[med-svn] [probcons] branch master created (now 4e82aa5)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Thu Jul 28 06:38:02 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to branch master
in repository probcons.

        at  4e82aa5   Re-inject debian/ dir

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  793780f   [svn-inject] Installing original source of probcons
       new  ceca4ad   [svn-inject] Forking probcons source to Trunk
       new  8534f3f   Load probcons-1.10 into trunk/packages/probcons/trunk.
       new  392cac7   Splitting into probcons and probcons-extra.
       new  6f86434   Reverting to a dpatch deapplyed Makefile.
       new  9f74bbe   Splitting into probcons and probcons-extra.
       new  0ee426c   To ensure that the shared changelog is always up-to-date
       new  3fe31f2   Source-Version is deprecated
       new  4778295   Fixing typo and upgrading compat. level.
       new  7c03928   Missing dependancy
       new  725bada   Mail list as maintainer ; added one space to the Homepage line
       new  179567c   Finishing to remove the PDF manual ; enhancing copyright ; putting back binary-indep in rules.
       new  59e14b7   probcons-extra should be extra
       new  94ca211   fixing watch files
       new  2ba1caa   Clarifying the status of the packaging work, trying to DebTag.
       new  7fa1bbd   new upstream release
       new  84256c7   adjusting version number in the patch
       new  81f92d5   fixing lintian error not-binnmuable-any-depends-any
       new  db6a0fd   Declaring VCS in debian/control
       new  d341b23   Factorisation of code by using /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make
       new  71d5a1a   Fixing FTBFS in gcc4.3
       new  694e4d1   updated manpages
       new  3b5ea5f   fixing build according to new location of manpages
       new  6435643   fixing names of manpages
       new  12d493d   Oops, probcons-RNA was built from obsolete files
       new  57fdbea   Fixed cleaning of the package; Fixed wasteful double-building of binarires and manpages.
       new  9bdbcbc   Moving Homepage: field out from the package description.
       new  a510e12   * Updated ITP for vienna-rna * s/XS-Vcs/Vcs/ in control file
       new  c50ba74   * debian/probcons.1, debian/probcons-RNA.1, debian/pc-compare.1,   debian/pc-makegnuplot.1, debian/pc-project.1 added - these   have been statically built. * debian/control:   - B-D updated   - added myself to Uploaders * debian/rules:   - manpages statically built   - minor changes
       new  8def0ee   +XS-DM-Upload-Allowed: Yes
       new  2ab656e   Swiching to MergeWithUpstream system
       new  781af32   fixing gcc-4.3 build problem, swiched to quilt
       new  59f166a   modify Main-RNA.cc so that it uses Defaults-RNA.h (Closes: #458926)
       new  6d90a4a   converted to machine-readable format
       new  50c9653   making more sense of the headers
       new  0da51c7   Fixing case mistake
       new  b0c83a4   * Using DM-Upload-Allowed instead of XS-DM-Upload-Allowed * Added ?rev=0&sc=0 to Vcs-Browser fields * Sanitized Vcs-* fields
       new  94d2e98   Enhances: t-coffee
       new  a4b8aba   Updated my email address.
       new  8e34b0c   * debian/control:   - bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.0     + enabled parallel building in debian/rules   - removed myself from Uploaders (will work from behind the scenes ;) )   - updated debhelper dependency on >= 6 (also debian/compat)
       new  ca4f89b   s/Debian-Med/Debian Med
       new  b0985f5   Centralised informations in ‘debian/upstream-metadata.yaml’.
       new  86447ab   Corrected syntax error.
       new  9201082   Polished packaging to recent standards, finally upload changes to fix #601509
       new  3256cf1   To build with GCC 4.5.
       new  8be35ea   Uploaded to fix one important bug quickly (sorry for wasting Charles' work)
       new  3365573   Restore extra information for patch
       new  3affac1   Use dh in debian/rules, hoping it solves #607729 because it does not allow parallel build by default.
       new  31bf6ca   Uploaded.
       new  1e86219   Fix gcc-4.6 issue
       new  fb8f474   Renamed debian/upstream-metadata.yaml to debian/upstream.
       new  0dab00c   debian/upstream: Moved DOI and PMID to the Reference namespace.
       new  9ec0e7d   Corrected the files that did not validate with YAML::XS.
       new  00d6d04   Patches not executable (so worked arround svn issue to not be able to handle this correctly and rm + recreate - now with the extension patch)
       new  e0f2170   Refreshed patches
       new  2bc4044   Uhmm, this package had no copyright file at all!
       new  e8a8755   deleted redundant handling advises for quilt
       new  b31b868   Final polishing; debhelper 9; Upload to unstable
       new  504bd69   Move debian/upstream to debian/upstream/metadata
       new  5194918   Moved debian/upstream to debian/upstream/metadata
       new  21e4543   cme fix dpkg-control
       new  d4165ad   DEP5 fix
       new  9be3b50   DEP3 fix, Propagate hardening options
       new  0ef858e   spelling in manpage
       new  3d2900d   Fix Mayhem issues
       new  1ce7352   Imported Upstream version 1.12
       new  0d5ff89   Merge tag 'upstream/1.12'
       new  4e82aa5   Re-inject debian/ dir

The 68 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/probcons.git

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