[med-svn] samtools 01/02: Merge branch 'debian/unstable' into debian/jessie-backports

Charles Plessy plessy at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Feb 12 04:03:58 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

plessy pushed a commit to annotated tag 1.3-1_bpo8+1
in repository samtools.

commit 24274e5166b10317fa9bad2ff58af9374fc1d241
Merge: 032962f 096bc41
Author: Charles Plessy <plessy at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Feb 12 12:54:49 2016 +0900

    Merge branch 'debian/unstable' into debian/jessie-backports

 .gitattributes                                     |    2 +-
 .gitignore                                         |    9 +
 .travis.yml                                        |   14 +-
 .travis/clone                                      |   14 +
 INSTALL                                            |  144 +-
 Makefile                                           |  212 +-
 NEWS                                               |  104 +-
 README                                             |   31 +-
 README.md                                          |   25 +
 bam.c                                              |   67 +-
 bam.h                                              |    7 +-
 bam2bcf.c                                          |   75 +-
 bam2bcf.h                                          |   13 +-
 bam2bcf_indel.c                                    |   14 +-
 bam2depth.c                                        |  142 +-
 bam_addrprg.c                                      |  476 ++
 bam_aux.c                                          |   18 +-
 bam_cat.c                                          |  432 +-
 bam_index.c                                        |   29 +-
 bam_mate.c                                         |   58 +-
 bam_md.c                                           |  173 +-
 bam_plcmd.c                                        |  232 +-
 bam_quickcheck.c                                   |  134 +
 bam_reheader.c                                     |  437 +-
 bam_rmdup.c                                        |   94 +-
 bam_rmdupse.c                                      |   31 +-
 bam_sort.c                                         | 1472 +++-
 bam_split.c                                        |   99 +-
 bam_stat.c                                         |   66 +-
 bam_tview.c                                        |   88 +-
 bam_tview.h                                        |    6 +-
 bam_tview_curses.c                                 |  112 +-
 bam_tview_html.c                                   |   10 +-
 bamshuf.c                                          |  112 +-
 bamtk.c                                            |  107 +-
 bedcov.c                                           |   31 +-
 config.h.in                                        |   39 +
 config.mk.in                                       |   52 +
 configure.ac                                       |  101 +
 cut_target.c                                       |   70 +-
 debian/NEWS                                        |    9 +
 debian/ax_with_htslib.m4                           |  140 +
 debian/changelog                                   |   29 +
 debian/control                                     |   15 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |   22 +-
 debian/mans/ace2sam.1                              |   24 +
 debian/mans/samtools.pl.1                          |   19 +
 debian/mans/wgsim.1                                |   44 +
 debian/patches/fix_segfault_with_small_ref.patch   |   54 -
 debian/patches/i386-build.patch                    |   48 -
 debian/patches/literal_version.patch               |   16 +
 debian/patches/mayhem.patch                        |   69 +
 debian/patches/series                              |    6 +-
 debian/patches/spelling.patch                      |   15 +
 debian/rules                                       |   21 +-
 debian/samtools.install                            |    1 +
 debian/samtools.lintian-overrides                  |    4 +
 debian/source/options                              |    1 +
 dict.c                                             |  151 +
 errmod.c                                           |    4 +-
 examples/00README.txt                              |    2 +-
 install-sh                                         |  501 ++
 misc/md5.c                                         |  298 -
 misc/md5.h                                         |   57 -
 misc/md5fa.c                                       |   47 +-
 misc/md5sum-lite.c                                 |   61 +
 misc/plot-bamstats                                 |   25 +-
 misc/wgsim.1                                       |   55 +
 misc/wgsim.c                                       |  143 +-
 misc/wgsim_eval.pl                                 |  376 +-
 padding.c                                          |  287 +-
 phase.c                                            |   44 +-
 sam.c                                              |   29 +-
 sam.h                                              |   26 +-
 sam_opts.c                                         |  153 +
 sam_opts.h                                         |   99 +
 sam_view.c                                         |  795 +-
 samtools.1                                         | 1458 +++-
 samtools.h                                         |   12 +-
 stats.c                                            | 1075 +--
 test/addrprg/1_fixup.sam                           |   30 +
 test/addrprg/1_fixup.sam.expected                  |   30 +
 test/addrprg/1_fixup.sam.expected.err              |    0
 test/addrprg/2_fixup_orphan.sam                    |   30 +
 test/addrprg/2_fixup_orphan.sam.expected           |   30 +
 test/addrprg/2_fixup_orphan.sam.expected.err       |    0
 test/addrprg/3_fixup.sam.expected                  |    0
 test/addrprg/3_fixup.sam.expected.err              |    1 +
 test/addrprg/4_fixup_norg.sam                      |   29 +
 test/addrprg/4_fixup_norg.sam.expected             |   30 +
 test/addrprg/4_fixup_norg.sam.expected.err         |    0
 test/bam2fq/1.1.fq.expected                        |   72 +
 test/bam2fq/1.2.fq.expected                        |   72 +
 test/bam2fq/1.stdout.expected                      |    0
 test/bam2fq/2.1.fq.expected                        |   72 +
 test/bam2fq/2.2.fq.expected                        |   72 +
 test/bam2fq/2.s.fq.expected                        |    0
 test/bam2fq/2.stdout.expected                      |    0
 test/bam2fq/3.1.fq.expected                        |   72 +
 test/bam2fq/3.2.fq.expected                        |   72 +
 test/bam2fq/3.s.fq.expected                        |    4 +
 test/bam2fq/3.stdout.expected                      |    0
 test/bam2fq/4.1.fq.expected                        |   68 +
 test/bam2fq/4.2.fq.expected                        |   68 +
 test/bam2fq/4.s.fq.expected                        |    8 +
 test/bam2fq/4.stdout.expected                      |    0
 test/dat/.gitignore                                |    2 +
 test/dat/bam2fq.001.sam                            |    9 +-
 test/dat/{bam2fq.001.sam => bam2fq.002.sam}        |   10 +-
