- hide_params = set(["0"])
- dist_params = set(["0"])
- pred_params = set(["A"])
- beta_params = set(["-1"])
- grouping_params = set(["B"])
- details_params = set(["S"])
- subset_params = set(["N"])
- type_params = set(["S"])
- exp_prefix = "FINAL3"
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "res_profiles_ret.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- print(drug_names)
- TASKS = []
- TASK = {}
- count = 0
- for beta_param in beta_params:
- for pred_param in pred_params:
- for type_param in type_params:
- for hide_param in hide_params:
- for dist_param in dist_params:
- for grouping_param in grouping_params:
- for details_param in details_params:
- for subset_param in subset_params:
- for drug_name in drug_names:
- if drug_name != "Tetracycline":
- continue
- TASK["SPECIES"] = species
- TASK["PHASE"] = str(0)
- TASK["DETAILS"] = str(details_param)
- TASK["HIDE"] = str(hide_param)
- TASK["SUBSET"] = str(subset_param)
- TASK["DIST"] = str(dist_param)
- TASK["GROUPING"] = str(grouping_param)
- TASK["EXP_PREFIX"] = exp_prefix
- TASK["TYPE"] = type_param
- TASK["PRED"] = pred_param
- TASK["BETA"] = beta_param
- TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
- # TASK["TOP"] = parameters["TOP"]
- TASKS.append(TASK.copy())
- # scoreDrug(TASK)
- for TASK in TASKS:
- print(TASK)
- pool = Pool(processes=WORKERS)
- for r in pool.imap(scoreDrug, TASKS):
- print(r)
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_input/show5_res_tree_graphviz.py b/src/drsoft/format_input/show5_res_tree_graphviz.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d7cef48..0000000
--- a/src/drsoft/format_input/show5_res_tree_graphviz.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readResistanceProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- strains_list = strains.allStrains()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
- input_fh.close()
- ensure_dir(input_dir + "/res_trees_dots/")
- ensure_dir(input_dir + "/res_trees_pdfs/")
- input_fh = open(results_dir + 'tree.txt')
- trees = readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains_list)
- input_fh.close()
- tree = trees[0]
- for res_profile in res_profiles_list:
- drug_name = res_profile.drug_name
- tls = []
- tls.append("digraph "+ "G" + " {\n")
- full_profile = res_profile.full_profile
- print(full_profile)
- tree.setObservedResProfile(full_profile)
- tree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- newtree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
- for node in newtree.nodes.values():
- if not node.is_leaf():
- if node.complete_res_state == "R": color = "red"
- elif node.complete_res_state == "I": color = "yellow"
- elif node.complete_res_state == "S": color = "green"
- else: color = "white"
- bgcolor = "white"
- else:
- if node.complete_res_state == "R": bgcolor = "red"
- elif node.complete_res_state == "I": bgcolor = "yellow"
- elif node.complete_res_state == "S": bgcolor = "green"
- else: bgcolor = "white"
- color = "black"
- pdf_label_tmp = str(node.label).replace("_", "").replace("-","")
- if pdf_label_tmp[0] in ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]:
- pdf_label = "n"+pdf_label_tmp
- else: pdf_label = pdf_label_tmp
- tls.append(str(node.node_id) + " [label="+pdf_label+",style=filled,color="+color+",fillcolor=" + bgcolor + "];\n")
- # pdf_label_tmp = str(strains_list[node.label]).replace("_", "").replace("-","")
- # if pdf_label_tmp[0] in ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]:
- # pdf_label = "n"+pdf_label_tmp
- # else: pdf_label = pdf_label_tmp
- # tls.append(str(node.node_id) + " [label="+pdf_label+",color=" + color + "];\n")
- for node in newtree.inner_nodes_bu:
- for node_c in node.children:
- tls.append(str(node.node_id) + "->" + str(node_c.node_id) + ";\n")
- tls.append("}\n")
- output_dot_fn = input_dir + "/res_trees_dots/"+drug_name+".dot"
- output_pdf_fn = os.path.relpath(input_dir + "/res_trees_pdfs/"+drug_name + ".pdf")
- output_fh = open(output_dot_fn, "w")
- for tl in tls:
- output_fh.write(tl)
- output_fh.close()
- os.system("dot -Tpdf " + output_dot_fn + " -o " + output_pdf_fn)
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_input/show6_res_mut_tree_graphviz.py b/src/drsoft/format_input/show6_res_mut_tree_graphviz.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b46498e..0000000
--- a/src/drsoft/format_input/show6_res_mut_tree_graphviz.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-import shutil
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readResistanceProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-color_map = {
-"1": "blue",
-"2": "green",
-"3": "orange",
-"4": "pink",
-"5": "brown"}
-def addLegend():
- tls = []
- tls.append("subgraph Legend {\n")
- tls.append("k1c [label=\"Susceptible strain\",shape=plaintext,fontsize=20];\n")
- tls.append("k2c [label=\"Intermediate strain\",shape=plaintext,fontsize=20];\n")
- tls.append("k3c [label=\"Resistant strain\",shape=plaintext,fontsize=20];\n")
- tls.append("m1c [label=\"No mutation edge\",shape=plaintext,fontsize=20];\n")
- tls.append("m2c [label=\"Mutation edge\",shape=plaintext,fontsize=20];\n")
- tls.append("k1 [label=\"strain1\",fontsize=16,style=filled,color=black,fillcolor=green];\n")
- tls.append("k2 [label=\"strain2\",fontsize=16,style=filled,color=black,fillcolor=yellow];\n")
- tls.append("k3 [label=\"strain3\",fontsize=16,style=filled,color=black,fillcolor=red];\n")
- tls.append("m1x [label=\"strain4\",fontsize=16,style=filled,color=green,fillcolor=white];\n")
- tls.append("m1y [label=\"strain5\",fontsize=16,style=filled,color=green,fillcolor=white];\n")
- tls.append("m2x [label=\"strain6\",fontsize=16,style=filled,color=red,fillcolor=white];\n")
- tls.append("m2y [label=\"strain7\",fontsize=16,style=filled,color=red,fillcolor=white];\n")
- tls.append("m1x->m1y[penwidth=1,color=black];\n")
- tls.append("m2x->m2y[penwidth=4,color=blue];\n")
- tls.append("k1c->k2c->k3c->m1c->m2c[style=invis];\n")
- tls.append("k1->k2->k3->m1x->m2x[style=invis];\n")
- tls.append("{ rank=same;m1x m1y}\n")
- tls.append("{ rank=same;m2x m2y}\n")
- tls.append("{ rank=same;k1c k1}\n")
- tls.append("}\n");
- return tls
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
- score = "mi"
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- strains_list = strains.allStrains()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
- input_fh.close()
- ensure_dir(results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_dots/")
- ensure_dir(results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_pdfs/")
- input_fh = open(results_dir + 'tree.txt')
- trees = readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains_list)
- input_fh.close()
- tree = trees[0]
- input_fn = input_dir + '/bin_profiles_' + parameters["MT"] + '.txt'
- if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
- sys.exit(-1)
- input_fh = open(input_fn)
- bin_profiles = readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + '/bin_profiles_' + parameters["MT"] + '_det.txt')
- mut_details_map = readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, strains.count(), parameters["MT"])
- input_fh.close()
- for res_profile in res_profiles_list:
- drug_name = res_profile.drug_name
- try:
- util.rmtree(results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_dots/" + drug_name + "/")
- util.rmtree(results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_pdfs/" + drug_name + "/")
- except:
- pass
- ensure_dir(results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_dots/" + drug_name + "/")
- ensure_dir(results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_pdfs/" + drug_name + "/")
- input_fn = scores_dir + drug_name + "/" + score + ".txt"
- if not os.path.exists(input_fn) or os.path.getsize(input_fn) < 10:
- print("NOT EXIST: ", input_fn)
- continue
- input_fh = open(input_fn)
- bin_profiles_sorted = readBinProfilesSorted(input_fh, False)
- input_fh.close()
- n = len(bin_profiles_sorted)
- bin_profiles_set = set([])
- ranks_map = {}
- for i in range(min(n,10)):
- (bin_profile_id, score_tmp) = bin_profiles_sorted[i]
- bin_profiles_set.add(bin_profile_id)
- ranks_map[bin_profile_id] = i + 1
- full_profile = res_profile.full_profile
- tree.setObservedResProfile(full_profile)
- tree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- newtree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
- for bin_profile_id in bin_profiles_set:
- bin_profile = bin_profiles[bin_profile_id]
- details = mut_details_map[bin_profile_id]
- print(drug_name, ''.join(bin_profile), bin_profile_id)
- newtree.setObservedMutProfile(bin_profile)
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
- tls = []
- tls.append("digraph "+ "G" + " {\n")
- tls.append("fontsize=30\n");
- tls.append("label=\"" + details.replace(";", " ").replace("_", "-")[:30] + "\"\n");
- for node in newtree.nodes.values():
- if not node.is_leaf():
- if node.complete_res_state == "R": color = "red"
- elif node.complete_res_state == "I": color = "yellow"
- elif node.complete_res_state == "S": color = "green"
- else: color = "white"
- bgcolor = "white"
- else:
- if node.complete_res_state == "R": bgcolor = "red"
- elif node.complete_res_state == "I": bgcolor = "yellow"
- elif node.complete_res_state == "S": bgcolor = "green"
- else: bgcolor = "white"
- color = "black"
- pdf_label_tmp = str(node.label).replace("_", "").replace("-","")
- if pdf_label_tmp[0] in ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]:
- pdf_label = "n"+pdf_label_tmp
- else: pdf_label = pdf_label_tmp
- tls.append(str(node.node_id) + " [label="+pdf_label+",style=filled,color="+color+",fillcolor=" + bgcolor + "];\n")
- for node in newtree.inner_nodes_bu:
- for node_c in node.children:
- if node_c.complete_mut_state == "?":
- ecolor = "grey"
- pencolor = "1"
- elif node_c.complete_mut_state == "0":
- ecolor = "black"
- pencolor = "1"
- else:
- ecolor = color_map.get(node_c.complete_mut_state, "purple")
- pencolor = "4"
- tls.append(str(node.node_id) + "->" + str(node_c.node_id) + " [penwidth="+pencolor+",color="+ecolor+"];\n")
- tls += addLegend()
- tls.append("}\n")
- output_dot_fn = results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_dots/" + drug_name + "/"+str(ranks_map[bin_profile_id])+".dot"
- output_pdf_fn = os.path.relpath(results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_pdfs/"+drug_name + "/"+str(ranks_map[bin_profile_id]) +".pdf")
- output_fh = open(output_dot_fn, "w")
- for tl in tls:
- output_fh.write(tl)
- output_fh.close()
- os.system("dot -Tpdf " + output_dot_fn + " -o " + output_pdf_fn)
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_input/show7_latex_rpoB.py b/src/drsoft/format_input/show7_latex_rpoB.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b46498e..0000000
--- a/src/drsoft/format_input/show7_latex_rpoB.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-import shutil
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readResistanceProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-color_map = {
-"1": "blue",
-"2": "green",
-"3": "orange",
-"4": "pink",
-"5": "brown"}
-def addLegend():
- tls = []
- tls.append("subgraph Legend {\n")
- tls.append("k1c [label=\"Susceptible strain\",shape=plaintext,fontsize=20];\n")
- tls.append("k2c [label=\"Intermediate strain\",shape=plaintext,fontsize=20];\n")
- tls.append("k3c [label=\"Resistant strain\",shape=plaintext,fontsize=20];\n")
- tls.append("m1c [label=\"No mutation edge\",shape=plaintext,fontsize=20];\n")
- tls.append("m2c [label=\"Mutation edge\",shape=plaintext,fontsize=20];\n")
- tls.append("k1 [label=\"strain1\",fontsize=16,style=filled,color=black,fillcolor=green];\n")
- tls.append("k2 [label=\"strain2\",fontsize=16,style=filled,color=black,fillcolor=yellow];\n")
- tls.append("k3 [label=\"strain3\",fontsize=16,style=filled,color=black,fillcolor=red];\n")
- tls.append("m1x [label=\"strain4\",fontsize=16,style=filled,color=green,fillcolor=white];\n")
- tls.append("m1y [label=\"strain5\",fontsize=16,style=filled,color=green,fillcolor=white];\n")
- tls.append("m2x [label=\"strain6\",fontsize=16,style=filled,color=red,fillcolor=white];\n")
- tls.append("m2y [label=\"strain7\",fontsize=16,style=filled,color=red,fillcolor=white];\n")
- tls.append("m1x->m1y[penwidth=1,color=black];\n")
- tls.append("m2x->m2y[penwidth=4,color=blue];\n")
- tls.append("k1c->k2c->k3c->m1c->m2c[style=invis];\n")
- tls.append("k1->k2->k3->m1x->m2x[style=invis];\n")
- tls.append("{ rank=same;m1x m1y}\n")
- tls.append("{ rank=same;m2x m2y}\n")
- tls.append("{ rank=same;k1c k1}\n")
- tls.append("}\n");
- return tls
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
- score = "mi"
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- strains_list = strains.allStrains()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
- input_fh.close()
- ensure_dir(results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_dots/")
- ensure_dir(results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_pdfs/")
- input_fh = open(results_dir + 'tree.txt')
- trees = readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains_list)
- input_fh.close()
- tree = trees[0]
- input_fn = input_dir + '/bin_profiles_' + parameters["MT"] + '.txt'
- if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
- sys.exit(-1)
- input_fh = open(input_fn)
- bin_profiles = readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + '/bin_profiles_' + parameters["MT"] + '_det.txt')
- mut_details_map = readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, strains.count(), parameters["MT"])
- input_fh.close()
- for res_profile in res_profiles_list:
- drug_name = res_profile.drug_name
- try:
- util.rmtree(results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_dots/" + drug_name + "/")
- util.rmtree(results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_pdfs/" + drug_name + "/")
- except:
- pass
- ensure_dir(results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_dots/" + drug_name + "/")
- ensure_dir(results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_pdfs/" + drug_name + "/")
- input_fn = scores_dir + drug_name + "/" + score + ".txt"
- if not os.path.exists(input_fn) or os.path.getsize(input_fn) < 10:
- print("NOT EXIST: ", input_fn)
- continue
- input_fh = open(input_fn)
- bin_profiles_sorted = readBinProfilesSorted(input_fh, False)
- input_fh.close()
- n = len(bin_profiles_sorted)
- bin_profiles_set = set([])
- ranks_map = {}
- for i in range(min(n,10)):
- (bin_profile_id, score_tmp) = bin_profiles_sorted[i]
- bin_profiles_set.add(bin_profile_id)
- ranks_map[bin_profile_id] = i + 1
- full_profile = res_profile.full_profile
- tree.setObservedResProfile(full_profile)
- tree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- newtree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
- for bin_profile_id in bin_profiles_set:
- bin_profile = bin_profiles[bin_profile_id]
- details = mut_details_map[bin_profile_id]
- print(drug_name, ''.join(bin_profile), bin_profile_id)
- newtree.setObservedMutProfile(bin_profile)
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
- tls = []
- tls.append("digraph "+ "G" + " {\n")
- tls.append("fontsize=30\n");
- tls.append("label=\"" + details.replace(";", " ").replace("_", "-")[:30] + "\"\n");
- for node in newtree.nodes.values():
- if not node.is_leaf():
- if node.complete_res_state == "R": color = "red"
- elif node.complete_res_state == "I": color = "yellow"
- elif node.complete_res_state == "S": color = "green"
- else: color = "white"
- bgcolor = "white"
- else:
- if node.complete_res_state == "R": bgcolor = "red"
- elif node.complete_res_state == "I": bgcolor = "yellow"
- elif node.complete_res_state == "S": bgcolor = "green"
- else: bgcolor = "white"
- color = "black"
- pdf_label_tmp = str(node.label).replace("_", "").replace("-","")
- if pdf_label_tmp[0] in ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]:
- pdf_label = "n"+pdf_label_tmp
- else: pdf_label = pdf_label_tmp
- tls.append(str(node.node_id) + " [label="+pdf_label+",style=filled,color="+color+",fillcolor=" + bgcolor + "];\n")
- for node in newtree.inner_nodes_bu:
- for node_c in node.children:
- if node_c.complete_mut_state == "?":
- ecolor = "grey"
- pencolor = "1"
- elif node_c.complete_mut_state == "0":
- ecolor = "black"
- pencolor = "1"
- else:
- ecolor = color_map.get(node_c.complete_mut_state, "purple")
- pencolor = "4"
- tls.append(str(node.node_id) + "->" + str(node_c.node_id) + " [penwidth="+pencolor+",color="+ecolor+"];\n")
- tls += addLegend()
- tls.append("}\n")
- output_dot_fn = results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_dots/" + drug_name + "/"+str(ranks_map[bin_profile_id])+".dot"
- output_pdf_fn = os.path.relpath(results_dir + "/res_mut_trees_pdfs/"+drug_name + "/"+str(ranks_map[bin_profile_id]) +".pdf")
- output_fh = open(output_dot_fn, "w")
- for tl in tls:
- output_fh.write(tl)
- output_fh.close()
- os.system("dot -Tpdf " + output_dot_fn + " -o " + output_pdf_fn)
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/__init__.py b/src/drsoft/format_results/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
copy from other/visR/backup/__init__.py
copy to src/drsoft/format_results/__init__.py
diff --git a/src/drsoft/format_results/a1_mutations_latex_sel.py b/src/drsoft/format_results/a1_mutations_latex_sel.py
index 95b51ce..178857a 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/format_results/a1_mutations_latex_sel.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/format_results/a1_mutations_latex_sel.py
@@ -1,19 +1,8 @@
-import math
import os
import sys
-import filecmp
import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
colors_map = {"?": "gray", "0": "white", "1": "orange", "2": "blue",
"3": "red", "4":"violet", "5": "green", "6": "brown",
@@ -22,16 +11,11 @@ colors_map = {"?": "gray", "0": "white", "1": "orange", "2": "blue",
def saveMutsLatex(params):
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
dataset = params["D"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- stats_dir = parameters["STATS_DIR"]
analysis_comb_sel_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMB_S_SEL_DIR"]
- analysis_comb_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_COMP_S_DIR"]
analysis_latex_sel_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_LATEX_S_SEL_DIR"]
- analysis_latex_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_LATEX_S_DIR"]
input_fn = analysis_comb_sel_dir + drug_name + ".txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
@@ -49,7 +33,7 @@ def saveMutsLatex(params):
gene_id, position = mut_desc_full.split(" ")[2:4]
mut_profiles.append((bin_profile, gene_id, position))
- mut_profiles_sorted = sorted(mut_profiles, key=lambda (bin_profile, gene_id, position): (-countNonZeros(bin_profile), abs(int(position)-440), gene_id))
+ mut_profiles_sorted = sorted(mut_profiles, key=lambda (bin_profile, gene_id, position): (-gwamar_bin_utils.countNonZeros(bin_profile), abs(int(position)-440), gene_id))
tls = []
@@ -111,8 +95,8 @@ def saveMutsLatex(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -124,8 +108,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
analysis_latex_sel_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_LATEX_S_SEL_DIR"]
analysis_latex_dir = parameters["RESULTS_A_LATEX_S_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(analysis_latex_sel_dir)
- ensure_dir(analysis_latex_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_latex_sel_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_latex_dir)
TASKS = []
@@ -133,21 +117,21 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
- ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(analysis_comp_dir + drug_name)
TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
TASK["D"] = parameters["D"]
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Combined")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Combined")
if WORKERS > 1:
- pool = Pool(processes=WORKERS)
+ pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=WORKERS)
for r in pool.imap(saveMutsLatex, TASKS):
diff --git a/src/drsoft/modelling/cct.py b/src/drsoft/modelling/cct.py
index 9ac4bd2..f16886f 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/modelling/cct.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/modelling/cct.py
@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
-import sys
-from collections import deque
from decimal import Decimal
-from drsoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_generator_utils import generateSumProfiles
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_stat_utils, gwamar_generator_utils,\
+ gwamar_bin_utils
+from src.drsoft.modelling import model_logic
def colorEdges(tree, alg=0, overwrite=False):
if alg == 0: # color all edges coming to resistant nodes
@@ -50,7 +46,6 @@ def calcFastWnMAT(tree, maxrparam=None, opt=False, w2=True):
for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
node.count_map = {}
- children_list = node.children
k = len(node.children)
node.maxn = 0
@@ -67,20 +62,20 @@ def calcFastWnMAT(tree, maxrparam=None, opt=False, w2=True):
if opt and (k+1 == node.subnodes_count):
if w2 and k == nt: wnm = 0
- else: wnm = binom(k, nt)
+ else: wnm = gwamar_stat_utils.binom(k, nt)
wnm = 0
for r in range(maxr+1):
if w2 == False and r==k: wnm += 1
- for gain_profile in generateSumProfiles(k, r, 1):
+ for gain_profile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(k, r, 1):
kz = 0;
gain_bound = []
for j in range(k):
if gain_profile[j] == 0:
kz += 1
- for gain_subprofile in generateSumProfiles(kz, nt-r, nt-r, gain_bound[::-1]):
+ for gain_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(kz, nt-r, nt-r, gain_bound[::-1]):
jz = 0
wnm_tmp = 1
for j in range(k):
@@ -129,7 +124,7 @@ def calcFastBpnMAT(tree, p, maxrparam, opt=False, w2=True):
if opt and (k+1 == node.subnodes_count):
if w2 and k == nt: wnm = 0
- else: wnm = binom(node.maxp, pt) * binom(k-node.maxp, nt-pt)
+ else: wnm = gwamar_stat_utils.binom(node.maxp, pt) * gwamar_stat_utils.binom(k-node.maxp, nt-pt)
wnm = 0
if w2: maxr = min(k-1, node.maxn, nt)
@@ -138,7 +133,7 @@ def calcFastBpnMAT(tree, p, maxrparam, opt=False, w2=True):
for r in range(maxr + 1):
if r==k and pt==node.bc and w2 == False: wnm += 1
- for gain_r_profile in generateSumProfiles(k, r, 1):
+ for gain_r_profile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(k, r, 1):
ur = 0 # liczba trafionych
kz = 0 # liczba 0
gain_r_bound = []
@@ -152,11 +147,11 @@ def calcFastBpnMAT(tree, p, maxrparam, opt=False, w2=True):
- for gain_r_subprofile in generateSumProfiles(kz, nt-r, nt-r, gain_r_bound[::-1]):
+ for gain_r_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(kz, nt-r, nt-r, gain_r_bound[::-1]):
gain_p_bound = []
for jz in range(kz):
gain_p_bound.append(min(gain_u_bound[jz], gain_r_subprofile[jz]))
- for gain_u_subprofile in generateSumProfiles(kz, pt-ur, pt-ur, gain_p_bound[::-1]):
+ for gain_u_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(kz, pt-ur, pt-ur, gain_p_bound[::-1]):
wnm_tmp = 1
jz = 0
for j in range(k):
@@ -189,29 +184,29 @@ def calcBinProfilesFastCCT(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, opt=False, w2=True):
for tree in trees_list:
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
+ model_logic.calcSubnodesCount(tree)
if len(drp.getResistant()) == 0:
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
+ newtree = model_logic.removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
colorEdges(newtree, alg=1, overwrite=False)
maxr = 0
for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
+ for bin_profile in gwamar_bin_utils.specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
r,p = calcFastRP(newtree)
maxr = max(maxr,r)
@@ -225,10 +220,10 @@ def calcBinProfilesFastCCT(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, opt=False, w2=True):
for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
score = 0.0
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
+ for bin_profile in gwamar_bin_utils.specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
r,p = calcFastRP(newtree)
@@ -248,7 +243,7 @@ def calcBinProfilesFastCCT(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, opt=False, w2=True):
scores_mean = {}
for bin_profile_id in scores:
- scores_mean[bin_profile_id] = mean(scores[bin_profile_id])
+ scores_mean[bin_profile_id] = gwamar_stat_utils.mean(scores[bin_profile_id])
return scores_mean
diff --git a/src/drsoft/modelling/fcct.py b/src/drsoft/modelling/fcct.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6028ad3..0000000
--- a/src/drsoft/modelling/fcct.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-from decimal import Decimal
-from collections import deque
-from drsoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_generator_utils import generateSumProfiles
-def colorEdges(tree, alg=0, overwrite=False):
- if alg == 0: # color all edges coming to resistant nodes
- for node in list(tree.leaves) + tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- if node.complete_res_state == "R":
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "b"
- else:
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "w"
- elif alg == 1: # color all edges with S->R
- for node in list(tree.leaves) + tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- if node.complete_res_state == "R" and (node.parent == None or node.parent.complete_res_state == "S"):
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "b"
- else:
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "w"
- return None
-def calcFastBC(tree):
- for node in tree.leaves: node.bc = 0
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.bc = 0
- for node_j in node.children:
- if node_j.ecolor == "b":
- node.bc += 1
- return tree.root.bc
-def calcFastN(tree, w2=False):
- for node in tree.leaves: node.maxn = 1
- if w2:
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- sum_tmp = 0
- all_leaves = True
- for ch_node in node.children:
- sum_tmp += max(1, ch_node.maxn)
- if not ch_node.is_leaf():
- all_leaves = False
- if all_leaves:
- node.maxn = len(node.children)-1
- else:
- node.maxn = sum_tmp
- else:
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.maxn = 0
- for ch_node in node.children:
- node.maxn += max(ch_node.maxn, 1)
- # for node in tree.nodes.values():
- # print(node.topos, node.maxn, tree.root.maxn)
- return tree.root.maxn
-def calcFastP(tree, w2=False):
- for node in tree.leaves:
- node.maxp0 = 0
- if node.ecolor == "b": node.maxp = 1
- else: node.maxp = 0
- if w2:
- # print("here, maxp")
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- sum_tmp = 0
- all_black = True
- for ch_node in node.children:
- sum_tmp += ch_node.maxp
- if ch_node.ecolor != "b": all_black = False
- if all_black:
- sum_tmp_max = 0
- for ch_node in node.children:
- sum_tmp_max = max(sum_tmp_max, sum_tmp - ch_node.maxp + ch_node.maxp0)
- node.maxp0 = sum_tmp_max
- if node.ecolor == "b": node.maxp = max(1, sum_tmp_max)
- else: node.maxp = sum_tmp_max
- else:
- node.maxp0 = sum_tmp
- if node.ecolor == "b": node.maxp = max(1, sum_tmp)
- else: node.maxp = sum_tmp
- else:
- # print("there, maxp")
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- sum_tmp = 0
- for ch_node in node.children:
- sum_tmp += ch_node.maxp
- if node.ecolor == "b": node.maxp = max(1, sum_tmp)
- else: node.maxp = sum_tmp
- # for node in tree.nodes.values():
- # print("maxp", node.node_id, node.maxp)
- return tree.root.maxp
-def calcFastWnMAT(tree, maxn_t=None, opt=False, w2=True):
- for node in tree.leaves:
- node.count_map = {}
- node.count_map[0] = 1
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.count_map = {}
- children_list = node.children
- k = len(node.children)
- maxn = min(maxn_t, node.maxn)
- for nt in range(maxn+1):
- if w2: maxr = min(nt, k-1, node.maxn)
- else: maxr = min(nt, k, node.maxn)
- if opt and (k+1 == node.subnodes_count):
- if w2 and k == nt: wnm = 0
- else: wnm = binom(k, nt)
- else:
- wnm = 0
- for r in range( maxr+1):
- # if w2 == False and r==k: wnm += 1
- for gain_profile in generateSumProfiles2(k, r, ub=[1]*k,lb=[0]*k):
- gain_bound = []
- for j in range(k):
- if gain_profile[j] == 1:
- gain_bound.append(0)
- else:
- gain_bound.append(node.maxn)
- for gain_subprofile in generateSumProfiles2(k, nt-r, ub=gain_bound):
- wnm_tmp = 1
- for j in range(k):
- if gain_profile[j] == 0:
- node_j = node.children[j]
- wnm_tmp *= node_j.count_map.get(gain_subprofile[j], 0)
- if wnm_tmp == 0:
- break
- wnm += wnm_tmp
- node.count_map[nt] = wnm
- return tree.root.count_map
-def calcFastRP(tree):
- # r - total number of 0->1 changes
- # p - total number of 0->1 changes on black edges
- r,p = 0,0
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- for node_j in node.children:
- if node.complete_mut_state == '0' and node_j.complete_mut_state == "1":
- r += 1
- if node_j.ecolor == "b":
- p += 1
- return r,p
-def calcFastBpnMAT(tree, maxp_t, maxn_t, opt=False, w2=True, mem={}):
- mem = {}
- for node in tree.leaves:
- mem[node.topos] = {}
- mem[node.topos][(0,0)] = 1
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- maxn = min(maxn_t, node.maxn)
- maxp = min(node.maxp, maxp_t)
- if node.topos in mem and (maxp, maxn) in mem[node.topos]:
