[med-svn] [mrbayes] 02/10: Imported Upstream version 3.2.6+dfsg.orig
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 30 21:49:24 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository mrbayes.
commit 45caa80d684244a4ff64e2ffa58d9fa42a3165a3
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Wed Dec 30 22:24:11 2015 +0100
Imported Upstream version 3.2.6+dfsg.orig
documentation/commref_mb3.2.txt | 83 +-
documentation/release_note.txt | 15 +-
src/bayes.c | 11 +-
src/bayes.h | 21 +-
src/best.c | 10 +-
src/command.c | 244 +-
src/likelihood.c | 18 +-
src/mcmc.c | 499 +-
src/mcmc.h | 2 +-
src/model.c | 619 ++-
src/proposal.c | 10470 +++++++++++++++-----------------------
src/proposal.h | 9 +-
src/sumpt.c | 375 +-
src/sumpt.h | 1 +
src/utils.c | 54 +-
15 files changed, 5380 insertions(+), 7051 deletions(-)
diff --git a/documentation/commref_mb3.2.txt b/documentation/commref_mb3.2.txt
index a145cf9..481dc3e 100644
--- a/documentation/commref_mb3.2.txt
+++ b/documentation/commref_mb3.2.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- Command Reference for MrBayes ver. 3.2.5
+ Command Reference for MrBayes ver. 3.2.6
(c) John P. Huelsenbeck, Fredrik Ronquist
and Maxim Teslenko
@@ -231,9 +231,9 @@
tree distance values.
Note that the "Sumt" command provides a different set of convergence diag-
- nostics tools that you may also want to explore. Unlike "Comparetree", "Sumt"
- can compare more than two tree samples and will calculate consensus trees and
- split frequencies from the pooled samples.
+ nostics tools that you may also want to explore. Unlike "Comparetree",
+ "Sumt" can compare more than two tree samples and will calculate consensus
+ trees and split frequencies from the pooled samples.
@@ -676,9 +676,9 @@
above and a large number of others, with or without name.
Code -- Enforces the use of a particular genetic code. The default
is the universal code. Other options include "vertmt" for
- vertebrate mitocondrial DNA, "mycoplasma", "yeast",
- "ciliates", and "metmt" (for metazoan mitochondrial DNA
- except vertebrates).
+ vertebrate mitocondrial, "invermt", "mycoplasma", "yeast",
+ "ciliate", "echinoderm", "euplotid", and "metmt" (for
+ metazoan mitochondrial except vertebrates).
Ploidy -- Specifies the ploidy of the organism. Options are "Haploid",
"Diploid" or "Zlinked". This option is used when a coalescent
prior is used on trees.
@@ -740,15 +740,19 @@
a specified substitution model (specified using the other
lset options).
Coding -- This specifies how characters were sampled. If all site patterns
- had the possibility of being sampled, then "all" should be
- specified (the default). Otherwise "variable" (only variable
- characters had the possibility of being sampled), "noabsence"
- (characters for which all taxa were coded as absent were not
- sampled), and "nopresence" (characters for which all taxa were
- coded as present were not sampled. "All" works for all data
- types. However, the others only work for morphological (all/
- variable) or restriction site (all/variable/noabsence/nopresence)
- data.
+ had the possibility of being sampled, then "All" should be
+ specified (the default). Otherwise "Variable" (only variable
+ characters had the possibility of being sampled), "Informative"
+ (only parsimony informative characters has the possibility of
+ being sampled), "Nosingletons" (characters which are constant
+ in all but one taxon were not sampled), "Noabsencesites" (char-
+ acters for which all taxa were coded as absent were not sampled),
+ "Nopresencesites" (characters for which all taxa were coded as
+ present were not sampled). "All" works for all data types.
+ However, the others only work for morphological (All/Variable/
+ Informative/Nosingletons) or restriction site (All/Variable/
+ Informative/Nosingletons/Noabsencesites/Nopresencesites/
+ Nosingletonpresence/Nosingletonabsence) data.
Parsmodel -- This forces calculation under the so-called parsimony model
described by Tuffley and Steel (1998). The options are "yes"
or "no". Note that the biological assumptions of this model
@@ -762,20 +766,21 @@
Parameter Options Current Setting
- Nucmodel 4by4/Doublet/Codon/Protein 4by4
- Nst 1/2/6/Mixed 1
- Code Universal/Vertmt/Mycoplasma/
- Yeast/Ciliates/Metmt Universal
- Ploidy Haploid/Diploid/Zlinked Diploid
+ Nucmodel 4by4/Doublet/Codon/Protein 4by4
+ Nst 1/2/6/Mixed 1
+ Code Universal/Vertmt/Invermt/Yeast/Mycoplasma/
+ Ciliate/Echinoderm/Euplotid/Metmt Universal
+ Ploidy Haploid/Diploid/Zlinked Diploid
Rates Equal/Gamma/LNorm/Propinv/
- Invgamma/Adgamma Equal
- Ngammacat <number> 4
- Nbetacat <number> 5
- Omegavar Equal/Ny98/M3 Equal
- Covarion No/Yes No
- Coding All/Variable/Noabsencesites/
- Nopresencesites All
- Parsmodel No/Yes No
+ Invgamma/Adgamma Equal
+ Ngammacat <number> 4
+ Nbetacat <number> 5
+ Omegavar Equal/Ny98/M3 Equal
+ Covarion No/Yes No
+ Coding All/Variable/Informative/Nosingletons
+ Noabsencesites/Nopresencesites/
+ Nosingletonabsence/Nosingletonpresence All
+ Parsmodel No/Yes No
@@ -788,7 +793,7 @@
Parameter Options Current Setting
- Filename <name> commref_mb3.2.5-svn.txt
+ Filename <name> commref_mb3.2.7-svn.txt
@@ -1472,18 +1477,18 @@
The fact that the labelling of morphological characters is
arbitrary makes it difficult to allow unequal character-
state frequencies. MrBayes gets around this problem by
- assuming that the states have a dirichlet prior, with all
- states having equal frequency. The variation in the diri-
- chlet can be controlled by this parameter--symdirihyperpr.
- Symdirihyperpr specifies the distribution on the variance
- parameter of the dirichlet. The valid options are:
+ assuming that the states have a symmetric Dirichlet prior
+ (i.e. all Dirichlet parameters are equal). The variation in
+ the Dirichlet can be controlled by this parameter.
+ Symdirihyperpr specifies the distribution on the parameter
+ of the symmetric Dirichlet. The valid options are:
prset Symdirihyperpr = uniform(<number>,<number>)
prset Symdirihyperpr = exponential(<number>)
prset Symdirihyperpr = fixed(<number>)
prset Symdirihyperpr = fixed(infinity)
- If "fixed(infinity)" is chosen, the dirichlet prior is
+ If "fixed(infinity)" is chosen, the Dirichlet prior is
fixed such that all character states have equal frequency.
Topologypr -- This parameter specifies the prior probabilities of
phylogenies. The options are:
@@ -1938,7 +1943,7 @@
- Speciationpr Uniform/Exponential/Fixed Exponential(1.0)
+ Speciationpr Uniform/Exponential/Fixed Exponential(10.0)
Extinctionpr Beta/Fixed Beta(1.0,1.0)
Fossilizationpr Beta/Fixed Beta(1.0,1.0)
SampleStrat Random/Diversity/Cluster/ Random
@@ -2237,8 +2242,8 @@
Parameter Options Current Setting
- Seed <number> 1428420230
- Swapseed <number> 1428420230
+ Seed <number> 1448443295
+ Swapseed <number> 1448443295
Dir <name> ""
Partition <name> ""
Speciespartition <name> ""
diff --git a/documentation/release_note.txt b/documentation/release_note.txt
index c08e730..7e92f45 100644
--- a/documentation/release_note.txt
+++ b/documentation/release_note.txt
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
Release Note
+v3.2.6 (Nov 25 2015)
+ 1. Add invertebrate mt, Echinoderm and Euplotid codes [lset code=invermt].
+ 2. Fix a bug of updating brls in tree-stretch move.
+ 3. Correct the proposal ratio in the add/delete branch move.
+ 4. Add more coding options for restriction site chars.
v3.2.5 (Apr 8 2015)
1. Fix pdf in the coalescent prior.
2. Fix a few issues when appending to the previous run.
3. Improve the efficiency of moving ancestral fossils.
- 4. Add lognormal rate variation among sites.
+ 4. Add lognormal rate variation among sites [lset rate=lnorm].
5. Add parsimony-biased SPR and TBR proposals (for developers).
6. Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
@@ -18,12 +24,13 @@ v3.2.4 (Jan 27 2015)
7. Fix prior pdf of relative rates (rate multipliers).
v3.2.3 (Oct 22 2014)
- 1. Correct the proposal ratio in the extending SPR move for non-clock tree.
+ 1. Correct the proposal ratio in the extending TBR move for non-clock tree.
2. Fix numerical error of calculating proposal ratio in parsimony-biased SPR moves.
3. Set unconstrained:gammadir prior as default to help avoid overestimating branch lengths.
4. Add clock:fossilization prior for total-evidence dating analysis.
- 5. Add LG model to Aamodelpr [=fixed(LG)].
- 6. Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
+ 5. Add LG model to Aamodelpr [prset aamodelpr=fixed(LG)].
+ 6. Rearrange the code to be more concise.
+ 7. Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
v3.2.2 (Aug 22 2013)
1. Disable LIKE_EPSILON warning for standard users.
diff --git a/src/bayes.c b/src/bayes.c
index 0b423bf..0c4ec75 100644
--- a/src/bayes.c
+++ b/src/bayes.c
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
#include "sumpt.h"
#include "utils.h"
- const char* const svnRevisionBayesC = "$Rev: 1008 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expended/updated by svn on each commit/update */
+ const char* const svnRevisionBayesC = "$Rev: 1068 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expended/updated by svn on each commit/update */
extern const char* const svnRevisionBestC;
extern const char* const svnRevisionCommandC;
extern const char* const svnRevisionLikeliC;
@@ -570,7 +570,8 @@ int InitializeMrBayes (void)
/* Prior model settings */
defaultModel.dataType = DNA; /* datatype */
- strcpy(defaultModel.coding, "All"); /* ascertainment bias */
+ defaultModel.coding = 0; /* ascertainment bias */
+ strcpy(defaultModel.codingString, "All"); /* ascertainment bias string */
strcpy(defaultModel.nucModel, "4by4"); /* nucleotide model */
strcpy(defaultModel.nst, "1"); /* number of substitution types */
strcpy(defaultModel.aaModelPr, "Fixed"); /* amino acid model prior */
@@ -724,10 +725,10 @@ int InitializeMrBayes (void)
defaultModel.clockRateExp = 1.0;
defaultModel.clockRateFix = 1.0;
strcpy(defaultModel.speciationPr, "Exponential"); /* prior on speciation rate (net diversification) */
- defaultModel.speciationFix = 1.0;
+ defaultModel.speciationFix = 0.1;
defaultModel.speciationUni[0] = 0.0;
defaultModel.speciationUni[1] = 10.0;
- defaultModel.speciationExp = 1.0;
+ defaultModel.speciationExp = 10.0;
strcpy(defaultModel.extinctionPr, "Beta"); /* prior on extinction rate (turnover) */
defaultModel.extinctionFix = 0.5;
defaultModel.extinctionBeta[0] = 1;
@@ -986,7 +987,7 @@ int ReinitializeMrBayes (void)
/* comparetree parameters */
strcpy(comptreeParams.comptFileName1, "temp.t"); /* input name for comparetree command */
strcpy(comptreeParams.comptFileName2, "temp.t"); /* input name for comparetree command */
- strcpy(comptreeParams.comptOutfile, "temp.comp");/* input name for comparetree command */
+ strcpy(comptreeParams.comptOutfile, "temp.comp");/* output name for comparetree command */
comptreeParams.minPartFreq = 0.0; /* minimum frequency of partitions to include */
/* plot parameters */
diff --git a/src/bayes.h b/src/bayes.h
index abd57c7..c2716ae 100644
--- a/src/bayes.h
+++ b/src/bayes.h
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
/* uncomment the following line when releasing, also modify the VERSION_NUMBER below */
#define RELEASE
#ifdef RELEASE
-#define VERSION_NUMBER "3.2.5"
+#define VERSION_NUMBER "3.2.6"
-#define VERSION_NUMBER "3.2.6-svn"
+#define VERSION_NUMBER "3.2.7-svn"
#if !defined (UNIX_VERSION) && !defined (WIN_VERSION) && !defined (MAC_VERSION)
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ typedef float CLFlt; /* single-precision float used for cond likes (CLFlt
#define RIGHTCURL 26
#define DOLLAR 27
#define AMPERSAND 28
+#define VERTICALBAR 29
#define MAX_Q_RATE 100.0f
#define MIN_SHAPE_PARAM 0.00001f
@@ -446,6 +447,18 @@ enum ConstraintType
+enum CodingType
+ {
+ ALL = 0,
+ };
/* typedef for calibration */
typedef struct calibration
@@ -901,7 +914,8 @@ typedef struct model
char nst[100]; /* number of substitution types */
char parsModel[100]; /* use the (so-called) parsimony model */
char geneticCode[100]; /* genetic code used */
- char coding[100]; /* type of patterns encoded */
+ int coding; /* type of patterns encoded */
+ char codingString[100]; /* string describing type of patterns encoded */
char ploidy[100]; /* ploidy level */
char omegaVar[100]; /* type of omega variation model */
char ratesModel[100]; /* rates across sites model */
@@ -1419,6 +1433,7 @@ typedef struct charinfo
int cType;
int nStates;
int constant[10];
+ int singleton[10];
int variable;
int informative;
} CharInfo;
diff --git a/src/best.c b/src/best.c
index 849bf2d..80ece57 100644
--- a/src/best.c
+++ b/src/best.c
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include "proposal.h"
#include "utils.h"
-const char* const svnRevisionBestC = "$Rev: 1002 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expended/updated by svn on each commit/update */
+const char* const svnRevisionBestC = "$Rev: 1040 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expended/updated by svn on each commit/update */
/****************************** Local functions converted by Fredrik from BEST code *****************************/
int CompareDepths (const void *x, const void *y);
@@ -385,8 +385,8 @@ int GetMinDepthMatrix (Tree **geneTrees, int numGeneTrees, double *depthMatrix)
// Allocate space for species partitions
nLongsNeeded = ((numSpecies -1) / nBitsInALong) + 1; // number of longs needed in a bitfield representing a species set
- speciesSets = (BitsLong **) SafeCalloc (2*numLocalTaxa-1, sizeof(BitsLong *));
- speciesSets[0] = (BitsLong *) SafeCalloc ((2*numLocalTaxa-1)*nLongsNeeded, sizeof(BitsLong));
+ speciesSets = (BitsLong **) SafeCalloc ((2*(size_t)numLocalTaxa-1), sizeof(BitsLong *));
+ speciesSets[0] = (BitsLong *) SafeCalloc ((2*(size_t)numLocalTaxa-1)*nLongsNeeded, sizeof(BitsLong));
for (i=1; i<2*numLocalTaxa-1; i++)
speciesSets[i] = speciesSets[0] + i*nLongsNeeded;
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ int GetMinDepthMatrix (Tree **geneTrees, int numGeneTrees, double *depthMatrix)
// Now order the interior nodes in terms of node depth. We rely on the fact that the
// ordered sequence is a valid downpass sequence. O(log n).
- qsort((void *)(geneTrees[w]->intDownPass), (size_t) geneTrees[w]->nIntNodes, sizeof(TreeNode *), CompareNodes);
+ qsort((void *)(geneTrees[w]->intDownPass), (size_t)(geneTrees[w]->nIntNodes), sizeof(TreeNode *), CompareNodes);
// Finally find the minimum for each cell in the upper triangular matrix
// This is the time critical step with complexity O(n^3) in the simplest
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ double LnPriorProbGeneTree (Tree *geneTree, double mu, Tree *speciesTree, double
MapGeneTreeToSpeciesTree(geneTree, speciesTree);
// Sort gene tree interior nodes first by speciestree branch on which they coalesce, then in time order
- qsort((void *)(geneTree->intDownPass), (size_t) geneTree->nIntNodes, sizeof(TreeNode *), CompareNodesByX);
+ qsort((void *)(geneTree->intDownPass), (size_t)(geneTree->nIntNodes), sizeof(TreeNode *), CompareNodesByX);
// Debug output of qsort result
if (trace) {
diff --git a/src/command.c b/src/command.c
index 8fe78c5..96b86e3 100644
--- a/src/command.c
+++ b/src/command.c
@@ -45,11 +45,10 @@
#include "SIOUX.h"
-const char* const svnRevisionCommandC = "$Rev: 1012 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expended/updated by svn on each commit/update */
+const char* const svnRevisionCommandC = "$Rev: 1072 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expended/updated by svn on each commit/update */
-#define NUMCOMMANDS 61 /* Note: NUMCOMMANDS gives the total number */
- /* of commands in the program */
-#define NUMPARAMS 276
+#define NUMCOMMANDS 62 /* The total number of commands in the program */
+#define NUMPARAMS 276 /* The total number of parameters */
#define PARAM(i, s, f, l) p->string = s; \
p->fp = f; \
p->valueList = l; \
@@ -282,7 +281,7 @@ CmdType commands[] =
6 = List of valid parameters (parmList)
7 = Expecting (2^TokenType) (expect) (PARAMETER = 4; SEMICOLON = 32; ALPHA = 16384;
8 = Description of the command (cmdDescription)
9 = Where should the command be used (cmdUse) (IN_CMD = used from command line or mrbayes block; IN_FILE = used in data block or in tree block)
@@ -317,7 +316,7 @@ CmdType commands[] =
{ 23, "Log", NO, DoLog, 5, {85,86,87,88,89}, 4, "Logs screen output to a file", IN_CMD, SHOW },
{ 24, "Lset", NO, DoLset, 16, {28,29,30,31,32,33,34,40,51,52,53,90,91,131,188,189}, 4, "Sets the parameters of the likelihood model", IN_CMD, SHOW },
{ 25, "Manual", NO, DoManual, 1, {126}, 36, "Prints a command reference to a text file", IN_CMD, SHOW },
- { 26, "Matrix", YES, DoMatrix, 1, {11},112381728, "Defines matrix of characters in data block", IN_FILE, SHOW },
+ { 26, "Matrix", YES, DoMatrix, 1, {11},649252640, "Defines matrix of characters in data block", IN_FILE, SHOW },
{ 27, "Mcmc", NO, DoMcmc, 46, {17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,84,98,112,113,114,115,116,132,142,143,144,148,149,150,151,152,
153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,166,169,190,191,198,199,200,202,213,214,215}, 36, "Starts Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis", IN_CMD, SHOW },
{ 28, "Mcmcp", NO, DoMcmcp, 46, {17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,84,98,112,113,114,115,116,132,142,143,144,148,149,150,151,152,
@@ -358,6 +357,7 @@ CmdType commands[] =
270,273,274}, 4, "Unlinks parameters across character partitions", IN_CMD, SHOW },
{ 59, "Usertree", YES, DoUserTree, 1, {203}, 8, "Defines a single user tree", IN_CMD, HIDE },
{ 60, "Version", NO, DoVersion, 0, {-1}, 32, "Shows program version", IN_CMD, SHOW },
+ { 61, "Compareref", NO, DoCompRefTree, 7, {127,128,129,130,221,222,223}, 36, "Compares the tree to the reference trees", IN_CMD, HIDE },
/* NOTE: If you add a command here, make certain to change NUMCOMMANDS (above, in this file) appropriately! */
{ 999, NULL, NO, NULL, 0, {-1}, 32, "", IN_CMD, HIDE }
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ int AddNameSet (NameSet **nameSetList, int numNameSets, char **nameSet, int numN
int i;
- (*nameSetList) = (NameSet*) SafeRealloc ((void*)(*nameSetList), (size_t)(((numNameSets+1)*sizeof(NameSet))));
+ (*nameSetList) = (NameSet*) SafeRealloc ((void*)(*nameSetList), ((size_t)numNameSets+1)*sizeof(NameSet));
(*nameSetList)[numNameSets].names = NULL;
(*nameSetList)[numNameSets].numNames = numNames;
@@ -469,11 +469,11 @@ int AddNameSet (NameSet **nameSetList, int numNameSets, char **nameSet, int numN
the counter holding the length of the list. */
int AddString (char ***list, int len, char *token)
- (*list) = (char **) SafeRealloc ((void *)(*list), (size_t)((len+1)*sizeof(char*)));
+ (*list) = (char **) SafeRealloc ((void *)(*list), ((size_t)len+1)*sizeof(char*));
if (!(*list))
return ERROR;
- (*list)[len] = (char *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(strlen(token)+1), sizeof(char));
+ (*list)[len] = (char *) SafeCalloc ((strlen(token)+1), sizeof(char));
if (!(*list)[len])
return ERROR;
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ int AllocCharacters (void)
if (memAllocs[ALLOC_MATRIX] == YES)
goto errorExit;
- matrix = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (numTaxa * numChar * sizeof(int)));
+ matrix = (int *) SafeMalloc((size_t)numTaxa * (size_t)numChar * sizeof(int));
if (!matrix)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating matrix (%d)\n", spacer, numTaxa * numChar * sizeof(int));
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ int AllocCharacters (void)
if (memAllocs[ALLOC_CHARINFO] == YES)
goto errorExit;
- charInfo = (CharInformation *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (numChar * sizeof(CharInformation)));
+ charInfo = (CharInformation *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)numChar * sizeof(CharInformation));
if (!charInfo)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating charInfo (%d)\n", spacer, numChar * sizeof(CharInformation));
@@ -530,9 +530,9 @@ int AllocCharacters (void)
if (memAllocs[ALLOC_PARTITIONS] == YES)
goto errorExit;
partitionNames = NULL;
- partitionId = (int**) SafeMalloc ((size_t)(numChar*sizeof(int*)));
+ partitionId = (int**) SafeMalloc ((size_t)numChar * sizeof(int*));
for (i=0; i<numChar; i++)
- partitionId[i] = (int *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)(1 * sizeof(int)));
+ partitionId[i] = (int *) SafeMalloc (sizeof(int));
numDefinedPartitions = 0; /* number of defined partitions */
memAllocs[ALLOC_PARTITIONS] = YES; /* safe to do free */
@@ -559,8 +559,8 @@ int AllocCharacters (void)
tempSetSize = numChar;
tempSetSize = numTaxa;
- tempSet = (int *)SafeRealloc((void *)tempSet, (size_t) (tempSetSize * sizeof(int)));
- tempSetNeg = (int *)SafeRealloc((void *)tempSetNeg, (size_t) (tempSetSize * sizeof(int)));
+ tempSet = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *)tempSet, (size_t)tempSetSize * sizeof(int));
+ tempSetNeg = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *)tempSetNeg, (size_t)tempSetSize * sizeof(int));
if (!tempSet || !tempSetNeg)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem reallocating tempSet (%d)\n", spacer, tempSetSize * sizeof(int));
@@ -605,12 +605,12 @@ int AllocTaxa (void)
if (memAllocs[ALLOC_TAXA] == YES)
goto errorExit;
taxaNames = NULL; /* This variable is allocated in AddString */
- taxaInfo = (TaxaInformation *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (numTaxa * sizeof(TaxaInformation)));
+ taxaInfo = (TaxaInformation *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)numTaxa * sizeof(TaxaInformation));
if (!taxaInfo)
goto errorExit;
- tipCalibration = (Calibration *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (numTaxa * sizeof(Calibration)));
+ tipCalibration = (Calibration *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)numTaxa * sizeof(Calibration));
if (!tipCalibration)
free (taxaInfo);
@@ -637,10 +637,10 @@ int AllocTaxa (void)
goto errorExit;
speciespartitionNames = NULL;
speciesNameSets = NULL;
- speciespartitionId = (int**) SafeMalloc ((size_t)(numTaxa*sizeof(int*)));
+ speciespartitionId = (int**) SafeMalloc ((size_t)numTaxa * sizeof(int*));
for (i=0; i<numTaxa; i++)
- speciespartitionId[i] = (int *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)(1 * sizeof(int)));
+ speciespartitionId[i] = (int *) SafeMalloc (sizeof(int));
speciespartitionId[i][0] = i + 1; /* 1-based taxon index, do not ask me why */
numDefinedSpeciespartitions = 0; /* number of defined species partitions */
@@ -667,8 +667,8 @@ int AllocTaxa (void)
/* tempSet */
if (memAllocs[ALLOC_TMPSET] == YES)
goto errorExit;
- tempSet = (int *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)(numTaxa*sizeof(int)));
- tempSetNeg = (int *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)(numTaxa*sizeof(int)));
+ tempSet = (int *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)numTaxa * sizeof(int));
+ tempSetNeg = (int *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)numTaxa * sizeof(int));
if (!tempSet || !tempSetNeg)
goto errorExit;
memAllocs[ALLOC_TMPSET] = YES;
@@ -1667,7 +1667,7 @@ int DoCharsetParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
fromI = toJ = everyK = -1;
foundDash = foundSlash = NO;
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Defining charset called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Defining charset called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
expecting = Expecting(EQUALSIGN);
@@ -1685,12 +1685,12 @@ int DoCharsetParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
return an error. */
if (numCharSets < 1)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
if (CheckString (charSetNames, numCharSets, tkn, &index) == ERROR)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
/* add characters from charset "tkn" to new tempset */
@@ -2487,14 +2487,14 @@ int DoConstraint (void)
- definedConstraintTwo = (BitsLong **) SafeRealloc ((void *)(definedConstraintTwo), (size_t)((numDefinedConstraints+1)*sizeof(BitsLong *)));
+ definedConstraintTwo = (BitsLong **) SafeRealloc ((void *)(definedConstraintTwo), ((size_t)numDefinedConstraints+1)*sizeof(BitsLong *));
if (definedConstraintTwo==NULL)
return ERROR;
/* add a default node calibration */
- nodeCalibration = (Calibration *) SafeRealloc ((void *)nodeCalibration, (size_t)((numDefinedConstraints+1)*sizeof(Calibration)));
+ nodeCalibration = (Calibration *) SafeRealloc ((void *)nodeCalibration, ((size_t)numDefinedConstraints+1)*sizeof(Calibration));
nodeCalibration[numDefinedConstraints].prior = defaultCalibration.prior;
nodeCalibration[numDefinedConstraints].priorParams[0] = defaultCalibration.priorParams[0];
nodeCalibration[numDefinedConstraints].priorParams[1] = defaultCalibration.priorParams[1];
@@ -2511,25 +2511,25 @@ int DoConstraint (void)
/* reallocate and initialize space for activeConstraints */
for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
- modelParams[i].activeConstraints = (int *) SafeRealloc((void *)(modelParams[i].activeConstraints), (size_t)(numDefinedConstraints*sizeof(int)));
+ modelParams[i].activeConstraints = (int *) SafeRealloc((void *)(modelParams[i].activeConstraints), (size_t)numDefinedConstraints*sizeof(int));
modelParams[i].activeConstraints[numDefinedConstraints-1] = NO;
/* reallocate and initialize space for tempActiveConstraints */
- tempActiveConstraints = (int *) SafeRealloc((void *)(tempActiveConstraints), (size_t)(numDefinedConstraints*sizeof(int)));
+ tempActiveConstraints = (int *) SafeRealloc((void *)(tempActiveConstraints), (size_t)numDefinedConstraints*sizeof(int));
tempActiveConstraints[numDefinedConstraints-1] = NO;
- definedConstraintsType = (enum ConstraintType *) SafeRealloc((void *)(definedConstraintsType), (size_t)(numDefinedConstraints*sizeof(enum ConstraintType)));
+ definedConstraintsType = (enum ConstraintType *) SafeRealloc((void *)(definedConstraintsType), (size_t)numDefinedConstraints*sizeof(enum ConstraintType));
if (definedConstraintsType==NULL)
return ERROR;
definedConstraintsType[numDefinedConstraints-1] = consrtainType;
- definedConstraintPruned = (BitsLong **) SafeRealloc ((void *)(definedConstraintPruned), (size_t)((numDefinedConstraints)*sizeof(BitsLong *)));
+ definedConstraintPruned = (BitsLong **) SafeRealloc ((void *)(definedConstraintPruned), (size_t)numDefinedConstraints*sizeof(BitsLong *));
if (definedConstraintPruned==NULL)
return ERROR;
- definedConstraintTwoPruned = (BitsLong **) SafeRealloc ((void *)(definedConstraintTwoPruned), (size_t)((numDefinedConstraints)*sizeof(BitsLong *)));
+ definedConstraintTwoPruned = (BitsLong **) SafeRealloc ((void *)(definedConstraintTwoPruned), (size_t)numDefinedConstraints*sizeof(BitsLong *));
if (definedConstraintTwoPruned==NULL)
return ERROR;
@@ -2678,12 +2678,12 @@ int DoConstraintParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
if (numTaxaSets < 1)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
if (CheckString (taxaSetNames, numTaxaSets, tkn, &index) == ERROR)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
/* add taxa from taxset tkn to new tempSet */
@@ -3041,12 +3041,12 @@ int DoCtypeParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
if (numCharSets < 1)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
if (CheckString (charSetNames, numCharSets, tkn, &index) == ERROR)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
@@ -3247,12 +3247,12 @@ int DoDeleteParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
/* we are using a pre-defined taxa set */
if (numTaxaSets < 1)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
if (CheckString (taxaSetNames, numTaxaSets, tkn, &index) == ERROR)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
/* add taxa from taxset tkn to new tempSet */
@@ -3620,7 +3620,7 @@ int DoExecute (void)
/* allocate a string long enough to hold a line */
- s = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (longestLineLength * sizeof(char)));
+ s = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t)longestLineLength * sizeof(char));
if (!s)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating string for reading file\n", spacer);
@@ -3934,12 +3934,12 @@ int DoExcludeParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
/* we are using a pre-defined character set */
if (numCharSets < 1)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
if (CheckString (charSetNames, numCharSets, tkn, &index) == ERROR)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
/* add characters from charset tkn to new tempSet */
@@ -4411,6 +4411,7 @@ int DoFormatParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
expecting |= Expecting(EXCLAMATIONMARK);
expecting |= Expecting(PERCENT);
expecting |= Expecting(WEIRD);
+ expecting |= Expecting(VERTICALBAR);
else if (((expecting & Expecting(ALPHA)) == Expecting(ALPHA)) ||
((expecting & Expecting(QUESTIONMARK)) == Expecting(QUESTIONMARK)) ||
@@ -4419,7 +4420,8 @@ int DoFormatParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
((expecting & Expecting(ASTERISK)) == Expecting(ASTERISK)) ||
((expecting & Expecting(EXCLAMATIONMARK)) == Expecting(EXCLAMATIONMARK)) ||
((expecting & Expecting(PERCENT)) == Expecting(PERCENT)) ||
- ((expecting & Expecting(WEIRD)) == Expecting(WEIRD)))
+ ((expecting & Expecting(WEIRD)) == Expecting(WEIRD)) ||
+ ((expecting & Expecting(VERTICALBAR)) == Expecting(VERTICALBAR)))
if (strlen(tkn) == 1)
@@ -4454,6 +4456,7 @@ int DoFormatParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
expecting |= Expecting(EXCLAMATIONMARK);
expecting |= Expecting(PERCENT);
expecting |= Expecting(WEIRD);
+ expecting |= Expecting(VERTICALBAR);
else if (((expecting & Expecting(ALPHA)) == Expecting(ALPHA)) ||
((expecting & Expecting(QUESTIONMARK)) == Expecting(QUESTIONMARK)) ||
@@ -4462,7 +4465,8 @@ int DoFormatParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
((expecting & Expecting(ASTERISK)) == Expecting(ASTERISK)) ||
((expecting & Expecting(EXCLAMATIONMARK)) == Expecting(EXCLAMATIONMARK)) ||
((expecting & Expecting(PERCENT)) == Expecting(PERCENT)) ||
- ((expecting & Expecting(WEIRD)) == Expecting(WEIRD)))
+ ((expecting & Expecting(WEIRD)) == Expecting(WEIRD)) ||
+ ((expecting & Expecting(VERTICALBAR)) == Expecting(VERTICALBAR)))
if (strlen(tkn) == 1)
@@ -4497,6 +4501,7 @@ int DoFormatParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
expecting |= Expecting(EXCLAMATIONMARK);
expecting |= Expecting(PERCENT);
expecting |= Expecting(WEIRD);
+ expecting |= Expecting(VERTICALBAR);
else if (((expecting & Expecting(ALPHA)) == Expecting(ALPHA)) ||
((expecting & Expecting(QUESTIONMARK)) == Expecting(QUESTIONMARK)) ||
@@ -4505,7 +4510,8 @@ int DoFormatParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
((expecting & Expecting(ASTERISK)) == Expecting(ASTERISK)) ||
((expecting & Expecting(EXCLAMATIONMARK)) == Expecting(EXCLAMATIONMARK)) ||
((expecting & Expecting(PERCENT)) == Expecting(PERCENT)) ||
- ((expecting & Expecting(WEIRD)) == Expecting(WEIRD)))
+ ((expecting & Expecting(WEIRD)) == Expecting(WEIRD)) ||
+ ((expecting & Expecting(VERTICALBAR)) == Expecting(VERTICALBAR)))
if (strlen(tkn) == 1)
@@ -4758,12 +4764,12 @@ int DoIncludeParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
/* we are using a pre-defined character set */
if (numCharSets < 1)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
if (CheckString (charSetNames, numCharSets, tkn, &index) == ERROR)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
/* add characters from charset tkn to new tempSet */
@@ -5263,6 +5269,7 @@ int DoMatrixParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
expecting |= Expecting(EXCLAMATIONMARK);
expecting |= Expecting(PERCENT);
expecting |= Expecting(WEIRD);
+ expecting |= Expecting(VERTICALBAR);
expecting |= Expecting(SEMICOLON);
expecting |= Expecting(LEFTPAR);
expecting |= Expecting(RIGHTPAR);
@@ -5765,7 +5772,7 @@ int DoPartition (void)
/* add new partition */
for (i=0; i<numChar; i++) {
- partitionId[i] = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *)(partitionId[i]), (size_t)((numDefinedPartitions + 1) * sizeof(int)));
+ partitionId[i] = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *)(partitionId[i]), ((size_t)numDefinedPartitions + 1) * sizeof(int));
if (!partitionId[i])
return ERROR;
@@ -5831,7 +5838,7 @@ int DoPartitionParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
whichPartition = 0;
foundFirst = NO;
numDivisions = 0;
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Defining partition called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Defining partition called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
expecting = Expecting(EQUALSIGN);
@@ -5848,12 +5855,12 @@ int DoPartitionParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
return an error. */
if (numCharSets < 1)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
if (CheckString (charSetNames, numCharSets, tkn, &index) == ERROR)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a character set called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
/* add characters from charset tkn to new tempSet */
@@ -6087,12 +6094,12 @@ int DoRestoreParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
/* we are using a pre-defined taxa set */
if (numTaxaSets < 1)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
if (CheckString (taxaSetNames, numTaxaSets, tkn, &index) == ERROR)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
/* add taxa from taxset tkn to new tempSet */
@@ -7313,7 +7320,7 @@ int DoSpeciespartition (void)
/* add new partition */
for (i=0; i<numTaxa; i++)
- speciespartitionId[i] = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *)(speciespartitionId[i]), (size_t)((numDefinedSpeciespartitions + 1) * sizeof(int)));
+ speciespartitionId[i] = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *)(speciespartitionId[i]), ((size_t)numDefinedSpeciespartitions + 1) * sizeof(int));
if (!speciespartitionId[i])
for (i=0; i<numDivisions; i++)
@@ -7397,7 +7404,7 @@ int DoSpeciespartitionParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
whichPartition = 0;
foundFirst = NO;
numDivisions = 0;
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Defining speciespartition called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Defining speciespartition called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
expecting = Expecting(EQUALSIGN);
@@ -7422,7 +7429,7 @@ int DoSpeciespartitionParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
return an error. */
if (CheckString (taxaNames, numTaxa, tkn, &index) == ERROR)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a tip called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a tip called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
/* add index of the tip named tkn to new tempSet */
@@ -7690,7 +7697,7 @@ int DoTaxasetParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
fromI = toJ = everyK = -1;
foundDash = foundSlash = NO;
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Defining taxset called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Defining taxset called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
expecting = Expecting(EQUALSIGN);
@@ -7710,12 +7717,12 @@ int DoTaxasetParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
if (numTaxaSets < 1)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
if (CheckString (taxaSetNames, numTaxaSets, tkn, &index) == ERROR)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called %s\n", spacer, tkn);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find a taxset called '%s'\n", spacer, tkn);
return (ERROR);
/* add taxa from taxset tkn to new tempSet */
@@ -8286,9 +8293,9 @@ int DoTreeParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
t->nEvents = (int **) SafeRealloc ((void *)t->nEvents, t->nESets*sizeof(int *));
t->position = (MrBFlt ***) SafeRealloc ((void *)t->position, t->nESets*sizeof(MrBFlt **));
t->rateMult = (MrBFlt ***) SafeRealloc ((void *)t->rateMult, t->nESets*sizeof(MrBFlt **));
- t->nEvents[t->nESets-1] = (int *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(2*numTaxa), sizeof(int));
- t->position[t->nESets-1] = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(2*numTaxa), sizeof(MrBFlt *));
- t->rateMult[t->nESets-1] = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(2*numTaxa), sizeof(MrBFlt *));
+ t->nEvents[t->nESets-1] = (int *) SafeCalloc (2*(size_t)numTaxa, sizeof(int));
+ t->position[t->nESets-1] = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc (2*(size_t)numTaxa, sizeof(MrBFlt *));
+ t->rateMult[t->nESets-1] = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc (2*(size_t)numTaxa, sizeof(MrBFlt *));
t->eSetName = (char **) SafeRealloc ((void *)t->eSetName, t->nESets*sizeof(char **));
SafeStrcpy (&tempNameString,tkn);
@@ -8305,12 +8312,12 @@ int DoTreeParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
t->isRelaxed = YES;
- t->effectiveBrLen = (MrBFlt **) SafeRealloc ((void *)t->effectiveBrLen, (size_t)(t->nBSets*sizeof(MrBFlt *)));
- t->effectiveBrLen[t->nBSets-1] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(2*numTaxa),sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ t->effectiveBrLen = (MrBFlt **) SafeRealloc ((void *)t->effectiveBrLen, (size_t)(t->nBSets)*sizeof(MrBFlt *));
+ t->effectiveBrLen[t->nBSets-1] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (2*(size_t)numTaxa, sizeof(MrBFlt));
for (i=0; i<2*numTaxa; i++)
t->effectiveBrLen[t->nBSets-1][i] = 1.0;
- t->bSetName = (char **) SafeRealloc ((void *)t->bSetName, t->nBSets*sizeof(char **));
- t->bSetName[t->nBSets-1] = (char *) SafeCalloc (strlen(tkn)+1,sizeof(char));
+ t->bSetName = (char **) SafeRealloc ((void *)t->bSetName, (size_t)(t->nBSets)*sizeof(char *));
+ t->bSetName[t->nBSets-1] = (char *) SafeCalloc (strlen(tkn)+1, sizeof(char));
SafeStrcpy (&tempNameString,tkn);
foundName = YES;
@@ -9055,8 +9062,8 @@ int FreeCharacters (void)
if (memAllocs[ALLOC_TMPSET] == YES)
if (numChar > numTaxa)
- tempSet = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *) tempSet, (size_t)(numTaxa*sizeof(int)));
- tempSetNeg = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *) tempSetNeg, (size_t)(numTaxa*sizeof(int)));
+ tempSet = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *)tempSet, (size_t)numTaxa*sizeof(int));
+ tempSetNeg = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *)tempSetNeg, (size_t)numTaxa*sizeof(int));
if (memAllocs[ALLOC_MATRIX] == YES)
@@ -9486,11 +9493,16 @@ int GetToken (char *token, int *tokenType, char **sourceH)
*temp++ = *(*sourceH)++;
*tokenType = AMPERSAND;
- else if (IsIn(**sourceH,"~+^@|{}`><"))
+ else if (IsIn(**sourceH,"~+^@{}`><"))
*temp++ = *(*sourceH)++;
*tokenType = WEIRD;
+ else if (IsIn(**sourceH,"|"))
+ {
+ *temp++ = *(*sourceH)++;
+ *tokenType = VERTICALBAR;
+ }
*temp = '\0';
return (NO_ERROR);
@@ -10327,9 +10339,9 @@ int GetUserHelp (char *helpTkn)
MrBayesPrint (" above and a large number of others, with or without name. \n");
MrBayesPrint (" Code -- Enforces the use of a particular genetic code. The default \n");
MrBayesPrint (" is the universal code. Other options include \"vertmt\" for \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" vertebrate mitocondrial DNA, \"mycoplasma\", \"yeast\", \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" \"ciliates\", and \"metmt\" (for metazoan mitochondrial DNA \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" except vertebrates). \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" vertebrate mitocondrial, \"invermt\", \"mycoplasma\", \"yeast\", \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" \"ciliate\", \"echinoderm\", \"euplotid\", and \"metmt\" (for \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" metazoan mitochondrial except vertebrates). \n");
MrBayesPrint (" Ploidy -- Specifies the ploidy of the organism. Options are \"Haploid\", \n");
MrBayesPrint (" \"Diploid\" or \"Zlinked\". This option is used when a coalescent\n");
MrBayesPrint (" prior is used on trees. \n");
@@ -10423,15 +10435,19 @@ int GetUserHelp (char *helpTkn)
MrBayesPrint (" a specified substitution model (specified using the other \n");
MrBayesPrint (" lset options). \n");
MrBayesPrint (" Coding -- This specifies how characters were sampled. If all site patterns \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" had the possibility of being sampled, then \"all\" should be \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" specified (the default). Otherwise \"variable\" (only variable \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" characters had the possibility of being sampled), \"noabsence\" \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" (characters for which all taxa were coded as absent were not \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" sampled), and \"nopresence\" (characters for which all taxa were \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" coded as present were not sampled. \"All\" works for all data \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" types. However, the others only work for morphological (all/ \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" variable) or restriction site (all/variable/noabsence/nopresence)\n");
- MrBayesPrint (" data. \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" had the possibility of being sampled, then \"All\" should be \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" specified (the default). Otherwise \"Variable\" (only variable \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" characters had the possibility of being sampled), \"Informative\"\n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" (only parsimony informative characters has the possibility of \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" being sampled), \"Nosingletons\" (characters which are constant \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" in all but one taxon were not sampled), \"Noabsencesites\" (char-\n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" acters for which all taxa were coded as absent were not sampled),\n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" \"Nopresencesites\" (characters for which all taxa were coded as \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" present were not sampled). \"All\" works for all data types. \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" However, the others only work for morphological (All/Variable/ \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" Informative/Nosingletons) or restriction site (All/Variable/ \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" Informative/Nosingletons/Noabsencesites/Nopresencesites/ \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" Nosingletonpresence/Nosingletonabsence) data. \n");
MrBayesPrint (" Parsmodel -- This forces calculation under the so-called parsimony model \n");
MrBayesPrint (" described by Tuffley and Steel (1998). The options are \"yes\" \n");
MrBayesPrint (" or \"no\". Note that the biological assumptions of this model \n");
@@ -10463,26 +10479,27 @@ int GetUserHelp (char *helpTkn)
MrBayesPrint (" \n");
MrBayesPrint (" Parameter Options Current Setting \n");
MrBayesPrint (" ------------------------------------------------------------------ \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" Nucmodel 4by4/Doublet/Codon/Protein %s \n", mp->nucModel);
- MrBayesPrint (" Nst 1/2/6/Mixed %s \n", mp->nst);
- MrBayesPrint (" Code Universal/Vertmt/Mycoplasma/ \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" Yeast/Ciliates/Metmt %s \n", mp->geneticCode);
- MrBayesPrint (" Ploidy Haploid/Diploid/Zlinked %s \n", mp->ploidy);
+ MrBayesPrint (" Nucmodel 4by4/Doublet/Codon/Protein %s \n", mp->nucModel);
+ MrBayesPrint (" Nst 1/2/6/Mixed %s \n", mp->nst);
+ MrBayesPrint (" Code Universal/Vertmt/Invermt/Yeast/Mycoplasma/ \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" Ciliate/Echinoderm/Euplotid/Metmt %s \n", mp->geneticCode);
+ MrBayesPrint (" Ploidy Haploid/Diploid/Zlinked %s \n", mp->ploidy);
MrBayesPrint (" Rates Equal/Gamma/LNorm/Propinv/ \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" Invgamma/Adgamma %s \n", mp->ratesModel);
- MrBayesPrint (" Ngammacat <number> %d \n", mp->numGammaCats);
+ MrBayesPrint (" Invgamma/Adgamma %s \n", mp->ratesModel);
+ MrBayesPrint (" Ngammacat <number> %d \n", mp->numGammaCats);
#if 0
/* Temporarily disable this because of conflict with likelihood calculators. It should be renamed to samplerates when reintroduced. */
- MrBayesPrint (" Usegibbs Yes/No %s \n", mp->useGibbs);
- MrBayesPrint (" Gibbsfreq <number> %d \n", mp->gibbsFreq);
+ MrBayesPrint (" Usegibbs Yes/No %s \n", mp->useGibbs);
+ MrBayesPrint (" Gibbsfreq <number> %d \n", mp->gibbsFreq);
- MrBayesPrint (" Nbetacat <number> %d \n", mp->numBetaCats);
- MrBayesPrint (" Omegavar Equal/Ny98/M3 %s \n", mp->omegaVar);
- MrBayesPrint (" Covarion No/Yes %s \n", mp->covarionModel);
- MrBayesPrint (" Coding All/Variable/Noabsencesites/ \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" Nopresencesites %s \n", mp->coding);
- MrBayesPrint (" Parsmodel No/Yes %s \n", mp->parsModel);
- /* MrBayesPrint (" Augment No/Yes %s \n", mp->augmentData); */
+ MrBayesPrint (" Nbetacat <number> %d \n", mp->numBetaCats);
+ MrBayesPrint (" Omegavar Equal/Ny98/M3 %s \n", mp->omegaVar);
+ MrBayesPrint (" Covarion No/Yes %s \n", mp->covarionModel);
+ MrBayesPrint (" Coding All/Variable/Informative/Nosingletons \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" Noabsencesites/Nopresencesites/ \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" Nosingletonabsence/Nosingletonpresence %s \n", mp->codingString);
+ MrBayesPrint (" Parsmodel No/Yes %s \n", mp->parsModel);
+ /* MrBayesPrint (" Augment No/Yes %s \n", mp->augmentData); */
MrBayesPrint (" ------------------------------------------------------------------ \n");
MrBayesPrint (" \n");
@@ -10765,18 +10782,18 @@ int GetUserHelp (char *helpTkn)
MrBayesPrint (" The fact that the labelling of morphological characters is \n");
MrBayesPrint (" arbitrary makes it difficult to allow unequal character- \n");
MrBayesPrint (" state frequencies. MrBayes gets around this problem by \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" assuming that the states have a dirichlet prior, with all \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" states having equal frequency. The variation in the diri- \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" chlet can be controlled by this parameter--symdirihyperpr. \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" Symdirihyperpr specifies the distribution on the variance \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" parameter of the dirichlet. The valid options are: \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" assuming that the states have a symmetric Dirichlet prior \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" (i.e. all Dirichlet parameters are equal). The variation in \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" the Dirichlet can be controlled by this parameter. \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" Symdirihyperpr specifies the distribution on the parameter \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" of the symmetric Dirichlet. The valid options are: \n");
MrBayesPrint (" \n");
MrBayesPrint (" prset Symdirihyperpr = uniform(<number>,<number>) \n");
MrBayesPrint (" prset Symdirihyperpr = exponential(<number>) \n");
MrBayesPrint (" prset Symdirihyperpr = fixed(<number>) \n");
MrBayesPrint (" prset Symdirihyperpr = fixed(infinity) \n");
MrBayesPrint (" \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" If \"fixed(infinity)\" is chosen, the dirichlet prior is \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" If \"fixed(infinity)\" is chosen, the Dirichlet prior is \n");
MrBayesPrint (" fixed such that all character states have equal frequency. \n");
MrBayesPrint (" Topologypr -- This parameter specifies the prior probabilities of \n");
MrBayesPrint (" phylogenies. The options are: \n");
@@ -12930,9 +12947,9 @@ else if (!strcmp(helpTkn, "Set"))
MrBayesPrint (" tree distance values. \n");
MrBayesPrint (" \n");
MrBayesPrint (" Note that the \"Sumt\" command provides a different set of convergence diag- \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" nostics tools that you may also want to explore. Unlike \"Comparetree\", \"Sumt\"\n");
- MrBayesPrint (" can compare more than two tree samples and will calculate consensus trees and \n");
- MrBayesPrint (" split frequencies from the pooled samples. \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" nostics tools that you may also want to explore. Unlike \"Comparetree\", \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" \"Sumt\" can compare more than two tree samples and will calculate consensus \n");
+ MrBayesPrint (" trees and split frequencies from the pooled samples. \n");
MrBayesPrint (" \n");
MrBayesPrint (" Options: \n");
MrBayesPrint (" \n");
@@ -14187,17 +14204,17 @@ int SetPartition (int part)
memAllocs[ALLOC_MODEL] = YES;
- numVars = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *) numVars, (size_t)(3 * numCurrentDivisions * sizeof(int)));
+ numVars = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *) numVars, 3 * (size_t)numCurrentDivisions * sizeof(int));
tempLinkUnlinkVec = numVars + numCurrentDivisions;
activeParts = numVars + 2*numCurrentDivisions;
- tempNum = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) tempNum, (size_t)(6 * sizeof(MrBFlt)));
+ tempNum = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) tempNum, 6 * sizeof(MrBFlt));
- activeParams[0] = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *) (activeParams[0]), (size_t)(NUM_LINKED * numCurrentDivisions * sizeof(int)));
+ activeParams[0] = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *) (activeParams[0]), (size_t)NUM_LINKED * (size_t)numCurrentDivisions * sizeof(int));
for (i=1; i<NUM_LINKED; i++)
activeParams[i] = activeParams[0] + i*numCurrentDivisions;
- linkTable[0] = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *) (linkTable[0]), (size_t)(3 * NUM_LINKED * numCurrentDivisions * sizeof(int)));
+ linkTable[0] = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *) (linkTable[0]), 3 * (size_t)NUM_LINKED * (size_t)numCurrentDivisions * sizeof(int));
tempLinkUnlink[0] = linkTable[0] + NUM_LINKED*numCurrentDivisions;
for (i=1; i<NUM_LINKED; i++)
@@ -14289,8 +14306,8 @@ void SetUpParms (void)
PARAM (30, "Aamodel", DoLsetParm, "Poisson|Equalin|Jones|Dayhoff|Mtrev|Mtmam|Wag|Rtrev|Cprev|Vt|Blosum|Blossum|LG|\0");
PARAM (31, "Parsmodel", DoLsetParm, "Yes|No|\0");
PARAM (32, "Omegavar", DoLsetParm, "Equal|Ny98|M3|M10|\0");
- PARAM (33, "Code", DoLsetParm, "Universal|Vertmt|Mycoplasma|Yeast|Ciliates|Metmt|\0");
- PARAM (34, "Coding", DoLsetParm, "All|Variable|Noabsencesites|Nopresencesites|Informative|\0");
+ PARAM (33, "Code", DoLsetParm, "Universal|Vertmt|Invermt|Mycoplasma|Yeast|Ciliate|Echinoderm|Euplotid|Metmt|\0");
+ PARAM (34, "Coding", DoLsetParm, "All|Variable|Informative|Nosingletons|Noabsencesites|Nopresencesites|Nosingletonpresence|Nosingletonabsence|\0");
PARAM (35, "Seqerror", DoPrsetParm, "\0");
PARAM (36, "Tratiopr", DoPrsetParm, "Beta|Fixed|\0");
PARAM (37, "Revmatpr", DoPrsetParm, "Dirichlet|Fixed|\0");
@@ -14911,6 +14928,13 @@ void WhatVariableExp (BitsLong exp, char *st)
strcat(st, " <whatever>");
+ if ((exp & Expecting(VERTICALBAR)) == Expecting(VERTICALBAR))
+ {
+ if (n > 0)
+ strcat(st, " or");
+ strcat(st, " |");
+ n++;
+ }
if ((exp & Expecting(UNKNOWN_TOKEN_TYPE)) == Expecting(UNKNOWN_TOKEN_TYPE))
if (n > 0)
diff --git a/src/likelihood.c b/src/likelihood.c
index e1e7834..8fb631c 100644
--- a/src/likelihood.c
+++ b/src/likelihood.c
@@ -4915,9 +4915,9 @@ int CondLikeScaler_Std (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
if (m->nStates[c] == 2)
- numReps += m->numBetaCats * 2;
- else
- numReps += m->nStates[c];
+ numReps += m->numBetaCats * 2;
+ else
+ numReps += m->nStates[c];
/* find conditional likelihood pointers */
@@ -6560,9 +6560,9 @@ int Likelihood_Std (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain, MrBFlt *lnL, int which
for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
if (m->nStates[c] == 2)
- numReps += m->numBetaCats * 2;
- else
- numReps += m->nStates[c];
+ numReps += m->numBetaCats * 2;
+ else
+ numReps += m->nStates[c];
/* find conditional likelihood pointers */
clPtr = m->condLikes[m->condLikeIndex[chain][p->index]];
@@ -6578,7 +6578,7 @@ int Likelihood_Std (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain, MrBFlt *lnL, int which
/* find gamma category number and frequencies */
nGammaCats = m->numGammaCats;
- gammaFreq = 1.0 / nGammaCats;
+ gammaFreq = 1.0 / nGammaCats;
/* find site scaler */
lnScaler = m->scalers[m->siteScalerIndex[chain]];
@@ -6653,7 +6653,7 @@ int Likelihood_Std (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain, MrBFlt *lnL, int which
if (nStates == 2)
nBetaCats = m->numBetaCats;
- catFreq = gammaFreq / nBetaCats;
+ catFreq = gammaFreq / nBetaCats;
@@ -6687,7 +6687,7 @@ int Likelihood_Std (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain, MrBFlt *lnL, int which
if (nStates == 2)
nBetaCats = m->numBetaCats;
- catFreq = gammaFreq / nBetaCats;
+ catFreq = gammaFreq / nBetaCats;
diff --git a/src/mcmc.c b/src/mcmc.c
index 7984be8..4912f17 100644
--- a/src/mcmc.c
+++ b/src/mcmc.c
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
#include <signal.h>
-const char* const svnRevisionMcmcC = "$Rev: 1031 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expanded/updated by svn on each commit/update */
+const char* const svnRevisionMcmcC = "$Rev: 1072 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expanded/updated by svn on each commit/update */
#if defined (WIN_VERSION) && !defined (__GNUC__)
#define VISUAL
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ void PrintTiProbs (CLFlt *tP, MrBFlt *bs, int nStates);
int PrintTopConvInfo (void);
void PrintToScreen (int curGen, int startGen, time_t endingT, time_t startingT);
int PrintTree (int curGen, Param *treeParam, int chain, int showBrlens, MrBFlt clockRate);
+MrBFlt PropAncFossil (Param *param, int chain);
#if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
int ReassembleMoveInfo (void);
int ReassembleParamVals (int *curId);
@@ -341,6 +342,9 @@ int lowestLocalRunId; /* lowest local run Id
int highestLocalRunId; /* highest local run Id */
+#if defined (PRINT_DUMP)
+FILE **fpDump = NULL; /* pointer to .dump file(s) */
/* AddPartition: Add a partition to the tree keeping track of partition frequencies */
PFNODE *AddPartition (PFNODE *r, BitsLong *p, int runId)
@@ -444,7 +448,7 @@ int AddTreeSamples (int from, int to, int saveToList)
return (NO_ERROR);
# endif
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -503,12 +507,12 @@ int AddTreeSamples (int from, int to, int saveToList)
do {
if (fgets (lineBuf, longestLine, fp) == NULL)
- {
- SafeFclose (&fp);
- free (lineBuf);
- free (tempStr);
+ {
+ SafeFclose (&fp);
+ free (lineBuf);
+ free (tempStr);
return ERROR;
- }
+ }
word = strtok (lineBuf, " ");
} while (strcmp (word, "tree") != 0);
if (k>=from)
@@ -1704,7 +1708,7 @@ void CalcPartFreqStats (PFNODE *p, STATS *stat)
n = chainParams.numRuns;
min = (int)(chainParams.minPartFreq * stat->numSamples);
- if (((MrBFlt)min) != chainParams.minPartFreq * stat->numSamples)
+ if ((MrBFlt)min != chainParams.minPartFreq * stat->numSamples)
/* recursively compute partition frequencies for all subpartitions */
@@ -1813,6 +1817,56 @@ void CalcTopoConvDiagn (int numSamples)
+/* used in DoCompRefTree */
+void PartFreq (PFNODE *p, STATS *stat, int *ntrees)
+ int i, n = chainParams.numRuns;
+ MrBFlt f, sum, sumsq, stdev;
+ /* recursively compute partition frequencies for all subpartitions */
+ if (p->left != NULL)
+ PartFreq (p->left, stat, ntrees);
+ if (p->right != NULL)
+ PartFreq (p->right, stat, ntrees);
+ sum = sumsq = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
+ {
+ f = (MrBFlt)(p->count[i]) / (MrBFlt)ntrees[i];
+ sum += f;
+ sumsq += f * f;
+ }
+ f = (sumsq - sum * sum / n) / (n - 1);
+ if (f < 0.0)
+ stdev = 0.0;
+ else
+ stdev = sqrt (f);
+ stat->sum += stdev;
+ if (stat->max < stdev)
+ stat->max = stdev;
+ stat->numPartitions++;
+void CalcTopoConvDiagn2 (int *nTrees)
+ int n;
+ STATS *stat;
+ for (n=0; n<numTopologies; n++)
+ {
+ stat = &chainParams.stat[n];
+ stat->numPartitions = 0.0;
+ stat->sum = stat->max = 0.0;
+ PartFreq (partFreqTreeRoot[n], stat, nTrees);
+ stat->avgStdDev = stat->sum / stat->numPartitions;
+ }
int CheckTemperature (void)
if (chainParams.userDefinedTemps == YES)
@@ -1830,38 +1884,30 @@ int CheckTemperature (void)
void CloseMBPrintFiles (void)
- int i, k, n;
+ int i, n;
- for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
- {
# if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
- if (proc_id == 0)
- {
+ if (proc_id != 0)
+ return;
# endif
- k = n;
- SafeFclose (&fpParm[k]);
+ for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
+ {
+ SafeFclose (&fpParm[n]);
+#if defined (PRINT_DUMP)
+ SafeFclose (&fpDump[n]);
for (i=0; i<numTrees; i++)
- if (fpTree[k][i])
+ if (fpTree[n][i])
- fprintf (fpTree[k][i], "end;\n");
- SafeFclose (&fpTree[k][i]);
+ fprintf (fpTree[n][i], "end;\n");
+ SafeFclose (&fpTree[n][i]);
- fpTree[k][i] = NULL;
-# if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
- }
-# endif
-# if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
- if (proc_id != 0)
- return;
-# endif
if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES)
SafeFclose (&fpMcmc);
@@ -2045,7 +2091,7 @@ void CopySiteScalers (ModelInfo *m, int chain)
# endif
from = m->scalers[m->siteScalerScratchIndex];
to = m->scalers[m->siteScalerIndex[chain]];
- memcpy ((void*) to, (void*) from, (size_t)(m->numChars*sizeof(CLFlt)));
+ memcpy ((void*) to, (void*) from, (size_t)(m->numChars) * sizeof(CLFlt));
@@ -2385,8 +2431,8 @@ int DoMcmc (void)
/* Get starting values from checkpoint file */
MrBayesPrint ("%s Getting values from previous run\n", spacer);
- strcpy(inputFileName,chainParams.chainFileName);
- strcat(inputFileName,".ckp");
+ strcpy(inputFileName, chainParams.chainFileName);
+ strcat(inputFileName, ".ckp");
if (OpenTextFileR(inputFileName) == NULL)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not find the checkpoint file '%s'.\n", spacer, inputFileName);
@@ -2736,7 +2782,7 @@ int DoMcmcParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
char *tempStr;
int tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -4162,7 +4208,7 @@ int FillNumSitesOfPat (void)
/* allocate memory */
- increased = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (2 * numCompressedChars * sizeof(int)));
+ increased = (int *)SafeMalloc(2 * (size_t)numCompressedChars * sizeof(int));
if (!increased)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem reallocating increased (%d)\n", spacer, numCompressedChars * chainParams.numChains * sizeof(int));
@@ -8204,7 +8250,7 @@ int LnBirthDeathPriorPrRandom (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt s
TreeNode *p;
/* allocate space for the speciation times */
- nt = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (t->nIntNodes) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ nt = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(t->nIntNodes) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (!nt)
MrBayesPrint ("\n ERROR: Problem allocating nt\n");
@@ -8264,7 +8310,7 @@ int LnBirthDeathPriorPrDiversity (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFl
TreeNode *p;
/* allocate space for the speciation times */
- nt = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (t->nIntNodes) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ nt = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(t->nIntNodes) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (!nt)
MrBayesPrint ("\n ERROR: Problem allocating nt\n");
@@ -8335,7 +8381,7 @@ int LnBirthDeathPriorPrCluster (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt
TreeNode *p;
/* allocate space for the speciation times */
- nt = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (t->nIntNodes) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ nt = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(t->nIntNodes) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (!nt)
MrBayesPrint ("\n ERROR: Problem allocating nt\n");
@@ -8672,7 +8718,7 @@ int LnFossilizedBDPriorFossilTip (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFl
| Gavryushkina, A., D. Welch, T. Stadler, and A. Drummond. 2014.
| Bayesian inference of sampled ancestor trees for epidemiology and fossil calibration. PLoS Comp. Biol.
| Zhang C., T. Stadler, S. Klopfstein, T. A. Heath, and F. Ronquist. 2015.
