[med-svn] [python-skbio] 02/06: Imported Upstream version 0.4.2

Kevin Murray daube-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Feb 18 00:53:55 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

daube-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-skbio.

commit 76aae4fc461b07b59fe673eb85501cfe25a7aac3
Author: Kevin Murray <spam at kdmurray.id.au>
Date:   Wed Feb 17 16:23:35 2016 -0800

    Imported Upstream version 0.4.2
 CHANGELOG.md                                       |  33 +-
 RELEASE.md                                         |   4 +-
 ci/pip_requirements.txt                            |   2 +-
 doc/source/_static/style.css                       |   4 +
 doc/source/conf.py                                 |   7 +-
 skbio/__init__.py                                  |   2 +-
 skbio/alignment/_pairwise.py                       |  26 +-
 skbio/alignment/_tabular_msa.py                    |  45 +-
 skbio/alignment/tests/test_pairwise.py             |  18 +-
 skbio/alignment/tests/test_tabular_msa.py          |  36 +-
 skbio/diversity/alpha/_lladser.py                  |   2 +-
 skbio/io/__init__.py                               |   9 +-
 skbio/io/_exception.py                             |   5 +
 skbio/io/format/_base.py                           |   2 +-
 skbio/io/format/clustal.py                         |  12 +-
 skbio/io/format/fasta.py                           |   9 +-
 skbio/io/format/fastq.py                           |   9 +-
 skbio/io/format/genbank.py                         |   8 +-
 skbio/io/format/phylip.py                          |   8 +-
 skbio/io/format/stockholm.py                       | 710 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../io/format/tests/data/stockholm_all_data_types  |  15 +
 skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_blank_lines   |   6 +
 skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_data_only     |   5 +
 .../tests/data/stockholm_differing_gc_data_length  |   4 +
 .../tests/data/stockholm_differing_gr_data_length  |   4 +
 .../tests/data/stockholm_differing_seq_lengths     |   4 +
 skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_gc  |   7 +
 skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_gr  |   8 +
 .../tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_sequence_names  |   6 +
 .../format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_tree_ids |   6 +
 skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_extensive     |  15 +
 .../io/format/tests/data/stockholm_extensive_mixed |  15 +
 .../format/tests/data/stockholm_invalid_data_type  |   4 +
 .../tests/data/stockholm_invalid_nonexistent_gr    |   7 +
 .../tests/data/stockholm_invalid_nonexistent_gs    |   5 +
 .../tests/data/stockholm_malformed_data_line       |   3 +
 .../format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gc_line  |   4 +
 .../format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gf_line  |   3 +
 .../format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gr_line  |   4 +
 .../format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gs_line  |   4 +
 skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_metadata_only |   4 +
 skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_minimal       |   3 +
 .../io/format/tests/data/stockholm_missing_footer  |   4 +
 .../io/format/tests/data/stockholm_missing_header  |   4 +
 skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_multiple_msa  |  18 +
 .../io/format/tests/data/stockholm_multiple_trees  |   8 +
 skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_no_data       |   2 +
 .../format/tests/data/stockholm_nonstring_labels   |   7 +
 skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_rna           |   9 +
 skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_runon_gf      |   5 +
 skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_runon_gs      |   5 +
 .../tests/data/stockholm_single_tree_with_id       |   4 +
 .../tests/data/stockholm_single_tree_without_id    |   3 +
 .../tests/data/stockholm_two_of_each_metadata      |  11 +
 .../tests/data/stockholm_whitespace_only_lines     |   5 +
 skbio/io/format/tests/test_base.py                 |   4 +-
 skbio/io/format/tests/test_clustal.py              |  15 +-
 skbio/io/format/tests/test_fasta.py                |  17 +-
 skbio/io/format/tests/test_fastq.py                |  17 +-
 skbio/io/format/tests/test_genbank.py              |  15 +-
 skbio/io/format/tests/test_stockholm.py            | 701 ++++++++++++++++++++
 skbio/io/registry.py                               |  28 +-
 skbio/io/tests/test_registry.py                    |  36 +-
 skbio/io/tests/test_util.py                        |  36 +-
 skbio/sequence/__init__.py                         |  13 +-
 skbio/sequence/_dna.py                             |  33 +-
 .../{_iupac_sequence.py => _grammared_sequence.py} | 189 +++++-
 skbio/sequence/_nucleotide_mixin.py                |   2 +-
 skbio/sequence/_protein.py                         |  39 +-
 skbio/sequence/_rna.py                             |  33 +-
 skbio/sequence/_sequence.py                        |  90 ++-
 skbio/sequence/distance.py                         | 115 ++++
 skbio/sequence/tests/test_distance.py              | 130 ++++
 skbio/sequence/tests/test_dna.py                   |   6 +
 skbio/sequence/tests/test_grammared_sequence.py    | 613 ++++++++++++++++++
 skbio/sequence/tests/test_iupac_sequence.py        | 506 ---------------
 skbio/sequence/tests/test_nucleotide_sequences.py  |  27 +-
 skbio/sequence/tests/test_protein.py               |   6 +
 skbio/sequence/tests/test_rna.py                   |   5 +
 skbio/sequence/tests/test_sequence.py              | 216 +++++--
 skbio/stats/composition.py                         |  28 +-
 skbio/stats/distance/_base.py                      |   4 +-
 skbio/stats/distance/tests/test_base.py            |  53 +-
 .../ordination/tests/test_redundancy_analysis.py   |   2 +
 skbio/stats/power.py                               |  14 +-
 skbio/stats/tests/test_composition.py              |  20 +-
 skbio/stats/tests/test_gradient.py                 |  42 +-
 skbio/tree/_tree.py                                |  67 +-
 skbio/tree/tests/test_tree.py                      |  13 +
 skbio/util/__init__.py                             |  15 +-
 skbio/util/_decorator.py                           |   3 +-
 skbio/util/_misc.py                                |  22 +-
 skbio/util/_testing.py                             |  27 +-
 skbio/util/_warning.py                             |  14 +-
 skbio/util/tests/test_decorator.py                 |   9 +-
 skbio/util/tests/test_misc.py                      |   2 +-
 96 files changed, 3529 insertions(+), 870 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 7c5a901..a9c6317 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,9 +1,40 @@
 # scikit-bio changelog
+## Version 0.4.2 (2016-02-17)
+Minor maintenance release. **This is the last Python 2.7 compatible release. Future scikit-bio releases will only support Python 3.**
+### Features
+* Added `skbio.tree.TreeNode.bifurcate` for converting multifurcating trees into bifurcating trees. ([#896](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio/issues/896))
+* Added `skbio.io.format.stockholm` for reading Stockholm files into a `TabularMSA` and writing from a `TabularMSA`. ([#967](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio/issues/967))
+* scikit-bio `Sequence` objects have better compatibility with numpy. For example, calling `np.asarray(sequence)` now converts the sequence to a numpy array of characters (the same as calling `sequence.values`).
+* Added `skbio.sequence.distance` subpackage for computing distances between scikit-bio `Sequence` objects ([#913](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio/issues/913))
+* Added ``skbio.sequence.GrammaredSequence``, which can be inherited from to create grammared sequences with custom alphabets (e.g., for use with TabularMSA) ([#1175](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio/issues/1175))
+* Added ``skbio.util.classproperty`` decorator
+### Backward-incompatible changes [stable]
+* When sniffing or reading a file (`skbio.io.sniff`, `skbio.io.read`, or the object-oriented `.read()` interface), passing `newline` as a keyword argument to `skbio.io.open` now raises a `TypeError`. This backward-incompatible change to a stable API is necessary because it fixes a bug (more details in bug fix section below).
+* When reading a FASTQ or QSEQ file and passing `variant='solexa'`, `ValueError` is now raised instead of `NotImplementedError`. This backward-incompatible change to a stable API is necessary to avoid creating a spin-locked process due to [a bug in Python](https://bugs.python.org/issue25786). See [#1256](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio/issues/1256) for details. This change is temporary and will be reverted to `NotImplementedError` when the bug is fixed in Python.
+### Backward-incompatible changes [experimental]
+* `skbio.io.format.genbank`: When reading GenBank files, the date field of the LOCUS line is no longer parsed into a `datetime.datetime` object and is left as a string. When writing GenBank files, the locus date metadata is expected to be a string instead of a `datetime.datetime` object ([#1153](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio/issues/1153))
+* `Sequence.distance` now converts the input sequence (`other`) to its type before passing both sequences to `metric`. Previous behavior was to always convert to `Sequence`.
+### Bug fixes
+* Fixed bug when using `Sequence.distance` or `DistanceMatrix.from_iterable` to compute distances between `Sequence` objects with differing `metadata`/`positional_metadata` and passing `metric=scipy.spatial.distance.hamming` ([#1254](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio/issues/1254))
+* Fixed performance bug when computing Hamming distances between `Sequence` objects in `DistanceMatrix.from_iterable` ([#1250](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio/issues/1250))
+* Changed `skbio.stats.composition.multiplicative_replacement` to raise an error whenever a large value of `delta` is chosen ([#1241](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio/issues/1241))
+* When sniffing or reading a file (`skbio.io.sniff`, `skbio.io.read`, or the object-oriented `.read()` interface), passing `newline` as a keyword argument to `skbio.io.open` now raises a `TypeError`. The file format's `newline` character will be used when opening the file. Previous behavior allowed overriding the format's `newline` character but this could cause issues with readers that assume newline characters are those defined by the file format (which is an entirely reasonable assump [...]
+* DNA, RNA, and Protein are no longer inheritable because they assume an IUPAC alphabet.
+* `DistanceMatrix` constructor provides more informative error message when data contains NaNs ([#1276](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio/issues/1276))
+### Miscellaneous
+* Warnings raised by scikit-bio now share a common subclass ``skbio.util.SkbioWarning``.
 ## Version 0.4.1 (2015-12-09)
 ### Features
-* The ``TabularMSA`` object was added to represent and operate on tabular multiple sequence alignments. This statisfies [RFC 1](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio-rfcs/blob/master/active/001-tabular-msa.md). See the ``TabularMSA`` docs for full details.
+* The ``TabularMSA`` object was added to represent and operate on tabular multiple sequence alignments. This satisfies [RFC 1](https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio-rfcs/blob/master/active/001-tabular-msa.md). See the ``TabularMSA`` docs for full details.
 * Added phylogenetic diversity metrics, including weighted UniFrac, unweighted UniFrac, and Faith's Phylogenetic Diversity. These are accessible as ``skbio.diversity.beta.unweighted_unifrac``, ``skbio.diversity.beta.weighted_unifrac``, and ``skbio.diversity.alpha.faith_pd``, respectively.
 * Addition of the function ``skbio.diversity.alpha_diversity`` to support applying an alpha diversity metric to multiple samples in one call.
 * Addition of the functions ``skbio.diversity.get_alpha_diversity_metrics`` and ``skbio.diversity.get_beta_diversity_metrics`` to support discovery of the alpha and beta diversity metrics implemented in scikit-bio.
diff --git a/RELEASE.md b/RELEASE.md
index e436e02..dc9a9f5 100644
--- a/RELEASE.md
+++ b/RELEASE.md
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ Assuming the GitHub release tarball correctly installs and passes its tests, you
 6. Next, we'll prepare and post the release to [anaconda.org](http://www.anaconda.org).
-    You'll need to have ``conda-build`` and ``anaconda-client`` installed to perform these steps. Both can be conda-installed. First, log into anaconda using the following command. You should log into the ``biocore`` anaconda account (if you don't have login info, get in touch with [@gregcaporaso](https://github.com/gregcaporaso) who is the owner of that account).
+    You'll need to have ``conda-build`` and ``anaconda-client`` installed to perform these steps. Both can be conda-installed. First, log into anaconda with your anaconda username using the following command. You should have access to push to the ``biocore`` anaconda account through your account (if you don't, get in touch with [@gregcaporaso](https://github.com/gregcaporaso) who is the owner of that account).
         anaconda login
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Assuming the GitHub release tarball correctly installs and passes its tests, you
     If the tests pass, you're ready to upload.
-        anaconda upload <package-filepath>
+        anaconda upload -u biocore <package-filepath>
     ``<package-filepath>`` should be replaced with the path to the package that was was created above. Repeat this for each package you created (here, the Python 2.7 and 3.5 packages).
diff --git a/ci/pip_requirements.txt b/ci/pip_requirements.txt
index 33a7f0b..d14cee3 100644
--- a/ci/pip_requirements.txt
+++ b/ci/pip_requirements.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+HTTPretty >= 0.8.14
diff --git a/doc/source/_static/style.css b/doc/source/_static/style.css
index 06016de..712ac18 100644
--- a/doc/source/_static/style.css
+++ b/doc/source/_static/style.css
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ code {
     font-size: 100% !important;
+code.descclassname, code.descname {
+    padding: 2px 0px;
 cite, code.docutils.literal:not(.xref) {
     padding: 1px 4px !important;
     font-size: 100% !important;
diff --git a/doc/source/conf.py b/doc/source/conf.py
index 30a8a04..14e826d 100644
--- a/doc/source/conf.py
+++ b/doc/source/conf.py
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ import os
 import types
 import re
+# Force matplotlib to not use any Xwindows backend.
+import matplotlib
 import sphinx
 import sphinx.ext.autosummary as autosummary
@@ -128,6 +132,7 @@ extensions = [
 # Determine if the matplotlib has a recent enough version of the
 # plot_directive.
     from matplotlib.sphinxext import plot_directive
 except ImportError:
@@ -409,7 +414,7 @@ import scipy as sp
 plot_include_source = True
-#plot_formats = [('png', 96), 'pdf']
+plot_formats = [('png', 96), ]
 #plot_html_show_formats = False
 import math
diff --git a/skbio/__init__.py b/skbio/__init__.py
index 68856a5..ebc5fe2 100644
--- a/skbio/__init__.py
+++ b/skbio/__init__.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ __all__ = ['Sequence', 'DNA', 'RNA', 'Protein', 'GeneticCode',
            'TreeNode', 'nj', 'read', 'write', 'OrdinationResults']
 __credits__ = "https://github.com/biocore/scikit-bio/graphs/contributors"
-__version__ = "0.4.1"
+__version__ = "0.4.2"
 mottos = [
     # 03/15/2014
diff --git a/skbio/alignment/_pairwise.py b/skbio/alignment/_pairwise.py
index 8bd6c8a..409532a 100644
--- a/skbio/alignment/_pairwise.py
+++ b/skbio/alignment/_pairwise.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from future.builtins import range, zip
 from skbio.alignment import TabularMSA
 from skbio.alignment._ssw_wrapper import StripedSmithWaterman
 from skbio.sequence import DNA, RNA, Protein
-from skbio.sequence._iupac_sequence import IUPACSequence
+from skbio.sequence import GrammaredSequence
 from skbio.util import EfficiencyWarning
 from skbio.util._decorator import experimental, deprecated
@@ -273,9 +273,9 @@ def local_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty,
-    seq1 : IUPACSequence
+    seq1 : GrammaredSequence
         The first unaligned sequence.
-    seq2 : IUPACSequence
+    seq2 : GrammaredSequence
         The second unaligned sequence.
     gap_open_penalty : int or float
         Penalty for opening a gap (this is substracted from previous best
@@ -323,10 +323,10 @@ def local_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty,
     for seq in seq1, seq2:
-        if not isinstance(seq, IUPACSequence):
+        if not isinstance(seq, GrammaredSequence):
             raise TypeError(
-                "`seq1` and `seq2` must be IUPACSequence subclasses, not type "
-                "%r" % type(seq).__name__)
+                "`seq1` and `seq2` must be %r subclasses, not type %r" %
+                (GrammaredSequence.__name__, type(seq).__name__))
     if type(seq1) is not type(seq2):
         raise TypeError(
@@ -538,9 +538,9 @@ def global_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty,
-    seq1 : IUPACSequence or TabularMSA
+    seq1 : GrammaredSequence or TabularMSA
         The first unaligned sequence(s).
-    seq2 : IUPACSequence or TabularMSA
+    seq2 : GrammaredSequence or TabularMSA
         The second unaligned sequence(s).
     gap_open_penalty : int or float
         Penalty for opening a gap (this is substracted from previous best
@@ -602,11 +602,11 @@ def global_pairwise_align(seq1, seq2, gap_open_penalty, gap_extend_penalty,
     for seq in seq1, seq2:
         # We don't need to check the case where `seq` is a `TabularMSA` with a
-        # dtype that isn't a subclass of `IUPACSequence`, this is guaranteed by
-        # `TabularMSA`.
-        if not isinstance(seq, (IUPACSequence, TabularMSA)):
+        # dtype that isn't a subclass of `GrammaredSequence`, this is
+        # guaranteed by `TabularMSA`.
+        if not isinstance(seq, (GrammaredSequence, TabularMSA)):
             raise TypeError(
-                "`seq1` and `seq2` must be IUPACSequence subclasses or "
+                "`seq1` and `seq2` must be GrammaredSequence subclasses or "
                 "TabularMSA, not type %r" % type(seq).__name__)
     seq1 = _coerce_alignment_input_type(seq1)
@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ def make_identity_substitution_matrix(match_score, mismatch_score,
 def _coerce_alignment_input_type(seq):
-    if isinstance(seq, IUPACSequence):
+    if isinstance(seq, GrammaredSequence):
         return TabularMSA([seq])
         return seq
diff --git a/skbio/alignment/_tabular_msa.py b/skbio/alignment/_tabular_msa.py
index 69003df..0de32b6 100644
--- a/skbio/alignment/_tabular_msa.py
+++ b/skbio/alignment/_tabular_msa.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import scipy.stats
 from skbio._base import SkbioObject, MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin
 from skbio.sequence import Sequence
-from skbio.sequence._iupac_sequence import IUPACSequence
+from skbio.sequence._grammared_sequence import GrammaredSequence
 from skbio.util._decorator import experimental, classonlymethod, overrides
 from skbio.util._misc import resolve_key
 from skbio.alignment._indexing import TabularMSAILoc, TabularMSALoc
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class TabularMSA(MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin, SkbioObject):
-    sequences : iterable of IUPACSequence, TabularMSA
+    sequences : iterable of GrammaredSequence, TabularMSA
         Aligned sequences in the MSA. Sequences must all be the same type and
         length. For example, `sequences` could be an iterable of ``DNA``,
         ``RNA``, or ``Protein`` sequences. If `sequences` is a ``TabularMSA``,
@@ -288,12 +288,12 @@ class TabularMSA(MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin, SkbioObject):
-        TabularMSA, IUPACSequence, Sequence
+        TabularMSA, GrammaredSequence, Sequence
             A ``TabularMSA`` is returned when `seq_idx` and `pos_idx` are
-            non-scalars. A ``IUPACSequence`` of type ``msa.dtype`` is returned
-            when `seq_idx` is a scalar (this object will match the dtype of the
-            MSA). A ``Sequence`` is returned when `seq_idx` is non-scalar and
-            `pos_idx` is scalar.
+            non-scalars. A ``GrammaredSequence`` of type ``msa.dtype`` is
+            returned when `seq_idx` is a scalar (this object will match the
+            dtype of the MSA). A ``Sequence`` is returned when `seq_idx` is
+            non-scalar and `pos_idx` is scalar.
         See Also
@@ -554,12 +554,12 @@ class TabularMSA(MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin, SkbioObject):
-        TabularMSA, IUPACSequence, Sequence
+        TabularMSA, GrammaredSequence, Sequence
             A ``TabularMSA`` is returned when `seq_idx` and `pos_idx` are
-            non-scalars. A ``IUPACSequence`` of type ``msa.dtype`` is returned
-            when `seq_idx` is a scalar (this object will match the dtype of the
-            MSA). A ``Sequence`` is returned when `seq_idx` is non-scalar and
-            `pos_idx` is scalar.
+            non-scalars. A ``GrammaredSequence`` of type ``msa.dtype`` is
+            returned when `seq_idx` is a scalar (this object will match the
+            dtype of the MSA). A ``Sequence`` is returned when `seq_idx` is
+            non-scalar and `pos_idx` is scalar.
         See Also
@@ -713,8 +713,8 @@ class TabularMSA(MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin, SkbioObject):
         dictionary : dict
-            Dictionary mapping keys to ``IUPACSequence`` sequence objects. The
-            ``TabularMSA`` object will have its index labels set
+            Dictionary mapping keys to ``GrammaredSequence`` sequence objects.
+            The ``TabularMSA`` object will have its index labels set
             to the keys in the dictionary.
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ class TabularMSA(MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin, SkbioObject):
-        IUPACSequence
+        GrammaredSequence
             Each sequence in the order they are stored in the MSA.
@@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ class TabularMSA(MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin, SkbioObject):
-        IUPACSequence
+        GrammaredSequence
             Each sequence in reverse order from how they are stored in the MSA.
@@ -1710,7 +1710,7 @@ class TabularMSA(MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin, SkbioObject):
-        sequence : IUPACSequence
+        sequence : GrammaredSequence
             Sequence to be appended. Must match the dtype of the MSA and the
             number of positions in the MSA.
         minter : callable or metadata key, optional
@@ -1730,7 +1730,7 @@ class TabularMSA(MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin, SkbioObject):
             If neither `minter` nor `index` are provided and the MSA has a
             non-default index.
-            If the sequence object isn't an ``IUPACSequence``.
+            If the sequence object isn't a ``GrammaredSequence``.
             If the type of the sequence does not match the dtype of the MSA.
@@ -1792,7 +1792,7 @@ class TabularMSA(MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin, SkbioObject):
-        sequences : iterable of IUPACSequence
+        sequences : iterable of GrammaredSequence
             Sequences to be appended. Must match the dtype of the MSA and the
             number of positions in the MSA.
         minter : callable or metadata key, optional
@@ -1816,7 +1816,8 @@ class TabularMSA(MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin, SkbioObject):
             If `index` is not the same length as `sequences`.
-            If `sequences` contains an object that isn't an ``IUPACSequence``.
+            If `sequences` contains an object that isn't a
+            ``GrammaredSequence``.
             If `sequence` contains a type that does not match the dtype of the
@@ -1910,10 +1911,10 @@ class TabularMSA(MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin, SkbioObject):
             sequence = sequences[0]
             expected_dtype = type(sequence)
-            if not issubclass(expected_dtype, IUPACSequence):
+            if not issubclass(expected_dtype, GrammaredSequence):
                 raise TypeError(
                     "Each sequence must be of type %r, not type %r"
-                    % (IUPACSequence.__name__, expected_dtype.__name__))
+                    % (GrammaredSequence.__name__, expected_dtype.__name__))
             expected_length = len(sequence)
         for sequence in sequences:
diff --git a/skbio/alignment/tests/test_pairwise.py b/skbio/alignment/tests/test_pairwise.py
index b3d9fef..d3ceb73 100644
--- a/skbio/alignment/tests/test_pairwise.py
+++ b/skbio/alignment/tests/test_pairwise.py
@@ -24,28 +24,28 @@ from skbio.alignment._pairwise import (
     _init_matrices_sw, _init_matrices_nw,
     _compute_score_and_traceback_matrices, _traceback, _first_largest,
-from skbio.sequence._iupac_sequence import IUPACSequence
+from skbio.sequence import GrammaredSequence
 from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides
-class CustomSequence(IUPACSequence):
+class CustomSequence(GrammaredSequence):
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def gap_chars(cls):
         return set('^$')
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def default_gap_char(cls):
         return '^'
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
         return set('WXYZ')
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def degenerate_map(cls):
         return {}
@@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ class PairwiseAlignmentTests(TestCase):
     def test_global_pairwise_align_invalid_type(self):
         with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
-                                   "IUPACSequence.*TabularMSA.*'Sequence'"):
+                                   "GrammaredSequence.*"
+                                   "TabularMSA.*'Sequence'"):
             global_pairwise_align(DNA('ACGT'), Sequence('ACGT'), 1.0, 1.0, {})
     def test_global_pairwise_align_dtype_mismatch(self):
@@ -460,7 +461,8 @@ class PairwiseAlignmentTests(TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(start_end_no_sub, start_end_alt_sub)
     def test_local_pairwise_align_invalid_type(self):
-        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, 'IUPACSequence.*Sequence'):
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
+                                   'GrammaredSequence.*Sequence'):
             local_pairwise_align(DNA('ACGT'), Sequence('ACGT'), 1.0, 1.0, {})
     def test_local_pairwise_align_type_mismatch(self):
diff --git a/skbio/alignment/tests/test_tabular_msa.py b/skbio/alignment/tests/test_tabular_msa.py
index 595994a..7f61e76 100644
--- a/skbio/alignment/tests/test_tabular_msa.py
+++ b/skbio/alignment/tests/test_tabular_msa.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import pandas as pd
 import scipy.stats
 from skbio import Sequence, DNA, RNA, Protein, TabularMSA
-from skbio.sequence._iupac_sequence import IUPACSequence
+from skbio.sequence import GrammaredSequence
 from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides
 from skbio.util._testing import (ReallyEqualMixin, MetadataMixinTests,
@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ class TestTabularMSA(unittest.TestCase, ReallyEqualMixin):
     def test_constructor_invalid_dtype(self):
         with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
-                                   'IUPACSequence.*Sequence'):
+                                   'GrammaredSequence.*Sequence'):
-        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, 'IUPACSequence.*int'):
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, 'GrammaredSequence.*int'):
             TabularMSA([42, DNA('')])
     def test_constructor_not_monomorphic(self):
@@ -1829,7 +1829,7 @@ class TestAppend(unittest.TestCase):
         msa = TabularMSA([])
         with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
-                                   'IUPACSequence.*Sequence'):
+                                   'GrammaredSequence.*Sequence'):
         self.assertEqual(msa, TabularMSA([]))
@@ -2087,7 +2087,7 @@ class TestExtend(unittest.TestCase):
         msa = TabularMSA([])
         with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
-                                   'IUPACSequence.*Sequence'):
+                                   'GrammaredSequence.*Sequence'):
         self.assertEqual(msa, TabularMSA([]))
@@ -3291,19 +3291,24 @@ class TestGapFrequencies(unittest.TestCase):
         npt.assert_array_equal(np.array([0.0, 2/3, 1/3, 1.0, 1.0]), freqs)
     def test_relative_frequencies_precise(self):
-        class CustomSequence(IUPACSequence):
+        class CustomSequence(GrammaredSequence):
-            @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+            @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
             def gap_chars(cls):
                 return set('0123456789')
-            @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+            @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
+            def default_gap_char(cls):
+                return '0'
+            @classproperty
+            @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
             def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
                 return set('')
-            @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+            @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
             def degenerate_map(cls):
                 return {}
@@ -3314,19 +3319,24 @@ class TestGapFrequencies(unittest.TestCase):
         npt.assert_array_equal(np.array([1.0]), freqs)
     def test_custom_gap_characters(self):
-        class CustomSequence(IUPACSequence):
+        class CustomSequence(GrammaredSequence):
-            @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+            @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
             def gap_chars(cls):
                 return set('#$*')
-            @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+            @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
+            def default_gap_char(cls):
+                return '#'
+            @classproperty
+            @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
             def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
                 return set('ABC-.')
