[med-svn] [invesalius] 01/05: Updated version 3.1.1 from 'upstream/3.1.1'
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Tue Aug 15 14:31:48 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to tag debian/3.1.1-1
in repository invesalius.
commit 0b6ce3d35a0db60cfa3b759c52b0b47837b72b92
Merge: 47b844f 8d77af5
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Tue Aug 15 15:59:57 2017 +0200
Updated version 3.1.1 from 'upstream/3.1.1'
with Debian dir 5c6cf62f6967eb1e7554f37f13d596f98f92831d
.gitignore | 22 +
AUTHORS.md | 28 +
AUTHORS.txt | 30 -
INSTALL.txt | 23 -
LICENSE.pt.txt | 2 +-
NEWS.txt | 22 -
README.md | 27 +
README.txt | 18 -
TODO | 87 -
TODO.txt | 95 -
app.py | 348 +++
changelog.md | 53 +
docs/user_guide_en.pdf | Bin 0 -> 16272378 bytes
docs/user_guide_en_source/Makefile | 13 +
docs/user_guide_en_source/autores.tex | 74 +
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_cust.tex | 94 +
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_export.tex | 87 +
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_geren_dados.tex | 106 +
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_img.tex | 119 ++
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_import.tex | 250 +++
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_instal.tex | 136 ++
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_manip.tex | 414 ++++
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_masc.tex | 189 ++
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_med.tex | 83 +
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_nav.tex | 156 ++
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_segmen.tex | 349 +++
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_stereoscop.tex | 44 +
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_superf.tex | 220 ++
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_visual_simult.tex | 50 +
docs/user_guide_en_source/cap_visual_vol.tex | 147 ++
docs/user_guide_en_source/capa.tex | 16 +
docs/user_guide_en_source/intro.tex | 134 ++
docs/user_guide_en_source/resumo.tex | 38 +
docs/user_guide_en_source/user_guide_en.tex | 59 +
.../img => user_guide_figures}/bobina.jpg | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/capa.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/capa2.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/capa3.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/feixe_conico.jpg | Bin
docs/user_guide_figures/icons/3D_glasses.png | Bin 0 -> 1183 bytes
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/Floppy.png | Bin
.../icons/annotation.png | Bin
.../icons/brush_circle.jpg | Bin
.../icons/brush_square.jpg | Bin
.../icons/configuration.png | Bin
.../icons/connectivity_largest.png | Bin
.../icons/connectivity_manual.png | Bin
.../icons/connectivity_split_all.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/cross.png | Bin
.../icons/cross_original.png | Bin
docs/user_guide_figures/icons/data_duplicate.png | Bin 0 -> 695 bytes
docs/user_guide_figures/icons/data_new.png | Bin 0 -> 477 bytes
docs/user_guide_figures/icons/data_remove.png | Bin 0 -> 563 bytes
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/de_DE.bmp | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/el_GR.bmp | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/en.bmp | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/es.bmp | Bin
.../icons/file_export.png | Bin
.../icons/file_from_internet.png | Bin
.../icons/file_from_internet_original.png | Bin
.../icons/file_import.png | Bin
.../icons/file_import_original.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/file_open.png | Bin
.../icons/file_open_original.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/file_save.png | Bin
.../icons/file_save_original.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/fr.bmp | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/inv3_icon.ico | Bin
.../icons/invesalius.ico | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/it_IT.bmp | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/it_IT.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/ko.bmp | Bin
.../icons/layout_data_only.gif | Bin
.../icons/layout_data_only.png | Bin
.../icons/layout_data_only_original.gif | Bin
.../icons/layout_data_only_original.png | Bin
.../icons/layout_full.gif | Bin
.../icons/layout_full.png | Bin
.../icons/layout_full_original.gif | Bin
.../icons/layout_full_original.png | Bin
docs/user_guide_figures/icons/load_mesh.png | Bin 0 -> 882 bytes
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/mask.png | Bin
.../icons/mask_small.png | Bin
.../icons/measure_angle.jpg | Bin
.../icons/measure_angle.png | Bin
.../icons/measure_angle_original.jpg | Bin
.../icons/measure_angle_original.png | Bin
.../icons/measure_line.png | Bin
.../icons/measure_line_original.png | Bin
.../icons/object_add.gif | Bin
.../icons/object_add.png | Bin
.../icons/object_add_original.png | Bin
.../icons/object_colour.jpg | Bin
.../icons/object_invisible.jpg | Bin
.../icons/object_remove.gif | Bin
.../icons/object_remove.png | Bin
.../icons/object_remove_original.png | Bin
.../icons/object_visible.jpg | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/print.png | Bin
.../icons/print_original.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/pt.bmp | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/pt_BR.bmp | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/show_task.png | Bin
.../icons/show_task_min.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/slice.png | Bin
.../icons/slice_original.png | Bin
.../icons/slice_plane.png | Bin
.../icons/slice_plane_original.png | Bin
docs/user_guide_figures/icons/splash_de.png | Bin 0 -> 250241 bytes
docs/user_guide_figures/icons/splash_de_DE.png | Bin 0 -> 250241 bytes
docs/user_guide_figures/icons/splash_el_GR.png | Bin 0 -> 250241 bytes
docs/user_guide_figures/icons/splash_en.png | Bin 0 -> 250241 bytes
docs/user_guide_figures/icons/splash_es.png | Bin 0 -> 250241 bytes
docs/user_guide_figures/icons/splash_fr.png | Bin 0 -> 250241 bytes
