[med-svn] [snakemake] 01/03: New upstream version 3.9.0+dfsg

Kevin Murray daube-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 6 22:06:07 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

daube-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository snakemake.

commit a51fb0f3aefa32b6410d26f1effca4c87555773e
Author: Kevin Murray <kdmfoss at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Dec 7 09:00:44 2016 +1100

    New upstream version 3.9.0+dfsg
 CHANGELOG.md                                       |  15 ++
 biglogo.pdf                                        | Bin 0 -> 3806 bytes
 biglogo.png                                        | Bin 0 -> 17334 bytes
 biglogo.svg                                        | 141 +++++++++++
 bitbucket-pipelines.yml                            |   1 -
 environment.yml                                    |   4 +
 setup.py                                           |  12 +-
 snakemake/__init__.py                              |  47 +++-
 snakemake/common.py                                |  10 +
 snakemake/conda.py                                 |  50 ++++
 snakemake/dag.py                                   |  22 +-
 snakemake/exceptions.py                            |   8 +
 snakemake/executors.py                             | 131 ++++++----
 snakemake/futures.py                               |  36 ---
 snakemake/io.py                                    |  98 ++++++--
 snakemake/jobs.py                                  |  56 ++++-
 snakemake/logging.py                               |  53 ++--
 snakemake/parser.py                                | 110 ++++----
 snakemake/persistence.py                           |  20 +-
 snakemake/remote/HTTP.py                           |  14 +-
 snakemake/remote/__init__.py                       |   4 +-
 snakemake/report.py                                |  46 ++--
 snakemake/rules.py                                 |  53 +++-
 snakemake/scheduler.py                             |  18 +-
 snakemake/script.py                                | 160 +++++++-----
 snakemake/shell.py                                 |   8 +-
 snakemake/version.py                               |   4 +-
 snakemake/workflow.py                              |  45 +++-
 snakemake/wrapper.py                               |  38 ++-
 tests/test01/Snakefile                             |   2 +-
 tests/test05/Snakefile                             |   4 +
 tests/test09/Snakefile                             |   3 +
 tests/test13/Snakefile                             |   4 +
 tests/test14/Snakefile.nonstandard                 |   4 +
 tests/test_ancient/Snakefile                       |  28 +++
 tests/test_ancient/expected-results/A              |   0
 tests/test_ancient/expected-results/B              |   0
 tests/test_ancient/expected-results/C              |   1 +
 tests/test_ancient/expected-results/D              |   1 +
 tests/test_conda/Snakefile                         |  11 +
 tests/test_conda/expected-results/test0.out        | 279 +++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/test_conda/expected-results/test1.out        | 279 +++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/test_conda/expected-results/test2.out        | 279 +++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/test_conda/test-env.yaml                     |   4 +
 tests/test_delete_output/Snakefile                 |  52 +++-
 tests/test_delete_output/nosuchfile                |   0
 tests/test_get_log_both/test.out                   |   2 -
 tests/test_get_log_complex/test.out                |   2 -
 tests/test_get_log_stderr/test.out                 |   2 -
 tests/test_get_log_stdout/test.out                 |   2 -
 tests/test_issue381/Snakefile                      |  21 ++
 tests/test_issue381/a.in                           |   0
 tests/test_issue381/expected-results/b.out         |   0
 tests/test_persistent_dict/Snakefile               |  44 ++--
 tests/test_rule_defined_in_for_loop/Snakefile      |  12 +
 .../expected-results/iteration-01.txt              |   0
 .../expected-results/iteration-02.txt              |   0
 .../test_rule_defined_in_for_loop/iteration-01.txt |   0
 tests/test_wrapper/Snakefile                       |   7 +
 tests/test_wrapper/expected-results/test.vcf.gz    | Bin 0 -> 438 bytes
 tests/test_wrapper/test.vcf                        |  15 ++
 tests/tests.py                                     |  44 +++-
 62 files changed, 1915 insertions(+), 391 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 639b25c..5accd50 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,20 @@
 # Change Log
+## [3.9.0] - 2016-11-15
+### Added
+- Ability to define isolated conda software environments (YAML) per rule. Environment will be deployed by Snakemake upon workflow execution.
+- Command line argument --wrapper-prefix in order to overwrite the default URL for looking up wrapper scripts.
+### Changed
+- --summary now displays the log files correspoding to each output file.
+- Fixed hangups when using run directive and a large number of jobs
+- Fixed pickling errors with anonymous rules and run directive.
+- Various small bug fixes
+## [3.8.2] - 2016-09-23
+### Changed
+- Add missing import in rules.py.
+- Use threading only in cluster jobs.
 ## [3.8.1] - 2016-09-14
 ### Changed
 - Snakemake now warns when using relative paths starting with "./".
diff --git a/biglogo.pdf b/biglogo.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..572fea5
Binary files /dev/null and b/biglogo.pdf differ
diff --git a/biglogo.png b/biglogo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c45e72f
Binary files /dev/null and b/biglogo.png differ
diff --git a/biglogo.svg b/biglogo.svg
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/biglogo.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
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diff --git a/bitbucket-pipelines.yml b/bitbucket-pipelines.yml
index 50041c7..409eb37 100644
--- a/bitbucket-pipelines.yml
+++ b/bitbucket-pipelines.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ pipelines:
     - step:
-          - conda update -y conda conda-env
           - conda env create --file environment.yml --name snakemake
           - source activate snakemake
           - python setup.py nosetests
diff --git a/environment.yml b/environment.yml
index 0db7017..de19541 100644
--- a/environment.yml
+++ b/environment.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
   - bioconda
   - r
+  - anaconda
+  - conda-forge
   - rpy2 >=0.7.6
   - boto
@@ -15,3 +17,5 @@ dependencies:
   - dropbox
   - numpy
   - appdirs
+  - snakemake
+  - pytools
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 22cda87..132630e 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
 __author__ = "Johannes Köster"
 __copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, Johannes Köster"
 __email__ = "koester at jimmy.harvard.edu"
@@ -8,6 +10,10 @@ from setuptools.command.test import test as TestCommand
 import sys
+# load version info
 if sys.version_info < (3, 3):
     print("At least Python 3.3 is required.\n", file=sys.stderr)
@@ -21,10 +27,6 @@ except ImportError:
-# load version info
 class NoseTestCommand(TestCommand):
     user_options = [
         ('test-suite=', 's', "Test to run (e.g. test_shadow)")
@@ -61,7 +63,7 @@ setup(
     package_data={'': ['*.css', '*.sh', '*.html']},
-    tests_require=['pytools', 'rpy2', 'httpretty==0.8.10', 'docutils', 'nose>=1.3', 'boto>=2.38.0', 'filechunkio>=1.6', 
+    tests_require=['pytools', 'rpy2', 'httpretty==0.8.10', 'docutils', 'nose>=1.3', 'boto>=2.38.0', 'filechunkio>=1.6',
                      'moto>=0.4.14', 'ftputil>=3.2', 'pysftp>=0.2.8', 'requests>=2.8.1', 'dropbox>=5.2', 'pyyaml'],
     cmdclass={'test': NoseTestCommand},
diff --git a/snakemake/__init__.py b/snakemake/__init__.py
index 13f7a3c..e04f2e4 100644
--- a/snakemake/__init__.py
+++ b/snakemake/__init__.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from snakemake.version import __version__
 from snakemake.io import load_configfile
 from snakemake.shell import shell
 from snakemake.utils import update_config, available_cpu_count
+from snakemake.common import Mode
 def snakemake(snakefile,
@@ -95,7 +96,10 @@ def snakemake(snakefile,
-              force_use_threads=False):
+              force_use_threads=False,
+              use_conda=False,
+              mode=Mode.default,
+              wrapper_prefix=None):
     """Run snakemake on a given snakefile.
     This function provides access to the whole snakemake functionality. It is not thread-safe.
@@ -164,10 +168,13 @@ def snakemake(snakefile,
         greediness (float):         set the greediness of scheduling. This value between 0 and 1 determines how careful jobs are selected for execution. The default value (0.5 if prioritytargets are used, 1.0 else) provides the best speed and still acceptable scheduling quality.
         overwrite_shellcmd (str):   a shell command that shall be executed instead of those given in the workflow. This is for debugging purposes only.
         updated_files(list):        a list that will be filled with the files that are updated or created during the workflow execution
-        verbose(bool):              show additional debug output (default False)
+        verbose (bool):              show additional debug output (default False)
         log_handler (function):     redirect snakemake output to this custom log handler, a function that takes a log message dictionary (see below) as its only argument (default None). The log message dictionary for the log handler has to following entries:
         max_jobs_per_second:        maximal number of cluster/drmaa jobs per second, None to impose no limit (default None)
-        force_use_threads:         whether to force use of threads over processes. helpful if shared memory is full or unavailable (default False)
+        force_use_threads:          whether to force use of threads over processes. helpful if shared memory is full or unavailable (default False)
+        use_conda (bool):           create conda environments for each job (defined with conda directive of rules)
+        mode (snakemake.common.Mode): Execution mode
+        wrapper_prefix (str):       Prefix for wrapper script URLs (default None)
                 the log level ("info", "error", "debug", "progress", "job_info")
@@ -244,10 +251,11 @@ def snakemake(snakefile,
-                     stdout=dryrun,
+                     stdout=dryrun and not (printdag or printd3dag or printrulegraph),
-                     use_threads=use_threads)
+                     use_threads=use_threads,
+                     mode=mode)
     if greediness is None:
         greediness = 0.5 if prioritytargets else 1.0
@@ -294,7 +302,10 @@ def snakemake(snakefile,
-                        debug=debug)
+                        debug=debug,
+                        use_conda=use_conda,
+                        mode=mode,
+                        wrapper_prefix=wrapper_prefix)
     success = True
@@ -888,12 +899,31 @@ def get_argument_parser():
         "Profile Snakemake and write the output to FILE. This requires yappi "
         "to be installed.")
+        "--mode",
+        choices=[Mode.default, Mode.subprocess, Mode.cluster],
+        default=Mode.default,
+        type=int,
+        help="Set execution mode of Snakemake (internal use only)."
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
         help="Output code to register bash completion for snakemake. Put the "
         "following in your .bashrc (including the accents): "
         "`snakemake --bash-completion` or issue it in an open terminal "
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--use-conda",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="If defined in the rule, create job specific conda environments. "
+        "If this flag is not set, the conda directive is ignored.")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--wrapper-prefix",
+        default="https://bitbucket.org/snakemake/snakemake-wrappers/raw/",
+        help="Prefix for URL created from wrapper directive (default: "
+        "https://bitbucket.org/snakemake/snakemake-wrappers/raw/). Set this to "
+        "a different URL to use your fork or a local clone of the repository."
+    )
     parser.add_argument("--version", "-v",
@@ -1035,7 +1065,10 @@ def main():
-                            force_use_threads=args.force_use_threads)
+                            force_use_threads=args.force_use_threads,
+                            use_conda=args.use_conda,
+                            mode=args.mode,
+                            wrapper_prefix=args.wrapper_prefix)
     if args.profile:
         with open(args.profile, "w") as out:
diff --git a/snakemake/common.py b/snakemake/common.py
index 916866c..4c74a37 100644
--- a/snakemake/common.py
+++ b/snakemake/common.py
@@ -1 +1,11 @@
 DYNAMIC_FILL = "__snakemake_dynamic__"
+class Mode:
+    """
+    Enum for execution mode of Snakemake.
+    This handles the behavior of e.g. the logger.
+    """
+    default = 0
+    subprocess = 1
+    cluster = 2
diff --git a/snakemake/conda.py b/snakemake/conda.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b16c0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/snakemake/conda.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+import os
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+import hashlib
+import shutil
+from snakemake.exceptions import CreateCondaEnvironmentException
+from snakemake.logging import logger
+def create_env(job):
+    """ Create conda enviroment for the given job. """
+    if shutil.which("conda") is None:
+        raise CreateCondaEnvironmentException("The 'conda' command is not available in $PATH.")
+    md5hash = hashlib.md5()
+    env_file = job.conda_env_file
+    if os.path.exists(env_file):
+        with open(env_file, 'rb') as f:
+            md5hash.update(f.read())
+    else:
+        content = urlopen(env_file).read()
+        md5hash.update(content)
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tmp:
+            tmp.write(content)
+            env_file = tmp.name
+    env_path = os.path.join(job.rule.workflow.persistence.conda_env_path, md5hash.hexdigest())
+    if not os.path.exists(env_path):
+        logger.info("Creating conda environment for {}...".format(job.conda_env_file))
+        try:
+            out = subprocess.check_output(["conda", "env", "create",
+                                           "--file", env_file,
+                                           "--prefix", env_path],
+                                           stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+            logger.debug(out)
+            logger.info("Environment for {} created.".format(job.conda_env_file))
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+            # remove potential partially installed environment
+            shutil.rmtree(env_path, ignore_errors=True)
+            raise CreateCondaEnvironmentException(
+                "Could not create conda environment from {}:\n".format(job.conda_env_file) +
+                e.output.decode())
+    if env_file != job.conda_env_file:
+        # temporary file was created
+        os.remove(env_file)
+    return env_path
diff --git a/snakemake/dag.py b/snakemake/dag.py
index 8b4f1d1..322afa3 100644
--- a/snakemake/dag.py
+++ b/snakemake/dag.py
@@ -335,12 +335,9 @@ class DAG:
         def unneeded_files():
             for job_, files in self.dependencies[job].items():
-                for f in job_.temp_output & files:
-                    if not needed(job_, f):
-                        yield f
-            for f in filterfalse(partial(needed, job), job.temp_output):
-                if not f in self.targetfiles:
-                    yield f
+                yield from filterfalse(partial(needed, job_), job_.temp_output & files)
+            if job not in self.targetjobs:
+                yield from filterfalse(partial(needed, job), job.temp_output)
         for f in unneeded_files():
             logger.info("Removing temporary output file {}.".format(f))
@@ -892,6 +889,8 @@ class DAG:
         return new_wildcards
     def rule2job(self, targetrule):
+        if targetrule.has_wildcards():
+            raise WorkflowError("Target rules may not contain wildcards. Please specify concrete files or a rule without wildcards.")
