[med-svn] [plink] 01/05: New upstream version 1.07+dfsg

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Fri Dec 8 10:29:46 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository plink.

commit a89715c9c4c958e45f3383a8d623581fe9b60441
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Dec 8 11:14:35 2017 +0100

    New upstream version 1.07+dfsg
 COPYING.txt   |   0
 README.txt    |   0
 blox.cpp~     | 614 ----------------------------------------------------------
 test.map      |   0
 test.ped      |   0
 webcheck.cpp~ | 225 ---------------------
 6 files changed, 839 deletions(-)

diff --git a/COPYING.txt b/COPYING.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/blox.cpp~ b/blox.cpp~
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e9a6ba..0000000
--- a/blox.cpp~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
-//                                                              //
-//           PLINK (c) 2005-2009 Shaun Purcell                  //
-//                                                              //
-// This file is distributed under the GNU General Public        //
-// License, Version 2.  Please see the file COPYING for more    //
-// details                                                      //
-//                                                              //
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <string>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "options.h"
-#include "helper.h"
-#include "plink.h"
-#include "phase.h"
-#include "stats.h"
-extern Plink * PP;
-//                                                                   //
-// Haplotype block code, adapted from code courtesy of Jeff Barrett, //
-// and HAPLOVIEW, following some very quick-and-dirty Java->C++...   //
-//                                                                   //
-class LDPair
-  int s1;
-  int s2;
-  int dist;  
-  LDPair(int s1_, int s2_, int dist_)
-  { 
-    s1 = s1_; s2 = s2_; dist = dist_; 
-  }
-  bool operator< (const LDPair & b) const
-  {  return (dist < b.dist); }
-class DPrime
-  double dp;
-  double dpl;
-  double dpu;
-  double lod;
-class PairwiseLinkage
-  PairwiseLinkage(int a_, int b_)
-  {
-    a=a_;
-    b=b_;
-    knownAA = knownAB = knownBA = knownBB = unknownDH = 0;
-  }
-  int a;
-  int b;
-  double dp, rsq;
-  double dp_upper, dp_lower;
-  double lod;
-  void calculateCI();
-  void calculateLD();
-  int knownAA, knownAB, knownBA, knownBB, unknownDH;
-map<Range,vector<int> > Plink::mkBlks(int null1, int null2 )
-  // First SNP, vector of SNPs (inc. first)
-  map< int, vector<int> > blocks;
-  // Some constants
-  const double cutHighCI = 0.98;
-  const double cutLowCI = 0.70;
-  const double cutLowCIVar [5] = {0,0,0.80,0.50,0.50};
-  const double maxDist [5] = {0,0,20000,30000,1000000};
-  const double recHighCI = 0.90;
-  const double informFrac = 0.95;
-  const double fourGameteCutoff = 0.01;
-  const double mafThresh = 0.05;
-  // Set to skip SNPs with low MAFs
-  // Uses genome-wide reference number: need to allocate for all SNPs here
-  vector<bool> skipMarker(nl_all,false);
-  for (int x = 0; x < nl_all; x++)
-    skipMarker[x] = locus[x]->freq < mafThresh;
-  // Consider each chromosome one at a time; skip X for now
-  int startChromosome = locus[ 0 ]->chr;
-  int finalChromosome = locus[ nl_all - 1]->chr;
-  for (int chr = startChromosome ; chr <= finalChromosome; chr++)
