[med-svn] [eagle] 02/03: Imported Upstream version 2.3

Dylan Aïssi bob.dybian-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Sep 18 21:06:56 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

bob.dybian-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository eagle.

commit 87154188af91b9947100620d920e0070c9723000
Author: Dylan Aïssi <bob.dybian at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Sep 18 23:05:45 2016 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 2.3
 .gitignore                             |    2 +
 README.md                              |    7 +
 example/EUR_test.bed                   |  400 ++++
 example/EUR_test.bim                   | 2000 ++++++++++++++++++
 example/EUR_test.fam                   |  379 ++++
 example/EUR_test.vcf.gz                |  Bin 0 -> 193569 bytes
 example/example.log                    |  194 ++
 example/example_ref.log                |   79 +
 example/example_vcf.log                |  177 ++
 example/phased.haps.gz                 |  Bin 0 -> 194442 bytes
 example/phased.sample                  |  381 ++++
 example/phased.vcf.gz                  |  Bin 0 -> 200389 bytes
 example/ref.bcf                        |  Bin 0 -> 59136 bytes
 example/ref.bcf.csi                    |  Bin 0 -> 1185 bytes
 example/run_example.sh                 |   19 +
 example/run_example_ref.sh             |    9 +
 example/run_example_vcf.sh             |   17 +
 example/target.phased.vcf.gz           |  Bin 0 -> 21049 bytes
 example/target.vcf.gz                  |  Bin 0 -> 20835 bytes
 example/target.vcf.gz.tbi              |  Bin 0 -> 1275 bytes
 src/COPYING                            |  675 ++++++
 src/DipTreePBWT.cpp                    |  611 ++++++
 src/DipTreePBWT.hpp                    |  169 ++
 src/Eagle.cpp                          | 3576 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/Eagle.hpp                          |  209 ++
 src/EagleImpMiss.cpp                   |  286 +++
 src/EagleMain.cpp                      |  620 ++++++
 src/EaglePBWT.cpp                      |  744 +++++++
 src/EagleParams.cpp                    |  379 ++++
 src/EagleParams.hpp                    |   83 +
 src/FileUtils.cpp                      |  215 ++
 src/FileUtils.hpp                      |   94 +
 src/GenoData.cpp                       |  845 ++++++++
 src/GenoData.hpp                       |  140 ++
 src/HapHedge.cpp                       |  599 ++++++
 src/HapHedge.hpp                       |  133 ++
 src/LapackConst.hpp                    |   76 +
 src/Makefile                           |  107 +
 src/MapInterpolater.cpp                |   83 +
 src/MapInterpolater.hpp                |   40 +
 src/MemoryUtils.cpp                    |   40 +
 src/MemoryUtils.hpp                    |   45 +
 src/NumericUtils.cpp                   |  108 +
 src/NumericUtils.hpp                   |   52 +
 src/StaticMultimap.cpp                 |  114 +
 src/StaticMultimap.hpp                 |   56 +
 src/StringUtils.cpp                    |  151 ++
 src/StringUtils.hpp                    |   45 +
 src/SyncedVcfData.cpp                  |  520 +++++
 src/SyncedVcfData.hpp                  |   76 +
 src/Timer.cpp                          |   46 +
 src/Timer.hpp                          |   34 +
 src/Types.hpp                          |   31 +
 src/Version.hpp                        |   25 +
 tables/README.txt                      |    3 +
 tables/genetic_map_hg19_example.txt.gz |  Bin 0 -> 718229 bytes
 56 files changed, 14694 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e31a722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..164d5ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Eagle
+This repository is for developers of the Eagle haplotype phasing software, which is open-source (GNU GPLv3).
+Most users will wish to download release tarballs (containing compiled executables and full genetic map tables) from the main Eagle website:
diff --git a/example/EUR_test.bed b/example/EUR_test.bed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06b53d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/EUR_test.bed
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/example/EUR_test.bim b/example/EUR_test.bim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ccfd54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/EUR_test.bim
@@ -0,0 +1,2000 @@
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+21	rs11910597	0.415955	38384946	G	T
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+21	rs2266592	0.416021	38394733	C	A
+21	rs148101413	0.41606	38400451	A	G
+21	rs148136816	0.416239	38416034	G	A
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+21	rs141970591	0.416252	38420970	G	A
+21	rs12185821	0.416253	38422733	C	T
+21	rs79801167	0.417267	38442191	A	G
+21	rs28503645	0.417269	38443674	A	G
+21	rs4817843	0.417321	38447040	A	C
+21	rs60447195	0.417321	38448600	T	A
+21	rs8131246	0.417321	38451926	G	A
+21	rs13050226	0.417321	38457708	C	T
+21	rs8130846	0.417327	38480242	A	G
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+21	rs2154535	0.417327	38488908	G	A
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+21	rs141610402	0.417356	38500731	T	C
+21	rs9985082	0.417356	38501021	A	G
+21	rs75144049	0.417357	38501185	C	T
+21	rs2154537	0.417357	38502012	G	C
+21	rs190527289	0.417378	38516221	G	T
+21	rs1053808	0.417378	38525356	C	T
+21	rs147582059	0.41738	38528855	A	C
+21	rs2156077	0.417384	38539357	C	T
+21	rs111570643	0.417384	38541778	G	A
+21	rs2835645	0.417385	38546382	T	C
+21	rs2156078	0.417385	38546473	T	C
+21	rs8126491	0.417385	38551219	T	C
+21	rs144627088	0.417385	38554329	G	A
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+21	rs182536099	0.419718	38788076	T	C
+21	rs56232482	0.419731	38800069	G	C
+21	rs2835735	0.419747	38802816	G	A
+21	rs2835736	0.419747	38802873	C	G
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+21	rs73218435	0.419758	38815456	T	C
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+21	rs73220452	0.420104	38922719	A	T
+21	rs7281380	0.420277	38930922	C	T
+21	rs2248669	0.420373	38940103	C	G
+21	rs4817871	0.420379	38943410	G	C
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+21	rs62224260	0.42046	38959689	A	G
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+21	rs79486053	0.42054	38965342	G	A
+21	rs9981372	0.420552	38966201	C	T
+21	rs2835826	0.42087	38971126	G	C
+21	rs7279695	0.420872	38971410	G	A
+21	rs73906081	0.42094	38976159	A	G
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+21	rs702859	0.42116	38997701	A	G
+21	rs857975	0.421192	39001613	G	T
+21	rs1787330	0.421195	39002787	A	G
+21	rs2835864	0.421306	39023431	T	A
+21	rs2248732	0.421311	39025049	A	C
+21	rs56682341	0.421311	39025611	T	C
+21	rs731329	0.421321	39029086	C	T
+21	rs2835876	0.421322	39029255	T	C
+21	rs1709819	0.421425	39036115	C	A
+21	rs1709817	0.421425	39036349	A	T
+21	rs8128422	0.421456	39040796	A	G
+21	rs1709826	0.421475	39049473	A	G
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+21	rs150761798	0.42151	39058801	T	C
+21	rs860797	0.421523	39066804	C	T
+21	rs858003	0.421533	39072984	G	A
+21	rs112944150	0.421598	39084803	C	A
+21	rs59350504	0.422229	39105534	C	T
+21	rs67336869	0.422229	39105626	G	A
+21	rs702865	0.422298	39118742	G	A
+21	rs2835939	0.422365	39128848	T	C
+21	rs188059434	0.422375	39129456	A	T
+21	rs80289738	0.422403	39132130	G	A
+21	rs2835951	0.422447	39145172	A	G
+21	rs762145	0.422493	39146318	C	T
+21	rs9680139	0.42257	39147099	G	A
+21	rs861416	0.42311	39155095	C	T
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+21	rs764165	0.424712	39231190	T	C
+21	rs143926103	0.42472	39233266	C	T
+21	rs2836028	0.424783	39240050	C	T
+21	rs117154416	0.424785	39240260	C	A
+21	rs8126718	0.424806	39242964	G	A
+21	rs2409943	0.424815	39244171	T	C
+21	rs2836029	0.426903	39254227	C	A
+21	rs2836030	0.427667	39255727	A	G
+21	rs56236575	0.427778	39268944	C	T
+21	rs928766	0.427781	39269275	A	G
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+21	rs11088414	0.428514	39319456	G	A
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+21	rs11910719	0.430174	39332588	C	T
+21	rs1539902	0.430292	39337209	G	A
+21	rs13052997	0.430295	39337307	C	T
+21	rs8130416	0.430566	39344228	T	G
+21	rs2836074	0.430632	39346333	C	T
+21	rs2836076	0.430697	39350002	A	G
+21	rs59729477	0.430852	39353242	C	G
+21	rs2836079	0.431004	39355035	T	C
+21	rs62222024	0.4315	39357533	T	C
+21	rs2836085	0.431709	39359907	C	T
+21	rs7284062	0.43182	39360803	C	T
+21	rs2836096	0.43182	39363949	T	C
+21	rs17815267	0.43182	39365472	G	A
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+21	rs1029002	0.431835	39368177	T	C
+21	rs17815279	0.431836	39368387	A	G
+21	rs74870234	0.431836	39373325	C	T
+21	rs974975	0.431837	39378169	G	T
+21	rs139277783	0.432017	39388349	G	T
+21	rs11702812	0.432022	39394979	C	T
+21	rs2032091	0.432073	39417372	T	C
+21	rs117443437	0.432095	39428600	C	G
+21	rs74509656	0.432106	39438181	T	A
+21	rs78246489	0.432109	39439742	T	C
+21	rs113297965	0.432408	39452801	T	C
+21	rs62223479	0.432442	39454239	C	A
+21	rs61640919	0.432506	39485041	T	C
+21	rs76954756	0.432533	39491202	T	G
+21	rs2211855	0.432537	39494820	G	A
+21	rs60876887	0.432539	39496307	C	T
+21	rs62223504	0.43254	39497188	G	T
+21	rs2211858	0.432544	39501464	C	G
+21	rs62223513	0.43258	39527833	C	T
+21	rs2836178	0.432599	39542974	G	A
+21	rs7277351	0.432619	39556816	A	C
+21	rs77058278	0.43262	39557079	A	C
+21	rs13052748	0.43262	39557088	A	G
+21	rs79904375	0.432624	39562929	T	A
+21	rs114519939	0.432637	39565906	T	A
+21	rs11700531	0.432638	39574717	G	A
+21	rs71316628	0.432638	39576125	T	A
+21	rs62223523	0.432666	39595228	T	C
+21	rs7279619	0.432669	39598059	G	A
+21	rs982807	0.432687	39602696	A	C
+21	rs9984963	0.432793	39630944	T	C
+21	rs2836251	0.432876	39633192	T	G
+21	rs2836255	0.432923	39634196	A	G
+21	rs2836258	0.432923	39635924	A	C
+21	rs12329791	0.432949	39646635	C	T
+21	rs113766510	0.432952	39646932	C	T
+21	rs3804020	0.432953	39647125	A	G
+21	rs7279943	0.432957	39647601	G	A
+21	rs2836277	0.432962	39652400	G	A
+21	rs2836278	0.432962	39652840	G	A
+21	rs77033880	0.432963	39653641	C	A
+21	rs13046434	0.432963	39654038	A	G
+21	rs2836287	0.432976	39659057	C	A
+21	rs9984636	0.43304	39687171	T	G
+21	rs2211866	0.433055	39688107	G	A
+21	rs4817938	0.433087	39690119	T	C
+21	rs2836306	0.433205	39697436	C	A
+21	rs2836307	0.433219	39698055	C	T
+21	rs73211968	0.43326	39700260	A	G
+21	rs56121533	0.433261	39700292	C	T
+21	rs76808559	0.433325	39705041	C	T
+21	rs2836309	0.433365	39707909	G	A
+21	rs9976478	0.433416	39710855	T	A
+21	rs17284924	0.433421	39714817	C	A
+21	rs2836319	0.433422	39716601	G	T
+21	rs75725139	0.433423	39717457	T	A
+21	rs73423993	0.433495	39723120	G	A
+21	rs6517462	0.433937	39730913	T	C
+21	rs12152039	0.434724	39736972	G	T
+21	rs2836345	0.434732	39738813	C	A
+21	rs730854	0.434814	39749486	A	C
+21	rs112785916	0.434817	39749692	T	A
+21	rs117647402	0.434906	39764401	C	G
+21	rs2836364	0.434919	39767874	C	T
+21	rs3787889	0.434979	39770856	A	T
+21	rs2156074	0.435145	39780646	G	A
+21	rs2186345	0.435149	39781688	C	T
+21	rs112392766	0.435345	39790518	G	A
+21	rs1571703	0.435472	39794835	T	G
+21	rs115717119	0.43552	39802736	A	G
+21	rs56180262	0.435556	39805503	G	A
+21	rs9305648	0.436465	39822906	C	G
+21	rs2836421	0.437986	39835286	C	T
+21	rs34825969	0.438048	39846142	G	A
+21	rs11701454	0.438052	39847563	G	A
+21	rs2836431	0.438059	39849917	C	T
+21	rs76979970	0.438069	39853485	A	G
+21	rs77106233	0.438079	39856897	T	G
+21	rs2212933	0.43808	39856991	C	A
+21	rs2836437	0.438129	39864584	A	G
+21	rs73215941	0.438333	39879758	T	A
+21	rs2155718	0.438419	39891105	G	A
+21	rs10854385	0.438688	39909266	G	A
+21	rs2836491	0.43882	39913016	A	G
+21	rs9980821	0.438892	39921759	C	G
+21	rs12482226	0.438897	39924114	A	T
+21	rs12483227	0.438901	39925723	A	G
+21	rs111569767	0.438907	39927840	T	C
+21	rs4817950	0.438915	39930483	C	T
+21	rs117013656	0.43903	39940290	C	T
+21	rs8130680	0.4393	39948136	A	G
+21	rs3827208	0.439341	39950587	G	C
+21	rs79595200	0.439357	39951582	C	T
+21	rs2836541	0.4395	39954413	T	C
+21	rs71316649	0.440191	39958087	C	G
+21	rs77282337	0.440822	39963158	G	C
+21	rs13051259	0.440839	39964867	C	T
+21	rs2836556	0.440887	39973770	A	G
+21	rs57461137	0.440889	39975299	T	C
+21	rs112776799	0.440889	39976107	G	A
+21	rs2836568	0.440912	39977435	A	G
+21	rs73217979	0.44092	39978443	G	T
+21	rs73432179	0.440921	39980219	A	G
+21	rs60914381	0.440921	39980456	C	G
+21	rs73217988	0.440928	39986737	C	T
+21	rs16996585	0.440936	39990729	T	C
+21	rs460439	0.441044	39999894	T	C
+21	rs464484	0.441075	40003117	T	C
+21	rs460214	0.441093	40006081	T	C
+21	rs11702424	0.441112	40008675	G	A
+21	rs464519	0.441315	40024182	A	G
+21	rs2836597	0.441318	40024424	G	A
+21	rs1041780	0.441393	40044145	C	T
+21	rs2836621	0.441435	40054149	C	T
+21	rs139129346	0.441477	40061429	A	G
+21	rs73222057	0.441479	40062563	G	A
+21	rs6517477	0.441607	40072376	T	C
+21	rs4817959	0.442089	40080202	C	T
+21	rs80335778	0.44238	40086457	T	C
+21	rs2836642	0.442423	40092424	G	A
+21	rs11911341	0.442427	40093506	G	A
+21	rs73205549	0.444697	40124746	C	T
+21	rs118061384	0.4447	40125274	A	G
+21	rs1209912	0.444929	40149642	A	G
+21	rs56392700	0.445085	40159943	A	G
+21	rs1209935	0.445094	40163327	C	T
+21	rs59492909	0.445095	40163715	A	T
+21	rs714781	0.445171	40178381	C	T
+21	rs76490364	0.445207	40187028	T	C
+21	rs2836694	0.445385	40203826	G	C
+21	rs2836703	0.445415	40210162	T	G
+21	rs1534824	0.445418	40210483	G	A
+21	rs1534825	0.445419	40210516	G	A
+21	rs468529	0.445522	40221741	T	C
+21	rs17816027	0.445523	40222549	C	T
+21	rs75765540	0.445585	40227927	G	C
+21	rs425931	0.445632	40232326	C	T
+21	rs7279660	0.445734	40236810	A	G
+21	rs468637	0.445741	40239269	G	A
+21	rs75571264	0.445789	40247834	G	C
+21	rs414845	0.445807	40254465	T	C
+21	rs62217843	0.44582	40260612	T	A
+21	rs9982210	0.447267	40288511	T	C
+21	rs7279192	0.447412	40293084	T	G
+21	rs7279414	0.447418	40293421	A	G
+21	rs11088457	0.447471	40296275	G	A
+21	rs1888477	0.447492	40297536	T	C
+21	rs10854391	0.447542	40301253	C	T
+21	rs2142106	0.447556	40302129	A	C
+21	rs2836786	0.448701	40332176	A	G
+21	rs190174633	0.448709	40335993	C	T
+21	rs79567064	0.44872	40342350	G	T
+21	rs191872249	0.448732	40344466	C	T
+21	rs11088461	0.448876	40354480	G	A
+21	rs79902787	0.449218	40364553	A	G
+21	rs17285812	0.449783	40382167	C	T
+21	rs11701235	0.450137	40384135	C	T
+21	rs55754456	0.450236	40385208	C	T
+21	rs7275748	0.450279	40385736	G	A
+21	rs8134572	0.451299	40396227	T	G
+21	rs35474192	0.451378	40403534	G	A
+21	rs1882776	0.451412	40405512	G	A
+21	rs2242932	0.451435	40408664	T	C
+21	rs1882774	0.451456	40413733	G	A
+21	rs148351416	0.451497	40422362	C	G
+21	rs4279007	0.451548	40424954	A	G
+21	rs445593	0.451647	40448382	G	A
+21	rs74641112	0.451664	40449829	G	A
+21	rs4817986	0.452718	40465512	G	T
+21	rs67603741	0.45298	40473620	A	G
+21	rs2037922	0.45473	40486507	G	A
+21	rs1554930	0.454747	40488359	A	T
+21	rs2836891	0.454753	40489027	T	C
+21	rs376521	0.454811	40491526	G	A
+21	rs4314079	0.454872	40494979	G	A
+21	rs1013129	0.454879	40498109	G	A
+21	rs909181	0.45493	40499111	C	G
+21	rs11700449	0.455436	40522419	A	T
+21	rs56151678	0.455446	40526973	T	G
+21	rs8132295	0.455446	40527774	C	T
+21	rs148624590	0.455446	40529500	C	A
+21	rs8134843	0.455454	40542522	G	C
+21	rs2836930	0.455454	40545656	A	G
+21	rs8129850	0.455456	40549805	A	G
+21	rs73221192	0.455462	40554561	G	A
+21	rs76075760	0.455463	40555609	T	C
+21	rs112150498	0.455463	40555711	C	G
+21	rs13050584	0.455466	40574090	T	C
+21	rs148938553	0.455466	40578832	T	C
+21	rs6517529	0.455467	40584598	T	C
+21	rs142893816	0.455469	40586908	C	T
+21	rs2898370	0.45547	40588948	T	C
+21	rs2836958	0.455495	40623526	T	C
+21	rs2836962	0.455512	40628982	T	C
+21	rs75281336	0.455512	40641262	T	C
+21	rs140126455	0.455512	40662217	A	T
+21	rs9982111	0.455512	40665296	A	G
+21	rs2056844	0.455512	40670460	G	C
+21	rs8131150	0.455512	40677315	G	C
+21	rs10154217	0.455512	40678195	T	C
+21	rs9975562	0.455512	40678968	T	C
+21	rs8128620	0.455515	40680170	G	C
+21	rs8127986	0.455567	40687211	T	A
+21	rs150097632	0.455567	40688518	C	T
+21	rs77027816	0.455574	40701657	C	G
+21	rs8130854	0.455577	40707041	A	G
+21	rs185596052	0.455582	40709290	A	C
+21	rs13045993	0.455672	40727966	A	T
+21	rs12106311	0.45569	40738620	G	A
+21	rs71316134	0.45569	40738776	C	T
+21	rs190523219	0.455764	40750555	T	C
+21	rs185350809	0.455764	40750563	T	C
+21	rs117266211	0.455822	40763494	G	A
+21	rs2837007	0.455841	40772484	T	C
+21	rs2837027	0.455903	40799797	G	A
+21	rs8129943	0.455903	40807057	A	G
+21	rs76141934	0.455908	40812635	T	C
+21	rs9983404	0.45592	40817127	C	G
+21	rs2837035	0.455921	40818379	A	G
+21	rs78655815	0.455932	40828483	G	C
+21	rs7277633	0.455981	40836441	A	G
+21	rs141312238	0.456115	40842297	G	A
+21	rs1735136	0.456139	40844843	T	A
+21	rs9975004	0.456142	40845626	T	C
+21	rs7277107	0.45625	40862760	G	A
+21	rs2837052	0.456257	40869963	G	A
+21	rs112960656	0.456269	40875714	C	T
+21	rs9636960	0.45627	40877030	C	T
+21	rs2246616	0.456287	40886816	T	C
+21	rs16997766	0.456349	40891157	C	T
+21	rs2837061	0.456353	40891862	C	T
+21	rs76031704	0.456354	40892575	C	T
+21	rs77236117	0.456355	40893441	C	A
+21	rs2837064	0.456356	40894230	T	C
+21	rs2837067	0.456357	40894840	T	G
+21	rs17408203	0.456357	40894896	A	G
+21	rs118111352	0.456706	40900002	A	G
+21	rs645495	0.456721	40900795	C	T
+21	rs117114519	0.456728	40901172	T	C
+21	rs570510	0.456733	40901431	G	A
+21	rs74813064	0.456735	40901563	T	C
+21	rs7279098	0.456746	40903686	C	T
+21	rs574863	0.456876	40911324	C	T
+21	rs74552879	0.456896	40913992	T	C
+21	rs608265	0.456914	40923307	T	C
+21	rs11700560	0.456919	40927194	A	G
+21	rs2837078	0.456976	40938031	G	A
+21	rs561166	0.457004	40941132	T	G
+21	rs628045	0.457025	40942375	C	T
+21	rs4818058	0.457026	40942475	C	T
+21	rs617260	0.457026	40942490	T	C
+21	rs599377	0.45707	40944211	G	C
+21	rs77949542	0.457088	40945212	C	T
+21	rs572926	0.457088	40945268	C	T
+21	rs193123070	0.457112	40947330	A	G
+21	rs144058957	0.457176	40957762	C	T
+21	rs73358157	0.457179	40958546	A	G
+21	rs578349	0.457193	40961915	T	G
+21	rs116943326	0.457201	40964005	C	T
+21	rs760163	0.457233	40970832	C	T
+21	rs583953	0.457246	40971786	C	A
+21	rs112325952	0.457255	40972378	C	T
+21	rs4816636	0.459094	41026510	G	T
+21	rs734413	0.459746	41032804	A	G
+21	rs909182	0.459761	41033816	G	A
+21	rs79728168	0.460091	41042478	C	T
+21	rs9975884	0.460126	41043190	G	T
+21	rs79171747	0.460145	41044980	T	C
+21	rs980184	0.460227	41056338	G	A
+21	rs16998145	0.460672	41074844	C	T
+21	rs8128755	0.46069	41077248	A	T
+21	rs56112847	0.460762	41087850	G	A
+21	rs12626282	0.460797	41093854	T	G
+21	rs76733558	0.460926	41095898	G	A
+21	rs78695875	0.462431	41098725	A	G
+21	rs4818075	0.462707	41107044	T	C
+21	rs144501849	0.464298	41125951	T	C
+21	rs10470189	0.464301	41126946	A	G
+21	rs71316138	0.464302	41127439	A	G
+21	rs4818083	0.464303	41127767	G	A
+21	rs2837173	0.464312	41131437	C	T
+21	rs2837183	0.464319	41135338	T	C
+21	rs73217279	0.464405	41142775	A	G
+21	rs2837213	0.464528	41148563	A	G
+21	rs2205205	0.46453	41149964	G	A
+21	rs73217299	0.464576	41154754	C	G
+21	rs1118103	0.464579	41155495	G	C
+21	rs73219403	0.464604	41159823	C	A
+21	rs117111901	0.464623	41161542	G	A
+21	rs463903	0.464632	41165677	A	G
+21	rs462163	0.464656	41175808	C	T
+21	rs462782	0.464723	41193094	T	G
+21	rs73221209	0.464728	41196507	A	G
+21	rs461019	0.464728	41197984	G	A
+21	rs56374307	0.464728	41199722	G	A
+21	rs55684706	0.464728	41200994	T	G
+21	rs16998635	0.464728	41203015	T	C
+21	rs7283816	0.464728	41204081	C	G
+21	rs55728093	0.464728	41205217	G	A
+21	rs67897619	0.464729	41206282	C	T
+21	rs66820219	0.464729	41206344	A	C
+21	rs66920289	0.464729	41206542	G	A
+21	rs2837239	0.464729	41207683	G	A
+21	rs55884303	0.464729	41207783	A	C
+21	rs55928419	0.464729	41207829	A	G
+21	rs111512893	0.464729	41208691	C	T
+21	rs112903189	0.464729	41208697	A	T
+21	rs1004663	0.464729	41209790	G	C
+21	rs2837244	0.464729	41210034	G	C
+21	rs2837246	0.464773	41215018	T	C
+21	rs419536	0.464846	41225158	C	T
+21	rs11910004	0.465335	41241547	C	T
+21	rs71316701	0.465335	41241571	C	G
+21	rs62235432	0.465354	41248127	G	A
+21	rs2276520	0.465424	41258505	G	A
+21	rs2299759	0.466871	41269091	G	C
+21	rs2075719	0.466878	41270521	C	T
+21	rs2837284	0.46689	41275401	G	A
+21	rs62236564	0.466894	41275463	C	T
+21	rs2837285	0.466919	41275890	G	A
+21	rs2299769	0.468719	41280181	G	A
+21	rs4143343	0.469531	41285481	T	C
+21	rs2299789	0.469615	41291358	T	G
+21	rs9977425	0.469629	41292364	T	A
+21	rs9984322	0.46964	41294162	C	T
+21	rs9977486	0.47081	41321735	C	T
+21	rs74932549	0.470936	41334070	T	G
+21	rs1123923	0.470942	41335367	T	G
+21	rs736288	0.470977	41340005	T	C
+21	rs1734920	0.471513	41344911	G	T
+21	rs62236620	0.472124	41348304	T	C
+21	rs992039	0.472142	41348521	A	G
+21	rs67451115	0.472196	41353045	A	G
+21	rs56205306	0.47221	41353879	C	T
+21	rs760130	0.472247	41356039	C	T
+21	rs111445113	0.472276	41358845	G	A
+21	rs4818105	0.472348	41370397	G	A
+21	rs1033340	0.47235	41370589	G	T
+21	rs9975535	0.472433	41374583	T	C
+21	rs78659544	0.472466	41376800	A	G
+21	rs10775663	0.472506	41379496	A	G
+21	rs2837369	0.472548	41382468	T	C
+21	rs3901224	0.473492	41389090	A	G
+21	rs28605097	0.474264	41405382	C	T
+21	rs9981861	0.475553	41415044	T	C
+21	rs28582765	0.475742	41418714	G	T
+21	rs2837405	0.475834	41429710	T	C
+21	rs13051351	0.475843	41430001	C	T
+21	rs2065315	0.475929	41437081	G	A
+21	rs8130946	0.476588	41453043	T	C
+21	rs11701562	0.477035	41467123	G	T
+21	rs78015389	0.477056	41472520	G	A
+21	rs13049725	0.477093	41476880	A	G
+21	rs79072855	0.477101	41484983	A	T
+21	rs1235600	0.477101	41485700	T	C
+21	rs2837438	0.477153	41498063	G	A
+21	rs74901161	0.477249	41511118	A	G
+21	rs75018081	0.47726	41511553	A	T
+21	rs75988415	0.47732	41513870	C	T
+21	rs145680049	0.477336	41515589	G	A
+21	rs9978649	0.477357	41518160	G	T
+21	rs4402848	0.477359	41519133	G	A
+21	rs73225226	0.477362	41520075	T	C
+21	rs10483063	0.477362	41520150	T	C
+21	rs73225239	0.47738	41523183	A	G
+21	rs8132673	0.477424	41525276	G	T
+21	rs7275239	0.478723	41531337	T	C
+21	rs67142512	0.480496	41546416	C	G
+21	rs2837480	0.480501	41546955	T	C
+21	rs117375757	0.480712	41555147	G	C
+21	rs1882791	0.48072	41555446	G	A
+21	rs73364118	0.480763	41557287	G	A
+21	rs66564794	0.480768	41558058	G	A
+21	rs57055280	0.480812	41565282	C	A
+21	rs1882796	0.480815	41565675	G	C
+21	rs113663397	0.480843	41569270	C	A
+21	rs60693305	0.480851	41571250	A	T
+21	rs117944090	0.480854	41571605	A	G
+21	rs7278621	0.480858	41572207	A	C
+21	rs2178849	0.480881	41575158	A	G
+21	rs2178850	0.480882	41575227	T	C
+21	rs11702147	0.480899	41577346	A	G
+21	rs2837499	0.480902	41577819	C	T
+21	rs8131481	0.481075	41581722	C	T
+21	rs73230354	0.481118	41588385	A	C
+21	rs116979427	0.481124	41589547	T	C
+21	rs9982501	0.481155	41594632	G	A
+21	rs2837513	0.481173	41596554	T	C
+21	rs2837516	0.481179	41597421	C	T
+21	rs449728	0.481194	41598581	C	G
+21	rs7281487	0.481351	41613577	G	A
+21	rs117210180	0.481612	41648897	G	A
+21	rs117988684	0.481624	41651099	T	A
+21	rs7282745	0.482415	41671653	T	G
+21	rs1997542	0.482464	41676359	C	A
+21	rs2837569	0.482468	41680306	G	T
+21	rs10211903	0.482585	41684994	C	T
+21	rs143659674	0.483666	41712347	T	C
+21	rs117043406	0.483698	41727221	C	T
+21	rs143243590	0.483771	41740860	T	C
+21	rs2017995	0.483819	41755231	C	A
+21	rs78140159	0.484123	41768402	T	C
+21	rs74911059	0.484174	41774550	C	A
+21	rs80268298	0.484183	41776452	C	T
+21	rs66519541	0.484191	41779019	T	C
+21	rs73217015	0.485308	41804377	C	T
+21	rs8133661	0.485419	41805199	C	T
+21	rs10439672	0.48545	41813285	T	C
+21	rs4818130	0.485459	41814287	T	A
+21	rs73902634	0.486136	41834322	T	C
+21	rs8127921	0.486149	41839209	G	A
+21	rs9983133	0.486155	41841134	T	C
+21	rs2837647	0.486168	41848101	C	T
+21	rs62225479	0.486169	41848643	T	C
+21	rs9977414	0.48623	41855584	T	C
+21	rs8131537	0.486261	41859770	C	A
+21	rs2837660	0.486271	41861838	G	C
+21	rs8128255	0.486292	41869508	G	A
+21	rs2094876	0.486329	41882205	A	G
+21	rs9980603	0.48635	41886583	T	C
+21	rs144729058	0.486361	41889069	A	G
+21	rs61557310	0.486391	41895763	T	C
+21	rs2205133	0.486484	41899139	T	A
+21	rs62225549	0.486505	41903870	G	A
+21	rs76494176	0.486513	41904952	G	T
+21	rs8133246	0.486534	41907203	T	C
+21	rs2837694	0.486635	41910637	A	G
+21	rs16999959	0.486642	41910944	T	C
+21	rs55714611	0.48748	41917545	C	G
+21	rs2837700	0.488132	41922017	C	T
+21	rs35202506	0.488139	41925725	A	G
+21	rs2837704	0.488141	41927021	C	T
+21	rs4818143	0.488142	41927859	C	T
+21	rs458934	0.488334	41949401	C	T
+21	rs462992	0.488334	41949690	G	A
+21	rs13048982	0.488334	41950029	G	A
+21	rs117868113	0.488352	41955788	C	T
+21	rs9978289	0.488352	41955789	A	G
+21	rs465127	0.488361	41959552	A	T
+21	rs455772	0.488368	41962135	G	A
+21	rs460181	0.488407	41963228	G	T
+21	rs2103480	0.488431	41970874	C	T
+21	rs56291275	0.488441	41974464	T	C
+21	rs10460679	0.488454	41977675	C	T
+21	rs146539748	0.488461	41980044	G	A
+21	rs6517602	0.488478	41985748	T	G
+21	rs2837753	0.488554	41990749	A	G
+21	rs73216202	0.488595	41991343	T	A
+21	rs3827218	0.488805	41993758	A	G
+21	rs35178623	0.489092	42003866	G	C
+21	rs35786508	0.489117	42004353	T	A
+21	rs1015993	0.489165	42005288	C	T
+21	rs34651383	0.489192	42009791	G	A
+21	rs8127399	0.489216	42015678	C	G
+21	rs9984403	0.489224	42017949	A	G
+21	rs987897	0.489236	42021805	A	T
+21	rs35057352	0.489426	42025594	C	T
+21	rs1537112	0.489767	42029143	C	T
+21	rs8134076	0.489936	42044877	G	T
+21	rs117799787	0.489939	42045580	G	A
+21	rs7280280	0.490002	42055029	A	T
+21	rs62223017	0.49174	42065826	C	G
+21	rs11909903	0.491781	42073641	C	T
+21	rs926090	0.491785	42075391	G	C
+21	rs11910405	0.491791	42077795	A	C
+21	rs71318535	0.491792	42077909	A	G
+21	rs2026274	0.491811	42079127	C	T
+21	rs71316171	0.491953	42084246	G	A
+21	rs8129663	0.491957	42084630	C	T
+21	rs66461687	0.49196	42084895	C	A
+21	rs35035578	0.491994	42089417	C	A
+21	rs13048841	0.492001	42090776	G	A
+21	rs79566442	0.49203	42096412	G	C
+21	rs13051235	0.4922	42103818	A	T
+21	rs58114519	0.492247	42104122	A	T
+21	rs8132900	0.492396	42106263	C	T
+21	rs188073352	0.49251	42112106	A	C
+21	rs2837804	0.492514	42115318	C	T
+21	rs117532654	0.492518	42119105	C	A
+21	rs2837806	0.492523	42123676	C	T
+21	rs12482503	0.492609	42133903	G	A
+21	rs56060434	0.49261	42133960	C	T
+21	rs79676743	0.492613	42135350	A	G
+21	rs148898802	0.492614	42135891	T	C
+21	rs7279013	0.492618	42137851	G	A
+21	rs1999329	0.492691	42140401	C	T
+21	rs9808699	0.4927	42140619	A	G
+21	rs77603305	0.492703	42140696	T	C
+21	rs7277165	0.492866	42154583	G	A
+21	rs7277205	0.492866	42154651	G	A
+21	rs6517615	0.492888	42157509	T	C
+21	rs7277017	0.492903	42161703	G	A
+21	rs13052165	0.492929	42169368	A	G
+21	rs113430952	0.495271	42194554	G	A
+21	rs2837843	0.496379	42203219	T	C
+21	rs34812495	0.496713	42219820	C	G
+21	rs8133945	0.498224	42226166	A	T
+21	rs6517627	0.498367	42230435	C	T
+21	rs77947474	0.498381	42233558	T	C
+21	rs741772	0.498389	42234205	T	C
+21	rs2222986	0.498408	42237629	A	G
+21	rs79004969	0.498418	42240732	C	G
+21	rs142315268	0.498425	42242860	G	A
+21	rs2094878	0.498437	42246551	C	T
+21	rs7279498	0.498705	42253571	G	A
+21	rs6517635	0.498874	42257498	A	G
+21	rs2837867	0.499081	42265286	C	A
+21	rs61184507	0.500502	42279883	T	C
+21	rs11700509	0.500624	42282191	T	C
+21	rs2837873	0.500838	42284292	G	C
+21	rs2150431	0.50086	42291678	C	T
+21	rs7280789	0.500867	42292965	G	T
+21	rs10222077	0.500892	42294868	C	T
+21	rs7275916	0.500921	42300859	G	A
+21	rs2837885	0.500993	42311908	G	T
+21	rs74751940	0.50108	42314565	C	T
+21	rs59264000	0.50185	42331690	A	G
+21	rs117183559	0.502076	42337481	A	G
+21	rs35445942	0.502147	42351105	A	C
+21	rs9975638	0.50216	42361699	G	C
+21	rs8133497	0.502195	42369070	C	T
+21	rs117693750	0.502219	42373262	T	A
+21	rs62636184	0.503717	42384998	C	T
+21	rs2837902	0.503735	42388524	G	A
+21	rs12626949	0.503763	42393205	T	C
+21	rs2183582	0.503817	42404017	T	C
+21	rs1921982	0.504636	42439105	T	C
+21	rs2776340	0.504671	42442550	A	G
+21	rs61420067	0.504691	42445184	T	A
+21	rs4818202	0.504691	42445300	A	C
+21	rs73360506	0.504726	42449519	C	T
+21	rs9982249	0.504752	42451715	G	A
+21	rs8134658	0.504766	42453728	G	A
+21	rs2837928	0.504784	42463764	T	C
+21	rs80339162	0.504785	42468546	C	T
+21	rs2837948	0.504785	42470603	A	G
+21	rs9808669	0.504798	42475390	C	T
+21	rs73902917	0.504812	42478282	C	T
+21	rs73902918	0.504814	42478750	G	A
+21	rs8126990	0.504837	42483632	T	G
+21	rs58292227	0.504839	42484001	C	A
+21	rs8129429	0.504954	42489730	A	G
+21	rs2776341	0.504977	42490274	A	C
+21	rs116866410	0.506057	42514815	A	G
+21	rs1001453	0.506067	42515277	G	A
+21	rs62217915	0.506122	42519037	A	C
+21	rs112077699	0.506146	42520773	G	T
+21	rs13047965	0.506195	42524342	G	A
+21	rs9305726	0.506208	42525272	G	A
+21	rs9305727	0.50621	42525411	A	G
+21	rs113945363	0.506211	42525452	A	G
+21	rs914176	0.506249	42528192	T	G
+21	rs77270082	0.506297	42531725	C	T
+21	rs146646159	0.506386	42539814	G	C
+21	rs4818217	0.507326	42546059	G	C
+21	rs55854621	0.509783	42563352	G	A
+21	rs9980345	0.509813	42564184	C	T
+21	rs71318561	0.510274	42572435	G	A
+21	rs138837252	0.510427	42576164	C	T
+21	rs1888518	0.510529	42579521	T	C
+21	rs7510366	0.51061	42581927	C	T
+21	rs35939063	0.510639	42584621	A	G
+21	rs113982325	0.510772	42589425	A	G
+21	rs34616176	0.510974	42595176	T	C
+21	rs28629220	0.51101	42597387	T	C
+21	rs9978837	0.511251	42605846	G	C
+21	rs79062280	0.511301	42607306	G	A
+21	rs17000715	0.511376	42610008	C	T
+21	rs74977559	0.511467	42613255	C	G
+21	rs67237909	0.511645	42616201	G	A
+21	rs67525224	0.51183	42627220	G	C
+21	rs4818226	0.511881	42633065	G	A
+21	rs3787945	0.511907	42640022	G	T
+21	rs58534150	0.511934	42640903	C	T
+21	rs12483323	0.511977	42643845	C	T
+21	rs144512707	0.512027	42651868	G	A
+21	rs1072869	0.512784	42657548	A	C
+21	rs73905316	0.513116	42668059	A	T
+21	rs147323220	0.513137	42671437	C	T
+21	rs11700807	0.513162	42675504	T	G
+21	rs9976217	0.513183	42679042	A	G
+21	rs112075738	0.513194	42680958	G	T
+21	rs67755284	0.513274	42690363	G	A
+21	rs2838009	0.513412	42694284	G	T
+21	rs2838013	0.513437	42695161	A	G
+21	rs2838014	0.513451	42697714	C	G
+21	rs75055531	0.513947	42712996	A	G
+21	rs73226128	0.513957	42714474	A	G
+21	rs4818234	0.51397	42716275	G	A
+21	rs60265870	0.513975	42716967	G	A
+21	rs2838016	0.513987	42718515	C	T
+21	rs188887615	0.513996	42719722	C	T
+21	rs113748702	0.51638	42730082	C	T
+21	rs982871	0.516393	42731475	C	T
+21	rs9981317	0.516446	42737181	G	A
+21	rs398206	0.51649	42742036	A	C
+21	rs146454620	0.517318	42752835	C	A
+21	rs143197614	0.517841	42762886	T	C
+21	rs9976700	0.517918	42766607	T	C
+21	rs148934070	0.518041	42772655	C	T
+21	rs10222067	0.518241	42787804	G	T
+21	rs80343070	0.518351	42792528	G	T
+21	rs139557023	0.518471	42798318	G	C
+21	rs455599	0.518559	42804679	A	G
+21	rs150013352	0.51857	42809418	A	C
+21	rs7276891	0.518783	42823805	T	C
+21	rs2070787	0.519087	42842129	T	G
+21	rs191773371	0.519127	42846868	A	G
+21	rs150003718	0.519129	42847005	A	G
+21	rs9636988	0.519155	42850045	T	C
+21	rs61735789	0.519178	42852435	G	A
+21	rs9976780	0.519249	42855235	T	C
+21	rs146865760	0.519285	42856216	C	T
+21	rs4818240	0.519316	42857302	C	T
+21	rs139305247	0.519345	42860655	C	T
+21	rs391099	0.519371	42863779	T	C
+21	rs55760462	0.519932	42868206	T	C
+21	rs2187238	0.519992	42872751	T	C
+21	rs73230088	0.520056	42879604	C	A
+21	rs75603675	0.520058	42879909	C	A
+21	rs11088551	0.520061	42880316	A	G
+21	rs13046567	0.520085	42884586	T	C
+21	rs28751065	0.520091	42885959	C	A
+21	rs11701382	0.52013	42890643	G	T
+21	rs35247320	0.52015	42892744	G	A
+21	rs76044243	0.520229	42899373	G	A
+21	rs2838048	0.520334	42908010	A	G
+21	rs73359734	0.520374	42911619	C	A
+21	rs2838058	0.521078	42924907	C	A
+21	rs73359771	0.52148	42932714	G	A
+21	rs12627738	0.521753	42938794	G	A
+21	rs181980059	0.521755	42939151	C	A
+21	rs11088555	0.521761	42939918	T	C
+21	rs11702046	0.521769	42941137	C	T
+21	rs28550108	0.521872	42942294	T	A
+21	rs60194694	0.521906	42942620	G	A
+21	rs77471525	0.522303	42946470	T	A
+21	rs28875606	0.522386	42947275	C	T
+21	rs146420318	0.522687	42950184	G	A
+21	rs3922457	0.522755	42950842	T	C
+21	rs28700940	0.522882	42952075	C	T
+21	rs28580771	0.523202	42955173	G	T
+21	rs2838068	0.529039	43012237	A	G
+21	rs7281619	0.529185	43024918	C	T
+21	rs74688298	0.529256	43026507	C	T
+21	rs72613633	0.529282	43026920	G	A
+21	rs73903452	0.52931	43027373	G	A
+21	rs62219346	0.529391	43029809	G	T
+21	rs76579998	0.529555	43034223	G	A
+21	rs79348973	0.52956	43034276	A	G
+21	rs78385097	0.529577	43034452	C	T
+21	rs117092792	0.529941	43044789	C	T
+21	rs2309095	0.530017	43047680	G	A
+21	rs140081430	0.530028	43048119	G	A
+21	rs62217773	0.530087	43051391	T	G
+21	rs36015477	0.530209	43059169	T	C
+21	rs7275423	0.530311	43060705	T	A
+21	rs77935309	0.530759	43069386	C	A
+21	rs113905126	0.532356	43074655	C	T
+21	rs8132754	0.533362	43080711	G	T
+21	rs79904875	0.533365	43080950	C	T
+21	rs2255892	0.533584	43087772	C	T
+21	rs80311167	0.533786	43093880	C	T
+21	rs2849704	0.533901	43097354	T	C
+21	rs2849705	0.533938	43098465	A	C
+21	rs74721445	0.534078	43101097	C	A
+21	rs75408487	0.53416	43102027	C	T
+21	rs8132108	0.534514	43108664	C	G
+21	rs141491431	0.534519	43109691	C	A
+21	rs35108587	0.534979	43121290	C	T
+21	rs34811135	0.534979	43121294	T	C
+21	rs9982707	0.535691	43129518	C	G
+21	rs34439510	0.535736	43130030	G	A
+21	rs34230257	0.535885	43131753	G	A
+21	rs4919935	0.536319	43136728	T	A
+21	rs144311111	0.536563	43140837	C	T
+21	rs13048502	0.538365	43167066	A	C
+21	rs116954548	0.538459	43179525	T	C
+21	rs117871010	0.53846	43180218	T	C
+21	rs3787956	0.538461	43180883	G	A
+21	rs35744208	0.538474	43182401	C	A
+21	rs73371629	0.538492	43183371	G	A
+21	rs4919944	0.538538	43185765	C	A
+21	rs6586239	0.53856	43187167	G	C
+21	rs35879470	0.538937	43198648	G	A
+21	rs13049138	0.539151	43202443	C	T
+21	rs186053893	0.539168	43202702	C	T
+21	rs113036430	0.539194	43203116	G	C
+21	rs12482924	0.539238	43211684	C	T
+21	rs3737427	0.539374	43223255	G	A
+21	rs2298687	0.539384	43224683	G	A
+21	rs150080619	0.539456	43234116	G	A
+21	rs74592564	0.539461	43234763	T	C
+21	rs28477638	0.539504	43239972	G	A
+21	rs28708536	0.539546	43244905	G	A
+21	rs28738914	0.539549	43245242	A	G
+21	rs188390156	0.539721	43264913	T	C
+21	rs79379629	0.539756	43267379	G	C
+21	rs8130749	0.539802	43270327	T	A
+21	rs8129271	0.539803	43270524	G	C
+21	rs79091252	0.539894	43277787	T	C
+21	rs140798254	0.540044	43288025	G	T
+21	rs3746898	0.540082	43291053	A	G
+21	rs7275618	0.540101	43292621	T	C
+21	rs35109371	0.540103	43292852	C	T
+21	rs11702265	0.540134	43297227	C	T
+21	rs35840201	0.540248	43303558	A	T
+21	rs9984118	0.540477	43309706	C	T
+21	rs9974785	0.54058	43312993	G	A
+21	rs170135	0.540631	43314604	G	A
+21	rs172637	0.540853	43318871	G	C
+21	rs7283940	0.541726	43325145	G	C
+21	rs12483229	0.542018	43338933	A	T
+21	rs9977215	0.542114	43343190	C	T
+21	rs365163	0.542582	43345207	A	G
+21	rs116569272	0.542687	43352399	G	A
+21	rs518035	0.542912	43358595	C	T
+21	rs9325617	0.542993	43359769	T	C
+21	rs56796252	0.54395	43375811	A	G
+21	rs576808	0.543958	43376453	A	G
+21	rs4920041	0.543977	43378083	T	C
+21	rs13049363	0.544002	43380231	A	T
+21	rs146963847	0.544077	43386085	A	G
+21	rs7276077	0.544687	43394871	C	A
+21	rs7283480	0.544689	43395064	A	T
+21	rs9980268	0.544704	43396664	T	A
+21	rs73221473	0.544816	43401611	T	C
+21	rs151076584	0.544886	43425908	G	T
+21	rs141659792	0.544895	43427170	A	G
+21	rs9981167	0.545031	43434243	C	T
+21	rs76414588	0.545086	43435343	G	T
+21	rs220202	0.545245	43438781	C	T
+21	rs2839439	0.545258	43439562	G	A
+21	rs220208	0.545261	43439679	T	C
+21	rs117995466	0.545261	43439681	A	C
+21	rs73221486	0.546566	43445366	A	C
+21	rs411725	0.546934	43453953	G	C
+21	rs220235	0.546949	43454252	T	C
+21	rs1788356	0.546959	43454440	T	C
+21	rs186659716	0.547591	43457314	C	T
+21	rs189352333	0.549862	43462007	G	A
+21	rs78248586	0.549898	43465959	C	T
+21	rs1869770	0.549936	43470113	C	T
+21	rs220252	0.549955	43472438	G	A
+21	rs220253	0.54998	43475879	T	C
+21	rs220260	0.550036	43480111	C	G
+21	rs117201265	0.550104	43484207	T	C
+21	rs2124341	0.550831	43497858	T	C
+21	rs220291	0.550865	43498042	T	G
+21	rs149896652	0.551739	43503563	C	T
+21	rs220305	0.551883	43511179	G	A
+21	rs220314	0.552034	43519442	T	C
+21	rs220318	0.552039	43520106	C	T
+21	rs187025147	0.552096	43529173	G	C
+21	rs220130	0.55217	43531808	A	C
+21	rs61137659	0.552186	43532456	C	T
+21	rs73223546	0.552361	43536262	T	C
+21	rs35523457	0.553148	43554337	G	A
+21	rs11911271	0.553328	43555491	T	C
+21	rs3819142	0.553518	43557698	A	C
+21	rs73373683	0.553616	43564848	G	A
+21	rs4283513	0.553619	43566409	G	T
+21	rs113909092	0.553621	43566848	C	T
+21	rs9978854	0.553624	43567731	G	A
+21	rs148354929	0.553625	43568086	G	C
+21	rs62215138	0.553625	43568112	C	T
+21	rs220184	0.553641	43571418	G	A
+21	rs113385692	0.553691	43595643	A	T
+21	rs144535424	0.553703	43599517	T	A
+21	rs117900671	0.553715	43604140	G	A
+21	rs221952	0.553804	43609733	C	T
+21	rs113871782	0.55384	43613970	G	A
+21	rs8126796	0.553851	43615752	G	A
+21	rs141210811	0.553875	43625640	G	A
+21	rs1840593	0.553886	43626673	G	A
+21	rs4148088	0.553906	43628935	C	G
+21	rs4148089	0.553914	43630172	C	T
+21	rs146978161	0.553921	43631270	G	A
+21	rs145656134	0.553932	43633045	C	T
+21	rs2234715	0.553969	43638855	A	G
+21	rs4148098	0.553998	43639553	T	A
+21	rs9976024	0.554098	43641657	G	A
+21	rs915846	0.555322	43652782	C	G
+21	rs113560275	0.555392	43661477	G	A
+21	rs7283699	0.55543	43663318	G	A
+21	rs2839478	0.555454	43667082	G	A
+21	rs9979980	0.555635	43671220	C	T
+21	rs113669242	0.555769	43673375	A	G
+21	rs4148120	0.555774	43673477	G	C
+21	rs225391	0.555927	43684668	G	A
+21	rs6586299	0.5563	43698073	T	G
+21	rs4148123	0.556323	43698251	G	A
+21	rs144038443	0.556427	43699616	C	T
+21	rs2839482	0.556452	43700432	A	G
+21	rs3788005	0.556505	43702023	C	T
+21	rs56337741	0.557595	43716554	G	A
+21	rs4148140	0.557612	43718611	C	T
+21	rs1023156	0.557622	43720525	G	A
+21	rs117158840	0.557627	43721660	C	T
+21	rs11910395	0.557632	43722586	C	T
+21	rs6586306	0.55764	43723284	A	G
+21	rs73364691	0.557647	43723636	T	C
+21	rs138410757	0.557761	43726857	C	A
+21	rs73225454	0.55929	43731068	C	T
+21	rs78811301	0.559425	43740523	G	A
+21	rs56097231	0.559426	43740637	G	A
+21	rs142488053	0.559592	43756572	A	T
+21	rs225325	0.559646	43762840	G	A
+21	rs1867032	0.559654	43763376	G	A
+21	rs225336	0.55972	43767414	A	T
+21	rs3814896	0.559783	43771711	A	G
+21	rs111696381	0.559784	43771843	A	C
+21	rs172825	0.559794	43773253	G	C
+21	rs116937309	0.5598	43775213	T	C
+21	rs225343	0.559808	43775780	C	A
+21	rs178740	0.559866	43777672	T	C
+21	rs9978991	0.559899	43781594	T	C
+21	rs143991203	0.5599	43781709	G	A
+21	rs117091392	0.55993	43784414	C	T
+21	rs12626334	0.560438	43791233	C	T
+21	rs225430	0.560857	43801712	C	A
+21	rs17114826	0.560872	43804413	A	G
+21	rs2839501	0.560892	43805637	C	T
+21	rs2839504	0.561935	43808004	A	C
+21	rs117552882	0.563312	43814544	C	G
+21	rs11203200	0.563312	43814575	G	A
+21	rs11909615	0.563316	43815042	A	G
+21	rs225319	0.563339	43815773	A	G
+21	rs117267633	0.563841	43819281	G	A
+21	rs112745380	0.56385	43822174	C	T
+21	rs11203201	0.563866	43823726	C	G
+21	rs9974289	0.56388	43827562	G	A
+21	rs77546520	0.56391	43840089	T	G
+21	rs3788013	0.563911	43841328	C	A
+21	rs11912007	0.563935	43849054	C	G
+21	rs11910025	0.563935	43849109	A	G
+21	rs115641947	0.563942	43850905	C	T
+21	rs11910326	0.564257	43853459	G	A
+21	rs2276236	0.564311	43862255	C	A
+21	rs112764046	0.564378	43865293	C	T
+21	rs3827231	0.564463	43866166	G	C
+21	rs11700872	0.565031	43882741	C	G
+21	rs58969530	0.565053	43885402	T	G
+21	rs9974527	0.565055	43885551	G	A
+21	rs56000893	0.565078	43887092	C	T
+21	rs55912114	0.565084	43887469	G	A
+21	rs78900688	0.565488	43895896	C	T
+21	rs2839535	0.565851	43905327	T	C
+21	rs59775135	0.565865	43912021	G	A
+21	rs9984443	0.56591	43929514	T	A
+21	rs111991358	0.565932	43934148	T	G
+21	rs113450922	0.565949	43936246	G	C
+21	rs12482752	0.5664	43957256	G	A
+21	rs9976600	0.566443	43970875	C	T
+21	rs118137491	0.566444	43970988	T	C
+21	rs142595043	0.566454	43978149	T	G
+21	rs117428310	0.566462	43980347	A	G
+21	rs143204768	0.5667	43986436	C	T
+21	rs62213023	0.566772	43995327	C	T
+21	rs117965939	0.566775	43995935	A	G
+21	rs451954	0.566775	43995954	G	A
+21	rs17767630	0.566777	43999418	G	T
+21	rs17178345	0.566783	44000861	A	G
+21	rs2849721	0.566792	44003148	C	G
+21	rs388831	0.5668	44004149	T	C
+21	rs112822782	0.566922	44016037	C	A
+21	rs410698	0.567149	44021566	G	C
+21	rs7282743	0.567668	44025148	A	G
+21	rs440431	0.568333	44032712	C	G
+21	rs66519542	0.568512	44037888	C	T
+21	rs9976560	0.568523	44038275	C	G
+21	rs36058049	0.56854	44041193	G	A
+21	rs73229525	0.568589	44047969	T	C
+21	rs143994722	0.568659	44052979	G	A
+21	rs408967	0.568696	44056499	G	T
+21	rs76732039	0.568709	44059261	T	A
+21	rs1539969	0.568718	44061352	A	C
+21	rs404714	0.568718	44061357	C	T
+21	rs12233328	0.568725	44063008	T	G
+21	rs36098823	0.569203	44075537	G	T
+21	rs61639224	0.569222	44076382	G	T
+21	rs9981767	0.569319	44079875	C	A
+21	rs71320536	0.569321	44080009	C	T
+21	rs139069801	0.569386	44084914	C	A
+21	rs2269136	0.569575	44093942	G	A
+21	rs71320544	0.569703	44102020	A	G
+21	rs35729571	0.569898	44110493	C	T
+21	rs756577	0.569917	44118323	C	T
+21	rs13049942	0.569932	44120767	G	C
+21	rs8130322	0.569962	44126130	C	T
+21	rs71320552	0.57001	44143109	G	C
+21	rs148256699	0.570037	44146829	C	G
+21	rs56760862	0.570039	44147511	A	G
+21	rs962287	0.570097	44155009	T	G
+21	rs75905062	0.570332	44158447	G	A
+21	rs13052351	0.570768	44163087	T	C
+21	rs13047677	0.57092	44168188	A	C
+21	rs2269163	0.571341	44181240	C	G
+21	rs66484525	0.571371	44183133	T	G
+21	rs113090704	0.571376	44184429	T	A
+21	rs6586346	0.571429	44189983	C	A
+21	rs75918224	0.571478	44191402	C	G
+21	rs35179485	0.571772	44198015	G	A
+21	rs9653817	0.571848	44200676	A	G
+21	rs7283656	0.571887	44202023	T	C
+21	rs12053696	0.572043	44207846	A	G
+21	rs35628508	0.572271	44227260	T	C
+21	rs7277934	0.572294	44229483	C	T
+21	rs77802091	0.572322	44238499	T	C
+21	rs112978626	0.57236	44251944	A	G
+21	rs73231680	0.572365	44254621	T	C
+21	rs2156317	0.572367	44257918	C	T
+21	rs76271836	0.572371	44263321	G	A
+21	rs35709881	0.572372	44264824	G	A
+21	rs60406170	0.572487	44269860	A	C
+21	rs77095994	0.572488	44270931	G	A
+21	rs884153	0.572489	44271703	A	G
+21	rs464854	0.572494	44275033	G	T
+21	rs1236634	0.572521	44278105	A	G
+21	rs62219107	0.572525	44283830	C	T
+21	rs7280803	0.572526	44283938	T	C
+21	rs7280082	0.572526	44284142	G	A
+21	rs7281227	0.572526	44284179	C	T
+21	rs13052506	0.572526	44284204	C	A
+21	rs13048885	0.572529	44284794	T	C
+21	rs111485799	0.57253	44287486	G	C
+21	rs13051639	0.57253	44290674	G	C
+21	rs151246629	0.57253	44290743	C	T
+21	rs8134864	0.57253	44296362	C	T
+21	rs12626259	0.57253	44297041	A	G
+21	rs2839596	0.57253	44300978	A	G
+21	rs57692532	0.57253	44305283	C	T
+21	rs140279568	0.57253	44306258	G	C
+21	rs11910684	0.572531	44310537	T	G
+21	rs112235529	0.572533	44312171	G	A
+21	rs6586259	0.572537	44315266	G	A
+21	rs7277472	0.572537	44315388	T	C
+21	rs8134328	0.572585	44333836	G	C
+21	rs11911418	0.572586	44334837	G	A
+21	rs34726798	0.572586	44335098	C	T
+21	rs11555158	0.57259	44337914	A	G
+21	rs80147563	0.572591	44341258	G	A
+21	rs6586265	0.572592	44345180	T	C
+21	rs73905787	0.572592	44345836	C	G
+21	rs57834162	0.572593	44348810	T	C
+21	rs12483651	0.572594	44350895	G	A
+21	rs71320577	0.573234	44365432	C	T
+21	rs6586276	0.573342	44369959	G	A
+21	rs6586277	0.573348	44370227	T	C
+21	rs9975683	0.573348	44370235	T	C
+21	rs6586278	0.573349	44370290	C	T
+21	rs62217611	0.573358	44370806	T	C
+21	rs73367664	0.573408	44375641	C	T
+21	rs140570802	0.573441	44382994	C	T
+21	rs191379760	0.573441	44382999	C	T
+21	rs11702023	0.573485	44386247	T	C
+21	rs145521368	0.573571	44393836	G	A
+21	rs71316190	0.573591	44398601	T	C
+21	rs71316191	0.573591	44398624	C	T
+21	rs4920025	0.573598	44401479	A	G
+21	rs77434287	0.573599	44401810	C	T
+21	rs71320589	0.573599	44402047	T	C
+21	rs35348720	0.5736	44402247	C	T
+21	rs1672137	0.573602	44403363	C	G
+21	rs34209438	0.573604	44407068	C	T
+21	rs2401150	0.573604	44407305	G	A
+21	rs28506838	0.573604	44408453	G	C
+21	rs139835089	0.573605	44411755	G	A
+21	rs149717110	0.573606	44412398	G	A
+21	rs12481921	0.573606	44414088	C	T
+21	rs9982622	0.573607	44417564	A	G
+21	rs56041312	0.573622	44430588	C	T
+21	rs1788479	0.573633	44434836	C	A
+21	rs77084451	0.573684	44451876	G	A
+21	rs234742	0.573693	44454301	T	C
+21	rs1672127	0.573693	44460184	G	A
+21	rs35568502	0.573694	44463724	T	C
+21	rs71320595	0.573697	44464223	C	T
+21	rs12483705	0.573709	44466913	A	T
+21	rs146347214	0.573714	44467056	C	T
+21	rs8127973	0.573953	44474949	C	T
+21	rs760124	0.573963	44475953	T	C
+21	rs61123777	0.574021	44483748	T	A
+21	rs1788466	0.574022	44483773	G	A
+21	rs234706	0.574031	44485350	G	A
+21	rs2851391	0.574045	44487404	C	T
+21	rs71322506	0.574103	44491293	T	C
+21	rs1788467	0.574238	44496062	G	C
+21	rs117641509	0.574387	44500820	C	T
+21	rs138673287	0.574401	44500991	T	C
+21	rs59602964	0.574613	44503300	G	A
+21	rs3972	0.575281	44506201	C	T
+21	rs117627258	0.575633	44512726	G	A
+21	rs1672139	0.575717	44534948	G	C
+21	rs1789958	0.575724	44535681	C	T
+21	rs77909915	0.575734	44536776	G	A
+21	rs115916816	0.575973	44561267	C	T
+21	rs9653810	0.575989	44562966	A	G
+21	rs2839637	0.575999	44563995	C	T
+21	rs112545620	0.576339	44569929	T	C
+21	rs9980126	0.576393	44571239	A	G
+21	rs73374287	0.576678	44579936	T	C
+21	rs872331	0.57706	44589215	T	C
+21	rs62217721	0.578437	44595039	G	A
+21	rs11909053	0.579334	44606790	G	A
+21	rs2839649	0.579344	44607103	A	G
+21	rs28691163	0.579381	44608227	G	A
+21	rs12482670	0.579396	44608660	T	G
+21	rs150718026	0.579449	44612256	C	G
+21	rs13046255	0.579457	44617110	C	T
+21	rs9984575	0.58423	44712163	A	G
+21	rs76917707	0.584234	44712356	A	G
+21	rs142317129	0.584235	44712415	C	A
+21	rs9976679	0.584328	44717003	C	T
+21	rs73909407	0.584345	44717781	C	T
+21	rs2051405	0.584428	44720146	T	C
+21	rs79094191	0.584491	44720890	T	C
+21	rs8130169	0.584542	44721475	A	G
+21	rs501228	0.584738	44730807	G	A
+21	rs74333834	0.586272	44737463	C	G
+21	rs4819336	0.58709	44747209	G	T
+21	rs2838268	0.587267	44759436	C	G
+21	rs2838269	0.58728	44761179	T	C
+21	rs2838270	0.587284	44761738	G	T
+21	rs9978496	0.587365	44764709	A	G
+21	rs476659	0.58741	44766698	C	T
+21	rs478570	0.587414	44766920	C	T
+21	rs140701167	0.587463	44770052	C	T
+21	rs73378255	0.587967	44773295	C	T
+21	rs8130681	0.588641	44774853	C	A
+21	rs2838282	0.588959	44776695	T	C
+21	rs564779	0.589148	44785422	T	C
+21	rs668058	0.589157	44786539	G	A
+21	rs653435	0.589165	44787553	T	C
+21	rs13049305	0.589186	44790028	T	C
+21	rs150414296	0.589255	44792762	C	A
+21	rs78957366	0.589344	44800830	C	T
+21	rs2838293	0.589412	44806314	A	G
+21	rs57315329	0.589443	44808713	C	T
+21	rs143422847	0.590324	44818058	C	T
+21	rs118058929	0.591318	44825423	G	A
+21	rs857554	0.591324	44825447	G	C
+21	rs59394421	0.591369	44825998	G	A
+21	rs74871846	0.591656	44833788	G	A
+21	rs117381526	0.591767	44838466	T	C
+21	rs118116454	0.591924	44855291	C	G
+21	rs35374062	0.592012	44868191	C	G
+21	rs12626999	0.592013	44868414	T	C
+21	rs11088981	0.59202	44870150	C	T
+21	rs17004555	0.592049	44872714	C	T
+21	rs463194	0.59219	44877993	A	C
+21	rs162348	0.59252	44913747	C	T
+21	rs162373	0.592646	44927107	C	A
+21	rs79242594	0.592648	44932167	C	A
+21	rs75836229	0.592658	44948684	T	G
+21	rs7278003	0.592681	44966069	C	T
+21	rs76276964	0.592682	44967919	C	T
+21	rs77563572	0.592685	44987057	C	A
+21	rs13046391	0.592685	44989148	A	G
+21	rs2838319	0.592687	44991901	G	A
+21	rs183422213	0.59269	45002270	G	A
+21	rs73223085	0.592693	45008660	T	C
+21	rs78010493	0.592696	45010333	A	G
+21	rs2838328	0.592711	45023234	C	G
+21	rs2838332	0.592717	45035007	A	G
+21	rs2329442	0.592717	45041790	C	T
+21	rs144031409	0.592719	45049173	G	A
+21	rs1454648	0.592753	45053815	T	C
+21	rs9984002	0.592753	45061501	C	T
+21	rs2246610	0.592753	45064600	C	T
+21	rs2838337	0.592757	45072621	C	A
+21	rs116094934	0.59313	45128618	A	G
+21	rs111604761	0.59343	45130460	G	T
+21	rs10432970	0.594264	45135138	T	G
+21	rs4819301	0.594502	45137629	G	A
+21	rs13049890	0.594507	45137692	G	A
+21	rs62229179	0.59455	45138930	T	G
+21	rs11089094	0.594621	45147564	T	C
+21	rs9974754	0.59466	45151874	G	A
+21	rs2276528	0.594668	45152500	G	A
+21	rs79898513	0.594707	45156443	G	T
+21	rs73375207	0.594726	45160862	C	G
+21	rs140684849	0.594726	45160913	C	T
+21	rs8134507	0.59478	45172379	G	A
+21	rs117675264	0.594893	45186754	G	A
+21	rs74451301	0.594905	45188278	G	A
+21	rs140987444	0.594945	45189912	G	A
+21	rs73224949	0.595009	45192052	T	G
+21	rs59461641	0.595254	45198863	C	T
+21	rs13050410	0.595258	45201758	G	A
+21	rs55830074	0.595263	45205668	T	C
+21	rs2276244	0.595267	45209442	C	T
+21	rs2276245	0.595268	45209714	C	T
+21	rs2838365	0.59527	45211731	T	C
+21	rs62230080	0.595276	45214365	C	T
+21	rs2838385	0.595298	45223060	C	T
+21	rs2070539	0.595298	45223930	C	T
+21	rs9979356	0.595323	45230974	T	C
+21	rs11909278	0.595333	45234894	G	A
+21	rs1573334	0.59534	45237494	C	T
+21	rs1136072	0.595344	45238353	C	A
+21	rs11701446	0.595364	45241812	C	G
+21	rs139618545	0.595367	45242323	A	G
+21	rs8128936	0.595374	45243213	A	G
+21	rs144723570	0.595382	45244466	C	T
+21	rs4419312	0.595467	45247635	C	T
+21	rs2838417	0.595517	45252901	G	A
+21	rs2838419	0.595537	45254167	T	C
+21	rs11089101	0.595586	45256598	A	G
+21	rs4819332	0.595935	45274239	C	T
+21	rs762404	0.596051	45295157	A	G
+21	rs116847040	0.596057	45298875	G	C
+21	rs56242868	0.596061	45301914	G	A
+21	rs143858978	0.596086	45317541	G	A
+21	rs3788075	0.596089	45318772	T	G
+21	rs73371115	0.596089	45319024	T	C
+21	rs62228708	0.596093	45320988	T	G
+21	rs60986841	0.596094	45322869	G	A
+21	rs1006757	0.596151	45341732	C	G
+21	rs77817180	0.596231	45351146	G	A
+21	rs9983066	0.596243	45355828	C	T
+21	rs2838445	0.596381	45362489	G	C
+21	rs150098700	0.596399	45367549	C	A
+21	rs2838447	0.596612	45370888	A	G
+21	rs76291130	0.596826	45392742	G	A
+21	rs9647232	0.59684	45393449	G	A
+21	rs2838456	0.596858	45396968	A	G
+21	rs2070544	0.596865	45398488	T	G
+21	rs73906701	0.596939	45405546	G	C
+21	rs62229690	0.596958	45408363	G	A
+21	rs73373152	0.596976	45410655	G	A
+21	rs11702855	0.596999	45413262	G	A
+21	rs148908362	0.59764	45431661	C	G
+21	rs2838470	0.597664	45437183	G	A
+21	rs2299812	0.597666	45438890	C	T
+21	rs2238711	0.597679	45453956	A	G
+21	rs56273547	0.59768	45454894	T	C
+21	rs2247400	0.597682	45456458	C	T
+21	rs9306172	0.597703	45475489	G	C
+21	rs56340987	0.597703	45477446	C	T
+21	rs2838481	0.597704	45487181	G	C
+21	rs2255922	0.597724	45492795	A	G
+21	rs55794203	0.597724	45500511	C	T
+21	rs11550376	0.597746	45527291	G	A
+21	rs2855653	0.597769	45540143	A	G
+21	rs148012748	0.597779	45543949	T	A
+21	rs2242953	0.597779	45545334	A	G
+21	rs9978109	0.597779	45547913	C	A
+21	rs35538274	0.597787	45565837	C	T
+21	rs4819383	0.597818	45573361	A	G
+21	rs4818885	0.597862	45580513	G	A
+21	rs7283007	0.597893	45584376	T	C
+21	rs11702363	0.5979	45585556	A	G
+21	rs11702859	0.5979	45585633	G	A
+21	rs2838511	0.597928	45589980	G	A
+21	rs111443462	0.599038	45606570	A	T
+21	rs73228974	0.599157	45609110	G	A
+21	rs743476	0.599204	45610369	A	G
+21	rs4456788	0.599321	45616324	A	G
+21	rs73907113	0.599342	45619519	A	G
+21	rs2329709	0.599355	45621560	G	A
+21	rs56178904	0.599375	45624551	C	T
+21	rs7282137	0.599376	45624667	T	C
+21	rs34560460	0.599402	45628546	A	T
+21	rs77074020	0.599416	45630591	A	G
+21	rs74330716	0.599429	45632229	G	C
+21	rs8128765	0.599431	45632427	T	A
+21	rs181793439	0.599501	45636665	C	T
+21	rs150177720	0.599523	45637648	C	G
+21	rs9983276	0.599535	45638288	T	C
+21	rs3804033	0.599596	45648488	G	C
+21	rs9974245	0.599602	45649499	G	A
+21	rs7281454	0.599812	45653759	A	G
+21	rs141439063	0.599877	45654774	C	A
+21	rs73366529	0.599965	45659025	G	A
+21	rs58940818	0.600054	45664784	C	A
+21	rs3788111	0.600105	45668171	G	T
+21	rs140400131	0.600142	45670601	C	T
+21	rs138247506	0.600171	45672692	G	T
+21	rs56354854	0.6002	45674950	A	T
+21	rs2276248	0.600246	45679258	T	C
+21	rs2838540	0.600314	45687581	G	A
+21	rs145070872	0.60055	45701294	G	A
+21	rs151083841	0.60097	45707609	G	A
+21	rs878081	0.601014	45708277	C	T
+21	rs150352051	0.601454	45715127	C	T
+21	rs2256817	0.601475	45715386	G	A
+21	rs9974092	0.601489	45717247	G	A
+21	rs9976073	0.601519	45721710	T	C
+21	rs56168965	0.601593	45724853	C	G
+21	rs140395625	0.601615	45731238	C	T
+21	rs2838547	0.601615	45731458	G	C
+21	rs143022969	0.601797	45744812	G	A
+21	rs3761392	0.601908	45752176	C	A
+21	rs66916924	0.60227	45756069	T	C
+21	rs111119177	0.602515	45758633	C	G
+21	rs13313851	0.602817	45777750	G	T
+21	rs9974187	0.602821	45778702	G	C
+21	rs28472722	0.602825	45779774	C	G
+21	rs4818917	0.602869	45799280	T	C
+21	rs11911248	0.602872	45803097	T	C
+21	rs141359423	0.602922	45815899	C	G
+21	rs189210114	0.602951	45823874	C	T
+21	rs1618355	0.60296	45826462	A	C
+21	rs1785441	0.602963	45826952	T	A
+21	rs8127837	0.602971	45830061	G	A
+21	rs2238726	0.603843	45853851	C	A
+21	rs45593631	0.60397	45854740	C	T
+21	rs72497623	0.604121	45855850	T	C
+21	rs7278129	0.604195	45856398	C	G
+21	rs4818921	0.604295	45865167	T	C
+21	rs145375948	0.604381	45883271	G	A
+21	rs73233025	0.604517	45894462	T	C
+21	rs73233027	0.604564	45897827	T	G
+21	rs2838573	0.604603	45902806	C	T
+21	rs79239574	0.604623	45905559	G	T
+21	rs78535846	0.604926	45931184	G	A
+21	rs73377700	0.605479	45942240	T	C
+21	rs75697303	0.605572	45951926	C	T
+21	rs2329834	0.607372	45970812	A	G
+21	rs478967	0.607373	45971023	G	T
+21	rs2838589	0.607733	45977640	A	G
+21	rs117347650	0.607776	45979336	G	A
+21	rs233254	0.607781	45980477	T	C
+21	rs233259	0.607791	45982923	T	G
+21	rs233324	0.607801	45985337	T	C
+21	rs233275	0.607832	45990446	G	A
+21	rs462711	0.607925	45998317	T	C
+21	rs420894	0.60793	45998933	G	A
+21	rs412062	0.60793	45998935	A	G
+21	rs430791	0.60793	45998946	C	T
+21	rs149326833	0.607941	46000367	G	T
+21	rs455562	0.607955	46002088	T	G
+21	rs465930	0.60797	46003900	G	A
+21	rs455413	0.607975	46004507	T	C
+21	rs1785470	0.608449	46008875	C	G
+21	rs233298	0.608592	46010984	G	C
+21	rs233309	0.608641	46012182	G	A
+21	rs11702525	0.608799	46019183	C	A
+21	rs12481814	0.608803	46019672	G	A
+21	rs377573	0.608805	46020070	T	C
+21	rs76187588	0.608806	46020218	T	C
+21	rs77769051	0.608826	46022653	T	C
+21	rs1211129	0.608836	46023401	T	C
+21	rs415753	0.608849	46023649	T	C
+21	rs138752361	0.609228	46032838	G	A
+21	rs445214	0.609273	46035495	G	T
+21	rs28542851	0.610845	46048657	A	G
+21	rs2838602	0.610879	46057393	A	T
+21	rs1785474	0.610883	46058229	T	A
+21	rs28368348	0.610883	46058244	C	A
+21	rs28491945	0.610903	46062481	C	A
+21	rs2070574	0.610931	46068532	G	A
+21	rs2838614	0.610977	46075307	T	C
+21	rs2186933	0.610979	46075590	C	A
+21	rs13049382	0.610983	46076186	C	T
+21	rs13048478	0.610987	46076751	T	G
+21	rs7275203	0.611016	46079413	A	G
+21	rs12482870	0.61102	46081379	A	G
+21	rs2329840	0.611028	46085733	C	T
+21	rs12481809	0.611029	46086407	C	T
+21	rs12483730	0.611029	46086457	G	A
+21	rs73234805	0.611039	46091856	T	A
+21	rs8129089	0.61104	46092107	G	A
+21	rs73234825	0.611045	46094784	G	T
+21	rs2838625	0.611048	46096731	G	A
+21	rs56019874	0.611102	46098517	A	C
+21	rs5013903	0.61114	46104481	C	T
+21	rs28681623	0.61115	46105373	C	T
+21	rs4818963	0.611192	46112862	A	G
+21	rs56829302	0.611216	46116447	C	T
+21	rs17285466	0.611345	46123526	A	T
+21	rs998420	0.611346	46123553	C	G
+21	rs143610061	0.611355	46123680	C	T
+21	rs2838651	0.6114	46124496	C	T
+21	rs9978932	0.611402	46124546	A	G
+21	rs7283606	0.611431	46125952	C	T
+21	rs11701538	0.611756	46133097	T	C
+21	rs235378	0.612083	46143974	C	T
+21	rs13050653	0.612363	46153100	G	C
+21	rs62222688	0.612424	46160684	T	A
+21	rs111642518	0.612435	46161808	G	A
+21	rs11909699	0.612505	46168364	G	T
+21	rs35656745	0.612536	46169347	G	A
+21	rs892517	0.612551	46169818	A	C
+21	rs690260	0.612631	46173391	A	G
+21	rs35353717	0.613332	46175328	C	T
+21	rs1107053	0.613425	46175545	T	A
+21	rs117596340	0.614297	46180158	C	G
+21	rs2838673	0.6143	46180309	G	A
+21	rs13048108	0.614319	46183642	G	A
+21	rs3788138	0.614339	46187408	C	T
+21	rs73232943	0.614362	46196103	A	G
+21	rs2838684	0.614377	46204511	A	G
+21	rs73232950	0.61439	46208128	G	C
+21	rs79119995	0.614469	46225312	C	G
+21	rs9977465	0.6145	46232267	T	A
+21	rs11702064	0.614511	46234963	C	T
+21	rs57205597	0.614519	46236675	A	G
+21	rs73232966	0.614534	46239305	T	C
+21	rs235338	0.614665	46245921	A	T
+21	rs76496919	0.614747	46255802	G	A
+21	rs235258	0.614783	46259884	T	C
+21	rs2838703	0.614819	46262733	G	A
+21	rs235307	0.614846	46264963	A	G
+21	rs741951	0.614892	46269526	G	A
+21	rs235312	0.614897	46269753	G	A
+21	rs55927826	0.614921	46276686	A	G
+21	rs183516	0.614941	46278923	C	T
+21	rs235324	0.614951	46279505	C	T
+21	rs117115743	0.614978	46288837	A	C
+21	rs235373	0.614995	46293692	T	C
+21	rs381406	0.615022	46304355	G	T
+21	rs35280729	0.615314	46313140	C	T
+21	rs56257457	0.615485	46317892	A	T
+21	rs35963032	0.615792	46321226	C	T
+21	rs3746973	0.616058	46328026	G	A
+21	rs58314825	0.616119	46329792	T	C
+21	rs9976299	0.617049	46338651	C	T
+21	rs6518205	0.617372	46340154	C	T
+21	rs3761397	0.617739	46342629	G	T
+21	rs2014191	0.618524	46350534	C	G
+21	rs9974172	0.618791	46354055	G	A
+21	rs62214492	0.618795	46356146	C	T
+21	rs4818990	0.618813	46357359	G	T
+21	rs13046102	0.618925	46362383	A	G
+21	rs4818748	0.618933	46364223	C	T
+21	rs139062668	0.618945	46368198	C	G
+21	rs149956285	0.618953	46370980	G	A
+21	rs7276130	0.619032	46392916	G	A
+21	rs7282533	0.619041	46396057	G	C
+21	rs1985483	0.619043	46396906	T	C
+21	rs1556320	0.619073	46406997	C	T
+21	rs149554289	0.61926	46414549	T	C
+21	rs75222517	0.619415	46417650	C	T
+21	rs117648510	0.619491	46419136	A	C
+21	rs73226686	0.620016	46428521	C	T
+21	rs73226689	0.620036	46428873	A	G
+21	rs4819013	0.620297	46433670	C	T
+21	rs2329947	0.620523	46439001	T	C
+21	rs2329949	0.620661	46443848	G	A
+21	rs12381201	0.620769	46449035	C	T
+21	rs186684322	0.620894	46453979	G	A
+21	rs6518210	0.620984	46456733	A	G
+21	rs13052629	0.620985	46456779	T	C
+21	rs56290629	0.621071	46470325	G	A
+21	rs4818755	0.621096	46475502	G	A
+21	rs75359347	0.621734	46484076	G	A
+21	rs77386304	0.621824	46487635	C	G
