[med-svn] [ecell] 13/14: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/4.1.2'

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Tue Dec 5 14:18:01 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ecell.

commit 60b2ec8dfe8e8beab2fae8a2149af209acef7456
Merge: 7039993 893c88d
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Dec 5 15:15:19 2017 +0100

    Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/4.1.2'
    Update to upstream version '4.1.2'
    with Debian dir 62c7f442e8aca52bf8c82ee73ed585f099e5feb3

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 .../peer/wrappers/range/stl_container_wrapper.hpp  |   317 +
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 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/irreversible/README    |    40 +
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 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/Kpp_ODE_0.ecd     |    62 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/Kpp_ODE_1e-1.ecd  |    63 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/Kpp_ODE_1e-2.ecd  |    63 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/Kpp_ODE_1e-3.ecd  |    62 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/Kpp_ODE_1e-4.ecd  |    62 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/Kpp_ODE_1e-5.ecd  |    61 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/Kpp_ODE_1e-6.ecd  |    61 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/event_ratio.py    |    32 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/model1.em         |   189 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/model1.py         |   151 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/model2.em         |   273 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/model2.py         |   172 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/model3-conc.py    |   193 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/model3.em         |   209 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/model3.py         |   187 +
 .../egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/model4-processive.em |   159 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/model4.em         |   210 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/model4.py         |   192 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/model5.py         |   196 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/model6.py         |   175 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/plot_mean.py      |   176 +
 .../legacy/samples/mapk/plot_response_time.py      |   270 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/plot_ss.py        |   527 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/plot_ss2.py       |   200 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/plot_tc.py        |    81 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/rebind_ratio.py   |     0
 .../legacy/samples/mapk/rebind_ratio/Makefile      |   129 +
 .../legacy/samples/mapk/rebind_ratio/plot_hist.py  |   253 +
 .../legacy/samples/mapk/rebind_ratio/plot_ratio.py |    98 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/run-ecell.py      |    21 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/run_ecell_all.py  |    26 +
 .../egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/run_ecell_model4.py  |    28 +
 .../legacy/samples/mapk/run_ecell_model4_all.py    |    56 +
 .../samples/mapk/run_ecell_responsetime_all.py     |    62 +
 .../egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/run_ecell_ss_all.py  |    58 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/run_ecell_tc.py   |    83 +
 .../legacy/samples/mapk/run_model3-smallt-2.py     |   224 +
 .../egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/run_model3-smallt.py |   224 +
 .../legacy/samples/mapk/second_assoc_ratio.py      |   278 +
 .../egfrd/legacy/samples/mapk/second_phos_ratio.py |   281 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/pushpull/fractionS.py  |    21 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/pushpull/plot.py       |   167 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/pushpull/plot_tc.py    |    77 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/pushpull/pushpull.em   |   137 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/pushpull/pushpull.py   |   231 +
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 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/rebind/plot.py         |   159 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/rebind/run.py          |   195 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/rebind/run2.py         |   151 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/reversible/Makefile    |    31 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/reversible/README      |    53 +
 .../legacy/samples/reversible/data/.empty-dir      |     0
 .../legacy/samples/reversible/make_p_rev_files.py  |     8 +
 .../legacy/samples/reversible/make_p_rev_files.sh  |     5 +
 .../egfrd/legacy/samples/reversible/p_rev.-1.tsv   |  1000 +