         return Job(targetrule, self)
     def file2jobs(self, targetfile):
@@ -1015,9 +1014,9 @@ class DAG:
     def summary(self, detailed=False):
         if detailed:
-            yield "output_file\tdate\trule\tversion\tinput_file(s)\tshellcmd\tstatus\tplan"
+            yield "output_file\tdate\trule\tversion\tlog-file(s)\tinput-file(s)\tshellcmd\tstatus\tplan"
-            yield "output_file\tdate\trule\tversion\tstatus\tplan"
+            yield "output_file\tdate\trule\tversion\tlog-file(s)\tstatus\tplan"
         for job in self.jobs:
             output = job.rule.output if self.dynamic(
@@ -1033,6 +1032,9 @@ class DAG:
                 pending = "update pending" if self.reason(job) else "no update"
+                log = self.workflow.persistence.log(f)
+                log = "-" if log is None else ",".join(log)
                 input = self.workflow.persistence.input(f)
                 input = "-" if input is None else ",".join(input)
@@ -1055,10 +1057,10 @@ class DAG:
                 elif self.workflow.persistence.params_changed(job, file=f):
                     status = "params changed"
                 if detailed:
-                    yield "\t".join((f, date, rule, version, input, shellcmd,
+                    yield "\t".join((f, date, rule, version, log, input, shellcmd,
                                      status, pending))
-                    yield "\t".join((f, date, rule, version, status, pending))
+                    yield "\t".join((f, date, rule, version, log, status, pending))
     def d3dag(self, max_jobs=10000):
         def node(job):
diff --git a/snakemake/exceptions.py b/snakemake/exceptions.py
index be14fd0..62e7a98 100644
--- a/snakemake/exceptions.py
+++ b/snakemake/exceptions.py
@@ -333,3 +333,11 @@ class CreateRuleException(RuleException):
 class TerminatedException(Exception):
+class CreateCondaEnvironmentException(Exception):
+    pass
+class SpawnedJobError(Exception):
+    pass
diff --git a/snakemake/executors.py b/snakemake/executors.py
index 93d320d..e1c96fa 100644
--- a/snakemake/executors.py
+++ b/snakemake/executors.py
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ from snakemake.utils import format, Unformattable
 from snakemake.io import get_wildcard_names, Wildcards
 from snakemake.exceptions import print_exception, get_exception_origin
 from snakemake.exceptions import format_error, RuleException, log_verbose_traceback
-from snakemake.exceptions import ClusterJobException, ProtectedOutputException, WorkflowError, ImproperShadowException
-from snakemake.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
+from snakemake.exceptions import ClusterJobException, ProtectedOutputException, WorkflowError, ImproperShadowException, SpawnedJobError
+from snakemake.common import Mode
 class AbstractExecutor:
@@ -160,6 +160,30 @@ class RealExecutor(AbstractExecutor):
                         "directory {}".format(e,
+    def format_job_pattern(self, pattern, job=None, **kwargs):
+        overwrite_workdir = []
+        if self.workflow.overwrite_workdir:
+            overwrite_workdir.extend(("--directory", self.workflow.overwrite_workdir))
+        overwrite_config = []
+        if self.workflow.overwrite_configfile:
+            overwrite_config.extend(("--configfile", self.workflow.overwrite_configfile))
+        if self.workflow.config_args:
+            overwrite_config.append("--config")
+            overwrite_config.extend(self.workflow.config_args)
+        target = job.output if job.output else job.rule.name
+        return format(pattern,
+                      job=job,
+                      overwrite_workdir=overwrite_workdir,
+                      overwrite_config=overwrite_config,
+                      workflow=self.workflow,
+                      cores=self.cores,
+                      benchmark_repeats=self.benchmark_repeats,
+                      target=target,
+                      **kwargs)
 class TouchExecutor(RealExecutor):
     def run(self, job,
@@ -192,7 +216,7 @@ class CPUExecutor(RealExecutor):
-                 threads=False,
+                 use_threads=False,
         super().__init__(workflow, dag,
@@ -202,35 +226,54 @@ class CPUExecutor(RealExecutor):
-        self.pool = (concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers)
-                     if threads else ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers))
-        self.threadpool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers)
+        self.exec_job = '\\\n'.join((
+            'cd {workflow.workdir_init} && ',
+            '{workflow.snakemakepath} {target} --snakefile {workflow.snakefile} ',
+            '--force -j{cores} --keep-target-files --keep-shadow --keep-remote ',
+            '--benchmark-repeats {benchmark_repeats} ',
+            '--force-use-threads --wrapper-prefix {workflow.wrapper_prefix} ',
+            '{overwrite_workdir} {overwrite_config} ',
+            '--notemp --quiet --no-hooks --nolock --mode {} '.format(Mode.subprocess)))
+        self.use_threads = use_threads
+        self.cores = workers
+        self.pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers)
     def run(self, job,
-        if (job.rule.shadow_depth and
-            type(self) == concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor):
-            raise ImproperShadowException(job.rule)
-        job.prepare()
-        benchmark = None
-        if job.benchmark is not None:
-            benchmark = str(job.benchmark)
-        pool = self.pool if job.shellcmd is None or job.is_shadow else self.threadpool
-        future = pool.submit(
-            run_wrapper, job.rule.run_func, job.input.plainstrings(),
-            job.output.plainstrings(), job.params, job.wildcards, job.threads,
-            job.resources, job.log.plainstrings(), job.rule.version, benchmark,
-            self.benchmark_repeats, self.workflow.linemaps, self.workflow.debug,
-            shadow_dir=job.shadow_dir)
+        if self.use_threads or (not job.is_shadow and (job.is_shell or job.is_norun or job.is_script or job.is_wrapper)):
+            job.prepare()
+            job.create_conda_env()
+            benchmark = None
+            if job.benchmark is not None:
+                benchmark = str(job.benchmark)
+            future = self.pool.submit(
+                run_wrapper, job.rule.run_func, job.input.plainstrings(),
+                job.output.plainstrings(), job.params, job.wildcards, job.threads,
+                job.resources, job.log.plainstrings(), job.rule.version, benchmark,
+                self.benchmark_repeats, job.conda_env, self.workflow.linemaps,
+                self.workflow.debug, shadow_dir=job.shadow_dir)
+        else:
+            # run directive jobs are spawned into subprocesses
+            future = self.pool.submit(self.spawn_job, job)
         future.add_done_callback(partial(self._callback, job, callback,
+    def spawn_job(self, job):
+        exec_job = self.exec_job
+        if not job.rule.is_branched:
+            exec_job += " --allowed-rules {}".format(job.rule)
+        cmd = self.format_job_pattern(exec_job, job=job)
+        try:
+            subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+            raise SpawnedJobError()
     def shutdown(self):
@@ -248,6 +291,11 @@ class CPUExecutor(RealExecutor):
             # no error callback, just silently ignore the interrupt as the main scheduler is also killed
+        except SpawnedJobError:
+            # don't print error message, this is done by the spawned subprocess
+            job.cleanup()
+            self.workflow.persistence.cleanup(job)
+            error_callback(job)
         except (Exception, BaseException) as ex:
             print_exception(ex, self.workflow.linemaps)
@@ -297,12 +345,13 @@ class ClusterExecutor(RealExecutor):
         self.exec_job = '\\\n'.join((
             'cd {workflow.workdir_init} && ',
-            '{workflow.snakemakepath} --snakefile {workflow.snakefile} ',
+            '{workflow.snakemakepath} {target} --snakefile {workflow.snakefile} ',
             '--force -j{cores} --keep-target-files --keep-shadow --keep-remote ',
             '--wait-for-files {wait_for_files} --latency-wait {latency_wait} ',
             '--benchmark-repeats {benchmark_repeats} ',
+            '--force-use-threads --wrapper-prefix {workflow.wrapper_prefix} ',
             '{overwrite_workdir} {overwrite_config} --nocolor ',
-            '--notemp --quiet --no-hooks --nolock {target}'))
+            '--notemp --quiet --no-hooks --nolock'))
         if printshellcmds:
             self.exec_job += " --printshellcmds "
@@ -371,34 +420,22 @@ class ClusterExecutor(RealExecutor):
     def spawn_jobscript(self, job, jobscript, **kwargs):
-        overwrite_workdir = []
-        if self.workflow.overwrite_workdir:
-            overwrite_workdir.extend(("--directory", self.workflow.overwrite_workdir))
-        overwrite_config = []
-        if self.workflow.overwrite_configfile:
-            overwrite_config.extend(("--configfile", self.workflow.overwrite_configfile))
-        if self.workflow.config_args:
-            overwrite_config.append("--config")
-            overwrite_config.extend(self.workflow.config_args)
-        target = job.output if job.output else job.rule.name
         wait_for_files = list(job.local_input) + [self.tmpdir]
         if job.shadow_dir:
-        format_p = partial(format,
+        if job.conda_env:
+            wait_for_files.append(job.conda_env)
+        format_p = partial(self.format_job_pattern,
-                           overwrite_workdir=overwrite_workdir,
-                           overwrite_config=overwrite_config,
-                           workflow=self.workflow,
-                           cores=self.cores,
-                           properties=json.dumps(job.properties(cluster=self.cluster_params(job))),
+                           properties=json.dumps(job.properties(
+                               cluster=self.cluster_params(job))),
-                           benchmark_repeats=self.benchmark_repeats,
-                           target=target,
-            exec_job = format_p(self.exec_job, _quote_all=True)
+            exec_job = self.exec_job
+            exec_job = format_p(exec_job, _quote_all=True)
             with open(jobscript, "w") as f:
                 print(format_p(self.jobscript, exec_job=exec_job), file=f)
         except KeyError as e:
@@ -659,10 +696,12 @@ class DRMAAExecutor(ClusterExecutor):
     def cancel(self):
         from drmaa.const import JobControlAction
+        from drmaa.errors import InvalidJobException, InternalException
         for jobid in self.submitted:
                 self.session.control(jobid, JobControlAction.TERMINATE)
-            except drmaa.errors.InvalidJobException:
+            except (InvalidJobException, InternalException):
+                #This is common - logging a warning would probably confuse the user.
@@ -760,7 +799,7 @@ def change_working_directory(directory=None):
 def run_wrapper(run, input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log,
-                version, benchmark, benchmark_repeats, linemaps, debug=False,
+                version, benchmark, benchmark_repeats, conda_env, linemaps, debug=False,
     Wrapper around the run method that handles exceptions and benchmarking.
@@ -785,7 +824,7 @@ def run_wrapper(run, input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log,
             # execute the actual run method.
             with change_working_directory(shadow_dir):
                 run(input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log,
-                    version)
+                    version, conda_env)
             w = time.time() - w
diff --git a/snakemake/futures.py b/snakemake/futures.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aa05b48..0000000
--- a/snakemake/futures.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-__author__ = "Johannes Köster"
-__copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, Johannes Köster"
-__email__ = "koester at jimmy.harvard.edu"
-__license__ = "MIT"
-import sys
-import os
-import multiprocessing
-import concurrent.futures
-from concurrent.futures.process import _ResultItem, _process_worker
-def _graceful_process_worker(call_queue, result_queue):
-    """Override the default _process_worker from concurrent.futures.
-    We ensure here that KeyboardInterrupts lead to silent failures.
-    """
-    try:
-        _process_worker(call_queue, result_queue)
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        # let the process silently fail in case of a keyboard interrupt
-        raise SystemExit()
-class ProcessPoolExecutor(concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor):
-    """Override the default ProcessPoolExecutor to gracefully handle KeyboardInterrupts."""
-    def _adjust_process_count(self):
-        for _ in range(len(self._processes), self._max_workers):
-            p = multiprocessing.Process(
-                target=_graceful_process_worker,
-                args=(self._call_queue, self._result_queue))
-            p.start()
-            if sys.version_info < (3, 3):
-                self._processes.add(p)
-            else:
-                self._processes[p.pid] = p
diff --git a/snakemake/io.py b/snakemake/io.py
index 5a3fe17..d60a055 100644
--- a/snakemake/io.py
+++ b/snakemake/io.py
@@ -8,14 +8,18 @@ import shutil
 import re
 import stat
 import time
+import datetime
 import json
 import copy
 import functools
+import subprocess as sp
 from itertools import product, chain
 from collections import Iterable, namedtuple
 from snakemake.exceptions import MissingOutputException, WorkflowError, WildcardError, RemoteFileException
 from snakemake.logging import logger
 from inspect import isfunction, ismethod
+from copy import deepcopy
 from snakemake.common import DYNAMIC_FILL
@@ -30,21 +34,31 @@ def lutime(f, times):
     #target of a link.
     if os.utime in os.supports_follow_symlinks:
         #...utime is well behaved
-        return os.utime(f, times, follow_symlinks=False)
+        os.utime(f, times, follow_symlinks=False)
     elif not os.path.islink(f):
         #...symlinks not an issue here
-        return os.utime(f, times)
+        os.utime(f, times)
+        try:
+            # try the system command
+            if times:
+                fmt_time = lambda sec: datetime.fromtimestamp(sec).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M.%S")
+                atime, mtime = times
+                sp.check_call(["touch", "-h", f, "-a", "-t", fmt_time(atime)])
+                sp.check_call(["touch", "-h", f, "-m", "-t", fmt_time(mtime)])
+            else:
+                sp.check_call(["touch", "-h", f])
+        except sp.CalledProcessError:
+            pass
         #...problem system.  Do nothing.
-        logger.warning("Unable to set utime on symlink {}.  Your Python build does not support it.".format(f))
+        logger.warning("Unable to set utime on symlink {}. Your Python build does not support it.".format(f))
         return None
 def lchmod(f, mode):
-    return os.chmod(
-        f,
-        mode,
-        follow_symlinks=os.chmod not in os.supports_follow_symlinks)
+    os.chmod(f,
+             mode,
+             follow_symlinks=os.chmod not in os.supports_follow_symlinks)
 def IOFile(file, rule=None):
@@ -88,6 +102,10 @@ class _IOFile(str):
     def is_remote(self):
         return is_flagged(self._file, "remote_object")
+    @property
+    def is_ancient(self):
+        return is_flagged(self._file, "ancient")
     def update_remote_filepath(self):
         # if the file string is different in the iofile, update the remote object
         # (as in the case of wildcard expansion)
@@ -115,10 +133,17 @@ class _IOFile(str):
     def check(self):
         if self._file.startswith("./"):
-            logger.warning("File path {} starts with './'. This is redundant "
+            logger.warning("Relative file path '{}' starts with './'. This is redundant "
                            "and strongly discouraged. It can also lead to "
                            "inconsistent results of the file-matching approach "
-                           "used by Snakemake.".format(self._file))
+                           "used by Snakemake. You can simply omit the './' "
+                           "for relative file paths.".format(self._file))
+        if self._file.startswith(" "):
+            logger.warning("File path '{}' starts with whitespace. This is likely unintended.")
+        if self._file.endswith(" "):
+            logger.warning("File path '{}' ends with whitespace. This is likely unintended.")
+        if "\n" in self._file:
+            logger.warning("File path '{}' contains line break. This is likely unintended.")
@@ -145,7 +170,7 @@ class _IOFile(str):
     def mtime_local(self):
         # do not follow symlinks for modification time
-        return int(lstat(self.file).st_mtime)
+        return lstat(self.file).st_mtime
     def flags(self):
@@ -172,7 +197,9 @@ class _IOFile(str):
     def is_newer(self, time):
         """ Returns true of the file is newer than time, or if it is
             a symlink that points to a file newer than time. """
-        if self.is_remote:
+        if self.is_ancient:
+            return False
+        elif self.is_remote:
             #If file is remote but provider does not override the implementation this
             #is the best we can do.
             return self.mtime > time
@@ -355,21 +382,25 @@ def contains_wildcard_constraints(pattern):
 def remove(file, remove_non_empty_dir=False):
-    if os.path.exists(file):
-        if os.path.isdir(file):
-            if remove_non_empty_dir:
-                shutil.rmtree(file)
-            else:
-                try:
-                    os.removedirs(file)
-                except OSError as e:
-                    # skip non empty directories
-                    if e.errno == 39:
-                        logger.info("Skipped removing empty directory {}".format(e.filename))
-                    else:
-                        logger.warning(str(e))
+    if os.path.isdir(file) and not os.path.islink(file):
+        if remove_non_empty_dir:
+            shutil.rmtree(file)
+            try:
+                os.removedirs(file)
+            except OSError as e:
+                # skip non empty directories
+                if e.errno == 39:
+                    logger.info("Skipped removing non-empty directory {}".format(e.filename))
+                else:
+                    logger.warning(str(e))
+    #Remember that dangling symlinks fail the os.path.exists() test, but
+    #we definitely still want to zap them. try/except is the safest way.
+    else:
+        try:
+        except FileNotFoundError:
+            pass
 def regex(filepattern):
@@ -458,6 +489,15 @@ def get_flag_value(value, flag_type):
             return None
+def ancient(value):
+    """
+    A flag for an input file that shall be considered ancient; i.e. its timestamp shall have no effect on which jobs to run.
+    """
+    if is_flagged(value, "remote"):
+        raise SyntaxError(
+            "Ancient and remote flags are mutually exclusive.")
