[med-svn] [python-mne] 02/08: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.15.2+dfsg'

Yaroslav Halchenko debian at onerussian.com
Tue Dec 5 02:52:27 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

yoh pushed a commit to branch master
in repository python-mne.

commit b927c8943a2d99ace0fe2c80db77f607c3874a2d
Merge: d69ff6c 89393dc
Author: Yaroslav Halchenko <debian at onerussian.com>
Date:   Mon Dec 4 12:53:42 2017 -0500

    Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.15.2+dfsg'
    Update to upstream version '0.15.2+dfsg'
    with Debian dir 11848f7c66776e0196f4ab13cad57a462efa8cca

 .gitignore                                         |    4 +-
 .mailmap                                           |   26 +-
 .travis.yml                                        |  208 +-
 MANIFEST.in                                        |   60 +-
 Makefile                                           |   47 +-
 README.rst                                         |   22 +-
 appveyor.yml                                       |   13 +-
 circle.yml                                         |  110 +-
 doc/Makefile                                       |   17 +-
 doc/_static/copybutton.js                          |   66 +
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 doc/_static/fontawesome-webfont.woff2              |  Bin 0 -> 77160 bytes
 doc/_static/fr.svg                                 |    7 +
 doc/_static/institutions.png                       |  Bin 25284 -> 29945 bytes
 doc/_static/mne_logo.png                           |  Bin 39669 -> 38287 bytes
 doc/_static/mne_logo_small.png                     |  Bin 868 -> 980 bytes
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 doc/_templates/navbar.html                         |   20 +
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 doc/cite.rst                                       |   17 -
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 doc/conf.py                                        |  139 +-
 doc/{contributing.rst => configure_git.rst}        |  399 +---
 doc/contributing.rst                               |  959 +-------
 doc/customizing_git.rst                            |    4 +
 doc/documentation.rst                              |  710 ++++++
 doc/faq.rst                                        |   79 +-
 doc/getting_started.rst                            |  178 +-
 doc/git_links.inc                                  |    9 +-
 doc/index.rst                                      |  257 +--
 doc/install_mne_c.rst                              |   70 +-
 doc/install_mne_python.rst                         |  298 +--
 doc/known_projects.inc                             |    6 +
 doc/manual/appendix/c_release_notes.rst            |    2 +-
 doc/manual/channel_interpolation.rst               |    6 +-
 doc/manual/cookbook.rst                            |   51 +-
 doc/manual/datasets_index.rst                      |  134 +-
 doc/manual/decoding.rst                            |  101 +-
 doc/manual/index.rst                               |   93 +-
 doc/manual/io.rst                                  |   72 +-
 doc/manual/matlab.rst                              |    6 +-
 doc/manual/memory.rst                              |   10 +-
 doc/manual/migrating.rst                           |   58 +-
 doc/manual/pitfalls.rst                            |   30 -
 doc/manual/preprocessing/bads.rst                  |    2 +
 doc/manual/preprocessing/filter.rst                |    2 +
 doc/manual/preprocessing/overview.rst              |    8 +-
 doc/manual/preprocessing/ssp.rst                   |   30 +-
 doc/manual/sample_dataset.rst                      |    4 +-
 doc/manual/statistics.rst                          |   10 +-
 doc/manual/visualization.rst                       |    2 +
 doc/martinos.rst                                   |   10 +-
 doc/mne_cpp.rst                                    |   35 +-
 doc/python_reference.rst                           |  544 ++---
 doc/references.rst                                 |    2 +-
 doc/sphinxext/cited_mne.py                         |   23 +-
 doc/sphinxext/gen_commands.py                      |    2 +
 doc/tutorials.rst                                  |  192 --
 ...{seven_stories_about_mne.rst => philosophy.rst} |   84 +-
 doc/tutorials/report.rst                           |   30 +-
 doc/whats_new.rst                                  | 2351 +++++++++++++-------
 environment.yml                                    |   44 +