.../icons/splash_it_IT.png | Bin
docs/user_guide_figures/icons/splash_ko.png | Bin 0 -> 250241 bytes
docs/user_guide_figures/icons/splash_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 251635 bytes
docs/user_guide_figures/icons/splash_zh_TW.png | Bin 0 -> 250241 bytes
.../icons/surface_export.png | Bin
.../icons/surface_export_original.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/text.gif | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/text.png | Bin
.../icons/text_inverted.png | Bin
.../icons/text_inverted_original.png | Bin
.../icons/text_original.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_annotation.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_annotation_original.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_contrast.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_contrast_original.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_photo.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_photo_original.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_rotate.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_rotate_original.gif | Bin
.../icons/tool_rotate_original.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_translate.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_translate_original.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/tool_zoom.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_zoom_in.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_zoom_in_original.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_zoom_original.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_zoom_out.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_zoom_out_original.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_zoom_select.png | Bin
.../icons/tool_zoom_select_original.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/view_back.png | Bin
.../icons/view_bottom.png | Bin
.../icons/view_front.png | Bin
.../icons/view_isometric.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/view_left.png | Bin
.../icons/view_right.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/view_top.png | Bin
.../icons/volume_raycasting.png | Bin
.../icons/volume_raycasting_origina.png | Bin
.../img => user_guide_figures}/icons/zh_TW.bmp | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/3d_automatic_position.png | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/3d_automatic_position_en.png | Bin 0 -> 8292 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/3d_background_changed.png | Bin 0 -> 67320 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/3d_linear.jpg | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/3d_planes.jpg | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/MIP.jpg | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/activate_cut_plane_en.png | Bin 0 -> 10786 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/activate_cut_plane_pt.png} | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/angular_superficie.jpg | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/axial.jpg} | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/axial_angular.png | Bin 0 -> 81431 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/axial_en.png | Bin 0 -> 29582 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/axial_interpoleted.png | Bin 0 -> 33396 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/axial_linear.png | Bin 0 -> 80884 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/axial_no_tex_en.png | Bin 0 -> 31786 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/axial_not_interpoleted.png | Bin 0 -> 10933 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/axial_pan.jpg} | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/axial_pan_en.png | Bin 0 -> 119433 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/axial_rotate.jpg} | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/axial_rotate_en.png | Bin 0 -> 124902 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/binary.png | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/booleano_dif.png | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/booleano_disj_exc.png | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/booleano_interc.png | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/booleano_m_a.png | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/booleano_m_b.png | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/booleano_uniao.png | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/brilhante_I.jpg | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/colour_button.png | Bin 0 -> 208 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/colour_button_en.png | Bin 0 -> 16357 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/context.png | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/contraste_medio.jpg | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/contraste_osso.png | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/contraste_pulmao.png | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/coronal.jpg} | Bin
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.../invesalius_screen/customize_2.png | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/cutted_image.png | Bin
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.../invesalius_screen/data_mask_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 6461 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/default.png | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/export_bmp_en.png | Bin 0 -> 62923 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/export_bmp_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 62172 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/export_data_window.PNG | Bin
.../invesalius_screen/export_surface.png | Bin 0 -> 40434 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/export_surface_en.png | Bin 0 -> 42881 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/eye.jpg | Bin
