[med-svn] [gnumed-server] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 21.10

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Tue Nov 8 17:09:32 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gnumed-server.

commit c2398beaef7a0ec0defa5a7d1e8597c7b04b404f
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Nov 8 17:41:19 2016 +0100

    Imported Upstream version 21.10
 server/doc/schema/gnumed-entire_schema.html        |   2 +-
 .../v20-v21/dynamic/v21-release_notes-dynamic.sql  |  31 +--
 .../v21-clin-get_hints_for_patient-fixup.sql       | 310 +++++++++++----------
 3 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 168 deletions(-)

diff --git a/server/doc/schema/gnumed-entire_schema.html b/server/doc/schema/gnumed-entire_schema.html
index 967cdf5..c6321db 100644
--- a/server/doc/schema/gnumed-entire_schema.html
+++ b/server/doc/schema/gnumed-entire_schema.html
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
     <!-- Primary Index -->
-	<p><br><br>Dumped on 2016-09-12</p>
+	<p><br><br>Dumped on 2016-11-07</p>
 <h1><a name="index">Index of database - gnumed_v21</a></h1>
diff --git a/server/sql/v20-v21/dynamic/v21-release_notes-dynamic.sql b/server/sql/v20-v21/dynamic/v21-release_notes-dynamic.sql
index a05d886..042ba69 100644
--- a/server/sql/v20-v21/dynamic/v21-release_notes-dynamic.sql
+++ b/server/sql/v20-v21/dynamic/v21-release_notes-dynamic.sql
@@ -17,26 +17,25 @@ INSERT INTO dem.message_inbox (
 	(select pk from dem.staff where db_user = 'any-doc'),
 	(select pk_type from dem.v_inbox_item_type where type = 'memo' and category = 'administrative'),
-	'Release Notes for GNUmed 1.6.9 (database v21.9)',
-	'GNUmed 1.6.9 Release Notes:
+	'Release Notes for GNUmed 1.6.10 (database v21.10)',
+	'GNUmed 1.6.10 Release Notes:
-	1.6.9
+	1.6.10
-FIX: faulty detection of dynamic hint applicability
-FIX: exception on Orthanc port out of bounds
-FIX: setting address from list in receiver selection widget
-FIX: no EMR user interaction when updating active encounter display
-FIX: faulty by-day measurements display after patient change
+FIX: more faults with dynamic hint detection
+FIX: exception on verifying substance intake EA
+FIX: failure to download studies from early Orthanc versions
+FIX: failure to create BMP when no allergy check date available
-IMPROVED: start-end formatting of substance intake
-IMPROVED: select unicode character from SOAP STC context menu
-IMPROVED: edit test results by context menu from lists
-IMPROVED: AMTS data file generation (v2 -> v2.3)
-IMPROVED: color of focussed line in STC-based SOAP editor
-IMPROVED: information in Hx box of patient overview plugin
+IMPROVED: LaTeX formatting of current medications
-NEW: placeholder $<if_not_empty>$
+NEW: placeholders $<bill_adr_*>$ for accessing the address of a bill
+NEW: --wxp=2|3 command line option
+	21.10
+FIX: clin.get_hints_for_patient()
 -- --------------------------------------------------------------
-select gm.log_script_insertion('v21-release_notes-dynamic.sql', '21.9');
+select gm.log_script_insertion('v21-release_notes-dynamic.sql', '21.10');
diff --git a/server/sql/v20-v21/fixups/v21-clin-get_hints_for_patient-fixup.sql b/server/sql/v20-v21/fixups/v21-clin-get_hints_for_patient-fixup.sql
index 12b2b9c..367c86e 100644
--- a/server/sql/v20-v21/fixups/v21-clin-get_hints_for_patient-fixup.sql
+++ b/server/sql/v20-v21/fixups/v21-clin-get_hints_for_patient-fixup.sql
@@ -22,22 +22,88 @@ where
 grant select on staging.journal_without_suppressed_hints to group "gm-staff";
 -- --------------------------------------------------------------
+drop function if exists clin.hint_suppression_exists(IN _pk_identity integer, IN _pk_hint integer, OUT _o_exists BOOLEAN, OUT _o_md5 TEXT, OUT _o_rationale TEXT) cascade;
+create function clin.hint_suppression_exists(IN _pk_identity integer, IN _pk_hint integer, OUT _o_exists BOOLEAN, OUT _o_md5 TEXT, OUT _o_rationale TEXT)
+	returns RECORD
+	language 'plpgsql'
+	as '
+--	_md5_suppressed text;
+--	_old_rationale4suppression text;
+		md5_sum,
+		rationale
+			INTO
+		_o_md5,
+		_o_rationale
+	FROM clin.suppressed_hint WHERE
+		fk_hint = _pk_hint
+			AND
+		fk_encounter IN (
