[med-svn] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianMed/MoM" by AndreasTille
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Mon Mar 2 16:56:19 UTC 2015
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The "DebianMed/MoM" page has been changed by AndreasTille:
Paul Novotny packaging opensurgsim
||12.2013 ||AndreasTille ||Lennart C. Karssen ||probabel ||git://git.debian.org/debian-med/probabel.git ||yes ||
||01.2014 ||AndreasTille ||Jorge Sebastião Soares||snp-sites ||git://git.debian.org/git/debian-med/snp-sites.git ||yes ||
||03.2014 ||AndreasTille ||Stephen Smith ||phyutility ||git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-med/phyutility.git ||yes ||
- ||06.2014 ||AndreasTille ||Ian Wallace ||openemr ||git://git.debian.org/git/debian-med/openemr.git || ||
+ ||06.2014 ||AndreasTille ||Ian Wallace ||openemr ||git://git.debian.org/git/debian-med/openemr.git ||no ||
||09.2014 ||AndreasTille ||Corentin Desfarges ||camp ||git://git.debian.org/git/debian-med/camp.git ||yes ||
- ||02.2015 ||AndreasTille ||Paul Novotny ||opensurgsim ||git://git.debian.org/git/debian-med/opensurgsim.git || ||
+ ||02.2015 ||AndreasTille ||Paul Novotny ||opensurgsim ||git://git.debian.org/git/debian-med/opensurgsim.git ||yes ||
== Students in the queue ==
* [[https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2015/02/msg00045.html|Malihe Asemani]] (package needs to be decided)
@@ -92, +92 @@
=== 1. September to 30. September 2014: Corentin Desfarges packaging camp ===
Corentin started with camp as his final target fw4spl. The packaging of camp went fine even if it was not a total simple package. Corentin has also proven to be helpful even before his MoM period to update vxl which is related. In his MoM period Corentin has obviously learned sufficient packaging skills since in February 2015 he also finished fw4spl packaging which was also a complex task. Nice job Corentin - welcome in the team.
+ === Mid-January to 28. February 2015: Paul Novotny packaging opensurgsim ===
+ The tricky part about opensurgsim was that a patched version of an other library (yaml-cpp) was needed. So Paul learned how to ping a maintainer of an other Debian package and deal with the fact that he gets no response. We moved the package to collab-maint and paul managed to get this package right into shape as well as propagating the patches to yaml-cpp upstream. This alone was nice work and would have made a successful MoM project. Once the needed yaml-cpp was available in experimental Paul keept on working on his initial target opensurgsim and managed to finalise this until end of February when it was uploaded. Moreover Paul has drawn the most welcome conclusion to apply for Debian Maintainer to keep on maintaining these packages. Good job and nice outcome - welcome in the team, Paul.
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