[med-svn] [fis-gtm] branch master updated (17081ff -> aba3fc7)

Amul Shah tuskentower-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Aug 11 11:15:09 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tuskentower-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository fis-gtm.

      from  17081ff   Upload to unstable
       new  5296847   Imported Upstream version 6.3-001A
       new  aba3fc7   Update for fis-gtm V6.3-001A and remove patches that have been fixed in the upstream

The 2 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |    17 +-
 LICENSE                                            |     2 +-
 README                                             |    23 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |     7 +
 debian/control                                     |     4 +-
 debian/patches/series                              |     2 -
 .../upstream_donot_deploy_all_encryption_libs      |    13 +-
 .../upstream_encryption_libs_openssl110_compatible |   154 -
 debian/patches/upstream_fix_locale_setting_error   |    21 -
 sr_i386/GDEINITSZ.m                                |    24 +
 sr_i386/GTMDefinedTypesInitDebug.m                 | 15272 ++++++++++---------
 sr_i386/GTMDefinedTypesInitRelease.m               | 15247 +++++++++---------
 sr_i386/cmerrors_ctl.c                             |     2 +-
 sr_i386/cmierrors_ctl.c                            |     2 +-
 sr_i386/emit_code.c                                |     5 +-
 sr_i386/gdeerrors_ctl.c                            |    12 +-
 sr_i386/merrors_ansi.h                             |    52 +-
 sr_i386/merrors_ctl.c                              |   120 +-
 sr_i386/ttt.c                                      |  1373 +-
 sr_linux/gtm_env_sp.csh                            |     9 +-
 sr_linux/platform.cmake                            |     6 +-
 sr_linux/release_name.h                            |    10 +-
 sr_port/advancewindow.c                            |    44 +-
 sr_port/aio_shim.h                                 |   102 +
 sr_port/anticipatory_freeze.h                      |   107 +-
 sr_port/backup_block.c                             |    10 +-
 sr_port/bm_find_blk.c                              |     5 +-
 sr_port/bm_getfree.c                               |    22 +-
 sr_port/bml_init.c                                 |    15 +-
 sr_port/bml_newmap.c                               |     3 +-
 sr_port/bool_expr.c                                |    82 +-
 sr_port/bt_put.c                                   |     5 +-
 sr_port/bx_boollit.c                               |   230 +
 sr_port/bx_boolop.c                                |   203 +-
 sr_port/bx_relop.c                                 |    10 +-
 sr_port/bx_tail.c                                  |   185 +-
 sr_port/cdb_sc.h                                   |     9 +
 sr_port/cdb_sc_table.h                             |    60 +-
 sr_port/cdbg_dump.c                                |     4 +-
 sr_port/ceprep_file.c                              |    19 +-
 sr_port/cert_blk.c                                 |    89 +-
 sr_port/cert_blk.h                                 |    13 +-
 sr_port/cmd.c                                      |    40 +-
 sr_port/cmd.h                                      |     4 +-
 sr_port/coerce.c                                   |    28 +-
 sr_port/collseq.h                                  |     5 +-
 sr_port/common_startup_init.c                      |    16 +-
 sr_port/common_startup_init.h                      |    43 +-
 sr_port/comp_fini.c                                |     4 +-
 sr_port/comp_init.c                                |    22 +-
 sr_port/compile_pattern.c                          |     7 +-
 sr_port/compiler.h                                 |    40 +-
 sr_port/compiler_startup.c                         |    15 +-
 sr_port/cre_jnl_file.c                             |   119 +-
 sr_port/cre_jnl_file_intrpt_rename.c               |    51 +-
 sr_port/create_dummy_gbldir.c                      |   100 +-
 sr_port/db_auto_upgrade.c                          |    45 +-
 sr_port/db_common_init.c                           |     1 +
 sr_port/db_csh_getn.c                              |   131 +-
 sr_port/db_csh_ref.c                               |     2 +-
 sr_port/dbcertify_certify_phase.c                  |    12 +-
 sr_port/dbcertify_scan_phase.c                     |     9 +-
 sr_port/desired_db_format_set.c                    |    30 +-
 sr_port/dpgbldir.c                                 |   113 +-
 sr_port/dpgbldir.h                                 |    35 +-
 sr_port/dse.h                                      |     3 +-
 sr_port/dse.hlp                                    |    28 +-
 sr_port/dse_all.c                                  |    21 +-
 sr_port/dse_chng_bhead.c                           |     2 +-
 sr_port/dse_chng_fhead.c                           |     9 +-
 sr_port/dse_dmp_fhead.c                            |    50 +-
 sr_port/dse_f_key.c                                |     9 +-
 sr_port/dse_f_reg.c                                |    53 +-
 sr_port/dse_find_gvt.c                             |     5 +-
 sr_port/dse_flush.c                                |     7 -
 sr_port/dse_integ.c                                |    16 +-
 sr_port/dse_ksrch.c                                |    30 +-
 sr_port/dse_wcreinit.c                             |     4 +-
 sr_port/dumpfhead.mpt                              |   180 +
 sr_port/emit_code.c                                |   496 +-
 sr_port/error.h                                    |    20 +-
 sr_port/eval_expr.c                                |     8 +-
 sr_port/ex_tail.c                                  |   240 +-
 sr_port/expritem.c                                 |    87 +-
 sr_port/extern_func.c                              |     8 +-
 sr_port/f_incr.c                                   |     5 +-
 sr_port/f_select.c                                 |   126 +-
 sr_port/f_zatransform.c                            |    78 +
 sr_port/f_zcollate.c                               |    62 +
