[med-svn] [subread] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 1.4.6-p3+dfsg
Alex Mestiashvili
malex-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue May 19 12:01:37 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
malex-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository subread.
commit 00a94adda6772649fa1cc3a394b71c497199c714
Author: Alexandre Mestiashvili <alex at biotec.tu-dresden.de>
Date: Tue May 19 13:48:01 2015 +0200
Imported Upstream version 1.4.6-p3+dfsg
src/core.c | 9 +-
src/makefile.version | 2 +-
src/readSummary.c | 484 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
src/subread.h | 3 +
test/subread-align/test-tmp.log | 34 +--
5 files changed, 404 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/core.c b/src/core.c
index 69a00a2..bb10687 100644
--- a/src/core.c
+++ b/src/core.c
@@ -82,12 +82,16 @@ void warning_file_limit()
-void print_in_box(int line_width, int is_boundary, int is_center, char * pattern,...)
+void print_in_box(int line_width, int is_boundary, int options, char * pattern,...)
+ int put_color_for_colon, is_center;
va_list args;
va_start(args , pattern);
char is_R_linebreak=0, * content, *out_line_buff;
+ put_color_for_colon = (options & PRINT_BOX_NOCOLOR_FOR_COLON)?0:1;
+ is_center = (options & PRINT_BOX_CENTER)?1:0;
content= malloc(1000);
out_line_buff= malloc(1000);
@@ -224,7 +228,7 @@ void print_in_box(int line_width, int is_boundary, int is_center, char * pattern
- if(col1w>0 && col1w < content_len-1)
+ if(col1w>0 && col1w < content_len-1 && put_color_for_colon)
@@ -255,6 +259,7 @@ void print_in_box(int line_width, int is_boundary, int is_center, char * pattern
int show_summary(global_context_t * global_context)
diff --git a/src/makefile.version b/src/makefile.version
index 80f7d3f..296e933 100644
--- a/src/makefile.version
+++ b/src/makefile.version
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#STATIC_MAKE= -static
diff --git a/src/readSummary.c b/src/readSummary.c
index 3a21da5..72812ed 100644
--- a/src/readSummary.c
+++ b/src/readSummary.c
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ typedef struct
unsigned long long unassigned_duplicate;
} fc_read_counters;
+typedef unsigned long long read_count_type_t;
typedef struct
unsigned short thread_id;
@@ -98,7 +100,8 @@ typedef struct
unsigned long long int all_reads;
//unsigned short current_read_length1;
//unsigned short current_read_length2;
- unsigned int * count_table;
+ read_count_type_t * count_table;
+ read_count_type_t unpaired_fragment_no;
unsigned int chunk_read_ptr;
pthread_t thread_object;
@@ -147,7 +150,8 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
int is_gene_level;
- int is_paired_end_data;
+ int is_paired_end_input_file;
+ int is_paired_end_mode_assign;
int is_multi_overlap_allowed;
int is_strand_checked;
int is_both_end_required;
@@ -157,12 +161,15 @@ typedef struct
int is_input_file_resort_needed;
int is_SAM_file;
int is_read_details_out;
+ int is_SEPEmix_warning_shown;
int is_unpaired_warning_shown;
int is_stake_warning_shown;
int is_split_alignments_only;
int is_duplicate_ignored;
+ int do_not_sort;
int reduce_5_3_ends_to_one;
int isCVersion;
+ int use_fraction_multi_mapping;
int min_mapping_quality_score;
int min_paired_end_distance;
@@ -325,13 +332,20 @@ void print_FC_configuration(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, char *
print_in_box(80,0,0," Threads : %d", global_context->thread_number);
print_in_box(80,0,0," Level : %s level", global_context->is_gene_level?"meta-feature":"feature");
- print_in_box(80,0,0," Paired-end : %s", global_context->is_paired_end_data?"yes":"no");
+ print_in_box(80,0,0," Paired-end : %s", global_context->is_paired_end_mode_assign?"yes":"no");
+ if(global_context -> do_not_sort && global_context->is_paired_end_mode_assign)
+ {
+ print_in_box(80,0,0," Sorting PE Reads : never");
+ print_in_box(80,0,0,"");
+ }
print_in_box(80,0,0," Strand specific : %s", global_context->is_strand_checked?(global_context->is_strand_checked==1?"yes":"inversed"):"no");
char * multi_mapping_allow_mode = "not counted";
if(global_context->is_multi_mapping_allowed == ALLOW_PRIMARY_MAPPING)
multi_mapping_allow_mode = "primary only";
else if(global_context->is_multi_mapping_allowed == ALLOW_ALL_MULTI_MAPPING)
- multi_mapping_allow_mode = "counted";
+ multi_mapping_allow_mode = global_context -> use_fraction_multi_mapping?"counted (as fractions)": "counted (as integer)";
print_in_box(80,0,0," Multimapping reads : %s", multi_mapping_allow_mode);
print_in_box(80,0,0,"Multi-overlapping reads : %s", global_context->is_multi_overlap_allowed?"counted":"not counted");
if(global_context -> is_split_alignments_only)
@@ -345,7 +359,7 @@ void print_FC_configuration(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, char *
if(global_context -> is_duplicate_ignored)
print_in_box(80,0,0," Duplicated Reads : ignored");
- if(global_context->is_paired_end_data)
+ if(global_context->is_paired_end_mode_assign)
print_in_box(80,0,0," Chimeric reads : %s", global_context->is_chimertc_disallowed?"not counted":"counted");
@@ -378,7 +392,7 @@ void print_FC_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context)
- if(global_context->is_paired_end_data)
+ if(global_context->is_paired_end_mode_assign)
print_in_box(80,0,0," All fragments : %llu", global_context -> all_reads);
print_in_box(80,0,0," All reads : %llu", global_context -> all_reads);
@@ -388,7 +402,7 @@ void print_FC_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context)
print_in_box(80,0,0," Features : %u", global_context -> exontable_exons);
- if(global_context->is_paired_end_data)
+ if(global_context->is_paired_end_mode_assign)
print_in_box(80,0,0," Assigned fragments : %llu", global_context -> read_counters.assigned_reads);