-    {
-      if ( scaffold.find(chr) == scaffold.end() )
-	continue;
-      int fromPosition = scaffold[chr].lstart;
-      int toPosition = scaffold[chr].lstop;
-      // Sanity check positions given (select to be on same chr)
-      // (note can remove this now)
-//       if ( locus[toPosition]->chr != locus[fromPosition]->chr )
-// 	{
-// 	  while (1) 
-// 	    {
-// 	      if ( locus[--toPosition]->chr == locus[fromPosition]->chr ) 
-// 		break;
-// 	    }
-// 	}
-      int nsnps = toPosition - fromPosition + 1;
-      /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-      // Make a list of marker pairs in "strong LD", sorted by distance apart 
-      multiset<LDPair> strongPairs;
-      map<int2,DPrime> dpStore;
-      int numStrong = 0; 
-      int numRec = 0; 
-      int numInGroup = 0;
-      // Each pair of markers
-      for (int x = fromPosition; x < toPosition; x++)
-	{
-	  if ( ! par::silent )
-	    cerr << "Chromosome " << locus[x]->chr 
-		 << ", position " << locus[x]->bp/(double)(1000000) 
-		 << "Mb                \r";
-      for (int y = x+1; y <= toPosition; y++)
-      {
-	if ( locus[x]->chr != locus[y]->chr ) 
-	  continue;
-	if ( locus[y]->bp - locus[x]->bp > par::disp_r_window_kb )
-	  continue;
-	if ( locus[x]->freq == 0 || locus[y]->freq == 0 )
-	  continue;
-	PairwiseLinkage thisPair(x,y);
-	thisPair.calculateLD();
-	thisPair.calculateCI();
-	double lod = thisPair.lod;
-	double lowCI = thisPair.dp_lower;
-	double highCI = thisPair.dp_upper;
-	int2 t(x,y);
-	DPrime d;
-	d.dp = thisPair.dp;
-	d.dpl = lowCI;
-	d.dpu = highCI;
-	d.lod = lod;
-	dpStore.insert( make_pair( t,d ) );
-	// Is this pair in strong LD?
-	if (lod < -90) continue; //missing data
-	if (highCI < cutHighCI || lowCI < cutLowCI) 
-	  continue; //must pass "strong LD" test
-	// Store this pair
-	LDPair p(x,y,abs( locus[x]->bp - locus[y]->bp ) );
-	strongPairs.insert( p );
-      }
-	}
-      // Now we have a list of SNPs in strong LD within this region
-      // Now construct blocks based on this
-      set<int> used;
-      // #blocks:
-      vector<vector<int> > blockArray;
-      multiset<LDPair>::iterator i = strongPairs.end(); 
-      --i;
-      while ( i != strongPairs.begin() )
-	{
-	  int numStrong = 0; 
-	  int numRec = 0; 
-	  int numInGroup = 0;
-	  vector<int> thisBlock;
-	  int first = i->s1; 
-	  int last = i->s2;
-	  long sep = i->dist;
-	  // See if this block overlaps with another:
-	  if ( used.find(first) != used.end() 
-	       || used.find(last)  != used.end() ) 
-	{
-	  --i;
-	  continue;
-	}
-	  // Next, count the number of markers in the block.
-	  // (nb. assume all SNPs belong)
-	  for (int x = first; x <=last ; x++)
-	    {
-	      if( !skipMarker[x] ) 
-		numInGroup++;
-	    }
-	  // Skip it if it is too long in bases for it's size in markers
-	  if (numInGroup < 4 && sep > maxDist[numInGroup]) 
-	    {
-	      --i;
-	      continue;
-	    }
-	  // Add first SNP
-	  thisBlock.push_back( first );
-	  // Test block: requires 95% of informative markers to be "strong"
-	  for (int y = first+1; y <= last; y++)
-	    {
-	      if (skipMarker[y]) 
-		continue;
-	  thisBlock.push_back(y);
-	  //loop over columns in row y
-	  for (int x = first; x < y; x++)
-	    {
-	      if (skipMarker[x]) 
-		  continue;
-	      double lod; 
-	      double lowCI; 
-	      double highCI;
-	      map<int2,DPrime>::iterator l = dpStore.find( int2(x,y) );
