[med-svn] [mia] 02/04: add spellcheck patch

Gert Wollny gert-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jul 27 22:11:44 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gert-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository mia.

commit 47f6ccdb0b9b44ce866420f024f0552cfdff6979
Author: Gert Wollny <gw.fossdev at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jul 27 20:50:40 2016 +0000

    add spellcheck patch
 debian/patches/mia_242_spellcheck.patch | 419 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series                   |   1 +
 2 files changed, 420 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/patches/mia_242_spellcheck.patch b/debian/patches/mia_242_spellcheck.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c40027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/mia_242_spellcheck.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+diff --git a/addons/dicom/dcm3d.cc b/addons/dicom/dcm3d.cc
+index 925831d..18dd317 100644
+--- a/addons/dicom/dcm3d.cc
++++ b/addons/dicom/dcm3d.cc
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ struct image_instance_less {
+ typedef priority_queue<P2DImage, vector<P2DImage>, image_instance_less> CImageInstances;
+ typedef map<PAttribute, CImageInstances, attr_less> CImageSeries;
+-typedef map<PAttribute, CImageSeries, attr_less> CAquisitions;
++typedef map<PAttribute, CImageSeries, attr_less> CAcquisitions;
+ struct C3DImageCreator: public TFilter<bool> {
+ 	C3DImageCreator(size_t nz): m_nz(nz),
+@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ C3DImageIOPlugin::PData CDicom3DImageIOPlugin::get_images(const vector<P2DImage>
+ 	PData result(new Data);
+-	CAquisitions acc;
++	CAcquisitions acc;
+ 	// read all the images into a map
+ 	for(auto i =  candidates.begin();   i != candidates.end(); ++i) {
+@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ C3DImageIOPlugin::PData CDicom3DImageIOPlugin::get_images(const vector<P2DImage>
+ 				[(*i)->get_attribute(IDSeriesNumber)].push(*i);
+ 		}else{
+ 			cvwarn() << "Discard image because of no "
+-				 << ((*i)->has_attribute(IDAcquisitionNumber) ? "" : "aquisition") 
++				 << ((*i)->has_attribute(IDAcquisitionNumber) ? "" : "acquisition") 
+ 				 << ((*i)->has_attribute(IDInstanceNumber) ? "" : "instance") 
+ 				 << ((*i)->has_attribute(IDSeriesNumber) ? "" : "series")
+ 				 << " number\n"; 
+diff --git a/mia/2d/filter/meanvar.cc b/mia/2d/filter/meanvar.cc
+index f2055fd..33ca2db 100644
+--- a/mia/2d/filter/meanvar.cc
++++ b/mia/2d/filter/meanvar.cc
+@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ C2DMeanVarImageFilterFactory::C2DMeanVarImageFilterFactory():
+ 	m_thresh(0.0)
+ {
+ 	add_parameter("w", make_lc_param(m_hw, 1, false, "filter width parameter"));
+-	add_parameter("thresh", make_lc_param(m_thresh, 0.0, false, "Intensity threshholding parameter: Pixels with intensities "
+-					      "below this threshhold will be set to zero, and also not used when evaluating mean "
++	add_parameter("thresh", make_lc_param(m_thresh, 0.0, false, "Intensity thresholding parameter: Pixels with intensities "
++					      "below this threshold will be set to zero, and also not used when evaluating mean "
+ 					      "and variation"));
+ 	add_parameter("varfile", new CStringParameter(m_varfilename, CCmdOptionFlags::required_output,
+ 						      "name of the output file to save the variation image too.", 
+diff --git a/mia/2d/filter/medianmad.cc b/mia/2d/filter/medianmad.cc
+index 8ecabff..370e2f0 100644
+--- a/mia/2d/filter/medianmad.cc
++++ b/mia/2d/filter/medianmad.cc
+@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ C2DMedianMadImageFilterFactory::C2DMedianMadImageFilterFactory():
