[med-svn] [htsjdk] 03/03: new upstream version

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Sat Sep 10 07:24:30 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository htsjdk.

commit 191617e0a9605c1ee852f47cfaf046ea81999227
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Sep 10 08:10:03 2016 +0200

    new upstream version
 debian/changelog                     |   6 ++
 debian/patches/13-skip_network_tests | 172 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 259e9ed..441c5f2 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+htsjdk (2.6.1+dfsg-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream version
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Sat, 10 Sep 2016 08:03:30 +0200
 htsjdk (2.5.0+dfsg.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Vincent Danjean ]
diff --git a/debian/patches/13-skip_network_tests b/debian/patches/13-skip_network_tests
index e77ff4e..c326879 100644
--- a/debian/patches/13-skip_network_tests
+++ b/debian/patches/13-skip_network_tests
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ Last-Updated: 2015-01-06
 --- a/src/test/java/htsjdk/tribble/AbstractFeatureReaderTest.java
 +++ b/src/test/java/htsjdk/tribble/AbstractFeatureReaderTest.java
-@@ -26,86 +26,4 @@ public class AbstractFeatureReaderTest {
-     final static String HTTP_INDEXED_VCF_PATH = "http://www.broadinstitute.org/~picard/testdata/ex2.vcf";
+@@ -27,86 +27,4 @@ public class AbstractFeatureReaderTest {
+     final static String HTTP_INDEXED_VCF_PATH = TestUtil.BASE_URL_FOR_HTTP_TESTS + "ex2.vcf";
      final static String LOCAL_MIRROR_HTTP_INDEXED_VCF_PATH = VariantBaseTest.variantTestDataRoot + "ex2.vcf";
 -    /**
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ Last-Updated: 2015-01-06
 --- a/src/test/java/htsjdk/samtools/sra/SRATest.java
 +++ b/src/test/java/htsjdk/samtools/sra/SRATest.java
-@@ -57,376 +57,4 @@ import java.util.TreeSet;
+@@ -57,378 +57,4 @@ import java.util.TreeSet;
  public class SRATest extends AbstractSRATest {
@@ -341,13 +341,8 @@ Last-Updated: 2015-01-06
 -    @DataProvider(name = "testGroups")
 -    private Object[][] createDataForGroups() {
 -        return new Object[][] {
--            {"SRR822962", new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(
--                    "GS54389-FS3-L08", "GS57511-FS3-L08", "GS54387-FS3-L02", "GS54387-FS3-L01",
--                    "GS57510-FS3-L01", "GS57510-FS3-L03", "GS54389-FS3-L07", "GS54389-FS3-L05",
--                    "GS54389-FS3-L06", "GS57510-FS3-L02", "GS57510-FS3-L04", "GS54387-FS3-L03",
--                    "GS46253-FS3-L03"))
--            },
--            {"SRR2096940", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("SRR2096940"))}
+-            {"SRR1035115", new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList("15656144_B09YG", "15656144_B09MR"))},
+-            {"SRR2096940", new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList("SRR2096940"))}
 -        };
 -    }
@@ -388,15 +383,17 @@ Last-Updated: 2015-01-06
 -    private Object[][] createDataForReferences() {
 -        return new Object[][] {
 -            // primary alignment only
--            {"SRR1063272", 1,
--                    Arrays.asList("supercont2.1", "supercont2.2", "supercont2.3", "supercont2.4",
--                                  "supercont2.5", "supercont2.6", "supercont2.7", "supercont2.8",
--                                  "supercont2.9", "supercont2.10", "supercont2.11", "supercont2.12",
--                                  "supercont2.13", "supercont2.14"),
--                    Arrays.asList(2291499, 1621675, 1575141, 1084805,
--                                  1814975, 1422463, 1399503, 1398693,
--                                  1186808, 1059964, 1561994, 774062,
--                                  756744, 926563)},
+-            {"SRR353866", 9,
+-                    Arrays.asList(
+-                            "AAAB01001871.1", "AAAB01002233.1", "AAAB01004056.1", "AAAB01006027.1",
+-                            "AAAB01008846.1", "AAAB01008859.1", "AAAB01008960.1", "AAAB01008982.1",
+-                            "AAAB01008987.1"
+-                    ),
+-                    Arrays.asList(
+-                            1115, 1034, 1301, 1007,