 sr_port/file_head_write.h                          |     4 +-
 sr_port/format_targ_key.c                          |    38 +-
 sr_port/gbldefs.c                                  |    77 +-
 sr_port/gde.hlp                                    |   267 +-
 sr_port/gde.m                                      |    17 +-
 sr_port/gdeerrors.msg                              |     7 +-
 sr_port/gdeexit.m                                  |     5 +-
 sr_port/gdeinit.m                                  |   177 +-
 sr_port/gdemap.m                                   |    17 +-
 sr_port/gdemsgin.m                                 |     7 +-
 sr_port/gdeparse.m                                 |    15 +-
 sr_port/gdeshow.m                                  |   195 +-
 sr_port/gds_blk_downgrade.c                        |    29 +-
 sr_port/gds_map_moved.c                            |    26 +-
 sr_port/gds_rundown.h                              |    18 +-
 sr_port/gdsbgtr.h                                  |     4 +-
 sr_port/gdsblk.h                                   |     3 +-
 sr_port/gdsbml.h                                   |     4 +-
 sr_port/gdsbt.h                                    |   185 +-
 sr_port/gdsdbver_sp.h                              |     3 +-
 sr_port/gdsfhead.h                                 |  1944 +--
 sr_port/gdskill.h                                  |     3 +-
 sr_port/get_fs_block_size.c                        |    25 +-
 sr_port/get_log_name.c                             |    15 +-
 sr_port/get_symb_line.c                            |    45 +-
 sr_port/gi.mpt                                     |     6 +-
 sr_port/gsel.mpt                                   |     3 +-
 sr_port/gtm_common_defs.h                          |    15 +-
 sr_port/gtm_fetch.c                                |     2 +-
 sr_port/gtm_libaio.h                               |    85 +
 sr_port/gtm_memcpy_validate_and_execute.c          |     9 +-
 sr_port/gtm_rename.h                               |    11 +-
 sr_port/gtm_repl.h                                 |     8 +-
 sr_port/gtm_reservedDB.h                           |   121 +
 sr_port/gtm_threadgbl_defs.h                       |    45 +-
 sr_port/gtm_threadgbl_init.c                       |     7 +-
 sr_port/gtmdbglvl.h                                |     5 +-
 sr_port/gtmrecv_changelog.c                        |    51 +-
 sr_port/gtmsource_ctl_init.c                       |    17 +-
 sr_port/gtmsource_poll_actions.c                   |     2 +-
 sr_port/gv_bind_name.c                             |    63 +-
 sr_port/gv_bind_subsname.c                         |     9 +-
 sr_port/gv_rundown.c                               |   113 +-
 sr_port/gv_select.c                                |    15 +-
 sr_port/gv_srch_map.c                              |    48 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_blk_build.c                          |     6 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_bmp_mark_free.c                      |    15 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_dataget.c                            |     5 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_expand_free_subtree.c                |    28 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_expand_key.h                         |     3 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_gblmod.c                             |     5 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_get.c                                |    24 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_init.c                               |   853 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_kill.c                               |    39 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_protos.h                             |    52 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_put.c                                |   381 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_query.c                              |    12 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_queryget.c                           |     4 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_reservedDB_funcs.c                   |   859 ++
 sr_port/gvcst_root_search.c                        |     7 +-
 sr_port/gvcst_zprevious.c                          |   103 +-
 sr_port/gvn2gds.c                                  |   340 +
 sr_port/gvn2gds.h                                  |    32 +
 sr_port/gvname_env_restore.c                       |     5 +-
 sr_port/gvname_env_save.c                          |     5 +-
 sr_port/gvnh_spanreg_init.c                        |    16 +-
 sr_port/gvnh_spanreg_subs_gvt_init.c               |    18 +-
 sr_port/gvsub2str.c                                |    13 +-
 sr_port/gvzwrite_clnup.c                           |     6 +-
 sr_port/have_crit.h                                |     1 +
 sr_port/indir.h                                    |     3 +-
 sr_port/indirection.c                              |     5 +-
 sr_port/ins_triple.c                               |     4 +-
 sr_port/insert_region.c                            |     6 +-
 sr_port/io.h                                       |    37 +-
 sr_port/io_rundown.c                               |    59 +-
 sr_port/iop.h                                      |     8 +-
 sr_port/iosocket_close.c                           |     8 +-
 sr_port/iosocket_delimiter.c                       |    80 +-
 sr_port/iosocket_destroy.c                         |    10 +-
 sr_port/iosocket_open.c                            |   241 +-
 sr_port/iosocket_readfl.c                          |    45 +-
 sr_port/iosocket_use.c                             |   130 +-
 sr_port/iosocket_write.c                           |    41 +-
 sr_port/iosocketdef.h                              |     8 +-
 sr_port/is_canonic_name.c                          |   227 +-
 sr_port/is_canonic_name.h                          |    42 +-
 sr_port/jfh_from_jnl_info.c                        |     7 +-
 sr_port/jnl.h                                      |   217 +-
