[med-svn] [python-mne] 280/353: merged branch mluessi/simulation

Yaroslav Halchenko debian at onerussian.com
Fri Nov 27 17:25:15 UTC 2015

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yoh pushed a commit to tag 0.4
in repository python-mne.

commit 48d2bfa82a437c806ddd01634a6993e54bb8857f
Merge: a075c40 8a3accd
Author: Martin Luessi <mluessi at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Date:   Mon Jul 16 14:12:25 2012 -0400

    merged branch mluessi/simulation

 mne/__init__.py                     |   1 +
 mne/simulation/__init__.py          |   3 +-
 mne/simulation/source.py            | 177 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 mne/simulation/tests/__init__.py    |   0
 mne/simulation/tests/test_source.py |  18 ++++
 5 files changed, 196 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --cc mne/simulation/__init__.py
index 6bb7dde,0648a66..e0d887b
--- a/mne/simulation/__init__.py
+++ b/mne/simulation/__init__.py
@@@ -1,5 -1,2 +1,6 @@@
 +"""Data simulation code
 +from .source import select_source_in_label, generate_sparse_stc, \
-                         generate_evoked
++                    generate_evoked, circular_source_labels
 -from source import circular_source_labels
diff --cc mne/simulation/source.py
index b314d7b,799aae0..de416b4
--- a/mne/simulation/source.py
+++ b/mne/simulation/source.py
@@@ -1,196 -1,180 +1,369 @@@
 -# Authors: Martin Luessi <mluessi at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
 +# Authors: Alexandre Gramfort <gramfort at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
++#          Martin Luessi <mluessi at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
 +#          Matti Hamalainen <msh at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
  # License: BSD (3-clause)
+ import os
++import copy
  import numpy as np
 +from scipy import signal
- import copy
+ from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
 +from ..fiff.pick import pick_channels_cov
 +from ..minimum_norm.inverse import _make_stc
 +from ..utils import check_random_state
 +from ..forward import apply_forward
+ from ..surface import read_surface
+ from ..source_estimate import mesh_edges
 +def generate_evoked(fwd, stc, evoked, cov, snr=3, tmin=None, tmax=None,
 +                    fir_filter=None, random_state=None):
 +    """Generate noisy evoked data
 +    Parameters
 +    ----------
 +    fwd : dict
 +        a forward solution
 +    stc : SourceEstimate object
 +        The source time courses
 +    evoked : Evoked object
 +        An instance of evoked used as template
 +    cov : Covariance object
 +        The noise covariance
 +    snr : float
 +        signal to noise ratio in dB. It corresponds to
 +        10 * log10( var(signal) / var(noise) )
 +    tmin : float | None
 +        start of time interval to estimate SNR. If None first time point
 +        is used.
 +    tmax : float
 +        start of time interval to estimate SNR. If None last time point
 +        is used.
 +    fir_filter : None | array
 +        FIR filter coefficients e.g. [1, -1, 0.2]
 +    random_state : None | int | np.random.RandomState
 +        To specify the random generator state.
 +    Returns
 +    -------
 +    evoked : Evoked object
 +        The simulated evoked data
 +    """
 +    evoked = apply_forward(fwd, stc, evoked)
 +    noise = generate_noise_evoked(evoked, cov, fir_filter)
 +    evoked_noise = add_noise_evoked(evoked, noise, snr, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
 +    return evoked_noise
 +def generate_noise_evoked(evoked, noise_cov, fir_filter=None,
 +                          random_state=None):
 +    """Creates noise as a multivariate Gaussian
 +    The spatial covariance of the noise is given from the cov matrix.
 +    Parameters
 +    ----------
 +    evoked : evoked object
 +        an instance of evoked used as template
 +    cov : Covariance object
 +        The noise covariance
 +    fir_filter : None | array
 +        FIR filter coefficients
 +    random_state : None | int | np.random.RandomState
 +        To specify the random generator state.
 +    Returns
 +    -------
 +    noise : evoked object
 +        an instance of evoked
 +    """
 +    noise = copy.deepcopy(evoked)
 +    noise_cov = pick_channels_cov(noise_cov, include=noise.info['ch_names'])
 +    rng = check_random_state(random_state)
 +    n_channels = np.zeros(noise.info['nchan'])
 +    n_samples = evoked.data.shape[1]
 +    noise.data = rng.multivariate_normal(n_channels, noise_cov.data,
 +                                         n_samples).T
 +    if fir_filter is not None:
 +        noise.data = signal.lfilter([1], fir_filter, noise.data, axis=-1)