+21	rs2838762	0.621828	46487831	C	A
+21	rs187170538	0.621917	46493897	T	G
+21	rs3788155	0.621954	46501493	C	G
+21	rs729895	0.621993	46515421	C	T
+21	rs2838785	0.62203	46529291	G	C
+21	rs390504	0.622034	46530945	A	G
+21	rs62216599	0.622045	46535138	G	C
+21	rs2003273	0.622048	46536586	C	T
+21	rs2838788	0.622064	46542374	T	C
+21	rs731248	0.622064	46542544	C	A
+21	rs142629702	0.622141	46557422	C	T
+21	rs117525576	0.622166	46560489	T	C
+21	rs116869330	0.622227	46564075	G	A
+21	rs420085	0.622286	46572572	G	A
+21	rs76628070	0.622291	46573818	T	G
+21	rs13048685	0.622291	46573848	T	C
+21	rs4819031	0.622305	46578164	G	T
+21	rs421716	0.622359	46590422	C	T
+21	rs399185	0.622359	46590501	C	A
+21	rs11700834	0.622397	46608609	C	T
+21	rs2838806	0.622407	46618601	T	G
+21	rs112747596	0.622407	46619393	A	T
+21	rs1556318	0.622407	46619840	G	T
+21	rs2838811	0.622408	46624341	C	T
+21	rs57020111	0.622488	46640676	T	C
+21	rs144154112	0.622853	46658083	G	C
+21	rs2838835	0.622857	46665834	G	A
+21	rs2838843	0.622869	46669284	T	C
+21	rs7283915	0.622891	46671288	T	C
+21	rs113537754	0.622896	46673810	G	A
+21	rs35871601	0.622899	46675214	C	T
+21	rs1006887	0.622928	46685592	G	C
+21	rs76010831	0.62293	46688795	C	G
+21	rs79293787	0.622931	46693055	A	G
+21	rs914215	0.622934	46698256	T	C
+21	rs141775504	0.622935	46699098	A	C
+21	rs74961332	0.622939	46702822	A	G
+21	rs190868720	0.622943	46707475	G	A
+21	rs118190587	0.623088	46717495	C	T
+21	rs113412669	0.623115	46720590	A	G
+21	rs17004765	0.623185	46729491	G	A
+21	rs76886536	0.623574	46738929	C	T
+21	rs145189729	0.62418	46743772	C	T
+21	rs117376569	0.624342	46747372	G	C
+21	rs60997234	0.624353	46747951	G	A
+21	rs1109754	0.624427	46753704	C	T
+21	rs117462680	0.624446	46755620	C	T
+21	rs957794	0.624477	46758766	G	C
+21	rs4819064	0.625078	46762213	A	C
+21	rs73907436	0.625153	46762722	A	G
+21	rs111329446	0.625521	46776382	G	A
+21	rs117874286	0.625566	46777638	C	T
+21	rs4819070	0.625677	46782383	G	A
+21	rs62214459	0.625699	46786997	A	G
+21	rs4819075	0.625706	46789984	T	A
+21	rs4819086	0.625971	46806537	G	A
+21	rs7276817	0.626436	46814171	G	A
+21	rs6518240	0.626561	46816144	A	G
+21	rs4819097	0.626817	46819149	C	A
+21	rs2330105	0.627046	46820786	A	G
+21	rs185195057	0.627081	46821036	C	A
+21	rs2838907	0.628446	46834311	G	C
+21	rs115080577	0.629339	46850015	G	A
+21	rs17338076	0.629357	46850351	G	A
+21	rs8126556	0.629581	46855397	A	G
+21	rs11701363	0.629585	46859163	C	T
+21	rs60375909	0.629587	46860905	C	T
+21	rs114451752	0.62959	46863586	C	T
+21	rs78438877	0.629591	46864316	C	T
+21	rs9977280	0.629607	46879338	A	G
+21	rs9979599	0.62973	46899672	G	A
+21	rs11089006	0.629785	46906246	G	C
+21	rs116274237	0.62985	46910352	C	G
+21	rs62216329	0.629865	46911276	G	T
+21	rs3753020	0.630744	46924805	C	G
+21	rs9680189	0.630906	46926659	A	G
+21	rs116416605	0.630911	46927262	G	A
+21	rs2838955	0.630984	46934518	T	C
+21	rs11702537	0.631043	46955883	A	G
+21	rs3788203	0.631094	46958586	G	T
+21	rs9976727	0.631134	46959179	A	G
+21	rs79701880	0.631226	46960598	C	T
+21	rs9984031	0.631887	46976828	A	T
+21	rs12481898	0.632001	46988540	T	A
+21	rs8132738	0.632001	46988804	C	T
+21	rs116925823	0.632019	46997131	A	C
+21	rs73910125	0.632024	46999466	T	C
+21	rs58240688	0.632033	47003853	G	A
+21	rs62214345	0.632034	47004163	C	T
+21	rs9637201	0.635987	47027636	G	A
+21	rs117188250	0.636698	47033608	T	C
+21	rs11701249	0.636789	47050714	G	A
+21	rs74681567	0.636808	47054985	T	C
+21	rs115727620	0.63681	47055991	T	C
+21	rs57990579	0.636819	47068170	T	G
+21	rs117850327	0.636822	47073646	G	A
+21	rs62215031	0.636822	47075406	T	C
+21	rs7275796	0.636844	47103998	C	T
+21	rs9306138	0.636845	47106428	T	A
+21	rs78288391	0.636849	47114310	A	G
+21	rs4818795	0.63685	47116489	G	T
+21	rs6518255	0.636853	47121578	G	A
+21	rs34142541	0.636855	47124281	G	A
+21	rs17004795	0.636856	47124912	C	G
+21	rs35943749	0.636857	47126309	G	A
+21	rs28625750	0.636861	47131175	T	C
+21	rs2183596	0.636878	47175451	A	G
+21	rs9647230	0.636879	47177064	T	C
+21	rs117564991	0.636885	47182627	A	T
+21	rs71324444	0.636917	47198301	G	A
+21	rs117275582	0.636924	47209325	C	A
+21	rs59785950	0.636944	47225742	G	A
+21	rs116943168	0.636947	47228172	G	A
+21	rs1810871	0.637041	47243947	C	G
+21	rs55912352	0.637159	47273127	G	A
+21	rs2839026	0.637232	47288665	C	G
+21	rs2839030	0.637242	47292007	C	A
+21	rs73911030	0.637262	47300216	G	C
+21	rs8132062	0.637322	47312804	G	A
+21	rs9980645	0.637352	47318224	C	T
+21	rs185415278	0.637353	47318510	C	T
+21	rs2839054	0.63737	47328449	G	A
+21	rs2075908	0.637379	47334276	T	A
+21	rs55959976	0.637386	47338611	T	A
+21	rs9975216	0.63739	47341590	A	G
+21	rs3788239	0.637424	47351173	A	G
+21	rs2776402	0.637445	47360761	T	C
+21	rs442400	0.637544	47368993	A	G
+21	rs426378	0.637562	47369637	A	C
+21	rs118113146	0.637626	47371937	T	C
+21	rs9977119	0.63764	47372437	G	T
+21	rs55972491	0.637698	47374604	G	A
+21	rs9978646	0.63772	47376507	G	C
+21	rs2150457	0.637723	47376898	T	C
+21	rs71324472	0.637761	47383831	C	T
+21	rs2150459	0.637764	47384407	T	C
+21	rs8129765	0.637782	47388151	G	A
+21	rs143116902	0.637814	47394988	G	A
+21	rs117775279	0.637827	47397828	G	A
+21	rs71324475	0.637859	47404423	G	A
+21	rs2277814	0.637897	47409503	G	A
+21	rs143704669	0.637984	47413300	A	G
+21	rs148827769	0.638176	47422741	G	A
+21	rs36067332	0.638261	47427701	G	C
+21	rs36002647	0.638306	47430611	A	G
+21	rs11089036	0.638308	47430973	T	C
+21	rs11700564	0.63838	47437318	T	G
+21	rs56304129	0.638388	47437627	G	A
+21	rs113786116	0.638424	47439037	C	T
+21	rs8131409	0.638496	47442820	C	T
+21	rs2243985	0.63852	47450886	G	T
+21	rs62211789	0.638528	47453804	C	G
+21	rs13053084	0.638567	47466505	G	A
+21	rs112396326	0.639035	47472761	C	T
+21	rs6518266	0.639049	47473588	G	A
+21	rs182215039	0.639072	47474854	T	C
+21	rs71324492	0.639121	47477691	G	T
+21	rs8127643	0.639173	47480747	G	A
+21	rs28519583	0.639253	47485382	A	G
+21	rs8126721	0.639283	47487151	T	A
+21	rs13052100	0.639309	47488626	A	G
+21	rs12481743	0.63975	47490767	A	G
+21	rs2839101	0.642313	47498034	C	G
+21	rs8126974	0.642385	47498238	A	G
+21	rs73380474	0.642823	47499482	C	T
+21	rs73380476	0.643059	47500150	T	C
+21	rs2839104	0.643286	47501636	A	G
+21	rs79537646	0.643319	47501987	C	T
+21	rs73159674	0.64339	47503055	C	G
+21	rs4305353	0.643453	47507689	C	A
+21	rs9975177	0.643646	47517568	G	C
+21	rs9975268	0.643689	47524956	T	C
+21	rs79894477	0.643715	47530604	C	G
+21	rs117154313	0.643721	47531859	G	A
+21	rs78822624	0.643724	47532500	C	T
+21	rs13050660	0.643796	47546244	C	T
+21	rs17272947	0.643797	47546334	T	C
+21	rs66514606	0.643854	47550377	G	T
+21	rs2839121	0.643869	47550931	C	G
+21	rs61314705	0.644177	47562560	T	C
+21	rs9974226	0.644345	47569031	G	A
+21	rs17004505	0.644412	47571209	T	C
+21	rs147874211	0.644818	47575748	C	G
+21	rs113525276	0.644839	47577371	G	A
+21	rs145907964	0.644843	47580610	G	A
+21	rs3827274	0.644845	47581655	C	T
+21	rs114783660	0.644846	47582664	C	T
+21	rs12329865	0.644847	47583506	C	T
+21	rs62214046	0.64485	47585997	T	C
+21	rs8134875	0.644852	47587940	G	A
+21	rs62214052	0.644857	47591744	C	T
+21	rs75003466	0.644858	47592249	A	G
+21	rs73144730	0.644895	47599668	G	A
+21	rs79937763	0.644962	47605510	G	A
+21	rs183470806	0.644978	47606955	C	T
+21	rs56173768	0.644984	47608877	C	A
+21	rs9979525	0.645005	47616818	C	T
+21	rs11909555	0.645005	47617489	T	G
+21	rs115295783	0.645005	47618203	G	C
+21	rs2839146	0.645017	47630550	C	T
+21	rs78276120	0.645023	47631784	C	G
+21	rs76489504	0.645032	47636557	G	A
+21	rs2280956	0.645038	47642323	C	G
+21	rs139806871	0.645051	47644999	T	C
+21	rs1060609	0.645076	47662446	G	C
+21	rs17183130	0.645085	47671917	C	T
+21	rs17183123	0.645085	47671961	G	C
+21	rs2839173	0.645095	47676711	G	A
+21	rs8131960	0.64512	47687808	C	G
+21	rs2839184	0.645121	47689013	G	A
+21	rs17182664	0.645146	47697650	A	G
+21	rs17368547	0.645146	47697867	A	C
+21	rs117360371	0.64515	47702187	T	C
+21	rs17176177	0.645151	47702616	G	C
+21	rs13047784	0.645151	47702843	C	T
+21	rs7275639	0.645157	47708333	T	C
+21	rs118135197	0.645157	47708662	T	C
+21	rs13051845	0.645162	47710684	A	G
+21	rs13052101	0.645163	47710884	A	G
+21	rs117442381	0.645312	47715208	C	T
+21	rs189875351	0.645335	47717143	G	T
+21	rs914252	0.645337	47719091	A	G
+21	rs73146707	0.645337	47719481	T	C
+21	rs62224180	0.645344	47726332	G	C
+21	rs62224181	0.645344	47726523	A	T
+21	rs56107738	0.645345	47727402	G	A
+21	rs118098334	0.645354	47736303	G	A
+21	rs4819236	0.645356	47739146	C	T
+21	rs76945616	0.645356	47739165	G	A
+21	rs77558558	0.645359	47743954	C	T
+21	rs61735822	0.645365	47754563	A	G
+21	rs114224027	0.645372	47766154	C	T
+21	rs79850630	0.645372	47767482	C	T
+21	rs17297961	0.645385	47776845	G	A
+21	rs11089062	0.645386	47778712	T	C
+21	rs75183852	0.645394	47788686	G	A
+21	rs3788258	0.645395	47789854	G	A
+21	rs150720703	0.645405	47803787	G	A
+21	rs9989933	0.645408	47808253	G	A
+21	rs881924	0.645411	47812009	A	T
+21	rs148342136	0.645411	47812997	G	A
+21	rs75764723	0.645412	47813647	C	T
+21	rs77952827	0.645417	47822781	C	T
+21	rs2066932	0.645417	47823229	G	T
+21	rs61735543	0.645426	47831522	G	A
+21	rs184420466	0.645427	47831758	C	T
+21	rs145606525	0.645431	47833530	G	T
+21	rs112037421	0.645431	47834185	C	T
+21	rs882402	0.645431	47834673	G	A
+21	rs73379371	0.645434	47840345	A	C
+21	rs61735815	0.645435	47841933	T	C
+21	rs74752283	0.645437	47847318	C	T
+21	rs2073377	0.645456	47860217	C	T
+21	rs2073379	0.645464	47863025	C	T
+21	rs2839264	0.645467	47866227	C	T
+21	rs11909560	0.645471	47869878	T	A
+21	rs62224255	0.645483	47881023	C	T
+21	rs4276098	0.645489	47886065	A	G
+21	rs12106325	0.645494	47889397	G	A
+21	rs2839277	0.645514	47895601	A	G
+21	rs2839279	0.645516	47896540	C	A
+21	rs73148706	0.645518	47897458	G	T
+21	rs150890844	0.645555	47922702	T	C
+21	rs146494332	0.64556	47932241	T	C
+21	rs140821238	0.64556	47932466	T	C
+21	rs79188938	0.645575	47940444	A	G
+21	rs2096507	0.645575	47941916	G	A
+21	rs116897734	0.645603	47957957	G	A
+21	rs1008549	0.645604	47959698	C	T
+21	rs150180949	0.645676	47965205	C	T
+21	rs4818845	0.645692	47966016	C	G
+21	rs11910506	0.645702	47966504	C	T
+21	rs73152864	0.645707	47966791	G	A
+21	rs79100421	0.645789	47969962	T	C
+21	rs12627695	0.645797	47970214	G	A
+21	rs143364701	0.645844	47973501	G	A
+21	rs2839327	0.64587	47982652	A	G
+21	rs146953731	0.645884	47987412	G	A
+21	rs2226381	0.645897	47996061	G	A
+21	rs12482040	0.645899	47996490	A	G
+21	rs144028811	0.645912	48001388	G	A
+21	rs2877165	0.645912	48001534	G	C
+21	rs4818847	0.645912	48004563	T	A
+21	rs9980109	0.645913	48008577	C	T
+21	rs60829612	0.645914	48013752	C	T
+21	rs2839347	0.645921	48016948	G	A
+21	rs74578526	0.646027	48026630	C	T
+21	rs12152107	0.646039	48027880	C	A
+21	rs9979500	0.646051	48029698	C	A
+21	rs60955061	0.64606	48031557	T	C
+21	rs9980033	0.646089	48038639	T	C
+21	rs77151118	0.646091	48039219	C	T
+21	rs9980532	0.646103	48042270	G	A
+21	rs145324003	0.64613	48050879	T	C
+21	rs77626284	0.646142	48054609	T	C
+21	rs2256208	0.646191	48062091	A	G
+21	rs7276092	0.646193	48063735	C	G
+21	rs7279368	0.646196	48065999	A	G
+21	rs8127804	0.6462	48068946	G	A
+21	rs117530130	0.646227	48075976	A	G
+21	rs117282473	0.646256	48084177	G	C
+21	rs118032579	0.646259	48085140	G	A
+21	rs79913394	0.646279	48088571	A	G
+21	rs118189563	0.646515	48099610	T	C
+22	rs62224621	0.000581	16060639	C	T
+22	rs2508062	0.001318	16079795	T	C
+22	rs2713394	0.003835	16140991	C	A
+22	rs4819397	0.010433	16228619	C	T
+22	rs73877828	0.015306	16287155	G	T
+22	rs142725898	0.016599	16302423	C	T
+22	rs115323858	0.020387	16346811	G	A
+22	rs77828151	0.021076	16420712	G	A
+22	rs62222525	0.021094	16433771	T	C
+22	rs139659485	0.021216	16486205	C	G
+22	rs3949130	0.021229	16488635	C	A
+22	rs137964151	0.021349	16534156	G	A
+22	rs149248677	0.021382	16547075	G	A
+22	rs4552291	0.021388	16549683	A	G
+22	rs8190080	0.021495	16590536	A	T
+22	rs142040194	0.021532	16600056	G	A
+22	rs10154459	0.021698	16631953	G	T
+22	rs138896054	0.021822	16687476	T	A
+22	rs183011531	0.021837	16695882	G	T
+22	rs4419320	0.022123	16860496	T	C
+22	rs4350847	0.022123	16860752	A	G
+22	rs131519	0.022298	16868143	C	T
+22	rs131526	0.022329	16869617	G	A
+22	rs131554	0.022421	16874715	C	T
+22	rs116999918	0.022434	16875489	G	T
+22	rs78489	0.022446	16876216	G	A
+22	rs131567	0.022486	16880072	G	A
+22	rs12162616	0.022499	16882562	C	A
+22	rs3954522	0.02252	16886618	A	G
+22	rs1807483	0.02253	16888577	G	A
+22	rs147473505	0.02255	16892549	C	G
+22	rs5994034	0.022558	16894090	C	T
+22	rs3888500	0.022569	16895990	T	A
+22	rs9605160	0.022572	16896468	C	T
+22	rs150876251	0.022574	16896773	C	T
+22	rs147803974	0.022576	16897060	T	A
+22	rs5746922	0.022594	16899526	C	T
+22	rs144438039	0.022597	16899951	A	T
+22	rs142320851	0.022613	16902099	A	T
+22	rs12106623	0.022623	16903138	G	A
+22	rs5994092	0.022626	16903536	C	T
+22	rs5748797	0.022717	16911828	A	C
+22	rs186984098	0.022931	16920118	A	T
+22	rs2096680	0.022945	16933929	C	T
+22	rs145990184	0.022946	16935176	G	A
+22	rs3954561	0.022947	16935528	A	T
+22	rs9605244	0.022947	16935609	C	A
+22	rs4010381	0.022947	16935866	G	A
+22	rs148021587	0.022951	16939232	C	T
+22	rs4010371	0.022952	16940305	G	A
+22	rs146134165	0.023081	17003990	A	C
+22	rs11089213	0.023093	17009174	C	T
+22	rs11089214	0.023096	17010387	C	T
+22	rs11089215	0.023098	17011221	C	T
+22	rs144727258	0.023101	17012861	C	T
+22	rs139007749	0.023121	17021691	A	C
+22	rs9306210	0.023138	17029410	A	C
+22	rs5993081	0.023141	17030614	C	T
+22	rs2379981	0.023142	17030792	A	G
+22	rs5747680	0.023173	17035072	G	C
+22	rs148159902	0.023441	17058526	A	T
+22	rs738842	0.023488	17060166	T	C
+22	rs9605917	0.023601	17064010	A	G
+22	rs5993540	0.024249	17075467	C	T
+22	rs138291450	0.024335	17079196	G	T
+22	rs2070502	0.024395	17084762	A	T
+22	rs140287588	0.024694	17092247	A	G
+22	rs9604959	0.024738	17099107	C	T
+22	rs4008579	0.024767	17106549	G	A
+22	rs9606047	0.024777	17114304	G	A
+22	rs9606061	0.024778	17116233	G	T
+22	rs9605006	0.024788	17130402	C	G
+22	rs5992472	0.024789	17132490	A	G
+22	rs9618674	0.02479	17133465	G	C
+22	rs11703273	0.024794	17140023	G	C
+22	rs145735629	0.024798	17145314	C	T
+22	rs151001144	0.024798	17145351	C	T
+22	rs4819849	0.024808	17152611	A	G
+22	rs141852043	0.025236	17178924	A	T
+22	rs79553865	0.025944	17194326	T	C
+22	rs2845380	0.025975	17203103	G	A
+22	rs62227176	0.025992	17211331	C	A
+22	rs181600904	0.026009	17218745	G	A
+22	rs2845348	0.026013	17220001	T	C
+22	rs112413654	0.026015	17220864	A	T
+22	rs139765179	0.026025	17223271	G	C
+22	rs5748586	0.026037	17225692	T	G
+22	rs2845350	0.026047	17226065	A	G
+22	rs113555274	0.026319	17233590	C	T
+22	rs137861991	0.026422	17244420	T	A
+22	rs115008433	0.027101	17276470	A	G
+22	rs62227212	0.027108	17278495	A	G
+22	rs5748656	0.027144	17288200	T	C
+22	rs113701576	0.027192	17298641	T	G
+22	rs79319248	0.027321	17311685	T	G
+22	rs165645	0.027447	17317346	T	C
+22	rs165670	0.027465	17318682	T	C
+22	rs165925	0.027579	17333872	T	C
+22	rs165740	0.0276	17338687	G	C
+22	rs165826	0.027604	17339612	C	T
+22	rs16981786	0.027606	17340077	A	G
+22	rs112842438	0.027607	17340365	C	G
+22	rs12171022	0.028194	17350670	G	A
+22	rs9606494	0.028747	17357880	G	T
+22	rs62235933	0.02903	17363636	G	T
+22	rs35217916	0.029439	17372088	C	T
+22	rs117743589	0.029445	17372255	C	T
+22	rs4239863	0.029708	17379570	C	A
+22	rs5994072	0.029756	17380905	C	A
+22	rs9617933	0.029758	17380976	T	G
+22	rs5748727	0.02993	17385750	A	T
+22	rs148020872	0.030006	17388591	G	A
+22	rs115783727	0.030067	17394799	G	A
+22	rs13433675	0.030231	17402459	C	G
+22	rs60588169	0.030238	17403036	G	A
+22	rs759079	0.030268	17405698	A	T
+22	rs117630245	0.030515	17412411	T	C
+22	rs5994097	0.031146	17414103	T	C
+22	rs5746937	0.031166	17414998	A	G
+22	rs17806382	0.031177	17415490	G	A
+22	rs12170139	0.031185	17416454	A	G
+22	rs118166666	0.031303	17436608	A	T
+22	rs142018998	0.031313	17439144	C	T
+22	rs4819542	0.031317	17439826	G	A
+22	rs1024732	0.031356	17443381	G	A
+22	rs1541529	0.031365	17446157	G	T
+22	rs145847126	0.031402	17457849	C	G
+22	rs11704838	0.031416	17461914	G	A
+22	rs11703645	0.031421	17464047	G	A
+22	rs5746955	0.031436	17472032	A	T
+22	rs117381747	0.031456	17480927	G	T
+22	rs11704927	0.031464	17483953	C	G
+22	rs35364127	0.031466	17484578	A	C
+22	rs73147679	0.031476	17488172	C	T
+22	rs192498589	0.032963	17516047	A	G
+22	rs7284327	0.032964	17516282	G	A
+22	rs62236167	0.032969	17517198	C	T
+22	rs2845396	0.032985	17521093	T	C
+22	rs2845389	0.033009	17527495	C	G
+22	rs881623	0.03301	17529583	C	T
+22	rs2845386	0.03301	17531288	A	G
+22	rs1005209	0.033014	17537530	T	C
+22	rs2845407	0.033014	17537830	G	A
+22	rs112010533	0.033029	17550694	A	G
+22	rs5994156	0.033046	17556720	T	C
+22	rs2270243	0.033101	17566504	T	C
+22	rs9606607	0.03333	17568467	C	T
+22	rs5746991	0.033504	17569017	A	T
+22	rs917867	0.034063	17570785	G	A
+22	rs12172072	0.037761	17584667	A	C
+22	rs2241046	0.037837	17586471	T	C
+22	rs55654777	0.038084	17599035	G	A
+22	rs5747000	0.038203	17608507	A	G
+22	rs5748882	0.038228	17611179	C	A
+22	rs5994176	0.038295	17618164	C	G
+22	rs77243639	0.038424	17635527	G	C
+22	rs4819972	0.038431	17635858	A	G
+22	rs5748920	0.038508	17644725	T	C
+22	rs8139868	0.038628	17653367	C	T
+22	rs143804144	0.038671	17656518	A	G
+22	rs7289697	0.038747	17661922	C	G
+22	rs9617964	0.038773	17664346	C	A
+22	rs5994192	0.038776	17664788	G	A
+22	rs9306252	0.038825	17666280	G	T
+22	rs3788273	0.038853	17666702	C	T
+22	rs9617966	0.039062	17669469	T	C
+22	rs75626246	0.039696	17676932	C	T
+22	rs78315277	0.039815	17679377	G	C
+22	rs12166983	0.039852	17685677	A	T
+22	rs362129	0.039881	17690409	G	A
+22	rs5747023	0.039886	17691166	C	T
+22	rs111511446	0.039983	17692978	G	A
+22	rs5748950	0.040654	17696942	C	T
+22	rs5748959	0.040866	17699642	T	C
+22	rs113385391	0.040869	17699865	G	A
+22	rs8136533	0.040875	17700284	C	T
+22	rs737969	0.040895	17702046	G	A
+22	rs5994208	0.040938	17707618	G	A
+22	rs111586752	0.043706	17720854	T	C
+22	rs62236468	0.045284	17728038	C	T
+22	rs74423436	0.046259	17733865	T	A
+22	rs5747044	0.047007	17736507	C	T
+22	rs4819988	0.048388	17743581	C	T
+22	rs73153442	0.04867	17750190	C	T
+22	rs4819991	0.04868	17750681	C	T
+22	rs141489572	0.048694	17751310	T	C
+22	rs62236493	0.048838	17758053	C	T
diff --git a/example/EUR_test.fam b/example/EUR_test.fam
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ec0bb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/EUR_test.fam
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+1 HG00096 0 0 1 1
+2 HG00097 0 0 2 1
+3 HG00099 0 0 2 1
+4 HG00100 0 0 2 1
+5 HG00101 0 0 1 1
+6 HG00102 0 0 2 1
+7 HG00103 0 0 1 1
+8 HG00104 0 0 2 1
+9 HG00106 0 0 2 1
+10 HG00108 0 0 1 1
+11 HG00109 0 0 1 1
+12 HG00110 0 0 2 1
+13 HG00111 0 0 2 1
+14 HG00112 0 0 1 1
+15 HG00113 0 0 1 1
+16 HG00114 0 0 1 1
+17 HG00116 0 0 1 1
+18 HG00117 0 0 1 1
+19 HG00118 0 0 2 1
+20 HG00119 0 0 1 1
+21 HG00120 0 0 2 1
+22 HG00121 0 0 2 1
+23 HG00122 0 0 2 1
+24 HG00123 0 0 2 1
+25 HG00124 0 0 2 1
+26 HG00125 0 0 2 1
+27 HG00126 0 0 1 1
+28 HG00127 0 0 2 1
+29 HG00128 0 0 2 1
+30 HG00129 0 0 1 1
+31 HG00130 0 0 2 1
+32 HG00131 0 0 1 1
+33 HG00133 0 0 2 1
+34 HG00134 0 0 2 1
+35 HG00135 0 0 2 1
+36 HG00136 0 0 1 1
+37 HG00137 0 0 2 1
+38 HG00138 0 0 1 1
+39 HG00139 0 0 1 1
+40 HG00140 0 0 1 1
+41 HG00141 0 0 1 1
+42 HG00142 0 0 1 1
+43 HG00143 0 0 1 1
+44 HG00146 0 0 2 1
+45 HG00148 0 0 1 1
+46 HG00149 0 0 1 1
+47 HG00150 0 0 2 1
+48 HG00151 0 0 1 1
+49 HG00152 0 0 1 1
+50 HG00154 0 0 2 1
+51 HG00155 0 0 1 1
+52 HG00156 0 0 1 1
+53 HG00158 0 0 2 1
+54 HG00159 0 0 1 1
+55 HG00160 0 0 1 1
+56 HG00171 0 0 2 1
+57 HG00173 0 0 2 1
+58 HG00174 0 0 2 1
+59 HG00176 0 0 2 1
+60 HG00177 0 0 2 1
+61 HG00178 0 0 2 1
+62 HG00179 0 0 2 1
+63 HG00180 0 0 2 1
+64 HG00182 0 0 1 1
+65 HG00183 0 0 1 1
+66 HG00185 0 0 1 1
+67 HG00186 0 0 1 1
+68 HG00187 0 0 1 1
+69 HG00188 0 0 1 1
+70 HG00189 0 0 1 1
+71 HG00190 0 0 1 1
+72 HG00231 0 0 2 1
+73 HG00232 0 0 2 1
+74 HG00233 0 0 2 1
+75 HG00234 0 0 1 1
+76 HG00235 0 0 2 1
+77 HG00236 0 0 2 1
+78 HG00237 0 0 2 1
+79 HG00238 0 0 2 1
+80 HG00239 0 0 2 1
+81 HG00240 0 0 2 1
+82 HG00242 0 0 1 1
+83 HG00243 0 0 1 1
+84 HG00244 0 0 1 1
+85 HG00245 0 0 2 1
+86 HG00246 0 0 1 1
+87 HG00247 0 0 2 1
+88 HG00249 0 0 2 1
+89 HG00250 0 0 2 1
+90 HG00251 0 0 1 1
+91 HG00252 0 0 1 1
+92 HG00253 0 0 2 1
+93 HG00254 0 0 2 1
+94 HG00255 0 0 2 1
+95 HG00256 0 0 1 1
+96 HG00257 0 0 2 1
+97 HG00258 0 0 2 1
+98 HG00259 0 0 2 1
+99 HG00260 0 0 1 1
+100 HG00261 0 0 2 1
+101 HG00262 0 0 2 1
+102 HG00263 0 0 2 1
+103 HG00264 0 0 1 1
+104 HG00265 0 0 1 1
+105 HG00266 0 0 2 1
+106 HG00267 0 0 1 1
+107 HG00268 0 0 2 1
+108 HG00269 0 0 2 1
+109 HG00270 0 0 2 1
+110 HG00271 0 0 1 1
+111 HG00272 0 0 2 1
+112 HG00273 0 0 1 1
+113 HG00274 0 0 2 1
+114 HG00275 0 0 2 1
+115 HG00276 0 0 2 1
+116 HG00277 0 0 1 1
+117 HG00278 0 0 1 1
+118 HG00280 0 0 1 1
+119 HG00281 0 0 2 1
+120 HG00282 0 0 2 1
+121 HG00284 0 0 1 1
+122 HG00285 0 0 2 1
+123 HG00306 0 0 2 1
+124 HG00309 0 0 2 1
+125 HG00310 0 0 1 1
+126 HG00311 0 0 1 1
+127 HG00312 0 0 1 1
+128 HG00313 0 0 2 1
+129 HG00315 0 0 2 1
+130 HG00318 0 0 2 1
+131 HG00319 0 0 2 1
+132 HG00320 0 0 2 1
+133 HG00321 0 0 1 1
+134 HG00323 0 0 2 1
+135 HG00324 0 0 2 1
+136 HG00325 0 0 1 1
+137 HG00326 0 0 2 1
+138 HG00327 0 0 2 1
+139 HG00328 0 0 2 1
+140 HG00329 0 0 1 1
+141 HG00330 0 0 2 1
+142 HG00331 0 0 2 1
+143 HG00332 0 0 2 1
+144 HG00334 0 0 2 1
+145 HG00335 0 0 1 1
+146 HG00336 0 0 1 1
+147 HG00337 0 0 2 1
+148 HG00338 0 0 1 1
+149 HG00339 0 0 2 1
+150 HG00341 0 0 1 1
+151 HG00342 0 0 1 1
+152 HG00343 0 0 2 1
+153 HG00344 0 0 2 1
+154 HG00345 0 0 1 1
+155 HG00346 0 0 2 1
+156 HG00349 0 0 2 1
+157 HG00350 0 0 2 1
+158 HG00351 0 0 1 1
+159 HG00353 0 0 2 1
+160 HG00355 0 0 2 1
+161 HG00356 0 0 2 1
+162 HG00357 0 0 2 1
+163 HG00358 0 0 1 1
+164 HG00359 0 0 2 1
+165 HG00360 0 0 1 1
+166 HG00361 0 0 2 1
+167 HG00362 0 0 2 1
+168 HG00364 0 0 2 1
+169 HG00366 0 0 1 1
+170 HG00367 0 0 2 1
+171 HG00369 0 0 1 1
+172 HG00372 0 0 1 1
+173 HG00373 0 0 2 1
+174 HG00375 0 0 1 1
+175 HG00376 0 0 2 1
+176 HG00377 0 0 2 1
+177 HG00378 0 0 2 1
+178 HG00381 0 0 2 1
+179 HG00382 0 0 1 1
+180 HG00383 0 0 2 1
+181 HG00384 0 0 2 1
+182 HG01334 0 0 1 1
+183 HG01515 0 0 1 1
+184 HG01516 0 0 2 1
+185 HG01518 0 0 1 1
+186 HG01519 0 0 2 1
+187 HG01521 0 0 1 1
+188 HG01522 0 0 2 1
+189 HG01617 0 0 1 1
+190 HG01618 0 0 2 1
+191 HG01619 0 0 1 1
+192 HG01620 0 0 2 1
+193 HG01623 0 0 2 1
+194 HG01624 0 0 1 1
+195 HG01625 0 0 1 1
+196 HG01626 0 0 2 1
+197 NA06984 0 0 1 1
+198 NA06986 0 0 1 1
+199 NA06989 0 0 2 1
+200 NA06994 0 0 1 1
+201 NA07000 0 0 2 1
+202 NA07037 0 0 2 1
+203 NA07048 0 0 1 1
+204 NA07051 0 0 1 1
+205 NA07056 0 0 2 1
+206 NA07347 0 0 1 1
+207 NA07357 0 0 1 1
+208 NA10847 0 0 2 1
+209 NA10851 0 0 1 1
+210 NA11829 0 0 1 1
+211 NA11830 0 0 2 1
+212 NA11831 0 0 1 1
+213 NA11843 0 0 1 1
+214 NA11892 0 0 2 1
+215 NA11893 0 0 1 1
+216 NA11894 0 0 2 1
+217 NA11919 0 0 1 1
+218 NA11920 0 0 2 1
+219 NA11930 0 0 1 1
+220 NA11931 0 0 2 1
+221 NA11932 0 0 1 1
+222 NA11933 0 0 2 1
+223 NA11992 0 0 1 1
+224 NA11993 0 0 2 1
+225 NA11994 0 0 1 1
+226 NA11995 0 0 2 1
+227 NA12003 0 0 1 1
+228 NA12004 0 0 2 1
+229 NA12006 0 0 2 1
+230 NA12043 0 0 1 1
+231 NA12044 0 0 2 1
+232 NA12045 0 0 1 1
+233 NA12046 0 0 2 1
+234 NA12058 0 0 2 1
+235 NA12144 0 0 1 1
+236 NA12154 0 0 1 1
+237 NA12155 0 0 1 1
+238 NA12249 0 0 2 1
+239 NA12272 0 0 1 1
+240 NA12273 0 0 2 1
+241 NA12275 0 0 2 1
+242 NA12282 0 0 1 1
+243 NA12283 0 0 2 1
+244 NA12286 0 0 1 1
+245 NA12287 0 0 2 1
+246 NA12340 0 0 1 1
+247 NA12341 0 0 2 1
+248 NA12342 0 0 1 1
+249 NA12347 0 0 1 1
+250 NA12348 0 0 2 1
+251 NA12383 0 0 2 1
+252 NA12399 0 0 1 1
+253 NA12400 0 0 2 1
+254 NA12413 0 0 1 1
+255 NA12489 0 0 2 1
+256 NA12546 0 0 1 1
+257 NA12716 0 0 1 1
+258 NA12717 0 0 2 1
+259 NA12718 0 0 2 1
+260 NA12748 0 0 1 1
+261 NA12749 0 0 2 1
+262 NA12750 0 0 1 1
+263 NA12751 0 0 2 1
+264 NA12761 0 0 2 1
+265 NA12763 0 0 2 1
+266 NA12775 0 0 1 1
+267 NA12777 0 0 1 1
+268 NA12778 0 0 2 1
+269 NA12812 0 0 1 1
+270 NA12814 0 0 1 1
+271 NA12815 0 0 2 1
+272 NA12827 0 0 1 1
+273 NA12829 0 0 1 1
+274 NA12830 0 0 2 1
+275 NA12842 0 0 1 1
+276 NA12843 0 0 2 1
+277 NA12872 0 0 1 1
+278 NA12873 0 0 2 1
+279 NA12874 0 0 1 1
+280 NA12889 0 0 1 1
+281 NA12890 0 0 2 1
+282 NA20502 0 0 2 1
+283 NA20503 0 0 2 1
+284 NA20504 0 0 2 1
+285 NA20505 0 0 2 1
+286 NA20506 0 0 2 1
+287 NA20507 0 0 2 1
+288 NA20508 0 0 2 1
+289 NA20509 0 0 1 1
+290 NA20510 0 0 1 1
+291 NA20512 0 0 1 1
+292 NA20513 0 0 1 1
+293 NA20515 0 0 1 1
+294 NA20516 0 0 1 1
+295 NA20517 0 0 2 1
+296 NA20518 0 0 1 1
+297 NA20519 0 0 1 1
+298 NA20520 0 0 1 1
+299 NA20521 0 0 1 1
+300 NA20522 0 0 2 1
+301 NA20524 0 0 1 1
+302 NA20525 0 0 1 1
+303 NA20527 0 0 1 1
+304 NA20528 0 0 1 1
+305 NA20529 0 0 2 1
+306 NA20530 0 0 2 1
+307 NA20531 0 0 2 1
+308 NA20532 0 0 1 1
+309 NA20533 0 0 2 1
+310 NA20534 0 0 1 1
+311 NA20535 0 0 2 1
+312 NA20536 0 0 1 1
+313 NA20537 0 0 1 1
+314 NA20538 0 0 1 1
+315 NA20539 0 0 1 1
+316 NA20540 0 0 2 1
+317 NA20541 0 0 2 1
+318 NA20542 0 0 2 1
+319 NA20543 0 0 1 1
+320 NA20544 0 0 1 1
+321 NA20581 0 0 1 1
+322 NA20582 0 0 2 1
+323 NA20585 0 0 2 1
+324 NA20586 0 0 1 1
+325 NA20588 0 0 1 1
+326 NA20589 0 0 2 1
+327 NA20752 0 0 1 1
+328 NA20753 0 0 2 1
+329 NA20754 0 0 1 1
+330 NA20755 0 0 1 1
+331 NA20756 0 0 2 1
+332 NA20757 0 0 2 1
+333 NA20758 0 0 1 1
+334 NA20759 0 0 1 1
+335 NA20760 0 0 2 1
+336 NA20761 0 0 2 1
+337 NA20765 0 0 1 1
+338 NA20766 0 0 2 1
+339 NA20768 0 0 2 1
+340 NA20769 0 0 2 1
+341 NA20770 0 0 1 1
+342 NA20771 0 0 2 1
+343 NA20772 0 0 2 1
+344 NA20773 0 0 2 1
+345 NA20774 0 0 2 1
+346 NA20775 0 0 2 1
+347 NA20778 0 0 1 1
+348 NA20783 0 0 1 1
+349 NA20785 0 0 1 1
+350 NA20786 0 0 2 1
+351 NA20787 0 0 1 1
+352 NA20790 0 0 2 1
+353 NA20792 0 0 1 1
+354 NA20795 0 0 2 1
+355 NA20796 0 0 1 1
+356 NA20797 0 0 2 1
+357 NA20798 0 0 1 1
+358 NA20799 0 0 2 1
+359 NA20800 0 0 2 1
+360 NA20801 0 0 1 1
+361 NA20802 0 0 2 1
+362 NA20803 0 0 1 1
+363 NA20804 0 0 2 1
+364 NA20805 0 0 1 1
+365 NA20806 0 0 1 1
+366 NA20807 0 0 2 1
+367 NA20808 0 0 2 1
+368 NA20809 0 0 1 1
+369 NA20810 0 0 1 1
+370 NA20811 0 0 1 1
+371 NA20812 0 0 1 1
+372 NA20813 0 0 2 1
+373 NA20814 0 0 1 1
+374 NA20815 0 0 1 1
+375 NA20816 0 0 1 1
+376 NA20818 0 0 2 1
+377 NA20819 0 0 2 1
+378 NA20826 0 0 2 1
+379 NA20828 0 0 2 1
diff --git a/example/EUR_test.vcf.gz b/example/EUR_test.vcf.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be75a22
Binary files /dev/null and b/example/EUR_test.vcf.gz differ
diff --git a/example/example.log b/example/example.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..394a0ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/example.log
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+                      +-----------------------------+
+                      |                             |
+                      |   Eagle v2.3                |
+                      |   July 22, 2016             |
+                      |   Po-Ru Loh                 |
+                      |                             |
+                      +-----------------------------+
+Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+Distributed under the GNU GPLv3 open source license.
+Command line options:
+../eagle \
+    --bfile=EUR_test \
+    --geneticMapFile=USE_BIM \
+    --chrom=21 \
+    --outPrefix=phased \
+    --numThreads=4 
+Setting number of threads to 4
+=== Reading genotype data ===
+Reading fam file: EUR_test.fam
+Total indivs in PLINK data: Nbed = 379
+Total indivs stored in memory: NpreQC = 379
+Reading bim file: EUR_test.bim
+Total snps in PLINK data: Mbed = 2000
+Restricting to 1813 SNPs on chrom 21 in region [bpStart,bpEnd] = [0,1e+09]
+Total SNPs stored in memory: MpreQC = 1813
+Allocating 1813 x 379 bytes to temporarily store genotypes
+Reading genotypes and performing QC filtering on snps and indivs...
+Reading bed file: EUR_test.bed
+    Expecting 190000 (+3) bytes for 379 indivs, 2000 snps
+Total post-QC indivs: N = 379
+Total post-QC SNPs: M = 1813
+MAF spectrum: 
+     0- 5%:     495
+     5-10%:     290
+    10-20%:     332
+    20-30%:     248
+    30-40%:     234
+    40-50%:     214
+Physical distance range: 9752235 base pairs
+Genetic distance range:  23.0881 cM
+Average # SNPs per cM:   79
+Auto-selecting --maxBlockLen: 0.25 cM
+Number of <=(64-SNP, 0.25cM) segments: 68
+Average # SNPs per segment: 26
+Estimating LD scores using 379 indivs
+Fraction of heterozygous genotypes: 0.246308
+Typical span of default 100-het history length: 5.17 cM
+Setting --histFactor=1.00
+Time for step 1: 0.373152
+Time for step 1 MN^2: 0.0242926
+Making hard calls (time: 0.0283859)
+Building hash tables
+.................................................................. (time: 0.0523882)
+Phasing samples 1-379
+Time for phasing batch: 0.449098
+Making hard calls (time: 0.029567)
+Time for step 2: 0.531062
+Time for step 2 MN^2: 0.0591508
+Auto-selecting number of PBWT iterations: setting --pbwtIters to 2
+BATCH 1 OF 10
+Phasing samples 1-37
+Time for phasing batch: 1.75458
+BATCH 2 OF 10
+Phasing samples 38-75
+Time for phasing batch: 1.59901
+BATCH 3 OF 10
+Phasing samples 76-113
+Time for phasing batch: 1.69437
+BATCH 4 OF 10
+Phasing samples 114-151
+Time for phasing batch: 1.62289
+BATCH 5 OF 10
+Phasing samples 152-189
+Time for phasing batch: 1.59901
+BATCH 6 OF 10
+Phasing samples 190-227
+Time for phasing batch: 1.63321
+BATCH 7 OF 10
+Phasing samples 228-265
+Time for phasing batch: 1.63894
+BATCH 8 OF 10
+Phasing samples 266-303
+Time for phasing batch: 1.57722
+BATCH 9 OF 10
+Phasing samples 304-341
+Time for phasing batch: 1.56258
+BATCH 10 OF 10
+Phasing samples 342-379
+Time for phasing batch: 1.63269
+Time for PBWT iter 1: 16.3145
+BATCH 1 OF 10
+Phasing samples 1-37
+Time for phasing batch: 2.73515
+BATCH 2 OF 10
+Phasing samples 38-75
+Time for phasing batch: 2.58695
+BATCH 3 OF 10
+Phasing samples 76-113
+Time for phasing batch: 2.70714
+BATCH 4 OF 10
+Phasing samples 114-151
+Time for phasing batch: 2.54992
+BATCH 5 OF 10
+Phasing samples 152-189
+Time for phasing batch: 2.51631
+BATCH 6 OF 10
+Phasing samples 190-227
+Time for phasing batch: 2.62562
+BATCH 7 OF 10
+Phasing samples 228-265
+Time for phasing batch: 2.60083
+BATCH 8 OF 10
+Phasing samples 266-303
+Time for phasing batch: 2.4503
+BATCH 9 OF 10
+Phasing samples 304-341
+Time for phasing batch: 2.54366
+BATCH 10 OF 10
+Phasing samples 342-379
+Time for phasing batch: 2.56976
+Time for PBWT iter 2: 25.8857
+Writing .haps.gz and .sample output
+Time for writing output: 0.370972
+Total elapsed time for analysis = 43.6733 sec
diff --git a/example/example_ref.log b/example/example_ref.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8fb1b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/example_ref.log
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+                      +-----------------------------+
+                      |                             |
+                      |   Eagle v2.3                |
+                      |   July 22, 2016             |
+                      |   Po-Ru Loh                 |
+                      |                             |
+                      +-----------------------------+
+Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+Distributed under the GNU GPLv3 open source license.
+Command line options:
+../eagle \
+    --vcfRef=ref.bcf \
+    --vcfTarget=target.vcf.gz \
+    --geneticMapFile=../tables/genetic_map_hg19_withX.txt.gz \
+    --outPrefix=target.phased 
+Setting number of threads to 1
+Warning: The index file is older than the data file: ref.bcf.csi
+Reference samples: Nref = 169
+Target samples: Ntarget = 8
+[W::vcf_parse] INFO 'AC' is not defined in the header, assuming Type=String
+[W::vcf_parse] INFO 'AN' is not defined in the header, assuming Type=String
+[W::vcf_parse] INFO 'DP' is not defined in the header, assuming Type=String
+[W::vcf_parse] INFO 'AFR_AF' is not defined in the header, assuming Type=String
+[W::vcf_parse] INFO 'EX_TARGET' is not defined in the header, assuming Type=String
+SNPs to analyze: M = 430 SNPs in both target and reference
+SNPs ignored: 0 SNPs in target but not reference
+              215 SNPs in reference but not target
+              0 multi-allelic SNPs
+              0 monomorphic SNPs
+Missing rate in target genotypes: 0.00116279
+Filling in genetic map coordinates using reference file:
+  ../tables/genetic_map_hg19_withX.txt.gz
+Physical distance range: 3595565 base pairs
+Genetic distance range:  10.292 cM
+Average # SNPs per cM:   42
+Number of <=(64-SNP, 1cM) segments: 9
+Average # SNPs per segment: 47
+Fraction of heterozygous genotypes: 0.178114
+Typical span of default 100-het history length: 13.44 cM
+Setting --histFactor=1.00
+Auto-selecting number of phasing iterations: setting --pbwtIters to 1
+Phasing target samples
+Time for phasing iter 1: 0.23367
+Writing vcf.gz output to target.phased.vcf.gz
+[W::vcf_parse] INFO 'AC' is not defined in the header, assuming Type=String
+[W::vcf_parse] INFO 'AN' is not defined in the header, assuming Type=String
+[W::vcf_parse] INFO 'DP' is not defined in the header, assuming Type=String
+[W::vcf_parse] INFO 'AFR_AF' is not defined in the header, assuming Type=String
+[W::vcf_parse] INFO 'EX_TARGET' is not defined in the header, assuming Type=String
+Time for writing output: 0.028584
+Total elapsed time for analysis = 9.43616 sec
+Mean phase confidence of each target individual:
+HG00403	0.953163
+HG00404	0.949485
+HG00406	0.927005
+HG00407	0.950292
+HG00419	0.938822
+HG00421	0.93367
+HG00422	0.952224
+HG00428	0.944651
diff --git a/example/example_vcf.log b/example/example_vcf.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23decc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/example_vcf.log
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+                      +-----------------------------+
+                      |                             |
+                      |   Eagle v2.3                |
+                      |   July 22, 2016             |
+                      |   Po-Ru Loh                 |
+                      |                             |
+                      +-----------------------------+
+Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+Distributed under the GNU GPLv3 open source license.
+Command line options:
+../eagle \
+    --vcf=EUR_test.vcf.gz \
+    --geneticMapFile=../tables/genetic_map_hg19_withX.txt.gz \
+    --chrom=21 \
+    --outPrefix=phased \
+    --numThreads=4 
+Setting number of threads to 4
+=== Reading genotype data ===
+Reading genotypes for N = 379 samples
+Read M = 1813 variants
+Filling in genetic map coordinates using reference file:
+  ../tables/genetic_map_hg19_withX.txt.gz
+Physical distance range: 9752235 base pairs
+Genetic distance range:  23.0881 cM
+Average # SNPs per cM:   79
+Auto-selecting --maxBlockLen: 0.25 cM
+Number of <=(64-SNP, 0.25cM) segments: 68
+Average # SNPs per segment: 26
+Estimating LD scores using 379 indivs
+Fraction of heterozygous genotypes: 0.246308
+Typical span of default 100-het history length: 5.17 cM
+Setting --histFactor=1.00
+Time for step 1: 0.375713
+Time for step 1 MN^2: 0.0244864
+Making hard calls (time: 0.028863)
+Building hash tables
+.................................................................. (time: 0.0508139)
+Phasing samples 1-379
+Time for phasing batch: 0.437996
+Making hard calls (time: 0.029588)
+Time for step 2: 0.51841
+Time for step 2 MN^2: 0.0594165
+Auto-selecting number of PBWT iterations: setting --pbwtIters to 2
+BATCH 1 OF 10
+Phasing samples 1-37
+Time for phasing batch: 1.77567
+BATCH 2 OF 10
+Phasing samples 38-75
+Time for phasing batch: 1.64262
+BATCH 3 OF 10
+Phasing samples 76-113
+Time for phasing batch: 1.71332
+BATCH 4 OF 10
+Phasing samples 114-151
+Time for phasing batch: 1.61786
+BATCH 5 OF 10
+Phasing samples 152-189
+Time for phasing batch: 1.6091
+BATCH 6 OF 10
+Phasing samples 190-227
+Time for phasing batch: 1.6461
+BATCH 7 OF 10
+Phasing samples 228-265
+Time for phasing batch: 1.651
+BATCH 8 OF 10
+Phasing samples 266-303
+Time for phasing batch: 1.58484
+BATCH 9 OF 10
+Phasing samples 304-341
+Time for phasing batch: 1.59481
+BATCH 10 OF 10
+Phasing samples 342-379
+Time for phasing batch: 1.63671
+Time for PBWT iter 1: 16.4721
+BATCH 1 OF 10
+Phasing samples 1-37
+Time for phasing batch: 2.72875
+BATCH 2 OF 10
+Phasing samples 38-75
+Time for phasing batch: 2.59217
+BATCH 3 OF 10
+Phasing samples 76-113
+Time for phasing batch: 2.72183
+BATCH 4 OF 10
+Phasing samples 114-151
+Time for phasing batch: 2.57471
+BATCH 5 OF 10
+Phasing samples 152-189
+Time for phasing batch: 2.5283
+BATCH 6 OF 10
+Phasing samples 190-227
+Time for phasing batch: 2.64632
+BATCH 7 OF 10
+Phasing samples 228-265
+Time for phasing batch: 2.63781
+BATCH 8 OF 10
+Phasing samples 266-303
+Time for phasing batch: 2.52006
+BATCH 9 OF 10
+Phasing samples 304-341
+Time for phasing batch: 2.53771
+BATCH 10 OF 10
+Phasing samples 342-379
+Time for phasing batch: 2.51691
+Time for PBWT iter 2: 26.0046
+Writing vcf.gz output to phased.vcf.gz
+Time for writing output: 0.331217
+Total elapsed time for analysis = 52.9965 sec
diff --git a/example/phased.haps.gz b/example/phased.haps.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa3d21e
Binary files /dev/null and b/example/phased.haps.gz differ
diff --git a/example/phased.sample b/example/phased.sample
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96030f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/phased.sample
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+ID_1 ID_2 missing
+0 0 0
+1 HG00096 0
+2 HG00097 0
+3 HG00099 0
+4 HG00100 0
+5 HG00101 0
+6 HG00102 0
+7 HG00103 0
+8 HG00104 0
+9 HG00106 0
+10 HG00108 0
+11 HG00109 0
+12 HG00110 0
+13 HG00111 0
+14 HG00112 0
+15 HG00113 0
+16 HG00114 0
+17 HG00116 0
+18 HG00117 0
+19 HG00118 0
+20 HG00119 0
+21 HG00120 0
+22 HG00121 0
+23 HG00122 0
+24 HG00123 0
+25 HG00124 0
+26 HG00125 0
+27 HG00126 0
+28 HG00127 0
+29 HG00128 0
+30 HG00129 0
+31 HG00130 0
+32 HG00131 0
+33 HG00133 0
+34 HG00134 0
+35 HG00135 0
+36 HG00136 0
+37 HG00137 0
+38 HG00138 0
+39 HG00139 0
+40 HG00140 0
+41 HG00141 0
+42 HG00142 0
+43 HG00143 0
+44 HG00146 0
+45 HG00148 0
+46 HG00149 0
+47 HG00150 0
+48 HG00151 0
+49 HG00152 0
+50 HG00154 0
+51 HG00155 0
+52 HG00156 0
+53 HG00158 0
+54 HG00159 0
+55 HG00160 0
+56 HG00171 0
+57 HG00173 0
+58 HG00174 0
+59 HG00176 0
+60 HG00177 0
+61 HG00178 0
+62 HG00179 0
+63 HG00180 0
+64 HG00182 0
+65 HG00183 0
+66 HG00185 0
+67 HG00186 0
+68 HG00187 0
+69 HG00188 0
+70 HG00189 0
+71 HG00190 0
+72 HG00231 0
+73 HG00232 0
+74 HG00233 0
+75 HG00234 0
+76 HG00235 0
+77 HG00236 0
+78 HG00237 0
+79 HG00238 0
+80 HG00239 0
+81 HG00240 0
+82 HG00242 0
+83 HG00243 0
+84 HG00244 0
+85 HG00245 0
+86 HG00246 0
+87 HG00247 0
+88 HG00249 0
+89 HG00250 0
+90 HG00251 0
+91 HG00252 0
+92 HG00253 0
+93 HG00254 0
+94 HG00255 0
+95 HG00256 0
+96 HG00257 0
+97 HG00258 0
+98 HG00259 0
+99 HG00260 0
+100 HG00261 0
+101 HG00262 0
+102 HG00263 0
+103 HG00264 0
+104 HG00265 0
+105 HG00266 0
+106 HG00267 0
+107 HG00268 0
+108 HG00269 0
+109 HG00270 0
+110 HG00271 0
+111 HG00272 0
+112 HG00273 0
+113 HG00274 0
+114 HG00275 0
+115 HG00276 0
+116 HG00277 0
+117 HG00278 0
+118 HG00280 0
+119 HG00281 0
+120 HG00282 0
+121 HG00284 0
+122 HG00285 0
+123 HG00306 0
+124 HG00309 0
+125 HG00310 0
+126 HG00311 0
+127 HG00312 0
+128 HG00313 0
+129 HG00315 0
+130 HG00318 0
+131 HG00319 0
+132 HG00320 0
+133 HG00321 0
+134 HG00323 0
+135 HG00324 0
+136 HG00325 0
+137 HG00326 0
+138 HG00327 0
+139 HG00328 0
+140 HG00329 0
+141 HG00330 0
+142 HG00331 0
+143 HG00332 0
+144 HG00334 0
+145 HG00335 0
+146 HG00336 0
+147 HG00337 0
+148 HG00338 0
+149 HG00339 0
+150 HG00341 0
+151 HG00342 0
+152 HG00343 0
+153 HG00344 0
+154 HG00345 0
+155 HG00346 0
+156 HG00349 0
+157 HG00350 0
+158 HG00351 0
+159 HG00353 0
+160 HG00355 0
+161 HG00356 0
+162 HG00357 0
+163 HG00358 0
+164 HG00359 0
+165 HG00360 0
+166 HG00361 0
+167 HG00362 0
+168 HG00364 0
+169 HG00366 0
+170 HG00367 0
+171 HG00369 0
+172 HG00372 0
+173 HG00373 0
+174 HG00375 0
+175 HG00376 0
+176 HG00377 0
+177 HG00378 0
+178 HG00381 0
+179 HG00382 0
+180 HG00383 0
+181 HG00384 0
+182 HG01334 0
+183 HG01515 0
+184 HG01516 0
+185 HG01518 0
+186 HG01519 0
+187 HG01521 0
+188 HG01522 0
+189 HG01617 0
+190 HG01618 0
+191 HG01619 0
+192 HG01620 0
+193 HG01623 0
+194 HG01624 0
+195 HG01625 0
+196 HG01626 0
+197 NA06984 0
+198 NA06986 0
+199 NA06989 0
+200 NA06994 0
+201 NA07000 0
+202 NA07037 0
+203 NA07048 0
+204 NA07051 0
+205 NA07056 0
+206 NA07347 0
+207 NA07357 0
+208 NA10847 0
+209 NA10851 0
+210 NA11829 0
+211 NA11830 0
+212 NA11831 0
+213 NA11843 0
+214 NA11892 0
+215 NA11893 0
+216 NA11894 0
+217 NA11919 0
+218 NA11920 0
+219 NA11930 0
+220 NA11931 0
+221 NA11932 0
+222 NA11933 0
+223 NA11992 0
+224 NA11993 0
+225 NA11994 0
+226 NA11995 0
+227 NA12003 0
+228 NA12004 0
+229 NA12006 0
+230 NA12043 0
+231 NA12044 0
+232 NA12045 0
+233 NA12046 0
+234 NA12058 0
+235 NA12144 0
+236 NA12154 0
+237 NA12155 0
+238 NA12249 0
+239 NA12272 0
+240 NA12273 0
+241 NA12275 0
+242 NA12282 0
+243 NA12283 0
+244 NA12286 0
+245 NA12287 0
+246 NA12340 0
+247 NA12341 0
+248 NA12342 0
+249 NA12347 0
+250 NA12348 0
+251 NA12383 0
+252 NA12399 0
+253 NA12400 0
+254 NA12413 0
+255 NA12489 0
+256 NA12546 0
+257 NA12716 0
+258 NA12717 0
+259 NA12718 0
+260 NA12748 0
+261 NA12749 0
+262 NA12750 0
+263 NA12751 0
+264 NA12761 0
+265 NA12763 0
+266 NA12775 0
+267 NA12777 0
+268 NA12778 0
+269 NA12812 0
+270 NA12814 0
+271 NA12815 0
+272 NA12827 0
+273 NA12829 0
+274 NA12830 0
+275 NA12842 0
+276 NA12843 0
+277 NA12872 0
+278 NA12873 0
+279 NA12874 0
+280 NA12889 0
+281 NA12890 0
+282 NA20502 0
+283 NA20503 0
+284 NA20504 0
+285 NA20505 0
+286 NA20506 0
+287 NA20507 0
+288 NA20508 0
+289 NA20509 0
+290 NA20510 0
+291 NA20512 0
+292 NA20513 0
+293 NA20515 0
+294 NA20516 0
+295 NA20517 0
+296 NA20518 0
+297 NA20519 0
+298 NA20520 0
+299 NA20521 0
+300 NA20522 0
+301 NA20524 0
+302 NA20525 0
+303 NA20527 0
+304 NA20528 0
+305 NA20529 0
+306 NA20530 0
+307 NA20531 0
+308 NA20532 0
+309 NA20533 0
+310 NA20534 0
+311 NA20535 0
+312 NA20536 0
+313 NA20537 0
+314 NA20538 0
+315 NA20539 0
+316 NA20540 0
+317 NA20541 0
+318 NA20542 0
+319 NA20543 0
+320 NA20544 0
+321 NA20581 0
+322 NA20582 0
+323 NA20585 0
+324 NA20586 0
+325 NA20588 0
+326 NA20589 0
+327 NA20752 0
+328 NA20753 0
+329 NA20754 0
+330 NA20755 0
+331 NA20756 0
+332 NA20757 0
+333 NA20758 0
+334 NA20759 0
+335 NA20760 0
+336 NA20761 0
+337 NA20765 0
+338 NA20766 0
+339 NA20768 0
+340 NA20769 0
+341 NA20770 0
+342 NA20771 0
+343 NA20772 0
+344 NA20773 0
+345 NA20774 0
+346 NA20775 0
+347 NA20778 0
+348 NA20783 0
+349 NA20785 0
+350 NA20786 0
+351 NA20787 0
+352 NA20790 0
+353 NA20792 0
+354 NA20795 0
+355 NA20796 0
+356 NA20797 0
+357 NA20798 0
+358 NA20799 0
+359 NA20800 0
+360 NA20801 0
+361 NA20802 0
+362 NA20803 0
+363 NA20804 0
+364 NA20805 0
+365 NA20806 0
+366 NA20807 0
+367 NA20808 0
+368 NA20809 0
+369 NA20810 0
+370 NA20811 0
+371 NA20812 0
+372 NA20813 0
+373 NA20814 0
+374 NA20815 0
+375 NA20816 0
+376 NA20818 0
+377 NA20819 0
+378 NA20826 0
+379 NA20828 0
diff --git a/example/phased.vcf.gz b/example/phased.vcf.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33f7f98
Binary files /dev/null and b/example/phased.vcf.gz differ
diff --git a/example/ref.bcf b/example/ref.bcf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3afddd3
Binary files /dev/null and b/example/ref.bcf differ
diff --git a/example/ref.bcf.csi b/example/ref.bcf.csi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a954b9
Binary files /dev/null and b/example/ref.bcf.csi differ
diff --git a/example/run_example.sh b/example/run_example.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c536e1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/run_example.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+../eagle \
+    --bfile=EUR_test \
+    --geneticMapFile=USE_BIM \
+    --chrom=21 \
+    --outPrefix=phased \
+    --numThreads=4 \
+    2>&1 | tee example.log
+### run eagle without any parameters to list options
+### typical options for phasing without a reference:
+# to import genetic map coordinates: --geneticMapFile=tables/genetic_map_hg##.txt.gz
+# to remove indivs or exclude SNPs: --remove, --exclude
+# to perform QC on missingness:  --maxMissingPerIndiv, --maxMissingPerSnp
+# to select a region to phase: --bpStart, --bpEnd
+### old:
+# to use Eagle1 algorithm: --v1
+# to use Eagle1 fast mode: --v1fast
diff --git a/example/run_example_ref.sh b/example/run_example_ref.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c91e485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/run_example_ref.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+echo 'If pulling from github, change --geneticMapFile to ../tables/genetic_map_hg19_example.txt.gz'
+../eagle \
+    --vcfRef=ref.bcf \
+    --vcfTarget=target.vcf.gz \
+    --geneticMapFile=../tables/genetic_map_hg19_withX.txt.gz \
+    --outPrefix=target.phased \
+    2>&1 | tee example_ref.log
diff --git a/example/run_example_vcf.sh b/example/run_example_vcf.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15d2b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/run_example_vcf.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+../eagle \
+    --vcf=EUR_test.vcf.gz \
+    --geneticMapFile=../tables/genetic_map_hg19_withX.txt.gz \
+    --chrom=21 \
+    --outPrefix=phased \
+    --numThreads=4 \
+    2>&1 | tee example_vcf.log
+### run eagle without any parameters to list options
+### typical options for phasing without a reference in VCF/BCF mode:
+# to import genetic map coordinates: --geneticMapFile=tables/genetic_map_hg##.txt.gz
+# to select a region to phase: --bpStart, --bpEnd
+### old:
+# to use Eagle1 algorithm: --v1
+# to use Eagle1 fast mode: --v1fast
diff --git a/example/target.phased.vcf.gz b/example/target.phased.vcf.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..270221f
Binary files /dev/null and b/example/target.phased.vcf.gz differ
diff --git a/example/target.vcf.gz b/example/target.vcf.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52f66f6
Binary files /dev/null and b/example/target.vcf.gz differ
diff --git a/example/target.vcf.gz.tbi b/example/target.vcf.gz.tbi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42afe84
Binary files /dev/null and b/example/target.vcf.gz.tbi differ
diff --git a/src/COPYING b/src/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10926e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+                       Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+                            Preamble
+  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+  The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+  Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+  For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+  Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.  Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products.  If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+  Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+                       TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+  0. Definitions.
+  "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+  "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+  "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License.  Each licensee is addressed as "you".  "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+  To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy.  The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+  A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+  To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy.  Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+  To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies.  Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+  An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License.  If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+  1. Source Code.
+  The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it.  "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+  A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+  The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form.  A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+  The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities.  However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work.  For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+  The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+  The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+  2. Basic Permissions.
+  All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met.  This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program.  The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work.  This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+  You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force.  You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright.  Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+  Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below.  Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+  3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+  No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+  When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+  4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+  You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+  You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+  5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+  You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+    it, and giving a relevant date.
+    b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+    released under this License and any conditions added under section
+    7.  This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+    "keep intact all notices".
+    c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+    License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy.  This
+    License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+    additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+    regardless of how they are packaged.  This License gives no
+    permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+    invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+    d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+    Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+    interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+    work need not make them do so.
+  A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit.  Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+  6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+  You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+    a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+    Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+    customarily used for software interchange.
+    b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+    written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+    long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+    model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+    copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+    product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+    medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+    more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+    conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+    Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+    c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+    written offer to provide the Corresponding Source.  This
+    alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+    only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+    with subsection 6b.
+    d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+    place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+    Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+    further charge.  You need not require recipients to copy the
+    Corresponding Source along with the object code.  If the place to
+    copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+    may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+    that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+    clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+    Corresponding Source.  Regardless of what server hosts the
+    Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+    available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+    e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+    you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+    Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+    charge under subsection 6d.
+  A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+  A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling.  In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage.  For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product.  A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+  "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source.  The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+  If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information.  But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+  The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed.  Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+  Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+  7. Additional Terms.
+  "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law.  If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+  When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it.  (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.)  You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+    a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+    terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+    b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+    author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+    Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+    c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+    requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+    reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+    d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+    authors of the material; or
+    e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+    trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+    f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+    material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+    it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+    any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+    those licensors and authors.
+  All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10.  If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term.  If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+  If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+  Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+  8. Termination.
+  You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License.  Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+  However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+  Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+  Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License.  If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+  9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+  You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program.  Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance.  However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work.  These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License.  Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+  10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+  Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License.  You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+  An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations.  If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+  You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License.  For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+  11. Patents.
+  A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based.  The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+  A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version.  For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+  Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+  In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement).  To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+  If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients.  "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+  If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+  A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License.  You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+  Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+  12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+  If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all.  For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+  13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work.  The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+  14. Revised Versions of this License.
+  The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+  Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+  If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+  Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions.  However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+  15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+  16. Limitation of Liability.