- continue
- if not node.topos in mem:
- mem[node.topos] = {}
- children_list = list(node.children)
- k = len(children_list)
- for nt in range(maxn + 1): # liczba wybranych
- maxp = min(node.maxp, nt, maxp_t)
- if (maxp, nt) in mem[node.topos]:
- continue
- for pt in range(maxp + 1): # liczba pokrytych
- if (pt, nt) in mem[node.topos]:
- continue
- if opt and (k+1 == node.subnodes_count):
- if w2 and k == nt: wnm = 0
- else: wnm = binom(node.bc, pt) * binom(k-node.bc, nt-pt)
- else:
- wnm = 0
- if w2: maxr = min(k-1, nt)
- else: maxr = min(k, nt)
- for r in range(maxr + 1):
- for gain_r_profile in generateSumProfiles2(k, r, ub=[1]*k,lb=[0]*k):
- if w2 and sum(gain_r_profile) == k:
- continue
- ur = 0 # liczba trafionych
- gain_r_bound = []
- for j in range(k):
- node_j = children_list[j]
- if gain_r_profile[j] == 1:
- gain_r_bound.append(0)
- if node_j.ecolor == "b":
- ur += 1
- elif gain_r_profile[j] == 0:
- gain_r_bound.append(min(node_j.maxn, nt-r))
- for gain_r_subprofile in generateSumProfiles2(k, nt-r, ub=gain_r_bound):
- gain_p_bound = []
- for j in range(k):
- node_j = children_list[j]
- gain_p_bound.append(min(node_j.maxp, gain_r_subprofile[j]))
- for gain_u_subprofile in generateSumProfiles2(k, pt-ur, ub=gain_p_bound):
- wnm_tmp = 1
- for j in range(k):
- if gain_r_profile[j] == 0:
- node_j = children_list[j]
- ptmp, ntmp = gain_u_subprofile[j], gain_r_subprofile[j]
- wnm_tmp *= mem[node_j.topos].get((ptmp, ntmp), 0)
- if wnm_tmp == 0:
- break
- wnm += wnm_tmp
- mem[node.topos][(pt,nt)] = wnm
- return mem
-def calcBinProfilesFCCT(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, norm=False, opt=True, w2=True, mem={}):
- scores = {}
- for bin_profile_id, bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
- scores[bin_profile_id] = []
- for tree in trees_list:
- tree.setObservedResProfile(drp.full_profile)
- tree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- if len(drp.getResistant()) == 0:
- continue
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- newtree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- newtree.setObservedResProfile(drp.full_profile)
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
- colorEdges(newtree, alg=0, overwrite=False)
- computeTopos(newtree, r=True)
- maxn = 0
- maxp = 0
- n_dist = {}
- for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- newtree.setObservedMutProfile(bin_profile)
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
- r,p = calcFastRP(newtree)
- maxn = max(maxn,r)
- maxp = max(maxp,p)
- if not r in n_dist:
- n_dist[r] = 0.0
- n_dist[r] += 1.0
- calcFastBC(newtree)
- nx = calcFastN(newtree, w2=w2)
- px = calcFastP(newtree, w2=w2)
- t0 = time.time()
- wn_mat = calcFastWnMAT(newtree, maxn, opt=opt, w2=w2)
- t1 = time.time()
- mem = calcFastBpnMAT(newtree, maxp, maxn, opt=opt, w2=w2, mem=mem)
- bpn_mat = mem[newtree.root.topos]
- t2 = time.time()
- for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
- score = 0.0
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- newtree.setObservedMutProfile(bin_profile)
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
- r,p = calcFastRP(newtree)
- bs = wn_mat[r]
- for pt in range(p):
- bs -= bpn_mat[(pt, r)]
- cct_score = Decimal(bs) / Decimal(wn_mat[r])
- try:
- if norm:
- score += -math.log(float(cct_score)*n_dist[r])
- else:
- score += -math.log(float(cct_score))
- except:
- pass
- scores[bin_profile_id].append(score)
- scores_mean = {}
- for bin_profile_id in scores:
- scores_mean[bin_profile_id] = mean(scores[bin_profile_id])
- return scores_mean, mem
-def readFCCTMem(mem_fn):
- if not os.path.exists(mem_fn):
- return {}
- mem = {}
- input_fh = open(mem_fn)
- lines = input_fh.readlines()
- input_fh.close()
- topo = ""
- for line in lines:
- tokens = line.split()
- if len(tokens) < 1:
- continue
- elif len(tokens) == 1:
- topo = tokens[0]
- if not topo in mem:
- mem[topo] = {}
- else:
- k = int(tokens[0])
- n = int(tokens[1])
- b = int(tokens[2])
- mem[topo][(k,n)] = b
- return mem
-def saveFCCTMem(mem, mem_fn):
- output_fh = open(mem_fn, "w")
- topo_sorted = sorted(mem.keys(), key=lambda topo:(len(topo), topo))
- for topo in topo_sorted:
- output_fh.write(topo + "\n")
- for (k, n) in sorted(mem[topo], key=lambda (k,n):(n,k)):
- b = mem[topo][(k,n)]
- output_fh.write(str(k) + "\t" + str(n) + "\t" + str(b) + "\n")
- output_fh.close()
diff --git a/src/drsoft/modelling/habib.py b/src/drsoft/modelling/habib.py
index 807417a..ca62911 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/modelling/habib.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/modelling/habib.py
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-import sys
from collections import deque
from drsoft.modelling.model_logic import *
from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_generator_utils import generateSumProfiles
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_generator_utils, gwamar_stat_utils
def calcGeneResTreeSupports(gene_profile, res_profile, tree):
if gene_profile.mutationsCount() == 1 and gene_profile.getMutation().res_tree_support > 0:
@@ -53,8 +52,8 @@ def calcWnmMAT(tree, n, m):
wnm = 0
for r in range(nt + 1):
- for gain_profile in generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), r, 1):
- for gain_subprofile in generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), nt-r, nt):
+ for gain_profile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), r, 1):
+ for gain_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), nt-r, nt):
wnm_tmp = 1
for j in range(len(children_list)):
node_id_j = children_list[j].node_id
@@ -118,15 +117,15 @@ def calcBpqnmMAT(tree, p, q, n, m):
wnm = 0
for r in range(nt + 1):
- for gain_r_profile in generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), r, 1):
+ for gain_r_profile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), r, 1):
ur = 0
for j in range(len(children_list)):
node_j = children_list[j]
if gain_r_profile[j] == 1 and node.complete_res_state == "S" and node_j.complete_res_state == "R":
ur += 1
- for gain_r_subprofile in generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), nt-r, nt):
- for gain_u_subprofile in generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), pt-ur, pt):
+ for gain_r_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), nt-r, nt):
+ for gain_u_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), pt-ur, pt):
wnm_tmp = 1
for j in range(len(children_list)):
node_id_j = children_list[j].node_id
@@ -264,18 +263,18 @@ def calcFastWnMAT(tree, maxrparam=None, opt=False):
if opt and (k+1 == node.subnodes_count):
if k == nt: wnm = 0
- else: wnm = binom(k, nt)
+ else: wnm = gwamar_stat_utils.binom(k, nt)
wnm = 0
for r in range(maxr+1):
- for gain_profile in generateSumProfiles(k, r, 1):
+ for gain_profile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(k, r, 1):
kz = 0;
gain_bound = []
for j in range(k):
if gain_profile[j] == 0:
kz += 1
- for gain_subprofile in generateSumProfiles(kz, nt-r, nt-r, gain_bound[::-1]):
+ for gain_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(kz, nt-r, nt-r, gain_bound[::-1]):
jz = 0
wnm_tmp = 1
for j in range(k):
@@ -321,13 +320,13 @@ def calcFastBpnMAT(tree, p, maxrparam, opt=False):
if opt and (k+1 == node.subnodes_count):
if k == nt: wnm = 0
- else: wnm = binom(node.maxp, pt) * binom(k-node.maxp, nt-pt)
+ else: wnm = gwamar_stat_utils.binom(node.maxp, pt) * gwamar_stat_utils.binom(k-node.maxp, nt-pt)
wnm = 0
maxr = min(k-1, node.maxn, nt)
for r in range(maxr + 1):
- for gain_r_profile in generateSumProfiles(k, r, 1):
+ for gain_r_profile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(k, r, 1):
ur = 0 # liczba trafionych
kz = 0 # liczba 0
gain_r_bound = []
@@ -341,11 +340,11 @@ def calcFastBpnMAT(tree, p, maxrparam, opt=False):
- for gain_r_subprofile in generateSumProfiles(kz, nt-r, nt-r, gain_r_bound[::-1]):
+ for gain_r_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(kz, nt-r, nt-r, gain_r_bound[::-1]):
gain_p_bound = []
for jz in range(kz):
gain_p_bound.append(min(gain_u_bound[jz], gain_r_subprofile[jz]))
- for gain_u_subprofile in generateSumProfiles(kz, pt-ur, pt-ur, gain_p_bound[::-1]):
+ for gain_u_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles(kz, pt-ur, pt-ur, gain_p_bound[::-1]):
wnm_tmp = 1
jz = 0
for j in range(k):
diff --git a/src/drsoft/modelling/model_logic.py b/src/drsoft/modelling/model_logic.py
index fa0416e..3b32e2c 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/modelling/model_logic.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/modelling/model_logic.py
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
from collections import deque
from math import exp
from math import log
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_generator_utils import *
-from drsoft.structs.res_tree import ResTreeNode, ResTree
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_generator_utils
+from src.drsoft.structs import res_tree
def changeProb(r, t):
if t < 0:
@@ -72,7 +70,7 @@ def calcResCondProbabilities(phylo_tree, eps, alpha, beta):
children_list = list(node.children)
if len(children_list) > 0:
- for res_subprofile in generateResistanceProfiles(len(children_list)):
+ for res_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateResistanceProfiles(len(children_list)):
prob_res = 1.0
prob_susc = 1.0
for j in range(len(children_list)):
@@ -147,7 +145,7 @@ def calcMutCondProbabilities(phylo_tree, eps, psi, phi):
children_list = list(node.children)
if len(children_list) > 0:
- for res_subprofile in generateBinMutationProfiles(len(children_list)):
+ for res_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateBinMutationProfiles(len(children_list)):
prob_pres = 1.0
prob_abs = 1.0
for j in range(len(children_list)):
@@ -222,7 +220,7 @@ def calcTransitionScoreExprectedValue(phylo_tree, theta=0.5, zeta=0.0, beta=-1.0
test_res_pres = 0.0
test_susc_abs = 0.0
test_res_abs = 0.0
- for res_subprofile in generateResBinMutationProfiles(len(children_list)):
+ for res_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateResBinMutationProfiles(len(children_list)):
score_res_abs = 0.0
score_res_pres = 0.0
score_susc_abs = 0.0
@@ -302,7 +300,7 @@ def calcProbAllLeafResistant(phylo_tree):
if len(children_list) > 0:
- for res_subprofile in generateResistanceProfiles(len(children_list)):
+ for res_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateResistanceProfiles(len(children_list)):
prob_res = 1.0
prob_susc = 1.0
for j in range(len(children_list)):
@@ -489,7 +487,7 @@ def calcWeightedSuppotExprectedValue(phylo_tree, un=False):
children_list = list(node_i.children)
prob_level = 0.0
- for res_subprofile in generateResistanceProfiles(len(children_list)):
+ for res_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateResistanceProfiles(len(children_list)):
prob_res = 1.0
prob_susc = 1.0
prob_all_res_other = 1.0
@@ -664,7 +662,6 @@ def calcTransitionScoreMulti(phylo_tree, theta=0.5, zeta = 0.0, tscore_type = "P
elif node_res_di == "R" and node_j_res_di == "R":
other_score += 0.5
- # print(di, node_res_di, node_j_res_di, other_score)
node.tscore_tmp += stable(node_res, node_j_res, node_mut, node_j_mut, theta, zeta) / (other_score + 1.0) + node_j.tscore_tmp
return phylo_tree.root.tscore_tmp
@@ -673,7 +670,7 @@ def removeUnResNodeLeavesRes(node):
if node.subleaves_count == node.un_subleaves_count:
return None
elif len(node.children) == 0:
- newnode = ResTreeNode(node.node_id)
+ newnode = res_tree.ResTreeNode(node.node_id)
newnode.e_len = node.e_len
newnode.label = node.label
newnode.ecolor = node.ecolor
@@ -691,7 +688,7 @@ def removeUnResNodeLeavesRes(node):
elif len(child_new_nodes) == 1:
return child_new_nodes[0]
- newnode = ResTreeNode(node.node_id)
+ newnode = res_tree.ResTreeNode(node.node_id)
newnode.e_len = node.e_len
newnode.ecolor = node.ecolor
newnode.children = child_new_nodes
@@ -702,7 +699,7 @@ def removeUnResNodeLeavesRes(node):
return newnode
def removeUnResLeaves(phylo_tree):
- newtree = ResTree(phylo_tree.root.subleaves_count - phylo_tree.root.un_subleaves_count)
+ newtree = res_tree.ResTree(phylo_tree.root.subleaves_count - phylo_tree.root.un_subleaves_count)
newtree.root = removeUnResNodeLeavesRes(phylo_tree.root)
newtree.root_id = phylo_tree.root_id
diff --git a/src/drsoft/modelling/oldhabib.py b/src/drsoft/modelling/oldhabib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1930288..0000000
--- a/src/drsoft/modelling/oldhabib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from collections import deque
-from decimal import Decimal
-from drsoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_generator_utils import generateSumProfiles
-def calcGeneResTreeSupports(gene_profile, res_profile, tree):
- if gene_profile.mutationsCount() == 1 and gene_profile.getMutation().res_tree_support > 0:
- return gene_profile.getMutation().res_tree_support
- elif (len(gene_profile.getMutated() & res_profile.getSusceptible()) >0):
- return 0;
- else:
- tree.setResMutation(gene_profile.bin_profile, res_profile)
- return tree.calcChanges()
-def calcWnmMAT(tree, n, m):
- queue = deque([])
- count_map = {}
- for node in tree.nodes.values():
- node.visited = 0
- count_map[node.node_id] = {}
- for r in range(n+1):
- for s in range(m + 1):
- if (r == 0 and s == 0):
- count_map[node.node_id][(r,s,1)] = 1
- count_map[node.node_id][(r,s,0)] = 1
- else:
- count_map[node.node_id][(r,s,1)] = 0
- count_map[node.node_id][(r,s,0)] = 0
- for i in tree.leaf_ids:
- node = tree.nodes[i]
- queue.append(node.parent)
- while queue:
- node = queue.popleft()
- if node == None:
- continue
- node.visited += 1
- if node.visited < len(node.children):
- continue
- i= node.node_id
- children_list = list(node.children)
- nx = min(n, node.subnodes_count)
- mx = min(m, node.subnodes_count)
- for nt in range(nx+1):
- for mt in range(mx+1):
- wnm = 0
- for r in range(nt + 1):
- for gain_profile in generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), r, 1):
- for gain_subprofile in generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), nt-r, nt):
- wnm_tmp = 1
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- node_id_j = children_list[j].node_id
- wnm_tmp *= count_map[node_id_j].get((gain_subprofile[j], 0, gain_profile[j]), 0)
- if wnm_tmp == 0:
- break
- wnm += wnm_tmp
- count_map[node.node_id][(nt,mt,0)] = wnm
- queue.append(node.parent)
- return count_map[tree.root.node_id]
-def calcBpqnmMAT(tree, p, q, n, m):
- queue = deque([])
- count_map = {}
- p = min(p,n)
- q = min(q,m)
- for node in tree.nodes.values():
- node.visited = 0
- count_map[node.node_id] = {}
- for r in range(n+1):
- for s in range(m+1):
- for t in range(0, min(p,r)+1, 1):
- for u in range(0, min(q,s)+1, 1):
- if (t == 0 and u == 0 and r == 0 and s == 0):
- count_map[node.node_id][(t,u,r,s,1)] = 1
- count_map[node.node_id][(t,u,r,s,0)] = 1
- else:
- count_map[node.node_id][(t,u,r,s,1)] = 0
- count_map[node.node_id][(t,u,r,s,0)] = 0
- for i in tree.leaf_ids:
- node = tree.nodes[i]
- queue.append(node.parent)
- while queue:
- node = queue.popleft()
- if node == None:
- continue
- node.visited += 1
- if node.visited < len(node.children):
- continue
- i = node.node_id
- children_list = list(node.children)
- nx = min(n, node.subnodes_count)
- mx = min(m, node.subnodes_count)
- px = min(nx,p)
- qx = min(mx,q)
- # print("XXX", px, qx, nx, mx)
- for nt in range(nx+1):
- for mt in range(mx+1):
- for pt in range(0, min(px,nt)+1, 1):
- for qt in range(0, min(qx,mt)+1, 1):
- wnm = 0
- for r in range(nt + 1):
- for gain_r_profile in generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), r, 1):
- ur = 0
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- node_j = children_list[j]
- if gain_r_profile[j] == 1 and node.complete_res_state == "S" and node_j.complete_res_state == "R":
- ur += 1
- for gain_r_subprofile in generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), nt-r, nt):
- for gain_u_subprofile in generateSumProfiles(len(children_list), pt-ur, pt):
- wnm_tmp = 1
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- node_id_j = children_list[j].node_id
- if gain_u_subprofile[j] > gain_r_subprofile[j]:
- wnm_tmp = 0
- break
- wnm_tmp *= count_map[node_id_j].get((gain_u_subprofile[j], 0, gain_r_subprofile[j], 0, gain_r_profile[j]),0)
- if wnm_tmp == 0:
- break
- wnm += wnm_tmp
- # print(pt,qt,nt, mt, 0, wnm)
- count_map[node.node_id][(pt,qt,nt, mt, 0)] = wnm
- queue.append(node.parent)
- return count_map[tree.root.node_id]
-def calcRSPQ(tree):
- p=0
- q=0
- r=0
- s=0
- queue = deque([])
- for node in tree.nodes.values():
- node.visited = 0
- for i in tree.leaf_ids:
- node = tree.nodes[i]
- queue.append(node.parent)
- while queue:
- node = queue.popleft()
- if node == None:
- continue
- node.visited += 1
- if node.visited < len(node.children):
- continue
- i = node.node_id
- children_list = list(node.children)
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- node_j = children_list[j]
- if node.complete_res_state == "S" and node_j.complete_res_state == "R":
- if node.complete_mut_state == '0' and node_j.complete_mut_state == "1":
- p += 1
- elif node.complete_res_state == "R" and node_j.complete_res_state == "S":
- if node.complete_mut_state == '1' and node_j.complete_mut_state == "0":
- q += 1
- if node.complete_mut_state == "0" and node_j.complete_mut_state == "1":
- r += 1
- elif node.complete_mut_state == "1" and node_j.complete_mut_state == "0":
- s += 1
- print("SSS", node.node_id, node_j.node_id, node.complete_mut_state, node_j.complete_mut_state)
- for i in sorted(tree.nodes.keys()):
- node_t = tree.nodes[i]
- print("E", node_t.node_id, node_t.complete_mut_state, node_t.q_subleaves_count, node_t.abs_subleaves_count, node_t.pres_subleaves_count, node_t.subleaves_count)
- print(tree)
- #print(i,node.visited, len(children_list), r, s, p, q, n, m)
- # print(pt,qt,nt, mt, 0, wnm)
- queue.append(node.parent)
- return r,s,p,q
-def calcNM(tree):
- n=0
- m=0
- queue = deque([])
- for node in tree.nodes.values():
- node.visited = 0
- for i in tree.leaf_ids:
- node = tree.nodes[i]
- queue.append(node.parent)
- while queue:
- node = queue.popleft()
- if node == None:
- continue
- node.visited += 1
- if node.visited < len(node.children):
- continue
- i = node.node_id
- children_list = list(node.children)
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- node_j = children_list[j]
- if node.complete_res_state == "S" and node_j.complete_res_state == "R":
- n += 1
- elif node.complete_res_state == "R" and node_j.complete_res_state == "S":
- m += 1
- queue.append(node.parent)
- return n,m
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/drsoft/modelling/snew.py b/src/drsoft/modelling/snew.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e22f16..0000000
--- a/src/drsoft/modelling/snew.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from collections import deque
-from drsoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_generator_utils import generateSumProfiles
-def colorEdges(tree, alg=0, overwrite=False):
- if alg == 0: # color all edges coming to resistant nodes
- for node in list(tree.leaves) + tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- if node.complete_res_state == "R":
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "b"
- else:
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "w"
- elif alg == 1: # color only edges with S->R
- for node in list(tree.leaves) + tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- if node.complete_res_state == "R" and (node.parent == None or node.parent.complete_res_state == "S"):
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "b"
- else:
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "w"
- return None
-def calcN(tree):
- for node in tree.nodes.values():
- node.n = node.subleaves_count
- return tree.root.n
-def calcMaxN(tree):
- for node in tree.leaves:
- node.maxn = 1
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- sum_tmp = 0
- any_more_1 = False
- all_leaves = True
- for ch_node in node.children:
- sum_tmp += ch_node.maxn
- if ch_node.maxn > 1:
- any_more_1 = True
- if not ch_node.is_leaf():
- all_leaves = False
- if any_more_1:
- node.maxn = sum_tmp
- elif not all_leaves:
- node.maxn = sum_tmp
- else:
- node.maxn = len(node.children)-1
- return tree.root.maxn
-def calcWnMAT(tree, n1):
- for node in tree.leaves:
- node.vn = {0:1, 1:0}
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.vn = {0: 1}
- children_list = node.children
- k = len(children_list)
- for n in range(1, node.maxn+1, 1):
- node.vn[n] = 0
- for p in range(min(n+1, k)):
- for gl in generateSumProfiles2(k, p, ub=[1]*k):
- ubl = []
- for i in range(k):
- node_i = children_list[i]
- if gl[i] == 1: ubl.append(0)
- else: ubl.append(node_i.maxn)
- for nv in generateSumProfiles2(k, n-p, ub=ubl):
- print("x", node.node_id, node.maxn, n, gl, nv)
- c = 1
- for i in range(k):
- if gl[i] == 0:
- c *= children_list[i].vn[nv[i]]
- node.vn[n] += c
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- print(node.node_id, len(node.children), node.vn)
- return tree.root.vn
-def calcPnmkMAT(tree, n1, n2):
- mem = {}
- for node in tree.leaves:
- node.bnmk = {}
- mem[node.topos] = {}
- node.bnmk[(0,0,0)] = 1
- mem[node.topos][(0,0,0)] = 1
- for m in range(node.n+1):
- node.bnmk[(node.n, m, m)] = node.vn[m]
- mem[node.topos][(node.n, m, m)] = node.vn[m]
- for k in range(m):
- node.bnmk[(node.n, m, k)] = 0
- mem[node.topos][(node.n, m, k)] = 0
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- if node.topos in mem:
- continue
- node.bnmk = {}
- mem[node.topos] = {}
- node.bnmk[(0,0,0)] = 1
- mem[node.topos][(0,0,0)] = 1
- for m in range(node.n+1):
- node.bnmk[(node.n, m, m)] = node.vn[m]
- mem[node.topos][(node.n, m, m)] = node.vn[m]
- for k in range(m):
- node.bnmk[(node.n, m, k)] = 0
- mem[node.topos][(node.n, m, k)] = 0
- children_list = node.children
- r = len(node.children)
- for n in range(0, min(n1+1, node.n), 1):
- print(node.node_id, r, node.n, n)
- for m in range(0, min(n2, n)+1, 1):
- for k in range(max(0, n+m-node.n), min(m, node.n)+1, 1):
- if r == node.n:
- bnmk_tmp = binom(node.n, m)*binom(m, k)*binom(node.n-m, n-k)
- else:
- ubn = []
- for i in range(r):
- ubn.append(children_list[i].n)
- bnmk_tmp = 0
- for nv in generateSumProfiles2(r, n, ub=ubn):
- for mv in generateSumProfiles2(r, m, ub=ubn):
- ubk = []
- lbk = []
- for i in range(r):
- lbk.append(max(0, nv[i]+mv[i]-children_list[i].n))
- ubk.append(min(mv[i], nv[i]))
- for kv in generateSumProfiles2(r, k, lb=lbk, ub=ubk):
- c = 1
- for i in range(r):
- if nv[i] >= mv[i]:
- c *= mem[children_list[i].topos][(nv[i], mv[i], kv[i])]
- else:
- c *= mem[children_list[i].topos][(mv[i], nv[i], kv[i])]
- bnmk_tmp += c
- node.bnmk[(n,m,k)] = bnmk_tmp
- mem[node.topos][(n,m,k)] = bnmk_tmp
- tree.root.bnmk = mem[tree.root.topos]
- return tree.root.bnmk
diff --git a/src/drsoft/modelling/stgh.py b/src/drsoft/modelling/stgh.py
index 69f91a0..cdfff91 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/modelling/stgh.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/modelling/stgh.py
@@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
-import sys
-from collections import deque
-from drsoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_generator_utils import generateSumProfiles
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_generator_utils, gwamar_stat_utils
def colorEdges(tree, alg=0, overwrite=False):
if alg == 0: # color all edges coming to resistant nodes
@@ -46,7 +40,7 @@ def calcVnMAT(tree, n1):
ubn = []
for j in range(r):
- for nv in generateSumProfiles2(r, n, ub=ubn):
+ for nv in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles2(r, n, ub=ubn):
c = 1
for j in range(r):
c *= children_list[j].vn[nv[j]]
@@ -93,22 +87,22 @@ def calcBnmkMAT(tree, n1, n2):
for k in range(max(0, n+m-node.n), min(m, node.n)+1, 1):
if r == node.n:
- bnmk_tmp = binom(node.n, m)*binom(m, k)*binom(node.n-m, n-k)
+ bnmk_tmp = gwamar_stat_utils.binom(node.n, m)*gwamar_stat_utils.binom(m, k)*gwamar_stat_utils.binom(node.n-m, n-k)
ubn = []
for i in range(r):
bnmk_tmp = 0
- for nv in generateSumProfiles2(r, n, ub=ubn):
- for mv in generateSumProfiles2(r, m, ub=ubn):
+ for nv in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles2(r, n, ub=ubn):
+ for mv in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles2(r, m, ub=ubn):
ubk = []
lbk = []
for i in range(r):
lbk.append(max(0, nv[i]+mv[i]-children_list[i].n))
ubk.append(min(mv[i], nv[i]))
- for kv in generateSumProfiles2(r, k, lb=lbk, ub=ubk):
+ for kv in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles2(r, k, lb=lbk, ub=ubk):
c = 1
for i in range(r):
if nv[i] >= mv[i]:
diff --git a/src/drsoft/modelling/tgh.py b/src/drsoft/modelling/tgh.py
index a8eef7b..09d4a59 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/modelling/tgh.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/modelling/tgh.py
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
-import os
-import sys
-from decimal import Decimal
-from collections import deque
+import os, math
-from drsoft.modelling.treeutils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_generator_utils import generateSumProfiles
+from decimal import Decimal
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_stat_utils, gwamar_generator_utils,\
+ gwamar_bin_utils
+from src.drsoft.modelling import model_logic
def colorEdges(tree, alg=0, overwrite=False):
if alg == 0: # color all edges coming to resistant nodes
@@ -70,7 +66,6 @@ def calcFastP(tree, w2=False):
else: node.maxp = 0
if w2:
- # print("here, maxp")
for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
sum_tmp = 0
all_black = True
@@ -109,7 +104,6 @@ def calcFastWnMAT(tree, maxn_t=None, opt=False, w2=True):
for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
node.count_map = {}
- children_list = node.children
k = len(node.children)
maxn = min(maxn_t, node.maxn)
@@ -120,20 +114,19 @@ def calcFastWnMAT(tree, maxn_t=None, opt=False, w2=True):
if opt and (k+1 == node.subnodes_count):
if w2 and k == nt: wnm = 0
- else: wnm = binom(k, nt)
+ else: wnm = gwamar_stat_utils.binom(k, nt)
wnm = 0
for r in range( maxr+1):
- # if w2 == False and r==k: wnm += 1
- for gain_profile in generateSumProfiles2(k, r, ub=[1]*k,lb=[0]*k):
+ for gain_profile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles2(k, r, ub=[1]*k,lb=[0]*k):
gain_bound = []
for j in range(k):
if gain_profile[j] == 1:
- for gain_subprofile in generateSumProfiles2(k, nt-r, ub=gain_bound):
+ for gain_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles2(k, nt-r, ub=gain_bound):
wnm_tmp = 1
for j in range(k):
if gain_profile[j] == 0:
@@ -158,7 +151,7 @@ def calcFastRP(tree):
return r,p
def calcFastBpnMAT(tree, maxp_t, maxn_t, opt=False, w2=True, mem={}):
-# mem = {}
+ mem = {}
for node in tree.leaves:
mem[node.topos] = {}
@@ -185,13 +178,13 @@ def calcFastBpnMAT(tree, maxp_t, maxn_t, opt=False, w2=True, mem={}):
if opt and (k+1 == node.subnodes_count):
if w2 and k == nt: wnm = 0
- else: wnm = binom(node.bc, pt) * binom(k-node.bc, nt-pt)
+ else: wnm = gwamar_stat_utils.binom(node.bc, pt) * gwamar_stat_utils.binom(k-node.bc, nt-pt)
wnm = 0
if w2: maxr = min(k-1, nt)
else: maxr = min(k, nt)
for r in range(maxr + 1):
- for gain_r_profile in generateSumProfiles2(k, r, ub=[1]*k,lb=[0]*k):
+ for gain_r_profile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles2(k, r, ub=[1]*k,lb=[0]*k):
ur = 0 # liczba trafionych
gain_r_bound = []
for j in range(k):
@@ -203,13 +196,13 @@ def calcFastBpnMAT(tree, maxp_t, maxn_t, opt=False, w2=True, mem={}):
elif gain_r_profile[j] == 0:
gain_r_bound.append(min(node_j.maxn, nt-r))
- for gain_r_subprofile in generateSumProfiles2(k, nt-r, ub=gain_r_bound):
+ for gain_r_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles2(k, nt-r, ub=gain_r_bound):
gain_p_bound = []
for j in range(k):
node_j = children_list[j]
gain_p_bound.append(min(node_j.maxp, gain_r_subprofile[j]))
- for gain_u_subprofile in generateSumProfiles2(k, pt-ur, ub=gain_p_bound):
+ for gain_u_subprofile in gwamar_generator_utils.generateSumProfiles2(k, pt-ur, ub=gain_p_bound):
wnm_tmp = 1
for j in range(k):
@@ -235,20 +228,20 @@ def calcBinProfilesTGH(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, norm=False, opt=True, w2=T
for tree in trees_list:
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
+ model_logic.calcSubnodesCount(tree)
if len(drp.getResistant()) == 0:
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
+ newtree = model_logic.removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
colorEdges(newtree, alg=0, overwrite=False)
- computeTopos(newtree, r=True)
+ model_logic.computeTopos(newtree, r=True)
maxn = 0
maxp = 0
@@ -256,10 +249,10 @@ def calcBinProfilesTGH(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, norm=False, opt=True, w2=T
n_dist = {}
for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
+ for bin_profile in gwamar_bin_utils.specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
r,p = calcFastRP(newtree)
maxn = max(maxn,r)
maxp = max(maxp,p)
@@ -268,25 +261,20 @@ def calcBinProfilesTGH(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, norm=False, opt=True, w2=T
n_dist[r] += 1.0
