[med-svn] [r-cran-ggplot2] 02/10: Merge tag 'upstream/2.2.0'
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Mon Nov 14 09:09:33 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-ggplot2.
commit 753d53751c7d737db3b67f11c663a289f15d125f
Merge: 11bdda9 fa51526
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Mon Nov 14 09:17:07 2016 +0100
Merge tag 'upstream/2.2.0'
Upstream version 2.2.0
LICENSE | 280 ++++++++
MD5 | 613 +++++++++--------
NEWS.md | 227 ++++++
R/aes-group-order.r | 2 +-
R/aes.r | 39 +-
R/annotation-custom.r | 9 +-
R/annotation-logticks.r | 2 +-
R/annotation-map.r | 6 +-
R/annotation-raster.r | 11 +-
R/annotation.r | 9 +-
R/axis-secondary.R | 162 +++++
R/bin.R | 2 +-
R/coord-.r | 30 +-
R/coord-cartesian-.r | 3 +-
R/coord-fixed.r | 2 +-
R/coord-flip.r | 4 +-
R/coord-map.r | 100 ++-
R/coord-polar.r | 17 +-
R/coord-transform.r | 8 +-
R/data.R | 172 ++---
R/facet-.r | 448 +++++++++++-
R/facet-grid-.r | 447 ++++++------
R/facet-layout.r | 175 -----
R/facet-locate.r | 84 ---
R/facet-null.r | 113 ++-
R/facet-viewports.r | 50 --
R/facet-wrap.r | 564 ++++++++-------
R/fortify-lm.r | 3 +-
R/fortify-map.r | 16 +-
R/fortify-multcomp.r | 1 +
R/fortify-spatial.r | 1 +
R/fortify.r | 2 +-
R/geom-.r | 9 +-
R/geom-abline.r | 13 +-
R/geom-bar.r | 37 +-
R/geom-bin2d.r | 9 +-
R/geom-blank.r | 8 +-
R/geom-boxplot.r | 45 +-
R/geom-col.r | 48 ++
R/geom-contour.r | 12 +-
R/geom-count.r | 12 +-
R/geom-curve.r | 3 +-
R/geom-defaults.r | 5 +-
R/geom-density.r | 9 +-
R/geom-density2d.r | 14 +-
R/geom-dotplot.r | 37 +-
R/geom-errorbarh.r | 5 +-
R/geom-hex.r | 9 +-
R/geom-histogram.r | 29 +-
R/geom-jitter.r | 11 +-
R/geom-linerange.r | 13 +-
R/geom-map.r | 9 +-
R/geom-path.r | 15 +-
R/geom-point.r | 44 +-
R/geom-polygon.r | 17 +-
R/geom-quantile.r | 7 +-
R/geom-ribbon.r | 15 +-
R/geom-rug.r | 35 +-
R/geom-segment.r | 17 +-
R/geom-smooth.r | 4 +-
R/geom-spoke.r | 7 +-
R/geom-text.r | 40 +-
R/geom-tile.r | 8 +-
R/geom-violin.r | 21 +-
R/ggplot2.r | 3 +
R/ggproto.r | 119 +++-
R/guide-colorbar.r | 27 +-
R/guide-legend.r | 25 +-
R/guides-.r | 101 +--
R/guides-axis.r | 4 +-
R/hexbin.R | 4 +
R/{facet-labels.r => labeller.r} | 75 +-
R/labels.r | 50 +-
R/layer.r | 65 +-
R/layout.R | 214 ++++++
R/limits.r | 55 +-
R/margins.R | 29 +-
R/panel.r | 185 -----
R/plot-build.r | 106 ++-
R/plot-construction.r | 87 +--
R/plot-last.r | 1 +
R/plot.r | 97 +--
R/position-.r | 4 +-
R/position-collide.r | 45 +-
R/position-dodge.r | 49 +-
R/position-fill.r | 24 -
R/position-jitter.r | 31 +-
R/position-jitterdodge.R | 8 +-
R/position-nudge.R | 13 +-
R/position-stack.r | 229 ++++++-
R/quick-plot.r | 14 +-
R/range.r | 4 +-
R/save.r | 19 +-
R/scale-.r | 102 ++-
R/scale-alpha.r | 19 +-
R/scale-brewer.r | 30 +-
R/scale-continuous.r | 161 +++--
R/scale-date.r | 129 +++-
R/scale-discrete-.r | 41 +-
R/scale-gradient.r | 11 +-
R/scale-grey.r | 10 +-
R/scale-hue.r | 27 +-
R/scale-identity.r | 57 +-
R/scale-linetype.r | 19 +-
R/scale-manual.r | 40 +-
R/scale-shape.r | 21 +-
R/scale-size.r | 2 +-
R/scale-type.R | 3 +
R/stat-.r | 32 +-
R/stat-bin.r | 9 +-
R/stat-binhex.r | 9 +-
R/stat-boxplot.r | 2 +-
R/stat-contour.r | 5 +
R/stat-count.r | 23 +-
R/stat-density.r | 39 +-
R/stat-ecdf.r | 22 +-
