[med-svn] [python-mne] 02/13: Merge tag 'upstream/0.10+dfsg'
Yaroslav Halchenko
debian at onerussian.com
Wed Nov 25 16:20:29 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
yoh pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-mne.
commit 1bff75af47cfea72385a86f5824bc96eced27ca6
Merge: 890e278 9b5da07
Author: jaeilepp <jaeilepp at student.jyu.fi>
Date: Mon Nov 9 05:54:51 2015 -0500
Merge tag 'upstream/0.10+dfsg'
Upstream version 0.10+dfsg
.gitignore | 12 +-
.mailmap | 17 +-
.travis.yml | 158 +-
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doc/manual/preprocessing/ssp.rst | 128 +
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.../source_localization}/forward.rst | 504 +-
doc/manual/source_localization/inverse.rst | 520 ++
doc/manual/source_localization/morph.rst | 141 +
doc/manual/statistics.rst | 100 +
doc/manual/time_frequency.rst | 34 +
doc/manual/visualization.rst | 3 +
doc/mne_cpp.rst | 18 +
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doc/{source/manual/reading.rst => references.rst} | 0
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doc/source/index.rst | 56 -
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doc/source/manual/AppInstall.rst | 174 -
doc/source/manual/convert.rst | 2312 -------
doc/source/manual/cookbook.rst | 1066 ----
doc/source/manual/intro.rst | 45 -
doc/source/manual/list.rst | 439 --
doc/source/manual/mne.rst | 1323 ----
doc/source/manual/morph.rst | 409 --
doc/source/manual/pics/Averaging-flowchart.png | Bin 16254 -> 0 bytes
doc/source/manual/utilities.rst | 1402 -----
doc/source/mne-python.rst | 27 -
doc/source/python_tutorial.rst | 396 --
doc/source/this_project.inc | 5 -
doc/sphinxext/commands.py | 80 +
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doc/sphinxext/gen_rst.py | 946 ---
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.../report.rst} | 59 +-
doc/upload_html.sh | 2 +-
doc/utils/extract_config_doc.py | 73 -
doc/utils/lut2sphinxtbl.py | 65 -
doc/utils/make_clean_config.py | 30 -
doc/{source => }/whats_new.rst | 540 +-
examples/README.txt | 11 +-
.../connectivity/plot_cwt_sensor_connectivity.py | 20 +-
.../plot_mne_inverse_coherence_epochs.py | 24 +-
.../plot_mne_inverse_connectivity_spectrum.py | 12 +-
.../plot_mne_inverse_label_connectivity.py | 16 +-
.../connectivity/plot_mne_inverse_psi_visual.py | 15 +-
examples/connectivity/plot_sensor_connectivity.py | 27 +-
examples/datasets/plot_brainstorm_data.py | 74 +
examples/datasets/plot_megsim_data.py | 7 +-
examples/datasets/plot_megsim_data_single_trial.py | 5 +-
examples/datasets/plot_spm_faces_dataset.py | 34 +-
examples/decoding/plot_decoding_csp_eeg.py | 31 +-
examples/decoding/plot_decoding_csp_space.py | 15 +-
examples/decoding/plot_decoding_sensors.py | 63 +-
.../plot_decoding_spatio_temporal_source.py | 20 +-
.../decoding/plot_decoding_time_generalization.py | 78 +-
...plot_decoding_time_generalization_conditions.py | 75 +
examples/decoding/plot_decoding_xdawn_eeg.py | 101 +
