[med-svn] [r-cran-pkgmaker] 01/01: Initial package version

Alba Crespi albac-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Apr 10 19:21:34 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

albac-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-pkgmaker.

commit 1e873d60b53dcb060b64358ce1198d0092f3e39c
Author: Alba Crespi <crespialba+debian at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Apr 10 20:11:44 2016 +0100

    Initial package version
 DESCRIPTION                      |   34 +
 MD5                              |  116 +
 NAMESPACE                        |  166 +
 R/CLI.R                          |  306 ++
 R/bibtex.R                       |  274 ++
 R/colors.R                       |   28 +
 R/data.R                         |   58 +
 R/devutils.R                     |  502 +++
 R/files.R                        |   82 +
 R/graphics.R                     |   49 +
 R/is.R                           |  117 +
 R/knitr.R                        |  423 +++
 R/logging.R                      |   65 +
 R/namespace.R                    |  163 +
 R/options.R                      |  473 +++
 R/package-extra.R                |  222 ++
 R/package.R                      |  236 ++
 R/packages.R                     |  509 +++
 R/project.R                      |  149 +
 R/rd.R                           |   86 +
 R/registry.R                     |  871 +++++
 R/repositories.R                 |  101 +
 R/unitTests.R                    |  949 +++++
 R/utils.R                        |  943 +++++
 R/vignette.R                     |  827 ++++
 build/vignette.rds               |  Bin 0 -> 263 bytes
 debian/changelog                 |    5 +
 debian/compat                    |    1 +
 debian/control                   |   27 +
 debian/copyright                 |   29 +
 debian/docs                      |    2 +
 debian/rules                     |    7 +
 debian/source/format             |    1 +
 debian/watch                     |    4 +
 inst/cleveref.sty                | 7793 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.R    |    9 +
 inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.Rnw  |   78 +
 inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.pdf  |  Bin 0 -> 98844 bytes
 inst/doc/pkgmaker.R              |   29 +
 inst/doc/pkgmaker.Rnw            |   69 +
 inst/doc/pkgmaker.pdf            |  Bin 0 -> 105871 bytes
 inst/package.mk                  |  233 ++
 inst/tests/runit.options.r       |   65 +
 inst/tests/runit.utils.r         |  132 +
 inst/vignette.mk                 |  250 ++
 man/CLIArgumentParser.Rd         |   45 +
 man/ExposeAttribute.Rd           |   58 +
 man/R.exec.Rd                    |   34 +
 man/RdSection2latex.Rd           |   33 +
 man/Rversion.Rd                  |   17 +
 man/Sys.getenv_value.Rd          |   42 +
 man/addToLogger.Rd               |   29 +
 man/add_lib.Rd                   |   50 +
 man/addnames.Rd                  |   38 +
 man/alphacol.Rd                  |   33 +
 man/bibtex.Rd                    |   14 +
 man/cgetAnywhere.Rd              |   14 +
 man/checkPlot.Rd                 |   22 +
 man/cite_pkg.Rd                  |   30 +
 man/citecmd.Rd                   |   26 +
 man/compile_src.Rd               |   20 +
 man/devutils.Rd                  |  131 +
 man/dot-packageMetaRegistry.Rd   |   14 +
 man/exitCheck.Rd                 |   46 +
 man/expand_list.Rd               |   87 +
 man/file_extension.Rd            |   27 +
 man/fix_registry.Rd              |   18 +
 man/formals.Rd                   |   28 +
 man/graphics-utils.Rd            |   29 +
 man/hasArg2.Rd                   |   27 +
 man/hasEnvar.Rd                  |   22 +
 man/inSweave.Rd                  |   24 +
 man/install.dependencies.Rd      |   34 +
 man/isCRANcheck.Rd               |   71 +
 man/is_something.Rd              |   71 +
 man/knit_ex.Rd                   |  166 +
 man/latex.Rd                     |   68 +
 man/libutils.Rd                  |   40 +
 man/load.Rd                      |   52 +
 man/local-options.Rd             |   47 +
 man/lverbose.Rd                  |   57 +
 man/makeFakeVignette.Rd          |   18 +
 man/makeUnitVignette.Rd          |   30 +
 man/mirrors.Rd                   |   62 +
 man/namespace.Rd                 |   68 +
 man/new2.Rd                      |   40 +
 man/oneoffVariable.Rd            |   39 +
 man/options.Rd                   |   76 +
 man/orderVersion.Rd              |   40 +
 man/packageCLI.Rd                |   29 +
 man/packageData.Rd               |   54 +
 man/packageDependencies.Rd       |   26 +
 man/packageExtra.Rd              |  108 +
 man/packageReference.Rd          |   24 +
 man/packageTestEnv.Rd            |   15 +
 man/parsePackageCitation.Rd      |   13 +
 man/pkgmaker-defunct.Rd          |   15 +
 man/postponeAction.Rd            |   55 +
 man/quickinstall.Rd              |   40 +
 man/regfetch.Rd                  |   66 +
 man/registry.Rd                  |  139 +
 man/require.quiet.Rd             |   23 +
 man/requirePackage.Rd            |   16 +
 man/requireRUnit.Rd              |   19 +
 man/sVariable.Rd                 |   29 +
 man/setClassRegistry.Rd          |   18 +
 man/setupPackageOptions.Rd       |   34 +
 man/simpleRegistry.Rd            |   21 +
 man/source_files.Rd              |   20 +
 man/str_diff.Rd                  |   40 +
 man/str_out.Rd                   |  103 +
 man/testRversion.Rd              |   38 +
 man/uchecks.Rd                   |   36 +
 man/unit.test.Rd                 |   33 +
 man/userIs.Rd                    |   15 +
 man/utest.Rd                     |   70 +
 man/utestFramework.Rd            |   21 +
 man/utestPath.Rd                 |   18 +
 man/vignette.Rd                  |  136 +
 man/write.pkgbib.Rd              |   77 +
 man/writeUnitVignette.Rd         |   25 +
 man/write_PACKAGES_index.Rd      |   26 +
 tests/doRUnit.R                  |    6 +
 vignettes/pkgmaker-unitTests.Rnw |   78 +
 vignettes/pkgmaker.Rnw           |   69 +
 125 files changed, 19975 insertions(+)

new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a26869d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Package: pkgmaker
+Type: Package
+Title: Package development utilities
+Version: 0.22
+Date: 2013-09-17
+Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+Maintainer: Renaud Gaujoux <renaud at tx.technion.ac.il>
+Description: This package provides some low-level utilities to use for package
+    development. It currently provides managers for multiple package specific
+    options and registries, vignette, unit test and bibtex related utilities.
+    It serves as a base package for packages like NMF, RcppOctave, doRNG, and
+    as an incubator package for other general purposes utilities, that will
+    eventually be packaged separately.
+    It is still under heavy development and changes in the interface(s) are
+    more than likely to happen.
+License: GPL (>= 2)
+URL: https://renozao.github.io/pkgmaker
+BugReports: http://github.com/renozao/pkgmaker/issues
+SCM: github:renozao, r-forge
+LazyLoad: yes
+Depends: R (>= 3.0.0), stats, registry
+Imports: methods, tools, codetools, digest, stringr, xtable, grDevices
+Suggests: devtools (>= 0.8), bibtex, RUnit, testthat, knitr,
+        ReportingTools, hwriter, argparse
+Collate: 'utils.R' 'logging.R' 'unitTests.R' 'data.R' 'namespace.R'
+        'devutils.R' 'package.R' 'options.R' 'is.R' 'registry.R'
+        'bibtex.R' 'packages.R' 'vignette.R' 'files.R'
+        'package-extra.R' 'colors.R' 'graphics.R' 'rd.R' 'project.R'
+        'CLI.R' 'knitr.R' 'repositories.R'
+VignetteBuilder: knitr
+Packaged: 2014-05-14 11:49:09 UTC; renaud
+NeedsCompilation: no
+Repository: CRAN
+Date/Publication: 2014-05-14 16:18:51
diff --git a/MD5 b/MD5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0df830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MD5
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+b7093403786006719de52b127c6b4861 *DESCRIPTION
+c0b6b8187959868b50c8df6f4827c03c *NAMESPACE
+a7420f88b046c7a56e1053d3721baa7f *R/CLI.R
+f489e3edf9088ae67d2096638ce0a89e *R/bibtex.R
+2cd4aabaf8810b9dacf0996b5c36b4fb *R/colors.R
+a087f0810dd626700e69fc9cc2c5c0e6 *R/data.R
+6605378b85eea5ae833342f40935b634 *R/devutils.R
+d4ee6236afd30819c3c6d64d32ada527 *R/files.R
+2d952bca9ca2ea7a3a6103eb9a83f24a *R/graphics.R
+5f4cbb1ac7c3372241da23e09d803146 *R/is.R
+4938b32a0ccca266fbaf6d1500b45676 *R/knitr.R
+9846d4529c4ad6f1cac4afbb2538be63 *R/logging.R
+b667e17fe7cec1323c43128797c8b810 *R/namespace.R
+2414f854fd1b732ceee603edc125ddd0 *R/options.R
+6bd538c3193a34f8156e35f566f182e4 *R/package-extra.R
+9a1bd53807f9a886da6f4143a189bc94 *R/package.R
+37ef51f3bcb6ecc30cb3a56881d8d170 *R/packages.R
+3a5e5e6d3b983f2f36fb10e3942723af *R/project.R
+8eda8ad4ecb615c9c41b42fa24438184 *R/rd.R
+61ee8d7f73493249e41a178902ea6aab *R/registry.R
+a15103015ac0e08dc1409dc11f88e948 *R/repositories.R
+686b4de5f881093a32e08772fe8ba0f3 *R/unitTests.R
+3343d32c7d7007de249d990aadf81757 *R/utils.R
+e2dc46427b3e5bb5b662592353fe14bd *R/vignette.R
+de929299104921dd1a12e6c54cf31c84 *build/vignette.rds
+06c0d8412c1d103e52fab4766d1b4b73 *inst/cleveref.sty
+376f22a54a73473ffbe5adb4ef4ec7ba *inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.R
+dbfed2f1997c5e85df0b0dd42dcfd8f4 *inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.Rnw
+b97f4ba7c86b816d723a6c910f98a5bb *inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.pdf
+5daacaea067dc3f45e7b2d2fd7fa20f5 *inst/doc/pkgmaker.R
+2baf374ae2fe131c6952fadf3fd06d93 *inst/doc/pkgmaker.Rnw
+fad0b57623a4964928a88de2979c9309 *inst/doc/pkgmaker.pdf
+f2999d3b8677396bd05ac993d48ebb66 *inst/package.mk
+a465f35ad3f3bc8d6ff11563fd3cf7f3 *inst/tests/runit.options.r
+dd925085b2edc05dd1a15b6dc5bf0ab5 *inst/tests/runit.utils.r
+e00298ac428093faffff8208f5e0f0a1 *inst/vignette.mk
+6b676b610622c3d35bf4d9af6521fb75 *man/CLIArgumentParser.Rd
+4065a8006524e510eb740ab7eafce8cd *man/ExposeAttribute.Rd
+4917062adea5af816e476a83e326a064 *man/R.exec.Rd
+3b96921eba462f60e2df6d9b968c7423 *man/RdSection2latex.Rd
+5b7c8a25fffad75e2cb9ed2219d99b2a *man/Rversion.Rd
+15e0f98ec07e1fcd9f80d9c824d90365 *man/Sys.getenv_value.Rd
+20ba2a60a0dd0868ce74570b2a51ec49 *man/addToLogger.Rd
+cee03c6638a7e4cc9954e730f019ecf9 *man/add_lib.Rd
+81c2ef5fb88c2446c44e96911ba0db8e *man/addnames.Rd
+48423788cf5f63b36b0e452a8d4a110c *man/alphacol.Rd
+f8bcf0d9280c386cd83d75e595cf5c84 *man/bibtex.Rd
+d47aa825b26a4d8e59fca8da727d8e10 *man/cgetAnywhere.Rd
+7da14cef98e4d9bde3fb4b210b7bffc0 *man/checkPlot.Rd
+78322908a8e934c34bc5552a6a475ed6 *man/cite_pkg.Rd
+94dfdebec430dd1708fada021cee92b9 *man/citecmd.Rd
+8096250981595d7dfd56b876e4c9f4a0 *man/compile_src.Rd
+848d648448f488f1143a809d90725f76 *man/devutils.Rd
+e9cc001bd389d25c9aa0904326ab6a6d *man/dot-packageMetaRegistry.Rd
+5b00a39cab5b91a74e3339eadf734997 *man/exitCheck.Rd
+06c0f0fe79878bd32857d3dc10a7c491 *man/expand_list.Rd
+ca5a32625855675ce5ceb3ea7a17f09a *man/file_extension.Rd
+cbd3baf9a1ca8bbc1ae329d7938dbb53 *man/fix_registry.Rd
+30eb254b14d5adfab6456e8ea512f48b *man/formals.Rd
+eaf649697780b3917856267a59173300 *man/graphics-utils.Rd
+2d4ac8edf4fe1d5069f7303806bf4357 *man/hasArg2.Rd
+bf31f2c92baa715e6a51557f3ba4f739 *man/hasEnvar.Rd
+38cafeb09b79a7b95e253a4883e4b5bd *man/inSweave.Rd
+40961543c301221eaca87e9b0a372ec5 *man/install.dependencies.Rd
+235eb941cef3857e9723bf7e488a8446 *man/isCRANcheck.Rd
+23b81c677cc3b794c0728480be51304c *man/is_something.Rd
+4021d05c2bd3740e198231087b4d7f4c *man/knit_ex.Rd
+d6b8f5d1d4e2e88d62dc85f44c163ed1 *man/latex.Rd
+e8c1bfacd65db531cc99e87a17ad8d11 *man/libutils.Rd
+c8bcddec87349880a448429ea0c04793 *man/load.Rd
+e73df0bc1c0697532e9d4b00f18b7474 *man/local-options.Rd
+0f1e2675f1ca53831e48bf0e2bd07d96 *man/lverbose.Rd
+a54ca7b45344fad1acfabe063ce60814 *man/makeFakeVignette.Rd
+35627e6369c7d9a2564172cd6310f3bd *man/makeUnitVignette.Rd
+7cee93db9c48efd4446dc1d00d073b94 *man/mirrors.Rd
+900c3af4a985c0b42db681013af7d7ed *man/namespace.Rd
+362fa6e5b22debe0e1c2b29fd927fc66 *man/new2.Rd
+3f0816fc0120b0499bd47164e59bb1c6 *man/oneoffVariable.Rd
+131be407cae67357ec200b7902fee97f *man/options.Rd
+c5ed7f9fd1ab235ec2729b7a176081d6 *man/orderVersion.Rd
+7c472f770a93cdac4babb4707d4554a5 *man/packageCLI.Rd
+f891dac6a99ce70d574de3c2e53a47d3 *man/packageData.Rd
+4c611c71ac98290dd26e40eabecb1c3a *man/packageDependencies.Rd
+f75cf230a45eff45261439186733e527 *man/packageExtra.Rd
+57cfb82655b38251918217607817ca6d *man/packageReference.Rd
+2cc488774143f7032841ad62e8326bae *man/packageTestEnv.Rd
+9b71c7ed290b7c64fd9a53a2e64a1b19 *man/parsePackageCitation.Rd
+22ebbe609af996c5905c7384818c2ce6 *man/pkgmaker-defunct.Rd
+a4b800fc1f8aa658e78620ef1b73039d *man/postponeAction.Rd
+4e057e39b22ecbd6e18ca488772478aa *man/quickinstall.Rd
+07190453a48ce0ce741db706a3875d24 *man/regfetch.Rd
+db02eb83ea5ca98ef8f700db65ec82d5 *man/registry.Rd
+de303a0802d779446ec562feeceba3bf *man/require.quiet.Rd
+1a0ba1a581610a94b9008140e161a5ac *man/requirePackage.Rd
+811b3581496af6760dbf07798e39d90b *man/requireRUnit.Rd
+ed04e1f9d131deb4315d57a73aa5c1eb *man/sVariable.Rd
+97709b80ed74f2e7a73a72dfcfb1356a *man/setClassRegistry.Rd
+45d7982752a9260a384e1b2a01a4978e *man/setupPackageOptions.Rd
+865746afcedc040e4f7240a786cf049c *man/simpleRegistry.Rd
+33b42674cf80b20ad2c91a5a04ab74be *man/source_files.Rd
+16ed146d28703fb17773a918fdbe5fd5 *man/str_diff.Rd
+5a963d75d8dbc25e8ffc8f041b3b3dfa *man/str_out.Rd
+2321c89fa1cf768cd78f277aed4b0254 *man/testRversion.Rd
+8893994aec8601cf9c709674d1fa1b7e *man/uchecks.Rd
+edaba763f7b21d7f8db7d19e873c8277 *man/unit.test.Rd
+602a5e0a9628ef1398e578f886f03ae6 *man/userIs.Rd
+6a5dab818f33a116ec6cc8e915a1d333 *man/utest.Rd
+14efb1d199e4ed4e7e8996e802dccac5 *man/utestFramework.Rd
+fa055a1719135a6e4659180cb3fa818c *man/utestPath.Rd
+156fb012437f96428cf48f7cecda9e20 *man/vignette.Rd
+b212ea5898a55be6a2c102a02a68fda3 *man/write.pkgbib.Rd
+02d46745a8fb4ef21cf4d0d1ceb63515 *man/writeUnitVignette.Rd
+9d649d272297cb8f9011028e2c1b5702 *man/write_PACKAGES_index.Rd
+c04719a035b4d15f507a6c51e94d4e0b *tests/doRUnit.R
+dbfed2f1997c5e85df0b0dd42dcfd8f4 *vignettes/pkgmaker-unitTests.Rnw
+2baf374ae2fe131c6952fadf3fd06d93 *vignettes/pkgmaker.Rnw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d22ee3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
diff --git a/R/CLI.R b/R/CLI.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49eaac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/CLI.R
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# Command Line Interface utils
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Created: May 9, 2013
+.silenceF <- function(f, verbose=FALSE){
+    if( verbose ) f
+    else{
+        function(...){
+            capture.output(suppressPackageStartupMessages(suppressMessages(res <- f(...)))); 
+            res
+        }
+    }
+qlibrary <- .silenceF(library, verbose = FALSE)
+smessage <- function(..., indent = 0L, item = NULL, appendLF = FALSE){
+    if( is.null(item) ){ # choose item from indent
+        .item <- c('*', '*', '-', '-', '>', '>') 
+        item <- .item[indent+1]
+    }
+    indent <- if( indent ) paste0(rep(' ', indent), collapse='') else ''
+    if( nzchar(item) ) item <- paste0(item, ' ')
+    message(indent, item, ..., appendLF = appendLF)
+CLIfile <- function(full = FALSE){
+    pattern <- "--file=(.*)"
+    if( !length(f <- grep(pattern, commandArgs(), value = TRUE)) ) ''
+    else{
+        pf <- gsub(pattern, "\\1", f)
+        if( full ) pf
+        else basename(pf)
+    }
+#' Enhanced Command Line Argument Parser
+#' Extends the capabilities of package \pkg{argparse}, e.g., in defining sub commands.
+#' @param prog program name
+#' @param description program description
+#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{\link[argparse]{ArgumentParser}}.
+#' @param epilog epilog messages to display at the end of the man pages
+#' @param show.defaults logical that indicates if default arugment values should 
+#' be displayed. 
+#' @export
+CLIArgumentParser <- function(prog = CLIfile(), description = '', ..., epilog = '', show.defaults = TRUE){
+    # load argparse
+    suppressMessages( library(argparse, quietly = TRUE) )
+    .flag_newlines <- function(x){
+        gsub("\n", "", x)
+    }
+    .special <- '__@@##@@__'
+    epilog <- paste0(.special, epilog)
+    p <- ArgumentParser(prog = prog, description = .flag_newlines(description), ..., epilog = .flag_newlines(epilog))
+    # change argument formatter if required
+    if( show.defaults ){
+        i <- grep("argparse\\.ArgumentParser", p$python_code)
+        inst <- p$python_code[i]
+        p$python_code[i] <- paste0(substr(inst, 1, nchar(inst)-1), ', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)')
+    }
+    p <- proto(p)
+    # add add_command function
+    p$command_loc <- .special
+    p$prog <- prog
+    p$exec <- if( nchar(exec_path <- CLIfile(full = TRUE)) ) normalizePath(CLIfile(full = TRUE)) else '' 
+    p$command <- list()
+    p$command_idefault <- 0L
+    p$command_default <- function(.){
+        if( .$command_idefault ) names(.$command)[.$command_idefault]
+        else ''
+    }
+    # add a (sub-)command
+    p$add_command <- function(., command, help='', ..., default = FALSE){
+        # add command argument if necessary
+        if( !length(.$command) ){
+            .$.super$add_argument('command', help = paste0(.$prog, ' command to run'))
+        }
+        # store command
+        .$command[command] <- help	
+        # store command as default
+        if( default ) .$command_idefault <- length(.$command)
+    }
+    #
+    p$add_argument <- function(., ..., help = ''){
+        .flag_newlines <- function(x){
+            gsub("\n", "", x)
+        }
+        help <- .flag_newlines(help)
+        .$.super$add_argument(..., help = help)
+    }
+    # overload print_usage
+    p$print_usage <- function(.){
+        .$.super$print_usage()
+        if( length(.$command) ){
+            cat("\n  Use --help for listing all available commands\n")
+        }
+    }
+    #
+    # overload print_help to add command descriptions
+    p$print_help <- function(.){
+        # get formatted help
+        h <- paste(capture.output(.$.super$print_help()), collapse="\n")
+#		# fix new lines if necessary
+#		nl <- strsplit(h, "##NL##")[[1]]
+#		if( length(nl) > 1L ){
+#			indent <- nchar(gsub("^([ ]+).*", "\\1", tail(strsplit(nl[1], "\n")[[1L]], 1L)))
+#			i <- 2:length(nl)
+#			print(sprintf(paste0("%", indent, 's'), ''))
+#			nl[i] <- paste0(sprintf(paste0("%", indent, 's'), ''), nl[i])
+#			h <- paste0(nl, collapse="\n")
+#		}
+        cmds <- ''
+        if( length(.$command) ){
+            # format command help
+            lm <- max(nchar(names(.$command)))
+            fmt <- paste0("  %-", lm, "s")
+            cmds <- strwrap(.$command, indent = 4, exdent = 2 + lm + 4, width = 80, simplify = FALSE)
+            cmds <- sapply(cmds, paste, collapse = "\n")
+            cmds <- paste0(sprintf(fmt, names(.$command)), cmds)
+            cmds <- paste0('Commands:\n', paste(cmds, collapse = "\n"))
+        }
+        h <- gsub(.$command_loc, cmds, h, fixed = TRUE)
+        cat(h, sep="\n")
+    }
+    #
+    # add function call_string
+    p$call_string <- function(., args = commandArgs(TRUE)){
+        paste(.$prog, paste0(args, collapse = ' '))
+    }
+    e <- parent.frame()
+    p$locenvir <- parent.env(e)
+    # commmand parer
+    p$parse_cmd <- function(., ...){
+#        print(ls(.$locenvir))
+        pkgmaker::parseCMD(., ..., envir = .$locenvir)
+    }
+    p
+# combine argument parsers
+.combineParser <- function(p1, p2){
+    if( length(i <- grep("^parser\\.add_argument", p2$python_code)) ){
+        p1$.that$python_code <- c(p1$python_code, p2$python_code[i])
+    }
+    p1
+.hasArgument <- function(ARGS){
+    function(x) length(ARGS[[x]]) && nzchar(ARGS[[x]])
+logMessage <- function(..., appendLF = TRUE, extfile = NULL){
+    # output to external file as well
+    if( !is.null(extfile) ){
+        cat(..., if( appendLF ) "\n", sep ='', file = extfile, append = TRUE)
+    }
+    message(..., appendLF = appendLF)
+#' \code{parseCMD} parse command line arguments for sub-commands, 
+#' and dispatch to the associated function.
+#' @param parser parser object as returned by \code{CLIArgumentParser}.
+#' @param ARGS command line argument to parse, as a named list or a character string.
+#' @param debug logical that indicate if debugging information should be printed.
+#' @param envir environment that contains where the sub-command functions are looked for. 
+#' @export
+#' @rdname CLIArgumentParser
+parseCMD <- function(parser, ARGS = commandArgs(TRUE), debug = FALSE, envir = parent.frame()){
+    if( isString(ARGS) == 1L ){ # used in dev/debugging
+        ARGS <- strsplit(ARGS, ' ')[[1]]
+    }
+    # fix quotes to avoid python JSON parsing error
+    ARGS <- gsub("'", "\"", ARGS)
+    library(pkgmaker, quietly = TRUE)
+    # define command line arguments
+    prog <- parser$prog
+    # check validity of command
+    # shows usage/help in trivial calls
+    if( !length(ARGS) ){
+        parser$print_usage()
+        return( invisible(parser) )
+    }else if( !grepl("^-", ARGS[1L]) ){ # first argument is the command
+        command <- ARGS[1L]
+        if( !command %in% names(parser$command) ){
+            stop("unknown ", prog," command '", command, "'\n"
+                    , "  Available commands: ", paste0(names(parser$command), collapse = ', ') 
+            #, paste(capture.output(parser$print_usage()), collapse = "\n")
+            )
+        }
+    }else if( any(ARGS %in% c('-h', '--help')) ){
+        parser$print_help()
+        return( invisible(parser) )
+    }else{
+        # default command if any
+        if( nzchar(parser$command_default()) )
+            ARGS <- c(parser$command_default(), ARGS)
+        else{
+            stop("Missing command:\n  "
+                    , paste(capture.output(parser$print_usage()), collapse = "\n")
+                    , "\n  Available command(s): ", str_out(names(parser$command), Inf, quote=FALSE)
+                    , call. = FALSE)
+        }
+    }
+    # get command-specific parser
+    command <- ARGS[1L]
+    cmd_funame <- paste0('CLI_', command)
+    if( !exists(cmd_funame, envir, inherits = TRUE) ){
+#    if( is.null(cmd_fun <- getFunction(cmd_funame, mustFind = FALSE)) ){
+        stop("Could not execute ", prog , " command ", command, ": did not find CLI entry point '", cmd_funame, "'")
+    }
+    cmd_fun <- get(cmd_funame, envir, inherits = TRUE)
+    cmd_parser <- cmd_fun(ARGS=NULL)
+    ARGS <- ARGS[-1L]
+    if( !length(ARGS) ){
+        # show command line
+        cmd_parser$print_usage()
+        invisible(cmd_parser)
+    }else if( any(ARGS %in% c('-h', '--help')) ){
+        cmd_parser$print_help()
+        return( invisible(cmd_parser) )
+    }else{
+        # parse command arguments
+        args <- cmd_parser$parse_args(ARGS)
+        # log call and parsed arguments		
+        if( debug ){
+            message('Call: ', parser$call_string(ARGS))
+            message('Parsed arguments:')
+            str(args)
+        }
+        #
+        # call command handler
+        cmd_fun(ARGS = args)
+    }
+#' Package Specific Command Line Interface
+#' @param package package name
+#' @param altfile alternative file that defines the main CLI entry point. 
+#' That is a function named \code{CLI}, which takes the list of parsed command line 
+#' arguments as its first argument.
+#' @param local logical that indicates if the main CLI function should be 
+#' defined and evaluated in a local environment, or in the user's Global 
+#' environment.
+#' @param ARGS list of parsed arguments passed to the main CLI function.
+#' @param ... extra arugments passed to the package's CLI function. 
+#' @export
+packageCLI <- function(package, altfile = NULL, local = TRUE, ARGS = commandArgs(TRUE), ...){
+    master_cli <- if( !is.null(package) ) system.file('scripts', 'CLI.R', package = package)
+    else if( is.null(altfile) ){
+        stop('Could not load CLI definition: argument `package` or `altfile` is required')
+    }
+    if( !length(master_cli) || !nzchar(master_cli) ){
+        master_cli <- altfile
+    }
+    # load CLI
+    source(master_cli, keep.source = TRUE, chdir = TRUE, local = local)
+    if( !exists('CLI', inherits = FALSE) ){
+        stop("Could not start command line interface for package '", package, "': main entry point function CLI() not found.")
+    }
+    CLI <- get('CLI', inherits = !local)
+    # run CLI
+    CLI(ARGS, ...)
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# Bibtex related functions
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Creation: 25 Apr 2012
+#' Generate a Bibtex File from Package Citations
+#' Generates a Bibtex file from a list of packages or all the installed packages.
+#' It is useful for adding relevant citations in Sweave documents.
+#' Multiple citations are handled by adding a numeric suffix to the Bibtex key 
+#' (other than the first/main citation) as \code{"<pkgname>\%i"} (e.g. pkg, pkg2, pkg3).
+#' This function has now been integrated by Romain François in the bibtex package.
+#' @encoding utf8
+#' @param entry a \code{\link{bibentry}} object or a character vector of package 
+#' names. If \code{NULL}, then the list of all installed packages is used.
+#' @param file output Bibtex file. It can be specified as a filename (as a single 
+#' character string), NULL for \code{stdout}, or a \code{link{connection}} object. 
+#' If \code{file} is a character string, an extension '.bib' is appended if not 
+#' already present.
+#' @param prefix character string to prepend to the generated packages' Bibtex key.
+#' @param append a logical that indicates that the Bibtex entries should be added
+#' to the file. If \code{FALSE} (default), the file is overwritten.  
+#' @param verbose a logical to toggle verbosity. If \code{file=NULL}, verbosity 
+#' is forced off. 
+#' @return the list of Bibtex objects -- invisibly.
+#' @author
+#' Renaud Gaujoux, based on the function \code{Rpackages.bib} 
+#' from Achim Zeileis (see \emph{References}).
+#' @references 
+#' \emph{[R] Creating bibtex file of all installed packages?}
+#' Achim Zeileis. R-help mailing list. 
+#' \url{https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2009-December/222201.html}
+#' @seealso \code{link{connection}}, \code{link{bibentry}}
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' write.pkgbib(c('bibtex', 'utils', 'tools'), file='references')
+#' bibs <- bibtex::read.bib('references.bib')
+#' write.pkgbib(bibs, 'references2.bib')
+#' md5 <- tools::md5sum(c('references.bib', 'references2.bib'))
+#' md5[1] == md5[2]
+#' \dontshow{ stopifnot(md5[1] == md5[2]) }
+#' # write to stdout()
+#' write.pkgbib(c('bibtex', 'utils', 'tools'), file=NULL)
+#' # clean up 
+#' unlink(c('references.bib', 'references2.bib'))
+write.pkgbib <- function(entry=NULL, file="Rpackages.bib", prefix='', append = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
+	# special handling of file=NULL: use stdout()
+	if( is.null(file) ){
+		file <- stdout()
+		verbose <- FALSE
+	}	
+	## use all installed packages if nothing is specified
+	if( is.null(entry) ){ 
+		if( verbose ) message("Generating Bibtex entries for all installed packages ", appendLF=FALSE)
+		entry <- unique(installed.packages()[,1])
+		if( verbose ) message("[", length(entry), "]")
+	}
+	bibs <- 
+			if( is(entry, 'bibentry') )	entry
+			else if( is.character(entry) ){
+				if( length(entry) == 0 ){
+					if( verbose ) message("Empty package list: nothing to be done.")
+					return(invisible())
+				}
+				pkgs <- entry
+				bibs <- sapply(pkgs, function(x) try(citation(x)), simplify=FALSE)
+				#bibs <- lapply(pkgs, function(x) try(toBibtex(citation(x))))
+				n.installed <- length(bibs)
+				## omit failed citation calls
+				ok <- sapply(bibs, is, 'bibentry')
+				pkgs <- pkgs[ok]
+				bibs <- bibs[ok]
+				n.converted <- sum(ok)
+				## add bibtex keys to each entry
+				pkgs <- lapply(seq_along(pkgs), function(i){
+							if(length(bibs[[i]]) > 1)
+								paste(prefix, pkgs[i], c('', 2:length(bibs[[i]])), sep = "") 
+							else paste(prefix, pkgs[i], sep='')
+				})
+				pkgs <- do.call("c", pkgs)
+				bibs <- do.call("c", bibs)		
+				# formatting function for bibtex keys:
+				# names with special characters must be enclosed in {}, others not.
+				as.bibkey <- function(x){
+					i <- grep("[.]", x)
+					if( length(i) > 0 )
+						x[i] <- paste("{", x[i], "}", sep='')
+					x
+				}		
+				#bibs <- mapply(function(b,k){ if( is.null(b$key) ) b$key <- as.bibkey(k); b}, bibs, pkgs, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
+				bibs <- mapply(function(b,k){ if( is.null(b$key) ) b$key <- k; b}, bibs, pkgs, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
+				bibs <- do.call("c", bibs)
+				if(verbose) message("Converted ", n.converted, " of ", n.installed, " package citations to BibTeX")					
+				bibs
+			} else
+				stop("Invalid argument `entry`: expected a bibentry object or a character vector of package names.")
+	if( length(bibs) == 0 ){
+		if( verbose ) message("Empty bibentry list: nothing to be done.")
+		return(invisible())
+	}
+	## write everything to the .bib file
+	not_anonymous <- !identical(file,'')
+	fh <- if( is.character(file) ){
+				if( not_anonymous && !grepl("\\.bib$", file) ) # add .bib extension if necessary 
+					file <- paste(file, '.bib', sep='')
+				fh <- file(file, open = if(append && not_anonymous) "a+" else "w+" )
+				if( not_anonymous )
+					on.exit( if( isOpen(fh) ) close(fh) )
+				fh
+			} else if( is(file, 'connection') )
+				file
+			else
+				stop("Invalid argument `file`: expected a filename, NULL, or a connection [", class(file), "]")
+	if( !is(fh, 'connection') )
+		stop("Invalid connection: ", fh)		
+	file.desc <- summary(fh)['description']
+	if( verbose ) message(if( append ) "Adding " else "Writing ", length(bibs) , " Bibtex entries ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
+	writeLines(toBibtex(bibs), fh)
+	if(verbose) message("OK\nResults written to file '", file.desc, "'")
+	## return Bibtex items invisibly
+	if( !not_anonymous ) attr(bibs, 'connection') <- fh 
+	invisible(bibs)
+#' @rdname pkgmaker-defunct
+write.bib <- function(...){
+	.Defunct('write.pkgbib', package = 'pkgmaker')
+#' Package References
+#' Create a citation string from package specific BibTex entries, suitable to 
+#' be used in Rd files.
+#' The entries are looked in a file named REFERNCES.bib in the package's root 
+#' directory (i.e. inst/ in development mode).
+#' @param key character vector of BibTex keys
+#' @param short logical that indicates if the reference should be shorten as 
+#' First Author et al. if it has more than one author.
+#' @return a character string containing the text formated BibTex entries
+#' @export
+packageReference <- function(key, short=FALSE){
+	bibs <- bibtex::read.bib(file=packageReferenceFile())
+	k <- sapply(bibs, function(x) x$key)
+    mk <- match(key, k)
+	sel <- mk[!is.na(mk)]
+	if( !length(sel) ) return("")
+	if( !short ){
+		paste(format(bibs[sel]), collapse="\n\n")
+	}else{
+		sapply(bibs[sel], function(x){
+					if( length(x$author$family) <= 1L ) 
+						paste(x$author$family, '(', x$year, ')', sep='')				
+					else{
+						paste(x$author$family[[1]], ' et al. (', x$year, ')', sep='')
+					}
+				})
+	} 
+#' Citing Package References
+#' Create a citation command from package specific BibTex entries, suitable to 
+#' be used in Rd files or Latex documents.
+#' The entries are looked in a file named REFERNCES.bib in the package's root 
+#' directory (i.e. inst/ in development mode).
+#' @param key character vector of BibTex keys
+#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{format.bibentry}.
+#' @param REFERENCES package or bibentry specification
+#' @return a character string containing the text formated BibTex entries
+#' @export
+citecmd <- local({
+	.init <- list(REFERENCES=NULL, KEYS=NULL) 
+	.cache <- .init
+	function(key, ..., REFERENCES=NULL){
+		# detect package name if necessary
+		if( is.null(REFERENCES) ){
+			# reset if explicitly passed NULL
+			if( hasArg(REFERENCES) ) .cache <<- .init
+			if( is.null(.cache$REFERENCES) ){
+				pkg <- Sys.getenv('R_PACKAGE_NAME')
+				if( !nchar(pkg) )
+					pkg <- Sys.getenv('R_INSTALL_PKG')
+				if( !nchar(pkg) )
+					pkg <- Sys.getenv('MAKE_R_PACKAGE')
+				if( !nchar(pkg) )
+					stop("Could not identify package")
+				# load REFERENCES from detected package
+				.cache$REFERENCES <<- bibtex::read.bib(package=pkg)
+			}
+		}
+		# load relevant Bibtex file
+		REFERENCES <- if( is(REFERENCES, 'bibentry') ) REFERENCES
+				else if( is.character(REFERENCES) ){
+					p <- str_match(REFERENCES, "^package:(.*)")[,2]
+					if( is.na(p) ) bibtex::read.bib(file=REFERENCES)
+					else bibtex::read.bib(package=p)
+				}else
+					stop("Invalid argument `REFERENCES`: expected bibentry object or character string [", class(REFERENCES), "]")
+		# update the cache if no keys are provided
+		if( missing(key) ){
+			if( hasArg(REFERENCES) ) return(invisible(.cache$KEYS))
+			else return(.cache$KEYS)
+		}
+		# check key type
+		if( !is.character(key) )
+			stop("Invalid argument `key`: must be a character vector.")
+		# extract the Bibtex keys
+		refkey <- sapply(REFERENCES, function(x) x$key)
+		pkgs <- str_match(key, "^package:(.*)")[,2]
+		nokey <- !key %in% refkey
+		i_pkgs <- which(nokey && !is.na(pkgs))
+		if( length(i_pkgs) > 0L ){
+			# only include \cite{key} if running Sweave
+			.cache$KEYS <<- unique(c(.cache$KEYS, key[i_pkgs]))
+			key[i_pkgs] <- pkgs[i_pkgs] 
+		}
+		paste("\\cite{", key, "}", sep='')
+#		if( inSweave() ) paste("\\cite{", k, "}", sep='')
+#		else paste(format(REFERENCES[k %in% key], ...), collapse="\n\n")
+	}
+citecmd_pkg <- function(key, ...){
+	citecmd(str_c('package:', key), ...)
+#' Bibtex Utilities
+#' \code{packageReferenceFile} returns the path to a package REFERENCES.bib file.
+#' @param PACKAGE package name
+#' @rdname bibtex
+packageReferenceFile <- function(PACKAGE=NULL) packagePath('REFERENCES.bib', package=PACKAGE)
diff --git a/R/colors.R b/R/colors.R
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Color utilities
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Created: 30 Nov 2012
+#' Colour utilities
+#' \code{alphacol} adds an alpha value to a colour specification and convert to 
+#' a hexadecimal colour string.
+#' @inheritParams grDevices::col2rgb
+#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' # Alphas
+#' alphacol('red') # do nothing
+#' alphacol('red', 10)
+#' alphacol('#aabbcc', 5)
+#' alphacol(4, 5)
+alphacol <- function(col, alpha=FALSE){
+	apply(as.character(as.hexmode(col2rgb(col, alpha))), 2, function(x) paste("#", paste(x, collapse=''), sep=''))
diff --git a/R/data.R b/R/data.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Data related functions 
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Creation: 18 Jun 2012
+#' Generating Names
+#' Generates names or dimnames for objects.
+#' @param x object whose names are generated.
+#' @export
+#' @rdname addnames
+addnames <- function(x, ...){
+	UseMethod('addnames')
+#' @S3method addnames default
+#' @rdname addnames
+addnames.default <- function(x, ...){
+	if( is.vector(x) ) addnames.vector(x, ...)
+	else 
+		stop("no applicable method for 'addnames' applied to an object of class ", class(x))
+#' @param prefix prefix string to use. A vector can be used to specify a prefix 
+#' for each dimension of \code{x}. 
+#' Names are build as \code{<prefix><sep><index>}.
+#' @param sep separator used between the prefix and the numeric index. 
+#' @param ... extra arguments to allow extension and passed to the next method.
+#' @S3method addnames vector
+#' @rdname addnames
+addnames.vector <- function(x, prefix='x', sep='', ...){
+	names(x) <- paste(prefix, 1:length(x), sep=sep) 
+	x
+#' @S3method addnames array
+#' @rdname addnames
+addnames.array <- function(x, prefix=letters[1:length(dim(x))], sep='', ...){
+	d <- dim(x)
+	# recycle prefix if necessary
+	if( length(prefix) != length(d) )
+		prefix <- rep(prefix, length(d))
+	dimnames(x) <- 
+			lapply(seq_along(d), function(i) paste(prefix[i], 1:d[i], sep=sep))
+	x
+#' @S3method addnames matrix
+#' @rdname addnames
+addnames.matrix <- function(x, prefix=c('row', 'col'), ...){
+	addnames.array(x, prefix=prefix, ...)
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@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+# Development utility functions
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Creation: 25 Apr 2012
+#' @include namespace.R
+#' @include unitTests.R
+#' @include logging.R
+set_libPaths <- function(lib.loc=NULL){
+  ol <- Sys.getenv('R_LIBS')
+  olib <- .libPaths()
+  res <- list(R_LIBS=ol, .libPaths=olib)
+  if( is_NA(lib.loc) ) return(res)
+  # add lib path
+  if( is.null(lib.loc) ) lib.loc <- .libPaths()
+  if( is.character(lib.loc) ){
+    # current .libPaths
+    .libPaths(lib.loc)
+    # R_LIBS env variable
+    rlibs <- paste(lib.loc, collapse=.Platform$path.sep)
+    Sys.setenv(R_LIBS=rlibs)
+  }else if( is.list(lib.loc) ){
+    Sys.setenv(R_LIBS=lib.loc$R_LIBS)
+    .libPaths(lib.loc$.libPaths)
+  }
+  res
+#' Executing R Commands
+#' \code{R.exec} executes a single R command via \code{\link{system2}}.
+#' @param ... extra arguments that are concatenated and appended to 
+#' the command. 
+#' @param lib.loc logical that indicates if the current library locations
+#' should be used.
+#' If a character vector, then it is used as the library path specification.
+#' @export
+R.exec <- function(..., lib.loc=NULL){
+	cmd <- paste(file.path(R.home('bin'), 'R'), ' ', ..., sep='', collapse='')
+	# add lib path
+	ol <- set_libPaths(lib.loc)
+	on.exit(set_libPaths(ol))
+	message(cmd)
+	system(cmd, intern=interactive())
+#' \code{R.CMD} executes R CMD commands.
+#' @param cmd command to run, e.g. \sQuote{check} or \sQuote{INSTALL}.
+#' @export
+#' @rdname R.exec
+R.CMD <- function(cmd, ...){
+	R.exec('CMD ', cmd, ' ', ...)
+#' \code{R.SHLIB} executes R CMD SHLIB commands.
+#' @param libname name of the output compiled library
+#' @export
+#' @rdname R.exec
+R.SHLIB <- function(libname, ...){
+	R.CMD('SHLIB', '-o ', libname, .Platform$dynlib.ext, ...)
+#' Compile Source Files from a Development Package
+#' @param pkg the name of the package to compile
+#' @param load a logical indicating whether the compiled library should be loaded
+#' after the compilation (default) or not.
+#' @return None
+#' @export
+compile_src <- function(pkg=NULL, load=TRUE){
+	if( !is.null(pkg) ){
+		library(devtools)
+		p <- as.package(pkg)
+		path <- p$path
+	}else{
+		pkg <- packageName()
+		path <- packagePath(lib=NA) # do not look installed packages
+	}
+	owd <- getwd()
+	on.exit(setwd(owd))
+	# Compile code in /src
+	srcdir <- file.path(path, 'src')
+	message("# Checking '", srcdir, "' ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
+	if( !file.exists(srcdir) ){
+		message("NO")
+	} else {
+		message("YES")
+		message("## Compiling '",srcdir,"' ##")
+		setwd(srcdir)
+		Sys.setenv(R_PACKAGE_DIR=path)
+		R.SHLIB(pkg, " *.cpp ")
+		message("## DONE")
+		if( load ){
+			if( existsFunction('load_dll', where='package:devtools') ){ # post 0.8
+				f <- getFunction('load_dll', where='package:devtools')
+				f(pkg)
+			}else{ # prior 0.8
+				f <- getFunction('load_c', where='package:devtools')
+				f(pkg)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+#' Package Development Utilities
+#' \code{packageEnv} is a slight modification from \code{\link{topenv}}, which 
+#' returns the top environment, which in the case of development 
+#' packages is the environment into which the source files are loaded by 
+#' \code{\link[devtools]{load_all}}.
+#' @param pkg package name. If missing the environment of the runtime caller 
+#' package is returned.
+#' @param skip a logical that indicates if the calling namespace should be 
+#' skipped.
+#' @param verbose logical that toggles verbosity
+#' @rdname devutils
+#' @return \code{packageEnv} returns an environment
+#' @export
+packageEnv <- function(pkg, skip=FALSE, verbose=FALSE){
+	# return package namespace
+	if( !missing(pkg) && !is.null(pkg) ){
+		# - if the package is loaded: use asNamespace because as.environment does not
+		# return a correct environment (don't know why)
+		# - as.environment('package:*') will return the correct environment
+		# in dev mode.
+		env <- if( is.environment(pkg) ) topenv(pkg)
+		else if( !is.null(path.package(pkg, quiet=TRUE)) ) asNamespace(pkg)
+		else if( isLoadingNamespace(pkg) ) getLoadingNamespace(env=TRUE)
+		else if( isNamespaceLoaded(pkg) ) asNamespace(pkg)
+		else if( pkg %in% search() ) as.environment(pkg)
+		else as.environment(str_c('package:', pkg)) # dev mode
+		return(env)
+	}
+	envir = parent.frame()
+#	message("parent.frame: ", str_ns(envir))
+	pkgmakerEnv <- topenv()
+#	message("pkgmaker ns: ", str_ns(pkgmakerEnv))
+	n <- 1
+	skipEnv <- pkgmakerEnv
+	while( identical(e <- topenv(envir), skipEnv) 
+			&& !identical(e, emptyenv()) 
+			&& !identical(e, .GlobalEnv) ){
+		if( verbose > 1 ) print(e)
+		n <- n + 1
+		envir <- parent.frame(n)
+	}
+	if( !skip ){
+		if( identical(e, .BaseNamespaceEnv) ){
+			if( verbose ) message("packageEnv - Inferred ", str_ns(skipEnv))
+			return( skipEnv )
+		}
+		if( verbose ) message("packageEnv - Detected ", str_ns(e))
+		return(e)
+	}
+	if( verbose > 1 ) message("Skipping ", str_ns(skipEnv))
+	# go up one extra namespace
+	skipEnv <- e
+	while( identical(e <- topenv(envir), skipEnv) 
+			&& !identical(e, emptyenv()) 
+			&& !identical(e, .GlobalEnv) ){
+		if( verbose > 1 ) print(e)
+		n <- n + 1
+		envir <- parent.frame(n)
+	}
+	if( identical(e, .BaseNamespaceEnv) ){
+		if( verbose ) message("packageEnv - Inferred ", str_ns(skipEnv))
+		return( skipEnv )
+	}
+	if( verbose ) message("packageEnv - Detected ", str_ns(e))
+	return(e)
+#' \code{topns_name} returns the name of the runtime sequence of top namespace(s), 
+#' i.e. the name of the top calling package(s), from top to bottom.
+#' \code{topns_name}: the top namespace is is not necessarily the namespace where \code{topns_name} 
+#' is effectively called.
+#' This is useful for packages that define functions that need to access the 
+#' calling namespace, even from calls nested into calls to another function from
+#' the same package -- in which case \code{topenv} would not give the desired 
+#' environment.   
+#' @param n number of namespaces to return
+#' @param strict a logicical that indicates if the global environment should 
+#' be considered as a valid namespace.
+#' @param unique logical that indicates if the result should be reduced
+#' to contain only one occurence of each namespace. 
+#' @rdname devutils
+#' @export
+topns_name <- function(n=1L, strict=TRUE, unique=TRUE){
+	if( n==1L && !is.null(ns <- getLoadingNamespace()) ){
+		return(ns)
+	}
+	nf <- sys.nframe()
+	i <- 0
+	res <- character()
+	while( i <= nf && length(res) < n ){
+		e <- sys.frame(i)
+		if( !strict || !identical(e, .GlobalEnv) ){
+			pkg <- methods::getPackageName(e, create=FALSE)
+			if( pkg != '' ){
+				res <- c(res, pkg)
+			}
+		}
+		i <- i + 1
+	}
+	if( !length(res) ){# try with packageEnv
+		e <- packageEnv(skip=TRUE)
+		if( isNamespace(e) ){
+			res <- methods::getPackageName(e)
+#			print(res)
+		}else{
+			#warning('Could not find top namespace.', immediate.=TRUE)
+			return('')
+		}
+	}
+	if( unique || n==1L ) res <- match.fun('unique')(res)
+	if( length(res) || n>1L ) res else ''
+#' \code{topns} returns the runtime top namespace, i.e. the namespace of 
+#' the top calling package, possibly skipping the namespace where \code{topns} 
+#' is effectively called.
+#' This is useful for packages that define functions that need to access the 
+#' calling namespace, even from calls nested into calls to another function from
+#' the same package -- in which case \code{topenv} would not give the desired 
+#' environment.
+#' @rdname devutils
+#' @export
+topns <- function(strict=TRUE){
+	ns <- topns_name(n=1L, strict=strict)
+	if( ns == '.GlobalEnv' ) return( .GlobalEnv )
+	else if( nchar(ns) ) asNamespace(ns)
+	#packageEnv(skip=TRUE, verbose=verbose)
+#' \code{packageName} returns the current package's name.
+#' It was made internal from version 0.16, since the package \pkg{utils} 
+#' exported its own \code{\link[utils]{packageName}} function in R-3.0.0. 
+#' @param envir environment where to start looking for a package name.
+#' The default is to use the \strong{runtime} calling package environment.
+#' @param .Global a logical that indicates if calls from the global 
+#' environment should throw an error (\code{FALSE}: default) or the string
+#' \code{'R_GlobalEnv'}.
+#' @param rm.prefix logical that indicates if an eventual prefix 'package:' 
+#' should be removed from the returned string.
+#' @rdname devutils
+#' @return a character string
+packageName <- function(envir=packageEnv(), .Global=FALSE, rm.prefix=TRUE){
+	if( is.null(envir) ) envir <- packageEnv() 
+	if( is.character(envir) ){
+		return( sub("^package:", "", envir) )
+	}
+	# retrieve package environment
+	e <- envir
+	# try with name from environment
+	nm <- environmentName(e)
+	if( identical(e, .GlobalEnv) && .Global ) return(nm)
+	else if( isNamespace(e) || identical(e, baseenv()) ) return(nm)
+	else if( grepl("^package:", nm) ){# should work for devtools packages
+		if( rm.prefix ) 
+			nm <- sub("^package:", "", nm)
+		return(nm)
+	}
+	# try to find the name from the package's environment (namespace) 
+	if( exists('.packageName', e) && .packageName != 'datasets' ){
+		if( .packageName != '' )
+			return(.packageName)
+	}
+	# get the info from the loadingNamespace
+	info <- getLoadingNamespace(info=TRUE)
+	if( !is.null(info) ) # check whether we are loading the namespace 
+		info$pkgname
+	else{# error
+		stop("Could not reliably determine package name [", nm, "]")
+	}
+#' \code{str_ns} formats a package environment/namespace for log/info messages.
+#' @rdname devutils
+#' @export
+str_ns <- function(envir=packageEnv()){
+	if( !is.environment(envir) )
+		stop("Invalid argument: must be an environment [", class(envir), ']')
+	str_c(if( isNamespace(envir) ) 'namespace' else 'environment',
+			" '", packageName(envir, rm.prefix=FALSE), "'")
+#' \code{packagePath} returns the current package's root directory, which is 
+#' its installation/loading directory in the case of an installed package, or
+#' its source directory served by devtools. 
+#' @param package optional name of an installed package 
+#' @param lib.loc path to a library of R packages where to search the package
+#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{file.path}}.
+#' @rdname devutils
+#' @return a character string
+#' @export
+packagePath <- function(..., package=NULL, lib.loc=NULL){
+	# try to find the path from the package's environment (namespace)
+	pname <- packageName(package)
+	# check if one is currently loading the namespace
+	path <- NULL
+	if( !is.null(info <- getLoadingNamespace(info=TRUE)) && info$pkgname == pname ){
+		path <- info$path
+	}else {
+		# try loaded/installed package
+		path <- find.package(package=pname, lib.loc=lib.loc, quiet=TRUE)		
+	}
+	# somehow this fails when loading an installed package but is works 
+	# when loading a package during the post-install check
+	if( !length(path) || path == '' ){
+		# get the info from the loadingNamespace
+		if( !is.null(info <- getLoadingNamespace(info=TRUE)) ){
+			path <- info$path
+		}
+	}
+	stopifnot( !is.null(path) && path != '' )
+	# for development packages: add inst prefix if necessary
+	if( isDevNamespace(pname) ){
+		# handle special sub-directories of the package's root directory
+		dots <- list(...)
+		Rdirs <- c('data', 'R', 'src', 'exec', 'tests', 'demo'
+				, 'exec', 'libs', 'man', 'help', 'html'
+				, 'Meta')
+		if( length(dots) && !sub("^/?([^/]+).*", "\\1", ..1) %in%  Rdirs)
+			path <- file.path(path,'inst')
+	}
+	# add other part of the path
+	file.path(path, ...)	
+#' \code{isPackageInstalled} checks if a package is installed.
+#' @rdname devutils
+#' @export
+isPackageInstalled <- function(..., lib.loc=NULL){
+	inst <- utils::installed.packages(lib.loc=lib.loc)
+	pattern <- '^([a-zA-Z.]+)(_([0-9.]+)?)?$';
+	res <- sapply(list(...), function(p){
+				vers <- gsub(pattern, '\\3', p)
+				print(vers)
+				pkg <- gsub(pattern, '\\1', p)
+				print(pkg)
+				if( !(pkg %in% rownames(inst)) ) return(FALSE);
+				p.desc <- inst[pkg,]
+				if( (vers != '') && compareVersion(vers, p.desc['Version']) > 0 ) return(FALSE);
+				TRUE
+			})
+	all(res)
+#stripLatex <- function(x){
+#	gsub("\\\\.\\{(.)\\}", "\\1", x)
+#' \code{as.package} is enhanced version of \code{\link[devtools]{as.package}}, 
+#' that is not exported not to mask the original function.
+#' It could eventually be incorporated into \code{devtools} itself.
+#' Extra arguments in \code{...} are passed to \code{\link{find.package}}. 
+#' @param x package specified by its installation/development path or its name
+#' as \code{'package:*'}.
+#' @param quiet a logical that indicate if an error should be thrown if a 
+#' package is not found. It is also passed to \code{\link{find.package}}.
+#' @param extract logical that indicates if DESCRIPTION of package 
+#' source files should be extracted.
+#' In this case there will be no valid path. 
+#' @rdname devutils
+as.package <- function(x, ..., quiet=FALSE, extract=FALSE){
+	if( is.null(x) ) return( devtools::as.package() )
+	if( devtools::is.package(x) ) return(x)
+	if( extract && grepl("\\.tar\\.gz$", x) ){ # source file
+		# extract in tempdir
+		tmp <- tempfile(x)
+		on.exit( unlink(tmp, recursive=TRUE) )
+		pkg <- basename(sub("_[0-9.]+\\.tar\\.gz$", '', x))
+		desc <- file.path(pkg, 'DESCRIPTION')
+		untar(x, desc, exdir=tmp)
+		return(devtools::as.package(file.path(tmp, pkg)))
+	} else { # check for 'package:*'
+		if( grepl('^package:', x) ){
+			libs <- .libPaths()
+			pkg <- sub('^package:', '', x)
+			p <- lapply(libs, find.package, package=pkg, quiet=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
+			p <- unlist(p[sapply(p, length)>0])
+			if( !length(p) ){
+				if( !quiet )
+					stop("Could not find installed package ", pkg)
+				return()
+			}
+			x <- p[1L]
+		}
+	}
+	# try development packages
+	res <- try(devtools::as.package(x), silent=TRUE)
+	if( !is(res, 'try-error') )
+		return(res)
+	# try loaded or installed packages
+	if( length(res <- find.package(package=x, quiet=TRUE)) )
+		return(devtools::as.package(res))
+	if( quiet )
+		stop("Could not find package ", x)
+NotImplemented <- function(msg){
+	stop("Not implemented - ", msg)
+#' Loading Package Data
+#' Loads package data using \code{\link[utils]{data}}, but allows the user to avoid
+#' NOTEs for a \sQuote{non visible binding variable} to be thrown when checking a package.
+#' This is possible because this function returns the loaded data.
+#' @param list character vector containing the names of the data to load.
+#' @inheritParams utils::data
+#' @param ... other arguments eventually passed to \code{\link[utils]{data}}.
+#' @return the loaded data.
+#' @export
+#' @examples 
+#' \dontrun{ mydata <- packageData('mydata') }
+packageData <- function(list, envir = .GlobalEnv, ...){
+	# same as utils::data if no 'list' argument
+	if( missing(list) ) return( data(..., envir=envir) )
+	# load into environment
+	data(list=list, ..., envir = envir)
+	# return the loaded data
+	if( length(list) == 1L ) get(list, envir=envir)
+	else sapply(list, get, envir=envir, simplify=FALSE)
+#' \code{ldata} loads a package data in the parent frame.
+#' It is a shortcut for \code{packageData(list, ..., envir=parent.frame())}.
+#' @rdname packageData
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{ 
+#' # in a package' source => won't issue a NOTE
+#' myfunction function(){
+#' 	mydata <- ldata('mydata') 
+#' }
+#' }
+ldata <- function(list, ...){
+	e <- parent.frame()
+	packageData(list=list, ..., envir=e)
diff --git a/R/files.R b/R/files.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b1f18b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/files.R
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Filesystem related functions
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+#' Library Files Utilities
+#' Lists binary library files in a directory
+#' @param dir directory
+#' @param all.platforms a logical that indicates whether to list library files for 
+#' the current platform only (default) or all platforms (Unix, Windows, Mac).
+#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{\link{list.files}}.
+#' @return a character vector
+#' @export
+#' @rdname libutils
+list.libs <- function(dir, ..., all.platforms=FALSE){
+	p <- if( !all.platforms ){
+		str_c("\\", .Platform$dynlib.ext, "$")
+	}else{
+		p <- str_c("(\\.", c('so', 'dll'), , ')', collapse='|')
+		str_c(p, '$')
+	}
+	list.files(dir, pattern=p, ...)
+#' \code{libname} extracts library names from a path, removing the 
+#' directory part of the path, as well as the platform 
+#' specific library extension.
+#' @param x a filename
+#' @export
+#' @rdname libutils
+#' @examples
+#' libname('mylib.so')
+#' libname('/some/path/somewhere/mylib.dll') 
+libname <- function(x){
+	sub(str_c("\\", .Platform$dynlib.ext, "$"), "", basename(x))
+#' Source Multiple Files
+#' Vectorised version of \code{source}.
+#' @param x character vector containing filenames
+#' @inheritParams base::list.files
+#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{\link{source}}.
+#' @export
+source_files <- function(x, pattern=NULL, ...){
+	if( length(x) == 1L && is.dir(x) )
+		x <- list.files(x, pattern=pattern, full.names=TRUE)
+	invisible(sapply(x, source, ...))
+#' Extract File Extension
+#' @param x path as a character vector.
+#' @param ext extension to append instead of the original extension.
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' file_extension('alpha.txt')
+#' file_extension(paste('aa.tt', 1:5, sep=''))
+#' # change extension
+#' file_extension(paste('aa.tt', 1:5, sep=''), 'pdf')
+#' file_extension(paste('aatt', 1:5, sep=''), 'pdf')
+file_extension <- function(x, ext=NULL){
+	if( is.null(ext) ) sub(".*\\.([^.]{3})$","\\1",x)
+	else str_c(sub("(.*)(\\.([^.]{3}))$","\\1", x), '.', sub("^.", '', ext))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/graphics.R b/R/graphics.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c276749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/graphics.R
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Graphics utilities
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Created: 05 Dec 2012
+#' Utility Functions for Graphics
+#' @name graphics-utils
+#' @rdname graphics-utils
+#' \code{mfrow} returns a 2-long numeric vector suitable to use in \code{\link{par}(mfrow=x)}, 
+#' that will arrange \code{n} panels in a single plot. 
+#' @param n number of plots to be arranged.
+#' @rdname graphics-utils
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' mfrow(1)
+#' mfrow(2)
+#' mfrow(3)
+#' mfrow(4)
+#' mfrow(10)
+mfrow <- function(n){
+	if( n == 1 ) c(1, 1)
+	else if( n == 2 ) c(1, 2)
+	else if( n <= 4 ) c(2, 2)
+	else if( n <= 6 ) c(3, 2)
+	else if( n <= 9 ) c(3, 3)
+	else{
+		sn <- floor(n / 3)
+		c(sn + if( sn %% 3 ) 1 else 0, 3)
+	}
+round.pretty <- function(x, min=2){
+	if( is.null(x) ) return(NULL)		
+	n <- 0
+	y <- round(sort(x), n)
+	while( any(diff(y)==0) ){
+		n <- n+1
+		y <- round(sort(x), n)
+	}	
+	round(x, max(min,n))
diff --git a/R/is.R b/R/is.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c2c865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/is.R
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# General test utility functions to check the type of objects
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Creation: 30 Apr 2012
+#' @include unitTests.R
+#' Testing Object Type 
+#' @name is_something
+#' @rdname is_something
+#' @return \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}
+#' \code{is_NA} tests if a variable is exactly NA (logical, character, numeric or integer)
+#' @param x an R object
+#' @rdname is_something
+#' @export
+is_NA <- function(x){ 
+	identical(x, NA) || identical(x, as.character(NA)) || identical(x, as.numeric(NA)) || identical(x, as.integer(NA))
+#' \code{isFALSE} Tests if a variable is exactly FALSE.
+#' @rdname is_something
+#' @seealso \code{\link{isTRUE}}
+#' @export
+isFALSE <- function(x) identical(x, FALSE)
+#' \code{isNumber} tests if a variable is a single number
+#' @rdname is_something
+#' @export
+isNumber <- function(x){ 
+	is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1
+#' \code{isReal} tests if a variable is a single real number
+#' @rdname is_something
+#' @export
+isReal <- function(x){ 
+	isNumber(x) && !is.integer(x)
+#' \code{isInteger} tests if an object is a single integer
+#' @rdname is_something
+#' @export
+isInteger <- function(x){ 
+	is.integer(x) && length(x) == 1
+#' \code{isString} tests if an object is a character string. 
+#' @param y character string to compare with.
+#' @param ignore.case logical that indicates if the comparison 
+#' should be case sensistive.
+#' @rdname is_something
+#' @export
+isString <- function(x, y, ignore.case=FALSE){
+	if( res <- is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L ){
+		if( !missing(y) ){
+			if( !isString(y) ) stop("Invalid argument 'y': must be a string itself.")
+			if( ignore.case ) {
+				x <- toupper(x)
+				y <- toupper(y)
+			}
+			res <-  x == y
+		}
+	}
+	res
+#' \code{is.dir} tests if a filename is a directory.
+#' @rdname is_something
+#' @export
+is.dir <- function(x) file_test('-d', x)
+#' \code{is.file} tests if a filename is a file.
+#' @rdname is_something
+#' @export
+is.file <- function(x) file_test('-f', x)
+#' \code{hasNames} tests if an object has names.
+#' @param all logical that indicates if the object needs all names non empty
+#' @rdname is_something
+#' @export
+hasNames <- function(x, all=FALSE){
+	nm <- names(x)
+	if( length(x) == 0L ) TRUE
+	else !is.null(nm) && (!all || !is.element('', nm) )
+unit.test(hasNames, {
+			add_names <- function(x) setNames(x, letters[1:length(x)])
+			# vector
+			checkTrue(hasNames( add_names(1:10) ))
+			checkTrue(hasNames( add_names(1:10) , all=TRUE))
+			checkTrue(hasNames( c(add_names(1:10),11) ))
+			checkTrue(!hasNames( c(add_names(1:10),11) , all=TRUE))
+			# list
+			checkTrue(hasNames( add_names(list(1,2,3)) ))
+			checkTrue(hasNames( add_names(list(1,2,3)) , all=TRUE))
+			checkTrue(hasNames( c(add_names(list(1,2,3)),11) ))
+			checkTrue(!hasNames( c(add_names(list(1,2,3)),11) , all=TRUE))
+		})
diff --git a/R/knitr.R b/R/knitr.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6210706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/knitr.R
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+# Project: pkgmaker
+# Author: renaud gaujoux
+# Created: Oct 23, 2013
+#' Knitr Extensions
+#' \code{knit_ex} is a utility function for running small knitr examples, 
+#' e.g., to illustrate functionalities or issues. 
+#' @param x text to knit as a character vector
+#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link[knitr]{knit2html}} or \code{\link[knitr]{knit}}
+#' @param quiet logical that indicates if knitting should be quiet (no progress bars etc..).
+#' @param open logical, only used when \code{x} is in .Rmd format, that indicates 
+#' if the generated document result should be open in a browse, instead of 
+#' being printed on screen.
+#' Not that a browser will not open in non-interactive sessions, and the result will
+#' be returned invisibly.
+#' @return 
+#' \code{knit_ex} returns the generated code, although invisibly when \code{open=TRUE}.
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' library(knitr)
+#' knit_ex("1 + 1")
+knit_ex <- function(x, ..., quiet = TRUE, open = FALSE){
+    library(knitr)
+    # substitute special markup for Rmd markup (necessary for knit_ex examples)
+    x <- gsub("^^^", "```", x, fixed = TRUE)
+    if( !(html_chunks <- any(grepl("```{", x, fixed = TRUE))) ){
+        if( all(!grepl(">>=", x, fixed = TRUE)) ){
+            x <- c("```{r}", x, "```")
+            html_chunks <- TRUE   
+        }
+    }
+    x <- paste0(x, collapse = "\n")
+    if( any(html_chunks) ){
+        res <- knit2html(text = x, ..., fragment.only = TRUE, quiet = quiet)
+        if( open ){
+            tmp <- tempfile("knit_ex", fileext = '.html')
+            cat(res, file = tmp, sep = "\n") 
+            if( interactive() ) browseURL(tmp)
+            return(invisible(res))
+        }
+    }else{
+        res <- knit(text = x, ..., quiet = quiet)
+    }
+    cat(res)
+try_message <- function(signal = FALSE){
+    function(expr){
+        tryCatch(expr, error = function(e){
+                if( signal ) message(e)
+                else message('Error: ', conditionMessage(e))
+                invisible()
+            })
+    }
+#' \code{hook_try} is a knitr hook to enable showing error 
+#' messages thrown by \code{\link{try}}.
+#' The function is not meant to be called directly, but only registered 
+#' using \code{\link{knit_hooks}} (see details on this dedicated man page).
+#' \code{hook_try} simply defines a function \code{try} in \code{envir} that prints 
+#' the error message if any, and is called instead of base \code{\link{try}}. 
+#' @param before logical that indicates when the hook is being called: 
+#' before or after the chunk is processed.
+#' @param options list of current knitr chunk options 
+#' @param envir environment where the chunk is evaluated
+#' @rdname knit_ex
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' library(knitr)
+#' # standard error message is caught
+#' knit_ex("stop('ah ah')")
+#' # with try the error is output on stderr but not caughted by knitr
+#' knit_ex("try( stop('ah ah') )")
+#' # no message caught
+#' knit_ex("
+#' ^^^{r, include = FALSE}
+#' knit_hooks$set(try = pkgmaker::hook_try)
+#' ^^^
+#' ^^^{r, try=TRUE}
+#' try( stop('ah ah') )
+#' ^^^")
+hook_try <- local({
+    .try_defined <- FALSE
+    function(before, options, envir){
+        # remove hacked version of try
+        if( !before ){
+            if( .try_defined && exists('try', envir = envir, inherits = FALSE) ){
+                remove(list = 'try', envir = envir)
+            }
+            .try_defined <<- FALSE
+            return(invisible())
+        }
+        if( !is.null(options$try) ){
+            # signal
+            do.signal <- isFALSE(options$try)
+            if( isManualVignette() && isTRUE(options$try) ){
+                do.signal <- TRUE
+            }
+            # define hacked version of try()
+            .try <- try_message(do.signal)
+            assign('try', .try, envir)
+            .try_defined <<- TRUE
+        }
+    }
+chunkOutputHook <- function(name, hook, type = c('output', 'source', 'chunk')){
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    function(){
+        .hook_bkp <- NULL
+        function(before, options, envir){
+            # do nothing if the option is not ON
+            if( is.null(options[[name]]) ) return()
+            # set/unset hook
+            if( before ){
+                # store current hook function
+                if( is.null(.hook_bkp) ) .hook_bkp <<- knit_hooks$get(type)
+                # define hook wrapper
+                hook_wrapper <- function(x, options){
+                    res <- .hook_bkp(x, options)
+                    hook(res, options)
+                }
+                args <- list()
+                args[[type]] <- hook_wrapper
+                do.call(knit_hooks$set, args)
+            }else{
+                args <- list()
+                args[[type]] <- .hook_bkp
+                do.call(knit_hooks$set, args)
+                .hook_bkp <<- NULL
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#' Knitr Hook for Handling Backspace Character
+#' \code{hook_backspace} is a chunk hook that enables the use of backspace
+#' characters in the output (e.g., as used in progress bars), and still 
+#' obtain a final output as in the console.
+#' @rdname knit_ex
+#' @export 
+#' @examples 
+#' # Correctly formatting backspaces in chunk outputs
+#' tmp <- tempfile(fileext = '.Rmd')
+#' cat(file = tmp, "
+#' ^^^{r, include = FALSE}
+#' library(knitr)
+#' knit_hooks$set(backspace = pkgmaker::hook_backspace())
+#' ^^^
+#' Default knitr does not handle backspace and adds a special character:
+#' ^^^{r}
+#' cat('abc\bd')
+#' ^^^
+#' Using the hook backspace solves the issue:
+#' ^^^{r, backspace=TRUE}
+#' cat('abc\bd')
+#' ^^^
+#' ")
+#' # knit
+#' out <- knitr::knit2html(tmp, fragment.only = TRUE)
+#' # look at output
+#' \dontrun{
+#'   browseURL(out)
+#'   edit( file = out)
+#' }
+#' # cleanup
+#' unlink(c(tmp, out))
+hook_backspace <- chunkOutputHook('backspace', 
+        function(x, options){
+            if( !isTRUE(options$backspace) ) x
+            str_bs(x)
+        }
+#' \code{str_bs} substitutes backspace characters (\\b) to produce
+#' a character string as it would be displayed in the console.
+#' @author
+#' Renaud Gaujoux
+#' \code{str_bs} was adapted from a proposal from Yihui Xie.