+    return flag(value, "ancient")
 def temp(value):
@@ -575,7 +615,7 @@ def glob_wildcards(pattern, files=None):
     pattern = re.compile(regex(pattern))
     if files is None:
-        files = ((os.path.join(dirpath, f) if dirpath != "." else f)
+        files = (os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirpath, f))
                  for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirname)
                  for f in chain(filenames, dirnames))
@@ -616,7 +656,13 @@ def update_wildcard_constraints(pattern,
             return match.group(0)
     examined_names = set()
-    return re.sub(_wildcard_regex, replace_constraint, pattern)
+    updated = re.sub(_wildcard_regex, replace_constraint, pattern)
+    # inherit flags
+    if isinstance(pattern, AnnotatedString):
+        updated = AnnotatedString(updated)
+        updated.flags = deepcopy(pattern.flags)
+    return updated
diff --git a/snakemake/jobs.py b/snakemake/jobs.py
index 99ea315..2486ede 100644
--- a/snakemake/jobs.py
+++ b/snakemake/jobs.py
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import os
 import sys
 import base64
 import tempfile
+import subprocess
+import json
 from collections import defaultdict
 from itertools import chain
@@ -15,10 +17,11 @@ from operator import attrgetter
 from snakemake.io import IOFile, Wildcards, Resources, _IOFile, is_flagged, contains_wildcard
 from snakemake.utils import format, listfiles
-from snakemake.exceptions import RuleException, ProtectedOutputException
-from snakemake.exceptions import UnexpectedOutputException
+from snakemake.exceptions import RuleException, ProtectedOutputException, WorkflowError
+from snakemake.exceptions import UnexpectedOutputException, CreateCondaEnvironmentException
 from snakemake.logging import logger
 from snakemake.common import DYNAMIC_FILL
+from snakemake import conda, wrapper
 def jobfiles(jobs, type):
@@ -45,6 +48,8 @@ class Job:
         self._log = None
         self._benchmark = None
         self._resources = None
+        self._conda_env_file = None
+        self._conda_env = None
         self.shadow_dir = None
         self._inputsize = None
@@ -114,6 +119,32 @@ class Job:
         return self._resources
+    def conda_env_file(self):
+        if not self.rule.workflow.use_conda:
+            # if use_conda is False, ignore conda_env_file definition
+            return None
+        if self._conda_env_file is None:
+            self._conda_env_file = self.rule.expand_conda_env(self.wildcards_dict)
+        return self._conda_env_file
+    @property
+    def conda_env(self):
+        if self.conda_env_file:
+            if self._conda_env is None:
+                raise ValueError("create_conda_env() must be called before calling conda_env")
+            return self._conda_env
+        return None
+    def create_conda_env(self):
+        """Create conda environment if specified."""
+        if self.conda_env_file:
+            try:
+                self._conda_env = conda.create_env(self)
+            except CreateCondaEnvironmentException as e:
+                raise WorkflowError(e, rule=self.rule)
+    @property
     def is_shadow(self):
         return self.rule.shadow_depth is not None
@@ -163,6 +194,22 @@ class Job:
+    def is_shell(self):
+        return self.rule.shellcmd is not None
+    @property
+    def is_norun(self):
+        return self.rule.norun
+    @property
+    def is_script(self):
+        return self.rule.script is not None
+    @property
+    def is_wrapper(self):
+        return self.rule.wrapper is not None
+    @property
     def expanded_output(self):
         """ Iterate over output files while dynamic output is expanded. """
         for f, f_ in zip(self.output, self.rule.output):
@@ -396,6 +443,8 @@ class Job:
                 "present when the DAG was created:\n{}".format(
                     self.rule, unexpected_output))
+        self.remove_existing_output()
         for f, f_ in zip(self.output, self.rule.output):
@@ -407,8 +456,6 @@ class Job:
         if self.benchmark:
-        self.remove_existing_output()
         if not self.is_shadow:
         # Create shadow directory structure
@@ -442,7 +489,6 @@ class Job:
                     link = os.path.join(self.shadow_dir, relative_source)
                     os.symlink(source, link)
     def close_remote(self):
         for f in (self.input + self.output):
             if f.is_remote:
diff --git a/snakemake/logging.py b/snakemake/logging.py
index 3c0830b..46788da 100644
--- a/snakemake/logging.py
+++ b/snakemake/logging.py
@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@ import time
 import sys
 import os
 import json
-import multiprocessing
 import threading
 import tempfile
 from functools import partial
 from snakemake.common import DYNAMIC_FILL
+from snakemake.common import Mode
 class ColorizingStreamHandler(_logging.StreamHandler):
     RESET_SEQ = "\033[0m"
@@ -33,21 +33,19 @@ class ColorizingStreamHandler(_logging.StreamHandler):
         'ERROR': RED
-    def __init__(self, nocolor=False, stream=sys.stderr, timestamp=False, use_threads=False):
+    def __init__(self, nocolor=False, stream=sys.stderr, timestamp=False, use_threads=False, mode=Mode.default):
-        if not use_threads:
-            self._output_lock = multiprocessing.Lock()
-        else:
-            self._output_lock = threading.Lock()
+        self._output_lock = threading.Lock()
-        self.nocolor = nocolor or not self.can_color_tty
+        self.nocolor = nocolor or not self.can_color_tty(mode)
         self.timestamp = timestamp
-    @property
-    def can_color_tty(self):
+    def can_color_tty(self, mode):
         if 'TERM' in os.environ and os.environ['TERM'] == 'dumb':
             return False
+        if mode == Mode.subprocess:
+            return True
         return self.is_tty and not platform.system() == 'Windows'
@@ -104,6 +102,7 @@ class Logger:
+        self.log_handler = [self.text_handler]
     def get_logfile(self):
         if self.logfile is not None:
@@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ class Logger:
             def format_item(item, omit=None, valueformat=str):
                 value = msg[item]
                 if value != omit:
-                    return "\t{}: {}".format(item, valueformat(value))
+                    return "    {}: {}".format(item, valueformat(value))
             yield "{}rule {}:".format("local" if msg["local"] else "",
@@ -196,7 +195,7 @@ class Logger:
             wildcards = format_wildcards(msg["wildcards"])
             if wildcards:
-                yield "\twildcards: " + wildcards
+                yield "    wildcards: " + wildcards
             for item, omit in zip("priority threads".split(), [0, 1]):
                 fmt = format_item(item, omit=omit)
@@ -205,10 +204,10 @@ class Logger:
             resources = format_resources(msg["resources"])
             if resources:
-                yield "\tresources: " + resources
+                yield "    resources: " + resources
         level = msg["level"]
-        if level == "info":
+        if level == "info" and not self.quiet:
         if level == "warning":
@@ -216,9 +215,9 @@ class Logger:
         elif level == "debug":
-        elif level == "resources_info":
+        elif level == "resources_info" and not self.quiet:
-        elif level == "run_info":
+        elif level == "run_info" and not self.quiet:
         elif level == "progress" and not self.quiet:
             done = msg["done"]
@@ -227,12 +226,14 @@ class Logger:
             percent_fmt = ("{:.2%}" if p < 0.01 else "{:.0%}").format(p)
             self.logger.info("{} of {} steps ({}) done".format(
                 done, total, percent_fmt))
-        elif level == "job_info":
-            if not self.quiet:
-                if msg["msg"] is not None:
-                    self.logger.info(msg["msg"])
-                else:
-                    self.logger.info("\n".join(job_info(msg)))
+        elif level == "job_info" and not self.quiet:
+            if msg["msg"] is not None:
+                self.logger.info(msg["msg"])
+                if self.printreason:
+                    self.logger.info("Reason: {}".format(msg["reason"]))
+            else:
+                self.logger.info("\n".join(job_info(msg)))
+            self.logger.info("")
         elif level == "shellcmd":
             if self.printshellcmds:
@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ class Logger:
         elif level == "rule_info":
             if msg["docstring"]:
-                self.logger.info("\t" + msg["docstring"])
+                self.logger.info("    " + msg["docstring"])
         elif level == "d3dag":
             print(json.dumps({"nodes": msg["nodes"], "links": msg["edges"]}))
@@ -272,7 +273,8 @@ def setup_logger(handler=None,
-                 use_threads=False):
+                 use_threads=False,
+                 mode=Mode.default):
     if handler is not None:
         # custom log handler
@@ -283,7 +285,8 @@ def setup_logger(handler=None,
             stream=sys.stdout if stdout else sys.stderr,
-            use_threads=use_threads)
+            use_threads=use_threads,
+            mode=mode)
     logger.set_level(_logging.DEBUG if debug else _logging.INFO)
diff --git a/snakemake/parser.py b/snakemake/parser.py
index 3179236..7bb8c53 100644
--- a/snakemake/parser.py
+++ b/snakemake/parser.py
@@ -398,13 +398,16 @@ class Benchmark(RuleKeywordState):
+class Conda(RuleKeywordState):
+    pass
 class WildcardConstraints(RuleKeywordState):
     def keyword(self):
         return "wildcard_constraints"
 class Run(RuleKeywordState):
     def __init__(self, snakefile, rulename,
@@ -420,7 +423,8 @@ class Run(RuleKeywordState):
         yield "@workflow.run"
         yield "\n"
         yield ("def __rule_{rulename}(input, output, params, wildcards, threads, "
-               "resources, log, version):".format(rulename=self.rulename if self.rulename is not None else self.snakefile.rulecount))
+               "resources, log, version, conda_env):".format(
+                   rulename=self.rulename if self.rulename is not None else self.snakefile.rulecount))
     def end(self):
         yield ""
@@ -430,9 +434,11 @@ class Run(RuleKeywordState):
                 ) or is_eof(token)
-class Shell(Run):
+class AbstractCmd(Run):
-    overwrite_shellcmd = None
+    overwrite_cmd = None
+    start_func = None
+    end_func = None
     def __init__(self, snakefile, rulename,
@@ -442,16 +448,21 @@ class Shell(Run):
-        self.shellcmd = list()
+        self.cmd = list()
         self.token = None
-        if self.overwrite_shellcmd is not None:
+        if self.overwrite_cmd is not None:
             self.block_content = self.overwrite_block_content
     def is_block_end(self, token):
         return (self.line and self.indent <= 0) or is_eof(token)
     def start(self):
-        yield "@workflow.shellcmd("
+        if self.start_func is not None:
+            yield self.start_func
+            yield "("
+    def args(self):
+        yield from []
     def end(self):
         # the end is detected. So we can savely reset the indent to zero here
@@ -463,8 +474,10 @@ class Shell(Run):
             yield t
         yield "\n"
         yield INDENT * (self.effective_indent + 1)
-        yield "shell("
-        yield "\n".join(self.shellcmd)
+        yield self.end_func
+        yield "("
+        yield "\n".join(self.cmd)
+        yield from self.args()
         yield "\n"
         yield ")"
         for t in super().end():
@@ -474,79 +487,47 @@ class Shell(Run):
         if self.token is None:
             # no block after shell keyword
-                "Shell command must be given as string after the shell keyword.",
+                "Command must be given as string after the shell keyword.",
         for t in self.end():
             yield t, self.token
     def block_content(self, token):
         self.token = token
-        self.shellcmd.append(token.string)
+        self.cmd.append(token.string)
         yield token.string, token
     def overwrite_block_content(self, token):
         if self.token is None:
             self.token = token
-            shellcmd = '"{}"'.format(self.overwrite_shellcmd)
-            self.shellcmd.append(shellcmd)
-            yield shellcmd, token
+            cmd = '"{}"'.format(self.overwrite_cmd)
+            self.cmd.append(cmd)
+            yield cmd, token
-class Script(Run):
-    def __init__(self, snakefile, rulename,
-                 base_indent=0,
-                 dedent=0,
-                 root=True):
-        super().__init__(snakefile, rulename,
-                         base_indent=base_indent,
-                         dedent=dedent,
-                         root=root)
-        self.path = list()
-        self.token = None
+class Shell(AbstractCmd):
+    start_func = "@workflow.shellcmd"
+    end_func = "shell"
-    def is_block_end(self, token):
-        return (self.line and self.indent <= 0) or is_eof(token)
-    def start(self):
-        for t in super().start():
-            yield t
-        yield "\n"
-        yield INDENT * (self.effective_indent + 1)
-        yield "script("
-        yield '"{}"'.format(
-            os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.snakefile.path)))
-        yield ", "
+class Script(AbstractCmd):
+    start_func = "@workflow.script"
+    end_func = "script"
-    def end(self):
-        # the end is detected. So we can savely reset the indent to zero here
-        self.indent = 0
-        yield ", input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, config"
-        yield ")"
-        for t in super().end():
-            yield t
-    def decorate_end(self, token):
-        if self.token is None:
-            # no block after script keyword
-            self.error(
-                "Script path must be given as string after the script keyword.",
-                token)
-        for t in self.end():
-            yield t, self.token
-    def block_content(self, token):
-        self.token = token
-        self.path.append(token.string)
-        yield token.string, token
+    def args(self):
+        # basedir
+        yield ', "{}"'.format(
+            os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.snakefile.path)))
+        # other args
+        yield ", input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, config, conda_env"
 class Wrapper(Script):
-    def start(self):
-        for t in super(Script, self).start():
-            yield t
-        yield "\n"
-        yield INDENT * (self.effective_indent + 1)
-        yield 'wrapper('
+    start_func = "@workflow.wrapper"
+    end_func = "wrapper"
+    def args(self):
+        yield ", input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, config, conda_env, workflow.wrapper_prefix"
 class Rule(GlobalKeywordState):
@@ -560,6 +541,7 @@ class Rule(GlobalKeywordState):
+                       conda=Conda,
@@ -734,7 +716,7 @@ def format_tokens(tokens):
 def parse(path, overwrite_shellcmd=None, rulecount=0):
-    Shell.overwrite_shellcmd = overwrite_shellcmd
+    Shell.overwrite_cmd = overwrite_shellcmd
     with Snakefile(path, rulecount=rulecount) as snakefile:
         automaton = Python(snakefile)
         linemap = dict()
diff --git a/snakemake/persistence.py b/snakemake/persistence.py
index 0bc77e6..b395731 100644
--- a/snakemake/persistence.py
+++ b/snakemake/persistence.py
@@ -34,13 +34,15 @@ class Persistence:
         self._code_path = os.path.join(self.path, "code_tracking")
         self._rule_path = os.path.join(self.path, "rule_tracking")
         self._input_path = os.path.join(self.path, "input_tracking")
+        self._log_path = os.path.join(self.path, "log_tracking")
         self._params_path = os.path.join(self.path, "params_tracking")
         self._shellcmd_path = os.path.join(self.path, "shellcmd_tracking")
         self.shadow_path = os.path.join(self.path, "shadow")
+        self.conda_env_path = os.path.join(self.path, "conda")
         for d in (self._incomplete_path, self._version_path, self._code_path,
-                  self._rule_path, self._input_path, self._params_path,
-                  self._shellcmd_path, self.shadow_path):
+                  self._rule_path, self._input_path, self._log_path, self._params_path,
+                  self._shellcmd_path, self.shadow_path, self.conda_env_path):
             if not os.path.exists(d):
@@ -110,6 +112,7 @@ class Persistence:
         self._delete_record(self._code_path, path)
         self._delete_record(self._rule_path, path)
         self._delete_record(self._input_path, path)
+        self._delete_record(self._log_path, path)
         self._delete_record(self._params_path, path)
         self._delete_record(self._shellcmd_path, path)
@@ -127,6 +130,7 @@ class Persistence:
             job.rule.version) if job.rule.version is not None else None
         code = self._code(job.rule)
         input = self._input(job)
+        log = self._log(job)
         params = self._params(job)
         shellcmd = self._shellcmd(job)
         for f in job.expanded_output:
@@ -135,6 +139,7 @@ class Persistence:
             self._record(self._code_path, code, f, bin=True)
             self._record(self._rule_path, job.rule.name, f)
             self._record(self._input_path, input, f)
+            self._record(self._log_path, log, f)
             self._record(self._params_path, params, f)
             self._record(self._shellcmd_path, shellcmd, f)
@@ -145,6 +150,7 @@ class Persistence:
             self._delete_record(self._code_path, f)
             self._delete_record(self._rule_path, f)
             self._delete_record(self._input_path, f)
+            self._delete_record(self._log_path, f)
             self._delete_record(self._params_path, f)
             self._delete_record(self._shellcmd_path, f)
@@ -165,6 +171,12 @@ class Persistence:
             return files.split("\n")
         return None
+    def log(self, path):
+        files = self._read_record(self._log_path, path)
+        if files is not None:
+            return files.split("\n")
+        return None
     def shellcmd(self, path):
         return self._read_record(self._shellcmd_path, path)
@@ -216,6 +228,10 @@ class Persistence:
         return "\n".join(sorted(job.input))
+    def _log(self, job):
+        return "\n".join(sorted(job.log))
+    @lru_cache()
     def _params(self, job):
         return "\n".join(sorted(map(repr, job.params)))
diff --git a/snakemake/remote/HTTP.py b/snakemake/remote/HTTP.py
index af035ee..5d1bae5 100644
--- a/snakemake/remote/HTTP.py
+++ b/snakemake/remote/HTTP.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ try:
     # third-party modules
     import requests
 except ImportError as e:
-    raise WorkflowError("The Python 3 package 'requests' " + 
+    raise WorkflowError("The Python 3 package 'requests' " +
         "must be installed to use HTTP(S) remote() file functionality. %s" % e.msg)
 class RemoteProvider(AbstractRemoteProvider):
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ class RemoteObject(DomainObject):