 sr_port/jnl_ensure_open.c                          |    23 +-
 sr_port/jnl_file_close.c                           |     9 +-
 sr_port/jnl_file_lost.c                            |    54 +-
 sr_port/jnl_file_open_common.c                     |    73 +-
 sr_port/jnl_file_open_switch.c                     |    16 +-
 sr_port/jnl_format.c                               |    13 +-
 sr_port/jnl_put_jrt_pfin.c                         |     3 +-
 sr_port/jnl_send_oper.c                            |    24 +-
 sr_port/jnl_set_cur_prior.c                        |    67 +
 sr_port/jnl_wait.c                                 |     9 +-
 sr_port/lb_init.c                                  |    21 +-
 sr_port/line.c                                     |     5 +-
 sr_port/lke.h                                      |     8 +-
 sr_port/lke.hlp                                    |     4 +-
 sr_port/lke_clear.c                                |    65 +-
 sr_port/lke_show.c                                 |    79 +-
 sr_port/lvzwr_out.c                                |     4 +-
 sr_port/m_do.c                                     |    68 +-
 sr_port/m_goto.c                                   |    33 +-
 sr_port/m_goto_postcond.c                          |    68 +
 sr_port/m_if.c                                     |    65 +-
 sr_port/m_set.c                                    |     6 +-
 sr_port/m_xecute.c                                 |    23 +-
 sr_port/m_zgoto.c                                  |    33 +-
 sr_port/mdb_condition_handler.c                    |    13 +-
 sr_port/mdef.h                                     |    69 +-
 sr_port/mdq.h                                      |   104 +-
 sr_port/memcoherency.h                             |    18 +-
 sr_port/merge_desc_check.c                         |    23 +-
 sr_port/merrors.msg                                |    68 +-
 sr_port/mlk_lock.c                                 |    13 +-
 sr_port/mlk_pvtblk_create.c                        |    25 +-
 sr_port/mlk_region_lookup.c                        |     5 +-
 sr_port/mlk_unlock.c                               |    13 +-
 sr_port/mlk_unpend.c                               |    22 +-
 sr_port/mtables.c                                  |    45 +-
 sr_port/mu_cre_file.h                              |     3 +-
 sr_port/mu_freeze_ch.c                             |    12 +-
 sr_port/mu_getlst.h                                |     3 +-
 sr_port/mu_gv_cur_reg_init.c                       |    51 +-
 sr_port/mu_int_blk.c                               |   131 +-
 sr_port/mu_int_err.c                               |    43 +-
 sr_port/mu_int_fhead.c                             |    73 +-
 sr_port/mu_int_init.c                              |    34 +-
 sr_port/mu_int_maps.c                              |    27 +-
 sr_port/mu_int_read.c                              |    39 +-
 sr_port/mu_int_reg.c                               |    70 +-
 sr_port/mu_int_write.c                             |    36 +-
 sr_port/mu_reorg_upgrd_dwngrd.c                    |    32 +-
 sr_port/mubclnup.c                                 |     2 +-
 sr_port/mucregini.c                                |   324 +-
 sr_port/mumps.hlp                                  |  1189 +-
 sr_port/mupfndfil.c                                |    41 +-
 sr_port/mupint.h                                   |    21 +-
 sr_port/mupip.hlp                                  |   713 +-
 sr_port/mupip_backup.c                             |   130 +-
 sr_port/mupip_create.c                             |    18 +-
 sr_port/mupip_downgrade.c                          |   199 +-
 sr_port/mupip_extend.c                             |    33 +-
 sr_port/mupip_freeze.c                             |   136 +-
 sr_port/mupip_integ.c                              |   158 +-
 sr_port/mupip_recover.c                            |    35 +-
 sr_port/mupip_reorg.c                              |    79 +-
 sr_port/mupip_set.c                                |    60 +-
 sr_port/mupip_set_jnl_cleanup.c                    |    35 +-
 sr_port/mupip_set_journal.c                        |   203 +-
 sr_port/mupip_set_journal_parse.c                  |    33 +-
 sr_port/mupip_upgrade.c                            |   171 +-
 sr_port/muprec.h                                   |    39 +-
 sr_port/mur_apply_pblk.c                           |    32 +-
 sr_port/mur_back_process.c                         |    64 +-
 sr_port/mur_block_count_correct.c                  |    16 +-
 sr_port/mur_blocks_free.c                          |    25 +-
 sr_port/mur_close_files.c                          |    84 +-
 sr_port/mur_db_files_from_jnllist.c                |     3 +-
 sr_port/mur_forward.c                              |    54 +-
 sr_port/mur_forward_play_cur_jrec.c                |    14 +-
 sr_port/mur_merge_sort_extfmt.c                    |    14 +-
 sr_port/mur_open_files.c                           |    28 +-
 sr_port/mur_output_record.c                        |    23 +-
 sr_port/mur_output_show.c                          |     7 +-
 sr_port/mur_process_intrpt_recov.c                 |    26 +-
 sr_port/mur_process_seqno_table.c                  |    11 +-
 sr_port/mur_read_file.c                            |    32 +-
 sr_port/mur_sort_files.c                           |    10 +-
 sr_port/mur_tp_resolve_time.c                      |    21 +-
 sr_port/mutex_deadlock_check.c                     |     5 +-
 sr_port/mval2subsc.c                               |     8 +-
 sr_port/objlabel.h                                 |     4 +-
 sr_port/op.h                                       |     5 +-
 sr_port/op_close.c                                 |    12 +-
 sr_port/op_exp.c                                   |     4 +-
 sr_port/op_fnfnumber.c                             |    31 +-
 sr_port/op_fnqlength.c                             |    10 +-
 sr_port/op_fnqsubscript.c                          |    13 +-
 sr_port/op_fnview.c                                |   378 +-
 sr_port/op_fnzatransform.c                         |   173 +