 +    return noise
 +def add_noise_evoked(evoked, noise, snr, tmin=None, tmax=None):
 +    """Adds noise to evoked object with specified SNR.
 +    SNR is computed in the interval from tmin to tmax.
 +    Parameters
 +    ----------
 +    evoked : Evoked object
 +        An instance of evoked with signal
 +    noise : Evoked object
 +        An instance of evoked with noise
 +    snr : float
 +        signal to noise ratio in dB. It corresponds to
 +        10 * log10( var(signal) / var(noise) )
 +    tmin : float
 +        start time before event
 +    tmax : float
 +        end time after event
 +    Returns
 +    -------
 +    evoked_noise : Evoked object
 +        An instance of evoked corrupted by noise
 +    """
 +    evoked = copy.deepcopy(evoked)
 +    times = evoked.times
 +    if tmin is None:
 +        tmin = np.min(times)
 +    if tmax is None:
 +        tmax = np.max(times)
 +    tmask = (times >= tmin) & (times <= tmax)
 +    tmp = np.mean((evoked.data[:, tmask] ** 2).ravel()) / \
 +                                     np.mean((noise.data ** 2).ravel())
 +    tmp = 10 * np.log10(tmp)
 +    noise.data = 10 ** ((tmp - float(snr)) / 20) * noise.data
 +    evoked.data += noise.data
 +    return evoked
 +def select_source_in_label(fwd, label, random_state=None):
 +    """Select source positions using a label
 +    Parameters
 +    ----------
 +    fwd : dict
 +        a forward solution
 +    label : dict
 +        the label (read with mne.read_label)
 +    random_state : None | int | np.random.RandomState
 +        To specify the random generator state.
 +    Returns
 +    -------
 +    lh_vertno : list
 +        selected source coefficients on the left hemisphere
 +    rh_vertno : list
 +        selected source coefficients on the right hemisphere
 +    """
 +    lh_vertno = list()
 +    rh_vertno = list()
 +    rng = check_random_state(random_state)
 +    if label['hemi'] == 'lh':
 +        src_sel_lh = np.intersect1d(fwd['src'][0]['vertno'], label['vertices'])
 +        idx_select = rng.randint(0, len(src_sel_lh), 1)
 +        lh_vertno.append(src_sel_lh[idx_select][0])
 +    else:
 +        src_sel_rh = np.intersect1d(fwd['src'][1]['vertno'], label['vertices'])
 +        idx_select = rng.randint(0, len(src_sel_rh), 1)
 +        rh_vertno.append(src_sel_rh[idx_select][0])
 +    return lh_vertno, rh_vertno
 +def generate_sparse_stc(fwd, labels, stc_data, tmin, tstep, random_state=0):
 +    """Generate sources time courses from waveforms and labels
 +    Parameters
 +    ----------
 +    fwd : dict
 +        a forward solution
 +    labels : list of dict
 +        The labels
 +    stc_data : array
 +        The waveforms
 +    tmin : float
 +        The beginning of the timeseries
 +    tstep : float
 +        The time step (1 / sampling frequency)
 +    random_state : None | int | np.random.RandomState
 +        To specify the random generator state.
 +    Returns
 +    -------
 +    stc : SourceEstimate
 +        The generated source time courses.
 +    """
 +    rng = check_random_state(random_state)
 +    vertno = [[], []]
 +    for label in labels:
 +        lh_vertno, rh_vertno = select_source_in_label(fwd, label, rng)
 +        vertno[0] += lh_vertno
 +        vertno[1] += rh_vertno
 +    vertno = map(np.array, vertno)
 +    stc = _make_stc(stc_data, tmin, tstep, vertno)
 +    return stc
+ def mesh_dist(tris, vert):
+     """ Generate an adjacency matrix where the entries are the distances
+         between neighboring vertices
+     Parameters:
+     -----------
+     tris : array (n_tris x 3)
+         Mesh triangulation
+     vert : array (n_vert x 3)
+         Vertex locations
+     Returns:
+     --------
+     dist_matrix : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
+         Sparse matrix with distances between adjacent vertices
+     """
+     edges = mesh_edges(tris).tocoo()
+     # Euclidean distances between neighboring vertices
+     dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((vert[edges.row, :] - vert[edges.col, :]) ** 2,
+                           axis=1))
+     dist_matrix = csr_matrix((dist, (edges.row, edges.col)), shape=edges.shape)
+     return dist_matrix
+ def _verts_within_dist(graph, source, max_dist):
+     """ Find all vertices wihin a maximum geodesic distance from source
+     Parameters:
+     -----------
+     graph : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
+         Sparse matrix with distances between adjacent vertices
+     source : int
+         Source vertex
+     max_dist: float
+         Maximum geodesic distance
+     Returns:
+     --------
+     verts : array
