[med-svn] [khmer] 01/01: Merge branch 'master' into libkhmerdev
Kevin Murray
daube-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jul 8 11:46:02 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
daube-guest pushed a commit to branch daube/libkhmerdev
in repository khmer.
commit 62cac31ee3c0c24edd8a7407134d98c7e8a280d6
Merge: 83165d7 de9a334
Author: Kevin Murray <spam at kdmurray.id.au>
Date: Wed Jul 8 21:45:21 2015 +1000
Merge branch 'master' into libkhmerdev
Brings in the v2.0-rc1 release candidate
.gitignore | 3 +
ChangeLog | 354 +-
Doxyfile.in | 2 +-
Makefile | 34 +-
README.rst | 15 +-
doc/conf.py | 2 +-
doc/dev/binary-file-formats.rst | 115 +
doc/dev/development.rst | 6 +-
doc/dev/for-khmer-developers.rst | 4 +-
doc/dev/getting-started.rst | 29 +-
doc/dev/hackathon.rst | 12 +-
doc/dev/index.rst | 1 +
doc/dev/release.rst | 20 +-
doc/dev/scripts-and-sandbox.rst | 2 +-
doc/index.rst | 5 +-
doc/release-notes/release-1.0.1.md | 12 +-
doc/release-notes/release-1.0.1.rst | 14 +-
doc/release-notes/release-1.0.md | 12 +-
doc/release-notes/release-1.0.rst | 16 +-
doc/release-notes/release-1.1.md | 14 +-
doc/release-notes/release-1.1.rst | 14 +-
doc/release-notes/release-1.2.md | 14 +-
doc/release-notes/release-1.2.rst | 14 +-
doc/release-notes/release-1.3.md | 2 +-
doc/release-notes/release-1.3.rst | 2 +-
doc/release-notes/release-1.4.md | 4 +-
doc/release-notes/release-1.4.rst | 4 +-
doc/roadmap.rst | 2 +-
doc/run-corn-50m.sh | 4 +-
doc/user/choosing-table-sizes.rst | 74 +-
doc/user/examples.rst | 4 +-
doc/user/getting-help.rst | 2 +-
doc/user/guide.rst | 2 +-
doc/user/known-issues.rst | 14 +-
doc/user/scripts.rst | 12 +-
doc/whats-new-2.0.rst | 29 +
examples/stamps/do.sh | 4 +-
jenkins-build.sh | 2 +-
khmer/__init__.py | 120 +-
khmer/{_khmermodule.cc => _khmer.cc} | 3792 +-
khmer/_version.py | 11 +-
khmer/kfile.py | 72 +-
khmer/khmer_args.py | 175 +-
khmer/thread_utils.py | 66 +-
khmer/utils.py | 46 +-
lib/.check_openmp.cc | 2 +-
lib/Makefile | 2 +-
lib/counting.cc | 70 +-
lib/counting.hh | 2 +-
lib/get_version.py | 3 +-
lib/graphtest.cc | 4 +-
lib/hashbits.cc | 35 +-
lib/hashbits.hh | 11 +-
lib/hashtable.cc | 119 +-
lib/hashtable.hh | 26 +-
lib/hllcounter.cc | 13 +-
lib/hllcounter.hh | 2 +-
lib/ht-diff.cc | 4 +-
lib/khmer.hh | 12 +-
lib/khmer_exception.hh | 4 +-
lib/kmer_hash.cc | 2 +-
lib/kmer_hash.hh | 2 +-
lib/labelhash.cc | 250 +-
lib/labelhash.hh | 33 +-
lib/magic | 11 +
lib/perf_metrics.cc | 4 +-
lib/perf_metrics.hh | 4 +-
lib/primes.hh | 4 +-
lib/read_aligner.cc | 4 +-
lib/read_aligner.hh | 4 +-
lib/read_parsers.cc | 4 +-
lib/read_parsers.hh | 4 +-
lib/subset.cc | 37 +-
lib/subset.hh | 4 +-
lib/test-Colors.cc | 4 +-
lib/test-HashTables.cc | 4 +-
lib/test-Parser.cc | 4 +-
lib/test-compile.cc | 2 +-
lib/trace_logger.cc | 4 +-
lib/trace_logger.hh | 4 +-
oxli/__init__.py | 55 +
oxli/build_graph.py | 103 +
oxli/functions.py | 103 +
sandbox/README.rst | 230 +-
sandbox/abundance-hist-by-position.py | 16 +-
sandbox/assembly-diff-2.py | 19 +-
sandbox/assembly-diff.py | 16 +-
sandbox/assemstats3.py | 28 +-
sandbox/bloom-count-intersection.py | 25 +-
sandbox/bloom-count.py | 15 +-
sandbox/build-sparse-graph.py | 15 +-
sandbox/calc-best-assembly.py | 25 +-
sandbox/calc-error-profile.py | 40 +-
sandbox/calc-median-distribution.py | 12 +-
sandbox/collect-reads.py | 44 +-
sandbox/collect-variants.py | 49 +-
sandbox/correct-errors.py | 41 +-
sandbox/estimate_optimal_hash.py | 109 +
sandbox/extract-single-partition.py | 9 +-
sandbox/fasta-to-abundance-hist.py | 15 +-
sandbox/filter-below-abund.py | 19 +-
sandbox/filter-median-and-pct.py | 21 +-
sandbox/filter-median.py | 17 +-
sandbox/find-high-abund-kmers.py | 51 +-
sandbox/graph-size.py | 31 +-
sandbox/hi-lo-abundance-by-position.py | 13 +-
sandbox/make-coverage.py | 19 +-
sandbox/multi-rename.py | 9 +-
sandbox/normalize-by-median-pct.py | 82 +-