-            @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+            @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
             def degenerate_map(cls):
                 return {'D': 'ABC-.'}
diff --git a/skbio/diversity/alpha/_lladser.py b/skbio/diversity/alpha/_lladser.py
index d59d7a3..7c35c9c 100644
--- a/skbio/diversity/alpha/_lladser.py
+++ b/skbio/diversity/alpha/_lladser.py
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ def _get_interval_for_r_new_otus(seq, r):
         # bail out if not enough unseen
         if not count or (unseen < r):
-            raise StopIteration
+            return
         # make a copy of seen before yielding, as we'll continue to add to the
         # set in subsequent iterations
diff --git a/skbio/io/__init__.py b/skbio/io/__init__.py
index 3719814..495a7c5 100644
--- a/skbio/io/__init__.py
+++ b/skbio/io/__init__.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ see the associated documentation.
+   stockholm
 .. currentmodule:: skbio.io.registry
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ User exceptions and warnings
+   StockholmFormatError
@@ -201,7 +203,8 @@ from ._exception import (UnrecognizedFormatError, FileFormatError,
                          FASTAFormatError, GenBankFormatError, IOSourceError,
                          FASTQFormatError, LSMatFormatError, NewickFormatError,
                          OrdinationFormatError, PhylipFormatError,
-                         QSeqFormatError, QUALFormatError)
+                         QSeqFormatError, QUALFormatError,
+                         StockholmFormatError)
 from .registry import write, read, sniff, create_format, io_registry
 from .util import open
@@ -221,7 +224,8 @@ __all__ = ['write', 'read', 'sniff', 'open', 'io_registry', 'create_format',
-           'QUALFormatError']
+           'QUALFormatError',
+           'StockholmFormatError']
 # Necessary to import each file format module to have them added to the I/O
@@ -238,6 +242,7 @@ import_module('skbio.io.format.ordination')
 # This is meant to be a handy indicator to the user that they have done
 # something wrong.
diff --git a/skbio/io/_exception.py b/skbio/io/_exception.py
index 2db661d..4cad028 100644
--- a/skbio/io/_exception.py
+++ b/skbio/io/_exception.py
@@ -84,6 +84,11 @@ class QSeqFormatError(FileFormatError):
+class StockholmFormatError(FileFormatError):
+    """Raised when a ``stockholm`` formatted file cannot be parsed."""
+    pass
 class InvalidRegistrationError(Exception):
     """Raised if function doesn't meet the expected API of its registration."""
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/_base.py b/skbio/io/format/_base.py
index 9f8be9c..9087be8 100644
--- a/skbio/io/format/_base.py
+++ b/skbio/io/format/_base.py
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ def _get_phred_offset_and_range(variant, phred_offset, errors):
         elif variant == 'solexa':
             phred_offset = 64
             phred_range = (-5, 62)
-            raise NotImplementedError(errors[1])
+            raise ValueError(errors[1])
             raise ValueError("Unrecognized variant %r." % variant)
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/clustal.py b/skbio/io/format/clustal.py
index 3a12ddb..aab3e88 100644
--- a/skbio/io/format/clustal.py
+++ b/skbio/io/format/clustal.py
@@ -49,14 +49,16 @@ Format Parameters
 The only supported format parameter is ``constructor``, which specifies the
 type of in-memory sequence object to read each aligned sequence into. This must
-be a subclass of ``IUPACSequence`` (e.g., ``DNA``, ``RNA``, ``Protein``) and is
-a required format parameter. For example, if you know that the clustal file
-you're reading contains DNA sequences, you would pass ``constructor=DNA`` to
-the reader call.
+be a subclass of ``GrammaredSequence`` (e.g., ``DNA``, ``RNA``, ``Protein``)
+and is a required format parameter. For example, if you know that the clustal
+file you're reading contains DNA sequences, you would pass ``constructor=DNA``
+to the reader call.
-Assume we have a clustal-formatted file of RNA sequences::
+Assume we have a clustal-formatted file of RNA sequences:
+.. code-block:: none
     CLUSTAL W (1.82) multiple sequence alignment
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/fasta.py b/skbio/io/format/fasta.py
index e35ed02..8a54bcf 100644
--- a/skbio/io/format/fasta.py
+++ b/skbio/io/format/fasta.py
@@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ When reading into a ``Sequence`` generator, ``constructor`` defaults to
 ``Sequence`` and must be a subclass of ``Sequence`` if supplied.
 When reading into a ``TabularMSA``, ``constructor`` is a required format
-parameter and must be a subclass of ``IUPACSequence`` (e.g., ``DNA``, ``RNA``,
+parameter and must be a subclass of ``GrammaredSequence`` (e.g., ``DNA``,
+``RNA``, ``Protein``).
 .. note:: The FASTA sniffer will not attempt to guess the ``constructor``
@@ -839,7 +839,10 @@ def _parse_fasta_raw(fh, data_parser, error_type):
     # Skip any blank or whitespace-only lines at beginning of file
-    seq_header = next(_line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=True))
+    try:
+        seq_header = next(_line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=True))
+    except StopIteration:
+        return
     # header check inlined here and below for performance
     if seq_header.startswith('>'):
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/fastq.py b/skbio/io/format/fastq.py
index c2b58ea..79ce877 100644
--- a/skbio/io/format/fastq.py
+++ b/skbio/io/format/fastq.py
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ FASTA/QUAL because the quality scores are stored in the same file as the
 biological sequence data.
 An example FASTQ-formatted file containing two DNA sequences and their quality
+.. code-block:: none
     @seq1 description 1
@@ -326,7 +328,10 @@ def _fastq_sniffer(fh):
 def _fastq_to_generator(fh, variant=None, phred_offset=None,
                         constructor=Sequence, **kwargs):
     # Skip any blank or whitespace-only lines at beginning of file
-    seq_header = next(_line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=True))
+    try:
+        seq_header = next(_line_generator(fh, skip_blanks=True))
+    except StopIteration:
+        return
     if not seq_header.startswith('@'):
         raise FASTQFormatError(
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/genbank.py b/skbio/io/format/genbank.py
index 7d3ec5d..a6d931c 100644
--- a/skbio/io/format/genbank.py
+++ b/skbio/io/format/genbank.py
@@ -265,7 +265,6 @@ from future.builtins import range, zip
 import re
 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
-from datetime import datetime
 from functools import partial
 from skbio.io import create_format, GenBankFormatError
@@ -277,8 +276,6 @@ from skbio.sequence import Sequence, DNA, RNA, Protein
 genbank = create_format('genbank')
-# date format in locus line of genbank record
-_TIME_FORMAT = '%d-%b-%Y'
 # This list is ordered
 # used to read and write genbank file.
@@ -510,12 +507,11 @@ def _parse_locus(lines):
             "Could not parse the LOCUS line:\n%s" % line)
     res['size'] = int(res['size'])
-    res['date'] = datetime.strptime(res['date'], _TIME_FORMAT)
     return res
 def _serialize_locus(header, obj, indent=12):
-    '''Serilize LOCUS line.
+    '''Serialize LOCUS line.
@@ -523,8 +519,6 @@ def _serialize_locus(header, obj, indent=12):
     # use 'or' to convert None to ''
     kwargs = {k: v or '' for k, v in obj.items()}
-    # convert datetime to str
-    kwargs['date'] = kwargs['date'].strftime(_TIME_FORMAT).upper()
     return ('{header:<{indent}}{locus_name}   {size} {unit}'
             '   {mol_type}   {shape}   {division}   {date}\n').format(
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/phylip.py b/skbio/io/format/phylip.py
index 3e056c9..6ee7b15 100644
--- a/skbio/io/format/phylip.py
+++ b/skbio/io/format/phylip.py
@@ -126,10 +126,10 @@ Format Parameters
 The only supported format parameter is ``constructor``, which specifies the
 type of in-memory sequence object to read each aligned sequence into. This must
-be a subclass of ``IUPACSequence`` (e.g., ``DNA``, ``RNA``, ``Protein``) and is
-a required format parameter. For example, if you know that the PHYLIP file
-you're reading contains DNA sequences, you would pass ``constructor=DNA`` to
-the reader call.
+be a subclass of ``GrammaredSequence`` (e.g., ``DNA``, ``RNA``, ``Protein``)
+and is a required format parameter. For example, if you know that the PHYLIP
+file you're reading contains DNA sequences, you would pass ``constructor=DNA``
+to the reader call.
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/stockholm.py b/skbio/io/format/stockholm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4f2cb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/stockholm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+Stockholm format (:mod:`skbio.io.format.stockholm`)
+.. currentmodule:: skbio.io.format.stockholm
+The Stockholm format is a multiple sequence alignment format (MSA) that
+optionally supports storing arbitrary alignment features (metadata). Features
+can be placed into four different categories: GF, GS, GR, and GC (described in
+more detail below).
+An example Stockholm file, taken from [1]_:
+.. code-block:: none
+    # STOCKHOLM 1.0
+    #=GF ID    UPSK
+    #=GF SE    Predicted; Infernal
+    #=GF SS    Published; PMID 9223489
+    #=GF RN    [1]
+    #=GF RM    9223489
+    #=GF RT    The role of the pseudoknot at the 3' end of turnip yellow mosaic
+    #=GF RT    virus RNA in minus-strand synthesis by the viral RNA-dependent \
+    #=GF RT    polymerase.
+    #=GF RA    Deiman BA, Kortlever RM, Pleij CW;
+    #=GF RL    J Virol 1997;71:5990-5996.
+    AF035635.1/619-641             UGAGUUCUCGAUCUCUAAAAUCG
+    M24804.1/82-104                UGAGUUCUCUAUCUCUAAAAUCG
+    J04373.1/6212-6234             UAAGUUCUCGAUCUUUAAAAUCG
+    M24803.1/1-23                  UAAGUUCUCGAUCUCUAAAAUCG
+    #=GC SS_cons                   .AAA....<<<<aaa....>>>>
+    //
+Format Support
+**Has Sniffer: Yes**
+**State: Experimental as of 0.4.2.**
+|Reader|Writer|                          Object Class                         |
+|Yes   |Yes   |:mod:`skbio.alignment.TabularMSA`                              |
+Format Specification
+The Stockholm format consists of a header, a multiple sequence alignment,
+associated metadata (features), and a footer.
+The first line of a Stockholm file must be the following header:
+.. code-block:: none
+   # STOCKHOLM 1.0
+Multiple Sequence Alignment
+Sequence lines consist of a sequence name, followed by whitespace, followed by
+the aligned sequence. For example::
+    seq1 ACG-T-GGT
+    seq2 ACCGTTCG-
+Sequence names (``seq1``, ``seq2``) are stored in the ``TabularMSA``
+.. note:: scikit-bio currently supports reading Stockholm files where each
+   sequence is contained on a single line. Interleaved/wrap-around Stockholm
+   files are not supported. When writing, each sequence will be placed on its
+   own line.
+.. warning:: Sequence names must be unique in the Stockholm file. Likewise,
+   when writing from a ``TabularMSA``, ``index`` must be unique.
+Stockholm files support storing arbitrary metadata (features) about the MSA.
+All metadata described in the following sections are optional and may appear in
+any order. Metadata "mark-up" lines begin with either ``#=GF``, ``#=GS``,
+``#=GR``, or ``#=GC``, and each line describes a single feature of the
+.. note:: Stockholm format supports generic features. [1]_ and [2]_ provide a
+   list of common features output by Pfam/Rfam. scikit-bio does not
+   require that these features are present. These features are processed in the
+   same way as any arbitrary feature would be, as a simple key-value pair of
+   strings. When writing, feature names, feature data, and sequence names are
+   converted to type ``str``.
+.. note:: When writing a Stockholm file, scikit-bio will place the metadata in
+   the format's recommended order:
+   - GF: Above the alignment
+   - GS: Above the alignment (after GF)
+   - GR: Below corresponding sequence
+   - GC: Below the alignment
+GF metadata
+Data relating to the multiple sequence alignment as a whole, such as authors or
+number of sequences in the alignment. Starts with ``#=GF`` followed by a
+feature name and data relating to the feature. Typically comes first in a
+Stockholm file.
+For example (taken from [2]_):
+.. code-block:: none
+    #=GF DE CBS domain
+Where ``DE`` is the feature name and ``CBS Domain`` is the feature data.
+GF metadata is stored in the ``TabularMSA`` ``metadata`` dictionary.
+.. note:: When reading, duplicate GF feature names will have their values
+   concatenated in the order they appear in the file. When writing, each GF
+   feature will be placed on its own line, regardless of length.
+.. note:: Trees labelled with ``NH``/``TN`` are handled differently than other
+   GF features. When reading a Stockholm file with these features, the reader
+   follows the rules described in [2]_.
+   A single tree without an identifier will be stored as::
+       metadata = {
+           'NH': 'tree in NHX format'
+       }
+   A single tree with an identifier will be stored as::
+       metadata = {
+           'NH': {
+               'tree-id': 'tree in NHX format'
+           }
+       }
+   Multiple trees (which must have identifiers) will be stored as::
+       metadata = {
+           'NH': {
+               'tree-id-1': 'tree in NHX format',
+               'tree-id-2': 'tree in NHX format'
+           }
+       }
+GS metadata
+Data relating to a specific sequence in the multiple sequence alignment.
+Starts with ``#=GS`` followed by the sequence name followed by a feature name
+and data relating to the feature. Typically comes after GF metadata in a
+Stockholm file.
+For example (taken from [2]_):
+.. code-block:: none
+    #=GS O83071/259-312 AC O83071
+Where ``O83071/259-312`` is the sequence name, ``AC`` is the feature name, and
+``083071`` is the feature data.
+GS metadata is stored in the sequence-specific ``metadata`` dictionary.
+.. note:: When reading, duplicate GS feature names will have their values
+   concatenated in the order they appear in the file. When writing, each GS
+   feature will be placed on its own line, regardless of length.
+GR metadata
+Data relating to the columns of a specific sequence in a multiple sequence
+alignment. Starts with ``#=GR`` followed by the sequence name followed by a
+feature name and data relating to the feature, one character per column.
+Typically comes after the sequence line it relates to.
+For example (taken from [2]_):
+.. code-block:: none
+Where ``O31698/18-71`` is the sequence name, ``SS`` is the feature name, and
+GR metadata is stored in sequence-specific ``positional_metadata``.
+.. note:: Duplicate GR feature names attributed to a single sequence are
+   disallowed.
+GC metadata
+Data relating to the columns of the multiple sequence alignment as a whole.
+Starts with ``#=GC`` followed by a feature name and data relating to the
+feature, one character per column. Typically comes at the end of the multiple
+sequence alignment.
+For example (taken from [2]_):
+.. code-block:: none
+Where ``SS_cons`` is the feature name and
+GC metadata is stored in ``TabularMSA`` ``positional_metadata``.
+.. note:: Duplicate GC feature names are disallowed.
+The final line of a Stockholm file must be the following footer::
+    //
+.. note:: scikit-bio currently supports reading a Stockholm file containing a
+   single MSA. If the file contains more than one MSA, only the first MSA will
+   be read into a ``TabularMSA``.
+Format Parameters
+The only supported format parameter is ``constructor``, which specifies the
+type of in-memory sequence object to read each aligned sequence into. This must
+be a subclass of ``GrammaredSequence`` (e.g., ``DNA``, ``RNA``, ``Protein``)
+and is a required format parameter. For example, if you know that the Stockholm
+file you're reading contains DNA sequences, you would pass ``constructor=DNA``
+to the reader call.
+Suppose we have a Stockholm file containing an MSA of protein sequences
+(modified from [2]_):
+>>> import skbio.io
+>>> from io import StringIO
+>>> from skbio import Protein, TabularMSA
+>>> fs = '\\n'.join([
+...         '# STOCKHOLM 1.0',
+...         '#=GF CC CBS domains are small intracellular modules mostly'
+...         ' found ',
+...         '#=GF CC in 2 or four copies within a protein.',
+...         '#=GS O83071/192-246 AC O83071',
+...         '#=GS O31698/88-139 OS Bacillus subtilis',
+...         'O83071/192-246          MTCRAQLIAVPRASSLAE..AIACAQKM....RVSRV',
+...         '#=GR O83071/192-246 SA  999887756453524252..55152525....36463',
+...         'O83071/259-312          MQHVSAPVFVFECTRLAY..VQHKLRAH....SRAVA',
+...         'O31698/18-71            MIEADKVAHVQVGNNLEH..ALLVLTKT....GYTAI',
+...         'O31698/88-139           EVMLTDIPRLHINDPIMK..GFGMVINN......GFV',
+...         'O31699/88-139           EVMLTDIPRLHINDPIMK..GFGMVINN......GFV',
+...         '#=GR O31699/88-139 AS   ________________*____________________',
+...         '#=GR O31699/88-139 IN   ____________1______________2_________',
+...         '#=GC SS_cons            CCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHH..EEEEEEEE....EEEEE',
+...         '//'
+...     ])
+>>> fh = StringIO(fs)
+>>> msa = TabularMSA.read(fh, constructor=Protein)
+>>> msa # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    'CC': 'CBS domains are small intracellular modules mostly found in
+           2 or four copies within a protein.'
+Positional metadata:
+    'SS_cons': <dtype: object>
+    sequence count: 5
+    position count: 37
+The sequence names are stored in the ``index``:
+>>> msa.index
+Index(['O83071/192-246', 'O83071/259-312', 'O31698/18-71', 'O31698/88-139',
+       'O31699/88-139'],
+      dtype='object')
+The ``TabularMSA`` has GF metadata stored in its ``metadata`` dictionary:
+>>> msa.metadata
+OrderedDict([('CC', 'CBS domains are small intracellular modules mostly found \
+in 2 or four copies within a protein.')])
+GC metadata is stored in the ``TabularMSA`` ``positional_metadata``:
+>>> msa.positional_metadata  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+   SS_cons
+0        C
+1        C
+2        C
+3        C
+4        C
+5        H
+6        H
+7        H
+8        H
+9        H
+GS metadata is stored in the sequence-specific ``metadata`` dictionary:
+>>> msa[0].metadata
+OrderedDict([('AC', 'O83071')])
+GR metadata is stored in sequence-specific ``positional_metadata``:
+>>> msa[4].positional_metadata  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+   AS IN
+0   _  _
+1   _  _
+2   _  _
+3   _  _
+4   _  _
+5   _  _
+6   _  _
+7   _  _
+8   _  _
+9   _  _
+Let's write this ``TabularMSA`` in Stockholm format:
+>>> fh = StringIO()
+>>> _ = msa.write(fh, format='stockholm')
+>>> print(fh.getvalue())
+#=GF CC CBS domains are small intracellular modules mostly found in 2 or four \
+copies within a protein.
+#=GS O83071/192-246 AC O83071
+#=GS O31698/88-139 OS Bacillus subtilis
+#=GR O83071/192-246 SA 999887756453524252..55152525....36463
+O31698/88-139          EVMLTDIPRLHINDPIMK..GFGMVINN......GFV
+O31699/88-139          EVMLTDIPRLHINDPIMK..GFGMVINN......GFV
+#=GR O31699/88-139 AS  ________________*____________________
+#=GR O31699/88-139 IN  ____________1______________2_________
+>>> fh.close()
+.. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_format
+.. [2] http://sonnhammer.sbc.su.se/Stockholm.html
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2013--, scikit-bio development team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
+                        unicode_literals)
+from future.utils import viewitems
+from future.builtins import zip
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from skbio.alignment import TabularMSA
+from skbio.sequence._grammared_sequence import GrammaredSequence
+from skbio.io import create_format, StockholmFormatError
+stockholm = create_format('stockholm')
+ at stockholm.sniffer()
+def _stockholm_sniffer(fh):
+    # Smells a Stockholm file if the following conditions are met:
+    # - File isn't empty
+    # - File contains correct header
+    try:
+        line = next(fh)
+    except StopIteration:
+        return False, {}
+    if _is_header(line):
+        return True, {}
+    return False, {}
+ at stockholm.reader(TabularMSA)
+def _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fh, constructor=None):
+    # Checks that user has passed required constructor parameter
+    if constructor is None:
+        raise ValueError("Must provide `constructor` parameter.")
+    # Checks that contructor parameter is supported
+    elif not issubclass(constructor, GrammaredSequence):
+        raise TypeError("`constructor` must be a subclass of "
+                        "`GrammaredSequence`.")
+    # Checks that the file isn't empty
+    try:
+        line = next(fh)
+    except StopIteration:
+        raise StockholmFormatError("File is empty.")
+    # Checks that the file follows basic format (includes the required header)
+    if not _is_header(line):
+        raise StockholmFormatError("File missing required Stockholm header "
+                                   "line.")
+    msa_data = _MSAData()
+    for line in fh:
+        if line.isspace():
+            continue
+        line = line.rstrip('\n')
+        if _is_sequence_line(line):
+            seq_name, seq_data = _parse_sequence_line(line)
+            msa_data.add_sequence(seq_name, seq_data)
+        elif line.startswith("#=GF"):
+            feature_name, feature_data = _parse_gf_line(line)
+            msa_data.add_gf_metadata(feature_name, feature_data)
+        elif line.startswith("#=GS"):
+            seq_name, feature_name, feature_data = _parse_gs_line(line)
+            msa_data.add_gs_metadata(seq_name, feature_name, feature_data)
+        elif line.startswith("#=GR"):
+            seq_name, feature_name, feature_data = _parse_gr_line(line)
+            msa_data.add_gr_metadata(seq_name, feature_name, feature_data)
+        elif line.startswith('#=GC'):
+            feature_name, feature_data = _parse_gc_line(line)
+            msa_data.add_gc_metadata(feature_name, feature_data)
+        elif _is_footer(line):
+            break
+        else:
+            raise StockholmFormatError("Unrecognized line: %r" % line)
+    if not _is_footer(line):
+        raise StockholmFormatError('Final line does not conform to Stockholm '
+                                   'format. Must contain only "//".')
+    return msa_data.build_tabular_msa(constructor)
+# For storing intermediate data used to construct a Sequence object.
+class _MSAData(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._seqs = {}
+        self._seq_order = []
+        self._metadata = OrderedDict()
+        self._positional_metadata = OrderedDict()
+    def add_sequence(self, seq_name, seq_data):
+        if seq_name not in self._seqs:
+            self._seqs[seq_name] = _SeqData(seq_name)
+        self._seqs[seq_name].seq = seq_data
+        self._seq_order.append(seq_name)
+    def add_gf_metadata(self, feature_name, feature_data):
+        # Handles first instance of labelled tree
+        if feature_name == 'TN' and 'NH' not in self._metadata:
+            self._metadata['NH'] = OrderedDict()
+            self._metadata['NH'][feature_data] = ''
+        # Handles second instance of labelled tree
+        elif feature_name == 'TN' and 'NH' in self._metadata:
+            if feature_data in self._metadata['NH']:
+                raise StockholmFormatError("Tree name %r used multiple times "
+                                           "in file." % feature_data)
+            self._metadata['NH'][feature_data] = ''
+        # Handles extra line(s) of an already created tree
+        elif feature_name == 'NH' and feature_name in self._metadata:
+            trees = self._metadata[feature_name]
+            tree_id = list(trees.keys())[-1]
+            self._metadata[feature_name][tree_id] = (trees[tree_id] +
+                                                     feature_data)
+        elif feature_name in self._metadata:
+            self._metadata[feature_name] = (self._metadata[feature_name] +
+                                            feature_data)
+        else:
+            self._metadata[feature_name] = feature_data
+    def add_gc_metadata(self, feature_name, feature_data):
+        if feature_name in self._positional_metadata:
+            _raise_duplicate_error("Found duplicate GC label %r."
+                                   % feature_name)
+        self._positional_metadata[feature_name] = feature_data
+    def add_gs_metadata(self, seq_name, feature_name, feature_data):
+        if seq_name not in self._seqs:
+            self._seqs[seq_name] = _SeqData(seq_name)
+        self._seqs[seq_name].add_metadata_feature(feature_name, feature_data)
+    def add_gr_metadata(self, seq_name, feature_name, feature_data):
+        if seq_name not in self._seqs:
+            self._seqs[seq_name] = _SeqData(seq_name)
+        self._seqs[seq_name].add_positional_metadata_feature(feature_name,
+                                                             feature_data)
+    def build_tabular_msa(self, constructor):
+        if len(self._seqs) != len(self._seq_order):
+            invalid_seq_names = set(self._seqs) - set(self._seq_order)
+            raise StockholmFormatError('Found GS or GR metadata for '
+                                       'nonexistent sequence(s): %r'
+                                       % invalid_seq_names)
+        seqs = []
+        for seq_name in self._seq_order:
+            seqs.append(self._seqs[seq_name].build_sequence(constructor))
+        positional_metadata = self._positional_metadata
+        if not positional_metadata:
+            positional_metadata = None
+        metadata = self._metadata
+        if not metadata:
+            metadata = None
+        # Constructs TabularMSA
+        return TabularMSA(seqs, metadata=metadata,
+                          positional_metadata=positional_metadata,
+                          index=self._seq_order)
+class _SeqData(object):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.name = name
+        self._seq = None
+        self.metadata = None
+        self.positional_metadata = None
+    @property
+    def seq(self):
+        return self._seq
+    @seq.setter
+    def seq(self, seq):
+        if self._seq is None:
+            self._seq = seq
+        else:
+            _raise_duplicate_error("Found duplicate sequence name: %r"
+                                   % self.name)
+    def add_metadata_feature(self, feature_name, feature_data):
+        if self.metadata is None:
+            self.metadata = OrderedDict()
+        if feature_name in self.metadata:
+            self.metadata[feature_name] += feature_data
+        else:
+            self.metadata[feature_name] = feature_data
+    def add_positional_metadata_feature(self, feature_name, feature_data):
+        if self.positional_metadata is None:
+            self.positional_metadata = OrderedDict()
+        if feature_name in self.positional_metadata:
+            _raise_duplicate_error("Found duplicate GR label %r associated "
+                                   "with sequence name %r"
+                                   % (feature_name, self.name))
+        else:
+            self.positional_metadata[feature_name] = feature_data
+    def build_sequence(self, constructor):
+        return constructor(self.seq, metadata=self.metadata,
+                           positional_metadata=(self.positional_metadata))
+def _parse_gf_line(line):
+    line = line.split(None, 2)
+    _check_for_malformed_line(line, 3)
+    return line[1:]
+def _parse_gs_line(line):
+    line = line.split(None, 3)
+    _check_for_malformed_line(line, 4)
+    return line[1:]
+def _parse_gr_line(line):
+    line = line.split(None, 3)
+    _check_for_malformed_line(line, 4)
+    seq_name = line[1]
+    feature_name = line[2]
+    feature_data = list(line[3])
+    return seq_name, feature_name, feature_data
+def _parse_gc_line(line):
+    line = line.split(None, 2)
+    _check_for_malformed_line(line, 3)
+    feature_name = line[1]
+    feature_data = list(line[2])
+    return feature_name, feature_data
+def _parse_sequence_line(line):
+    line = line.split(None, 1)
+    _check_for_malformed_line(line, 2)
+    return line
+def _is_header(line):
+    return line == '# STOCKHOLM 1.0\n'
+def _is_footer(line):
+    return line.rstrip() == '//'
+def _is_sequence_line(line):
+    return not (line.startswith("#") or _is_footer(line))
+def _raise_duplicate_error(message):
+    raise StockholmFormatError(message+' Note: If the file being used is in '
+                                       'Stockholm interleaved format, this '
+                                       'is not supported by the reader.')
