[med-svn] [ecopcr] 01/01: Install Python files after conversion to python3
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Wed Jun 24 18:41:38 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ecopcr.
commit e88cf0143225613cb6f76d8ecc8ecff6d1f74451
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Wed Jun 24 20:21:22 2015 +0200
Install Python files after conversion to python3
debian/control | 5 +-
debian/install | 3 +
debian/patches/2to3.patch | 498 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/patches/series | 1 +
debian/rules | 10 +-
5 files changed, 514 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 18eedab..d40a7fd 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ Uploaders: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Section: science
Priority: optional
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9),
+ dh-python,
+ python3,
Standards-Version: 3.9.6
Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-med/ecopcr.git
@@ -13,7 +15,8 @@ Homepage: http://www.grenoble.prabi.fr/trac/ecoPCR/
Package: ecopcr
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
- ${misc:Depends}
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${python3:Depends}
Description: estimate PCR barcode primers quality
DNA barcoding is a tool for characterizing the species origin using a
short sequence from a standard position and agreed upon position in the
diff --git a/debian/install b/debian/install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e28f56b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/install
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+src/ecoPCR usr/bin
+src/ecofind usr/bin
+src/ecogrep usr/bin
diff --git a/debian/patches/2to3.patch b/debian/patches/2to3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f429229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/2to3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+Last-Update: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 19:24:02 +0200
+Description: 2to3 conversion to Python3
+--- a/tools/ecoPCRFilter.py
++++ b/tools/ecoPCRFilter.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#!/usr/bin/env python
+ import struct
+ import sys
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class Filter(object):
+ file = self.__universalOpen(file)
+ (recordCount,) = struct.unpack('> I',file.read(4))
+- for i in xrange(recordCount):
++ for i in range(recordCount):
+ (recordSize,)=struct.unpack('>I',file.read(4))
+ record = file.read(recordSize)
+ yield record
+@@ -236,12 +236,12 @@ class ColumnFile(object):
+ elif hasattr(stream,'next'):
+ self._stream = stream
+ else:
+- raise ValueError,'stream must be string or an iterator'
++ raise ValueError('stream must be string or an iterator')
+ self._delimiter=sep
+ self._strip=strip
+ if types:
+ self._types=[x for x in types]
+- for i in xrange(len(self._types)):
++ for i in range(len(self._types)):
+ if self._types[i] is bool:
+ self._types[i]=ColumnFile.str2bool
+ else:
+@@ -257,16 +257,16 @@ class ColumnFile(object):
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+- def next(self):
+- ligne = self._stream.next()
++ def __next__(self):
++ ligne = next(self._stream)
+ while ligne[0] == self._skip:
+- ligne = self._stream.next()
++ ligne = next(self._stream)
+ data = ligne.split(self._delimiter)
+ if self._strip or self._types:
+ data = [x.strip() for x in data]
+ if self._types:
+ it = self.endLessIterator(self._types)
+- data = [x[1](x[0]) for x in ((y,it.next()) for y in data)]
++ data = [x[1](x[0]) for x in ((y,next(it)) for y in data)]
+ return data
+ def endLessIterator(self,endedlist):
+@@ -286,18 +286,19 @@ class Table(list):
+ def printTable(self):
+ for h in self.headers:
+- print "\t%s\t|" % h,
+- print "\n"
++ print("\t%s\t|" % h, end=' ')
++ print("\n")
+ for l in self.lines:
+ for c in l:
+- print "\t%s\t|" % c
+- print "\n"
++ print("\t%s\t|" % c)
++ print("\n")
+ def getColumn(self,n):
+- print "\t%s\n" % self.header[n]
++ print("\t%s\n" % self.header[n])
+ for i in range(len(self.lines)):
+- print "\t%s\n" % i[n]
++ print("\t%s\n" % i[n])
+--- a/tools/ecoPCRFormat.py
++++ b/tools/ecoPCRFormat.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#!/usr/bin/env python
+ import re
+ import gzip
+@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ class ColumnFile(object):
+ elif hasattr(stream,'next'):
+ self._stream = stream
+ else:
+- raise ValueError,'stream must be string or an iterator'
++ raise ValueError('stream must be string or an iterator')
+ self._delimiter=sep
+ self._strip=strip
+ if types:
+ self._types=[x for x in types]
+- for i in xrange(len(self._types)):
++ for i in range(len(self._types)):
+ if self._types[i] is bool:
+ self._types[i]=ColumnFile.str2bool
+ else:
+@@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ class ColumnFile(object):
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+- def next(self):
+- ligne = self._stream.next()
++ def __next__(self):
++ ligne = next(self._stream)
+ data = ligne.split(self._delimiter)
+ if self._strip or self._types:
+ data = [x.strip() for x in data]
+ if self._types:
+ it = endLessIterator(self._types)
+- data = [x[1](x[0]) for x in ((y,it.next()) for y in data)]
++ data = [x[1](x[0]) for x in ((y,next(it)) for y in data)]
+ return data
+ def taxonCmp(t1,t2):
+@@ -152,22 +152,22 @@ def readNodeTable(file):
+ str,str,bool,
+ int,bool,int,
+ bool,bool,bool,str))
+- print >>sys.stderr,"Reading taxonomy dump file..."