 .../egfrd/legacy/samples/reversible/p_rev.-2.tsv   |  1000 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/reversible/p_rev.0.tsv |  1000 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/reversible/p_rev.1.tsv |  1000 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/reversible/p_rev.2.tsv |  1000 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/reversible/p_rev.3.tsv |  1000 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/reversible/p_rev.math  |    48 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/reversible/p_rev.py    |    44 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/reversible/p_rev.tsv   |   101 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/reversible/plot.py     |   108 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/reversible/run.py      |    90 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/simple/simple.py       |    30 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/single/plot.py         |    71 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/single/run.py          |    74 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/samples/tf/tf.py               |    83 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/AllTests.cpp              |     3 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/BDPropagator_test.cpp     |   162 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/BDSimulator_test.cpp      |    95 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/BDSimulator_test.py       |    85 +
 .../test/CylindricalBesselGenerator_test.cpp       |    84 +
 .../legacy/test/CylindricalShellContainer_test.py  |    81 +
 .../egfrd/legacy/test/CylindricalSurface_test.py   |    59 +
 .../legacy/test/DynamicPriorityQueue_test.cpp      |   628 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/EGFRDSimulator_test.cpp   |   118 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/EGFRDSimulator_test.py    |   297 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/EventScheduler_test.py    |    75 +
 .../legacy/test/GreensFunction1DAbsAbs_test.py     |   250 +
 .../legacy/test/GreensFunction1DRadAbs_test.py     |   269 +
 .../legacy/test/GreensFunction3DAbsSym_test.py     |   167 +
 .../egfrd/legacy/test/GreensFunction3DAbs_test.py  |   395 +
 .../legacy/test/GreensFunction3DRadAbs_test.py     |   860 +
 .../legacy/test/GreensFunction3DRadInf_test.py     |   424 +
 .../egfrd/legacy/test/GreensFunction3DSym_test.py  |    99 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/GreensFunction3D_test.py  |   203 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/Makefile.am               |   134 +
 .../legacy/test/MatrixSpaceWithCylinders_test.cpp  |   141 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/MatrixSpace_test.cpp      |   400 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/Model_test.py             |    38 +
 .../egfrd/legacy/test/NetworkRulesWrapper_test.py  |    37 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/NetworkRules_test.py      |    70 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/PlanarSurface_test.py     |    58 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/ReactionRecord_test.py    |    54 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/ReactionRule_test.py      |   108 +
 .../legacy/test/SphericalBesselGenerator_test.cpp  |    84 +
 .../legacy/test/SphericalBesselTable_test.cpp      |    44 +
 .../legacy/test/SphericalShellContainer_test.py    |    82 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/StructureUtils_test.cpp   |    61 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/Vector3_test.cpp          |    18 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/World_test.cpp            |   346 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/alltests.py               |    20 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/array_helper_test.cpp     |    16 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/filters_test.cpp          |    84 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/fpp1test.py               |    40 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/freeFunctions_test.py     |   190 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/geometry_test.cpp         |    30 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/linear_algebra_test.cpp   |    23 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/model_test.cpp            |   123 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/p.py                      |   205 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/pointer_as_ref_test.cpp   |    28 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/position_test.cpp         |    66 +
 .../egfrd/legacy/test/py_range_converters_test.cpp |    24 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/range_support_test.cpp    |    46 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/sorted_list_test.cpp      |    21 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/test.py                   |   239 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/test/utils_test.py             |    94 +
 ecell4/egfrd/legacy/wscript                        |   161 +
 ecell4/egfrd/linear_algebra.hpp                    |   438 +
 ecell4/egfrd/pyport.patch                          |    38 +
 ecell4/egfrd/samples/CMakeLists.txt                |     5 +
 ecell4/egfrd/samples/mymapk.cpp                    |   246 +
 ecell4/egfrd/samples/polygon.cpp                   |   208 +
 ecell4/egfrd/samples/wscript                       |    34 +
 ecell4/egfrd/sorted_list.hpp                       |   201 +
 ecell4/egfrd/structures.hpp                        |   151 +
 ecell4/egfrd/tablegen/CMakeLists.txt               |    25 +