+def _check_for_malformed_line(line, expected_len):
+    if len(line) != expected_len:
+        raise StockholmFormatError('Line contains %d item(s). It must '
+                                   'contain exactly %d item(s).'
+                                   % (len(line), expected_len))
+ at stockholm.writer(TabularMSA)
+def _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(obj, fh):
+    if not obj.index.is_unique:
+        raise StockholmFormatError("The TabularMSA's index labels must be"
+                                   " unique.")
+    # Writes header
+    fh.write("# STOCKHOLM 1.0\n")
+    # Writes GF data to file
+    if obj.has_metadata():
+        for gf_feature, gf_feature_data in viewitems(obj.metadata):
+            if gf_feature == 'NH' and isinstance(gf_feature_data, dict):
+                for tree_id, tree in viewitems(obj.metadata[gf_feature]):
+                    fh.write("#=GF TN %s\n" % tree_id)
+                    fh.write("#=GF NH %s\n" % tree)
+            else:
+                fh.write("#=GF %s %s\n" % (gf_feature, gf_feature_data))
+    unpadded_data = []
+    # Writes GS data to file, retrieves GR data, and retrieves sequence data
+    for seq, seq_name in zip(obj, obj.index):
+        seq_name = str(seq_name)
+        if seq.has_metadata():
+            for gs_feature, gs_feature_data in viewitems(seq.metadata):
+                fh.write("#=GS %s %s %s\n" % (seq_name, gs_feature,
+                                              gs_feature_data))
+        unpadded_data.append((seq_name, str(seq)))
+        if seq.has_positional_metadata():
+            df = _format_positional_metadata(seq.positional_metadata,
+                                             'Sequence-specific positional '
+                                             'metadata (GR)')
+            for gr_feature in df.columns:
+                gr_feature_data = ''.join(df[gr_feature])
+                gr_string = "#=GR %s %s" % (seq_name, gr_feature)
+                unpadded_data.append((gr_string, gr_feature_data))
+    # Retrieves GC data
+    if obj.has_positional_metadata():
+        df = _format_positional_metadata(obj.positional_metadata,
+                                         'Multiple sequence alignment '
+                                         'positional metadata (GC)')
+        for gc_feature in df.columns:
+            gc_feature_data = ''.join(df[gc_feature])
+            gc_string = "#=GC %s" % gc_feature
+            unpadded_data.append((gc_string, gc_feature_data))
+    # Writes GR, GC, and raw data to file with padding
+    _write_padded_data(unpadded_data, fh)
+    # Writes footer
+    fh.write("//\n")
+def _write_padded_data(data, fh):
+    max_data_len = 0
+    for label, _ in data:
+        if len(label) > max_data_len:
+            max_data_len = len(label)
+    fmt = '{0:%d} {1}\n' % max_data_len
+    for label, value in data:
+        fh.write(fmt.format(label, value))
+def _format_positional_metadata(df, data_type):
+    # Asserts positional metadata feature names are unique
+    if not df.columns.is_unique:
+        num_repeated_columns = len(df.columns) - len(set(df.columns))
+        raise StockholmFormatError('%s feature names must be unique. '
+                                   'Found %d duplicate names.'
+                                   % (data_type, num_repeated_columns))
+    str_df = df.astype(str)
+    # Asserts positional metadata dataframe items are one character long
+    for column in str_df.columns:
+        if (str_df[column].str.len() != 1).any():
+            raise StockholmFormatError("%s must contain a single character for"
+                                       " each position's value. Found value(s)"
+                                       " in column %s of incorrect length."
+                                       % (data_type, column))
+    return str_df
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_all_data_types b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_all_data_types
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a38d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_all_data_types
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#=GF NM Kestrel Gorlick
+#=GF DT February 11, 2016
+#=GF FN Writer test file
+#=GS seq1 DT February 1, 2016
+#=GS seq1 NM Unknown
+#=GS seq3 DT Unknown
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_blank_lines b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_blank_lines
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd3fbb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_blank_lines
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#=GF NM 1234
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_data_only b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_data_only
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9df91f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_data_only
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_differing_gc_data_length b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_differing_gc_data_length
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6b603d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_differing_gc_data_length
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+seq1         ACGCUUGCAA
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_differing_gr_data_length b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_differing_gr_data_length
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..018bd7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_differing_gr_data_length
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+seq1         AUCGCCUG
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_differing_seq_lengths b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_differing_seq_lengths
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8df950e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_differing_seq_lengths
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+seq1          AUCCGCUUAC
+seq2          UGCCUGGAGCG
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_gc b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_gc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a5d969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_gc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_gr b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_gr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8238e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_gr
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#=GF AC PF00571
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_sequence_names b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_sequence_names
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf9f7bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_sequence_names
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_tree_ids b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_tree_ids
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9f596c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_duplicate_tree_ids
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#=GF TN tree1
+#=GF TN tree1
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_extensive b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_extensive
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2129c73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_extensive
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#=GF AC PF00571
+#=GF AU Bateman A
+#=GF SQ 67
+#=GS O31698/88-139 OS Bacillus subtilis
+#=GR O83071/192-246 SA 999887756453524252..55152525....36463774777
+#=GR O31699/88-139 AS  ________________*__________________________
+#=GR O31699/88-139 IN  ____________1______________2__________0____
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_extensive_mixed b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_extensive_mixed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fb60d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_extensive_mixed
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#=GR O31699/88-139 AS   ________________*__________________________
+#=GF AC PF00571
+#=GR O31699/88-139 IN   ____________1______________2__________0____
+#=GS O31698/88-139 OS Bacillus subtilis
+#=GR O83071/192-246 SA  999887756453524252..55152525....36463774777
+#=GF AU Bateman A
+#=GF SQ 67
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_invalid_data_type b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_invalid_data_type
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..119e7c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_invalid_data_type
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#=GZ NM 1234
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_invalid_nonexistent_gr b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_invalid_nonexistent_gr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa964b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_invalid_nonexistent_gr
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_invalid_nonexistent_gs b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_invalid_nonexistent_gs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39bb07d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_invalid_nonexistent_gs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#=GS AC14 ID ARD2 
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_data_line b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_data_line
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a067ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_data_line
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gc_line b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gc_line
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0763020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gc_line
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+seq1                 ATCCGCT
+#=GC AT_cons
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gf_line b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gf_line
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a28f41e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gf_line
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#=GF AL
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gr_line b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gr_line
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f30873f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gr_line
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+seq1             ACGGTCG
+#=GR seq1
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gs_line b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gs_line
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4017bd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_malformed_gs_line
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#=GS seq1 AL
+seq1 ACCTG
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_metadata_only b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_metadata_only
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6025bc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_metadata_only
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#=GF NM Kestrel Gorlick
+#=GF DT February 5th, 2016
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_minimal b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_minimal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffcb4e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_minimal
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_missing_footer b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_missing_footer
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88ffcff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_missing_footer
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_missing_header b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_missing_header
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..758c5a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_missing_header
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_multiple_msa b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_multiple_msa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9695c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_multiple_msa
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#=GF AC G2134T23
+#=GF AC G2134T23
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_multiple_trees b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_multiple_trees
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..232c9ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_multiple_trees
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#=GF TN tree1
+#=GF TN tree2
+#=GF TN tree3
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_no_data b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_no_data
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d557fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_no_data
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_nonstring_labels b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_nonstring_labels
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82134dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_nonstring_labels
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#=GF 1.3 2857
+#=GS 11214 8 123
+11214          ACTG
+#=GR 11214 1.0 1234
+#=GC 25        4321
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_rna b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_rna
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b684fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_rna
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#=GF AC G2134T23
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_runon_gf b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_runon_gf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a65830f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_runon_gf
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#=GF CC CBS domains are small intracellular modules mostly found 
+#=GF CC in 2 or four copies within a protein.
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_runon_gs b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_runon_gs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..755eb5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_runon_gs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_single_tree_with_id b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_single_tree_with_id
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b05d33e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_single_tree_with_id
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#=GF TN tree1
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_single_tree_without_id b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_single_tree_without_id
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c04df41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_single_tree_without_id
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_two_of_each_metadata b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_two_of_each_metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c73f2a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_two_of_each_metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#=GF NM Kestrel Gorlick
+#=GF DT February 5th, 2016
+#=GS seq1 AL ABCD
+#=GS seq1 NS 1234
+seq1         ACTGACCATGTTCA
+#=GC SS_cons ______1____2__
+#=GC AS_cons __1___1___3___
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_whitespace_only_lines b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_whitespace_only_lines
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bbb205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/data/stockholm_whitespace_only_lines
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#=GF NM 1234
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/test_base.py b/skbio/io/format/tests/test_base.py
index 441c039..a19fb25 100644
--- a/skbio/io/format/tests/test_base.py
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/test_base.py
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class PhredDecoderTests(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertIn('`phred_offset`', str(cm.exception))
     def test_solexa_variant(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as cm:
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
             _decode_qual_to_phred('abcd', variant='solexa')
         self.assertIn('719', str(cm.exception))
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class PhredEncoderTests(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertIn('`phred_offset`', str(cm.exception))
     def test_solexa_variant(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as cm:
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
             _encode_phred_to_qual([1, 2, 3], variant='solexa')
         self.assertIn('719', str(cm.exception))
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/test_clustal.py b/skbio/io/format/tests/test_clustal.py
index ac91338..733d65b 100644
--- a/skbio/io/format/tests/test_clustal.py
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/test_clustal.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from unittest import TestCase, main
 import six
 from skbio import TabularMSA
-from skbio.sequence._iupac_sequence import IUPACSequence
+from skbio.sequence._grammared_sequence import GrammaredSequence
 from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides
 from skbio.io.format.clustal import (
     _clustal_to_tabular_msa, _tabular_msa_to_clustal, _clustal_sniffer,
@@ -25,19 +25,24 @@ from skbio.io.format.clustal import (
 from skbio.io import ClustalFormatError
-class CustomSequence(IUPACSequence):
+class CustomSequence(GrammaredSequence):
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def gap_chars(cls):
         return set('-.')
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
+    def default_gap_char(cls):
+        return '-'
+    @classproperty
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
         return set(string.ascii_letters)
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def degenerate_map(cls):
         return {}
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/test_fasta.py b/skbio/io/format/tests/test_fasta.py
index 413053f..7052942 100644
--- a/skbio/io/format/tests/test_fasta.py
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/test_fasta.py
@@ -25,24 +25,29 @@ from skbio.io.format.fasta import (
     _fasta_to_tabular_msa, _generator_to_fasta,
     _sequence_to_fasta, _dna_to_fasta, _rna_to_fasta, _protein_to_fasta,
-from skbio.sequence._iupac_sequence import IUPACSequence
+from skbio.sequence._grammared_sequence import GrammaredSequence
 from skbio.util import get_data_path
 from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides
-class CustomSequence(IUPACSequence):
+class CustomSequence(GrammaredSequence):
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def gap_chars(cls):
         return set('-.')
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
+    def default_gap_char(cls):
+        return '-'
+    @classproperty
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
         return set(string.ascii_letters)
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def degenerate_map(cls):
         return {}
@@ -709,7 +714,7 @@ class WriterTests(TestCase):
         self.msa = TabularMSA(seqs)
         def empty_gen():
-            raise StopIteration()
+            return
         def single_seq_gen():
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/test_fastq.py b/skbio/io/format/tests/test_fastq.py
index cd7bab2..337429e 100644
--- a/skbio/io/format/tests/test_fastq.py
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/test_fastq.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from skbio.io import FASTQFormatError
 from skbio.io.format.fastq import (
     _fastq_sniffer, _fastq_to_generator, _fastq_to_tabular_msa,
     _generator_to_fastq, _tabular_msa_to_fastq)
-from skbio.sequence._iupac_sequence import IUPACSequence
+from skbio.sequence._grammared_sequence import GrammaredSequence
 from skbio.util import get_data_path
 from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ class TestReaders(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_fastq_to_generator_solexa(self):
         # solexa support isn't implemented yet. should raise error even with
         # valid solexa file
-        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, 'Solexa'):
@@ -392,19 +392,24 @@ class TestReaders(unittest.TestCase):
                         self.assertEqual(observed, expected)
     def test_fastq_to_tabular_msa(self):
-        class CustomSequence(IUPACSequence):
+        class CustomSequence(GrammaredSequence):
-            @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+            @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
             def gap_chars(cls):
                 return set('-.')
-            @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+            @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
+            def default_gap_char(cls):
+                return '-'
+            @classproperty
+            @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
             def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
                 return set(string.ascii_letters)
-            @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+            @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
             def degenerate_map(cls):
                 return {}
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/test_genbank.py b/skbio/io/format/tests/test_genbank.py
index 81d89bb..75003f3 100644
--- a/skbio/io/format/tests/test_genbank.py
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/test_genbank.py
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import pandas as pd
 import numpy.testing as npt
 import six
 from unittest import TestCase, main
-from datetime import datetime
 from skbio import Protein, DNA, RNA, Sequence
 from skbio.util import get_data_path
@@ -63,17 +62,17 @@ class GenBankIOTests(TestCase):
             (['LOCUS       NC_005816   9609 bp   '
               'DNA   circular   CON   07-FEB-2015'],
              {'division': 'CON', 'mol_type': 'DNA', 'shape': 'circular',
-              'locus_name': 'NC_005816', 'date': datetime(2015, 2, 7, 0, 0),
+              'locus_name': 'NC_005816', 'date': '07-FEB-2015',
               'unit': 'bp', 'size': 9609}),
             (['LOCUS       SCU49845   5028 bp   '
               'DNA      PLN   21-JUN-1999'],
              {'division': 'PLN', 'mol_type': 'DNA', 'shape': None,
-             'locus_name': 'SCU49845', 'date': datetime(1999, 6, 21, 0, 0),
+             'locus_name': 'SCU49845', 'date': '21-JUN-1999',
               'unit': 'bp', 'size': 5028}),
             (['LOCUS       NP_001832   360 aa      '
               'linear   PRI   18-DEC-2001'],
              {'division': 'PRI', 'mol_type': None, 'shape': 'linear',
-              'locus_name': 'NP_001832', 'date': datetime(2001, 12, 18, 0, 0),
+              'locus_name': 'NP_001832', 'date': '18-DEC-2001',
               'unit': 'aa', 'size': 360}))
         # test single record and read uppercase sequence
@@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ class GenBankIOTests(TestCase):
         self.single_lower_fp = get_data_path('genbank_single_record_lower')
         self.single = (
-            {'LOCUS': {'date': datetime(1994, 9, 23, 0, 0),
+            {'LOCUS': {'date': '23-SEP-1994',
                        'division': 'BCT',
                        'locus_name': 'AAB29917',
                        'mol_type': None,
@@ -120,7 +119,7 @@ class GenBankIOTests(TestCase):
                            'translation': '"MKQSTIALAVLPLLFTPVTKA"',
                            'type_': 'CDS'}],
              'KEYWORDS': 'alkaline phosphatase; signal peptide.',
-             'LOCUS': {'date': datetime(1993, 4, 26, 0, 0),
+             'LOCUS': {'date': '26-APR-1993',
                        'division': 'BCT',
                        'locus_name': 'ECOALKP',
                        'mol_type': 'mRNA',
@@ -163,7 +162,7 @@ class GenBankIOTests(TestCase):
                             'right_partial_': True,
                             'type_': 'Protein'}],
               'KEYWORDS': '.',
-              'LOCUS': {'date': datetime(1994, 9, 23, 0, 0),
+              'LOCUS': {'date': '23-SEP-1994',
                         'division': 'BCT',
                         'locus_name': 'AAB29917',
                         'mol_type': None,
@@ -207,7 +206,7 @@ class GenBankIOTests(TestCase):
                             'right_partial_': True,
                             'type_': 'rRNA'}],
               'KEYWORDS': 'ENV.',
-              'LOCUS': {'date': datetime(2010, 8, 29, 0, 0),
+              'LOCUS': {'date': '29-AUG-2010',
                         'division': 'ENV',
                         'locus_name': 'HQ018078',
                         'mol_type': 'DNA',
diff --git a/skbio/io/format/tests/test_stockholm.py b/skbio/io/format/tests/test_stockholm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3a72d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/io/format/tests/test_stockholm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2013--, scikit-bio development team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
+                        unicode_literals)
+import six
+import pandas as pd
+import io
+import unittest
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from skbio import TabularMSA, Protein, DNA, RNA
+from skbio.io import StockholmFormatError
+from skbio.io.format.stockholm import (_stockholm_to_tabular_msa,
+                                       _tabular_msa_to_stockholm,
+                                       _stockholm_sniffer)
+from skbio.util import get_data_path
+class TestStockholmSniffer(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.positives = [get_data_path(e) for e in [
+            'stockholm_extensive',
+            'stockholm_minimal',
+            'stockholm_rna',
+            'stockholm_runon_gf',
+            'stockholm_duplicate_sequence_names',
+            'stockholm_duplicate_gr',
+            'stockholm_duplicate_gc',
+            'stockholm_invalid_nonexistent_gr',
+            'stockholm_invalid_nonexistent_gs',
+            'stockholm_no_data',
+            'stockholm_blank_lines',
+            'stockholm_differing_gc_data_length',
+            'stockholm_differing_gr_data_length',
+            'stockholm_differing_seq_lengths',
+            'stockholm_duplicate_sequence_names',
+            'stockholm_duplicate_tree_ids',
+            'stockholm_extensive_mixed',
+            'stockholm_invalid_data_type',
+            'stockholm_malformed_gf_line',
+            'stockholm_malformed_gs_line',
+            'stockholm_malformed_gr_line',
+            'stockholm_malformed_gc_line',
+            'stockholm_malformed_data_line',
+            'stockholm_metadata_only',
+            'stockholm_multiple_msa',
+            'stockholm_multiple_trees',
+            'stockholm_runon_gs',
+            'stockholm_single_tree_with_id',
+            'stockholm_single_tree_without_id',
+            'stockholm_whitespace_only_lines',
+            'stockholm_all_data_types',
+            'stockholm_two_of_each_metadata',
+            'stockholm_data_only',
+            'stockholm_nonstring_labels'
+            ]]
+        self.negatives = [get_data_path(e) for e in [
+            'stockholm_missing_header',
+            'empty',
+            'whitespace_only'
+            ]]
+    def test_positives(self):
+        for fp in self.positives:
+            self.assertEqual(_stockholm_sniffer(fp), (True, {}))
+    def test_negatives(self):
+        for fp in self.negatives:
+            self.assertEqual(_stockholm_sniffer(fp), (False, {}))
+class TestStockholmReader(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_stockholm_extensive(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_extensive')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=Protein)
+        exp = TabularMSA([Protein('MTCRAQLIAVPRASSLAE..AIACAQKM....'
+                                  'RVSRVPVYERS',
+                                  positional_metadata={'SA': list('9998877564'
+                                                                  '53524252..'
+                                                                  '55152525..'
+                                                                  '..36463774'
+                                                                  '777')}),
+                          Protein('EVMLTDIPRLHINDPIMK..GFGMVINN....'
+                                  '..GFVCVENDE',
+                                  metadata={'OS': 'Bacillus subtilis'},
+                                  positional_metadata={'SS': list('CCCCCCCHHHH'
+                                                                  'HHHHHHH..HE'
+                                                                  'EEEEEE....E'
+                                                                  'EEEEEE'
+                                                                  'EEEH')}),
+                          Protein('EVMLTDIPRLHINDPIMK..GFGMVINN...'
+                                  '...GFVCVENDE',
+                                  positional_metadata={'AS': list('___________'
+                                                                  '_____*_____'
+                                                                  '___________'
+                                                                  '________'
+                                                                  '__'),
+                                                       'IN': list('___________'
+                                                                  '_1_________'
+                                                                  '_____2_____'
+                                                                  '_____0_'
+                                                                  '___')})],
+                         metadata={'ID': 'CBS', 'AC': 'PF00571',
+                                   'AU': 'Bateman A', 'SQ': '67'},
+                         positional_metadata={'SS_cons': list('CCCCCHHHHHHHH'
+                                                              'HHHHH..EEEEEE'
+                                                              'EE....EEEEEEE'
+                                                              'EEEH')},
+                         index=['O83071/192-246', 'O31698/88-139',
+                                'O31699/88-139'])
+        self.assertEqual(msa, exp)
+    def test_stockholm_extensive_mixed(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_extensive_mixed')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=Protein)
+        exp = TabularMSA([Protein('MTCRAQLIAVPRASSLAE..AIACAQKM....'
+                                  'RVSRVPVYERS',
+                                  positional_metadata={'SA': list('9998877564'
+                                                                  '53524252..'
+                                                                  '55152525..'
+                                                                  '..36463774'
+                                                                  '777')}),
+                          Protein('EVMLTDIPRLHINDPIMK..GFGMVINN....'
+                                  '..GFVCVENDE',
+                                  metadata={'OS': 'Bacillus subtilis'},
+                                  positional_metadata={'SS': list('CCCCCCCHHHH'
+                                                                  'HHHHHHH..HE'
+                                                                  'EEEEEE....E'
+                                                                  'EEEEEE'
+                                                                  'EEEH')}),
+                          Protein('EVMLTDIPRLHINDPIMK..GFGMVINN...'