- nx = calcFastN(newtree, w2=w2)
- px = calcFastP(newtree, w2=w2)
+ calcFastN(newtree, w2=w2)
+ calcFastP(newtree, w2=w2)
- t0 = time.time()
wn_mat = calcFastWnMAT(newtree, maxn, opt=opt, w2=w2)
- t1 = time.time()
mem = calcFastBpnMAT(newtree, maxp, maxn, opt=opt, w2=w2, mem=mem)
bpn_mat = mem[newtree.root.topos]
- t2 = time.time()
for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
score = 0.0
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
+ for bin_profile in gwamar_bin_utils.specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
r,p = calcFastRP(newtree)
@@ -308,7 +296,7 @@ def calcBinProfilesTGH(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, norm=False, opt=True, w2=T
scores_mean = {}
for bin_profile_id in scores:
- scores_mean[bin_profile_id] = mean(scores[bin_profile_id])
+ scores_mean[bin_profile_id] = gwamar_stat_utils.mean(scores[bin_profile_id])
return scores_mean, mem
diff --git a/src/drsoft/modelling/tgh2.py b/src/drsoft/modelling/tgh2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a5f21f8..0000000
--- a/src/drsoft/modelling/tgh2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-from decimal import Decimal
-from collections import deque
-from drsoft.modelling.treeutils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_generator_utils import generateSumProfiles
-def colorEdges(tree, alg=0, overwrite=False):
- if alg == 0: # color all edges coming to resistant nodes
- for node in list(tree.leaves) + tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- if node.complete_res_state == "R":
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "b"
- else:
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "w"
- elif alg == 1: # color all edges with S->R
- for node in list(tree.leaves) + tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- if node.complete_res_state == "R" and (node.parent == None or node.parent.complete_res_state == "S"):
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "b"
- else:
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "w"
- return None
-def calcFastBC(tree):
- for node in tree.leaves: node.bc = 0
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.bc = 0
- for node_j in node.children:
- if node_j.ecolor == "b":
- node.bc += 1
- return tree.root.bc
-def calcFastN(tree, w2=False):
- for node in tree.leaves: node.maxn = 1
- if w2:
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- sum_tmp = 0
- all_leaves = True
- for ch_node in node.children:
- sum_tmp += max(1, ch_node.maxn)
- if not ch_node.is_leaf():
- all_leaves = False
- if all_leaves:
- node.maxn = len(node.children)-1
- else:
- node.maxn = sum_tmp
- else:
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.maxn = 0
- for ch_node in node.children:
- node.maxn += max(ch_node.maxn, 1)
- # for node in tree.nodes.values():
- # print(node.topos, node.maxn, tree.root.maxn)
- return tree.root.maxn
-def calcFastP(tree, w2=False):
- for node in tree.leaves:
- node.maxp0 = 0
- if node.ecolor == "b": node.maxp = 1
- else: node.maxp = 0
- if w2:
- # print("here, maxp")
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- sum_tmp = 0
- all_black = True
- for ch_node in node.children:
- sum_tmp += ch_node.maxp
- if ch_node.ecolor != "b": all_black = False
- if all_black:
- sum_tmp_max = 0
- for ch_node in node.children:
- sum_tmp_max = max(sum_tmp_max, sum_tmp - ch_node.maxp + ch_node.maxp0)
- node.maxp0 = sum_tmp_max
- if node.ecolor == "b": node.maxp = max(1, sum_tmp_max)
- else: node.maxp = sum_tmp_max
- else:
- node.maxp0 = sum_tmp
- if node.ecolor == "b": node.maxp = max(1, sum_tmp)
- else: node.maxp = sum_tmp
- else:
- # print("there, maxp")
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- sum_tmp = 0
- for ch_node in node.children:
- sum_tmp += ch_node.maxp
- if node.ecolor == "b": node.maxp = max(1, sum_tmp)
- else: node.maxp = sum_tmp
- # for node in tree.nodes.values():
- # print("maxp", node.node_id, node.maxp)
- return tree.root.maxp
-def calcFastWnMAT(tree, maxn_t=None, opt=False, w2=True):
- for node in tree.leaves:
- node.count_map = {}
- node.count_map[0] = 1
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.count_map = {}
- children_list = node.children
- k = len(node.children)
- maxn = min(maxn_t, node.maxn)
- for nt in range(maxn+1):
- if w2: maxr = min(nt, k-1, node.maxn)
- else: maxr = min(nt, k, node.maxn)
- if opt and (k+1 == node.subnodes_count):
- if w2 and k == nt: wnm = 0
- else: wnm = binom(k, nt)
- else:
- wnm = 0
- for r in range( maxr+1):
- # if w2 == False and r==k: wnm += 1
- for gain_profile in generateSumProfiles2(k, r, ub=[1]*k,lb=[0]*k):
- gain_bound = []
- for j in range(k):
- if gain_profile[j] == 1:
- gain_bound.append(0)
- else:
- gain_bound.append(node.maxn)
- for gain_subprofile in generateSumProfiles2(k, nt-r, ub=gain_bound):
- wnm_tmp = 1
- for j in range(k):
- if gain_profile[j] == 0:
- node_j = node.children[j]
- wnm_tmp *= node_j.count_map.get(gain_subprofile[j], 0)
- if wnm_tmp == 0:
- break
- wnm += wnm_tmp
- node.count_map[nt] = wnm
- return tree.root.count_map
-def calcFastRP(tree):
- # r - total number of 0->1 changes
- # p - total number of 0->1 changes on black edges
- r,p = 0,0
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- for node_j in node.children:
- if node.complete_mut_state == '0' and node_j.complete_mut_state == "1":
- r += 1
- if node_j.ecolor == "b":
- p += 1
- return r,p
-def calcFastBpnMAT(tree, maxp_t, maxn_t, opt=False, w2=True, mem={}):
- mem = {}
- for node in tree.leaves:
- mem[node.topos] = {}
- mem[node.topos][(0,0)] = 1
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- maxn = min(maxn_t, node.maxn)
- maxp = min(node.maxp, maxp_t)
- if node.topos in mem and (maxp, maxn) in mem[node.topos]:
- continue
- if not node.topos in mem:
- mem[node.topos] = {}
- children_list = list(node.children)
- k = len(children_list)
- for nt in range(maxn + 1): # liczba wybranych
- maxp = min(node.maxp, nt, maxp_t)
- if (maxp, nt) in mem[node.topos]:
- continue
- for pt in range(maxp + 1): # liczba pokrytych
- if (pt, nt) in mem[node.topos]:
- continue
- if opt and (k+1 == node.subnodes_count):
- if w2 and k == nt: wnm = 0
- else: wnm = binom(node.bc, pt) * binom(k-node.bc, nt-pt)
- else:
- wnm = 0
- if w2: maxr = min(k-1, nt)
- else: maxr = min(k, nt)
- for r in range(maxr + 1):
- for gain_r_profile in generateSumProfiles2(k, r, ub=[1]*k,lb=[0]*k):
- ur = 0 # liczba trafionych
- gain_r_bound = []
- for j in range(k):
- node_j = children_list[j]
- if gain_r_profile[j] == 1:
- gain_r_bound.append(0)
- if node_j.ecolor == "b":
- ur += 1
- elif gain_r_profile[j] == 0:
- gain_r_bound.append(min(node_j.maxn, nt-r))
- for gain_r_subprofile in generateSumProfiles2(k, nt-r, ub=gain_r_bound):
- gain_p_bound = []
- for j in range(k):
- node_j = children_list[j]
- gain_p_bound.append(min(node_j.maxp, gain_r_subprofile[j]))
- for gain_u_subprofile in generateSumProfiles2(k, pt-ur, ub=gain_p_bound):
- wnm_tmp = 1
- for j in range(k):
- if gain_r_profile[j] == 0:
- node_j = children_list[j]
- ptmp, ntmp = gain_u_subprofile[j], gain_r_subprofile[j]
- # if not (ptmp, ntmp) in mem[node_j.topos]:
- # print("no", node_j.topos, ptmp, ntmp)
- #wnm_tmp *= mem[node_j.topos][(ptmp, ntmp)]
- wnm_tmp *= mem[node_j.topos].get((ptmp, ntmp), 0)
- if wnm_tmp == 0:
- break
- wnm += wnm_tmp
- mem[node.topos][(pt,nt)] = wnm
- return mem
-def calcBinProfilesTGH2(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, norm=False, opt=True, w2=True, mem={}):
- scores = {}
- for bin_profile_id, bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
- scores[bin_profile_id] = []
- for tree in trees_list:
- tree.setObservedResProfile(drp.full_profile)
- tree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- if len(drp.getResistant()) == 0:
- continue
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- newtree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- newtree.setObservedResProfile(drp.full_profile)
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
- colorEdges(newtree, alg=0, overwrite=False)
- computeTopos(newtree, r=True)
- maxn = 0
- maxp = 0
- n_dist = {}
- for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- newtree.setObservedMutProfile(bin_profile)
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
- r,p = calcFastRP(newtree)
- maxn = max(maxn,r)
- maxp = max(maxp,p)
- if not r in n_dist:
- n_dist[r] = 0.0
- n_dist[r] += 1.0
- calcFastBC(newtree)
- nx = calcFastN(newtree, w2=w2)
- px = calcFastP(newtree, w2=w2)
- t0 = time.time()
- wn_mat = calcFastWnMAT(newtree, maxn, opt=opt, w2=w2)
- t1 = time.time()
- mem = calcFastBpnMAT(newtree, maxp, maxn, opt=opt, w2=w2, mem=mem)
- bpn_mat = mem[newtree.root.topos]
- t2 = time.time()
- for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
- score = 0.0
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- newtree.setObservedMutProfile(bin_profile)
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
- r,p = calcFastRP(newtree)
- bs = wn_mat[r]
- for pt in range(p):
- bs -= bpn_mat[(pt, r)]
- cct_score = Decimal(bs) / Decimal(wn_mat[r])
- try:
- if norm:
- score += -math.log(float(cct_score)*n_dist[r])
- else:
- score += -math.log(float(cct_score))
- except:
- pass
- scores[bin_profile_id].append(score)
- scores_mean = {}
- for bin_profile_id in scores:
- scores_mean[bin_profile_id] = mean(scores[bin_profile_id])
- return scores_mean, mem
-def readTGHMem(mem_fn):
- if not os.path.exists(mem_fn):
- return {}
- mem = {}
- input_fh = open(mem_fn)
- lines = input_fh.readlines()
- input_fh.close()
- topo = ""
- for line in lines:
- tokens = line.split()
- if len(tokens) < 1:
- continue
- elif len(tokens) == 1:
- topo = tokens[0]
- if not topo in mem:
- mem[topo] = {}
- else:
- k,n,b = map(int, tokens)
- mem[topo][(k,n)] = b
- return mem
-def saveTGHMem(mem, mem_fn):
- output_fh = open(mem_fn, "w")
- topo_sorted = sorted(mem.keys(), key=lambda topo:(len(topo), topo))
- for topo in topo_sorted:
- output_fh.write(topo + "\n")
- for (k, n) in sorted(mem[topo], key=lambda kn:(kn[1],kn[0])):
- b = mem[topo][(k,n)]
- output_fh.write("\t".join(map(str,[k, n, b])) + "\n")
- #output_fh.write(str(k) + "\t" + str(n) + "\t" + str(b) + "\n")
- output_fh.close()
diff --git a/src/drsoft/modelling/treeutils.py b/src/drsoft/modelling/treeutils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fa0416e..0000000
--- a/src/drsoft/modelling/treeutils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
-from collections import deque
-from math import exp
-from math import log
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_generator_utils import *
-from drsoft.structs.res_tree import ResTreeNode, ResTree
-def changeProb(r, t):
- if t < 0:
- return r
- else:
- return 1.0 - exp(-r*t)
-def getstable(t=0.5, z=0.0, b=-1.0):
- score_tab = {
- "SS00": 0.0,"SS01": b ,"SS10": 0.0,"SS11": b,
- "SR00": 0.0,"SR01": 1.0,"SR10": 0.0,"SR11": t,
- "RS00": 0.0,"RS01":-b ,"RS10": 1.0,"RS11":-b,
- "RR00": 0.0,"RR01": t ,"RR10": 0.0,"RR11": 0+z,
- "SI00": 0.0,"SI01": 0.5,"SI10": 0.0,"SI11": t/2,
- "RI00": 0.0,"RI01":-b ,"RI10": 0.5,"RI11":-b/2,
- "II00": 0.0,"II01": t/2,"II10": 0.0,"II11": z/2,
- "IR00": 0.0,"IR01": 0.5,"IR10": 0.0,"IR11":-b }
- return score_tab
-def stable(res_from='R', res_to='S', mut_from='0', mut_to='1', t=0.5, z=0.0, b=-1.0):
- comb_txt = res_from + res_to + mut_from + mut_to
- score_tab = getstable(t,z,b)
- return score_tab.get(comb_txt, 0.0)
-def computeTopos(tree, r=False):
- for node in tree.leaves:
- if r== True and node.complete_res_state == "R":
- node.topos = "y"
- elif r== True:
- node.topos = "x"
- else:
- node.topos = "x"
- # print(node.node_id, node.topos)
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- topo = "("
- for child in sorted(node.children, key=lambda ch:ch.topos):
- topo += child.topos
- topo += ")"
- node.topos = topo
- #print(node.node_id, node.topos)
- return tree.root.topos
-def calcResCondProbabilities(phylo_tree, eps, alpha, beta):
- for node in phylo_tree.leaves:
- if hasattr(node, 'observed_res_prob_state'):
- node.cond_exp_res = node.observed_res_prob_state
- node.cond_exp_susc = 1.0 - node.cond_exp_res
- elif node.observed_res_state == 'R':
- node.cond_exp_res = 1.0-eps
- node.cond_exp_susc = eps
- elif node.observed_res_state == 'S':
- node.cond_exp_res = eps
- node.cond_exp_susc = 1.0-eps
- elif node.observed_res_state == 'I':
- node.cond_exp_res = 0.5
- node.cond_exp_susc = 0.5
- else:
- node.cond_exp_susc = 1.0
- node.cond_exp_res = 1.0
- for node in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.cond_exp_res = 0.0
- node.cond_exp_susc = 0.0
- children_list = list(node.children)
- if len(children_list) > 0:
- for res_subprofile in generateResistanceProfiles(len(children_list)):
- prob_res = 1.0
- prob_susc = 1.0
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- if res_subprofile[j] == 'R':
- prob_res *= children_list[j].cond_exp_res*(1 - changeProb(beta, children_list[j].e_len))
- prob_susc *= children_list[j].cond_exp_res*changeProb(alpha, children_list[j].e_len)
- elif res_subprofile[j] == 'S':
- prob_res *= children_list[j].cond_exp_susc*changeProb(beta, children_list[j].e_len)
- prob_susc *= children_list[j].cond_exp_susc*(1 - changeProb(alpha, children_list[j].e_len))
- else:
- print("error")
- node.cond_exp_res += prob_res
- node.cond_exp_susc += prob_susc
- return None
-def calcResCondParentProbabilities(phylo_tree, alpha, beta):
- #queue = deque([])
- root = phylo_tree.root
- root.res_prob = 0.0
- for node in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu[::-1] + list(phylo_tree.leaves):
- p_node = node.parent
- if p_node == None: continue
- cp_alpha = changeProb(alpha, node.e_len)
- cp_beta = changeProb(beta, node.e_len)
- try:
- prob_res_res = node.cond_exp_res * (1-cp_beta) / (node.cond_exp_res * (1-cp_beta) + node.cond_exp_susc * (cp_beta))
- prob_susc_res = node.cond_exp_res * (cp_alpha) / (node.cond_exp_res * (cp_alpha) + node.cond_exp_susc * (1 - cp_alpha))
- except:
- prob_res_res = 1.0
- prob_susc_res = 0.0
- node.prob_res_res = prob_res_res
- node.prob_susc_res = prob_susc_res
- node.prob_res_susc = 1.0-prob_res_res
- node.prob_susc_susc = 1.0-prob_susc_res
- node.res_prob = prob_res_res * p_node.res_prob + prob_susc_res*(1-p_node.res_prob)
- return None
-def calulateCompleteResProfile(phylo_tree, eps=0.02, alpha=0.05, beta=0.01):
- calcResCondProbabilities(phylo_tree, eps, alpha, beta)
- calcResCondParentProbabilities(phylo_tree, alpha, beta)
- return None
-def calcMutCondProbabilities(phylo_tree, eps, psi, phi):
- for node in phylo_tree.leaves:
- if node.observed_mut_state == '1':
- node.cond_exp_pres = 1.0-eps
- node.cond_exp_abs = eps
- elif node.observed_mut_state == '0':
- node.cond_exp_pres = eps
- node.cond_exp_abs = 1.0-eps
- else:
- node.cond_exp_pres = 1.0
- node.cond_exp_abs = 1.0
- for node in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.cond_exp_pres = 0.0
- node.cond_exp_abs = 0.0
- children_list = list(node.children)
- if len(children_list) > 0:
- for res_subprofile in generateBinMutationProfiles(len(children_list)):
- prob_pres = 1.0
- prob_abs = 1.0
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- if str(res_subprofile[j]) == '1':
- prob_pres *= children_list[j].cond_exp_pres*(1 - changeProb(phi, children_list[j].e_len))
- prob_abs *= children_list[j].cond_exp_pres*changeProb(psi, children_list[j].e_len)
- elif str(res_subprofile[j]) == '0':
- prob_pres *= children_list[j].cond_exp_abs*changeProb(phi, children_list[j].e_len)
- prob_abs *= children_list[j].cond_exp_abs*(1 - changeProb(psi, children_list[j].e_len))
- else:
- print("error")
- node.cond_exp_pres += prob_pres
- node.cond_exp_abs += prob_abs
- return None
-def calcMutCondParentProbabilities(phylo_tree, psi, phi):
- root = phylo_tree.root
- root.mut_prob = 0.0
- for node in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu[::-1] + list(phylo_tree.leaves):
- p_node = node.parent
- if p_node == None: continue
- cp_psi = changeProb(psi, node.e_len)
- cp_phi = changeProb(phi, node.e_len)
- try:
- prob_pres_pres = node.cond_exp_pres * (1-cp_phi) / (node.cond_exp_pres * (1-cp_phi) + node.cond_exp_abs * (cp_phi))
- prob_abs_pres = node.cond_exp_pres * (cp_psi) / (node.cond_exp_pres * (cp_psi) + node.cond_exp_abs * (1 - cp_psi))
- except:
- prob_abs_pres = 0.0
- prob_pres_pres = 1.0
- node.prob_pres_pres = prob_pres_pres
- node.prob_abs_pres = prob_abs_pres
- node.prob_abs_abs = 1.0 - prob_abs_pres
- node.prob_pres_abs = 1.0 - prob_pres_pres
- node.mut_prob = prob_pres_pres * p_node.mut_prob + prob_abs_pres*(1-p_node.mut_prob)
- return None
-def calulateCompleteMutProfile(phylo_tree, eps=0.001, psi=0.1, phi=0.01):
- calcMutCondProbabilities(phylo_tree, eps, psi, phi)
- calcMutCondParentProbabilities(phylo_tree, psi, phi)
- return None
-def calcTransitionScoreExprectedValue(phylo_tree, theta=0.5, zeta=0.0, beta=-1.0, un = False):
- for node in phylo_tree.leaves:
- node.exp_score_res_abs = 0.0
- node.exp_score_res_pres = 0.0
- node.exp_score_susc_abs = 0.0
- node.exp_score_susc_pres = 0.0
- tstable = getstable(theta, zeta, beta)
- for node in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.exp_score_res_abs = 0.0
- node.exp_score_res_pres = 0.0
- node.exp_score_susc_abs = 0.0
- node.exp_score_susc_pres = 0.0
- children_list = list(node.children)
- if len(children_list) > 0:
- test_susc_pres = 0.0
- test_res_pres = 0.0
- test_susc_abs = 0.0
- test_res_abs = 0.0
- for res_subprofile in generateResBinMutationProfiles(len(children_list)):
- score_res_abs = 0.0
- score_res_pres = 0.0
- score_susc_abs = 0.0
- score_susc_pres = 0.0
- prob_res_abs = 1.0
- prob_res_pres = 1.0
- prob_susc_abs = 1.0
- prob_susc_pres = 1.0
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- node_j = children_list[j]
- if res_subprofile[j] == "1R":
- if un == True or node_j.un_subleaves_count < node_j.subleaves_count:
- score_res_abs += (tstable.get('RR01',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_res_pres)
- score_res_pres += (tstable.get('RR11',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_res_pres)
- score_susc_abs += (tstable.get('SR01',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_res_pres)
- score_susc_pres+= (tstable.get('SR11',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_res_pres)
- prob_res_abs *= node_j.prob_abs_pres*node_j.prob_res_res
- prob_res_pres *= node_j.prob_pres_pres*node_j.prob_res_res
- prob_susc_abs *= node_j.prob_abs_pres*node_j.prob_susc_res
- prob_susc_pres *= node_j.prob_pres_pres*node_j.prob_susc_res
- elif res_subprofile[j] == "1S":
- if un == True or node_j.un_subleaves_count < node_j.subleaves_count:
- score_res_abs += (tstable.get('RS01',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_susc_pres)
- score_res_pres += (tstable.get('RS11',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_susc_pres)
- score_susc_abs += (tstable.get('SS01',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_susc_pres)
- score_susc_pres+= (tstable.get('SS11',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_susc_pres)
- prob_res_abs *= node_j.prob_abs_pres*node_j.prob_res_susc
- prob_res_pres *= node_j.prob_pres_pres*node_j.prob_res_susc
- prob_susc_abs *= node_j.prob_abs_pres*node_j.prob_susc_susc
- prob_susc_pres *= node_j.prob_pres_pres*node_j.prob_susc_susc
- elif res_subprofile[j] == "0R":
- if un == True or node_j.un_subleaves_count < node_j.subleaves_count:
- score_res_abs += (tstable.get('RR00',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_res_abs)
- score_res_pres += (tstable.get('RR10',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_res_abs)
- score_susc_abs += (tstable.get('SR00',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_res_abs)
- score_susc_pres+= (tstable.get('SR10',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_res_abs)
- prob_res_abs *= node_j.prob_abs_abs*node_j.prob_res_res
- prob_res_pres *= node_j.prob_pres_abs*node_j.prob_res_res
- prob_susc_abs *= node_j.prob_abs_abs*node_j.prob_susc_res
- prob_susc_pres *= node_j.prob_pres_abs*node_j.prob_susc_res
- elif res_subprofile[j] == "0S":
- if un == True or node_j.un_subleaves_count < node_j.subleaves_count:
- score_res_abs += (tstable.get('RS00',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_susc_abs)
- score_res_pres += (tstable.get('RS10',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_susc_abs)
- score_susc_abs += (tstable.get('SS00',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_susc_abs)
- score_susc_pres+= (tstable.get('SS10',0.0) + node_j.exp_score_susc_abs)
- prob_res_abs *= node_j.prob_abs_abs*node_j.prob_res_susc
- prob_res_pres *= node_j.prob_pres_abs*node_j.prob_res_susc
- prob_susc_abs *= node_j.prob_abs_abs*node_j.prob_susc_susc
- prob_susc_pres *= node_j.prob_pres_abs*node_j.prob_susc_susc
- node.exp_score_res_abs += score_res_abs*prob_res_abs
- node.exp_score_res_pres += score_res_pres*prob_res_pres
- node.exp_score_susc_abs += score_susc_abs*prob_susc_abs
- node.exp_score_susc_pres+= score_susc_pres*prob_susc_pres
- test_res_abs += prob_res_abs
- test_res_pres += prob_res_pres
- test_susc_abs += prob_susc_abs
- test_susc_pres += prob_susc_pres
- return phylo_tree.root.exp_score_susc_abs
-def calcProbAllLeafResistant(phylo_tree):
- for node in phylo_tree.leaves:
- node.all_res_res = 1.0
- node.all_res_susc = 0.0
- for node in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.all_res_res = 0.0
- node.all_res_susc = 0.0
- children_list = list(node.children)
- if len(children_list) > 0:
- for res_subprofile in generateResistanceProfiles(len(children_list)):
- prob_res = 1.0
- prob_susc = 1.0
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- if res_subprofile[j] == 'R':
- prob_res *= children_list[j].prob_res_res * children_list[j].all_res_res
- prob_susc *= children_list[j].prob_susc_res * children_list[j].all_res_res
- elif res_subprofile[j] == 'S':
- prob_res *= children_list[j].prob_res_susc * children_list[j].all_res_susc
- prob_susc *= children_list[j].prob_susc_susc * children_list[j].all_res_susc
- else:
- print("error")
- node.all_res_res += prob_res
- node.all_res_susc += prob_susc
- return None
-def calcSubleavesResCount(phylo_tree):
- for node in phylo_tree.leaves:
- node.subleaves_count = 1
- if node.observed_res_state== 'R':
- node.res_subleaves_count = 1
- node.inter_subleaves_count = 0
- node.susc_subleaves_count = 0
- node.un_subleaves_count = 0
- elif node.observed_res_state == 'S':
- node.res_subleaves_count = 0
- node.inter_subleaves_count = 0
- node.susc_subleaves_count = 1
- node.un_subleaves_count = 0
- elif node.observed_res_state == 'I':
- node.res_subleaves_count = 0
- node.inter_subleaves_count = 1
- node.susc_subleaves_count = 0
- node.un_subleaves_count = 0
- else:
- node.res_subleaves_count = 0
- node.inter_subleaves_count = 0
- node.susc_subleaves_count = 0
- node.un_subleaves_count = 1
- for node in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- children_list = list(node.children)
- if len(children_list) > 0:
- node.res_subleaves_count = 0
- node.inter_subleaves_count = 0
- node.susc_subleaves_count = 0
- node.un_subleaves_count = 0
- node.subleaves_count = 0
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- node.res_subleaves_count += children_list[j].res_subleaves_count
- node.inter_subleaves_count += children_list[j].inter_subleaves_count
- node.susc_subleaves_count += children_list[j].susc_subleaves_count
- node.un_subleaves_count += children_list[j].un_subleaves_count
- node.subleaves_count += children_list[j].subleaves_count
- return None
-def calcSubleavesResCountOther(phylo_tree):
- k = len(phylo_tree.root.observed_res_state_map)
- for node in phylo_tree.nodes.values():
- node.res_subleaves_count_map = [0]*k
- node.inter_subleaves_count_map = [0]*k
- node.susc_subleaves_count_map = [0]*k
- node.un_subleaves_count_map = [0]*k
- for node in phylo_tree.leaves:
- node.subleaves_count = 1
- for di in range(k):
- if node.observed_res_state_map[di] == 'R':
- node.res_subleaves_count_map[di] = 1
- node.inter_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- node.susc_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- node.un_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- elif node.observed_res_state_map[di] == 'S':
- node.res_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- node.inter_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- node.susc_subleaves_count_map[di] = 1
- node.un_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- elif node.observed_res_state_map[di] == 'I':
- node.res_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- node.inter_subleaves_count_map[di] = 1
- node.susc_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- node.un_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- else:
- node.res_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- node.inter_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- node.susc_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- node.un_subleaves_count_map[di] = 1
- for node in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- children_list = list(node.children)
- if len(children_list) > 0:
- node.subleaves_count = 0
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- node.subleaves_count += children_list[j].subleaves_count
- for di in range(k):
- node.res_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- node.inter_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- node.susc_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- node.un_subleaves_count_map[di] = 0
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- node.res_subleaves_count_map[di] += children_list[j].res_subleaves_count_map[di]
- node.inter_subleaves_count_map[di] += children_list[j].inter_subleaves_count_map[di]
- node.susc_subleaves_count_map[di] += children_list[j].susc_subleaves_count_map[di]
- node.un_subleaves_count_map[di] += children_list[j].un_subleaves_count_map[di]
- return None
-def calcSubleavesMutCount(phylo_tree):
- for node in phylo_tree.leaves:
- if node.observed_mut_state == '?':
- node.pres_subleaves_count = 0
- node.abs_subleaves_count = 0
- node.q_subleaves_count = 1
- elif node.observed_mut_state == '0':
- node.pres_subleaves_count = 0
- node.abs_subleaves_count = 1
- node.q_subleaves_count = 0
- else:
- node.pres_subleaves_count = 1
- node.abs_subleaves_count = 0
- node.q_subleaves_count = 0
- for node in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- children_list = list(node.children)
- if len(children_list) > 0:
- node.pres_subleaves_count = 0
- node.abs_subleaves_count = 0
- node.q_subleaves_count = 0
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- node.pres_subleaves_count += children_list[j].pres_subleaves_count
- node.abs_subleaves_count += children_list[j].abs_subleaves_count
- node.q_subleaves_count += children_list[j].q_subleaves_count
- return None
-def calcSubnodesCount(phylo_tree):
- for node in phylo_tree.leaves:
- node.subnodes_count = 1
- for node in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- children_list = list(node.children)
- if len(children_list) > 0:
- node.subnodes_count = 1
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- node.subnodes_count += children_list[j].subnodes_count
- return None
-def calcWeightedSuppotExprectedValue(phylo_tree, un=False):
- exp_ws = 0.0
- root = phylo_tree.root
- for node in phylo_tree.nodes.values():
- node.visited = 0
- for node in phylo_tree.leaves:
- if un == False and node.observed_res_state == '?':
- continue
- exp_w = 0.0
- queue = deque([])
- queue.append((node, node.parent))
- while queue:
- (node_j, node_i) = queue.popleft()
- if node_i == None:
- continue
- children_list = list(node_i.children)
- prob_level = 0.0
- for res_subprofile in generateResistanceProfiles(len(children_list)):
- prob_res = 1.0
- prob_susc = 1.0
- prob_all_res_other = 1.0
- for k in range(len(children_list)):
- if res_subprofile[k] == 'R':
- prob_res *= children_list[k].prob_res_res
- prob_susc *= children_list[k].prob_susc_res
- if children_list[k].node_id == node_j.node_id:
- prob_all_res_j = children_list[k].all_res_res
- else:
- prob_all_res_other *= children_list[k].all_res_res
- elif res_subprofile[k] == 'S':
- prob_res *= children_list[k].prob_res_susc
- prob_susc *= children_list[k].prob_susc_susc
- if children_list[k].node_id == node_j.node_id:
- prob_all_res_j = children_list[k].all_res_susc
- else:
- prob_all_res_other *= children_list[k].all_res_susc
- else:
- print("error")
- prob_level += (prob_res * node_i.res_prob + prob_susc * (1 - node_i.res_prob))*prob_all_res_j*(1 - prob_all_res_other)
- exp_w += 1.0 / float(node_j.subleaves_count) * prob_level
- queue.append((node_i, node_i.parent))
- exp_ws += (1-node.res_prob) * (-root.res_subleaves_count/root.susc_subleaves_count) * node.mut_prob
- exp_ws += exp_w * node.mut_prob
- return exp_ws
-def calcDetParsResModel(phylo_tree):
- phylo_tree.setComepleteResProfile(['?']*phylo_tree.nodes_count)
- for node in phylo_tree.leaves:
- node.complete_res_state = node.observed_res_state
- for node_i in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- if len(node_i.children) > 0:
- if node_i.un_subleaves_count == node_i.subleaves_count:
- node_i.complete_res_state = '?'