+			SELECT pk FROM clin.encounter WHERE fk_patient = _pk_identity
+		);
+		_o_exists := TRUE;
+		_o_exists := FALSE;
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------
+drop function if exists clin.run_hint_query(IN _title text, IN _query text, OUT _o_applies boolean, OUT _o_title TEXT) cascade;
+create function clin.run_hint_query(IN _title text, IN _query text, OUT _o_applies boolean, OUT _o_title TEXT)
+	returns RECORD
+	language 'plpgsql'
+	as '
+		EXECUTE _query INTO STRICT _o_applies;
+		--WHEN insufficient_privilege THEN RAISE WARNING ''auto hint query failed: %'', _query;
+		WHEN others THEN
+			RAISE WARNING ''auto hint query failed: %'', _query;
+			-- only available starting with PG 9.2:
+			--	_exc_state = RETURNED_SQLSTATE,
+			--	_exc_msg = MESSAGE_TEXT,
+			--	_exc_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL,
+			--	_exc_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT,
+			--	_exc_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT;
+			--RAISE WARNING ''SQL STATE: %'', _exc_state;
+			--RAISE WARNING ''MESSAGE: %'', _exc_msg;
+			--RAISE WARNING ''DETAIL: %'', _exc_detail;
+			--RAISE WARNING ''HINT: %'', _exc_hint;
+			--RAISE WARNING ''CONTEXT: %'', _exc_context;
+			-- workaround for 9.1:
+			_o_applies := NULL;
+			_o_title := (''ERROR checking for ['' || _title || ''] !'')::TEXT;
+	END;
+	_o_title := _title;
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------
 drop function if exists clin.get_hints_for_patient(integer) cascade;
+drop function if exists clin.get_hints_for_patient(IN _pk_identity integer) cascade;
-create function clin.get_hints_for_patient(integer)
+create function clin.get_hints_for_patient(IN _pk_identity integer)
 	returns setof ref.v_auto_hints
 	language 'plpgsql'
 	as '
-	_pk_identity ALIAS FOR $1;
 	_hint ref.v_auto_hints%rowtype;
 	_query text;
-	_sanitized_query text;
-	_md5_suppressed text;
-	_rationale4suppression text;
 	_suppression_exists boolean;		-- does not mean that the suppression applies
+	_md5_at_suppression text;
+	_old_rationale4suppression text;
 	_hint_currently_applies boolean;	-- regardless of whether suppressed or not
 	_hint_recommendation text;
+	_title text;
 --	_exc_state text;
 --	_exc_msg text;
 --	_exc_detail text;
@@ -47,172 +113,114 @@ BEGIN
 	-- loop over all defined hints
 	FOR _hint IN SELECT * FROM ref.v_auto_hints WHERE is_active LOOP
+		--raise NOTICE ''checking hint for patient %: %'', _pk_identity, _hint.title;
 		-- is the hint suppressed ?
-			md5_sum,
-			rationale
-				INTO
-			_md5_suppressed,
-			_rationale4suppression
-		FROM clin.suppressed_hint WHERE
-			fk_hint = _hint.pk_auto_hint
-				AND
-			fk_encounter IN (
-				SELECT pk FROM clin.encounter WHERE fk_patient = _pk_identity
-			);
-			_suppression_exists := TRUE;
-			_suppression_exists := FALSE;
-		END IF;
+		SELECT (clin.hint_suppression_exists(_pk_identity, _hint.pk_auto_hint)).*
+			INTO STRICT _suppression_exists, _md5_at_suppression, _old_rationale4suppression;
 		-- does the hint currently apply ? (regardless of whether it is suppressed)
 		_query := replace(_hint.query, ''ID_ACTIVE_PATIENT'', _pk_identity::text);
-			EXECUTE _query INTO STRICT _hint_currently_applies;
-			--WHEN insufficient_privilege THEN RAISE WARNING ''auto hint query failed: %'', _query;
-			WHEN others THEN
-				RAISE WARNING ''auto hint query failed: %'', _query;
-				-- only available starting with PG 9.2:
-				--	_exc_state = RETURNED_SQLSTATE,
-				--	_exc_msg = MESSAGE_TEXT,
-				--	_exc_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL,
-				--	_exc_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT,
-				--	_exc_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT;
-				--RAISE WARNING ''SQL STATE: %'', _exc_state;
-				--RAISE WARNING ''MESSAGE: %'', _exc_msg;
-				--RAISE WARNING ''DETAIL: %'', _exc_detail;
-				--RAISE WARNING ''HINT: %'', _exc_hint;
-				--RAISE WARNING ''CONTEXT: %'', _exc_context;
-				-- workaround for 9.1:
-				_hint.title := ''ERROR checking for ['' || _hint.title || ''] !'';
-				_hint.hint := _query;
-				RETURN NEXT _hint;
-				-- process next hint
-		END;
-		-- does it _really_ apply ?