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.../image_reorient_adjust_center_en.png | Bin 0 -> 109201 bytes
.../image_reorient_rotated_applied_en.png | Bin 0 -> 133696 bytes
.../image_reorient_rotated_applied_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 141662 bytes
.../image_reorient_rotated_en.png | Bin 0 -> 123787 bytes
.../image_reorient_rotated_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 130024 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/image_reorient_window_en.png | Bin 0 -> 3594 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/image_reorient_window_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 4312 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_analyze_menu_en.png | Bin 0 -> 12764 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_analyze_menu_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 16933 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_analyze_window_en.png | Bin 0 -> 24974 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_analyze_window_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 25732 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_bmp_load_en.png | Bin 0 -> 1763 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_bmp_load_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 1992 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_bmp_menu_en.png | Bin 0 -> 12892 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_bmp_menu_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 17280 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_bmp_mpr_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 2593 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_bmp_resize_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 7234 bytes
.../import_bmp_select_folder_en.png | Bin 0 -> 15517 bytes
.../import_bmp_select_folder_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 16666 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_bmp_skip_en.png | Bin 0 -> 7625 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_bmp_skip_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 8194 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_bmp_spacing_en.png | Bin 0 -> 4412 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_bmp_spacing_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 4614 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_bmp_window_en.png | Bin 0 -> 72141 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_bmp_window_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 76993 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_load_files_en.png | Bin 0 -> 2288 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_load_files_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 1964 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_nifti_menu_en.png | Bin 0 -> 12872 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_nifti_menu_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 17000 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_nifti_window_en.png | Bin 0 -> 26878 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_nifti_window_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 30351 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_parrec_menu_en.png | Bin 0 -> 13158 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_parrec_menu_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 17149 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_parrec_window_en.png | Bin 0 -> 24210 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_parrec_window_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 25357 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_select_folder_en.png | Bin 0 -> 14617 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_select_folder_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 16887 bytes
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.../invesalius_screen/import_surface_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 47547 bytes
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.../invesalius_screen/import_window_detail_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 15130 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_window_en.png | Bin 0 -> 93253 bytes
.../import_window_lower_memory_en.png | Bin 0 -> 6327 bytes
.../import_window_lower_memory_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 7063 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_window_progress.png | Bin 0 -> 1681 bytes
.../import_window_progress_en.png | Bin 0 -> 1684 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/import_window_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 104872 bytes
.../import_window_skip_slice_en.png | Bin 0 -> 27149 bytes
.../import_window_skip_slice_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 19734 bytes
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.../installation_desktop_shortcut_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 15868 bytes
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.../invesalius_screen/installation_exec_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 18564 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/installation_finish_en.png | Bin 0 -> 49787 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/installation_finish_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 50871 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/installation_folder_en.png | Bin 0 -> 17556 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/installation_folder_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 18239 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/installation_license_en.png | Bin 0 -> 22524 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/installation_license_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 25141 bytes
.../installation_program_name_en.png | Bin 0 -> 16445 bytes
