[med-svn] [hmmer] 02/06: Imported Upstream version 3.1b2+dfsg

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Mon Jun 27 09:39:58 UTC 2016

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tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository hmmer.

commit 51e16eabe6481fd893ec28fcf5aa9fabef61d388
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Jun 26 00:47:13 2016 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 3.1b2+dfsg
 libdivsufsort/.dropbox.attr   |    1 -
 libdivsufsort/AUTHORS         |    3 -
 libdivsufsort/COPYING         |   27 -
 libdivsufsort/Makefile.in     |   58 --
 libdivsufsort/README          |  185 -----
 libdivsufsort/VERSION         |    1 -
 libdivsufsort/divsufsort.c    | 1794 -----------------------------------------
 libdivsufsort/divsufsort.h.in |   63 --
 8 files changed, 2132 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libdivsufsort/.dropbox.attr b/libdivsufsort/.dropbox.attr
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index 9e26dfe..0000000
--- a/libdivsufsort/.dropbox.attr
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libdivsufsort/AUTHORS b/libdivsufsort/AUTHORS
deleted file mode 100644
index 429a6a5..0000000
--- a/libdivsufsort/AUTHORS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
--- AUTHORS for libdivsufsort-lite
-Yuta Mori <yuta.256 at gmail.com>
diff --git a/libdivsufsort/COPYING b/libdivsufsort/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index 13023f7..0000000
--- a/libdivsufsort/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-The libdivsufsort-lite copyright is as follows:
-Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori All Rights Reserved.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
-files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
-restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
-copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-See also the libdivsufsort web site:
-  http://libdivsufsort.googlecode.com/ for more information.
diff --git a/libdivsufsort/Makefile.in b/libdivsufsort/Makefile.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 91cd6cc..0000000
--- a/libdivsufsort/Makefile.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for fm-index
-# VPATH and shell configuration
-top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
-srcdir     = @srcdir@
-VPATH      = @srcdir@ 
-SHELL      = /bin/sh
-# sources
-OBJS				= divsufsort.o 
-TARGET				= libdivsufsort.a
-MAKEFILE			= Makefile
-# options
-CC        = @CC@
-AR        = @AR@ rc
-#CC					= gcc 
-#CFLAGS  	 		= -g -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing 
-#CPPFLAGS			= -Wall 
-#AR       = /usr/bin/ar rc
-#RANLIB   = ranlib
-# beautification magic stolen from git (added within hmmer source)
-ifndef V
-	QUIET_CC      = @echo '    ' CC $@;
-	QUIET_AR      = @echo '    ' AR $@;
-# targets
-all: $(TARGET) 
-	${QUIET_CC}${CC} -I. ${CFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} -o $@ -c $<
-libdivsufsort.a: $(OBJS)
-	${QUIET_AR}${AR} libdivsufsort.a $(OBJS)
-	@${RANLIB} libdivsufsort.a
-	@chmod 644 libdivsufsort.a
-	$(RM) $(TARGET) $(OBJS)
-	$(RM) $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(MAKEFILE) divsufsort.h
-# dependencies
-$(OBJS): divsufsort.h $(MAKEFILE)
diff --git a/libdivsufsort/README b/libdivsufsort/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 63c6655..0000000
--- a/libdivsufsort/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-libdivsufsort - A lightweight suffix-sorting library.
-The libdivsufsort project provides a fast, lightweight, and robust
-C API library to construct the suffix array and the Burrows-Wheeler
-transformed string for any input string of a constant-size alphabet.
-The suffix-sorting algorithm runs in O(n log n) worst-case time
-using only 5n+O(1) bytes of memory space, where n is the length of
-the input string.
-The latest version of libdivsufsort is available at:
-  http://libdivsufsort.googlecode.com/
-libdivsufsort is released under the MIT/X11 license. See the file
-COPYING for more details.
-  * Data types
-  typedef int32_t saint_t;
-  typedef int32_t saidx_t;
-  typedef uint8_t sauchar_t;
-  * Constructs the suffix array of a given string.
-  * @param T[0..n-1] The input string.
-  * @param SA[0..n-1] The output array or suffixes.
-  * @param n The length of the given string.
-  * @return 0 if no error occurred, -1 or -2 otherwise.
-  saint_t
-  divsufsort(const sauchar_t *T, saidx_t *SA, saidx_t n);
-  * Constructs the burrows-wheeler transformed string of a given string.
-  * @param T[0..n-1] The input string.
-  * @param U[0..n-1] The output string. (can be T)
-  * @param A[0..n-1] The temporary array. (can be NULL)
-  * @param n The length of the given string.
-  * @return The primary index if no error occurred, -1 or -2 otherwise.
-  saidx_t
-  divbwt(const sauchar_t *T, sauchar_t *U, saidx_t *A, saidx_t n);
-= Specifications =
-Processor:        2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo E6750
-L1 Cache:         (32 Kb + 32 Kb) x 2
-L2 Cache:         4 Mb
-RAM:              2 Gb main memory
-Operating system: Windows XP Home SP 3 (with Cygwin)
-Compiler:         GCC version 4.3.1
-= Programs =
-Archon4r0    kvark's sorting algorithm            http://forum.compression.ru/viewtopic.php?t=352
-BPR          Bucket-Pointer Refinement algorithm  http://bibiserv.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/bpr/
-DC           Difference-Cover algorithm (v = 32)  http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/juha.karkkainen/publications/cpm03.tar.gz
-DS           Deep-Shallow sorting algorithm       http://www.mfn.unipmn.it/~manzini/lightweight/
-divsufsort1  libdivsufsort version 1.2.3          http://libdivsufsort.googlecode.com/
-divsufsort2  libdivsufsort version 2.0.0          http://libdivsufsort.googlecode.com/
-KA           Ko-Aluru algorithm                   http://ko.pang.cn.googlepages.com/software2
-KS           Kärkkäinen-Sanders algorithm         http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~sanders/programs/suffix/
-MSufSort3    MSufSort version 3.1.1 beta          http://www.michael-maniscalco.com/msufsort.htm
-qsufsort     Larsson-Sadakane algorithm           http://www.larsson.dogma.net/research.html
-sais         Induced Sorting algorithm            http://yuta.256.googlepages.com/sais
-All programs were compiled with gcc/g++ using '-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -DNDEBUG'
-optimization options. The times are the average of five runs, in seconds, and were
-measured using the standard Unix/Cygwin 'time' command. (user + system) The spaces
-were measured using the 'memusage' command.
-= Testfiles =
-Manzini's Large Corpus  http://www.mfn.unipmn.it/~manzini/lightweight/corpus/
-The Gauntlet            http://www.michael-maniscalco.com/testset/gauntlet/
-= Running times =
-== Manzini's Corpus ==
-Files                 Size  Archon4r0      BPR       DC       DS  divsufsort1  divsufsort2       KA        KS  MSufSort3  qsufsort     sais
-chr22.dna         34553758      6.030    6.196   22.694    7.514        5.404        5.362   16.980    50.006      7.132    10.642   10.796
-etext99          105277340     22.160   32.582   79.872   34.264       18.758       18.064   73.236   202.684     24.106    56.612   38.748
-gcc-3.0.tar       86630400     13.856   20.692   61.690   35.822       10.382       10.084   40.908   135.174     14.952    40.766   20.990
-howto             39422105      5.806    8.326   25.432    8.288        5.472        5.320   20.694    64.834      5.672    16.366   11.388
-jdk13c            69728899     18.106   22.252   61.234   32.182        9.260        9.010   34.172   101.096     11.314    39.792   16.396
-linux-2.4.5.tar  116254720     18.174   26.226   82.830   25.912       14.672       14.290   58.586   194.412     19.890    54.054   29.614
-rctail96         114711151     32.490   55.826  119.026   62.502       18.500       17.914   70.072   190.562     21.060    70.456   33.248
-rfc              116421901     20.736   35.404   91.284   29.666       16.116       15.658   64.390   196.500     17.936    61.436   32.224
-sprot34.dat      109617186     22.832   36.720   93.122   32.096       17.894       17.404   68.084   187.594     23.352    56.946   34.092
-w3c2             104201579     27.264   29.384   89.352   54.682       13.866       13.486   52.660   162.582     17.090    77.804   25.498
-totals           896819039    187.454  273.608  726.536  322.928      130.324      126.592  499.782  1485.444    162.504   484.874  252.994
-== The Gauntlet ==
-Files              Size  Archon4r0      BPR      DC       DS  divsufsort1  divsufsort2      KA      KS  MSufSort3  qsufsort    sais
-abac             200000      0.044    0.064   0.104   27.914        0.042        0.036   0.058   0.048      0.050     0.062   0.044
-abba           10500600      3.270    5.124  10.766   30.702        1.714        1.602   2.570   7.952      3.514    15.272   1.460
-book1x20       15375420      4.392    3.530  13.872   97.468        2.312        2.154   7.442  15.756      3.542    22.376   3.912
-fib_s14930352  14930352     12.728   10.830  18.524  179.040        3.638        3.588   3.544  10.232      6.700    18.224   2.542
-fss10          12078908     11.390    8.974  15.130   85.328        2.828        2.824   3.344   8.646      4.618    14.754   2.076
-fss9            2851443      1.002    1.210   1.644    5.256        0.410        0.416   0.618   1.290      0.554     2.836   0.336