-		-- re-run against staging.journal_without_suppressed_hints which does
-		-- not contain suppressed hints -- because it may have applied only
-		-- because clin.v_emr_journal does contain formatted suppressed hints
-		IF _hint_currently_applies THEN
-			_sanitized_query := replace(_query, ''clin.v_emr_journal'', ''staging.journal_without_suppressed_hints'');
-			-- but only re-run if actually different
-			IF _sanitized_query <> _query THEN
-				BEGIN
-					EXECUTE _sanitized_query INTO STRICT _hint_currently_applies;
-					--WHEN insufficient_privilege THEN RAISE WARNING ''sanitized auto hint query failed: %'', _sanitized_query;
-					WHEN others THEN
-						RAISE WARNING ''sanitized auto hint query failed: %'', _sanitized_query;
-						-- only available starting with PG 9.2:
-						--	_exc_state = RETURNED_SQLSTATE,
-						--	_exc_msg = MESSAGE_TEXT,
-						--	_exc_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL,
-						--	_exc_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT,
-						--	_exc_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT;
-						--RAISE WARNING ''SQL STATE: %'', _exc_state;
-						--RAISE WARNING ''MESSAGE: %'', _exc_msg;
-						--RAISE WARNING ''DETAIL: %'', _exc_detail;
-						--RAISE WARNING ''HINT: %'', _exc_hint;
-						--RAISE WARNING ''CONTEXT: %'', _exc_context;
-						-- workaround for 9.1:
-						_hint.title := ''ERROR checking for ['' || _hint.title || ''] !'';
-						_hint.hint := _sanitized_query;
-						RETURN NEXT _hint;
-						-- process next hint
-						CONTINUE;
-				END;
-			END IF;
+		_query := replace(_query, ''clin.v_emr_journal'', ''staging.journal_without_suppressed_hints'');
+		SELECT (clin.run_hint_query(_hint.title, _query)).*
+			INTO STRICT _hint_currently_applies, _title;
+		-- error ?
+		IF _hint_currently_applies IS NULL THEN
+			--raise NOTICE '' error -> return'';
+			_hint.title := _title;
+			_hint.hint := _query;
+			RETURN NEXT _hint;
+			-- process next hint
 		END IF;
-		IF _suppression_exists THEN
-			-- is the hint definition still the same as at the time of suppression ?
-			IF _md5_suppressed = _hint.md5_sum THEN
-				-- yes, but does this hint currently apply ?
-				IF _hint_currently_applies THEN
-					-- suppressed, suppression valid, and hint applies: skip this hint
-				END IF;
-				-- suppressed, suppression valid, hint does NOT apply:
-				-- skip but invalidate suppression, because:
-				-- * previously the hint applied and the user suppressed it,
-				-- * then the patient changed such that the hint does not
-				--    apply anymore (but the suppression is still valid),
-				-- * when the patient changes again, the hint might apply again
-				-- * HOWEVER - since the suppression would still be valid - the
-				--   hint would magically get suppressed again (which is
-				--   medically unsafe) ...
-				-- after invalidation, the hint will no longer be suppressed,
-				-- however - since it does not currently apply it - it will
-				-- still not be returned until it applies again ...
-				--
-				-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-				-- UNFORTUNATELY, the following is currently not _possible_ because
-				-- we are running inside a READONLY transaction (due to inherent
-				-- security risks when running arbitrary user queries [IOW the hint
-				-- SQL] against the database) and we cannot execute a
-				-- sub-transaction as READWRITE :-/
-				--
-				--UPDATE clin.suppressed_hint
-				--SET md5_sum = ''invalidated''::text		-- will not ever match any md5 sum
-				--WHERE
-				--	fk_encounter IN (
-				--		SELECT pk FROM clin.encounter WHERE fk_patient = _pk_identity
-				--	)
-				--		AND
-				--	fk_hint = _hint.pk_auto_hint;
-				-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-				--
-				-- hence our our workaround is to, indeed, return the hint but
-				-- tag it with a magic rationale, by means of which the client
-				-- can detect it to be in need of invalidation:
-				_hint.title := ''HINT DOES NOT APPLY BUT NEEDS INVALIDATION OF EXISTING SUPPRESSION ['' || _hint.title || ''].'';
-				_hint.rationale4suppression := ''magic_tag::please_invalidate_suppression'';
-				RETURN NEXT _hint;
-			END IF;
-			-- suppression exists but hint definition must have changed
-			-- does the new hint apply ?