.../installation_program_name_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 17374 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/installation_progress_en.png | Bin 0 -> 13520 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/installation_progress_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 14464 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/installation_resume_en.png | Bin 0 -> 17771 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/installation_resume_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 18569 bytes
.../installation_select_language_en.png | Bin 0 -> 4161 bytes
.../installation_select_language_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 4907 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/installation_welcome_en.png | Bin 0 -> 49663 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/installation_welcome_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 59278 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/invert_axis_axial_en.png | Bin 0 -> 104256 bytes
.../invert_axis_axial_inverted_en.png | Bin 0 -> 106975 bytes
.../invert_axis_axial_inverted_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 111567 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/invert_axis_axial_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 119922 bytes
.../invesalius_language_select_en.png | Bin 0 -> 14424 bytes
.../invesalius_language_select_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 17731 bytes
docs/user_guide_figures/invesalius_screen/mac2.png | Bin 0 -> 282782 bytes
docs/user_guide_figures/invesalius_screen/mac4.png | Bin 0 -> 46598 bytes
.../main_window_without_project_en.png | Bin 0 -> 36661 bytes
.../main_window_without_project_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 35586 bytes
.../mask_automatic_fill_holes_window_en.png | Bin 0 -> 6617 bytes
.../mask_automatic_fill_holes_window_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 8308 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/mask_axial_complete.png | Bin 0 -> 259163 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/mask_axial_filled_hole.png | Bin 0 -> 463994 bytes
.../mask_axial_select_part_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 269411 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/mask_axial_selected_part.png | Bin 0 -> 256569 bytes
.../mask_axial_selected_part_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 254301 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/mask_axial_with_hole.png | Bin 0 -> 465838 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/mask_boolean_dialog_en.png | Bin 0 -> 3182 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/mask_boolean_dialog_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 4201 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/mask_clean_menu_en.png | Bin 0 -> 25217 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/mask_clean_menu_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 25698 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/mask_crop_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 2835 bytes
.../mask_manual_fill_holes_window_en.png | Bin 0 -> 4314 bytes
.../mask_manual_fill_holes_window_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 4669 bytes
.../mask_operation_boolean_menu_en.png | Bin 0 -> 17506 bytes
.../mask_operation_boolean_menu_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 25166 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/mask_remove_parts_window.png | Bin 0 -> 4411 bytes
.../mask_remove_parts_window_en.png | Bin 0 -> 5010 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/mask_select_part_en.png | Bin 0 -> 3790 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/mask_select_part_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 3702 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/maximize_sagital_mpr.png | Bin 0 -> 14459 bytes
.../menu_img_mirroring_axis_en.png | Bin 0 -> 12433 bytes
.../menu_img_mirroring_axis_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 14972 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/menu_img_reorient_en.png | Bin 0 -> 11705 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/menu_img_reorient_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 8499 bytes
.../menu_interpoleted_image_en.png | Bin 0 -> 6922 bytes
.../menu_interpoleted_image_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 9699 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/menu_invert_axis_en.png | Bin 0 -> 18109 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/menu_invert_axis_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 16489 bytes
.../menu_mask_automatic_fill_holes_en.png | Bin 0 -> 17696 bytes
.../menu_mask_automatic_fill_holes_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 29133 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/menu_mask_crop_en.png | Bin 0 -> 24880 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/menu_mask_crop_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 29033 bytes
.../menu_mask_manual_fill_holes_en.png | Bin 0 -> 24890 bytes
.../menu_mask_manual_fill_holes_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 29214 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/menu_mask_remove_part_en.png | Bin 0 -> 14708 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/menu_mask_remove_part_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 21234 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/menu_mask_select_part_en.png | Bin 0 -> 24950 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/menu_mask_select_part_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 20977 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/menu_projection_en.png | Bin 0 -> 6458 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/menu_projection_pt.png} | Bin
.../menu_save_image_window_en.png | Bin 0 -> 2721 bytes
.../menu_save_image_window_pt.png} | Bin
.../menu_segmentation_region_growing_en.png | Bin 0 -> 20388 bytes