print_in_box(80,0,0," Assigned reads : %llu", global_context -> read_counters.assigned_reads);
@@ -983,6 +997,98 @@ int strcmp_slash(char * s1, char * s2)
return nch != *s2;
+#define NH_FRACTION_INT 65536
+unsigned int calc_fixed_fraction(int nh){
+ if(nh==1) return NH_FRACTION_INT;
+ else if(nh == 2) return NH_FRACTION_INT>>1;
+ else return NH_FRACTION_INT / nh;
+int calc_float_fraction(read_count_type_t score, read_count_type_t * integer_count, double * float_count){
+ if(score % NH_FRACTION_INT == 0){
+ (*integer_count) = score / NH_FRACTION_INT;
+ return 0;
+ }else{
+ (*float_count) = score * 1./NH_FRACTION_INT;
+ return 1;
+ }
+void print_read_wrapping(char * rl, int is_second){
+ int refill_spaces = 3;
+ int read_length = 0, x1 = 0, spaces=0;
+ for(x1 = 0; x1 < 3100; x1++){
+ if(rl[x1]==0 && rl[x1+1]==0)break;
+ if(rl[x1]=='0' || rl[x1]=='\t') spaces++;
+ read_length ++;
+ }
+ char *out_buf1 = malloc(read_length + spaces * refill_spaces + 1), out_buf2[100];
+ int ox=0;
+ for(x1 = 0; x1 < 3000; x1++){
+ if(rl[x1]=='\n' || (rl[x1]==0 && rl[x1+1]==0)){
+ out_buf1[ox]=0;
+ break;
+ } else if((rl[x1]==0 && rl[x1+1]!=0) || rl[x1] == '\t'){
+ int x2;
+ for(x2 = 0; x2 < refill_spaces ; x2++){
+ out_buf1[ox]=' ';
+ ox++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ out_buf1[ox]=rl[x1];
+ ox++;
+ }
+ }
+ out_buf1[ox] = 0;
+ x1=0;
+ while(1){
+ int x2;
+ for(x2 = 0; x2 < 67 ; x2 ++){
+ char nch = out_buf1[x1];
+ if(nch == 0) break;
+ out_buf2[x2] = nch;
+ x1++;
+ }
+ out_buf2[x2] = 0;
+ print_in_box(80,0,PRINT_BOX_NOCOLOR_FOR_COLON," %s", out_buf2);
+ if(out_buf1[x1] == 0)break;
+ }
+ free(out_buf1);
+void report_unpair_warning(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_thread_context_t * thread_context, int * this_noproperly_paired_added){
+ //printf("WARN:%d [%d]\n", global_context->is_unpaired_warning_shown, thread_context -> thread_id);
+ if(!global_context->is_unpaired_warning_shown)
+ {
+ global_context->is_unpaired_warning_shown=1;
+ print_in_box(80,0,0," Found reads that are not properly paired.");
+ print_in_box(80,0,0," (missing mate or the mate is not the next read)");
+ if(global_context -> do_not_sort){
+ print_in_box(85,0,0," %c[31mHowever, the reads will not be re-ordered.", 27);
+ }else{
+ global_context->redo = 1;
+ }
+ print_in_box(80,0,0," Below are the two reads that are not properly paired:");
+ print_read_wrapping(thread_context -> line_buffer1,0);
+ print_read_wrapping(thread_context -> line_buffer2,1);
+ }
+ if(0==(*this_noproperly_paired_added))thread_context -> unpaired_fragment_no++;
+ (*this_noproperly_paired_added) = 1;
void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_thread_context_t * thread_context)
@@ -995,15 +1101,17 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
short * hits_total_length1 = thread_context -> hits_total_length1 , * hits_total_length2 = thread_context -> hits_total_length2;
int is_second_read;
+ int maximum_NH_value = 1;
int skipped_for_exonic = 0;
int first_read_quality_score = 0;
+ int this_noproperly_paired_added = 0;
//if(thread_context->all_reads>1000000) printf("TA=%llu\n%s\n",thread_context->all_reads, thread_context -> line_buffer1);
for(is_second_read = 0 ; is_second_read < 2; is_second_read++)
- if(is_second_read && !global_context -> is_paired_end_data) break;
+ if(is_second_read && !global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign) break;
char * line = is_second_read? thread_context -> line_buffer2:thread_context -> line_buffer1;
@@ -1028,17 +1136,7 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
//printf("R1=%s; R2=%s\n",read_name,read_name1 );
- {
- //printf("WARN:%d [%d]\n", global_context->is_unpaired_warning_shown, thread_context -> thread_id);
- if(!global_context->is_unpaired_warning_shown)
- {
- // printf("RV:%s,%s\n", read_name, read_name1);
- global_context->is_unpaired_warning_shown=1;
- global_context->redo = 1;
- print_in_box(80,0,0," Found reads that are not properly paired.");
- print_in_box(80,0,0," (missing mate or the mate is not the next read)");
- }
- }
+ report_unpair_warning(global_context, thread_context, &this_noproperly_paired_added);
@@ -1052,18 +1150,31 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
if(is_second_read == 0)
//skip the read if unmapped (its mate will be skipped as well if paired-end)
- if( ((!global_context -> is_paired_end_data) && (alignment_masks & SAM_FLAG_UNMAPPED) ) ||
- ((alignment_masks & SAM_FLAG_UNMAPPED) && (alignment_masks & SAM_FLAG_MATE_UNMATCHED) && global_context -> is_paired_end_data) ||
- (((alignment_masks & SAM_FLAG_UNMAPPED) || (alignment_masks & SAM_FLAG_MATE_UNMATCHED)) && global_context -> is_paired_end_data && global_context -> is_both_end_required)
+ if( ((!global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign) && (alignment_masks & SAM_FLAG_UNMAPPED) ) ||
+ ((alignment_masks & SAM_FLAG_UNMAPPED) && (alignment_masks & SAM_FLAG_MATE_UNMATCHED) && global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign) ||
+ (((alignment_masks & SAM_FLAG_UNMAPPED) || (alignment_masks & SAM_FLAG_MATE_UNMATCHED)) && global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign && global_context -> is_both_end_required)
thread_context->read_counters.unassigned_unmapped ++;
if(global_context -> SAM_output_fp)
fprintf(global_context -> SAM_output_fp,"%s\tUnassigned_Unmapped\t*\t*\n", read_name);
+ if(global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign){
+ char * read_name2 = strtok_r(thread_context -> line_buffer2,"\t", &tmp_tok_ptr);
+ if(strcmp_slash(read_name,read_name2)!=0)
+ report_unpair_warning(global_context, thread_context, &this_noproperly_paired_added);
+ }
return; // do nothing if a read is unmapped, or the first read in a pair of reads is unmapped.