+-                            11308833, 12516315, 23099915, 1015562,
+-                            16222597
+-                    )},
 -        };
 -    }
@@ -448,67 +445,66 @@ Last-Updated: 2015-01-06
 -    private Object[][] createDataForRowsTest() {
 -        return new Object[][] {
 -            // primary alignment only
--            {"SRR1063272", 0, 99, "SRR1063272.R.1",
--                    86, "101M", "supercont2.1", 60, true, false},
+-            {"SRR2127895", 1, 83, "SRR2127895.R.1",
+-                    366, "29S72M", "gi|152968582|ref|NC_009648.1|", 147, true, false, false},
 -            // small SRA archive
 -            {"SRR2096940", 1, 16, "SRR2096940.R.3",
--                    55627016, "167M", "CM000681.1", 42, false, false},
+-                    55627016, "167M", "CM000681.1", 42, false, false, false},
 -            {"SRR2096940", 10591, 4, "SRR2096940.R.10592",
--                    -1, null, null, -1, false, false},
+-                    -1, null, null, -1, false, false, false},
 -            // primary and secondary alignments
 -            {"SRR833251", 81, 393, "SRR833251.R.51",
--                    1787186, "38M63S", "gi|169794206|ref|NC_010410.1|", 11, true, true},
+-                    1787186, "38M63S", "gi|169794206|ref|NC_010410.1|", 11, true, true, true},
 -            // local SRA file
 -            {"src/test/resources/htsjdk/samtools/sra/test_archive.sra", 1, 99, "test_archive.R.2",
--                    2811570, "150M", "NC_007121.5", 60, true, false}
+-                    2811570, "150M", "NC_007121.5", 60, true, false, false}
 -        };
 -    }
 -    @Test(dataProvider = "testRows")
 -    public void testRows(String acc, int recordIndex, int flags, String readName, String bases, String quals, int refStart, String cigar,
--                         String refName, int mapQ, boolean hasMate, boolean isSecondaryAlignment) {
+-                         String refName, int mapQ, boolean hasMate, boolean isSecondOfPair, boolean isSecondaryAlignment) {
 -        SAMRecord record = getRecordByIndex(acc, recordIndex, false);
--        checkSAMRecord(record, flags, readName, bases, quals, refStart, cigar, refName, mapQ, hasMate, isSecondaryAlignment);
+-        checkSAMRecord(record, flags, readName, bases, quals, refStart, cigar, refName, mapQ, hasMate, isSecondOfPair, isSecondaryAlignment);
 -    }
 -    @Test(dataProvider = "testRows")
 -    public void testRowsAfterIteratorDetach(String acc, int recordIndex, int flags, String readName, String bases, String quals,
 -                                            int refStart, String cigar, String refName, int mapQ, boolean hasMate,
--                                            boolean isSecondaryAlignment) {
+-                                            boolean isSecondOfPair, boolean isSecondaryAlignment) {
 -        SAMRecord record = getRecordByIndex(acc, recordIndex, true);
--        checkSAMRecord(record, flags, readName, bases, quals, refStart, cigar, refName, mapQ, hasMate, isSecondaryAlignment);
+-        checkSAMRecord(record, flags, readName, bases, quals, refStart, cigar, refName, mapQ, hasMate, isSecondOfPair, isSecondaryAlignment);
 -    }
 -    @Test(dataProvider = "testRows")
 -    public void testRowsOverrideValues(String acc, int recordIndex, int flags, String readName, String bases, String quals,
 -                                       int refStart, String cigar, String refName, int mapQ, boolean hasMate,
--                                       boolean isSecondaryAlignment) {
+-                                       boolean isSecondOfPair, boolean isSecondaryAlignment) {
 -        SAMRecord record = getRecordByIndex(acc, recordIndex, true);
 -        SAMFileHeader header = record.getHeader();
 -        record.setFlags(0);
 -        record.setReadUnmappedFlag(refStart == -1);
 -        record.setReadBases("C".getBytes());
 -        record.setBaseQualities(SAMUtils.fastqToPhred("A"));
 -        if (refStart == -1) {
--            checkSAMRecord(record, 4, readName, "C", "A", refStart, "1M", refName, mapQ, false, false);
+-            checkSAMRecord(record, 4, readName, "C", "A", refStart, "1M", refName, mapQ, false, false, false);
 -        } else {
 -            int sequenceIndex = header.getSequenceIndex(refName);