examples/decoding/plot_ems_filtering.py | 8 +-
examples/decoding/plot_linear_model_patterns.py | 84 +
examples/export/README.txt | 5 -
examples/export/plot_epochs_to_nitime.py | 65 -
examples/export/plot_evoked_to_nitime.py | 34 -
examples/export/plot_raw_to_nitime.py | 83 -
examples/forward/README.txt | 6 +
examples/{ => forward}/plot_bem_contour_mri.py | 2 +
.../{ => forward}/plot_coregistration_transform.py | 4 +-
.../{ => forward}/plot_decimate_head_surface.py | 25 +-
.../forward/plot_left_cerebellum_volume_source.py | 96 +
examples/{ => forward}/plot_make_forward.py | 24 +-
examples/{ => forward}/plot_read_bem_surfaces.py | 13 +-
.../plot_read_forward.py} | 58 +-
examples/forward/plot_source_space_morphing.py | 68 +
.../plot_compute_mne_inverse_epochs_in_label.py | 8 +-
.../plot_compute_mne_inverse_raw_in_label.py | 5 +-
.../inverse/plot_compute_mne_inverse_volume.py | 31 +-
examples/inverse/plot_covariance_whitening_dspm.py | 160 +
examples/inverse/plot_dics_beamformer.py | 13 +-
examples/inverse/plot_dics_source_power.py | 16 +-
examples/inverse/plot_dipole_fit.py | 43 +
examples/inverse/plot_dipole_fit_result.py | 82 -
examples/inverse/plot_gamma_map_inverse.py | 13 +-
examples/inverse/plot_label_activation_from_stc.py | 122 +-
examples/inverse/plot_label_from_stc.py | 12 +-
examples/inverse/plot_label_source_activations.py | 5 +-
examples/inverse/plot_lcmv_beamformer.py | 24 +-
examples/inverse/plot_lcmv_beamformer_volume.py | 35 +-
examples/inverse/plot_make_inverse_operator.py | 12 +-
...m_L21_inverse.py => plot_mixed_norm_inverse.py} | 34 +-
examples/inverse/plot_mne_crosstalk_function.py | 42 +-
examples/inverse/plot_mne_point_spread_function.py | 47 +-
examples/inverse/plot_morph_data.py | 15 +-
examples/inverse/plot_rap_music.py | 57 +
examples/inverse/plot_read_inverse.py | 28 +-
examples/inverse/plot_read_source_space.py | 28 +-
examples/inverse/plot_read_stc.py | 5 +-
examples/inverse/plot_snr_estimate.py | 29 +
examples/inverse/plot_tf_dics.py | 5 +-
examples/inverse/plot_tf_lcmv.py | 16 +-
.../plot_time_frequency_mixed_norm_inverse.py | 30 +-
examples/io/README.txt | 5 +
examples/io/plot_objects_from_arrays.py | 121 +
examples/{ => io}/plot_read_and_write_raw_data.py | 5 +-
examples/{ => io}/plot_read_epochs.py | 6 +-
examples/{ => io}/plot_read_evoked.py | 4 +-
.../{ => io}/plot_read_noise_covariance_matrix.py | 20 +-
examples/{ => io}/read_events.py | 4 +-
examples/{inverse => }/plot_compute_mne_inverse.py | 10 +-
examples/plot_evoked_whitening.py | 46 -
examples/plot_extract_events_from_raw.py | 6 +-
examples/plot_from_raw_to_epochs_to_evoked.py | 55 +-
.../plot_from_raw_to_multiple_epochs_to_evoked.py | 71 -
examples/plot_read_forward.py | 46 -
examples/preprocessing/plot_corrmap_detection.py | 76 +
.../plot_define_target_events.py | 8 +-
.../preprocessing/plot_eog_artifact_histogram.py | 7 +-
.../plot_estimate_covariance_matrix_baseline.py | 4 +-
.../plot_estimate_covariance_matrix_raw.py | 6 +-