sandbox/optimal_args_hashbits.py | 97 +
sandbox/print-stoptags.py | 8 +-
sandbox/print-tagset.py | 11 +-
sandbox/renumber-partitions.py | 11 +-
sandbox/saturate-by-median.py | 58 +-
sandbox/shuffle-reverse-rotary.py | 13 +-
sandbox/slice-reads-by-coverage.py | 19 +-
sandbox/split-fasta.py | 11 +-
sandbox/split-sequences-by-length.py | 11 +-
sandbox/stoptag-abundance-hist.py | 11 +-
sandbox/stoptags-by-position.py | 11 +-
sandbox/strip-partition.py | 9 +-
sandbox/subset-report.py | 23 +-
sandbox/sweep-files.py | 51 +-
sandbox/sweep-out-reads-with-contigs.py | 13 +-
sandbox/sweep-reads.py | 121 +-
sandbox/sweep-reads2.py | 43 +-
sandbox/sweep-reads3.py | 43 +-
sandbox/unique-kmers.py | 45 +-
sandbox/write-trimmomatic.py | 11 +-
scripts/abundance-dist-single.py | 67 +-
scripts/abundance-dist.py | 25 +-
scripts/annotate-partitions.py | 17 +-
scripts/count-median.py | 18 +-
scripts/count-overlap.py | 22 +-
scripts/do-partition.py | 94 +-
scripts/extract-long-sequences.py | 7 +-
scripts/extract-paired-reads.py | 113 +-
scripts/extract-partitions.py | 72 +-
scripts/fastq-to-fasta.py | 19 +-
scripts/filter-abund-single.py | 49 +-
scripts/filter-abund.py | 33 +-
scripts/filter-stoptags.py | 13 +-
scripts/find-knots.py | 74 +-
scripts/interleave-reads.py | 41 +-
scripts/load-graph.py | 101 +-
scripts/load-into-counting.py | 50 +-
scripts/make-initial-stoptags.py | 23 +-
scripts/merge-partitions.py | 17 +-
scripts/normalize-by-median.py | 396 +-
scripts/partition-graph.py | 64 +-
scripts/readstats.py | 25 +-
scripts/sample-reads-randomly.py | 42 +-
scripts/split-paired-reads.py | 60 +-
scripts/trim-low-abund.py | 94 +-
setup.cfg | 4 +-
setup.py | 22 +-
tests/__init__.py | 4 +-
tests/khmer_tst_utils.py | 32 +-
tests/test-data/badversion-k32.tagset | Bin 16 -> 20 bytes
tests/test-data/dn-test-all-paired-all-keep.fa | 16 +
tests/test-data/dn-test-none-paired.fa | 8 +
tests/test-data/dn-test-some-paired-all-keep.fa | 12 +
tests/test-data/goodversion-k32.tagset | Bin 34 -> 38 bytes
tests/test-data/normC20k20.ct | Bin 40140 -> 40144 bytes
tests/test-data/paired-slash1.fq | 32 +
tests/test-data/paired-slash1.fq.1 | 16 +
tests/test-data/paired-slash1.fq.2 | 16 +
tests/test-data/paired_one.base.dif.fa | 5 +
tests/test-data/test-filter-abund-Ns.fq | 16 +
tests/test_counting_hash.py | 680 +-
tests/test_counting_single.py | 90 +-
tests/test_filter.py | 16 +-
tests/test_functions.py | 76 +-
tests/test_graph.py | 46 +-
tests/test_hashbits.py | 327 +-
tests/test_hashbits_obj.py | 563 -
tests/test_hll.py | 76 +-
tests/test_labelhash.py | 764 +-
tests/test_lump.py | 31 +-
tests/test_normalize_by_median.py | 627 +
tests/test_oxli_functions.py | 60 +
tests/test_read_aligner.py | 18 +-
tests/test_read_parsers.py | 36 +-
tests/test_sandbox_scripts.py | 70 +-
tests/test_script_arguments.py | 218 +-
tests/test_scripts.py | 1384 +-
tests/test_subset_graph.py | 211 +-
tests/test_threaded_sequence_processor.py | 13 +-
tests/test_version.py | 19 +-
third-party/bzip2/.gitignore | 2 +
third-party/bzip2/CHANGES | 327 +
third-party/bzip2/LICENSE | 42 +
third-party/bzip2/Makefile | 217 +
third-party/bzip2/Makefile-libbz2_so | 59 +
third-party/bzip2/README | 215 +
third-party/bzip2/README.COMPILATION.PROBLEMS | 58 +
third-party/bzip2/README.XML.STUFF | 45 +
third-party/bzip2/blocksort.c | 1094 +
third-party/bzip2/bz-common.xsl | 39 +
third-party/bzip2/bz-fo.xsl | 276 +
third-party/bzip2/bz-html.xsl | 20 +
third-party/bzip2/bzdiff | 76 +
third-party/bzip2/bzdiff.1 | 47 +
third-party/bzip2/bzgrep | 75 +
third-party/bzip2/bzgrep.1 | 56 +
third-party/bzip2/bzip.css | 74 +
third-party/bzip2/bzip2.1 | 454 +
third-party/bzip2/bzip2.1.preformatted | 399 +
third-party/bzip2/bzip2.c | 2034 +
third-party/bzip2/bzip2.txt | 391 +
third-party/bzip2/bzip2recover.c | 514 +
third-party/bzip2/bzlib.c | 1572 +
third-party/bzip2/bzlib.h | 282 +
third-party/bzip2/bzlib_private.h | 509 +