+         Vertices within max_dist
+     dist : array
+         Distances from source vertex
+     """
+     dist_map = {}
+     dist_map[source] = 0
+     verts_added_last = [source]
+     # add neighbors until no more neighbors within max_dist can be found
+     while len(verts_added_last) > 0:
+         verts_added = []
+         for i in verts_added_last:
+             v_dist = dist_map[i]
+             row = graph[i, :]
+             neighbor_vert = row.indices
+             neighbor_dist = row.data
+             for j, d in zip(neighbor_vert, neighbor_dist):
+                 n_dist = v_dist + d
+                 if j in dist_map:
+                     if n_dist < dist_map[j]:
+                         dist_map[j] = n_dist
+                 else:
+                     if n_dist <= max_dist:
+                         dist_map[j] = n_dist
+                         # we found a new vertex within max_dist
+                         verts_added.append(j)
+         verts_added_last = verts_added
+     verts = np.sort(np.array(dist_map.keys(), dtype=np.int))
+     dist = np.array([dist_map[v] for v in verts])
+     return verts, dist
+ def circular_source_labels(subject, seeds, extents, hemis, subjects_dir=None):
+     """ Generate circular labels in source space
+     This function generates a number of labels in source space by growing regions
+     starting from the vertices defined in "seeds". For each seed, a label is generated
+     containing all vertices within a maximum geodesic distance on the white matter
+     surface from the seed.
+     Note: "extents" and "hemis" can either be arrays with the same length as seeds,
+           which allows using a different extent and hemisphere for each label, or
+           integers, in which case the same extent and hemisphere is used for each
+           label.
+     Parameters:
+     ----------
+     subject : string
+         Name of the subject as in SUBJECTS_DIR
+     seeds : array or int
+         Seed vertex numbers
+     extents : array or float
+         Extents (radius in mm) of the labels
+     hemis : array or int
+         Hemispheres to use for the labels (0: left, 1: right)
+     subjects_dir : string
+         Path to SUBJECTS_DIR if not set in the environment
+     Returns:
+     --------
+     labels : list
+         List with lables. Each label is a dictionary with keys:
+             comment     Comment with seed vertex and extent
+             hemi        Hemisphere of the label ('lh', or 'rh')
+             vertices    Vertex indices (0 based)
+             pos         Locations in millimeters
+             values      Distances in millimeters from seed
+     """
+     if subjects_dir is None:
+         if 'SUBJECTS_DIR' in os.environ:
+             subjects_dir = os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR']
+         else:
+             raise ValueError('SUBJECTS_DIR environment variable not set')
+     # make sure the inputs are arrays
+     seeds = np.atleast_1d(seeds)
+     extents = np.atleast_1d(extents)
+     hemis = np.atleast_1d(hemis)
+     n_seeds = len(seeds)
+     if len(extents) != 1 and len(extents) != n_seeds:
+         raise ValueError('The extents parameter has to be of length 1 or '
+                          'len(seeds)')
+     if len(hemis) != 1 and len(hemis) != n_seeds:
+         raise ValueError('The hemis parameter has to be of length 1 or '
+                          'len(seeds)')
+     # make the arrays the same length as seeds
+     if len(extents) == 1:
+         extents = np.tile(extents, n_seeds)
+     if len(hemis) == 1:
+         hemis = np.tile(hemis, n_seeds)
+     hemis = ['lh' if h == 0 else 'rh' for h in hemis]
+     # load the surfaces and create the distance graphs
+     tris, vert, dist = {}, {}, {}
+     for hemi in set(hemis):
+         surf_fname = os.path.join(subjects_dir, subject, 'surf',
+                                   hemi + '.white')
+         vert[hemi], tris[hemi] = read_surface(surf_fname)
+         dist[hemi] = mesh_dist(tris[hemi], vert[hemi])
+     # create the patches
+     labels = []
+     for seed, extent, hemi in zip(seeds, extents, hemis):
+         label_verts, label_dist = _verts_within_dist(dist[hemi], seed, extent)
+         # create a label
+         label = dict()
+         label['comment'] = 'Circular label: seed=%d, extent=%0.1fmm' %\
+                            (seed, extent)
+         label['vertices'] = label_verts
+         label['pos'] = vert[hemi][label_verts]
+         label['values'] = label_dist
+         label['hemi'] = hemi
+         labels.append(label)
+     return labels

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