[med-svn] [praat] branch master updated (26993d8 -> fc91992)
Rafael Laboissière
rlaboiss-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 24 17:52:29 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
rlaboiss-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository praat.
from 26993d8 Upload to unstable
new 7761363 Imported Upstream version 6.0.15
new 41bea42 Merge tag 'upstream/6.0.15'
new e12b6af d/copyright: Reflect upstream changes
new 1166f65 d/p/add-function-prototypes.patch: Drop patch (applied upstream)
new fc91992 d/changelog: Prepare for next release
The 5 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.gitignore | 25 -
EEG/EEG.cpp | 252 +-
EEG/EEG.h | 3 +-
EEG/EEGWindow.cpp | 16 +-
EEG/EEG_def.h | 1 +
EEG/ERP.cpp | 16 +-
EEG/ERP.h | 1 -
EEG/ERPTier.cpp | 105 +-
EEG/ERPTier.h | 7 +-
EEG/ERPTier_def.h | 9 +-
EEG/ERPWindow.cpp | 56 +-
EEG/praat_EEG.cpp | 295 +-
FFNet/FFNet.cpp | 157 +-
FFNet/FFNet.h | 5 +-
FFNet/FFNet_Activation_Categories.cpp | 16 +-
FFNet/FFNet_Eigen.cpp | 6 +-
FFNet/FFNet_Eigen.h | 2 +-
FFNet/FFNet_Matrix.cpp | 2 +-
FFNet/FFNet_Matrix.h | 2 +-
FFNet/FFNet_Pattern_Activation.cpp | 35 +-
FFNet/FFNet_Pattern_Activation.h | 6 +-
FFNet/FFNet_Pattern_Categories.cpp | 37 +-
FFNet/FFNet_Pattern_Categories.h | 4 +-
FFNet/FFNet_def.h | 2 +-
FFNet/manual_FFNet.cpp | 8 +-
FFNet/praat_FFNet_init.cpp | 135 +-
LPC/Cepstrogram.cpp | 93 +-
LPC/Cepstrogram.h | 17 +-
LPC/Cepstrum.cpp | 174 +-
LPC/Cepstrum.h | 5 +-
LPC/Cepstrum_and_Spectrum.cpp | 73 +-
LPC/Cepstrumc.cpp | 4 +-
LPC/Cepstrumc.h | 1 -
LPC/Cepstrumc_def.h | 15 +-
LPC/Formant_extensions.cpp | 18 +-
LPC/LPC.cpp | 8 +-
LPC/LPC.h | 14 +-
LPC/LPC_and_Cepstrumc.cpp | 2 +-
LPC/LPC_and_Formant.cpp | 10 +-
LPC/LPC_and_Formant.h | 5 +-
LPC/LPC_and_Tube.cpp | 38 +-
LPC/LPC_to_Spectrum.cpp | 8 +-
LPC/LPC_to_Spectrum.h | 8 +-
LPC/Sound_and_Cepstrum.cpp | 6 +-
LPC/Sound_and_LPC.cpp | 28 +-
LPC/Sound_and_LPC.h | 17 +-
LPC/Sound_and_LPC_robust.cpp | 65 +-
LPC/Sound_and_LPC_robust.h | 6 +-
LPC/Tube.cpp | 6 +-
LPC/Tube.h | 24 +-
LPC/VocalTractTier.cpp | 73 +-
LPC/VocalTractTier.h | 4 +-
LPC/VocalTractTier_def.h | 6 +-
LPC/manual_LPC.cpp | 6 +-
LPC/praat_LPC_init.cpp | 88 +-
README.md | 63 +-
artsynth/Articulation.cpp | 2 +-
artsynth/Articulation.h | 1 -
artsynth/Artword.h | 9 -
artsynth/ArtwordEditor.cpp | 40 +-
artsynth/ArtwordEditor.h | 4 +-
artsynth/Artword_Speaker.cpp | 15 +-
artsynth/Artword_Speaker_Sound.cpp | 34 +-
artsynth/Artword_Speaker_to_Sound.cpp | 27 +-
artsynth/Artword_def.h | 1 +
artsynth/Artword_to_Art.cpp | 4 +-
artsynth/Delta.cpp | 6 +-
artsynth/Delta.h | 2 +-
artsynth/Speaker.h | 1 -
artsynth/Speaker_def.h | 47 +-
artsynth/Speaker_to_Delta.cpp | 200 +-
artsynth/praat_Artsynth.cpp | 126 +-
contrib/ola/FeatureWeights.cpp | 113 +-
contrib/ola/FeatureWeights.h | 7 +-
contrib/ola/FeatureWeights_def.h | 3 +-
contrib/ola/KNN.cpp | 266 +-
contrib/ola/KNN.h | 17 +-
contrib/ola/KNN_def.h | 8 +-
contrib/ola/KNN_prune.cpp | 30 +-
contrib/ola/Pattern_to_Categories_cluster.cpp | 56 +-
contrib/ola/Pattern_to_Categories_cluster.h | 2 +-
contrib/ola/manual_KNN.cpp | 2 +-
contrib/ola/praat_contrib_Ola_KNN.cpp | 127 +-
debian/changelog | 8 +
debian/copyright | 6 +-
debian/patches/add-function-prototypes.patch | 369 -
debian/patches/series | 1 -
dwsys/Collection_extensions.cpp | 151 +-
dwsys/Collection_extensions.h | 19 +-
dwsys/Command.cpp | 80 +-
dwsys/Command.h | 58 +-
dwsys/DLL.cpp | 224 -
dwsys/DLL.h | 60 -
dwsys/DoublyLinkedList.cpp | 223 +
dwsys/DoublyLinkedList.h | 67 +
dwsys/Eigen.cpp | 134 +-
dwsys/Eigen.h | 57 +-
dwsys/FileInMemory.cpp | 172 +-
dwsys/FileInMemory.h | 41 +-
dwsys/Graphics_extensions.cpp | 4 +-
dwsys/Index.cpp | 24 +-
dwsys/Index.h | 2 -
dwsys/Index_def.h | 4 +
dwsys/Makefile | 2 +-
dwsys/NUM2.cpp | 360 +-
dwsys/NUM2.h | 111 +-
dwsys/NUMfft_core.h | 1 -
dwsys/NUMstring.cpp | 65 +-
dwsys/Permutation.cpp | 22 +-
dwsys/Permutation.h | 4 +-
dwsys/Permutation_and_Index.cpp | 14 +-
dwsys/Permutation_and_Index.h | 4 +-
dwsys/SVD.cpp | 31 +-
dwsys/SVD.h | 22 +-
dwsys/SimpleVector.cpp | 20 +-
dwsys/SimpleVector.h | 14 +-
dwsys/Simple_extensions.cpp | 18 +-
dwsys/Simple_extensions.h | 10 +-
dwtest/pols_50males_format0.Discriminant | 389 +
dwtest/runAllTests.praat | 1 +
dwtest/test_Activation.praat | 25 +
dwtest/test_Covariance.praat | 61 +
dwtest/test_Discriminant.praat | 48 +-
dwtest/test_FFNet.praat | 31 +
dwtest/test_HMM.praat | 64 +
dwtest/test_MDS.praat | 37 +-
dwtest/test_SpeechSynthesizer.praat | 41 +-