 sr_port/op_fnzcollate.c                            |    67 +
 sr_port/op_fnzqgblmod.c                            |     5 +-
 sr_port/op_gvdata.c                                |     5 +-
 sr_port/op_gvextnam.c                              |     4 +-
 sr_port/op_gvget.c                                 |     5 +-
 sr_port/op_gvincr.c                                |    67 +-
 sr_port/op_gvkill.c                                |    13 +-
 sr_port/op_gvnaked.c                               |    10 +-
 sr_port/op_gvname.c                                |    19 +-
 sr_port/op_gvnext.c                                |     5 +-
 sr_port/op_gvorder.c                               |   212 +-
 sr_port/op_gvput.c                                 |   109 +-
 sr_port/op_gvzwithdraw.c                           |     9 +-
 sr_port/op_hang.c                                  |     6 +-
 sr_port/op_incrlock.c                              |     5 +-
 sr_port/op_indfnname2.c                            |     9 +-
 sr_port/op_indtext.c                               |     4 +-
 sr_port/op_lock.c                                  |     6 +-
 sr_port/op_merge.c                                 |    13 +-
 sr_port/op_merge_arg.c                             |    10 +-
 sr_port/op_svget.c                                 |    11 +-
 sr_port/op_svput.c                                 |     7 +-
 sr_port/op_tcommit.c                               |   112 +-
 sr_port/op_trollback.c                             |    13 +-
 sr_port/op_tstart.c                                |     7 +-
 sr_port/op_view.c                                  |    46 +-
 sr_port/op_zprevious.c                             |   167 +-
 sr_port/op_ztcommit.c                              |     2 +-
 sr_port/opcode_def.h                               |    62 +-
 sr_port/preemptive_db_clnup.c                      |   100 +-
 sr_port/prepare_unique_name.c                      |    82 +-
 sr_port/process_deferred_stale.c                   |    32 +-
 sr_port/process_gvt_pending_list.c                 |     5 +-
 sr_port/put_lit.c                                  |     4 +
 sr_port/read_db_files_from_gld.c                   |    36 +-
 sr_port/region_freeze.c                            |   264 +-
 sr_port/region_init.c                              |    78 +-
 sr_port/rename_file_if_exists.c                    |     4 +-
 sr_port/repl_comm.c                                |     4 +-
 sr_port/repl_filter.c                              |    39 +-
 sr_port/resolve_optimize.c                         |   171 +
 sr_port/resolve_ref.c                              |   228 +-
 sr_port/sec_shr_map_build.c                        |    69 +-
 sr_port/sec_shr_map_build.h                        |     5 +-
 sr_port/secshr_db_clnup.c                          |   518 +-
 sr_port/set_gbuff_limit.c                          |     5 +
 sr_port/sgnl_gvnulsubsc.c                          |    11 +-
 sr_port/shmpool.c                                  |   225 +-
 sr_port/show_source_line.c                         |    17 +-
 sr_port/sleep_cnt.h                                |     9 +-
 sr_port/stp_gcol_src.h                             |    47 +-
 sr_port/stp_init.c                                 |    23 +-
 sr_port/stp_parms.h                                |    10 +-
 sr_port/stringpool.h                               |    31 +-
 sr_port/stx_error.c                                |    40 +-
 sr_port/t_abort.c                                  |    50 +-
 sr_port/t_abort.h                                  |    29 +-
 sr_port/t_abort_cleanup.c                          |    96 +
 sr_port/t_begin.c                                  |    12 +-
 sr_port/t_begin_crit.c                             |     5 +-
 sr_port/t_commit_cleanup.c                         |    39 +-
 sr_port/t_create.c                                 |    28 +-
 sr_port/t_end.c                                    |   258 +-
 sr_port/t_end_sysops.c                             |   400 +-
 sr_port/t_qread.c                                  |    67 +-
 sr_port/t_retry.c                                  |    11 +-
 sr_port/t_write.c                                  |     6 +-
 sr_port/t_write_map.c                              |     6 +-
 sr_port/tab_bg_trc_rec.h                           |    31 +-
 sr_port/tab_gvstats_rec.h                          |    14 +-
 sr_port/targ_alloc.c                               |    11 +-
 sr_port/ti.mpt                                     |    91 +-
 sr_port/toktyp.h                                   |     4 +-
 sr_port/tp.h                                       |   270 +-
 sr_port/tp_clean_up.c                              |    69 +-
 sr_port/tp_hist.c                                  |    81 +-
 sr_port/tp_incr_clean_up.c                         |     8 +-
 sr_port/tp_restart.c                               |     3 +-
 sr_port/tp_set_sgm.c                               |    15 +-
 sr_port/tp_tend.c                                  |   362 +-
 sr_port/tp_unwind.c                                |     9 +-
 sr_port/unary_tail.c                               |   345 +
 sr_port/unuse_literal.c                            |    53 +
 sr_port/updhelper_reader.c                         |    66 +-
 sr_port/updhelper_writer.c                         |    37 +-
 sr_port/updproc.c                                  |    59 +-
 sr_port/util_base_ch.c                             |     5 +-
 sr_port/view_arg_convert.c                         |     5 +-
 sr_port/viewtab.h                                  |     6 +-
 sr_port/wbox_test_init.h                           |    37 +-
 sr_port/wcs_phase2_commit_wait.c                   |    60 +-
 sr_port/wcs_read_in_progress_wait.c                |     6 +-
 sr_port/wcs_recover.c                              |   605 +-
 sr_port/wcs_verify.c                               |   483 +-
 sr_port/xfer.h                                     |    12 +-
 sr_port/zshow_gvstats.c                            |    16 +-
 sr_port/zshow_zwrite.c                             |    12 +-