+ if(global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign && (!global_context ->is_SEPEmix_warning_shown)){
+ if(((!global_context -> is_paired_end_input_file) && ( alignment_masks & SAM_FLAG_PAIRED_TASK )) || ((global_context -> is_paired_end_input_file) && 0 == ( alignment_masks & SAM_FLAG_PAIRED_TASK ))){
+ print_in_box(85,0,0," %c[31mBoth single-end and paired-end reads were found.", 27);
+ global_context ->is_SEPEmix_warning_shown = 1;
+ }
+ }
read_chr = strtok_r(NULL,"\t", &tmp_tok_ptr);
@@ -1085,17 +1196,23 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
int mapping_qual =atoi(mapping_qual_str);
//printf("SECOND=%d; FIRST=%d; THIS=%d; Q=%d\n", is_second_read, first_read_quality_score, mapping_qual, );
- if(( mapping_qual < global_context -> min_mapping_quality_score && ! global_context -> is_paired_end_data)||( is_second_read && max( first_read_quality_score, mapping_qual ) < global_context -> min_mapping_quality_score))
+ if(( mapping_qual < global_context -> min_mapping_quality_score && ! global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign)||( is_second_read && max( first_read_quality_score, mapping_qual ) < global_context -> min_mapping_quality_score))
thread_context->read_counters.unassigned_mappingquality ++;
+ if(global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign && 0==is_second_read){
+ char * read_name2 = strtok_r(thread_context -> line_buffer2,"\t", &tmp_tok_ptr);
+ if(strcmp_slash(read_name,read_name2)!=0)
+ report_unpair_warning(global_context, thread_context, &this_noproperly_paired_added);
+ }
if(global_context -> SAM_output_fp)
fprintf(global_context -> SAM_output_fp,"%s\tUnassigned_MappingQuality\t*\tMapping_Quality=%d,%d\n", read_name, first_read_quality_score, mapping_qual);
- if(is_second_read==0 && global_context -> is_paired_end_data)
+ if(is_second_read==0 && global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign)
first_read_quality_score = mapping_qual;
@@ -1114,7 +1231,7 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
- if(is_second_read == 0 && global_context -> is_paired_end_data &&
+ if(is_second_read == 0 && global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign &&
(global_context -> is_PE_distance_checked || global_context -> is_chimertc_disallowed)
@@ -1138,6 +1255,13 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
if(global_context -> is_PE_distance_checked && ((fragment_length > global_context -> max_paired_end_distance) || (fragment_length < global_context -> min_paired_end_distance)))
+ if(global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign && 0==is_second_read){
+ char * read_name2 = strtok_r(thread_context -> line_buffer2,"\t", &tmp_tok_ptr);
+ if(strcmp_slash(read_name,read_name2)!=0)
+ report_unpair_warning(global_context, thread_context, &this_noproperly_paired_added);
+ }
thread_context->read_counters.unassigned_fragmentlength ++;
if(global_context -> SAM_output_fp)
@@ -1149,6 +1273,13 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
if(global_context -> is_chimertc_disallowed)
+ if(global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign && 0==is_second_read){
+ char * read_name2 = strtok_r(thread_context -> line_buffer2,"\t", &tmp_tok_ptr);
+ if(strcmp_slash(read_name,read_name2)!=0)
+ report_unpair_warning(global_context, thread_context, &this_noproperly_paired_added);
+ }
thread_context->read_counters.unassigned_chimericreads ++;
if(global_context -> SAM_output_fp)
@@ -1168,6 +1299,12 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
if(alignment_masks & SAM_FLAG_DUPLICATE)
+ if(global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign && 0==is_second_read){
+ char * read_name2 = strtok_r(thread_context -> line_buffer2,"\t", &tmp_tok_ptr);
+ if(strcmp_slash(read_name,read_name2)!=0)
+ report_unpair_warning(global_context, thread_context, &this_noproperly_paired_added);
+ }
thread_context->read_counters.unassigned_duplicate ++;
if(global_context -> SAM_output_fp)
fprintf(global_context -> SAM_output_fp,"%s\tUnassigned_Duplicate\t*\t*\n", read_name);
@@ -1179,6 +1316,7 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
if(SAM_FLAG_UNMAPPED & alignment_masks) continue;
+ int NH_value = 1;
char * NH_pos = strstr(tmp_tok_ptr,"\tNH:i:");
@@ -1188,16 +1326,7 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
if(is_second_read && read_1_chr)
if((strcmp(read_1_chr, mate_chr)!=0 || mate_pos!=read_1_pos) && read_1_chr[0] != '*' && mate_chr[0]!='*')
- {
- // printf("RV:%s,%s %d,%d\n", read_1_chr, mate_chr, mate_pos, read_1_pos);
- if(!global_context->is_unpaired_warning_shown)
- {
- global_context->is_unpaired_warning_shown=1;
- global_context->redo = 1;
- print_in_box(80,0,0," Found reads that are not properly paired.");
- print_in_box(80,0,0," (missing mate or mate is not the next read)");
- }
- }
+ report_unpair_warning(global_context, thread_context, &this_noproperly_paired_added);
@@ -1214,14 +1343,37 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
if(global_context -> SAM_output_fp)
fprintf(global_context -> SAM_output_fp,"%s\tUnassigned_MultiMapping\t*\t*\n", read_name);
+ if(global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign && is_second_read == 0){
+ char * read_name2 = strtok_r(thread_context -> line_buffer2,"\t", &tmp_tok_ptr);
+ if(strcmp_slash(read_name,read_name2)!=0)
+ report_unpair_warning(global_context, thread_context, &this_noproperly_paired_added);
+ }
+ int nh_i, NHtmpi=0;
+ for(nh_i = 6; nh_i < 15; nh_i++){
+ char nch = NH_pos[nh_i];
+ if(isdigit(nch)){
+ NHtmpi = NHtmpi * 10 + (nch-'0');
+ }else{break; }
+ }
+ NH_value = NHtmpi;
+ maximum_NH_value = max(maximum_NH_value, NH_value);
// if a pair of reads have one secondary, the entire fragment is seen as secondary.
if((alignment_masks & SAM_FLAG_SECONDARY_MAPPING) && (global_context -> is_multi_mapping_allowed == ALLOW_PRIMARY_MAPPING))
+ if(global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign && is_second_read == 0){
+ char * read_name2 = strtok_r(thread_context -> line_buffer2,"\t", &tmp_tok_ptr);
+ if(strcmp_slash(read_name,read_name2)!=0)
+ report_unpair_warning(global_context, thread_context, &this_noproperly_paired_added);
+ }
thread_context->read_counters.unassigned_secondary ++;
if(global_context -> SAM_output_fp)
@@ -1411,8 +1563,14 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
skipped_for_exonic ++;
- if((is_second_read && skipped_for_exonic == 2) || (!global_context -> is_paired_end_data) || (alignment_masks & 0x8))
+ if((is_second_read && skipped_for_exonic == 2) || (!global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign) || (alignment_masks & 0x8))
+ if(global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign && is_second_read == 0){
+ char * read_name2 = strtok_r(thread_context -> line_buffer2,"\t", &tmp_tok_ptr);
+ if(strcmp_slash(read_name,read_name2)!=0)
+ report_unpair_warning(global_context, thread_context, &this_noproperly_paired_added);
+ }
if(global_context -> SAM_output_fp)
fprintf(global_context -> SAM_output_fp,"%s\tUnassigned_Nonjunction\t*\t*\n", read_name);
@@ -1434,7 +1592,7 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
// both meta-feature mode and feature mode use the same strategy.
// two ends in a fragment is considered individually; the overlapping bases are not added up.
