[med-svn] [mypy] 02/03: Updated version 0.4.3 from 'upstream/0.4.3'
Michael Crusoe
misterc-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Aug 2 14:35:46 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
misterc-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository mypy.
commit b3bdd9d23937feb670ce1f1daef1b3c482aefbe1
Merge: 72d0391 8e12ae4
Author: Michael R. Crusoe <crusoe at ucdavis.edu>
Date: Tue Aug 2 07:10:49 2016 -0700
Updated version 0.4.3 from 'upstream/0.4.3'
with Debian dir 916e3ca098f4960a6eed0b539a74ea6cc877832b
PKG-INFO | 2 +-
mypy/applytype.py | 4 +-
mypy/binder.py | 264 +++++
mypy/build.py | 375 ++++---
mypy/checker.py | 1032 +++++++++-----------
mypy/checkexpr.py | 205 ++--
mypy/checkmember.py | 109 +--
mypy/checkstrformat.py | 6 +-
mypy/constraints.py | 13 +-
mypy/defaults.py | 1 +
mypy/docstring.py | 6 +-
mypy/erasetype.py | 33 +-
mypy/errors.py | 66 +-
mypy/expandtype.py | 22 +-
mypy/experiments.py | 1 +
mypy/fastparse.py | 41 +-
mypy/fixup.py | 9 +-
mypy/git.py | 6 +-
mypy/infer.py | 4 +-
mypy/join.py | 42 +-
mypy/lex.py | 2 +-
mypy/main.py | 215 ++--
mypy/maptype.py | 7 +-
mypy/meet.py | 74 +-
mypy/messages.py | 24 +-
mypy/nodes.py | 434 ++++----
mypy/options.py | 67 ++
mypy/parse.py | 70 +-
mypy/replacetvars.py | 45 -
mypy/report.py | 2 +-
mypy/sametypes.py | 14 +-
mypy/semanal.py | 183 ++--
mypy/solve.py | 15 +-
mypy/stats.py | 5 +-
mypy/strconv.py | 23 +-
mypy/stubgen.py | 5 +-
mypy/subtypes.py | 17 +-
mypy/traverser.py | 85 +-
mypy/treetransform.py | 3 -
mypy/typeanal.py | 44 +-
mypy/typefixture.py | 25 +-
mypy/types.py | 238 ++++-
mypy/version.py | 2 +-
setup.cfg | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/ConfigParser.pyi | 10 +-
.../{3/socketserver.pyi => 2.7/SocketServer.pyi} | 13 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/StringIO.pyi | 1 +
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/__builtin__.pyi | 35 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/__future__.pyi | 14 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/argparse.pyi | 192 ----
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/builtins.pyi | 35 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/collections.pyi | 24 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/csv.pyi | 17 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/datetime.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/difflib.pyi | 13 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/gettext.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/json.pyi | 46 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/logging/__init__.pyi | 239 -----
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/logging/handlers.pyi | 202 ----
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/os/__init__.pyi | 18 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/re.pyi | 38 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/socket.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/stat.pyi | 14 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/subprocess.pyi | 59 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/sys.pyi | 6 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/tarfile.pyi | 2 +
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/token.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/traceback.pyi | 5 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/typing.pyi | 16 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/unittest.pyi | 18 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/urllib2.pyi | 4 +
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/urlparse.pyi | 12 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2.7/xml/etree/ElementTree.pyi | 6 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/argparse.pyi | 154 +++
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/logging/__init__.pyi | 355 +++++++
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/logging/config.pyi | 29 +
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/logging/handlers.pyi | 223 +++++
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/warnings.pyi | 56 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3.2/xml/etree/ElementTree.pyi | 6 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3.3/xml/etree/ElementTree.pyi | 6 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3.4/asyncio/events.pyi | 8 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3.4/asyncio/futures.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3.4/asyncio/tasks.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3.4/enum.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3.4/xml/etree/ElementTree.pyi | 6 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3.5/xml/etree/ElementTree.pyi | 6 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/_importlib_modulespec.pyi | 44 +
typeshed/stdlib/3/abc.pyi | 5 +
typeshed/stdlib/3/argparse.pyi | 163 ----
typeshed/stdlib/3/builtins.pyi | 19 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/collections/__init__.pyi | 16 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/concurrent/futures/_base.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/concurrent/futures/process.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/configparser.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/datetime.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/difflib.pyi | 13 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/dis.pyi | 72 ++
typeshed/stdlib/3/email/__init__.pyi | 10 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/email/header.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/email/message.pyi | 5 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/heapq.pyi | 7 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/http/client.pyi | 266 +++--
typeshed/stdlib/3/http/cookiejar.pyi | 213 ++--
typeshed/stdlib/3/http/cookies.pyi | 63 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/http/server.pyi | 63 ++
typeshed/stdlib/3/importlib/__init__.pyi | 18 +
typeshed/stdlib/3/importlib/abc.pyi | 84 ++
typeshed/stdlib/3/importlib/machinery.pyi | 124 +++
typeshed/stdlib/3/importlib/util.pyi | 47 +
typeshed/stdlib/3/io.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/json.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/logging/__init__.pyi | 239 -----
typeshed/stdlib/3/logging/handlers.pyi | 200 ----
typeshed/stdlib/3/multiprocessing/__init__.pyi | 36 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/opcode.pyi | 18 +
typeshed/stdlib/3/os/__init__.pyi | 35 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/queue.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/re.pyi | 6 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/socketserver.pyi | 13 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/subprocess.pyi | 66 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/sys.pyi | 5 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/token.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/traceback.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/types.pyi | 29 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/typing.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/unittest.pyi | 432 +++++---
typeshed/stdlib/3/urllib/parse.pyi | 24 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/xml/etree/ElementTree.pyi | 6 +-
typeshed/{runtests.py => tests/mypy_test.py} | 0
typeshed/tests/pytype_test.py | 109 +++
typeshed/third_party/2.7/boto/exception.pyi | 149 +++
typeshed/third_party/2.7/dateutil/__init__.pyi | 0
typeshed/third_party/2.7/dateutil/parser.pyi | 39 +
typeshed/third_party/2.7/enum.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/third_party/2.7/gflags.pyi | 10 +-
typeshed/third_party/2.7/pymssql.pyi | 48 +
typeshed/third_party/2.7/six/moves/__init__.pyi | 2 +
.../third_party/2.7/sqlalchemy/engine/__init__.pyi | 5 +
.../third_party/2.7/sqlalchemy/engine/base.pyi | 18 +
.../third_party/2.7/sqlalchemy/sql/operators.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/third_party/2.7/sqlalchemy/sql/schema.pyi | 11 +-
typeshed/third_party/3/enum.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/third_party/3/six/moves/__init__.pyi | 1 +
143 files changed, 5019 insertions(+), 3498 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/mypy.git
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