[med-svn] [orthanc] branch upstream updated (d00e231 -> 2fdcb05)
Sebastien Jodogne
jodogne-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 13 20:17:29 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
jodogne-guest pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository orthanc.
from d00e231 Imported Upstream version 1.1.0+dfsg
new 2fdcb05 New upstream version 1.2.0+dfsg
The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.hg_archival.txt | 6 +-
CMakeLists.txt | 41 +-
Core/Cache/SharedArchive.cpp | 5 +-
Core/DicomFormat/DicomArray.h | 2 +-
Core/DicomFormat/DicomImageInformation.h | 2 +-
Core/DicomFormat/DicomMap.h | 2 +-
Core/DicomFormat/DicomTag.h | 2 +
Core/DicomFormat/DicomValue.cpp | 2 +-
Core/DicomFormat/DicomValue.h | 7 +-
Core/Enumerations.cpp | 20 +-
Core/Enumerations.h | 8 +-
Core/FileStorage/FilesystemStorage.cpp | 66 +-
Core/FileStorage/FilesystemStorage.h | 2 +-
Core/FileStorage/StorageAccessor.cpp | 4 +-
Core/HttpClient.cpp | 84 +-
Core/HttpClient.h | 24 +
Core/HttpServer/FilesystemHttpHandler.cpp | 5 +-
Core/HttpServer/FilesystemHttpSender.h | 4 +-
Core/HttpServer/HttpOutput.cpp | 3 +-
Core/HttpServer/HttpOutput.h | 9 +-
Core/HttpServer/HttpStreamTranscoder.h | 1 +
Core/HttpServer/IHttpHandler.h | 2 +-
Core/HttpServer/MongooseServer.cpp | 153 +-
Core/Images/Font.cpp | 3 +-
Core/{Pkcs11.h => Images/IImageWriter.cpp} | 30 +-
Core/Images/IImageWriter.h | 16 +-
Core/{Cache/MemoryCache.h => Images/Image.cpp} | 43 +-
Core/Images/Image.h | 10 +-
Core/Images/ImageAccessor.cpp | 18 +
Core/Images/ImageAccessor.h | 2 +
Core/Images/ImageBuffer.cpp | 14 +-
Core/Images/ImageBuffer.h | 5 +-
Core/Images/ImageProcessing.cpp | 76 +
Core/Images/ImageProcessing.h | 6 +
Core/Images/JpegReader.cpp | 14 +-
Core/Images/JpegReader.h | 6 +
Core/Images/JpegWriter.cpp | 11 +-
Core/Images/JpegWriter.h | 2 +
Core/Images/PngReader.cpp | 11 +-
Core/Images/PngReader.h | 6 +
Core/Images/PngWriter.cpp | 9 +-
Core/Images/PngWriter.h | 2 +
Core/Logging.cpp | 197 +-
Core/Logging.h | 16 +
Core/Lua/LuaContext.cpp | 4 +
Core/Lua/LuaFunctionCall.cpp | 22 +
Core/Lua/LuaFunctionCall.h | 7 +
Core/MultiThreading/BagOfTasksProcessor.cpp | 41 +-
Core/MultiThreading/BagOfTasksProcessor.h | 13 +-
Core/MultiThreading/ReaderWriterLock.cpp | 5 +-
Core/MultiThreading/RunnableWorkersPool.cpp | 26 +-
Core/MultiThreading/RunnableWorkersPool.h | 2 +-
Core/MultiThreading/Semaphore.cpp | 4 -
Core/MultiThreading/Semaphore.h | 18 +
Core/MultiThreading/SharedMessageQueue.cpp | 20 +
Core/MultiThreading/SharedMessageQueue.h | 2 +
Core/OrthancException.h | 2 +-
Core/Pkcs11.cpp | 12 +-
Core/Pkcs11.h | 18 +-
Core/PrecompiledHeaders.h | 3 +-
Core/RestApi/RestApi.cpp | 2 +-
Core/RestApi/RestApiOutput.cpp | 7 +-
Core/SystemToolbox.cpp | 539 ++++
Core/{Uuid.h => SystemToolbox.h} | 86 +-
Core/{ChunkedBuffer.cpp => TemporaryFile.cpp} | 78 +-
Core/{ChunkedBuffer.h => TemporaryFile.h} | 39 +-
Core/Toolbox.cpp | 641 ++---
Core/Toolbox.h | 105 +-
Core/Uuid.cpp | 162 --
Core/WebServiceParameters.cpp | 12 +-
Core/WebServiceParameters.h | 6 +
DarwinCompilation.txt | 6 +-
INSTALL | 15 +-
LinuxCompilation.txt | 43 +-
NEWS | 72 +-
OrthancExplorer/explorer.html | 34 +-