int ends;
- for(ends = 0; ends < global_context -> is_paired_end_data + 1; ends++)
+ for(ends = 0; ends < global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign + 1; ends++)
long * hits_indices = ends?hits_indices2:hits_indices1;
short * hits_total_length = ends?hits_total_length2:hits_total_length1;
@@ -1479,10 +1637,12 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
+ int fixed_fractional_count = global_context -> use_fraction_multi_mapping ?calc_fixed_fraction(maximum_NH_value): NH_FRACTION_INT;
long hit_exon_id = nhits2?hits_indices2[0]:hits_indices1[0];
- thread_context->count_table[hit_exon_id]++;
+ thread_context->count_table[hit_exon_id] += fixed_fractional_count;
if(global_context -> SAM_output_fp)
@@ -1495,7 +1655,7 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
else if(nhits2 == 1 && nhits1 == 1 && hits_indices2[0]==hits_indices1[0])
long hit_exon_id = hits_indices1[0];
- thread_context->count_table[hit_exon_id]++;
+ thread_context->count_table[hit_exon_id] += fixed_fractional_count;
if(global_context -> SAM_output_fp)
@@ -1510,7 +1670,7 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
- print_in_box(80,0,0,"A %s overlapped with %d features.", global_context -> is_paired_end_data?"fragment":"read", nhits2+nhits1);
+ print_in_box(80,0,0,"A %s overlapped with %d features.", global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign?"fragment":"read", nhits2+nhits1);
print_in_box(80,0,0,"Please increase MAX_HIT_NUMBER in the program");
@@ -1521,7 +1681,7 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
for(is_second_read = 0; is_second_read < 2; is_second_read++)
- if(is_second_read && !global_context -> is_paired_end_data) break;
+ if(is_second_read && !global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign) break;
long * hits_indices = is_second_read?hits_indices2:hits_indices1;
int nhits = is_second_read?nhits2:nhits1;
if (nhits<1) continue;
@@ -1632,7 +1792,7 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
if(top_voters == 1 && (!global_context -> is_multi_overlap_allowed))
- thread_context->count_table[top_voter_id]++;
+ thread_context->count_table[top_voter_id] += fixed_fractional_count;
if(global_context -> SAM_output_fp)
@@ -1661,7 +1821,7 @@ void process_line_buffer(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, fc_thread_
long tmp_voter_id = (global_context -> is_gene_level)?decision_table_exon_ids[xk1]:decision_table_ids[xk1];
//printf("TVID=%ld; HITID=%d\n", tmp_voter_id, xk1);
- thread_context->count_table[tmp_voter_id]++;
+ thread_context->count_table[tmp_voter_id] += fixed_fractional_count;
if(global_context -> SAM_output_fp)
@@ -1743,7 +1903,7 @@ void * feature_count_worker(void * vargs)
//if(buffer_read_ptr>= global_context->input_buffer_max_size)
// if(buffer_read_ptr>6*1024*1024) printf("REALLY BIG PTR:%u = %u + %u - %u\n", buffer_read_ptr, thread_context->input_buffer_write_ptr , global_context->input_buffer_max_size, thread_context->input_buffer_remainder);
- for(is_second_read = 0; is_second_read < (global_context->is_paired_end_data ? 2:1); is_second_read++)
+ for(is_second_read = 0; is_second_read < (global_context->is_paired_end_mode_assign ? 2:1); is_second_read++)
char * curr_line_buff = is_second_read?thread_context -> line_buffer2:thread_context -> line_buffer1;
//printf("R=%u; WPTR=%u ;RPTR=%u\n", thread_context->input_buffer_remainder, thread_context->input_buffer_write_ptr, buffer_read_ptr);
@@ -1760,6 +1920,7 @@ void * feature_count_worker(void * vargs)
buffer_read_ptr = 0;
if(nch=='\n' || buffer_read_bytes>2998){
+ curr_line_buff[buffer_read_bytes+2]=0;
@@ -1861,7 +2022,7 @@ void * feature_count_worker(void * vargs)
while(PDATA_ptr < PDATA_len)
int is_second_read;
- for(is_second_read = 0; is_second_read <= global_context -> is_paired_end_data; is_second_read++)
+ for(is_second_read = 0; is_second_read <= global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign; is_second_read++)
int binary_read_len, local_PDATA_ptr = PDATA_ptr;
char * curr_line_buff = is_second_read?thread_context -> line_buffer2:thread_context -> line_buffer1;
@@ -1883,11 +2044,12 @@ void * feature_count_worker(void * vargs)
-void fc_thread_merge_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, unsigned int * nreads , unsigned long long int *nreads_mapped_to_exon, fc_read_counters * my_read_counter)
+void fc_thread_merge_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, read_count_type_t * nreads , unsigned long long int *nreads_mapped_to_exon, fc_read_counters * my_read_counter)
int xk1, xk2;
long long int total_input_reads = 0 ;
+ read_count_type_t unpaired_fragment_no = 0;
@@ -1899,6 +2061,7 @@ void fc_thread_merge_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, unsign
total_input_reads += global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].all_reads;
(*nreads_mapped_to_exon) += global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].nreads_mapped_to_exon;
+ unpaired_fragment_no += global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].unpaired_fragment_no;
global_context -> read_counters.unassigned_ambiguous += global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].read_counters.unassigned_ambiguous;
global_context -> read_counters.unassigned_nofeatures += global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].read_counters.unassigned_nofeatures;
@@ -1931,8 +2094,11 @@ void fc_thread_merge_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, unsign
sprintf(pct_str,"(%.1f%%%%)", (*nreads_mapped_to_exon)*100./total_input_reads);
else pct_str[0]=0;
- print_in_box(80,0,0," Total %s : %llu", global_context -> is_paired_end_data?"fragments":"reads", total_input_reads);
- print_in_box(pct_str[0]?81:80,0,0," Successfully assigned %s : %llu %s", global_context -> is_paired_end_data?"fragments":"reads", *nreads_mapped_to_exon,pct_str);
+ if(unpaired_fragment_no){
+ print_in_box(80,0,0," Not properly paired fragments : %llu", unpaired_fragment_no);
+ }
+ print_in_box(80,0,0," Total %s : %llu", global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign?"fragments":"reads", total_input_reads);
+ print_in_box(pct_str[0]?81:80,0,0," Successfully assigned %s : %llu %s", global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign?"fragments":"reads", *nreads_mapped_to_exon,pct_str);
print_in_box(80,0,0," Running time : %.2f minutes", (miltime() - global_context -> start_time)/60);
@@ -1977,7 +2143,7 @@ HashTable * load_alias_table(char * fname)
return ret;
-void fc_thread_init_global_context(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, unsigned int buffer_size, unsigned short threads, int line_length , int is_PE_data, int min_pe_dist, int max_pe_dist, int is_gene_level, int is_overlap_allowed, int is_strand_checked, char * output_fname, int is_sam_out, int is_both_end_required, int is_chimertc_disallowed, int is_PE_distance_checked, char *feature_name_column, char * gene_id_column, int min_map_qual_score, int is_multi_mapping_allowed, int i [...]
+void fc_thread_init_global_context(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, unsigned int buffer_size, unsigned short threads, int line_length , int is_PE_data, int min_pe_dist, int max_pe_dist, int is_gene_level, int is_overlap_allowed, int is_strand_checked, char * output_fname, int is_sam_out, int is_both_end_required, int is_chimertc_disallowed, int is_PE_distance_checked, char *feature_name_column, char * gene_id_column, int min_map_qual_score, int is_multi_mapping_allowed, int i [...]
