[med-svn] [praat] 02/07: Merge tag 'upstream/6.0.31'
Rafael Laboissiere
rafael at debian.org
Sat Aug 26 07:15:15 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
rafael pushed a commit to branch master
in repository praat.
commit 26e9b918bb770172e001048cc76a77f147457e75
Merge: b97345e 233a559
Author: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>
Date: Thu Aug 24 10:15:49 2017 -0300
Merge tag 'upstream/6.0.31'
Upstream version 6.0.31
EEG/EEG.cpp | 20 +-
EEG/ERP.cpp | 2 +-
EEG/ERPTier.cpp | 6 +-
EEG/ERPWindow.cpp | 8 +-
EEG/Makefile | 6 +-
FFNet/FFNet.cpp | 14 +-
FFNet/FFNet.h | 2 +-
FFNet/FFNet_PatternList_ActivationList.cpp | 6 +-
FFNet/FFNet_PatternList_Categories.cpp | 4 +-
FFNet/Makefile | 6 +-
LPC/Cepstrogram.cpp | 2 +-
LPC/Cepstrum.cpp | 14 +-
LPC/Cepstrumc.cpp | 28 +-
LPC/Formant_extensions.cpp | 8 +-
LPC/LPC.cpp | 8 +-
LPC/LPC_and_LineSpectralFrequencies.cpp | 4 +-
LPC/LPC_and_Tube.cpp | 6 +-
LPC/LineSpectralFrequencies.cpp | 10 +-
LPC/Makefile | 6 +-
LPC/Sound_and_LPC.cpp | 2 +-
LPC/Tube_def.h | 4 +-
artsynth/Artword.cpp | 66 +-
artsynth/Artword.h | 10 +-
artsynth/ArtwordEditor.cpp | 11 +-
artsynth/Artword_def.h | 6 +-
artsynth/Makefile | 6 +-
artsynth/Speaker.cpp | 2 +-
artsynth/Speaker.h | 4 +-
artsynth/Speaker_def.h | 2 +-
artsynth/Speaker_to_Delta.cpp | 36 +-
artsynth/praat_Artsynth.cpp | 2 +-
contrib/ola/FeatureWeights.cpp | 24 +-
contrib/ola/KNN.cpp | 24 +-
contrib/ola/KNN_prune.cpp | 18 +-
contrib/ola/Makefile | 4 +-
contrib/ola/Pattern_to_Categories_cluster.cpp | 6 +-
dwsys/Collection_extensions.cpp | 4 +-
dwsys/Command.cpp | 2 +-
dwsys/Command.h | 2 +-
dwsys/Eigen.cpp | 10 +-
dwsys/FileInMemory.cpp | 8 +-
dwsys/Makefile | 5 +-
dwsys/NUM2.cpp | 176 ++--
dwsys/NUM2.h | 6 +-
dwsys/NUMcomplex.cpp | 10 +-
dwsys/NUMfft_d.cpp | 2 -
dwsys/NUMhuber.cpp | 2 +-
dwsys/NUMlapack.cpp | 3 +-
dwsys/NUMmathlib.cpp | 334 +++---
dwsys/NUMstring.cpp | 10 +-
dwsys/Permutation.cpp | 4 +-
dwsys/SVD.cpp | 2 +-
dwtest/incompleteGamma.csv | 82 ++
dwtest/test_detectSilences.praat | 50 +
dwtest/test_gammatonefilter.praat | 8 +-
dwtools/CC.cpp | 16 +-
dwtools/CCA.cpp | 4 +-
dwtools/CCA_and_Correlation.cpp | 6 +-
dwtools/CCs_to_DTW.cpp | 8 +-
dwtools/Categories.cpp | 6 +-
dwtools/Confusion.cpp | 2 +-
dwtools/DTW.cpp | 27 +-
dwtools/DTW_and_TextGrid.cpp | 10 +-
dwtools/DataModeler.cpp | 176 ++--
dwtools/Discriminant.cpp | 12 +-
dwtools/EditDistanceTable.cpp | 2 +-
dwtools/FilterBank.cpp | 59 +-
