[med-svn] [gdcm] branch master updated (1fe9c13 -> 1bea519)
Gert Wollny
gert-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Oct 12 10:24:18 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gert-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository gdcm.
from 1fe9c13 Prepare new upload
new 091c818 New upstream version 2.6.6
new 6465d4f Merge tag 'upstream/2.6.6'
new ccc75e5 Update patches and drop format-error.patch
new 1bea519 Update changelog
The 4 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.travis.yml | 5 +-
Applications/Cxx/gdcmanon.cxx | 11 +-
Applications/Cxx/gdcminfo.cxx | 2 +-
Applications/Cxx/gdcmpap3.cxx | 4 +-
CMake/CTestCustom.ctest.in | 6 +
CMakeLists.txt | 3 +-
Examples/Cxx/DumpExamCard.cxx | 3 +-
Examples/Cxx/DumpImageHeaderInfo.cxx | 2 +-
Examples/Cxx/DumpPhilipsECHO.cxx | 6 +-
Source/Common/gdcmBoxRegion.h | 2 +-
Source/Common/gdcmCommand.h | 2 +-
Source/Common/gdcmFileNameEvent.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmOpenSSLP7CryptographicMessageSyntax.h | 2 +-
Source/Common/gdcmProgressEvent.h | 2 +-
Source/Common/gdcmSystem.cxx | 7 +-
Source/Common/gdcmTerminal.h | 2 +-
Source/Common/gdcmUnpacker12Bits.h | 1 +
Source/DataDictionary/gdcmCSAHeaderDictEntry.h | 2 +-
Source/DataDictionary/gdcmDictConverter.h | 1 +
Source/DataDictionary/gdcmDictEntry.h | 2 +-
Source/DataDictionary/gdcmPrivateDefaultDicts.cxx | 15 +-
Source/DataDictionary/gdcmSOPClassUIDToIOD.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmByteBuffer.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmByteSwapFilter.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmCP246ExplicitDataElement.h | 1 +
.../gdcmCodeString.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmDataSet.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmDataSetEvent.h | 2 +-
.../DataStructureAndEncodingDefinition/gdcmFile.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmFileMetaInformation.cxx | 8 +-
.../gdcmFileSet.h | 2 +-
.../DataStructureAndEncodingDefinition/gdcmItem.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmMediaStorage.cxx | 2 +
.../gdcmMediaStorage.h | 1 +
.../gdcmPDBHeader.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmParser.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmPreamble.cxx | 7 +-
.../gdcmPreamble.h | 15 +-
.../gdcmSequenceOfItems.h | 2 +-
.../DataStructureAndEncodingDefinition/gdcmTag.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmUNExplicitImplicitDataElement.h | 2 +-
Source/DataStructureAndEncodingDefinition/gdcmVR.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmWriter.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmAnonymizeEvent.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmAnonymizer.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmApplicationEntity.h | 1 +
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmBitmap.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmBitmapToBitmapFilter.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmCurve.h | 1 +
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmDICOMDIR.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmDICOMDIRGenerator.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmDirectoryHelper.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmDumper.h | 1 +
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmFileAnonymizer.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmFileChangeTransferSyntax.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmFileDecompressLookupTable.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmFileDerivation.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmFileExplicitFilter.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmFileStreamer.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmIPPSorter.cxx | 6 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmIPPSorter.h | 4 +-
.../gdcmIconImageFilter.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmIconImageGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmImage.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmImageApplyLookupTable.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmImageChangePhotometricInterpretation.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmImageChangePlanarConfiguration.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmImageChangeTransferSyntax.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmImageCodec.cxx | 5 +-
.../gdcmImageFragmentSplitter.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmImageHelper.cxx | 19 +-
.../gdcmImageRegionReader.h | 4 +-
.../gdcmImageToImageFilter.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmJPEG2000Codec.cxx | 93 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmJPEGCodec.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmJPEGLSCodec.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmMeshPrimitive.cxx | 3 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmMeshPrimitive.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmOverlay.cxx | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmPGXCodec.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmPNMCodec.cxx | 6 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmPNMCodec.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmPVRGCodec.h | 1 +
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmPixelFormat.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmPixmap.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmPixmapReader.h | 1 +
.../gdcmPixmapToPixmapFilter.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmPixmapWriter.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmRLECodec.cxx | 8 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmRescaler.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmScanner.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmSegment.cxx | 3 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmSegment.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmSegmentReader.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmSegmentWriter.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmSimpleSubjectWatcher.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmSorter.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmSpacing.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmSplitMosaicFilter.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmStrictScanner.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmStringFilter.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmSurface.cxx | 6 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmSurface.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmSurfaceHelper.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmSurfaceReader.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmSurfaceWriter.h | 2 +-
Source/MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmTagPath.h | 2 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmUIDGenerator.cxx | 2 +
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmUIDGenerator.h | 1 +
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/gdcmUUIDGenerator.h | 2 +-