examples/preprocessing/plot_find_ecg_artifacts.py | 5 +-
examples/preprocessing/plot_find_eog_artifacts.py | 7 +-
examples/preprocessing/plot_ica_from_epochs.py | 75 -
.../preprocessing/plot_interpolate_bad_channels.py | 43 +
examples/preprocessing/plot_rereference_eeg.py | 65 +
examples/preprocessing/plot_resample.py | 85 +
examples/preprocessing/plot_run_ica.py | 47 +
examples/{ => preprocessing}/plot_shift_evoked.py | 6 +-
examples/preprocessing/plot_virtual_evoked.py | 39 +
examples/preprocessing/plot_xdawn_denoising.py | 80 +
examples/realtime/ftclient_rt_average.py | 17 +-
examples/realtime/ftclient_rt_compute_psd.py | 74 +
examples/realtime/plot_compute_rt_average.py | 13 +-
examples/realtime/plot_compute_rt_decoder.py | 48 +-
examples/realtime/rt_feedback_client.py | 5 +-
examples/realtime/rt_feedback_server.py | 21 +-
examples/simulation/README.txt | 5 +
.../{ => simulation}/plot_simulate_evoked_data.py | 58 +-
examples/simulation/plot_simulate_raw_data.py | 79 +
examples/stats/plot_cluster_stats_evoked.py | 11 +-
examples/stats/plot_fdr_stats_evoked.py | 8 +-
examples/stats/plot_linear_regression_raw.py | 67 +
examples/stats/plot_sensor_permutation_test.py | 11 +-
examples/stats/plot_sensor_regression.py | 15 +-
.../plot_compute_raw_data_spectrum.py | 20 +-
.../plot_compute_source_psd_epochs.py | 7 +-
examples/time_frequency/plot_epochs_spectra.py | 45 +
.../time_frequency/plot_single_trial_spectra.py | 96 -
.../plot_source_label_time_frequency.py | 19 +-
.../time_frequency/plot_source_power_spectrum.py | 7 +-
.../plot_source_space_time_frequency.py | 7 +-
examples/time_frequency/plot_stockwell.py | 50 +
examples/time_frequency/plot_temporal_whitening.py | 16 +-
.../plot_time_frequency_multitaper_sensors.py | 55 +
.../time_frequency/plot_time_frequency_sensors.py | 13 +-
.../plot_time_frequency_simulated.py | 112 +
examples/visualization/README.txt | 5 +
examples/visualization/make_report.py | 37 +
.../plot_channel_epochs_image.py | 13 +-
examples/visualization/plot_clickable_image.py | 66 +
.../{ => visualization}/plot_evoked_delayed_ssp.py | 5 +-
examples/visualization/plot_evoked_erf_erp.py | 51 +
.../{ => visualization}/plot_evoked_topomap.py | 9 +-
.../plot_evoked_topomap_delayed_ssp.py | 7 +-
examples/visualization/plot_evoked_whitening.py | 80 +
.../{ => visualization}/plot_meg_eeg_fields_3d.py | 19 +-
.../plot_ssp_projs_sensitivity_map.py | 10 +-
.../{ => visualization}/plot_ssp_projs_topomaps.py | 12 +-
.../plot_topo_channel_epochs_image.py | 5 +-
.../plot_topo_compare_conditions.py | 19 +-
.../{ => visualization}/plot_topo_customized.py | 8 +-
examples/{ => visualization}/plot_topography.py | 6 +-
logo/generate_mne_logos.py | 156 +
make/install_python.ps1 | 93 +
mne/__init__.py | 71 +-
mne/_hdf5.py | 167 -
mne/baseline.py | 14 +-
mne/beamformer/__init__.py | 1 +
mne/beamformer/_dics.py | 73 +-
mne/beamformer/_lcmv.py | 176 +-
mne/beamformer/_rap_music.py | 274 +
mne/beamformer/tests/test_dics.py | 58 +-