 environment2.yml                                   |   38 +
 .../connectivity/plot_cwt_sensor_connectivity.py   |   16 +-
 .../plot_mixed_source_space_connectivity.py        |  179 ++
 .../plot_mne_inverse_coherence_epochs.py           |   77 +-
 .../plot_mne_inverse_connectivity_spectrum.py      |   10 +-
 .../plot_mne_inverse_label_connectivity.py         |   53 +-
 .../connectivity/plot_mne_inverse_psi_visual.py    |   17 +-
 examples/datasets/plot_brainstorm_data.py          |    8 +-
 examples/datasets/plot_hf_sef_data.py              |   37 +
 examples/datasets/plot_megsim_data_single_trial.py |    2 +-
 examples/datasets/plot_spm_faces_dataset.py        |   18 +-
 examples/decoding/README.txt                       |    6 +-
 examples/decoding/decoding_rsa.py                  |  185 ++
 examples/decoding/plot_decoding_csp_eeg.py         |   77 +-
 examples/decoding/plot_decoding_csp_space.py       |   26 +-
 examples/decoding/plot_decoding_csp_timefreq.py    |  163 ++
 .../plot_decoding_spatio_temporal_source.py        |  141 +-
 examples/decoding/plot_decoding_spoc_CMC.py        |   84 +
 ...plot_decoding_time_generalization_conditions.py |   78 +-
 .../plot_decoding_unsupervised_spatial_filter.py   |    4 +-
 examples/decoding/plot_decoding_xdawn_eeg.py       |   33 +-
 examples/decoding/plot_ems_filtering.py            |   36 +-
 examples/decoding/plot_linear_model_patterns.py    |   72 +-
 examples/decoding/plot_receptive_field.py          |  265 +++
 examples/forward/plot_decimate_head_surface.py     |   16 +-
 examples/forward/plot_forward_sensitivity_maps.py  |    5 +-
 .../forward/plot_left_cerebellum_volume_source.py  |    3 +-
 examples/forward/plot_read_bem_surfaces.py         |   39 -
 examples/forward/plot_source_space_morphing.py     |    1 -
 .../plot_compute_mne_inverse_epochs_in_label.py    |    1 -
 .../plot_compute_mne_inverse_raw_in_label.py       |    2 +-
 examples/inverse/plot_covariance_whitening_dspm.py |   13 +-
 examples/inverse/plot_custom_inverse_solver.py     |  180 ++
 examples/inverse/plot_dics_beamformer.py           |   19 +-
 examples/inverse/plot_dics_source_power.py         |   21 +-
 examples/inverse/plot_gamma_map_inverse.py         |   63 +-
 examples/inverse/plot_label_from_stc.py            |    1 -
 examples/inverse/plot_label_source_activations.py  |    9 +-
 examples/inverse/plot_lcmv_beamformer.py           |   46 +-
 examples/inverse/plot_lcmv_beamformer_volume.py    |   33 +-
 examples/inverse/plot_mixed_norm_inverse.py        |   85 +-
 .../inverse/plot_mixed_source_space_inverse.py     |  148 ++
 examples/inverse/plot_mne_point_spread_function.py |    3 +-
 examples/inverse/plot_rap_music.py                 |   18 +-
 examples/inverse/plot_read_source_space.py         |   20 +-
 examples/inverse/plot_tf_dics.py                   |   16 +-
 examples/inverse/plot_tf_lcmv.py                   |   18 +-
 .../plot_time_frequency_mixed_norm_inverse.py      |   82 +-
 examples/inverse/plot_vector_mne_solution.py       |   41 +
 examples/io/README.txt                             |    2 +-
 examples/io/plot_elekta_epochs.py                  |   22 +-
 examples/io/plot_objects_from_arrays.py            |   50 +-
 examples/io/plot_read_events.py                    |   77 +
 examples/io/read_events.py                         |   31 -
 examples/preprocessing/plot_head_positions.py      |   31 +
 .../preprocessing/plot_movement_compensation.py    |    7 +-
 examples/preprocessing/plot_rereference_eeg.py     |   44 +-
 examples/preprocessing/plot_resample.py            |    4 +-
 examples/preprocessing/plot_run_ica.py             |    6 +-
 examples/preprocessing/plot_virtual_evoked.py      |    4 +-
 examples/preprocessing/plot_xdawn_denoising.py     |   13 +-
 examples/realtime/ftclient_rt_average.py           |    2 +-
 examples/realtime/plot_compute_rt_decoder.py       |   45 +-
 examples/realtime/rt_feedback_server.py            |    2 +-
 examples/simulation/plot_simulate_evoked_data.py   |   10 +-
 examples/stats/plot_linear_regression_raw.py       |    9 +-
 examples/stats/plot_sensor_permutation_test.py     |   10 +-
 examples/stats/plot_sensor_regression.py           |   15 +-
 .../plot_compute_raw_data_spectrum.py              |   54 +-
 .../plot_source_label_time_frequency.py            |   10 +-
 .../plot_source_space_time_frequency.py            |    2 +-
 examples/time_frequency/plot_temporal_whitening.py |    6 +-
