[med-svn] [python-pysam] 04/07: Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.3+ds1'

Afif Elghraoui afif-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jun 25 07:19:49 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

afif-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-pysam.

commit b2cf913fab1d67e9773c9d58b53c2ccfd961cc17
Merge: 494f56a 3cbc6e0
Author: Afif Elghraoui <afif at ghraoui.name>
Date:   Wed Jun 24 19:27:39 2015 -0700

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.3+ds1'
    Upstream version 0.8.3+ds1

 htslib/INSTALL                    |    79 -
 htslib/LICENSE                    |    69 -
 htslib/Makefile                   |   386 -
 htslib/NEWS                       |    50 -
 htslib/README                     |     5 -
 htslib/bgzf.c                     |  1124 --
 htslib/bgzip.c                    |   284 -
 htslib/config.h                   |     3 -
 htslib/config.mk                  |    72 -
 htslib/config.mk.in               |    72 -
 htslib/configure                  |  4012 -------
 htslib/configure.ac               |    93 -
 htslib/cram/cram.h                |    63 -
 htslib/cram/cram_codecs.c         |  1846 ----
 htslib/cram/cram_codecs.h         |   165 -
 htslib/cram/cram_decode.c         |  2775 -----
 htslib/cram/cram_decode.h         |   112 -
 htslib/cram/cram_encode.c         |  3068 ------
 htslib/cram/cram_encode.h         |   105 -
 htslib/cram/cram_index.c          |   557 -
 htslib/cram/cram_index.h          |    98 -
 htslib/cram/cram_io.c             |  4202 --------
 htslib/cram/cram_io.h             |   596 --
 htslib/cram/cram_samtools.c       |   147 -
 htslib/cram/cram_samtools.h       |    97 -
 htslib/cram/cram_stats.c          |   450 -
 htslib/cram/cram_stats.h          |    59 -
 htslib/cram/cram_structs.h        |   809 --
 htslib/cram/files.c               |    76 -
 htslib/cram/mFILE.c               |   634 --
 htslib/cram/mFILE.h               |    88 -
 htslib/cram/md5.c                 |   295 -
 htslib/cram/md5.h                 |    54 -
 htslib/cram/misc.h                |   110 -
 htslib/cram/open_trace_file.c     |   351 -
 htslib/cram/open_trace_file.h     |   115 -
 htslib/cram/os.h                  |   308 -
 htslib/cram/pooled_alloc.c        |   170 -
 htslib/cram/pooled_alloc.h        |    56 -
 htslib/cram/rANS_byte.h           |   336 -
 htslib/cram/rANS_static.c         |   841 --
 htslib/cram/rANS_static.h         |    44 -
 htslib/cram/sam_header.c          |  1218 ---
 htslib/cram/sam_header.h          |   444 -
 htslib/cram/string_alloc.c        |   153 -
 htslib/cram/string_alloc.h        |    69 -
 htslib/cram/thread_pool.c         |   811 --
 htslib/cram/thread_pool.h         |   210 -
 htslib/cram/vlen.c                |   432 -
 htslib/cram/vlen.h                |    48 -
 htslib/cram/zfio.c                |   185 -
 htslib/cram/zfio.h                |    54 -
 htslib/faidx.5                    |   147 -
 htslib/faidx.c                    |   475 -
 htslib/hfile.c                    |   547 -
 htslib/hfile_internal.h           |    76 -
 htslib/hfile_irods.c              |   243 -
 htslib/hfile_net.c                |    99 -
 htslib/hts.c                      |  1665 ---
 htslib/htsfile.1                  |    71 -
 htslib/htsfile.c                  |   168 -
 htslib/htslib.mk                  |   150 -
 htslib/htslib.pc.in               |    10 -
 htslib/htslib/bgzf.h              |   315 -
 htslib/htslib/faidx.h             |   135 -
 htslib/htslib/hfile.h             |   212 -
 htslib/htslib/hts.h               |   456 -
 htslib/htslib/hts_defs.h          |    47 -