global_context -> input_buffer_max_size = buffer_size;
@@ -1989,7 +2155,7 @@ void fc_thread_init_global_context(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context,
global_context -> isCVersion = isCVersion;
global_context -> is_read_details_out = is_sam_out;
global_context -> is_multi_overlap_allowed = is_overlap_allowed;
- global_context -> is_paired_end_data = is_PE_data;
+ global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign = is_PE_data;
global_context -> is_gene_level = is_gene_level;
global_context -> is_strand_checked = is_strand_checked;
global_context -> is_both_end_required = is_both_end_required;
@@ -1999,8 +2165,9 @@ void fc_thread_init_global_context(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context,
global_context -> is_split_alignments_only = is_split_alignments_only;
global_context -> is_duplicate_ignored = is_duplicate_ignored;
global_context -> reduce_5_3_ends_to_one = reduce_5_3_ends_to_one;
+ global_context -> do_not_sort = is_not_sort;
global_context -> is_SAM_file = is_SAM;
+ global_context -> use_fraction_multi_mapping = use_fraction_multimapping;
global_context -> thread_number = threads;
global_context -> min_mapping_quality_score = min_map_qual_score;
@@ -2092,7 +2259,7 @@ int fc_thread_start_threads(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, int et_
global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].input_buffer = malloc(global_context -> input_buffer_max_size);
global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].thread_id = xk1;
global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].chunk_read_ptr = 0;
- global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].count_table = calloc(sizeof(unsigned int), et_exons);
+ global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].count_table = calloc(sizeof(read_count_type_t), et_exons);
global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].nreads_mapped_to_exon = 0;
global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].all_reads = 0;
global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].line_buffer1 = malloc(global_context -> line_length + 2);
@@ -2100,6 +2267,7 @@ int fc_thread_start_threads(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, int et_
global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].chro_name_buff = malloc(CHROMOSOME_NAME_LENGTH);
global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].strm_buffer = malloc(sizeof(z_stream));
+ global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].unpaired_fragment_no = 0;
global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].read_counters.assigned_reads = 0;
global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].read_counters.unassigned_ambiguous = 0;
global_context -> thread_contexts[xk1].read_counters.unassigned_nofeatures = 0;
@@ -2205,11 +2373,21 @@ int resort_input_file(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context)
-void fc_write_final_gene_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, int * et_geneid, char ** et_chr, long * et_start, long * et_stop, unsigned char * et_strand, const char * out_file, int features, unsigned int ** column_numbers, char * file_list, int n_input_files, fc_feature_info_t * loaded_features, int header_out)
+void BUFstrcat(char * targ, char * src, char ** buf){
+ int srclen = strlen(src);
+ if( (*buf) == NULL){
+ (*buf) = targ;
+ }
+ memcpy((*buf), src, srclen);
+ (*buf) += srclen;
+ (**buf) = 0;
+void fc_write_final_gene_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, int * et_geneid, char ** et_chr, long * et_start, long * et_stop, unsigned char * et_strand, const char * out_file, int features, read_count_type_t ** column_numbers, char * file_list, int n_input_files, fc_feature_info_t * loaded_features, int header_out)
int xk1;
int genes = global_context -> gene_name_table -> numOfElements;
- unsigned int *gene_columns;
+ read_count_type_t *gene_columns;
FILE * fp_out = f_subr_open(out_file,"w");
@@ -2241,7 +2419,7 @@ void fc_write_final_gene_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, in
- gene_columns = calloc(sizeof(unsigned int) , genes * non_empty_files);
+ gene_columns = calloc(sizeof(read_count_type_t) , genes * non_empty_files);
unsigned int * gene_exons_number = calloc(sizeof(unsigned int) , genes);
unsigned int * gene_exons_pointer = calloc(sizeof(unsigned int) , genes);
unsigned int * gene_exons_start = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * features);
@@ -2294,16 +2472,20 @@ void fc_write_final_gene_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, in
unsigned int * input_start_stop_list = malloc(longest_gene_exons * sizeof(int) * 2);
unsigned int * output_start_stop_list = malloc(longest_gene_exons * sizeof(int) * 2);
- char * out_chr_list = malloc(longest_gene_exons * (1+global_context -> longest_chro_name) + 1);
- char * out_start_list = malloc(11 * longest_gene_exons + 1);
- char * out_end_list = malloc(11 * longest_gene_exons + 1);
- char * out_strand_list = malloc(2 * longest_gene_exons + 1);
+ char * out_chr_list = malloc(longest_gene_exons * (1+global_context -> longest_chro_name) + 1), * tmp_chr_list = NULL;
+ char * out_start_list = malloc(11 * longest_gene_exons + 1), * tmp_start_list = NULL;
+ char * out_end_list = malloc(11 * longest_gene_exons + 1), * tmp_end_list = NULL;
+ char * out_strand_list = malloc(2 * longest_gene_exons + 1), * tmp_strand_list = NULL;
for(xk1 = 0 ; xk1 < genes; xk1++)
int xk2;
+ tmp_chr_list = NULL;
+ tmp_start_list = NULL;
+ tmp_end_list = NULL;
+ tmp_strand_list = NULL;
@@ -2340,15 +2522,15 @@ void fc_write_final_gene_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, in
for(xk3=0; xk3<merged_gaps; xk3++)
char numbbuf[12];
- strcat(out_chr_list, matched_chr);
- strcat(out_chr_list, ";");
+ BUFstrcat(out_chr_list, matched_chr, &tmp_chr_list);
+ BUFstrcat(out_chr_list, ";", &tmp_chr_list);
sprintf(numbbuf,"%u;", output_start_stop_list[xk3 * 2]);
- strcat(out_start_list, numbbuf);
+ BUFstrcat(out_start_list, numbbuf, &tmp_start_list);
sprintf(numbbuf,"%u;", output_start_stop_list[xk3 * 2 + 1] - 1);
- strcat(out_end_list, numbbuf);
+ BUFstrcat(out_end_list, numbbuf, &tmp_end_list);
sprintf(numbbuf,"%c;", matched_strand?'-':'+');
- strcat(out_strand_list, numbbuf);
+ BUFstrcat(out_strand_list, numbbuf, &tmp_strand_list);
gene_nonoverlap_len += output_start_stop_list[xk3 * 2 + 1] - output_start_stop_list[xk3 * 2];
@@ -2372,7 +2554,14 @@ void fc_write_final_gene_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, in
- fprintf(fp_out,"\t%u", gene_columns[i_files+non_empty_files*xk1]);
+ read_count_type_t longlong_res = 0;
+ double double_res = 0;
+ int is_double_number = calc_float_fraction(gene_columns[i_files+non_empty_files*xk1], &longlong_res, &double_res);
+ if(is_double_number){
+ fprintf(fp_out,"\t%.2f", double_res);
+ }else{
+ fprintf(fp_out,"\t%llu", longlong_res);
+ }
@@ -2396,7 +2585,7 @@ void fc_write_final_gene_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, in
-void fc_write_final_counts(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, const char * out_file, int nfiles, char * file_list, unsigned int ** column_numbers, fc_read_counters *read_counters, int isCVersion)
+void fc_write_final_counts(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, const char * out_file, int nfiles, char * file_list, read_count_type_t ** column_numbers, fc_read_counters *read_counters, int isCVersion)
char fname[300];
int i_files, xk1;
@@ -2422,7 +2611,7 @@ void fc_write_final_counts(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, const ch