 .../time_frequency/plot_time_frequency_erds.py     |  118 +
 .../plot_time_frequency_global_field_power.py      |  128 ++
 .../plot_time_frequency_simulated.py               |  146 +-
 examples/visualization/make_report.py              |   33 +-
 examples/visualization/plot_3d_to_2d.py            |  121 +
 .../visualization/plot_channel_epochs_image.py     |   12 +-
 examples/visualization/plot_clickable_image.py     |   66 -
 examples/visualization/plot_eeg_on_scalp.py        |   25 +
 examples/visualization/plot_evoked_topomap.py      |    1 -
 examples/visualization/plot_evoked_whitening.py    |   10 +-
 examples/visualization/plot_meg_sensors.py         |   25 +-
 examples/visualization/plot_parcellation.py        |   47 +
 examples/visualization/plot_roi_erpimage_by_rt.py  |   72 +
 examples/visualization/plot_sensor_noise_level.py  |   30 +
 .../plot_ssp_projs_sensitivity_map.py              |    4 +-
 .../visualization/plot_topo_compare_conditions.py  |   19 +-
 examples/visualization/plot_topo_customized.py     |    3 +-
 examples/visualization/plot_xhemi.py               |   47 +
 logo/generate_mne_logos.py                         |   22 +-
 mne/__init__.py                                    |   18 +-
 mne/annotations.py                                 |  123 +-
 mne/baseline.py                                    |   51 +-
 mne/beamformer/__init__.py                         |    6 +-
 mne/beamformer/_dics.py                            |  229 +-
 mne/beamformer/_lcmv.py                            | 1029 ++++++---
 mne/beamformer/_rap_music.py                       |   78 +-
 mne/beamformer/tests/test_dics.py                  |  101 +-
 mne/beamformer/tests/test_lcmv.py                  |  264 ++-
 mne/beamformer/tests/test_rap_music.py             |  101 +-
 mne/bem.py                                         |  379 ++--
 mne/channels/__init__.py                           |   13 +-
 mne/channels/channels.py                           |  511 ++++-
 .../data/montages/10-5-System_Mastoids_EGI129.csd  |  467 ----
 mne/channels/data/montages/mgh60.elc               |  132 ++
 mne/channels/data/montages/mgh70.elc               |  152 ++
 mne/channels/data/neighbors/__init__.py            |    2 +-
 mne/channels/interpolation.py                      |   27 +-
 mne/channels/layout.py                             |  132 +-
 mne/channels/montage.py                            |  681 +++---
 mne/channels/tests/test_channels.py                |   99 +-
 mne/channels/tests/test_interpolation.py           |   25 +-
 mne/channels/tests/test_layout.py                  |    1 +
 mne/channels/tests/test_montage.py                 |  560 +++--
 mne/chpi.py                                        |  721 ++++--
 mne/commands/__init__.py                           |    2 +
 mne/commands/mne_browse_raw.py                     |    3 +-
 mne/commands/mne_bti2fiff.py                       |    3 +-
 mne/commands/mne_clean_eog_ecg.py                  |    9 +-
 mne/commands/mne_compare_fiff.py                   |    3 +-
 mne/commands/mne_compute_proj_ecg.py               |    3 +-
 mne/commands/mne_compute_proj_eog.py               |    3 +-
 mne/commands/mne_coreg.py                          |   42 +-
 mne/commands/mne_flash_bem.py                      |    4 +-
 mne/commands/mne_freeview_bem_surfaces.py          |    8 +-
 mne/commands/mne_kit2fiff.py                       |    7 +
 mne/commands/mne_make_scalp_surfaces.py            |   67 +-
 mne/commands/mne_maxfilter.py                      |    3 +-
 mne/commands/mne_report.py                         |   11 +-
 mne/commands/mne_show_fiff.py                      |   19 +-
 mne/commands/mne_show_info.py                      |    1 +
 mne/commands/mne_surf2bem.py                       |   10 +-
 mne/commands/mne_watershed_bem.py                  |    7 +-
 mne/commands/tests/test_commands.py                |   48 +-
 mne/commands/utils.py                              |   49 +-
 mne/connectivity/__init__.py                       |    3 +-
 mne/connectivity/effective.py                      |   17 +-
 mne/connectivity/spectral.py                       |  642 +++---
 mne/connectivity/tests/test_effective.py           |    2 +-
 mne/connectivity/tests/test_spectral.py            |  103 +-
 mne/connectivity/utils.py                          |    3 +-
 mne/coreg.py                                       |  197 +-
 mne/cov.py                                         |  518 +++--