OrthancExplorer/explorer.js | 82 +-
OrthancExplorer/file-upload.js | 5 +
OrthancExplorer/query-retrieve.js | 616 ++--
OrthancServer/DatabaseWrapper.cpp | 9 +-
OrthancServer/DicomDirWriter.cpp | 8 +-
OrthancServer/DicomInstanceToStore.cpp | 36 +-
OrthancServer/DicomInstanceToStore.h | 2 +
OrthancServer/DicomModification.cpp | 38 +-
OrthancServer/DicomModification.h | 2 +
OrthancServer/DicomProtocol/DicomFindAnswers.cpp | 117 +-
OrthancServer/DicomProtocol/DicomFindAnswers.h | 28 +-
OrthancServer/DicomProtocol/DicomServer.cpp | 14 +-
OrthancServer/DicomProtocol/DicomServer.h | 6 +-
.../DicomProtocol/DicomUserConnection.cpp | 115 +-
OrthancServer/DicomProtocol/DicomUserConnection.h | 21 +
OrthancServer/DicomProtocol/IMoveRequestHandler.h | 8 +-
OrthancServer/FromDcmtkBridge.cpp | 395 ++-
OrthancServer/FromDcmtkBridge.h | 95 +-
OrthancServer/Internals/CommandDispatcher.cpp | 41 +-
OrthancServer/Internals/CommandDispatcher.h | 19 +-
OrthancServer/Internals/DicomFrameIndex.cpp | 3 +-
OrthancServer/Internals/DicomImageDecoder.cpp | 20 +-
OrthancServer/Internals/DicomImageDecoder.h | 9 +
OrthancServer/Internals/FindScp.cpp | 72 +-
OrthancServer/Internals/MoveScp.cpp | 46 +-
OrthancServer/Internals/StoreScp.cpp | 13 +-
OrthancServer/LuaScripting.cpp | 5 +-
OrthancServer/OrthancFindRequestHandler.cpp | 124 +-
OrthancServer/OrthancInitialization.cpp | 107 +-
OrthancServer/OrthancInitialization.h | 23 +
OrthancServer/OrthancMoveRequestHandler.cpp | 55 +-
OrthancServer/OrthancMoveRequestHandler.h | 6 +-
.../OrthancRestApi/OrthancRestAnonymizeModify.cpp | 15 +-
.../OrthancRestApi/OrthancRestArchive.cpp | 10 +-
.../OrthancRestApi/OrthancRestModalities.cpp | 120 +-
.../OrthancRestApi/OrthancRestResources.cpp | 127 +-
OrthancServer/OrthancRestApi/OrthancRestSystem.cpp | 33 +-
OrthancServer/ParsedDicomFile.cpp | 114 +-
OrthancServer/ParsedDicomFile.h | 33 +-
OrthancServer/QueryRetrieveHandler.cpp | 54 +-
OrthancServer/Scheduler/CallSystemCommand.cpp | 8 +-
OrthancServer/Scheduler/ServerJob.cpp | 4 +-
OrthancServer/Scheduler/ServerScheduler.cpp | 7 +-
OrthancServer/Scheduler/ServerScheduler.h | 2 +-
OrthancServer/Scheduler/StorePeerCommand.cpp | 2 +-
OrthancServer/Scheduler/StoreScuCommand.cpp | 18 +-
OrthancServer/Scheduler/StoreScuCommand.h | 8 +-
OrthancServer/Search/HierarchicalMatcher.cpp | 4 +-
OrthancServer/Search/LookupIdentifierQuery.cpp | 134 +-
OrthancServer/Search/LookupIdentifierQuery.h | 20 +-
OrthancServer/Search/LookupResource.cpp | 10 +-
OrthancServer/ServerContext.cpp | 104 +-
OrthancServer/ServerContext.h | 32 +-
OrthancServer/ServerEnumerations.cpp | 2 +
OrthancServer/ServerEnumerations.h | 4 +-
OrthancServer/ServerIndex.cpp | 149 +-
OrthancServer/ServerIndex.h | 8 +
OrthancServer/ServerIndexChange.h | 4 +-
OrthancServer/ServerToolbox.cpp | 190 +-
OrthancServer/ServerToolbox.h | 25 +-
OrthancServer/ToDcmtkBridge.cpp | 18 -
OrthancServer/ToDcmtkBridge.h | 2 -
OrthancServer/main.cpp | 75 +-
Plugins/Engine/IPluginServiceProvider.h | 2 +-
Plugins/Engine/OrthancPluginDatabase.cpp | 2 +-
Plugins/Engine/OrthancPluginDatabase.h | 2 +-
Plugins/Engine/OrthancPlugins.cpp | 101 +-
Plugins/Engine/OrthancPlugins.h | 7 +-