dwtest/test_bss_twoSoundsMixed.praat | 31 +
dwtools/Activation.cpp | 2 +-
dwtools/Activation.h | 1 -
dwtools/AffineTransform.cpp | 23 +-
dwtools/AffineTransform.h | 3 +-
dwtools/AffineTransform_def.h | 5 +-
dwtools/CC.cpp | 74 +-
dwtools/CC.h | 28 +-
dwtools/CCA.cpp | 115 +-
dwtools/CCA.h | 5 +-
dwtools/CCA_and_Correlation.cpp | 18 +-
dwtools/CCA_def.h | 2 +
dwtools/CCs_to_DTW.cpp | 34 +-
dwtools/Categories.cpp | 50 +-
dwtools/Categories.h | 6 +-
dwtools/CategoriesEditor.cpp | 803 +-
dwtools/CategoriesEditor.h | 32 +-
dwtools/Categories_and_Strings.cpp | 22 +-
dwtools/Categories_and_Strings.h | 6 +-
dwtools/ClassificationTable.cpp | 71 +-
dwtools/ComplexSpectrogram.cpp | 22 +-
dwtools/ComplexSpectrogram.h | 2 -
dwtools/Configuration.cpp | 66 +-
dwtools/Configuration.h | 23 +-
dwtools/Configuration_AffineTransform.cpp | 4 +-
dwtools/Confusion.cpp | 106 +-
dwtools/ContingencyTable.cpp | 6 +-
dwtools/ContingencyTable.h | 3 +-
dwtools/DTW.cpp | 22 +-
dwtools/DTW.h | 1 -
dwtools/DTW_and_TextGrid.cpp | 68 +-
dwtools/DataModeler.cpp | 752 +-
dwtools/DataModeler.h | 16 +-
dwtools/DataModeler_def.h | 37 +-
dwtools/Discriminant.cpp | 422 +-
dwtools/Discriminant.h | 7 +-
dwtools/Discriminant_Pattern_Categories.cpp | 6 +-
dwtools/Discriminant_def.h | 19 +-
dwtools/Distance.cpp | 2 +-
dwtools/EEG_extensions.cpp | 99 +-
dwtools/EEG_extensions.h | 29 +-
dwtools/EditDistanceTable.cpp | 101 +-
dwtools/EditDistanceTable.h | 22 +-
dwtools/Eigen_and_Matrix.cpp | 54 +-
dwtools/Eigen_and_Matrix.h | 16 +-
dwtools/Eigen_and_Procrustes.cpp | 9 +-
dwtools/Eigen_and_SSCP.cpp | 6 +-
dwtools/Eigen_and_TableOfReal.cpp | 45 +-
dwtools/Eigen_and_TableOfReal.h | 10 +-
dwtools/Excitations.cpp | 60 +-
dwtools/Excitations.h | 24 +-
dwtools/FilterBank.cpp | 219 +-
dwtools/FilterBank.h | 62 +-
dwtools/FormantGrid_extensions.cpp | 52 +-
dwtools/GaussianMixture.cpp | 666 +-
dwtools/GaussianMixture.h | 5 +-
dwtools/GaussianMixture_def.h | 4 +-
dwtools/HMM.cpp | 596 +-
dwtools/HMM.h | 66 +-
dwtools/HMM_def.h | 13 +-
dwtools/ICA.cpp | 272 +-
dwtools/ICA.h | 35 +-
dwtools/Intensity_extensions.cpp | 16 +-
dwtools/KlattGrid.cpp | 1444 +-
dwtools/KlattGrid.h | 50 +-
dwtools/KlattGridEditors.cpp | 48 +-
dwtools/KlattGrid_def.h | 86 +-
dwtools/KlattTable.cpp | 100 +-
dwtools/LFCC.cpp | 2 +-
dwtools/LongSound_extensions.cpp | 30 +-
dwtools/LongSound_extensions.h | 7 +-
dwtools/MDS.cpp | 1228 +-
dwtools/MDS.h | 422 +-
dwtools/MFCC.cpp | 35 +-
dwtools/MFCC.h | 17 +-
dwtools/Makefile | 5 +-
dwtools/Matrix_Categories.cpp | 19 +-
dwtools/Matrix_extensions.cpp | 152 +-
dwtools/Matrix_extensions.h | 7 +-
dwtools/Minimizers.cpp | 69 +-
dwtools/Minimizers.h | 103 +-
dwtools/OptimalCeilingTier.cpp | 2 +-
dwtools/OptimalCeilingTierEditor.cpp | 8 +-
dwtools/OptimalCeilingTierEditor.h | 2 +-
dwtools/PCA.cpp | 209 +-
dwtools/PCA.h | 21 +-
dwtools/Pattern.cpp | 20 +-
dwtools/Pattern.h | 7 +-
dwtools/Pitch_extensions.cpp | 23 +-
dwtools/Polygon_extensions.cpp | 422 +-
dwtools/Polygon_extensions.h | 5 +-
dwtools/Polynomial.cpp | 390 +-
dwtools/Polynomial.h | 118 +-
dwtools/Procrustes.cpp | 22 +-
dwtools/Procrustes.h | 1 -
dwtools/Procrustes_def.h | 7 +-
dwtools/SPINET.cpp | 61 +-
dwtools/SPINET.h | 6 +-
dwtools/SPINET_def.h | 2 +-
dwtools/SPINET_to_Pitch.cpp | 6 +-
dwtools/SSCP.cpp | 996 +-
dwtools/SSCP.h | 141 +-
dwtools/SSCP_def.h | 4 +-
dwtools/Sampled2.cpp | 217 -
dwtools/Sampled2.h | 83 -
dwtools/Sampled2_def.h | 37 -
dwtools/Sound_and_PCA.cpp | 2 +-
dwtools/Sound_and_Spectrogram_extensions.cpp | 112 +-
dwtools/Sound_extensions.cpp | 365 +-
dwtools/Sound_extensions.h | 40 +-
dwtools/Sound_to_DTW.h | 34 -
dwtools/Sound_to_MFCC.cpp | 8 +-
dwtools/Sound_to_MFCC.h | 4 +-
dwtools/Sound_to_Pitch2.cpp | 22 +-
dwtools/Sound_to_SPINET.cpp | 8 +-
dwtools/Sounds_to_DTW.cpp | 6 +-
dwtools/Spectrogram_extensions.cpp | 29 +-
dwtools/Spectrogram_extensions.h | 2 +-
dwtools/Spectrum_extensions.cpp | 70 +-
dwtools/Spectrum_extensions.h | 14 +-
dwtools/SpeechSynthesizer.cpp | 295 +-
dwtools/SpeechSynthesizer.h | 17 +-
dwtools/SpeechSynthesizer_and_TextGrid.cpp | 417 +-
dwtools/SpeechSynthesizer_and_TextGrid.h | 8 +-
dwtools/SpeechSynthesizer_def.h | 13 +-
dwtools/Strings_extensions.cpp | 68 +-
dwtools/Strings_extensions.h | 4 +-
dwtools/TableOfReal_and_Permutation.cpp | 14 +-
dwtools/TableOfReal_and_Permutation.h | 6 +-
dwtools/TableOfReal_and_SVD.cpp | 26 +-
dwtools/TableOfReal_and_SVD.h | 20 +-
dwtools/TableOfReal_extensions.cpp | 425 +-
dwtools/TableOfReal_extensions.h | 115 +-