third-party/bzip2/bzmore | 61 +
third-party/bzip2/bzmore.1 | 152 +
third-party/bzip2/compress.c | 672 +
third-party/bzip2/crctable.c | 104 +
third-party/bzip2/decompress.c | 646 +
third-party/bzip2/dlltest.c | 175 +
third-party/bzip2/dlltest.dsp | 93 +
third-party/bzip2/entities.xml | 9 +
third-party/bzip2/format.pl | 68 +
third-party/bzip2/huffman.c | 205 +
third-party/bzip2/libbz2.def | 27 +
third-party/bzip2/libbz2.dsp | 130 +
third-party/bzip2/makefile.msc | 63 +
third-party/bzip2/manual.html | 2540 +
third-party/bzip2/manual.pdf | Bin 0 -> 256905 bytes
third-party/bzip2/manual.ps | 72843 +++++++++++++++++++
third-party/bzip2/manual.xml | 2964 +
third-party/bzip2/mk251.c | 31 +
third-party/bzip2/randtable.c | 84 +
third-party/bzip2/sample1.bz2 | Bin 0 -> 32348 bytes
third-party/bzip2/sample1.ref | Bin 0 -> 98696 bytes
third-party/bzip2/sample2.bz2 | Bin 0 -> 73732 bytes
third-party/bzip2/sample2.ref | Bin 0 -> 212340 bytes
third-party/bzip2/sample3.bz2 | Bin 0 -> 235 bytes
third-party/bzip2/sample3.ref | 30007 ++++++++
third-party/bzip2/spewG.c | 54 +
third-party/bzip2/unzcrash.c | 141 +
third-party/bzip2/words0 | 9 +
third-party/bzip2/words1 | 4 +
third-party/bzip2/words2 | 5 +
third-party/bzip2/words3 | 30 +
third-party/bzip2/xmlproc.sh | 114 +
third-party/zlib/.gitignore | 5 +
third-party/zlib/CMakeLists.txt | 249 +
third-party/zlib/ChangeLog | 1472 +
third-party/zlib/FAQ | 368 +
third-party/zlib/INDEX | 68 +
third-party/zlib/Makefile.in | 288 +
third-party/zlib/Makefile.pic | 3 +
third-party/zlib/README | 115 +
third-party/zlib/adler32.c | 179 +
third-party/zlib/amiga/Makefile.pup | 69 +
third-party/zlib/amiga/Makefile.sas | 68 +
third-party/zlib/as400/bndsrc | 215 +
third-party/zlib/as400/compile.clp | 110 +
third-party/zlib/as400/readme.txt | 115 +
third-party/zlib/as400/zlib.inc | 451 +
third-party/zlib/compress.c | 80 +
third-party/zlib/configure | 831 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/README.contrib | 78 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/ada/buffer_demo.adb | 106 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/ada/mtest.adb | 156 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/ada/read.adb | 156 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/ada/readme.txt | 65 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/ada/test.adb | 463 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/ada/zlib-streams.adb | 225 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/ada/zlib-streams.ads | 114 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/ada/zlib-thin.adb | 141 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/ada/zlib-thin.ads | 450 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/ada/zlib.adb | 701 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/ada/zlib.ads | 328 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/ada/zlib.gpr | 20 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/amd64/amd64-match.S | 452 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/asm686/README.686 | 51 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/asm686/match.S | 357 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/blast/Makefile | 8 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/blast/README | 4 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/blast/blast.c | 446 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/blast/blast.h | 75 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/blast/test.pk | Bin 0 -> 8 bytes
third-party/zlib/contrib/blast/test.txt | 1 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas | 557 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/delphi/ZLibConst.pas | 11 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/delphi/readme.txt | 76 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/delphi/zlibd32.mak | 99 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.build | 33 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.chm | Bin 0 -> 72726 bytes