Plugins/Engine/PluginsEnumerations.cpp | 2 +-
Plugins/Engine/PluginsEnumerations.h | 2 +-
Plugins/Engine/PluginsErrorDictionary.cpp | 2 +-
Plugins/Engine/PluginsErrorDictionary.h | 2 +-
Plugins/Engine/PluginsManager.cpp | 2 +-
Plugins/Engine/PluginsManager.h | 2 +-
Plugins/Engine/SharedLibrary.cpp | 2 +-
Plugins/Engine/SharedLibrary.h | 4 +-
Plugins/Include/orthanc/OrthancCPlugin.h | 207 +-
Plugins/Samples/Basic/Plugin.c | 44 +-
Plugins/Samples/Common/DicomDatasetReader.cpp | 122 +
.../Samples/Common/DicomDatasetReader.h | 30 +-
.../Samples/Common/DicomPath.cpp | 68 +-
.../Samples/Common/DicomPath.h | 94 +-
.../Samples/Common/DicomTag.cpp | 115 +-
Plugins/Samples/Common/DicomTag.h | 95 +
Plugins/Samples/Common/FullOrthancDataset.cpp | 196 ++
.../Samples/Common/FullOrthancDataset.h | 31 +-
.../Samples/Common/IDicomDataset.h | 16 +-
.../Samples/Common/IOrthancConnection.cpp | 61 +-
.../Common/IOrthancConnection.h} | 72 +-
.../Samples/Common/OrthancHttpConnection.cpp | 107 +-
.../Common/OrthancHttpConnection.h} | 53 +-
.../Samples/Common/OrthancPluginConnection.cpp | 73 +-
.../Samples/Common/OrthancPluginConnection.h | 36 +-
Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.cpp | 383 ++-
Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.h | 226 +-
Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPlugins.cmake | 5 +-
.../Samples/Common/SimplifiedOrthancDataset.cpp | 156 +
.../Samples/Common/SimplifiedOrthancDataset.h | 35 +-
Plugins/Samples/DatabasePlugin/CMakeLists.txt | 7 +-
Plugins/Samples/ModalityWorklists/CMakeLists.txt | 1 +
Plugins/Samples/ModalityWorklists/Plugin.cpp | 256 +-
Plugins/Samples/ModalityWorklists/README | 57 +-
Plugins/Samples/ServeFolders/CMakeLists.txt | 3 +
Plugins/Samples/ServeFolders/Plugin.cpp | 412 +--
Plugins/Samples/ServeFolders/README | 53 +-
README | 10 +-
Resources/CMake/BoostConfiguration.cmake | 46 +-
Resources/CMake/Compiler.cmake | 29 +-
Resources/CMake/DcmtkConfiguration.cmake | 44 +-
Resources/CMake/DownloadPackage.cmake | 22 +-
Resources/CMake/GoogleTestConfiguration.cmake | 29 +-
Resources/CMake/JsonCppConfiguration.cmake | 2 +-
Resources/CMake/LibCurlConfiguration.cmake | 27 +-
Resources/CMake/LibIconvConfiguration.cmake | 4 +-
Resources/CMake/LibJpegConfiguration.cmake | 4 +-
Resources/CMake/LibP11Configuration.cmake | 4 +-
Resources/CMake/LibPngConfiguration.cmake | 4 +-
Resources/CMake/LuaConfiguration.cmake | 2 +-
Resources/CMake/MongooseConfiguration.cmake | 4 +-
Resources/CMake/OpenSslConfiguration.cmake | 7 +-
Resources/CMake/PugixmlConfiguration.cmake | 8 +-
Resources/CMake/SQLiteConfiguration.cmake | 2 +-
Resources/CMake/ZlibConfiguration.cmake | 6 +-
Resources/Configuration.json | 47 +-
Resources/DicomConformanceStatement.txt | 2 +-
Resources/EmbedResources.py | 4 +
Resources/ErrorCodes.json | 7 +-
Resources/Orthanc.doxygen | 2354 +++++++++------
Resources/OrthancPlugin.doxygen | 2359 +++++++++------
.../dcmtk-3.6.0-dulparse-vulnerability.patch | 29 +
Resources/Patches/dcmtk-3.6.1-private.dic | 3040 ++++++++++++++++++++
Resources/Patches/dcmtk.txt | 9 +
.../Samples/Python/ArchiveStudiesInTimeRange.py | 16 +-
Resources/Samples/Python/AutoClassify.py | 14 +-