-houston         3840000      0.344    0.708   2.226  118.960        0.118        0.128   0.520   0.744      0.242     1.230   0.238
-paper5x80        981924      0.110    0.154   0.454    0.806        0.092        0.090   0.210   0.256      0.144     0.448   0.110
-test1           2097152      0.332    2.132   1.108    8.680        0.268        0.280   0.376   1.066      1.302     2.762   0.202
-test2           2097152      0.710    0.616   1.110    8.682        0.180        0.176   0.374   1.076      3.354     2.768   0.206
-test3           2097152      0.488  213.154   1.164    1.772        0.220        0.226   0.388   1.082      0.922     3.246   0.212
-totals         67050103     34.810  246.496  66.102  564.608       11.822       11.520  19.444  48.148     24.942    83.978  11.338
-= Space (in MiBytes) =
-== Manzini's Corpus ==
-Files                 Size  Archon4r0      BPR       DC       DS  divsufsort1  divsufsort2       KA        KS  MSufSort3  qsufsort     sais
-chr22.dna         34553758     174.66   296.88   193.60   165.18       165.02       165.02   289.97    428.39     199.72    263.62   164.77
-etext99          105277340     531.13   915.48   589.85   503.23       502.25       502.25   907.34   1305.20     604.45    803.20   502.00
-gcc-3.0.tar       86630400     437.14   756.43   485.38   415.87       413.34       413.34   709.50   1074.01     497.79    660.94   413.09
-howto             39422105     199.20   367.53   220.88   188.45       188.23       188.23   331.54    488.75     227.67    300.77   187.98
-jdk13c            69728899     351.96   603.99   390.68   333.40       332.74       332.74   609.71    864.48     401.04    531.99   332.49
-linux-2.4.5.tar  116254720     586.46  1061.83   651.36   555.76       554.60       554.60   977.81   1441.30     667.39    886.95   554.35
-rctail96         114711151     578.68   987.64   642.71   548.32       547.24       547.24  1004.98   1422.16     658.43    875.18   546.99
-rfc              116421901     587.30  1005.85   652.29   556.53       555.39       555.39   956.52   1443.37     668.26    888.23   555.14
-sprot34.dat      109617186     553.01   941.95   614.17   524.03       522.95       522.95   930.06   1359.01     629.26    836.31   522.70
-w3c2             104201579     525.71   958.37   583.82   498.09       497.12       497.12   912.00   1291.87     598.82    795.00   496.87
-totals           896819039    4525.25  7895.95  5024.74  4288.86      4278.88      4278.88  7629.43  11118.54    5152.83   6842.19  4276.38
-mean                     -       5.29     9.23     5.88     5.01         5.00         5.00     8.92     13.00       6.02      8.00     5.00
-== The Gauntlet ==
-Files              Size  Archon4r0     BPR      DC      DS  divsufsort1  divsufsort2      KA      KS  MSufSort3  qsufsort    sais
-abac             200000       1.51    1.73    1.12    0.98         1.21         1.20    1.75    2.48       3.15      1.53    0.95
-abba           10500600      53.43   90.19   58.83   50.21        50.32        50.32   86.20  130.18      62.09     80.11   50.07
-book1x20       15375420      78.00  134.00   86.15   73.52        73.57        73.57  132.42  190.62      89.99    117.31   73.32
-fib_s14930352  14930352      75.75  128.15   83.65   71.71        71.44        71.44  117.16  185.10      87.43    113.91   71.19
-fss10          12078908      61.38  103.68   67.68   58.05        57.85        57.85  107.05  149.75      71.12     92.16   57.60
-fss9            2851443      14.87   24.48   15.98   13.71        13.85        13.85   25.27   35.35      18.32     21.76   13.60
-houston         3840000      19.85   36.96   21.52   18.46        18.56        18.56   28.79   47.58      23.98     29.30   18.31
-paper5x80        981924       5.45   11.40    5.50    4.72         4.93         4.93    8.59   12.17       7.63      7.49    4.68
-test1           2097152      11.07   82.00   11.75   10.10        10.25        10.25   18.34   25.99      14.01     16.00   10.00
-test2           2097152      11.07   82.00   11.75   10.10        10.25        10.25   18.34   25.99      14.01     16.00   10.00
-test3           2097152      11.07   82.00   11.75   10.05        10.25        10.25   18.34   26.00      14.63     16.00   10.12
-totals         67050103     343.45  776.59  375.68  321.61       322.48       322.47  562.25  831.21     406.36    511.57  319.84
-mean                  -       5.37   12.14    5.88    5.03         5.04         5.04    8.79   13.00       6.35      8.00    5.00
-libdivsufsort uses the following algorithms for suffix sorting.
-  - The improved version of Itho-Tanaka two-stage sorting algorithm. [2][6]
-  - A substring sorting/encoding technique. [1][3]
-  - Maniscalco's tandem repeat sorting algorithm. [5]
-  - Larsson-Sadakane sorting algorithm. [4]
-  1. Stefan Burkhardt and Juha K"arkk"ainen. Fast lightweight suffix
-     array construction and checking. Proceedings of the 14th Annual
-     Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, LNCS 2676,
-     Springer, pp. 55-69, 2003.
-  2. Hideo Itoh and Hozumi Tanaka, An Efficient Method for in Memory
-     Construction of Suffix Arrays, Proceedings of the IEEE String
-     Processing and Information Retrieval Symposium, pp. 81-88, 1999.
-  3. Pang Ko and Srinivas Aluru, Space-efficient linear time
-     construction of suffix arrays, Proceedings of the 14th Annual
-     Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, pp. 200-210, 2003.
-  4. Jesper Larsson and Kunihiko Sadakane, Faster suffix sorting.
-     Technical report LU-CS-TR:99-214, Department of Computer
-     Science, Lund University, Sweden, 1999.
-  5. Michael Maniscalco, MSufSort.
-     http://www.michael-maniscalco.com/msufsort.htm
-  6. Yuta Mori, Short description of improved two-stage suffix sorting
-     algorithm, 2005.
-     http://homepage3.nifty.com/wpage/software/itssort.txt
diff --git a/libdivsufsort/VERSION b/libdivsufsort/VERSION
deleted file mode 100644
index 227cea2..0000000
--- a/libdivsufsort/VERSION
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/libdivsufsort/divsufsort.c b/libdivsufsort/divsufsort.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4499b66..0000000
--- a/libdivsufsort/divsufsort.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1794 +0,0 @@
- * divsufsort.c for libdivsufsort-lite
- * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
- * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
- * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
- * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
- * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
- * conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-# include <omp.h>
-#include "divsufsort.h"
-/*- Constants -*/
-#define INLINE __inline
-#if defined(ALPHABET_SIZE) && (ALPHABET_SIZE < 1)
-#if !defined(ALPHABET_SIZE)
-# define ALPHABET_SIZE (256)
-# endif
-#if defined(SS_BLOCKSIZE)
-# if SS_BLOCKSIZE < 0
-#  undef SS_BLOCKSIZE
-#  define SS_BLOCKSIZE (0)
-# elif 32768 <= SS_BLOCKSIZE
-#  undef SS_BLOCKSIZE
-#  define SS_BLOCKSIZE (32767)
-# endif
-# define SS_BLOCKSIZE (1024)
-/* minstacksize = log(SS_BLOCKSIZE) / log(3) * 2 */
-#if SS_BLOCKSIZE == 0
-# define SS_MISORT_STACKSIZE (96)
-#elif SS_BLOCKSIZE <= 4096
-# define SS_MISORT_STACKSIZE (16)
-# define SS_MISORT_STACKSIZE (24)
-#define TR_STACKSIZE (64)
-/*- Macros -*/
-#ifndef SWAP
-# define SWAP(_a, _b) do { t = (_a); (_a) = (_b); (_b) = t; } while(0)
-#endif /* SWAP */
-#ifndef MIN
-# define MIN(_a, _b) (((_a) < (_b)) ? (_a) : (_b))
-#endif /* MIN */
-#ifndef MAX
-# define MAX(_a, _b) (((_a) > (_b)) ? (_a) : (_b))
-#endif /* MAX */
-#define STACK_PUSH(_a, _b, _c, _d)\
-  do {\
-    assert(ssize < STACK_SIZE);\
-    stack[ssize].a = (_a), stack[ssize].b = (_b),\
-    stack[ssize].c = (_c), stack[ssize++].d = (_d);\
-  } while(0)
-#define STACK_PUSH5(_a, _b, _c, _d, _e)\
-  do {\
-    assert(ssize < STACK_SIZE);\
-    stack[ssize].a = (_a), stack[ssize].b = (_b),\
-    stack[ssize].c = (_c), stack[ssize].d = (_d), stack[ssize++].e = (_e);\
-  } while(0)
-#define STACK_POP(_a, _b, _c, _d)\
-  do {\
-    assert(0 <= ssize);\
-    if(ssize == 0) { return; }\
-    (_a) = stack[--ssize].a, (_b) = stack[ssize].b,\
-    (_c) = stack[ssize].c, (_d) = stack[ssize].d;\
-  } while(0)
-#define STACK_POP5(_a, _b, _c, _d, _e)\
-  do {\
-    assert(0 <= ssize);\
-    if(ssize == 0) { return; }\
-    (_a) = stack[--ssize].a, (_b) = stack[ssize].b,\
-    (_c) = stack[ssize].c, (_d) = stack[ssize].d, (_e) = stack[ssize].e;\
-  } while(0)
-#define BUCKET_A(_c0) bucket_A[(_c0)]
-#if ALPHABET_SIZE == 256
-#define BUCKET_B(_c0, _c1) (bucket_B[((_c1) << 8) | (_c0)])
-#define BUCKET_BSTAR(_c0, _c1) (bucket_B[((_c0) << 8) | (_c1)])
-#define BUCKET_B(_c0, _c1) (bucket_B[(_c1) * ALPHABET_SIZE + (_c0)])
-#define BUCKET_BSTAR(_c0, _c1) (bucket_B[(_c0) * ALPHABET_SIZE + (_c1)])
-/*- Private Functions -*/
-static const int lg_table[256]= {
- -1,0,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,
-  5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,
-  6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,
-  6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,
-  7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
-  7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
-  7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
-  7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7
-static INLINE
-ss_ilg(int n) {
-#if SS_BLOCKSIZE == 0
-  return (n & 0xffff0000) ?