+ 	m_thresh(0.0)
+ {
+ 	add_parameter("w", make_lc_param(m_hw, 1, false, "filter width parameter"));
+-	add_parameter("thresh", make_lc_param(m_thresh, 0.0, false, "Intensity threshholding parameter: Pixels with intensities "
+-					      "below this threshhold will be set to zero, and also not used when evaluating mean "
++	add_parameter("thresh", make_lc_param(m_thresh, 0.0, false, "Intensity thresholding parameter: Pixels with intensities "
++					      "below this threshold will be set to zero, and also not used when evaluating mean "
+ 					      "and variation"));
+ 	add_parameter("madfile", new CStringParameter(m_madfilename, CCmdOptionFlags::required_output,
+ 						      "name of the output file to save the median absolute deviation image too.", 
+diff --git a/mia/2d/filter/tmean.cc b/mia/2d/filter/tmean.cc
+index 8ae27ee..20d2008 100644
+--- a/mia/2d/filter/tmean.cc
++++ b/mia/2d/filter/tmean.cc
+@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ C2DFilter *C2DTmeanFilterPlugin::do_create()const
+ const string C2DTmeanFilterPlugin::do_get_descr()const
+ {
+ 	return "2D image thresholded tmean filter: The output pixel value is zero if the input pixel "
+-                "value is below the given threshhold, otherwise the pixels in the evaluation windows "
+-                "are only considered if the input pixel intensity is above the threshhold.";
++                "value is below the given threshold, otherwise the pixels in the evaluation windows "
++                "are only considered if the input pixel intensity is above the threshold.";
+ }
+ extern "C" EXPORT CPluginBase *get_plugin_interface()
+diff --git a/mia/2d/transform/test_spline.cc b/mia/2d/transform/test_spline.cc
+index 6b8564a..a0dc8d2 100644
+--- a/mia/2d/transform/test_spline.cc
++++ b/mia/2d/transform/test_spline.cc
+@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( test_splines_pertuberate, TransformSplineFixture )
+ 	fill(v.begin(), v.end(), vv);
+-	// this location is hand-picked and is not really the position ofthe maximun
++	// this location is hand-picked and is not really the position of the maximun
+ 	// but only an approximation
+ 	float gamma = stransf.pertuberate(v);
+ 	C2DFVector lmg(12* scalex, 27 * scaley);
+diff --git a/mia/3d/fifof/rgg.cc b/mia/3d/fifof/rgg.cc
+index c97eeee..fbc43d3 100644
+--- a/mia/3d/fifof/rgg.cc
++++ b/mia/3d/fifof/rgg.cc
+@@ -162,12 +162,12 @@ C2DRGGStackFilterFactory::C2DRGGStackFilterFactory():
+ {
+ 	add_parameter("map", new CStringParameter(m_seed_map, CCmdOptionFlags::required_input, "class probability map"));
+ 	add_parameter("st", new CFloatParameter(m_seed_thresh, 0.0, 1.0, 
+-					      false, "seed probability threshhold"));
++					      false, "seed probability threshold"));
+ 	add_parameter("depth", new CIntParameter(m_depth, 1, 30, 
+ 					      false, "number of slices to keep during processing"));
+ 	add_parameter("gt", new CFloatParameter(m_gradient_thresh, 4.0, 
+ 						numeric_limits<float>::max(), 
+-						false, "gradient threshhold"));
++						false, "gradient threshold"));
+ }
+diff --git a/mia/3d/filter/growmask.cc b/mia/3d/filter/growmask.cc
+index 185aeae..aec4963 100644
+--- a/mia/3d/filter/growmask.cc
++++ b/mia/3d/filter/growmask.cc
+@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ C3DDoGrowmask::result_type C3DDoGrowmask::operator () (const T3DImage<T>& data)
+ 	queue <seed_t<T> > pool;
+ 	if (data.get_size() != m_start_mask.get_size())
+-		throw invalid_argument("C3DGrowmask::filter: seed mask and reference must be ofthe same size");