+#' @rdname str_out 
+#' @export
+#' @examples 
+#' # Backspace substitution
+#' str_bs("abc")
+#' str_bs("abc\b")
+#' str_bs("abc\b\b")
+#' str_bs("abc\bd")
+#' str_bs("abc\b\bde\b")
+#' # more complex example
+#' x <- "\bab\nc\bd\n\babc\b\bd"
+#' cat(x, "\n")
+#' y <- str_bs(x)
+#' y
+#' cat(y, "\n")
+str_bs <- function(x){
+    # remove leading backspaces
+    x <- gsub("^\b+", "", x)
+    # remove backspaces at beginning of line
+    x <- gsub("\n\b+", '\n', x)
+    while( length(grep('\b', x, fixed = TRUE)) ) 
+        x <- gsub('[^\n\b][\b]', '', x)
+    x
+md_toggleCode <- function(){
+    cat(
+<script src=\"http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js\"></script>
+<script type=\"text/javascript\">
+// toggle visibility of R source blocks in R Markdown output
+function toggle_vis(o) {
+    var d = o.style.display;
+    o.style.display = (d == 'block' || d == '') ? 'none':'block';
+  }
+function toggle_R(what) {
+  var x = document.getElementsByClassName('r');
+  if (x.length == 0) return;
+  for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
+    var y = x[i];
+    switch (y.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
+      case 'pre':
+        toggle_vis(y);
+        if( what == 'setup' ){
+            y.id = \"Rcode_\" + i;
+        }
+        break;
+      case 'code':
+        var z = y.parentNode;
+        // pandoc uses the class 'sourceCode r' on both pre and code
+        if (z.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'pre' && z.className != 'sourceCode r') {
+          toggle_vis(z);
+          if( what == 'setup' ){
+              z.id = \"Rcode_\" + i;
+              var newContent = $(\"<a href=\\\"\\\" onclick=\\\"toggle_vis(document.getElementById('\" + z.id + \"')); return false;\\\">Show/Hide R code</a>\");
+              newContent.insertBefore(z);
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+$( document ).ready(function(){
+    toggle_R('setup');
+    )
+.js_include_jquery <- "<script src=\"http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js\"></script>\n"
+.js_toggle_fun <- "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
+function toggle_vis2(cl) {
+	elt = document.getElementsByClassName(cl)
+	for (i = 0; i < elt.length; i++) {
+		var o = elt[i].parentNode;
+        var d = o.style.display;
+        o.style.display = (d == 'block' || d == '') ? 'none':'block';
+	}
+  }
+window.onload = function(){
+	toggle_vis2('Chunk_none')	
+.js_def_toggle_code <- "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
+// toggle visibility of R source blocks in R Markdown output
+function toggle_R(what) {
+  var x = document.getElementsByClassName('r');
+  if (x.length == 0) return;
+  function toggle_vis(o) {
+    var d = o.style.display;
+    o.style.display = (d == 'block' || d == '') ? 'none':'block';
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
+    var y = x[i];
+    switch (y.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
+      case 'pre':
+        toggle_vis(y);
+        if( what == 'setup' ){
+        y.id = \"Rcode_\" + i;
+        }
+        break;
+      case 'code':
+        var z = y.parentNode;
+        // pandoc uses the class 'sourceCode r' on both pre and code
+        if (z.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'pre' && z.className != 'sourceCode r') {
+            toggle_vis(z);
+            if( what == 'setup' ){
+                z.id = \"Rcode_\" + i;
+                var newContent = $(\"<a href=\\\"\\\" onclick=\\\"$('#\" + z.id + \"').toggle(); return false;\\\">Show/Hide R code</a>\");
+                newContent.insertBefore(z);
+            }
+    	}
+    	break;
+    }
+  }
+$( document ).ready(function(){
+    toggle_R('setup');
+#' \code{hook_toggle} is a chunk hook that adds clickable elements to toggle \emph{indvidual}
+#' code chunks in HTML documents generated from .Rmd files.
+#' @rdname knit_ex
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' knit_ex("
+#' Declare chunk hook:
+#' ^^^{r, setup}
+#' library(knitr)
+#' knit_hooks$set(toggle = hook_toggle())
+#' ^^^
+#' The R code of this chunk can be toggled on/off, and starts visible:
+#' ^^^{r, toggle=TRUE}
+#' print(1:10)
+#' ^^^
+#' The R code of this chunk can be toggled on/off, and starts hidden:
+#' ^^^{r, toggle=FALSE}
+#' print(1:10)
+#' ^^^
+#' This is a plain chunk that cannot be toggled on/off:
+#' ^^^{r}
+#' print(1:10)
+#' ^^^
+#' Now all chunks can be toggled and start visible:
+#' ^^^{r, toggle_all}
+#' opts_chunk$set(toggle = TRUE)
+#' ^^^
+#' ^^^{r}
+#' sample(5)
+#' ^^^
+#' To diable the toggle link, one can pass anything except TRUE/FALSE:
+#' ^^^{r, toggle = NA}
+#' sample(5)
+#' ^^^
+#' ", open = TRUE)
+hook_toggle <- function(){
+    .init <- TRUE
+    .last_label <- NULL
+    fn <- chunkOutputHook('toggle', type = 'source', function(x, options){
+        opt <- options$toggle
+        label <- options$label
+        if( !isTRUE(opt) && !isFALSE(opt) ) return(x)
+#        print(x)
+#        x <- gsub("^\n", '', x)
+        # add javascript define for toggle function
+        if( .init ){
+            x <- paste0(.js_toggle_fun, x)
+            .init <<- FALSE
+        }
+        disp <- if( opt ) 'Chunk_block'
+                else 'Chunk_none'
+        id <- paste0("Rcode_", label)
+        subst <- paste0("```{", id, " \\1 ", disp, "}\n")
+        if( !identical(label, .last_label) ){
+            .last_label <<- label
+            subst <- paste0("<a href=\"\" onclick=\"toggle_vis2('", id, "'); return false;\">Show/Hide R code</a>\n", subst)
+        }
+        sub("```([^\n]*)\n", sprintf(subst, 'block'), x)
+    })
+    fn()
diff --git a/R/logging.R b/R/logging.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89f41c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/logging.R
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Logging system
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Creation: 25 Apr 2012
+#' @include utils.R
+#' Internal verbosity option
+#' @param val logical that sets the verbosity level.
+#' @return the old verbose level   
+#' @keywords internal
+lverbose <- local({
+			.val <- NA
+			function(val){
+				if( missing(val) ) return(.val)
+				oval <- .val
+				.val <<- val
+				invisible(oval)
+			}
+		})
+#' Tells if all verbose messages should be 
+#' @rdname lverbose
+lsilent <- function(){
+	l <- lverbose()
+	is.na(l) || l == 0L
+#' Tells if verbosity is on.
+#' @rdname lverbose
+is.verbose <- function(){
+	l <- lverbose()
+	!is.na(l) && l >= 0L
+#' Prints out a message (on sdtout) if verbose mode is on.
+#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{...} \code{\link{cat}}
+#' @param appendLF logical indicating if an endline character should be appended 
+#' at the end of the message. Passed to \code{\link{cat}}.
+#' @rdname lverbose
+vmessage <- function(...){
+	lmessage(..., level=1L)
+#' Prints out a message (on sdtout) if the verbosity level is greater than a 
+#' given value. 
+#' @param level verbosity level threshold (numeric value) above which the 
+#' message should be printed out. 
+#' This threshold is compared with the current verbosity level as returned by 
+#' \code{lverbose}.
+#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{...} \code{\link{lmessage}} or \code{\link{cat}} 
+#' @param appendLF logical indicating if an endline character should be appended 
+#' at the end of the message. Passed to \code{\link{cat}}.
+#' @rdname lverbose
+lmessage <- function(..., level=1L, appendLF=TRUE){
+	l <- lverbose()
+	if( !is.na(l) && l >= level ) cat(..., if(appendLF) "\n", sep='')
diff --git a/R/namespace.R b/R/namespace.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96517c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/namespace.R
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Namespace related functions
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Creation: 30 Apr 2012
+is_funcall <- function(fun){
+	n <- sys.nframe()
+	i <- 1
+	dg <- digest(fun)
+	while( i <= n ){
+		f <- sys.function(i)
+		ca <- sys.call(i)
+#		cat(digest(f), dg, getPackageName(environment(f), FALSE), "\n")
+		if( digest(f) == dg ) return(i)
+		i <- i + 1
+	}
+is_pkgcall <- function(pkg){
+	pkg %in% pkg_calls()
+pkg_calls <- function(){
+	n <- sys.nframe() - 1
+	i <- 1
+	res <- character()
+	while( i <= n ){
+		f <- sys.function(i)
+		e <- environment(f)
+		if( !is.null(e) ){
+			pkg <- methods::getPackageName(e, create=FALSE)
+			if( pkg != '' ) res <- c(res, pkg)
+		}
+		i <- i + 1
+	}
+	res
+#' Namespace Development Functions
+#' \code{getLoadingNamespace} returns information about the loading namespace.
+#' It is a wrapper to \code{\link{loadingNamespaceInfo}}, that does not throw 
+#' an error.
+#' @param env logical that indicates that the namespace's environment (i.e. the 
+#' namespace itself) should be returned.
+#' @param info logical that indicates that the complete information list should 
+#' be returned
+#' @return the name of the loading namespace if \code{env} and \code{info} are 
+#' \code{FALSE}, an environment if \code{env=TRUE}, a list with elements 
+#' \code{pkgname} and \code{libname} if \code{info=TRUE}. 
+#' @rdname namespace
+#' @export
+getLoadingNamespace <- function(env=FALSE, info=FALSE, nodev=FALSE){
+	is.loading <- try(nsInfo <- loadingNamespaceInfo(), silent=TRUE)
+	if( !is(is.loading, 'try-error') ){
+		if( env ) asNamespace(as.name(nsInfo$pkgname))
+		else if( info ){
+			nsInfo$path <- file.path(nsInfo$libname, nsInfo$pkgname)
+			nsInfo 
+		}else nsInfo$pkgname
+	}else if( !nodev ){ # devtools namespaces are allowed
+		if( is_pkgcall('devtools') && (i <- is_funcall(devtools::load_all)) ){
+			# find out the package that is currently being loaded by load_all
+			e <- sys.frame(i)
+			pkg <- e$pkg
+			# extract namespace
+			if( env ) asNamespace(pkg$package)
+			else if( info ){
+				list(
+						pkgname = pkg$package
+						, path = pkg$path
+						, libname = dirname(pkg$path)
+				)
+			}else pkg$package
+		}
+	}
+	else NULL
+#' Tests if a namespace is being loaded.
+#' @param ns the name of a namespace or a namespace whose loading state is tested.
+#' If missing \code{isLoadingNamespace} test if any namespace is being loaded.
+#' @param nodev logical that indicates if loading devtools namespace should 
+#' be discarded.
+#' @rdname namespace
+#' @export
+isLoadingNamespace <- function(ns, nodev=FALSE){
+	if( missing(ns) ) !is.null(getLoadingNamespace(nodev=nodev))
+	else{
+		nspkg <- getLoadingNamespace(nodev=nodev, env=is.environment(ns))
+		if( is.null(nspkg) ) FALSE
+		else identical(nspkg, ns)
+	}
+#' \code{isNamespaceLoaded} tests if a given namespace is loaded, without loading it, 
+#' contrary to \code{\link{isNamespace}}.
+#' @rdname namespace
+#' @export
+isNamespaceLoaded <- function(ns){
+	if( is.environment(ns) ){
+		if( !isNamespace(ns) ) return(FALSE)
+		else ns <- getPackageName(ns)
+	}
+	if( isString(ns) ) ns %in% loadedNamespaces()
+	else stop("Invalid argument `ns`: only support strings and environments.")
+#' \code{isDevNamespace} tests the -- current -- namespace is a devtools namespace.
+#' @rdname namespace
+#' @export
+isDevNamespace <- function(ns){
+	if( missing(ns) ){
+		e <- parent.frame()
+		ns <- methods::getPackageName(topenv(e))
+	}
+	# cannot be true if the namespace is not loaded
+	if( !isNamespaceLoaded(ns) ) return( FALSE )
+	# get the namespace environment
+	if( isString(ns) ) ns <- asNamespace(ns)
+	# check for the presence of a .__DEVTOOLS__ object
+	exists('.__DEVTOOLS__', where=ns)
+#' Dynamically adds exported objects into the loading namespace.   
+#' @param x character vector containing the names of R objects to export in the 
+#' loading namespace.
+#' @rdname namespace
+#' @export
+addNamespaceExport <- function(x){
+	ns <- pkgmaker::getLoadingNamespace(env=TRUE)
+	if( !is.null(ns) ){
+		namespaceExport(ns, x)
+	}
+#' \code{ns_get} gets an object from a given namespace.
+#' @rdname namespace
+#' @export
+ns_get <- function(x, ns){
+    if( !isNamespace(ns) ) ns <- asNamespace(ns)
+    get(x, ns)
diff --git a/R/options.R b/R/options.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac75300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/options.R
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+# Package specific option system
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Creation: 25 Apr 2012
+#' @include unitTests.R
+#' @include devutils.R
+#' Package Specific Options
+#' The following functions to access/set the options from the set are assigned 
+#' in \code{envir}:
+#' \describe{
+#' \item{<subset>Options}{}
+#' \item{<subset>GetOption}{}
+#' }
+#' @param ... a single named list or named arguments that provide the default 
+#' options and their values.
+#' @param NAME name of the set of options.
+#' This is used as a prefix for the name of the associated global 
+#' option: \code{package:<name>}.
+#' @param ENVIR environment where the option wrapper functions will be defined.
+#' No function is defined if \code{ENVIR=NULL} 
+#' @param RESET a logical that indicates whether the option set should overwrite
+#' one that already exists if necessary. 
+#' The default is \code{FALSE} (i.e. no reset), except when loading a namespace, 
+#' either from an installed package or a development package -- with devtools. 
+#' If \code{FALSE}, an error is thrown if trying to setup options with the same name.
+#' @export
+setupPackageOptions <- function(..., NAME=NULL, ENVIR=topenv(parent.frame()), RESET = isLoadingNamespace()){
+	defaults <- .list_or_named_dots(...)
+	# do not write into the Global environment
+	e <- parent.frame()
+	if( missing(ENVIR) && identical(e, .GlobalEnv) ){
+	}
+	# get calling package
+	pkg <- packageName(.Global=TRUE)
+	# prefix for the wrapper functions
+	fprefix <- if( is.null(NAME) ) tolower(pkg) else NAME
+	# define name for the option set
+	optname <- pkg
+	if( !is.null(NAME) )
+		optname <- paste(optname, NAME, sep=':')
+	# create package_options object
+	optobj <- as.package_options(optname, defaults=defaults)
+	# check if options with the same key are not already registered
+	OLD <- getOption(optobj$name)
+	if( !is.null(OLD) && !RESET )
+		stop("Package specific options '", OLD$name, "' already exist: " 
+				, " (", length(OLD$options())," default option(s))")
+	# register the package_options object in global options
+	message(if( is.null(OLD) ) "Setting" else "Resetting"
+			, " package specific options: ", optobj$name
+			, " (", length(optobj$options())," default option(s))")
+	options(setNames(list(optobj), optobj$name))
+	# (re)load registered package_options object from global options
+	optobj <- getOption(optobj$name)
+	stopifnot( !is.null(optobj) )
+	# define wrapper functions in the supplied environment
+	if( !is.null(ENVIR) ){
+		isfun <- unlist(eapply(optobj, is.function))
+		isfun <- isfun[names(isfun) != 'newOptions']
+		ifun <- which(isfun)
+		lapply(names(isfun)[ifun], function(x){
+			f <- get(x, envir=optobj)
+			assign(paste(fprefix, x, sep='.'), f, envir=ENVIR)
+		})
+	}
+	# return package_options object
+	optobj
+is.package_options <- function(x){
+	is(x, 'package_options')
+#' @S3method print package_options
+print.package_options <- function(x, ...){
+	cat("<Package specific options: ", x$name, ">\n", sep='')
+	cat("Registered: ", !is.null(getOption(x$name)), "\n", sep='')
+	def <- if( identical(x$.options, x$.defaults) ) " <as default>"
+	# show options
+	if( length(x$.options) ){
+		cat("Options",def,":\n", sep='');
+		str(x$.options) 
+	}else 
+		cat("Options: none\n")
+	# show defaults
+	if( is.null(def) ){
+		cat("Defaults:\n"); str(x$.defaults)
+	}
+#' \code{option_symlink} creates a symbolic link to option \code{x}.
+#' @export
+#' @rdname options
+option_symlink <- function(x){
+	if( !is.character(x) )
+		stop("Symbolic link options must be character strings")
+	structure(x, class='option_symlink')
+#' \code{is_option_symlink} tests if \code{x} is a symbolic link option.
+#' @param opts a list of options
+#' @export
+#' @rdname options
+is_option_symlink <- function(x, opts){
+	if( missing(opts) ) is(x, 'option_symlink')
+	else is(opts[[x]], 'option_symlink')
+#' \code{option_symlink_target} returns the end target option of a symbolic link 
+#' option \code{x}.
+#' @export
+#' @rdname options
+option_symlink_target <- function(x, opts){
+	if( !is.list(opts) )
+		stop("invalid argument `opts`: must be a list object")
+	n <- 0
+	track <- NULL
+	while( is_option_symlink(x, opts) ){
+		if( x %in% track )
+			stop("cycling symbolic link options: ", str_out(c(track, x), Inf, sep=' -> '))
+		track <- c(track, x)
+		x <- opts[[x]]
+		n <- n + 1
+	}
+	x
+# unit test for option symbolic links
+unit.test('option_symlink', {
+	opt <- setupPackageOptions(a=1,b=2,c=option_symlink('a'),d=4)
+	.test <- function(msg){
+		checkIdentical(names(opt$options('a')), 'a', paste(msg, " - options: name of target is ok"))
+		checkIdentical(names(opt$options('c')), 'c', paste(msg, " - options: name of link is ok"))
+		checkIdentical(opt$options('c'), setNames(opt$options('a'), 'c'), paste(msg, " - options: link ok"))
+		checkIdentical(opt$getOption('a'), opt$getOption('c'), paste(msg, " - getOption: link ok"))
+	}
+	.test('Default')
+	opt$options(a=100)
+	.test('After setting target')
+	opt$options(c=50)
+	.test('After setting link')
+#' \code{as.package_options} creates an object such as the 
+#' ones used to stores package specific options.
+#' @param x a character string, a list or an object of class 
+#' \code{package_options}.
+#' @param defaults \code{NULL} or a list of default options 
+#' with their values.   
+#' @export
+#' @rdname options
+as.package_options <- function(..., defaults=NULL){
+	args <- .list_or_named_dots(...)
+	x <- if( is.null(names(args)) ) args[[1]] 
+	if( !is.null(names(args)) ) defaults <- args
+	if( is.null(x) ) x <- basename(tempfile(''))
+	# early exit if already a package_options object
+	if( is.package_options(x) ){
+		# new defaults?: clone into a new package_options object
+		if( !missing(defaults) && is.list(defaults) ){
+			optname <- basename(tempfile(str_c(x$name, '_')))
+			x <- as.package_options(x$.options, defaults)
+			x$name <- optname
+		}
+		return(x)
+	}
+	# create a package_options object
+	.OPTOBJ <- structure(list2env(list(name=NULL, .options=NULL, .defaults=defaults))
+						, class='package_options')
+	if( is.character(x) ){
+		# build name as 'package:*'
+		x <- sub("^package:", '', x)
+		.OPTOBJ$name <- paste('package:', x[1L], sep='')
+	}else if( is.list(x) ){
+		.OPTOBJ$name <- tempfile('package:')
+		.OPTOBJ$.options <- x
+	}else
+		stop("Invalid argument `x`: must be a character string or a list.")
+	# define options() 
+	.OPTOBJ$options <- function(...){
+		# call .options on package_options object
+		.options(..., .DATA=.OPTOBJ)
+	}
+	# define getOption
+	.OPTOBJ$getOption <- function (x, default = NULL) 
+	{
+		# use local specific function options()
+		options <- .OPTOBJ$options
+		if (missing(default)) 
+			return(options(x)[[1L]])
+		if (x %in% names(options())) 
+			options(x)[[1L]]
+		else default
+	}
+	# define newOption
+	.OPTOBJ$newOptions <- function(...){
+		defs <- .list_or_named_dots(..., named.only=TRUE)
+		lapply(seq_along(defs),
+			function(i){
+			name <- names(defs)[i]
+			value <- defs[[i]]
+			# check defaults
+            in_opts <- name %in% names(.OPTOBJ$.defaults) && !identical(.OPTOBJ$.defaults[[name]], value)
+			if( in_opts && !isLoadingNamespace() ){
+				message("Skipping option ", .OPTOBJ$name, "::`", name, "`: already defined with another default value")
+		    }else{
+                if( in_opts )
+                    message("Overwriting option ", .OPTOBJ$name, "::`", name, "` : already defined with another default value")
+				.OPTOBJ$.defaults[[name]] <- value
+				.OPTOBJ$.options[[name]] <- value
+			}
+		})
+		invisible()
+	}
+	# define resetOptions
+	.OPTOBJ$resetOptions <- function(..., ALL=FALSE){
+		defaults <- .OPTOBJ$.defaults
+		if( ALL ){
+			.OPTOBJ$.options <- NULL
+		}
+		if( length(list(...)) > 0L ){
+			onames <- c(...)
+			if( !is.character(onames) )
+				stop('character strings expected for resetting option names')
+			defaults <- defaults[names(defaults) %in% onames]
+			if( length(not_default <- onames[!onames %in% names(defaults)]) ){
+				.OPTOBJ$.options[not_default] <- NULL
+			}
+		}
+		if( length(defaults) ){
+			.OPTOBJ$options(defaults)
+		}
+	}
+	# define showOptions
+	.OPTOBJ$printOptions <- function() print(.OPTOBJ)
+	# initialise with default options 
+	.OPTOBJ$resetOptions()
+	# return pacakge_options object
+#' The method \code{[[} is equivalent to \code{options()} or \code{getOption(...)}:
+#' e.g. \code{obj[[]]} returns the list of options defined in \code{obj}, and 
+#' \code{obj[['abc']]} returns the value of option \code{'abc'}.
+#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{getOption} (only first one is used). 
+#' @rdname options 
+#' @S3method [[ package_options
+"[[.package_options" <- function(x, ...){
+	if( missing(..1) ) x$options()
+	else x$getOption(..1)
+#' @S3method [[<- package_options
+"[[<-.package_options" <- function(x, i, value){
+	x$.options[[i]] <- value 
+##' @S3method [[ package_options
+#`[[.package_options` <- function(x, ..., follow=FALSE){
+#	if( missing(..1) ) as.list(x$.options)
+#	else if( follow ){
+#		x$.options[[option_symlink_target(..1, x)]]
+#	}else x$.options[[..1]]
+##' @S3method [[<- package_options
+#`[[<-.package_options` <- function(x, i, ..., value){
+#	follow <- if( missing(..1) ) FALSE else ..1 
+#	if( follow ){
+#		old <- x[[i]]
+#		if( is_option_symlink(old) && !is_option_symlink(value) )
+#			x$.options[[option_symlink_target(i, x)]] <- value
+#	}else x$.options[[i]] <- value
+.list_or_named_dots <- function(..., named.only=FALSE){
+	dots <- list(...)
+	if( length(dots) == 0L ) return()
+	params <- dots
+	if( is.null(names(dots)) && length(dots)==1L ){
+		if ( is.list(dots[[1L]]) ){ 
+			params <- dots[[1L]]
+			if( is.null(names(params)) || any(names(params)=='') )
+				stop("single list argument must only have named elements")
+		}
+	}
+	if( named.only ){
+		if( is.null(names(params)) || any(names(params)=='') )
+			stop("all arguments be named")
+	}
+	params
+#' Quick Option-like Feature
+#' \code{mkoptions} is a function that returns a function that 
+#' behaves like \code{\link[base]{options}}, with an attached 
+#' internal/local list of key-value pairs.
+#' @rdname local-options
+#' @seealso \code{\link{setupPackageOptions}}
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' f <- mkoptions(a=3, b=list(1,2,3))
+#' str(f())
+#' f('a')
+#' f('b')
+#' str(old <- f(a = 10))
+#' str(f())
+#' f(old)
+#' str(f())
+mkoptions <- function(...){
+	.DATA <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
+	.defaults <- list(...)
+	.DATA$.options <- list(...)
+	function(...){		
+		.options(..., .DATA=.DATA)
+	}
+#' \code{.options} is a low-level function that mimics the behaviour 
+#' of the base function \code{\link[base]{options}}, given a set 
+#' of key-value pairs.
+#' It is the workhorse function used in \code{mkoptions} and package-specific
+#' option sets (see \code{\link{setupPackageOptions}})
+#' @param ... list of keys or key-value pairs.
+#' For \code{mkoptions} these define inital/default key-value pairs. 
+#' @param .DATA a list or an environment with an element \code{.options}.
+#' @rdname local-options
+.options <- function(..., .DATA){
+	opts <- if( is.package_options(.DATA) || is.environment(.DATA) ) .DATA$.options else .DATA
+	params <- .list_or_named_dots(...)
+	# return complete option list if no other argument was passed
+	if( is.null(params) ) return(opts)
+	# initialise opts to an empty list if necessary 
+	if( is.null(opts) ) opts <- list()
+	stopifnot( is.list(opts) )
+	if ( is.null(names(params)) ){
+		if( !is.character(c(...)) )
+			stop('character strings expected for option names')
+		cparams <- c(...)
+		# retrieve options as a list (use sapply to also get non-existing options)
+		res <- sapply(cparams, function(n){
+					# follow link if necessary
+					opts[[option_symlink_target(n, opts)]]
+				}, simplify=FALSE)
+		return(res)
+	}
+	old <- sapply(names(params), 
+			function(name){
+				# assign the new value into the options environment
+				val <- params[[name]]
+				old <- opts[[name]]
+				# change value of target if symlink and the new value is not a symlink
+				if( is_option_symlink(old) && !is_option_symlink(val) )
+					opts[[option_symlink_target(name, opts)]] <<- val
+				else
+					opts[[name]] <<- val
+				# return the option's old value
+				old
+			}
+			, simplify = FALSE
+	)	
+	#old <- old[!sapply(old, is.null)]
+	# update package_options object in place if necessary (NB: it is an environment)
+	if( is.package_options(.DATA) || is.environment(.DATA) ) .DATA$.options <- opts
+	# return old values of the modified options
+	return( invisible(old) )
+#' \code{packageOptions} provides access to package specific options from a 
+#' given package that were defined with \code{setupPackageOptions}, and behaves as the base function \code{\link[base]{options}}.
+#' @param PACKAGE a package name
+#' @inheritParams base::options 
+#' @export
+#' @rdname options
+packageOptions <- function(..., PACKAGE = packageName()){
+	# create/retrieve a package_options object from .DATA
+	optobj <- as.package_options(PACKAGE)
+	optobj <- getOption(optobj$name)
+	# call the package_options object's options() function
+	optobj$options(...)
+#' \code{listPackageOptions} returns the names of all option 
+#' currently defined with \code{setupPackageOptions}.
+#' @return a character vector (possibly empty).
+#' @export
+#' @rdname options 
+#' @examples
+#' listPackageOptions()
+listPackageOptions <- function(){
+	grep('^package:', names(options()), value=TRUE)
diff --git a/R/package-extra.R b/R/package-extra.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bab2255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/package-extra.R
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# Package extra action registry
+# Author: renaud
+#' @include devutils.R 
+.getExtraEnv <- function(package){
+	if( missing(package) || is.null(package) ) where <- topns(FALSE)
+	else if( isString(package) ) {
+		package <- sub("^package:", "", package)
+		if( package == 'R_GlobalEnv') where <- .GlobalEnv
+		else where <- asNamespace(package)
+	}
+	else stop("Invalid argument `package`: must be missing or a package name.")
+	where
+# extra handler registry
+extra_handlers <- setPackageRegistry('extra_handler', 'function' 
+									, description = 'Handler functions for package-specific extra tasks'
+									, entrydesc = 'extra handler')
+# extra action registry
+extra_actions <- registry()
+extra_actions$set_field("key", type="character", is_key = TRUE, index_FUN = match_exact)
+extra_actions$set_field("package", type="character", is_key = TRUE, index_FUN = match_exact)
+extra_actions$set_field("handler", type='character', is_mandatory=TRUE, is_key=TRUE)
+extra_actions$set_field("args", type='list', default=list())
+extra_actions <- setPackageRegistry('extra_action', extra_actions
+									, description = 'Handler functions for package-specific extra actions'
+									, entrydesc = 'extra action')
+#' Install/Run Extra Things After Standard Package Installation
+#' @description
+#' These functions define a framework to register actions for which default sets of arguments
+#' can be defined when (lazy-)loading a package, and run later on, e.g., after the package 
+#' is installed using dedicated commands.
+#' \code{setPackageExtraHandler} defines main action handler functions, for which 
+#' actions are defined as a set of arguments and registered using \code{setPackageExtra}. 
+#' @param handler name of a handler, e.g, \code{'install'}.
+#' It must be unique across all handlers registered by any other packages.  
+#' @param fun handler function that will be called with the arguments registered
+#' with \code{packageExtra(name, ...)}
+#' @param package package name where to store/look for the internal registries.
+#' End users should not need to use this argument.
+#' @return the runner function associated with the newly registered handler,
+#' as built by \code{packageExtraRunner}.  
+#' @rdname packageExtra
+#' @export
+setPackageExtraHandler <- function(handler, fun, ...){
+	# add entry to the registry
+	setPackageRegistryEntry('extra_handler', handler, fun, ...)
+	# build associated runner
+	runner <- packageExtraRunner(handler)
+#' \code{packageExtraHandler} retrieves a given handler from the registry. 
+#' @param ... extra arguments passed to internal function calls.
+#' In \code{packageExtraHandler}, these are passed to \code{\link{pkgreg_fetch}}.
+#' In \code{setPackageExtra}, these define default arguments for the handler function. 
+#' These are overwritten by arguments in the call to runner function if any.
+#' @rdname packageExtra
+#' @export 
+packageExtraHandler <- function(handler=NULL, ...){
+	# load handler from registry
+	pkgreg_fetch('extra_handler', key=handler, ...)
+#' \code{setPackageExtra} registers extra actions for a given handler.
+#' For example, calling \code{setPackageExtra('install', pkgs='non_CRAN_pkg', repos='http://non-standard-repo')}
+#' in a source file of package 'myPkg' registers the call 
+#' \code{install.packages('non_CRAN_pkg', repos='http://non-standard-repo', ...)}
+#' in a registry internal to the package. 
+#' All calls to \code{setPackageExtra('install', ...)} can then be run by the user, as
+#' a post installation step via \code{install.extrapackages('myPkg', ..)}.
+#' @param extra name of the extra action.
+#' @param .wrap logical that indicates if a function that runs the extra action should
+#' be returned or only the default arguments
+#' @rdname packageExtra
+#' @export
+setPackageExtra <- function(handler, extra, ...){
+	# check that a handler is defined in the registry
+	fhandler <- packageExtraHandler(handler, exact=TRUE, error=FALSE)
+	if( is.null(fhandler) ){
+		handlers <- packageExtraHandler()
+		stop("Could not register action '", extra, "': handler '", handler, "' is not defined"
+				, if( length(handlers) ){
+					str_c(".\n  Available handlers are: ", str_out(handlers, Inf))
+				} else " [handler registry is empty]." )
+	}
+	args <- list(...)
+	pkg <- packageName(topenv(parent.frame()), .Global=TRUE)
+	setPackageRegistryEntry('extra_action', key=extra, handler=handler, args=args
+							, package = pkg 
+							, msg=str_c(" for handler '", handler, "'"))
+.wrapExtra <- function(fhandler, args=list()){
+	# define wrapper function
+	f <- function(...){
+		cl <- match.call()
+		cl[[1L]] <- as.name('fhandler')
+		# add default arguments
+		lapply(names(args), function(a){
+			if( !a %in% names(cl) )
+				cl[[a]] <<- as.name(substitute(a, list(a=a)))
+		})
+		eval(cl)
+	}
+	# set registered arguments as default arguments
+	formals(f) <- c(args, formals(f))
+	f
+#' \code{packageExtra} retrieve a given extra action, either as its registry entry,
+#' or as a function that would perform the given action.
+#' @rdname packageExtra
+#' @export
+packageExtra <- function(handler=NULL, extra=NULL, package=NULL, .wrap=FALSE){
+	# load extra registry
+	extras <- pkgreg_fetch('extra_action', key=extra, handler=handler, package=package
+						, exact=TRUE, all=!.wrap)
+	# return whole registry if no other argument is provided
+	if( missing(handler) || is.null(extra) || !.wrap ) return( extras )
+	args <- extras$args
+	fhandler <- packageExtraHandler(handler, package='pkgmaker')
+	if( is.null(fhandler) ){
+		handlers <- packageExtraHandler(package='pkgmaker')
+		stop("Could not find action handler '", handler, "' in pkgmaker global handler registry.\n"
+				, "  Available handlers are: ", str_out(handlers, Inf))
+	}
+	# define wrapper function
+	.wrapExtra(fhandler, args)		
+#' \code{packageExtraRunner} defines a function to run all or some of the actions registered 
+#' for a given handler in a given package.
+#' For example, the function \code{install.extrapackages} is the runner defined for the extra handler \code{'install'} 
+#' via \code{packageExtraRunner('install')}.
+#' @param .verbose logical that indicates if verbose messages about the extra actions being
+#' run should be displayed.
+#' @rdname packageExtra
+#' @export
+packageExtraRunner <- function(handler){
+	.handler <- handler
+	function(package, extra=NULL, handler=NULL, ..., .verbose=getOption('verbose')){
+		if( missing(handler) ) handler <- .handler
+		.local <- function(p, ...){
+			# load list of extras
+			extras <- packageExtra(handler=handler, extra=extra, package=p)
+			# execute extras
+			sapply(extras, 
+				function(def, ...){
+					e <- def$key
+					h <- def$handler
+					f <- packageExtra(handler=h, extra=e, package=p, .wrap=TRUE)
+					if( .verbose ){
+						message("# Running extra action '", h, ':', e, "' ...")
+						message("# Action: ", str_fun(f))
+						on.exit( message("# ERROR [", e, "]\n") )
+					}
+					res <- f(...)
+					if( .verbose ){
+						on.exit()
+						message("# OK [", e, "]\n")
+					}
+					res
+				}
+			, ...)
+		}
+		invisible(sapply(package, .local, ...))
+	}
+#' \code{install.extrapackages} runs all extra actions registered for a given package.
+#' @rdname packageExtra
+#' @export
+install.extras <- packageExtraRunner(NULL)
+#' \code{install.extrapackages} install sets of packages that can enhance a 
+#' package, but may not be available from CRAN.
+#' \code{install.extrapackages} is defined as the extra handler for 
+#' the extra action handler \code{'install.packages'}.
+#' All arguments in \code{...} are passed to \code{\link{install.packages}}.
+#' By default, packages that are already installed are not re-installed.
+#' An extra argument \code{force} allows to force their installation.
+#' The packages are loaded if their installation is successful. 
+#' @rdname packageExtra
+#' @export
+install.extrapackages <- setPackageExtraHandler('install.packages', 
+	function(pkgs, ..., force=FALSE){
+		res <- sapply(pkgs, function(pkg, ...){
+			if( force || !require.quiet(pkg, character.only=TRUE) ){
+				install.packages(pkg, ...)
+				require(pkg, character.only=TRUE)
+			}else message("Loaded extra package: ", pkg)
+		}, ...)
+	}
diff --git a/R/package.R b/R/package.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f750d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/package.R
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# Package hooks
+# Author: renaud
+# Creation: 26 Jun 2012
+#' @include utils.R
+#' @include devutils.R
+#' @import stats
+#' @import methods
+#' Default Load/Unload Functions
+#' @inheritParams base::.onLoad
+#' @inheritParams base::library.dynam
+#' @export
+#' @rdname load
+#' @examples
+#' # in a package namespace:
+#' .onLoad <- function(libname=NULL, pkgname){
+#' 	pkgmaker::onLoad(libname, pkgname)
+#' }
+onLoad <- function(libname=NULL, pkgname, chname=packageName()){
+	# load compiled library normally or in devmode
+	if( !is.null(libname) ){
+		if( file.exists(packagePath('libs')) ){
+			sapply(chname, library.dynam, package=pkgname, lib.loc=libname)
+		}
+	}else{
+		compile_src() # compile source files and load
+	}
+#' @inheritParams base::.onUnload
+#' @export
+#' @rdname load
+#' @examples
+#' # in a package namespace:
+#' .onUnload <- function(libpath){
+#' 	pkgmaker::onUnload(libpath)
+#' }
+onUnload <- function(libpath) {
+	# unload compiled library normally or in devmode
+	dlls <- base::getLoadedDLLs()
+	pname <- packageName()
+	if ( pname %in%  names(dlls) ){
+		if( !missing(libpath) )	library.dynam.unload(pname, libpath)
+		else dyn.unload(dlls[[pname]][['path']])
+	}
+#' Postponing Actions
+#' This function implement a mechanism to postpone actions, which can be executed
+#' at a later stage.
+#' This is useful when developing packages, where actions that need to be run in the 
+#' \code{link{.onLoad}} function but can be defined close to their context.
+#' @param expr expression that define the action to postpone.
+#' Currently only functions are supported.
+#' @param key identifier for this specific action.
+#' It should be unique across the postponed actions from the same group. 
+#' @param group optional parent action group.
+#' This enables to define meaningful sets of actions that can be run all at once.
+#' @param envir environment in which the action should be executed.
+#' Currently not used.
+#' @param verbose logical that toggles verbose messages.
+#' @import digest
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' opt <- options(verbose=2)
+#' # define actions
+#' postponeAction(function(){print(10)}, "print")
+#' postponeAction(function(){print(1:10)}, "more")
+#' postponeAction()
+#' # execute actions
+#' runPostponedAction()
+#' runPostponedAction()
+#' # restore options
+#' options(opt)
+postponeAction <- function(expr, key=digest(tempfile()), group=NULL, envir=topns(strict=FALSE), verbose=getOption('verbose')){
+	# do not do anything if already running delayed actions
+	if( isRunningPostponedAction() ) return()
+	ns <- topns(strict=FALSE)
+	taskObj <- simpleRegistry('.__delayedTasks__', envir=ns)
+	if( !missing(expr) ){
+		if( missing(key) ){
+			stop("Missing required argument `key` for registering/cancelling delayed action.")
+		}
+		# add group prefix
+		if( !is.null(group) )
+			key <- str_c(group, '::', key)
+		#qe <- if( !is.language(expr) ) substitute(expr) else expr
+		qe <- expr
+		if( verbose ){
+			if( !is.null(qe) ) message("# Postponing action '", key, "'")
+			else{
+				message("# Cancelling postponed action '", key, "'")
+			}
+		}
+		taskObj$set(key, list(action=qe, envir=envir))
+	}else{
+		taskObj$names()
+	}
+#' @rdname postponeAction
+#' @export
+runPostponedAction <- function(group=NULL, verbose=getOption('verbose')){
+	ns <- topns(strict=FALSE)
+	taskObj <- simpleRegistry('.__delayedTasks__', envir=ns)
+	if( verbose ){
+		message("# Executing postponed "
+				, if( !is.null(group) ) paste("'", group, "' ", sep='')
+				, "action(s) in package '"
+				, packageName(ns, .Global=TRUE), "' ... "
+				, appendLF = FALSE)
+	}
+	# set up running flag
+	isRunningPostponedAction(TRUE)
+	on.exit(isRunningPostponedAction(FALSE))
+	#
+	# execute actions
+	t <- taskObj$names()
+	if( !is.null(group) ) t <- grep(str_c("^", group), t, value=TRUE)
+	if( verbose > 1 && length(t) ) message()
+	sapply(t, function(x){
+				act <- taskObj$get(x)
+				if( verbose > 1 ){
+					message("** Action '", x, "' [", packageName(act$envir, .Global=TRUE), ']')
+				}
+				act$action()
+				taskObj$set(x, NULL)
+				#eval(x$expr, x$envir)
+			})
+	if( verbose ) message('OK [', length(t), ']')
+	invisible(length(t))
+# Tells if one is executing deferred tasks via \code{onLoad}
+isRunningPostponedAction <- sVariable(FALSE)
+#' Simple Package Registry
+#' @param name name of the registry object, with which it will
+#' be assigned in \code{envir}.
+#' @param envir environment where to store the registry object.
+#' Defaults to the caller's top environment.
+#' @param verbose logical that toggle a verbose message when 
+#' the object is first created.
+#' @export
+simpleRegistry <- function(name, envir=topenv(parent.frame()), verbose=FALSE){
+	# return stored instance if it exists
+	if( exists(name, envir=envir) ){
+		return( invisible(get(name, envir=envir)) )
+	}
+	if( verbose ) message("# Setup simple registry '", name, "' in ", packageName(envir, .Global=TRUE))
+	.name <- name
+	.envir <- envir
+	.data <- list()
+	.get <- function(x){
+		if( .has(x) ){
+			.data[[x]]
+		}
+	}
+	.set <- function(x, value){
+		if( is.null(value) ){
+			if( .has(x) ){
+				.data[[x]] <<- NULL
+			}
+		}else{
+			.data[[x]] <<- value
+		}
+	}
+	.has <- function(x){
+		x %in% names(.data)
+	}
+	.cleanup <- function(){
+		rm(.name, envir=.envir)
+	}
+	.names <- function(){
+		names(.data)
+	}
+	.length <- function(){
+		length(.data)
+	}
+	.obj <- list(get=.get, set=.set, has=.has
+			, cleanup=.cleanup, names=.names
+			, length = .length)
+	# assign container object
+	assign(.name, .obj, envir=.envir)
+	#
+	invisible(.obj)
+#' Defunct Functions in pkgmaker
+#' These functions have been defunct or superseded by other 
+#' functions. 
+#' @param ... extra arguments
+#' @rdname pkgmaker-defunct
+#' @name pkgmaker-defunct
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/packages.R b/R/packages.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd6927c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/packages.R
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+# Package related functions
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Creation: 29 Jun 2012
+path.protect <- function(...){
+  f <- file.path(...)
+  if( .Platform$OS.type == 'windows' ){
+    f <- gsub("\\\\", "/", f)
+  }
+  paste('"', f, '"', sep='')
+#' Quick Installation of a Source Package
+#' Builds and install a minimal version of a package from its 
+#' source directory.
+#' @param path path to the package source directory
+#' @param destdir installation directory. 
+#' If \code{NULL}, the package is installed in the default installation library.
+#' If \code{NA}, the package is installed in a temporary directory, whose path is returned
+#' as a value.
+#' @param vignettes logical that indicates if the vignettes should be 
+#' rebuilt and installed.
+#' @param force logical that indicates if the package should be installed even if a previous
+#' installation exists in the installation library.
+#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{\link{R.CMD}}
+#' @param lib.loc library specification.
+#' If \code{TRUE} then the installation directory \code{destdir} is added to the default 
+#' library paths.
+#' This can be usefull if dependencies are installed in this directory.
+#' If \code{NULL}, then the default library path is left unchanged.
+#' @return The path of the library where the package was installed.
+#' @export
+quickinstall <- function(path, destdir=NULL, vignettes=FALSE, force=TRUE, ..., lib.loc=if(!is.null(destdir)) TRUE){
+	npath <- normalizePath(path)
+	pkg <- as.package(path)
+  # define installation library
+	nlib <- if( !is.null(destdir) ) destdir
+  else if( is_NA(destdir) ) tempfile("pkglib_")
+  # normalize path
+  if( !is.null(nlib) ){
+    # create direcory if needed
+    if( !is.dir(nlib) ) dir.create(nlib, recursive=TRUE)
+    nlib <- normalizePath(nlib)
+    if( !is.dir(nlib) ){
+      stop("Could not install package '", pkg$package, "': installation directory '", nlib, "' does not exist.")
+    }
+    # add destination directory to default libraries
+    if( isTRUE(lib.loc) ) lib.loc <- unique(c(nlib, .libPaths()))
+  }
+  # setup result string
+	res <- invisible(if( !is.null(destdir) ) nlib else .libPaths()[1L])
+  # early exit if the package already exists in the library (and not forcing install)
+	message("# Check for previous package installation ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
+  if( !is.null(destdir) && is.dir(file.path(nlib, pkg$package)) ){
+    if( !force ){
+      message("YES (skip)")
+      return(res)
+    }
+    message("YES (replace)")
+  }else message("NO")
+	# add lib path
+	ol <- set_libPaths(lib.loc)
+	on.exit(set_libPaths(ol), add=TRUE)
+	message("Using R Libraries: ", str_out(.libPaths(), Inf))
+	owd <- setwd(tempdir())
+	on.exit( setwd(owd), add=TRUE)
+	# build
+	message("# Building package `", pkg$package, "` in '", getwd(), "'")
+	opts <- '--no-manual --no-resave-data '
+	if( !vignettes ){
+        vflag <- if( testRversion('>= 3.0') ) '--no-build-vignettes ' else '--no-vignettes ' 
+        opts <- str_c(opts, vflag)
+    }
+	R.CMD('build', opts, path.protect(npath), ...)
+	spkg <- paste(pkg$package, '_', pkg$version, '.tar.gz', sep='')
+	if( !file.exists(spkg) ) stop('Error in building package `', pkg$package,'`')
+	# install
+	message("# Installing package `", pkg$package, "`"
+          , if( !is.null(destdir) ){
+            tmp <- if( is_NA(destdir) ) 'temporary '
+            str_c("in ", tmp, "'", nlib, "'")
+          })
+  opts_inst <- ' --no-multiarch --no-demo --with-keep.source '
+	if( !vignettes ) opts_inst <- str_c(opts_inst, '--no-docs ')
+	R.CMD('INSTALL', if( !is.null(destdir) ) paste('-l', path.protect(nlib)), opts_inst, path.protect(spkg), ...)
+  # return installation library
+	invisible(res)
+#' Require a Package
+#' Require a package with a custom error message
+#' @param pkg package name as a character string
+#' @param ... extra arguments concatenated to for the header of the 
+#' error message 
+#' @export
+requirePackage <- function(pkg, ...){
+	if( !require(pkg, character.only=TRUE) ){
+		if( nargs() > 1L ) stop(..., " requires package(s) ", str_out(pkg))
+		else stop("Could not find required package(s) ", str_out(pkg))
+	}
+parse_deps <- function (string) 
+	if (is.null(string)) 
+		return()
+	string <- gsub("\\s*\\(.*?\\)", "", string)
+	pieces <- strsplit(string, ",")[[1]]
+	pieces <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", pieces)
+	pieces[pieces != "R"]
+#' List Package Dependencies
+#' @param x path to package source directory or file.
+#' @param all logical that indicates if all dependencies should be returned,
+#' or only the required ones.
+#' @param as.list logical that indicates if the result should be a list with one element
+#' per type of dependency.
+#' @param available a matrix of available packages (as returned by \code{\link{available.packages}}), 
+#' from which the dependencies are retrieved.
+#' This means that there must be a row for the package \code{x}.
+#' @export
+packageDependencies <- function(x, all = TRUE, as.list = FALSE, available = NULL){
+    if( is.null(available) ) x <- as.package(x, extract = TRUE)
+    else{
+        p <- available[, 'Package']
+        if( !x %in% p ) return(NA)
+        x <- available[p == x, , drop = FALSE][1L, ]
+        names(x) <- tolower(names(x))
+    }
+	d <- lapply(x[c('depends', 'imports', 'linkingto', 'suggests')], parse_deps)
+	d <- unlist(d)
+    d <- d[!is.na(d)]
+    if( !length(d) ) return()
+    names(d) <- gsub("[0-9]+$", "", names(d))
+    # remove non-required
+    if( !all ) d <- d[!names(d) %in% c('suggests')]    
+    if( as.list ) d <- split(unname(d), names(d))
+    d
+.biocLite <- function(...){
+	# install BiocInstaller if necessary
+	if( !require.quiet('BiocInstaller') ){
+		message("Installing biocLite")
+		source('http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R')
+	}
+	f <- get('biocLite', 'package:BiocInstaller')
+	f(...)
+#' Installing All Package Dependencies
+#' Install all dependencies from a package source directory or 
+#' package source file. 
+#' @param pkg package path or source file
+#' @param all logical that indicates if 'Suggests' packages
+#' should be installed.
+#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{\link{install.packages}}.
+#' @param dryrun logical that indicates if the packages should be 
+#' effectively installed or only shown. 
+#' @export
+#' @examples 
+#' try( install.dependencies('Matrix', dryrun=TRUE) )
+#' \dontrun{
+#' install.dependencies("mypackage_1.0.tar.gz", dryrun=TRUE)
+#' }
+install.dependencies <- function (pkg = NULL, all=FALSE, ..., dryrun=FALSE) 
+	pkg <- as.package(pkg, extract=TRUE)
+	deps <- c(parse_deps(pkg$depends)
+			, parse_deps(pkg$imports) 
+			, parse_deps(pkg$linkingto)
+			, if( isTRUE(all) ) parse_deps(pkg$suggests) )
+	not.installed <- function(x) length(find.package(x, quiet = TRUE)) == 0
+	message("Package dependencies for ", pkg$package, ": ", str_out(deps, Inf))
+	deps <- Filter(not.installed, deps)
+	if (length(deps) == 0){
+		message("Missing: none")
+		return(invisible())
+	}
+	message("Missing: ", str_out(deps, Inf))
+	message("Installing ", length(deps), " dependencies for ", pkg$package)
+	if( !dryrun ){
+		.biocLite(deps, ...)
+	}
+	invisible(deps)
+#' Setting Mirrors and Repositories
+#' \code{setBiocMirror} sets all Bioconductor repositories (software, data, 
+#' annotation, etc.).
+#' so that they are directly available to \code{\link{install.packages}}.
+#' It differs from \code{\link{chooseBioCmirror}} in that it effectively enables 
+#' the repositories.
+#' @param url or Bioconductor mirror url
+#' @param version version number
+#' @param unique logical that indicate if duplicated urls or names should be 
+#' removed.
+#' @rdname mirrors
+#' @export 
+setBiocMirror <- function(url='http://www.bioconductor.org', version=NULL, unique=TRUE){
+    #get all bioconductor repos      
+    biocRepos <- getBiocRepos(url, version)
+	repos <- c(biocRepos, getOption('repos'))
+	if( unique ){
+		nam <- names(repos)
+		repos <- repos[!duplicated(repos) & (!duplicated(nam) | nam=='')]
+	}
+    options(repos=repos)
+#' \code{getBiocMirror} is a shortcut for \code{getOption('BioC_mirror')}, which 
+#' returns the current Bioconductor mirror as used by \code{biocLite}.
+#' @export
+#' @rdname mirrors
+getBiocMirror <- function(){
+	getOption('BioC_mirror')
+#' \code{getBiocRepos} returns urls to all Bioconductor repositories on a 
+#' given mirror.
+#' @export
+#' @rdname mirrors
+getBiocRepos <- function(url='http://www.bioconductor.org', version=NULL){
+	if( is.null(url) ){
+		url <- getBiocMirror()
+		if( is.null(url) )
+			stop("No Bioconductor mirror was setup. Use `setBiocMirror`.")
+	}
+	## BioConductor CRAN-style repositories.
+	## The software repo (bioc) _must_ be the first element.
+	biocParts <- c(
+			bioc='bioc'
+			, biocData='data/annotation'
+			, biocExp='data/experiment'
+			, biocExtra='extra'
+    )
+	# define version suffix for bioconductor repo
+	if( is.null(version) ){
+		assoc <- list(`2`=c(7L, 2L))
+		Rv <- as.integer(sub("([0-9]+).*", "\\1", R.version$minor))
+		offset <- assoc[[R.version$major]]
+	    version <- paste(R.version$major, offset[2L] + Rv - offset[1L], sep='.')
+	}
+	#add version suffix for bioconductor repo
+    setNames(paste(url, 'packages', version, biocParts, sep='/'), names(biocParts))
+#' \code{setCRANMirror} sets the preferred CRAN mirror.
+#' @rdname mirrors
+#' @export
+setCRANMirror <- function(url=CRAN, unique=TRUE){
+	repos <- c(CRAN=url, getOption('repos'))
+	if( unique ){
+		nam <- names(repos)
+		repos <- repos[!duplicated(repos) & (!duplicated(nam) | nam=='')]
+	}
+    options(repos=repos)
+#' \code{CRAN} simply contains the url of CRAN main mirror 
+#' (\url{http://cran.r-project.org}), and aims at simplifying its use, e.g., in 
+#' calls to \code{\link{install.packages}}.
+#' @rdname mirrors
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' install.packages('pkgmaker', repos=CRAN)
+#' }
+CRAN <- 'http://cran.r-project.org'
+#' Adding Package Libraries
+#' Prepend/append paths to the library path list, using \code{\link{.libPaths}}.
+#' This function is meant to be more convenient than \code{.libPaths}, which requires 
+#' more writing if one wants to:
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item sequentially add libraries;
+#' \item append and not prepend new path(s);
+#' \item keep the standard user library in the search path.
+#' }
+#' @param ... paths to add to .libPath
+#' @param append logical that indicates that the paths should be appended
+#' rather than prepended.
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' ol <- .libPaths()
+#' # called sequentially, .libPaths only add the last library
+#' show( .libPaths('.') )
+#' show( .libPaths(tempdir()) )
+#' # restore
+#' .libPaths(ol)
+#' # .libPaths does not keep the standard user library
+#' show( .libPaths() ) 
+#' show( .libPaths('.') )
+#' # restore
+#' .libPaths(ol)
+#' # with add_lib
+#' show( add_lib('.') )
+#' show( add_lib(tempdir()) )
+#' show( add_lib('..', append=TRUE) )
+#' # restore 
+#' .libPaths(ol)
+add_lib <- function(..., append=FALSE){
+	p <- 
+	if( append ) c(.libPaths(), ...)
+	else c(..., .libPaths())
+	.libPaths(p)
+#' Package Check Utils
+#' \code{isCRANcheck} \strong{tries} to identify if one is running CRAN-like checks.
+#' Currently \code{isCRANcheck} returns \code{TRUE} if the check is run with 
+#' either environment variable \code{_R_CHECK_TIMINGS_} (as set by flag \code{'--timings'})
+#' or \code{_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMINGS_} (as set by flag \code{'--as-cran'}).
+#' \strong{Warning:} the checks performed on CRAN check machines are on purpose not always 
+#' run with such flags, so that users cannot effectively "trick" the checks.
+#' As a result, there is no guarantee this function effectively identifies such checks.
+#' If really needed for honest reasons, CRAN recommends users rely on custom dedicated environment 
+#' variables to enable specific tests or examples.
+#' @param ... each argument specifies a set of tests to do using an AND operator.
+#' The final result tests if any of the test set is true.
+#' Possible values are:
+#' \describe{
+#' \item{\code{'timing'}}{Check if the environment variable \code{_R_CHECK_TIMINGS_} is set, 
+#' as with the flag \code{'--timing'} was set.}
+#' \item{\code{'cran'}}{Check if the environment variable \code{_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_} is set, 
+#' as with the flag \code{'--as-cran'} was set.}
+#' }
+#' @references Adapted from the function \code{CRAN}
+#' in the \pkg{fda} package.
+#' @export
+isCRANcheck <- function(...){
+  tests <- list(...)
+  if( !length(tests) ){ #default tests
+	  tests <- list('timing', 'cran')
+  }
+  test_sets <- c(timing="_R_CHECK_TIMINGS_", cran='_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_')
+  tests <- sapply(tests, function(x){
+			  # convert named tests
+			  if( length(i <- which(x %in% names(test_sets))) ){
+				  y <- test_sets[x[i]]
+				  x <- x[-i]
+				  x <- c(x, y)
+			  }
+			  # get environment variables
+			  evar <- unlist(sapply(x, Sys.getenv))
+			  all(nchar(as.character(evar)) > 0)
+		  })
+  any(tests)
+#' \code{isCRAN_timing} tells if one is running CRAN check with flag \code{'--timing'}.
+#' @export
+#' @rdname isCRANcheck
+isCRAN_timing <- function() isCRANcheck('timing')
+#' \code{isCHECK} tries harder to test if running under \code{R CMD check}.
+#' It will definitely identifies check runs for: 
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item unit tests that use the unified unit test framework defined by \pkg{pkgmaker} (see \code{\link{utest}});
+#' \item examples that are run with option \code{R_CHECK_RUNNING_EXAMPLES_ = TRUE}, 
+#' which is automatically set for man pages generated with a fork of \pkg{roxygen2} (see \emph{References}).
+#' }
+#' Currently, \code{isCHECK} checks both CRAN expected flags, the value of environment variable
+#' \code{_R_CHECK_RUNNING_UTESTS_}, and the value of option \code{R_CHECK_RUNNING_EXAMPLES_}.
+#' It will return \code{TRUE} if any of these environment variables is set to 
+#' anything not equivalent to \code{FALSE}, or if the option is \code{TRUE}.
+#' For example, the function \code{\link{utest}} sets it to the name of the package  
+#' being checked (\code{_R_CHECK_RUNNING_UTESTS_=<pkgname>}), 
+#' but unit tests run as part of unit tests vignettes are run with 
+#' \code{_R_CHECK_RUNNING_UTESTS_=FALSE}, so that all tests are run and reported when 
+#' generating them.
+#' @references \url{https://github.com/renozao/roxygen2}
+#' @rdname isCRANcheck
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' isCHECK()
+isCHECK <- function(){
+	isCRANcheck() ||  # known CRAN check flags
+            !isFALSE(utestCheckMode()) ||  # unit test-specific flag
+            isTRUE(getOption('R_CHECK_RUNNING_EXAMPLES_')) # roxygen generated example flag
+#' System Environment Variables
+#' @param name variable name as a character string.
+#' @param raw logical that indicates if one should return the raw value or
+#' the convertion of any false value to \code{FALSE}.
+#' @return the value of the environment variable as a character string or 
+#' \code{NA} is the variable is not defined \strong{at all}.
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' # undefined returns FALSE
+#' Sys.getenv_value('TOTO')
+#' # raw undefined returns NA
+#' Sys.getenv_value('TOTO', raw = TRUE)
+#' Sys.setenv(TOTO='bla')
+#' Sys.getenv_value('TOTO')
+#' # anything false-like returns FALSE
+#' Sys.setenv(TOTO='false'); Sys.getenv_value('TOTO')
+#' Sys.setenv(TOTO='0'); Sys.getenv_value('TOTO')
+#' # cleanup
+#' Sys.unsetenv('TOTO')
+Sys.getenv_value <- function(name, raw = FALSE){
+    val <- Sys.getenv(name, unset = NA, names = FALSE)
+    if( raw ) return(val)
+    # convert false values to FALSE if required
+    if( is.na(val) || !nchar(val) || identical(tolower(val), 'false') || val == '0' ){
+        val <- FALSE
+    }
+    val
+checkMode_function <- function(varname){
+    .varname <- varname
+    function(value, raw = FALSE){
+        if( missing(value) ) Sys.getenv_value(.varname, raw = raw)
+        else{
+            old <- Sys.getenv_value(.varname, raw = TRUE)
+            if( is_NA(value) ) Sys.unsetenv(.varname) # unset
+            else do.call(Sys.setenv, setNames(list(value), .varname)) # set value
+            # return old value
+            old	
+        }	
+    }
+utestCheckMode <- checkMode_function('_R_CHECK_RUNNING_UTESTS_')
diff --git a/R/project.R b/R/project.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d9a384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/project.R
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# Utils for R package projects
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Created: May 1, 2013
+find_devpackage <- function (x) 
+	is_package_path <- function(x, check=FALSE) {
+		if (is.null(x)) return(FALSE)
+		x <- normalizePath(x, mustWork = FALSE)
+		x <- gsub("\\\\$", "", x)
+		desc_path <- file.path(x, "DESCRIPTION")
+		if( !check ){
+			file.exists(x) && file.exists(desc_path)
+		}else{
+			if (!file.exists(x)) {
+				stop("Can't find directory ", x, call. = FALSE)
+			}
+			if (!file.info(x)$isdir) {
+				stop(x, " is not a directory", call. = FALSE)
+			}
+			desc_path <- file.path(x, "DESCRIPTION")
+			if (!file.exists(desc_path)) {
+				stop("No DESCRIPTION file found in ", x, call. = FALSE)
+			}
+			TRUE
+		}
+	}
+	if (is_package_path(x)) {
+		return(x)
+	}
+	config_path <- "~/.Rpackages"
+	if (!file.exists(config_path)) {
+		return(NULL)
+	}
+	config_path <- path.expand(config_path)
+	lookup <- source(config_path)$value
+	if (is_package_path(lookup[[x]])) {
+		return(lookup[[x]])
+	}
+	if (!is.null(lookup$default)) {
+		default_loc <- lookup$default(x)
+		if (is_package_path(default_loc, check=TRUE)) {
+			return(default_loc)
+		}
+	}
+is_Mac <- function(check.gui=FALSE){
+	is.mac <- (length(grep("darwin", R.version$platform)) > 0)
+	# return TRUE is running on Mac (adn optionally through GUI)
+	is.mac && (!check.gui || .Platform$GUI == 'AQUA')
+R_OS <- function(){
+	if( is_Mac() ) 'MacOS'
+	else .Platform$OS.type
+packageMakefile <- function(package=NULL, template=NULL, temp = FALSE, print = TRUE){
+	capture.output(suppressMessages({
+		library(pkgmaker)
+#		library(methods)
+		library(devtools)					
+	}))
+#	defMakeVar <- pkgmaker::defMakeVar
+#	subMakeVar <- pkgmaker::subMakeVar
+	project_path <- getwd()
+	project_name <- basename(project_path)
+	subproject_path_part <- ''
+	if( is.null(package) || isString(package) ){
+		if( isString(package) && !nzchar(package) ) package <- NULL
+		lookup_dir <- c('pkg', '.')
+		if( !is.null(package) ){
+			lookup_dir <- c(lookup_dir, file.path('pkg', package))
+			subproject_path_part <- file.path(package, '')
+		}
+		pdir <- file.path(lookup_dir, 'DESCRIPTION')
+		if( !length(sd <- which(is.file(pdir))) ){
+			stop("Could not detect package source directory")
+		}
+		package <- pdir[sd[1L]]
+	}
+	package <- normalizePath(package)
+	p <- pkg <- as.package(dirname(package));
+	pdir <- package_dir <- p[['path']];
+	## create makefile from template
+	# load template makefile
+	if( is.null(template) ){
+		template <- packagePath('package.mk', package='pkgmaker')
+	}
+	l <- paste(readLines(template), collapse="\n")
+	# user
+	cuser <- Sys.info()["user"]
+	l <- defMakeVar('AUTHOR_USER', cuser, l)
+	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE', pkg$package, l)
+	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_PATH', package_dir, l)
+	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_PROJECT', project_name, l)
+	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_PROJECT_PATH', project_path, l)
+	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_SUBPROJECT_PATH_PART', subproject_path_part, l)
+	# R_BIN
+	l <- subMakeVar('R_BIN', R.home('bin'), l)
+	pkg_targz <- paste0(p[['package']], '_', p[['version']], '.tar.gz')
+	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_TAR_GZ', pkg_targz, l)
+	l <- defMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_OS', R_OS(), l)
+	#
+    # auto-conf variables
+    init_var <- list(version = pkg$version)
+    if( is.dir(file.path(package_dir, 'vignettes')) ) 
+        init_var <- c(init_var, has_vignettes=TRUE)
+    # dump variables
+    if( length(init_var) ){
+        init_var <- setNames(init_var, paste0('R_PACKAGE_', toupper(names(init_var))))
+        init_var_str <- str_out(init_var, Inf, use.names = TRUE, sep = "\n")
+        l <- subMakeVar('INIT_CHECKS', init_var_str, l)
+    }
+	rlibs <- ''
+    if( is.dir(devlib <- file.path(dirname(pdir), 'lib')) ){
+		rlibs <- paste0("R_LIBS=", devlib, ' ')
+	}
+    l <- subMakeVar('R_LIBS', rlibs, l)
+	#
+	# create makefile
+	mk <- if( temp ) tempfile('package_', tmpdir='.', fileext='.mk') else 'package.mk'
+	cat(l, file=mk)
+	if ( print ){
+		cat(mk)
+	}
+	invisible(l)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/rd.R b/R/rd.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6700969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/rd.R
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Rd utility functions
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Created: Mar 25, 2013
+#getRdFile <- function(topic, package=NULL){
+#	help_call <- substitute(help(topic, package = package, try.all.packages = TRUE), 
+#			list(topic = topic, package = package))
+#	eval(help_call)
+# Borrowed from tools:::RdTags
+RdTags <- function (Rd) 
+    res <- sapply(Rd, attr, "Rd_tag")
+    if (!length(res)) 
+        res <- character()
+    res
+#' @importFrom tools Rd_db 
+getRdTag <- function(topic, tag, package){
+	# extract topic
+	#rd <- utils:::.getHelpFile(file=getRdFile(topic, package=package))
+    rd <- Rd_db(package=package)
+    found <- FALSE
+    i <- sapply(rd, function(x){
+        if( found ) return()
+        tags <- RdTags(x)
+        w <- which(tags == "\\alias")
+        if( length(w <- which(sapply(x[w], function(a) a[[1]] == topic))) ){
+            found <<- TRUE
+            rd
+        }else NULL
+    })
+    if( !found ) stop("Could not find topic '", topic, "' in package '", package, "'")
+    w <- which(!sapply(i, is.null))
+    topic_rd <- rd[[w[1L]]]
+    tags <- RdTags(topic_rd)
+    if( !length(w <- which(tags == tag)) )
+        stop("Could not find tag '", tag, "' in help topic ", package, "::", topic)
+    topic_rd[w]
+#' Format Rd Sections into LatTeX
+#' This function extract sections from Rd files and convert them into 
+#' LaTeX code. 
+#' This can be useful to include Rd text into vignettes, hence keeping them 
+#' up to date.
+#' @section Example section: This is a nice section, with a bullet list: 
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item tata
+#' \item toto
+#' }
+#' @param topic Rd topic
+#' @param package package in which to search the topic
+#' @param i index of the section to format
+#' @param notitle logical that indicates if the section's title should be removed
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' RdSection2latex('RdSection2latex', package = 'pkgmaker')
+RdSection2latex <- function(topic, package, i=1L, notitle=TRUE){
+	rdsec <- getRdTag(topic, tag="\\section", package = package)
+	if( !length(rdsec) ) return()
+	ltx <- capture.output(tools::Rd2latex(rdsec[i], fragment=TRUE))
+	if( notitle ){
+		parts <- stringr::str_match(ltx, "\\{Section\\}")
+		w <- which(!is.na(parts[, 1]))
+		ltx <- ltx[seq(w[1]+1, tail(w, 1)-1)]
+	}
+	ltx <- paste(ltx, collapse="\n")
+	# remove link commands
+	ltx <- gsub("\\\\LinkA\\{([^}]+)\\}\\{([^}]+)\\}", "\\2", ltx)
+	cat(ltx)
+	invisible()
diff --git a/R/registry.R b/R/registry.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ae237e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/registry.R
@@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
+# Registry utility functions
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Creation: 25 Apr 2012
+#' @include devutils.R
+#' @include is.R
+#' Fix Registry Access Functions 
+#' Fixes some of the member functions for registry objects, as defined in the 
+#' \pkg{registry} package.
+#' The main fixed issue is due to the fact that key filtering does not return 
+#' the correct entry, when an entry key is a prefix of another entry key,
+#' even when passed the exact key. 
+#' @param regobj registry object
+#' @family registry-internals
+#' @keywords internal
+fix_registry <- function(regobj){
+	# get private environment
+	.REGENV <- environment(environment(regobj$n_of_entries)$f)
+	# do not fix twice
+	if( isFixed <- exists('.isFixed', .REGENV, inherits=FALSE) ){
+		return(regobj)
+	}
+#	message("REGENV:\n", capture.output(print(ls(.REGENV, all=TRUE))))
+#	message("env(delete_entry)\n", capture.output(print(ls(environment(environment(regobj$delete_entry)$f), all=TRUE))))
+	# dummy variables for R CMD check
+	.get_entry_indices <-  
+	.get_entry_names <- 
+	DATA <- 
+	.delete_entry <- 
+	# .get_entries
+	.get_entries <- get('.get_entries', .REGENV, inherits=FALSE)
+	.get_fields <- get('.get_fields', .REGENV, inherits=FALSE)
+	hook <- function(...){
+		# remove fields that are not keys
+		fld <- .get_fields()
+		if( length(fld) ){
+			keyfield <- names(fld[sapply(fld, function(x) isTRUE(x$is_key) )])
+			index_fields <- list(...)
+			if( !is.null(names(index_fields)) ){
+				i <- match(keyfield, names(index_fields))
+				index_fields <- index_fields[i[!is.na(i)]]
+			}
+		}
+		do.call(.get_entries, index_fields)
+	}
+	assign('.get_entries', hook, .REGENV)
+	#
+	# fix bug in delete_entry
+	hook <- function(...){
+		key <- list(...)
+		isString <- function(x) is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L
+		if( length(key) == 1L && isString(key[[1L]]) ){
+			errmsg <- paste0("Could not delete entry '", key[[1L]],"': ")
+			if (!PERMISSIONS["delete_entries"]) 
+				stop(errmsg, "deletion of entries denied due to restricted permissions.", call. = FALSE)
+			entry_index <- .get_entry_indices(key)
+			# fix: check for exact match (on full key)
+			if( key[[1L]] %in% .get_entry_names() ){
+				entry_index <- match(key[[1L]], .get_entry_names())
+			}
+			#end_fix
+			if( !length(entry_index) ){
+#				if( !quiet ) warning(errmsg, "not in registry.", immediate.=TRUE, call. = FALSE)
+				return()
+			}
+			if (length(entry_index) != 1)
+				stop(errmsg, "multiple matches.", call. = FALSE)
+			if (entry_index %in% SEALED_ENTRIES) 
+				stop(errmsg, "deletion of entry not allowed in sealed registry.", call. = FALSE)
+			DATA[entry_index] <<- NULL
+		} else .delete_entry(...)
+	}
+	environment(hook) <- .REGENV
+	regobj$delete_entry <- hook
+	#
+	# fix bug in get_entry
+	hook <- function(...){
+		key <- list(...)
+		isString <- function(x) is.character(x) && length(x) == 1L
+		if( length(key) == 1L && isString(key[[1L]]) ){
+			res <- .get_entries(...)
+			if( key[[1L]] %in% names(res) )
+				res[[key[[1L]]]]
+			else res[[1L]] 
+		}else .get_entries(...)[[1]]
+	}
+	environment(hook) <- .REGENV
+	regobj$get_entry <- hook
+	#
+	# flag the registry as fixed
+	assign('.isFixed', TRUE, .REGENV)
+	# return fixed registry
+	regobj
+testreg <- function(){
+	regobj <- registry()
+	regobj$set_field("X", type = TRUE)
+	regobj$set_field("Y", type = "character")
+	regobj$set_field("index", type = "character", is_key = TRUE,
+			index_FUN = match_partial_ignorecase)
+	# fix
+	regobj <- fix_registry(regobj)
+	regobj$set_entry(X = TRUE, Y = "bla", index = "test")
+	regobj$set_entry(X = TRUE, Y = "bloblo", index = "test2")
+	regobj$set_entry(X = FALSE, Y = "foo", index = c("test", "bar"))
+	regobj
+#' Creates or Retrieves a Package Meta Registry
+#' This function is used in \code{\link{setPackageRegistry}} and 
+#' \code{\link{packageRegistry}} to create or query meta registries.
+#' @keywords internal
+.packageMetaRegistry <- function(package, quiet=FALSE, create=FALSE){
+#	library(registry)
+	metaregname <- '.packageRegistry'
+	# get package environment
+	e <- packageEnv(package)	
+	# get namespace name
+	nm <- packageName(e)
+	# create registry environment if necessary
+	if( !exists(metaregname, e, inherits=FALSE) ){
+		if( !create ){
+			if( quiet ) return(NULL)
+			# throw error
+			stop("Meta registry in package `", nm, "` does not exist.")
+		}
+#		if( !isLoadingNamespace(e) ){
+#			stop("Can only create a package meta-registry when loading it"
+#				," [loading namespace: ", if(!is.null(ns <- getLoadingNamespace()) ) ns else 'none', "].")
+#		}
+		message("Creating meta registry in package '", nm, "' ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
+		# create registry object with special classes for the registry and entries
+		meta <- registry(c(paste('package', nm, 'subregistry', sep='_'), 'package_subregistry')
+				, c(paste('package', nm, 'metaregistry', sep='_'), 'package_metaregistry'))
+		## set fields
+		# access key
+		meta$set_field("key", type="character", is_key = TRUE, index_FUN = match_exact)
+		# sub-registry object
+		meta$set_field("regobj", type="registry", is_mandatory = TRUE)
+		# human readable description
+		meta$set_field("description", type="character", is_mandatory = TRUE)
+		# short object description
+		meta$set_field("entrydesc", type="character", is_mandatory = TRUE)
+		# parent package = owner of the primary registry
+		meta$set_field("parent", type="character", default = '')
+		# owner package (its value is forced)
+		meta$set_field("package", type="character", default = nm, alternatives=nm)
+		#
+		# fix registry
+		meta <- fix_registry(meta)
+		# add package attribute
+		attr(meta, 'package') <- nm
+		# store within the calling package environment
+		assign(metaregname,  meta, envir = e)
+		message('OK')
+	}
+	# get package meta registry
+	get(metaregname, envir=e, inherits = FALSE)
+#' Package Registry
+#' \code{packageRegistry} provides ways to create query package specific 
+#' registries.
+#' Package registries are organised in a meta-registry (a registry of registries) within a package's namespace. 
+#' Each registry can be used to store sets of built-in or user-defined objects 
+#' in an organised way, e.g. algorithms or datasets.
+#' A package meta-registry is a \code{\link[registry:regobj]{registry}} object,
+#' whose entries are \code{\link[registry:regobj]{registry}} objects themselves.
+#' A sub-registry entry is defined by the following fields:
+#' \describe{
+#' \item{key}{The sub-registry's accession key/identifier (a character string).}
+#' \item{regobj}{The sub-registry itself (a \code{registry} object)}
+#' \item{description}{Human readable description of the purpose of the registry (a character string)}
+#' \item{description}{Short human readable description of the type of entries (a character string)}
+#' \item{package}{owner package, which is forced to be the package in which the meta registry
+#' is defined.}
+#' \item{parent}{The name of the package that holds the parent registry, which we 
+#' call the primary package.
+#' This field is non empty for cross-package registries, i.e. registries that 
+#' derive from primary package's own registry.