+                                  '...GFVCVENDE',
+                                  positional_metadata={'AS': list('___________'
+                                                                  '_____*_____'
+                                                                  '___________'
+                                                                  '________'
+                                                                  '__'),
+                                                       'IN': list('___________'
+                                                                  '_1_________'
+                                                                  '_____2_____'
+                                                                  '_____0_'
+                                                                  '___')})],
+                         metadata={'ID': 'CBS', 'AC': 'PF00571',
+                                   'AU': 'Bateman A', 'SQ': '67'},
+                         positional_metadata={'SS_cons': list('CCCCCHHHHHHHH'
+                                                              'HHHHH..EEEEEE'
+                                                              'EE....EEEEEEE'
+                                                              'EEEH')},
+                         index=['O83071/192-246', 'O31698/88-139',
+                                'O31699/88-139'])
+        self.assertEqual(msa, exp)
+    def test_stockholm_minimal(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_minimal')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+        exp = TabularMSA([DNA('TGTGTCGCAGTTGTCGTTTG')], index=['0235244'])
+        self.assertEqual(msa, exp)
+    def test_stockholm_rna(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_rna')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=RNA)
+        exp = TabularMSA([RNA('AAGGGUUAUUUAUAUACUUU'),
+                          RNA('UGCUAAGAGUGGGGAUGAUU'),
+                          RNA('GCCACAACCGAUUAGAUAGA'),
+                          RNA('UUAGAAACCGAUGGACCGAA')],
+                         metadata={'AC': 'G2134T23', 'ID': 'ARD'},
+                         positional_metadata=(
+                         {'AC_cons': list('GGGACUGGACAUCUAUUCAG')}),
+                         index=['RTC2231', 'RTF2124', 'RTH3322', 'RTB1512'])
+        self.assertEqual(msa, exp)
+    def test_stockholm_runon_gf(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_runon_gf')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+        exp = TabularMSA([DNA('ACTGGTTCAATG')],
+                         metadata={'CC': 'CBS domains are small intracellular'
+                                         ' modules mostly found in 2 or four '
+                                         'copies within a protein.'},
+                         index=['GG1344'])
+        self.assertEqual(msa, exp)
+    def test_stockholm_runon_gs(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_runon_gs')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+        exp = TabularMSA([DNA('ATCGTTCAGTG',
+                              metadata={'AL': 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'})],
+                         index=['seq1'])
+        self.assertEqual(msa, exp)
+    def test_stockholm_metadata_only(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_metadata_only')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+        exp = TabularMSA([], metadata={'NM': 'Kestrel Gorlick',
+                                       'DT': 'February 5th, 2016'})
+        self.assertEqual(msa, exp)
+    def test_stockholm_no_data(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_no_data')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+        exp = TabularMSA([])
+        self.assertEqual(msa, exp)
+    def test_stockholm_with_blank_lines(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_blank_lines')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+        exp = TabularMSA([], metadata={'AL': 'ABCD', 'NM': '1234'})
+        self.assertEqual(msa, exp)
+    def test_stockholm_with_whitespace_only_lines(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_whitespace_only_lines')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+        exp = TabularMSA([], metadata={'AL': 'ABCD', 'NM': '1234'})
+        self.assertEqual(msa, exp)
+    def test_stockholm_single_tree_without_id(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_single_tree_without_id')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+        exp = TabularMSA([], metadata={'NH': 'ABCD'})
+        self.assertEqual(msa, exp)
+    def test_stockholm_single_tree_with_id(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_single_tree_with_id')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+        exp = TabularMSA([], metadata={'NH': {'tree1': 'ABCD'}})
+        self.assertEqual(msa, exp)
+    def test_stockholm_multiple_trees(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_multiple_trees')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+        exp = TabularMSA([], metadata={'NH': {'tree1': 'ABCD',
+                                              'tree2': 'EFGH',
+                                              'tree3': 'IJKL'}})
+        self.assertEqual(msa, exp)
+    def test_multiple_msa_file(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_multiple_msa')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=RNA)
+        exp = TabularMSA([RNA('AAGGGUUAUUUAUAUACUUU'),
+                          RNA('UGCUAAGAGUGGGGAUGAUU'),
+                          RNA('GCCACAACCGAUUAGAUAGA'),
+                          RNA('UUAGAAACCGAUGGACCGAA')],
+                         metadata={'AC': 'G2134T23', 'ID': 'ARD'},
+                         positional_metadata=(
+                         {'AC_cons': list('GGGACUGGACAUCUAUUCAG')}),
+                         index=['RTC2231', 'RTF2124', 'RTH3322', 'RTB1512'])
+        self.assertEqual(msa, exp)
+    def test_stockholm_maintains_order(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_two_of_each_metadata')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+        msa_order = list(msa.metadata.items())
+        exp_order = [('NM', 'Kestrel Gorlick'), ('DT', 'February 5th, 2016')]
+        self.assertEqual(msa_order, exp_order)
+        msa_order = list(msa[0].metadata.items())
+        exp_order = [('AL', 'ABCD'), ('NS', '1234')]
+        self.assertEqual(msa_order, exp_order)
+        msa_order = list(msa.positional_metadata.columns)
+        exp_order = ['SS_cons', 'AS_cons']
+        self.assertEqual(msa_order, exp_order)
+        msa_order = list(msa[0].positional_metadata.columns)
+        exp_order = ['SS', 'AS']
+        self.assertEqual(msa_order, exp_order)
+    def test_stockholm_duplicate_tree_id_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_duplicate_tree_ids')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'Tree.*tree1.*in file.'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+    def test_nonexistent_gr_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_invalid_nonexistent_gr')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'GS or GR.*nonexistent sequence.*RL1355.'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=RNA)
+    def test_nonexistent_gs_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_invalid_nonexistent_gs')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'GS or GR.*nonexistent sequence.*AC14.'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=RNA)
+    def test_duplicate_sequence_names_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_duplicate_sequence_names')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'duplicate sequence name.*ASR132.*supported'
+                                   ' by the reader.'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=RNA)
+    def test_duplicate_gr_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_duplicate_gr')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'Found duplicate GR.*OS.*LFDR3.*supported '
+                                   'by the reader.'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+    def test_duplicate_gc_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_duplicate_gc')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'Found duplicate GC.*SS_cons.*supported '
+                                   'by the reader.'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+    def test_empty_file_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('empty')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'File is empty.'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=RNA)
+    def test_missing_header_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_missing_header')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'File missing.*header'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+    def test_missing_footer_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_missing_footer')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'Final line.*only "//".'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+    def test_data_type_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_invalid_data_type')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   "Unrecognized.*'#=GZ"):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+    def test_malformed_gf_line_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_malformed_gf_line')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'Line contains 2.*must contain.*3.'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+    def test_malformed_gs_line_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_malformed_gs_line')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'Line contains 3.*must contain.*4.'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+    def test_malformed_gr_line_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_malformed_gr_line')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'Line contains 2.*must contain.*4.'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+    def test_malformed_gc_line_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_malformed_gc_line')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'Line contains 2.*must contain.*3.'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+    def test_malformed_data_line_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_malformed_data_line')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'Line contains 1.*must contain.*2.'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+    def test_differing_sequence_lengths_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_differing_seq_lengths')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError,
+                                   'Each sequence.*11 != 10'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=RNA)
+    def test_differing_data_lengths_gr_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_differing_gr_data_length')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError,
+                                   'Number.*7.*(8).'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=RNA)
+    def test_differing_data_lengths_gc_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_differing_gc_data_length')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError,
+                                   'Number.*12.*(10).'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=RNA)
+    def test_no_constructor_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('empty')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, 'Must.*parameter.'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp)
+    def test_unsupported_constructor_error(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('empty')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
+                                   '`constructor`.*`GrammaredSequence`'):
+            _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=TabularMSA)
+    def test_handles_missing_metadata_efficiently(self):
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(get_data_path('stockholm_minimal'),
+                                        constructor=DNA)
+        self.assertIsNone(msa._metadata)
+        self.assertIsNone(msa._positional_metadata)
+        self.assertIsNone(msa[0]._metadata)
+        self.assertIsNone(msa[0]._positional_metadata)
+class TestStockholmWriter(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_msa_to_stockholm_extensive(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_all_data_types')
+        msa = TabularMSA([DNA('GAGGCCATGCCCAGGTGAAG',
+                              metadata=OrderedDict([('DT', 'February 1, 2016'),
+                                                    ('NM', 'Unknown')])),
+                          DNA('ACCTGAGCCACAGTAGAAGT'),
+                          DNA('CCCTTCGCTGGAAATGTATG',
+                              metadata={'DT': 'Unknown'},
+                              positional_metadata=OrderedDict([('AS',
+                                                                list('CCGAAAGT'
+                                                                     'CGTTCGA'
+                                                                     'AAATG')),
+                                                               ('SS',
+                                                                list('GGCGAGTC'
+                                                                     'GTTCGAGC'
+                                                                     'TGG'
+                                                                     'C'))]))],
+                         metadata=OrderedDict([('NM', 'Kestrel Gorlick'),
+                                              ('DT', 'February 11, 2016'),
+                                              ('FN', 'Writer test file')]),
+                         positional_metadata=OrderedDict([('AS_cons',
+                                                           list('CGTTCGTTCTAAC'
+                                                                'AATTCCA')),
+                                                          ('SS_cons',
+                                                           list('GGCGCTACGACCT'
+                                                                'ACGACCG'))]),
+                         index=['seq1', 'seq2', 'seq3'])
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_msa_to_stockholm_minimal(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_minimal')
+        msa = TabularMSA([DNA('TGTGTCGCAGTTGTCGTTTG')], index=['0235244'])
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_msa_to_stockholm_single_tree(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_single_tree_without_id')
+        msa = TabularMSA([], metadata=OrderedDict([('NH', 'ABCD')]))
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_msa_to_stockholm_single_tree_as_dict(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_single_tree_with_id')
+        msa = TabularMSA([], metadata={'NH': {'tree1': 'ABCD'}})
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_msa_to_stockholm_multiple_trees(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_multiple_trees')
+        msa = TabularMSA([], metadata=OrderedDict([('NH',
+                                                    OrderedDict([('tree1',
+                                                                  'ABCD'),
+                                                                 ('tree2',
+                                                                  'EFGH'),
+                                                                 ('tree3',
+                                                                  'IJKL')]))]))
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_msa_to_stockholm_data_only(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_data_only')
+        msa = TabularMSA([RNA('ACUCCGACAUGCUCC'),
+                          RNA('UAGUGCCGAACGCUG'),
+                          RNA('GUGUGGGCGUGAUUC')],
+                         index=['seq1', 'seq2', 'seq3'])
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_msa_to_stockholm_nonstring_values(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_nonstring_labels')
+        msa = TabularMSA([DNA('ACTG', metadata=OrderedDict([(8, 123)]),
+                              positional_metadata=OrderedDict([(1.0,
+                                                                [1, 2, 3, 4])])
+                              )],
+                         metadata=OrderedDict([(1.3, 2857)]),
+                         positional_metadata=OrderedDict([(25, [4, 3, 2, 1])]),
+                         index=[11214])
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_msa_to_stockholm_empty(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_no_data')
+        msa = TabularMSA([])
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_round_trip_extensive(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_extensive')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=Protein)
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_round_trip_minimal(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_minimal')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_round_trip_single_tree(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_single_tree_without_id')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=Protein)
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_round_trip_multiple_trees(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_multiple_trees')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=Protein)
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_round_trip_data_only(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_data_only')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=RNA)
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_round_trip_nonstring_index_values(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_nonstring_labels')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=DNA)
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_round_trip_empty(self):
+        fp = get_data_path('stockholm_no_data')
+        msa = _stockholm_to_tabular_msa(fp, constructor=Protein)
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        obs = fh.getvalue()
+        fh.close()
+        with io.open(fp) as fh:
+            exp = fh.read()
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_handles_missing_metadata_efficiently(self):
+        msa = TabularMSA([DNA('ACTG'), DNA('GTCA')], index=['seq1', 'seq2'])
+        fh = io.StringIO()
+        _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+        self.assertIsNone(msa._metadata)
+        self.assertIsNone(msa._positional_metadata)
+        self.assertIsNone(msa[0]._metadata)
+        self.assertIsNone(msa[0]._positional_metadata)
+    def test_unoriginal_index_error(self):
+        msa = TabularMSA([DNA('ATCGCCAGCT'), DNA('TTGTGCTGGC')],
+                         index=['seq1', 'seq1'])
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'index labels must be unique.'):
+            fh = io.StringIO()
+            _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+    def test_unoriginal_gr_feature_names_error(self):
+        pos_metadata_dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_items([('AC',
+                                                           list('GAGCAAGCCACTA'
+                                                                'GA')),
+                                                          ('SS',
+                                                           list('TCCTTGAACTACC'
+                                                                'CG')),
+                                                          ('AS',
+                                                           list('TCAGCTCTGCAGC'
+                                                                'GT')),
+                                                          ('SS',
+                                                           list('GTCAGGCGCTCGG'
+                                                                'TG'))])
+        msa = TabularMSA([DNA('CGTCAATCTCGAACT',
+                          positional_metadata=pos_metadata_dataframe)],
+                         index=['seq1'])
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'Sequence-specific positional metadata.*'
+                                   'must be unique. Found 1 duplicate'):
+            fh = io.StringIO()
+            _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+    def test_unoriginal_gc_feature_names_error(self):
+        pos_metadata_dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_items([('AC',
+                                                           list('GAGCAAGCCACTA'
+                                                                'GA')),
+                                                          ('SS',
+                                                           list('TCCTTGAACTACC'
+                                                                'CG')),
+                                                          ('SS',
+                                                           list('TCAGCTCTGCAGC'
+                                                                'GT')),
+                                                          ('AC',
+                                                           list('GTCAGGCGCTCGG'
+                                                                'TG'))])
+        msa = TabularMSA([DNA('CCCCTGCTTTCGTAG')],
+                         positional_metadata=pos_metadata_dataframe)
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'Multiple sequence alignment positional '
+                                   'metadata.*must be unique. Found 2 '
+                                   'duplicate'):
+            fh = io.StringIO()
+            _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+    def test_gr_wrong_dataframe_item_length_error(self):
+        seq1 = list('GAGCAAGCCACTAGA')
+        seq1.append('GG')
+        pos_metadata_dataframe = pd.DataFrame({'AC': seq1,
+                                               'SS': list('TCCTTGAACTACCCGA'),
+                                               'AS': list('TCAGCTCTGCAGCGTT')})
+        msa = TabularMSA([DNA('TCCTTGAACTACCCGA',
+                              positional_metadata=pos_metadata_dataframe)])
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'Sequence-specific positional metadata.*'
+                                   'must contain a single character.*Found '
+                                   'value\(s\) in column AC'):
+            fh = io.StringIO()
+            _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+    def test_gc_wrong_dataframe_item_length_error(self):
+        seq1 = list('GAGCAAGCCACTAGA')
+        seq1.append('GG')
+        pos_metadata_dataframe = pd.DataFrame({'AC': seq1,
+                                               'SS': list('TCCTTGAACTACCCGA'),
+                                               'AS': list('TCAGCTCTGCAGCGTT')})
+        msa = TabularMSA([DNA('TCCTTGAACTACCCGA')],
+                         positional_metadata=pos_metadata_dataframe)
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, StockholmFormatError,
+                                   'Multiple sequence alignment positional '
+                                   'metadata.*must contain a single character'
+                                   '.*Found value\(s\) in column AC'):
+            fh = io.StringIO()
+            _tabular_msa_to_stockholm(msa, fh)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/skbio/io/registry.py b/skbio/io/registry.py
index 1bf7737..4578c38 100644
--- a/skbio/io/registry.py
+++ b/skbio/io/registry.py
@@ -371,7 +371,8 @@ class IORegistry(object):
         file : openable (filepath, URL, filehandle, etc.)
             The file to sniff. Something that is understood by `skbio.io.open`.
         kwargs : dict, optional
-            Keyword arguments will be passed to `skbio.io.open`.
+            Keyword arguments will be passed to `skbio.io.open`. `newline`
+            cannot be provided.
@@ -385,8 +386,14 @@ class IORegistry(object):
             This occurs when the format is not 'claimed' by any registered
             sniffer or when the format is ambiguous and has been 'claimed' by
             more than one sniffer.
+        TypeError
+            If `newline` is provided in `kwargs`.
+        if 'newline' in kwargs:
+            raise TypeError(
+                "Cannot provide `newline` keyword argument when sniffing.")
         # By resolving the input here, we have the oppurtunity to reuse the
         # file (which is potentially ephemeral). Each sniffer will also resolve
         # the file, but that call will short-circuit and won't claim
@@ -457,7 +464,8 @@ class IORegistry(object):
             When True, will double check the `format` if provided.
         kwargs : dict, optional
             Keyword arguments will be passed to their respective handlers
-            (`skbio.io.open` and the reader for `format`)
+            (`skbio.io.open` and the reader for `format`). `newline` cannot be
+            provided.
@@ -468,6 +476,8 @@ class IORegistry(object):
             Raised when `format` and `into` are both None.
+        TypeError
+            If `newline` is provided in `kwargs`.
             Raised when a reader could not be found for a given `format` or the
             format could not be guessed.
@@ -479,6 +489,10 @@ class IORegistry(object):
             overriding the suggestion provided by the sniffer of `format`.
+        if 'newline' in kwargs:
+            raise TypeError(
+                "Cannot provide `newline` keyword argument when reading.")
         # Context managers do not compose well with generators. We have to
         # duplicate the logic so that the file will stay open while yielding.
         # Otherwise the context exits as soon as the generator is returned
@@ -512,9 +526,8 @@ class IORegistry(object):
         with _resolve_file(file, **io_kwargs) as (file, _, _):
             reader, kwargs = self._init_reader(file, fmt, into, verify, kwargs,
-            generator = reader(file, **kwargs)
-            while True:
-                yield next(generator)
+            for item in reader(file, **kwargs):
+                yield item
     def _find_io_kwargs(self, kwargs):
         return {k: kwargs[k] for k in _open_kwargs if k in kwargs}
@@ -977,9 +990,8 @@ class Format(object):
                         file_params, file, encoding, newline, kwargs)
                     with open_files(files, mode='r', **io_kwargs) as fhs:
                         kwargs.update(zip(file_keys, fhs[:-1]))
-                        generator = reader_function(fhs[-1], **kwargs)
-                        while True:
-                            yield next(generator)
+                        for item in reader_function(fhs[-1], **kwargs):
+                            yield item
             self._add_reader(cls, wrapped_reader, monkey_patch, override)
             return wrapped_reader
diff --git a/skbio/io/tests/test_registry.py b/skbio/io/tests/test_registry.py
index da0f9b3..20291ea 100644
--- a/skbio/io/tests/test_registry.py
+++ b/skbio/io/tests/test_registry.py
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import six
 from six.moves import zip_longest
 from io import StringIO
@@ -590,18 +592,17 @@ class TestSniff(RegistryTest):
         fmt, _ = self.registry.sniff(fp, encoding='big5')
         self.assertEqual(fmt, 'formatx')
-    def test_that_newline_is_used(self):
+    def test_passing_newline_raises_error(self):
         formatx = self.registry.create_format('formatx')
         fp = get_data_path('real_file')
         def sniffer(fh):
-            self.assertEqual(fh.readlines(), ['a\nb\nc\nd\ne\n'])
             return True, {}
-        fmt, _ = self.registry.sniff(fp, newline='\r')
-        self.assertEqual(fmt, 'formatx')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, '`newline`'):
+            self.registry.sniff(fp, newline='\r')
     def test_non_default_encoding(self):
         big5_format = self.registry.create_format('big5_format',
@@ -627,17 +628,12 @@ class TestSniff(RegistryTest):
         def sniffer(fh):
-            self.assertEqual(fh.readlines(), self._expected_lines)
+            self.assertEqual(fh.readlines(), ['a\nb\nc\nd\ne\n'])
             return True, {}
-        self._expected_lines = ['a\nb\nc\nd\ne\n']
         fmt, _ = self.registry.sniff(fp)
         self.assertEqual(fmt, 'formatx')
-        self._expected_lines = ['a\n', 'b\n', 'c\n', 'd\n', 'e\n']
-        fmt, _ = self.registry.sniff(fp, newline=None)
-        self.assertEqual(fmt, 'formatx')
     def test_position_not_mutated_real_file(self):
         formatx = self.registry.create_format('formatx')
@@ -1142,7 +1138,7 @@ class TestRead(RegistryTest):
         with self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError):
             self.registry.read(fp, format='format1', encoding='utf8')
-    def test_that_newline_is_used(self):
+    def test_passing_newline_raises_error(self):
         formatx = self.registry.create_format('formatx')
         fp = get_data_path('real_file')
@@ -1159,12 +1155,11 @@ class TestRead(RegistryTest):
         def reader_gen(fh):
             yield TestClass(fh.readlines())
-        instance = self.registry.read(fp, into=TestClass, newline='\r')
-        self.assertEqual(instance, TestClass(['a\nb\nc\nd\ne\n']))
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, '`newline`'):
+            self.registry.read(fp, into=TestClass, newline='\r')
-        gen = self.registry.read(fp, format='formatx', newline='\r')
-        self.assertEqual(next(gen), TestClass(['a\nb\nc\nd\ne\n']))
-        gen.close()
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, '`newline`'):
+            self.registry.read(fp, format='formatx', newline='\r')
     def test_non_default_newline(self):
         formatx = self.registry.create_format('formatx', newline='\r')
@@ -1190,15 +1185,6 @@ class TestRead(RegistryTest):
         self.assertEqual(next(gen), TestClass(['a\nb\nc\nd\ne\n']))
-        instance = self.registry.read(fp, into=TestClass, newline=None)
-        self.assertEqual(instance, TestClass(['a\n', 'b\n', 'c\n', 'd\n',
-                                              'e\n']))
-        gen = self.registry.read(fp, format='formatx', newline=None)
-        self.assertEqual(next(gen), TestClass(['a\n', 'b\n', 'c\n', 'd\n',
-                                               'e\n']))
-        gen.close()
     def test_file_sentinel_many(self):
         format1 = self.registry.create_format('format1')
diff --git a/skbio/io/tests/test_util.py b/skbio/io/tests/test_util.py
index 88b4480..70c2d06 100644
--- a/skbio/io/tests/test_util.py
+++ b/skbio/io/tests/test_util.py
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@ import shutil
 import io
 import os.path
-import httpretty
+    import httpretty
+    has_httpretty = True
+except ImportError:
+    has_httpretty = False
 import skbio.io
 from skbio.io.registry import open_file
@@ -320,6 +324,13 @@ class WritableBinarySourceTests(object):
             self.check_closed(file, True)
+    def compare_gzip_file_contents(self, a, b):
+        # The first 10 bytes of a gzip header include a timestamp. The header
+        # can be followed by other "volatile" metadata, so only compare gzip
+        # footers (last 8 bytes) which contain a CRC-32 checksum and the length
+        # of the uncompressed data.
+        self.assertEqual(a[-8:], b[-8:])
     def test_open_binary(self):
         self.check_open_state_contents(self.binary_file, self.binary_contents,
                                        True, encoding='binary',
@@ -332,9 +343,8 @@ class WritableBinarySourceTests(object):
         self.check_open_state_contents(self.gzip_file, self.text_contents,
                                        False, compression='gzip')
-        # The first 10 bytes of a gzip header include a timestamp, so skip.
-        self.assertEqual(self.get_contents(self.gzip_file)[10:],
-                         self.gzip_contents[10:])
+        self.compare_gzip_file_contents(self.get_contents(self.gzip_file),
+                                        self.gzip_contents)
     def test_open_bz2(self):
         self.check_open_state_contents(self.bz2_file, self.text_contents,
@@ -355,9 +365,9 @@ class WritableBinarySourceTests(object):
                                        self.decoded_contents, False,
                                        compression='gzip', encoding='big5')
-        # The first 10 bytes of a gzip header include a timestamp, so skip.
-        self.assertEqual(self.get_contents(self.gzip_encoded_file)[10:],
-                         self.gzip_encoded_contents[10:])
+        self.compare_gzip_file_contents(
+            self.get_contents(self.gzip_encoded_file),
+            self.gzip_encoded_contents)
     def test_open_bz2_encoding(self):
@@ -434,6 +444,7 @@ class TestWriteFilepath(WritableBinarySourceTests, WritableSourceTest):
             return f.read()
+ at unittest.skipIf(not has_httpretty, "HTTPretty not available to mock tests.")
 class TestReadURL(ReadableBinarySourceTests, ReadableSourceTest):
     expected_close = True
@@ -482,18 +493,17 @@ class TestWriteBytesIO(WritableBinarySourceTests, WritableSourceTest):
         self.check_open_state_contents(self.gzip_file, self.text_contents,
                                        False, compression='gzip')
-        # The first 10 bytes of a gzip header include a timestamp, so skip.
-        self.assertEqual(self.get_contents(self.gzip_file)[10:],
-                         self.gzip_contents[23:])
+        self.compare_gzip_file_contents(self.get_contents(self.gzip_file),
+                                        self.gzip_contents)
     def test_open_gzip_encoding(self):
                                        self.decoded_contents, False,
                                        compression='gzip', encoding='big5')
-        # The first 10 bytes of a gzip header include a timestamp, so skip.
-        self.assertEqual(self.get_contents(self.gzip_encoded_file)[10:],
-                         self.gzip_encoded_contents[20:])
+        self.compare_gzip_file_contents(
+            self.get_contents(self.gzip_encoded_file),
+            self.gzip_encoded_contents)
 class TestReadBufferedReader(ReadableBinarySourceTests, ReadableSourceTest):
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/__init__.py b/skbio/sequence/__init__.py
index 08ee93a..85296fa 100644
--- a/skbio/sequence/__init__.py
+++ b/skbio/sequence/__init__.py
@@ -28,11 +28,20 @@ Classes
    :toctree: generated/
+   GrammaredSequence
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   distance
 New sequences are created with optional metadata and positional metadata.
@@ -304,7 +313,9 @@ from ._protein import Protein
 from ._dna import DNA
 from ._rna import RNA
 from ._genetic_code import GeneticCode
+from ._grammared_sequence import GrammaredSequence
-__all__ = ['Sequence', 'Protein', 'DNA', 'RNA', 'GeneticCode']
+__all__ = ['Sequence', 'Protein', 'DNA', 'RNA', 'GeneticCode',
+           'GrammaredSequence']
 test = TestRunner(__file__).test
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/_dna.py b/skbio/sequence/_dna.py
index cf788f4..686d5d1 100644
--- a/skbio/sequence/_dna.py
+++ b/skbio/sequence/_dna.py
@@ -7,15 +7,17 @@
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+from six import add_metaclass
 import skbio
 from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides
 from skbio.util._decorator import stable
 from ._nucleotide_mixin import NucleotideMixin, _motifs as _parent_motifs
-from ._iupac_sequence import IUPACSequence
+from ._grammared_sequence import GrammaredSequence, DisableSubclassingMeta
-class DNA(IUPACSequence, NucleotideMixin):
+ at add_metaclass(DisableSubclassingMeta)
+class DNA(GrammaredSequence, NucleotideMixin):
     """Store DNA sequence data and optional associated metadata.
     Only characters in the IUPAC DNA character set [1]_ are supported.
@@ -64,6 +66,14 @@ class DNA(IUPACSequence, NucleotideMixin):
     See Also
+    GrammaredSequence
+    Notes
+    -----
+    Subclassing is disabled for DNA, because subclassing makes
+    it possible to change the alphabet, and certain methods rely on the
+    IUPAC alphabet. If a custom sequence alphabet is needed, inherit directly
+    from ``GrammaredSequence``.
@@ -104,7 +114,6 @@ class DNA(IUPACSequence, NucleotideMixin):
-    @stable(as_of="0.4.0")
     def complement_map(cls):
         comp_map = {
@@ -117,14 +126,12 @@ class DNA(IUPACSequence, NucleotideMixin):
         return comp_map
-    @stable(as_of="0.4.0")
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
         return set("ACGT")
-    @stable(as_of="0.4.0")
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def degenerate_map(cls):
         return {
             "R": set("AG"), "Y": set("CT"), "M": set("AC"), "K": set("TG"),
@@ -132,6 +139,16 @@ class DNA(IUPACSequence, NucleotideMixin):
             "H": set("ACT"), "V": set("ACG"), "N": set("ACGT")
+    @classproperty
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
+    def default_gap_char(cls):
+        return '-'
+    @classproperty
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
+    def gap_chars(cls):
+        return set('-.')
     def _motifs(self):
         return _motifs
@@ -399,7 +416,7 @@ class DNA(IUPACSequence, NucleotideMixin):
         return self.transcribe().translate_six_frames(*args, **kwargs)
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def _repr_stats(self):
         """Define custom statistics to display in the sequence's repr."""
         stats = super(DNA, self)._repr_stats()
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/_iupac_sequence.py b/skbio/sequence/_grammared_sequence.py
similarity index 71%
rename from skbio/sequence/_iupac_sequence.py
rename to skbio/sequence/_grammared_sequence.py
index 3de92db..8a658f1 100644
--- a/skbio/sequence/_iupac_sequence.py
+++ b/skbio/sequence/_grammared_sequence.py
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-from future.utils import with_metaclass
 from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty
 from itertools import product
+import re
 import numpy as np
+from six import add_metaclass
-import re
 from skbio.util._decorator import (classproperty, overrides, stable,
@@ -22,11 +22,90 @@ from skbio.util._misc import MiniRegistry
 from ._sequence import Sequence
-class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
-    """Store biological sequence data conforming to the IUPAC character set.
+class GrammaredSequenceMeta(ABCMeta, type):
+    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct):
+        cls = super(GrammaredSequenceMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct)
+        concrete_gap_chars = \
+            type(cls.gap_chars) is not abstractproperty
+        concrete_degenerate_map = \
+            type(cls.degenerate_map) is not abstractproperty
+        concrete_nondegenerate_chars = \
+            type(cls.nondegenerate_chars) is not abstractproperty
+        concrete_default_gap_char = \
+            type(cls.default_gap_char) is not abstractproperty
+        # degenerate_chars is not abstract but it depends on degenerate_map
+        # which is abstract.
+        concrete_degenerate_chars = concrete_degenerate_map
+        # Only perform metaclass checks if none of the attributes on the class
+        # are abstract.