 test/dat/{bam2fq.001.sam => bam2fq.003.sam}        |   11 +-
 test/dat/depad.001p.sam                            |   12 +-
 test/dat/depad.001u.sam                            |   14 +-
 test/dat/dict.fa                                   |   46 +
 test/dat/dict.out                                  |   10 +
 test/dat/mpileup.1.sam                             |    2 +-
 test/dat/mpileup.2.sam                             |    2 +-
 test/dat/mpileup.3.sam                             |    2 +-
 test/dat/mpileup.out.2                             | 1006 +--
 test/dat/mpileup.out.4                             | 1008 +--
 test/dat/test_input_1_a.bam                        |  Bin 758 -> 759 bytes
 ...1_a.bam.bai => test_input_1_a.bam.bai.expected} |  Bin
 test/dat/test_input_1_a_regex.sam                  |   28 +
 test/dat/test_input_1_b.bam                        |  Bin 687 -> 686 bytes
 test/dat/test_input_1_b.bam.bai                    |  Bin 192 -> 0 bytes
 test/dat/test_input_1_b.sam                        |    2 +-
 test/dat/test_input_1_b_regex.sam                  |   24 +
 test/dat/test_input_1_c.bam                        |  Bin 655 -> 692 bytes
 test/dat/test_input_1_c.bam.bai                    |  Bin 176 -> 0 bytes
 test/dat/test_input_1_c.sam                        |    1 +
 test/merge/.gitignore                              |    1 -
 test/merge/2.merge.expected.bam                    |  Bin 1181 -> 1228 bytes
 test/merge/3.merge.expected.bam                    |  Bin 1199 -> 1233 bytes
 test/merge/3.merge.expected.err                    |    6 +-
 test/merge/4.merge.expected.bam                    |  Bin 0 -> 689 bytes
 test/merge/5.merge.expected.bam                    |  Bin 0 -> 1115 bytes
 test/merge/5.merge.expected.sam                    |   61 +
 test/merge/6.merge.expected.bam                    |  Bin 0 -> 899 bytes
 test/merge/7.merge.expected.bam                    |  Bin 0 -> 1056 bytes
 test/merge/test_bam_translate.c                    |   35 +-
 test/merge/test_pretty_header.c                    |   87 -
 test/merge/test_trans_tbl_init.c                   |  415 +-
 test/mpileup/.gitignore                            |    1 +
 test/mpileup/depth.reg                             |   39 +
 test/mpileup/expected/1.out.f3-6.gz                |  Bin 0 -> 596114 bytes
 test/mpileup/expected/1.out.xz                     |  Bin 1336220 -> 0 bytes
 test/mpileup/expected/11.out                       |   18 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/12.out                       |   18 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/16.out                       |  182 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/19.out                       |  182 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/20.out                       |   12 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/21.out                       |  182 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/22.out                       |  182 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/23.out                       |    4 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/24.out                       |    4 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/25.out                       |    4 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/33.out                       |    4 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/34.out                       |    4 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/4.out                        |   56 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/48.out                       | 8202 ++++++++++----------
 test/mpileup/expected/49.out                       | 8202 ++++++++++----------
 test/mpileup/expected/50.out                       | 8202 ++++++++++----------
 test/mpileup/expected/51.out                       | 8202 ++++++++++----------
 test/mpileup/expected/52.out                       | 4209 +++++++++-
 test/mpileup/expected/76.out                       |  182 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/77.out                       |  182 +-
 test/mpileup/expected/d1_1.out                     |    6 +
 test/mpileup/expected/d1_12.out                    |    9 +
 test/mpileup/expected/d1_2.out                     |    6 +
 test/mpileup/expected/d2_12r.out                   |    5 +
 test/mpileup/expected/d3_12.out                    |   20 +
 test/mpileup/expected/d3_12r1a.out                 |   12 +
 test/mpileup/expected/d3_12r2a.out                 |    6 +
 test/mpileup/expected/d4_12.out                    |   60 +
 test/mpileup/expected/d4_12b.out                   |   17 +
 test/mpileup/expected/d4_12r.out                   |   12 +
 test/mpileup/mpileup.reg                           |    6 +-
 test/mpileup/regression.sh                         |   18 +-
 test/mpileup/xx#depth1.sam                         |    6 +
 test/mpileup/xx#depth2.sam                         |    6 +
 test/mpileup/xx.bed                                |    2 +
 test/mpileup/xx.bed2                               |    1 +
 test/quickcheck/1.quickcheck.badeof.bam            |  Bin 0 -> 1228 bytes
 test/quickcheck/2.quickcheck.badheader.bam         |  Bin 0 -> 1233 bytes
 test/quickcheck/3.quickcheck.ok.bam                |  Bin 0 -> 1228 bytes
 test/quickcheck/4.quickcheck.ok.bam                |  Bin 0 -> 1233 bytes
 test/quickcheck/all.expected                       |    2 +
 .../1_view1.sam.expected}                          |   77 +-
 test/reheader/1_view1.sam.expected.err             |    0
 .../2_view1.sam.expected}                          |   61 +-
 test/reheader/2_view1.sam.expected.err             |    0
 .../3_view1.sam.expected}                          |   57 +-
 test/reheader/3_view1.sam.expected.err             |    0
 test/reheader/hdr.sam                              |   28 +
 test/split/test_count_rg.c                         |    9 +-
 test/split/test_expand_format_string.c             |   13 +-
 test/split/test_filter_header_rg.c                 |   15 +-
 test/split/test_parse_args.c                       |   32 +-
 test/stat/1.stats.expected                         |   72 +-
 test/stat/{5.stats.expected => 10.stats.expected}  |  250 +-
 test/stat/10_map_cigar.sam                         |    8 +
 ...ed => 10_map_cigar.sam_s1_a_1.expected.bamstat} |   72 +-
 ...ed => 10_map_cigar.sam_s1_b_1.expected.bamstat} |   72 +-
 ...ted => 1_map_cigar.sam_s1_a_1.expected.bamstat} |   72 +-
 test/stat/2.stats.expected                         |   72 +-
 test/stat/3.stats.expected                         |    2 +-
 test/stat/4.stats.expected                         |   72 +-
 test/stat/5.stats.expected                         |   72 +-
 test/stat/6.stats.expected                         |   72 +-
 test/stat/{5.stats.expected => 7.stats.expected}   |   83 +-
 test/stat/7_supp.sam                               |    6 +
 test/stat/{6.stats.expected => 8.stats.expected}   |   76 +-
 test/stat/8_secondary.sam                          |    6 +
 test/stat/{1.stats.expected => 9.stats.expected}   |   72 +-
 test/test.pl                                       |  270 +-
 214 files changed, 33277 insertions(+), 21972 deletions(-)