Resources/Samples/Python/DownloadAnonymized.py | 5 +-
Resources/Samples/Tools/CMakeLists.txt | 10 +-
Resources/Samples/Tools/RecoverCompressedFile.cpp | 6 +-
.../Samples/WebApplications/DrawingDicomizer.js | 4 +-
Resources/ThirdParty/VisualStudio/stdint.h | 506 ++--
Resources/ThirdParty/base64/base64.cpp | 256 +-
Resources/ThirdParty/base64/base64.h | 8 +-
THANKS | 65 -
TODO | 152 +
UnitTestsSources/DicomMapTests.cpp | 3 +-
UnitTestsSources/FileStorageTests.cpp | 13 +-
UnitTestsSources/FromDcmtkTests.cpp | 361 ++-
UnitTestsSources/ImageTests.cpp | 20 +-
UnitTestsSources/JpegLosslessTests.cpp | 2 +-
UnitTestsSources/LuaTests.cpp | 4 +-
UnitTestsSources/MultiThreadingTests.cpp | 9 +-
UnitTestsSources/PluginsTests.cpp | 2 +-
UnitTestsSources/RestApiTests.cpp | 15 +-
UnitTestsSources/SQLiteTests.cpp | 4 +-
UnitTestsSources/ServerIndexTests.cpp | 23 +-
UnitTestsSources/StreamTests.cpp | 15 +-
UnitTestsSources/UnitTestsMain.cpp | 65 +-
UnitTestsSources/VersionsTests.cpp | 8 +-
233 files changed, 13332 insertions(+), 5978 deletions(-)
copy Core/{Pkcs11.h => Images/IImageWriter.cpp} (71%)
copy Core/{Cache/MemoryCache.h => Images/Image.cpp} (72%)
create mode 100644 Core/SystemToolbox.cpp
rename Core/{Uuid.h => SystemToolbox.h} (52%)
copy Core/{ChunkedBuffer.cpp => TemporaryFile.cpp} (60%)
copy Core/{ChunkedBuffer.h => TemporaryFile.h} (77%)
delete mode 100644 Core/Uuid.cpp
create mode 100644 Plugins/Samples/Common/DicomDatasetReader.cpp
copy Core/DicomFormat/DicomArray.h => Plugins/Samples/Common/DicomDatasetReader.h (77%)
copy Core/Images/FontRegistry.cpp => Plugins/Samples/Common/DicomPath.cpp (57%)
copy Core/Images/ImageBuffer.h => Plugins/Samples/Common/DicomPath.h (56%)
copy Core/DicomFormat/DicomImageInformation.h => Plugins/Samples/Common/DicomTag.cpp (51%)
create mode 100644 Plugins/Samples/Common/DicomTag.h
create mode 100644 Plugins/Samples/Common/FullOrthancDataset.cpp
copy OrthancServer/IServerListener.h => Plugins/Samples/Common/FullOrthancDataset.h (71%)
copy Core/HttpServer/IHttpOutputStream.h => Plugins/Samples/Common/IDicomDataset.h (82%)
copy Core/Images/FontRegistry.cpp => Plugins/Samples/Common/IOrthancConnection.cpp (55%)
copy Plugins/{Engine/PluginsErrorDictionary.h => Samples/Common/IOrthancConnection.h} (56%)
copy Core/Cache/SharedArchive.cpp => Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancHttpConnection.cpp (50%)
copy Plugins/{Engine/SharedLibrary.h => Samples/Common/OrthancHttpConnection.h} (61%)
copy OrthancServer/Search/RangeConstraint.cpp => Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginConnection.cpp (51%)
copy Core/Images/FontRegistry.h => Plugins/Samples/Common/OrthancPluginConnection.h (68%)
create mode 100644 Plugins/Samples/Common/SimplifiedOrthancDataset.cpp
copy Core/DicomFormat/DicomArray.h => Plugins/Samples/Common/SimplifiedOrthancDataset.h (71%)
create mode 100644 Resources/Patches/dcmtk-3.6.0-dulparse-vulnerability.patch
create mode 100644 Resources/Patches/dcmtk-3.6.1-private.dic
delete mode 100644 THANKS
create mode 100644 TODO
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/orthanc.git
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