+#' Their entries are defined when (lazy-)loading the dependent package's namespace.}
+#' }
+#' Note that this function cannot be called from the global environment, but from 
+#' a package namespace, e.g., when a package is lazy-loaded on installation or loaded
+#' via the function \code{\link[devtools]{load_all}} from the \pkg{devtools} package.  
+#' @param regname Name of a sub-registry, used as its identifier.
+#' @param quiet a logical that indicates that one should return the (meta-)registry if it exists, 
+#' or \code{NULL} otherwise, without throwing any error.
+#' @param entry logical that indicates if the corresponding meta registry entry should 
+#' be directly returned, without any other processing.
+#' @param update logical that indicates if the package registry should be updated, by adding/removing 
+#' entries from other loaded/unloaded packages. 
+#' @param package package where to store or look for the registry.
+#' @return a \code{\link[registry:regobj]{registry}} object or \code{NULL} (see argument 
+#' \code{quiet}).
+#' @import registry
+#' @rdname registry
+#' @export
+packageRegistry <- function(regname=NULL, quiet=FALSE, entry=FALSE, update=!entry, package=topenv(parent.frame())){
+#	library(registry)
+	metaregname <- '.packageRegistry'
+	name <- regname
+	# get package environment
+	e <- packageEnv(package)	
+	# get namespace name
+	nm <- packageName(e)
+	# get package meta-registry
+	pkgreg <- .packageMetaRegistry(package, quiet)
+	# return meta registry if no name is specified
+	if( is.null(name) )	return(pkgreg)
+	else{
+		if( is.null(pkgreg) ){
+			if( quiet ) return(NULL)
+			# throw error
+			stop("Could not find registry '", name, "' in package `", nm, "`: meta registry does not exist.")	
+		} 
+		# retrieve sub-registry entry
+		nm <- packageSlot(pkgreg) 
+		reg <- regfetch(pkgreg, key=name, exact=TRUE, error=FALSE)
+		if( is.null(reg) ){# not found
+			if( quiet ) return(NULL)
+			# throw error
+			stop("Could not find registry `", name, "` in package `", nm, "`.")
+		}else{
+			# synchronise and substitute by primary sub-registry (if necessary)
+			if( update ) reg <- .update_pkgreg(reg)
+			# return plain registry entry if requested
+			if( entry )	return(reg)
+			# return sub-registry object
+			reg$regobj
+		}
+	}
+.update_pkgreg <- local({
+	.cacheNS <- list()
+	.cacheMD5 <- list()
+	function(regentry){
+		verbose <- getOption('verbose')
+		# directly return entry if:
+		# - one is loading the namespace of the package (primary or not)
+		if( isLoadingNamespace(regentry$package) ) return(regentry) 		
+		# - not a primary registry
+		if( nchar(regentry$parent) > 0L ) return(regentry)
+		primary <- regentry$package
+		primaryreg <- regentry$regobj
+		key <- regentry$key
+		fullkey <- str_c(primary, '::', key)
+		# sync if loaded packages changed
+		hash <- digest(c(.cacheNS[[fullkey]], ns <- loadedNamespaces()))
+#		print(ns)
+#		print(.cacheNS)
+		if( !identical(hash, .cacheMD5[[fullkey]]) ){
+			if( verbose ) message('Updating registry ', fullkey, " ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
+			# remove entries from unloaded packages
+			if( length(.cacheNS[[fullkey]]) && length(notloaded <- setdiff(.cacheNS[[fullkey]], ns)) ){
+				ndel <- sapply(notloaded, function(p){
+					if( verbose > 1L ) message("\n Removing entries from package ", p, " ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
+					e <- primaryreg$get_entry_names()
+					n <- sapply(e, function(x){
+						rec <- primaryreg$get_entry(x)
+						if( rec$REGISTERINGpackage == p ){
+							primaryreg$delete_entry(x)
+							1L
+						}else 0L
+					})
+					if( verbose > 1L ) message('OK [', sum(n), ']')
+					sum(n)
+				})
+			}
+			# list packages that have local versions of this registry
+			reglist <- packageRegistries(fullkey)
+#			print(reglist)
+			pkgs <- names(reglist)
+			# add entries from new packages into the primary registry
+			if( length(miss <- setdiff(pkgs, .cacheNS[[fullkey]])) ){
+				nadd <- sapply(miss, function(p){
+					if( verbose > 1L ) message("\n Adding entries from package ", p, " ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
+					reg <- packageRegistry(fullkey, package=p)
+					e <- reg$get_entries()
+					n <- sapply(e, function(x){
+						# add entry if it does not exists already
+						oldentry <- regfetch(primaryreg, KEYS=x, exact=TRUE, error=FALSE)
+						if( is.null(oldentry) ){
+							do.call(primaryreg$set_entry, x)
+							1L
+						}else 0L				
+					})
+					if( verbose > 1L ) message('OK [', sum(n), ']')
+					sum(n)
+				})
+			}
+			# store contributing packages and MD5 hash
+			.cacheNS[[fullkey]] <<- pkgs
+			.cacheMD5[[fullkey]] <<- digest(c(.cacheNS[[fullkey]], ns)) 
+			if( verbose ) message('OK')
+		}
+		regentry
+	}
+#' \code{packageRegistries} lists registries from loaded packages.
+#' @param primary logical that indicates if only primary registries 
+#' should be listed.
+#' @rdname registry
+#' @export
+packageRegistries <- function(regname=NULL, package=NULL, primary=FALSE){
+	lns <- loadedNamespaces()
+	if( !is.null(package) ) lns <- lns[lns %in% package]
+	# early exit if no namespace
+	if( !length(lns) ) return( character() )
+	res <- lapply(lns, function(ns){
+		reg <- packageRegistry(package=ns, quiet=TRUE)
+		if( is.null(reg) ) return( character() )
+		regnames <- reg$get_entry_names()
+		res <- setNames(regnames, rep(ns, length(regnames)))
+		if( primary ){
+			pr <- sapply(res, function(n) reg$get_entry(n)$parent)
+			res <- res[ nchar(pr) == 0L ]
+		}
+		res
+	})
+	res <- unlist(res)			
+	if( !is.null(regname) ){
+		res <- res[res == regname]
+		if( primary && length(res) > 1L ){
+			warning("Package registry - Found multiple primary registries '", regname, "' in packages "
+					, str_out(res, Inf), " [using first one only]")
+			res <- res[1L]
+		}
+	}
+	res
+#' \code{hasPackageRegistry} tells if a given package has a meta-registry or 
+#' a given registry. 
+#' @rdname registry
+#' @export
+hasPackageRegistry <- function(regname=NULL, package){
+	isNamespaceLoaded(package) && !is.null( packageRegistry(regname, package=package, quiet=TRUE, entry=TRUE) )
+#' @S3method format package_subregistry
+format.package_subregistry <- function(x, ...){
+	c(Key = x$key
+	, Description = x$description
+	, Entries = x$regobj$n_of_entries()
+	, Parent = x$parent)	
+#' @S3method format package_metaregistry
+format.package_metaregistry <- function(x, ...){
+	rec <- x$get_entries()
+	data.frame(t(sapply(rec, base::format, ...))[, -1L, drop=FALSE])	 
+#' @S3method print package_metaregistry
+print.package_metaregistry <- function(x, ...){	
+	NextMethod('print') #registry:::print.registry(x)
+	print(format(x, ...))
+#' @S3method xtable package_metaregistry 
+#' @importFrom xtable xtable
+xtable.package_metaregistry <- function(x, ...){
+	d <- format(x)
+	xtable::xtable(d, ...)
+#' \code{setPackageRegistry} creates a package-specific registry within a package.
+#' Each package sub-registry has its own set of fields.
+#' Sub-registries defined by passing a character string in argument \code{regobj} of 
+#' \code{setPackageRegistry} have the following fields: \code{'key'} and \code{'object'}
+#' @param regobj a \code{\link[registry:regobj]{registry}} object or a single character 
+#' string that indicates the class of the objects that are stored in the 
+#' sub-registry.
+#' See details for the list of the sub-registry's fields in this latter case.
+#' @param description short description line about the registry.
+#' It is recommended to provide such description as it makes clearer the purpose of the 
+#' registry.
+#' This description is shown when the registry object is printed/formated/listed.
+#' @param entrydesc human readable description that is used in log messages 
+#' when registering/removing entries.
+#' @param ... named values used to set extra information about the new registry, that 
+#' are stored in the corresponding fields of the meta-registry.
+#' Currently not used, as no extra field other than \code{'description'} is defined.
+#' @param overwrite a logical that indicate if an existing registry with the same 
+#' should be overwritten if it exists.
+#' @inheritParams packageRegistry
+#' @rdname registry
+#' @export
+setPackageRegistry <- function(regname, regobj
+								, description='', entrydesc=NA
+								, ...
+								, package=topenv(parent.frame())
+								, overwrite=FALSE){
+#	library(registry)
+	# force overwrite in dev mode
+	if( missing(overwrite) && isDevNamespace(package) ){
+		overwrite <- TRUE
+	}
+	# check if sub-registry already exists
+	oldreg <- packageRegistry(regname, quiet=TRUE, package=package)
+	if( !is.null(oldreg) && !overwrite ){
+		return( oldreg )
+	}
+	# get meta-registry (force creation)
+	regenv <- .packageMetaRegistry(package, create=TRUE)
+	nm <- packageSlot(regenv)
+	ns_str <- str_c("package '", nm, "'")
+	if( !is.null(oldreg) ){
+		if( !overwrite ){
+			if( isLoadingNamespace() ){ # exit if loading a namespace
+				message("NOTE: Did not create registry '", regname,"' in ", ns_str, ": registry already exists.")
+				return(oldreg)
+			}
+			stop("Could not create registry '", regname,"' in ", ns_str, ": registry already exists")
+		}else{
+			message("Remove registry '", regname,"' from ", ns_str)
+			regenv$delete_entry(regname)
+		}
+	}
+	message("Creating registry '", regname,"' in ", ns_str, ' ... ', appendLF=FALSE)
+	.add_regclass <- function(x, newcl, before){
+		cl <- class(x)
+		ir <- which(cl == before)
+		class(x) <- c(if( ir > 1 ) cl[1:(ir-1)] 
+				, newcl, cl[ir:length(cl)])
+		x
+	}
+	pkgregclass <- c(paste(regname, 'package_registry', sep='_'), 'package_registry')
+	if( is.character(regobj) ){# regobj specifies the S4 class of the registry entries
+		objtype <- regobj[1]
+		regobj <- registry(entry_class = paste(regname, 'entry', sep='_')
+						, registry_class = c(pkgregclass, 'object_subregistry'))
+		# access key
+		regobj$set_field("key", type="character", is_key = TRUE
+				, index_FUN = match_partial_ignorecase)
+		# object
+		regobj$set_field("object", type=objtype, is_mandatory=TRUE, validity_FUN = validObject)
+	}else if( is(regobj, 'registry') ){
+		if( !is(regobj, 'package_registry') ){
+			regobj <- .add_regclass(regobj, pkgregclass, 'registry')
+		}
+	}else{
+		message('ERROR')
+		stop("Invalid argument 'regobj': must be a class name or a registry object.")
+	}
+	# add field for REGISTERING package
+	if( !"REGISTERINGpackage" %in% regobj$get_field_names() )
+		regobj$set_field("REGISTERINGpackage", type='character', is_mandatory=TRUE, index_FUN=match_exact)
+	# fix registry object
+	regobj <- fix_registry(regobj)
+	# add package
+	attr(regobj, 'package') <- nm
+	# create new meta entry
+	regenv$set_entry(key=regname, regobj=regobj
+					, description=description, entrydesc=entrydesc
+					, ...)
+	message('OK')
+	# return newly created registry
+	regenv$get_entry(regname)$regobj
+regkeys <- function(regobj, ...){
+	# get keys
+	fld <- regobj$get_fields()
+	keyfield <- names(fld[sapply(fld, function(x) isTRUE(x$is_key) )])
+	if( nargs() == 1L ) return(keyfield)
+	index_fields <- list(...)
+	if( is.null(names(index_fields)) && length(index_fields)==1L )
+		index_fields <- index_fields[[1L]]
+	index_fields <- index_fields[!sapply(index_fields, is.null)]
+	if( !length(index_fields) ) return(list())
+	# remove fields that are not keys
+	i <- match(keyfield, names(index_fields))
+	index_fields[i[!is.na(i)]]
+#' Finds an entry in a registry.
+#' This function provides extra control on how entries are queried 
+#' from a \code{\link[registry:regobj]{registry}} object.
+#' @param regobj a registry object
+#' @param ... key value(s) to look up.
+#' If multiple indexes are used, then the primary key should come first.
+#' @param all logical to indicate if hidden keys (starting with a '.') should be 
+#' returned and output in message.
+#' @param error a logical that indicates if an error should be thrown if the key has no match 
+#' or multiple matches
+#' @param exact a logical that indicates if matching should be exact or partial.
+#' Note that if exact matches exist then they are returned, independently of the
+#' value of \code{exact}.
+#' @param KEYS alternative way of passing the key value(s).
+#' If not missing, then arguments in \code{...} are discarded.
+#' @param verbose a logical that indicates if verbosity should be toggle on
+#' @param entry a logical that indicates if the 
+#' @param msg a header to use in case of error.
+#' @export
+regfetch <- function(regobj, ..., all=FALSE, error=TRUE, exact=FALSE
+						, KEYS = NULL
+						, verbose=FALSE, entry=FALSE, msg=NULL){
+	# load the registry package
+#	library(registry)
+	# list -- all -- keys if no key is specified
+	keylist <- allkeys <- regobj$get_entry_names()
+	if( !all ) keylist <- grep("^[^.]", keylist, value=TRUE)
+	index_fields <- if( !is.null(KEYS) ){
+		if( !is.list(KEYS) ) stop("Invalid argument <KEYS>: must be a list of field values.")
+	}else list(...)
+	# extract primary key
+	key <- if( length(index_fields) ){
+		# remove fields that are not keys if named list
+		if( !is.null(names(index_fields)) )
+			index_fields <- regkeys(regobj, index_fields)
+		if( length(index_fields) ){
+			paste(unlist(index_fields), collapse='_')
+			str_out(index_fields, Inf, use.names=TRUE)
+		}
+	}
+	if( is.null(key) ){
+		return(keylist)
+	}
+	# set verbosity level
+	if( !missing(verbose) ){
+		ol <- lverbose(verbose)
+		on.exit( lverbose(ol) )
+	}
+	if( !is.null(msg) ) msg <- str_c(msg, ' - ')
+	if( regobj$n_of_entries() == 0L ){
+		if( error )	stop(msg, "Registry is empty: no matching entry for key ", dQuote(key), ".")
+		else return(NULL)
+	}
+	# get entry
+	d <- do.call(regobj$get_entries, index_fields)
+	# no entry found
+	if( is.null(d) ){
+		if( error ){
+			stop(msg, "No matching entry for key ", dQuote(key), " in the registry."
+							, "\n  Use one of: ", str_wrap(str_out(sort(allkeys), Inf), exdent=2), '.')
+		}else return(NULL)
+	}
+	# look for exact matches
+	if( is.list(index_fields) ){
+		ex <- sapply(d, function(x) all(mapply(identical, index_fields, x[names(index_fields)])))
+	}else{
+		ex <- names(d) == index_fields
+	} 
+	# limit to exact mathes
+	if( length(i <- which(ex)) ){
+		d <- d[i]
+	}else if( exact ){
+		if( error ){
+			stop(msg, "No exact match for key '", key, "' in the registry."
+					, "\n  Use one of: ", str_wrap(str_out(allkeys, Inf), exdent=2), '.')
+		}else return(NULL) 
+	}
+	if( all ) return(d)
+	# multiple match
+#	str(d)
+	if( length(d) > 1L ){
+		if( error ){
+			stop(msg, "Multiple entries found for key ", dQuote(key), ": ", str_out(sort(names(d)), Inf), '.')
+		}else return(NA)
+	}
+	# check single match
+	if( length(d) != 1L )
+		stop("Unexpected error: more than one entry was selected.")
+	# return single match
+	d <- d[[1L]]
+	# return registry object if the entry is an automatic sub-registry
+	if( !entry && is(regobj, 'object_subregistry') ) d$object
+	else d
+#' \code{pkgreg_fetch} fetches entries in a package registry, as set up by 
+#' \code{\link{setPackageRegistry}}.
+#' \code{pkgreg_fetch} loads the requested package registry and uses \code{regfetch} 
+#' to retrieve data from it.
+#' @inheritParams setPackageRegistry
+#' @rdname regfetch
+#' @export
+pkgreg_fetch <- function(regname, ..., msg=NULL, where=topenv(parent.frame())){
+	# get package registry
+	regentry <- packageRegistry(regname, package=where, entry=TRUE, update=TRUE)
+	# define addon error message
+	if( missing(msg) && !is_NA(regentry$entrydesc) ) msg <- regentry$entrydesc
+	# fetch from registry
+	regfetch(regentry$regobj, ..., msg=msg)
+#' \code{pkgreg_remove} removes an entry from a package registry.
+#' @param quiet a logical that indicates if the operation should be performed quietly, 
+#' without throwing errors or warnings.
+#' @rdname regfetch
+#' @export
+pkgreg_remove <- function(regname, ..., msg=NULL, where=topenv(parent.frame()), quiet=FALSE){
+	# get package registry
+	regentry <- packageRegistry(regname, package=where, entry=TRUE, update=TRUE)
+	# define addon error message
+	if( missing(msg) && !is_NA(regentry$entrydesc) ) msg <- regentry$entrydesc
+	# fetch from registry
+	entry <- regfetch(regentry$regobj, ..., exact=TRUE, error=FALSE, all=TRUE, msg=msg)
+	res <- if( !is.null(entry) ){
+		# get the method registry and the method's fullname
+		name <- names(entry)
+		if( !quiet ){
+			msg <- paste0("Removing ", msg, " '", name, "' from registry '", regname, "'")
+			message(msg, ' ... ', appendLF=FALSE)
+		}
+		# delete from registry
+		regentry$regobj$delete_entry(name)
+		if( !quiet ) message('OK')
+	}else{
+		if( !quiet ){
+			name <- str_out(list(...), Inf, use.names=TRUE)
+			warning("Could not remove ", msg, " '", name, "': no matching registry entry.", call.=FALSE)
+		}
+	}
+	if( quiet ) invisible(res)
+	else res
+extract_pkg <- function(x){
+	sub("^(([^:]+)::)?(.*)", "\\2", x)
+#' Automatic S4 Class for Registry Entries
+#' @param registry a registry object
+#' @param Class name of the class to generate
+#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{\link{setClass}}.
+setClassRegistry <- function(registry, Class, ...){
+#	setClass(Class, representation, prototype, contains=character(),
+#			validity, access, where, version, sealed, package,
+#			S3methods = FALSE)
+	f <- registry$get_fields()
+	slots <- sapply(f, '[[', 'type', simplify=FALSE)
+	args <- list(Class, representation=do.call('representation', slots))
+#	if( !hasArg(validity) ){
+#		.validity <-
+#		sapply(f, function(x){
+#			if(x$is_mandatory)
+#				function(object){
+#					if()
+#				}
+#		})
+#		args$validity <- function(object){
+#		}
+#	}
+	do.call('setClass', c(args, ...))
+#' \code{setPackageRegistryEntry} adds an entry in a package registry.
+#' @param key entry identifier.
+#' @param where package name or namespace that owns the registry. 
+#' @param verbose a logical that indicates if verbosity should be toggle on.
+#' @param msg addon message to print at the end of the output log line, 
+#' when \code{verbose=TRUE}.
+#' @rdname registry
+#' @export
+setPackageRegistryEntry <- function(regname, key, ..., overwrite=FALSE, verbose=FALSE
+									, where=topenv(parent.frame()), msg=NULL){
+	if( isLoadingNamespace() ){
+		verbose <- TRUE
+		if( missing(overwrite) ) overwrite <- TRUE
+	}
+	registry <- regname
+	package <- where
+	# check if the name provided is not empty
+	if( nchar(key) == 0 ) stop('Invalid argument <key>: cannot be an empty string.')
+	# build full key, that includes the name of the top calling namespace
+	fullkey <- key
+	top_ns <- topns(strict=FALSE)
+	#
+	# retrieve package registry (it must exist or this will throw an error)
+	package <- packageEnv(package)
+	subregentry <- packageRegistry(registry, package=package, entry=TRUE, update=TRUE)
+	# get regobj (do that to ensure it is updated with entries from other packages)
+	regobj <- subregentry$regobj
+	# setup complete list of fields
+	fields <- list(...)
+	objdesc <- if( !is_NA(subregentry$entrydesc) ) subregentry$entrydesc else paste(registry, 'object')
+	objdesc <- paste(objdesc, " '", key, "'", sep='')
+	if( length(fields)==1L ){
+		objdesc <- paste(objdesc, ' [', class(fields[[1L]]), ']', sep='')
+		if( is.null(names(fields)) && is(regobj, 'object_subregistry') )
+			names(fields) <- 'object'
+	}
+	fields$key <- key
+	regpkg <- packageName(top_ns, .Global=TRUE)
+	fields$REGISTERINGpackage <- regpkg
+#	str(fields)
+	#
+	# check if the object is already registered
+	oldentry <- regfetch(regobj, KEYS=fields, exact=TRUE, error=FALSE, all=TRUE)
+	# error if already exists and not overwriting		
+	if( !is.null(oldentry) && !overwrite ){ 
+		if( verbose ) message("ERROR")
+		stop("Cannot register ", objdesc, ": key already exists.")	
+	}
+	# add entry
+	if( verbose ){
+		action <- if( is.null(oldentry) ) 'Registering' else 'Replacing'
+		message(action, " ", objdesc, msg, " ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
+	}
+	# delete old entry
+	if( !is.null(oldentry) ){
+		regobj$delete_entry(names(oldentry)[1L])
+	}
+	# do add entry
+	do.call(regobj$set_entry, fields)
+	if( verbose ) message("OK")
+	# if the registration happens during loading another package: 
+	# create local registry and add entry to it.
+	# It will be merged to the main registry on the next call to 
+	# packageRegistry after the package is loaded.
+	lns <- getLoadingNamespace(env=TRUE)
+	if( !is.null(lns <- getLoadingNamespace(env=TRUE)) && !identical(lns, package) ){
+		# clone registry
+		if( nchar(subregentry$parent) ){
+			warning("Deriving package registry '", registry, "' in package ", lns
+					, " from ", subregentry$parent, " instead of ", subregentry$package, immediate.=TRUE)
+			parent <- subregentry$parent
+		}else parent <- subregentry$package
+		fullregistry <- str_c(parent, '::', registry)
+		if( is.null(locregobj <- packageRegistry(fullregistry, package=lns, quiet=TRUE)) ){
+			# clone registry
+			locregobj <- clone_regobj(regobj, empty=TRUE)
+			# attach to loading namespace
+			locregobj <- setPackageRegistry(fullregistry, locregobj
+											, description = subregentry$description
+											, entrydesc = subregentry$entrydesc
+											, parent = parent
+											, package = lns)
+		}
+		action <- 'Adding'
+		if( !is.null(locentry <- regfetch(locregobj, KEYS=fields, exact=TRUE, error=FALSE, all=TRUE)) ){
+			action <- 'Overwriting'
+			locregobj$delete_entry(names(locentry)[1L])
+		}
+		# add entry into local registry
+		if( verbose ) message(action, " entry '", key, "' in registry '", fullregistry, "' ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
+		do.call(locregobj$set_entry, fields)
+		if( verbose ) message("OK")
+	}
+	#
+	# return registered object
+	regfetch(regobj, KEYS=fields, exact=TRUE)
+# clone a registry object
+clone_regobj <- function(regobj, empty=FALSE){
+	tmp <- tempfile('registry')
+	on.exit(unlink(tmp))
+	saveRDS(regobj, file=tmp)
+	newreg <- readRDS(tmp)
+	# empty entries if necessary
+	if( empty ){
+		sapply(newreg$get_entry_names(), newreg$delete_entry)
+	}
+	newreg
diff --git a/R/repositories.R b/R/repositories.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57c2d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/repositories.R
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Project: pkgmaker
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Created: Feb 13, 2014
+.PACKAGES_fields <- c('Package', 'Version')
+#' Generate CRAN-like Repository Index
+#' @param path path to the repository's root directory
+#' @param output output filename -- relative to the repository root \code{path}.
+#' @param pattern regular expression used to filter the names of the packages that will appear in  
+#' the index.
+#' @param title title of the index page
+#' @param robots.file logical that indicates if a file \code{robots.txt} that hides the repository from 
+#' search engine robots should be created. 
+#' @export
+write_PACKAGES_index <- function(path = '.', output = 'index.html', pattern = NULL, title = 'Packages', robots.file = TRUE){
+    # parameters
+    dir <- path
+    sel <- .PACKAGES_fields
+    # load package list from contrib
+    repo_dir <- normalizePath(dir)
+    contrib_dir <- contrib.url(repo_dir)
+    repo <- paste0('file://', repo_dir)
+    contrib <- contrib.url(repo)
+    contrib_path <- contrib.url('.')
+    # change to repo base directory
+    od <- setwd(repo_dir)
+    on.exit( setwd(od) )
+    # write PACKAGES files
+    makePACKAGES <- function(dir = '.'){
+        od <- setwd(dir)
+        on.exit( setwd(od) )
+        smessage('Generating PACKAGES file for ', dir, ' ... ')
+        n <- tools::write_PACKAGES('.', fields = sel)
+        message('OK [', n, ']')
+        n
+    }
+    makePACKAGES(contrib_path)
+    smessage('Generating HTML page in ', repo_dir, appendLF = TRUE)
+    if( robots.file ){
+        write("User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n\n", file = file.path(repo_dir, 'robots.txt'))
+    }
+    smessage('Reading PACKAGES file in ', contrib_path, ' ... ')
+    p <- available.packages(contrib, fields = sel)
+    message('OK [', nrow(p), ']')
+    if( !is.null(pattern) ){
+        smessage('Selecting packages matching pattern "', pattern, '" only ... ')
+        i <- grep(pattern, p[, 'Package'])
+        message('OK [', length(i), '/', nrow(p), ']')
+        p <- p[i, , drop = FALSE]
+    }
+    df <- as.data.frame(p[, sel, drop = FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+    # write index page
+    smessage('Loading required packages ... ')
+    qlibrary('ReportingTools')
+    qlibrary('hwriter')
+    message('OK')
+    smessage('Generating ', output, ' ... ')
+    index <- HTMLReport(shortName = tools::file_path_sans_ext(output), title = title)
+    # link to source package
+    linkPackage <- function(df, ...){
+	    pkg_src <- file.path(sub(file.path(repo, ''), '', contrib, fixed = TRUE), as.character(df$Package))
+	    df$Package <- hwrite(as.character(df$Package), link = sprintf("%s_%s.tar.gz", pkg_src, df$Version), table=FALSE)
+	    df
+    }
+    # maintainer email
+    emailMaintainer <- function(df, ...){
+	    if( !is.null(df$Maintainer) ){
+		    df$Maintainer <- gsub(".*<([^>]+)> *$", "\\1", df$Maintainer)
+	    }
+	    df
+    }
+    # publish
+    publish(knit2html(quiet = TRUE, text = "Install packages from this repository as follows (in an R console):
+```{r, eval = FALSE}
+# install BiocInstaller (only once)
+# install package
+BiocInstaller::biocLite('<pkgname>', siteRepos = '<URL>')
+```", fragment.only = TRUE), index)
+    publish(df, index, name=title, .modifyDF = list(emailMaintainer, linkPackage))
+    finish(index)
+    message('OK')
+    message()
+    invisible(normalizePath(output))
diff --git a/R/unitTests.R b/R/unitTests.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..844f03b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/unitTests.R
@@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
+# Unit tests utilities
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Creation: 25 Apr 2012
+#' @include utils.R
+#' @include logging.R 
+#' Load RUnit Compatible Package
+#' Loads the package responsible for the implementation of the RUnit framework,
+#' choosing amongst \sQuote{RUnitX}, \sQuote{svUnit} and \sQuote{RUnit}.
+#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{requirePackage}}.
+#' @return nothing
+#' @export
+requireRUnit <- local({
+	.cache <- NULL
+	function(...){
+		if( !is.null(.cache) ) return(.cache)
+		has_pkg <- function(x) length(find.package(x, quiet=TRUE)) > 0L
+		ruf <- c('RUnit', 'svUnit')
+		runit <- NULL
+		for( pkg in ruf){
+			if( require.quiet(pkg, character.only=TRUE) ){
+				runit <- pkg
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		if( is.null(runit) )
+			stop("Cannot find any package providing RUnit framework.")
+		message("Using RUnit framework provider: ", runit)
+		.cache <<- runit
+		# return name of the loaded framework 
+		invisible(runit)
+	}
+# Borrowed from RUnit::.existsTestLogger
+.existsTestLogger <- function(envir = .GlobalEnv){
+    exists(".testLogger", envir = envir) && inherits(.testLogger, "TestLogger")
+#' Enhancing RUnit Logger
+#' Adds a function or a local variable to RUnit global logger.
+#' @param name name of the function or variable to add 
+#' @param value object to append to the logger.
+#' If \code{value} is a function it is added to the list and is accessible via 
+#' \code{.testLogger$name}.
+#' If \code{value} is a variable it is added to the local environment and is 
+#' therefore accessible in all logging functions.
+#' @param logger an optional RUnit logger object. 
+#' If missing or \code{NULL}, the object \code{.testLogger} is searched in  
+#' \code{.GlobalEnv} -- and an error is thrown if it does not exist. 
+#' @return the modified logger object. Note that the global object is also 
+#' modified if \code{logger} is \code{NULL}.
+addToLogger <- function(name, value, logger=NULL){
+	logobj <- 
+		if( !is.null(logger) ) logger
+		else{
+			if( !.existsTestLogger() )
+				stop("No global logger exists")
+			get('.testLogger', envir=.GlobalEnv)
+		}
+	# get local logger environment
+	logenv <- environment(logobj$incrementCheckNum)
+	if( is.function(value) ){# add function to logger
+		if( is.null(logobj[[name]]) ){
+			environment(value) <- logenv 
+			logobj[[name]] <- value
+			# update global logger if necessary
+			if( is.null(logger) ){
+				ge <- .GlobalEnv
+				assign('.testLogger', logobj, envir=ge)
+			}
+		}
+	}else{ # assign object in logger's local environment if not already there
+		if( !exists(name, envir=logenv) )
+			assign(name, value, envir=logenv)
+	}
+	# return modified logger object
+	logobj
+#' Plot in Unit Tests
+#' Saves a plot in a PNG file that will be included in unit test HTML reports.
+#' @param expr expression that generate th eplot
+#' @param width plot width
+#' @param height plot height (not used)  
+#' @param msg plot msg explaining the plot . It will be used as the caption
+#' @export
+#' @keywords internal
+checkPlot <- function(expr, msg=NULL, width=1000, height=NULL){
+	# get stuff from RUnit
+	uf <- requireRUnit()
+	if( is.null(uf) || uf != 'RUnit' ) return(TRUE)
+	#.existsTestLogger <- RUnit:::.existsTestLogger	
+	.testLogger <- if( .existsTestLogger() ) .GlobalEnv$.testLogger
+	if (missing(expr)) {
+		stop("'expr' is missing.")
+	}
+	plotfile <- 
+	if (.existsTestLogger()) {
+		.testLogger$incrementCheckNum()
+		if( is.null(.testLogger$setPlot) ){
+			# add .plot list to logger environment
+			addToLogger('.plots', NULL)
+			# add function setPlot to logger
+			.plots <- NULL # to trick R CMD check 
+			addToLogger('setPlot', 
+				function(name, msg=''){
+					##@bdescr
+					## add a plot to a test function.
+					##@edescr
+					##@in testFuncName : [character] name of test function
+					##@in name : [character] filename
+					##@in msg : [character] message string
+					##@edescr	
+					if( is.null(.plots) ) .plots <<- list()
+					.plots[[name]] <<- msg
+				}
+			)
+			# add function setPlot to logger
+			.getTestData <- 
+				.currentTestSuiteName <- 
+				.currentSourceFileName <- 
+				.getCheckNum <- NULL # not to get NOTES is R CMD check
+			addToLogger('getPlotfile', 
+				function(name, msg=''){
+					td <- .getTestData()
+					# TODO from test function name
+					#fname <- tail(names(td[[.currentTestSuiteName]]$sourceFileResults[[.currentSourceFileName]]), 1L)
+					fname <- basename(tempfile(paste(.currentTestSuiteName, '_', .currentSourceFileName, '_', sep='')))
+					paste(fname, .getCheckNum(), sep='_')
+				}
+			)
+			# update local object with modified global logger
+			.testLogger <- .GlobalEnv$.testLogger
+		}
+		.testLogger$getPlotfile()
+	}
+	else tempfile(tmpdir='.')
+	# add extension to plot file
+	plotfile <- paste(plotfile, 'png', sep='.')
+	# reset the msg if none was provided
+	if( is.null(msg) ) msg <- plotfile
+	#plot in the PNG file
+	png(filename=plotfile, width=width)
+	# evaluate the expression that generates the plot
+	res <- try( eval(expr, envir = parent.frame()) )
+	# close the graphic device
+	dev.off()
+	# test if everything went alright
+	fileinfo <- file.info(plotfile)	
+	if( inherits(res, "try-error") || is.na(fileinfo$size[1]) || fileinfo$size[1] == 0 ){
+		#make sure the plot file is removed
+		unlink(plotfile)
+		if (.existsTestLogger()) {
+			.testLogger$setFailure()
+		}
+		stop("Problem when generating plot:", res, msg)
+	}
+	if (.existsTestLogger()) {
+		.testLogger$setPlot(plotfile, msg)
+	}
+	return(TRUE)
+if( FALSE ){
+	library(NMF, lib='build/lib')
+	utest('pkg/inst/tests/runit.algorithms.r', fun='test.brunet', framework='RUnit')
+#' Extra Check Functions for RUnit
+#' \code{checkWarning} checks if a warning is generated by an expression, and 
+#' optionally follows an expected regular expression pattern.
+#' @param expr an R expression
+#' @param expected expected value as regular expression pattern.
+#' If a logical, then it specifies if a warning is expected or not.
+#' For backward compatibility, a \code{NULL} value is equivalent to \code{TRUE}.
+#' @param msg informative message to add to the error in case of failure
+#' @export
+#' @rdname uchecks
+#' @examples 
+#' # check warnings
+#' checkWarning({ warning('ah ah'); 3})
+#' checkWarning({ warning('ah oh ah'); 3}, 'oh')
+#' try( checkWarning(3) )
+#' try( checkWarning({ warning('ah ah'); 3}, 'warn you') )
+checkWarning <- function(expr, expected=TRUE, msg=NULL){
+	# get stuff from RUnit
+	uf <- requireRUnit()
+	#.existsTestLogger <- RUnit:::.existsTestLogger	
+	.testLogger <- if( .existsTestLogger() ) .GlobalEnv$.testLogger
+	if (missing(expr)) {
+		stop("'expr' is missing")
+	}
+#	if (is.null(silent)) {
+#		silent <- FALSE
+#		warning("'silent' has to be of type 'logical'. Was NULL. Set to FALSE.")
+#	}
+	if (.existsTestLogger()) {
+		.testLogger$incrementCheckNum()
+	}
+	pf <- parent.frame()
+	warns <- NULL
+	withCallingHandlers(eval(expr, envir = pf)
+		, warning = function(w){
+			warns <<- c(warns, w$message)
+		}
+	)
+	# check that some warning was thrown
+	if( length(warns) == 0L ){
+        if( isFALSE(expected) ) return( TRUE )
+		if (.existsTestLogger()) {
+			.testLogger$setFailure()
+		}
+		stop("Warning not generated as expected\n", msg)
+	}
+	if( isFALSE(expected) ){
+        if (.existsTestLogger()) {
+			.testLogger$setFailure()
+		}
+		stop("Warning generated while none was expected:\n"
+            , "  - Warning(s): ", if(length(warns)>1)"\n    * ",  str_out(warns, Inf, sep="\n    * ") ,"\n"
+            , msg)
+    }
+	# check warnings
+	if( is.null(expected) || isTRUE(expected) ) return(TRUE)
+	if( any(grepl(expected, warns)) ) return(TRUE)
+	# throw error
+	if (.existsTestLogger()) {
+		.testLogger$setFailure()
+	}
+	stop("Warning does not match expected pattern:\n"
+		, "  - Warning(s): ", if(length(warns)>1)"\n    * ",  str_out(warns, Inf, sep="\n    * ") ,"\n"
+		, "  - Pattern: '", expected,"'\n"
+		, msg)
+#' Make Vignette for Unit Tests
+#' Builds a vignette for unit tests in a package using the \code{\link{utest}} 
+#' and a template vignette file. 
+#' @param pkg Package name
+#' @param file Output file (.Rnw, .tex, or .pdf)
+#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{\link{utest}}.
+#' @param check logical that indactes the cal was made from R CMD check, in which case the vignette
+#' is updated only if results of unit tests can be found in the unit test output directory, 
+#' where they would have been generated by \code{\link{utest}}.
+#' @return Result of running unit test suite
+#' @export
+makeUnitVignette <- function(pkg, file=paste(pkg, '-unitTests.pdf', sep=''), ..., check=FALSE){
+	package <- pkg
+	pkg <- sub("^package:", "", pkg)
+	# generate the vignette for unit test on exit
+	if( !is.null(file) )
+		on.exit( writeUnitVignette(pkg, file, check=check) )
+	# load this package
+	if( !require(pkg, character.only = TRUE ) ){
+		stop("Could not load package '", pkg, "' for testing [libPath= ", str_out(.libPaths(), Inf), "]")
+	}
+	# run unit tests if not check or if the test results are not there (e.g., R CMD build)
+#	if( userIs('renaud') ){
+#		env <- str_trim(capture.output(system('env', intern=TRUE)))
+#		if( check )	write(env, file="~/check_env.txt")
+#		else write(env, file="~/make_env.txt")
+#	}
+#	if( !check || !is.dir(utestPath(package=package)) ){
+	if( !check ){
+		# force running all tests 
+		utestCheckMode(FALSE)
+		# run unit tests
+		tests <- utest(package, ...)
+		# check for errors
+		err <- getErrors(tests)
+		errMsg <- NULL
+		if( err$nFail > 0) {
+			errMsg <- c(errMsg, sprintf( "unit test problems: %d failures\n", err$nFail))
+		}
+		if( err$nErr > 0) {
+			errMsg <- c(errMsg, sprintf( "unit test problems: %d errors\n", err$nErr))
+		}
+		# stop if any failure or error occured
+		if( length(errMsg) > 0L )
+			stop(errMsg)
+		# return result of unit test suite
+		err
+	}else{
+		# do nothing: tests should have been already run by R CMD check
+	}
+#' Writes Unit Tests Vignette 
+#' Writes a vignette that contains the results from running unit test suites.
+#' @param pkg Package name
+#' @param file Output Sweave (.Rnw) file
+#' @param results result file or output character vector
+#' @param check logical that indactes the cal was made from R CMD check, 
+#' in which case the vignette is updated only if results of unit tests can 
+#' be found in the unit test output directory, where they would have been 
+#' generated by \code{\link{utest}}.
+#' @export
+writeUnitVignette <- function(pkg, file, results=NULL, check=FALSE){
+	Rnw.template <- 
+%\\VignetteIndexEntry{@pkg at -unitTests}
+<<setup, include=FALSE>>=
+pkg <- '@pkg@'
+require( pkg, character.only=TRUE )
+prettyVersion <- packageDescription(pkg)$Version
+prettyDate <- format(Sys.Date(), '%B %e, %Y')
+authors <- packageDescription(pkg)$Author
+\\title{\\texttt{\\Sexpr{pkg}}: Unit testing results at resNote@}
+\\date{\\texttt{\\Sexpr{pkg}} version \\Sexpr{prettyVersion} as of \\Sexpr{prettyDate}}
+ at results@
+\\section*{Session Information}
+ at sessionInfo@
+	verbatim_wrap <- function(...){
+		c("\\\\begin{verbatim}\n", ..., "\n\\\\end{verbatim}")
+	}
+	# default is to load the unit test results from the global output directory
+	if( is.null(results) ){
+		upath <- utestPath(package=pkg)
+		results <- list.files(upath, pattern="\\.txt$", full.names=TRUE)
+		if( !length(results) ){
+			results <- verbatim_wrap('Could not find any unit test result in "', upath, '"')
+		}
+	}
+	if( is.file(results[1L]) ){
+		resFile <- results[1L]
+		name <- str_match(resFile, "([^.]+)\\.[^.]+$")[,2L]
+		results <- c(str_c("\\\\section{", name, "}"), verbatim_wrap(readLines(resFile)))
+	}else{
+		resFile <- NULL
+	}
+	results <- paste(results, collapse="\n")
+	# substitute template variables
+	contents <- Rnw.template
+	# package name
+	contents <-	gsub("@pkg@", pkg, contents)
+	# unit test results
+	contents <-	gsub("@results@", results, contents)
+	# session info (as when calling this function)
+	contents <-	gsub("@sessionInfo@", gsub("\\", "\\\\", paste(toLatex(sessionInfo()), collapse="\n"), fixed=TRUE), contents)
+	# note on how tests were performed
+	resnote <- str_c("\\footnote{Vignette computed ", if( check ) ' via R CMD check/build ', ' on ', date(),"}")
+	if( check ){ 
+		# add path to included file if compiled from R CMD check (for debug purposes)
+		lfile <- gsub("([_$])", "\\\\\\1", paste(resFile, collapse="\\\\"))
+		resnote <- str_c(resnote, " \\footnote{File: '", lfile, "'}")
+	}
+	contents <-	gsub("@resNote@", gsub("\\", "\\\\", resnote, fixed=TRUE), contents)
+	fileext <- toupper(file_extension(file))
+	fileext <- charmatch(fileext, c('RNW', 'TEX', 'PDF'))
+	if( is_NA(fileext) )
+		stop("Invalid output file extension [",fileext,"] from file '", file, "'")
+	fileRNW <- if( fileext == 1L ) file else str_c(pkg, '-unitTests.Rnw')
+	fileTEX <- if( fileext == 2L ) file else str_c(pkg, '-unitTests.tex')
+	filePDF <- if( fileext == 3L ) file else str_c(pkg, '-unitTests.pdf')
+	# write into Rnw file
+	writeLines(contents, fileRNW)	
+	if( fileext == 1L ) return()
+	# compile vignette
+	rnw(fileRNW, fileTEX)
+	if( fileext == 2L ) return()
+	# Run texi2dvi tex file
+	res <- tools::texi2dvi(fileTEX, pdf = TRUE, clean = TRUE )
+	# copy file in main check directory
+	if( check )	file.copy(filePDF, '../../..')
+	res
+# Unit test frameworks data
+.UFdata <- list(
+	RUnit = list(
+		file_pattern="^runit.*\\.[rR]$"
+		, fun_pattern="^test\\."
+		, check_pattern = "^check.+"
+		, check_functions = c(
+				'checkTrue'
+				, 'checkIdentical'
+				, 'checkEquals'
+				, 'checkEqualsNumeric'
+				, 'checkException'
+		)
+	)
+	, testthat = list(
+		file_pattern="^test.*\\.[rR]$"
+		, check_pattern = "^(expect_.+)|(test_that$)" 
+		, check_functions = c(
+				"test_that"
+				, "expect_equal"
+				, "expect_equivalent"
+				, "expect_error"
+				, "expect_false"
+				, "expect_identical"
+				, "expect_is"
+				, "expect_match"
+				, "expect_message"
+				, "expect_output"
+				, "expect_that"
+				, "expect_true"
+				, "expect_warning"   
+		)
+	)
+#' Inferring Unit Test Framework
+#' @param x an filename, a function or the body of a function
+#' @param eval a logical that indicates if the value of \code{x} should be used.
+#' @return the name of the framework as a character string or NULL if
+#' it could not be detected.
+#' @import codetools
+#' @export
+utestFramework <- function(x, eval=FALSE){
+	# check if one should detect within an expression
+	expr <- if( missing(eval) || !eval ) substitute(x) 
+			else if( is.function(x) ) body(x)
+	# walk code using codetools looking up for known test functions
+	if( !is.null(expr) ){
+		cw <- makeCodeWalker(leaf= function(e, w) if( is.symbol(e) ) cat(e, "\n"))
+		s <- str_trim(capture.output(walkCode(expr, cw)))
+		if( length(s) > 1L ){
+			for( f in names(.UFdata) ){
+				if( any(s %in% .UFdata[[f]]$check_functions) ){
+					return(f)
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		# not found without evaluating
+		if( !missing(eval) && !eval ) return()
+		if( missing(eval) ){ # try evaluating
+			return(utestFramework(x, eval=TRUE))
+		}
+	}
+	if( !is.character(x) )
+		stop("Invalid argument `x`: expecting a character string")
+	path <- x
+	framework <- NULL
+	tf <- if( is.dir(path) ) list.files(path, "\\.[rR]$") else path
+	for( f in names(.UFdata) ){
+		if( any(grepl(.UFdata[[f]]$file_pattern, tf)) ){
+			return(f)
+		}
+	}
+	if( is.null(framework) )
+		stop("Could not determine unit test framework used in directory: '", path, "'")
+	framework
+#' Embedded Unit Tests
+#' The function \code{unit.test} provides a way to write unit tests embedded within
+#' package source files.
+#' These tests are stored and organised in the package namespace, and can be run using 
+#' the unified interface provided by the function \code{link{utest}}.
+#' Both Runit and testthat tests are supported -- and automatically detected.
+#' @param x single character string used as test identifier/label
+#' @param expr expression containing the actual test commands.
+#' It is not evaluated, but only stored in the package namespace.
+#' @param framework Unit test framework
+#' @param envir the definition environment of object \code{x}.
+#' @return a test function with no arguments that wrapping around \code{expr} 
+#' @import digest
+#' @export
+unit.test <- function(x, expr, framework=NULL, envir=parent.frame()){
+	sid <- as.character(deparse(substitute(x)))	
+	hash <- suppressWarnings(digest(x))
+	# get test environment
+	eTest <- packageTestEnv()
+	# wrap test into a function
+	f <- function(){}
+	environment(f) <- eTest
+	body(f) <- substitute({expr})
+	if( !grepl('"', sid) )
+	{
+		lmessage('Creating unit test for object: `', sid, '`')
+		eval(substitute(attr(x, 'test') <- f, list(x=substitute(x), f=f)), envir)
+	}else
+		lmessage('Creating unit test: ', sid)
+	# add the test to the package test environment
+	eTest[[str_c(sid, ':', hash)]] <- list(test=f, name=sid, object=is.name(x))
+	# return the test function
+	f
+#' Returns the package internal environment where unit tests are stored.
+#' @param pkg package name.
+#' If missing the caller's package is assumed. 
+#' @export
+packageTestEnv <- function(pkg){
+	if( !missing(pkg) && !is.null(pkg) ){
+		e <- packageEnv(pkg)
+		return( e$.packageTest )
+	}
+	e <- packageEnv()
+	# create test environment if necessary
+	if( is.null(e$.packageTest) )
+		e$.packageTest <- new.env(parent=e)
+	e$.packageTest
+list.tests <- function(x, pattern=NULL){
+#unit.test(packageEnv, {print('test for packageEnv')})
+#unit.test('lmlm', {print('test for something else')})
+#utest <- function(x, ..., framework="RUnit", PACKAGE=NULL){
+#	if( missing(x) )
+#		x <- packagePath('unitTests', PACKAGE=PACKAGE)
+#	else if( class(x)[1] != 'character')
+#		return( UseMethod('utest', x) )
+#	if( is.null(framework) ){
+#		stop("Not implemented")
+#	}else{
+#		# change directory to run tests
+#		owd <- setwd(x)
+#		on.exit(setwd(owd))
+#		# run tests under selected framework
+#		class(x) <- framework
+#		utest(x, ..., PACKAGE=PACKAGE)
+#		# output test result
+#	}
+#' Running Unit Tests
+#' Run unit tests in a variety of settings.
+#' This is still \strong{very} experimental.
+#' @param x object to which a unit test is attached
+#' @param ... extra arguments to allow extensions and are passed to 
+#' the unit framework running funcitons. 
+#' @inline
+#' @export
+setGeneric('utest', function(x, ...) standardGeneric('utest'))
+#' Run the unit test assoicated to a function. 
+#' @param run a logical that indicates if the unit test should be run
+setMethod('utest', 'function',
+	function(x, run = TRUE){
+		# get actual name of the function
+		sid <- as.character(deparse(substitute(x, parent.frame())))
+		# remove leading namespace specifications
+		sid <- sub("^[^:]+:::?", "", sid)
+		# get the package's  
+		pkg <- attr(x, 'package')
+		eTest <- packageTestEnv(pkg)
+		if( is.null(eTest) ) return()
+		tfun <- ls(eTest, pattern=str_c("^", sid, ":"))		
+	}
+#' Run a package test suite
+#' @param filter pattern to match files that contain the definition of 
+#' the unit tests functions to run.
+#' @param fun patter to match the test functions to run.
+#' @param testdir directory where to look for the test files
+#' @param framework unit test framework
+#' @param quiet a logical that indicates if the tests should be run silently
+#' @param lib.loc path to a library where installed packages are searched for.
+#' Used is of the form \code{x='package:*'}.
+setMethod('utest', 'character', 
+		function(x, filter="^runit.+\\.[rR]$", fun="^test\\.", ...
+				, testdir='tests', framework=c('RUnit', 'testthat')
+				, quiet = Sys.getenv("RCMDCHECK") != "FALSE"
+				, lib.loc = NULL){
+			cat("#########################\n")
+			# define environment variable that identifies a test run (if not already defined) 
+			if( is.na(utestCheckMode(raw = TRUE)) ){
+				oldUM <- utestCheckMode(TRUE)
+				on.exit( utestCheckMode(oldUM), add=TRUE)
+			}
+			#print(system('env'))
+			# detect type of input string
+			path <- 
+					if( grepl("^package:", x) ){# installed package
+						pkg <- sub("^package:", "", x)
+						if( is.null(path <- path.package(pkg, quiet=TRUE)) ){
+							library(pkg, character.only=TRUE, lib.loc=lib.loc)
+							path <- path.package(pkg)
+						}
+						file.path(path, testdir)
+					}else{
+						# try to find a corresponding development package
+						if( require.quiet(devtools) 
+								&& is.package(pkg <- as.package(x, quiet=TRUE)) ){
+							load_all(pkg, TRUE)
+							file.path(pkg$path, 'inst', testdir)
+						}else{ # assume x is a path  
+							x
+						}
+					}
+			# check that the path exists
+			if( !file.exists(path) ){
+				if( !hasArg(testdir) ){ # try another default
+					opath <- path
+					path <- file.path(dirname(path), 'unitTests')
+					if( !file.exists(path) )
+						stop("Could not find any default unit test directory ['", opath, "' nor '", path, "'].")
+				} else {
+					stop("Unit test directory '", path, "' does not exist")
+				}
+			}
+			message("Running unit tests in: '", path, "'")
+			# detect unit test framework: RUnit or testthat?
+			framework <- 
+					if( missing(framework) ) utestFramework(path)
+					else match.arg(framework)
+			message("Using unit test framework: ", framework)
+			# load default patterns
+			up <- .UFdata[[framework]]
+			if( missing(filter) ) filter <- up$file_pattern
+			if( missing(fun) ) fun <- up$fun_pattern
+			# run tests
+			path <- normalizePath(path)
+			# remove/create output directory
+			opath <- utestPath(package=x)
+			if( file.exists( opath ) ){
+				unlink(opath, recursive=TRUE) 
+			}
+			dir.create(opath, recursive=TRUE)
+			# copy results in working directory on exit
+			on.exit(
+				{ if( file.exists(opath) )
+					file.copy(opath, '.', recursive=TRUE)
+				}
+			, add=TRUE)
+			#
+			if( is.dir(path) ){ # all tests in a directory
+				if( framework == 'RUnit' ){ # RUnit
+					requireRUnit("Running RUnit test suites")
+					s <- defineTestSuite(x, path
+							, testFileRegexp=filter
+							, testFuncRegexp=fun, ...)
+					str(s)
+					utest(s, quiet=quiet, outdir=opath)
+				}else if( framework == 'testthat' ){ # testthat
+					requirePackage('testthat', "Running testthat unit test suites")
+					test_dir(path, filter=filter, ...)
+				}
+			}else{ # single test file
+				if( framework == 'RUnit' ){ # RUnit
+					requireRUnit("Running RUnit unit test file")
+					runTestFile(path, testFuncRegexp=fun, ...)
+				}else if( framework == 'testthat' ){ # testthat
+					requirePackage('testthat', "Running testthat unit test file")
+					test_file(path, ...)
+				}
+			}
+		}
+#' Runs a RUnit test suite
+#' @param outdir output directory
+setMethod('utest', 'RUnitTestSuite',
+	function(x, ..., quiet=FALSE, outdir=NULL){
+		requireRUnit("Running RUnit test suites")
+		pathReport <- file.path(outdir, str_c("utest.", sub("[:]", "_", x$name)))
+		t <- system.time({
+			if( quiet ){
+				suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(out <- capture.output(
+					tests <- runTestSuite(x, ...)
+				)))
+			}else 
+				tests <- runTestSuite(x, ...)
+		})
+		## Report to stdout and text files
+		cat("------------------- UNIT TEST SUMMARY ---------------------\n\n")
+		summary_file <- paste(pathReport, ".Summary.txt", sep="")
+		printTextProtocol(tests, showDetails=FALSE,	fileName=summary_file)
+		# append timing
+		st <- c("\nTotal execution time\n***************************"
+				, paste(capture.output(print(t)), collapse="\n"))
+		write(st, file=summary_file, append=TRUE)
+		# detailed report
+		details_file <- paste(pathReport, ".Details.txt", sep="")
+		printTextProtocol(tests, showDetails=TRUE, fileName=details_file)
+		write(st, file=details_file, append=TRUE)
+		#
+		## Report to HTML file
+		printHTMLProtocol(tests, fileName=paste(pathReport, ".html", sep=""))
+		## Return stop() to cause R CMD check stop in case of
+		##  - failures i.e. FALSE to unit tests or
+		##  - errors i.e. R errors
+        tmp <- getErrors(tests)
+        if(tmp$nFail > 0 | tmp$nErr > 0) {
+            # filter failures and errors
+            test_summary <- capture.output(.summaryRUnit(tests, c('error', 'failure'), print = TRUE))
+            stop(paste0(test_summary, collapse = "\n"))
+#			stop(paste("\n\nunit testing failed (#test failures: ", tmp$nFail,
+#							", #R errors: ",  tmp$nErr, ")\n\n", sep=""))
+		}
+		tests
+	}
+.summaryRUnit <- function(testData, type = c('error', 'failure', 'deactivated'), print = FALSE){
+    # taken from printTextProtocol
+    res <- testData
+    for (tsName in names(testData)) {
+        if( print ){
+            cat("Functions:", testData[[tsName]]$nTestFunc, "|"
+                , "Errors:", testData[[tsName]]$nErr, "|"
+                , "Failures:", testData[[tsName]]$nFail, "\n")
+        }
+        srcFileRes <- testData[[tsName]][["sourceFileResults"]]
+        for (i in seq_along(srcFileRes)) {
+            fname <- basename(names(srcFileRes)[i])
+            testFuncNames <- names(srcFileRes[[i]])
+            keep <- integer()
+            for (j in seq_along(testFuncNames)) {
+                  funcList <- srcFileRes[[i]][[testFuncNames[j]]]
+                  if (funcList$kind %in% type){
+                      keep <- c(keep, j)
+                      if( print ){
+                          if (funcList$kind == "error") {
+                                cat("ERROR in ", fname, "::", testFuncNames[j], ": ", funcList$msg, sep = "")
+                          }
+                          else if (funcList$kind == "failure") {
+                                cat("FAILURE in ", fname, "::", testFuncNames[j], ": ", funcList$msg, sep = "")
+                          }
+                          else if (funcList$kind == "deactivated") {
+                                cat("DEACTIVATED ", fname, "::", testFuncNames[j], ": ", funcList$msg, sep = "")
+                          }
+                      }
+                }
+            }
+            if( length(keep) ) res[[tsName]][["sourceFileResults"]][[i]] <- srcFileRes[[i]][keep]
+            else res[[tsName]][["sourceFileResults"]] <- res[[tsName]][["sourceFileResults"]][-i]
+        }
+    }
+    invisible(res)
+#' Unit Tests Result Directory
+#' Returns the path to the directory where the results of unit tests are stored.
+#' This path is used by \code{\link{utest}} to save unit test results, which are 
+#' read by \code{\link{makeUnitVignette}} to update the unit test vignette when 
+#' runnning R CMD check.  
+#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{\link{packagePath}}, e.g., \code{package}.
+#' @export
+utestPath <- function(...){
+	packagePath('tests-results', ...)
+#uTest <- function(file, fun, ...){
+#	library(RUnit)
+#	tdir <- packagePath('unitTests')
+#	ufiles <- list.files(tdir)
+#	get.tfile <- function(file){
+#		i <- grep(paste(file,"(\\.[rR])?",sep=''), ufiles)
+#		if( length(i) > 0L ) ufiles[i[1L]]
+#		else NULL
+#	}
+#	tfile <- file
+#	if( is.null(tfile <- get.tfile(tfile)) ){
+#		tfile <- paste('runit.', file, sep='')
+#		if( is.null(tfile <- get.tfile(tfile)) ){
+#			tfile <- paste('testthat.', file, sep='')
+#			if( is.null(tfile <- get.tfile(tfile)) )
+#				stop("Could not find test file '", file, "' (nor runit.% or testthat.% versions) in '", tdir, "'")
+#		}
+#	}
+#	tfile <- file.path(tdir, tfile)
+#	if( !missing(fun) ){
+#		e <- new.env()
+#		source(tfile, local=e)
+#		tfun <- fun
+#		if( !exists(tfun, e, inherits=FALSE) ){
+#			tfun <- paste('test.', fun, sep='')
+#			if( !exists(tfun, e, , inherits=FALSE) )
+#				stop("Could not find test function '", fun, "' (not test.% version) in '", tfile, "'")
+#		}
+#		tfun <- gsub(".", "\\.", tfun, fixed=TRUE)
+#		runTestFile(tfile, testFuncRegexp=str_c("^", tfun, "$"), ...)
+#	}else 
+#		runTestFile(tfile, ...)
diff --git a/R/utils.R b/R/utils.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..963b2cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/utils.R
@@ -0,0 +1,943 @@
+# General utility functions
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Creation: 25 Apr 2012
+# or-NULL operator (borrowed from Hadley Wickham)
+'%||%' <- function(x, y) if( !is.null(x) ) x else y
+#' Get Anywhere
+#' Similar to \code{\link{getAnywhere}}, but looks for the value of its argument. 
+#' @param x a single character string
+#' @export
+cgetAnywhere <- function(x){
+	do.call("getAnywhere", list(x))
+#' Silent Require
+#' Silently require a package.
+#' @inheritParams base::require
+#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{\link{require}}.
+#' @export
+require.quiet <- function(package, character.only = FALSE, ...){
+	if( !character.only )
+		package <- as.character(substitute(package))
+	utils::capture.output(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
+	 res <- do.call('require', 
+			 list(package=package, ..., character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE))
+	)))
+	res
+#' Testing R Version
+#' Compares current R version with a given target version, which may be useful  
+#' for implementing version dependent code. 
+#' @param x target version to compare with.
+#' @param test numeric value that indicates the comparison to be carried out.
+#' The comparison is based on the result from 
+#' \code{utils::compareVersion(R.version, x)}:
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item 1: is R.version > \code{x}?
+#' \item 0: is R.version = \code{x}?
+#' \item -1: is R.version < \code{x}?
+#' } 
+#' @return a logical
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' testRversion("2.14")
+#' testRversion("2.15")
+#' testRversion("10")
+#' testRversion("10", test = -1)
+#' testRversion("< 10")
+#' testRversion(Rversion())
+#' testRversion(paste0('=', Rversion()))
+testRversion <- function(x, test=1L){
+	rv <- Rversion()
+    op <- '=='
+    if( grepl("^[=<>]", str_trim(x)) ){
+        m <- str_match(x, "^([<>=]=?)(.*)")
+        if( is.na(m[, 1]) ) stop('Invalid version specification: ', x)
+        op <- m[, 2]
+        if( op == '=' ) op <- '=='
+        x <- str_trim(m[, 3L])
+        if( !missing(test) ) warning("Ignoring argument `test`: comparison operator was passed in argument `x`")
+        test <- 0L
+    }
+	do.call(op, list(utils::compareVersion(rv, x), test))
+#' Complete R version
+#' Returns the complete R version, e.g. 2.15.0
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' Rversion()
+Rversion <- function(){
+	paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep='.')
+#' Formatting Utilities
+#' \code{str_out} formats character vectors for use in show methods or 
+#' error/warning messages.
+#' @param x character vector
+#' @param max maximum number of values to appear in the list. If \code{x} has 
+#' more elements than \code{max}, a \code{"..."} suffix is appended.
+#' @param quote a logical indicating whether the values should be quoted with 
+#' single quotes (defaults) or not. 
+#' @param use.names a logical indicating whether names should be added to the 
+#' list as \code{NAME=VAL, ...} or not (default).
+#' @param sep separator character
+#' @param total logical that indicates if the total number of elements should be 
+#' appended to the formatted string as \code{"'a', ..., 'z' (<N> total)"}.  
+#' @return a single character string
+#' @examples
+#' x <- letters[1:10]
+#' str_out(x)
+#' str_out(x, 8)
+#' str_out(x, Inf)
+#' str_out(x, quote=FALSE)
+#' str_out(x, total = TRUE)
+#' @export
+str_out <- function(x, max=3L, quote=is.character(x), use.names=FALSE, sep=", ", total = FALSE){
+	if( is_NA(max) ) max <- Inf
+	suffix <- NULL
+    nTotal <- length(x)
+	if( max > 2 && length(x) > max ){
+		suffix <- "..."
+		x <- c(head(x, max-1), tail(x, 1))
+	}
+	x <- head(x, max)
+	# add quotes if necessary
+	quote <- 
+			if( isTRUE(quote) ) "'"
+			else if( is.character(quote) ) quote
+	if( !is.null(quote) ) x <- unlist(lapply(x, function(v) paste(quote,v,quote, sep='')))
+	else if( all(sapply(x, isInteger)) ) x <- unlist(lapply(x, function(v) str_c(v,'L')))
+	# add names if necessary
+	if( use.names && !is.null(names(x)) ){
+		nm <- str_c(names(x),'=')
+		x <- paste(ifelse(nm=='=','',nm), x, sep='')
+	}
+	# insert suffix
+	if( !is.null(suffix) ){
+		x <- c(head(x, length(x)-1L), suffix, tail(x, 1L))
+	}
+	s <- paste(paste(x, collapse=sep), sep='')
+	if( total ) s <- paste0(s, ' (', nTotal, ' total)')
+	# return formatted string 
+	s
+#' \code{str_desc} builds formatted string from a list of complex values.
+#' @param object an R object
+#' @param exdent extra indentation passed to str_wrap, and used if the output 
+#' should spread over more than one lines.
+#' @rdname str_out
+#' @export
+str_desc <- function(object, exdent=0L){
+	p <- sapply(object, function(x){
+				if( is.atomic(x) && length(x) == 1L ) x
+				else paste("<", class(x), ">", sep='')
+			})
+	str_wrap(str_out(p, NA, use.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE), exdent=exdent)
+#' \code{str_fun} extracts and formats a function signature.
+#' It typically formats the output \code{capture.output(args(object))}.
+#' @rdname str_out
+#' @export
+#' @examples 
+#' str_fun(install.packages)
+str_fun <- function(object){
+	s <- capture.output(args(object))
+	paste(s[-length(s)], collapse="\n")
+# From example in ?toupper
+capwords <- function(s, strict = FALSE) {
+    cap <- function(s) paste(toupper(substring(s,1,1)),
+                {s <- substring(s,2); if(strict) tolower(s) else s},
+                sep = "", collapse = " " )
+    sapply(strsplit(s, split = " "), cap, USE.NAMES = !is.null(names(s)))
+#' Finding Differences Between Strings
+#' Computes which characters differ between two strings.
+#' @param x a single string
+#' @param y a single string
+#' @return an integer vector containing the index of all mis-matched characters
+#' in the first string.
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' # strings to compare
+#' x <- "once upon a time"
+#' y <- "once upon a time there was"
+#' z <- "once upon two times"
+#' # diff: x - y
+#' d <- str_diff(x, y)
+#' d
+#' str(d)
+#' # other comparisons 
+#' str_diff(y, x)
+#' str_diff(x, x)
+#' str_diff(x, z)
+#' str_diff(y, z)
+str_diff <- function(x, y){
+	sx <- strsplit(x,'')[[1]]
+	sy <- strsplit(y,'')[[1]]
+	n <- min(length(sx), length(sy))
+	res <- mapply('!=', head(sx,n), head(sy,n))
+	wres <- which(res)
+	if( length(sx) > length(sy) )
+		wres <- c(wres, (n+1):length(sx))
+	attr(wres, 'str') <- list(x=x,y=y)
+	class(wres) <- 'str_diff'
+	wres
+#' @S3method print str_diff
+print.str_diff <- function(x, ...){
+	s <- attr(x, 'str')
+	n <- max(nchar(s$x), nchar(s$y))
+	d <- rep('.', n)
+	d[x] <- '*'
+	if( (n2 <- nchar(s$y)-nchar(s$x)) )
+		d[(n-abs(n2)+1):n] <- if( n2 > 0L ) '-' else '+'
+	cat(str_c(s$x, collapse=''), "\n")
+	cat(str_c(d, collapse=''), "\n")
+	cat(str_c(s$y, collapse=''), "\n")				
+#' Extracting Local Function Definition
+#' @description
+#' \code{extractLocalFun} Extracts local function from wrapper functions of the following type, typically 
+#' used in S4 methods:
+#' \samp{
+#' function(a, b, ...)\{
+#' 	.local <- function(a, b, c, d, ...)\{\}
+#'	.local(a, b, ...)
+#' \}
+#' }
+#' @param f definition of the wrapper function
+#' @return a function
+#' @export
+#' @rdname formals
+extractLocalFun <- function(f){
+	bf <- body(f)
+	txt <- as.character(bf)[2]
+	# in R-2.14.2 -- at least, as.character does not return the complete body
+	# so some text manipulation is necessary 
+	if( !grepl("\\{", txt) ){
+		sf <- capture.output(print(bf))
+		w <- tail(grep("^\\s*\\.local\\(", sf), 1L)
+		txt <- paste(sf[-w], collapse="\n")
+	}
+	expr <- parse(text=txt)
+	e <- new.env()
+	eval(expr, e)
+#' Extended Formal Extraction
+#' Works for methods that are created (setMethod) as a wrapper function to an 
+#' internal function named .local.
+#' @inheritParams extractLocalFun
+#' @return a paired list like the one returned by \code{\link{formals}}. 
+#' @export
+#' @import codetools
+#' @rdname formals
+allFormals <- function(f){
+	# look inside method for S4 methods
+	if( is(f, 'MethodDefinition') ){
+		# check if the method is defined as a wrapper function
+		f <- f at .Data
+		lf <- try(codetools::getAssignedVar(body(f)), silent=TRUE)
+		if( !identical(lf, '.local') ) return( formals(f) )
+		# extract arguments from local function
+		lfun <- extractLocalFun(f)
+		res <- formals(lfun)
+		# set default values from the generic, only for arguments that have no 
+		# default values in the method
+		generic_args <- formals(f)
+		meth_no_default <- sapply(res, is.symbol) 
+		gen_no_default <- sapply(generic_args, is.symbol)
+		generic_args <- generic_args[ !gen_no_default ]
+		generic_args <- generic_args[ names(generic_args) %in% names(res[meth_no_default]) ]
+		if( length(generic_args) ){
+			res[names(generic_args)] <- generic_args
+		}
+		# return complete list of arguments
+		res
+	}else if( is.function(f) ) formals(f)
+#' Alternative S4 Constructor
+#' An alternative version of \code{\link{new}} to create objects based on a list
+#' of values. 
+#' @param class Class name to instanciate
+#' @param ... extra arguments from which slot values are extracted by exact 
+#' matching of names.
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' setClass('A', contain='character', representation(x='numeric', y='character'))
+#' # identical behaviour with standard calls
+#' identical(new('A'), new2('A'))
+#' identical(new('A', x=1), new2('A', x=1))
+#' # but if passing that are names not slots 
+#' identical(new('A'), new2('A', b=1))
+#' identical(new('A', x=1), new2('A', x=1, b=3))
+#' identical(new('A', x=1), new2('A', x=1, b=3))
+#' # standard `new` would coerce first unnamed argument into parent of 'A' (i.e. 'character') 
+#' new('A', list(x=1))
+#' new('A', list(x=1, y='other'))
+#' # `new2` rather use it to initialise the slots it can find in the list 
+#' identical(new('A', x=1), new2('A', list(x=1)))
+#' identical(new('A', x=1, y='other'), new2('A', list(x=1, y='other')))
+new2 <- function(class, ...){
+	sl <- getSlots(class)
+	if( nargs() == 1L ) return( new(class) )
+	dots <- list(...)
+	if( nargs() == 2L && is.null(names(dots)) ){
+		l <- dots[[1]]
+		if( !is.list(l) )
+			stop("Invalid call: single unnamed argument must be a list")
+		dots <- l
+	}
+	if( is.null(names(dots)) || any(names(dots)=='') )
+		stop("Invalid call: all slot arguments must be named")
+	dots <- dots[names(dots) %in% names(sl)]
+	do.call('new', c(list(class), dots))
+#' One-off Global Variables
+#' Defines a function that allow to get/assign a global variable whose value is 
+#' ensured to be reset after each access.
+#' @param default default value to which the global variable is reset after each 
+#' access. Default is \code{NULL}.
+#' @return a function with one argument (\code{value}) that provides get/set access
+#' to a global variable.
+#' If called with a value, it assigns this value to the global variable.
+#' If called with no argument, it returns the current value of the global variable and 
+#' reset it to its default value -- as defined at its creation. 
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' x <- oneoffVariable(0)
+#' # returns default value
+#' x()
+#' # assign a value
+#' x(3)
+#' # get the value
+#' x()
+#' # second call returns default value again 
+#' x()
+oneoffVariable <- function(default=NULL){
+	.var <- default
+	function(value){
+		if( missing(value) ){
+			res <- .var
+			.var <<- default
+			res
+		}else
+			.var <<- value
+	}
+##  Exit Error Checker
+##  This function defines a function that checks if an error has been 
+##  thrown after its definition.
+##  It may be used to perform tasks on function exit depending on 
+##  how the function exit (normal return or with an error).
+##  The function \code{errorCheck} itself is meant to be called at 
+##  the beginning of functions that use \code{\link{on.exit}} to 
+##  perform tasks when exiting.
+##  The error checker function returned, when used in \code{on.exit} 
+##  expressions, enables to distinguish between a normal exit and 
+##  an exit due to an error, allowing is to perform tasks specific 
+##  to each scenario.
+##  IMPORTANT: this function is not 100\% perfect in the sense that 
+##  it will detect an error as soon as one has been thrown, even it 
+##  is catched before the exit -- with \code{\link{try}} or 
+##  \code{\link{tryCatch}}.
+##  @export
+##  @examples 
+##  # define some function
+##  f <- function(err){
+##   # initialise an error checker
+##  	isError <- errorCheck()
+##   # do something on exit that depends on the error status
+##  	on.exit({
+##  		if(isError()) cat("with error: cleanup\n") 
+##  		else cat("no error: do nothing\n") 
+##  	})
+##   # throw an error here
+##  	if( err ) stop('There is an error')
+##  	1+1
+##  }
+##  # without error
+##  f(FALSE)
+##  # with error
+##  try( f(TRUE) )
+#errorCheck <- function(){
+#	# initialise with unique error message
+#	.err <- tryCatch(stop('ERROR_CHECK:', digest(tempfile())), error=function(e) conditionMessage(e))
+#	tb_digest <- function() digest(capture.output(traceback(max.lines=NULL)))
+#	.traceback <- tb_digest()
+#	function(){
+#		# error message is different
+#		# tb_digest() != .traceback
+#		length(grep(.err, msg, fixed=TRUE, invert=TRUE)) == 1L
+#	}
+#' Global Static Variable
+#' \code{sVariable} defines a function that acts as a global
+#' static variable.
+#' @param default default value for the static variable. 
+#' @export
+#' @examples 
+#' # define variable
+#' x <- sVariable(1)
+#' # get value (default)
+#' x()
+#' # set new value: return old value
+#' old <- x(3)
+#' old
+#' # get new value
+#' x()
+sVariable <- function(default=NULL){
+	.val <- default
+	function(value){
+		if( missing(value) ) .val
+		else{
+			old <- .val
+			.val <<- value
+			old
+		}
+	}
+#' Exit Error Checks
+#' \code{exitCheck} provides a mechanism to distinguish the exit status
+#' in \code{\link{on.exit}} expressions.