+  17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+  If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+            How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+  If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    <program>  Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+  You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+  The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.  But first, please read
diff --git a/src/DipTreePBWT.cpp b/src/DipTreePBWT.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dde7e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/DipTreePBWT.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <boost/random.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/lagged_fibonacci.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/uniform_01.hpp>
+#include "HapHedge.hpp"
+#include "NumericUtils.hpp"
+#include "Timer.hpp"
+#include "DipTreePBWT.hpp"
+namespace EAGLE {
+  using std::vector;
+  using std::cout;
+  using std::endl;
+  const int TO_UNKNOWN = -2, TO_NONE = -1; // TO_NONE used in HapPathSplit and HapPrefix
+  // struct HapPathSplit
+  HapPathSplit::HapPathSplit(void) {};
+  HapPathSplit::HapPathSplit(int _t) : t(_t), relProbLastStop(1), hapPrefixInd(0) {
+    hapPrefixTo[0] = hapPrefixTo[1] = TO_UNKNOWN;
+  };
+  HapPathSplit::HapPathSplit(int _t, float relProb, int ind)
+    : t(_t), relProbLastStop(relProb), hapPrefixInd(ind) {
+    hapPrefixTo[0] = hapPrefixTo[1] = TO_UNKNOWN;
+  };
+  // struct HapPath
+  HapPath::HapPath(void) {};
+  // struct HapPrefix
+  HapPrefix::HapPrefix(void) {};
+  HapPrefix::HapPrefix(const HapTreeState &_state) {
+    state = _state;
+    //to[0] = to[1] = TO_UNKNOWN;
+  };
+  // class HapWaves
+  HapWaves::HapWaves(const HapHedgeErr &_hapHedge, const vector <double> &_cMcoords,
+		     double _cMexpect, int _histLength, int _beamWidth, float _logPerr,
+		     int _tCur) :
+    rng(123), rand01(rng, boost::uniform_01<>()),
+    hapHedge(_hapHedge), cMcoords(_cMcoords), cMexpect(_cMexpect), histLength(_histLength),
+    beamWidth(_beamWidth), pErr(expf(_logPerr)), maxHapPaths(2*beamWidth),
+    maxHapPrefixes(maxHapPaths*histLength*2+1), tCur(_tCur) {
+    curMod = tCur % HAPWAVES_HIST; nextMod = (tCur+1) % HAPWAVES_HIST;
+    for (int p = 0; p < HAPWAVES_HIST; p++) {
+      hapPathSizes[p] = 0;
+      hapPaths[p] = new HapPath[maxHapPaths];
+      for (int i = 0; i < maxHapPaths; i++)
+	hapPaths[p][i].splitList = new HapPathSplit[histLength];
+      hapPrefixes[p] = new HapPrefix[maxHapPrefixes];
+    }
+    // add root of 0th HapTree as cur HapPath
+    hapPaths[curMod][0].cumLogP = 0;
+    hapPaths[curMod][0].splitListLength = 1;
+    hapPaths[curMod][0].splitList[0] = HapPathSplit(tCur);
+    hapPaths[curMod][0].to[0] = hapPaths[0][0].to[1] = TO_UNKNOWN;
+    hapPathSizes[curMod] = 1;
+    hapPrefixes[curMod][0] = HapPrefix(hapHedge.getHapTreeMulti(tCur).getRootState());
+    hapPrefixSizes[curMod] = 1;
+  }
+  HapWaves::~HapWaves(void) {
+    for (int p = 0; p < HAPWAVES_HIST; p++) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < maxHapPaths; i++)
+	delete[] hapPaths[p][i].splitList;
+      delete[] hapPaths[p];
+      delete[] hapPrefixes[p];
+    }
+  }
+  inline double sq(double x) { return x*x; }
+  // use cMcoords and cMexpect (cMexpect>0 => coalescent; cMexpect<0 => Li-Stephens)
+  float HapWaves::recombP(int tCur, int tSplit) const {
+    double p = 0;
+    if (cMexpect > 0) { // coalescent IBD length distribution with mean a = cMexpect
+      double a = cMexpect;
+      double term1 = 1 / sq(1 + (cMcoords[tCur]-cMcoords[tSplit])/a);
+      double term2 = tCur+1 == (int) cMcoords.size() ? 0 :
+	1 / sq(1 + (cMcoords[tCur+1]-cMcoords[tSplit])/a);
+      p = term1 - term2;
+    }
+    else { // Li-Stephens IBD length distribution with mean a = -cMexpect
+      double a = -cMexpect;
+      double term1 = exp(-(cMcoords[tCur]-cMcoords[tSplit])/a);
+      double term2 = tCur+1 == (int) cMcoords.size() ? 0 :
+	exp(-(cMcoords[tCur+1]-cMcoords[tSplit])/a);
+      p = term1 - term2;
+    }
+    const double minRecombP = 0.000001, maxRecombP = 1.0;//pErr;
+    return std::max(std::min(p, maxRecombP), minRecombP);
+  }
+  // populate hapPrefixes[nextMod]
+  // populate toCumLogP[] in hapPaths[curMod] (but don't populate hapPaths[nextMod])
+  void HapWaves::computeAllExtensions(const vector <uchar> &nextPossibleBits) {
+    // add root of next (= new cur) HapTree as beginning of HapPrefix list
+    if (tCur+1 < (int) cMcoords.size()) {
+      hapPrefixes[nextMod][0] = HapPrefix(hapHedge.getHapTreeMulti(tCur+1).getRootState());
+      hapPrefixSizes[nextMod] = 1;
+    }
+    float mult = hapHedge.getHapTreeMulti(tCur).getInvNhaps();
+    // iterate over paths
+    for (int i = 0; i < hapPathSizes[curMod]; i++) {
+      float relProbStopNext[2] = {0, 0};
+      // iterate over splits
+      for (int j = 0; j < hapPaths[curMod][i].splitListLength; j++) {
+	HapPathSplit &split = hapPaths[curMod][i].splitList[j];
+	// iterate over next possible bits
+	for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) {
+	  if (!((nextPossibleBits[i]>>b)&1)) continue;
+	  HapPrefix &hapPrefix = hapPrefixes[curMod][split.hapPrefixInd];
+	  // if extension of hap prefix hasn't been attempted, attempt to perform extension
+	  if (split.hapPrefixTo[b] == TO_UNKNOWN) {
+	    split.hapPrefixTo[b] = TO_NONE; // default: can't extend (overwrite if path found)
+	    hapPrefix.toHetOnlyProb[b] = 0;
+	    // try to extend hap prefix:
+	    // fill in split.hapPrefixTo[b], hapPrefixes[curMod][split.hapPrefixInd].to*[b]
+	    const HapTreeMulti &hapTree = hapHedge.getHapTreeMulti(split.t);
+	    HapTreeState state = hapPrefix.state;
+	    if (hapTree.next(2*tCur, state, b)) { // can extend to match at het
+	      hapPrefix.toHetOnlyProb[b] += mult * state.count;
+	      if (hapTree.next(2*tCur+1, state, 0)) { // no err in inter-het region
+		// create and link new HapPrefix node in hapPrefixes[nextMod]; link
+		split.hapPrefixTo[b] = hapPrefixSizes[nextMod]++;
+		hapPrefixes[nextMod][split.hapPrefixTo[b]].state = state;
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	  relProbStopNext[b] += split.relProbLastStop * hapPrefix.toHetOnlyProb[b]
+	    * recombP(tCur, split.t);
+	}
+      }
+      for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) {
+	if (!((nextPossibleBits[i]>>b)&1)) continue;
+	float relLogP = -1000;
+	if (relProbStopNext[b] != 0) relLogP = logf(relProbStopNext[b]);
+	hapPaths[curMod][i].toCumLogP[b] =
+	  hapPaths[curMod][i].cumLogP + relLogP;// + recombLogPs[tCur];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  float HapWaves::getToCumLogProb(int ind, int nextBit) const {
+    return hapPaths[curMod][ind].toCumLogP[nextBit];
+  }
+  // look up/create extension of hapPaths[curMod][ind] in hapPaths[nextMod]
+  // return index in hapPaths[nextMod]
+  int HapWaves::extendPath(int ind, int nextBit) {
+    HapPath &curHapPath = hapPaths[curMod][ind];
+    if (curHapPath.to[nextBit] == TO_UNKNOWN) {
+      int nextInd = hapPathSizes[nextMod]++;
+      assert(hapPathSizes[nextMod]<=maxHapPaths);
+      curHapPath.to[nextBit] = nextInd;
+      HapPath &nextHapPath = hapPaths[nextMod][nextInd];
+      nextHapPath.cumLogP = curHapPath.toCumLogP[nextBit];
+      float calibP = expf(curHapPath.cumLogP - nextHapPath.cumLogP);
+      int &nSplit = nextHapPath.splitListLength; nSplit = 0;
+      nextHapPath.to[0] = nextHapPath.to[1] = TO_UNKNOWN;
+      for (int j = (curHapPath.splitList[0].t + histLength == tCur+1 ? 1 : 0);
+	   j < curHapPath.splitListLength; j++) {
+	const HapPathSplit &curSplit = curHapPath.splitList[j];
+	if (curSplit.hapPrefixTo[nextBit] != TO_NONE) {
+	  nextHapPath.splitList[nSplit++] = HapPathSplit(curSplit.t,
+							 curSplit.relProbLastStop * calibP,
+							 curSplit.hapPrefixTo[nextBit]);
+	}
+      }
+      nextHapPath.splitList[nSplit++] = HapPathSplit(tCur+1); // restart
+    }
+    return curHapPath.to[nextBit];
+  }
+  void HapWaves::advance(void) {
+    tCur++; curMod = tCur % HAPWAVES_HIST; nextMod = (tCur+1) % HAPWAVES_HIST;
+    hapPathSizes[nextMod] = 0;
+    hapPrefixSizes[nextMod] = 0;
+  }
+  /*
+   * At any point along a haplotype path (i.e., a sequence of alleles at split sites),
+   * we have stored a "split list" of positions at which the last copied segment could have begun.
+   * We can compute the relative probabilities of these split positions (given the next allele),
+   * which allows us to sample the last copied segment.
+   *
+   * INPUT: (t, hapPathInd, tBit) designating a stored haplotype path extended to tBit at t
+   * - t = position; (t % HAPWAVES_HIST) is index in haplotype paths ending in hom region before t
+   * - hapPathInd = index
+   * - tBit = haplotype bit at t (to which to extend haplotype prefixes in split list)
+   *
+   * OUTPUT: (tStart, state) designating a haplotype segment randomly sampled from the split list
+   * - tStart = start position of copied segment
+   * - state = state corresponding to copied segment in HapTree at tStart
+   */
+  void HapWaves::sampleLastPrefix(int &tStart, HapTreeState &state, int t, int hapPathInd,
+				  int tBit) {
+    assert(tCur+1 - t < HAPWAVES_HIST); // the relevant history shouldn't have been overwritten
+    int tMod = t % HAPWAVES_HIST;
+    const HapPath &hapPath = hapPaths[tMod][hapPathInd];
+    // compute (unscaled) probabilities of each possible split point in the list
+    float relProbStopNext = 0;
+    vector <float> cumRelProbStopNext(hapPath.splitListLength);
+    for (int j = 0; j < hapPath.splitListLength; j++) {
+      const HapPathSplit &split = hapPath.splitList[j];
+      const HapPrefix &hapPrefix = hapPrefixes[tMod][split.hapPrefixInd];
+      // this computation was previously done to determine the relative probabilities
+      // of extending the path to tBit=0 vs. tBit=1 at tree index t (= split site t-1)
+      relProbStopNext += split.relProbLastStop * hapPrefix.toHetOnlyProb[tBit]
+	* recombP(t, split.t);
+      cumRelProbStopNext[j] = relProbStopNext;
+    }
+    float relLogP = -1000;
+    if (relProbStopNext != 0) relLogP = logf(relProbStopNext);
+    assert(hapPaths[tMod][hapPathInd].toCumLogP[tBit] == hapPath.cumLogP + relLogP);
+    // randomly sample a split point
+    float r = rand01();
+    for (int j = 0; j < hapPath.splitListLength; j++)
+      if (cumRelProbStopNext[j] > r*relProbStopNext || j+1 == hapPath.splitListLength) {
+	const HapPathSplit &split = hapPath.splitList[j];
+	const HapPrefix &hapPrefix = hapPrefixes[tMod][split.hapPrefixInd];
+	tStart = split.t;
+	state = hapPrefix.state;
+	return;
+      }
+  }
+  // struct DipTreeNode
+  bool DipTreeNode::operator < (const DipTreeNode &dNode) const {
+    return logP+boostLogP > dNode.logP+dNode.boostLogP;
+  }
+  // class DipTree
+  void DipTree::traceNode(int t, int i) {
+    int from = nodes[t][i].from;
+    if (t>1) traceNode(t-1, from);
+    cout << "(" << (int) nodes[t][i].hapMat << "," << (int) nodes[t][i].hapPat << ") ";
+  }
+  std::pair <uint64, uint64> truncPair(uint64 histMat, uint64 histPat, uint64 histBits) {
+    uint64 mask = histBits>=64ULL ? -1ULL : (1ULL<<histBits)-1;
+    uint64 x = histMat&mask, y = histPat&mask;
+    return x<y ? std::make_pair(x, y) : std::make_pair(y, x);
+  }
+  void DipTree::advance(void) {
+    bool isOppConstrained = constraints[tCur]==OPP_CONSTRAINT; // constrained to be 0|1 or 1|0
+    bool isFullyConstrained = !isOppConstrained && constraints[tCur]!=NO_CONSTRAINT;
+    // populate next possible bits: nextPossibleBits[i] corresponds to hapPaths[curMod][i]
+    //                              for i = dNode.hapPathInds[0], dNode.hapPathInds[1]
+    vector <uchar> nextPossibleBits(2*beamWidth);
+    int checkWidth = std::min((int) nodes[tCur].size(), beamWidth);
+    vector <char> reqMats(checkWidth), reqPats(checkWidth);
+    const float logPthresh = 2*logPerr;//logf(0.000001f);
+    for (int i = 0; i < checkWidth; i++) {
+      const DipTreeNode &dNode = nodes[tCur][i];
+      if (dNode.logP+dNode.boostLogP < nodes[tCur][0].logP+nodes[tCur][0].boostLogP + logPthresh) {
+	checkWidth = i;
+	break;
+      }
+      assert(dNode.hapPathInds[0] < (int) nextPossibleBits.size());
+      assert(dNode.hapPathInds[1] < (int) nextPossibleBits.size());
+      if (isFullyConstrained) {
+	char &reqMat = reqMats[i], &reqPat = reqPats[i];
+	if ((constraints[tCur]>>1) == 0) // no-hom-err constraint
+	  reqMat = reqPat = constraints[tCur]&1;
+	else { // rel phase constraint
+	  int t = tCur, ind = i;
+	  for (int d = 0; d < (constraints[tCur]>>1)-1; d++)
+	    ind = nodes[t--][ind].from;
+	  reqMat = nodes[t][ind].hapMat ^ (constraints[tCur]&1);
+	  reqPat = nodes[t][ind].hapPat ^ (constraints[tCur]&1);
+	}
+	nextPossibleBits[dNode.hapPathInds[0]] |= 1<<reqMat;
+	nextPossibleBits[dNode.hapPathInds[1]] |= 1<<reqPat;
+      }
+      else {
+	nextPossibleBits[dNode.hapPathInds[0]] = 3;
+	nextPossibleBits[dNode.hapPathInds[1]] = 3;
+      }
+    }
+    // extend hap paths (part 1)
+    hapWaves.computeAllExtensions(nextPossibleBits);
+    // extend dip paths
+    vector <DipTreeNode> nextNodes;
+    for (int i = 0; i < checkWidth; i++) {
+      const DipTreeNode &dNode = nodes[tCur][i];
+      for (char hapMat = 0; hapMat < 2; hapMat++)
+	for (char hapPat = 0; hapPat < 2; hapPat++) {
+	  if (!dNode.unequalAnc && hapMat > hapPat) continue;
+	  if (isFullyConstrained && (hapMat != reqMats[i] || hapPat != reqPats[i])) continue;
+	  if (isOppConstrained && hapMat==hapPat) continue;
+	  DipTreeNode nextNode;
+	  nextNode.from = i;
+	  nextNode.unequalAnc = dNode.unequalAnc || (hapMat != hapPat);
+	  nextNode.hapMat = hapMat;
+	  nextNode.hapPat = hapPat;
+	  nextNode.numErr = dNode.numErr + (genos[tCur]<=2 && hapMat+hapPat != genos[tCur]);
+	  nextNode.logP = hapWaves.getToCumLogProb(dNode.hapPathInds[0], hapMat) +
+	    hapWaves.getToCumLogProb(dNode.hapPathInds[1], hapPat) + nextNode.numErr * logPerr;
+	  nextNode.boostLogP = dNode.boostLogP;
+	  if (isFullyConstrained) {
+	    nextNode.histMat = dNode.histMat;
+	    nextNode.histPat = dNode.histPat;
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    nextNode.histMat = (dNode.histMat<<1ULL) | hapMat;
+	    nextNode.histPat = (dNode.histPat<<1ULL) | hapPat;
+	  }
+	  nextNodes.push_back(nextNode);
+	}
+    }
+    if (!isFullyConstrained) {
+      // compute number of bits of history to use (histLength minus # of fully constrained sites)
+      int histBits = 0;
+      for (int t = tCur; t > std::max(tCur-histLength, 0); t--)
+	if (constraints[t]==OPP_CONSTRAINT || constraints[t]==NO_CONSTRAINT)
+	  histBits++;
+      // aggregate DipTree paths that agree exactly in past histLength
+      std::sort(nextNodes.begin(), nextNodes.end());
+      std::map < std::pair <uint64, uint64>, int > histToInd;
+      for (int i = 0; i < (int) nextNodes.size(); i++) {
+	const DipTreeNode &nextNode = nextNodes[i];
+	std::pair <uint64, uint64> histPair =
+	  truncPair(nextNode.histMat, nextNode.histPat, histBits);
+	std::map < std::pair <uint64, uint64>, int >::iterator it = histToInd.find(histPair);
+	if (it == histToInd.end()) {
+	  histToInd[histPair] = nodes[tCur+1].size();
+	  nodes[tCur+1].push_back(nextNode);
+	}
+	else {
+	  int j = it->second;
+	  float sumLogPj = nodes[tCur+1][j].logP + nodes[tCur+1][j].boostLogP;
+	  float sumLogPi = nextNode.logP + nextNode.boostLogP;
+	  NumericUtils::logSumExp(sumLogPi, sumLogPj); // prob i += prob existing tCur+1 node j
+	  nodes[tCur+1][j].boostLogP += sumLogPi - sumLogPj; // augment boost for existing node j
+	}
+      }
+      //cout << " " << nodes[tCur+1].size() << "/" << nextNodes.size() << std::flush;
+    }
+    else
+      nodes[tCur+1] = nextNodes;
+    // extend hap paths of top beamWidth DipTree nodes (part 2)
+    for (int i = 0; i < std::min((int) nodes[tCur+1].size(), beamWidth); i++) {
+      DipTreeNode &nextNode = nodes[tCur+1][i];
+      const DipTreeNode &dNode = nodes[tCur][nextNode.from];
+      nextNode.hapPathInds[0] = hapWaves.extendPath(dNode.hapPathInds[0], nextNode.hapMat);
+      nextNode.hapPathInds[1] = hapWaves.extendPath(dNode.hapPathInds[1], nextNode.hapPat);
+    }
+    hapWaves.advance();
+    tCur++;
+    float totLogP = nodes[tCur][0].logP + nodes[tCur][0].boostLogP;
+    for (int i = 1; i < (int) nodes[tCur].size(); i++)
+      NumericUtils::logSumExp(totLogP, nodes[tCur][i].logP + nodes[tCur][i].boostLogP);
+    for (int i = 0; i < (int) nodes[tCur].size(); i++) {
+      normProbs[tCur].push_back(expf(nodes[tCur][i].logP + nodes[tCur][i].boostLogP - totLogP));
+      //traceNode(tCur, i); cout << normProbs[tCur].back() << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  DipTree::DipTree(const HapHedgeErr &_hapHedge, const vector <uchar> &_genos,
+		   const char *_constraints, const vector <double> &_cMcoords, double _cMexpect,
+		   int _histLength, int _beamWidth, float _logPerr, int _tCur) :
+    rng(12345), rand01(rng, boost::uniform_01<>()),
+    hapHedge(_hapHedge),
+    hapWaves(_hapHedge, _cMcoords, _cMexpect, _histLength, _beamWidth, _logPerr, _tCur),
+    genos(_genos), constraints(_constraints), histLength(_histLength), beamWidth(_beamWidth),
+    logPerr(_logPerr), tCur(_tCur), T(_hapHedge.getNumTrees()), nodes(T+1), normProbs(T+1) {
+    DipTreeNode dNode;
+    dNode.from = -1; dNode.unequalAnc = 0; dNode.logP = 0; dNode.numErr = 0;
+    dNode.hapPathInds[0] = dNode.hapPathInds[1] = 0;
+    dNode.histMat = 0; dNode.histPat = 0; dNode.boostLogP = 0;
+    nodes[tCur].push_back(dNode); // root of DipTree
+  }
+  // compute probability of AA at hets tCallLoc1 and tCallLoc2
+  float DipTree::callProbAA(int tCallLoc1, int tCallLoc2, int callLength) {
+    assert(tCallLoc1>0 && tCallLoc2<T);
+    int tFront = std::min(T, tCallLoc2 + callLength);
+    while (tCur < tFront)
+      advance();
+    float probAA = 0, probAB = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < (int) nodes[tFront].size(); i++) {
+      int t = tFront, ind = i;
+      while (t != tCallLoc2+1)
+	ind = nodes[t--][ind].from;
+      char hapMat2 = nodes[t][ind].hapMat, hapPat2 = nodes[t][ind].hapPat; // alleles at tCallLoc2
+      while (t != tCallLoc1+1)
+	ind = nodes[t--][ind].from;
+      char hapMat1 = nodes[t][ind].hapMat, hapPat1 = nodes[t][ind].hapPat; // alleles at tCallLoc1
+      if (hapMat2 != hapPat2 && hapMat1 != hapPat1) {
+	if (hapMat1 == hapMat2)
+	  probAA += normProbs[tFront][i];
+	else
+	  probAB += normProbs[tFront][i];
+      }
+      else {
+	probAA += normProbs[tFront][i] / 2;
+	probAB += normProbs[tFront][i] / 2;
+      }
+    }
+    if (probAA + probAB == 0) return 0.5;
+    return probAA / (probAA + probAB);
+  }
+  // compute diploid dosage at tCallLoc
+  float DipTree::callDosage(int tCallLoc, int callLength) {
+    assert(tCallLoc>0 && tCallLoc<T);
+    int tFront = std::min(T, tCallLoc + callLength);
+    while (tCur < tFront)
+      advance();
+    float prob1 = 0, probTot = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < (int) nodes[tFront].size(); i++) {
+      int t = tFront, ind = i;
+      while (t != tCallLoc+1)
+	ind = nodes[t--][ind].from;
+      char hapMat = nodes[t][ind].hapMat, hapPat = nodes[t][ind].hapPat; // alleles at tCallLoc
+      prob1 += (hapMat+hapPat) * normProbs[tFront][i];
+      probTot += normProbs[tFront][i];
+    }
+    if (probTot == 0) return 1.0;
+    return prob1 / probTot;
+  }
+  // note: part of this backtrace is already performed in sampleRefs(); can optimize if need be
+  void computeHetMasks(RefHap &refHap, const vector < vector <DipTreeNode> > &nodes, int tCallLoc,
+		       int t, int ind, int h, bool isFwd) {
+    refHap.tMaskFwd = refHap.tMaskRev = 0;
+    const int maxShift = 8*sizeof(refHap.tMaskFwd);
+    while (t > 0) { // rewind DipTree
+      int t1Bit = h==0 ? nodes[t][ind].hapMat : nodes[t][ind].hapPat; // allele at t-1
+      int dist = t-1 - tCallLoc;
+      if (dist <= 0) dist--;
+      if (dist < -maxShift) break;
+      else if (dist <= maxShift) {
+	int t1BitShift = t1Bit<<(abs(dist)-1);
+	if (isFwd == (dist > 0)) refHap.tMaskFwd |= t1BitShift;
+	else refHap.tMaskRev |= t1BitShift;
+      }
+      ind = nodes[t--][ind].from;
+    }
+  }
+  /*
+   * INPUT:
+   * - tCallLoc = tree index of left side of interval of interest: (tCallLoc, tCallLoc+1)
+   * - callLength = number of positions to look ahead
+   * - samples = number of random samples to take
+   * - bestHaps = actual indices of Kpbwt haplotypes currently encoded in HapHedgeErr
+   * - isFwd = flag indicating whether output het masks should be little- or big-endian
+   *
+   * OUTPUT:
+   * - vector of sampled reference haplotype pairs
+   */
+  vector <HapPair> DipTree::sampleRefs(int tCallLoc, int callLength, int samples,
+				       const vector <uint> &bestHaps, bool isFwd) {
+    if (callLength > HAPWAVES_HIST-5) {
+      cerr << "ERROR in DipTree::sampleRefs(): callLength=" << callLength << ", HAPWAVES_HIST="
+	   << HAPWAVES_HIST << endl;
+      cerr << "      To use this callLength, increase HAPWAVES_HIST and recompile" << endl;
+      assert(callLength <= HAPWAVES_HIST-5);
+    }
+    assert(tCallLoc>=0 && tCallLoc<T-1); // (tCallLoc, tCallLoc+1) must be a valid interval
+    int tFront = std::min(T, tCallLoc + callLength); // look ahead approx. callLength positions
+    while (tCur < tFront)
+      advance();
+    float probTot = 0; // compute total probability of saved DipTree nodes at current pos (tFront)
+    for (int i = 0; i < (int) nodes[tFront].size(); i++)
+      probTot += normProbs[tFront][i];
+    vector <HapPair> ret(samples);
+    for (int s = 0; s < samples; s++) {
+      // randomly sample a DipTree node
+      float r = rand01();
+      float cumProb = 0;
+      for (int i = 0; i < (int) nodes[tFront].size(); i++) {
+	cumProb += normProbs[tFront][i];
+	if (cumProb > r*probTot || i+1 == (int) nodes[tFront].size()) {
+	  // sample a reference haplotype for each parental path in the sampled DipTree node
+	  for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++) {
+	    int t = tFront; // current position in DipTree
+	    int ind = i; // index into stored DipTree nodes at t
+	    int tStart = tFront; // start of last copied haplotype segment (for now, set to tFront)
+	    // set ret[s].haps[h].tMask{Fwd,Rev} to use when aligning parental paths to phase calls
+	    computeHetMasks(ret[s].haps[h], nodes, tCallLoc, t, ind, h, isFwd);
+	    /*
+	    traceNode(t, i);
+	    cout << "tFront = " << tFront << endl;
+	    cout << "tCallLoc: " << tCallLoc << " tStart: " << tStart << " T: " << T << endl;
+	    */
+	    HapTreeState state; int tBit = 0;
+	    ret[s].haps[h].isEnd = false;
+	    // jump backward one copied segment at a time until we get one starting <= tCallLoc
+	    while (tStart > tCallLoc) {
+	      if (tStart == tCallLoc+1) // prev segment ends in (tCallLoc, tCallLoc+1)
+		ret[s].haps[h].isEnd = true;
+	      while (t != tStart) // rewind DipTree from t to tStart (start of last copied segment)
+		ind = nodes[t--][ind].from;
+	      tBit = h==0 ? nodes[t][ind].hapMat : nodes[t][ind].hapPat; // allele at tStart-1
+	      ind = nodes[t--][ind].from; // move t back 1; now tBit is allele at t (= tStart-1)
+	      // sample previous segment; output is written to (tStart, state)
+	      hapWaves.sampleLastPrefix(tStart, state, t, nodes[t][ind].hapPathInds[h], tBit);
+	      ret[s].haps[h].tLength = t-tStart;
+	    }
+	    const HapTreeMulti &hapTree = hapHedge.getHapTreeMulti(tStart);
+	    bool tBitExtOK = hapTree.next(2*t, state, tBit); // extend state to bit=tBit @ t
+	    if (!tBitExtOK) {
+	      cerr << "Internal error in sampleRefs(): Could not extend haplotype" << endl;
+	      cerr << "  tStart = " << tStart << endl;
+	      cerr << "  t = " << t << endl;
+	      cerr << "  tCallLoc = " << tCallLoc << endl;
+	      cerr << "  tFront = " << tFront << endl;
+	      cerr << "  T = " << T << endl;
+	      cerr << "  tBit = " << tBit << endl;
+	      cerr << "  state.seq = " << state.seq << endl;
+	      cerr << "  state.node = " << state.node << endl;
+	      cerr << "  state.count = " << state.count << endl;
+	      assert(tBitExtOK); // error out
+	    }
+	    // randomly sample an actual haplotype from this prefix, moving up to 10 hets ahead
+	    for (int m = 2*t+1; m < 2*T && m < 2*t+20; m++) {
+	      if (m % 2 == 1) // error bit: extend to 0-err hom region if possible
+		hapTree.nextAtFrac(m, state, 0);
+	      else // het bit: randomly choose extension
+		hapTree.nextAtFrac(m, state, rand01());
+	    }
+	    /*
+	    const HapBitsT &hapBitsT = hapHedge.getHapBitsT();
+	    int refSeq = state.seq; 
+	    // refSeq's bit at tCallLoc: hapBitsT.getBit(refSeq, 2*tCallLoc)
+	    // check tStart..t of refSeq matches geno
+	    for (int m = 2*tStart+1; m <= 2*t; m += 2)
+	      assert(hapBitsT.getBit(refSeq, m)==0);
+	    */
+	    ret[s].haps[h].refSeq = bestHaps[state.seq];
+	  }
+	  break;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    return ret;
+  }
diff --git a/src/DipTreePBWT.hpp b/src/DipTreePBWT.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24201f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/DipTreePBWT.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/random.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/lagged_fibonacci.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/uniform_01.hpp>
+#include "HapHedge.hpp"
+namespace EAGLE {
+  struct HapPathSplit {
+    int t; // location of most recent start = tree index (note HapPath goes to tCur >= t)
+    float relProbLastStop; // cumP for path ending just before t, relative to
+                           // cumP = exp(cumLogP) for full HapPath ending just before tCur
+    int hapPrefixInd; // index (in HapWaves::hapPrefixes[curMod][.])
+                      // of the HapPrefix starting from t that ends the HapPath
+    int hapPrefixTo[2]; // indices (in HapWaves::hapPrefixes[nextMod][.])
+                        // of the extended HapPrefixes starting from t that have 0 (resp. 1)
+                        // at split site tCur (i.e, bit 2*tCur) and no err (i.e., 0) at 2*tCur+1
+    HapPathSplit(void);
+    HapPathSplit(int _t); // split corresponding to new start at tCur=_t (i.e., root state)
+    HapPathSplit(int _t, float relProb, int ind);
+  };
+  struct HapPath {
+    float cumLogP; // log(cumP) for this path ending just before tCur
+    int splitListLength;
+    HapPathSplit *splitList; // [max size = histLength] list of prev split points, probs, prefixes
+    int to[2]; // index of extension to bit = 0 (resp. 1) at split site tCur (i.e., HapPath tCur+1)
+    float toCumLogP[2]; // log(cumP) for extended path
+    HapPath(void);
+  };
+  struct HapPrefix {
+    HapTreeState state; // state in tree getHapTreeMulti(split.t)
+    //int to[2];
+    float toHetOnlyProb[2]; // probability of extension to bit = 0 (resp. 1) at split site tCur
+    HapPrefix(void);
+    HapPrefix(const HapTreeState &_state);
+  };
+  struct RefHap {
+    uint refSeq;
+    short tLength;
+    bool isEnd;
+    short tMaskFwd, tMaskRev;
+  };
+  struct HapPair {
+    RefHap haps[2];
+  };
+// history length to save for sampling ref haps (for in-sample imputation):
+// needs to be a few splits longer than callLength passed to sampleRefs()
+#define HAPWAVES_HIST 25
+  class HapWaves {
+    boost::lagged_fibonacci607 rng;
+    boost::variate_generator<boost::lagged_fibonacci607&, boost::uniform_01<> > rand01;
+    const HapHedgeErr &hapHedge;
+    const std::vector <double> &cMcoords;
+    const double cMexpect;
+    const int histLength, beamWidth;
+    const float pErr;
+    const int maxHapPaths, maxHapPrefixes;
+    int tCur, curMod, nextMod;
+    int hapPathSizes[HAPWAVES_HIST];
+    HapPath *hapPaths[HAPWAVES_HIST]; // [max size = 2*beamWidth each]
+    int hapPrefixSizes[HAPWAVES_HIST];
+    HapPrefix *hapPrefixes[HAPWAVES_HIST]; // [max size = 2*beamWidth * histLength * 2 each]
+  public:
+    HapWaves(const HapHedgeErr &_hapHedge, const std::vector <double> &_cMcoords, double cMexpect,
+	     int _histLength, int _beamWidth, float _logPerr, int _tCur);
+    ~HapWaves(void);
+    float recombP(int tCur, int tSplit) const;
+    // populate hapPrefixes[nextMod]
+    // populate toCumLogP[] in hapPaths[curMod] (but don't populate hapPaths[nextMod])
+    void computeAllExtensions(const std::vector <uchar> &nextPossibleBits);
+    float getToCumLogProb(int ind, int nextBit) const;
+    // look up/create extension of hapPaths[curMod][ind] in hapPaths[nextMod]
+    // return index in hapPaths[nextMod]
+    int extendPath(int ind, int nextBit);
+    void advance(void);
+    void sampleLastPrefix(int &tStart, HapTreeState &state, int t, int hapPathInd, int tBit);
+  };
+  struct DipTreeNode {
+    int from;
+    char unequalAnc, hapMat, hapPat;
+    uint64 histMat, histPat;
+    float boostLogP;
+    float logP;
+    int numErr;
+    int hapPathInds[2];
+    bool operator < (const DipTreeNode &dNode) const;
+  };
+  // constraint encoding:
+  const char OPP_CONSTRAINT = -2; // require no het err, i.e., 0|1 or 1|0
+  const char NO_CONSTRAINT = -1;
+  // relative phase contraints are encoded as (dist=num_splits_to_ref_het<<1)|(rel_phase)
+  // no hom err constraints (i.e., 0|0 at 0, 1|1 at 2) are encoded as 0 or 1 (i.e., dist=0 above)
+  class DipTree {
+    boost::lagged_fibonacci607 rng;
+    boost::variate_generator<boost::lagged_fibonacci607&, boost::uniform_01<> > rand01;
+    const HapHedgeErr &hapHedge;
+    HapWaves hapWaves;
+    const std::vector <uchar> &genos;
+    const char *constraints;
+    const int histLength, beamWidth;
+    const float logPerr;
+    int tCur; const int T;
+    std::vector < std::vector <DipTreeNode> > nodes;
+    std::vector < std::vector <float> > normProbs;
+    void traceNode(int t, int i);
+    void advance(void);
+  public:
+    DipTree(const HapHedgeErr &_hapHedge, const std::vector <uchar> &_genos,
+	    const char *_constraints, const std::vector <double> &_cMcoords, double cMexpect,
+	    int _histLength, int _beamWidth, float _logPerr, int _tCur);
+    // compute probability of AA at hets tCallLoc1 and tCallLoc2
+    float callProbAA(int tCallLoc1, int tCallLoc2, int callLength);
+    // compute diploid dosage at tCallLoc
+    float callDosage(int tCallLoc, int callLength);
+    std::vector <HapPair> sampleRefs(int tCallLoc, int callLength, int samples,
+				     const std::vector <uint> &bestHaps, bool isFwd);
+  };
diff --git a/src/Eagle.cpp b/src/Eagle.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45bb95c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Eagle.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3576 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <queue>
+#include <utility>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "omp.h"
+#include <htslib/vcf.h>
+#include "Types.hpp"
+#include "FileUtils.hpp"
+#include "MemoryUtils.hpp"
+#include "NumericUtils.hpp"
+#include "StringUtils.hpp"
+#include "Timer.hpp"
+#include "HapHedge.hpp"
+#include "Version.hpp"
+#include "Eagle.hpp"
+//#define DETAILS
+namespace EAGLE {
+  using std::vector;
+  using std::string;
+  using std::pair;
+  using std::make_pair;
+  using std::cout;
+  using std::cerr;
+  using std::endl;
+  using std::max;
+  using std::min;
+  const double MEMO_UNSET = -1000;
+  const char noTrioInfo = '`';
+  const string trio1 = "\033[1;36mo\033[0m";
+  const string trio2 = "\033[1;31mx\033[0m";
+  const char IBDx2char = '_';
+  const char ROHchar = '=';
+  const char wrongChar = '@';
+  const char conflictChar = '#';
+  inline uint popcount64(uint64 i) {
+    i = i - ((i >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555);
+    i = (i & 0x3333333333333333) + ((i >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333);
+    i = (i + (i >> 4)) & 0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F;
+    return (i * 0x101010101010101) >> 56;
+  }
+  void Eagle::init() {
+    totTicks = 0; extTicks = 0; diphapTicks = 0; lshTicks = 0; lshCheckTicks = 0;
+    dpTicks = 0; dpStaticTicks = 0; dpSwitchTicks = 0; dpUpdateTicks = 0; dpSortTicks = 0;
+    dpUpdateCalls = 0; blipFixTicks = 0; blipPopTicks = 0; blipVoteTicks = 0; blipLshTicks = 0;
+    maskSnps64j = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UCHARS(Mseg64*64);
+    cMs64j = ALIGNED_MALLOC_DOUBLES(Mseg64*64+1);
+    double cMlast = 0;
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      for (uint64 j = 0; j < seg64cMvecs[m64].size(); j++) {
+	maskSnps64j[m64*64+j] = 1;      
+	cMs64j[m64*64+j] = cMlast = seg64cMvecs[m64][j];
+      }
+      for (uint64 j = seg64cMvecs[m64].size(); j < 64; j++) {
+	maskSnps64j[m64*64+j] = 0;
+	cMs64j[m64*64+j] = cMlast;
+      }
+    }
+    cMs64j[Mseg64*64] = cMlast;
+    haploBits = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINT64S(Mseg64*2*N);
+    haploBitsT = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINT64S(2*N*Mseg64);
+    segConfs = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UCHARS(2*N*Mseg64);
+    maskIndivs = vector <uchar> (N, 1);
+    for (uint wrongBitsA = 0; wrongBitsA < (1U<<switchScoreLutBits); wrongBitsA++)
+      for (uint wrongBitsB = 0; wrongBitsB < (1U<<switchScoreLutBits); wrongBitsB++)
+	for (uint hetBits = 0; hetBits < (1U<<switchScoreLutBits); hetBits++) {
+	  uint wrongHomBitsA = wrongBitsA & ~hetBits;
+	  uint wrongHetBitsA = wrongBitsA & hetBits;
+	  uint wrongHomBitsB = wrongBitsB & ~hetBits;
+	  uint wrongHetBitsB = wrongBitsB & hetBits;
+	  uint lutInd = (wrongBitsA<<(switchScoreLutBits+switchScoreLutBits))
+	    | (wrongBitsB<<(switchScoreLutBits))
+	    | hetBits;
+	  char &minDiff = switchScoreLut[lutInd][0]; minDiff = 0;
+	  char &cumDiff = switchScoreLut[lutInd][1]; cumDiff = 0;
+	  for (uint k = 0; k < switchScoreLutBits; k++) {
+	    cumDiff += ((wrongHomBitsA>>k)&1)*homErrCost + ((wrongHetBitsA>>k)&1)*hetErrCost
+	      - ((wrongHomBitsB>>k)&1)*homErrCost - ((wrongHetBitsB>>k)&1)*hetErrCost;
+	    if (cumDiff < minDiff) minDiff = cumDiff;
+	  }
+	}
+  }
+  Eagle::Eagle(uint64 _N, uint64 _Mseg64, const uint64_masks *_genoBits,
+	       vector < vector <double> > _seg64cMvecs, const AlleleFreqs *_seg64logPs,
+	       vector <double> _invLD64j, const vector <IndivInfoX> &_indivs,
+	       const vector <SnpInfoX> &_snps, const string &maskFile,
+	       const vector <bool> &_isFlipped64j, double _pErr, int runStep2) :
+    N(_N), Nref(0), Mseg64(_Mseg64), genoBits(_genoBits), seg64cMvecs(_seg64cMvecs),
+    seg64logPs(_seg64logPs), invLD64j(_invLD64j), indivs(_indivs), snps(_snps),
+    isFlipped64j(_isFlipped64j), logPerr(log10(_pErr)) {
+    init();
+    if (runStep2) {
+      phaseConfs = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UCHARS(2*N*Mseg64*64);
+      phaseConfs2 = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UCHARS(2*N*Mseg64*64);
+      tmpHaploBitsT = NULL;
+    }
+    else {
+      phaseConfs = phaseConfs2 = NULL;
+      tmpHaploBitsT = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINT64S(2*N*Mseg64);
+      memset(tmpHaploBitsT, 0, 2*N*Mseg64*sizeof(tmpHaploBitsT[0]));
+    }
+    if (!maskFile.empty()) {
+      int masked = 0;
+      vector < pair <string, string> > maskFidIids = FileUtils::readFidIids(maskFile);
+      std::set < pair < string, string> > maskSet(maskFidIids.begin(), maskFidIids.end());
+      for (uint64 n = 0; n < N; n++)
+	if (maskSet.count(make_pair(indivs[n].famID, indivs[n].indivID))) {
+	  maskIndivs[n] = 0;
+	  masked++;
+	}
+      cout << "Number of indivs masked: " << masked << endl;
+    }    
+  }
+  // constructor for ref-mode
+  Eagle::Eagle(uint64 _Nref, uint64 _Ntarget, uint64 _Mseg64, const uint64_masks *_genoBits,
+	       vector < vector <double> > _seg64cMvecs, double _pErr) :
+    N(_Nref+_Ntarget), Nref(_Nref), Mseg64(_Mseg64), genoBits(_genoBits),
+    seg64cMvecs(_seg64cMvecs), logPerr(log10(_pErr)) {
+    init();
+    isFlipped64j = vector <bool> (Mseg64*64); // no flipping in ref mode
+    phaseConfs = phaseConfs2 = NULL;
+    tmpHaploBitsT = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINT64S(2*(N-Nref)*Mseg64);
+    memset(segConfs, 0, 2*N*Mseg64*sizeof(segConfs[0]));
+    for (uint64 nRef = 0; nRef < Nref; nRef++)
+      for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++)	{ // copy ref haploBits stored in genoBits
+	haploBits[m64*2*N + 2*nRef] = genoBits[m64*N + nRef].is0;
+	haploBits[m64*2*N + 2*nRef+1] = genoBits[m64*N + nRef].is2;
+	for (uint64 nHap = 2*nRef; nHap <= 2*nRef+1; nHap++)
+	  haploBitsT[nHap*Mseg64 + m64] = haploBits[m64*2*N + nHap];
+      }
+  }
+  void Eagle::reallocLRPtoPBWT(void) { // non-ref mode transition: LRP iters 1-2 -> PBWT iters 3+
+    assert(phaseConfs != NULL);
+    ALIGNED_FREE(phaseConfs2); phaseConfs2 = NULL;
+    ALIGNED_FREE(phaseConfs); phaseConfs = NULL;
+    assert(tmpHaploBitsT == NULL);
+    tmpHaploBitsT = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINT64S(2*N*Mseg64);
+  }
+  Eagle::~Eagle() {
+    ALIGNED_FREE(segConfs);
+    ALIGNED_FREE(haploBitsT);
+    ALIGNED_FREE(haploBits);
+    if (phaseConfs != NULL) {
+      ALIGNED_FREE(phaseConfs2);
+      ALIGNED_FREE(phaseConfs);
+    }
+    if (tmpHaploBitsT != NULL) {
+      ALIGNED_FREE(tmpHaploBitsT); // allocated only in ref-mode
+    }
+    ALIGNED_FREE(cMs64j);
+    ALIGNED_FREE(maskSnps64j);
+  }
+  inline uint getNonMissingGeno(const uint64_masks &bits, uint64 j) {
+    if (bits.is0 & (1ULL<<j)) return 0;
+    if (bits.is2 & (1ULL<<j)) return 2;
+    return 1; // assumed to be non-missing
+  }
+  inline uint bgetGeno0123(const uint64_masks &bits, uint64 j) {
+    if (bits.is0 & (1ULL<<j)) return 0;
+    if (bits.is2 & (1ULL<<j)) return 2;
+    if (bits.is9 & (1ULL<<j)) return 3;
+    return 1;
+  }
+  uint Eagle::getGeno0123(uint64 m64j, uint64 n) const {
+    return bgetGeno0123(genoBits[m64j/64*N + n], m64j&63);
+  }
+  void Eagle::retractMatch(uint n0, Match &match, double memoLogBF[][4]) const {
+    for (int dir = 0; dir < 2; dir++) {
+      double cumLogBF = 0;
+      while (cumLogBF < log10(4)) {
+	uint m64j;
+	if (dir == 0) m64j = match.m64jStart++;
+	else m64j = match.m64jEnd--;
+	cumLogBF += memoLogBF[m64j][getGeno0123(m64j, match.n)];
+      }
+    }
+    match.m64jStart--;
+    match.m64jEnd++;
+  }
+  Match Eagle::computeDuoLogBF(double memoLogBF[][4], double workLogBF[], uint64 n0, uint64 n1, uint64 m64cur) const {
+    //double snpsChecked = 1;
+    Match match(n1, m64cur*64, m64cur*64, 0);
+    workLogBF[m64cur*64] = 0;
+    for (int dir = 0; dir < 2; dir++) {
+      uint64 inc, m64start, m64end, jStart, jEnd;
+      if (dir == 0) {
+	inc = 1; m64start = m64cur; m64end = Mseg64; jStart = 0; jEnd = 64;
+      }
+      else {
+	inc = -1ULL; m64start = m64cur-1; m64end = -1ULL; jStart = 63; jEnd = -1ULL;
+      }
+      double maxLogBF = 0, curLogBF = 0;
+      for (uint64 m64 = m64start; m64 != m64end; m64 += inc) {
+	const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0], &bits1 = genoBits[m64*N + n1];
+	uint64 wrongBits = (bits0.is0 & bits1.is2) | (bits0.is2 & bits1.is0);      
+	if (wrongBits & (wrongBits-1)) // 2+ wrong => fail
+	  break;
+	uint64 missMask = bits0.is9 | bits1.is9;
+	for (uint64 j = jStart; j != jEnd; j += inc) {
+	  uint geno1 = bgetGeno0123(bits1, j);
+	  double logBFj = 0;
+	  if (!(missMask & (1ULL<<j))) {
+	    double &memoLogBFj = memoLogBF[m64*64+j][geno1];
+	    if (memoLogBFj == MEMO_UNSET) {
+	      uint geno0 = getNonMissingGeno(bits0, j);
+	      double logP_geno1_null = seg64logPs[m64*64+j].cond[geno1][3];
+	      double logP_geno1_duo = seg64logPs[m64*64+j].cond[geno1][geno0];
+	      memoLogBFj = min(max((logP_geno1_duo - logP_geno1_null) * invLD64j[m64*64+j],
+				   logPerr), -logPerr);
+	    }
+	    logBFj = memoLogBFj;
+	  }
+	  workLogBF[m64*64+j] = logBFj;
+	  curLogBF += logBFj;
+	  //if (logBFj != 0) snpsChecked += invLD64j[m64*64+j];
+	  if (curLogBF > maxLogBF) {
+	    maxLogBF = curLogBF;
+	    if (inc == 1) match.m64jEnd = m64*64+j;
+	    else match.m64jStart = m64*64+j;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      match.logBF += maxLogBF;
+    }
+    double minLogBF = 0, curLogBF = 0;
+    for (uint64 m64j = match.m64jStart; m64j <= match.m64jEnd; m64j++) {
+      curLogBF += workLogBF[m64j];
+      if (curLogBF < minLogBF) {
+	minLogBF = curLogBF;
+	match.m64jStart = m64j+1;
+	while (!maskSnps64j[match.m64jStart]) match.m64jStart++;
+      }
+    }
+    match.logBF -= minLogBF;
+    //match.logBF -= log10(snpsChecked);
+    match.cMlenInit = cMs64j[match.m64jEnd] - cMs64j[match.m64jStart];
+    return match;
+  }
+  void Eagle::trim(Match &match, const Match &ref, uint64 n0, int orientation, uint64 trimStart,
+		   int inc, double workLogBF[]) const {
+    uint64 n1 = match.n, n2 = ref.n;
+    // find IBDx2; store IBDx2 status in workLogBF (0 or 1) to compute probabilities accordingly
+    double IBDx2logBF = 0; uint64 IBDx2start = trimStart;
+    for (uint64 m64j = trimStart; m64j+1!=match.m64jStart && m64j!=match.m64jEnd+1; m64j += inc)
+      workLogBF[m64j] = 0; // initialize workLogBF to 0 (not IBDx2) in *MATCH* (n1)
+    // check for IBDx2 in *REF* (n2)
+    uint64 m64jLast; // last SNP to check: go beyond end of match to ensure detection of ref IBDx2
+    if (inc == 1)
+      m64jLast = min(match.m64jEnd + 50ULL, Mseg64*64-1);
+    else
+      m64jLast = max((int) match.m64jStart - 50, 0);
+    for (uint64 m64j = trimStart; m64j!=m64jLast+inc; m64j += inc) {
+      uint g0 = getGeno0123(m64j, n0);
+      uint g2 = getGeno0123(m64j, n2);
+      bool mismatch = false;
+      if (g0 != 3 && g2 != 3) {
+	if (g0 == g2)
+	  IBDx2logBF += seg64logPs[m64j].cond[g2][g0] * invLD64j[m64j];
+	else
+	  mismatch = true;
+      }
+      if (mismatch || m64j==m64jLast) { // end of IBDx2 segment
+	if (IBDx2logBF < -1) { // 10:1 IBDx2
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	  printf("IBDx2 detected in %d: %.1f-%.1f (%d SNPs)\n", (int) n2, cMs64j[IBDx2start], cMs64j[m64j], (int) (m64j-IBDx2start));
+	  for (uint64 m64j2 = IBDx2start; m64j2 != m64j; m64j2 += inc)
+	    workLogBF[m64j2] = 1;
+	}
+	IBDx2logBF = 0; // reset
+	IBDx2start = m64j+inc;
+      }
+    }
+    double maxLogBF = 0, curLogBF = 0; uint64 m64jBest = trimStart;
+    for (uint64 m64j = trimStart; m64j+1!=match.m64jStart && m64j!=match.m64jEnd+1; m64j += inc) {
+      double logBF = 0;
+      uint g0 = getGeno0123(m64j, n0);
+      uint g1 = getGeno0123(m64j, n1);
+      uint g2 = getGeno0123(m64j, n2);
+      if (g0 != 3 && g1 != 3) {
+	uint g0eff = g0;
+	if (g0 == 1 && ref.m64jStart <= m64j && m64j <= ref.m64jEnd && g2 != 3) {
+	  // n0 het and n2 (ref) match info available
+	  if (g2 != 1) { // n2 hom
+	    if (orientation == 1)
+	      g0eff = g2; // treat g0 as n2 hom
+	    else
+	      g0eff = 2-g2; // treat g0 as opp n2 hom
+	  }
+	  else if (workLogBF[m64j] == 0) { // n0 and n2 both hets and not IBDx2
+	    if (orientation == 1)
+	      g0eff = 4; // same orientation as het-het => p(hap=1) = 1-p
+	    else
+	      g0eff = 5; // opp orientation to het-het => p(hap=1) = p
+	  }
+	}
+	double logP_geno1_null = seg64logPs[m64j].cond[g1][3];
+	double logP_geno1_duo = seg64logPs[m64j].cond[g1][g0eff];
+	logBF = min(max((logP_geno1_duo - logP_geno1_null) * invLD64j[m64j],
+			logPerr), -logPerr);	  
+      }
+      curLogBF += logBF;
+      if (curLogBF > maxLogBF) {
+	maxLogBF = curLogBF;
+	m64jBest = m64j;
+      }
+      workLogBF[m64j] = curLogBF;
+    }
+    uint64 m64jTrim = m64jBest;
+    if (inc == 1) match.m64jEnd = m64jTrim;
+    else match.m64jStart = m64jTrim;
+    // conservative trimming: backtrack to 10x higher prob
+    uint m64jTrimCons = trimStart;
+    for (uint64 m64j = trimStart; m64j != m64jBest; m64j += inc)
+      if (workLogBF[m64j] < maxLogBF - log10(10))
+	m64jTrimCons = m64j;
+    if (inc == 1) match.m64jEndCons = std::min(match.m64jEndCons, m64jTrimCons);
+    else match.m64jStartCons = std::max(match.m64jStartCons, m64jTrimCons);
+  }
+  vector <int> searchSigns(const vector <Match> &matches, const vector < vector <uint> > &sameEdges, const vector < vector <uint> > &oppEdges, const vector <bool> &kept) {
+    // process left to right so that when sign choice is arbitrary, adjacent matches have same sign
+    uint V = matches.size();
+    vector <int> signs(V);
+    vector < pair <uint, uint> > order(V);
+    for (uint v = 0; v < V; v++)
+      order[v] = make_pair(matches[v].m64jStart, v);
+    sort(order.begin(), order.end());
+    uint lastEnd = 0; int lastSign = 1; // sign of farthest-right match seen so far
+    std::queue <uint> q;
+    for (uint i = 0; i < V; i++) {
+      uint v = order[i].second;
+      if (!kept[v]) continue; // not used
+      if (signs[v]) continue; // already visited
+      signs[v] = lastSign;
+      q.push(v);
+      while (!q.empty()) {
+	uint u = q.front(); q.pop();
+	for (uint i = 0; i < sameEdges[u].size(); i++) {
+	  uint w = sameEdges[u][i];
+	  if (!kept[w]) continue;
+	  if (signs[w]) {
+	    if (signs[w] != signs[u])
+	      return vector <int> ();
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    signs[w] = signs[u];
+	    q.push(w);
+	    if (matches[w].m64jEnd > lastEnd) {
+	      lastEnd = matches[w].m64jEnd;
+	      lastSign = signs[w];
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	for (uint i = 0; i < oppEdges[u].size(); i++) {
+	  uint w = oppEdges[u][i];
+	  if (!kept[w]) continue;
+	  if (signs[w]) {
+	    if (signs[w] == signs[u])
+	      return vector <int> ();
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    signs[w] = -signs[u];
+	    q.push(w);
+	    if (matches[w].m64jEnd > lastEnd) {
+	      lastEnd = matches[w].m64jEnd;
+	      lastSign = signs[w];
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    return signs;
+  }
+  void updateVote(int &votesCur, int votesThresh, int vote) {
+    if (abs(votesCur) >= votesThresh) return;
+    votesCur += vote;
+  }
+  void Eagle::computePhaseConfs(uint64 n0, const vector <Match> &matches,
+				const vector <int> &signs, bool cons) {
+    vector < vector <int> > votes(2, vector <int> (Mseg64*64));
+    vector <int> votesThresh(Mseg64*64);
+    const int votesMax = 1000000;
+    for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++) {
+      if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+        votesThresh[m64j] = // 2 / log10((1-p)/p) = number of votes needed to get >100:1 odds
+	  (int) (2 / fabs(seg64logPs[m64j].cond[0][4] - seg64logPs[m64j].cond[0][5])) + 1;
+	if (!(votesThresh[m64j] < votesMax)) votesThresh[m64j] = votesMax;
+	uint g0 = getGeno0123(m64j, n0);
+	if (g0 == 0) { votes[0][m64j] = votes[1][m64j] = -votesMax; }
+	else if (g0 == 2) { votes[0][m64j] = votes[1][m64j] = votesMax; }
+	else if (g0 == 3) { votes[0][m64j] = votes[1][m64j] = -1; } // missing: default P(1) = p
+      }
+    }
+    vector <uchar> isIBDx2(Mseg64*64);
+    for (uint i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
+      if (!signs[i]) continue;
+      uint64 start, end;
+      if (cons) {
+	start = std::max(matches[i].m64jStartCons, matches[i].m64jStart);
+	end = std::min(matches[i].m64jEndCons, matches[i].m64jEnd);
+      }
+      else {
+	start = matches[i].m64jStart;
+	end = matches[i].m64jEnd;
+      }
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+      printf("match %d (%.1f-%.1f)\n", (int) i, cMs64j[start], cMs64j[end]);
+      // find IBDx2 regions
+      vector < pair <uint64, uint64> > IBDx2regions;
+      uint64 m64jFirst = max((int) start - 50, 0); // go beyond ends to detect overhanging IBDx2
+      uint64 m64jLast = min(end + 50ULL, Mseg64*64-1);
+      double IBDx2logBF = 0; uint64 IBDx2start = m64jFirst;
+      for (uint64 m64j = m64jFirst; m64j <= m64jLast; m64j++) {
+	uint g0 = getGeno0123(m64j, n0);
+	uint g1 = getGeno0123(m64j, matches[i].n);
+	bool mismatch = false;
+	if (g0 != 3 && g1 != 3) {
+	  if (g0 == g1)
+	    IBDx2logBF += seg64logPs[m64j].cond[g1][g0] * invLD64j[m64j];
+	  else
+	    mismatch = true;
+	}
+	if (mismatch || m64j==m64jLast) { // end of IBDx2 segment
+	  if (IBDx2logBF < -1) { // 10:1 IBDx2
+	    IBDx2regions.push_back(make_pair(IBDx2start, m64j));
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	    printf("IBDx2 detected in %d: %.1f-%.1f (%d SNPs)\n", (int) matches[i].n, cMs64j[IBDx2start], cMs64j[m64j], (int) (m64j-IBDx2start));
+	  }
+	  IBDx2logBF = 0; // reset
+	  IBDx2start = m64j+1;
+	}
+      }
+      for (uint r = 0; r < IBDx2regions.size(); r++) // set IBDx2 region flags
+	memset(&isIBDx2[IBDx2regions[r].first], 1, IBDx2regions[r].second-IBDx2regions[r].first);
+      // accumulate votes
+      for (uint64 m64j = start; m64j <= end; m64j++) {
+	if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+	uint g0 = getGeno0123(m64j, n0);
+	uint g1 = getGeno0123(m64j, matches[i].n);
+	int vote = 0;
+	if (g1 == 0 || g1 == 2) // n1 hom: IBDx2 status irrelevant; phase determined (votesMax)
+	  vote = (g1-1)*votesMax*2; // super strong vote (overrides any previous small votes)
+	else if (g1 == 1 && !isIBDx2[m64j]) // n1 het and not IBDx2; weak phase info
+	  vote = 1;
+	if (vote) {
+	  int q = (signs[i] == 1);
+	  updateVote(votes[q][m64j], votesThresh[m64j], vote);
+	  if (g0 == 1) // n0 het: pass info to opp chromosome
+	    updateVote(votes[!q][m64j], votesThresh[m64j], -vote);
+	}
+      }
+      for (uint r = 0; r < IBDx2regions.size(); r++) // unset IBDx2 region flags
+	memset(&isIBDx2[IBDx2regions[r].first], 0, IBDx2regions[r].second-IBDx2regions[r].first);
+    }
+    // fast rng: last 16 bits of Marsaglia's MWC
+    uint w = 521288629;
+    if (phaseConfs != NULL) { // need to make hard calls here
+      for (uint i = 0; i < (n0 & 0xff); i++)
+	w=18000*(w&65535)+(w>>16);
+    }
+    for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++) {
+      if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+	for (uint64 q = 0; q <= 1; q++) {
+	  double phaseConf;
+	  if (votes[q][m64j] >= votesMax)
+	    phaseConf = 1;
+	  else if (votes[q][m64j] <= -votesMax)
+	    phaseConf = 0;
+	  else {
+	    double OR = pow(10.0, fabs(seg64logPs[m64j].cond[0][4] - seg64logPs[m64j].cond[0][5])
+			    * votes[q][m64j]);
+	    phaseConf = OR / (1 + OR);
+	  }
+	  if (phaseConfs != NULL)
+	    phaseConfs[(2*n0+q)*Mseg64*64 + m64j] = (uchar) (phaseConf * 255);
+	  else {
+	    uchar uPhaseConf = (uchar) (phaseConf * 255);
+	    if (uPhaseConf == (uchar) 255 || ((w=18000*(w&65535)+(w>>16))&255) < uPhaseConf)
+	      tmpHaploBitsT[(2*n0+q)*Mseg64 + (m64j/64)] |= 1ULL<<(m64j&63);
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      else {
+	if (phaseConfs != NULL)
+	  phaseConfs[2*n0*Mseg64*64 + m64j] = phaseConfs[(2*n0+1)*Mseg64*64 + m64j] = 0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  vector <int> Eagle::trioRelPhase(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2) const {
+    bool isParent = false;
+    if (((int) nF1) < 0) { // nF1 is the child; n0 is a parent
+      isParent = true;
+      nF1 = -nF1;
+    }
+    vector <int> trioPhaseVec;
+    for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++) {
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+      uint64 m64cur = m64j/64; uint64 j = m64j&63;
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64cur*N + n0];
+      if ((bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9)&(1ULL<<j)) continue; // not het
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF1 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF1];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF2 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF2];
+      int trioPhase = 0;
+      if (!isParent) {
+	if ((bitsF1.is0|bitsF2.is2)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase++;
+	if ((bitsF1.is2|bitsF2.is0)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase--;	
+      }
+      else { // n0 is a parent; nF1 is the child
+	int g0 = getGeno0123(m64j, nF1); // child
+	int g2 = getGeno0123(m64j, nF2); // other parent
+	if (g0+g2 != 2) { // not Mendel error or triple het
+	  if (g0 == 0) trioPhase = -1;
+	  if (g0 == 2) trioPhase = 1;
+	  if (g0 == 1) { // child is a het
+	    if (g2 == 0) trioPhase = 1;
+	    if (g2 == 2) trioPhase = -1;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      trioPhaseVec.push_back(trioPhase); // 0 => unknown; +/-1 => pat/mat
+      if (trioPhase == 0) continue;
+    }
+    vector <int> trioRelPhaseVec(trioPhaseVec.size()-1);
+    for (uint i = 1; i < trioPhaseVec.size(); i++)
+      trioRelPhaseVec[i-1] = (trioPhaseVec[i-1]==0 || trioPhaseVec[i]==0) ? -1 :
+	(trioPhaseVec[i-1]==trioPhaseVec[i] ? 0 : 1); // -1 => unknown; 0 => same; 1 => opp
+    return trioRelPhaseVec;
+  }
+  void Eagle::checkPhase(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, double thresh) const {
+    cout << "checking at thresh=" << thresh << ": ";
+    double lastPhased = cMs64j[0];
+    for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++) {
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+      uint64 m64cur = m64j/64; uint64 j = m64j&63;
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64cur*N + n0];
+      if ((bits0.is0|bits0.is2)&(1ULL<<j)) continue; // hom
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF1 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF1];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF2 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF2];
+      int trioPhase = 0;
+      if ((bitsF1.is0|bitsF2.is2)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase++;
+      if ((bitsF1.is2|bitsF2.is0)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase--;
+      if (!trioPhase) continue;
+      double phaseConf = phaseConfs[2*n0*Mseg64*64 + m64j] / 255.0;
+      if (std::min(phaseConf, 1-phaseConf) <= thresh) {
+	double cM = cMs64j[m64j];
+	for (int tick = (int) (10*lastPhased) + 1; tick < 10*cM; tick++) {
+	  if (tick % 10 == 0) cout << StringUtils::itos(tick/10); //(char) ('0' + (tick/10)%10);
+	  else cout << '-';
+	}
+	if ((phaseConf < 0.5) == (trioPhase == 1))
+	  cout << trio1;
+	else
+	  cout << trio2;
+	lastPhased = cM;
+      }
+      else
+	cout << '?';
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+  }
+  vector <bool> Eagle::checkPhaseConfsPhase(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2) const {
+    vector <bool> ret;
+    int lastPhased64j = -1;
+    for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++) {
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+      uint64 m64cur = m64j/64; uint64 j = m64j&63;
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64cur*N + n0];
+      if ((bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9)&(1ULL<<j)) continue; // hom
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF1 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF1];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF2 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF2];
+      int trioPhase = 0;
+      if ((bitsF1.is0|bitsF2.is2)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase++;
+      if ((bitsF1.is2|bitsF2.is0)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase--;
+      if (!trioPhase) continue;
+      int hapBit = (int) phaseConfs[2*n0*Mseg64*64 + m64j] >= 128;
+      bool phase = hapBit == (trioPhase == 1);
+      if (lastPhased64j != -1 && ret.back() != phase)
+	printf(" %.2f", (cMs64j[lastPhased64j] + cMs64j[m64j]) / 2);
+      lastPhased64j = m64j;
+      ret.push_back(phase);
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+    return ret;
+  }
+  void Eagle::checkHapPhase(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, const uint64 curHaploBitsT[],
+			    uint64 m64, uint64 side, vector < vector <int> > votes) const {
+    if ((int) nF1 == -1) return;
+    for (uint64 m64j = (m64-side)*64; m64j < (m64+side+1)*64; m64j++) {
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+      uint64 m64cur = m64j/64; uint64 j = m64j&63;
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64cur*N + n0];
+      if ((bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9)&(1ULL<<j)) continue; // not het
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF1 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF1];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF2 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF2];
+      int trioPhase = 0;
+      if ((bitsF1.is0|bitsF2.is2)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase++;
+      if ((bitsF1.is2|bitsF2.is0)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase--;
+      if (!trioPhase) continue;
+      //if (((haploBits[m64cur*2*N + n1hap]>>j)&1) == (trioPhase == 1))
+      //if (((haploBitsT[n1hap*Mseg64 + m64cur]>>j)&1) == (trioPhase == 1))
+      if (((curHaploBitsT[m64cur]>>j)&1) == (trioPhase == 1))
+	cout << trio1;
+      else
+	cout << trio2;
+      if (!votes.empty())
+	cout << "[" << votes[j][(curHaploBitsT[m64cur]>>j)&1] << "|" << votes[j][!((curHaploBitsT[m64cur]>>j)&1)] << ";" << votes[j][((curHaploBitsT[m64cur]>>j)&1)+2] << "|" << votes[j][!((curHaploBitsT[m64cur]>>j)&1)+2] << "]";
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+  }
+  vector <bool> Eagle::checkHapPhase1(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, uint64 n1hap,
+				      uint64 m64start, uint64 m64end, int sign) const {
+    vector <bool> ret;
+    if ((int) nF1 == -1) return ret;
+    cout << "n1hap = " << n1hap << "; m64 = [" << m64start << "," << m64end << "): ";
+    for (uint64 m64j = m64start*64; m64j < m64end*64; m64j++) {
+      if (m64j != m64start*64 && (m64j&63)==0) cout << "|";
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+      uint64 m64cur = m64j/64; uint64 j = m64j&63;
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64cur*N + n0];
+      if ((bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9)&(1ULL<<j)) continue; // not het
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF1 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF1];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF2 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF2];
+      int trioPhase = 0;
+      if ((bitsF1.is0|bitsF2.is2)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase++;
+      if ((bitsF1.is2|bitsF2.is0)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase--;
+      if (!trioPhase) continue;
+      if (((haploBits[m64cur*2*N + n1hap]>>j)&1) == (trioPhase == sign)) {
+	cout << trio1;
+	ret.push_back(0);
+      }
+      else {
+	cout << trio2;
+	ret.push_back(1);
+      }
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+    return ret;
+  }
+  vector <bool> Eagle::checkHapPhase1j(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, uint64 n1hap,
+				       uint64 m64jStart, uint64 m64jEnd, int sign) const {
+    vector <bool> ret;
+    if ((int) nF1 == -1) return ret;
+    //cout << "n1hap = " << n1hap << "; m64 = [" << m64start << "," << m64end << "): ";
+    for (uint64 m64j = m64jStart; m64j < m64jEnd; m64j++) {
+      if (m64j != m64jStart && (m64j&63)==0) cout << m64j/64;//"|";
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+      uint64 m64cur = m64j/64; uint64 j = m64j&63;
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64cur*N + n0];
+      if ((bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9)&(1ULL<<j)) continue; // not het
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF1 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF1];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF2 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF2];
+      int trioPhase = 0;
+      if ((bitsF1.is0|bitsF2.is2)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase++;
+      if ((bitsF1.is2|bitsF2.is0)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase--;
+      if (!trioPhase) continue;
+      if (((haploBits[m64cur*2*N + n1hap]>>j)&1) == (trioPhase == sign)) {
+	cout << trio1;
+	ret.push_back(0);
+      }
+      else {
+	cout << trio2;
+	ret.push_back(1);
+      }
+    }
+    //cout << endl;
+    return ret;
+  }
+  vector <bool> Eagle::checkHapPhase1jCall(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, uint64 callBitsT[],
+					   uint64 m64jStart, uint64 m64jEnd, bool print, int sign) const {
+    vector <bool> ret;
+    if ((int) nF1 == -1) return ret;
+    for (uint64 m64j = m64jStart; m64j < m64jEnd; m64j++) {
+      if (m64j != m64jStart && (m64j&63)==0)
+	if (print) cout << m64j/64;//"|";
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+      uint64 m64cur = m64j/64; uint64 j = m64j&63;
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64cur*N + n0];
+      if ((bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9)&(1ULL<<j)) continue; // not het
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF1 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF1];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF2 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF2];
+      int trioPhase = 0;
+      if ((bitsF1.is0|bitsF2.is2)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase++;
+      if ((bitsF1.is2|bitsF2.is0)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase--;
+      if (!trioPhase) continue;
+      if (((callBitsT[m64cur]>>j)&1) == (trioPhase == sign)) {
+	if (print) cout << trio1;
+	ret.push_back(0);
+      }
+      else {
+	if (print) cout << trio2;
+	ret.push_back(1);
+      }
+    }
+    if (print) cout << endl;
+    return ret;
+  }
+  int Eagle::checkHapPhase2(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, uint64 n1hap,
+				      uint64 n2hapA, uint64 n2hapB, uint64 m64, int sign) const {
+    vector <bool> ret;
+    if ((int) nF1 == -1) return 0;/*ret*/;
+    uint64 n1is1 = haploBitsT[n1hap*Mseg64 + m64];
+    uint64 n2is1A = haploBitsT[n2hapA*Mseg64 + m64];
+    uint64 n2is1B = haploBitsT[n2hapB*Mseg64 + m64];
+    const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+    uint64 wrongHomBitsA = (bits0.is0 & (n1is1 | n2is1A)) | (bits0.is2 & ~(n1is1 & n2is1A));
+    uint64 wrongHetBitsA = (~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) & ~(n1is1 ^ n2is1A));
+    uint64 wrongHomBitsB = (bits0.is0 & (n1is1 | n2is1B)) | (bits0.is2 & ~(n1is1 & n2is1B));
+    uint64 wrongHetBitsB = (~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) & ~(n1is1 ^ n2is1B));
+    uint score = popcount64(wrongHomBitsB)*homErrCost
+      + popcount64(wrongHetBitsB)*hetErrCost;
+    uint minScore = score; uint64 kSwitch = 0;
+    for (uint64 k = 0; k < 64; k++) {
+      score += ((wrongHomBitsA>>k)&1)*homErrCost + ((wrongHetBitsA>>k)&1)*hetErrCost
+	- ((wrongHomBitsB>>k)&1)*homErrCost - ((wrongHetBitsB>>k)&1)*hetErrCost;
+      if (score < minScore) {
+	minScore = score;
+	kSwitch = k+1;
+      }
+    }
+    cout << "m64 = " << m64 << ": (" << n1hap << "," << n2hapA;
+    if (n2hapA != n2hapB) cout << "-" << n2hapB;
+    cout << ") score = " << minScore << " ";
+    cout << " conf = " << (int) segConfs[n1hap*Mseg64+m64] << "," << (int) segConfs[n2hapA*Mseg64+m64];
+    if (n2hapA != n2hapB) cout << "-" << (int) segConfs[n2hapB*Mseg64+m64];
+    cout << " ";
+    for (uint64 j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
+      uint64 m64j = m64*64+j;
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+      if ((bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9)&(1ULL<<j)) continue; // not het