.../menu_segmentation_region_growing_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 27681 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/menu_window_and_level_en.png | Bin 0 -> 12707 bytes
.../menu_window_and_level_pt.png} | Bin
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.../invesalius_screen/mirror_axial_en.png | Bin 0 -> 86043 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/mirror_axial_mirrored.png | Bin 0 -> 103528 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/mirror_axial_mirrored_en.png | Bin 0 -> 86296 bytes
.../multiplanar_mask_window_en.png | Bin 0 -> 145236 bytes
.../multiplanar_mask_window_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 150064 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_contour_maxip_en.png | Bin 0 -> 146049 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_contour_maxip_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 163560 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_contour_mida_en.png | Bin 0 -> 120431 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_contour_mida_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 135796 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_cross_en.png | Bin 0 -> 135576 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_cross_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 127224 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/multiplanar_window_en.png | Bin 0 -> 135838 bytes
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.../multiplanar_window_maxip_number_en.png | Bin 0 -> 2311 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_maxip_number_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 2508 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_maxip_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 125197 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_mean_en.png | Bin 0 -> 123460 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_mean_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 101025 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_mida_en.png | Bin 0 -> 128633 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_mida_inverted_en.png | Bin 0 -> 122916 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_mida_inverted_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 138522 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_mida_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 147157 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_minip_en.png | Bin 0 -> 87681 bytes
.../multiplanar_window_minip_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 83995 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/multiplanar_window_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 129834 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/nav_balls_in_head.png | Bin 0 -> 379108 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/nav_edit_id_markers_en.png | Bin 0 -> 2252 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/nav_edit_id_markers_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 2401 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/nav_extra_tools_en.png | Bin 0 -> 6765 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/nav_extra_tools_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 7261 bytes
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.../invesalius_screen/nav_fre_error_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 1256 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/nav_fre_ok_en.png | Bin 0 -> 800 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/nav_fre_ok_pt.png | Bin 0 -> 1257 bytes
.../invesalius_screen/nav_id_list_markers_en.png | Bin 0 -> 7744 bytes
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.../img/invesalius_screen/transparency.bb | 5 -
.../img/invesalius_screen/transparency.jpg | Bin 4114 -> 0 bytes
.../img/invesalius_screen/transparency_2.bb | 5 -
.../img/invesalius_screen/vias_aereas_II.bb | 5 -
.../img/invesalius_screen/view_2d_3d_1.bb | 5 -
.../img/invesalius_screen/view_2d_3d_2.bb | 5 -
.../img/invesalius_screen/watershed_2d.png | Bin 262387 -> 0 bytes
.../img/invesalius_screen/watershed_3d.png | Bin 371311 -> 0 bytes
.../img/invesalius_screen/watershed_limpeza.png | Bin 9707 -> 0 bytes
.../img/invesalius_screen/watershed_opcao.png | Bin 10228 -> 0 bytes
.../img/invesalius_screen/watershed_panel.png | Bin 5541 -> 0 bytes
docs/user_guide_pt_BR_source/img/logo_cti.bb | 5 -
docs/user_guide_pt_BR_source/img/rm_ge.bb | 5 -
docs/user_guide_pt_BR_source/img/splash_pt.bb | 5 -
docs/user_guide_pt_BR_source/img/splash_pt.png | Bin 224800 -> 0 bytes
docs/user_guide_pt_BR_source/img/tomografo.bb | 5 -
docs/user_guide_pt_BR_source/intro.tex | 45 +-
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docs/user_guide_pt_BR_source/resumo.tex | 16 +-
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icons/load_mesh.png | Bin 0 -> 882 bytes
icons/ru.bmp | Bin 0 -> 1274 bytes
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icons/splash_de_DE.png | Bin 250253 -> 250241 bytes
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icons/splash_en.png | Bin 250253 -> 250241 bytes
icons/splash_es.png | Bin 250253 -> 250241 bytes
icons/splash_fr.png | Bin 250253 -> 250241 bytes
icons/splash_it.png | Bin 250253 -> 250241 bytes
icons/splash_ko.png | Bin 250253 -> 250241 bytes
icons/splash_pt.png | Bin 250877 -> 251635 bytes
icons/splash_zh_TW.png | Bin 250253 -> 250241 bytes
invesalius/__init__.py | 18 +
invesalius/constants.py | 223 +-
invesalius/control.py | 461 +++-
invesalius/data/bases.py | 206 +-
invesalius/data/co_registration.py | 65 -
invesalius/data/converters.py | 26 +
invesalius/data/coordinates.py | 280 +++
invesalius/data/coregistration.py | 81 +
invesalius/data/cursor_actors.py | 13 +-
invesalius/data/cy_mesh.pyx | 466 ++++
invesalius/data/cy_my_types.pxd | 21 +
invesalius/data/floodfill.pyx | 274 +++
invesalius/data/geometry.py | 606 ++++++
invesalius/data/imagedata_utils.py | 205 +-
invesalius/data/interpolation.pxd | 8 +
invesalius/data/interpolation.pyx | 392 ++++
