[med-svn] [python-biopython] annotated tag upstream/1.66+dfsg created (now 7f3bc20)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Mar 9 11:54:45 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/1.66+dfsg
in repository python-biopython.

        at  7f3bc20   (tag)
   tagging  80d5869d6dd4b4bd538e35eac3e183f65d23334a (commit)
 tagged by  Andreas Tille
        on  Wed Mar 9 12:46:18 2016 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 1.66+dfsg

Andreas Tille (75):
      Took over citation information from tasks file
      Fixed Vcs fields
      Valid BibTeX authors field
      cme fix dpkg-control
      Commit current but non-working status of packaging to ask for help on debian-python list
      Remove comment
      Follow some hints from Debian Python team
      More verbose testing by installing some more tools as Build-Depends to enable testing these on one hand and excluding some tests in need of online connection
      Exclude tests that need online access
      Enhanced testing and documentation of the testing in README.source
      Enable more testing and fix Emboss test
      Clean up behind tests
      Put files in right packages
      Exclude another test relying on non-free software
      Update todo list in changelog
      Run bwa test on amd64 architectures
      *really* make test of bwa architecture dependant; fix issue with empty __pycache__ dir
      Better documentation for the reasons why we exclude the database tests
      Better documentation of the excluded database tests
      Please leave the possibility to test the package at build time ... at least as long as the issue discussed on Debian Python list is open.  BTW, the test control file becomes *way* more simple if we leave it this way and as I wrote on the mainling list both tests make perfectly sense.
      Fix test suite run
      Make sure test suite will at least run in autopkgtest; need to check why it triggers more failures than at package build time
      Enhance autopkgtest and add README.test
      More enhancements of testing
      we really need this gzipped duplicate of the example.fastq file to pass the BGZF compression test
      Use offline option of run_tests.py which has the side effekt that failures are not hidden any more by setup.py.  So for the moment we need to exclude also tests that fail for unknown reasons.  Further debugging is needed - perhaps we might upload anyway and leave this for further investigation and drop an paragraph rin README.tests
      Since we are running the test suite directly not via setup.py the failed tests would stop the build.  So these are separated now and left for further inspection via a script running all the tests.
      Fixed and enhanced test script
      Further small enhancement and simplifications for the test suite
      Deal with Tutorial test
      Additional Build-Depends: python-imaging; We need python-rdflib (>=4) - deactivate the test until we detect that this version is available
      Add Upstream-Contact; DEP5
      add missing test_Fasttree_tool ... but this does not help for the test result
      Add some patches enhancing the test suite
      Upload to unstable
      Remove Bio\Entrez\DTDs\mathml2-qname-1.mod
      Force writable HOME to make sure t-coffee test will pass
      Upload to unstable
      Set HOME=/tmp also in autopkgtest
      Do not try to create doc in arch-only builds
      Fix autopkgtest; move ncbi-blast+ from Suggests to Recommends
      Commit latest change: Apply upstream fix to fix cpairwise2 import issue under python3
      New upstream version
      Build-Depends raxml only on those architectures where it is available
      Updated patches to new upstream version
      Upload to unstable
      Use mktemp as HOME for testing
      Use HOME in build_dir for testing
      Try to get the package finally build on all architectures by skiping test on mips architecture which is known to fail and versioned (Build-)Depends wise
      Patch provided by upstream to run test suite on PowerPC
      Install egg metadata
      Add samtools to Build-Depends + Recommends since it is checked in test suite
      Several changes in one rush - main important one is not testing samtools
      New upstream version
      Refreshed patches
      Add comment about fastsimcoal
      More precise explanation for fastsimcoal
      Provide part of doc in test dir since it is needed to run the test suite
      Apply fix for broken test from Upstream Git
      Versioned (Build-)Depends: python-rdflib (>= 4), Prevent privacy-breach-logo, Upload to unstable
      Build-Depends & Suggests: phylip + fixed test_phyml_tool
      Activate more tests formerly deactivated
      Enable Fasttree_tool test
      Enable test GenomeDiagram
      Verify that samtools test is really creating problems and upload to unstable
      Also run Tutorial test
      Prefer Github as contact point
      Fix for mafft test
      Add link to github issue
      Build-Depends: python3-mysqldb
      Upload to unstable
      Remove patches applied upstream
      Upload to unstable
      Imported Upstream version 1.66+dfsg

Charles Plessy (14):
      Removing obsolete XS- prefix
      +XS-DM-Upload-Allowed: Yes
      Fixing case mistake
      New upstream release; some issues remain to be fixed before upload.
      Added missing comma.
      Added mmCIF support, use Debhelper 7 and quilt, fixed doc-base registration.
      Described patch
      Enabled tests (test_Wise fails, unfortunately).
      Added a patch that prevents the tests from failing with Debian's version of Wise.
      Forgot to patch also the output file, that is used to compare to the local result.
      Corrected a typo and upload to unstable.
      Build-depend on wise for the tests after building.
      Added python-mysqldb to the Build-Depends, again for the tests.
      Changed the description of python-biopython-sql according to Peter Cock's suggestions.

David Paleino (1):
      * Using DM-Upload-Allowed instead of XS-DM-Upload-Allowed

James McCoy (1):
      Move debian/upstream to debian/upstream/metadata

Morten Kjeldgaard (2):
      Add dependency on python-numeric-ext (Bio.PDB use MLab from this package)
      Spelling mistake in last changelog entry fixed

Nelson A. de Oliveira (1):
      s/Debian-Med/Debian Med

Philipp Benner (39):
      Creating trunk directory
      [svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk
      XS-Vcs-* tags added
      new release
      removed .DS_Store.gz file from doc package
      updated changelog
      * Moved wise from recommends to suggests field.
      build-dep without versions as they are no longer needed
      standards version 3.7.3
      converted debian/copyright to utf-8
      new maintainer e-mail address
      debian/{copyright,README.Debian}: changed e-mail address
      new upstream release
      changed section of doc-base tutorial
      Removed dependency on python-numeric-ext
      new upstream release
      new upstream release
      dropped biopython-martel
      debian/control: added missing separator
      debian/control: added note
      new upstream release
      merged patch from ubuntu
      new upstream release
      standards version 3.8.3; added README.source
      new upstream release
      upstream release 1.54
      release 1.56-1
      release 1.57-1
      release 1.58-1
      release 1.59-1
      release 1.60-1
      standards version
      release 1.61-1
      python-biopython: release 1.62-1
      merged old changelog from version 1.63-1
      removed bwa from build-dependencies
      DSSP fix; excluded BioSQL_MySQLdb BioSQL_psycopg2 which require internet access
      a very first autopkgtest
      2015/03/03-09:29:17 (Linux debian-med unknown)


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/python-biopython.git

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