++		throw invalid_argument("C3DGrowmask::filter: seed mask and reference must be of the same size");
+ 	C3DBitImage *r = new C3DBitImage(m_start_mask);
+ 	r->set_attributes(data.begin_attributes(), data.end_attributes()); 
+ 	P3DImage result(r);
+diff --git a/mia/3d/transform/spline.cc b/mia/3d/transform/spline.cc
+index 4ebcf5f..2d8541c 100644
+--- a/mia/3d/transform/spline.cc
++++ b/mia/3d/transform/spline.cc
+@@ -999,7 +999,7 @@ C3DSplineTransformCreatorPlugin::C3DSplineTransformCreatorPlugin():
+ 							 "will be overwritten by the 'rate' value."));
+ 	add_parameter("debug",
+-		      new CBoolParameter(m_debug, false, "enable additional debuging output"));
++		      new CBoolParameter(m_debug, false, "enable additional debugging output"));
+ 	add_parameter("penalty", make_param(m_penalty, "", false, "transformation penalty energy term")); 
+ }
+diff --git a/mia/3d/transform/test_spline.cc b/mia/3d/transform/test_spline.cc
+index 67be069..f065978 100644
+--- a/mia/3d/transform/test_spline.cc
++++ b/mia/3d/transform/test_spline.cc
+@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( test_splines_pertuberate, TransformSplineFixture )
+ 	fill(v.begin(), v.end(), vv);
+-	// this location is hand-picked and is not really the position ofthe maximun
++	// this location is hand-picked and is not really the position of the maximun
+ 	// but only an approximation
+ 	float gamma = stransf.pertuberate(v);
+ 	C3DFVector lmg(12* scalex, 27 * scaley);
+diff --git a/mia/core/fftslopeclassifier.cc b/mia/core/fftslopeclassifier.cc
+index 84a19e7..0fe7b5d 100644
+--- a/mia/core/fftslopeclassifier.cc
++++ b/mia/core/fftslopeclassifier.cc
+@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ CFFTSlopeClassifierImpl::CFFTSlopeClassifierImpl(const CFFTSlopeClassifier::Colu
+ 	/* mechanics for classifying the mixing curves:
+-	   - sort the slopes that are below the periodic threshhold for high range and eliminate the 
++	   - sort the slopes that are below the periodic threshold for high range and eliminate the 
+ 	   other curves, they are perfusion or baseline 
+ 	   - sort these two curves by the order in which the high peaks appear to identify
+              which is RV (peak comes first) and which LV
+diff --git a/src/2deval-transformquantity.cc b/src/2deval-transformquantity.cc
+index b0f7c83..e00ddca 100644
+--- a/src/2deval-transformquantity.cc
++++ b/src/2deval-transformquantity.cc
+@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ int do_main( int argc, char *argv[] )
+ 	options.set_group("\nFile-IO"); 
+ 	options.add(make_opt( in_filename, "in-file", 'i', 
+ 			      "input point set, if this parameter is given a sparse evaluation "
+-			      "of the quantity will be done, otherwise the quantity is evalutated "
++			      "of the quantity will be done, otherwise the quantity is evaluated "
+ 			      "for each grid point of the transformation range.", CCmdOptionFlags::required_input));
+ 	options.add(make_opt( out_filename, "out-file", 'o', 
+ 			      "output strains file, for a format description see above.", CCmdOptionFlags::required_output)); 
+diff --git a/src/2dgroundtruthreg.cc b/src/2dgroundtruthreg.cc
+index 3695512..dc141d4 100644
+--- a/src/2dgroundtruthreg.cc
++++ b/src/2dgroundtruthreg.cc
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ const SProgramDescription g_description = {
+ 	{pdi_short, "Registration of a series of 2D images"}, 
+ 	{pdi_description, "This program implements the non-linear registration based on Pseudo "
+ 	 "Ground Thruth for motion compensation of series of myocardial perfusion images as "
+-	 "decribed in Chao Li and Ying Sun, 'Nonrigid Registration of Myocardial Perfusion "