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF1 = genoBits[m64*N + nF1];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF2 = genoBits[m64*N + nF2];
+      int trioPhase = 0;
+      if ((bitsF1.is0|bitsF2.is2)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase++;
+      if ((bitsF1.is2|bitsF2.is0)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase--;
+      if (!trioPhase) continue;
+      bool phase;
+      if (((haploBits[m64*2*N + n1hap]>>j)&1) == (trioPhase == sign))
+	phase = 0;
+      else
+	phase = 1;
+      bool hetErr =
+	((haploBits[m64*2*N + n1hap]>>j)&1) ==
+	((haploBits[m64*2*N + (j<kSwitch?n2hapA:n2hapB)]>>j)&1);
+      uchar conf1 = 0, conf2 = 0;
+      if (hetErr) {
+	conf1 = phaseConfs[n1hap*Mseg64*64 + m64j];
+	conf2 = phaseConfs[(j<kSwitch?n2hapA:n2hapB)*Mseg64*64 + m64j];
+	if (min((int) conf2, 255-conf2) < min((int) conf1, 255-conf1))
+	  phase = !phase;
+      }
+      cout << (phase==0?trio1:trio2);
+      if (hetErr) cout << "?" << "[" << (int) conf1 << "|" << (int) conf2 << "]";
+      ret.push_back(phase);
+    }
+    //cout << endl;
+    return minScore/*ret*/;
+  }
+  vector <bool> Eagle::checkHaploBits(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, uint64 hapBits,
+				      uint64 m64, int pad) const {
+    vector <bool> ret;
+    if ((int) nF1 == -1) return ret;
+    bool isParent = false;
+    if (((int) nF1) < 0) { // nF1 is the child; n0 is a parent
+      isParent = true;
+      nF1 = -nF1;
+    }
+    int printed = 0;
+    for (uint64 j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
+      uint64 m64j = m64*64+j;
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+      if ((bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9)&(1ULL<<j)) continue; // not het
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF1 = genoBits[m64*N + nF1];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF2 = genoBits[m64*N + nF2];
+      int trioPhase = 0;
+      if (!isParent) {
+	if ((bitsF1.is0|bitsF2.is2)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase++;
+	if ((bitsF1.is2|bitsF2.is0)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase--;	
+      }
+      else { // n0 is a parent; nF1 is the child
+	int g0 = getGeno0123(m64j, nF1); // child
+	int g2 = getGeno0123(m64j, nF2); // other parent
+	if (g0+g2 != 2) { // not Mendel error or triple het
+	  if (g0 == 0) trioPhase = -1;
+	  if (g0 == 2) trioPhase = 1;
+	  if (g0 == 1) { // child is a het
+	    if (g2 == 0) trioPhase = 1;
+	    if (g2 == 2) trioPhase = -1;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      if (!trioPhase) continue;
+      if (pad >= 0) {
+	if (((hapBits>>j)&1) == (trioPhase == 1))
+	  cout << trio1;
+	else
+	  cout << trio2;
+	printed++;
+      }
+      ret.push_back(((hapBits>>j)&1) == (trioPhase == 1));
+    }
+    while (printed < pad) { cout << " "; printed++; }
+    return ret;
+  }
+  pair <uint64, uint64> Eagle::phaseSegHMM(uint64 n0, uint64 n1hap, uint64 n2hapA, uint64 n2hapB,
+					   uint64 m64, uint64 &hetErrMask) const {
+    uint64 n1is1 = haploBitsT[n1hap*Mseg64 + m64];
+    uint64 n2is1A = haploBitsT[n2hapA*Mseg64 + m64];
+    uint64 n2is1B = haploBitsT[n2hapB*Mseg64 + m64];
+    const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+    uint64 wrongHomBitsA = (bits0.is0 & (n1is1 | n2is1A)) | (bits0.is2 & ~(n1is1 & n2is1A));
+    uint64 wrongHetBitsA = (~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) & ~(n1is1 ^ n2is1A));
+    uint64 wrongHomBitsB = (bits0.is0 & (n1is1 | n2is1B)) | (bits0.is2 & ~(n1is1 & n2is1B));
+    uint64 wrongHetBitsB = (~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) & ~(n1is1 ^ n2is1B));
+    uint score = popcount64(wrongHomBitsB)*homErrCost
+      + popcount64(wrongHetBitsB)*hetErrCost;
+    uint minScore = score;
+    double cMdiffMax = m64==0 ? 0.0 : cMs64j[m64*64] - cMs64j[m64*64-1];
+    uint64 kSwitch = 0;
+    uint64 kSeg = seg64cMvecs[m64].size();
+    for (uint64 k = 0; k < kSeg; k++) {
+      score += ((wrongHomBitsA>>k)&1)*homErrCost + ((wrongHetBitsA>>k)&1)*hetErrCost
+	- ((wrongHomBitsB>>k)&1)*homErrCost - ((wrongHetBitsB>>k)&1)*hetErrCost;
+      double cMdiff = (k+1==kSeg ? cMs64j[(m64+1)*64] : cMs64j[m64*64+k+1]) - cMs64j[m64*64+k];
+      if (score < minScore || (score == minScore && cMdiff > cMdiffMax)) {
+	minScore = score;
+	cMdiffMax = cMdiff;
+	kSwitch = k+1;
+      }
+    }
+    uint64 phaseBits1 = 0, phaseBits2 = 0; hetErrMask = 0;
+    for (uint64 j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
+      uint64 m64j = m64*64+j;
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+      if (bits0.is0&(1ULL<<j)) // dip = 0: hap1 = hap2 = 0
+	;
+      else if (bits0.is2&(1ULL<<j)) { // dip = 2: hap1 = hap2 = 1
+	phaseBits1 |= 1ULL<<j;
+	phaseBits2 |= 1ULL<<j;
+      }
+      else {
+	uint64 phase1 = (haploBits[m64*2*N + n1hap]>>j)&1;
+        uint64 phase2 = ((haploBits[m64*2*N + (j<kSwitch?n2hapA:n2hapB)]>>j)&1);
+	if (bits0.is9&(1ULL<<j)) { // missing
+	  phaseBits1 |= phase1<<j;
+	  phaseBits2 |= phase2<<j;
+	}
+	else { // het
+	  bool phase = phase1;
+	  bool hetErr = phase1 == phase2;
+	  if (hetErr) {
+	    hetErrMask |= 1ULL<<j;
+	    if (Nref == 0) {
+	      uchar conf1 = phaseConfs[n1hap*Mseg64*64 + m64j];
+	      uchar conf2 = phaseConfs[(j<kSwitch?n2hapA:n2hapB)*Mseg64*64 + m64j];
+	      if (min((int) conf2, 255-conf2) < min((int) conf1, 255-conf1))
+		phase = !phase;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  phaseBits1 |= ((uint64) phase)<<j;
+	  phaseBits2 |= ((uint64) !phase)<<j;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    return make_pair(phaseBits1, phaseBits2);
+  }
+  vector <bool> Eagle::checkSegPhase(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, uint64 n1hap, uint64 n2hap,
+				     int sign, uint64 m64) const {
+    vector <bool> ret;
+    for (uint64 j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
+      uint64 m64j = m64*64+j;
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+      if ((bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9)&(1ULL<<j)) continue; // not het
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF1 = genoBits[m64*N + nF1];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF2 = genoBits[m64*N + nF2];
+      int trioPhase = 0;
+      if ((bitsF1.is0|bitsF2.is2)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase++;
+      if ((bitsF1.is2|bitsF2.is0)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase--;
+      if (!trioPhase) continue;
+      /*
+      int hapBit1 = (haploBits[m64*2*N + n1hap]>>j)&1;
+      if (sign == -1) hapBit1 = 1-hapBit1;
+      int hapBit2 = (haploBits[m64*2*N + n2hap]>>j)&1;
+      if (sign == 1) hapBit2 = 1-hapBit2;
+      uchar conf1 = phaseConfs[n1hap*Mseg64*64 + m64j];
+      uchar conf2 = phaseConfs[n2hap*Mseg64*64 + m64j];
+      //if (hapBit1 != hapBit2) cout << "?[" << (uint) conf1 << "|" << (uint) conf2 << "]";
+      int hapBitFinal = hapBit1;
+      if (!(conf1 == 0 || conf1 == 255) && (conf2 == 0 || conf2 == 255)) hapBitFinal = hapBit2;
+      */
+      int hapBitFinal = (int) phaseConfs2[2*n0*Mseg64*64 + m64j] >= 128;
+      if (hapBitFinal == (trioPhase == 1)) {
+	cout << trio1;
+	ret.push_back(0);
+      }
+      else {
+	cout << trio2;
+	ret.push_back(1);
+      }
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+    return ret;
+  }
+  void Eagle::computeSegPhaseConfs(uint64 n0, uint64 n1hap, uint64 n2hap, int sign, uint64 m64,
+				   int err) {
+    const double maxOffsetFrac = 0.25, offsetFrac = ((n0&63)-31.5)/31.5 * maxOffsetFrac;
+    uint64 m64jStart, m64jEnd;
+    if (offsetFrac >= 0) {
+      m64jStart = m64==0 ? 0 : m64*64 + (uint) (offsetFrac * seg64cMvecs[m64].size());
+      m64jEnd = (m64+1)*64 + (m64+1==Mseg64 ? 0 : (uint) (offsetFrac * seg64cMvecs[m64+1].size()));
+    }
+    else {
+      m64jStart = m64==0 ? 0 : (m64-1)*64 + (uint) ((1+offsetFrac) * seg64cMvecs[m64-1].size());
+      m64jEnd = m64*64 + (m64+1==Mseg64 ? 64 : (uint) ((1+offsetFrac) * seg64cMvecs[m64].size()));
+    }
+    /*
+    cout << "m64 = " << m64 << ": " << m64jStart/64 << "." << (m64jStart&63) << " - "
+	 << m64jEnd/64 << "." << (m64jEnd&63) << endl;
+    */
+    int cropErr = max(err-1, 0);
+    uchar hetConfs[2]; hetConfs[0] = (uchar) cropErr; hetConfs[1] = (uchar) (255-cropErr);
+    for (uint64 m64j = m64jStart; m64j < m64jEnd; m64j++) {
+      if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+	uint64 m64cur = m64j/64; uint64 j = m64j&63;
+	uint g0 = getGeno0123(m64j, n0);
+	if (g0 == 0)
+	  phaseConfs2[2*n0*Mseg64*64 + m64j] = phaseConfs2[(2*n0+1)*Mseg64*64 + m64j] = 0;
+	else if (g0 == 2)
+	  phaseConfs2[2*n0*Mseg64*64 + m64j] = phaseConfs2[(2*n0+1)*Mseg64*64 + m64j] = 255;
+	else {
+	  int hapBit1 = (haploBits[m64cur*2*N + n1hap]>>j)&1;
+	  int hapBit2 = (haploBits[m64cur*2*N + n2hap]>>j)&1;
+	  if (g0 == 1) { // het (not missing)
+	    uchar conf1 = phaseConfs[n1hap*Mseg64*64 + m64j];
+	    uchar conf2 = phaseConfs[n2hap*Mseg64*64 + m64j];
+	    if (!(conf1 == 0 || conf1 == 255) && (conf2 == 0 || conf2 == 255))
+	      hapBit1 = 1-hapBit2; // only use n2hap if n1hap conf <100% and n2hap conf = 100%
+	    else
+	      hapBit2 = 1-hapBit1; // default: go with n1hap
+	  }
+	  if (sign == -1) std::swap(hapBit1, hapBit2);
+	  phaseConfs2[2*n0*Mseg64*64 + m64j] = hetConfs[hapBit1];
+	  phaseConfs2[(2*n0+1)*Mseg64*64 + m64j] = hetConfs[hapBit2];
+	}
+      }
+      else
+	phaseConfs2[2*n0*Mseg64*64 + m64j] = phaseConfs2[(2*n0+1)*Mseg64*64 + m64j] = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  string Eagle::computePhaseString(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2,
+				   const vector <Match> &matches, const vector <int> &signs,
+				   uint64 start, double cMend, bool cons)
+    const {
+    if ((int) nF1 == -1 || (int) nF2 == -1) return "";
+    vector <uint64> starts(matches.size()), ends(matches.size());
+    for (uint i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
+      if (cons) {
+	starts[i] = std::max(matches[i].m64jStartCons, matches[i].m64jStart);
+	ends[i] = std::min(matches[i].m64jEndCons, matches[i].m64jEnd);
+      }
+      else {
+	starts[i] = matches[i].m64jStart;
+	ends[i] = matches[i].m64jEnd;
+      }
+    }
+    string phase;
+    double lastPhased = cMs64j[start], lastHet = lastPhased;
+    int hetCount = 0, snpCount = 0;
+    for (uint64 m64j = start; m64j < Mseg64*64 && cMs64j[m64j] < cMend; m64j++) {
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+      uint64 m64cur = m64j/64; uint64 j = m64j&63;
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64cur*N + n0];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF1 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF1];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF2 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF2];
+      int trioPhase = 1; // default
+      if ((bitsF1.is0|bitsF2.is2)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase = 1;
+      if ((bitsF1.is2|bitsF2.is0)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase = -1;
+      int votes1 = 0, votes2 = 0;
+      snpCount++;
+      if ((bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9)&(1ULL<<j)) {
+	bool wrong = false;
+	for (uint i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++)
+	  if (signs[i] && starts[i] <= m64j && m64j <= ends[i]) {
+	    const uint64_masks &bits1 = genoBits[m64cur*N + matches[i].n];
+	    if (((bits0.is0&bits1.is2)|(bits0.is2&bits1.is0))&(1ULL<<j)) wrong = true;
+	  }
+	if (wrong)
+	  phase += wrongChar;
+	continue; // discard non-hets
+      }
+      for (uint i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++)
+	if (signs[i] && starts[i] <= m64j && m64j <= ends[i]) {
+	  const uint64_masks &bits1 = genoBits[m64cur*N + matches[i].n];
+	  int phase1 = 0;
+	  if (bits1.is0&(1ULL<<j)) phase1 = 1 * signs[i] * trioPhase;
+	  if (bits1.is2&(1ULL<<j)) phase1 = -1 * signs[i] * trioPhase;
+	  if (phase1 == 1) votes1++;
+	  else if (phase1 == -1) votes2++;
+	}
+      trioPhase = 0; // change default
+      if ((bitsF1.is0|bitsF2.is2)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase = 1;
+      if ((bitsF1.is2|bitsF2.is0)&(1ULL<<j)) trioPhase = -1;
+      if (votes1+votes2) {
+	double cM = cMs64j[m64j];
+	for (int tick = (int) (10*lastPhased) + 1; tick < 10*cM; tick++) {
+	  if (tick % 10 == 0) phase += StringUtils::itos(tick/10); //(char) ('0' + (tick/10)%10);
+	  else if (lastHet <= lastPhased) phase += ROHchar;
+	  else phase += IBDx2char;
+	}
+	if (cM-lastPhased > 0.5) {
+	  char buf[20]; sprintf(buf, "[%.1fcM:%d/%d]", cM-lastPhased, hetCount, snpCount);
+	  phase += string(buf);
+	}
+	if (votes1&votes2)
+	  phase += conflictChar;
+	else if (trioPhase) {
+	  if (votes1)
+	    phase += trio1;
+	  else
+	    phase += trio2;
+	}
+	else
+	  phase += noTrioInfo;
+	hetCount = 0; snpCount = 0;
+	lastPhased = cM;
+      }
+      else
+	phase += '?';
+      lastHet = cMs64j[m64j];
+      hetCount++;
+    }
+    if (cMend >= cMs64j[Mseg64*64-1]) {
+      double cM = cMs64j[Mseg64*64-1];
+      for (int tick = (int) (10*lastPhased) + 1; tick < 10*cM; tick++) {
+	if (tick % 10 == 0) phase += (char) ('0' + (tick/10)%10);
+	else if (lastHet <= lastPhased) phase += ROHchar;
+	else phase += IBDx2char;
+      }
+      if (cM-lastPhased > 0.5) {
+	char buf[20]; sprintf(buf, "[%.1fcM:%d/%d]", cM-lastPhased, hetCount, snpCount);
+	phase += string(buf);
+      }
+    }
+    return phase;
+  }
+  void Eagle::printMatch(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, const Match &duoMatch,
+			 double memoLogBF[][4]) const {
+    if ((int) nF1 == -1 || (int) nF2 == -1) return;
+    uint64 n1 = duoMatch.n;
+    uint64 x = duoMatch.m64jStart, y = duoMatch.m64jEnd;
+    double logBF = duoMatch.logBF;
+    int same = 0, opp = 0; string phase;
+    double lastPhased = cMs64j[x], maxPhasedGap = 0, lastHet = cMs64j[x], maxHetGap = 0;
+    int hetCount = 0, snpCount = 0, numErr = 0;
+    for (uint m64j = duoMatch.m64jStart; m64j <= duoMatch.m64jEnd; m64j++) {
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+      uint64 m64cur = m64j/64; uint64 j = m64j&63;
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64cur*N + n0];
+      const uint64_masks &bits1 = genoBits[m64cur*N + n1];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF1 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF1];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF2 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF2];
+      uint64 wrongBits = (bits0.is0 & bits1.is2) | (bits0.is2 & bits1.is0);
+      if (wrongBits&(1ULL<<j)) {
+	phase += wrongChar;
+	numErr++;
+      }
+      uint64 trioPhased = ~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) & 
+	((bitsF1.is0^bitsF2.is0) | (bitsF1.is2^bitsF2.is2));
+      uint64 phased1 = ~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) & (bits1.is0|bits1.is2);
+      if (phased1&(1ULL<<j)) {
+	double cM = cMs64j[m64j];
+	for (int tick = (int) (10*lastPhased) + 1; tick < 10*cM; tick++) {
+	  if (tick % 10 == 0) phase += (char) ('0' + (tick/10)%10);
+	  else if (lastHet <= lastPhased) phase += ROHchar;
+	  else phase += IBDx2char;
+	}
+	if (cM-lastPhased > 0.5) {
+	  char buf[20]; sprintf(buf, "[%.1fcM:%d/%d]", cM-lastPhased, hetCount, snpCount);
+	  phase += string(buf);
+	}
+	if (trioPhased&(1ULL<<j)) {
+	  if ((bits1.is0&(1ULL<<j)) == ((bitsF1.is0|bitsF2.is2)&(1ULL<<j))) {
+	    same++;
+	    phase += trio1;
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    opp++;
+	    phase += trio2;
+	  }
+	}
+	else
+	  phase += noTrioInfo;
+	hetCount = 0; snpCount = 0;
+	if (cM - lastPhased > maxPhasedGap)
+	  maxPhasedGap = cM - lastPhased;
+	lastPhased = cM;
+      }
+      else
+	snpCount++;
+      if ((~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9))&(1ULL<<j)) {
+	double cM = cMs64j[m64j];
+	if (cM - lastHet > maxHetGap)
+	  maxHetGap = cM - lastHet;
+	lastHet = cM;
+	hetCount++;
+      }
+    }
+    double cM = cMs64j[y];
+    if (cM - lastPhased > maxPhasedGap)
+      maxPhasedGap = cM - lastPhased;
+    lastPhased = cM;
+    if (cM - lastHet > maxHetGap)
+      maxHetGap = cM - lastHet;
+    lastHet = cM;
+    const uint WINDOW = 20; double minLogBFwindow = 0, minLoc = 0;
+    for (uint64 wStart = x; wStart+WINDOW <= y; wStart++) {
+      if (!maskSnps64j[wStart]) continue;
+      double logBFwindow = 0;
+      for (uint64 m64j = wStart; m64j < wStart+WINDOW; m64j++) {
+	const uint64_masks &bits1 = genoBits[m64j/64*N + n1];
+	uint geno1 = bgetGeno0123(bits1, m64j&63);
+	if (memoLogBF[m64j][geno1] != MEMO_UNSET) logBFwindow += memoLogBF[m64j][geno1];
+      }
+      if (logBFwindow < minLogBFwindow) {
+	minLogBFwindow = logBFwindow;
+	minLoc = cMs64j[wStart];
+      }
+    }
+    printf("n0=%-5d n1=%-5d (%s) BF= %.1f cM= %.1f (%.1f-%.1f):", (int) n0, (int) n1,
+	   Nref==0 ? indivs[n1].indivID.c_str() : "", logBF, cMs64j[y]-cMs64j[x], cMs64j[x],
+	   cMs64j[y]);
+    cout << " (" << numErr << " errs) ";
+    cout << same << "|" << opp;
+    cout << " " << phase;
+    cout << " max gap: " << maxPhasedGap;
+    cout << " max ROH: " << maxHetGap;
+    printf(" min window logBF: %.1f minLoc: %.1fcM", minLogBFwindow, minLoc);
+    cout << endl;
+  }
+  void Eagle::checkTrioErrorRate(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2) const {
+    if ((int) nF1 == -1) return;
+    int numOppHom1 = 0, numOppHom2 = 0, numWrongHet = 0, snpCount = 0;
+    for (uint m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++) {
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;
+      snpCount++;
+      uint64 m64cur = m64j/64; uint64 j = m64j&63;
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64cur*N + n0];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF1 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF1];
+      const uint64_masks &bitsF2 = genoBits[m64cur*N + nF2];
+      uint64 oppHom1 = (bits0.is0 & bitsF1.is2) | (bits0.is2 & bitsF1.is0);
+      uint64 oppHom2 = (bits0.is0 & bitsF2.is2) | (bits0.is2 & bitsF2.is0);
+      uint64 wrongHet = ~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) &
+	((bitsF1.is0&bitsF2.is0) | (bitsF1.is2&bitsF2.is2));
+      if (oppHom1&(1ULL<<j)) numOppHom1++;
+      if (oppHom2&(1ULL<<j)) numOppHom2++;
+      if (wrongHet&(1ULL<<j)) numWrongHet++;
+    }
+    cout << "oppHom1: " << numOppHom1 << " oppHom2: " << numOppHom2 << " wrongHet: " << numWrongHet
+	 << " / " << snpCount << endl;
+  }
+  void Eagle::findLongHalfIBD(uint64 n0, vector <uint> topInds[2], vector <uint> topIndsLens[2],
+			      uint K) const {
+    /*
+    for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++) {
+      topInds[e] = vector <uint> (Mseg64 * K);
+      topIndsLens[e] = vector <uint> (Mseg64);
+    }
+    uint *runStarts[2][2]; // [even/odd][max err]; lengths are N
+    for (uint p = 0; p < 2; p++)
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++)
+	runStarts[p][e] = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINTS(N);
+    uint *runStartFreqs[2][2]; // [even/odd][max err]; lengths are Mseg64+1 (b/c m64+1 can go over)
+    for (uint p = 0; p < 2; p++)
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++)
+	runStartFreqs[p][e] = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINTS(Mseg64+1);
+    // initialize "prev" p=1
+    for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++) {
+      const uint p = 1;
+      memset(runStarts[p][e], 0, N*sizeof(runStarts[p][e][0])); // all runs start at 0
+      runStartFreqs[p][e][0] = N;
+      memset(&runStartFreqs[p][e][1], 0, Mseg64*sizeof(runStarts[p][e][1]));
+    }
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      // initialize cur [p=(m64&1)] arrays
+      const uint p = m64&1;
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++) {
+	memcpy(runStarts[p][e], runStarts[!p][e], N*sizeof(runStarts[p][e][0]));
+	memset(runStartFreqs[p][e], 0, (Mseg64+1)*sizeof(runStartFreqs[p][e][0]));
+      }
+      uint64_masks bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+      for (uint64 n1 = 0; n1 < N; n1++) {
+	const uint64_masks &bits1 = genoBits[m64*N + n1];
+	uint64 wrongBits = (bits0.is0 & bits1.is2) | (bits0.is2 & bits1.is0);
+	// update cur runStarts based on bit matches
+	if (wrongBits) {
+	  if (wrongBits & (wrongBits-1)) // 2+ wrong => fail; move both starts forward
+	    runStarts[p][0][n1] = runStarts[p][1][n1] = m64+1;
+	  else { // 1 wrong => move 1-err start to 0-err start; fail 0-err
+	    runStarts[p][1][n1] = runStarts[p][0][n1];
+	    runStarts[p][0][n1] = m64+1;
+	  }
+	}
+	// compute cur runStartFreqs based on (updated) cur runStarts
+	for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++)
+	  runStartFreqs[p][e][runStarts[p][e][n1]]++;
+      }
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++)
+	for (uint s64 = 0; s64 <= m64; s64++)
+	  if ((runStartFreqs[p][e][s64] >= K && m64+1 == Mseg64) || // reached end
+	      (runStartFreqs[p][e][s64] < K && runStartFreqs[!p][e][s64] >= K)) {
+	    // all n1 s.t. runStarts[p][e][n1] == s64 are in top K starting from s64
+	    // some n1 s.t. runStarts[!p][e][n1] == s64 are in top K starting from s64
+	    uint allPos = 0, somePos = runStartFreqs[p][e][s64];
+	    uint *topIndsChunk = &topInds[e][s64*K];
+	    for (uint64 n1 = 0; n1 < N; n1++) {
+	      if (allPos < K && runStarts[p][e][n1] == s64)
+		topIndsChunk[allPos++] = n1;
+	      else if (somePos < K && runStarts[!p][e][n1] == s64)
+		topIndsChunk[somePos++] = n1;
+	    }
+	    topIndsLens[e][s64] = min(somePos, K);
+	  }
+    }
+    for (uint p = 0; p < 2; p++)
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++)
+	ALIGNED_FREE(runStartFreqs[p][e]);
+    for (uint p = 0; p < 2; p++)
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++)
+	ALIGNED_FREE(runStarts[p][e]);
+    */
+    for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++) {
+      topInds[e] = vector <uint> (Mseg64 * K);
+      topIndsLens[e] = vector <uint> (Mseg64);
+    }
+    uint *runStarts[2]; // [even/odd]; lengths are N
+    for (uint p = 0; p < 2; p++)
+      runStarts[p] = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINTS(N);
+    uint *runStartFreqs[2]; // [even/odd]; lengths are Mseg64+1 (b/c m64+1 can go over)
+    for (uint p = 0; p < 2; p++)
+      runStartFreqs[p] = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINTS(Mseg64+1);
+    // initialize "prev" p=1
+    {
+      const uint p = 1;
+      memset(runStarts[p], 0, N*sizeof(runStarts[p][0])); // all runs start at 0
+      runStartFreqs[p][0] = N;
+      memset(&runStartFreqs[p][1], 0, Mseg64*sizeof(runStarts[p][1]));
+    }
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      // initialize cur [p=(m64&1)] arrays
+      const uint p = m64&1;
+      {
+	memcpy(runStarts[p], runStarts[!p], N*sizeof(runStarts[p][0]));
+	memset(runStartFreqs[p], 0, (Mseg64+1)*sizeof(runStartFreqs[p][0]));
+      }
+      uint64_masks bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+      for (uint64 n1 = 0; n1 < N; n1++) {
+	const uint64_masks &bits1 = genoBits[m64*N + n1];
+	uint64 wrongBits = (bits0.is0 & bits1.is2) | (bits0.is2 & bits1.is0);
+	// update cur runStarts based on bit matches
+	if (wrongBits) {
+	  runStarts[p][n1] = m64+1;
+	}
+	// compute cur runStartFreqs based on (updated) cur runStarts
+	runStartFreqs[p][runStarts[p][n1]]++;
+      }
+	for (uint s64 = 0; s64 <= m64; s64++)
+	  if ((runStartFreqs[p][s64] >= K && m64+1 == Mseg64) || // reached end
+	      (runStartFreqs[p][s64] < K && runStartFreqs[!p][s64] >= K)) {
+	    // all n1 s.t. runStarts[p][n1] == s64 are in top K starting from s64
+	    // some n1 s.t. runStarts[!p][n1] == s64 are in top K starting from s64
+	    uint allPos = 0, somePos = runStartFreqs[p][s64];
+	    uint *topIndsChunk = &topInds[1][s64*K];
+	    for (uint64 n1 = 0; n1 < N; n1++) {
+	      if (allPos < K && runStarts[p][n1] == s64)
+		topIndsChunk[allPos++] = n1;
+	      else if (somePos < K && runStarts[!p][n1] == s64)
+		topIndsChunk[somePos++] = n1;
+	    }
+	    topIndsLens[1][s64] = min(somePos, K);
+	  }
+    }
+    for (uint p = 0; p < 2; p++)
+      ALIGNED_FREE(runStartFreqs[p]);
+    for (uint p = 0; p < 2; p++)
+      ALIGNED_FREE(runStarts[p]);
+  }
+  void Eagle::findLongDipHap(uint64 n0, vector <uint> topInds[2], vector <uint> topIndsLens[2],
+			     uint K, uint errStart=1) const {
+    uint64 Nhaps = 2*(Nref==0 ? N : Nref);
+    for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++) {
+      topInds[e] = vector <uint> (Mseg64 * K);
+      topIndsLens[e] = vector <uint> (Mseg64);
+    }
+    uint *runStarts[2][2]; // [even/odd][max err]; lengths are Nhaps
+    for (uint p = 0; p < 2; p++)
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++)
+	runStarts[p][e] = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINTS(Nhaps);
+    uint *runStartFreqs[2][2]; // [even/odd][max err]; lengths are Mseg64+1 (b/c m64+1 can go over)
+    for (uint p = 0; p < 2; p++)
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++)
+	runStartFreqs[p][e] = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINTS(Mseg64+1);
+    // initialize "prev" p=1
+    for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++) {
+      const uint p = 1;
+      memset(runStarts[p][e], 0, Nhaps*sizeof(runStarts[p][e][0])); // all runs start at 0
+      runStartFreqs[p][e][0] = Nhaps;
+      memset(&runStartFreqs[p][e][1], 0, Mseg64*sizeof(runStarts[p][e][1]));
+    }
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      // initialize cur [p=(m64&1)] arrays
+      const uint p = m64&1;
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++) {
+	memcpy(runStarts[p][e], runStarts[!p][e], Nhaps*sizeof(runStarts[p][e][0]));
+	memset(runStartFreqs[p][e], 0, (Mseg64+1)*sizeof(runStartFreqs[p][e][0]));
+      }
+      uint64_masks bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+      //uint *runStarts_p_0 = runStarts[p][0], *runStarts_p_1 = runStarts[p][1];
+      //uint *runStartFreqs_p_0 = runStartFreqs[p][0], *runStartFreqs_p_1 = runStartFreqs[p][1];
+      for (uint64 n1 = 0; n1 < Nhaps; n1++) {
+	uint64 is1 = haploBits[m64*2*N + n1];
+	uint64 wrongBits = (bits0.is0 & is1) | (bits0.is2 & ~is1);
+	// update cur runStarts based on bit matches
+	if (wrongBits) {
+	  if (wrongBits & (wrongBits-1)) // 2+ wrong => fail; move both starts forward
+	    runStarts[p][0][n1] = runStarts[p][1][n1] = m64+1;
+	  else { // 1 wrong => move 1-err start to 0-err start; fail 0-err
+	    runStarts[p][1][n1] = runStarts[p][0][n1];
+	    runStarts[p][0][n1] = m64+1;
+	  }
+	}
+	// compute cur runStartFreqs based on (updated) cur runStarts
+	for (uint e = errStart; e < 2; e++)
+	  runStartFreqs[p][e][runStarts[p][e][n1]]++;
+	/*
+	if (wrongBits) {
+	  if (wrongBits & (wrongBits-1)) // 2+ wrong => fail; move both starts forward
+	    runStarts_p_0[n1] = runStarts_p_1[n1] = m64+1;
+	  else { // 1 wrong => move 1-err start to 0-err start; fail 0-err
+	    runStarts_p_1[n1] = runStarts_p_0[n1];
+	    runStarts_p_0[n1] = m64+1;
+	  }
+	}
+	runStartFreqs_p_0[runStarts_p_0[n1]]++;
+	runStartFreqs_p_1[runStarts_p_1[n1]]++;
+	*/
+      }
+      for (uint e = errStart; e < 2; e++)
+	for (uint s64 = 0; s64 <= m64; s64++)
+	  if ((runStartFreqs[p][e][s64] >= K && m64+1 == Mseg64) || // reached end
+	      (runStartFreqs[p][e][s64] < K && runStartFreqs[!p][e][s64] >= K)) {
+	    // all n1 s.t. runStarts[p][e][n1] == s64 are in top K starting from s64
+	    // some n1 s.t. runStarts[!p][e][n1] == s64 are in top K starting from s64
+	    uint allPos = 0, somePos = runStartFreqs[p][e][s64];
+	    uint *topIndsChunk = &topInds[e][s64*K];
+	    for (uint64 n1 = 0; n1 < Nhaps; n1++) {
+	      if (allPos < K && runStarts[p][e][n1] == s64)
+		topIndsChunk[allPos++] = n1;
+	      else if (somePos < K && runStarts[!p][e][n1] == s64)
+		topIndsChunk[somePos++] = n1;
+	    }
+	    topIndsLens[e][s64] = min(somePos, K);
+	  }
+    }
+    for (uint p = 0; p < 2; p++)
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++)
+	ALIGNED_FREE(runStartFreqs[p][e]);
+    for (uint p = 0; p < 2; p++)
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++)
+	ALIGNED_FREE(runStarts[p][e]);
+  }
+  void Eagle::randomlyPhaseTmpHaploBitsT(uint64 n0) {
+    // fast rng: last 16 bits of Marsaglia's MWC
+    uint w = 521288629;
+    for (uint i = 0; i < (n0 & 0xff); i++)
+      w=18000*(w&65535)+(w>>16);
+    uint64 n1 = (n0+1) % N;
+    for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++)
+      if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+	uint g = getGeno0123(m64j, n0);
+	if (g == 3) g = getGeno0123(m64j, n1); // if missing, try filling with geno of next sample
+	if (g == 3) g = 1; // if still missing, set to het
+	if (g == 0) // nothing to do; tmpHaploBitsT is already cleared in init()
+	  ;
+	else if (g == 2) { // set bit in both parental haplotypes
+	  for (uint64 q = 0; q <= 1ULL; q++)
+	    tmpHaploBitsT[(2*n0+q)*Mseg64 + (m64j/64)] |= 1ULL<<(m64j&63);
+	}
+	else { // set bit in random parental haplotype
+	  uint64 q = (w=18000*(w&65535)+(w>>16))&1;
+	  tmpHaploBitsT[(2*n0+q)*Mseg64 + (m64j/64)] |= 1ULL<<(m64j&63);
+	}
+      }
+  }
+  pair <double, vector <double> > Eagle::findLongDipMatches(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2) {
+    if (!maskIndivs[n0]) return make_pair(0.0, vector <double> ());
+    vector <uint> topInds[2]; // [max err]; lengths are Mseg64 * K
+    vector <uint> topIndsLens[2]; // [max err]; lengths are Mseg64
+    const uint K = 10;
+    Timer timer;
+    findLongHalfIBD(n0, topInds, topIndsLens, K);
+    double halfIBDtime = timer.update_time();
+    const double duoMatchThresh = log10(N*10), longMatchMin = 4.0;
+    vector <Match> cumTopMatches;
+    vector <Match> longMatches;
+    double *workLogBF = ALIGNED_MALLOC_DOUBLES(Mseg64*64);
+    double (*memoLogBF)[4] = (double (*)[4]) ALIGNED_MALLOC(Mseg64*64*4*sizeof(double));
+    // initialize memo lookup table of logBFs (n1 given n0)
+    for (uint m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++)
+      for (uint g = 0; g < 4; g++)
+	memoLogBF[m64j][g] = MEMO_UNSET;
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      std::set <uint> n1s; n1s.insert(n0);
+      // delete previous matches that have ended: sort by greaterEnd and erase range at end
+      sort(cumTopMatches.begin(), cumTopMatches.end(), Match::greaterEnd);
+      for (uint k = 0; k < cumTopMatches.size(); k++) {
+	if (m64 >= cumTopMatches[k].m64jEnd/64) {
+	  cumTopMatches.resize(k);
+	  break;
+	}
+	else
+	  n1s.insert(cumTopMatches[k].n);
+      }
+      // incorporate new matches
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++) {
+	for (uint k = 0; k < topIndsLens[e][m64]; k++) {
+	  uint n1 = topInds[e][m64*K + k];
+	  if (maskIndivs[n1] && !n1s.count(n1)) {
+	    n1s.insert(n1);
+	    Match duoMatch = computeDuoLogBF(memoLogBF, workLogBF, n0, n1, m64);
+	    assert(maskSnps64j[duoMatch.m64jStart]);
+	    assert(maskSnps64j[duoMatch.m64jEnd]);
+	    if (duoMatch.logBF > duoMatchThresh && duoMatch.cMlenInit >= longMatchMin) {
+	      longMatches.push_back(duoMatch);
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	      printMatch(n0, nF1, nF2, duoMatch, memoLogBF);
+	      //retractMatch(n0, duoMatch, memoLogBF);
+	      cumTopMatches.push_back(duoMatch);
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+    cout << "num longMatches: " << longMatches.size() << endl;
+    const double longMatchMinTrim = 3.0, minSameOppDiff = 0.5, minMatchLenDiff = 0.5;
+    sort(longMatches.begin(), longMatches.end(), Match::greaterLen);
+    vector < vector <uint> > sameEdges(longMatches.size()), oppEdges(longMatches.size());
+    for (uint i = 0; i < longMatches.size(); i++)
+      for (uint j = 0; j < i; j++) { // trim against previous (longer) matches
+	double iLen = cMs64j[longMatches[i].m64jEnd] - cMs64j[longMatches[i].m64jStart];
+	double jLen = cMs64j[longMatches[j].m64jEnd] - cMs64j[longMatches[j].m64jStart];
+	// check if too short (after previous trimming)
+	if (iLen < longMatchMinTrim || jLen < longMatchMinTrim) continue;
+	Match &d1 = longMatches[iLen<jLen?i:j]; // shorter
+	Match &d2 = longMatches[iLen<jLen?j:i]; // longer
+	if (d1.n == nF1 || d1.n == nF2 || d2.n == nF1 || d2.n == nF2) continue;
+	if (d1.m64jEnd < d2.m64jStart || d2.m64jEnd < d1.m64jStart)
+	  continue; // no overlap
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	printf("  cM= %.1f (%.1f-%.1f), cM= %.1f (%.1f-%.1f):",
+	       cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd]-cMs64j[d1.m64jStart], cMs64j[d1.m64jStart], cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd], 
+	       cMs64j[d2.m64jEnd]-cMs64j[d2.m64jStart], cMs64j[d2.m64jStart], cMs64j[d2.m64jEnd]);
+	uint64 maxStart = max(d1.m64jStart, d2.m64jStart);
+	uint64 minEnd = min(d1.m64jEnd, d2.m64jEnd);
+	uint64 lastSame = maxStart, lastOpp = lastSame;
+	double longestSame = 0, longestOpp = 0;
+	uint64 sameStart = 0, sameEnd = 0, oppStart = 0, oppEnd = 0;
+	for (uint64 m64j = maxStart; m64j <= minEnd; m64j++) {
+	  bool same = false, opp = false;
+	  if (m64j == minEnd) {
+	    same = true; opp = true;
+	  }
+	  else if (getGeno0123(m64j, n0) == 1) {
+	    uint g1 = getGeno0123(m64j, d1.n);
+	    uint g2 = getGeno0123(m64j, d2.n);
+	    if ((g1==0||g1==2) && (g2==0||g2==2)) {
+	      same = g1==g2;
+	      opp = g1!=g2;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  if (same) {
+	    double oppLen = cMs64j[m64j] - cMs64j[lastSame];
+	    if (longestOpp < oppLen) {
+	      longestOpp = oppLen;
+	      oppStart = lastSame; oppEnd = m64j;
+	    }
+	    lastSame = m64j;
+	  }
+	  if (opp) {
+	    double sameLen = cMs64j[m64j] - cMs64j[lastOpp];
+	    if (longestSame < sameLen) {
+	      longestSame = sameLen;
+	      sameStart = lastOpp; sameEnd = m64j;
+	    }
+	    lastOpp = m64j;
+	  }
+	}
+	double fullOverlap = cMs64j[minEnd] - cMs64j[maxStart];
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	printf(" %.1f|%.1f (%.1f-%.1f)|(%.1f-%.1f)\n", longestSame, longestOpp,
+	       cMs64j[sameStart], cMs64j[sameEnd], cMs64j[oppStart], cMs64j[oppEnd]);
+	uint64 trimStart = 0; int orientation = 0;
+	if (longestSame > longestOpp + minSameOppDiff
+	    || (longestSame == fullOverlap && longestSame > longestOpp)) {
+	  sameEdges[i].push_back(j);
+	  sameEdges[j].push_back(i);
+	  orientation = 1;
+	  trimStart = (sameStart+sameEnd)/2;
+	}
+	else if (longestOpp > longestSame + minSameOppDiff
+		 || (longestOpp == fullOverlap && longestOpp > longestSame)) {
+	  oppEdges[i].push_back(j);
+	  oppEdges[j].push_back(i);
+	  orientation = -1;
+	  trimStart = (oppStart+oppEnd)/2;
+	}
+	if (orientation != 0) { // clearly same or opp
+	  // left end
+	  if (cMs64j[d1.m64jStart] < cMs64j[d2.m64jStart] - minMatchLenDiff) // d1 extends further
+	    trim(d2, d1, n0, orientation, trimStart, -1, workLogBF); // => trim d2
+	  else
+	    trim(d1, d2, n0, orientation, trimStart, -1, workLogBF);
+	  // right end
+	  if (cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd] > cMs64j[d2.m64jEnd] + minMatchLenDiff) // d1 extends further
+	    trim(d2, d1, n0, orientation, trimStart, 1, workLogBF); // => trim d2
+	  else
+	    trim(d1, d2, n0, orientation, trimStart, 1, workLogBF);
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	  printf("  --> %.1f (%.1f-%.1f)  --> %.1f (%.1f-%.1f)\n",
+		 cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd]-cMs64j[d1.m64jStart], cMs64j[d1.m64jStart], cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd],
+		 cMs64j[d2.m64jEnd]-cMs64j[d2.m64jStart], cMs64j[d2.m64jStart], cMs64j[d2.m64jEnd]);
+	}
+	else { // can't determine same vs. opp => chop shorter so that matches no longer overlap
+	  if (d1.m64jStart < d2.m64jStart) d1.m64jEnd = d2.m64jStart-1;
+	  else d1.m64jStart = min(d2.m64jEnd+1ULL, Mseg64*64-1);
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	  printf("  trimmed first to cM= %.1f (%.1f-%.1f)\n",
+		 cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd]-cMs64j[d1.m64jStart], cMs64j[d1.m64jStart], cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd]);
+	}
+      }
+    vector <bool> kept(longMatches.size()), checked(longMatches.size());
+    for (uint t = 0; t < longMatches.size(); t++) {
+      // find longest remaining trimmed match
+      uint i = 0; double longest = 0;
+      for (uint iTest = 0; iTest < longMatches.size(); iTest++)
+	if (!checked[iTest]) {
+	  const Match &d1 = longMatches[iTest];
+	  if (cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd]-cMs64j[d1.m64jStart] > longest) {
+	    longest = cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd]-cMs64j[d1.m64jStart];
+	    i = iTest;
+	  }
+	}
+      checked[i] = true;
+      if (longest < longMatchMinTrim) break;
+      if (longMatches[i].n == nF1 || longMatches[i].n == nF2) continue;
+      kept[i] = true;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+      const Match &d1 = longMatches[i];
+      printf("cM= %.1f (%.1f-%.1f)\n",
+	     cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd]-cMs64j[d1.m64jStart], cMs64j[d1.m64jStart], cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd]);
+      vector <int> signs = searchSigns(longMatches, sameEdges, oppEdges, kept);
+      if (signs.empty()) { // inconsistent signs
+	kept[i] = false;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+	cout << "  WARNING: sign inconsistency: eliminating" << endl;
+      }
+    }
+    // compute final signs
+    vector <int> signs = searchSigns(longMatches, sameEdges, oppEdges, kept);
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+    for (uint i = 0; i < longMatches.size(); i++)
+      if (kept[i]) {
+	const Match &d1 = longMatches[i];
+	printf("cM= %.1f (%.1f-%.1f): ",
+	vector <Match> curMatch(1, d1); vector <int> curSign(1, signs[i]);
+	       cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd]-cMs64j[d1.m64jStart], cMs64j[d1.m64jStart], cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd]);
+	cout << computePhaseString(n0, nF1, nF2, curMatch, curSign, d1.m64jStart,
+				   cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd]+1e-9, false) << endl;
+	cout << computePhaseString(n0, nF1, nF2, curMatch, curSign, d1.m64jStart,
+				   cMs64j[d1.m64jEnd]+1e-9, true) << endl;
+      }
+    cout << endl << endl
+	 << "phase: " << computePhaseString(n0, nF1, nF2, longMatches, signs, 0, 1e100, false) << endl;
+    cout << endl << endl
+	 << "phase: " << computePhaseString(n0, nF1, nF2, longMatches, signs, 0, 1e100, true) << endl;
+    computePhaseConfs(n0, longMatches, signs, true);
+    if ((int) nF1 != -1 && (int) nF2 != -1) {
+      checkPhase(n0, nF1, nF2, 0.1);
+      checkPhase(n0, nF1, nF2, 0.5);
+    }
+    ALIGNED_FREE(workLogBF);
+    ALIGNED_FREE(memoLogBF);
+    // record longest match length per seg64 for output
+    vector <double> cMs(Mseg64);
+    bool cons = true;
+    for (uint i = 0; i < longMatches.size(); i++) {
+      if (!signs[i]) continue;
+      uint64 start, end;
+      if (cons) {
+	start = std::max(longMatches[i].m64jStartCons, longMatches[i].m64jStart);
+	end = std::min(longMatches[i].m64jEndCons, longMatches[i].m64jEnd);
+      }
+      else {
+	start = longMatches[i].m64jStart;
+	end = longMatches[i].m64jEnd;
+      }
+      for (uint64 m64 = (start+63)/64; m64 < end/64; m64++)
+	cMs[m64] = std::max(cMs[m64], cMs64j[end]-cMs64j[start]);
+    }
+    return make_pair(halfIBDtime, cMs);
+  }
+  int Eagle::numDipHapWrongBits(uint64 m64, uint64 n0, uint64 n1hap) const {
+    uint64 is1 = haploBits[m64*2*N + n1hap];
+    const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+    uint64 wrongBits = (bits0.is0 & is1) | (bits0.is2 & ~is1);
+    return popcount64(wrongBits);
+  }
+  int Eagle::firstDipHapGoodBit(uint64 m64, uint64 n0, uint64 n1hap) const {
+    uint64 is1 = haploBits[m64*2*N + n1hap];
+    const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+    uint64 wrongBits = (bits0.is0 & is1) | (bits0.is2 & ~is1);
+    return wrongBits ? 64 - __builtin_clzll(wrongBits) : 0; // MSB
+  }
+  int Eagle::firstDipHapWrongBit(uint64 m64, uint64 n0, uint64 n1hap) const {
+    if (m64 >= Mseg64) return 0;
+    uint64 is1 = haploBits[m64*2*N + n1hap];
+    const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+    uint64 wrongBits = (bits0.is0 & is1) | (bits0.is2 & ~is1);
+    return popcount64((wrongBits & ~(wrongBits-1))-1); // LSB
+  }
+    struct DipHapSeg {
+      uint n, start, end;
+      DipHapSeg(uint _n, uint _start, uint _end) : n(_n), start(_start), end(_end) {}
+      bool operator < (const DipHapSeg &seg2) const {
+	return end-start > seg2.end-seg2.start
+	  || (end-start == seg2.end-seg2.start && n < seg2.n);
+      }
+    };
+    struct DipHapSegFarther {
+      bool operator() (const DipHapSeg &seg1, const DipHapSeg &seg2) const {
+	return seg1.end > seg2.end || (seg1.end == seg2.end && seg1.n < seg2.n);
+      }
+    };
+  int Eagle::countSE(const vector <bool> &phaseVec) {
+    int ans = 0;
+    for (uint h = 1; h < phaseVec.size(); h++)
+      ans += (phaseVec[h] != phaseVec[h-1]);
+    return ans;
+  }
+  int Eagle::countMajorSE(const vector <bool> &phaseVec) {
+    vector <bool> phaseVec7;
+    for (uint h7 = 0; h7+7 < phaseVec.size(); h7 += 7) {
+      int votes = 0;
+      for (uint h = h7; h < h7+7; h++)
+	votes += phaseVec[h];
+      phaseVec7.push_back(votes >= 4);
+    }
+    return countSE(phaseVec7);
+  }
+  double Eagle::findLongHapMatches(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, int iter) {
+    if (!maskIndivs[n0]) return 0;
+    if (Mseg64 < 3U) {
+      cerr << "Too few SNP segments for analysis" << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    uint seed = n0; // for rand_r()
+    vector <uint> topInds[2]; // [max err]; lengths are Mseg64 * K
+    vector <uint> topIndsLens[2]; // [max err]; lengths are Mseg64
+    const uint K = 20;
+    Timer timer;
+    findLongDipHap(n0, topInds, topIndsLens, K);
+    double hapTime = timer.update_time();
+    /*
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      cout << "m64 = " << m64 << endl;
+      int m64xMin = std::max(0, (int) m64-5);
+      int m64xMax = std::min(m64+11, Mseg64);
+      for (int m64x = m64xMin; m64x < m64xMax; m64x++) {
+	int numSnps = 0;
+	for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++)
+	  numSnps += maskSnps64j[m64x*64+j];
+	printf("%2d ", numSnps);
+      }
+      cout << endl;
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++) {
+	cout << "e = " << e << endl;
+	for (uint k = 0; k < topIndsLens[e][m64]; k++) {
+	  uint64 n1hap = topInds[e][m64*K + k];
+	  for (int m64x = m64xMin; m64x < m64xMax; m64x++) {
+	    printf("%2d ", numDipHapWrongBits(m64x, n0, n1hap));
+	  }	  
+	  cout << "   (" << n1hap << ")" << endl;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    */
+    const int maxWrongBits = 3;
+    std::set <DipHapSeg> longDipHapSegs[Mseg64];
+    const uint maxSegs = (iter == 2 ? 10 : 20); // TODO: increase accuracy with 20?
+    vector <uint> lastEnd64(2*N);
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      //if ((int) nF1 != -1) cout << "m64 = " << m64 << endl;
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++) {
+	//if ((int) nF1 != -1) cout << "e = " << e << endl;
+	for (uint k = 0; k < topIndsLens[e][m64]; k++) {
+	  uint64 n1hap = topInds[e][m64*K + k];
+	  if (!maskIndivs[n1hap/2]) continue;
+	  if (n1hap/2 == n0) continue;
+	  if (lastEnd64[n1hap] > m64) continue;
+	  // find start
+	  uint segStart = m64;
+	  while ((int) segStart >= 0 && numDipHapWrongBits(segStart, n0, n1hap) <= maxWrongBits)
+	    segStart--;
+	  segStart++;
+	  // find end
+	  uint segEnd = m64;
+	  while (segEnd < Mseg64 && numDipHapWrongBits(segEnd, n0, n1hap) <= maxWrongBits)
+	    segEnd++;
+	  //checkHapPhase1(n0, nF1, nF2, n1hap, segStart, segEnd);
+	  lastEnd64[n1hap] = segEnd;
+	  for (uint64 m64x = segStart; m64x < segEnd; m64x++) {
+	    longDipHapSegs[m64x].insert(DipHapSeg(n1hap, segStart, segEnd));
+	    if (longDipHapSegs[m64x].size() > maxSegs)
+	      longDipHapSegs[m64x].erase(--longDipHapSegs[m64x].end());
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    /*
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      cout << "m64 = " << m64 << endl;
+      for (std::set <DipHapSeg>::iterator it = longDipHapSegs[m64].begin();
+	   it != longDipHapSegs[m64].end(); it++) {
+	printf("%2d: %2d-%2d   (%d)\n", it->end-it->start, it->start, it->end, it->n);
+      }
+    }
+    */
+    uint64 curHaploBitsT[Mseg64];
+    const uint64 side = 1;
+    //const uint numHapHaps = 5;
+    vector <uint> errBests(Mseg64);
+    vector < pair <uint, uint > > n12hapBests(Mseg64);
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0+side; m64+side < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      /*
+      if ((int) nF1 != -1) {
+	cout << "m64 = " << m64 << endl;
+	for (uint i = 0; i < numHapHaps; i++) printf("   ");
+      }
+      checkHapPhase(n0, nF1, nF2, haploBitsT + 2*n0*Mseg64, m64, side);
+      */
+      vector < pair <uint, uint> > bestHitPairs; uint minWrongBits = 99;
+      for (std::set <DipHapSeg>::iterator it = longDipHapSegs[m64].begin();
+	   it != longDipHapSegs[m64].end(); it++) { // for each dip-hap long match
+	uint64 n1hap = it->n;
+	// ---------- SLOW ----------
+	/*
+	std::set < pair <uint, uint> > wrongBitsHaps; uint worstInSet = 1<<30;
+	for (uint64 n2hap = 0; n2hap < 2*N; n2hap++) {
+	  if (!maskIndivs[n2hap/2]) continue;
+	  if (n2hap/2 == n0) continue;
+	  if (n2hap/2 == n1hap/2) continue; // opp haps of same indiv
+	  uint numWrongBits = 0;
+	  for (uint64 m64x = m64-side; m64x <= m64+side; m64x++) {
+	    uint64 n1is1 = haploBits[m64x*2*N + n1hap];
+	    uint64 n2is1 = haploBits[m64x*2*N + n2hap];
+	    const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64x*N + n0];
+	    uint64 wrongBits = (bits0.is0 & (n1is1 | n2is1)) | (bits0.is2 & ~(n1is1 & n2is1))
+	      | (~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) & ~(n1is1 ^ n2is1));
+	    numWrongBits += popcount64(wrongBits);
+	  }
+	  if (numWrongBits < worstInSet) {	    
+	    wrongBitsHaps.insert(make_pair(numWrongBits, n2hap));
+	    if (wrongBitsHaps.size() > numHapHaps) {
+	      wrongBitsHaps.erase(--wrongBitsHaps.end());
+	      worstInSet = (--wrongBitsHaps.end())->first;
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	for (std::set < pair <uint, uint> >::iterator itH = wrongBitsHaps.begin();
+	     itH != wrongBitsHaps.end(); itH++)
+	  printf("%2d ", itH->first);
+	  //printf("%2d   (%d)\n", itH->first, itH->second);
+	*/
+	// ---------- FAST ----------
+	if ((int) nF1 != -1)
+	  printf("| ");
+	for (uint64 m64x = m64-side; m64x <= m64+side; m64x++) {
+	  curHaploBitsT[m64x] = 0;
+	  for (uint64 j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
+	    uint64 m64j = m64x*64+j, bit = 0;
+	    if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+	      uint g0 = getGeno0123(m64j, n0);
+	      if (g0 == 0 || g0 == 3) bit = 0;
+	      else if (g0 == 2) bit = 1;
+	      else bit = 1-((haploBitsT[n1hap*Mseg64 + m64x]>>j)&1);
+	    }
+	    curHaploBitsT[m64x] |= bit<<j;
+	  }
+	}
+	std::ostringstream oss;
+	for (uint h = 0; h < hashLookups[m64].size(); h++) { // for each hashing
+	  uint numHits;
+	  const uint *lenHapInds =
+	    hashLookups[m64][h].query(computeHash(curHaploBitsT, hashBits[m64][h]));
+	  if (lenHapInds == NULL)
+	    numHits = 0;
+	  else
+	    numHits = lenHapInds[0];
+	  //uint best = 99;
+	  for (uint k = 1; k <= numHits; k++) {
+	    uint64 n2hap = lenHapInds[k];
+	    if (!maskIndivs[n2hap/2]) continue;
+	    if (n2hap/2 == n0) continue;
+	    if (n2hap/2 == n1hap/2) continue; // opp haps of same indiv
+	    uint numWrongBits = 0;
+	    for (uint64 m64x = m64-side; m64x <= m64+side; m64x++) {
+	      uint64 n1is1 = haploBitsT[n1hap*Mseg64 + m64x];
+	      uint64 n2is1 = haploBitsT[n2hap*Mseg64 + m64x];
+	      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64x*N + n0];
+	      uint64 wrongBits = (bits0.is0 & (n1is1 | n2is1)) | (bits0.is2 & ~(n1is1 & n2is1))
+		| (~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) & ~(n1is1 ^ n2is1));
+	      uint popcnt = popcount64(wrongBits);	      
+	      numWrongBits += popcnt;
+	    }
+	    if (numWrongBits < minWrongBits) {
+	      minWrongBits = numWrongBits;
+	      bestHitPairs.clear();
+	      bestHitPairs.push_back(make_pair((uint) n1hap, (uint) n2hap));
+	    }
+	    else if (numWrongBits == minWrongBits)
+	      bestHitPairs.push_back(make_pair((uint) n1hap, (uint) n2hap));
+	    /*
+	    if (numWrongBits < best)
+	      best = numWrongBits;
+	    */
+	  }
+	  /*
+	  if ((int) nF1 != -1) {
+	    printf("%2d ", best);
+	    char buf[10]; sprintf(buf, "%2d ", numHits);
+	    oss << string(buf);
+	  }
+	  */
+	}
+	if (/*(int) nF1 != -1*/false) {
+	  cout << ": " << oss.str();
+	  checkHapPhase(n0, nF1, nF2, haploBitsT + /*wrongBitsHaps.begin()->second*/n1hap*Mseg64, m64, side); // n1hap is better!
+	}
+      }
+      if (bestHitPairs.empty()) { // keep current phasing
+	errBests[m64] = 99;
+	n12hapBests[m64] = make_pair((uint) n0*2, (uint) n0*2+1);
+      }
+      else {
+	errBests[m64] = minWrongBits;
+	n12hapBests[m64] = bestHitPairs[rand_r(&seed) % bestHitPairs.size()];
+      }
+    }
+    if ((int) nF1 != -1)
+      cout << endl << "2nd-iter phase:" << endl;
+    int sign = 1; vector <int> signs(Mseg64);
+    uint64 prevInd = side;
+    vector <bool> phaseVec;
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      uint64 curInd = min(max(m64, side), Mseg64-1-side); /*int minWrongBits = 99;
+      for (int diff = - (int) side; diff <= (int) side; diff++) {
+	uint64 m64d = m64+diff;
+	if (m64d >= Mseg64) continue;
+	uint64 n1is1 = haploBitsT[n12hapBests[m64d].first*Mseg64 + m64];
+	uint64 n2is1 = haploBitsT[n12hapBests[m64d].second*Mseg64 + m64];
+	const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+	uint64 wrongBits = (bits0.is0 & (n1is1 | n2is1)) | (bits0.is2 & ~(n1is1 & n2is1))
+	  | (~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) & ~(n1is1 ^ n2is1));
+	int numWrongBits = popcount64(wrongBits);
+	if (numWrongBits < minWrongBits) {
+	  minWrongBits = numWrongBits;
+	  curInd = m64d;
+	}
+      }
+							  */ // best of 3 neighbors doesn't help?
+      vector < pair <int, int> > offsetMults;
+      if (m64 > side && m64 < Mseg64-side) { // update sign
+	uint64 n1prev = n12hapBests[prevInd].first, n2prev = n12hapBests[prevInd].second;
+	uint64 n1cur = n12hapBests[curInd].first, n2cur = n12hapBests[curInd].second;
+	for (uint64 m64j = (m64-side)*64; m64j < (m64+side)*64; m64j++) {
+	  uint h1prev = (haploBitsT[n1prev*Mseg64 + (m64j/64)]>>(m64j&63))&1;
+	  uint h2prev = (haploBitsT[n2prev*Mseg64 + (m64j/64)]>>(m64j&63))&1;
+	  uint h1cur = (haploBitsT[n1cur*Mseg64 + (m64j/64)]>>(m64j&63))&1;
+	  uint h2cur = (haploBitsT[n2cur*Mseg64 + (m64j/64)]>>(m64j&63))&1;
+	  if (h1prev + h2prev == 1 && h1cur + h2cur == 1) {
+	    int offset = abs((int) (m64j - m64*64));
+	    offsetMults.push_back(make_pair(offset, h1prev == h1cur ? 1 : -1));
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      if (!offsetMults.empty()) {
+	sort(offsetMults.begin(), offsetMults.end());
+	int totVotes = min((int) offsetMults.size(), 5), sameVotes = 0;	
+	for (int k = 0; k < totVotes; k++)
+	  if (offsetMults[k].second == 1)
+	    sameVotes++;
+	if (sameVotes < (totVotes+1)/2) sign *= -1; // swap sign
+      }
+      signs[m64] = sign;
+      uint64 n1hap = n12hapBests[curInd].first, n2hap = n12hapBests[curInd].second;
+      computeSegPhaseConfs(n0, n1hap, n2hap, sign, m64, errBests[curInd]);
+      prevInd = curInd;
+    }
+    if ((int) nF1 != -1) {
+      for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+	uint64 curInd = min(max(m64, side), Mseg64-1-side);
+	char usedInd = ' ';
+	if (curInd > m64) usedInd = 'v';
+	else if (curInd < m64) usedInd = '^';
+	uint64 n1hap = n12hapBests[curInd].first, n2hap = n12hapBests[curInd].second;
+	int sign = signs[m64];
+	printf("m64 = %2d   err: %2d %c (%6d,%6d)   ",
+	       (int) m64, (int) errBests[curInd], usedInd, (int) (sign==1 ? n1hap : n2hap),
+	       (int) (sign==1 ? n2hap : n1hap));
+	//cout << closestOffset << endl;
+	vector <bool> phaseSeg = checkSegPhase(n0, nF1, nF2, n1hap, n2hap, sign, m64);
+	phaseVec.insert(phaseVec.end(), phaseSeg.begin(), phaseSeg.end());      
+      }
+      printf("# major SE: %2d   # tot SE: %2d / %d\n", countMajorSE(phaseVec), countSE(phaseVec),
+	     (int) phaseVec.size()-1);
+      fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    /*
+    for (uint64 n1hap = 2*n0; n1hap <= 2*n0+1; n1hap++) {
+      cout << "n0 = " << n0 << "; n1hap = " << n1hap << ": ";
+      for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++)
+	cout << (int) phaseConfs2[n1hap*Mseg64*64 + m64j] << " ";
+      cout << endl;
+    }
+    */
+    return hapTime;
+  }
+  inline uint64 pairToULL(pair <uint, uint> p) { return ((uint64) p.first<<32ULL)|p.second; }
+  inline pair <uint, uint> ullToPair(uint64 ull) {
+    return make_pair((uint) (ull>>32ULL), (uint) ull);
+  }
+  bool Eagle::updateHelper(std::unordered_map <uint64, DPState> &dpTab, uint &dpBestScore,
+			   pair <uint, uint> cur, pair <uint, uint> next, uint score) const {
+    uint64 tscStart = Timer::rdtsc();
+    /* ---- SLOW ----
+    if (dpTab.find(pairToULL(next)) == dpTab.end() || dpTab[pairToULL(next)].score > score)
+      dpTab[pairToULL(next)] = DPState(score, cur);
+    */
+    if (score > dpBestScore + 2*switchCost) return false;
+    DPState &nextState = dpTab[pairToULL(next)];
+    if (nextState.score == 0 || nextState.score > score) {
+      nextState.score = score;
+      nextState.from = cur;
+    }
+    if (score < dpBestScore) dpBestScore = score;
+    dpUpdateTicks += Timer::rdtsc() - tscStart;
+    dpUpdateCalls++;
+    return true;
+  }
+  uint Eagle::computeStaticScore(uint n0, uint n1hap, uint n2hap, uint64 m64) const {
+    uint64 tscStart = Timer::rdtsc();
+    uint64 n1is1 = haploBitsT[n1hap*Mseg64 + m64];
+    uint64 n2is1 = haploBitsT[n2hap*Mseg64 + m64];
+    const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+    uint64 wrongHomBits = (bits0.is0 & (n1is1 | n2is1)) | (bits0.is2 & ~(n1is1 & n2is1));
+    uint64 wrongHetBits = (~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) & ~(n1is1 ^ n2is1));
+    uint score = popcount64(wrongHomBits)*homErrCost
+      + popcount64(wrongHetBits)*hetErrCost
+      + segConfs[n1hap*Mseg64+m64] / 5 + segConfs[n2hap*Mseg64+m64] / 5;
+    dpStaticTicks += Timer::rdtsc() - tscStart;
+    return score;
+  }
+  uint Eagle::computeSwitchScore(uint n0, uint n1hap, uint n2hapA, uint n2hapB, uint64 m64) const {
+    uint64 tscStart = Timer::rdtsc();
+    uint64 n1is1 = haploBitsT[n1hap*Mseg64 + m64];
+    uint64 n2is1A = haploBitsT[n2hapA*Mseg64 + m64];
+    uint64 n2is1B = haploBitsT[n2hapB*Mseg64 + m64];
+    const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+    uint64 wrongHomBitsA = (bits0.is0 & (n1is1 | n2is1A)) | (bits0.is2 & ~(n1is1 & n2is1A));
+    uint64 wrongHetBitsA = (~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) & ~(n1is1 ^ n2is1A));
+    uint64 wrongHomBitsB = (bits0.is0 & (n1is1 | n2is1B)) | (bits0.is2 & ~(n1is1 & n2is1B));
+    uint64 wrongHetBitsB = (~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) & ~(n1is1 ^ n2is1B));
+    /* ---- SLOW ----
+    uint score = popcount64(wrongHomBitsB)*homErrCost
+      + popcount64(wrongHetBitsB)*hetErrCost;
+    uint minScore = score;
+    for (uint64 k = 0; k < 64; k++) {
+      score += ((wrongHomBitsA>>k)&1)*homErrCost + ((wrongHetBitsA>>k)&1)*hetErrCost
+	- ((wrongHomBitsB>>k)&1)*homErrCost - ((wrongHetBitsB>>k)&1)*hetErrCost;
+      if (score < minScore) minScore = score;
+    }
+    assert(score == popcount64(wrongHomBitsA)*homErrCost
+	   + popcount64(wrongHetBitsA)*hetErrCost);
+    */
+    uint64 wrongBitsA = wrongHomBitsA | wrongHetBitsA;
+    uint64 wrongBitsB = wrongHomBitsB | wrongHetBitsB;
+    uint64 hetBits = ~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9);
+    uint mask = (1U<<switchScoreLutBits)-1;
+    int curScore = popcount64(wrongHomBitsB)*homErrCost
+      + popcount64(wrongHetBitsB)*hetErrCost;
+    int bestScore = curScore;
+    for (uint64 b = 0; b < 64; b += switchScoreLutBits) {
+      uint lutInd = ((((uint) (wrongBitsA>>b))&mask)<<(switchScoreLutBits+switchScoreLutBits))
+	| ((((uint) (wrongBitsB>>b))&mask)<<switchScoreLutBits)
+	| ((((uint) (hetBits>>b))&mask));
+      bestScore = min(bestScore, curScore + switchScoreLut[lutInd][0]);
+      curScore += switchScoreLut[lutInd][1];
+    }
+    curScore = bestScore + segConfs[n1hap*Mseg64+m64] / 5 + segConfs[n2hapA*Mseg64+m64] / 5
+      + segConfs[n2hapB*Mseg64+m64] / 5;
+    // additional penalty for errors in (n1hap,n2hapB) at end of m64
+    curScore += ((wrongBitsB & 0xf000000000000000) != 0) + ((wrongBitsB & 0xff00000000000000) != 0)
+      + ((wrongBitsB & 0xffff000000000000) != 0);
+    if (m64+1 < Mseg64) { // additional penalty for errors in (n1hap,n2hapB) at start of m64+1
+      n1is1 = haploBitsT[n1hap*Mseg64 + m64+1];
+      n2is1B = haploBitsT[n2hapB*Mseg64 + m64+1];
+      const uint64_masks &bits0next = genoBits[(m64+1)*N + n0];
+      wrongBitsB = (bits0next.is0 & (n1is1 | n2is1B)) | (bits0next.is2 & ~(n1is1 & n2is1B))
+	| (~(bits0next.is0|bits0next.is2|bits0next.is9) & ~(n1is1 ^ n2is1B));
+      curScore += ((wrongBitsB & 0xf) != 0) + ((wrongBitsB & 0xff) != 0)
+	+ ((wrongBitsB & 0xffff) != 0);
+    }
+    dpSwitchTicks += Timer::rdtsc() - tscStart;
+    return curScore;
+  }
+  void Eagle::updateTable(std::unordered_map <uint64, DPState> dpTable[], uint dpBestScores[],
+			  uint64 m64, uint64 dist, uint n0, uint n1hapA, uint n2hapA, uint n1hapB,
+			  uint n2hapB, uint score) const {
+    if (n1hapB/2 == n2hapB/2) return; // disallow copying both haps from an indiv
+    if ((n1hapA == n1hapB && n2hapA == n2hapB) || (n1hapA != n1hapB && n2hapA != n2hapB))
+      score += computeStaticScore(n0, n1hapB, n2hapB, m64);
+    else {
+      if (n1hapA == n1hapB)
+	score += computeSwitchScore(n0, n1hapA, n2hapA, n2hapB, m64);
+      else /* (n2hapA == n2hapB) */
+	score += computeSwitchScore(n0, n2hapA, n1hapA, n1hapB, m64);
+    }
+    if (!updateHelper(dpTable[m64], dpBestScores[m64], make_pair(n1hapA, n2hapA),
+		      make_pair(n1hapB, n2hapB), score))
+      return;
+    for (uint64 m64x = m64+1; m64x < m64+dist && m64x < Mseg64; m64x++) {
+      score += computeStaticScore(n0, n1hapB, n2hapB, m64x);
+      if (!updateHelper(dpTable[m64x], dpBestScores[m64x], make_pair(n1hapB, n2hapB),
+			make_pair(n1hapB, n2hapB), score))
+	return;
+    }
+  }
+  void updateErrHits(vector <uint> &hitVec, uint64 &bestErrLoc, uint64 errLoc, uint n2hap) {
+    if (errLoc > bestErrLoc) {
+      bestErrLoc = errLoc;
+      hitVec.resize(1, n2hap);
+    }
+    else if (errLoc == bestErrLoc)
+      hitVec.push_back(n2hap);
+  }
+  void Eagle::safeInsert(std::set <uint> &refHapSet, uint n1hap, uint n0) const {
+    if (!maskIndivs[n1hap/2]) return;
+    if (n1hap/2 == n0) return;
+    refHapSet.insert(n1hap);
+  }
+  vector < pair <uint64, uint64> > Eagle::findGoodSegs(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, uint64 n1hap) const {
+    vector < pair <uint64, uint64> > goodSegs;
+    uint64 firstGood = 0;
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      uint64_masks bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+      uint64_masks bitsF1 = genoBits[m64*N + nF1];
+      uint64_masks bitsF2 = genoBits[m64*N + nF2];
+      uint64 is0 = bits0.is0 | (~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) &
+				((bitsF1.is0 & ~bitsF2.is0) | (~bitsF1.is2 & bitsF2.is2)));
+      uint64 is2 = bits0.is2 | (~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) &
+				((bitsF1.is2 & ~bitsF2.is2) | (~bitsF1.is0 & bitsF2.is0)));
+      uint64 is1 = haploBits[m64*2*N + n1hap];
+      uint64 wrongBits = (is0 & is1) | (is2 & ~is1);
+      if (wrongBits) {
+	uint64 firstWrong = m64*64 + popcount64((wrongBits & ~(wrongBits-1))-1);
+	if (firstWrong - firstGood >= 64)
+	  goodSegs.push_back(make_pair(firstGood, firstWrong));
+	firstGood = m64*64 + (wrongBits ? 64 - __builtin_clzll(wrongBits) : 0);
+      }
+    }
+    goodSegs.push_back(make_pair(firstGood, Mseg64*64));
+    return goodSegs;
+  }
+  void Eagle::updateFarHaps(vector < pair <uint, uint> > &farHaps, uint n1hap, uint m64jStart, uint m64jEnd) const {
+    const double cMminLen = 1.0;
+    if (cMs64j[m64jEnd] - cMs64j[m64jStart] < cMminLen) return;
+    //cout << m64jStart/64 << "." << (m64jStart&63) << "-" << m64jEnd/64 << "." << (m64jEnd&63) << " ";
+    if (m64jEnd > farHaps[m64jStart].first) {
+      farHaps[m64jStart].first = m64jEnd;
+      farHaps[m64jStart].second = n1hap;
+    }
+  }
+  double Eagle::runHMM(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, int iter, uint beamWidth,
+		       uint maxHapStates) {
+    if (!maskIndivs[n0]) return 0;
+    if (Mseg64 < 3U) {
+      cerr << "Too few SNP segments for analysis" << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    uint seed = n0; // for rand_r()
+    uint64 tscStart = Timer::rdtsc();
+    vector <uint> topInds[2]; // [max err]; lengths are Mseg64 * K
+    vector <uint> topIndsLens[2]; // [max err]; lengths are Mseg64
+    const uint K = 100;
+    Timer timer;
+    findLongDipHap(n0, topInds, topIndsLens, K, iter >= 4 ? 0 : 1);
+    double hapTime = timer.update_time();
+    diphapTicks += Timer::rdtsc() - tscStart;
+    /*
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      cout << "m64 = " << m64 << endl;
+      int m64xMin = std::max(0, (int) m64-5);
+      int m64xMax = std::min(m64+11, Mseg64);
+      for (int m64x = m64xMin; m64x < m64xMax; m64x++) {
+	int numSnps = 0;
+	for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++)
+	  numSnps += maskSnps64j[m64x*64+j];
+	printf("%2d ", numSnps);
+      }
+      cout << endl;
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++) {
+	cout << "e = " << e << endl;
+	for (uint k = 0; k < topIndsLens[e][m64]; k++) {
+	  uint64 n1hap = topInds[e][m64*K + k];
+	  for (int m64x = m64xMin; m64x < m64xMax; m64x++) {
+	    printf("%2d ", numDipHapWrongBits(m64x, n0, n1hap));
+	  }	  
+	  cout << "   (" << n1hap << ")" << endl;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    */
+    uint64 tscExtStart = Timer::rdtsc();
+    const int maxWrongBits = 1;
+    std::set <DipHapSeg> longDipHapSegsForward[Mseg64];
+    const uint maxSegs = std::max(50U, maxHapStates/4);
+    vector <uint> lastEnd64(2*N);
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+#ifdef DETAILS
+      if ((int) nF1 != -1) cout << "m64 = " << m64 << endl;
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++) {
+#ifdef DETAILS
+	if ((int) nF1 != -1) cout << "e = " << e << endl;
+	for (uint k = 0; k < topIndsLens[e][m64]; k++) {
+	  uint64 n1hap = topInds[e][m64*K + k];
+	  if (!maskIndivs[n1hap/2]) continue;
+	  if (n1hap/2 == n0) continue;
+	  if (lastEnd64[n1hap] > m64) continue;
+	  // find start
+	  uint segStart = m64;
+	  while ((int) segStart >= 0 && numDipHapWrongBits(segStart, n0, n1hap) <= maxWrongBits)
+	    segStart--;
+	  if ((int) segStart < 0) segStart = 0; //segStart++; NEW: start one chunk before!