dwtools/GaussianMixture.cpp | 24 +-
dwtools/HMM.cpp | 36 +-
dwtools/HMM_def.h | 12 +-
dwtools/Intensity_extensions.cpp | 66 +-
dwtools/KlattGrid.cpp | 94 +-
dwtools/KlattTable.cpp | 2 +-
dwtools/Ltas_extensions.cpp | 12 +-
dwtools/MDS.cpp | 24 +-
dwtools/Makefile | 8 +-
dwtools/Matrix_extensions.cpp | 127 +--
dwtools/Minimizers.cpp | 14 +-
dwtools/Minimizers.h | 4 +-
dwtools/PCA.cpp | 29 +-
dwtools/Pitch_extensions.cpp | 28 +-
dwtools/Polygon_extensions.cpp | 6 +-
dwtools/Polynomial.cpp | 144 +--
dwtools/Polynomial.h | 4 +-
dwtools/SPINET.cpp | 2 +-
dwtools/SSCP.cpp | 48 +-
dwtools/SSCP.h | 2 +-
dwtools/Sound_and_Spectrogram_extensions.cpp | 18 +-
dwtools/Sound_extensions.cpp | 107 +-
dwtools/Spectrogram_extensions.cpp | 90 +-
dwtools/Spectrum_extensions.cpp | 4 +-
dwtools/SpeechSynthesizer.cpp | 2 +-
dwtools/SpeechSynthesizer_and_TextGrid.cpp | 20 +-
dwtools/TableOfReal_extensions.cpp | 60 +-
dwtools/Table_extensions.cpp | 191 ++--
dwtools/Table_extensions.h | 6 +-
dwtools/TextGrid_and_PitchTier.cpp | 337 ++++++
dwtools/TextGrid_and_PitchTier.h | 32 +
dwtools/TextGrid_extensions.cpp | 32 +-
dwtools/VowelEditor.cpp | 57 +-
dwtools/manual_dwtools.cpp | 137 ++-
dwtools/praat_David_init.cpp | 97 +-
dwtools/praat_KlattGrid_init.cpp | 6 +-
external/espeak/Makefile | 4 +-
external/gsl/Makefile | 3 +-
fon/AmplitudeTier.cpp | 167 +--
fon/AmplitudeTier.h | 6 +-
fon/AnyTier.cpp | 2 +-
fon/AnyTier.h | 4 +-
fon/Cochleagram.cpp | 24 +-
fon/Cochleagram.h | 8 +-
fon/Distributions_and_Transition.cpp | 13 +-
fon/Excitation.cpp | 4 +-
fon/ExperimentMFC.cpp | 10 +-
fon/ExperimentMFC_def.h | 8 +-
fon/Formant.cpp | 44 +-
fon/FormantGrid.cpp | 16 +-
fon/FormantTier.cpp | 34 +-
fon/FormantTier_def.h | 4 +-
fon/Formant_def.h | 4 +-
fon/Function.cpp | 8 +-
fon/FunctionEditor.cpp | 8 +-
fon/Harmonicity.cpp | 40 +-
fon/Intensity.cpp | 2 +-
fon/LongSound.cpp | 18 +-
fon/LongSound.h | 2 +-
fon/Ltas.cpp | 42 +-
fon/Makefile | 6 +-
fon/ManipulationEditor.cpp | 26 +-
fon/Manipulation_def.h | 4 +-
fon/Matrix.cpp | 229 +++--
fon/Matrix.h | 32 +-
fon/Matrix_and_Pitch.cpp | 51 +-
fon/Matrix_and_PointProcess.cpp | 18 +-
fon/Matrix_and_PointProcess.h | 22 +-
fon/Movie.cpp | 8 +-
fon/Photo.cpp | 6 +-
fon/Photo.h | 4 +-
fon/Pitch.cpp | 76 +-
fon/PitchEditor.cpp | 33 +-
fon/PitchTier.cpp | 4 +-
fon/PitchTier_to_PointProcess.cpp | 10 +-
fon/PitchTier_to_Sound.cpp | 6 +-
fon/Pitch_AnyTier_to_PitchTier.cpp | 4 +-
