[med-svn] [libzstd] 02/07: Merge branch 'upstream'

Kevin Murray daube-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 21 02:46:57 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

daube-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libzstd.

commit 61101f9bb35da85b4728dd90623bbdf43a9f11a1
Merge: 73cb715 6837d46
Author: Kevin Murray <spam at kdmurray.id.au>
Date:   Thu Jul 21 10:47:21 2016 +1000

    Merge branch 'upstream'
    There were many conflicts, this needs review

 .gitattributes                                     |   10 +-
 .gitignore                                         |   39 +-
 .travis.yml                                        |  109 +-
 Makefile                                           |  154 +-
 NEWS                                               |   42 +-
 README.md                                          |   89 +-
 appveyor.yml                                       |  104 +
 images/Cspeed4.png                                 |  Bin 47376 -> 47294 bytes
 images/DCspeed5.png                                |  Bin 69388 -> 69278 bytes
 images/Dspeed4.png                                 |  Bin 9499 -> 9927 bytes
 images/smallData.png                               |  Bin 0 -> 36133 bytes
 lib/Makefile                                       |   40 +-
 lib/README.md                                      |   69 +-
 lib/{ => common}/bitstream.h                       |  233 +-
 lib/common/entropy_common.c                        |  231 +
 lib/{ => common}/error_private.h                   |   25 +-
 lib/{ => common}/error_public.h                    |    8 +-
 lib/common/fse.h                                   |  628 +++
 lib/common/fse_decompress.c                        |  331 ++
 lib/common/huf.h                                   |  228 +
 lib/{ => common}/mem.h                             |  161 +-
 {programs => lib/common}/xxhash.c                  |  613 ++-
 {programs => lib/common}/xxhash.h                  |   97 +-
 lib/{ => common}/zbuff.h                           |   70 +-
 lib/common/zstd.h                                  |  446 ++
 lib/common/zstd_common.c                           |   91 +
 lib/common/zstd_internal.h                         |  238 +
 lib/compress/.debug/zstd_stats.h                   |  162 +
 lib/{fse.c => compress/fse_compress.c}             |  547 +--
 lib/compress/huf_compress.c                        |  576 +++
 lib/compress/zbuff_compress.c                      |  329 ++
 lib/compress/zstd_compress.c                       | 2774 ++++++++++++
 lib/compress/zstd_opt.h                            | 1041 +++++
 lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c                    |  894 ++++
 lib/decompress/zbuff_decompress.c                  |  294 ++
 lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c                   | 1346 ++++++
 lib/dictBuilder/divsufsort.c                       | 1913 ++++++++
 lib/dictBuilder/divsufsort.h                       |   67 +
 lib/dictBuilder/zdict.c                            | 1036 +++++
 lib/dictBuilder/zdict.h                            |  120 +
 lib/fse.h                                          |  295 --
 lib/fse_static.h                                   |  336 --
 lib/huff0.c                                        | 1728 --------
 lib/huff0.h                                        |   97 -
 lib/huff0_static.h                                 |  139 -
 lib/legacy/zstd_legacy.h                           |   72 +-
 lib/legacy/zstd_v01.c                              |    4 +-
 lib/legacy/zstd_v02.c                              |    4 +-
 lib/legacy/zstd_v03.c                              |  364 +-
 lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c                              |  361 +-
 lib/legacy/zstd_v04.h                              |    2 +-
 lib/legacy/{zstd_v04.c => zstd_v05.c}              | 3319 +++++++-------
 lib/legacy/zstd_v05.h                              |  171 +
 lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c                              | 4583 ++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/legacy/zstd_v06.h                              |  185 +
 lib/zbuff.c                                        |  548 ---
 lib/zstd.h                                         |  149 -
 lib/zstd_compress.c                                | 2394 ----------
 lib/zstd_decompress.c                              | 1166 -----
 lib/zstd_internal.h                                |  182 -