mne/beamformer/tests/test_lcmv.py | 92 +-
mne/beamformer/tests/test_rap_music.py | 152 +
mne/bem.py | 1660 +++++
mne/channels.py | 348 --
mne/channels/__init__.py | 11 +
mne/channels/channels.py | 783 +++
mne/{ => channels/data}/layouts/CTF-275.lout | 0
mne/{ => channels/data}/layouts/CTF151.lay | 0
mne/{ => channels/data}/layouts/CTF275.lay | 0
mne/{ => channels/data}/layouts/EEG1005.lay | 0
mne/{ => channels/data}/layouts/EGI256.lout | 0
mne/{ => channels/data}/layouts/KIT-157.lout | 2 +-
mne/channels/data/layouts/KIT-AD.lout | 209 +
.../data}/layouts/Vectorview-all.lout | 0
.../data}/layouts/Vectorview-grad.lout | 0
.../data}/layouts/Vectorview-mag.lout | 0
mne/channels/data/layouts/biosemi.lay | 64 +
mne/{ => channels/data}/layouts/magnesWH3600.lout | 0
.../data/montages/10-5-System_Mastoids_EGI129.csd | 467 ++
mne/channels/data/montages/EGI_256.csd | 258 +
mne/channels/data/montages/GSN-HydroCel-128.sfp | 131 +
mne/channels/data/montages/GSN-HydroCel-129.sfp | 132 +
mne/channels/data/montages/GSN-HydroCel-256.sfp | 259 +
mne/channels/data/montages/GSN-HydroCel-257.sfp | 260 +
mne/channels/data/montages/GSN-HydroCel-32.sfp | 36 +
mne/channels/data/montages/GSN-HydroCel-64_1.0.sfp | 67 +
mne/channels/data/montages/GSN-HydroCel-65_1.0.sfp | 68 +
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mne/channels/data/montages/standard_alphabetic.elc | 142 +
mne/channels/data/montages/standard_postfixed.elc | 212 +
mne/channels/data/montages/standard_prefixed.elc | 160 +
mne/channels/data/montages/standard_primed.elc | 212 +
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mne/channels/data/neighbors/KIT-208_neighb.mat | Bin 0 -> 6636 bytes
mne/channels/data/neighbors/__init__.py | 6 +
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mne/channels/data/neighbors/biosemi32_neighb.mat | Bin 0 -> 942 bytes
mne/channels/data/neighbors/biosemi64_neighb.mat | Bin 0 -> 1812 bytes
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mne/channels/data/neighbors/ctf275_neighb.mat | Bin 0 -> 7831 bytes
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.../data/neighbors/easycap128ch-avg_neighb.mat | Bin 0 -> 3870 bytes
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.../data/neighbors/easycap64ch-avg_neighb.mat | Bin 0 -> 1861 bytes
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.../data/neighbors/neuromag306mag_neighb.mat | Bin 0 -> 2753 bytes
.../data/neighbors/neuromag306planar_neighb.mat | Bin 0 -> 5580 bytes
mne/channels/interpolation.py | 207 +
mne/channels/layout.py | 825 +++
mne/channels/montage.py | 533 ++
.../channels/tests}/__init__.py | 0
mne/channels/tests/test_channels.py | 152 +
mne/channels/tests/test_interpolation.py | 120 +
mne/channels/tests/test_layout.py | 380 ++
mne/channels/tests/test_montage.py | 209 +
mne/chpi.py | 440 ++
mne/commands/__init__.py | 1 +
mne/commands/mne_browse_raw.py | 43 +-
mne/commands/mne_bti2fiff.py | 35 +-
mne/commands/mne_clean_eog_ecg.py | 100 +-
mne/commands/mne_compare_fiff.py | 27 +