         self.insecure = insecure
         self.additional_request_string = additional_request_string
     # === Implementations of abstract class members ===
     @contextmanager #makes this a context manager. after 'yield' is __exit__()
-    def httpr(self, verb="GET", stream=False):     
+    def httpr(self, verb="GET", stream=False):
         # if args have been provided to remote(), use them over those given to RemoteProvider()
         args_to_use = self.provider.args
         if len(self.args):
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ class RemoteObject(DomainObject):
     def mtime(self):
         if self.exists():
             with self.httpr(verb="HEAD") as httpr:
                 file_mtime = self.get_header_item(httpr, "last-modified", default=0)
                 modified_tuple = email.utils.parsedate_tz(file_mtime)
-                epochTime = int(email.utils.mktime_tz(modified_tuple))
+                epochTime = email.utils.mktime_tz(modified_tuple)
                 return epochTime
@@ -121,9 +121,9 @@ class RemoteObject(DomainObject):
                 # if the destination path does not exist
                 if make_dest_dirs:
                     os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.local_path), exist_ok=True)
                     with open(self.local_path, 'wb') as f:
-                        for chunk in httpr.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): 
+                        for chunk in httpr.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
                             if chunk: # filter out keep-alives
diff --git a/snakemake/remote/__init__.py b/snakemake/remote/__init__.py
index 0f689a8..fa47b44 100644
--- a/snakemake/remote/__init__.py
+++ b/snakemake/remote/__init__.py
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ class StaticRemoteObjectProxy(ObjectProxy):
     def mtime(self):
         return float("-inf")
+    def is_newer(self, time):
+        return False
     def __copy__(self):
         copied_wrapped = copy.copy(self.__wrapped__)
         return type(self)(copied_wrapped)
@@ -57,7 +60,6 @@ class AbstractRemoteProvider:
         remote_object = provider.RemoteObject(*args, keep_local=keep_local, provider=provider.RemoteProvider(*self.args,  **self.kwargs), **kwargs)
         if static:
             remote_object = StaticRemoteObjectProxy(remote_object)
         return snakemake.io.flag(
diff --git a/snakemake/report.py b/snakemake/report.py
index 3fd9b2b..1b8c15e 100644
--- a/snakemake/report.py
+++ b/snakemake/report.py
@@ -97,28 +97,30 @@ def report(text, path,
     text = format(textwrap.dedent(text), stepout=3)
-    attachments = [textwrap.dedent("""
-        .. container::
-           :name: attachments
-        """)]
-    for name, _files in sorted(files.items()):
-        if not isinstance(_files, list):
-            _files = [_files]
-        links = []
-        for file in _files:
-            data = data_uri(file)
-            links.append(':raw-html:`<a href="{data}" download="{filename}" draggable="true">{filename}</a>`'.format(
-                data=data, filename=os.path.basename(file)))
-        links = "\n\n          ".join(links)
-        attachments.append('''
-   .. container::
-      :name: {name}
-      {name}:
-          {links}
-            '''.format(name=name,
-                       links=links))
+    attachments = []
+    if files:
+        attachments = [textwrap.dedent("""
+            .. container::
+               :name: attachments
+            """)]
+        for name, _files in sorted(files.items()):
+            if not isinstance(_files, list):
+                _files = [_files]
+            links = []
+            for file in _files:
+                data = data_uri(file)
+                links.append(':raw-html:`<a href="{data}" download="{filename}" draggable="true">{filename}</a>`'.format(
+                    data=data, filename=os.path.basename(file)))
+            links = "\n\n          ".join(links)
+            attachments.append('''
+       .. container::
+          :name: {name}
+          {name}:
+              {links}
+                '''.format(name=name,
+                           links=links))
     text = definitions + text + "\n\n" + "\n\n".join(attachments) + metadata
diff --git a/snakemake/rules.py b/snakemake/rules.py
index 060fef1..b6e2a69 100644
--- a/snakemake/rules.py
+++ b/snakemake/rules.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from snakemake.io import expand, InputFiles, OutputFiles, Wildcards, Params, Log
 from snakemake.io import apply_wildcards, is_flagged, not_iterable
 from snakemake.exceptions import RuleException, IOFileException, WildcardError, InputFunctionException, WorkflowError
 from snakemake.logging import logger
+from snakemake.common import Mode
 class Rule:
@@ -45,16 +46,19 @@ class Rule:
             self.shadow_depth = None
             self.resources = dict(_cores=1, _nodes=1)
             self.priority = 0
-            self.version = None
+            self._version = None
             self._log = Log()
             self._benchmark = None
+            self._conda_env = None
             self.wildcard_names = set()
             self.lineno = lineno
             self.snakefile = snakefile
             self.run_func = None
             self.shellcmd = None
             self.script = None
+            self.wrapper = None
             self.norun = False
+            self.is_branched = False
         elif len(args) == 1:
             other = args[0]
             self.name = other.name
@@ -78,13 +82,16 @@ class Rule:
             self.version = other.version
             self._log = other._log
             self._benchmark = other._benchmark
+            self._conda_env = other._conda_env
             self.wildcard_names = set(other.wildcard_names)
             self.lineno = other.lineno
             self.snakefile = other.snakefile
             self.run_func = other.run_func
             self.shellcmd = other.shellcmd
             self.script = other.script
+            self.wrapper = other.wrapper
             self.norun = other.norun
+            self.is_branched = True
     def dynamic_branch(self, wildcards, input=True):
         def get_io(rule):
@@ -156,6 +163,7 @@ class Rule:
             branch._params = branch.expand_params(non_dynamic_wildcards, branch._input, branch.resources)
             branch._log = branch.expand_log(non_dynamic_wildcards)
             branch._benchmark = branch.expand_benchmark(non_dynamic_wildcards)
+            branch._conda_env = branch.expand_conda_env(non_dynamic_wildcards)
             return branch, non_dynamic_wildcards
         return branch
@@ -166,6 +174,16 @@ class Rule:
         return bool(self.wildcard_names)
+    def version(self):
+        return self._version
+    @version.setter
+    def version(self, version):
+        if isinstance(version, str) and "\n" in version:
+            raise WorkflowError("Version string may not contain line breaks.", rule=self)
+        self._version = version
+    @property
     def benchmark(self):
         return self._benchmark
@@ -174,6 +192,15 @@ class Rule:
         self._benchmark = IOFile(benchmark, rule=self)
+    def conda_env(self):
+        return self._conda_env
+    @conda_env.setter
+    def conda_env(self, conda_env):
+        self._conda_env = IOFile(conda_env, rule=self)
+    @property
     def input(self):
         return self._input
@@ -238,9 +265,10 @@ class Rule:
         inoutput = self.output if output else self.input
         if isinstance(item, str):
             # add the rule to the dependencies
-            if isinstance(item, _IOFile):
+            if isinstance(item, _IOFile) and item.rule:
                 self.dependencies[item] = item.rule
             if output:
+                rule = self
                 if self.wildcard_constraints or self.workflow._wildcard_constraints:
                         item = update_wildcard_constraints(
@@ -252,10 +280,12 @@ class Rule:
-                if contains_wildcard_constraints(item):
+                rule = None
+                if contains_wildcard_constraints(item) and self.workflow.mode != Mode.subprocess:
                         "wildcard constraints in inputs are ignored")
-            _item = IOFile(item, rule=self)
+            # record rule if this is an output file output
+            _item = IOFile(item, rule=rule)
             if is_flagged(item, "temp"):
                 if output:
@@ -528,6 +558,21 @@ class Rule:
         resources = Resources(fromdict=resources)
         return resources
+    def expand_conda_env(self, wildcards):
+        try:
+            conda_env = self.conda_env.apply_wildcards(
+                wildcards) if self.conda_env else None
+        except WildcardError as e:
+            raise WorkflowError(
+                "Wildcards in conda environment file cannot be "
+                "determined from output files:",
+                str(e), rule=self)
+        if conda_env is not None:
+            conda_env.check()
+        return conda_env
     def is_producer(self, requested_output):
         Returns True if this rule is a producer of the requested output.
diff --git a/snakemake/scheduler.py b/snakemake/scheduler.py
index 246b605..0b29ed7 100644
--- a/snakemake/scheduler.py
+++ b/snakemake/scheduler.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ __license__ = "MIT"
 import os, signal
 import threading
-import multiprocessing
 import operator
 from functools import partial
 from collections import defaultdict
@@ -35,7 +34,6 @@ class JobScheduler:
-                 immediate_submit=False,
@@ -61,15 +59,9 @@ class JobScheduler:
         self.resources = dict(self.workflow.global_resources)
-        # we should use threads on a cluster, because shared memory /dev/shm may be full
-        # which prevents the multiprocessing.Lock() semaphore from being created
         use_threads = force_use_threads or (os.name != "posix") or cluster or cluster_sync or drmaa
-        if not use_threads:
-            self._open_jobs = multiprocessing.Event()
-            self._lock = multiprocessing.Lock()
-        else:
-            self._open_jobs = threading.Event()
-            self._lock = threading.Lock()
+        self._open_jobs = threading.Event()
+        self._lock = threading.Lock()
         self._errors = False
         self._finished = False
@@ -100,7 +92,7 @@ class JobScheduler:
-                threads=use_threads,
+                use_threads=use_threads,
             self.run = self.run_cluster_or_local
@@ -118,7 +110,7 @@ class JobScheduler:
-                if immediate_submit:
+                if workflow.immediate_submit:
                     self.job_reward = self.dryrun_job_reward
                     self._submit_callback = partial(self._proceed,
@@ -146,7 +138,7 @@ class JobScheduler:
-                                         threads=use_threads,
+                                         use_threads=use_threads,
                                          benchmark_repeats=benchmark_repeats, )
diff --git a/snakemake/script.py b/snakemake/script.py
index 3ff3d05..e4d2974 100644
--- a/snakemake/script.py
+++ b/snakemake/script.py
@@ -5,14 +5,28 @@ __license__ = "MIT"
 import inspect
 import os
+import tempfile
+import textwrap
+import sys
+import pickle
 import traceback
+import subprocess
 import collections
+import re
 from urllib.request import urlopen
 from urllib.error import URLError
 from snakemake.utils import format
 from snakemake.logging import logger
 from snakemake.exceptions import WorkflowError
+from snakemake.shell import shell
+from snakemake.version import MIN_PY_VERSION
+PY_VER_RE = re.compile("Python (?P<ver_min>\d+\.\d+).*:")
+# TODO use this to find the right place for inserting the preamble
+PY_PREAMBLE_RE = re.compile(r"from( )+__future__( )+import.*?(?P<end>[;\n])")
 class REncoder:
     """Encoding Pyton data structures into R."""
@@ -21,15 +35,15 @@ class REncoder:
     def encode_value(cls, value):
         if isinstance(value, str):
             return repr(value)
-        if isinstance(value, collections.Iterable):
-            # convert all iterables to vectors
-            return cls.encode_list(value)
         elif isinstance(value, dict):
             return cls.encode_dict(value)
         elif isinstance(value, bool):
             return "TRUE" if value else "FALSE"
         elif isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float):
             return str(value)
+        elif isinstance(value, collections.Iterable):
+            # convert all iterables to vectors
+            return cls.encode_list(value)
             # Try to convert from numpy if numpy is present
@@ -38,8 +52,8 @@ class REncoder:
                     return str(value)
             except ImportError:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "Unsupported value for conversion into R: {}".format(value))
+        raise ValueError(
+            "Unsupported value for conversion into R: {}".format(value))
     def encode_list(cls, l):
@@ -60,10 +74,10 @@ class REncoder:
     def encode_namedlist(cls, namedlist):
-        positional = cls.encode_list(namedlist)
+        positional = ", ".join(map(cls.encode_value, namedlist))
         named = cls.encode_items(namedlist.items())
         source = "list("
-        if positional != "c()":
+        if positional:
             source += positional
         if named:
             source += ", " + named
@@ -133,8 +147,8 @@ class Snakemake:
         return lookup[(stdout, stderr, append)].format(self.log)
-def script(basedir, path, input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources,
-           log, config):
+def script(path, basedir, input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources,
+           log, config, conda_env):
     Load a script from the given basedir + path and execute it.
     Supports Python 3 and R.
@@ -150,59 +164,89 @@ def script(basedir, path, input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources,
         with urlopen(path) as source:
             if path.endswith(".py"):
-                try:
-                    exec(compile(source.read().decode(), path, "exec"), {
-                        "snakemake": Snakemake(input, output, params, wildcards,
-                                               threads, resources, log, config)
-                    })
-                except (Exception, BaseException) as ex:
-                    raise WorkflowError("".join(traceback.format_exception(type(ex), ex, ex.__traceback__)))
+                snakemake = Snakemake(input, output, params, wildcards,
+                                      threads, resources, log, config)
+                snakemake = pickle.dumps(snakemake)
+                # obtain search path for current snakemake module
+                # the module is needed for unpickling in the script
+                searchpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+                preamble = textwrap.dedent("""
+                ######## Snakemake header ########
+                import sys; sys.path.insert(0, "{}"); import pickle; snakemake = pickle.loads({})
+                ######## Original script #########
+                """).format(searchpath, snakemake)
             elif path.endswith(".R"):
-                try:
-                    import rpy2.robjects as robjects
-                except ImportError:
-                    raise ValueError(
-                        "Python 3 package rpy2 needs to be installed to use the R function.")
-                with urlopen(path) as source:
-                    preamble = """
-                    Snakemake <- setClass(
-                        "Snakemake",
-                        slots = c(
-                            input = "list",
-                            output = "list",
-                            params = "list",
-                            wildcards = "list",
-                            threads = "numeric",
-                            log = "list",
-                            resources = "list",
-                            config = "list"
-                        )
-                    )
-                    snakemake <- Snakemake(
-                        input = {},
-                        output = {},
-                        params = {},
-                        wildcards = {},
-                        threads = {},
-                        log = {},
-                        resources = {},
-                        config = {}
+                preamble = textwrap.dedent("""
+                ######## Snakemake header ########
+                library(methods)
+                Snakemake <- setClass(
+                    "Snakemake",
+                    slots = c(
+                        input = "list",
+                        output = "list",
+                        params = "list",
+                        wildcards = "list",
+                        threads = "numeric",
+                        log = "list",
+                        resources = "list",
+                        config = "list"
-                    """.format(REncoder.encode_namedlist(input),
-                               REncoder.encode_namedlist(output),
-                               REncoder.encode_namedlist(params),
-                               REncoder.encode_namedlist(wildcards), threads,
-                               REncoder.encode_namedlist(log),
-                               REncoder.encode_namedlist({
-                                   name: value
-                                   for name, value in resources.items()
-                                   if name != "_cores" and name != "_nodes"
-                               }), REncoder.encode_dict(config))
-                    logger.debug(preamble)
-                    source = preamble + source.read().decode()
-                    robjects.r(source)
+                )
+                snakemake <- Snakemake(
+                    input = {},
+                    output = {},
+                    params = {},
+                    wildcards = {},
+                    threads = {},
+                    log = {},
+                    resources = {},
+                    config = {}
+                )
+                ######## Original script #########
+                """).format(REncoder.encode_namedlist(input),
+                           REncoder.encode_namedlist(output),
+                           REncoder.encode_namedlist(params),
+                           REncoder.encode_namedlist(wildcards), threads,
+                           REncoder.encode_namedlist(log),
+                           REncoder.encode_namedlist({
+                               name: value
+                               for name, value in resources.items()
+                               if name != "_cores" and name != "_nodes"
+                           }), REncoder.encode_dict(config))
                 raise ValueError(
                     "Unsupported script: Expecting either Python (.py) or R (.R) script.")