 lib/zstd_static.h                                  |  249 --
 programs/.gitignore                                |   22 +
 programs/Makefile                                  |  142 +-
 programs/bench.c                                   |  509 +--
 programs/bench.h                                   |   18 +-
 programs/datagen.c                                 |  179 +-
 programs/datagencli.c                              |   80 +-
 programs/dibio.c                                   |  162 +-
 programs/dibio.h                                   |    3 +-
 programs/fileio.c                                  |  460 +-
 programs/fileio.h                                  |   11 +-
 programs/fullbench.c                               |  482 +-
 programs/fuzzer.c                                  |  897 ++--
 programs/legacy/fileio_legacy.c                    |  247 +-
 programs/legacy/fileio_legacy.h                    |    4 +-
 programs/paramgrill.c                              |  284 +-
 programs/playTests.sh                              |  199 +-
 programs/roundTripCrash.c                          |  193 +
 programs/util.h                                    |  401 ++
 programs/zbufftest.c                               |  515 ++-
 programs/zstd.1                                    |   42 +-
 programs/zstdcli.c                                 |  279 +-
 projects/.gitignore                                |    2 +
 projects/README.md                                 |    9 +
 projects/VS2008/fullbench/fullbench.vcproj         |  449 ++
 projects/VS2008/fuzzer/fuzzer.vcproj               |  461 ++
 projects/VS2008/zstd.sln                           |   56 +
 projects/VS2008/zstd/zstd.vcproj                   |  545 +++
 projects/VS2008/zstdlib/zstdlib.vcproj             |  495 +++
 .../VS2010/datagen/datagen.vcxproj                 |  351 +-
 projects/VS2010/datagen/datagen.vcxproj.filters    |   26 +
 .../VS2010}/fullbench/fullbench.vcxproj            |  371 +-
 .../VS2010/fullbench/fullbench.vcxproj.filters     |   86 +
 .../2013 => projects/VS2010}/fuzzer/fuzzer.vcxproj |  379 +-
 projects/VS2010/fuzzer/fuzzer.vcxproj.filters      |   92 +
 {visual/2013 => projects/VS2010}/zstd.sln          |  124 +-
 {visual/2013 => projects/VS2010}/zstd/zstd.vcxproj |  429 +-
 projects/VS2010/zstd/zstd.vcxproj.filters          |  158 +
 projects/VS2010/zstdlib/zstdlib.rc                 |   51 +
 .../VS2010}/zstdlib/zstdlib.vcxproj                |  426 +-
 projects/VS2010/zstdlib/zstdlib.vcxproj.filters    |   95 +
 projects/build/README.md                           |   51 +
 projects/build/build.VS2010.cmd                    |    7 +
 projects/build/build.VS2012.cmd                    |    6 +
 projects/build/build.VS2013.cmd                    |    7 +
 projects/build/build.VS2015.cmd                    |    7 +
 projects/build/build.generic.cmd                   |   52 +
 projects/cmake/.gitignore                          |    6 +
 {contrib => projects}/cmake/CMakeLists.txt         |   12 +-
 .../CMakeModules/AddExtraCompilationFlags.cmake    |    0
 .../cmake/cmake_uninstall.cmake.in                 |    0
 {contrib => projects}/cmake/lib/CMakeLists.txt     |   96 +-
 projects/cmake/programs/.gitignore                 |    8 +
 .../cmake/programs/CMakeLists.txt                  |   24 +-
 tests/.gitignore                                   |    4 +
 tests/Makefile                                     |   41 +
 tests/README.md                                    |   55 +
 tests/test-zstd-speed.py                           |  265 ++
 tests/test-zstd-versions.py                        |  266 ++
 visual/2013/fullbench/fullbench.vcxproj.filters    |   72 -
 visual/2013/fuzzer/fuzzer.vcxproj.filters          |   90 -
 visual/2013/zstd/zstd.vcxproj.filters              |  150 -
 visual/2013/zstdlib/resource.h                     |  Bin 812 -> 0 bytes
 visual/2013/zstdlib/zstdlib.rc                     |  Bin 5204 -> 0 bytes
 visual/2013/zstdlib/zstdlib.vcxproj.filters        |   83 -
 {programs => zlibWrapper}/.gitignore               |   22 +-
 zlibWrapper/Makefile                               |   61 +
 zlibWrapper/README.md                              |  105 +
 zlibWrapper/examples/example.c                     |  610 +++
 zlibWrapper/examples/example_original.c            |  601 +++
 zlibWrapper/zstd_zlibwrapper.c                     |  981 +++++
 .../zstd_zlibwrapper.h                             |   39 +-
 132 files changed, 30412 insertions(+), 14546 deletions(-)