 mne/cuda.py                                        |   52 +-
 mne/data/__init__.py                               |    1 +
 mne/data/coil_def.dat                              |   78 +
 mne/data/fsaverage/fsaverage-fiducials.fif         |  Bin 0 -> 260 bytes
 mne/data/fsaverage/fsaverage-head.fif              |  Bin 0 -> 97892 bytes
 mne/data/fsaverage/fsaverage-inner_skull-bem.fif   |  Bin 0 -> 491944 bytes
 mne/data/fsaverage/fsaverage-trans.fif             |  Bin 0 -> 212 bytes
 mne/data/image/custom_layout.lout                  |   47 +-
 mne/datasets/__init__.py                           |   10 +-
 mne/datasets/_fake/__init__.py                     |    3 +-
 mne/datasets/_fake/_fake.py                        |    4 +-
 mne/datasets/brainstorm/__init__.py                |    3 +-
 mne/datasets/brainstorm/bst_auditory.py            |   21 +-
 mne/datasets/brainstorm/bst_phantom_ctf.py         |   21 +-
 mne/datasets/brainstorm/bst_phantom_elekta.py      |   22 +-
 mne/datasets/brainstorm/bst_raw.py                 |   22 +-
 mne/datasets/brainstorm/bst_resting.py             |   21 +-
 mne/datasets/eegbci/__init__.py                    |    3 +-
 mne/datasets/eegbci/eegbci.py                      |   96 +-
 mne/datasets/fieldtrip_cmc/__init__.py             |    3 +
 mne/datasets/fieldtrip_cmc/fieldtrip_cmc.py        |   32 +
 mne/datasets/hf_sef/__init__.py                    |    3 +
 mne/datasets/hf_sef/hf_sef.py                      |   99 +
 mne/datasets/megsim/__init__.py                    |    3 +-
 mne/datasets/megsim/megsim.py                      |   55 +-
 mne/datasets/megsim/urls.py                        |    6 +-
 mne/datasets/misc/__init__.py                      |    3 +-
 mne/datasets/misc/_misc.py                         |    2 +-
 mne/datasets/mtrf/__init__.py                      |    3 +
 mne/datasets/mtrf/mtrf.py                          |   30 +
 mne/datasets/multimodal/__init__.py                |    3 +-
 mne/datasets/multimodal/multimodal.py              |    4 +-
 mne/datasets/sample/__init__.py                    |    3 +-
 mne/datasets/sample/sample.py                      |    4 +-
 mne/datasets/somato/__init__.py                    |    3 +-
 mne/datasets/somato/somato.py                      |    4 +-
 mne/datasets/spm_face/__init__.py                  |    3 +-
 mne/datasets/spm_face/spm_data.py                  |    4 +-
 mne/datasets/testing/__init__.py                   |    3 +-
 mne/datasets/testing/_testing.py                   |    4 +-
 mne/datasets/tests/test_datasets.py                |   12 +-
 mne/datasets/utils.py                              |  595 +++--
 mne/datasets/visual_92_categories/__init__.py      |    5 +
 .../visual_92_categories/visual_92_categories.py   |   78 +
 mne/decoding/__init__.py                           |   11 +-
 mne/decoding/base.py                               |  914 +++-----
 mne/decoding/csp.py                                |  362 ++-
 mne/decoding/ems.py                                |   60 +-
 mne/decoding/mixin.py                              |    5 +-
 mne/decoding/receptive_field.py                    |  486 ++++
 mne/decoding/search_light.py                       |  377 ++--
 mne/decoding/tests/test_base.py                    |  230 ++
 mne/decoding/tests/test_csp.py                     |  149 +-
 mne/decoding/tests/test_ems.py                     |   19 +-
 mne/decoding/tests/test_receptive_field.py         |  528 +++++
 mne/decoding/tests/test_search_light.py            |  145 +-
 mne/decoding/tests/test_time_frequency.py          |   10 +-
 mne/decoding/tests/test_time_gen.py                |   88 +-
 mne/decoding/tests/test_transformer.py             |  134 +-
 mne/decoding/time_delaying_ridge.py                |  343 +++
 mne/decoding/time_frequency.py                     |   48 +-
 mne/decoding/time_gen.py                           |  100 +-
 mne/decoding/transformer.py                        |  509 ++---
 mne/defaults.py                                    |   22 +-
 mne/dipole.py                                      |  595 +++--
 mne/epochs.py                                      |  631 +++---
 mne/event.py                                       |  201 +-
 mne/evoked.py                                      |  300 ++-
 mne/externals/FieldTrip.py                         |    2 +-
 mne/externals/__init__.py                          |    7 +-
 mne/externals/funcsigs.py                          |  815 +++++++
 mne/externals/tempita/__init__.py                  | 1305 ++++++++++-
