[med-svn] [python-biom-format] annotated tag upstream/2.1+dfsg created (now ca17598)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Mon Oct 26 21:28:30 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/2.1+dfsg
in repository python-biom-format.

        at  ca17598   (tag)
   tagging  bbd114aa7bf24cda5e4b67f3afbd77aac6742145 (commit)
 tagged by  Andreas Tille
        on  Mon Oct 26 22:20:53 2015 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 2.1+dfsg

Andreas Tille (46):
      Inject preliminary packaging files for python-biom-format which is needed by qiime
      Add upstream contact
      Upstream confirmed GPL
      Those ._* MAC OSX files create severe trouble when building - removing from upstream tarball in get-orig-source
      Proper Build-Depends, Depends, Section
      Remove language extension from scripts
      Fix clean target when building with cython
      Add cython as Build-Depends, WARNING: By using this which was *strongly* advised by upstream we are running into an gcc-4.7 build issue.  I'm about to sort this out on Debian mentors list.
      Enable building with Cython 0.17.beta1
      Work around problematic Cython versions which create invalid gcc-4.7 code
      README.source to explain the cython issue
      Use help2man to create manpages where this makes sense
      Decide to go with statically created man pages and provide the script to do so because proper creation with help2man would need some extra build-depends extra for this purpose which migh uselessly stress some auto-builders.
      Add Files-Excluded to document what was removed from original source
      New download location
      Upstream is now delivering properly cleaned up tarballs
      cme fix dpkg-control
      Remove workaround cython problem which was needed when 1.0.0 was released because cython at this time was suffering from #682652
      anonscm in Vcs fields
      Start with creating manpages via help2man
      Create manpages at package build time
      Add other manpages if script provides sensible help output
      Upload to unstable
      Mass commit for 1.2.0-1
      Upstream location has changed, some preprocessed binary doc files need to be removed
      cython is not used any more in new upstream version
      Adapted patches to new upstream version (hope this is correct)
      Package is now Architecture: all
      For this version a larger version of pyqi is needed
      Save user privacy by preventing inclusion of web adds
      Provide doc-base input file; use linktrees
      Do not install scripts printing "This script no longer exists. ..." any more; Use manpage created by sphinx
      Upload to unstable
      Adapt to new upstream version but documentation build fails (will ask on Debian Python list for help)
      Exclude also *.so and *pyx
      Reamove also *.egg-info which is removed by pybuild anyway
      *.pyx files are actually source files
      Delete autogenerated *.c files and recreate them using CYTHON; create documentation thanks to a patch from Jakub Wilk (thanks Jakukb)
      Found another Dependency (h5py) and add the Build-Depends also to Recommends since these are most probably needed.
      Versioned Build-Depends: pyqi (>= 0.3.2)
      Add ${shlibs:Depends} since package is now arch any
      Adjust dependencies according to upstream documentation, upload to unstable
      New upstream version
      Prepare new upstream version
      enable sloppy sphinx build
      Imported Upstream version 2.1+dfsg

James McCoy (1):
      Move debian/upstream to debian/upstream/metadata

Steffen Moeller (1):
      Once my package for biom-format was ready I had eventually found Andreas' ... I just looked at b* files :o)

Tim Booth (3):
      Small changes that helped me build on Ubuntu
      Trying to get the the Bio-Linux and Debian packages in sync.  I think this does it.
      Fix bash-completion build after rearrangement of source directory.


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/python-biom-format.git

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