R/stat-ellipse.R | 2 +-
R/stat-function.r | 10 +-
R/stat-identity.r | 2 +-
R/stat-qq.r | 10 +-
R/stat-smooth.r | 22 +-
R/stat-sum.r | 2 +-
R/stat-summary.r | 45 +-
R/stat-unique.r | 10 +-
R/stat-ydensity.r | 30 +-
R/theme-current.R | 109 +++
R/theme-defaults.r | 271 +++++---
R/theme-elements.r | 160 +++--
R/theme.r | 762 ++++++++++-----------
R/translate-qplot-ggplot.r | 1 +
R/translate-qplot-lattice.r | 1 +
R/utilities-break.r | 2 +-
R/utilities-help.r | 35 +-
R/utilities-resolution.r | 16 +-
R/utilities.r | 25 +-
R/zzz.r | 8 +-
README.md | 66 +-
build/partial.rdb | Bin 186675 -> 172618 bytes
build/vignette.rds | Bin 250 -> 245 bytes
inst/doc/extending-ggplot2.R | 352 +++++++++-
inst/doc/extending-ggplot2.Rmd | 445 +++++++++++-
inst/doc/extending-ggplot2.html | 517 ++++++++++++--
inst/doc/ggplot2-specs.Rmd | 4 +-
inst/doc/ggplot2-specs.html | 23 +-
inst/staticdocs/README.md | 0
inst/staticdocs/footer.html | 5 -
inst/staticdocs/head.html | 27 -
inst/staticdocs/icons.R | 576 ----------------
inst/staticdocs/index.r | 241 -------
man/add_theme.Rd | 4 +-
man/aes.Rd | 28 +-
man/aes_.Rd | 13 +-
man/aes_group_order.Rd | 4 +-
man/annotate.Rd | 13 +-
man/annotation_custom.Rd | 5 +-
man/annotation_map.Rd | 4 +-
man/annotation_raster.Rd | 8 +-
man/as.list.ggproto.Rd | 1 +
man/as_labeller.Rd | 3 +-
man/borders.Rd | 7 +-
man/calc_element.Rd | 2 +-
man/combine_vars.Rd | 28 +
man/continuous_scale.Rd | 8 +-
man/coord_cartesian.Rd | 2 +-
man/coord_fixed.Rd | 2 +-
man/coord_flip.Rd | 4 +-
man/coord_map.Rd | 57 +-
man/coord_polar.Rd | 4 +-
man/coord_trans.Rd | 8 +-
man/cut_interval.Rd | 2 +-
man/diamonds.Rd | 24 +-
man/discrete_scale.Rd | 16 +-
man/economics.Rd | 26 +-
man/element.Rd | 120 ++++
man/element_blank.Rd | 14 -
man/element_line.Rd | 24 -
man/element_rect.Rd | 24 -
man/element_text.Rd | 41 --
man/expand_limits.Rd | 3 +-
man/facet.Rd | 18 -
man/facet_grid.Rd | 6 +-
man/facet_null.Rd | 1 +
man/facet_wrap.Rd | 36 +-
man/find_panel.Rd | 29 +
man/format.ggproto.Rd | 21 -
man/fortify-multcomp.Rd | 1 +
man/fortify.Rd | 2 +-
man/fortify.lm.Rd | 3 +-
man/fortify.map.Rd | 3 +-
man/fortify.sp.Rd | 1 +
man/geom_abline.Rd | 17 +-
man/geom_bar.Rd | 45 +-
man/geom_bin2d.Rd | 13 +-
man/geom_blank.Rd | 5 +-
man/geom_boxplot.Rd | 50 +-
man/geom_contour.Rd | 16 +-
man/geom_count.Rd | 17 +-
man/geom_density.Rd | 34 +-
man/geom_density_2d.Rd | 18 +-
man/geom_dotplot.Rd | 14 +-
man/geom_errorbarh.Rd | 11 +-
man/geom_hex.Rd | 13 +-
man/geom_histogram.Rd | 45 +-
man/geom_jitter.Rd | 15 +-
man/geom_linerange.Rd | 17 +-
man/geom_map.Rd | 13 +-
man/geom_path.Rd | 15 +-
man/geom_point.Rd | 46 +-
man/geom_polygon.Rd | 21 +-
man/{stat_qq.Rd => geom_qq.Rd} | 16 +-
man/geom_quantile.Rd | 11 +-
man/geom_ribbon.Rd | 19 +-
man/geom_rug.Rd | 38 +-
man/geom_segment.Rd | 22 +-
man/geom_smooth.Rd | 21 +-
man/geom_spoke.Rd | 11 +-
man/geom_text.Rd | 44 +-
man/geom_tile.Rd | 12 +-
man/geom_violin.Rd | 30 +-
man/gg-add.Rd | 81 +--
man/ggplot.Rd | 74 +-
man/ggplot2-ggproto.Rd | 106 ++-
man/ggplot2-package.Rd | 15 +
man/ggproto.Rd | 51 +-
man/ggsave.Rd | 18 +-
man/ggtheme.Rd | 29 +-
man/graphical-units.Rd | 2 +-
man/guide_colourbar.Rd | 4 +-
man/guide_legend.Rd | 2 +-
man/guides.Rd | 13 +-