++	 "described in Chao Li and Ying Sun, 'Nonrigid Registration of Myocardial Perfusion "
+ 	 "MRI Using Pseudo Ground Truth' , In Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted "
+ 	 "Intervention MICCAI 2009, 165-172, 2009. Note that for this nonlinear motion correction "
+ 	 "a preceding linear registration step is usually required."}, 
+diff --git a/src/2dmyoica-nonrigid-parallel.cc b/src/2dmyoica-nonrigid-parallel.cc
+index 0475779..929bfe4 100644
+--- a/src/2dmyoica-nonrigid-parallel.cc
++++ b/src/2dmyoica-nonrigid-parallel.cc
+@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ float get_relative_min_breathing_frequency(const C2DImageSeries& images, int ski
+ 		double aq_time = image_end->get_attribute_as<double>(IDAcquisitionTime) - 
+ 			image_begin->get_attribute_as<double>(IDAcquisitionTime);
+ 		if (aq_time < 0) 
+-			throw create_exception<runtime_error>("Got non-postive aquisition time range ", aq_time, 
++			throw create_exception<runtime_error>("Got non-postive acquisition time range ", aq_time, 
+ 							      ", can't handle this");  
+ 		double heart_rate = 60 * n_heartbeats / aq_time; 
+diff --git a/src/2dmyoica-nonrigid.cc b/src/2dmyoica-nonrigid.cc
+index 0c9fc55..3e79a16 100644
+--- a/src/2dmyoica-nonrigid.cc
++++ b/src/2dmyoica-nonrigid.cc
+@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ float get_relative_min_breathing_frequency(const C2DImageSeries& images, int ski
+ 		double aq_time = image_end->get_attribute_as<double>(IDAcquisitionTime) - 
+ 			image_begin->get_attribute_as<double>(IDAcquisitionTime);
+ 		if (aq_time < 0) 
+-			throw create_exception<runtime_error>("Got non-postive aquisition time range ", aq_time, 
++			throw create_exception<runtime_error>("Got non-postive acquisition time range ", aq_time, 
+ 							      ", can't handle this");  
+ 		double heart_rate = 60 * n_heartbeats / aq_time; 
+diff --git a/src/2dmyoicapgt.cc b/src/2dmyoicapgt.cc
+index 40f8ede..e744886 100644
+--- a/src/2dmyoicapgt.cc
++++ b/src/2dmyoicapgt.cc
+@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ float get_relative_min_breathing_frequency(const C2DImageSeries& images, int ski
+ 		double aq_time = image_end->get_attribute_as<double>(IDAcquisitionTime) - 
+ 			image_begin->get_attribute_as<double>(IDAcquisitionTime);
+ 		if (aq_time < 0) 
+-			throw create_exception<runtime_error>("Got non-postive aquisition time range ", aq_time, 
++			throw create_exception<runtime_error>("Got non-postive acquisition time range ", aq_time, 
+ 							      ", can't handle this");  
+ 		double heart_rate = 60 * n_heartbeats / aq_time; 
+diff --git a/src/2dmyopgt-nonrigid.cc b/src/2dmyopgt-nonrigid.cc
+index 212eafc..dab8d2e 100644
+--- a/src/2dmyopgt-nonrigid.cc
++++ b/src/2dmyopgt-nonrigid.cc
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ const SProgramDescription g_description = {
+ 	{pdi_short, "Run a registration of a series of 2D images."}, 
+ 	{pdi_description, "This program implements the non-linear registration based on Pseudo Ground "
+ 	 "Thruth for motion compensation of series of myocardial perfusion images given as a "
+-	 "data set as decribed in Chao Li and Ying Sun, 'Nonrigid Registration of Myocardial Perfusion "
++	 "data set as described in Chao Li and Ying Sun, 'Nonrigid Registration of Myocardial Perfusion "
+ 	 "MRI Using Pseudo Ground Truth' , In Proc. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted "
+ 	 "Intervention MICCAI 2009, 165-172, 2009. Note that for this nonlinear motion correction "
+ 	 "a preceding linear registration step is usually required."},
+diff --git a/src/2dsegment-local-cmeans.cc b/src/2dsegment-local-cmeans.cc