diff --cc debian/changelog
index de378b8,da9eccf..8204f4b
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,10 -1,32 +1,39 @@@
+ samtools (1.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+   [ Charles Plessy ]
+   95c561d Merge tag '1.3' into debian/unstable
+   [ Sascha Steinbiss ]
+   * Team upload
+   * Adapt to new build system
+   * Use secure Vcs-Git
+   * Patch autoconf not to use make to extract version
+   * Clean up d/copyright
+   * Fix spelling
+  -- Sascha Steinbiss <sascha at steinbiss.name>  Fri, 05 Feb 2016 08:32:40 +0000
+ samtools (1.2-4) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * Team upload
+   * Fix synopsis
+   * Fix Vcs-Browser
+   * Add lintian-override to document that the language extensions are used
+     internally
+   * Fix spelling
+   * Fix Mayhem issues caused by unlimited reads of gz input
+     Closes: #716199, #716197
+   * Provide some more manpages
+  -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Mon, 21 Dec 2015 13:49:05 +0100
 +samtools (1.2-3~bpo8+1) jessie-backports; urgency=medium
 +  * Team upload.
 +  * Rebuild for jessie-backports.
 + -- Afif Elghraoui <afif at ghraoui.name>  Sun, 04 Oct 2015 18:22:30 -0700
  samtools (1.2-3) unstable; urgency=medium
    * Team upload.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/samtools.git

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