third-party/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.sln | 21 +
.../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/AssemblyInfo.cs | 58 +
.../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/ChecksumImpl.cs | 202 +
.../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/CircularBuffer.cs | 83 +
.../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/CodecBase.cs | 198 +
.../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/Deflater.cs | 106 +
.../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/DotZLib.cs | 288 +
.../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/DotZLib.csproj | 141 +
.../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/GZipStream.cs | 301 +
.../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/Inflater.cs | 105 +
.../zlib/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/UnitTests.cs | 274 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/LICENSE_1_0.txt | 23 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/dotzlib/readme.txt | 58 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/gcc_gvmat64/gvmat64.S | 574 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/infback9/README | 1 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/infback9/infback9.c | 615 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/infback9/infback9.h | 37 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/infback9/inffix9.h | 107 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/infback9/inflate9.h | 47 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/infback9/inftree9.c | 324 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/infback9/inftree9.h | 61 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/inflate86/inffas86.c | 1157 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/inflate86/inffast.S | 1368 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/iostream/test.cpp | 24 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/iostream/zfstream.cpp | 329 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/iostream/zfstream.h | 128 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/iostream2/zstream.h | 307 +
.../zlib/contrib/iostream2/zstream_test.cpp | 25 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/iostream3/README | 35 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/iostream3/TODO | 17 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/iostream3/test.cc | 50 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/iostream3/zfstream.cc | 479 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/iostream3/zfstream.h | 466 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/masmx64/bld_ml64.bat | 2 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/masmx64/gvmat64.asm | 553 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/masmx64/inffas8664.c | 186 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/masmx64/inffasx64.asm | 396 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/masmx64/readme.txt | 31 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/masmx86/bld_ml32.bat | 2 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/masmx86/inffas32.asm | 1080 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/masmx86/match686.asm | 479 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/masmx86/readme.txt | 27 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/Makefile | 25 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/Makefile.am | 45 +
.../zlib/contrib/minizip/MiniZip64_Changes.txt | 6 +