 mne/externals/tempita/_looper.py                   |    4 +-
 mne/externals/tempita/_tempita.py                  | 1182 ----------
 mne/externals/tempita/compat3.py                   |   20 +-
 mne/filter.py                                      | 1467 ++++++------
 mne/fixes.py                                       |  794 ++++++-
 mne/forward/__init__.py                            |    5 +-
 mne/forward/_compute_forward.py                    |   60 +-
 mne/forward/_field_interpolation.py                |   52 +-
 mne/forward/_lead_dots.py                          |   56 +-
 mne/forward/_make_forward.py                       |  242 +-
 mne/forward/forward.py                             |  493 ++--
 mne/forward/tests/test_field_interpolation.py      |   53 +-
 mne/forward/tests/test_forward.py                  |  138 +-
 mne/forward/tests/test_make_forward.py             |   66 +-
 mne/gui/__init__.py                                |  102 +-
 mne/gui/_backend.py                                |    9 +-
 mne/gui/_coreg_gui.py                              |  885 +++++---
 mne/gui/_fiducials_gui.py                          |  116 +-
 mne/gui/_file_traits.py                            |  365 +--
 mne/gui/_help.py                                   |    2 +-
 mne/gui/_kit2fiff_gui.py                           |  195 +-
 mne/gui/_marker_gui.py                             |   81 +-
 mne/gui/_viewer.py                                 |  231 +-
 mne/gui/tests/test_coreg_gui.py                    |  146 +-
 mne/gui/tests/test_fiducials_gui.py                |    9 +-
 mne/gui/tests/test_file_traits.py                  |   42 +-
 mne/gui/tests/test_kit2fiff_gui.py                 |   59 +-
 mne/gui/tests/test_marker_gui.py                   |   13 +-
 mne/inverse_sparse/__init__.py                     |    5 +-
 mne/inverse_sparse/_gamma_map.py                   |   94 +-
 mne/inverse_sparse/mxne_debiasing.py               |    7 +-
 mne/inverse_sparse/mxne_inverse.py                 |  313 ++-
 mne/inverse_sparse/mxne_optim.py                   |  649 +++---
 mne/inverse_sparse/tests/test_gamma_map.py         |   94 +-
 mne/inverse_sparse/tests/test_mxne_inverse.py      |  118 +-
 mne/inverse_sparse/tests/test_mxne_optim.py        |   19 +-
 mne/io/__init__.py                                 |   11 +-
 mne/io/array/__init__.py                           |    2 +-
 mne/io/array/array.py                              |   33 +-
 mne/io/array/tests/test_array.py                   |   63 +-
 mne/io/artemis123/__init__.py                      |    7 +
 mne/io/artemis123/artemis123.py                    |  440 ++++
 .../artemis123/resources/Artemis123_ChannelMap.csv |  146 ++
 mne/io/artemis123/resources/Artemis123_mneLoc.csv  |  144 ++
 mne/{data => io/artemis123/tests}/__init__.py      |    0
 mne/io/artemis123/tests/test_artemis123.py         |  100 +
 mne/io/artemis123/utils.py                         |  138 ++
 mne/io/base.py                                     |  771 ++++---
 mne/io/brainvision/__init__.py                     |    2 +-
 mne/io/brainvision/brainvision.py                  |  254 ++-
 mne/io/brainvision/tests/test_brainvision.py       |  335 ++-
 mne/io/bti/__init__.py                             |    2 +-
 mne/io/bti/bti.py                                  |  226 +-
 mne/io/bti/read.py                                 |   44 +-
 mne/io/bti/tests/test_bti.py                       |   18 +-
 mne/io/cnt/__init__.py                             |    2 +
 mne/io/cnt/cnt.py                                  |   93 +-
 mne/io/compensator.py                              |   11 +-
 mne/io/constants.py                                |   52 +-
 mne/io/ctf/__init__.py                             |    2 +-
 mne/io/ctf/constants.py                            |    2 +-
 mne/io/ctf/ctf.py                                  |   38 +-
 mne/io/ctf/eeg.py                                  |    8 +-
 mne/io/ctf/hc.py                                   |    7 +-
 mne/io/ctf/info.py                                 |   58 +-
 mne/io/ctf/res4.py                                 |   25 +-
 mne/io/ctf/tests/test_ctf.py                       |   32 +-
 mne/io/ctf/trans.py                                |   20 +-
 mne/io/ctf_comp.py                                 |   11 +-
 mne/io/diff.py                                     |    5 +-
 mne/io/edf/__init__.py                             |    4 +-