-          ((n & 0xff000000) ?
-            24 + lg_table[(n >> 24) & 0xff] :
-            16 + lg_table[(n >> 16) & 0xff]) :
-          ((n & 0x0000ff00) ?
-             8 + lg_table[(n >>  8) & 0xff] :
-             0 + lg_table[(n >>  0) & 0xff]);
-#elif SS_BLOCKSIZE < 256
-  return lg_table[n];
-  return (n & 0xff00) ?
-          8 + lg_table[(n >> 8) & 0xff] :
-          0 + lg_table[(n >> 0) & 0xff];
-#if SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0
-static const int sqq_table[256] = {
-  0,  16,  22,  27,  32,  35,  39,  42,  45,  48,  50,  53,  55,  57,  59,  61,
- 64,  65,  67,  69,  71,  73,  75,  76,  78,  80,  81,  83,  84,  86,  87,  89,
- 90,  91,  93,  94,  96,  97,  98,  99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109,
-110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126,
-128, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,
-143, 144, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 155,
-156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 160, 161, 162, 163, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 167, 168,
-169, 170, 170, 171, 172, 173, 173, 174, 175, 176, 176, 177, 178, 178, 179, 180,
-181, 181, 182, 183, 183, 184, 185, 185, 186, 187, 187, 188, 189, 189, 190, 191,
-192, 192, 193, 193, 194, 195, 195, 196, 197, 197, 198, 199, 199, 200, 201, 201,
-202, 203, 203, 204, 204, 205, 206, 206, 207, 208, 208, 209, 209, 210, 211, 211,
-212, 212, 213, 214, 214, 215, 215, 216, 217, 217, 218, 218, 219, 219, 220, 221,
-221, 222, 222, 223, 224, 224, 225, 225, 226, 226, 227, 227, 228, 229, 229, 230,
-230, 231, 231, 232, 232, 233, 234, 234, 235, 235, 236, 236, 237, 237, 238, 238,
-239, 240, 240, 241, 241, 242, 242, 243, 243, 244, 244, 245, 245, 246, 246, 247,
-247, 248, 248, 249, 249, 250, 250, 251, 251, 252, 252, 253, 253, 254, 254, 255
-static INLINE
-ss_isqrt(int x) {
-  int y, e;
-  if(x >= (SS_BLOCKSIZE * SS_BLOCKSIZE)) { return SS_BLOCKSIZE; }
-  e = (x & 0xffff0000) ?
-        ((x & 0xff000000) ?
-          24 + lg_table[(x >> 24) & 0xff] :
-          16 + lg_table[(x >> 16) & 0xff]) :
-        ((x & 0x0000ff00) ?
-           8 + lg_table[(x >>  8) & 0xff] :
-           0 + lg_table[(x >>  0) & 0xff]);
-  if(e >= 16) {
-    y = sqq_table[x >> ((e - 6) - (e & 1))] << ((e >> 1) - 7);
-    if(e >= 24) { y = (y + 1 + x / y) >> 1; }
-    y = (y + 1 + x / y) >> 1;
-  } else if(e >= 8) {
-    y = (sqq_table[x >> ((e - 6) - (e & 1))] >> (7 - (e >> 1))) + 1;
-  } else {
-    return sqq_table[x] >> 4;
-  }
-  return (x < (y * y)) ? y - 1 : y;
-#endif /* SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0 */
-/* Compares two suffixes. */
-static INLINE
-ss_compare(const unsigned char *T,
-           const int *p1, const int *p2,
-           int depth) {
-  const unsigned char *U1, *U2, *U1n, *U2n;
-  for(U1 = T + depth + *p1,
-      U2 = T + depth + *p2,
-      U1n = T + *(p1 + 1) + 2,
-      U2n = T + *(p2 + 1) + 2;
-      (U1 < U1n) && (U2 < U2n) && (*U1 == *U2);
-      ++U1, ++U2) {
-  }
-  return U1 < U1n ?
-        (U2 < U2n ? *U1 - *U2 : 1) :
-        (U2 < U2n ? -1 : 0);
-/* Insertionsort for small size groups */
-ss_insertionsort(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA,
-                 int *first, int *last, int depth) {
-  int *i, *j;
-  int t;
-  int r;
-  for(i = last - 2; first <= i; --i) {
-    for(t = *i, j = i + 1; 0 < (r = ss_compare(T, PA + t, PA + *j, depth));) {
-      do { *(j - 1) = *j; } while((++j < last) && (*j < 0));
-      if(last <= j) { break; }
-    }
-    if(r == 0) { *j = ~*j; }
-    *(j - 1) = t;
-  }
-#endif /* (SS_BLOCKSIZE != 1) && (SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD != 1) */
-static INLINE
-ss_fixdown(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA,
-           int *SA, int i, int size) {
-  int j, k;
-  int v;
-  int c, d, e;
-  for(v = SA[i], c = Td[PA[v]]; (j = 2 * i + 1) < size; SA[i] = SA[k], i = k) {
-    d = Td[PA[SA[k = j++]]];
-    if(d < (e = Td[PA[SA[j]]])) { k = j; d = e; }
-    if(d <= c) { break; }
-  }
-  SA[i] = v;
-/* Simple top-down heapsort. */
-ss_heapsort(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA, int *SA, int size) {
-  int i, m;
-  int t;
-  m = size;
-  if((size % 2) == 0) {
-    m--;
-    if(Td[PA[SA[m / 2]]] < Td[PA[SA[m]]]) { SWAP(SA[m], SA[m / 2]); }
-  }
-  for(i = m / 2 - 1; 0 <= i; --i) { ss_fixdown(Td, PA, SA, i, m); }
-  if((size % 2) == 0) { SWAP(SA[0], SA[m]); ss_fixdown(Td, PA, SA, 0, m); }
-  for(i = m - 1; 0 < i; --i) {
-    t = SA[0], SA[0] = SA[i];
-    ss_fixdown(Td, PA, SA, 0, i);
-    SA[i] = t;
-  }
-/* Returns the median of three elements. */
-static INLINE
-int *
-ss_median3(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA,
-           int *v1, int *v2, int *v3) {
-  int *t;
-  if(Td[PA[*v1]] > Td[PA[*v2]]) { SWAP(v1, v2); }
-  if(Td[PA[*v2]] > Td[PA[*v3]]) {
-    if(Td[PA[*v1]] > Td[PA[*v3]]) { return v1; }
-    else { return v3; }
-  }
-  return v2;
-/* Returns the median of five elements. */
-static INLINE
-int *
-ss_median5(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA,
-           int *v1, int *v2, int *v3, int *v4, int *v5) {
-  int *t;
-  if(Td[PA[*v2]] > Td[PA[*v3]]) { SWAP(v2, v3); }
-  if(Td[PA[*v4]] > Td[PA[*v5]]) { SWAP(v4, v5); }
-  if(Td[PA[*v2]] > Td[PA[*v4]]) { SWAP(v2, v4); SWAP(v3, v5); }
-  if(Td[PA[*v1]] > Td[PA[*v3]]) { SWAP(v1, v3); }
-  if(Td[PA[*v1]] > Td[PA[*v4]]) { SWAP(v1, v4); SWAP(v3, v5); }
-  if(Td[PA[*v3]] > Td[PA[*v4]]) { return v4; }
-  return v3;
-/* Returns the pivot element. */
-static INLINE
-int *
-ss_pivot(const unsigned char *Td, const int *PA, int *first, int *last) {
-  int *middle;
-  int t;
-  t = last - first;
-  middle = first + t / 2;
-  if(t <= 512) {
-    if(t <= 32) {
-      return ss_median3(Td, PA, first, middle, last - 1);
-    } else {
-      t >>= 2;
-      return ss_median5(Td, PA, first, first + t, middle, last - 1 - t, last - 1);
-    }
-  }
-  t >>= 3;
-  first  = ss_median3(Td, PA, first, first + t, first + (t << 1));
-  middle = ss_median3(Td, PA, middle - t, middle, middle + t);
-  last   = ss_median3(Td, PA, last - 1 - (t << 1), last - 1 - t, last - 1);
-  return ss_median3(Td, PA, first, middle, last);
-/* Binary partition for substrings. */
-static INLINE
-int *
-ss_partition(const int *PA,
-                    int *first, int *last, int depth) {
-  int *a, *b;
-  int t;
-  for(a = first - 1, b = last;;) {
-    for(; (++a < b) && ((PA[*a] + depth) >= (PA[*a + 1] + 1));) { *a = ~*a; }
-    for(; (a < --b) && ((PA[*b] + depth) <  (PA[*b + 1] + 1));) { }
-    if(b <= a) { break; }
-    t = ~*b;
-    *b = *a;
-    *a = t;
-  }
-  if(first < a) { *first = ~*first; }
-  return a;
-/* Multikey introsort for medium size groups. */
-ss_mintrosort(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA,
-              int *first, int *last,
-              int depth) {
-  struct { int *a, *b, c; int d; } stack[STACK_SIZE];
-  const unsigned char *Td;
-  int *a, *b, *c, *d, *e, *f;
-  int s, t;