+	  uint segStart64j = segStart*64 + firstDipHapGoodBit(segStart, n0, n1hap);
+	  // find end
+	  uint segEnd = m64+1;
+	  while (segEnd < Mseg64 && numDipHapWrongBits(segEnd, n0, n1hap) <= maxWrongBits)
+	    segEnd++;
+	  uint segEnd64j = segEnd*64 + firstDipHapWrongBit(segEnd, n0, n1hap);
+#ifdef DETAILS
+	  checkHapPhase1(n0, nF1, nF2, n1hap, segStart, segEnd);
+	  lastEnd64[n1hap] = segEnd;
+	  for (uint64 m64x = segStart; m64x+1 /* extend forward */ < segEnd; m64x++) {
+	    longDipHapSegsForward[m64x].insert(DipHapSeg(n1hap, segStart64j, segEnd64j));
+	    if (longDipHapSegsForward[m64x].size() > maxSegs)
+	      longDipHapSegsForward[m64x].erase(--longDipHapSegsForward[m64x].end());
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    extTicks += Timer::rdtsc() - tscExtStart;
+    std::set <uint> refHapSets[Mseg64];
+    vector <uint> refHapVecs[Mseg64];
+    vector < pair <uint, uint> > refHapOppPairs[Mseg64];
+    const uint numTopShort = maxHapStates/4, numTopLong = maxHapStates/4,
+      minRefHaps = maxHapStates/4;
+    const uint64 side = 1;
+    uint64 curHaploBitsT[Mseg64];
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      uint cumTop = 0;
+      // dip-hap hits starting at m64 and m64+1
+      for (uint64 m64x = m64; m64x < m64+2 && m64x < Mseg64; m64x++)
+	for (uint e = 1; e != -1U; e--) {
+	  cumTop += numTopShort / 4;
+	  for (uint k = 0; k < topIndsLens[e][m64] && refHapSets[m64].size() < cumTop; k++) {
+	    uint n1hap = topInds[e][m64*K + k];
+	    if (segConfs[n1hap*Mseg64+m64] < 5 &&
+		(m64+1==Mseg64 || segConfs[n1hap*Mseg64+m64+1] < 5))
+	      safeInsert(refHapSets[m64], n1hap, n0);
+	  }
+	}	  
+      // long dip hap covering m64, m64+1
+      cumTop += numTopLong;
+      for (std::set <DipHapSeg>::iterator it = longDipHapSegsForward[m64].begin();
+	   it != longDipHapSegsForward[m64].end() && refHapSets[m64].size() < cumTop; it++) {
+	uint n1hap = it->n;
+	if (segConfs[n1hap*Mseg64+m64] < 5 &&
+	    (m64+1==Mseg64 || segConfs[n1hap*Mseg64+m64+1] < 5))
+	  safeInsert(refHapSets[m64], n1hap, n0);
+      }
+#ifdef DETAILS
+      cout << "m64 = " << m64 << ": " << refHapSets[m64].size() << endl;
+      vector <uint> refHapVec(refHapSets[m64].begin(), refHapSets[m64].end());
+      if (m64+1 >= side && m64+1+side < Mseg64) { // look up m64+1 in LSH
+	for (uint k1 = 0; k1 < refHapVec.size(); k1++) {
+	  uint64 n1hap = refHapVec[k1];
+	  // require no err on right part of m64
+	  uint64 m64errMaskMax = 1ULL<<((uint64) rand_r(&seed)&63);
+	  for (uint64 m64x = m64+1-side; m64x <= m64+1+side; m64x++) {
+	    curHaploBitsT[m64x] = 0;
+	    for (uint64 j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
+	      uint64 m64j = m64x*64+j, bit = 0;
+	      if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+		uint g0 = getGeno0123(m64j, n0);
+		if (g0 == 0 || g0 == 3) bit = 0;
+		else if (g0 == 2) bit = 1;
+		else bit = 1-((haploBitsT[n1hap*Mseg64 + m64x]>>j)&1);
+	      }
+	      curHaploBitsT[m64x] |= bit<<j;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  vector <uint> hits[3]; // n2haps with 1st err at [1]: m64+1; [2]: m64+2 (allow 1 at m64+1)
+	  vector <uint64> bestErrLocs(3); // farthest error locations seen
+	  for (uint h = 0; h < hashLookups[m64+1].size(); h++) { // for each hashing
+	    uint numHits;
+	    uint64 tscLshStart = Timer::rdtsc();
+	    const uint *lenHapInds =
+	      hashLookups[m64+1][h].query(computeHash(curHaploBitsT, hashBits[m64+1][h]));
+	    lshTicks += Timer::rdtsc() - tscLshStart;
+	    uint64 tscLshCheckStart = Timer::rdtsc();
+	    if (lenHapInds == NULL)
+	      numHits = 0;
+	    else
+	      numHits = lenHapInds[0];
+	    for (uint k = 1; k <= numHits; k++) {
+	      uint64 n2hap = lenHapInds[k];
+	      if (!maskIndivs[n2hap/2]) continue;
+	      if (n2hap/2 == n0) continue;
+	      if (n2hap/2 == n1hap/2) continue; // opp haps of same indiv
+	      int errFail = 0, err1 = 0; // err1: 1 err in m64+1
+	      uint64 err1Loc = 0, err2Loc = 0;
+	      for (uint64 m64x = m64; m64x <= m64+2; m64x++) {
+		uint64 n1is1 = haploBitsT[n1hap*Mseg64 + m64x];
+		uint64 n2is1 = haploBitsT[n2hap*Mseg64 + m64x];
+		const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64x*N + n0];
+		uint64 wrongBits = (bits0.is0 & (n1is1 | n2is1)) | (bits0.is2 & ~(n1is1 & n2is1))
+		  | (~(bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9) & ~(n1is1 ^ n2is1));
+		if (m64x == m64) {
+		  if (wrongBits >= m64errMaskMax) { // not perfect in right part of m64
+		    errFail = 2; // fail
+		    break;
+		  }
+		}
+		else if (m64x == m64+1) {
+		  if (wrongBits & (wrongBits-1)) { // 2+ err
+		    errFail = 1; // fail
+		    err1Loc = (wrongBits & ~(wrongBits-1))-1; // LSB-1: big is good
+		    break;
+		  }
+		  else if (wrongBits != 0)
+		    err1 = 1;
+		}
+		else {
+		  err2Loc = (wrongBits & ~(wrongBits-1))-1; // LSB-1: big is good
+		}
+	      }
+	      if (!errFail) { // did not fail
+		if (err2Loc != 0) err2Loc -= err1; // slightly worse to have 1 error in m64+1
+		updateErrHits(hits[2], bestErrLocs[2], err2Loc, n2hap);
+	      }
+	      else if (errFail == 1)
+		updateErrHits(hits[1], bestErrLocs[1], err1Loc, n2hap);
+	    }
+	    lshCheckTicks += Timer::rdtsc() - tscLshCheckStart;
+	    if (bestErrLocs[2] == -1ULL) break; // early exit if perfect match found
+	  }
+	  //checkHapPhase1(n0, nF1, nF2, refHapVec[k1], m64, min(m64+3, Mseg64));
+	  uint64 n2hap = -1ULL;
+	  for (int xLoc = 2; xLoc >= 0; xLoc--)
+	    if (!hits[xLoc].empty()) {
+	      n2hap = hits[xLoc][rand_r(&seed) % hits[xLoc].size()];
+	      //cout << "2." << popcount64(bestErrLocs[2]) << ": ";
+	      break;
+	    }
+	  if (n2hap != -1ULL) {
+#ifdef DETAILS
+	    checkHapPhase1(n0, nF1, nF2, n2hap, m64, min(m64+3, Mseg64));
+	    safeInsert(refHapSets[m64], n2hap, n0);
+	    refHapOppPairs[m64].push_back(make_pair((uint) n1hap, (uint) n2hap));
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      // make sure at least some ref haps are chosen: relax earlier conf filter
+      for (std::set <DipHapSeg>::iterator it = longDipHapSegsForward[m64].begin();
+	   it != longDipHapSegsForward[m64].end() && refHapSets[m64].size() < minRefHaps/2; it++)
+	safeInsert(refHapSets[m64], it->n, n0);
+      for (uint64 m64x = m64; m64x < m64+2 && m64x < Mseg64; m64x++)
+	for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++)
+	  for (uint k = 0; k < topIndsLens[e][m64] && refHapSets[m64].size() < minRefHaps; k++)
+	    safeInsert(refHapSets[m64], topInds[e][m64*K + k], n0);
+      refHapVecs[m64] = vector <uint> (refHapSets[m64].begin(), refHapSets[m64].end());
+      //cout << "m64 = " << m64 << ": " << refHapSets[m64].size() << endl;
+    }
+#ifdef DETAILS
+    std::set <DipHapSeg> longTrioHapHapSegsForward[2][Mseg64];
+    uint longestTrioHaps[2][Mseg64]; memset(&longestTrioHaps[0][0], 0, 2*Mseg64*sizeof(longestTrioHaps[0][0]));
+    for (int p = 0; p < 2; p++) {
+      cout << "Checking trio hap - ref hap matches" << endl;
+      for (uint64 n1hap = 0; n1hap < 2*N; n1hap++) {
+	if (n1hap % 10000 == 0) cout << "at " << n1hap << endl;
+	if (!maskIndivs[n1hap/2]) continue;
+	if (n1hap/2 == n0) continue;
+	vector < pair <uint64, uint64> > goodSegs
+	  = findGoodSegs(n0, p==0?nF1:nF2, p==0?nF2:nF1, n1hap);
+	for (uint s = 0; s < goodSegs.size(); s++)
+	  for (uint64 m64x = (goodSegs[s].first + 32) / 64; m64x < (goodSegs[s].second + 32) / 64;
+	       m64x++) {
+	    if (goodSegs[s].second - goodSegs[s].first > longestTrioHaps[p][m64x]) {
+	      longTrioHapHapSegsForward[p][m64x].insert(DipHapSeg(n1hap, goodSegs[s].first,
+								  goodSegs[s].second));
+	      if (longTrioHapHapSegsForward[p][m64x].size() > 10) {
+		longTrioHapHapSegsForward[p][m64x].erase(--longTrioHapHapSegsForward[p][m64x].end());
+		longestTrioHaps[p][m64x] = ((--longTrioHapHapSegsForward[p][m64x].end())->end)
+		  - ((--longTrioHapHapSegsForward[p][m64x].end())->start);
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+      }
+    }
+    /***** RUN HMM (BEAM SEARCH) *****/
+    std::unordered_map <uint64, DPState> dpTable[Mseg64];
+    uint dpBestScores[Mseg64]; for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) dpBestScores[m64] = 1<<30;
+    pair <uint, uint> finalHapPairs[Mseg64];
+    vector <int> bestPathScores(Mseg64);
+    uint64 tscDpStart = Timer::rdtsc();
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 <= Mseg64; m64++) {
+      // find best from prev
+      uint64 tscDpSortStart = Timer::rdtsc();
+      vector <DPState> curStates;
+      if (m64 == 0) curStates.push_back(DPState(0, make_pair(-1U, -1U)));
+      if (m64 > 0) {
+	uint maxDiffScore = 2*switchCost;
+	uint bestScore = dpBestScores[m64-1];
+	// prune best states to beamWidth (via bucket sort)
+	vector < vector <uint64> > curStateBuckets(maxDiffScore+1);
+	for (std::unordered_map <uint64, DPState>::iterator it = dpTable[m64-1].begin();
+	     it != dpTable[m64-1].end(); it++)
+	  if (it->second.score <= bestScore + maxDiffScore)
+	    curStateBuckets[it->second.score - bestScore].push_back(it->first);
+	for (uint dScore = 0; dScore <= maxDiffScore && curStates.size() < beamWidth; dScore++) {
+	  //if (curStates.size() + curStateBuckets[dScore].size() > beamWidth)
+	  //sort(curStateBuckets[dScore].begin(), curStateBuckets[dScore].end());
+	  for (uint k = 0; k < curStateBuckets[dScore].size() && curStates.size() < beamWidth; k++)
+	    curStates.push_back(DPState(bestScore+dScore, ullToPair(curStateBuckets[dScore][k])));
+	}
+	/* ---- SLOW ----
+	for (std::unordered_map <uint64, DPState>::iterator it = dpTable[m64-1].begin();
+	     it != dpTable[m64-1].end(); it++)
+	  if (it->second.score <= bestScore + maxDiffScore)
+	    curStates.push_back(DPState(it->second.score, ullToPair(it->first))); // .from = prev
+        sort(curStates.begin(), curStates.end());
+	*/
+      }
+      dpSortTicks += Timer::rdtsc() - tscDpSortStart;
+      if (m64 < Mseg64) {
+	const vector <uint> &refHapVec = refHapVecs[m64]; uint Kref = refHapVec.size();
+	// iterate through best in beam
+	if (m64 > 0) {
+	  for (uint s = 0; s < curStates.size() && s < beamWidth; s++) {
+	    uint n1hap = curStates[s].from.first, n2hap = curStates[s].from.second;
+	    uint score = curStates[s].score;
+	    // continue
+	    updateTable(dpTable, dpBestScores, m64, 1, n0, n1hap, n2hap, n1hap, n2hap, score);
+	  }
+	  for (uint s = 0; s < curStates.size() && s < beamWidth; s++) {
+	    uint n1hap = curStates[s].from.first, n2hap = curStates[s].from.second;
+	    uint score = curStates[s].score;
+	    // switch n1hap or n2hap
+	    for (uint k = 0; k < Kref; k++) {
+	      updateTable(dpTable, dpBestScores, m64, 3, n0, n1hap, n2hap, refHapVec[k], n2hap,
+			  score+switchCost);
+	      updateTable(dpTable, dpBestScores, m64, 3, n0, n1hap, n2hap, n1hap, refHapVec[k],
+			  score+switchCost);
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	// clean start (from curStates[0])
+	if (m64 == 0) {
+	  for (uint k1 = 0; k1 < Kref; k1++)
+	    for (uint k2 = k1+1; k2 < Kref; k2++)
+	      updateTable(dpTable, dpBestScores, m64, 3, n0, curStates[0].from.first,
+			  curStates[0].from.second, refHapVec[k1], refHapVec[k2],
+			  curStates[0].score+2*switchCost);
+	}
+	else { // only try clean start from opp pairs
+	  for (uint k12 = 0; k12 < refHapOppPairs[m64].size(); k12++)
+	    updateTable(dpTable, dpBestScores, m64, 3, n0, curStates[0].from.first,
+			curStates[0].from.second, refHapOppPairs[m64][k12].first,
+			refHapOppPairs[m64][k12].second, curStates[0].score+3*switchCost);
+	}
+      }
+      else { // finished; backtrack through DP table
+	finalHapPairs[Mseg64-1] = curStates[0].from;
+	bestPathScores[Mseg64-1] = curStates[0].score;
+	for (int m64x = Mseg64-2; m64x >= 0; m64x--) {
+	  finalHapPairs[m64x] = dpTable[m64x+1][pairToULL(finalHapPairs[m64x+1])].from;
+	  //cout << "m64 = " << m64x << ": n1hap = " << finalHapPairs[m64x].first << ", n2hap = " << finalHapPairs[m64x].second << "   score = " << dpTable[m64x+1][pairToULL(finalHapPairs[m64x+1])].score << endl;
+	  bestPathScores[m64x] = dpTable[m64x+1][pairToULL(finalHapPairs[m64x+1])].score;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    dpTicks += Timer::rdtsc() - tscDpStart;
+    uint64 hmmHaploBitsT[2][Mseg64], fixHaploBitsT[2][Mseg64], hetErrMasks[Mseg64],
+      uncertainMasks[Mseg64];
+    vector <bool> phaseVec;
+    vector <int> n1haps, n2haps, n3haps, signs;
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      uint64 n1hap, n2hap, n3hap; int sign;
+      if (m64 == 0) {
+	n1hap = finalHapPairs[m64].first;
+	n2hap = n3hap = finalHapPairs[m64].second;
+	sign = 1;
+      }
+      else if (finalHapPairs[m64].first == finalHapPairs[m64-1].first) {
+	n1hap = finalHapPairs[m64].first;
+	n2hap = finalHapPairs[m64-1].second;
+	n3hap = finalHapPairs[m64].second;
+	sign = 1;
+      }
+      else if (finalHapPairs[m64].second == finalHapPairs[m64-1].second) {
+	n1hap = finalHapPairs[m64].second;
+	n2hap = finalHapPairs[m64-1].first;
+	n3hap = finalHapPairs[m64].first;
+	sign = -1;
+      }
+      else { // restart
+	n1hap = finalHapPairs[m64].first;
+	n2hap = n3hap = finalHapPairs[m64].second;
+	sign = 1;
+      }
+      n1haps.push_back(n1hap); n2haps.push_back(n2hap); n3haps.push_back(n3hap); signs.push_back(sign);
+      pair <uint64, uint64> phaseBits
+	= phaseSegHMM(n0, n1hap, n2hap, n3hap, m64, hetErrMasks[m64]);
+      hmmHaploBitsT[0][m64] = phaseBits.first;
+      hmmHaploBitsT[1][m64] = phaseBits.second;
+      if (sign == -1) std::swap(hmmHaploBitsT[0][m64], hmmHaploBitsT[1][m64]);
+      //checkHapPhase(n0, nF1, nF2, hmmHaploBitsT[0], m64, 0);
+      //vector <bool> phaseSeg = checkHapPhase2(n0, nF1, nF2, n1hap, n2hap, n3hap, m64, sign);
+      //cout << endl;
+      //phaseVec.insert(phaseVec.end(), phaseSeg.begin(), phaseSeg.end());
+    }
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      uint64 tscBlipFixStart = Timer::rdtsc();
+      vector < vector <int> > votes(64, vector <int> (4));
+      uint64 m64mid = min(max(m64, side), Mseg64-1-side);
+      std::unordered_set <uint> seen;
+      //cout << "m64 = " << m64 << endl;
+      for (int opp = 0; opp < 2; opp++)
+	for (uint h = 0; h < min((uint) hashLookups[m64mid].size(), 10U); h++) { // for each hash
+	  uint numHits;
+	  uint64 tscBlipLshStart = Timer::rdtsc();
+	  const uint *lenHapInds =
+	    hashLookups[m64mid][h].query(computeHash(hmmHaploBitsT[opp], hashBits[m64mid][h]));
+	  blipLshTicks += Timer::rdtsc() - tscBlipLshStart;
+	  if (lenHapInds == NULL)
+	    numHits = 0;
+	  else
+	    numHits = lenHapInds[0];
+	  for (uint k = 1; k <= min(numHits, 25U); k++) {
+	    uint64 nXhap = lenHapInds[k];
+	    if (!maskIndivs[nXhap/2]) continue;
+	    if (nXhap/2 == n0) continue;
+	    if (seen.count(nXhap)) continue;
+	    seen.insert(nXhap);
+	    uint64 tscBlipPopStart = Timer::rdtsc();
+	    int errs = 0;	  
+	    for (uint64 m64x = m64mid-side; m64x <= m64mid+side; m64x++) {
+	      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64x*N + n0];
+	      errs += popcount64((hmmHaploBitsT[opp][m64x] ^ haploBitsT[nXhap*Mseg64+m64x])
+				 & ~bits0.is9);
+	    }
+	    blipPopTicks += Timer::rdtsc() - tscBlipPopStart;
+	    uint64 tscBlipVoteStart = Timer::rdtsc();
+	    if (errs <= 2) {
+	      //checkHapPhase(n0, nF1, nF2, haploBitsT + nXhap*Mseg64, m64mid, side);
+	      for (uint64 j = 0; j < 64; j++)
+		votes[j][(((haploBitsT[nXhap*Mseg64+m64]>>j)&1)^opp) + 2*opp]++;
+	    }
+	    blipVoteTicks += Timer::rdtsc() - tscBlipVoteStart;
+	  }
+	}
+      fixHaploBitsT[0][m64] = hmmHaploBitsT[0][m64]; fixHaploBitsT[1][m64] = hmmHaploBitsT[1][m64];
+      const uint64_masks &bits0 = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+      for (uint64 j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
+	if ((bits0.is0|bits0.is2|bits0.is9)&(1ULL<<j)) continue; // not het
+	double relVoteDiff = (hetErrMasks[m64]&(1ULL<<j)) ? 2 : 10; // weak if uncertain phase call
+	double eps = 0.5; // pseudocount
+	double ratioOR = (votes[j][0]+eps)*(votes[j][2]+eps)/(votes[j][1]+eps)/(votes[j][3]+eps);
+	if (ratioOR > relVoteDiff) {
+	  fixHaploBitsT[0][m64] &= ~(1ULL<<j);
+	  fixHaploBitsT[1][m64] |= 1ULL<<j;
+	}
+	if (ratioOR < 1.0/relVoteDiff) {
+	  fixHaploBitsT[0][m64] |= 1ULL<<j;
+	  fixHaploBitsT[1][m64] &= ~(1ULL<<j);
+	}
+      }
+      blipFixTicks += Timer::rdtsc() - tscBlipFixStart;
+      /*
+      if ((int) nF1 != -1) { // output blip fix + vote info
+	if (fixHaploBitsT[0][m64] != hmmHaploBitsT[0][m64])
+	  cout << "*** ";
+	cout << "m64 = " << m64 << ": ";
+	checkHaploBits(n0, nF1, nF2, hmmHaploBitsT[0][m64], m64);
+	if (fixHaploBitsT[0][m64] != hmmHaploBitsT[0][m64]) {
+	  cout << " -> ";
+	  checkHapPhase(n0, nF1, nF2, fixHaploBitsT[0], m64, 0);
+	}
+	cout << " ";
+	checkHapPhase(n0, nF1, nF2, hmmHaploBitsT[0], m64, 0, votes);
+      }
+      */
+    }
+    // set phaseConfs2: 0|255 unless hetErr or flip or miss; 1|254 at those sites
+    uchar *phaseConfsHap0, *phaseConfsHap1;
+    if (Nref) { // allocate temp arrays for phaseConfs2 haplotype confidences
+      phaseConfsHap0 = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UCHARS(Mseg64*64);
+      phaseConfsHap1 = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UCHARS(Mseg64*64);
+    }
+    else {
+      phaseConfsHap0 = phaseConfs2 + 2*n0*Mseg64*64;
+      phaseConfsHap1 = phaseConfs2 + (2*n0+1)*Mseg64*64;
+    }
+    uchar hapConfs[2][2];
+    hapConfs[0][0] = 0; hapConfs[0][1] = 255; // [0][*]: not uncertain
+    hapConfs[1][0] = 1; hapConfs[1][1] = 254; // [1][*]: uncertain
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      uncertainMasks[m64] = hetErrMasks[m64] | (fixHaploBitsT[0][m64] ^ hmmHaploBitsT[0][m64])
+	| genoBits[m64*N + n0].is9;
+      for (uint64 j = 0; j < 64; j++) {	
+	uint64 m64j = m64*64 + j;
+	bool uncertain = (uncertainMasks[m64]>>j)&1;
+	phaseConfsHap0[m64j] = hapConfs[uncertain][(fixHaploBitsT[0][m64]>>j)&1];
+	phaseConfsHap1[m64j] = hapConfs[uncertain][(fixHaploBitsT[1][m64]>>j)&1];
+      }
+    }
+    std::set <DipHapSeg> segsOutput;
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++)
+      for (int p = 0; p < 2; p++) {
+	//cout << "m64 = " << m64 << " true longest cover, parent " << p+1 << endl;
+	for (std::set <DipHapSeg>::iterator it = longTrioHapHapSegsForward[p][m64].begin();
+	     it != longTrioHapHapSegsForward[p][m64].end(); it++) {
+	  if (!segsOutput.count(*it)) {
+          segsOutput.insert(*it);
+	  /*
+	  cout << "n1hap = " << it->n << "; m64 = [" << it->start/64 << "." << (it->start&63) << "," << it->end/64 << "." << (it->end&63) << "): ";
+	  cout << ((std::find(refHapVecs[m64].begin(), refHapVecs[m64].end(), it->n)
+		    != refHapVecs[m64].end()) ? "YES" : "\033[1;33mNO\033[0m") << endl;//" ";
+	  */
+	  //checkHapPhase1j(n0, nF1, nF2, it->n, it->start, it->end); cout << endl;
+	  vector <bool> ret = checkHapPhase1jCall(n0, nF1, nF2, fixHaploBitsT[p], it->start, it->end, false);
+	  if (find(ret.begin(), ret.end(), 0) != ret.end() &&
+	      find(ret.begin(), ret.end(), 1) != ret.end())
+	    checkHapPhase1jCall(n0, nF1, nF2, fixHaploBitsT[p], it->start, it->end, true);
+	  }
+	  break;
+	}
+      }
+    vector < pair <uint, uint> > farHaps(Mseg64*64);
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      //cout << "m64 = " << m64 << ":" << endl;
+      for (uint e = 0; e < 2; e++) {
+	//cout << "e = " << e << ":" << endl;
+	for (uint k = 0; k < topIndsLens[e][m64] && k < 10U /*TODO*/; k++) {
+	  uint64 n1hap = topInds[e][m64*K + k];
+	  // TODO: save this info from earlier
+	  if (!maskIndivs[n1hap/2]) continue;
+	  if (n1hap/2 == n0) continue;
+	  // find start
+	  uint segStart = m64;
+	  while ((int) segStart >= 0 && numDipHapWrongBits(segStart, n0, n1hap) <= maxWrongBits)
+	    segStart--;
+	  if ((int) segStart < 0) segStart = 0;
+	  uint segStart64j = segStart*64 + firstDipHapGoodBit(segStart, n0, n1hap);
+	  // find end
+	  uint segEnd = m64+1;
+	  while (segEnd < Mseg64 && numDipHapWrongBits(segEnd, n0, n1hap) <= maxWrongBits)
+	    segEnd++;
+	  uint segEnd64j = segEnd*64 + firstDipHapWrongBit(segEnd, n0, n1hap);
+	  vector <uint> err64j(1, segStart64j);
+	  bool foundHet = false, prevPhase = false;
+	  for (uint64 m64j = segStart64j; m64j < segEnd64j; m64j++)
+	    if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+	      uint64 m64 = m64j/64, j = m64j&63;
+	      uint g0 = getGeno0123(m64j, n0); // TODO: speed up
+	      bool relPhase = ((haploBitsT[n1hap*Mseg64+m64] ^ fixHaploBitsT[0][m64])>>j)&1;
+	      if (g0 == 1) {		
+		if (!foundHet)
+		  foundHet = true;
+		else if (relPhase != prevPhase)
+		  err64j.push_back(m64j);
+		prevPhase = relPhase;
+	      }
+	      else if (g0 == 0 || g0 == 2) {
+		if (relPhase) { // dip-hap err
+		  err64j.push_back(m64j);
+		  err64j.push_back(m64j);
+		}
+	      }
+	  }
+	  err64j.push_back(segEnd64j);
+	  /*
+          // output post-process debug info
+          cout << "true: "; checkHapPhase1j(n0, nF1, nF2, n1hap, segStart64j, segEnd64j); cout << endl;
+	  cout << "call: "; checkHapPhase1jCall(n0, nF1, nF2, fixHaploBitsT[0], segStart64j, segEnd64j, true);
+	  cout << "err vs. call:";
+	  for (uint i = 0; i < err64j.size(); i++) {
+	    cout << " " << err64j[i]/64 << "." << (err64j[i]&63);
+	    printf("(%.2f)", cMs64j[err64j[i]]);
+	  }
+	  cout << endl;
+	  */
+	  const double cMconsecMin = 1.5, cMendMin = 1.5;
+	  uint iStart = 0;
+	  for (uint i = 1; i < err64j.size(); i++) {
+	    double cMseg = cMs64j[err64j[i]] - cMs64j[err64j[i-1]];
+	    if (i == iStart+1) { // piece ending at err64j[i] is first in new chunk
+	      if (cMseg < cMendMin) // no good; can't start yet
+		iStart = i;
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      double cMprev = cMs64j[err64j[i-1]] - cMs64j[err64j[i-2]];
+	      if (cMprev < cMconsecMin && cMseg < cMconsecMin) { // consec short => split
+		// deal with chunk that just ended at either err64j[i-2] or err64j[i-1]
+		if (cMprev < cMendMin) // last is too short
+		  updateFarHaps(farHaps, n1hap, err64j[iStart], err64j[i-2]);
+		else
+		  updateFarHaps(farHaps, n1hap, err64j[iStart], err64j[i-1]);
+		// deal with beginning of next chunk
+		if (cMseg < cMendMin)
+		  iStart = i;
+		else
+		  iStart = i-1;
+	      }
+	    }
+	    if (i+1 == err64j.size()) {
+	      if (cMseg < cMendMin)
+		updateFarHaps(farHaps, n1hap, err64j[iStart], err64j[i-1]);
+	      else
+		updateFarHaps(farHaps, n1hap, err64j[iStart], err64j[i]);
+	    }
+	  }
+	  //cout << endl;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    uint farEnd = 0;
+    vector <DipHapSeg> hapSegs;
+    for (uint64 segStart64j = 0; segStart64j < Mseg64*64; segStart64j++)
+      if (farHaps[segStart64j].first > farEnd) {
+	farEnd = farHaps[segStart64j].first;
+	hapSegs.push_back(DipHapSeg(farHaps[segStart64j].second, segStart64j, farEnd));
+      }
+    std::set <uint> postSwitches;
+    for (uint i = 0; i < hapSegs.size(); i++) {
+      uint64 n1hap = hapSegs[i].n, segStart64j = hapSegs[i].start, segEnd64j = hapSegs[i].end;
+      uint64 useStart64j = (i==0 || hapSegs[i-1].end < segStart64j) ?
+	segStart64j : (hapSegs[i-1].end + segStart64j)/2;
+      uint64 useEnd64j = (i+1==hapSegs.size() || segEnd64j < hapSegs[i+1].start) ?
+	segEnd64j : (segEnd64j + hapSegs[i+1].start)/2;
+      /*
+      // output post-process debug info
+      double cMstart = cMs64j[segStart64j], cMend = cMs64j[segEnd64j];
+      if ((int) nF1 != -1) {
+	updateFarHaps(farHaps, n1hap, segStart64j, segEnd64j); // just to print
+	cout << endl;
+	cout << "true: "; checkHapPhase1j(n0, nF1, nF2, n1hap, segStart64j, segEnd64j); cout << endl;
+	cout << "call: "; checkHapPhase1jCall(n0, nF1, nF2, fixHaploBitsT[0], segStart64j, segEnd64j, true);
+	printf("%.2f-%.2f cM; ", cMstart, cMend);
+	cout << "use " << useStart64j/64 << "." << (useStart64j&63) << "-"
+	     << useEnd64j/64 << "." << (useEnd64j&63) << endl;
+      }
+      */
+      vector <int> numSinceSwitches; vector <uint64> switchLocs;
+      bool foundHet = false, prevPhase = false; int numSinceSwitch = 0;
+      for (uint64 m64j = segStart64j; m64j < segEnd64j; m64j++)
+	if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+	  uint64 m64 = m64j/64, j = m64j&63;
+	  uint g0 = getGeno0123(m64j, n0); // TODO: speed up
+	  if (g0 == 1) {
+	    numSinceSwitch++;
+	    bool relPhase = ((haploBitsT[n1hap*Mseg64+m64] ^ fixHaploBitsT[0][m64])>>j)&1;
+	    if (!foundHet)
+	      foundHet = true;
+	    else if (relPhase != prevPhase) {
+	      numSinceSwitches.push_back(numSinceSwitch);
+	      switchLocs.push_back(m64j);
+	      numSinceSwitch = 0;
+	    }
+	    prevPhase = relPhase;
+	  }
+	}
+      numSinceSwitches.push_back(numSinceSwitch);
+      for (uint s = 0; s < switchLocs.size(); s++)
+	if (numSinceSwitches[s] > 2 && numSinceSwitches[s+1] > 2 &&
+	    useStart64j <= switchLocs[s] && switchLocs[s] < useEnd64j) {
+	  uint64 m64j = switchLocs[s];
+	  /* output post-process debug info
+	  if ((int) nF1 != -1) {
+	    cout << "SUGGEST SWITCH: " << m64j/64 << "." << (m64j&63);
+	    printf("(%.2f; split %.2f=%.2f+%.2f)", cMs64j[m64j], cMend-cMstart, cMs64j[m64j]-cMstart, cMend-cMs64j[m64j]);
+	  }
+	  */
+	  postSwitches.insert(m64j);
+	}
+    }
+    // apply switches
+    int sign = 1;
+    for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++) {
+      uint64 m64 = m64j/64, j = m64j&63;
+      if (postSwitches.count(m64j))
+	sign = -sign;
+      if (sign == -1) {
+	uint64 tmp = (fixHaploBitsT[0][m64] ^ fixHaploBitsT[1][m64]) & (1ULL<<j);
+	fixHaploBitsT[0][m64] ^= tmp; fixHaploBitsT[1][m64] ^= tmp;
+	tmp = (hmmHaploBitsT[0][m64] ^ hmmHaploBitsT[1][m64]) & (1ULL<<j);
+	hmmHaploBitsT[0][m64] ^= tmp; hmmHaploBitsT[1][m64] ^= tmp;
+	std::swap(phaseConfsHap0[m64j], phaseConfsHap1[m64j]);
+      }
+    }
+    if (Nref) { // store phased haploBits for target sample
+      for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++) {
+	if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;      
+	uint64 hapBits[2];
+	hapBits[0] = (int) phaseConfsHap0[m64j] >= 128;
+	hapBits[1] = (int) phaseConfsHap1[m64j] >= 128;
+	for (uint64 h = 0; h <= 1ULL; h++) {
+	  uint64 nTargetHap = 2*(n0-Nref) + h;
+	  tmpHaploBitsT[nTargetHap*Mseg64 + (m64j/64)] |= hapBits[h]<<(m64j&63);
+	}
+      }
+      ALIGNED_FREE(phaseConfsHap1);
+      ALIGNED_FREE(phaseConfsHap0);
+    }
+    if ((int) nF1 != -1) { // final output
+      cout << "3rd-iter phase:" << endl;
+      for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+	/*
+	checkHaploBits(n0, nF1, nF2, hmmHaploBitsT[0][m64], m64);
+	if (fixHaploBitsT[0][m64] != hmmHaploBitsT[0][m64]) {
+	  cout << " -> ";
+	  checkHaploBits(n0, nF1, nF2, fixHaploBitsT[0][m64], m64);
+	}
+	*/
+	vector <bool> phaseSeg = checkHaploBits(n0, nF1, nF2, fixHaploBitsT[0][m64], m64, -1);
+	//cout << endl;
+	phaseVec.insert(phaseVec.end(), phaseSeg.begin(), phaseSeg.end());
+      }
+      printf("# major SE: %2d   # tot SE: %2d / %d\n", countMajorSE(phaseVec), countSE(phaseVec),
+	     (int) phaseVec.size()-1);
+      fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    totTicks += Timer::rdtsc() - tscStart;
+    return hapTime;
+  }
+  void Eagle::writePhaseConfs(const string &tmpPhaseFile) const {
+    FILE *fout = fopen(tmpPhaseFile.c_str(), "wb");
+    fwrite(phaseConfs, 1, 2*N*Mseg64*64, fout);
+    fclose(fout);
+  }
+  void Eagle::readPhaseConfs(const string &tmpPhaseFile) {
+    FILE *fout = fopen(tmpPhaseFile.c_str(), "rb");
+    fread(phaseConfs, 1, 2*N*Mseg64*64, fout);
+    fclose(fout);
+  }
+  void Eagle::cpPhaseConfs(uint64 n0start, uint64 n0end) {
+    memcpy(phaseConfs + 2*n0start*Mseg64*64, phaseConfs2 + 2*n0start*Mseg64*64,
+	   2*(n0end-n0start)*Mseg64*64);
+  }  
+  void Eagle::cpTmpHaploBitsT(uint64 n0start, uint64 n0end) {
+    memcpy(haploBitsT + 2*n0start*Mseg64, tmpHaploBitsT + 2*n0start*Mseg64,
+	   2*(n0end-n0start)*Mseg64 * sizeof(haploBitsT[0]));
+    for (uint64 nHap = 2*n0start; nHap < 2*n0end; nHap++)
+      for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++)
+	haploBits[m64*2*N + nHap] = haploBitsT[nHap*Mseg64 + m64];
+  }  
+  void Eagle::outputSE(const vector <uint> &children, const vector <uint> &nF1s,
+		       const vector <uint> &nF2s, int step) const {
+    if (children.empty()) return;
+    vector <int> majorSEs, totSEs; vector <double> majorSErates, totSErates;
+    for (uint att = 0; att < children.size(); att++) {
+      printf("Switch error locations (step %d):", step);
+      vector <bool> phaseVec = checkPhaseConfsPhase(children[att], nF1s[att], nF2s[att]);
+      majorSEs.push_back(countMajorSE(phaseVec));
+      totSEs.push_back(countSE(phaseVec));
+      majorSErates.push_back(majorSEs.back() * 100.0 / (phaseVec.size()-1));
+      totSErates.push_back(totSEs.back() * 100.0 / (phaseVec.size()-1));
+      printf("# major SE: %2d   # tot SE: %2d / %d   (step %d)\n", majorSEs.back(),
+	     totSEs.back(), (int) phaseVec.size()-1, step);
+    }
+    sort(majorSEs.begin(), majorSEs.end());
+    sort(totSEs.begin(), totSEs.end());
+    int useTrios = 70;
+    printf("%d-trio avg # major SE: %.2f   avg # tot SE: %.2f   (step %d)\n", useTrios,
+	   std::accumulate(majorSEs.begin(), majorSEs.begin()+useTrios, 0) / (double) useTrios,
+	   std::accumulate(totSEs.begin(), totSEs.begin()+useTrios, 0) / (double) useTrios, step);
+    sort(majorSErates.begin(), majorSErates.end());
+    sort(totSErates.begin(), totSErates.end());
+    printf("median major SE rate: %.2f%%  median tot SE rate: %.2f%%   (step %d)\n",
+	   majorSErates[(nF1s.size()-1)/2], totSErates[(nF1s.size()-1)/2], step);
+    fflush(stdout);
+  }
+  void Eagle::writeHapsGzSample(const string &prefix) const {
+    FileUtils::AutoGzOfstream hapsGzOut; hapsGzOut.openOrExit(prefix + ".haps.gz");
+    uint64 m = 0; // index in snps vector
+    for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++) {
+      if (!maskSnps64j[m64j]) continue;      
+      hapsGzOut << snps[m].chrom << " " << snps[m].ID << " " << snps[m].physpos
+		<< " " << snps[m].allele1 << " " << snps[m].allele2;
+      for (uint64 n0 = 0; n0 < N; n0++) {
+	int hapBit1, hapBit2;
+	if (phaseConfs != NULL) {
+	  hapBit1 = (int) phaseConfs[2*n0*Mseg64*64 + m64j] < 128;
+	  hapBit2 = (int) phaseConfs[(2*n0+1)*Mseg64*64 + m64j] < 128;
+	}
+	else {
+	  hapBit1 = !((haploBits[(m64j/64)*2*N + 2*n0]>>(m64j&63))&1);
+	  hapBit2 = !((haploBits[(m64j/64)*2*N + 2*n0+1]>>(m64j&63))&1);
+	}
+	if (isFlipped64j[m64j]) {
+	  hapBit1 = !hapBit1;
+	  hapBit2 = !hapBit2;
+	}
+	hapsGzOut << " " << hapBit1 << " " << hapBit2;
+      }
+      hapsGzOut << endl;
+      m++;
+    }
+    hapsGzOut.close();
+    FileUtils::AutoGzOfstream sampleOut; sampleOut.openOrExit(prefix + ".sample");
+    sampleOut << std::setprecision(3);
+    sampleOut << "ID_1 ID_2 missing" << endl;
+    sampleOut << "0 0 0" << endl;
+    for (uint64 n0 = 0; n0 < N; n0++) {
+      /*
+      int ctrMiss = 0, ctrTot = 0;
+      for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++)
+	if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+	  ctrTot++;
+	  ctrMiss += getGeno0123(m64j, n0)==3;
+	}
+      */
+      double missing = 0;//ctrMiss / (double) ctrTot;
+      sampleOut << indivs[n0].famID << " " << indivs[n0].indivID << " " << missing << endl;
+    }
+    sampleOut.close();
+  }
+  void bcf_hdr_append_eagle_version(bcf_hdr_t *hdr, int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    kstring_t str = {0,0,0};
+    const char cmd[] = "eagle";
+    ksprintf(&str,"##%sVersion=%s+htslib-%s\n", cmd, EAGLE_VERSION, hts_version());
+    bcf_hdr_append(hdr,str.s);
+    str.l = 0;
+    ksprintf(&str,"##%sCommand=%s", cmd, "eagle");
+    int i;
+    for (i=1; i<argc; i++)
+      {
+        if ( strchr(argv[i],' ') )
+	  ksprintf(&str, " '%s'", argv[i]);
+        else
+	  ksprintf(&str, " %s", argv[i]);
+      }
+    kputc('\n', &str);
+    bcf_hdr_append(hdr,str.s);
+    free(str.s);
+    bcf_hdr_sync(hdr);
+  }
+  void Eagle::writeVcf(const string &tmpFile, const string &outFile, int chromX, double bpStart,
+		       double bpEnd, const string &writeMode, bool noImpMissing, int argc,
+		       char **argv) const {
+    htsFile *htsTmp = hts_open(tmpFile.c_str(), "r");
+    htsFile *out = hts_open(outFile.c_str(), writeMode.c_str());
+    bcf_hdr_t *hdr = bcf_hdr_read(htsTmp);
+    bcf_hdr_append_eagle_version(hdr, argc, argv);
+    bcf_hdr_write(out, hdr);
+    bcf1_t *rec = bcf_init1();
+    int mtgt_gt = 0, *tgt_gt = NULL;
+    uint64 m64j = 0; // SNP index; update to correspond to current record
+    vector <int> mostRecentPloidy(N-Nref, 2);
+    while (bcf_read(htsTmp, hdr, rec) >= 0) {
+      int chrom = StringUtils::bcfNameToChrom(bcf_hdr_id2name(hdr, rec->rid), 1, chromX);
+      int ntgt_gt = bcf_get_genotypes(hdr, rec, &tgt_gt, &mtgt_gt);
+      int bp = rec->pos+1;
+      if (bpStart <= bp && bp <= bpEnd) { // check if within output region
+	for (int i = 0; i < (int) (N-Nref); i++) {
+	  int ploidy = 2;
+	  int *ptr = tgt_gt + i*ploidy;
+	  if (chrom != chromX || (bcf_gt_is_missing(ptr[0]) && mostRecentPloidy[i] == 2)
+	      || ptr[1] != bcf_int32_vector_end) { // diploid... be careful about missing '.'
+	    mostRecentPloidy[i] = 2;
+	    bool missing = false;
+	    int minIdx = 1000, maxIdx = 0;
+	    for (int j = 0; j < ploidy; j++) {
+	      if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(ptr[j]) ) { // missing allele
+		missing = true;
+	      }
+	      else {
+		int idx = bcf_gt_allele(ptr[j]); // allele index
+		minIdx = std::min(minIdx, idx);
+		maxIdx = std::max(maxIdx, idx);
+	      }
+	    }
+	    if (!missing && minIdx == maxIdx) { // hom => same allele
+	      ptr[0] = ptr[1] = bcf_gt_phased(minIdx);
+	    }
+	    else if (!missing && minIdx > 0) { // ALT1/ALT2 het => don't phase
+	      ptr[0] = ptr[1] = bcf_gt_missing;
+	    }
+	    else { // REF/ALT* het => phase as called by Eagle
+	      if (missing && noImpMissing) { // don't call alleles
+		ptr[0] = ptr[1] = bcf_gt_missing;
+	      }
+	      else {
+		for (int j = 0; j < ploidy; j++) {
+		  uint64 nTargetHap = 2*i + j;
+		  int altIdx = missing ? 1 : maxIdx;
+		  int hapBit = (tmpHaploBitsT[nTargetHap*Mseg64+(m64j/64)]>>(m64j&63))&1;
+		  if (isFlipped64j[m64j]) hapBit = !hapBit;
+		  int idx = hapBit ? altIdx : 0;
+		  ptr[j] = bcf_gt_phased(idx); // convert allele index to bcf value (phased)
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	  else { // haploid
+	    mostRecentPloidy[i] = 1;
+	    if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(ptr[0]) && !noImpMissing ) { // missing allele
+	      int j = 0;
+	      uint64 nTargetHap = 2*i + j;
+	      int altIdx = 1;
+	      int hapBit = (tmpHaploBitsT[nTargetHap*Mseg64+(m64j/64)]>>(m64j&63))&1;
+	      if (isFlipped64j[m64j]) hapBit = !hapBit;
+	      int idx = hapBit ? altIdx : 0;
+	      ptr[j] = bcf_gt_phased(idx); // convert allele index to bcf value (phased)
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	bcf_update_genotypes(hdr, rec, tgt_gt, ntgt_gt);
+	bcf_write(out, hdr, rec);
+      }
+      m64j++;
+      if ((m64j&63) == seg64cMvecs[m64j/64].size())
+	m64j = (m64j + 64ULL) & ~63ULL; // move to next segment
+    }
+    assert(m64j == Mseg64*64);
+    free(tgt_gt);
+    bcf_destroy(rec);
+    bcf_hdr_destroy(hdr);
+    hts_close(out);
+    hts_close(htsTmp);
+    remove(tmpFile.c_str());
+  }
+  // write phased output in non-ref mode
+  // differences from the above (ref-mode) are as follows:
+  // - does not take noImpMissing arg
+  // - checks chrom
+  // - does not increment m64j outside the bpStart-bpEnd region
+  // - does not delete tmpFile (now vcfFile with original input)
+  void Eagle::writeVcfNonRef(const string &vcfFile, const string &outFile, int inputChrom,
+			     int chromX, double bpStart, double bpEnd, const string &writeMode,
+			     int argc, char **argv) const {
+    htsFile *htsIn = hts_open(vcfFile.c_str(), "r");
+    htsFile *out = hts_open(outFile.c_str(), writeMode.c_str());
+    bcf_hdr_t *hdr = bcf_hdr_read(htsIn);
+    bcf_hdr_append_eagle_version(hdr, argc, argv);
+    bcf_hdr_write(out, hdr);
+    bcf1_t *rec = bcf_init1();
+    int mtgt_gt = 0, *tgt_gt = NULL;
+    uint64 m64j = 0; // SNP index; update to correspond to current record
+    vector <int> mostRecentPloidy(N-Nref, 2);
+    while (bcf_read(htsIn, hdr, rec) >= 0) {
+      // check CHROM
+      int chrom = StringUtils::bcfNameToChrom(bcf_hdr_id2name(hdr, rec->rid), 1, chromX);
+      if (inputChrom != 0) {
+	if (chrom != inputChrom) {
+	  continue;
+	}
+      }
+      int bp = rec->pos+1;
+      if (bpStart <= bp && bp <= bpEnd) { // check if within output region
+	int ntgt_gt = bcf_get_genotypes(hdr, rec, &tgt_gt, &mtgt_gt);
+	for (int i = 0; i < (int) (N-Nref); i++) {
+	  int ploidy = 2;
+	  int *ptr = tgt_gt + i*ploidy;
+	  if (chrom != chromX || (bcf_gt_is_missing(ptr[0]) && mostRecentPloidy[i] == 2)
+	      || ptr[1] != bcf_int32_vector_end) { // diploid... be careful about missing '.'
+	    mostRecentPloidy[i] = 2;
+	    bool missing = false;
+	    int minIdx = 1000, maxIdx = 0; // (shouldn't matter; SNPs should be biallelic)
+	    for (int j = 0; j < ploidy; j++) {
+	      if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(ptr[j]) ) { // missing allele
+		missing = true;
+	      }
+	      else {
+		int idx = bcf_gt_allele(ptr[j]); // allele index
+		minIdx = std::min(minIdx, idx);
+		maxIdx = std::max(maxIdx, idx);
+	      }
+	    }
+	    if (!missing && minIdx == maxIdx) { // hom => same allele
+	      ptr[0] = ptr[1] = bcf_gt_phased(minIdx);
+	    }
+	    else if (!missing && minIdx > 0) { // ALT1/ALT2 het => don't phase (shouldn't happen)
+	      ptr[0] = ptr[1] = bcf_gt_missing;
+	    }
+	    else { // REF/ALT* het => phase as called by Eagle
+	      for (int j = 0; j < ploidy; j++) {
+		uint64 nTargetHap = 2*i + j;
+		int altIdx = missing ? 1 : maxIdx;
+		int hapBit = (tmpHaploBitsT[nTargetHap*Mseg64+(m64j/64)]>>(m64j&63))&1;
+		if (isFlipped64j[m64j]) hapBit = !hapBit;
+		int idx = hapBit ? altIdx : 0;
+		ptr[j] = bcf_gt_phased(idx); // convert allele index to bcf value (phased)
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	  else { // haploid
+	    mostRecentPloidy[i] = 1;
+	    if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(ptr[0]) ) { // missing allele
+	      int j = 0;
+	      uint64 nTargetHap = 2*i + j;
+	      int altIdx = 1;
+	      int hapBit = (tmpHaploBitsT[nTargetHap*Mseg64+(m64j/64)]>>(m64j&63))&1;
+	      if (isFlipped64j[m64j]) hapBit = !hapBit;
+	      int idx = hapBit ? altIdx : 0;
+	      ptr[j] = bcf_gt_phased(idx); // convert allele index to bcf value (phased)
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	bcf_update_genotypes(hdr, rec, tgt_gt, ntgt_gt);
+	bcf_write(out, hdr, rec);
+	m64j++;
+	if ((m64j&63) == seg64cMvecs[m64j/64].size())
+	  m64j = (m64j + 64ULL) & ~63ULL; // move to next segment
+      }
+    }
+    assert(m64j == Mseg64*64);
+    free(tgt_gt);
+    bcf_destroy(rec);
+    bcf_hdr_destroy(hdr);
+    hts_close(out);
+    hts_close(htsIn);
+  }
+  void Eagle::makeHardCalls(uint64 n0start, uint64 n0end, uint seed) {
+    // fast rng: last 16 bits of Marsaglia's MWC
+    uint w = 521288629;
+    for (uint i = 0; i < seed % 12345; i++)
+      w=18000*(w&65535)+(w>>16);
+    //memset(haploBits, 0, 2*N*Mseg64*sizeof(haploBits[0]));
+    memset(segConfs + 2*n0start*Mseg64, 0, 2*(n0end-n0start)*Mseg64*sizeof(segConfs[0]));
+    for (uint64 nHap = 2*n0start; nHap < 2*n0end; nHap++)
+      for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++) {
+	if ((m64j&63)==0)
+	  haploBits[(m64j/64)*2*N + nHap] = 0;
+	uchar phaseConf = phaseConfs[nHap*Mseg64*64 + m64j];
+	segConfs[nHap*Mseg64+m64j/64] = max(segConfs[nHap*Mseg64+m64j/64],
+					    min(phaseConf, (uchar) (255-phaseConf)));
+	if (phaseConf == (uchar) 255 || ((w=18000*(w&65535)+(w>>16))&255) < phaseConf)
+	  haploBits[(m64j/64)*2*N + nHap] |= 1ULL<<(m64j&63);
+	if ((m64j&63)==63)
+	  haploBitsT[nHap*Mseg64 + (m64j/64)] = haploBits[(m64j/64)*2*N + nHap];
+      }
+  }
+  uint Eagle::computeHash(const uint64 *curHaploBitsT, const uint64 *curHashBits, uint B) const {
+    uint hash = 0;
+    for (uint b = 0; b < B; b++)
+      hash |= ((curHaploBitsT[curHashBits[b]>>6]>>(curHashBits[b]&63))&1)<<b;
+    return hash;
+  }
+  uint Eagle::computeHash(const uint64 *curHaploBitsT, const vector <uint64> &curHashBits) const {
+    return computeHash(curHaploBitsT, &curHashBits[0], curHashBits.size());
+  }
+  double Eagle::computeLogHetP(uint64 m64j) const {
+    assert(Nref!=0); // only call this function when in ref-mode
+    int sumHaps = 0;
+    for (uint64 nHap = 0; nHap < 2*Nref; nHap++)
+      sumHaps += (haploBits[(m64j/64)*2*N + nHap]>>(m64j&63))&1;
+    double p = sumHaps / (2.0 * Nref);
+    p = std::min(p, 1-p);
+    return log10(p);
+  }
+  void Eagle::initRefIter(int refIter) {
+    uint64 Ntarget = N - Nref;
+    if (refIter > 1) { // copy tmpHaploBitsT from previous iter -> haploBits, haploBitsT
+      memcpy(haploBitsT + 2*Nref*Mseg64, tmpHaploBitsT, 2*Ntarget*Mseg64*sizeof(tmpHaploBitsT[0]));
+      for (uint64 nHap = 2*Nref; nHap < 2*N; nHap++) // copy transpose
+	for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++)
+	  haploBits[m64*2*N + nHap] = haploBitsT[nHap*Mseg64 + m64];
+    }
+    // clear tmpHaploBitsT (temp storage of phased target haplotypes)    
+    memset(tmpHaploBitsT, 0, 2*Ntarget*Mseg64*sizeof(tmpHaploBitsT[0]));
+  }
+  // input arg iter = non-ref mode iter (ref mode iter 1 = non-ref mode iter 3)
+  void Eagle::buildHashTables(int iter, int batch, int seed) {
+    std::srand(1000000*seed + 1000*iter + batch); // seed random_shuffle
+    const uint maxValuesPerKey = 99;
+    const uint baseLSH = 10, bonusLSH = iter > 2 ? 4 : 0;
+    const uint numLSH = baseLSH + bonusLSH;
+    const uint maxBits = 32;
+    const double minLogHetP = log10(0.02);
+    hashLookups = vector < vector <StaticMultimap> > (Mseg64, vector <StaticMultimap> (numLSH));
+    hashBits = vector < vector < vector <uint64> > > (Mseg64, vector < vector <uint64> > (numLSH));
+    const double reduction = (iter == 2 ? 0 : 0.05);
+    const uint64 side = 1;
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0+side; m64+side < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      for (uint h = 0; h < numLSH; h++) {
+	vector <uint64> m64js;
+	if (h < baseLSH) { // standard hash regions: 3x down to 2x m64
+	  for (uint64 m64j = (uint64) ((m64-side+reduction*h)*64);
+	       m64j < (uint64) ((m64+side+1-reduction*h)*64); m64j++)
+	    if (maskSnps64j[m64j] &&
+		(Nref==0 ? seg64logPs[m64j].cond[1][3] : computeLogHetP(m64j)) > minLogHetP)
+	      m64js.push_back(m64j);
+	}
+	else { // small hash regions
+	  int offStart = 0, offEnd = 0;
+	  switch (h-baseLSH) {
+	  case 0: offStart = -32; offEnd = 32; break;
+	  case 1: offStart = 0; offEnd = 64; break;
+	  case 2: offStart = -32; offEnd = 0; break;
+	  case 3: offStart = 0; offEnd = 32; break;
+	  }
+	  for (uint64 m64j = (uint64) (m64*64 + offStart); m64j < (uint64) (m64*64 + offEnd);
+	       m64j++)
+	    if (maskSnps64j[m64j])
+	      m64js.push_back(m64j);
+	}
+	if (m64js.empty())
+	  for (uint64 m64j = (m64-side)*64; m64j < (m64+side+1)*64; m64j++)
+	    if (maskSnps64j[m64j])
+	      m64js.push_back(m64j);
+	uint bitsInHash = (h < baseLSH ? maxBits-h : 24);
+	// randomly select SNPs m64j to use in hash
+	uint m64jInd = m64js.size();
+	for (uint b = 0; b < bitsInHash; b++) {
+	  // choose next SNP (in random order); if at end, reshuffle
+	  if (m64jInd == m64js.size()) {
+	    std::random_shuffle(m64js.begin(), m64js.end());
+	    m64jInd = 0;
+	  }
+	  hashBits[m64][h].push_back(m64js[m64jInd++]);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    uint64 nRefHaps = 2*((Nref!=0 && iter==3) ? Nref : N); // ref-mode iter 1 -> iter 3
+    vector < vector <uint> > keyVecs(omp_get_max_threads(), vector <uint> (nRefHaps));
+#pragma omp parallel for
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0+side; m64 < Mseg64-side; m64++) {
+      cout << "." << std::flush;
+      for (uint h = 0; h < numLSH; h++) {
+	// compute hashes
+	vector <uint> &keyVec = keyVecs[omp_get_thread_num()];
+	for (uint64 nHap = 0; nHap < nRefHaps; nHap++) // in ref-mode, only use ref
+	  keyVec[nHap] = maskIndivs[nHap/2] ?
+	    computeHash(haploBitsT + nHap*Mseg64, &hashBits[m64][h][0], hashBits[m64][h].size())
+	    : -1U;
+	hashLookups[m64][h].init(keyVec, maxValuesPerKey);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  const uint64 *Eagle::getHaploBitsT(void) const { return haploBitsT; }
+  uint64 Eagle::getNlib(int iter) const { return ((Nref!=0 && iter==3) ? Nref : N); }
+  uint64 Eagle::getMseg64(void) const { return Mseg64; }
+  const uchar *Eagle::getMaskSnps64j(void) const { return maskSnps64j; }
+  double Eagle::computeHetRate(void) const {
+    uint64 homCtr = 0, totCtr = 0;
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++)
+      for (uint64 n = Nref; n < N; n++) { // ref genoBits aren't initialized!