- elif node_i.susc_subleaves_count > 0:
- node_i.complete_res_state = 'S'
- elif node_i.inter_subleaves_count > 0:
- node_i.complete_res_state = 'I'
- else:
- node_i.complete_res_state = 'R'
- return None
-def calcDetParsResModelOther(phylo_tree):
- k = len(phylo_tree.root.observed_res_state_map)
- for node in phylo_tree.nodes:
- node.complete_res_state_map = ["?"]*k
- for node in phylo_tree.leaves:
- for di in range(k):
- node.complete_res_state_map[di] = node.observed_res_state_map[di]
- for node_i in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- if len(node_i.children) > 0:
- for di in range(k):
- if node_i.un_subleaves_count_map[di] == node_i.subleaves_count:
- node_i.complete_res_state_map[di] = '?'
- elif node_i.susc_subleaves_count_map[di] > 0:
- node_i.complete_res_state_map[di] = 'S'
- elif node_i.inter_subleaves_count_map[di] > 0:
- node_i.complete_res_state_map[di] = 'I'
- else:
- node_i.complete_res_state_map[di] = 'R'
- return None
-def calcDetParsMutModel(phylo_tree):
- phylo_tree.setComepleteMutProfile(['?']*phylo_tree.nodes_count)
- for node in phylo_tree.leaves:
- node.complete_mut_state = node.observed_mut_state
- for node_i in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- if node_i.q_subleaves_count == node_i.subleaves_count:
- node_i.complete_mut_state = '?'
- elif node_i.abs_subleaves_count > 0:
- node_i.complete_mut_state = '0'
- else:
- node_i.complete_mut_state = '1'
- return None
-def calcTransitionScore(phylo_tree, theta=0.5, zeta = 0.0, beta=-1.0, tscore_type = "P"):
- for node in phylo_tree.nodes.values():
- node.tscore_tmp = 0.0
- tstable = getstable(t=theta, z=zeta, b=beta)
- for node in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.tscore_tmp = 0.0
- node_res = node.complete_res_state
- node_mut = node.complete_mut_state
- for node_j in node.children:
- node_j_res = node_j.complete_res_state
- node_j_mut = node_j.complete_mut_state
- if tscore_type == "P":
- score_tmp = tstable.get(node_res + node_j_res + node_mut + node_j_mut, 0.0)
- node.tscore_tmp += score_tmp + node_j.tscore_tmp
- #if int(node_j.node_id) in [1621,1623,1625,1622,1624,1620]:
- # print(node.node_id, node_j.node_id, score_tmp, node_res + node_j_res + node_mut + node_j_mut)
- elif tscore_type == "A":
- if node_res == "S" and node_j_res == "R":
- node.tscore_tmp += node_j.tscore_tmp + float(node_j.pres_subleaves_count) / float(node_j.subnodes_count)
- elif node_j_res == "S" and node_j_mut == "1":
- #print("here2", node_res, node_j_res, node_mut, node_j_mut)
- node.tscore_tmp += node_j.tscore_tmp - 1.0
- else:
- node.tscore_tmp += node_j.tscore_tmp
-# if node_mut == "0" and node_j_mut == "1":
-# node.tscore_tmp += ((float(node_j.susc_subleaves_count)* (-2.0) + float(node_j.res_subleaves_count)) / float(node_j.un_subleaves_count + node_j.susc_subleaves_count + node_j.res_subleaves_count) + node_j.tscore_tmp)
-# else:
-# node.tscore_tmp += node_j.tscore_tmp
- elif tscore_type == "C":
- node.tscore_tmp += (tstable.get(node_res+node_j_res+node_mut+node_j_mut,0.0) * (1.0+log(node_j.subnodes_count)) + node_j.tscore_tmp)
- elif tscore_type == "L":
- sc_tmp = tstable.get(node_res+node_j_res+node_mut+node_j_mut,0.0)
- if sc_tmp >= 0:
- node.tscore_tmp += (log(1+sc_tmp) + node_j.tscore_tmp)
- else:
- node.tscore_tmp += (log(0.5) + node_j.tscore_tmp)
- elif tscore_type == "E":
- node.tscore_tmp += (tstable.get(node_res+node_j_res+node_mut+node_j_mut,0.0)*exp(-100*node_j.e_len) + node_j.tscore_tmp)
- elif tscore_type == "R":
- node.tscore_tmp += (tstable.get(node_res+node_j_res+node_mut+node_j_mut,0.0) - node_j.e_len + node_j.tscore_tmp)
- else:
- node.tscore_tmp += (tstable.get(node_res+node_j_res+node_mut+node_j_mut,0.0) + node_j.tscore_tmp)
- return phylo_tree.root.tscore_tmp
-def calcTransitionScoreMulti(phylo_tree, theta=0.5, zeta = 0.0, tscore_type = "P"):
- k = len(phylo_tree.root.complete_res_state_map)
- for node in phylo_tree.nodes.values():
- node.tscore_tmp = 0.0
- for node in phylo_tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.tscore_tmp = 0.0
- children_list = list(node.children)
- node_res = node.complete_res_state
- node_mut = node.complete_mut_state
- for j in range(len(children_list)):
- node_j = children_list[j]
- node_j_res = node_j.complete_res_state
- node_j_mut = node_j.complete_mut_state
- other_score = 0.0
- if node_mut == "0" and node_j_mut == "1":
- for di in range(k):
- node_res_di = node.complete_res_state_map[di]
- node_j_res_di = node_j.complete_res_state_map[di]
- if node_res_di == "S" and node_j_res_di == "R":
- other_score += 1.0
- elif node_res_di == "R" and node_j_res_di == "R":
- other_score += 0.5
- # print(di, node_res_di, node_j_res_di, other_score)
- node.tscore_tmp += stable(node_res, node_j_res, node_mut, node_j_mut, theta, zeta) / (other_score + 1.0) + node_j.tscore_tmp
- return phylo_tree.root.tscore_tmp
-def removeUnResNodeLeavesRes(node):
- if node.subleaves_count == node.un_subleaves_count:
- return None
- elif len(node.children) == 0:
- newnode = ResTreeNode(node.node_id)
- newnode.e_len = node.e_len
- newnode.label = node.label
- newnode.ecolor = node.ecolor
- newnode.observed_res_state = node.observed_res_state
- # newnode.observed_mut_state = node.observed_mut_state
- return newnode
- else:
- child_new_nodes = []
- for child_node in node.children:
- child_newnode = removeUnResNodeLeavesRes(child_node)
- if child_newnode != None:
- child_new_nodes.append(child_newnode)
- if len(child_new_nodes) == 0:
- return None
- elif len(child_new_nodes) == 1:
- return child_new_nodes[0]
- else:
- newnode = ResTreeNode(node.node_id)
- newnode.e_len = node.e_len
- newnode.ecolor = node.ecolor
- newnode.children = child_new_nodes
- for child_newnode in child_new_nodes:
- child_newnode.parent = newnode
- return newnode
- return newnode
-def removeUnResLeaves(phylo_tree):
- newtree = ResTree(phylo_tree.root.subleaves_count - phylo_tree.root.un_subleaves_count)
- newtree.root = removeUnResNodeLeavesRes(phylo_tree.root)
- newtree.root_id = phylo_tree.root_id
- queue = deque([])
- queue.append(newtree.root)
- newtree.leaves_count = 0
- newtree.leaf_ids = []
- newtree.leaves = []
- while queue:
- node = queue.popleft()
- if node == None:
- continue
- newtree.nodes[node.node_id] = node
- if len(node.children) == 0:
- newtree.leaf_ids.append(node.node_id)
- newtree.leaves.append(node)
- for child_node in node.children:
- queue.append(child_node)
- newtree.leaves_count = len(newtree.leaf_ids)
- newtree.nodes_count = len(newtree.nodes)
- return newtree
diff --git a/src/drsoft/modelling/xcct.py b/src/drsoft/modelling/xcct.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cce0e6a..0000000
--- a/src/drsoft/modelling/xcct.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-from decimal import Decimal
-from collections import deque
-from drsoft.modelling.model_logic import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_generator_utils import generateSumProfiles
-def colorEdges(tree, alg=0, overwrite=False):
- if alg == 0: # color all edges coming to resistant nodes
- for node in list(tree.leaves) + tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- if node.complete_res_state == "R":
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "b"
- else:
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "w"
- elif alg == 1: # color all edges with S->R
- for node in list(tree.leaves) + tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- if node.complete_res_state == "R" and (node.parent == None or node.parent.complete_res_state == "S"):
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "b"
- else:
- if overwrite == True or node.ecolor == None:
- node.ecolor = "w"
- return None
-def calcFastBC(tree):
- for node in tree.leaves: node.bc = 0
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.bc = 0
- for node_j in node.children:
- if node_j.ecolor == "b":
- node.bc += 1
- return tree.root.bc
-def calcFastN(tree, w2=False):
- for node in tree.leaves: node.maxn = 1
- if w2:
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- sum_tmp = 0
- all_leaves = True
- for ch_node in node.children:
- sum_tmp += max(1, ch_node.maxn)
- if not ch_node.is_leaf():
- all_leaves = False
- if all_leaves:
- node.maxn = len(node.children)-1
- else:
- node.maxn = sum_tmp
- else:
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.maxn = 0
- for ch_node in node.children:
- node.maxn += max(ch_node.maxn, 1)
- return tree.root.maxn
-def calcFastP(tree, w2=False):
- for node in tree.leaves:
- node.maxp0 = 0
- if node.ecolor == "b": node.maxp = 1
- else: node.maxp = 0
- if w2:
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- if node.res_subleaves_count == node.subleaves_count:
- node.maxp = node.res_subleaves_count-1
- else:
- node.maxp = node.res_subleaves_count
- else:
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.maxp = node.res_subleaves_count
- return tree.root.maxp
-def calcFastWnMAT(tree, maxn_t=None, opt=False, w2=True):
- for node in tree.leaves:
- node.count_map = {}
- node.count_map[0] = 1
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- node.count_map = {}
- children_list = node.children
- k = len(node.children)
- maxn = min(maxn_t, node.maxn)
- for nt in range(maxn+1):
- if w2: maxr = min(nt, k-1, node.maxn)
- else: maxr = min(nt, k, node.maxn)
- if opt and (k+1 == node.subnodes_count):
- if w2 and k == nt: wnm = 0
- else: wnm = binom(k, nt)
- else:
- wnm = 0
- for r in range( maxr+1):
- # if w2 == False and r==k: wnm += 1
- for gain_profile in generateSumProfiles2(k, r, ub=[1]*k,lb=[0]*k):
- gain_bound = []
- for j in range(k):
- if gain_profile[j] == 1:
- gain_bound.append(0)
- else:
- gain_bound.append(node.maxn)
- for gain_subprofile in generateSumProfiles2(k, nt-r, ub=gain_bound):
- wnm_tmp = 1
- for j in range(k):
- if gain_profile[j] == 0:
- node_j = node.children[j]
- wnm_tmp *= node_j.count_map.get(gain_subprofile[j], 0)
- if wnm_tmp == 0:
- break
- wnm += wnm_tmp
- node.count_map[nt] = wnm
- return tree.root.count_map
-def calcFastRP(tree):
- # r - total number of 0->1 changes
- # p - total number of 0->1 changes on black edges
- r,p = 0,0
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- for node_j in node.children:
- if node.complete_mut_state == '0' and node_j.complete_mut_state == "1":
- r += 1
- if node_j.ecolor == "b":
- p += node_j.res_subleaves_count
- return r,p
-def calcFastBpnMAT(tree, maxp_t, maxn_t, opt=False, w2=True, mem={}):
- mem = {}
- for node in tree.leaves:
- mem[node.topos] = {}
- mem[node.topos][(0,0)] = 1
- for node in tree.inner_nodes_bu:
- maxn = min(maxn_t, node.maxn)
- maxp = min(node.maxp, maxp_t)
- if node.topos in mem and (maxp, maxn) in mem[node.topos]:
- continue
- if not node.topos in mem:
- mem[node.topos] = {}
- children_list = list(node.children)
- k = len(children_list)
- mem[node.topos][(0,0)] = 1
- for nt in range(1, maxn + 1, 1): # liczba wybranych
- maxp = min(node.maxp, maxp_t)
- if (maxp, nt) in mem[node.topos]:
- continue
- for pt in range(maxp + 1): # liczba pokrytych
- if (pt, nt) in mem[node.topos]:
- continue
- if opt and (k+1 == node.subnodes_count):
- if w2 and k == nt: wnm = 0
- else: wnm = binom(node.bc, pt) * binom(k-node.bc, nt-pt)
- else:
- wnm = 0
- if w2: maxr = min(k-1, nt)
- else: maxr = min(k, nt)
- for r in range(maxr + 1):
- for gain_r_profile in generateSumProfiles2(k, r, ub=[1]*k,lb=[0]*k):
- if w2 and sum(gain_r_profile) == k:
- continue
- ur = 0 # liczba trafionych
- gain_r_bound = []
- for j in range(k):
- node_j = children_list[j]
- if gain_r_profile[j] == 1:
- gain_r_bound.append(0)
- if node_j.ecolor == "b":
- ur += node_j.res_subleaves_count
- elif gain_r_profile[j] == 0:
- gain_r_bound.append(min(node_j.maxn, nt-r))
- for gain_r_subprofile in generateSumProfiles2(k, nt-r, ub=gain_r_bound):
- gain_p_bound = []
- for j in range(k):
- node_j = children_list[j]
- if gain_r_profile[j] == 1:
- gain_p_bound.append(0)
- else:
- gain_p_bound.append(min(node_j.maxp, pt-ur))
- for gain_u_subprofile in generateSumProfiles2(k, pt-ur, ub=gain_p_bound):
- wnm_tmp = 1
- for j in range(k):
- if gain_r_profile[j] == 0:
- node_j = children_list[j]
- ptmp, ntmp = gain_u_subprofile[j], gain_r_subprofile[j]
- wnm_tmp *= mem[node_j.topos].get((ptmp, ntmp), 0)
- if wnm_tmp == 0:
- break
- wnm += wnm_tmp
- mem[node.topos][(pt,nt)] = wnm
- return mem
-def calcBinProfilesXCCT(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, norm=False, opt=True, w2=True, mem={}):
- scores = {}
- for bin_profile_id, bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
- scores[bin_profile_id] = []
- for tree in trees_list:
- tree.setObservedResProfile(drp.full_profile)
- tree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- if len(drp.getResistant()) == 0:
- continue
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- newtree.calcInnerNodesBU()
- newtree.setObservedResProfile(drp.full_profile)
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
- colorEdges(newtree, alg=0, overwrite=False)
- computeTopos(newtree, r=True)
- maxn = 0
- maxp = 0
- n_dist = {}
- for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- newtree.setObservedMutProfile(bin_profile)
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
- r,p = calcFastRP(newtree)
- maxn = max(maxn,r)
- maxp = max(maxp,p)
- if not r in n_dist:
- n_dist[r] = 0.0
- n_dist[r] += 1.0
- calcFastBC(newtree)
- nx = calcFastN(newtree, w2=w2)
- px = calcFastP(newtree, w2=w2)
- t0 = time.time()
- wn_mat = calcFastWnMAT(newtree, maxn, opt=opt, w2=w2)
- t1 = time.time()
- mem = calcFastBpnMAT(newtree, maxp, maxn, opt=opt, w2=w2, mem=mem)
- bpn_mat = mem[newtree.root.topos]
- test = {}
- for (pt,nt) in bpn_mat:
- if not nt in test:
- test[nt] = 0
- test[nt] += bpn_mat[(pt,nt)]
- t2 = time.time()
- for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
- score = 0.0
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- newtree.setObservedMutProfile(bin_profile)
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
- r,p = calcFastRP(newtree)
- bs = wn_mat[r]
- for pt in range(p):
- bs -= bpn_mat[(pt, r)]
- cct_score = Decimal(bs) / Decimal(wn_mat[r])
- try:
- if norm:
- score += -math.log(float(cct_score)*n_dist[r])
- else:
- score += -math.log(float(cct_score))
- except:
- pass
- scores[bin_profile_id].append(score)
- scores_mean = {}
- for bin_profile_id in scores:
- scores_mean[bin_profile_id] = mean(scores[bin_profile_id])
- return scores_mean, mem
-def readXCCTMem(mem_fn):
- if not os.path.exists(mem_fn):
- return {}
- mem = {}
- input_fh = open(mem_fn)
- lines = input_fh.readlines()
- input_fh.close()
- topo = ""
- for line in lines:
- tokens = line.split()
- if len(tokens) < 1:
- continue
- elif len(tokens) == 1:
- topo = tokens[0]
- if not topo in mem:
- mem[topo] = {}
- else:
- k = int(tokens[0])
- n = int(tokens[1])
- b = int(tokens[2])
- mem[topo][(k,n)] = b
- return mem
-def saveXCCTMem(mem, mem_fn):
- output_fh = open(mem_fn, "w")
- topo_sorted = sorted(mem.keys(), key=lambda topo:(len(topo), topo))
- for topo in topo_sorted:
- output_fh.write(topo + "\n")
- for (k, n) in sorted(mem[topo], key=lambda (k,n):(n,k)):
- b = mem[topo][(k,n)]
- output_fh.write(str(k) + "\t" + str(n) + "\t" + str(b) + "\n")
- output_fh.close()
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/__init__.py b/src/drsoft/other/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
copy from other/visR/backup/__init__.py
copy to src/drsoft/other/__init__.py
diff --git a/src/drsoft/other/show0_gold_associations.py b/src/drsoft/other/show0_gold_associations.py
index 780ec22..2f2f56f 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/other/show0_gold_associations.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/other/show0_gold_associations.py
@@ -1,22 +1,9 @@
import sys
import os
-import shutil
import multiprocessing
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readResistanceProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_strains_io_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_bin_utils,\
+ gwamar_ann_utils, gwamar_muts_io_utils
def printGoldShort(gold_assocs, comment=""):
total = 0
@@ -34,8 +21,8 @@ def printGoldShort(gold_assocs, comment=""):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("a3_save_associations.py: saves association lists.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
dataset = parameters["D"]
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
@@ -50,31 +37,31 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
scores_p = parameters["SCORES"].split(",")
- ensure_dir(cmp_dir)
- ensure_dir(cmp_dir + "/assocs/")
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(cmp_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(cmp_dir + "/assocs/")
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
m_type = parameters["MT"]
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_res_profiles = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ drug_res_profiles = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
input_fh = open(results_dir + 'bin_profiles_' + m_type + '_det.txt')
- bin_profile_details = readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, mut_type=m_type, out_format="tuple")
+ bin_profile_details = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, mut_type=m_type, out_format="tuple")
input_fh = open(results_dir + 'bin_profiles_' + m_type + '.txt')
- bin_profiles = readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
+ bin_profiles = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
input_fn = input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt"
if os.path.exists(input_fn):
cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt")
- cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
+ cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = gwamar_ann_utils.readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
cluster_ids = {}
@@ -86,7 +73,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
drug_res_conf_db = {}
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_res_conf_db = readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
+ drug_res_conf_db = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
input_fn = gold_dir + "/gold_assocs_A.txt"
@@ -95,7 +82,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
drug_res_all_db = {}
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_res_all_db = readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
+ drug_res_all_db = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readGoldAssociations(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
score_params_union = set([])
diff --git a/src/drsoft/permtest/perm1_generate_res_profiles.py b/src/drsoft/permtest/perm1_generate_res_profiles.py
index 93fd574..c45d0ac 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/permtest/perm1_generate_res_profiles.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/permtest/perm1_generate_res_profiles.py
@@ -1,40 +1,31 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
import random
from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
+from src.drsoft.structs import resistance_profile
def generateResProfiles(params):
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
perm_rep = int(parameters["REPS"])
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- perm_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_DIR"]
results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
perm_profiles_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_PROFILES_DIR"]
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
strains_list = strains.allStrains()
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ res_profiles_list = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
res_profiles = {}
@@ -43,9 +34,6 @@ def generateResProfiles(params):
drp = res_profiles[drug_name]
n = strains.count()
- cr = len(drp.res_strains_ids)
- cs = len(drp.sc_strains_ids)
- ci = len(drp.inter_strains_ids)
used_p = set([])
@@ -68,7 +56,7 @@ def generateResProfiles(params):
perm = list(drp.full_profile)
drug_name_id = drug_name + "_" + str(p)
- perm_res_profile = ResistanceProfile(drug_name_id, n)
+ perm_res_profile = resistance_profile.ResistanceProfile(drug_name_id, n)
perm_res_profile.full_profile = perm
@@ -76,15 +64,15 @@ def generateResProfiles(params):
else: header = False
output_fh = open(input_fn, "a")
- saveResistanceProfiles(output_fh, perm_res_profiles, strains_list=strains_list, compress=True, header=header)
+ gwamar_res_io_utils.saveResistanceProfiles(output_fh, perm_res_profiles, strains_list=strains_list, compress=True, header=header)
return drug_name
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("perm1_generate_res_profiles.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -93,14 +81,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
perm_profiles_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_PROFILES_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(perm_dir)
- ensure_dir(perm_profiles_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(perm_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(perm_profiles_dir)
TASKS = []
TASK = {}
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
@@ -108,7 +96,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Profiles generated")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Profiles generated")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/permtest/perm2_compute_perm_rep_scores.py b/src/drsoft/permtest/perm2_compute_perm_rep_scores.py
index 60fb102..9f3b249 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/permtest/perm2_compute_perm_rep_scores.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/permtest/perm2_compute_perm_rep_scores.py
@@ -1,28 +1,15 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import drugNamePermID
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring_flat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring_tree_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_scoring, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils, gwamar_res_utils,\
+ gwamar_progress_utils
def scoreDrug(params):
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
score_full = params["SCORE"]
@@ -30,7 +17,7 @@ def scoreDrug(params):
drug_name_id = drug_res_profile.drug_name
- bin_profile_scores, rev_sorting = computeScores(score_full, drug_name, parameters)
+ bin_profile_scores, rev_sorting = gwamar_scoring.computeScores(score_full, drug_name, parameters)
if bin_profile_scores == None:
return drug_name, score_full
@@ -56,8 +43,8 @@ def scoreDrug(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("perm2_compute_perm_rep_scores.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
print("W", WORKERS)
@@ -74,31 +61,31 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
TASKS = []
TASK = {}
- ensure_dir(perm_scores_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(perm_scores_dir)
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
- ensure_dir(perm_scores_dir + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(perm_scores_dir + drug_name)
input_fh = open(perm_profiles_dir + "/" + drug_name + ".txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ res_profiles_list = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
for score_param in score_params:
- ensure_dir(perm_scores_dir + drug_name + "/" + score_param)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(perm_scores_dir + drug_name + "/" + score_param)
for drp in res_profiles_list:
drug_name_id = drp.drug_name
- current_id = drugNamePermID(drug_name_id)
+ current_id = gwamar_res_utils.drugNamePermID(drug_name_id)
if current_id >= perm_rep: continue
output_fn = perm_scores_dir + drug_name + "/" + score_param + "/" + drug_name_id + ".txt"
@@ -110,7 +97,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Permutation scores")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Permutation scores")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/permtest/perm3_save_perm_rep_rankings.py b/src/drsoft/permtest/perm3_save_perm_rep_rankings.py
index 3482405..0590a62 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/permtest/perm3_save_perm_rep_rankings.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/permtest/perm3_save_perm_rep_rankings.py
@@ -1,30 +1,17 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
-import random
from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import drugNamePermID
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readDrugNames
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring import revOrder
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_res_utils, gwamar_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
def scoreParamsSet(params):
score = params["SCORE"]
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- perm_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_DIR"]
perm_scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_SCORES_DIR"]
perm_profiles_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_PROFILES_DIR"]
perm_ranks_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_RANKS_DIR"]
@@ -35,16 +22,16 @@ def scoreParamsSet(params):
rev_order = True
input_fh = open(perm_profiles_dir + "/" + drug_name +".txt")
- drug_names_ids = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names_ids = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
input_fh = open(results_dir + '/bin_profiles_' + parameters["MT"] + '_count.txt')
- bin_profile_count = readBinProfileCounts(input_fh)
+ bin_profile_count = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfileCounts(input_fh)
for drug_name_id in drug_names_ids:
- current_id = drugNamePermID(drug_name_id)
+ current_id = gwamar_res_utils.drugNamePermID(drug_name_id)
if current_id >= perm_rep: continue
text_lines = []
@@ -55,14 +42,14 @@ def scoreParamsSet(params):
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- bin_profiles_sorted = readBinProfilesSorted(input_fh, rev_order)
+ bin_profiles_sorted = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfilesSorted(input_fh, rev_order)
n = len(bin_profiles_sorted)
- bin_profiles_ranks = computeRankings(bin_profiles_sorted, bin_profile_count)
+ bin_profiles_ranks = gwamar_bin_utils.computeRankings(bin_profiles_sorted, bin_profile_count)
for i in range(n):
- bin_profile_id, bin_profile_score = bin_profiles_sorted[i]
+ bin_profile_id, _ = bin_profiles_sorted[i]
min_ranks_pos, max_ranks_pos = bin_profiles_ranks[bin_profile_id][:2]
text_line = str(bin_profile_id) + "\t"
text_line += str(min_ranks_pos) + "\t"
@@ -81,8 +68,8 @@ def scoreParamsSet(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("perm3_save_perm_rep_rankings.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -92,7 +79,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
perm_scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_SCORES_DIR"]
perm_ranks_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_RANKS_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(perm_ranks_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(perm_ranks_dir)
score_params = parameters["SCORES"].split(",")
@@ -100,13 +87,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
TASK = {}
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
- ensure_dir(perm_ranks_dir + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(perm_ranks_dir + drug_name)
for score_param in score_params:
- ensure_dir(perm_ranks_dir + drug_name + "/" + score_param)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(perm_ranks_dir + drug_name + "/" + score_param)
TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
TASK["SCORE"] = score_param
@@ -114,7 +101,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Rankings computed")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Rankings computed")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/permtest/perm4_compute_perm_comb_scores.py b/src/drsoft/permtest/perm4_compute_perm_comb_scores.py