-  int ssize;
-  int limit;
-  int v, x = 0;
-  for(ssize = 0, limit = ss_ilg(last - first);;) {
-    if((last - first) <= SS_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD) {
-      if(1 < (last - first)) { ss_insertionsort(T, PA, first, last, depth); }
-      STACK_POP(first, last, depth, limit);
-      continue;
-    }
-    Td = T + depth;
-    if(limit-- == 0) { ss_heapsort(Td, PA, first, last - first); }
-    if(limit < 0) {
-      for(a = first + 1, v = Td[PA[*first]]; a < last; ++a) {
-        if((x = Td[PA[*a]]) != v) {
-          if(1 < (a - first)) { break; }
-          v = x;
-          first = a;
-        }
-      }
-      if(Td[PA[*first] - 1] < v) {
-        first = ss_partition(PA, first, a, depth);
-      }
-      if((a - first) <= (last - a)) {
-        if(1 < (a - first)) {
-          STACK_PUSH(a, last, depth, -1);
-          last = a, depth += 1, limit = ss_ilg(a - first);
-        } else {
-          first = a, limit = -1;
-        }
-      } else {
-        if(1 < (last - a)) {
-          STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth + 1, ss_ilg(a - first));
-          first = a, limit = -1;
-        } else {
-          last = a, depth += 1, limit = ss_ilg(a - first);
-        }
-      }
-      continue;
-    }
-    /* choose pivot */
-    a = ss_pivot(Td, PA, first, last);
-    v = Td[PA[*a]];
-    SWAP(*first, *a);
-    /* partition */
-    for(b = first; (++b < last) && ((x = Td[PA[*b]]) == v);) { }
-    if(((a = b) < last) && (x < v)) {
-      for(; (++b < last) && ((x = Td[PA[*b]]) <= v);) {
-        if(x == v) { SWAP(*b, *a); ++a; }
-      }
-    }
-    for(c = last; (b < --c) && ((x = Td[PA[*c]]) == v);) { }
-    if((b < (d = c)) && (x > v)) {
-      for(; (b < --c) && ((x = Td[PA[*c]]) >= v);) {
-        if(x == v) { SWAP(*c, *d); --d; }
-      }
-    }
-    for(; b < c;) {
-      SWAP(*b, *c);
-      for(; (++b < c) && ((x = Td[PA[*b]]) <= v);) {
-        if(x == v) { SWAP(*b, *a); ++a; }
-      }
-      for(; (b < --c) && ((x = Td[PA[*c]]) >= v);) {
-        if(x == v) { SWAP(*c, *d); --d; }
-      }
-    }
-    if(a <= d) {
-      c = b - 1;
-      if((s = a - first) > (t = b - a)) { s = t; }
-      for(e = first, f = b - s; 0 < s; --s, ++e, ++f) { SWAP(*e, *f); }
-      if((s = d - c) > (t = last - d - 1)) { s = t; }
-      for(e = b, f = last - s; 0 < s; --s, ++e, ++f) { SWAP(*e, *f); }
-      a = first + (b - a), c = last - (d - c);
-      b = (v <= Td[PA[*a] - 1]) ? a : ss_partition(PA, a, c, depth);
-      if((a - first) <= (last - c)) {
-        if((last - c) <= (c - b)) {
-          STACK_PUSH(b, c, depth + 1, ss_ilg(c - b));
-          STACK_PUSH(c, last, depth, limit);
-          last = a;
-        } else if((a - first) <= (c - b)) {
-          STACK_PUSH(c, last, depth, limit);
-          STACK_PUSH(b, c, depth + 1, ss_ilg(c - b));
-          last = a;
-        } else {
-          STACK_PUSH(c, last, depth, limit);
-          STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth, limit);
-          first = b, last = c, depth += 1, limit = ss_ilg(c - b);
-        }
-      } else {
-        if((a - first) <= (c - b)) {
-          STACK_PUSH(b, c, depth + 1, ss_ilg(c - b));
-          STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth, limit);
-          first = c;
-        } else if((last - c) <= (c - b)) {
-          STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth, limit);
-          STACK_PUSH(b, c, depth + 1, ss_ilg(c - b));
-          first = c;
-        } else {
-          STACK_PUSH(first, a, depth, limit);
-          STACK_PUSH(c, last, depth, limit);
-          first = b, last = c, depth += 1, limit = ss_ilg(c - b);
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      limit += 1;
-      if(Td[PA[*first] - 1] < v) {
-        first = ss_partition(PA, first, last, depth);
-        limit = ss_ilg(last - first);
-      }
-      depth += 1;
-    }
-  }
-#undef STACK_SIZE
-#if SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0
-static INLINE
-ss_blockswap(int *a, int *b, int n) {
-  int t;
-  for(; 0 < n; --n, ++a, ++b) {
-    t = *a, *a = *b, *b = t;
-  }
-static INLINE
-ss_rotate(int *first, int *middle, int *last) {
-  int *a, *b, t;
-  int l, r;
-  l = middle - first, r = last - middle;
-  for(; (0 < l) && (0 < r);) {
-    if(l == r) { ss_blockswap(first, middle, l); break; }
-    if(l < r) {
-      a = last - 1, b = middle - 1;
-      t = *a;
-      do {
-        *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a;
-        if(b < first) {
-          *a = t;
-          last = a;
-          if((r -= l + 1) <= l) { break; }
-          a -= 1, b = middle - 1;
-          t = *a;
-        }
-      } while(1);
-    } else {
-      a = first, b = middle;
-      t = *a;
-      do {
-        *a++ = *b, *b++ = *a;
-        if(last <= b) {
-          *a = t;
-          first = a + 1;
-          if((l -= r + 1) <= r) { break; }
-          a += 1, b = middle;
-          t = *a;
-        }
-      } while(1);
-    }
-  }
-ss_inplacemerge(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA,
-                int *first, int *middle, int *last,
-                int depth) {
-  const int *p;
-  int *a, *b;
-  int len, half;
-  int q, r;
-  int x;
-  for(;;) {
-    if(*(last - 1) < 0) { x = 1; p = PA + ~*(last - 1); }
-    else                { x = 0; p = PA +  *(last - 1); }
-    for(a = first, len = middle - first, half = len >> 1, r = -1;
-        0 < len;
-        len = half, half >>= 1) {
-      b = a + half;
-      q = ss_compare(T, PA + ((0 <= *b) ? *b : ~*b), p, depth);
-      if(q < 0) {
-        a = b + 1;
-        half -= (len & 1) ^ 1;
-      } else {
-        r = q;
-      }
-    }
-    if(a < middle) {
-      if(r == 0) { *a = ~*a; }
-      ss_rotate(a, middle, last);
-      last -= middle - a;
-      middle = a;
-      if(first == middle) { break; }
-    }
-    --last;
-    if(x != 0) { while(*--last < 0) { } }
-    if(middle == last) { break; }
-  }
-/* Merge-forward with internal buffer. */
-ss_mergeforward(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA,
-                int *first, int *middle, int *last,
-                int *buf, int depth) {
-  int *a, *b, *c, *bufend;
-  int t;
-  int r;
-  bufend = buf + (middle - first) - 1;
-  ss_blockswap(buf, first, middle - first);
-  for(t = *(a = first), b = buf, c = middle;;) {
-    r = ss_compare(T, PA + *b, PA + *c, depth);
-    if(r < 0) {
-      do {
-        *a++ = *b;
-        if(bufend <= b) { *bufend = t; return; }
-        *b++ = *a;
-      } while(*b < 0);
-    } else if(r > 0) {
-      do {
-        *a++ = *c, *c++ = *a;
-        if(last <= c) {
-          while(b < bufend) { *a++ = *b, *b++ = *a; }
-          *a = *b, *b = t;
-          return;
-        }
-      } while(*c < 0);
-    } else {
-      *c = ~*c;
-      do {
-        *a++ = *b;
-        if(bufend <= b) { *bufend = t; return; }
-        *b++ = *a;
-      } while(*b < 0);
-      do {
-        *a++ = *c, *c++ = *a;
-        if(last <= c) {