mne/commands/mne_compute_proj_ecg.py | 18 +-
mne/commands/mne_compute_proj_eog.py | 92 +-
mne/commands/mne_coreg.py | 9 +-
mne/commands/mne_flash_bem.py | 90 +
mne/commands/mne_flash_bem_model.py | 37 +-
mne/commands/mne_freeview_bem_surfaces.py | 92 +
mne/commands/mne_kit2fiff.py | 10 +-
mne/commands/mne_make_scalp_surfaces.py | 135 +-
mne/commands/mne_maxfilter.py | 110 +-
mne/commands/mne_report.py | 49 +-
mne/commands/mne_surf2bem.py | 14 +-
mne/commands/mne_watershed_bem.py | 62 +
mne/{layouts => commands}/tests/__init__.py | 0
mne/commands/tests/test_commands.py | 244 +
mne/commands/utils.py | 27 +-
mne/connectivity/effective.py | 13 +-
mne/connectivity/spectral.py | 219 +-
mne/connectivity/tests/test_effective.py | 12 +-
mne/connectivity/tests/test_spectral.py | 131 +-
mne/coreg.py | 232 +-
mne/cov.py | 1359 ++++-
mne/cuda.py | 302 +-
mne/data/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt | 1397 +++++
mne/data/coil_def.dat | 47 +-
mne/data/coil_def_Elekta.dat | 70 +
mne/data/image/custom_layout.lout | 24 +
mne/data/image/mni_brain.gif | Bin 0 -> 12051 bytes
mne/datasets/__init__.py | 3 +
mne/datasets/_fake/__init__.py | 4 +
mne/datasets/_fake/_fake.py | 25 +
mne/datasets/brainstorm/__init__.py | 4 +
mne/datasets/brainstorm/bst_auditory.py | 60 +
mne/datasets/brainstorm/bst_raw.py | 59 +
mne/datasets/brainstorm/bst_resting.py | 51 +
mne/datasets/eegbci/eegbci.py | 72 +-
mne/datasets/megsim/megsim.py | 75 +-
mne/datasets/megsim/urls.py | 36 +-
mne/datasets/sample/__init__.py | 3 +-
mne/datasets/sample/sample.py | 31 +-
mne/datasets/somato/__init__.py | 2 +-
mne/datasets/somato/somato.py | 32 +-
mne/datasets/spm_face/__init__.py | 2 +-
mne/datasets/spm_face/spm_data.py | 30 +-
mne/datasets/testing/__init__.py | 4 +
mne/datasets/testing/_testing.py | 47 +
.../datasets/tests}/__init__.py | 0
mne/datasets/tests/test_datasets.py | 46 +
mne/datasets/utils.py | 294 +-
mne/decoding/__init__.py | 7 +-
mne/decoding/base.py | 622 ++
mne/decoding/csp.py | 399 +-
mne/decoding/ems.py | 2 +-
mne/decoding/tests/test_csp.py | 31 +-
mne/decoding/tests/test_ems.py | 6 +-
mne/decoding/tests/test_time_gen.py | 303 +-
.../{test_classifier.py => test_transformer.py} | 63 +-
mne/decoding/time_gen.py | 1360 ++++-
mne/decoding/{classifier.py => transformer.py} | 201 +-
mne/defaults.py | 54 +
mne/dipole.py | 706 ++-
mne/epochs.py | 2509 ++++----
mne/event.py | 104 +-
mne/evoked.py | 936 +--
mne/externals/FieldTrip.py | 4 +-
mne/externals/__init__.py | 3 +-
mne/externals/h5io/__init__.py | 6 +
mne/externals/h5io/_h5io.py | 297 +
mne/fiff/__init__.py | 79 -
mne/filter.py | 518 +-
mne/fixes.py | 374 +-
mne/forward/__init__.py | 13 +-
mne/forward/_compute_forward.py | 878 ++-
mne/forward/_field_interpolation.py | 195 +-
mne/forward/_lead_dots.py | 270 +-
mne/forward/_make_forward.py | 682 ++-
mne/forward/forward.py | 503 +-
mne/forward/tests/test_field_interpolation.py | 126 +-
mne/forward/tests/test_forward.py | 157 +-
mne/forward/tests/test_make_forward.py | 267 +-