- char * keys [] ={ "Assigned" , "Unassigned_Ambiguity", "Unassigned_MultiMapping" ,"Unassigned_NoFeatures", "Unassigned_Unmapped", "Unassigned_MappingQuality", "Unassigned_FragementLength", "Unassigned_Chimera", "Unassigned_Secondary", "Unassigned_Nonjunction", "Unassigned_Duplicate"};
+ char * keys [] ={ "Assigned" , "Unassigned_Ambiguity", "Unassigned_MultiMapping" ,"Unassigned_NoFeatures", "Unassigned_Unmapped", "Unassigned_MappingQuality", "Unassigned_FragmentLength", "Unassigned_Chimera", "Unassigned_Secondary", "Unassigned_Nonjunction", "Unassigned_Duplicate"};
for(xk1=0; xk1<11; xk1++)
@@ -2432,9 +2621,7 @@ void fc_write_final_counts(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, const ch
unsigned long long * array_0 = (unsigned long long *)&(read_counters[i_files]);
unsigned long long * cntr = array_0 + xk1;
- {
- fprintf(fp_out,"\t%llu", *(cntr));
- }
+ fprintf(fp_out,"\t%llu", *cntr);
@@ -2442,7 +2629,7 @@ void fc_write_final_counts(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, const ch
-void fc_write_final_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, const char * out_file, int features, unsigned int ** column_numbers, char * file_list, int n_input_files, fc_feature_info_t * loaded_features, int header_out)
+void fc_write_final_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, const char * out_file, int features, read_count_type_t ** column_numbers, char * file_list, int n_input_files, fc_feature_info_t * loaded_features, int header_out)
/* save the results */
FILE * fp_out;
@@ -2484,7 +2671,17 @@ void fc_write_final_results(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, const c
int sorted_exon_no = loaded_features[i].sorted_order;
- fprintf(fp_out,"\t%d", column_numbers[i_files][sorted_exon_no]);
+ unsigned long long count_frac_raw = column_numbers[i_files][sorted_exon_no], longlong_res = 0;
+ double double_res = 0;
+ int is_double_number = calc_float_fraction(count_frac_raw, &longlong_res, &double_res);
+ if(is_double_number){
+ fprintf(fp_out,"\t%.2f", double_res);
+ }else{
+ fprintf(fp_out,"\t%llu", longlong_res);
+ }
@@ -2503,6 +2700,8 @@ static struct option long_options[] =
{"countSplitAlignmentsOnly", no_argument, 0, 0},
{"debugCommand", required_argument, 0, 0},
{"ignoreDup", no_argument, 0, 0},
+ {"donotsort", no_argument, 0, 0},
+ {"fraction", no_argument, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0}
@@ -2584,11 +2783,10 @@ void print_usage()
SUBREADputs(" \tthe file is the same as name of the input read file except a");
SUBREADputs(" \tsuffix `.featureCounts' is added.");
SUBREADputs(" ");
- SUBREADputs(" --primary \tIf specified, only primary alignments will be counted. Primary");
- SUBREADputs(" \tand secondary alignments are identified using bit 0x100 in the");
- SUBREADputs(" \tFlag field of SAM/BAM files. All primary alignments in a dataset");
- SUBREADputs(" \twill be counted no matter they are from multi-mapping reads or");
- SUBREADputs(" \tnot ('-M' is ignored). ");
+ SUBREADputs(" --minReadOverlap <int> Specify the minimum number of overlapped bases");
+ SUBREADputs(" \trequired to assign a read to a feature. 1 by default. Negative");
+ SUBREADputs(" \tvalues are permitted, indicating a gap being allowed between a");
+ SUBREADputs(" \tread and a feature.");
SUBREADputs(" ");
SUBREADputs(" --readExtension5 <int> Reads are extended upstream by <int> bases from");
SUBREADputs(" \ttheir 5' end.");
@@ -2596,26 +2794,32 @@ void print_usage()
SUBREADputs(" --readExtension3 <int> Reads are extended upstream by <int> bases from");
SUBREADputs(" \ttheir 3' end.");
SUBREADputs(" ");
- SUBREADputs(" --minReadOverlap <int> Specify the minimum number of overlapped bases");
- SUBREADputs(" \trequired to assign a read to a feature. 1 by default. Negative");
- SUBREADputs(" \tvalues are permitted, indicating a gap being allowed between a");
- SUBREADputs(" \tread and a feature.");
- SUBREADputs(" ");
- SUBREADputs(" --countSplitAlignmentsOnly If specified, only split alignments (CIGAR");
- SUBREADputs(" \tstrings containing letter `N') will be counted. All the other");
- SUBREADputs(" \talignments will be ignored. An example of split alignments is");
- SUBREADputs(" \tthe exon-spanning reads in RNA-seq data.");
- SUBREADputs(" ");
SUBREADputs(" --read2pos <5:3> The read is reduced to its 5' most base or 3'");
SUBREADputs(" \tmost base. Read summarization is then performed based on the");
SUBREADputs(" \tsingle base which the read is reduced to.");
SUBREADputs(" ");
+ SUBREADputs(" --fraction\tIf specified, a fractional count 1/n will be generated for each");
+ SUBREADputs(" \tmulti-mapping read, where n is the number of alignments (indica-");
+ SUBREADputs(" \tted by 'NH' tag) reported for the read. This option must be used");
+ SUBREADputs(" \ttogether with the '-M' option.");
+ SUBREADputs(" ");
+ SUBREADputs(" --primary \tIf specified, only primary alignments will be counted. Primary");
+ SUBREADputs(" \tand secondary alignments are identified using bit 0x100 in the");
+ SUBREADputs(" \tFlag field of SAM/BAM files. All primary alignments in a dataset");
+ SUBREADputs(" \twill be counted no matter they are from multi-mapping reads or");
+ SUBREADputs(" \tnot ('-M' is ignored). ");
+ SUBREADputs(" ");
SUBREADputs(" --ignoreDup If specified, reads that were marked as");
SUBREADputs(" \tduplicates will be ignored. Bit Ox400 in FLAG field of SAM/BAM");
SUBREADputs(" \tfile is used for identifying duplicate reads. In paired end");
SUBREADputs(" \tdata, the entire read pair will be ignored if at least one end");
SUBREADputs(" \tis found to be a duplicate read.");
SUBREADputs(" ");
+ SUBREADputs(" --countSplitAlignmentsOnly If specified, only split alignments (CIGAR");
+ SUBREADputs(" \tstrings containing letter `N') will be counted. All the other");
+ SUBREADputs(" \talignments will be ignored. An example of split alignments is");
+ SUBREADputs(" \tthe exon-spanning reads in RNA-seq data.");
+ SUBREADputs(" ");
SUBREADputs(" Optional paired-end parameters:");
SUBREADputs(" ");
SUBREADputs(" -p \tIf specified, fragments (or templates) will be counted instead");
@@ -2643,13 +2847,17 @@ void print_usage()
SUBREADputs(" ");
SUBREADputs(" -v \tOutput version of the program.");
SUBREADputs(" ");
+ SUBREADputs(" --donotsort If specified, paired end reads will not be reordered even if");
+ SUBREADputs(" \treads from the same pair were found not to be next to each other");
+ SUBREADputs(" \tin the input. ");
+ SUBREADputs(" ");
-int readSummary_single_file(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, unsigned int * column_numbers, int nexons, int * geneid, char ** chr, long * start, long * stop, unsigned char * sorted_strand, char * anno_chr_2ch, char ** anno_chrs, long * anno_chr_head, long * block_end_index, long * block_min_start , long * block_max_end, fc_read_counters * my_read_counter);
+int readSummary_single_file(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, read_count_type_t * column_numbers, int nexons, int * geneid, char ** chr, long * start, long * stop, unsigned char * sorted_strand, char * anno_chr_2ch, char ** anno_chrs, long * anno_chr_head, long * block_end_index, long * block_min_start , long * block_max_end, fc_read_counters * my_read_counter);
int readSummary(int argc,char *argv[]){
@@ -2691,6 +2899,7 @@ int readSummary(int argc,char *argv[]){
29: as.numeric(reduce_5_3_ends_to_one) # 0= no reduction; 1= reduce to 5' end; 2= reduce to 3' end
30: debug_command # This is for debug only; RfeatureCounts should pass a space (" ") to this parameter, disabling the debug command.