fon/Pitch_Intensity.cpp | 12 +-
fon/Pitch_def.h | 6 +-
fon/Pitch_to_PointProcess.cpp | 30 +-
fon/PointEditor.cpp | 4 +-
fon/PointProcess.cpp | 152 +--
fon/PointProcess.h | 22 +-
fon/PointProcess_and_Sound.cpp | 12 +-
fon/Polygon.cpp | 16 +-
fon/Praat_tests.cpp | 165 ++-
fon/Praat_tests_enums.h | 17 +-
fon/RealTier.cpp | 68 +-
fon/RealTier.h | 4 +-
fon/RealTierEditor.cpp | 30 +-
fon/RealTierEditor.h | 6 +-
fon/RunnerMFC.cpp | 4 +-
fon/Sampled.cpp | 196 ++--
fon/Sampled.h | 15 +-
fon/SampledXY.cpp | 8 +-
fon/SampledXY.h | 17 +-
fon/Sampled_def.h | 2 +-
fon/Sound.cpp | 226 ++--
fon/Sound.h | 4 +-
fon/SoundEditor.cpp | 36 +-
fon/SoundRecorder.cpp | 14 +-
fon/Sound_and_Spectrum.cpp | 18 +-
fon/Sound_audio.cpp | 2 +-
fon/Sound_files.cpp | 50 +-
fon/Sound_to_Cochleagram.cpp | 22 +-
fon/Sound_to_Intensity.cpp | 12 +-
fon/Sound_to_Pitch.cpp | 161 +--
fon/Spectrogram.cpp | 16 +-
fon/SpectrogramEditor.cpp | 2 +-
fon/Spectrum.cpp | 42 +-
fon/SpectrumEditor.cpp | 4 +-
fon/TextGrid.cpp | 34 +-
fon/TextGridEditor.cpp | 22 +-
fon/TextGrid_Sound.cpp | 4 +-
fon/TimeSoundAnalysisEditor.cpp | 38 +-
fon/TimeSoundEditor.cpp | 24 +-
fon/Transition.cpp | 6 +-
fon/Vector.cpp | 70 +-
fon/VoiceAnalysis.cpp | 127 +--
fon/WordList.cpp | 6 +-
fon/manual_Script.cpp | 12 +-
fon/manual_tutorials.cpp | 3 +
fon/praat_Fon.cpp | 10 +-
fon/praat_Matrix.cpp | 4 +-
fon/praat_Sound.cpp | 6 +-
fon/praat_Tiers.cpp | 3 +-
gram/Makefile | 6 +-
gram/Network.cpp | 10 +-
gram/OTGrammar.cpp | 39 +-
gram/OTGrammar_def.h | 6 +-
gram/OTMulti.cpp | 22 +-
gram/OTMultiEditor.cpp | 2 +-
gram/OTMulti_def.h | 6 +-
gram/RBM_def.h | 4 +-
main/Makefile | 4 +-
makefiles/makefile.defs.linux.nogui | 4 +-
num/Makefile | 4 +-
num/NUM.cpp | 62 +-
num/NUM.h | 612 -----------
num/NUMarrays.cpp | 130 +--
num/NUMear.cpp | 48 +-
num/NUMlinprog.cpp | 14 +-
num/NUMrandom.cpp | 4 +-
num/NUMsort.cpp | 5 +-
stat/Distributions.cpp | 31 +-
stat/LogisticRegression.cpp | 78 +-
stat/LogisticRegression.h | 6 +-
stat/Makefile | 6 +-
stat/Regression.cpp | 2 +-
stat/Table.cpp | 713 ++++++-------
stat/Table.h | 108 +-
stat/TableEditor.cpp | 4 +-
stat/TableOfReal.cpp | 464 ++++-----
stat/TableOfReal.h | 52 +-
stat/Table_def.h | 2 +-
stat/praat_Stat.cpp | 2 +-
sys/ButtonEditor.cpp | 4 +-
sys/Collection.cpp | 28 +-
sys/Data.cpp | 13 +-
sys/Data.h | 89 +-
sys/DataEditor.cpp | 67 +-
sys/DemoEditor.cpp | 4 +-
sys/Editor.cpp | 4 +-
sys/EditorM.h | 6 +-