invesalius/data/mask.py | 98 +-
invesalius/data/measures.py | 454 ++--
invesalius/data/polydata_utils.py | 410 ++--
invesalius/data/slice_.py | 329 ++-
invesalius/data/slice_data.py | 7 +-
invesalius/data/styles.py | 1378 ++++++++++--
invesalius/data/surface.py | 145 +-
invesalius/data/surface_process.py | 6 +-
invesalius/data/trackers.py | 260 +++
invesalius/data/transformations.py | 1920 +++++++++++++++++
invesalius/data/transforms.pyx | 135 ++
invesalius/data/trigger.py | 81 +
invesalius/data/viewer_slice.py | 880 ++++++--
invesalius/data/viewer_volume.py | 400 +++-
invesalius/data/volume.py | 77 +-
invesalius/data/vtk_utils.py | 41 +-
invesalius/data/watershed_process.py | 2 -
invesalius/expanduser.py | 46 +
invesalius/gui/bitmap_preview_panel.py | 660 ++++++
invesalius/gui/data_notebook.py | 120 +-
invesalius/gui/default_tasks.py | 55 +-
invesalius/gui/default_viewers.py | 25 +-
invesalius/gui/dialogs.py | 1565 +++++++++++++-
invesalius/gui/dicom_preview_panel.py | 22 +-
invesalius/gui/frame.py | 374 +++-
invesalius/gui/import_bitmap_panel.py | 426 ++++
invesalius/gui/import_network_panel.py | 10 +-
invesalius/gui/import_panel.py | 8 +-
invesalius/gui/language_dialog.py | 17 +-
invesalius/gui/preferences.py | 57 +-
invesalius/gui/task_exporter.py | 21 +-
invesalius/gui/task_importer.py | 18 +-
invesalius/gui/task_navigator.py | 1137 ++++++----
invesalius/gui/task_slice.py | 72 +-
invesalius/gui/task_surface.py | 53 +-
invesalius/gui/task_tools.py | 10 +-
invesalius/gui/widgets/clut_raycasting.py | 4 +-
invesalius/gui/widgets/colourselect.py | 176 --
invesalius/gui/widgets/foldpanelbar.py | 1937 -----------------
invesalius/gui/widgets/listctrl.py | 19 -
invesalius/gui/widgets/platebtn.py | 703 ------
invesalius/gui/widgets/slice_menu.py | 9 +-
invesalius/i18n.py | 29 +-
invesalius/invesalius.py | 319 ---
invesalius/net/dicom.py | 9 +-
invesalius/presets.py | 12 +-
invesalius/project.py | 75 +-
invesalius/reader/analyze_reader.py | 43 -
invesalius/reader/bitmap_reader.py | 441 ++++
invesalius/reader/dicom.py | 23 +-
invesalius/reader/dicom_grouper.py | 32 +-
invesalius/reader/dicom_reader.py | 46 +-
invesalius/reader/others_reader.py | 54 +
invesalius/session.py | 112 +-
invesalius/style.py | 21 +-
invesalius/utils.py | 39 +-
locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 12474 -> 12324 bytes
locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 19955 -> 33681 bytes
locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 11807 -> 28488 bytes
locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 8863 -> 8822 bytes
locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 11788 -> 11720 bytes
locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 22495 -> 34396 bytes
locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 4110 -> 4004 bytes
locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 12687 -> 16413 bytes
locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 22299 -> 32728 bytes
locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 0 -> 34577 bytes
locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 12435 -> 13587 bytes
locale/ms/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 4477 -> 4371 bytes
locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 0 -> 557 bytes
locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 24707 -> 24357 bytes
locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 24046 -> 34124 bytes
locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 12607 -> 19380 bytes
locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 4903 -> 42141 bytes
locale/sr/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 3416 -> 3367 bytes
locale/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 23569 -> 22935 bytes
locale/ur_PK/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 0 -> 575 bytes
locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 0 -> 568 bytes
locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/invesalius.mo | Bin 8830 -> 8759 bytes
.../CalibrationFiles/BumbleBee_8090380.calib | Bin 0 -> 2765436 bytes
navigation/mtc_files/CalibrationFiles/_README.txt | 1 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/1Probe | 39 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/1b | 38 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/2Coil | 39 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/2b | 38 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/3Coil | 39 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/4Coil | 39 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/5Ref | 38 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/COOLCARD | 37 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/Pointer Template | 39 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/Ref | 39 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/TTblock | 37 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/a | 37 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/coil | 38 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/probe | 39 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/sptr | 38 +
navigation/mtc_files/Markers/try4 | 38 +
po/ca.po | 1525 +++++++++----
po/cs.po | 1585 ++++++++++----
po/de.po | 1843 ++++++++++------
po/el.po | 1517 +++++++++----
po/en.po | 1390 ++++++++----
po/es.po | 1541 +++++++++----
po/fa.po | 1514 +++++++++----
po/fr.po | 1572 ++++++++++----
po/it.po | 1574 ++++++++++----
po/ja.po | 2253 +++++++++++++-------
po/ko.po | 1658 +++++++++-----
po/ms.po | 1511 +++++++++----
po/nl.po | 1509 +++++++++----
po/pt.po | 1535 +++++++++----
po/pt_BR.po | 1533 +++++++++----
po/ro.po | 1652 +++++++++-----
po/ru.po | 2164 ++++++++++++-------
po/sr.po | 1521 +++++++++----
po/tr_TR.po | 1535 +++++++++----
po/ur_PK.po | 1672 ---------------
po/zh_CN.po | 1672 ---------------
po/zh_TW.po | 1519 +++++++++----
setup.py | 85 +-
1214 files changed, 41110 insertions(+), 20633 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/invesalius.git
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