 -            Assert.assertFalse(sequenceIndex == -1);
@@ -528,14 +524,14 @@ Last-Updated: 2015-01-06
 -            record.setMappingQuality(mapQ - 1);
 -            record.setReferenceIndex(sequenceIndex);
--            checkSAMRecord(record, 0, readName, "C", "A", refStart - 100, "1M", refName, mapQ - 1, false, false);
+-            checkSAMRecord(record, 0, readName, "C", "A", refStart - 100, "1M", refName, mapQ - 1, false, false, false);
 -        }
 -    }
 -    @Test(dataProvider = "testRows")
 -    public void testRowsBySpan(String acc, int recordIndex, int flags, String readName, String bases, String quals,
 -                                            int refStart, String cigar, String refName, int mapQ, boolean hasMate,
--                                            boolean isSecondaryAlignment) {
+-                                            boolean isSecondOfPair, boolean isSecondaryAlignment) {
 -        SamReader reader = SamReaderFactory.make().validationStringency(ValidationStringency.SILENT).open(
 -                SamInputResource.of(new SRAAccession(acc))
 -        );
@@ -570,13 +566,13 @@ Last-Updated: 2015-01-06
 -            }
 -        }
--        checkSAMRecord(record, flags, readName, bases, quals, refStart, cigar, refName, mapQ, hasMate, isSecondaryAlignment);
+-        checkSAMRecord(record, flags, readName, bases, quals, refStart, cigar, refName, mapQ, hasMate, isSecondOfPair, isSecondaryAlignment);
 -    }
 -    @Test(dataProvider = "testRows")
 -    public void testRowsByIndex(String acc, int recordIndex, int flags, String readName, String bases, String quals,
 -                                int refStart, String cigar, String refName, int mapQ, boolean hasMate,
--                                boolean isSecondaryAlignment) {
+-                                boolean isSecondOfPair, boolean isSecondaryAlignment) {
 -        SamReader reader = SamReaderFactory.make().validationStringency(ValidationStringency.SILENT).open(
 -                SamInputResource.of(new SRAAccession(acc))
 -        );
@@ -606,13 +602,15 @@ Last-Updated: 2015-01-06
 -                continue;
 -            }
--            if (currentRecord.getReadName().equals(readName)) {
+-            if (currentRecord.getReadName().equals(readName)
+-                    && currentRecord.getNotPrimaryAlignmentFlag() == isSecondaryAlignment
+-                    && (!hasMate || currentRecord.getSecondOfPairFlag() == isSecondOfPair)) {
 -                record = currentRecord;
 -                break;
 -            }
 -        }
--        checkSAMRecord(record, flags, readName, bases, quals, refStart, cigar, refName, mapQ, hasMate, isSecondaryAlignment);
+-        checkSAMRecord(record, flags, readName, bases, quals, refStart, cigar, refName, mapQ, hasMate, isSecondOfPair, isSecondaryAlignment);
 -    }
 -    private SAMRecord getRecordByIndex(String acc, int recordIndex, boolean detach) {
@@ -641,7 +639,7 @@ Last-Updated: 2015-01-06
 -    private void checkSAMRecord(SAMRecord record, int flags, String readName, String bases, String quals,
 -                                int refStart, String cigar, String refName, int mapQ, boolean hasMate,
--                                boolean isSecondaryAlignment) {
+-                                boolean isSecondOfPair, boolean isSecondaryAlignment) {
 -        Assert.assertNotNull(record, "Record with read id: " + readName + " was not found by span created from index");
@@ -649,11 +647,15 @@ Last-Updated: 2015-01-06
 -        Assert.assertNull(validationErrors, "SRA Lazy record is invalid. List of errors: " +
 -                (validationErrors != null ? validationErrors.toString() : ""));
+-        Assert.assertEquals(record.getReadName(), readName);
 -        Assert.assertEquals(new String(record.getReadBases()), bases);
 -        Assert.assertEquals(record.getBaseQualityString(), quals);
 -        Assert.assertEquals(record.getReadPairedFlag(), hasMate);
 -        Assert.assertEquals(record.getFlags(), flags);
 -        Assert.assertEquals(record.getNotPrimaryAlignmentFlag(), isSecondaryAlignment);
+-        if (hasMate) {
+-            Assert.assertEquals(record.getSecondOfPairFlag(), isSecondOfPair);
+-        }
 -        if (refStart == -1) {
 -            Assert.assertEquals(record.getReadUnmappedFlag(), true);