+	const uint64_masks &bits = genoBits[m64*N + n];
+	homCtr += popcount64(bits.is0 | bits.is2);
+	totCtr += popcount64(~bits.is9);
+      }
+    return 1 - homCtr / (double) totCtr;
+  }
diff --git a/src/Eagle.hpp b/src/Eagle.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23c463a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Eagle.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#ifndef EAGLE_HPP
+#define EAGLE_HPP
+//#define RDTSC_TIMING
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <set>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include "Types.hpp"
+#include "GenoData.hpp"
+#include "HapHedge.hpp"
+#include "StaticMultimap.hpp"
+namespace EAGLE {
+  struct Match {
+    uint n, m64jStart, m64jEnd, m64jStartCons, m64jEndCons; // [m64jStart..m64jEnd]
+    double logBF, cMlenInit;
+    bool operator < (const Match &m2) const {
+      return logBF > m2.logBF;
+    }
+    Match() : n(0), m64jStart(0), m64jEnd(0), m64jStartCons(0), m64jEndCons(1<<30), logBF(0) {}
+    Match(uint _n, uint _m64jStart, uint _m64jEnd, double _logBF) :
+      n(_n), m64jStart(_m64jStart), m64jEnd(_m64jEnd), m64jStartCons(0), m64jEndCons(1<<30), 
+      logBF(_logBF) {}
+    static bool greaterEnd(const Match &m1, const Match &m2) {
+      return m1.m64jEnd > m2.m64jEnd || (m1.m64jEnd == m2.m64jEnd && m1.logBF > m2.logBF);
+    }
+    static bool greaterLen(const Match &m1, const Match &m2) {
+      return m1.cMlenInit > m2.cMlenInit ||
+	(m1.cMlenInit == m2.cMlenInit && m1.logBF > m2.logBF);
+    }
+  };
+  struct DPState {
+    uint score;
+    std::pair <uint, uint> from;
+    DPState() : score(0), from(std::make_pair(0U, 0U)) {}
+    DPState(uint _score, std::pair <uint, uint> _from) : score(_score), from(_from) {}
+    bool operator < (const DPState &state2) const {
+      return score < state2.score
+	|| (score==state2.score && from < state2.from);
+    }
+  };
+  class Eagle {
+  public:
+    mutable uint64 totTicks, extTicks, diphapTicks, lshTicks, lshCheckTicks, dpTicks, dpStaticTicks, dpSwitchTicks, dpSortTicks, dpUpdateTicks, dpUpdateCalls, blipFixTicks, blipPopTicks, blipVoteTicks, blipLshTicks;
+  private:
+    static const uint homErrCost = 1, hetErrCost = 2, switchCost = 3;
+    static const uint switchScoreLutBits = 5;
+    char switchScoreLut[1<<(3*switchScoreLutBits)][2];
+    const uint64 N, Nref; // Nref = 0 if not in ref-mode
+    const uint64 Mseg64; // number of <=64-SNP chunks
+    const uint64_masks *genoBits; // [[MATRIX]]: M64 x N (is0 and is2 64-bit masks)
+    const std::vector <std::vector <double> > seg64cMvecs;
+    uchar *maskSnps64j; // M64x64 binary vector indicating SNPs to use
+    double *cMs64j; // M64x64+1 cM coordinates
+    uchar *phaseConfs, *phaseConfs2; // [[MATRIX]]: 2N x M64x64
+    uint64 *haploBits; // [[MATRIX]]: M64 x 2N (is1 for hard calls)
+    uint64 *haploBitsT; // [[MATRIX]]: 2N x M64 (is1 for hard calls)
+    uint64 *tmpHaploBitsT; // [[MATRIX]]: 2Ntarget x M64 (temp storage for target haps in ref-mode)
+    uchar *segConfs; // [[MATRIX]]: 2N x M64
+    std::vector < std::vector <StaticMultimap> > hashLookups;
+    std::vector < std::vector < std::vector <uint64> > > hashBits;
+    const AlleleFreqs *seg64logPs;
+    const std::vector <double> invLD64j; // M64x64 LD-based weights for evaluating match evidence
+    const std::vector <IndivInfoX> indivs;
+    const std::vector <SnpInfoX> snps; // M-vector
+    std::vector <uchar> maskIndivs; // N-vector: 0 to ignore indivs (e.g., relatives)
+    std::vector <bool> isFlipped64j; // in non-ref mode, SNPs are internally flipped to 0=A2=major
+    const double logPerr; // genotype error rate
+    void init(void);
+    uint getGeno0123(uint64 m64j, uint64 n) const;
+    void retractMatch(uint n0, Match &match, double memoLogBF[][4]) const;
+    Match computeDuoLogBF(double memoLogBF[][4], double workLogBF[], uint64 n0, uint64 n1, uint64 m64cur) const;
+    void trim(Match &match, const Match &ref, uint64 n0, int orientation, uint64 trimStart,
+	      int inc, double workLogBF[]) const;
+    std::string computePhaseString(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2,
+				   const std::vector <Match> &matches,
+				   const std::vector <int> &signs, uint64 start, double cMend,
+				   bool cons)
+      const;
+    void printMatch(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, const Match &duoMatch,
+		    double memoLogBF[][4]) const;
+    void findLongHalfIBD(uint64 n0, std::vector <uint> topInds[2],
+			 std::vector <uint> topIndsLens[2], uint K) const;
+    std::vector <uint> findMinErrDipHap(uint64 n0, uint K, bool useTargetHaps) const;
+    void findLongDipHap(uint64 n0, std::vector <uint> topInds[2],
+			std::vector <uint> topIndsLens[2], uint K, uint errStart) const;
+    void computePhaseConfs(uint64 n0, const std::vector <Match> &matches,
+			   const std::vector <int> &signs, bool cons);
+    std::vector <int> trioRelPhase(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2) const;
+    void checkPhase(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, double thresh) const;
+    std::vector <bool> checkPhaseConfsPhase(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2) const;
+    void checkHapPhase(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, const uint64 curHaploBitsT[], uint64 m64,
+		       uint64 side, std::vector < std::vector <int> > votes=std::vector < std::vector <int> > ()) const;
+    std::vector <bool> checkHapPhase1(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, uint64 n1hap,
+				      uint64 m64start, uint64 m64end, int sign=1) const;
+    std::vector <bool> checkHapPhase1j(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, uint64 n1hap,
+				       uint64 m64jStart, uint64 m64jEnd, int sign=1) const;
+    std::vector <bool> checkHapPhase1jCall(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, uint64 callBitsT[],
+					   uint64 m64jStart, uint64 m64jEnd, bool print, int sign=1) const;
+    int checkHapPhase2(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, uint64 n1hap,
+				      uint64 n2hap, uint64 n3hap, uint64 m64, int sign) const;
+    std::vector <bool> checkHaploBits(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, uint64 hapBits,
+				      uint64 m64, int pad=0) const;
+    std::pair <uint64, uint64> phaseSegHMM(uint64 n0, uint64 n1hap, uint64 n2hap, uint64 n3hap,
+					   uint64 m64, uint64 &hetErrMask) const;
+    std::vector <bool> checkSegPhase(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, uint64 n1hap, uint64 n2hap,
+				     int sign, uint64 m64) const;
+    void computeSegPhaseConfs(uint64 n0, uint64 n1hap, uint64 n2hap, int sign, uint64 m64,
+			      int err);
+    int numDipHapWrongBits(uint64 m64, uint64 n0, uint64 n1hap) const;
+    int firstDipHapGoodBit(uint64 m64, uint64 n0, uint64 n1hap) const;
+    int firstDipHapWrongBit(uint64 m64, uint64 n0, uint64 n1hap) const;
+    uint computeHash(const uint64 *curHaploBitsT, const uint64 *curHashBits, uint B) const;
+    uint computeHash(const uint64 *curHaploBitsT, const std::vector <uint64> &curHashBits) const;
+    bool updateHelper(std::unordered_map <uint64, DPState> &dpTab, uint &dpBestScore,
+		      std::pair <uint, uint> cur, std::pair <uint, uint> next, uint score) const;
+    uint computeStaticScore(uint n0, uint n1hap, uint n2hap, uint64 m64) const;
+    uint computeSwitchScore(uint n0, uint n1hap, uint n2hapA, uint n2hapB, uint64 m64) const;
+    void updateTable(std::unordered_map <uint64, DPState> dpTable[], uint dpBestScores[],
+		     uint64 m64, uint64 dist, uint n0, uint n1hapA, uint n2hapA, uint n1hapB,
+		     uint n2hapB, uint score) const;
+    void safeInsert(std::set <uint> &refHapSet, uint n1hap, uint n0) const;
+    std::vector < std::pair <uint64, uint64> > findGoodSegs(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, uint64 n1hap) const;
+    void updateFarHaps(std::vector < std::pair <uint, uint> > &farHaps, uint n1hap, uint m64jStart, uint m64jEnd) const;
+    double computeLogHetP(uint64 m64j) const;
+  public:
+    Eagle(uint64 _N, uint64 _Mseg64, const uint64_masks *_genoBits,
+	  std::vector < std::vector <double> > _seg64cMvecs, const AlleleFreqs *_seg64freqs,
+	  std::vector <double> _invLD64j, const std::vector <IndivInfoX> &_indivs,
+	  const std::vector <SnpInfoX> &_snps, const std::string &maskFile,
+	  const std::vector <bool> &isFlipped64j, double _pErr, int runStep2);
+    // constructor for ref-mode
+    Eagle(uint64 _Nref, uint64 _Ntarget, uint64 _Mseg64, const uint64_masks *_genoBits,
+	  std::vector < std::vector <double> > _seg64cMvecs, double _pErr);
+    void reallocLRPtoPBWT(void);
+    ~Eagle();
+    void checkTrioErrorRate(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2) const;
+    void randomlyPhaseTmpHaploBitsT(uint64 n0);
+    std::pair <double, std::vector <double> > findLongDipMatches(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1,
+								 uint64 nF2);
+    double findLongHapMatches(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, int iter);
+    double runHMM(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, int iter, uint beamWidth, uint maxHapStates);
+    std::vector <bool> computeRefIsMono(const std::vector <uint> &bestHaps) const;
+    float runPBWT(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, int Kpbwt, double cMexpect, double histFactor,
+		  bool runReverse, bool useTargetHaps, bool impMissing);
+    float runPBWT(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, int Kpbwt, double cMexpect, double histFactor,
+		  bool runReverse, bool useTargetHaps, bool impMissing, int usePS,
+		  const std::vector < std::pair <int, int> > &conPS);
+    void imputeMissing(const HapHedge &hapHedge, uint64 n0);
+    void writePhaseConfs(const std::string &tmpPhaseFile) const;
+    void readPhaseConfs(const std::string &tmpPhaseFile);
+    void cpPhaseConfs(uint64 n0start, uint64 n0end);
+    void cpTmpHaploBitsT(uint64 n0start, uint64 n0end);
+    void outputSE(const std::vector <uint> &children, const std::vector <uint> &nF1s,
+		  const std::vector <uint> &nF2s, int step) const;
+    void writeHapsGzSample(const std::string &prefix) const;
+    void writeVcf(const std::string &tmpFile, const std::string &outFile, int chromX,
+		  double bpStart, double bpEnd, const std::string &writeMode, bool noImpMissing,
+		  int argc, char**argv) const;
+    void writeVcfNonRef(const std::string &vcfFile, const std::string &outFile, int inputChrom,
+			int chromX, double bpStart, double bpEnd, const std::string &writeMode,
+			int argc, char **argv) const;
+    void makeHardCalls(uint64 n0start, uint64 n0end, uint seed);
+    void initRefIter(int refIter);
+    void buildHashTables(int iter, int batch, int seed);
+    const uint64 *getHaploBitsT(void) const;
+    uint64 getNlib(int iter) const;
+    uint64 getMseg64(void) const;
+    const uchar *getMaskSnps64j(void) const;
+    double computeHetRate(void) const;
+    static int countSE(const std::vector <bool> &phaseVec);
+    static int countMajorSE(const std::vector <bool> &phaseVec);
+  };
diff --git a/src/EagleImpMiss.cpp b/src/EagleImpMiss.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d42bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/EagleImpMiss.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "HapHedge.hpp"
+#include "MemoryUtils.hpp"
+#include "NumericUtils.hpp"
+#include "Eagle.hpp"
+namespace EAGLE {
+  using std::cout;
+  using std::endl;
+  using std::vector;
+  using std::string;
+#define HAP_BEAM_WIDTH 16
+  struct ProbMaskBundle {
+    float logTotProb;
+    int numTop;
+    float probs[HAP_BEAM_WIDTH];
+    uint64 masks[HAP_BEAM_WIDTH];
+  };
+  struct MultMaskState {
+    float mult; // 1/Nhaps * pErr^numErrs
+    uint64 mask;
+    HapTreeState state;
+    char rmActive[2];
+    inline int count(void) const {
+      return state.count - rmActive[0] - rmActive[1];
+    }
+    inline float multCount(void) const {
+      if (mult == 0) return 0;
+      else return mult * count();
+    }
+    bool operator < (const MultMaskState &mms) const {
+      return multCount() > mms.multCount();
+    }
+  };
+  void advance(const HapTree &hapTree, const uchar rmHaps[], const uchar hap[],
+	       const uchar missing[], MultMaskState states[HAP_BEAM_WIDTH], int m, float pErr) {
+    MultMaskState nextStates[2*HAP_BEAM_WIDTH];
+    int numNext = 0;
+    // impose pruning thresh (TODO: test)
+    const float minP = states[0].multCount() * pErr * pErr;
+    for (int k = 0; k < HAP_BEAM_WIDTH && states[k].multCount() > minP; k++)
+      for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) {
+	HapTreeState nextState = states[k].state;
+	if (hapTree.next(m, nextState, b)) {
+	  if (missing[m]) {
+	    nextStates[numNext].mult = states[k].mult;
+	    nextStates[numNext].mask = (states[k].mask<<1)|b;
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    nextStates[numNext].mult = states[k].mult * (b==hap[m] ? 1 : pErr);
+	    nextStates[numNext].mask = states[k].mask;
+	  }
+	  nextStates[numNext].state = nextState;
+	  nextStates[numNext].rmActive[0] = states[k].rmActive[0] && ((rmHaps[m]&1)==b);
+	  nextStates[numNext].rmActive[1] = states[k].rmActive[1] && ((rmHaps[m]>>1)==b);
+	  numNext++;
+	}
+      }
+    std::sort(nextStates, nextStates + numNext);
+    memcpy(states, nextStates, std::min(numNext, HAP_BEAM_WIDTH) * sizeof(states[0])); // copy best
+    if (numNext < HAP_BEAM_WIDTH) states[numNext].mult = 0;
+  }
+  string logProbToStr(float f) {
+    f /= log(10);
+    char buf[100];
+    sprintf(buf, "%.2fe%d", pow(10, f - floor(f)), (int) floor(f));
+    return buf;
+  }
+  // rmHaps: 2-bit phased genotypes for haplotype pair to ignore... or NULL if none (ref mode)
+  // recombLogPs[T+1]: [0,T] = 0; [1..T-1] = logP for recomb in (t-0.5,t+0.5)
+  void impMissing(const HapHedge &hapHedge, const uchar *rmHaps, uchar hap[],
+		  const uchar missing[], const float recombLogPs[], float pErr) {
+    const int maxExt = 500;
+    const int M = hapHedge.getM();
+    const int skip = hapHedge.getSkip();
+    const int T = hapHedge.getNumTrees();
+    const int dtMax = maxExt / skip;
+    ProbMaskBundle *topPrefixes = (ProbMaskBundle *) calloc(T * dtMax, sizeof(topPrefixes[0]));
+    // calloc => numTop initialized to 0
+    vector <float> fwdLogProbs(T+1, -1000000), bwdLogProbs(T+1, -1000000);
+    fwdLogProbs[0] = 0; bwdLogProbs[T] = 0;
+    MultMaskState states[HAP_BEAM_WIDTH];
+    // compute haplotype prefix beams; compute fwdLogProbs
+    for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
+      const HapTree &hapTree = hapHedge.getHapTree(t);
+      states[0].mask = 0;
+      states[0].state = hapTree.getRootState();
+      if (rmHaps == NULL) {
+	states[0].mult = hapTree.getInvNhaps();
+	states[0].rmActive[0] = states[0].rmActive[1] = 0;
+      }
+      else {
+	states[0].mult = 1 / (1/hapTree.getInvNhaps()-2); // removing 2 haps
+	states[0].rmActive[0] = states[0].rmActive[1] = 1;
+      }
+      for (int k = 1; k < HAP_BEAM_WIDTH; k++) states[k].mult = 0;
+      int m = t*skip;
+      int dtMiss = 0;
+      for (int dt = 0; dt<dtMax && t+dt<T; dt++) {
+	int mEnd = std::min(m + skip, M);
+	for (; m < mEnd; m++) {
+	  if (missing[m]) dtMiss++;
+	  advance(hapTree, rmHaps, hap, missing, states, m, pErr);
+	}
+	if (dtMiss > 64) break;
+	// impose pruning threshold (TODO: test)
+	float dtPrevBestProb = (dt==0 ? 0 : topPrefixes[t*dtMax + (dt-1)].probs[0]);
+	float minP = dtPrevBestProb * pErr * pErr * expf(recombLogPs[t+dt]); // rel to previous
+	float totProb = 0;
+	ProbMaskBundle &bundle = topPrefixes[t*dtMax + dt];
+	bundle.numTop = 0;
+	//cout << "t = " << t << ", dt = " << dt << ":" << endl;
+	for (int k = 0; k < HAP_BEAM_WIDTH && states[k].multCount() > minP; k++) {
+	  float prob = states[k].multCount();
+	  totProb += prob;
+	  bundle.numTop++;
+	  bundle.probs[k] = prob;
+	  bundle.masks[k] = states[k].mask;
+	  //cout << "  prob = " << prob << ", mask = " << states[k].mask << endl;
+	}
+	if (bundle.numTop == 0) break;
+	bundle.logTotProb = logf(totProb);
+	// compute fwdLogProbs
+	NumericUtils::logSumExp(fwdLogProbs[t+dt+1],
+				fwdLogProbs[t] + bundle.logTotProb + recombLogPs[t+dt+1]);
+	//cout << endl;
+      }
+      //cout << endl;
+    }
+    // count missing sites
+    int numMiss = 0;
+    vector <int> tMiss;
+    for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
+      tMiss.push_back(numMiss);
+      int m = t*skip;
+      int mEnd = std::min(m + skip, M);
+      for (; m < mEnd; m++)
+	if (missing[m])
+	  numMiss++;
+    }
+    // initialize log probs for missing sites
+    float allLogProb01s[numMiss][2];
+    for (int i = 0; i < numMiss; i++)
+      for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++)
+	allLogProb01s[i][b] = -1000000;
+    // compute bwdLogProbs; compute log probs at missing sites (using saved haplotype prefix beams)
+    for (int t = T-1; t >= 0; t--) {
+      int m = t*skip;
+      int dtMiss = 0;
+      for (int dt = 0; dt<dtMax && t+dt<T; dt++) {
+	// compute bwdLogProbs
+	const ProbMaskBundle &bundle = topPrefixes[t*dtMax + dt];
+	if (bundle.numTop == 0) break;
+	NumericUtils::logSumExp(bwdLogProbs[t],
+				recombLogPs[t] + bundle.logTotProb + bwdLogProbs[t+dt+1]);
+	int mEnd = std::min(m + skip, M);
+	for (; m < mEnd; m++)
+	  if (missing[m])
+	    dtMiss++;
+	float prob01s[dtMiss][2]; memset(prob01s, 0, dtMiss*2*sizeof(prob01s[0][0]));
+	for (int k = 0; k < bundle.numTop; k++)
+	  for (int i = 0; i < dtMiss; i++)
+	    prob01s[i][(bundle.masks[k]>>(dtMiss-1-i))&1] += bundle.probs[k];
+	for (int i = 0; i < dtMiss; i++)
+	  for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++)
+	    if (prob01s[i][b] != 0)
+	      NumericUtils::logSumExp(allLogProb01s[tMiss[t]+i][b],
+				      fwdLogProbs[t] + logf(prob01s[i][b]) + bwdLogProbs[t+dt+1]);
+      }
+    }
+    // impute missing sites
+    numMiss = 0;
+    for (int m = 0; m < M; m++)
+      if (missing[m]) {
+	hap[m] = (allLogProb01s[numMiss][1] > allLogProb01s[numMiss][0]);
+	numMiss++;
+      }
+    /*
+    for (int t = 0; t <= T; t++)
+      cout << "fwdProbs[" << t << "]: " << logProbToStr(fwdLogProbs[t]) << endl;
+    for (int t = 0; t <= T; t++)
+      cout << "bwdProbs[" << t << "]: " << logProbToStr(bwdLogProbs[t]) << endl;
+    for (int i = 0; i < numMiss; i++) {
+      cout << "missing site " << i << ":";
+      for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++)
+	cout << " " << logProbToStr(allLogProb01s[i][b]);
+      cout << endl;
+    }
+    */
+    free(topPrefixes);
+  }
+  void Eagle::imputeMissing(const HapHedge &hapHedge, uint64 n0) {
+    int M = hapHedge.getM(), skip = hapHedge.getSkip(), T = hapHedge.getNumTrees();
+    const HapBitsT &hapBitsT = hapHedge.getHapBitsT();
+    uchar *rmHaps = NULL;
+    if (2*n0 < (uint64) hapBitsT.getNhaps()) { // set rmHaps
+      rmHaps = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UCHARS(M * sizeof(rmHaps[0]));
+      for (int m = 0; m < M; m++)
+	rmHaps[m] = hapBitsT.getBit(2*n0, m) | (hapBitsT.getBit(2*n0+1, m)<<1);
+    }
+    vector <uchar> missing(M);
+    int m = 0;
+    vector <double> cMtreeStarts;
+    for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++)
+      if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+	if (m % skip == 0)
+	  cMtreeStarts.push_back(cMs64j[m64j]);
+	missing[m++] = (genoBits[m64j/64 * N + n0].is9>>(m64j&63))&1;
+      }
+    cMtreeStarts.push_back(cMs64j[Mseg64*64]);
+    vector <float> recombLogPs(T+1);
+    const double cMswitch = 2.0;
+    for (int t = 1; t < T; t++) {
+      double cMdelta = (cMtreeStarts[t+1] - cMtreeStarts[t-1]) / 2;
+      recombLogPs[t] = log(std::max(1 - exp(-cMdelta / cMswitch), 1e-6));
+      //cout << exp(recombLogPs[t]) << " " << std::flush;
+    }
+    //cout << endl;
+    for (uint64 nHap = 2*(n0-Nref); nHap <= 2*(n0-Nref)+1; nHap++) {
+      vector <uchar> hap(M);
+      m = 0;
+      for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++)
+	if (maskSnps64j[m64j])
+	  hap[m++] = (tmpHaploBitsT[nHap*Mseg64 + m64j/64]>>(m64j&63))&1;
+      impMissing(hapHedge, rmHaps, &hap[0], &missing[0], &recombLogPs[0], pow(10.0, logPerr));
+      m = 0;
+      for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++)
+	if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+	  uint64 bit = 1ULL<<(m64j&63);
+	  if (hap[m])
+	    tmpHaploBitsT[nHap*Mseg64 + m64j/64] |= bit;
+	  else
+	    tmpHaploBitsT[nHap*Mseg64 + m64j/64] &= ~bit;
+	  m++;
+	}
+    }
+    if (rmHaps != NULL)
+      ALIGNED_FREE(rmHaps);    
+  }
diff --git a/src/EagleMain.cpp b/src/EagleMain.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..124ec1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/EagleMain.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include "omp.h"
+#include <boost/version.hpp>
+#include "Eagle.hpp"
+#include "EagleParams.hpp"
+#include "GenoData.hpp"
+#include "HapHedge.hpp"
+#include "SyncedVcfData.hpp"
+#include "Timer.hpp"
+#include "StringUtils.hpp"
+#include "Version.hpp"
+using namespace EAGLE;
+using namespace std;
+//#define LOCAL_TEST
+//#define OLD_IMP_MISSING
+void adjustHistFactor(double &histFactor, double hetRate, double snpRate) {
+  if (histFactor == 0) {
+    if (snpRate * hetRate == 0)      
+      histFactor = 1;
+    else {
+      // compute how far (in cM) default 100 hets will typically span
+      double cMdefaultHist = 100 / snpRate / hetRate;
+      printf("Typical span of default 100-het history length: %.2f cM\n", cMdefaultHist);
+      const double cMminHist = 1.0;
+      histFactor = max(1.0, min(20.0, cMminHist / cMdefaultHist));
+      printf("Setting --histFactor=%.2f\n", histFactor);
+      if (histFactor != 1)
+	printf("Typical span of %d-het history length: %.2f cM\n", (int) (100*histFactor),
+	       cMdefaultHist*histFactor);
+      cout << flush;
+    }
+  }
+void phaseWithRef(EagleParams &params, Timer &timer, double t0, int argc, char **argv) {
+  string tmpFile = params.outPrefix + ".unphased." + params.vcfOutSuffix;
+  string outFile = params.outPrefix + "." + params.vcfOutSuffix;
+  vector < vector < pair <int, int> > > conPSall; double snpRate;
+  SyncedVcfData vcfData(params.vcfRef, params.vcfTarget, params.allowRefAltSwap, params.chrom,
+			params.chromX, params.bpStart-params.bpFlanking,
+			params.bpEnd+params.bpFlanking, params.geneticMapFile,
+			params.cMmax==0 ? 1 : params.cMmax, tmpFile, params.vcfWriteMode,
+			params.usePS, conPSall, snpRate);
+  Eagle eagle(vcfData.getNref(), vcfData.getNtarget(), vcfData.getMseg64(),
+	      vcfData.getGenoBits(), vcfData.getSeg64cMvecs(), params.pErr);
+  double hetRate = eagle.computeHetRate();
+  cout << "Fraction of heterozygous genotypes: " << hetRate << endl;
+  if (params.usePBWT) adjustHistFactor(params.histFactor, hetRate, snpRate);
+  uint64 Nref = vcfData.getNref(), Ntarget = vcfData.getNtarget();
+  int iters = params.pbwtIters;
+  if (params.noImpMissing)
+    iters = 1;
+  if (iters == 0) {
+    if (Ntarget < Nref/2)
+      iters = 1;
+    else if (Ntarget < 2*Nref)
+      iters = 2;
+    else
+      iters = 3;
+    cout << endl << "Auto-selecting number of phasing iterations: setting --pbwtIters to "
+	 << iters << endl << endl;
+  }
+  cout << endl << "BEGINNING PHASING" << endl;
+  vector <float> confs(Ntarget);
+  for (int iter = 1; iter <= iters; iter++) {
+    double t23 = timer.get_time(); timer.update_time();
+    double timeMN2 = 0, timeImpMissing = 0;
+    cout << endl << "PHASING ITER " << iter << " OF " << iters << endl << endl;
+    eagle.initRefIter(iter);
+    if (params.usePBWT) { // run PBWT algorithm
+      HapBitsT *hapBitsTptr = NULL;
+      HapHedge *hapHedgePtr = NULL;
+      if (!params.noImpMissing) {
+	cout << "Making HapHedge" << endl;
+	hapBitsTptr = new HapBitsT(eagle.getHaploBitsT(), 2*eagle.getNlib(2+iter),
+				   eagle.getMseg64(), eagle.getMaskSnps64j());
+	int skip = 25;
+	hapHedgePtr = new HapHedge(*hapBitsTptr, skip);
+	cout << "Built PBWT on " << hapBitsTptr->getNhaps() << " haplotypes" << endl;
+	cout << "Time for HapHedge: " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+      }
+      cout << endl << "Phasing target samples" << endl;
+      int numPhased = 0; const int dots = 80;
+#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:timeImpMissing) schedule(dynamic, 4)
+      for (uint i = Nref; i < Nref+Ntarget; i++) {
+	int nF1 = -1, nF2 = -1;
+	if (params.trioCheck) {
+	  if ((i-Nref)%3 == 0) { // child
+	    nF1 = i+1; nF2 = i+2;
+	  }
+	  else if ((i-Nref)%3 == 1) { // parent 1
+	    nF1 = -(i-1); nF2 = i+1;
+	  }
+	  else { // parent 2
+	    nF1 = -(i-2); nF2 = i-1;
+	  }
+	}
+	confs[i-Nref] = eagle.runPBWT
+	  (i, nF1, nF2, params.Kpbwt/(iter<iters?2:1), params.expectIBDcM, params.histFactor,
+	   iter==iters, iter>1, !params.noImpMissing, params.usePS, conPSall[i-Nref]);
+	if (!params.noImpMissing) {
+	  Timer tim;
+	  eagle.imputeMissing(*hapHedgePtr, i);
+	  timeImpMissing += tim.update_time();
+	}
+#pragma omp critical(NUM_PHASED)
+	{
+	  numPhased++;
+	  int newDots = numPhased * dots / Ntarget - (numPhased-1) * dots / Ntarget;
+	  if (newDots) cout << string(newDots, '.') << flush;
+	}
+      }
+      if (!params.noImpMissing) {
+	delete hapHedgePtr;
+	delete hapBitsTptr;
+      }
+    }
+    else { // run LRP algorithm
+      cout << "Building hash tables" << endl;
+      eagle.buildHashTables(2+iter, 0, params.seed); // in ref mode, first iter is 3
+      cout << " (time: " << timer.update_time() << ")" << endl;
+      cout << endl << "Phasing target samples" << endl;
+#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:timeMN2) schedule(dynamic, 4)
+      for (uint i = Nref; i < Nref+Ntarget; i++)
+	timeMN2 += eagle.runHMM(i, -1, -1, 3, params.beamWidth4, params.maxHapStates);
+    }
+    cout << endl << "Time for phasing iter " << iter << ": " << (timer.get_time()-t23) << endl;
+    if (!params.usePBWT)
+      cout << "Time for phasing iter " << iter << " MN^2: " << timeMN2 / params.numThreads
+	   << endl;
+    else if (!params.noImpMissing)
+      cout << "Time for phasing iter " << iter << " impMissing: "
+	   << timeImpMissing / params.numThreads << endl;
+  }
+  /***** FINAL OUTPUT *****/
+  timer.update_time();
+  cout << "Writing " << params.vcfOutSuffix << " output to " << outFile << endl;
+  eagle.writeVcf(tmpFile, outFile, params.chromX, params.bpStart, params.bpEnd,
+		 params.vcfWriteMode, params.noImpMissing, argc, argv);
+  cout << "Time for writing output: " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+  cout << "Total elapsed time for analysis = " << (timer.get_time()-t0) << " sec" << endl;
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << "Mean phase confidence of each target individual:" << endl;
+  cout << "ID" << "\t" << "PHASE_CONFIDENCE" << endl;
+  for (uint i = Nref; i < Nref+Ntarget; i++) {
+    cout << vcfData.getTargetID(i-Nref) << "\t" << confs[i-Nref] << endl;
+  }
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+  Timer timer; double t0 = timer.get_time();
+  cout << "                      +-----------------------------+" << endl;
+  cout << "                      |                             |" << endl;
+  cout << "                      |   Eagle v";
+  printf("%-19s|\n", EAGLE_VERSION);
+  cout << "                      |   ";
+  printf("%-26s|\n", EAGLE_VERSION_DATE);
+  cout << "                      |   Po-Ru Loh                 |" << endl;
+  cout << "                      |                             |" << endl;
+  cout << "                      +-----------------------------+" << endl;
+  cout << endl;
+  cout << "Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University." << endl;
+  cout << "Distributed under the GNU GPLv3 open source license." << endl << endl;
+  //cout << "Boost version: " << BOOST_LIB_VERSION << endl;
+  //cout << endl;
+  printf("Command line options:\n\n");
+  printf("%s ", argv[0]);
+  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+    if (strlen(argv[i]) >= 2 && argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-')
+      printf("\\\n    ");
+    bool hasSpace = false;
+    for (uint j = 0; j < strlen(argv[i]); j++)
+      if (isspace(argv[i][j]))
+	hasSpace = true;
+    if (hasSpace) {
+      if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
+	bool foundEquals = false;
+	for (uint j = 0; j < strlen(argv[i]); j++) {
+	  printf("%c", argv[i][j]);
+	  if (argv[i][j] == '=' && !foundEquals) {
+	    printf("\"");
+	    foundEquals = true;
+	  }
+	}
+	printf("\" ");
+      }
+      else
+	printf("\"%s\" ", argv[i]);
+    }
+    else
+      printf("%s ", argv[i]);
+  }
+  cout << endl << endl;
+  EagleParams params;
+  if (!params.processCommandLineArgs(argc, argv)) {
+    cerr << "Aborting due to error processing command line arguments" << endl;
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  cout << "Setting number of threads to " << params.numThreads << endl;
+  omp_set_num_threads(params.numThreads);
+  if (!params.vcfRef.empty()) { // use reference haplotypes
+    phaseWithRef(params, timer, t0, argc, argv);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  cout << endl << "=== Reading genotype data ===" << endl << endl;
+  GenoData genoData;
+  if (!params.vcfFile.empty())
+    genoData.initVcf(params.vcfFile, params.chrom, params.chromX, params.bpStart, params.bpEnd,
+		     params.geneticMapFile, params.noMapCheck, params.cMmax);
+  else 
+    genoData.initBed(params.famFile, params.bimFile, params.bedFile, params.chrom, params.bpStart,
+		     params.bpEnd, params.geneticMapFile, params.excludeFiles, params.removeFiles,
+		     params.maxMissingPerSnp, params.maxMissingPerIndiv, params.noMapCheck,
+		     params.cMmax);
+  vector <double> invLD64j = genoData.computeInvLD64j(1000);
+  if (!params.usePBWT) { // Eagle v1 algorithm
+    params.pbwtOnly = false; // should already be false
+    params.runStep2 = 1;
+  }
+  else { // PBWT algorithm
+    // if SNP density is >1000 SNPs/Mb, don't run Steps 1+2 (even if --pbwtOnly is not set)
+    int bpSpan = genoData.getSnps().back().physpos - genoData.getSnps()[0].physpos;
+    double snpsPerMb = genoData.getSnps().size() / (bpSpan*1e-6);
+    if (snpsPerMb > 1000) params.pbwtOnly = true;
+    if (params.pbwtOnly) params.runStep2 = 0;
+    // if --runStep2 hasn't yet been set, SNP density must be low; run Step 2 unless too few chunks
+    if (params.runStep2 != 0 && params.runStep2 != 1)
+      params.runStep2 = (genoData.getMseg64() >= 3U); // can't run Step 2 with < 3 SNP segments
+  }
+  Eagle eagle(genoData.getN(), genoData.getMseg64(), genoData.getGenoBits(),
+	      genoData.getSeg64cMvecs(), genoData.getSeg64logPs(), invLD64j, genoData.getIndivs(),
+	      genoData.getSnps(), params.maskFile, genoData.getIsFlipped64j(), params.pErr,
+	      params.runStep2);
+  double hetRate = eagle.computeHetRate();
+  cout << "Fraction of heterozygous genotypes: " << hetRate << endl;
+  if (params.usePBWT) adjustHistFactor(params.histFactor, hetRate, genoData.computeSnpRate());
+  map <string, pair <string, string> > trioIIDs;
+  vector <uint> children, nF1s, nF2s;
+  uint N = genoData.getN();
+  double timeMN2 = 0;
+#ifdef LOCAL_TEST
+  {
+    ifstream
+      //finTrios("/groups/price/poru/HSPH_SVN/data/GERA/phasing/eur.CEU_gt_0.9.trios_indep.fam");
+      finTrios("/groups/price/UKBiobank/download/ukb4777_trios.fam");
+    if (finTrios) {
+      string FID, IID, s1, s2, s3, s4;
+      while (finTrios >> FID >> IID >> s1 >> s2 >> s3 >> s4)
+	trioIIDs[IID] = make_pair(s1, s2);
+      for (uint i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+	int nF1 = -1, nF2 = -1;
+	if (trioIIDs.find(genoData.getIndiv(i).indivID) == trioIIDs.end()) continue;
+	pair <string, string> parents = trioIIDs[genoData.getIndiv(i).indivID];
+	for (uint iF = 0; iF < N; iF++)
+	  if (genoData.getIndiv(iF).indivID == parents.first ||
+	      genoData.getIndiv(iF).indivID == parents.second) {
+	    if (nF1 == -1) nF1 = iF;
+	    else nF2 = iF;
+	  }
+	if (nF1 != -1 && nF2 != -1) {
+	  children.push_back(i); nF1s.push_back(nF1); nF2s.push_back(nF2);
+	}
+      }
+      cout << "Identified " << children.size() << " trio children" << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  if (params.iter == 0) {
+    if (params.outPrefix == "") {
+      cerr << "ERROR: --outPrefix must be specified" << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    /***** RUN STEP 1 *****/
+    if (!params.pbwtOnly) {
+      cout << endl << "BEGINNING STEP 1" << endl << endl;
+      double t1 = timer.get_time(); timer.update_time(); timeMN2 = 0;
+      for (uint att = 0; att < min(9U, (uint) children.size()); att++) // run on trio children
+	eagle.findLongDipMatches(children[att], nF1s[att], nF2s[att]);
+#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:timeMN2) schedule(dynamic, 4)
+      for (uint i = 0; i < N; i++) {	
+	//cout << StringUtils::itos(i)+"\n" << flush;
+	timeMN2 += eagle.findLongDipMatches(i, -1, -1).first;
+	//cout << StringUtils::itos(-i)+"\n" << flush;
+      }
+      if (!params.tmpPhaseConfsPrefix.empty())
+	eagle.writePhaseConfs(params.tmpPhaseConfsPrefix+".step1.bin");
+      cout << "Time for step 1: " << (timer.get_time()-t1) << endl;
+      cout << "Time for step 1 MN^2: " << timeMN2 / params.numThreads << endl;
+      eagle.outputSE(children, nF1s, nF2s, 1);
+    }
+    else { // use PBWT only => phase randomly
+      cout << endl << "SKIPPED STEP 1" << endl;
+#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:timeMN2) schedule(dynamic, 4)
+      for (uint i = 0; i < N; i++)
+	eagle.randomlyPhaseTmpHaploBitsT(i);
+    }
+    if (params.runStep2) { // running step 2 => Step 1 phase confs were saved to phaseConfs
+      cout << endl << "Making hard calls" << flush; timer.update_time();
+      eagle.makeHardCalls(0, N, params.seed);
+      cout << " (time: " << timer.update_time() << ")" << endl << endl;
+    }
+    else { // not running Step 2 => Step 1 phase calls were saved to tmpHaploBitsT
+      eagle.cpTmpHaploBitsT(0, N);
+    }
+    /***** RUN STEPS 2-4 (STEP 4 = STEP 3a in paper) *****/
+    for (int step = 2; step <= (params.usePBWT ? (1+params.runStep2) : 4); step++) {
+      cout << endl << "BEGINNING STEP " << step << endl << endl;
+      double t23 = timer.get_time(); timer.update_time(); timeMN2 = 0;
+      const uint64 numBatches = step == 2 ? 1 : 10;
+      const uint64 runBatches = step <= 3 ? numBatches : (uint64) (numBatches * params.fracStep4);
+      for (uint64 b = 1; b <= runBatches; b++) {
+	cout << "BATCH " << b << " OF " << runBatches << endl;
+	cout << "Building hash tables" << endl;
+	eagle.buildHashTables(step, b, params.seed);
+	cout << " (time: " << timer.update_time() << ")" << endl;
+	if (b == 1)
+	  for (uint att = 0; att < min(9U, (uint) children.size()); att++) // run on trio children
+	    step == 2 ? eagle.findLongHapMatches(children[att], nF1s[att], nF2s[att], step)
+	      : eagle.runHMM(children[att], nF1s[att], nF2s[att], step,
+			     step==3 ? params.beamWidth3 : params.beamWidth4, params.maxHapStates);
+	uint iStart = (b-1)*N/numBatches, iEnd = b*N/numBatches;
+	cout << endl << "Phasing samples " << (iStart+1) << "-" << iEnd << endl;
+#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:timeMN2) schedule(dynamic, 4)
+	for (uint i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++) {	
+	  //if (step == 3) cout << StringUtils::itos(i)+"\n" << flush;
+	  timeMN2 += step == 2 ? eagle.findLongHapMatches(i, -1, -1, step)
+	    : eagle.runHMM(i, -1, -1, step, step==3 ? params.beamWidth3 : params.beamWidth4,
+			   params.maxHapStates);
+	  //if (step == 3) cout << StringUtils::itos(-i)+"\n" << flush;
+	}
+	eagle.cpPhaseConfs(iStart, iEnd);
+	cout << "Time for phasing batch: " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+	cout << endl << "Making hard calls" << flush;
+	eagle.makeHardCalls(iStart, iEnd, params.seed + step);
+	cout << " (time: " << timer.update_time() << ")" << endl << endl;
+      }
+      if (!params.tmpPhaseConfsPrefix.empty())
+	eagle.writePhaseConfs(params.tmpPhaseConfsPrefix+".step"+StringUtils::itos(step)+".bin");
+      cout << "Time for step " << step << ": " << (timer.get_time()-t23) << endl;
+      cout << "Time for step " << step << " MN^2: " << timeMN2 / params.numThreads << endl;
+      eagle.outputSE(children, nF1s, nF2s, step);
+    }
+    if (params.usePBWT) { // run PBWT iters
+      if (!params.runStep2) // didn't run Step 2 => didn't allocate phaseConfs
+	cout << endl << "SKIPPED STEP 2" << endl;
+      else // ran Step 2 => allocated phaseConfs; didn't allocate tmpHaploBitsT
+	eagle.reallocLRPtoPBWT();
+      cout << endl << endl << "BEGINNING STEP 3 (PBWT ITERS)" << endl << endl;
+      int iters = params.pbwtIters;
+      if (iters == 0) {
+	iters = 2 + params.pbwtOnly;
+	cout << "Auto-selecting number of PBWT iterations: setting --pbwtIters to "
+	     << iters << endl << endl;
+      }
+      for (int iter = 1; iter <= iters; iter++) {
+	cout << endl << "BEGINNING PBWT ITER " << iter << endl << endl;
+	double t23 = timer.get_time(); timer.update_time(); double timeImpMissing = 0;
+	int skip = 16; int Kpbwt = params.Kpbwt; bool runReverse = true;
+	if (iter < iters) { // run rougher computation
+	  Kpbwt >>= (iters-iter);
+	  skip *= 2;
+	  runReverse = false;
+	}
+	const uint64 numBatches = 10;
+	for (uint64 b = 1; b <= numBatches; b++) {
+	  cout << "BATCH " << b << " OF " << numBatches << endl;
+	  cout << endl << "Making HapHedge" << endl;
+	  HapBitsT hapBitsT(eagle.getHaploBitsT(), 2*eagle.getNlib(2+iter),
+			    eagle.getMseg64(), eagle.getMaskSnps64j());
+	  HapHedge hapHedge(hapBitsT, skip);
+	  cout << "Built PBWT on " << hapBitsT.getNhaps() << " haplotypes" << endl;
+	  cout << "Time for HapHedge: " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+	  if (b == 1)
+	    for (uint att = 0; att < min(9U, (uint) children.size()); att++) // run on trios
+	      eagle.runPBWT(children[att], nF1s[att], nF2s[att], Kpbwt, params.expectIBDcM,
+			    params.histFactor, runReverse, true, false);
+	  uint iStart = (b-1)*N/numBatches, iEnd = b*N/numBatches;
+	  cout << endl << "Phasing samples " << (iStart+1) << "-" << iEnd << endl;
+#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:timeImpMissing) schedule(dynamic, 4)
+	  for (uint i = iStart; i < iEnd; i++) {	
+	    eagle.runPBWT(i, -1, -1, Kpbwt, params.expectIBDcM, params.histFactor, runReverse,
+			  true, true);
+	    Timer tim;
+	    eagle.imputeMissing(hapHedge, i);
+	    timeImpMissing += tim.update_time();
+	  }
+	  eagle.cpTmpHaploBitsT(iStart, iEnd);
+	  cout << "Time for phasing batch: " << timer.update_time() << endl << endl;
+	}
+	cout << "Time for PBWT iter " << iter << ": " << (timer.get_time()-t23) << endl;
+	cout << "Time for PBWT iter " << iter << " impMissing: "
+	     << timeImpMissing / params.numThreads << endl;
+	//eagle.outputSE(children, nF1s, nF2s, step); // currently requires phaseConfs
+      }
+    }
+    /***** FINAL OUTPUT *****/
+    if (!params.vcfFile.empty()) {
+      string outFile = params.outPrefix + "." + params.vcfOutSuffix;
+      cout << "Writing " << params.vcfOutSuffix << " output to " << outFile << endl;
+      eagle.writeVcfNonRef(params.vcfFile, outFile, params.chrom, params.chromX, params.bpStart,
+			   params.bpEnd, params.vcfWriteMode, argc, argv);
+    }
+    else {
+      cout << "Writing .haps.gz and .sample output" << endl; timer.update_time();
+      eagle.writeHapsGzSample(params.outPrefix);
+    }
+    cout << "Time for writing output: " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+  }
+    double t1 = timer.get_time(); timer.update_time(); timeMN2 = 0;
+    map <int, int> longestFreqs; int tot = 0;
+    int att = 0, maxAtt = 10;
+    for (uint i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+      int nF1 = -1, nF2 = -1;
+      if (trioIIDs.find(genoData.getIndiv(i).indivID) == trioIIDs.end()) continue;
+      cout << "Testing n0 = " << i << ": " << genoData.getIndiv(i).famID << " "
+	   << genoData.getIndiv(i).indivID << endl;
+      pair <string, string> parents = trioIIDs[genoData.getIndiv(i).indivID];
+      for (uint iF = 0; iF < N; iF++)
+	if (genoData.getIndiv(iF).indivID == parents.first ||
+	    genoData.getIndiv(iF).indivID == parents.second) {
+	  cout << "Parent n1: " << iF << endl;
+	  if (nF1 == -1) nF1 = iF;
+	  else nF2 = iF;
+	}
+      eagle.checkTrioErrorRate(i, nF1, nF2);
+      pair <double, vector <double> > ret = eagle.findLongDipMatches(i, nF1, nF2);
+      timeMN2 += ret.first;
+      for (uint j = 0; j < ret.second.size(); j++) {
+	longestFreqs[(int) ret.second[j]]++;
+	tot++;
+      }
+      att++;
+      if (att == maxAtt) break;
+    }
+    int cum = 0;
+    for (map <int, int>::iterator it = longestFreqs.begin(); it != longestFreqs.end(); it++) {
+      cum += it->second;
+      cout << it->first << " cM: " << it->second << "   cum: " << (double) cum/tot << endl;
+    }
+    cout << "Time for step 1: " << (timer.get_time()-t1) << endl;
+    cout << "Time for step 1 MN^2: " << timeMN2 / params.numThreads << endl;
+  }
+  else { // iter > 1 (FOR TESTING)
+    cout << "Reading phase confidences" << endl;
+    eagle.readPhaseConfs(/*"test_UKBiobank/eagle_305_chr10_small_iter2_bsub.tmpPhaseConfs.bin"*/params.tmpPhaseConfsPrefix+".step"+StringUtils::itos(params.iter-1)+".bin");
+    timer.update_time();
+    cout << "Making hard calls" << endl;
+    eagle.makeHardCalls(0, N, params.seed);
+    cout << "Time for hard calls: " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+    /* global PBWT
+    cout << "Making forward HapHedge" << endl;
+    HapBitsT hapBitsFwdT(eagle.getHaploBitsT(), 2*eagle.getNlib(params.iter), eagle.getMseg64(),
+			 eagle.getMaskSnps64j());
+    int skip = 1;
+    HapHedge hapHedgeFwd(hapBitsFwdT, skip);
+    cout << "Making backward HapHedge" << endl;
+    HapBitsT hapBitsBwdT(hapBitsFwdT, -1);
+    HapHedge hapHedgeBwd(hapBitsBwdT, skip);
+    cout << "Time for HapHedge: " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+    */
+#define USE_PBWT
+#ifndef USE_PBWT
+    cout << "Building hash tables" << endl;
+    eagle.buildHashTables(params.iter, 1, params.seed);
+    cout << endl << "Time for hash tables: " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+    eagle.reallocLRPtoPBWT();
+    int att = 0, maxAtt = N;
+    for (uint i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+      int nF1 = -1, nF2 = -1;
+      if (trioIIDs.find(genoData.getIndiv(i).indivID) == trioIIDs.end()) continue;
+      cout << "Testing n0 = " << i << ": " << genoData.getIndiv(i).famID << " "
+	   << genoData.getIndiv(i).indivID << endl;
+      pair <string, string> parents = trioIIDs[genoData.getIndiv(i).indivID];
+      for (uint iF = 0; iF < N; iF++)
+	if (genoData.getIndiv(iF).indivID == parents.first ||
+	    genoData.getIndiv(iF).indivID == parents.second) {
+	  cout << "Parent n1: " << iF << endl;
+	  if (nF1 == -1) nF1 = iF;
+	  else nF2 = iF;
+	}
+      eagle.checkTrioErrorRate(i, nF1, nF2);
+#ifdef USE_PBWT
+      eagle.runPBWT(i, nF1, nF2, params.Kpbwt, params.expectIBDcM, params.histFactor, true, false,
+		    !params.noImpMissing);
+      timeMN2 += params.iter == 2 ? eagle.findLongHapMatches(i, nF1, nF2, params.iter)
+	: eagle.runHMM(i, nF1, nF2, params.iter,
+		       params.iter==3 ? params.beamWidth3 : params.beamWidth4,
+		       params.maxHapStates/*, &hapHedgeFwd, &hapHedgeBwd*/);
+      att++; if (att == maxAtt) break;
+    }
+    cout << "Time for step minus init: " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+    cout << "Time for MN^2: " << timeMN2 / (params.iter == 0 ? params.numThreads : 1) << endl;
+    printf("%.1f%% of time in dip-hap\n", 100*eagle.diphapTicks / (double) eagle.totTicks);
+    printf("%.1f%% of time in ext\n", 100*eagle.extTicks / (double) eagle.totTicks);
+    printf("%.1f%% of time in LSH\n", 100*eagle.lshTicks / (double) eagle.totTicks);
+    printf("%.1f%% of time in LSH hit checks\n", 100*eagle.lshCheckTicks / (double) eagle.totTicks);
+    printf("%.1f%% of time in DP\n", 100*eagle.dpTicks / (double) eagle.totTicks);
+    printf("  rel %.1f%% in sort\n", 100*eagle.dpSortTicks / (double) eagle.dpTicks);
+    printf("  rel %.1f%% in update\n", 100*eagle.dpUpdateTicks / (double) eagle.dpTicks);
+    printf("  rel %.1f%% in computeStatic\n", 100*eagle.dpStaticTicks / (double) eagle.dpTicks);
+    printf("  rel %.1f%% in computeSwitch\n", 100*eagle.dpSwitchTicks / (double) eagle.dpTicks);
+    printf("%.1f%% of time in blip fix\n", 100*eagle.blipFixTicks / (double) eagle.totTicks);
+    printf("  rel %.1f%% in LSH\n", 100*eagle.blipLshTicks / (double) eagle.blipFixTicks);
+    printf("  rel %.1f%% in popcount\n", 100*eagle.blipPopTicks / (double) eagle.blipFixTicks);
+    printf("  rel %.1f%% in vote update\n", 100*eagle.blipVoteTicks / (double) eagle.blipFixTicks);
+    cout << "Number of update calls: " << eagle.dpUpdateCalls << endl;
+  }
+  cout << "Total elapsed time for analysis = " << (timer.get_time()-t0) << " sec" << endl;
diff --git a/src/EaglePBWT.cpp b/src/EaglePBWT.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94ffeb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/EaglePBWT.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "DipTreePBWT.hpp"
+#include "HapHedge.hpp"
+#include "NumericUtils.hpp"
+#include "Timer.hpp"
+#include "Types.hpp"
+#include "Eagle.hpp"
+namespace EAGLE {
+  using std::vector;
+  using std::cout;
+  using std::endl;
+  struct ProbInd {
+    float prob;
+    int ind1, ind2;
+    ProbInd(float _prob=0, int _ind1=0, int _ind2=0) : prob(_prob), ind1(_ind1), ind2(_ind2) {}
+    bool operator < (const ProbInd &pi) const {
+      return std::min(prob, 1-prob) < std::min(pi.prob, 1-pi.prob);
+    }
+  };
+  inline int popcount64_012(uint64 i) {
+    if (i == 0) return 0;
+    else if ((i & (i-1ULL)) == 0) return 1;
+    else return 2;
+  }
+  vector <uint> Eagle::findMinErrDipHap(uint64 n0, uint K, bool useTargetHaps) const {
+    uint64 Nhaps = 2*((Nref==0 || useTargetHaps) ? N : Nref);
+    if (K > Nhaps) K = Nhaps;
+    vector <uint> bestHaps; bestHaps.reserve(K);
+    if (K == Nhaps) {
+      for (uint64 nHap = 0; nHap < Nhaps; nHap++)
+	if (nHap/2 != n0)
+	  bestHaps.push_back(nHap);
+    }
+    else {
+      vector < pair <uint, uint> > hapErrInds(Nhaps);
+      vector <uint64_masks> genoBitsT(Mseg64);
+      for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) genoBitsT[m64] = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+      for (uint64 nHap = 0; nHap < Nhaps; nHap++) {
+	uint numErrs = (nHap/2 == n0 ? 1000000 : 0);
+	for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+	  uint64 is1 = haploBitsT[nHap*Mseg64 + m64];
+	  uint64 wrongBits = (genoBitsT[m64].is0 & is1) | (genoBitsT[m64].is2 & ~is1);
+	  numErrs += popcount64_012(wrongBits);
+	}
+	hapErrInds[nHap].first = numErrs;
+	hapErrInds[nHap].second = nHap;
+      }
+      std::sort(hapErrInds.begin(), hapErrInds.end());
+      for (uint k = 0; k < K; k++)
+	if (hapErrInds[k].second/2 != n0)
+	  bestHaps.push_back(hapErrInds[k].second);
+    }
+    return bestHaps;
+  }
+  vector <bool> Eagle::computeRefIsMono(const vector <uint> &bestHaps) const {
+    vector <bool> refIsMono(Mseg64*64, true);
+    vector <uint64> anyIs0(Mseg64), anyIs1(Mseg64);
+    for (uint i = 0; i < bestHaps.size(); i++) {
+      uint64 nHap = bestHaps[i];
+      for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+	uint64 is1 = haploBitsT[nHap*Mseg64 + m64];
+	anyIs0[m64] |= ~is1;
+	anyIs1[m64] |= is1;
+      }
+    }
+    for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++) {
+      if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+	uint64 m64 = m64j/64, j = m64j&63;
+	refIsMono[m64j] = !((anyIs0[m64]>>j)&1) || !((anyIs1[m64]>>j)&1);
+      }
+    }
+    return refIsMono;
+  }
+  float Eagle::runPBWT(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, int Kpbwt, double cMexpect,
+		       double histFactor, bool runReverse, bool useTargetHaps, bool impMissing) {
+    vector < pair <int, int> > noConPS;
+    return runPBWT(n0, nF1, nF2, Kpbwt, cMexpect, histFactor, runReverse, useTargetHaps,
+		   impMissing, 0, noConPS);
+  }
+  float Eagle::runPBWT(uint64 n0, uint64 nF1, uint64 nF2, int Kpbwt, double cMexpect,
+		       double histFactor, bool runReverse, bool useTargetHaps, bool impMissing,
+		       int usePS, const vector < pair <int, int> > &conPS) {
+    Timer timer;
+    vector <uint> m64jInds(Mseg64*64+1);
+    const int SPEED_FACTOR = 1; const float lnPerr = logf(powf(10.0f, logPerr));
+    const int CALL_LENGTH_FACTOR = 1;
+    bool print = (int) nF1 != -1;
+    if (print) cout << "selecting " << Kpbwt << " ref haps...    " << std::flush;
+    vector <uint> bestHaps = findMinErrDipHap(n0, Kpbwt, useTargetHaps);
+    // find sites at which only one allele is represented in bestHaps => can't be used as split
+    vector <bool> refIsMono = computeRefIsMono(bestHaps); // size = Mseg64*64
+    if (print) cout << " done " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+    // create vectors of genos, genoBits, and hets
+    vector <uchar> genos64j(Mseg64*64);
+    vector <uint64> hets64j, refMonoHets64j;
+    for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++) {
+      genos64j[m64j] = getGeno0123(m64j, n0);
+      if (maskSnps64j[m64j] && genos64j[m64j]==1) {
+	if (!refIsMono[m64j])
+	  hets64j.push_back(m64j);
+	else
+	  refMonoHets64j.push_back(m64j);
+      }
+    }
+    vector <uint64_masks> tgtGenoBits(Mseg64);
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++)
+      tgtGenoBits[m64] = genoBits[m64*N + n0];
+    vector <uint64> pbwtBitsFine(Mseg64);
+    float conf = 0;
+    // find split sites (for PBWT HapTree starts): hets and occasionally inter-het sites
+    vector < pair <int, int> > tCallLocs; vector <int> tHomLocs;
+    vector <uint64> splits64j;
+    const double cMmaxSplit = 0.5;
+    if (!hets64j.empty()) {
+      splits64j.push_back(hets64j[0]);
+      for (uint64 h = 1; h < hets64j.size(); h++) {
+	int lastCallLoc = splits64j.size(); // old het ind + 1: tree indices are split indices + 1
+	for (uint64 m64j = hets64j[h-1]+1; m64j <= hets64j[h]; m64j++)
+	  if (maskSnps64j[m64j] && !refIsMono[m64j] && genos64j[m64j] <= 2)
+	    if (m64j == hets64j[h] || cMs64j[m64j] > cMs64j[splits64j.back()] + cMmaxSplit) {
+	      splits64j.push_back(m64j);
+	      if (m64j < hets64j[h])
+		tHomLocs.push_back(splits64j.size()); // hom ind + 1
+	    }
+	int nextCallLoc = splits64j.size(); // new het ind + 1
+	tCallLocs.push_back(make_pair(lastCallLoc, nextCallLoc));
+      }
+    }
+    else { // all hom or missing or mono in ref; put in splits as necessary
+      for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++)
+	if (maskSnps64j[m64j] && !refIsMono[m64j] && genos64j[m64j] <= 2)
+	  if (splits64j.empty() || cMs64j[m64j] > cMs64j[splits64j.back()] + cMmaxSplit) {
+	    splits64j.push_back(m64j);
+	    tHomLocs.push_back(splits64j.size()); // hom ind + 1
+	  }
+    }
+    if (print) {
+      cout << "num hets (poly in best haps): " << hets64j.size();
+      cout << " num hets (mono in best haps): " << refMonoHets64j.size();
+      cout << " num splits: " << splits64j.size() << endl;
+    }
+    // allocate storage for reference haplotype samples (to use for impMissing and singleton hets)
+    const int samples = 10;
+    vector < vector <HapPair> > refSamples[2];
+    refSamples[0].resize(splits64j.size()+1);
+    refSamples[1].resize(splits64j.size()+1);
+    // store which inter-split chunks contain at least one missing site
+    vector <bool> tHasMissing(splits64j.size()+1); // "missing" = missing or singleton het
+    for (int t = 0; t <= (int) splits64j.size(); t++) {
+      uint64 m64jPrev = t==0 ? -1ULL : splits64j[t-1];
+      uint64 m64jNext = t==(int) splits64j.size() ? Mseg64*64 : splits64j[t];
+      for (uint64 m64j = m64jPrev+1; m64j < m64jNext; m64j++)
+	if (maskSnps64j[m64j] && ((genos64j[m64j] == 3 && impMissing) || // missing
+				  (genos64j[m64j] == 1 && refIsMono[m64j]))) // singleton het
+	  tHasMissing[t] = true;
+    }
+    // create vector of genos at split sites (padded on left and right to match hapBitsT)
+    vector <uchar> splitGenos;
+    splitGenos.push_back(0); // pad on left with 0 (to match hapBitsT)
+    for (uint64 s = 0; s < splits64j.size(); s++)
+      splitGenos.push_back(genos64j[splits64j[s]]);
+    splitGenos.push_back(0); // pad on right with 0 (to match hapBitsT)
+    // check for 0 or 1 het (warn)
+    if (hets64j.size() <= 1) {
+      cerr << "WARNING: Sample " << n0-Nref+1 << " (1-indexed) has a het count of "
+	   << hets64j.size() << endl;
+    }
+    // compute recombination probabilities
+    vector <double> cMcoords(splits64j.size()+2);
+    for (uint64 s = 0; s <= splits64j.size(); s++) {
+      uint64 splitStart = (s == 0 ? 0 : splits64j[s-1]);
+      uint64 splitStop = (s == splits64j.size() ? Mseg64*64 : splits64j[s]);
+      cMcoords[s] = cMs64j[splitStart]; cMcoords[s+1] = cMs64j[splitStop];
+      int homs = 0;
+      for (uint64 m64j = splitStart+1; m64j < splitStop; m64j++)
+	if (genos64j[m64j] == 0 || genos64j[m64j] == 2)
+	  homs++;
+    }
+    // create HapBitsT encoding of ref hets and hom errs
+    if (print) cout << "making HapBitsT...             " << std::flush;
+    HapBitsT hapBitsT(haploBitsT, Mseg64, splits64j, splitGenos, tgtGenoBits, bestHaps);
+    if (print) cout << " done " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+    // create HapHedge PBWT data structure
+    if (print) cout << "making HapHedge...             " << std::flush;
+    HapHedgeErr *hapHedgePtr = new HapHedgeErr(hapBitsT);
+    if (print) cout << " done " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+    //hapHedgePtr->printTree(0);
+    // initialize DipTree object
+    if (print) cout << "making DipTree (unconstr)...   " << std::flush;
+    vector <char> constraints(splitGenos.size(), NO_CONSTRAINT);
+    vector <int> splitInds(Mseg64*64+1); // index map for FORMAT:PS constraints
+    if (usePS) {
+      // populate splitInds: 1-based indices t=1..T-2 in splits64j[t-1] of 1-based SNPs m+1
+      for (uint64 m64j = 0, m = 0, t = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++)
+	if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+	  m++;
+	  m64jInds[m] = m64j;
+	  if (t < splits64j.size() && splits64j[t]==m64j) {
+	    t++;
+	    splitInds[m] = t;
+	  }
+	  else
+	    splitInds[m] = 0;
+	}
+      // set constraints for fast search
+      for (uint c = 0; c < conPS.size(); c++)
+	if (splitInds[conPS[c].first] && splitInds[abs(conPS[c].second)])
+	  constraints[splitInds[conPS[c].first]] =
+	    ((splitInds[conPS[c].first]-splitInds[abs(conPS[c].second)])<<1)|(conPS[c].second<0);
+    }
+    const int histLengthFast = 30*histFactor, pbwtBeamWidthFast = 30/SPEED_FACTOR;
+    DipTree dipTreeFast(*hapHedgePtr, splitGenos, &constraints[0], cMcoords, cMexpect,
+			histLengthFast, pbwtBeamWidthFast, lnPerr, 0);
+    if (print) cout << " done " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+    // explore search space; make phase calls
+    if (print) cout << "making phase calls (uncon)...  " << std::flush;
+    const int callLengthFast = 10*CALL_LENGTH_FACTOR;
+    const float minFix = 0.5f, maxFix = 0.9f, fixThresh = 0.01f;
+    vector <ProbInd> probInds;
+    vector <uint64> pbwtBitsFast(Mseg64);
+    uint64 lastBit = 0;
+    for (uint64 i = 0; i < tCallLocs.size(); i++) {
+      float probAA = dipTreeFast.callProbAA(tCallLocs[i].first, tCallLocs[i].second,
+					    callLengthFast);
+      ProbInd probInd(probAA, tCallLocs[i].first, tCallLocs[i].second);
+      if (probAA < 0.5f)
+	lastBit = !lastBit;
+      uint64 m64j = hets64j[i+1];
+      pbwtBitsFast[m64j/64] |= lastBit<<(m64j&63);
+      if (i > 0) { // try calling rel phase vs. 2 hets back (in case prev het is err)
+	float probAA2 = dipTreeFast.callProbAA(tCallLocs[i-1].first, tCallLocs[i].second,
+					       callLengthFast);
+	ProbInd probInd2(probAA2, tCallLocs[i-1].first, tCallLocs[i].second);
+	if (probInd2 < probInd)
+	  probInd = probInd2;
+      }
+      probInds.push_back(probInd);
+    }
+    int T = splitGenos.size(); // splits64j.size()+2; tree indices are split indices + 1
+    vector <char> revConstraints(T, NO_CONSTRAINT);
+    // set relative phase constraints for most confident hets
+    std::sort(probInds.begin(), probInds.end());
+    //float fracFixed = 0;
+    for (int f = 0; f < minFix*probInds.size() ||
+	   (f < maxFix*probInds.size()
+	    && (probInds[f].prob < fixThresh || probInds[f].prob > 1-fixThresh)) ||
+	   (f < (int) probInds.size() && (probInds[f].prob==0 || probInds[f].prob==1)); f++) {
+      //fracFixed = (f+1.0f) / probInds.size();
+      constraints[probInds[f].ind2] = // het constraint: fix relative phase of ind2 wrt ind1
+	revConstraints[T-1-probInds[f].ind1] =
+	((probInds[f].ind2 - probInds[f].ind1)<<1) | (probInds[f].prob < 0.5f);
+      if (constraints[probInds[f].ind1] == NO_CONSTRAINT)
+	constraints[probInds[f].ind1] = OPP_CONSTRAINT; // set to -2 = "start of het block"
+      revConstraints[T-1-probInds[f].ind2] = OPP_CONSTRAINT;
+    }
+    // make hom dosage calls (and divide by 2 to sort properly: uncertainty = dist from 0 or 1)
+    probInds.clear();
+    for (uint64 i = 0; i < tHomLocs.size(); i++)
+      probInds.push_back(ProbInd(dipTreeFast.callDosage(tHomLocs[i], callLengthFast) / 2,
+				 tHomLocs[i]));
+    std::sort(probInds.begin(), probInds.end());
+    for (int f = 0; f < minFix*probInds.size() ||
+	   (f < maxFix*probInds.size()
+	    && (probInds[f].prob < fixThresh || probInds[f].prob > 1-fixThresh)) ||
+	   (f < (int) probInds.size() && (probInds[f].prob==0 || probInds[f].prob==1)); f++)
+      constraints[probInds[f].ind1] = revConstraints[T-1-probInds[f].ind1] =
+	(probInds[f].prob >= 0.5f); // hom constraint: no err allowed
+    if (print) cout << " done " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+    //cout << "frac fixed: " << fracFixed << endl;
+    // set constraints for fine search
+    if (usePS == 2) {
+      for (uint c = 0; c < conPS.size(); c++)
+	if (splitInds[conPS[c].first] && splitInds[abs(conPS[c].second)])
+	  constraints[splitInds[conPS[c].first]] =
+	    revConstraints[T-1-splitInds[abs(conPS[c].second)]] =
+	    ((splitInds[conPS[c].first]-splitInds[abs(conPS[c].second)])<<1)|(conPS[c].second<0);
+    }
+    // initialize DipTree object
+    if (print) cout << "making DipTree (constrained)..." << std::flush;
+    const int histLengthFine = 100*histFactor, pbwtBeamWidthFine = 50/SPEED_FACTOR;
+    DipTree dipTreeFine(*hapHedgePtr, splitGenos, &constraints[0], cMcoords, cMexpect,
+			histLengthFine, pbwtBeamWidthFine, lnPerr, 0);
+    if (print) cout << " done " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+    // explore search space; make phase calls
+    if (print) cout << "making phase calls (constr)... " << std::flush;
+    const int callLengthFine = 20*CALL_LENGTH_FACTOR;
+    const int callLengthSample = 20;
+    // sample refs (BEFORE callProbAA: sampleRefs needs recent history that gets overwritten)
+    for (int t = 0; t < T-1; t++)
+      if (tHasMissing[t])
+	refSamples[0][t] = dipTreeFine.sampleRefs(t, callLengthSample, samples, bestHaps, true);
+    vector <float> probAAsCur;
+    lastBit = 0;
+    for (uint64 i = 0; i < tCallLocs.size(); i++) {
+      float probAA = dipTreeFine.callProbAA(tCallLocs[i].first, tCallLocs[i].second,
+					    callLengthFine);
+      probAAsCur.push_back(probAA);
+      conf += std::max(probAA, 1-probAA);
+      if (probAA < 0.5f)
+	lastBit = !lastBit;
+      uint64 m64j = hets64j[i+1];
+      pbwtBitsFine[m64j/64] |= lastBit<<(m64j&63);
+    }
+    conf /= tCallLocs.size();
+    if (print) cout << " done " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+    delete hapHedgePtr;
+    if (runReverse) {
+      // create HapBitsT encoding of ref hets and hom errs
+      if (print) cout << "making revHapBitsT...          " << std::flush;
+      HapBitsT revHapBitsT(hapBitsT, -2);
+      if (print) cout << " done " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+      // create HapHedge PBWT data structure
+      if (print) cout << "making revHapHedge...          " << std::flush;
+      HapHedgeErr revHapHedge(revHapBitsT);
+      if (print) cout << " done " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+      vector <uchar> revSplitGenos(splitGenos);
+      std::reverse(revSplitGenos.begin(), revSplitGenos.end());
+      vector <double> revcMcoords(T);
+      for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) revcMcoords[t] = cMcoords[T-1] - cMcoords[T-1-t];
+      // initialize DipTree object
+      if (print) cout << "making revDipTree (constr)...  " << std::flush;
+      DipTree revDipTreeFine(revHapHedge, revSplitGenos, &revConstraints[0], revcMcoords, cMexpect,
+			     histLengthFine, pbwtBeamWidthFine, lnPerr, 0);
+      if (print) cout << " done " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+      // explore search space; make phase calls
+      if (print) cout << "making rev phase calls (con)..." << std::flush;
+      // sample refs (BEFORE callProbAA: sampleRefs needs recent history that gets overwritten)
+      for (int t = T-2; t >= 0; t--)
+	if (tHasMissing[t])
+	  refSamples[1][t] =
+	    revDipTreeFine.sampleRefs(T-2-t, callLengthSample, samples, bestHaps, false);
+      vector <uint64> revPbwtBitsFine(Mseg64);
+      lastBit = 0;
+      for (int i = tCallLocs.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+	float probAA = revDipTreeFine.callProbAA(T-1-tCallLocs[i].second, T-1-tCallLocs[i].first,
+						 callLengthFine);
+	if (probAA + probAAsCur[i] < 1)
+	  lastBit = !lastBit;
+	uint64 m64j = hets64j[i];
+	revPbwtBitsFine[m64j/64] |= lastBit<<(m64j&63);
+      }
+      if (print) cout << " done " << timer.update_time() << endl;
+      pbwtBitsFine = revPbwtBitsFine;
+    }
+    // trio analysis output
+    if (print) {
+      /*
+      for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+	checkHaploBits(n0, nF1, nF2, pbwtBitsFast[m64], m64, 25);
+	checkHaploBits(n0, nF1, nF2, pbwtBitsFine[m64], m64, 25);
+	cout << endl;
+      }
+      */
+      vector <bool> phaseVec;
+      for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+	vector <bool> phaseSeg = checkHaploBits(n0, nF1, nF2, pbwtBitsFast[m64], m64, -1);
+	phaseVec.insert(phaseVec.end(), phaseSeg.begin(), phaseSeg.end());
+      }
+      printf("FAST# major SE: %2d   # tot SE: %2d / %d\n", countMajorSE(phaseVec),
+	     countSE(phaseVec), (int) phaseVec.size()-1);
+      phaseVec.clear();
+      for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+	vector <bool> phaseSeg = checkHaploBits(n0, nF1, nF2, pbwtBitsFine[m64], m64, -1);
+	phaseVec.insert(phaseVec.end(), phaseSeg.begin(), phaseSeg.end());
+      }
+      printf("FINE# major SE: %2d   # tot SE: %2d / %d\n", countMajorSE(phaseVec),
+	     countSE(phaseVec), (int) phaseVec.size()-1);
+      // check accuracy of fast calls
+      vector <int> trioRelPhaseVec = trioRelPhase(n0, nF1, nF2);
+      const int NUM_CALL_LENGTHS = 2;
+      int callLengths[NUM_CALL_LENGTHS] = {10, 20/*, 50, 100*/};
+      for (int l = 0; l < NUM_CALL_LENGTHS; l++) {
+	cout << "callLength = " << callLengths[l] << endl;
+	vector <float> probAAs;
+	for (uint64 i = 0; i < tCallLocs.size(); i++)
+	  probAAs.push_back(dipTreeFast.callProbAA(tCallLocs[i].first, tCallLocs[i].second,
+						   callLengths[l]));
+	vector < vector <float> > probCorFastSlow;
+	for (uint i = 0; i < probAAs.size(); i++)
+	  if (trioRelPhaseVec[i] >= 0) {
+	    vector <float> tmp(4);
+	    tmp[0] = std::min(probAAs[i], 1-probAAs[i]);
+	    tmp[1] = (probAAs[i] > 0.5f) == !trioRelPhaseVec[i];
+	    tmp[2] = (probAAsCur[i] > 0.5f) == !trioRelPhaseVec[i];
+	    probCorFastSlow.push_back(tmp);
+	  }
+	std::sort(probCorFastSlow.begin(), probCorFastSlow.end());
+	const int NUM_PCTS = 7;
+	int pcts[NUM_PCTS] = {50, 80, 90, 95, 98, 99, 100};
+	for (int p = 0; p < NUM_PCTS; p++) {
+	  int pct = pcts[p];
+	  uint iCut = probCorFastSlow.size()*pct/100;
+	  int numErrs = 0, numErrsCur = 0;
+	  for (uint i = 0; i < iCut; i++) {
+	    if (probCorFastSlow[i][1] == 0)
+	      numErrs++;
+	    if (probCorFastSlow[i][2] == 0)
+	      numErrsCur++;
+	  }
+	  printf("  len=%d,cut=%d%%: p opp = %f, %d errs, %d cur / %d calls\n",
+		 callLengths[l], pct, probCorFastSlow[iCut-1][0], numErrs, numErrsCur, iCut);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    // write phase calls
+    uint64 nTargetHap = 2*(n0-Nref);
+    uint64 nTargetOpp = 2*(n0-Nref) + 1;
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      tmpHaploBitsT[nTargetHap*Mseg64 + m64] = pbwtBitsFine[m64];
+      tmpHaploBitsT[nTargetOpp*Mseg64 + m64] = ~pbwtBitsFine[m64];
+    }
+    // set hom bits
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      for (uint64 j = 0; j < 64ULL; j++) {
+	uint64 m64j = m64*64+j;
+	if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+	  if (genos64j[m64j] == 0) {
+	    tmpHaploBitsT[nTargetHap*Mseg64 + m64] &= ~(1ULL<<j);
+	    tmpHaploBitsT[nTargetOpp*Mseg64 + m64] &= ~(1ULL<<j);
+	  }
+	  else if (genos64j[m64j] == 2) {
+	    tmpHaploBitsT[nTargetHap*Mseg64 + m64] |= 1ULL<<j;
+	    tmpHaploBitsT[nTargetOpp*Mseg64 + m64] |= 1ULL<<j;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    // impute missing genos and phase hets monomorphic in bestHaps
+    for (int t = 0; t <= (int) splits64j.size(); t++) {
+      if (!tHasMissing[t]) continue;
+      if (!runReverse) {
+	// no reverse samples available; just use fwd samples and don't bother with ends
+	for (int s = 0; s < samples; s++)
+	  for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++)
+	    refSamples[0][t][s].haps[h].isEnd = false;
+	refSamples[1][t] = refSamples[0][t];
+      }
+      // identify missing sites
+      const uint64 m64jPrev = t==0 ? -1ULL : splits64j[t-1];
+      const uint64 m64jNext = t==(int) splits64j.size() ? Mseg64*64 : splits64j[t];
+      vector <uint64> miss64j;
+      for (uint64 m64j = m64jPrev+1; m64j < m64jNext; m64j++)
+	if (genos64j[m64j] == 3 && impMissing) // missing
+	  miss64j.push_back(m64j);
+      // orient each hap pair wrt called phase
+      if (!hets64j.empty())
+	for (int fb = 0; fb < 2; fb++) {
+	  for (int s = 0; s < samples; s++) {
+	    double cMmid;
+	    if (t==0) cMmid = cMs64j[splits64j[t]];
+	    else if (t==(int) splits64j.size()) cMmid = cMs64j[splits64j[t-1]];
+	    else cMmid = (cMs64j[splits64j[t-1]] + cMs64j[splits64j[t]]) / 2;
+	    vector < pair <double, int> > cMdistSigns;
+	    for (int i = 15; i >= 0; i--)
+	      if ((((refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[0].tMaskRev ^
+		     refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[1].tMaskRev)>>i)&1)
+		  && splitGenos[t-i]==1) {
+		uint64 m64j = splits64j[t-i-1];
+		cMdistSigns.push_back(make_pair(fabs(cMs64j[m64j]-cMmid), ((refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[0].tMaskRev>>i)&1) == ((pbwtBitsFine[m64j/64]>>(m64j&63))&1)));
+	      }
+	    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+	      if ((((refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[0].tMaskFwd ^
+		     refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[1].tMaskFwd)>>i)&1)
+		  && splitGenos[t+i+1]==1) {
+		uint64 m64j = splits64j[t+i];
+		cMdistSigns.push_back(make_pair(fabs(cMs64j[m64j]-cMmid), ((refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[0].tMaskFwd>>i)&1) == ((pbwtBitsFine[m64j/64]>>(m64j&63))&1)));
+	      }
+	    if (!cMdistSigns.empty()) {
+	      sort(cMdistSigns.begin(), cMdistSigns.end());
+	      if (!cMdistSigns[0].second)
+		std::swap(refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[0], refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[1]);
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+      // for each haplotype in turn, call missing sites (and save mean hap length)
+      double hMeanLens[2];
+      for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++) {
+	vector <int> endRefs[2];
+	vector <int> nonEndRefs[2], nonEndLens[2];
+	// split sampled haplotypes into buckets: those that end in (t,t+1) and those that don't
+	for (int fb = 0; fb < 2; fb++)
+	  for (int s = 0; s < samples; s++) {
+	    if (refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[h].isEnd)
+	      endRefs[fb].push_back(refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[h].refSeq);
+	    else {
+	      nonEndRefs[fb].push_back(refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[h].refSeq);
+	      nonEndLens[fb].push_back(refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[h].tLength);
+	    }
+	  }
+	// initialize allele dosages
+	int nMiss = miss64j.size();
+	double alleleDoses[nMiss][2];
+	for (int m = 0; m < nMiss; m++) alleleDoses[m][0] = alleleDoses[m][1] = 0;
+	// process non-ends: call using longer of fwd, rev ref samples
+	double meanLens[2] = {0, 0};
+	for (int fb = 0; fb < 2; fb++)
+	  if (!nonEndLens[fb].empty())
+	    meanLens[fb] = std::accumulate(nonEndLens[fb].begin(), nonEndLens[fb].end(), 0) /
+	      (double) nonEndLens[fb].size();
+	int fbLong = meanLens[0] > meanLens[1] ? 0 : 1;
+	for (uint k = 0; k < nonEndRefs[fbLong].size(); k++) {
+	  int refSeq = nonEndRefs[fbLong][k];
+	  for (int m = 0; m < nMiss; m++)
+	    alleleDoses[m][(haploBitsT[refSeq*Mseg64+miss64j[m]/64]>>(miss64j[m]&63))&1] += 1;
+	}
+	// compute mean lengths including ends=0 for phasing singletons later
+	for (int fb = 0; fb < 2; fb++)
+	  meanLens[fb] = std::accumulate(nonEndLens[fb].begin(), nonEndLens[fb].end(), 0) /
+	    (double) samples;
+	hMeanLens[h] = std::max(meanLens[0], meanLens[1]); // set to max of fwd, rev
+	// process ends: find most likely recombination points at which fwd and rev haps meet
+	if (!endRefs[0].empty() && !endRefs[1].empty()) {
+	  for (uint k = 0; k < endRefs[0].size() && k < endRefs[1].size(); k++) {
+	    int refSeqFwd = endRefs[0][k], refSeqRev = endRefs[1][k];
+	    int errFwd = 0, errRev = 0;
+	    for (uint64 m64j = m64jPrev+1; m64j < m64jNext; m64j++) {
+	      if ((genos64j[m64j] == 0 || genos64j[m64j] == 2) &&
+		  (((haploBitsT[refSeqRev*Mseg64+m64j/64]>>(m64j&63))&1) != genos64j[m64j]/2))
+		errRev++;
+	    }
+	    // find recombination points that minimize errors (usually 0 errors)
+	    int minErr = 1<<30;
+	    vector <double> cMdiffs; vector <uint64> revStarts;
+	    for (uint64 m64j = m64jPrev; m64j < m64jNext; m64j++) {
+	      if (m64j != m64jPrev) { // update err counts
+		if ((genos64j[m64j] == 0 || genos64j[m64j] == 2) &&
+		    (((haploBitsT[refSeqFwd*Mseg64+m64j/64]>>(m64j&63))&1) != genos64j[m64j]/2))
+		  errFwd++;
+		if ((genos64j[m64j] == 0 || genos64j[m64j] == 2) &&
+		    (((haploBitsT[refSeqRev*Mseg64+m64j/64]>>(m64j&63))&1) != genos64j[m64j]/2))
+		  errRev--;
+	      }
+	      // rev starts at m64j+1
+	      double cMdiff = cMs64j[m64j+1] - (m64j==-1ULL ? 0 : cMs64j[m64j]) + 1e-9;
+	      if (errFwd+errRev < minErr) {
+		minErr = errFwd+errRev;
+		cMdiffs.clear();
+		revStarts.clear();
+	      }
+	      if (errFwd+errRev == minErr) {
+		cMdiffs.push_back(cMdiff);
+		revStarts.push_back(m64j+1);
+	      }
+	    }
+	    // augment dosages proportionally to cMdiffs (btwn consecutive SNPs) at recomb points
+	    double cMtot = std::accumulate(cMdiffs.begin(), cMdiffs.end(), 0.0);
+	    for (int m = 0; m < nMiss; m++) {
+	      double cMcum = 0;
+	      for (uint x = 0; x < revStarts.size(); x++) {
+		if (miss64j[m] < revStarts[x])
+		  cMcum += cMdiffs[x];
+		else
+		  break;
+	      }
+	      alleleDoses[m][(haploBitsT[refSeqFwd*Mseg64+miss64j[m]/64]>>(miss64j[m]&63))&1] +=
+		cMcum / cMtot;
+	      alleleDoses[m][(haploBitsT[refSeqRev*Mseg64+miss64j[m]/64]>>(miss64j[m]&63))&1] +=
+		1 - cMcum / cMtot;
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	// make final calls
+	for (int m = 0; m < nMiss; m++) {
+	  uint64 m64 = miss64j[m]/64, j = miss64j[m]&63;
+	  if (alleleDoses[m][0] >= alleleDoses[m][1])
+	    tmpHaploBitsT[(nTargetHap+h)*Mseg64 + m64] &= ~(1ULL<<j);
+	  else
+	    tmpHaploBitsT[(nTargetHap+h)*Mseg64 + m64] |= 1ULL<<j;
+	}
+      }
+      // call phase at "singleton" hets monomorphic among bestHaps
+      for (uint64 m64j = m64jPrev+1; m64j < m64jNext; m64j++)
+	if (genos64j[m64j] == 1 && refIsMono[m64j]) { // "singleton" het
+	  uint64 m64 = m64j/64, j = m64j&63;
+	  uint64 commonBit = haploBitsT[bestHaps[0]*Mseg64 + m64] & (1ULL<<j);
+	  uint64 rareBit = commonBit ^ (1ULL<<j);
+	  int hShorter = hMeanLens[0] < hMeanLens[1] ? 0 : 1; // put rare allele on shorter hap
+	  for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++)
+	    tmpHaploBitsT[(nTargetHap+h)*Mseg64 + m64] &= ~(1ULL<<j); // clear bit	    
+	  tmpHaploBitsT[(nTargetHap+hShorter)*Mseg64 + m64] |= rareBit;
+	  tmpHaploBitsT[(nTargetHap+!hShorter)*Mseg64 + m64] |= commonBit;
+	  /*
+	  cout << "common bit: " << commonBit << endl;
+	  cout << "rare bit: " << rareBit << endl;
+	  cout << "hMeanLens[0]: " << hMeanLens[0] << endl;
+	  cout << "hMeanLens[1]: " << hMeanLens[1] << endl;
+	  cout << "hShorter: " << hShorter << endl;
+	  */
+	}
+    }
+    /*
+    for (int t = 0; t < 500; t += 100) {
+      cout << "==== t: " << t << " ====" << endl;
+      for (int fb = 0; fb < 2; fb++) {
+	cout << "--- fb: " << fb << " ---" << endl;
+	for (int s = 0; s < 3; s++) {
+	  cout << ".. sample: " << s << " ..     " << refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[0].tLength << "," << refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[1].tLength << endl;
+	  for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++) {
+	    for (int i = 15; i >= 0; i--) {
+	      if ((((refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[h].tMaskRev ^ refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[1-h].tMaskRev)>>i)&1) && splitGenos[t-i]==1) {
+		uint64 m64j = splits64j[t-i-1];
+		cout << (((refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[h].tMaskRev>>i)&1) == ((pbwtBitsFine[m64j/64]>>(m64j&63))&1) ? "+" : "-");
+	      }
+	      else
+		cout << ".";
+	    }
+	    cout << "|";
+	    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+	      if ((((refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[h].tMaskFwd ^ refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[1-h].tMaskFwd)>>i)&1) && splitGenos[t+i+1]==1) {
+		uint64 m64j = splits64j[t+i];
+		cout << (((refSamples[fb][t][s].haps[h].tMaskFwd>>i)&1) == ((pbwtBitsFine[m64j/64]>>(m64j&63))&1) ? "+" : "-");
+	      }
+	      else
+		cout << ".";
+	    }
+	    cout << "   ";
+	  }
+	  cout << endl;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    */
+    if (print && usePS) {
+      int correct = 0;
+      for (uint c = 0; c < conPS.size(); c++) {
+	int m1 = conPS[c].first, m2 = abs(conPS[c].second), isOpp = conPS[c].second<0;
+	uint m64j1 = m64jInds[m1], m64j2 = m64jInds[m2];
+	assert(genos64j[m64j1]==1 && genos64j[m64j2]==1);
+	correct += (uint) isOpp == (((pbwtBitsFine[m64j1/64]>>(m64j1&63))&1) ^
+				    ((pbwtBitsFine[m64j2/64]>>(m64j2&63))&1));
+      }
+      cout << "constraints respected: " << correct << " / " << conPS.size() << endl;
+    }
+    return conf;
+  }
diff --git a/src/EagleParams.cpp b/src/EagleParams.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..548b9cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/EagleParams.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "StringUtils.hpp"
+#include "FileUtils.hpp"
+#include "EagleParams.hpp"
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+namespace EAGLE {
+  using std::vector;
+  using std::string;
+  using std::cout;
+  using std::cerr;
+  using std::endl;
+  // populates members; error-checks