dwtools/Table_extensions.cpp | 778 +-
dwtools/Table_extensions.h | 40 +-
dwtools/TextGrid_extensions.cpp | 333 +-
dwtools/TextGrid_extensions.h | 27 +-
dwtools/VowelEditor.cpp | 769 +-
dwtools/VowelEditor.h | 5 +-
dwtools/manual_BSS.cpp | 8 +-
dwtools/manual_MDS.cpp | 12 +-
dwtools/manual_dwtools.cpp | 290 +-
dwtools/praat_BSS_init.cpp | 123 +-
dwtools/praat_DataModeler_init.cpp | 146 +-
dwtools/praat_David_init.cpp | 2706 +-
dwtools/praat_HMM_init.cpp | 514 +-
dwtools/praat_KlattGrid_init.cpp | 615 +-
dwtools/praat_MDS_init.cpp | 1127 +-
external/espeak/READ_ME.TXT | 18 +-
external/espeak/StdAfx.h | 0
external/espeak/compiledict.cpp | 362 +-
external/espeak/debug.h | 0
external/espeak/dictionary.cpp | 1083 +-
external/espeak/espeak_command.h | 0
external/espeak/espeakdata_FileInMemory.cpp | 113 +-
external/espeak/espeakdata_FileInMemory.h | 24 +-
external/espeak/espeakdata_dicts.cpp | 79065 +++++++++++--------
external/espeak/espeakdata_phons.cpp | 25929 +++---
external/espeak/espeakdata_variants.cpp | 131 +-
external/espeak/espeakdata_voices.cpp | 1272 +-
external/espeak/event.h | 0
external/espeak/fifo.h | 0
external/espeak/intonation.cpp | 46 +-
external/espeak/klatt.cpp | 453 +-
external/espeak/klatt.h | 5 +-
external/espeak/numbers.cpp | 1274 +-
external/espeak/phoneme.h | 8 +-
external/espeak/phonemelist.cpp | 232 +-
external/espeak/readclause.cpp | 455 +-
external/espeak/setlengths.cpp | 51 +-
external/espeak/sintab.h | 0
external/espeak/sonic.cpp | 0
external/espeak/sonic.h | 0
external/espeak/speak_lib.cpp | 71 +-
external/espeak/speak_lib.h | 107 +-
external/espeak/speech.h | 12 +-
external/espeak/synth_mbrola.cpp | 5 +-
external/espeak/synthdata.cpp | 75 +-
external/espeak/synthesize.cpp | 92 +-
external/espeak/synthesize.h | 35 +-
external/espeak/tr_languages.cpp | 417 +-
external/espeak/translate.cpp | 1136 +-
external/espeak/translate.h | 186 +-
external/espeak/voice.h | 6 +-
external/espeak/voices.cpp | 521 +-
external/espeak/wave.h | 2 +-
external/espeak/wavegen.cpp | 75 +-
external/portaudio2007/Makefile | 27 -
external/portaudio2007/READ_ME.TXT | 22 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_allocation.c | 243 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_allocation.h | 104 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_converters.c | 1935 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_converters.h | 263 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_cpuload.c | 105 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_cpuload.h | 72 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_debugprint.c | 107 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_debugprint.h | 149 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_dither.c | 215 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_dither.h | 100 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_endianness.h | 141 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_front.c | 1760 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_hostapi.h | 253 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_linux_alsa.c | 3565 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_linux_alsa.h | 95 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_core.c | 2328 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_core.h | 171 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_core_blocking.c | 585 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_core_blocking.h | 136 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_core_internal.h | 164 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_core_utilities.c | 620 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_core_utilities.h | 205 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_hostapis.c | 71 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_util.c | 142 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_util.h | 222 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_process.c | 1772 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_process.h | 750 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_ringbuffer.c | 285 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_ringbuffer.h | 198 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_skeleton.c | 816 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_stream.c | 150 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_stream.h | 205 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_trace.c | 97 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_trace.h | 79 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_types.h | 82 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_unix_hostapis.c | 68 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_unix_oss.c | 1955 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_unix_util.c | 668 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_unix_util.h | 224 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_util.h | 159 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_win_ds.c | 2512 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_win_ds.h | 100 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_win_ds_dynlink.c | 181 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_win_ds_dynlink.h | 95 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_win_hostapis.c | 81 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_win_util.c | 150 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_win_waveformat.c | 162 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_win_waveformat.h | 180 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_win_wdmks.c | 3300 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_win_wdmks_utils.h | 65 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_win_wmme.c | 3903 -
external/portaudio2007/pa_win_wmme.h | 176 -
external/portaudio2007/portaudio.h | 1133 -
fon/AmplitudeTier.cpp | 64 +-
fon/AmplitudeTierEditor.cpp | 8 +-
fon/AnyTier.cpp | 129 +-
fon/AnyTier.h | 52 +-
fon/AnyTier_def.h | 44 -
fon/Cochleagram.cpp | 4 +-
fon/Corpus.h | 1 -
fon/Distributions_and_Transition.cpp | 8 +-
fon/Distributions_and_Transition.h | 2 +-
fon/DurationTier.cpp | 16 +-
fon/DurationTierEditor.cpp | 6 +-
fon/Excitation.cpp | 8 +-
fon/ExperimentMFC.cpp | 108 +-
fon/ExperimentMFC.h | 22 +-
fon/ExperimentMFC_def.h | 20 +-
fon/Formant.cpp | 40 +-
fon/Formant.h | 3 +-
fon/FormantGrid.cpp | 173 +-
fon/FormantGrid.h | 3 +-
fon/FormantGridEditor.cpp | 249 +-
fon/FormantGridEditor.h | 2 +-
fon/FormantGrid_def.h | 4 +-
fon/FormantTier.cpp | 115 +-
fon/FormantTier.h | 3 +-
fon/FormantTier_def.h | 13 +-
fon/FujisakiPitch.cpp | 30 +-
fon/FujisakiPitch.h | 2 -
fon/FujisakiPitch_def.h | 9 +-
fon/Function.h | 1 -
fon/FunctionEditor.cpp | 608 +-
fon/FunctionEditor.h | 16 +-
fon/Harmonicity.cpp | 4 +-
fon/Harmonics.h | 1 -
fon/Image.h | 1 -
fon/Intensity.cpp | 17 +-
fon/IntensityTier.cpp | 16 +-
fon/IntensityTierEditor.cpp | 6 +-
fon/Label.cpp | 68 +-
fon/Label.h | 70 +-
fon/LongSound.cpp | 125 +-
fon/LongSound.h | 18 +-
fon/Ltas.cpp | 38 +-
fon/Ltas.h | 7 +-
fon/Manipulation.cpp | 116 +-
fon/Manipulation.h | 1 -
fon/ManipulationEditor.cpp | 497 +-
fon/ManipulationEditor.h | 2 +-
fon/Manipulation_def.h | 23 +-
fon/Matrix.cpp | 42 +-
fon/Matrix.h | 14 +-
fon/Matrix_and_Pitch.cpp | 2 +-
fon/Matrix_and_PointProcess.cpp | 12 +-
fon/Matrix_and_Polygon.cpp | 4 +-
fon/Movie.cpp | 17 +-
fon/Movie.h | 5 +-
fon/MovieWindow.cpp | 60 +-
fon/MovieWindow.h | 2 +-
fon/Movie_def.h | 4 +-
fon/ParamCurve.cpp | 2 +-
fon/ParamCurve.h | 1 -
fon/Photo.cpp | 32 +-
fon/Photo.h | 9 +-
fon/Pitch.cpp | 46 +-
fon/Pitch.h | 23 +-
fon/PitchEditor.cpp | 150 +-
fon/PitchEditor.h | 2 +-
fon/PitchTier.cpp | 30 +-
fon/PitchTier.h | 2 +-
fon/PitchTierEditor.cpp | 8 +-
fon/PitchTierEditor.h | 2 +-
fon/PitchTier_to_PointProcess.cpp | 34 +-
fon/PitchTier_to_Sound.cpp | 23 +-
fon/Pitch_AnyTier_to_PitchTier.cpp | 27 +-
fon/Pitch_Intensity.cpp | 43 +-
fon/Pitch_Intensity.h | 6 +-
fon/Pitch_def.h | 1 +
fon/Pitch_to_PitchTier.cpp | 16 +-
fon/Pitch_to_PointProcess.cpp | 28 +-
fon/Pitch_to_Sound.cpp | 16 +-
fon/PointEditor.cpp | 111 +-
fon/PointEditor.h | 6 +-
fon/PointProcess.cpp | 33 +-
fon/PointProcess.h | 7 +-
fon/PointProcess_and_Sound.cpp | 46 +-
fon/Polygon.cpp | 2 +-
fon/Polygon.h | 5 +-
fon/Praat_tests.cpp | 21 +-
fon/RealTier.cpp | 204 +-
fon/RealTier.h | 7 +-
fon/RealTierEditor.cpp | 185 +-
fon/RealTierEditor.h | 4 +-
fon/RealTier_def.h | 19 +-
fon/RunnerMFC.cpp | 219 +-
fon/RunnerMFC.h | 8 +-
fon/Sampled.cpp | 6 +-
fon/Sampled.h | 1 -
fon/SampledXY.cpp | 14 +
fon/SampledXY.h | 1 -
fon/SampledXY_def.h | 16 +-
fon/Sampled_def.h | 12 +
fon/Sound.cpp | 78 +-
fon/Sound.h | 25 +-
fon/SoundEditor.cpp | 113 +-
fon/SoundEditor.h | 2 +-
fon/SoundRecorder.cpp | 231 +-
fon/SoundRecorder.h | 6 +-
fon/Sound_and_Spectrogram.cpp | 10 +-
fon/Sound_and_Spectrum.cpp | 36 +-
fon/Sound_and_Spectrum.h | 2 +-
fon/Sound_audio.cpp | 34 +-
fon/Sound_enhance.cpp | 56 +-
fon/Sound_files.cpp | 8 +-
fon/Sound_to_Cochleagram.cpp | 68 +-