index bd64882..6415176 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/permtest/perm4_compute_perm_comb_scores.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/permtest/perm4_compute_perm_comb_scores.py
@@ -1,29 +1,17 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import drugNamePermID
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readDrugNames
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring_flat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring_tree_utils import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_res_utils,\
+ gwamar_scoring_flat_utils, gwamar_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
def scoreDrug(params):
score = params["SCORE"]
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
perm_scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_SCORES_DIR"]
@@ -32,26 +20,26 @@ def scoreDrug(params):
perm_rep = int(parameters["REPS"])
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
input_fh = open(perm_profiles_dir + drug_name + ".txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
input_fh = open(results_dir + '/bin_profiles_' + parameters["MT"] + '.txt')
- bin_profiles = readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
+ bin_profiles = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
for drug_name_id in drug_names:
- current_id = drugNamePermID(drug_name_id)
+ current_id = gwamar_res_utils.drugNamePermID(drug_name_id)
if current_id >= perm_rep: continue
rev_sorting = True
subscores = score.split(",")
- bin_profile_scores = calcBinProfilesPermRanksSumScore(bin_profiles, drug_name, drug_name_id, perm_ranks_dir, subscores=subscores)
+ bin_profile_scores = gwamar_scoring_flat_utils.calcBinProfilesPermRanksSumScore(bin_profiles, drug_name, drug_name_id, perm_ranks_dir, subscores=subscores)
text_lines = []
if rev_sorting:
@@ -78,8 +66,8 @@ def scoreDrug(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("perm4_compute_perm_comb_scores.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -95,19 +83,19 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
TASK = {}
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
for score_param in score_params:
- ensure_dir(perm_scores_dir + drug_name + "/" + score_param)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(perm_scores_dir + drug_name + "/" + score_param)
TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
TASK["SCORE"] = score_param
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Combined scores")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Combined scores")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/permtest/perm5_combine_perm_rep_scores.py b/src/drsoft/permtest/perm5_combine_perm_rep_scores.py
index f24e063..6e7af22 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/permtest/perm5_combine_perm_rep_scores.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/permtest/perm5_combine_perm_rep_scores.py
@@ -1,18 +1,9 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import drugNamePermID
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readDrugNames
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_res_utils, gwamar_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
const = 100000.0
@@ -20,8 +11,8 @@ def scoreDrug(params):
score = params["SCORE"]
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
perm_scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_SCORES_DIR"]
perm_profiles_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_PROFILES_DIR"]
@@ -29,13 +20,13 @@ def scoreDrug(params):
perm_rep = int(parameters["REPS"])
input_fh = open(perm_profiles_dir + "/" + drug_name + ".txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
bin_profile_scores = {}
for drug_name_id in drug_names:
- current_id = drugNamePermID(drug_name_id)
+ current_id = gwamar_res_utils.drugNamePermID(drug_name_id)
if current_id >= perm_rep: continue
input_fn = perm_scores_dir + drug_name + "/" + score + "/" + drug_name_id + ".txt"
@@ -65,8 +56,8 @@ def scoreDrug(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("perm5_combine_perm_rep_scores.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -74,7 +65,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
perm_combs_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_COMBS_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(perm_combs_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(perm_combs_dir)
score_params = parameters["SCORES"].split(",")
#score_params += ["tmow", "tmo", "tmw", "tow", "mow"]
@@ -85,11 +76,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
TASK = {}
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
- ensure_dir(perm_combs_dir + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(perm_combs_dir + drug_name)
for score_param in score_params:
TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
@@ -98,7 +89,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Combine scores")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Combine scores")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/permtest/perm6_calc_pvalues.py b/src/drsoft/permtest/perm6_calc_pvalues.py
index 409151a..caf1241 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/permtest/perm6_calc_pvalues.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/permtest/perm6_calc_pvalues.py
@@ -1,18 +1,9 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readDrugNames
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring import revOrder
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_scoring, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
def findScore(score_tmp, scores_sorted, rev_order):
lo, hi = 0, len(scores_sorted) - 1
@@ -34,17 +25,14 @@ def scoreDrug(params):
score = params["SCORE"]
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
- perm_profiles_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_PROFILES_DIR"]
perm_combs_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_COMBS_DIR"]
perm_pvalues_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_PVALUES_DIR"]
- perm_rep = int(parameters["REPS"])
- #True = 1
- rev_order = revOrder(score)
+ rev_order = gwamar_scoring.revOrder(score)
score_counts = {}
@@ -109,8 +97,8 @@ def scoreDrug(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("perm6_calc_pvalues.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -119,7 +107,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
perm_combs_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_COMBS_DIR"]
perm_pvalues_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_PVALUES_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(perm_pvalues_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(perm_pvalues_dir)
score_params = parameters["SCORES"].split(",")
#score_params += ["mtmow", "tmow", "tmo", "tmw", "tow", "mow"]
@@ -130,11 +118,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
TASK = {}
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
- ensure_dir(perm_pvalues_dir + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(perm_pvalues_dir + drug_name)
for score_param in score_params:
TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
@@ -142,7 +130,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Computed pvalues")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Computed pvalues")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/prepare/p0_convert_gold_associations.py b/src/drsoft/prepare/p0_convert_gold_associations.py
index a3f0d09..285cf4c 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/prepare/p0_convert_gold_associations.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/prepare/p0_convert_gold_associations.py
@@ -1,29 +1,17 @@
import sys
import os
-import shutil
import multiprocessing
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import compareProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readResistanceProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_ann_utils, gwamar_muts_io_utils
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("p0_convert_gold_associations.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
dataset = parameters["D"]
input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
@@ -36,27 +24,27 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
m_type = parameters["MT"]
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_res_profiles = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ drug_res_profiles = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
input_fh = open(results_dir + 'bin_profiles_' + m_type + '_det.txt')
- bin_profile_details = readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, mut_type=m_type, out_format="tuple")
+ bin_profile_details = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfileDetails(input_fh, mut_type=m_type, out_format="tuple")
input_fh = open(results_dir + 'bin_profiles_' + m_type + '.txt')
- bin_profiles = readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
+ bin_profiles = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=True)
input_fn = input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt"
if os.path.exists(input_fn):
cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt")
- cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
+ cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = gwamar_ann_utils.readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh, gene_ref_ids=True)
cluster_ids = {}
@@ -68,11 +56,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
drug_res_conf_db = {}
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_res_db = loadDrugResRels(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
+ drug_res_db = gwamar_muts_io_utils.loadDrugResRels(input_fh, cluster_ids_rev)
- #print("here")
-# print(drug_res_db)
tls = []
for drug_name in drug_res_db:
diff --git a/src/drsoft/prepare/p0_save_strains_ordered.py b/src/drsoft/prepare/p0_save_strains_ordered.py
index a84d4bf..5a763c1 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/prepare/p0_save_strains_ordered.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/prepare/p0_save_strains_ordered.py
@@ -1,62 +1,44 @@
import os
import sys
-import time
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import *
-def getTreeStrainList(tree_line):
- tree_line = tree_line.strip().strip(";")
- tree_line = tree_line.replace("(", ";")
- tree_line = tree_line.replace(")", ";")
- tree_line = tree_line.replace(",", ";")
- strains_list_tmp = tree_line.split(";")
- strains_list = []
- for strain_id_tmp in strains_list_tmp:
- if strain_id_tmp.count(":") > 0: strain_id = strain_id_tmp.split(":")[0]
- else: strain_id = strain_id_tmp
- if len(strain_id) == 0: continue
- strains_list.append(strain_id)
- return strains_list
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_tree_io_utils
if __name__ == '__main__':
- print("p0_save_strains_ordered.py: saves strains in the order consistent with the phylogenetic tree. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- input1_fn = input_dir + "/tree.txt"
- input2_fn = input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt"
- input3_fn = input_dir + "/strains.txt"
- if os.path.exists(input1_fn) and not os.path.exists(input2_fn) and os.path.exists(input3_fn):
- input_fh = open(input1_fn)
- tree_line = input_fh.readline()
- input_fh.close()
- strains_list = getTreeStrainList(tree_line)
- output_fh = open(input2_fn, "w")
- for strain_id in strains_list:
- output_fh.write(strain_id + "\n")
- output_fh.close()
- elif not os.path.exists(input1_fn) and os.path.exists(input3_fn):
- input_fh = open(input3_fn)
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- strains_list = strains.allStrains()
- output_fh = open(input2_fn, "w")
- for strain_id in strains_list:
- output_fh.write(strain_id + "\n")
- output_fh.close()
- else:
- print("File " + input2_fn + " already exists. First remove it.")
- print("p0_save_strains_ordered.py. Finished.")
+ print("p0_save_strains_ordered.py: saves strains in the order consistent with the phylogenetic tree. Start.")
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
+ input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
+ input1_fn = input_dir + "/tree.txt"
+ input2_fn = input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt"
+ input3_fn = input_dir + "/strains.txt"
+ if os.path.exists(input1_fn) and not os.path.exists(input2_fn) and os.path.exists(input3_fn):
+ input_fh = open(input1_fn)
+ tree_line = input_fh.readline()
+ input_fh.close()
+ strains_list = gwamar_tree_io_utils.getTreeStrainList(tree_line)
+ output_fh = open(input2_fn, "w")
+ for strain_id in strains_list:
+ output_fh.write(strain_id + "\n")
+ output_fh.close()
+ elif not os.path.exists(input1_fn) and os.path.exists(input3_fn):
+ input_fh = open(input3_fn)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
+ input_fh.close()
+ strains_list = strains.allStrains()
+ output_fh = open(input2_fn, "w")
+ for strain_id in strains_list:
+ output_fh.write(strain_id + "\n")
+ output_fh.close()
+ else:
+ print("File " + input2_fn + " already exists. First remove it.")
+ print("p0_save_strains_ordered.py. Finished.")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/prepare/p1_prepare_experiments.py b/src/drsoft/prepare/p1_prepare_experiments.py
index 73c3476..867b0e0 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/prepare/p1_prepare_experiments.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/prepare/p1_prepare_experiments.py
@@ -1,80 +1,58 @@
import sys
import os
-import shutil
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- print("p1_prepare_experiments.py: prepares folders to store results. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- tree_ids=["PHYML", "RAXML", "", "PHYLIP"]
- tree_ids.append(parameters.get("TREE_ID", ""))
- WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_utils, gwamar_tree_io_utils
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print("p1_prepare_experiments.py: prepares folders to store results. Start. h")
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
+ tree_ids=["PHYML", "RAXML", "", "PHYLIP"]
+ tree_ids.append(parameters.get("TREE_ID", ""))
+ WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
+ input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
+ input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
+ input_fh.close()
+ strains_list = strains.allStrains()
+ input_fh = open(input_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
+ res_profiles = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True, strains_list=strains_list)
+ input_fh.close()
+ output_dir = parameters["DATASET_DIR"] + "/"+parameters["EP"]+"P/"
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(output_dir)
+ output_fh = open(output_dir + "res_profiles.txt", "w")
+ gwamar_res_io_utils.saveResistanceProfiles(output_fh, res_profiles, strains_list, compress=True)
+ output_fh.close()
+ for tree_id in tree_ids:
+ output_dir = parameters["DATASET_DIR"] + "/"+parameters["EP"]+"P/"
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
+ input_fn = input_dir + "tree"+tree_id+".txt"
+ if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
+ continue
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- strains_list = strains.allStrains()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True, strains_list=strains_list)
+ input_fh = open(input_fn)
+ tree = gwamar_tree_io_utils.readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains_list)
- output_dir = parameters["DATASET_DIR"] + "/"+parameters["EP"]+"P/"
- ensure_dir(output_dir)
- output_fh = open(output_dir + "res_profiles.txt", "w")
- saveResistanceProfiles(output_fh, res_profiles, strains_list, compress=True)
+ output_tree_txt = tree[0].toString(lengths=False, strains=strains)
+ output_fh = open(output_dir + "/tree"+tree_id+".txt", "w")
+ output_fh.write(output_tree_txt+ ";\n")
- for tree_id in tree_ids:
- output_dir = parameters["DATASET_DIR"] + "/"+parameters["EP"]+"P/"
- input_fn = input_dir + "tree"+tree_id+".txt"
- if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
- continue
- input_fh = open(input_fn)
- tree = readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains_list)
- input_fh.close()
- output_tree_txt = tree[0].toString(lengths=False, strains=strains)
- output_fh = open(output_dir + "/tree"+tree_id+".txt", "w")
- output_fh.write(output_tree_txt+ ";\n")
- output_fh.close()
- output_dir = parameters["DATASET_DIR"] + "/"+parameters["EP"]+"G/"
- ensure_dir(output_dir)
- output_fh = open(output_dir + "res_profiles.txt", "w")
- saveResistanceProfiles(output_fh, res_profiles, strains_list, compress=True)
- output_fh.close()
- output_tree_txt = tree[0].toString(lengths=False, strains=strains)
- output_fh = open(output_dir + "/tree"+tree_id+".txt", "w")
- output_fh.write(output_tree_txt+ ";\n")
- output_fh.close()
- print("p1_prepare_experiments.py: Finished.")
\ No newline at end of file
+ output_dir = parameters["DATASET_DIR"] + "/"+parameters["EP"]+"G/"
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(output_dir)
+ print("p1_prepare_experiments.py: Finished.")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/prepare/p2_convert_profiles_genes.py b/src/drsoft/prepare/p2_convert_profiles_genes.py
index 2a6f413..057ee7f 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/prepare/p2_convert_profiles_genes.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/prepare/p2_convert_profiles_genes.py
@@ -1,127 +1,119 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import findScStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readResistanceProfiles
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_strains_io_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_res_utils,\
+ gwamar_ann_utils, gwamar_muts_io_utils, gwamar_progress_utils,\
+ gwamar_muts_utils
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print("p2_convert_profiles_genes.py: converts gene gain/loss profiles. Start.")
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
+ WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
+ input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
+ inter_dir = output_dir = parameters["DATASET_DIR"] + "/"+parameters["EP"]+"G/"
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(inter_dir)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- print("p2_convert_profiles_genes.py: converts gene gain/loss profiles. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- inter_dir = output_dir = parameters["DATASET_DIR"] + "/"+parameters["EP"]+"G/"
- ensure_dir(inter_dir)
+ input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
+ input_fh.close()
+ input_fh = open(input_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
+ res_profiles_list = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ input_fh.close()
+ sc_strains = gwamar_res_utils.findScStrains(res_profiles_list)
+ res_profiles = {}
+ for res_profile in res_profiles_list:
+ res_profiles[res_profile.drug_name] = res_profile
+ if os.path.exists(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt"):
+ cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt")
+ cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = gwamar_ann_utils.readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh)
+ cluster_fh.close()
+ else:
+ cluster_ids = {}
+ cluster_ids_rev = {}
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
+ input_fn = input_dir + '/gene_profiles.txt'
+ if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
+ exit()
+ input_fh = open(input_fn)
+ gene_profiles = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readGeneGainLossProfiles(input_fh, cluster_ids=cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev=cluster_ids_rev, gene_subset=None, m_type="a")
+ input_fh.close()
+ bin_profiles = {}
+ bin_profiles_det = {}
+ bin_profiles_count = {}
+ bin_profile_id = 0
+ bin_mutations = set([])
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Gene profiles processed")
+ progress.setJobsCount(len(gene_profiles))
+ for gene_profile in gene_profiles.values():
+ progress.update()
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
- input_fh.close()
+ ref_state = gwamar_muts_utils.calcRefStateMutation(gene_profile.full_profile, sc_strains)
+ if ref_state == None: continue
- sc_strains = findScStrains(res_profiles_list)
+ bin_profile = gwamar_muts_utils.calcBinProfileMutation(gene_profile.full_profile, ref_state, gen_bin_profile=True)
+ bin_profile_cmp = gwamar_muts_utils.compressProfile(bin_profile)
+ full_profile_cmp = gwamar_muts_utils.compressProfile(gene_profile.full_profile)
- res_profiles = {}
- for res_profile in res_profiles_list:
- res_profiles[res_profile.drug_name] = res_profile
+ gene_profile.cmp_profile = bin_profile_cmp
+ gene_profile.full_profile_cmp = full_profile_cmp
+ gene_profile.ref_state = ref_state
- if os.path.exists(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt"):
- cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt")
- cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh)
- cluster_fh.close()
+ if not bin_profile_cmp in bin_profiles:
+ bin_profiles[bin_profile_cmp] = bin_profile_id
+ bin_profiles_count[bin_profile_id] = 1
+ gene_profile.bin_profile_id = bin_profile_id
+ bin_profile_id += 1
- cluster_ids = {}
- cluster_ids_rev = {}
+ bin_profile_id_ex = bin_profiles.get(bin_profile_cmp)
+ gene_profile.bin_profile_id = bin_profile_id_ex
+ bin_profiles_count[bin_profile_id_ex] += 1
- input_fn = input_dir + '/gene_profiles.txt'
- if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
- exit()
- input_fh = open(input_fn)
- gene_profiles = readGeneGainLossProfiles(input_fh, cluster_ids=cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev=cluster_ids_rev, gene_subset=None, m_type="a")
- input_fh.close()
- bin_profiles = {}
- bin_profiles_det = {}
- bin_profiles_count = {}
- bin_profile_id = 0
- bin_mutations = set([])
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Gene profiles processed")
- progress.setJobsCount(len(gene_profiles))
- for gene_profile in gene_profiles.values():
- progress.update()
- ref_state = calcRefStateMutation(gene_profile.full_profile, sc_strains)
- if ref_state == None: continue
- bin_profile = calcBinProfileMutation(gene_profile.full_profile, ref_state, gen_bin_profile=True)
- bin_profile_cmp = compressProfile(bin_profile)
- full_profile_cmp = compressProfile(gene_profile.full_profile)
- gene_profile.cmp_profile = bin_profile_cmp
- gene_profile.full_profile_cmp = full_profile_cmp
- gene_profile.ref_state = ref_state
- if not bin_profile_cmp in bin_profiles:
- bin_profiles[bin_profile_cmp] = bin_profile_id
- bin_profiles_count[bin_profile_id] = 1
- gene_profile.bin_profile_id = bin_profile_id
- bin_profile_id += 1
- else:
- bin_profile_id_ex = bin_profiles.get(bin_profile_cmp)
- gene_profile.bin_profile_id = bin_profile_id_ex
- bin_profiles_count[bin_profile_id_ex] += 1
+ output_fh = open(inter_dir + '/bin_profiles_G_det.txt', "w")
+ gwamar_muts_io_utils.writeMutationsHeader(output_fh, strains.allStrains(), only_strains=True, sep=" ")
+ for gene_profile in sorted(gene_profiles.values(), key=lambda gp:(gp.gene_id, gp.cluster_id)):
+ if gene_profile.ref_start == -1:
+ text_line = ">" + gene_profile.gene_id + "\t" + gene_profile.cluster_id + "\t" + gene_profile.gene_name + "\n"
+ else:
+ text_line = ">" + gene_profile.gene_id + "\t"
+ text_line += gene_profile.cluster_id + "\t"
+ text_line += gene_profile.gene_name + "\t"
+ text_line += str(gene_profile.ref_start) + "\t"
+ text_line += str(gene_profile.ref_end) + "\t"
+ text_line += str(gene_profile.ref_strand) + "\n"
+ output_fh.write(text_line)
- output_fh = open(inter_dir + '/bin_profiles_G_det.txt', "w")
- writeMutationsHeader(output_fh, strains.allStrains(), only_strains=True, sep=" ")
- for gene_profile in sorted(gene_profiles.values(), key=lambda gp:(gp.gene_id, gp.cluster_id)):
- if gene_profile.ref_start == -1:
- text_line = ">" + gene_profile.gene_id + "\t" + gene_profile.cluster_id + "\t" + gene_profile.gene_name + "\n"
- else:
- text_line = ">" + gene_profile.gene_id + "\t"
- text_line += gene_profile.cluster_id + "\t"
- text_line += gene_profile.gene_name + "\t"
- text_line += str(gene_profile.ref_start) + "\t"
- text_line += str(gene_profile.ref_end) + "\t"
- text_line += str(gene_profile.ref_strand) + "\n"
- output_fh.write(text_line)
- text_line = "g" +"\t" + str(gene_profile.bin_profile_id) + "\t" + gene_profile.ref_state + "\t" + gene_profile.full_profile_cmp + "\n"
- output_fh.write(text_line)
- output_fh.close()
+ text_line = "g" +"\t" + str(gene_profile.bin_profile_id) + "\t" + gene_profile.ref_state + "\t" + gene_profile.full_profile_cmp + "\n"
+ output_fh.write(text_line)
+ output_fh.close()
- output_fh = open(inter_dir + '/bin_profiles_G.txt', "w")
- for bin_profile_cmp in sorted(bin_profiles):
- bin_profile_id = bin_profiles[bin_profile_cmp]
- text_line = str(bin_profile_id) +"\t" + bin_profile_cmp
- output_fh.write(text_line + "\n")
- output_fh.close()
+ output_fh = open(inter_dir + '/bin_profiles_G.txt', "w")
+ for bin_profile_cmp in sorted(bin_profiles):
+ bin_profile_id = bin_profiles[bin_profile_cmp]
+ text_line = str(bin_profile_id) +"\t" + bin_profile_cmp
+ output_fh.write(text_line + "\n")
+ output_fh.close()
- output_fh = open(inter_dir + '/bin_profiles_G_count.txt', "w")
- for bin_profile_id, bin_profile_count in bin_profiles_count.items():
- output_fh.write(str(bin_profile_id) + "\t" + str(bin_profile_count)+ "\n")
- output_fh.close()
+ output_fh = open(inter_dir + '/bin_profiles_G_count.txt', "w")
+ for bin_profile_id, bin_profile_count in bin_profiles_count.items():
+ output_fh.write(str(bin_profile_id) + "\t" + str(bin_profile_count)+ "\n")
+ output_fh.close()
- print("p2_convert_profiles_genes.py: Finished.")
\ No newline at end of file
+ print("p2_convert_profiles_genes.py: Finished.")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/drsoft/prepare/p3_convert_profiles_muts.py b/src/drsoft/prepare/p3_convert_profiles_muts.py
index a77ce32..e1aab05 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/prepare/p3_convert_profiles_muts.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/prepare/p3_convert_profiles_muts.py
@@ -1,150 +1,141 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import readClusterGeneIDs
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import findScStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readResistanceProfiles
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- print("p3_convert_profiles_muts.py: converts mutation profiles. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- inter_dir = output_dir = parameters["DATASET_DIR"] + "/"+parameters["EP"]+"P/"
- ensure_dir(inter_dir)
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- strains_list = strains.allStrains()
- input_fh = open(inter_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
- input_fh.close()
- sc_strains = findScStrains(res_profiles_list)
- print("Strains selected as reference:")
- for strain_index in sc_strains:
- print(str(strain_index) + ": " +strains_list[strain_index])
- res_profiles = {}
- for res_profile in res_profiles_list:
- res_profiles[res_profile.drug_name] = res_profile
- if os.path.exists(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt"):
- cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt")
- cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh)
- cluster_fh.close()
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_strains_io_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_res_utils,\
+ gwamar_ann_utils, gwamar_muts_io_utils, gwamar_progress_utils,\
+ gwamar_muts_utils
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print("p3_convert_profiles_muts.py: converts mutation profiles. Start.")