+#' It generates a function that is used wihtin a function's body to 
+#' "flag" normal exits and in its \code{\link{on.exit}} expression
+#' to check the exit status of a function.
+#' Note that it will correctly detect errors only if all normal exit 
+#' are wrapped into a call to it. 
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' # define some function
+#' f <- function(err){
+#'  # initialise an error checker
+#' 	success <- exitCheck()
+#'  # do something on exit that depends on the error status
+#' 	on.exit({
+#' 		if(success()) cat("Exit with no error: do nothing\n") 
+#' 		else cat("Exit with error: cleaning up the mess ...\n") 
+#' 	})
+#'  # throw an error here
+#' 	if( err ) stop('There is an error')
+#' 	success(1+1)
+#' }
+#' # without error
+#' f(FALSE)
+#' # with error
+#' try( f(TRUE) )
+exitCheck <- function(){
+	.success <- FALSE
+	function(x){
+		if( nargs() == 0L ) .success
+		else{
+			.success <<- TRUE
+			x
+		}
+	}
+#' Ordering Version Numbers
+#' Orders a vector of version numbers, in natural order.
+#' @param x a character vector of version numbers
+#' @param decreasing a logical that indicates if the ordering should be decreasing
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' v <- c('1.0', '1.03', '1.2')
+#' order(v)
+#' orderVersion(v)
+orderVersion <- function(x, decreasing=FALSE){
+	tx <- gsub("[^0-9]+",".", paste('_', x, sep=''))
+	stx <- strsplit(tx, ".", fixed=TRUE)
+	mtx <- max(sapply(stx, length))
+	tx <- sapply(stx, 
+			function(v) paste(sprintf("%06i", c(as.integer(v[-1]),rep(0, mtx-length(v)+1))), collapse='.')
+	)	
+	order(tx, decreasing=decreasing)
+#' @param ... extra parameters passed to \code{orderVersion}
+#' @export
+#' @rdname orderVersion
+#' @examples
+#' sort(v)
+#' sortVersion(v)
+sortVersion <- function(x, ...){
+	x[orderVersion(x, ...)]
+#' Checking for Missing Arguments
+#' This function is identical to \code{\link{hasArg}}, except that 
+#' it accepts the argument name as a character string.
+#' This avoids to have a check NOTE about invisible binding variable.  
+#' @param name the name of an argument as a character string.
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' f <- function(...){ hasArg2('abc') }
+#' f(a=1)
+#' f(abc=1)
+#' f(b=1)
+hasArg2 <- function (name) 
+	name <- as.name(name)
+	## apply methods::hasArg
+	aname <- as.character(substitute(name))
+	fnames <- names(formals(sys.function(sys.parent())))
+	if (is.na(match(aname, fnames))) {
+		if (is.na(match("...", fnames))) 
+		else {
+			dotsCall <- eval(quote(substitute(list(...))), sys.parent())
+			!is.na(match(aname, names(dotsCall)))
+		}
+	}
+	else eval(substitute(!missing(name)), sys.frame(sys.parent()))
+	##
+#' Exposing Object Attributes
+#' The function \code{ExposeAttribute} creates an S3 object that 
+#' exposes all attributes of any R object, by making them accessible via 
+#' methods \code{\link{$}} and/or \code{\link{$<-}}.
+#' @param object any R object whose attributes need to be exposed
+#' @param ... attributes, and optionally their respective values or
+#' access permissions.
+#' See argument \code{value} of \code{attr_mode} for details on the
+#' way of specifying these. 
+#' @param .MODE access mode:
+#' \describe{
+#' \item{\dQuote{r}:}{ (read-only) only method \code{$} is defined}
+#' \item{\dQuote{w}:}{ (write-only) only method \code{$<-} is defined}
+#' \item{\dQuote{rw}:}{ (read-write) both methods \code{$} and \code{$<-} 
+#' are defined}
+#' } 
+#' @param .VALUE logical that indicates if the values of named arguments 
+#' in \code{...} should be considered as attribute assignments, 
+#' i.e. that the result object has these attributes set with the specified values.
+#' In this case all these attributes will have the access permission
+#' as defined by argument \code{.MODE}.
+#' @export
+ExposeAttribute <- function(object, ..., .MODE='rw', .VALUE=FALSE){
+	# setup exposed arguments
+	args <- list(...)
+	if( length(args) ){
+		# use the same mode for all attributes
+		if( isString(.MODE) == 1L )
+			.MODE <- rep(.MODE, length(args))
+		else if( length(.MODE) != length(args) ){
+			stop("Argument .MODE must provide an access mode for each argument in `...`.")
+		}
+		if( is.null(names(args)) ) # add names if necessary
+			args <- setNames(args, rep('', length(args)))
+		un <- names(args)==''
+		if( any(!sapply(args[un], isString)) )
+			stop("All unnamed argument must be the name of an attribute, i.e. a character string.")
+		# set attributes that have values if requested
+		if( .VALUE ){
+			sapply(names(args)[!un], function(x){
+				attr(object, x) <<- args[[x]]
+			})
+		}else{ # or use the values as access permission
+			.MODE[!un] <- args[!un]
+		}
+		#
+		# store exposed attributes with names as regular expressions
+		eargs <- ifelse(un, args, names(args))
+		eargs <- as.list(setNames(.MODE, eargs))
+		# add ereg start-end
+		names(eargs) <- paste('^', names(eargs), '$', sep='')
+	}else{
+		eargs <- .MODE
+	}
+	# store access rights
+	attr(object, '.ExposeAttribute') <- eargs
+	class(object) <- c(class(object), 'ExposeAttribute')
+	object
+.getEAmode <- function(x, name, ..., RAW..=FALSE){
+	ea <- attr(x, '.ExposeAttribute')
+	if( is.null(ea) ) return()
+	if( is.character(ea) && !RAW.. )
+		ea <- list(`^.*$`=ea)
+	if( missing(name) )	return(ea)
+	name <- name[name != '.ExposeAttribute']
+	# determine access mode
+	m <- lapply(names(ea), function(p){
+		m <- grep(p, name, value=TRUE)
+		setNames(rep(ea[[p]], length(m)), m)
+	})
+	unlist(m)
+	#
+#' @importFrom utils .DollarNames
+#' @S3method .DollarNames ExposeAttribute 
+.DollarNames.ExposeAttribute <- function(x, pattern=""){ 
+	att <- grep(pattern, names(attributes(x)), value=TRUE)
+	if( nchar(pattern) > 1 )
+		att <- unique(c(substring(pattern, 2), att))
+	# filter out based on the access permissions
+	mode <- .getEAmode(x, att)
+	if( !length(mode) ) return(character())
+	mode <- mode[mode != '']
+	# add `<-` suffix to write only attributes
+	if( length(wonly <- which(mode=='w')) )
+		names(mode)[wonly] <- paste(names(mode)[wonly], '<- ')
+	names(mode)
+#' @S3method $ ExposeAttribute
+`$.ExposeAttribute` <- function(x, name){
+	if( is.null(attr(x, name)) )
+		stop("Object `", deparse(substitute(x)),"` has no attribute '", name, "'.")
+	mode <- .getEAmode(x, name)
+	if( !length(mode) ){
+		stop("Could not access attribute via `$`: attribute '", name, "' is not exposed. Use `attr(x, '", name, "').")
+	}
+	if( !any(grepl('r', mode)) ){
+		stop("Could not access exposed attribute '", name, "': permission denied [mode='", mode,"'].")
+	}
+	attr(x, name)
+#' @S3method $<- ExposeAttribute
+`$<-.ExposeAttribute` <- function(x, name, value){
+	mode <- .getEAmode(x, name)
+	if( !length(mode) ){
+		stop("Could not write attribute via `$<-`: attribute '", name, "' is not exposed. Use `attr(x, '", name, "') <- value.")
+	}
+	if( !any(grepl('w', mode)) ){
+		stop("Could not write attribute '", name, "': permission denied [mode='", mode,"'].")
+	}
+	attr(x, name) <- value
+	x
+#' @S3method print ExposeAttribute
+print.ExposeAttribute <- function(x, ...){
+	# remove EA stuff 
+	attr_mode(x) <- NULL
+	# call next print method
+	print(x, ...)
+#' \code{attr_mode} and \code{attr_mode<-} get and sets the access mode of 
+#' \code{ExposeAttribute} objects.
+#' @param x an \code{ExposeAttribute} object
+#' @param value replacement value for mode.
+#' It can be \code{NULL} to remove the ExposeAttribute wrapper, 
+#' a single character string to define a permission for all atributes
+#' (e.g., \code{'rw'} or \code{'r'}), or a list specifying access permission 
+#' for specific attributes or classes of attributes defined by regular expressions.
+#' For example, \code{list(a='r', b='w', `blabla.*`='rw')} set attribute \code{'a'} 
+#' as read-only, attribute \code{'b'} as write-only, all attributes that start with 
+#' \code{'blabla'} in read-write access.
+#' @export
+#' @rdname ExposeAttribute
+attr_mode <- function(x){
+	.getEAmode(x, RAW..=TRUE)
+#' @export
+#' @rdname ExposeAttribute
+`attr_mode<-` <- function(x, value){
+	if( is.null(value) ){
+		attr(x, '.ExposeAttribute') <- NULL
+		class(x) <- class(x)[!class(x) %in% "ExposeAttribute"]
+	}else if( isString(value) ){
+		x <- ExposeAttribute(x, .MODE=value)
+	}else if( is.list(value) ){
+		args <- c(list(x), names(value), list(.MODE=setNames(value, NULL), .VALUE=FALSE))
+		x <- do.call('ExposeAttribute', args)
+	}else{
+		stop("Invalid value: a character string or a list is expected")
+	}
+	x
+#' Checking R User 
+#' Tests if the current R user is amongst a given set of users.
+#' @param user the usernames to check for, as a character vector. 
+#' @export
+userIs <- function(user){
+	setNames(Sys.info()['user'], NULL) %in% user
+#' Expanding Lists
+#' \code{expand_list} expands a named list with a given set of default items,
+#' if these are not already in the list, partially matching their names.  
+#' @param x input list
+#' @param ... extra named arguments defining the default items.
+#' A list of default values can also be passed as a a single unnamed argument.
+#' @param .exact logical that indicates if the names in \code{x} should be 
+#' partially matched against the defaults.
+#' @param .names logical that only used when \code{.exact=FALSE} and indicates
+#' that the names of items in \code{x} that partially match some defaults should
+#' be expanded in the returned list.
+#' @return a list  
+#' @export 
+#' @examples 
+#' expand_list(list(a=1, b=2), c=3)
+#' expand_list(list(a=1, b=2, c=4), c=3)
+#' # with a list
+#' expand_list(list(a=1, b=2), list(c=3, d=10))
+#' # no partial match
+#' expand_list(list(a=1, b=2, c=5), cd=3)
+#' # partial match with names expanded
+#' expand_list(list(a=1, b=2, c=5), cd=3, .exact=FALSE)
+#' # partial match without expanding names
+#' expand_list(list(a=1, b=2, c=5), cd=3, .exact=FALSE, .names=FALSE)
+#' # works also inside a function to expand a call with default arguments
+#' f <- function(...){
+#' 	cl  <- match.call()
+#' 	expand_list(cl, list(a=3, b=4), .exact=FALSE)
+#' }
+#' f()
+#' f(c=1)
+#' f(a=2)
+#' f(c=1, a=2)
+expand_list <- function(x, ..., .exact=TRUE, .names=!.exact){
+	# extract defaults from ... arguments
+	defaults <- list(...)
+	if( length(defaults) == 1L && is.null(names(defaults)) ){
+		defaults <- defaults[[1L]]
+	}
+	# early exit if no defaults
+	if( !length(defaults) ) return(x)
+	# match names from x in defaults
+	x_ex <- x
+	if( !.exact ){
+		i <- pmatch(names(x), names(defaults))
+		# first expand names if necessary
+		if( length(w <- which(!is.na(i))) ){
+			names(x_ex)[w] <- names(defaults)[i[w]]
+			# apply to as well if necessary
+			if( .names ) names(x)[w] <- names(defaults)[i[w]]
+		}
+	}
+	# expand list
+	i <- match(names(defaults), names(x_ex))
+	if( length(w <- which(is.na(i))) ){
+		n <- names(defaults)[w]
+		lapply(n, function(m){
+			if( is.null(defaults[[m]]) ) x[m] <<- list(NULL) 
+			else x[[m]] <<- defaults[[m]]
+		})
+	}
+	x
+#' \code{expand_dots} expands the \code{...} arguments of the function
+#' in which it is called with default values, using \code{expand_list}.
+#' It can \strong{only} be called from inside a function.
+#' @param .exclude optional character vector of argument names to exclude 
+#' from expansion. 
+#' @export
+#' @rdname expand_list
+#' @examples
+#' # expanding dot arguments
+#' f <- function(...){ 
+#' 	expand_dots(list(a=2, bcd='a', xxx=20), .exclude='xxx') 
+#' }
+#' # add default value for all arguments 
+#' f()
+#' # add default value for `bcd` only
+#' f(a=10)
+#' # expand names
+#' f(a=10, b=4)
+expand_dots <- function(..., .exclude=NULL){
+	dotsCall <- as.list(eval(quote(substitute(list(...))), sys.parent()))
+	if( length(dotsCall) >= 1L ) dotsCall <- dotsCall[-1L]
+	# extract defaults from ... arguments
+	defaults <- list(...)
+	if( length(defaults) == 1L && is.null(names(defaults)) ){
+		defaults <- defaults[[1L]]
+	}
+	if( length(defaults) ){
+		excl <- names(allFormals(sys.function(sys.parent())))
+		if( !is.null(.exclude) ) excl <- c(excl, .exclude)
+		defaults <- defaults[!names(defaults) %in% excl]
+		dotsCall <- expand_list(dotsCall, defaults, .exact=FALSE)
+	}
+	#
+	# return expanded dot args
+	dotsCall
+#' Check Environment Variables
+#' Tells if some environment variable(s) are defined.
+#' @param x environment variable name, as a character vector.
+#' @export
+#' @examples 
+#' hasEnvar('_R_CHECK_TIMINGS_')
+#' hasEnvar('ABCD')
+hasEnvar <- function(x){
+	is.na(Sys.getenv(x, unset = NA, names = FALSE))
diff --git a/R/vignette.R b/R/vignette.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e44c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/vignette.R
@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+# Vignette generation related functions
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Creation: 25 Apr 2012
+#' @include packages.R
+rnw_message <- function(...) message("# ", ...)
+#' Identifying Sweave Run
+#' Tells if the current code is being executed within a Sweave document.
+#' @return \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' # Not in a Sweave document 
+#' inSweave()
+#' # Within a Sweave document
+inSweave <- function(){
+#	in.sweave <- FALSE
+	if ((n.parents <- length(sys.parents())) >= 3) {
+		for (i in seq_len(n.parents) - 1) {
+			if ("chunkopts" %in% ls(envir = sys.frame(i))) {
+				chunkopts = get("chunkopts", envir = sys.frame(i))
+				if (all(c("prefix.string", "label") %in% names(chunkopts))) {
+#					in.sweave <- TRUE
+					return(TRUE)
+					break
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+#' Generate a Fake Vignette
+#' @param src original Sweave file
+#' @param out output file
+#' @param PACKAGE package name where to look the source vignette
+#' @export
+makeFakeVignette <- function(src, out, PACKAGE=NULL){
+	# interpret template within the package directory
+	if( !is.null(PACKAGE) ){
+		src <- str_c(, src)
+	}
+    if( identical(normalizePath(dirname(src)), normalizePath(dirname(out))) ){
+        cat("# NOTE: skipped fake vignette [source in root directory]\n")
+        return(invisible())
+    }
+	# read in template file
+	l <- readLines(src)
+	# extract %\Vignette commands
+	vign <- l[grep("^%\\s*\\\\Vignette", l)]
+	# write output file
+	cat(c("\\documentclass[10pt]{article}"
+		, vign
+		, "\\usepackage{url}\n\\usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref}\n\n\\begin{document}\n\\end{document}")
+		, file=out, sep="\n");
+#' LaTeX Utilities for Vignettes
+#' \code{latex_preamble} outputs/returns command definition LaTeX commands to 
+#' be put in the preamble of vignettes.
+#' Argument \code{PACKAGE} is not required for \code{latex_preamble}, but must 
+#' be correctly specified to ensure \code{biblatex=TRUE} generates the correct
+#' bibliography command.
+#' @param R logical that indicate if general R commands should be added 
+#' (e.g. package names, inline R code format commands) 
+#' @param CRAN logical that indicate if general CRAN commands should be added
+#' (e.g. CRAN package citations) 
+#' @param Bioconductor logical that indicate if general Bioconductor commands 
+#' should be added (e.g. Bioc package citations) 
+#' @param GEO logical that indicate if general GEOmnibus commands should be added
+#' (e.g. urls to GEO datasets) 
+#' @param ArrayExpress logical that indicate if general ArrayExpress commands 
+#' should be added (e.g. urls to ArrayExpress datasets)
+#' @param biblatex logical that indicates if a \code{\\bibliography} command 
+#' should be added to include references from the package's REFERENCES.bib file. 
+#' @param only a logical that indicates if the only the commands whose 
+#' dedicated argument is not missing should be considered.
+#' @param file connection where to print. If \code{NULL} the result is returned
+#' silently.
+#' @import stringr
+#' @export
+#' @rdname latex
+#' @examples
+#' latex_preamble()
+#' latex_preamble(R=TRUE, only=TRUE)
+#' latex_preamble(R=FALSE, CRAN=FALSE, GEO=FALSE)
+#' latex_preamble(GEO=TRUE, only=TRUE)
+latex_preamble <- function(PACKAGE, R=TRUE, CRAN=TRUE, Bioconductor=TRUE
+							, GEO=TRUE, ArrayExpress=TRUE, biblatex=FALSE, only=FALSE, file=''){
+	cmd <- "%%%% PKGMAKER COMMANDS %%%%%%
+	inc <- function(arg){
+		e <- parent.frame()
+		(!only || eval(substitute(hasArg(arg), list(arg=substitute(arg))), e)) && arg
+	}
+	if( inc(R) ){
+		cmd <- c(cmd, 
+"% R
+\\newcommand{\\Rpkg}[1]{\\pkgname{#1} package\\xspace}
+	if( inc(CRAN) ){
+		cmd <- c(cmd,
+"% CRAN
+%% CRANpkg
+\\def\\@@CRANpkg#1{\\href{http://cran.r-project.org/package=#1}{\\pkgname{#1}} package\\footnote{\\CRANurl{#1}}}
+%% citeCRANpkg
+	if( inc(Bioconductor) ){
+		cmd <- c(cmd,
+"% Bioconductor
+\\newcommand{\\BioCpkg}[1]{\\href{http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/#1.html}{\\pkgname{#1}} package\\footnote{\\BioCurl{#1}}}
+% Bioconductor annotation
+\\newcommand{\\BioCAnnpkg}[1]{\\href{http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/data/annotation/html/#1.html}{\\Rcode{#1}} annotation package\\footnote{\\BioCAnnurl{#1}}}
+	if( inc(GEO) ){
+		cmd <- c(cmd, 
+"% GEO
+	}
+	if( inc(ArrayExpress) ) cmd <- c(cmd,
+"% ArrayExpress
+	if( biblatex ){
+		if( missing(PACKAGE) )
+			stop("Argument `PACKAGE` is required when specifying `biblatex=TRUE`.")
+		cmd <- c(cmd, latex_bibliography(PACKAGE, file=NULL))
+	} 
+	# output or return commands
+	cmd <- c(cmd, "%%%% END: PKGMAKER COMMANDS %%%%%%\n")
+	cmd <- str_c(cmd, collapse="\n")
+	if( !is.null(file) ) cat(cmd, file, sep='')
+	else cmd
+#' \code{latex_bibliography} prints or return a LaTeX command that includes a 
+#' package bibliography file if it exists.
+#' @param PACKAGE package name
+#' @export
+#' @rdname latex
+latex_bibliography <- function(PACKAGE, file=''){
+    rpkg.bib <- "%\\bibliography{Rpackages}\n"
+    cmd <- rpkg.bib
+	# get REFERENCES.bib file
+	reffile <- packageReferenceFile(PACKAGE=PACKAGE)
+    if( is.file(reffile) ){
+        cmd <- paste0(cmd, "\\bibliography{", gsub("\\.bib$", "", reffile), "}\n")
+    }
+    # add post-processing knit hook
+    library(knitr)
+    knit_hooks$set(document = function(x){
+        # write bibfile if necessary
+        if( length(pkgs <- parsePackageCitation(x)) ){
+            # write bibfile
+            write.pkgbib(gsub("^Rpackage:", '', pkgs), file='Rpackages.bib', prefix='Rpackage:')
+            # uncomment inclusion line
+            x <- gsub("%\\bibliography{Rpackages}", "\\bibliography{Rpackages}", x, fixed = TRUE)
+        }
+        x
+    })
+    if( !is.null(file) ) cat(cmd, file=file)
+    else cmd
+is.rnw <- function(x){
+	is(x, 'rnw')
+runVignette <- function(x, ...){
+    # flag the vignette as being locally made
+    opts <- options(R_RUNNING_MANUAL_VIGNETTE=TRUE)
+    on.exit( options(opts) )
+    # run
+	UseMethod('runVignette')
+# tells if a vignette is locally made
+#' Identifies Manually Run Vignettes
+#' \code{isManualVignette} tells if a vignette is being run through the function \code{runVignette} 
+#' of \pkg{pkgmker}, allowing disabling behaviours not allowed in package vignettes that are
+#' checked vi \code{R CMD check}. 
+#' @rdname vignette
+#' @export
+isManualVignette <- function(){
+runVignette.default <- function(x, file=NULL, ...){
+	stop("Vignette compiler '", class(x), "' is not supported")
+## #' @param fig.path specification for the figure path (used in knitr vignettes only). 
+## #' If \code{TRUE} then the figure path is set to \code{'./figure/<basename>/'}.
+## #' @param cache.path specification for the cache path.
+## #' If \code{TRUE} then the figure path is set to \code{'./cache/<basename>/'}.
+#' @S3method runVignette rnw_knitr 
+runVignette.rnw_knitr <- function(x, file=NULL, ..., fig.path=TRUE, cache.path=TRUE){
+	library(knitr)
+	# expand path to cache to fix issue in knitr
+	bname <- sub("\\..{3}$", '', basename(x$file))	
+	# add suffix for windows
+	if( .Platform$OS.type == 'windows' ){ 
+		bname <- paste(bname, '-win', sep='')
+	}
+	# cache.path
+	if( !isFALSE(cache.path) ){
+		if( isTRUE(cache.path) ){
+			cache.path <- file.path(getwd(), 'cache', bname, '/')
+		}
+		opts_chunk$set(cache.path=cache.path)	
+	}
+	# fig.path
+	if( !isFALSE(fig.path) ){
+		if( isTRUE(fig.path) ){
+			fig.path <- file.path(getwd(), 'figure', str_c(bname,'-'))
+		}
+		opts_chunk$set(fig.path=fig.path)	
+	}
+	# set other options
+	opts_chunk$set(...)
+	# run knitr
+	e <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
+	if( FALSE && (is.null(file) || file_extension(file) %in% c('tex', 'pdf')) ){
+		ofile <- if( file_extension(file) == 'pdf' ) file else NULL 
+		knit2pdf(x$file, ofile, envir=e)
+		if( is.null(file) ){
+			# remove pdf file
+			unlink(file.path(getwd(), basename(file_extension(x$file, 'pdf'))))
+		} else if( file_extension(file) == 'tex' ){
+			# move tex file
+			file.rename(file_extension(file, 'tex'), file)
+		}
+	}else knit(x$file, file, envir=e)
+#' @S3method runVignette rnw_sweave 
+runVignette.rnw_sweave <- function(x, file=NULL, ...){
+	res <- Sweave(x$file, driver=x$driver, ...)
+	# move output file
+	if( !is.null(file) ){
+		file.rename(res, file)
+	}
+	res
+#' Utilities for Vignettes
+#' \code{rnw} provides a unified interface to run vignettes that detects
+#' the type of vignette (Sweave or \code{\link[knitr]{knitr}}), and which Sweave driver 
+#' to use (either automatically or from an embedded command \code{\\VignetteDriver} 
+#' command).
+#' @param x vignette source file specification as a path or a \code{rnw} object.
+#' @param file output file
+#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{as.rnw} that can be used to force 
+#' certain building parameters.
+#' @param raw a logical that indicates if the raw result for the compilation 
+#' should be returned, instead of the result file path.
+#' @rdname vignette
+#' @export
+rnw <- function(x, file=NULL, ..., raw=FALSE){
+#	library(methods)
+	# load rnw file
+	x <- as.rnw(x, ...)	
+	# setup restoration of options and graphical parameters
+	opts <- options()
+	gpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
+	on.exit( {options(opts); par(gpar)})
+	# copy package cleveref from pkgmaker installation
+	if( 'cleveref' %in% x$latexPackages ){
+		clv <- packagePath('cleveref.sty', package='pkgmaker')
+		message("# Copying package 'cleveref.sty' from ", dirname(clv)," ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
+		wd <- if( !is.null(file) ) dirname(file) else getwd()
+		file.copy(clv, wd)
+		if( file.exists(file.path(wd, basename(clv))) )	message('OK') else message('ERROR')
+	}
+	# run vignette
+	res <- runVignette(x, file=file, ...)
+	# Package citations
+	if( !is.null(keys <- x$cite) ){
+		message("# Writing package bibtex file [", length(keys)," key(s)] ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
+		write.pkgbib(keys, file='Rpackages.bib', prefix='Rpackage:', verbose=FALSE)
+		message('OK')
+	}
+	#
+	# return raw result if required
+	if( raw ) return(res)
+	# check for a wrapper main file
+	if( !is.null(x$wrapper) ){
+		res <- x$wrapper
+	}
+	invisible(res)
+checkFile <- function(x, msg="file '%s' does not exist."){
+	if( !is.file(x) ) stop(sprintf(msg, x))
+checkRnwFile <- function(x){
+	if( is.rnw(x) ) x <- x$file
+	checkFile(x, msg="Vignette file '%s' does not exist.")
+#' \code{as.rnw} creates a S3 \code{rnw} object that contains information
+#' about a vignette, e.g., source filename, driver, fixed included files, etc..
+#' @param load logical to indicate if all the object's properties should loaded, 
+#' which is done by parsing the file and look up for specific tags. 
+#' @rdname vignette
+#' @export
+as.rnw <- function(x, ..., load = TRUE){
+	if( is.rnw(x) ) return(x)
+	checkRnwFile(x)
+	# initialise 'rnw' object
+	obj <- list()
+	class(obj) <- 'rnw'
+	# store source full path
+	obj$file <- normalizePath(x)
+	obj$line <- NA
+	if( !load ) return(obj)
+	# detect compiler
+	obj$compiler <- rnwCompiler(obj) %||% 'Sweave'
+	cl <- if( obj$compiler == 'knitr' ) 'knitr' else 'sweave'
+	class(obj) <- c(paste('rnw_', cl, sep=''), class(obj))
+	# detect driver
+	obj$driver <- rnwDriver(obj) %||% RweaveLatex()
+	# detect wrapper
+	obj$wrapper <- rnwWrapper(obj)
+	# detect fixed included images
+	obj$includes <- rnwIncludes(obj)
+	# detect latex packages
+	obj$latexPackages <- rnwLatexPackages(obj)
+	# detect children vignettes
+	obj$children <- rnwChildren(obj)
+	# detect package citations
+	obj$cite <- rnwCite(obj)
+	# override with passed extra arguments
+	if( nargs() > 1L ){
+		dots <- list(...)
+		obj[names(dots)] <- dots
+	}
+	# return object
+	obj
+rnwObject <- function(...) as.rnw(..., load=FALSE)
+rnwParser <- function(tag, name=tolower(tag), trim=TRUE, commented=FALSE, options=FALSE, first=FALSE){
+	function(x, verbose=TRUE){
+		x <- rnwObject(x)
+		# read all lines in
+		l <- readLines(x$file)
+		# identify driver
+		dr <- str_match(l, str_c("^\\s*"
+								, if( commented ) '%'
+								,"\\s*\\\\", tag
+								, if( options ) "(\\[[^]]*\\])?"
+								, "\\{([^}]*)\\}"))
+		w <- which(!is.na(dr[,1L]))
+		if( length(w) > 0L ){
+			if( first ) w <- w[1L]
+			s <- dr[w, if( options ) 3L else 2L]
+			# trim if necessary
+			if( trim ) s <- str_trim(s)
+			if( verbose ) rnw_message("Detected ", name, ": "
+								,paste("'", s, "'", sep='', collapse=', '))
+			s
+		}
+	}
+rnwVignetteParser <- function(tag, ...){
+	rnwParser(str_c('Vignette',tag), name=tolower(tag), ..., commented=TRUE, first=TRUE)
+rnwLatexPackages <- rnwParser('usepackage', name='LaTeX package(s)', options=TRUE)
+#' \code{rnwCompiler} tries to detect the vignette compiler to use on a vignette
+#' source file, e.g., \code{\link{Sweave}} or \code{\link[knitr]{knitr}}.
+#' @param verbose logical that toggles verbosity
+#' @rdname vignette
+#' @export
+rnwCompiler <- rnwVignetteParser('Compiler')
+#' \code{rnwWrapper} tries to detect the type of vignette and if it is meant 
+#' to be wrapped into another main file.
+#' @rdname vignette
+#' @export
+rnwWrapper <- rnwVignetteParser('Wrapper')
+#' \code{rnwDriver} tries to detect Sweave driver to use on a vignette source 
+#' file, e.g., \code{SweaveCache}, \code{highlight}, etc..
+#' @rdname vignette
+#' @export
+rnwDriver <- function(x){
+	parse_driver <- rnwVignetteParser('Driver', trim=FALSE)
+	if( !is.null(s <- parse_driver(x)) ){
+		# eval text
+		eval(parse(text=s))
+	}
+#' \code{rnwIncludes} detects fixed includes, e.g., image or pdf files, that are 
+#' required to build the final document.  
+#' @rdname vignette
+#' @export
+rnwIncludes <- function(x){
+	x <- rnwObject(x)
+	# read all lines in
+	l <- readLines(x$file)
+	# identify driver
+	dr <- suppressWarnings(str_match(l, "^\\s*\\\\((include)|(includegraphics)|(input))\\{([^}]*)\\}"))
+	w <- which(!is.na(dr[,1L]))
+	rnw_message("Detected includes: ", appendLF=FALSE)
+	if( length(w) > 0L ){
+		inc <- str_trim(dr[w,6L])
+		message(str_out(inc))
+		inc
+	}else
+		message("NONE")
+#' \code{rnwChildren} detects included vignette documents and return them as a 
+#' list of vignette objects.  
+#' @rdname vignette
+#' @export
+rnwChildren <- function(x){
+	x <- rnwObject(x)
+	# read all lines in
+	l <- readLines(x$file)
+	# identify driver
+	dr <- str_match(l, "^\\s*\\\\SweaveInput\\{([^}]*)\\}")
+	w <- which(!is.na(dr[,1L]))
+	if( length(w) > 0L ){
+		inc <- dr[w,2L]
+		rnw_message("Detected children: ", str_out(inc, Inf))
+		owd <- setwd(dirname(x$file))
+		on.exit( setwd(owd) )
+		mapply(as.rnw, inc, line=w, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
+	}
+#' Formatting Package Citations in Sweave/knitr Documents
+#' @param x output document, as a single string.
+#' @export
+parsePackageCitation <- function(x){
+    if( length(x) > 1L ) x <- paste(x, collapse = "\n")
+    .parse <- function(x, pattern, idx){
+		dr <- str_match_all(x, pattern)
+		dr <- dr[sapply(dr, length)>0L]
+		unlist(lapply(dr, '[', , idx))
+	}
+	# extract package citations: \citeCRANpkg - like
+    x <- gsub(".*[^%]* *\\\\begin\\{document\\}(.*)", "\\1", x)
+    cite <- .parse(x, "\\\\cite((CRAN)|(BioC)|(BioCAnn))?pkg[*]?\\{([^}]*)\\}", 6L)
+    # \cite{Rpackage:pkgname, ...} - like
+	cite2 <- .parse(x, "\\\\cite[^{ ]*\\{([^}]*)\\}", 2L)
+    if( length(cite2) ){
+ 		cite2 <- .parse(cite2, '.*Rpackage:([^,}]+).*', 2L)
+		cite <- c(cite, cite2)
+	}
+	# remove Rpackage prefix
+	if( length(cite) ){
+        cite <- unlist(strsplit(cite, ","))
+        cite <- gsub('^Rpackage:', '', cite)
+	}
+    inc <- character()
+	if( length(cite) > 0L ){
+		inc <- unique(str_trim(unlist(strsplit(cite, ","))))
+    }
+	inc  
+#' \code{bibcite} provides an inline package citation functionnality. 
+#' Technically it adds a given Bibtex key to a cache that is used at the end of the 
+#' document processing to generate a .bib file with all citation keys.  
+#' @param key citation Bibtex key(s) as a character vector
+#' @param cache specifies what to do with the previsouly chached keys.
+#' If \code{TRUE}, then \code{key} is added to the cache. 
+#' If \code{NULL}, then all previously cached keys are deleted, before .
+#' If a character string, then it specifies the path to a Bibtex file that is loaded 
+#' to initialise the cache.
+#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{\link[bibtex]{read.bib}}.
+#' @keywords internal
+cite_pkg <- local({
+    .keys <- character()
+    function(key, cache = NA, ...){
+        # return whole cache
+        if( !nargs() ) return(.keys)
+        # reset cache
+        if( is.null(cache) ) .keys <- character()
+        else if( isString(cache) ) .keys <- read.bib(file = cache, ...)
+        if( !missing(key) ){
+            cat(key)
+            .keys <<- c(.keys, key)
+        }
+    }
+rnwCite <- function(x){
+	x <- rnwObject(x)
+	# read all lines in
+	l <- readLines(x$file)
+	.parse <- function(x, pattern, idx){
+		dr <- str_match_all(x, pattern)
+		dr <- dr[sapply(dr, length)>0L]
+		unlist(lapply(dr, '[', , idx))
+	}
+	# extract package citations: \citeCRANpkg - like
+	cite <- .parse(l, "\\\\cite((CRAN)|(BioC)|(BioCAnn))?pkg[*]?\\{([^}]*)\\}", 6L)
+	# \cite{Rpackage:pkgname, ...} - like
+	cite2 <- .parse(l, "\\\\cite[^{ ]*\\{([^}]*)\\}", 2L)
+	if( length(cite2) ){
+ 		cite2 <- .parse(cite2, '.*Rpackage:([^,}]+).*', 2L)
+		cite <- c(cite, cite2)
+	}
+	# remove Rpackage prefix
+	if( length(cite) ){
+    cite <- unlist(strsplit(cite, ","))
+	  cite <- gsub('^Rpackage:', '', cite)
+	}
+	rnw_message("Detected package citation(s): ", appendLF=FALSE)
+	if( length(cite) > 0L ){
+		inc <- unique(str_trim(unlist(strsplit(cite, ","))))
+		message(str_out(inc), ' [', length(inc), ']')
+		inc
+	}else
+		message("NONE")
+# substitute a makefile template variable 
+subMakeVar <- function(mvar, value, text){
+	sub(str_c('#%', mvar, '%#'), value, text, fixed=TRUE)
+# define a makefile template variable
+defMakeVar <- function(var, value, ..., mvar=var){
+	subMakeVar(mvar, str_c(var, '=', value), ...)
+quick_install <- function(path, ..., lib.loc){
+	if( !is.dir(lib.loc) ){
+		stop("Installation directory '", lib.loc, "' does not exist.")
+	}
+	olib <- .libPaths()
+	.libPaths(lib.loc)
+	on.exit( .libPaths(olib) )
+	pkg <- devtools::install(path, ...)
+vignetteCheckMode <- checkMode_function('_R_CHECK_BUILDING_VIGNETTES_')
+#' \code{vignetteMakefile} returns the path to a generic makefile used to make 
+#' vignettes.
+#' @param package package name.
+#' If \code{NULL}, a DESRIPTION file is looked for one directory up: this 
+#' meant to work when building a vignette directly from a package's 
+#' \code{'vignettes'} sub-directory. 
+#' @param skip Vignette files to skip (basename).  
+#' @param print logical that specifies if the path should be printed or
+#' only returned. 
+#' @param template template Makefile to use.
+#' The default is to use the file \dQuote{vignette.mk} shipped with the package
+#' \pkg{pkgmaker} and can be found in its install root directory.
+#' @param temp logical that indicates if the generated makefile should using a 
+#' temporary filename (\code{TRUE}), or simply named \dQuote{vignette.mk}
+#' @param checkMode logical that indicates if the vignettes should be generated as in a 
+#' CRAN check (\code{TRUE}) or in development mode, in which case \code{pdflatex}, \code{bibtex}, 
+#' and, optionally, \code{qpdf} are required.
+#' @param user character vector containing usernames that enforce \code{checkMode=TRUE}, 
+#' if the function is called from within their session.
+#' @param tests logical that enables the compilation of a vignette that gathers all unit 
+#' test results.
+#' Note that this means that all unit tests are run before generating the vignette.
+#' However, unit tests are not (re)-run at this stage when the vignettes are built 
+#' when checking the package with \code{R CMD check}.
+#' @rdname vignette
+#' @export
+vignetteMakefile <- function(package=NULL, skip=NULL, print=TRUE, template=NULL, temp=FALSE
+                             , checkMode = isCHECK() || vignetteCheckMode()
+                             , user = NULL, tests=TRUE){
+#	library(methods)
+	## create makefile from template
+	# load template makefile
+	if( is.null(template) )
+		template <- packagePath('vignette.mk', package='pkgmaker')	
+	l <- paste(readLines(template), collapse="\n")
+	# R_BIN
+	l <- subMakeVar('R_BIN', R.home('bin'), l)
+  #
+    if( checkMode ){
+        oldCM <- vignetteCheckMode(TRUE)
+        on.exit( vignetteCheckMode(oldCM) )
+    }
+  # Check user: LOCAL_MODE if in declared user
+	localMode <- !checkMode
+	cuser <- Sys.info()["user"]
+	l <- subMakeVar('VIGNETTE_USER', cuser, l)
+  maintainers <- '-'
+  if( !is.null(user) ){
+		maintainers <- str_c(user, collapse=', ')
+		if( cuser %in% user ){
+			localMode <- TRUE
+		}
+	}
+	l <- subMakeVar('VIGNETTE_MAINTAINERS', maintainers, l)
+  # define variable LOCAL_MODE
+	if( localMode ){
+	  l <- defMakeVar('LOCAL_MODE', cuser, l)
+  }
+	# Package name
+    pkg_dir <-  dirname(getwd())
+    loc_package <- if( is.file(df <- file.path(pkg_dir, 'DESCRIPTION')) ){
+        d <- try(read.dcf(df), silent=TRUE)
+        d <- as.list(as.data.frame(d, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
+        d$Package
+    }
+    if( !is.null(loc_package) && (is.null(package) || identical(loc_package, package)) ) package <- loc_package
+    else if( !identical(loc_package, package) && length(pkg_dir <- find.package(package, quiet=TRUE)) ){
+		d <- packageDescription(package)
+	}else{
+		stop("Could not load DESCRIPTION file for package '", package, "'.")		
+	}
+	l <- defMakeVar('MAKE_R_PACKAGE', package, l)
+    l <- subMakeVar('R_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION', pkg_dir, l)
+  # R_LIBS: add package's dev lib if necessary 
+  Rlibs <- NULL
+  if( localMode && is.dir(devlib <- file.path(getwd(), '..', '..', 'lib')) ){
+	  Rlibs <- devlib
+  }
+  Rlibs <- paste(c(Rlibs, "$(TMP_INSTALL_DIR)", "$(R_LIBS)"), collapse=.Platform$path.sep)
+	l <- subMakeVar('R_LIBS_DEV', Rlibs, l)
+	# TMP_INSTALL_DIR: temporary install directory
+	l <- subMakeVar('TMP_INSTALL_DIR', file.path(dirname(tempdir()), basename(tempfile('Rpkglib_'))), l)
+	# Vignettes files:
+    # - look into src/ for real vignettes
+	# - check presence of a test directory ../tests/
+	# - check current directory for non fake vignettes
+	rnwFiles <- NULL
+	# src
+	if( is.dir('src') ) rnwFiles <- list.files('src', pattern="\\.Rnw$")
+	# unit tests
+	if( tests && is.dir('../tests') ) rnwFiles <- c(rnwFiles, str_c(package, '-unitTests.Rnw'))
+	# non-fake vignettes
+    rnwFiles <- c(rnwFiles, list.files('.', pattern="\\.Rnw$"))
+	# substitute in makefile
+	rnwFiles <- unique(rnwFiles)
+	if( !is.null(skip) )
+		rnwFiles <- setdiff(rnwFiles, skip)
+	l <- subMakeVar('RNW_SRCS', paste(rnwFiles, collapse=' '), l)
+	# reset pdf objects in local mode to point to ../inst/doc
+	noBuildVignettes <- if( !is.null(d$BuildVignettes) ) tolower(d$BuildVignettes)=='no' else FALSE
+	if( localMode && noBuildVignettes ){
+        l <- defMakeVar('INST_TARGET', 1, l)
+    	l <- defMakeVar('PDF_OBJS'
+						, paste(file.path('../inst/doc', sub("\\.Rnw$", ".pdf", rnwFiles)), collapse=' ')
+						, l)
+	}
+    l <- defMakeVar('PDF_OBJS'
+            , paste(file.path('../inst/doc', sub("\\.Rnw$", ".pdf", rnwFiles)), collapse=' ')
+            , l)
+	# create makefile
+	mk <- if( temp ) tempfile('vignette_', tmpdir='.', fileext='.mk') else 'vignette.mk'
+	cat(l, file=mk)
+	if ( print ){
+		cat(mk)
+	}
+	invisible(l)
+#' Compact PDF at Best
+#' Compact PDFs using either \code{gs_quality='none'} or \code{'ebook'}, 
+#' depending on which compacts best (as per CRAN check criteria).
+#' @inheritParams tools::compactPDF
+#' @rdname vignette
+#' @export
+compactVignettes <- function(paths, ...){
+	td <- tempfile(basename(paths))
+	file.copy(paths, td)
+	res <- tools::compactPDF(td, gs_quality = "none", ...) # use qpdf
+	diff_none <- format(res, diff = 1e5)
+	res <- tools::compactPDF(td, gs_quality = "ebook", ...)
+	diff_ebook <- format(res, diff = 2.5e5) # 250 KB for now
+	if( length(diff_ebook) ){
+		tools::compactPDF(paths, gs_quality = "ebook", ...)
+		invisible('ebook')
+	}else{
+		tools::compactPDF(paths, gs_quality = "none", ...)
+		invisible('none')
+	}
diff --git a/build/vignette.rds b/build/vignette.rds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f888840
Binary files /dev/null and b/build/vignette.rds differ
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76dea19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+r-cran-pkgmaker (0.22-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Initial release. (Closes: #XXXXXX)
+ -- Alba Crespi <crespialba+debian at gmail.com>  Sun, 10 Apr 2016 19:39:43 +0100
diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec63514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/compat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40bcd77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Source: r-cran-pkgmaker
+Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Alba Crespi <crespialba+debian at gmail.com>
+Section: gnu-r
+Priority: optional
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9),
+               cdbs,
+               r-base-dev (>= 3.0.0)
+Standards-Version: 3.9.7
+Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-med/r-cran-pkgmaker.git
+Vcs-Git: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-med/r-cran-pkgmaker.git
+Homepage: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/pkgmaker/
+Package: r-cran-pkgmaker
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
+         ${R:Depends},
+         ${misc:Depends},
+         r-cran-registry
+Description: GNU R package development utilities
+ This package provides some low-level utilities to use for package
+ development. It currently provides managers for multiple package specific
+ options and registries, vignette, unit test and bibtex related utilities.
+ It serves as a base package for many other R packages and as an incubator
+ package for other general purposes utilities, that will eventually be packaged
+ separately.
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0eea50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
+Upstream-Name: Renaud Gaujoux
+Upstream-Contact: Renaud Gaujoux <renaud at tx.technion.ac.il>
+Source: https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/
+Files: *
+License: GPL-2.0+
+Files: debian/*
+Copyright: 2016 Alba Crespi <crespialba+debian at gmail.com>
+License: GPL-2.0
+License: GPL-2.0+
+ This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ .
+ This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ .
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
+ .
+ On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
+ Public License version 2 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2".
diff --git a/debian/docs b/debian/docs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..139597f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/docs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8af5489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# -*- makefile -*-
+export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all
+include /usr/share/R/debian/r-cran.mk
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..163aaf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/source/format
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8586d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/watch
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+opts="uversionmangle=s/-/./" \
diff --git a/inst/cleveref.sty b/inst/cleveref.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa47b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/cleveref.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,7793 @@
+%% This is file `cleveref.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% cleveref.dtx  (with options: `package')
+%% LaTeX package for intelligent cross-referencing.
+%% Copyright (C) 2006--2012  Toby Cubitt
+%% See the files README and COPYING.
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in:
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 1999/12/01 or later.
+ [\packagedate\space v\packageversion\space Intelligent cross-referencing]
+%% \CharacterTable
+%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
+%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
+%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
+%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
+%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
+%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
+%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
+%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
+%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
+%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
+%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
+\def\cref at currentlabel{}
+\let\cref at old@refstepcounter\refstepcounter
+  \@ifnextchar[{\refstepcounter at optarg}{\refstepcounter at noarg}%]
+\def\refstepcounter at noarg#1{%
+  \cref at old@refstepcounter{#1}%
+  \cref at constructprefix{#1}{\cref at result}%
+  \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at alias}%
+    {\def\@tempa{#1}}%
+    {\def\@tempa{\csname cref@#1 at alias\endcsname}}%
+  \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+    [\@tempa][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+    \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}}
+\def\refstepcounter at optarg[#1]#2{%
+  \cref at old@refstepcounter{#2}%
+  \cref at constructprefix{#2}{\cref at result}%
+  \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+    [#1][\arabic{#2}][\cref at result]%
+    \csname p@#2\endcsname\csname the#2\endcsname}}
+  \let\cref at old@label\label
+  \def\label{\@ifnextchar[\label at optarg\label at noarg}%]
+  \let\cref at label\label
+  \def\label at noarg#1{%
+    \@bsphack%
+    \cref at old@label{#1}%
+    \protected at write\@auxout{}%
+      {\string\newlabel{#1 at cref}{{\cref at currentlabel}{\thepage}}}%
+    \@esphack}%
+  \def\label at optarg[#1]#2{%
+    \@bsphack%
+    \cref at old@label{#2}%
+    \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+      \expandafter\cref at override@label at type%
+        \cref at currentlabel\@nil{#1}}%
+    \protected at write\@auxout{}%
+      {\string\newlabel{#2 at cref}{{\cref at currentlabel}{\thepage}}}%
+    \@esphack}
+}% end of AtBeginDocument
+\let\cref at old@makefntext\@makefntext
+  \cref at constructprefix{footnote}{\cref at result}%
+  \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+    [footnote][\arabic{footnote}][\cref at result]%
+    \p at footnote\@thefnmark}%
+  \cref at old@makefntext}
+\let\cref at old@othm\@othm
+  \edef\@tempa{\expandafter\noexpand%
+    \csname cref@#1 at name@preamble\endcsname}%
+  \edef\@tempb{\expandafter\noexpand%
+      \csname Cref@#1 at name@preamble\endcsname}%
+  \def\@tempc{#3}%
+  \ifx\@tempc\@empty\relax%
+    \expandafter\gdef\@tempa{}%
+    \expandafter\gdef\@tempb{}%
+  \else%
+    \if at cref@capitalise%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\gdef\expandafter%
+        \@tempa\expandafter{\MakeUppercase #3}%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\gdef\expandafter%
+        \@tempa\expandafter{\MakeLowercase #3}%
+    \fi%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\gdef\expandafter%
+      \@tempb\expandafter{\MakeUppercase #3}%
+  \fi%
+  \cref at stack@add{#1}{\cref at label@types}%
+  \cref at old@othm{#1}[#2]{#3}}
+\let\cref at old@xnthm\@xnthm
+  \edef\@tempa{\expandafter\noexpand%
+    \csname cref@#1 at name@preamble\endcsname}%
+  \edef\@tempb{\expandafter\noexpand%
+      \csname Cref@#1 at name@preamble\endcsname}%
+  \def\@tempc{#2}%
+  \ifx\@tempc\@empty\relax%
+    \expandafter\gdef\@tempa{}%
+    \expandafter\gdef\@tempb{}%
+  \else%
+    \if at cref@capitalise%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\gdef\expandafter%
+        \@tempa\expandafter{\MakeUppercase #2}%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\gdef\expandafter%
+        \@tempa\expandafter{\MakeLowercase #2}%
+    \fi%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\gdef\expandafter%
+      \@tempb\expandafter{\MakeUppercase #2}%
+  \fi%
+  \cref at stack@add{#1}{\cref at label@types}%
+  \cref at old@xnthm{#1}{#2}[#3]}
+\let\cref at old@ynthm\@ynthm
+  \edef\@tempa{\expandafter\noexpand%
+    \csname cref@#1 at name@preamble\endcsname}%
+  \edef\@tempb{\expandafter\noexpand%
+      \csname Cref@#1 at name@preamble\endcsname}%
+  \def\@tempc{#2}%
+  \ifx\@tempc\@empty\relax%
+    \expandafter\gdef\@tempa{}%
+    \expandafter\gdef\@tempb{}%
+  \else%
+    \if at cref@capitalise%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\gdef\expandafter%
+        \@tempa\expandafter{\MakeUppercase #2}%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\gdef\expandafter%
+        \@tempa\expandafter{\MakeLowercase #2}%
+    \fi%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\gdef\expandafter%
+      \@tempb\expandafter{\MakeUppercase #2}%
+  \fi%
+  \cref at stack@add{#1}{\cref at label@types}%
+  \cref at old@ynthm{#1}{#2}}
+  \g at addto@macro\appendix{%
+    \@ifundefined{chapter}{%
+      \gdef\refstepcounter at noarg#1{%
+        \cref at old@refstepcounter{#1}%
+        \cref at constructprefix{#1}{\cref at result}%
+        \ifx\cref at result\@empty%
+          \def\cref at result{2147483647}%
+        \else%
+          \edef\cref at result{2147483647,\cref at result}%
+        \fi%
+        \def\@tempa{#1}%
+        \def\@tempb{section}%
+        \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+          \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+            [appendix][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+            \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+        \else%
+          \def\@tempa{#1}%
+          \def\@tempb{subsection}%
+          \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+            \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+              [subappendix][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+              \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+          \else%
+            \def\@tempa{#1}%
+            \def\@tempb{subsubsection}%
+            \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+              \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+                [subsubappendix][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+                \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+            \else%
+              \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at alias}%
+                {\def\@tempa{#1}}%
+                {\def\@tempa{\csname cref@#1 at alias\endcsname}}%
+              \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+                [\@tempa][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+                \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}
+            \fi%
+          \fi%
+        \fi}%
+    }{%
+      \def\refstepcounter at noarg#1{%
+        \cref at old@refstepcounter{#1}%
+        \cref at constructprefix{#1}{\cref at result}%
+        \ifx\cref at result\@empty%
+          \def\cref at result{2147483647}%
+        \else%
+          \edef\cref at result{2147483647,\cref at result}%
+        \fi%
+        \def\@tempa{#1}%
+        \def\@tempb{chapter}%
+        \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+          \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+            [appendix][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+            \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+        \else%
+          \def\@tempa{#1}%
+          \def\@tempb{section}%
+          \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+            \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+              [subappendix][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+              \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+          \else%
+            \def\@tempa{#1}%
+            \def\@tempb{subsection}%
+            \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+              \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+                [subsubappendix][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+                \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+            \else%
+              \def\@tempa{#1}%
+              \def\@tempb{subsubsection}%
+              \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+                \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+                  [subsubsubappendix][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+                  \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+              \else%
+                \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at alias}%
+                  {\def\@tempa{#1}}%
+                  {\def\@tempa{\csname cref@#1 at alias\endcsname}}%
+                \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+                  [\@tempa][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+                  \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}
+              \fi%
+            \fi%
+          \fi%
+        \fi}%
+    }%
+  }%
+}% end of \@ifundefined{appendix}
+\def\@gobble at optarg{\@ifnextchar[\@@gobble at optarg\@gobble at orig}%]
+\def\@gobble at orig#1{}
+\def\@@gobble at optarg[#1]#2{}
+\def\cref at append@toks#1#2{\toks0={#2}%
+  \edef\act{\noexpand#1={\the#1\the\toks0}}%
+  \act}%
+\def\cref at getref#1#2{%
+  \expandafter\let\expandafter#2\csname r@#1 at cref\endcsname%
+  \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter#2%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\@firstoftwo#2}}
+\def\cref at getpageref#1#2{%
+  \expandafter\let\expandafter#2\csname r@#1 at cref\endcsname%
+  \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter#2%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\@secondoftwo#2}}
+\def\cref at getlabel#1#2{%
+  \cref at getref{#1}{\@tempa}%
+  \expandafter\@cref at getlabel\@tempa\@nil#2}%
+\def\@cref at getlabel{\@ifnextchar[%]
+  \@@cref at getlabel{\@@cref at getlabel[][][]}}
+\def\@@cref at getlabel[#1][#2][#3]#4\@nil#5{\def#5{#4}}
+\def\cref at gettype#1#2{%
+  \cref at getref{#1}{\@tempa}%
+  \expandafter\@cref at gettype\@tempa\@nil#2}%
+\def\@cref at gettype{\@ifnextchar[%]
+  \@@cref at gettype{\@@cref at gettype[][][]}}
+\def\@@cref at gettype[#1][#2][#3]#4\@nil#5{\def#5{#1}}
+\def\cref at getcounter#1#2{%
+  \cref at getref{#1}{\@tempa}%
+  \expandafter\@cref at getcounter\@tempa\@nil#2}
+\def\@cref at getcounter{\@ifnextchar[%]
+  \@@cref at getcounter{\@@cref at getcounter[][][]}}
+\def\@@cref at getcounter[#1][#2][#3]#4\@nil#5{\def#5{#2}}
+\def\cref at getprefix#1#2{%
+  \cref at getref{#1}{\@tempa}%
+  \expandafter\@cref at getprefix\@tempa\@nil#2}
+\def\@cref at getprefix{\@ifnextchar[%]
+  \@@cref at getprefix{\@@cref at getprefix[][][]}}
+\def\@@cref at getprefix[#1][#2][#3]#4\@nil#5{\def#5{#3}}
+\def\cref at override@label at type[#1][#2][#3]#4\@nil#5{[#5][#2][#3]#4}
+\def\cref at constructprefix#1#2{%
+  \cref at stack@init{\@tempstack}%
+  \edef\@tempa{\noexpand{#1\noexpand}}%
+  \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{\@tempa{#2}}%
+  \expandafter\@cref at constructprefix\@tempa%
+  \cref at stack@to at list{\@tempstack}{\@tempa}%
+  \expandafter\def\expandafter#2\expandafter{\@tempa}}
+\def\@cref at constructprefix#1#2{%
+  \cref at resetby{#1}{#2}%
+  \ifx#2\relax%
+  \else%
+    \edef\@tempa{\the\csname c@#2\endcsname}%
+    \expandafter\cref at stack@push\expandafter{\@tempa}{\@tempstack}%
+    \edef\@tempa{{#2}}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@cref at constructprefix%
+      \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{\expandafter#2\expandafter}%
+  \fi}
+\def\cref at stack@init#1{\def#1{\@nil}}
+\def\cref at stack@top#1{\expandafter\@cref at stack@top#1}
+\def\@cref at stack@top#1,#2\@nil{#1}
+\def\cref at stack@pop#1{\expandafter\@cref at stack@pop#1#1}
+\def\@cref at stack@pop#1,#2\@nil#3{\def#3{#2\@nil}}
+\def\cref at stack@push#1#2{%
+  \expandafter\@cref at stack@push\expandafter{#2}{#1}{#2}}
+\def\@cref at stack@push#1#2#3{\def#3{#2,#1}}
+\def\cref at stack@pull#1#2{\expandafter\@cref at stack@pull#2{#1}{#2}}
+\def\@cref at stack@pull#1\@nil#2#3{\def#3{#1#2,\@nil}}
+\def\cref at stack@to at list#1#2{%
+  \cref at isstackfull{#1}%
+  \if at cref@stackfull%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter#2%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\@cref at stack@to at list#1}%
+  \else%
+    \def#2{}%
+  \fi}
+\def\@cref at stack@to at list#1,\@nil{#1}
+\def\cref at stack@topandbottom#1#2#3{%
+  \def#2{}%
+  \def#3{}%
+  \cref at isstackfull{#1}%
+  \if at cref@stackfull%
+    \edef#2{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+    \cref at stack@pop{#1}%
+    \cref at isstackfull{#1}%
+    \@whilesw\if at cref@stackfull\fi{%
+      \edef#3{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+      \cref at stack@pop{#1}%
+      \cref at isstackfull{#1}}%
+  \fi}
+\def\cref at stack@add#1#2{%
+  \begingroup%
+    \def\@arg1{#1}%
+    \let\@tempstack#2%
+    \newif\if at notthere%
+    \@nottheretrue%
+    \cref at isstackfull{\@tempstack}%
+    \@whilesw\if at cref@stackfull\fi{%
+      \edef\@tempb{\cref at stack@top{\@tempstack}}%
+      \def\@tempa{#1}%
+      \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+        \@cref at stackfullfalse%
+        \@nottherefalse%
+      \else%
+        \cref at stack@pop{\@tempstack}%
+        \cref at isstackfull{\@tempstack}%
+      \fi}%
+  \expandafter\endgroup%
+  \if at notthere\cref at stack@push{#1}{#2}\fi}
+\newif\if at cref@stackempty
+\newif\if at cref@stackfull
+\def\cref at isstackempty#1{%
+  \def\@tempa{\@nil}%
+  \ifx#1\@tempa\@cref at stackemptytrue%
+  \else\@cref at stackemptyfalse\fi}
+\def\cref at isstackfull#1{%
+  \def\@tempa{\@nil}%
+  \ifx#1\@tempa\@cref at stackfullfalse%
+  \else\@cref at stackfulltrue\fi}
+\def\cref at stack@sort#1#2{%
+  \begingroup%
+  \cref at stack@init{\@sortstack}%
+  \edef\@element{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+  \expandafter\cref at stack@push\expandafter{\@element}{\@sortstack}%
+  \cref at stack@pop{#1}%
+  \cref at isstackfull{#1}%
+  \if at cref@stackfull%
+    \edef\@tempa{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+    \@whilesw\ifx\@tempa\@empty\fi{%
+      \cref at stack@pull{}{\@sortstack}%
+      \cref at stack@pop{#1}%
+      \cref at isstackempty{#1}%
+      \if at cref@stackempty%
+        \let\@tempa\relax%
+      \else%
+        \edef\@tempa{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+      \fi}%
+  \fi%
+  \cref at isstackfull{#1}%
+  \@whilesw\if at cref@stackfull\fi{%
+    \edef\@element{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+    \cref at stack@pop{#1}%
+    \def\@empties{}%
+    \cref at isstackfull{#1}%
+    \if at cref@stackfull%
+      \edef\@tempa{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+      \@whilesw\ifx\@tempa\@empty\fi{%
+        \edef\@empties{\@empties,}%
+        \cref at stack@pop{#1}%
+        \cref at isstackempty{#1}%
+        \if at cref@stackempty%
+          \let\@tempa\relax%
+        \else%
+          \edef\@tempa{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+        \fi}%
+    \fi%
+    \edef\@tempa{{\expandafter\noexpand\@element}%
+      {\expandafter\noexpand\@empties}%
+      {\noexpand\@sortstack}{\noexpand#2}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at stack@insert\@tempa%
+    \cref at isstackfull{#1}}%
+  \expandafter\endgroup\expandafter%
+  \def\expandafter#1\expandafter{\@sortstack}}
+\def\cref at stack@insert#1#2#3#4{%
+  \let\@cmp#4%
+  \@cref at stack@insert{}{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+  \cref at stack@pop{#3}}
+\def\@cref at stack@insert#1#2#3#4{%
+  \let\cref at iterate\relax%
+  \cref at isstackempty{#4}%
+  \if at cref@stackempty%
+    \cref at stack@push{#1,#2#3}{#4}%
+  \else%
+    \edef\cref at elem{\cref at stack@top{#4}}%
+    \expandafter\@cmp\expandafter{\cref at elem}{#2}{\cref at result}%
+    \ifnum\cref at result=2\relax%
+      \cref at stack@push{#1,#2#3}{#4}%
+    \else%
+      \cref at stack@pop{#4}%
+      \edef\cref at elem{{\noexpand#1,\cref at elem}{\noexpand#2}%
+        {\noexpand#3}{\noexpand#4}}%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\cref at iterate\expandafter%
+        {\expandafter\@cref at stack@insert\cref at elem}%
+    \fi%
+  \fi%
+  \cref at iterate}
+\def\cref at counter@first#1#2\@nil{#1}
+\def\cref at counter@rest#1#2\@nil{#2}
+\def\cref at countercmp#1#2#3{%
+  \begingroup%
+  \def\@tempa{#1}%
+  \ifx\@tempa\@empty%
+    \def\cref at result{1}%
+  \else%
+    \def\@tempa{#2}%
+    \ifx\@tempa\@empty%
+      \def\cref at result{2}%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1 at cref\endcsname\relax%
+        \def\cref at result{2}%
+      \else%
+        \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#2 at cref\endcsname\relax%
+          \def\cref at result{1}%
+        \else%
+          \cref at getcounter{#1}{\@countera}%
+          \cref at getprefix{#1}{\@prefixa}%
+          \cref at getcounter{#2}{\@counterb}%
+          \cref at getprefix{#2}{\@prefixb}%
+          \cref at stack@init{\@countstacka}%
+          \expandafter\cref at stack@push\expandafter%
+            {\@countera}{\@countstacka}%
+          \ifx\@prefixa\@empty\else%
+            \expandafter\cref at stack@push\expandafter%
+              {\@prefixa}{\@countstacka}%
+          \fi%
+          \cref at stack@init{\@countstackb}%
+          \expandafter\cref at stack@push\expandafter%
+            {\@counterb}{\@countstackb}%
+          \ifx\@prefixb\@empty\else%
+            \expandafter\cref at stack@push\expandafter%
+              {\@prefixb}{\@countstackb}%
+          \fi%
+          \@cref at countercmp%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  \fi%
+  \expandafter\endgroup\expandafter%
+  \chardef\expandafter#3\expandafter=\cref at result\relax}
+\def\@cref at countercmp{%
+  \let\@iterate\relax%
+  \cref at isstackempty{\@countstacka}%
+  \if at cref@stackempty%
+    \cref at isstackempty{\@countstackb}%
+    \if at cref@stackempty%
+      \def\cref at result{0}%
+    \else%
+      \def\cref at result{1}%
+    \fi%
+  \else%
+    \cref at isstackempty{\@countstackb}%
+    \if at cref@stackempty%
+      \def\cref at result{2}%
+    \else%
+      \edef\@tempa{\cref at stack@top{\@countstacka}}%
+      \cref at stack@pop{\@countstacka}%
+      \edef\@tempb{\cref at stack@top{\@countstackb}}%
+      \cref at stack@pop{\@countstackb}%
+      \ifnum\@tempa<\@tempb\relax%
+        \def\cref at result{1}%
+      \else%
+        \ifnum\@tempa>\@tempb\relax%
+          \def\cref at result{2}%
+        \else%
+          \def\@iterate{\@cref at countercmp}%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  \fi%
+  \@iterate}
+\def\cref at pagecmp#1#2#3{%
+  \begingroup%
+  \def\@tempa{#1}%
+  \ifx\@tempa\@empty%
+    \def\cref at result{1}%
+  \else%
+    \def\@tempa{#2}%
+    \ifx\@tempa\@empty%
+      \def\cref at result{2}%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1 at cref\endcsname\relax%
+        \def\cref at result{2}%
+      \else%
+        \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#2 at cref\endcsname\relax%
+          \def\cref at result{1}%
+        \else%
+          \cref at getpageref{#1}{\@tempa}%
+          \cref at getpageref{#2}{\@tempb}%
+          \ifnum\@tempa<\@tempb\relax%
+            \def\cref at result{1}\relax%
+          \else%
+            \ifnum\@tempa>\@tempb\relax%
+              \def\cref at result{2}\relax%
+                \else%
+              \def\cref at result{0}\relax%
+            \fi%
+          \fi%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  \fi%
+  \expandafter\endgroup\expandafter%
+  \chardef\expandafter#3\expandafter=\cref at result\relax}
+\newif\if at cref@inresetlist
+\def\cref at isinresetlist#1#2{%
+  \begingroup%
+    \def\@counter{#1}%
+    \def\@elt##1{##1,}%
+    \expandafter\ifx\csname cl@#2\endcsname\relax%
+      \def\cref at resetstack{,\@nil}%
+    \else%
+      \edef\cref at resetstack{\csname cl@#2\endcsname\noexpand\@nil}%
+    \fi%
+    \let\@nextcounter\relax%
+    \cref at isstackfull{\cref at resetstack}%
+    \@whilesw\if at cref@stackfull\fi{%
+      \edef\@nextcounter{\cref at stack@top{\cref at resetstack}}%
+      \ifx\@nextcounter\@counter%
+        \@cref at stackfullfalse%
+      \else%
+        \let\@nextcounter\relax%
+        \cref at stack@pop{\cref at resetstack}%
+        \cref at isstackfull{\cref at resetstack}%
+      \fi}%
+    \ifx\@nextcounter\relax%
+      \def\@next{\@cref at inresetlistfalse}%
+    \else%
+      \def\@next{\@cref at inresetlisttrue}%
+    \fi%
+  \expandafter%
+  \endgroup%
+  \@next}
+\def\cref at resetby#1#2{%
+  \let#2\relax%
+  \def\@tempa{#1}%
+  \def\@tempb{subfigure}%
+  \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+    \cref at isinresetlist{#1}{figure}%
+    \if at cref@inresetlist%
+      \def#2{figure}%
+    \fi%
+  \fi%
+  \def\@tempa{#1}%
+  \def\@tempb{subtable}%
+  \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+    \cref at isinresetlist{#1}{table}%
+    \if at cref@inresetlist%
+      \def#2{table}%
+    \fi%
+  \fi%
+  \@ifundefined{cl at parentequation}{}{%
+    \def\@tempa{#1}%
+    \def\@tempb{equation}%
+    \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+      \cref at isinresetlist{#1}{parentequation}%
+      \if at cref@inresetlist%
+        \expandafter\ifnum\c at parentequation=0\else%
+          \def#2{parentequation}%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi}%
+  \def\@tempa{#1}%
+  \def\@tempb{enumii}%
+  \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+    \def#2{enum}%
+  \fi%
+  \def\@tempb{enumiii}%
+  \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+    \def#2{enum}%
+  \fi%
+  \def\@tempb{enumiv}%
+  \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+    \def#2{enum}%
+  \fi%
+  \def\@tempb{enumv}%
+  \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+    \def#2{enum}%
+  \fi%
+  \def\@tempb{enum}%
+  \ifx#2\@tempb%
+    \cref at isinresetlist{#1}{enumiv}%
+    \if at cref@inresetlist%
+      \def#2{enumiv}%
+    \else%
+      \cref at isinresetlist{#1}{enumiii}%
+      \if at cref@inresetlist%
+        \def#2{enumiii}%
+      \else%
+        \cref at isinresetlist{#1}{enumii}%
+        \if at cref@inresetlist%
+          \def#2{enumii}%
+        \else%
+          \cref at isinresetlist{#1}{enumi}%
+          \if at cref@inresetlist%
+            \def#2{enumi}%
+          \else%
+           \cref at isinresetlist{#1}{part}%
+            \if at cref@inresetlist%
+              \def#2{part}%
+            \else%
+              \let#2\relax%
+            \fi%
+          \fi%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  \fi%
+  \ifx#2\relax%
+    \cref at isinresetlist{#1}{table}%
+    \if at cref@inresetlist%
+      \def#2{table}%
+    \else%
+      \cref at isinresetlist{#1}{subsubsection}%
+      \if at cref@inresetlist%
+        \def#2{subsubsection}%
+      \else%
+        \cref at isinresetlist{#1}{subsection}%
+        \if at cref@inresetlist%
+          \def#2{subsection}%
+        \else%
+          \cref at isinresetlist{#1}{section}%
+          \if at cref@inresetlist%
+            \def#2{section}%
+          \else%
+            \cref at isinresetlist{#1}{chapter}%
+            \if at cref@inresetlist%
+              \def#2{chapter}%
+            \else%
+             \cref at isinresetlist{#1}{part}%
+              \if at cref@inresetlist%
+                \def#2{part}%
+              \else%
+                \let#2\relax%
+              \fi%
+            \fi%
+          \fi%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  \fi}
+\newif\if at cref@refconsecutive%
+\def\cref at isrefconsecutive#1#2{%
+  \begingroup%
+    \countdef\refa at counter=0%
+    \countdef\refb at counter=1%
+    \cref at getcounter{#1}{\cref at result}%
+    \refa at counter=\cref at result%
+    \cref at getcounter{#2}{\cref at result}%
+    \refb at counter=\cref at result%
+    \cref at getprefix{#1}{\refa at prefix}%
+    \cref at getprefix{#2}{\refb at prefix}%
+    \def\@after{\@cref at refconsecutivefalse}%
+    \ifx\refa at prefix\refb at prefix%
+      \ifnum\refa at counter=\refb at counter\relax%
+        \def\@after{\@cref at refconsecutivetrue}%
+      \else%
+        \advance\refa at counter 1\relax%
+        \ifnum\refa at counter=\refb at counter\relax%
+          \def\@after{\@cref at refconsecutivetrue}%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  \expandafter\endgroup\@after}
+\def\cref at ispagerefconsecutive#1#2{%
+  \begingroup%
+  \countdef\refa at counter=0%
+  \countdef\refb at counter=1%
+  \cref at getpageref{#1}{\cref at result}%
+  \refa at counter=\cref at result%
+  \cref at getpageref{#2}{\cref at result}%
+  \refb at counter=\cref at result%
+  \def\@after{\@cref at refconsecutivefalse}%
+  \ifnum\refa at counter=\refb at counter\relax%
+    \def\@after{\@cref at refconsecutivetrue}%
+  \else%
+    \advance\refa at counter 1\relax%
+    \ifnum\refa at counter=\refb at counter\relax%
+      \def\@after{\@cref at refconsecutivetrue}%
+    \fi%
+  \fi%
+  \expandafter\endgroup\@after}
+\def\cref at processgroup#1#2{%
+  \edef\@nextref{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+  \expandafter\ifx\csname r@\@nextref @cref\endcsname\relax%
+    \def\@grouptype{\@undefined}%
+    \def\@groupformat{\@undefined}%
+  \else%
+    \expandafter\cref at gettype\expandafter{\@nextref}{\@grouptype}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@groupformat%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \csname cref@\@grouptype @format\endcsname%
+        {\@dummya}{\@dummyb}{\@dummyc}}%
+  \fi%
+  \let\@nexttype\@grouptype%
+  \let\@nextformat\@groupformat%
+  \@whilesw\ifx\@nextformat\@groupformat\fi{%
+    \expandafter\cref at stack@pull\expandafter{\@nextref}{#2}%
+    \cref at stack@pop{#1}%
+    \cref at isstackempty{#1}%
+    \if at cref@stackempty%
+      \let\@nexttype\relax%
+      \let\@nextformat\relax%
+    \else%
+      \edef\@nextref{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+      \ifx\@nextref\@empty%
+        \let\@nexttype\@grouptype%
+        \let\@nextforamt\@groupformat%
+      \else%
+        \expandafter\ifx\csname r@\@nextref @cref\endcsname\relax%
+          \def\@nexttype{\@undefined}%
+          \def\@nextformat{\@undefined}%
+        \else%
+          \expandafter\cref at gettype\expandafter%
+            {\@nextref}{\@nexttype}%
+          \def\@tempa{\@undefined}%
+          \ifx\@nexttype\@tempa%
+            \def\@nextformat{\@undefined}%
+          \else%
+            \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+              \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@nextformat%
+              \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+                \csname cref@\@nexttype @format\endcsname%
+                {\@dummya}{\@dummyb}{\@dummyc}}%
+          \fi%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi}%
+\def\cref at processgroupall#1#2{%
+  \cref at stack@init{\@tempstack}%
+  \edef\@nextref{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+  \expandafter\ifx\csname r@\@nextref @cref\endcsname\relax%
+    \def\@grouptype{\@undefined}%
+    \def\@groupformat{\@undefined}%
+  \else%
+    \expandafter\cref at gettype\expandafter{\@nextref}{\@grouptype}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@groupformat%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \csname cref@\@grouptype @format\endcsname%
+        {\@dummya}{\@dummyb}{\@dummyc}}%
+  \fi%
+  \let\@lasttype\@grouptype%
+  \let\@lastformat\@groupformat%
+  \cref at isstackfull{#1}%
+  \@whilesw\if at cref@stackfull\fi{%
+    \edef\@nextref{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+    \ifx\@nextref\@empty%
+      \ifx\@lastformat\@groupformat%
+        \let\@nexttype\@grouptype%
+        \let\@nextformat\@groupformat%
+      \else%
+        \let\@nexttype\relax%
+        \let\@nextformat\relax%
+      \fi%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\ifx\csname r@\@nextref @cref\endcsname\relax%
+        \def\@nexttype{\@undefined}%
+        \def\@nextformat{\@undefined}%
+      \else%
+        \expandafter\cref at gettype\expandafter%
+          {\@nextref}{\@nexttype}%
+        \def\@tempa{\@undefined}%
+        \ifx\@nexttype\@tempa%
+          \def\@nextformat{\@undefined}%
+        \else%
+          \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+            \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@nextformat%
+            \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+              \csname cref@\@nexttype @format\endcsname%
+              {\@dummya}{\@dummyb}{\@dummyc}}%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+    \ifx\@nextformat\@groupformat%
+      \expandafter\cref at stack@pull\expandafter{\@nextref}{#2}%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\cref at stack@pull\expandafter{\@nextref}{\@tempstack}%
+    \fi%
+    \cref at stack@pop{#1}%
+    \let\@lasttype\@nexttype%
+    \let\@lastformat\@nextformat%
+    \cref at isstackfull{#1}}%
+  \let#1\@tempstack}
+\def\cref at processconsecutive#1#2#3#4#5{%
+  #4=0%
+  \edef\@nextref{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+  \cref at stack@pop{#1}%
+  \cref at isstackempty{#1}%
+  \if at cref@stackempty%
+    \edef#2{\@nextref}%
+    \let#3\relax%
+    #4=1\relax%
+  \else%
+    \edef#2{\@nextref}%
+    \let#3\relax%
+    \edef\@nextref{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+    #4=1\relax%
+    \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#2 at cref\endcsname\relax%
+      \@cref at refconsecutivefalse%
+    \else%
+      \ifx\@nextref\@empty%
+        \@cref at refconsecutivefalse%
+        \@whilesw\ifx\@nextref\@empty\fi{%
+          \cref at stack@pop{#1}%
+          \cref at isstackempty{#1}%
+          \if at cref@stackempty%
+            \let\@nextref\relax%
+          \else%
+            \edef\@nextref{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+          \fi}%
+      \else%
+        \expandafter\ifx\csname r@\@nextref @cref\endcsname\relax%
+          \@cref at refconsecutivefalse%
+        \else%
+          \edef\@tempa{{#2}{\@nextref}}%
+          \expandafter#5\@tempa%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+    \@whilesw\if at cref@refconsecutive\fi{%
+      \advance#4 1%
+      \let#3\@nextref%
+      \cref at stack@pop{#1}%
+      \cref at isstackempty{#1}%
+      \if at cref@stackempty%
+        \@cref at refconsecutivefalse%
+      \else%
+        \edef\@nextref{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+        \ifx\@nextref\@empty%
+          \@cref at refconsecutivefalse%
+          \@whilesw\ifx\@nextref\@empty\fi{%
+            \cref at stack@pop{#1}%
+            \cref at isstackempty{#1}%
+            \if at cref@stackempty%
+              \let\@nextref\relax%
+            \else%
+              \edef\@nextref{\cref at stack@top{#1}}%
+            \fi}%
+        \else%
+          \expandafter\ifx\csname r@\@nextref @cref\endcsname\relax%
+            \@cref at refconsecutivefalse%
+          \else%
+            \edef\@tempa{{#3}{\@nextref}}%
+            \expandafter#5\@tempa%
+          \fi%
+        \fi%
+      \fi}%
+  \fi}
+\@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{\newif\if at crefstarred}{%
+  \@ifpackageloaded{varioref}{\newif\if at crefstarred}{}}
+\let\if at crefstarred\iffalse%
+  \leavevmode%
+  \begingroup%
+  \countdef\count at consecutive=0%
+  \countdef\count at group=1%
+  \count at group=1%
+  \def\cref at variant{#1}%
+  \newif\if at secondref%
+  \cref at stack@init{\@refstack}%
+  \edef\@tempa{#2}%
+  \expandafter\cref at stack@push\expandafter{\@tempa}{\@refstack}%
+  \cref at isstackfull{\@refstack}%
+  \@whilesw\if at cref@stackfull\fi{%
+    \cref at stack@init{\@refsubstack}%
+    \if at cref@sort%
+      \cref at processgroupall{\@refstack}{\@refsubstack}%
+      \cref at stack@sort{\@refsubstack}{\cref at countercmp}%
+    \else%
+      \cref at processgroup{\@refstack}{\@refsubstack}%
+    \fi%
+    \ifnum\count at group=1\relax%
+      \advance\count at group 1%
+    \else%
+      \cref at isstackfull{\@refstack}%
+      \if at cref@stackfull%
+        \@setcref at middlegroupconjunction%
+      \else%
+        \ifnum\count at group=2\relax%
+          \@setcref at pairgroupconjunction%
+        \else%
+          \@setcref at lastgroupconjunction%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+      \advance\count at group 1%
+      \def\cref at variant{cref}%
+    \fi%
+    \if at cref@compress%
+      \cref at processconsecutive%
+        {\@refsubstack}{\@beginref}{\@endref}{\count at consecutive}%
+        {\cref at isrefconsecutive}%
+    \else%
+      \edef\@beginref{\cref at stack@top{\@refsubstack}}%
+      \cref at stack@pop{\@refsubstack}%
+      \@whilesw\ifx\@beginref\@empty\fi{%
+        \cref at stack@pop{\@refsubstack}%
+        \cref at isstackempty{\@refsubstack}%
+        \if at cref@stackempty%
+          \let\@beginref\relax%
+        \else%
+          \edef\@beginref{\cref at stack@top{\@refsubstack}}%
+        \fi}%
+      \let\@endref\relax%
+      \count at consecutive=1\relax%
+    \fi%
+    \ifnum\count at consecutive=1\relax%
+      \cref at isstackfull{\@refsubstack}%
+      \if at cref@stackfull%
+        \expandafter\@setcref%
+          \expandafter{\@beginref}{\cref at variant}{@first}%
+      \else%
+        \expandafter\@setcref%
+          \expandafter{\@beginref}{\cref at variant}{}%
+      \fi%
+    \else%
+      \ifnum\count at consecutive=2\relax%
+        \expandafter\@setcref%
+          \expandafter{\@beginref}{\cref at variant}{@first}%
+        \expandafter\cref at stack@push\expandafter%
+          {\@endref,}{\@refsubstack}%
+      \else%
+        \edef\@tempa{{\@beginref}{\@endref}}%
+        \if at cref@stackempty%
+          \expandafter\@setcrefrange\@tempa{\cref at variant}{}%
+        \else%
+          \expandafter\@setcrefrange\@tempa{\cref at variant}{@first}%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+    \@secondreftrue%
+    \cref at isstackfull{\@refsubstack}%
+    \@whilesw\if at cref@stackfull\fi{%
+      \if at cref@compress%
+        \cref at processconsecutive%
+          {\@refsubstack}{\@beginref}{\@endref}{\count at consecutive}%
+          {\cref at isrefconsecutive}%
+      \else%
+        \edef\@beginref{\cref at stack@top{\@refsubstack}}%
+        \cref at stack@pop{\@refsubstack}%
+        \@whilesw\ifx\@beginref\@empty\fi{%
+          \cref at stack@pop{\@refsubstack}%
+          \cref at isstackempty{\@refsubstack}%
+          \if at cref@stackempty%
+            \let\@beginref\relax%
+          \else%
+            \edef\@beginref{\cref at stack@top{\@refsubstack}}%
+          \fi}%
+        \let\@endref\relax%
+        \count at consecutive=1\relax%
+      \fi%
+      \cref at isstackempty{\@refsubstack}%
+      \if at cref@stackempty%
+        \if at secondref%
+          \def\@pos{@second}%
+        \else%
+          \def\@pos{@last}%
+        \fi%
+      \else%
+        \def\@pos{@middle}%
+      \fi%
+      \ifnum\count at consecutive=1\relax%
+        \edef\@tempa{{\@beginref}{cref}{\@pos}}%
+        \expandafter\@setcref\@tempa%
+      \else%
+        \ifnum\count at consecutive=2\relax%
+          \expandafter\@setcref\expandafter%
+            {\@beginref}{cref}{@middle}%
+          \expandafter\cref at stack@push\expandafter%
+            {\@endref}{\@refsubstack}%
+        \else%
+          \edef\@tempa{{\@beginref}{\@endref}{cref}{\@pos}}%
+          \expandafter\@setcrefrange\@tempa%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+      \@secondreffalse%
+      \cref at isstackfull{\@refsubstack}%
+    }% end loop over reference substack
+    \cref at isstackfull{\@refstack}%
+    \if at cref@stackfull%
+      \def\@tempa{#1}\def\@tempb{labelcref}%
+      \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\relax%
+        \protect\G at refundefinedtrue%
+        \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries\space ??}%
+        \@latex at warning{References in label reference on page \thepage
+          \space have different types}%
+        \@cref at stackfullfalse%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  }% end loop over main reference stack
+  \endgroup}
+  \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1 at cref\endcsname\relax%
+    \protect\G at refundefinedtrue%
+    \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}%
+    \@latex at warning{Reference `#1' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
+  \else%
+    \cref at gettype{#1}{\@temptype}%  puts label type in \@temptype
+    \cref at getlabel{#1}{\@templabel}%  puts label in \@templabel
+    \expandafter\ifx\csname #2@\@temptype @format#3\endcsname\relax%
+      \edef\@tempa{#2}\def\@tempb{labelcref}%
+      \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\relax%
+        \expandafter\@@setcref\expandafter%
+          {\csname #2 at default@format#3\endcsname}{#1}%
+      \else%
+        \protect\G at refundefinedtrue%
+        \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}~\@templabel%
+        \@latex at warning{#2 \space reference format for label type
+          `\@temptype' undefined}%
+      \fi%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\@@setcref\expandafter%
+        {\csname #2@\@temptype @format#3\endcsname}{#1}%
+    \fi%
+  \fi}
+\def\@@setcref#1#2{\cref at getlabel{#2}{\@templabel}#1{\@templabel}{}{}}
+  \begingroup%
+    \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1 at cref\endcsname\relax%
+      \protect\G at refundefinedtrue%
+      \@latex at warning{Reference `#1' on page \thepage \space%
+        undefined}%
+      \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#2 at cref\endcsname\relax%
+        \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}--%
+        \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}%
+        \@latex at warning{Reference `#2' on page \thepage \space%
+          undefined}%
+      \else%
+        \cref at getlabel{#2}{\@labelb}%
+        \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}--\@labelb%
+      \fi%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#2 at cref\endcsname\relax%
+        \protect\G at refundefinedtrue%
+        \cref at getlabel{#1}{\@labela}%
+        \@labela--\nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}%
+        \@latex at warning{Reference `#2' on page \thepage %
+          \space undefined}%
+      \else%
+        \cref at gettype{#1}{\@typea}%
+        \cref at gettype{#2}{\@typeb}%
+        \cref at getlabel{#1}{\@labela}%
+        \cref at getlabel{#2}{\@labelb}%
+        \edef\@formata{\expandafter\noexpand%
+          \csname #3range@\@typea @format#4\endcsname}%
+        \edef\@formatb{\expandafter\noexpand%
+          \csname #3range@\@typeb @format#4\endcsname}%
+        \expandafter\ifx\@formata\relax%
+          \edef\@tempa{#3}\def\@tempb{labelcref}%
+          \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\relax%
+            \expandafter\@@setcrefrange\expandafter%
+              {\csname #3range at default@format#4\endcsname}{#1}{#2}%
+          \else%
+            \protect\G at refundefinedtrue%
+            \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}~\@labela--\@labelb%
+            \@latex at warning{#3\space reference range format for label
+              type `\@typea' undefined}%
+          \fi%
+        \else%
+          \ifx\@formata\@formatb%
+            \expandafter\@@setcrefrange\expandafter{\@formata}{#1}{#2}%
+          \else%
+            \protect\G at refundefinedtrue%
+            \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}~\@labela--\@labelb%
+            \@latex at warning{References `#1' and `#2' in reference range
+              on page \thepage have different types}%
+          \fi%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  \endgroup}
+  \cref at getlabel{#2}{\@labela}%
+  \cref at getlabel{#3}{\@labelb}%
+  #1{\@labela}{\@labelb}{}{}{}{}}
+\def\@setcref at pairgroupconjunction{\crefpairgroupconjunction}
+\def\@setcref at middlegroupconjunction{\crefmiddlegroupconjunction}
+\def\@setcref at lastgroupconjunction{\creflastgroupconjunction}
+  \@setnamecref{cref}{#1}{}{}}
+  \@setnamecref{Cref}{#1}{}{}}
+  \@setnamecref{Cref}{#1}{}{\MakeLowercase}}
+  \@setnamecref{cref}{#1}{@plural}{}}
+  \@setnamecref{Cref}{#1}{@plural}{}}
+  \@setnamecref{Cref}{#1}{@plural}{\MakeLowercase}}
+  \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#2 at cref\endcsname\relax%
+    \protect\G at refundefinedtrue%
+    \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}%
+    \@latex at warning{Reference `#1' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
+  \else%
+    \cref at gettype{#2}{\@tempa}%
+    \@ifundefined{#1@\@tempa @name#3}{%
+      \protect\G at refundefinedtrue%``
+      \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}%
+      \@latex at warning{Reference name for
+        label type `\@tempa' undefined}%
+    }{%
+      \edef\@tempa{%