+        # TODO: Rather than hard-coding a list of attributes to check, we can
+        # probably check all the attributes on the class and make sure none of
+        # them are abstract.
+        if (concrete_gap_chars and concrete_degenerate_map and
+                concrete_nondegenerate_chars and concrete_default_gap_char and
+                concrete_degenerate_chars):
+            if cls.default_gap_char not in cls.gap_chars:
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "default_gap_char must be in gap_chars for class %s" %
+                    name)
+            if len(cls.gap_chars & cls.degenerate_chars) > 0:
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "gap_chars and degenerate_chars must not share any "
+                    "characters for class %s" % name)
+            for key in cls.degenerate_map.keys():
+                for nondegenerate in cls.degenerate_map[key]:
+                    if nondegenerate not in cls.nondegenerate_chars:
+                        raise TypeError(
+                            "degenerate_map must expand only to "
+                            "characters included in nondegenerate_chars "
+                            "for class %s" % name)
+            if len(cls.degenerate_chars & cls.nondegenerate_chars) > 0:
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "degenerate_chars and nondegenerate_chars must not "
+                    "share any characters for class %s" % name)
+            if len(cls.gap_chars & cls.nondegenerate_chars) > 0:
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "gap_chars and nondegenerate_chars must not share any "
+                    "characters for class %s" % name)
+        return cls
+# Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/16056691/943814
+# Note that inheriting from GrammaredSequenceMeta, rather than something
+# more general, is intentional. Multiple inheritance with metaclasses can be
+# tricky and is not handled automatically in Python. Since this class needs to
+# inherit both from ABCMeta and GrammaredSequenceMeta, the only way we could
+# find to make this work was to have GrammaredSequenceMeta inherit from ABCMeta
+# and then inherit from GrammaredSequenceMeta here.
+class DisableSubclassingMeta(GrammaredSequenceMeta):
+    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct):
+        for b in bases:
+            if isinstance(b, DisableSubclassingMeta):
+                raise TypeError("Subclassing disabled for class %s. To create"
+                                " a custom sequence class, inherit directly"
+                                " from skbio.sequence.%s" %
+                                (b.__name__, GrammaredSequence.__name__))
+        return super(DisableSubclassingMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases,
+                                                          dict(dct))
+ at add_metaclass(GrammaredSequenceMeta)
+class GrammaredSequence(Sequence):
+    """Store sequence data conforming to a character set.
     This is an abstract base class (ABC) that cannot be instantiated.
+    This class is intended to be inherited from to create grammared sequences
+    with custom alphabets.
@@ -42,7 +121,7 @@ class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
-        If sequence characters are not in the IUPAC character set [1]_.
+        If sequence characters are not in the character set [1]_.
     See Also
@@ -57,6 +136,55 @@ class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
        Nucleic Acids Res. May 10, 1985; 13(9): 3021-3030.
        A Cornish-Bowden
+    Examples
+    --------
+    Note in the example below that properties either need to be static or
+    use skbio's `classproperty` decorator.
+    >>> from skbio.sequence import GrammaredSequence
+    >>> from skbio.util import classproperty
+    >>> class CustomSequence(GrammaredSequence):
+    ...     @classproperty
+    ...     def degenerate_map(cls):
+    ...         return {"X": set("AB")}
+    ...
+    ...     @classproperty
+    ...     def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
+    ...         return set("ABC")
+    ...
+    ...     @classproperty
+    ...     def default_gap_char(cls):
+    ...         return '-'
+    ...
+    ...     @classproperty
+    ...     def gap_chars(cls):
+    ...         return set('-.')
+    >>> seq = CustomSequence('ABABACAC')
+    >>> seq
+    CustomSequence
+    -----------------------------
+    Stats:
+        length: 8
+        has gaps: False
+        has degenerates: False
+        has non-degenerates: True
+    -----------------------------
+    >>> seq = CustomSequence('XXXXXX')
+    >>> seq
+    CustomSequence
+    ------------------------------
+    Stats:
+        length: 6
+        has gaps: False
+        has degenerates: True
+        has non-degenerates: False
+    ------------------------------
+    0 XXXXXX
     __validation_mask = None
     __degenerate_codes = None
@@ -97,18 +225,19 @@ class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
     def alphabet(cls):
-        """Return valid IUPAC characters.
+        """Return valid characters.
         This includes gap, non-degenerate, and degenerate characters.
-            Valid IUPAC characters.
+            Valid characters.
         return cls.degenerate_chars | cls.nondegenerate_chars | cls.gap_chars
+    @abstractproperty
     def gap_chars(cls):
@@ -120,8 +249,9 @@ class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
             Characters defined as gaps.
-        return set('-.')
+        pass  # pragma: no cover
+    @abstractproperty
     def default_gap_char(cls):
@@ -137,17 +267,17 @@ class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
             Default gap character.
-        return '-'
+        pass  # pragma: no cover
     def degenerate_chars(cls):
-        """Return degenerate IUPAC characters.
+        """Return degenerate characters.
-            Degenerate IUPAC characters.
+            Degenerate characters.
         return set(cls.degenerate_map)
@@ -156,15 +286,15 @@ class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
     def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
-        """Return non-degenerate IUPAC characters.
+        """Return non-degenerate characters.
-            Non-degenerate IUPAC characters.
+            Non-degenerate characters.
-        return set()  # pragma: no cover
+        pass  # pragma: no cover
@@ -175,11 +305,11 @@ class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
         dict (set)
-            Mapping of each degenerate IUPAC character to the set of
-            non-degenerate IUPAC characters it represents.
+            Mapping of each degenerate character to the set of
+            non-degenerate characters it represents.
-        return set()  # pragma: no cover
+        pass  # pragma: no cover
     def _motifs(self):
@@ -188,7 +318,7 @@ class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
     def __init__(self, sequence, metadata=None, positional_metadata=None,
                  lowercase=False, validate=True):
-        super(IUPACSequence, self).__init__(
+        super(GrammaredSequence, self).__init__(
             sequence, metadata, positional_metadata, lowercase)
         if validate:
@@ -210,14 +340,13 @@ class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
                 invalid_characters > 0)[0].astype(np.uint8).view('|S1'))
             raise ValueError(
                 "Invalid character%s in sequence: %r. \n"
-                "Lowercase letters are not used in IUPAC notation. You can "
-                "pass `lowercase=True` if your sequence contains lowercase "
-                "letters.\n"
-                "Valid IUPAC characters: "
-                "%r" % ('s' if len(bad) > 1 else '',
-                        [str(b.tostring().decode("ascii")) for b in bad] if
-                        len(bad) > 1 else bad[0],
-                        list(self.alphabet)))
+                "Valid characters: %r\n"
+                "Note: Use `lowercase` if your sequence contains lowercase "
+                "characters not in the sequence's alphabet."
+                % ('s' if len(bad) > 1 else '',
+                   [str(b.tostring().decode("ascii")) for b in bad] if
+                   len(bad) > 1 else bad[0],
+                   list(self.alphabet)))
     def gaps(self):
@@ -387,7 +516,7 @@ class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
-        IUPACSequence
+        GrammaredSequence
             A new sequence with all gap characters removed.
         See Also
@@ -429,7 +558,7 @@ class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
-        IUPACSequence
+        GrammaredSequence
             Non-degenerate version of the sequence.
         See Also
@@ -590,7 +719,7 @@ class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
     def _repr_stats(self):
         """Define custom statistics to display in the sequence's repr."""
-        stats = super(IUPACSequence, self)._repr_stats()
+        stats = super(GrammaredSequence, self)._repr_stats()
         stats.append(('has gaps', '%r' % self.has_gaps()))
         stats.append(('has degenerates', '%r' % self.has_degenerates()))
         stats.append(('has non-degenerates', '%r' % self.has_nondegenerates()))
@@ -600,4 +729,4 @@ class IUPACSequence(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, Sequence)):
 _motifs = MiniRegistry()
 # Leave this at the bottom
-_motifs.interpolate(IUPACSequence, "find_motifs")
+_motifs.interpolate(GrammaredSequence, "find_motifs")
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/_nucleotide_mixin.py b/skbio/sequence/_nucleotide_mixin.py
index 9b5c75c..771cf2d 100644
--- a/skbio/sequence/_nucleotide_mixin.py
+++ b/skbio/sequence/_nucleotide_mixin.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from abc import ABCMeta, abstractproperty
 import numpy as np
 from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, stable
-from ._iupac_sequence import _motifs as parent_motifs
+from ._grammared_sequence import _motifs as parent_motifs
 class NucleotideMixin(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/_protein.py b/skbio/sequence/_protein.py
index 14b3e4e..4639a60 100644
--- a/skbio/sequence/_protein.py
+++ b/skbio/sequence/_protein.py
@@ -9,13 +9,16 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
 import numpy as np
+from six import add_metaclass
 from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides
 from skbio.util._decorator import stable
-from ._iupac_sequence import IUPACSequence, _motifs as parent_motifs
+from ._grammared_sequence import (GrammaredSequence, DisableSubclassingMeta,
+                                  _motifs as parent_motifs)
-class Protein(IUPACSequence):
+ at add_metaclass(DisableSubclassingMeta)
+class Protein(GrammaredSequence):
     """Store protein sequence data and optional associated metadata.
     Only characters in the IUPAC protein character set [1]_ are supported.
@@ -61,6 +64,17 @@ class Protein(IUPACSequence):
+    See Also
+    --------
+    GrammaredSequence
+    Notes
+    -----
+    Subclassing is disabled for Protein, because subclassing makes
+    it possible to change the alphabet, and certain methods rely on the
+    IUPAC alphabet. If a custom sequence alphabet is needed, inherit directly
+    from ``GrammaredSequence``.
     .. [1] Nomenclature for incompletely specified bases in nucleic acid
@@ -108,20 +122,17 @@ class Protein(IUPACSequence):
         return cls.__stop_codes
-    @stable(as_of="0.4.0")
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def alphabet(cls):
         return super(Protein, cls).alphabet | cls.stop_chars
-    @stable(as_of="0.4.0")
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
         return set("ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY")
-    @stable(as_of="0.4.0")
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def degenerate_map(cls):
         return {
             "B": set("DN"), "Z": set("EQ"),
@@ -141,6 +152,16 @@ class Protein(IUPACSequence):
         return set('*')
+    @classproperty
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
+    def gap_chars(cls):
+        return set('-.')
+    @classproperty
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
+    def default_gap_char(cls):
+        return '-'
     def _motifs(self):
         return _motifs
@@ -195,7 +216,7 @@ class Protein(IUPACSequence):
         return bool(self.stops().any())
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def _repr_stats(self):
         """Define custom statistics to display in the sequence's repr."""
         stats = super(Protein, self)._repr_stats()
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/_rna.py b/skbio/sequence/_rna.py
index 7e81da5..3548a93 100644
--- a/skbio/sequence/_rna.py
+++ b/skbio/sequence/_rna.py
@@ -7,15 +7,17 @@
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+from six import add_metaclass
 import skbio
 from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides
 from skbio.util._decorator import stable
 from ._nucleotide_mixin import NucleotideMixin, _motifs as _parent_motifs
-from ._iupac_sequence import IUPACSequence
+from ._grammared_sequence import GrammaredSequence, DisableSubclassingMeta
-class RNA(IUPACSequence, NucleotideMixin):
+ at add_metaclass(DisableSubclassingMeta)
+class RNA(GrammaredSequence, NucleotideMixin):
     """Store RNA sequence data and optional associated metadata.
     Only characters in the IUPAC RNA character set [1]_ are supported.
@@ -64,6 +66,14 @@ class RNA(IUPACSequence, NucleotideMixin):
     See Also
+    GrammaredSequence
+    Notes
+    -----
+    Subclassing is disabled for RNA, because subclassing makes
+    it possible to change the alphabet, and certain methods rely on the
+    IUPAC alphabet. If a custom sequence alphabet is needed, inherit directly
+    from ``GrammaredSequence``.
@@ -104,7 +114,6 @@ class RNA(IUPACSequence, NucleotideMixin):
-    @stable(as_of="0.4.0")
     def complement_map(cls):
         comp_map = {
@@ -117,14 +126,12 @@ class RNA(IUPACSequence, NucleotideMixin):
         return comp_map
-    @stable(as_of="0.4.0")
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
         return set("ACGU")
-    @stable(as_of="0.4.0")
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def degenerate_map(cls):
         return {
             "R": set("AG"), "Y": set("CU"), "M": set("AC"), "K": set("UG"),
@@ -132,6 +139,16 @@ class RNA(IUPACSequence, NucleotideMixin):
             "H": set("ACU"), "V": set("ACG"), "N": set("ACGU")
+    @classproperty
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
+    def default_gap_char(cls):
+        return '-'
+    @classproperty
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
+    def gap_chars(cls):
+        return set('-.')
     def _motifs(self):
         return _motifs
@@ -404,7 +421,7 @@ class RNA(IUPACSequence, NucleotideMixin):
             genetic_code = skbio.GeneticCode.from_ncbi(genetic_code)
         return genetic_code.translate_six_frames(self, *args, **kwargs)
-    @overrides(IUPACSequence)
+    @overrides(GrammaredSequence)
     def _repr_stats(self):
         """Define custom statistics to display in the sequence's repr."""
         stats = super(RNA, self)._repr_stats()
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/_sequence.py b/skbio/sequence/_sequence.py
index 34150b6..ed15cbc 100644
--- a/skbio/sequence/_sequence.py
+++ b/skbio/sequence/_sequence.py
@@ -17,10 +17,9 @@ import numbers
 from contextlib import contextmanager
 import numpy as np
-from scipy.spatial.distance import hamming
 import pandas as pd
+import skbio.sequence.distance
 from skbio._base import SkbioObject, MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin
 from skbio.sequence._repr import _SequenceReprBuilder
 from skbio.util._decorator import (stable, experimental, deprecated,
@@ -349,6 +348,29 @@ class Sequence(MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin, collections.Sequence,
         return self._bytes.view('|S1')
+    def __array_interface__(self):
+        """Array interface for compatibility with numpy.
+        This property allows a ``Sequence`` object to share its underlying data
+        buffer (``Sequence.values``) with numpy. See [1]_ for more details.
+        References
+        ----------
+        .. [1] http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.interface.html
+        Examples
+        --------
+        >>> import numpy as np
+        >>> from skbio import Sequence
+        >>> seq = Sequence('ABC123')
+        >>> np.asarray(seq) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+        array([b'A', b'B', b'C', b'1', b'2', b'3'],
+              dtype='|S1')
+        """
+        return self.values.__array_interface__
+    @property
     def observed_chars(self):
         """Set of observed characters in the sequence.
@@ -1434,70 +1456,61 @@ class Sequence(MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin, collections.Sequence,
         other : str, Sequence, or 1D np.ndarray (np.uint8 or '\|S1')
-            Sequence to compute the distance to.
+            Sequence to compute the distance to. If `other` is a ``Sequence``
+            object, it must be the same type as this sequence. Other input
+            types will be converted into a ``Sequence`` object of the same type
+            as this sequence.
         metric : function, optional
             Function used to compute the distance between this sequence and
-            `other`. If ``None`` (the default),
-            ``scipy.spatial.distance.hamming`` will be used. This function
-            should take two ``skbio.Sequence`` objects and return a ``float``.
+            `other`. If ``None`` (the default), Hamming distance will be used
+            (:func:`skbio.sequence.distance.hamming`). `metric` should take two
+            ``skbio.Sequence`` objects and return a ``float``. The sequence
+            objects passed to `metric` will be the same type as this sequence.
+            See :mod:`skbio.sequence.distance` for other predefined metrics
+            that can be supplied via `metric`.
-            Distance between this sequence and `other`.
+            Distance between this sequence and `other` as defined by `metric`.
-        ValueError
-            If the sequences are not the same length when `metric` is ``None``
-            (i.e., `metric` is ``scipy.spatial.distance.hamming``). This is
-            only checked when using this metric, as equal length is not a
-            requirement of all sequence distance metrics. In general, the
-            metric itself should test and give an informative error message,
-            but the message from ``scipy.spatial.distance.hamming`` is somewhat
-            cryptic (as of this writing), and it's the default metric, so we
-            explicitly do this check here. This metric-specific check will be
-            removed from this method when the ``skbio.sequence.stats`` module
-            is created (track progress on issue #913).
             If `other` is a ``Sequence`` object with a different type than this
         See Also
+        skbio.sequence.distance
-        scipy.spatial.distance.hamming
         >>> from skbio import Sequence
         >>> s = Sequence('GGUC')
         >>> t = Sequence('AGUC')
+        Compute Hamming distance (the default metric):
         >>> s.distance(t)
-        >>> def custom_dist(s1, s2): return 0.42
-        >>> s.distance(t, custom_dist)
+        Use a custom metric:
+        >>> def custom_metric(s1, s2): return 0.42
+        >>> s.distance(t, custom_metric)
         # TODO refactor this method to accept a name (string) of the distance
         # metric to apply and accept **kwargs
-        other = self._munge_to_sequence(other, 'distance')
+        other = self._munge_to_self_type(other, 'distance')
         if metric is None:
-            return self._hamming(other)
+            metric = skbio.sequence.distance.hamming
         return float(metric(self, other))
-    def _hamming(self, other):
-        # Hamming requires equal length sequences. We are checking this
-        # here because the error you would get otherwise is cryptic.
-        if len(self) != len(other):
-            raise ValueError(
-                "Sequences do not have equal length. "
-                "Hamming distances can only be computed between "
-                "sequences of equal length.")
-        return float(hamming(self.values, other.values))
     def matches(self, other):
         """Find positions that match with another sequence.
@@ -2145,6 +2158,17 @@ class Sequence(MetadataMixin, PositionalMetadataMixin, collections.Sequence,
         return normalized
+    def _munge_to_self_type(self, other, method):
+        if isinstance(other, Sequence):
+            if type(other) != type(self):
+                raise TypeError("Cannot use %s and %s together with `%s`" %
+                                (self.__class__.__name__,
+                                 other.__class__.__name__, method))
+            else:
+                return other
+        return self.__class__(other)
     def _munge_to_sequence(self, other, method):
         if isinstance(other, Sequence):
             if type(other) != type(self):
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/distance.py b/skbio/sequence/distance.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..568db42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/sequence/distance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+Sequence distance metrics (:mod:`skbio.sequence.distance`)
+.. currentmodule:: skbio.sequence.distance
+This module contains functions for computing distances between scikit-bio
+``Sequence`` objects. These functions can be used directly or supplied to other
+parts of the scikit-bio API that accept a sequence distance metric as input,
+such as :meth:`skbio.sequence.Sequence.distance` and
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   hamming
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2013--, scikit-bio development team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.spatial.distance
+import skbio
+from skbio.util._decorator import experimental
+ at experimental(as_of='0.4.2')
+def hamming(seq1, seq2):
+    """Compute Hamming distance between two sequences.
+    The Hamming distance between two equal-length sequences is the proportion
+    of differing characters.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    seq1, seq2 : Sequence
+        Sequences to compute Hamming distance between.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    float
+        Hamming distance between `seq1` and `seq2`.
+    Raises
+    ------
+    TypeError
+        If `seq1` and `seq2` are not ``Sequence`` instances.
+    TypeError
+        If `seq1` and `seq2` are not the same type.
+    ValueError
+        If `seq1` and `seq2` are not the same length.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    scipy.spatial.distance.hamming
+    Notes
+    -----
+    ``np.nan`` will be returned if the sequences do not contain any characters.
+    This function does not make assumptions about the sequence alphabet in use.
+    Each sequence object's underlying sequence of characters are used to
+    compute Hamming distance. Characters that may be considered equivalent in
+    certain contexts (e.g., `-` and `.` as gap characters) are treated as
+    distinct characters when computing Hamming distance.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from skbio import Sequence
+    >>> from skbio.sequence.distance import hamming
+    >>> seq1 = Sequence('AGGGTA')
+    >>> seq2 = Sequence('CGTTTA')
+    >>> hamming(seq1, seq2)
+    0.5
+    """
+    for seq in seq1, seq2:
+        if not isinstance(seq, skbio.Sequence):
+            raise TypeError(
+                "`seq1` and `seq2` must be Sequence instances, not %r"
+                % type(seq).__name__)
+    if type(seq1) is not type(seq2):
+        raise TypeError(
+            "Sequences must have matching type. Type %r does not match type %r"
+            % (type(seq1).__name__, type(seq2).__name__))
+    # Hamming requires equal length sequences. We are checking this here
+    # because the error you would get otherwise is cryptic.
+    if len(seq1) != len(seq2):
+        raise ValueError(
+            "Hamming distance can only be computed between sequences of equal "
+            "length (%d != %d)" % (len(seq1), len(seq2)))
+    # scipy throws a RuntimeWarning when computing Hamming distance on length 0
+    # input.
+    if not seq1:
+        distance = np.nan
+    else:
+        distance = scipy.spatial.distance.hamming(seq1.values, seq2.values)
+    return float(distance)
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/tests/test_distance.py b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_distance.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..905c359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_distance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2013--, scikit-bio development team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import itertools
+import unittest
+import six
+import numpy as np
+import numpy.testing as npt
+from skbio import Sequence, DNA
+from skbio.sequence.distance import hamming
+class TestHamming(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_non_sequence(self):
+        seq1 = Sequence('abc')
+        seq2 = 'abc'
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
+                                   'seq1.*seq2.*Sequence.*str'):
+            hamming(seq1, seq2)
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
+                                   'seq1.*seq2.*Sequence.*str'):
+            hamming(seq2, seq1)
+    def test_type_mismatch(self):
+        seq1 = Sequence('ABC')
+        seq2 = DNA('ACG')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
+                                   'Sequence.*does not match.*DNA'):
+            hamming(seq1, seq2)
+    def test_length_mismatch(self):
+        seq1 = Sequence('ABC')
+        seq2 = Sequence('ABCD')
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, 'equal length.*3 != 4'):
+            hamming(seq1, seq2)
+    def test_return_type(self):
+        seq1 = Sequence('ABC')
+        seq2 = Sequence('ABC')
+        distance = hamming(seq1, seq2)
+        self.assertIsInstance(distance, float)
+        self.assertEqual(distance, 0.0)
+    def test_minimum_distance(self):
+        seq1 = Sequence('ABC')
+        seq2 = Sequence('ABC')
+        distance = hamming(seq1, seq2)
+        self.assertEqual(distance, 0.0)
+    def test_mid_range_distance(self):
+        seq1 = Sequence("abcdefgh")
+        seq2 = Sequence("1b23ef45")
+        distance = hamming(seq1, seq2)
+        self.assertEqual(distance, 5.0/8.0)
+    def test_maximum_distance(self):
+        seq1 = Sequence('ABC')
+        seq2 = Sequence('CAB')
+        distance = hamming(seq1, seq2)
+        self.assertEqual(distance, 1.0)
+    def test_empty_sequences(self):
+        seq1 = Sequence('')
+        seq2 = Sequence('')
+        distance = hamming(seq1, seq2)
+        npt.assert_equal(distance, np.nan)
+    def test_single_character_sequences(self):
+        seq1 = Sequence('a')
+        seq2 = Sequence('b')
+        self.assertEqual(hamming(seq1, seq1), 0.0)
+        self.assertEqual(hamming(seq1, seq2), 1.0)
+    def test_sequence_subclass(self):
+        seq1 = DNA('ACG-T')
+        seq2 = DNA('ACCTT')
+        distance = hamming(seq1, seq2)
+        self.assertEqual(distance, 2.0/5.0)
+    def test_sequences_with_metadata(self):
+        # test for #1254
+        seqs1 = [
+            Sequence("ACGT"),
+            Sequence("ACGT", metadata={'id': 'abc'}),
+            Sequence("ACGT", positional_metadata={'qual': range(4)})
+        ]
+        seqs2 = [
+            Sequence("AAAA"),
+            Sequence("AAAA", metadata={'id': 'def'}),
+            Sequence("AAAA", positional_metadata={'qual': range(4, 8)})
+        ]
+        for seqs in seqs1, seqs2:
+            for seq1, seq2 in itertools.product(seqs, repeat=2):
+                distance = hamming(seq1, seq2)
+                self.assertEqual(distance, 0.0)
+        for seq1, seq2 in itertools.product(seqs1, seqs2):
+            distance = hamming(seq1, seq2)
+            self.assertEqual(distance, 0.75)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/tests/test_dna.py b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_dna.py
index 4c3c3d3..a076059 100644
--- a/skbio/sequence/tests/test_dna.py
+++ b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_dna.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import six
 import unittest
@@ -40,6 +41,11 @@ class TestDNA(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(seq.transcribe(), RNA('AUAU'))
         self.assertEqual(seq, DNA('ATAT'))
+    def test_cannot_subclass(self):
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, "Subclassing disabled"):
+            class CustomSequence(DNA):
+                pass
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/tests/test_grammared_sequence.py b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_grammared_sequence.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7edcc47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_grammared_sequence.py
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2013--, scikit-bio development team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import six
+from unittest import TestCase, main
+import numpy as np
+import numpy.testing as npt
+from skbio.sequence import GrammaredSequence
+from skbio.util import classproperty
+class ExampleGrammaredSequence(GrammaredSequence):
+    @classproperty
+    def degenerate_map(cls):
+        return {"X": set("AB"), "Y": set("BC"), "Z": set("AC")}
+    @classproperty
+    def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
+        return set("ABC")
+    @classproperty
+    def default_gap_char(cls):
+        return '-'
+    @classproperty
+    def gap_chars(cls):
+        return set('-.')