+            dir = ".snakemake/scripts"
+            os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True)
+            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+                suffix="." + os.path.basename(path),
+                prefix="",
+                dir=dir,
+                delete=False) as f:
+                f.write(preamble.encode())
+                f.write(source.read())
+            if path.endswith(".py"):
+                py_exec = sys.executable
+                if conda_env is not None:
+                    py = os.path.join(conda_env, "bin", "python")
+                    if os.path.exists(py):
+                        out = subprocess.check_output([py, "--version"])
+                        ver = tuple(map(int, PY_VER_RE.match(out).group("ver_min").split(".")))
+                        if ver >= MIN_PY_VERSION:
+                            # Python version is new enough, make use of environment
+                            # to execute script
+                            py_exec = "python"
+                        else:
+                            logger.info("Conda environment defines Python "
+                                        "version < {}.{}. Using Python of the "
+                                        "master process to execute "
+                                        "script.".format(MIN_PY_VERSION))
+                # use the same Python as the running process or the one from the environment
+                shell("{py_exec} {f.name}")
+            elif path.endswith(".R"):
+                shell("Rscript {f.name}")
+            os.remove(f.name)
     except URLError as e:
         raise WorkflowError(e)
diff --git a/snakemake/shell.py b/snakemake/shell.py
index a7f569d..7ca00b7 100644
--- a/snakemake/shell.py
+++ b/snakemake/shell.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import _io
 import sys
 import os
 import subprocess as sp
+import inspect
 from snakemake.utils import format
 from snakemake.logging import logger
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ class shell:
         if "stepout" in kwargs:
             raise KeyError("Argument stepout is not allowed in shell command.")
         cmd = format(cmd, *args, stepout=2, **kwargs)
+        context = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals
@@ -53,7 +55,11 @@ class shell:
         close_fds = sys.platform != 'win32'
-        proc = sp.Popen("{} {} {}".format(
+        conda_env = context.get("conda_env", None)
+        env_prefix = "" if conda_env is None else "source activate {};".format(conda_env)
+        proc = sp.Popen("{} {} {} {}".format(
+                            env_prefix,
diff --git a/snakemake/version.py b/snakemake/version.py
index 2ae7a96..c490c1b 100644
--- a/snakemake/version.py
+++ b/snakemake/version.py
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
-__version__ = "3.8.2"
+__version__ = "3.9.0"
+MIN_PY_VERSION = (3, 3)
diff --git a/snakemake/workflow.py b/snakemake/workflow.py
index 8d78ceb..92c6962 100644
--- a/snakemake/workflow.py
+++ b/snakemake/workflow.py
@@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ from snakemake.dag import DAG
 from snakemake.scheduler import JobScheduler
 from snakemake.parser import parse
 import snakemake.io
-from snakemake.io import protected, temp, temporary, expand, dynamic, glob_wildcards, flag, not_iterable, touch
+from snakemake.io import protected, temp, temporary, ancient, expand, dynamic, glob_wildcards, flag, not_iterable, touch
 from snakemake.persistence import Persistence
 from snakemake.utils import update_config
 from snakemake.script import script
 from snakemake.wrapper import wrapper
+import snakemake.wrapper
+from snakemake.common import Mode
 class Workflow:
     def __init__(self,
@@ -40,7 +42,10 @@ class Workflow:
-                 debug=False):
+                 debug=False,
+                 use_conda=False,
+                 mode=Mode.default,
+                 wrapper_prefix=None):
         Create the controller.
@@ -68,12 +73,16 @@ class Workflow:
         self.overwrite_configfile = overwrite_configfile
         self.overwrite_clusterconfig = overwrite_clusterconfig
         self.config_args = config_args
+        self.immediate_submit = None
         self._onsuccess = lambda log: None
         self._onerror = lambda log: None
         self._onstart = lambda log: None
         self._wildcard_constraints = dict()
         self.debug = debug
         self._rulecount = 0
+        self.use_conda = use_conda
+        self.mode = mode
+        self.wrapper_prefix = wrapper_prefix
         global config
         config = dict()
@@ -222,6 +231,7 @@ class Workflow:
         self.global_resources = dict() if resources is None else resources
         self.global_resources["_cores"] = cores
         self.global_resources["_nodes"] = nodes
+        self.immediate_submit = immediate_submit
         def rules(items):
             return map(self._rules.__getitem__, filter(self.is_rule, items))
@@ -429,7 +439,6 @@ class Workflow:
-                                 immediate_submit=immediate_submit,
@@ -618,10 +627,16 @@ class Workflow:
                 rule.message = ruleinfo.message
             if ruleinfo.benchmark:
                 rule.benchmark = ruleinfo.benchmark
+            if ruleinfo.wrapper:
+                rule.conda_env = snakemake.wrapper.get_conda_env(ruleinfo.wrapper)
+            if ruleinfo.conda_env:
+                rule.conda_env = ruleinfo.conda_env
             rule.norun = ruleinfo.norun
             rule.docstring = ruleinfo.docstring
             rule.run_func = ruleinfo.func
             rule.shellcmd = ruleinfo.shellcmd
+            rule.script = ruleinfo.script
+            rule.wrapper = ruleinfo.wrapper
             ruleinfo.func.__name__ = "__{}".format(name)
             self.globals[ruleinfo.func.__name__] = ruleinfo.func
             setattr(rules, name, rule)
@@ -678,6 +693,13 @@ class Workflow:
         return decorate
+    def conda(self, conda_env):
+        def decorate(ruleinfo):
+            ruleinfo.conda_env = conda_env
+            return ruleinfo
+        return decorate
     def threads(self, threads):
         def decorate(ruleinfo):
             ruleinfo.threads = threads
@@ -727,6 +749,20 @@ class Workflow:
         return decorate
+    def script(self, script):
+        def decorate(ruleinfo):
+            ruleinfo.script = script
+            return ruleinfo
+        return decorate
+    def wrapper(self, wrapper):
+        def decorate(ruleinfo):
+            ruleinfo.wrapper = wrapper
+            return ruleinfo
+        return decorate
     def norun(self):
         def decorate(ruleinfo):
             ruleinfo.norun = True
@@ -752,6 +788,7 @@ class RuleInfo:
         self.params = None
         self.message = None
         self.benchmark = None
+        self.conda_env = None
         self.wildcard_constraints = None
         self.threads = None
         self.shadow_depth = None
@@ -760,6 +797,8 @@ class RuleInfo:
         self.version = None
         self.log = None
         self.docstring = None
+        self.script = None
+        self.wrapper = None
 class Subworkflow:
diff --git a/snakemake/wrapper.py b/snakemake/wrapper.py
index e6cc2ec..f3aeb39 100644
--- a/snakemake/wrapper.py
+++ b/snakemake/wrapper.py
@@ -5,18 +5,42 @@ __license__ = "MIT"
 import os
+import posixpath
 from snakemake.script import script
-def wrapper(path, input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, config):
+def is_script(path):
+    return path.endswith("wrapper.py") or path.endswith("wrapper.R")
+def get_path(path, prefix=None):
+    if not (path.startswith("http") or path.startswith("file:")):
+        if prefix is None:
+            prefix = "https://bitbucket.org/snakemake/snakemake-wrappers/raw/"
+        path = prefix + path
+    return path
+def get_script(path, prefix=None):
+    path = get_path(path)
+    if not is_script(path):
+        path += "/wrapper.py"
+    return path
+def get_conda_env(path):
+    path = get_path(path)
+    if is_script(path):
+        # URLs and posixpaths share the same separator. Hence use posixpath here.
+        path = posixpath.dirname(path)
+    return path + "/environment.yaml"
+def wrapper(path, input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, config, conda_env, prefix):
     Load a wrapper from https://bitbucket.org/snakemake/snakemake-wrappers under
     the given path + wrapper.py and execute it.
-    # TODO handle requirements.txt
-    if not (path.startswith("http") or path.startswith("file:")):
-        path = os.path.join("https://bitbucket.org/snakemake/snakemake-wrappers/raw", path)
-    if not (path.endswith("wrapper.py") or path.endswith("wrapper.R")):
-        path = os.path.join(path, "wrapper.py")
-    script("", path, input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, config)
+    path = get_script(path, prefix=prefix)
+    script(path, "", input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, config, conda_env)
diff --git a/tests/test01/Snakefile b/tests/test01/Snakefile
index e9defea..6264373 100644
--- a/tests/test01/Snakefile
+++ b/tests/test01/Snakefile
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ rule rule1:
 rule rule2:
 	input: testin
 	output: 'test.inter'
-#	message: 'Copying {input[0]} to {output[0]}'
+	message: 'Copying {input[0]} to {output[0]}'
 		cp {input[0]} {output[0]}
diff --git a/tests/test05/Snakefile b/tests/test05/Snakefile
index 33d8a4c..1abbd7e 100644
--- a/tests/test05/Snakefile
+++ b/tests/test05/Snakefile
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+from snakemake import shell
 chromosomes = [1,2,3]
 #shell('rm test.*.inter 2> /dev/null | true')
diff --git a/tests/test09/Snakefile b/tests/test09/Snakefile
index acacf6a..6f528f5 100644
--- a/tests/test09/Snakefile
+++ b/tests/test09/Snakefile
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+from snakemake import shell
 def fail(input, output):
 	shell("false && cp {input} {output}")
diff --git a/tests/test13/Snakefile b/tests/test13/Snakefile
index f878f6d..9bc6577 100644
--- a/tests/test13/Snakefile
+++ b/tests/test13/Snakefile
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+from snakemake import shell
 rule all:
 	input: 'test.algo1-p7-improved.out'
diff --git a/tests/test14/Snakefile.nonstandard b/tests/test14/Snakefile.nonstandard
index 0eb2605..7ff2cb0 100644
--- a/tests/test14/Snakefile.nonstandard
+++ b/tests/test14/Snakefile.nonstandard
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+from snakemake import shell
 chromosomes = [1,2,3,4,5]
diff --git a/tests/test_ancient/Snakefile b/tests/test_ancient/Snakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..404ce76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_ancient/Snakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+shell("touch C;sleep 1;touch B;sleep 1;touch A;touch D")
+#Will not be executed even though A is newer
+rule a:
+    input:
+        ancient("A")
+    output:
+        "B"
+    shell:
+        "echo \"B recreated\" > {output}"
+#Will be executed because B is newer
+rule b:
+    input:
+        "B"
+    output:
+        "C"
+    shell:
+        "echo \"C recreated\" > {output}"
+#Will be executed because C was updated in rule b
+rule c:
+    input:
+        ancient("C")
+    output:
+        "D"
+    shell:
+        "echo \"D recreated\" > {output}"
diff --git a/tests/test_ancient/expected-results/A b/tests/test_ancient/expected-results/A
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/test_ancient/expected-results/B b/tests/test_ancient/expected-results/B
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/test_ancient/expected-results/C b/tests/test_ancient/expected-results/C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed167ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_ancient/expected-results/C
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+C recreated
diff --git a/tests/test_ancient/expected-results/D b/tests/test_ancient/expected-results/D
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b686dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_ancient/expected-results/D
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+D recreated
diff --git a/tests/test_conda/Snakefile b/tests/test_conda/Snakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd72012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_conda/Snakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+rule all:
+    input:
+        expand("test{i}.out", i=range(3))
+rule a:
+    output:
+        "test{i}.out"
+    conda:
+        "test-env.yaml"
+    shell:
+        "snakemake --help > {output}"
diff --git a/tests/test_conda/expected-results/test0.out b/tests/test_conda/expected-results/test0.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c47a427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_conda/expected-results/test0.out
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+usage: snakemake [-h] [--snakefile FILE] [--gui [PORT]] [--cores [N]]
+                 [--local-cores N] [--resources [NAME=INT [NAME=INT ...]]]
+                 [--config [KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]]] [--configfile FILE]
+                 [--list] [--list-target-rules] [--directory DIR] [--dryrun]
+                 [--printshellcmds] [--dag] [--force-use-threads]
+                 [--rulegraph] [--d3dag] [--summary] [--detailed-summary]
+                 [--touch] [--keep-going] [--force] [--forceall]
+                 [--forcerun [TARGET [TARGET ...]]]
+                 [--prioritize TARGET [TARGET ...]]
+                 [--until TARGET [TARGET ...]]
+                 [--omit-from TARGET [TARGET ...]] [--allow-ambiguity]
+                 [--cluster CMD | --cluster-sync CMD | --drmaa [ARGS]]
+                 [--cluster-config FILE] [--immediate-submit]
+                 [--jobscript SCRIPT] [--jobname NAME] [--reason]
+                 [--stats FILE] [--nocolor] [--quiet] [--nolock] [--unlock]
+                 [--cleanup-metadata FILE [FILE ...]] [--rerun-incomplete]
+                 [--ignore-incomplete] [--list-version-changes]
+                 [--list-code-changes] [--list-input-changes]
+                 [--list-params-changes] [--latency-wait SECONDS]
+                 [--wait-for-files [FILE [FILE ...]]] [--benchmark-repeats N]
+                 [--notemp] [--keep-remote] [--keep-target-files]
+                 [--keep-shadow]
+                 [--allowed-rules ALLOWED_RULES [ALLOWED_RULES ...]]
+                 [--max-jobs-per-second MAX_JOBS_PER_SECOND] [--timestamp]
+                 [--greediness GREEDINESS] [--no-hooks] [--print-compilation]
+                 [--overwrite-shellcmd OVERWRITE_SHELLCMD] [--verbose]
+                 [--debug] [--profile FILE] [--bash-completion] [--version]
+                 [target [target ...]]
+Snakemake is a Python based language and execution environment for GNU Make-
+like workflows.
+positional arguments:
+  target                Targets to build. May be rules or files.
+optional arguments:
+  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+  --snakefile FILE, -s FILE
+                        The workflow definition in a snakefile.
+  --gui [PORT]          Serve an HTML based user interface to the given port
+                        (default: 8000). If possible, a browser window is
+                        opened.
+  --cores [N], --jobs [N], -j [N]
+                        Use at most N cores in parallel (default: 1). If N is
+                        omitted, the limit is set to the number of available
+                        cores.
+  --local-cores N       In cluster mode, use at most N cores of the host
+                        machine in parallel (default: number of CPU cores of
+                        the host). The cores are used to execute local rules.
+                        This option is ignored when not in cluster mode.
+  --resources [NAME=INT [NAME=INT ...]], --res [NAME=INT [NAME=INT ...]]
+                        Define additional resources that shall constrain the
+                        scheduling analogously to threads (see above). A
+                        resource is defined as a name and an integer value.
+                        E.g. --resources gpu=1. Rules can use resources by
+                        defining the resource keyword, e.g. resources: gpu=1.
+                        If now two rules require 1 of the resource 'gpu' they
+                        won't be run in parallel by the scheduler.
+  --config [KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]], -C [KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]]
+                        Set or overwrite values in the workflow config object.
+                        The workflow config object is accessible as variable
+                        config inside the workflow. Default values can be set
+                        by providing a JSON file (see Documentation).
+  --configfile FILE     Specify or overwrite the config file of the workflow
+                        (see the docs). Values specified in JSON or YAML
+                        format are available in the global config dictionary
+                        inside the workflow.
+  --list, -l            Show availiable rules in given Snakefile.
+  --list-target-rules, --lt
+                        Show available target rules in given Snakefile.
+  --directory DIR, -d DIR
+                        Specify working directory (relative paths in the
+                        snakefile will use this as their origin).
+  --dryrun, -n          Do not execute anything.
+  --printshellcmds, -p  Print out the shell commands that will be executed.
+  --dag                 Do not execute anything and print the directed acyclic
+                        graph of jobs in the dot language. Recommended use on
+                        Unix systems: snakemake --dag | dot | display
+  --force-use-threads   Force threads rather than processes. Helpful if shared
+                        memory (/dev/shm) is full or unavailable.