+index a8a3cb4..fce6bc8 100644
+--- a/src/2dsegment-local-cmeans.cc
++++ b/src/2dsegment-local-cmeans.cc
+@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ const SProgramDescription g_description = {
+ 	 "in the image. The approach evaluates a global c-means clustering, and then "
+ 	 "separates the image into overlapping regions where more c-means iterations "
+ 	 "are run only including the locally present classes, i.e. the classes that "
+-	 "relatively contain more pixels than a given threshhold."}, 
++	 "relatively contain more pixels than a given threshold."}, 
+ 	{pdi_example_descr, "Run the segmentation on image test.png using three classes, "
+-	 "local regions of 40 pixels (grid width 20 pixels), and a class ignore threshhold of 0.01." }, 
++	 "local regions of 40 pixels (grid width 20 pixels), and a class ignore threshold of 0.01." }, 
+ 	{pdi_example_code, "-i test.png -o label.png -n 3 -g 20 -t 0.01"}
+ }; 
+@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ int do_main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	opts.add(make_opt( cmeans_epsilon, EParameterBounds::bf_min_open,
+ 			   {0.0}, "c-means-epsilon", 'e', "c-means breaking condition for update tolerance"));
+ 	opts.add(make_opt( rel_cluster_threshold, EParameterBounds::bf_min_closed | EParameterBounds::bf_max_open,
+-			   {0.0,1.0}, "relative-cluster-threshhold", 't', "Number of intensity classes to segment")); 
++			   {0.0,1.0}, "relative-cluster-threshold", 't', "Number of intensity classes to segment")); 
+ 	if (opts.parse(argc, argv) != CCmdOptionList::hr_no)
+diff --git a/src/2dsegment-local-kmeans.cc b/src/2dsegment-local-kmeans.cc
+index c2a444c..a2210ad 100644
+--- a/src/2dsegment-local-kmeans.cc
++++ b/src/2dsegment-local-kmeans.cc
+@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ const SProgramDescription g_description = {
+ 	 "in the image. The approach evaluates a global k-means clustering, and then "
+ 	 "separates the image into overlapping regions where more k-means iterations "
+ 	 "are run only including the locally present classes, i.e. the classes that "
+-	 "relatively contain more pixels than a given threshhold."}, 
++	 "relatively contain more pixels than a given threshold."}, 
+ 	{pdi_example_descr, "Run the segmentation on image test.png using three classes, "
+-	 "local regions of 40 pixels (grid width 20 pixels), and a class ignore threshhold of 0.01." }, 
++	 "local regions of 40 pixels (grid width 20 pixels), and a class ignore threshold of 0.01." }, 
+ 	{pdi_example_code, "-i test.png -o label.png -n 3 -g 20 -t 0.01"}
+ }; 
+@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ int do_main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	opts.add(make_opt( n_classes, EParameterBounds::bf_closed_interval, {2u,127u},
+ 			   "nclasses", 'n', "Number of intensity classes to segment")); 
+ 	opts.add(make_opt( rel_cluster_threshold, EParameterBounds::bf_min_closed | EParameterBounds::bf_max_open,
+-			   {0.0,1.0}, "relative-cluster-threshhold", 't', "Number of intensity classes to segment")); 
++			   {0.0,1.0}, "relative-cluster-threshold", 't', "Number of intensity classes to segment")); 
+diff --git a/src/2dsegment-per-pixel-kmeans.cc b/src/2dsegment-per-pixel-kmeans.cc
+index 1098e37..e60ec24 100644
+--- a/src/2dsegment-per-pixel-kmeans.cc
++++ b/src/2dsegment-per-pixel-kmeans.cc
+@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ const SProgramDescription g_description = {
+ 	 "in the image. The approach evaluates a global k-means clustering, and then "
+ 	 "separates the image into overlapping regions where more k-means iterations "