+class ExampleMotifsTester(ExampleGrammaredSequence):
+    @property
+    def _motifs(self):
+        # These aren't really motifs, just a way to excercise the code paths
+        return {
+            "name1": lambda x, _, __: str(x),
+            "name2": lambda x, _, __: len(x)
+        }
+class TestGrammaredSequence(TestCase):
+    def test_default_gap_must_be_in_gap_chars(self):
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(
+                self, TypeError,
+                "default_gap_char must be in gap_chars for class "
+                "GrammaredSequenceInvalidDefaultGap"):
+            class GrammaredSequenceInvalidDefaultGap(ExampleGrammaredSequence):
+                @classproperty
+                def default_gap_char(cls):
+                    return '*'
+    def test_degenerates_must_expand_to_valid_nondegenerates(self):
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(
+                self, TypeError,
+                "degenerate_map must expand only to characters included in "
+                "nondegenerate_chars for class "
+                "GrammaredSequenceInvalidDefaultGap"):
+            class GrammaredSequenceInvalidDefaultGap(ExampleGrammaredSequence):
+                @classproperty
+                def degenerate_map(cls):
+                    return {"X": set("B")}
+                @classproperty
+                def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
+                    return set("A")
+    def test_gap_chars_and_degenerates_share(self):
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(
+                self, TypeError,
+                "gap_chars and degenerate_chars must not share any characters "
+                "for class GrammaredSequenceGapInDegenerateMap"):
+            class GrammaredSequenceGapInDegenerateMap(
+                    ExampleGrammaredSequence):
+                @classproperty
+                def degenerate_map(cls):
+                    return {"X": set("AB")}
+                @classproperty
+                def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
+                    return set("ABC")
+                @classproperty
+                def gap_chars(cls):
+                    return set(".-X")
+    def test_gap_chars_and_nondegenerates_share(self):
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(
+            self, TypeError,
+            ("gap_chars and nondegenerate_chars must not share any characters "
+             "for class GrammaredSequenceGapInNondegenerateMap")):
+            class GrammaredSequenceGapInNondegenerateMap(
+                    ExampleGrammaredSequence):
+                @classproperty
+                def degenerate_map(cls):
+                    return {"X": set("AB")}
+                @classproperty
+                def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
+                    return set("ABC")
+                @classproperty
+                def gap_chars(cls):
+                    return set(".-A")
+    def test_degenerates_and_nondegenerates_share(self):
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(
+            self, TypeError,
+            ("degenerate_chars and nondegenerate_chars must not share any "
+             "characters for class GrammaredSequenceInvalid")):
+            class GrammaredSequenceInvalid(ExampleGrammaredSequence):
+                @classproperty
+                def degenerate_map(cls):
+                    return {"X": set("AB")}
+                @classproperty
+                def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
+                    return set("ABCX")
+    def test_instantiation_with_no_implementation(self):
+        class GrammaredSequenceSubclassNoImplementation(GrammaredSequence):
+            pass
+        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
+            GrammaredSequenceSubclassNoImplementation()
+        self.assertIn("abstract class", str(cm.exception))
+        self.assertIn("nondegenerate_chars", str(cm.exception))
+        self.assertIn("degenerate_map", str(cm.exception))
+    def test_init_default_parameters(self):
+        seq = ExampleGrammaredSequence('.-ABCXYZ')
+        npt.assert_equal(seq.values, np.array('.-ABCXYZ', dtype='c'))
+        self.assertFalse(seq.has_metadata())
+        self.assertFalse(seq.has_positional_metadata())
+    def test_init_nondefault_parameters(self):
+        seq = ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+            '.-ABCXYZ',
+            metadata={'id': 'foo'},
+            positional_metadata={'quality': range(8)})
+        npt.assert_equal(seq.values, np.array('.-ABCXYZ', dtype='c'))
+        self.assertTrue(seq.has_metadata())
+        self.assertEqual(seq.metadata['id'], 'foo')
+        self.assertTrue(seq.has_positional_metadata())
+        npt.assert_equal(seq.positional_metadata['quality'], np.array(range(8),
+                         dtype='int'))
+    def test_init_valid_empty_sequence(self):
+        # just make sure we can instantiate an empty sequence regardless of
+        # `validate` and `lowercase` parameters. more extensive tests
+        # are performed in Sequence base class unit tests
+        for validate in (True, False):
+            for lowercase in (True, False):
+                seq = ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+                    '', validate=validate, lowercase=lowercase)
+                self.assertEqual(seq, ExampleGrammaredSequence(''))
+    def test_init_valid_single_character_sequence(self):
+        for validate in (True, False):
+            for lowercase in (True, False):
+                seq = ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+                    'C', validate=validate, lowercase=lowercase)
+                self.assertEqual(seq, ExampleGrammaredSequence('C'))
+    def test_init_valid_multiple_character_sequence(self):
+        for validate in (True, False):
+            for lowercase in (True, False):
+                seq = ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+                    'BAACB.XYY-AZ', validate=validate, lowercase=lowercase)
+                self.assertEqual(seq, ExampleGrammaredSequence('BAACB.XYY-AZ'))
+    def test_init_validate_parameter_single_character(self):
+        seq = 'w'
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "character.*'w'"):
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(seq)
+        # test that we can instantiate an invalid sequence. we don't guarantee
+        # anything working beyond instantiation
+        ExampleGrammaredSequence(seq, validate=False)
+    def test_init_validate_parameter_multiple_characters(self):
+        # mix of valid and invalid characters with repeats and lowercased
+        # alphabet characters
+        seq = 'CBCBBbawCbbwBXYZ-.x'
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "\['a', 'b', 'w', 'x'\]"):
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(seq)
+        ExampleGrammaredSequence(seq, validate=False)
+    def test_init_lowercase_all_lowercase(self):
+        s = 'cbcbbbazcbbzbxyz-.x'
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError,
+                                   "\['a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y', 'z'\]"):
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(s)
+        seq = ExampleGrammaredSequence(s, lowercase=True)
+        self.assertEqual(seq, ExampleGrammaredSequence('CBCBBBAZCBBZBXYZ-.X'))
+    def test_init_lowercase_mixed_case(self):
+        s = 'CBCBBbazCbbzBXYZ-.x'
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "\['a', 'b', 'x', 'z'\]"):
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(s)
+        seq = ExampleGrammaredSequence(s, lowercase=True)
+        self.assertEqual(seq, ExampleGrammaredSequence('CBCBBBAZCBBZBXYZ-.X'))
+    def test_init_lowercase_no_validation(self):
+        s = 'car'
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "\['a', 'c', 'r'\]"):
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(s)
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "character.*'R'"):
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(s, lowercase=True)
+        ExampleGrammaredSequence(s, lowercase=True, validate=False)
+    def test_init_lowercase_byte_ownership(self):
+        bytes = np.array([97, 98, 97], dtype=np.uint8)
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "\['a', 'b'\]"):
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(bytes)
+        seq = ExampleGrammaredSequence(bytes, lowercase=True)
+        self.assertEqual(seq, ExampleGrammaredSequence('ABA'))
+        # should not share the same memory
+        self.assertIsNot(seq._bytes, bytes)
+        # we should have copied `bytes` before modifying in place to convert to
+        # upper. make sure `bytes` hasn't been mutated
+        npt.assert_equal(bytes, np.array([97, 98, 97], dtype=np.uint8))
+    def test_init_lowercase_invalid_keys(self):
+        for invalid_key in ((), [], 2):
+            invalid_type = type(invalid_key)
+            with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
+                                       "lowercase keyword argument expected "
+                                       "a bool or string, but got %s" %
+                                       invalid_type):
+                ExampleGrammaredSequence('ACGTacgt', lowercase=invalid_key)
+    def test_degenerate_chars(self):
+        expected = set("XYZ")
+        self.assertIs(type(ExampleGrammaredSequence.degenerate_chars), set)
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence.degenerate_chars, expected)
+        ExampleGrammaredSequence.degenerate_chars.add("W")
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence.degenerate_chars, expected)
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence('').degenerate_chars,
+                         expected)
+        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence('').degenerate_chars = set("BAR")
+    def test_nondegenerate_chars(self):
+        expected = set("ABC")
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence.nondegenerate_chars,
+                         expected)
+        ExampleGrammaredSequence.degenerate_chars.add("D")
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence.nondegenerate_chars,
+                         expected)
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence('').nondegenerate_chars,
+                         expected)
+        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence('').nondegenerate_chars = set("BAR")
+    def test_gap_chars(self):
+        expected = set(".-")
+        self.assertIs(type(ExampleGrammaredSequence.gap_chars), set)
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence.gap_chars, expected)
+        ExampleGrammaredSequence.gap_chars.add("_")
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence.gap_chars, expected)
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence('').gap_chars, expected)
+        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence('').gap_chars = set("_ =")
+    def test_default_gap_char(self):
+        self.assertIs(type(ExampleGrammaredSequence.default_gap_char), str)
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence.default_gap_char, '-')
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence('').default_gap_char, '-')
+        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence('').default_gap_char = '.'
+    def test_alphabet(self):
+        expected = set("ABC.-XYZ")
+        self.assertIs(type(ExampleGrammaredSequence.alphabet), set)
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence.alphabet, expected)
+        ExampleGrammaredSequence.alphabet.add("DEF")
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence.alphabet, expected)
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence('').alphabet, expected)
+        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence('').alphabet = set("ABCDEFG.-WXYZ")
+    def test_degenerate_map(self):
+        expected = {"X": set("AB"), "Y": set("BC"), "Z": set("AC")}
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence.degenerate_map, expected)
+        ExampleGrammaredSequence.degenerate_map['W'] = set("ABC")
+        ExampleGrammaredSequence.degenerate_map['X'] = set("CA")
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence.degenerate_map, expected)
+        self.assertEqual(ExampleGrammaredSequence('').degenerate_map, expected)
+        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence('').degenerate_map = {'W': "ABC"}
+    def test_gaps(self):
+        self.assertIs(type(ExampleGrammaredSequence("").gaps()), np.ndarray)
+        self.assertIs(ExampleGrammaredSequence("").gaps().dtype,
+                      np.dtype('bool'))
+        npt.assert_equal(ExampleGrammaredSequence("ABCXBZYABC").gaps(),
+                         np.zeros(10).astype(bool))
+        npt.assert_equal(ExampleGrammaredSequence(".-.-.").gaps(),
+                         np.ones(5).astype(bool))
+        npt.assert_equal(ExampleGrammaredSequence("A.B-C.X-Y.").gaps(),
+                         np.array([0, 1] * 5, dtype=bool))
+        npt.assert_equal(ExampleGrammaredSequence("AB.AC.XY-").gaps(),
+                         np.array([0, 0, 1] * 3, dtype=bool))
+        npt.assert_equal(ExampleGrammaredSequence("A.BC.-").gaps(),
+                         np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=bool))
+    def test_has_gaps(self):
+        self.assertIs(type(ExampleGrammaredSequence("").has_gaps()), bool)
+        self.assertIs(type(ExampleGrammaredSequence("-").has_gaps()), bool)
+        self.assertFalse(ExampleGrammaredSequence("").has_gaps())
+        self.assertFalse(ExampleGrammaredSequence("ABCXYZ").has_gaps())
+        self.assertTrue(ExampleGrammaredSequence("-").has_gaps())
+        self.assertTrue(ExampleGrammaredSequence("ABCXYZ-").has_gaps())
+    def test_degenerates(self):
+        self.assertIs(type(ExampleGrammaredSequence("").degenerates()),
+                      np.ndarray)
+        self.assertIs(ExampleGrammaredSequence("").degenerates().dtype,
+                      np.dtype('bool'))
+        npt.assert_equal(ExampleGrammaredSequence("ABCBC-.AB.").degenerates(),
+                         np.zeros(10).astype(bool))
+        npt.assert_equal(ExampleGrammaredSequence("ZYZYZ").degenerates(),
+                         np.ones(5).astype(bool))
+        npt.assert_equal(ExampleGrammaredSequence("AX.Y-ZBXCZ").degenerates(),
+                         np.array([0, 1] * 5, dtype=bool))
+        npt.assert_equal(ExampleGrammaredSequence("ABXACY.-Z").degenerates(),
+                         np.array([0, 0, 1] * 3, dtype=bool))
+        npt.assert_equal(ExampleGrammaredSequence("AZBCXY").degenerates(),
+                         np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=bool))
+    def test_has_degenerates(self):
+        self.assertIs(type(ExampleGrammaredSequence("").has_degenerates()),
+                      bool)
+        self.assertIs(type(ExampleGrammaredSequence("X").has_degenerates()),
+                      bool)
+        self.assertFalse(ExampleGrammaredSequence("").has_degenerates())
+        self.assertFalse(ExampleGrammaredSequence("A-.BC").has_degenerates())
+        self.assertTrue(ExampleGrammaredSequence("Z").has_degenerates())
+        self.assertTrue(ExampleGrammaredSequence("ABC.XYZ-").has_degenerates())
+    def test_nondegenerates(self):
+        self.assertIs(type(ExampleGrammaredSequence("").nondegenerates()),
+                      np.ndarray)
+        self.assertIs(ExampleGrammaredSequence("").nondegenerates().dtype,
+                      np.dtype('bool'))
+        npt.assert_equal(
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence("XYZYZ-.XY.").nondegenerates(),
+            np.zeros(10).astype(bool))
+        npt.assert_equal(ExampleGrammaredSequence("ABABA").nondegenerates(),
+                         np.ones(5).astype(bool))
+        npt.assert_equal(
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence("XA.B-AZCXA").nondegenerates(),
+            np.array([0, 1] * 5, dtype=bool))
+        npt.assert_equal(
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence("XXAZZB.-C").nondegenerates(),
+            np.array([0, 0, 1] * 3, dtype=bool))
+        npt.assert_equal(ExampleGrammaredSequence("YB.-AC").nondegenerates(),
+                         np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=bool))
+    def test_has_nondegenerates(self):
+        self.assertIs(type(ExampleGrammaredSequence("").has_nondegenerates()),
+                      bool)
+        self.assertIs(type(ExampleGrammaredSequence("A").has_nondegenerates()),
+                      bool)
+        self.assertFalse(ExampleGrammaredSequence("").has_nondegenerates())
+        self.assertFalse(
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence("X-.YZ").has_nondegenerates())
+        self.assertTrue(ExampleGrammaredSequence("C").has_nondegenerates())
+        self.assertTrue(
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(".XYZ-ABC").has_nondegenerates())
+    def test_degap(self):
+        kw = {
+            'metadata': {
+                'id': 'some_id',
+                'description': 'some description',
+            },
+        }
+        self.assertEqual(
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+                "", positional_metadata={'qual': []}, **kw).degap(),
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+                "", positional_metadata={'qual': []}, **kw))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+                "ABCXYZ",
+                positional_metadata={'qual': np.arange(6)},
+                **kw).degap(),
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+                "ABCXYZ",
+                positional_metadata={'qual': np.arange(6)},
+                **kw))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+                "ABC-XYZ",
+                positional_metadata={'qual': np.arange(7)},
+                **kw).degap(),
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+                "ABCXYZ",
+                positional_metadata={'qual': [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6]},
+                **kw))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+                ".-ABC-XYZ.",
+                positional_metadata={'qual': np.arange(10)},
+                **kw).degap(),
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+                "ABCXYZ",
+                positional_metadata={'qual': [2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8]},
+                **kw))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+                "---.-.-.-.-.",
+                positional_metadata={'quality': np.arange(12)},
+                **kw).degap(),
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+                "",
+                positional_metadata={'quality': np.array([], dtype=np.int64)},
+                **kw))
+    def test_expand_degenerates_no_degens(self):
+        seq = ExampleGrammaredSequence("ABCABCABC")
+        self.assertEqual(list(seq.expand_degenerates()), [seq])
+    def test_expand_degenerates_all_degens(self):
+        exp = [
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence('ABA'), ExampleGrammaredSequence('ABC'),
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence('ACA'), ExampleGrammaredSequence('ACC'),
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence('BBA'), ExampleGrammaredSequence('BBC'),
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence('BCA'), ExampleGrammaredSequence('BCC')
+        ]
+        # Sort based on sequence string, as order is not guaranteed.
+        obs = sorted(ExampleGrammaredSequence('XYZ').expand_degenerates(),
+                     key=str)
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_expand_degenerates_with_metadata(self):
+        kw = {
+            "metadata": {
+                "id": "some_id",
+                "description": "some description"
+            },
+            "positional_metadata": {
+                "quality": np.arange(3),
+            },
+        }
+        exp = [ExampleGrammaredSequence('ABA', **kw),
+               ExampleGrammaredSequence('ABC', **kw),
+               ExampleGrammaredSequence('BBA', **kw),
+               ExampleGrammaredSequence('BBC', **kw)]
+        obs = sorted(
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence('XBZ', **kw).expand_degenerates(),
+            key=str)
+        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_to_regex_no_degens(self):
+        seq = ExampleGrammaredSequence('ABC')
+        regex = seq.to_regex()
+        self.assertEqual(regex.pattern, str(seq))
+    def test_to_regex_with_degens(self):
+        seq = ExampleGrammaredSequence('AYZ')
+        regex = seq.to_regex()
+        self.assertFalse(any(regex.match(s) is None
+                             for s in 'ABA ABC ACA ACC'.split()))
+        self.assertTrue(all(regex.match(s) is None
+                            for s in 'CBA BBA ABB AAA'.split()))
+    def test_find_motifs_no_motif(self):
+        seq = ExampleMotifsTester("ABCABCABC")
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
+            seq.find_motifs("doesn't-exist")
+        self.assertIn("doesn't-exist", str(cm.exception))
+        seq = ExampleGrammaredSequence("ABCABCABC")
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
+            seq.find_motifs("doesn't-exist")
+        self.assertIn("doesn't-exist", str(cm.exception))
+    def test_find_motifs(self):
+        seq = ExampleMotifsTester("ABC")
+        self.assertEqual(seq.find_motifs("name1"), "ABC")
+        self.assertEqual(seq.find_motifs("name2"), 3)
+    def test_repr(self):
+        # basic sanity checks for custom repr stats. more extensive testing is
+        # performed on Sequence.__repr__
+        # minimal
+        obs = repr(ExampleGrammaredSequence(''))
+        self.assertEqual(obs.count('\n'), 7)
+        self.assertTrue(obs.startswith('ExampleGrammaredSequence'))
+        self.assertIn('length: 0', obs)
+        self.assertIn('has gaps: False', obs)
+        self.assertIn('has degenerates: False', obs)
+        self.assertIn('has non-degenerates: False', obs)
+        self.assertTrue(obs.endswith('-'))
+        # no metadata, mix of gaps, degenerates, and non-degenerates
+        obs = repr(ExampleGrammaredSequence('AY-B'))
+        self.assertEqual(obs.count('\n'), 8)
+        self.assertTrue(obs.startswith('ExampleGrammaredSequence'))
+        self.assertIn('length: 4', obs)
+        self.assertIn('has gaps: True', obs)
+        self.assertIn('has degenerates: True', obs)
+        self.assertIn('has non-degenerates: True', obs)
+        self.assertTrue(obs.endswith('0 AY-B'))
+        # metadata and positional metadata of mixed types
+        obs = repr(
+            ExampleGrammaredSequence(
+                'ABCA',
+                metadata={'foo': 42, u'bar': 33.33, None: True, False: {},
+                          (1, 2): 3, 'acb' * 100: "'"},
+                positional_metadata={'foo': range(4),
+                                     42: ['a', 'b', [], 'c']}))
+        self.assertEqual(obs.count('\n'), 18)
+        self.assertTrue(obs.startswith('ExampleGrammaredSequence'))
+        self.assertIn('None: True', obs)
+        self.assertIn('\'foo\': 42', obs)
+        self.assertIn('42: <dtype: object>', obs)
+        self.assertIn('\'foo\': <dtype: int64>', obs)
+        self.assertIn('length: 4', obs)
+        self.assertIn('has gaps: False', obs)
+        self.assertIn('has degenerates: False', obs)
+        self.assertIn('has non-degenerates: True', obs)
+        self.assertTrue(obs.endswith('0 ABCA'))
+        # sequence spanning > 5 lines
+        obs = repr(ExampleGrammaredSequence('A' * 301))
+        self.assertEqual(obs.count('\n'), 12)
+        self.assertTrue(obs.startswith('ExampleGrammaredSequence'))
+        self.assertIn('length: 301', obs)
+        self.assertIn('has gaps: False', obs)
+        self.assertIn('has degenerates: False', obs)
+        self.assertIn('has non-degenerates: True', obs)
+        self.assertIn('...', obs)
+        self.assertTrue(obs.endswith('300 A'))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/tests/test_iupac_sequence.py b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_iupac_sequence.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d878a6d..0000000
--- a/skbio/sequence/tests/test_iupac_sequence.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (c) 2013--, scikit-bio development team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-import six
-from unittest import TestCase, main
-import numpy as np
-import numpy.testing as npt
-from skbio.sequence._iupac_sequence import IUPACSequence
-from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty
-class ExampleIUPACSequence(IUPACSequence):
-    @classproperty
-    def degenerate_map(cls):
-        return {"X": set("AB"), "Y": set("BC"), "Z": set("AC")}
-    @classproperty
-    def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
-        return set("ABC")
-class ExampleMotifsTester(ExampleIUPACSequence):
-    @property
-    def _motifs(self):
-        # These aren't really motifs, just a way to excercise the code paths
-        return {
-            "name1": lambda x, _, __: str(x),
-            "name2": lambda x, _, __: len(x)
-        }
-class TestIUPACSequence(TestCase):
-    def test_instantiation_with_no_implementation(self):
-        class IUPACSequenceSubclassNoImplementation(IUPACSequence):
-            pass
-        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
-            IUPACSequenceSubclassNoImplementation()
-        self.assertIn("abstract class", str(cm.exception))
-        self.assertIn("nondegenerate_chars", str(cm.exception))
-        self.assertIn("degenerate_map", str(cm.exception))
-    def test_init_default_parameters(self):
-        seq = ExampleIUPACSequence('.-ABCXYZ')
-        npt.assert_equal(seq.values, np.array('.-ABCXYZ', dtype='c'))
-        self.assertFalse(seq.has_metadata())
-        self.assertFalse(seq.has_positional_metadata())
-    def test_init_nondefault_parameters(self):
-        seq = ExampleIUPACSequence('.-ABCXYZ',
-                                   metadata={'id': 'foo'},
-                                   positional_metadata={'quality': range(8)})
-        npt.assert_equal(seq.values, np.array('.-ABCXYZ', dtype='c'))
-        self.assertTrue(seq.has_metadata())
-        self.assertEqual(seq.metadata['id'], 'foo')
-        self.assertTrue(seq.has_positional_metadata())
-        npt.assert_equal(seq.positional_metadata['quality'], np.array(range(8),
-                         dtype='int'))
-    def test_init_valid_empty_sequence(self):
-        # just make sure we can instantiate an empty sequence regardless of
-        # `validate` and `lowercase` parameters. more extensive tests
-        # are performed in Sequence base class unit tests
-        for validate in (True, False):
-            for lowercase in (True, False):
-                seq = ExampleIUPACSequence('', validate=validate,
-                                           lowercase=lowercase)
-                self.assertEqual(seq, ExampleIUPACSequence(''))
-    def test_init_valid_single_character_sequence(self):
-        for validate in (True, False):
-            for lowercase in (True, False):
-                seq = ExampleIUPACSequence('C', validate=validate,
-                                           lowercase=lowercase)
-                self.assertEqual(seq, ExampleIUPACSequence('C'))
-    def test_init_valid_multiple_character_sequence(self):
-        for validate in (True, False):
-            for lowercase in (True, False):
-                seq = ExampleIUPACSequence('BAACB.XYY-AZ', validate=validate,
-                                           lowercase=lowercase)
-                self.assertEqual(seq, ExampleIUPACSequence('BAACB.XYY-AZ'))
-    def test_init_validate_parameter_single_character(self):
-        seq = 'w'
-        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "character.*'w'"):
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(seq)
-        # test that we can instantiate an invalid sequence. we don't guarantee
-        # anything working beyond instantiation
-        ExampleIUPACSequence(seq, validate=False)
-    def test_init_validate_parameter_multiple_characters(self):
-        # mix of valid and invalid characters with repeats and lowercased
-        # alphabet characters
-        seq = 'CBCBBbawCbbwBXYZ-.x'
-        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "\['a', 'b', 'w', 'x'\]"):
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(seq)
-        ExampleIUPACSequence(seq, validate=False)
-    def test_init_lowercase_all_lowercase(self):
-        s = 'cbcbbbazcbbzbxyz-.x'
-        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError,
-                                   "\['a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y', 'z'\]"):
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(s)
-        seq = ExampleIUPACSequence(s, lowercase=True)
-        self.assertEqual(seq, ExampleIUPACSequence('CBCBBBAZCBBZBXYZ-.X'))
-    def test_init_lowercase_mixed_case(self):
-        s = 'CBCBBbazCbbzBXYZ-.x'
-        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "\['a', 'b', 'x', 'z'\]"):
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(s)
-        seq = ExampleIUPACSequence(s, lowercase=True)
-        self.assertEqual(seq, ExampleIUPACSequence('CBCBBBAZCBBZBXYZ-.X'))
-    def test_init_lowercase_no_validation(self):
-        s = 'car'
-        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "\['a', 'c', 'r'\]"):
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(s)
-        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "character.*'R'"):
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(s, lowercase=True)
-        ExampleIUPACSequence(s, lowercase=True, validate=False)
-    def test_init_lowercase_byte_ownership(self):
-        bytes = np.array([97, 98, 97], dtype=np.uint8)
-        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "\['a', 'b'\]"):
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(bytes)
-        seq = ExampleIUPACSequence(bytes, lowercase=True)
-        self.assertEqual(seq, ExampleIUPACSequence('ABA'))
-        # should not share the same memory
-        self.assertIsNot(seq._bytes, bytes)
-        # we should have copied `bytes` before modifying in place to convert to
-        # upper. make sure `bytes` hasn't been mutated
-        npt.assert_equal(bytes, np.array([97, 98, 97], dtype=np.uint8))
-    def test_init_lowercase_invalid_keys(self):
-        for invalid_key in ((), [], 2):
-            invalid_type = type(invalid_key)
-            with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
-                                       "lowercase keyword argument expected "
-                                       "a bool or string, but got %s" %
-                                       invalid_type):
-                ExampleIUPACSequence('ACGTacgt', lowercase=invalid_key)
-    def test_degenerate_chars(self):
-        expected = set("XYZ")
-        self.assertIs(type(ExampleIUPACSequence.degenerate_chars), set)
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence.degenerate_chars, expected)
-        ExampleIUPACSequence.degenerate_chars.add("W")
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence.degenerate_chars, expected)
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence('').degenerate_chars, expected)
-        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
-            ExampleIUPACSequence('').degenerate_chars = set("BAR")
-    def test_nondegenerate_chars(self):
-        expected = set("ABC")
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence.nondegenerate_chars, expected)
-        ExampleIUPACSequence.degenerate_chars.add("D")
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence.nondegenerate_chars, expected)
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence('').nondegenerate_chars,
-                         expected)
-        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
-            ExampleIUPACSequence('').nondegenerate_chars = set("BAR")
-    def test_gap_chars(self):
-        expected = set(".-")
-        self.assertIs(type(ExampleIUPACSequence.gap_chars), set)
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence.gap_chars, expected)
-        ExampleIUPACSequence.gap_chars.add("_")
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence.gap_chars, expected)
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence('').gap_chars, expected)
-        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
-            ExampleIUPACSequence('').gap_chars = set("_ =")
-    def test_default_gap_char(self):
-        self.assertIs(type(ExampleIUPACSequence.default_gap_char), str)
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence.default_gap_char, '-')
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence('').default_gap_char, '-')
-        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
-            ExampleIUPACSequence('').default_gap_char = '.'