 ecell4/egfrd/tablegen/cjy_table.hpp                |   228 +
 ecell4/egfrd/tablegen/cmlwinpy27.txt               |    46 +
 ecell4/egfrd/tablegen/cmlwinpy35.txt               |    46 +
 ecell4/egfrd/tablegen/make_cjy_table.cpp           |    85 +
 ecell4/egfrd/tablegen/make_sjy_table.cpp           |    85 +
 ecell4/egfrd/tablegen/make_table_util.hpp          |    87 +
 ecell4/egfrd/tablegen/sjy_table.hpp                |   221 +
 ecell4/egfrd/tablegen/sph_bessel.hpp               |   156 +
 ecell4/egfrd/tests/GreensFunction3DRadInf_test.cpp |    38 +
 ecell4/egfrd/twofold_container.hpp                 |   278 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils.cpp                             |    18 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils.hpp                             |     6 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/array_helper.hpp                |    49 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/array_traits.hpp                |    63 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/assoc_container_traits.hpp      |    24 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/base_type_walker.hpp            |    40 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/fun_composition.hpp             |   189 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/fun_wrappers.hpp                |   135 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/get_default_impl.hpp            |    46 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/map_adapter.hpp                 |   192 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/math.hpp                        |    26 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/memberwise_compare.hpp          |    36 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/pair.hpp                        |   134 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/pointer_as_ref.hpp              |    55 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/pointer_preds.hpp               |    17 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/random.hpp                      |    20 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/range.hpp                       |   333 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/range_support.hpp               |   111 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/reference_or_instance.hpp       |    59 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/reset.hpp                       |    19 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/stringizer.hpp                  |    31 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/swap.hpp                        |    18 +
 ecell4/egfrd/utils/unassignable_adapter.hpp        |   344 +
 ecell4/gillespie/CMakeLists.txt                    |    20 +
 ecell4/gillespie/GillespieFactory.hpp              |    94 +
 ecell4/gillespie/GillespieSimulator.cpp            |   213 +
 ecell4/gillespie/GillespieSimulator.hpp            |   487 +
 ecell4/gillespie/GillespieWorld.cpp                |   154 +
 ecell4/gillespie/GillespieWorld.hpp                |   206 +
 ecell4/gillespie/samples/CMakeLists.txt            |     2 +
 ecell4/gillespie/samples/simple.cpp                |    53 +
 ecell4/gillespie/tests/CMakeLists.txt              |    16 +
 ecell4/gillespie/tests/GillespieSimulator_test.cpp |    49 +
 ecell4/gillespie/tests/GillespieWorld_test.cpp     |    39 +
 ecell4/meso/CMakeLists.txt                         |    20 +
 ecell4/meso/MesoscopicFactory.hpp                  |   123 +
 ecell4/meso/MesoscopicSimulator.cpp                |   275 +
 ecell4/meso/MesoscopicSimulator.hpp                |   916 +
 ecell4/meso/MesoscopicWorld.cpp                    |   353 +
 ecell4/meso/MesoscopicWorld.hpp                    |   419 +
 ecell4/meso/samples/CMakeLists.txt                 |     2 +
 ecell4/meso/samples/simple-meso.cpp                |    57 +
 ecell4/meso/tests/CMakeLists.txt                   |    16 +
 ecell4/meso/tests/MesoscopicSimulator_test.cpp     |    51 +
 ecell4/ode/CMakeLists.txt                          |    20 +
 ecell4/ode/ODEFactory.hpp                          |   160 +
 ecell4/ode/ODENetworkModel.cpp                     |    62 +
 ecell4/ode/ODENetworkModel.hpp                     |   163 +
 ecell4/ode/ODERatelaw.cpp                          |    73 +
 ecell4/ode/ODERatelaw.hpp                          |   281 +
 ecell4/ode/ODEReactionRule.cpp                     |    75 +
 ecell4/ode/ODEReactionRule.hpp                     |   276 +
 ecell4/ode/ODESimulator.cpp                        |   154 +
 ecell4/ode/ODESimulator.hpp                        |   462 +
 ecell4/ode/ODEWorld.cpp                            |   147 +
 ecell4/ode/ODEWorld.hpp                            |   328 +
 ecell4/ode/samples/CMakeLists.txt                  |    13 +
 ecell4/ode/samples/dissociation.cpp                |    61 +
 ecell4/ode/samples/equilibrium.cpp                 |    65 +
 ecell4/ode/samples/equilibrium2.cpp                |    76 +
 ecell4/ode/samples/odesimulator2.cpp               |    76 +
 ecell4/ode/tests/CMakeLists.txt                    |    17 +