- | Total-Evidence Dating under the Fossilized Birth-Death Process.
+ | Total-Evidence Dating under the Fossilized Birth-Death Process. Syst. Biol.
| 0 _____________ t3, rho3
@@ -8717,17 +8763,17 @@ int LnFossilizedBDPriorRandom (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt *
sl = mp->sampleFSNum;
/* alloc memory for time of each slice, t_f[sl] = 0 */
- t_f = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ t_f = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
/* lambda, mu, psi */
- lambda = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
- mu = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
- psi = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ lambda = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ mu = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ psi = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
/* for sampling prob in each slice, including extant */
- rho = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ rho = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
/* A_i, B_i, ... */
- c1 = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
- c2 = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
- p_t = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ c1 = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ c2 = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ p_t = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (!lambda || !mu || !psi || !rho || !t_f || !c1 || !c2 || !p_t)
@@ -8826,7 +8872,10 @@ int LnFossilizedBDPriorRandom (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt *
- (*prob) += log(rho[sl]);
+ if (rho[sl] > 0.0)
+ {
+ (*prob) += log(rho[sl]);
+ }
E++; /* number of extant taxa */
@@ -8849,7 +8898,7 @@ int LnFossilizedBDPriorRandom (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt *
(*prob) += mp->treeAgePr.LnPriorProb(tmrca, mp->treeAgePr.priorParams);
/* conversion to labeled tree from oriented tree */
- (*prob) += (M + E - 1) * log(2.0) - LnFactorial(E) - LnFactorial(M + K);
+ (*prob) += (M + E - 1) * log(2.0); // - LnFactorial(E + M + K) (# permutation is constant given data)
printf ("K=%d M=%d E=%d\n", K, M, E);
@@ -8869,13 +8918,13 @@ int LnFossilizedBDPriorRandom (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt *
| LnFossilizedBDPriorDiversity
| Zhang C., T. Stadler, S. Klopfstein, T. A. Heath, and F. Ronquist. 2015.
- | Total-Evidence Dating under the Fossilized Birth-Death Process.
+ | Total-Evidence Dating under the Fossilized Birth-Death Process. Syst. Biol.
int LnFossilizedBDPriorDiversity (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt *sR, MrBFlt *eR, MrBFlt sF, MrBFlt *fR)
/* Fossils in the past are sampled with piecewise constant rates,
- also in several time slices each with a seperate probability.
+ also in several time slices each with a seperate probability.
Extant taxa are sampled with prop sF to maximize diversity. */
int i, j, sl, K, M, E;
@@ -8888,23 +8937,21 @@ int LnFossilizedBDPriorDiversity (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFl
/* time of most recent common ancestor */
tmrca = t->root->left->nodeDepth / clockRate;
- /* get the number of fossil slice sampling events, s >= 0 */
- sl = mp->sampleFSNum;
- /* plus 1 extra slice (x_cut) to shift psi to 0 */
- sl += 1;
+ /* get the number of fossil slice sampling events, plus 1 extra slice (x_cut) to shift psi to 0 */
+ sl = mp->sampleFSNum + 1;
/* alloc memory for time of each slice */
- t_f = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ t_f = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
/* lambda, mu, psi */
- lambda = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
- mu = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
- psi = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ lambda = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ mu = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ psi = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
/* for sampling prob in each slice, including extant */
- rho = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ rho = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
/* A_i, B_i, ... */
- c1 = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
- c2 = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
- p_t = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ c1 = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ c2 = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ p_t = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sl+1) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (!lambda || !mu || !psi || !rho || !t_f || !c1 || !c2 || !p_t)
@@ -9029,7 +9076,7 @@ int LnFossilizedBDPriorDiversity (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFl
- (*prob) += log(rho[sl]);
+ // (*prob) += log(rho[sl]); // rho[sl] == 1
E++; /* number of extant taxa */
@@ -9058,7 +9105,7 @@ int LnFossilizedBDPriorDiversity (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFl
(*prob) += mp->treeAgePr.LnPriorProb(tmrca, mp->treeAgePr.priorParams);
/* conversion to labeled tree from oriented tree */
- (*prob) += (M + E - 1) * log(2.0) - LnFactorial(E) - LnFactorial(M + K);
+ (*prob) += (M + E - 1) * log(2.0); // - LnFactorial(E + M + K) (# permutation is constant given data)
printf ("K=%d M=%d E=%d\n", K, M, E);
@@ -9135,7 +9182,7 @@ int LnCoalescencePriorPr (Tree *t, MrBFlt *prob, MrBFlt theta, MrBFlt growth)
TreeNode *p;
/* allocate space for the coalescence times */
- ct = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (t->nIntNodes) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ ct = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(t->nIntNodes) * sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (!ct)
MrBayesPrint ("\n ERROR: Problem allocating ct\n");
@@ -10204,8 +10251,6 @@ int PreparePrintFiles (void)
oldAutoOverwrite = autoOverwrite;
/* Allocate space for file pointers */
- n = chainParams.numRuns;
MrBayesPrint ("%s File pointers already allocated in PreparePrintFiles\n", spacer);
@@ -10215,26 +10260,26 @@ int PreparePrintFiles (void)
fpSS = NULL;
fpParm = NULL;
fpTree = NULL;
- fpParm = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (n, sizeof (FILE *));
+ fpParm = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE *));
if (fpParm == NULL)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not allocate fpParm in PreparePrintFiles\n", spacer);
return ERROR;
- fpTree = (FILE ***) SafeCalloc (n, sizeof (FILE **));
+ fpTree = (FILE ***) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE **));
if (fpTree == NULL)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not allocate fpTree in PreparePrintFiles\n", spacer);
return ERROR;
- fpTree[0] = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (numTrees*n, sizeof (FILE *));
+ fpTree[0] = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (numTrees*chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE *));
if (fpTree[0] == NULL)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not allocate fpTree[0] in PreparePrintFiles\n", spacer);
return ERROR;
- for (i=1; i<n; i++)
+ for (i=1; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
fpTree[i] = fpTree[0] + i*numTrees;
/* Get root of local file name */
@@ -10314,7 +10359,6 @@ int PreparePrintFiles (void)
return (ERROR);
/* Prepare the .p and .t files */
for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
@@ -10367,6 +10411,21 @@ int PreparePrintFiles (void)
strcat (bkupName, "~");
remove (bkupName);
rename (fileName, bkupName);
+# if defined (PRINT_DUMP)
+ fpDump = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE *));
+ for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
+ {
+ if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
+ sprintf (fileName, "%s.dump", localFileName);
+ else
+ sprintf (fileName, "%s.run%d.dump", localFileName, n+1);
+ if ((fpDump[n] = OpenNewMBPrintFile (fileName)) == NULL)
+ return (ERROR);
+ }
+# endif
return (NO_ERROR);
@@ -10387,7 +10446,7 @@ int PrintAncStates_Bin (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
int tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
ModelInfo *m;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -10474,7 +10533,7 @@ int PrintAncStates_Gen (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
int tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
ModelInfo *m;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -10661,7 +10720,7 @@ int PrintAncStates_NUC4 (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
int tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
ModelInfo *m;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -10832,7 +10891,7 @@ int PrintAncStates_Std (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
int tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
ModelInfo *m;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -11803,7 +11862,7 @@ int PrintMPISlaves (FILE *fp)
/* reallocate string s on processor 0 if necessary */
if (nErrors == 0 && proc_id == 0 && len+5 > strlen(s))
- if ((s = (char *) SafeRealloc ((void *)s, (size_t)((len+5)*sizeof(char)))) == NULL)
+ if ((s = (char *) SafeRealloc ((void *)s, ((size_t)len+5)*sizeof(char))) == NULL)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem reallocating %d chars to string 's' on proc 0 in PrintMPISlaves()\n", spacer, len+5);
@@ -11976,7 +12035,7 @@ int PrintSiteRates_Gen (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
int tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
ModelInfo *m;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -12119,7 +12178,7 @@ int PrintSiteRates_Std (TreeNode *p, int division, int chain)
int tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
ModelInfo *m;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -12191,8 +12250,8 @@ int PrintStates (int curGen, int coldId)
/* allocate the print string */
printStringSize = tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
- printString = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (printStringSize * sizeof(char)));
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ printString = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t)printStringSize * sizeof(char));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!printString)
@@ -12216,7 +12275,7 @@ int PrintStates (int curGen, int coldId)
MrBayesPrint ("%s posSelProbs not free in PrintStates\n", spacer);
goto errorExit;
- posSelProbs = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (numCompressedChars * sizeof(MrBFlt)));
+ posSelProbs = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)numCompressedChars * sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (!posSelProbs)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating posSelProbs (%d)\n", spacer, numCompressedChars * sizeof(MrBFlt));
@@ -12228,7 +12287,7 @@ int PrintStates (int curGen, int coldId)
if (inferPosSel == YES || inferSiteOmegas == YES || inferSiteRates == YES || inferAncStates == YES)
- printedChar = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (numChar * sizeof(int)));
+ printedChar = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t)numChar * sizeof(int));
if (!printedChar)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating printedChar (%d)\n", spacer, numChar * sizeof(int));
@@ -12250,13 +12309,12 @@ int PrintStates (int curGen, int coldId)
SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tLnPr");
if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
- /* print tree lengths or heights for all trees */
for (i=0; i<numParams; i++)
p = ¶ms[i];
if (p->paramType == P_BRLENS)
+ /* print tree lengths or heights for all trees */
tree = GetTree (p, coldId, state[coldId]);
if (tree->isRooted == YES)
@@ -12264,6 +12322,7 @@ int PrintStates (int curGen, int coldId)
SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tTH%s\tTL%s", partString, partString);
SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tTH\tTL");
+ if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
@@ -12271,18 +12330,9 @@ int PrintStates (int curGen, int coldId)
SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tTL%s", partString);
SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tTL");
+ if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
- if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
- }
- }
- /* print # events for cpp model, or relaxed clock model indicator */
- for (i=0; i<numPrintTreeParams; i++)
- {
- p = printTreeParam[i];
- if (p->paramType == P_BRLENS)
- {
+ /* print # cpp events, or relaxed clock model indicator */
for (j=0; j<p->nSubParams; j++)
if (p->subParams[j]->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
@@ -12303,6 +12353,20 @@ int PrintStates (int curGen, int coldId)
+ /* print proportion of ancestral fossils */
+ else if (p->paramType == P_FOSLRATE)
+ {
+ if (FillRelPartsString(p, &partString) == YES)
+ {
+ SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tprop_ancfossil%s", partString);
+ if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\tprop_ancfossil");
+ if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
+ }
+ }
/* print ordinary parameters header */
@@ -12560,15 +12624,14 @@ int PrintStates (int curGen, int coldId)
SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(curLnPr[coldId]));
if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
- /* print tree lengths or heights for all trees */
for (i=0; i<numParams; i++)
p = ¶ms[i];
if (p->paramType == P_BRLENS)
+ /* print tree lengths or heights for all trees */
tree = GetTree (p, coldId, state[coldId]);
- if (tree->isClock == NO)
+ if (tree->isRooted == NO)
SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(TreeLength(p, coldId)));
if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
@@ -12580,15 +12643,7 @@ int PrintStates (int curGen, int coldId)
SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(TreeLength(p, coldId)));
if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
- }
- }
- /* print # cpp events, or relaxed clock model indicator */
- for (i=0; i<numParams; i++)
- {
- p = ¶ms[i];
- if (p->paramType == P_BRLENS)
- {
+ /* print # cpp events, or relaxed clock model indicator */
for (j=0; j<p->nSubParams; j++)
if (p->subParams[j]->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
@@ -12603,6 +12658,12 @@ int PrintStates (int curGen, int coldId)
+ else if (p->paramType == P_FOSLRATE)
+ {
+ /* print proportion of ancestral fossils */
+ SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(PropAncFossil(p, coldId)));
+ if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
+ }
/* print ordinary parameters */
@@ -12810,7 +12871,8 @@ int PrintStates (int curGen, int coldId)
SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(posSelProbs[compressedCharPosition]));
if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
- /* printf ("%4d -> (%3d,%3d,%3d) %1.25le\n", i, origAlignmentChars[0]+1, origAlignmentChars[1]+1, origAlignmentChars[2]+1, posSelProbs[compressedCharPosition]); */
+ /* printf ("%4d -> (%3d,%3d,%3d) %1.25le\n", i, origAlignmentChars[0]+1, origAlignmentChars[1]+1,
+ origAlignmentChars[2]+1, posSelProbs[compressedCharPosition]); */
@@ -12851,7 +12913,8 @@ int PrintStates (int curGen, int coldId)
SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "\t%s", MbPrintNum(posSelProbs[compressedCharPosition]));
if (AddToPrintString (tempStr) == ERROR) goto errorExit;
- /* printf ("%4d -> (%3d,%3d,%3d) %1.25le\n", i, origAlignmentChars[0]+1, origAlignmentChars[1]+1, origAlignmentChars[2]+1, posSelProbs[compressedCharPosition]); */
+ /* printf ("%4d -> (%3d,%3d,%3d) %1.25le\n", i, origAlignmentChars[0]+1, origAlignmentChars[1]+1,
+ origAlignmentChars[2]+1, posSelProbs[compressedCharPosition]); */
@@ -13087,7 +13150,7 @@ int PrintStatesToFiles (int curGen)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem receiving printStringSize from proc_id = %d\n", spacer, procWithChain);
- printString = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (printStringSize * sizeof(char)));
+ printString = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t)printStringSize * sizeof(char));
if (!printString)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating printString (%d)\n", spacer, printStringSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -13206,7 +13269,7 @@ int PrintStatesToFiles (int curGen)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem receiving printStringSize from proc_id = %d\n", spacer, procWithChain);
- printString = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (printStringSize * sizeof(char)));
+ printString = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t)printStringSize * sizeof(char));
if (!printString)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating printString (%d)\n", spacer, printStringSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -13333,7 +13396,7 @@ int PrintSwapInfo (void)
# endif
tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -13591,7 +13654,7 @@ int PrintTopConvInfo (void)
# endif
tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -13850,7 +13913,7 @@ int PrintTree (int curGen, Param *treeParam, int chain, int showBrlens, MrBFlt c
/* allocate the print string */
printStringSize = 200;
- printString = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (printStringSize * sizeof(char)));
+ printString = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t)printStringSize * sizeof(char));
if (!printString)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating printString (%d)\n", spacer, printStringSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -13859,7 +13922,7 @@ int PrintTree (int curGen, Param *treeParam, int chain, int showBrlens, MrBFlt c
*printString = '\0';
tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -15011,7 +15074,7 @@ int RemoveTreeSamples (int from, int to)
return (NO_ERROR);
# endif
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -15167,26 +15230,27 @@ int RemoveTreeSamples (int from, int to)
int ReopenMBPrintFiles (void)
- int i, k, n;
+ int i, n;
char fileName[120], localFileName[100];
+ /* Take care of the mpi procs that do not have a file */
+# if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
+ if (proc_id != 0)
+ return (NO_ERROR);
+# endif
/* Get root of local file name */
strcpy (localFileName, chainParams.chainFileName);
/* Reopen the .p and .t files */
for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
- k = n;
if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
sprintf (fileName, "%s.p", localFileName);
sprintf (fileName, "%s.run%d.p", localFileName, n+1);
-# if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
- if (proc_id == 0)
-# endif
- if ((fpParm[k] = OpenTextFileA (fileName)) == NULL)
+ if ((fpParm[n] = OpenTextFileA (fileName)) == NULL)
return (ERROR);
for (i=0; i<numTrees; i++)
@@ -15200,29 +15264,32 @@ int ReopenMBPrintFiles (void)
sprintf (fileName, "%s.tree%d.run%d.t", localFileName, i+1, n+1);
-# if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
- if (proc_id == 0)
-# endif
- if ((fpTree[k][i] = OpenTextFileA (fileName)) == NULL)
+ if ((fpTree[n][i] = OpenTextFileA (fileName)) == NULL)
return (ERROR);
- /* Take care of the mpi procs that do not have a mcmc file */
-# if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
- if (proc_id != 0)
- return (NO_ERROR);
-# endif
/* Reopen the .mcmc file */
if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES)
- sprintf (fileName, "%s.mcmc", chainParams.chainFileName);
+ sprintf (fileName, "%s.mcmc", localFileName);
if ((fpMcmc = OpenTextFileA (fileName)) == NULL)
return (ERROR);
+# if defined (PRINT_DUMP)
+ for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
+ {
+ if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
+ sprintf (fileName, "%s.dump", localFileName);
+ else
+ sprintf (fileName, "%s.run%d.dump", localFileName, n+1);
+ if ((fpDump[n] = OpenTextFileA (fileName)) == NULL)
+ return (ERROR);
+ }
+# endif
return (NO_ERROR);
@@ -15666,7 +15733,7 @@ void ResetSiteScalers (ModelInfo *m, int chain)
int ReusePreviousResults (int *numSamples, int steps)
- int i, k, n;
+ int i, n;
char localFileName[100], fileName[220], bkupName[220];
(*numSamples) = 0;
@@ -15677,8 +15744,6 @@ int ReusePreviousResults (int *numSamples, int steps)
# endif
/* Allocate space for file pointers */
- n = chainParams.numRuns;
MrBayesPrint ("%s File pointers already allocated in ReusePreviousResults\n", spacer);
@@ -15688,26 +15753,26 @@ int ReusePreviousResults (int *numSamples, int steps)
fpSS = NULL;
fpParm = NULL;
fpTree = NULL;
- fpParm = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (n, sizeof (FILE *));
+ fpParm = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE *));
if (fpParm == NULL)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not allocate fpParm in ReusePreviousResults\n", spacer);
return ERROR;
- fpTree = (FILE ***) SafeCalloc (n, sizeof (FILE **));
+ fpTree = (FILE ***) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE **));
if (fpTree == NULL)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not allocate fpTree in ReusePreviousResults\n", spacer);
return ERROR;
- fpTree[0] = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (numTrees*n, sizeof (FILE *));
+ fpTree[0] = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (numTrees*chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE *));
if (fpTree[0] == NULL)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not allocate fpTree[0] in ReusePreviousResults\n", spacer);
return ERROR;
- for (i=1; i<n; i++)
+ for (i=1; i<chainParams.numRuns; i++)
fpTree[i] = fpTree[0] + i*numTrees;
/* Get root of local file name */
@@ -15716,8 +15781,6 @@ int ReusePreviousResults (int *numSamples, int steps)
/* Store old and prepare new .p and .t files */
for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
- k = n;
if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
sprintf (fileName, "%s%s.p", workingDir, localFileName);
@@ -15731,9 +15794,9 @@ int ReusePreviousResults (int *numSamples, int steps)
return ERROR;
- if ((fpParm[k] = OpenNewMBPrintFile (fileName+strlen(workingDir))) == NULL)
+ if ((fpParm[n] = OpenNewMBPrintFile (fileName+strlen(workingDir))) == NULL)
return (ERROR);
- else if (CopyResults(fpParm[k],bkupName+strlen(workingDir),numPreviousGen) == ERROR)
+ else if (CopyResults(fpParm[n],bkupName+strlen(workingDir),numPreviousGen) == ERROR)
return (ERROR);
for (i=0; i<numTrees; i++)
@@ -15754,9 +15817,9 @@ int ReusePreviousResults (int *numSamples, int steps)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not rename file %s\n", spacer, fileName);
return ERROR;
- if ((fpTree[k][i] = OpenNewMBPrintFile (fileName+strlen(workingDir))) == NULL)
+ if ((fpTree[n][i] = OpenNewMBPrintFile (fileName+strlen(workingDir))) == NULL)
return (ERROR);
- else if (CopyTreeResults(fpTree[k][i],bkupName+strlen(workingDir),numPreviousGen,numSamples) == ERROR)
+ else if (CopyTreeResults(fpTree[n][i],bkupName+strlen(workingDir),numPreviousGen,numSamples) == ERROR)
return (ERROR);
@@ -15796,6 +15859,21 @@ int ReusePreviousResults (int *numSamples, int steps)
else if (CopyResults(fpMcmc,bkupName+strlen(workingDir),numPreviousGen)==ERROR)
return (ERROR);
+# if defined (PRINT_DUMP)
+ fpDump = (FILE **) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns, sizeof (FILE *));
+ for (n=0; n<chainParams.numRuns; n++)
+ {
+ if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
+ sprintf (fileName, "%s.dump", localFileName);
+ else
+ sprintf (fileName, "%s.run%d.dump", localFileName, n+1);
+ if ((fpDump[n] = OpenTextFileA (fileName)) == NULL)
+ return (ERROR);
+ }
+# endif
return (NO_ERROR);
@@ -15843,12 +15921,6 @@ int RunChain (RandLong *seed)
# if defined (DEBUG_RUNCHAIN)
ModelInfo *m;
# endif
-# if defined (PRINT_DUMP)
- char tempName[150];
- sprintf (tempName, "%s.dump.txt", chainParams.chainFileName);
- dumpFile = OpenNewMBPrintFile (tempName);
-# endif
/* set nErrors to 0 */
nErrors = 0;
@@ -15869,29 +15941,18 @@ int RunChain (RandLong *seed)
- /* Adjust default comparetree file name; we know now how many trees we have */
- if (numTrees > 1 && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
- sprintf (comptreeParams.comptFileName1, "%s.tree1.run1.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
- else if (numTrees > 1 && chainParams.numRuns == 1)
- sprintf (comptreeParams.comptFileName1, "%s.tree1.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
- else if (numTrees == 1 && chainParams.numRuns > 1)
- sprintf (comptreeParams.comptFileName1, "%s.run1.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
- else if (numTrees == 1 && chainParams.numRuns == 1)
- sprintf (comptreeParams.comptFileName1, "%s.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
- strcpy (comptreeParams.comptFileName2, comptreeParams.comptFileName1);
/* allocate some memory for the chains */
if (memAllocs[ALLOC_CURLNL] == YES)
MrBayesPrint ("%s curLnL is already allocated\n", spacer);
- else if ((curLnL = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (numLocalChains * sizeof(MrBFlt)))) == NULL)
+ else if ((curLnL = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)numLocalChains * sizeof(MrBFlt))) == NULL)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating curLnL (%d)\n", spacer, numLocalChains * sizeof(MrBFlt));
- else if ((maxLnL0 = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (chainParams.numRuns * chainParams.numChains, sizeof(MrBFlt))) == NULL)
+ else if ((maxLnL0 = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(chainParams.numRuns) * (size_t)(chainParams.numChains), sizeof(MrBFlt))) == NULL)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating maxLnL0\n", spacer, numLocalChains * sizeof(MrBFlt));
free (curLnL);
@@ -15916,7 +15977,7 @@ int RunChain (RandLong *seed)
MrBayesPrint ("%s curLnPr is already allocated\n", spacer);
- else if ((curLnPr = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (numLocalChains * sizeof(MrBFlt)))) == NULL)
+ else if ((curLnPr = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)numLocalChains * sizeof(MrBFlt))) == NULL)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating curLnPr (%d)\n", spacer, numLocalChains * sizeof(MrBFlt));
@@ -15940,7 +16001,7 @@ int RunChain (RandLong *seed)
MrBayesPrint ("%s chainId is already allocated\n", spacer);
- else if ((chainId = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (numLocalChains * sizeof(int)))) == NULL)
+ else if ((chainId = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t)numLocalChains * sizeof(int))) == NULL)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating chainId (%d)\n", spacer, numLocalChains * sizeof(int));
@@ -16091,16 +16152,15 @@ int RunChain (RandLong *seed)
for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
chainParams.stat[i].pair = NULL;
- if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES)
+ if ((chainParams.dtree = AllocateTree (numLocalTaxa)) == NULL)
- if ((chainParams.dtree = AllocateTree (numLocalTaxa)) == NULL)
- {
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not allocate chainParams.dtree in RunChain\n", spacer);
- return ERROR;
- }
- else
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not allocate chainParams.dtree in RunChain\n", spacer);
+ return ERROR;
+ else
if (chainParams.allComps == YES)
for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
@@ -16325,7 +16385,7 @@ int RunChain (RandLong *seed)
- if (setFilePositions(removeTo) == ERROR) nErrors++;
+ if (SetFilePositions(removeTo) == ERROR) nErrors++;
if (AddTreeSamples(removeTo+1,i,chainParams.saveTrees) == ERROR) nErrors++;
@@ -16663,11 +16723,11 @@ int RunChain (RandLong *seed)
abortMove = YES;
- /* calculate likelihood ratio -- abortMove is set to YES if the calculation fails because the likelihood is too small */
+ /* abortMove is set to YES if the calculation fails because the likelihood is too small */
if (abortMove == NO)
lnLike = LogLike(chn);
- /* determine whether we want to accept the move */
+ /* calculate acceptance probability */
if (abortMove == NO)
lnLikelihoodRatio = lnLike - curLnL[chn];
@@ -16822,7 +16882,9 @@ int RunChain (RandLong *seed)
PrintToScreen(n, numPreviousGen, time(0), startingT);
# if defined (TIMING_ANALIZ)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Time elapsed:%f CondlikeDownTime:%f CondLikeRoot:%f Likelihood:%f ScalersTime:%f ScalersRemove:%f\n", spacer, CPUTime,CPUCondLikeDown/(MrBFlt) CLOCKS_PER_SEC,CPUCondLikeRoot/(MrBFlt) CLOCKS_PER_SEC,CPULilklihood/(MrBFlt) CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CPUScalers/(MrBFlt) CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CPUScalersRemove/(MrBFlt) CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Time elapsed:%f CondlikeDownTime:%f CondLikeRoot:%f Likelihood:%f ScalersTime:%f ScalersRemove:%f\n", spacer,
+ CPUScalers/(MrBFlt)CLOCKS_PER_SEC, CPUScalersRemove/(MrBFlt)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
# endif
@@ -16858,12 +16920,13 @@ int RunChain (RandLong *seed)
/* print mcmc diagnostics. Blocking for MPI */
- if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES && (n % chainParams.diagnFreq == 0 || n == chainParams.numGen || (chainParams.isSS == YES && (n-lastStepEndSS) % numGenInStepSS == 0)))
+ if (chainParams.mcmcDiagn == YES && (n % chainParams.diagnFreq == 0
+ || n == chainParams.numGen
+ || (chainParams.isSS == YES && (n-lastStepEndSS) % numGenInStepSS == 0)))
- if (chainParams.numRuns > 1
- && ((n > 0 && chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES &&
- (chainParams.isSS == NO || (n > chainParams.burninSS * chainParams.sampleFreq && (n-lastStepEndSS) > numGenInStepBurninSS)))
- || (n >= chainParams.chainBurnIn * chainParams.sampleFreq && chainParams.relativeBurnin == NO)))
+ if (chainParams.numRuns > 1 &&
+ ((n > 0 && chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES && (chainParams.isSS == NO || (n > chainParams.burninSS * chainParams.sampleFreq && (n-lastStepEndSS) > numGenInStepBurninSS)))
+ || (n >= chainParams.chainBurnIn * chainParams.sampleFreq && chainParams.relativeBurnin == NO)))
/* we need some space for coming output */
MrBayesPrint ("\n");
@@ -16979,7 +17042,7 @@ int RunChain (RandLong *seed)
if (chainParams.isSS == YES)
splitfreqSS[i*chainParams.numStepsSS+chainParams.numStepsSS-stepIndexSS-1] = f;
- if (chainParams.stat[i].numPartitions == 0 && f > chainParams.stopVal)
+ if (chainParams.stat[i].numPartitions == 0 || f > chainParams.stopVal)
stopChain = NO;
if (n < chainParams.numGen - chainParams.printFreq && (chainParams.stopRule == NO || stopChain == NO))
@@ -17523,10 +17586,6 @@ int RunChain (RandLong *seed)
MrBayesPrint ("%s tuning MCMC proposal or heating parameters. \n", spacer);
-# if defined (PRINT_DUMP)
- SafeFclose (&dumpFile);
-# endif
return (NO_ERROR);
@@ -17648,8 +17707,8 @@ void SetChainIds (void)
-/* setFilePositions sets chainParams.tFilePos[] to point immidiatly after sampled tree in position "samplePos" for all .t files. */
-int setFilePositions (int samplePos)
+/* It sets chainParams.tFilePos[] to point immidiatly after sampled tree in position "samplePos" for all .t files. */
+int SetFilePositions (int samplePos)
int i, j, k, longestLine;
BitsLong lastBlock;
@@ -17663,7 +17722,7 @@ int setFilePositions (int samplePos)
return (NO_ERROR);
# endif
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -17747,18 +17806,19 @@ void SetFileNames (void)
strcpy (sumpParams.sumpFileName, chainParams.chainFileName);
strcpy (sumpParams.sumpOutfile, chainParams.chainFileName);
if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
- sprintf (comptreeParams.comptFileName1, "%s.run1.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
- else /* if (chainParams.numRuns > 1) */
+ {
sprintf (comptreeParams.comptFileName1, "%s.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
- strcpy (comptreeParams.comptFileName2, comptreeParams.comptFileName1);
- if (chainParams.numRuns == 1)
- sprintf (plotParams.plotFileName, "%s.run1.p", chainParams.chainFileName);
- else /* if (chainParams.numRuns > 1) */
+ sprintf (comptreeParams.comptFileName2, "%s.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
sprintf (plotParams.plotFileName, "%s.p", chainParams.chainFileName);
- if (chainParams.numRuns > 1)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Setting chain output file names to \"%s.run<i>.<p/t>\"\n", spacer, chainParams.chainFileName);
- else
MrBayesPrint ("%s Setting chain output file names to \"%s.<p/t>\"\n", spacer, chainParams.chainFileName);
+ }
+ else /* if (chainParams.numRuns > 1) */
+ {
+ sprintf (comptreeParams.comptFileName1, "%s.run1.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
+ sprintf (comptreeParams.comptFileName2, "%s.run2.t", chainParams.chainFileName);
+ sprintf (plotParams.plotFileName, "%s.run1.p", chainParams.chainFileName);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Setting chain output file names to \"%s.run<i>.<p/t>\"\n", spacer, chainParams.chainFileName);
+ }
@@ -18974,3 +19034,36 @@ MrBFlt TreeLength (Param *param, int chain)
return (tl);
+/* proportion of ancestral fossils in a FBD tree */
+MrBFlt PropAncFossil (Param *param, int chain)
+ int i, m, k;
+ Tree *t;
+ TreeNode *p;
+ t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
+ if (t->isRooted == NO)
+ return 0.0;
+ /* count # of tip and ancestral fossils */
+ m = k = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < t->nNodes -2; i++)
+ {
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL && p->nodeDepth > 0.0)
+ {
+ if (p->length > 0.0)
+ m++;
+ else
+ k++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (k == 0)
+ return 0.0;
+ else
+ return (MrBFlt)k / (m+k);
diff --git a/src/mcmc.h b/src/mcmc.h
index cd20ceb..f231cff 100644
--- a/src/mcmc.h
+++ b/src/mcmc.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ MrBFlt LogOmegaPrior (MrBFlt w1, MrBFlt w2, MrBFlt w3);
FILE *OpenNewMBPrintFile (char *fileName);
int ResetScalersPartition (int *isScalerNode, Tree* t, unsigned rescaleFreq);
int SafeSprintf (char **target, int *targetLen, char *fmt, ...);
-int setFilePositions (int samplePos);
+int SetFilePositions (int samplePos);
MrBFlt TreeLength (Param *param, int chain);
#endif /* __MCMC_H__ */
diff --git a/src/model.c b/src/model.c
index fbf7c32..1053f23 100644
--- a/src/model.c
+++ b/src/model.c
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
#include "SIOUX.h"
-const char* const svnRevisionModelC = "$Rev: 1032 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expended/updated by svn on each commit/update */
+const char* const svnRevisionModelC = "$Rev: 1067 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expended/updated by svn on each commit/update */
@@ -201,20 +201,22 @@ int AddDummyChars (void)
if (mp->dataType == RESTRICTION && !strcmp(mp->parsModel,"No"))
- if (!strcmp(mp->coding, "Variable"))
- m->numDummyChars = 2;
- else if (!strcmp(mp->coding, "Noabsencesites") || !strcmp(mp->coding, "Nopresencesites"))
- m->numDummyChars = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(mp->coding, "Informative"))
- m->numDummyChars = 2 + 2 * numLocalTaxa;
+ if (mp->coding & NOABSENCESITES)
+ m->numDummyChars++;
+ if (mp->coding & NOPRESENCESITES)
+ m->numDummyChars++;
+ if (mp->coding & NOSINGLETONABSENCE)
+ m->numDummyChars += numLocalTaxa;
+ if (mp->coding & NOSINGLETONPRESENCE)
+ m->numDummyChars += numLocalTaxa;
if (mp->dataType == STANDARD && !strcmp(mp->parsModel,"No"))
- if (!strcmp(mp->coding, "Variable"))
- m->numDummyChars = 2;
- else if (!strcmp(mp->coding, "Informative"))
- m->numDummyChars = 2 + 2 * numLocalTaxa;
+ if (mp->coding & VARIABLE)
+ m->numDummyChars += 2;
+ if (mp->coding & NOSINGLETONS)
+ m->numDummyChars += 2*numLocalTaxa;
numStdChars += (m->numChars + m->numDummyChars);
@@ -267,22 +269,10 @@ int AddDummyChars (void)
// MrBayesPrint("%s Adding dummy characters (unobserved site patterns) for division %d\n", spacer, d+1);
// do not print this every time
- if (!strcmp(mp->coding, "Variable") || !strcmp(mp->coding, "Informative"))
- {
- for (k=0; k<2; k++)
- {
- for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
- tempMatrix[pos(i,newColumn,newRowSize)] = (bitsLongOne<<k);
- tempSitesOfPat[newChar] = 0;
- tempChar[newColumn] = -1;
- newChar++;
- newColumn++;
- }
- }
- if (!strcmp(mp->coding, "Informative"))
+ for (k=0; k<2; k++)
- for (k=0; k<2; k++)
+ if (((mp->coding & NOSINGLETONPRESENCE) && k == 0) || ((mp->coding & NOSINGLETONABSENCE) && k == 1))
for (i=0; i< numLocalTaxa; i++)
@@ -301,7 +291,7 @@ int AddDummyChars (void)
- if (!strcmp(mp->coding, "Noabsencesites"))
+ if (mp->coding & NOABSENCESITES)
for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
tempMatrix[pos(i,newColumn,newRowSize)] = 1;
@@ -311,7 +301,7 @@ int AddDummyChars (void)
- if (!strcmp(mp->coding, "Nopresencesites"))
+ if (mp->coding & NOPRESENCESITES)
for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
tempMatrix[pos(i,newColumn,newRowSize)] = 2;
@@ -338,14 +328,36 @@ int AddDummyChars (void)
cinfo.nStates = charInfo[origChar[oldChar]].numStates;
CheckCharCodingType(&matrix, &cinfo);
- if (!strcmp(mp->coding, "Variable") && cinfo.variable == NO)
- isCompat = NO;
- else if (!strcmp(mp->coding, "Informative") && cinfo.informative == NO)
- isCompat = NO;
- else if (!strcmp(mp->coding, "Noabsencesites") && cinfo.constant[0] == YES)
- isCompat = NO;
- else if (!strcmp(mp->coding, "Nopresencesites") && cinfo.constant[1] == YES)
- isCompat = NO;
+ if (mp->coding & VARIABLE)
+ {
+ if((mp->coding & VARIABLE) == VARIABLE && cinfo.variable == NO)
+ {
+ isCompat = NO;
+ }
+ else if((mp->coding & NOABSENCESITES) && cinfo.constant[0] == YES)
+ {
+ isCompat = NO;
+ }
+ else if((mp->coding & NOPRESENCESITES) && cinfo.constant[1] == YES)
+ {
+ isCompat = NO;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mp->coding & NOSINGLETONS)
+ {
+ if((mp->coding & NOSINGLETONS) == NOSINGLETONS && cinfo.informative == NO && cinfo.variable == YES)
+ {
+ isCompat = NO;
+ }
+ else if((mp->coding & NOSINGLETONABSENCE) && cinfo.singleton[0] == YES && cinfo.informative == NO)
+ {
+ isCompat = NO;
+ }
+ else if((mp->coding & NOSINGLETONPRESENCE) && cinfo.singleton[1] == YES && cinfo.informative == NO)
+ {
+ isCompat = NO;
+ }
+ }
if (isCompat == NO)
@@ -1201,7 +1213,7 @@ int ChangeNumChains (int from, int to)
for (i=0; i<2*nRuns*from*numTrees; i++)
tempTrees[i] = mcmcTree[i];
oldMcmcTree = mcmcTree;
- mcmcTree = (Tree **) SafeRealloc ((void *)(mcmcTree), (size_t)(2*numGlobalChains*numTrees*sizeof(Tree*)));
+ mcmcTree = (Tree **) SafeRealloc ((void *)(mcmcTree), 2 * (size_t)numGlobalChains * (size_t)numTrees * sizeof(Tree*));
for (i=0; i<2*nRuns*to*numTrees; i++)
mcmcTree[i] = NULL;
@@ -1285,7 +1297,7 @@ int ChangeNumChains (int from, int to)
assert (memAllocs[ALLOC_STDSTATEFREQS] == YES);
- stdStateFreqs = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)stdStateFreqsRowSize * 2 * numGlobalChains * sizeof (MrBFlt));
+ stdStateFreqs = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc (2 * (size_t)stdStateFreqsRowSize * (size_t)numGlobalChains * sizeof (MrBFlt));
if (!stdStateFreqs)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem reallocating stdStateFreqs\n", spacer);
@@ -1559,15 +1571,15 @@ int ChangeNumRuns (int from, int to)
for (i=0; i<numApplicableMoves; i++)
mvt = moves[i]->moveType;
- moves[i]->tuningParam = (MrBFlt **) SafeRealloc ((void *) moves[i]->tuningParam, (size_t) (numGlobalChains * sizeof (MrBFlt *)));
- moves[i]->tuningParam[0] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) moves[i]->tuningParam[0], (size_t) (numGlobalChains * mvt->numTuningParams * sizeof (MrBFlt)));
+ moves[i]->tuningParam = (MrBFlt **) SafeRealloc ((void *) moves[i]->tuningParam, (size_t)numGlobalChains * sizeof (MrBFlt *));
+ moves[i]->tuningParam[0] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) moves[i]->tuningParam[0], (size_t)numGlobalChains * (size_t)(mvt->numTuningParams) * sizeof (MrBFlt));
for (j=1; j<numGlobalChains; j++)
moves[i]->tuningParam[j] = moves[i]->tuningParam[0] + j * mvt->numTuningParams;
- moves[i]->relProposalProb = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) moves[i]->relProposalProb, (size_t) (4 * numGlobalChains * sizeof (MrBFlt)));
+ moves[i]->relProposalProb = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) moves[i]->relProposalProb, 4 * (size_t)numGlobalChains * sizeof (MrBFlt));
moves[i]->cumProposalProb = moves[i]->relProposalProb + numGlobalChains;
moves[i]->targetRate = moves[i]->relProposalProb + 2*numGlobalChains;
moves[i]->lastAcceptanceRate = moves[i]->relProposalProb + 3*numGlobalChains;
- moves[i]->nAccepted = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *) moves[i]->nAccepted, (size_t) (5 * numGlobalChains * sizeof (int)));
+ moves[i]->nAccepted = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *) moves[i]->nAccepted, 5* (size_t)numGlobalChains * sizeof (int));
moves[i]->nTried = moves[i]->nAccepted + numGlobalChains;
moves[i]->nBatches = moves[i]->nAccepted + 2*numGlobalChains;
moves[i]->nTotAccepted = moves[i]->nAccepted + 3*numGlobalChains;
@@ -1664,7 +1676,7 @@ void CheckCharCodingType (Matrix *m, CharInfo *ci)
/* set constant to no and state counters to 0 for all states */
for (i=0; i<10; i++)
- ci->constant[i] = NO;
+ ci->constant[i] = ci->singleton[i] = NO;
n1[i] = n2[i] = 0;
@@ -1700,10 +1712,14 @@ void CheckCharCodingType (Matrix *m, CharInfo *ci)
ci->constant[i] = YES;
ci->variable = ci->informative = NO;
+ else if (n1[i] == 1)
+ {
+ ci->singleton[i] = YES;
+ }
- /* return if variable is no or if a restriction site char */
- if (ci->variable == NO || ci->dType == RESTRICTION)
+ /* return if variable is no */
+ if (ci->variable == NO)
/* the character is either (variable and uninformative) or informative */
@@ -1939,7 +1955,7 @@ int CheckExpandedModels (void)
int tempStrSize=100;
ModelParams *mp;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -2240,6 +2256,76 @@ int CheckExpandedModels (void)
return (NO_ERROR);
+void CodingToString(int coding, char* string)
+ if(coding == ALL)
+ strcpy(string, "All");
+ else if(coding == INFORMATIVE)
+ strcpy(string, "Informative");
+ else if((coding & VARIABLE) == VARIABLE)
+ {
+ if (coding == VARIABLE)
+ {
+ strcpy(string, "Variable");
+ }
+ else if (coding & NOSINGLETONABSENCE)
+ {
+ strcpy(string, "Variable|Nosingletonabsence");
+ }
+ else if (coding & NOSINGLETONPRESENCE)
+ {
+ strcpy(string, "Variable|Nosingletonpresence");
+ }
+ }
+ else if((coding & NOSINGLETONS) == NOSINGLETONS)
+ {
+ if (coding == NOSINGLETONS)
+ {
+ strcpy(string, "Nosingletons");
+ }
+ else if (coding & NOABSENCESITES)
+ {
+ strcpy(string, "Noabsencesites|Nosingletons");
+ }
+ else if (coding & NOPRESENCESITES)
+ {
+ strcpy(string, "Nopresencesites|Nosingletons");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(coding == NOABSENCESITES)
+ {
+ strcpy(string, "Noabsencesites");
+ }
+ else if(coding == NOPRESENCESITES)
+ {
+ strcpy(string, "Nopresencesites");
+ }
+ else if(coding == NOSINGLETONABSENCE)
+ {
+ strcpy(string, "Nosingletonabsence");
+ }
+ else if(coding == NOSINGLETONPRESENCE)
+ {
+ strcpy(string, "Nosingletonpresence");
+ }
+ {
+ strcpy(string, "Noabsencesites|Nosingletonabsence");
+ }
+ {
+ strcpy(string, "Noabsencesites|Nosingletonpresence");
+ }
+ {
+ strcpy(string, "Nopresencesites|Nosingletonabsence");
+ }
+ {
+ strcpy(string, "Nopresencesites|Nosingletonpresence");
+ }
@@ -2273,7 +2359,7 @@ int CompressData (void)
compColPos = NULL;
- compColPos = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (numChar * sizeof(int)));
+ compColPos = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t)numChar * sizeof(int));
if (!compColPos)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating compColPos (%d)\n", spacer, numChar * sizeof(int));
@@ -2289,7 +2375,7 @@ int CompressData (void)
compCharPos = NULL;
- compCharPos = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (numChar * sizeof(int)));
+ compCharPos = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t)numChar * sizeof(int));
if (!compCharPos)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating compCharPos (%d)\n", spacer, numChar * sizeof(int));
@@ -2518,7 +2604,7 @@ int CompressData (void)
origChar = NULL;
- origChar = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (compMatrixRowSize * sizeof(int)));
+ origChar = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t)compMatrixRowSize * sizeof(int));
if (!origChar)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating origChar (%d)\n", spacer, numCompressedChars * sizeof(int));
@@ -2864,7 +2950,7 @@ int DoLset (void)
int i, nApplied, lastActive=0;
nApplied = NumActiveParts ();
- for (i=numCurrentDivisions; i>=0; i--)
+ for (i=numCurrentDivisions-1; i>=0; i--)
if (activeParts[i] == YES)
@@ -3559,6 +3645,13 @@ int DoLsetParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
else if (!strcmp(parmName, "Coding"))
if (expecting == Expecting(EQUALSIGN))
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<numCurrentDivisions; i++)
+ modelParams[i].coding = ALL;
+ expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
+ }
+ else if (expecting == Expecting(VERTICALBAR))
expecting = Expecting(ALPHA);
else if (expecting == Expecting(ALPHA))
@@ -3569,11 +3662,50 @@ int DoLsetParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
if ((activeParts[i] == YES || nApplied == 0) && (modelParams[i].dataType == RESTRICTION || modelParams[i].dataType == STANDARD))
- strcpy(modelParams[i].coding, tempStr);
+ if(!strcmp(tempStr, "Nosingletons"))
+ {
+ modelParams[i].coding |= NOSINGLETONS;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(tempStr, "Variable"))
+ {
+ modelParams[i].coding |= VARIABLE;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(tempStr, "Informative"))
+ {
+ modelParams[i].coding |= INFORMATIVE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(modelParams[i].dataType != RESTRICTION)
+ {
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Invalid coding for standard characters: %s\n", spacer, tempStr);
+ return (ERROR);
+ }
+ if(!strcmp(tempStr, "Noabsencesites"))
+ {
+ modelParams[i].coding |= NOABSENCESITES;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(tempStr, "Nopresencesites"))
+ {
+ modelParams[i].coding |= NOPRESENCESITES;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(tempStr, "Nosingletonpresence"))
+ {
+ modelParams[i].coding |= NOSINGLETONPRESENCE;
+ }
+ else if(!strcmp(tempStr, "Nosingletonabsence"))
+ {
+ modelParams[i].coding |= NOSINGLETONABSENCE;
+ }
+ }
+ CodingToString(modelParams[i].coding, modelParams[i].codingString);
if (nApplied == 0 && numCurrentDivisions == 1)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Setting Coding to %s\n", spacer, modelParams[i].coding);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Enabling Coding %s\n", spacer, tempStr);
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Setting Coding to %s for partition %d\n", spacer, modelParams[i].coding, i+1);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Enabling Coding %s for partition %d\n", spacer, tempStr, i+1);
@@ -3582,7 +3714,7 @@ int DoLsetParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Invalid argument for missing patterns\n", spacer);
return (ERROR);
- expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
+ expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON) | Expecting(VERTICALBAR);
return (ERROR);
@@ -4197,7 +4329,7 @@ int DoPrset (void)
int i, nApplied, lastActive=0;
nApplied = NumActiveParts ();
- for (i=numCurrentDivisions; i>=0; i--)
+ for (i=numCurrentDivisions-1; i>=0; i--)
if (activeParts[i] == YES)
@@ -6191,8 +6323,9 @@ int DoPrsetParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
if (flag == 0)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Warning: %s can be set only for partition containing data of at least one of the following type: STANDARD, RESTRICTION.\
- Currently there is no active partition with such data. ", spacer, parmName);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Warning: %s can be set only for partition containing data", spacer, parmName);
+ MrBayesPrint (" of at least one of the following type: STANDARD, RESTRICTION.");
+ MrBayesPrint ("Currently there is no active partition with such data. ");
return (ERROR);
@@ -6970,7 +7103,6 @@ int DoPrsetParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Setting Brlenspr to Clock:Fossilization for partition %d\n", spacer, i+1);
- /* TODO: clock:fossilization is not compatible with clockvarpr=cpp */
expecting = Expecting(PARAMETER) | Expecting(SEMICOLON);
else if (IsSame ("Fixed", tkn) == SAME || IsSame ("Fixed", tkn) == CONSISTENT_WITH)
@@ -7501,8 +7633,8 @@ int DoPrsetParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
- modelParams[i].sampleFSTime = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(tempInt*sizeof(MrBFlt)));
- modelParams[i].sampleFSProb = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(tempInt*sizeof(MrBFlt)));
+ modelParams[i].sampleFSTime = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)tempInt * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ modelParams[i].sampleFSProb = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)tempInt * sizeof(MrBFlt));
foundFSNum[i] = YES;
expecting = Expecting(COLON);
@@ -7869,9 +8001,9 @@ int DoPrsetParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
if (nApplied == 0 || numCurrentDivisions == 1)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Setting Clockratepr to Normal(%1.2lf,%1.2lf)\n", spacer, modelParams[i].clockRateNormal[0], modelParams[i].clockRateNormal[1]);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Setting Clockratepr to Normal(%1.6lf,%1.6lf)\n", spacer, modelParams[i].clockRateNormal[0], modelParams[i].clockRateNormal[1]);
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Setting Clockratepr to Normal(%1.2lf,%1.2lf) for partition %d\n", spacer, modelParams[i].clockRateNormal[0], modelParams[i].clockRateNormal[1], i+1);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Setting Clockratepr to Normal(%1.6lf,%1.6lf) for partition %d\n", spacer, modelParams[i].clockRateNormal[0], modelParams[i].clockRateNormal[1], i+1);
expecting = Expecting(RIGHTPAR);
@@ -10987,7 +11119,7 @@ int FillNormalParams (RandLong *seed, int fromChain, int toChain)
if (p->paramId == SPECRATE_FIX)
value[j] = mp->speciationFix;
- value[j] = 1.0;
+ value[j] = 0.1;
else if (p->paramType == P_EXTRATE)
@@ -10998,7 +11130,7 @@ int FillNormalParams (RandLong *seed, int fromChain, int toChain)
if (p->paramId == EXTRATE_FIX)
value[j] = mp->extinctionFix;
- value[j] = 0.5;
+ value[j] = 0.8;
else if (p->paramType == P_FOSLRATE)
@@ -11009,7 +11141,7 @@ int FillNormalParams (RandLong *seed, int fromChain, int toChain)
if (p->paramId == FOSLRATE_FIX)
value[j] = mp->fossilizationFix;
- value[j] = 0.5;
+ value[j] = 0.2;
else if (p->paramType == P_GROWTH)
@@ -11206,7 +11338,7 @@ int FillRelPartsString (Param *p, char **relPartString)
char *tempStr;
int tempStrSize=50;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -12227,6 +12359,11 @@ int GetEmpiricalFreqs (int *relParts, int nRelParts)
for (i=0; i<60; i++)
empiricalFreqs[i] = freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][0]] * freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][1]] * freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][2]];
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[firstRel].geneticCode, "Invermt"))
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<62; i++)
+ empiricalFreqs[i] = freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][0]] * freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][1]] * freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][2]];
+ }
else if (!strcmp(modelParams[firstRel].geneticCode, "Mycoplasma"))
for (i=0; i<62; i++)
@@ -12237,11 +12374,21 @@ int GetEmpiricalFreqs (int *relParts, int nRelParts)
for (i=0; i<62; i++)
empiricalFreqs[i] = freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][0]] * freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][1]] * freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][2]];
- else if (!strcmp(modelParams[firstRel].geneticCode, "Ciliates"))
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[firstRel].geneticCode, "Ciliate"))
for (i=0; i<63; i++)
empiricalFreqs[i] = freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][0]] * freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][1]] * freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][2]];
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[firstRel].geneticCode, "Echinoderm"))
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<62; i++)
+ empiricalFreqs[i] = freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][0]] * freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][1]] * freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][2]];
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[firstRel].geneticCode, "Euplotid"))
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<62; i++)
+ empiricalFreqs[i] = freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][0]] * freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][1]] * freqN[modelParams[firstRel].codonNucs[i][2]];
+ }
else if (!strcmp(modelParams[firstRel].geneticCode, "Metmt"))
for (i=0; i<62; i++)
@@ -13137,7 +13284,7 @@ int IsModelSame (int whichParam, int part1, int part2, int *isApplic1, int *isAp
/* If both partitions have nucmodel=codon, then we also have to make certain that the same genetic code is used. */
if (!strcmp(modelParams[part1].nucModel, "Codon") && !strcmp(modelParams[part2].nucModel, "Codon"))
- if (strcmp(modelParams[part1].geneticCode,modelParams[part2].geneticCode))
+ if (strcmp(modelParams[part1].geneticCode, modelParams[part2].geneticCode))
isSame = NO; /* the models have different genetic codes */
@@ -14877,12 +15024,18 @@ int NumStates (int part)
return (61);
else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Vertmt"))
return (60);
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Invermt"))
+ return (62);
else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Mycoplasma"))
return (62);
else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Yeast"))
return (62);
- else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Ciliates"))
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Ciliate"))
return (63);
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Echinoderm"))
+ return (62);
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Euplotid"))
+ return (62);
else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Metmt"))
return (62);
@@ -15138,7 +15291,7 @@ int ProcessStdChars (RandLong *seed)
stdType = NULL;
memAllocs[ALLOC_STDTYPE] = NO;
- stdType = (int *)SafeCalloc((size_t) (4 * numStandardChars), sizeof(int));
+ stdType = (int *)SafeCalloc(4 * (size_t)numStandardChars, sizeof(int));
if (!stdType)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating stdType (%d ints)\n", 4 * numStandardChars);
@@ -17059,6 +17212,17 @@ void SetCode (int part)
modelParams[part].codon[12] = 13; /* ATA Met */
modelParams[part].codon[56] = 18; /* TGA Trp */
+ if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Invermt"))
+ {
+ /* UGA: Ter -> Trp
+ AUA: Ile -> Met
+ AGA: Arg -> Ser
+ AGG: Arg -> Ser */
+ modelParams[part].codon[ 8] = 16; /* AGA Ser */
+ modelParams[part].codon[10] = 16; /* AGG Ser */
+ modelParams[part].codon[12] = 13; /* ATA Met */
+ modelParams[part].codon[56] = 18; /* TGA Trp */
+ }
else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Mycoplasma"))
/* UGA: Ter -> Trp */
@@ -17079,13 +17243,29 @@ void SetCode (int part)
modelParams[part].codon[31] = 17; /* CTT Thr */
modelParams[part].codon[56] = 18; /* TGA Trp */
- else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Ciliates"))
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Ciliate"))
/* UAA: Ter -> Gln
UAG: Ter -> Gln */
modelParams[part].codon[48] = 6; /* TAA Gln */
modelParams[part].codon[50] = 6; /* TAG Gln */
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Echinoderm"))
+ {
+ /* AAA: Lys -> Asn
+ AGA: Arg -> Ser
+ AGG: Arg -> Ser
+ UGA: Ter -> Trp */
+ modelParams[part].codon[ 0] = 3; /* AAA Asn */
+ modelParams[part].codon[ 8] = 16; /* AGA Ser */
+ modelParams[part].codon[10] = 16; /* AGG Ser */
+ modelParams[part].codon[56] = 18; /* TGA Trp */
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Euplotid"))
+ {
+ /* UGA: Ter -> Cys */
+ modelParams[part].codon[56] = 5; /* TGA Cys */
+ }
else if (!strcmp(modelParams[part].geneticCode, "Metmt"))
/* UGA: Ter -> Trp
@@ -17099,7 +17279,6 @@ void SetCode (int part)
ns = 0;
@@ -17152,12 +17331,12 @@ int SetLocalTaxa (void)
/* allocate memory */
- localTaxonNames = (char **)SafeCalloc((size_t) numLocalTaxa, sizeof(char *));
+ localTaxonNames = (char **)SafeCalloc((size_t)numLocalTaxa, sizeof(char *));
if (!localTaxonNames)
return (ERROR);
- localTaxonCalibration = (Calibration **)SafeCalloc((size_t) numLocalTaxa, sizeof(Calibration *));
+ localTaxonCalibration = (Calibration **)SafeCalloc((size_t)numLocalTaxa, sizeof(Calibration *));
if (!localTaxonCalibration)
return (ERROR);
@@ -17219,12 +17398,21 @@ int SetModelDefaults (void)
modelParams[j].dataType = DataType (j); /* data type for partition */
- if (modelParams[j].dataType == STANDARD) /* set default ascertainment bias for partition */
- strcpy(modelParams[j].coding, "Variable");
+ if (modelParams[j].dataType == STANDARD)
+ { /* set default ascertainment bias for partition */
+ modelParams[j].coding = VARIABLE;
+ strcpy(modelParams[j].codingString, "Variable");
+ }
else if (modelParams[j].dataType == RESTRICTION)
- strcpy(modelParams[j].coding, "Noabsencesites");
+ {
+ modelParams[j].coding = NOABSENCESITES;
+ strcpy(modelParams[j].codingString, "Noabsencesites");
+ }
- strcpy(modelParams[j].coding, "All");
+ {
+ modelParams[j].coding = ALL;
+ strcpy(modelParams[j].codingString, "All");
+ }
SetCode (j);
modelParams[j].nStates = NumStates (j); /* number of states for partition */
@@ -17649,8 +17837,8 @@ int SetModelParams (void)
ModelInfo *m;
int tempStrSize = 300;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
- isPartTouched = (int *) SafeMalloc ((size_t) (numCurrentDivisions * sizeof (int)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
+ isPartTouched = (int *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)numCurrentDivisions * sizeof (int));
if (!tempStr || !isPartTouched)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d) or isPartTouched (%d)\n", spacer,
@@ -19777,11 +19965,10 @@ int SetUpLinkTable (void)
isFirst, isSame;
int *check, *modelId;
- check = (int *) SafeMalloc ((size_t) (2*numCurrentDivisions * sizeof (int)));
+ check = (int *) SafeMalloc (2 * (size_t)numCurrentDivisions * sizeof (int));
if (!check)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating check (%d)\n", spacer,
- 2*numCurrentDivisions * sizeof(int));
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating check (%d)\n", spacer, 2 * numCurrentDivisions * sizeof(int));
return (ERROR);
modelId = check + numCurrentDivisions;
@@ -20145,7 +20332,7 @@ void SetUpMoveTypes (void)
mt->maximum[1] = 100.0;
mt->parsimonyBased = NO;
mt->level = STANDARD_USER;
- mt->isApplicable = &IsApplicable_FiveTaxaOrMore;
+ mt->isApplicable = &IsApplicable_FourTaxaOrMore;
/* Move_ExtSPR1 */
mt = &moveTypes[i++];
@@ -20154,15 +20341,20 @@ void SetUpMoveTypes (void)
mt->subParams = YES;
mt->tuningName[0] = "Extension probability";
mt->shortTuningName[0] = "p_ext";
+ mt->tuningName[1] = "Multiplier tuning parameter";
+ mt->shortTuningName[1] = "lambda";
mt->applicableTo[0] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_UNIFORM_HOMO;
mt->nApplicable = 2;
mt->moveFxn = &Move_ExtSPR1;
mt->relProposalProb = 0.0;
- mt->numTuningParams = 1;
+ mt->numTuningParams = 2;
mt->tuningParam[0] = 0.5; /* extension probability */
+ mt->tuningParam[1] = 2.0 * log (1.05); /* lambda */
mt->minimum[0] = 0.00001;
mt->maximum[0] = 0.99999;
+ mt->minimum[1] = 0.00001;
+ mt->maximum[1] = 100.0;
mt->parsimonyBased = NO;
mt->level = DEVELOPER;
mt->isApplicable = &IsApplicable_FiveTaxaOrMore;
@@ -20269,26 +20461,6 @@ void SetUpMoveTypes (void)
mt->level = STANDARD_USER;
mt->isApplicable = &IsApplicable_FiveTaxaOrMore;
- /* Move_ExtTBR1 */
- mt = &moveTypes[i++];
- mt->name = "Extending TBR variant 1";
- mt->shortName = "ExtTBR1";
- mt->subParams = YES;
- mt->tuningName[0] = "Extension probability";
- mt->shortTuningName[0] = "p_ext";
- mt->applicableTo[0] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_UNIFORM_HOMO;
- mt->applicableTo[1] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_CONSTRAINED_HOMO;
- mt->nApplicable = 2;
- mt->moveFxn = &Move_ExtTBR1;
- mt->relProposalProb = 0.0;