++ print("Reading taxonomy dump file...", file=sys.stderr)
+ taxonomy=[[n[0],n[2],n[1]] for n in nodes]
+- print >>sys.stderr,"List all taxonomy rank..."
++ print("List all taxonomy rank...", file=sys.stderr)
+ ranks =list(set(x[1] for x in taxonomy))
+ ranks.sort()
+- ranks = dict(map(None,ranks,xrange(len(ranks))))
++ ranks = dict(map(None,ranks,range(len(ranks))))
+- print >>sys.stderr,"Sorting taxons..."
++ print("Sorting taxons...", file=sys.stderr)
+ taxonomy.sort(taxonCmp)
+- print >>sys.stderr,"Indexing taxonomy..."
++ print("Indexing taxonomy...", file=sys.stderr)
+ index = {}
+ for t in taxonomy:
+ index[t[0]]=bsearchTaxon(taxonomy, t[0])
+- print >>sys.stderr,"Indexing parent and rank..."
++ print("Indexing parent and rank...", file=sys.stderr)
+ for t in taxonomy:
+ t[1]=ranks[t[1]]
+ t[2]=index[t[2]]
+@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ def deletedNodeIterator(file):
+ def readTaxonomyDump(taxdir):
+ taxonomy,ranks,index = readNodeTable('%s/nodes.dmp' % taxdir)
+- print >>sys.stderr,"Adding scientific name..."
++ print("Adding scientific name...", file=sys.stderr)
+ alternativeName=[]
+ for taxid,name,classname in nameIterator('%s/names.dmp' % taxdir):
+@@ -211,11 +211,11 @@ def readTaxonomyDump(taxdir):
+ if classname == 'scientific name':
+ taxonomy[index[taxid]].append(name)
+- print >>sys.stderr,"Adding taxid alias..."
++ print("Adding taxid alias...", file=sys.stderr)
+ for taxid,current in mergedNodeIterator('%s/merged.dmp' % taxdir):
+ index[taxid]=index[current]
+- print >>sys.stderr,"Adding deleted taxid..."
++ print("Adding deleted taxid...", file=sys.stderr)
+ for taxid in deletedNodeIterator('%s/delnodes.dmp' % taxdir):
+ index[taxid]=None
+@@ -230,22 +230,22 @@ def readTaxonomyDB(dbname):
+ cursor.execute("select rank_class from ncbi_taxonomy.taxon_rank_class order by rank_class")
+ ranks=cursor.fetchall()
+- ranks = dict(map(None,(x[0] for x in ranks),xrange(len(ranks))))
++ ranks = dict(map(None,(x[0] for x in ranks),range(len(ranks))))
+- print >>sys.stderr,"Sorting taxons..."
++ print("Sorting taxons...", file=sys.stderr)
+ taxonomy.sort(taxonCmp)
+- print >>sys.stderr,"Indexing taxonomy..."