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
+ WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
+ input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
+ inter_dir = output_dir = parameters["DATASET_DIR"] + "/"+parameters["EP"]+"P/"
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(inter_dir)
+ input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
+ input_fh.close()
+ strains_list = strains.allStrains()
+ input_fh = open(inter_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
+ res_profiles_list = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ input_fh.close()
+ sc_strains = gwamar_res_utils.findScStrains(res_profiles_list)
+ print("Strains selected as reference:")
+ for strain_index in sc_strains:
+ print(str(strain_index) + ": " +strains_list[strain_index])
+ res_profiles = {}
+ for res_profile in res_profiles_list:
+ res_profiles[res_profile.drug_name] = res_profile
+ if os.path.exists(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt"):
+ cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt")
+ cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = gwamar_ann_utils.readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh)
+ cluster_fh.close()
+ else:
+ cluster_ids = {}
+ cluster_ids_rev = {}
+ input_fh = open(input_dir + '/point_mutations.txt')
+ gene_profiles = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readPointMutations(input_fh, cluster_ids=cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev=cluster_ids_rev, gene_subset=None, strains_list=strains_list, m_type="a")
+ input_fh.close()
+ bin_profiles = {}
+ bin_profiles_count = {}
+ bin_profile_id = 0
+ bin_mutations = set([])
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Point mutations processed")
+ progress.setJobsCount(len(gene_profiles))
+ total_count = 0
+ for gene_profile in gene_profiles.values():
+ progress.update()
+ for mutation in gene_profile.mutations.values():
+ ref_state = gwamar_muts_utils.calcRefStateMutation(mutation.full_profile, sc_strains)
+ if ref_state == None: continue
+ total_count +=1
+ bin_profile = gwamar_muts_utils.calcBinProfileMutation(mutation.full_profile, ref_state, gen_bin_profile=True)
+ bin_profile_cmp = gwamar_muts_utils.compressProfile(bin_profile)
+ mutation.ref_state = ref_state
+ if not bin_profile_cmp in bin_profiles:
+ bin_profiles[bin_profile_cmp] = bin_profile_id
+ bin_profiles_count[bin_profile_id] = 1
+ mutation.bin_profile_id = str(bin_profile_id)
+ bin_profile_id += 1
+ else:
+ bin_profile_id_ex = bin_profiles[bin_profile_cmp]
+ mutation.bin_profile_id = str(bin_profile_id_ex)
+ bin_profiles_count[bin_profile_id_ex] += 1
+ print("mutation profiles count: ", total_count)
+ print("bin profiles count: ", len(bin_profiles))
+ output_fh = open(inter_dir + '/bin_profiles_P.txt', "w")
+ for bin_profile_cmp in sorted(bin_profiles):
+ bin_profile_id = bin_profiles[bin_profile_cmp]
+ tl = str(bin_profile_id) +"\t" + bin_profile_cmp
+ if bin_profile_cmp.endswith(" "): continue
+ output_fh.write(tl + "\n")
+ output_fh.close()
+ output_fh = open(inter_dir + '/bin_profiles_P_count.txt', "w")
+ for bin_profile_id, bin_profile_count in bin_profiles_count.items():
+ output_fh.write(str(bin_profile_id) + "\t" + str(bin_profile_count)+ "\n")
+ output_fh.close()
+ output_fh = open(inter_dir + '/bin_profiles_P_det.txt', "w")
+ gwamar_muts_io_utils.writeMutationsHeader(output_fh, strains.allStrains(), only_strains=True, sep=" ")
+ for gene_profile in sorted(gene_profiles.values(), key=lambda gp:(gp.gene_id, gp.cluster_id)):
+ if gene_profile.ref_start == -1:
+ tl = ">" + gene_profile.gene_id + "\t" + gene_profile.cluster_id + "\t" + gene_profile.gene_name + "\n"
- cluster_ids = {}
- cluster_ids_rev = {}
- input_fh = open(input_dir + '/point_mutations.txt')
- gene_profiles = readPointMutations(input_fh, cluster_ids=cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev=cluster_ids_rev, gene_subset=None, strains_list=strains_list, m_type="a")
- input_fh.close()
- bin_profiles = {}
- bin_profiles_count = {}
- bin_profile_id = 0
+ tl = ">" + gene_profile.gene_id + "\t"
+ tl += gene_profile.cluster_id + "\t"
+ tl += gene_profile.gene_name + "\t"
+ tl += str(gene_profile.ref_start) + "\t"
+ tl += str(gene_profile.ref_end) + "\t"
+ tl += str(gene_profile.ref_strand) + "\n"
+ output_fh.write(tl)
- bin_mutations = set([])
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Point mutations processed")
- progress.setJobsCount(len(gene_profiles))
- total_count = 0
- for gene_profile in gene_profiles.values():
- progress.update()
- # if gene_profile.gene_id.startswith("SARr"):
- # print(gene_profile.gene_id, len(gene_profile.mutations))
- for mutation in gene_profile.mutations.values():
+ if len(gene_profile.mutations) > 0:
+ for position in sorted(gene_profile.mutations):
+ mutation = gene_profile.mutations[position]
+ ref_state = mutation.ref_state
- ref_state = calcRefStateMutation(mutation.full_profile, sc_strains)
- if ref_state == None: continue
+ full_profile = mutation.full_profile
- total_count +=1
- bin_profile = calcBinProfileMutation(mutation.full_profile, ref_state, gen_bin_profile=True)
- bin_profile_cmp = compressProfile(bin_profile)
- mutation.ref_state = ref_state
- if not bin_profile_cmp in bin_profiles:
- bin_profiles[bin_profile_cmp] = bin_profile_id
- bin_profiles_count[bin_profile_id] = 1
- mutation.bin_profile_id = str(bin_profile_id)
- bin_profile_id += 1
- else:
- bin_profile_id_ex = bin_profiles[bin_profile_cmp]
- mutation.bin_profile_id = str(bin_profile_id_ex)
- bin_profiles_count[bin_profile_id_ex] += 1
- print("mutation profiles count: ", total_count)
- print("bin profiles count: ", len(bin_profiles))
- output_fh = open(inter_dir + '/bin_profiles_P.txt', "w")
- for bin_profile_cmp in sorted(bin_profiles):
- bin_profile_id = bin_profiles[bin_profile_cmp]
- tl = str(bin_profile_id) +"\t" + bin_profile_cmp
- if bin_profile_cmp.endswith(" "): continue
- output_fh.write(tl + "\n")
- output_fh.close()
- output_fh = open(inter_dir + '/bin_profiles_P_count.txt', "w")
- for bin_profile_id, bin_profile_count in bin_profiles_count.items():
- output_fh.write(str(bin_profile_id) + "\t" + str(bin_profile_count)+ "\n")
- output_fh.close()
- output_fh = open(inter_dir + '/bin_profiles_P_det.txt', "w")
- writeMutationsHeader(output_fh, strains.allStrains(), only_strains=True, sep=" ")
- for gene_profile in sorted(gene_profiles.values(), key=lambda gp:(gp.gene_id, gp.cluster_id)):
- if gene_profile.ref_start == -1:
- tl = ">" + gene_profile.gene_id + "\t" + gene_profile.cluster_id + "\t" + gene_profile.gene_name + "\n"
- else:
- tl = ">" + gene_profile.gene_id + "\t"
- tl += gene_profile.cluster_id + "\t"
- tl += gene_profile.gene_name + "\t"
- tl += str(gene_profile.ref_start) + "\t"
- tl += str(gene_profile.ref_end) + "\t"
- tl += str(gene_profile.ref_strand) + "\n"
+ desc_tl = gwamar_muts_utils.compressProfile(full_profile)
+ if desc_tl.endswith(" "): continue
+ tl = str(position) + "\t"
+ tl += str(mutation.m_type) + "\t"
+ tl += str(mutation.bin_profile_id) + "\t"
+ tl += str(mutation.ref_state) + "\t"
+ tl += desc_tl.strip() + "\n"
- if len(gene_profile.mutations) > 0:
- for position in sorted(gene_profile.mutations):
- mutation = gene_profile.mutations[position]
- ref_state = mutation.ref_state
- full_profile = mutation.full_profile
- desc_tl = compressProfile(full_profile)
- if desc_tl.endswith(" "): continue
- tl = str(position) + "\t"
- tl += str(mutation.m_type) + "\t"
- tl += str(mutation.bin_profile_id) + "\t"
- tl += str(mutation.ref_state) + "\t"
- tl += desc_tl.strip() + "\n"
- output_fh.write(tl)
- output_fh.close()
- print("p3_convert_profiles_muts.py: Finished.")
+ output_fh.close()
+ print("p3_convert_profiles_muts.py: Finished.")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/drsoft/prepare/p4_gen_binary_trees.py b/src/drsoft/prepare/p4_gen_binary_trees.py
index 3963c61..cca89c7 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/prepare/p4_gen_binary_trees.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/prepare/p4_gen_binary_trees.py
@@ -1,96 +1,82 @@
import os
import sys
-import time
import random
import copy
import shutil
from collections import deque
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.structs.res_tree import ResTreeNode
-def generateBinaryTree(n):
- bin_tree = ResTreeNode(1, None)
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.structs import res_tree
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_tree_io_utils
+def generateBinaryTree(n):
+ bin_tree = res_tree.ResTreeNode(1, None)
+ queue = deque()
+ queue.append(bin_tree)
+ i = 1
+ index = 0
+ while i < n:
+ node = queue.popleft()
- queue = deque()
- queue.append(bin_tree)
- i = 1
- index = 0
+ left = res_tree.ResTreeNode(index, node)
+ right = res_tree.ResTreeNode(index+1, node)
- while i < n:
- node = queue.popleft()
- left = ResTreeNode(index, node)
- right = ResTreeNode(index+1, node)
- node.children = [left, right]
- queue.append(left)
- queue.append(right)
- i += 1
- index += 2
- return bin_tree
+ node.children = [left, right]
+ queue.append(left)
+ queue.append(right)
+ i += 1
+ index += 2
+ return bin_tree
def binarizeTreeRandom(tree):
- queue = deque()
- queue.append(tree.root)
+ queue = deque()
+ queue.append(tree.root)
+ while queue:
+ node = queue.popleft()
+ if len(node.children) == 0:
+ pass
+ elif len(node.children) == 2:
+ for child_node in node.children:
+ queue.append(child_node)
+ elif len(node.children) == 1:
+ print("something wrong,1 ")
+ else:
+ n = len(node.children)
+ tree_tmp = generateBinaryTree(n)
- while queue:
- node = queue.popleft()
- if len(node.children) == 0:
- pass
- elif len(node.children) == 2:
- for child_node in node.children:
- queue.append(child_node)
- elif len(node.children) == 1:
- print("something wrong,1 ")
- else:
- n = len(node.children)
- tree_tmp = generateBinaryTree(n)
- perm = list(range(n))
- random.shuffle(perm)
- node_children = copy.deepcopy(node.children)
- node.children = tree_tmp.children
- leaf_nodes = tree_tmp.getLeaves()
- for new_child in node.children:
- new_child.parent = node
- for i in range(n):
- index = perm[i]
- child_node = node_children[i]
- leaf_node = leaf_nodes[index]
- leaf_node.children = child_node.children
- leaf_node.node_id = child_node.node_id
- #print(i, index, child_node.node_id, leaf_node.node)
+ perm = list(range(n))
+ random.shuffle(perm)
+ node_children = copy.deepcopy(node.children)
+ node.children = tree_tmp.children
+ leaf_nodes = tree_tmp.getLeaves()
+ for new_child in node.children:
+ new_child.parent = node
+ for i in range(n):
+ index = perm[i]
+ child_node = node_children[i]
+ leaf_node = leaf_nodes[index]
- for ch_node in leaf_node.children:
- ch_node.parent = leaf_node
- queue.append(leaf_node)
- #print("before", len(node.children))
- #print("after", len(node.children))
- return tree
+ leaf_node.children = child_node.children
+ leaf_node.node_id = child_node.node_id
+ for ch_node in leaf_node.children:
+ ch_node.parent = leaf_node
+ queue.append(leaf_node)
+ return tree
def randomBinaryTrees(tree, strains, k):
random_trees_txt = ""
-# trees = readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains_list)
- # tree = list(trees)[0]
flat_tree = tree.flatten(0.00001)
for i in range(k):
@@ -106,8 +92,8 @@ def randomBinaryTrees(tree, strains, k):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("p4_gen_binary_trees: binarizes the given tree (randomly). Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
tree_ids=["PHYML", "RAXML", "", "PHYLIP"]
tree_ids.append(parameters.get("TREE_ID", ""))
@@ -119,7 +105,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
input_fh = open(input_dir + "strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
strains_list = strains.allStrains()
@@ -130,7 +116,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- tree = readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains_list)[0]
+ tree = gwamar_tree_io_utils.readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains_list)[0]
random_trees_txt = randomBinaryTrees(tree, strains, 3)
diff --git a/src/drsoft/prepare/p5_cmp_resistance_profiles.py b/src/drsoft/prepare/p5_cmp_resistance_profiles.py
index f71a6c3..ca1575c 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/prepare/p5_cmp_resistance_profiles.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/prepare/p5_cmp_resistance_profiles.py
@@ -1,22 +1,11 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.structs import resistance_profile
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils
profile_clusters = {
@@ -31,10 +20,8 @@ def combineResistanceProfiles(res_profiles):
res_profiles_map = {}
for drp in res_profiles: res_profiles_map[drp.drug_name] = drp
- # print(res_profiles_map.keys())
for cluster_id in profile_clusters:
- cluster_drp = ResistanceProfile(cluster_id, count = k)
+ cluster_drp = resistance_profile.ResistanceProfile(cluster_id, count = k)
for drug_name in profile_clusters[cluster_id]:
drp = res_profiles_map.get(drug_name, None)
@@ -65,64 +52,56 @@ def combineResistanceProfiles(res_profiles):
cluster_drp.changeState(i, "I")
cluster_drp.changeState(i, "?")
-# print(''.join(cluster_drp.full_profile), cluster_drp.drug_name)
-# print(combined)
- # for drp in res_profiles_comb:
- # drp.computeResSets()
- # print(drp.drug_name, len(drp.getKnown()))
for drp in res_profiles:
- # if not drp.drug_name in combined:
return res_profiles_comb
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- print("p5_cmp_resistance_profiles.py: preparation of resistnce profiles for comparison of different association scores. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
- m_type = parameters["MT"]
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
- results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- sel_profiles = parameters["CMP_PROFILES"].split(",")
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
- strains_list = strains.allStrains()
- k = len(strains_list)
- input_fn = input_dir + "/res_profiles_ret.txt"
- if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
- input_fn = input_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
- if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
- print("File " + input_fn + " does not exist.")
- sys.exit()
- output_fn = input_dir + "/res_profiles_cmp.txt"
- if os.path.exists(output_fn):
- print("Output file: " + output_fn + " already exist.")
- print("In order to use them replace manually this file with: ")
- print(results_dir + "/res_profiles_cmp.txt")
- else:
- input_fh = open(input_fn)
- res_profiles = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, strains_list=strains.allStrains(), load_int=True)
- input_fh.close()
- res_profiles_comb = combineResistanceProfiles(res_profiles)
- output_fh = open(output_fn, "w")
- saveResistanceProfiles(output_fh, res_profiles_comb, strains_list, compress=True, sel_profiles=sel_profiles)
- output_fh.close()
- print("Profiles used for comparison of the association scores are generated in the file: ")
- print(output_fn)
- print("In order to use them replace manually this file with: ")
- print(results_dir + "/res_profiles_cmp.txt")
- print("p5_cmp_resistance_profiles.py. Finished")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print("p5_cmp_resistance_profiles.py: preparation of resistnce profiles for comparison of different association scores. Start.")
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
+ m_type = parameters["MT"]
+ input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
+ results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
+ sel_profiles = parameters["CMP_PROFILES"].split(",")
+ input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
+ input_fh.close()
+ strains_list = strains.allStrains()
+ k = len(strains_list)
+ input_fn = input_dir + "/res_profiles_ret.txt"
+ if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
+ input_fn = input_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
+ if not os.path.exists(input_fn):
+ print("File " + input_fn + " does not exist.")
+ sys.exit()
+ output_fn = input_dir + "/res_profiles_cmp.txt"
+ if os.path.exists(output_fn):
+ print("Output file: " + output_fn + " already exist.")
+ print("In order to use them replace manually this file with: ")
+ print(results_dir + "/res_profiles_cmp.txt")
+ else:
+ input_fh = open(input_fn)
+ res_profiles = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, strains_list=strains.allStrains(), load_int=True)
+ input_fh.close()
+ res_profiles_comb = combineResistanceProfiles(res_profiles)
+ output_fh = open(output_fn, "w")
+ gwamar_res_io_utils.saveResistanceProfiles(output_fh, res_profiles_comb, strains_list, compress=True, sel_profiles=sel_profiles)
+ output_fh.close()
+ print("Profiles used for comparison of the association scores are generated in the file: ")
+ print(output_fn)
+ print("In order to use them replace manually this file with: ")
+ print(results_dir + "/res_profiles_cmp.txt")
+ print("p5_cmp_resistance_profiles.py. Finished")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/scoring/sc1_compute_std_scores.py b/src/drsoft/scoring/sc1_compute_std_scores.py
index d26440e..c6ba210 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/scoring/sc1_compute_std_scores.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/scoring/sc1_compute_std_scores.py
@@ -1,34 +1,21 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring_flat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring_tree_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_scoring, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
def scoreDrug(params):
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
score_full = params["SCORE"]
- bin_profile_scores, rev_sorting = computeScores(score_full, drug_name, parameters)
+ bin_profile_scores, rev_sorting = gwamar_scoring.computeScores(score_full, drug_name, parameters)
if bin_profile_scores == None:
print("Something has gone wrong: "+ drug_name + " " + score_full)
@@ -42,7 +29,7 @@ def scoreDrug(params):
tl = "\t".join([str(bin_profile_id), str(bin_profile_score)])
- ensure_dir(parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"] + drug_name + "/")
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"] + drug_name + "/")
output_fh = open(parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"] + drug_name + "/" + score_full + ".txt", "w")
@@ -53,8 +40,8 @@ def scoreDrug(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("sc1_compute_std_scores.py. Computation of scores...")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -62,9 +49,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(results_dir)
- ensure_dir(scores_dir)
- ensure_dir(parameters["TGH_DIR"])
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(results_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(scores_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(parameters["TGH_DIR"])
score_params = parameters["SCORES"].split(",")
print("Scores to compute: " + " ".join(score_params))
@@ -74,13 +61,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
print("Drug resistance profiles: " + ' '.join(drug_names))
for drug_name in drug_names:
- ensure_dir(scores_dir + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(scores_dir + drug_name)
for score_param in score_params:
if parameters["OW"] == "N" and os.path.exists(parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"] + drug_name + "/" + score_param + ".txt"):
@@ -90,7 +77,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Total number of jobs: " + str(len(TASKS)))
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Scores computed")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Scores computed")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/scoring/sc2_save_std_rankings.py b/src/drsoft/scoring/sc2_save_std_rankings.py
index 0883866..261f71f 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/scoring/sc2_save_std_rankings.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/scoring/sc2_save_std_rankings.py
@@ -1,50 +1,40 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
-import random
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Pool
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_scoring,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_progress_utils
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring import revOrder
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readResistanceProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
def scoreParamsSet(params):
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
score = params["SCORE"]
- rev_order = revOrder(score)
+ rev_order = gwamar_scoring.revOrder(score)
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
ranks_dir = parameters["RESULTS_RANKS_DIR"]
results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ res_profiles_list = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
input_fh = open(results_dir + '/bin_profiles_' + parameters["MT"] + '_count.txt')
- bin_profile_count = readBinProfileCounts(input_fh)
+ bin_profile_count = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfileCounts(input_fh)
for drug_res_profile in res_profiles_list:
drug_name = drug_res_profile.drug_name
- ensure_dir(ranks_dir + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(ranks_dir + drug_name)
input_fn = scores_dir + drug_name + "/" + score + ".txt"
if not os.path.exists(input_fn) or os.path.getsize(input_fn) < 10:
@@ -52,16 +42,14 @@ def scoreParamsSet(params):
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- bin_profiles_sorted = readBinProfilesSorted(input_fh, rev_order)
+ bin_profiles_sorted = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfilesSorted(input_fh, rev_order)
- bin_profiles_ranks = computeRankings(bin_profiles_sorted, bin_profile_count)
+ bin_profiles_ranks = gwamar_bin_utils.computeRankings(bin_profiles_sorted, bin_profile_count)
tls = []
- for bin_profile_id, bin_profile_score in bin_profiles_sorted:
+ for bin_profile_id, _ in bin_profiles_sorted:
ranks_list = list(bin_profiles_ranks[bin_profile_id])
- # if drug_name.startswith("Rif") or drug_name.startswith("Eth"):
- # print(drug_name, score, bin_profile_id, bin_profile_score, bin_profile_count[bin_profile_id], ranks_list)
tl = "\t".join(map(str, [bin_profile_id] + ranks_list)) + "\n"
@@ -76,13 +64,13 @@ def scoreParamsSet(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("sc2_save_std_rankings.py: computation of rankings.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
ranks_dir = parameters["RESULTS_RANKS_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(ranks_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(ranks_dir)
score_params = parameters["SCORES"].split(",")
@@ -94,7 +82,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Rankings computed")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Rankings computed")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/scoring/sc3_compute_perm_scores.py b/src/drsoft/scoring/sc3_compute_perm_scores.py
index 4924900..1178aeb 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/scoring/sc3_compute_perm_scores.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/scoring/sc3_compute_perm_scores.py
@@ -1,25 +1,19 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readDrugNames
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_res_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_progress_utils
def scoreDrug(params):
score_full = params["SCORE"]
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
perm_pvalues_dir = parameters["RESULTS_PERM_PVALUES_DIR"]
@@ -50,8 +44,8 @@ def scoreDrug(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("sc3_compute_perm_scores.py. Permutation scores.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -66,7 +60,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
@@ -77,7 +71,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Scores computed")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Scores computed")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/scoring/sc4_save_perm_rankings.py b/src/drsoft/scoring/sc4_save_perm_rankings.py
index 2685f8e..3bb568c 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/scoring/sc4_save_perm_rankings.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/scoring/sc4_save_perm_rankings.py
@@ -1,67 +1,53 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
-import random
from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import readResistanceProfiles
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring import revOrder
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_scoring,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_utils,\
+ gwamar_progress_utils
def scoreParamsSet(params):
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
score = params["SCORE"]
- rev_order = revOrder(score)
+ rev_order = gwamar_scoring.revOrder(score)
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
ranks_dir = parameters["RESULTS_RANKS_DIR"]
results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- drug_res_profiles = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
+ drug_res_profiles = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
input_fh = open(results_dir + '/bin_profiles_' + parameters["MT"] + '_count.txt')
- bin_profile_count = readBinProfileCounts(input_fh)
+ bin_profile_count = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfileCounts(input_fh)
for drug_res_profile in drug_res_profiles:
drug_name = drug_res_profile.drug_name
tls = []
- # print(bin_profiles_res_rel)
input_fn = scores_dir + drug_name + "/" + score + ".txt"
if not os.path.exists(input_fn) or os.path.getsize(input_fn) < 10:
print("NOT EXIST: ", input_fn)
- ensure_dir(ranks_dir + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(ranks_dir + drug_name)
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- bin_profiles_sorted = readBinProfilesSorted(input_fh, rev_order)
+ bin_profiles_sorted = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfilesSorted(input_fh, rev_order)
n = len(bin_profiles_sorted)
- bin_profiles_ranks = computeRankings(bin_profiles_sorted, bin_profile_count)
+ bin_profiles_ranks = gwamar_bin_utils.computeRankings(bin_profiles_sorted, bin_profile_count)
for i in range(n):
- bin_profile_id, bin_profile_score = bin_profiles_sorted[i]
+ bin_profile_id, _ = bin_profiles_sorted[i]
ranks_list = list(bin_profiles_ranks[bin_profile_id])
tl = "\t".join(map(str, [bin_profile_id] + ranks_list)) + "\n"
@@ -77,8 +63,8 @@ def scoreParamsSet(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("sc4_save_perm_rankings.py. Rankings for the permutation pvalue scores.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -94,7 +80,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Rankings computed")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Rankings computed")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/scoring/sc5_compute_norm_scores.py b/src/drsoft/scoring/sc5_compute_norm_scores.py
index f1f0cd1..3be1e4b 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/scoring/sc5_compute_norm_scores.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/scoring/sc5_compute_norm_scores.py
@@ -1,20 +1,12 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import readPhyloTrees
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import readStrains
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring import revOrder
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_scoring,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_utils, gwamar_progress_utils
def normalizeBinScores(bin_profiles_sorted):
n = len(bin_profiles_sorted)
@@ -29,45 +21,35 @@ def normalizeBinScores(bin_profiles_sorted):
return norm_bin_profiles_sorted
def scoreDrug(params):
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
drug_name = params["DRUG_NAME"]
score = params["SCORE"]
- input_dir = parameters["DATASET_INPUT_DIR"]
scores_dir = parameters["RESULTS_SCORES_DIR"]
ranks_dir = parameters["RESULTS_RANKS_DIR"]
results_dir = parameters["RESULTS_DIR"]
- rev_order = revOrder(score)
- input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
- input_fh.close()
+ rev_order = gwamar_scoring.revOrder(score)
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_list = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
- input_fh.close()
- input_fh = open(results_dir + '/bin_profiles_' + parameters["MT"] + '_count.txt')
- bin_profile_count = readBinProfileCounts(input_fh)
+ res_profiles_list = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True)
res_profiles = {}
for res_profile in res_profiles_list:
res_profiles[res_profile.drug_name] = res_profile
- drug_res_profile = res_profiles[drug_name]
input_fn = scores_dir + drug_name + "/" + score + ".txt"
if not os.path.exists(input_fn) or os.path.getsize(input_fn) < 10:
print("NOT EXIST: ", input_fn)
return drug_name, score
- ensure_dir(ranks_dir + drug_name)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(ranks_dir + drug_name)
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- bin_profiles_sorted = readBinProfilesSorted(input_fh, rev_order)
+ bin_profiles_sorted = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfilesSorted(input_fh, rev_order)
norm_bin_profiles_sorted = normalizeBinScores(bin_profiles_sorted)
@@ -81,8 +63,8 @@ def scoreDrug(params):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("sc5_compute_norm_scores.py. Normalization of scores.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
WORKERS = min(int(parameters["W"]), multiprocessing.cpu_count())
@@ -96,7 +78,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
input_fn = results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- drug_names = readDrugNames(input_fh)
+ drug_names = gwamar_res_io_utils.readDrugNames(input_fh)
for drug_name in drug_names:
@@ -104,15 +86,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
score = score_fn[:-4]
if score.startswith("pv-") or score.startswith("n-"):
- # output_fn = scores_dir + drug_name + "/n-" + score_fn
- # if os.path.exists(output_fn): continue
TASK["DRUG_NAME"] = drug_name
TASK["SCORE"] = score
- progress = GWAMARProgress("Scores normalized")
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("Scores normalized")
diff --git a/src/drsoft/structs/rel_graph.py b/src/drsoft/structs/rel_graph.py
index 86fd078..d52da73 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/structs/rel_graph.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/structs/rel_graph.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-from collections import deque
class RelGraphNode:
def __init__(self, node_id, label=None, ncolor=None, mprofile=None):
self.node_id = node_id
diff --git a/src/drsoft/structs/res_tree.py b/src/drsoft/structs/res_tree.py
index 0eebfcd..e7883fc 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/structs/res_tree.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/structs/res_tree.py
@@ -346,7 +346,6 @@ class ResTree:
n_zero_res += min(n_zeros[i], n_ones[i])
n_one_res += min(n_zeros[i], n_ones[i])
- #print node.node_id, n_zero_res, n_one_res
node.n_zero = n_zero_res
node.n_one = n_one_res
return n_zero_res, n_one_res
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_ann_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_ann_utils.py
index 76b1d2f..25aab2d 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_ann_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_ann_utils.py
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ def readRefAnns(input_fh):
if line.startswith("#"):
tokens = line.split("\t")
- cluster_id = tokens[0]
mg_tokens = tokens[1].split()
gene_id = tokens[2]
@@ -16,8 +15,7 @@ def readRefAnns(input_fh):
len_tokens = tokens[3].split()
end = int(mg_tokens[0])
strand = mg_tokens[1]
- strain_id = mg_tokens[2]
length = 0
for len_token in len_tokens:
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_bin_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_bin_utils.py
index d13586b..7af53be 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_bin_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_bin_utils.py
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-import sys
-from drsoft.structs.gene_profile import GeneProfile
-from drsoft.structs.mutation_profile import MutationProfile
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import decompressProfile, simpleGeneName
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import calcMutStatesMutation
+from src.drsoft.structs.gene_profile import GeneProfile
+from src.drsoft.structs.mutation_profile import MutationProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import decompressProfile, simpleGeneName
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import calcMutStatesMutation
def getMutated(bin_profile):
ret = set([])
@@ -75,7 +74,6 @@ def readBinProfileDetailsPoints(lines, n, out_format="txt", ref_counts=False, mu
tokens = line.split("\t")
if len(tokens) < 2: continue
position = int(tokens[0])
- m_type = tokens[1]
bin_profile_id = tokens[2]
ref_state = tokens[3]
@@ -104,8 +102,6 @@ def readBinProfileDetailsPoints(lines, n, out_format="txt", ref_counts=False, mu
def readBinProfileDetailsGenes(lines, n, out_format="txt", ref_counts=False, mut_counts=True):
bin_profile_details = {}
- line0 = lines[0]
- strains_list = line0.split()
gene_id = ""
cluster_id = ""
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_comp_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_comp_utils.py
index e1c8bef..e2b65c0 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_comp_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_comp_utils.py
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ def getRRDRmuts(lines):
tokens = line.split("\t")
bin_profile = tokens[0]
mut_descs = tokens[-1]
- mut_set = getBinSet(bin_profile)
for mut_desc in mut_descs.split(";"):
if isMutInRRDR(mut_desc):
rdr_muts.append((mut_desc, bin_profile))
@@ -76,7 +75,6 @@ def selectPutativeComp(input_fh, drug_name="Rifampicin", inc_prom=False, only_co
dr_profile = line0.strip().split("\t")[0]
dr_set = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=False)
- dr_set_q = getResSet(dr_profile, inc_q=True)
if drug_name == "Rifampicin":
rdr_muts = getRRDRmuts(lines)
@@ -92,13 +90,9 @@ def selectPutativeComp(input_fh, drug_name="Rifampicin", inc_prom=False, only_co
tokens = line.split("\t")
bin_profile = tokens[0]
mut_descs = tokens[-1]
- # print("aaa", mut_descs)
mut_set = getBinSet(bin_profile)
if len(mut_set & dr_set) == 0:
- # if mut_descs.count("rpoA")>0:
- # print(mut_set, rdr_sets)
- # print("aaa", mut_descs, len(mut_set), len(rdr_sets))
if not isSubset(mut_set, rdr_sets):
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_generator_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_generator_utils.py
index ee4c7c5..948e79e 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_generator_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_generator_utils.py
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
#include <stdio.h>
-import copy
import itertools as it
-import timeit
import traceback
def generateResistanceProfiles(k):
@@ -81,20 +79,3 @@ def generateSumProfiles2(k, s, lb=None, ub=None):
print("generateSumProfiles2 error: ", k, s, lb, ub, ub[::-1])
return []
-# import __builtin__
-# __builtin__.__dict__.update(locals())
-# print(generateResBinMutationProfiles(3))
-# print(generateResBinMutationProfiles2(3))
-#t = timeit.timeit('"-".join(map(str, range(100)))', number=100)
-# k=2
-# t1 = timeit.timeit('generateResBinMutationProfiles(6)', number=k)#
-# print(t1)
-# t2 = timeit.timeit('generateResBinMutationProfiles2(6)', number=k)#
-# print(t2)
-# res = generateSumProfiles2(4,10,[0,0,0,0], [3,3,2,3])
-# print(res)
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_muts_io_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_muts_io_utils.py
index 60a08ec..7f24674 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_muts_io_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_muts_io_utils.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import compressProfile, decompressProfile,convertFullProfile
-from drsoft.structs.gene_profile import GeneProfile
-from drsoft.structs.mutation_profile import MutationProfile
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import strainAureusNames,\
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import compressProfile, decompressProfile,convertFullProfile
+from src.drsoft.structs.gene_profile import GeneProfile
+from src.drsoft.structs.mutation_profile import MutationProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import strainAureusNames,\
def writeMutationsHeader(output_fh, strains_subset = None, only_strains = False, sep="\t"):
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_muts_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_muts_utils.py
index 263b990..6c239bf 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_muts_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_muts_utils.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-import timeit
import re
def profileSubset(full_profile, subset):
@@ -101,7 +100,6 @@ def subsets(my_set):
def calcMutStatesMutation(m_profile, ref_state, n, non_mut_states="?-", ref_counts=False, mut_counts=True):
state_pos = {}
state_counts = {}
- mut_states = []
if m_profile[1] == " ":
tokens = m_profile.split()
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_params_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_params_utils.py
index 1daf302..fcd0de3 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_params_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_params_utils.py
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import sys
import os
-import platform
@@ -54,7 +53,6 @@ def getGWAMARPath(run_path, cmd_path):
full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(run_path, cmd_path))
gwamar_path = os.path.dirname(full_path)
- last_dir = os.path.split(gwamar_path)
while len(gwamar_path) > 1:
path_tokens = os.path.split(gwamar_path)
if path_tokens[1] == "gwamar":
@@ -101,10 +99,14 @@ def overwriteParameters(sys_argv):
return parameters_map
-def readParameters():
+def readParameters(inc_tools = False):
global parameters_map;
config_dir = parameters_map["GWAMAR_PATH"] + "/config/";
- parameters_map = readParametersFromFile(config_dir+"config_params.txt", parameters_map)
+ parameters_map = readParametersFromFile(config_dir + "config_params.txt",
+ parameters_map)
+ if inc_tools:
+ parameters_map = readParametersFromFile(config_dir + "config_tools.txt",
+ parameters_map)
return parameters_map
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_pws.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_pws.py
index 5f6ef52..1e82c97 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_pws.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_pws.py
@@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
-import math
-import sys
import time
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_generator_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import *
-start_time = time.time()
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_stat_utils
def g(n, s, lb=None, ub=None):
if n == 0:
@@ -72,7 +67,7 @@ def wsupportTestMap(w_map, debug=False):
count = 1
for i in range(k):
ws += comb[i]*weights[i]
- count *= binom(counts[i], comb[i])
+ count *= gwamar_stat_utils.binom(counts[i], comb[i])
if not ws in ret[n]:
ret[n][ws] = 0
ret[n][ws] += count
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_res_io_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_res_io_utils.py
index 4a2a424..abb3755 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_res_io_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_res_io_utils.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import compressProfile, decompressProfile,convertFullProfile
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import writeMutationsHeader
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import strainAureusNames,\
+from src.drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import compressProfile, decompressProfile,convertFullProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import writeMutationsHeader
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import strainAureusNames,\
def saveResistanceProfiles(output_fh, res_profiles_list, strains_list, compress=False, header=True, sel_profiles=None):
@@ -78,74 +78,11 @@ def readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, strains_list = None, load_int = False, as_m
full_profile_tmp = decompressProfile(cmp_profile, n)
full_profile = convertFullProfile(full_profile_tmp, strain_ids, strains_map_rev)
- # print(len(full_profile_tmp), len(full_profile))
res_profile = ResistanceProfile(drug_name, len(full_profile))
res_profile.full_profile = full_profile
- # else:
- # n = len(strains_list)
- # strains_map_rev = strainsMapRev(strains_list)
- # for line in lines:
- # line = line.strip()
- # if line.startswith("#"): continue
- # if len(line) < 2: continue
- # tokens = line.split("\t")
- # if len(tokens) < 3: continue
- # drug_name = tokens[0]
- # res_strains_tmp = tokens[1].split(";")
- # sc_strains_tmp = tokens[2].split(";")
- # if len(tokens) == 4 and load_int: int_strain_tmp = tokens[3].split(";")
- # else: int_strain_tmp = []
- # res_strains = set([])
- # sc_strains = set([])
- # int_strains = set([])
- # pred_strains = set([])
- # for strain_id in res_strains_tmp:
- # if len(strain_id) < 1: continue
- # if strain_id.startswith("*"): strain_id = strain_id[1:]
- # strain_id = strainAureusNames(strain_id)
- # res_strains.add(strain_id)
- # for strain_id in sc_strains_tmp:
- # if len(strain_id) < 1: continue
- # if strain_id.startswith("*"): strain_id = strain_id[1:]
- # strain_id = strainAureusNames(strain_id)
- # sc_strains.add(strain_id)
- # for strain_id in int_strain_tmp:
- # if len(strain_id) < 1: continue
- # if strain_id.startswith("*"): strain_id = strain_id[1:]
- # strain_id = strainAureusNames(strain_id)
- # int_strains.add(strain_id)
- # res_profile = ResistanceProfile(drug_name, n)
- # for strain_id in strains_list:
- # strain_index = strains_map_rev[strain_id]
- # if strain_id in sc_strains:
- # res_profile.changeState(strain_index, "S")
- # elif strain_id in res_strains:
- # res_profile.changeState(strain_index, "R")
- # elif strain_id in int_strains:
- # res_profile.changeState(strain_index, "I")
- # else:
- # res_profile.changeState(strain_index, "?")