- mt->numTuningParams = 1;
- mt->tuningParam[0] = 0.5; /* extension probability */
- mt->minimum[0] = 0.00001;
- mt->maximum[0] = 0.99999;
- mt->parsimonyBased = NO;
- mt->level = DEVELOPER;
- mt->isApplicable = &IsApplicable_FiveTaxaOrMore;
/* Move_RateShape_M */
mt = &moveTypes[i++];
mt->name = "Multiplier";
@@ -20809,8 +20981,9 @@ void SetUpMoveTypes (void)
mt->maximum[1] = 0.99999;
mt->parsimonyBased = YES;
mt->level = DEVELOPER;
+ mt->isApplicable = &IsApplicable_FiveTaxaOrMore;
- /* Move_ParsSPR */
+ /* Move_ParsSPR asym */
mt = &moveTypes[i++];
mt->name = "Parsimony-biased SPR";
mt->shortName = "ParsSPR";
@@ -20831,7 +21004,7 @@ void SetUpMoveTypes (void)
mt->numTuningParams = 4;
mt->tuningParam[0] = 0.1; /* warp */
mt->tuningParam[1] = 0.05; /* upweight and downweight probability */
- mt->tuningParam[2] = 0.05; /* typical branch length */
+ mt->tuningParam[2] = 0.03; /* typical branch length */
mt->tuningParam[3] = 2.0 * log (1.05); /* multiplier tuning parameter lambda */
mt->minimum[0] = 0.0;
mt->maximum[0] = 1.0;
@@ -20845,7 +21018,7 @@ void SetUpMoveTypes (void)
mt->level = STANDARD_USER;
mt->isApplicable = &IsApplicable_FourTaxaOrMore;
- /* Move_ParsSPR1 */
+ /* Move_ParsSPR1 e^{-S} */
mt = &moveTypes[i++];
mt->name = "Parsimony-biased SPR variant 1";
mt->shortName = "ParsSPR1";
@@ -20866,11 +21039,51 @@ void SetUpMoveTypes (void)
mt->moveFxn = &Move_ParsSPR1;
mt->relProposalProb = 0.0;
mt->numTuningParams = 5;
+ mt->tuningParam[0] = 0.5; /* warp */
+ mt->tuningParam[1] = 0.05; /* upweight and downweight probability */
+ mt->tuningParam[2] = 0.03; /* typical branch length */
+ mt->tuningParam[3] = 2.0 * log (1.05); /* multiplier tuning parameter lambda */
+ mt->tuningParam[4] = 10.0; /* distance to move picked branch */
+ mt->minimum[0] = 0.0;
+ mt->maximum[0] = 5.0;
+ mt->minimum[1] = 0.0;
+ mt->maximum[1] = 0.3;
+ mt->minimum[2] = 0.0001;
+ mt->maximum[2] = 0.5;
+ mt->minimum[3] = 2.0 * log (0.001);
+ mt->maximum[3] = 2.0 * log (1000.);
+ mt->minimum[4] = 2.0;
+ mt->maximum[4] = 1000.0;
+ mt->parsimonyBased = YES;
+ mt->level = DEVELOPER;
+ mt->isApplicable = &IsApplicable_FourTaxaOrMore;
+ /* Move_ParsSPR2 S/N */
+ mt = &moveTypes[i++];
+ mt->name = "Parsimony-biased SPR variant 2";
+ mt->shortName = "ParsSPR2";
+ mt->subParams = YES;
+ mt->tuningName[0] = "parsimony warp factor";
+ mt->shortTuningName[0] = "warp";
+ mt->tuningName[1] = "reweighting probability";
+ mt->shortTuningName[1] = "r";
+ mt->tuningName[2] = "typical branch length";
+ mt->shortTuningName[2] = "v_t";
+ mt->tuningName[3] = "multiplier tuning parameter";
+ mt->shortTuningName[3] = "lambda";
+ mt->tuningName[4] = "moving distance";
+ mt->shortTuningName[4] = "d";
+ mt->applicableTo[0] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_UNIFORM_HOMO;
+ mt->applicableTo[1] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_CONSTRAINED_HOMO;
+ mt->nApplicable = 2;
+ mt->moveFxn = &Move_ParsSPR2;
+ mt->relProposalProb = 0.0;
+ mt->numTuningParams = 5;
mt->tuningParam[0] = 0.1; /* warp */
mt->tuningParam[1] = 0.05; /* upweight and downweight probability */
- mt->tuningParam[2] = 0.05; /* typical branch length */
+ mt->tuningParam[2] = 0.03; /* typical branch length */
mt->tuningParam[3] = 2.0 * log (1.05); /* multiplier tuning parameter lambda */
- mt->tuningParam[4] = 8.0; /* distance to move picked branch */
+ mt->tuningParam[4] = 10.0; /* distance to move picked branch */
mt->minimum[0] = 0.0;
mt->maximum[0] = 1.0;
mt->minimum[1] = 0.0;
@@ -20883,7 +21096,7 @@ void SetUpMoveTypes (void)
mt->maximum[4] = 1000.0;
mt->parsimonyBased = YES;
mt->level = DEVELOPER;
- mt->isApplicable = &IsApplicable_FiveTaxaOrMore;
+ mt->isApplicable = &IsApplicable_FourTaxaOrMore;
/* Move_ParsSPRClock */
mt = &moveTypes[i++];
@@ -20910,7 +21123,7 @@ void SetUpMoveTypes (void)
mt->numTuningParams = 3;
mt->tuningParam[0] = 0.1; /* warp */
mt->tuningParam[1] = 0.05; /* upweight and downweight probability */
- mt->tuningParam[2] = 0.05; /* typical branch length */
+ mt->tuningParam[2] = 0.03; /* typical branch length */
mt->minimum[0] = 0.0;
mt->maximum[0] = 1.0;
mt->minimum[1] = 0.0;
@@ -20921,10 +21134,50 @@ void SetUpMoveTypes (void)
mt->level = STANDARD_USER;
mt->isApplicable = &IsApplicable_ThreeTaxaOrMore;
- /* Move_ParsTBR */
+ /* Move_ParsTBR1 e^{-S} */
+ mt = &moveTypes[i++];
+ mt->name = "Parsimony-biased TBR variant 1";
+ mt->shortName = "ParsTBR1";
+ mt->subParams = YES;
+ mt->tuningName[0] = "parsimony warp factor";
+ mt->shortTuningName[0] = "warp";
+ mt->tuningName[1] = "reweighting probability";
+ mt->shortTuningName[1] = "r";
+ mt->tuningName[2] = "typical branch length";
+ mt->shortTuningName[2] = "v_t";
+ mt->tuningName[3] = "multiplier tuning parameter";
+ mt->shortTuningName[3] = "lambda";
+ mt->tuningName[4] = "moving distance";
+ mt->shortTuningName[4] = "d";
+ mt->applicableTo[0] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_UNIFORM_HOMO;
+ mt->applicableTo[1] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_CONSTRAINED_HOMO;
+ mt->nApplicable = 2;
+ mt->moveFxn = &Move_ParsTBR1;
+ mt->relProposalProb = 0.0;
+ mt->numTuningParams = 5;
+ mt->tuningParam[0] = 0.5; /* warp */
+ mt->tuningParam[1] = 0.05; /* upweight and downweight probability */
+ mt->tuningParam[2] = 0.05; /* typical branch length */
+ mt->tuningParam[3] = 2.0 * log (1.05); /* multiplier tuning parameter lambda */
+ mt->tuningParam[4] = 5.0; /* distance to move picked branch */
+ mt->minimum[0] = 0.0;
+ mt->maximum[0] = 5.0;
+ mt->minimum[1] = 0.0;
+ mt->maximum[1] = 0.3;
+ mt->minimum[2] = 0.0001;
+ mt->maximum[2] = 0.5;
+ mt->minimum[3] = 2.0 * log (0.001);
+ mt->maximum[3] = 2.0 * log (1000.);
+ mt->minimum[4] = 2.0;
+ mt->maximum[4] = 1000.0;
+ mt->parsimonyBased = YES;
+ mt->level = DEVELOPER;
+ mt->isApplicable = &IsApplicable_FiveTaxaOrMore;
+ /* Move_ParsTBR2 S/N */
mt = &moveTypes[i++];
- mt->name = "Parsimony-biased TBR";
- mt->shortName = "ParsTBR";
+ mt->name = "Parsimony-biased TBR variant 2";
+ mt->shortName = "ParsTBR2";
mt->subParams = YES;
mt->tuningName[0] = "parsimony warp factor";
mt->shortTuningName[0] = "warp";
@@ -20939,7 +21192,7 @@ void SetUpMoveTypes (void)
mt->applicableTo[0] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_UNIFORM_HOMO;
mt->nApplicable = 2;
- mt->moveFxn = &Move_ParsTBR;
+ mt->moveFxn = &Move_ParsTBR2;
mt->relProposalProb = 0.0;
mt->numTuningParams = 5;
mt->tuningParam[0] = 0.1; /* warp */
@@ -21002,102 +21255,6 @@ void SetUpMoveTypes (void)
mt->Autotune = &AutotuneSlider;
mt->targetRate = 0.25;
- /* Move_RanSPR1 */
- mt = &moveTypes[i++];
- mt->name = "Random SPR version 1";
- mt->shortName = "rSPR1";
- mt->subParams = YES;
- mt->tuningName[0] = "Move probability";
- mt->shortTuningName[0] = "p_ext";
- mt->tuningName[1] = "Multiplier tuning parameter";
- mt->shortTuningName[1] = "lambda";
- mt->applicableTo[0] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_UNIFORM_HOMO;
- mt->applicableTo[1] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_CONSTRAINED_HOMO;
- mt->nApplicable = 2;
- mt->moveFxn = &Move_RanSPR1;
- mt->relProposalProb = 0.0;
- mt->numTuningParams = 2;
- mt->tuningParam[0] = 0.8; /* move probability */
- mt->tuningParam[1] = 2.0 * log (1.6); /* lambda */
- mt->minimum[0] = 0.00001;
- mt->maximum[0] = 0.99999;
- mt->minimum[1] = 0.00000001;
- mt->maximum[1] = 10000000.0;
- mt->parsimonyBased = NO;
- mt->level = DEVELOPER;
- /* Move_RanSPR2 */
- mt = &moveTypes[i++];
- mt->name = "Random SPR version 2";
- mt->shortName = "rSPR2";
- mt->subParams = YES;
- mt->tuningName[0] = "Move probability";
- mt->shortTuningName[0] = "p_ext";
- mt->tuningName[1] = "Multiplier tuning parameter";
- mt->shortTuningName[1] = "lambda";
- mt->applicableTo[0] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_UNIFORM_HOMO;
- mt->applicableTo[1] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_CONSTRAINED_HOMO;
- mt->nApplicable = 2;
- mt->moveFxn = &Move_RanSPR2;
- mt->relProposalProb = 0.0;
- mt->numTuningParams = 2;
- mt->tuningParam[0] = 0.8; /* move probability */
- mt->tuningParam[1] = 2.0 * log (1.6); /* lambda */
- mt->minimum[0] = 0.00001;
- mt->maximum[0] = 0.99999;
- mt->minimum[1] = 0.00000001;
- mt->maximum[1] = 10000000.0;
- mt->parsimonyBased = NO;
- mt->level = DEVELOPER;
- /* Move_RanSPR3 */
- mt = &moveTypes[i++];
- mt->name = "Random SPR version 3";
- mt->shortName = "rSPR3";
- mt->subParams = YES;
- mt->tuningName[0] = "Move probability";
- mt->shortTuningName[0] = "p_ext";
- mt->tuningName[1] = "Multiplier tuning parameter";
- mt->shortTuningName[1] = "lambda";
- mt->applicableTo[0] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_UNIFORM_HOMO;
- mt->applicableTo[1] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_CONSTRAINED_HOMO;
- mt->nApplicable = 2;
- mt->moveFxn = &Move_RanSPR3;
- mt->relProposalProb = 0.0;
- mt->numTuningParams = 2;
- mt->tuningParam[0] = 0.8; /* move probability */
- mt->tuningParam[1] = 2.0 * log (1.6); /* lambda */
- mt->minimum[0] = 0.00001;
- mt->maximum[0] = 0.99999;
- mt->minimum[1] = 0.00000001;
- mt->maximum[1] = 10000000.0;
- mt->parsimonyBased = NO;
- mt->level = DEVELOPER;
- /* Move_RanSPR4 */
- mt = &moveTypes[i++];
- mt->name = "Random SPR version 4";
- mt->shortName = "rSPR4";
- mt->subParams = YES;
- mt->tuningName[0] = "Move probability";
- mt->shortTuningName[0] = "p_ext";
- mt->tuningName[1] = "Multiplier tuning parameter";
- mt->shortTuningName[1] = "lambda";
- mt->applicableTo[0] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_UNIFORM_HOMO;
- mt->applicableTo[1] = TOPOLOGY_NCL_CONSTRAINED_HOMO;
- mt->nApplicable = 2;
- mt->moveFxn = &Move_RanSPR4;
- mt->relProposalProb = 0.0;
- mt->numTuningParams = 2;
- mt->tuningParam[0] = 0.8; /* move probability */
- mt->tuningParam[1] = 2.0 * log (1.6); /* lambda */
- mt->minimum[0] = 0.00001;
- mt->maximum[0] = 0.99999;
- mt->minimum[1] = 0.00000001;
- mt->maximum[1] = 10000000.0;
- mt->parsimonyBased = NO;
- mt->level = DEVELOPER;
/* Move_RateMult_Dir */
mt = &moveTypes[i++];
mt->name = "Dirichlet proposal";
@@ -21862,9 +22019,7 @@ int ShowModel (void)
/* genetic code that is used (if nucmodel=codon) */
MrBayesPrint ("%s Code = %s\n", spacer, modelParams[i].geneticCode);
/* amino acid characters in this partition */
else if (modelSettings[i].dataType == PROTEIN)
@@ -21946,7 +22101,7 @@ int ShowModel (void)
else if (modelSettings[i].dataType == RESTRICTION || modelSettings[i].dataType == STANDARD)
/* what type of characters are sampled? */
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Coding = %s\n", spacer, modelParams[i].coding);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Coding = %s\n", spacer, modelParams[i].codingString);
/* is there rate variation in a single site across the tree? */
@@ -21983,12 +22138,18 @@ int ShowModel (void)
ns = 61;
else if (!strcmp(modelParams[i].geneticCode, "Vertmt"))
ns = 60;
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[i].geneticCode, "Invermt"))
+ ns = 62;
else if (!strcmp(modelParams[i].geneticCode, "Mycoplasma"))
ns = 62;
else if (!strcmp(modelParams[i].geneticCode, "Yeast"))
ns = 62;
- else if (!strcmp(modelParams[i].geneticCode, "Ciliates"))
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[i].geneticCode, "Ciliate"))
ns = 63;
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[i].geneticCode, "Echinoderm"))
+ ns = 62;
+ else if (!strcmp(modelParams[i].geneticCode, "Euplotid"))
+ ns = 62;
else if (!strcmp(modelParams[i].geneticCode, "Metmt"))
ns = 62;
@@ -22009,15 +22170,15 @@ int ShowModel (void)
if (AreDoublesEqual(modelParams[i].symBetaFix, -1.0, ETA)==YES)
MrBayesPrint ("%s State frequencies are fixed to be equal\n", spacer);
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Symmetric Dirichlet is fixed to %1.2lf\n", spacer, modelParams[i].symBetaFix);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Symmetric Dirichlet alpha is fixed to %1.2lf\n", spacer, modelParams[i].symBetaFix);
else if (!strcmp(modelParams[i].symPiPr,"Uniform"))
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Symmetric Dirichlet has a Uniform(%1.2lf,%1.2lf) prior\n", spacer, modelParams[i].symBetaUni[0], modelParams[i].symBetaUni[1]);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Symmetric Dirichlet alpha has a Uniform(%1.2lf,%1.2lf) prior\n", spacer, modelParams[i].symBetaUni[0], modelParams[i].symBetaUni[1]);
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Symmetric Dirichlet has a Exponential(%1.2lf) prior\n", spacer, modelParams[i].symBetaExp);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Symmetric Dirichlet alpha has a Exponential(%1.2lf) prior\n", spacer, modelParams[i].symBetaExp);
else if (modelSettings[i].dataType == RESTRICTION)
@@ -22827,10 +22988,10 @@ int ShowParameters (int showStartVals, int showMoves, int showAllAvailable)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Prior = Symmetric dirichlet with exponential(%1.2lf) variance parameter\n", spacer, mp->symBetaExp);
{ /* mp->symBetaFix == -1 */
- if (AreDoublesEqual(mp->symBetaFix, 1.0, ETA)==YES)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Prior = State frequencies are equal\n", spacer);
+ if (AreDoublesEqual(mp->symBetaFix, -1.0, ETA)==YES)
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Prior = Symmetric dirichlet with all parameters equal to infinity\n", spacer);
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Prior = Symmetric dirichlet with fixed(%1.2lf) variance parameter\n", spacer, mp->symBetaFix);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Prior = Symmetric dirichlet with all parameters equal to %1.2lf\n", spacer, mp->symBetaFix);
else if (ms->dataType == PROTEIN)
@@ -23212,7 +23373,7 @@ int ShowParameters (int showStartVals, int showMoves, int showAllAvailable)
else if (j == P_CLOCKRATE)
if (!strcmp(mp->clockRatePr,"Normal"))
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Prior = Normal(%1.2lf,%1.2lf)\n", spacer, mp->clockRateNormal[0], mp->clockRateNormal[1]);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Prior = Normal(%1.6lf,%1.6lf)\n", spacer, mp->clockRateNormal[0], mp->clockRateNormal[1]);
else if (!strcmp(mp->clockRatePr,"Lognormal"))
MrBayesPrint ("%s Prior = Lognormal(%1.2lf,%1.2lf)\n", spacer, mp->clockRateLognormal[0], mp->clockRateLognormal[1]);
else if (!strcmp(mp->clockRatePr,"Gamma"))
@@ -23820,8 +23981,8 @@ int UpdateClockRate (MrBFlt clockRate, int chain)
if (minClockRate > maxClockRate)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Calibrated trees require compatible clockrates for run:%d chain:%d.\n",
- spacer, chain/chainParams.numChains, chain%chainParams.numChains);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Calibrated trees require compatible clockrates but they are incompatible for run %d, chain %d.\n",
+ spacer, chain/chainParams.numChains + 1, chain%chainParams.numChains + 1);
return (ERROR);
@@ -23840,8 +24001,8 @@ int UpdateClockRate (MrBFlt clockRate, int chain)
if ((*clockRatep < minClockRate && AreDoublesEqual (*clockRatep, minClockRate, 0.0001) == NO) ||
(*clockRatep > maxClockRate && AreDoublesEqual (*clockRatep, maxClockRate, 0.0001) == NO))
- MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Calibrated trees require clockrate in range from %f to %f, while clockrate prior is fixed to:%f for run:%d chain:%d.\n",
- spacer, minClockRate, maxClockRate, *clockRatep, chain/chainParams.numChains, chain%chainParams.numChains);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Calibrated trees require clockrate in range from %f to %f, while clockrate prior is fixed to %f for run %d chain %d.\n",
+ spacer, minClockRate, maxClockRate, *clockRatep, chain/chainParams.numChains + 1, chain%chainParams.numChains + 1);
return (ERROR);
@@ -23849,7 +24010,7 @@ int UpdateClockRate (MrBFlt clockRate, int chain)
if (AreDoublesEqual (*clockRatep, clockRate, 0.0001) == NO)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Requested clockrate:%f does not match fixed clockrate prior :%f.\n", spacer, clockRate, *clockRatep);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Requested clockrate:%f does not match fixed clockrate prior:%f.\n", spacer, clockRate, *clockRatep);
return (ERROR);
@@ -23864,8 +24025,8 @@ int UpdateClockRate (MrBFlt clockRate, int chain)
if ((*clockRatep < minClockRate && AreDoublesEqual (*clockRatep, minClockRate, 0.0001) == NO) ||
(*clockRatep > maxClockRate && AreDoublesEqual (*clockRatep, maxClockRate, 0.0001) == NO))
- MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Calibrated trees require clockrate in range from %f to %f, while requested clockrate is:%f for run:%d chain:%d.\n",
- spacer, minClockRate, maxClockRate, clockRate, chain/chainParams.numChains, chain%chainParams.numChains);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Calibrated trees require clockrate in range from %f to %f, while requested clockrate is %f for run %d chain %d.\n",
+ spacer, minClockRate, maxClockRate, clockRate, chain/chainParams.numChains + 1, chain%chainParams.numChains + 1);
return (ERROR);
diff --git a/src/proposal.c b/src/proposal.c
index 9b40a2b..ac1218c 100644
--- a/src/proposal.c
+++ b/src/proposal.c
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
#include "proposal.h"
#include "utils.h"
-const char* const svnRevisionProposalC = "$Rev: 1032 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expanded/updated by svn on each commit/update */
+const char* const svnRevisionProposalC = "$Rev: 1069 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expanded/updated by svn on each commit/update */
/* debugging compiler statements */
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ const char* const svnRevisionProposalC = "$Rev: 1032 $"; /* Revision keyword w
extern int *chainId;
-int gTopologyHasChanged; /* flag whether topology has changed */
void TouchAllTreeNodes (ModelInfo *m, int chain);
@@ -1272,7 +1271,7 @@ int Move_AddBranch (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRati
// (*lnProposalRatio) += log(2.0);
/* add the Jacobian term */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log(maxDepth - minDepth);
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log((maxDepth - minDepth) / clockRate);
/* adjust proposal and prior ratio for relaxed clock models */
for (i=0; i<param->nSubParams; i++)
@@ -1506,7 +1505,7 @@ int Move_DelBranch (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRati
// (*lnProposalRatio) += log(0.5);
/* add the Jacobian term */
- (*lnProposalRatio) -= log(maxDepth - minDepth);
+ (*lnProposalRatio) -= log((maxDepth - minDepth) / clockRate);
/* adjust proposal and prior ratio for relaxed clock models */
for (i=0; i<param->nSubParams; i++)
@@ -1601,7 +1600,7 @@ int Move_Extinction (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRat
/* get minimum and maximum values */
minM = 0.0;
- maxM = 0.999999;
+ maxM = 0.99999;
/* get pointer to value to be changed */
valIndex = (int)(RandomNumber(seed) * param->nValues);
@@ -1660,6 +1659,7 @@ int Move_Extinction (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRat
return (ERROR);
*valPtr = newM; // update with new value
+ // for (i=0; i<param->nValues; i++) *(GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]) + i) = newM;
if (LnFossilizationPriorPr (t, clockRate, &newLnPrior, sR, eR, sF, fR, sS) == ERROR)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem calculating prior for fossilized birth-death process\n", spacer);
@@ -1710,7 +1710,7 @@ int Move_Fossilization (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPrior
m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
/* get minimum and maximum values */
- minM = 0.0;
+ minM = 0.00001;
maxM = 1.0;
/* get pointer to value to be changed */
@@ -1781,18 +1781,13 @@ int Move_Fossilization (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPrior
int Move_ExtSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* Change branch lengths and topology (potentially) using SPR (unrooted)
- with extension probability (rather than window). */
- /* For a description, see Lakner et al. (2008).
- This move type has been tested on all combinations of rooted and unrooted,
- constrained and unconstrained trees */
+ /* Change topology (and branch lengths) using SPR (unrooted) with extension probability.
+ Pick either external or internal branches instead of just internal branches. */
int i, j, topologyHasChanged, nCrownNodes, nRootNodes, directionLeft, directionUp,
isVPriorExp, moveInRoot, isStartConstrained, isStopConstrained;
MrBFlt m, x, y, tuning, maxV, minV, extensionProb, brlensExp=0.0;
- TreeNode *p, *a, *b, *c, *d, *u, *v, *brlenNode[7];
+ TreeNode *p, *q, *a, *b, *c, *d, *u, *v;
Tree *t;
ModelParams *mp;
@@ -1800,6 +1795,8 @@ int Move_ExtSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
extensionProb = mvp[0]; /* extension probability */
tuning = mvp[1]; /* Larget & Simon's tuning parameter lambda */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
/* get tree */
t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
@@ -1810,7 +1807,7 @@ int Move_ExtSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
minV = mp->brlensUni[0] > BRLENS_MIN ? mp->brlensUni[0] : BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = mp->brlensUni[1];
+ maxV = mp->brlensUni[1] < BRLENS_MAX ? mp->brlensUni[1] : BRLENS_MAX;
isVPriorExp = NO;
else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_GamDir)
@@ -1831,7 +1828,7 @@ int Move_ExtSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
isVPriorExp = 4;
- else
+ else /* (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_EXP) */
@@ -1851,36 +1848,25 @@ int Move_ExtSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
# endif
- /* pick an internal branch that is free to move in either end
- (i and j keep track of number of locked directions) */
+ /* pick a random branch */
do {
- p = t->intDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed) * (t->nIntNodes-1))];
- if (p->anc->left == p)
- a = p->anc->right;
- else
- a = p->anc->left;
+ p = t->allDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed) * (t->nNodes -1))];
+ q = p->anc->right; if (q == p) q = p->anc->left;
i = j = 0;
- if (a->isLocked == YES || a->left == NULL)
+ if (p->left == NULL)
+ j = 2;
+ if (p->anc->anc == NULL)
+ i = 2;
+ if (p->anc->anc != NULL && (p->anc->isLocked == YES || p->anc->anc->anc == NULL))
- if (p->anc->isLocked == YES || p->anc->anc->anc == NULL)
+ if (p->anc->anc != NULL && (q->isLocked == YES || q->left == NULL))
- if (p->left->isLocked == YES || p->left->left == NULL)
+ if (p->left != NULL && (p->left->isLocked == YES || p->left->left == NULL))
- if (p->right->isLocked == YES || p->right->left == NULL)
+ if (p->left != NULL && (p->right->isLocked == YES || p->right->left == NULL))
} while (i == 2 && j == 2);
- /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
- /* cut the tree into crown, root and attachment part */
- /* change the relevant lengths in the attachment part */
- /* the lengths of a and v are automatically contained in the */
- /* "attachment" part but the length of c has to be stored in x */
- v = p;
- u = p->anc;
- /* store brlen node */
- brlenNode[3] = v;
/* change in root tree ? */
if (j == 2)
moveInRoot = YES;
@@ -1898,104 +1884,78 @@ int Move_ExtSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
else if (moveInRoot == NO && j == 1)
isStartConstrained = YES;
- /* set up pointers for crown part */
- /* also determine direction of move in crown part */
- if (v->right->left == NULL || v->right->isLocked == YES)
- directionLeft = YES;
- else if (v->left->left == NULL || v->left->isLocked == YES)
- directionLeft = NO;
- else if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- directionLeft = YES;
- else
- directionLeft = NO;
- if (directionLeft == YES)
- {
- c = v->left;
- d = v->right;
- }
- else
- {
- c = v->right;
- d = v->left;
- }
- /* store brlen nodes and brlen to move */
- brlenNode[0] = d;
- brlenNode[1] = c;
- x = c->length;
- /* cut and reconnect crown part */
- c->anc = d;
- d->anc = c;
- /* mark nodes in root part */
- /* also determine direction of move in root part */
- if (u->left == v)
- a = u->right;
- else
- a = u->left;
- b = u->anc;
- if (u->anc->anc == NULL || u->isLocked == YES)
- directionUp = YES;
- else if (a->left == NULL || a->isLocked == YES)
- directionUp = NO;
- else if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- directionUp = YES;
- else
- directionUp = NO;
- if (directionUp == NO)
- {
- /* switch a and b */
- b = a;
- a = u->anc;
- }
+ /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
+ /* cut the tree into crown, root and attachment part */
+ /* change the relevant lengths in the attachment part */
+ v = p;
+ u = p->anc;
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- brlenNode[4] = u;
- brlenNode[5] = a;
- }
- else
+ /* modify length of middle branch */
+ m = v->length;
+ x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- brlenNode[4] = b;
- brlenNode[5] = u;
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ v->length = x;
+ v->upDateTi = YES;
- /* cut root part*/
- if (directionUp == NO)
- {
- b->anc = a;
- if (a->left == u)
- a->left = b;
- else
- a->right = b;
- }
- else
- {
- a->anc = b;
- if (b->left == u)
- b->left = a;
- else
- b->right = a;
- y = a->length;
- a->length = u->length;
- u->length = y;
- a->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = YES;
- }
+ /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
/* move around in root subtree */
nRootNodes = 0;
if (moveInRoot == YES)
+ /* mark nodes in root part */
+ /* also determine direction of move in root part */
+ if (u->left == v)
+ a = u->right;
+ else
+ a = u->left;
+ b = u->anc;
+ if (u->anc->anc == NULL || u->isLocked == YES)
+ directionUp = YES;
+ else if (a->left == NULL || a->isLocked == YES)
+ directionUp = NO;
+ else if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
+ directionUp = YES;
+ else
+ directionUp = NO;
+ /* cut root part*/
+ if (directionUp == NO)
+ {
+ b = a; /* switch a and b */
+ a = u->anc;
+ b->anc = a;
+ if (a->left == u)
+ a->left = b;
+ else
+ a->right = b;
+ }
+ else // if (directionUp == YES)
+ {
+ a->anc = b;
+ if (b->left == u)
+ b->left = a;
+ else
+ b->right = a;
+ y = a->length;
+ a->length = u->length;
+ u->length = y;
+ a->upDateTi = YES;
+ u->upDateTi = YES;
+ }
for (nRootNodes=0; RandomNumber(seed)<extensionProb || nRootNodes==0; nRootNodes++)
if (directionUp == YES)
{ /* going up tree */
if (a->left == NULL || a->isLocked == YES)
break; /* can't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
b = a;
if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
a = a->left;
@@ -2009,12 +1969,11 @@ int Move_ExtSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
u->lockID = 0;
- else
+ else // directionUp == NO
{ /* going down tree */
if (a->anc == NULL || u->isLocked == YES)
break; /* can't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- if (RandomNumber(seed)<0.5)
+ if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
directionUp = YES; /* switch direction */
/* find sister of a */
@@ -2028,9 +1987,8 @@ int Move_ExtSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
b = a;
a = a->left;
- /* as long as we are moving upwards
- the cond likes to update will be
- flagged by the last pass from u to the root */
+ /* as long as we are moving upwards, the cond likes to update
+ will be flagged by the last pass from u to the root */
{ /* continue down */
@@ -2047,44 +2005,103 @@ int Move_ExtSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
+ topologyHasChanged = YES;
/* check whether stop is constrained */
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- if (a->left == NULL || a->isLocked == YES)
- isStopConstrained = YES;
- }
- else
+ if (directionUp == YES && (a->left == NULL || a->isLocked == YES))
+ isStopConstrained = YES;
+ if (directionUp == NO && (a->anc == NULL || u->isLocked == YES))
+ isStopConstrained = YES;
+ /* modify branch length */
+ m = u->length;
+ x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- if (a->anc == NULL || u->isLocked == YES)
- isStopConstrained = YES;
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
+ u->length = x;
+ u->upDateTi = YES;
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (nRootNodes > 0)
- {
+ /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
+ /* combine the subtrees */
if (directionUp == YES)
- brlenNode[6] = a;
- brlenNode[5] = u;
+ u->anc = b;
+ if (u->left == v)
+ u->right = a;
+ else
+ u->left = a;
+ a->anc = u;
+ if (b->left == a)
+ b->left = u;
+ else
+ b->right = u;
- else
+ else // if (directionUp == NO)
- brlenNode[6] = u;
- brlenNode[5] = b;
+ u->anc = a;
+ if (u->left == v)
+ u->right = b;
+ else
+ u->left = b;
+ b->anc = u;
+ if (a->left == b)
+ a->left = u;
+ else
+ a->right = u;
+ /* the modified branch contained in u->length will have to be moved to b->length to enable back move
+ BUT if we haven't moved, it is better to keep it in place (necessary for rooted trees) */
+ y = u->length;
+ u->length = b->length;
+ b->length = y;
+ b->upDateTi = YES;
+ u->upDateTi = YES;
/* move around in crown subtree */
nCrownNodes = 0;
- if (moveInRoot == NO)
+ if (moveInRoot == NO)
+ /* set up pointers for crown part */
+ /* also determine direction of move in crown part */
+ if (v->right->left == NULL || v->right->isLocked == YES)
+ directionLeft = YES;
+ else if (v->left->left == NULL || v->left->isLocked == YES)
+ directionLeft = NO;
+ else if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
+ directionLeft = YES;
+ else
+ directionLeft = NO;
+ if (directionLeft == YES)
+ {
+ c = v->left;
+ d = v->right;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c = v->right;
+ d = v->left;
+ }
+ /* store brlen nodes and brlen to move */
+ x = c->length;
+ /* cut and reconnect crown part */
+ c->anc = d;
+ d->anc = c;
for (nCrownNodes=0; RandomNumber(seed)<extensionProb || nCrownNodes==0; nCrownNodes++)
if (c->left == NULL || c->isLocked == YES)
break; /* can't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
+ if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
/* rotate c anticlockwise - prepare pointers for move left */
c->anc = c->left; /* the root will be in the direction we are heading */
@@ -2098,189 +2115,60 @@ int Move_ExtSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
c->right = c->left;
c->left = d;
- /* OK - let's move!; c->anc points in the right direction
- don't forget to move the branch lengths as well */
+ /* OK - let's move! c->anc points in the right direction
+ don't forget to move the branch lengths as well */
d = c;
c = c->anc;
- d->length = c->length;
+ d->length = c->length; /* also rotate other info ?? */
d->upDateCl = YES;
d->upDateTi = YES;
+ topologyHasChanged = YES;
/* check if stop constrained */
if (c->left == NULL || c->isLocked == YES)
isStopConstrained = YES;
- }
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (nCrownNodes > 0)
- {
- brlenNode[2] = c;
- brlenNode[1] = d;
- }
- /* adjust proposal ratio for constraints */
- if (isStartConstrained == NO && isStopConstrained == YES)
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (2.0 * (1.0 - extensionProb));
- else if (isStartConstrained == YES && isStopConstrained == NO)
- (*lnProposalRatio) -= log (2.0 * (1.0 - extensionProb));
- /* combine the subtrees */
- c->anc = v;
- d->anc = v;
- if (directionLeft == YES)
- {
- v->left = c;
- v->right = d;
- }
- else
- {
- v->left = d;
- v->right = c;
- }
- /* the dangling branch is inserted in reverted position
- such that the back move will be possible
- if we have moved around in crown subtree
- otherwise it is left in its original position */
- if (nCrownNodes > 0)
- {
- d->length = x;
- d->upDateTi = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- c->length = x;
- }
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- u->anc = b;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = a;
- else
- u->left = a;
- a->anc = u;
- if (b->left == a)
- b->left = u;
- else
- b->right = u;
- /* the dangling branch is contained in u->length
- and will automatically be inserted in the right position
- to enable the back move regardless of whether it was
- initially directed upwards or downwards
- BUT if we haven't moved in root subtree, it is advantageous (necessary
- for rooted trees) to avoid switching branches, which occurs otherwise
- if directionUp == YES */
- if (nRootNodes == 0)
+ /* combine the subtrees */
+ c->anc = v;
+ d->anc = v;
+ if (directionLeft == YES)
- x = u->length;
- u->length = a->length;
- a->length = x;
- a->upDateTi = NO;
- u->upDateTi = NO;
+ v->left = c;
+ v->right = d;
- }
- else
- {
- u->anc = a;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = b;
- else
- u->left = b;
- b->anc = u;
- if (a->left == b)
- a->left = u;
- a->right = u;
- /* the modified branch contained in u->length will have
- to be moved to b->length to enable back move
- BUT if we haven't moved, it is better to keep it in place
- (necessary for rooted trees) */
- if (nRootNodes > 0)
- x = u->length;
- u->length = b->length;
- b->length = x;
- b->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = YES;
+ v->left = d;
+ v->right = c;
- }
- /* modify branch lengths */
- /* first modify length of middle branch */
- m = brlenNode[3]->length;
- x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- brlenNode[3]->length = x;
- brlenNode[3]->upDateTi = YES;
- /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
- if (moveInRoot == NO)
- {
- /* if no move in crown, then select randomly, otherwise always the moved branch */
- if (nCrownNodes == 0 && RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- p = brlenNode[0];
- else
- p = brlenNode[1];
+ /* the dangling branch is inserted in reverted position such that the back move will be possible
+ if we have moved around in crown subtree otherwise it is left in its original position */
+ d->length = x;
/* modify branch length */
- m = p->length;
+ m = d->length;
x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
- p->length = x;
- p->upDateTi = YES;
+ d->length = x;
+ d->upDateTi = YES;
/* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
(*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
if (isVPriorExp == YES)
(*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
- if (moveInRoot == YES)
- {
- /* if no move in root, then select randomly, otherwise always the moved branch */
- if (nRootNodes == 0 && RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- p = brlenNode[4];
- else
- p = brlenNode[5];
- /* modify branch length but not if 'root' branch in rooted tree */
- if (t->isRooted == NO || p->anc->anc != NULL)
- {
- m = p->length;
- x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- p->length = x;
- p->upDateTi = YES;
- /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
- }
- }
+ /* adjust proposal ratio for constraints */
+ if (isStartConstrained == NO && isStopConstrained == YES)
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (2.0 * (1.0 - extensionProb));
+ else if (isStartConstrained == YES && isStopConstrained == NO)
+ (*lnProposalRatio) -= log (2.0 * (1.0 - extensionProb));
/* set flags for update of cond likes from v and down to root */
p = v;
@@ -2305,7 +2193,7 @@ int Move_ExtSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
ShowNodes (t->root, 2, NO);
printf ("Proposal ratio: %f\n",(*lnProposalRatio));
- printf ("v: %d u: %d c: %d d: %d a: %d b: %d\n",v->index, u->index,
+ printf ("v: %d u: %d c: %d d: %d a: %d b: %d\n",v->index, u->index,
c->index, d->index, a->index, b->index);
printf ("No. nodes moved in root subtree: %d\n",nRootNodes);
printf ("No. nodes moved in crown subtree: %d\n",nCrownNodes);
@@ -2313,36 +2201,70 @@ int Move_ExtSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
# endif
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
- gNodeMoves = nCrownNodes + nRootNodes;
-# endif
- assert (nCrownNodes > 0 || nRootNodes > 0);
return (NO_ERROR);
int Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* Change topology using SPR (unrooted) with extension probability. Map branch lengths without modification */
+ /* Change topology (and branch lengths) using SPR (unrooted) with extension probability. */
+ /* Pick only internal branches. For a description, see Lakner et al. (2008). */
int i, j, topologyHasChanged, nCrownNodes, nRootNodes, directionLeft, directionUp,
- moveInRoot, isStartConstrained, isStopConstrained;
- MrBFlt x, y, extensionProb;
- TreeNode *p, *a, *b, *c, *d, *u, *v;
+ isVPriorExp, moveInRoot, isStartConstrained, isStopConstrained;
+ MrBFlt m, x, y, tuning, maxV, minV, extensionProb, brlensExp=0.0;
+ TreeNode *p, *a, *b, *c, *d, *u, *v, *brlenNode[7];
Tree *t;
+ ModelParams *mp;
+ /* these parameters should be possible to set by user */
extensionProb = mvp[0]; /* extension probability */
+ tuning = mvp[1]; /* Larget & Simon's tuning parameter lambda */
(*lnProposalRatio) = (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
/* get tree */
t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
+ /* get model params */
+ mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
+ /* max and min brlen */
+ if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
+ {
+ minV = mp->brlensUni[0] > BRLENS_MIN ? mp->brlensUni[0] : BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = mp->brlensUni[1] < BRLENS_MAX ? mp->brlensUni[1] : BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = NO;
+ }
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_GamDir)
+ {
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = 2;
+ }
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_iGmDir)
+ {
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = 3;
+ }
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_twoExp)
+ {
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ brlensExp = mp->brlensExp;
+ isVPriorExp = YES;
+ }
+ /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
+ if (isVPriorExp > 1)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) = -LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
topologyHasChanged = NO;
@@ -2351,8 +2273,9 @@ int Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
ShowNodes (t->root, 2, NO);
# endif
- /* pick an internal branch that is free to move in either end */
+ /* pick an internal branch that is free to move in either end
+ (i and j keep track of number of locked directions) */
do {
p = t->intDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed) * (t->nIntNodes-1))];
if (p->anc->left == p)
@@ -2368,8 +2291,7 @@ int Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
if (p->right->isLocked == YES || p->right->left == NULL)
- }
- while (i == 2 && j == 2);
+ } while (i == 2 && j == 2);
/* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
/* cut the tree into crown, root and attachment part */
@@ -2379,6 +2301,9 @@ int Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
v = p;
u = p->anc;
+ /* store brlen node */
+ brlenNode[3] = v;
/* change in root tree ? */
if (j == 2)
moveInRoot = YES;
@@ -2418,6 +2343,8 @@ int Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
/* store brlen nodes and brlen to move */
+ brlenNode[0] = d;
+ brlenNode[1] = c;
x = c->length;
/* cut and reconnect crown part */
@@ -2446,6 +2373,18 @@ int Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
a = u->anc;
+ /* store brlen nodes */
+ if (directionUp == YES)
+ {
+ brlenNode[4] = u;
+ brlenNode[5] = a;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ brlenNode[4] = b;
+ brlenNode[5] = u;
+ }
/* cut root part*/
if (directionUp == NO)
@@ -2544,6 +2483,21 @@ int Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
+ /* store brlen nodes */
+ if (nRootNodes > 0)
+ {
+ if (directionUp == YES)
+ {
+ brlenNode[6] = a;
+ brlenNode[5] = u;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ brlenNode[6] = u;
+ brlenNode[5] = b;
+ }
+ }
/* move around in crown subtree */
nCrownNodes = 0;
if (moveInRoot == NO)
@@ -2580,6 +2534,13 @@ int Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
isStopConstrained = YES;
+ /* store brlen nodes */
+ if (nCrownNodes > 0)
+ {
+ brlenNode[2] = c;
+ brlenNode[1] = d;
+ }
/* adjust proposal ratio for constraints */
if (isStartConstrained == NO && isStopConstrained == YES)
(*lnProposalRatio) += log (2.0 * (1.0 - extensionProb));
@@ -2667,9 +2628,85 @@ int Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
u->upDateTi = YES;
- /* set flags for update of cond likes from v and down to root */
- p = v;
+ /* modify branch lengths */
+ /* first modify length of middle branch */
+ m = brlenNode[3]->length;
+ x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV)
+ x = minV * minV / x;
+ else if (x > maxV)
+ x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ brlenNode[3]->length = x;
+ brlenNode[3]->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
+ if (moveInRoot == NO)
+ {
+ /* if no move in crown, then select randomly, otherwise always the moved branch */
+ if (nCrownNodes == 0 && RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
+ p = brlenNode[0];
+ else
+ p = brlenNode[1];
+ /* modify branch length */
+ m = p->length;
+ x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV)
+ x = minV * minV / x;
+ else if (x > maxV)
+ x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ p->length = x;
+ p->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
+ }
+ if (moveInRoot == YES)
+ {
+ /* if no move in root, then select randomly, otherwise always the moved branch */
+ if (nRootNodes == 0 && RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
+ p = brlenNode[4];
+ else
+ p = brlenNode[5];
+ /* modify branch length but not if 'root' branch in rooted tree */
+ if (t->isRooted == NO || p->anc->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ m = p->length;
+ x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV)
+ x = minV * minV / x;
+ else if (x > maxV)
+ x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ p->length = x;
+ p->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
+ }
+ }
+ /* set flags for update of cond likes from v and down to root */
+ p = v;
while (p->anc != NULL)
p->upDateCl = YES;
@@ -2682,6 +2719,10 @@ int Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
GetDownPass (t);
+ /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
+ if (isVPriorExp > 1)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
# if defined (DEBUG_ExtSPR)
printf ("After:\n");
ShowNodes (t->root, 2, NO);
@@ -2695,14 +2736,6 @@ int Move_ExtSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
# endif
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
- gNodeMoves = nCrownNodes + nRootNodes;
-# endif
return (NO_ERROR);
@@ -2763,7 +2796,8 @@ int Move_ExtSPRClock (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRa
b = p->anc->right;
while (p->anc->isLocked == YES || p->anc->anc->anc == NULL
- || (p == b && a->length < TIME_MIN) || (p == a && b->length < TIME_MIN) || (p->length < TIME_MIN && p->calibration->prior == fixed));
+ || (p == b && a->length < TIME_MIN) || (p == a && b->length < TIME_MIN)
+ || (p->length < TIME_MIN && p->calibration->prior == fixed));
/* skip constraints, siblings of root (and root); and consider ancestral fossils in fbd tree */
/* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
@@ -4038,16 +4072,13 @@ int Move_ExtSSClock (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRat
int Move_ExtTBR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* Change branch lengths and topology (potentially) using TBR (unrooted)
- with extension probability (rather than window). */
+ /* Change topology (and branch lengths) using TBR with extension probability. */
- /* this move type picks a branch and two "danglies", modifies their length
+ /* This move picks an internal branch and two "danglies", modifies their lengths
independently according to the method of Larget & Simon (1999: MBE); it then
moves the danglies away from their original position one node at a time with
- a probability determined by the extensionProb parameter
- when the danglies are moved, their direction is changed
- this "reflection" is necessary to enable the back move
+ a probability determined by the extensionProb parameter. When the danglies are moved,
+ their direction is changed -- "reflection" necessary to enable the back move.
This move type has been tested on all combinations of rooted and unrooted,
constrained and unconstrained trees */
@@ -4063,6 +4094,8 @@ int Move_ExtTBR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
extensionProb = mvp[0]; /* extension probability */
tuning = mvp[1]; /* Larget & Simon's tuning parameter lambda */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
/* get tree */
t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
@@ -4073,7 +4106,7 @@ int Move_ExtTBR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
minV = mp->brlensUni[0] > BRLENS_MIN ? mp->brlensUni[0] : BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = mp->brlensUni[1];
+ maxV = mp->brlensUni[1] < BRLENS_MAX ? mp->brlensUni[1] : BRLENS_MAX;
isVPriorExp = NO;
else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_GamDir)
@@ -4187,10 +4220,8 @@ int Move_ExtTBR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
x = c->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5)); /* save the modified dangling branch for later use */
while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
/* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
@@ -4342,16 +4373,10 @@ int Move_ExtTBR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
/* adjust proposal ratio for root move if unbalanced */
isStopConstrained = NO;
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- if (a->left == NULL || a->isLocked == YES)
- isStopConstrained = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- if (a->anc == NULL || u->isLocked == YES)
- isStopConstrained = YES;
- }
+ if (directionUp == YES && (a->left == NULL || a->isLocked == YES))
+ isStopConstrained = YES;
+ if (directionUp == NO && (a->anc == NULL || u->isLocked == YES))
+ isStopConstrained = YES;
if (nRootNodes > 0)
if (isRootStartConstrained == YES && isStopConstrained == NO)
@@ -4451,9 +4476,9 @@ int Move_ExtTBR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
if directionUp == YES */
if (nRootNodes == 0)
- x = u->length;
+ y = u->length;
u->length = a->length;
- a->length = x;
+ a->length = y;
a->upDateTi = YES;
u->upDateTi = NO; /* u retains its old length */
@@ -4476,9 +4501,9 @@ int Move_ExtTBR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
(necessary for rooted trees) */
if (nRootNodes > 0)
- x = u->length;
+ y = u->length;
u->length = b->length;
- b->length = x;
+ b->length = y;
b->upDateTi = YES;
@@ -4514,554 +4539,160 @@ int Move_ExtTBR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
# endif
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
- gNodeMoves = nCrownNodes + nRootNodes;
-# endif
- assert (nCrownNodes > 0 || nRootNodes > 0);
return (NO_ERROR);
-int Move_ExtTBR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+| Move_GeneRate_Dir: Change gene rate multiplier using Dirichlet
+| proposal.
+int Move_GeneRate_Dir (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* Change topology using TBR (unrooted) with extension probability. Map branch lengths without modification */
- int i, j, topologyHasChanged, nCrownNodes, nRootNodes, directionLeft, directionUp,
- alwaysMoveRoot, isCrownStartConstrained, isRootStartConstrained, isStopConstrained;
- MrBFlt x, y, extensionProb;
- TreeNode *p, *a, *b, *c, *d, *u, *v;
- Tree *t;
- extensionProb = mvp[0]; /* extension probability */
- (*lnProposalRatio) = (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
+ int i, nRates, isValid;
+ MrBFlt alphaPi, *value, *subValue, numSites, *alphaDir, x, y, sum,
+ rate_pot, *dirParm, *oldRate, *newRate;
- /* get tree */
- t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
- topologyHasChanged = NO;
+ /* allocate memory */
+ dirParm = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (3*(numTopologies-1), sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ oldRate = dirParm + numCurrentDivisions;
+ newRate = dirParm + 2*numCurrentDivisions;
-# if defined (DEBUG_ExtTBR)
- printf ("Before:\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 2, NO);
- getchar();
-# endif
- /* pick an internal branch */
- do {
- p = t->intDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed) * (t->nIntNodes-1))];
- if (p->anc->left == p)
- a = p->anc->right;
- else
- a = p->anc->left;
- i = j = 0;
- if (a->isLocked == YES || a->left == NULL)
- i++;
- if (p->anc->isLocked == YES || p->anc->anc->anc == NULL)
- i++;
- if (p->left->isLocked == YES || p->left->left == NULL)
- j++;
- if (p->right->isLocked == YES || p->right->left == NULL)
- j++;
- }
- while (i == 2 && j == 2);
+ /* get number of rates */
+ nRates = param->nValues;
- /* determine whether to move first step unconditionally in root or in crown */
- if (j == 2)
- alwaysMoveRoot = YES;
- else if (i == 2)
- alwaysMoveRoot = NO;
- else if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- alwaysMoveRoot = YES;
- else
- alwaysMoveRoot = NO;
+ /* get pointer to rates and number of uncompressed chars */
+ value = GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
+ subValue = GetParamSubVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
- /* determine any starting constraints */
- isCrownStartConstrained = isRootStartConstrained = NO;
- if (i >= 1)
- isRootStartConstrained = YES;
- if (j >= 1)
- isCrownStartConstrained = YES;
+ /* get Dirichlet parameters */
+ alphaDir = subValue + nRates;
- /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
- /* cut the tree into crown, root and attachment part */
- /* change the relevant lengths in the attachment part */
- /* the lengths of a and v are automatically contained in the */
- /* "attachment" part but the length of c has to be stored in x */
- v = p;
- u = p->anc;
+ /* calculate old ratesum proportions */
+ numSites = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
+ numSites += subValue[i]; /* numSites should be equal to the number of sites */
+ for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
+ oldRate[i] = value[i] * subValue[i] / numSites;
+ /* get so called alphaPi parameter */
+ alphaPi = mvp[0] * nRates;
+ /* multiply old ratesum proportions with some large number to get new values close to the old ones */
+ for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
+ dirParm[i] = oldRate[i] * alphaPi;
+ /* get new values */
+ DirichletRandomVariable (dirParm, newRate, nRates, seed);
- /* set up pointers for crown part */
- /* also determine direction of move in crown part */
- if (v->right->left == NULL || v->right->isLocked == YES)
- directionLeft = YES;
- else if (v->left->left == NULL || v->left->isLocked == YES)
- directionLeft = NO;
- else if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- directionLeft = YES;
- else
- directionLeft = NO;
- if (directionLeft == YES)
- {
- c = v->left;
- d = v->right;
- }
- else
+ /* check new values. we rely on newRate be already normalized */
+ while (1)
- c = v->right;
- d = v->left;
+ sum = 0.0;
+ rate_pot = 1.0;
+ isValid=1;
+ for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
+ {
+ if (newRate[i] <= DIR_MIN)
+ {
+ if (newRate[i] < DIR_MIN)
+ {
+ newRate[i] = DIR_MIN;
+ isValid=0;
+ }
+ rate_pot -= DIR_MIN;
+ }
+ else
+ sum += newRate[i];
+ }
+ if (isValid==1) break;
+ for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
+ {
+ if (newRate[i]!=DIR_MIN)
+ newRate[i] = rate_pot * newRate[i] / sum;
+ }
- /* cut and reconnect crown part */
- c->anc = d;
- d->anc = c;
- /* record c length */
- x = c->length;
+ /* calculate and copy new rate ratio values back */
+ for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
+ value[i] = newRate[i] * (numSites / subValue[i]);
+ /* get proposal ratio */
+ sum = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
+ sum += newRate[i]*alphaPi;
+ x = LnGamma(sum);
+ for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
+ x -= LnGamma(newRate[i]*alphaPi);
+ for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
+ x += (newRate[i]*alphaPi-1.0)*log(oldRate[i]);
+ sum = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
+ sum += oldRate[i]*alphaPi;
+ y = LnGamma(sum);
+ for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
+ y -= LnGamma(oldRate[i]*alphaPi);
+ for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
+ y += (oldRate[i]*alphaPi-1.0)*log(newRate[i]);
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = x - y;
- /* mark nodes in root part */
- /* also determine direction of move in root part */
- if (u->left == v)
- a = u->right;
- else
- a = u->left;
- b = u->anc;
- if (u->anc->anc == NULL || u->isLocked == YES)
- directionUp = YES;
- else if (a->left == NULL || a->isLocked == YES)
- directionUp = NO;
- else if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- directionUp = YES;
- else
- directionUp = NO;
- if (directionUp == NO)
- {
- /* switch a and b */
- b = a;
- a = u->anc;
- }
+ /* get prior ratio */
+ x = y = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
+ x += (alphaDir[i]-1.0)*log(newRate[i]);
+ for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
+ y += (alphaDir[i]-1.0)*log(oldRate[i]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) = x - y;
- /* cut root part */
- if (directionUp == NO)
- {
- b->anc = a;
- if (a->left == u)
- a->left = b;
- else
- a->right = b;
- }
- else
- {
- a->anc = b;
- if (b->left == u)
- b->left = a;
- else
- b->right = a;
- y = a->length;
- a->length = u->length;
- u->length = y;
- a->upDateTi = YES;
- }
- u->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* Set update flags for all partitions that share the rate multiplier. Note that the conditional
+ likelihood update flags have been set before we even call this function. */
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
+ /* may need to hit update flag for cijks when you have a covarion model */
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ if (modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].nCijkParts > 1)
+ modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].upDateCijk = YES;
- /* move around in root subtree */
- for (nRootNodes=0; (alwaysMoveRoot == YES && nRootNodes == 0) || RandomNumber(seed) < extensionProb; nRootNodes++)
- {
- if (directionUp == YES)
- { /* going up tree */
- if (a->left == NULL || a->isLocked == YES)
- break; /* can't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- b = a;
- if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- a = a->left;
- else
- a = a->right;
- if (u->isLocked == YES)
- {
- b->isLocked = YES;
- u->isLocked = NO;
- b->lockID = u->lockID;
- u->lockID = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- { /* going down tree */
- if (a->anc == NULL || u->isLocked == YES)
- break; /* can't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- if (RandomNumber(seed)<0.5)
- {
- directionUp = YES; /* switch direction */
- /* find sister of a */
- if (a->left == b)
- {
- b = a;
- a = a->right;
- }
- else
- {
- b = a;
- a = a->left;
- }
- /* as long as we are moving upwards
- the cond likes to update will be
- flagged by the last pass from u to the root */
- }
- else
- { /* continue down */
- b = a;
- a = a->anc;
- b->upDateCl = YES;
- if (b->isLocked == YES)
- {
- u->isLocked = YES;
- b->isLocked = NO;
- u->lockID = b->lockID;
- b->lockID = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ free (dirParm);
- /* adjust proposal ratio for root move if unbalanced */
- isStopConstrained = NO;
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- if (a->left == NULL || a->isLocked == YES)
- isStopConstrained = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- if (a->anc == NULL || u->isLocked == YES)
- isStopConstrained = YES;
- }
- if (nRootNodes > 0)
- {
- if (isRootStartConstrained == YES && isStopConstrained == NO)
- (*lnProposalRatio) -= log (2.0 * (1.0 - extensionProb));
- else if (isRootStartConstrained == NO && isStopConstrained == YES)
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (2.0 * (1.0 - extensionProb));
- }
+ return (NO_ERROR);
- /* move around in crown subtree */
- for (nCrownNodes=0; (alwaysMoveRoot == NO && nCrownNodes == 0) || RandomNumber(seed) < extensionProb; nCrownNodes++)
- {
- if (c->left == NULL || c->isLocked == YES)
- break; /* can't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- {
- /* rotate c anticlockwise - prepare pointers for move left */
- c->anc = c->left; /* the root will be in the direction we are heading */
- c->left = c->right;
- c->right = d;
- }
- else
- {
- /* rotate c clockwise - prepare pointers for move right */
- c->anc = c->right; /* the root will be in the direction we are heading */
- c->right = c->left;
- c->left = d;
- }
- /* OK - let's move!; c->anc points in the right direction
- don't forget to move the branch lengths as well */
- d = c;
- c = c->anc;
- d->length = c->length;
- d->upDateCl = YES;
- d->upDateTi = YES;
- }
- /* adjust proposal ratio for crown move if unbalanced */
- isStopConstrained = NO;
- if (c->left == NULL || c->isLocked == YES)
- isStopConstrained = YES;
- if (nCrownNodes > 0)
- {
- if (isCrownStartConstrained == YES && isStopConstrained == NO)
- (*lnProposalRatio) -= log (2.0 * (1.0 - extensionProb));
- else if (isCrownStartConstrained == NO && isStopConstrained == YES)
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (2.0 * (1.0 - extensionProb));
- }
+int Move_RateShape_M (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+ /* change gamma/lnorm shape parameter using multiplier */
+ int i, isAPriorExp, isValidA;
+ MrBFlt oldA, newA, minA, maxA, alphaExp=0.0, ran, factor, tuning, *rates;
+ ModelParams *mp;
- /* combine the subtrees */
- c->anc = v;
- d->anc = v;
- if (directionLeft == YES)
- {
- v->left = c;
- v->right = d;
- }
- else
- {
- v->left = d;
- v->right = c;
- }
+ /* get tuning parameter */
+ tuning = mvp[0];
- /* the dangling branch is inserted in reverted position
- such that the back move will be possible
- if we have moved around in crown subtree
- otherwise it is left in its original position */
- if (nCrownNodes > 0)
+ /* get model params */
+ mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
+ /* get minimum and maximum values for alpha */
+ if (param->paramId == SHAPE_UNI)
- d->length = x;
- d->upDateTi = YES;
+ minA = mp->shapeUni[0];
+ maxA = mp->shapeUni[1];
+ if (minA < MIN_SHAPE_PARAM)
+ if (maxA > MAX_SHAPE_PARAM)
+ isAPriorExp = NO;
- c->length = x;
- c->upDateTi = YES;
- }
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- u->anc = b;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = a;
- else
- u->left = a;
- a->anc = u;
- if (b->left == a)
- b->left = u;
- else
- b->right = u;
- /* the dangling branch is contained in u->length
- and will automatically be inserted in the right position
- to enable the back move regardless of whether it was
- initially directed upwards or downwards
- BUT if we haven't moved in root subtree, it is advantageous (necessary
- for rooted trees) to avoid switching branches, which occurs otherwise
- if directionUp == YES */
- if (nRootNodes == 0)
- {
- x = u->length;
- u->length = a->length;
- a->length = x;
- a->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = NO; /* u retains its old length */
- }
- }
- else
- {
- u->anc = a;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = b;
- else
- u->left = b;
- b->anc = u;
- if (a->left == b)
- a->left = u;
- else
- a->right = u;
- /* the modified branch contained in u->length will have
- to be moved to b->length to enable back move
- BUT if we haven't moved, it is better to keep it in place
- (necessary for rooted trees) */
- if (nRootNodes > 0)
- {
- x = u->length;
- u->length = b->length;
- b->length = x;
- b->upDateTi = YES;
- }
- }
- /* set flags for update of cond likes from v and down to root */
- p = v;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- /* get down pass sequence if tree topology has changed */
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- {
- GetDownPass (t);
- }
-# if defined (DEBUG_ExtTBR)
- printf ("After:\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 2, NO);
- getchar();
- printf ("Proposal ratio: %f\n",(*lnProposalRatio));
- printf ("v: %d u: %d c: %d d: %d a: %d b: %d\n",v->index, u->index,
- c->index, d->index, a->index, b->index);
- printf ("No. nodes moved in root subtree: %d\n",nRootNodes);
- printf ("No. nodes moved in crown subtree: %d\n",nCrownNodes);
- printf ("Has topology changed? %d\n",topologyHasChanged);
- getchar();
-# endif
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
- gNodeMoves = nCrownNodes + nRootNodes;
-# endif
- return (NO_ERROR);
-| Move_GeneRate_Dir: Change gene rate multiplier using Dirichlet
-| proposal.