Source/MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmAAbortPDU.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmAAssociateACPDU.cxx | 4 +-
.../gdcmAAssociateACPDU.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmAAssociateRJPDU.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmAAssociateRQPDU.cxx | 4 +-
.../gdcmAAssociateRQPDU.h | 2 +-
Source/MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmARTIMTimer.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmAReleaseRPPDU.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmAReleaseRQPDU.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmAbstractSyntax.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmApplicationContext.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmAsynchronousOperationsWindowSub.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmBaseCompositeMessage.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmBaseNormalizedMessage.h | 2 +-
Source/MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmBasePDU.h | 2 +-
Source/MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmBaseQuery.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmBaseRootQuery.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmCEchoMessages.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmCFindMessages.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmCMoveMessages.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmCStoreMessages.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmCompositeMessageFactory.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmCompositeNetworkFunctions.cxx | 24 +-
.../gdcmCompositeNetworkFunctions.h | 2 +-
Source/MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmDIMSE.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmFindPatientRootQuery.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmFindStudyRootQuery.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmImplementationClassUIDSub.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmImplementationUIDSub.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmImplementationVersionNameSub.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmMaximumLengthSub.h | 2 +-
...gdcmModalityPerformedProcedureStepCreateQuery.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmModalityPerformedProcedureStepSetQuery.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmMovePatientRootQuery.cxx | 11 +-
.../gdcmMovePatientRootQuery.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmMoveStudyRootQuery.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmNActionMessages.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmNCreateMessages.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmNDeleteMessages.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmNEventReportMessages.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmNGetMessages.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmNSetMessages.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmNormalizedNetworkFunctions.h | 2 +-
Source/MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmPDUFactory.h | 2 +-
Source/MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmPDataTFPDU.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmPresentationContextAC.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmPresentationContextGenerator.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmPresentationContextRQ.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmPresentationDataValue.h | 2 +-
Source/MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmQueryBase.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmQueryFactory.h | 2 +-
Source/MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmQueryImage.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmQueryPatient.h | 2 +-
Source/MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmQuerySeries.h | 2 +-
Source/MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmQueryStudy.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmRoleSelectionSub.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmSOPClassExtendedNegociationSub.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmServiceClassApplicationInformation.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmTransferSyntaxSub.h | 2 +-
Source/MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmULAction.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmULActionDT.cxx | 93 +-
.../gdcmULBasicCallback.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmULConnection.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmULConnectionInfo.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmULConnectionManager.cxx | 4 +-
.../gdcmULConnectionManager.h | 2 +-
Source/MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmULEvent.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmULWritingCallback.h | 2 +-
.../gdcmUserInformation.h | 2 +-
.../MessageExchangeDefinition/gdcmWLMFindQuery.h | 2 +-
.../Common/Cxx/TestCryptographicMessageSyntax.cxx | 2 +-
Testing/Source/Common/Cxx/TestSystem2.cxx | 6 +-
Testing/Source/Data/CMakeLists.txt | 9 +
.../Cxx/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
.../Cxx/TestItem.cxx | 2 +-
.../Cxx/TestReader3.cxx | 4 +-
.../MediaStorageAndFileFormat/Cxx/CMakeLists.txt | 8 +-
.../Cxx/TestFileAnonymizer3.cxx | 2 +-
.../Cxx/TestFileAnonymizer4.cxx | 6 +-
.../Cxx/TestStrictScanner1.cxx | 3 +
.../Cxx/TestStrictScanner2.cxx | 3 +-
.../Cxx/TestUIDGenerator.cxx | 5 +
Utilities/doxygen/CMakeLists.txt | 7 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcm2pnm.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcm2vtk.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcmanon.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcmconv.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcmdiff.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcmdump.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcmgendir.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcmimg.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcminfo.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcmpap3.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcmpdf.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcmraw.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcmscanner.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcmscu.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcmtar.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcmviewer.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/man/gdcmxml.xml | 3 +-
Utilities/doxygen/version.txt.in | 1 +
Utilities/gdcmrle/io.cxx | 4 +-
Utilities/gdcmrle/rle.cxx | 16 +-
Wrapping/Python/docstrings.i | 935 +++++++++++++--------
debian/changelog | 7 +
debian/patches/02_fixhurd.patch | 2 +-
debian/patches/format-error.patch | 15 -
debian/patches/series | 1 -
218 files changed, 1061 insertions(+), 709 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Utilities/doxygen/version.txt.in
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/format-error.patch
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/gdcm.git
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