mne/gui/__init__.py | 16 +-
mne/gui/_coreg_gui.py | 93 +-
mne/gui/_fiducials_gui.py | 36 +-
mne/gui/_file_traits.py | 151 +-
mne/gui/_kit2fiff_gui.py | 184 +-
mne/gui/_marker_gui.py | 113 +-
mne/gui/_viewer.py | 52 +-
mne/gui/tests/test_coreg_gui.py | 52 +-
mne/gui/tests/test_fiducials_gui.py | 25 +-
mne/gui/tests/test_file_traits.py | 61 +-
mne/gui/tests/test_kit2fiff_gui.py | 30 +-
mne/gui/tests/test_marker_gui.py | 21 +-
mne/inverse_sparse/_gamma_map.py | 50 +-
mne/inverse_sparse/mxne_debiasing.py | 12 +-
mne/inverse_sparse/mxne_inverse.py | 317 +-
mne/inverse_sparse/mxne_optim.py | 712 ++-
mne/inverse_sparse/tests/test_gamma_map.py | 37 +-
mne/inverse_sparse/tests/test_mxne_inverse.py | 83 +-
mne/inverse_sparse/tests/test_mxne_optim.py | 181 +-
mne/io/__init__.py | 64 +-
mne/io/array/array.py | 31 +-
mne/io/array/tests/test_array.py | 34 +-
mne/io/base.py | 1397 +++--
mne/io/brainvision/__init__.py | 2 +-
mne/io/brainvision/brainvision.py | 660 +-
mne/io/brainvision/tests/data/test.hpts | 46 +
mne/io/brainvision/tests/data/test.vmrk | 5 +-
mne/io/brainvision/tests/data/test_highpass.vhdr | 142 +
mne/io/brainvision/tests/test_brainvision.py | 136 +-
mne/io/bti/bti.py | 892 +--
mne/io/bti/constants.py | 12 +-
mne/io/bti/read.py | 97 +-
mne/io/bti/tests/test_bti.py | 228 +-
mne/io/bti/transforms.py | 102 -
mne/io/constants.py | 64 +-
mne/io/ctf.py | 20 +-
mne/io/diff.py | 2 +-
mne/io/edf/__init__.py | 2 +-
mne/io/edf/edf.py | 783 +--
mne/io/edf/tests/data/biosemi.hpts | 8 +-
mne/io/edf/tests/data/test_edf_eeglab.mat | Bin 799941 -> 524875 bytes
mne/io/edf/tests/data/test_edf_stim_channel.edf | Bin 0 -> 68056 bytes
mne/io/edf/tests/data/test_edf_stim_channel.txt | 717 +++
mne/io/edf/tests/data/test_uneven_samp.edf | Bin 0 -> 25584 bytes
mne/io/edf/tests/data/test_uneven_samp.mat | Bin 0 -> 40487 bytes
mne/io/edf/tests/test_edf.py | 187 +-
mne/io/egi/egi.py | 222 +-
mne/io/egi/tests/test_egi.py | 24 +-
mne/io/fiff/__init__.py | 3 +-
mne/io/fiff/raw.py | 465 +-
mne/io/fiff/tests/test_raw.py | 504 +-
mne/io/kit/__init__.py | 10 +-
mne/io/kit/constants.py | 11 +-
mne/io/kit/coreg.py | 94 +-
mne/io/kit/kit.py | 959 +--
mne/io/kit/tests/data/test-epoch.raw | Bin 0 -> 138388 bytes
mne/io/kit/tests/data/test-eve.txt | 2 +
mne/io/kit/tests/test_coreg.py | 54 +-
mne/io/kit/tests/test_kit.py | 69 +-
mne/io/meas_info.py | 743 ++-
mne/io/open.py | 62 +-
mne/io/pick.py | 286 +-
mne/io/proc_history.py | 290 +
mne/io/proj.py | 173 +-
mne/io/reference.py | 387 ++
mne/io/tag.py | 127 +-
mne/io/tests/data/test_ica.lout | 6 +-
mne/io/tests/test_apply_function.py | 58 +
mne/io/tests/test_compensator.py | 5 +-
mne/io/tests/test_meas_info.py | 153 +-
mne/io/tests/test_pick.py | 177 +-
mne/io/tests/test_proc_history.py | 47 +
mne/io/tests/test_raw.py | 51 +
mne/io/tests/test_reference.py | 307 +
mne/io/tree.py | 24 +-
mne/io/write.py | 85 +-
mne/label.py | 505 +-
mne/layouts/__init__.py | 2 -
mne/layouts/layout.py | 563 --