31: as.numeric(is_duplicate_ignored) # 0 = INCLUDE DUPLICATE READS; 1 = IGNORE DUPLICATE READS (0x400 FLAG IS SET) ; "0" by default.
int isStrandChecked, isCVersion, isChimericDisallowed, isPEDistChecked, minMappingQualityScore=0, isInputFileResortNeeded, feature_block_size = 20, reduce_5_3_ends_to_one;
@@ -2711,7 +2920,7 @@ int readSummary(int argc,char *argv[]){
curpos = 0;
curchr_name = "";
- int isPE, minPEDistance, maxPEDistance, isReadSummaryReport, isBothEndRequired, isMultiMappingAllowed, fiveEndExtension, threeEndExtension, minReadOverlap, isSplitAlignmentOnly, is_duplicate_ignored;
+ int isPE, minPEDistance, maxPEDistance, isReadSummaryReport, isBothEndRequired, isMultiMappingAllowed, fiveEndExtension, threeEndExtension, minReadOverlap, isSplitAlignmentOnly, is_duplicate_ignored, doNotSort, fractionMultiMapping;
int isSAM, isGTF, n_input_files=0;
char * alias_file_name = NULL, * cmd_rebuilt = NULL;
@@ -2812,12 +3021,28 @@ int readSummary(int argc,char *argv[]){
is_duplicate_ignored = 0;
+ if(argc>32)
+ doNotSort = atoi(argv[32]);
+ else
+ doNotSort = 0;
+ if(argc>33)
+ fractionMultiMapping = atoi(argv[33]);
+ else
+ fractionMultiMapping = 0;
unsigned int buffer_size = 1024*1024*6;
fc_thread_global_context_t global_context;
- fc_thread_init_global_context(& global_context, buffer_size, thread_number, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, isPE, minPEDistance, maxPEDistance,isGeneLevel, isMultiOverlapAllowed, isStrandChecked, (char *)argv[3] , isReadSummaryReport, isBothEndRequired, isChimericDisallowed, isPEDistChecked, nameFeatureTypeColumn, nameGeneIDColumn, minMappingQualityScore,isMultiMappingAllowed, isSAM, alias_file_name, cmd_rebuilt, isInputFileResortNeeded, feature_block_size, isCVersion, fiveEndExtension, threeEndExtens [...]
+ fc_thread_init_global_context(& global_context, buffer_size, thread_number, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, isPE, minPEDistance, maxPEDistance,isGeneLevel, isMultiOverlapAllowed, isStrandChecked, (char *)argv[3] , isReadSummaryReport, isBothEndRequired, isChimericDisallowed, isPEDistChecked, nameFeatureTypeColumn, nameGeneIDColumn, minMappingQualityScore,isMultiMappingAllowed, isSAM, alias_file_name, cmd_rebuilt, isInputFileResortNeeded, feature_block_size, isCVersion, fiveEndExtension, threeEndExtens [...]
+ if( global_context.is_multi_mapping_allowed != ALLOW_ALL_MULTI_MAPPING && global_context.use_fraction_multi_mapping)
+ {
+ SUBREADprintf("ERROR: '--fraction' option should be used together with '-M'.\nThis option should not be used when multi-mapping reads are disallowed or the primary mapping is only counted.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
print_FC_configuration(&global_context, argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], global_context.is_SAM_file, isGTF, & n_input_files, isReadSummaryReport);
@@ -2860,14 +3085,14 @@ int readSummary(int argc,char *argv[]){
char * file_list_used = malloc(strlen(argv[2])+1);
strcpy(file_list_used, argv[2]);
char * next_fn = strtok_r(file_list_used,";", &tmp_pntr);
- unsigned int ** table_columns = calloc( n_input_files , sizeof(int *)), i_files=0;
+ read_count_type_t ** table_columns = calloc( n_input_files , sizeof(read_count_type_t *)), i_files=0;
fc_read_counters * read_counters = calloc(n_input_files , sizeof(fc_read_counters));
- int redoing, original_sorting = global_context.is_input_file_resort_needed, orininal_isPE = global_context.is_paired_end_data;
+ int redoing, original_sorting = global_context.is_input_file_resort_needed, orininal_isPE = global_context.is_paired_end_mode_assign;
if(next_fn==NULL || strlen(next_fn)<1) break;
- unsigned int * column_numbers = calloc(nexons, sizeof(unsigned int ));
+ read_count_type_t * column_numbers = calloc(nexons, sizeof(read_count_type_t));
strcpy(global_context.input_file_name, next_fn);
strcpy(global_context.raw_input_file_name, next_fn);
@@ -2889,11 +3114,11 @@ int readSummary(int argc,char *argv[]){
if(redoing || !global_context.redo) break;
global_context.is_input_file_resort_needed = 1;
- memset(column_numbers, 0, nexons * sizeof(unsigned int ));
+ memset(column_numbers, 0, nexons * sizeof(read_count_type_t));
global_context.is_SAM_file = isSAM;
global_context.is_input_file_resort_needed = original_sorting;
- global_context.is_paired_end_data = orininal_isPE;
+ global_context.is_paired_end_mode_assign = orininal_isPE;
next_fn = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &tmp_pntr);
@@ -2908,8 +3133,12 @@ int readSummary(int argc,char *argv[]){
fc_write_final_counts(&global_context, argv[3], n_input_files, argv[2], table_columns, read_counters, isCVersion);
+ int total_written_coulmns = 0;
for(i_files=0; i_files<n_input_files; i_files++)
- if(table_columns[i_files]) free(table_columns[i_files]);
+ if(table_columns[i_files]){
+ free(table_columns[i_files]);
+ total_written_coulmns++;
+ }
@@ -2955,7 +3184,7 @@ int readSummary(int argc,char *argv[]){
- return 0;
+ return total_written_coulmns?0:-1;
@@ -2970,7 +3199,7 @@ int readSummary(int argc,char *argv[]){
-int readSummary_single_file(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, unsigned int * column_numbers, int nexons, int * geneid, char ** chr, long * start, long * stop, unsigned char * sorted_strand, char * anno_chr_2ch, char ** anno_chrs, long * anno_chr_head, long * block_end_index, long * block_min_start , long * block_max_end, fc_read_counters * my_read_counter)
+int readSummary_single_file(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, read_count_type_t * column_numbers, int nexons, int * geneid, char ** chr, long * start, long * stop, unsigned char * sorted_strand, char * anno_chr_2ch, char ** anno_chrs, long * anno_chr_head, long * block_end_index, long * block_min_start , long * block_max_end, fc_read_counters * my_read_counter)
FILE *fp_in = NULL;
int read_length = 0;
@@ -2982,10 +3211,12 @@ int readSummary_single_file(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, unsigne
int file_probe = is_certainly_bam_file(global_context->input_file_name, &is_first_read_PE);
+ global_context -> is_paired_end_input_file = is_first_read_PE;
// a Singel-end SAM/BAM file cannot be assigned as a PE SAM/BAM file;
// but a PE SAM/BAM file may be assigned as a SE file if the user wishes to do so.
- global_context -> is_paired_end_data = 0;
+ global_context -> is_paired_end_mode_assign = 0;
if(file_probe == 1){
global_context->is_SAM_file = 0;
@@ -3046,7 +3277,7 @@ int readSummary_single_file(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, unsigne
// begin to load-in the data.
