[med-svn] [probcons] annotated tag upstream/1.12 created (now f3b2609)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Thu Jul 28 06:38:09 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/1.12
in repository probcons.

        at  f3b2609   (tag)
   tagging  1ce735287b0c18e34a61c74a1003cc0f43ea4c53 (commit)
 tagged by  Andreas Tille
        on  Thu Jul 28 08:33:44 2016 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 1.12

Andreas Tille (16):
      Polished packaging to recent standards, finally upload changes to fix #601509
      Uploaded to fix one important bug quickly (sorry for wasting Charles' work)
      Restore extra information for patch
      Fix gcc-4.6 issue
      Patches not executable (so worked arround svn issue to not be able to handle this correctly and rm + recreate - now with the extension patch)
      Refreshed patches
      Uhmm, this package had no copyright file at all!
      deleted redundant handling advises for quilt
      Final polishing; debhelper 9; Upload to unstable
      Moved debian/upstream to debian/upstream/metadata
      cme fix dpkg-control
      DEP5 fix
      DEP3 fix, Propagate hardening options
      spelling in manpage
      Fix Mayhem issues
      Imported Upstream version 1.12

Charles Plessy (44):
      [svn-inject] Installing original source of probcons
      [svn-inject] Forking probcons source to Trunk
      Load probcons-1.10 into trunk/packages/probcons/trunk.
      Splitting into probcons and probcons-extra.
      Reverting to a dpatch deapplyed Makefile.
      Splitting into probcons and probcons-extra.
      To ensure that the shared changelog is always up-to-date
      Source-Version is deprecated
      Fixing typo and upgrading compat. level.
      Missing dependancy
      Mail list as maintainer ; added one space to the Homepage line
      Finishing to remove the PDF manual ; enhancing copyright ; putting back binary-indep in rules.
      probcons-extra should be extra
      fixing watch files
      Clarifying the status of the packaging work, trying to DebTag.
      new upstream release
      adjusting version number in the patch
      fixing lintian error not-binnmuable-any-depends-any
      Declaring VCS in debian/control
      Factorisation of code by using /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make
      Fixing FTBFS in gcc4.3
      updated manpages
      fixing build according to new location of manpages
      fixing names of manpages
      Oops, probcons-RNA was built from obsolete files
      Fixed cleaning of the package; Fixed wasteful double-building of binarires and manpages.
      Moving Homepage: field out from the package description.
      +XS-DM-Upload-Allowed: Yes
      Swiching to MergeWithUpstream system
      fixing gcc-4.3 build problem, swiched to quilt
      modify Main-RNA.cc so that it uses Defaults-RNA.h (Closes: #458926)
      converted to machine-readable format
      making more sense of the headers
      Fixing case mistake
      Enhances: t-coffee
      Updated my email address.
      Centralised informations in ‘debian/upstream-metadata.yaml’.
      Corrected syntax error.
      To build with GCC 4.5.
      Use dh in debian/rules, hoping it solves #607729 because it does not allow parallel build by default.
      Renamed debian/upstream-metadata.yaml to debian/upstream.
      debian/upstream: Moved DOI and PMID to the Reference namespace.
      Corrected the files that did not validate with YAML::XS.

David Paleino (3):
      * debian/probcons.1, debian/probcons-RNA.1, debian/pc-compare.1,
      * Using DM-Upload-Allowed instead of XS-DM-Upload-Allowed
      * debian/control:

James McCoy (1):
      Move debian/upstream to debian/upstream/metadata

Nelson A. de Oliveira (1):
      s/Debian-Med/Debian Med

Steffen Moeller (1):
      * Updated ITP for vienna-rna


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/probcons.git

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