-int Move_GeneRate_Dir (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- int i, nRates, isValid;
- MrBFlt alphaPi, *value, *subValue, numSites, *alphaDir, x, y, sum,
- rate_pot, *dirParm, *oldRate, *newRate;
- /* allocate memory */
- dirParm = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (3*(numTopologies-1), sizeof(MrBFlt));
- oldRate = dirParm + numCurrentDivisions;
- newRate = dirParm + 2*numCurrentDivisions;
- /* get number of rates */
- nRates = param->nValues;
- /* get pointer to rates and number of uncompressed chars */
- value = GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
- subValue = GetParamSubVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
- /* get Dirichlet parameters */
- alphaDir = subValue + nRates;
- /* calculate old ratesum proportions */
- numSites = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
- numSites += subValue[i]; /* numSites should be equal to the number of sites */
- for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
- oldRate[i] = value[i] * subValue[i] / numSites;
- /* get so called alphaPi parameter */
- alphaPi = mvp[0] * nRates;
- /* multiply old ratesum proportions with some large number to get new values close to the old ones */
- for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
- dirParm[i] = oldRate[i] * alphaPi;
- /* get new values */
- DirichletRandomVariable (dirParm, newRate, nRates, seed);
- /* check new values. we rely on newRate be already normalized */
- while (1)
- {
- sum = 0.0;
- rate_pot = 1.0;
- isValid=1;
- for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
- {
- if (newRate[i] <= DIR_MIN)
- {
- if (newRate[i] < DIR_MIN)
- {
- newRate[i] = DIR_MIN;
- isValid=0;
- }
- rate_pot -= DIR_MIN;
- }
- else
- sum += newRate[i];
- }
- if (isValid==1) break;
- for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
- {
- if (newRate[i]!=DIR_MIN)
- newRate[i] = rate_pot * newRate[i] / sum;
- }
- }
- /* calculate and copy new rate ratio values back */
- for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
- value[i] = newRate[i] * (numSites / subValue[i]);
- /* get proposal ratio */
- sum = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
- sum += newRate[i]*alphaPi;
- x = LnGamma(sum);
- for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
- x -= LnGamma(newRate[i]*alphaPi);
- for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
- x += (newRate[i]*alphaPi-1.0)*log(oldRate[i]);
- sum = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
- sum += oldRate[i]*alphaPi;
- y = LnGamma(sum);
- for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
- y -= LnGamma(oldRate[i]*alphaPi);
- for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
- y += (oldRate[i]*alphaPi-1.0)*log(newRate[i]);
- (*lnProposalRatio) = x - y;
- /* get prior ratio */
- x = y = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
- x += (alphaDir[i]-1.0)*log(newRate[i]);
- for (i=0; i<nRates; i++)
- y += (alphaDir[i]-1.0)*log(oldRate[i]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) = x - y;
- /* Set update flags for all partitions that share the rate multiplier. Note that the conditional
- likelihood update flags have been set before we even call this function. */
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
- /* may need to hit update flag for cijks when you have a covarion model */
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- if (modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].nCijkParts > 1)
- modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].upDateCijk = YES;
- free (dirParm);
- return (NO_ERROR);
-int Move_RateShape_M (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* change gamma/lnorm shape parameter using multiplier */
- int i, isAPriorExp, isValidA;
- MrBFlt oldA, newA, minA, maxA, alphaExp=0.0, ran, factor, tuning, *rates;
- ModelParams *mp;
- /* get tuning parameter */
- tuning = mvp[0];
- /* get model params */
- mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
- /* get minimum and maximum values for alpha */
- if (param->paramId == SHAPE_UNI)
- {
- minA = mp->shapeUni[0];
- maxA = mp->shapeUni[1];
- if (minA < MIN_SHAPE_PARAM)
- if (maxA > MAX_SHAPE_PARAM)
- isAPriorExp = NO;
- }
- else
- {
- alphaExp = mp->shapeExp;
- isAPriorExp = YES;
+ alphaExp = mp->shapeExp;
+ isAPriorExp = YES;
/* get old value of alpha */
@@ -6053,13 +5684,6 @@ int Move_Local (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, M
# endif
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
-# endif
return (NO_ERROR);
@@ -6548,16 +6172,7 @@ int Move_LocalClock (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRat
printf ("After:\n");
ShowNodes (t->root, 2, YES);
printf ("Has topology changed? %d\n",topologyHasChanged);
-# endif
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
-# endif
-#if defined (DEBUG_LOCAL)
/* check branch lengths and node depths */
for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-2; i++) {
p = t->allDownPass[i];
@@ -6581,13 +6196,12 @@ int Move_LocalClock (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRat
| Move_LSPR: Change topology using move based on likelihood scores
-| TODO: Make this work for constrained trees
int Move_LSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
/* Change branch lengths and topology (potentially) using SPR-type move
- biased according to likelihood scores. */
+ biased according to likelihood scores. NOT work for constrained trees. */
int i, j, n, division, topologyHasChanged, isVPriorExp, nNodes;
BitsLong *pA, *pV, *pP;
@@ -6750,7 +6364,7 @@ int Move_LSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, Mr
/* find number of site patterns and modify randomly */
- globalNSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + ((chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars) + m->compCharStart;
+ globalNSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + (chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars + m->compCharStart;
nSitesOfPat = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (numCompressedChars, sizeof(CLFlt));
if (!nSitesOfPat)
@@ -6974,14 +6588,6 @@ int Move_LSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, Mr
# endif
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
- gNodeMoves = nRootNodes;
-# endif
return (NO_ERROR);
@@ -6989,13 +6595,12 @@ int Move_LSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, Mr
| Move_LSPR1: Change topology using move based on likelihood scores
-| TODO: Make this work for constrained trees
int Move_LSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
/* Change branch lengths and topology (potentially) using SPR-type move
- biased according to likelihood scores. */
+ biased according to likelihood scores. NOT work for constrained trees. */
int i, j, n, division, topologyHasChanged, isVPriorExp, nNodes;
BitsLong *pA, *pV, *pP;
@@ -7353,14 +6958,6 @@ int Move_LSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, M
# endif
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
- gNodeMoves = nRootNodes;
-# endif
return (NO_ERROR);
@@ -8623,2954 +8220,709 @@ int Move_OmegaCat (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio
distribution for omega too */
if (!strcmp(mp->omegaVar, "M10"))
- for (i=0; i<mp->numM10BetaCats; i++)
- newSubVals[i] = newFreqs[0] / mp->numM10BetaCats;
- for (i=mp->numM10BetaCats; i<mp->numM10BetaCats+mp->numM10GammaCats; i++)
- newSubVals[i] = newFreqs[1] / mp->numM10GammaCats;
- }
- /* get proposal ratio */
- sum = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
- sum += newFreqs[i]*alpha;
- x = LnGamma(sum);
- for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
- x -= LnGamma(newFreqs[i]*alpha);
- for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
- x += (newFreqs[i]*alpha-1.0)*log(oldFreqs[i]);
- sum = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
- sum += oldFreqs[i]*alpha;
- y = LnGamma(sum);
- for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
- y -= LnGamma(oldFreqs[i]*alpha);
- for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
- y += (oldFreqs[i]*alpha-1.0)*log(newFreqs[i]);
- (*lnProposalRatio) = x - y;
- /* get prior ratio */
- x = y = 0.0; /* ignore the gamma part, it is identical */
- for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
- x += (priorParams[i]-1.0)*log(newFreqs[i]);
- for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
- y += (priorParams[i]-1.0)*log(oldFreqs[i]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) = x - y;
- /* Set update flags for all partitions that share this omega. Note that the conditional
- likelihood update flags have been set before we even call this function. */
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
- /* Set update flags for cijks for all affected partitions. */
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].upDateCijk = YES;
- return (NO_ERROR);
-| Move_OmegaM3: Change the nonysnonymous/synonymous rate ratio
-| of one class of the M3 model
-int Move_OmegaM3 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- int i, isValidO, whichOmega;
- MrBFlt newO, window, minO, maxO, ran, *value, *oldValue, x, y;
- /* get size of window, centered on current omega value */
- window = mvp[0];
- /* get old value of omega */
- value = GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
- oldValue = GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain] ^ 1);
- whichOmega = (int) (RandomNumber(seed)*3.0);
- /* get minimum and maximum values for omega */
- if (whichOmega == 0)
- minO = 0.0;
- else
- minO = value[whichOmega-1];
- if (whichOmega == 2)
- maxO = OMEGA_MAX;
- else
- maxO = value[whichOmega+1];
- /* change value for omega */
- ran = RandomNumber(seed);
- if (maxO-minO < window)
- {
- window = maxO-minO;
- }
- newO = oldValue[whichOmega] + window * (ran - 0.5);
- /* check that new value is valid */
- isValidO = NO;
- do
- {
- if (newO < minO)
- newO = 2* minO - newO;
- else if (newO > maxO)
- newO = 2 * maxO - newO;
- else
- isValidO = YES;
- } while (isValidO == NO);
- /* copy new omega value back */
- value[whichOmega] = newO;
- /* get proposal ratio */
- *lnProposalRatio = 0.0;
- /* get prior ratio */
- x = LogOmegaPrior (value[0], value[1], value[2]);
- y = LogOmegaPrior (oldValue[0], oldValue[1], oldValue[2]);
- *lnPriorRatio = x - y;
- /* Set update flags for all partitions that share this omega. Note that the conditional
- likelihood update flags have been set before we even call this function. */
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
- /* Set update flags for cijks for all affected partitions. */
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].upDateCijk = YES;
- return (NO_ERROR);
-| Move_OmegaNeu: Change the nonysnonymous/synonymous rate ratio
-| for neutral sites
-int Move_OmegaNeu (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- int i, isOPriorExp, isValidO;
- MrBFlt oldO, newO, window, minO, maxO, ran, *value, x, y;
- /* get size of window, centered on current omega value */
- window = mvp[0];
- /* get old value of omega */
- value = GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
- newO = oldO = value[1];
- /* get minimum and maximum values for omega */
- minO = value[0];
- maxO = value[2];
- /* the only way we would be updating the middle category (omega2) is
- if we have an exponential prior on all three omegas */
- isOPriorExp = YES;
- /* change value for omega */
- ran = RandomNumber(seed);
- if (maxO-minO < window)
- {
- window = maxO-minO;
- }
- newO = oldO + window * (ran - 0.5);
- /* check that new value is valid */
- isValidO = NO;
- do
- {
- if (newO < minO)
- newO = 2 * minO - newO;
- else if (newO > maxO)
- newO = 2 * maxO - newO;
- else
- isValidO = YES;
- } while (isValidO == NO);
- /* get proposal ratio */
- *lnProposalRatio = 0.0;
- /* copy new omega value back */
- value[1] = newO;
- /* get prior ratio */
- if (isOPriorExp == NO)
- {
- *lnPriorRatio = 0.0;
- }
- else
- {
- x = LogOmegaPrior (value[0], newO, value[2]);
- y = LogOmegaPrior (value[0], oldO, value[2]);
- *lnPriorRatio = x - y;
- }
- /* Set update flags for all partitions that share this omega. Note that the conditional
- likelihood update flags have been set before we even call this function. */
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
- /* Set update flags for cijks for all affected partitions. */
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].upDateCijk = YES;
- return (NO_ERROR);
-| Move_OmegaPos: Change the nonysnonymous/synonymous rate ratio
-| for positively selected sites
-int Move_OmegaPos (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- int i, isValidO, omegaUni, omegaExp1, omegaExp2;
- MrBFlt oldO, newO, window, minO=0.0, maxO=0.0, ran, *value, x, y;
- ModelParams *mp;
- /* get size of window, centered on current omega value */
- window = mvp[0];
- /* get model params */
- mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
- /* get old value of omega */
- value = GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
- newO = oldO = value[2];
- /* determine prior for omega */
- omegaUni = omegaExp1 = omegaExp2 = NO;
- if (param->paramId == OMEGA_BUD || param->paramId == OMEGA_BUF || param->paramId == OMEGA_FUD || param->paramId == OMEGA_FUF)
- omegaUni = YES;
- else if (param->paramId == OMEGA_BED || param->paramId == OMEGA_BEF || param->paramId == OMEGA_FED || param->paramId == OMEGA_FEF)
- omegaExp1 = YES;
- else if (param->paramId == OMEGA_ED || param->paramId == OMEGA_EF)
- omegaExp2 = YES;
- /* get minimum and maximum values for omega */
- if (omegaUni == YES)
- {
- minO = mp->ny98omega3Uni[0];
- if (minO < value[1])
- minO = value[1];
- maxO = mp->ny98omega3Uni[1];
- if (maxO > KAPPA_MAX)
- maxO = KAPPA_MAX;
- }
- else if (omegaExp1 == YES || omegaExp2 == YES)
- {
- minO = value[1];
- maxO = KAPPA_MAX;
- }
- /* change value for omega */
- ran = RandomNumber(seed);
- if (maxO-minO < window)
- {
- window = maxO-minO;
- }
- newO = oldO + window * (ran - 0.5);
- /* check that new value is valid */
- isValidO = NO;
- do
- {
- if (newO < minO)
- newO = 2* minO - newO;
- else if (newO > maxO)
- newO = 2 * maxO - newO;
- else
- isValidO = YES;
- } while (isValidO == NO);
- /* get proposal ratio */
- *lnProposalRatio = 0.0;
- /* copy new omega value back */
- value[2] = newO;
- /* get prior ratio (part 2) */
- if (omegaUni == YES)
- {
- *lnPriorRatio = 0.0;
- }
- else if (omegaExp1 == YES)
- {
- *lnPriorRatio = mp->ny98omega3Exp * (oldO - newO);
- }
- else if (omegaExp2 == YES)
- {
- x = LogOmegaPrior (value[0], value[1], newO);
- y = LogOmegaPrior (value[0], value[1], oldO);
- *lnPriorRatio = x - y;
- }
- /* Set update flags for all partitions that share this omega. Note that the conditional
- likelihood update flags have been set before we even call this function. */
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
- /* Set update flags for cijks for all affected partitions. */
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].upDateCijk = YES;
- return (NO_ERROR);
-| Move_OmegaPur: Change the nonysnonymous/synonymous rate ratio
-| for purifying selection sites
-int Move_OmegaPur (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- int i, isOPriorExp, isValidO;
- MrBFlt oldO, newO, window, minO, maxO, ran, *value, x, y;
- /* get size of window, centered on current omega value */
- window = mvp[0];
- /* get old value of omega */
- value = GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
- newO = oldO = value[0];
- /* get minimum and maximum values for omega */
- minO = 0.0;
- maxO = value[1];
- /* get prior for omega */
- if (param->paramId == OMEGA_BUD || param->paramId == OMEGA_BUF || param->paramId == OMEGA_BED ||
- param->paramId == OMEGA_BEF || param->paramId == OMEGA_BFD || param->paramId == OMEGA_BFF)
- isOPriorExp = NO;
- else
- isOPriorExp = YES;
- /* change value for omega */
- ran = RandomNumber(seed);
- if (maxO-minO < window)
- {
- window = maxO-minO;
- }
- newO = oldO + window * (ran - 0.5);
- /* check that new value is valid */
- isValidO = NO;
- do
- {
- if (newO < minO)
- newO = 2* minO - newO;
- else if (newO > maxO)
- newO = 2 * maxO - newO;
- else
- isValidO = YES;
- } while (isValidO == NO);
- /* get proposal ratio */
- *lnProposalRatio = 0.0;
- /* copy new omega value back */
- value[0] = newO;
- /* get prior ratio (part 2) */
- if (isOPriorExp == NO)
- {
- *lnPriorRatio = 0.0;
- }
- else
- {
- x = LogOmegaPrior (newO, value[1], value[2]);
- y = LogOmegaPrior (oldO, value[1], value[2]);
- *lnPriorRatio = x - y;
- }
- /* Set update flags for all partitions that share this omega. Note that the conditional
- likelihood update flags have been set before we even call this function. */
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
- /* Set update flags for cijks for all affected partitions. */
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].upDateCijk = YES;
- return (NO_ERROR);
-| Move_ParsEraser1: This proposal mechanism changes the topology and
-| branch lengths of an unrooted tree. A randomly chosen region of
-| the tree is erased. Parsimony is used to guide the selection of
-| a new topology for the erased part of the tree. The parsimony
-| branch lengths are used to guide the proposal of new branch
-| lengths. This variant (1) uses exhaustive enumeration.
-| Programmed by FR 2004-10-23--
-int Move_ParsEraser1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- int i, j, isVPriorExp, nSubTerminals, nEmbeddedTrees;
- MrBFlt alphaPi, warp, minV, maxV, minP, maxP, brlensExp=0.0, newM, oldM, maxLen,
- *brlensCur, *brlensNew, *parslensCur, *parslensNew,
- curLength, newLength, lnJacobian, lnRandomRatio, alpha[2], prob[2],
- minLenCur, minLenNew, f;
- TreeNode *p=NULL;
- Tree *t, *subtree, *subtree1, memTree[2];
- ModelParams *mp;
- ModelInfo *m;
- TreeInfo tInfo;
- /* set pointers to NULL */
- subtree = subtree1 = NULL;
- brlensCur = NULL;
- for (i=0; i<2; i++)
- {
- memTree[i].allDownPass = NULL;
- memTree[i].intDownPass = NULL;
- memTree[i].nodes = NULL;
- }
- tInfo.leaf = NULL;
- /* Set alpha Pi for Dirichlet p generator */
- alphaPi = mvp[0];
- alphaPi = 0.05;
- /* Set the parsimony warp factor */
- warp = mvp[1];
- warp = 0.2;
- /* Set the number of terminals (nSubTerminals, column 3) in erased tree */
- /* Erased Nodes => Leaves => Terminals => Embedded trees => Embedded histories => New trees
- 2 => 3 => 4 => 2 => 2 = 2! => 3 = 1*3
- 3 => 4 => 5 => 5 => 6 = 3! => 15 = 1*3*5
- 4 => 5 => 6 => 14 => 24 = 4! => 105 = 1*3*5*7
- 5 => 6 => 7 => 42 => 120 = 5! => 945 = 1*3*5*7*9
- etc */
- nSubTerminals = (int) (RandomNumber(seed) * 4) + 4;
- nSubTerminals = 7;
- /* initialize log prior and log proposal probabilities */
- *lnPriorRatio = *lnProposalRatio = 0.0;
- /* get tree */
- t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
- /* get model params */
- mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
- /* max and min brlen */
- if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
- {
- minV = mp->brlensUni[0] > BRLENS_MIN ? mp->brlensUni[0] : BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = mp->brlensUni[1];
- isVPriorExp = NO;
- }
- else
- {
- minV = BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
- brlensExp = mp->brlensExp;
- isVPriorExp = YES;
- }
- minP = 3.0 * ((1.0 / 4.0) - ((1.0 / 4.0) * exp (-4.0 * minV / 3.0)));
- maxP = 3.0 * ((1.0 / 4.0) - ((1.0 / 4.0) * exp (-4.0 * maxV / 3.0)));
- /* allocate some memory for this move */
- brlensCur = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc (8 * nSubTerminals * sizeof (MrBFlt));
- if (!brlensCur)
- {
- MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Could not allocate brlensCur\n", spacer);
- goto errorExit;
- }
- brlensNew = brlensCur + 2*nSubTerminals;
- parslensCur = brlensCur + 4 * nSubTerminals;
- parslensNew = brlensCur + 6 * nSubTerminals;
- subtree = &memTree[0];
- subtree->nNodes = 2 * nSubTerminals - 2;
- subtree->nIntNodes = nSubTerminals - 2;
- subtree->nodes = (TreeNode *) SafeCalloc (subtree->nNodes, sizeof (TreeNode));
- subtree->allDownPass = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc (subtree->nNodes, sizeof (TreeNode *));
- subtree->intDownPass = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc (subtree->nIntNodes, sizeof (TreeNode *));
- if (!subtree->nodes || !subtree->intDownPass || !subtree->allDownPass)
- {
- MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Could not allocate subtree\n", spacer);
- goto errorExit;
- }
- subtree1 = &memTree[1];
- subtree1->nNodes = 2 * nSubTerminals - 2;
- subtree1->nIntNodes = nSubTerminals - 2;
- subtree1->nodes = (TreeNode *) SafeCalloc (subtree1->nNodes, sizeof (TreeNode));
- subtree1->allDownPass = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc (subtree1->nNodes, sizeof (TreeNode *));
- subtree1->intDownPass = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc (subtree1->nIntNodes, sizeof (TreeNode *));
- if (!subtree1->nodes || !subtree1->intDownPass || !subtree1->allDownPass)
- {
- MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Could not allocate subtree1\n", spacer);
- goto errorExit;
- }
- tInfo.leaf = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc (t->nNodes, sizeof(TreeNode *));
- if (!tInfo.leaf)
- {
- MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Could not allocate tInfo.leaf\n", spacer);
- goto errorExit;
- }
- tInfo.vertex = tInfo.leaf + t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
- /* Select a random embedded subtree with nSubTerminals terminals */
- if (GetRandomEmbeddedSubtree (t, nSubTerminals, seed, &nEmbeddedTrees) == ERROR)
- {
- MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Could not get subtree\n", spacer);
- goto errorExit;
- }
- /* Set update flags (We'd better do it before the marked nodes disappear) */
- for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->intDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == YES)
- {
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p->upDateTi = YES;
- }
- else if (p->left->upDateCl == YES || p->right->upDateCl == YES)
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- }
- /* Fill in subtrees */
- CopyTreeToSubtree (t, subtree);
- CopyTreeToSubtree (t, subtree1);
- /* Calculate downstates and upstate of root node of subtree */
- GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
- for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->intDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == YES && p->anc->marked == NO)
- break;
- }
- GetParsimonySubtreeRootstate (t, p->anc, chain);
- /* Get parsimony length of current tree */
- curLength = GetParsimonyLength (subtree, chain);
- /* Get the Markov and parsimony branch lengths of the current subtree */
- GetParsimonyBrlens (subtree, chain, parslensCur);
- for (i=0; i<subtree->nNodes-1; i++)
- brlensCur[i] = subtree->allDownPass[i]->length;
- /* Calculate parsimony score of all trees relative to shortest tree (1.0) */
- tInfo.totalScore = 0.0;
- tInfo.stopScore = -1.0;
- tInfo.minScore = curLength;
- tInfo.warp = warp;
- ExhaustiveParsimonySearch (subtree, chain, &tInfo);
- /* Choose one of these trees randomly based on its score */
- tInfo.stopScore = RandomNumber(seed) * tInfo.totalScore;
- tInfo.totalScore = 0.0;
- ExhaustiveParsimonySearch (subtree1, chain, &tInfo);
- /* ShowNodes (subtree1->root, 0 , NO); */
- /* getchar(); */
- /* Get length of that tree */
- newLength = GetParsimonyLength (subtree1, chain);
- /* Get the parsimony branch lengths of the new subtree */
- GetParsimonyBrlens (subtree1, chain, parslensNew);
- /* Find the maximum length of a branch */
- maxLen = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nRelParts; i++)
- {
- j = t->relParts[i];
- m = &modelSettings[j];
- maxLen += m->numUncompressedChars;
- }
- /* Find the Markov branch lengths of the new subtree */
- /* Calculate Jacobian and prob ratio for the Dirichlet random number generator */
- lnJacobian = lnRandomRatio = 0.0;
- minLenCur = minLenNew = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<subtree1->nNodes-1; i++)
- {
- minLenCur += parslensCur[i];
- minLenNew += parslensNew[i];
- }
- for (i=0; i<subtree1->nNodes-1; i++)
- {
- p = subtree1->allDownPass[i];
- f = newLength / minLenNew;
- alpha[0] = parslensNew[i] * f * alphaPi + 1.0;
- alpha[1] = (maxLen - parslensNew[i] * f) * alphaPi + 1.0;
- DirichletRandomVariable (alpha, prob, 2, seed);
- if (prob[0] >= maxP || prob[0] <= minP)
- {
- abortMove = YES;
- return NO_ERROR;
- }
- p->length = (-3.0 / 4.0) * log (1.0 - 4.0 * prob[0] / 3.0);
- lnJacobian += (-4.0 * brlensCur[i] / 3.0) - log (1.0 - 4.0 * prob[0] / 3.0);
- lnRandomRatio -= log (pow (prob[0], alpha[0] - 1.0) * pow (prob[1], alpha[1] - 1.0));
- f = curLength / minLenNew;
- alpha[0] = parslensCur[i] * f * alphaPi + 1.0;
- alpha[1] = (maxLen - parslensCur[i] * f) * alphaPi + 1.0;
- prob[0] = 3.0 * ((1.0 / 4.0) - ((1.0 / 4.0) * exp (-4.0 * brlensCur[i] / 3.0)));
- prob[1] = 1.0 - prob[0];
- lnRandomRatio += log (pow (prob[0], alpha[0] - 1.0) * pow (prob[1], alpha[1] - 1.0));
- }
- /* Store the new Markov branch lengths */
- for (i=0; i<subtree1->nNodes-1; i++)
- brlensNew[i] = subtree1->allDownPass[i]->length;
- /* Calculate the proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) = lnJacobian + lnRandomRatio + log (warp/3.0) * (curLength - newLength) + log (1.0-warp) * (newLength - curLength);
- /* Calculate the prior ratio */
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- {
- newM = oldM = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<subtree->nNodes-1; i++)
- {
- oldM += brlensCur[i];
- newM += brlensNew[i];
- }
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (oldM - newM);
- }
- /* Copy subtree into tree */
- CopySubtreeToTree (subtree1, t);
- /* ShowNodes (subtree1->root, 0, NO); */
- /* ShowNodes (t->root, 0, NO); */
- /* Update node sequences */
- GetDownPass (t);
- /* correct for difference in number of embedded subtrees */
- if (GetRandomEmbeddedSubtree (t, nSubTerminals, seed, &i) == ERROR)
- {
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not count number of subtrees in Move_ParsEraser1\n", spacer);
- goto errorExit;
- }
- if (i != nEmbeddedTrees)
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log ((MrBFlt) nEmbeddedTrees / (MrBFlt) i);
- /* Free memory allocated for this move */
- free (subtree->allDownPass);
- free (subtree->intDownPass);
- free (subtree->nodes);
- free (subtree1->allDownPass);
- free (subtree1->intDownPass);
- free (subtree1->nodes);
- free (brlensCur);
- free (tInfo.leaf);
- return (NO_ERROR);
- free (subtree->allDownPass);
- free (subtree->intDownPass);
- free (subtree->nodes);
- free (subtree1->allDownPass);
- free (subtree1->intDownPass);
- free (subtree1->nodes);
- free (brlensCur);
- free (tInfo.leaf);
- return (ERROR);
-int Move_ParsSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* Change branch lengths and topology (potentially) using unbalanced (rooted asymmetrically) SPR-type move
- biased according to parsimony scores. */
- int i, j, n, division, topologyHasChanged, isVPriorExp;
- BitsLong *pA, *pV, *pP, y[2];
- MrBFlt x, minV, maxV, brlensExp=0.0, minLength=0.0, length=0.0,
- cumulativeProb, warpFactor, ran, tuning, increaseProb, decreaseProb,
- divFactor, nStates, rateMult, v_typical, sum1, sum2, tempsum, tempc, tempy;
- CLFlt *nSitesOfPat, *nSites, *globalNSitesOfPat;
- TreeNode *p, *q, *a, *b, *u, *v, *c=NULL, *d;
- Tree *t;
- ModelParams *mp;
- ModelInfo *m = NULL;
- warpFactor = mvp[0]; /* tuning parameter determining how heavily to weight according to parsimony scores */
- increaseProb = decreaseProb = mvp[1]; /* reweighting probabilities */
- v_typical = mvp[2]; /* typical branch length for conversion of parsimony score to log prob ratio */
- tuning = mvp[3]; /* multiplier tuning parameter */
- (*lnProposalRatio) = (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
- /* get model params and model info */
- mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
- m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
- /* get tree */
- t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
- /* max and min brlen */
- if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
- {
- minV = mp->brlensUni[0] > BRLENS_MIN ? mp->brlensUni[0] : BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = mp->brlensUni[1];
- isVPriorExp = NO;
- }
- else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_GamDir)
- {
- minV = BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
- isVPriorExp = 2;
- }
- else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_iGmDir)
- {
- minV = BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
- isVPriorExp = 3;
- }
- else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_twoExp)
- {
- minV = BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
- isVPriorExp = 4;
- }
- else
- {
- minV = BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
- brlensExp = mp->brlensExp;
- isVPriorExp = YES;
- }
- /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
- if (isVPriorExp > 1)
- (*lnPriorRatio) = -LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
-# if defined (DEBUG_ParsSPR)
- // WriteTopologyToFile (stdout, t->root->left, t->isRooted); fprintf (stdout, ";\t");
- printf ("Before:\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 2, YES);
- getchar();
-# endif
- /* set topologyHasChanged to NO */
- topologyHasChanged = NO;
- /* reset node variables that will be used */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- p->marked = NO;
- p->d = 0;
- }
- /* pick a random branch */
- p = t->allDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed) * (t->nNodes -2))];
- q = p->anc->right;
- if (q == p)
- q = p->anc->left;
- if ((p->anc->anc->anc == NULL || p->anc->isLocked == YES) && (q->left == NULL || q->isLocked == YES))
- {
- abortMove = YES;
- return (NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
- v = p;
- u = p->anc;
- if (u->left == v)
- a = u->right;
- else
- a = u->left;
- b = u->anc;
- /* clip tree */
- a->anc = b;
- if (b->left == u)
- b->left = a;
- else
- b->right = a;
- /* get final parsimony states for the root part */
- GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
- GetParsFP (t, t->root->left, chain);
- /* get downpass parsimony states for the crown part */
- GetParsDP (t, v, chain);
- /* mark all nodes in the root part of the tree, taking constraints into account */
- /* first mark a */
- a->marked = YES;
- /* then move down towards root */
- if (u->isLocked == NO)
- {
- p = a->anc;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- p->marked = YES;
- if (p->isLocked == YES)
- break;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- }
- /* finally move up */
- for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == NO && p->anc->marked == YES && p->anc->isLocked == NO && p != u)
- p->marked = YES;
- }
- /* find number of site patterns and modify randomly */
- globalNSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + (chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars + m->compCharStart;
- nSitesOfPat = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (numCompressedChars, sizeof(CLFlt));
- if (!nSitesOfPat)
- {
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating nSitesOfPat in Move_ParsSPR\n", spacer);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
- {
- nSitesOfPat[i] = globalNSitesOfPat[i];
- for (j=0; j<globalNSitesOfPat[i]; j++)
- {
- ran = RandomNumber(seed);
- if (ran < decreaseProb)
- nSitesOfPat[i]--;
- else if (ran > 1.0 - increaseProb)
- nSitesOfPat[i]++;
- }
- }
- /* cycle through the possibilities and record the parsimony length */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == NO)
- continue;
- /* find the parsimony length */
- p->d = 0.0;
- for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
- {
- division = t->relParts[n];
- /* Find model settings */
- m = &modelSettings[division];
- /* find nStates and ratemult */
- nStates = m->numModelStates;
- if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
- nStates = 2;
- rateMult = GetRate(division, chain);
- /* find nSitesOfPat */
- nSites = nSitesOfPat + m->compCharStart;
- /* get division warp factor */
- divFactor = - warpFactor * log((1.0/nStates) - exp(-nStates/(nStates-1)*v_typical*rateMult)/nStates);
- /* find downpass parsimony sets for the node and its environment */
- pP = m->parsSets[p->index ];
- pA = m->parsSets[p->anc->index];
- pV = m->parsSets[v->index ];
- length = 0.0;
- if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
- {
- for (j=0; j<m->numChars; j++)
- {
- y[0] = (pP[j] | pA[j]) & pV[j];
- if (y[0] == 0)
- length += nSites[j];
- }
- }
- else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
- {
- for (j=0; j<2*m->numChars; j+=2)
- {
- y[0] = (pP[j] | pA[j]) & pV[j];
- y[1] = (pP[j+1] | pA[j+1]) & pV[j+1];
- if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
- length += nSites[j/2];
- }
- }
- p->d += divFactor * length;
- }
- }
- /* find the min length and the sum for the forward move */
- minLength = -1.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == NO || p == a)
- continue;
- if (minLength < 0.0 || p->d < minLength)
- minLength = p->d;
- }
- sum1 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == YES && p != a)
- {
- /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp (minLength - p->d) - tempc;
- tempsum = sum1 + tempy;
- tempc = (tempsum - sum1) - tempy;
- sum1 = tempsum;
- }
- }
- /* generate a random uniform */
- ran = RandomNumber(seed) * sum1;
- /* select the appropriate reattachment point */
- cumulativeProb = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == YES && p != a)
- {
- c = p;
- /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp (minLength - p->d) - tempc;
- tempsum = cumulativeProb + tempy;
- tempc = (tempsum - cumulativeProb) - tempy;
- cumulativeProb = tempsum;
- if (cumulativeProb > ran)
- break;
- }
- }
- /* calculate the proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) = c->d - minLength + log(sum1);
- /* find the min length and the sum for the backward move */
- minLength = -1.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == NO || p == c)
- continue;
- if (minLength < 0.0 || p->d < minLength)
- minLength = p->d;
- }
- sum2 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == YES && p != c)
- {
- /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp (minLength - p->d) - tempc;
- tempsum = sum2 + tempy;
- tempc = (tempsum - sum2) - tempy;
- sum2 = tempsum;
- }
- }
- /* calculate the proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += minLength - a->d - log(sum2);
- /* reattach */
- d = c->anc;
- c->anc = u;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = c;
- else
- u->left = c;
- if (d->left == c)
- d->left = u;
- else
- d->right = u;
- u->anc = d;
- /* c cannot be a, as a is skiped in the selection for reattachment point */
- assert (c != a);
- /* transfer lock if necessary */
- /* if u is locked, then we have moved upwards and need to leave the u lock behind */
- if (u->isLocked == YES)
- {
- u->isLocked = NO;
- a->isLocked = YES;
- a->lockID = u->lockID;
- u->lockID = -1;
- }
- /* if c is on root path and locked, we need to transfer lock to u */
- p = b;
- while (p != NULL)
- {
- if (p == c)
- break;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- if (p == c && c->isLocked == YES)
- {
- u->isLocked = YES;
- u->lockID = c->lockID;
- c->isLocked = NO;
- c->lockID = -1;
- }
- /* reassign branch lengths */
- p = c;
- while (p->anc->anc != NULL)
- {
- if (p == a)
- break;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- if (p == a)
- {
- /* c is descendant to a so move a->length and not u->length */
- x = u->length;
- u->length = a->length;
- a->length = x;
- }
- p = a;
- while (p->anc->anc != NULL)
- {
- if (p == c)
- break;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- if (p == c)
- {
- /* c is ancestor to a so insert above instead of below */
- x = c->length;
- c->length = u->length;
- u->length = x;
- }
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- /* hit c length with multiplier (a and u dealt with below) */
- x = c->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / c->length);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (c->length - x);
- c->length = x;
- /* hit a length with multiplier */
- x = a->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / a->length);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (a->length - x);
- a->length = x;
- /* hit u length with multiplier */
- x = u->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / u->length);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (u->length - x);
- u->length = x;
- /* set tiprobs update flags */
- a->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = YES;
- c->upDateTi = YES; /* could be same as a but that does not matter */
- /* set flags for update of cond likes from u and down to root */
- p = u;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- /* set flags for update of cond likes from b and down to root */
- p = b;
- while (p->anc != NULL && p->upDateCl == NO)
- {
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- /* get down pass sequence if tree topology has changed */
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- {
- GetDownPass (t);
- }
- /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
- if (isVPriorExp > 1)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
-# if defined (DEBUG_ParsSPR)
- // WriteTopologyToFile (stdout, t->root->left, t->isRooted);
- // fprintf (stdout, ";\t"); fprintf (stdout, "%lf\n", *lnProposalRatio);
- printf ("After:\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 2, YES);
- getchar();
- printf ("Proposal ratio: %f\n",(*lnProposalRatio));
- printf ("v: %d u: %d a: %d b: %d\n",v->index, u->index, a->index, b->index);
- printf ("Has topology changed? %d\n",topologyHasChanged);
- getchar();
-# endif
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
- gNodeMoves = nRootNodes;
-# endif
- free (nSitesOfPat);
- return (NO_ERROR);
-int Move_ParsSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* Change topology and map branch lengths using SPR-type move biased according to parsimony scores,
- controlled by a window defined by a certain node distance radius. */
- int i, j, k, n, division, topologyHasChanged, moveInRoot, nNeighbor, nRoot, nCrown, iA, jC, isVPriorExp;
- BitsLong *pA, *pB, *pC, *pD, y[2];
- MrBFlt x, minV, maxV, brlensExp=0.0, minLength=0.0, length=0.0, *parLength=NULL, prob, ran, tuning, warpFactor,
- increaseProb, decreaseProb, v_typical, divFactor, nStates, rateMult, sum1, sum2, tempsum, tempc, tempy;
- CLFlt *nSites, *nSitesOfPat=NULL, *globalNSitesOfPat;
- TreeNode *p, *q, *r, *a, *b, *u, *v, *c, *d, *newB, *newA, *newC, **pRoot=NULL, **pCrown=NULL, *old=NULL, *tmp=NULL;
- Tree *t;
- ModelParams *mp;
- ModelInfo *m=NULL;
- warpFactor = mvp[0]; /* tuning parameter determining how heavily to weight according to parsimony scores */
- increaseProb = decreaseProb = mvp[1]; /* reweighting probabilities */
- v_typical = mvp[2]; /* typical branch length for conversion of parsimony score to log prob ratio */
- tuning = mvp[3]; /* multiplier tuning parameter */
- nNeighbor = (int)mvp[4]; /* distance to move picked branch in root and crown part */
- (*lnProposalRatio) = (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
- /* get model params and model info */
- mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
- m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
- /* get tree */
- t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
- /* max and min brlen */
- if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
- {
- minV = mp->brlensUni[0] > BRLENS_MIN ? mp->brlensUni[0] : BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = mp->brlensUni[1];
- isVPriorExp = NO;
- }
- else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_GamDir)
- {
- minV = BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
- isVPriorExp = 2;
- }
- else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_iGmDir)
- {
- minV = BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
- isVPriorExp = 3;
- }
- else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_twoExp)
- {
- minV = BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
- isVPriorExp = 4;
- }
- else
- {
- minV = BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
- brlensExp = mp->brlensExp;
- isVPriorExp = YES;
- }
- /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
- if (isVPriorExp > 1)
- (*lnPriorRatio) = -LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
- /* set topologyHasChanged to NO */
- topologyHasChanged = NO;
- /* pick an internal branch */
- do {
- p = t->intDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed) * (t->nIntNodes - 1))];
- q = p->anc->left; if (q == p) q = p->anc->right;
- i = j = 0;
- if (q->isLocked == YES || q->left == NULL)
- i++;
- if (p->anc->isLocked == YES || p->anc->anc->anc == NULL)
- i++;
- if (p->left->isLocked == YES || p->left->left == NULL)
- j++;
- if (p->right->isLocked == YES || p->right->left == NULL)
- j++;
- }
- while (i == 2 && j == 2);
- /* determine moving direction */
- if (j == 2)
- moveInRoot = YES;
- else if (i == 2)
- moveInRoot = NO;
- else if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- moveInRoot = YES;
- else
- moveInRoot = NO;
- /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
- v = p; u = p->anc;
- c = p->left; d = p->right;
- if (u->left == v) a = u->right;
- else a = u->left;
- b = u->anc;
- /* clip root part of tree */
- a->anc = b;
- if (b->left == u) b->left = a;
- else b->right = a;
- /* clip crown part of tree */
- c->anc = d;
- d->anc = c;
- /* should never change u, v, a, b, c, d pointers */
- /* reset node variables that will be used */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- p->x = 0;
- p->marked = NO;
- }
- /* mark nodes nNeighbor away in root (negative) or crown (positive) respecting constraints */
- nRoot = nCrown = 0;
- /* mark the root part if moveInRoot is YES */
- if (u->isLocked == NO && moveInRoot == YES)
- {
- p = a; q = b; n = 0;
- while (q->anc != NULL)
- {
- q->marked = YES;
- q->x = n; // temporary, for MarkDistance below
- if (q->left == p)
- MarkDistance(q->right, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
- else
- MarkDistance(q->left, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
- q->x = --n; // final
- nRoot++;
- if (q->isLocked == YES || abs(q->x) >= nNeighbor)
- break;
- p = q; q = q->anc;
- }
- }
- a->marked = YES; nRoot++;
- if (a->isLocked == NO && moveInRoot == YES)
- {
- MarkDistance(a->left, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
- MarkDistance(a->right, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
- }
- /* mark the crown part if moveInRoot is NO */
- c->marked = YES; nCrown++;
- if (c->isLocked == NO && moveInRoot == NO)
- {
- MarkDistance(c->left, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
- MarkDistance(c->right, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
- }
- if (d->isLocked == NO && moveInRoot == NO)
- {
- MarkDistance(d->left, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
- MarkDistance(d->right, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
- }
- /* need to alloc a matrix for parsimony lengths, an array of pointers to crown part,
- and an array of pointers to root part. */
- parLength = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (nRoot*nCrown, sizeof(MrBFlt));
- pRoot = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc(nRoot, sizeof(TreeNode *));
- pCrown = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc(nCrown, sizeof(TreeNode *));
- if (!parLength || !pRoot || !pCrown) goto errorExit;
- /* starting position */
- pRoot[0] = a; pCrown[0] = c;
- for (i=j=1, n=t->nNodes-2; n>=0; n--)
- { /* and the rest */
- p = t->allDownPass[n];
- if (p->marked == YES && p->x < 0)
- pRoot[i++] = p;
- if (p->marked == YES && p->x > 0)
- pCrown[j++] = p;
- }
- assert(i==nRoot && j==nCrown);
- /* get final parsimony state sets for the root part */
- GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
- GetParsFP (t, t->root->left, chain);
- /* get final parsimony state sets for the crown part */
- GetParsDP (t, c, chain);
- GetParsDP (t, d, chain);
- GetParsFP (t, c, chain);
- GetParsFP (t, d, chain);
- /* find number of site patterns and modify randomly */
- globalNSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + (chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars + m->compCharStart;
- nSitesOfPat = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (numCompressedChars, sizeof(CLFlt));
- if (!nSitesOfPat) goto errorExit;
- for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
- {
- nSitesOfPat[i] = globalNSitesOfPat[i];
- for (j=0; j<globalNSitesOfPat[i]; j++)
- {
- ran = RandomNumber(seed);
- if (ran < decreaseProb)
- nSitesOfPat[i]--;
- else if (ran > 1.0 - increaseProb)
- nSitesOfPat[i]++;
- }
- }
- /* cycle through the possibilities and record the parsimony length */
- for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
- {
- for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- {
- parLength[i+j*nRoot] = 0.0;
- for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
- {
- division = t->relParts[n];
- /* Find model settings */
- m = &modelSettings[division];
- /* find nStates and ratemult */
- nStates = m->numModelStates;
- if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
- nStates = 2;
- rateMult = GetRate(division, chain);
- /* find nSitesOfPat */
- nSites = nSitesOfPat + m->compCharStart;
- /* get division warp factor (prop. to prob. of change) */
- divFactor = - warpFactor * log((1.0/nStates) - exp(-nStates/(nStates-1)*v_typical*rateMult)/nStates);
- /* find downpass parsimony sets for the potential new connection nodes and their environment */
- pA = m->parsSets[pRoot[i]->index];
- pB = m->parsSets[pRoot[i]->anc->index];
- pC = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->index];
- pD = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->anc->index];
- length = 0.0;
- if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
- {
- for (k=0; k<m->numChars; k++)
- {
- y[0] = (pC[k] | pD[k]) & (pA[k] | pB[k]);
- if (y[0] == 0)
- length += nSites[k];
- }
- }
- else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
- {
- for (k=0; k<2*m->numChars; k+=2)
- {
- y[0] = (pC[k] | pD[k]) & (pA[k] | pB[k]);
- y[1] = (pC[k+1] | pD[k+1]) & (pA[k+1] | pB[k+1]);;
- if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
- length += nSites[k/2];
- }
- }
- parLength[i+j*nRoot] += divFactor * length;
- }
- }
- }
- /* find the min length and the sum for the forward move */
- minLength = -1.0;
- for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
- for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- {
- if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
- continue;
- if (minLength > parLength[i+j*nRoot] || minLength < 0.0)
- minLength = parLength[i+j*nRoot];
- }
- sum1 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
- for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- {
- if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
- continue;
- /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
- tempsum = sum1 + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - sum1) - tempy;
- sum1 = tempsum;
- // sum1 += exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
- // printf("%d %d %lf\n", i, j, exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]));
- }
- /* generate a random uniform */
- ran = RandomNumber(seed) * sum1;
- /* select the appropriate reattachment point */
- newA = a; newC = c;
- prob = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
- for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- {
- if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
- continue;
- // prob += exp (minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
- /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
- tempsum = prob + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - prob) - tempy;
- prob = tempsum;
- if (prob > ran) {
- /* proposed new attaching position */
- newA = pRoot[i];
- newC = pCrown[j];
- goto outLoop;
- }
- }
- iA = i; jC = j;
- /* calculate the proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) = parLength[i+j*nRoot] - minLength + log(sum1);
- /* find the min length and the sum for the backward move */
- minLength = -1.0;
- for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
- for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- {
- if (i == iA && j == jC) // exclude new position
- continue;
- if (minLength > parLength[i+j*nRoot] || minLength < 0.0)
- minLength = parLength[i+j*nRoot];
- }
- sum2 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
- for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- {
- if (i == iA && j == jC) // exclude new position
- continue;
- /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
- tempsum = sum2 + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - sum2) - tempy;
- sum2 = tempsum;
- // sum2 += exp (minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
- // printf("%d %d %lf\n", i, j, exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]));
- }
- /* calculate the proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += minLength - parLength[0] - log(sum2);
- /* reattach the root part */
- newB = newA->anc;
- newA->anc = u;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = newA;
- else
- u->left = newA;
- u->anc = newB;
- if (newB->left == newA)
- newB->left = u;
- else
- newB->right = u;
- /* transfer lock and reassign branch lengths, if necessary */
- if (newA != a)
- {
- /* if u is locked, then we have moved upwards and need to leave the u lock behind */
- if (u->isLocked == YES)
- {
- u->isLocked = NO;
- a->isLocked = YES;
- a->lockID = u->lockID;
- u->lockID = -1;
- }
- p = newA;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- if (p == a) break;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- if (p == a)
- {
- /* newA is descendant to a so move a->length not u->length */
- x = u->length;
- u->length = a->length;
- a->length = x;
- }
- p = b;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- if (p == newA) break;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- if (p == newA)
- {
- /* newA is ancestor to a so insert above instead of below */
- x = newA->length;
- newA->length = u->length;
- u->length = x;
- /* newA is on root path and locked, we need to transfer lock to u */
- if (newA->isLocked == YES) {
- u->isLocked = YES;
- u->lockID = newA->lockID;
- newA->isLocked = NO;
- newA->lockID = -1;
- }
- }
- /* hit a length with multiplier */
- x = a->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / a->length);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (a->length - x);
- a->length = x;
- /* hit u length with multiplier */
- x = u->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / u->length);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (u->length - x);
- u->length = x;
- /* hit newA length with multiplier */
- x = newA->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / newA->length);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (newA->length - x);
- newA->length = x;
- /* set tiprobs update flags */
- newA->upDateTi = YES;
- a->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = YES;
- }
- /* alloc temp tree nodes */
- old = (TreeNode *) SafeCalloc (1, sizeof (TreeNode));
- tmp = (TreeNode *) SafeCalloc (1, sizeof (TreeNode));
- if (old == NULL || tmp == NULL) goto errorExit;
- r = newC;
- q = newB = newC->anc;
- if (newC != c) // crown part has changed
- {
- /* rotate nodes from newC to c or d (whichever is closest) */
- CopyTreeNodes (old, r, 0);
- while (r != c && r != d)
- {
- p = q->anc;
- /* rotate pointers of q */
- if (q->left == r)
- q->left = p;
- else
- q->right = p;
- q->anc = r;
- /* swap q and old */
- CopyTreeNodes (tmp, q, 0);
- CopyTreeNodes (q, old, 0);
- CopyTreeNodes (old, tmp, 0);
- /* make sure we get q and r initialized for next round */
- r = q;
- q = p;
- }
- CopyTreeNodes (newC->anc, old, 0);
- /* hit q length with multiplier while we are at it */
- x = q->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / q->length);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (q->length - x);
- q->length = x;
- q->upDateTi = YES;
- /* hit newB length with multiplier */
- x = newB->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / newB->length);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (newB->length - x);
- newB->length = x;
- newB->upDateTi = YES;
- /* hit newC length with multiplier */
- x = newC->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / newC->length);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (newC->length - x);
- newC->length = x;
- newC->upDateTi = YES;
- }
- /* reattach the crown part */
- v->left = newC;
- v->right = newB;
- newC->anc = newB->anc = v;
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- /* set flags for update of cond likes */
- if (moveInRoot == YES)
- {
- p = u;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- p = b;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- }
- if (moveInRoot == NO)
- {
- p = newC;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- p = r;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- }
- /* get down pass sequence if tree topology has changed */
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- {
- GetDownPass (t);
- }
- /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
- if (isVPriorExp > 1)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
- gNodeMoves = nRootNodes;
-# endif
- /* free up local memory */
- free (parLength); free (pRoot); free (pCrown);
- free (nSitesOfPat); free (old); free (tmp);
- return (NO_ERROR);
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating memory in Move_ParsSPR\n", spacer);
- free (parLength); free (pRoot); free (pCrown);
- free (nSitesOfPat); free (old); free (tmp);
- return (ERROR);
-int Move_ParsSPR2 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* Change topology using SPR-type move biased according to parsimony scores. Map branch lengths without modification */
- int i, j, n, division, topologyHasChanged, moveInRoot;
- BitsLong *pA, *pV, *pP, *pU, y[2];
- MrBFlt x, minLength=0.0, length=0.0, cumulativeProb, warpFactor, ran, increaseProb, decreaseProb,
- divFactor, nStates, rateMult, v_typical, sum1, sum2, tempsum, tempc, tempy;
- CLFlt *nSitesOfPat, *nSites, *globalNSitesOfPat;
- TreeNode *p, *q, *r, *a, *b, *u, *v, *c, *d, *newA=NULL, *newB, *newC=NULL, *old=NULL, *tmp=NULL;
- Tree *t;
- ModelInfo *m = NULL;
- warpFactor = mvp[0]; /* tuning parameter determining how heavily to weight according to parsimony scores */
- increaseProb = decreaseProb = mvp[1]; /* reweighting probabilities */
- v_typical = mvp[2]; /* typical branch length for conversion of parsimony score to log prob ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) = (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
- /* get model params and model info */
- m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
- /* get tree */
- t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
- /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior for brls
- if (isVPriorExp > 1)
- (*lnPriorRatio) = -LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp); */
- /* set topologyHasChanged to NO */
- topologyHasChanged = NO;
- /* reset node variables that will be used */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- p->marked = NO;
- p->d = 0;
- }
- /* pick a random branch */
- p = t->allDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed) * (t->nNodes -1))];
- q = p->anc->right;
- if (q == p)
- q = p->anc->left;
- if (p->left == NULL)
- moveInRoot = YES;
- else if (p->anc->anc == NULL)
- moveInRoot = NO;
- else if ((p->anc->isLocked == YES || p->anc->anc->anc == NULL) && (q->isLocked == YES || q->left == NULL))
- {
- if ((p->left->isLocked == YES || p->left->left == NULL) && (p->right->isLocked == YES || p->right->left == NULL))
- {
- abortMove = YES;
- return (NO_ERROR);
- }
- moveInRoot = NO;
- }
- else if ((p->left->isLocked == YES || p->left->left == NULL) && (p->right->isLocked == YES || p->right->left == NULL))
- moveInRoot = YES;
- else if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- moveInRoot = YES;
- else
- moveInRoot = NO;
- /* find number of site patterns and modify randomly */
- globalNSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + (chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars + m->compCharStart;
- nSitesOfPat = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (numCompressedChars, sizeof(CLFlt));
- if (!nSitesOfPat)
- {
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating nSitesOfPat in Move_ParsSPR\n", spacer);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
- {
- nSitesOfPat[i] = globalNSitesOfPat[i];
- for (j=0; j<globalNSitesOfPat[i]; j++)
- {
- ran = RandomNumber(seed);
- if (ran < decreaseProb)
- nSitesOfPat[i]--;
- else if (ran > 1.0 - increaseProb)
- nSitesOfPat[i]++;
- }
- }
- /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
- v = p;
- u = p->anc;
- if (u->left == v)
- a = u->right;
- else
- a = u->left;
- b = u->anc;
- c = p->left;
- d = p->right;
- if (moveInRoot == YES)
- {
- /* clip tree */
- a->anc = b;
- if (b->left == u)
- b->left = a;
- else
- b->right = a;
- /* get final parsimony states for the root part */
- GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
- GetParsFP (t, t->root->left, chain);
- /* get downpass parsimony states for the crown part */
- GetParsDP (t, v, chain);
- /* mark all nodes in the root part of the tree, taking constraints into account */
- a->marked = YES;
- if (u->isLocked == NO)
- {
- p = a->anc;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- p->marked = YES;
- if (p->isLocked == YES)
- break;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- }
- for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == NO && p->anc->marked == YES && p->anc->isLocked == NO && p != u)
- p->marked = YES;
- }
- /* cycle through the possibilities and record the parsimony length */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == NO)
- continue;
- /* find the parsimony length */
- p->d = 0.0;
- for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
- {
- division = t->relParts[n];
- /* Find model settings */
- m = &modelSettings[division];
- /* find nStates and ratemult */
- nStates = m->numModelStates;
- if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
- nStates = 2;
- rateMult = GetRate(division, chain);
- /* find nSitesOfPat */
- nSites = nSitesOfPat + m->compCharStart;
- /* get division warp factor */
- divFactor = - warpFactor * log((1.0/nStates) - exp(-nStates/(nStates-1)*v_typical*rateMult)/nStates);
- /* find downpass parsimony sets for the node and its environment */
- pP = m->parsSets[p->index ];
- pA = m->parsSets[p->anc->index];
- pV = m->parsSets[v->index ];
- length = 0.0;
- if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
- {
- for (j=0; j<m->numChars; j++)
- {
- y[0] = (pP[j] | pA[j]) & pV[j];
- if (y[0] == 0)
- length += nSites[j];
- }
- }
- else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
- {
- for (j=0; j<2*m->numChars; j+=2)
- {
- y[0] = (pP[j] | pA[j]) & pV[j];
- y[1] = (pP[j+1] | pA[j+1]) & pV[j+1];
- if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
- length += nSites[j/2];
- }
- }
- p->d += divFactor * length;
- }
- }
- /* find the min length and the sum for the forward move */
- minLength = -1.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == NO || p == a)
- continue;
- if (minLength < 0.0 || p->d < minLength)
- minLength = p->d;
- }
- sum1 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == YES && p != a)
- {
- /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp (minLength - p->d) - tempc;
- tempsum = sum1 + tempy;
- tempc = (tempsum - sum1) - tempy;
- sum1 = tempsum;
- }
- }
- /* generate a random uniform */
- ran = RandomNumber(seed) * sum1;
- /* select the appropriate reattachment point */
- cumulativeProb = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == YES && p != a)
- {
- newA = p;
- /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp (minLength - p->d) - tempc;
- tempsum = cumulativeProb + tempy;
- tempc = (tempsum - cumulativeProb) - tempy;
- cumulativeProb = tempsum;
- if (cumulativeProb > ran)
- break;
- }
- }
- /* calculate the proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) = newA->d - minLength + log(sum1);
- /* find the min length and the sum for the backward move */
- minLength = -1.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == NO || p == newA)
- continue;
- if (minLength < 0.0 || p->d < minLength)
- minLength = p->d;
- }
- sum2 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == YES && p != newA)
- {
- /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp (minLength - p->d) - tempc;
- tempsum = sum2 + tempy;
- tempc = (tempsum - sum2) - tempy;
- sum2 = tempsum;
- }
- }
- /* calculate the proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += minLength - a->d - log(sum2);
- /* reattach */
- newB = newA->anc;
- newA->anc = u;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = newA;
- else
- u->left = newA;
- if (newB->left == newA)
- newB->left = u;
- else
- newB->right = u;
- u->anc = newB;
- /* transfer lock if necessary */
- /* if u is locked, then we have moved upwards and need to leave the u lock behind */
- if (u->isLocked == YES)
- {
- u->isLocked = NO;
- a->isLocked = YES;
- a->lockID = u->lockID;
- u->lockID = -1;
- }
- /* if newA is on root path and locked, we need to transfer lock to u */
- p = b;
- while (p != NULL)
- {
- if (p == newA)
- break;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- if (p == newA && newA->isLocked == YES)
- {
- u->isLocked = YES;
- u->lockID = newA->lockID;
- newA->isLocked = NO;
- newA->lockID = -1;
- }
- /* reassign branch lengths */
- p = newA;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- if (p == a)
- break;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- if (p == a)
- {
- /* newA is descendant to a so move a->length and not u->length */
- x = u->length;
- u->length = a->length;
- a->length = x;
- }
- p = a;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- if (p == newA)