mne/layouts/tests/test_layout.py | 218 -
mne/minimum_norm/__init__.py | 3 +-
mne/minimum_norm/inverse.py | 710 ++-
mne/minimum_norm/psf_ctf.py | 93 +-
mne/minimum_norm/tests/test_inverse.py | 366 +-
mne/minimum_norm/tests/test_psf_ctf.py | 110 +-
mne/minimum_norm/tests/test_snr.py | 42 +
mne/minimum_norm/tests/test_time_frequency.py | 91 +-
mne/minimum_norm/time_frequency.py | 370 +-
mne/misc.py | 16 +-
mne/mixed_norm/__init__.py | 7 -
mne/parallel.py | 20 +-
mne/preprocessing/__init__.py | 7 +-
mne/preprocessing/bads.py | 16 +-
mne/preprocessing/ctps_.py | 2 +-
mne/preprocessing/ecg.py | 98 +-
mne/preprocessing/eog.py | 57 +-
mne/preprocessing/ica.py | 1086 ++--
mne/preprocessing/infomax_.py | 107 +-
mne/preprocessing/maxfilter.py | 80 +-
mne/preprocessing/maxwell.py | 644 ++
mne/preprocessing/peak_finder.py | 4 +-
mne/preprocessing/ssp.py | 27 +-
mne/preprocessing/stim.py | 143 +-
.../eeglab_extended_infomax_results_eeg_data.mat | Bin 0 -> 402 bytes
.../eeglab_extended_infomax_results_meg_data.mat | Bin 0 -> 403 bytes
.../tests/data/eeglab_infomax_results_eeg_data.mat | Bin 0 -> 403 bytes
.../tests/data/eeglab_infomax_results_meg_data.mat | Bin 0 -> 404 bytes
mne/preprocessing/tests/test_eeglab_infomax.py | 204 +
mne/preprocessing/tests/test_ica.py | 119 +-
mne/preprocessing/tests/test_infomax.py | 153 +-
mne/preprocessing/tests/test_maxwell.py | 256 +
mne/preprocessing/tests/test_ssp.py | 22 +-
mne/preprocessing/tests/test_stim.py | 104 +-
mne/preprocessing/tests/test_xdawn.py | 145 +
mne/preprocessing/xdawn.py | 484 ++
mne/proj.py | 83 +-
mne/realtime/client.py | 16 +-
mne/realtime/epochs.py | 164 +-
mne/realtime/fieldtrip_client.py | 71 +-
mne/realtime/mockclient.py | 39 +-
mne/realtime/stim_server_client.py | 21 +-
mne/realtime/tests/test_fieldtrip_client.py | 71 +-
mne/realtime/tests/test_mockclient.py | 100 +-
mne/realtime/tests/test_stim_client_server.py | 45 +-
mne/report.py | 1035 +++-
mne/selection.py | 15 +-
mne/simulation/__init__.py | 9 +-
mne/simulation/evoked.py | 155 +-
mne/simulation/metrics.py | 68 +
mne/simulation/raw.py | 569 ++
mne/simulation/source.py | 135 +-
mne/simulation/tests/test_evoked.py | 57 +-
mne/simulation/tests/test_metrics.py | 52 +
mne/simulation/tests/test_raw.py | 248 +
mne/simulation/tests/test_source.py | 130 +-
mne/source_estimate.py | 738 ++-
mne/source_space.py | 1259 +++-
mne/stats/__init__.py | 5 +-
mne/stats/cluster_level.py | 240 +-
mne/stats/multi_comp.py | 4 +-
mne/stats/parametric.py | 211 +-
mne/stats/regression.py | 210 +-
mne/stats/tests/test_cluster_level.py | 222 +-
mne/stats/tests/test_multi_comp.py | 5 +-
mne/stats/tests/test_parametric.py | 122 +-
mne/stats/tests/test_regression.py | 65 +-
mne/surface.py | 552 +-
mne/tests/__init__.py | 3 -
mne/tests/test_bem.py | 264 +
mne/tests/test_channels.py | 109 -
mne/tests/test_chpi.py | 168 +
mne/tests/test_coreg.py | 68 +-
mne/tests/test_cov.py | 286 +-
mne/tests/test_defaults.py | 22 +
mne/tests/test_dipole.py | 262 +-