-    def test_alphabet(self):
-        expected = set("ABC.-XYZ")
-        self.assertIs(type(ExampleIUPACSequence.alphabet), set)
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence.alphabet, expected)
-        ExampleIUPACSequence.alphabet.add("DEF")
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence.alphabet, expected)
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence('').alphabet, expected)
-        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
-            ExampleIUPACSequence('').alphabet = set("ABCDEFG.-WXYZ")
-    def test_degenerate_map(self):
-        expected = {"X": set("AB"), "Y": set("BC"), "Z": set("AC")}
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence.degenerate_map, expected)
-        ExampleIUPACSequence.degenerate_map['W'] = set("ABC")
-        ExampleIUPACSequence.degenerate_map['X'] = set("CA")
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence.degenerate_map, expected)
-        self.assertEqual(ExampleIUPACSequence('').degenerate_map, expected)
-        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
-            ExampleIUPACSequence('').degenerate_map = {'W': "ABC"}
-    def test_gaps(self):
-        self.assertIs(type(ExampleIUPACSequence("").gaps()), np.ndarray)
-        self.assertIs(ExampleIUPACSequence("").gaps().dtype, np.dtype('bool'))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence("ABCXBZYABC").gaps(),
-                         np.zeros(10).astype(bool))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence(".-.-.").gaps(),
-                         np.ones(5).astype(bool))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence("A.B-C.X-Y.").gaps(),
-                         np.array([0, 1] * 5, dtype=bool))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence("AB.AC.XY-").gaps(),
-                         np.array([0, 0, 1] * 3, dtype=bool))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence("A.BC.-").gaps(),
-                         np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=bool))
-    def test_has_gaps(self):
-        self.assertIs(type(ExampleIUPACSequence("").has_gaps()), bool)
-        self.assertIs(type(ExampleIUPACSequence("-").has_gaps()), bool)
-        self.assertFalse(ExampleIUPACSequence("").has_gaps())
-        self.assertFalse(ExampleIUPACSequence("ABCXYZ").has_gaps())
-        self.assertTrue(ExampleIUPACSequence("-").has_gaps())
-        self.assertTrue(ExampleIUPACSequence("ABCXYZ-").has_gaps())
-    def test_degenerates(self):
-        self.assertIs(type(ExampleIUPACSequence("").degenerates()), np.ndarray)
-        self.assertIs(ExampleIUPACSequence("").degenerates().dtype,
-                      np.dtype('bool'))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence("ABCBC-.AB.").degenerates(),
-                         np.zeros(10).astype(bool))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence("ZYZYZ").degenerates(),
-                         np.ones(5).astype(bool))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence("AX.Y-ZBXCZ").degenerates(),
-                         np.array([0, 1] * 5, dtype=bool))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence("ABXACY.-Z").degenerates(),
-                         np.array([0, 0, 1] * 3, dtype=bool))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence("AZBCXY").degenerates(),
-                         np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=bool))
-    def test_has_degenerates(self):
-        self.assertIs(type(ExampleIUPACSequence("").has_degenerates()), bool)
-        self.assertIs(type(ExampleIUPACSequence("X").has_degenerates()), bool)
-        self.assertFalse(ExampleIUPACSequence("").has_degenerates())
-        self.assertFalse(ExampleIUPACSequence("A-.BC").has_degenerates())
-        self.assertTrue(ExampleIUPACSequence("Z").has_degenerates())
-        self.assertTrue(ExampleIUPACSequence("ABC.XYZ-").has_degenerates())
-    def test_nondegenerates(self):
-        self.assertIs(type(ExampleIUPACSequence("").nondegenerates()),
-                      np.ndarray)
-        self.assertIs(ExampleIUPACSequence("").nondegenerates().dtype,
-                      np.dtype('bool'))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence("XYZYZ-.XY.").nondegenerates(),
-                         np.zeros(10).astype(bool))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence("ABABA").nondegenerates(),
-                         np.ones(5).astype(bool))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence("XA.B-AZCXA").nondegenerates(),
-                         np.array([0, 1] * 5, dtype=bool))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence("XXAZZB.-C").nondegenerates(),
-                         np.array([0, 0, 1] * 3, dtype=bool))
-        npt.assert_equal(ExampleIUPACSequence("YB.-AC").nondegenerates(),
-                         np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=bool))
-    def test_has_nondegenerates(self):
-        self.assertIs(type(ExampleIUPACSequence("").has_nondegenerates()),
-                      bool)
-        self.assertIs(type(ExampleIUPACSequence("A").has_nondegenerates()),
-                      bool)
-        self.assertFalse(ExampleIUPACSequence("").has_nondegenerates())
-        self.assertFalse(ExampleIUPACSequence("X-.YZ").has_nondegenerates())
-        self.assertTrue(ExampleIUPACSequence("C").has_nondegenerates())
-        self.assertTrue(ExampleIUPACSequence(".XYZ-ABC").has_nondegenerates())
-    def test_degap(self):
-        kw = {
-            'metadata': {
-                'id': 'some_id',
-                'description': 'some description',
-            },
-        }
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ExampleIUPACSequence("", positional_metadata={'qual': []},
-                                 **kw).degap(),
-            ExampleIUPACSequence("", positional_metadata={'qual': []},
-                                 **kw))
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(
-                "ABCXYZ",
-                positional_metadata={'qual': np.arange(6)},
-                **kw).degap(),
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(
-                "ABCXYZ",
-                positional_metadata={'qual': np.arange(6)},
-                **kw))
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(
-                "ABC-XYZ",
-                positional_metadata={'qual': np.arange(7)},
-                **kw).degap(),
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(
-                "ABCXYZ",
-                positional_metadata={'qual': [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6]},
-                **kw))
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(
-                ".-ABC-XYZ.",
-                positional_metadata={'qual': np.arange(10)},
-                **kw).degap(),
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(
-                "ABCXYZ",
-                positional_metadata={'qual': [2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8]},
-                **kw))
-        self.assertEqual(
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(
-                "---.-.-.-.-.",
-                positional_metadata={'quality': np.arange(12)},
-                **kw).degap(),
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(
-                "",
-                positional_metadata={'quality': np.array([], dtype=np.int64)},
-                **kw))
-    def test_expand_degenerates_no_degens(self):
-        seq = ExampleIUPACSequence("ABCABCABC")
-        self.assertEqual(list(seq.expand_degenerates()), [seq])
-    def test_expand_degenerates_all_degens(self):
-        exp = [ExampleIUPACSequence('ABA'), ExampleIUPACSequence('ABC'),
-               ExampleIUPACSequence('ACA'), ExampleIUPACSequence('ACC'),
-               ExampleIUPACSequence('BBA'), ExampleIUPACSequence('BBC'),
-               ExampleIUPACSequence('BCA'), ExampleIUPACSequence('BCC')]
-        # Sort based on sequence string, as order is not guaranteed.
-        obs = sorted(ExampleIUPACSequence('XYZ').expand_degenerates(), key=str)
-        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
-    def test_expand_degenerates_with_metadata(self):
-        kw = {
-            "metadata": {
-                "id": "some_id",
-                "description": "some description"
-            },
-            "positional_metadata": {
-                "quality": np.arange(3),
-            },
-        }
-        exp = [ExampleIUPACSequence('ABA', **kw),
-               ExampleIUPACSequence('ABC', **kw),
-               ExampleIUPACSequence('BBA', **kw),
-               ExampleIUPACSequence('BBC', **kw)]
-        obs = sorted(ExampleIUPACSequence('XBZ', **kw).expand_degenerates(),
-                     key=str)
-        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
-    def test_to_regex_no_degens(self):
-        seq = ExampleIUPACSequence('ABC')
-        regex = seq.to_regex()
-        self.assertEqual(regex.pattern, str(seq))
-    def test_to_regex_with_degens(self):
-        seq = ExampleIUPACSequence('AYZ')
-        regex = seq.to_regex()
-        self.assertFalse(any(regex.match(s) is None
-                             for s in 'ABA ABC ACA ACC'.split()))
-        self.assertTrue(all(regex.match(s) is None
-                            for s in 'CBA BBA ABB AAA'.split()))
-    def test_find_motifs_no_motif(self):
-        seq = ExampleMotifsTester("ABCABCABC")
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
-            seq.find_motifs("doesn't-exist")
-        self.assertIn("doesn't-exist", str(cm.exception))
-        seq = ExampleIUPACSequence("ABCABCABC")
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
-            seq.find_motifs("doesn't-exist")
-        self.assertIn("doesn't-exist", str(cm.exception))
-    def test_find_motifs(self):
-        seq = ExampleMotifsTester("ABC")
-        self.assertEqual(seq.find_motifs("name1"), "ABC")
-        self.assertEqual(seq.find_motifs("name2"), 3)
-    def test_repr(self):
-        # basic sanity checks for custom repr stats. more extensive testing is
-        # performed on Sequence.__repr__
-        # minimal
-        obs = repr(ExampleIUPACSequence(''))
-        self.assertEqual(obs.count('\n'), 7)
-        self.assertTrue(obs.startswith('ExampleIUPACSequence'))
-        self.assertIn('length: 0', obs)
-        self.assertIn('has gaps: False', obs)
-        self.assertIn('has degenerates: False', obs)
-        self.assertIn('has non-degenerates: False', obs)
-        self.assertTrue(obs.endswith('-'))
-        # no metadata, mix of gaps, degenerates, and non-degenerates
-        obs = repr(ExampleIUPACSequence('AY-B'))
-        self.assertEqual(obs.count('\n'), 8)
-        self.assertTrue(obs.startswith('ExampleIUPACSequence'))
-        self.assertIn('length: 4', obs)
-        self.assertIn('has gaps: True', obs)
-        self.assertIn('has degenerates: True', obs)
-        self.assertIn('has non-degenerates: True', obs)
-        self.assertTrue(obs.endswith('0 AY-B'))
-        # metadata and positional metadata of mixed types
-        obs = repr(
-            ExampleIUPACSequence(
-                'ABCA',
-                metadata={'foo': 42, u'bar': 33.33, None: True, False: {},
-                          (1, 2): 3, 'acb' * 100: "'"},
-                positional_metadata={'foo': range(4),
-                                     42: ['a', 'b', [], 'c']}))
-        self.assertEqual(obs.count('\n'), 18)
-        self.assertTrue(obs.startswith('ExampleIUPACSequence'))
-        self.assertIn('None: True', obs)
-        self.assertIn('\'foo\': 42', obs)
-        self.assertIn('42: <dtype: object>', obs)
-        self.assertIn('\'foo\': <dtype: int64>', obs)
-        self.assertIn('length: 4', obs)
-        self.assertIn('has gaps: False', obs)
-        self.assertIn('has degenerates: False', obs)
-        self.assertIn('has non-degenerates: True', obs)
-        self.assertTrue(obs.endswith('0 ABCA'))
-        # sequence spanning > 5 lines
-        obs = repr(ExampleIUPACSequence('A' * 301))
-        self.assertEqual(obs.count('\n'), 12)
-        self.assertTrue(obs.startswith('ExampleIUPACSequence'))
-        self.assertIn('length: 301', obs)
-        self.assertIn('has gaps: False', obs)
-        self.assertIn('has degenerates: False', obs)
-        self.assertIn('has non-degenerates: True', obs)
-        self.assertIn('...', obs)
-        self.assertTrue(obs.endswith('300 A'))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/tests/test_nucleotide_sequences.py b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_nucleotide_sequences.py
index ce03b19..367c794 100644
--- a/skbio/sequence/tests/test_nucleotide_sequences.py
+++ b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_nucleotide_sequences.py
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import numpy as np
 from skbio import DNA, RNA, Protein, GeneticCode
 from skbio.sequence._nucleotide_mixin import NucleotideMixin
+from skbio.sequence import GrammaredSequence
+from skbio.util import classproperty
 # This file contains tests for functionality of sequence types which implement
@@ -408,12 +410,29 @@ class TestNucelotideSequence(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_is_reverse_complement_type_mismatch(self):
         for Class in (DNA, RNA):
-            class Subclass(Class):
-                pass
+            class DifferentSequenceClass(GrammaredSequence):
+                @classproperty
+                def degenerate_map(cls):
+                    return {"X": set("AB")}
+                @classproperty
+                def nondegenerate_chars(cls):
+                    return set("ABC")
+                @classproperty
+                def default_gap_char(cls):
+                    return '-'
+                @classproperty
+                def gap_chars(cls):
+                    return set('-.')
             seq1 = Class('ABC')
-            seq2 = Subclass('ABC')
+            seq2 = DifferentSequenceClass('ABC')
-            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+            with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
+                                       "Cannot use.*and "
+                                       "DifferentSequenceClass together"):
     def test_motif_purine_run(self):
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/tests/test_protein.py b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_protein.py
index 87c3159..7af26ef 100644
--- a/skbio/sequence/tests/test_protein.py
+++ b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_protein.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import six
 import unittest
@@ -119,6 +120,11 @@ class TestProtein(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertIn('has gaps: False', obs)
         self.assertIn('has stops: True', obs)
+    def test_cannot_subclass(self):
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, "Subclassing disabled"):
+            class CustomSequence(Protein):
+                pass
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/tests/test_rna.py b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_rna.py
index b9e8240..ebefb55 100644
--- a/skbio/sequence/tests/test_rna.py
+++ b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_rna.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import six
 import unittest
@@ -40,6 +41,10 @@ class TestRNA(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(seq.reverse_transcribe(), DNA('ATAT'))
         self.assertEqual(seq, RNA('AUAU'))
+    def test_cannot_subclass(self):
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, "Subclassing disabled"):
+            class CustomSequence(RNA):
+                pass
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/skbio/sequence/tests/test_sequence.py b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_sequence.py
index f23a991..477e657 100644
--- a/skbio/sequence/tests/test_sequence.py
+++ b/skbio/sequence/tests/test_sequence.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from six.moves import zip_longest
 import copy
 import functools
+import itertools
 import re
 from types import GeneratorType
 from collections import Hashable
@@ -20,8 +21,10 @@ from unittest import TestCase, main
 import numpy as np
 import numpy.testing as npt
 import pandas as pd
+import scipy.spatial.distance
-from skbio import Sequence
+import skbio.sequence.distance
+from skbio import Sequence, DNA
 from skbio.util import assert_data_frame_almost_equal
 from skbio.sequence._sequence import (_single_index_to_slice, _is_single_index,
@@ -53,15 +56,21 @@ class TestSequencePositionalMetadata(TestCase, ReallyEqualMixin,
         self._positional_metadata_constructor_ = factory
-class TestSequence(TestCase, ReallyEqualMixin):
+class TestSequenceBase(TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        self.lowercase_seq = Sequence('AAAAaaaa', lowercase='key')
         self.sequence_kinds = frozenset([
             str, Sequence, lambda s: np.fromstring(s, dtype='|S1'),
             lambda s: np.fromstring(s, dtype=np.uint8)])
+class TestSequence(TestSequenceBase, ReallyEqualMixin):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestSequence, self).setUp()
+        self.lowercase_seq = Sequence('AAAAaaaa', lowercase='key')
         def empty_generator():
-            raise StopIteration()
+            return
         self.getitem_empty_indices = [
@@ -454,6 +463,19 @@ class TestSequence(TestCase, ReallyEqualMixin):
         with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
             seq.values = np.array("GGGG", dtype='c')
+    def test_sequence_numpy_compatibility(self):
+        seq = Sequence('abc123')
+        array = np.asarray(seq)
+        self.assertIsInstance(array, np.ndarray)
+        self.assertEqual(array.dtype, '|S1')
+        npt.assert_equal(array, np.array('abc123', dtype='c'))
+        npt.assert_equal(array, seq.values)
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            array[1] = 'B'
     def test_observed_chars_property(self):
         self.assertEqual(Sequence('').observed_chars, set())
         self.assertEqual(Sequence('x').observed_chars, {'x'})
@@ -1155,50 +1177,6 @@ class TestSequence(TestCase, ReallyEqualMixin):
                          self.lowercase_seq.lowercase([1, 4]))
-    def test_distance(self):
-        tested = 0
-        for constructor in self.sequence_kinds:
-            tested += 1
-            seq1 = Sequence("abcdef")
-            seq2 = constructor("12bcef")
-            self.assertIsInstance(seq1.distance(seq1), float)
-            self.assertEqual(seq1.distance(seq2), 2.0/3.0)
-        self.assertEqual(tested, 4)
-    def test_distance_arbitrary_function(self):
-        def metric(x, y):
-            return len(x) ** 2 + len(y) ** 2
-        seq1 = Sequence("12345678")
-        seq2 = Sequence("1234")
-        result = seq1.distance(seq2, metric=metric)
-        self.assertIsInstance(result, float)
-        self.assertEqual(result, 80.0)
-    def test_distance_default_metric(self):
-        seq1 = Sequence("abcdef")
-        seq2 = Sequence("12bcef")
-        seq_wrong = Sequence("abcdefghijklmnop")
-        self.assertIsInstance(seq1.distance(seq1), float)
-        self.assertEqual(seq1.distance(seq1), 0.0)
-        self.assertEqual(seq1.distance(seq2), 2.0/3.0)
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            seq1.distance(seq_wrong)
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            seq_wrong.distance(seq1)
-    def test_distance_on_subclass(self):
-        seq1 = Sequence("abcdef")
-        seq2 = SequenceSubclass("12bcef")
-        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
-            seq1.distance(seq2)
     def test_matches(self):
         tested = 0
         for constructor in self.sequence_kinds:
@@ -2223,6 +2201,148 @@ class TestSequence(TestCase, ReallyEqualMixin):
                 seq._munge_to_bytestring(input_, 'dummy_method')
+class TestDistance(TestSequenceBase):
+    def test_mungeable_inputs_to_sequence(self):
+        def metric(a, b):
+            self.assertEqual(a, Sequence("abcdef"))
+            self.assertEqual(b, Sequence("12bcef"))
+            return 42.0
+        for constructor in self.sequence_kinds:
+            seq1 = Sequence("abcdef")
+            seq2 = constructor("12bcef")
+            distance = seq1.distance(seq2, metric=metric)
+            self.assertEqual(distance, 42.0)
+    def test_mungeable_inputs_to_sequence_subclass(self):
+        def metric(a, b):
+            self.assertEqual(a, SequenceSubclass("abcdef"))
+            self.assertEqual(b, SequenceSubclass("12bcef"))
+            return -42.0
+        sequence_kinds = frozenset([
+            str, SequenceSubclass, lambda s: np.fromstring(s, dtype='|S1'),
+            lambda s: np.fromstring(s, dtype=np.uint8)])
+        for constructor in sequence_kinds:
+            seq1 = SequenceSubclass("abcdef")
+            seq2 = constructor("12bcef")
+            distance = seq1.distance(seq2, metric=metric)
+            self.assertEqual(distance, -42.0)
+    def test_sequence_type_mismatch(self):
+        seq1 = SequenceSubclass("abcdef")
+        seq2 = Sequence("12bcef")
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
+                                   'SequenceSubclass.*Sequence.*`distance`'):
+            seq1.distance(seq2)
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError,
+                                   'Sequence.*SequenceSubclass.*`distance`'):
+            seq2.distance(seq1)
+    def test_munging_invalid_characters_to_self_type(self):
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, 'Invalid characters.*X'):
+            DNA("ACGT").distance("WXYZ")
+    def test_munging_invalid_type_to_self_type(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+            Sequence("ACGT").distance(42)
+    def test_return_type_coercion(self):
+        def metric(a, b):
+            return 42
+        distance = Sequence('abc').distance('cba', metric=metric)
+        self.assertIsInstance(distance, float)
+    def test_invalid_return_type(self):
+        def metric(a, b):
+            return 'too far'
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, 'string.*float'):
+            Sequence('abc').distance('cba', metric=metric)
+    def test_arbitrary_metric(self):
+        def metric(x, y):
+            return len(x) ** 2 + len(y) ** 2
+        seq1 = Sequence("12345678")
+        seq2 = Sequence("1234")
+        distance = seq1.distance(seq2, metric=metric)
+        self.assertEqual(distance, 80.0)
+    def test_scipy_hamming_metric_with_metadata(self):
+        # test for #1254
+        seqs1 = [
+            Sequence("ACGT"),
+            Sequence("ACGT", metadata={'id': 'abc'}),
+            Sequence("ACGT", positional_metadata={'qual': range(4)})
+        ]
+        seqs2 = [
+            Sequence("AAAA"),
+            Sequence("AAAA", metadata={'id': 'def'}),
+            Sequence("AAAA", positional_metadata={'qual': range(4, 8)})
+        ]
+        for seqs in seqs1, seqs2:
+            for seq1, seq2 in itertools.product(seqs, repeat=2):
+                distance = seq1.distance(seq2,
+                                         metric=scipy.spatial.distance.hamming)
+                self.assertEqual(distance, 0.0)
+        for seq1, seq2 in itertools.product(seqs1, seqs2):
+            distance = seq1.distance(seq2,
+                                     metric=scipy.spatial.distance.hamming)
+            self.assertEqual(distance, 0.75)
+    def test_default_metric_with_metadata(self):
+        # test for #1254
+        seqs1 = [
+            Sequence("ACGT"),
+            Sequence("ACGT", metadata={'id': 'abc'}),
+            Sequence("ACGT", positional_metadata={'qual': range(4)})
+        ]
+        seqs2 = [
+            Sequence("AAAA"),
+            Sequence("AAAA", metadata={'id': 'def'}),
+            Sequence("AAAA", positional_metadata={'qual': range(4, 8)})
+        ]
+        for seqs in seqs1, seqs2:
+            for seq1, seq2 in itertools.product(seqs, repeat=2):
+                distance = seq1.distance(seq2)
+                self.assertEqual(distance, 0.0)
+        for seq1, seq2 in itertools.product(seqs1, seqs2):
+            distance = seq1.distance(seq2)
+            self.assertEqual(distance, 0.75)
+    def test_default_metric_matches_hamming(self):
+        seq1 = Sequence("abcdef")
+        seq2 = Sequence("12bcef")
+        seq_wrong = Sequence("abcdefghijklmnop")
+        distance1 = seq1.distance(seq2)
+        distance2 = skbio.sequence.distance.hamming(seq1, seq2)
+        self.assertEqual(distance1, distance2)
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            seq1.distance(seq_wrong)
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            seq_wrong.distance(seq1)
 # NOTE: this must be a *separate* class for doctests only (no unit tests). nose
 # will not run the unit tests otherwise
diff --git a/skbio/stats/composition.py b/skbio/stats/composition.py
index dd35507..ba5bde4 100644
--- a/skbio/stats/composition.py
+++ b/skbio/stats/composition.py
@@ -124,6 +124,15 @@ def closure(mat):
        A matrix of proportions where all of the values
        are nonzero and each composition (row) adds up to 1
+    Raises
+    ------
+    ValueError
+       Raises an error if any values are negative.
+    ValueError
+       Raises an error if the matrix has more than 2 dimension.
+    ValueError
+       Raises an error if there is a row that has all zeros.
     >>> import numpy as np
@@ -139,6 +148,8 @@ def closure(mat):
         raise ValueError("Cannot have negative proportions")
     if mat.ndim > 2:
         raise ValueError("Input matrix can only have two dimensions or less")
+    if np.all(mat == 0, axis=1).sum() > 0:
+        raise ValueError("Input matrix cannot have rows with all zeros")
     mat = mat / mat.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
     return mat.squeeze()
@@ -170,6 +181,16 @@ def multiplicative_replacement(mat, delta=None):
        A matrix of proportions where all of the values
        are nonzero and each composition (row) adds up to 1
+    Raises
+    ------
+    ValueError
+       Raises an error if negative proportions are created due to a large
+       `delta`.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    This method will result in negative proportions if a large delta is chosen.
     .. [1] J. A. Martin-Fernandez. "Dealing With Zeros and Missing Values in
@@ -196,6 +217,9 @@ def multiplicative_replacement(mat, delta=None):
         delta = (1. / num_feats)**2
     zcnts = 1 - tot * delta
+    if np.any(zcnts) < 0:
+        raise ValueError('The multiplicative replacment created negative '
+                         'proportions. Consider using a smaller `delta`.')
     mat = np.where(z_mat, delta, zcnts * mat)
     return mat.squeeze()
@@ -381,8 +405,8 @@ def inner(x, y):
     >>> from skbio.stats.composition import inner
     >>> x = np.array([.1, .3, .4, .2])
     >>> y = np.array([.2, .4, .2, .2])
-    >>> inner(x, y)
-    0.21078524737545556
+    >>> inner(x, y)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+    0.2107852473...
     x = closure(x)
     y = closure(y)
diff --git a/skbio/stats/distance/_base.py b/skbio/stats/distance/_base.py
index b1a72c7..b1ecf22 100644
--- a/skbio/stats/distance/_base.py
+++ b/skbio/stats/distance/_base.py
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ class DistanceMatrixError(DissimilarityMatrixError):
 class MissingIDError(DissimilarityMatrixError):
     """Error for ID lookup that doesn't exist in the dissimilarity matrix."""
-    @experimental(as_of="0.4.0")
     def __init__(self, missing_id):
         super(MissingIDError, self).__init__()
         self.args = ("The ID '%s' is not in the dissimilarity matrix." %
@@ -816,7 +815,8 @@ class DistanceMatrix(DissimilarityMatrix):
         super(DistanceMatrix, self)._validate(data, ids)
         if (data.T != data).any():
-            raise DistanceMatrixError("Data must be symmetric.")