- # print(''.join(res_profile.full_profile))
- # res_profile.computeResSets()
- # res_profile.drug_name = drug_name
- # res_profile.pred_strains = pred_strains
- # res_profiles_list.append(res_profile)
if as_map == True:
res_profiles_map = {}
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_res_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_res_utils.py
index 88ec079..79dbf89 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_res_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_res_utils.py
@@ -1,23 +1,19 @@
def findScStrains(res_profiles_list):
ret = None
for drp in res_profiles_list:
-# print(drp.drug_name, drp.sc_strains_ids, ret)
if ret == None: ret = drp.sc_strains_ids
else: ret &= (drp.sc_strains_ids)
if len(ret) == 0:
ret1 = None
- for drp in res_profiles_list:
- # print(drp.drug_name, drp.sc_strains_ids, ret1)
+ for drp in res_profiles_list:
if ret1 == None: ret1 = drp.sc_strains_ids
else: ret1 |= (drp.sc_strains_ids)
- # print("allowing unknown")
ret2 = None
for res_profile in res_profiles_list:
if ret2 == None:
ret2 = res_profile.sc_strains_ids | res_profile.unknown_strains_ids
- # print(res_profile.drug_name, len(ret2), len(ret2 & ret1), ret2 & ret1)
ret2 &= (res_profile.sc_strains_ids | res_profile.unknown_strains_ids)
return ret2 & ret1
return ret
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring.py
index 5c31798..6cc7bc9 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring.py
@@ -1,24 +1,10 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
-import multiprocessing
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_ann_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring_flat_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_scoring_tree_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import ensure_dir
-from drsoft.modelling.tgh import *
-from drsoft.modelling.tgh2 import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_tree_io_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_scoring_flat_utils,\
+ gwamar_scoring_tree_utils
+from src.drsoft.modelling import tgh
def revOrder(score):
rev_sorting = -1
@@ -33,7 +19,7 @@ def loadTreesList(strains_list, tree_id, score_full, results_dir):
input_fn = results_dir + '/tree' + tree_id + '.txt'
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- trees_list = readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains_list)
+ trees_list = gwamar_tree_io_utils.readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains_list)
return trees_list
@@ -44,13 +30,13 @@ def computeScores(score_full, drug_name, parameters):
ranks_dir = parameters["RESULTS_RANKS_DIR"]
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains_ordered.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
strains_list = strains.allStrains()
input_fh = open(results_dir + "/res_profiles.txt")
- res_profiles_map = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True, as_map = True)
+ res_profiles_map = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, load_int=True, as_map = True)
drug_res_profile = res_profiles_map[drug_name]
@@ -62,13 +48,13 @@ def computeScores(score_full, drug_name, parameters):
#print("here", strains.count())
gen_bin_profile = False
input_fh = open(input_fn)
- bin_profiles = readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=gen_bin_profile)
+ bin_profiles = gwamar_bin_utils.readBinProfiles(input_fh, strains.count(), gen_bin_profiles=gen_bin_profile)
rev_sorting = revOrder(score_full)
if score_full.count("+") > 0:
subscores = score_full.split("+")
- bin_profile_scores = calcBinProfilesRanksSumScore(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile.drug_name, ranks_dir, subscores=subscores)
+ bin_profile_scores = gwamar_scoring_flat_utils.calcBinProfilesRanksSumScore(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile.drug_name, ranks_dir, subscores=subscores)
return bin_profile_scores, rev_sorting
score_tokens = score_full.split("_")
@@ -85,30 +71,22 @@ def computeScores(score_full, drug_name, parameters):
tree_id = str(score_param[1:])
if score == "mi":
- bin_profile_scores = calcBinProfilesMI(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile)
+ bin_profile_scores = gwamar_scoring_flat_utils.calcBinProfilesMI(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile)
elif score == "lh":
- bin_profile_scores = calcBinProfilesHyperTest(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile)
+ bin_profile_scores = gwamar_scoring_flat_utils.calcBinProfilesHyperTest(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile)
elif score == "sp":
- bin_profile_scores = calcBinProfilesSupports(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, alpha=salpha)
+ bin_profile_scores = gwamar_scoring_flat_utils.calcBinProfilesSupports(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, alpha=salpha)
elif score == "or":
- bin_profile_scores = calcBinProfilesOddsRatio(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile)
+ bin_profile_scores = gwamar_scoring_flat_utils.calcBinProfilesOddsRatio(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile)
elif score in ["tgh", "r-tgh","r-ntgh","ntgh"]:
trees_list = loadTreesList(strains_list, tree_id, score_full, results_dir)
if score in ["r-ntgh","ntgh"]: norm = True
else: norm=False
mem_fn = parameters["TGH_DIR"] + "/"+drug_name+".txt"
- mem = readTGHMem(mem_fn)
- bin_profile_scores, mem = calcBinProfilesTGH(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, norm=norm, opt=True, w2=True, mem=mem)
- saveTGHMem(mem, mem_fn)
- elif score in ["tgh2", "r-tgh2"]:
- trees_list = loadTreesList(strains_list, tree_id, score_full, results_dir)
- mem_fn = parameters["TGH2_DIR"] + "/"+drug_name+".txt"
- ensure_dir(parameters["TGH2_DIR"])
- mem = readTGHMem(mem_fn)
- bin_profile_scores, mem = calcBinProfilesTGH2(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, opt=True, w2=True, mem=mem)
- saveTGHMem(mem, mem_fn)
+ mem = tgh.readTGHMem(mem_fn)
+ bin_profile_scores, mem = tgh.calcBinProfilesTGH(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, norm=norm, opt=True, w2=True, mem=mem)
+ tgh.saveTGHMem(mem, mem_fn)
elif score in ["mts", "r-mts"]:
trees_list = loadTreesList(strains_list, tree_id, score_full, results_dir)
@@ -121,7 +99,7 @@ def computeScores(score_full, drug_name, parameters):
zeta = float(score_param[2:])
elif score_param.startswith("be"):
beta = float(score_param[2:])
- bin_profile_scores = calcBinProfilesMinTreeScore(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, theta = theta, zeta=zeta, beta=beta, alpha=salpha)
+ bin_profile_scores = gwamar_scoring_tree_utils.calcBinProfilesMinTreeScore(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, theta = theta, zeta=zeta, beta=beta, alpha=salpha)
elif score in ["ts", "r-ts"]:
trees_list = loadTreesList(strains_list, tree_id, score_full, results_dir)
@@ -133,25 +111,22 @@ def computeScores(score_full, drug_name, parameters):
zeta = float(score_param[2:])
elif score_param.startswith("be"):
beta = float(score_param[2:])
- bin_profile_scores = calcBinProfilesTreeScore(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, theta = theta, zeta=zeta, beta=beta, alpha=salpha)
- elif score == "ts_adj":
- trees_list = loadTreesList(strains_list, tree_id, score_full, results_dir)
- bin_profile_scores = calcBinProfilesTreeScoreAdj(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, drps_other, trees_list, alpha=salpha)
+ bin_profile_scores = gwamar_scoring_tree_utils.calcBinProfilesTreeScore(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, theta = theta, zeta=zeta, beta=beta, alpha=salpha)
elif score == "tsp":
trees_list = loadTreesList(strains_list, tree_id, score_full, results_dir)
r = len(drug_res_profile.getResistant())
s = len(drug_res_profile.getSusceptible())
beta = - float(r)/float(s)
- bin_profile_scores = calcBinProfilesTreeScore(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, beta=beta, alpha=salpha)
+ bin_profile_scores = gwamar_scoring_tree_utils.calcBinProfilesTreeScore(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, beta=beta, alpha=salpha)
elif score in ["ws", "r-ws"]:
trees_list = loadTreesList(strains_list, tree_id, score_full, results_dir)
- bin_profile_scores = calcBinProfilesWeightedSupport(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, alpha=salpha, norm=False)
+ bin_profile_scores = gwamar_scoring_tree_utils.calcBinProfilesWeightedSupport(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, alpha=salpha, norm=False)
elif score in ["pws", "r-pws"]:
trees_list = loadTreesList(strains_list, tree_id, score_full, results_dir)
- bin_profile_scores = calcBinProfilesWeightedSupportPvalue(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, alpha=salpha, norm=False)
+ bin_profile_scores = gwamar_scoring_tree_utils.calcBinProfilesWeightedSupportPvalue(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, alpha=salpha, norm=False)
elif score in ["nws", "r-nws"]:
trees_list = loadTreesList(strains_list, tree_id, score_full, results_dir)
- bin_profile_scores = calcBinProfilesWeightedSupport(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, alpha=salpha, norm=True)
+ bin_profile_scores = gwamar_scoring_tree_utils.calcBinProfilesWeightedSupport(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list, alpha=salpha, norm=True)
elif score in ["sts", "r-sts"]:
trees_list = loadTreesList(strains_list, tree_id, score_full, results_dir)
theta, zeta, beta = 0.5, 0.0, -1.0
@@ -177,7 +152,7 @@ def computeScores(score_full, drug_name, parameters):
elif score_param.startswith("qm"):
phi_m = float(score_param[2:])
- bin_profile_scores = calcBinProfilesTreeScoreStoch(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list,
+ bin_profile_scores = gwamar_scoring_tree_utils.calcBinProfilesTreeScoreStoch(bin_profiles, drug_res_profile, trees_list,
eps_m=eps_m, psi_m=psi_m, phi_m=phi_m,
eps_r=eps_r, alpha_r=alpha_r, beta_r=beta_r,
theta = theta, zeta=zeta, beta=beta, alpha=salpha)
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring_flat_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring_flat_utils.py
index 93be055..236d66c 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring_flat_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring_flat_utils.py
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
import os
import math
-import time
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import hyperTestPvalue
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import hyperTestPvalue
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_bin_utils
def calcBinProfilesHyperTest(bin_profiles, drp):
scores = {}
@@ -18,8 +16,8 @@ def calcBinProfilesHyperTest(bin_profiles, drp):
for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
score = 0.0
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- mutated = getMutated(bin_profile) & info_strains
+ for bin_profile in gwamar_bin_utils.specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
+ mutated = gwamar_bin_utils.getMutated(bin_profile) & info_strains
n = len(mutated)
k = len(mutated & resistant)
@@ -45,9 +43,9 @@ def calcBinProfilesMI(bin_profiles, drp):
for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
score = 0.0
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- mutated = getMutated(bin_profile) & info_strains
- not_mutated = getNotMutated(bin_profile) & info_strains
+ for bin_profile in gwamar_bin_utils.specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
+ mutated = gwamar_bin_utils.getMutated(bin_profile) & info_strains
+ not_mutated = gwamar_bin_utils.getNotMutated(bin_profile) & info_strains
pr0 = float(len(not_mutated & resistant)) / n
pr1 = float(len(mutated & resistant)) / n
@@ -85,9 +83,9 @@ def calcBinProfilesSupports(bin_profiles, drp, alpha=0.0):
for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
score = 0.0
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- mutated = getMutated(bin_profile)
- not_mutated = getNotMutated(bin_profile)
+ for bin_profile in gwamar_bin_utils.specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
+ mutated = gwamar_bin_utils.getMutated(bin_profile)
+ not_mutated = gwamar_bin_utils.getNotMutated(bin_profile)
mut_res = float(len(mutated & resistant))
mut_susc = float(len(not_mutated & susceptible))
@@ -147,9 +145,9 @@ def calcBinProfilesOddsRatio(bin_profiles, drp, alpha=0.0):
for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
score = 0.0
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- mutated = getMutated(bin_profile)
- not_mutated = getNotMutated(bin_profile)
+ for bin_profile in gwamar_bin_utils.specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
+ mutated = gwamar_bin_utils.getMutated(bin_profile)
+ not_mutated = gwamar_bin_utils.getNotMutated(bin_profile)
rm = float(len(resistant & mutated))
sm = float(len(susceptible & mutated))
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring_tree_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring_tree_utils.py
index 5d81b2b..6b4006a 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring_tree_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_scoring_tree_utils.py
@@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
import math
-import time
-import sys
-from decimal import Decimal
-from drsoft.modelling.treeutils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_pws import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_progress_utils import GWAMARProgress
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_bin_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import mean, hyperTestPvalue
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_stat_utils import mean
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_bin_utils, gwamar_pws, gwamar_progress_utils
+from src.drsoft.modelling import model_logic
def calcBinProfilesMinTreeScore(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, verbose=False, alpha=0.0):
scores = {}
- tstable = getstable(0.5, 0.0, -1.0)
+ tstable = model_logic.getstable(0.5, 0.0, -1.0)
if len(drp.getResistant()) == 0:
return {}
@@ -20,27 +15,27 @@ def calcBinProfilesMinTreeScore(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, verbose=False, al
scores[bin_profile_id] = []
if verbose:
- progress = gwamarProgress("tscore: " + drp.drug_name)
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("tscore: " + drp.drug_name)
for tree in trees_list:
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
+ model_logic.calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
+ newtree = model_logic.removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
score = 0.0
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
+ for bin_profile in gwamar_bin_utils.specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
for node in newtree.leaves:
node.tscore_tmp = 0.0
@@ -105,30 +100,30 @@ def calcBinProfilesTreeScore(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, theta = 0.5, zeta=0.
scores[bin_profile_id] = []
if verbose:
- progress = gwamarProgress("tscore: " + drp.drug_name)
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("tscore: " + drp.drug_name)
for tree in trees_list:
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
+ model_logic.calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
+ newtree = model_logic.removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcDetParsResModel(newtree)
for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
score = 0.0
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
+ for bin_profile in gwamar_bin_utils.specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcDetParsMutModel(newtree)
- score_tmp = calcTransitionScore(newtree, theta, zeta, beta, tscore_type)
+ score_tmp = model_logic.calcTransitionScore(newtree, theta, zeta, beta, tscore_type)
score += max(score_tmp, 0.0) + alpha*min(score_tmp, 0.0)
scores[bin_profile_id].append(max(0.0, score))
@@ -155,14 +150,14 @@ def calcBinProfilesWeightedSupport(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, alpha=0.0, nor
for tree in trees_list:
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
+ model_logic.calcSubnodesCount(tree)
resistant = drp.getResistant()
susceptible = drp.getSusceptible()
beta = float(len(resistant)/float(len(susceptible)))
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
+ newtree = model_logic.removeUnResLeaves(tree)
newtree.calcContributions(drp, beta)
@@ -171,8 +166,8 @@ def calcBinProfilesWeightedSupport(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, alpha=0.0, nor
for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
score = 0.0
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- wsupport = newtree.calcWeightedSupport(getMutated(bin_profile))
+ for bin_profile in gwamar_bin_utils.specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
+ wsupport = newtree.calcWeightedSupport(gwamar_bin_utils.getMutated(bin_profile))
if norm: wsupport = wsupport / max_ws
score += max(wsupport, 0.0) + alpha*min(wsupport, 0.0)
scores[bin_profile_id].append(max(0.0, score))
@@ -195,8 +190,8 @@ def calcBinProfilesWeightedSupportPvalue(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, alpha=0.
for tree in trees_list:
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
+ model_logic.calcSubnodesCount(tree)
resistant = drp.getResistant()
susceptible = drp.getSusceptible()
@@ -204,7 +199,7 @@ def calcBinProfilesWeightedSupportPvalue(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, alpha=0.
beta = float(len(resistant)/float(len(susceptible)))
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
+ newtree = model_logic.removeUnResLeaves(tree)
newtree.calcContributions(drp, beta)
@@ -215,12 +210,12 @@ def calcBinProfilesWeightedSupportPvalue(bin_profiles, drp, trees_list, alpha=0.
wmap[leaf.contribution] = 0
wmap[leaf.contribution] += 1
- res_map = wsupportTestMap(wmap)
+ res_map = gwamar_pws.wsupportTestMap(wmap)
for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
score = 0.0
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- mutated = getMutated(bin_profile) & known
+ for bin_profile in gwamar_bin_utils.specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
+ mutated = gwamar_bin_utils.getMutated(bin_profile) & known
ws = newtree.calcWeightedSupport(mutated)
n = len(mutated)
tc = 0.0
@@ -250,7 +245,7 @@ def calcBinProfilesTreeScoreStoch(bin_profiles, drp, tree_list,
scores[bin_profile_id] = []
if verbose:
- progress = gwamarProgress("TreeScoreStoch " + drp.drug_name)
+ progress = gwamar_progress_utils.GWAMARProgress("TreeScoreStoch " + drp.drug_name)
for tree in tree_list:
@@ -258,26 +253,26 @@ def calcBinProfilesTreeScoreStoch(bin_profiles, drp, tree_list,
if prob_profile:
- calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
- calcSubnodesCount(tree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesResCount(tree)
+ model_logic.calcSubnodesCount(tree)
- newtree = removeUnResLeaves(tree)
+ newtree = model_logic.removeUnResLeaves(tree)
- calulateCompleteResProfile(newtree, eps=eps_r, alpha=alpha_r, beta=beta_r)
+ model_logic.calulateCompleteResProfile(newtree, eps=eps_r, alpha=alpha_r, beta=beta_r)
- calcProbAllLeafResistant(newtree)
- calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
- calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcProbAllLeafResistant(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesResCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubnodesCount(newtree)
for bin_profile_id, gen_bin_profile in bin_profiles.items():
score = 0.0
- for bin_profile in specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
+ for bin_profile in gwamar_bin_utils.specBinProfiles(gen_bin_profile):
- calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
+ model_logic.calcSubleavesMutCount(newtree)
- calulateCompleteMutProfile(newtree, eps=eps_m, psi=psi_m, phi=phi_m)
+ model_logic.calulateCompleteMutProfile(newtree, eps=eps_m, psi=psi_m, phi=phi_m)
- tscore_stoch = calcTransitionScoreExprectedValue(newtree, theta, zeta, beta, tscore_type)
+ tscore_stoch = model_logic.calcTransitionScoreExprectedValue(newtree, theta, zeta, beta, tscore_type)
score += max(tscore_stoch, 0.0) + alpha*min(tscore_stoch, 0.0)
scores[bin_profile_id].append(max(0.0, score))
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_stat_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_stat_utils.py
index d19fb28..d9dbde1 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_stat_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_stat_utils.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-import time
import math
def bincoeff1(n, r):
@@ -60,31 +59,12 @@ def hyperTestPvalue2(N,n,m,k,twoends=False):
res2 = 0.0
for kt in range(0,min(n+1,m+1,k+1),1):
c1 = math.log(bincoeff1(m, kt))
- # print("1",c1, m, kt)
c2 = math.log(bincoeff1(N-m, n-kt))
- # print("2",c2, N-m, n-kt)
c3 = math.log(bincoeff1(N ,n))
- # print("3",c3, N, n)
res2 += math.exp(c1 + c2 - c3)
- #print("t", res1,res2)
- # print("t", N,n,m,kt,res1,res2)
- #print("x", N,n,m,k,res1,res2)
return min(res1,res2)
return res1
def hyperTestPvalue(N,n,m,k, twoends=False):
if N <= 100: hyperTestPvalue1(N,n,m,k,twoends=twoends)
return hyperTestPvalue2(N,n,m,k,twoends=twoends)
-#t0 = time.time()
-#t1 = time.time()
-#print(hyperTestPvalue2(1332, 904, 1, 1))
-##print(1, hyperTestPvalue1(1000,100,100,4))
-##print(2, hyperTestPvalue2(1332, 904, 1, 1))
-#t2 = time.time()
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_strains_io_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_strains_io_utils.py
index 4d19d5b..61c04a0 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_strains_io_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_strains_io_utils.py
@@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
-from drsoft.structs.strains import Strains
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
-from drsoft.structs.gene_profile import GeneProfile
-from drsoft.structs.mutation_profile import MutationProfile
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_utils import decompressProfile
+from src.drsoft.structs.strains import Strains
def strainAureusNames(strain_id):
if strain_id.startswith("aureus_") and strain_id != "aureus_M1015":
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_tree_io_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_tree_io_utils.py
index 968ae7c..37fcdea 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_tree_io_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_tree_io_utils.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-from drsoft.structs.res_tree import ResTree, ResTreeNode
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import strainAureusNames
+from src.drsoft.structs import res_tree
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_strains_io_utils
def getTreeStrainList(tree_line):
tree_line = tree_line.strip().strip(";")
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def readResTreeRec(tree, tree_str, strains_list, strains_map={}, e_len=None, sup
if last_index == -1:
tokens = tree_str.split(":")
strain_name = tokens[0]
- strain_name = strainAureusNames(strain_name)
+ strain_name = gwamar_strains_io_utils.strainAureusNames(strain_name)
strain_index = strains_list.index(strain_name)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def readResTreeRec(tree, tree_str, strains_list, strains_map={}, e_len=None, sup
print("error", strain_name, tree_str)
strain_label = strains_map.get(strain_name, strain_name)
- strain_node = ResTreeNode(strain_index)
+ strain_node = res_tree.ResTreeNode(strain_index)
if len(tokens) == 2:
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def readResTreeRec(tree, tree_str, strains_list, strains_map={}, e_len=None, sup
return strain_node
node_id = tree.createNodeID("")
- node = ResTreeNode(node_id)
+ node = res_tree.ResTreeNode(node_id)
if last_index + 2 < len(tree_str):
attr_index = tree_str.rfind(":")
if attr_index > 0:
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ def readResTreeRec(tree, tree_str, strains_list, strains_map={}, e_len=None, sup
elif e_len == None:
node.e_len = float(e_attr)
- # print(node.e_len)
@@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ def readResTree(tree_text, strains_list=None, strains_map={}, e_len=None, suppor
if strains_list == None:
strains_list = getTreeStrainList(tree_text)
- tree = ResTree(len(strains_list))
+ tree = res_tree.ResTree(len(strains_list))
root = readResTreeRec(tree, tree_text, strains_list, strains_map, e_len, support=support)
diff --git a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_utils.py b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_utils.py
index 88c1b7b..05bb237 100644
--- a/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_utils.py
+++ b/src/drsoft/utils/gwamar_utils.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import os
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import parameters_map
+from src.drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import parameters_map
def shift(textid, exp_len):
ret = textid
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/__init__.py b/src/prebroad/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
copy from other/visR/backup/__init__.py
copy to src/prebroad/__init__.py
diff --git a/other/visR/backup/__init__.py b/src/prebroad/prepare/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from other/visR/backup/__init__.py
rename to src/prebroad/prepare/__init__.py
diff --git a/src/prebroad/prepare/p1_download_files.py b/src/prebroad/prepare/p1_download_files.py
index fbb5830..af02876 100644
--- a/src/prebroad/prepare/p1_download_files.py
+++ b/src/prebroad/prepare/p1_download_files.py
@@ -1,33 +1,26 @@
-import os
import sys
import zipfile
import os.path
-import time
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-import multiprocessing
- from urllib.request import urlopen
-except ImportError:
- from urllib2 import urlopen
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_utils
+ from urllib.request import urlopen
+except ImportError:
+ from urllib2 import urlopen
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("p1_download_files.py. Start.")