+  bool EagleParams::processCommandLineArgs(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+    vector <string> removeFileTemplates, excludeFileTemplates;
+    string chromStr; // allow "X"
+    namespace po = boost::program_options;
+    po::options_description commonOptions;
+    commonOptions.add_options()
+      ("geneticMapFile", po::value<string>(&geneticMapFile)->required(),
+       "HapMap genetic map provided with download: tables/genetic_map_hg##.txt.gz")
+      // "chr pos rate(cM/Mb) map(cM)"
+      ("outPrefix", po::value<string>(&outPrefix)->required(), "prefix for output files")
+      ("numThreads", po::value<int>(&numThreads)->default_value(1),
+       "number of computational threads")
+      ;
+    po::options_description nonRefMode
+	("Input options for phasing without a reference");
+    nonRefMode.add_options()
+      // genotype data parameters
+      ("bfile", po::value<string>(), "prefix of PLINK .fam, .bim, .bed files")
+      ("bfilegz", po::value<string>(), "prefix of PLINK .fam.gz, .bim.gz, .bed.gz files")
+      ("fam", po::value<string>(&famFile),
+       "PLINK .fam file (note: file names ending in .gz are auto-decompressed)")
+      ("bim", po::value<string>(&bimFile), "PLINK .bim file")
+      ("bed", po::value<string>(&bedFile), "PLINK .bed file")
+      ("vcf", po::value<string>(&vcfFile), "[compressed] VCF/BCF file containing input genotypes")
+      ("remove", po::value< vector <string> >(&removeFileTemplates),
+       "file(s) listing individuals to ignore (no header; FID IID must be first two columns)")
+      ("exclude", po::value< vector <string> >(&excludeFileTemplates),
+       "file(s) listing SNPs to ignore (no header; SNP ID must be first column)")
+      ("maxMissingPerSnp", po::value<double>(&maxMissingPerSnp)->default_value(0.1, "0.1"),
+       "QC filter: max missing rate per SNP")
+      ("maxMissingPerIndiv", po::value<double>(&maxMissingPerIndiv)->default_value(0.1, "0.1"),
+       "QC filter: max missing rate per person")      
+      ;
+    po::options_description refMode
+      ("Input/output options for phasing using a reference panel");
+    refMode.add_options()
+      ("vcfRef", po::value<string>(&vcfRef),
+       "tabix-indexed [compressed] VCF/BCF file for reference haplotypes")
+      ("vcfTarget", po::value<string>(&vcfTarget),
+       "tabix-indexed [compressed] VCF/BCF file for target genotypes")
+      ("vcfOutFormat", po::value<string>(&vcfOutFormat)->default_value("z"),
+       "b|u|z|v: compressed BCF (b), uncomp BCF (u), compressed VCF (z), uncomp VCF (v)")
+      ("noImpMissing", "disable imputation of missing ./. target genotypes")
+      ("allowRefAltSwap", "allow swapping of REF/ALT in target vs. ref VCF")
+      ;
+    po::options_description bothModes("Region selection options");
+    bothModes.add_options()
+      ("chrom", po::value<string>(&chromStr)->default_value("0"),
+       "chromosome to analyze (if input has many)")
+      ("bpStart", po::value<double>(&bpStart)->default_value(0),
+       "minimum base pair position to analyze")
+      ("bpEnd", po::value<double>(&bpEnd)->default_value(1e9, "1e9"),
+       "maximum base pair position to analyze")
+      ("bpFlanking", po::value<double>(&bpFlanking)->default_value(0),
+       "(ref-mode only) flanking region to use during phasing but discard in output")
+      ;
+    po::options_description algOptions("Algorithm options");
+    algOptions.add_options()
+      ("Kpbwt", po::value<int>(&Kpbwt)->default_value(10000),
+       "number of conditioning haplotypes") // TODO: throw error if set in --v1 mode
+      ("pbwtIters", po::value<int>(&pbwtIters)->default_value(0),
+       "number of PBWT phasing iterations (0=auto)")
+      ("expectIBDcM", po::value<double>(&expectIBDcM)->default_value(2, "2.0"),
+       "expected length of haplotype copying (cM)")
+      ("histFactor", po::value<double>(&histFactor)->default_value(0, "0"),
+       "history length multiplier (0=auto)")
+      ("genoErrProb", po::value<double>(&pErr)->default_value(0.003, "0.003"),
+       "estimated genotype error probability")
+      ("pbwtOnly", "in non-ref mode, use only PBWT iters (automatic for sequence data)")
+      ("v1", "use Eagle1 phasing algorithm (instead of default Eagle2 algorithm)")
+      ;
+    po::options_description hidden("Hidden options");
+    hidden.add_options()
+      ("help,h", "print help message with typical options")
+      // experimental options
+      ("usePS", po::value<int>(&usePS)->default_value(0),
+       "use FORMAT:PS phase constraints in target VCF: 1=soft, 2=harder")
+      ("runStep2", po::value<int>(&runStep2)->default_value(-1),
+       "enable/disable Step 2 of non-ref algorithm (-1=auto)")
+      ("chromX", po::value<int>(&chromX)->default_value(23), "maximum chromosome number (chrX)")
+      // Eagle1 advanced options
+      ("v1fast", "Eagle1 fast mode: --maxBlockLen=0.3, --maxStatePairsStep4=100, --fracStep4=0.5")
+      ("maxBlockLen", po::value<double>(&cMmax)->default_value(0),
+       "max length (in cM units) of a SNP block; increase to trade accuracy for speed (0=auto)")
+      ("maxStatePairsStep3", po::value<int>(&beamWidth3)->default_value(100),
+       "maximum state pairs per position in dynamic programming (HMM-like) search (step 3)")
+      ("maxStatePairsStep4", po::value<int>(&beamWidth4)->default_value(200),
+       "maximum state pairs per position in dynamic programming (HMM-like) search (step 4)")
+      ("fracStep4", po::value<double>(&fracStep4)->default_value(1),
+       "fraction of samples to re-phase in 4th step")
+      ("seed", po::value<uint>(&seed)->default_value(0), "random seed (ignored in ref-mode)")
+      // error-checking
+      ("noMapCheck", "disable automatic check of genetic map scale")
+      // testing options
+      ("iter", po::value<int>(&iter)->default_value(0), "iter to run")
+      ("maskFile", po::value<string>(&maskFile), "indivs to mask (e.g., relatives)")
+      ("tmpPhaseConfsPrefix", po::value<string>(&tmpPhaseConfsPrefix),
+       "prefix for tmp files of phase confidences")
+      ("maxHapStates", po::value<int>(&maxHapStates)->default_value(80),
+       "maximum copying haplotype states per position in dynamic programming search")
+      ("trioCheck", "flag to output trio check; assumes target samples are in child,mat,pat order")
+      ;
+    po::options_description visible("Options");
+    visible.add(commonOptions).add(nonRefMode).add(refMode).add(bothModes).add(algOptions);
+    po::options_description all("All options");
+    all.add(commonOptions).add(nonRefMode).add(refMode).add(bothModes).add(algOptions).add(hidden);
+    all.add_options()
+      ("bad-args", po::value< vector <string> >(), "bad args")
+      ;
+    po::positional_options_description positional_desc;
+    positional_desc.add("bad-args", -1); // for error-checking command line
+    po::variables_map vm;
+    po::command_line_parser cmd_line(argc, argv);
+    cmd_line.options(all);
+    cmd_line.style(po::command_line_style::default_style ^ po::command_line_style::allow_guessing);
+    cmd_line.positional(positional_desc);
+    try {
+      po::store(cmd_line.run(), vm);
+      if (vm.count("help")) {
+	cout << endl;
+	cout << visible << endl;
+	exit(0);
+      }
+      po::notify(vm); // throws an error if there are any problems
+      usePBWT = !vm.count("v1");
+      pbwtOnly = vm.count("pbwtOnly");
+      if (pbwtOnly && !usePBWT) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: --pbwtOnly cannot be specified if using the --v1 algorithm" << endl;
+	return false;
+      }
+      trioCheck = vm.count("trioCheck");
+      if (vm.count("bfile") +
+	  vm.count("bfilegz") +
+	  (vm.count("fam") || vm.count("bim") || vm.count("bed")) +
+	  vm.count("vcf") +
+	  (vm.count("vcfRef") || vm.count("vcfTarget")) != 1) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: Use exactly one of the --bfile, --bfilegz, --fam,bim,bed, --vcf, or"
+	     << endl << "       --vcfRef,vcfTarget input formats" << endl;
+	return false;
+      }
+      if (vm.count("bfile")) {
+	string bfile = vm["bfile"].as<string>();
+	famFile = bfile + ".fam";
+	bimFile = bfile + ".bim";
+	bedFile = bfile + ".bed";
+      }
+      if (vm.count("bfilegz")) {
+	string bfile = vm["bfilegz"].as<string>();
+	famFile = bfile + ".fam.gz";
+	bimFile = bfile + ".bim.gz";
+	bedFile = bfile + ".bed.gz";
+      }
+      if (vm.count("bad-args")) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: Unknown options:";
+	vector <string> bad_args = vm["bad-args"].as< vector <string> >();
+	for (uint i = 0; i < bad_args.size(); i++) cerr << " " << bad_args[i];
+	cerr << endl;
+	return false;
+      }
+      noMapCheck = vm.count("noMapCheck");
+      noImpMissing = vm.count("noImpMissing");
+      allowRefAltSwap = vm.count("allowRefAltSwap");
+      if (vm.count("vcfRef") || vm.count("vcfTarget") || vm.count("vcf")) { // VCF mode
+	if (vm.count("vcf")) { // non-ref mode
+	  if (noImpMissing) {
+	    cerr << "ERROR: --noImpMissing is only supported in ref-mode" << endl;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  if (bpFlanking != 0) {
+	    cerr << "ERROR: --bpFlanking is only supported in ref-mode" << endl;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	}
+	else { // ref-mode
+	  if (vcfRef.empty()) {
+	    cerr << "ERROR: --vcfRef must be specified in reference-based phasing mode" << endl;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  if (vcfTarget.empty()) {
+	    cerr << "ERROR: --vcfTarget must be specified in reference-based phasing mode" << endl;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	  if (pbwtIters > 1 && noImpMissing) {
+	    cerr << "ERROR: --pbwtIters cannot be greater than 1 if --noImpMissing is set" << endl;
+	    return false;
+	  }
+	}
+	// vcf input checks for both ref and non-ref mode
+	if (geneticMapFile == "USE_BIM") {
+	  cerr << "ERROR: --geneticMapFile must be specified when using VCF/BCF input"
+	       << endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	if (!removeFileTemplates.empty() || !excludeFileTemplates.empty() ||
+	    maxMissingPerSnp != 0.1 || maxMissingPerIndiv != 0.1) {
+	  cerr << "ERROR: --remove, --exclude, --maxMissingPerSnp, --maxMissingPerIndiv"
+	       << "       are not supported for VCF/BCF input or in reference mode" << endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	if (vcfOutFormat == "b") { vcfOutSuffix = "bcf"; vcfWriteMode = "wb"; }
+	else if (vcfOutFormat == "u") { vcfOutSuffix = "bcf"; vcfWriteMode = "wbu"; }
+	else if (vcfOutFormat == "z") { vcfOutSuffix = "vcf.gz"; vcfWriteMode = "wz"; }
+	else if (vcfOutFormat == "v") { vcfOutSuffix = "vcf"; vcfWriteMode = "w"; }
+	else {
+	  cerr << "ERROR: --vcfOutFormat must be one of {b,u,z,v}" << endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	if (bpFlanking < 0) {
+	  cerr << "ERROR: --bpFlanking cannot be negative" << endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+      }
+      else { // non-ref mode
+	if (famFile.empty()) {
+	  cerr << "ERROR: fam file must be specified either using --fam or --bfile"
+	       << endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	if (bimFile.empty()) {
+	  cerr << "ERROR: bim file must be specified either using --bim or --bfile"
+	       << endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	if (bedFile.empty()) {
+	  cerr << "ERROR: bed file must be specified either using --bed or --bfile"
+	       << endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	if (noImpMissing) {
+	  cerr << "ERROR: --noImpMissing is only supported in ref-mode" << endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+	if (bpFlanking != 0) {
+	  cerr << "ERROR: --bpFlanking is only supported in ref-mode" << endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+      }
+      removeFiles = StringUtils::expandRangeTemplates(removeFileTemplates);
+      excludeFiles = StringUtils::expandRangeTemplates(excludeFileTemplates);
+      if (!(0 <= maxMissingPerSnp && maxMissingPerSnp <= 1)) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: --maxMissingPerSnp must be between 0 and 1" << endl;
+	return false;	
+      }
+      if (!(0 <= maxMissingPerIndiv && maxMissingPerIndiv <= 1)) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: --maxMissingPerIndiv must be between 0 and 1" << endl;
+	return false;
+      }
+      chrom = StringUtils::bcfNameToChrom(chromStr.c_str(), 0, chromX); // checks for range
+      if (pbwtIters < 0 || pbwtIters > 3) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: --pbwtIters must be either 0=auto, 1, 2, or 3" << endl;
+	return false;
+      }
+      // check advanced options
+      if (vm.count("v1fast")) {
+	cMmax = 0.5;
+	beamWidth3 = 100;
+	beamWidth4 = 100;
+	fracStep4 = 0.5;
+      }
+      if ((cMmax != 0 && cMmax < 0.1) || cMmax > 1.0) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: --maxBlockLen must be 0=auto or between 0.1 and 1 cM" << endl;
+	return false;
+      }
+      if (beamWidth3 < 10 || beamWidth3 > 1000) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: --maxStatePairsStep3 must be between 10 and 1000" << endl;
+	return false;
+      }
+      if (beamWidth4 < 10 || beamWidth4 > 1000) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: --maxStatePairsStep4 must be between 10 and 1000" << endl;
+	return false;
+      }
+      if (maxHapStates < 40 || maxHapStates > 1000) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: --maxHapStates must be between 40 and 1000" << endl;
+	return false;
+      }
+      if (fracStep4 < 0.0 || fracStep4 > 1.0) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: --fracStep4 must be between 0.0 and 1.0" << endl;
+	return false;
+      }
+      if (pErr < 1e-6 || pErr > 0.1) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: --genoErrProb must be between 0.000001 and 0.1" << endl;
+	return false;
+      }
+      // check that all files specified are readable/writeable
+      FileUtils::requireEmptyOrReadable(famFile);
+      FileUtils::requireEmptyOrReadable(bimFile);
+      FileUtils::requireEmptyOrReadable(bedFile);
+      FileUtils::requireEmptyOrReadable(vcfRef);
+      FileUtils::requireEmptyOrReadable(vcfTarget);
+      if (geneticMapFile != "USE_BIM") {
+	vector <string> reqHeader;
+	reqHeader.push_back("chr"); reqHeader.push_back("position");
+	reqHeader.push_back("COMBINED_rate(cM/Mb)"); reqHeader.push_back("Genetic_Map(cM)");
+	if (FileUtils::parseHeader(geneticMapFile, " \t") != reqHeader) {
+	  cerr << "ERROR: --geneticMapFile must have four columns with names:" << endl
+	       << "       chr position COMBINED_rate(cM/Mb) Genetic_Map(cM)" << endl;
+	  return false;
+	}
+      }
+      FileUtils::requireEachEmptyOrReadable(removeFiles);
+      FileUtils::requireEachEmptyOrReadable(excludeFiles);
+    }
+    catch (po::error &e) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << endl << endl;
+      cerr << visible << endl;
+      return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
diff --git a/src/EagleParams.hpp b/src/EagleParams.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0b6eb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/EagleParams.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include "Types.hpp"
+namespace EAGLE {
+  class EagleParams {
+  public:
+    // main input files
+    std::string famFile, bimFile, bedFile, vcfFile, vcfRef, vcfTarget;
+    int chrom, chromX;
+    // optional reference map file for filling in genpos
+    std::string geneticMapFile;
+    std::vector <std::string> removeFiles; // list(s) of indivs to remove
+    std::vector <std::string> excludeFiles; // list(s) of SNPs to exclude
+    double bpStart, bpEnd, bpFlanking;
+    std::string outPrefix; // .haps.gz .sample
+    std::string vcfOutFormat, vcfOutSuffix, vcfWriteMode;
+    // outFormat b|u|z|v -> outSuffix bcf|bcf|vcf.gz|vcf, writeMode wb|wbu|wz|w
+    bool noImpMissing;
+    int usePS; // use FORMAT:PS phase constraints: 1=soft, 2=harder
+    bool allowRefAltSwap; // in reference-based phasing mode
+    bool usePBWT;
+    bool pbwtOnly; // in non-ref mode, don't run Steps 1 or 2
+    int runStep2; // in non-ref mode, do/don't run Step 2
+    int pbwtIters;
+    double expectIBDcM; // expected length of an IBD segment (for transition probabilities)
+    double histFactor; // history length multiplier
+    // QC params
+    double maxMissingPerSnp, maxMissingPerIndiv;
+    int numThreads;
+    double cMmax;
+    int beamWidth3, beamWidth4;
+    int maxHapStates;
+    double fracStep4;
+    double pErr;
+    uint seed;
+    bool noMapCheck;
+    int Kpbwt;
+    // testing
+    int iter;
+    std::string tmpPhaseConfsPrefix;
+    std::string maskFile; // list of indivs to mask (e.g., relatives)
+    bool trioCheck;
+    // populates members; error-checks
+    bool processCommandLineArgs(int argc, char *argv[]);
+  };
diff --git a/src/FileUtils.cpp b/src/FileUtils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..805a41e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FileUtils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "StringUtils.hpp"
+#include "FileUtils.hpp"
+#include "Types.hpp"
+#include <boost/iostreams/filtering_stream.hpp>
+#include <boost/iostreams/filter/gzip.hpp>
+namespace FileUtils {
+  using std::string;
+  using std::vector;
+  using std::cerr;
+  using std::endl;
+  void openOrExit(std::ifstream &stream, const string &file,
+		  std::ios_base::openmode mode) {
+    stream.open(file.c_str(), mode);
+    if (!stream) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Unable to open file: " << file << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+  }
+  void openWritingOrExit(std::ofstream &stream, const string &file,
+			 std::ios_base::openmode mode) {
+    stream.open(file.c_str(), mode);
+    if (!stream) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Unable to open file for writing: " << file << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+  }
+  void requireEmptyOrReadable(const std::string &file) {
+    if (file.empty()) return;
+    std::ifstream fin;
+    fin.open(file.c_str());
+    if (!fin) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Unable to open file: " << file << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    fin.close();
+  }  
+  void requireEachEmptyOrReadable(const std::vector <std::string> &fileList) {
+    for (uint i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++)
+      requireEmptyOrReadable(fileList[i]);
+  }
+  void requireEmptyOrWriteable(const std::string &file) {
+    if (file.empty()) return;
+    std::ofstream fout;
+    fout.open(file.c_str(), std::ios::out|std::ios::app);
+    if (!fout) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Output file is not writeable: " << file << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    fout.close();
+  }
+  vector <string> parseHeader(const string &fileName, const string &delimiters) {
+    AutoGzIfstream fin; fin.openOrExit(fileName);
+    string header;
+    getline(fin, header);
+    vector <string> split = StringUtils::tokenizeMultipleDelimiters(header, delimiters);
+    fin.close();
+    return split;
+  }
+  int lookupColumnInd(const string &fileName, const string &delimiters, const string &columnName) {
+    vector <string> headers = parseHeader(fileName, delimiters);
+    int columnInd = -1;
+    for (uint c = 0; c < headers.size(); c++)
+      if (headers[c] == columnName)
+	columnInd = c; // first column is snp ID, treated separately
+    if (columnInd == -1) {
+      cerr << "WARNING: Column " << columnName << " not found in headers of " << fileName << endl;
+      //exit(1);
+    }
+    return columnInd;
+  }
+  double readDoubleNanInf(std::istream &stream) {
+    string str;
+    stream >> str;
+    double x;
+    sscanf(str.c_str(), "%lf", &x);
+    return x;
+  }
+  vector < std::pair <string, string> > readFidIids(const string &file) {
+    vector < std::pair <string, string> > ret;
+    AutoGzIfstream fin;
+    fin.openOrExit(file);
+    string FID, IID, line;
+    while (fin >> FID >> IID) {
+      if (FID.empty() || IID.empty()) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: In file " << file << endl;
+	cerr << "       unable to read FID and IID; check format" << endl;
+	exit(1);
+      }
+      ret.push_back(make_pair(FID, IID));
+      getline(fin, line);
+    }
+    fin.close();
+    return ret;
+  }
+  int AutoGzIfstream::lineCount(const std::string &file) {
+    AutoGzIfstream fin; fin.openOrExit(file);
+    int ctr = 0; string line;
+    while (getline(fin, line))
+      ctr++;
+    return ctr;
+  }
+  /***** AutoGzIfstream class implementation *****/
+  void AutoGzIfstream::openOrExit(const std::string &file, std::ios_base::openmode mode) {
+    fin.open(file.c_str(), mode);
+    if (!fin) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Unable to open file: " << file << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    if ((int) file.length() > 3 && file.substr(file.length()-3) == ".gz")
+      boost_in.push(boost::iostreams::gzip_decompressor());
+    boost_in.push(fin);
+  }
+  void AutoGzIfstream::close() {
+    fin.close();
+    boost_in.reset();
+  }
+  AutoGzIfstream::operator bool() const {
+    return boost_in;
+  }
+  AutoGzIfstream& AutoGzIfstream::read(char *s, std::streamsize n) {
+    boost_in.read(s, n);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  int AutoGzIfstream::get() {
+    return boost_in.get();
+  }
+  double AutoGzIfstream::readDoubleNanInf() {
+    return FileUtils::readDoubleNanInf(boost_in);
+  }
+  void AutoGzIfstream::clear() {
+    boost_in.clear();
+  }
+  AutoGzIfstream& AutoGzIfstream::seekg(std::streamoff off, std::ios_base::seekdir way) {
+    boost_in.seekg(off, way);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  AutoGzIfstream& getline(AutoGzIfstream& in, std::string &s) {
+    std::getline(in.boost_in, s);
+    return in;
+  }
+  /***** AutoGzOfstream class implementation *****/
+  void AutoGzOfstream::openOrExit(const std::string &file, std::ios_base::openmode mode) {
+    fout.open(file.c_str(), mode);
+    if (!fout) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Unable to open file: " << file << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    if ((int) file.length() > 3 && file.substr(file.length()-3) == ".gz")
+      boost_out.push(boost::iostreams::gzip_compressor());
+    boost_out.push(fout);
+  }
+  void AutoGzOfstream::close() {
+    boost_out.reset();
+  }
+  AutoGzOfstream& AutoGzOfstream::operator << (std::ostream&(*manip)(std::ostream&)) {
+    manip(boost_out);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  void AutoGzOfstream::unsetf(std::ios_base::fmtflags mask) {
+    boost_out.unsetf(mask);
+  }
+  AutoGzOfstream::operator bool() const {
+    return boost_out;
+  }
diff --git a/src/FileUtils.hpp b/src/FileUtils.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f7f01c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FileUtils.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "StringUtils.hpp"
+#include <boost/iostreams/filtering_stream.hpp>
+namespace FileUtils {
+  void openOrExit(std::ifstream &stream, const std::string &file,
+		  std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios::in);
+  void openWritingOrExit(std::ofstream &stream, const std::string &file,
+			 std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios::out);
+  void requireEmptyOrReadable(const std::string &file);
+  void requireEachEmptyOrReadable(const std::vector <std::string> &fileList);
+  void requireEmptyOrWriteable(const std::string &file);
+  std::vector <std::string> parseHeader(const std::string &fileName,
+					const std::string &delimiters);
+  int lookupColumnInd(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &delimiters,
+		      const std::string &columnName);
+  double readDoubleNanInf(std::istream &stream);
+  std::vector < std::pair <std::string, std::string> > readFidIids(const std::string &file);
+  class AutoGzIfstream {
+    boost::iostreams::filtering_istream boost_in;
+    std::ifstream fin;
+  public:
+    static int lineCount(const std::string &file);
+    void openOrExit(const std::string &file, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios::in);
+    void close();
+    template <class T> AutoGzIfstream& operator >> (T &x) {
+      boost_in >> x;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    operator bool() const;
+    AutoGzIfstream& read(char *s, std::streamsize n);
+    int get();
+    double readDoubleNanInf();
+    void clear();
+    AutoGzIfstream& seekg(std::streamoff off, std::ios_base::seekdir way);
+    friend AutoGzIfstream& getline(AutoGzIfstream& in, std::string &s);
+  };
+  AutoGzIfstream& getline(AutoGzIfstream& in, std::string &s);
+  class AutoGzOfstream {
+    boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream boost_out;
+    std::ofstream fout;
+  public:
+    void openOrExit(const std::string &file, std::ios_base::openmode mode=std::ios::out);
+    void close();
+    template <class T> AutoGzOfstream& operator << (const T &x) {
+      boost_out << x;
+      return *this;
+    }
+    AutoGzOfstream& operator << (std::ostream&(*manip)(std::ostream&));
+    void unsetf(std::ios_base::fmtflags);
+    operator bool() const;
+  };
diff --git a/src/GenoData.cpp b/src/GenoData.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15f27ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GenoData.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,845 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <htslib/vcf.h>
+#include "Types.hpp"
+#include "FileUtils.hpp"
+#include "MemoryUtils.hpp"
+#include "MapInterpolater.hpp"
+#include "LapackConst.hpp"
+#include "GenoData.hpp"
+namespace EAGLE {
+  using std::vector;
+  using std::string;
+  using std::cout;
+  using std::cerr;
+  using std::endl;
+  using FileUtils::getline;
+  int GenoData::plinkChromCode(const string &chrom) {
+    if (isdigit(chrom[0])) return atoi(chrom.c_str());
+    if (chrom == "X") return 23;
+    if (chrom == "Y") return 24;
+    if (chrom == "XY") return 25;
+    if (chrom == "MT") return 26;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // set indivsPreQC, NpreQC
+  // return bedIndivRemoved
+  vector <bool> GenoData::processIndivs(const string &famFile,
+					const vector <string> &removeFiles) {
+    std::map <string, uint64> FID_IID_to_ind;
+    string line;
+    vector <IndivInfoX> bedIndivs;
+    cout << "Reading fam file: " << famFile << endl;
+    FileUtils::AutoGzIfstream fin; fin.openOrExit(famFile);
+    while (getline(fin, line)) {
+      std::istringstream iss(line);
+      IndivInfoX indiv;
+      if (!(iss >> indiv.famID >> indiv.indivID >> indiv.paternalID >> indiv.maternalID
+	    >> indiv.sex >> indiv.pheno)) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: Incorrectly formatted fam file: " << famFile << endl;
+	cerr << "Line " << bedIndivs.size()+1 << ":" << endl;
+	cerr << line << endl;
+	cerr << "Unable to input 6 values (4 string, 1 int, 1 double)" << endl;
+	exit(1);
+      }
+      string combined_ID = indiv.famID + " " + indiv.indivID;
+      if (FID_IID_to_ind.find(combined_ID) != FID_IID_to_ind.end()) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: Duplicate individual in fam file at line " << bedIndivs.size()+1 << endl;
+	exit(1);
+      }
+      FID_IID_to_ind[combined_ID] = bedIndivs.size();
+      bedIndivs.push_back(indiv);
+    }
+    fin.close();
+    uint64 Nbed = bedIndivs.size();
+    cout << "Total indivs in PLINK data: Nbed = " << Nbed << endl;
+    // process individuals to remove
+    vector <bool> bedIndivRemoved(Nbed);
+    for (uint f = 0; f < removeFiles.size(); f++) {
+      const string &removeFile = removeFiles[f];
+      cout << "Reading remove file (indivs to remove): " << removeFile << endl;
+      fin.openOrExit(removeFile);
+      int lineCtr = 0;
+      int numRemoved = 0;
+      int numAbsent = 0;
+      while (getline(fin, line)) {
+	lineCtr++;
+	std::istringstream iss(line);
+	string FID, IID;
+	if (!(iss >> FID >> IID)) {
+	  cerr << "ERROR: Incorrectly formatted remove file: " << removeFile << endl;
+	  cerr << "Line " << lineCtr << ":" << endl;
+	  cerr << line << endl;
+	  cerr << "Unable to input FID and IID" << endl;
+	  exit(1);
+	}
+	string combined_ID = FID + " " + IID;
+	if (FID_IID_to_ind.find(combined_ID) == FID_IID_to_ind.end()) {
+	  if (numAbsent < 5)
+	    cerr << "WARNING: Unable to find individual to remove: " << combined_ID << endl;
+	  numAbsent++;
+	}
+	else if (!bedIndivRemoved[FID_IID_to_ind[combined_ID]]) {
+	  bedIndivRemoved[FID_IID_to_ind[combined_ID]] = true;
+	  numRemoved++;
+	}
+      }
+      fin.close();
+      cout << "Removed " << numRemoved << " individual(s)" << endl;
+      if (numAbsent)
+	cerr << "WARNING: " << numAbsent << " individual(s) not found in data set" << endl;
+    }
+    for (uint64 nbed = 0; nbed < Nbed; nbed++)
+      if (!bedIndivRemoved[nbed])
+	indivsPreQC.push_back(bedIndivs[nbed]);
+    NpreQC = indivsPreQC.size();
+    cout << "Total indivs stored in memory: NpreQC = " << NpreQC << endl;
+    return bedIndivRemoved;
+  }
+  vector <SnpInfoX> GenoData::readBimFile(const string &bimFile) {
+    vector <SnpInfoX> ret;
+    string line;
+    FileUtils::AutoGzIfstream fin; fin.openOrExit(bimFile);
+    int numOutOfOrder = 0;
+    while (getline(fin, line)) {
+      std::istringstream iss(line);
+      SnpInfoX snp; string chrom_str;
+      if (!(iss >> chrom_str >> snp.ID >> snp.genpos >> snp.physpos >> snp.allele1 >> snp.allele2))
+	{
+	cerr << "ERROR: Incorrectly formatted bim file: " << bimFile << endl;
+	cerr << "Line " << ret.size()+1 << ":" << endl;
+	cerr << line << endl;
+	cerr << "Unable to input 6 values (2 string, 1 double, 1 int, 2 string)" << endl;
+	exit(1);
+      }
+      snp.chrom = plinkChromCode(chrom_str);
+      if (snp.chrom == -1) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: Unknown chromosome code in bim file: " << bimFile << endl;
+	cerr << "Line " << ret.size()+1 << ":" << endl;
+	cerr << line << endl;
+	exit(1);
+      }
+      if (!ret.empty() &&
+	  (snp.chrom < ret.back().chrom ||
+	   (snp.chrom == ret.back().chrom && (snp.physpos <= ret.back().physpos ||
+					       snp.genpos < ret.back().genpos)))) {
+	if (numOutOfOrder < 5) {
+	  cerr << "WARNING: Out-of-order snp in bim file: " << bimFile << endl;
+	  cerr << "Line " << ret.size()+1 << ":" << endl;
+	  cerr << line << endl;
+	}
+	numOutOfOrder++;
+	//exit(1);
+      }
+      ret.push_back(snp);
+    }
+    if (numOutOfOrder)
+      cerr << "WARNING: Total number of out-of-order snps in bim file: " << numOutOfOrder << endl;
+    fin.close();
+    // TODO: exit with error or sort SNPs?
+    return ret;
+  }
+  // set snpsPreQC, MpreQC
+  // return bedSnpExcluded
+  vector <bool> GenoData::processSnps(const string &bimFile, int chrom, double bpStart,
+				      double bpEnd, const vector <string> &excludeFiles) {
+    FileUtils::AutoGzIfstream fin;
+    string line;
+    // read bim file
+    cout << "Reading bim file: " << bimFile << endl;
+    vector <SnpInfoX> bedSnps = readBimFile(bimFile);
+    uint64 Mbed = bedSnps.size();
+    cout << "Total snps in PLINK data: Mbed = " << Mbed << endl;
+    vector <bool> bedSnpExcluded(Mbed);
+    if (chrom == 0) {
+      if (bedSnps[0].chrom != bedSnps.back().chrom) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: Only one chromosome may be analyzed at a time; use --chrom" << endl;
+	exit(1);
+      }
+      else
+	chrom = bedSnps[0].chrom;
+    }
+    uint64 MbedOnChrom = 0;
+    for (uint64 mbed = 0; mbed < Mbed; mbed++) {
+      if (bedSnps[mbed].chrom != chrom || bedSnps[mbed].physpos < bpStart ||
+	  bedSnps[mbed].physpos > bpEnd)
+	bedSnpExcluded[mbed] = true;
+      else
+	MbedOnChrom++;
+    }
+    if (MbedOnChrom < Mbed) {
+      cout << "Restricting to " << MbedOnChrom << " SNPs on chrom " << chrom
+	   << " in region [bpStart,bpEnd] = [" << bpStart << "," << bpEnd << "]" << endl;
+    }
+    // create dictionary rsID -> index in full bed snp list
+    std::map <string, uint64> rsID_to_ind;
+    for (uint64 mbed = 0; mbed < Mbed; mbed++) {
+      if (rsID_to_ind.find(bedSnps[mbed].ID) != rsID_to_ind.end()) {
+	cerr << "WARNING: Duplicate snp ID " << bedSnps[mbed].ID
+	     << " -- masking duplicate" << endl;
+	bedSnpExcluded[mbed] = true;
+      }
+      else
+	rsID_to_ind[bedSnps[mbed].ID] = mbed;
+    }
+    // TODO: also limit SNP density (e.g., Omni 2.5M) and/or MAF?
+    // process snps to exclude
+    for (uint f = 0; f < excludeFiles.size(); f++) {
+      const string &excludeFile = excludeFiles[f];
+      cout << "Reading exclude file (SNPs to exclude): " << excludeFile << endl;
+      fin.openOrExit(excludeFile);
+      int numExcluded = 0;
+      int numAbsent = 0;
+      while (getline(fin, line)) {
+	std::istringstream iss(line);
+	string rsID; iss >> rsID;
+	if (rsID_to_ind.find(rsID) == rsID_to_ind.end()) {
+	  if (numAbsent < 5)
+	    cerr << "WARNING: Unable to find SNP to exclude: " << rsID << endl;
+	  numAbsent++;
+	}
+	else if (!bedSnpExcluded[rsID_to_ind[rsID]]) {
+	  bedSnpExcluded[rsID_to_ind[rsID]] = true;
+	  numExcluded++;
+	}
+      }
+      fin.close();
+      cout << "Excluded " << numExcluded << " SNP(s)" << endl;
+      if (numAbsent)
+	cerr << "WARNING: " << numAbsent << " SNP(s) not found in data set" << endl;
+    }
+    for (uint64 mbed = 0; mbed < Mbed; mbed++)
+      if (!bedSnpExcluded[mbed])
+	snpsPreQC.push_back(bedSnps[mbed]);
+    MpreQC = snpsPreQC.size();
+    cout << "Total SNPs stored in memory: MpreQC = " << MpreQC << endl;
+    return bedSnpExcluded;
+  }
+  void GenoData::processMap(vector <SnpInfoX> &snpsVec, const string &geneticMapFile,
+			    bool noMapCheck) {
+    // fill in map if external file provided
+    if (geneticMapFile != "USE_BIM") {
+      cout << "Filling in genetic map coordinates using reference file:" << endl;
+      cout << "  " << geneticMapFile << endl;
+      Genetics::MapInterpolater mapInterpolater(geneticMapFile);
+      for (uint64 m = 0; m < snpsVec.size(); m++)
+	snpsVec[m].genpos = mapInterpolater.interp(snpsVec[m].chrom, snpsVec[m].physpos);
+    }
+    else {
+      // check map and rescale if in cM units: calculate d(genpos)/d(physpos)
+      double scale = (snpsVec.back().genpos - snpsVec[0].genpos)
+	/ (snpsVec.back().physpos - snpsVec[0].physpos);
+      if (0.5e-6 < scale && scale < 3e-6) {
+	cerr << "WARNING: Genetic map appears to be in cM units; rescaling by 0.01" << endl;
+	for (uint64 m = 0; m < snpsVec.size(); m++)
+	  snpsVec[m].genpos *= 0.01;
+      }
+      else if (!(0.5e-8 < scale && scale < 3e-8)) {
+	if (noMapCheck) {
+	  cerr << "WARNING: Genetic map appears wrong based on overall cM/Mb" << endl;
+	  cerr << "         Proceeding anyway because --noMapCheck is set" << endl;
+	}
+	else {
+	  cerr << "ERROR: Genetic map appears wrong based on overall cM/Mb" << endl;
+	  cerr << "       To proceed anyway, set --noMapCheck" << endl;
+	  exit(1);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  inline double log10safe(double x) { return x > 0 ? log10(x) : -1000; }
+  void GenoData::buildGenoBits(uchar *genosPreQC, const vector <bool> &genos2bit, double cMmax) {
+    const uint segMin = 16;
+    vector <uint64> preQCsnpInds; vector <double> cMvec;
+    for (uint64 m = 0; m < MpreQC; m++)
+      if (snpsPreQC[m].passQC) {
+	if (preQCsnpInds.size() == 64 ||
+	    (preQCsnpInds.size() >= segMin &&
+	     snpsPreQC[m].genpos > snpsPreQC[preQCsnpInds[0]].genpos + cMmax/100)) {
+	  seg64preQCsnpInds.push_back(preQCsnpInds); seg64cMvecs.push_back(cMvec);
+	  preQCsnpInds.clear(); cMvec.clear();
+	}
+	preQCsnpInds.push_back(m); cMvec.push_back(100 * snpsPreQC[m].genpos);
+      }
+    seg64preQCsnpInds.push_back(preQCsnpInds); seg64cMvecs.push_back(cMvec);
+    Mseg64 = seg64preQCsnpInds.size();
+    cout << "Number of <=(64-SNP, " << cMmax << "cM) segments: " << Mseg64 << endl;
+    cout << "Average # SNPs per segment: " << M / Mseg64 << endl;
+    isFlipped64j = vector <bool> (Mseg64*64);
+    genoBits = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINT64_MASKS(Mseg64 * N);
+    memset(genoBits, 0, Mseg64 * N * sizeof(genoBits[0]));
+    seg64logPs = (AlleleFreqs *) ALIGNED_MALLOC(Mseg64*64 * sizeof(AlleleFreqs));
+    for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++)
+      for (uint g1 = 0; g1 <= 2; g1++)
+	for (uint g0 = 0; g0 <= 3; g0++)
+	  seg64logPs[m64j].cond[g1][g0] = NAN;
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      for (uint64 j = 0; j < seg64preQCsnpInds[m64].size(); j++) {
+        uint64 m = seg64preQCsnpInds[m64][j]; // m, n indices are preQC
+	int genoCounts[3]; genoCounts[0] = genoCounts[1] = genoCounts[2] = 0;
+	for (uint64 n = 0; n < NpreQC; n++)
+	  if (indivsPreQC.empty() || indivsPreQC[n].passQC) {
+	    uchar geno = genosPreQC != NULL ? genosPreQC[m * NpreQC + n] :
+	      (genos2bit[2*(m * NpreQC + n)] + 2*genos2bit[2*(m * NpreQC + n)+1]);
+	    if (geno <= 2) genoCounts[geno]++;
+	  }
+	uchar is0geno = 0, is2geno = 2;
+	if (genoCounts[2] > genoCounts[0]) {
+	  isFlipped64j[m64*64+j] = true;
+	  is0geno = 2; is2geno = 0;
+	  std::swap(genoCounts[0], genoCounts[2]);
+	}
+	uint64 nPostQC = 0;
+	for (uint64 n = 0; n < NpreQC; n++)
+	  if (indivsPreQC.empty() || indivsPreQC[n].passQC) {
+	    uchar geno = genosPreQC != NULL ? genosPreQC[m * NpreQC + n] :
+	      (genos2bit[2*(m * NpreQC + n)] + 2*genos2bit[2*(m * NpreQC + n)+1]);
+	    genoBits[m64 * N + nPostQC].is0 |= ((uint64) (geno == is0geno))<<j;
+	    genoBits[m64 * N + nPostQC].is2 |= ((uint64) (geno == is2geno))<<j;
+	    genoBits[m64 * N + nPostQC].is9 |= ((uint64) (geno > 2))<<j;
+	    nPostQC++;
+	  }
+	double tot = genoCounts[0] + genoCounts[1] + genoCounts[2];
+	double p0 = genoCounts[0]/tot, p1half = 0.5*genoCounts[1]/tot, p2 = genoCounts[2]/tot;
+	if (p1half == 0) p1half = 1e-9; // avoid division by 0
+	double p = (genoCounts[1] + 2*genoCounts[2]) / (2*tot);
+	AlleleFreqs &af = seg64logPs[m64*64+j];
+	for (uint g1 = 0; g1 <= 2; g1++)
+	  af.cond[g1][3] = log10safe(genoCounts[g1] / tot); // [3]: unconditioned
+	af.cond[2][2] = log10safe(p2 / (p1half + p2));
+	af.cond[1][2] = log10safe(p1half / (p1half + p2));
+	af.cond[0][2] = log10safe(0);
+	af.cond[2][1] = log10safe(0.5 * p2 / (p1half + p2));
+	af.cond[1][1] = log10safe(0.5 * p1half / (p1half + p2) + 0.5 * p1half / (p0 + p1half));
+	af.cond[0][1] = log10safe(0.5 * p0 / (p0 + p1half));
+	af.cond[2][0] = log10safe(0);
+	af.cond[1][0] = log10safe(p1half / (p0 + p1half));
+	af.cond[0][0] = log10safe(p0 / (p0 + p1half));	
+	// same orientation as het-het => p(hap=1) = 1-p
+	af.cond[2][4] = log10safe((1-p) * p2 / (p1half + p2));
+	af.cond[1][4] = log10safe((1-p) * p1half / (p1half + p2) + p * p1half / (p0 + p1half));
+	af.cond[0][4] = log10safe(p * p0 / (p0 + p1half));
+	// opp orientation to het-het => p(hap=1) = p
+	af.cond[2][5] = log10safe(p * p2 / (p1half + p2));
+	af.cond[1][5] = log10safe(p * p1half / (p1half + p2) + (1-p) * p1half / (p0 + p1half));
+	af.cond[0][5] = log10safe((1-p) * p0 / (p0 + p1half));
+	if (p > 0.55) {
+	  cerr << "INTERNAL ERROR: Minor/major allele coding bug" << endl;
+	  exit(1);
+	}
+      }
+      for (uint64 n = 0; n < N; n++)
+	for (uint64 j = seg64preQCsnpInds[m64].size(); j < 64; j++)
+	  genoBits[m64*N+n].is9 |= 1ULL<<j;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * fills x[] with indivInds.size() elements corresponding to chosen subset of indivInds
+   * replaces missing values with average; mean-centers and normalizes vector length to 1
+   * if monomorphic among non-missing, fills with all-0s
+   *
+   * return: true if snp is polymorphic in indivInds; false if not
+   */
+  bool GenoData::fillSnpSubRowNorm1(float x[], uint64 m64j, const vector <int> &indivInds) const {
+    uint64 m64 = m64j/64, j = m64j&63, jBit = 1ULL<<j;
+    float sumPresent = 0; int numPresent = 0;
+    for (uint64 i = 0; i < indivInds.size(); i++) {
+      uint64 n = indivInds[i];
+      if (genoBits[m64 * N + n].is0 & jBit) x[i] = 0.0f;
+      else if (genoBits[m64 * N + n].is2 & jBit) x[i] = 2.0f;
+      else if (genoBits[m64 * N + n].is9 & jBit) x[i] = 9.0f;
+      else x[i] = 1.0f;
+      if (x[i] != 9.0f) {
+	sumPresent += x[i];
+	numPresent++;
+      }
+    }
+    float avg = sumPresent / numPresent;
+    float sum2 = 0;
+    for (uint64 i = 0; i < indivInds.size(); i++) {
+      if (x[i] != 9.0f) { // non-missing; mean-center
+	x[i] -= avg;
+	sum2 += x[i]*x[i];
+      }
+      else // missing; replace with mean (centered to 0)
+	x[i] = 0;
+    }
+    if (sum2 < 0.001) { // monomorphic among non-missing
+      for (uint64 i = 0; i < indivInds.size(); i++) x[i] = 0; // set to 0
+      return false;
+    }
+    else { // polymorphic
+      float invNorm = 1.0f / sqrtf(sum2);
+      for (uint64 i = 0; i < indivInds.size(); i++) x[i] *= invNorm; // normalize to vector len 1
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  float dotProdToAdjR2(float dotProd, int n) {
+    float r2 = dotProd*dotProd;
+    return r2 - (1-r2)/(n-2);
+  }
+  vector <double> GenoData::computeInvLD64j(uint64 NsubMax) const {
+    uint64 Mchr = Mseg64*64;
+    vector <double> chipLDscores(Mchr, 1.0);
+    uint64 step = std::max(N / NsubMax, 1ULL);
+    vector <int> indivInds;
+    for (uint64 n = 0; n < N && indivInds.size() < NsubMax; n += step)
+      indivInds.push_back(n);
+    uint64 Nsub = indivInds.size();
+    cout << "Estimating LD scores using " << Nsub << " indivs" << endl;
+    // allocate memory
+    uchar *chrMaskSnps = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UCHARS(Mchr);
+    memset(chrMaskSnps, 0, Mchr * sizeof(chrMaskSnps[0]));
+    float *chrNormalizedGenos = ALIGNED_MALLOC_FLOATS(Mchr * Nsub);
+    memset(chrNormalizedGenos, 0, Mchr * Nsub * sizeof(chrNormalizedGenos[0]));
+    const int mBlock = 64;
+    float *dotProds = ALIGNED_MALLOC_FLOATS(Mchr * mBlock);
+    // fill and normalize genotypes
+    for (uint64 mchr = 0; mchr < Mchr; mchr++) {
+      if ((mchr&63) < seg64cMvecs[mchr/64].size())
+	chrMaskSnps[mchr] = fillSnpSubRowNorm1(chrNormalizedGenos + mchr*Nsub, mchr, indivInds);
+      else
+	chipLDscores[mchr] = 0;
+    }
+    uint64 mchrWindowStart = 0;
+    for (uint64 mchr0 = 0; mchr0 < Mchr; mchr0 += mBlock) { // sgemm to compute r2s
+      uint64 mBlockCrop = std::min(Mchr, mchr0+mBlock) - mchr0;
+      while ((mchrWindowStart&63) >= seg64cMvecs[mchrWindowStart/64].size() ||
+	     seg64cMvecs[mchrWindowStart/64][mchrWindowStart&63] + 1 <
+	     seg64cMvecs[mchr0/64][mchr0&63])
+	mchrWindowStart++;
+      uint64 prevWindowSize = mchr0+mBlockCrop-1 - mchrWindowStart;
+      // [mchrWindowStart..mchr0+mBlockCrop-1) x [mchr0..mchr0+mBlockCrop)
+      {
+	char TRANSA_ = 'T';
+	char TRANSB_ = 'N';
+	int M_ = prevWindowSize;
+	int N_ = mBlockCrop;
+	int K_ = Nsub;
+	float ALPHA_ = 1;
+	float *A_ = chrNormalizedGenos + mchrWindowStart*Nsub;
+	int LDA_ = Nsub;
+	float *B_ = chrNormalizedGenos + mchr0*Nsub;
+	int LDB_ = Nsub;
+	float BETA_ = 0;
+	float *C_ = dotProds;
+	int LDC_ = prevWindowSize;
+	SGEMM_MACRO(&TRANSA_, &TRANSB_, &M_, &N_, &K_, &ALPHA_, A_, &LDA_, B_, &LDB_,
+		    &BETA_, C_, &LDC_);
+      }
+      for (uint64 mPlus = 0; mPlus < mBlockCrop; mPlus++) {
+	uint64 m = mchr0 + mPlus;
+	if (!chrMaskSnps[m]) continue;
+	for (uint64 mPlus2 = 0; mchrWindowStart+mPlus2 < mchr0+mPlus; mPlus2++) {
+	  uint64 m2 = mchrWindowStart + mPlus2;
+	  if (!chrMaskSnps[m2]) continue;
+	  float adjR2 = dotProdToAdjR2(dotProds[mPlus2 + mPlus*prevWindowSize], Nsub);
+	  chipLDscores[m] += adjR2;
+	  chipLDscores[m2] += adjR2;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    ALIGNED_FREE(dotProds);
+    ALIGNED_FREE(chrNormalizedGenos);
+    ALIGNED_FREE(chrMaskSnps);
+    for (uint mchr = 0; mchr < Mchr; mchr++) chipLDscores[mchr] = 1/chipLDscores[mchr];
+    return chipLDscores; // reciprocals taken above
+  }
+  void GenoData::printRange(void) const {
+    int physRange = snps.back().physpos - snps[0].physpos;
+    double cMrange = 100*(snps.back().genpos - snps[0].genpos);
+    cout << "Physical distance range: " << physRange << " base pairs" << endl;
+    cout << "Genetic distance range:  " << cMrange << " cM" << endl;
+    cout << "Average # SNPs per cM:   " << (int) (M/cMrange+0.5) << endl;
+    if (physRange == 0 || cMrange == 0) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Physical and genetic distance ranges must be positive" << endl;
+      cerr << "       First SNP: chr=" << snps[0].chrom << " pos=" << snps[0].physpos
+	   << " cM=" << 100*snps[0].genpos << endl;
+      cerr << "       Last SNP:  chr=" << snps.back().chrom << " pos=" << snps.back().physpos
+	   << " cM=" << 100*snps.back().genpos << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+  }
+  double GenoData::computeSnpRate(void) const {
+    double cMrange = 100*(snps.back().genpos - snps[0].genpos);
+    return M/cMrange;
+  }
+  /**    
+   * reads indiv info from fam file, snp info from bim file
+   * allocates memory, reads genotypes, and does QC
+   */
+  void GenoData::initBed(const string &famFile, const string &bimFile, const string &bedFile,
+			 int chrom, double bpStart, double bpEnd, const string &geneticMapFile,
+			 const vector <string> &excludeFiles, const vector <string> &removeFiles,
+			 double maxMissingPerSnp, double maxMissingPerIndiv, bool noMapCheck,
+			 double cMmax) {
+    // indivsPreQC (without --remove indivs)
+    vector <bool> bedIndivRemoved = processIndivs(famFile, removeFiles);
+    // snpsPreQC (restricted to chrom:bpStart-bpEnd and without --exclude snps)
+    vector <bool> bedSnpExcluded = processSnps(bimFile, chrom, bpStart, bpEnd, excludeFiles);
+    processMap(snpsPreQC, geneticMapFile, noMapCheck); // modify snpsPreQC
+    // allocate genotypes
+    cout << "Allocating " << MpreQC << " x " << NpreQC << " bytes to temporarily store genotypes"
+	 << endl;
+    uchar *genosPreQC = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UCHARS(MpreQC * NpreQC); // temporary
+    cout << "Reading genotypes and performing QC filtering on snps and indivs..." << endl;
+    // open bed file
+    const uint64 Nbed = bedIndivRemoved.size(), Mbed = bedSnpExcluded.size();
+    cout << "Reading bed file: " << bedFile << endl;
+    cout << "    Expecting " << Mbed * ((Nbed+3)>>2) << " (+3) bytes for "
+	 << Nbed << " indivs, " << Mbed << " snps" << endl;
+    FileUtils::AutoGzIfstream fin;
+    fin.openOrExit(bedFile, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
+    uchar header[3];
+    fin.read((char *) header, 3);
+    if (!fin || header[0] != 0x6c || header[1] != 0x1b || header[2] != 0x01) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Incorrect first three bytes of bed file: " << bedFile << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    // read genos + QC snps (and record indiv miss rates)
+    vector <int> numMissingPerIndiv(NpreQC);
+    uchar *bedLineIn = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UCHARS((Nbed+3)>>2);
+    int numSnpsFailedQC = 0;
+    uint64 m = 0;
+    for (uint64 mbed = 0; mbed < Mbed; mbed++) {
+      uchar *genoLine = genosPreQC + m*NpreQC;
+      readBedLine(fin, bedLineIn, genoLine, bedIndivRemoved, !bedSnpExcluded[mbed]);
+      if (!bedSnpExcluded[mbed]) {
+	snpsPreQC[m].MAF = computeMAF(genoLine, NpreQC);
+	snpsPreQC[m].miss = computeSnpMissing(genoLine, NpreQC);
+	snpsPreQC[m].passQC = snpsPreQC[m].miss <= maxMissingPerSnp;
+	if (snpsPreQC[m].passQC) {
+	  for (uint64 n = 0; n < NpreQC; n++)
+	    numMissingPerIndiv[n] += genoLine[n] == 9;
+	}
+	else {
+	  if (numSnpsFailedQC < 5)
+	    cout << "Filtering snp " << snpsPreQC[mbed].ID << ": "
+		 << snpsPreQC[m].miss << " missing" << endl;
+	  numSnpsFailedQC++;
+	}
+	m++;
+      }
+    }
+    ALIGNED_FREE(bedLineIn);
+    if (numSnpsFailedQC)
+      cout << "Filtered " << numSnpsFailedQC << " SNPs with > " << maxMissingPerSnp << " missing"
+	   << endl;
+    if (!fin || fin.get() != EOF) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Wrong file size or reading error for bed file: "
+	   << bedFile << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    fin.close();
+    // select subset of snps passing QC
+    for (uint64 m = 0; m < MpreQC; m++)
+      if (snpsPreQC[m].passQC)
+	snps.push_back(snpsPreQC[m]);
+    M = snps.size();
+    // QC indivs for missingness
+    int numIndivsFailedQC = 0;
+    for (uint64 n = 0; n < NpreQC; n++) {
+      indivsPreQC[n].miss = numMissingPerIndiv[n] / (double) M;
+      indivsPreQC[n].passQC = indivsPreQC[n].miss <= maxMissingPerIndiv;
+      if (!indivsPreQC[n].passQC) {
+	if (numIndivsFailedQC < 5)
+	  cout << "Filtering indiv " << indivsPreQC[n].famID << " " << indivsPreQC[n].indivID
+	       << ": " << numMissingPerIndiv[n] << "/" << M << " missing" << endl;
+	numIndivsFailedQC++;
+      }
+    }
+    if (numIndivsFailedQC)
+      cout << "Filtered " << numIndivsFailedQC << " indivs with > " << maxMissingPerIndiv
+	   << " missing" << endl;
+    // select subset of indivs passing QC
+    for (uint64 n = 0; n < NpreQC; n++)
+      if (indivsPreQC[n].passQC)
+	indivs.push_back(indivsPreQC[n]);
+    N = indivs.size();
+    cout << endl;
+    cout << "Total post-QC indivs: N = " << N << endl;
+    cout << "Total post-QC SNPs: M = " << M << endl;
+    cout << "MAF spectrum: " << endl;
+    const double mafBounds6[7] = {0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.500001};
+    vector <int> mafBinCounts(6);
+    for (uint64 m = 0; m < M; m++)
+      for (int b = 0; b < 6; b++)
+	if (mafBounds6[b] <= snps[m].MAF && snps[m].MAF < mafBounds6[b+1])
+	  mafBinCounts[b]++;
+    for (int b = 0; b < 6; b++)
+      printf("    %2.0f-%2.0f%%: %7d\n", 100*mafBounds6[b], 100*mafBounds6[b+1], mafBinCounts[b]);
+    printRange();
+    if (cMmax == 0) {
+      cMmax = std::min(1.0, std::max(N / 1e5, 0.25));
+      cout << "Auto-selecting --maxBlockLen: " << cMmax << " cM" << endl;    
+    }
+    vector <bool> nullVec;
+    buildGenoBits(genosPreQC, nullVec, cMmax);
+    ALIGNED_FREE(genosPreQC);
+  }
+  /**    
+   * reads genotypes from VCF/BCF file
+   * does not save indiv info (will be reread from VCF during output)
+   * only saves chrom, physpos, genpos in snp info (rest will be reread from VCF during output)
+   * allocates memory, reads genotypes, and restricts to region if specified; does not do QC
+   */
+  void GenoData::initVcf(const string &vcfFile, const int inputChrom, const int chromX,
+			 double bpStart, double bpEnd, const string &geneticMapFile,
+			 bool noMapCheck, double cMmax) {
+    htsFile *fin = hts_open(vcfFile.c_str(), "r");
+    bcf_hdr_t *hdr = bcf_hdr_read(fin);
+    bcf1_t *rec = bcf_init1();
+    int mgt = 0, *gt = NULL;
+    NpreQC = bcf_hdr_nsamples(hdr);
+    cout << "Reading genotypes for N = " << NpreQC << " samples" << endl;
+    vector <bool> genos2bit;
+    int wantChrom = inputChrom; // might be 0; if so, update
+    // read genos; save chrom and physpos for each SNP
+    while (bcf_read(fin, hdr, rec) >= 0) {
+      // check CHROM
+      int chrom = StringUtils::bcfNameToChrom(bcf_hdr_id2name(hdr, rec->rid), 1, chromX);
+      if (wantChrom == 0) wantChrom = chrom; // if --chrom was not specified, set to first
+      if (chrom != wantChrom) { // only allow multi-chrom file if --chrom has been specified
+	if (inputChrom == 0) {
+	  cerr << "ERROR: File contains data for >1 chromosome; specify one with --chrom" << endl;
+	  exit(1);
+	}
+	else
+	  continue;
+      }
+      // check if POS is within selected region
+      int bp = rec->pos+1;
+      if (!(bpStart <= bp && bp <= bpEnd)) continue;
+      // check for multi-allelics (TODO: ignore with warning and don't phase in output)
+      if (rec->n_allele > 2) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: Multi-allelic site found (i.e., ALT contains multiple alleles)" << endl;
+	cerr << "       Either drop or split (bcftools norm -m) multi-allelic variants" << endl;
+	exit(1);
+      }
+      // add chrom and bp to SNP list
+      SnpInfoX snp; snp.chrom = chrom; snp.physpos = bp;
+      snpsPreQC.push_back(snp);
+      // read genotypes
+      int ngt = bcf_get_genotypes(hdr, rec, &gt, &mgt);
+      if (ngt != 2 * (int) NpreQC) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: Samples are not diploid" << endl;
+	exit(1);
+      }
+      for (int i = 0; i < (int) NpreQC; i++) {
+	int ploidy = 2;
+	int *ptr = gt + i*ploidy;
+	uchar geno = 0;
+	bool missing = false;
+	for (int j = 0; j < ploidy; j++) {
+	  if ( ptr[j]==bcf_int32_vector_end ) {
+	    if (j == 0) {
+	      cerr << "ERROR: ptr[0]==bcf_int32_vector_end... zero ploidy?" << endl;
+	      exit(1);
+	    }
+	    else { // 2nd of ploidy==2 genotypes is set to bcf_int32_vector_end => haploid
+	      if ( missing ) continue;  // missing diploid genotype can be written in VCF as "."
+	      else if (wantChrom == chromX) // X chromosome => haploid ok
+		geno *= 2; // encode as diploid homozygote
+	      else {
+		cerr << "ERROR: Haploid genotype found" << endl;
+		exit(1);
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(ptr[j]) ) // missing allele
+	      missing = true;
+	    else
+	      geno += bcf_gt_allele(ptr[j]); // 0=REF, 1=ALT (multi-allelics prohibited)
+	  }
+	}
+	if (missing) geno = 3;
+	genos2bit.push_back(geno&1);
+	genos2bit.push_back(geno>>1);
+      }
+    }
+    free(gt);
+    bcf_destroy(rec);
+    bcf_hdr_destroy(hdr);
+    hts_close(fin);
+    cout << "Read M = " << snpsPreQC.size() << " variants" << endl;
+    processMap(snpsPreQC, geneticMapFile, noMapCheck); // modify snpsPreQC
+    // don't perform QC; use all SNPs
+    MpreQC = snpsPreQC.size();
+    for (uint64 m = 0; m < MpreQC; m++)
+      snpsPreQC[m].passQC = true;
+    snps = snpsPreQC;
+    M = snps.size();
+    // don't perform QC; use all samples
+    N = NpreQC;
+    printRange();
+    if (cMmax == 0) {
+      cMmax = std::min(1.0, std::max(N / 1e5, 0.25));
+      cout << "Auto-selecting --maxBlockLen: " << cMmax << " cM" << endl;    
+    }
+    buildGenoBits(NULL, genos2bit, cMmax);
+  }
+  GenoData::~GenoData() {
+    ALIGNED_FREE(seg64logPs);
+    ALIGNED_FREE(genoBits);
+  }
+  /**
+   * assumes Nbed = bedIndivRemoved.size()
+   * reads (Nbed+3)>>2 bytes into bedLineIn
+   * stores sum(!bedIndivRemoved) bytes into genoLine if loadGenoLine == true
+   */
+  void GenoData::readBedLine(FileUtils::AutoGzIfstream &fin, uchar bedLineIn[], uchar genoLine[], 
+			     vector <bool> &bedIndivRemoved, bool storeGenoLine) {
+    uint64 Nbed = bedIndivRemoved.size();
+    fin.read((char *) bedLineIn, (Nbed+3)>>2);
+    if (storeGenoLine) {
+      const uchar bedToGeno[4] = {2, 9, 1, 0};
+      uint64 n = 0;
+      for (uint64 nbed = 0; nbed < Nbed; nbed++)
+	if (!bedIndivRemoved[nbed])
+	  genoLine[n++] = bedToGeno[(bedLineIn[nbed>>2]>>((nbed&3)<<1))&3];
+    }
+  }
+  double GenoData::computeAlleleFreq(const uchar genoLine[], uint64 genoN) {
+    double sum = 0; int num = 0;
+    for (uint64 n = 0; n < genoN; n++)
+      if (genoLine[n] != 9) {
+	sum += genoLine[n];
+	num++;
+      }
+    return 0.5 * sum / num;
+  }
+  double GenoData::computeMAF(const uchar genoLine[], uint64 genoN) {
+    double alleleFreq = computeAlleleFreq(genoLine, genoN);
+    return std::min(alleleFreq, 1.0-alleleFreq);
+  }
+  double GenoData::computeSnpMissing(const uchar genoLine[], uint64 genoN) {
+    double sum = 0; int num = 0;
+    for (uint64 n = 0; n < genoN; n++) {
+      sum += (genoLine[n] == 9);
+      num++;
+    }
+    return sum / num;
+  }
+  const vector <SnpInfoX> &GenoData::getSnps(void) const { return snps; }
+  uint64 GenoData::getN(void) const { return N; }
+  uint64 GenoData::getMseg64(void) const { return Mseg64; }
+  const uint64_masks *GenoData::getGenoBits(void) const { return genoBits; }
+  vector <vector <double> > GenoData::getSeg64cMvecs(void) const { return seg64cMvecs; }
+  const AlleleFreqs *GenoData::getSeg64logPs(void) const { return seg64logPs; }
+  IndivInfoX GenoData::getIndiv(uint64 n) const { return indivs[n]; }
+  const vector <IndivInfoX> &GenoData::getIndivs(void) const { return indivs; }
+  const vector <bool> &GenoData::getIsFlipped64j(void) const { return isFlipped64j; }
diff --git a/src/GenoData.hpp b/src/GenoData.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..277e4b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/GenoData.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <boost/utility.hpp>
+#include "Types.hpp"
+#include "FileUtils.hpp"
+namespace EAGLE {
+  struct SnpInfoX {
+    int chrom;
+    std::string ID;
+    double genpos; // Morgans
+    int physpos;
+    std::string allele1, allele2;
+    double MAF; // note: MAFs are computed on preQC indivs
+    double miss;
+    bool passQC;
+  };
+  struct IndivInfoX {
+    std::string famID;
+    std::string indivID;
+    std::string paternalID;
+    std::string maternalID;
+    int sex; // (1=male; 2=female; other=unknown)
+    double pheno;
+    double miss;
+    bool passQC;
+  };
+  struct AlleleFreqs {
+    double cond[3][6];
+    /*
+    double dip[3];
+    double hap[2];
+    */
+  };
+  class GenoData : boost::noncopyable {
+  private:
+    uint64 NpreQC, MpreQC; // # of indivs/snps in fam/bim file not in --remove/exclude file(s)
+    uint64 N, M; // post-QC
+    std::vector <IndivInfoX> indivsPreQC, indivs; // [VECTOR]: NpreQC, N
+    std::vector <SnpInfoX> snpsPreQC, snps; // [VECTOR]: MpreQC, M
+    uint64 Mseg64; // number of <=64-SNP chunks
+    uint64_masks *genoBits; // [[MATRIX]]: M64 x N (is0, is2, is9 64-bit masks; 3 bits/base)
+    std::vector <std::vector <double> > seg64cMvecs;
+    std::vector <std::vector <uint64> > seg64preQCsnpInds;
+    AlleleFreqs *seg64logPs;
+    std::vector <bool> isFlipped64j;
+    std::vector <bool> processIndivs(const std::string &famFile,
+				     const std::vector <std::string> &removeFiles);
+    std::vector <bool> processSnps(const std::string &bimFile, int chrom, double bpStart,
+				   double bpEnd, const std::vector <std::string> &excludeFiles);
+    void processMap(std::vector <SnpInfoX> &snpsVec, const std::string &geneticMapFile,
+		    bool noMapCheck);
+    void buildGenoBits(uchar *genosPreQC, const std::vector <bool> &genos2bit, double cMmax);
+    bool fillSnpSubRowNorm1(float x[], uint64 m64j, const std::vector <int> &indivInds) const;
+  public:
+    /**    
+     * reads indiv info from fam file, snp info from bim file
+     * allocates memory, reads genotypes, and does QC
+     * assumes numbers of bim and bed files match
+     */
+    void initBed(const std::string &famFile, const std::string &bimFile,
+		 const std::string &bedFile, int chrom, double bpStart, double bpEnd,
+		 const std::string &geneticMapFile, const std::vector <std::string> &excludeFiles,
+		 const std::vector <std::string> &removeFiles, double maxMissingPerSnp,
+		 double maxMissingPerIndiv, bool noMapCheck, double cMmax);
+    /**    
+     * reads genotypes from VCF/BCF file
+     * does not save indiv info (will be reread from VCF during output)
+     * only saves chrom, physpos, genpos in snp info (rest will be reread from VCF during output)
+     * allocates memory, reads genotypes, and restricts to region if specified; does not do QC
+     */
+    void initVcf(const std::string &vcfFile, const int inputChrom, const int chromX,
+		 double bpStart, double bpEnd, const std::string &geneticMapFile, bool noMapCheck,
+		 double cMmax);
+    void printRange(void) const;
+    ~GenoData();
+    static int plinkChromCode(const std::string &chrom);
+    static std::vector <SnpInfoX> readBimFile(const std::string &bimFile);
+    /**
+     * assumes Nbed = bedIndivRemoved.size()
+     * reads (Nbed+3)>>2 bytes into bedLineIn
+     * stores sum(!bedIndivRemoved) bytes into genoLine if storeGenoLine == true
+     */
+    static void readBedLine(FileUtils::AutoGzIfstream &fin, uchar bedLineIn[], uchar genoLine[], 
+			    std::vector <bool> &bedIndivRemoved, bool storeGenoLine);
+    static double computeAlleleFreq(const uchar genoLine[], uint64 genoN);
+    static double computeMAF(const uchar genoLine[], uint64 genoN);
+    static double computeSnpMissing(const uchar genoLine[], uint64 genoN);
+    const std::vector <SnpInfoX> &getSnps(void) const;
+    uint64 getN(void) const;
+    uint64 getMseg64(void) const;
+    const uint64_masks *getGenoBits(void) const;
+    std::vector <std::vector <double> > getSeg64cMvecs(void) const;
+    const AlleleFreqs *getSeg64logPs(void) const;
+    IndivInfoX getIndiv(uint64 n) const;
+    std::vector <double> computeInvLD64j(uint64 NsubMax) const;
+    const std::vector <IndivInfoX> &getIndivs(void) const;
+    const std::vector <bool> &getIsFlipped64j(void) const;
+    double computeSnpRate(void) const;
+  };
diff --git a/src/HapHedge.cpp b/src/HapHedge.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbeb0ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/HapHedge.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "MemoryUtils.hpp"
+#include "Types.hpp"
+#include "HapHedge.hpp"
+namespace EAGLE {
+  using std::vector;
+  using std::string;
+  using std::cout;
+  using std::endl;
+  void HapBitsT::setBit(uint64 n, uint64 m) { haploBitsT[n*M64 + (m>>6)] |= 1ULL<<(m&63); }
+#ifdef TEST_VS
+  HapBitsT::HapBitsT(const vector <string> &_hapBitsVS)
+    : hapBitsVS(_hapBitsVS), Nhaps(hapBitsVS.size()), M(hapBitsVS[0].length()) {}
+  int HapBitsT::getBit(uint64 n, uint64 m) const { return hapBitsVS[n][m]-'0'; }
+  HapBitsT::~HapBitsT(void) { }
+  HapBitsT::HapBitsT(const uint64 *_haploBitsT, uint64 _Nhaps, uint64 Mseg64,
+		     const uchar maskSnps64j[]) {
+    Nhaps = _Nhaps;
+    M = 0;
+    for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++)
+      if (maskSnps64j[m64j])
+	M++;
+    M64 = (M+63)/64;
+    haploBitsT = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINT64S(Nhaps * M64);
+    memset(haploBitsT, 0, Nhaps * M64 * sizeof(haploBitsT[0]));
+    for (uint64 n = 0; n < Nhaps; n++) {
+      uint64 mCur = 0;
+      for (uint64 m64j = 0; m64j < Mseg64*64; m64j++)
+	if (maskSnps64j[m64j]) {
+	  if ((_haploBitsT[n*Mseg64 + (m64j>>6)]>>(m64j&63))&1)
+	    setBit(n, mCur);
+	  mCur++;
+	}
+    }
+  }
+  inline int popcount64_01(uint64 i) {
+    return i!=0;
+  }
+  inline int popcount64_012(uint64 i) {
+    if (i == 0) return 0;
+    else if ((i & (i-1ULL)) == 0) return 1;
+    else return 2;
+  }
+  HapBitsT::HapBitsT(const uint64 *inBitsT, uint64 Mseg64, const vector <uint64> &splits64j,
+		     const vector <uchar> &splitGenos, const vector <uint64_masks> &tgtGenoBits,
+		     const vector <uint> &bestHaps) {
+    Nhaps = bestHaps.size();
+    M = 2*(splits64j.size()+2);
+    M64 = (M+63)/64;
+    haploBitsT = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINT64S(Nhaps * M64);
+    memset(haploBitsT, 0, Nhaps * M64 * sizeof(haploBitsT[0]));
+    for (uint k = 0; k < bestHaps.size(); k++) {
+      uint64 n = bestHaps[k];
+      if (k+1<bestHaps.size() && bestHaps[k+1]==n+1) {
+	// process both haplotypes from this individual
+	uint64 hLastDiff = 0; // for double-IBD
+	uint64 hLastErrA = 0, hLastErrB = 0;
+	for (uint64 h = 0; h <= splits64j.size(); h++) {
+	  // set hom before splits64j[h]
+	  int numErrsA = 0, numErrsB = 0;
+	  uint64 homStart = (h == 0 ? 0 : splits64j[h-1]+1);
+	  uint64 homStop = (h == splits64j.size() ? Mseg64*64 : std::max(splits64j[h], 1ULL)) - 1;
+	  for (uint64 m64 = (homStart>>6); m64 <= (homStop>>6); m64++) {
+	    uint64 mask = -1ULL;
+	    if (m64 == (homStart>>6))
+	      mask &= (-1ULL>>(homStart&63))<<(homStart&63);
+	    if (m64 == (homStop>>6))
+	      mask &= (-1ULL>>(63-(homStop&63)));
+	    numErrsA += popcount64_01(mask&((tgtGenoBits[m64].is0 & inBitsT[n*Mseg64 + m64]) |
+					    (tgtGenoBits[m64].is2 & ~inBitsT[n*Mseg64 + m64])));
+	    numErrsB += popcount64_01(mask&((tgtGenoBits[m64].is0 & inBitsT[(n+1)*Mseg64 + m64]) |
+					    (tgtGenoBits[m64].is2 & ~inBitsT[(n+1)*Mseg64 + m64])));
+	    if (numErrsA && numErrsB)
+	      break;
+	  }
+	  if (numErrsA)
+	    setBit(k, 2*h+1);
+	  if (numErrsB)
+	    setBit(k+1, 2*h+1);
+	  // set bits at split
+	  int splitA = 0, splitB = 0, splitGeno = 0;
+	  if (h < splits64j.size()) {
+	    splitA = (inBitsT[n*Mseg64 + (splits64j[h]>>6)]>>(splits64j[h]&63))&1;
+	    splitB = (inBitsT[(n+1)*Mseg64 + (splits64j[h]>>6)]>>(splits64j[h]&63))&1;
+	    splitGeno = splitGenos[h];
+	    if (splitA) setBit(k, 2*(h+1));
+	    if (splitB) setBit(k+1, 2*(h+1));
+	  }
+	  // check for double-IBD
+	  if (numErrsA || numErrsB || splitA+splitB != splitGeno || h==splits64j.size()) {
+	    if (h > hLastDiff+20) {
+	      for (uint h2 = hLastDiff+1; h2 < h; h2++) {
+		setBit(k, 2*h2+1);
+		setBit(k+1, 2*h2+1);
+	      }
+	    }
+	    else if (h > hLastDiff+10) {
+	      uint64 kMask = hLastErrA >= hLastErrB ? k : k+1;
+	      for (uint h2 = hLastDiff+1; h2 < h; h2++)
+		setBit(kMask, 2*h2+1);
+	    }
+	    hLastDiff = h;
+	  }
+	  if (numErrsA) hLastErrA = h;
+	  if (numErrsB) hLastErrB = h;
+	}
+	k++;
+      }
+      else { // process lone reference haplotype
+	for (uint64 h = 0; h <= splits64j.size(); h++) {
+	  // set hom
+	  uint64 homStart = (h == 0 ? 0 : splits64j[h-1]+1);
+	  uint64 homStop = (h == splits64j.size() ? Mseg64*64 : splits64j[h]) - 1;
+	  int numErrs = 0;
+	  for (uint64 m64 = (homStart>>6); m64 <= (homStop>>6); m64++) {
+	    uint64 mask = -1ULL;
+	    if (m64 == (homStart>>6))
+	      mask &= (-1ULL>>(homStart&63))<<(homStart&63);
+	    if (m64 == (homStop>>6))
+	      mask &= (-1ULL>>(63-(homStop&63)));
+	    numErrs += popcount64_01(mask&((tgtGenoBits[m64].is0 & inBitsT[n*Mseg64 + m64]) |
+					   (tgtGenoBits[m64].is2 & ~inBitsT[n*Mseg64 + m64])));
+	    if (numErrs)
+	      break;
+	  }
+	  if (numErrs)
+	    setBit(k, 2*h+1);
+	  // set bit at split
+	  if (h < splits64j.size() && ((inBitsT[n*Mseg64+(splits64j[h]>>6)]>>(splits64j[h]&63))&1))
+	    setBit(k, 2*(h+1));
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  const unsigned char flipByte[] = {
+    0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0xC0, 0x20, 0xA0, 0x60, 0xE0, 0x10, 0x90, 0x50, 0xD0, 0x30, 0xB0, 0x70, 0xF0,
+    0x08, 0x88, 0x48, 0xC8, 0x28, 0xA8, 0x68, 0xE8, 0x18, 0x98, 0x58, 0xD8, 0x38, 0xB8, 0x78, 0xF8,
+    0x04, 0x84, 0x44, 0xC4, 0x24, 0xA4, 0x64, 0xE4, 0x14, 0x94, 0x54, 0xD4, 0x34, 0xB4, 0x74, 0xF4,
+    0x0C, 0x8C, 0x4C, 0xCC, 0x2C, 0xAC, 0x6C, 0xEC, 0x1C, 0x9C, 0x5C, 0xDC, 0x3C, 0xBC, 0x7C, 0xFC,
+    0x02, 0x82, 0x42, 0xC2, 0x22, 0xA2, 0x62, 0xE2, 0x12, 0x92, 0x52, 0xD2, 0x32, 0xB2, 0x72, 0xF2,
+    0x0A, 0x8A, 0x4A, 0xCA, 0x2A, 0xAA, 0x6A, 0xEA, 0x1A, 0x9A, 0x5A, 0xDA, 0x3A, 0xBA, 0x7A, 0xFA,
+    0x06, 0x86, 0x46, 0xC6, 0x26, 0xA6, 0x66, 0xE6, 0x16, 0x96, 0x56, 0xD6, 0x36, 0xB6, 0x76, 0xF6,
+    0x0E, 0x8E, 0x4E, 0xCE, 0x2E, 0xAE, 0x6E, 0xEE, 0x1E, 0x9E, 0x5E, 0xDE, 0x3E, 0xBE, 0x7E, 0xFE,
+    0x01, 0x81, 0x41, 0xC1, 0x21, 0xA1, 0x61, 0xE1, 0x11, 0x91, 0x51, 0xD1, 0x31, 0xB1, 0x71, 0xF1,
+    0x09, 0x89, 0x49, 0xC9, 0x29, 0xA9, 0x69, 0xE9, 0x19, 0x99, 0x59, 0xD9, 0x39, 0xB9, 0x79, 0xF9,
+    0x05, 0x85, 0x45, 0xC5, 0x25, 0xA5, 0x65, 0xE5, 0x15, 0x95, 0x55, 0xD5, 0x35, 0xB5, 0x75, 0xF5,
+    0x0D, 0x8D, 0x4D, 0xCD, 0x2D, 0xAD, 0x6D, 0xED, 0x1D, 0x9D, 0x5D, 0xDD, 0x3D, 0xBD, 0x7D, 0xFD,
+    0x03, 0x83, 0x43, 0xC3, 0x23, 0xA3, 0x63, 0xE3, 0x13, 0x93, 0x53, 0xD3, 0x33, 0xB3, 0x73, 0xF3,
+    0x0B, 0x8B, 0x4B, 0xCB, 0x2B, 0xAB, 0x6B, 0xEB, 0x1B, 0x9B, 0x5B, 0xDB, 0x3B, 0xBB, 0x7B, 0xFB,
+    0x07, 0x87, 0x47, 0xC7, 0x27, 0xA7, 0x67, 0xE7, 0x17, 0x97, 0x57, 0xD7, 0x37, 0xB7, 0x77, 0xF7,
+    0x0F, 0x8F, 0x4F, 0xCF, 0x2F, 0xAF, 0x6F, 0xEF, 0x1F, 0x9F, 0x5F, 0xDF, 0x3F, 0xBF, 0x7F, 0xFF
+  };
+  uint64 reverse64(uint64 v) {
+    return
+      ((uint64) flipByte[v & 0xff] << 56ULL) |
+      ((uint64) flipByte[(v >> 8) & 0xff] << 48ULL) |
+      ((uint64) flipByte[(v >> 16) & 0xff] << 40ULL) |
+      ((uint64) flipByte[(v >> 24) & 0xff] << 32ULL) |
+      ((uint64) flipByte[(v >> 32) & 0xff] << 24ULL) |
+      ((uint64) flipByte[(v >> 40) & 0xff] << 16ULL) |
+      ((uint64) flipByte[(v >> 48) & 0xff] << 8ULL) |
+      flipByte[v >> 56];
+  }
+  HapBitsT::HapBitsT(const HapBitsT &hapBitsFwdT, int dir)
+    : Nhaps(hapBitsFwdT.getNhaps()), M(hapBitsFwdT.getM()), M64((M+63)/64) {
+    assert(dir<0); // reverse existing HapBitsT
+    haploBitsT = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINT64S(Nhaps * M64);
+    memset(haploBitsT, 0, Nhaps * M64 * sizeof(haploBitsT[0]));
+    if (dir == -1) { // simple reversal
+      for (uint64 n = 0; n < Nhaps; n++)
+	for (uint64 m = 0; m < M; m++)
+	  if (hapBitsFwdT.getBit(n, m))
+	    setBit(n, M-1-m);
+    }
+    else { // repad 0 xyz 0 0 -> 0 zyx 0 0
+      uint64 Mtrim = M-1, Mtrim64 = (Mtrim+63)/64, offset = Mtrim&63;
+      for (uint64 n = 0; n < Nhaps; n++) {
+	/*
+	for (uint64 m = 1; m < M-2; m++)
+	  if (hapBitsFwdT.getBit(n, m))
+	    setBit(n, M-2-m);
+	*/
+	for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mtrim64; m64++) {
+	  uint64 fwdBits = offset==0 ? hapBitsFwdT.getBits64(n, Mtrim64-1-m64) :
+	    ((m64<Mtrim64-1 ? (hapBitsFwdT.getBits64(n, Mtrim64-2-m64)>>offset) : 0) |
+	     (hapBitsFwdT.getBits64(n, Mtrim64-1-m64)<<(64-offset)));
+	  //assert(haploBitsT[n * M64 + m64] == reverse64(fwdBits));
+	  haploBitsT[n * M64 + m64] = reverse64(fwdBits);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  int HapBitsT::getBit(uint64 n, uint64 m) const { return (haploBitsT[n*M64 + (m>>6)]>>(m&63))&1; }
+  uint64 HapBitsT::getBits64(uint64 n, uint64 m64) const { return haploBitsT[n*M64 + m64]; }
+  HapBitsT::~HapBitsT(void) { ALIGNED_FREE(haploBitsT); }
+  int HapBitsT::getNhaps(void) const { return Nhaps; }
+  int HapBitsT::getM(void) const { return M; }
+  int d, a, count, up, left, right;
+  WorkTreeNode::WorkTreeNode(int _d, int _a, int _count, int _up, int _left, int _right) :
+    d(_d), a(_a), count(_count), up(_up), left(_left), right(_right) {}
+  void dfsPreOrder(WorkTreeNode workNodes[], HapTreeNode *nodes, int &pos, int cur) {
+    if (cur == -1) return;
+    nodes[pos].mSplit = workNodes[cur].d;
+    int left = workNodes[cur].left;
+    nodes[pos].count0 = 1 + (left==-1 ? 0 : workNodes[left].count);
+    nodes[pos].seq1 = workNodes[cur].a;
+    pos++;
+    dfsPreOrder(workNodes, nodes, pos, workNodes[cur].left);
+    dfsPreOrder(workNodes, nodes, pos, workNodes[cur].right);
+  }
+  void dfsPreOrderMulti(WorkTreeNode workNodes[], HapTreeMultiNode *nodes, int &pos, int cur) {
+    if (cur == -1) return;
+    int curPos = pos;
+    nodes[curPos].mSplit = workNodes[cur].d;
+    nodes[curPos].count0 = workNodes[cur].count;
+    nodes[curPos].node0 = curPos+1;
+    nodes[curPos].seq1 = workNodes[cur].a;
+    pos++;
+    dfsPreOrderMulti(workNodes, nodes, pos, workNodes[cur].left);
+    if (pos == curPos+1) { // no next node 0
+      nodes[curPos].node0 = -1;
+      /* MEMORY-SAVING ALTERNATIVE: use 1 bit (sign of state.count) to encode next node
+      nodes[curPos].count0 = -nodes[curPos].count0;
+      */
+    }
+    nodes[curPos].node1 = pos;
+    dfsPreOrderMulti(workNodes, nodes, pos, workNodes[cur].right);
+    if (pos == nodes[curPos].node1) // no next node 1
+      nodes[curPos].node1 = -1;
+  }
+  HapTree::HapTree(const HapBitsT &_hapBitsT, int a[], int d[])
+    : hapBitsT(_hapBitsT), Nhaps(hapBitsT.getNhaps()), invNhaps(1.0f/Nhaps) {
+    seq0 = a[0];
+    nodes = (HapTreeNode *) ALIGNED_MALLOC((Nhaps-1) * sizeof(nodes[0]));
+    WorkTreeNode *workNodes = (WorkTreeNode *) ALIGNED_MALLOC(Nhaps * sizeof(workNodes[0]));
+    // perform in-order traversal
+    workNodes[0] = WorkTreeNode(-1, a[0], 0, -1, -1, -1);
+    for (int n = 1; n < Nhaps; n++) {
+      if (d[n] >= d[n-1]) {
+	workNodes[n] = WorkTreeNode(d[n], a[n], 1, n-1, -1, -1);
+	workNodes[n-1].right = n;
+      }
+      else {
+	int cur = n-1, up = workNodes[cur].up;
+	while (d[n] < workNodes[up].d) {
+	  workNodes[up].count += workNodes[cur].count;
+	  cur = up; up = workNodes[cur].up;
+	}
+	workNodes[n] = WorkTreeNode(d[n], a[n], workNodes[cur].count+1, up, cur, -1);
+	workNodes[cur].up = n;
+	workNodes[up].right = n;
+      }
+    }
+    int cur = Nhaps-1, up = workNodes[cur].up;
+    while (up != -1) {
+      workNodes[up].count += workNodes[cur].count;
+      cur = up; up = workNodes[cur].up;
+    }
+    // perform pre-order traversal
+    int pos = 0;
+    dfsPreOrder(workNodes, nodes, pos, workNodes[0].right);
+    ALIGNED_FREE(workNodes);
+  }
+  HapTree::~HapTree(void) {
+    ALIGNED_FREE(nodes);
+  }
+  float HapTree::getInvNhaps(void) const {
+    return invNhaps;
+  }
+  HapTreeState HapTree::getRootState(void) const {
+    HapTreeState h;
+    h.seq = seq0; h.node = 0; h.count = Nhaps;
+    return h;
+  }
+  bool HapTree::next(int m, HapTreeState &state, int nextBit) const {
+    if (state.count == 1 || nodes[state.node].mSplit > m) {
+      return hapBitsT.getBit(state.seq, m) == nextBit;
+    }
+    else {
+      if (nextBit == 0) {
+	state.count = nodes[state.node++].count0;
+      }
+      else {
+	state.seq = nodes[state.node].seq1;
+	int c0 = nodes[state.node].count0;
+	state.node += c0;
+	state.count -= c0;
+      }
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  HapTreeMulti::HapTreeMulti(const HapBitsT &_hapBitsT, SortDiv ad[], int M,
+			     WorkTreeNode workNodes[])
+    : hapBitsT(_hapBitsT), Nhaps(hapBitsT.getNhaps()), invNhaps(1.0f/Nhaps) {
+    // perform in-order traversal
+    workNodes[0] = WorkTreeNode(-1, ad[0].a, 0, -1, -1, -1);
+    int n = 0, nextMult = 1, uniqHaps = Nhaps;
+    for (int nHap = 1; nHap < Nhaps; nHap++) {
+      if (ad[nHap].d == M) { // sequence is identical to previous; merge
+	nextMult++;
+	uniqHaps--;
+      }
+      else {
+	n++;
+	if (ad[nHap].d >= workNodes[n-1].d) {
+	  workNodes[n] = WorkTreeNode(ad[nHap].d, ad[nHap].a, nextMult, n-1, -1, -1);
+	  workNodes[n-1].right = n;
+	}
+	else {
+	  int cur = n-1, up = workNodes[cur].up;
+	  int leftCount = nextMult;
+	  while (ad[nHap].d < workNodes[up].d) {
+	    leftCount += workNodes[cur].count;
+	    cur = up; up = workNodes[cur].up;
+	  }
+	  leftCount += workNodes[cur].count;
+	  workNodes[n] = WorkTreeNode(ad[nHap].d, ad[nHap].a, leftCount, up, cur, -1);
+	  workNodes[cur].up = n;
+	  workNodes[up].right = n;
+	}
+	nextMult = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    nodes = (HapTreeMultiNode *) ALIGNED_MALLOC((uniqHaps-1) * sizeof(nodes[0]));
+    rootState.seq = ad[0].a; rootState.node = workNodes[0].right==-1?-1:0; rootState.count = Nhaps;
+    int pos = 0;
+    dfsPreOrderMulti(workNodes, nodes, pos, workNodes[0].right);
+  }
+  HapTreeMulti::~HapTreeMulti(void) {
+    ALIGNED_FREE(nodes);
+  }
+  float HapTreeMulti::getInvNhaps(void) const {
+    return invNhaps;
+  }
+  HapTreeState HapTreeMulti::getRootState(void) const {
+    return rootState;
+  }
+  bool HapTreeMulti::next(int m, HapTreeState &state, int nextBit) const {
+    if (state.node == -1 || nodes[state.node].mSplit > m) {
+      return hapBitsT.getBit(state.seq, m) == nextBit;
+    }
+    else {
+      if (nextBit == 0) {
+	state.count = nodes[state.node].count0;
+	state.node = nodes[state.node].node0;
+	/* MEMORY-SAVING ALTERNATIVE: use 1 bit (sign of state.count) to encode next node
+	if (state.count > 0)
+	  state.node++;
+	else {
+	  state.node = -1;
+	  state.count = -state.count;
+	}
+	*/
+      }
+      else {
+	state.count -= nodes[state.node].count0;
+	/* MEMORY-SAVING ALTERNATIVE: use 1 bit (sign of state.count) to encode next node
+	state.count -= abs(nodes[state.node].count0);
+	*/
+	state.seq = nodes[state.node].seq1;
+	state.node = nodes[state.node].node1; // update last: overwrites state.node!