fon/Sound_to_Formant.cpp | 14 +-
fon/Sound_to_Harmonicity_GNE.cpp | 58 +-
fon/Sound_to_Intensity.cpp | 8 +-
fon/Sound_to_Pitch.cpp | 12 +-
fon/Sound_to_Pitch.h | 2 +-
fon/Sound_to_PointProcess.cpp | 19 +-
fon/Spectrogram.cpp | 10 +-
fon/SpectrogramEditor.cpp | 38 +-
fon/SpectrogramEditor.h | 2 +-
fon/Spectrum.cpp | 61 +-
fon/Spectrum.h | 1 -
fon/SpectrumEditor.cpp | 75 +-
fon/SpectrumEditor.h | 2 +-
fon/SpectrumTier.cpp | 24 +-
fon/SpectrumTier.h | 2 +-
fon/Spectrum_and_Spectrogram.h | 2 -
fon/Spectrum_to_Excitation.cpp | 24 +-
fon/SpellingChecker.cpp | 47 +-
fon/SpellingChecker.h | 5 +-
fon/SpellingChecker_def.h | 10 +-
fon/TextGrid.cpp | 620 +-
fon/TextGrid.h | 14 +-
fon/TextGridEditor.cpp | 862 +-
fon/TextGridEditor.h | 6 +-
fon/TextGrid_Sound.cpp | 261 +-
fon/TextGrid_Sound.h | 16 +-
fon/TextGrid_def.h | 34 +-
fon/TimeSoundAnalysisEditor.cpp | 463 +-
fon/TimeSoundAnalysisEditor.h | 4 +-
fon/TimeSoundEditor.cpp | 240 +-
fon/TimeSoundEditor.h | 6 +-
fon/Transition.cpp | 8 +-
fon/Transition.h | 1 -
fon/Vector.cpp | 12 +-
fon/Vector.h | 2 +-
fon/VocalTract.cpp | 172 +-
fon/VoiceAnalysis.cpp | 33 +-
fon/WordList.h | 1 -
fon/manual_Script.cpp | 8 +-
fon/manual_programming.cpp | 8 +-
fon/manual_tutorials.cpp | 42 +-
fon/praat_Exp.cpp | 77 +-
fon/praat_Fon.cpp | 2339 +-
fon/praat_Sound_init.cpp | 1093 +-
fon/praat_TextGrid_init.cpp | 561 +-
gram/Network.cpp | 30 +-
gram/Network.h | 1 -
gram/Network_def.h | 4 +
gram/OTGrammar.cpp | 91 +-
gram/OTGrammar.h | 1 -
gram/OTGrammarEditor.cpp | 65 +-
gram/OTGrammar_def.h | 4 +
gram/OTGrammar_ex_NPA.cpp | 14 +-
gram/OTGrammar_ex_NoCoda.cpp | 6 +-
gram/OTGrammar_ex_metrics.cpp | 34 +-
gram/OTGrammar_ex_tongueRoot.cpp | 6 +-
gram/OTMulti.cpp | 37 +-
gram/OTMulti.h | 1 -
gram/OTMultiEditor.cpp | 66 +-
gram/OTMulti_def.h | 4 +
gram/OTMulti_ex_metrics.cpp | 38 +-
gram/praat_gram.cpp | 302 +-
main/main_Praat.cpp | 50 +-
makefiles/makefile.defs.linux.pulse | 4 +-
makefiles/makefile.defs.mingw32 | 4 +-
makefiles/makefile.defs.mingw64 | 4 +-
num/NUM.h | 2 +-
num/NUMlinprog.cpp | 6 +-
num/NUMrandom.cpp | 22 +-
stat/Distributions.cpp | 18 +-
stat/Distributions.h | 2 +-
stat/Distributions_and_Strings.cpp | 6 +-
stat/LogisticRegression.cpp | 47 +-
stat/LogisticRegression.h | 1 -
stat/PairDistribution.cpp | 99 +-
stat/PairDistribution.h | 5 +-
stat/PairDistribution_def.h | 2 +-
stat/Regression.cpp | 36 +-
stat/Regression.h | 2 -
stat/Regression_def.h | 2 +-
stat/Table.cpp | 621 +-
stat/Table.h | 14 +-
stat/TableEditor.cpp | 186 +-
stat/TableEditor.h | 12 +-
EEG/ERP_def.h => stat/TableEditor_prefs.h | 16 +-
stat/TableOfReal.cpp | 131 +-
stat/TableOfReal.h | 12 +-
stat/Table_def.h | 9 +-
stat/praat_Stat.cpp | 431 +-
sys/ButtonEditor.cpp | 44 +-
sys/ButtonEditor.h | 2 +-
sys/Collection.cpp | 526 +-
sys/Collection.h | 978 +-
sys/Data.cpp | 89 +-
sys/Data.h | 84 +-
sys/DataEditor.cpp | 180 +-
sys/DataEditor.h | 10 +-
sys/DemoEditor.cpp | 226 +-
sys/DemoEditor.h | 6 +-
sys/Editor.cpp | 124 +-
sys/Editor.h | 88 +-
sys/EditorM.h | 15 +-
sys/Formula.cpp | 19 +-
sys/Formula.h | 8 +-
sys/Graphics.cpp | 19 +-
sys/Graphics.h | 24 +-
sys/GraphicsP.h | 4 +-
sys/GraphicsPostscript.cpp | 44 +-
sys/GraphicsScreen.cpp | 182 +-
sys/Graphics_altitude.cpp | 8 +-
sys/Graphics_colour.cpp | 35 +-
sys/Graphics_image.cpp | 2 +-
sys/Graphics_mouse.cpp | 18 +-
sys/Graphics_text.cpp | 18 +-
sys/Gui.cpp | 6 +-
sys/Gui.h | 232 +-
sys/GuiButton.cpp | 53 +-
sys/GuiCheckButton.cpp | 38 +-
sys/GuiControl.cpp | 8 +
sys/GuiDialog.cpp | 69 +-
sys/GuiDrawingArea.cpp | 128 +-
sys/GuiFileSelect.cpp | 22 +-
sys/GuiForm.cpp | 10 +-
sys/GuiLabel.cpp | 18 +-
sys/GuiList.cpp | 142 +-
sys/GuiMenu.cpp | 173 +-
sys/GuiMenuItem.cpp | 70 +-
sys/GuiObject.cpp | 4 +-
sys/GuiOptionMenu.cpp | 48 +-
sys/GuiProgressBar.cpp | 16 +-
sys/GuiRadioButton.cpp | 48 +-
sys/GuiScale.cpp | 16 +-
sys/GuiScrollBar.cpp | 45 +-
sys/GuiScrolledWindow.cpp | 18 +-
sys/GuiShell.cpp | 67 +-
sys/GuiText.cpp | 122 +-
sys/GuiThing.cpp | 2 +-
sys/GuiWindow.cpp | 88 +-
sys/HyperPage.cpp | 264 +-
sys/HyperPage.h | 9 +-
sys/InfoEditor.cpp | 53 +-
sys/InfoEditor.h | 2 +-
sys/Interpreter.cpp | 62 +-
sys/Interpreter.h | 10 +-
sys/Interpreter_decl.h | 25 -
sys/ManPages.cpp | 224 +-
sys/ManPages.h | 6 +-
sys/Manual.cpp | 102 +-
sys/Manual.h | 2 +-
sys/MelderThread.h | 22 +-
sys/Picture.cpp | 164 +-
sys/Picture.h | 35 +-
sys/Preferences.cpp | 26 +-
sys/Printer.cpp | 84 +-
sys/Printer.h | 7 +-
sys/Script.cpp | 6 +-
sys/Script.h | 2 +-
sys/ScriptEditor.cpp | 137 +-