- break;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- if (p == newA)
- {
- /* newA is ancestor to a so insert above instead of below */
- x = newA->length;
- newA->length = u->length;
- u->length = x;
- }
- /* set tiprobs update flags */
- a->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = YES;
- newA->upDateTi = YES;
- /* set flags for update of cond likes from u and down to root */
- p = u;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- /* set flags for update of cond likes from b and down to root */
- p = b;
- while (p->anc != NULL && p->upDateCl == NO)
- {
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- }
- else // moveInRoot == NO
- {
- if (u->anc != NULL) // so that a and b != NULL
- {
- /* clip root part of tree */
- a->anc = b;
- if (b->left == u)
- b->left = a;
- else
- b->right = a;
- /* get final parsimony states for the root part */
- GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
- GetParsFP (t, t->root->left, chain);
- /* get union of final parsimony states of u */
- for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
- {
- division = t->relParts[n];
- /* Find model settings */
- m = &modelSettings[division];
- /* find final parsimony sets for u from its environment */
- pA = m->parsSets[a->index];
- pP = m->parsSets[b->index];
- pU = m->parsSets[u->index];
- for (j=0; j<m->numChars*m->nParsIntsPerSite; j++)
- pU[j] = (pP[j] | pA[j]);
- }
- }
- /* clip crown part of tree */
- c->anc = d;
- d->anc = c;
- /* get final parsimony states for the crown part */
- GetParsDP (t, c, chain);
- GetParsFP (t, c, chain);
- GetParsDP (t, d, chain);
- GetParsFP (t, d, chain);
- /* mark nodes in the crown tree, respecting constraints */
- MarkUnconstrained (c);
- MarkUnconstrained (d);
- /* skip d (same as c) */
- d->marked = NO;
- /* cycle through the possibilities and record the parsimony length */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == NO)
- continue;
- /* find the parsimony length */
- p->d = 0.0;
- for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
- {
- division = t->relParts[n];
- /* Find model settings */
- m = &modelSettings[division];
- /* find nStates and ratemult */
- nStates = m->numModelStates;
- if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
- nStates = 2;
- rateMult = GetRate(division, chain);
- /* find nSitesOfPat */
- nSites = nSitesOfPat + m->compCharStart;
- /* get division warp factor (prop. to prob. of change) */
- divFactor = - warpFactor * log((1.0/nStates) - exp(-nStates/(nStates-1)*v_typical*rateMult)/nStates);
- /* find downpass parsimony sets for the node and its environment */
- pP = m->parsSets[p->index ];
- pA = m->parsSets[p->anc->index];
- pU = m->parsSets[u->index ];
- length = 0.0;
- if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
- {
- for (j=0; j<m->numChars; j++)
- {
- y[0] = (pP[j] | pA[j]) & pU[j];
- if (y[0] == 0)
- length += nSites[j];
- }
- }
- else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
- {
- for (j=0; j<2*m->numChars; j+=2)
- {
- y[0] = (pP[j] | pA[j]) & pU[j];
- y[1] = (pP[j+1] | pA[j+1]) & pU[j+1];
- if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
- length += nSites[j/2];
- }
- }
- p->d += divFactor * length;
- }
- }
- /* find the min length and the sum for the forward move */
- minLength = -1.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == NO || p == c)
- continue;
- if (minLength < 0.0 || p->d < minLength)
- minLength = p->d;
- }
- sum1 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == YES && p != c)
- {
- /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp (minLength - p->d) - tempc;
- tempsum = sum1 + tempy;
- tempc = (tempsum - sum1) - tempy;
- sum1 = tempsum;
- }
- }
- /* generate a random uniform */
- ran = RandomNumber(seed) * sum1;
- /* select the appropriate reattachment point */
- cumulativeProb = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == YES && p != c)
- {
- newC = p;
- /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp (minLength - p->d) - tempc;
- tempsum = cumulativeProb + tempy;
- tempc = (tempsum - cumulativeProb) - tempy;
- cumulativeProb = tempsum;
- if (cumulativeProb > ran)
- break;
- }
- }
- /* calculate the proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) = newC->d - minLength + log(sum1);
- /* find the min length and the sum for the backward move */
- minLength = -1.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == NO || p == newC)
- continue;
- if (minLength < 0.0 || p->d < minLength)
- minLength = p->d;
- }
- sum2 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == YES && p != newC)
- {
- /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp (minLength - p->d) - tempc;
- tempsum = sum2 + tempy;
- tempc = (tempsum - sum2) - tempy;
- sum2 = tempsum;
- }
- }
- /* calculate the proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += minLength - c->d - log(sum2);
- /* alloc temp tree nodes */
- old = (TreeNode *) SafeCalloc (1, sizeof (TreeNode));
- tmp = (TreeNode *) SafeCalloc (1, sizeof (TreeNode));
- if (old == NULL || tmp == NULL)
- {
- free (nSitesOfPat);
- free (old); free (tmp);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* rotate nodes from newC to c or d (whichever is closest) */
- /* label node we come from as r, node we rotate q, and next node p */
- r = newC; q = r->anc;
- assert (t->bitsets == NULL);
- CopyTreeNodes (old, r, 0);
- do {
- p = q->anc;
- /* rotate pointers of q */
- if (q->left == r)
- q->left = p;
- else
- q->right = p;
- q->anc = r;
- /* swap q and old */
- CopyTreeNodes (tmp, q, 0);
- CopyTreeNodes (q, old, 0);
- CopyTreeNodes (old, tmp, 0);
- /* make sure we get q and r initialized for next round */
- r = q;
- q = p;
- }
- while (r != c && r != d);
- /* now reattach crown to v */
- newB = newC->anc;
- v->left = newC;
- v->right = newB;
- newC->anc = newB->anc = v;
- CopyTreeNodes (newB, old, 0);
- /* and reattach root to u (u pointers are unchanged) */
- if (u->anc != NULL)
- {
- a->anc = u;
- if (b->left == a)
- b->left = u;
- else
- b->right = u;
- }
- /* set flags for update of cond likes from newC and down to root */
- p = newC;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- /* set flags for update of cond likes from r and down to root */
- p = r;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- /* free memory */
- free (old); free (tmp);
- }
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- /* get down pass sequence if tree topology has changed */
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- {
- GetDownPass (t);
+ for (i=0; i<mp->numM10BetaCats; i++)
+ newSubVals[i] = newFreqs[0] / mp->numM10BetaCats;
+ for (i=mp->numM10BetaCats; i<mp->numM10BetaCats+mp->numM10GammaCats; i++)
+ newSubVals[i] = newFreqs[1] / mp->numM10GammaCats;
- /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior
- if (isVPriorExp > 1)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp); */
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
- gNodeMoves = nRootNodes;
-# endif
- free (nSitesOfPat);
+ /* get proposal ratio */
+ sum = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
+ sum += newFreqs[i]*alpha;
+ x = LnGamma(sum);
+ for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
+ x -= LnGamma(newFreqs[i]*alpha);
+ for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
+ x += (newFreqs[i]*alpha-1.0)*log(oldFreqs[i]);
+ sum = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
+ sum += oldFreqs[i]*alpha;
+ y = LnGamma(sum);
+ for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
+ y -= LnGamma(oldFreqs[i]*alpha);
+ for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
+ y += (oldFreqs[i]*alpha-1.0)*log(newFreqs[i]);
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = x - y;
+ /* get prior ratio */
+ x = y = 0.0; /* ignore the gamma part, it is identical */
+ for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
+ x += (priorParams[i]-1.0)*log(newFreqs[i]);
+ for (i=0; i<localNumCats; i++)
+ y += (priorParams[i]-1.0)*log(oldFreqs[i]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) = x - y;
+ /* Set update flags for all partitions that share this omega. Note that the conditional
+ likelihood update flags have been set before we even call this function. */
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
+ /* Set update flags for cijks for all affected partitions. */
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].upDateCijk = YES;
return (NO_ERROR);
-int Move_ParsSPRClock (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+| Move_OmegaM3: Change the nonysnonymous/synonymous rate ratio
+| of one class of the M3 model
+int Move_OmegaM3 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* Change branch lengths and topology (potentially) using SPR-type move, parsimony-biased */
+ int i, isValidO, whichOmega;
+ MrBFlt newO, window, minO, maxO, ran, *value, *oldValue, x, y;
- /* This move picks a branch and then chooses a reattachment point based on
- the parsimony score. On the ending branch, the attachment point is reinserted
- randomly along the branch (below the minimum age of the node). Since 2010-11-02
- the move is Metropolized to improve efficiency. */
- int i, j, n, division, n1=0, n2=0, n3=0, n4=0, n5=0, *nEvents;
- BitsLong *pA, *pV, *pP, y[2];
- MrBFlt x, oldBrlen=0.0, newBrlen=0.0, v1=0.0, v2=0.0, v3=0.0, v4=0.0, v5=0.0,
- v3new=0.0, lambda, **position=NULL, **rateMultiplier=NULL, *brlens,
- igrvar, *igrRate=NULL, nu, *tk02Rate=NULL, minLength=0.0, length=0.0,
- cumulativeProb, warpFactor, sum1, sum2, ran, increaseProb, decreaseProb,
- divFactor, nStates, rateMult, v_typical, minV;
- CLFlt *nSitesOfPat, *nSites, *globalNSitesOfPat;
- TreeNode *p, *a, *b, *u, *v, *c=NULL, *d;
- Tree *t;
- ModelInfo *m=NULL;
- Param *subParm;
+ /* get size of window, centered on current omega value */
+ window = mvp[0];
- warpFactor = mvp[0]; /* tuning parameter determining how heavily to weight according to parsimony scores */
- increaseProb = decreaseProb = mvp[1]; /* reweighting probabilities */
- v_typical = mvp[2]; /* typical branch length for converting parsimony scores to log prob ratios */
+ /* get old value of omega */
+ value = GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
+ oldValue = GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain] ^ 1);
+ whichOmega = (int) (RandomNumber(seed)*3.0);
+ /* get minimum and maximum values for omega */
+ if (whichOmega == 0)
+ minO = 0.0;
+ else
+ minO = value[whichOmega-1];
+ if (whichOmega == 2)
+ maxO = OMEGA_MAX;
+ else
+ maxO = value[whichOmega+1];
- (*lnProposalRatio) = (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
+ /* change value for omega */
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed);
+ if (maxO-minO < window)
+ {
+ window = maxO-minO;
+ }
+ newO = oldValue[whichOmega] + window * (ran - 0.5);
+ /* check that new value is valid */
+ isValidO = NO;
+ do
+ {
+ if (newO < minO)
+ newO = 2* minO - newO;
+ else if (newO > maxO)
+ newO = 2 * maxO - newO;
+ else
+ isValidO = YES;
+ } while (isValidO == NO);
- /* get tree */
- t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
+ /* copy new omega value back */
+ value[whichOmega] = newO;
- /* get model params and model info */
- m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
+ /* get proposal ratio */
+ *lnProposalRatio = 0.0;
- /* get min and max brlen in relative time and subst units */
- minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ /* get prior ratio */
+ x = LogOmegaPrior (value[0], value[1], value[2]);
+ y = LogOmegaPrior (oldValue[0], oldValue[1], oldValue[2]);
+ *lnPriorRatio = x - y;
-# if defined (DEBUG_ParsSPRClock)
- printf ("Before:\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 2, YES);
- getchar();
-# endif
- /* pick a branch */
- do {
- p = t->allDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed) * (t->nNodes - 2))];
- a = p->anc->left;
- b = p->anc->right;
- }
- while (p->anc->isLocked == YES || p->anc->anc->anc == NULL
- || (p == b && a->length < TIME_MIN) || (p == a && b->length < TIME_MIN));
- /* skip constraints, siblings of root (and root); and consider ancestral fossils in fbd tree */
+ /* Set update flags for all partitions that share this omega. Note that the conditional
+ likelihood update flags have been set before we even call this function. */
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
- /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
- v = p;
- u = p->anc;
- if (u->left == v)
- a = u->right;
- else
- a = u->left;
- b = u->anc;
+ /* Set update flags for cijks for all affected partitions. */
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].upDateCijk = YES;
- /* record branch length for insertion in back move */
- if (v->length > 0.0) /* side branch, not anc fossil */
- {
- if (v->nodeDepth > a->nodeDepth)
- oldBrlen = b->nodeDepth - v->nodeDepth - 2.0*minV;
- else
- oldBrlen = b->nodeDepth - a->nodeDepth - 2.0*minV;
- }
- v1 = a->length;
- v2 = u->length;
- v3 = v->length;
+ return (NO_ERROR);
- /* reassign events for CPP and adjust prior and proposal ratios for relaxed clock models */
- for (i=0; i<param->subParams[0]->nSubParams; i++)
- {
- subParm = param->subParams[0]->subParams[i];
- if (subParm->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
- {
- nEvents = subParm->nEvents[2*chain+state[chain]];
- position = subParm->position[2*chain+state[chain]];
- rateMultiplier = subParm->rateMult[2*chain+state[chain]];
- n1 = nEvents[a->index];
- n2 = nEvents[u->index];
- n3 = nEvents[v->index];
- if (n2 > 0)
- {
- position[a->index] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) position[a->index], (n1+n2) * sizeof (MrBFlt));
- rateMultiplier[a->index] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) rateMultiplier[a->index], (n1+n2) * sizeof (MrBFlt));
- }
- for (j=0; j<n1; j++)
- position[a->index][j] *= v1 / (v1+v2);
- for (j=n1; j<n1+n2; j++)
- {
- position[a->index][j] = (position[u->index][j-n1] * v2 + v1) / (v1+v2);
- rateMultiplier[a->index][j] = rateMultiplier[u->index][j-n1];
- }
- nEvents[a->index] = n1+n2;
- nEvents[u->index] = 0;
- if (n2 > 0)
- {
- free (position[u->index]);
- free (rateMultiplier[u->index]);
- position[u->index] = rateMultiplier[u->index] = NULL;
- }
- /* adjust effective branch lengths */
- brlens = GetParamSubVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
- brlens[a->index] += brlens[u->index]; /* only change in effective branch lengths so far */
- } /* end CPP events parm */
- else if ( subParm->paramType == P_TK02BRANCHRATES ||
- (subParm->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES && *GetParamIntVals(subParm, chain, state[chain]) == RCL_TK02))
- {
- /* adjust prior ratio */
- if (subParm->paramType == P_TK02BRANCHRATES)
- nu = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].tk02var, chain, state[chain]);
- else
- nu = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].mixedvar, chain, state[chain]);
- tk02Rate = GetParamVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
- if (v->length > 0.0)
- (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[v->anc->index], nu*v->length, tk02Rate[v->index]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[a->anc->index], nu*a->length, tk02Rate[a->index]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[u->anc->index], nu*u->length, tk02Rate[u->index]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[u->anc->index], nu*(a->length+u->length), tk02Rate[a->index]);
- /* adjust effective branch lengths */
- brlens = GetParamSubVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
- brlens[a->index] = (tk02Rate[a->index] + tk02Rate[b->index]) / 2.0 * (a->length + u->length);
- } /* end tk02 branch rate parameter */
- else if ( subParm->paramType == P_IGRBRANCHRATES ||
- (subParm->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES && *GetParamIntVals(subParm, chain, state[chain]) == RCL_IGR))
- {
- if (subParm->paramType == P_IGRBRANCHRATES)
- igrvar = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].igrvar, chain, state[chain]);
- else
- igrvar = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].mixedvar, chain, state[chain]);
- igrRate = GetParamVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
- /* adjust prior ratio for old branches */
- if (v->length > 0.0)
- (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbGamma(v->length/igrvar, v->length/igrvar, igrRate[v->index]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbGamma(a->length/igrvar, a->length/igrvar, igrRate[a->index]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbGamma(u->length/igrvar, u->length/igrvar, igrRate[u->index]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbGamma((a->length+u->length)/igrvar, (a->length+u->length)/igrvar, igrRate[a->index]);
+| Move_OmegaNeu: Change the nonysnonymous/synonymous rate ratio
+| for neutral sites
+int Move_OmegaNeu (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+ int i, isOPriorExp, isValidO;
+ MrBFlt oldO, newO, window, minO, maxO, ran, *value, x, y;
+ /* get size of window, centered on current omega value */
+ window = mvp[0];
+ /* get old value of omega */
+ value = GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
+ newO = oldO = value[1];
+ /* get minimum and maximum values for omega */
+ minO = value[0];
+ maxO = value[2];
+ /* the only way we would be updating the middle category (omega2) is
+ if we have an exponential prior on all three omegas */
+ isOPriorExp = YES;
+ /* change value for omega */
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed);
+ if (maxO-minO < window)
+ {
+ window = maxO-minO;
+ }
+ newO = oldO + window * (ran - 0.5);
+ /* check that new value is valid */
+ isValidO = NO;
+ do
+ {
+ if (newO < minO)
+ newO = 2 * minO - newO;
+ else if (newO > maxO)
+ newO = 2 * maxO - newO;
+ else
+ isValidO = YES;
+ } while (isValidO == NO);
- /* adjust effective branch lengths */
- brlens = GetParamSubVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
- brlens[a->index] = igrRate[a->index] * (a->length + u->length);
- }
- } /* next subparameter */
+ /* get proposal ratio */
+ *lnProposalRatio = 0.0;
+ /* copy new omega value back */
+ value[1] = newO;
- /* cut tree */
- a->anc = b;
- if (b->left == u)
- b->left = a;
+ /* get prior ratio */
+ if (isOPriorExp == NO)
+ {
+ *lnPriorRatio = 0.0;
+ }
- b->right = a;
- a->length += u->length;
- a->upDateTi = YES;
+ {
+ x = LogOmegaPrior (value[0], newO, value[2]);
+ y = LogOmegaPrior (value[0], oldO, value[2]);
+ *lnPriorRatio = x - y;
+ }
- /* get final parsimony states for the root part */
- GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
- GetParsFP (t, t->root->left->left, chain);
- GetParsFP (t, t->root->left->right, chain);
+ /* Set update flags for all partitions that share this omega. Note that the conditional
+ likelihood update flags have been set before we even call this function. */
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
- /* get downpass parsimony states for the crown part */
- GetParsDP (t, v, chain);
+ /* Set update flags for cijks for all affected partitions. */
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].upDateCijk = YES;
- /* reset node variables that will be used */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ return (NO_ERROR);
+| Move_OmegaPos: Change the nonysnonymous/synonymous rate ratio
+| for positively selected sites
+int Move_OmegaPos (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+ int i, isValidO, omegaUni, omegaExp1, omegaExp2;
+ MrBFlt oldO, newO, window, minO=0.0, maxO=0.0, ran, *value, x, y;
+ ModelParams *mp;
+ /* get size of window, centered on current omega value */
+ window = mvp[0];
+ /* get model params */
+ mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
+ /* get old value of omega */
+ value = GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
+ newO = oldO = value[2];
+ /* determine prior for omega */
+ omegaUni = omegaExp1 = omegaExp2 = NO;
+ if (param->paramId == OMEGA_BUD || param->paramId == OMEGA_BUF || param->paramId == OMEGA_FUD || param->paramId == OMEGA_FUF)
+ omegaUni = YES;
+ else if (param->paramId == OMEGA_BED || param->paramId == OMEGA_BEF || param->paramId == OMEGA_FED || param->paramId == OMEGA_FEF)
+ omegaExp1 = YES;
+ else if (param->paramId == OMEGA_ED || param->paramId == OMEGA_EF)
+ omegaExp2 = YES;
+ /* get minimum and maximum values for omega */
+ if (omegaUni == YES)
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- p->marked = NO;
- p->d = 0.0;
+ minO = mp->ny98omega3Uni[0];
+ if (minO < value[1])
+ minO = value[1];
+ maxO = mp->ny98omega3Uni[1];
+ if (maxO > KAPPA_MAX)
+ maxO = KAPPA_MAX;
+ }
+ else if (omegaExp1 == YES || omegaExp2 == YES)
+ {
+ minO = value[1];
+ maxO = KAPPA_MAX;
- /* mark nodes in the root part of the tree, first mark a */
- a->marked = YES;
- /* then move down towards root taking constraints into account */
- p = b;
- while (p->isLocked == NO && p->anc->anc != NULL)
+ /* change value for omega */
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed);
+ if (maxO-minO < window)
- p->marked = YES;
- p = p->anc;
+ window = maxO-minO;
- /* make sure sisters of last node are marked otherwise it will not be marked in the uppass */
- p->left->marked = YES;
- p->right->marked = YES;
- /* finally move up, skip constraints and ancestral fossil */
- for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
+ newO = oldO + window * (ran - 0.5);
+ /* check that new value is valid */
+ isValidO = NO;
+ do
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p != u && p->marked == NO && p->anc->marked == YES && p->anc->isLocked == NO
- && p->anc->nodeDepth > v->nodeDepth + minV && p->length > 0.0)
- p->marked = YES;
+ if (newO < minO)
+ newO = 2* minO - newO;
+ else if (newO > maxO)
+ newO = 2 * maxO - newO;
+ else
+ isValidO = YES;
+ } while (isValidO == NO);
+ /* get proposal ratio */
+ *lnProposalRatio = 0.0;
+ /* copy new omega value back */
+ value[2] = newO;
+ /* get prior ratio (part 2) */
+ if (omegaUni == YES)
+ {
+ *lnPriorRatio = 0.0;
+ }
+ else if (omegaExp1 == YES)
+ {
+ *lnPriorRatio = mp->ny98omega3Exp * (oldO - newO);
+ }
+ else if (omegaExp2 == YES)
+ {
+ x = LogOmegaPrior (value[0], value[1], newO);
+ y = LogOmegaPrior (value[0], value[1], oldO);
+ *lnPriorRatio = x - y;
- /* unmark nodes if the picked branch is 0 (ancestral fossil) */
- if (v->length < TIME_MIN)
+ /* Set update flags for all partitions that share this omega. Note that the conditional
+ likelihood update flags have been set before we even call this function. */
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
+ /* Set update flags for cijks for all affected partitions. */
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].upDateCijk = YES;
+ return (NO_ERROR);
+| Move_OmegaPur: Change the nonysnonymous/synonymous rate ratio
+| for purifying selection sites
+int Move_OmegaPur (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+ int i, isOPriorExp, isValidO;
+ MrBFlt oldO, newO, window, minO, maxO, ran, *value, x, y;
+ /* get size of window, centered on current omega value */
+ window = mvp[0];
+ /* get old value of omega */
+ value = GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
+ newO = oldO = value[0];
+ /* get minimum and maximum values for omega */
+ minO = 0.0;
+ maxO = value[1];
+ /* get prior for omega */
+ if (param->paramId == OMEGA_BUD || param->paramId == OMEGA_BUF || param->paramId == OMEGA_BED ||
+ param->paramId == OMEGA_BEF || param->paramId == OMEGA_BFD || param->paramId == OMEGA_BFF)
+ isOPriorExp = NO;
+ else
+ isOPriorExp = YES;
+ /* change value for omega */
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed);
+ if (maxO-minO < window)
- n = 0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->nodeDepth > v->nodeDepth - minV || p->anc->nodeDepth < v->nodeDepth + minV)
- p->marked = NO;
- if (p->marked == YES)
- n++;
- }
- if (n < 2) /* no new position to move */
- {
- abortMove = YES;
- return (NO_ERROR);
- }
+ window = maxO-minO;
+ newO = oldO + window * (ran - 0.5);
- /* find number of site patterns and modify randomly */
- globalNSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + ((chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars) + m->compCharStart;
- nSitesOfPat = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (numCompressedChars, sizeof(CLFlt));
- if (!nSitesOfPat)
+ /* check that new value is valid */
+ isValidO = NO;
+ do
+ {
+ if (newO < minO)
+ newO = 2* minO - newO;
+ else if (newO > maxO)
+ newO = 2 * maxO - newO;
+ else
+ isValidO = YES;
+ } while (isValidO == NO);
+ /* get proposal ratio */
+ *lnProposalRatio = 0.0;
+ /* copy new omega value back */
+ value[0] = newO;
+ /* get prior ratio (part 2) */
+ if (isOPriorExp == NO)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating nSitesOfPat in Move_ParsSPRClock\n", spacer);
- return (ERROR);
+ *lnPriorRatio = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
+ else
- nSitesOfPat[i] = globalNSitesOfPat[i];
- for (j=0; j<globalNSitesOfPat[i]; j++)
- {
- ran = RandomNumber(seed);
- if (ran < decreaseProb)
- nSitesOfPat[i]--;
- else if (ran > 1.0 - increaseProb)
- nSitesOfPat[i]++;
- }
+ x = LogOmegaPrior (newO, value[1], value[2]);
+ y = LogOmegaPrior (oldO, value[1], value[2]);
+ *lnPriorRatio = x - y;
- /* cycle through the possibilities and record the parsimony length */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == NO)
- continue;
- /* find the parsimony length */
- p->d = 0.0;
- for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
- {
- division = t->relParts[n];
- /* Find model settings */
- m = &modelSettings[division];
+ /* Set update flags for all partitions that share this omega. Note that the conditional
+ likelihood update flags have been set before we even call this function. */
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
- /* find nStates and ratemult */
- nStates = m->numModelStates;
- if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
- nStates = 2;
- rateMult = GetRate(division, chain);
+ /* Set update flags for cijks for all affected partitions. */
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ modelSettings[param->relParts[i]].upDateCijk = YES;
- /* find nSitesOfPat */
- nSites = nSitesOfPat + m->compCharStart;
+ return (NO_ERROR);
- /* get division warp factor */
- divFactor = - warpFactor * log((1.0/nStates) - exp(-nStates/(nStates-1)*v_typical*rateMult)/nStates);
- /* find downpass parsimony sets for the node and its environment */
- pP = m->parsSets[p->index ];
- pA = m->parsSets[p->anc->index];
- pV = m->parsSets[v->index ];
- length = 0.0;
- if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
- {
- for (j=0; j<m->numChars; j++)
- {
- y[0] = (pP[j] | pA[j]) & pV[j];
- if (y[0] == 0)
- length += nSites[j];
- }
- }
- else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
- {
- for (j=0; j<2*m->numChars; j+=2)
- {
- y[0] = (pP[j] | pA[j]) & pV[j];
- y[1] = (pP[j+1] | pA[j+1]) & pV[j+1];
- if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
- length += nSites[j/2];
- }
- }
- p->d += divFactor * length;
- }
+| Move_ParsEraser1: This proposal mechanism changes the topology and
+| branch lengths of an unrooted tree. A randomly chosen region of
+| the tree is erased. Parsimony is used to guide the selection of
+| a new topology for the erased part of the tree. The parsimony
+| branch lengths are used to guide the proposal of new branch
+| lengths. This variant (1) uses exhaustive enumeration.
+| Programmed by FR 2004-10-23--
+int Move_ParsEraser1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+ int i, j, isVPriorExp, nSubTerminals, nEmbeddedTrees;
+ MrBFlt alphaPi, warp, minV, maxV, minP, maxP, brlensExp=0.0, newM, oldM, maxLen,
+ *brlensCur, *brlensNew, *parslensCur, *parslensNew,
+ curLength, newLength, lnJacobian, lnRandomRatio, alpha[2], prob[2],
+ minLenCur, minLenNew, f;
+ TreeNode *p=NULL;
+ Tree *t, *subtree, *subtree1, memTree[2];
+ ModelParams *mp;
+ ModelInfo *m;
+ TreeInfo tInfo;
+ /* set pointers to NULL */
+ subtree = subtree1 = NULL;
+ brlensCur = NULL;
+ for (i=0; i<2; i++)
+ {
+ memTree[i].allDownPass = NULL;
+ memTree[i].intDownPass = NULL;
+ memTree[i].nodes = NULL;
+ tInfo.leaf = NULL;
- /* find the min length and the sum for the forward move */
- minLength = -1.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ /* Set alpha Pi for Dirichlet p generator */
+ alphaPi = mvp[0];
+ alphaPi = 0.05;
+ /* Set the parsimony warp factor */
+ warp = mvp[1];
+ warp = 0.2;
+ /* Set the number of terminals (nSubTerminals, column 3) in erased tree */
+ /* Erased Nodes => Leaves => Terminals => Embedded trees => Embedded histories => New trees
+ 2 => 3 => 4 => 2 => 2 = 2! => 3 = 1*3
+ 3 => 4 => 5 => 5 => 6 = 3! => 15 = 1*3*5
+ 4 => 5 => 6 => 14 => 24 = 4! => 105 = 1*3*5*7
+ 5 => 6 => 7 => 42 => 120 = 5! => 945 = 1*3*5*7*9
+ etc */
+ nSubTerminals = (int) (RandomNumber(seed) * 4) + 4;
+ nSubTerminals = 7;
+ /* initialize log prior and log proposal probabilities */
+ *lnPriorRatio = *lnProposalRatio = 0.0;
+ /* get tree */
+ t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
+ /* get model params */
+ mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
+ /* max and min brlen */
+ if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == NO || p == a)
- continue;
- if (minLength < 0.0 || p->d < minLength)
- minLength = p->d;
+ minV = mp->brlensUni[0] > BRLENS_MIN ? mp->brlensUni[0] : BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = mp->brlensUni[1];
+ isVPriorExp = NO;
- sum1 = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ else
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == YES && p != a)
- sum1 += exp (minLength - p->d);
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ brlensExp = mp->brlensExp;
+ isVPriorExp = YES;
+ minP = 3.0 * ((1.0 / 4.0) - ((1.0 / 4.0) * exp (-4.0 * minV / 3.0)));
+ maxP = 3.0 * ((1.0 / 4.0) - ((1.0 / 4.0) * exp (-4.0 * maxV / 3.0)));
- /* generate a random uniform */
- ran = RandomNumber(seed) * sum1;
- /* select the appropriate reattachment point (not a!) */
- cumulativeProb = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ /* allocate some memory for this move */
+ brlensCur = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc (8 * nSubTerminals * sizeof (MrBFlt));
+ if (!brlensCur)
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == YES && p != a)
- {
- c = p;
- cumulativeProb += exp (minLength - p->d);
- if (cumulativeProb > ran)
- break;
- }
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Could not allocate brlensCur\n", spacer);
+ goto errorExit;
+ brlensNew = brlensCur + 2*nSubTerminals;
+ parslensCur = brlensCur + 4 * nSubTerminals;
+ parslensNew = brlensCur + 6 * nSubTerminals;
- /* calculate the proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) = c->d - minLength + log(sum1);
+ subtree = &memTree[0];
+ subtree->nNodes = 2 * nSubTerminals - 2;
+ subtree->nIntNodes = nSubTerminals - 2;
+ subtree->nodes = (TreeNode *) SafeCalloc (subtree->nNodes, sizeof (TreeNode));
+ subtree->allDownPass = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc (subtree->nNodes, sizeof (TreeNode *));
+ subtree->intDownPass = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc (subtree->nIntNodes, sizeof (TreeNode *));
+ if (!subtree->nodes || !subtree->intDownPass || !subtree->allDownPass)
+ {
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Could not allocate subtree\n", spacer);
+ goto errorExit;
+ }
- /* find the min length and the sum for the backward move */
- minLength = -1.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ subtree1 = &memTree[1];
+ subtree1->nNodes = 2 * nSubTerminals - 2;
+ subtree1->nIntNodes = nSubTerminals - 2;
+ subtree1->nodes = (TreeNode *) SafeCalloc (subtree1->nNodes, sizeof (TreeNode));
+ subtree1->allDownPass = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc (subtree1->nNodes, sizeof (TreeNode *));
+ subtree1->intDownPass = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc (subtree1->nIntNodes, sizeof (TreeNode *));
+ if (!subtree1->nodes || !subtree1->intDownPass || !subtree1->allDownPass)
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == NO || p == c)
- continue;
- if (minLength < 0.0 || p->d < minLength)
- minLength = p->d;
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Could not allocate subtree1\n", spacer);
+ goto errorExit;
- sum2 = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ tInfo.leaf = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc (t->nNodes, sizeof(TreeNode *));
+ if (!tInfo.leaf)
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->marked == YES && p != c)
- sum2 += exp (minLength - p->d);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Could not allocate tInfo.leaf\n", spacer);
+ goto errorExit;
- /* calculate the proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += minLength - a->d - log(sum2);
+ tInfo.vertex = tInfo.leaf + t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
- /* reattach u */
- d = c->anc;
- c->anc = u;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = c;
- else
- u->left = c;
- u->anc = d;
- if (d->left == c)
- d->left = u;
- else
- d->right = u;
+ /* Select a random embedded subtree with nSubTerminals terminals */
+ if (GetRandomEmbeddedSubtree (t, nSubTerminals, seed, &nEmbeddedTrees) == ERROR)
+ {
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s ERROR: Could not get subtree\n", spacer);
+ goto errorExit;
+ }
- if (v->length > 0.0) /* side branch, not anc fossil */
+ /* Set update flags (We'd better do it before the marked nodes disappear) */
+ for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
- if (c->nodeDepth > v->nodeDepth)
- newBrlen = d->nodeDepth - c->nodeDepth - 2.0*minV;
- else
- newBrlen = d->nodeDepth - v->nodeDepth - 2.0*minV;
- if (newBrlen <= 0.0)
+ p = t->intDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == YES)
- abortMove = YES;
- free (nSitesOfPat);
- return (NO_ERROR);
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p->upDateTi = YES;
+ else if (p->left->upDateCl == YES || p->right->upDateCl == YES)
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ }
- /* adjust lengths */
- u->nodeDepth = d->nodeDepth - minV - RandomNumber(seed) * newBrlen;
- v->length = u->nodeDepth - v->nodeDepth;
- /* calculate proposal ratio for tree change */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (newBrlen / oldBrlen);
+ /* Fill in subtrees */
+ CopyTreeToSubtree (t, subtree);
+ CopyTreeToSubtree (t, subtree1);
+ /* Calculate downstates and upstate of root node of subtree */
+ GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
+ {
+ p = t->intDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == YES && p->anc->marked == NO)
+ break;
- u->length = d->nodeDepth - u->nodeDepth;
- c->length = u->nodeDepth - c->nodeDepth;
+ GetParsimonySubtreeRootstate (t, p->anc, chain);
+ /* Get parsimony length of current tree */
+ curLength = GetParsimonyLength (subtree, chain);
- v3new = v->length;
- v4 = c->length;
- v5 = u->length;
+ /* Get the Markov and parsimony branch lengths of the current subtree */
+ GetParsimonyBrlens (subtree, chain, parslensCur);
+ for (i=0; i<subtree->nNodes-1; i++)
+ brlensCur[i] = subtree->allDownPass[i]->length;
- /* reassign events for CPP and adjust prior and proposal ratios for relaxed clock models */
- for (i=0; i<param->subParams[0]->nSubParams; i++)
- {
- subParm = param->subParams[0]->subParams[i];
- if (subParm->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
- {
- nEvents = subParm->nEvents[2*chain+state[chain]];
- position = subParm->position[2*chain+state[chain]];
- rateMultiplier = subParm->rateMult[2*chain+state[chain]];
- for (j=0; j<nEvents[c->index]; j++)
- {
- if (position[c->index][j] > v4 / (v4+v5))
- break;
- }
- n4 = j;
- n5 = nEvents[c->index] - j;
- nEvents[u->index] = n5;
- if (n5 > 0)
- {
- position[u->index] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) position[u->index], n5 * sizeof (MrBFlt));
- rateMultiplier[u->index] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) rateMultiplier[u->index], n5 * sizeof (MrBFlt));
- for (j=n4; j<nEvents[c->index]; j++)
- {
- position[u->index][j-n4] = (position[c->index][j] * (v4+v5) - v4) / v5;
- rateMultiplier[u->index][j-n4] = rateMultiplier[c->index][j];
- }
- if (n4 > 0)
- {
- position[c->index] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) position[c->index], n4 * sizeof (MrBFlt));
- rateMultiplier[c->index] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) rateMultiplier[c->index], n4 * sizeof (MrBFlt));
- for (j=0; j<n4; j++)
- position[c->index][j] *= ((v4+v5) / v4);
- }
- else
- {
- free (position[c->index]);
- free (rateMultiplier[c->index]);
- position[c->index] = rateMultiplier[c->index] = NULL;
- }
- nEvents[c->index] = n4;
- }
- else
- {
- for (j=0; j<nEvents[c->index]; j++)
- position[c->index][j] *= ((v4+v5) / v4);
- }
+ /* Calculate parsimony score of all trees relative to shortest tree (1.0) */
+ tInfo.totalScore = 0.0;
+ tInfo.stopScore = -1.0;
+ tInfo.minScore = curLength;
+ tInfo.warp = warp;
+ ExhaustiveParsimonySearch (subtree, chain, &tInfo);
+ /* Choose one of these trees randomly based on its score */
+ tInfo.stopScore = RandomNumber(seed) * tInfo.totalScore;
+ tInfo.totalScore = 0.0;
+ ExhaustiveParsimonySearch (subtree1, chain, &tInfo);
+ /* ShowNodes (subtree1->root, 0 , NO); */
+ /* getchar(); */
- /* adjust proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += n3 * log (v3new / v3);
+ /* Get length of that tree */
- /* adjust prior ratio */
- lambda = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].cppRate, chain, state[chain]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) += lambda * (v3 - v3new);
+ newLength = GetParsimonyLength (subtree1, chain);
- /* update effective branch lengths */
- if (UpdateCppEvolLengths (subParm, a, chain) == ERROR)
- {
- abortMove = YES;
- free (nSitesOfPat);
- return (NO_ERROR);
- }
+ /* Get the parsimony branch lengths of the new subtree */
+ GetParsimonyBrlens (subtree1, chain, parslensNew);
- if (UpdateCppEvolLengths (subParm, u, chain) == ERROR)
- {
- abortMove = YES;
- free (nSitesOfPat);
- return (NO_ERROR);
- }
- } /* end cpp events parameter */
- else if ( subParm->paramType == P_TK02BRANCHRATES ||
- (subParm->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES && *GetParamIntVals(subParm, chain, state[chain]) == RCL_TK02))
+ /* Find the maximum length of a branch */
+ maxLen = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<t->nRelParts; i++)
+ {
+ j = t->relParts[i];
+ m = &modelSettings[j];
+ maxLen += m->numUncompressedChars;
+ }
+ /* Find the Markov branch lengths of the new subtree */
+ /* Calculate Jacobian and prob ratio for the Dirichlet random number generator */
+ lnJacobian = lnRandomRatio = 0.0;
+ minLenCur = minLenNew = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<subtree1->nNodes-1; i++)
+ {
+ minLenCur += parslensCur[i];
+ minLenNew += parslensNew[i];
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<subtree1->nNodes-1; i++)
+ {
+ p = subtree1->allDownPass[i];
+ f = newLength / minLenNew;
+ alpha[0] = parslensNew[i] * f * alphaPi + 1.0;
+ alpha[1] = (maxLen - parslensNew[i] * f) * alphaPi + 1.0;
+ DirichletRandomVariable (alpha, prob, 2, seed);
+ if (prob[0] >= maxP || prob[0] <= minP)
- /* adjust prior ratio */
- if (subParm->paramType == P_TK02BRANCHRATES)
- nu = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].tk02var, chain, state[chain]);
- else
- nu = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].mixedvar, chain, state[chain]);
- tk02Rate = GetParamVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[u->anc->index], nu*(c->length+u->length), tk02Rate[c->index]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[c->anc->index], nu*c->length, tk02Rate[c->index]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[u->anc->index], nu*u->length, tk02Rate[u->index]);
- if (v->length > 0.0)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[v->anc->index], nu*v->length, tk02Rate[v->index]);
+ abortMove = YES;
+ return NO_ERROR;
+ }
- /* adjust effective branch lengths */
- brlens = GetParamSubVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
- brlens[c->index] = c->length * (tk02Rate[c->index] + tk02Rate[c->anc->index]) / 2.0;
- brlens[v->index] = v->length * (tk02Rate[v->index] + tk02Rate[v->anc->index]) / 2.0;
- brlens[u->index] = u->length * (tk02Rate[u->index] + tk02Rate[u->anc->index]) / 2.0;
- } /* end tk02 branch rate parameter */
- else if ( subParm->paramType == P_IGRBRANCHRATES ||
- (subParm->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES && *GetParamIntVals(subParm, chain, state[chain]) == RCL_IGR))
- {
- /* adjust prior ratio */
- if (subParm->paramType == P_IGRBRANCHRATES)
- igrvar = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].igrvar, chain, state[chain]);
- else
- igrvar = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].mixedvar, chain, state[chain]);
- igrRate = GetParamVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbGamma ((c->length+u->length)/igrvar, (c->length+u->length)/igrvar, igrRate[c->index]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbGamma (c->length/igrvar, c->length/igrvar, igrRate[c->index]);
- (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbGamma (u->length/igrvar, u->length/igrvar, igrRate[u->index]);
- if (v->length > 0.0)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbGamma (v->length/igrvar, v->length/igrvar, igrRate[v->index]);
+ p->length = (-3.0 / 4.0) * log (1.0 - 4.0 * prob[0] / 3.0);
+ lnJacobian += (-4.0 * brlensCur[i] / 3.0) - log (1.0 - 4.0 * prob[0] / 3.0);
+ lnRandomRatio -= log (pow (prob[0], alpha[0] - 1.0) * pow (prob[1], alpha[1] - 1.0));
+ f = curLength / minLenNew;
+ alpha[0] = parslensCur[i] * f * alphaPi + 1.0;
+ alpha[1] = (maxLen - parslensCur[i] * f) * alphaPi + 1.0;
+ prob[0] = 3.0 * ((1.0 / 4.0) - ((1.0 / 4.0) * exp (-4.0 * brlensCur[i] / 3.0)));
+ prob[1] = 1.0 - prob[0];
+ lnRandomRatio += log (pow (prob[0], alpha[0] - 1.0) * pow (prob[1], alpha[1] - 1.0));
+ }
- /* adjust effective branch lengths */
- brlens = GetParamSubVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
- brlens[v->index] = igrRate[v->index] * v->length;
- brlens[u->index] = igrRate[u->index] * u->length;
- brlens[c->index] = igrRate[c->index] * c->length;
- } /* end igr branch rate parameter */
- } /* next subparameter */
+ /* Store the new Markov branch lengths */
+ for (i=0; i<subtree1->nNodes-1; i++)
+ brlensNew[i] = subtree1->allDownPass[i]->length;
- /* set tiprobs update flags */
- c->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = YES;
- v->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* Calculate the proposal ratio */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = lnJacobian + lnRandomRatio + log (warp/3.0) * (curLength - newLength) + log (1.0-warp) * (newLength - curLength);
- /* set flags for update of cond likes down to root */
- p = u;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
+ /* Calculate the prior ratio */
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
+ newM = oldM = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<subtree->nNodes-1; i++)
+ {
+ oldM += brlensCur[i];
+ newM += brlensNew[i];
+ }
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (oldM - newM);
- p = b;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
+ /* Copy subtree into tree */
+ CopySubtreeToTree (subtree1, t);
+ /* ShowNodes (subtree1->root, 0, NO); */
+ /* ShowNodes (t->root, 0, NO); */
+ /* Update node sequences */
+ GetDownPass (t);
+ /* correct for difference in number of embedded subtrees */
+ if (GetRandomEmbeddedSubtree (t, nSubTerminals, seed, &i) == ERROR)
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Could not count number of subtrees in Move_ParsEraser1\n", spacer);
+ goto errorExit;
+ if (i != nEmbeddedTrees)
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log ((MrBFlt) nEmbeddedTrees / (MrBFlt) i);
+ /* Free memory allocated for this move */
+ free (subtree->allDownPass);
+ free (subtree->intDownPass);
+ free (subtree->nodes);
+ free (subtree1->allDownPass);
+ free (subtree1->intDownPass);
+ free (subtree1->nodes);
+ free (brlensCur);
+ free (tInfo.leaf);
- /* get down pass sequence */
- GetDownPass (t);
+ return (NO_ERROR);
- /* adjust prior ratio for clock tree */
- if (LogClockTreePriorRatio (param, chain, &x) == ERROR)
- {
- free (nSitesOfPat);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- (*lnPriorRatio) += x;
-# if defined (DEBUG_ParsSPRClock)
- ShowNodes (t->root, 2, YES);
- printf ("After\nProposal ratio: %f\n",(*lnProposalRatio));
- printf ("v: %d u: %d a: %d b: %d c: %d\n",v->index, u->index, a->index, b->index, c->index);
- getchar();
-# endif
+ free (subtree->allDownPass);
+ free (subtree->intDownPass);
+ free (subtree->nodes);
+ free (subtree1->allDownPass);
+ free (subtree1->intDownPass);
+ free (subtree1->nodes);
+ free (brlensCur);
+ free (tInfo.leaf);
- free (nSitesOfPat);
- return (NO_ERROR);
+ return (ERROR);
-int Move_ParsTBR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ParsSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* Change topology and map branch lengths using TBR-type move biased according to parsimony scores,
- controlled by a window defined by a certain node distance radius. */
- int i, j, k, n, division, topologyHasChanged, nNeighbor, nRoot, nCrown, iA, jC, isVPriorExp;
- BitsLong *pA, *pB, *pC, *pD, y[2];
- MrBFlt x, minV, maxV, brlensExp=0.0, minLength=0.0, length=0.0, *parLength=NULL, prob, ran, tuning, warpFactor,
- increaseProb, decreaseProb, v_typical, divFactor, nStates, rateMult, sum1, sum2, tempsum, tempc, tempy;
- CLFlt *nSites, *nSitesOfPat=NULL, *globalNSitesOfPat;
- TreeNode *p, *q, *r, *a, *b, *u, *v, *c, *d, *newB, *newA, *newC, **pRoot=NULL, **pCrown=NULL, *old=NULL, *tmp=NULL;
+ /* Change topology (and branch lengths) using SPR (asymmetric) biased according to parsimony scores. */
+ int i, j, n, division, topologyHasChanged, isVPriorExp;
+ BitsLong *pA, *pV, *pP, y[2];
+ MrBFlt x, minV, maxV, brlensExp=0.0, minLength=0.0, length=0.0,
+ cumulativeProb, warpFactor, ran, tuning, increaseProb, decreaseProb,
+ divFactor, nStates, rateMult, v_typical, sum1, sum2, tempsum, tempc, tempy;
+ CLFlt *nSitesOfPat, *nSites, *globalNSitesOfPat;
+ TreeNode *p, *q, *a, *b, *u, *v, *c=NULL, *d;
Tree *t;
ModelParams *mp;
- ModelInfo *m=NULL;
+ ModelInfo *m = NULL;
warpFactor = mvp[0]; /* tuning parameter determining how heavily to weight according to parsimony scores */
increaseProb = decreaseProb = mvp[1]; /* reweighting probabilities */
v_typical = mvp[2]; /* typical branch length for conversion of parsimony score to log prob ratio */
- tuning = mvp[3]; /* multiplier tuning parameter */
- nNeighbor = (int)mvp[4]; /* distance to move picked branch in root and crown part */
+ tuning = mvp[3]; /* multiplier tuning parameter */
(*lnProposalRatio) = (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
/* get model params and model info */
mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
/* get tree */
t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
/* max and min brlen */
if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
minV = mp->brlensUni[0] > BRLENS_MIN ? mp->brlensUni[0] : BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = mp->brlensUni[1];
+ maxV = mp->brlensUni[1] < BRLENS_MAX ? mp->brlensUni[1] : BRLENS_MAX;
isVPriorExp = NO;
else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_GamDir)
@@ -11602,6 +8954,13 @@ int Move_ParsTBR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
/* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
if (isVPriorExp > 1)
(*lnPriorRatio) = -LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
+# if defined (DEBUG_ParsSPR)
+ // WriteTopologyToFile (stdout, t->root->left, t->isRooted); fprintf (stdout, ";\t");
+ printf ("Before:\n");
+ ShowNodes (t->root, 2, YES);
+ getchar();
+# endif
/* set topologyHasChanged to NO */
topologyHasChanged = NO;
@@ -11610,114 +8969,76 @@ int Move_ParsTBR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
p = t->allDownPass[i];
- p->x = 0;
p->marked = NO;
+ p->d = 0;
- /* pick an internal branch */
- do {
- p = t->intDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed)*(t->nIntNodes-1))];
+ /* pick a random branch */
+ p = t->allDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed) * (t->nNodes -2))];
+ q = p->anc->right;
+ if (q == p)
q = p->anc->left;
- if (q == p) q = p->anc->right;
- i = j = 0;
- if (q->isLocked == YES || q->left == NULL)
- i++;
- if (p->anc->isLocked == YES || p->anc->anc->anc == NULL)
- i++;
- if (p->left->isLocked == YES || p->left->left == NULL)
- j++;
- if (p->right->isLocked == YES || p->right->left == NULL)
- j++;
+ if ((p->anc->anc->anc == NULL || p->anc->isLocked == YES) && (q->left == NULL || q->isLocked == YES))
+ {
+ abortMove = YES;
+ return (NO_ERROR);
- while (i == 2 && j == 2);
/* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
- v = p; u = p->anc;
- c = p->left; d = p->right;
- if (u->left == v) a = u->right;
- else a = u->left;
+ v = p;
+ u = p->anc;
+ if (u->left == v)
+ a = u->right;
+ else
+ a = u->left;
b = u->anc;
- /* clip root part of tree */
+ /* clip tree */
a->anc = b;
- if (b->left == u) b->left = a;
- else b->right = a;
- /* clip crown part of tree */
- c->anc = d;
- d->anc = c;
- /* should never change u, v, a, b, c, d pointers */
+ if (b->left == u)
+ b->left = a;
+ else
+ b->right = a;
- /* mark nodes nNeighbor away in root (negative) and crown (positive) respecting constraints */
- /* first move down towards root */
- nRoot = nCrown = 0;
+ /* get final parsimony states for the root part */
+ GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ /* get downpass parsimony states for the crown part */
+ GetParsDP (t, v, chain);
+ /* mark all nodes in the root part of the tree, taking constraints into account */
+ /* first mark a */
+ a->marked = YES;
+ /* then move down towards root */
if (u->isLocked == NO)
- p = a; q = b; n = 0;
- while (q->anc != NULL)
+ p = a->anc;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
- q->marked = YES;
- q->x = n; // temporary, for MarkDistance below
- if (q->left == p)
- MarkDistance(q->right, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
- else
- MarkDistance(q->left, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
- q->x = --n; // final
- nRoot++;
- if (q->isLocked == YES || abs(q->x) >= nNeighbor)
+ p->marked = YES;
+ if (p->isLocked == YES)
- p = q; q = q->anc;
+ p = p->anc;
- /* then move up in root part */
- a->marked = YES; nRoot++;
- if (a->isLocked == NO)
- {
- MarkDistance(a->left, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
- MarkDistance(a->right, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
- }
- /* finally in crown part */
- c->marked = YES; nCrown++;
- if (c->isLocked == NO)
- {
- MarkDistance(c->left, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
- MarkDistance(c->right, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
- }
- if (d->isLocked == NO)
- {
- MarkDistance(d->left, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
- MarkDistance(d->right, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
- }
- /* need to alloc a matrix for parsimony lengths, an array of pointers to crown part,
- and an array of pointers to root part. */
- parLength = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (nRoot*nCrown, sizeof(MrBFlt));
- pRoot = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc(nRoot, sizeof(TreeNode *));
- pCrown = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc(nCrown, sizeof(TreeNode *));
- if (!parLength || !pRoot || !pCrown) goto errorExit;
- /* starting position */
- pRoot[0] = a; pCrown[0] = c;
- for (i=j=1, n=t->nNodes-2; n>=0; n--)
- { /* and the rest */
- p = t->allDownPass[n];
- if (p->marked == YES && p->x < 0)
- pRoot[i++] = p;
- if (p->marked == YES && p->x > 0)
- pCrown[j++] = p;
+ /* finally move up */
+ for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
+ {
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == NO && p->anc->marked == YES && p->anc->isLocked == NO && p != u)
+ p->marked = YES;
- assert(i==nRoot && j==nCrown);
- /* get final parsimony state sets for the root part */
- GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
- GetParsFP (t, t->root->left, chain);
- /* get final parsimony state sets for the crown part */
- GetParsDP (t, c, chain);
- GetParsDP (t, d, chain);
- GetParsFP (t, c, chain);
- GetParsFP (t, d, chain);
/* find number of site patterns and modify randomly */
globalNSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + (chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars + m->compCharStart;
nSitesOfPat = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (numCompressedChars, sizeof(CLFlt));
- if (!nSitesOfPat) goto errorExit;
+ if (!nSitesOfPat)
+ {
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating nSitesOfPat in Move_ParsSPR\n", spacer);
+ return (ERROR);
+ }
for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
nSitesOfPat[i] = globalNSitesOfPat[i];
@@ -11732,278 +9053,211 @@ int Move_ParsTBR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
/* cycle through the possibilities and record the parsimony length */
- for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == NO)
+ continue;
+ /* find the parsimony length */
+ p->d = 0.0;
+ for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
- parLength[i+j*nRoot] = 0.0;
- for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
+ division = t->relParts[n];
+ /* Find model settings */
+ m = &modelSettings[division];
+ /* find nSitesOfPat */
+ nSites = nSitesOfPat + m->compCharStart;
+ /* find downpass parsimony sets for the node and its environment */
+ pP = m->parsSets[p->index];
+ pA = m->parsSets[p->anc->index];
+ pV = m->parsSets[v->index];
+ length = 0.0;
+ if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
- division = t->relParts[n];
- /* Find model settings */
- m = &modelSettings[division];
- /* find nStates and ratemult */
- nStates = m->numModelStates;
- if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
- nStates = 2;
- rateMult = GetRate(division, chain);
- /* find nSitesOfPat */
- nSites = nSitesOfPat + m->compCharStart;
- /* get division warp factor (prop. to prob. of change) */
- divFactor = - warpFactor * log((1.0/nStates) - exp(-nStates/(nStates-1)*v_typical*rateMult)/nStates);
- /* find downpass parsimony sets for the potential new connection nodes and their environment */
- pA = m->parsSets[pRoot[i]->index];
- pB = m->parsSets[pRoot[i]->anc->index];
- pC = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->index];
- pD = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->anc->index];
- length = 0.0;
- if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
+ for (j=0; j<m->numChars; j++)
- for (k=0; k<m->numChars; k++)
- {
- y[0] = (pC[k] | pD[k]) & (pA[k] | pB[k]);
- if (y[0] == 0)
- length += nSites[k];
- }
+ y[0] = (pP[j] | pA[j]) & pV[j];
+ if (y[0] == 0)
+ length += nSites[j];
- else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
+ }
+ else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<2*m->numChars; j+=2)
- for (k=0; k<2*m->numChars; k+=2)
- {
- y[0] = (pC[k] | pD[k]) & (pA[k] | pB[k]);
- y[1] = (pC[k+1] | pD[k+1]) & (pA[k+1] | pB[k+1]);;
- if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
- length += nSites[k/2];
- }
+ y[0] = (pP[j] | pA[j]) & pV[j];
+ y[1] = (pP[j+1] | pA[j+1]) & pV[j+1];
+ if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
+ length += nSites[j/2];
- parLength[i+j*nRoot] += divFactor * length;
+ /* find nStates and ratemult */
+ nStates = m->numModelStates;
+ if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
+ nStates = 2;
+ rateMult = GetRate(division, chain);
+ /* get division warp factor */
+ divFactor = - warpFactor * log((1.0/nStates) - exp(-nStates/(nStates-1)*v_typical*rateMult)/nStates);
+ p->d += divFactor * length;
- /* find the min length and the sum for the forward move */
+ /* find the min length and the sum for the forward move */
minLength = -1.0;
- for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
- for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- {
- if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
- continue;
- if (minLength > parLength[i+j*nRoot] || minLength < 0.0)
- minLength = parLength[i+j*nRoot];
- }
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ {
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == NO || p == a)
+ continue;
+ if (minLength < 0.0 || p->d < minLength)
+ minLength = p->d;
+ }
sum1 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
- for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ {
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == YES && p != a)
- if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
- continue;
/* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
- tempsum = sum1 + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - sum1) - tempy;
+ tempy = exp (minLength - p->d) - tempc;
+ tempsum = sum1 + tempy;
+ tempc = (tempsum - sum1) - tempy;
sum1 = tempsum;
- // sum1 += exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
- // printf("%d %d %lf\n", i, j, exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]));
+ }
/* generate a random uniform */
ran = RandomNumber(seed) * sum1;
/* select the appropriate reattachment point */
- newA = a; newC = c;
- prob = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
- for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ cumulativeProb = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ {
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == YES && p != a)
- if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
- continue;
- // prob += exp (minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
+ c = p;
/* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
- tempsum = prob + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - prob) - tempy;
- prob = tempsum;
- if (prob > ran) {
- /* proposed new attaching position */
- newA = pRoot[i];
- newC = pCrown[j];
- goto outLoop;
- }
+ tempy = exp (minLength - p->d) - tempc;
+ tempsum = cumulativeProb + tempy;
+ tempc = (tempsum - cumulativeProb) - tempy;
+ cumulativeProb = tempsum;
+ if (cumulativeProb > ran)
+ break;
- iA = i; jC = j;
+ }
/* calculate the proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) = parLength[i+j*nRoot] - minLength + log(sum1);
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = c->d - minLength + log(sum1);
/* find the min length and the sum for the backward move */
minLength = -1.0;
- for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
- for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- {
- if (i == iA && j == jC) // exclude new position
- continue;
- if (minLength > parLength[i+j*nRoot] || minLength < 0.0)
- minLength = parLength[i+j*nRoot];
- }
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ {
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == NO || p == c)
+ continue;
+ if (minLength < 0.0 || p->d < minLength)
+ minLength = p->d;
+ }
sum2 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
- for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
- for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ {
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == YES && p != c)
- if (i == iA && j == jC) // exclude new position
- continue;
/* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
- tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
- tempsum = sum2 + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - sum2) - tempy;
+ tempy = exp (minLength - p->d) - tempc;
+ tempsum = sum2 + tempy;
+ tempc = (tempsum - sum2) - tempy;
sum2 = tempsum;
- // sum2 += exp (minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
- // printf("%d %d %lf\n", i, j, exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]));
+ }
/* calculate the proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += minLength - parLength[0] - log(sum2);
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += minLength - a->d - log(sum2);
- /* reattach the root part */
- newB = newA->anc;
- newA->anc = u;
+ /* reattach */
+ d = c->anc;
+ c->anc = u;
if (u->left == v)
- u->right = newA;
+ u->right = c;
- u->left = newA;
- u->anc = newB;
- if (newB->left == newA)
- newB->left = u;
+ u->left = c;
+ if (d->left == c)
+ d->left = u;
- newB->right = u;
+ d->right = u;
+ u->anc = d;
- /* transfer lock and reassign branch lengths, if necessary */
- if (newA != a)
+ /* c cannot be a, as a is skiped in the selection for reattachment point */
+ assert (c != a);
+ /* transfer lock if necessary */
+ /* if u is locked, then we have moved upwards and need to leave the u lock behind */
+ if (u->isLocked == YES)
- /* if u is locked, then we have moved upwards and need to leave the u lock behind */
- if (u->isLocked == YES)
- {
- u->isLocked = NO;
- a->isLocked = YES;
- a->lockID = u->lockID;
- u->lockID = -1;
- }
+ u->isLocked = NO;
+ a->isLocked = YES;
+ a->lockID = u->lockID;
+ u->lockID = -1;
+ }
+ /* if c is on root path and locked, we need to transfer lock to u */
+ p = b;
+ while (p != NULL)
+ {
+ if (p == c)
+ break;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ if (p == c && c->isLocked == YES)
+ {
+ u->isLocked = YES;
+ u->lockID = c->lockID;
+ c->isLocked = NO;
+ c->lockID = -1;
+ }
- p = newA;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- if (p == a) break;
- p = p->anc;
- }
+ /* reassign branch lengths */
+ p = c;
+ while (p->anc->anc != NULL)
+ {
if (p == a)
- {
- /* newA is descendant to a so move a->length not u->length */
- x = u->length;
- u->length = a->length;
- a->length = x;
- }
- p = b;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- if (p == newA) break;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- if (p == newA)
- {
- /* newA is ancestor to a so insert above instead of below */
- x = newA->length;
- newA->length = u->length;
- u->length = x;
- /* newA is on root path and locked, we need to transfer lock to u */
- if (newA->isLocked == YES) {
- u->isLocked = YES;
- u->lockID = newA->lockID;
- newA->isLocked = NO;
- newA->lockID = -1;
- }
- }
- /* hit u length with multiplier */
- x = u->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / u->length);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (u->length - x);