 sr_port_cm/gtcm_bind_name.c                        |     5 +-
 sr_port_cm/gtcmd_rundown.c                         |    24 +-
 sr_port_cm/gtcml_chklck.c                          |    10 +-
 sr_port_cm/gtcmtr_lke_clearrep.c                   |    22 +-
 sr_port_cm/gtcmtr_lke_showrep.c                    |    24 +-
 sr_port_cm/gvcmy_open.c                            |    53 +-
 sr_unix/Makefile.mk                                |    36 +-
 sr_unix/aio_shim.c                                 |   584 +
 sr_unix/anticipatory_freeze.c                      |     4 +-
 sr_unix/append_time_stamp.c                        |    38 -
 sr_unix/bin_load.c                                 |   229 +-
 sr_unix/buildaux.csh                               |     5 +-
 sr_unix/buildaux_gtmcrypt.csh                      |    23 +-
 sr_unix/ce_substitute.c                            |     3 +-
 sr_unix/check_encrypt_support.sh                   |    20 +-
 sr_unix/check_trigger_support.csh                  |    31 -
 sr_unix/cli.c                                      |    16 +-
 sr_unix/cms_load.csh                               |     4 +-
 sr_unix/comlist.csh                                |    48 +-
 sr_unix/configure.gtc                              |    85 +-
 sr_unix/db_ipcs_reset.c                            |    13 +-
 sr_unix/db_snapshot.h                              |     6 +-
 sr_unix/db_write_eof_block.c                       |    57 +
 ...ced_exit_err_display.h => db_write_eof_block.h} |    11 +-
 sr_unix/dbcertify_dbfilop.c                        |    25 +-
 sr_unix/dbfilop.c                                  |   136 +-
 sr_unix/dbinit_ch.c                                |    14 +-
 sr_unix/dse.c                                      |     3 +-
 sr_unix/dse_cmd.c                                  |     3 +-
 sr_unix/dse_cmd_disallow.c                         |     5 +-
 sr_unix/dsk_read.c                                 |    12 +-
 sr_unix/dsk_write.c                                |   127 -
 sr_unix/dsk_write_nocache.c                        |    51 +-
 sr_unix/dskspace_msg_timer.c                       |    22 -
 sr_unix/dskspace_msg_timer.h                       |    20 -
 sr_unix/dtgbldir.c                                 |   223 -
 sr_unix/err_init.c                                 |   106 +-
 sr_unix/errorsp.h                                  |    21 +-
 sr_unix/exttab_parse.c                             |     8 +-
 sr_unix/fake_enospc.c                              |   207 +-
 sr_unix/fake_enospc.h                              |     6 +-
 sr_unix/file_head_read.c                           |    34 +-
 sr_unix/file_head_write.c                          |    21 +-
 sr_unix/file_head_write_secshr.c                   |    79 -
 sr_unix/filestruct.h                               |   103 +-
 sr_unix/ftok_sem_incrcnt.c                         |    18 +-
 sr_unix/ftok_sems.c                                |    64 +-
 sr_unix/ftok_sems.h                                |    10 +-
 sr_unix/gbldirnam.h                                |     4 +-
 sr_unix/gdeget.m                                   |    86 +-
 sr_unix/gdeput.m                                   |    80 +-
 sr_unix/gdeverif.m                                 |     7 +-
 sr_unix/gds_rundown.c                              |   446 +-
 sr_unix/gds_rundown_err_cleanup.c                  |     4 +-
 sr_unix/gdsfheadsp.h                               |     4 +-
 sr_unix/gdsfilext.c                                |   117 +-
 sr_unix/gdsfilext_nojnl.c                          |    53 +-
 sr_unix/generate_help.csh                          |    14 +-
 sr_unix/generic_signal_handler.c                   |     7 +-
 sr_unix/get_src_line.c                             |    52 +-
 sr_unix/grab_crit_immediate.c                      |    27 +-
 sr_unix/gt_timer.h                                 |    93 +-
 sr_unix/gt_timers.c                                |   134 +-
 sr_unix/gt_timers_add_safe_hndlrs.c                |    15 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_aio.h                                  |     6 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_compile.c                              |     3 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_dbjnl_dupfd_check.c                    |    54 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_env.csh                                |     5 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_env_init_sp.c                          |   140 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_exit_handler.c                         |    26 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_fork_n_core.c                          |    11 +-
 ...ced_exit_err_display.h => gtm_is_main_thread.c} |    29 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_logicals.h                             |    13 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_main.c                                 |    13 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_multi_proc.c                           |     2 -
 sr_unix/gtm_permissions.c                          |   115 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_permissions.h                          |    38 +-
 sr_unix/{forced_exit_err_display.h => gtm_poll.h}  |    16 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_pthread_init_key.c                     |     9 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_rel_quant.h                            |    14 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_semutils.c                             |    92 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_semutils.h                             |    10 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_startup.c                              |    65 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_test_install.csh                       |   158 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_test_install.txt                       |     9 +
 sr_unix/gtm_tls_impl.c                             |    10 +-