++ print("Indexing taxonomy...", file=sys.stderr)
+ index = {}
+ for t in taxonomy:
+ index[t[0]]=bsearchTaxon(taxonomy, t[0])
+- print >>sys.stderr,"Indexing parent and rank..."
++ print("Indexing parent and rank...", file=sys.stderr)
+ for t in taxonomy:
+ t[1]=ranks[t[1]]
+ try:
+ t[2]=index[t[2]]
+- except KeyError,e:
++ except KeyError as e:
+ if t[2] is None and t[0]==1:
+ t[2]=index[t[0]]
+ else:
+@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ def readTaxonomyDB(dbname):
+ cursor.execute("select old_numid,current_numid from ncbi_taxonomy.taxon_id_alias")
+- print >>sys.stderr,"Adding taxid alias..."
++ print("Adding taxid alias...", file=sys.stderr)
+ for taxid,current in cursor:
+ if current is not None:
+ index[taxid]=index[current]
+@@ -505,11 +505,11 @@ def ecoSeqWriter(file,input,taxindex,par
+ skipped.append(entry['id'])
+ where = universalTell(input)
+ progressBar(where, inputsize)
+- print >>sys.stderr," Readed sequences : %d " % seqcount,
++ print(" Readed sequences : %d " % seqcount, end=' ', file=sys.stderr)
+ else:
+ skipped.append(entry['id'])
+- print >>sys.stderr
++ print(file=sys.stderr)
+ output.seek(0,0)
+ output.write(struct.pack('> I',seqcount))
+@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ def ecoRankWriter(file,ranks):
+ output = open(file,'wb')
+ output.write(struct.pack('> I',len(ranks)))
+- rankNames = ranks.keys()
++ rankNames = list(ranks.keys())
+ rankNames.sort()
+ for rank in rankNames:
+@@ -573,8 +573,8 @@ def ecoDBWriter(prefix,taxonomy,seqFileN
+ taxonomy[3],
+ parser)
+ if sk:
+- print >>sys.stderr,"Skipped entry :"
+- print >>sys.stderr,sk
++ print("Skipped entry :", file=sys.stderr)
++ print(sk, file=sys.stderr)
+ def ecoParseOptions(arguments):
+ opt = {
+@@ -618,24 +618,24 @@ def ecoParseOptions(arguments):
+ opt['parser']=sequenceIteratorFactory(emblEntryParser,
+ entryIterator)
+ else:
+- raise ValueError,'Unknown option %s' % name
++ raise ValueError('Unknown option %s' % name)
+ return opt,filenames
+ def printHelp():
+- print "-----------------------------------"
+- print " ecoPCRFormat.py"
+- print "-----------------------------------"
+- print "ecoPCRFormat.py [option] <argument>"
+- print "-----------------------------------"
+- print "-e --embl :[E]mbl format"
+- print "-f --fasta :[F]asta format"
+- print "-g --genbank :[G]enbank format"
+- print "-h --help :[H]elp - print this help"
+- print "-n --name :[N]ame of the new database created"
+- print "-t --taxonomy :[T]axonomy - path to the taxonomy database"
+- print " :bcp-like dump from GenBank taxonomy database."
+- print "-----------------------------------"
++ print("-----------------------------------")
++ print(" ecoPCRFormat.py")
++ print("-----------------------------------")
++ print("ecoPCRFormat.py [option] <argument>")
++ print("-----------------------------------")
++ print("-e --embl :[E]mbl format")
++ print("-f --fasta :[F]asta format")
++ print("-g --genbank :[G]enbank format")
++ print("-h --help :[H]elp - print this help")
++ print("-n --name :[N]ame of the new database created")
++ print("-t --taxonomy :[T]axonomy - path to the taxonomy database")
++ print(" :bcp-like dump from GenBank taxonomy database.")