- u->length = x;
- /* set tiprobs update flags */
- u->upDateTi = YES;
- newA->upDateTi = YES;
- a->upDateTi = YES;
+ break;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ if (p == a)
+ {
+ /* c is descendant to a so move a->length and not u->length */
+ x = u->length;
+ u->length = a->length;
+ a->length = x;
+ }
+ p = a;
+ while (p->anc->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ if (p == c)
+ break;
+ p = p->anc;
- /* alloc temp tree nodes */
- old = (TreeNode *) SafeCalloc (1, sizeof (TreeNode));
- tmp = (TreeNode *) SafeCalloc (1, sizeof (TreeNode));
- if (old == NULL || tmp == NULL) goto errorExit;
- r = newC;
- q = newB = newC->anc;
- if (newC != c) // crown part has changed
+ if (p == c)
- /* rotate nodes from newC to c or d (whichever is closest) */
- CopyTreeNodes (old, r, 0);
- while (r != c && r != d)
- {
- p = q->anc;
- /* rotate pointers of q */
- if (q->left == r)
- q->left = p;
- else
- q->right = p;
- q->anc = r;
- /* swap q and old */
- CopyTreeNodes (tmp, q, 0);
- CopyTreeNodes (q, old, 0);
- CopyTreeNodes (old, tmp, 0);
- /* make sure we get q and r initialized for next round */
- r = q;
- q = p;
- }
- CopyTreeNodes (newC->anc, old, 0);
- /* hit newB length with multiplier */
- x = newB->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / newB->length);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (newB->length - x);
- newB->length = x;
- newB->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* c is ancestor to a so insert above instead of below */
+ x = c->length;
+ c->length = u->length;
+ u->length = x;
- /* reattach the crown part */
- v->left = newC;
- v->right = newB;
- newC->anc = newB->anc = v;
topologyHasChanged = YES;
- /* hit v length with multiplier */
- x = v->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ /* hit c length with multiplier (a and u dealt with below) */
+ x = c->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
while (x < minV || x > maxV)
if (x < minV)
@@ -12012,38 +9266,62 @@ outLoop:;
x = maxV * maxV / x;
/* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / v->length);
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / c->length);
if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (v->length - x);
- v->length = x;
- v->upDateTi = YES;
- /* set flags for update of cond likes */
- p = u;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (c->length - x);
+ c->length = x;
+ /* hit a length with multiplier */
+ x = a->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
+ if (x < minV)
+ x = minV * minV / x;
+ else if (x > maxV)
+ x = maxV * maxV / x;
- p = b;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / a->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (a->length - x);
+ a->length = x;
+ /* hit u length with multiplier */
+ x = u->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
+ if (x < minV)
+ x = minV * minV / x;
+ else if (x > maxV)
+ x = maxV * maxV / x;
- p = newC;
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / u->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (u->length - x);
+ u->length = x;
+ /* set tiprobs update flags */
+ a->upDateTi = YES;
+ u->upDateTi = YES;
+ c->upDateTi = YES; /* could be same as a but that does not matter */
+ /* set flags for update of cond likes from u and down to root */
+ p = u;
while (p->anc != NULL)
p->upDateCl = YES;
p = p->anc;
- p = r;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
+ /* set flags for update of cond likes from b and down to root */
+ p = b;
+ while (p->anc != NULL && p->upDateCl == NO)
- p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
p = p->anc;
/* get down pass sequence if tree topology has changed */
if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
@@ -12054,2056 +9332,2459 @@ outLoop:;
if (isVPriorExp > 1)
(*lnPriorRatio) += LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
- gNodeMoves = nRootNodes;
+# if defined (DEBUG_ParsSPR)
+ // WriteTopologyToFile (stdout, t->root->left, t->isRooted);
+ // fprintf (stdout, ";\t"); fprintf (stdout, "%lf\n", *lnProposalRatio);
+ printf ("After:\n");
+ ShowNodes (t->root, 2, YES);
+ getchar();
+ printf ("Proposal ratio: %f\n",(*lnProposalRatio));
+ printf ("v: %d u: %d a: %d b: %d\n",v->index, u->index, a->index, b->index);
+ printf ("Has topology changed? %d\n",topologyHasChanged);
+ getchar();
# endif
- /* free up local memory */
- free (parLength); free (pRoot); free (pCrown);
- free (nSitesOfPat); free (old); free (tmp);
- return (NO_ERROR);
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating memory in Move_ParsTBR\n", spacer);
- free (parLength); free (pRoot); free (pCrown);
- free (nSitesOfPat); free (old); free (tmp);
+ free (nSitesOfPat);
- return (ERROR);
+ return (NO_ERROR);
-int Move_Pinvar (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ParsSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* change proportion of invariable sites (pInvar) */
- int i, c, isValidP, *rateCat, nGammaCats;
- MrBFlt oldP, newP, window, minP, maxP, ran, lnInvarRatio, lnVarRatio;
- CLFlt *nSitesOfPat;
- ModelParams *mp;
- ModelInfo *m;
- /* get size of window, centered on current pInvar value */
- window = mvp[0];
- /* get model params */
+ /* Change topology (and branch lengths) using SPR (symmetric) biased according to parsimony scores,
+ controlled by a window defined by a certain node distance radius. Note: w = e^{-S} */
+ int i, j, k, n, division, topologyHasChanged, moveInRoot, nNeighbor, nRoot, nCrown, iA, jC, isVPriorExp;
+ BitsLong *pA, *pB, *pP, *pC, *pD, y[2];
+ MrBFlt x, minV, maxV, brlensExp=0.0, minLength=0.0, length=0.0, *parLength=NULL, prob, ran, tuning, warpFactor,
+ sum1, sum2, tempsum, tempc, tempy;
+ CLFlt *nSites, *nSitesOfPat=NULL, *globalNSitesOfPat;
+ TreeNode *p, *q, *r, *a, *b, *u, *v, *c, *d, *newB, *newA, *newC, **pRoot=NULL, **pCrown=NULL;
+ Tree *t;
+ ModelParams *mp;
+ ModelInfo *m=NULL;
+ warpFactor = mvp[0]; /* tuning parameter determining how heavily to weight according to parsimony scores */
+// increaseProb = decreaseProb = mvp[1]; /* reweighting probabilities */
+// v_typical = mvp[2]; /* typical branch length for conversion of parsimony score to log prob ratio */
+ tuning = mvp[3]; /* multiplier tuning parameter */
+ nNeighbor = (int)mvp[4]; /* distance to move picked branch in root and crown part */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
+ /* get model params and model info */
mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
+ m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
- /* get minimum and maximum values for pInvar */
- minP = mp->pInvarUni[0];
- maxP = mp->pInvarUni[1];
+ /* get tree */
+ t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
+ /* max and min brlen */
+ if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
+ {
+ minV = mp->brlensUni[0] > BRLENS_MIN ? mp->brlensUni[0] : BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = mp->brlensUni[1] < BRLENS_MAX ? mp->brlensUni[1] : BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = NO;
+ }
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_GamDir)
+ {
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = 2;
+ }
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_iGmDir)
+ {
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = 3;
+ }
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_twoExp)
+ {
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ brlensExp = mp->brlensExp;
+ isVPriorExp = YES;
+ }
- /* get old value of pInvar */
- newP = oldP = *GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
+ /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
+ if (isVPriorExp > 1)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) = -LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
+ /* set topologyHasChanged to NO */
+ topologyHasChanged = NO;
+ /* pick a random branch */
+ do {
+ p = t->allDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed) * (t->nNodes -1))];
+ q = p->anc->right; if (q == p) q = p->anc->left;
+ i = j = 0;
+ if (p->left == NULL)
+ j = 2;
+ if (p->anc->anc == NULL)
+ i = 2;
+ if (p->anc->anc != NULL && (p->anc->isLocked == YES || p->anc->anc->anc == NULL))
+ i++;
+ if (p->anc->anc != NULL && (q->isLocked == YES || q->left == NULL))
+ i++;
+ if (p->left != NULL && (p->left->isLocked == YES || p->left->left == NULL))
+ j++;
+ if (p->left != NULL && (p->right->isLocked == YES || p->right->left == NULL))
+ j++;
+ } while (i == 2 && j == 2);
+ /* determine moving direction */
+ if (j == 2)
+ moveInRoot = YES;
+ else if (i == 2)
+ moveInRoot = NO;
+ else if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
+ moveInRoot = YES;
+ else
+ moveInRoot = NO;
- /* change value for pInvar */
- ran = RandomNumber(seed);
- if (maxP-minP < window)
+ /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
+ /* should never change u, v, a, b, c, d pointers */
+ v = p;
+ u = p->anc;
+ if (u->left == v)
+ a = u->right;
+ else
+ a = u->left;
+ b = u->anc;
+ c = v->left;
+ d = v->right;
+ /* reset node variables that will be used */
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- window = maxP-minP;
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ p->x = 0;
+ p->marked = NO;
- newP = oldP + window * (ran - 0.5);
- /* check validity */
- isValidP = NO;
- do
+ /* mark nodes nNeighbor away in root (negative) or crown (positive) respecting constraints */
+ nRoot = nCrown = 1;
+ if (moveInRoot == YES)
- if (newP < minP)
- newP = 2* minP - newP;
- else if (newP > maxP)
- newP = 2 * maxP - newP;
+ /* clip root part of tree */
+ a->anc = b;
+ if (b->left == u)
+ b->left = a;
- isValidP = YES;
- } while (isValidP == NO);
- /* get proposal ratio */
- *lnProposalRatio = 0.0;
+ b->right = a;
- /* get prior ratio */
- *lnPriorRatio = 0.0;
- lnInvarRatio = log(newP) - log(oldP);
- lnVarRatio = log(1.0-newP) - log(1.0-oldP);
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- {
- m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[i]];
- if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
+ /* mark the root part */
+ if (u->isLocked == NO )
- /* find rate category index and number of gamma categories */
- rateCat = m->tiIndex + chain * m->numChars;
- nGammaCats = m->numGammaCats;
- /* find nSitesOfPat */
- nSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + ((chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains)*numCompressedChars) + m->compCharStart;
- /* loop over characters */
- for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
+ p = a; q = b; n = 0;
+ while (q->anc != NULL)
- if (rateCat[c] < nGammaCats)
- *lnPriorRatio += lnVarRatio * nSitesOfPat[c];
+ q->marked = YES;
+ q->x = n; // temporary, for MarkDistance below
+ if (q->left == p)
+ MarkDistance(q->right, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
- *lnPriorRatio += lnInvarRatio * nSitesOfPat[c];
+ MarkDistance(q->left, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
+ q->x = --n; // final
+ nRoot++;
+ if (q->isLocked == YES || abs(q->x) >= nNeighbor)
+ break;
+ p = q; q = q->anc;
+ if (a->isLocked == NO)
+ {
+ MarkDistance(a->left, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
+ MarkDistance(a->right, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
+ }
+ /* get final parsimony states for the root part */
+ GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ /* get final parsimony states for the crown part */
+ GetParsDP (t, v, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, v, chain);
- /* copy new pInvar value back */
- *GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]) = newP;
+ else /* moveInRoot == NO */
+ {
+ /* clip crown part of tree */
+ c->anc = d;
+ d->anc = c;
- /* Set update flags for all partitions that share this pInvar. Note that the conditional
- likelihood update flags for divisions have been set before we even call this function. */
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
- /* However, you do need to update cijk flags if this is a covarion model */
- /* TO DO */
+ /* mark the crown part */
+ if (c->isLocked == NO)
+ {
+ MarkDistance(c->left, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
+ MarkDistance(c->right, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
+ }
+ if (d->isLocked == NO)
+ {
+ MarkDistance(d->left, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
+ MarkDistance(d->right, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
+ }
+ /* get final parsimony states for the root part */
+ if (u->anc != NULL) {
+ a->anc = b; /* clip */
+ if (b->left == u) b->left = a;
+ else b->right = a;
+ GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ a->anc = u; /* change back */
+ if (b->left == a) b->left = u;
+ else b->right = u;
+ }
+ /* get final parsimony states for the crown part */
+ GetParsDP (t, c, chain);
+ GetParsDP (t, d, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, c, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, d, chain);
+ }
- return (NO_ERROR);
-int Move_PopSize_M (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- int isValidN, valIndex;
- MrBFlt *valPtr, oldN, newN, tuning, minN, maxN, ran, oldLnPrior, newLnPrior, growth,
- oldT, newT, clockRate;
- ModelParams *mp;
- ModelInfo *m;
- Tree *t;
- /* get multiplier tuning parameter */
- tuning = mvp[0];
+ /* find number of site patterns and modify randomly */
+ globalNSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + (chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars + m->compCharStart;
+ nSitesOfPat = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (numCompressedChars, sizeof(CLFlt));
+ if (!nSitesOfPat) goto errorExit;
+ for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
+ {
+ nSitesOfPat[i] = globalNSitesOfPat[i];
+ /* for (j=0; j<globalNSitesOfPat[i]; j++)
+ {
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed);
+ if (ran < decreaseProb)
+ nSitesOfPat[i]--;
+ else if (ran > 1.0 - increaseProb)
+ nSitesOfPat[i]++;
+ } // this is slow at the moment */
+ }
- /* get model params */
- mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
+ /* need to alloc a matrix for parsimony lengths, an array of pointers to crown part,
+ and an array of pointers to root part. */
+ parLength = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)nRoot * (size_t)nCrown, sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ pRoot = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc(nRoot, sizeof(TreeNode *));
+ pCrown = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc(nCrown, sizeof(TreeNode *));
+ if (!parLength || !pRoot || !pCrown) goto errorExit;
- /* get model settings */
- m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
- /* get minimum and maximum values for population size */
- if (param->paramId == POPSIZE_UNI)
- {
- minN = mp->popSizeUni[0];
- maxN = mp->popSizeUni[1];
+ /* starting position */
+ pRoot[0] = a; pCrown[0] = c;
+ for (i=j=1, n=t->nNodes-2; n>=0; n--)
+ { /* and the rest */
+ p = t->allDownPass[n];
+ if (p->marked == YES && p->x < 0)
+ pRoot[i++] = p;
+ if (p->marked == YES && p->x > 0)
+ pCrown[j++] = p;
- else
+ assert (i==nRoot && j==nCrown);
+ /* cycle through the possibilities and record the parsimony length */
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
- minN = 0.00001;
- maxN = 10000000;
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ parLength[i+j*nRoot] = 0.0;
+ for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
+ {
+ division = t->relParts[n];
+ /* Find model settings */
+ m = &modelSettings[division];
+ /* find nSitesOfPat */
+ nSites = nSitesOfPat + m->compCharStart;
+ /* find parsimony length for each candidate position */
+ length = 0.0;
+ if (moveInRoot == YES)
+ {
+ pA = m->parsSets[pRoot[i]->index];
+ pB = m->parsSets[pRoot[i]->anc->index];
+ pP = m->parsSets[v->index];
+ if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<m->numChars; k++)
+ {
+ y[0] = (pA[k] | pB[k]) & pP[k];
+ if (y[0] == 0)
+ length += nSites[k];
+ }
+ }
+ else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<2*m->numChars; k+=2)
+ {
+ y[0] = (pA[k] | pB[k]) & pP[k];
+ y[1] = (pA[k+1] | pB[k+1]) & pP[k+1];
+ if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
+ length += nSites[k/2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (u->anc == NULL)
+ {
+ pP = m->parsSets[u->index];
+ pC = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->index];
+ pD = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->anc->index];
+ if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<m->numChars; k++)
+ {
+ y[0] = pP[k] & (pC[k] | pD[k]);
+ if (y[0] == 0)
+ length += nSites[k];
+ }
+ }
+ else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<2*m->numChars; k+=2)
+ {
+ y[0] = pP[k] & (pC[k] | pD[k]);
+ y[1] = pP[k+1] & (pC[k+1] | pD[k+1]);
+ if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
+ length += nSites[k/2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pA = m->parsSets[a->index];
+ pB = m->parsSets[b->index];
+ pC = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->index];
+ pD = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->anc->index];
+ if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<m->numChars; k++)
+ {
+ y[0] = (pA[k] | pB[k]) & (pC[k] | pD[k]);
+ if (y[0] == 0)
+ length += nSites[k];
+ }
+ }
+ else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<2*m->numChars; k+=2)
+ {
+ y[0] = (pA[k] | pB[k]) & (pC[k] | pD[k]);
+ y[1] = (pA[k+1] | pB[k+1]) & (pC[k+1] | pD[k+1]);
+ if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
+ length += nSites[k/2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* get division warp factor */
+ parLength[i+j*nRoot] += warpFactor * length;
+ }
+ }
+ /* find the min length and the sum for the forward move */
+ minLength = -1.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
+ continue;
+ if (minLength > parLength[i+j*nRoot] || minLength < 0.0)
+ minLength = parLength[i+j*nRoot];
+ }
+ sum1 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
+ continue;
+ /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
+ tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
+ tempsum = sum1 + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - sum1) - tempy;
+ sum1 = tempsum;
+ // sum1 += exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
+ // printf("%d %d %lf\n", i, j, exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]));
+ }
- /* get pointer to value to be changed */
- valIndex = (int)(RandomNumber(seed) * param->nValues);
- valPtr = GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]) + valIndex;
- /* get old value of population size */
- oldN = *valPtr;
- /* get old prior for species tree coalescence */
- if (m->brlens->paramId == BRLENS_CLOCK_SPCOAL)
- {
- oldLnPrior = LnSpeciesTreeProb(chain);
- }
+ /* generate a random uniform */
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed) * sum1;
- /* change value for theta */
- ran = RandomNumber(seed);
- newN = oldN * exp(tuning * (ran - 0.5));
+ /* select the appropriate reattachment point */
+ newA = a; newC = c;
+ prob = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
+ continue;
+ // prob += exp (minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
+ /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
+ tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
+ tempsum = prob + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - prob) - tempy;
+ prob = tempsum;
+ if (prob > ran) {
+ /* proposed new attaching position */
+ newA = pRoot[i];
+ newC = pCrown[j];
+ goto outLoop;
+ }
+ }
+ iA = i; jC = j;
+ /* calculate the proposal ratio */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = parLength[i+j*nRoot] - minLength + log(sum1);
+ /* find the min length and the sum for the backward move */
+ minLength = -1.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == iA && j == jC) // exclude new position
+ continue;
+ if (minLength > parLength[i+j*nRoot] || minLength < 0.0)
+ minLength = parLength[i+j*nRoot];
+ }
+ sum2 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == iA && j == jC) // exclude new position
+ continue;
+ /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
+ tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
+ tempsum = sum2 + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - sum2) - tempy;
+ sum2 = tempsum;
+ // sum2 += exp (minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
+ // printf("%d %d %lf\n", i, j, exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]));
+ }
- /* check that new value is valid */
- isValidN = NO;
- do {
- if (newN < minN)
- newN = 2* minN - newN;
- else if (newN > maxN)
- newN = 2 * maxN - newN;
- else
- isValidN = YES;
- }
- while (isValidN == NO);
- /* copy new population size value back */
- (*valPtr) = newN;
- /* get proposal ratio */
- *lnProposalRatio = log (newN / oldN);
+ /* calculate the proposal ratio */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += minLength - parLength[0] - log(sum2);
- /* get prior ratio */
- if (m->brlens->paramId == BRLENS_CLOCK_SPCOAL)
- {
- newLnPrior = LnSpeciesTreeProb(chain);
- }
- else
+ if (moveInRoot == YES) /* root part has changed */
- t = GetTree(modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].brlens,chain,state[chain]);
- m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
- clockRate = *GetParamVals(m->clockRate, chain, state[chain]);
- if (!strcmp(mp->ploidy, "Diploid"))
- clockRate *= 4.0;
- else if (!strcmp(mp->ploidy, "Zlinked"))
- clockRate *= 3.0;
+ /* reattach the root part */
+ newB = newA->anc;
+ newA->anc = u;
+ if (u->left == v)
+ u->right = newA;
- clockRate *= 2.0;
- newT = oldN * clockRate;
- oldT = newN * clockRate;
- if (!strcmp(mp->growthPr, "Fixed"))
- growth = mp->growthFix;
+ u->left = newA;
+ u->anc = newB;
+ if (newB->left == newA)
+ newB->left = u;
- growth = *(GetParamVals (m->growthRate, chain, state[chain]));
- if (LnCoalescencePriorPr (t, &oldLnPrior, oldT, growth) == ERROR)
+ newB->right = u;
+ /* if u is locked, then we have moved upwards and need to leave the u lock behind */
+ if (u->isLocked == YES)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem calculating prior for coalescent process\n", spacer);
- return (ERROR);
+ u->isLocked = NO;
+ a->isLocked = YES;
+ a->lockID = u->lockID;
+ u->lockID = -1;
- if (LnCoalescencePriorPr (t, &newLnPrior, newT, growth) == ERROR)
+ p = newA;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem calculating prior for coalescent process\n", spacer);
- return (ERROR);
+ if (p == a) break;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ if (p == a)
+ {
+ /* newA is descendant to a so move a->length not u->length */
+ x = u->length;
+ u->length = a->length;
+ a->length = x;
- }
- (*lnPriorRatio) = param->LnPriorRatio(newN, oldN, param->priorParams);
- (*lnPriorRatio) += newLnPrior - oldLnPrior;
- return (NO_ERROR);
-/* Generalized lognormal move for positive real random variables */
-int Move_PosRealLognormal (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- int i;
- MrBFlt oldX, newX, minX, maxX, tuning, u, z;
- /* get tuning parameter */
- tuning = mvp[0];
+ p = b;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ if (p == newA) break;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ if (p == newA)
+ {
+ /* newA is ancestor to a so insert above instead of below */
+ x = newA->length;
+ newA->length = u->length;
+ u->length = x;
+ /* newA is on root path and locked, we need to transfer lock to u */
+ if (newA->isLocked == YES) {
+ u->isLocked = YES;
+ u->lockID = newA->lockID;
+ newA->isLocked = NO;
+ newA->lockID = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* hit a length with multiplier */
+ x = a->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / a->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (a->length - x);
+ a->length = x;
- /* get minimum and maximum values for X */
- minX = param->min;
- maxX = param->max;
+ /* hit u length with multiplier */
+ x = u->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / u->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (u->length - x);
+ u->length = x;
- /* get old value of X */
- newX = oldX = *GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
+ /* hit newA length with multiplier */
+ x = newA->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / newA->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (newA->length - x);
+ newA->length = x;
+ /* set tiprobs update flags */
+ newA->upDateTi = YES;
+ a->upDateTi = YES;
+ u->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* set flags for update of cond likes */
+ p = u;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ p = b;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ }
+ if (moveInRoot == NO) /* crown part has changed */
+ {
+ r = newC;
+ q = newB = newC->anc;
+ /* rotate nodes from newC to c or d (whichever is closest) */
+ tempc = r->length;
+ while (r != c && r != d)
+ {
+ p = q->anc;
+ /* rotate pointers of q */
+ if (q->left == r)
+ q->left = p;
+ else
+ q->right = p;
+ q->anc = r;
+ /* swap q and old */
+ tempy = q->length;
+ q->length = tempc;
+ q->upDateTi = YES;
+ tempc = tempy;
+ /* make sure we get q and r initialized for next round */
+ r = q;
+ q = p;
+ }
+ newB->length = tempc;
+ /* hit q length with multiplier while we are at it */
+ x = q->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / q->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (q->length - x);
+ q->length = x;
+ q->upDateTi = YES;
- /* change value of X */
- u = RandomNumber(seed);
- z = PointNormal(u);
+ /* hit newB length with multiplier */
+ x = newB->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / newB->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (newB->length - x);
+ newB->length = x;
+ newB->upDateTi = YES;
- newX = exp (log(oldX) + z * tuning);
- /* check that new value is valid */
- if (newX < minX || newX > maxX) {
- abortMove = YES;
- return (NO_ERROR);
- }
- /* get proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) = log (newX / oldX);
- /* get prior ratio */
- (*lnPriorRatio) = param->LnPriorRatio(newX, oldX, param->priorParams);
+ /* hit newC length with multiplier */
+ x = newC->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / newC->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (newC->length - x);
+ newC->length = x;
+ newC->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* reattach the crown part */
+ v->left = newC;
+ v->right = newB;
+ newC->anc = newB->anc = v;
+ /* set flags for update of cond likes */
+ p = newC;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ p = r;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ }
- /* copy new value back */
- (*GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain])) = newX;
+ topologyHasChanged = YES;
- /* Set update flags for tree nodes if relevant */
- if (param->affectsLikelihood == YES)
+ /* get down pass sequence if tree topology has changed */
+ if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
+ GetDownPass (t);
- return (NO_ERROR);
-/* Generalized multiplier move for positive real random variables */
-int Move_PosRealMultiplier (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- int i, isValid;
- MrBFlt oldX, newX, minX, maxX, tuning, ran, factor;
- /* get tuning parameter */
- tuning = mvp[0];
- /* get minimum and maximum values for X */
- minX = param->min;
- maxX = param->max;
- /* get old value of X */
- newX = oldX = *GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
- /* change value of X */
- ran = RandomNumber(seed);
- factor = exp(tuning * (ran - 0.5));
- newX = oldX * factor;
- /* check that new value is valid */
- isValid = NO;
- do
- {
- if (newX < minX)
- newX = minX * minX / newX;
- else if (newX > maxX)
- newX = maxX * maxX / newX;
- else
- isValid = YES;
- } while (isValid == NO);
- /* get proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) = log (newX / oldX);
+ /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
+ if (isVPriorExp > 1)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
- /* get prior ratio */
- (*lnPriorRatio) = param->LnPriorRatio(newX, oldX, param->priorParams);
+ /* free up local memory */
+ free (parLength); free (pRoot); free (pCrown); free (nSitesOfPat);
- /* copy new value back */
- *(GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain])) = newX;
- /* Set update flags for tree nodes if relevant */
- if (param->affectsLikelihood == YES)
- {
- for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
- TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
- }
return (NO_ERROR);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating memory in Move_ParsSPR\n", spacer);
+ free (parLength); free (pRoot); free (pCrown); free (nSitesOfPat);
+ return (ERROR);
-int Move_RanSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ParsSPR2 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* Change branch lengths and topology (potentially) using random SPR (unrooted) */
- /* This move type picks a random interior branch and another randomly chosen interior
- or terminal branch. The path connecting these branches is found and the two subtrees
- are swapped along this path. This is the move studied in Lakner et al. (2008).
- This move is not yet safe for constrained trees. */
+ /* Change topology (and branch lengths) using SPR (symmetric) biased according to parsimony scores,
+ controlled by a window defined by a certain node distance radius. Note: S/N */
- int i, topologyHasChanged, nCrownNodes, nRootNodes, directionLeft, directionUp,
- isVPriorExp, moveInRoot, foundFirst;
- MrBFlt m, x, y, tuning, maxV, minV, extensionProb, brlensExp=0.0;
- TreeNode *p, *a, *b, *c, *d, *u, *v, *brlenNode[7], *q;
+ int i, j, k, n, division, topologyHasChanged, moveInRoot, nNeighbor, nRoot, nCrown, iA, jC, isVPriorExp;
+ BitsLong *pA, *pB, *pP, *pC, *pD, y[2];
+ MrBFlt x, minV, maxV, brlensExp=0.0, minLength=0.0, length=0.0, *parLength=NULL, prob, ran, tuning, warpFactor,
+ v_typical, divFactor, nStates, sum1, sum2, tempsum, tempc, tempy;
+ CLFlt *nSites, *nSitesOfPat=NULL, *globalNSitesOfPat;
+ TreeNode *p, *q, *r, *a, *b, *u, *v, *c, *d, *newB, *newA, *newC, **pRoot=NULL, **pCrown=NULL;
Tree *t;
ModelParams *mp;
- /* these parameters should be possible to set by user */
- extensionProb = mvp[0]; /* extension probability */
- tuning = mvp[1]; /* Larget & Simon's tuning parameter lambda */
+ ModelInfo *m=NULL;
+ warpFactor = mvp[0]; /* tuning parameter determining how heavily to weight according to parsimony scores */
+// increaseProb = decreaseProb = mvp[1]; /* reweighting probabilities */
+ v_typical = mvp[2]; /* typical branch length for conversion of parsimony score to log prob ratio */
+ tuning = mvp[3]; /* multiplier tuning parameter */
+ nNeighbor = (int)mvp[4]; /* distance to move picked branch in root and crown part */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
+ /* get model params and model info */
+ mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
+ m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
/* get tree */
t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
- /* get model params */
- mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
/* max and min brlen */
if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
minV = mp->brlensUni[0] > BRLENS_MIN ? mp->brlensUni[0] : BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = mp->brlensUni[1];
+ maxV = mp->brlensUni[1] < BRLENS_MAX ? mp->brlensUni[1] : BRLENS_MAX;
isVPriorExp = NO;
- else
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_GamDir)
- brlensExp = mp->brlensExp;
- isVPriorExp = YES;
- }
- topologyHasChanged = NO;
-# if defined (DEBUG_RanSPR)
- printf ("Before:\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 2, NO);
- getchar();
-# endif
- /* pick an internal branch */
- do
- {
- p = t->intDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed)*t->nIntNodes)];
- } while (p->anc->anc == NULL);
- /* select another random branch */
- if (RandomNumber(seed) > extensionProb)
- q = p->left;
- else
- {
- do
- {
- q = t->allDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed)*(t->nNodes - 1))];
- } while (q == p || q->anc == p || q == p->anc || q->anc == p->anc);
- }
- /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
- /* cut the tree into crown, root and attachment part */
- /* change the relevant lengths in the attachment part */
- /* the lengths of a and v are automatically contained in the */
- /* "attachment" part but the length of c has to be stored in x */
- v = p;
- u = p->anc;
- /* store brlen node */
- brlenNode[3] = v;
- /* mark crown subtree */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- p->x = 0;
- }
- v->x = 1;
- for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->anc->x == 1)
- p->x = 1;
- }
- /* find the subtree */
- if (q->x == 1)
- moveInRoot = NO;
- else
- moveInRoot = YES;
- /* mark the path of the move */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- t->allDownPass[i]->marked = NO;
- if (moveInRoot == NO)
- {
- p = q;
- while (p != v)
- {
- p->marked = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- v->marked = YES;
+ isVPriorExp = 2;
- else
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_iGmDir)
- p = q;
- while (p != NULL)
- {
- p->marked = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- foundFirst = NO;
- p = v;
- while (p != NULL)
- {
- if (p->marked == NO)
- p->marked = YES;
- else if (foundFirst == YES)
- p->marked = NO;
- else
- foundFirst = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = 3;
- /* set up pointers for crown part */
- /* this also determines direction of move in crown part */
- if (v->left->marked == YES)
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_twoExp)
- c = v->left;
- d = v->right;
- directionLeft = YES;
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = 4;
- c = v->right;
- d = v->left;
- directionLeft = NO;
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ brlensExp = mp->brlensExp;
+ isVPriorExp = YES;
- /* store brlen nodes and brlen to move */
- brlenNode[0] = d;
- brlenNode[1] = c;
- x = c->length;
- /* cut and reconnect crown part */
- c->anc = d;
- d->anc = c;
+ /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
+ if (isVPriorExp > 1)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) = -LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
- /* mark nodes in root part */
- /* also determines direction of move in root part */
- if (u->anc->marked == NO)
- {
- if (u->left == v)
- a = u->right;
- else
- a = u->left;
- b = u->anc;
- directionUp = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- if (u->left == v)
- b = u->right;
- else
- b = u->left;
- a = u->anc;
- directionUp = NO;
- }
+ /* set topologyHasChanged to NO */
+ topologyHasChanged = NO;
+ /* pick a random branch */
+ do {
+ p = t->allDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed) * (t->nNodes -1))];
+ q = p->anc->right; if (q == p) q = p->anc->left;
+ i = j = 0;
+ if (p->left == NULL)
+ j = 2;
+ if (p->anc->anc == NULL)
+ i = 2;
+ if (p->anc->anc != NULL && (p->anc->isLocked == YES || p->anc->anc->anc == NULL))
+ i++;
+ if (p->anc->anc != NULL && (q->isLocked == YES || q->left == NULL))
+ i++;
+ if (p->left != NULL && (p->left->isLocked == YES || p->left->left == NULL))
+ j++;
+ if (p->left != NULL && (p->right->isLocked == YES || p->right->left == NULL))
+ j++;
+ } while (i == 2 && j == 2);
+ /* pick an internal branch
+ do {
+ p = t->intDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed)*(t->nIntNodes-1))];
+ q = p->anc->left; if (q == p) q = p->anc->right;
+ i = j = 0;
+ if (q->isLocked == YES || q->left == NULL)
+ i++;
+ if (p->anc->isLocked == YES || p->anc->anc->anc == NULL)
+ i++;
+ if (p->left->isLocked == YES || p->left->left == NULL)
+ j++;
+ if (p->right->isLocked == YES || p->right->left == NULL)
+ j++;
+ } while (i == 2 && j == 2);
+ */
+ /* determine moving direction */
+ if (j == 2)
+ moveInRoot = YES;
+ else if (i == 2)
+ moveInRoot = NO;
+ else if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
+ moveInRoot = YES;
+ else
+ moveInRoot = NO;
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- brlenNode[4] = u;
- brlenNode[5] = a;
- }
+ /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
+ /* should never change u, v, a, b, c, d pointers */
+ v = p;
+ u = p->anc;
+ if (u->left == v)
+ a = u->right;
- {
- brlenNode[4] = b;
- brlenNode[5] = u;
- }
+ a = u->left;
+ b = u->anc;
+ c = v->left;
+ d = v->right;
- /* cut root part*/
- /* store branch to move in u->length */
- if (directionUp == NO)
+ /* reset node variables that will be used */
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- b->anc = a;
- if (a->left == u)
- a->left = b;
- else
- a->right = b;
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ p->x = 0;
+ p->marked = NO;
- else
+ /* mark nodes nNeighbor away in root (negative) or crown (positive) respecting constraints */
+ nRoot = nCrown = 1;
+ if (moveInRoot == YES)
+ /* clip root part of tree */
a->anc = b;
if (b->left == u)
b->left = a;
b->right = a;
- y = a->length;
- a->length = u->length;
- u->length = y;
- a->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* mark the root part */
+ if (u->isLocked == NO )
+ {
+ p = a; q = b; n = 0;
+ while (q->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ q->marked = YES;
+ q->x = n; // temporary, for MarkDistance below
+ if (q->left == p)
+ MarkDistance(q->right, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
+ else
+ MarkDistance(q->left, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
+ q->x = --n; // final
+ nRoot++;
+ if (q->isLocked == YES || abs(q->x) >= nNeighbor)
+ break;
+ p = q; q = q->anc;
+ }
+ }
+ if (a->isLocked == NO)
+ {
+ MarkDistance(a->left, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
+ MarkDistance(a->right, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
+ }
+ /* get final parsimony states for the root part */
+ GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ /* get final parsimony states for the crown part */
+ GetParsDP (t, v, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, v, chain);
+ else /* moveInRoot == NO */
+ {
+ /* clip crown part of tree */
+ c->anc = d;
+ d->anc = c;
- /* move around in root subtree */
- nRootNodes = 0;
- if (moveInRoot == YES)
+ /* mark the crown part */
+ if (c->isLocked == NO)
+ {
+ MarkDistance(c->left, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
+ MarkDistance(c->right, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
+ }
+ if (d->isLocked == NO)
+ {
+ MarkDistance(d->left, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
+ MarkDistance(d->right, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
+ }
+ /* get final parsimony states for the root part */
+ if (u->anc != NULL) {
+ a->anc = b; /* clip */
+ if (b->left == u) b->left = a;
+ else b->right = a;
+ GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ a->anc = u; /* change back */
+ if (b->left == a) b->left = u;
+ else b->right = u;
+ }
+ /* get final parsimony states for the crown part */
+ GetParsDP (t, c, chain);
+ GetParsDP (t, d, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, c, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, d, chain);
+ }
+ /* find number of site patterns and modify randomly */
+ globalNSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + (chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars + m->compCharStart;
+ nSitesOfPat = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (numCompressedChars, sizeof(CLFlt));
+ if (!nSitesOfPat) goto errorExit;
+ for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
- for (nRootNodes=0; a->marked == YES; nRootNodes++)
+ nSitesOfPat[i] = globalNSitesOfPat[i];
+ /* for (j=0; j<globalNSitesOfPat[i]; j++)
- if (directionUp == YES)
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed);
+ if (ran < decreaseProb)
+ nSitesOfPat[i]--;
+ else if (ran > 1.0 - increaseProb)
+ nSitesOfPat[i]++;
+ } // this is slow at the moment */
+ }
+ /* need to alloc a matrix for parsimony lengths, an array of pointers to crown part,
+ and an array of pointers to root part. */
+ parLength = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)nRoot * (size_t)nCrown, sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ pRoot = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc(nRoot, sizeof(TreeNode *));
+ pCrown = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc(nCrown, sizeof(TreeNode *));
+ if (!parLength || !pRoot || !pCrown) goto errorExit;
+ /* starting position */
+ pRoot[0] = a; pCrown[0] = c;
+ for (i=j=1, n=t->nNodes-2; n>=0; n--)
+ { /* and the rest */
+ p = t->allDownPass[n];
+ if (p->marked == YES && p->x < 0)
+ pRoot[i++] = p;
+ if (p->marked == YES && p->x > 0)
+ pCrown[j++] = p;
+ }
+ assert (i==nRoot && j==nCrown);
+ /* cycle through the possibilities and record the parsimony length */
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ parLength[i+j*nRoot] = 0.0;
+ for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
- /* going up tree */
- if (a->left == NULL)
- break;
- else if (a->left->marked == NO && a->right->marked == NO)
- break; /* don't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- b = a;
- if (a->left->marked == YES)
- a = a->left;
- else
- a = a->right;
- if (u->isLocked == YES)
+ division = t->relParts[n];
+ /* Find model settings */
+ m = &modelSettings[division];
+ /* find nSitesOfPat */
+ nSites = nSitesOfPat + m->compCharStart;
+ /* find parsimony length for each candidate position */
+ length = 0.0;
+ if (moveInRoot == YES)
- b->isLocked = YES;
- u->isLocked = NO;
- b->lockID = u->lockID;
- u->lockID = 0;
+ pA = m->parsSets[pRoot[i]->index];
+ pB = m->parsSets[pRoot[i]->anc->index];
+ pP = m->parsSets[v->index];
+ if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<m->numChars; k++)
+ {
+ y[0] = (pA[k] | pB[k]) & pP[k];
+ if (y[0] == 0)
+ length += nSites[k];
+ }
+ }
+ else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<2*m->numChars; k+=2)
+ {
+ y[0] = (pA[k] | pB[k]) & pP[k];
+ y[1] = (pA[k+1] | pB[k+1]) & pP[k+1];
+ if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
+ length += nSites[k/2];
+ }
+ }
- }
- else
- {
- /* going down tree */
- if (a->anc == NULL || u->isLocked == YES)
- break; /* can't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- if (a->anc->marked == NO)
+ else if (u->anc == NULL)
- /* try switching direction */
- /* find sister of a */
- if (a->left == b)
+ pP = m->parsSets[u->index];
+ pC = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->index];
+ pD = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->anc->index];
+ if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
- a = a->right;
- }
- else
- {
- a = a->left;
+ for (k=0; k<m->numChars; k++)
+ {
+ y[0] = pP[k] & (pC[k] | pD[k]);
+ if (y[0] == 0)
+ length += nSites[k];
+ }
- /* as long as we are moving upwards
- the cond likes to update will be
- flagged by the last pass from u to the root */
- if (a->marked == NO)
+ else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
- b = a->anc;
- b->upDateCl = YES;
- a = a->anc->anc;
- break; /* go back and one node down, unsuccessful attempt */
+ for (k=0; k<2*m->numChars; k+=2)
+ {
+ y[0] = pP[k] & (pC[k] | pD[k]);
+ y[1] = pP[k+1] & (pC[k+1] | pD[k+1]);
+ if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
+ length += nSites[k/2];
+ }
- else
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pA = m->parsSets[a->index];
+ pB = m->parsSets[b->index];
+ pC = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->index];
+ pD = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->anc->index];
+ if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
- b = a->anc;
- directionUp = YES; /* successful attempt */
+ for (k=0; k<m->numChars; k++)
+ {
+ y[0] = (pA[k] | pB[k]) & (pC[k] | pD[k]);
+ if (y[0] == 0)
+ length += nSites[k];
+ }
- }
- else
- { /* continue down */
- b = a;
- a = a->anc;
- b->upDateCl = YES;
- if (b->isLocked == YES)
+ else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
- u->isLocked = YES;
- b->isLocked = NO;
- u->lockID = b->lockID;
- b->lockID = 0;
+ for (k=0; k<2*m->numChars; k+=2)
+ {
+ y[0] = (pA[k] | pB[k]) & (pC[k] | pD[k]);
+ y[1] = (pA[k+1] | pB[k+1]) & (pC[k+1] | pD[k+1]);
+ if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
+ length += nSites[k/2];
+ }
+ /* find nStates and ratemult */
+ nStates = m->numModelStates;
+ if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
+ nStates = 2;
+ v_typical = length/m->numUncompressedChars + 0.0001;
+ /* get division warp factor (prop. to prob. of change) */
+ divFactor = - warpFactor * log(1.0/nStates - exp(-nStates/(nStates-1)*v_typical)/nStates);
+ parLength[i+j*nRoot] += divFactor * length;
+ /* find the min length and the sum for the forward move */
+ minLength = -1.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
+ continue;
+ if (minLength > parLength[i+j*nRoot] || minLength < 0.0)
+ minLength = parLength[i+j*nRoot];
+ }
+ sum1 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
+ continue;
+ /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
+ tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
+ tempsum = sum1 + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - sum1) - tempy;
+ sum1 = tempsum;
+ // sum1 += exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
+ // printf("%d %d %lf\n", i, j, exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]));
+ }
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (nRootNodes > 0)
- {
- if (directionUp == YES)
+ /* generate a random uniform */
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed) * sum1;
+ /* select the appropriate reattachment point */
+ newA = a; newC = c;
+ prob = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- brlenNode[6] = a;
- brlenNode[5] = u;
+ if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
+ continue;
+ // prob += exp (minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
+ /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
+ tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
+ tempsum = prob + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - prob) - tempy;
+ prob = tempsum;
+ if (prob > ran) {
+ /* proposed new attaching position */
+ newA = pRoot[i];
+ newC = pCrown[j];
+ goto outLoop;
+ }
- else
+ iA = i; jC = j;
+ /* calculate the proposal ratio */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = parLength[i+j*nRoot] - minLength + log(sum1);
+ /* find the min length and the sum for the backward move */
+ minLength = -1.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- brlenNode[6] = u;
- brlenNode[5] = b;
+ if (i == iA && j == jC) // exclude new position
+ continue;
+ if (minLength > parLength[i+j*nRoot] || minLength < 0.0)
+ minLength = parLength[i+j*nRoot];
- }
- /* move around in crown subtree */
- nCrownNodes = 0;
- if (moveInRoot == NO)
- {
- for (nCrownNodes=0; c->left != NULL; nCrownNodes++)
+ sum2 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- if (c->left->marked == NO && c->right->marked == NO)
- break; /* can't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- if (c->left->marked == YES)
- {
- /* rotate c anticlockwise - prepare pointers for move left */
- c->anc = c->left; /* the root will be in the direction we are heading */
- c->left = c->right;
- c->right = d;
- }
- else
- {
- /* rotate c clockwise - prepare pointers for move right */
- c->anc = c->right; /* the root will be in the direction we are heading */
- c->right = c->left;
- c->left = d;
- }
- /* OK - let's move!; c->anc points in the right direction
- don't forget to move the branch lengths as well */
- d = c;
- c = c->anc;
- d->length = c->length;
- d->upDateCl = YES;
- d->upDateTi = YES;
+ if (i == iA && j == jC) // exclude new position
+ continue;
+ /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
+ tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
+ tempsum = sum2 + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - sum2) - tempy;
+ sum2 = tempsum;
+ // sum2 += exp (minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
+ // printf("%d %d %lf\n", i, j, exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]));
- }
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (nCrownNodes > 0)
- {
- brlenNode[2] = c;
- brlenNode[1] = d;
- }
- /* combine the subtrees */
- c->anc = v;
- d->anc = v;
- if (directionLeft == YES)
- {
- v->left = c;
- v->right = d;
- }
- else
- {
- v->left = d;
- v->right = c;
- }
- /* the dangling branch is inserted in reverted position
- such that the back move will be possible
- if we have moved around in crown subtree
- otherwise it is left in its original position */
- if (nCrownNodes > 0)
- {
- d->length = x;
- d->upDateTi = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- c->length = x;
- }
- if (directionUp == YES)
+ /* calculate the proposal ratio */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += minLength - parLength[0] - log(sum2);
+ if (moveInRoot == YES) /* root part has changed */
- u->anc = b;
+ /* reattach the root part */
+ newB = newA->anc;
+ newA->anc = u;
if (u->left == v)
- u->right = a;
- else
- u->left = a;
- a->anc = u;
- if (b->left == a)
- b->left = u;
+ u->right = newA;
- b->right = u;
- /* the dangling branch is contained in u->length
- and will automatically be inserted in the right position
- to enable the back move regardless of whether it was
- initially directed upwards or downwards
- BUT if we haven't moved in root subtree, it is advantageous (necessary
- for rooted trees) to avoid switching branches, which occurs otherwise
- if directionUp == YES */
- if (nRootNodes == 0)
+ u->left = newA;
+ u->anc = newB;
+ if (newB->left == newA)
+ newB->left = u;
+ else
+ newB->right = u;
+ /* if u is locked, then we have moved upwards and need to leave the u lock behind */
+ if (u->isLocked == YES)
+ {
+ u->isLocked = NO;
+ a->isLocked = YES;
+ a->lockID = u->lockID;
+ u->lockID = -1;
+ }
+ p = newA;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ if (p == a) break;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ if (p == a)
+ /* newA is descendant to a so move a->length not u->length */
x = u->length;
u->length = a->length;
a->length = x;
- a->upDateTi = NO;
- u->upDateTi = NO;
- }
- else
- {
- u->anc = a;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = b;
- else
- u->left = b;
- b->anc = u;
- if (a->left == b)
- a->left = u;
- else
- a->right = u;
- /* the modified branch contained in u->length will have
- to be moved to b->length to enable back move
- BUT if we haven't moved, it is better to keep it in place
- (necessary for rooted trees) */
- if (nRootNodes > 0)
+ p = b;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
- x = u->length;
- u->length = b->length;
- b->length = x;
- b->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = YES;
+ if (p == newA) break;
+ p = p->anc;
- }
- /* modify branch lengths */
- /* first modify length of middle branch */
- m = brlenNode[3]->length;
- x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5)); /* save the modified dangling branch for later use */
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- brlenNode[3]->length = x;
- brlenNode[3]->upDateTi = YES;
- /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
- /* if no move in crown, then select randomly, otherwise always the moved branch */
- if (nCrownNodes == 0 && RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- p = brlenNode[0];
- else
- p = brlenNode[1];
+ if (p == newA)
+ {
+ /* newA is ancestor to a so insert above instead of below */
+ x = newA->length;
+ newA->length = u->length;
+ u->length = x;
+ /* newA is on root path and locked, we need to transfer lock to u */
+ if (newA->isLocked == YES) {
+ u->isLocked = YES;
+ u->lockID = newA->lockID;
+ newA->isLocked = NO;
+ newA->lockID = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* hit a length with multiplier */
+ x = a->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / a->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (a->length - x);
+ a->length = x;
- /* modify branch length */
- m = p->length;
- x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- p->length = x;
- p->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* hit u length with multiplier */
+ x = u->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / u->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (u->length - x);
+ u->length = x;
- /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
- /* if no move in root, then select randomly, otherwise always the moved branch */
- if (nRootNodes == 0 && RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- p = brlenNode[4];
- else
- p = brlenNode[5];
+ /* hit newA length with multiplier */
+ x = newA->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / newA->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (newA->length - x);
+ newA->length = x;
+ /* set tiprobs update flags */
+ newA->upDateTi = YES;
+ a->upDateTi = YES;
+ u->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* set flags for update of cond likes */
+ p = u;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ p = b;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ }
- /* modify branch length but not if 'root' branch in rooted tree */
- if (t->isRooted == NO || p->anc->anc != NULL)
+ if (moveInRoot == NO) /* crown part has changed */
- m = p->length;
- x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ r = newC;
+ q = newB = newC->anc;
+ /* rotate nodes from newC to c or d (whichever is closest) */
+ tempc = r->length;
+ while (r != c && r != d)
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ p = q->anc;
+ /* rotate pointers of q */
+ if (q->left == r)
+ q->left = p;
+ else
+ q->right = p;
+ q->anc = r;
+ /* swap q and old */
+ tempy = q->length;
+ q->length = tempc;
+ q->upDateTi = YES;
+ tempc = tempy;
+ /* make sure we get q and r initialized for next round */
+ r = q;
+ q = p;
- p->length = x;
- p->upDateTi = YES;
+ newB->length = tempc;
+ /* hit q length with multiplier while we are at it */
+ x = q->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / q->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (q->length - x);
+ q->length = x;
+ q->upDateTi = YES;
- /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
+ /* hit newB length with multiplier */
+ x = newB->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / newB->length);
if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
- }
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (newB->length - x);
+ newB->length = x;
+ newB->upDateTi = YES;
- /* set flags for update of cond likes from v and down to root */
- p = v;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
- {
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
+ /* hit newC length with multiplier */
+ x = newC->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / newC->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (newC->length - x);
+ newC->length = x;
+ newC->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* reattach the crown part */
+ v->left = newC;
+ v->right = newB;
+ newC->anc = newB->anc = v;
+ /* set flags for update of cond likes */
+ p = newC;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ p = r;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ topologyHasChanged = YES;
/* get down pass sequence if tree topology has changed */
if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
GetDownPass (t);
-# if defined (DEBUG_RanSPR)
- printf ("After:\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 2, NO);
- getchar();
- printf ("Proposal ratio: %f\n",(*lnProposalRatio));
- printf ("v: %d u: %d c: %d d: %d a: %d b: %d q: %d\n",v->index, u->index,
- c->index, d->index, a->index, b->index, q->index);
- printf ("No. nodes moved in root subtree: %d\n",nRootNodes);
- printf ("No. nodes moved in crown subtree: %d\n",nCrownNodes);
- printf ("Has topology changed? %d\n",topologyHasChanged);
- getchar();
-# endif
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
- gNodeMoves = nCrownNodes + nRootNodes;
-# endif
+ /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
+ if (isVPriorExp > 1)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
+ /* free up local memory */
+ free (parLength); free (pRoot); free (pCrown); free (nSitesOfPat);
return (NO_ERROR);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating memory in Move_ParsSPR\n", spacer);
+ free (parLength); free (pRoot); free (pCrown); free (nSitesOfPat);
+ return (ERROR);
-int Move_RanSPR2 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ParsSPRClock (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* This move is like Move_RanSPR1, except that branches are chosen with equal probability in two subtrees
- defined by the initially chosen interior branch */
+ /* Change branch lengths and topology (potentially) using SPR-type move, parsimony-biased */
+ /* This move picks a branch and then chooses a reattachment point based on
+ the parsimony score. On the ending branch, the attachment point is reinserted
+ randomly along the branch (below the minimum age of the node). Since 2010-11-02
+ the move is Metropolized to improve efficiency. */
- int i, topologyHasChanged, nCrownNodes, nRootNodes, directionLeft, directionUp,
- isVPriorExp, moveInRoot, foundFirst;
- MrBFlt m, x, y, tuning, maxV, minV, extensionProb, brlensExp=0.0;
- TreeNode *p, *a, *b, *c, *d, *u, *v, *brlenNode[7], *q;
+ int i, j, n, division, n1=0, n2=0, n3=0, n4=0, n5=0, *nEvents;
+ BitsLong *pA, *pV, *pP, y[2];
+ MrBFlt x, oldBrlen=0.0, newBrlen=0.0, v1=0.0, v2=0.0, v3=0.0, v4=0.0, v5=0.0,
+ v3new=0.0, lambda, **position=NULL, **rateMultiplier=NULL, *brlens,
+ igrvar, *igrRate=NULL, nu, *tk02Rate=NULL, minLength=0.0, length=0.0,
+ cumulativeProb, warpFactor, sum1, sum2, ran, increaseProb, decreaseProb,
+ divFactor, nStates, rateMult, v_typical, minV;
+ CLFlt *nSitesOfPat, *nSites, *globalNSitesOfPat;
+ TreeNode *p, *a, *b, *u, *v, *c=NULL, *d;
Tree *t;
- ModelParams *mp;
+ ModelInfo *m=NULL;
+ Param *subParm;
+ warpFactor = mvp[0]; /* tuning parameter determining how heavily to weight according to parsimony scores */
+ increaseProb = decreaseProb = mvp[1]; /* reweighting probabilities */
+ v_typical = mvp[2]; /* typical branch length for converting parsimony scores to log prob ratios */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
- /* these parameters should be possible to set by user */
- extensionProb = mvp[0]; /* extension probability */
- tuning = mvp[1]; /* Larget & Simon's tuning parameter lambda */
/* get tree */
t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
- /* get model params */
- mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
- /* max and min brlen */
- if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
- {
- minV = mp->brlensUni[0] > BRLENS_MIN ? mp->brlensUni[0] : BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = mp->brlensUni[1];
- isVPriorExp = NO;
- }
- else
- {
- minV = BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
- brlensExp = mp->brlensExp;
- isVPriorExp = YES;
- }
+ /* get model params and model info */
+ m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
+ /* get min and max brlen in relative time and subst units */
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+# if defined (DEBUG_ParsSPRClock)
+ printf ("Before:\n");
+ ShowNodes (t->root, 2, YES);
+ getchar();
+# endif
+ /* pick a branch */
+ do {
+ p = t->allDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed) * (t->nNodes - 2))];
+ a = p->anc->left;
+ b = p->anc->right;
+ }
+ while (p->anc->isLocked == YES || p->anc->anc->anc == NULL
+ || (p == b && a->length < TIME_MIN) || (p == a && b->length < TIME_MIN));
+ /* skip constraints, siblings of root (and root); and consider ancestral fossils in fbd tree */
+ /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
+ v = p;
+ u = p->anc;
+ if (u->left == v)
+ a = u->right;
+ else
+ a = u->left;
+ b = u->anc;
+ /* record branch length for insertion in back move */
+ if (v->length > 0.0) /* side branch, not anc fossil */
+ {
+ if (v->nodeDepth > a->nodeDepth)
+ oldBrlen = b->nodeDepth - v->nodeDepth - 2.0*minV;
+ else
+ oldBrlen = b->nodeDepth - a->nodeDepth - 2.0*minV;
+ }
+ v1 = a->length;
+ v2 = u->length;
+ v3 = v->length;
+ /* reassign events for CPP and adjust prior and proposal ratios for relaxed clock models */
+ for (i=0; i<param->subParams[0]->nSubParams; i++)
+ {
+ subParm = param->subParams[0]->subParams[i];
+ if (subParm->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
+ {
+ nEvents = subParm->nEvents[2*chain+state[chain]];
+ position = subParm->position[2*chain+state[chain]];
+ rateMultiplier = subParm->rateMult[2*chain+state[chain]];
+ n1 = nEvents[a->index];
+ n2 = nEvents[u->index];
+ n3 = nEvents[v->index];
+ if (n2 > 0)
+ {
+ position[a->index] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) position[a->index], (n1+n2) * sizeof (MrBFlt));
+ rateMultiplier[a->index] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) rateMultiplier[a->index], (n1+n2) * sizeof (MrBFlt));
+ }
+ for (j=0; j<n1; j++)
+ position[a->index][j] *= v1 / (v1+v2);
+ for (j=n1; j<n1+n2; j++)
+ {
+ position[a->index][j] = (position[u->index][j-n1] * v2 + v1) / (v1+v2);
+ rateMultiplier[a->index][j] = rateMultiplier[u->index][j-n1];
+ }
+ nEvents[a->index] = n1+n2;
+ nEvents[u->index] = 0;
+ if (n2 > 0)
+ {
+ free (position[u->index]);
+ free (rateMultiplier[u->index]);
+ position[u->index] = rateMultiplier[u->index] = NULL;
+ }
+ /* adjust effective branch lengths */
+ brlens = GetParamSubVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
+ brlens[a->index] += brlens[u->index]; /* only change in effective branch lengths so far */
+ } /* end CPP events parm */
+ else if ( subParm->paramType == P_TK02BRANCHRATES ||
+ (subParm->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES && *GetParamIntVals(subParm, chain, state[chain]) == RCL_TK02))
+ {
+ /* adjust prior ratio */
+ if (subParm->paramType == P_TK02BRANCHRATES)
+ nu = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].tk02var, chain, state[chain]);
+ else
+ nu = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].mixedvar, chain, state[chain]);
+ tk02Rate = GetParamVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