+            raise DistanceMatrixError(
+                "Data must be symmetric and cannot contain NaNs.")
diff --git a/skbio/stats/distance/tests/test_base.py b/skbio/stats/distance/tests/test_base.py
index fabb70e..71e7bde 100644
--- a/skbio/stats/distance/tests/test_base.py
+++ b/skbio/stats/distance/tests/test_base.py
@@ -12,13 +12,16 @@ from six import StringIO, binary_type, text_type
 from unittest import TestCase, main
+import six
 import matplotlib as mpl
 import numpy as np
 import numpy.testing as npt
 import pandas as pd
+import scipy.spatial.distance
 from IPython.core.display import Image, SVG
-from skbio import DistanceMatrix
+import skbio.sequence.distance
+from skbio import DistanceMatrix, Sequence
 from skbio.stats.distance import (
     DissimilarityMatrixError, DistanceMatrixError, MissingIDError,
     DissimilarityMatrix, randdm)
@@ -489,6 +492,10 @@ class DistanceMatrixTests(DissimilarityMatrixTestData):
         with self.assertRaises(DissimilarityMatrixError):
             DistanceMatrix([[1, 2, 3]], ['a'])
+    def test_init_nans(self):
+        with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, DistanceMatrixError, 'NaNs'):
+            DistanceMatrix([[0.0, np.nan], [np.nan, 0.0]], ['a', 'b'])
     def test_from_iterable_no_key(self):
         iterable = (x for x in range(4))
@@ -536,6 +543,50 @@ class DistanceMatrixTests(DissimilarityMatrixTestData):
             DistanceMatrix.from_iterable(iterable, lambda a, b: abs(b - a),
                                          key=str, keys=['1', '2', '3', '4'])
+    def test_from_iterable_scipy_hamming_metric_with_metadata(self):
+        # test for #1254
+        seqs = [
+            Sequence('ACGT'),
+            Sequence('ACGA', metadata={'id': 'seq1'}),
+            Sequence('AAAA', metadata={'id': 'seq2'}),
+            Sequence('AAAA', positional_metadata={'qual': range(4)})
+        ]
+        exp = DistanceMatrix([
+            [0, 0.25, 0.75, 0.75],
+            [0.25, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5],
+            [0.75, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0],
+            [0.75, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0]], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
+        dm = DistanceMatrix.from_iterable(
+            seqs,
+            metric=scipy.spatial.distance.hamming,
+            keys=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
+        self.assertEqual(dm, exp)
+    def test_from_iterable_skbio_hamming_metric_with_metadata(self):
+        # test for #1254
+        seqs = [
+            Sequence('ACGT'),
+            Sequence('ACGA', metadata={'id': 'seq1'}),
+            Sequence('AAAA', metadata={'id': 'seq2'}),
+            Sequence('AAAA', positional_metadata={'qual': range(4)})
+        ]
+        exp = DistanceMatrix([
+            [0, 0.25, 0.75, 0.75],
+            [0.25, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5],
+            [0.75, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0],
+            [0.75, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0]], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
+        dm = DistanceMatrix.from_iterable(
+            seqs,
+            metric=skbio.sequence.distance.hamming,
+            keys=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
+        self.assertEqual(dm, exp)
     def test_condensed_form(self):
         for dm, condensed in zip(self.dms, self.dm_condensed_forms):
             obs = dm.condensed_form()
diff --git a/skbio/stats/ordination/tests/test_redundancy_analysis.py b/skbio/stats/ordination/tests/test_redundancy_analysis.py
index 36a767a..10c0d88 100644
--- a/skbio/stats/ordination/tests/test_redundancy_analysis.py
+++ b/skbio/stats/ordination/tests/test_redundancy_analysis.py
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ class TestRDAResults(TestCase):
         assert_ordination_results_equal(scores, exp,
+                                        ignore_directionality=True,
@@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ class TestRDAResults(TestCase):
         assert_ordination_results_equal(scores, exp,
+                                        ignore_directionality=True,
diff --git a/skbio/stats/power.py b/skbio/stats/power.py
index 3567d66..3fbe84b 100644
--- a/skbio/stats/power.py
+++ b/skbio/stats/power.py
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ def subsample_power(test, samples, draw_mode='ind', alpha_pwr=0.05, ratio=None,
     `scipy.stats.chisquare` to look for the difference in frequency between
-    >>> from scipy.stats import chisquare, nanmean
+    >>> from scipy.stats import chisquare
     >>> test = lambda x: chisquare(np.array([x[i].sum() for i in
     ...     range(len(x))]))[1]
@@ -287,10 +287,10 @@ def subsample_power(test, samples, draw_mode='ind', alpha_pwr=0.05, ratio=None,
     ...                                   counts_interval=5)
     >>> counts
     array([ 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45])
-    >>> nanmean(pwr_est, 0) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    >>> np.nanmean(pwr_est, axis=0) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
     array([ 0.056,  0.074,  0.226,  0.46 ,  0.61 ,  0.806,  0.952,  1.   ,
             1.   ])
-    >>> counts[nanmean(pwr_est, 0) > 0.8].min()
+    >>> counts[np.nanmean(pwr_est, axis=0) > 0.8].min()
     So, we can estimate that we will see a significant difference in the
@@ -338,9 +338,9 @@ def subsample_power(test, samples, draw_mode='ind', alpha_pwr=0.05, ratio=None,
     ...                                     ratio=[2, 1])
     >>> counts2
     array([  5.,  10.,  15.,  20.,  25.,  30.])
-    >>> nanmean(pwr_est2, 0)
+    >>> np.nanmean(pwr_est2, axis=0)
     array([ 0.14 ,  0.272,  0.426,  0.646,  0.824,  0.996])
-    >>> counts2[nanmean(pwr_est2, 0) > 0.8].min()
+    >>> counts2[np.nanmean(pwr_est2, axis=0) > 0.8].min()
     When we consider the number of samples per group needed in the power
@@ -610,7 +610,9 @@ def confidence_bound(vec, alpha=0.05, df=None, axis=None):
         df = num_counts - 1
     # Calculates the bound
-    bound = scipy.stats.nanstd(vec, axis=axis) / np.sqrt(num_counts - 1) * \
+    # In the conversion from scipy.stats.nanstd -> np.nanstd `ddof=1` had to be
+    # added to match the scipy default of `bias=False`.
+    bound = np.nanstd(vec, axis=axis, ddof=1) / np.sqrt(num_counts - 1) * \
         scipy.stats.t.ppf(1 - alpha / 2, df)
     return bound
diff --git a/skbio/stats/tests/test_composition.py b/skbio/stats/tests/test_composition.py
index 00e5ac1..f8e9f3c 100644
--- a/skbio/stats/tests/test_composition.py
+++ b/skbio/stats/tests/test_composition.py
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ from unittest import TestCase, main
 import numpy as np
 import numpy.testing as npt
 import pandas.util.testing as pdt
 from numpy.random import normal
 import pandas as pd
 import scipy
@@ -79,6 +78,14 @@ class CompositionTests(TestCase):
         npt.assert_allclose(self.cdata2, np.array([2, 2, 6]))
+    def test_closure_warning(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            closure([0., 0., 0.])
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            closure([[0., 0., 0.],
+                     [0., 5., 5.]])
     def test_perturb(self):
         pmat = perturb(closure(self.cdata1),
                        closure(np.array([1, 1, 1])))
@@ -214,6 +221,10 @@ class CompositionTests(TestCase):
         npt.assert_allclose(self.cdata4, np.array([1, 2, 3, 0, 5]))
+    def multiplicative_replacement_warning(self):
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            multiplicative_replacement([0, 1, 2], delta=1)
     def test_clr(self):
         cmat = clr(closure(self.cdata1))
         A = np.array([.2, .2, .6])
@@ -324,7 +335,6 @@ class AncomTests(TestCase):
             [10, 11, 10, 10, 10, 11],
             [10, 13, 10, 10, 10, 12]]).T
         self.cats1 = pd.Series([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
         # Real valued data with 2 groupings
         D, L = 40, 80
@@ -622,8 +632,8 @@ class AncomTests(TestCase):
         result = ancom(self.table1,
-                       significance_test=scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu)
-        exp = pd.DataFrame({'W': np.array([6, 6, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]),
+                       significance_test=scipy.stats.ttest_ind)
+        exp = pd.DataFrame({'W': np.array([5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]),
                             'reject': np.array([True,  True, False, False,
                                                 False, False, False],
@@ -633,7 +643,7 @@ class AncomTests(TestCase):
         result = ancom(self.table2,
-                       significance_test=scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu)
+                       significance_test=scipy.stats.ttest_ind)
         exp = pd.DataFrame({'W': np.array([8, 8, 3, 3,
                                            8, 3, 3, 3, 3]),
                             'reject': np.array([True, True, False, False,
diff --git a/skbio/stats/tests/test_gradient.py b/skbio/stats/tests/test_gradient.py
index 96fb233..872d73b 100644
--- a/skbio/stats/tests/test_gradient.py
+++ b/skbio/stats/tests/test_gradient.py
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ class GradientTests(BaseTests):
                                              's7': np.array([7]),
                                              's8': np.array([8])},
-        trajectory.sort(columns=0, inplace=True)
+        trajectory.sort_values(by=0, inplace=True)
         w_vector = pd.Series(np.array([1, 5, 8, 12, 45, 80, 85, 90]),
                              ['s1', 's2', 's3', 's4',
                               's5', 's6', 's7', 's8']).astype(np.float64)
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ class GradientTests(BaseTests):
                                       's8': np.array([20.3428571428])},
         obs = _weight_by_vector(trajectory, w_vector)
-        assert_data_frame_almost_equal(obs.sort(axis=0), exp.sort(axis=0))
+        assert_data_frame_almost_equal(obs.sort_index(), exp.sort_index())
         trajectory = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'s1': np.array([1]),
                                              's2': np.array([2]),
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ class GradientTests(BaseTests):
                                              's7': np.array([7]),
                                              's8': np.array([8])},
-        trajectory.sort(columns=0, inplace=True)
+        trajectory.sort_values(by=0, inplace=True)
         w_vector = pd.Series(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]),
                              ['s1', 's2', 's3', 's4',
                               's5', 's6', 's7', 's8']).astype(np.float64)
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ class GradientTests(BaseTests):
         obs = _weight_by_vector(trajectory, w_vector)
-        assert_data_frame_almost_equal(obs.sort(axis=0), exp.sort(axis=0))
+        assert_data_frame_almost_equal(obs.sort_index(), exp.sort_index())
         trajectory = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'s2': np.array([2]),
                                              's3': np.array([3]),
@@ -272,21 +272,21 @@ class GradientTests(BaseTests):
                                              's5': np.array([5]),
                                              's6': np.array([6])},
-        trajectory.sort(columns=0, inplace=True)
+        trajectory.sort_values(by=0, inplace=True)
         w_vector = pd.Series(np.array([25, 30, 35, 40, 45]),
                              ['s2', 's3', 's4', 's5', 's6']).astype(np.float64)
         exp = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'s2': np.array([2]), 's3': np.array([3]),
                                       's4': np.array([4]), 's5': np.array([5]),
                                       's6': np.array([6])}, orient='index')
         obs = _weight_by_vector(trajectory, w_vector)
-        assert_data_frame_almost_equal(obs.sort(axis=0), exp.sort(axis=0))
+        assert_data_frame_almost_equal(obs.sort_index(), exp.sort_index())
         trajectory = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'s1': np.array([1, 2, 3]),
                                              's2': np.array([2, 3, 4]),
                                              's3': np.array([5, 6, 7]),
                                              's4': np.array([8, 9, 10])},
-        trajectory.sort(columns=0, inplace=True)
+        trajectory.sort_values(by=0, inplace=True)
         w_vector = pd.Series(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]),
                              ['s1', 's2', 's3', 's4']).astype(np.float64)
         exp = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'s1': np.array([1, 2, 3]),
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ class GradientTests(BaseTests):
                                       's4': np.array([8, 9, 10])},
         obs = _weight_by_vector(trajectory, w_vector)
-        assert_data_frame_almost_equal(obs.sort(axis=0), exp.sort(axis=0))
+        assert_data_frame_almost_equal(obs.sort_index(), exp.sort_index())
         sample_ids = ['PC.356', 'PC.481', 'PC.355', 'PC.593', 'PC.354']
         trajectory = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'PC.356': np.array([5.65948525,
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ class GradientTests(BaseTests):
                                       }, orient='index')
         obs = _weight_by_vector(trajectory.ix[sample_ids],
-        assert_data_frame_almost_equal(obs.sort(axis=0), exp.sort(axis=0))
+        assert_data_frame_almost_equal(obs.sort_index(), exp.sort_index())
     def test_weight_by_vector_single_element(self):
         trajectory = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'s1': np.array([42])},
@@ -578,20 +578,20 @@ class GradientANOVATests(BaseTests):
         # Takes a subset from metadata_map
         bv = GradientANOVA(subset_coords, self.prop_expl, self.metadata_map)
-            bv._coords.sort(axis=0),
-            subset_coords.sort(axis=0))
+            bv._coords.sort_index(),
+            subset_coords.sort_index())
-            bv._metadata_map.sort(axis=0),
-            subset_metadata_map.sort(axis=0))
+            bv._metadata_map.sort_index(),
+            subset_metadata_map.sort_index())
         # Takes a subset from coords
         bv = GradientANOVA(self.coords, self.prop_expl, subset_metadata_map)
-            bv._coords.sort(axis=0),
-            subset_coords.sort(axis=0))
+            bv._coords.sort_index(),
+            subset_coords.sort_index())
-            bv._metadata_map.sort(axis=0),
-            subset_metadata_map.sort(axis=0))
+            bv._metadata_map.sort_index(),
+            subset_metadata_map.sort_index())
         # Takes a subset from metadata_map and coords at the same time
         coord_data = {
@@ -625,8 +625,8 @@ class GradientANOVATests(BaseTests):
-            bv._coords.sort(axis=0),
-            exp_coords.sort(axis=0))
+            bv._coords.sort_index(),
+            exp_coords.sort_index())
         exp_metadata_map = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
             {'PC.355': {'Treatment': 'Control',
                         'DOB': '20061218',
@@ -634,8 +634,8 @@ class GradientANOVATests(BaseTests):
                         'Description': 'Control_mouse_I.D._355'}},
-            bv._metadata_map.sort(axis=0),
-            exp_metadata_map.sort(axis=0))
+            bv._metadata_map.sort_index(),
+            exp_metadata_map.sort_index())
     def test_normalize_samples_error(self):
         """Raises an error if coords and metadata_map does not have samples in
diff --git a/skbio/tree/_tree.py b/skbio/tree/_tree.py
index 7256c5f..aa58959 100644
--- a/skbio/tree/_tree.py
+++ b/skbio/tree/_tree.py
@@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ class TreeNode(SkbioObject):
         if not self.children:
             if include_self:
                 yield self
-            raise StopIteration
+            return
         child_index_stack = [0]
         curr = self
         curr_children = self.children
@@ -2716,6 +2716,71 @@ class TreeNode(SkbioObject):
         return dist_f(self_matrix, other_matrix)
+    @experimental(as_of="0.4.2")
+    def bifurcate(self, insert_length=None):
+        r"""Reorders the tree into a bifurcating tree.
+        All nodes that have more than 2 children will
+        have additional intermediate nodes inserted to ensure that
+        every node has only 2 children.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        insert_length : int, optional
+            The branch length assigned to all inserted nodes.
+        See Also
+        --------
+        prune
+        Notes
+        -----
+        Any nodes that have a single child can be collapsed using the
+        prune method to create strictly bifurcating trees.
+        Examples
+        --------
+        >>> from skbio import TreeNode
+        >>> tree = TreeNode.read(["((a,b,g,h)c,(d,e)f)root;"])
+        >>> print(tree.ascii_art())
+                            /-a
+                           |
+                           |--b
+                  /c-------|
+                 |         |--g
+                 |         |
+        -root----|          \-h
+                 |
+                 |          /-d
+                  \f-------|
+                            \-e
+        >>> tree.bifurcate()
+        >>> print(tree.ascii_art())
+                            /-h
+                  /c-------|
+                 |         |          /-g
+                 |          \--------|
+                 |                   |          /-a
+        -root----|                    \--------|
+                 |                              \-b
+                 |
+                 |          /-d
+                  \f-------|
+                            \-e
+        """
+        for n in self.traverse(include_self=True):
+            if len(n.children) > 2:
+                stack = n.children
+                while len(stack) > 2:
+                    ind = stack.pop()
+                    intermediate = TreeNode()
+                    intermediate.length = insert_length
+                    intermediate.extend(stack)
+                    n.append(intermediate)
+                    for k in stack:
+                        n.remove(k)
+                    n.extend([ind, intermediate])
     def index_tree(self):
         """Index a tree for rapid lookups within a tree array
diff --git a/skbio/tree/tests/test_tree.py b/skbio/tree/tests/test_tree.py
index 7891ec2..4424ddb 100644
--- a/skbio/tree/tests/test_tree.py
+++ b/skbio/tree/tests/test_tree.py
@@ -817,6 +817,19 @@ class TreeTests(TestCase):
         obs = [n.name for n in self.simple_t.levelorder()]
         self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
+    def test_bifurcate(self):
+        t1 = TreeNode.read(StringIO(u'(((a,b),c),(d,e));'))
+        t2 = TreeNode.read(StringIO(u'((a,b,c));'))
+        t3 = t2.copy()
+        t1.bifurcate()
+        t2.bifurcate()
+        t3.bifurcate(insert_length=0)
+        self.assertEqual(str(t1), '(((a,b),c),(d,e));\n')
+        self.assertEqual(str(t2), '((c,(a,b)));\n')
+        self.assertEqual(str(t3), '((c,(a,b):0));\n')
     def test_index_tree_single_node(self):
         """index_tree handles single node tree"""
         t1 = TreeNode.read(StringIO(u'root;'))
diff --git a/skbio/util/__init__.py b/skbio/util/__init__.py
index b36f55d..92b5bdd 100644
--- a/skbio/util/__init__.py
+++ b/skbio/util/__init__.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Common functionality to support testing in skbio.
 Miscellaneous functionality
-Generally useful functions that don't fit in more specific locations.
+Generally useful functionality that doesn't fit in more specific locations.
 .. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Generally useful functions that don't fit in more specific locations.
+   classproperty
@@ -57,16 +58,18 @@ Warnings
 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-from ._warning import EfficiencyWarning, RepresentationWarning
+from ._warning import EfficiencyWarning, RepresentationWarning, SkbioWarning
 from ._misc import (cardinal_to_ordinal, create_dir, find_duplicates,
                     is_casava_v180_or_later, remove_files, safe_md5)
 from ._testing import (get_data_path, TestRunner,
+from ._decorator import classproperty
-__all__ = ['EfficiencyWarning', 'RepresentationWarning', 'cardinal_to_ordinal',
-           'create_dir', 'find_duplicates', 'is_casava_v180_or_later',
-           'remove_files', 'safe_md5', 'get_data_path', 'TestRunner',
-           'assert_ordination_results_equal', 'assert_data_frame_almost_equal']
+__all__ = ['SkbioWarning', 'EfficiencyWarning', 'RepresentationWarning',
+           'cardinal_to_ordinal', 'create_dir', 'find_duplicates',
+           'is_casava_v180_or_later', 'remove_files', 'safe_md5',
+           'get_data_path', 'TestRunner', 'assert_ordination_results_equal',
+           'assert_data_frame_almost_equal', 'classproperty']
 test = TestRunner(__file__).test
diff --git a/skbio/util/_decorator.py b/skbio/util/_decorator.py
index 69a3bf2..7208159 100644
--- a/skbio/util/_decorator.py
+++ b/skbio/util/_decorator.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import textwrap
 import decorator
 from ._exception import OverrideError
+from ._warning import DeprecationWarning as SkbioDeprecationWarning
 class _state_decorator(object):
@@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ class deprecated(_state_decorator):
             warnings.warn('%s is deprecated as of scikit-bio version %s, and '
                           'will be removed in version %s. %s' %
                           (func.__name__, self.as_of, self.until, self.reason),
-                          DeprecationWarning)
+                          SkbioDeprecationWarning)
             # args[0] is the function being wrapped when this is called
             # after wrapping with decorator.decorator, but why???
             return func(*args[1:], **kwargs)
diff --git a/skbio/util/_misc.py b/skbio/util/_misc.py
index e4db019..48a87b0 100644
--- a/skbio/util/_misc.py
+++ b/skbio/util/_misc.py
@@ -38,14 +38,20 @@ def make_sentinel(name):
 def find_sentinels(function, sentinel):
     keys = []
-    function_spec = inspect.getargspec(function)
-    if function_spec.defaults is not None:
-        # Concept from http://stackoverflow.com/a/12627202/579416
-        keywords_start = -len(function_spec.defaults)
-        for key, default in zip(function_spec.args[keywords_start:],
-                                function_spec.defaults):
-            if default is sentinel:
-                keys.append(key)
+    if hasattr(inspect, 'signature'):
+        params = inspect.signature(function).parameters
+        for name, param in params.items():
+            if param.default is sentinel:
+                keys.append(name)
+    else:  # Py2
+        function_spec = inspect.getargspec(function)
+        if function_spec.defaults is not None:
+            # Concept from http://stackoverflow.com/a/12627202/579416
+            keywords_start = -len(function_spec.defaults)
+            for key, default in zip(function_spec.args[keywords_start:],
+                                    function_spec.defaults):
+                if default is sentinel:
+                    keys.append(key)
     return keys
diff --git a/skbio/util/_testing.py b/skbio/util/_testing.py
index b357595..92c111c 100644
--- a/skbio/util/_testing.py
+++ b/skbio/util/_testing.py
@@ -12,16 +12,17 @@ from future.utils import PY3
 import copy
 import os
 import inspect
+import warnings
 import six
 import pandas as pd
-from nose import core
-from nose.tools import nottest
+import nose
 import numpy as np
 import numpy.testing as npt
 import pandas.util.testing as pdt
+from skbio.util import SkbioWarning
 from ._decorator import experimental
@@ -891,7 +892,20 @@ class PositionalMetadataMixinTests(object):
- at nottest
+ at nose.tools.nottest
+class SuppressSkbioWarnings(nose.plugins.Plugin):
+    def configure(self, options, conf):
+        super(SuppressSkbioWarnings, self).configure(options, conf)
+        self.enabled = True
+    def beforeTest(self, test):
+        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=SkbioWarning)
+    def afterTest(self, test):
+        warnings.resetwarnings()
+ at nose.tools.nottest
 class TestRunner(object):
     """Simple wrapper class around nosetests functionality.
@@ -936,7 +950,8 @@ class TestRunner(object):
             argv.extend(['--with-doctest', '--doctest-tests'])
         if verbose:
-        return core.run(argv=argv, defaultTest=self._test_dir)
+        return nose.core.run(argv=argv, defaultTest=self._test_dir,
+                             addplugins=[SuppressSkbioWarnings()])
@@ -1000,7 +1015,7 @@ def assert_ordination_results_equal(left, right, ignore_method_names=False,
         Ignore differences in `biplot_scores` row and column labels.
     ignore_directionality : bool, optional
         Ignore differences in directionality (i.e., differences in signs) for
-        attributes `samples` and `features`.
+        attributes `samples`, `features` and `biplot_scores`.
@@ -1027,10 +1042,12 @@ def assert_ordination_results_equal(left, right, ignore_method_names=False,
     _assert_frame_equal(left.biplot_scores, right.biplot_scores,
+                        ignore_directionality=ignore_directionality,
     _assert_frame_equal(left.sample_constraints, right.sample_constraints,
+                        ignore_directionality=ignore_directionality,
     _assert_series_equal(left.eigvals, right.eigvals, ignore_axis_labels,
diff --git a/skbio/util/_warning.py b/skbio/util/_warning.py
index 8128415..2de0295 100644
--- a/skbio/util/_warning.py
+++ b/skbio/util/_warning.py
@@ -9,7 +9,12 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-class EfficiencyWarning(Warning):
+class SkbioWarning(Warning):
+    """Used to filter our warnings from warnings given by 3rd parties"""
+    pass
+class EfficiencyWarning(SkbioWarning):
     """Warn about potentially accidental use of inefficient code.
     For example, if a user doesn't have an optimized version of a
@@ -22,7 +27,7 @@ class EfficiencyWarning(Warning):
-class RepresentationWarning(Warning):
+class RepresentationWarning(SkbioWarning):
     """Warn about assumptions made for the successful completion of a process.
     Warn about substitutions, assumptions, or particular alterations that were
@@ -32,3 +37,8 @@ class RepresentationWarning(Warning):
+class DeprecationWarning(DeprecationWarning, SkbioWarning):
+    """Used to indicate deprecated functionality in scikit-bio."""
+    pass
diff --git a/skbio/util/tests/test_decorator.py b/skbio/util/tests/test_decorator.py
index 625a947..b968263 100644
--- a/skbio/util/tests/test_decorator.py
+++ b/skbio/util/tests/test_decorator.py
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ import unittest
 import inspect
 import warnings
-from skbio.util._decorator import classproperty, overrides, classonlymethod
+from skbio.util import classproperty
+from skbio.util._decorator import overrides, classonlymethod
 from skbio.util._decorator import (stable, experimental, deprecated,
 from skbio.util._exception import OverrideError
@@ -224,6 +225,8 @@ class TestStable(TestStabilityState):
     def test_function_signature(self):
         f = self._get_f('0.1.0')
+        # Py2: update this to use inspect.signature when we drop Python 2
+        # inspect.getargspec is deprecated and won't exist in 3.6
         expected = inspect.ArgSpec(
             args=['x', 'y'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(42,))
         self.assertEqual(inspect.getargspec(f), expected)
@@ -261,6 +264,8 @@ class TestExperimental(TestStabilityState):
     def test_function_signature(self):
         f = self._get_f('0.1.0')
+        # Py2: update this to use inspect.signature when we drop Python 2
+        # inspect.getargspec is deprecated and won't exist in 3.6
         expected = inspect.ArgSpec(
             args=['x', 'y'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(42,))
         self.assertEqual(inspect.getargspec(f), expected)
@@ -318,6 +323,8 @@ class TestDeprecated(TestStabilityState):
     def test_function_signature(self):
         f = self._get_f('0.1.0', until='0.1.4',
                         reason='You should now use skbio.g().')
+        # Py2: update this to use inspect.signature when we drop Python 2
+        # inspect.getargspec is deprecated and won't exist in 3.6
         expected = inspect.ArgSpec(
             args=['x', 'y'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(42,))
         self.assertEqual(inspect.getargspec(f), expected)
diff --git a/skbio/util/tests/test_misc.py b/skbio/util/tests/test_misc.py
index 0edd952..cb03bbb 100644
--- a/skbio/util/tests/test_misc.py
+++ b/skbio/util/tests/test_misc.py
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ class CardinalToOrdinalTests(unittest.TestCase):
 class TestFindDuplicates(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_empty_input(self):
         def empty_gen():
-            raise StopIteration()
+            return
         for empty in [], (), '', set(), {}, empty_gen():

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