++ print("-----------------------------------")
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+@@ -649,3 +649,4 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ ecoDBWriter(opt['prefix'], taxonomy, filenames, opt['parser'])
+--- a/tools/ecoSort.py
++++ b/tools/ecoSort.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-#!/usr/bin/env python
+ import struct
+ import sys
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class Filter(object):
+ file = self.__universalOpen(file)
+ (recordCount,) = struct.unpack('> I',file.read(4))
+- for i in xrange(recordCount):
++ for i in range(recordCount):
+ (recordSize,)=struct.unpack('>I',file.read(4))
+ record = file.read(recordSize)
+ yield record
+@@ -283,12 +283,12 @@ class ColumnFile(object):
+ elif hasattr(stream,'next'):
+ self._stream = stream
+ else:
+- raise ValueError,'stream must be string or an iterator'
++ raise ValueError('stream must be string or an iterator')
+ self._delimiter=sep
+ self._strip=strip
+ if types:
+ self._types=[x for x in types]
+- for i in xrange(len(self._types)):
++ for i in range(len(self._types)):
+ if self._types[i] is bool:
+ self._types[i]=ColumnFile.str2bool
+ else:
+@@ -305,16 +305,16 @@ class ColumnFile(object):
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+- def next(self):
+- ligne = self._stream.next()
++ def __next__(self):
++ ligne = next(self._stream)
+ while ligne[0] == self._skip:
+- ligne = self._stream.next()
++ ligne = next(self._stream)
+ data = ligne.split(self._delimiter)
+ if self._strip or self._types:
+ data = [x.strip() for x in data]
+ if self._types:
+ it = self.endLessIterator(self._types)
+- data = [x[1](x[0]) for x in ((y,it.next()) for y in data)]
++ data = [x[1](x[0]) for x in ((y,next(it)) for y in data)]
+ return data
+ def endLessIterator(self,endedlist):
+@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ def _parseOligoResult(filter,file,strand
+ for s in filter.ecoPCRResultIterator(file):
+ o = s[key]
+ taxid = s['taxid']
+- if not seq.has_key(o):
++ if o not in seq:
+ seq[o] = [1,taxid]
+ else:
+ seq[o][0] = seq[o][0] + 1
+@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ def _parseTaxonomyResult(table):
+ taxid = l[2]
+ scName = l[3]
+ count = l[1]
+- if not tax.has_key(taxid):
++ if taxid not in tax:
+ tax[taxid] = [1,scName,count]
+ else:
+ tax[taxid][0] = tax[taxid][0] + 1
+@@ -464,12 +464,12 @@ def customSort(table,x,y):
+ tmp = {}
+ for l in table:
+- if tmp.has_key(l[x]):
++ if l[x] in tmp:
+ tmp[l[x]] = tmp[l[x]] + l[y]
+ else:
+ tmp[l[x]] = l[y]
+- for k,v in tmp.items():
++ for k,v in list(tmp.items()):
+ cTable.append([k,v])
+ return cTable
+@@ -484,12 +484,12 @@ def countColumnOccurrence(table,x):
+ tmp = {}
+ for l in table:
+- if tmp.has_key(l[x]):
++ if l[x] in tmp:
+ tmp[l[x]] = tmp[l[x]] + 1
+ else:
+ tmp[l[x]] = 1
+- for k,v in tmp.items():
++ for k,v in list(tmp.items()):
+ cTable.append([k,v])
+ return cTable
+@@ -502,15 +502,15 @@ def buildSpecificityTable(table):
+ tmp = {}
+ for l in table:
+- if not tmp.has_key(l[5]):
++ if l[5] not in tmp:
+ tmp[l[5]] = {}
+- if not tmp[l[5]].has_key(l[3]):
++ if l[3] not in tmp[l[5]]:
+ tmp[l[5]][l[3]] = l[1]
+ else:
+ tmp[l[5]][l[3]] = tmp[l[5]][l[3]] + l[1]
+- for mismatch in tmp.items():
+- for taxon,count in mismatch[1].items():
++ for mismatch in list(tmp.items()):
++ for taxon,count in list(mismatch[1].items()):
+ speTable.append([mismatch[0],taxon,count])
+ return speTable
+@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ def buildOligoTable(table, file, filter,
+ seq = _parseOligoResult(filter, file, strand)
+ i = 0