+ if (v->length > 0.0)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[v->anc->index], nu*v->length, tk02Rate[v->index]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[a->anc->index], nu*a->length, tk02Rate[a->index]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[u->anc->index], nu*u->length, tk02Rate[u->index]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[u->anc->index], nu*(a->length+u->length), tk02Rate[a->index]);
+ /* adjust effective branch lengths */
+ brlens = GetParamSubVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
+ brlens[a->index] = (tk02Rate[a->index] + tk02Rate[b->index]) / 2.0 * (a->length + u->length);
+ } /* end tk02 branch rate parameter */
+ else if ( subParm->paramType == P_IGRBRANCHRATES ||
+ (subParm->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES && *GetParamIntVals(subParm, chain, state[chain]) == RCL_IGR))
+ {
+ if (subParm->paramType == P_IGRBRANCHRATES)
+ igrvar = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].igrvar, chain, state[chain]);
+ else
+ igrvar = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].mixedvar, chain, state[chain]);
+ igrRate = GetParamVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
+ /* adjust prior ratio for old branches */
+ if (v->length > 0.0)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbGamma(v->length/igrvar, v->length/igrvar, igrRate[v->index]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbGamma(a->length/igrvar, a->length/igrvar, igrRate[a->index]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbGamma(u->length/igrvar, u->length/igrvar, igrRate[u->index]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbGamma((a->length+u->length)/igrvar, (a->length+u->length)/igrvar, igrRate[a->index]);
+ /* adjust effective branch lengths */
+ brlens = GetParamSubVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
+ brlens[a->index] = igrRate[a->index] * (a->length + u->length);
+ }
+ } /* next subparameter */
- topologyHasChanged = NO;
+ /* cut tree */
+ a->anc = b;
+ if (b->left == u)
+ b->left = a;
+ else
+ b->right = a;
+ a->length += u->length;
+ a->upDateTi = YES;
-# if defined (DEBUG_RanSPR)
- printf ("Before:\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 2, NO);
- getchar();
-# endif
- /* pick an internal branch */
- do
- {
- p = t->intDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed)*t->nIntNodes)];
- } while (p->anc->anc == NULL);
- /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
- /* cut the tree into crown, root and attachment part */
- /* change the relevant lengths in the attachment part */
- /* the lengths of a and v are automatically contained in the */
- /* "attachment" part but the length of c has to be stored in x */
- v = p;
- u = p->anc;
+ /* get final parsimony states for the root part */
+ GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, t->root->left->left, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, t->root->left->right, chain);
- /* store brlen node */
- brlenNode[3] = v;
+ /* get downpass parsimony states for the crown part */
+ GetParsDP (t, v, chain);
- /* mark crown subtree */
+ /* reset node variables that will be used */
for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->left == NULL)
- p->x = 1;
- else if (p->right != NULL)
- p->x = p->left->x + p->right->x;
p->marked = NO;
+ p->d = 0.0;
- v->marked = YES;
+ /* mark nodes in the root part of the tree, first mark a */
+ a->marked = YES;
+ /* then move down towards root taking constraints into account */
+ p = b;
+ while (p->isLocked == NO && p->anc->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ p->marked = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ /* make sure sisters of last node are marked otherwise it will not be marked in the uppass */
+ p->left->marked = YES;
+ p->right->marked = YES;
+ /* finally move up, skip constraints and ancestral fossil */
for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->anc->marked == YES)
+ if (p != u && p->marked == NO && p->anc->marked == YES && p->anc->isLocked == NO
+ && p->anc->nodeDepth > v->nodeDepth + minV && p->length > 0.0)
p->marked = YES;
- /* find the subtree */
- if (v->x <= 2)
- moveInRoot = YES;
- else if (t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes - v->x <= 2)
- moveInRoot = NO;
- else if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- moveInRoot = NO;
- else
- moveInRoot = YES;
- /* find the attachment point */
- if (RandomNumber(seed) > extensionProb)
- {
- q = v->left;
- moveInRoot = NO;
- }
- else
- {
- do
- {
- q = t->allDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed)*(t->nNodes-1))];
- } while (q == v || q->anc == v || q == v->anc || q->anc == v->anc ||
- (moveInRoot == NO && q->marked == NO) || (moveInRoot == YES && q->marked == YES));
- }
- /* mark the path of the move */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- t->allDownPass[i]->marked = NO;
- if (moveInRoot == NO)
- {
- p = q;
- while (p != v)
- {
- p->marked = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- v->marked = YES;
- }
- else
+ /* unmark nodes if the picked branch is 0 (ancestral fossil) */
+ if (v->length < TIME_MIN)
- p = q;
- while (p != NULL)
+ n = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
- p->marked = YES;
- p = p->anc;
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->nodeDepth > v->nodeDepth - minV || p->anc->nodeDepth < v->nodeDepth + minV)
+ p->marked = NO;
+ if (p->marked == YES)
+ n++;
- foundFirst = NO;
- p = v;
- while (p != NULL)
+ if (n < 2) /* no new position to move */
- if (p->marked == NO)
- p->marked = YES;
- else if (foundFirst == YES)
- p->marked = NO;
- else
- foundFirst = YES;
- p = p->anc;
+ abortMove = YES;
+ return (NO_ERROR);
- /* set up pointers for crown part */
- /* this also determines direction of move in crown part */
- if (v->left->marked == YES)
- {
- c = v->left;
- d = v->right;
- directionLeft = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- c = v->right;
- d = v->left;
- directionLeft = NO;
- }
- /* store brlen nodes and brlen to move */
- brlenNode[0] = d;
- brlenNode[1] = c;
- x = c->length;
- /* cut and reconnect crown part */
- c->anc = d;
- d->anc = c;
- /* mark nodes in root part */
- /* also determines direction of move in root part */
- if (u->anc->marked == NO)
- {
- if (u->left == v)
- a = u->right;
- else
- a = u->left;
- b = u->anc;
- directionUp = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- if (u->left == v)
- b = u->right;
- else
- b = u->left;
- a = u->anc;
- directionUp = NO;
- }
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- brlenNode[4] = u;
- brlenNode[5] = a;
- }
- else
- {
- brlenNode[4] = b;
- brlenNode[5] = u;
- }
- /* cut root part*/
- /* store branch to move in u->length */
- if (directionUp == NO)
- {
- b->anc = a;
- if (a->left == u)
- a->left = b;
- else
- a->right = b;
- }
- else
- {
- a->anc = b;
- if (b->left == u)
- b->left = a;
- else
- b->right = a;
- y = a->length;
- a->length = u->length;
- u->length = y;
- a->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = YES;
- }
- /* move around in root subtree */
- nRootNodes = 0;
- if (moveInRoot == YES)
- {
- for (nRootNodes=0; a->marked == YES; nRootNodes++)
- {
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- /* going up tree */
- if (a->left == NULL)
- break;
- else if (a->left->marked == NO && a->right->marked == NO)
- break; /* don't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- b = a;
- if (a->left->marked == YES)
- a = a->left;
- else
- a = a->right;
- if (u->isLocked == YES)
- {
- b->isLocked = YES;
- u->isLocked = NO;
- b->lockID = u->lockID;
- u->lockID = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* going down tree */
- if (a->anc == NULL || u->isLocked == YES)
- break; /* can't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- if (a->anc->marked == NO)
- {
- /* try switching direction */
- /* find sister of a */
- if (a->left == b)
- {
- a = a->right;
- }
- else
- {
- a = a->left;
- }
- /* as long as we are moving upwards
- the cond likes to update will be
- flagged by the last pass from u to the root */
- if (a->marked == NO)
- {
- b = a->anc;
- b->upDateCl = YES;
- a = a->anc->anc;
- break; /* go back and one node down, unsuccessful attempt */
- }
- else
- {
- b = a->anc;
- directionUp = YES; /* successful attempt */
- }
- }
- else
- { /* continue down */
- b = a;
- a = a->anc;
- b->upDateCl = YES;
- if (b->isLocked == YES)
- {
- u->isLocked = YES;
- b->isLocked = NO;
- u->lockID = b->lockID;
- b->lockID = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ /* find number of site patterns and modify randomly */
+ globalNSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + (chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars + m->compCharStart;
+ nSitesOfPat = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (numCompressedChars, sizeof(CLFlt));
+ if (!nSitesOfPat)
+ {
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating nSitesOfPat in Move_ParsSPRClock\n", spacer);
+ return (ERROR);
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (nRootNodes > 0)
+ for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- brlenNode[6] = a;
- brlenNode[5] = u;
- }
- else
+ nSitesOfPat[i] = globalNSitesOfPat[i];
+ for (j=0; j<globalNSitesOfPat[i]; j++)
- brlenNode[6] = u;
- brlenNode[5] = b;
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed);
+ if (ran < decreaseProb)
+ nSitesOfPat[i]--;
+ else if (ran > 1.0 - increaseProb)
+ nSitesOfPat[i]++;
- /* move around in crown subtree */
- nCrownNodes = 0;
- if (moveInRoot == NO)
+ /* cycle through the possibilities and record the parsimony length */
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- for (nCrownNodes=0; c->left != NULL; nCrownNodes++)
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == NO)
+ continue;
+ /* find the parsimony length */
+ p->d = 0.0;
+ for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
- if (c->left->marked == NO && c->right->marked == NO)
- break; /* can't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- if (c->left->marked == YES)
+ division = t->relParts[n];
+ /* Find model settings */
+ m = &modelSettings[division];
+ /* find nStates and ratemult */
+ nStates = m->numModelStates;
+ if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
+ nStates = 2;
+ rateMult = GetRate(division, chain);
+ /* find nSitesOfPat */
+ nSites = nSitesOfPat + m->compCharStart;
+ /* get division warp factor */
+ divFactor = - warpFactor * log((1.0/nStates) - exp(-nStates/(nStates-1)*v_typical*rateMult)/nStates);
+ /* find downpass parsimony sets for the node and its environment */
+ pP = m->parsSets[p->index ];
+ pA = m->parsSets[p->anc->index];
+ pV = m->parsSets[v->index ];
+ length = 0.0;
+ if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
- /* rotate c anticlockwise - prepare pointers for move left */
- c->anc = c->left; /* the root will be in the direction we are heading */
- c->left = c->right;
- c->right = d;
+ for (j=0; j<m->numChars; j++)
+ {
+ y[0] = (pP[j] | pA[j]) & pV[j];
+ if (y[0] == 0)
+ length += nSites[j];
+ }
- else
+ else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
- /* rotate c clockwise - prepare pointers for move right */
- c->anc = c->right; /* the root will be in the direction we are heading */
- c->right = c->left;
- c->left = d;
+ for (j=0; j<2*m->numChars; j+=2)
+ {
+ y[0] = (pP[j] | pA[j]) & pV[j];
+ y[1] = (pP[j+1] | pA[j+1]) & pV[j+1];
+ if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
+ length += nSites[j/2];
+ }
- /* OK - let's move!; c->anc points in the right direction
- don't forget to move the branch lengths as well */
- d = c;
- c = c->anc;
- d->length = c->length;
- d->upDateCl = YES;
- d->upDateTi = YES;
+ p->d += divFactor * length;
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (nCrownNodes > 0)
+ /* find the min length and the sum for the forward move */
+ minLength = -1.0;
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- brlenNode[2] = c;
- brlenNode[1] = d;
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == NO || p == a)
+ continue;
+ if (minLength < 0.0 || p->d < minLength)
+ minLength = p->d;
- /* combine the subtrees */
- c->anc = v;
- d->anc = v;
- if (directionLeft == YES)
+ sum1 = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- v->left = c;
- v->right = d;
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == YES && p != a)
+ sum1 += exp (minLength - p->d);
- else
+ /* generate a random uniform */
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed) * sum1;
+ /* select the appropriate reattachment point (not a!) */
+ cumulativeProb = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- v->left = d;
- v->right = c;
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == YES && p != a)
+ {
+ c = p;
+ cumulativeProb += exp (minLength - p->d);
+ if (cumulativeProb > ran)
+ break;
+ }
- /* the dangling branch is inserted in reverted position
- such that the back move will be possible
- if we have moved around in crown subtree
- otherwise it is left in its original position */
- if (nCrownNodes > 0)
+ /* calculate the proposal ratio */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = c->d - minLength + log(sum1);
+ /* find the min length and the sum for the backward move */
+ minLength = -1.0;
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- d->length = x;
- d->upDateTi = YES;
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == NO || p == c)
+ continue;
+ if (minLength < 0.0 || p->d < minLength)
+ minLength = p->d;
- else
+ sum2 = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- c->length = x;
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->marked == YES && p != c)
+ sum2 += exp (minLength - p->d);
+ /* calculate the proposal ratio */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += minLength - a->d - log(sum2);
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- u->anc = b;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = a;
- else
- u->left = a;
- a->anc = u;
- if (b->left == a)
- b->left = u;
- else
- b->right = u;
- /* the dangling branch is contained in u->length
- and will automatically be inserted in the right position
- to enable the back move regardless of whether it was
- initially directed upwards or downwards
- BUT if we haven't moved in root subtree, it is advantageous (necessary
- for rooted trees) to avoid switching branches, which occurs otherwise
- if directionUp == YES */
- if (nRootNodes == 0)
- {
- x = u->length;
- u->length = a->length;
- a->length = x;
- a->upDateTi = NO;
- u->upDateTi = NO;
- }
- }
- else
+ /* reattach u */
+ d = c->anc;
+ c->anc = u;
+ if (u->left == v)
+ u->right = c;
+ else
+ u->left = c;
+ u->anc = d;
+ if (d->left == c)
+ d->left = u;
+ else
+ d->right = u;
+ if (v->length > 0.0) /* side branch, not anc fossil */
- u->anc = a;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = b;
- else
- u->left = b;
- b->anc = u;
- if (a->left == b)
- a->left = u;
+ if (c->nodeDepth > v->nodeDepth)
+ newBrlen = d->nodeDepth - c->nodeDepth - 2.0*minV;
- a->right = u;
- /* the modified branch contained in u->length will have
- to be moved to b->length to enable back move
- BUT if we haven't moved, it is better to keep it in place
- (necessary for rooted trees) */
- if (nRootNodes > 0)
+ newBrlen = d->nodeDepth - v->nodeDepth - 2.0*minV;
+ if (newBrlen <= 0.0)
- x = u->length;
- u->length = b->length;
- b->length = x;
- b->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = YES;
+ abortMove = YES;
+ free (nSitesOfPat);
+ return (NO_ERROR);
+ /* adjust lengths */
+ u->nodeDepth = d->nodeDepth - minV - RandomNumber(seed) * newBrlen;
+ v->length = u->nodeDepth - v->nodeDepth;
+ /* calculate proposal ratio for tree change */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (newBrlen / oldBrlen);
+ u->length = d->nodeDepth - u->nodeDepth;
+ c->length = u->nodeDepth - c->nodeDepth;
- /* modify branch lengths */
- /* first modify length of middle branch */
- m = brlenNode[3]->length;
- x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5)); /* save the modified dangling branch for later use */
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- brlenNode[3]->length = x;
- brlenNode[3]->upDateTi = YES;
+ v3new = v->length;
+ v4 = c->length;
+ v5 = u->length;
+ /* reassign events for CPP and adjust prior and proposal ratios for relaxed clock models */
+ for (i=0; i<param->subParams[0]->nSubParams; i++)
+ {
+ subParm = param->subParams[0]->subParams[i];
+ if (subParm->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
+ {
+ nEvents = subParm->nEvents[2*chain+state[chain]];
+ position = subParm->position[2*chain+state[chain]];
+ rateMultiplier = subParm->rateMult[2*chain+state[chain]];
+ for (j=0; j<nEvents[c->index]; j++)
+ {
+ if (position[c->index][j] > v4 / (v4+v5))
+ break;
+ }
+ n4 = j;
+ n5 = nEvents[c->index] - j;
+ nEvents[u->index] = n5;
+ if (n5 > 0)
+ {
+ position[u->index] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) position[u->index], n5 * sizeof (MrBFlt));
+ rateMultiplier[u->index] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) rateMultiplier[u->index], n5 * sizeof (MrBFlt));
+ for (j=n4; j<nEvents[c->index]; j++)
+ {
+ position[u->index][j-n4] = (position[c->index][j] * (v4+v5) - v4) / v5;
+ rateMultiplier[u->index][j-n4] = rateMultiplier[c->index][j];
+ }
+ if (n4 > 0)
+ {
+ position[c->index] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) position[c->index], n4 * sizeof (MrBFlt));
+ rateMultiplier[c->index] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *) rateMultiplier[c->index], n4 * sizeof (MrBFlt));
+ for (j=0; j<n4; j++)
+ position[c->index][j] *= ((v4+v5) / v4);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ free (position[c->index]);
+ free (rateMultiplier[c->index]);
+ position[c->index] = rateMultiplier[c->index] = NULL;
+ }
+ nEvents[c->index] = n4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (j=0; j<nEvents[c->index]; j++)
+ position[c->index][j] *= ((v4+v5) / v4);
+ }
- /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
+ /* adjust proposal ratio */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += n3 * log (v3new / v3);
- /* if no move in crown, then select randomly, otherwise always the moved branch */
- if (nCrownNodes == 0 && RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- p = brlenNode[0];
- else
- p = brlenNode[1];
+ /* adjust prior ratio */
+ lambda = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].cppRate, chain, state[chain]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += lambda * (v3 - v3new);
- /* modify branch length */
- m = p->length;
- x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- p->length = x;
- p->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* update effective branch lengths */
+ if (UpdateCppEvolLengths (subParm, a, chain) == ERROR)
+ {
+ abortMove = YES;
+ free (nSitesOfPat);
+ return (NO_ERROR);
+ }
- /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
- /* if no move in root, then select randomly, otherwise always the moved branch */
- if (nRootNodes == 0 && RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- p = brlenNode[4];
- else
- p = brlenNode[5];
- /* modify branch length but not if 'root' branch in rooted tree */
- if (t->isRooted == NO || p->anc->anc != NULL)
- {
- m = p->length;
- x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ if (UpdateCppEvolLengths (subParm, u, chain) == ERROR)
+ {
+ abortMove = YES;
+ free (nSitesOfPat);
+ return (NO_ERROR);
+ }
+ } /* end cpp events parameter */
+ else if ( subParm->paramType == P_TK02BRANCHRATES ||
+ (subParm->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES && *GetParamIntVals(subParm, chain, state[chain]) == RCL_TK02))
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- p->length = x;
- p->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* adjust prior ratio */
+ if (subParm->paramType == P_TK02BRANCHRATES)
+ nu = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].tk02var, chain, state[chain]);
+ else
+ nu = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].mixedvar, chain, state[chain]);
+ tk02Rate = GetParamVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[u->anc->index], nu*(c->length+u->length), tk02Rate[c->index]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[c->anc->index], nu*c->length, tk02Rate[c->index]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[u->anc->index], nu*u->length, tk02Rate[u->index]);
+ if (v->length > 0.0)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbTK02LogNormal(tk02Rate[v->anc->index], nu*v->length, tk02Rate[v->index]);
- /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
- }
+ /* adjust effective branch lengths */
+ brlens = GetParamSubVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
+ brlens[c->index] = c->length * (tk02Rate[c->index] + tk02Rate[c->anc->index]) / 2.0;
+ brlens[v->index] = v->length * (tk02Rate[v->index] + tk02Rate[v->anc->index]) / 2.0;
+ brlens[u->index] = u->length * (tk02Rate[u->index] + tk02Rate[u->anc->index]) / 2.0;
+ } /* end tk02 branch rate parameter */
+ else if ( subParm->paramType == P_IGRBRANCHRATES ||
+ (subParm->paramType == P_MIXEDBRCHRATES && *GetParamIntVals(subParm, chain, state[chain]) == RCL_IGR))
+ {
+ /* adjust prior ratio */
+ if (subParm->paramType == P_IGRBRANCHRATES)
+ igrvar = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].igrvar, chain, state[chain]);
+ else
+ igrvar = *GetParamVals (modelSettings[subParm->relParts[0]].mixedvar, chain, state[chain]);
+ igrRate = GetParamVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) -= LnProbGamma ((c->length+u->length)/igrvar, (c->length+u->length)/igrvar, igrRate[c->index]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbGamma (c->length/igrvar, c->length/igrvar, igrRate[c->index]);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbGamma (u->length/igrvar, u->length/igrvar, igrRate[u->index]);
+ if (v->length > 0.0)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += LnProbGamma (v->length/igrvar, v->length/igrvar, igrRate[v->index]);
- /* set flags for update of cond likes from v and down to root */
- p = v;
+ /* adjust effective branch lengths */
+ brlens = GetParamSubVals (subParm, chain, state[chain]);
+ brlens[v->index] = igrRate[v->index] * v->length;
+ brlens[u->index] = igrRate[u->index] * u->length;
+ brlens[c->index] = igrRate[c->index] * c->length;
+ } /* end igr branch rate parameter */
+ } /* next subparameter */
+ /* set tiprobs update flags */
+ c->upDateTi = YES;
+ u->upDateTi = YES;
+ v->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* set flags for update of cond likes down to root */
+ p = u;
while (p->anc != NULL)
- p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ p = b;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
p = p->anc;
- /* get down pass sequence if tree topology has changed */
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
+ /* get down pass sequence */
+ GetDownPass (t);
+ /* adjust prior ratio for clock tree */
+ if (LogClockTreePriorRatio (param, chain, &x) == ERROR)
- GetDownPass (t);
+ free (nSitesOfPat);
+ return (ERROR);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += x;
-# if defined (DEBUG_RanSPR)
- printf ("After:\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 2, NO);
- getchar();
- printf ("Proposal ratio: %f\n",(*lnProposalRatio));
- printf ("v: %d u: %d c: %d d: %d a: %d b: %d q: %d\n",v->index, u->index,
- c->index, d->index, a->index, b->index, q->index);
- printf ("No. nodes moved in root subtree: %d\n",nRootNodes);
- printf ("No. nodes moved in crown subtree: %d\n",nCrownNodes);
- printf ("Has topology changed? %d\n",topologyHasChanged);
+# if defined (DEBUG_ParsSPRClock)
+ ShowNodes (t->root, 2, YES);
+ printf ("After\nProposal ratio: %f\n",(*lnProposalRatio));
+ printf ("v: %d u: %d a: %d b: %d c: %d\n",v->index, u->index, a->index, b->index, c->index);
# endif
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
- gNodeMoves = nCrownNodes + nRootNodes;
-# endif
+ free (nSitesOfPat);
return (NO_ERROR);
-int Move_RanSPR3 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ParsTBR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* This is a random SPR move controlled by a window defined by a certain node distance radius,
- within which the random subtree swapping occurs */
+ /* Change topology and map branch lengths using TBR-type move biased according to parsimony scores,
+ controlled by a window defined by a certain node distance radius. */
- int i, topologyHasChanged, nCrownNodes, nRootNodes, directionLeft, directionUp,
- isVPriorExp, moveInRoot, foundFirst, windowDiameter, numWindowNodes, newNumWindowNodes;
- MrBFlt m, x, y, tuning, maxV, minV, moveProb, brlensExp=0.0;
- TreeNode *p, *a, *b, *c, *d, *u, *v, *brlenNode[7], *q, *windowNode[120];
+ int i, j, k, n, division, topologyHasChanged, nNeighbor, nRoot, nCrown, iA, jC, isVPriorExp;
+ BitsLong *pA, *pB, *pC, *pD, y[2];
+ MrBFlt x, minV, maxV, brlensExp=0.0, minLength=0.0, length=0.0, *parLength=NULL, prob, ran, tuning, warpFactor,
+ sum1, sum2, tempsum, tempc, tempy;
+ CLFlt *nSites, *nSitesOfPat=NULL, *globalNSitesOfPat;
+ TreeNode *p, *q, *r, *a, *b, *u, *v, *c, *d, *newB, *newA, *newC, **pRoot=NULL, **pCrown=NULL;
Tree *t;
ModelParams *mp;
- /* these parameters should be possible to set by user */
- moveProb = mvp[0]; /* extension probability */
- tuning = mvp[1]; /* Larget & Simon's tuning parameter lambda */
- windowDiameter = 4; /* window diameter in number of nodes away from the cut branch */
- /* set it to a value between 1 and 4 (above 4 requires more space in windowNode) */
- /* get tree */
- t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
- /* get model params */
- mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
+ ModelInfo *m=NULL;
- /* max and min brlen */
- if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
- {
- minV = mp->brlensUni[0] > BRLENS_MIN ? mp->brlensUni[0] : BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = mp->brlensUni[1];
- isVPriorExp = NO;
- }
- else
- {
- minV = BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
- brlensExp = mp->brlensExp;
- isVPriorExp = YES;
- }
- topologyHasChanged = NO;
+ warpFactor = mvp[0]; /* tuning parameter determining how heavily to weight according to parsimony scores */
+// increaseProb = decreaseProb = mvp[1]; /* reweighting probabilities */
+// v_typical = mvp[2]; /* typical branch length for conversion of parsimony score to log prob ratio */
+ tuning = mvp[3]; /* multiplier tuning parameter */
+ nNeighbor = (int)mvp[4]; /* distance to move picked branch in root and crown part */
-# if defined (DEBUG_RanSPR)
- printf ("Before:\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 2, NO);
- getchar();
-# endif
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
- /* pick an internal branch */
- do
- {
- p = t->intDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed)*t->nIntNodes)];
- } while (p->anc->anc == NULL);
- /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
- /* cut the tree into crown, root and attachment part */
- /* change the relevant lengths in the attachment part */
- /* the lengths of a and v are automatically contained in the */
- /* "attachment" part but the length of c has to be stored in x */
- v = p;
- u = p->anc;
- /* store brlen node */
- brlenNode[3] = v;
- /* mark distance of nodes from the node v */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- p->x = -1;
- }
+ /* get model params and model info */
+ mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
+ m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
- v->x = 0;
- u->x = 0;
- /* downpass */
- for (p=u; p->anc!= NULL; p=p->anc)
- {
- p->anc->x = p->x+1;
- }
- /* uppass */
- for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
+ /* get tree */
+ t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
+ /* max and min brlen */
+ if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->x < 0)
- p->x = p->anc->x + 1;
+ minV = mp->brlensUni[0] > BRLENS_MIN ? mp->brlensUni[0] : BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = mp->brlensUni[1] < BRLENS_MAX ? mp->brlensUni[1] : BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = NO;
- /* now collect nodes */
- for (i=numWindowNodes=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_GamDir)
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->x >= 2 && p->x <= windowDiameter+1)
- windowNode[numWindowNodes++] = p;
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = 2;
- if (numWindowNodes > 120)
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_iGmDir)
- printf ("error\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 0, t->isRooted);
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- printf ("%d\t%d\n", t->allDownPass[i]->index, t->allDownPass[i]->x);
- getchar();
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = 3;
- /* find the attachment point */
- if (RandomNumber(seed) > moveProb)
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_twoExp)
- q = v->left;
- moveInRoot = NO;
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = 4;
- q = windowNode[(int)(RandomNumber(seed)*numWindowNodes)];
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ brlensExp = mp->brlensExp;
+ isVPriorExp = YES;
+ /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
+ if (isVPriorExp > 1)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) = -LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
+ /* set topologyHasChanged to NO */
+ topologyHasChanged = NO;
- /* mark crown subtree */
+ /* reset node variables that will be used */
for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ p->x = 0;
p->marked = NO;
- v->marked = YES;
- for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->anc->marked == YES)
- p->marked = YES;
+ /* pick an internal branch */
+ do {
+ p = t->intDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed)*(t->nIntNodes-1))];
+ q = p->anc->left;
+ if (q == p) q = p->anc->right;
+ i = j = 0;
+ if (q->isLocked == YES || q->left == NULL)
+ i++;
+ if (p->anc->isLocked == YES || p->anc->anc->anc == NULL)
+ i++;
+ if (p->left->isLocked == YES || p->left->left == NULL)
+ j++;
+ if (p->right->isLocked == YES || p->right->left == NULL)
+ j++;
+ while (i == 2 && j == 2);
+ /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
+ v = p; u = p->anc;
+ c = p->left; d = p->right;
+ if (u->left == v) a = u->right;
+ else a = u->left;
+ b = u->anc;
+ /* clip root part of tree */
+ a->anc = b;
+ if (b->left == u) b->left = a;
+ else b->right = a;
+ /* clip crown part of tree */
+ c->anc = d;
+ d->anc = c;
+ /* should never change u, v, a, b, c, d pointers */
- /* find the subtree */
- if (q->marked == YES)
- moveInRoot = NO;
- else
- moveInRoot = YES;
- /* mark the path of the move */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- t->allDownPass[i]->marked = NO;
- if (moveInRoot == NO)
- {
- p = q;
- while (p != v)
- {
- p->marked = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- v->marked = YES;
- }
- else
+ /* mark nodes nNeighbor away in root (negative) and crown (positive) respecting constraints */
+ /* first move down towards root */
+ nRoot = nCrown = 0;
+ if (u->isLocked == NO)
- p = q;
- while (p != NULL)
- {
- p->marked = YES;
- p = p->anc;
- }
- foundFirst = NO;
- p = v;
- while (p != NULL)
+ p = a; q = b; n = 0;
+ while (q->anc != NULL)
- if (p->marked == NO)
- p->marked = YES;
- else if (foundFirst == YES)
- p->marked = NO;
+ q->marked = YES;
+ q->x = n; // temporary, for MarkDistance below
+ if (q->left == p)
+ MarkDistance(q->right, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
- foundFirst = YES;
- p = p->anc;
+ MarkDistance(q->left, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
+ q->x = --n; // final
+ nRoot++;
+ if (q->isLocked == YES || abs(q->x) >= nNeighbor)
+ break;
+ p = q; q = q->anc;
- /* set up pointers for crown part */
- /* this also determines direction of move in crown part */
- if (v->left->marked == YES)
- {
- c = v->left;
- d = v->right;
- directionLeft = YES;
- }
- else
+ /* then move up in root part */
+ a->marked = YES; nRoot++;
+ if (a->isLocked == NO)
- c = v->right;
- d = v->left;
- directionLeft = NO;
+ MarkDistance(a->left, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
+ MarkDistance(a->right, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
- /* store brlen nodes and brlen to move */
- brlenNode[0] = d;
- brlenNode[1] = c;
- x = c->length;
- /* cut and reconnect crown part */
- c->anc = d;
- d->anc = c;
- /* mark nodes in root part */
- /* also determines direction of move in root part */
- if (u->anc->marked == NO)
+ /* finally in crown part */
+ c->marked = YES; nCrown++;
+ if (c->isLocked == NO)
- if (u->left == v)
- a = u->right;
- else
- a = u->left;
- b = u->anc;
- directionUp = YES;
+ MarkDistance(c->left, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
+ MarkDistance(c->right, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
- else
+ if (d->isLocked == NO)
- if (u->left == v)
- b = u->right;
- else
- b = u->left;
- a = u->anc;
- directionUp = NO;
+ MarkDistance(d->left, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
+ MarkDistance(d->right, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- brlenNode[4] = u;
- brlenNode[5] = a;
- }
- else
- {
- brlenNode[4] = b;
- brlenNode[5] = u;
+ /* need to alloc a matrix for parsimony lengths, an array of pointers to crown part,
+ and an array of pointers to root part. */
+ parLength = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)nRoot * (size_t)nCrown, sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ pRoot = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc(nRoot, sizeof(TreeNode *));
+ pCrown = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc(nCrown, sizeof(TreeNode *));
+ if (!parLength || !pRoot || !pCrown) goto errorExit;
+ /* starting position */
+ pRoot[0] = a; pCrown[0] = c;
+ for (i=j=1, n=t->nNodes-2; n>=0; n--)
+ { /* and the rest */
+ p = t->allDownPass[n];
+ if (p->marked == YES && p->x < 0)
+ pRoot[i++] = p;
+ if (p->marked == YES && p->x > 0)
+ pCrown[j++] = p;
+ assert (i==nRoot && j==nCrown);
- /* cut root part*/
- /* store branch to move in u->length */
- if (directionUp == NO)
- {
- b->anc = a;
- if (a->left == u)
- a->left = b;
- else
- a->right = b;
- }
- else
+ /* get final parsimony state sets for the root part */
+ GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ /* get final parsimony state sets for the crown part */
+ GetParsDP (t, c, chain);
+ GetParsDP (t, d, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, c, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, d, chain);
+ /* find number of site patterns and modify randomly */
+ globalNSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + (chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars + m->compCharStart;
+ nSitesOfPat = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (numCompressedChars, sizeof(CLFlt));
+ if (!nSitesOfPat) goto errorExit;
+ for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
- a->anc = b;
- if (b->left == u)
- b->left = a;
- else
- b->right = a;
- y = a->length;
- a->length = u->length;
- u->length = y;
- a->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = YES;
+ nSitesOfPat[i] = globalNSitesOfPat[i];
+ /* for (j=0; j<globalNSitesOfPat[i]; j++)
+ {
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed);
+ if (ran < decreaseProb)
+ nSitesOfPat[i]--;
+ else if (ran > 1.0 - increaseProb)
+ nSitesOfPat[i]++;
+ } // this is not used at the moment */
- /* move around in root subtree */
- nRootNodes = 0;
- if (moveInRoot == YES)
+ /* cycle through the possibilities and record the parsimony length */
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
- for (nRootNodes=0; a->marked == YES; nRootNodes++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- /* going up tree */
- if (a->left == NULL)
- break;
- else if (a->left->marked == NO && a->right->marked == NO)
- break; /* don't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- b = a;
- if (a->left->marked == YES)
- a = a->left;
- else
- a = a->right;
- if (u->isLocked == YES)
- {
- b->isLocked = YES;
- u->isLocked = NO;
- b->lockID = u->lockID;
- u->lockID = 0;
- }
- }
- else
+ parLength[i+j*nRoot] = 0.0;
+ for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
- /* going down tree */
- if (a->anc == NULL || u->isLocked == YES)
- break; /* can't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- if (a->anc->marked == NO)
+ division = t->relParts[n];
+ /* Find model settings */
+ m = &modelSettings[division];
+ /* find nSitesOfPat */
+ nSites = nSitesOfPat + m->compCharStart;
+ /* find downpass parsimony sets for the potential new connection nodes and their environment */
+ pA = m->parsSets[pRoot[i]->index];
+ pB = m->parsSets[pRoot[i]->anc->index];
+ pC = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->index];
+ pD = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->anc->index];
+ length = 0.0;
+ if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
- /* try switching direction */
- /* find sister of a */
- if (a->left == b)
- {
- a = a->right;
- }
- else
- {
- a = a->left;
- }
- /* as long as we are moving upwards
- the cond likes to update will be
- flagged by the last pass from u to the root */
- if (a->marked == NO)
- {
- b = a->anc;
- b->upDateCl = YES;
- a = a->anc->anc;
- break; /* go back and one node down, unsuccessful attempt */
- }
- else
+ for (k=0; k<m->numChars; k++)
- b = a->anc;
- directionUp = YES; /* successful attempt */
+ y[0] = (pC[k] | pD[k]) & (pA[k] | pB[k]);
+ if (y[0] == 0)
+ length += nSites[k];
- }
- else
- { /* continue down */
- b = a;
- a = a->anc;
- b->upDateCl = YES;
- if (b->isLocked == YES)
+ }
+ else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<2*m->numChars; k+=2)
- u->isLocked = YES;
- b->isLocked = NO;
- u->lockID = b->lockID;
- b->lockID = 0;
+ y[0] = (pC[k] | pD[k]) & (pA[k] | pB[k]);
+ y[1] = (pC[k+1] | pD[k+1]) & (pA[k+1] | pB[k+1]);;
+ if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
+ length += nSites[k/2];
+ parLength[i+j*nRoot] += warpFactor * length;
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (nRootNodes > 0)
- {
- if (directionUp == YES)
+ /* find the min length and the sum for the forward move */
+ minLength = -1.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- brlenNode[6] = a;
- brlenNode[5] = u;
+ if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
+ continue;
+ if (minLength > parLength[i+j*nRoot] || minLength < 0.0)
+ minLength = parLength[i+j*nRoot];
- else
+ sum1 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- brlenNode[6] = u;
- brlenNode[5] = b;
+ if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
+ continue;
+ /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
+ tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
+ tempsum = sum1 + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - sum1) - tempy;
+ sum1 = tempsum;
+ // sum1 += exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
+ // printf("%d %d %lf\n", i, j, exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]));
- }
- /* move around in crown subtree */
- nCrownNodes = 0;
- if (moveInRoot == NO)
- {
- for (nCrownNodes=0; c->left != NULL; nCrownNodes++)
+ /* generate a random uniform */
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed) * sum1;
+ /* select the appropriate reattachment point */
+ newA = a; newC = c;
+ prob = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
- if (c->left->marked == NO && c->right->marked == NO)
- break; /* can't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- if (c->left->marked == YES)
- {
- /* rotate c anticlockwise - prepare pointers for move left */
- c->anc = c->left; /* the root will be in the direction we are heading */
- c->left = c->right;
- c->right = d;
- }
- else
- {
- /* rotate c clockwise - prepare pointers for move right */
- c->anc = c->right; /* the root will be in the direction we are heading */
- c->right = c->left;
- c->left = d;
+ if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
+ continue;
+ // prob += exp (minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
+ /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
+ tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
+ tempsum = prob + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - prob) - tempy;
+ prob = tempsum;
+ if (prob > ran) {
+ /* proposed new attaching position */
+ newA = pRoot[i];
+ newC = pCrown[j];
+ goto outLoop;
- /* OK - let's move!; c->anc points in the right direction
- don't forget to move the branch lengths as well */
- d = c;
- c = c->anc;
- d->length = c->length;
- d->upDateCl = YES;
- d->upDateTi = YES;
- }
+ iA = i; jC = j;
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (nCrownNodes > 0)
- {
- brlenNode[2] = c;
- brlenNode[1] = d;
- }
+ /* calculate the proposal ratio */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = parLength[i+j*nRoot] - minLength + log(sum1);
- /* combine the subtrees */
- c->anc = v;
- d->anc = v;
- if (directionLeft == YES)
- {
- v->left = c;
- v->right = d;
- }
- else
- {
- v->left = d;
- v->right = c;
- }
+ /* find the min length and the sum for the backward move */
+ minLength = -1.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == iA && j == jC) // exclude new position
+ continue;
+ if (minLength > parLength[i+j*nRoot] || minLength < 0.0)
+ minLength = parLength[i+j*nRoot];
+ }
+ sum2 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == iA && j == jC) // exclude new position
+ continue;
+ /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
+ tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
+ tempsum = sum2 + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - sum2) - tempy;
+ sum2 = tempsum;
+ // sum2 += exp (minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
+ // printf("%d %d %lf\n", i, j, exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]));
+ }
- /* the dangling branch is inserted in reverted position
- such that the back move will be possible
- if we have moved around in crown subtree
- otherwise it is left in its original position */
- if (nCrownNodes > 0)
- {
- d->length = x;
- d->upDateTi = YES;
- }
+ /* calculate the proposal ratio */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += minLength - parLength[0] - log(sum2);
+ /* reattach the root part */
+ newB = newA->anc;
+ newA->anc = u;
+ if (u->left == v)
+ u->right = newA;
- {
- c->length = x;
- }
+ u->left = newA;
+ u->anc = newB;
+ if (newB->left == newA)
+ newB->left = u;
+ else
+ newB->right = u;
- if (directionUp == YES)
+ /* transfer lock and reassign branch lengths, if necessary */
+ if (newA != a)
- u->anc = b;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = a;
- else
- u->left = a;
- a->anc = u;
- if (b->left == a)
- b->left = u;
- else
- b->right = u;
- /* the dangling branch is contained in u->length
- and will automatically be inserted in the right position
- to enable the back move regardless of whether it was
- initially directed upwards or downwards
- BUT if we haven't moved in root subtree, it is advantageous (necessary
- for rooted trees) to avoid switching branches, which occurs otherwise
- if directionUp == YES */
- if (nRootNodes == 0)
+ /* if u is locked, then we have moved upwards and need to leave the u lock behind */
+ if (u->isLocked == YES)
+ {
+ u->isLocked = NO;
+ a->isLocked = YES;
+ a->lockID = u->lockID;
+ u->lockID = -1;
+ }
+ p = newA;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ if (p == a) break;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ if (p == a)
+ {
+ /* newA is descendant to a so move a->length not u->length */
+ x = u->length;
+ u->length = a->length;
+ a->length = x;
+ }
+ p = b;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ if (p == newA) break;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
+ if (p == newA)
+ {
+ /* newA is ancestor to a so insert above instead of below */
+ x = newA->length;
+ newA->length = u->length;
+ u->length = x;
+ /* newA is on root path and locked, we need to transfer lock to u */
+ if (newA->isLocked == YES) {
+ u->isLocked = YES;
+ u->lockID = newA->lockID;
+ newA->isLocked = NO;
+ newA->lockID = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* hit u length with multiplier */
+ x = u->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- x = u->length;
- u->length = a->length;
- a->length = x;
- a->upDateTi = NO;
- u->upDateTi = NO;
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / u->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (u->length - x);
+ u->length = x;
+ /* set tiprobs update flags */
+ u->upDateTi = YES;
+ newA->upDateTi = YES;
+ a->upDateTi = YES;
- else
+ r = newC;
+ q = newB = newC->anc;
+ if (newC != c) // crown part has changed
- u->anc = a;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = b;
- else
- u->left = b;
- b->anc = u;
- if (a->left == b)
- a->left = u;
- else
- a->right = u;
- /* the modified branch contained in u->length will have
- to be moved to b->length to enable back move
- BUT if we haven't moved, it is better to keep it in place
- (necessary for rooted trees) */
- if (nRootNodes > 0)
+ /* rotate nodes from newC to c or d (whichever is closest) */
+ tempc = r->length;
+ while (r != c && r != d)
- x = u->length;
- u->length = b->length;
- b->length = x;
- b->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = YES;
+ p = q->anc;
+ /* rotate pointers of q */
+ if (q->left == r)
+ q->left = p;
+ else
+ q->right = p;
+ q->anc = r;
+ /* swap q and old */
+ tempy = q->length;
+ q->length = tempc;
+ q->upDateTi = YES;
+ tempc = tempy;
+ /* make sure we get q and r initialized for next round */
+ r = q;
+ q = p;
+ newB->length = tempc;
+ /* hit newB length with multiplier */
+ x = newB->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / newB->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (newB->length - x);
+ newB->length = x;
+ newB->upDateTi = YES;
- /* modify branch lengths */
- /* first modify length of middle branch */
- m = brlenNode[3]->length;
- x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5)); /* save the modified dangling branch for later use */
+ /* reattach the crown part */
+ v->left = newC;
+ v->right = newB;
+ newC->anc = newB->anc = v;
+ topologyHasChanged = YES;
+ /* hit v length with multiplier */
+ x = v->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
- brlenNode[3]->length = x;
- brlenNode[3]->upDateTi = YES;
- /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / v->length);
if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
- /* if no move in crown, then select randomly, otherwise always the moved branch */
- if (nCrownNodes == 0 && RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- p = brlenNode[0];
- else
- p = brlenNode[1];
- /* modify branch length */
- m = p->length;
- x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (v->length - x);
+ v->length = x;
+ v->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* set flags for update of cond likes */
+ p = u;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
- p->length = x;
- p->upDateTi = YES;
- /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
- /* if no move in root, then select randomly, otherwise always the moved branch */
- if (nRootNodes == 0 && RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- p = brlenNode[4];
- else
- p = brlenNode[5];
- /* modify branch length but not if 'root' branch in rooted tree */
- if (t->isRooted == NO || p->anc->anc != NULL)
+ p = b;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
- m = p->length;
- x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- p->length = x;
- p->upDateTi = YES;
- /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
- /* set flags for update of cond likes from v and down to root */
- p = v;
+ p = newC;
while (p->anc != NULL)
p->upDateCl = YES;
p = p->anc;
+ p = r;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
+ }
/* get down pass sequence if tree topology has changed */
if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
GetDownPass (t);
- /* calculate new number of nodes */
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- {
- /* first, mark distance of nodes from the new position of node v */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- p->x = -1;
- }
+ /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
+ if (isVPriorExp > 1)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
- v->x = 0;
- v->anc->x = 0;
- /* downpass */
- for (p=u; p->anc!= NULL; p=p->anc)
- {
- p->anc->x = p->x+1;
- }
- /* uppass */
- for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->x < 0)
- p->x = p->anc->x + 1;
- }
- /* now count nodes */
- for (i=newNumWindowNodes=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->x >= 2 && p->x <= windowDiameter+1)
- newNumWindowNodes++;
- }
- /* update proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (newNumWindowNodes / numWindowNodes);
- }
+ /* free up local memory */
+ free (parLength); free (pRoot); free (pCrown); free (nSitesOfPat);
-# if defined (DEBUG_RanSPR)
- printf ("After:\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 2, NO);
- getchar();
- printf ("Proposal ratio: %f\n",(*lnProposalRatio));
- printf ("v: %d u: %d c: %d d: %d a: %d b: %d q: %d\n",v->index, u->index,
- c->index, d->index, a->index, b->index, q->index);
- printf ("No. nodes moved in root subtree: %d\n",nRootNodes);
- printf ("No. nodes moved in crown subtree: %d\n",nCrownNodes);
- printf ("Has topology changed? %d\n",topologyHasChanged);
- getchar();
-# endif
+ return (NO_ERROR);
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
- gNodeMoves = nCrownNodes + nRootNodes;
-# endif
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating memory in Move_ParsTBR\n", spacer);
+ free (parLength); free (pRoot); free (pCrown); free (nSitesOfPat);
- return (NO_ERROR);
+ return (ERROR);
-int Move_RanSPR4 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+int Move_ParsTBR2 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
- /* This move is like Move_RanSPR3, except that it swaps branches in subtrees with equal probabilities */
+ /* Change topology and map branch lengths using TBR-type move biased according to parsimony scores,
+ controlled by a window defined by a certain node distance radius. */
- int i, topologyHasChanged, nCrownNodes, nRootNodes, directionLeft, directionUp,
- isVPriorExp, moveInRoot, foundFirst, windowDiameter, numWindowNodes, newNumWindowNodes;
- MrBFlt m, x, y, tuning, maxV, minV, moveProb, brlensExp=0.0;
- TreeNode *p, *a, *b, *c, *d, *u, *v, *brlenNode[7], *q, *windowNode[120];
+ int i, j, k, n, division, topologyHasChanged, nNeighbor, nRoot, nCrown, iA, jC, isVPriorExp;
+ BitsLong *pA, *pB, *pC, *pD, y[2];
+ MrBFlt x, minV, maxV, brlensExp=0.0, minLength=0.0, length=0.0, *parLength=NULL, prob, ran, tuning, warpFactor,
+ v_typical, divFactor, nStates, sum1, sum2, tempsum, tempc, tempy;
+ CLFlt *nSites, *nSitesOfPat=NULL, *globalNSitesOfPat;
+ TreeNode *p, *q, *r, *a, *b, *u, *v, *c, *d, *newB, *newA, *newC, **pRoot=NULL, **pCrown=NULL;
Tree *t;
ModelParams *mp;
+ ModelInfo *m=NULL;
+ warpFactor = mvp[0]; /* tuning parameter determining how heavily to weight according to parsimony scores */
+// increaseProb = decreaseProb = mvp[1]; /* reweighting probabilities */
+ v_typical = mvp[2]; /* typical branch length for conversion of parsimony score to log prob ratio */
+ tuning = mvp[3]; /* multiplier tuning parameter */
+ nNeighbor = (int)mvp[4]; /* distance to move picked branch in root and crown part */
- /* these parameters should be possible to set by user */
- moveProb = mvp[0]; /* extension probability */
- tuning = mvp[1]; /* Larget & Simon's tuning parameter lambda */
- windowDiameter = 4; /* window diameter in number of nodes away from the cut branch */
- /* set it to a value between 1 and 4 (above 4 requires more space in windowNode) */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = (*lnPriorRatio) = 0.0;
+ /* get model params and model info */
+ mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
+ m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
/* get tree */
t = GetTree (param, chain, state[chain]);
- /* get model params */
- mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
/* max and min brlen */
if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_UNI)
minV = mp->brlensUni[0] > BRLENS_MIN ? mp->brlensUni[0] : BRLENS_MIN;
- maxV = mp->brlensUni[1];
+ maxV = mp->brlensUni[1] < BRLENS_MAX ? mp->brlensUni[1] : BRLENS_MAX;
isVPriorExp = NO;
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_GamDir)
+ {
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = 2;
+ }
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_iGmDir)
+ {
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = 3;
+ }
+ else if (param->subParams[0]->paramId == BRLENS_twoExp)
+ {
+ minV = BRLENS_MIN;
+ maxV = BRLENS_MAX;
+ isVPriorExp = 4;
+ }
@@ -14112,626 +11793,755 @@ int Move_RanSPR4 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio,
isVPriorExp = YES;
- topologyHasChanged = NO;
-# if defined (DEBUG_RanSPR)
- printf ("Before:\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 2, NO);
- getchar();
-# endif
+ /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
+ if (isVPriorExp > 1)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) = -LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
- /* pick an internal branch */
- do
- {
- p = t->intDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed)*t->nIntNodes)];
- } while (p->anc->anc == NULL);
- /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
- /* cut the tree into crown, root and attachment part */
- /* change the relevant lengths in the attachment part */
- /* the lengths of a and v are automatically contained in the */
- /* "attachment" part but the length of c has to be stored in x */
- v = p;
- u = p->anc;
- /* store brlen node */
- brlenNode[3] = v;
- /* mark distance of nodes from the node v */
+ /* set topologyHasChanged to NO */
+ topologyHasChanged = NO;
+ /* reset node variables that will be used */
for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
p = t->allDownPass[i];
- p->x = -1;
+ p->x = 0;
+ p->marked = NO;
+ }
+ /* pick an internal branch */
+ do {
+ p = t->intDownPass[(int)(RandomNumber(seed)*(t->nIntNodes-1))];
+ q = p->anc->left;
+ if (q == p) q = p->anc->right;
+ i = j = 0;
+ if (q->isLocked == YES || q->left == NULL)
+ i++;
+ if (p->anc->isLocked == YES || p->anc->anc->anc == NULL)
+ i++;
+ if (p->left->isLocked == YES || p->left->left == NULL)
+ j++;
+ if (p->right->isLocked == YES || p->right->left == NULL)
+ j++;
+ while (i == 2 && j == 2);
- v->x = 0;
- u->x = 0;
+ /* set up pointers for nodes around the picked branch */
+ v = p; u = p->anc;
+ c = p->left; d = p->right;
+ if (u->left == v) a = u->right;
+ else a = u->left;
+ b = u->anc;
+ /* clip root part of tree */
+ a->anc = b;
+ if (b->left == u) b->left = a;
+ else b->right = a;
+ /* clip crown part of tree */
+ c->anc = d;
+ d->anc = c;
+ /* should never change u, v, a, b, c, d pointers */
- /* downpass */
- for (p=u; p->anc!= NULL; p=p->anc)
+ /* mark nodes nNeighbor away in root (negative) and crown (positive) respecting constraints */
+ /* first move down towards root */
+ nRoot = nCrown = 0;
+ if (u->isLocked == NO)
- p->anc->x = p->x+1;
+ p = a; q = b; n = 0;
+ while (q->anc != NULL)
+ {
+ q->marked = YES;
+ q->x = n; // temporary, for MarkDistance below
+ if (q->left == p)
+ MarkDistance(q->right, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
+ else
+ MarkDistance(q->left, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
+ q->x = --n; // final
+ nRoot++;
+ if (q->isLocked == YES || abs(q->x) >= nNeighbor)
+ break;
+ p = q; q = q->anc;
+ }
- /* uppass */
- for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
+ /* then move up in root part */
+ a->marked = YES; nRoot++;
+ if (a->isLocked == NO)
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->x < 0)
- p->x = p->anc->x + 1;
+ MarkDistance(a->left, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
+ MarkDistance(a->right, YES, nNeighbor, &nRoot);
- /* mark crown part of tree */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ /* finally in crown part */
+ c->marked = YES; nCrown++;
+ if (c->isLocked == NO)
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- p->marked = NO;
+ MarkDistance(c->left, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
+ MarkDistance(c->right, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
- v->marked = YES;
- for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
+ if (d->isLocked == NO)
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->anc->marked == YES)
- p->marked = YES;
+ MarkDistance(d->left, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
+ MarkDistance(d->right, NO, nNeighbor, &nCrown);
- /* count number of root and crownnodes */
- for (i=nRootNodes=nCrownNodes=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->x >= 2 && p->x <= windowDiameter+1)
- {
- if (p->marked == YES)
- nCrownNodes++;
- else
- nRootNodes++;
- }
+ /* need to alloc a matrix for parsimony lengths, an array of pointers to crown part,
+ and an array of pointers to root part. */
+ parLength = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)nRoot * (size_t)nCrown, sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ pRoot = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc(nRoot, sizeof(TreeNode *));
+ pCrown = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc(nCrown, sizeof(TreeNode *));
+ if (!parLength || !pRoot || !pCrown) goto errorExit;
+ /* starting position */
+ pRoot[0] = a; pCrown[0] = c;
+ for (i=j=1, n=t->nNodes-2; n>=0; n--)
+ { /* and the rest */
+ p = t->allDownPass[n];
+ if (p->marked == YES && p->x < 0)
+ pRoot[i++] = p;
+ if (p->marked == YES && p->x > 0)
+ pCrown[j++] = p;
+ assert (i==nRoot && j==nCrown);
- /* choose subtree */
- if (nCrownNodes == 0)
- moveInRoot = YES;
- else if (nRootNodes == 0)
- moveInRoot = NO;
- else if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- moveInRoot = YES;
- else
- moveInRoot = NO;
- nRootNodes = nCrownNodes = 0;
+ /* get final parsimony state sets for the root part */
+ GetParsDP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, t->root->left, chain);
+ /* get final parsimony state sets for the crown part */
+ GetParsDP (t, c, chain);
+ GetParsDP (t, d, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, c, chain);
+ GetParsFP (t, d, chain);
- /* now collect nodes */
- for (i=numWindowNodes=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ /* find number of site patterns and modify randomly */
+ globalNSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + (chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains) * numCompressedChars + m->compCharStart;
+ nSitesOfPat = (CLFlt *) SafeCalloc (numCompressedChars, sizeof(CLFlt));
+ if (!nSitesOfPat) goto errorExit;
+ for (i=0; i<numCompressedChars; i++)
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->x >= 2 && p->x <= windowDiameter+1 &&
- ((moveInRoot == YES && p->marked == NO) || (moveInRoot == NO && p->marked == YES)))
- windowNode[numWindowNodes++] = p;
+ nSitesOfPat[i] = globalNSitesOfPat[i];
+ /* for (j=0; j<globalNSitesOfPat[i]; j++)
+ {
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed);
+ if (ran < decreaseProb)
+ nSitesOfPat[i]--;
+ else if (ran > 1.0 - increaseProb)
+ nSitesOfPat[i]++;
+ } // this is not used at the moment */
- if (numWindowNodes > 120)
+ /* cycle through the possibilities and record the parsimony length */
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
- printf ("error\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 0, t->isRooted);
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- printf ("%d\t%d\n", t->allDownPass[i]->index, t->allDownPass[i]->x);
- getchar();
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ parLength[i+j*nRoot] = 0.0;
+ for (n=0; n<t->nRelParts; n++)
+ {
+ division = t->relParts[n];
+ /* Find model settings */
+ m = &modelSettings[division];
+ /* find nSitesOfPat */
+ nSites = nSitesOfPat + m->compCharStart;
+ /* find downpass parsimony sets for the potential new connection nodes and their environment */
+ pA = m->parsSets[pRoot[i]->index];
+ pB = m->parsSets[pRoot[i]->anc->index];
+ pC = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->index];
+ pD = m->parsSets[pCrown[j]->anc->index];
+ length = 0.0;
+ if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 1)
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<m->numChars; k++)
+ {
+ y[0] = (pC[k] | pD[k]) & (pA[k] | pB[k]);
+ if (y[0] == 0)
+ length += nSites[k];
+ }
+ }
+ else /* if (m->nParsIntsPerSite == 2) */
+ {
+ for (k=0; k<2*m->numChars; k+=2)
+ {
+ y[0] = (pC[k] | pD[k]) & (pA[k] | pB[k]);
+ y[1] = (pC[k+1] | pD[k+1]) & (pA[k+1] | pB[k+1]);;
+ if ((y[0] | y[1]) == 0)
+ length += nSites[k/2];
+ }
+ }
+ /* find nStates and ratemult */
+ nStates = m->numModelStates;
+ if (m->dataType == STANDARD)
+ nStates = 2;
+ v_typical = length/m->numUncompressedChars + 0.0001;
+ /* get division warp factor (prop. to prob. of change) */
+ divFactor = - warpFactor * log(1.0/nStates - exp(-nStates/(nStates-1)*v_typical)/nStates);
+ parLength[i+j*nRoot] += divFactor * length;
+ }
+ }
- /* find the attachment point */
- if (RandomNumber(seed) > moveProb)
- {
- q = v->left;
- moveInRoot = NO;
- }
+ /* find the min length and the sum for the forward move */
+ minLength = -1.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
+ continue;
+ if (minLength > parLength[i+j*nRoot] || minLength < 0.0)
+ minLength = parLength[i+j*nRoot];
+ }
+ sum1 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
+ continue;
+ /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
+ tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
+ tempsum = sum1 + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - sum1) - tempy;
+ sum1 = tempsum;
+ // sum1 += exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
+ // printf("%d %d %lf\n", i, j, exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]));
+ }
+ /* generate a random uniform */
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed) * sum1;
+ /* select the appropriate reattachment point */
+ newA = a; newC = c;
+ prob = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == 0 && j == 0) // exclude original position
+ continue;
+ // prob += exp (minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