-          while(b < bufend) { *a++ = *b, *b++ = *a; }
-          *a = *b, *b = t;
-          return;
-        }
-      } while(*c < 0);
-    }
-  }
-/* Merge-backward with internal buffer. */
-ss_mergebackward(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA,
-                 int *first, int *middle, int *last,
-                 int *buf, int depth) {
-  const int *p1, *p2;
-  int *a, *b, *c, *bufend;
-  int t;
-  int r;
-  int x;
-  bufend = buf + (last - middle) - 1;
-  ss_blockswap(buf, middle, last - middle);
-  x = 0;
-  if(*bufend < 0)       { p1 = PA + ~*bufend; x |= 1; }
-  else                  { p1 = PA +  *bufend; }
-  if(*(middle - 1) < 0) { p2 = PA + ~*(middle - 1); x |= 2; }
-  else                  { p2 = PA +  *(middle - 1); }
-  for(t = *(a = last - 1), b = bufend, c = middle - 1;;) {
-    r = ss_compare(T, p1, p2, depth);
-    if(0 < r) {
-      if(x & 1) { do { *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a; } while(*b < 0); x ^= 1; }
-      *a-- = *b;
-      if(b <= buf) { *buf = t; break; }
-      *b-- = *a;
-      if(*b < 0) { p1 = PA + ~*b; x |= 1; }
-      else       { p1 = PA +  *b; }
-    } else if(r < 0) {
-      if(x & 2) { do { *a-- = *c, *c-- = *a; } while(*c < 0); x ^= 2; }
-      *a-- = *c, *c-- = *a;
-      if(c < first) {
-        while(buf < b) { *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a; }
-        *a = *b, *b = t;
-        break;
-      }
-      if(*c < 0) { p2 = PA + ~*c; x |= 2; }
-      else       { p2 = PA +  *c; }
-    } else {
-      if(x & 1) { do { *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a; } while(*b < 0); x ^= 1; }
-      *a-- = ~*b;
-      if(b <= buf) { *buf = t; break; }
-      *b-- = *a;
-      if(x & 2) { do { *a-- = *c, *c-- = *a; } while(*c < 0); x ^= 2; }
-      *a-- = *c, *c-- = *a;
-      if(c < first) {
-        while(buf < b) { *a-- = *b, *b-- = *a; }
-        *a = *b, *b = t;
-        break;
-      }
-      if(*b < 0) { p1 = PA + ~*b; x |= 1; }
-      else       { p1 = PA +  *b; }
-      if(*c < 0) { p2 = PA + ~*c; x |= 2; }
-      else       { p2 = PA +  *c; }
-    }
-  }
-/* D&C based merge. */
-ss_swapmerge(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA,
-             int *first, int *middle, int *last,
-             int *buf, int bufsize, int depth) {
-#define GETIDX(a) ((0 <= (a)) ? (a) : (~(a)))
-#define MERGE_CHECK(a, b, c)\
-  do {\
-    if(((c) & 1) ||\
-       (((c) & 2) && (ss_compare(T, PA + GETIDX(*((a) - 1)), PA + *(a), depth) == 0))) {\
-      *(a) = ~*(a);\
-    }\
-    if(((c) & 4) && ((ss_compare(T, PA + GETIDX(*((b) - 1)), PA + *(b), depth) == 0))) {\
-      *(b) = ~*(b);\
-    }\
-  } while(0)
-  struct { int *a, *b, *c; int d; } stack[STACK_SIZE];
-  int *l, *r, *lm, *rm;
-  int m, len, half;
-  int ssize;
-  int check, next;
-  for(check = 0, ssize = 0;;) {
-    if((last - middle) <= bufsize) {
-      if((first < middle) && (middle < last)) {
-        ss_mergebackward(T, PA, first, middle, last, buf, depth);
-      }
-      MERGE_CHECK(first, last, check);
-      STACK_POP(first, middle, last, check);
-      continue;
-    }
-    if((middle - first) <= bufsize) {
-      if(first < middle) {
-        ss_mergeforward(T, PA, first, middle, last, buf, depth);
-      }
-      MERGE_CHECK(first, last, check);
-      STACK_POP(first, middle, last, check);
-      continue;
-    }
-    for(m = 0, len = MIN(middle - first, last - middle), half = len >> 1;
-        0 < len;
-        len = half, half >>= 1) {
-      if(ss_compare(T, PA + GETIDX(*(middle + m + half)),
-                       PA + GETIDX(*(middle - m - half - 1)), depth) < 0) {
-        m += half + 1;
-        half -= (len & 1) ^ 1;
-      }
-    }
-    if(0 < m) {
-      lm = middle - m, rm = middle + m;
-      ss_blockswap(lm, middle, m);
-      l = r = middle, next = 0;
-      if(rm < last) {
-        if(*rm < 0) {
-          *rm = ~*rm;
-          if(first < lm) { for(; *--l < 0;) { } next |= 4; }
-          next |= 1;
-        } else if(first < lm) {
-          for(; *r < 0; ++r) { }
-          next |= 2;
-        }
-      }
-      if((l - first) <= (last - r)) {
-        STACK_PUSH(r, rm, last, (next & 3) | (check & 4));
-        middle = lm, last = l, check = (check & 3) | (next & 4);
-      } else {
-        if((next & 2) && (r == middle)) { next ^= 6; }
-        STACK_PUSH(first, lm, l, (check & 3) | (next & 4));
-        first = r, middle = rm, check = (next & 3) | (check & 4);
-      }
-    } else {
-      if(ss_compare(T, PA + GETIDX(*(middle - 1)), PA + *middle, depth) == 0) {
-        *middle = ~*middle;
-      }
-      MERGE_CHECK(first, last, check);
-      STACK_POP(first, middle, last, check);
-    }
-  }
-#undef STACK_SIZE
-#endif /* SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0 */
-/* Substring sort */
-sssort(const unsigned char *T, const int *PA,
-       int *first, int *last,
-       int *buf, int bufsize,
-       int depth, int n, int lastsuffix) {
-  int *a;
-#if SS_BLOCKSIZE != 0
-  int *b, *middle, *curbuf;
-  int j, k, curbufsize, limit;
-  int i;
-  if(lastsuffix != 0) { ++first; }
-#if SS_BLOCKSIZE == 0
-  ss_mintrosort(T, PA, first, last, depth);
-  if((bufsize < SS_BLOCKSIZE) &&
-      (bufsize < (last - first)) &&
-      (bufsize < (limit = ss_isqrt(last - first)))) {
-    if(SS_BLOCKSIZE < limit) { limit = SS_BLOCKSIZE; }
-    buf = middle = last - limit, bufsize = limit;
-  } else {
-    middle = last, limit = 0;
-  }
-  for(a = first, i = 0; SS_BLOCKSIZE < (middle - a); a += SS_BLOCKSIZE, ++i) {
-    ss_mintrosort(T, PA, a, a + SS_BLOCKSIZE, depth);
-#elif 1 < SS_BLOCKSIZE
-    ss_insertionsort(T, PA, a, a + SS_BLOCKSIZE, depth);
-    curbufsize = last - (a + SS_BLOCKSIZE);
-    curbuf = a + SS_BLOCKSIZE;
-    if(curbufsize <= bufsize) { curbufsize = bufsize, curbuf = buf; }
-    for(b = a, k = SS_BLOCKSIZE, j = i; j & 1; b -= k, k <<= 1, j >>= 1) {
-      ss_swapmerge(T, PA, b - k, b, b + k, curbuf, curbufsize, depth);
-    }
-  }
-  ss_mintrosort(T, PA, a, middle, depth);
-#elif 1 < SS_BLOCKSIZE
-  ss_insertionsort(T, PA, a, middle, depth);
-  for(k = SS_BLOCKSIZE; i != 0; k <<= 1, i >>= 1) {
-    if(i & 1) {
-      ss_swapmerge(T, PA, a - k, a, middle, buf, bufsize, depth);
-      a -= k;
-    }
-  }
-  if(limit != 0) {
-    ss_mintrosort(T, PA, middle, last, depth);
-#elif 1 < SS_BLOCKSIZE
-    ss_insertionsort(T, PA, middle, last, depth);
-    ss_inplacemerge(T, PA, first, middle, last, depth);
-  }
-  if(lastsuffix != 0) {
-    /* Insert last type B* suffix. */
-    int PAi[2]; PAi[0] = PA[*(first - 1)], PAi[1] = n - 2;
-    for(a = first, i = *(first - 1);
-        (a < last) && ((*a < 0) || (0 < ss_compare(T, &(PAi[0]), PA + *a, depth)));
-        ++a) {
-      *(a - 1) = *a;
-    }
-    *(a - 1) = i;
-  }
-static INLINE
-tr_ilg(int n) {
-  return (n & 0xffff0000) ?
-          ((n & 0xff000000) ?
-            24 + lg_table[(n >> 24) & 0xff] :
-            16 + lg_table[(n >> 16) & 0xff]) :
-          ((n & 0x0000ff00) ?