+        \expandafter\noexpand\csname #1@\@tempa @name#3\endcsname}%
+      \expandafter\@@setnamecref\expandafter{\@tempa}{#4}%
+    }%
+  \fi}
+  \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{#1}%
+  \expandafter#2\@tempa}
+  \@cpageref{cref}{#1}{\@setcpageref}{\@setcpagerefrange}}
+  \@cpageref{Cref}{#1}{\@setcpageref}{\@setcpagerefrange}}
+  \@setcpagerefrange{#1}{#2}{cref}{}}
+  \@setcpagerefrange{#1}{#2}{Cref}{}}
+  \@cpageref{labelcref}{#1}{\@setcpageref}{\@setcpagerefrange}}
+  \leavevmode%
+  \begingroup%
+  \countdef\count at consecutive=0%
+  \countdef\count at group=1%
+  \countdef\@counta=2%
+  \countdef\@countb=3%
+  \count at group=0%
+  \cref at stack@init{\@refstack}%
+  \edef\@tempa{#2}%
+  \expandafter\cref at stack@push\expandafter{\@tempa}{\@refstack}%
+  \if at cref@sort%
+    \cref at stack@sort{\@refstack}{\cref at pagecmp}%
+  \fi%
+  \cref at isstackfull{\@refstack}%
+  \@whilesw\if at cref@stackfull\fi{%
+    \if at cref@compress%
+      \cref at processconsecutive%
+        {\@refstack}{\@beginref}{\@endref}{\count at consecutive}%
+        {\cref at ispagerefconsecutive}%
+    \else%
+      \edef\@beginref{\cref at stack@top{\@refstack}}%
+      \cref at stack@pop{\@refstack}%
+      \@whilesw\ifx\@beginref\@empty\fi{%
+        \cref at stack@pop{\@refstack}%
+        \cref at isstackempty{\@refstack}%
+        \if at cref@stackempty%
+          \let\@beginref\relax%
+        \else%
+          \edef\@beginref{\cref at stack@top{\@refstack}}%
+        \fi}%
+      \let\@endref\relax%
+      \count at consecutive=1\relax%
+    \fi%
+    \ifx\@endref\relax\else%
+      \expandafter\ifx\csname r@\@beginref @cref\endcsname\relax\else%
+        \expandafter\ifx\csname r@\@endref @cref\endcsname\relax\else%
+          \cref at getpageref{\@beginref}{\@tempa}%
+          \cref at getpageref{\@endref}{\@tempb}%
+          \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\relax%
+            \count at consecutive=1%
+            \let\@endref\relax%
+          \else%
+            \@counta=\@tempa\relax%
+            \@countb=\@tempb\relax%
+            \advance\@counta 1\relax%
+            \ifnum\@counta=\@countb\relax%
+              \count at consecutive=2%
+            \fi%
+          \fi%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+    \cref at isstackempty{\@refstack}%
+    \if at cref@stackempty%
+      \ifcase\count at group\relax%
+        \ifnum\count at consecutive=2\relax%
+          \def\@pos{@first}%
+        \else%
+          \def\@pos{}%
+        \fi%
+      \or%
+        \ifnum\count at consecutive=2\relax%
+          \def\@pos{@middle}%
+        \else%
+          \def\@pos{@second}%
+        \fi%
+      \else%
+        \def\@pos{@last}%
+      \fi%
+    \else%
+      \ifnum\count at group=0\relax%
+        \def\@pos{@first}%
+      \else%
+        \def\@pos{@middle}%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+    \ifnum\count at consecutive=1\relax%
+      \def\@tempa{#3}%
+      \edef\@tempb{{\@beginref}{#1}{\@pos}}%
+      \expandafter\@tempa\@tempb%
+    \else%
+      \ifnum\count at consecutive=2\relax%
+        \def\@tempa{#3}%
+        \edef\@tempb{{\@beginref}{#1}{\@pos}}%
+        \expandafter\@tempa\@tempb%
+        \expandafter\cref at stack@push\expandafter%
+          {\@endref,}{\@refstack}%
+      \else%
+        \def\@tempa{#4}%
+        \edef\@tempb{{\@beginref}{\@endref}{#1}{\@pos}}%
+        \expandafter\@tempa\@tempb%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+    \advance\count at group 1%
+    \cref at isstackfull{\@refstack}%
+  }% end loop over reference stack
+  \endgroup}
+  \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1 at cref\endcsname\relax%
+    \protect\G at refundefinedtrue%
+    \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}%
+    \@latex at warning{Reference `#1' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
+  \else%
+    \cref at getpageref{#1}{\@temppage}%
+    \expandafter\ifx\csname #2 at page@format#3\endcsname\relax%
+      \edef\@tempa{#2}\def\@tempb{labelcref}%
+      \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\relax%
+        \expandafter\@@setcpageref\expandafter%
+          {\csname #2 at default@format#3\endcsname}{#1}%
+      \else%
+        \protect\G at refundefinedtrue%
+        \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}~\@temppage%
+        \@latex at warning{#2 \space reference format for
+          page references undefined}%
+      \fi%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\@@setcpageref\expandafter%
+        {\csname #2 at page@format#3\endcsname}{#1}%
+    \fi%
+  \fi}
+  \cref at getpageref{#2}{\@temppage}#1{\@temppage}{}{}}
+  \begingroup%
+    \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1 at cref\endcsname\relax%
+      \protect\G at refundefinedtrue%
+      \@latex at warning{Reference `#1' on page \thepage \space%
+        undefined}%
+      \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#2 at cref\endcsname\relax%
+        \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}--%
+        \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}%
+        \@latex at warning{Reference `#2' on page \thepage \space%
+          undefined}%
+      \else%
+        \cref at getpageref{#2}{\@pageb}%
+        \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}--\@pageb%
+      \fi%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#2 at cref\endcsname\relax%
+        \protect\G at refundefinedtrue%
+        \cref at getpageref{#1}{\@pagea}%
+        \@pagea--\nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}%
+        \@latex at warning{Reference `#2' on page \thepage %
+          \space undefined}%
+      \else%
+        \cref at getpageref{#1}{\@pagea}%
+        \cref at getpageref{#2}{\@pageb}%
+        \edef\@format{\expandafter\noexpand%
+          \csname #3range at page@format#4\endcsname}%
+        \expandafter\ifx\@format\relax%
+          \edef\@tempa{#3}\def\@tempb{labelcref}%
+          \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\relax%
+            \expandafter\@@setcpagerefrange\expandafter%
+              {\csname #3range at default@format#4\endcsname}{#1}{#2}%
+          \else%
+            \protect\G at refundefinedtrue%
+            \nfss at text{\reset at font\bfseries ??}~\@pagea--\@pageb%
+            \@latex at warning{#3\space reference range format for page
+              references undefined}%
+          \fi%
+        \else%
+          \expandafter\@@setcpagerefrange\expandafter{\@format}{#1}{#2}%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  \endgroup}
+  \cref at getpageref{#2}{\@pagea}%
+  \cref at getpageref{#3}{\@pageb}%
+  #1{\@pagea}{\@pageb}{}{}{}{}}
+\cref at stack@init{\cref at label@types}
+  \def\cref at default@label##1##2##3{#1}}
+  \@crefname{cref}{#1}{#2}{#3}{}}
+  \@crefname{Cref}{#1}{#2}{#3}{}}
+  \expandafter\def\csname cref@#1 at label\endcsname##1##2##3{#2}%
+  \cref at stack@add{#1}{\cref at label@types}}
+  \expandafter\def\csname cref@#1 at rangelabel\endcsname%
+    ##1##2##3##4##5##6{#2}%
+  \cref at stack@add{#1}{\cref at label@types}}
+  \expandafter\def\csname cref@#1 at alias\endcsname{#2}}
+\newcommand{\crefname at preamble}[3]{%
+  \@crefname{cref}{#1}{#2}{#3}{@preamble}}
+\newcommand{\Crefname at preamble}[3]{%
+  \@crefname{Cref}{#1}{#2}{#3}{@preamble}}
+\def\cref at othervariant#1#2#3{\cref@@othervariant#1\@nil#2#3}
+  \if#1c%
+    \def#3{C#2}%
+    \def#4{\MakeUppercase}%
+  \else%
+    \def#3{c#2}%
+    \if at cref@capitalise%
+      \def#4{}%
+    \else%
+      \def#4{\MakeLowercase}%
+    \fi%
+  \fi}
+  \expandafter\def\csname #1@#2 at name#5\endcsname{#3}%
+  \expandafter\def\csname #1@#2 at name@plural#5\endcsname{#4}%
+  \cref at othervariant{#1}{\@tempc}{\@tempd}%
+  \@ifundefined{\@tempc @#2 at name#5}{%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempa%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+      \csname#1@#2 at name\endcsname}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempb%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+      \csname#1@#2 at name@plural\endcsname}%
+    \expandafter\ifx\@tempa\@empty\else%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempa%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\@tempd\@tempa}%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempb%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\@tempd\@tempb}%
+    \fi%
+    \toksdef\@toksa=0%
+    \@toksa={%
+      \expandafter\def\csname\@tempc @#2 at name#5\endcsname}%
+    \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\expandafter{\@tempa}%
+    \@toksa={%
+      \expandafter\def\csname\@tempc @#2 at name@plural#5\endcsname}%
+    \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\expandafter{\@tempb}%
+  }{}%
+  \cref at stack@add{#2}{\cref at label@types}}
+  \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at label}{%
+    \let\@templabel\cref at default@label%
+  }{%
+    \expandafter\let\expandafter\@templabel%
+    \csname cref@#1 at label\endcsname%
+  }%
+  \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at rangelabel}{%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{%
+      \@templabel{####1}{####3}{####4}}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempb\expandafter{%
+      \@templabel{####2}{####5}{####6}}%
+    \toksdef\@toksa=0%
+    \@toksa={\def\@temprangelabel##1##2##3##4##5##6}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\the%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@toksa%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\crefrangepreconjunction%
+      \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter\crefrangeconjunction\@tempb%
+      \crefrangepostconjunction}%
+  }{%
+    \expandafter\let\expandafter\@temprangelabel%
+    \csname cref@#1 at rangelabel\endcsname%
+  }%
+  \if at cref@nameinlink%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@templabel at first\expandafter{%
+      \@templabel{########1}{}{########3}}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@temprangelabel at first\expandafter{%
+      \@temprangelabel{########1}{########2}%
+        {}{########4}{########5}{########6}}%
+  \fi%
+  \expandafter\def\expandafter\@templabel\expandafter{%
+    \@templabel{########1}{########2}{########3}}%
+  \expandafter\def\expandafter\@temprangelabel\expandafter{%
+    \@temprangelabel{########1}{########2}{########3}%
+    {########4}{########5}{########6}}%
+  \if at cref@nameinlink\else%
+    \let\@templabel at first\@templabel%
+    \let\@temprangelabel at first\@temprangelabel%
+  \fi%
+  \if at cref@nameinlink%
+    \def\@tempa##1##2{##2##1}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempname%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter%
+        {\csname cref@#1 at name\endcsname}{########2}}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempName%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter%
+        {\csname Cref@#1 at name\endcsname}{########2}}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempnameplural%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter%
+        {\csname cref@#1 at name@plural\endcsname}{########2}}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempNameplural%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter%
+        {\csname Cref@#1 at name@plural\endcsname}{########2}}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempnameplural at range%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter%
+        {\csname cref@#1 at name@plural\endcsname}{########3}}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempNameplural at range%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter%
+        {\csname Cref@#1 at name@plural\endcsname}{########3}}%
+  \else%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempname\expandafter{%
+      \csname cref@#1 at name\endcsname}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempName\expandafter{%
+      \csname Cref@#1 at name\endcsname}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempnameplural\expandafter{%
+      \csname cref@#1 at name@plural\endcsname}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempNameplural\expandafter{%
+      \csname Cref@#1 at name@plural\endcsname}%
+    \let\@tempnameplural at range\@tempnameplural%
+    \let\@tempNameplural at range\@tempNameplural%
+  \fi%
+  \begingroup%
+    \@crefconstructcomponents{#1}%
+    \ifx\@tempname\@empty\relax%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempfirst\expandafter{\@templabel}%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempfirst%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\@tempname\expandafter\nobreakspace\@templabel at first}%
+    \fi%
+    \ifx\@tempName\@empty\relax%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempFirst\expandafter{\@templabel}%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempFirst%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\@tempName\expandafter\nobreakspace\@templabel at first}%
+    \fi%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@templabel\expandafter{\@templabel}%
+    \toksdef\@toksa=0%
+    \@toksa={\crefformat{#1}}%
+    \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\expandafter{\@tempfirst}%
+    \@toksa={\Crefformat{#1}}%
+    \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\expandafter{\@tempFirst}%
+    \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at label}{}{%
+      \@toksa={\labelcrefformat{#1}}%
+      \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\expandafter{\@templabel}}%
+  \endgroup}
+  \begingroup%
+    \@crefconstructcomponents{#1}%
+    \ifx\@tempname\@empty\relax%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempfirst%
+        \expandafter{\@temprangelabel}%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempfirst%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\@tempnameplural at range%
+        \expandafter\nobreakspace\@temprangelabel at first}%
+    \fi%
+    \ifx\@tempName\@empty\relax%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempFirst%
+        \expandafter{\@temprangelabel}%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempFirst%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\@tempNameplural at range%
+        \expandafter\nobreakspace\@temprangelabel at first}%
+    \fi%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@temprangelabel%
+      \expandafter{\@temprangelabel}%
+    \toksdef\@toksa=0%
+    \@toksa={\crefrangeformat{#1}}%
+    \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\expandafter{\@tempfirst}%
+    \@toksa={\Crefrangeformat{#1}}%
+    \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\expandafter{\@tempFirst}%
+    \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at rangelabel}{%
+      \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at label}{\let\@tempa\relax}{\def\@tempa{}}}%
+      {\def\@tempa{}}%
+    \ifx\@tempa\@empty\relax%
+      \@toksa={\labelcrefrangeformat{#1}}%
+      \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\expandafter{%
+        \@temprangelabel}%
+    \fi%
+  \endgroup}
+  \begingroup%
+    \@crefconstructcomponents{#1}%
+    \ifx\@tempnameplural\@empty\relax%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempfirst%
+        \expandafter{\@templabel}%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempfirst%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\@tempnameplural%
+        \expandafter\nobreakspace\@templabel at first}%
+    \fi%
+    \ifx\@tempNameplural\@empty\relax%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempFirst%
+        \expandafter{\@templabel}%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempFirst%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\@tempNameplural%
+        \expandafter\nobreakspace\@templabel at first}%
+    \fi%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempsecond\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\crefpairconjunction\@templabel}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempmiddle\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\crefmiddleconjunction\@templabel}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@templast\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\creflastconjunction\@templabel}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@templabel\expandafter{\@templabel}%
+    \toksdef\@toksa=0%
+    \toksdef\@toksb=1%
+    \@toksb={}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@tempfirst}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@tempsecond}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@tempmiddle}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@templast}}%
+    \@toksa={\crefmultiformat{#1}}%
+    \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\the\@toksb%
+    \@toksb={}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@tempFirst}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@tempsecond}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@tempmiddle}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@templast}}%
+    \@toksa={\Crefmultiformat{#1}}%
+    \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\the\@toksb%
+    \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at label}{}{%
+      \@toksb={}%
+      \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@templabel}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@tempsecond}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@tempmiddle}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@templast}}%
+      \@toksa={\labelcrefmultiformat{#1}}%
+      \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\the\@toksb}%
+  \endgroup}
+  \begingroup%
+    \@crefconstructcomponents{#1}%
+    \ifx\@tempnameplural\@empty\relax%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempfirst%
+        \expandafter{\@temprangelabel}%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempfirst%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\@tempnameplural at range%
+        \expandafter\nobreakspace\@temprangelabel at first}%
+    \fi%
+    \ifx\@tempNameplural\@empty\relax%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempFirst%
+        \expandafter{\@temprangelabel}%
+    \else%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempFirst%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\@tempNameplural at range%
+        \expandafter\nobreakspace\@temprangelabel at first}%
+    \fi%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempsecond\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\crefpairconjunction\@temprangelabel}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempmiddle\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\crefmiddleconjunction\@temprangelabel}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@templast\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\creflastconjunction\@temprangelabel}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@temprangelabel%
+      \expandafter{\@temprangelabel}%
+    \toksdef\@toksa=0%
+    \toksdef\@toksb=1%
+    \@toksb={}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@tempfirst}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@tempsecond}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@tempmiddle}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@templast}}%
+    \@toksa={\crefrangemultiformat{#1}}%
+    \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\the\@toksb%
+    \@toksb={}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@tempFirst}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@tempsecond}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@tempmiddle}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@templast}}%
+    \@toksa={\Crefrangemultiformat{#1}}%
+    \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\the\@toksb%
+    \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at rangelabel}{%
+      \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at label}{\let\@tempa\relax}{\def\@tempa{}}}%
+        {\def\@tempa{}}%
+    \ifx\@tempa\@empty\relax%
+      \@toksb={}%
+      \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@temprangelabel}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@tempsecond}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@tempmiddle}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@templast}}%
+      \@toksa={\labelcrefrangemultiformat{#1}}%
+      \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\the\@toksb%
+    \fi%
+  \endgroup}
+  \begingroup%
+    \toksdef\@toksa=0%
+    \toksdef\@toksb=1%
+    \let\@templabel\cref at default@label%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{%
+      \@templabel{####1}{####3}{####4}}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempb\expandafter{%
+      \@templabel{####2}{####5}{####6}}%
+    \@toksa={\def\@temprangelabel##1##2##3##4##5##6}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\the%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@toksa%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\crefrangepreconjunction%
+      \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter\crefrangeconjunction\@tempb%
+      \crefrangepostconjunction}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@templabel\expandafter{%
+      \@templabel{########1}{########2}{########3}}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@temprangelabel\expandafter{%
+      \@temprangelabel{########1}{########2}{########3}%
+      {########4}{########5}{########6}}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempsecond\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\crefpairconjunction\@templabel}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempmiddle\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\crefmiddleconjunction\@templabel}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@templast\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\creflastconjunction\@templabel}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@temprangesecond\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\crefpairconjunction\@temprangelabel}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@temprangemiddle\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\crefmiddleconjunction\@temprangelabel}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@temprangelast\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\creflastconjunction\@temprangelabel}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@templabel\expandafter{\@templabel}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@temprangelabel%
+      \expandafter{\@temprangelabel}%
+    \@toksa={\labelcrefformat{default}}%
+    \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\expandafter{\@templabel}%
+    \@toksa={\labelcrefrangeformat{default}}%
+    \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\expandafter{\@temprangelabel}%
+    \@toksb={}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@templabel}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@tempsecond}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@tempmiddle}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@templast}}%
+    \@toksa={\labelcrefmultiformat{default}}%
+    \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\the\@toksb%
+    \@toksb={}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@temprangelabel}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@temprangesecond}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@temprangemiddle}}%
+    \expandafter\cref at append@toks\expandafter\@toksb\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter{\@temprangelast}}%
+    \@toksa={\labelcrefrangemultiformat{default}}%
+    \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\the\@toksb%
+  \endgroup}
+  \@crefdefineformat{#1}%
+  \@crefrangedefineformat{#1}%
+  \@crefdefinemultiformat{#1}%
+  \@crefrangedefinemultiformat{#1}}
+  \@crefmultiformat{cref}{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+  \@crefmultiformat{Cref}{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+  \@crefrangemultiformat{crefrange}{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+  \@crefrangemultiformat{Crefrange}{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
+  \expandafter\gdef\csname labelcref@#1 at format\endcsname##1##2##3{#2}}
+  \expandafter\gdef\csname labelcrefrange@#1 at format\endcsname%
+  ##1##2##3##4##5##6{#2}}
+  \expandafter\gdef\csname labelcref@#1 at format@first\endcsname%
+    ##1##2##3{#2}%
+  \expandafter\gdef\csname labelcref@#1 at format@second\endcsname%
+    ##1##2##3{#3}%
+  \expandafter\gdef\csname labelcref@#1 at format@middle\endcsname%
+    ##1##2##3{#4}%
+  \expandafter\gdef\csname labelcref@#1 at format@last\endcsname%
+    ##1##2##3{#5}}
+  \expandafter\gdef\csname labelcrefrange@#1 at format@first\endcsname%
+    ##1##2##3##4##5##6{#2}%
+  \expandafter\gdef\csname labelcrefrange@#1 at format@second\endcsname%
+    ##1##2##3##4##5##6{#3}%
+  \expandafter\gdef\csname labelcrefrange@#1 at format@middle\endcsname%
+    ##1##2##3##4##5##6{#4}%
+  \expandafter\gdef\csname labelcrefrange@#1 at format@last\endcsname%
+    ##1##2##3##4##5##6{#5}}
+  \begingroup%
+    \expandafter\gdef\csname #1@#2 at format\endcsname##1##2##3{#3}%
+    \cref at othervariant{#1}{\@other}{\@changecase}%
+    \@ifundefined{\@other @#2 at format}{%
+      \toksdef\@toksa=0%
+      \@toksa={\def\@tempa##1##2##3}%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\the%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@toksa%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \csname#1@#2 at format\endcsname{##1}{##2}{##3}}%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\the%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@toksa%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\@changecase\@tempa{##1}{##2}{##3}}%
+      \@toksa={%
+        \expandafter\gdef\csname\@other @#2 at format\endcsname##1##2##3}%
+      \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\expandafter{%
+        \@tempa{##1}{##2}{##3}}%
+    }{}%
+  \endgroup}
+  \begingroup%
+    \expandafter\gdef\csname #1@#2 at format\endcsname%
+      ##1##2##3##4##5##6{#3}%
+    \cref at othervariant{#1}{\@other}{\@changecase}%
+    \@ifundefined{\@other @#2 at format}{%
+      \toksdef\@toksa=0%
+      \@toksa={\def\@tempa##1##2##3##4##5##6}%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\the%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@toksa%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \csname#1@#2 at format\endcsname{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}}%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\the%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@toksa%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\@changecase\@tempa{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}}%
+      \@toksa={\expandafter\gdef%
+        \csname\@other @#2 at format\endcsname##1##2##3##4##5##6}%
+      \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\expandafter{%
+        \@tempa{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}}%
+    }{}%
+  \endgroup}
+  \begingroup%
+    \expandafter\gdef\csname #1@#2 at format@first\endcsname##1##2##3{#3}%
+    \expandafter\gdef\csname #1@#2 at format@second\endcsname##1##2##3{#4}%
+    \expandafter\gdef\csname #1@#2 at format@middle\endcsname##1##2##3{#5}%
+    \expandafter\gdef\csname #1@#2 at format@last\endcsname##1##2##3{#6}%
+    \cref at othervariant{#1}{\@other}{\@changecase}%
+    \@ifundefined{\@other @#2 at format@first}{%
+      \toksdef\@toksa=0%
+      \@toksa={\def\@tempa##1##2##3}%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\the%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@toksa%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \csname#1@#2 at format@first\endcsname{##1}{##2}{##3}}%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\the%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@toksa%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\@changecase\@tempa{##1}{##2}{##3}}%
+      \@toksa={%
+        \expandafter\gdef\csname\@other @#2 at format@first\endcsname%
+          ##1##2##3}%
+      \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\expandafter{%
+        \@tempa{##1}{##2}{##3}}%
+    }{}%
+    \@ifundefined{\@other @#2 at format@second}{%
+      \@toksa={%
+        \expandafter\global\expandafter\let%
+        \csname\@other @#2 at format@second\endcsname}%
+      \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa%
+        \csname #1@#2 at format@second\endcsname%
+    }{}%
+    \@ifundefined{\@other @#2 at format@middle}{%
+      \@toksa={%
+        \expandafter\global\expandafter\let%
+        \csname\@other @#2 at format@middle\endcsname}%
+      \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa%
+        \csname #1@#2 at format@middle\endcsname%
+    }{}%
+    \@ifundefined{\@other @#2 at format@last}{%
+      \@toksa={%
+        \expandafter\global\expandafter\let%
+        \csname\@other @#2 at format@last\endcsname}%
+      \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa%
+        \csname #1@#2 at format@last\endcsname%
+    }{}%
+  \endgroup}
+  \begingroup%
+    \expandafter\gdef\csname #1@#2 at format@first\endcsname%
+      ##1##2##3##4##5##6{#3}%
+    \expandafter\gdef\csname #1@#2 at format@second\endcsname%
+      ##1##2##3##4##5##6{#4}%
+    \expandafter\gdef\csname #1@#2 at format@middle\endcsname%
+      ##1##2##3##4##5##6{#5}%
+    \expandafter\gdef\csname #1@#2 at format@last\endcsname%
+      ##1##2##3##4##5##6{#6}%
+    \cref at othervariant{#1}{\@other}{\@changecase}%
+    \@ifundefined{\@other @#2 at format@first}{%
+      \toksdef\@toksa=0%
+      \@toksa={\def\@tempa##1##2##3##4##5##6}%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\the%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@toksa%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \csname#1@#2 at format@first\endcsname%
+          {##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}}%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\the%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@toksa%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\@changecase\@tempa{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}}%
+      \@toksa={%
+        \expandafter\gdef\csname\@other @#2 at format@first\endcsname%
+          ##1##2##3##4##5##6}%
+      \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa\expandafter{%
+        \@tempa{##1}{##2}{##3}{##4}{##5}{##6}}%
+    }{}%
+    \@ifundefined{\@other @#2 at format@second}{%
+      \@toksa={%
+        \expandafter\global\expandafter\let%
+        \csname\@other @#2 at format@second\endcsname}%
+      \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa%
+        \csname #1@#2 at format@second\endcsname%
+    }{}%
+    \@ifundefined{\@other @#2 at format@middle}{%
+      \@toksa={%
+        \expandafter\global\expandafter\let%
+        \csname\@other @#2 at format@middle\endcsname}%
+      \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa%
+        \csname #1@#2 at format@middle\endcsname%
+    }{}%
+    \@ifundefined{\@other @#2 at format@last}{%
+      \@toksa={%
+        \expandafter\global\expandafter\let%
+        \csname\@other @#2 at format@last\endcsname}%
+      \expandafter\the\expandafter\@toksa%
+        \csname #1@#2 at format@last\endcsname%
+    }{}%
+  \endgroup}
+\let\if at cref@hyperrefloaded\iffalse
+  \@ifpackagewith{hyperref}{implicit=false}{}{%
+    \let\if at cref@hyperrefloaded\iftrue%
+    \PackageInfo{cleveref}{`hyperref' support loaded}
+    \def\cref at hyperref#1{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter%
+      \@fourthoffive\csname r@#1\endcsname}
+    \let\cref at old@H at refstepcounter\H at refstepcounter
+    \def\H at refstepcounter#1{%
+      \cref at old@H at refstepcounter{#1}%
+      \cref at constructprefix{#1}{\cref at result}%
+      \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at alias}%
+        {\def\@tempa{#1}}%
+        {\def\@tempa{\csname cref@#1 at alias\endcsname}}%
+      \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+        [\@tempa][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+        \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}}
+    \let\refstepcounter at noarg\cref at old@refstepcounter%
+    \def\refstepcounter at optarg[#1]#2{%
+      \cref at old@refstepcounter{#2}%
+      \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+        \expandafter\cref at override@label at type%
+          \cref at currentlabel\@nil{#1}}}
+    \@ifundefined{appendix}{}{%
+      \g at addto@macro\appendix{%
+        \@ifundefined{chapter}{%
+          \def\H at refstepcounter#1{%
+            \cref at old@H at refstepcounter{#1}%
+            \cref at constructprefix{#1}{\cref at result}%
+            \ifx\cref at result\@empty%
+              \def\cref at result{2147483647}%
+            \else%
+              \edef\cref at result{2147483647,\cref at result}%
+            \fi%
+            \def\@tempa{#1}%
+            \def\@tempb{section}%
+            \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+              \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+                [appendix][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+                \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+            \else%
+              \def\@tempa{#1}%
+              \def\@tempb{subsection}%
+              \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+                \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+                  [subappendix][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+                  \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+              \else%
+                \def\@tempa{#1}%
+                \def\@tempb{subsubsection}%
+                \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+                  \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+                    [subsubappendix][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+                    \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+                \else%
+                  \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at alias}%
+                    {\def\@tempa{#1}}%
+                    {\def\@tempa{\csname cref@#1 at alias\endcsname}}%
+                  \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+                    [\@tempa][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+                    \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}
+                \fi%
+              \fi%
+            \fi}%
+        }{%
+          \def\H at refstepcounter#1{%
+            \cref at old@H at refstepcounter{#1}%
+            \cref at constructprefix{#1}{\cref at result}%
+            \ifx\cref at result\@empty%
+              \def\cref at result{2147483647}%
+            \else%
+              \edef\cref at result{2147483647,\cref at result}%
+            \fi%
+            \def\@tempa{#1}%
+            \def\@tempb{chapter}%
+            \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+              \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+                [appendix][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+                \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+            \else%
+              \def\@tempa{#1}%
+              \def\@tempb{section}%
+              \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+                \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+                  [subappendix][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+                  \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+              \else%
+                \def\@tempa{#1}%
+                \def\@tempb{subsection}%
+                \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+                  \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+                    [subsubappendix][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+                    \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+                \else%
+                  \def\@tempa{#1}%
+                  \def\@tempb{subsubsection}%
+                  \ifx\@tempa\@tempb%
+                    \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+                      [subsubsubappendix][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+                      \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+                  \else%
+                    \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at alias}%
+                      {\def\@tempa{#1}}%
+                      {\def\@tempa{\csname cref@#1 at alias\endcsname}}%
+                    \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+                      [\@tempa][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+                      \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}
+                  \fi%
+                \fi%
+              \fi%
+            \fi}%
+        }%
+      }%
+    }% end of \@ifundefined{appendix}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\cref}{%
+      \@ifstar{\@crefstar{cref}}{\@crefnostar{cref}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\Cref}{%
+      \@ifstar{\@crefstar{Cref}}{\@crefnostar{Cref}}}
+    \def\@crefnostar#1#2{\@cref{#1}{#2}}
+    \def\@crefstar#1#2{%
+      \@crefstarredtrue\@cref{#1}{#2}\@crefstarredfalse}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\crefrange}{%
+      \@ifstar{\@crefrangestar{cref}}{\@crefrangenostar{cref}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\Crefrange}{%
+      \@ifstar{\@crefrangestar{Cref}}{\@crefrangenostar{Cref}}}
+    \def\@crefrangenostar#1#2#3{\@setcrefrange{#2}{#3}{#1}{}}
+    \def\@crefrangestar#1#2#3{%
+      \@crefstarredtrue\@setcrefrange{#2}{#3}{#1}{}\@crefstarredfalse}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\cpageref}{%
+      \@ifstar{\@cpagerefstar{cref}}{\@cpagerefnostar{cref}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\Cpageref}{%
+      \@ifstar{\@cpagerefstar{Cref}}{\@cpagerefnostar{Cref}}}
+    \def\@cpagerefnostar#1#2{%
+      \@cpageref{#1}{#2}{\@setcpageref}{\@setcpagerefrange}}
+    \def\@cpagerefstar#1#2{%
+      \@crefstarredtrue%
+      \@cpageref{#1}{#2}{\@setcpageref}{\@setcpagerefrange}%
+      \@crefstarredfalse}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\cpagerefrange}{%
+      \@ifstar{\@cpagerefrangestar{cref}}{\@cpagerefrangenostar{cref}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\Cpagerefrange}{%
+      \@ifstar{\@cpagerefrangestar{Cref}}{\@cpagerefrangenostar{Cref}}}
+    \def\@cpagerefrangenostar#1#2#3{\@setcpagerefrange{#2}{#3}{#1}{}}
+    \def\@cpagerefrangestar#1#2#3{%
+      \@crefstarredtrue%
+      \@setcpagerefrange{#2}{#3}{#1}{}%
+      \@crefstarredfalse}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\labelcref}{%
+      \@ifstar{\@labelcrefstar}{\@labelcrefnostar}}
+    \def\@labelcrefnostar#1{\@cref{labelcref}{#1}}
+    \def\@labelcrefstar#1{%
+      \@crefstarredtrue%
+      \@cref{labelcref}{#1}%
+      \@crefstarredfalse}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\labelcpageref}{%
+      \@ifstar{\@labelcpagerefstar}{\@labelcpagerefnostar}}
+    \def\@labelcpagerefnostar#1{%
+      \@cpageref{labelcref}{#1}{\@setcpageref}{\@setcpagerefrange}}
+    \def\@labelcpagerefstar#1{%
+      \@crefstarredtrue%
+      \@cpageref{labelcref}{#1}{\@setcpageref}{\@setcpagerefrange}%
+      \@crefstarredfalse}
+    \def\@@setcref#1#2{%
+      \cref at getlabel{#2}{\@templabel}%
+      \if at crefstarred%
+        #1{\@templabel}{}{}%
+      \else%
+        \edef\@templink{\cref at hyperref{#2}}%
+        #1{\@templabel}{\hyper at linkstart{link}{\@templink}}%
+          {\hyper at linkend}%
+      \fi}
+    \def\@@setcrefrange#1#2#3{%
+      \cref at getlabel{#2}{\@labela}%
+      \cref at getlabel{#3}{\@labelb}%
+      \if at crefstarred%
+        #1{\@labela}{\@labelb}{}{}{}{}%
+      \else%
+        \edef\@linka{\cref at hyperref{#2}}%
+        \edef\@linkb{\cref at hyperref{#3}}%
+        #1{\@labela}{\@labelb}%
+          {\hyper at linkstart{link}{\@linka}}{\hyper at linkend}%
+          {\hyper at linkstart{link}{\@linkb}}{\hyper at linkend}%
+      \fi}%
+    \def\@@setcpageref#1#2{%
+      \cref at getpageref{#2}{\@temppage}%
+      \if at crefstarred%
+        #1{\@temppage}{}{}%
+      \else%
+        \edef\@templink{\cref at hyperref{#2}}%
+        #1{\@temppage}{\hyper at linkstart{link}{\@templink}}%
+          {\hyper at linkend}%
+      \fi}
+    \def\@@setcpagerefrange#1#2#3{%
+      \cref at getpageref{#2}{\@pagea}%
+      \cref at getpageref{#3}{\@pageb}%
+      \if at crefstarred%
+        #1{\@pagea}{\@pageb}{}{}{}{}%
+      \else%
+        \edef\@linka{\cref at hyperref{#2}}%
+        \edef\@linkb{\cref at hyperref{#3}}%
+        #1{\@pagea}{\@pageb}%
+          {\hyper at linkstart{link}{\@linka}}{\hyper at linkend}%
+          {\hyper at linkstart{link}{\@linkb}}{\hyper at linkend}%
+      \fi}%
+  }%  end of false case of \@ifpackagewith{hyperref}{implicit=false}
+}{% false case of \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}
+  \@ifclassloaded{revtex4}{\let\if at cref@hyperrefloaded\iftrue}{}%
+  \@ifclassloaded{revtex4-1}{\let\if at cref@hyperrefloaded\iftrue}{}%
+  \if at cref@hyperrefloaded\relax%
+    \let\cref at old@H at refstepcounter\H at refstepcounter%
+    \def\H at refstepcounter#1{%
+      \cref at old@H at refstepcounter{#1}%
+      \cref at constructprefix{#1}{\cref at result}%
+      \@ifundefined{cref@#1 at alias}%
+        {\def\@tempa{#1}}%
+        {\def\@tempa{\csname cref@#1 at alias\endcsname}}%
+      \protected at edef\cref at currentlabel{%
+        [\@tempa][\arabic{#1}][\cref at result]%
+        \csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}}%
+  \fi%
+  \let\if at cref@hyperrefloaded\iffalse%
+}% end of \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}
+  \AtBeginDocument{
+    \let\cref at old@label at in@display\label at in@display
+    \def\label at in@display{%
+      \@ifnextchar[\label at in@display at optarg\label at in@display at noarg}%]
+    \def\label at in@display at noarg#1{\cref at old@label at in@display{{#1}}}
+    \def\label at in@display at optarg[#1]#2{%
+      \cref at old@label at in@display{[#1]{#2}}}
+    \def\ltx at label#1{\cref at label#1}
+  }%  end of AtBeginDocument
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+        \global\let\field at lengths\@empty
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+            \let\math at cr@@@\math at cr@@@align at measure
+            \everycr{\noalign{\global\tag at false
+              \global\let\raise at tag\@empty \global\column@\z@}}%
+            \let\label\@gobble at optarg%  <<< cleveref modification
+            \global\row@\z@
+            \tabskip\z@
+            \halign{\span\align at preamble\crcr
+                #1%
+                \math at cr@@@
+                \global\column@\z@
+                \add at amps\maxfields@\cr
+            }%
+        }%
+        \restorecounters@
+        \ifodd\maxfields@
+            \global\advance\maxfields@\@ne
+        \fi
+        \ifnum\xatlevel@=\tw@
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+                \let\xatlevel@\z@
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+        \if at fleqn \global\advance\totwidth@\@mathmargin \fi
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+          \let\or\relax
+          \loop
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+              \unhbox\@ne \unskip \global\setbox\thr@@\lastbox
+            }%
+          \ifhbox\thr@@
+           \xdef\maxcolumn at widths{ \or \the\wd\thr@@ \maxcolumn at widths}%
+          \repeat
+        \endgroup
+        \dimen@\displaywidth
+        \advance\dimen at -\totwidth@
+        \ifcase\xatlevel@
+            \global\alignsep@\z@
+            \let\minalignsep\z@
+            \@tempcntb\z@
+            \if at fleqn
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+                \@tempcnta\tw@
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+                \global\divide\eqnshift@\@tempcnta
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+            \@tempcntb\maxfields@
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+            \if at fleqn
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+            \else
+                \global\advance\@tempcnta\@ne
+                \global\eqnshift@\dimen@
+                \global\divide\eqnshift@\@tempcnta
+                \global\alignsep@\eqnshift@
+            \fi
+        \or
+            \@tempcntb\maxfields@
+            \divide\@tempcntb\tw@
+            \global\advance\@tempcntb\m at ne
+            \global\@tempcnta\@tempcntb
+            \global\eqnshift@\z@
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+            \if at fleqn
+                \global\advance\alignsep@\@mathmargin\relax
+            \fi
+            \global\divide\alignsep@\@tempcntb
+        \fi
+        \ifdim\alignsep@<\minalignsep\relax
+            \global\alignsep@\minalignsep\relax
+            \ifdim\eqnshift@>\z@
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+                    \global\advance\eqnshift at -\@tempcntb\alignsep@
+                    \global\divide\eqnshift@\tw@
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+        \ifdim\eqnshift@<\z@
+            \global\eqnshift@\z@
+        \fi
+        \calc at shift@align
+        \global\tagshift@\totwidth@
+        \global\advance\tagshift@\@tempcntb\alignsep@
+        \if at fleqn
+            \ifnum\xatlevel@=\tw@
+                \global\advance\tagshift at -\@mathmargin\relax
+            \fi
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+            \global\advance\tagshift@\eqnshift@
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+        \dimen@\minalignsep\relax
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+        \ifdim\totwidth@>\displaywidth
+            \global\let\displaywidth@\totwidth@
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+            \global\let\displaywidth@\displaywidth
+        \fi
+    \endgroup
+  }
+  \def\gmeasure@#1{%
+    \begingroup
+        \measuring at true
+        \totwidth@\z@
+        \global\let\tag at lengths\@empty
+        \savecounters@
+        \setbox\@ne\vbox{%
+            \everycr{\noalign{\global\tag at false
+              \global\let\raise at tag\@empty \global\column@\z@}}%
+            \let\label\@gobble%  <<< cleveref modification
+            \halign{%
+                \setboxz at h{$\m at th\displaystyle{##}$}%
+                \ifdim\wdz@>\totwidth@
+                    \global\totwidth@\wdz@
+                \fi
+               &\setboxz at h{\strut@{##}}%
+                \savetaglength@
+                \crcr
+                #1%
+                \math at cr@@@
+            }%
+        }%
+        \restorecounters@
+        \if at fleqn
+            \global\advance\totwidth@\@mathmargin
+        \fi
+        \iftagsleft@
+            \ifdim\totwidth@>\displaywidth
+                \global\let\gdisplaywidth@\totwidth@
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+                \global\let\gdisplaywidth@\displaywidth
+            \fi
+        \fi
+    \endgroup
+  \def\multline@#1{%
+    \Let@
+    \@display at init{\global\advance\row@\@ne \global\dspbrk at lvl\m at ne}%
+    \chardef\dspbrk at context\z@
+    \restore at math@cr
+    \let\tag\tag at in@align
+    \global\tag at false \global\let\raise at tag\@empty
+    \mmeasure@{#1}%
+    \let\tag\gobble at tag \let\label\@gobble at optarg%  <<< cleveref modification
+    \tabskip \if at fleqn \@mathmargin \else \z at skip \fi
+    \totwidth@\displaywidth
+    \if at fleqn
+        \advance\totwidth at -\@mathmargin
+    \fi
+    \halign\bgroup
+        \hbox to\totwidth@{%
+            \if at fleqn
+                \hskip \@centering \relax
+            \else
+                \hfil
+            \fi
+            \strut@
+            $\m at th\displaystyle{}##\endmultline at math
+            \hfil
+        }% $
+        \crcr
+        \if at fleqn
+            \hskip-\@mathmargin
+            \def\multline at indent{\hskip\@mathmargin}%
+        \else
+            \hfilneg
+            \def\multline at indent{\hskip\multlinegap}%
+        \fi
+        \iftagsleft@
+            \iftag@
+                \begingroup
+                    \ifshifttag@
+                        \rlap{\vbox{%
+                                \normalbaselines
+                                \hbox{%
+                                    \strut@
+                                    \make at display@tag
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+                                \vbox to\lineht@{}%
+                                \raise at tag
+                        }}%
+                        \multline at indent
+                    \else
+                        \setbox\z@\hbox{\make at display@tag}%
+                        \dimen@\@mathmargin \advance\dimen at -\wd\z@
+                        \ifdim\dimen@<\multlinetaggap
+                          \dimen@\multlinetaggap
+                        \fi
+                        \box\z@ \hskip\dimen@\relax
+                    \fi
+                \endgroup
+            \else
+                \multline at indent
+            \fi
+        \else
+            \multline at indent
+        \fi
+    #1%
+  }
+  \def\mmeasure@#1{%
+    \begingroup
+        \measuring at true
+        \def\label{%                  <<< cleveref modification
+          \@ifnextchar[\label at in@mmeasure at optarg%]
+            \label at in@mmeasure at noarg}%
+        \def\math at cr@@@{\cr}%
+        \let\shoveleft\@iden \let\shoveright\@iden
+        \savecounters@
+        \global\row@\z@
+        \setbox\@ne\vbox{%
+            \global\let\df at tag\@empty
+            \halign{%
+                \setboxz at h{\@lign$\m at th\displaystyle{}##$}%
+                \iftagsleft@
+                    \ifnum\row@=\@ne
+                        \global\totwidth@\wdz@
+                        \global\lineht@\ht\z@
+                    \fi
+                \else
+                    \global\totwidth@\wdz@
+                    \global\lineht@\dp\z@
+                \fi
+                \crcr
+                #1%
+                \crcr
+            }%
+        }%
+        \ifx\df at tag\@empty\else\global\tag at true\fi
+        \if at eqnsw\global\tag at true\fi
+        \iftag@
+            \setboxz at h{%
+                \if at eqnsw
+                    \stepcounter{equation}%
+                    \tagform@\theequation
+                \else
+                    \df at tag
+                \fi
+            }%
+            \global\tagwidth@\wdz@
+            \dimen@\totwidth@
+            \advance\dimen@\tagwidth@
+            \advance\dimen@\multlinetaggap
+            \iftagsleft@\else
+                \if at fleqn
+                    \advance\dimen@\@mathmargin
+                \fi
+            \fi
+            \ifdim\dimen@>\displaywidth
+                \global\shifttag at true
+            \else
+                \global\shifttag at false
+            \fi
+        \fi
+        \restorecounters@
+    \endgroup
+  }
+  \def\label at in@mmeasure at noarg#1{%
+    \begingroup%
+      \measuring at false%
+      \cref at old@label at in@display{{#1}}%
+    \endgroup}
+  \def\label at in@mmeasure at optarg[#1]#2{%
+    \begingroup%
+      \measuring at false%
+      \cref at old@label at in@display{[#1]{#2}}%
+    \endgroup}
+  \let\cref at old@subequations\subequations%
+  \let\cref at old@endsubequations\endsubequations%
+  \cref at resetby{equation}{\cref at result}%
+  \ifx\cref at result\relax\else%
+    \@addtoreset{parentequation}{\cref at result}%
+  \fi%
+  \renewenvironment{subequations}{%
+    \@addtoreset{equation}{parentequation}%
+    \cref at old@subequations%
+  }{%
+    \gdef\cl at parentequation{}%
+    \cref at old@endsubequations%
+    \setcounter{parentequation}{0}%
+  }%
+  \def\make at df@tag@@#1{%
+    \gdef\df at tag{\maketag@@@{#1}\def\@currentlabel{#1}%
+      \def\cref at currentlabel{[equation][2147483647][]#1}}}
+  \def\make at df@tag@@@#1{%
+    \gdef\df at tag{\tagform@{#1}%
+      \toks@\@xp{\p at equation{#1}}%
+      \edef\@currentlabel{\the\toks@}%
+      \edef\cref at currentlabel{[equation][2147483647][]\the\toks@}}}
+}{}%  end of \@ifpackageloaded{amsmath}
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{`IEEEtrantools' support loaded}
+  \let\cref at orig@@IEEEeqnarray\@@IEEEeqnarray
+  \def\@@IEEEeqnarray[#1]#2{%
+    \refstepcounter{equation}%
+    \addtocounter{equation}{-1}%
+    \cref at orig@@IEEEeqnarray[#1]{#2}}
+  \let\cref at orig@IEEEeqnarrayXCR\@IEEEeqnarrayXCR
+  \def\@IEEEeqnarrayXCR[#1]{%
+    \if at eqnsw%
+      \if at IEEEissubequation%
+        %\addtocounter{equation}{1}%
+        \refstepcounter{IEEEsubequation}%
+        \addtocounter{IEEEsubequation}{-1}%
+      \else%
+        \refstepcounter{equation}%
+        \addtocounter{equation}{-1}%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+  \cref at orig@IEEEeqnarrayXCR[#1]}
+  \let\cref at orig@IEEEyessubnumber\IEEEyessubnumber
+  \def\IEEEyessubnumber{%
+    \if at IEEEeqnarrayISinner%
+      \if at IEEElastlinewassubequation\else%
+        \setcounter{IEEEsubequation}{0}%
+        \refstepcounter{IEEEsubequation}%
+      \fi%
+    \fi%
+    \cref at orig@IEEEyessubnumber}
+  \@addtoreset{IEEEsubequation}{equation}%
+  \crefalias{IEEEsubequation}{equation}%
+}{}% end of \@ifpackageloaded{IEEEtrantools}
+  \@ifpackageloaded{amsthm}{%
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{`amsthm' support loaded}
+\let\cref at thmnoarg\@thm
+\def\@thm{\@ifnextchar[{\cref at thmoptarg}{\cref at thmnoarg}}%]
+\def\cref at thmoptarg[#1]#2#3#4{%
+  \ifhmode\unskip\unskip\par\fi%
+  \normalfont%
+  \trivlist%
+  \let\thmheadnl\relax%
+  \let\thm at swap\@gobble%
+  \thm at notefont{\fontseries\mddefault\upshape}%
+  \thm at headpunct{.}% add period after heading
+  \thm at headsep 5\p@ plus\p@ minus\p@\relax%
+  \thm at space@setup%
+  #2% style overrides
+  \@topsep \thm at preskip               % used by thm head
+  \@topsepadd \thm at postskip           % used by \@endparenv
+  \def\@tempa{#3}\ifx\@empty\@tempa%
+    \def\@tempa{\@oparg{\@begintheorem{#4}{}}[]}%
+  \else%
+    \refstepcounter[#1]{#3}%  <<< cleveref modification
+    \def\@tempa{\@oparg{\@begintheorem{#4}{\csname the#3\endcsname}}[]}%
+  \fi%
+  \@tempa}
+  \edef\@tempa{\expandafter\noexpand%
+    \csname cref@#1 at name@preamble\endcsname}%
+  \edef\@tempb{\expandafter\noexpand%
+      \csname Cref@#1 at name@preamble\endcsname}%
+  \def\@tempc{#3}%
+  \ifx\@tempc\@empty\relax%
+    \expandafter\gdef\@tempa{}%
+    \expandafter\gdef\@tempb{}%
+  \else%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\gdef\expandafter%
+      \@tempa\expandafter{\MakeLowercase #3}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\gdef\expandafter%
+      \@tempa\expandafter{\MakeUppercase #3}%
+  \fi%
+  \cref at stack@add{#1}{\cref at label@types}%
+  \ifx\relax#2\relax%
+    \def\@tempa{\@oparg{\@xthm{#1}{#3}}[]}%
+  \else%
+    \@ifundefined{c@#2}{%
+      \def\@tempa{\@nocounterr{#2}}%
+    }{%
+      \@xp\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\@xp\@nx\csname the#2\endcsname}%
+      \toks@{#3}%
+      \@xp\xdef\csname#1\endcsname{%
+        \@nx\@thm[#1]{%  <<< new optional argument for theorem name
+          \let\@nx\thm at swap%
+            \if S\thm at swap\@nx\@firstoftwo\else\@nx\@gobble\fi%
+          \@xp\@nx\csname th@\the\thm at style\endcsname}%
+            {#2}{\the\toks@}}%
+      \let\@tempa\relax%
+    }%
+  \fi%
+  \@tempa}
+  \let\@xnthm\cref at old@xnthm
+  }{}%  end of \@ifpackageloaded{amsthm}
+  \@ifpackageloaded{ntheorem}{%
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{`ntheorem' support loaded}
+  \@ifpackagewith{ntheorem}{thref}{%
+    \PackageWarning{cleveref}{`cleveref' supersedes `ntheorem's `thref'
+      option}%
+    \renewcommand{\thref}{\cref}}{}
+  \@ifundefined{theorem at prework}{\let\theorem at prework\relax}{}
+  \gdef\@thm#1#2#3{%
+    \if at thmmarks%
+      \stepcounter{end\InTheoType ctr}%
+    \fi%
+    \renewcommand{\InTheoType}{#1}%
+    \if at thmmarks%
+      \stepcounter{curr#1ctr}%
+      \setcounter{end#1ctr}{0}%
+    \fi%
+    \refstepcounter[#1]{#2}%  <<< cleveref modification
+    \theorem at prework%
+    \thm at topsepadd \theorempostskipamount%
+    \ifvmode \advance\thm at topsepadd\partopsep\fi%
+    \trivlist%
+    \@topsep \theorempreskipamount%
+    \@topsepadd \thm at topsepadd%
+    \advance\linewidth -\theorem at indent%
+    \advance\@totalleftmargin \theorem at indent%
+    \parshape \@ne \@totalleftmargin \linewidth%
+    \@ifnextchar[{\@ythm{#1}{#2}{#3}}{\@xthm{#1}{#2}{#3}}%]
+  }
+  }{}%  end of \@ifpackageloaded{ntheorem}
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{`varioref' support loaded}
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{`cleveref' supersedes `varioref's %
+    \string\labelformat command}
+  \def\cref@@vpageref#1[#2]#3{%
+    \@cpageref{cref}{#3}%
+      {\@setvpageref[#1][\vref at space]}{\@setvpagerefrange[#1]}}
+  \def\cref at vref#1#2{%
+    \leavevmode%
+    \@cref{#1}{#2}\@setcref at space%
+    \cref@@vpageref{\reftextcurrent}[]{#2}}
+  \def\cref at vrefrange#1#2#3{%
+    \@setcrefrange{#2}{#3}{#1}{}\@setcref at space\vpagerefrange{#2}{#3}}
+  \def\cref at fullref#1#2{%
+    \@cref{#1}{#2}\@setcref at space%
+    \@cpageref{cref}{#2}{\@setfullpageref}{\@setfullpagerefrange}}
+  \def\cref at vpagerefconjunction#1{%
+    \def\@tempa{#1}%
+    \def\@tempb{@second}%
+    \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\relax%
+      \@setcref at pairconjunction%
+    \else%
+      \def\@tempb{@middle}%
+      \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\relax%
+        \@setcref at middleconjunction%
+      \else%
+        \def\@tempb{@last}%
+        \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\relax%
+          \@setcref at lastconjunction%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi}
+  \def\@setcref at space{ }
+  \def\@setvpageref[#1][#2]#3#4#5{%
+    \cref at vpagerefconjunction{#5}%
+    \def\vref at space{}%
+    \begingroup%
+      \cref at patchreftexts{#5}%
+      \@@setvpageref{#1}[#2]{#3}%
+    \endgroup}
+  \def\@@setvpageref#1[#2]#3{\cref at old@@vpageref{#1}[#2]{#3}}
+  \def\@setvpagerefrange[#1]#2#3#4#5{%
+    \cref at vpagerefconjunction{#5}%
+    \let\vref at space\relax%
+    \begingroup%
+      \cref at patchreftexts{#5}%
+      \@@setvpagerefrange[#1]{#2}{#3}%
+    \endgroup}
+  \def\@@setvpagerefrange[#1]#2#3{\vpagerefrange[#1]{#2}{#3}}
+  \def\@setfullpageref#1#2#3{%
+    \cref at vpagerefconjunction{#3}%
+    \begingroup%
+      \cref at patchreftexts{#3}%
+      \@@setfullpageref{#1}%
+    \endgroup}
+  \def\@@setfullpageref#1{\reftextfaraway{#1}}
+  \def\@setfullpagerefrange#1#2#3#4{%
+    \cref at vpagerefconjunction{#4}%
+    \begingroup%
+      \cref at patchreftexts{#4}%
+      \@@setfullpagerefrange{#1}{#2}%
+    \endgroup}
+  \def\@@setfullpagerefrange#1#2{\reftextpagerange{#1}{#2}}
+  \def\cref at old@@vpageref#1[#2]#3{%
+    \leavevmode%\unskip  <<<
+    \global\advance\c at vrcnt\@ne
+    \vref at pagenum\@tempa{\the\c at vrcnt @vr}%
+    \vref at pagenum\@tempb{\the\c at vrcnt @xvr}%
+    %\vref at label{\the\c at vrcnt @xvr}%  <<<
+    \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\else
+      \vref at err{\noexpand\vref or \noexpand\vpageref at page boundary
+                \@tempb-\@tempa\space (may loop)%
+                }%
+    \fi
+    \vrefpagenum\thevpagerefnum{#3}%
+    \vref at space
+    \ifx\@tempa\thevpagerefnum
+      \def\@tempc{#1}%
+      \ifx\@tempc\@empty
+         \unskip
+      \else
+         #1%
+      \fi
+    \else
+      #2%
+      \is at pos@number\thevpagerefnum
+         {%
+          \is at pos@number\@tempa
+           {\@tempcnta\@tempa
+            \advance\@tempcnta\@ne
+           }%
+           {\@tempcnta\maxdimen}%
+          \ifnum \thevpagerefnum =\@tempcnta
+           \ifodd\@tempcnta
+             \if at twoside
+               \reftextfaceafter
+             \else
+               \reftextafter
+             \fi
+           \else
+             \reftextafter
+           \fi
+          \else
+            \advance\@tempcnta-2
+            \ifnum \thevpagerefnum =\@tempcnta
+              \ifodd\@tempcnta
+                \reftextbefore
+              \else
+                \if at twoside
+                  \reftextfacebefore
+                \else
+                  \reftextbefore
+                \fi
+              \fi
+            \else
+              \reftextfaraway{#3}%
+            \fi
+          \fi
+         }%
+         {\reftextfaraway{#3}}%
+    \fi
+    \vref at label{\the\c at vrcnt @xvr}%  <<<
+    \vref at label{\the\c at vrcnt @vr}%
+  }
+  \let\creftextcurrent\reftextcurrent
+  \let\creftextfaceafter\reftextfaceafter
+  \let\creftextfacebefore\reftextfacebefore
+  \let\creftextafter\reftextafter
+  \let\creftextbefore\reftextbefore
+  \let\creftextfaraway\reftextfaraway
+  \let\creftextpagerange\reftextpagerange
+  \def\cref at patchreftexts#1{%
+    \cref at patchreftext{reftextcurrent}{#1}%
+    \cref at patchreftext{reftextfaceafter}{#1}%
+    \cref at patchreftext{reftextfacebefore}{#1}%
+    \cref at patchreftext{reftextafter}{#1}%
+    \cref at patchreftext{reftextbefore}{#1}}
+  \def\cref at patchreftext#1#2{%
+    \def\@tempa{#2}%
+    \ifx\@tempa\@empty%
+      \def\@tempc{}%
+      \expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\@tempc\relax%
+        \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{\unskip}%
+          %{\advance\count at group -1\reftextcurrent at orig}%
+      \else%
+        \long\def\@tempc{}%
+        \expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\@tempc\relax%
+          \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{\unskip}%
+            %{\advance\count at group -1\reftextcurrent at orig}%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \else%
+      \long\def\@tempc{\unskip}%
+      \expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\@tempc\relax%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\csname #1\endcsname\expandafter{%
+          \csname c#1\endcsname}%
+      \else%
+        \long\def\@tempc{}%
+        \expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\@tempc\relax%
+          \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+          \expandafter\expandafter\csname #1\endcsname\expandafter{%
+            \csname c#1\endcsname}%
+        \else%
+          \def\@tempc{\unskip}%
+          \expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\@tempc\relax%
+            \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+            \expandafter\expandafter\csname #1\endcsname\expandafter{%
+              \csname c#1\endcsname}%
+          \else%
+            \def\@tempc{}%
+            \expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\@tempc\relax%
+              \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+              \expandafter\expandafter\csname #1\endcsname\expandafter{%
+                \csname c#1\endcsname}%
+            \fi%
+          \fi%
+        \fi%
+      \fi%
+    \fi}
+  \def\@setcref at pairconjunction{\crefpairconjunction}
+  \def\@setcref at middleconjunction{\crefmiddleconjunction}
+  \def\@setcref at lastconjunction{\creflastconjunction}
+  \AtBeginDocument{%
+    \def\@@vpageref#1[#2]#3{\cref@@vpageref{#1}[#2]{#3}}
+  }
+  \if at cref@hyperrefloaded\relax%  hyperref loaded
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\vref}{%
+      \@ifstar{\cref at vrefstar{cref}}{\cref at vref{cref}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\Vref}{%
+      \@ifstar{\cref at vrefstar{Cref}}{\cref at vref{Cref}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\vrefrange}{%
+      \@ifstar{\cref at vrefrangestar{cref}}{\cref at vrefrange{cref}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\Vrefrange}{%
+      \@ifstar{\cref at vrefrangestar{Cref}}{\cref at vrefrange{Cref}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\fullref}{%
+      \@ifstar{\cref at fullrefstar{cref}}{\cref at fullref{cref}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\Fullref}{%
+      \@ifstar{\cref at fullrefstar{Cref}}{\cref at fullref{Cref}}}
+    \def\cref at vrefstar#1#2{%
+      \@crefstarredtrue%
+      \cref at vref{#1}{#2}%
+      \@crefstarredfalse}
+    \def\cref at vrefrangestar#1#2#3{%
+      \@crefstarredtrue%
+      \cref at vrefrange{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+      \@crefstarredfalse}
+    \def\cref at fullrefstar#1#2{%
+      \@crefstarredtrue%
+      \cref at fullref{#1}{#2}%
+      \@crefstarredfalse}
+  \else%
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\vref}{\cref at vref{cref}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\Vref}{\cref at vref{Cref}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\vrefrange}{\cref at vrefrange{cref}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\Vrefrange}{\cref at vrefrange{Cref}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\fullref}{\cref at fullref{cref}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\Fullref}{\cref at fullref{Cref}}
+  \fi%  end of test for hyperref
+}{}%  end of \@ifpackageloaded{varioref}
+  \@ifpackageloaded{algorithmicx}{%
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{`algorithmicx' support loaded}
+  \g at addto@macro\ALG at step{%
+    \addtocounter{ALG at line}{-1}%
+    \refstepcounter{ALG at line}%
+    \expandafter\@cref at getprefix\cref at currentlabel\@nil\cref at currentprefix%
+    \xdef\cref at currentprefix{\cref at currentprefix}}
+  \g at addto@macro\ALG at beginalgorithmic{%
+    \def\cref at currentlabel{%
+      [line][\arabic{ALG at line}][\cref at currentprefix]\theALG at line}}
+  }{}%  end of \@ifpackageloaded{algorithmicx}
+  \@ifpackageloaded{listings}{%
+    \PackageInfo{cleveref}{`listings' support loaded}
+    \crefalias{lstlisting}{listing}%
+    \crefalias{lstnumber}{line}%
+    \lst at AddToHook{Init}{%
+      \def\cref at currentlabel{%
+        [line][\arabic{lstnumber}][\cref at currentprefix]\thelstnumber}}
+    \lst at AddToHook{EveryPar}{%
+      \expandafter\@cref at getprefix\cref at currentlabel\@nil\cref at currentprefix%
+      \xdef\cref at currentprefix{\cref at currentprefix}}
+  }{}%  end of \@ifpackageloaded{listings}
+  \@ifpackageloaded{algorithm2e}{%
+    \PackageInfo{cleveref}{`algorithm2e' support loaded}
+    \crefalias{algocf}{algorithm}%
+    \crefalias{algocfline}{line}%
+  }{}%  end of \@ifpackageloaded{listings}
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{`subfig' support loaded}
+  \AtBeginDocument{
+    \let\cref at old@refsteponlycounter\refsteponlycounter
+    \def\refsteponlycounter{%
+      \@ifnextchar[\refstepcounter at optarg%
+        \cref at old@refsteponlycounter%]
+    }}
+  \def\sf at sub@label(#1){%
+    \ifhyperrefloaded
+      \protected at edef\@currentlabelname{%
+        \expandafter\strip at period #1\relax.\relax\@@@}%
+    \fi%
+    \let\sf at oldlabel\cref at old@label%
+    \let\cref at old@label\sf@@sub at label%
+    \cref at label}%
+  }{}%  end of \@ifpackageloaded{subfig}
+  \AtBeginDocument{
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+      \protected at edef\mem at currentlabelname{#1}%
+      \let\@memoldlabel\cref at old@label%
+      \let\cref at old@label\sf@@memsub at label%
+      \cref at label}}
+  \@ifpackagelater{caption}{2011/08/19}{}{%
+    \PackageInfo{cleveref}{`caption' support loaded}
+    \let\cref at old@caption at xlabel\caption at xlabel
+    \def\caption at xlabel{%
+      \let\cref at ORI@label\cref at old@label%
+      \let\cref at old@label\cref at old@caption at xlabel%
+      \let\caption at ORI@label\cref at ORI@label%
+      \cref at label}%
+    }% end of \@ifpackagelater
+  }{}%  end of \@ifpackageloaded{caption}
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{`aliascnt' support loaded}
+  \let\cref at old@newaliascnt\newaliascnt
+  \renewcommand*{\newaliascnt}[2]{%
+    \cref at old@newaliascnt{#1}{#2}%
+    \cref at resetby{#2}{\cref at result}%
+    \ifx\cref at result\relax\else%
+      \@addtoreset{#1}{\cref at result}%
+    \fi}
+  }{}%  end of \@ifpackageloaded{aliascnt}
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{option `poorman' loaded}
+  \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}
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+    \AtBeginDocument{%
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+        \@cref at switched@languagetrue%
+        \cref at writelanguagerules%
+        \cref at old@select at language}
+      \let\cref at old@foreign at language\foreign at language
+      \def\foreign at language{%
+        \@cref at switched@languagetrue%
+        \cref at writelanguagerules%
+        \cref at old@foreign at language}
+      \edef\cref at inputlineno{\the\inputlineno}}%
+    }{}
+  \AtEndDocument{%
+    \let\select at language\cref at old@select at language%
+    \let\foreign at language\cref at old@foreign at language%
+    \cref at writelanguagerules}
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+    \begingroup%
+      \if at cref@switched at language%
+        \edef\@address{\cref at inputlineno,\the\inputlineno}%
+      \else%
+        \def\@address{}%
+      \fi%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\cref at poorman@text\expandafter{%
+        \crefrangeconjunction}%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@address}{\string\crefrangeconjunction}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at writescript\@tempa%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\cref at poorman@text\expandafter{%
+        \crefrangepreconjunction}%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@address}{\string\crefrangepreconjunction}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at writescript\@tempa%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\cref at poorman@text\expandafter{%
+        \crefrangepostconjunction}%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@address}{\string\crefrangepostconjunction}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at writescript\@tempa%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\cref at poorman@text\expandafter{%
+        \crefpairconjunction}%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@address}{\string\crefpairconjunction}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at writescript\@tempa%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\cref at poorman@text\expandafter{%
+        \crefmiddleconjunction}%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@address}{\string\crefmiddleconjunction}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at writescript\@tempa%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\cref at poorman@text\expandafter{%
+        \creflastconjunction}%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@address}{\string\creflastconjunction}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at writescript\@tempa%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\cref at poorman@text\expandafter{%
+        \crefpairgroupconjunction}%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@address}{\string\crefpairgroupconjunction}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at writescript\@tempa%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\cref at poorman@text\expandafter{%
+        \crefmiddlegroupconjunction}%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@address}{\string\crefmiddlegroupconjunction}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at writescript\@tempa%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\cref at poorman@text\expandafter{%
+        \creflastgroupconjunction}%
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter{\@address}{\string\creflastgroupconjunction}}%
+      \expandafter\cref at writescript\@tempa%
+      \let\@tempstack\cref at label@types%
+      \cref at isstackfull{\@tempstack}%
+      \@whilesw\if at cref@stackfull\fi{%
+        \edef\@tempa{\cref at stack@top{\@tempstack}}%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+          \csname cref@\@tempa @name\endcsname}%
+        \edef\@tempa{%
+          \string\cref@\expandafter\noexpand\@tempa @name\space}%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempa%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+          \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+            \expandafter\@address\expandafter}%
+          \expandafter{\@tempa}}%
+        \expandafter\cref at writescript\@tempa%
+        \edef\@tempa{\cref at stack@top{\@tempstack}}%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+          \csname cref@\@tempa @name at plural\endcsname}%
+        \edef\@tempa{%
+          \string\cref@\expandafter\noexpand\@tempa%
+          @name at plural\space}%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempa%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+          \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+            \expandafter\@address\expandafter}%
+          \expandafter{\@tempa}}%
+        \expandafter\cref at writescript\@tempa%
+        \edef\@tempa{\cref at stack@top{\@tempstack}}%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+          \csname Cref@\@tempa @name\endcsname}%
+        \edef\@tempa{%
+          \string\Cref@\expandafter\noexpand\@tempa @name\space}%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempa%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+          \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter%
+          {\expandafter\@address\expandafter}%
+          \expandafter{\@tempa}}%
+        \expandafter\cref at writescript\@tempa%
+        \edef\@tempa{\cref at stack@top{\@tempstack}}%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+          \csname Cref@\@tempa @name at plural\endcsname}%
+        \edef\@tempa{%
+          \string\Cref@\expandafter\noexpand\@tempa%
+          @name at plural\space}%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@tempa%
+        \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+          \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter%
+          {\expandafter\@address\expandafter}%
+          \expandafter{\@tempa}}%
+        \expandafter\cref at writescript\@tempa%
+        \cref at stack@pop{\@tempstack}%
+        \cref at isstackfull{\@tempstack}}%
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+    \newread\@crefscript%
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+      \def\@eof{\par }%
+      \catcode`.=13 \catcode`*=13
+      \catcode`[=13 \catcode`]=13
+      \catcode`^=13 \catcode`$=13 %$
+      \catcode`\=0 \catcode`<=1 \catcode`>=2
+      \catcode`\\=13 \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 \catcode`_=12
+      \lccode`/=92
+      \lccode`~=92\lowercase{\def~{\string/\string/}}%
+      \lccode`~=42\lowercase{\def~{\string/\string*}}%
+      \lccode`~=46\lowercase{\def~{\string/\string.}}%
+      \lccode`~=91\lowercase{\def~{\string/\string[}}%
+      \lccode`~=93\lowercase{\def~{\string/\string]}}%
+      \lccode`~=94\lowercase{\def~{\string/\string^}}%
+      \lccode`~=36\lowercase{\def~{\string/\string$}}% $
+      \lccode`~=0 \lccode`/=0 \catcode`~=12
+      \def\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \immediate\read\@crefscript to \@tempa%
+      \ifx\@tempa\@eof%
+        \@not at eoffalse%
+      \else%
+        \@not at eoftrue%
+        \edef\@tempa{\@tempa}%
+      \fi%
+      \@whilesw\if at not@eof\fi{%
+        \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+          \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+        \immediate\read\@crefscript to \@tempa%
+        \ifx\@tempa\@eof%
+          \@not at eoffalse%
+        \else%
+          \@not at eoftrue%
+          \edef\@tempa{\@tempa}%
+        \fi}%
+    \endgroup%
+    \immediate\closein\@crefscript%
+    \begingroup%
+      \lccode`|=92 \lccode`<=123 \lccode`>=125 \lccode`C=67
+      \lowercase{\def\@tempa{%[|
+          s/||label|[[^]]*|]/||label/g}}
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{s/||usepackage|(|[.*|]|)|<0,1|><cleveref>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{s/||[cC]refformat<.*><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{s/||[cC]refrangeformat<.*><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{s/||[cC]refmultiformat<.*><.*><.*><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{%
+          s/||[cC]refrangemultiformat<.*><.*><.*><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{s/||[cC]refname<.*><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{s/||[cC]reflabelformat<.*><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{s/||[cC]refrangelabelformat<.*><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{s/||[cC]refdefaultlabelformat<.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{%
+          s/||renewcommand<||crefpairconjunction><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{%
+          s/||renewcommand<||crefpairgroupconjunction><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{%
+          s/||renewcommand<||crefmiddleconjunction><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{%
+          s/||renewcommand<||crefmiddlegroupconjunction><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{%
+          s/||renewcommand<||creflastconjunction><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{%
+          s/||renewcommand<||creflastgroupconjunction><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{s/||renewcommand<||[cC]ref><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+      \lowercase{\edef\@tempa{s/||renewcommand<||[cC]refrange><.*>//g}}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter%
+        \cref at poorman@text\expandafter{\@tempa^^J}%
+    \endgroup%
+    \newwrite\@crefscript%
+    \immediate\openout\@crefscript=\jobname.sed%
+    \immediate\write\@crefscript{\cref at poorman@text}%
+    \immediate\closeout\@crefscript%
+  }%  end of \AtEndDocument
+  \def\cref at getmeaning#1{\expandafter\@cref at getmeaning\meaning#1\@nil}
+  \def\@cref at getmeaning#1->#2\@nil{#2}
+  \def\cref at writescript#1#2{%
+    \edef\@tempa{\cref at getmeaning{\cref at poorman@text}}%
+    \immediate\write\@crefscript{#1 s/#2/\@tempa/g}}
+  \if at cref@hyperrefloaded\relax%  hyperref loaded
+    \def\@crefnostar#1#2{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@cref{#1}{#2}%
+      \def\@tempa##1##2\@nil{%
+        \if##1c%
+          \cref at writescript{}{\string\cref\string{#2\string}}%
+        \else%
+          \cref at writescript{}{\string\Cref\string{#2\string}}%
+        \fi}%
+      \@tempa#1\@nil}
+    \def\@crefstar#1#2{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@crefstarredtrue\@cref{#1}{#2}\@crefstarredfalse%
+      \def\@tempa##1##2\@nil{%
+        \if##1c%
+          \cref at writescript{}{\string\cref*\string{#2\string}}%
+        \else%
+          \cref at writescript{}{\string\Cref*\string{#2\string}}%
+        \fi}%
+      \@tempa#1\@nil}
+    \def\@crefrangenostar#1#2#3{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@setcrefrange{#2}{#3}{#1}{}%
+      \def\@tempa##1##2\@nil{%
+        \if##1c%
+          \cref at writescript{}{%
+            \string\crefrange\string{#2\string}\string{#3\string}}%
+        \else%
+          \cref at writescript{}{%
+            \string\Crefrange\string{#2\string}\string{#3\string}}%
+        \fi}%
+      \@tempa#1\@nil}
+    \def\@crefrangestar#1#2#3{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@crefstarredtrue\@setcrefrange{#2}{#3}{#1}{}\@crefstarredfalse%
+      \def\@tempa##1##2\@nil{%
+        \if##1c%
+          \cref at writescript{}{%
+            \string\crefrange*\string{#2\string}\string{#3\string}}%
+        \else%
+          \cref at writescript{}{%
+            \string\Crefrange*\string{#2\string}\string{#3\string}}%
+        \fi}%
+      \@tempa#1\@nil}
+    \def\@cpagerefnostar#1#2{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@cpageref{#1}{#2}{\@setcpageref}{\@setcpagerefrange}%
+      \def\@tempa##1##2\@nil{%
+        \if##1c%
+          \cref at writescript{}{\string\cpageref\string{#2\string}}%
+        \else%
+          \cref at writescript{}{\string\Cpageref\string{#2\string}}%
+        \fi}%
+      \@tempa#1\@nil}
+    \def\@cpagerefstar#1#2{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@crefstarredtrue%
+      \@cpageref{#1}{#2}{\@setcpageref}{\@setcpagerefrange}%
+      \@crefstarredfalse%
+      \def\@tempa##1##2\@nil{%
+        \if##1c%
+          \cref at writescript{}{\string\cpageref*\string{#2\string}}%
+        \else%
+          \cref at writescript{}{\string\Cpageref*\string{#2\string}}%
+        \fi}%
+      \@tempa#1\@nil}
+    \def\@cpagerefrangenostar#1#2#3{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@setcpagerefrange{#2}{#3}{#1}{}%
+      \def\@tempa##1##2\@nil{%
+        \if##1c%
+          \cref at writescript{}{%
+            \string\cpagerefrange\string{#2\string}\string{#3\string}}%
+        \else%
+          \cref at writescript{}{%
+            \string\Cpagerefrange\string{#2\string}\string{#3\string}}%
+        \fi}%
+      \@tempa#1\@nil}
+    \def\@cpagerefrangestar#1#2#3{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@crefstarredtrue%
+      \@setcpagerefrange{#2}{#3}{#1}{}%
+      \@crefstarredfalse%
+      \def\@tempa##1##2\@nil{%
+        \if##1c%
+          \cref at writescript{}{%
+            \string\cpagerefrange*\string{#2\string}\string{#3\string}}%
+        \else%
+          \cref at writescript{}{%
+            \string\Cpagerefrange*\string{#2\string}\string{#3\string}}%
+        \fi}%
+      \@tempa#1\@nil}
+    \def\@labelcrefnostar#1{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@cref{labelcref}{#1}%
+      \cref at writescript{}{\string\labelcref\string{#1\string}}}
+    \def\@labelcrefstar#1{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@crefstarredtrue%