 mne/io/edf/edf.py                                  | 1067 +++++++--
 mne/io/edf/tests/test_edf.py                       |   64 +-
 mne/io/edf/tests/test_gdf.py                       |   92 +
 mne/io/eeglab/__init__.py                          |    4 +-
 mne/io/eeglab/eeglab.py                            |  171 +-
 mne/io/eeglab/tests/test_eeglab.py                 |  115 +-
 mne/io/egi/__init__.py                             |    4 +-
 mne/io/egi/egi.py                                  |   98 +-
 mne/io/egi/egimff.py                               |  576 +++++
 mne/io/egi/events.py                               |  165 ++
 mne/io/egi/general.py                              |  162 ++
 mne/io/egi/tests/test_egi.py                       |   87 +-
 mne/io/fiff/__init__.py                            |    2 +
 mne/io/fiff/raw.py                                 |  168 +-
 mne/io/fiff/tests/test_raw_fiff.py                 |  350 ++-
 mne/io/kit/__init__.py                             |    2 +-
 mne/io/kit/constants.py                            |  267 ++-
 mne/io/kit/coreg.py                                |    8 +-
 mne/io/kit/kit.py                                  |  566 ++---
 mne/io/kit/tests/test_kit.py                       |   95 +-
 mne/io/matrix.py                                   |    9 +-
 mne/io/meas_info.py                                |  652 ++++--
 mne/io/nicolet/__init__.py                         |    2 +-
 mne/io/nicolet/nicolet.py                          |   22 +-
 mne/io/open.py                                     |   46 +-
 mne/io/pick.py                                     |  119 +-
 mne/io/proc_history.py                             |  139 +-
 mne/io/proj.py                                     |  220 +-
 mne/io/reference.py                                |  350 ++-
 mne/io/tag.py                                      |   63 +-
 mne/io/tests/test_apply_function.py                |   25 +-
 mne/io/tests/test_compensator.py                   |   11 +-
 mne/io/tests/test_meas_info.py                     |   55 +-
 mne/io/tests/test_pick.py                          |   23 +-
 mne/io/tests/test_proc_history.py                  |    9 +-
 mne/io/tests/test_raw.py                           |   14 +-
 mne/io/tests/test_reference.py                     |  192 +-
 mne/io/tree.py                                     |    8 +-
 mne/io/utils.py                                    |   15 +-
 mne/io/write.py                                    |   96 +-
 mne/label.py                                       |  190 +-
 mne/minimum_norm/__init__.py                       |    2 +-
 mne/minimum_norm/inverse.py                        |  454 ++--
 mne/minimum_norm/psf_ctf.py                        |   34 +-
 mne/minimum_norm/tests/test_inverse.py             |  319 ++-
 mne/minimum_norm/tests/test_psf_ctf.py             |   11 +-
 mne/minimum_norm/tests/test_time_frequency.py      |   61 +-
 mne/minimum_norm/time_frequency.py                 |  133 +-
 mne/misc.py                                        |    8 +-
 mne/parallel.py                                    |   32 +-
 mne/preprocessing/__init__.py                      |    3 +-
 mne/preprocessing/_fine_cal.py                     |    6 +-
 mne/preprocessing/bads.py                          |    2 +-
 mne/preprocessing/ctps_.py                         |   10 +-
 mne/preprocessing/ecg.py                           |   55 +-
 mne/preprocessing/eog.py                           |   80 +-
 mne/preprocessing/ica.py                           |  479 ++--
 mne/preprocessing/infomax_.py                      |   29 +-
 mne/preprocessing/maxfilter.py                     |   36 +-
 mne/preprocessing/maxwell.py                       |  551 ++---
 mne/preprocessing/peak_finder.py                   |    6 +-
 mne/preprocessing/ssp.py                           |   93 +-
 mne/preprocessing/stim.py                          |   42 +-
 mne/preprocessing/tests/test_ecg.py                |    9 +-
 mne/preprocessing/tests/test_eeglab_infomax.py     |   21 +-
 mne/preprocessing/tests/test_eog.py                |   11 +-
 mne/preprocessing/tests/test_ica.py                |  226 +-
 mne/preprocessing/tests/test_maxwell.py            |  196 +-
 mne/preprocessing/tests/test_ssp.py                |   28 +-
 mne/preprocessing/tests/test_stim.py               |    9 +-
 mne/preprocessing/tests/test_xdawn.py              |   28 +-
 mne/preprocessing/xdawn.py                         |  120 +-