-             8 + lg_table[(n >>  8) & 0xff] :
-             0 + lg_table[(n >>  0) & 0xff]);
-/* Simple insertionsort for small size groups. */
-tr_insertionsort(const int *ISAd, int *first, int *last) {
-  int *a, *b;
-  int t, r;
-  for(a = first + 1; a < last; ++a) {
-    for(t = *a, b = a - 1; 0 > (r = ISAd[t] - ISAd[*b]);) {
-      do { *(b + 1) = *b; } while((first <= --b) && (*b < 0));
-      if(b < first) { break; }
-    }
-    if(r == 0) { *b = ~*b; }
-    *(b + 1) = t;
-  }
-static INLINE
-tr_fixdown(const int *ISAd, int *SA, int i, int size) {
-  int j, k;
-  int v;
-  int c, d, e;
-  for(v = SA[i], c = ISAd[v]; (j = 2 * i + 1) < size; SA[i] = SA[k], i = k) {
-    d = ISAd[SA[k = j++]];
-    if(d < (e = ISAd[SA[j]])) { k = j; d = e; }
-    if(d <= c) { break; }
-  }
-  SA[i] = v;
-/* Simple top-down heapsort. */
-tr_heapsort(const int *ISAd, int *SA, int size) {
-  int i, m;
-  int t;
-  m = size;
-  if((size % 2) == 0) {
-    m--;
-    if(ISAd[SA[m / 2]] < ISAd[SA[m]]) { SWAP(SA[m], SA[m / 2]); }
-  }
-  for(i = m / 2 - 1; 0 <= i; --i) { tr_fixdown(ISAd, SA, i, m); }
-  if((size % 2) == 0) { SWAP(SA[0], SA[m]); tr_fixdown(ISAd, SA, 0, m); }
-  for(i = m - 1; 0 < i; --i) {
-    t = SA[0], SA[0] = SA[i];
-    tr_fixdown(ISAd, SA, 0, i);
-    SA[i] = t;
-  }
-/* Returns the median of three elements. */
-static INLINE
-int *
-tr_median3(const int *ISAd, int *v1, int *v2, int *v3) {
-  int *t;
-  if(ISAd[*v1] > ISAd[*v2]) { SWAP(v1, v2); }
-  if(ISAd[*v2] > ISAd[*v3]) {
-    if(ISAd[*v1] > ISAd[*v3]) { return v1; }
-    else { return v3; }
-  }
-  return v2;
-/* Returns the median of five elements. */
-static INLINE
-int *
-tr_median5(const int *ISAd,
-           int *v1, int *v2, int *v3, int *v4, int *v5) {
-  int *t;
-  if(ISAd[*v2] > ISAd[*v3]) { SWAP(v2, v3); }
-  if(ISAd[*v4] > ISAd[*v5]) { SWAP(v4, v5); }
-  if(ISAd[*v2] > ISAd[*v4]) { SWAP(v2, v4); SWAP(v3, v5); }
-  if(ISAd[*v1] > ISAd[*v3]) { SWAP(v1, v3); }
-  if(ISAd[*v1] > ISAd[*v4]) { SWAP(v1, v4); SWAP(v3, v5); }
-  if(ISAd[*v3] > ISAd[*v4]) { return v4; }
-  return v3;
-/* Returns the pivot element. */
-static INLINE
-int *
-tr_pivot(const int *ISAd, int *first, int *last) {
-  int *middle;
-  int t;
-  t = last - first;
-  middle = first + t / 2;
-  if(t <= 512) {
-    if(t <= 32) {
-      return tr_median3(ISAd, first, middle, last - 1);
-    } else {
-      t >>= 2;
-      return tr_median5(ISAd, first, first + t, middle, last - 1 - t, last - 1);
-    }
-  }
-  t >>= 3;
-  first  = tr_median3(ISAd, first, first + t, first + (t << 1));
-  middle = tr_median3(ISAd, middle - t, middle, middle + t);
-  last   = tr_median3(ISAd, last - 1 - (t << 1), last - 1 - t, last - 1);
-  return tr_median3(ISAd, first, middle, last);
-typedef struct _trbudget_t trbudget_t;
-struct _trbudget_t {
-  int chance;
-  int remain;
-  int incval;
-  int count;
-static INLINE
-trbudget_init(trbudget_t *budget, int chance, int incval) {
-  budget->chance = chance;
-  budget->remain = budget->incval = incval;
-static INLINE
-trbudget_check(trbudget_t *budget, int size) {
-  if(size <= budget->remain) { budget->remain -= size; return 1; }
-  if(budget->chance == 0) { budget->count += size; return 0; }
-  budget->remain += budget->incval - size;
-  budget->chance -= 1;
-  return 1;
-static INLINE
-tr_partition(const int *ISAd,
-             int *first, int *middle, int *last,
-             int **pa, int **pb, int v) {
-  int *a, *b, *c, *d, *e, *f;
-  int t, s;
-  int x = 0;
-  for(b = middle - 1; (++b < last) && ((x = ISAd[*b]) == v);) { }
-  if(((a = b) < last) && (x < v)) {
-    for(; (++b < last) && ((x = ISAd[*b]) <= v);) {
-      if(x == v) { SWAP(*b, *a); ++a; }
-    }
-  }
-  for(c = last; (b < --c) && ((x = ISAd[*c]) == v);) { }
-  if((b < (d = c)) && (x > v)) {
-    for(; (b < --c) && ((x = ISAd[*c]) >= v);) {
-      if(x == v) { SWAP(*c, *d); --d; }
-    }
-  }
-  for(; b < c;) {
-    SWAP(*b, *c);
-    for(; (++b < c) && ((x = ISAd[*b]) <= v);) {
-      if(x == v) { SWAP(*b, *a); ++a; }
-    }
-    for(; (b < --c) && ((x = ISAd[*c]) >= v);) {
-      if(x == v) { SWAP(*c, *d); --d; }
-    }
-  }
-  if(a <= d) {
-    c = b - 1;
-    if((s = a - first) > (t = b - a)) { s = t; }
-    for(e = first, f = b - s; 0 < s; --s, ++e, ++f) { SWAP(*e, *f); }
-    if((s = d - c) > (t = last - d - 1)) { s = t; }
-    for(e = b, f = last - s; 0 < s; --s, ++e, ++f) { SWAP(*e, *f); }
-    first += (b - a), last -= (d - c);
-  }
-  *pa = first, *pb = last;
-tr_copy(int *ISA, const int *SA,
-        int *first, int *a, int *b, int *last,
-        int depth) {
-  /* sort suffixes of middle partition
-     by using sorted order of suffixes of left and right partition. */
-  int *c, *d, *e;
-  int s, v;
-  v = b - SA - 1;
-  for(c = first, d = a - 1; c <= d; ++c) {
-    if((0 <= (s = *c - depth)) && (ISA[s] == v)) {
-      *++d = s;
-      ISA[s] = d - SA;
-    }
-  }
-  for(c = last - 1, e = d + 1, d = b; e < d; --c) {
-    if((0 <= (s = *c - depth)) && (ISA[s] == v)) {
-      *--d = s;
-      ISA[s] = d - SA;
-    }
-  }
-tr_partialcopy(int *ISA, const int *SA,
-               int *first, int *a, int *b, int *last,
-               int depth) {
-  int *c, *d, *e;
-  int s, v;
-  int rank, lastrank, newrank = -1;
-  v = b - SA - 1;
-  lastrank = -1;
-  for(c = first, d = a - 1; c <= d; ++c) {
-    if((0 <= (s = *c - depth)) && (ISA[s] == v)) {
-      *++d = s;
-      rank = ISA[s + depth];
-      if(lastrank != rank) { lastrank = rank; newrank = d - SA; }
-      ISA[s] = newrank;
-    }
-  }
-  lastrank = -1;
-  for(e = d; first <= e; --e) {
-    rank = ISA[*e];
-    if(lastrank != rank) { lastrank = rank; newrank = e - SA; }
-    if(newrank != rank) { ISA[*e] = newrank; }
-  }
-  lastrank = -1;
-  for(c = last - 1, e = d + 1, d = b; e < d; --c) {
-    if((0 <= (s = *c - depth)) && (ISA[s] == v)) {
-      *--d = s;
-      rank = ISA[s + depth];
-      if(lastrank != rank) { lastrank = rank; newrank = d - SA; }
-      ISA[s] = newrank;
-    }
-  }
-tr_introsort(int *ISA, const int *ISAd,
-             int *SA, int *first, int *last,
-             trbudget_t *budget) {
-  struct { const int *a; int *b, *c; int d, e; }stack[STACK_SIZE];
-  int *a, *b, *c;
-  int t;
-  int v, x = 0;
-  int incr = ISAd - ISA;
-  int limit, next;
-  int ssize, trlink = -1;
-  for(ssize = 0, limit = tr_ilg(last - first);;) {
-    if(limit < 0) {
-      if(limit == -1) {
-        /* tandem repeat partition */
-        tr_partition(ISAd - incr, first, first, last, &a, &b, last - SA - 1);
-        /* update ranks */
-        if(a < last) {
-          for(c = first, v = a - SA - 1; c < a; ++c) { ISA[*c] = v; }
-        }
-        if(b < last) {
-          for(c = a, v = b - SA - 1; c < b; ++c) { ISA[*c] = v; }
-        }
-        /* push */
-        if(1 < (b - a)) {
-          STACK_PUSH5(NULL, a, b, 0, 0);
-          STACK_PUSH5(ISAd - incr, first, last, -2, trlink);
-          trlink = ssize - 2;
-        }
-        if((a - first) <= (last - b)) {
-          if(1 < (a - first)) {
-            STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, tr_ilg(last - b), trlink);
-            last = a, limit = tr_ilg(a - first);
-          } else if(1 < (last - b)) {
-            first = b, limit = tr_ilg(last - b);
-          } else {
-            STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
-          }
-        } else {
-          if(1 < (last - b)) {
-            STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, tr_ilg(a - first), trlink);
-            first = b, limit = tr_ilg(last - b);
-          } else if(1 < (a - first)) {
-            last = a, limit = tr_ilg(a - first);
-          } else {
-            STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
-          }
-        }
-      } else if(limit == -2) {
-        /* tandem repeat copy */
-        a = stack[--ssize].b, b = stack[ssize].c;
-        if(stack[ssize].d == 0) {
-          tr_copy(ISA, SA, first, a, b, last, ISAd - ISA);
-        } else {
-          if(0 <= trlink) { stack[trlink].d = -1; }
-          tr_partialcopy(ISA, SA, first, a, b, last, ISAd - ISA);
-        }
-        STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
-      } else {
-        /* sorted partition */
-        if(0 <= *first) {
-          a = first;
-          do { ISA[*a] = a - SA; } while((++a < last) && (0 <= *a));
-          first = a;
-        }
-        if(first < last) {
-          a = first; do { *a = ~*a; } while(*++a < 0);
-          next = (ISA[*a] != ISAd[*a]) ? tr_ilg(a - first + 1) : -1;
-          if(++a < last) { for(b = first, v = a - SA - 1; b < a; ++b) { ISA[*b] = v; } }
-          /* push */
-          if(trbudget_check(budget, a - first)) {
-            if((a - first) <= (last - a)) {
-              STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, a, last, -3, trlink);
-              ISAd += incr, last = a, limit = next;
-            } else {
-              if(1 < (last - a)) {
-                STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, first, a, next, trlink);
-                first = a, limit = -3;
-              } else {
-                ISAd += incr, last = a, limit = next;
-              }
-            }
-          } else {
-            if(0 <= trlink) { stack[trlink].d = -1; }
-            if(1 < (last - a)) {
-              first = a, limit = -3;
-            } else {