+      \@cref{labelcref}{#1}%
+      \@crefstarredfalse%
+      \cref at writescript{}{\string\labelcref*\string{#1\string}}}
+    \def\@labelcpagerefnostar#1{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@cpageref{labelcref}{#1}{\@setcpageref}{\@setcpagerefrange}%
+      \cref at writescript{}{\string\labelcpageref\string{#1\string}}}
+    \def\@labelcpagerefstar#1{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@crefstarredtrue%
+      \@cpageref{labelcref}{#1}{\@setcpageref}{\@setcpagerefrange}%
+      \@crefstarredfalse%
+      \cref at writescript{}{\string\labelcpageref*\string{#1\string}}}
+  \else%  hyperref not loaded
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\cref}[1]{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@cref{cref}{#1}%
+      \cref at writescript{}{\string\cref\string{#1\string}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\Cref}[1]{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@cref{Cref}{#1}%
+      \cref at writescript{}{\string\Cref\string{#1\string}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\crefrange}[2]{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@setcrefrange{#1}{#2}{cref}{}%
+      \cref at writescript{}{%
+        \string\crefrange\string{#1\string}\string{#2\string}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\Crefrange}[2]{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@setcrefrange{#1}{#2}{Cref}{}%
+      \cref at writescript{}{%
+        \string\Crefrange\string{#1\string}\string{#2\string}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\cpageref}[1]{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@cpageref{cref}{#1}{\@setcpageref}{\@setcpagerefrange}%
+      \cref at writescript{}{\string\cpageref\string{#1\string}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\Cpageref}[1]{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@cpageref{Cref}{#1}{\@setcpageref}{\@setcpagerefrange}%
+      \cref at writescript{}{\string\Cpageref\string{#1\string}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\cpagerefrange}[2]{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@setcpagerefrange{#1}{#2}{cref}{}%
+      \cref at writescript{}{%
+        \string\cpagerefrange\string{#1\string}\string{#2\string}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\Cpagerefrange}[2]{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@setcpagerefrange{#1}{#2}{Cref}{}%
+      \cref at writescript{}{%
+        \string\Cpagerefrange\string{#1\string}\string{#2\string}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\labelcref}[1]{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@cref{labelcref}{#1}%
+      \cref at writescript{}{\string\labelcref\string{#1\string}}}
+    \DeclareRobustCommand{\labelcpageref}[1]{%
+      \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+      \@cpageref{labelcref}{#1}{\@setcpageref}{\@setcpagerefrange}%
+      \cref at writescript{}{\string\labelcpageref\string{#1\string}}}
+  \fi%  end of test for hyperref
+  \DeclareRobustCommand{\namecref}[1]{%
+    \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+    \@setnamecref{cref}{#1}{}{}%
+    \cref at writescript{}{\string\namecref\string{#1\string}}}
+  \DeclareRobustCommand{\nameCref}[1]{%
+    \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+    \@setnamecref{Cref}{#1}{}{}%
+    \cref at writescript{}{\string\nameCref\string{#1\string}}}
+  \DeclareRobustCommand{\lcnamecref}[1]{%
+    \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+    \@setnamecref{Cref}{#1}{}{\MakeLowercase}%
+    \cref at writescript{}{\string\lcnamecref\string{#1\string}}}
+  \DeclareRobustCommand{\namecrefs}[1]{%
+    \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+    \@setnamecref{cref}{#1}{@plural}{}%
+    \cref at writescript{}{\string\namecrefs\string{#1\string}}}
+  \DeclareRobustCommand{\nameCrefs}[1]{%
+    \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+    \@setnamecref{Cref}{#1}{@plural}{}%
+    \cref at writescript{}{\string\nameCrefs\string{#1\string}}}
+  \DeclareRobustCommand{\lcnamecrefs}[1]{%
+    \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+    \@setnamecref{Cref}{#1}{@plural}{\MakeLowercase}%
+    \cref at writescript{}{\string\lcnamecrefs\string{#1\string}}}
+  \def\@setcref at pairgroupconjunction{%
+    \crefpairgroupconjunction%
+    \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+      \expandafter{\crefpairgroupconjunction}}
+  \def\@setcref at middlegroupconjunction{%
+    \crefmiddlegroupconjunction%
+    \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+      \expandafter{\crefmiddlegroupconjunction}}
+  \def\@setcref at lastgroupconjunction{%
+    \creflastgroupconjunction%
+    \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+      \expandafter{\creflastgroupconjunction}}
+  \let\old@@setcref\@@setcref
+  \let\old@@setcrefrange\@@setcrefrange
+  \let\old@@setcpageref\@@setcpageref
+  \let\old@@setcpagerefrange\@@setcpagerefrange
+  \if at cref@hyperrefloaded\relax%  hyperref loaded
+    \def\@@setcref#1#2{%
+      \old@@setcref{#1}{#2}%
+      \if at crefstarred%
+        \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+          \expandafter{#1{\ref*{#2}}{}{}}%
+      \else%
+        \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+          \expandafter{#1{\ref{#2}}{}{}}%
+      \fi}
+    \def\@@setcrefrange#1#2#3{%
+      \old@@setcrefrange{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+      \if at crefstarred%
+        \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+          \expandafter{#1{\ref*{#2}}{\ref*{#3}}{}{}{}{}}%
+      \else%
+        \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+          \expandafter{#1{\ref{#2}}{\ref{#3}}{}{}{}{}}%
+      \fi}
+    \def\@@setcpageref#1#2{%
+      \old@@setcpageref{#1}{#2}%
+      \if at crefstarred%
+        \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+          \expandafter{#1{\pageref*{#2}}{}{}}%
+      \else%
+        \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+          \expandafter{#1{\pageref{#2}}{}{}}%
+      \fi}
+    \def\@@setcpagerefrange#1#2#3{%
+      \old@@setcpagerefrange{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+      \if at crefstarred%
+        \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+          \expandafter{#1{\pageref*{#2}}{\pageref*{#3}}{}{}{}{}}%
+      \else%
+        \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+          \expandafter{#1{\pageref{#2}}{\pageref{#3}}{}{}{}{}}%
+      \fi}
+  \else%  hyperref not loaded
+    \def\@@setcref#1#2{%
+      \old@@setcref{#1}{#2}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\cref at poorman@text\expandafter}%
+        \expandafter{#1{\ref{#2}}{}{}}}
+    \def\@@setcrefrange#1#2#3{%
+      \old@@setcrefrange{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro%
+        \expandafter{\expandafter\cref at poorman@text\expandafter}%
+        \expandafter{#1{\ref{#2}}{\ref{#3}}{}{}{}{}}}
+    \def\@@setcpageref#1#2{%
+      \old@@setcpageref{#1}{#2}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter{%
+        \expandafter\cref at poorman@text\expandafter}%
+        \expandafter{#1{\pageref{#2}}{}{}}}
+    \def\@@setcpagerefrange#1#2#3{%
+      \old@@setcpagerefrange{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+      \expandafter\g at addto@macro%
+        \expandafter{\expandafter\cref at poorman@text\expandafter}%
+        \expandafter{#1{\pageref{#2}}{\pageref{#3}}{}{}{}{}}}
+  \fi%  end of hyperref test
+  \let\old@@setnamecref\@@setnamecref
+  \def\@@setnamecref#1#2{%
+    \old@@setnamecref{#1}{#2}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{#1}%
+    \def\@tempb{#2}%
+    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\g at addto@macro%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter}%
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\@tempb\@tempa}}
+  \@ifpackageloaded{varioref}{%
+    \AtBeginDocument{%
+      \def\@@vpageref#1[#2]#3{%
+        \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+        \cref@@vpageref{#1}[#2]{#3}%
+        \cref at writescript{}{\string\vpageref\string{#3\string}}}
+      \let\old at cref@vref\cref at vref
+      \def\cref at vref#1#2{%
+        \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+        \old at cref@vref{#1}{#2}%
+        \def\@tempa##1##2\@nil{%
+          \if##1c%
+            \if at crefstarred%
+              \cref at writescript{}{\string\vref*\string{#2\string}}%
+            \else%
+              \cref at writescript{}{\string\vref\string{#2\string}}%
+            \fi%
+          \else%
+            \if at crefstarred%
+              \cref at writescript{}{\string\Vref*\string{#2\string}}%
+            \else%
+              \cref at writescript{}{\string\Vref\string{#2\string}}%
+            \fi%
+          \fi}%
+        \@tempa#1\@nil}
+      \let\old at cref@fullref\cref at fullref
+      \def\cref at fullref#1#2{%
+        \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+        \old at cref@fullref{#1}{#2}%
+        \def\@tempa##1##2\@nil{%
+          \if##1c%
+            \if at crefstarred%
+              \cref at writescript{}{\string\fullref*\string{#2\string}}%
+            \else%
+              \cref at writescript{}{\string\fullref\string{#2\string}}%
+            \fi%
+          \else%
+            \if at crefstarred%
+              \cref at writescript{}{\string\Fullref*\string{#2\string}}%
+            \else%
+              \cref at writescript{}{\string\Fullref\string{#2\string}}%
+            \fi%
+          \fi}%
+        \@tempa#1\@nil}
+      \let\old at cref@vrefrange\cref at vrefrange
+      \def\cref at vrefrange#1#2#3{%
+        \gdef\cref at poorman@text{}%
+        \old at cref@vrefrange{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+        \def\@tempa##1##2\@nil{%
+          \if##1c%
+            \if at crefstarred%
+              \cref at writescript{}{%
+                \string\vrefrange*\string{#2\string}\string{#3\string}}%
+            \else%
+              \cref at writescript{}{%
+                \string\vrefrange\string{#2\string}\string{#3\string}}%
+            \fi%
+          \else%
+            \if at crefstarred%
+              \cref at writescript{}{%
+                \string\Vrefrange*\string{#2\string}\string{#3\string}}%
+            \else%
+              \cref at writescript{}{%
+                \string\Vrefrange\string{#2\string}\string{#3\string}}%
+            \fi%
+          \fi}%
+        \@tempa#1\@nil}
+      \def\@@setvpageref#1[#2]#3{%
+        \cref at old@@vpageref{#1}[#2]{#3}%
+        \g at addto@macro\cref at poorman@text{\vpageref{#3}}}
+      \def\@@setvpagerefrange[#1]#2#3{%
+        \vpagerefrange[#1]{#2}{#3}%
+        \g at addto@macro\cref at poorman@text{\vpagerefrange{#2}{#3}}}
+      \def\@@setfullpageref#1{%
+        \reftextfaraway{#1}%
+        \g at addto@macro\cref at poorman@text{\reftextfaraway{#1}}}
+      \def\@@setfullpagerefrange#1#2{%
+        \reftextpagerange{#1}{#2}%
+        \g at addto@macro\cref at poorman@text{\reftextpagerange{#1}{#2}}}
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+        \g at addto@macro\cref at poorman@text{ }}
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+        \crefpairconjunction%
+        \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+          \expandafter{\crefpairconjunction}}
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+        \crefmiddleconjunction%
+        \expandafter\g at addto@macro\expandafter\cref at poorman@text%
+          \expandafter{\crefmiddleconjunction}}
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+        \creflastconjunction%
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+          \expandafter{\creflastconjunction}}
+    }% end of \AtBeginDocument
+  }{}% end of \@ifpackageloaded{varioref}
+}%  end of poorman option
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+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{sorting but not compressing references}
+  \@cref at sorttrue
+  \@cref at compressfalse}
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{compressing but not sorting references}
+  \@cref at sortfalse
+  \@cref at compresstrue}
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{sorting and compressing references}
+  \@cref at sorttrue
+  \@cref at compresstrue}
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{neither sorting nor compressing references}
+  \@cref at sortfalse
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+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{always capitalise cross-reference names}
+  \@cref at capitalisetrue}
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{always capitalise cross-reference names}
+  \@cref at capitalisetrue}
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+  \@temptokena{#2}%
+  \ifx#1\undefined%
+    \edef#1{\the\@temptokena}%
+  \else%
+    \toks@\expandafter{#1}%
+    \edef#1{\the\toks@\the\@temptokena}%
+  \fi%
+  \@temptokena{}\toks@\@temptokena}
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+    {\AtBeginDocument{%
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+          \expandafter\cref at addto\csname captions#1\endcsname{#2}}{}}}%
+    {\@ifpackageloaded{babel}{%
+      \edef\@curroptions{\@ptionlist{\@currname.\@currext}}%
+      \@expandtwoargs\in@{,#1,}{,\@classoptionslist,\@curroptions,}%
+      \ifin@%
+        \AtBeginDocument{%
+          \expandafter\cref at addto\csname extras#1\endcsname{#2}}%
+      \fi}{}}}
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+    \def\crefmiddleconjunction at preamble{, }%
+    \def\creflastconjunction at preamble{ and\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefpairgroupconjunction at preamble{ and\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefmiddlegroupconjunction at preamble{, }%
+    \def\creflastgroupconjunction at preamble{, and\nobreakspace}%
+ %
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+ %
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+ %
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+  \Crefname{proposition}{Proposition}{Propositions}%
+  \Crefname{definition}{Definition}{Definitions}%
+  \Crefname{result}{Result}{Results}%
+  \Crefname{example}{Example}{Examples}%
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+  \Crefname{listing}{Listing}{Listings}%
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+ %
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+    \crefname{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemmas}%
+    \crefname{corollary}{Corollary}{Corollaries}%
+    \crefname{proposition}{Proposition}{Propositions}%
+    \crefname{definition}{Definition}{Definitions}%
+    \crefname{result}{Result}{Results}%
+    \crefname{example}{Example}{Examples}%
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+    \crefname{note}{Note}{Notes}%
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+    \crefname{listing}{Listing}{Listings}%
+    \crefname{line}{Line}{Lines}%
+ %
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+    \crefname{definition}{definition}{definitions}%
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+    \crefname{example}{example}{examples}%
+    \crefname{remark}{remark}{remarks}%
+    \crefname{note}{note}{notes}%
+    \crefname{algorithm}{algorithm}{algorithms}%
+    \crefname{listing}{listing}{listings}%
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+  \fi}% end \cref at addlangagedefs
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+    \def\crefmiddleconjunction at preamble{, }%
+    \def\creflastconjunction at preamble{ und\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefpairgroupconjunction at preamble{ und\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefmiddlegroupconjunction at preamble{, }%
+    \def\creflastgroupconjunction at preamble{ und\nobreakspace}%
+ %
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+    \Crefname at preamble{chapter}{Kapitel}{Kapitel}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{section}{Abschnitt}{Abschnitte}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{appendix}{Anhang}{Anh\"ange}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{enumi}{Punkt}{Punkte}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{footnote}{Fu\ss note}{Fu\ss noten}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{theorem}{Theorem}{Theoreme}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemmata}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{corollary}{Korollar}{Korollare}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{proposition}{Satz}{S\"atze}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{definition}{Definition}{Definitionen}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{result}{Ergebnis}{Ergebnisse}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{example}{Beispiel}{Beispiele}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{remark}{Bemerkung}{Bemerkungen}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{note}{Anmerkung}{Anmerkungen}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{algorithm}{Algorithmus}{Algorithmen}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{listing}{Listing}{Listings}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{line}{Zeile}{Zeilen}%
+ %
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+    \crefname at preamble{table}{Tabelle}{Tabellen}%
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+    \crefname at preamble{appendix}{Anhang}{Anh\"ange}%
+    \crefname at preamble{enumi}{Punkt}{Punkte}%
+    \crefname at preamble{footnote}{Fu\ss note}{Fu\ss noten}%
+    \crefname at preamble{theorem}{Theorem}{Theoreme}%
+    \crefname at preamble{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemmata}%
+    \crefname at preamble{corollary}{Korollar}{Korollare}%
+    \crefname at preamble{proposition}{Satz}{S\"atze}%
+    \crefname at preamble{definition}{Definition}{Definitionen}%
+    \crefname at preamble{result}{Ergebnis}{Ergebnisse}%
+    \crefname at preamble{example}{Beispiel}{Beispiele}%
+    \crefname at preamble{remark}{Bemerkung}{Bemerkungen}%
+    \crefname at preamble{note}{Anmerkung}{Anmerkungen}%
+    \crefname at preamble{algorithm}{Algorithmus}{Algorithmen}%
+    \crefname at preamble{listing}{Listing}{Listings}%
+    \crefname at preamble{line}{Zeile}{Zeilen}%
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+  }}% end \AtBeginDocument and \DeclareOption
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+  \renewcommand{\crefmiddlegroupconjunction}{, }%
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+ %
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+  \Crefname{subsubsection}{Abschnitt}{Abschnitte}%
+  \Crefname{appendix}{Anhang}{Anh\"ange}%
+  \Crefname{subappendix}{Anhang}{Anh\"ange}%
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+  \Crefname{subsubsubappendix}{Anhang}{Anh\"ange}%
+  \Crefname{enumi}{Punkt}{Punkte}%
+  \Crefname{enumii}{Punkt}{Punkte}%
+  \Crefname{enumiii}{Punkt}{Punkte}%
+  \Crefname{enumiv}{Punkt}{Punkte}%
+  \Crefname{enumv}{Punkt}{Punkte}%
+  \Crefname{footnote}{Fu\ss note}{Fu\ss noten}%
+  \Crefname{theorem}{Theorem}{Theoreme}%
+  \Crefname{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemmata}%
+  \Crefname{corollary}{Korollar}{Korollare}%
+  \Crefname{proposition}{Satz}{S\"atze}%
+  \Crefname{definition}{Definition}{Definitionen}%
+  \Crefname{result}{Ergebnis}{Ergebnisse}%
+  \Crefname{example}{Beispiel}{Beispiele}%
+  \Crefname{remark}{Bemerkung}{Bemerkungen}%
+  \Crefname{note}{Anmerkung}{Anmerkungen}%
+  \Crefname{algorithm}{Algorithmus}{Algorithmen}%
+  \Crefname{listing}{Listing}{Listings}%
+  \Crefname{line}{Zeile}{Zeilen}%
+ %
+  \crefname{equation}{Gleichung}{Gleichungen}%
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+  \crefname{subsubappendix}{Anhang}{Anh\"ange}%
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+  \crefname{enumv}{Punkt}{Punkte}%
+  \crefname{footnote}{Fu\ss note}{Fu\ss noten}%
+  \crefname{theorem}{Theorem}{Theoreme}%
+  \crefname{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemmata}%
+  \crefname{corollary}{Korollar}{Korollare}%
+  \crefname{proposition}{Satz}{S\"atze}%
+  \crefname{definition}{Definition}{Definitionen}%
+  \crefname{result}{Ergebnis}{Ergebnisse}%
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+  \crefname{note}{Anmerkung}{Anmerkungen}%
+  \crefname{algorithm}{Algorithmus}{Algorithmen}%
+  \crefname{listing}{Listing}{Listings}%
+  \crefname{line}{Zeile}{Zeilen}}% end \cref at addlangagedefs
+  \ExecuteOptions{german}
+  \def\cref at language{ngerman}}
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+  \renewcommand{\crefmiddlegroupconjunction}{, }%
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+ %
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+  \Crefname{subfigure}{Abbildung}{Abbildungen}%
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+  \Crefname{subsubsection}{Abschnitt}{Abschnitte}%
+  \Crefname{appendix}{Anhang}{Anh\"ange}%
+  \Crefname{subappendix}{Anhang}{Anh\"ange}%
+  \Crefname{subsubappendix}{Anhang}{Anh\"ange}%
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+  \Crefname{enumi}{Punkt}{Punkte}%
+  \Crefname{enumii}{Punkt}{Punkte}%
+  \Crefname{enumiii}{Punkt}{Punkte}%
+  \Crefname{enumiv}{Punkt}{Punkte}%
+  \Crefname{enumv}{Punkt}{Punkte}%
+  \Crefname{footnote}{Fu\ss note}{Fu\ss noten}%
+  \Crefname{theorem}{Theorem}{Theoreme}%
+  \Crefname{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemmata}%
+  \Crefname{corollary}{Korollar}{Korollare}%
+  \Crefname{proposition}{Satz}{S\"atze}%
+  \Crefname{definition}{Definition}{Definitionen}%
+  \Crefname{result}{Ergebnis}{Ergebnisse}%
+  \Crefname{example}{Beispiel}{Beispiele}%
+  \Crefname{remark}{Bemerkung}{Bemerkungen}%
+  \Crefname{note}{Anmerkung}{Anmerkungen}%
+  \Crefname{algorithm}{Algorithmus}{Algorithmen}%
+  \Crefname{listing}{Listing}{Listings}%
+  \Crefname{line}{Zeile}{Zeilen}%
+ %
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+  \crefname{subsubsection}{Abschnitt}{Abschnitte}%
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+  \crefname{enumv}{Punkt}{Punkte}%
+  \crefname{footnote}{Fu\ss note}{Fu\ss noten}%
+  \crefname{theorem}{Theorem}{Theoreme}%
+  \crefname{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemmata}%
+  \crefname{corollary}{Korollar}{Korollare}%
+  \crefname{proposition}{Satz}{S\"atze}%
+  \crefname{definition}{Definition}{Definitionen}%
+  \crefname{result}{Ergebnis}{Ergebnisse}%
+  \crefname{example}{Beispiel}{Beispiele}%
+  \crefname{remark}{Bemerkung}{Bemerkungen}%
+  \crefname{note}{Anmerkung}{Anmerkungen}%
+  \crefname{algorithm}{Algorithmus}{Algorithmen}%
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+    \def\creflastgroupconjunction at preamble{ en\nobreakspace}%
+ %
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+    \Crefname at preamble{appendix}{Appendix}{Appendices}%
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+    \Crefname at preamble{corollary}{Corollarium}{Corollaria}%
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+    \Crefname at preamble{note}{Aantekening}{Aantekeningen}%
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+    \Crefname at preamble{listing}{Listing}{Listings}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{line}{Lijn}{Lijnen}%
+ %
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+      \if at cref@abbrev%
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+      \else%
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+ %
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+  \Crefname{part}{Deel}{Delen}%
+  \Crefname{chapter}{Hoofdstuk}{Hoofdstuken}%
+  \Crefname{section}{Paragraaf}{Paragrafen}%
+  \Crefname{subsection}{Paragraaf}{Paragrafen}%
+  \Crefname{subsubsection}{Paragraaf}{Paragrafen}%
+  \Crefname{appendix}{Appendix}{Appendices}%
+  \Crefname{subappendix}{Appendix}{Appendices}%
+  \Crefname{subsubappendix}{Appendix}{Appendices}%
+  \Crefname{subsubsubappendix}{Appendix}{Appendices}%
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+  \Crefname{definition}{Definitie}{Definities}%
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+ %
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+      \crefname{figure}{Fig.}{Fig's.}%
+      \crefname{subfigure}{Fig.}{Fig's.}%
+    \else%
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+    \crefname{chapter}{Hoofdstuk}{Hoofdstukken}%
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+    \crefname{appendix}{Appendix}{Appendices}%
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+    \crefname{footnote}{Voetnote}{Voetnoten}%
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+    \crefname{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemma's}%
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+    \crefname{proposition}{Bewering}{Beweringen}%
+    \crefname{definition}{Definitie}{Definities}%
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+    \crefname{note}{Aantekening}{Aantekeningen}%
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+ %
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+ %
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+  \Crefname{lemma}{Lemme}{Lemmes}%
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+ %
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+    \crefname{footnote}{note}{notes}%
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+    \def\creflastgroupconjunction at preamble{ y\nobreakspace}%
+ %
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+    \Crefname at preamble{note}{Nota}{Notas}%
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+    \Crefname at preamble{listing}{Listado}{Listados}%
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+ %
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+ %
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+  \Crefname{lemma}{Lema}{Lemas}%
+  \Crefname{corollary}{Corolario}{Corolarios}%
+  \Crefname{proposition}{Proposici\'on}{Proposiciones}%
+  \Crefname{definition}{Definici\'on}{Definiciones}%
+  \Crefname{result}{Resultado}{Resultados}%
+  \Crefname{example}{Ejemplo}{Ejemplos}%
+  \Crefname{remark}{Observaci\'on}{Observaci\'on}%
+  \Crefname{note}{Nota}{Notas}%
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+    \crefname{remark}{Observaci\'on}{Observaci\'ones}%
+    \crefname{note}{Nota}{Notas}%
+    \crefname{algorithm}{Algoritmo}{Algoritmos}%
+    \crefname{listing}{Listado}{Listados}%
+    \crefname{line}{L\'inea}{L\'ineas}%
+ %
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+ %
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+ %
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+ %
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+ %
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+  \Crefname{section}{Sezione}{Sezioni}%
+  \Crefname{subsection}{Sezione}{Sezioni}%
+  \Crefname{subsubsection}{Sezione}{Sezioni}%
+  \Crefname{appendix}{Appendice}{Appendici}%
+  \Crefname{subappendix}{Appendice}{Appendici}%
+  \Crefname{subsubappendix}{Appendice}{Appendici}%
+  \Crefname{subsubsubappendix}{Appendice}{Appendici}%
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+  \Crefname{enumv}{Voce}{Voci}%
+  \Crefname{footnote}{Nota}{Note}%
+  \Crefname{theorem}{Teorema}{Teoremi}%
+  \Crefname{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemmi}%
+  \Crefname{corollary}{Corollario}{Corollari}%
+  \Crefname{proposition}{Proposizione}{Proposizioni}%
+  \Crefname{definition}{Definizione}{Definizione}%
+  \Crefname{result}{Risultato}{Risultati}%
+  \Crefname{example}{esempio}{esempi}%
+  \Crefname{remark}{Osservazione}{Osservazioni}%
+  \Crefname{note}{Nota}{Note}%
+  \Crefname{algorithm}{Algoritmo}{Algoritmi}%
+  \Crefname{listing}{Elenco}{Elenchi}%
+  \Crefname{line}{Linea}{Linee}%
+ %
+  \if at cref@capitalise%  capitalise set
+    \if at cref@abbrev%
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+      \crefname{figure}{Fig.}{Fig.}%
+      \crefname{subfigure}{Fig.}{Fig.}%
+    \else%
+      \crefname{equation}{Equazione}{Equazioni}%
+      \crefname{figure}{Figura}{Figure}%
+      \crefname{figure}{Figura}{Figure}%
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+    \crefname{subsubsection}{Sezione}{Sezioni}%
+    \crefname{appendix}{Appendice}{Appendici}%
+    \crefname{subappendix}{Appendice}{Appendici}%
+    \crefname{subsubappendix}{Appendice}{Appendici}%
+    \crefname{subsubsubappendix}{Appendice}{Appendici}%
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+    \crefname{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemmi}%
+    \crefname{corollary}{Corollario}{Corollari}%
+    \crefname{proposition}{Proposizione}{Proposizioni}%
+    \crefname{definition}{Definizione}{Definizione}%
+    \crefname{result}{Risultato}{Risultati}%
+    \crefname{example}{Esempio}{Esempi}%
+    \crefname{remark}{Osservazione}{Osservazioni}%
+    \crefname{note}{Nota}{Note}%
+    \crefname{algorithm}{Algoritmo}{Algoritmi}%
+    \crefname{listing}{Elenco}{Elenchi}%
+    \crefname{line}{Linea}{Linee}%
+ %
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+    \else%
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+      \crefname{figure}{figura}{figure}%
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+    \crefname{footnote}{nota}{note}%
+    \crefname{theorem}{teorema}{teoremi}%
+    \crefname{lemma}{lemma}{lemmi}%
+    \crefname{corollary}{corollario}{corollari}%
+    \crefname{proposition}{proposizione}{proposizioni}%
+    \crefname{definition}{definizione}{definizione}%
+    \crefname{result}{risultato}{risultati}%
+    \crefname{example}{esempio}{esempi}%
+    \crefname{remark}{osservazione}{osservazioni}%
+    \crefname{note}{nota}{note}%
+    \crefname{algorithm}{algoritmo}{algoritmi}%
+    \crefname{listing}{elenco}{elenchi}%
+    \crefname{line}{linea}{linee}%
+  \fi}% end \cref at loadlanguagedefs
+  \AtBeginDocument{%
+    \def\crefrangeconjunction at preamble{--}%
+    \def\crefrangepreconjunction at preamble{}%
+    \def\crefrangepostconjunction at preamble{}%
+    \def\crefpairconjunction at preamble{ \cyri\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefmiddleconjunction at preamble{, }%
+    \def\creflastconjunction at preamble{ \cyri\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefpairgroupconjunction at preamble{ \cyri\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefmiddlegroupconjunction at preamble{, }%
+    \def\creflastgroupconjunction at preamble%
+      {, \cyra\ \cyrt\cyra\cyrk\cyrzh\cyre\nobreakspace}%
+ %
+      \Crefname at preamble{equation}%
+      {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyra}%
+      {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyrery}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{figure}%
+      {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+      {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{table}%
+      {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyra}%
+      {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrery}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{enumi}%
+      {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+      {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{chapter}%
+      {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyra}%
+      {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyrery}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{section}%
+      {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl}%
+      {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyrery}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{appendix}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{footnote}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{theorem}%
+      {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyra}%
+      {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyrery}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{lemma}%
+      {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyra}%
+      {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyrery}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{corollary}%
+      {\CYRV\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd}%
+      {\CYRV\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd\cyrery}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{proposition}%
+      {\CYRU\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+      {\CYRU\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{definition}%
+      {\CYRO\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+      {\CYRO\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{result}%
+      {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt}%
+      {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt\cyrery}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{example}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr\cyrery}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{remark}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{note}%
+      {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{algorithm}%
+      {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm}%
+      {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm\cyrery}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{listing}%
+      {\CYRL\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg}%
+      {\CYRL\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{line}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{page}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrc\cyra}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrc\cyrery}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{part}%
+      {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyrsftsn}%
+      {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri}%
+ %
+    \if at cref@capitalise%  capitalise set
+      \if at cref@abbrev%  abbrev set
+        \crefname at preamble{equation}%
+          {\CYRF-\cyrl.}%
+          {\CYRF-\cyrl.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{figure}%
+          {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs.}%
+          {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{table}%
+          {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+          {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{enumi}%
+          {\CYRP.}%
+          {\CYRP.\cyrp.}%
+      \else%
+        \crefname at preamble{equation}%
+          {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyra}%
+          {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyrery}%
+        \crefname at preamble{figure}%
+          {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+          {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{table}%
+          {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyra}%
+          {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrery}%
+        \crefname at preamble{enumi}%
+          {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+          {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+      \fi%
+      \crefname at preamble{chapter}%
+        {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyra}%
+        {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyrery}%
+      \crefname at preamble{section}%
+        {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl}%
+        {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyrery}%
+      \crefname at preamble{appendix}%
+        {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+        {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+      \crefname at preamble{footnote}%
+        {\CYRS\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\CYRS\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{theorem}%
+        {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyra}%
+        {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyrery}%
+      \crefname at preamble{lemma}%
+        {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyra}%
+        {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyrery}%
+      \crefname at preamble{corollary}%
+        {\CYRV\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd}%
+        {\CYRV\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd\cyrery}%
+      \crefname at preamble{proposition}%
+        {\CYRU\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+        {\CYRU\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+      \crefname at preamble{definition}%
+        {\CYRO\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+        {\CYRO\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+      \crefname at preamble{result}%
+        {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt}%
+        {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt\cyrery}%
+      \crefname at preamble{example}%
+        {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr}%
+        {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr\cyrery}%
+      \crefname at preamble{remark}%
+        {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+        {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+      \crefname at preamble{note}%
+        {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{algorithm}%
+        {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm}%
+        {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm\cyrery}%
+      \crefname at preamble{listing}%
+        {\CYRL\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg}%
+        {\CYRL\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{line}%
+        {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{page}%
+        {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrc\cyra}%
+        {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrc\cyrery}%
+      \crefname at preamble{part}%
+        {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyrsftsn}%
+        {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri}%
+ %
+    \else%  capitalise unset
+      \if at cref@abbrev%  abbrev set
+        \crefname at preamble{equation}%
+          {\cyrf-\cyrl.}%
+          {\cyrf-\cyrl.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{figure}%
+          {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs.}%
+          {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{table}%
+          {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+          {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{enumi}%
+          {\cyrp.}%
+          {\cyrp.\cyrp.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{chapter}%
+          {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv.}%
+          {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{section}%
+          {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd.}%
+          {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{appendix}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh.}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{footnote}%
+          {\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk.}%
+          {\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{theorem}%
+          {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm.}%
+          {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{lemma}%
+          {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm.}%
+          {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{corollary}%
+          {\cyrv\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd}%
+          {\cyrv\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{proposition}%
+          {\cyru\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd.}%
+          {\cyru\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{definition}%
+          {\cyro\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn.}%
+          {\cyro\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{result}%
+          {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt.}%
+          {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{example}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm.}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{remark}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch.}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{note}%
+          {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk.}%
+          {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{algorithm}%
+          {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg.}%
+          {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{listing}%
+          {\cyrl\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn.}%
+          {\cyrl\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{line}%
+          {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyrk.}%
+          {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyrk.}%
+      \else%  abbrev unset
+        \crefname at preamble{equation}%
+          {\cyrf\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyra}%
+          {\cyrf\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyrery}%
+        \crefname at preamble{figure}%
+          {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+          {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{table}%
+          {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyra}%
+          {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrery}%
+        \crefname at preamble{enumi}%
+          {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+          {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+        \crefname at preamble{chapter}%
+          {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyra}%
+          {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyrery}%
+        \crefname at preamble{section}%
+          {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl}%
+          {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyrery}%
+        \crefname at preamble{appendix}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+        \crefname at preamble{footnote}%
+          {\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyra}%
+          {\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{theorem}%
+          {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyra}%
+          {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyrery}%
+        \crefname at preamble{lemma}%
+          {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyra}%
+          {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyrery}%
+        \crefname at preamble{corollary}%
+          {\cyrv\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd}%
+          {\cyrv\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd\cyrery}%
+        \crefname at preamble{proposition}%
+          {\cyru\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+          {\cyru\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+        \crefname at preamble{definition}%
+          {\cyro\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+          {\cyro\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+        \crefname at preamble{result}%
+          {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt}%
+          {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt\cyrery}%
+        \crefname at preamble{example}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr\cyrery}%
+        \crefname at preamble{remark}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+        \crefname at preamble{note}%
+          {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+          {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{algorithm}%
+          {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm}%
+          {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm\cyrery}%
+        \crefname at preamble{listing}%
+          {\cyrl\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg}%
+          {\cyrl\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{line}%
+          {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyra}%
+          {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \fi%
+      \crefname at preamble{page}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrc\cyre}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrc\cyra\cyrh}%
+      \crefname at preamble{part}%
+        {\cyrch\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyrsftsn}%
+        {\cyrch\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri}%
+    \fi%
+    \def\cref at language{russian}%
+  }}% end \DeclareOption and \AtBeginDocument
+\cref at addlanguagedefs{russian}{%
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{loaded `russian' language definitions}
+  \renewcommand{\crefrangeconjunction}{--}%
+  \renewcommand\crefrangepreconjunction{}%
+  \renewcommand\crefrangepostconjunction{}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefpairconjunction}{ \cyri\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefmiddleconjunction}{, }%
+  \renewcommand{\creflastconjunction}{ \cyri\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefpairgroupconjunction}{ \cyri\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefmiddlegroupconjunction}{, }%
+  \renewcommand{\creflastgroupconjunction}%
+    {, \cyra\ \cyrt\cyra\cyrk\cyrzh\cyre\nobreakspace}%
+ %
+    \Crefname{page}%
+    {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrc\cyra}%
+    {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrc\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{equation}%
+    {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyra}%
+    {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{figure}%
+    {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+    {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{subfigure}%
+    {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+    {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{table}%
+    {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyra}%
+    {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{subtable}%
+    {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyra}%
+    {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{part}%
+    {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyrsftsn}%
+    {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{chapter}%
+    {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyra}%
+    {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{section}%
+    {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl}%
+    {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{subsection}%
+    {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl}%
+    {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{subsubsection}%
+    {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl}%
+    {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{appendix}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+  \Crefname{subappendix}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}
+  \Crefname{subsubappendix}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}
+  \Crefname{subsubsubappendix}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}
+  \Crefname{enumi}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{enumii}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{enumiii}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{enumiv}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{enumv}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{footnote}%
+    {\CYRS\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyra}%
+    {\CYRS\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{theorem}%
+    {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyra}%
+    {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{lemma}%
+    {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyra}%
+    {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{corollary}%
+    {\CYRV\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd}%
+    {\CYRV\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{proposition}%
+    {\CYRU\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+    {\CYRU\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+  \Crefname{definition}%
+    {\CYRO\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+    {\CYRO\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+  \Crefname{result}%
+    {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt}%
+    {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{example}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{remark}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+  \Crefname{note}%
+    {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+    {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{algorithm}%
+    {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm}%
+    {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm\cyrery}%
+  \Crefname{listing}%
+    {\CYRL\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg}%
+    {\CYRL\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{line}%
+    {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyra}%
+    {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyri}%
+ %
+  \if at cref@capitalise%  capitalise set
+    \if at cref@abbrev%  abbrev set
+      \crefname{equation}%
+        {\CYRF-\cyrl.}%
+        {\CYRF-\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{figure}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs.}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs.}%
+      \crefname{subfigure}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs.}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs.}%
+      \crefname{table}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{subtable}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{enumi}%
+        {\CYRP.}%
+        {\CYRP.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumii}%
+        {\CYRP.}%
+        {\CYRP.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumiii}%
+        {\CYRP.}%
+        {\CYRP.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumiv}%
+        {\CYRP.}%
+        {\CYRP.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumv}%
+        {\CYRP.}%
+        {\CYRP.\cyrp.}%
+    \else%  abbrev unset
+      \crefname{equation}%
+        {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyra}%
+        {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{figure}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{subfigure}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{table}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyra}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{subtable}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyra}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{enumi}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{enumii}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{enumiii}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{enumiv}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{enumv}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+    \fi%
+    \crefname{page}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrc\cyra}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrc\cyrery}%
+    \crefname{part}%
+      {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyrsftsn}%
+      {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri}%
+    \crefname{chapter}%
+      {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyra}%
+      {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyrery}%
+    \crefname{section}%
+      {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl}%
+      {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyrery}%
+    \crefname{subsection}%
+      {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl}%
+      {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyrery}%
+    \crefname{subsubsection}%
+      {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl}%
+      {\CYRR\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyrery}%
+    \crefname{appendix}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+    \crefname{subappendix}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+    \crefname{subsubappendix}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+    \crefname{subsubsubappendix}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+    \crefname{footnote}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \crefname{theorem}%
+      {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyra}%
+      {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyrery}%
+    \crefname{lemma}%
+      {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyra}%
+      {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyrery}%
+    \crefname{corollary}%
+      {\CYRV\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd}%
+      {\CYRV\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd\cyrery}%
+    \crefname{proposition}%
+      {\CYRU\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+      {\CYRU\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+    \crefname{definition}%
+      {\CYRO\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+      {\CYRO\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+    \crefname{result}%
+      {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt}%
+      {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt\cyrery}%
+    \crefname{example}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr\cyrery}%
+    \crefname{remark}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+    \crefname{note}%
+      {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \crefname{algorithm}%
+      {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm}%
+      {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm\cyrery}%
+    \crefname{listing}%
+      {\CYRL\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg}%
+      {\CYRL\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg\cyri}%
+    \crefname{line}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyri}%
+ %
+  \else%  capitalise unset
+    \if at cref@abbrev%  abbrev set
+      \crefname{equation}%
+        {\cyrf-\cyrl.}%
+        {\cyrf-\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{chapter}%
+        {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv.}%
+        {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv.}%
+      \crefname{section}%
+        {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd.}%
+        {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{subsection}%
+        {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd.}%
+        {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{subsubsection}%
+        {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd.}%
+        {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{appendix}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh.}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh.}%
+      \crefname{subappendix}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh.}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh.}%
+      \crefname{subsubappendix}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh.}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh.}%
+      \crefname{subsubsubappendix}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh.}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh.}%
+      \crefname{enumi}%
+        {\cyrp.}%
+        {\cyrp.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumii}%
+        {\cyrp.}%
+        {\cyrp.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumiii}%
+        {\cyrp.}%
+        {\cyrp.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumiv}%
+        {\cyrp.}%
+        {\cyrp.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumv}%
+        {\cyrp.}%
+        {\cyrp.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{footnote}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk.}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk.}%
+      \crefname{figure}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs.}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs.}%
+      \crefname{subfigure}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs.}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs.}%
+      \crefname{table}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{subtable}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{theorem}%
+        {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm.}%
+        {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm.}%
+      \crefname{lemma}%
+        {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm.}%
+        {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm.}%
+      \crefname{corollary}%
+        {\cyrv\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd}%
+        {\cyrv\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd.}%
+      \crefname{proposition}%
+        {\cyru\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd.}%
+        {\cyru\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd.}%
+      \crefname{definition}%
+        {\cyro\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn.}%
+        {\cyro\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn.}%
+      \crefname{result}%
+        {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt.}%
+        {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt.}%
+      \crefname{example}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm.}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr.}%
+      \crefname{remark}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch.}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch.}%
+      \crefname{note}%
+        {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk.}%
+        {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk.}%
+      \crefname{algorithm}%
+        {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg.}%
+        {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg.}%
+      \crefname{listing}%
+        {\cyrl\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn.}%
+        {\cyrl\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg.}%
+      \crefname{line}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyrk.}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyrk.}%
+    \else%  abbrev unset
+      \crefname{equation}%
+        {\cyrf\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyra}%
+        {\cyrf\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{figure}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{subfigure}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{table}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyra}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{subtable}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyra}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{enumi}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{enumii}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{enumiii}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{enumiv}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{enumv}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{chapter}%
+        {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyra}%
+        {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{section}%
+        {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl}%
+        {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{subsection}%
+        {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl}%
+        {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{subsubsection}%
+        {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl}%
+        {\cyrr\cyra\cyrz\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{appendix}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+      \crefname{subappendix}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+      \crefname{subsubappendix}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+      \crefname{subsubsubappendix}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrl\cyro\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+      \crefname{footnote}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{theorem}%
+        {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyra}%
+        {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{lemma}%
+        {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyra}%
+        {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{corollary}%
+        {\cyrv\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd}%
+        {\cyrv\cyrery\cyrv\cyro\cyrd\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{proposition}%
+        {\cyru\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+        {\cyru\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyrd\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+      \crefname{definition}%
+        {\cyro\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+        {\cyro\cyrp\cyrr\cyre\cyrd\cyre\cyrl\cyre\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+      \crefname{result}%
+        {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt}%
+        {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{example}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{remark}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyre}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrch\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrya}%
+      \crefname{note}%
+        {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyre\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{algorithm}%
+        {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm}%
+        {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm\cyrery}%
+      \crefname{listing}%
+        {\cyrl\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg}%
+        {\cyrl\cyri\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg\cyri}%
+      \crefname{line}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \fi%
+    \crefname{page}%
+      {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrc\cyre}%
+      {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrc\cyra\cyrh}%
+    \crefname{part}%
+      {\cyrch\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyrsftsn}%
+      {\cyrch\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri}%
+  \fi}% end \cref at loadlanguagedefs
+  \AtBeginDocument{%
+    \def\crefrangeconjunction at preamble{--}%
+    \def\crefrangepreconjunction at preamble{}%
+    \def\crefrangepostconjunction at preamble{}%
+    \def\crefpairconjunction at preamble{ \cyrii\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefmiddleconjunction at preamble{, }%
+    \def\creflastconjunction at preamble{ \cyrii\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefpairgroupconjunction at preamble{ \cyrt\cyra\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefmiddlegroupconjunction at preamble{, }%
+    \def\creflastgroupconjunction at preamble%
+      {, \cyra\ \cyrt\cyra\cyrk\cyro\cyrzh\nobreakspace}%
+ %
+    \Crefname at preamble{equation}%
+      {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyra}%
+      {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{figure}%
+      {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+      {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{table}%
+      {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrya}%
+      {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrii}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{enumi}%
+      {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+      {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{chapter}%
+      {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyra}%
+      {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{section}%
+      {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl}%
+      {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{appendix}%
+      {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+      {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{footnote}%
+      {\CYRV\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRV\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{theorem}%
+      {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyra}%
+      {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{lemma}%
+      {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyra}%
+      {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{corollary}%
+      {\CYRV\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv\cyro\cyrk}%
+      {\CYRV\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{proposition}%
+      {\CYRT\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+      {\CYRT\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{definition}%
+      {\CYRV\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+      {\CYRV\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{result}%
+      {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt}%
+      {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{example}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl\cyra\cyrd}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl\cyra\cyrd\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{remark}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{note}%
+      {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{algorithm}%
+      {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm}%
+      {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{listing}%
+      {\CYRL\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg}%
+      {\CYRL\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{line}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{page}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrn\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyro\cyrr\cyrii\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{part}%
+      {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyra}%
+      {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyri}%
+ %
+    \if at cref@capitalise%  capitalise set
+      \if at cref@abbrev%  abbrev set
+        \crefname at preamble{equation}%
+          {\CYRF-\cyrl.}%
+          {\CYRF-\cyrl.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{figure}%
+          {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs.}%
+          {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{table}%
+          {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+          {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{enumi}%
+          {\CYRP.}%
+          {\CYRP.\cyrp.}%
+      \else%
+        \crefname at preamble{equation}%
+          {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyra}%
+          {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{figure}%
+          {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+          {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{table}%
+          {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrya}%
+          {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrii}%
+        \crefname at preamble{enumi}%
+          {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+          {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+      \fi%
+      \crefname at preamble{chapter}%
+        {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyra}%
+        {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{section}%
+        {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl}%
+        {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{appendix}%
+        {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{footnote}%
+        {\CYRV\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\CYRV\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{theorem}%
+        {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyra}%
+        {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{lemma}%
+        {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyra}%
+        {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{corollary}%
+        {\CYRV\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\CYRV\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{proposition}%
+        {\CYRT\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+        {\CYRT\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+      \crefname at preamble{definition}%
+        {\CYRV\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+        {\CYRV\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+      \crefname at preamble{result}%
+        {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt}%
+        {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{example}%
+        {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl\cyra\cyrd}%
+        {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl\cyra\cyrd\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{remark}%
+        {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{note}%
+        {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{algorithm}%
+        {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm}%
+        {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{listing}%
+        {\CYRL\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg}%
+        {\CYRL\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{line}%
+        {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{page}%
+        {\CYRS\cyrt\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrn\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\CYRS\cyrt\cyro\cyrr\cyrii\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname at preamble{part}%
+        {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyra}%
+        {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyri}%
+ %
+    \else%  capitalise unset
+      \if at cref@abbrev%  abbrev set
+        \crefname at preamble{equation}%
+          {\cyrf-\cyrl.}%
+          {\cyrf-\cyrl.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{figure}%
+          {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs.}%
+          {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{table}%
+          {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+          {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{enumi}%
+          {\cyrp.}%
+          {\cyrp.\cyrp.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{chapter}%
+          {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv.}%
+          {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{section}%
+          {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd.}%
+          {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{appendix}%
+          {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt.}%
+          {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{footnote}%
+          {\cyrv\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk.}%
+          {\cyrv\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{theorem}%
+          {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm.}%
+          {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{lemma}%
+          {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm.}%
+          {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{corollary}%
+          {\cyrv\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv.}%
+          {\cyrv\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv\cyrk.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{proposition}%
+          {\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn.}%
+          {\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{definition}%
+          {\cyrv\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn.}%
+          {\cyrv\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{result}%
+          {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt.}%
+          {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{example}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl.}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl\cyra\cyrd.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{remark}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt.}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{note}%
+          {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt.}%
+          {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{algorithm}%
+          {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg.}%
+          {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{listing}%
+          {\cyrl\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn.}%
+          {\cyrl\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg.}%
+        \crefname at preamble{line}%
+          {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyrk.}%
+          {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyrk.}%
+      \else%  abbrev unset
+        \crefname at preamble{equation}%
+          {\cyrf\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyra}%
+          {\cyrf\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{figure}%
+          {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+          {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{table}%
+          {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrya}%
+          {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrii}%
+        \crefname at preamble{enumi}%
+          {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+          {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{chapter}%
+          {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyra}%
+          {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{section}%
+          {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl}%
+          {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{appendix}%
+          {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+          {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{footnote}%
+          {\cyrv\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyra}%
+          {\cyrv\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{theorem}%
+          {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyra}%
+          {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{lemma}%
+          {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyra}%
+          {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{corollary}%
+          {\cyrv\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv\cyro\cyrk}%
+          {\cyrv\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv\cyrk\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{proposition}%
+          {\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+          {\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+        \crefname at preamble{definition}%
+          {\cyrv\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+          {\cyrv\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+        \crefname at preamble{result}%
+          {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt}%
+          {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{example}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl\cyra\cyrd}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl\cyra\cyrd\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{remark}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+          {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{note}%
+          {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+          {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{algorithm}%
+          {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm}%
+          {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{listing}%
+          {\cyrl\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg}%
+          {\cyrl\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg\cyri}%
+        \crefname at preamble{line}%
+          {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyra}%
+          {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \fi%
+      \crefname at preamble{page}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrt\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrn\cyrc\cyrii}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrt\cyro\cyrr\cyrii\cyrn\cyrk\cyra\cyrh}%
+      \crefname at preamble{part}%
+        {\cyrch\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyra}%
+        {\cyrch\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyri}%
+    \fi%
+    \def\cref at language{ukrainian}%
+  }}% end \DeclareOption and \AtBeginDocument
+\cref at addlanguagedefs{ukrainian}{%
+  \PackageInfo{cleveref}{loaded `ukrainian' language definitions}
+  \renewcommand{\crefrangeconjunction}{--}%
+  \renewcommand\crefrangepreconjunction{}%
+  \renewcommand\crefrangepostconjunction{}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefpairconjunction}{ \cyrii\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefmiddleconjunction}{, }%
+  \renewcommand{\creflastconjunction}{ \cyrii\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefpairgroupconjunction}%
+    { \cyrt\cyra\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefmiddlegroupconjunction}{, }%
+  \renewcommand{\creflastgroupconjunction}%
+    {, \cyra\ \cyrt\cyra\cyrk\cyro\cyrzh\nobreakspace}%
+ %
+    \Crefname{equation}%
+    {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyra}%
+    {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{figure}%
+    {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+    {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{subfigure}%
+    {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+    {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{table}%
+    {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrya}%
+    {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrii}%
+  \Crefname{subtable}%
+    {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrya}%
+    {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrii}%
+  \Crefname{enumi}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{enumii}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{enumiii}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{enumiv}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{enumv}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+    {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{chapter}%
+    {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyra}%
+    {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{section}%
+    {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl}%
+    {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{subsection}%
+    {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl}%
+    {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{subsubsection}%
+    {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl}%
+    {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{appendix}%
+    {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+    {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{subappendix}%
+    {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+    {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{subsubappendix}%
+    {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+    {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{subsubsubappendix}%
+    {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+    {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{footnote}%
+    {\CYRV\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyra}%
+    {\CYRV\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{theorem}%
+    {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyra}%
+    {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{lemma}%
+    {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyra}%
+    {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{corollary}%
+    {\CYRV\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv\cyro\cyrk}%
+    {\CYRV\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{proposition}%
+    {\CYRT\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+    {\CYRT\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+  \Crefname{definition}%
+    {\CYRV\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+    {\CYRV\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+  \Crefname{result}%
+    {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt}%
+    {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{example}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl\cyra\cyrd}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl\cyra\cyrd\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{remark}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+    {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{note}%
+    {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+    {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{algorithm}%
+    {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm}%
+    {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{listing}%
+    {\CYRL\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg}%
+    {\CYRL\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{line}%
+    {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyra}%
+    {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{page}%
+    {\CYRS\cyrt\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrn\cyrk\cyra}%
+    {\CYRS\cyrt\cyro\cyrr\cyrii\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+  \Crefname{part}%
+    {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyra}%
+    {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyri}%
+ %
+  \if at cref@capitalise%  capitalise set
+    \if at cref@abbrev%  abbrev set
+      \crefname{equation}%
+        {\CYRF-\cyrl.}%
+        {\CYRF-\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{figure}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs.}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs.}%