- if( global_context->is_paired_end_data)
+ if( global_context->is_paired_end_mode_assign)
print_in_box(80,0,0," Assign fragments (read pairs) to features...");
// print_in_box(80,0,0," Each fragment is counted no more than once.");
@@ -3060,7 +3291,7 @@ int readSummary_single_file(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, unsigne
fc_thread_start_threads(global_context, nexons, geneid, chr, start, stop, sorted_strand, anno_chr_2ch, anno_chrs, anno_chr_head, block_end_index, block_min_start , block_max_end, read_length);
int buffer_pairs = global_context -> thread_number>1?512:1;
- int isPE = global_context->is_paired_end_data;
+ int isPE = global_context->is_paired_end_mode_assign;
char * preload_line = malloc(sizeof(char) * (2+MAX_LINE_LENGTH)*(isPE?2:1)*buffer_pairs);
int preload_line_ptr;
int current_thread_id = 0;
@@ -3142,16 +3373,26 @@ int readSummary_single_file(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, unsigne
read_length = read_len_tmp;
global_context->read_length = read_length;
+ lbuf[strlen(lbuf)+1]=0;
- if(!ret) break;
//one_thread_context -> current_read_length1 = global_context->read_length;
//one_thread_context -> current_read_length2 = global_context->read_length;
- global_context->all_reads ++;
- process_line_buffer(global_context, one_thread_context);
+ if(is_second_read == 1 && isPE){
+ print_in_box(85,0,0," %c[31mThere are odd number of reads in the paired-end data.", CHAR_ESC);
+ print_in_box(80,0,0," Please make sure that the format is correct.");
+ }
+ if(ret)
+ {
+ global_context->all_reads ++;
+ process_line_buffer(global_context, one_thread_context);
+ }
+ if(!ret)break;
else if(!isSAM)
@@ -3350,11 +3591,22 @@ int readSummary_single_file(fc_thread_global_context_t * global_context, unsigne
if(isPE && (fresh_read_no%2>0))
// Safegarding -- it should not happen if the SAM file has a correct format.
- line_length = 0;
+ //line_length = 0;
if( (!global_context -> redo)){
- print_in_box(80,0,0," There are odd number of reads in the paired-end data.");
+ print_in_box(85,0,0," %c[31mThere are odd number of reads in the paired-end data.", CHAR_ESC);
print_in_box(80,0,0," Please make sure that the format is correct.");
+ if(line_length > 0){
+ int xx1, enters = 0;
+ for(xx1 = line_length; xx1 >=0; xx1--){
+ if( preload_line[xx1]=='\n' ) enters ++;
+ if(2 == enters){
+ line_length = xx1+1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(xx1 <= 0) line_length = 0;
+ }
//printf("FRR=%d\n%s\n", fresh_read_no, preload_line);
@@ -3440,7 +3692,7 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int feature_count_main(int argc, char ** argv)
- char * Rargv[32];
+ char * Rargv[34];
char annot_name[300];
char * out_name = malloc(300);
char * alias_file_name = malloc(300);
@@ -3472,7 +3724,9 @@ int feature_count_main(int argc, char ** argv)
int is_Multi_Mapping_Allowed = 0;
int is_Split_Alignment_Only = 0;
int is_duplicate_ignored = 0;
+ int do_not_sort = 0;
int reduce_5_3_ends_to_one = 0;
+ int use_fraction_multimapping = 0;
int threads = 1;
int isGTF = 1;
char nthread_str[4];
@@ -3624,6 +3878,11 @@ int feature_count_main(int argc, char ** argv)
is_duplicate_ignored = 1 ;
+ if(strcmp("fraction", long_options[option_index].name)==0)
+ {
+ use_fraction_multimapping = 1;
+ }
if(strcmp("read2pos", long_options[option_index].name)==0)
@@ -3633,6 +3892,11 @@ int feature_count_main(int argc, char ** argv)
+ if(strcmp("donotsort", long_options[option_index].name)==0)
+ {
+ do_not_sort = 1;
+ }
if(strcmp("countSplitAlignmentsOnly", long_options[option_index].name)==0)
is_Split_Alignment_Only = 1;
@@ -3717,14 +3981,16 @@ int feature_count_main(int argc, char ** argv)
Rargv[29] = (reduce_5_3_ends_to_one == 0?"0":(reduce_5_3_ends_to_one==REDUCE_TO_3_PRIME_END?"3":"5"));
Rargv[30] = debug_command;
Rargv[31] = is_duplicate_ignored?"1":"0";
- readSummary(32, Rargv);
+ Rargv[32] = do_not_sort?"1":"0";
+ Rargv[33] = use_fraction_multimapping?"1":"0";
+ int retvalue = readSummary(34, Rargv);
- return 0;
+ return retvalue;
diff --git a/src/subread.h b/src/subread.h
index 9e43cc8..00f8b03 100644
--- a/src/subread.h
+++ b/src/subread.h
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
#include "hashtable.h"
diff --git a/test/subread-align/test-tmp.log b/test/subread-align/test-tmp.log
index 3feaeb3..268b047 100644
--- a/test/subread-align/test-tmp.log
+++ b/test/subread-align/test-tmp.log
@@ -1,47 +1,49 @@
+a87c3f05f25477325ea8f2742f05231b ../small1.00.b.array
+b5bf8ea4c82873ab98cc52e334c5e53b ../small1.00.b.tab
-unmatched= 563 ; matched= 19435 ; unmapped= 0 ; reads= 19998 ;NN= 0
-accuracy= 0.971847184718 ; sensitivity= 1.0
+unmatched= 549 ; matched= 19418 ; unmapped= 31 ; reads= 19998 ;NN= 0
+accuracy= 0.972504632644 ; sensitivity= 0.998449844984
paired_match= 0 ; paired= 0.0
-unmatched= 57 ; matched= 18791 ; unmapped= 1150 ; reads= 19998 ;NN= 0
-accuracy= 0.996975806452 ; sensitivity= 0.942494249425
+unmatched= 43 ; matched= 18774 ; unmapped= 1181 ; reads= 19998 ;NN= 0
+accuracy= 0.997714832332 ; sensitivity= 0.940944094409
paired_match= 0 ; paired= 0.0
-unmatched= 630 ; matched= 39366 ; unmapped= 0 ; reads= 39996 ;NN= 0
-accuracy= 0.984248424842 ; sensitivity= 1.0
-paired_match= 39308 ; paired= 0.998526647361
+unmatched= 603 ; matched= 39342 ; unmapped= 51 ; reads= 39996 ;NN= 0
+accuracy= 0.984904243335 ; sensitivity= 0.998724872487
+paired_match= 39260 ; paired= 0.997915713487
-unmatched= 188 ; matched= 38790 ; unmapped= 1018 ; reads= 39996 ;NN= 0
-accuracy= 0.995176766381 ; sensitivity= 0.974547454745
-paired_match= 38710 ; paired= 0.997937612787
+unmatched= 165 ; matched= 38786 ; unmapped= 1045 ; reads= 39996 ;NN= 0
+accuracy= 0.9957639085 ; sensitivity= 0.973872387239
+paired_match= 38690 ; paired= 0.997524880111
-unmatched= 920 ; matched= 39068 ; unmapped= 12 ; reads= 40000 ;NN= 0
-accuracy= 0.976993097929 ; sensitivity= 0.9997
-paired_match= 38848 ; paired= 0.994368792874
+unmatched= 655 ; matched= 33542 ; unmapped= 5803 ; reads= 40000 ;NN= 0
+accuracy= 0.980846273065 ; sensitivity= 0.854925
+paired_match= 28692 ; paired= 0.855405163675
-unmatched= 862 ; matched= 39131 ; unmapped= 7 ; reads= 40002 ;NN= 0
-accuracy= 0.97844622809 ; sensitivity= 0.999775011249
-paired_match= 38902 ; paired= 0.994147862309
+unmatched= 628 ; matched= 33205 ; unmapped= 6167 ; reads= 40002 ;NN= 0
+accuracy= 0.981438240771 ; sensitivity= 0.845782710864
+paired_match= 28042 ; paired= 0.84451136877
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