-              STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
-            }
-          }
-        } else {
-          STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
-        }
-      }
-      continue;
-    }
-    if((last - first) <= TR_INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD) {
-      tr_insertionsort(ISAd, first, last);
-      limit = -3;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if(limit-- == 0) {
-      tr_heapsort(ISAd, first, last - first);
-      for(a = last - 1; first < a; a = b) {
-        for(x = ISAd[*a], b = a - 1; (first <= b) && (ISAd[*b] == x); --b) { *b = ~*b; }
-      }
-      limit = -3;
-      continue;
-    }
-    /* choose pivot */
-    a = tr_pivot(ISAd, first, last);
-    SWAP(*first, *a);
-    v = ISAd[*first];
-    /* partition */
-    tr_partition(ISAd, first, first + 1, last, &a, &b, v);
-    if((last - first) != (b - a)) {
-      next = (ISA[*a] != v) ? tr_ilg(b - a) : -1;
-      /* update ranks */
-      for(c = first, v = a - SA - 1; c < a; ++c) { ISA[*c] = v; }
-      if(b < last) { for(c = a, v = b - SA - 1; c < b; ++c) { ISA[*c] = v; } }
-      /* push */
-      if((1 < (b - a)) && (trbudget_check(budget, b - a))) {
-        if((a - first) <= (last - b)) {
-          if((last - b) <= (b - a)) {
-            if(1 < (a - first)) {
-              STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink);
-              STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink);
-              last = a;
-            } else if(1 < (last - b)) {
-              STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink);
-              first = b;
-            } else {
-              ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next;
-            }
-          } else if((a - first) <= (b - a)) {
-            if(1 < (a - first)) {
-              STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink);
-              STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink);
-              last = a;
-            } else {
-              STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink);
-              ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next;
-            }
-          } else {
-            STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink);
-            STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink);
-            ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next;
-          }
-        } else {
-          if((a - first) <= (b - a)) {
-            if(1 < (last - b)) {
-              STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink);
-              STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink);
-              first = b;
-            } else if(1 < (a - first)) {
-              STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink);
-              last = a;
-            } else {
-              ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next;
-            }
-          } else if((last - b) <= (b - a)) {
-            if(1 < (last - b)) {
-              STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink);
-              STACK_PUSH5(ISAd + incr, a, b, next, trlink);
-              first = b;
-            } else {
-              STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink);
-              ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next;
-            }
-          } else {
-            STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink);
-            STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink);
-            ISAd += incr, first = a, last = b, limit = next;
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        if((1 < (b - a)) && (0 <= trlink)) { stack[trlink].d = -1; }
-        if((a - first) <= (last - b)) {
-          if(1 < (a - first)) {
-            STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, b, last, limit, trlink);
-            last = a;
-          } else if(1 < (last - b)) {
-            first = b;
-          } else {
-            STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
-          }
-        } else {
-          if(1 < (last - b)) {
-            STACK_PUSH5(ISAd, first, a, limit, trlink);
-            first = b;
-          } else if(1 < (a - first)) {
-            last = a;
-          } else {
-            STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      if(trbudget_check(budget, last - first)) {
-        limit = tr_ilg(last - first), ISAd += incr;
-      } else {
-        if(0 <= trlink) { stack[trlink].d = -1; }
-        STACK_POP5(ISAd, first, last, limit, trlink);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-#undef STACK_SIZE
-/* Tandem repeat sort */
-trsort(int *ISA, int *SA, int n, int depth) {
-  int *ISAd;
-  int *first, *last;
-  trbudget_t budget;
-  int t, skip, unsorted;
-  trbudget_init(&budget, tr_ilg(n) * 2 / 3, n);
-/*  trbudget_init(&budget, tr_ilg(n) * 3 / 4, n); */
-  for(ISAd = ISA + depth; -n < *SA; ISAd += ISAd - ISA) {
-    first = SA;
-    skip = 0;
-    unsorted = 0;
-    do {
-      if((t = *first) < 0) { first -= t; skip += t; }
-      else {
-        if(skip != 0) { *(first + skip) = skip; skip = 0; }
-        last = SA + ISA[t] + 1;
-        if(1 < (last - first)) {
-          budget.count = 0;
-          tr_introsort(ISA, ISAd, SA, first, last, &budget);
-          if(budget.count != 0) { unsorted += budget.count; }
-          else { skip = first - last; }
-        } else if((last - first) == 1) {
-          skip = -1;
-        }
-        first = last;
-      }
-    } while(first < (SA + n));
-    if(skip != 0) { *(first + skip) = skip; }
-    if(unsorted == 0) { break; }
-  }
-/* Sorts suffixes of type B*. */
-sort_typeBstar(const unsigned char *T, int *SA,
-               int *bucket_A, int *bucket_B,
-               int n) {
-  int *PAb, *ISAb, *buf;
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-  int *curbuf;
-  int l;
-  int i, j, k, t, m, bufsize;
-  int c0, c1;
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-  int d0, d1;
-  int tmp;
-  /* Initialize bucket arrays. */
-  for(i = 0; i < BUCKET_A_SIZE; ++i) { bucket_A[i] = 0; }
-  for(i = 0; i < BUCKET_B_SIZE; ++i) { bucket_B[i] = 0; }
-  /* Count the number of occurrences of the first one or two characters of each
-     type A, B and B* suffix. Moreover, store the beginning position of all
-     type B* suffixes into the array SA. */
-  i = n - 1;
-  m = n;
-  c0 = T[n - 1];
-  while ( 0 <= i) {
-    /* type A suffix. */
-    do {
-    	++BUCKET_A(c1 = c0);
-    } while((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = T[i]) >= c1));
-    if(0 <= i) {
-      /* type B* suffix. */
-      ++BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1);
-      SA[--m] = i;
-      /* type B suffix. */
-      for(--i, c1 = c0; (0 <= i) && ((c0 = T[i]) <= c1); --i, c1 = c0) {
-        ++BUCKET_B(c0, c1);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  m = n - m;
-  A type B* suffix is lexicographically smaller than a type B suffix that
-  begins with the same first two characters.
-  /* Calculate the index of start/end point of each bucket. */
-  for(c0 = 0, i = 0, j = 0; c0 < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++c0) {
-    t = i + BUCKET_A(c0);
-    BUCKET_A(c0) = i + j; /* start point */
-    i = t + BUCKET_B(c0, c0);
-    for(c1 = c0 + 1; c1 < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++c1) {
-      j += BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1);
-      BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1) = j; /* end point */
-      i += BUCKET_B(c0, c1);
-    }
-  }
-  if(0 < m) {
-    /* Sort the type B* suffixes by their first two characters. */
-    PAb = SA + n - m; ISAb = SA + m;
-    for(i = m - 2; 0 <= i; --i) {
-      t = PAb[i], c0 = T[t], c1 = T[t + 1];
-      SA[--BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1)] = i;
-    }
-    t = PAb[m - 1], c0 = T[t], c1 = T[t + 1];
-    SA[--BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1)] = m - 1;
-    /* Sort the type B* substrings using sssort. */
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-    tmp = omp_get_max_threads();
-    buf = SA + m, bufsize = (n - (2 * m)) / tmp;
-    c0 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2, c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 1, j = m;
-#pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(curbuf, k, l, d0, d1, tmp)
-    {
-      tmp = omp_get_thread_num();
-      curbuf = buf + tmp * bufsize;
-      k = 0;
-      for(;;) {
-        #pragma omp critical(sssort_lock)
-        {
-          if(0 < (l = j)) {
-            d0 = c0, d1 = c1;
-            do {
-              k = BUCKET_BSTAR(d0, d1);
-              if(--d1 <= d0) {
-                d1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 1;
-                if(--d0 < 0) { break; }
-              }
-            } while(((l - k) <= 1) && (0 < (l = k)));
-            c0 = d0, c1 = d1, j = k;
-          }
-        }
-        if(l == 0) { break; }
-        sssort(T, PAb, SA + k, SA + l,
-               curbuf, bufsize, 2, n, *(SA + k) == (m - 1));
-      }
-    }
-    buf = SA + m, bufsize = n - (2 * m);
-    for(c0 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2, j = m; 0 < j; --c0) {
-      for(c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 1; c0 < c1; j = i, --c1) {
-        i = BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1);