sys/ScriptEditor.h | 12 +-
sys/Simple.cpp | 4 +
sys/Simple.h | 6 +-
sys/Strings.cpp | 19 +-
sys/StringsEditor.cpp | 46 +-
sys/StringsEditor.h | 4 +-
sys/Strings_.h | 1 -
sys/TextEditor.cpp | 178 +-
sys/TextEditor.h | 4 +-
sys/Thing.cpp | 46 +-
sys/Thing.h | 177 +-
sys/Ui.cpp | 297 +-
sys/Ui.h | 90 +-
sys/UiFile.cpp | 87 +-
sys/UiPause.cpp | 44 +-
sys/UiPause.h | 2 +-
sys/melder.cpp | 56 +-
sys/melder.h | 106 +-
sys/melder_audio.cpp | 38 +-
sys/melder_audiofiles.cpp | 2 +-
sys/melder_debug.cpp | 4 +
sys/melder_files.cpp | 8 +-
sys/melder_sysenv.cpp | 2 +
sys/melder_textencoding.cpp | 26 +-
sys/melder_time.cpp | 10 +
sys/motifEmulator.cpp | 42 +-
sys/oo.h | 19 +-
sys/oo_CAN_WRITE_AS_ENCODING.h | 9 +-
sys/oo_COPY.h | 21 +-
sys/oo_DESCRIPTION.h | 11 +-
sys/oo_DESTROY.h | 10 +-
sys/oo_EQUAL.h | 13 +-
sys/oo_READ_BINARY.h | 31 +-
sys/oo_READ_TEXT.h | 23 +-
sys/oo_WRITE_BINARY.h | 23 +-
sys/oo_WRITE_TEXT.h | 27 +-
sys/oo_undef.h | 3 +-
sys/praat.cpp | 300 +-
sys/praat.h | 49 +-
sys/praatP.h | 22 +-
sys/praat_actions.cpp | 375 +-
sys/praat_logo.cpp | 48 +-
sys/praat_menuCommands.cpp | 314 +-
sys/praat_objectMenus.cpp | 255 +-
sys/praat_picture.cpp | 543 +-
sys/praat_script.cpp | 52 +-
sys/praat_script.h | 3 +-
sys/praat_statistics.cpp | 4 +-
sys/praat_version.h | 10 +-
test/dwtools/Discriminant.praat | 41 +
test/dwtools/KlattSlope.praat | 3 +-
test/dwtools/Pols.binary.Discriminant | Bin 0 -> 5057 bytes
test/dwtools/Pols.text.Discriminant | 389 +
test/fon Exp/Sounds/M1F1-float32-AFsp.wav | Bin 0 -> 188168 bytes
test/fon Exp/Sounds/again.wav | Bin 0 -> 27688 bytes
test/fon Exp/Sounds/heed.wav | Bin 0 -> 16016 bytes
test/fon Exp/Sounds/hid.wav | Bin 0 -> 14866 bytes
test/fon Exp/Sounds/hood.wav | Bin 0 -> 23258 bytes
test/fon Exp/Sounds/hud.wav | Bin 0 -> 21716 bytes
test/fon Exp/Sounds/weSayTheWord.wav | Bin 0 -> 25926 bytes
test/fon Exp/continuousGoodness.ExperimentMFC | 144 +
test/fon Exp/csl.ExperimentMFC | 35 +
test/fon Exp/experimentMFC.praat | 15 +
test/fon Exp/hoofdletters.ExperimentMFC | 43 +
test/fon Exp/pictures.ExperimentMFC | 40 +
test/{sys => fon Exp/pictures}/paul.jpg | Bin
test/fon Exp/pictures/silke.jpg | Bin 0 -> 21362 bytes
test/fon Exp/simplest.ExperimentMFC | 45 +
test/fon Exp/simplest_broken.ExperimentMFC | 45 +
test/fon Exp/simplest_missing.ExperimentMFC | 45 +
test/fon Exp/stereo.ExperimentMFC | 38 +
test/fon Exp/test.ExperimentMFC | 33 +
test/fon Exp/version3.ExperimentMFC | 32 +
test/fon Exp/version4.ExperimentMFC | 50 +
test/fon Exp/version6.ExperimentMFC | 53 +
test/fon/PitchTier.praat | 40 +
test/fon/Spectrum_draw.praat | 12 +
test/fon/TextGrid_Sound_extractIntervals.praat | 11 +
test/fon/data.praat | Bin 13494 -> 13492 bytes
test/fon/endian.praat | 1 +
test/fon/examples/OTGrammar/Infant.OTGrammar | 198 +
test/fon/examples/OTGrammar/Infant2.OTGrammar | 198 +
.../fon/examples/OTGrammar/Infant_binary.OTGrammar | Bin 0 -> 3689 bytes
.../examples/OTGrammar/Infant_binary2.OTGrammar | Bin 0 -> 3689 bytes
test/fon/examples/banner.praat | 11 +
test/fon/examples/example.wav | Bin 0 -> 40958 bytes
test/fon/examples/sineWithNoise.TextGrid | 10 +
test/fon/examples/sounds/aaaa02.nsp | Bin 0 -> 1520078 bytes
test/fon/examples/sounds/aaaa02.wav | Bin 0 -> 1520044 bytes
test/fon/examples/sounds/cl_F1_2b_egg.wav | Bin 0 -> 312142 bytes
.../fon/examples/sounds/elephant calls/27_Ella.wav | Bin 0 -> 1254122 bytes
test/fon/texio.praat | Bin 10042 -> 10074 bytes
test/fon/textioSpeed.praat | 3 +-
test/manually/Demo_recording_problem.praat | 36 +
test/manually/PairDistributions_append.praat | 44 +
test/menuSpeed.praat | 19 +
test/{runAllTests.praat => runAllTests_leak.praat} | 74 +-
test/stat/Table.praat | 11 +-
test/stat/linearRegression.praat | 19 +
test/stat/logisticRegression.praat | 11 +-
test/stat/logisticRegression/rh.LogisticRegression | 17 +
test/stat/pb.Table | 31944 ++++++++
test/sys/graphics.praat | Bin 8026 -> 8230 bytes
test/sys/progress.praat | Bin 786 -> 946 bytes
test/sys/script2.praat | Bin 3890 -> 4276 bytes
745 files changed, 124186 insertions(+), 107828 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 .gitignore
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/add-function-prototypes.patch
delete mode 100644 dwsys/DLL.cpp
delete mode 100644 dwsys/DLL.h
create mode 100644 dwsys/DoublyLinkedList.cpp
create mode 100644 dwsys/DoublyLinkedList.h
create mode 100644 dwtest/pols_50males_format0.Discriminant
create mode 100644 dwtest/test_Activation.praat
create mode 100644 dwtest/test_Covariance.praat