 sr_unix/gtm_trigger.c                              |     7 +
 sr_unix/gtmci.c                                    |    17 +-
 sr_unix/gtmcrypt.h                                 |    25 +
 sr_unix/gtmcrypt_dbk_ref.c                         |    76 +-
 sr_unix/gtmcrypt_dbk_ref.h                         |     2 +-
 sr_unix/gtmcrypt_pk_ref.h                          |    79 +-
 sr_unix/gtmcrypt_ref.h                             |     6 +-
 sr_unix/gtmcrypt_sym_ref.c                         |    36 +-
 sr_unix/gtmcrypt_sym_ref.h                         |     7 +-
 sr_unix/gtmdefinedtypestodb.m                      |     5 +-
 sr_unix/gtmgblstat.c                               |    44 +
 sr_port/is_proc_alive.h => sr_unix/gtmgblstat.h    |    21 +-
 sr_unix/gtmgblstat.xc                              |     4 +
 sr_unix/gtmhlpld.m                                 |     5 +-
 sr_unix/gtminstall_Solaris.sh                      |   481 -
 sr_unix/gtmio.h                                    |   503 +-
 sr_unix/gtmrecv.c                                  |     2 -
 sr_unix/gtmrecv_poll_actions.c                     |     7 +-
 sr_unix/gtmrecv_process.c                          |    38 +-
 sr_unix/gtmsecshr.c                                |   145 +-
 sr_unix/gtmsecshr.h                                |     4 +-
 sr_unix/gtmsecshr_wrapper.c                        |   225 +-
 sr_unix/gtmshr_symbols.exp                         |     3 +
 sr_unix/gtmsource.c                                |    27 +-
 sr_unix/gtmsource.h                                |     1 +
 sr_unix/gtmsource_changelog.c                      |    41 +-
 sr_unix/gtmsource_get_opt.c                        |     3 -
 sr_unix/gtmsource_heartbeat.c                      |     6 +-
 sr_unix/gtmsource_process.c                        |    24 +-
 sr_unix/gtmsource_readfiles.c                      |   115 +-
 sr_unix/gtmsource_rootprimary_init.c               |     2 +-
 sr_unix/gtmsource_seqno_init.c                     |    10 +-
 sr_unix/gtmsrc.csh                                 |     2 +-
 sr_unix/gtmxc_types.h                              |     3 +-
 sr_unix/gv_trigger.c                               |   108 +-
 sr_unix/gv_trigger.h                               |    13 +-
 sr_unix/gvcst_init_sysops.c                        |   882 +-
 sr_unix/gvcst_spr_data.c                           |     9 +-
 sr_unix/gvcst_spr_kill.c                           |     9 +-
 sr_unix/gvcst_spr_order.c                          |     9 +-
 sr_unix/gvcst_spr_query.c                          |    24 +-
 sr_unix/gvcst_spr_queryget.c                       |    30 +-
 sr_unix/gvcst_spr_zprevious.c                      |    10 +-
 sr_unix/heartbeat_timer.h                          |    40 -
 sr_unix/hpuxia64_badd.txt                          |    38 -
 sr_unix/hpuxparisc_badd.txt                        |    32 -
 sr_unix/hpuxparisc_bdeldir.txt                     |    17 -
 sr_unix/init_gtm.c                                 |    82 +-
 sr_unix/interlock.h                                |    31 +-
 sr_unix/io_open_try.c                              |    32 +-
 sr_unix/iob_read.c                                 |    64 +-
 sr_unix/iorm_close.c                               |     7 +-
 sr_unix/iorm_get.c                                 |    27 +-
 sr_unix/iorm_open.c                                |    84 +-
 sr_unix/iorm_readfl.c                              |   496 +-
 sr_unix/iorm_use.c                                 |   165 +-
 sr_unix/iorm_write.c                               |    12 +-
 sr_unix/iormdef.h                                  |    20 +-
 sr_unix/iott_open.c                                |    60 +-
 sr_unix/iott_readfl.c                              |     5 +-
 sr_unix/iott_use.c                                 |    69 +-
 sr_unix/is_fstype_nfs.c                            |    46 +
 .../{forced_exit_err_display.h => is_fstype_nfs.h} |     8 +-
 sr_unix/is_proc_alive.c                            |    23 +-
 .../{heartbeat_timer.c => jnl_file_close_timer.c}  |    49 +-
 sr_unix/jnl_file_close_timer.h                     |    33 +
 sr_unix/jnl_file_extend.c                          |    20 +-
 sr_unix/jnl_file_open.c                            |    43 +-
 sr_unix/jnlpool_init.c                             |     2 -
 sr_unix/jnlsp.h                                    |    13 +-
 sr_unix/kitstart.csh                               |    53 +-
 sr_unix/liblke.list                                |     1 -
 sr_unix/libmupip.list                              |     3 -
 sr_unix/lintgtm.csh                                |    10 +-
 sr_unix/lke_cmd.c                                  |     4 +-
 sr_unix/lke_setgdr.c                               |    88 -
 sr_unix/mdefsa.h                                   |    19 +-
 sr_unix/mdefsp.h                                   |    12 +-
 sr_unix/mu_all_version_standalone.c                |     6 +-
 sr_unix/mu_cre_file.c                              |   359 +-
 sr_unix/mu_decrypt.c                               |     4 +-
 sr_unix/mu_extract.c                               |     3 +-
 sr_unix/mu_getlst.c                                |    30 +-
 sr_unix/mu_op_open.c                               |    11 +-
 sr_unix/mu_rndwn_all.c                             |    28 +-
 sr_unix/mu_rndwn_file.c                            |  1341 +-
 sr_unix/mu_rndwn_file.h                            |     6 +-
 sr_unix/mu_rndwn_repl_instance.c                   |     7 +-
 sr_unix/mu_size_arsample.c                         |    16 +-
 sr_unix/mu_size_impsample.c                        |    16 +-
 sr_unix/mu_trig_trgfile.c                          |    11 +-
 sr_unix/mu_truncate.c                              |    22 +-
 sr_unix/mubexpfilnam.c                             |     7 +-
 sr_unix/mubfilcpy.c                                |    50 +-
 sr_unix/mubinccpy.c                                |   114 +-
 sr_unix/mucblkini.c                                |    48 +-
 sr_unix/mupip.c                                    |     7 +-
 sr_unix/mupip_cmd.c                                |    95 +-