man/hmisc.Rd | 27 +-
man/is.ggproto.Rd | 15 -
man/is.rel.Rd | 1 +
man/is.theme.Rd | 1 +
man/label_bquote.Rd | 6 +-
man/labeller.Rd | 4 +-
man/labellers.Rd | 4 +-
man/labs.Rd | 47 +-
man/last_plot.Rd | 1 +
man/layer.Rd | 9 +-
man/lims.Rd | 51 +-
man/luv_colours.Rd | 4 +-
man/macros/aesthetics.Rd | 1 +
man/map_data.Rd | 6 +-
man/margin.Rd | 24 -
man/max_height.Rd | 22 +
man/mean_se.Rd | 12 +-
man/midwest.Rd | 60 +-
man/mpg.Rd | 24 +-
man/msleep.Rd | 26 +-
man/position_dodge.Rd | 55 +-
man/position_identity.Rd | 4 +-
man/position_jitter.Rd | 31 +-
man/position_jitterdodge.Rd | 6 +-
man/position_nudge.Rd | 17 +-
man/position_stack.Rd | 131 +++-
man/presidential.Rd | 2 +-
man/print.ggplot.Rd | 22 +-
man/print.ggproto.Rd | 14 +-
man/qplot.Rd | 12 +-
man/rel.Rd | 21 -
man/render_axes.Rd | 33 +
man/render_strips.Rd | 26 +
man/resolution.Rd | 17 +-
man/scale_alpha.Rd | 24 +-
man/scale_brewer.Rd | 26 +-
man/scale_continuous.Rd | 119 ++--
man/scale_date.Rd | 48 +-
man/scale_discrete.Rd | 15 +-
man/scale_gradient.Rd | 8 +-
man/scale_grey.Rd | 7 +-
man/scale_hue.Rd | 24 +-
man/scale_identity.Rd | 13 +-
man/scale_linetype.Rd | 19 +-
man/scale_manual.Rd | 37 +-
man/scale_shape.Rd | 21 +-
man/scale_size.Rd | 2 +-
man/seals.Rd | 2 +-
man/sec_axis.Rd | 69 ++
man/stat_ecdf.Rd | 21 +-
man/stat_ellipse.Rd | 6 +-
man/stat_function.Rd | 14 +-
man/stat_identity.Rd | 2 +-
man/stat_summary.Rd | 12 +-
man/stat_summary_2d.Rd | 4 +-
man/stat_unique.Rd | 16 +-
man/theme.Rd | 580 ++++++++--------
man/theme_get.Rd | 92 +++
man/theme_update.Rd | 69 --
man/translate_qplot_ggplot.Rd | 1 +
man/translate_qplot_lattice.Rd | 1 +
man/txhousing.Rd | 4 +-
man/update_defaults.Rd | 1 +
man/update_labels.Rd | 1 +
man/wrap_dims.Rd | 21 +
tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf | Bin 3831 -> 3833 bytes
tests/testthat/helper-plot-data.r | 8 +-
tests/testthat/test-add.R | 6 +
tests/testthat/test-annotate.r | 20 +
tests/testthat/test-boxplot.r | 4 +-
tests/testthat/test-build.r | 13 +-
tests/testthat/test-data.r | 7 +-
tests/testthat/test-dotplot.r | 14 +
tests/testthat/test-facet-labels.r | 20 +-
tests/testthat/test-facet-layout.r | 73 +-
.../{test-facet-locate.r => test-facet-map.r} | 52 +-
tests/testthat/test-facet-strips.r | 88 ++-
tests/testthat/test-function-args.r | 4 +-
tests/testthat/test-geom-hex.R | 12 +
tests/testthat/test-geom-violin.R | 23 +-
tests/testthat/test-guides.R | 9 +
tests/testthat/test-labels.r | 10 +
tests/testthat/test-layer.r | 8 +-
tests/testthat/test-position-stack.R | 54 ++
tests/testthat/test-scale-date.R | 46 ++
tests/testthat/test-scale-discrete.R | 53 ++
tests/testthat/test-scales.r | 25 +-
tests/testthat/test-stat-bin.R | 33 +-
tests/testthat/test-stat-hex.R | 8 +
tests/testthat/test-stats.r | 5 +
tests/testthat/test-theme.r | 33 +-
tests/testthat/test-utilities.r | 14 +
vignettes/extending-ggplot2.Rmd | 445 +++++++++++-
vignettes/ggplot2-specs.Rmd | 4 +-
vignettes/releases/ggplot2-1.0.0.Rmd | 15 +
vignettes/releases/ggplot2-2.0.0.Rmd | 327 +++++++++
vignettes/releases/ggplot2-2.1.0.Rmd | 74 ++
vignettes/releases/ggplot2-2.2.0.Rmd | 227 ++++++
330 files changed, 10084 insertions(+), 5896 deletions(-)
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