diff --cc programs/fileio.c
index 028c7db,5e7b26d..befe71d
--- a/programs/fileio.c
+++ b/programs/fileio.c
@@@ -381,10 -367,11 +367,31 @@@ static int FIO_compressFilename_interna
      /* Status */
      DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%79s\r", "");
-     DISPLAYLEVEL(2,"Compressed %llu bytes into %llu bytes ==> %.2f%%\n",
-         (unsigned long long) filesize, (unsigned long long) compressedfilesize, (double)compressedfilesize/filesize*100);
+     DISPLAYLEVEL(2,"%-20.20s :%6.2f%%   (%6llu =>%6llu bytes, %s) \n", srcFileName,
+         (double)compressedfilesize/readsize*100, (unsigned long long)readsize, (unsigned long long) compressedfilesize,
+                  dstFileName);
--    return 0;
++/*! FIO_compressFilename_extRess() :
++ *  @return : 0 : compression completed correctly,
++ *            1 : missing or pb opening srcFileName
++ */
++static int FIO_compressFilename_extRess(cRess_t ress,
++                                        const char* dstFileName, const char* srcFileName,
++                                        int cLevel)
++    int result;
++    ress.srcFile = FIO_openSrcFile(srcFileName);
++    if (ress.srcFile==0) return 1;
++    ress.dstFile = FIO_openDstFile(dstFileName);
++    if (ress.dstFile==0) { fclose(ress.srcFile); return 1; }
++    result = FIO_compressFilename_internal(ress, dstFileName, srcFileName, cLevel);
++    fclose(ress.srcFile);   /* no pb to expect : only reading */
++    if (fclose(ress.dstFile)) EXM_THROW(28, "Write error : cannot properly close %s", dstFileName);
++    return result;
diff --cc programs/zstd.1
index 27d607f,d7760f7..84ab946
--- a/programs/zstd.1
+++ b/programs/zstd.1
@@@ -71,26 -71,41 +71,58 @@@ It also features a very fast decoder, w
  .BR \-c ", " --stdout
   force write to standard output, even if it is the console
 +\fBzstd\fR offers \fIdictionary\fR compression, useful for very small files and messages.
 +It's possible to train \fBzstd\fR with some samples, the result of which is saved into a file called `dictionary`.
 +Then during compression and decompression, make reference to the same dictionary.
 +It will improve compression ratio of small files.
 +Typical gains range from ~10% (at 64KB) to x5 better (at <1KB).
 +.B \--train FILEs
 + use FILEs as training set to create a dictionary.
 + The training set should contain a lot of small files (> 100).
 + and weight typically 100x the target dictionary size
 + (for example, 10 MB for a 100 KB dictionary)
 +.B \-o file
 + dictionary saved into `file` (default: dictionary)
+ .BR \-C ", " --check
+  add integrity check computed from uncompressed data
+ .TP
+ .BR \-t ", " --test
+  Test the integrity of compressed files.  This option is equivalent to \fB--decompress --stdout > /dev/null\fR.
+  No files are created or removed.
+ .PP
+ \fBzstd\fR offers \fIdictionary\fR compression, useful for very small files and messages.
+ It's possible to train \fBzstd\fR with some samples, the result of which is saved into a file called `dictionary`.
+ Then during compression and decompression, make reference to the same dictionary.
+ It will improve compression ratio of small files.
+ Typical gains range from ~10% (at 64KB) to x5 better (at <1KB).
+ .TP
+ .B \--train FILEs
+  use FILEs as training set to create a dictionary.
+  The training set should contain a lot of small files (> 100).
+  and weight typically 100x the target dictionary size
+  (for example, 10 MB for a 100 KB dictionary)
+ .TP
+ .B \-o file
+  dictionary saved into `file` (default: dictionary)
+ .TP
  .B \--maxdict #
-  limit dictionary to specified size (default : 112640) 
+  limit dictionary to specified size (default : 112640)
+ .TP
+ .B \--dictID #
+  A dictionary ID is a locally unique ID that a decoder can use to verify it is using the right dictionary.
+  By default, zstd will create a 4-bytes random number ID.
+  It's possible to give a precise number instead.
+  Short numbers have an advantage : an ID < 256 will only need 1 byte in the compressed frame header,
+  and an ID < 65536 will only need 2 bytes. This compares favorably to 4 bytes default.
+  However, it's up to the dictionary manager to not assign twice the same ID to 2 different dictionaries.
  .B \-s#
   dictionary selectivity level (default: 9)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/libzstd.git

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