.../zlib/contrib/minizip/MiniZip64_info.txt | 74 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/configure.ac | 32 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/crypt.h | 131 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/ioapi.c | 247 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/ioapi.h | 208 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/iowin32.c | 461 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/iowin32.h | 28 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/make_vms.com | 25 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/miniunz.c | 660 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/miniunzip.1 | 63 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/minizip.1 | 46 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/minizip.c | 520 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/minizip.pc.in | 12 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/mztools.c | 291 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/mztools.h | 37 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/unzip.c | 2125 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/unzip.h | 437 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/zip.c | 2007 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/minizip/zip.h | 362 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/pascal/example.pas | 599 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/pascal/readme.txt | 76 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/pascal/zlibd32.mak | 99 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/pascal/zlibpas.pas | 276 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/puff/Makefile | 42 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/puff/README | 63 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/puff/puff.c | 840 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/puff/puff.h | 35 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/puff/pufftest.c | 165 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/puff/zeros.raw | Bin 0 -> 2517 bytes
third-party/zlib/contrib/testzlib/testzlib.c | 275 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/testzlib/testzlib.txt | 10 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/untgz/Makefile | 14 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/untgz/Makefile.msc | 17 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/untgz/untgz.c | 674 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/vstudio/readme.txt | 65 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/miniunz.vcxproj | 310 +
.../contrib/vstudio/vc10/miniunz.vcxproj.filters | 22 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/minizip.vcxproj | 307 +
.../contrib/vstudio/vc10/minizip.vcxproj.filters | 22 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/testzlib.vcxproj | 420 +
.../contrib/vstudio/vc10/testzlib.vcxproj.filters | 58 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/testzlibdll.vcxproj | 310 +
.../vstudio/vc10/testzlibdll.vcxproj.filters | 22 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlib.rc | 32 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlibstat.vcxproj | 473 +
.../contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlibstat.vcxproj.filters | 77 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlibvc.def | 143 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlibvc.sln | 135 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlibvc.vcxproj | 657 +
.../contrib/vstudio/vc10/zlibvc.vcxproj.filters | 118 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/miniunz.vcxproj | 314 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/minizip.vcxproj | 311 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/testzlib.vcxproj | 426 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/testzlibdll.vcxproj | 314 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/zlib.rc | 32 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/zlibstat.vcxproj | 464 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/zlibvc.def | 143 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/zlibvc.sln | 117 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc11/zlibvc.vcxproj | 688 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/miniunz.vcproj | 565 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/minizip.vcproj | 562 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/testzlib.vcproj | 852 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/testzlibdll.vcproj | 565 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/zlib.rc | 32 +