+  --rulegraph           Do not execute anything and print the dependency graph
+                        of rules in the dot language. This will be less
+                        crowded than above DAG of jobs, but also show less
+                        information. Note that each rule is displayed once,
+                        hence the displayed graph will be cyclic if a rule
+                        appears in several steps of the workflow. Use this if
+                        above option leads to a DAG that is too large.
+                        Recommended use on Unix systems: snakemake --rulegraph
+                        | dot | display
+  --d3dag               Print the DAG in D3.js compatible JSON format.
+  --summary, -S         Print a summary of all files created by the workflow.
+                        The has the following columns: filename, modification
+                        time, rule version, status, plan. Thereby rule version
+                        contains the versionthe file was created with (see the
+                        version keyword of rules), and status denotes whether
+                        the file is missing, its input files are newer or if
+                        version or implementation of the rule changed since
+                        file creation. Finally the last column denotes whether
+                        the file will be updated or created during the next
+                        workflow execution.
+  --detailed-summary, -D
+                        Print a summary of all files created by the workflow.
+                        The has the following columns: filename, modification
+                        time, rule version, input file(s), shell command,
+                        status, plan. Thereby rule version contains the
+                        versionthe file was created with (see the version
+                        keyword of rules), and status denotes whether the file
+                        is missing, its input files are newer or if version or
+                        implementation of the rule changed since file
+                        creation. The input file and shell command columns are
+                        selfexplanatory. Finally the last column denotes
+                        whether the file will be updated or created during the
+                        next workflow execution.
+  --touch, -t           Touch output files (mark them up to date without
+                        really changing them) instead of running their
+                        commands. This is used to pretend that the rules were
+                        executed, in order to fool future invocations of
+                        snakemake. Fails if a file does not yet exist.
+  --keep-going, -k      Go on with independent jobs if a job fails.
+  --force, -f           Force the execution of the selected target or the
+                        first rule regardless of already created output.
+  --forceall, -F        Force the execution of the selected (or the first)
+                        rule and all rules it is dependent on regardless of
+                        already created output.
+  --forcerun [TARGET [TARGET ...]], -R [TARGET [TARGET ...]]
+                        Force the re-execution or creation of the given rules
+                        or files. Use this option if you changed a rule and
+                        want to have all its output in your workflow updated.
+  --prioritize TARGET [TARGET ...], -P TARGET [TARGET ...]
+                        Tell the scheduler to assign creation of given targets
+                        (and all their dependencies) highest priority.
+                        (EXPERIMENTAL)
+  --until TARGET [TARGET ...], -U TARGET [TARGET ...]
+                        Runs the pipeline until it reaches the specified rules
+                        or files. Only runs jobs that are dependencies of the
+                        specified rule or files, does not run sibling DAGs.
+  --omit-from TARGET [TARGET ...], -O TARGET [TARGET ...]
+                        Prevent the execution or creation of the given rules
+                        or files as well as any rules or files that are
+                        downstream of these targets in the DAG. Also runs jobs
+                        in sibling DAGs that are independent of the rules or
+                        files specified here.
+  --allow-ambiguity, -a
+                        Don't check for ambiguous rules and simply use the
+                        first if several can produce the same file. This
+                        allows the user to prioritize rules by their order in
+                        the snakefile.
+  --cluster CMD, -c CMD
+                        Execute snakemake rules with the given submit command,
+                        e.g. qsub. Snakemake compiles jobs into scripts that
+                        are submitted to the cluster with the given command,
+                        once all input files for a particular job are present.
+                        The submit command can be decorated to make it aware
+                        of certain job properties (input, output, params,
+                        wildcards, log, threads and dependencies (see the
+                        argument below)), e.g.: $ snakemake --cluster 'qsub
+                        -pe threaded {threads}'.
+  --cluster-sync CMD    cluster submission command will block, returning the
+                        remote exitstatus upon remote termination (for
+                        example, this should be usedif the cluster command is
+                        'qsub -sync y' (SGE)
+  --drmaa [ARGS]        Execute snakemake on a cluster accessed via DRMAA,
+                        Snakemake compiles jobs into scripts that are
+                        submitted to the cluster with the given command, once
+                        all input files for a particular job are present. ARGS
+                        can be used to specify options of the underlying
+                        cluster system, thereby using the job properties
+                        input, output, params, wildcards, log, threads and
+                        dependencies, e.g.: --drmaa ' -pe threaded {threads}'.
+                        Note that ARGS must be given in quotes and with a
+                        leading whitespace.
+  --cluster-config FILE, -u FILE
+                        A JSON or YAML file that defines the wildcards used in
+                        'cluster'for specific rules, instead of having them
+                        specified in the Snakefile. For example, for rule
+                        'job' you may define: { 'job' : { 'time' : '24:00:00'
+                        } } to specify the time for rule 'job'. You can
+                        specify more than one file. The configuration files
+                        are merged with later values overriding earlier ones.
+  --immediate-submit, --is
+                        Immediately submit all jobs to the cluster instead of
+                        waiting for present input files. This will fail,
+                        unless you make the cluster aware of job dependencies,
+                        e.g. via: $ snakemake --cluster 'sbatch --dependency
+                        {dependencies}. Assuming that your submit script (here
+                        sbatch) outputs the generated job id to the first
+                        stdout line, {dependencies} will be filled with space
+                        separated job ids this job depends on.
+  --jobscript SCRIPT, --js SCRIPT
+                        Provide a custom job script for submission to the
+                        cluster. The default script resides as 'jobscript.sh'
+                        in the installation directory.
+  --jobname NAME, --jn NAME
+                        Provide a custom name for the jobscript that is
+                        submitted to the cluster (see --cluster). NAME is
+                        "snakejob.{rulename}.{jobid}.sh" per default. The
+                        wildcard {jobid} has to be present in the name.
+  --reason, -r          Print the reason for each executed rule.
+  --stats FILE          Write stats about Snakefile execution in JSON format
+                        to the given file.
+  --nocolor             Do not use a colored output.
+  --quiet, -q           Do not output any progress or rule information.
+  --nolock              Do not lock the working directory
+  --unlock              Remove a lock on the working directory.
+  --cleanup-metadata FILE [FILE ...], --cm FILE [FILE ...]
+                        Cleanup the metadata of given files. That means that
+                        snakemake removes any tracked version info, and any
+                        marks that files are incomplete.
+  --rerun-incomplete, --ri
+                        Re-run all jobs the output of which is recognized as
+                        incomplete.
+  --ignore-incomplete, --ii
+                        Do not check for incomplete output files.
+  --list-version-changes, --lv
+                        List all output files that have been created with a
+                        different version (as determined by the version
+                        keyword).
+  --list-code-changes, --lc
+                        List all output files for which the rule body (run or
+                        shell) have changed in the Snakefile.
+  --list-input-changes, --li
+                        List all output files for which the defined input
+                        files have changed in the Snakefile (e.g. new input
+                        files were added in the rule definition or files were
+                        renamed). For listing input file modification in the
+                        filesystem, use --summary.
+  --list-params-changes, --lp
+                        List all output files for which the defined params
+                        have changed in the Snakefile.
+  --latency-wait SECONDS, --output-wait SECONDS, -w SECONDS
+                        Wait given seconds if an output file of a job is not
+                        present after the job finished. This helps if your
+                        filesystem suffers from latency (default 5).
+  --wait-for-files [FILE [FILE ...]]
+                        Wait --latency-wait seconds for these files to be
+                        present before executing the workflow. This option is
+                        used internally to handle filesystem latency in
+                        cluster environments.
+  --benchmark-repeats N
+                        Repeat a job N times if marked for benchmarking
+                        (default 1).
+  --notemp, --nt        Ignore temp() declarations. This is useful when
+                        running only a part of the workflow, since temp()
+                        would lead to deletion of probably needed files by
+                        other parts of the workflow.
+  --keep-remote         Keep local copies of remote input files.
+  --keep-target-files   Do not adjust the paths of given target files relative
+                        to the working directory.
+  --keep-shadow         Do not delete the shadow directory on snakemake
+                        startup.
+  --allowed-rules ALLOWED_RULES [ALLOWED_RULES ...]
+                        Only use given rules. If omitted, all rules in
+                        Snakefile are used.
+  --max-jobs-per-second MAX_JOBS_PER_SECOND
+                        Maximal number of cluster/drmaa jobs per second,
+                        default is no limit
+  --timestamp, -T       Add a timestamp to all logging output
+  --greediness GREEDINESS
+                        Set the greediness of scheduling. This value between 0
+                        and 1 determines how careful jobs are selected for
+                        execution. The default value (1.0) provides the best
+                        speed and still acceptable scheduling quality.
+  --no-hooks            Do not invoke onstart, onsuccess or onerror hooks
+                        after execution.
+  --print-compilation   Print the python representation of the workflow.
+  --overwrite-shellcmd OVERWRITE_SHELLCMD
+                        Provide a shell command that shall be executed instead
+                        of those given in the workflow. This is for debugging
+                        purposes only.
+  --verbose             Print debugging output.
+  --debug               Allow to debug rules with e.g. PDB. This flag allows
+                        to set breakpoints in run blocks.
+  --profile FILE        Profile Snakemake and write the output to FILE. This
+                        requires yappi to be installed.
+  --bash-completion     Output code to register bash completion for snakemake.
+                        Put the following in your .bashrc (including the
+                        accents): `snakemake --bash-completion` or issue it in
+                        an open terminal session.
+  --version, -v         show program's version number and exit
diff --git a/tests/test_conda/expected-results/test1.out b/tests/test_conda/expected-results/test1.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c47a427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_conda/expected-results/test1.out
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+usage: snakemake [-h] [--snakefile FILE] [--gui [PORT]] [--cores [N]]
+                 [--local-cores N] [--resources [NAME=INT [NAME=INT ...]]]
+                 [--config [KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]]] [--configfile FILE]
+                 [--list] [--list-target-rules] [--directory DIR] [--dryrun]
+                 [--printshellcmds] [--dag] [--force-use-threads]
+                 [--rulegraph] [--d3dag] [--summary] [--detailed-summary]
+                 [--touch] [--keep-going] [--force] [--forceall]
+                 [--forcerun [TARGET [TARGET ...]]]
+                 [--prioritize TARGET [TARGET ...]]
+                 [--until TARGET [TARGET ...]]
+                 [--omit-from TARGET [TARGET ...]] [--allow-ambiguity]
+                 [--cluster CMD | --cluster-sync CMD | --drmaa [ARGS]]
+                 [--cluster-config FILE] [--immediate-submit]
+                 [--jobscript SCRIPT] [--jobname NAME] [--reason]
+                 [--stats FILE] [--nocolor] [--quiet] [--nolock] [--unlock]
+                 [--cleanup-metadata FILE [FILE ...]] [--rerun-incomplete]
+                 [--ignore-incomplete] [--list-version-changes]
+                 [--list-code-changes] [--list-input-changes]
+                 [--list-params-changes] [--latency-wait SECONDS]
+                 [--wait-for-files [FILE [FILE ...]]] [--benchmark-repeats N]
+                 [--notemp] [--keep-remote] [--keep-target-files]
+                 [--keep-shadow]
+                 [--allowed-rules ALLOWED_RULES [ALLOWED_RULES ...]]
+                 [--max-jobs-per-second MAX_JOBS_PER_SECOND] [--timestamp]
+                 [--greediness GREEDINESS] [--no-hooks] [--print-compilation]
+                 [--overwrite-shellcmd OVERWRITE_SHELLCMD] [--verbose]
+                 [--debug] [--profile FILE] [--bash-completion] [--version]
+                 [target [target ...]]
+Snakemake is a Python based language and execution environment for GNU Make-
+like workflows.
+positional arguments:
+  target                Targets to build. May be rules or files.
+optional arguments:
+  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+  --snakefile FILE, -s FILE
+                        The workflow definition in a snakefile.
+  --gui [PORT]          Serve an HTML based user interface to the given port
+                        (default: 8000). If possible, a browser window is
+                        opened.
+  --cores [N], --jobs [N], -j [N]
+                        Use at most N cores in parallel (default: 1). If N is
+                        omitted, the limit is set to the number of available
+                        cores.
+  --local-cores N       In cluster mode, use at most N cores of the host
+                        machine in parallel (default: number of CPU cores of
+                        the host). The cores are used to execute local rules.
+                        This option is ignored when not in cluster mode.
+  --resources [NAME=INT [NAME=INT ...]], --res [NAME=INT [NAME=INT ...]]
+                        Define additional resources that shall constrain the
+                        scheduling analogously to threads (see above). A
+                        resource is defined as a name and an integer value.
+                        E.g. --resources gpu=1. Rules can use resources by
+                        defining the resource keyword, e.g. resources: gpu=1.
+                        If now two rules require 1 of the resource 'gpu' they
+                        won't be run in parallel by the scheduler.
+  --config [KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]], -C [KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]]
+                        Set or overwrite values in the workflow config object.
+                        The workflow config object is accessible as variable
+                        config inside the workflow. Default values can be set
+                        by providing a JSON file (see Documentation).
+  --configfile FILE     Specify or overwrite the config file of the workflow
+                        (see the docs). Values specified in JSON or YAML
+                        format are available in the global config dictionary
+                        inside the workflow.
+  --list, -l            Show availiable rules in given Snakefile.
+  --list-target-rules, --lt
+                        Show available target rules in given Snakefile.
+  --directory DIR, -d DIR
+                        Specify working directory (relative paths in the
+                        snakefile will use this as their origin).
+  --dryrun, -n          Do not execute anything.
+  --printshellcmds, -p  Print out the shell commands that will be executed.
+  --dag                 Do not execute anything and print the directed acyclic
+                        graph of jobs in the dot language. Recommended use on
+                        Unix systems: snakemake --dag | dot | display
+  --force-use-threads   Force threads rather than processes. Helpful if shared
+                        memory (/dev/shm) is full or unavailable.
+  --rulegraph           Do not execute anything and print the dependency graph
+                        of rules in the dot language. This will be less
+                        crowded than above DAG of jobs, but also show less
+                        information. Note that each rule is displayed once,
+                        hence the displayed graph will be cyclic if a rule
+                        appears in several steps of the workflow. Use this if
+                        above option leads to a DAG that is too large.
+                        Recommended use on Unix systems: snakemake --rulegraph
+                        | dot | display
+  --d3dag               Print the DAG in D3.js compatible JSON format.
+  --summary, -S         Print a summary of all files created by the workflow.
+                        The has the following columns: filename, modification
+                        time, rule version, status, plan. Thereby rule version
+                        contains the versionthe file was created with (see the
+                        version keyword of rules), and status denotes whether
+                        the file is missing, its input files are newer or if
+                        version or implementation of the rule changed since
+                        file creation. Finally the last column denotes whether
+                        the file will be updated or created during the next
+                        workflow execution.
+  --detailed-summary, -D
+                        Print a summary of all files created by the workflow.
+                        The has the following columns: filename, modification
+                        time, rule version, input file(s), shell command,
+                        status, plan. Thereby rule version contains the
+                        versionthe file was created with (see the version
+                        keyword of rules), and status denotes whether the file
+                        is missing, its input files are newer or if version or
+                        implementation of the rule changed since file
+                        creation. The input file and shell command columns are
+                        selfexplanatory. Finally the last column denotes
+                        whether the file will be updated or created during the
+                        next workflow execution.
+  --touch, -t           Touch output files (mark them up to date without
+                        really changing them) instead of running their
+                        commands. This is used to pretend that the rules were
+                        executed, in order to fool future invocations of
+                        snakemake. Fails if a file does not yet exist.
+  --keep-going, -k      Go on with independent jobs if a job fails.
+  --force, -f           Force the execution of the selected target or the
+                        first rule regardless of already created output.
+  --forceall, -F        Force the execution of the selected (or the first)
+                        rule and all rules it is dependent on regardless of
+                        already created output.
+  --forcerun [TARGET [TARGET ...]], -R [TARGET [TARGET ...]]
+                        Force the re-execution or creation of the given rules
+                        or files. Use this option if you changed a rule and
+                        want to have all its output in your workflow updated.