mne/tests/test_docstring_parameters.py | 160 +
mne/tests/test_epochs.py | 905 ++-
mne/tests/test_event.py | 86 +-
mne/tests/test_evoked.py | 163 +-
mne/tests/test_filter.py | 241 +-
mne/tests/test_fixes.py | 66 +-
mne/tests/test_hdf5.py | 26 -
mne/tests/test_import_nesting.py | 53 +
mne/tests/test_label.py | 382 +-
mne/tests/test_proj.py | 90 +-
mne/tests/test_report.py | 271 +-
mne/tests/test_source_estimate.py | 204 +-
mne/tests/test_source_space.py | 476 +-
mne/tests/test_surface.py | 105 +-
mne/tests/test_transforms.py | 163 +-
mne/tests/test_utils.py | 334 +-
mne/time_frequency/__init__.py | 7 +-
mne/time_frequency/_stockwell.py | 255 +
mne/time_frequency/ar.py | 75 +-
mne/time_frequency/csd.py | 14 +-
mne/time_frequency/multitaper.py | 35 +-
mne/time_frequency/psd.py | 142 +-
mne/time_frequency/stft.py | 29 +-
mne/time_frequency/tests/test_ar.py | 21 +-
mne/time_frequency/tests/test_csd.py | 22 +-
mne/time_frequency/tests/test_multitaper.py | 4 +-
mne/time_frequency/tests/test_psd.py | 97 +-
mne/time_frequency/tests/test_stft.py | 22 +-
mne/time_frequency/tests/test_stockwell.py | 96 +
mne/time_frequency/tests/test_tfr.py | 235 +-
mne/time_frequency/tfr.py | 820 ++-
mne/transforms.py | 436 +-
mne/utils.py | 1163 ++--
mne/viz/_3d.py | 512 +-
mne/viz/__init__.py | 32 +-
mne/viz/circle.py | 32 +-
mne/viz/decoding.py | 236 +
mne/viz/epochs.py | 1390 ++++-
mne/viz/evoked.py | 579 +-
mne/viz/ica.py | 489 +-
mne/viz/misc.py | 119 +-
mne/viz/montage.py | 58 +
mne/viz/raw.py | 770 +--
mne/viz/tests/test_3d.py | 167 +-
mne/viz/tests/test_circle.py | 4 +-
mne/viz/tests/test_decoding.py | 124 +
mne/viz/tests/test_epochs.py | 110 +-
mne/viz/tests/test_evoked.py | 57 +-
mne/viz/tests/test_ica.py | 120 +-
mne/viz/tests/test_misc.py | 65 +-
mne/viz/tests/test_montage.py | 30 +
mne/viz/tests/test_raw.py | 90 +-
mne/viz/tests/test_topo.py | 58 +-
mne/viz/tests/test_topomap.py | 265 +-
mne/viz/tests/test_utils.py | 73 +-
mne/viz/topo.py | 481 +-
mne/viz/topomap.py | 1163 +++-
mne/viz/utils.py | 700 ++-
setup.cfg | 6 +-
setup.py | 36 +-
tutorials/README.txt | 4 +
.../plot_cluster_1samp_test_time_frequency.py | 18 +-
.../plot_cluster_methods_tutorial.py | 15 +-
.../plot_cluster_stats_spatio_temporal.py | 15 +-
.../plot_cluster_stats_spatio_temporal_2samp.py | 14 +-
...tats_spatio_temporal_repeated_measures_anova.py | 47 +-
.../plot_cluster_stats_time_frequency.py | 33 +-
...stats_time_frequency_repeated_measures_anova.py | 43 +-
tutorials/plot_creating_data_structures.py | 180 +
tutorials/plot_epochs_objects.py | 103 +
.../plot_epochs_to_data_frame.py | 7 +-
.../plot_ica_from_raw.py | 25 +-
tutorials/plot_info.py | 90 +
tutorials/plot_introduction.py | 373 ++
tutorials/plot_modifying_data_inplace.py | 74 +
tutorials/plot_raw_objects.py | 133 +
tutorials/plot_source_localization_basics.py | 98 +
.../plot_spatio_temporal_cluster_stats_sensor.py | 193 +
717 files changed, 70206 insertions(+), 32541 deletions(-)
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