.../zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/zlibstat.vcproj | 835 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/zlibvc.def | 143 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/zlibvc.sln | 144 +
third-party/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc9/zlibvc.vcproj | 1156 +
third-party/zlib/crc32.c | 425 +
third-party/zlib/crc32.h | 441 +
third-party/zlib/deflate.c | 1967 +
third-party/zlib/deflate.h | 346 +
third-party/zlib/doc/algorithm.txt | 209 +
third-party/zlib/doc/rfc1950.txt | 619 +
third-party/zlib/doc/rfc1951.txt | 955 +
third-party/zlib/doc/rfc1952.txt | 675 +
third-party/zlib/doc/txtvsbin.txt | 107 +
third-party/zlib/examples/README.examples | 49 +
third-party/zlib/examples/enough.c | 572 +
third-party/zlib/examples/fitblk.c | 233 +
third-party/zlib/examples/gun.c | 702 +
third-party/zlib/examples/gzappend.c | 504 +
third-party/zlib/examples/gzjoin.c | 449 +
third-party/zlib/examples/gzlog.c | 1059 +
third-party/zlib/examples/gzlog.h | 91 +
third-party/zlib/examples/zlib_how.html | 545 +
third-party/zlib/examples/zpipe.c | 205 +
third-party/zlib/examples/zran.c | 409 +
third-party/zlib/gzclose.c | 25 +
third-party/zlib/gzguts.h | 209 +
third-party/zlib/gzlib.c | 634 +
third-party/zlib/gzread.c | 594 +
third-party/zlib/gzwrite.c | 577 +
third-party/zlib/infback.c | 640 +
third-party/zlib/inffast.c | 340 +
third-party/zlib/inffast.h | 11 +
third-party/zlib/inffixed.h | 94 +
third-party/zlib/inflate.c | 1512 +
third-party/zlib/inflate.h | 122 +
third-party/zlib/inftrees.c | 306 +
third-party/zlib/inftrees.h | 62 +
third-party/zlib/make_vms.com | 867 +
third-party/zlib/msdos/Makefile.bor | 115 +
third-party/zlib/msdos/Makefile.dj2 | 104 +
third-party/zlib/msdos/Makefile.emx | 69 +
third-party/zlib/msdos/Makefile.msc | 112 +
third-party/zlib/msdos/Makefile.tc | 100 +
third-party/zlib/nintendods/README | 5 +
third-party/zlib/old/Makefile.emx | 69 +
third-party/zlib/old/Makefile.riscos | 151 +
third-party/zlib/old/README | 3 +
third-party/zlib/old/descrip.mms | 48 +
third-party/zlib/old/os2/Makefile.os2 | 136 +
third-party/zlib/old/os2/zlib.def | 51 +
third-party/zlib/old/visual-basic.txt | 160 +
third-party/zlib/qnx/package.qpg | 141 +
third-party/zlib/test/example.c | 601 +
third-party/zlib/test/infcover.c | 671 +
third-party/zlib/test/minigzip.c | 651 +
third-party/zlib/treebuild.xml | 116 +
third-party/zlib/trees.c | 1226 +
third-party/zlib/trees.h | 128 +
third-party/zlib/uncompr.c | 59 +
third-party/zlib/watcom/watcom_f.mak | 43 +
third-party/zlib/watcom/watcom_l.mak | 43 +
third-party/zlib/win32/DLL_FAQ.txt | 397 +
third-party/zlib/win32/Makefile.bor | 110 +
third-party/zlib/win32/Makefile.gcc | 182 +
third-party/zlib/win32/Makefile.msc | 163 +
third-party/zlib/win32/README-WIN32.txt | 103 +
third-party/zlib/win32/VisualC.txt | 3 +
third-party/zlib/win32/zlib.def | 86 +
third-party/zlib/win32/zlib1.rc | 40 +
third-party/zlib/zconf.h.cmakein | 513 +
third-party/zlib/zconf.h.in | 511 +
third-party/zlib/zlib.3 | 151 +
third-party/zlib/zlib.3.pdf | Bin 0 -> 8734 bytes
third-party/zlib/zlib.h | 1768 +
third-party/zlib/zlib.map | 83 +
third-party/zlib/zlib.pc.cmakein | 13 +
third-party/zlib/zlib.pc.in | 13 +
third-party/zlib/zlib2ansi | 152 +
third-party/zlib/zutil.c | 324 +
third-party/zlib/zutil.h | 253 +
versioneer.py | 1 +
482 files changed, 197484 insertions(+), 6084 deletions(-)
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