 ecell4/ode/tests/ODESimulator_test.cpp             |    73 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/CMakeLists.txt                   |    17 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/ReactionEvent.cpp                |   127 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/SpatiocyteEvent.hpp              |   132 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/SpatiocyteFactory.hpp            |   104 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/SpatiocyteReactions.cpp          |   466 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/SpatiocyteReactions.hpp          |   124 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/SpatiocyteSimulator.cpp          |   211 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/SpatiocyteSimulator.hpp          |   105 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/SpatiocyteWorld.cpp              |   564 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/SpatiocyteWorld.hpp              |   611 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/StepEvent.cpp                    |   211 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/samples/CMakeLists.txt           |     5 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/samples/diffusion.cpp            |    64 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/samples/simple_lattice.cpp       |    79 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/tests/CMakeLists.txt             |    16 +
 .../spatiocyte/tests/SpatiocyteSimulator_test.cpp  |   571 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/tests/SpatiocyteWorld_test.cpp   |   264 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/utils.cpp                        |   112 +
 ecell4/spatiocyte/utils.hpp                        |    23 +
 licenses/NOTICE.txt                                |    10 +
 licenses/hdf5.txt                                  |    69 +
 misc/benchmark.png                                 |   Bin 0 -> 147869 bytes
 misc/benchmark.py                                  |   223 +
 misc/ecell4paraview.py                             |   113 +
 python/CMakeLists.txt                              |    82 +
 python/MANIFEST.in                                 |    18 +
 python/lib/ecell4/.gitignore                       |     1 +
 python/lib/ecell4/CompartmentSpace.pxi             |    40 +
 python/lib/ecell4/Integer3.pxi                     |   217 +
 python/lib/ecell4/Model.pxi                        |   253 +
 python/lib/ecell4/NetfreeModel.pxi                 |   290 +
 python/lib/ecell4/NetworkModel.pxi                 |   265 +
 python/lib/ecell4/Particle.pxi                     |   132 +
 python/lib/ecell4/ParticleSpace.pxi                |    77 +
 python/lib/ecell4/RandomNumberGenerator.pxi        |   166 +
 python/lib/ecell4/Ratelaw.pxi                      |    70 +
 python/lib/ecell4/ReactionRule.pxi                 |   450 +
 python/lib/ecell4/Real3.pxi                        |   247 +
 python/lib/ecell4/Space.pxi                        |    18 +
 python/lib/ecell4/Species.pxi                      |   309 +
 python/lib/ecell4/UnitSpecies.pxi                  |   101 +
 python/lib/ecell4/Voxel.pxi                        |    81 +
 python/lib/ecell4/__init__.py.in                   |     5 +
 python/lib/ecell4/bd.pxd                           |   145 +
 python/lib/ecell4/bd.pyx                           |   988 +
 python/lib/ecell4/context.pxd                      |    18 +
 python/lib/ecell4/core.pxd                         |   829 +
 python/lib/ecell4/core.pyx                         |    99 +
 python/lib/ecell4/create_reaction_rule.pxd         |    18 +
 python/lib/ecell4/datasource/__init__.py           |    59 +
 python/lib/ecell4/datasource/biocyc.py             |   167 +
 python/lib/ecell4/datasource/biogrid.py            |   105 +
 python/lib/ecell4/datasource/ecocyc.py             |    44 +
 python/lib/ecell4/datasource/pdb.py                |   111 +
 python/lib/ecell4/datasource/psicquic.py           |   487 +
 python/lib/ecell4/datasource/pubmed.py             |    99 +
 python/lib/ecell4/datasource/rdf.py                |    42 +
 python/lib/ecell4/datasource/sbml.py               |   198 +
 python/lib/ecell4/datasource/sparql.py             |   105 +
 python/lib/ecell4/datasource/uniprot.py            |   500 +
 python/lib/ecell4/egfrd.pxd                        |   202 +
 python/lib/ecell4/egfrd.pyx                        |  1344 +
 python/lib/ecell4/extra/__init__.py                |     0
 python/lib/ecell4/extra/ensemble.py                |   381 +
 python/lib/ecell4/extra/sge.py                     |   130 +
 python/lib/ecell4/extra/vtkview.py                 |   333 +
 python/lib/ecell4/extras.pxd                       |     4 +
 python/lib/ecell4/functions.pxd                    |     6 +
 python/lib/ecell4/gillespie.pxd                    |   113 +
 python/lib/ecell4/gillespie.pyx                    |   741 +
 python/lib/ecell4/integer3operators.pxd            |    18 +
 python/lib/ecell4/meso.pxd                         |   149 +
 python/lib/ecell4/meso.pyx                         |  1065 +
 python/lib/ecell4/multiset.pxd                     |    12 +
 python/lib/ecell4/observers.pxi                    |   990 +
 python/lib/ecell4/ode.pxd                          |   237 +
 python/lib/ecell4/ode.pyx                          |  1394 +
 python/lib/ecell4/real3operators.pxd               |    23 +
 python/lib/ecell4/shape_functions.pxd              |     7 +
 python/lib/ecell4/shapes.pxi                       |  1277 +