create mode 100644 dwtest/test_HMM.praat
create mode 100644 dwtest/test_bss_twoSoundsMixed.praat
delete mode 100644 dwtools/Sampled2.cpp
delete mode 100644 dwtools/Sampled2.h
delete mode 100644 dwtools/Sampled2_def.h
delete mode 100644 dwtools/Sound_to_DTW.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/StdAfx.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/compiledict.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/debug.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/dictionary.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/espeak_command.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/event.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/fifo.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/intonation.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/klatt.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/klatt.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/numbers.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/phoneme.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/phonemelist.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/readclause.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/setlengths.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/sintab.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/sonic.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/sonic.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/speak_lib.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/speak_lib.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/speech.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/synth_mbrola.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/synthdata.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/synthesize.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/synthesize.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/translate.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/translate.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/voice.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/voices.cpp
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/wave.h
mode change 100644 => 100755 external/espeak/wavegen.cpp
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/Makefile
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/READ_ME.TXT
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_allocation.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_allocation.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_converters.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_converters.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_cpuload.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_cpuload.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_debugprint.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_debugprint.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_dither.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_dither.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_endianness.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_front.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_hostapi.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_linux_alsa.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_linux_alsa.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_core.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_core.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_core_blocking.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_core_blocking.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_core_internal.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_core_utilities.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_core_utilities.h
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delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_util.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_mac_util.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_process.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_process.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_ringbuffer.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_ringbuffer.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_skeleton.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_stream.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_stream.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_trace.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_trace.