-        if(1 < (j - i)) {
-          sssort(T, PAb, SA + i, SA + j,
-                 buf, bufsize, 2, n, *(SA + i) == (m - 1));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    /* Compute ranks of type B* substrings. */
-    for(i = m - 1; 0 <= i; --i) {
-      if(0 <= SA[i]) {
-        j = i;
-        do { ISAb[SA[i]] = i; } while((0 <= --i) && (0 <= SA[i]));
-        SA[i + 1] = i - j;
-        if(i <= 0) { break; }
-      }
-      j = i;
-      do { ISAb[SA[i] = ~SA[i]] = j; } while(SA[--i] < 0);
-      ISAb[SA[i]] = j;
-    }
-    /* Construct the inverse suffix array of type B* suffixes using trsort. */
-    trsort(ISAb, SA, m, 1);
-    /* Set the sorted order of tyoe B* suffixes. */
-    for(i = n - 1, j = m, c0 = T[n - 1]; 0 <= i;) {
-      for(--i, c1 = c0; (0 <= i) && ((c0 = T[i]) >= c1); --i, c1 = c0) { }
-      if(0 <= i) {
-        t = i;
-        for(--i, c1 = c0; (0 <= i) && ((c0 = T[i]) <= c1); --i, c1 = c0) { }
-        SA[ISAb[--j]] = ((t == 0) || (1 < (t - i))) ? t : ~t;
-      }
-    }
-    /* Calculate the index of start/end point of each bucket. */
-    BUCKET_B(ALPHABET_SIZE - 1, ALPHABET_SIZE - 1) = n; /* end point */
-    for(c0 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2, k = m - 1; 0 <= c0; --c0) {
-      i = BUCKET_A(c0 + 1) - 1;
-      for(c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 1; c0 < c1; --c1) {
-        t = i - BUCKET_B(c0, c1);
-        BUCKET_B(c0, c1) = i; /* end point */
-        /* Move all type B* suffixes to the correct position. */
-        for(i = t, j = BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c1);
-            j <= k;
-            --i, --k) { SA[i] = SA[k]; }
-      }
-      BUCKET_BSTAR(c0, c0 + 1) = i - BUCKET_B(c0, c0) + 1; /* start point */
-      BUCKET_B(c0, c0) = i; /* end point */
-    }
-  }
-  return m;
-/* Constructs the suffix array by using the sorted order of type B* suffixes. */
-construct_SA(const unsigned char *T, int *SA,
-             int *bucket_A, int *bucket_B,
-             int n, int m) {
-  int *i, *j, *k;
-  int s;
-  int c0, c1, c2;
-  if(0 < m) {
-    /* Construct the sorted order of type B suffixes by using
-       the sorted order of type B* suffixes. */
-    for(c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2; 0 <= c1; --c1) {
-      /* Scan the suffix array from right to left. */
-      for(i = SA + BUCKET_BSTAR(c1, c1 + 1),
-          j = SA + BUCKET_A(c1 + 1) - 1, k = NULL, c2 = -1;
-          i <= j;
-          --j) {
-        if(0 < (s = *j)) {
-          assert(T[s] == c1);
-          assert(((s + 1) < n) && (T[s] <= T[s + 1]));
-          assert(T[s - 1] <= T[s]);
-          *j = ~s;
-          c0 = T[--s];
-          if((0 < s) && (T[s - 1] > c0)) { s = ~s; }
-          if(c0 != c2) {
-            if(0 <= c2) { BUCKET_B(c2, c1) = k - SA; }
-            k = SA + BUCKET_B(c2 = c0, c1);
-          }
-          assert(k < j);
-          *k-- = s;
-        } else {
-          assert(((s == 0) && (T[s] == c1)) || (s < 0));
-          *j = ~s;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* Construct the suffix array by using
-     the sorted order of type B suffixes. */
-  k = SA + BUCKET_A(c2 = T[n - 1]);
-  *k++ = (T[n - 2] < c2) ? ~(n - 1) : (n - 1);
-  /* Scan the suffix array from left to right. */
-  for(i = SA, j = SA + n; i < j; ++i) {
-    if(0 < (s = *i)) {
-      assert(T[s - 1] >= T[s]);
-      c0 = T[--s];
-      if((s == 0) || (T[s - 1] < c0)) { s = ~s; }
-      if(c0 != c2) {
-        BUCKET_A(c2) = k - SA;
-        k = SA + BUCKET_A(c2 = c0);
-      }
-      assert(i < k);
-      *k++ = s;
-    } else {
-      assert(s < 0);
-      *i = ~s;
-    }
-  }
-/* Constructs the burrows-wheeler transformed string directly
-   by using the sorted order of type B* suffixes. */
-construct_BWT(const unsigned char *T, int *SA,
-              int *bucket_A, int *bucket_B,
-              int n, int m) {
-  int *i, *j, *k, *orig;
-  int s;
-  int c0, c1, c2;
-  if(0 < m) {
-    /* Construct the sorted order of type B suffixes by using
-       the sorted order of type B* suffixes. */
-    for(c1 = ALPHABET_SIZE - 2; 0 <= c1; --c1) {
-      /* Scan the suffix array from right to left. */
-      for(i = SA + BUCKET_BSTAR(c1, c1 + 1),
-          j = SA + BUCKET_A(c1 + 1) - 1, k = NULL, c2 = -1;
-          i <= j;
-          --j) {
-        if(0 < (s = *j)) {
-          assert(T[s] == c1);
-          assert(((s + 1) < n) && (T[s] <= T[s + 1]));
-          assert(T[s - 1] <= T[s]);
-          c0 = T[--s];
-          *j = ~((int)c0);
-          if((0 < s) && (T[s - 1] > c0)) { s = ~s; }
-          if(c0 != c2) {
-            if(0 <= c2) { BUCKET_B(c2, c1) = k - SA; }
-            k = SA + BUCKET_B(c2 = c0, c1);
-          }
-          assert(k < j);
-          *k-- = s;
-        } else if(s != 0) {
-          *j = ~s;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-        } else {
-          assert(T[s] == c1);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* Construct the BWTed string by using
-     the sorted order of type B suffixes. */
-  k = SA + BUCKET_A(c2 = T[n - 1]);
-  *k++ = (T[n - 2] < c2) ? ~((int)T[n - 2]) : (n - 1);
-  /* Scan the suffix array from left to right. */
-  for(i = SA, j = SA + n, orig = SA; i < j; ++i) {
-    if(0 < (s = *i)) {
-      assert(T[s - 1] >= T[s]);
-      c0 = T[--s];
-      *i = c0;
-      if((0 < s) && (T[s - 1] < c0)) { s = ~((int)T[s - 1]); }
-      if(c0 != c2) {
-        BUCKET_A(c2) = k - SA;
-        k = SA + BUCKET_A(c2 = c0);
-      }
-      assert(i < k);
-      *k++ = s;
-    } else if(s != 0) {
-      *i = ~s;
-    } else {
-      orig = i;
-    }
-  }
-  return orig - SA;
-/*- Function -*/
-divsufsort(const unsigned char *T, int *SA, int n) {
-  int *bucket_A, *bucket_B;
-  int m;
-  int err = 0;
-  /* Check arguments. */
-  if((T == NULL) || (SA == NULL) || (n < 0)) { return -1; }
-  else if(n == 0) { return 0; }
-  else if(n == 1) { SA[0] = 0; return 0; }
-  else if(n == 2) { m = (T[0] < T[1]); SA[m ^ 1] = 0, SA[m] = 1; return 0; }
-  bucket_A = (int *)malloc(BUCKET_A_SIZE * sizeof(int));
-  bucket_B = (int *)malloc(BUCKET_B_SIZE * sizeof(int));
-  /* Suffixsort. */
-  if((bucket_A != NULL) && (bucket_B != NULL)) {
-    m = sort_typeBstar(T, SA, bucket_A, bucket_B, n);
-    construct_SA(T, SA, bucket_A, bucket_B, n, m);
-  } else {
-    err = -2;
-  }
-  free(bucket_B);
-  free(bucket_A);
-  return err;
-/* Constructs the burrows-wheeler transformed string of a given string.
-* @param T[0..n-1] The input string.
-* @param U[0..n-1] The output string. (can be T)
-* @param A[0..n-1] The temporary array. (can be NULL)
-* @param n The length of the given string.
-* @return The primary index if no error occurred, -1 or -2 otherwise.
-divbwt(const unsigned char *T, unsigned char *U, int *A, int n) {
-  int *B;
-  int *bucket_A, *bucket_B;
-  int m, pidx, i;
-  /* Check arguments. */
-  if((T == NULL) || (U == NULL) || (n < 0)) { return -1; }
-  else if(n <= 1) { if(n == 1) { U[0] = T[0]; } return n; }
-  if((B = A) == NULL) { B = (int *)malloc((size_t)(n + 1) * sizeof(int)); }
-  bucket_A = (int *)malloc(BUCKET_A_SIZE * sizeof(int));
-  bucket_B = (int *)malloc(BUCKET_B_SIZE * sizeof(int));
-  /* Burrows-Wheeler Transform. */
-  if((B != NULL) && (bucket_A != NULL) && (bucket_B != NULL)) {
-    m = sort_typeBstar(T, B, bucket_A, bucket_B, n);
-    pidx = construct_BWT(T, B, bucket_A, bucket_B, n, m);
-    /* Copy to output string. */
-    U[0] = T[n - 1];
-    for(i = 0; i < pidx; ++i) { U[i + 1] = (unsigned char)B[i]; }
-    for(i += 1; i < n; ++i) { U[i] = (unsigned char)B[i]; }
-    pidx += 1;
-  } else {
-    pidx = -2;
-  }
-  free(bucket_B);
-  free(bucket_A);
-  if(A == NULL) { free(B); }
-  return pidx;
diff --git a/libdivsufsort/divsufsort.h.in b/libdivsufsort/divsufsort.h.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d8952e..0000000
--- a/libdivsufsort/divsufsort.h.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * divsufsort.h for libdivsufsort-lite
- * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Yuta Mori All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
- * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
- * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
- * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
- * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
- * conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _DIVSUFSORT_H
-#define _DIVSUFSORT_H 1
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/*- Prototypes -*/
- * Constructs the suffix array of a given string.
- * @param T[0..n-1] The input string.
- * @param SA[0..n-1] The output array of suffixes.
- * @param n The length of the given string.
- * @return 0 if no error occurred, -1 or -2 otherwise.
- */
-divsufsort(const unsigned char *T, int *SA, int n);
- * Constructs the burrows-wheeler transformed string of a given string.
- * @param T[0..n-1] The input string.
- * @param U[0..n-1] The output string. (can be T)
- * @param A[0..n-1] The temporary array. (can be NULL)
- * @param n The length of the given string.
- * @return The primary index if no error occurred, -1 or -2 otherwise.
- */
-divbwt(const unsigned char *T, unsigned char *U, int *A, int n);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#endif /* _DIVSUFSORT_H */

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