+  --prioritize TARGET [TARGET ...], -P TARGET [TARGET ...]
+                        Tell the scheduler to assign creation of given targets
+                        (and all their dependencies) highest priority.
+                        (EXPERIMENTAL)
+  --until TARGET [TARGET ...], -U TARGET [TARGET ...]
+                        Runs the pipeline until it reaches the specified rules
+                        or files. Only runs jobs that are dependencies of the
+                        specified rule or files, does not run sibling DAGs.
+  --omit-from TARGET [TARGET ...], -O TARGET [TARGET ...]
+                        Prevent the execution or creation of the given rules
+                        or files as well as any rules or files that are
+                        downstream of these targets in the DAG. Also runs jobs
+                        in sibling DAGs that are independent of the rules or
+                        files specified here.
+  --allow-ambiguity, -a
+                        Don't check for ambiguous rules and simply use the
+                        first if several can produce the same file. This
+                        allows the user to prioritize rules by their order in
+                        the snakefile.
+  --cluster CMD, -c CMD
+                        Execute snakemake rules with the given submit command,
+                        e.g. qsub. Snakemake compiles jobs into scripts that
+                        are submitted to the cluster with the given command,
+                        once all input files for a particular job are present.
+                        The submit command can be decorated to make it aware
+                        of certain job properties (input, output, params,
+                        wildcards, log, threads and dependencies (see the
+                        argument below)), e.g.: $ snakemake --cluster 'qsub
+                        -pe threaded {threads}'.
+  --cluster-sync CMD    cluster submission command will block, returning the
+                        remote exitstatus upon remote termination (for
+                        example, this should be usedif the cluster command is
+                        'qsub -sync y' (SGE)
+  --drmaa [ARGS]        Execute snakemake on a cluster accessed via DRMAA,
+                        Snakemake compiles jobs into scripts that are
+                        submitted to the cluster with the given command, once
+                        all input files for a particular job are present. ARGS
+                        can be used to specify options of the underlying
+                        cluster system, thereby using the job properties
+                        input, output, params, wildcards, log, threads and
+                        dependencies, e.g.: --drmaa ' -pe threaded {threads}'.
+                        Note that ARGS must be given in quotes and with a
+                        leading whitespace.
+  --cluster-config FILE, -u FILE
+                        A JSON or YAML file that defines the wildcards used in
+                        'cluster'for specific rules, instead of having them
+                        specified in the Snakefile. For example, for rule
+                        'job' you may define: { 'job' : { 'time' : '24:00:00'
+                        } } to specify the time for rule 'job'. You can
+                        specify more than one file. The configuration files
+                        are merged with later values overriding earlier ones.
+  --immediate-submit, --is
+                        Immediately submit all jobs to the cluster instead of
+                        waiting for present input files. This will fail,
+                        unless you make the cluster aware of job dependencies,
+                        e.g. via: $ snakemake --cluster 'sbatch --dependency
+                        {dependencies}. Assuming that your submit script (here
+                        sbatch) outputs the generated job id to the first
+                        stdout line, {dependencies} will be filled with space
+                        separated job ids this job depends on.
+  --jobscript SCRIPT, --js SCRIPT
+                        Provide a custom job script for submission to the
+                        cluster. The default script resides as 'jobscript.sh'
+                        in the installation directory.
+  --jobname NAME, --jn NAME
+                        Provide a custom name for the jobscript that is
+                        submitted to the cluster (see --cluster). NAME is
+                        "snakejob.{rulename}.{jobid}.sh" per default. The
+                        wildcard {jobid} has to be present in the name.
+  --reason, -r          Print the reason for each executed rule.
+  --stats FILE          Write stats about Snakefile execution in JSON format
+                        to the given file.
+  --nocolor             Do not use a colored output.
+  --quiet, -q           Do not output any progress or rule information.
+  --nolock              Do not lock the working directory
+  --unlock              Remove a lock on the working directory.
+  --cleanup-metadata FILE [FILE ...], --cm FILE [FILE ...]
+                        Cleanup the metadata of given files. That means that
+                        snakemake removes any tracked version info, and any
+                        marks that files are incomplete.
+  --rerun-incomplete, --ri
+                        Re-run all jobs the output of which is recognized as
+                        incomplete.
+  --ignore-incomplete, --ii
+                        Do not check for incomplete output files.
+  --list-version-changes, --lv
+                        List all output files that have been created with a
+                        different version (as determined by the version
+                        keyword).
+  --list-code-changes, --lc
+                        List all output files for which the rule body (run or
+                        shell) have changed in the Snakefile.
+  --list-input-changes, --li
+                        List all output files for which the defined input
+                        files have changed in the Snakefile (e.g. new input
+                        files were added in the rule definition or files were
+                        renamed). For listing input file modification in the
+                        filesystem, use --summary.
+  --list-params-changes, --lp
+                        List all output files for which the defined params
+                        have changed in the Snakefile.
+  --latency-wait SECONDS, --output-wait SECONDS, -w SECONDS
+                        Wait given seconds if an output file of a job is not
+                        present after the job finished. This helps if your
+                        filesystem suffers from latency (default 5).
+  --wait-for-files [FILE [FILE ...]]
+                        Wait --latency-wait seconds for these files to be
+                        present before executing the workflow. This option is
+                        used internally to handle filesystem latency in
+                        cluster environments.
+  --benchmark-repeats N
+                        Repeat a job N times if marked for benchmarking
+                        (default 1).
+  --notemp, --nt        Ignore temp() declarations. This is useful when
+                        running only a part of the workflow, since temp()
+                        would lead to deletion of probably needed files by
+                        other parts of the workflow.
+  --keep-remote         Keep local copies of remote input files.
+  --keep-target-files   Do not adjust the paths of given target files relative
+                        to the working directory.
+  --keep-shadow         Do not delete the shadow directory on snakemake
+                        startup.
+  --allowed-rules ALLOWED_RULES [ALLOWED_RULES ...]
+                        Only use given rules. If omitted, all rules in
+                        Snakefile are used.
+  --max-jobs-per-second MAX_JOBS_PER_SECOND
+                        Maximal number of cluster/drmaa jobs per second,
+                        default is no limit
+  --timestamp, -T       Add a timestamp to all logging output
+  --greediness GREEDINESS
+                        Set the greediness of scheduling. This value between 0
+                        and 1 determines how careful jobs are selected for
+                        execution. The default value (1.0) provides the best
+                        speed and still acceptable scheduling quality.
+  --no-hooks            Do not invoke onstart, onsuccess or onerror hooks
+                        after execution.
+  --print-compilation   Print the python representation of the workflow.
+  --overwrite-shellcmd OVERWRITE_SHELLCMD
+                        Provide a shell command that shall be executed instead
+                        of those given in the workflow. This is for debugging
+                        purposes only.
+  --verbose             Print debugging output.
+  --debug               Allow to debug rules with e.g. PDB. This flag allows
+                        to set breakpoints in run blocks.
+  --profile FILE        Profile Snakemake and write the output to FILE. This
+                        requires yappi to be installed.
+  --bash-completion     Output code to register bash completion for snakemake.
+                        Put the following in your .bashrc (including the
+                        accents): `snakemake --bash-completion` or issue it in
+                        an open terminal session.
+  --version, -v         show program's version number and exit
diff --git a/tests/test_conda/expected-results/test2.out b/tests/test_conda/expected-results/test2.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c47a427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_conda/expected-results/test2.out
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+usage: snakemake [-h] [--snakefile FILE] [--gui [PORT]] [--cores [N]]
+                 [--local-cores N] [--resources [NAME=INT [NAME=INT ...]]]
+                 [--config [KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]]] [--configfile FILE]
+                 [--list] [--list-target-rules] [--directory DIR] [--dryrun]
+                 [--printshellcmds] [--dag] [--force-use-threads]
+                 [--rulegraph] [--d3dag] [--summary] [--detailed-summary]
+                 [--touch] [--keep-going] [--force] [--forceall]
+                 [--forcerun [TARGET [TARGET ...]]]
+                 [--prioritize TARGET [TARGET ...]]
+                 [--until TARGET [TARGET ...]]
+                 [--omit-from TARGET [TARGET ...]] [--allow-ambiguity]
+                 [--cluster CMD | --cluster-sync CMD | --drmaa [ARGS]]
+                 [--cluster-config FILE] [--immediate-submit]
+                 [--jobscript SCRIPT] [--jobname NAME] [--reason]
+                 [--stats FILE] [--nocolor] [--quiet] [--nolock] [--unlock]
+                 [--cleanup-metadata FILE [FILE ...]] [--rerun-incomplete]
+                 [--ignore-incomplete] [--list-version-changes]
+                 [--list-code-changes] [--list-input-changes]
+                 [--list-params-changes] [--latency-wait SECONDS]
+                 [--wait-for-files [FILE [FILE ...]]] [--benchmark-repeats N]
+                 [--notemp] [--keep-remote] [--keep-target-files]
+                 [--keep-shadow]
+                 [--allowed-rules ALLOWED_RULES [ALLOWED_RULES ...]]
+                 [--max-jobs-per-second MAX_JOBS_PER_SECOND] [--timestamp]
+                 [--greediness GREEDINESS] [--no-hooks] [--print-compilation]
+                 [--overwrite-shellcmd OVERWRITE_SHELLCMD] [--verbose]
+                 [--debug] [--profile FILE] [--bash-completion] [--version]
+                 [target [target ...]]
+Snakemake is a Python based language and execution environment for GNU Make-
+like workflows.
+positional arguments:
+  target                Targets to build. May be rules or files.
+optional arguments:
+  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+  --snakefile FILE, -s FILE
+                        The workflow definition in a snakefile.
+  --gui [PORT]          Serve an HTML based user interface to the given port
+                        (default: 8000). If possible, a browser window is
+                        opened.
+  --cores [N], --jobs [N], -j [N]
+                        Use at most N cores in parallel (default: 1). If N is
+                        omitted, the limit is set to the number of available
+                        cores.
+  --local-cores N       In cluster mode, use at most N cores of the host
+                        machine in parallel (default: number of CPU cores of
+                        the host). The cores are used to execute local rules.
+                        This option is ignored when not in cluster mode.
+  --resources [NAME=INT [NAME=INT ...]], --res [NAME=INT [NAME=INT ...]]
+                        Define additional resources that shall constrain the
+                        scheduling analogously to threads (see above). A
+                        resource is defined as a name and an integer value.
+                        E.g. --resources gpu=1. Rules can use resources by
+                        defining the resource keyword, e.g. resources: gpu=1.
+                        If now two rules require 1 of the resource 'gpu' they
+                        won't be run in parallel by the scheduler.
+  --config [KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]], -C [KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]]
+                        Set or overwrite values in the workflow config object.
+                        The workflow config object is accessible as variable
+                        config inside the workflow. Default values can be set
+                        by providing a JSON file (see Documentation).
+  --configfile FILE     Specify or overwrite the config file of the workflow
+                        (see the docs). Values specified in JSON or YAML
+                        format are available in the global config dictionary
+                        inside the workflow.
+  --list, -l            Show availiable rules in given Snakefile.
+  --list-target-rules, --lt
+                        Show available target rules in given Snakefile.
+  --directory DIR, -d DIR
+                        Specify working directory (relative paths in the
+                        snakefile will use this as their origin).
+  --dryrun, -n          Do not execute anything.
+  --printshellcmds, -p  Print out the shell commands that will be executed.
+  --dag                 Do not execute anything and print the directed acyclic
+                        graph of jobs in the dot language. Recommended use on
+                        Unix systems: snakemake --dag | dot | display
+  --force-use-threads   Force threads rather than processes. Helpful if shared
+                        memory (/dev/shm) is full or unavailable.
+  --rulegraph           Do not execute anything and print the dependency graph
+                        of rules in the dot language. This will be less
+                        crowded than above DAG of jobs, but also show less
+                        information. Note that each rule is displayed once,
+                        hence the displayed graph will be cyclic if a rule
+                        appears in several steps of the workflow. Use this if
+                        above option leads to a DAG that is too large.
+                        Recommended use on Unix systems: snakemake --rulegraph
+                        | dot | display
+  --d3dag               Print the DAG in D3.js compatible JSON format.
+  --summary, -S         Print a summary of all files created by the workflow.
+                        The has the following columns: filename, modification
+                        time, rule version, status, plan. Thereby rule version
+                        contains the versionthe file was created with (see the
+                        version keyword of rules), and status denotes whether
+                        the file is missing, its input files are newer or if
+                        version or implementation of the rule changed since
+                        file creation. Finally the last column denotes whether
+                        the file will be updated or created during the next
+                        workflow execution.
+  --detailed-summary, -D
+                        Print a summary of all files created by the workflow.
+                        The has the following columns: filename, modification
+                        time, rule version, input file(s), shell command,
+                        status, plan. Thereby rule version contains the
+                        versionthe file was created with (see the version
+                        keyword of rules), and status denotes whether the file
+                        is missing, its input files are newer or if version or
+                        implementation of the rule changed since file
+                        creation. The input file and shell command columns are
+                        selfexplanatory. Finally the last column denotes
+                        whether the file will be updated or created during the
+                        next workflow execution.
+  --touch, -t           Touch output files (mark them up to date without
+                        really changing them) instead of running their
+                        commands. This is used to pretend that the rules were
+                        executed, in order to fool future invocations of
+                        snakemake. Fails if a file does not yet exist.
+  --keep-going, -k      Go on with independent jobs if a job fails.
+  --force, -f           Force the execution of the selected target or the
+                        first rule regardless of already created output.
+  --forceall, -F        Force the execution of the selected (or the first)
+                        rule and all rules it is dependent on regardless of
+                        already created output.
+  --forcerun [TARGET [TARGET ...]], -R [TARGET [TARGET ...]]
+                        Force the re-execution or creation of the given rules
+                        or files. Use this option if you changed a rule and
+                        want to have all its output in your workflow updated.
+  --prioritize TARGET [TARGET ...], -P TARGET [TARGET ...]
+                        Tell the scheduler to assign creation of given targets
+                        (and all their dependencies) highest priority.
+                        (EXPERIMENTAL)
+  --until TARGET [TARGET ...], -U TARGET [TARGET ...]
+                        Runs the pipeline until it reaches the specified rules
+                        or files. Only runs jobs that are dependencies of the
+                        specified rule or files, does not run sibling DAGs.
+  --omit-from TARGET [TARGET ...], -O TARGET [TARGET ...]
+                        Prevent the execution or creation of the given rules
+                        or files as well as any rules or files that are
+                        downstream of these targets in the DAG. Also runs jobs
+                        in sibling DAGs that are independent of the rules or
+                        files specified here.
+  --allow-ambiguity, -a
+                        Don't check for ambiguous rules and simply use the
+                        first if several can produce the same file. This
+                        allows the user to prioritize rules by their order in
+                        the snakefile.
+  --cluster CMD, -c CMD
+                        Execute snakemake rules with the given submit command,
+                        e.g. qsub. Snakemake compiles jobs into scripts that
+                        are submitted to the cluster with the given command,
+                        once all input files for a particular job are present.
+                        The submit command can be decorated to make it aware
+                        of certain job properties (input, output, params,
+                        wildcards, log, threads and dependencies (see the
+                        argument below)), e.g.: $ snakemake --cluster 'qsub
+                        -pe threaded {threads}'.
+  --cluster-sync CMD    cluster submission command will block, returning the
+                        remote exitstatus upon remote termination (for
+                        example, this should be usedif the cluster command is
+                        'qsub -sync y' (SGE)
+  --drmaa [ARGS]        Execute snakemake on a cluster accessed via DRMAA,
+                        Snakemake compiles jobs into scripts that are
+                        submitted to the cluster with the given command, once
+                        all input files for a particular job are present. ARGS
+                        can be used to specify options of the underlying
+                        cluster system, thereby using the job properties
+                        input, output, params, wildcards, log, threads and
+                        dependencies, e.g.: --drmaa ' -pe threaded {threads}'.
+                        Note that ARGS must be given in quotes and with a
+                        leading whitespace.