 mne/proj.py                                        |   29 +-
 mne/realtime/__init__.py                           |    2 +-
 mne/realtime/client.py                             |   49 +-
 mne/realtime/epochs.py                             |   75 +-
 mne/realtime/fieldtrip_client.py                   |   52 +-
 mne/realtime/mockclient.py                         |   21 +-
 mne/realtime/stim_server_client.py                 |   58 +-
 mne/realtime/tests/test_mockclient.py              |   69 +-
 mne/report.py                                      |  429 ++--
 mne/selection.py                                   |   20 +-
 mne/simulation/__init__.py                         |    3 +-
 mne/simulation/evoked.py                           |   93 +-
 mne/simulation/metrics.py                          |    6 +-
 mne/simulation/raw.py                              |  288 ++-
 mne/simulation/source.py                           |    6 +-
 mne/simulation/tests/test_evoked.py                |   58 +-
 mne/simulation/tests/test_metrics.py               |    2 +-
 mne/simulation/tests/test_raw.py                   |  186 +-
 mne/simulation/tests/test_source.py                |   14 +-
 mne/source_estimate.py                             | 1527 ++++++++-----
 mne/source_space.py                                |  709 +++---
 mne/stats/__init__.py                              |    7 +-
 mne/stats/cluster_level.py                         |  448 ++--
 mne/stats/multi_comp.py                            |    7 +-
 mne/stats/parametric.py                            |   30 +-
 mne/stats/permutations.py                          |   49 +-
 mne/stats/regression.py                            |   71 +-
 mne/stats/tests/test_cluster_level.py              |  198 +-
 mne/stats/tests/test_permutations.py               |   25 +-
 mne/stats/tests/test_regression.py                 |   35 +-
 mne/surface.py                                     |  620 +++---
 mne/tests/common.py                                |   11 +-
 mne/tests/test_annotations.py                      |  162 +-
 mne/tests/test_bem.py                              |    8 +-
 mne/tests/test_chpi.py                             |  289 ++-
 mne/tests/test_coreg.py                            |   51 +-
 mne/tests/test_cov.py                              |  208 +-
 mne/tests/test_dipole.py                           |  123 +-
 mne/tests/test_docstring_parameters.py             |  201 +-
 mne/tests/test_epochs.py                           |  624 +++---
 mne/tests/test_event.py                            |   35 +-
 mne/tests/test_evoked.py                           |   34 +-
 mne/tests/test_filter.py                           |  263 ++-
 mne/tests/test_fixes.py                            |   19 +-
 mne/tests/test_import_nesting.py                   |    4 +-
 mne/tests/test_label.py                            |   73 +-
 mne/tests/test_line_endings.py                     |    6 +-
 mne/tests/test_proj.py                             |   81 +-
 mne/tests/test_report.py                           |   42 +-
 mne/tests/test_selection.py                        |    6 +-
 mne/tests/test_source_estimate.py                  |  469 ++--
 mne/tests/test_source_space.py                     |  180 +-
 mne/tests/test_surface.py                          |   41 +-
 mne/tests/test_transforms.py                       |  191 +-
 mne/tests/test_utils.py                            |  148 +-
 mne/time_frequency/__init__.py                     |   18 +-
 mne/time_frequency/_stockwell.py                   |   84 +-
 mne/time_frequency/ar.py                           |  156 +-
 mne/time_frequency/csd.py                          |   84 +-
 mne/time_frequency/multitaper.py                   |  172 +-
 mne/time_frequency/psd.py                          |  179 +-
 mne/time_frequency/stft.py                         |   12 +-
 mne/time_frequency/tests/test_ar.py                |   46 +-
 mne/time_frequency/tests/test_csd.py               |   24 +-
 mne/time_frequency/tests/test_multitaper.py        |   52 +-
 mne/time_frequency/tests/test_psd.py               |   69 +-
 mne/time_frequency/tests/test_stockwell.py         |   11 +-
 mne/time_frequency/tests/test_tfr.py               |  153 +-
 mne/time_frequency/tfr.py                          |  723 +++---
 mne/transforms.py                                  |  701 +++++-
 mne/utils.py                                       |  693 +++---
 mne/viz/_3d.py                                     | 2237 ++++++++++++++++---