 python/lib/ecell4/shared_ptr.pxd                   |     7 +
 python/lib/ecell4/spatiocyte.pxd                   |   201 +
 python/lib/ecell4/spatiocyte.pyx                   |  1573 +
 python/lib/ecell4/types.pxd                        |     9 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util.pxd                         |    13 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/__init__.py                 |    12 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/cyjs.py                     |    71 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/decorator.py                |   426 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/decorator_base.py           |   259 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/legacy/__init__.py          |     0
 python/lib/ecell4/util/legacy/bdml.py              |    27 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/legacy/bng_exporter.py      |   325 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/legacy/decorator2.py        |   423 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/legacy/lattice_space.py     |    95 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/legacy/network.py           |   150 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/legacy/options.py           |   112 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/legacy/particle_space.py    |    52 +
 .../util/legacy/particle_spatiocyte_loader.py      |   161 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/legacy/sbml_exporter.py     |   140 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/legacy/spatiocyte_tools.py  |   396 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/legacy/species.py           |  1431 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/logger.py                   |    19 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/parseobj.py                 |   703 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/ports.py                    |   407 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/progressbar.py              |   186 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/show.py                     |    33 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/simulation.py               |   255 +
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo01.png |   Bin 0 -> 2499 bytes
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo02.png |   Bin 0 -> 2525 bytes
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo03.png |   Bin 0 -> 2480 bytes
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo04.png |   Bin 0 -> 2523 bytes
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo05.png |   Bin 0 -> 2536 bytes
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo06.png |   Bin 0 -> 2531 bytes
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo07.png |   Bin 0 -> 2545 bytes
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo08.png |   Bin 0 -> 2520 bytes
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo09.png |   Bin 0 -> 2514 bytes
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo10.png |   Bin 0 -> 2528 bytes
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo11.png |   Bin 0 -> 2535 bytes
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo12.png |   Bin 0 -> 2542 bytes
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo13.png |   Bin 0 -> 2522 bytes
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo14.png |   Bin 0 -> 2551 bytes
 .../lib/ecell4/util/templates/ecelllogo/logo15.png |   Bin 0 -> 2515 bytes
 python/lib/ecell4/util/templates/init_cyjs.js      |    19 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/templates/movie.tmpl        |    74 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/templates/nya.tmpl          |    69 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/templates/particles.tmpl    |    58 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/templates/template.html     |    62 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/viz.py                      |  2174 +
 python/lib/ecell4/util/vizstyles.py                |    64 +
 python/samples/conv2bngl.py                        |    67 +
 python/samples/conv2sbml.py                        |    75 +
 python/samples/dissociation.py                     |    37 +
 python/samples/drosophila.py                       |   104 +
 python/samples/ode_simulator.py                    |   104 +
 python/samples/ode_simulator_pickle.py             |   149 +
 python/samples/oregonator.py                       |    90 +
 .../CaOscillate_Func/CaOscillate_Func.py           |    98 +
 .../reaction_reader/CaOscillate_Func/convert.py    |    21 +
 python/samples/reaction_reader/Haugh2b/Haugh2b.py  |   146 +
 python/samples/reaction_reader/Haugh2b/convert.py  |    13 +
 .../reaction_reader/Repressilator/Repressilator.py |   195 +
 .../reaction_reader/Repressilator/convert.py       |    16 +
 .../reaction_reader/Repressilator/export.bngl      |    73 +
 .../SHP2_base_model/SHP2_base_model.py             |   299 +
 .../reaction_reader/SHP2_base_model/convert.py     |    21 +
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 .../samples/reaction_reader/catalysis/convert.py   |    21 +
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 860 files changed, 294054 insertions(+)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/ecell.git

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