 sr_unix/mupip_cmd_disallow.c                       |    20 +-
 sr_unix/mupip_cmd_disallow.h                       |     3 +-
 sr_unix/mupip_cvtgbl.c                             |    19 +-
 sr_unix/mupip_dump_fhead.c                         |   108 +
 .../mupip_dump_fhead.h                             |    11 +-
 sr_unix/mupip_endiancvt.c                          |   150 +-
 sr_unix/mupip_exit_handler.c                       |     5 +-
 sr_unix/mupip_reorg_encrypt.c                      |   168 +-
 sr_unix/mupip_restore.c                            |   160 +-
 sr_unix/mupip_rundown.c                            |    40 +-
 sr_unix/mupip_set_file.c                           |   159 +-
 sr_unix/mupip_size.c                               |     7 +-
 sr_unix/mupip_trigger.c                            |    12 +-
 sr_unix/mur_cre_file_extfmt.c                      |    20 +-
 sr_unix/mutex.c                                    |    68 +-
 sr_unix/mutexsp.h                                  |    22 +-
 sr_unix/ojchildioclean.c                           |     8 +-
 sr_unix/ojchildparms.c                             |    13 +-
 sr_unix/op_fnfgncal.c                              |    42 +-
 sr_unix/op_fnzconvert.c                            |    12 +
 sr_unix/op_fnzpeek.c                               |   109 +-
 sr_unix/op_setp1.c                                 |    20 +-
 sr_unix/op_setpiece.c                              |    18 +-
 sr_unix/op_ztrigger.c                              |    18 +-
 sr_unix/osf1alpha_badd.txt                         |    23 -
 sr_unix/peekbyname.mpt                             |    41 +-
 sr_unix/pinentry-gtm.sh                            |    40 +-
 sr_unix/pinentry.m                                 |     8 +-
 sr_unix/recover_truncate.c                         |    16 +-
 sr_unix/relinkctl.c                                |    18 +-
 sr_unix/remove_rms.c                               |    74 +-
 sr_unix/repl_inst_create.c                         |     5 +-
 sr_unix/repl_instance.c                            |    17 +-
 sr_unix/rtnobj.c                                   |    16 +-
 sr_unix/rts_error.c                                |    21 +-
 sr_unix/runall.csh                                 |     8 +-
 sr_unix/secshr_client.c                            |     4 +-
 sr_unix/set_jnl_file_close.c                       |    11 +-
 sr_unix/set_library_path.csh                       |    10 +-
 sr_unix/set_zstatus.c                              |     6 +-
 sr_unix/simple_timeout_timer.c                     |    33 +
 sr_unix/source_file.c                              |    16 +-
 sr_unix/ss_anal_shdw_file.c                        |    22 +-
 sr_unix/ss_initiate.c                              |    80 +-
 sr_unix/ss_read_block.c                            |    23 +-
 sr_unix/ss_write_block.c                           |     2 +-
 sr_unix/trigger.h                                  |    29 +-
 sr_unix/trigger_compare.c                          |    11 +-
 sr_unix/trigger_delete.c                           |    53 +-
 sr_unix/trigger_fill_xecute_buffer.c               |    33 +-
 sr_unix/trigger_gbl_fill_xecute_buffer.c           |    31 +-
 sr_unix/trigger_incr_cycle.c                       |     5 +-
 sr_unix/trigger_locate_andor_load.c                |    12 +-
 sr_unix/trigger_parse.c                            |     9 +-
 sr_unix/trigger_select.c                           |    35 +-
 sr_unix/trigger_source_read_andor_verify.c         |    41 +-
 sr_unix/trigger_update.c                           |    45 +-
 sr_unix/trigger_upgrade.c                          |     7 +-
 sr_unix/ttt.txt                                    |    45 +-
 sr_unix/util_exit_handler.c                        |     5 +-
 sr_unix/versions.csh                               |     2 +-
 sr_unix/wait_for_disk_space.c                      |     4 +-
 sr_unix/wcs_clean_dbsync.c                         |    75 +-
 sr_unix/wcs_clean_dbsync_timer.c                   |     6 +-
 sr_unix/wcs_flu.c                                  |   365 +-
 sr_unix/wcs_get_space.c                            |   281 +-
 sr_unix/wcs_write_in_progress_wait.c               |    30 +-
 sr_unix/wcs_wt.h                                   |    86 +
 sr_unix/wcs_wt_restart.c                           |    83 +
 sr_unix/wcs_wterror.c                              |   151 +
 sr_unix/wcs_wtfini.c                               |   407 +
 sr_unix/wcs_wtfini_nocrit.c                        |    60 +
 sr_unix/wcs_wtstart.c                              |   760 +-
 sr_unix/wcs_wtstart_fini.c                         |   207 +
 sr_unix/ygblstat.mpt                               |   183 +
 sr_unix/zshow_devices.c                            |    34 +-
 sr_unix_cm/rc_fnd_file.c                           |     9 +-
 sr_unix_gnp/cmi_open.c                             |     4 +-
 sr_unix_gnp/gtcm_open_cmerrlog.c                   |     3 +-
 sr_unix_gnp/gtcmd_ini_reg.c                        |    27 +-
 sr_unix_nsb/m_do.c                                 |   178 -
 sr_unix_nsb/opcode_def.h                           |    64 +-
 sr_unix_nsb/resolve_ref.c                          |   202 -
 sr_unix_nsb/ttt.txt                                |    13 +-
 sr_x86_64/GDEINITSZ.m                              |    24 +
 sr_x86_64/GTMDefinedTypesInitDebug.m               | 15132 +++++++++---------
 sr_x86_64/GTMDefinedTypesInitRelease.m             | 15109 +++++++++---------
 sr_x86_64/ci_restart.s                             |     4 +-
 sr_x86_64/cmerrors_ctl.c                           |     2 +-
 sr_x86_64/cmierrors_ctl.c                          |     2 +-
 sr_x86_64/emit_code_sp.c                           |   295 +-
 sr_x86_64/emit_code_sp.h                           |   816 +-
 sr_x86_64/find_line_call.c                         |     5 +-
 sr_x86_64/g_msf.si                                 |     6 +-
 sr_x86_64/gdeerrors_ctl.c                          |    12 +-
 sr_x86_64/merrors_ansi.h                           |    52 +-