+ 	 "are run only including the locally present classes, i.e. the classes that "
+-	 "relatively contain more pixels than a given threshhold."}, 
++	 "relatively contain more pixels than a given threshold."}, 
+ 	{pdi_example_descr, "Run the segmentation on image test.png using three classes, "
+-	 "local regions of 40 pixels (grid width 20 pixels), and a class ignore threshhold of 0.01." }, 
++	 "local regions of 40 pixels (grid width 20 pixels), and a class ignore threshold of 0.01." }, 
+ 	{pdi_example_code, "-i test.png -o label.png -n 3 -g 20 -t 0.01"}
+ }; 
+@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ int do_main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	opts.add(make_opt( n_classes, EParameterBounds::bf_closed_interval, {2u,127u},
+ 			   "nclasses", 'n', "Number of intensity classes to segment")); 
+ 	opts.add(make_opt( rel_cluster_threshold, EParameterBounds::bf_min_closed | EParameterBounds::bf_max_open,
+-			   {0.0,1.0}, "relative-cluster-threshhold", 't', "Number of intensity classes to segment")); 
++			   {0.0,1.0}, "relative-cluster-threshold", 't', "Number of intensity classes to segment")); 
+diff --git a/src/2dseries2sets.cc b/src/2dseries2sets.cc
+index e7220af..d23bcbd 100644
+--- a/src/2dseries2sets.cc
++++ b/src/2dseries2sets.cc
+@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ const SProgramDescription g_description = {
+ 	 "Used information is the z-location of the slice and the acquisition number. "
+ 	 "The code is taylored to used the according descriptors defined in the DICOM standard. "
+ 	 "All images with the same slice location will be grouped together in one segmentation "
+-	 "set and ordered according to their aquisition number. "
++	 "set and ordered according to their acquisition number. "
+ 	 "Slice locations are rounded to three digits accuracy to make proper comparison "
+-	 "of floating point values feasable."}, 
++	 "of floating point values feasible."}, 
+ 	{pdi_example_descr, "Create the segmentation sets from a series of DICOM images and "
+ 	 "copy the files to the output directory (copying is the default)."}, 
+ 	{pdi_example_code, "-o /home/user/series /net/dicoms/patient1/series1/*.dcm"}
+@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ vector<C2DImageVectorWithName> separate_slices(const C2DImageVectorWithName &ima
+ 	// collect series 
+ 	// \todo maybe one should also look for SeriesNumber
+ 	typedef map<int, SImage> InstanceSeries; 
+-	typedef map<int, InstanceSeries> AquisitionSeries; 
+-	map<float, AquisitionSeries> series; 
++	typedef map<int, InstanceSeries> AcquisitionSeries; 
++	map<float, AcquisitionSeries> series; 
+ 	int aq_number = 0; 
+ 	int is_number = 0; 
+ 	for (auto i = images.begin(); i != images.end(); ++i) {
+@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ vector<C2DImageVectorWithName> separate_slices(const C2DImageVectorWithName &ima
+ 		}
+ 		if (series.find(slice_location) == series.end()) {
+ 			cvmsg() << "Add location " << slice_location << "\n"; 
+-			series[slice_location] = AquisitionSeries(); 
++			series[slice_location] = AcquisitionSeries(); 
+ 		}
+-		AquisitionSeries& aqs = series[slice_location]; 
++		AcquisitionSeries& aqs = series[slice_location]; 
+ 		auto pAcquisitionNumber = dynamic_cast<const CIntAttribute *>(i->first->get_attribute(IDAcquisitionNumber).get());
+ 		if (pAcquisitionNumber) {
+@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ vector<C2DImageVectorWithName> separate_slices(const C2DImageVectorWithName &ima
+ 		}else {
+ 			++aq_number; 
+ 		}
+-		cvmsg() << "Add aquisition " << aq_number << "\n"; 