-			IF _hint_currently_applies THEN
-				-- yes: ignore the suppression but provide previous
-				-- rationale for suppression to the user
-				_hint.rationale4suppression := _rationale4suppression;
-				-- retrieve recommendation
-				SELECT clin._get_recommendation_for_patient_hint(_hint.recommendation_query, _pk_identity) INTO STRICT _hint_recommendation;
-				_hint.recommendation := _hint_recommendation;
-				RETURN NEXT _hint;
+		-- hint does not apply
+		IF _hint_currently_applies IS FALSE THEN
+			-- does a (previously stored) suppression exist ?
+			IF _suppression_exists IS FALSE THEN
+				-- no, so skip this hint
+				--raise NOTICE '' does not apply -> skip'';
 			END IF;
-			-- no, new hint does not apply, so ask for
-			-- invalidation of suppression (see above)
+			--raise NOTICE '' does not apply but suppression invalid -> return for invalidation'';
+			-- hint suppressed but does NOT apply:
+			-- skip hint but invalidate suppression, because:
+			-- * previously the hint must have applied and the user suppressed it,
+			-- * then patient data (or hint definition) changed such that
+			--   the hint does not apply anymore (but the suppression is
+			--   still valid),
+			-- * when patient data changes again, the hint might apply again
+			-- * HOWEVER - since the suppression would still be valid - the
+			--   hint would magically get suppressed again (which is
+			--   medically unsafe) ...
+			-- after invalidation, the hint will no longer be suppressed,
+			-- however - since it does not currently apply - it will
+			-- still not be returned and shown until it applies again ...
+			--
+			-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+			-- UNFORTUNATELY, the following is currently not _possible_ because
+			-- we are running inside a READONLY transaction (due to inherent
+			-- security risks when running arbitrary user queries [IOW the hint
+			-- SQL] against the database) and we cannot execute a
+			-- sub-transaction as READWRITE :-/
+			--
+			--UPDATE clin.suppressed_hint
+			--SET md5_sum = ''invalidated''::text		-- will not ever match any md5 sum
+			--WHERE
+			--	fk_encounter IN (
+			--		SELECT pk FROM clin.encounter WHERE fk_patient = _pk_identity
+			--	)
+			--		AND
+			--	fk_hint = _hint.pk_auto_hint;
+			-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+			--
+			-- hence our our workaround is to, indeed, return the hint but
+			-- tag it with a magic rationale, by means of which the client
+			-- can detect it to be in need of invalidation:
 			_hint.title := ''HINT DOES NOT APPLY BUT NEEDS INVALIDATION OF EXISTING SUPPRESSION ['' || _hint.title || ''].'';
-			_hint.rationale4suppression := ''magic_tag::please_invalidate_suppression'';
+			_hint.rationale4suppression := ''magic_tag::does_not_apply::suppression_needs_invalidation'';
 			RETURN NEXT _hint;
 		END IF;
-		-- hint is not suppressed
-		-- does the hint currently apply ?
-		IF _hint_currently_applies THEN
-			-- yes: retrieve recommendation
+		--raise NOTICE '' applies'';
+		-- but is there a suppression ?
+		IF _suppression_exists IS FALSE THEN
+			--raise NOTICE '' return'';
+			-- no: retrieve recommendation
 			SELECT clin._get_recommendation_for_patient_hint(_hint.recommendation_query, _pk_identity) INTO STRICT _hint_recommendation;
 			_hint.recommendation := _hint_recommendation;
+			-- return hint
 			RETURN NEXT _hint;
 		END IF;
-		-- no: ignore it and process next hint in LOOP
+		-- yes, is suppressed
+		--raise NOTICE '' is suppressed'';
+		-- is the suppression still valid ?
+		-- -> yes, suppression valid
+		IF _md5_at_suppression = _hint.md5_sum THEN
+			--raise NOTICE ''-> suppression valid, ignoring hint'';
+			-- hint applies, suppressed, suppression valid: skip this hint
+		END IF;
+		-- -> no, suppression not valid
+		-- hint definition must have changed so ignore the suppression but
+		-- provide previous rationale for suppression to the user
+		_hint.rationale4suppression := _old_rationale4suppression;
+		-- retrieve recommendation
+		SELECT clin._get_recommendation_for_patient_hint(_hint.recommendation_query, _pk_identity) INTO STRICT _hint_recommendation;
+		_hint.recommendation := _hint_recommendation;
+		RETURN NEXT _hint;
 -- --------------------------------------------------------------
-select gm.log_script_insertion('v21-clin-get_hints_for_patient-fixup.sql', '21.9');
+select gm.log_script_insertion('v21-clin-get_hints_for_patient-fixup.sql', '21.10');

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/gnumed-server.git

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