 mne/viz/__init__.py                                |   10 +-
 mne/viz/circle.py                                  |   14 +-
 mne/viz/decoding.py                                |   22 +-
 mne/viz/epochs.py                                  |  778 +++++--
 mne/viz/evoked.py                                  | 1229 +++++-----
 mne/viz/ica.py                                     |  158 +-
 mne/viz/misc.py                                    |  371 ++-
 mne/viz/montage.py                                 |   86 +-
 mne/viz/raw.py                                     |  578 +++--
 mne/viz/tests/__init__py                           |    0
 mne/viz/tests/test_3d.py                           |  297 ++-
 mne/viz/tests/test_decoding.py                     |  110 +-
 mne/viz/tests/test_epochs.py                       |   87 +-
 mne/viz/tests/test_evoked.py                       |   85 +-
 mne/viz/tests/test_ica.py                          |   61 +-
 mne/viz/tests/test_misc.py                         |   37 +-
 mne/viz/tests/test_montage.py                      |   42 +-
 mne/viz/tests/test_raw.py                          |  212 +-
 mne/viz/tests/test_topo.py                         |  106 +-
 mne/viz/tests/test_topomap.py                      |  156 +-
 mne/viz/tests/test_utils.py                        |   50 +-
 mne/viz/topo.py                                    |  334 ++-
 mne/viz/topomap.py                                 |  804 ++++---
 mne/viz/utils.py                                   |  955 ++++++--
 setup.cfg                                          |   29 +-
 setup.py                                           |   67 +-
 tutorials/plot_artifacts_correction_filtering.py   |   31 +-
 tutorials/plot_artifacts_correction_ica.py         |   66 +-
 .../plot_artifacts_correction_maxwell_filtering.py |    5 +-
 tutorials/plot_artifacts_correction_rejection.py   |   10 +-
 tutorials/plot_artifacts_correction_ssp.py         |   20 +-
 tutorials/plot_artifacts_detection.py              |    3 +-
 tutorials/plot_background_filtering.py             |  334 +--
 tutorials/plot_brainstorm_auditory.py              |   37 +-
 tutorials/plot_brainstorm_phantom_ctf.py           |   13 +-
 tutorials/plot_brainstorm_phantom_elekta.py        |   81 +-
 tutorials/plot_compute_covariance.py               |   79 +-
 tutorials/plot_configuration.py                    |   87 +
 tutorials/plot_creating_data_structures.py         |   55 +-
 tutorials/plot_dipole_fit.py                       |   11 +-
 tutorials/plot_dipole_orientations.py              |  206 ++
 tutorials/plot_ecog.py                             |   76 +
 tutorials/plot_eeg_erp.py                          |   20 +-
 tutorials/plot_epoching_and_averaging.py           |   11 +-
 tutorials/plot_epochs_to_data_frame.py             |   13 +-
 tutorials/plot_forward.py                          |   39 +-
 tutorials/plot_ica_from_raw.py                     |   18 +-
 tutorials/plot_info.py                             |   54 +-
 tutorials/plot_introduction.py                     |   16 +-
 tutorials/plot_mne_dspm_source_localization.py     |   49 +-
 tutorials/plot_modifying_data_inplace.py           |   36 +-
 tutorials/plot_object_epochs.py                    |   24 +-
 tutorials/plot_object_evoked.py                    |   16 +-
 tutorials/plot_object_raw.py                       |   42 +-
 tutorials/plot_point_spread.py                     |   25 +-
 tutorials/plot_python_intro.py                     |   48 +-
 tutorials/plot_receptive_field.py                  |  371 +++
 tutorials/plot_sensors_decoding.py                 |  141 +-
 tutorials/plot_sensors_time_frequency.py           |   10 +-
 tutorials/plot_source_alignment.py                 |   98 +
 ...plot_stats_cluster_1samp_test_time_frequency.py |    8 +-
 tutorials/plot_stats_cluster_methods.py            |   32 +-
 tutorials/plot_stats_cluster_spatio_temporal.py    |    9 +-
 ...ster_spatio_temporal_repeated_measures_anova.py |    2 +-
 tutorials/plot_stats_cluster_time_frequency.py     |   10 +-
 ...uster_time_frequency_repeated_measures_anova.py |   23 +-
 .../plot_stats_spatio_temporal_cluster_sensors.py  |   13 +-
 tutorials/plot_visualize_epochs.py                 |   73 +-
 tutorials/plot_visualize_evoked.py                 |   83 +-
 tutorials/plot_visualize_raw.py                    |   68 +-
 571 files changed, 50906 insertions(+), 25018 deletions(-)

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