++		cvmsg() << "Add acquisition " << aq_number << "\n"; 
+ 		if (aqs.find(aq_number) == aqs.end()) {
+ 			aqs[aq_number] = InstanceSeries(); 
+@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ vector<C2DImageVectorWithName> separate_slices(const C2DImageVectorWithName &ima
+ 		cvmsg() << "Add instance " << is_number << "\n"; 
+ 		if (is.find(is_number) != is.end()) {
+-			cvwarn() << "got duplicate slice aquisition/instance/location = " 
++			cvwarn() << "got duplicate slice acquisition/instance/location = " 
+ 				 << aq_number << "/" << is_number << "/" << slice_location
+ 				 << ", Ignoring this slice\n"; 
+ 		}else {
+diff --git a/src/3deval-transformquantity.cc b/src/3deval-transformquantity.cc
+index ff96582..911273f 100644
+--- a/src/3deval-transformquantity.cc
++++ b/src/3deval-transformquantity.cc
+@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ int do_main( int argc, char *argv[] )
+ 	options.set_group("\nFile-IO"); 
+ 	options.add(make_opt( in_filename, "in-file", 'i', 
+ 			      "input point set, if this parameter is given a sparse evaluation "
+-			      "of the quantity will be done, otherwise the quantity is evalutated "
++			      "of the quantity will be done, otherwise the quantity is evaluated "
+ 			      "for each grid point of the transformation range.", CCmdOptionFlags::input));
+ 	options.add(make_opt( out_filename, "out-file", 'o', 
+ 			      "output strains file, for a format description see above.", CCmdOptionFlags::required_output)); 
+diff --git a/src/fluid3d/main.cc b/src/fluid3d/main.cc
+index 4cb57b2..66a18b5 100644
+--- a/src/fluid3d/main.cc
++++ b/src/fluid3d/main.cc
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ enum TMethod { meth_sor,
+ const TDictMap<TMethod>::Table method_dict[] = {
+-	{"sor", meth_sor, "succesive overrelaxation"}
++	{"sor", meth_sor, "successive overrelaxation"}
+ 	,{"sora",meth_sorex, "Gauss Southwell relexation"}
+ //	,{"sorap",meth_sorap}
+ 	,{NULL, meth_sor, ""}
+@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ int do_main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	options.add(make_opt( params.InitialStepsize, "step", 0, "Initial stepsize"));
+ 	options.add(make_opt( interpolator_kernel, "bspline:d=3", "interpolator", 'p', "image interpolator kernel"));
+ 	options.add(make_opt( params.Overrelaxation, "relax", 0, "overrelaxation factor vor method sor"));
+-	options.add(make_opt( params.maxiter, "maxiter", 0, "maxium iterations"));
++	options.add(make_opt( params.maxiter, "maxiter", 0, "maximum iterations"));
+ 	options.add(make_opt( params.factor, "epsilon", 0, "truncation condition"));
+ 	options.add(make_opt( params.matter_threshold, "matter", 0, "intensity above which real "
+ 			      "matter is assumed (experimental)"));
+diff --git a/src/plugin-help.cc b/src/plugin-help.cc
+index 24768c4..3987a9a 100644
+--- a/src/plugin-help.cc
++++ b/src/plugin-help.cc
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ NS_MIA_USE;
+ const SProgramDescription description = {
+ 	{pdi_group, "Help"}, 
+ 	{pdi_short, "Print help about plug-in groups"},
+-	{pdi_description, "This program is used to print out help about the availabel plug-ins\n"}, 
++	{pdi_description, "This program is used to print out help about the available plug-ins\n"}, 
+ 	{pdi_example_descr, "Print out the help about the 2D filter plugins .\n"},  
+ 	{pdi_example_code, "filter/2d"}
+ }; 
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 7523198..2d46791 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1 +1,2 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/mia.git

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