[med-svn] [circos] branch master updated (49697d5 -> 18e5738)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Sat Sep 10 14:17:48 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to branch master
in repository circos.

      from  49697d5   Move packaging from SVN to Git; cme fix dpkg-control
      adds  71b6333   Exclude useless binary exe file from source
      adds  fb2a683   Imported Upstream version 0.69.2+dfsg
      adds  9e5d92b   Merge tag 'upstream/0.69.2+dfsg'
      adds  9431dfc   Also exclude fonts that are not installed anyway
      adds  9b3fdf9   Remove unused binaries from new upstream source
      adds  2d63b6a   Imported Upstream version 0.69.2+dfsg
      adds  c6fcf94   Merge tag 'upstream/0.69.2+dfsg'
      adds  bd9b794   Adapt patches and fix pod syntax
      adds  be96d1a   Do not exclude too much
      adds  4edbc3a   Imported Upstream version 0.69.2+dfsg
      adds  981b40b   Merge tag 'upstream/0.69.2+dfsg'
      adds  83cc125   Remove paragraph talking about files that are removed now
      adds  a286567   Upload to unstable
       new  4d78d3d   New upstream version 0.69.3+dfsg
       new  adf8a73   Merge tag 'upstream/0.69.3+dfsg'
       new  f4d304a   New upstream version
       new  18e5738   Upload to unstable

The 4 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 CHANGES                                 |   22 +-
 bin/circos                              |  229 +-
 bin/compile.bat                         |    1 +
 bin/compile.make                        |    8 +
 data/karyotype/karyotype.human.hg38.txt |    3 +-
 debian/changelog                        |   14 +-
 debian/copyright                        |   44 +-
 debian/patches/debianpackaging          |   11 -
 debian/patches/fix_manpage              |    4 +-
 debian/patches/fix_pod_syntax.patch     |   17 +
 debian/patches/series                   |    2 +-
 debian/watch                            |    3 +-
 example/circos.png                      |  Bin 3691934 -> 3646595 bytes
 example/circos.svg                      | 5486 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 fonts/modern/Changes                    |  229 --
 fonts/modern/FAQ                        |   55 -
 fonts/modern/Fontmap.CMU                |   33 -
 fonts/modern/Fontmap.CMU.alias          |   33 -
 fonts/modern/INSTALL                    |   76 -
 fonts/modern/LICENSE                    |   39 -
 fonts/modern/README                     |   40 -
 fonts/modern/TODO                       |    6 -
 fonts/modern/cmunbbx.otf                |  Bin 212936 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunbi.otf                 |  Bin 255724 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunbl.otf                 |  Bin 322396 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunbmo.otf                |  Bin 214368 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunbmr.otf                |  Bin 232628 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunbmr.ttf                |  Bin 239212 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunbso.otf                |  Bin 212512 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunbsr.otf                |  Bin 204312 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunbtl.otf                |  Bin 167240 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunbto.otf                |  Bin 175816 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunbx.otf                 |  Bin 314088 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunbxo.otf                |  Bin 219600 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunci.otf                 |  Bin 252972 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunit.otf                 |  Bin 181572 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunobi.otf                |  Bin 242656 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunobx.otf                |  Bin 242184 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunorm.otf                |  Bin 280124 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunoti.otf                |  Bin 239420 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunrb.otf                 |  Bin 216080 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunrm.otf                 |  Bin 324280 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunsi.otf                 |  Bin 216120 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunsl.otf                 |  Bin 317160 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunso.otf                 |  Bin 223588 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunss.otf                 |  Bin 214632 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunssdc.otf               |  Bin 205548 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunst.otf                 |  Bin 227920 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunsx.otf                 |  Bin 257436 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmuntb.otf                 |  Bin 168132 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunti.otf                 |  Bin 252620 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmuntt.otf                 |  Bin 283256 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmuntt.ttf                 |  Bin 316764 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmuntx.otf                 |  Bin 178924 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunui.otf                 |  Bin 232624 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunvi.otf                 |  Bin 186324 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/cmunvt.otf                 |  Bin 171356 -> 0 bytes
 fonts/modern/fonts.dir                  |  531 ---
 fonts/modern/fonts.scale                |  399 ---
 lib/Circos.pm                           |   20 +-
 lib/Circos/Heatmap.pm                   |    2 +-
 lib/Circos/Modules.pm                   |    5 +-
 62 files changed, 3020 insertions(+), 4292 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 bin/compile.bat
 create mode 100755 bin/compile.make
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/debianpackaging
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/fix_pod_syntax.patch
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/Changes
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/FAQ
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/Fontmap.CMU
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/Fontmap.CMU.alias
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/INSTALL
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/LICENSE
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/README
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/TODO
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunbbx.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunbi.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunbl.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunbmo.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunbmr.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunbmr.ttf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunbso.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunbsr.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunbtl.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunbto.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunbx.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunbxo.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunci.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunit.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunobi.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunobx.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunorm.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunoti.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunrb.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunrm.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunsi.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunsl.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunso.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunss.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunssdc.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunst.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunsx.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmuntb.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunti.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmuntt.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmuntt.ttf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmuntx.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunui.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunvi.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/cmunvt.otf
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/fonts.dir
 delete mode 100644 fonts/modern/fonts.scale

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/circos.git

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