+      }
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  void HapTreeMulti::nextAtFrac(int m, HapTreeState &state, double nextFrac) const {
+    // see above for MEMORY-SAVING ALTERNATIVES
+    if (state.node == -1 || nodes[state.node].mSplit > m) {
+      return;
+    }
+    else {
+      if (nodes[state.node].count0 >= nextFrac * state.count) { // nextBit = 0
+	state.count = nodes[state.node].count0;
+	state.node = nodes[state.node].node0;
+      }
+      else {
+	state.count -= nodes[state.node].count0;
+	state.seq = nodes[state.node].seq1;
+	state.node = nodes[state.node].node1; // update last: overwrites state.node!
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // for debugging
+  void HapTreeMulti::dfsPrint(string curPrefix, int m, int M, const HapTreeState &state) const {
+    if (m > M) return;
+    cout << "m = " << m << ", prefix = " << curPrefix << ": count = " << state.count << endl;
+    for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++) {
+      HapTreeState nextState = state;
+      if (next(m, nextState, b))
+	dfsPrint(curPrefix + (char) ('0'+b), m+1, M, nextState);
+    }
+  }
+  HapHedge::HapHedge(const HapBitsT &_hapBitsT, int _skip/*, const vector <int> &treeStarts*/) :
+    hapBitsT(_hapBitsT), skip(_skip), T((hapBitsT.getM()+skip-1) / skip) {
+    treePtrs = new HapTree *[T];
+    int N = hapBitsT.getNhaps(), M = hapBitsT.getM();
+    // initialize work arrays
+    int *a1 = new int[N], *d1 = new int[N], *a = new int[N], *b = new int[N], *d = new int[N],
+      *e = new int[N];
+    for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
+      a1[n] = n;
+      d1[n] = M;
+    }
+    for (int m = M-1; m >= 0; m--) {
+      // compute sort order and divergence array
+      int u = 0, v = 0, p = m, q = m;
+      for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
+	if (d1[n] < p) p = d1[n];
+	if (d1[n] < q) q = d1[n];
+	if (hapBitsT.getBit(a1[n], m) == 0) {
+	  a[u] = a1[n]; d[u] = p; u++; p = M;
+	}
+	else {
+	  b[v] = a1[n]; e[v] = q; v++; q = M;
+	}
+      }
+      memcpy(a1, a, u * sizeof(a1[0])); memcpy(a1+u, b, v * sizeof(a1[0]));
+      memcpy(d1, d, u * sizeof(d1[0])); memcpy(d1+u, e, v * sizeof(d1[0]));
+      // perform pre-order traversal and store to HapTree
+      if (m % skip == 0) {
+	treePtrs[m/skip] = new HapTree(hapBitsT, a1, d1);
+      }
+    }
+    delete[] a1;
+    delete[] d1;
+    delete[] a;
+    delete[] b;
+    delete[] d;
+    delete[] e;
+  }
+  HapHedge::~HapHedge(void) {
+    for (int t = 0; t < T; t++)
+      delete treePtrs[t];
+    delete[] treePtrs;
+  }
+  const HapTree &HapHedge::getHapTree(int t) const {
+    return *treePtrs[t];
+  };
+  int HapHedge::getM(void) const {
+    return hapBitsT.getM();
+  }
+  int HapHedge::getSkip(void) const {
+    return skip;
+  }
+  int HapHedge::getNumTrees(void) const {
+    return T;
+  }
+  const HapBitsT &HapHedge::getHapBitsT(void) const {
+    return hapBitsT;
+  }
+  HapHedgeErr::HapHedgeErr(const HapBitsT &_hapBitsT) :
+    hapBitsT(_hapBitsT), T((hapBitsT.getM()+1) / 2) {
+    treePtrs = new HapTreeMulti *[T];
+    int N = hapBitsT.getNhaps(), M = hapBitsT.getM();
+    // initialize work arrays
+    SortDiv *ad = new SortDiv[N+1], *ad1 = new SortDiv[N+1]; // N+1 for convenience below
+    WorkTreeNode *workNodes = (WorkTreeNode *) ALIGNED_MALLOC(N * sizeof(workNodes[0]));
+    for (int n = 0; n <= N; n++) { // N+1 for convenience below
+      ad[n].a = n;
+      ad[n].d = M;
+    }
+    uint64 *curBits64 = new uint64[N];
+    uchar *curBits8 = new uchar[N]; // N-byte buffer hopefully fits in L1 cache for random access
+    for (int m = M-1; m >= 0; m--) {
+      if (m == M-1 || (m&63) == 63) { // move current 64-bit m-block for each sample to curBits64
+	for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
+	  curBits64[n] = hapBitsT.getBits64(n, m>>6);
+      }
+      //uint64 curBit64 = 1ULL<<(m&63);
+      if (m == M-1 || (m&7) == 7) { // move current 8-bit m-block for each sample to curBits8
+	uint64 shift = (m&63)&~7;
+	for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
+	  curBits8[n] = (uchar) (curBits64[n]>>shift);
+      }
+      uchar curBit8 = 1<<(m&7);
+      // compute sort order and divergence array
+      int u = 0, v = 0, p = m, q = m;
+      if (m % 2 != 1) {
+	for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
+	  int a_n = ad[n].a;
+	  if (/*curBits64[a_n] & curBit64*/curBits8[a_n] & curBit8) {
+	    ad1[v].a = a_n; ad1[v].d = q; v++; q = ad[n+1].d; if (q < p) p = q;
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    ad[u].a = a_n; ad[u].d = p; u++; p = ad[n+1].d; if (p < q) q = p;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      else {
+	for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
+	  int a_n = ad[n].a;
+	  if (/*curBits64[a_n] & curBit64*/curBits8[a_n] & curBit8) {
+	    ad1[v].a = a_n; ad1[v].d = M; v++; q = ad[n+1].d; if (q < p) p = q;
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    ad[u].a = a_n; ad[u].d = p; u++; p = ad[n+1].d; if (p < q) q = p;
+	  }
+	}
+	ad1[0].d = m;
+      }
+      memcpy(ad+u, ad1, v * sizeof(ad[0]));
+      // perform pre-order traversal and store to HapTree
+      if (m % 2 == 0)
+	treePtrs[m/2] = new HapTreeMulti(hapBitsT, ad, M, workNodes);
+    }
+    delete[] curBits8;
+    delete[] curBits64;
+    ALIGNED_FREE(workNodes);
+    delete[] ad1;
+    delete[] ad;
+  }
+  HapHedgeErr::~HapHedgeErr(void) {
+    for (int t = 0; t < T; t++)
+      delete treePtrs[t];
+    delete[] treePtrs;
+  }
+  const HapTreeMulti &HapHedgeErr::getHapTreeMulti(int t) const {
+    return *treePtrs[t];
+  };
+  int HapHedgeErr::getNumTrees(void) const {
+    return T;
+  }
+  const HapBitsT &HapHedgeErr::getHapBitsT() const {
+    return hapBitsT;
+  }
+  // for debugging
+  void HapHedgeErr::printTree(int t) const {
+    treePtrs[t]->dfsPrint("", 2*t, 2*T, treePtrs[t]->getRootState());
+  }
diff --git a/src/HapHedge.hpp b/src/HapHedge.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7212f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/HapHedge.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include "Types.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+namespace EAGLE {
+  struct HapTreeState {
+    int seq, node, count;
+  };
+  struct SortDiv {
+    int a, d;
+  };
+  class HapBitsT {
+#ifdef TEST_VS
+    const std::vector <std::string> &hapBitsVS;
+    uint64 *haploBitsT;
+    uint64 Nhaps, M, M64;
+    void setBit(uint64 n, uint64 m);
+  public:
+#ifdef TEST_VS
+    HapBitsT(const std::vector <std::string> &_hapBitsVS);
+    HapBitsT(const uint64 *_haploBitsT, uint64 _Nhaps, uint64 Mseg64, const uchar maskSnps64j[]);
+    HapBitsT(const uint64 *inBitsT, uint64 Mseg64, const std::vector <uint64> &splits64j,
+	     const std::vector <uchar> &splitGenos, const std::vector <uint64_masks> &tgtGenoBits,
+	     const std::vector <uint> &bestHaps);
+    HapBitsT(const HapBitsT &hapBitsFwdT, int dir); // reverse constructor (dir must equal -1)
+    uint64 getBits64(uint64 n, uint64 m64) const;
+    ~HapBitsT(void);
+    int getBit(uint64 n, uint64 m) const;
+    int getNhaps(void) const;
+    int getM(void) const;
+  };
+  struct HapTreeNode {
+    int mSplit, count0, seq1;
+  };
+  struct HapTreeMultiNode {
+    int mSplit, count0, node0, seq1, node1;
+    // MEMORY-SAVING ALTERNATIVE: use 1 bit (sign of state.count) vs. node0 to encode next node
+  };
+  struct WorkTreeNode {
+    int d, a, count, up, left, right;
+    WorkTreeNode(int _d, int _a, int _count, int _up, int _left, int _right);
+  };
+  class HapTree {
+    const HapBitsT &hapBitsT;
+    const int Nhaps; float invNhaps;
+    int seq0; // lexicographically first ref seq
+    HapTreeNode *nodes; // [Nhaps-1]
+  public:
+    HapTree(const HapBitsT &_hapBitsT, int a[], int d[]);
+    ~HapTree(void);
+    float getInvNhaps(void) const;
+    HapTreeState getRootState(void) const;
+    bool next(int m, HapTreeState &state, int nextBit) const;
+  };
+  class HapTreeMulti {
+    const HapBitsT &hapBitsT;
+    const int Nhaps; float invNhaps;
+    HapTreeState rootState;
+    HapTreeMultiNode *nodes; // [Nhaps-1]
+  public:
+    HapTreeMulti(const HapBitsT &_hapBitsT, SortDiv ad[], int M, WorkTreeNode workNodes[]);
+    ~HapTreeMulti(void);
+    float getInvNhaps(void) const;
+    HapTreeState getRootState(void) const;
+    bool next(int m, HapTreeState &state, int nextBit) const;
+    void nextAtFrac(int m, HapTreeState &state, double nextFrac) const;
+    void dfsPrint(std::string curPrefix, int m, int M, const HapTreeState &state) const;
+  };
+  class HapHedge {
+    const HapBitsT &hapBitsT;
+    const int skip, T;
+    HapTree **treePtrs;
+  public:
+    HapHedge(const HapBitsT &_hapBitsT, int skip/*, const std::vector <int> &treeStarts*/);
+    ~HapHedge(void);
+    const HapTree &getHapTree(int t) const;
+    int getM(void) const;
+    int getSkip(void) const;
+    int getNumTrees(void) const;
+    const HapBitsT &getHapBitsT(void) const;
+  };
+  class HapHedgeErr {
+    const HapBitsT &hapBitsT;
+    const int T;
+    HapTreeMulti **treePtrs;
+  public:
+    HapHedgeErr(const HapBitsT &_hapBitsT);
+    ~HapHedgeErr(void);
+    const HapTreeMulti &getHapTreeMulti(int t) const;
+    int getNumTrees(void) const;
+    const HapBitsT &getHapBitsT() const;
+    void printTree(int t) const;
+  };
diff --git a/src/LapackConst.hpp b/src/LapackConst.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8082e2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/LapackConst.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#ifdef USE_MKL
+#include "mkl.h"
+#define DGER_MACRO dger
+#define DGEMV_MACRO dgemv
+#define DGEMM_MACRO dgemm
+#define SGEMM_MACRO sgemm
+#define DGELS_MACRO dgels
+#define DGESVD_MACRO dgesvd
+  extern "C" int dgesvd_(char *jobu, char *jobvt, int *m, int *n, double *a, int *lda, double *s,
+			 double *u, int *ldu, double *vt, int *ldvt, double *work, int *lwork,
+			 int *info);
+  extern "C" int dgemv_(char *TRANS, int *M, int *N, double *ALPHA, double *A, int *LDA,
+			const double *X, int *INCX, double *BETA, double *Y, int *INCY);
+  extern "C" int dger_(int *M, int *N, double *ALPHA, double *X, int *INCX, const double *Y,
+		       int *INCY, double *A, int *LDA);
+  extern "C" int dgemm_(char *TRANSA, char *TRANSB, int *M, int *N, int *K, double *ALPHA,
+			const double *A, int *LDA, const double *B, int *LDB, double *BETA,
+			double *C, int *LDC);
+  extern "C" int sgemm_(char *TRANSA, char *TRANSB, int *M, int *N, int *K, float *ALPHA,
+			const float *A, int *LDA, const float *B, int *LDB, float *BETA,
+			float *C, int *LDC);
+  extern "C" int dgels_(char *TRANS, int *M, int *N, int *NRHS, double *A, int *LDA, double *B,
+			int *LDB, double *WORK, int *LWORK, int *INFO);
+#define DGER_MACRO dger_
+#define DGEMV_MACRO dgemv_
+#define DGEMM_MACRO dgemm_
+#define SGEMM_MACRO sgemm_
+#define DGELS_MACRO dgels_
+#define DGESVD_MACRO dgesvd_
+namespace LapackConst {
+#ifndef USE_MKL
+#ifdef USE_MKL
+  inline CBLAS_TRANSPOSE lapackTransToMKL(char trans) {
+    return (trans=='N'||trans=='n') ? CblasNoTrans : CblasTrans;
+  }
+  void dgemm_wrap(char TRANSA, char TRANSB, int M, int N, int K, double ALPHA,
+		  const double *A, int LDA, const double *B, int LDB, double BETA,
+		  double *C, int LDC);
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e17235d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# build options:
+# 1. cmd line: linking = dynamic (default), static-except-glibc (recommended release), static
+# 2. cmd line: debug = false (default => -O2), true (-g)
+### modify these paths to local BLAS, Boost and htslib install directories
+LBLAS = -lopenblas # alternatively -llapack (just need sgemm_)
+BLAS_DIR = /opt/openblas/0.2.14/lib
+BOOST_INSTALL_DIR = /home/pl88/boost_1_58_0/install
+HTSLIB_DIR = /groups/price/poru/external_software/htslib/htslib-1.3
+### these paths are used only for static linking
+ZLIB_STATIC_DIR = /opt/zlib-1.2.8/lib # probably unnecessary on most systems
+GLIBC_STATIC_DIR = /home/pl88/glibc-static/usr/lib64
+ifeq ($(strip ${linking}),)
+	linking = dynamic
+CC = g++
+ifeq (${debug},true)
+	CFLAGS += -g
+	CFLAGS += -O2
+ifeq (${prof},true)
+	CFLAGS += -g -pg
+	LFLAGS += -pg
+CFLAGS += -std=c++0x -msse -msse2 -fopenmp -Wall
+LFLAGS += -fopenmp
+# add BLAS lib path
+ifneq ($(strip ${BLAS_DIR}),)
+	ifeq (${linking},dynamic)
+		LPATHS += -Wl,-rpath,${BLAS_DIR}
+	endif
+# add Boost include and lib paths
+ifneq ($(strip ${BOOST_INSTALL_DIR}),)
+	ifeq (${linking},dynamic)
+		LPATHS += -Wl,-rpath,${BOOST_INSTALL_DIR}/lib
+	endif
+# add htslib include and lib paths
+ifneq ($(strip ${HTSLIB_DIR}),)
+	ifeq (${linking},dynamic)
+		LPATHS += -Wl,-rpath,${HTSLIB_DIR}
+	endif
+# add zlib.a path for static linking on Orchestra
+ifneq ($(strip ${ZLIB_STATIC_DIR}),)
+	ifneq (${linking},dynamic)
+	endif
+# add flags for static linking; build LAPACK/MKL component of link line
+ifeq (${linking},static)
+	LFLAGS += -static
+else ifeq (${linking},static-except-glibc)
+	LFLAGS += -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++
+# build link line (minus flags)
+LLIBS = -lhts -lboost_program_options -lboost_iostreams -lz ${LBLAS}
+ifeq (${linking},static-except-glibc)
+	L = ${LPATHS} -Wl,-Bstatic ${LLIBS} -Wl,-Bdynamic -lpthread -lm
+	L = ${LPATHS} ${LLIBS} -lpthread -lm
+T = eagle
+O = DipTreePBWT.o Eagle.o EagleImpMiss.o EagleParams.o EaglePBWT.o FileUtils.o GenoData.o HapHedge.o MapInterpolater.o MemoryUtils.o NumericUtils.o StaticMultimap.o StringUtils.o SyncedVcfData.o Timer.o
+OMAIN = EagleMain.o $O
+.PHONY: clean
+$T: ${OMAIN}
+	${CC} ${LFLAGS} -o $T ${OMAIN} $L
+%.o: %.cpp
+	${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${CPATHS} -o $@ -c $<
+EagleMain.o: Version.hpp
+Eagle.o: Version.hpp
+all: $T
+	rm -f *.o
+	rm -f $T
diff --git a/src/MapInterpolater.cpp b/src/MapInterpolater.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7c35a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MapInterpolater.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "MapInterpolater.hpp"
+#include "FileUtils.hpp"
+namespace Genetics {
+  using std::vector;
+  using std::string;
+  using std::pair;
+  using std::make_pair;
+  using std::map;
+  using std::cout;
+  using std::cerr;
+  using std::endl;
+  using FileUtils::getline;
+  const string MapInterpolater::MAP_FILE_HEADER =
+    "chr position COMBINED_rate(cM/Mb) Genetic_Map(cM)";
+  MapInterpolater::MapInterpolater(const string &geneticMapFile) {
+    if (geneticMapFile.empty()) return;
+    chrBpToRateGen[make_pair(0, 0)] = make_pair(0.0, 0.0); // sentinel at beginning
+    string line;
+    FileUtils::AutoGzIfstream fin; fin.openOrExit(geneticMapFile);
+    getline(fin, line);
+    if (line != MAP_FILE_HEADER) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Wrong format of reference map " << geneticMapFile << endl;
+      cerr << "       Expecting header: " << MAP_FILE_HEADER << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    int chr0 = 0, bp0 = 0; double gen0 = 0;
+    int chr, bp; double rate, gen;
+    while (fin >> chr >> bp >> rate >> gen) {
+      if (chr == chr0)
+	chrBpToRateGen[make_pair(chr, bp)] = make_pair((gen-gen0)/(1e-6*(bp-bp0)), gen);
+      chr0 = chr; bp0 = bp; gen0 = gen;
+    }
+    chrBpToRateGen[make_pair(chr, bp+1e9)] = make_pair(1.0, gen+1e3); // sentinel at end
+  }
+  // returns interpolated genetic position in Morgans
+  double MapInterpolater::interp(int chr, int bp) const {
+    if (chrBpToRateGen.empty()) return 0;
+    map < pair <int, int>, pair <double, double> >::const_iterator ubIter =
+      chrBpToRateGen.upper_bound(make_pair(chr, bp)); // map record > (chr, bp)
+    if (ubIter == chrBpToRateGen.end()) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Chromosome " << chr << " is not in genetic map" << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    int ubChr = ubIter->first.first;
+    int ubBp = ubIter->first.second;
+    double ubRate = ubIter->second.first;
+    double ubGen = ubIter->second.second;
+    if (chr == ubChr) return 0.01 * (ubGen + 1e-6 * ubRate * (bp-ubBp)); // interpolate interval
+    else return 0.01 * (--ubIter)->second.second; // end of previous chromosome
+  }
diff --git a/src/MapInterpolater.hpp b/src/MapInterpolater.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15577dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MapInterpolater.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <utility>
+namespace Genetics {
+  class MapInterpolater {
+    std::map < std::pair <int, int>, std::pair <double, double> > chrBpToRateGen;
+    static const std::string MAP_FILE_HEADER;
+  public:
+    // input file format: chr position COMBINED_rate(cM/Mb) Genetic_Map(cM)
+    // (Oxford map format preceded by chr column)
+    MapInterpolater(const std::string &geneticMapFile);
+    // returns interpolated genetic position in Morgans
+    double interp(int chr, int bp) const;
+  };
diff --git a/src/MemoryUtils.cpp b/src/MemoryUtils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf204d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MemoryUtils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "MemoryUtils.hpp"
+#include "Types.hpp"
+void *ALIGNED_MALLOC(uint64 size) {
+  void *p = mkl_malloc(size, MEM_ALIGNMENT);
+  void *p = _mm_malloc(size, MEM_ALIGNMENT);
+  // TODO: change to assert() or dispense with altogether and change ALIGNED_MALLOC to macro?
+  if (p == NULL) {
+    std::cerr << "ERROR: Failed to allocate " << size << " bytes" << std::endl;
+    exit(1);
+  } else if ((uint64) p & 0xf) {
+    std::cerr << "ERROR: Memory alignment of " << size << " bytes failed" << std::endl;
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  return p;
diff --git a/src/MemoryUtils.hpp b/src/MemoryUtils.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6dd802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MemoryUtils.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "Types.hpp"
+#define MEM_ALIGNMENT 64
+//#define ALIGNED_MALLOC(size) mkl_malloc(size, MEM_ALIGNMENT)
+//#define ALIGNED_MALLOC(size) _mm_malloc(size, MEM_ALIGNMENT)
+void *ALIGNED_MALLOC(uint64 size);
+#include <mkl.h>
+#define ALIGNED_FREE mkl_free
+#include <xmmintrin.h>
+#define ALIGNED_FREE _mm_free
+#define ALIGNED_MALLOC_DOUBLES(numDoubles) (double *) ALIGNED_MALLOC((numDoubles)*sizeof(double))
+#define ALIGNED_MALLOC_FLOATS(numFloats) (float *) ALIGNED_MALLOC((numFloats)*sizeof(float))
+#define ALIGNED_MALLOC_UCHARS(numUchars) (uchar *) ALIGNED_MALLOC((numUchars)*sizeof(uchar))
+#define ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINTS(numUints) (uint *) ALIGNED_MALLOC((numUints)*sizeof(uint))
+#define ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINT64S(numUint64s) (uint64 *) ALIGNED_MALLOC((numUint64s)*sizeof(uint64))
+#define ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINT64_MASKS(numUint64_masks) (uint64_masks *) ALIGNED_MALLOC((numUint64_masks)*sizeof(uint64_masks))
diff --git a/src/NumericUtils.cpp b/src/NumericUtils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..449c994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/NumericUtils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <utility>
+#include "NumericUtils.hpp"
+namespace NumericUtils {
+  double sum(const double x[], uint64 N) {
+    double ans = 0;
+    for (uint64 n = 0; n < N; n++)
+      ans += x[n];
+    return ans;
+  }
+  double mean(const std::vector <double> &x) {
+    uint64 N = x.size(); return sum(&x[0], N) / N;
+  }
+  // takes into account that some 0 values may indicate missing/ignored: divide out by Nused, not N
+  double mean(const double x[], uint64 N, uint64 Nused) {
+    return sum(x, N) / Nused;
+  }
+  // regress y on x, assuming both have been 0-centered (so 0-filled missing values ok)
+  double regCoeff(const double y[], const double x[], uint64 N) {
+    /* WRONG! if not mean-centered already, need to mask missing indivs in loop
+    double xbar = mean(x, N, Nused);
+    double ybar = mean(y, N, Nused);
+    cout << "xbar: " << xbar << " ybar: " << ybar << endl;
+    double numer = 0, denom = 0;
+    for (uint64 n = 0; n < N; n++) {
+      numer += (x[n]-xbar) * (y[n]-ybar);
+      denom += sq(x[n]-xbar);
+    }
+    */
+    double numer = 0, denom = 0;
+    for (uint64 n = 0; n < N; n++) {
+      numer += x[n] * y[n];
+      denom += sq(x[n]);
+    }
+    return numer / denom;
+  }
+  double dot(const double x[], const double y[], uint64 N) {
+    double ans = 0;
+    for (uint64 n = 0; n < N; n++)
+      ans += x[n] * y[n];
+    return ans;
+  }
+  double norm2(const double x[], uint64 N) {
+    double ans = 0;
+    for (uint64 n = 0; n < N; n++)
+      ans += sq(x[n]);
+    return ans;
+  }
+  void normalize(double x[], uint64 N) {
+    double scale = 1.0 / sqrt(norm2(x, N));
+    for (uint64 n = 0; n < N; n++)
+      x[n] *= scale;
+  }
+  std::pair <double, double> meanStdDev(const double x[], uint64 N) {
+    double mu = 0, s2 = 0;
+    for (uint64 n = 0; n < N; n++) mu += x[n];
+    mu /= N;
+    for (uint64 n = 0; n < N; n++) s2 += sq(x[n]-mu);
+    s2 /= (N-1);
+    return std::make_pair(mu, sqrt(s2));
+  }
+  std::pair <double, double> meanStdErr(const double x[], uint64 N) {
+    std::pair <double, double> ret = meanStdDev(x, N);
+    ret.second /= sqrt((double) N);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  std::pair <double, double> meanStdDev(const std::vector <double> &x) {
+    return meanStdDev(&x[0], x.size());
+  }
+  std::pair <double, double> meanStdErr(const std::vector <double> &x) {
+    return meanStdErr(&x[0], x.size());
+  }
+  void logSumExp(float &x, float y) {
+    float big, diff;
+    if (x > y) {
+      big = x; diff = y-x;
+    }
+    else {
+      big = y;
+      diff = x-y;
+    }
+    if (diff < -10) x = big; // a < 1e-4 * b => ignore a
+    else if (diff < -5) x = big + expf(diff); // a < 1e-2 * b => use 1st-order Taylor expansion
+    else x = big + logf(1.0f + expf(diff));
+  }
diff --git a/src/NumericUtils.hpp b/src/NumericUtils.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e64273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/NumericUtils.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <vector>
+#include <utility>
+#include "Types.hpp"
+namespace NumericUtils {
+  inline double sq(double x) { return x*x; }
+  double sum(const double x[], uint64 N);
+  double mean(const std::vector <double> &x);
+  // takes into account that some 0 values may indicate missing/ignored: divide out by Nused, not N
+  double mean(const double x[], uint64 N, uint64 Nused);
+  // regress y on x, assuming both have been 0-centered (so 0-filled missing values ok)
+  double regCoeff(const double y[], const double x[], uint64 N);
+  double dot(const double x[], const double y[], uint64 N);
+  double norm2(const double x[], uint64 N);
+  void normalize(double x[], uint64 N);
+  void logSumExp(float &x, float y);
+  std::pair <double, double> meanStdDev(const double x[], uint64 N);
+  std::pair <double, double> meanStdErr(const double x[], uint64 N);
+  std::pair <double, double> meanStdDev(const std::vector <double> &x);
+  std::pair <double, double> meanStdErr(const std::vector <double> &x);
diff --git a/src/StaticMultimap.cpp b/src/StaticMultimap.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7347751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/StaticMultimap.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "MemoryUtils.hpp"
+#include "Types.hpp"
+#include "StaticMultimap.hpp"
+namespace EAGLE {
+  using std::vector;
+  using std::map;
+  using std::min;
+  using std::swap;
+  uint randMWC(uint &z, uint &w, uint mod) {
+    z=36969*(z&65535)+(z>>16);
+    w=18000*(w&65535)+(w>>16);
+    return ((z<<16)+w) % mod;
+  }
+  StaticMultimap::StaticMultimap() : initialized(false) {}
+  // for value=[0..len(keyVec)), keyVec[value] = key
+  // ignore if key == -1
+  // only store up to maxValuesPerKey (if more values, choose randomly)
+  StaticMultimap::StaticMultimap(const vector <uint> &keyVec, uint maxValuesPerKey) {
+    init(keyVec, maxValuesPerKey);
+  }
+  void StaticMultimap::init(const vector <uint> &keyVec, uint maxValuesPerKey) {
+    // populate tmp map: non-ignored key -> indices i with keyVec[i]=key
+    map < uint, vector <uint> > tmpMap;
+    for (uint i = 0; i < keyVec.size(); i++)
+      if (keyVec[i] != -1U)
+	tmpMap[keyVec[i]].push_back(i);
+    // iterate through tmp map to determine total number of values to keep (chop at max)
+    nKeys = tmpMap.size();
+    nValues = 0;
+    for (map < uint, vector <uint> >::iterator it = tmpMap.begin(); it != tmpMap.end(); it++)
+      nValues += min((uint) it->second.size(), maxValuesPerKey);
+    // allocate arrays
+    keys = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINTS(nKeys);
+    startInds = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINTS(nKeys);
+    lenValues = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINTS(nKeys + nValues);
+    // initialize Marsaglia's MWC
+    uint z = 362436069, w = 521288629;    
+    // iterate through tmp map to randomly select and store up to maxValuesPerKey
+    uint keysPos = 0, lenValuesPos = 0;
+    for (map < uint, vector <uint> >::iterator it = tmpMap.begin(); it != tmpMap.end(); it++) {
+      keys[keysPos] = it->first; // store key
+      startInds[keysPos] = lenValuesPos; // store address of record in storage array
+      keysPos++;
+      vector <uint> &values = it->second;
+      if (values.size() > maxValuesPerKey) // randomly move maxValuesPerKey elements to front
+	for (uint j = 0; j < maxValuesPerKey; j++)
+	  swap(values[j], values[j + randMWC(z, w, values.size() - j)]);
+      uint nValuesCurKey = min((uint) values.size(), maxValuesPerKey);
+      lenValues[lenValuesPos++] = nValuesCurKey; // store length as first entry of record
+      for (uint j = 0; j < nValuesCurKey; j++) // store list of values
+	lenValues[lenValuesPos++] = values[j];
+    }    
+    initialized = true;
+  }
+  StaticMultimap::~StaticMultimap() {
+    if (initialized) {
+      ALIGNED_FREE(lenValues);
+      ALIGNED_FREE(startInds);
+      ALIGNED_FREE(keys);
+    }
+  }
+  // returns pointer to record: list size followed by list
+  // returns NULL if key not found
+  const uint *StaticMultimap::query(uint key) const {
+    uint lo = 0, hi = nKeys; // condition: keys[lo] <= key < keys[hi] (hi = nKeys ok)
+    while (lo+1<hi) {
+      uint mid = (lo+hi)/2;
+      if (keys[mid] <= key)
+	lo = mid;
+      else
+	hi = mid;
+    }
+    if (keys[lo] == key)
+      return lenValues + startInds[lo];
+    else
+      return NULL;
+  }
diff --git a/src/StaticMultimap.hpp b/src/StaticMultimap.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8916f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/StaticMultimap.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include "Types.hpp"
+namespace EAGLE {
+  class StaticMultimap {
+  private:
+    uint nKeys, nValues;
+    uint *keys; // [VECTOR]: nKeys
+    uint *startInds; // [VECTOR]: nKeys
+    uint *lenValues; // [VECTOR]: nKeys + nValues (each record: list size followed by list)
+    bool initialized;
+  public:
+    StaticMultimap();
+    // for value=[0..len(keyVec)), keyVec[value] = key
+    // ignore if key == -1
+    // only store up to maxValuesPerKey (if more values, choose randomly)
+    StaticMultimap(const std::vector <uint> &keyVec, uint maxValuesPerKey);
+    void init(const std::vector <uint> &keyVec, uint maxValuesPerKey);
+    ~StaticMultimap();
+    // returns pointer to record: list size followed by list
+    // returns NULL if key not found
+    const uint *query(uint key) const;
+  };
diff --git a/src/StringUtils.cpp b/src/StringUtils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4366ccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/StringUtils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "StringUtils.hpp"
+namespace StringUtils {
+  using std::vector;
+  using std::string;
+  using std::cout;
+  using std::cerr;
+  using std::endl;
+  int stoi(const string &s) {
+    int i;
+    if (sscanf(s.c_str(), "%d", &i) == 0) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Could not parse integer from string: " << s << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    return i;
+  }
+  double stod(const string &s) {
+    double d;
+    sscanf(s.c_str(), "%lf", &d);
+    return d;
+  }
+  string itos(int i) {
+    std::ostringstream oss;
+    oss << i;
+    return oss.str();
+  }
+  string findDelimiters(const string &s, const string &c) {
+    string delims;
+    for (uint p = 0; p < s.length(); p++)
+      if (c.find(s[p], 0) != string::npos)
+	delims += s[p];
+    return delims;
+  }
+  // will not return blanks
+  vector <string> tokenizeMultipleDelimiters(const string &s, const string &c)
+  {
+    uint p = 0;
+    vector <string> ans;
+    string tmp;
+    while (p < s.length()) {
+      tmp = "";
+      while (p < s.length() && c.find(s[p], 0) != string::npos)
+	p++;
+      while (p < s.length() && c.find(s[p], 0) == string::npos) {
+	tmp += s[p];
+	p++;
+      }
+      if (tmp != "")
+	ans.push_back(tmp);
+    }
+    return ans;
+  }
+  void rangeErrorExit(const string &str, const string &delims) {
+    cerr << "ERROR: Invalid delimiter sequence for specifying range: " << endl;
+    cerr << "  Template string: " << str << endl;
+    cerr << "  Delimiter sequence found: " << delims << endl;
+    cerr << "Range in must have format {start:end} with no other " << RANGE_DELIMS
+	 << " chars" << endl;
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  // basic range template: expand "{start:end}" to vector <string> with one entry per range element
+  // if end==start-1, will return empty
+  vector <string> expandRangeTemplate(const string &str) {
+    vector <string> ret;
+    string delims = findDelimiters(str, RANGE_DELIMS);
+    if (delims.empty())
+      ret.push_back(str);
+    else if (delims == RANGE_DELIMS) {
+      vector <string> tokens = tokenizeMultipleDelimiters(str, RANGE_DELIMS);
+      for (int i = 0; i < (int) str.size(); i++)
+	if (str[i] == ':' && (str[i-1] == '{' || str[i+1] == '}'))
+	  rangeErrorExit(str, delims);
+      int startInd = (str[0] != RANGE_DELIMS[0]), endInd = startInd+1;
+      string prefix, suffix;
+      if (str[0] != RANGE_DELIMS[0]) prefix = tokens[0];
+      if (str[str.length()-1] != RANGE_DELIMS[2]) suffix = tokens.back();
+      int start = StringUtils::stoi(tokens[startInd]), end = StringUtils::stoi(tokens[endInd]);
+      if (start > end+1 || end > start+1000000) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: Invalid range in template string: " << str << endl;
+	cerr << "  Start: " << start << endl;
+	cerr << "  End: " << end << endl;
+	exit(1);
+      }
+      for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
+	ret.push_back(prefix + itos(i) + suffix);
+    }
+    else
+      rangeErrorExit(str, delims);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  vector <string> expandRangeTemplates(const vector <string> &rangeTemplates) {
+    vector <string> expanded;
+    for (uint i = 0; i < rangeTemplates.size(); i++) {
+      vector <string> range = expandRangeTemplate(rangeTemplates[i]);
+      expanded.insert(expanded.end(), range.begin(), range.end());
+    }
+    return expanded;
+  }
+  int bcfNameToChrom(const char *nameBuf, int chromMin, int chromX) {
+    int chrom;
+    int startPos = 0;
+    if (strlen(nameBuf)>3 &&
+	tolower(nameBuf[0])=='c' && tolower(nameBuf[1])=='h' && tolower(nameBuf[2])=='r')
+      startPos = 3; // allow prefix "chr"
+    if ((int) strlen(nameBuf) == startPos + 1 && toupper(nameBuf[startPos])=='X')
+      chrom = chromX;
+    else {
+      sscanf(nameBuf + startPos, "%d", &chrom);
+      if (!isdigit(nameBuf[startPos]) || !(chrom >= chromMin && chrom <= chromX)) {
+	cerr << "ERROR: Invalid chromosome: " << nameBuf << endl;
+	cerr << "       Chromosome number must be between " << chromMin
+	     << " and --chromX (= " << chromX << ")" << endl;
+	exit(1);
+      }
+    }
+    return chrom;
+  }
diff --git a/src/StringUtils.hpp b/src/StringUtils.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c02d2ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/StringUtils.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+namespace StringUtils {
+  const std::string RANGE_DELIMS = "{:}"; // must have 3 chars
+  int stoi(const std::string &s);
+  double stod(const std::string &s);
+  std::string itos(int i);
+  std::string findDelimiters(const std::string &s, const std::string &c);
+  // will not return blanks
+  std::vector <std::string> tokenizeMultipleDelimiters(const std::string &s, const std::string &c);
+  // basic range template: expand "{start:end}" to vector <string> with one entry per range element
+  // if end==start-1, will return empty
+  std::vector <std::string> expandRangeTemplate(const std::string &str);
+  std::vector <std::string> expandRangeTemplates(const std::vector <std::string> &rangeTemplates);
+  int bcfNameToChrom(const char *nameBuf, int chromMin, int chromX);
diff --git a/src/SyncedVcfData.cpp b/src/SyncedVcfData.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..765a37e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SyncedVcfData.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <htslib/vcf.h>
+#include <htslib/synced_bcf_reader.h>
+#include "Types.hpp"
+#include "MemoryUtils.hpp"
+#include "MapInterpolater.hpp"
+#include "StringUtils.hpp"
+#include "SyncedVcfData.hpp"
+namespace EAGLE {
+  using std::vector;
+  using std::string;
+  using std::pair;
+  using std::make_pair;
+  using std::cout;
+  using std::cerr;
+  using std::endl;
+  void process_ref_genotypes(int nsmpl, int ngt, int32_t *gt, bool allowHaploid, bool refAltSwap,
+			     vector <bool> &hapsRef, int &numMissing, int &numUnphased, uint &w) {
+    numMissing = numUnphased = 0;
+    if (ngt != 2*nsmpl) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: ref ploidy != 2 (ngt != 2*nsmpl): ngt="
+	   << ngt << ", nsmpl=" << nsmpl << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    int ploidy = ngt/nsmpl;
+    for (int i=0; i<nsmpl; i++)
+      {
+	int32_t *ptr = gt + i*ploidy;
+	bool haps[2]; bool missing = false, unphased = false;
+	for (int j=0; j<ploidy; j++)
+	  {
+	    if ( ptr[j]==bcf_int32_vector_end ) {
+	      if (j == 0) {
+		cerr << "ERROR: ptr[0]==bcf_int32_vector_end... zero ploidy?" << endl;
+		exit(1);
+	      }
+	      else { // 2nd of ploidy==2 genotypes is set to bcf_int32_vector_end => haploid
+		if ( missing ) continue;  // missing diploid genotype can be written in VCF as "."
+		else if (allowHaploid) { // X chromosome => haploid ok
+		  haps[j] = haps[j-1]; // encode as diploid homozygote
+		  unphased = false;
+		}
+		else {
+		  cerr << "ERROR: ref genotypes contain haploid sample" << endl;
+		  exit(1);
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(ptr[j]) ) { // missing allele
+		missing = true;
+	      }
+	      else {
+		int idx = bcf_gt_allele(ptr[j]); // allele index
+		haps[j] = (idx >= 1); // encode REF allele -> 0, ALT allele(s) -> 1
+		if ( j==1 && !bcf_gt_is_phased(ptr[j]) ) unphased = true;
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	if (missing) {
+	  haps[0] = haps[1] = 0; // set both alleles to REF allele
+	  numMissing++;
+	}
+	else if (unphased) {
+	  if (haps[0] != haps[1] && ((w=18000*(w&65535)+(w>>16))&1))
+	    std::swap(haps[0], haps[1]); // randomize phasing
+	  numUnphased++;
+	}
+	if (refAltSwap) { // target REF/ALT are swapped relative to reference REF/ALT
+	  haps[0] = !haps[0];
+	  haps[1] = !haps[1];
+	}
+	hapsRef.push_back(haps[0]);
+	hapsRef.push_back(haps[1]);	  
+      }
+  }
+  void process_target_genotypes(int nsmpl, int ngt, int32_t *gt, bool allowHaploid,
+				vector <uchar> &genosTarget, int &numMissing) {
+    numMissing = 0;
+    if (ngt != 2*nsmpl) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: target ploidy != 2 (ngt != 2*nsmpl): ngt="
+	   << ngt << ", nsmpl=" << nsmpl << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    int ploidy = ngt/nsmpl;
+    for (int i=0; i<nsmpl; i++)
+      {
+	int32_t *ptr = gt + i*ploidy;
+	bool missing = false;
+	uchar g = 0;
+	for (int j=0; j<ploidy; j++)
+	  {
+	    if ( ptr[j]==bcf_int32_vector_end ) {
+	      if (j == 0) {
+		cerr << "ERROR: ptr[0]==bcf_int32_vector_end... zero ploidy?" << endl;
+		exit(1);
+	      }
+	      else { // 2nd of ploidy==2 genotypes is set to bcf_int32_vector_end => haploid
+		if ( missing ) continue;  // missing diploid genotype can be written in VCF as "."
+		else if (allowHaploid) // X chromosome => haploid ok
+		  g *= 2; // encode as diploid homozygote
+		else {
+		  cerr << "ERROR: target genotypes contain haploid sample" << endl;
+		  exit(1);
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      if ( bcf_gt_is_missing(ptr[j]) ) { // missing allele
+		missing = true;
+	      }
+	      else {
+		int idx = bcf_gt_allele(ptr[j]); // allele index
+		if (idx > 1) {
+		  cerr << "ERROR: multi-allelic site found in target; should have been filtered"
+		       << endl;
+		  exit(1);
+		}
+		g += idx;
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	if (missing) {
+	  g = 9;
+	  numMissing++;
+	}
+	genosTarget.push_back(g);
+      }
+  }
+  vector < pair <int, int> > SyncedVcfData::processVcfs
+  (const string &vcfRef, const string &vcfTarget, bool allowRefAltSwap, int chrom, int chromX,
+   double bpStart, double bpEnd, vector <bool> &hapsRef, vector <uchar> &genosTarget,
+   const string &tmpFile, const string &writeMode, int usePS,
+   vector < vector < pair <int, int> > > &conPSall) {
+    vector < pair <int, int> > chrBps;
+    bcf_srs_t *sr = bcf_sr_init();
+    sr->require_index = 1;
+    if ( chrom!=0 )
+    {
+        kstring_t str = {0,0,0};
+        ksprintf(&str,"%d:%d-%d",chrom,(uint32_t)bpStart,(uint32_t)bpEnd);
+        if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(sr, str.s, 0)!=0 )
+        {
+            cerr << "ERROR: failed to initialize the region:" << str.s;
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        free(str.s);
+    }
+    // By default, the synced reader requires that CHR, POS and ALT are the same
+    // in both files. If this is too strict and SNP/indel/all lines with the same
+    // position should be considered as matching, uncomment:
+    //
+    //      sr->collapse = COLLAPSE_SNPS|COLLAPSE_INDELS;
+    //
+    // See also examples in bcftools/vcfisec etc.
+    if (allowRefAltSwap)
+      sr->collapse = COLLAPSE_SNPS;
+    if (!bcf_sr_add_reader(sr, vcfRef.c_str())) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Could not open " << vcfRef << " for reading: " << bcf_sr_strerror(sr->errnum)
+	   << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    if (!bcf_sr_add_reader(sr, vcfTarget.c_str())) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Could not open " << vcfTarget << " for reading: "
+	   << bcf_sr_strerror(sr->errnum) << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    bcf_hdr_t *ref_hdr = bcf_sr_get_header(sr, 0);
+    bcf_hdr_t *tgt_hdr = bcf_sr_get_header(sr, 1);
+    // Open VCF for writing, "-" stands for standard output
+    //      wbu .. uncompressed BCF
+    //      wb  .. compressed BCF
+    //      wz  .. compressed VCF
+    //      w   .. uncompressed VCF
+    htsFile *out = hts_open(tmpFile.c_str(), writeMode.c_str());
+    // Print the VCF header
+    bcf_hdr_write(out, tgt_hdr);
+    Nref = bcf_hdr_nsamples(ref_hdr);
+    Ntarget = bcf_hdr_nsamples(tgt_hdr);
+    conPSall.resize(Ntarget);
+    std::map <int, int> bpToSyncedIndex1; // bp -> 1-based index (m+1)
+    // Read target sample IDs
+    targetIDs.resize(Ntarget);
+    for (uint i = 0; i < Ntarget; i++)
+      targetIDs[i] = tgt_hdr->samples[i];
+    cout << endl;
+    cout << "Reference samples: Nref = " << Nref << endl;
+    cout << "Target samples: Ntarget = " << Ntarget << endl;
+    M = 0;
+    uint MtargetOnly = 0, MrefOnly = 0, MmultiAllelic = 0, Mmonomorphic = 0;
+    uint MwithMissingRef = 0, MwithUnphasedRef = 0, MnotInRegion = 0, MnotOnChrom = 0;
+    uint MrefAltError = 0, numRefAltSwaps = 0;
+    uint64 GmissingRef = 0, GunphasedRef = 0, GmissingTarget = 0;
+    uint w = 521288629; // fast rng: Marsaglia's MWC
+    int mref_gt = 0, *ref_gt = NULL;
+    int mtgt_gt = 0, *tgt_gt = NULL;
+    int mtgt_ps = 0, *tgt_ps = NULL; int Mps = 0; uint64 err_ps = 0, good_ps = 0;
+    int prev_rid = -1; // chromosome BCF id and human-readable numeric id
+    while ( bcf_sr_next_line(sr) )
+      {
+	bcf1_t *ref = bcf_sr_get_line(sr, 0);
+	bcf1_t *tgt = bcf_sr_get_line(sr, 1);
+	if ( !ref ) {
+	  //fprintf(stderr, "onlyT .. %s:%d\n", bcf_seqname(tgt_hdr, tgt), tgt->pos+1);
+	  MtargetOnly++;
+	  continue;
+	}
+	if ( !tgt ) {
+	  //fprintf(stderr, "onlyR .. %s:%d\n", bcf_seqname(ref_hdr, ref), ref->pos+1);
+	  MrefOnly++;
+	  continue;
+	}
+	//fprintf(stderr, "match .. %s:%d\n", bcf_seqname(ref_hdr, ref), ref->pos+1);
+	// filter out multi-allelic and monomorphic markers
+	int ntgt_gt = bcf_get_genotypes(tgt_hdr, tgt, &tgt_gt, &mtgt_gt);
+	if (tgt->n_allele > 2) {
+	  MmultiAllelic++;
+	  continue;
+	}
+	if (tgt->n_allele < 2) {
+	  Mmonomorphic++;
+	  continue;
+	}
+	bool refAltSwap = false;
+        if (allowRefAltSwap) { // perform further error-checking
+	  if (tgt->n_allele != 2 || ref->n_allele != 2) {
+	    MrefAltError++;
+	    continue;
+	  }
+	  bcf_unpack(tgt, BCF_UN_STR); // unpack thru ALT
+	  bcf_unpack(ref, BCF_UN_STR); // unpack thru ALT
+	  /*
+	  printf("tgt REF=%s, ALT=%s   ref REF=%s, ALT=%s\n", tgt->d.allele[0], tgt->d.allele[1],
+		 ref->d.allele[0], ref->d.allele[1]);
+	  */
+	  if (strcmp(tgt->d.allele[0], ref->d.allele[0]) == 0 &&
+	      strcmp(tgt->d.allele[1], ref->d.allele[1]) == 0) {
+	    refAltSwap = false;
+	  }
+	  else if (strcmp(tgt->d.allele[0], ref->d.allele[1]) == 0 &&
+		   strcmp(tgt->d.allele[1], ref->d.allele[0]) == 0) {
+	    refAltSwap = true;
+	    numRefAltSwaps++;
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    MrefAltError++;
+	    continue;	    
+	  }
+	}
+    // Check the chromosome: if region was requested (chrom is set), synced
+    // reader already positioned us in the right region. Otherwise, we process
+    // only the first chromosome in the file and quit
+    if ( prev_rid<0 ) 
+    { 
+        prev_rid = tgt->rid; 
+        if ( !chrom ) // learn the human-readable id
+        {
+            chrom = StringUtils::bcfNameToChrom(bcf_hdr_id2name(tgt_hdr, tgt->rid), 1, chromX);
+        }
+    }
+    if ( prev_rid!=tgt->rid ) break;
+	M++; // SNP passes checks
+        bpToSyncedIndex1[tgt->pos+1] = M; // TODO: be careful about duplicate bp (multiallelics?)
+	// append chromosome number and base pair coordinate to chrBps
+	chrBps.push_back(make_pair(chrom, tgt->pos+1));
+	// process reference haplotypes: append 2*Nref entries (0/1 pairs) to hapsRef[]
+	// check for missing/unphased ref genos (missing -> REF allele; unphased -> random phase)
+	int nref_gt = bcf_get_genotypes(ref_hdr, ref, &ref_gt, &mref_gt);
+	int numMissing, numUnphased;
+	process_ref_genotypes(Nref, nref_gt, ref_gt, chrom==chromX, refAltSwap, hapsRef,
+			      numMissing, numUnphased, w);
+	if (numMissing) MwithMissingRef++;
+	if (numUnphased) MwithUnphasedRef++;
+	GmissingRef += numMissing;
+	GunphasedRef += numUnphased;
+	// process target genotypes: append Ntarget entries (0/1/2/9) to genosTarget[]
+	process_target_genotypes(Ntarget, ntgt_gt, tgt_gt, chrom==chromX, genosTarget, numMissing);
+	GmissingTarget += numMissing;
+	// process target PS field
+	if (usePS && bcf_get_format_int32(tgt_hdr, tgt, "PS", &tgt_ps, &mtgt_ps) >= 0) {
+	  Mps++;
+	  for (uint i = 0; i < Ntarget; i++)
+	    if (tgt_ps[i] != bcf_int32_missing) {
+	      std::map <int, int>::iterator it = bpToSyncedIndex1.find(abs(tgt_ps[i]));
+	      if (it == bpToSyncedIndex1.end() ||
+		  genosTarget[(M-1)*Ntarget + i] != 1 ||
+		  genosTarget[(it->second-1)*Ntarget + i] != 1)
+		err_ps++;
+	      else {
+		conPSall[i].push_back(make_pair((int) M, it->second * (tgt_ps[i]>0 ? 1 : -1)));
+		good_ps++;
+	      }
+	    }
+	}
+	// print the record
+	bcf_write(out, tgt_hdr, tgt);
+      }
+    bcf_sr_destroy(sr);
+    hts_close(out);    
+    free(ref_gt);
+    free(tgt_gt);
+    cout << "SNPs to analyze: M = " << M << " SNPs in both target and reference" << endl;
+    if (Mps) {
+      cout << "                     " << Mps << " SNPs with FORMAT:PS field" << endl;
+      cout << good_ps << " usable FORMAT:PS constraints" << endl;
+      cout << err_ps << " unusable FORMAT:PS constraints" << endl;
+    }
+    if (numRefAltSwaps)
+      cerr << "--> WARNING: REF/ALT were swapped in " << numRefAltSwaps << " of these SNPs <--"
+	   << endl;
+    cout << endl;
+    cout << "SNPs ignored: " << MtargetOnly << " SNPs in target but not reference" << endl;
+    if (MtargetOnly > M/10U)
+      cerr << "              --> WARNING: Check REF/ALT agreement between target and ref <--"
+	   << endl;
+    cout << "              " << MrefOnly << " SNPs in reference but not target" << endl;
+    if (MnotOnChrom)
+      cout << "              " << MnotOnChrom << " SNPs not in specified chrom" << endl;
+    if (MnotInRegion)
+      cout << "              " << MnotInRegion << " SNPs not in selected region (+ flanks)"
+	   << endl;
+    cout << "              " << MmultiAllelic << " multi-allelic SNPs" << endl;
+    cout << "              " << Mmonomorphic << " monomorphic SNPs" << endl;
+    if (MrefAltError)
+      cout << "              " << MrefAltError << " SNPs with REF/ALT matching errors" << endl;
+    cout << endl;
+    if (MwithMissingRef) {
+      cerr << "WARNING: Reference contains missing genotypes (set to reference allele)" << endl;
+      cerr << "         Fraction of sites with missing data:  "
+	   << MwithMissingRef / (double) M << endl;
+      cerr << "         Fraction of ref genotypes missing:    "
+	   << GmissingRef / (double) M / Nref << endl;
+    }
+    if (MwithUnphasedRef) {
+      cerr << "WARNING: Reference contains unphased genotypes (set to random phase)" << endl;
+      cerr << "         Fraction of sites with unphased data: "
+	   << MwithUnphasedRef / (double) M << endl;
+      cerr << "         Fraction of ref genotypes unphased:   "
+	   << GunphasedRef / (double) M / Nref << endl;
+    }
+    cout << "Missing rate in target genotypes: " << GmissingTarget / (double) M / Ntarget << endl;
+    cout << endl;
+    if (M <= 1U) {
+      cerr << endl << "ERROR: Target and ref have too few matching SNPs (M = " << M << ")" << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    return chrBps;
+  }
+  vector <double> SyncedVcfData::processMap(vector < pair <int, int> > &chrBps,
+					    const string &geneticMapFile) {
+    cout << "Filling in genetic map coordinates using reference file:" << endl;
+    cout << "  " << geneticMapFile << endl;
+    Genetics::MapInterpolater mapInterpolater(geneticMapFile);
+    vector <double> cMs(chrBps.size());
+    for (uint64 m = 0; m < chrBps.size(); m++)
+      cMs[m] = 100 * mapInterpolater.interp(chrBps[m].first, chrBps[m].second);
+    return cMs;
+  }
+  void SyncedVcfData::buildGenoBits(const vector <bool> &hapsRef,
+				    const vector <uchar> &genosTarget, const vector <double> &cMs,
+				    double cMmax) {
+    const uint segMin = 16;
+    vector <uint64> snpInds; vector <double> cMvec;
+    vector < vector <uint64> > seg64snpInds;
+    for (uint64 m = 0; m < M; m++) {
+      if (cMvec.size() == 64 || (cMvec.size() >= segMin && cMs[m] > cMvec[0] + cMmax)) {
+	seg64snpInds.push_back(snpInds); seg64cMvecs.push_back(cMvec);
+	snpInds.clear(); cMvec.clear();
+      }
+      snpInds.push_back(m); cMvec.push_back(cMs[m]);
+    }
+    seg64snpInds.push_back(snpInds); seg64cMvecs.push_back(cMvec);
+    Mseg64 = seg64snpInds.size();
+    cout << "Number of <=(64-SNP, " << cMmax << "cM) segments: " << Mseg64 << endl;
+    cout << "Average # SNPs per segment: " << M / Mseg64 << endl;
+    uint64 N = Nref + Ntarget;
+    genoBits = ALIGNED_MALLOC_UINT64_MASKS(Mseg64 * N);
+    memset(genoBits, 0, Mseg64 * N * sizeof(genoBits[0]));
+    for (uint64 m64 = 0; m64 < Mseg64; m64++) {
+      for (uint64 j = 0; j < seg64snpInds[m64].size(); j++) {
+        uint64 m = seg64snpInds[m64][j];
+	for (uint64 n = 0; n < Nref; n++) { // store haploBits for ref haplotypes in genoBits
+	  bool haps0 = hapsRef[m * 2*Nref + 2*n];
+	  bool haps1 = hapsRef[m * 2*Nref + 2*n+1];
+	  genoBits[m64 * N + n].is0 |= ((uint64) haps0)<<j;
+	  genoBits[m64 * N + n].is2 |= ((uint64) haps1)<<j;
+	}
+	for (uint64 n = Nref; n < N; n++) { // set genoBits for target genotypes
+	  uchar geno = genosTarget[m * Ntarget + n-Nref];
+	  genoBits[m64 * N + n].is0 |= ((uint64) (geno == 0))<<j;
+	  genoBits[m64 * N + n].is2 |= ((uint64) (geno == 2))<<j;
+	  genoBits[m64 * N + n].is9 |= ((uint64) (geno == 9))<<j;
+	}
+      }
+      for (uint64 n = 0; n < N; n++)
+	for (uint64 j = seg64snpInds[m64].size(); j < 64; j++)
+	  genoBits[m64*N+n].is9 |= 1ULL<<j;
+    }
+  }
+  /**    
+   * reads ref+target vcf data
+   * writes target[isec] to tmpFile
+   * fills in cM coordinates and seg64cMvecs, genoBits
+   */
+  SyncedVcfData::SyncedVcfData(const string &vcfRef, const string &vcfTarget, bool allowRefAltSwap,
+			       int chrom, int chromX, double bpStart, double bpEnd,
+			       const string &geneticMapFile, double cMmax, const string &tmpFile,
+			       const string &writeMode, int usePS,
+			       vector < vector < pair <int, int> > > &conPSall, double &snpRate) {
+    // perform synced read
+    vector <bool> hapsRef;     // M*2*Nref
+    vector <uchar> genosTarget; // M*Ntarget
+    vector < pair <int, int> > chrBps = 
+      processVcfs(vcfRef, vcfTarget, allowRefAltSwap, chrom, chromX, bpStart, bpEnd, hapsRef,
+		  genosTarget, tmpFile, writeMode, usePS, conPSall);
+    // interpolate genetic coordinates
+    vector <double> cMs = processMap(chrBps, geneticMapFile);
+    uint64 physRange = 0; double cMrange = 0;
+    for (uint64 m = 0; m+1 < chrBps.size(); m++)
+      if (chrBps[m+1].first == chrBps[m].first) {
+	physRange += chrBps[m+1].second - chrBps[m].second;
+	cMrange += cMs[m+1] - cMs[m];
+      }
+    cout << "Physical distance range: " << physRange << " base pairs" << endl;
+    cout << "Genetic distance range:  " << cMrange << " cM" << endl;
+    cout << "Average # SNPs per cM:   " << (int) (M/cMrange + 0.5) << endl;
+    snpRate = M/cMrange;
+    if (physRange == 0 || cMrange == 0) {
+      cerr << "ERROR: Physical and genetic distance ranges must be positive" << endl;
+      cerr << "       First SNP: chr=" << chrBps[0].first << " pos=" << chrBps[0].second
+	   << " cM=" << cMs[0] << endl;
+      cerr << "       Last SNP:  chr=" << chrBps.back().first << " pos=" << chrBps.back().second
+	   << " cM=" << cMs.back() << endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    buildGenoBits(hapsRef, genosTarget, cMs, cMmax);
+  }
+  SyncedVcfData::~SyncedVcfData() {
+    ALIGNED_FREE(genoBits);
+  }
+  uint64 SyncedVcfData::getNref(void) const { return Nref; }
+  uint64 SyncedVcfData::getNtarget(void) const { return Ntarget; }
+  uint64 SyncedVcfData::getMseg64(void) const { return Mseg64; }
+  const uint64_masks *SyncedVcfData::getGenoBits(void) const { return genoBits; }
+  vector <vector <double> > SyncedVcfData::getSeg64cMvecs(void) const { return seg64cMvecs; }
+  const string &SyncedVcfData::getTargetID(int n) const { return targetIDs[n]; }
diff --git a/src/SyncedVcfData.hpp b/src/SyncedVcfData.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99dcd73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SyncedVcfData.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <boost/utility.hpp>
+#include "Types.hpp"
+namespace EAGLE {
+  class SyncedVcfData : boost::noncopyable {
+  private:
+    uint64 Nref, Ntarget, M; // N = Nref + Ntarget
+    uint64 Mseg64; // number of <=64-SNP chunks
+    uint64_masks *genoBits; // [[MATRIX]]: M64 x N (is0, is2, is9 64-bit masks; 3 bits/base)
+                            //             n = [0..Nref) contain ref haploBits in is0, is2
+                            //             n = [Nref..Nref+Ntarget) contain target genoBits
+    std::vector <std::vector <double> > seg64cMvecs;
+    std::vector <std::string> targetIDs;
+    std::vector < std::pair <int, int> > processVcfs
+    (const std::string &vcfRef, const std::string &vcfTarget, bool allowRefAltSwap, int chrom,
+     int chromX, double bpStart, double bpEnd, std::vector <bool> &hapsRef,
+     std::vector <uchar> &genosTarget, const std::string &tmpFile, const std::string &writeMode,
+     int usePS, std::vector < std::vector < std::pair <int, int> > > &conPSall);
+    std::vector <double> processMap(std::vector < std::pair <int, int> > &chrBps,
+				    const std::string &geneticMapFile);
+    void buildGenoBits(const std::vector <bool> &hapsRef, const std::vector <uchar> &genosTarget,
+		       const std::vector <double> &cMs, double cMmax);
+  public:
+    /**    
+     * reads ref+target vcf data
+     * writes target[isec] to tmpFile
+     * fills in cM coordinates and seg64cMvecs, genoBits
+     */
+    SyncedVcfData(const std::string &vcfRef, const std::string &vcfTarget, bool allowRefAltSwap,
+		  int chrom, int chromX, double bpStart, double bpEnd,
+		  const std::string &geneticMapFile, double cMmax, const std::string &tmpFile,
+		  const std::string &writeMode, int usePS,
+		  std::vector < std::vector < std::pair <int, int> > > &conPSall, double &snpRate);
+    ~SyncedVcfData();
+    uint64 getNref(void) const;
+    uint64 getNtarget(void) const;
+    uint64 getMseg64(void) const;
+    const uint64_masks *getGenoBits(void) const;
+    std::vector <std::vector <double> > getSeg64cMvecs(void) const;
+    const std::string &getTargetID(int n) const;
+  };
diff --git a/src/Timer.cpp b/src/Timer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2ce08e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Timer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include "Timer.hpp"
+Timer::Timer(void) {
+  update_time();
+double Timer::update_time(void) {
+  struct timeval tv;
+  gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+  prevtime = curtime;
+  curtime = tv.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tv.tv_usec;
+  return curtime - prevtime;
+unsigned long long Timer::rdtsc(void) {
+  unsigned int hi, lo;
+  __asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi));
+  return ((unsigned long long) lo) | (((unsigned long long) hi)<<32);
+double Timer::get_time(void) {
+  struct timeval tv;
+  gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+  return tv.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tv.tv_usec;
diff --git a/src/Timer.hpp b/src/Timer.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..292f067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Timer.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#ifndef TIMER_HPP
+#define TIMER_HPP
+class Timer {
+  double prevtime, curtime;
+  static unsigned long long rdtsc(void);
+  Timer(void);
+  double update_time(void);
+  double get_time(void);
diff --git a/src/Types.hpp b/src/Types.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb648b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Types.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#ifndef TYPES_HPP
+#define TYPES_HPP
+typedef unsigned char uchar;
+typedef unsigned int uint;
+typedef unsigned long long uint64;
+typedef long long int64;
+struct uint64_masks {
+  uint64 is0, is2, is9;
diff --git a/src/Version.hpp b/src/Version.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d527e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Version.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+   This file is part of the Eagle haplotype phasing software package
+   developed by Po-Ru Loh.  Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Harvard University.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#ifndef VERSION_HPP
+#define VERSION_HPP
+const char EAGLE_VERSION[] = "2.3";
+const char EAGLE_VERSION_DATE[] = "July 22, 2016";
diff --git a/tables/README.txt b/tables/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ee5712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tables/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+NOTE: This directory contains only a small piece of a genetic map to run the provided example. Full genetic maps can be downloaded at:
diff --git a/tables/genetic_map_hg19_example.txt.gz b/tables/genetic_map_hg19_example.txt.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2616832
Binary files /dev/null and b/tables/genetic_map_hg19_example.txt.gz differ

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/eagle.git

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