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_types.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_unix_hostapis.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_unix_oss.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_unix_util.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_unix_util.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_util.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_win_ds.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_win_ds.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_win_ds_dynlink.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_win_ds_dynlink.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_win_hostapis.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_win_util.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_win_waveformat.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_win_waveformat.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_win_wdmks.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_win_wdmks_utils.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_win_wmme.c
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/pa_win_wmme.h
delete mode 100644 external/portaudio2007/portaudio.h
delete mode 100644 fon/AnyTier_def.h
copy EEG/ERP_def.h => stat/TableEditor_prefs.h (76%)
delete mode 100644 sys/Interpreter_decl.h
create mode 100644 test/dwtools/Discriminant.praat
create mode 100644 test/dwtools/Pols.binary.Discriminant
create mode 100644 test/dwtools/Pols.text.Discriminant
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/Sounds/M1F1-float32-AFsp.wav
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/Sounds/again.wav
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/Sounds/heed.wav
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/Sounds/hid.wav
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/Sounds/hood.wav
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/Sounds/hud.wav
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/Sounds/weSayTheWord.wav
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/continuousGoodness.ExperimentMFC
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/csl.ExperimentMFC
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/experimentMFC.praat
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/hoofdletters.ExperimentMFC
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/pictures.ExperimentMFC
copy test/{sys => fon Exp/pictures}/paul.jpg (100%)
create mode 100755 test/fon Exp/pictures/silke.jpg
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/simplest.ExperimentMFC
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/simplest_broken.ExperimentMFC
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/simplest_missing.ExperimentMFC
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/stereo.ExperimentMFC
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/test.ExperimentMFC
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/version3.ExperimentMFC
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/version4.ExperimentMFC
create mode 100644 test/fon Exp/version6.ExperimentMFC
create mode 100644 test/fon/PitchTier.praat
create mode 100644 test/fon/Spectrum_draw.praat
create mode 100644 test/fon/TextGrid_Sound_extractIntervals.praat
create mode 100644 test/fon/examples/OTGrammar/Infant.OTGrammar
create mode 100644 test/fon/examples/OTGrammar/Infant2.OTGrammar
create mode 100644 test/fon/examples/OTGrammar/Infant_binary.OTGrammar
create mode 100644 test/fon/examples/OTGrammar/Infant_binary2.OTGrammar
create mode 100644 test/fon/examples/banner.praat
create mode 100644 test/fon/examples/example.wav
create mode 100644 test/fon/examples/sineWithNoise.TextGrid
create mode 100644 test/fon/examples/sounds/aaaa02.nsp
create mode 100644 test/fon/examples/sounds/aaaa02.wav
create mode 100644 test/fon/examples/sounds/cl_F1_2b_egg.wav
create mode 100644 test/fon/examples/sounds/elephant calls/27_Ella.wav
create mode 100644 test/manually/Demo_recording_problem.praat
create mode 100644 test/manually/PairDistributions_append.praat
create mode 100644 test/menuSpeed.praat
copy test/{runAllTests.praat => runAllTests_leak.praat} (60%)
create mode 100644 test/stat/linearRegression.praat
create mode 100644 test/stat/logisticRegression/rh.LogisticRegression
create mode 100644 test/stat/pb.Table
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/praat.git
More information about the debian-med-commit
mailing list