 htslib/htslib/kfunc.h             |    75 -
 htslib/htslib/khash.h             |   619 --
 htslib/htslib/khash_str2int.h     |   133 -
 htslib/htslib/klist.h             |   121 -
 htslib/htslib/knetfile.h          |   101 -
 htslib/htslib/kseq.h              |   253 -
 htslib/htslib/ksort.h             |   285 -
 htslib/htslib/kstring.h           |   270 -
 htslib/htslib/regidx.h            |   147 -
 htslib/htslib/sam.h               |   426 -
 htslib/htslib/synced_bcf_reader.h |   301 -
 htslib/htslib/tbx.h               |    77 -
 htslib/htslib/vcf.h               |   883 --
 htslib/htslib/vcf_sweep.h         |    39 -
 htslib/htslib/vcfutils.h          |   112 -
 htslib/htslib_vars.mk             |    39 -
 htslib/kfunc.c                    |   280 -
 htslib/knetfile.c                 |   632 --
 htslib/kstring.c                  |   254 -
 htslib/regidx.c                   |   338 -
 htslib/sam.5                      |    68 -
 htslib/sam.c                      |  1882 ----
 htslib/synced_bcf_reader.c        |  1257 ---
 htslib/tabix.1                    |   180 -
 htslib/tabix.c                    |   519 -
 htslib/tbx.c                      |   320 -
 htslib/test/auxf#values.sam       |     5 -
 htslib/test/auxf.fa               |     2 -
 htslib/test/auxf.fa.fai           |     1 -
 htslib/test/c1#bounds.sam         |     4 -
 htslib/test/c1#clip.sam           |     8 -
 htslib/test/c1#pad1.sam           |    10 -
 htslib/test/c1#pad2.sam           |    14 -
 htslib/test/c1#pad3.sam           |    14 -
 htslib/test/c1.fa                 |     2 -
 htslib/test/c1.fa.fai             |     1 -
 htslib/test/ce#1.sam              |     2 -
 htslib/test/ce#2.sam              |     3 -
 htslib/test/ce#5.sam              |    11 -
 htslib/test/ce#5b.sam             |    12 -
 htslib/test/ce#large_seq.sam      |     3 -
 htslib/test/ce#tag_depadded.sam   |    11 -
 htslib/test/ce#tag_padded.sam     |    11 -
 htslib/test/ce#unmap.sam          |     6 -
 htslib/test/ce#unmap1.sam         |    20 -
 htslib/test/ce#unmap2.sam         |    29 -
 htslib/test/ce.fa                 | 20803 ------------------------------------
 htslib/test/ce.fa.fai             |     7 -
 htslib/test/compare_sam.pl        |   172 -
 htslib/test/fieldarith.c          |    72 -
 htslib/test/fieldarith.sam        |    15 -
 htslib/test/hfile.c               |   204 -
 htslib/test/sam.c                 |   187 -
 htslib/test/test-regidx.c         |   116 -
 htslib/test/test-vcf-api.c        |   282 -
 htslib/test/test-vcf-api.out      |    28 -
 htslib/test/test-vcf-sweep.c      |   112 -
 htslib/test/test-vcf-sweep.out    |     4 -
 htslib/test/test.pl               |   202 -
 htslib/test/test_view.c           |   239 -
 htslib/test/test_view.pl          |    71 -
 htslib/test/xx#blank.sam          |     0
 htslib/test/xx#large_aux.sam      |     4 -
 htslib/test/xx#large_aux2.sam     |    11 -
 htslib/test/xx#minimal.sam        |    10 -
 htslib/test/xx#pair.sam           |     7 -
 htslib/test/xx#rg.sam             |    13 -
 htslib/test/xx#triplet.sam        |     7 -
 htslib/test/xx#unsorted.sam       |     8 -
 htslib/test/xx.fa                 |     5 -
 htslib/test/xx.fa.fai             |     2 -
 htslib/vcf.5                      |   120 -
 htslib/vcf.c                      |  3212 ------
 htslib/vcf_sweep.c                |   182 -
 htslib/vcfutils.c                 |   675 --
 htslib/version.h                  |     1 -
 144 files changed, 69867 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/python-pysam.git

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