 sr_x86_64/merrors_ctl.c                            |   120 +-
 sr_x86_64/mval_def.si                              |     5 +-
 sr_x86_64/op_fnget.s                               |     6 +-
 sr_x86_64/op_forcenum.s                            |     6 +-
 sr_x86_64/op_gettruth.s                            |     6 +-
 sr_x86_64/op_sto.s                                 |     6 +-
 sr_x86_64/ttt.c                                    |  1409 +-
 sr_x86_64/x86_64.h                                 |    12 +-
 sr_x86_regs/i386.h                                 |    15 +-
 661 files changed, 60615 insertions(+), 46447 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/upstream_encryption_libs_openssl110_compatible
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/upstream_fix_locale_setting_error
 create mode 100644 sr_i386/GDEINITSZ.m
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/advancewindow.c
 create mode 100644 sr_port/aio_shim.h
 create mode 100644 sr_port/bx_boollit.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/cmd.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/desired_db_format_set.c
 create mode 100644 sr_port/dumpfhead.mpt
 create mode 100644 sr_port/f_zatransform.c
 create mode 100644 sr_port/f_zcollate.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/gds_rundown.h
 create mode 100644 sr_port/gtm_libaio.h
 create mode 100644 sr_port/gtm_reservedDB.h
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/gvcst_get.c
 create mode 100644 sr_port/gvcst_reservedDB_funcs.c
 create mode 100644 sr_port/gvn2gds.c
 create mode 100644 sr_port/gvn2gds.h
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/io_rundown.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/jnl_file_close.c
 create mode 100644 sr_port/jnl_set_cur_prior.c
 create mode 100644 sr_port/m_goto_postcond.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/mucregini.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/mupip_set.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/mur_close_files.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/mur_forward.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/mur_process_intrpt_recov.c
 create mode 100644 sr_port/op_fnzatransform.c
 create mode 100644 sr_port/op_fnzcollate.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/op_view.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/op_ztcommit.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/region_freeze.c
 create mode 100644 sr_port/resolve_optimize.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/secshr_db_clnup.c
 create mode 100755 sr_port/t_abort_cleanup.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/tp_set_sgm.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/tp_tend.c
 create mode 100644 sr_port/unary_tail.c
 create mode 100644 sr_port/unuse_literal.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port/wcs_recover.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_port_cm/gtcmd_rundown.c
 create mode 100644 sr_unix/aio_shim.c
 delete mode 100755 sr_unix/append_time_stamp.c
 delete mode 100755 sr_unix/check_trigger_support.csh
 create mode 100644 sr_unix/db_write_eof_block.c
 copy sr_unix/{forced_exit_err_display.h => db_write_eof_block.h} (55%)
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/dse_cmd_disallow.c
 delete mode 100755 sr_unix/dsk_write.c
 delete mode 100755 sr_unix/dskspace_msg_timer.c
 delete mode 100755 sr_unix/dskspace_msg_timer.h
 delete mode 100755 sr_unix/dtgbldir.c
 delete mode 100644 sr_unix/file_head_write_secshr.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/gdeget.m
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/gdeput.m
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/gds_rundown.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/gdsfilext.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/gtm_aio.h
 copy sr_unix/{forced_exit_err_display.h => gtm_is_main_thread.c} (55%)
 copy sr_unix/{forced_exit_err_display.h => gtm_poll.h} (65%)
 create mode 100644 sr_unix/gtmgblstat.c
 copy sr_port/is_proc_alive.h => sr_unix/gtmgblstat.h (55%)
 mode change 100755 => 100644
 create mode 100644 sr_unix/gtmgblstat.xc
 delete mode 100755 sr_unix/gtminstall_Solaris.sh
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/gtmio.h
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/gtmsource.h
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/gtmsource_readfiles.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/gtmsource_rootprimary_init.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/gvcst_init_sysops.c
 delete mode 100755 sr_unix/heartbeat_timer.h
 delete mode 100644 sr_unix/hpuxia64_badd.txt
 delete mode 100644 sr_unix/hpuxparisc_badd.txt
 delete mode 100644 sr_unix/hpuxparisc_bdeldir.txt
 create mode 100644 sr_unix/is_fstype_nfs.c
 copy sr_unix/{forced_exit_err_display.h => is_fstype_nfs.h} (75%)
 rename sr_unix/{heartbeat_timer.c => jnl_file_close_timer.c} (71%)
 create mode 100755 sr_unix/jnl_file_close_timer.h
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/jnl_file_extend.c
 delete mode 100755 sr_unix/lke_setgdr.c
 create mode 100644 sr_unix/mupip_dump_fhead.c
 copy sr_port/set_gbuff_limit.h => sr_unix/mupip_dump_fhead.h (71%)
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/mupip_set_file.c
 delete mode 100644 sr_unix/osf1alpha_badd.txt
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/set_jnl_file_close.c
 create mode 100644 sr_unix/simple_timeout_timer.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/wcs_flu.c
 create mode 100644 sr_unix/wcs_wt.h
 create mode 100644 sr_unix/wcs_wt_restart.c
 create mode 100644 sr_unix/wcs_wterror.c
 create mode 100644 sr_unix/wcs_wtfini.c
 create mode 100644 sr_unix/wcs_wtfini_nocrit.c
 mode change 100755 => 100644 sr_unix/wcs_wtstart.c
 create mode 100644 sr_unix/wcs_wtstart_fini.c
 create mode 100644 sr_unix/ygblstat.mpt
 delete mode 100755 sr_unix_nsb/m_do.c
 delete mode 100755 sr_unix_nsb/resolve_ref.c
 create mode 100644 sr_x86_64/GDEINITSZ.m

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/fis-gtm.git

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