+  --cluster-config FILE, -u FILE
+                        A JSON or YAML file that defines the wildcards used in
+                        'cluster'for specific rules, instead of having them
+                        specified in the Snakefile. For example, for rule
+                        'job' you may define: { 'job' : { 'time' : '24:00:00'
+                        } } to specify the time for rule 'job'. You can
+                        specify more than one file. The configuration files
+                        are merged with later values overriding earlier ones.
+  --immediate-submit, --is
+                        Immediately submit all jobs to the cluster instead of
+                        waiting for present input files. This will fail,
+                        unless you make the cluster aware of job dependencies,
+                        e.g. via: $ snakemake --cluster 'sbatch --dependency
+                        {dependencies}. Assuming that your submit script (here
+                        sbatch) outputs the generated job id to the first
+                        stdout line, {dependencies} will be filled with space
+                        separated job ids this job depends on.
+  --jobscript SCRIPT, --js SCRIPT
+                        Provide a custom job script for submission to the
+                        cluster. The default script resides as 'jobscript.sh'
+                        in the installation directory.
+  --jobname NAME, --jn NAME
+                        Provide a custom name for the jobscript that is
+                        submitted to the cluster (see --cluster). NAME is
+                        "snakejob.{rulename}.{jobid}.sh" per default. The
+                        wildcard {jobid} has to be present in the name.
+  --reason, -r          Print the reason for each executed rule.
+  --stats FILE          Write stats about Snakefile execution in JSON format
+                        to the given file.
+  --nocolor             Do not use a colored output.
+  --quiet, -q           Do not output any progress or rule information.
+  --nolock              Do not lock the working directory
+  --unlock              Remove a lock on the working directory.
+  --cleanup-metadata FILE [FILE ...], --cm FILE [FILE ...]
+                        Cleanup the metadata of given files. That means that
+                        snakemake removes any tracked version info, and any
+                        marks that files are incomplete.
+  --rerun-incomplete, --ri
+                        Re-run all jobs the output of which is recognized as
+                        incomplete.
+  --ignore-incomplete, --ii
+                        Do not check for incomplete output files.
+  --list-version-changes, --lv
+                        List all output files that have been created with a
+                        different version (as determined by the version
+                        keyword).
+  --list-code-changes, --lc
+                        List all output files for which the rule body (run or
+                        shell) have changed in the Snakefile.
+  --list-input-changes, --li
+                        List all output files for which the defined input
+                        files have changed in the Snakefile (e.g. new input
+                        files were added in the rule definition or files were
+                        renamed). For listing input file modification in the
+                        filesystem, use --summary.
+  --list-params-changes, --lp
+                        List all output files for which the defined params
+                        have changed in the Snakefile.
+  --latency-wait SECONDS, --output-wait SECONDS, -w SECONDS
+                        Wait given seconds if an output file of a job is not
+                        present after the job finished. This helps if your
+                        filesystem suffers from latency (default 5).
+  --wait-for-files [FILE [FILE ...]]
+                        Wait --latency-wait seconds for these files to be
+                        present before executing the workflow. This option is
+                        used internally to handle filesystem latency in
+                        cluster environments.
+  --benchmark-repeats N
+                        Repeat a job N times if marked for benchmarking
+                        (default 1).
+  --notemp, --nt        Ignore temp() declarations. This is useful when
+                        running only a part of the workflow, since temp()
+                        would lead to deletion of probably needed files by
+                        other parts of the workflow.
+  --keep-remote         Keep local copies of remote input files.
+  --keep-target-files   Do not adjust the paths of given target files relative
+                        to the working directory.
+  --keep-shadow         Do not delete the shadow directory on snakemake
+                        startup.
+  --allowed-rules ALLOWED_RULES [ALLOWED_RULES ...]
+                        Only use given rules. If omitted, all rules in
+                        Snakefile are used.
+  --max-jobs-per-second MAX_JOBS_PER_SECOND
+                        Maximal number of cluster/drmaa jobs per second,
+                        default is no limit
+  --timestamp, -T       Add a timestamp to all logging output
+  --greediness GREEDINESS
+                        Set the greediness of scheduling. This value between 0
+                        and 1 determines how careful jobs are selected for
+                        execution. The default value (1.0) provides the best
+                        speed and still acceptable scheduling quality.
+  --no-hooks            Do not invoke onstart, onsuccess or onerror hooks
+                        after execution.
+  --print-compilation   Print the python representation of the workflow.
+  --overwrite-shellcmd OVERWRITE_SHELLCMD
+                        Provide a shell command that shall be executed instead
+                        of those given in the workflow. This is for debugging
+                        purposes only.
+  --verbose             Print debugging output.
+  --debug               Allow to debug rules with e.g. PDB. This flag allows
+                        to set breakpoints in run blocks.
+  --profile FILE        Profile Snakemake and write the output to FILE. This
+                        requires yappi to be installed.
+  --bash-completion     Output code to register bash completion for snakemake.
+                        Put the following in your .bashrc (including the
+                        accents): `snakemake --bash-completion` or issue it in
+                        an open terminal session.
+  --version, -v         show program's version number and exit
diff --git a/tests/test_conda/test-env.yaml b/tests/test_conda/test-env.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5af59b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_conda/test-env.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  - bioconda
+  - snakemake ==3.8.2
diff --git a/tests/test_delete_output/Snakefile b/tests/test_delete_output/Snakefile
index b805f43..fb65479 100644
--- a/tests/test_delete_output/Snakefile
+++ b/tests/test_delete_output/Snakefile
@@ -1,23 +1,59 @@
-# Having decided to address bug #300, I need a test.
+# See bug #300. This tests that output files really are cleaned up
+# before running a rule, and touched afterwards.
 # The output should be deleted before the job starts.
-# The output should be deleted on the the head node for cluster jobs.
-# The path for the output should be created (as it already is)
+# (The output should be deleted on the the head node for cluster jobs.)
+# The path to the output should be created
 # The output should be touch'd on the head node to always be new.
-# This test should work without any cluster.  Do I need a special test for
-# the cluster case?  Not sure.
+# Additionally this should work for directories, symlinks and symlinks
+# to directories.
+# TODO - consider adding a cluster-based test for point 2 above.
-# Setup - touch a fake input file and a fake output file.
+# Setup - touch a mock input file and an out-of-date output file.
 shell("touch -t 201604010000 output.file")
 shell("touch input.file")
+# An empty directory
+shell("mkdir -p output.dir ; touch -ch -t 201604010000 output.dir")
+# A dangling symlink
+shell("ln -fs nosuchfile output.link ; touch -ch -t 201604010000 output.link")
+# A symlink to an empty directory
+shell("mkdir -p an_empty_dir; ln -fs an_empty_dir output.dirlink ; touch -ch -t 201604010000 an_empty_dir output.dirlink")
 rule main:
-    input: "output.file"
+    input: "output.file", "output.dir", "output.link", "output.dirlink"
 rule make_the_file:
     output: "output.file", "foo/output.foo.file"
     input: "input.file"
     # Rule fails if any output.file is already present
-    shell: "test ! -e output.file ; test -d foo ; test ! -e foo/* ; touch -t 201604010000 output.file ; touch foo/output.foo.file"
+    run:
+        shell("test ! -e output.file")
+        shell("test -d foo")
+        shell("test ! -e foo/*")
+        shell("touch -t 201604010000 output.file")
+        shell("touch foo/output.foo.file")
+rule make_the_dir:
+    output: "output.dir"
+    input: "input.file"
+    #mkdir fails if the dir is already present
+    run:
+        shell("mkdir output.dir")
+        shell("touch output.dir/foo")
+rule make_the_links:
+    output: "output.link", "output.dirlink"
+    input: "input.file"
+    # Both links should be gone, but an_empty_dir should not have been removed
+    # as it's not a direct target of the rule.
+    run:
+        shell("touch arealfile")
+        shell("ln -s arealfile output.link")
+        shell("test -d an_empty_dir")
+        shell("mkdir empty_dir2")
+        shell("ln -s empty_dir2 output.dirlink")
diff --git a/tests/test_delete_output/nosuchfile b/tests/test_delete_output/nosuchfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/test_get_log_both/test.out b/tests/test_get_log_both/test.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd1f0e..0000000
--- a/tests/test_get_log_both/test.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tests/test_get_log_complex/test.out b/tests/test_get_log_complex/test.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd1f0e..0000000
--- a/tests/test_get_log_complex/test.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tests/test_get_log_stderr/test.out b/tests/test_get_log_stderr/test.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd1f0e..0000000
--- a/tests/test_get_log_stderr/test.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tests/test_get_log_stdout/test.out b/tests/test_get_log_stdout/test.out
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd1f0e..0000000
--- a/tests/test_get_log_stdout/test.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tests/test_issue381/Snakefile b/tests/test_issue381/Snakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec02547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_issue381/Snakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+rule all:
+    input:
+        "b.out"
+rule a:
+    input:
+        "a.in"
+    output:
+        "a.out"
+    shell:
+        "touch {output}"
+rule b:
+    input:
+        rules.a.input
+    output:
+        "b.out"
+    shell:
+        "touch {output}"
diff --git a/tests/test_issue381/a.in b/tests/test_issue381/a.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/test_issue381/expected-results/b.out b/tests/test_issue381/expected-results/b.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/test_persistent_dict/Snakefile b/tests/test_persistent_dict/Snakefile
index 6360a42..1d77ecb 100644
--- a/tests/test_persistent_dict/Snakefile
+++ b/tests/test_persistent_dict/Snakefile
@@ -1,33 +1,27 @@
-	from pytools.persistent_dict import PersistentDict
+from pytools.persistent_dict import PersistentDict
-	storage = PersistentDict("mystorage")
-	storage.store("var1", 100)
+storage = PersistentDict("mystorage")
-	rule all:
-		input: expand("test.{i}.out", i=range(3))
+storage.store("var1", 100)
+rule all:
+	input: expand("test.{i}.out", i=range(3))
-	rule:
-		input: "test.in"
-		output: "test.{i}.out"
-		run:
-			assert storage.fetch("var1") == 100
-			with open(output[0], "w") as out:
-				v = storage.fetch("var2")
-				assert v == 1
-				print(v, file=out)
+	input: "test.in"
+	output: "test.{i}.out"
+	run:
+		assert storage.fetch("var1") == 100
+		with open(output[0], "w") as out:
+			v = storage.fetch("var2")
+			assert v == 1
+			print(v, file=out)
-	rule:
-		output: temp("test.in")  # mark output as temp, since var1 has to be stored in each run
-		run:
-			storage.store("var2", 1)
-			shell("touch {output}")
-except ImportError:
-	# do not run the test if pytools is not installed
-	pass
+	output: temp("test.in")  # mark output as temp, since var1 has to be stored in each run
+	run:
+		storage.store("var2", 1)
+		shell("touch {output}")
diff --git a/tests/test_rule_defined_in_for_loop/Snakefile b/tests/test_rule_defined_in_for_loop/Snakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccdcf6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_rule_defined_in_for_loop/Snakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+rule all:
+  input: 'iteration-02.txt'
+for i in range(2, 4):
+  rule:
+    output:
+      fasta='iteration-{nr:02d}.txt'.format(nr=i)
+    input:
+      fasta='iteration-{nr:02d}.txt'.format(nr=i-1)
+    run:
+      shell("cp -p {input.fasta} {output.fasta}")
diff --git a/tests/test_rule_defined_in_for_loop/expected-results/iteration-01.txt b/tests/test_rule_defined_in_for_loop/expected-results/iteration-01.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/test_rule_defined_in_for_loop/expected-results/iteration-02.txt b/tests/test_rule_defined_in_for_loop/expected-results/iteration-02.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/test_rule_defined_in_for_loop/iteration-01.txt b/tests/test_rule_defined_in_for_loop/iteration-01.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/test_wrapper/Snakefile b/tests/test_wrapper/Snakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f82bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_wrapper/Snakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+rule compress_vcf:
+    input:
+        "test.vcf"
+    output:
+        "test.vcf.gz"
+    wrapper:
+        "0.9.0/bio/vcf/compress"
diff --git a/tests/test_wrapper/expected-results/test.vcf.gz b/tests/test_wrapper/expected-results/test.vcf.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a3abc6
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/test_wrapper/expected-results/test.vcf.gz differ
diff --git a/tests/test_wrapper/test.vcf b/tests/test_wrapper/test.vcf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1f91cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_wrapper/test.vcf
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+##INFO=<ID=S1,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Single INFO string">
+##INFO=<ID=N1,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Single INFO integer">
+##INFO=<ID=F1,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Single INFO float">
+##FORMAT=<ID=FS1,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Single FORMAT string">
+##FORMAT=<ID=FN1,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Single FORMAT integer">
+##FORMAT=<ID=FF1,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Single FORMAT float">
+19	3111939	rs1234	A	AG	.	PASS	S1=string1;N1=1;F1=1.0	GT:FS1:FN1	./1:LongString1:1	1/1:ss1:2
+19	3113255	rs2345	G	GC	.	PASS	S1=string2;N1=2;F1=2.0	GT:FS1:FN1	1|1:LongString2:1	1/1:ss2:2
+19	3113259	rs2345	G	GC	.	PASS	S1=string3;N1=3;F1=3.0	GT:FS1:FN1	0/1:.:1	1/1:ss3:2
+19	3113262	rs2345	G	GC	.	PASS	S1=string4;N1=4;F1=4.0	GT:FS1:FN1	0|1:LongString4:1	1/1:.:2
+19	3113268	rs2345	G	GC	.	PASS	S1=string5;N1=5;F1=5.0	GT:FS1:FN1	1|.:evenlength:1	1/1:veenlength:2
+19	3113272	rs2345	G	GC	.	PASS	S1=string6;N1=6;F1=6.0	GT:FS1:FN1	1/1:ss6:1	1/1:longstring6:2
diff --git a/tests/tests.py b/tests/tests.py
index b873051..c0965ca 100644
--- a/tests/tests.py
+++ b/tests/tests.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from subprocess import call
 from tempfile import mkdtemp
 import hashlib
 import urllib
-from shutil import rmtree
+from shutil import rmtree, which
 from shlex import quote
 from snakemake import snakemake
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def run(path,
     assert os.path.exists(snakefile)
     assert os.path.exists(results_dir) and os.path.isdir(
         results_dir), '{} does not exist'.format(results_dir)
-    tmpdir = mkdtemp()
+    tmpdir = mkdtemp(prefix=".test", dir=os.path.abspath("."))
         config = {}
         if subpath is not None:
@@ -164,6 +164,8 @@ def test14():
 def test15():
+def test_ancient():
+    run(dpath("test_ancient"), targets=['D'])
 def test_report():
     run(dpath("test_report"), check_md5=False)
@@ -217,7 +219,11 @@ def test_ruledeps():
 def test_persistent_dict():
-    run(dpath("test_persistent_dict"))
+    try:
+        import pytools
+        run(dpath("test_persistent_dict"))
+    except ImportError:
+        pass
 def test_url_include():
@@ -326,7 +332,7 @@ def test_nonstr_params():
 def test_delete_output():
-    run(dpath("test_delete_output"))
+    run(dpath("test_delete_output"), cores=1)
 def test_input_generator():
@@ -340,7 +346,26 @@ def test_symlink_time_handling():
 def test_issue328():
-    run(dpath("test_issue328"), forcerun=["split"])
+    try:
+        import pytools
+        run(dpath("test_issue328"), forcerun=["split"])
+    except ImportError:
+        # skip test if import fails
+        pass
+def test_conda():
+    if conda_available():
+        run(dpath("test_conda"), use_conda=True)
+def test_wrapper():
+    if conda_available():
+        run(dpath("test_wrapper"), use_conda=True)
+def conda_available():
+    return which("conda")
 def test_get_log_none():
@@ -392,6 +417,15 @@ def test_format_params():
     run(dpath("test_format_params"), check_md5=True)
+def test_rule_defined_in_for_loop():
+    # issue 257
+    run(dpath("test_rule_defined_in_for_loop"))
+def test_issue381():
+    run(dpath("test_issue381"))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     import nose

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