+ /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
+ tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
+ tempsum = prob + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - prob) - tempy;
+ prob = tempsum;
+ if (prob > ran) {
+ /* proposed new attaching position */
+ newA = pRoot[i];
+ newC = pCrown[j];
+ goto outLoop;
+ }
+ }
+ iA = i; jC = j;
+ /* calculate the proposal ratio */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = parLength[i+j*nRoot] - minLength + log(sum1);
+ /* find the min length and the sum for the backward move */
+ minLength = -1.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == iA && j == jC) // exclude new position
+ continue;
+ if (minLength > parLength[i+j*nRoot] || minLength < 0.0)
+ minLength = parLength[i+j*nRoot];
+ }
+ sum2 = 0.0; tempc = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<nCrown; j++)
+ for (i=0; i<nRoot; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == iA && j == jC) // exclude new position
+ continue;
+ /* Kahan summation to reduce numerical error */
+ tempy = exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]) - tempc;
+ tempsum = sum2 + tempy; tempc = (tempsum - sum2) - tempy;
+ sum2 = tempsum;
+ // sum2 += exp (minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]);
+ // printf("%d %d %lf\n", i, j, exp(minLength - parLength[i+j*nRoot]));
+ }
+ /* calculate the proposal ratio */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += minLength - parLength[0] - log(sum2);
+ /* reattach the root part */
+ newB = newA->anc;
+ newA->anc = u;
+ if (u->left == v)
+ u->right = newA;
- {
- q = windowNode[(int)(RandomNumber(seed)*numWindowNodes)];
- }
- /* mark crown subtree */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- p->marked = NO;
- }
- v->marked = YES;
+ u->left = newA;
+ u->anc = newB;
+ if (newB->left == newA)
+ newB->left = u;
+ else
+ newB->right = u;
- for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
+ /* transfer lock and reassign branch lengths, if necessary */
+ if (newA != a)
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->anc->marked == YES)
- p->marked = YES;
- }
- /* mark the path of the move */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- t->allDownPass[i]->marked = NO;
+ /* if u is locked, then we have moved upwards and need to leave the u lock behind */
+ if (u->isLocked == YES)
+ {
+ u->isLocked = NO;
+ a->isLocked = YES;
+ a->lockID = u->lockID;
+ u->lockID = -1;
+ }
- if (moveInRoot == NO)
- {
- p = q;
- while (p != v)
+ p = newA;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
- p->marked = YES;
+ if (p == a) break;
p = p->anc;
- v->marked = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- p = q;
- while (p != NULL)
+ if (p == a)
- p->marked = YES;
- p = p->anc;
+ /* newA is descendant to a so move a->length not u->length */
+ x = u->length;
+ u->length = a->length;
+ a->length = x;
- foundFirst = NO;
- p = v;
- while (p != NULL)
+ p = b;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
- if (p->marked == NO)
- p->marked = YES;
- else if (foundFirst == YES)
- p->marked = NO;
- else
- foundFirst = YES;
+ if (p == newA) break;
p = p->anc;
- }
- /* set up pointers for crown part */
- /* this also determines direction of move in crown part */
- if (v->left->marked == YES)
- {
- c = v->left;
- d = v->right;
- directionLeft = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- c = v->right;
- d = v->left;
- directionLeft = NO;
- }
- /* store brlen nodes and brlen to move */
- brlenNode[0] = d;
- brlenNode[1] = c;
- x = c->length;
- /* cut and reconnect crown part */
- c->anc = d;
- d->anc = c;
- /* mark nodes in root part */
- /* also determines direction of move in root part */
- if (u->anc->marked == NO)
- {
- if (u->left == v)
- a = u->right;
- else
- a = u->left;
- b = u->anc;
- directionUp = YES;
- }
- else
- {
- if (u->left == v)
- b = u->right;
- else
- b = u->left;
- a = u->anc;
- directionUp = NO;
- }
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- brlenNode[4] = u;
- brlenNode[5] = a;
- }
- else
- {
- brlenNode[4] = b;
- brlenNode[5] = u;
- }
- /* cut root part*/
- /* store branch to move in u->length */
- if (directionUp == NO)
- {
- b->anc = a;
- if (a->left == u)
- a->left = b;
- else
- a->right = b;
- }
- else
- {
- a->anc = b;
- if (b->left == u)
- b->left = a;
- else
- b->right = a;
- y = a->length;
- a->length = u->length;
- u->length = y;
- a->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = YES;
- }
- /* move around in root subtree */
- nRootNodes = 0;
- if (moveInRoot == YES)
- {
- for (nRootNodes=0; a->marked == YES; nRootNodes++)
+ if (p == newA)
- if (directionUp == YES)
- {
- /* going up tree */
- if (a->left == NULL)
- break;
- else if (a->left->marked == NO && a->right->marked == NO)
- break; /* don't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- b = a;
- if (a->left->marked == YES)
- a = a->left;
- else
- a = a->right;
- if (u->isLocked == YES)
- {
- b->isLocked = YES;
- u->isLocked = NO;
- b->lockID = u->lockID;
- u->lockID = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* going down tree */
- if (a->anc == NULL || u->isLocked == YES)
- break; /* can't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- if (a->anc->marked == NO)
- {
- /* try switching direction */
- /* find sister of a */
- if (a->left == b)
- {
- a = a->right;
- }
- else
- {
- a = a->left;
- }
- /* as long as we are moving upwards
- the cond likes to update will be
- flagged by the last pass from u to the root */
- if (a->marked == NO)
- {
- b = a->anc;
- b->upDateCl = YES;
- a = a->anc->anc;
- break; /* go back and one node down, unsuccessful attempt */
- }
- else
- {
- b = a->anc;
- directionUp = YES; /* successful attempt */
- }
- }
- else
- { /* continue down */
- b = a;
- a = a->anc;
- b->upDateCl = YES;
- if (b->isLocked == YES)
- {
- u->isLocked = YES;
- b->isLocked = NO;
- u->lockID = b->lockID;
- b->lockID = 0;
- }
- }
+ /* newA is ancestor to a so insert above instead of below */
+ x = newA->length;
+ newA->length = u->length;
+ u->length = x;
+ /* newA is on root path and locked, we need to transfer lock to u */
+ if (newA->isLocked == YES) {
+ u->isLocked = YES;
+ u->lockID = newA->lockID;
+ newA->isLocked = NO;
+ newA->lockID = -1;
- }
+ /* hit u length with multiplier */
+ x = u->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ }
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / u->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (u->length - x);
+ u->length = x;
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (nRootNodes > 0)
+ /* set tiprobs update flags */
+ u->upDateTi = YES;
+ newA->upDateTi = YES;
+ a->upDateTi = YES;
+ }
+ r = newC;
+ q = newB = newC->anc;
+ if (newC != c) // crown part has changed
- if (directionUp == YES)
+ /* rotate nodes from newC to c or d (whichever is closest) */
+ tempc = r->length;
+ while (r != c && r != d)
- brlenNode[6] = a;
- brlenNode[5] = u;
+ p = q->anc;
+ /* rotate pointers of q */
+ if (q->left == r)
+ q->left = p;
+ else
+ q->right = p;
+ q->anc = r;
+ /* swap q and old */
+ tempy = q->length;
+ q->length = tempc;
+ q->upDateTi = YES;
+ tempc = tempy;
+ /* make sure we get q and r initialized for next round */
+ r = q;
+ q = p;
- else
- {
- brlenNode[6] = u;
- brlenNode[5] = b;
+ newB->length = tempc;
+ /* hit newB length with multiplier */
+ x = newB->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ {
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / newB->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (newB->length - x);
+ newB->length = x;
+ newB->upDateTi = YES;
- /* move around in crown subtree */
- nCrownNodes = 0;
- if (moveInRoot == NO)
+ /* reattach the crown part */
+ v->left = newC;
+ v->right = newB;
+ newC->anc = newB->anc = v;
+ topologyHasChanged = YES;
+ /* hit v length with multiplier */
+ x = v->length * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
+ while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- for (nCrownNodes=0; c->left != NULL; nCrownNodes++)
- {
- if (c->left->marked == NO && c->right->marked == NO)
- break; /* can't go further */
- topologyHasChanged = YES;
- if (c->left->marked == YES)
- {
- /* rotate c anticlockwise - prepare pointers for move left */
- c->anc = c->left; /* the root will be in the direction we are heading */
- c->left = c->right;
- c->right = d;
- }
- else
- {
- /* rotate c clockwise - prepare pointers for move right */
- c->anc = c->right; /* the root will be in the direction we are heading */
- c->right = c->left;
- c->left = d;
- }
- /* OK - let's move!; c->anc points in the right direction
- don't forget to move the branch lengths as well */
- d = c;
- c = c->anc;
- d->length = c->length;
- d->upDateCl = YES;
- d->upDateTi = YES;
- }
+ if (x < minV) x = minV * minV / x;
+ if (x > maxV) x = maxV * maxV / x;
- /* store brlen nodes */
- if (nCrownNodes > 0)
+ /* calculate proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / v->length);
+ if (isVPriorExp == YES)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (v->length - x);
+ v->length = x;
+ v->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* set flags for update of cond likes */
+ p = u;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
- brlenNode[2] = c;
- brlenNode[1] = d;
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
- /* combine the subtrees */
- c->anc = v;
- d->anc = v;
- if (directionLeft == YES)
+ p = b;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
- v->left = c;
- v->right = d;
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
- else
+ p = newC;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
- v->left = d;
- v->right = c;
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
- /* the dangling branch is inserted in reverted position
- such that the back move will be possible
- if we have moved around in crown subtree
- otherwise it is left in its original position */
- if (nCrownNodes > 0)
+ p = r;
+ while (p->anc != NULL)
- d->length = x;
- d->upDateTi = YES;
+ p->upDateCl = YES;
+ p = p->anc;
- else
+ /* get down pass sequence if tree topology has changed */
+ if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- c->length = x;
+ GetDownPass (t);
- if (directionUp == YES)
+ /* Dirichlet or twoExp prior */
+ if (isVPriorExp > 1)
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += LogDirPrior(t, mp, isVPriorExp);
+ /* free up local memory */
+ free (parLength); free (pRoot); free (pCrown); free (nSitesOfPat);
+ return (NO_ERROR);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating memory in Move_ParsTBR\n", spacer);
+ free (parLength); free (pRoot); free (pCrown); free (nSitesOfPat);
+ return (ERROR);
+int Move_Pinvar (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+ /* change proportion of invariable sites (pInvar) */
+ int i, c, isValidP, *rateCat, nGammaCats;
+ MrBFlt oldP, newP, window, minP, maxP, ran, lnInvarRatio, lnVarRatio;
+ CLFlt *nSitesOfPat;
+ ModelParams *mp;
+ ModelInfo *m;
+ /* get size of window, centered on current pInvar value */
+ window = mvp[0];
+ /* get model params */
+ mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
+ /* get minimum and maximum values for pInvar */
+ minP = mp->pInvarUni[0];
+ maxP = mp->pInvarUni[1];
+ /* get old value of pInvar */
+ newP = oldP = *GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
+ /* change value for pInvar */
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed);
+ if (maxP-minP < window)
- u->anc = b;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = a;
- else
- u->left = a;
- a->anc = u;
- if (b->left == a)
- b->left = u;
- else
- b->right = u;
- /* the dangling branch is contained in u->length
- and will automatically be inserted in the right position
- to enable the back move regardless of whether it was
- initially directed upwards or downwards
- BUT if we haven't moved in root subtree, it is advantageous (necessary
- for rooted trees) to avoid switching branches, which occurs otherwise
- if directionUp == YES */
- if (nRootNodes == 0)
- {
- x = u->length;
- u->length = a->length;
- a->length = x;
- a->upDateTi = NO;
- u->upDateTi = NO;
- }
+ window = maxP-minP;
- else
+ newP = oldP + window * (ran - 0.5);
+ /* check validity */
+ isValidP = NO;
+ do
- u->anc = a;
- if (u->left == v)
- u->right = b;
- else
- u->left = b;
- b->anc = u;
- if (a->left == b)
- a->left = u;
+ if (newP < minP)
+ newP = 2* minP - newP;
+ else if (newP > maxP)
+ newP = 2 * maxP - newP;
- a->right = u;
- /* the modified branch contained in u->length will have
- to be moved to b->length to enable back move
- BUT if we haven't moved, it is better to keep it in place
- (necessary for rooted trees) */
- if (nRootNodes > 0)
+ isValidP = YES;
+ } while (isValidP == NO);
+ /* get proposal ratio */
+ *lnProposalRatio = 0.0;
+ /* get prior ratio */
+ *lnPriorRatio = 0.0;
+ lnInvarRatio = log(newP) - log(oldP);
+ lnVarRatio = log(1.0-newP) - log(1.0-oldP);
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ {
+ m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[i]];
+ if (m->gibbsGamma == YES)
- x = u->length;
- u->length = b->length;
- b->length = x;
- b->upDateTi = YES;
- u->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* find rate category index and number of gamma categories */
+ rateCat = m->tiIndex + chain * m->numChars;
+ nGammaCats = m->numGammaCats;
+ /* find nSitesOfPat */
+ nSitesOfPat = numSitesOfPat + (chainId[chain] % chainParams.numChains)*numCompressedChars + m->compCharStart;
+ /* loop over characters */
+ for (c=0; c<m->numChars; c++)
+ {
+ if (rateCat[c] < nGammaCats)
+ *lnPriorRatio += lnVarRatio * nSitesOfPat[c];
+ else
+ *lnPriorRatio += lnInvarRatio * nSitesOfPat[c];
+ }
- /* modify branch lengths */
- /* first modify length of middle branch */
- m = brlenNode[3]->length;
- x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5)); /* save the modified dangling branch for later use */
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- brlenNode[3]->length = x;
- brlenNode[3]->upDateTi = YES;
+ /* copy new pInvar value back */
+ *GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]) = newP;
+ /* Set update flags for all partitions that share this pInvar. Note that the conditional
+ likelihood update flags for divisions have been set before we even call this function. */
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
+ /* However, you do need to update cijk flags if this is a covarion model */
+ /* TO DO */
+ return (NO_ERROR);
+int Move_PopSize_M (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+ int isValidN, valIndex;
+ MrBFlt *valPtr, oldN, newN, tuning, minN, maxN, ran, oldLnPrior, newLnPrior, growth,
+ oldT, newT, clockRate;
+ ModelParams *mp;
+ ModelInfo *m;
+ Tree *t;
- /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
+ /* get multiplier tuning parameter */
+ tuning = mvp[0];
- /* if no move in crown, then select randomly, otherwise always the moved branch */
- if (nCrownNodes == 0 && RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- p = brlenNode[0];
- else
- p = brlenNode[1];
+ /* get model params */
+ mp = &modelParams[param->relParts[0]];
+ /* get model settings */
+ m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
- /* modify branch length */
- m = p->length;
- x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
+ /* get minimum and maximum values for population size */
+ if (param->paramId == POPSIZE_UNI)
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
+ minN = mp->popSizeUni[0];
+ maxN = mp->popSizeUni[1];
- p->length = x;
- p->upDateTi = YES;
- /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
- /* if no move in root, then select randomly, otherwise always the moved branch */
- if (nRootNodes == 0 && RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
- p = brlenNode[4];
- p = brlenNode[5];
- /* modify branch length but not if 'root' branch in rooted tree */
- if (t->isRooted == NO || p->anc->anc != NULL)
- m = p->length;
- x = m * exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- while (x < minV || x > maxV)
- {
- if (x < minV)
- x = minV * minV / x;
- else if (x > maxV)
- x = maxV * maxV / x;
- }
- p->length = x;
- p->upDateTi = YES;
- /* update proposal and prior ratio based on length modification */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (x / m);
- if (isVPriorExp == YES)
- (*lnPriorRatio) += brlensExp * (m - x);
+ minN = 0.00001;
+ maxN = 10000000;
- /* set flags for update of cond likes from v and down to root */
- p = v;
- while (p->anc != NULL)
+ /* get pointer to value to be changed */
+ valIndex = (int)(RandomNumber(seed) * param->nValues);
+ valPtr = GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]) + valIndex;
+ /* get old value of population size */
+ oldN = *valPtr;
+ /* get old prior for species tree coalescence */
+ if (m->brlens->paramId == BRLENS_CLOCK_SPCOAL)
- p->upDateCl = YES;
- p = p->anc;
+ oldLnPrior = LnSpeciesTreeProb(chain);
+ }
+ /* change value for theta */
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed);
+ newN = oldN * exp(tuning * (ran - 0.5));
+ /* check that new value is valid */
+ isValidN = NO;
+ do {
+ if (newN < minN)
+ newN = 2* minN - newN;
+ else if (newN > maxN)
+ newN = 2 * maxN - newN;
+ else
+ isValidN = YES;
+ while (isValidN == NO);
- /* get down pass sequence if tree topology has changed */
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
+ /* copy new population size value back */
+ (*valPtr) = newN;
+ /* get proposal ratio */
+ *lnProposalRatio = log (newN / oldN);
+ /* get prior ratio */
+ if (m->brlens->paramId == BRLENS_CLOCK_SPCOAL)
- GetDownPass (t);
+ newLnPrior = LnSpeciesTreeProb(chain);
- /* calculate new number of nodes */
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
+ else
- /* first, mark distance of nodes from the new position of node v */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- p->x = -1;
- }
- v->x = 0;
- v->anc->x = 0;
- /* downpass */
- for (p=u; p->anc!= NULL; p=p->anc)
- {
- p->anc->x = p->x+1;
- }
- /* uppass */
- for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->x < 0)
- p->x = p->anc->x + 1;
- }
- /* mark crown part of tree */
- for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
+ t = GetTree(modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].brlens,chain,state[chain]);
+ m = &modelSettings[param->relParts[0]];
+ clockRate = *GetParamVals(m->clockRate, chain, state[chain]);
+ if (!strcmp(mp->ploidy, "Diploid"))
+ clockRate *= 4.0;
+ else if (!strcmp(mp->ploidy, "Zlinked"))
+ clockRate *= 3.0;
+ else
+ clockRate *= 2.0;
+ newT = oldN * clockRate;
+ oldT = newN * clockRate;
+ if (!strcmp(mp->growthPr, "Fixed"))
+ growth = mp->growthFix;
+ else
+ growth = *(GetParamVals (m->growthRate, chain, state[chain]));
+ if (LnCoalescencePriorPr (t, &oldLnPrior, oldT, growth) == ERROR)
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- p->marked = NO;
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem calculating prior for coalescent process\n", spacer);
+ return (ERROR);
- v->marked = YES;
- for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
+ if (LnCoalescencePriorPr (t, &newLnPrior, newT, growth) == ERROR)
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->anc->marked == YES)
- p->marked = YES;
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem calculating prior for coalescent process\n", spacer);
+ return (ERROR);
+ }
- /* now count nodes */
- for (i=newNumWindowNodes=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
- {
- p = t->allDownPass[i];
- if (p->x >= 2 && p->x <= windowDiameter+1 &&
- ((moveInRoot == YES && p->marked == NO) || (moveInRoot == NO && p->marked == YES)))
- newNumWindowNodes++;
- }
+ (*lnPriorRatio) = param->LnPriorRatio(newN, oldN, param->priorParams);
+ (*lnPriorRatio) += newLnPrior - oldLnPrior;
+ return (NO_ERROR);
+/* Generalized lognormal move for positive real random variables */
+int Move_PosRealLognormal (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+ int i;
+ MrBFlt oldX, newX, minX, maxX, tuning, u, z;
+ /* get tuning parameter */
+ tuning = mvp[0];
+ /* get minimum and maximum values for X */
+ minX = param->min;
+ maxX = param->max;
+ /* get old value of X */
+ newX = oldX = *GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
+ /* change value of X */
+ u = RandomNumber(seed);
+ z = PointNormal(u);
+ newX = exp (log(oldX) + z * tuning);
+ /* check that new value is valid */
+ if (newX < minX || newX > maxX) {
+ abortMove = YES;
+ return (NO_ERROR);
+ }
+ /* get proposal ratio */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = log (newX / oldX);
+ /* get prior ratio */
+ (*lnPriorRatio) = param->LnPriorRatio(newX, oldX, param->priorParams);
+ /* copy new value back */
+ (*GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain])) = newX;
- /* update proposal ratio */
- (*lnProposalRatio) += log (newNumWindowNodes / numWindowNodes);
+ /* Set update flags for tree nodes if relevant */
+ if (param->affectsLikelihood == YES)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
-# if defined (DEBUG_RanSPR)
- printf ("After:\n");
- ShowNodes (t->root, 2, NO);
- getchar();
- printf ("Proposal ratio: %f\n",(*lnProposalRatio));
- printf ("v: %d u: %d c: %d d: %d a: %d b: %d q: %d\n",v->index, u->index,
- c->index, d->index, a->index, b->index, q->index);
- printf ("No. nodes moved in root subtree: %d\n",nRootNodes);
- printf ("No. nodes moved in crown subtree: %d\n",nCrownNodes);
- printf ("Has topology changed? %d\n",topologyHasChanged);
- getchar();
-# endif
+ return (NO_ERROR);
-# if defined (TOPOLOGY_MOVE_STATS)
- if (topologyHasChanged == YES)
- gTopologyHasChanged = YES;
- else
- gTopologyHasChanged = NO;
- gNodeMoves = nCrownNodes + nRootNodes;
-# endif
+/* Generalized multiplier move for positive real random variables */
+int Move_PosRealMultiplier (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp)
+ int i, isValid;
+ MrBFlt oldX, newX, minX, maxX, tuning, ran, factor;
+ /* get tuning parameter */
+ tuning = mvp[0];
+ /* get minimum and maximum values for X */
+ minX = param->min;
+ maxX = param->max;
+ /* get old value of X */
+ newX = oldX = *GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
+ /* change value of X */
+ ran = RandomNumber(seed);
+ factor = exp(tuning * (ran - 0.5));
+ newX = oldX * factor;
+ /* check that new value is valid */
+ isValid = NO;
+ do
+ {
+ if (newX < minX)
+ newX = minX * minX / newX;
+ else if (newX > maxX)
+ newX = maxX * maxX / newX;
+ else
+ isValid = YES;
+ } while (isValid == NO);
+ /* get proposal ratio */
+ (*lnProposalRatio) = log (newX / oldX);
+ /* get prior ratio */
+ (*lnPriorRatio) = param->LnPriorRatio(newX, oldX, param->priorParams);
+ /* copy new value back */
+ *(GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain])) = newX;
+ /* Set update flags for tree nodes if relevant */
+ if (param->affectsLikelihood == YES)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<param->nRelParts; i++)
+ TouchAllTreeNodes(&modelSettings[param->relParts[i]],chain);
+ }
return (NO_ERROR);
@@ -16011,6 +13821,7 @@ int Move_Speciation (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRat
return (ERROR);
*valPtr = newL; // update with new value
+ // for (i=0; i<param->nValues; i++) *(GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]) + i) = newL;
if (LnFossilizationPriorPr (t, clockRate, &newLnPrior, sR, eR, sF, fR, sS) == ERROR)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem calculating prior for fossilized birth-death process\n", spacer);
@@ -16120,6 +13931,7 @@ int Move_Speciation_M (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorR
return (ERROR);
*valPtr = newL; // update with new value
+ // for (i=0; i<param->nValues; i++) *(GetParamVals(param, chain, state[chain]) + i) = newL;
if (LnFossilizationPriorPr (t, clockRate, &newLnPrior, sR, eR, sF, fR, sS) == ERROR)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem calculating prior for fossilized birth-death process\n", spacer);
@@ -16895,7 +14707,7 @@ int Move_TreeStretch (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRa
/* determine multiplication factor */
factor = exp(tuning * (RandomNumber(seed) - 0.5));
- /* multiply all branch lengths and node depths by this factor */
+ /* multiply all changeable ages and node depths by this factor */
numChangedNodes = 0;
for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
@@ -16926,10 +14738,9 @@ int Move_TreeStretch (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRa
p->nodeDepth *= factor;
- /* update brls, be careful with ancestral fossil */
+ /* deal with ancestral fossils */
if (p->left != NULL)
- assert (p->left->length >= 0.0 && p->right->length >= 0.0);
if (p->left->length < TIME_MIN)
p->left->length = 0.0;
@@ -16946,7 +14757,7 @@ int Move_TreeStretch (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRa
- else if (p->right->length < TIME_MIN)
+ if (p->right->length < TIME_MIN)
p->right->length = 0.0;
p->nodeDepth = p->right->nodeDepth;
@@ -16962,17 +14773,22 @@ int Move_TreeStretch (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRa
+ assert (!(p->left->length == 0.0 && p->right->length == 0.0));
+ }
+ }
+ /* update brls */
+ for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
+ {
+ p = t->allDownPass[i];
+ if (p->left != NULL)
+ {
if (p->left->length > 0.0)
p->left->length = p->nodeDepth - p->left->nodeDepth;
if (p->right->length > 0.0)
p->right->length = p->nodeDepth - p->right->nodeDepth;
- /* in case the ancestor cannot be moved */
- p = t->root->left;
- p->left->length = p->nodeDepth - p->left->nodeDepth;
- p->right->length = p->nodeDepth - p->right->nodeDepth;
/* check that all branch lengths are proper, which need not be the case */
for (i = 0; i < t->nNodes -2; i++)
diff --git a/src/proposal.h b/src/proposal.h
index b862505..f598523 100644
--- a/src/proposal.h
+++ b/src/proposal.h
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ int Move_ExtSPRClock (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPri
int Move_ExtSS (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_ExtSSClock (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_ExtTBR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int Move_ExtTBR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_GeneRate_Dir (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_Growth_M (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_IgrVar (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
@@ -49,17 +48,15 @@ int Move_OmegaPur (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorR
int Move_ParsEraser1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_ParsSPR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_ParsSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int Move_ParsSPR2 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_ParsSPRClock (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int Move_ParsTBR (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int Move_ParsTBR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
+int Move_ParsTBR2 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_PopSize (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_PosRealLognormal (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_PosRealMultiplier (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_PopSize_M (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_Pinvar (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int Move_RanSPR1 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int Move_RanSPR2 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int Move_RanSPR3 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
-int Move_RanSPR4 (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_RateMult_Dir (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_RateMult_Slider (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
int Move_RateShape_M (Param *param, int chain, RandLong *seed, MrBFlt *lnPriorRatio, MrBFlt *lnProposalRatio, MrBFlt *mvp);
diff --git a/src/sumpt.c b/src/sumpt.c
index df7ae56..4f9618b 100644
--- a/src/sumpt.c
+++ b/src/sumpt.c
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
#include "SIOUX.h"
-const char* const svnRevisionSumptC = "$Rev: 1031 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expended/updated by svn on each commit/update */
+const char* const svnRevisionSumptC = "$Rev: 1072 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expended/updated by svn on each commit/update */
typedef struct partctr
@@ -93,6 +93,11 @@ extern int DoUserTree (void);
extern int DoUserTreeParm (char *parmName, char *tkn);
extern int SafeFclose(FILE **);
+extern int SetUpPartitionCounters (void);
+extern int AddTreeToPartitionCounters (Tree *tree, int treeId, int runId);
+extern void CalcTopoConvDiagn2 (int *nTrees);
+extern void FreeChainMemory (void);
/* local prototypes */
int CompareModelProbs (const void *x, const void *y);
int PrintModelStats (char *fileName, char **headerNames, int nHeaders, ParameterSample *parameterSamples, int nRuns, int nSamples);
@@ -1659,7 +1664,7 @@ int ExamineSumpFile (char *fileName, SumpFileInfo *fileInfo, char ***headerNames
fileInfo->longestLineLength += 10; /* better safe than sorry; if you fgets with raw longestLineLength, you run into problems */
/* allocate string long enough to hold a line */
- s = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (2*(fileInfo->longestLineLength + 10) * sizeof(char)));
+ s = (char *)SafeMalloc(2 * ((size_t)(fileInfo->longestLineLength) +10) * sizeof(char));
if (!s)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating string for reading sump file\n", spacer);
@@ -1984,11 +1989,7 @@ int PrintMargLikes (char *fileName, char **headerNames, int nHeaders, ParameterS
if (modelIndicatorParams[j][0]!='\0')
- if (!strcmp (temp, "Gen"))
- continue;
- if (!strcmp (temp, "LnL") == SAME)
- continue;
- if (!strcmp (temp, "LnPr") == SAME)
+ if (!strcmp (temp, "Gen") || !strcmp (temp, "LnL") || !strcmp (temp, "LnPr"))
if (len > longestHeader)
longestHeader = len;
@@ -2048,11 +2049,7 @@ int PrintMargLikes (char *fileName, char **headerNames, int nHeaders, ParameterS
for (j=0; modelIndicatorParams[j][0]!='\0'; j++)
if (IsSame (temp,modelIndicatorParams[j]) != DIFFERENT)
- if (IsSame (temp, "Gen") == SAME)
- continue;
- if (IsSame (temp, "LnL") == SAME)
- continue;
- if (!strcmp (temp, "LnPr") == SAME)
+ if (!strcmp (temp, "Gen") || !strcmp (temp, "LnL") || !strcmp (temp, "LnPr"))
GetSummary (parameterSamples[i].values, nRuns, sampleCounts, &theStats, sumpParams.HPD);
@@ -2245,7 +2242,7 @@ int PrintModelStats (char *fileName, char **headerNames, int nHeaders, Parameter
/* sort in terms of decreasing probabilities */
- qsort((void *) elem, (size_t) nElements, (size_t) sizeof(ModelProb), CompareModelProbs);
+ qsort((void *)elem, (size_t)nElements, sizeof(ModelProb), CompareModelProbs);
for (j1=0; j1<nElements; j1++)
@@ -2490,11 +2487,7 @@ int PrintParamStats (char *fileName, char **headerNames, int nHeaders, Parameter
if (modelIndicatorParams[j][0]!='\0')
- if (!strcmp (temp, "Gen"))
- continue;
- if (!strcmp (temp, "LnL") == SAME)
- continue;
- if (!strcmp (temp, "LnPr") == SAME)
+ if (!strcmp (temp, "Gen") || !strcmp (temp, "LnL") || !strcmp (temp, "LnPr"))
if (len > longestHeader)
longestHeader = len;
@@ -2557,11 +2550,7 @@ int PrintParamStats (char *fileName, char **headerNames, int nHeaders, Parameter
if (modelIndicatorParams[j][0]!='\0')
- if (IsSame (temp, "Gen") == SAME)
- continue;
- if (IsSame (temp, "LnL") == SAME)
- continue;
- if (!strcmp (temp, "LnPr") == SAME)
+ if (!strcmp (temp, "Gen") || !strcmp (temp, "LnL") || !strcmp (temp, "LnPr"))
GetSummary (parameterSamples[i].values, nRuns, sampleCounts, &theStats, sumpParams.HPD);
@@ -2948,26 +2937,26 @@ PartCtr *AddSumtPartition (PartCtr *r, PolyTree *t, PolyNode *p, int runId)
/* allocate more space */
if (sumtParams.brlensDef == YES)
- r->length[runId] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)r->length[runId],(size_t)((n+ALLOC_LEN)*sizeof(MrBFlt)));
+ r->length[runId] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)r->length[runId], ((size_t)n+ALLOC_LEN)*sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (sumtParams.isClock == YES)
- r->height[runId] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)r->height[runId],(size_t)((n+ALLOC_LEN)*sizeof(MrBFlt)));
+ r->height[runId] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)r->height[runId], ((size_t)n+ALLOC_LEN)*sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (sumtParams.isCalibrated == YES)
- r->age[runId] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)r->age[runId],(size_t)((n+ALLOC_LEN)*sizeof(MrBFlt)));
+ r->age[runId] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)r->age[runId], ((size_t)n+ALLOC_LEN)*sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (sumtParams.nESets > 0)
for (i=0; i<sumtParams.nESets; i++)
- r->nEvents[i][runId] = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *)r->nEvents[i][runId], (size_t)(n+ALLOC_LEN)*sizeof(int));
+ r->nEvents[i][runId] = (int *) SafeRealloc ((void *)r->nEvents[i][runId], ((size_t)n+ALLOC_LEN)*sizeof(int));
if (sumtParams.nBSets > 0)
for (i=0; i<sumtParams.nBSets; i++)
- r->bRate[i][runId] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)r->bRate[i][runId], (size_t)(n+ALLOC_LEN)*sizeof(MrBFlt));
- r->bLen [i][runId] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)r->bLen [i][runId], (size_t)(n+ALLOC_LEN)*sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ r->bRate[i][runId] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)r->bRate[i][runId], ((size_t)n+ALLOC_LEN)*sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ r->bLen [i][runId] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)r->bLen [i][runId], ((size_t)n+ALLOC_LEN)*sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (sumtParams.popSizeSet == YES)
- r->popSize[runId] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)r->popSize[runId],(size_t)((n+ALLOC_LEN)*sizeof(MrBFlt)));
+ r->popSize[runId] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)r->popSize[runId], ((size_t)n+ALLOC_LEN)*sizeof(MrBFlt));
/* record values */
@@ -3078,55 +3067,55 @@ PartCtr *AllocPartCtr ()
PartCtr *r;
/* allocate basic stuff */
- r = (PartCtr *) SafeCalloc ((size_t) 1, sizeof(PartCtr));
+ r = (PartCtr *) SafeCalloc (1, sizeof(PartCtr));
r->left = r->right = NULL;
- r->partition = (BitsLong *) SafeCalloc ((size_t) sumtParams.BitsLongsNeeded, sizeof(BitsLong));
- r->count = (int *) SafeCalloc ((size_t) sumtParams.numRuns, sizeof (int));
+ r->partition = (BitsLong *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(sumtParams.BitsLongsNeeded), sizeof(BitsLong));
+ r->count = (int *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(sumtParams.numRuns), sizeof (int));
if (sumtParams.brlensDef)
- r->length = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc ((size_t) sumtParams.numRuns, sizeof (MrBFlt *));
+ r->length = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(sumtParams.numRuns), sizeof (MrBFlt *));
for (i=0; i<sumtParams.numRuns; i++)
- r->length[i] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (ALLOC_LEN, sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ r->length[i] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)ALLOC_LEN, sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (sumtParams.isClock)
- r->height = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc ((size_t) sumtParams.numRuns, sizeof (MrBFlt *));
+ r->height = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(sumtParams.numRuns), sizeof (MrBFlt *));
for (i=0; i<sumtParams.numRuns; i++)
- r->height[i] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (ALLOC_LEN, sizeof(MrBFlt));
- r->age = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc ((size_t) sumtParams.numRuns, sizeof (MrBFlt *));
+ r->height[i] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)ALLOC_LEN, sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ r->age = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(sumtParams.numRuns), sizeof (MrBFlt *));
for (i=0; i<sumtParams.numRuns; i++)
- r->age[i] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (ALLOC_LEN, sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ r->age[i] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)ALLOC_LEN, sizeof(MrBFlt));
/* allocate relaxed clock parameters: eRate, nEvents, bRate */
if (sumtParams.nESets > 0)
- r->nEvents = (int ***) SafeCalloc ((size_t) sumtParams.nESets, sizeof(int **));
+ r->nEvents = (int ***) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(sumtParams.nESets), sizeof(int **));
for (i=0; i<sumtParams.nESets; i++)
- r->nEvents[i] = (int **) SafeCalloc ((size_t) sumtParams.numRuns, sizeof(int *));
+ r->nEvents[i] = (int **) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(sumtParams.numRuns), sizeof(int *));
for (j=0; j<sumtParams.numRuns; j++)
r->nEvents[i][j] = (int *) SafeCalloc ((size_t) ALLOC_LEN, sizeof(int));
if (sumtParams.nBSets > 0)
- r->bLen = (MrBFlt ***) SafeCalloc ((size_t) sumtParams.nBSets, sizeof(MrBFlt **));
- r->bRate = (MrBFlt ***) SafeCalloc ((size_t) sumtParams.nBSets, sizeof(MrBFlt **));
+ r->bLen = (MrBFlt ***) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(sumtParams.nBSets), sizeof(MrBFlt **));
+ r->bRate = (MrBFlt ***) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(sumtParams.nBSets), sizeof(MrBFlt **));
for (i=0; i<sumtParams.nBSets; i++)
- r->bLen[i] = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc ((size_t) sumtParams.numRuns, sizeof(MrBFlt *));
- r->bRate[i] = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc ((size_t) sumtParams.numRuns, sizeof(MrBFlt *));
+ r->bLen[i] = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(sumtParams.numRuns), sizeof(MrBFlt *));
+ r->bRate[i] = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(sumtParams.numRuns), sizeof(MrBFlt *));
for (j=0; j<sumtParams.numRuns; j++)
- r->bLen[i][j] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t) ALLOC_LEN, sizeof(MrBFlt));
- r->bRate[i][j] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t) ALLOC_LEN, sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ r->bLen[i][j] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)ALLOC_LEN, sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ r->bRate[i][j] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)ALLOC_LEN, sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (sumtParams.popSizeSet == YES)
- r->popSize = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc ((size_t) sumtParams.numRuns, sizeof (MrBFlt *));
+ r->popSize = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(sumtParams.numRuns), sizeof (MrBFlt *));
for (i=0; i<sumtParams.numRuns; i++)
- r->popSize[i] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (ALLOC_LEN, sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ r->popSize[i] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)ALLOC_LEN, sizeof(MrBFlt));
return r;
@@ -3138,11 +3127,11 @@ TreeCtr *AllocTreeCtr ()
TreeCtr *r;
- r = (TreeCtr *) SafeCalloc ((size_t) 1, sizeof(TreeCtr));
+ r = (TreeCtr *) SafeCalloc (1, sizeof(TreeCtr));
r->left = r->right = NULL;
- r->order = (int *) SafeCalloc ((size_t) sumtParams.orderLen, sizeof(int));
+ r->order = (int *) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(sumtParams.orderLen), sizeof(int));
return r;
@@ -3204,7 +3193,7 @@ void CalculateTreeToTreeDistance (Tree *tree1, Tree *tree2, MrBFlt *d1, MrBFlt *
-/* ConTree: Construct consensus tree FIXME: numTreeParts is not used*/
+/* ConTree: Construct consensus tree */
int ConTree (PartCtr **treeParts, int numTreeParts)
int i, j, targetNode, nBits, isCompat, numTerminalsEncountered;
@@ -3735,7 +3724,7 @@ int DoCompareTree (void)
/* Allocate space for command string */
longestLineLength += 10;
- s = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (longestLineLength * sizeof(char)));
+ s = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t)longestLineLength * sizeof(char));
if (!s)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating string for reading tree file\n", spacer);
@@ -3779,7 +3768,7 @@ int DoCompareTree (void)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Using absolute burnin ('relburnin=no'), discarding the first %d ('burnin=%d') sampled trees\n",
spacer, chainParams.chainBurnIn, chainParams.chainBurnIn);
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Writing statistics to file %s\n", spacer, comptreeParams.comptOutfile);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Writing statistics to file %s.<dists|pairs>\n", spacer, comptreeParams.comptOutfile);
/* Set up cheap status bar. */
MrBayesPrint ("\n%s Tree reading status:\n\n", spacer);
@@ -3856,7 +3845,7 @@ int DoCompareTree (void)
/* Read file 2 for real */
if ((fp = OpenTextFileR(comptreeParams.comptFileName2)) == NULL)
- return ERROR;
+ goto errorExit;
/* ...and fast forward to beginning of last tree block. */
for (i=0; i<lastTreeBlockBegin[1] + 1; i++)
@@ -3911,7 +3900,6 @@ int DoCompareTree (void)
MrBayesPrint ("\n\n");
/* tell user how many trees were successfully read */
- /* tell user how many trees were successfully read */
MrBayesPrint ("%s Read %d trees from last tree block of file \"%s\" (sampling %d of them)\n", spacer,
@@ -4068,7 +4056,7 @@ int DoCompareTree (void)
minNumTrees = sumtParams.numFileTreesSampled[0];
if (sumtParams.numFileTreesSampled[1] < minNumTrees)
minNumTrees = sumtParams.numFileTreesSampled[1];
- dT1 = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (3 * minNumTrees * sizeof(MrBFlt)));
+ dT1 = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc (3 * (size_t)minNumTrees * sizeof(MrBFlt));
tree1 = AllocateFixedTree (sumtParams.numTaxa, sumtParams.isRooted);
tree2 = AllocateFixedTree (sumtParams.numTaxa, sumtParams.isRooted);
if (!dT1 || !tree1 || !tree2)
@@ -4130,7 +4118,7 @@ int DoCompareTree (void)
maxX = maxY = -1000000000.0;
for (i=0; i<minNumTrees; i++)
- xVal = (MrBFlt) (i + chainParams.chainBurnIn);
+ xVal = (MrBFlt) (i + comptreeParams.burnin);
yVal = dT1[i];
if (xVal < minX)
minX = xVal;
@@ -4148,7 +4136,7 @@ int DoCompareTree (void)
for (i=0; i<minNumTrees; i++)
- xVal = (MrBFlt) (i + chainParams.chainBurnIn);
+ xVal = (MrBFlt) (i + comptreeParams.burnin);
yVal = dT1[i];
k = (int)(((xVal - minX) / (maxX - minX)) * screenWidth);
if (k >= screenWidth)
@@ -4576,6 +4564,229 @@ int DoCompareTreeParm (char *parmName, char *tkn)
+int DoCompRefTree (void)
+ /* Compare a tree file with the reference tree files to generate the SDSFs.
+ Use parameters in CompareTree and MCMCP (lazy option) */
+ char outName[130], inName[130], inRefName[130], treeName[100], *lineBuf=NULL, *s;
+ FILE *fpTre=NULL, *fpOut=NULL;
+ int i, n, longestL=0, burnin, gen, nRefRun, nTre[100]={0};
+ SumtFileInfo tFileInfo;
+ Tree *t;
+# if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
+ if (proc_id != 0)
+ return NO_ERROR;
+# endif
+ /* Check that a data set has been read in. We check taxon names against those read in. */
+ if (isTaxsetDef == NO)
+ {
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s A matrix or set of taxon labels must be specified before compareref can be used\n", spacer);
+ return (ERROR);
+ }
+ /* this is a hack to account for the additional comparing tree sample
+ chainParams.numRuns is used in AddTreeToPartitionCounters to alloc mem correctly */
+ nRefRun = chainParams.numRuns;
+ chainParams.numRuns += 1;
+ /* initialize */
+ if ((t = AllocateTree (numLocalTaxa)) == NULL)
+ {
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating diagn tree\n", spacer);
+ goto errorExit;
+ }
+ if (SetUpPartitionCounters () == ERROR)
+ goto errorExit;
+ if ((chainParams.stat = (STATS *) SafeCalloc (numTopologies, sizeof (STATS))) == NULL)
+ goto errorExit;
+ else
+ memAllocs[ALLOC_STATS] = YES;
+ /* deal with the reference tree files */
+ // for (k=0; k<numTopologies; k++)
+ for (n=0; n<nRefRun; n++)
+ {
+ if (nRefRun == 1)
+ sprintf (inRefName, "%s.t", comptreeParams.comptFileName2);
+ else
+ sprintf (inRefName, "%s.run%d.t", comptreeParams.comptFileName2, n+1);
+ /* Examine each ref tree file, save info to tFileInfo */
+ if (ExamineSumtFile(inRefName, &tFileInfo, treeName, &sumtParams.brlensDef) == ERROR)
+ goto errorExit;
+ if (longestL < tFileInfo.longestLineLength)
+ {
+ longestL = tFileInfo.longestLineLength;
+ lineBuf = (char *) SafeRealloc (lineBuf, (size_t)longestL * sizeof(char));
+ if (!lineBuf)
+ {
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating string for reading tree file\n", spacer);
+ goto errorExit;
+ }
+ }
+ /* calculate burnin */
+ if (chainParams.relativeBurnin == YES)
+ burnin = (int)(chainParams.burninFraction * tFileInfo.numTreesInLastBlock);
+ else
+ burnin = chainParams.chainBurnIn;
+ if (burnin >= tFileInfo.numTreesInLastBlock)
+ {
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Burnin should be smaller than the total number of trees\n", spacer);
+ goto errorExit;
+ }
+ /* open the ref tree file */
+ if ((fpTre = OpenTextFileR (inRefName)) == NULL)
+ goto errorExit;
+ /* ...and fast forward to beginning in last tree block */
+ for (i=0; i <= tFileInfo.lastTreeBlockBegin; i++)
+ {
+ if (fgets(lineBuf, longestL-2, fpTre) == NULL)
+ goto errorExit;
+ }
+ /* process each ref tree */
+ for (i=1; i <= tFileInfo.numTreesInLastBlock; i++)
+ {
+ do {
+ if (fgets (lineBuf, longestL-2, fpTre) == NULL)
+ goto errorExit;
+ s = strtok (lineBuf, " ");
+ }
+ while (strcmp (s, "tree") != 0);
+ /* add reference trees to partition counters, discarding burnin */
+ if (i > burnin)
+ {
+ s = strtok (NULL, ";");
+ while (*s != '(')
+ s++;
+ StripComments(s);
+ if (ResetTopology (t, s) == ERROR)
+ goto errorExit;
+ if (AddTreeToPartitionCounters (t, 0, n) == ERROR)
+ goto errorExit;
+ nTre[n]++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* close the tree file */
+ SafeFclose (&fpTre);
+ }
+ /* end reference tree files */
+ /* open output file */
+ strcpy (outName, comptreeParams.comptOutfile);
+ strcat (outName, ".sdsf");
+ if ((fpOut = OpenNewMBPrintFile (outName)) == NULL)
+ goto errorExit;
+ /* print stamp and header */
+ if ((int)strlen(stamp) > 1)
+ MrBayesPrintf (fpOut, "[ID: %s]\n", stamp);
+ if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
+ MrBayesPrintf (fpOut, "Gen\tASDSF\n");
+ else // MAXSTDDEV
+ MrBayesPrintf (fpOut, "Gen\tMSDSF\n");
+ /* Examine the tree file to be compared, save info to tFileInfo */
+ strcpy(inName, comptreeParams.comptFileName1);
+ if (ExamineSumtFile(inName, &tFileInfo, treeName, &sumtParams.brlensDef) == ERROR)
+ goto errorExit;
+ if (longestL < tFileInfo.longestLineLength)
+ {
+ longestL = tFileInfo.longestLineLength;
+ lineBuf = (char *) SafeRealloc (lineBuf, (size_t)longestL * sizeof(char));
+ if (!lineBuf)
+ {
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating string for reading tree file\n", spacer);
+ goto errorExit;
+ }
+ }
+ /* open the tree file to be compared */
+ if ((fpTre = OpenTextFileR (inName)) == NULL)
+ goto errorExit;
+ /* ...and fast forward to beginning in last tree block */
+ for (i=0; i <= tFileInfo.lastTreeBlockBegin; i++)
+ {
+ if (fgets(lineBuf, longestL-2, fpTre) == NULL)
+ goto errorExit;
+ }
+ /* process each tree to be compared and print SDSF to file */
+ for (i=1; i <= tFileInfo.numTreesInLastBlock; i++)
+ {
+ do {
+ if (fgets (lineBuf, longestL-2, fpTre) == NULL)
+ goto errorExit;
+ s = strtok (lineBuf, " ");
+ }
+ while (strcmp (s, "tree") != 0);
+ s = strtok (NULL, ";");
+ gen = atoi(s+4); // 4 is offset to get rid of "rep." in tree name
+ while (*s != '(')
+ s++;
+ StripComments(s);
+ /* add the tree to partition counters */
+ if (ResetTopology (t, s) == ERROR)
+ goto errorExit;
+ if (AddTreeToPartitionCounters (t, 0, nRefRun) == ERROR)
+ goto errorExit;
+ nTre[nRefRun]++;
+ /* calculate and write stdev of split freq */
+ CalcTopoConvDiagn2 (nTre);
+ if (chainParams.stat[0].numPartitions == 0)
+ {
+ MrBayesPrintf (fpOut, "%d\tNA\n", gen);
+ }
+ else if (chainParams.diagnStat == AVGSTDDEV)
+ {
+ MrBayesPrintf (fpOut, "%d\t%lf\n", gen, chainParams.stat[0].avgStdDev);
+ }
+ else // MAXSTDDEV
+ {
+ MrBayesPrintf (fpOut, "%d\t%lf\n", gen, chainParams.stat[0].max);
+ }
+ }
+ /* change back to the actual numRuns, end of hack */
+ chainParams.numRuns -= 1;
+ /* close tree file */
+ SafeFclose (&fpTre);
+ /* close output file */
+ SafeFclose (&fpOut);
+ /* free memory */
+ free(lineBuf);
+ FreeTree (t);
+ FreeChainMemory();
+ return (NO_ERROR);
+ /* error exit */
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Error in DoCompRefTree\n", spacer);
+ chainParams.numRuns -= 1;
+ SafeFclose (&fpTre);
+ SafeFclose (&fpOut);
+ FreeTree (t);
+ FreeChainMemory();
+ free(lineBuf);
+ return (ERROR);
#if defined (PRINT_RATEMUL_CPP)
int DELETE_ME_count_taxa(PolyNode *p)
@@ -4805,7 +5016,7 @@ int DoSumt (void)
/* Now we read the file for real. First, allocate a string for reading the file... */
if (sumtParams.runId == 0 && treeNo == 0)
- s = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sumtFileInfo.longestLineLength * sizeof(char)));
+ s = (char *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)(sumtFileInfo.longestLineLength) * sizeof(char));
if (!s)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating string for reading sumt file\n", spacer);
@@ -4815,7 +5026,7 @@ int DoSumt (void)
free (s);
- s = (char *) SafeMalloc (sizeof (char) * sumtFileInfo.longestLineLength);
+ s = (char *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)(sumtFileInfo.longestLineLength) * sizeof (char));
if (!s)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem reallocating string for reading sumt file\n", spacer);
@@ -4932,7 +5143,7 @@ int DoSumt (void)
} /* next run for this tree */
/* Extract partition counter pointers */
- treeParts = (PartCtr **) SafeCalloc ((size_t)(numUniqueSplitsFound), sizeof(PartCtr *));
+ treeParts = (PartCtr **) SafeCalloc ((size_t)numUniqueSplitsFound, sizeof(PartCtr *));
i = 0;
PartCtrUppass(partCtrRoot, treeParts, &i);
@@ -5512,25 +5723,25 @@ int DoSumt (void)
MrBayesPrint ("\n\n");
- /* Exclude trivial splits when calculating average standard deviation of split frequencies. */
- avgStdDev = sumStdDev / (numTreePartsToPrint-sumtParams.numTaxa-1);
- avgPSRF = sumPSRF / numPSRFSamples;
- if (sumtParams.numRuns > 1 && sumtParams.summary == YES)
- {
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Summary statistics for partitions with frequency >= %1.2lf in at least one run:\n", spacer, sumtParams.minPartFreq);
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Average standard deviation of split frequencies = %1.6lf\n", spacer, avgStdDev);
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Maximum standard deviation of split frequencies = %1.6lf\n", spacer, maxStdDev);
- }
- if (sumtParams.brlensDef == YES && sumtParams.numRuns > 1 && sumtParams.summary == YES)
- {
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Average PSRF for parameter values (excluding NA and >10.0) = %1.3lf\n", spacer, avgPSRF);
- if (maxPSRF == 10)
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Maximum PSRF for parameter values = NA\n", spacer);
- else
- MrBayesPrint ("%s Maximum PSRF for parameter values = %1.3lf\n", spacer, maxPSRF);
- }
- MrBayesPrint ("\n");
+ /* Exclude trivial splits when calculating average standard deviation of split frequencies. */
+ avgStdDev = sumStdDev / (numTreePartsToPrint-sumtParams.numTaxa-1);
+ avgPSRF = sumPSRF / numPSRFSamples;
+ if (sumtParams.numRuns > 1 && sumtParams.summary == YES)
+ {
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Summary statistics for partitions with frequency >= %1.2lf in at least one run:\n", spacer, sumtParams.minPartFreq);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Average standard deviation of split frequencies = %1.6lf\n", spacer, avgStdDev);
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Maximum standard deviation of split frequencies = %1.6lf\n", spacer, maxStdDev);
+ }
+ if (sumtParams.brlensDef == YES && sumtParams.numRuns > 1 && sumtParams.summary == YES)
+ {
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Average PSRF for parameter values (excluding NA and >10.0) = %1.3lf\n", spacer, avgPSRF);
+ if (maxPSRF == 10)
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Maximum PSRF for parameter values = NA\n", spacer);
+ else
+ MrBayesPrint ("%s Maximum PSRF for parameter values = %1.3lf\n", spacer, maxPSRF);
+ }
+ MrBayesPrint ("\n");
SortPartCtr (treeParts, 0, numUniqueSplitsFound-1); /* We sort again but this time we sort all partitions instead of just first numTreePartsToPrintNow */
/* make the majority rule consensus tree */
@@ -6439,7 +6650,7 @@ int ExamineSumtFile (char *fileName, SumtFileInfo *sumtFileInfo, char *treeName,
sumtFileInfo->longestLineLength += 10;
/* allocate a string long enough to hold a line */
- s = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (sumtFileInfo->longestLineLength * sizeof(char)));
+ s = (char *)SafeMalloc((size_t)(sumtFileInfo->longestLineLength) * sizeof(char));
if (!s)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating string for examining file \"%s\"\n", spacer, fileName);
diff --git a/src/sumpt.h b/src/sumpt.h
index 21daf25..82ce273 100644
--- a/src/sumpt.h
+++ b/src/sumpt.h
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ int ReadParamSamples (char *fileName, SumpFileInfo *fileInfo, ParameterSampl
int DoCompareTree (void);
int DoCompareTreeParm (char *parmName, char *tkn);
+int DoCompRefTree (void);
int DoSumt (void);
int DoSumtParm (char *parmName, char *tkn);
int DoSumtTree (void);
diff --git a/src/utils.c b/src/utils.c
index 42b1c32..59c6389 100644
--- a/src/utils.c
+++ b/src/utils.c
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
#include "model.h"
#include "utils.h"
-const char* const svnRevisionUtilsC = "$Rev: 1020 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expended/updated by svn on each commit/update */
+const char* const svnRevisionUtilsC = "$Rev: 1062 $"; /* Revision keyword which is expended/updated by svn on each commit/update */
#define MAX_GAMMA_CATS 20
#define PI 3.14159265358979324
@@ -141,11 +141,11 @@ int AddBitfield (BitsLong ***list, int listLen, int *set, int setLen)
nLongsNeeded = (setLen - 1) / nBitsInALong + 1;
- (*list) = (BitsLong **) SafeRealloc ((void *)(*list), (size_t)((listLen+1)*sizeof(BitsLong *)));
+ (*list) = (BitsLong **) SafeRealloc ((void *)(*list), ((size_t)listLen+1)*sizeof(BitsLong *));
if (!(*list))
return ERROR;
- (*list)[listLen] = (BitsLong *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)(nLongsNeeded*sizeof(BitsLong)));
+ (*list)[listLen] = (BitsLong *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)nLongsNeeded*sizeof(BitsLong));
if (!(*list)[listLen])
return ERROR;
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ void GetSummary (MrBFlt **vals, int nRows, int *rowCount, Stat *theStats, int HP
p = theValues;
for (i=0; i<nRows; i++)
- memcpy ((void *)(p),(void *)(vals[i]),(size_t)(rowCount[i]*sizeof(MrBFlt)));
+ memcpy ((void *)(p), (void *)(vals[i]), (size_t)rowCount[i] * sizeof(MrBFlt));
p += rowCount[i];
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ void GetSummary (MrBFlt **vals, int nRows, int *rowCount, Stat *theStats, int HP
if (nRows > 1)
theStats->PSRF = PotentialScaleReduction (vals, nRows, rowCount);
- ESS = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc ((size_t) nRows * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ ESS = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)nRows * sizeof(MrBFlt));
EstimatedSampleSize (vals, nRows, rowCount, ESS);
theStats->avrESS = theStats->minESS = ESS[0];
@@ -1560,10 +1560,10 @@ char *SafeStrcat (char **target, const char *source)
if (*target == NULL)
*target = (char *) SafeCalloc (strlen(source)+1, sizeof(char));
- *target = (char *) SafeRealloc ((void *)*target, (size_t)(strlen(source)+strlen(*target)+1)*sizeof(char));
+ *target = (char *) SafeRealloc ((void *)*target, (strlen(source)+strlen(*target)+1)*sizeof(char));
if (*target)
- strcat(*target,source);
+ strcat(*target, source);
return (*target);
@@ -1572,7 +1572,7 @@ char *SafeStrcat (char **target, const char *source)
/* SafeStrcpy: Allocate or reallocate target to fit result; assumes ptr is NULL if not allocated */
char *SafeStrcpy (char **target, const char *source)
- *target = (char *) SafeRealloc ((void *)*target, (size_t)(strlen(source)+1)*sizeof(char));
+ *target = (char *) SafeRealloc ((void *)*target, (strlen(source)+1)*sizeof(char));
if (*target)
@@ -2144,7 +2144,7 @@ int AllocateTreePartitions (Tree *t)
nLongsNeeded = (numTaxa - 1) / nBitsInALong + 1;
/* reallocate space */
- t->bitsets = (BitsLong *) SafeRealloc ((void *) t->bitsets, (size_t)(t->nNodes*nLongsNeeded*sizeof(BitsLong)));
+ t->bitsets = (BitsLong *) SafeRealloc ((void *)(t->bitsets), (size_t)(t->nNodes) * (size_t)nLongsNeeded * sizeof(BitsLong));
if (!t->bitsets)
return (ERROR);
@@ -3460,11 +3460,11 @@ void CopyTreeNodes (TreeNode *p, TreeNode *q, int nLongsNeeded)
p->nodeDepth = q->nodeDepth;
p->calibration = q->calibration;
p->age = q->age;
- if (nLongsNeeded!=0)
+ if (nLongsNeeded != 0)
assert (p->partition);
assert (q->partition);
- memcpy (p->partition,q->partition, nLongsNeeded*sizeof(BitsLong));
+ memcpy (p->partition, q->partition, nLongsNeeded*sizeof(BitsLong));
@@ -8473,7 +8473,7 @@ void WriteEventTreeToPrintString (TreeNode *p, int chain, Param *param, int prin
int i, j, nEvents, tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
MrBFlt brlen, *position, *rateMult;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -8629,7 +8629,7 @@ void WriteNoEvtTreeToPrintString (TreeNode *p, int chain, Param *param, int show
int i, tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE, nEvents;
MrBFlt brlen, N;
- tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t) (tempStrSize * sizeof(char)));
+ tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
if (!tempStr)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
@@ -8789,13 +8789,13 @@ complex **AllocateSquareComplexMatrix (int dim)
int i;
complex **m;
- m = (complex **) SafeMalloc((size_t)((dim)*sizeof(complex*)));
+ m = (complex **) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * sizeof(complex*));
if (!m)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Error: Problem allocating a square complex matrix.\n", spacer);
exit (0);
- m[0]=(complex *) SafeMalloc((size_t)((dim*dim)*sizeof(complex)));
+ m[0]=(complex *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * (size_t)dim *sizeof(complex));
if (!m[0])
MrBayesPrint ("%s Error: Problem allocating a square complex matrix.\n", spacer);
@@ -8822,13 +8822,13 @@ MrBFlt **AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (int dim)
int i;
MrBFlt **m;
- m = (MrBFlt **)SafeMalloc((size_t)((dim)*sizeof(MrBFlt*)));
+ m = (MrBFlt **) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * sizeof(MrBFlt*));
if (!m)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Error: Problem allocating a square matrix of doubles.\n", spacer);
- m[0] = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t)((dim*dim)*sizeof(MrBFlt)));
+ m[0] = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * (size_t)dim * sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (!m[0])
MrBayesPrint ("%s Error: Problem allocating a square matrix of doubles.\n", spacer);
@@ -8854,13 +8854,13 @@ int **AllocateSquareIntegerMatrix (int dim)
int i, **m;
- m = (int **)SafeMalloc((size_t)((dim)*sizeof(int*)));
+ m = (int **) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * sizeof(int*));
if (!m)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Error: Problem allocating a square matrix of integers.\n", spacer);
- m[0] = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t)((dim*dim)*sizeof(int)));
+ m[0] = (int *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * (size_t)dim * sizeof(int));
if (!m[0])
MrBayesPrint ("%s Error: Problem allocating a square matrix of integers.\n", spacer);
@@ -11033,7 +11033,7 @@ void GaussianElimination (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt **bMat, MrBFlt **xMat)
lMat = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (dim);
uMat = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (dim);
- bVec = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) ((dim) * sizeof(MrBFlt)));
+ bVec = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * sizeof(MrBFlt));
if (!bVec)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Error: Problem allocating bVec\n", spacer);
@@ -11080,8 +11080,8 @@ int GetEigens (int dim, MrBFlt **q, MrBFlt *eigenValues, MrBFlt *eigvalsImag, Mr
complex **cWork, *Ccol;
/* allocate memory */
- dWork = (MrBFlt *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (dim * sizeof(MrBFlt)));
- iWork = (int *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (dim * sizeof(int)));
+ dWork = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * sizeof(MrBFlt));
+ iWork = (int *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * sizeof(int));
if (!dWork || !iWork)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Error: Problem in GetEigens\n", spacer);
@@ -11136,7 +11136,7 @@ int GetEigens (int dim, MrBFlt **q, MrBFlt *eigenValues, MrBFlt *eigvalsImag, Mr
- Ccol = (complex *)SafeMalloc((size_t) (dim * sizeof(complex)));
+ Ccol = (complex *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * sizeof(complex));
if (!Ccol)
MrBayesPrint ("%s Error: Problem in GetEigens\n", spacer);
@@ -12737,11 +12737,10 @@ MrBFlt LnPriorProbTruncatedNormal (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
MrBFlt z, z_0, normConst;
z = (val - params[0]) / params[1];
z_0 = (0.0 - params[0]) / params[1];
normConst = CdfNormal(z_0);
- return - log(params[1] * sqrt(2.0 * PI)) - z * z / 2.0 - log(normConst);
+ return - log(params[1] * sqrt(2.0 * PI)) - z * z / 2.0 - log(1.0 - normConst);
@@ -12751,11 +12750,10 @@ MrBFlt LnPriorProbTruncatedNormal_Param_Trunc_Mean_Sd (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *param
MrBFlt z, z_trunc, normConst;
z = (val - params[1]) / params[2];
z_trunc = (params[0] - params[1]) / params[2];
normConst = CdfNormal(z_trunc);
- return - log(params[2] * sqrt(2.0 * PI)) - z * z / 2.0 - log(normConst);
+ return - log(params[2] * sqrt(2.0 * PI)) - z * z / 2.0 - log(1.0 - normConst);
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