+      \crefname{subfigure}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs.}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs.}%
+      \crefname{table}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{subtable}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{enumi}%
+        {\CYRP.}%
+        {\CYRP.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumii}%
+        {\CYRP.}%
+        {\CYRP.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumiii}%
+        {\CYRP.}%
+        {\CYRP.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumiv}%
+        {\CYRP.}%
+        {\CYRP.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumv}%
+        {\CYRP.}%
+        {\CYRP.\cyrp.}%
+    \else%  abbrev unset
+      \crefname{equation}%
+        {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyra}%
+        {\CYRF\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyri}%
+      \crefname{figure}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{subfigure}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\CYRR\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{table}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrya}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrii}%
+      \crefname{subtable}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrya}%
+        {\CYRT\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrii}%
+      \crefname{enumi}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+      \crefname{enumii}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+      \crefname{enumiii}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+      \crefname{enumiv}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+      \crefname{enumv}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\CYRP\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+    \fi%
+    \crefname{chapter}%
+      {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyra}%
+      {\CYRG\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyri}%
+    \crefname{section}%
+      {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl}%
+      {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl\cyri}%
+    \crefname{subsection}%
+      {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl}%
+      {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl\cyri}%
+    \crefname{subsubsection}%
+      {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl}%
+      {\CYRR\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl\cyri}%
+    \crefname{appendix}%
+      {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+      {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \crefname{subappendix}%
+      {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+      {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \crefname{subsubappendix}%
+      {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+      {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \crefname{subsubsubappendix}%
+      {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+      {\CYRD\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \crefname{footnote}%
+      {\CYRV\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRV\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \crefname{theorem}%
+      {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyra}%
+      {\CYRT\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyri}%
+    \crefname{lemma}%
+      {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyra}%
+      {\CYRL\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyri}%
+    \crefname{corollary}%
+      {\CYRV\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv\cyro\cyrk}%
+      {\CYRV\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \crefname{proposition}%
+      {\CYRT\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+      {\CYRT\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+    \crefname{definition}%
+      {\CYRV\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+      {\CYRV\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+    \crefname{result}%
+      {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt}%
+      {\CYRR\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt\cyri}%
+    \crefname{example}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl\cyra\cyrd}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl\cyra\cyrd\cyri}%
+    \crefname{remark}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \crefname{note}%
+      {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRZ\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \crefname{algorithm}%
+      {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm}%
+      {\CYRA\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm\cyri}%
+    \crefname{listing}%
+      {\CYRL\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg}%
+      {\CYRL\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg\cyri}%
+    \crefname{line}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \crefname{page}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrn\cyrk\cyra}%
+      {\CYRS\cyrt\cyro\cyrr\cyrii\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \crefname{part}%
+      {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyra}%
+      {\CYRCH\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyri}%
+ %
+  \else%  capitalise unset
+    \if at cref@abbrev%  abbrev set
+      \crefname{equation}%
+        {\cyrf-\cyrl.}%
+        {\cyrf-\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{chapter}%
+        {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv.}%
+        {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv.}%
+      \crefname{section}%
+        {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd.}%
+        {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{subsection}%
+        {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd.}%
+        {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{subsubsection}%
+        {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd.}%
+        {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{appendix}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt.}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk.}%
+      \crefname{subappendix}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt.}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk.}%
+      \crefname{subsubappendix}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt.}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk.}%
+      \crefname{subsubsubappendix}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt.}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk.}%
+      \crefname{enumi}%
+        {\cyrp.}%
+        {\cyrp.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumii}%
+        {\cyrp.}%
+        {\cyrp.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumiii}%
+        {\cyrp.}%
+        {\cyrp.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumiv}%
+        {\cyrp.}%
+        {\cyrp.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{enumv}%
+        {\cyrp.}%
+        {\cyrp.\cyrp.}%
+      \crefname{footnote}%
+        {\cyrv\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk.}%
+        {\cyrv\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk.}%
+      \crefname{figure}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs.}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs.}%
+      \crefname{subfigure}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs.}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs.}%
+      \crefname{table}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{subtable}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl.}%
+      \crefname{theorem}%
+        {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm.}%
+        {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm.}%
+      \crefname{lemma}%
+        {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm.}%
+        {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm.}%
+      \crefname{corollary}%
+        {\cyrv\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv.}%
+        {\cyrv\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv\cyrk.}%
+      \crefname{proposition}%
+        {\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn.}%
+        {\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn.}%
+      \crefname{definition}%
+        {\cyrv\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn.}%
+        {\cyrv\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn.}%
+      \crefname{result}%
+        {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt.}%
+        {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt.}%
+      \crefname{example}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl.}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl\cyra\cyrd.}%
+      \crefname{remark}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt.}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt.}%
+      \crefname{note}%
+        {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt.}%
+        {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt.}%
+      \crefname{algorithm}%
+        {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg.}%
+        {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg.}%
+      \crefname{listing}%
+        {\cyrl\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn.}%
+        {\cyrl\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg.}%
+      \crefname{line}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyrk.}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyrk.}%
+    \else%  abbrev unset
+      \crefname{equation}%
+        {\cyrf\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyra}%
+        {\cyrf\cyro\cyrr\cyrm\cyru\cyrl\cyri}%
+      \crefname{figure}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{subfigure}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\cyrr\cyri\cyrs\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{table}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrya}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrii}%
+      \crefname{subtable}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrya}%
+        {\cyrt\cyra\cyrb\cyrl\cyri\cyrc\cyrii}%
+      \crefname{enumi}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+      \crefname{enumii}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+      \crefname{enumiii}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+      \crefname{enumiv}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+      \crefname{enumv}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt}%
+        {\cyrp\cyru\cyrn\cyrk\cyrt\cyri}%
+      \crefname{chapter}%
+        {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyra}%
+        {\cyrg\cyrl\cyra\cyrv\cyri}%
+      \crefname{section}%
+        {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl}%
+        {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl\cyri}%
+      \crefname{subsection}%
+        {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl}%
+        {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl\cyri}%
+      \crefname{subsubsection}%
+        {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl}%
+        {\cyrr\cyro\cyrz\cyrd\cyrii\cyrl\cyri}%
+      \crefname{appendix}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{subappendix}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{subsubappendix}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{subsubsubappendix}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\cyrd\cyro\cyrd\cyra\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{footnote}%
+        {\cyrv\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\cyrv\cyri\cyrn\cyro\cyrs\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{theorem}%
+        {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyra}%
+        {\cyrt\cyre\cyro\cyrr\cyre\cyrm\cyri}%
+      \crefname{lemma}%
+        {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyra}%
+        {\cyrl\cyre\cyrm\cyrm\cyri}%
+      \crefname{corollary}%
+        {\cyrv\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv\cyro\cyrk}%
+        {\cyrv\cyri\cyrs\cyrn\cyro\cyrv\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{proposition}%
+        {\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+        {\cyrt\cyrv\cyre\cyrr\cyrd\cyrzh\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+      \crefname{definition}%
+        {\cyrv\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+        {\cyrv\cyri\cyrz\cyrn\cyra\cyrch\cyre\cyrn\cyrn\cyrya}%
+      \crefname{result}%
+        {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt}%
+        {\cyrr\cyre\cyrz\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrt\cyra\cyrt\cyri}%
+      \crefname{example}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl\cyra\cyrd}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrk\cyrl\cyra\cyrd\cyri}%
+      \crefname{remark}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\cyrp\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{note}%
+        {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\cyrz\cyra\cyrm\cyrii\cyrt\cyrk\cyri}%
+      \crefname{algorithm}%
+        {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm}%
+        {\cyra\cyrl\cyrg\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrt\cyrm\cyri}%
+      \crefname{listing}%
+        {\cyrl\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg}%
+        {\cyrl\cyrii\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyrg\cyri}%
+      \crefname{line}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyra}%
+        {\cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyro\cyrk\cyri}%
+    \fi%
+    \crefname{page}%
+      {\cyrs\cyrt\cyro\cyrr\cyri\cyrn\cyrc\cyrii}%
+      {\cyrs\cyrt\cyro\cyrr\cyrii\cyrn\cyrk\cyra\cyrh}%
+    \crefname{part}%
+      {\cyrch\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyra}%
+      {\cyrch\cyra\cyrs\cyrt\cyri\cyrn\cyri}%
+  \fi}% end \cref at loadlanguagedefs
+  \AtBeginDocument{%
+    \def\crefrangeconjunction at preamble{ til\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefrangepreconjunction at preamble{}%
+    \def\crefrangepostconjunction at preamble{}%
+    \def\crefpairconjunction at preamble{ og\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefmiddleconjunction at preamble{, }%
+    \def\creflastconjunction at preamble{ og\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefpairgroupconjunction at preamble{ og\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefmiddlegroupconjunction at preamble{, }%
+    \def\creflastgroupconjunction at preamble{ og\nobreakspace}%
+ %
+    \Crefname at preamble{equation}{Likning}{Likningene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{figure}{Figur}{Figurene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{table}{Tabell}{Tabellene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{page}{Side}{Siden}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{part}{Del}{Delene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{chapter}{Kapittel}{Kapitlene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{section}{Avsnitt}{Avsnittene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{appendix}{Tillegg}{Tilleggene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{enumi}{Punkt}{Punktene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{footnote}{Fotnote}{Fotnotene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{theorem}{Teorem}{Teoremene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemma}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{corollary}{Korollar}{Korollarene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{proposition}{P\aa stand}{P\aa standene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{definition}{Definisjon}{Definisjonene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{result}{Resultat}{Resultatene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{example}{Eksempel}{Eksemplene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{remark}{Bemerkning}{Bemerkningene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{note}{Note}{Notene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{algorithm}{Algoritme}{Algoritmene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{listing}{Opplisting}{Opplistingene}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{line}{Linje}{Linjene}%
+ %
+    \if at cref@capitalise%
+      \crefname at preamble{page}{Side}{Siden}%
+      \crefname at preamble{equation}{Likning}{Likningene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{figure}{Figur}{Figurene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{table}{Tabell}{Tabellene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{part}{Del}{Delene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{chapter}{Kapittel}{Kapitlene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{section}{Avsnitt}{Avsnittene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{appendix}{Tillegg}{Tilleggene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{enumi}{Punkt}{Punktene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{footnote}{Fotnote}{Fotnotene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{theorem}{Teorem}{Teoremene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemma}%
+      \crefname at preamble{corollary}{Korollar}{Korollarene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{proposition}{P\aa stand}{P\aa standene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{definition}{Definisjon}{Definisjonene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{result}{Resultat}{Resultatene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{example}{Eksempel}{Eksemplene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{remark}{Bemerkning}{Bemerkningene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{note}{Note}{Notene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{algorithm}{Algoritme}{Algoritmene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{listing}{Opplisting}{Opplistingene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{line}{Linje}{Linjene}%
+ %
+    \else%
+      \crefname at preamble{equation}{likning}{likningene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{figure}{figur}{figurene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{table}{tabell}{tabeller}%
+      \crefname at preamble{page}{side}{siden}%
+      \crefname at preamble{part}{del}{delene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{chapter}{kapittel}{kapitlene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{section}{avsnitt}{avsnittene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{appendix}{tillegg}{tilleggene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{enumi}{punkt}{punktene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{footnote}{fotnote}{fotnotene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{theorem}{teorem}{teoremene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{lemma}{lemma}{lemma}%
+      \crefname at preamble{corollary}{korollar}{korollarene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{proposition}{p\aa stand}{p\aa standene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{definition}{definisjon}{definisjonene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{result}{resultat}{resultatene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{example}{eksempel}{eksemplene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{remark}{bemerkning}{bemerkningene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{note}{note}{notene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{algorithm}{algoritme}{algoritmene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{listing}{opplisting}{opplistingene}%
+      \crefname at preamble{line}{linje}{linjene}%
+    \fi%
+    \def\cref at language{norsk}%
+  }}% end \DeclareOption and \AtBeginDocument
+\cref at addlanguagedefs{norsk}{%
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+  \renewcommand{\crefrangeconjunction}{ til\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand\crefrangepreconjunction{}%
+  \renewcommand\crefrangepostconjunction{}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefpairconjunction}{ og\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefmiddleconjunction}{, }%
+  \renewcommand{\creflastconjunction}{ og\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefpairgroupconjunction}{ og\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefmiddlegroupconjunction}{, }%
+  \renewcommand{\creflastgroupconjunction}{ og\nobreakspace}%
+ %
+  \Crefname{equation}{Likning}{Likningene}%
+  \Crefname{figure}{Figur}{Figurene}%
+  \Crefname{subfigure}{Figur}{Figurene}%
+  \Crefname{table}{Tabell}{Tabellene}%
+  \Crefname{subtable}{Tabell}{Tabellene}%
+  \Crefname{page}{Side}{Siden}%
+  \Crefname{part}{Del}{Delene}%
+  \Crefname{chapter}{Kapittel}{Kapitlene}%
+  \Crefname{section}{Avsnitt}{Avsnittene}%
+  \Crefname{subsection}{Avsnitt}{Avsnittene}%
+  \Crefname{subsubsection}{Avsnitt}{Avsnittene}%
+  \Crefname{appendix}{Tillegg}{Tilleggene}%
+  \Crefname{subappendix}{Tillegg}{Tilleggene}%
+  \Crefname{subsubappendix}{Tillegg}{Tilleggene}%
+  \Crefname{subsubsubappendix}{Tillegg}{Tilleggene}%
+  \Crefname{enumi}{Punkt}{Punktene}%
+  \Crefname{enumii}{Punkt}{Punktene}%
+  \Crefname{enumiii}{Punkt}{Punktene}%
+  \Crefname{enumiv}{Punkt}{Punktene}%
+  \Crefname{enumv}{Punkt}{Punktene}%
+  \Crefname{footnote}{Fotnote}{Fotnotene}%
+  \Crefname{theorem}{Teorem}{Teoremene}%
+  \Crefname{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemma}%
+  \Crefname{corollary}{Korollar}{Korollarene}%
+  \Crefname{proposition}{P\aa stand}{P\aa standene}%
+  \Crefname{definition}{Definisjon}{Definisjonene}%
+  \Crefname{result}{Resultat}{Resultatene}%
+  \Crefname{example}{Eksempel}{Eksemplene}%
+  \Crefname{remark}{Bemerkning}{Bemerkningene}%
+  \Crefname{note}{Note}{Notene}%
+  \Crefname{algorithm}{Algoritme}{Algoritmene}%
+  \Crefname{listing}{Opplisting}{Opplistingene}%
+  \Crefname{line}{Linje}{Linjene}%
+ %
+  \if at cref@capitalise%
+    \crefname{equation}{Likning}{Likningene}%
+    \crefname{figure}{Figur}{Figurene}%
+    \crefname{subfigure}{Figur}{Figurene}%
+    \crefname{table}{Tabell}{Tabellene}%
+    \crefname{subtable}{Tabell}{Tabellene}%
+    \crefname{page}{Side}{Siden}%
+    \crefname{part}{Del}{Delene}%
+    \crefname{chapter}{Kapittel}{Kapitlene}%
+    \crefname{section}{Avsnitt}{Avsnittene}%
+    \crefname{subsection}{Avsnitt}{Avsnittene}%
+    \crefname{subsubsection}{Avsnitt}{Avsnittene}%
+    \crefname{appendix}{Tillegg}{Tilleggene}%
+    \crefname{subappendix}{Tillegg}{Tilleggene}%
+    \crefname{subsubappendix}{Tillegg}{Tilleggene}%
+    \crefname{subsubsubappendix}{Tillegg}{Tilleggene}%
+    \crefname{enumi}{Punkt}{Punktene}%
+    \crefname{enumii}{Punkt}{Punktene}%
+    \crefname{enumiii}{Punkt}{Punktene}%
+    \crefname{enumiv}{Punkt}{Punktene}%
+    \crefname{enumv}{Punkt}{Punktene}%
+    \crefname{footnote}{Fotnote}{Fotnotene}%
+    \crefname{theorem}{Teorem}{Teoremene}%
+    \crefname{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemma}%
+    \crefname{corollary}{Korollar}{Korollarene}%
+    \crefname{proposition}{P\aa stand}{P\aa standene}%
+    \crefname{definition}{Definisjon}{Definisjonene}%
+    \crefname{result}{Resultat}{Resultatene}%
+    \crefname{example}{Eksempel}{Eksemplene}%
+    \crefname{remark}{Bemerkning}{Bemerkningene}%
+    \crefname{note}{Note}{Notene}%
+    \crefname{algorithm}{Algoritme}{Algoritmene}%
+    \crefname{listing}{Opplisting}{Opplistingene}%
+    \crefname{line}{Linje}{Linjene}%
+ %
+  \else%
+    \crefname{equation}{likning}{likningene}%
+    \crefname{figure}{figur}{figurene}%
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+    \crefname{section}{avsnitt}{avsnittene}%
+    \crefname{subsection}{avsnitt}{avsnittene}%
+    \crefname{subsubsection}{avsnitt}{avsnittene}%
+    \crefname{appendix}{tillegg}{tilleggene}%
+    \crefname{subappendix}{tillegg}{tilleggene}%
+    \crefname{subsubappendix}{tillegg}{tilleggene}%
+    \crefname{subsubsubappendix}{tillegg}{tilleggene}%
+    \crefname{enumi}{punkt}{punktene}%
+    \crefname{enumii}{punkt}{punktene}%
+    \crefname{enumiii}{punkt}{punktene}%
+    \crefname{enumiv}{punkt}{punktene}%
+    \crefname{enumv}{punkt}{punktene}%
+    \crefname{footnote}{fotnote}{fotnotene}%
+    \crefname{theorem}{teorem}{teoremene}%
+    \crefname{lemma}{lemma}{lemma}%
+    \crefname{corollary}{korollar}{korollarene}%
+    \crefname{proposition}{p\aa stand}{p\aa standene}%
+    \crefname{definition}{definisjon}{definisjonene}%
+    \crefname{result}{resultat}{resultatene}%
+    \crefname{example}{eksempel}{eksemplene}%
+    \crefname{remark}{bemerkning}{bemerkningene}%
+    \crefname{note}{note}{notene}%
+    \crefname{algorithm}{algoritme}{algoritmene}%
+    \crefname{listing}{opplisting}{opplistingene}%
+    \crefname{line}{linje}{linjene}%
+  \fi}% end \cref at loadlanguagedefs
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+    \def\crefrangepostconjunction at preamble{}%
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+    \def\crefmiddleconjunction at preamble{, }%
+    \def\creflastconjunction at preamble{ og\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefpairgroupconjunction at preamble{ og\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefmiddlegroupconjunction at preamble{, }%
+    \def\creflastgroupconjunction at preamble{ og\nobreakspace}%
+ %
+    \Crefname at preamble{equation}{Ligning}{Ligninger}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{figure}{Figur}{Figurer}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{table}{Tabel}{Tabeller}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{page}{Side}{Sider}%
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+    \Crefname at preamble{section}{Afsnit}{Afsnit}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{appendix}{Appendiks}{Appendiks}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{enumi}{Punkt}{Punkter}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{footnote}{Fodnote}{Fodnoter}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{theorem}{Teorem}{Teoremer}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemma}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{corollary}{F\o lgeslutning}{F\o lgeslutninger}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{proposition}{Udsagn}{Udsagn}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{definition}{Definition}{Definitioner}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{result}{Resultat}{Resultater}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{example}{Eksempel}{Eksempler}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{remark}{Bem\ae rkning}{Bem\ae rkninger}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{note}{Note}{Noter}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{algorithm}{Algoritme}{Algoritmer}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{line}{Linje}{Linjer}%
+ %
+    \if at cref@capitalise%
+      \crefname at preamble{equation}{Ligning}{Ligninger}%
+      \crefname at preamble{figure}{Figur}{Figurer}%
+      \crefname at preamble{table}{Tabel}{Tabeller}%
+      \crefname at preamble{page}{Side}{Sider}%
+      \crefname at preamble{part}{Del}{Dele}%
+      \crefname at preamble{chapter}{Kapitel}{Kapitler}%
+      \crefname at preamble{section}{Afsnit}{Afsnit}%
+      \crefname at preamble{appendix}{Appendiks}{Appendiks}%
+      \crefname at preamble{enumi}{Punkt}{Punkter}%
+      \crefname at preamble{footnote}{Fodnote}{Fodnoter}%
+      \crefname at preamble{theorem}{Teorem}{Teoremer}%
+      \crefname at preamble{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemma}%
+      \crefname at preamble{corollary}{F\o lgeslutning}{F\o lgeslutninger}%
+      \crefname at preamble{proposition}{Udsagn}{Udsagn}%
+      \crefname at preamble{definition}{Definition}{Definitioner}%
+      \crefname at preamble{result}{Resultat}{Resultater}%
+      \crefname at preamble{example}{Eksempel}{Eksempler}%
+      \crefname at preamble{remark}{Bem\ae rkning}{Bem\ae rkninger}%
+      \crefname at preamble{note}{Note}{Noter}%
+      \crefname at preamble{algorithm}{Algoritme}{Algoritmer}%
+      \crefname at preamble{line}{Linje}{Linjer}%
+ %
+    \else%
+      \crefname at preamble{equation}{ligning}{ligninger}%
+      \crefname at preamble{figure}{figur}{figurer}%
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+      \crefname at preamble{appendix}{appendiks}{appendiks}%
+      \crefname at preamble{enumi}{punkt}{punkter}%
+      \crefname at preamble{footnote}{fodnote}{fodnoter}%
+      \crefname at preamble{theorem}{teorem}{teoremer}%
+      \crefname at preamble{lemma}{lemma}{lemma}%
+      \crefname at preamble{corollary}{f\o lgeslutning}{f\o lgeslutninger}%
+      \crefname at preamble{proposition}{udsagn}{udsagn}%
+      \crefname at preamble{definition}{definition}{definitioner}%
+      \crefname at preamble{result}{resultat}{resultater}%
+      \crefname at preamble{example}{eksempel}{eksempler}%
+      \crefname at preamble{remark}{bem\ae rkning}{bem\ae rkninger}%
+      \crefname at preamble{note}{note}{noter}%
+      \crefname at preamble{algorithm}{algoritme}{algoritmer}%
+      \crefname at preamble{line}{linje}{linjer}%
+    \fi%
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+  }}% end \DeclareOption and \AtBeginDocument
+\cref at addlanguagedefs{danish}{%
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+  \renewcommand{\crefrangeconjunction at preamble}{ til\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand\crefrangepreconjunction at preamble{}%
+  \renewcommand\crefrangepostconjunction at preamble{}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefpairconjunction at preamble}{ og\nobreakspace}%
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+  \renewcommand{\crefmiddlegroupconjunction at preamble}{, }%
+  \renewcommand{\creflastgroupconjunction at preamble}{ og\nobreakspace}%
+ %
+  \Crefname{equation}{Ligning}{Ligninger}%
+  \Crefname{figure}{Figur}{Figurer}%
+  \Crefname{subfigure}{Figur}{Figurer}%
+  \Crefname{table}{Tabel}{Tabeller}%
+  \Crefname{subtable}{Tabel}{Tabeller}%
+  \Crefname{page}{Side}{Sider}%
+  \Crefname{part}{Del}{Dele}%
+  \Crefname{chapter}{Kapitel}{Kapitler}%
+  \Crefname{section}{Afsnit}{Afsnit}%
+  \Crefname{subsection}{Afsnit}{Afsnit}%
+  \Crefname{subsubsection}{Afsnit}{Afsnit}%
+  \Crefname{appendix}{Appendiks}{Appendiks}%
+  \Crefname{subappendix}{Appendiks}{Appendiks}%
+  \Crefname{subsubappendix}{Appendiks}{Appendiks}%
+  \Crefname{subsubsubappendix}{Appendiks}{Appendiks}%
+  \Crefname{enumi}{Punkt}{Punkter}%
+  \Crefname{enumii}{Punkt}{Punkter}%
+  \Crefname{enumiii}{Punkt}{Punkter}%
+  \Crefname{enumiv}{Punkt}{Punkter}%
+  \Crefname{enumv}{Punkt}{Punkter}%
+  \Crefname{footnote}{Fodnote}{Fodnoter}%
+  \Crefname{theorem}{Teorem}{Teoremer}%
+  \Crefname{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemma}%
+  \Crefname{corollary}{F\o lgeslutning}{F\o lgeslutninger}%
+  \Crefname{proposition}{Udsagn}{Udsagn}%
+  \Crefname{definition}{Definition}{Definitioner}%
+  \Crefname{result}{Resultat}{Resultater}%
+  \Crefname{example}{Eksempel}{Eksempler}%
+  \Crefname{remark}{Bem\ae rkning}{Bem\ae rkninger}%
+  \Crefname{note}{Note}{Noter}%
+  \Crefname{algorithm}{Algoritme}{Algoritmer}%
+  \Crefname{line}{Linje}{Linjer}%
+ %
+  \if at cref@capitalise%
+    \crefname{equation}{Ligning}{Ligninger}%
+    \crefname{figure}{Figur}{Figurer}%
+    \crefname{subfigure}{Figur}{Figurer}%
+    \crefname{table}{Tabel}{Tabeller}%
+    \crefname{subtable}{Tabel}{Tabeller}%
+    \crefname{page}{Side}{Sider}%
+    \crefname{part}{Del}{Dele}%
+    \crefname{chapter}{Kapitel}{Kapitler}%
+    \crefname{section}{Afsnit}{Afsnit}%
+    \crefname{subsection}{Afsnit}{Afsnit}%
+    \crefname{subsubsection}{Afsnit}{Afsnit}%
+    \crefname{appendix}{Appendiks}{Appendiks}%
+    \crefname{subappendix}{Appendiks}{Appendiks}%
+    \crefname{subsubappendix}{Appendiks}{Appendiks}%
+    \crefname{subsubsubappendix}{Appendiks}{Appendiks}%
+    \crefname{enumi}{Punkt}{Punkter}%
+    \crefname{enumii}{Punkt}{Punkter}%
+    \crefname{enumiii}{Punkt}{Punkter}%
+    \crefname{enumiv}{Punkt}{Punkter}%
+    \crefname{enumv}{Punkt}{Punkter}%
+    \crefname{footnote}{Fodnote}{Fodnoter}%
+    \crefname{theorem}{Teorem}{Teoremer}%
+    \crefname{lemma}{Lemma}{Lemma}%
+    \crefname{corollary}{F\o lgeslutning}{F\o lgeslutninger}%
+    \crefname{proposition}{Udsagn}{Udsagn}%
+    \crefname{definition}{Definition}{Definitioner}%
+    \crefname{result}{Resultat}{Resultater}%
+    \crefname{example}{Eksempel}{Eksempler}%
+    \crefname{remark}{Bem\ae rkning}{Bem\ae rkninger}%
+    \crefname{note}{Note}{Noter}%
+    \crefname{algorithm}{Algoritme}{Algoritmer}%
+    \crefname{line}{Linje}{Linjer}%
+ %
+  \else%
+    \crefname{equation}{ligning}{ligninger}%
+    \crefname{figure}{figur}{figurer}%
+    \crefname{subfigure}{figur}{figurer}%
+    \crefname{table}{tabel}{tabeller}%
+    \crefname{subtable}{tabel}{tabeller}%
+    \crefname{page}{side}{sider}%
+    \crefname{part}{del}{dele}%
+    \crefname{chapter}{kapitel}{kapitler}%
+    \crefname{section}{afsnit}{afsnit}%
+    \crefname{subsection}{afsnit}{afsnit}%
+    \crefname{subsubsection}{afsnit}{afsnit}%
+    \crefname{appendix}{appendiks}{appendiks}%
+    \crefname{subappendix}{appendiks}{appendiks}%
+    \crefname{subsubappendix}{appendiks}{appendiks}%
+    \crefname{subsubsubappendix}{appendiks}{appendiks}%
+    \crefname{enumi}{punkt}{punkter}%
+    \crefname{enumii}{punkt}{punkter}%
+    \crefname{enumiii}{punkt}{punkter}%
+    \crefname{enumiv}{punkt}{punkter}%
+    \crefname{enumv}{punkt}{punkter}%
+    \crefname{footnote}{fodnote}{fodnoter}%
+    \crefname{theorem}{teorem}{teoremer}%
+    \crefname{lemma}{lemma}{lemma}%
+    \crefname{corollary}{f\o lgeslutning}{f\o lgeslutninger}%
+    \crefname{proposition}{udsagn}{udsagn}%
+    \crefname{definition}{definition}{definitioner}%
+    \crefname{result}{resultat}{resultater}%
+    \crefname{example}{eksempel}{eksempler}%
+    \crefname{remark}{bem\ae rkning}{bem\ae rkninger}%
+    \crefname{note}{note}{noter}%
+    \crefname{algorithm}{algoritme}{algoritmer}%
+    \crefname{line}{linje}{linjer}%
+  \fi}% end \cref at loadlanguagedefs
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+    \def\crefmiddleconjunction at preamble{, }%
+    \def\creflastconjunction at preamble{ kaj\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefpairgroupconjunction at preamble{ kaj\nobreakspace}%
+    \def\crefmiddlegroupconjunction at preamble{, }%
+    \def\creflastgroupconjunction at preamble{ kaj\nobreakspace}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{equation}{Ekvacio}{Ekvacioj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{part}{Parto}{Partoj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{chapter}{\^Capitro}{\^Capitroj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{section}{Sekcio}{Sekcioj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{appendix}{Aldono}{Aldonoj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{enumi}{Punkto}{Punktoj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{footnote}{Piednoto}{Piednotoj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{figure}{Figuro}{Figuroj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{table}{Tabelo}{Tabeloj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{theorem}{Teoremo}{Teoremoj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{lemma}{Lemo}{Lemoj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{corollary}{Korolario}{Korolarioj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{proposition}{Propozicio}{Propozicioj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{definition}{Defino}{Definoj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{result}{Rezulto}{Rezultoj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{example}{Ekzemplo}{Ekzemploj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{remark}{Rimarko}{Rimarkoj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{note}{Noto}{Notoj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{algorithm}{Algoritmo}{Algoritmoj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{listing}{Listado}{Listadoj}%
+    \Crefname at preamble{line}{Linio}{Linioj}%
+    \if at cref@capitalise%
+      \crefname at preamble{equation}{Ekvacio}{Ekvacioj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{part}{Parto}{Partoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{chapter}{\^Capitro}{\^Capitroj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{section}{Sekcio}{Sekcioj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{appendix}{Aldono}{Aldonoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{enumi}{Punkto}{Punktoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{footnote}{Piednoto}{Piednotoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{figure}{Figuro}{Figuroj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{table}{Tabelo}{Tabeloj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{theorem}{Teoremo}{Teoremoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{lemma}{Lemo}{Lemoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{corollary}{Korolario}{Korolarioj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{proposition}{Propozicio}{Propozicioj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{definition}{Defino}{Definoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{result}{Rezulto}{Rezultoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{example}{Ekzemplo}{Ekzemploj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{remark}{Rimarko}{Rimarkoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{note}{Noto}{Notoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{algorithm}{Algoritmo}{Algoritmoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{listing}{Listado}{Listadoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{line}{Linio}{Linioj}%
+    \else%
+      \crefname at preamble{equation}{ekvacio}{ekvacioj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{part}{parto}{partoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{chapter}{\^capitro}{\^capitroj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{section}{sekcio}{sekcioj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{appendix}{aldono}{aldonoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{enumi}{punkto}{punktoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{footnote}{piednoto}{piednotoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{figure}{figuro}{figuroj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{table}{tabelo}{tabeloj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{theorem}{teoremo}{teoremoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{lemma}{lemo}{lemoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{corollary}{korolario}{korolarioj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{proposition}{propozicio}{propozicioj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{definition}{defino}{definoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{result}{rezulto}{rezultoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{example}{ekzemplo}{ekzemploj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{remark}{rimarko}{rimarkoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{note}{noto}{notoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{algorithm}{algoritmo}{algoritmoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{listing}{listado}{listadoj}%
+      \crefname at preamble{line}{linio}{linioj}%
+    \fi%
+    \def\cref at language{esperanto}%
+  }}% end \DeclareOption and \AtBeginDocument
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+  \renewcommand{\crefrangeconjunction}{ \^gis\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefrangepreconjunction}{}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefrangepostconjunction}{}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefpairconjunction}{ kaj\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefmiddleconjunction}{, }%
+  \renewcommand{\creflastconjunction}{ kaj\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefpairgroupconjunction}{ kaj\nobreakspace}%
+  \renewcommand{\crefmiddlegroupconjunction}{, }%
+  \renewcommand{\creflastgroupconjunction}{ kaj\nobreakspace}%
+  \Crefname{equation}{Ekvacio}{Ekvacioj}%
+  \Crefname{part}{Parto}{Partoj}%
+  \Crefname{chapter}{\^Capitro}{\^Capitroj}%
+  \Crefname{section}{Sekcio}{Sekcioj}%
+  \Crefname{appendix}{Aldono}{Aldonoj}%
+  \Crefname{enumi}{Punkto}{Punktoj}%
+  \Crefname{footnote}{Piednoto}{Piednotoj}%
+  \Crefname{figure}{Figuro}{Figuroj}%
+  \Crefname{table}{Tabelo}{Tabeloj}%
+  \Crefname{theorem}{Teoremo}{Teoremoj}%
+  \Crefname{lemma}{Lemo}{Lemoj}%
+  \Crefname{corollary}{Korolario}{Korolarioj}%
+  \Crefname{proposition}{Propozicio}{Propozicioj}%
+  \Crefname{definition}{Defino}{Definoj}%
+  \Crefname{result}{Rezulto}{Rezultoj}%
+  \Crefname{example}{Ekzemplo}{Ekzemploj}%
+  \Crefname{remark}{Rimarko}{Rimarkoj}%
+  \Crefname{note}{Noto}{Notoj}%
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+      \Cref at enumi@format at last}{}%
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+      \crefrange at enumi@format at first}{}%
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+      \Crefrange at enumi@format at first}{}%
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+      \crefrange at enumi@format at last}{}%
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+      \Crefrange at enumi@format at last}{}%
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+      \Crefrange at enumii@format at middle}{}%
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+      \crefrange at enumii@format at last}{}%
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+      \Crefrange at enumii@format at last}{}%
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+      \cref at enumiii@format}{}%
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+      \Cref at enumiii@format}{}%
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+      \crefrange at enumiii@format}{}%
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+      \Crefrange at enumiii@format}{}%
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+      \Crefrange at enumiii@format at middle}{}%
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+      \crefrange at enumiii@format at last}{}%
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+      \Crefrange at enumiii@format at last}{}%
+    \@ifundefined{cref at enumv@format}{%
+      \let\cref at enumv@format%
+      \cref at enumiv@format}{}%
+    \@ifundefined{Cref at enumv@format}{%
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+      \Cref at enumiv@format}{}%
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+      \crefrange at enumiv@format}{}%
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+      \Crefrange at enumiv@format}{}%
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+      \cref at enumiv@format at first}{}%
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+      \Cref at enumiv@format at first}{}%
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+      \Cref at enumiv@format at middle}{}%
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+      \let\cref at enumv@format at last%
+      \cref at enumiv@format at last}{}%
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+      \let\Cref at enumv@format at last%
+      \Cref at enumiv@format at last}{}%
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+      \crefrange at enumiv@format at first}{}%
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+      \Crefrange at enumiv@format at first}{}%
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+      \crefrange at enumiv@format at second}{}%
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+      \Crefrange at enumiv@format at second}{}%
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+      \crefrange at enumiv@format at middle}{}%
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+      \Crefrange at enumiv@format at middle}{}%
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+      \let\crefrange at enumv@format at last%
+      \crefrange at enumiv@format at last}{}%
+    \@ifundefined{Crefrange at enumv@format at last}{%
+      \let\Crefrange at enumv@format at last%
+      \Crefrange at enumiv@format at last}{}%
+  \let\cref at language\relax%
+}%  end of \AtBeginDocument
+  {\PackageInfo{cleveref}{reading definitions from cleveref.cfg}}{}
+%% End of file `cleveref.sty'.
diff --git a/inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.R b/inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..516c76c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.R
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+## ----setup, include=FALSE------------------------------------------------
+pkg <- 'pkgmaker'
+require( pkg, character.only=TRUE )
+prettyVersion <- packageDescription(pkg)$Version
+prettyDate <- format(Sys.Date(), '%B %e, %Y')
+authors <- packageDescription(pkg)$Author
diff --git a/inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.Rnw b/inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.Rnw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f37b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.Rnw
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+<<setup, include=FALSE>>=
+pkg <- 'pkgmaker'
+require( pkg, character.only=TRUE )
+prettyVersion <- packageDescription(pkg)$Version
+prettyDate <- format(Sys.Date(), '%B %e, %Y')
+authors <- packageDescription(pkg)$Author
+\title{\texttt{\Sexpr{pkg}}: Unit testing results\footnote{Vignette computed  on Wed May 14 13:48:07 2014}}
+\date{\texttt{\Sexpr{pkg}} version \Sexpr{prettyVersion} as of \Sexpr{prettyDate}}
+RUNIT TEST PROTOCOL -- Wed May 14 13:48:07 2014 
+Number of test functions: 6 
+Number of errors: 0 
+Number of failures: 0 
+1 Test Suite : 
+package:pkgmaker - 6 test functions, 0 errors, 0 failures
+Test Suite: package:pkgmaker 
+Test function regexp: ^test. 
+Test file regexp: ^runit.*.[rR]$ 
+Involved directory: 
+Test file: /tmp/Rpkglib_74c07de1ec8/pkgmaker/tests/runit.options.r 
+test.option_link: (12 checks) ... OK (0.01 seconds)
+test.resetOptions: (9 checks) ... OK (0 seconds)
+Test file: /tmp/Rpkglib_74c07de1ec8/pkgmaker/tests/runit.utils.r 
+test.errorCheck: (8 checks) ... OK (0 seconds)
+test.ExposeAttribute: (20 checks) ... OK (0.01 seconds)
+test.str_bs: (7 checks) ... OK (0 seconds)
+test.Sys.getenv_value: (6 checks) ... OK (0 seconds)
+Total execution time
+   user  system elapsed 
+  0.187   0.000   0.187 
+\section*{Session Information}
+  \item R version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10), \verb|x86_64-pc-linux-gnu|
+  \item Locale: \verb|LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8|, \verb|LC_NUMERIC=C|, \verb|LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8|, \verb|LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8|, \verb|LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8|, \verb|LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8|, \verb|LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8|, \verb|LC_NAME=C|, \verb|LC_ADDRESS=C|, \verb|LC_TELEPHONE=C|, \verb|LC_MEASUREMENT=en_US.UTF-8|, \verb|LC_IDENTIFICATION=C|
+  \item Base packages: base, datasets, graphics, grDevices, methods,
+    stats, utils
+  \item Other packages: pkgmaker~0.22, registry~0.2, RUnit~0.4.26,
+    stringr~0.6.2
+  \item Loaded via a namespace (and not attached): codetools~0.2-8,
+    digest~0.6.4, tools~3.1.0, xtable~1.7-3
diff --git a/inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.pdf b/inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f59b8c
Binary files /dev/null and b/inst/doc/pkgmaker-unitTests.pdf differ
diff --git a/inst/doc/pkgmaker.R b/inst/doc/pkgmaker.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93f59cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/pkgmaker.R
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+## ----pkgmaker_preamble, message = FALSE, echo=FALSE, results='asis'------
+## ----hook_try------------------------------------------------------------
+knit_hooks$set(try = pkgmaker::hook_try)
+## ----without_try---------------------------------------------------------
+try( stop('this error will not appear in the document'))
+## ----with_try, try = NA--------------------------------------------------
+txt <- 'this error will be shown'
+try( stop(txt) )
+## ----with_try_highlight, try = TRUE--------------------------------------
+txt <- 'this error will be shown'
+try( stop(txt) )
+## ----sessionInfo, echo=FALSE, results='asis'-----------------------------
diff --git a/inst/doc/pkgmaker.Rnw b/inst/doc/pkgmaker.Rnw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..918084d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/pkgmaker.Rnw
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+%\VignetteIndexEntry{Overview of Utilities in the pkgmaker Package}
+\usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} % for hyperlinks
+\usepackage[all]{hypcap} % for linking to the top of the figures or tables
+% add preamble from pkgmaker
+<<pkgmaker_preamble, message = FALSE, echo=FALSE, results='asis'>>=
+\title{Overview of Utilities in the pkgmaker Package\\
+\small Version \Sexpr{utils::packageVersion('pkgmaker')}}
+\author{Renaud Gaujoux}
+\section{Knitr hooks}
+\subsection{hook\_try: showing error message in try statements}
+This hooks aims at showing the error message generated by \code{try}
+blocks, which are otherwise not shown in the generated document.
+\subsubsection*{Hook registration}
+knit_hooks$set(try = pkgmaker::hook_try)
+try( stop('this error will not appear in the document'))
+Using chunk option \code{try = TRUE}, the error message is shown in the
+<<with_try, try = NA>>=
+txt <- 'this error will be shown'
+try( stop(txt) )
+Note that by default, the error message is not highlighted by \code{knitr} as an
+error but only as a normal message.
+This is because highlighting apparently relies on an actual error signal
+condition being raised, which in turn makes the package building process \code{R CMD build} fail.
+However, it is still possible to hightlight the error when generating a document
+outside a package, by using the chunk option \code{try = FALSE}:
+<<with_try_highlight, try = TRUE>>=
+txt <- 'this error will be shown'
+try( stop(txt) )
+\section{Session Info}
+<<sessionInfo, echo=FALSE, results='asis'>>=
diff --git a/inst/doc/pkgmaker.pdf b/inst/doc/pkgmaker.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..599bf2c
Binary files /dev/null and b/inst/doc/pkgmaker.pdf differ
diff --git a/inst/package.mk b/inst/package.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b25cfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/package.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+## This Makefile automates common tasks in R package developement
+## Copyright (C) 2013 Renaud Gaujoux
+# auto-conf variables
+ifndef R_PACKAGE
+#$(error Required make variable 'R_PACKAGE' is not defined.)
+#ifndef R_LIBS
+ifdef devel
+ifdef flavour
+ifndef RSCRIPT
+ifndef RCMD
+ifdef quick
+R_CHECK_ARGS=--no-tests --no-vignettes
+ifdef quick_build
+ifdef full
+#p <- as.package('$(R_PACKAGE_PATH)');
+#pdir <- p[['path']];
+#src <- paste0(p[['package']], '_', p[['version']], '.tar.gz')
+#run <- function(){
+#tmp <- tempfile()
+#on.exit( unlink(tmp, recursive=TRUE) )
+#cmd <- paste0("wine R CMD INSTALL -l ", tmp, ' --build ', src)
+#message("R CMD check command:\n", cmd)
+#system(cmd, intern=FALSE, ignore.stderr=FALSE)
+define package_info
+	@echo -n "# R version: "
+	@echo -n `$(RSCRIPT) --version`
+	# R Platform: $(R_PACKAGE_OS)
+	# Project: $(R_PACKAGE_PROJECT)
+	# Package: $(R_PACKAGE) version $(R_PACKAGE_VERSION)
+	# Project directory: '$(R_PACKAGE_PROJECT_PATH)'
+	# Project sub-directory: '$(R_PACKAGE_SUBPROJECT_PATH_PART)'
+	# Package directory: '$(R_PACKAGE_PATH)'
+all: roxygen build check 
+dist: all staticdoc
+init: | $(CHECK_DIR)
+	$(package_info)
+	mkdir -p $(CHECK_DIR)
+info: | $(R_PACKAGE_PATH)
+	$(package_info)
+ifndef quick
+build: vignettes
+build: init
+build: init
+	@cd $(CHECK_DIR) && \
+	echo "\n*** STEP: BUILD\n" && \
+	$(RCMD) CMD build $(R_BUILD_ARGS) "$(R_PACKAGE_PATH)" && \
+	echo "*** DONE: BUILD"
+deploy: info
+	@echo "\n*** STEP: DEPLOY (R-CURRENT)\n" && \
+	$(RSCRIPT) -e "devtools::install('$(R_PACKAGE_PATH)', quick = $(QUICK_FLAG))" && \
+	echo "\n*** DONE: DEPLOY (R-CURRENT)"
+deploy-all: deploy
+	@echo "\n*** STEP: DEPLOY (R-DEVEL)" && \
+	echo `$(RSCRIPT_DEVEL) --version` && \
+	$(RSCRIPT_DEVEL) -e "devtools::install('$(R_PACKAGE_PATH)', quick = $(QUICK_FLAG))" && \
+	echo "\n*** DONE: DEPLOY (R-DEVEL)"
+deploy-repo: build $(CHECK_DIR)/$(R_PACKAGE_TAR_GZ)
+	@cd $(CHECK_DIR) && \
+	echo "\n*** STEP: DEPLOY-REPO\n" && \
+	cp $(R_PACKAGE_TAR_GZ) ~/projects/CRANx/src/contrib && \
+	echo "*** DONE: DEPLOY-REPO"
+#build-bin: build
+#	@cd $(CHECK_DIR) && \
+#	echo "\n*** STEP: BUILD-BINARIES\n" && \
+#	`echo "$$CMD_BUILD_BINARIES" > build-bin.r` && \
+#	$(RSCRIPT) --vanilla ./build-bin.r && \
+#	echo "\n*** DONE: BUILD-BINARIES"
+check: build $(CHECK_DIR)/$(R_PACKAGE_TAR_GZ)
+	@cd $(CHECK_DIR) && \
+	echo "\n*** STEP: CHECK\n" && \
+	mkdir -p $(R_PACKAGE_OS) && \
+	$(R_LIBS) $(RCMD) CMD check $(R_CHECK_ARGS) -o $(R_PACKAGE_OS) --as-cran --timings $(R_PACKAGE_TAR_GZ) && \
+	echo "*** DONE: CHECK"
+roxygen: init
+	@cd $(CHECK_DIR) && \
+	echo "\n*** STEP: ROXYGEN\n" && \
+	roxy $(R_PACKAGE_PATH) && \
+	echo "\n*** DONE: ROXYGEN"
+staticdocs: init
+	echo "\n*** STEP: STATICDOCS\n" && \
+	Rstaticdocs $(R_PACKAGE) $(target) && \
+	echo "\n*** DONE: STATICDOCS\n"
+ifdef rebuild
+vignettes: init rmvignettes
+vignettes: init
+	@cd $(CHECK_DIR) && \
+	cd $(R_PACKAGE_PATH)/vignettes && \
+	echo "\n*** STEP: BUILD VIGNETTES\n" && \
+	$(eval VIGNETTE_MK := $(shell cd "$(R_PACKAGE_PATH)/vignettes"; $(RSCRIPT) --vanilla -e "pkgmaker::vignetteMakefile('$(R_PACKAGE)', checkMode = FALSE)")) \
+	cd "$(R_PACKAGE_PATH)/vignettes" && \
+	make -f $(VIGNETTE_MK) && \
+	echo "Cleaning up ..." && \
+	make -f $(VIGNETTE_MK) clean && \
+	echo "\n*** DONE: BUILD VIGNETTES\n"
+rmvignettes: init
+	@cd $(CHECK_DIR) && \
+	cd $(R_PACKAGE_PATH)/vignettes && \
+	echo "\n*** STEP: REMOVE VIGNETTES\n" && \
+	$(eval VIGNETTE_MK := $(shell cd "$(R_PACKAGE_PATH)/vignettes"; $(RSCRIPT) --vanilla -e "pkgmaker::vignetteMakefile('$(R_PACKAGE)', checkMode = FALSE)")) \
+	cd "$(R_PACKAGE_PATH)/vignettes" && \
+	make -f $(VIGNETTE_MK) clean-all && \
+	echo "\n*** DONE: REMOVE VIGNETTES\n"
+cp-vignettes: init
+	@cd $(CHECK_DIR) && \
+	cd $(R_PACKAGE_PATH)/vignettes && \
+	echo "\n*** STEP: COPYING VIGNETTE FILES TO inst/doc\n" && \
+	mkdir -p ../inst/doc && \
+	cp -f *.Rnw ../inst/doc && \
+r-forge: build
+	@cd $(CHECK_DIR) && \
+	echo "\n*** STEP: R-FORGE" && \
+	echo -n "  - package source ... " && \
+	tar xzf $(R_PACKAGE_TAR_GZ) -C ../r-forge/pkg$(R_PACKAGE_SUBPROJECT_PATH_PART)/ --strip 1 $(R_PACKAGE) && \
+	echo "OK" && \
+	echo -n "  - static doc ... " && \
+	rsync --delete --recursive --cvs-exclude $(R_PACKAGE_PROJECT_PATH)/www$(R_PACKAGE_SUBPROJECT_PATH_PART)/ ../r-forge/www$(R_PACKAGE_SUBPROJECT_PATH_PART)/ && \
+	echo "OK" && \
+	echo "*** DONE: R-FORGE\n"
+myCRAN: build
+	@cd $(CHECK_DIR) && \
+	echo "\n*** STEP: myCRAN" && \
+	echo -n "  - package source ... " && \
+	cp $(R_PACKAGE_TAR_GZ) ~/projects/myCRAN/src/contrib && \
+	echo "OK" && \
+	echo "  - update index ... " && \
+	cd ~/projects/myCRAN/ && ./update && cd - && \
+	echo "  - update staticdocs ... " && \
+	cd ~/projects/myCRAN/ && rsync --delete --recursive --cvs-exclude $(R_PACKAGE_PROJECT_PATH)/www$(R_PACKAGE_SUBPROJECT_PATH_PART)/ web/$(R_PACKAGE)/ && \
+	echo "DONE: index" && \
+	echo "*** DONE: myCRAN\n"
+	@echo "Generating new document: $(title)"
+	if [ ! -d "$(R_PACKAGE_PATH)/inst/examples/_src" ]; then \
+		mkdir -p "$(R_PACKAGE_PATH)/inst/examples/_src" \
+	fi \
+	if [ -e "$(title)" ]; then \
+		echo "Missing title" \
+		exit 1 \
+	fi \
+	echo "---\nlayout: post\ntags: [$(R_PACKAGE) $(tags)]\ncategories: $(categories)\ntitle: $(title)\n---" \
+	> "$(R_PACKAGE_PATH)/inst/examples/_src/`date +%F`-$(title).Rmd"
diff --git a/inst/tests/runit.options.r b/inst/tests/runit.options.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3693c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/tests/runit.options.r
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Unit tests for options
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+# Creation: 25 Apr 2012
+test.option_link <- function(){
+	opt <- setupPackageOptions(a=1,b=2,c=option_symlink('a'),d=4, RESET=TRUE)
+	.test <- function(msg){
+		checkIdentical(names(opt$options('a')), 'a', paste(msg, " - options: name of target is ok"))
+		checkIdentical(names(opt$options('c')), 'c', paste(msg, " - options: name of link is ok"))
+		checkIdentical(opt$options('c'), setNames(opt$options('a'), 'c'), paste(msg, " - options: link ok"))
+		checkIdentical(opt$getOption('a'), opt$getOption('c'), paste(msg, " - getOption: link ok"))
+	}
+	.test('Default')
+	opt$options(a=100)
+	.test('After setting target')
+	opt$options(c=50)
+	.test('After setting link')
+test.resetOptions <- function(){
+	opt <- setupPackageOptions(a=1,b=2,c=option_symlink('a'),d=4, RESET=TRUE)
+	.checkOptions <- function(y, msg) checkIdentical(opt$options(), y, msg)
+	ref <- opt$options()
+	# simple set
+	opt$options(a=10)
+	x <- ref
+	x$a <- 10
+	.checkOptions(x, 'change default option works')
+	opt$resetOptions()
+	.checkOptions(ref, 'default options are reset after resetOptions()')
+	# new option
+	opt$options(aaa=10)
+	x <- ref
+	x$aaa <- 10
+	.checkOptions(x, 'add new option works')
+	opt$resetOptions()
+	.checkOptions(c(ref, aaa=10), 'new option kept after resetOptions()')
+	opt$resetOptions(ALL=TRUE)
+	.checkOptions(ref, 'all options are reset to default and new options are removed when ALL=TRUE')
+	opt$options(a=20, b='c', d='toto', aaa=25)
+	x <- ref
+	x$a <- 20
+	x$b <- 'c'
+	x$d <- 'toto'
+	x$aaa <- 25
+	.checkOptions(x, '2 default options + 1 new are set correctly')
+	opt$resetOptions('a', 'b')
+	x$a <- 1
+	x$b <- 2
+	.checkOptions(x, 'only the specified options are reset to default when passed in argument')
+	opt$resetOptions('bbb')
+	.checkOptions(x, 'if some options are not present it does not affect the result')
+	opt$resetOptions('aaa')
+	x$aaa <- NULL
+	.checkOptions(x, 'new options get removed')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/tests/runit.utils.r b/inst/tests/runit.utils.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1940e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/tests/runit.utils.r
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Unit test for utils
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+test.errorCheck <- function(){
+	f <- function(err=''){
+		success <- exitCheck()
+		on.exit( if(success()) cat("no error\n") else cat("with error\n") )
+		if( err=='error' ) stop('There is an error')
+		if( err=='try' ) try(stop('Catched error'), silent=TRUE)
+		if( err=='tryCatch' ) tryCatch(stop('Catched error'), error = function(e){})
+		success(1+1)
+	}
+	# without error
+	out <- capture.output(res <- f())
+	checkIdentical(res, 2, 'If no error: return result')
+	checkIdentical(out, 'no error', 'If no error: correctly detected no error')
+	# with error
+	out <- capture.output(res <- try(f('error'), silent=TRUE))
+	checkTrue( is(res, 'try-error'), 'If error: effectively throws an error')
+	checkIdentical(out, 'with error', 'If error: correctly detected the error')
+	# with try-caught error 
+	out <- capture.output(res <- f('try'))
+	checkIdentical( res, 2, 'If try-catched error: return result')
+	checkIdentical(out, 'no error', 'If try-catched error: correctly detected no error')
+	# with tryCatch-caught error 
+	out <- capture.output(res <- f('tryCatch'))
+	checkIdentical( res, 2, 'If tryCatch-catched error: return result')
+	checkIdentical(out, 'no error', 'If tryCatch-catched error: correctly detected no error')
+test.ExposeAttribute <- function(){
+	x <- 1:10
+	checkIdentical(ExposeAttribute(x), {attr_mode(x) <- 'rw'; x}
+		, "Using ExposeAttribute() and attr_mode <- 'rw' is equivalent")
+	x <- 1:10
+	checkIdentical(capture.output(print(ExposeAttribute(x, a='r', b='rw'))), capture.output(print(x))
+		, "Printing object with exposed attribute is identical to plain print")
+	checkSet <- function(x, name, msg, ...){
+		attr(x, name) <- 1
+		y <- ExposeAttribute(x, ...)
+		eval(parse(text=str_c('y$', name, ' <- 1')))
+		attr_mode(y) <- NULL 
+		checkIdentical(x, y, msg)
+	}
+	checkSetException <- function(x, name, msg, ...){
+		y <- ExposeAttribute(x, ...)
+		checkException(eval(parse(text=str_c('y$', name, ' <- 1'))), msg)
+	}
+	checkSet(x, 'a', "Set works if default")
+	checkSet(x, 'a', .MODE='rw', "Set works if all args are 'rw'")
+	checkSet(x, 'a', a='rw', "Set works if specified arg is 'rw'")
+	checkSet(x, 'a', a='w', "Set works if specified arg is 'w'")
+	checkSet(x, 'a', a='rw', b='r', "Set works if specified arg is 'rw', even if others are not")
+	checkSet(x, 'ab', ab='rw', `a.*`='r', "Set works if specified arg is 'rw', even if another match is not")
+	checkSetException(x, 'a', .MODE='r', "Set throws an error if access right is 'r'")
+	checkSetException(x, 'a', a='r', "Set throws an error if specific access right is 'r'")
+	checkSetException(x, 'a', a='', "Set throws an error if specific access right is ''")
+	checkGet <- function(x, name, msg, ...){
+		attr(x, name) <- 1
+		y <- ExposeAttribute(x, ...)
+		a <- eval(parse(text=str_c('y$', name)))
+		checkIdentical(attr(x, name), a, msg)
+	}
+	checkGetException <- function(x, name, msg, ...){
+		y <- ExposeAttribute(x, ...)
+		checkException(eval(parse(text=str_c('y$', name))), msg)
+	}
+	checkGet(x, 'a', "Get works if default")
+	checkGet(x, 'a', .MODE='rw', "Get works if all args are 'rw'")
+	checkGet(x, 'a', a='rw', "Get works if specified arg is 'rw'")
+	checkGet(x, 'a', a='r', "Get works if specified arg is 'r'")
+	checkGet(x, 'a', a='rw', b='w', "Get works if specified arg is 'rw', even if others are not")
+	checkGet(x, 'ab', ab='r', `a.*`='w', "Get works if specified arg is 'rw', even if another match is not")
+	checkGetException(x, 'a', .MODE='w', "Get throws an error if access right is 'r'")
+	checkGetException(x, 'a', a='w', "Get throws an error if specific access right is 'r'")
+	checkGetException(x, 'a', a='', "Get throws an error if specific access right is ''")
+test.Sys.getenv_value <- function(){
+    on.exit( Sys.unsetenv('TOTO') )
+    # undefined returns FALSE
+    checkIdentical(Sys.getenv_value('TOTO'), FALSE, 'undefined returns FALSE')
+    # raw undefined returns NA
+    checkIdentical(Sys.getenv_value('TOTO', raw = TRUE), as.character(NA), 'raw undefined returns NA')
+    Sys.setenv(TOTO='bla')
+    checkIdentical(Sys.getenv_value('TOTO'), 'bla', 'defined returns value')
+    # anything false-like returns FALSE
+    Sys.setenv(TOTO='false');
+    checkIdentical(Sys.getenv_value('TOTO'), FALSE, '"false" returns FALSE')
+    Sys.setenv(TOTO='FALSE');
+    checkIdentical(Sys.getenv_value('TOTO'), FALSE, '"FALSE" returns FALSE')
+    Sys.setenv(TOTO='0');
+    checkIdentical(Sys.getenv_value('TOTO'), FALSE, '"0" returns FALSE')
+test.str_bs <- function(){
+    checkIdentical(str_bs("abcd"), "abcd", "No backspace returns string unchanged")
+    checkIdentical(str_bs("abcd\b"), "abc", "One backspace at the end is OK")
+    checkIdentical(str_bs("\babcd"), "abcd", "One leading backspace is OK")
+    checkIdentical(str_bs("abcd\b\b"), "ab", "Two backspaces at the end is OK")
+    checkIdentical(str_bs("abcd\b\b\b"), "a", "Three backspaces at the end is OK")
+    checkIdentical(str_bs("abcd\b\b\b\b"), "", "As many backspaces as characters at the end is OK")
+    checkIdentical(str_bs("abcd\b\be"), "abe", "Backspace in the middle is OK")
diff --git a/inst/vignette.mk b/inst/vignette.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba2085d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/vignette.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+## This Makefile was inspired from the RcppGSL package
+## Copyright (C) 2011 Romain François and Edd Eddelbuettel
+## It was modifed by Renaud Gaujoux to make it more generic and to generate the 
+## fake vignettes on the fly.
+## Copyright (C) 2011 Renaud Gaujoux
+## There is an old bug in texidvi that makes it not swallow the ~
+## marker used to denote whitespace. This is actually due to fixing
+## another bug whereby you could not run texidvi on directory names
+## containing a tilde (as we happen to do for Debian builds of R
+## alpha/beta/rc releases). The 'tilde' bug will go away as it
+## reportedly has been squashed upstream but I am still bitten by it
+## on Ubuntu so for now Dirk will insist on pdflatex and this helps.
+$(error Required make variable 'MAKE_R_PACKAGE' is not defined.)
+#ifndef AUTHOR_USER
+#$(error Required make variable 'AUTHOR_USER' is not defined.)
+ifndef MAKEPDF
+## Everything below this should be generic and work for any package provided that
+## they have the following directory inst/doc setting:
+## - inst/vignettes/src: contains the Rnw files for normal vignettes
+## - tests: contains R code to run unit tests that are run if not checking and
+## produce the file <package>-unitTests.pdf  
+# allow redfining pdf targets in local mode
+ifneq (${R_HOME},)
+# Enabling local mode?
+# in local mode: use pdflatex
+# Type of pre-install:
+# for back-compatibility
+ifdef QUICK
+ifdef quick
+ifndef install
+ifneq ('$(install)', 'no')
+ifeq ('$(install)','yes')
+# install in temporary directory at each run
+ifeq ('$(install)','quick')
+# export R_LIBS
+export R_LIBS:=#%R_LIBS_DEV%#
+endif # end install pkg
+endif #end not R_CHECK
+# Define command for temporary installation (used when make is directly called,
+# i.e. when not in check/build/INSTALL)
+define do_install  
+  @if [ ! -d "$(TMP_INSTALL_DIR)/$(MAKE_R_PACKAGE)" ]; then \
+	echo "# Installing package '$(MAKE_R_PACKAGE)' in '$(TMP_INSTALL_DIR)' "; \
+	$(RSCRIPT) --vanilla --quiet -e "pkgmaker::quickinstall('..', '$(TMP_INSTALL_DIR)')" > Rinstall.log 2> Rinstall.err; \
+	if [ ! -d "$(TMP_INSTALL_DIR)/$(MAKE_R_PACKAGE)" ]; then \
+		echo "ERROR: Temporary installation failed: see files Rinstall.log and Rinstall.err"; \
+		echo "# Removing temporary library directory $(TMP_INSTALL_DIR)"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	else \
+		echo "# Package successfully installed"; \
+	fi \
+  fi
+define do_install
+define showInfo
+  @echo "# Using R home: $(R_HOME)"
+  @echo "# Using R architecture: $(R_ARCH_BIN)"
+  @echo "# Using R bin directory: $(R_BIN)"
+  @echo "# Using R_LIBS: $(R_LIBS)"
+define update_inst_doc
+	# Copying vignette source and output files to ../inst/doc
+	mkdir -p ../inst/doc
+	#cp -f $1 ../inst/doc
+	mv -f $2 ../inst/doc
+#define update_inst_doc
+#	# Copying vignette output files to ../inst/doc
+#	mkdir -p ../inst/doc
+#	cp -f $2 ../inst/doc
+all: init $(PDF_OBJS) do_clean
+	@echo "# All vignettes in 'vignettes' are up to date"
+	# Generating vignettes for package '$(MAKE_R_PACKAGE)'
+	# User: #%VIGNETTE_USER%#
+	# Maintainer(s): #%VIGNETTE_MAINTAINERS%#
+	$(showInfo)
+	# Mode: Local Development [$(LOCAL_MODE)]
+	# Mode: Production
+ifneq ($(R_CHECK),0)
+	# R CMD check: TRUE
+	# R CMD check: FALSE
+	# BuildVignettes: no (storing in ../inst/doc) 
+	# Detected vignettes: $(RNW_SRCS)
+	# Detected targets: $(PDF_OBJS)
+	rm -fr *.bbl *.run.xml *.blg *.aux *.out *-blx.bib \
+	*.log *.err Rplots.pdf tests-results tmplib vignette_*.mk vignette.mk \
+	cleveref.sty \
+	runit.* 
+ifndef LOCAL_MODE
+	rm -f $(TEX_OBJS)
+clean-all: clean
+	rm -fr $(TEX_OBJS) $(PDF_OBJS) $(MAKE_R_PACKAGE)-unitTests.Rnw
+ifeq (${R_BIN},)
+.SECONDARY: %.tex
+ifndef QUICK
+	# Removing temporary install directory '$(TMP_INSTALL_DIR)'
+	@-rm -rf $(TMP_INSTALL_DIR);
+# only run tests if not checking: CRAN check run the tests separately
+	# Generating vignette for unit tests: $@
+	$(do_install)
+	$(RSCRIPT) --vanilla -e "pkgmaker::makeUnitVignette('package:$(MAKE_R_PACKAGE)', check=$(R_CHECK))" >> unitTests.log
+	$(eval VIGNETTE_BASENAME := $(shell basename $@ .pdf))
+	# Compact vignette file
+	$(RSCRIPT) --vanilla -e "pkgmaker::compactVignettes('$(VIGNETTE_BASENAME).pdf')"
+	$(call update_inst_doc, $*-unitTests.Rnw, $*-unitTests.pdf)
+# Generate .pdf from .Rnw
+../inst/doc/%.pdf: ${SRC_DIR}/%.Rnw
+#%.pdf: ${SRC_DIR}/%.Rnw
+	# Generating vignette $@ from ${SRC_DIR}/$*.Rnw
+	$(do_install)
+	# Compiling ${SRC_DIR}/$*.Rnw into $*.tex
+	$(RSCRIPT) --vanilla -e "pkgmaker::rnw('${SRC_DIR}/$*.Rnw', '$*.tex');"
+	# Generating pdf $@ from $*.tex
+ifdef MAKEPDF
+	# Using pdflatex
+	# LaTeX compilation 1/3
+	@pdflatex $* >> $*-pdflatex.log
+	# Compiling bibliography with bibtex
+	-bibtex $*
+	# LaTeX compilation 2/3
+	@pdflatex $* >> $*-pdflatex.log
+	# LaTeX compilation 3/3
+	@pdflatex $* >> $*-pdflatex.log
+	# Compact vignettes
+	$(RSCRIPT) --vanilla -e "pkgmaker::compactVignettes('$*.pdf')"
+	# Remove temporary LaTeX files (but keep the .tex)
+	rm -fr $*.toc $*.log $*.bbl $*.blg $*.aux $*.out $*-blx.bib	
+	# Using tools::texi2dvi
+	# LaTeX compilation 1/2
+	$(RSCRIPT) --vanilla -e "tools::texi2dvi( '$*.tex', pdf = TRUE, clean = FALSE )"
+	# Compiling bibliography with bibtex
+	-bibtex $*
+	# LaTeX compilation 2/2
+	$(RSCRIPT) --vanilla -e "tools::texi2dvi( '$*.tex', pdf = TRUE, clean = TRUE )"
+	# Update fake vignette file ./$*.Rnw
+	$(RSCRIPT) --vanilla -e "pkgmaker::makeFakeVignette('${SRC_DIR}/$*.Rnw', '$*.Rnw')"
+	$(call update_inst_doc, $*.Rnw, $*.pdf)
diff --git a/man/CLIArgumentParser.Rd b/man/CLIArgumentParser.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4fd416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/CLIArgumentParser.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+\title{Enhanced Command Line Argument Parser}
+  CLIArgumentParser(prog = CLIfile(), description = "",
+    ..., epilog = "", show.defaults = TRUE)
+  parseCMD(parser, ARGS = commandArgs(TRUE), debug = FALSE,
+    envir = parent.frame())
+  \item{prog}{program name}
+  \item{description}{program description}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments passed to
+  \code{\link[argparse]{ArgumentParser}}.}
+  \item{epilog}{epilog messages to display at the end of
+  the man pages}
+  \item{show.defaults}{logical that indicates if default
+  arugment values should be displayed.}
+  \item{parser}{parser object as returned by
+  \code{CLIArgumentParser}.}
+  \item{ARGS}{command line argument to parse, as a named
+  list or a character string.}
+  \item{debug}{logical that indicate if debugging
+  information should be printed.}
+  \item{envir}{environment that contains where the
+  sub-command functions are looked for.}
+  Extends the capabilities of package \pkg{argparse}, e.g.,
+  in defining sub commands.
+  \code{parseCMD} parse command line arguments for
+  sub-commands, and dispatch to the associated function.
diff --git a/man/ExposeAttribute.Rd b/man/ExposeAttribute.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dead62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ExposeAttribute.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+\title{Exposing Object Attributes}
+  ExposeAttribute(object, ..., .MODE = "rw",
+    .VALUE = FALSE)
+  attr_mode(x)
+  attr_mode(x)<-value
+  \item{object}{any R object whose attributes need to be
+  exposed}
+  \item{...}{attributes, and optionally their respective
+  values or access permissions. See argument \code{value}
+  of \code{attr_mode} for details on the way of specifying
+  these.}
+  \item{.MODE}{access mode: \describe{ \item{\dQuote{r}:}{
+  (read-only) only method \code{$} is defined}
+  \item{\dQuote{w}:}{ (write-only) only method \code{$<-}
+  is defined} \item{\dQuote{rw}:}{ (read-write) both
+  methods \code{$} and \code{$<-} are defined} }}
+  \item{.VALUE}{logical that indicates if the values of
+  named arguments in \code{...} should be considered as
+  attribute assignments, i.e. that the result object has
+  these attributes set with the specified values. In this
+  case all these attributes will have the access permission
+  as defined by argument \code{.MODE}.}
+  \item{x}{an \code{ExposeAttribute} object}
+  \item{value}{replacement value for mode. It can be
+  \code{NULL} to remove the ExposeAttribute wrapper, a
+  single character string to define a permission for all
+  atributes (e.g., \code{'rw'} or \code{'r'}), or a list
+  specifying access permission for specific attributes or
+  classes of attributes defined by regular expressions. For
+  example, \code{list(a='r', b='w', `blabla.*`='rw')} set
+  attribute \code{'a'} as read-only, attribute \code{'b'}
+  as write-only, all attributes that start with
+  \code{'blabla'} in read-write access.}
+  The function \code{ExposeAttribute} creates an S3 object
+  that exposes all attributes of any R object, by making
+  them accessible via methods \code{\link{$}} and/or
+  \code{\link{$<-}}.
+  \code{attr_mode} and \code{attr_mode<-} get and sets the
+  access mode of \code{ExposeAttribute} objects.
diff --git a/man/R.exec.Rd b/man/R.exec.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f37eeb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/R.exec.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+\title{Executing R Commands}
+  R.exec(..., lib.loc = NULL)
+  R.CMD(cmd, ...)
+  R.SHLIB(libname, ...)
+  \item{...}{extra arguments that are concatenated and
+  appended to the command.}
+  \item{lib.loc}{logical that indicates if the current
+  library locations should be used. If a character vector,
+  then it is used as the library path specification.}
+  \item{cmd}{command to run, e.g. \sQuote{check} or
+  \sQuote{INSTALL}.}
+  \item{libname}{name of the output compiled library}
+  \code{R.exec} executes a single R command via
+  \code{\link{system2}}.
+  \code{R.CMD} executes R CMD commands.
+  \code{R.SHLIB} executes R CMD SHLIB commands.
diff --git a/man/RdSection2latex.Rd b/man/RdSection2latex.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..877f68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/RdSection2latex.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+\title{Format Rd Sections into LatTeX}
+  RdSection2latex(topic, package, i = 1L, notitle = TRUE)
+  \item{topic}{Rd topic}
+  \item{package}{package in which to search the topic}
+  \item{i}{index of the section to format}
+  \item{notitle}{logical that indicates if the section's
+  title should be removed}
+  This function extract sections from Rd files and convert
+  them into LaTeX code. This can be useful to include Rd
+  text into vignettes, hence keeping them up to date.
+\section{Example section}{
+  This is a nice section, with a bullet list: \itemize{
+  \item tata \item toto }
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+RdSection2latex('RdSection2latex', package = 'pkgmaker')
diff --git a/man/Rversion.Rd b/man/Rversion.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1fefc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/Rversion.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+\title{Complete R version}
+  Rversion()
+  Returns the complete R version, e.g. 2.15.0
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
diff --git a/man/Sys.getenv_value.Rd b/man/Sys.getenv_value.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..473f3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/Sys.getenv_value.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+\title{System Environment Variables}
+  Sys.getenv_value(name, raw = FALSE)
+  \item{name}{variable name as a character string.}
+  \item{raw}{logical that indicates if one should return
+  the raw value or the convertion of any false value to
+  \code{FALSE}.}
+  the value of the environment variable as a character
+  string or \code{NA} is the variable is not defined
+  \strong{at all}.
+  System Environment Variables
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+# undefined returns FALSE
+# raw undefined returns NA
+Sys.getenv_value('TOTO', raw = TRUE)
+# anything false-like returns FALSE
+Sys.setenv(TOTO='false'); Sys.getenv_value('TOTO')
+Sys.setenv(TOTO='0'); Sys.getenv_value('TOTO')
+# cleanup
diff --git a/man/addToLogger.Rd b/man/addToLogger.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee057f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/addToLogger.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+\title{Enhancing RUnit Logger}
+  addToLogger(name, value, logger = NULL)
+  \item{name}{name of the function or variable to add}
+  \item{value}{object to append to the logger. If
+  \code{value} is a function it is added to the list and is
+  accessible via \code{.testLogger$name}. If \code{value}
+  is a variable it is added to the local environment and is
+  therefore accessible in all logging functions.}
+  \item{logger}{an optional RUnit logger object. If missing
+  or \code{NULL}, the object \code{.testLogger} is searched
+  in \code{.GlobalEnv} -- and an error is thrown if it does
+  not exist.}
+  the modified logger object. Note that the global object
+  is also modified if \code{logger} is \code{NULL}.
+  Adds a function or a local variable to RUnit global
+  logger.
diff --git a/man/add_lib.Rd b/man/add_lib.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bb85ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/add_lib.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+\title{Adding Package Libraries}
+  add_lib(..., append = FALSE)
+  \item{...}{paths to add to .libPath}
+  \item{append}{logical that indicates that the paths
+  should be appended rather than prepended.}
+  Prepend/append paths to the library path list, using
+  \code{\link{.libPaths}}.
+  This function is meant to be more convenient than
+  \code{.libPaths}, which requires more writing if one
+  wants to: \itemize{ \item sequentially add libraries;
+  \item append and not prepend new path(s); \item keep the
+  standard user library in the search path. }
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+ol <- .libPaths()
+# called sequentially, .libPaths only add the last library
+show( .libPaths('.') )
+show( .libPaths(tempdir()) )
+# restore
+# .libPaths does not keep the standard user library
+show( .libPaths() )
+show( .libPaths('.') )
+# restore
+# with add_lib
+show( add_lib('.') )
+show( add_lib(tempdir()) )
+show( add_lib('..', append=TRUE) )
+# restore
diff --git a/man/addnames.Rd b/man/addnames.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e204e9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/addnames.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+\title{Generating Names}
+  addnames(x, ...)
+  \method{addnames}{default} (x, ...)
+  \method{addnames}{vector} (x, prefix = "x", sep = "",
+    ...)
+  \method{addnames}{array} (x,
+    prefix = letters[1:length(dim(x))], sep = "", ...)
+  \method{addnames}{matrix} (x, prefix = c("row", "col"),
+    ...)
+  \item{x}{object whose names are generated.}
+  \item{prefix}{prefix string to use. A vector can be used
+  to specify a prefix for each dimension of \code{x}. Names
+  are build as \code{<prefix><sep><index>}.}
+  \item{sep}{separator used between the prefix and the
+  numeric index.}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments to allow extension and passed
+  to the next method.}
+  Generates names or dimnames for objects.
diff --git a/man/alphacol.Rd b/man/alphacol.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cbf061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/alphacol.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+\title{Colour utilities}
+  alphacol(col, alpha = FALSE)
+  \item{col}{vector of any of the three kinds of \R color
+  specifications, i.e., either a color name (as listed by
+  \code{\link{colors}()}), a hexadecimal string of the form
+  \code{"#rrggbb"} or \code{"#rrggbbaa"} (see
+  \code{\link{rgb}}), or a positive integer \code{i}
+  meaning \code{\link{palette}()[i]}.}
+  \item{alpha}{logical value indicating whether the alpha
+  channel (opacity) values should be returned.}
+  \code{alphacol} adds an alpha value to a colour
+  specification and convert to a hexadecimal colour string.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+# Alphas
+alphacol('red') # do nothing
+alphacol('red', 10)
+alphacol('#aabbcc', 5)
+alphacol(4, 5)
diff --git a/man/bibtex.Rd b/man/bibtex.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33be887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/bibtex.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+\title{Bibtex Utilities}
+  packageReferenceFile(PACKAGE = NULL)
+  \item{PACKAGE}{package name}
+  \code{packageReferenceFile} returns the path to a package
+  REFERENCES.bib file.
diff --git a/man/cgetAnywhere.Rd b/man/cgetAnywhere.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8a7b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/cgetAnywhere.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+\title{Get Anywhere}
+  cgetAnywhere(x)
+  \item{x}{a single character string}
+  Similar to \code{\link{getAnywhere}}, but looks for the
+  value of its argument.
diff --git a/man/checkPlot.Rd b/man/checkPlot.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1e7384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/checkPlot.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+\title{Plot in Unit Tests}
+  checkPlot(expr, msg = NULL, width = 1000, height = NULL)
+  \item{expr}{expression that generate th eplot}
+  \item{width}{plot width}
+  \item{height}{plot height (not used)}
+  \item{msg}{plot msg explaining the plot . It will be used
+  as the caption}
+  Saves a plot in a PNG file that will be included in unit
+  test HTML reports.
diff --git a/man/cite_pkg.Rd b/man/cite_pkg.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6329def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/cite_pkg.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+\title{\code{bibcite} provides an inline package citation functionnality.
+Technically it adds a given Bibtex key to a cache that is used at the end of the
+document processing to generate a .bib file with all citation keys.}
+  cite_pkg(key, cache = NA, ...)