sys/Formula.cpp | 971 +++++++++--------
sys/Formula.h | 2 +-
sys/Graphics.h | 2 +-
sys/GraphicsScreen.cpp | 28 +-
sys/Graphics_colour.cpp | 2 +-
sys/Graphics_grey.cpp | 132 ++-
sys/Graphics_image.cpp | 6 +-
sys/Graphics_record.cpp | 60 +-
sys/Graphics_text.cpp | 2 +-
sys/GuiFileSelect.cpp | 18 +-
sys/GuiList.cpp | 1 -
sys/GuiMenu.cpp | 2 +-
sys/GuiMenuItem.cpp | 4 +-
sys/GuiP.h | 2 -
sys/GuiScrollBar.cpp | 40 +-
sys/HyperPage.cpp | 2 +-
sys/Interpreter.cpp | 98 +-
sys/Interpreter.h | 2 +-
sys/Makefile | 8 +-
sys/ManPages.cpp | 26 +-
sys/ManPagesM.h | 50 +-
sys/Manual.cpp | 8 +-
sys/MelderGui.cpp | 2 +-
sys/Preferences.cpp | 14 +-
sys/Preferences.h | 3 +-
sys/Printer.cpp | 4 +-
sys/ScriptEditor.cpp | 12 +-
sys/Simple_def.h | 4 +-
sys/Tensor.h | 32 -
sys/TextEditor.cpp | 2 +-
sys/Thing.cpp | 8 +-
sys/Thing.h | 42 +-
sys/Ui.cpp | 10 +-
sys/UiFile.cpp | 4 +-
sys/abcio.cpp | 345 ++++---
sys/abcio.h | 149 ++-
sys/complex.h | 6 +-
sys/enums_getValue.h | 6 +-
sys/melder.cpp | 2 +-
sys/melder.h | 1371 ++++++++++++++++++++++---
sys/melder_alloc.cpp | 6 +-
sys/melder_atof.cpp | 7 +-
sys/melder_audio.cpp | 5 +-
sys/melder_audiofiles.cpp | 200 ++--
sys/melder_console.cpp | 3 +-
sys/melder_debug.cpp | 22 +-
sys/melder_files.cpp | 25 +-
sys/melder_ftoa.cpp | 108 +-
sys/melder_info.cpp | 3 +-
sys/melder_readtext.cpp | 11 +-
sys/melder_strings.cpp | 3 +-
sys/melder_sysenv.cpp | 3 +-
sys/melder_textencoding.cpp | 8 +-
sys/melder_token.cpp | 1 -
sys/melder_writetext.cpp | 76 +-
sys/motifEmulator.cpp | 8 +-
sys/oo.h | 258 ++---
sys/oo_DESCRIPTION.h | 222 ++--
sys/oo_READ_BINARY.h | 6 +-
sys/oo_READ_TEXT.h | 6 +-
sys/oo_WRITE_BINARY.h | 6 +-
sys/oo_WRITE_TEXT.h | 6 +-
sys/praat.cpp | 71 +-
sys/praat.h | 6 +-
sys/praat_actions.cpp | 2 +-
sys/praat_menuCommands.cpp | 4 +-
sys/praat_objectMenus.cpp | 16 +-
sys/praat_picture.cpp | 20 +-
sys/praat_script.cpp | 18 +-
sys/praat_statistics.cpp | 5 +-
sys/praat_version.h | 8 +-
sys/sendpraat.c | 6 +-
sys/tensor.cpp | 1251 ++++++++++++++++++++++
sys/tensor.h | 142 +++
test/num/fisherQ.praat | 6 +-
test/num/inner.praat | 22 +
test/num/mean.R | 44 +
test/num/mean.praat | 157 +++
test/num/stdev.praat | 20 +
test/num/sum.praat | 22 +
test/script/arrays.praat | 67 --
test/script/tensor.praat | 160 +++
test/script/undefined.praat | 61 ++
test/script/vectors.praat | 8 -
315 files changed, 9341 insertions(+), 6010 deletions(-)
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