+- for oligo, info in seq.items():
++ for oligo, info in list(seq.items()):
+ table.append(0)
+ count, lctTaxid = info[0], info[1]
+ scName = filter.findTaxonByTaxid(info[1])[3]
+@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ def buildTaxonomicTable(table):
+ tax = _parseTaxonomyResult(table)
+ i = 0
+- for taxid, info in tax.items():
++ for taxid, info in list(tax.items()):
+ taxTable.append(0)
+ numOfOligo, scName, numOfAmpl = info[0], info[1], info[2]
+ taxTable[i]=[scName,numOfOligo,numOfAmpl,taxid]
+@@ -578,9 +578,9 @@ def _parseSequenceResult(filter,file,id)
+ for s in filter.ecoPCRResultIterator(file):
+ seq = s['sq_des']
+ id = s[key]
+- if not idIndex.has_key(id):
++ if id not in idIndex:
+ idIndex[id] = []
+- if not sequences.has_key(seq):
++ if seq not in sequences:
+ sequences[seq] = [id]
+ else:
+ sequences[seq].append(id)
+@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ def _sortSequences(file,filter):
+ sequences, idIndex = _parseSequenceResult(filter,file,'species')
+- for s,id in sequences.items():
++ for s,id in list(sequences.items()):
+ if len(id) == 1 or _sameValuesInList(id):
+ idIndex[id[0]].append(1)
+ else:
+@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ def _sortSequences(file,filter):
+ idIndex[e].append(0)
+- for id,values in idIndex.items():
++ for id,values in list(idIndex.items()):
+ idIndex[id] = float(values.count(1)) / float(len(values)) * 100
+@@ -622,15 +622,15 @@ def getIntraSpeciesDiversity(table,file,
+ seq, idIndex = _sortSequences(file,filter)
+- for id,percent in idIndex.items():
++ for id,percent in list(idIndex.items()):
+ if percent == 100:
+ intraDiv[id] = [0,[]]
+- for seq,idList in sequences.items():
++ for seq,idList in list(sequences.items()):
+ if id in idList:
+ intraDiv[id][0] = intraDiv[id][0] + 1
+ intraDiv[id][1].append(seq)
+- for id, values in intraDiv.items():
++ for id, values in list(intraDiv.items()):
+ table.append(id,values[0],values[1])
+@@ -649,10 +649,10 @@ def printTable(table):
+ """
+ format = ("%20s | " * len(table.headers))[:-3]
+- print format % tuple([str(e) for e in table.headers ]) +"\n" + "-"*23*len(table.headers)
++ print(format % tuple([str(e) for e in table.headers ]) +"\n" + "-"*23*len(table.headers))
+ for l in table:
+- print format % tuple([str(e) for e in l ])
+- print "# %d results" % len(table)
++ print(format % tuple([str(e) for e in l ]))
++ print("# %d results" % len(table))
+ def saveAsCSV(table,path):
+@@ -809,3 +809,4 @@ def start():
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..998d10f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 5be30e8..dd83ef1 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#DEBVERS := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Version:/ {print $$2}')
#VERSION := $(shell echo '$(DEBVERS)' | sed -e 's/^[0-9]*://' -e 's/-.*//')
#DEBFLAVOR := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Distribution:/ {print $$2}')
-#DEBPKGNAME := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Source:/ {print $$2}')
+DEBPKGNAME := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Source:/ {print $$2}')
#DEBIAN_BRANCH := $(shell awk 'BEGIN{FS="[= ]+"} /debian-branch/ {print $$2}' debian/gbp.conf)
#GIT_TAG := $(subst ~,_,$(VERSION))
@@ -17,11 +17,17 @@
# a similar manner are welcome.
- dh $@ --sourcedirectory=src
+ dh $@ --sourcedirectory=src --with python3
find . -type f -name "*.P" -delete
+ dh_install
+ for tool in tools/* ; do \
+ cp -a $${tool} debian/$(DEBPKGNAME)/usr/bin/`basename $${tool} .py` ; \
+ done
# . debian/get-orig-source
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