print("Downloading files...")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_DIR"]
input_download_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_DOWNLOAD_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(input_dir)
- ensure_dir(input_download_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(input_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(input_download_dir)
www = "http://www.broadinstitute.org/annotation/genome/mtb_drug_resistance.1/assets/GTBDR_120516.snps.zip"
output_fn = input_download_dir + "GTBDR_120516.snps.zip"
@@ -43,7 +36,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
for name in zfile.namelist():
(dirname, filename) = os.path.split(name)
fulldir = input_download_dir#+"/"+dirname
- print "Decompressing " + filename + " on " + fulldir
+ print("Decompressing " + filename + " on " + fulldir)
if not os.path.exists(fulldir):
zfile.extract(name, fulldir)
diff --git a/src/prebroad/prepare/p2_save_strains.py b/src/prebroad/prepare/p2_save_strains.py
index bc3c118..a5bdd61 100644
--- a/src/prebroad/prepare/p2_save_strains.py
+++ b/src/prebroad/prepare/p2_save_strains.py
@@ -1,25 +1,20 @@
-import os
-import sys
-import filecmp
+import sys,os
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import *
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_utils
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("p2_save_strains.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_DIR"]
input_download_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_DOWNLOAD_DIR"]
output_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_OUTPUT_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(input_dir)
- ensure_dir(input_download_dir)
- ensure_dir(output_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(input_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(input_download_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(output_dir)
strain_list = []
diff --git a/src/prebroad/prepare/p3_save_resdata.py b/src/prebroad/prepare/p3_save_resdata.py
index c7f3186..06056c4 100644
--- a/src/prebroad/prepare/p3_save_resdata.py
+++ b/src/prebroad/prepare/p3_save_resdata.py
@@ -1,18 +1,12 @@
-import os
-import sys
-import filecmp
+import sys,os
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_res_io_utils, gwamar_params_utils,\
+ gwamar_strains_io_utils
+from src.drsoft.structs import resistance_profile
def readResProfilesFromTable(input_fh):
- res_profiles_list = []
lines = input_fh.readlines()
line0 = lines[0]
tokens = line0.split()
@@ -21,7 +15,7 @@ def readResProfilesFromTable(input_fh):
res_profiles_map = {}
for drug_name_tmp in drug_names:
drug_name = drug_names_map.get(drug_name_tmp, drug_name_tmp)
- res_profile = ResistanceProfile(drug_name, strains.count())
+ res_profile = resistance_profile.ResistanceProfile(drug_name, strains.count())
res_profiles_map[drug_name] = res_profile
for line in lines[1:]:
@@ -49,15 +43,15 @@ def readResProfilesFromTable(input_fh):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("p3_save_resdata.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_DIR"]
input_download_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_DOWNLOAD_DIR"]
output_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_OUTPUT_DIR"]
input_fh = open(output_dir + "/strains.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
strains_list = strains.allStrains()
@@ -77,7 +71,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
res_profiles_list = list(res_profiles_map.values())
output_fh = open(output_dir + "/res_profiles_ret.txt", "w")
- saveResistanceProfiles(output_fh, res_profiles_list, strains_list, compress=True, header=True)
+ gwamar_res_io_utils.saveResistanceProfiles(output_fh, res_profiles_list, strains_list, compress=True, header=True)
print("p3_save_resdata.py. Finished.")
diff --git a/src/prebroad/prepare/p4_combine_resistance_profiles.py b/src/prebroad/prepare/p4_combine_resistance_profiles.py
index dafd6de..55c854c 100644
--- a/src/prebroad/prepare/p4_combine_resistance_profiles.py
+++ b/src/prebroad/prepare/p4_combine_resistance_profiles.py
@@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
-import os
-import sys
+import sys,os
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_res_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_res_io_utils
+from src.drsoft.structs import resistance_profile
profile_clusters = {
@@ -17,21 +14,21 @@ profile_clusters = {
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("p4_combine_resistance_profiles.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_DIR"]
output_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_OUTPUT_DIR"]
input_fh = open(output_dir + "/strains.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
strains_list = strains.allStrains()
k = len(strains_list)
input_fh = open(output_dir + "/res_profiles_ret.txt")
- res_profiles = readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, strains_list=strains.allStrains(), load_int=True)
+ res_profiles = gwamar_res_io_utils.readResistanceProfiles(input_fh, strains_list=strains.allStrains(), load_int=True)
@@ -42,7 +39,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
res_profiles_comb = []
for cluster_id in profile_clusters:
- cluster_drp = ResistanceProfile(cluster_id, count = k)
+ cluster_drp = resistance_profile.ResistanceProfile(cluster_id, count = k)
for drug_name in profile_clusters[cluster_id]:
drp = res_profiles_map.get(drug_name, None)
@@ -83,7 +80,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# for drp in
output_fh = open(output_dir + "/res_profiles.txt", "w")
- saveResistanceProfiles(output_fh, res_profiles_comb, strains_list, compress=True)
+ gwamar_res_io_utils.saveResistanceProfiles(output_fh, res_profiles_comb, strains_list, compress=True)
print("p4_combine_resistance_profiles.py. Finished.")
diff --git a/src/prebroad/prepare/p5_save_point_mutations_aa.py b/src/prebroad/prepare/p5_save_point_mutations_aa.py
index ae36210..70ff35c 100644
--- a/src/prebroad/prepare/p5_save_point_mutations_aa.py
+++ b/src/prebroad/prepare/p5_save_point_mutations_aa.py
@@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-import multiprocessing
+import sys,os
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_muts_io_utils
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("p5_save_point_mutations_aa.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_DIR"]
input_download_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_DOWNLOAD_DIR"]
output_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_OUTPUT_DIR"]
input_fh = open(output_dir + "/strains.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
gene_anns = {}
@@ -121,7 +114,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
output_fh = open(output_dir + "/point_mutations.txt", "w")
- savePointMutations(output_fh, mutations_map, gene_names, gene_anns, ref_states, strains_list, compress=True)
+ gwamar_muts_io_utils.savePointMutations(output_fh, mutations_map, gene_names, gene_anns, ref_states, strains_list, compress=True)
print("p5_save_point_mutations_aa.py. Finished.")
diff --git a/src/prebroad/tree/t0_save_point_mutations_nt.py b/src/prebroad/tree/t0_save_point_mutations_nt.py
index 7048d76..66cb7e6 100644
--- a/src/prebroad/tree/t0_save_point_mutations_nt.py
+++ b/src/prebroad/tree/t0_save_point_mutations_nt.py
@@ -1,35 +1,28 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-import multiprocessing
+import sys,os
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_utils, gwamar_muts_io_utils
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("t0_save_point_mutations_nt.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
input_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_DIR"]
input_download_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_DOWNLOAD_DIR"]
output_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_OUTPUT_DIR"]
input_fh = open(output_dir + "/strains.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
snps_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_DOWNLOAD_DIR"]
phylo_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_TREE_DIR"]
- ensure_dir(phylo_dir)
+ gwamar_utils.ensure_dir(phylo_dir)
gene_anns = {}
# input_fh = open(input_dir + "/ref_annotation.txt")
@@ -137,7 +130,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
output_fh = open(phylo_dir + "/point_mutations_nt.txt", "w")
- savePointMutations(output_fh, mutations_map, gene_names, gene_anns, ref_states, strains_list, compress=True)
+ gwamar_muts_io_utils.savePointMutations(output_fh, mutations_map, gene_names, gene_anns, ref_states, strains_list, compress=True)
print("t0_save_point_mutations_nt.py. Finished.")
diff --git a/src/prebroad/tree/t1_prepare_alignments.py b/src/prebroad/tree/t1_prepare_alignments.py
index 9902d2e..1fa2aa2 100644
--- a/src/prebroad/tree/t1_prepare_alignments.py
+++ b/src/prebroad/tree/t1_prepare_alignments.py
@@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-import multiprocessing
+import sys,os
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_utils, gwamar_ann_utils,\
+ gwamar_strains_io_utils, gwamar_muts_io_utils
def savePHYLIPalignements(alns, output_fh, sorting = None):
if not "OUTSTRAIN" in alns:
@@ -35,11 +28,11 @@ def savePHYLIPalignements(alns, output_fh, sorting = None):
for strain_id in strains_ord:
if i < 50:
if strain_id != "OUTSTRAIN":
- combined_lines[strain_id] = shift(strain_id[:10], 10) + " "
+ combined_lines[strain_id] = gwamar_utils.shift(strain_id[:10], 10) + " "
- combined_lines[strain_id] = shift("OUTSTRAIN", 10) + " "
+ combined_lines[strain_id] = gwamar_utils.shift("OUTSTRAIN", 10) + " "
- combined_lines[strain_id] = shift(" ", 10) + " "
+ combined_lines[strain_id] = gwamar_utils.shift(" ", 10) + " "
combined_lines[strain_id] += alns[strain_id][i:min(i+10, aln_len)] + " "
if i+10 > aln_len:
@@ -63,8 +56,8 @@ def savePHYLIPalignements(alns, output_fh, sorting = None):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("t1_prepare_alignments.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
m_type = parameters["PREBROAD_SUB"]
input_download_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_DOWNLOAD_DIR"]
@@ -73,18 +66,18 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if os.path.exists(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt"):
cluster_fh = open(input_dir + "/cluster_gene_ref_ids.txt")
- cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh)
+ cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev = gwamar_ann_utils.readClusterGeneIDs(cluster_fh)
cluster_ids = {}
cluster_ids_rev = {}
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
input_fh = open(phylo_dir + "point_mutations_nt.txt")
- gene_profiles = readPointMutations(input_fh, cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev, gene_subset=None, m_type="a")
+ gene_profiles = gwamar_muts_io_utils.readPointMutations(input_fh, cluster_ids, cluster_ids_rev, gene_subset=None, m_type="a")
mutations_seqs = [""]*strains.count()
diff --git a/src/prebroad/tree/t2_compute_subset_tree.py b/src/prebroad/tree/t2_compute_subset_tree.py
index bb8d835..14eabae 100644
--- a/src/prebroad/tree/t2_compute_subset_tree.py
+++ b/src/prebroad/tree/t2_compute_subset_tree.py
@@ -1,25 +1,23 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
import shutil
-from multiprocessing import Pool
+import platform
import multiprocessing
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils
def ensure_rem(filename):
if os.path.exists(filename):
-def ensure_rem(filename):
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- os.remove(filename)
+def checkToolPathExists(path):
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ print("Indicated path '" + path + "' to external tool does not exist.")
+ print("Make sure your configuration in gwamar/config/config_tools.txt file is correct")
+ print("Exiting.")
+ sys.exit(-1)
def computeTreePHYLIP(phylip_path, phylip_exe, input_fn, output_fn, sufix = "_phylip"):
abs_phylip_path = phylip_path
@@ -176,18 +174,18 @@ def computeTreePROML(input_fn, outfile_fn, outtree_fn, sufix = ""):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("t2_compute_subset_tree.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters(inc_tools = True)
input_download_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_DOWNLOAD_DIR"]
phylo_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_TREE_DIR"]
input_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_OUTPUT_DIR"]
m_type = parameters["PREBROAD_SUB"]
phylip_path = parameters["PHYLIP_PATH"]
- tree_soft = parameters.get("TREE_SOFT", "PHYML")
+ tree_soft = parameters.get("DEFAULT_TREE_SOFT", "PHYML")
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
strains_ord = sorted(strains.allStrains())
@@ -202,16 +200,19 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
raxml_path = parameters["RAXML_PATH"]
raxml_exe = parameters["RAXML_EXE"]
+ checkToolPathExists(raxml_exe)
computeTreeRAXML(raxml_path, raxml_exe, input_fn, raxml_rep=raxml_rep)
computeConsensusRAXML(raxml_path, raxml_exe, output_fn,raxml_type=raxml_type)
elif tree_soft.upper() == "PHYML":
phyml_path = parameters["PHYML_PATH"]
phyml_exe = parameters["PHYML_EXE"]
+ checkToolPathExists(phyml_exe)
computeTreePHYML(phyml_path, phyml_exe, input_fn, output_fn)
elif tree_soft.upper() == "PHYLIP":
phylip_path = parameters["PHYLIP_PATH"]
phylip_exe = parameters["PHYLIP_EXE"]
+ checkToolPathExists(phylip_exe)
computeTreePHYLIP(phylip_path, phylip_exe, input_fn, output_fn)
print("Unsupported phylogeny software: " + tree_soft)
diff --git a/src/prebroad/tree/t3_resolve_clusters.py b/src/prebroad/tree/t3_resolve_clusters.py
index 7e9eb91..008a59b 100644
--- a/src/prebroad/tree/t3_resolve_clusters.py
+++ b/src/prebroad/tree/t3_resolve_clusters.py
@@ -1,20 +1,9 @@
-import sys
-import os
-import copy
-import time
-from collections import deque
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-import multiprocessing
+import sys,os
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.structs.resistance_profile import ResistanceProfile
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_tree_io_utils, gwamar_params_utils
+from src.drsoft.structs import res_tree
thr = 0.000000001
@@ -26,7 +15,7 @@ def transformTree(tree, clusters_map):
leaf_node.node_id = strains_tmp[0]
for strain_id in strains_tmp:
- new_leaf = PhyloTreeNode(strain_id)
+ new_leaf = res_tree.ResTreeNode(strain_id)
new_leaf.e_len = 0.00001
new_leaf.label = strain_id
@@ -35,16 +24,14 @@ def transformTree(tree, clusters_map):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("t3_resolve_clusters.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
m_type = parameters["PREBROAD_SUB"]
phylo_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_TREE_DIR"]
input_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_OUTPUT_DIR"]
- tree_soft = parameters["TREE_SOFT"]
- print(tree_soft)
+ tree_soft = parameters["DEFAULT_TREE_SOFT"]
cluster_strains = []
clusters_map = {}
@@ -59,7 +46,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
output_fn = phylo_dir + 'tree'+tree_soft.upper()+".txt"
input_fh = open(input_fn)
output_fh = open(output_fn, "w")
- trees = readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains_list=cluster_strains, strains_map = {})
+ trees = gwamar_tree_io_utils.readPhyloTrees(input_fh, strains_list=cluster_strains, strains_map = {})
tree = trees[0]
tree = transformTree(tree, clusters_map)
flat_tree = tree.flatten(thr)
diff --git a/src/prebroad/tree/t4_save_strains_ordered.py b/src/prebroad/tree/t4_save_strains_ordered.py
index 8073124..83b13d3 100644
--- a/src/prebroad/tree/t4_save_strains_ordered.py
+++ b/src/prebroad/tree/t4_save_strains_ordered.py
@@ -1,30 +1,21 @@
import sys
import os
-import copy
-import time
-from collections import deque
-from StringIO import StringIO
-from multiprocessing import Pool
-import multiprocessing
+sys.path += [os.path.abspath(os.curdir)]
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_params_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_muts_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_tree_io_utils import *
-from drsoft.utils.gwamar_strains_io_utils import *
+from src.drsoft.utils import gwamar_params_utils, gwamar_strains_io_utils,\
+ gwamar_tree_io_utils
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("t4_save_strains_ordered.py. Start.")
- parameters = overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
- parameters = readParameters()
+ gwamar_params_utils.overwriteParameters(sys.argv)
+ parameters = gwamar_params_utils.readParameters()
phylo_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_TREE_DIR"]
input_dir = parameters["PREBROAD_OUTPUT_DIR"]
input_fh = open(input_dir + "/strains.txt")
- strains = readStrains(input_fh)
+ strains = gwamar_strains_io_utils.readStrains(input_fh)
output_fn = input_dir + "strains_ordered.txt"
@@ -39,7 +30,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
input_fh = open(input_fn)
tree_line = input_fh.readline()
- strains_list = getTreeStrainList(tree_line)
+ strains_list = gwamar_tree_io_utils.getTreeStrainList(tree_line)
strains_list = strains.allStrains()
diff --git a/src/visR/accuracy/auc_simmat.R b/src/visR/accuracy/auc_simmat.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59aaefe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/visR/accuracy/auc_simmat.R
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+require(graphics); require(grDevices);
+#data_fn = paste(species_id, "_out/r_subset/", drug_name, ".txt", sep = "")
+colors_sorted = c("lightgreen", "lightblue","peachpuff","azure2","red")
+my.vioplot <- function(x,...,range=1.5,h=NULL,ylim=NULL,names=NULL, horizontal=FALSE,
+ col="magenta", border="black", lty=1, lwd=1, rectCol="black", colMed="white", pchMed=19, at, add=FALSE, wex=1,
+ drawRect=TRUE)
+ # process multiple datas
+ datas <- list(x,...)
+ n <- length(datas)
+ if(missing(at)) at <- 1:n
+ # pass 1
+ #
+ # - calculate base range
+ # - estimate density
+ #
+ # setup parameters for density estimation
+ upper <- vector(mode="numeric",length=n)
+ lower <- vector(mode="numeric",length=n)
+ q1 <- vector(mode="numeric",length=n)
+ q3 <- vector(mode="numeric",length=n)
+ med <- vector(mode="numeric",length=n)
+ base <- vector(mode="list",length=n)
+ height <- vector(mode="list",length=n)
+ baserange <- c(Inf,-Inf)
+ # global args for sm.density function-call
+ args <- list(display="none")
+ if (!(is.null(h)))
+ args <- c(args, h=h)
+ for(i in 1:n) {
+ data<-datas[[i]]
+ # calculate plot parameters
+ # 1- and 3-quantile, median, IQR, upper- and lower-adjacent
+ data.min <- min(data)
+ data.max <- max(data)
+ q1[i]<-quantile(data,0.25)
+ q3[i]<-quantile(data,0.75)
+ med[i]<-median(data)
+ iqd <- q3[i]-q1[i]
+ upper[i] <- min( q3[i] + range*iqd, data.max )
+ lower[i] <- max( q1[i] - range*iqd, data.min )
+ # strategy:
+ # xmin = min(lower, data.min))
+ # ymax = max(upper, data.max))
+ #
+ est.xlim <- c( min(lower[i], data.min), max(upper[i], data.max) )
+ # estimate density curve
+ smout <- do.call("sm.density", c( list(data, xlim=est.xlim), args ) )
+ # calculate stretch factor
+ #
+ # the plots density heights is defined in range 0.0 ... 0.5
+ # we scale maximum estimated point to 0.4 per data
+ #
+ hscale <- 0.4/max(smout$estimate) * wex
+ # add density curve x,y pair to lists
+ base[[i]] <- smout$eval.points
+ height[[i]] <- smout$estimate * hscale
+ # calculate min,max base ranges
+ t <- range(base[[i]])
+ baserange[1] <- min(baserange[1],t[1])
+ baserange[2] <- max(baserange[2],t[2])
+ }
+ # pass 2
+ #
+ # - plot graphics
+ # setup parameters for plot
+ if(!add){
+ xlim <- if(n==1)
+ at + c(-.5, .5)
+ else
+ range(at) + min(diff(at))/2 * c(-1,1)
+ if (is.null(ylim)) {
+ ylim <- baserange
+ }
+ }
+ if (is.null(names)) {
+ label <- 1:n
+ } else {
+ label <- names
+ }
+ boxwidth <- 0.05 * wex
+ # setup plot
+ if(!add)
+ plot.new()
+ if(!horizontal) {
+ if(!add){
+ plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
+ axis(2)
+ axis(1,at = at, label=label )
+ }
+ box()
+ for(i in 1:n) {
+ # plot left/right density curve
+ polygon( c(at[i]-height[[i]], rev(at[i]+height[[i]])),
+ c(base[[i]], rev(base[[i]])),
+ col = col[i %% length(col) + 1], border=border, lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
+ if(drawRect){
+ # plot IQR
+ lines( at[c( i, i)], c(lower[i], upper[i]) ,lwd=lwd, lty=lty)
+ # plot 50% KI box
+ rect( at[i]-boxwidth/2, q1[i], at[i]+boxwidth/2, q3[i], col=rectCol)
+ # plot median point
+ points( at[i], med[i], pch=pchMed, col=colMed )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(!add){
+ plot.window(xlim = ylim, ylim = xlim)
+ axis(1)
+ axis(2,at = at, label=label )
+ }
+ box()
+ for(i in 1:n) {
+ # plot left/right density curve
+ polygon( c(base[[i]], rev(base[[i]])),
+ c(at[i]-height[[i]], rev(at[i]+height[[i]])),
+ col = col[i %% length(col) + 1], border=border, lty=lty, lwd=lwd)
+ if(drawRect){
+ # plot IQR
+ lines( c(lower[i], upper[i]), at[c(i,i)] ,lwd=lwd, lty=lty)
+ # plot 50% KI box
+ rect( q1[i], at[i]-boxwidth/2, q3[i], at[i]+boxwidth/2, col=rectCol)
+ # plot median point
+ points( med[i], at[i], pch=pchMed, col=colMed )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ invisible (list( upper=upper, lower=lower, median=med, q1=q1, q3=q3))
+args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
+if (length(args) >=1) {
+ dataset = args[1]
+} else {
+ #dataset="sau461"
+ #dataset = "mtu173"
+ dataset = "mtu_broad"
+if (length(args) >= 2) {
+ mut_type = args[2]
+} else {
+ mut_type = "P"
+if (length(args) >= 3) {
+ subset = args[3]
+} else {
+ subset = "sel3"
+if (length(args) >= 4) {
+ prefix = args[4]
+} else {
+ if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux") {
+ prefix = "/home/misias/gwamar/"
+ } else {
+ prefix = "D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/gwamar/"
+ }
+if (length(args) >= 5) {
+ scores_arg = args[5]
+} else {
+ scores_arg = "mi,or,lh,ws_yPHYML,r.tgh_yPHYML"
+scoreFullName <- function(score) {
+ score_full = score
+ if (score == "mi") {
+ score_full = "mutual information";
+ } else if (score == "or") {
+ score_full = "odds ratio";
+ } else if (score == "lh") {
+ score_full = "hypergeometric";
+ } else if (score %in% c("r-tgh","r.tgh")) {
+ score_full = "TGH"
+ } else if (score == "ws"){
+ score_full = "weighted support"
+ } else if(score == "ws+lh+r-tgh+mi+or") {
+ score_full = "combined"
+ } else if(score == "ts") {
+ score_full = "tree score"
+ } else if (score %in% c("r-tgh_yPHYML","r.tgh_yPHYML")) {
+ score_full = "TGH (PHYML)"
+ } else if (score == "ws_yPHYML") {
+ score_full = "weighted support (PHYML)"
+ } else if (score == "ws_yRAXML") {
+ score_full = "weighted support (RAXML)"
+ } else if (score == "r-tgh_yRAXML") {
+ score_full = "TGH (RAXML)"
+ }
+ return(score_full);
+scoreFullNameShort <- function(score) {
+ score_full = score
+ if (score == "mi") {
+ score_full = "MI";
+ } else if (score == "or") {
+ score_full = "OR";
+ } else if (score == "lh") {
+ score_full = "H";
+ } else if (score %in% c("r-tgh","r.tgh")) {
+ score_full = "TGH"
+ } else if (score == "ws"){
+ score_full = "WS"
+ } else if(score == "ws+lh+r-tgh+mi+or") {
+ score_full = "combined"
+ } else if(score == "TS") {
+ score_full = "tree score"
+ } else if (score %in% c("r-tgh_yPHYML","r.tgh_yPHYML")) {
+ score_full = "TGH"
+ } else if (score == "ws_yPHYML") {
+ score_full = "WS"
+ } else if (score == "ws_yRAXML") {
+ score_full = "WS (RAXML)"
+ } else if (score == "r-tgh_yRAXML") {
+ score_full = "TGH (RAXML)"
+ }
+ return(score_full);
+outdir = paste(prefix,"datasets/paper/", sep="")
+dir.create(outdir, showWarnings = FALSE)
+output_fn = paste(outdir, "/auc_vio_", subset, ".pdf", sep="")
+pdf(output_fn, width=18,height=10)
+par(mfrow=c(1,2), las=2, mar=c(7,6,2,1))
+for (dataset in c("mtu173", "mtu_broad")) {
+ input_fn = paste(prefix, "datasets/", dataset, "/ex", mut_type, "/comparison/stats/", subset, ".txt", sep="")
+ data = read.table(input_fn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
+ input_data_pn = paste(prefix,"datasets/",dataset,"/ex",mut_type,"/comparison/stats/",subset,"/stats_pn.txt", sep="")
+ data_pn = read.table(input_data_pn, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
+ positives = data_pn[,"ps"]
+ negatives = data_pn[,"ns"]
+ main_txt = paste("AUC barplots; ", dataset, " dataset; positives: ", toString(positives), "; negatives: " , toString(negatives), sep="")
+ print(scores_arg)
+ scores_sel = strsplit(scores_arg, "[,]")[[1]]
+ print("scores_sel")
+ print(scores_sel)
+ cnames = colnames(data)
+ print("cnames")
+ print(cnames)
+ cnames_int_full = c()
+ cnames_int = c()
+ for (cname in scores_sel) {
+ if (cname %in% cnames) {
+ cnames_int = c(cnames_int, cname)
+ cnames_int_full = c(cnames_int_full, scoreFullNameShort(cname))
+ }
+ }
+ end_point = 0.5 + 2*length(cnames_int_full)-1
+ x1 = data[, cnames_int[[1]]]
+ x2 = data[, cnames_int[[2]]]
+ x3 = data[, cnames_int[[3]]]
+ x4 = data[, cnames_int[[4]]]
+ x5 = data[, cnames_int[[5]]]
+ my.vioplot(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,
+ col=colors_sorted,
+ names=cnames_int_full
+ )
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