+  \item{key}{citation Bibtex key(s) as a character vector}
+  \item{cache}{specifies what to do with the previsouly
+  chached keys. If \code{TRUE}, then \code{key} is added to
+  the cache. If \code{NULL}, then all previously cached
+  keys are deleted, before . If a character string, then it
+  specifies the path to a Bibtex file that is loaded to
+  initialise the cache.}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments passed to
+  \code{\link[bibtex]{read.bib}}.}
+  \code{bibcite} provides an inline package citation
+  functionnality. Technically it adds a given Bibtex key to
+  a cache that is used at the end of the document
+  processing to generate a .bib file with all citation
+  keys.
diff --git a/man/citecmd.Rd b/man/citecmd.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..008200d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/citecmd.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+\title{Citing Package References}
+  citecmd(key, ..., REFERENCES = NULL)
+  \item{key}{character vector of BibTex keys}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments passed to
+  \code{format.bibentry}.}
+  \item{REFERENCES}{package or bibentry specification}
+  a character string containing the text formated BibTex
+  entries
+  Create a citation command from package specific BibTex
+  entries, suitable to be used in Rd files or Latex
+  documents. The entries are looked in a file named
+  REFERNCES.bib in the package's root directory (i.e. inst/
+  in development mode).
diff --git a/man/compile_src.Rd b/man/compile_src.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2254046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/compile_src.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+\title{Compile Source Files from a Development Package}
+  compile_src(pkg = NULL, load = TRUE)
+  \item{pkg}{the name of the package to compile}
+  \item{load}{a logical indicating whether the compiled
+  library should be loaded after the compilation (default)
+  or not.}
+  None
+  Compile Source Files from a Development Package
diff --git a/man/devutils.Rd b/man/devutils.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bd686b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/devutils.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+\title{Package Development Utilities}
+  packageEnv(pkg, skip = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
+  topns_name(n = 1L, strict = TRUE, unique = TRUE)
+  topns(strict = TRUE)
+  packageName(envir = packageEnv(), .Global = FALSE,
+    rm.prefix = TRUE)
+  str_ns(envir = packageEnv())
+  packagePath(..., package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL)
+  isPackageInstalled(..., lib.loc = NULL)
+  as.package(x, ..., quiet = FALSE, extract = FALSE)
+  \item{pkg}{package name. If missing the environment of
+  the runtime caller package is returned.}
+  \item{skip}{a logical that indicates if the calling
+  namespace should be skipped.}
+  \item{verbose}{logical that toggles verbosity}
+  \item{n}{number of namespaces to return}
+  \item{strict}{a logicical that indicates if the global
+  environment should be considered as a valid namespace.}
+  \item{unique}{logical that indicates if the result should
+  be reduced to contain only one occurence of each
+  namespace.}
+  \item{envir}{environment where to start looking for a
+  package name. The default is to use the \strong{runtime}
+  calling package environment.}
+  \item{.Global}{a logical that indicates if calls from the
+  global environment should throw an error (\code{FALSE}:
+  default) or the string \code{'R_GlobalEnv'}.}
+  \item{rm.prefix}{logical that indicates if an eventual
+  prefix 'package:' should be removed from the returned
+  string.}
+  \item{package}{optional name of an installed package}
+  \item{lib.loc}{path to a library of R packages where to
+  search the package}
+  \item{...}{arguments passed to \code{\link{file.path}}.}
+  \item{x}{package specified by its
+  installation/development path or its name as
+  \code{'package:*'}.}
+  \item{quiet}{a logical that indicate if an error should
+  be thrown if a package is not found. It is also passed to
+  \code{\link{find.package}}.}
+  \item{extract}{logical that indicates if DESCRIPTION of
+  package source files should be extracted. In this case
+  there will be no valid path.}
+  \code{packageEnv} returns an environment
+  a character string
+  a character string
+  \code{packageEnv} is a slight modification from
+  \code{\link{topenv}}, which returns the top environment,
+  which in the case of development packages is the
+  environment into which the source files are loaded by
+  \code{\link[devtools]{load_all}}.
+  \code{topns_name}: the top namespace is is not
+  necessarily the namespace where \code{topns_name} is
+  effectively called. This is useful for packages that
+  define functions that need to access the calling
+  namespace, even from calls nested into calls to another
+  function from the same package -- in which case
+  \code{topenv} would not give the desired environment.
+  \code{topns} returns the runtime top namespace, i.e. the
+  namespace of the top calling package, possibly skipping
+  the namespace where \code{topns} is effectively called.
+  This is useful for packages that define functions that
+  need to access the calling namespace, even from calls
+  nested into calls to another function from the same
+  package -- in which case \code{topenv} would not give the
+  desired environment.
+  \code{packageName} returns the current package's name. It
+  was made internal from version 0.16, since the package
+  \pkg{utils} exported its own
+  \code{\link[utils]{packageName}} function in R-3.0.0.
+  \code{str_ns} formats a package environment/namespace for
+  log/info messages.
+  \code{packagePath} returns the current package's root
+  directory, which is its installation/loading directory in
+  the case of an installed package, or its source directory
+  served by devtools.
+  \code{isPackageInstalled} checks if a package is
+  installed.
+  \code{as.package} is enhanced version of
+  \code{\link[devtools]{as.package}}, that is not exported
+  not to mask the original function. It could eventually be
+  incorporated into \code{devtools} itself. Extra arguments
+  in \code{...} are passed to \code{\link{find.package}}.
diff --git a/man/dot-packageMetaRegistry.Rd b/man/dot-packageMetaRegistry.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99bfe94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/dot-packageMetaRegistry.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+\title{Creates or Retrieves a Package Meta Registry}
+  .packageMetaRegistry(package, quiet = FALSE,
+    create = FALSE)
+  This function is used in \code{\link{setPackageRegistry}}
+  and \code{\link{packageRegistry}} to create or query meta
+  registries.
diff --git a/man/exitCheck.Rd b/man/exitCheck.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46f038a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/exitCheck.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\title{Exit Error Checks}
+  exitCheck()
+  \code{exitCheck} provides a mechanism to distinguish the
+  exit status in \code{\link{on.exit}} expressions.
+  It generates a function that is used wihtin a function's
+  body to "flag" normal exits and in its
+  \code{\link{on.exit}} expression to check the exit status
+  of a function. Note that it will correctly detect errors
+  only if all normal exit are wrapped into a call to it.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+# define some function
+f <- function(err){
+ # initialise an error checker
+	success <- exitCheck()
+ # do something on exit that depends on the error status
+	on.exit({
+		if(success()) cat("Exit with no error: do nothing\\n")
+		else cat("Exit with error: cleaning up the mess ...\\n")
+	})
+ # throw an error here
+	if( err ) stop('There is an error')
+	success(1+1)
+# without error
+# with error
+try( f(TRUE) )
diff --git a/man/expand_list.Rd b/man/expand_list.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c93f28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/expand_list.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+\title{Expanding Lists}
+  expand_list(x, ..., .exact = TRUE, .names = !.exact)
+  expand_dots(..., .exclude = NULL)
+  \item{x}{input list}
+  \item{...}{extra named arguments defining the default
+  items. A list of default values can also be passed as a a
+  single unnamed argument.}
+  \item{.exact}{logical that indicates if the names in
+  \code{x} should be partially matched against the
+  defaults.}
+  \item{.names}{logical that only used when
+  \code{.exact=FALSE} and indicates that the names of items
+  in \code{x} that partially match some defaults should be
+  expanded in the returned list.}
+  \item{.exclude}{optional character vector of argument
+  names to exclude from expansion.}
+  a list
+  \code{expand_list} expands a named list with a given set
+  of default items, if these are not already in the list,
+  partially matching their names.
+  \code{expand_dots} expands the \code{...} arguments of
+  the function in which it is called with default values,
+  using \code{expand_list}. It can \strong{only} be called
+  from inside a function.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+# expand_list
+expand_list(list(a=1, b=2), c=3)
+expand_list(list(a=1, b=2, c=4), c=3)
+# with a list
+expand_list(list(a=1, b=2), list(c=3, d=10))
+# no partial match
+expand_list(list(a=1, b=2, c=5), cd=3)
+# partial match with names expanded
+expand_list(list(a=1, b=2, c=5), cd=3, .exact=FALSE)
+# partial match without expanding names
+expand_list(list(a=1, b=2, c=5), cd=3, .exact=FALSE, .names=FALSE)
+# works also inside a function to expand a call with default arguments
+f <- function(...){
+	cl  <- match.call()
+	expand_list(cl, list(a=3, b=4), .exact=FALSE)
+f(c=1, a=2)
+# expand_dots
+# expanding dot arguments
+f <- function(...){
+	expand_dots(list(a=2, bcd='a', xxx=20), .exclude='xxx')
+# add default value for all arguments
+# add default value for `bcd` only
+# expand names
+f(a=10, b=4)
diff --git a/man/file_extension.Rd b/man/file_extension.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c67d97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/file_extension.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+\title{Extract File Extension}
+  file_extension(x, ext = NULL)
+  \item{x}{path as a character vector.}
+  \item{ext}{extension to append instead of the original
+  extension.}
+  Extract File Extension
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+file_extension(paste('aa.tt', 1:5, sep=''))
+# change extension
+file_extension(paste('aa.tt', 1:5, sep=''), 'pdf')
+file_extension(paste('aatt', 1:5, sep=''), 'pdf')
diff --git a/man/fix_registry.Rd b/man/fix_registry.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0198f84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/fix_registry.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+\title{Fix Registry Access Functions}
+  fix_registry(regobj)
+  \item{regobj}{registry object}
+  Fixes some of the member functions for registry objects,
+  as defined in the \pkg{registry} package. The main fixed
+  issue is due to the fact that key filtering does not
+  return the correct entry, when an entry key is a prefix
+  of another entry key, even when passed the exact key.
diff --git a/man/formals.Rd b/man/formals.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b13dbfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/formals.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+\title{Extracting Local Function Definition}
+  extractLocalFun(f)
+  allFormals(f)
+  \item{f}{definition of the wrapper function}
+  a function
+  a paired list like the one returned by
+  \code{\link{formals}}.
+  \code{extractLocalFun} Extracts local function from
+  wrapper functions of the following type, typically used
+  in S4 methods: \samp{ function(a, b, ...)\{ .local <-
+  function(a, b, c, d, ...)\{\} .local(a, b, ...) \} }
+  Works for methods that are created (setMethod) as a
+  wrapper function to an internal function named .local.
diff --git a/man/graphics-utils.Rd b/man/graphics-utils.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59a3e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/graphics-utils.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+\title{Utility Functions for Graphics}
+  mfrow(n)
+  \item{n}{number of plots to be arranged.}
+  Utility Functions for Graphics
+  \code{mfrow} returns a 2-long numeric vector suitable to
+  use in \code{\link{par}(mfrow=x)}, that will arrange
+  \code{n} panels in a single plot.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
diff --git a/man/hasArg2.Rd b/man/hasArg2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6a8e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/hasArg2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+\title{Checking for Missing Arguments}
+  hasArg2(name)
+  \item{name}{the name of an argument as a character
+  string.}
+  This function is identical to \code{\link{hasArg}},
+  except that it accepts the argument name as a character
+  string. This avoids to have a check NOTE about invisible
+  binding variable.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+f <- function(...){ hasArg2('abc') }
diff --git a/man/hasEnvar.Rd b/man/hasEnvar.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..800b321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/hasEnvar.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+\title{Check Environment Variables}
+  hasEnvar(x)
+  \item{x}{environment variable name, as a character
+  vector.}
+  Tells if some environment variable(s) are defined.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
diff --git a/man/inSweave.Rd b/man/inSweave.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfb6028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/inSweave.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+\title{Identifying Sweave Run}
+  inSweave()
+  \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}
+  Tells if the current code is being executed within a
+  Sweave document.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+# Not in a Sweave document
+# Within a Sweave document
diff --git a/man/install.dependencies.Rd b/man/install.dependencies.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b61aea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/install.dependencies.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+\title{Installing All Package Dependencies}
+  install.dependencies(pkg = NULL, all = FALSE, ...,
+    dryrun = FALSE)
+  \item{pkg}{package path or source file}
+  \item{all}{logical that indicates if 'Suggests' packages
+  should be installed.}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments passed to
+  \code{\link{install.packages}}.}
+  \item{dryrun}{logical that indicates if the packages
+  should be effectively installed or only shown.}
+  Install all dependencies from a package source directory
+  or package source file.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+try( install.dependencies('Matrix', dryrun=TRUE) )
+install.dependencies("mypackage_1.0.tar.gz", dryrun=TRUE)
diff --git a/man/isCRANcheck.Rd b/man/isCRANcheck.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f832f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/isCRANcheck.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+\title{Package Check Utils}
+  isCRANcheck(...)
+  isCRAN_timing()
+  isCHECK()
+  \item{...}{each argument specifies a set of tests to do
+  using an AND operator. The final result tests if any of
+  the test set is true. Possible values are: \describe{
+  \item{\code{'timing'}}{Check if the environment variable
+  \code{_R_CHECK_TIMINGS_} is set, as with the flag
+  \code{'--timing'} was set.} \item{\code{'cran'}}{Check if
+  the environment variable \code{_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_}
+  is set, as with the flag \code{'--as-cran'} was set.} }}
+  \code{isCRANcheck} \strong{tries} to identify if one is
+  running CRAN-like checks.
+  \code{isCRAN_timing} tells if one is running CRAN check
+  with flag \code{'--timing'}.
+  Currently, \code{isCHECK} checks both CRAN expected
+  flags, the value of environment variable
+  \code{_R_CHECK_RUNNING_UTESTS_}, and the value of option
+  \code{R_CHECK_RUNNING_EXAMPLES_}. It will return
+  \code{TRUE} if any of these environment variables is set
+  to anything not equivalent to \code{FALSE}, or if the
+  option is \code{TRUE}. For example, the function
+  \code{\link{utest}} sets it to the name of the package
+  being checked
+  (\code{_R_CHECK_RUNNING_UTESTS_=<pkgname>}), but unit
+  tests run as part of unit tests vignettes are run with
+  \code{_R_CHECK_RUNNING_UTESTS_=FALSE}, so that all tests
+  are run and reported when generating them.
+  Currently \code{isCRANcheck} returns \code{TRUE} if the
+  check is run with either environment variable
+  \code{_R_CHECK_TIMINGS_} (as set by flag
+  \code{'--timings'}) or \code{_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMINGS_}
+  (as set by flag \code{'--as-cran'}).
+  \strong{Important:} the checks performed on CRAN check
+  machines are -- on purpose -- not always run with such
+  flags, so there is no guarantee this function effectively
+  identifies such runs. CRAN recommends users rely on
+  custom dedicated environment variables to enable specific
+  tests or examples.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+  Adapted from the function \code{CRAN} in the \pkg{fda}
+  package.
+  \url{https://github.com/renozao/roxygen2}
diff --git a/man/is_something.Rd b/man/is_something.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aef3a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/is_something.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+\title{Testing Object Type}
+  is_NA(x)
+  isFALSE(x)
+  isNumber(x)
+  isReal(x)
+  isInteger(x)
+  isString(x, y, ignore.case = FALSE)
+  is.dir(x)
+  is.file(x)
+  hasNames(x, all = FALSE)
+  \item{x}{an R object}
+  \item{y}{character string to compare with.}
+  \item{ignore.case}{logical that indicates if the
+  comparison should be case sensistive.}
+  \item{all}{logical that indicates if the object needs all
+  names non empty}
+  \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}
+  Testing Object Type
+  \code{is_NA} tests if a variable is exactly NA (logical,
+  character, numeric or integer)
+  \code{isFALSE} Tests if a variable is exactly FALSE.
+  \code{isNumber} tests if a variable is a single number
+  \code{isReal} tests if a variable is a single real number
+  \code{isInteger} tests if an object is a single integer
+  \code{isString} tests if an object is a character string.
+  \code{is.dir} tests if a filename is a directory.
+  \code{is.file} tests if a filename is a file.
+  \code{hasNames} tests if an object has names.
+  \code{\link{isTRUE}}
diff --git a/man/knit_ex.Rd b/man/knit_ex.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e93200a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/knit_ex.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+\title{Knitr Extensions}
+  knit_ex(x, ..., quiet = TRUE, open = FALSE)
+  hook_try(before, options, envir)
+  hook_backspace()
+  hook_toggle()
+  \item{x}{text to knit as a character vector}
+  \item{...}{arguments passed to
+  \code{\link[knitr]{knit2html}} or
+  \code{\link[knitr]{knit}}}
+  \item{quiet}{logical that indicates if knitting should be
+  quiet (no progress bars etc..).}
+  \item{open}{logical, only used when \code{x} is in .Rmd
+  format, that indicates if the generated document result
+  should be open in a browse, instead of being printed on
+  screen. Not that a browser will not open in
+  non-interactive sessions, and the result will be returned
+  invisibly.}
+  \item{before}{logical that indicates when the hook is
+  being called: before or after the chunk is processed.}
+  \item{options}{list of current knitr chunk options}
+  \item{envir}{environment where the chunk is evaluated}
+  \code{knit_ex} returns the generated code, although
+  invisibly when \code{open=TRUE}.
+  \code{knit_ex} is a utility function for running small
+  knitr examples, e.g., to illustrate functionalities or
+  issues.
+  \code{hook_try} simply defines a function \code{try} in
+  \code{envir} that prints the error message if any, and is
+  called instead of base \code{\link{try}}.
+  \code{hook_backspace} is a chunk hook that enables the
+  use of backspace characters in the output (e.g., as used
+  in progress bars), and still obtain a final output as in
+  the console.
+  \code{hook_toggle} is a chunk hook that adds clickable
+  elements to toggle \emph{indvidual} code chunks in HTML
+  documents generated from .Rmd files.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+# knit_ex
+knit_ex("1 + 1")
+# hook_try
+# standard error message is caught
+knit_ex("stop('ah ah')")
+# with try the error is output on stderr but not caughted by knitr
+knit_ex("try( stop('ah ah') )")
+# no message caught
+^^^{r, include = FALSE}
+knit_hooks$set(try = pkgmaker::hook_try)
+^^^{r, try=TRUE}
+try( stop('ah ah') )
+# hook_backspace
+# Correctly formatting backspaces in chunk outputs
+tmp <- tempfile(fileext = '.Rmd')
+cat(file = tmp, "
+^^^{r, include = FALSE}
+knit_hooks$set(backspace = pkgmaker::hook_backspace())
+Default knitr does not handle backspace and adds a special character:
+Using the hook backspace solves the issue:
+^^^{r, backspace=TRUE}
+# knit
+out <- knitr::knit2html(tmp, fragment.only = TRUE)
+# look at output
+  browseURL(out)
+  edit( file = out)
+# cleanup
+unlink(c(tmp, out))
+# hook_toggle
+Declare chunk hook:
+^^^{r, setup}
+knit_hooks$set(toggle = hook_toggle())
+The R code of this chunk can be toggled on/off, and starts visible:
+^^^{r, toggle=TRUE}
+The R code of this chunk can be toggled on/off, and starts hidden:
+^^^{r, toggle=FALSE}
+This is a plain chunk that cannot be toggled on/off:
+Now all chunks can be toggled and start visible:
+^^^{r, toggle_all}
+opts_chunk$set(toggle = TRUE)
+To diable the toggle link, one can pass anything except TRUE/FALSE:
+^^^{r, toggle = NA}
+", open = TRUE)
diff --git a/man/latex.Rd b/man/latex.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7542197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/latex.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+\title{LaTeX Utilities for Vignettes}
+  latex_preamble(PACKAGE, R = TRUE, CRAN = TRUE,
+    Bioconductor = TRUE, GEO = TRUE, ArrayExpress = TRUE,
+    biblatex = FALSE, only = FALSE, file = "")
+  latex_bibliography(PACKAGE, file = "")
+  \item{R}{logical that indicate if general R commands
+  should be added (e.g. package names, inline R code format
+  commands)}
+  \item{CRAN}{logical that indicate if general CRAN
+  commands should be added (e.g. CRAN package citations)}
+  \item{Bioconductor}{logical that indicate if general
+  Bioconductor commands should be added (e.g. Bioc package
+  citations)}
+  \item{GEO}{logical that indicate if general GEOmnibus
+  commands should be added (e.g. urls to GEO datasets)}
+  \item{ArrayExpress}{logical that indicate if general
+  ArrayExpress commands should be added (e.g. urls to
+  ArrayExpress datasets)}
+  \item{biblatex}{logical that indicates if a
+  \code{\\bibliography} command should be added to include
+  references from the package's REFERENCES.bib file.}
+  \item{only}{a logical that indicates if the only the
+  commands whose dedicated argument is not missing should
+  be considered.}
+  \item{file}{connection where to print. If \code{NULL} the
+  result is returned silently.}
+  \item{PACKAGE}{package name}
+  \code{latex_preamble} outputs/returns command definition
+  LaTeX commands to be put in the preamble of vignettes.
+  \code{latex_bibliography} prints or return a LaTeX
+  command that includes a package bibliography file if it
+  exists.
+  Argument \code{PACKAGE} is not required for
+  \code{latex_preamble}, but must be correctly specified to
+  ensure \code{biblatex=TRUE} generates the correct
+  bibliography command.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+latex_preamble(R=TRUE, only=TRUE)
+latex_preamble(R=FALSE, CRAN=FALSE, GEO=FALSE)
+latex_preamble(GEO=TRUE, only=TRUE)
diff --git a/man/libutils.Rd b/man/libutils.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b729c3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/libutils.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+\title{Library Files Utilities}
+  list.libs(dir, ..., all.platforms = FALSE)
+  libname(x)
+  \item{dir}{directory}
+  \item{all.platforms}{a logical that indicates whether to
+  list library files for the current platform only
+  (default) or all platforms (Unix, Windows, Mac).}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments passed to
+  \code{\link{list.files}}.}
+  \item{x}{a filename}
+  a character vector
+  Lists binary library files in a directory
+  \code{libname} extracts library names from a path,
+  removing the directory part of the path, as well as the
+  platform specific library extension.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
diff --git a/man/load.Rd b/man/load.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf43b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/load.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+\title{Default Load/Unload Functions}
+  onLoad(libname = NULL, pkgname, chname = packageName())
+  onUnload(libpath)
+  \item{libname}{a character string giving the library
+  directory where the package defining the namespace was
+  found.}
+  \item{pkgname}{a character string giving the name of the
+  package.}
+  \item{libpath}{a character string giving the complete
+  path to the package.}
+  \item{chname}{a character string naming a DLL (also known
+  as a dynamic shared object or library) to load.}
+  Default Load/Unload Functions
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+# onLoad
+# in a package namespace:
+.onLoad <- function(libname=NULL, pkgname){
+	pkgmaker::onLoad(libname, pkgname)
+# onUnload
+# in a package namespace:
+.onUnload <- function(libpath){
+	pkgmaker::onUnload(libpath)
diff --git a/man/local-options.Rd b/man/local-options.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0aa6f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/local-options.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+\title{Quick Option-like Feature}
+  mkoptions(...)
+  .options(..., .DATA)
+  \item{...}{list of keys or key-value pairs. For
+  \code{mkoptions} these define inital/default key-value
+  pairs.}
+  \item{.DATA}{a list or an environment with an element
+  \code{.options}.}
+  \code{mkoptions} is a function that returns a function
+  that behaves like \code{\link[base]{options}}, with an
+  attached internal/local list of key-value pairs.
+  \code{.options} is a low-level function that mimics the
+  behaviour of the base function
+  \code{\link[base]{options}}, given a set of key-value
+  pairs. It is the workhorse function used in
+  \code{mkoptions} and package-specific option sets (see
+  \code{\link{setupPackageOptions}})
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+f <- mkoptions(a=3, b=list(1,2,3))
+str(old <- f(a = 10))
+  \code{\link{setupPackageOptions}}
diff --git a/man/lverbose.Rd b/man/lverbose.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..466a0a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/lverbose.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+\title{Internal verbosity option}
+  lverbose(val)
+  lsilent()
+  is.verbose()
+  vmessage(...)
+  lmessage(..., level = 1L, appendLF = TRUE)
+  \item{val}{logical that sets the verbosity level.}
+  \item{...}{arguments passed to \code{...}
+  \code{\link{cat}}}
+  \item{appendLF}{logical indicating if an endline
+  character should be appended at the end of the message.
+  Passed to \code{\link{cat}}.}
+  \item{level}{verbosity level threshold (numeric value)
+  above which the message should be printed out. This
+  threshold is compared with the current verbosity level as
+  returned by \code{lverbose}.}
+  \item{...}{arguments passed to \code{...}
+  \code{\link{lmessage}} or \code{\link{cat}}}
+  \item{appendLF}{logical indicating if an endline
+  character should be appended at the end of the message.
+  Passed to \code{\link{cat}}.}
+  the old verbose level
+  Internal verbosity option
+  Tells if all verbose messages should be
+  Tells if verbosity is on.
+  Prints out a message (on sdtout) if verbose mode is on.
+  Prints out a message (on sdtout) if the verbosity level
+  is greater than a given value.
diff --git a/man/makeFakeVignette.Rd b/man/makeFakeVignette.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..016d7c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/makeFakeVignette.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+\title{Generate a Fake Vignette}
+  makeFakeVignette(src, out, PACKAGE = NULL)
+  \item{src}{original Sweave file}
+  \item{out}{output file}
+  \item{PACKAGE}{package name where to look the source
+  vignette}
+  Generate a Fake Vignette
diff --git a/man/makeUnitVignette.Rd b/man/makeUnitVignette.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9300a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/makeUnitVignette.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+\title{Make Vignette for Unit Tests}
+  makeUnitVignette(pkg,
+    file = paste(pkg, "-unitTests.pdf", sep = ""), ...,
+    check = FALSE)
+  \item{pkg}{Package name}
+  \item{file}{Output file (.Rnw, .tex, or .pdf)}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments passed to
+  \code{\link{utest}}.}
+  \item{check}{logical that indactes the cal was made from
+  R CMD check, in which case the vignette is updated only
+  if results of unit tests can be found in the unit test
+  output directory, where they would have been generated by
+  \code{\link{utest}}.}
+  Result of running unit test suite
+  Builds a vignette for unit tests in a package using the
+  \code{\link{utest}} and a template vignette file.
diff --git a/man/mirrors.Rd b/man/mirrors.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3499623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/mirrors.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+\title{Setting Mirrors and Repositories}
+\format{chr "http://cran.r-project.org"}
+  setBiocMirror(url = "http://www.bioconductor.org",
+    version = NULL, unique = TRUE)
+  getBiocMirror()
+  getBiocRepos(url = "http://www.bioconductor.org",
+    version = NULL)
+  setCRANMirror(url = CRAN, unique = TRUE)
+  \item{url}{or Bioconductor mirror url}
+  \item{version}{version number}
+  \item{unique}{logical that indicate if duplicated urls or
+  names should be removed.}
+  \code{setBiocMirror} sets all Bioconductor repositories
+  (software, data, annotation, etc.). so that they are
+  directly available to \code{\link{install.packages}}. It
+  differs from \code{\link{chooseBioCmirror}} in that it
+  effectively enables the repositories.
+  \code{getBiocMirror} is a shortcut for
+  \code{getOption('BioC_mirror')}, which returns the
+  current Bioconductor mirror as used by \code{biocLite}.
+  \code{getBiocRepos} returns urls to all Bioconductor
+  repositories on a given mirror.
+  \code{setCRANMirror} sets the preferred CRAN mirror.
+  \code{CRAN} simply contains the url of CRAN main mirror
+  (\url{http://cran.r-project.org}), and aims at
+  simplifying its use, e.g., in calls to
+  \code{\link{install.packages}}.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+install.packages('pkgmaker', repos=CRAN)
diff --git a/man/namespace.Rd b/man/namespace.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36a747d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/namespace.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+\title{Namespace Development Functions}
+  getLoadingNamespace(env = FALSE, info = FALSE,
+    nodev = FALSE)
+  isLoadingNamespace(ns, nodev = FALSE)
+  isNamespaceLoaded(ns)
+  isDevNamespace(ns)
+  addNamespaceExport(x)
+  ns_get(x, ns)
+  \item{env}{logical that indicates that the namespace's
+  environment (i.e. the namespace itself) should be
+  returned.}
+  \item{info}{logical that indicates that the complete
+  information list should be returned}
+  \item{ns}{the name of a namespace or a namespace whose
+  loading state is tested. If missing
+  \code{isLoadingNamespace} test if any namespace is being
+  loaded.}
+  \item{nodev}{logical that indicates if loading devtools
+  namespace should be discarded.}
+  \item{x}{character vector containing the names of R
+  objects to export in the loading namespace.}
+  the name of the loading namespace if \code{env} and
+  \code{info} are \code{FALSE}, an environment if
+  \code{env=TRUE}, a list with elements \code{pkgname} and
+  \code{libname} if \code{info=TRUE}.
+  \code{getLoadingNamespace} returns information about the
+  loading namespace. It is a wrapper to
+  \code{\link{loadingNamespaceInfo}}, that does not throw
+  an error.
+  Tests if a namespace is being loaded.
+  \code{isNamespaceLoaded} tests if a given namespace is
+  loaded, without loading it, contrary to
+  \code{\link{isNamespace}}.
+  \code{isDevNamespace} tests the -- current -- namespace
+  is a devtools namespace.
+  Dynamically adds exported objects into the loading
+  namespace.
+  \code{ns_get} gets an object from a given namespace.
diff --git a/man/new2.Rd b/man/new2.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e1c8ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/new2.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+\title{Alternative S4 Constructor}
+  new2(class, ...)
+  \item{class}{Class name to instanciate}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments from which slot values are
+  extracted by exact matching of names.}
+  An alternative version of \code{\link{new}} to create
+  objects based on a list of values.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+setClass('A', contain='character', representation(x='numeric', y='character'))
+# identical behaviour with standard calls
+identical(new('A'), new2('A'))
+identical(new('A', x=1), new2('A', x=1))
+# but if passing that are names not slots
+identical(new('A'), new2('A', b=1))
+identical(new('A', x=1), new2('A', x=1, b=3))
+identical(new('A', x=1), new2('A', x=1, b=3))
+# standard `new` would coerce first unnamed argument into parent of 'A' (i.e. 'character')
+new('A', list(x=1))
+new('A', list(x=1, y='other'))
+# `new2` rather use it to initialise the slots it can find in the list
+identical(new('A', x=1), new2('A', list(x=1)))
+identical(new('A', x=1, y='other'), new2('A', list(x=1, y='other')))
diff --git a/man/oneoffVariable.Rd b/man/oneoffVariable.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..107e00a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/oneoffVariable.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+\title{One-off Global Variables}
+  oneoffVariable(default = NULL)
+  \item{default}{default value to which the global variable
+  is reset after each access. Default is \code{NULL}.}
+  a function with one argument (\code{value}) that provides
+  get/set access to a global variable. If called with a
+  value, it assigns this value to the global variable. If
+  called with no argument, it returns the current value of
+  the global variable and reset it to its default value --
+  as defined at its creation.
+  Defines a function that allow to get/assign a global
+  variable whose value is ensured to be reset after each
+  access.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+x <- oneoffVariable(0)
+# returns default value
+# assign a value
+# get the value
+# second call returns default value again
diff --git a/man/options.Rd b/man/options.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2572175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/options.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+\title{\code{option_symlink} creates a symbolic link to option \code{x}.}
+  option_symlink(x)
+  is_option_symlink(x, opts)
+  option_symlink_target(x, opts)
+  as.package_options(..., defaults = NULL)
+  \method{[[}{package_options} (x, ...)
+  packageOptions(..., PACKAGE = packageName())
+  listPackageOptions()
+  \item{opts}{a list of options}
+  \item{x}{a character string, a list or an object of class
+  \code{package_options}.}
+  \item{defaults}{\code{NULL} or a list of default options
+  with their values.}
+  \item{...}{arguments passed to \code{getOption} (only
+  first one is used).}
+  \item{PACKAGE}{a package name}
+  a character vector (possibly empty).
+  \code{option_symlink} creates a symbolic link to option
+  \code{x}.
+  \code{is_option_symlink} tests if \code{x} is a symbolic
+  link option.
+  \code{option_symlink_target} returns the end target
+  option of a symbolic link option \code{x}.
+  \code{as.package_options} creates an object such as the
+  ones used to stores package specific options.
+  The method \code{[[} is equivalent to \code{options()} or
+  \code{getOption(...)}: e.g. \code{obj[[]]} returns the
+  list of options defined in \code{obj}, and
+  \code{obj[['abc']]} returns the value of option
+  \code{'abc'}.
+  \code{packageOptions} provides access to package specific
+  options from a given package that were defined with
+  \code{setupPackageOptions}, and behaves as the base
+  function \code{\link[base]{options}}.
+  \code{listPackageOptions} returns the names of all option
+  currently defined with \code{setupPackageOptions}.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
diff --git a/man/orderVersion.Rd b/man/orderVersion.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..104d098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/orderVersion.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+\title{Ordering Version Numbers}
+  orderVersion(x, decreasing = FALSE)
+  sortVersion(x, ...)
+  \item{x}{a character vector of version numbers}
+  \item{decreasing}{a logical that indicates if the
+  ordering should be decreasing}
+  \item{...}{extra parameters passed to
+  \code{orderVersion}}
+  Orders a vector of version numbers, in natural order.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+# orderVersion
+v <- c('1.0', '1.03', '1.2')
+# sortVersion
diff --git a/man/packageCLI.Rd b/man/packageCLI.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..496d9bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/packageCLI.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+\title{Package Specific Command Line Interface}
+  packageCLI(package, altfile = NULL, local = TRUE,
+    ARGS = commandArgs(TRUE), ...)
+  \item{package}{package name}
+  \item{altfile}{alternative file that defines the main CLI
+  entry point. That is a function named \code{CLI}, which
+  takes the list of parsed command line arguments as its
+  first argument.}
+  \item{local}{logical that indicates if the main CLI
+  function should be defined and evaluated in a local
+  environment, or in the user's Global environment.}
+  \item{ARGS}{list of parsed arguments passed to the main
+  CLI function.}
+  \item{...}{extra arugments passed to the package's CLI
+  function.}
+  Package Specific Command Line Interface
diff --git a/man/packageData.Rd b/man/packageData.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..034b27e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/packageData.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+\title{Loading Package Data}
+  packageData(list, envir = .GlobalEnv, ...)
+  ldata(list, ...)
+  \item{list}{character vector containing the names of the
+  data to load.}
+  \item{...}{other arguments eventually passed to
+  \code{\link[utils]{data}}.}
+  \item{envir}{the \link{environment} where the data should
+  be loaded.}
+  the loaded data.
+  Loads package data using \code{\link[utils]{data}}, but
+  allows the user to avoid NOTEs for a \sQuote{non visible
+  binding variable} to be thrown when checking a package.
+  This is possible because this function returns the loaded
+  data.
+  \code{ldata} loads a package data in the parent frame. It
+  is a shortcut for \code{packageData(list, ...,
+  envir=parent.frame())}.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+# packageData
+\dontrun{ mydata <- packageData('mydata') }
+# ldata
+# in a package' source => won't issue a NOTE
+myfunction function(){
+	mydata <- ldata('mydata')
diff --git a/man/packageDependencies.Rd b/man/packageDependencies.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..120f590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/packageDependencies.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+\title{List Package Dependencies}
+  packageDependencies(x, all = TRUE, as.list = FALSE,
+    available = NULL)
+  \item{x}{path to package source directory or file.}
+  \item{all}{logical that indicates if all dependencies
+  should be returned, or only the required ones.}
+  \item{as.list}{logical that indicates if the result
+  should be a list with one element per type of
+  dependency.}
+  \item{available}{a matrix of available packages (as
+  returned by \code{\link{available.packages}}), from which
+  the dependencies are retrieved. This means that there
+  must be a row for the package \code{x}.}
+  List Package Dependencies
diff --git a/man/packageExtra.Rd b/man/packageExtra.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb4ca63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/packageExtra.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+\title{Install/Run Extra Things After Standard Package Installation}
+  setPackageExtraHandler(handler, fun, ...)
+  packageExtraHandler(handler = NULL, ...)
+  setPackageExtra(handler, extra, ...)
+  packageExtra(handler = NULL, extra = NULL,
+    package = NULL, .wrap = FALSE)
+  packageExtraRunner(handler)
+  install.extras(package, extra = NULL, handler = NULL,
+    ..., .verbose = getOption("verbose"))
+  install.extrapackages(package, extra = NULL,
+    handler = NULL, ..., .verbose = getOption("verbose"))
+  \item{handler}{name of a handler, e.g, \code{'install'}.
+  It must be unique across all handlers registered by any
+  other packages.}
+  \item{fun}{handler function that will be called with the
+  arguments registered with \code{packageExtra(name, ...)}}
+  \item{package}{package name where to store/look for the
+  internal registries. End users should not need to use
+  this argument.}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments passed to internal function
+  calls. In \code{packageExtraHandler}, these are passed to
+  \code{\link{pkgreg_fetch}}.
+  In \code{setPackageExtra}, these define default arguments
+  for the handler function. These are overwritten by
+  arguments in the call to runner function if any.}
+  \item{extra}{name of the extra action.}
+  \item{.wrap}{logical that indicates if a function that
+  runs the extra action should be returned or only the
+  default arguments}
+  \item{.verbose}{logical that indicates if verbose
+  messages about the extra actions being run should be
+  displayed.}
+  the runner function associated with the newly registered
+  handler, as built by \code{packageExtraRunner}.
+  These functions define a framework to register actions
+  for which default sets of arguments can be defined when
+  (lazy-)loading a package, and run later on, e.g., after
+  the package is installed using dedicated commands.
+  \code{setPackageExtraHandler} defines main action handler
+  functions, for which actions are defined as a set of
+  arguments and registered using \code{setPackageExtra}.
+  \code{packageExtraHandler} retrieves a given handler from
+  the registry.
+  For example, calling \code{setPackageExtra('install',
+  pkgs='non_CRAN_pkg', repos='http://non-standard-repo')}
+  in a source file of package 'myPkg' registers the call
+  \code{install.packages('non_CRAN_pkg',
+  repos='http://non-standard-repo', ...)} in a registry
+  internal to the package. All calls to
+  \code{setPackageExtra('install', ...)} can then be run by
+  the user, as a post installation step via
+  \code{install.extrapackages('myPkg', ..)}.
+  \code{packageExtra} retrieve a given extra action, either
+  as its registry entry, or as a function that would
+  perform the given action.
+  \code{packageExtraRunner} defines a function to run all
+  or some of the actions registered for a given handler in
+  a given package. For example, the function
+  \code{install.extrapackages} is the runner defined for
+  the extra handler \code{'install'} via
+  \code{packageExtraRunner('install')}.
+  \code{install.extrapackages} runs all extra actions
+  registered for a given package.
+  \code{install.extrapackages} is defined as the extra
+  handler for the extra action handler
+  \code{'install.packages'}. All arguments in \code{...}
+  are passed to \code{\link{install.packages}}. By default,
+  packages that are already installed are not re-installed.
+  An extra argument \code{force} allows to force their
+  installation. The packages are loaded if their
+  installation is successful.
diff --git a/man/packageReference.Rd b/man/packageReference.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3307d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/packageReference.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+\title{Package References}
+  packageReference(key, short = FALSE)
+  \item{key}{character vector of BibTex keys}
+  \item{short}{logical that indicates if the reference
+  should be shorten as First Author et al. if it has more
+  than one author.}
+  a character string containing the text formated BibTex
+  entries
+  Create a citation string from package specific BibTex
+  entries, suitable to be used in Rd files. The entries are
+  looked in a file named REFERNCES.bib in the package's
+  root directory (i.e. inst/ in development mode).
diff --git a/man/packageTestEnv.Rd b/man/packageTestEnv.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7abbcd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/packageTestEnv.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+\title{Returns the package internal environment where unit tests are stored.}
+  packageTestEnv(pkg)
+  \item{pkg}{package name. If missing the caller's package
+  is assumed.}
+  Returns the package internal environment where unit tests
+  are stored.
diff --git a/man/parsePackageCitation.Rd b/man/parsePackageCitation.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf1393e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/parsePackageCitation.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+\title{Formatting Package Citations in Sweave/knitr Documents}
+  parsePackageCitation(x)
+  \item{x}{output document, as a single string.}
+  Formatting Package Citations in Sweave/knitr Documents
diff --git a/man/pkgmaker-defunct.Rd b/man/pkgmaker-defunct.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2b2e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/pkgmaker-defunct.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+\title{Defunct Functions in pkgmaker}
+  write.bib(...)
+  \item{...}{extra arguments}
+  These functions have been defunct or superseded by other
+  functions.
diff --git a/man/postponeAction.Rd b/man/postponeAction.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b34615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/postponeAction.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+\title{Postponing Actions}
+  postponeAction(expr, key = digest(tempfile()),
+    group = NULL, envir = topns(strict = FALSE),
+    verbose = getOption("verbose"))
+  runPostponedAction(group = NULL,
+    verbose = getOption("verbose"))
+  \item{expr}{expression that define the action to
+  postpone. Currently only functions are supported.}
+  \item{key}{identifier for this specific action. It should
+  be unique across the postponed actions from the same
+  group.}
+  \item{group}{optional parent action group. This enables
+  to define meaningful sets of actions that can be run all
+  at once.}
+  \item{envir}{environment in which the action should be
+  executed. Currently not used.}
+  \item{verbose}{logical that toggles verbose messages.}
+  This function implement a mechanism to postpone actions,
+  which can be executed at a later stage. This is useful
+  when developing packages, where actions that need to be
+  run in the \code{link{.onLoad}} function but can be
+  defined close to their context.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+opt <- options(verbose=2)
+# define actions
+postponeAction(function(){print(10)}, "print")
+postponeAction(function(){print(1:10)}, "more")
+# execute actions
+# restore options
diff --git a/man/quickinstall.Rd b/man/quickinstall.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b17d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/quickinstall.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+\title{Quick Installation of a Source Package}
+  quickinstall(path, destdir = NULL, vignettes = FALSE,
+    force = TRUE, ...,
+    lib.loc = if (!is.null(destdir)) TRUE)
+  \item{path}{path to the package source directory}
+  \item{destdir}{installation directory. If \code{NULL},
+  the package is installed in the default installation
+  library. If \code{NA}, the package is installed in a
+  temporary directory, whose path is returned as a value.}
+  \item{vignettes}{logical that indicates if the vignettes
+  should be rebuilt and installed.}
+  \item{force}{logical that indicates if the package should
+  be installed even if a previous installation exists in
+  the installation library.}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments passed to \code{\link{R.CMD}}}
+  \item{lib.loc}{library specification. If \code{TRUE} then
+  the installation directory \code{destdir} is added to the
+  default library paths. This can be usefull if
+  dependencies are installed in this directory. If
+  \code{NULL}, then the default library path is left
+  unchanged.}
+  The path of the library where the package was installed.
+  Builds and install a minimal version of a package from
+  its source directory.
diff --git a/man/regfetch.Rd b/man/regfetch.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..800e564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/regfetch.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+\title{Finds an entry in a registry.}
+  regfetch(regobj, ..., all = FALSE, error = TRUE,
+    exact = FALSE, KEYS = NULL, verbose = FALSE,
+    entry = FALSE, msg = NULL)
+  pkgreg_fetch(regname, ..., msg = NULL,
+    where = topenv(parent.frame()))
+  pkgreg_remove(regname, ..., msg = NULL,
+    where = topenv(parent.frame()), quiet = FALSE)
+  \item{regobj}{a registry object}
+  \item{...}{key value(s) to look up. If multiple indexes
+  are used, then the primary key should come first.}
+  \item{all}{logical to indicate if hidden keys (starting
+  with a '.') should be returned and output in message.}
+  \item{error}{a logical that indicates if an error should
+  be thrown if the key has no match or multiple matches}
+  \item{exact}{a logical that indicates if matching should
+  be exact or partial. Note that if exact matches exist
+  then they are returned, independently of the value of
+  \code{exact}.}
+  \item{KEYS}{alternative way of passing the key value(s).
+  If not missing, then arguments in \code{...} are
+  discarded.}
+  \item{verbose}{a logical that indicates if verbosity
+  should be toggle on}
+  \item{entry}{a logical that indicates if the}
+  \item{msg}{a header to use in case of error.}
+  \item{quiet}{a logical that indicates if the operation
+  should be performed quietly, without throwing errors or
+  warnings.}
+  \item{regname}{Name of a sub-registry, used as its
+  identifier.}
+  \item{where}{package name or namespace that owns the
+  registry.}
+  This function provides extra control on how entries are
+  queried from a \code{\link[registry:regobj]{registry}}
+  object.
+  \code{pkgreg_fetch} loads the requested package registry
+  and uses \code{regfetch} to retrieve data from it.
+  \code{pkgreg_remove} removes an entry from a package
+  registry.
diff --git a/man/registry.Rd b/man/registry.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18bdb73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/registry.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+\title{Package Registry}
+  packageRegistry(regname = NULL, quiet = FALSE,
+    entry = FALSE, update = !entry,
+    package = topenv(parent.frame()))
+  packageRegistries(regname = NULL, package = NULL,
+    primary = FALSE)
+  hasPackageRegistry(regname = NULL, package)
+  setPackageRegistry(regname, regobj, description = "",
+    entrydesc = NA, ..., package = topenv(parent.frame()),
+    overwrite = FALSE)
+  setPackageRegistryEntry(regname, key, ...,
+    overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
+    where = topenv(parent.frame()), msg = NULL)
+  \item{regname}{Name of a sub-registry, used as its
+  identifier.}
+  \item{quiet}{a logical that indicates that one should
+  return the (meta-)registry if it exists, or \code{NULL}
+  otherwise, without throwing any error.}
+  \item{entry}{logical that indicates if the corresponding
+  meta registry entry should be directly returned, without
+  any other processing.}
+  \item{update}{logical that indicates if the package
+  registry should be updated, by adding/removing entries
+  from other loaded/unloaded packages.}
+  \item{package}{package where to store or look for the
+  registry.}
+  \item{primary}{logical that indicates if only primary
+  registries should be listed.}
+  \item{regobj}{a \code{\link[registry:regobj]{registry}}
+  object or a single character string that indicates the
+  class of the objects that are stored in the sub-registry.
+  See details for the list of the sub-registry's fields in
+  this latter case.}
+  \item{description}{short description line about the
+  registry. It is recommended to provide such description
+  as it makes clearer the purpose of the registry. This
+  description is shown when the registry object is
+  printed/formated/listed.}
+  \item{entrydesc}{human readable description that is used
+  in log messages when registering/removing entries.}
+  \item{...}{named values used to set extra information
+  about the new registry, that are stored in the
+  corresponding fields of the meta-registry. Currently not
+  used, as no extra field other than \code{'description'}
+  is defined.}
+  \item{overwrite}{a logical that indicate if an existing
+  registry with the same should be overwritten if it
+  exists.}
+  \item{key}{entry identifier.}
+  \item{where}{package name or namespace that owns the
+  registry.}
+  \item{verbose}{a logical that indicates if verbosity
+  should be toggle on.}
+  \item{msg}{addon message to print at the end of the
+  output log line, when \code{verbose=TRUE}.}
+  a \code{\link[registry:regobj]{registry}} object or
+  \code{NULL} (see argument \code{quiet}).
+  \code{packageRegistry} provides ways to create query
+  package specific registries.
+  \code{packageRegistries} lists registries from loaded
+  packages.
+  \code{hasPackageRegistry} tells if a given package has a
+  meta-registry or a given registry.
+  Each package sub-registry has its own set of fields.
+  Sub-registries defined by passing a character string in
+  argument \code{regobj} of \code{setPackageRegistry} have
+  the following fields: \code{'key'} and \code{'object'}
+  \code{setPackageRegistryEntry} adds an entry in a package
+  registry.
+  Package registries are organised in a meta-registry (a
+  registry of registries) within a package's namespace.
+  Each registry can be used to store sets of built-in or
+  user-defined objects in an organised way, e.g. algorithms
+  or datasets.
+  A package meta-registry is a
+  \code{\link[registry:regobj]{registry}} object, whose
+  entries are \code{\link[registry:regobj]{registry}}
+  objects themselves. A sub-registry entry is defined by
+  the following fields: \describe{ \item{key}{The
+  sub-registry's accession key/identifier (a character
+  string).} \item{regobj}{The sub-registry itself (a
+  \code{registry} object)} \item{description}{Human
+  readable description of the purpose of the registry (a
+  character string)} \item{description}{Short human
+  readable description of the type of entries (a character
+  string)} \item{package}{owner package, which is forced to
+  be the package in which the meta registry is defined.}
+  \item{parent}{The name of the package that holds the
+  parent registry, which we call the primary package. This
+  field is non empty for cross-package registries, i.e.
+  registries that derive from primary package's own
+  registry. Their entries are defined when (lazy-)loading
+  the dependent package's namespace.} }
+  Note that this function cannot be called from the global
+  environment, but from a package namespace, e.g., when a
+  package is lazy-loaded on installation or loaded via the
+  function \code{\link[devtools]{load_all}} from the
+  \pkg{devtools} package.
diff --git a/man/require.quiet.Rd b/man/require.quiet.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66fdd48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/require.quiet.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+\title{Silent Require}
+  require.quiet(package, character.only = FALSE, ...)
+  \item{...}{extra arguments passed to
+  \code{\link{require}}.}
+  \item{package}{the name of a package, given as a
+  \link{name} or literal character string, or a character
+  string, depending on whether \code{character.only} is
+  \code{FALSE} (default) or \code{TRUE}).}
+  \item{character.only}{a logical indicating whether
+  \code{package} or \code{help} can be assumed to be
+  character strings.}
+  Silently require a package.
diff --git a/man/requirePackage.Rd b/man/requirePackage.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48f2f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/requirePackage.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+\title{Require a Package}
+  requirePackage(pkg, ...)
+  \item{pkg}{package name as a character string}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments concatenated to for the header
+  of the error message}
+  Require a package with a custom error message
diff --git a/man/requireRUnit.Rd b/man/requireRUnit.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a91f5b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/requireRUnit.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+\title{Load RUnit Compatible Package}
+  requireRUnit(...)
+  \item{...}{arguments passed to
+  \code{\link{requirePackage}}.}
+  nothing
+  Loads the package responsible for the implementation of
+  the RUnit framework, choosing amongst \sQuote{RUnitX},
+  \sQuote{svUnit} and \sQuote{RUnit}.
diff --git a/man/sVariable.Rd b/man/sVariable.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab9b843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/sVariable.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+\title{Global Static Variable}
+  sVariable(default = NULL)
+  \item{default}{default value for the static variable.}
+  \code{sVariable} defines a function that acts as a global
+  static variable.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+# define variable
+x <- sVariable(1)
+# get value (default)
+# set new value: return old value
+old <- x(3)
+# get new value
diff --git a/man/setClassRegistry.Rd b/man/setClassRegistry.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbeb08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/setClassRegistry.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+\title{Automatic S4 Class for Registry Entries}
+  setClassRegistry(registry, Class, ...)
+  \item{registry}{a registry object}
+  \item{Class}{name of the class to generate}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments passed to
+  \code{\link{setClass}}.}
+  Automatic S4 Class for Registry Entries
diff --git a/man/setupPackageOptions.Rd b/man/setupPackageOptions.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76d22da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/setupPackageOptions.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+\title{Package Specific Options}
+  setupPackageOptions(..., NAME = NULL,
+    ENVIR = topenv(parent.frame()),
+    RESET = isLoadingNamespace())
+  \item{...}{a single named list or named arguments that
+  provide the default options and their values.}
+  \item{NAME}{name of the set of options. This is used as a
+  prefix for the name of the associated global option:
+  \code{package:<name>}.}
+  \item{ENVIR}{environment where the option wrapper
+  functions will be defined. No function is defined if
+  \code{ENVIR=NULL}}
+  \item{RESET}{a logical that indicates whether the option
+  set should overwrite one that already exists if
+  necessary. The default is \code{FALSE} (i.e. no reset),
+  except when loading a namespace, either from an installed
+  package or a development package -- with devtools. If
+  \code{FALSE}, an error is thrown if trying to setup
+  options with the same name.}
+  The following functions to access/set the options from
+  the set are assigned in \code{envir}: \describe{
+  \item{<subset>Options}{} \item{<subset>GetOption}{} }
diff --git a/man/simpleRegistry.Rd b/man/simpleRegistry.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88385fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/simpleRegistry.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+\title{Simple Package Registry}
+  simpleRegistry(name, envir = topenv(parent.frame()),
+    verbose = FALSE)
+  \item{name}{name of the registry object, with which it
+  will be assigned in \code{envir}.}
+  \item{envir}{environment where to store the registry
+  object. Defaults to the caller's top environment.}
+  \item{verbose}{logical that toggle a verbose message when
+  the object is first created.}
+  Simple Package Registry
diff --git a/man/source_files.Rd b/man/source_files.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b897605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/source_files.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+\title{Source Multiple Files}
+  source_files(x, pattern = NULL, ...)
+  \item{x}{character vector containing filenames}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments passed to
+  \code{\link{source}}.}
+  \item{pattern}{an optional \link{regular expression}.
+  Only file names which match the regular expression will
+  be returned.}
+  Vectorised version of \code{source}.
diff --git a/man/str_diff.Rd b/man/str_diff.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f680a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/str_diff.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+\title{Finding Differences Between Strings}
+  str_diff(x, y)
+  \item{x}{a single string}
+  \item{y}{a single string}
+  an integer vector containing the index of all mis-matched
+  characters in the first string.
+  Computes which characters differ between two strings.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+# strings to compare
+x <- "once upon a time"
+y <- "once upon a time there was"
+z <- "once upon two times"
+# diff: x - y
+d <- str_diff(x, y)
+# other comparisons
+str_diff(y, x)
+str_diff(x, x)
+str_diff(x, z)
+str_diff(y, z)
diff --git a/man/str_out.Rd b/man/str_out.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..514c4e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/str_out.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+\title{Formatting Utilities}
+  str_out(x, max = 3L, quote = is.character(x),
+    use.names = FALSE, sep = ", ", total = FALSE)
+  str_desc(object, exdent = 0L)
+  str_fun(object)
+  str_bs(x)
+  \item{x}{character vector}
+  \item{max}{maximum number of values to appear in the
+  list. If \code{x} has more elements than \code{max}, a
+  \code{"..."} suffix is appended.}
+  \item{quote}{a logical indicating whether the values
+  should be quoted with single quotes (defaults) or not.}
+  \item{use.names}{a logical indicating whether names
+  should be added to the list as \code{NAME=VAL, ...} or
+  not (default).}
+  \item{sep}{separator character}
+  \item{total}{logical that indicates if the total number
+  of elements should be appended to the formatted string as
+  \code{"'a', ..., 'z' (<N> total)"}.}
+  \item{object}{an R object}
+  \item{exdent}{extra indentation passed to str_wrap, and
+  used if the output should spread over more than one
+  lines.}
+  a single character string
+  \code{str_out} formats character vectors for use in show
+  methods or error/warning messages.
+  \code{str_desc} builds formatted string from a list of
+  complex values.
+  \code{str_fun} extracts and formats a function signature.
+  It typically formats the output
+  \code{capture.output(args(object))}.
+  \code{str_bs} substitutes backspace characters (\\b) to
+  produce a character string as it would be displayed in
+  the console.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+# str_out
+x <- letters[1:10]
+str_out(x, 8)
+str_out(x, Inf)
+str_out(x, quote=FALSE)
+str_out(x, total = TRUE)
+# str_fun
+# str_bs
+# Backspace substitution
+# more complex example
+x <- "\\bab\\nc\\bd\\n\\babc\\b\\bd"
+cat(x, "\\n")
+y <- str_bs(x)
+cat(y, "\\n")
+  Renaud Gaujoux
+  \code{str_bs} was adapted from a proposal from Yihui Xie.
diff --git a/man/testRversion.Rd b/man/testRversion.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c557c24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/testRversion.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+\title{Testing R Version}
+  testRversion(x, test = 1L)
+  \item{x}{target version to compare with.}
+  \item{test}{numeric value that indicates the comparison
+  to be carried out. The comparison is based on the result
+  from \code{utils::compareVersion(R.version, x)}:
+  \itemize{ \item 1: is R.version > \code{x}? \item 0: is
+  R.version = \code{x}? \item -1: is R.version < \code{x}?
+  }}
+  a logical
+  Compares current R version with a given target version,
+  which may be useful for implementing version dependent
+  code.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+testRversion("10", test = -1)
+testRversion("< 10")
+testRversion(paste0('=', Rversion()))
diff --git a/man/uchecks.Rd b/man/uchecks.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37c5f62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/uchecks.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+\title{Extra Check Functions for RUnit}
+  checkWarning(expr, expected = TRUE, msg = NULL)
+  \item{expr}{an R expression}
+  \item{expected}{expected value as regular expression
+  pattern. If a logical, then it specifies if a warning is
+  expected or not.
+  For backward compatibility, a \code{NULL} value is
+  equivalent to \code{TRUE}.}
+  \item{msg}{informative message to add to the error in
+  case of failure}
+  \code{checkWarning} checks if a warning is generated by
+  an expression, and optionally follows an expected regular
+  expression pattern.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+# check warnings
+checkWarning({ warning('ah ah'); 3})
+checkWarning({ warning('ah oh ah'); 3}, 'oh')
+try( checkWarning(3) )
+try( checkWarning({ warning('ah ah'); 3}, 'warn you') )
diff --git a/man/unit.test.Rd b/man/unit.test.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..748b718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/unit.test.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+\title{Embedded Unit Tests}
+  unit.test(x, expr, framework = NULL,
+    envir = parent.frame())
+  \item{x}{single character string used as test
+  identifier/label}
+  \item{expr}{expression containing the actual test
+  commands. It is not evaluated, but only stored in the
+  package namespace.}
+  \item{framework}{Unit test framework}
+  \item{envir}{the definition environment of object
+  \code{x}.}
+  a test function with no arguments that wrapping around
+  \code{expr}
+  The function \code{unit.test} provides a way to write
+  unit tests embedded within package source files. These
+  tests are stored and organised in the package namespace,
+  and can be run using the unified interface provided by
+  the function \code{link{utest}}. Both Runit and testthat
+  tests are supported -- and automatically detected.
diff --git a/man/userIs.Rd b/man/userIs.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d5431f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/userIs.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+\title{Checking R User}
+  userIs(user)
+  \item{user}{the usernames to check for, as a character
+  vector.}
+  Tests if the current R user is amongst a given set of
+  users.
diff --git a/man/utest.Rd b/man/utest.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dcf7a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/utest.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+\title{Running Unit Tests}
+  utest(x, ...)
+  \S4method{utest}{function}(x, run = TRUE)
+  \S4method{utest}{character}(x,
+    filter = "^runit.+\\\\.[rR]$", fun = "^test\\\\.", ...,
+    testdir = "tests", framework = c("RUnit", "testthat"),
+    quiet = Sys.getenv("RCMDCHECK") != "FALSE",
+    lib.loc = NULL)
+  \S4method{utest}{RUnitTestSuite}(x, ..., quiet = FALSE,
+    outdir = NULL)
+  \item{x}{object to which a unit test is attached}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments to allow extensions and are
+  passed to the unit framework running funcitons.}
+  \item{run}{a logical that indicates if the unit test
+  should be run}
+  \item{filter}{pattern to match files that contain the
+  definition of the unit tests functions to run.}
+  \item{fun}{patter to match the test functions to run.}
+  \item{testdir}{directory where to look for the test
+  files}
+  \item{framework}{unit test framework}
+  \item{quiet}{a logical that indicates if the tests should
+  be run silently}
+  \item{lib.loc}{path to a library where installed packages
+  are searched for. Used is of the form
+  \code{x='package:*'}.}
+  \item{outdir}{output directory}
+  Run unit tests in a variety of settings. This is still
+  \strong{very} experimental.
+  \describe{
+  \item{utest}{\code{signature(x = "function")}: Run the
+  unit test assoicated to a function. }
+  \item{utest}{\code{signature(x = "character")}: Run a
+  package test suite }
+  \item{utest}{\code{signature(x = "RUnitTestSuite")}: Runs
+  a RUnit test suite }
+  }
diff --git a/man/utestFramework.Rd b/man/utestFramework.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9978033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/utestFramework.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+\title{Inferring Unit Test Framework}
+  utestFramework(x, eval = FALSE)
+  \item{x}{an filename, a function or the body of a
+  function}
+  \item{eval}{a logical that indicates if the value of
+  \code{x} should be used.}
+  the name of the framework as a character string or NULL
+  if it could not be detected.
+  Inferring Unit Test Framework
diff --git a/man/utestPath.Rd b/man/utestPath.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72be9bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/utestPath.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+\title{Unit Tests Result Directory}
+  utestPath(...)
+  \item{...}{extra arguments passed to
+  \code{\link{packagePath}}, e.g., \code{package}.}
+  Returns the path to the directory where the results of
+  unit tests are stored. This path is used by
+  \code{\link{utest}} to save unit test results, which are
+  read by \code{\link{makeUnitVignette}} to update the unit
+  test vignette when runnning R CMD check.
diff --git a/man/vignette.Rd b/man/vignette.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62d031c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/vignette.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+\title{Identifies Manually Run Vignettes}
+  isManualVignette()
+  rnw(x, file = NULL, ..., raw = FALSE)
+  as.rnw(x, ..., load = TRUE)
+  rnwCompiler(x, verbose = TRUE)
+  rnwWrapper(x, verbose = TRUE)
+  rnwDriver(x)
+  rnwIncludes(x)
+  rnwChildren(x)
+  vignetteMakefile(package = NULL, skip = NULL,
+    print = TRUE, template = NULL, temp = FALSE,
+    checkMode = isCHECK() || vignetteCheckMode(),
+    user = NULL, tests = TRUE)
+  compactVignettes(paths, ...)
+  \item{x}{vignette source file specification as a path or
+  a \code{rnw} object.}
+  \item{file}{output file}
+  \item{...}{extra arguments passed to \code{as.rnw} that
+  can be used to force certain building parameters.}
+  \item{raw}{a logical that indicates if the raw result for
+  the compilation should be returned, instead of the result
+  file path.}
+  \item{load}{logical to indicate if all the object's
+  properties should loaded, which is done by parsing the
+  file and look up for specific tags.}
+  \item{verbose}{logical that toggles verbosity}
+  \item{package}{package name. If \code{NULL}, a DESRIPTION
+  file is looked for one directory up: this meant to work
+  when building a vignette directly from a package's
+  \code{'vignettes'} sub-directory.}
+  \item{skip}{Vignette files to skip (basename).}
+  \item{print}{logical that specifies if the path should be
+  printed or only returned.}
+  \item{template}{template Makefile to use. The default is
+  to use the file \dQuote{vignette.mk} shipped with the
+  package \pkg{pkgmaker} and can be found in its install
+  root directory.}
+  \item{temp}{logical that indicates if the generated
+  makefile should using a temporary filename (\code{TRUE}),
+  or simply named \dQuote{vignette.mk}}
+  \item{checkMode}{logical that indicates if the vignettes
+  should be generated as in a CRAN check (\code{TRUE}) or
+  in development mode, in which case \code{pdflatex},
+  \code{bibtex}, and, optionally, \code{qpdf} are
+  required.}
+  \item{user}{character vector containing usernames that
+  enforce \code{checkMode=TRUE}, if the function is called
+  from within their session.}
+  \item{tests}{logical that enables the compilation of a
+  vignette that gathers all unit test results. Note that
+  this means that all unit tests are run before generating
+  the vignette. However, unit tests are not (re)-run at
+  this stage when the vignettes are built when checking the
+  package with \code{R CMD check}.}
+  \item{paths}{A character vector of paths to PDF files, or
+  a length-one character vector naming a directory, when
+  all \file{.pdf} files in that directory will be used.}
+  \code{isManualVignette} tells if a vignette is being run
+  through the function \code{runVignette} of \pkg{pkgmker},
+  allowing disabling behaviours not allowed in package
+  vignettes that are checked vi \code{R CMD check}.
+  \code{rnw} provides a unified interface to run vignettes
+  that detects the type of vignette (Sweave or
+  \code{\link[knitr]{knitr}}), and which Sweave driver to
+  use (either automatically or from an embedded command
+  \code{\\VignetteDriver} command).
+  \code{as.rnw} creates a S3 \code{rnw} object that
+  contains information about a vignette, e.g., source
+  filename, driver, fixed included files, etc..
+  \code{rnwCompiler} tries to detect the vignette compiler
+  to use on a vignette source file, e.g.,
+  \code{\link{Sweave}} or \code{\link[knitr]{knitr}}.
+  \code{rnwWrapper} tries to detect the type of vignette
+  and if it is meant to be wrapped into another main file.
+  \code{rnwDriver} tries to detect Sweave driver to use on
+  a vignette source file, e.g., \code{SweaveCache},
+  \code{highlight}, etc..
+  \code{rnwIncludes} detects fixed includes, e.g., image or
+  pdf files, that are required to build the final document.
+  \code{rnwChildren} detects included vignette documents
+  and return them as a list of vignette objects.
+  \code{vignetteMakefile} returns the path to a generic
+  makefile used to make vignettes.
+  Compact PDFs using either \code{gs_quality='none'} or
+  \code{'ebook'}, depending on which compacts best (as per
+  CRAN check criteria).
diff --git a/man/write.pkgbib.Rd b/man/write.pkgbib.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1704eb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/write.pkgbib.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+\title{Generate a Bibtex File from Package Citations}
+  write.pkgbib(entry = NULL, file = "Rpackages.bib",
+    prefix = "", append = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
+  \item{entry}{a \code{\link{bibentry}} object or a
+  character vector of package names. If \code{NULL}, then
+  the list of all installed packages is used.}
+  \item{file}{output Bibtex file. It can be specified as a
+  filename (as a single character string), NULL for
+  \code{stdout}, or a \code{link{connection}} object. If
+  \code{file} is a character string, an extension '.bib' is
+  appended if not already present.}
+  \item{prefix}{character string to prepend to the
+  generated packages' Bibtex key.}
+  \item{append}{a logical that indicates that the Bibtex
+  entries should be added to the file. If \code{FALSE}
+  (default), the file is overwritten.}
+  \item{verbose}{a logical to toggle verbosity. If
+  \code{file=NULL}, verbosity is forced off.}
+  the list of Bibtex objects -- invisibly.
+  Generates a Bibtex file from a list of packages or all
+  the installed packages. It is useful for adding relevant
+  citations in Sweave documents.
+  Multiple citations are handled by adding a numeric suffix
+  to the Bibtex key (other than the first/main citation) as
+  \code{"<pkgname>\%i"} (e.g. pkg, pkg2, pkg3).
+  This function has now been integrated by Romain François
+  in the bibtex package.
+\dontshow{# roxygen generated flag
+write.pkgbib(c('bibtex', 'utils', 'tools'), file='references')
+bibs <- bibtex::read.bib('references.bib')
+write.pkgbib(bibs, 'references2.bib')
+md5 <- tools::md5sum(c('references.bib', 'references2.bib'))
+md5[1] == md5[2]
+\dontshow{ stopifnot(md5[1] == md5[2]) }
+# write to stdout()
+write.pkgbib(c('bibtex', 'utils', 'tools'), file=NULL)
+# clean up
+unlink(c('references.bib', 'references2.bib'))
+  Renaud Gaujoux, based on the function
+  \code{Rpackages.bib} from Achim Zeileis (see
+  \emph{References}).
+  \emph{[R] Creating bibtex file of all installed
+  packages?} Achim Zeileis. R-help mailing list.
+  \url{https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2009-December/222201.html}
+  \code{link{connection}}, \code{link{bibentry}}
diff --git a/man/writeUnitVignette.Rd b/man/writeUnitVignette.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af055e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/writeUnitVignette.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+\title{Writes Unit Tests Vignette}
+  writeUnitVignette(pkg, file, results = NULL,
+    check = FALSE)
+  \item{pkg}{Package name}
+  \item{file}{Output Sweave (.Rnw) file}
+  \item{results}{result file or output character vector}
+  \item{check}{logical that indactes the cal was made from
+  R CMD check, in which case the vignette is updated only
+  if results of unit tests can be found in the unit test
+  output directory, where they would have been generated by
+  \code{\link{utest}}.}
+  Writes a vignette that contains the results from running
+  unit test suites.
diff --git a/man/write_PACKAGES_index.Rd b/man/write_PACKAGES_index.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23754d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/write_PACKAGES_index.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+\title{Generate CRAN-like Repository Index}
+  write_PACKAGES_index(path = ".", output = "index.html",
+    pattern = NULL, title = "Packages", robots.file = TRUE)
+  \item{path}{path to the repository's root directory}
+  \item{output}{output filename -- relative to the
+  repository root \code{path}.}
+  \item{pattern}{regular expression used to filter the
+  names of the packages that will appear in the index.}
+  \item{title}{title of the index page}
+  \item{robots.file}{logical that indicates if a file
+  \code{robots.txt} that hides the repository from search
+  engine robots should be created.}
+  Generate CRAN-like Repository Index
diff --git a/tests/doRUnit.R b/tests/doRUnit.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0142f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/doRUnit.R
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Run all unit tests in installed directory unitTests
+# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
+pkgmaker::utest('package:pkgmaker', quiet=FALSE)
diff --git a/vignettes/pkgmaker-unitTests.Rnw b/vignettes/pkgmaker-unitTests.Rnw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f37b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/pkgmaker-unitTests.Rnw
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+<<setup, include=FALSE>>=
+pkg <- 'pkgmaker'
+require( pkg, character.only=TRUE )
+prettyVersion <- packageDescription(pkg)$Version
+prettyDate <- format(Sys.Date(), '%B %e, %Y')
+authors <- packageDescription(pkg)$Author
+\title{\texttt{\Sexpr{pkg}}: Unit testing results\footnote{Vignette computed  on Wed May 14 13:48:07 2014}}
+\date{\texttt{\Sexpr{pkg}} version \Sexpr{prettyVersion} as of \Sexpr{prettyDate}}
+RUNIT TEST PROTOCOL -- Wed May 14 13:48:07 2014 
+Number of test functions: 6 
+Number of errors: 0 
+Number of failures: 0 
+1 Test Suite : 
+package:pkgmaker - 6 test functions, 0 errors, 0 failures
+Test Suite: package:pkgmaker 
+Test function regexp: ^test. 
+Test file regexp: ^runit.*.[rR]$ 
+Involved directory: 
+Test file: /tmp/Rpkglib_74c07de1ec8/pkgmaker/tests/runit.options.r 
+test.option_link: (12 checks) ... OK (0.01 seconds)
+test.resetOptions: (9 checks) ... OK (0 seconds)
+Test file: /tmp/Rpkglib_74c07de1ec8/pkgmaker/tests/runit.utils.r 
+test.errorCheck: (8 checks) ... OK (0 seconds)
+test.ExposeAttribute: (20 checks) ... OK (0.01 seconds)
+test.str_bs: (7 checks) ... OK (0 seconds)
+test.Sys.getenv_value: (6 checks) ... OK (0 seconds)
+Total execution time
+   user  system elapsed 
+  0.187   0.000   0.187 
+\section*{Session Information}
+  \item R version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10), \verb|x86_64-pc-linux-gnu|
+  \item Locale: \verb|LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8|, \verb|LC_NUMERIC=C|, \verb|LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8|, \verb|LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8|, \verb|LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8|, \verb|LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8|, \verb|LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8|, \verb|LC_NAME=C|, \verb|LC_ADDRESS=C|, \verb|LC_TELEPHONE=C|, \verb|LC_MEASUREMENT=en_US.UTF-8|, \verb|LC_IDENTIFICATION=C|
+  \item Base packages: base, datasets, graphics, grDevices, methods,
+    stats, utils
+  \item Other packages: pkgmaker~0.22, registry~0.2, RUnit~0.4.26,
+    stringr~0.6.2
+  \item Loaded via a namespace (and not attached): codetools~0.2-8,
+    digest~0.6.4, tools~3.1.0, xtable~1.7-3
diff --git a/vignettes/pkgmaker.Rnw b/vignettes/pkgmaker.Rnw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..918084d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/pkgmaker.Rnw
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+%\VignetteIndexEntry{Overview of Utilities in the pkgmaker Package}
+\usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} % for hyperlinks
+\usepackage[all]{hypcap} % for linking to the top of the figures or tables
+% add preamble from pkgmaker
+<<pkgmaker_preamble, message = FALSE, echo=FALSE, results='asis'>>=
+\title{Overview of Utilities in the pkgmaker Package\\
+\small Version \Sexpr{utils::packageVersion('pkgmaker')}}
+\author{Renaud Gaujoux}
+\section{Knitr hooks}
+\subsection{hook\_try: showing error message in try statements}
+This hooks aims at showing the error message generated by \code{try}
+blocks, which are otherwise not shown in the generated document.
+\subsubsection*{Hook registration}
+knit_hooks$set(try = pkgmaker::hook_try)
+try( stop('this error will not appear in the document'))
+Using chunk option \code{try = TRUE}, the error message is shown in the
+<<with_try, try = NA>>=
+txt <- 'this error will be shown'
+try( stop(txt) )
+Note that by default, the error message is not highlighted by \code{knitr} as an
+error but only as a normal message.
+This is because highlighting apparently relies on an actual error signal
+condition being raised, which in turn makes the package building process \code{R CMD build} fail.
+However, it is still possible to hightlight the error when generating a document
+outside a package, by using the chunk option \code{try = FALSE}:
+<<with_try_highlight, try = TRUE>>=
+txt <- 'this error will be shown'
+try( stop(txt) )
+\section{Session Info}
+<<sessionInfo, echo=FALSE, results='asis'>>=

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