[med-svn] [python-avro] branch master updated (3246cc8 -> 5c09cc1)
Afif Elghraoui
afif-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Oct 25 00:46:23 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
afif-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository python-avro.
from 3246cc8 Add package descriptions
new baa6c96 Fix the "clean" target since python3 setup.py clean is inadequate
new 1ba2743 Add watch file
new b472401 Fix dh_auto_clean override
new a74b05f Add d/copyright and d/docs
new cd6ed78 Change repack suffix from ds to dfsg
new cc3ce6d Add dependency on simplejson to replace convenience copy
new 9d6eb1f Imported Upstream version 1.8.0~rc0+dfsg
new 1206c29 Merge tag 'upstream/1.8.0_rc0+dfsg'
new 5d1086c Bump version in d/changelog
new bbba5a3 Allow package to build using external dependencies
new c917c0a Remove build-time testing for Python2 package
new 8c6fcab Clarify patch header
new 5e0faf3 Add README.source documenting some obscurities in this repository
new 5c09cc1 python-avro (1.8.0~rc0+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
The 14 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.gitignore | 4 +
BUILD.txt | 18 +-
CHANGES.txt | 181 ++
README.txt | 2 +-
build.sh | 40 +-
debian/README.source | 18 +
debian/changelog | 4 +-
debian/control | 2 +
debian/copyright | 36 +
debian/docs | 1 +
debian/patches/external-dependencies.patch | 68 +
debian/patches/series | 1 +
debian/rules | 23 +-
debian/source/options | 1 -
debian/watch | 3 +
doc/src/content/xdocs/gettingstartedpython.xml | 20 +-
doc/src/content/xdocs/spec.xml | 63 +-
lang/py/build.xml | 52 +-
lang/py/ivy.xml | 24 +
lang/py/ivysettings.xml | 30 +
lang/py/lib/pyAntTasks-1.3-LICENSE.txt | 202 --
lang/py/lib/pyAntTasks-1.3.jar | Bin 18788 -> 0 bytes
lang/py/lib/simplejson/LICENSE.txt | 19 -
lang/py/lib/simplejson/__init__.py | 318 ---
lang/py/lib/simplejson/_speedups.c | 2329 --------------------
lang/py/lib/simplejson/decoder.py | 354 ---
lang/py/lib/simplejson/encoder.py | 440 ----
lang/py/lib/simplejson/scanner.py | 65 -
lang/py/lib/simplejson/tool.py | 37 -
lang/py/src/avro/schema.py | 6 +-
lang/py/src/avro/tether/__init__.py | 7 +
lang/py/src/avro/tether/tether_task.py | 498 +++++
lang/py/src/avro/tether/tether_task_runner.py | 227 ++
.../echo.avdl => lang/py/src/avro/tether/util.py | 30 +-
lang/py/test/mock_tether_parent.py | 95 +
lang/py/test/set_avro_test_path.py | 40 +
lang/py/test/test_datafile.py | 3 +
lang/py/test/test_datafile_interop.py | 3 +
lang/py/test/test_io.py | 3 +
lang/py/test/test_ipc.py | 2 +
lang/py/test/test_schema.py | 6 +
lang/py/test/test_tether_task.py | 116 +
lang/py/test/test_tether_task_runner.py | 191 ++
lang/py/test/test_tether_word_count.py | 213 ++
lang/py/test/word_count_task.py | 96 +
lang/py3/avro/schema.py | 8 +-
lang/py3/avro/tests/run_tests.py | 1 +
lang/py3/avro/{__init__.py => tests/test_enum.py} | 25 +-
lang/py3/avro/tests/test_schema.py | 5 +
lang/py3/setup.py | 5 +-
pom.xml | 8 +-
share/VERSION.txt | 2 +-
share/docker/Dockerfile | 58 +
share/rat-excludes.txt | 1 +
.../org/apache/avro/ipc/trace/avroTrace.avdl | 68 -
.../org/apache/avro/ipc/trace/avroTrace.avpr | 82 -
share/test/schemas/http.avdl | 66 +
share/test/schemas/reserved.avsc | 2 +
share/test/schemas/specialtypes.avdl | 98 +
59 files changed, 2340 insertions(+), 3980 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 debian/README.source
create mode 100644 debian/copyright
create mode 100644 debian/docs
create mode 100644 debian/patches/external-dependencies.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/series
delete mode 100644 debian/source/options
create mode 100644 debian/watch
create mode 100644 lang/py/ivy.xml
create mode 100644 lang/py/ivysettings.xml
delete mode 100644 lang/py/lib/pyAntTasks-1.3-LICENSE.txt
delete mode 100644 lang/py/lib/pyAntTasks-1.3.jar
delete mode 100644 lang/py/lib/simplejson/LICENSE.txt
delete mode 100644 lang/py/lib/simplejson/__init__.py
delete mode 100644 lang/py/lib/simplejson/_speedups.c
delete mode 100644 lang/py/lib/simplejson/decoder.py
delete mode 100644 lang/py/lib/simplejson/encoder.py
delete mode 100644 lang/py/lib/simplejson/scanner.py
delete mode 100644 lang/py/lib/simplejson/tool.py
create mode 100644 lang/py/src/avro/tether/__init__.py
create mode 100644 lang/py/src/avro/tether/tether_task.py
create mode 100644 lang/py/src/avro/tether/tether_task_runner.py
copy share/test/schemas/echo.avdl => lang/py/src/avro/tether/util.py (79%)
create mode 100644 lang/py/test/mock_tether_parent.py
create mode 100644 lang/py/test/set_avro_test_path.py
create mode 100644 lang/py/test/test_tether_task.py
create mode 100644 lang/py/test/test_tether_task_runner.py
create mode 100644 lang/py/test/test_tether_word_count.py
create mode 100644 lang/py/test/word_count_task.py
copy lang/py3/avro/{__init__.py => tests/test_enum.py} (57%)
create mode 100644 share/docker/Dockerfile
delete mode 100644 share/schemas/org/apache/avro/ipc/trace/avroTrace.avdl
delete mode 100644 share/schemas/org/apache/avro/ipc/trace/avroTrace.avpr
create mode 100644 share/test/schemas/http.avdl
create mode 100644 share/test/schemas/reserved.avsc
create mode 100644 share/test/schemas/specialtypes.avdl
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/python-avro.git
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