 -            Assert.assertEquals(record.getAlignmentStart(), 0);
@@ -670,36 +672,6 @@ Last-Updated: 2015-01-06
 -    }
---- a/src/test/java/htsjdk/tribble/readers/TabixReaderTest.java
-+++ b/src/test/java/htsjdk/tribble/readers/TabixReaderTest.java
-@@ -135,27 +135,4 @@ public class TabixReaderTest {
-     }
--    /**
--     * Test reading a tabix file over http
--     *
--     * @throws java.io.IOException
--     */
--    @Test
--    public void testRemoteQuery() throws IOException {
--        String tabixFile = "http://www.broadinstitute.org/~picard/testdata/igvdata/tabix/trioDup.vcf.gz";
--        TabixReader tabixReader = new TabixReader(tabixFile);
--        TabixIteratorLineReader lineReader = new TabixIteratorLineReader(
--                tabixReader.query(tabixReader.chr2tid("4"), 320, 330));
--        int nRecords = 0;
--        String nextLine;
--        while ((nextLine = lineReader.readLine()) != null) {
--            assertTrue(nextLine.startsWith("4"));
--            nRecords++;
--        }
--        assertTrue(nRecords > 0);
--    }
- }
 --- a/src/test/java/htsjdk/tribble/util/ftp/FTPUtilsTest.java
 +++ b/src/test/java/htsjdk/tribble/util/ftp/FTPUtilsTest.java
 @@ -14,18 +14,4 @@ import static org.testng.Assert.assertTr
@@ -1020,13 +992,55 @@ Last-Updated: 2015-01-06
+--- a/src/test/java/htsjdk/samtools/cram/ref/EnaRefServiceTest.java
++++ b/src/test/java/htsjdk/samtools/cram/ref/EnaRefServiceTest.java
+@@ -7,9 +7,4 @@ import java.io.IOException;
+ public class EnaRefServiceTest {
+-    @Test
+-    public void test() throws IOException, EnaRefService.GaveUpException {
+-        Assert.assertNotNull(new EnaRefService().getSequence("57151e6196306db5d9f33133572a5482"));
+-        Assert.assertNotNull(new EnaRefService().getSequence("0000088cbcebe818eb431d58c908c698"));
+-    }
+ }
+--- a/src/test/java/htsjdk/tribble/readers/TabixReaderTest.java
++++ b/src/test/java/htsjdk/tribble/readers/TabixReaderTest.java
+@@ -136,27 +136,4 @@ public class TabixReaderTest {
+     }
+-    /**
+-     * Test reading a tabix file over http
+-     *
+-     * @throws java.io.IOException
+-     */
+-    @Test
+-    public void testRemoteQuery() throws IOException {
+-        String tabixFile = TestUtil.BASE_URL_FOR_HTTP_TESTS +"igvdata/tabix/trioDup.vcf.gz";
+-        TabixReader tabixReader = new TabixReader(tabixFile);
+-        TabixIteratorLineReader lineReader = new TabixIteratorLineReader(
+-                tabixReader.query(tabixReader.chr2tid("4"), 320, 330));
+-        int nRecords = 0;
+-        String nextLine;
+-        while ((nextLine = lineReader.readLine()) != null) {
+-            assertTrue(nextLine.startsWith("4"));
+-            nRecords++;
+-        }
+-        assertTrue(nRecords > 0);
+-    }
+ }
 --- a/src/test/java/htsjdk/samtools/BAMRemoteFileTest.java
 +++ b/src/test/java/htsjdk/samtools/BAMRemoteFileTest.java
-@@ -42,285 +42,7 @@ import static org.testng.Assert.*;
+@@ -43,285 +43,7 @@ import static org.testng.Assert.*;
  public class BAMRemoteFileTest {
      private final File BAM_INDEX_FILE = new File("src/test/resources/htsjdk/samtools/BAMFileIndexTest/index_test.bam.bai");
      private final File BAM_FILE = new File("src/test/resources/htsjdk/samtools/BAMFileIndexTest/index_test.bam");
--    private final String BAM_URL_STRING = "http://www.broadinstitute.org/~picard/testdata/index_test.bam";
+-    private final String BAM_URL_STRING = TestUtil.BASE_URL_FOR_HTTP_TESTS + "index_test.bam";
 -    private final URL bamURL;
      private final boolean mVerbose = false;
@@ -1308,15 +1322,3 @@ Last-Updated: 2015-01-06
 -        }
 -    }
---- a/src/test/java/htsjdk/samtools/cram/ref/EnaRefServiceTest.java
-+++ b/src/test/java/htsjdk/samtools/cram/ref/EnaRefServiceTest.java
-@@ -7,9 +7,4 @@ import java.io.IOException;
- public class EnaRefServiceTest {
--    @Test
--    public void test() throws IOException, EnaRefService.GaveUpException {
--        Assert.assertNotNull(new EnaRefService().getSequence("57151e6196306db5d9f33133572a5482"));
--        Assert.assertNotNull(new EnaRefService().getSequence("0000088cbcebe818eb431d58c908c698"));
--    }
- }

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/htsjdk.git

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