-	      if ( l == dpStore.end() ) 
-		  {
-		    // Recalculate
-		    PairwiseLinkage thisPair(x,y);
-		    thisPair.calculateLD();
-		    thisPair.calculateCI();
-		    lod = thisPair.lod;
-		    lowCI = thisPair.dp_lower;
-		    highCI = thisPair.dp_upper;
-		  }
-		else
-		  {
-		    // Get the right bits
-		    lod = l->second.lod;
-		    lowCI = l->second.dpl;
-		    highCI = l->second.dpu;
-		  }
-		// Monomorphic marker error
-		if ( lod < -90)
-		  continue;   
-	      // Skip bad markers
-	      if ( lod == 0 && lowCI == 0 && highCI == 0)
-		  continue; 
-	      // For small blocks use different CI cutoffs
-	      if (numInGroup < 5)
-		{
-		  if (lowCI > cutLowCIVar[numInGroup] && highCI >= cutHighCI) 
-		    numStrong++;
-		}
-	      else
-		{
-		  if (lowCI > cutLowCI &&  highCI >= cutHighCI) 
-		    numStrong++; //strong LD
-		}
-	      if (highCI < recHighCI) 
-		  numRec++; //recombination
-	    }
-	}
-      // Change the definition somewhat for small blocks
-      if (numInGroup > 3)
-	{
-	  if (numStrong + numRec < 6) 
-	    {
-		--i;
-	      continue;
-	    }
-	}
-      else if (numInGroup > 2)
-	{
-	  if (numStrong + numRec < 3) 
-	    {
-		--i;
-	      continue;
-	    }
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  if (numStrong + numRec < 1) 
-	    {
-		--i;
-	      continue;
-	    }
-	}
-      // If this qualifies as a block, add to the block list, but in
-      // order by first marker number:
-      if ( (double)numStrong/(double)(numStrong + numRec) > informFrac)
-      { 
-	  blocks.insert( make_pair( first , thisBlock ));  
-	  // Track that these SNPs belong to a block
-	  for (int u = first; u <= last; u++)
-	    used.insert(u);
-      }
-      --i;
-	}
-      // Next chromosome
-    }
-  if ( ! par::silent )
-    cerr << "\n";
-  map<int,vector<int> >::iterator j = blocks.begin();
-  printLOG(int2str( blocks.size() ) 
-	   + " blocks called, writing list to [ " 
-	   + par::output_file_name + ".blocks ]\n");
-  ofstream O1( (par::output_file_name+".blocks").c_str() , ios::out );
-  printLOG("Writing extra block details to [ " + 
-	   par::output_file_name + ".blocks.det ]\n");
-  ofstream O2( (par::output_file_name+".blocks.det").c_str() , ios::out );
-  O2 << setw(4) << "CHR" << " " 
-     << setw(12) << "BP1" << " "
-     << setw(12) << "BP2" << " "
-     << setw(12) << "KB" << " "
-     << setw(6) << "NSNPS" << " "
-     << setw(4) << "SNPS" << "\n";
-  while ( j != blocks.end() )
-    {
-      O1 << "*";
-      vector<int> & b = j->second;
-      for (int k=0; k<b.size(); k++)
-	O1 << " " << PP->locus[b[k]]->name;
-      O1 << "\n";
-      O2 << setw(4) << PP->locus[b[0]]->chr << " " 
-	 << setw(12) << PP->locus[b[0]]->bp << " "
-	 << setw(12) << PP->locus[b[b.size()-1]]->bp << " "
-	 << setw(12) << (double)(PP->locus[b[b.size()-1]]->bp - PP->locus[b[0]]->bp + 1)/1000.0 << " "
-	 << setw(6) << b.size() << " ";
-      for (int k=0; k<b.size(); k++)
-	{
-	  if ( k>0 )
-	    O2 << "|" << PP->locus[b[k]]->name;
-	  else
-	    O2 << PP->locus[b[k]]->name;
-	}
-      O2 << "\n";
-      ++j;
-    }
-  O1.close();
-  O2.close();
-  // List of blocks created here
-  // (dummy; not used)
-  map<Range,vector<int> > blocks0;
-  return blocks0;
-void PairwiseLinkage::calculateCI()
-  // Get counts of observed, unambiguous haplotypes
-  vector<vector<int> > t = two_locus_table(a,b);
-  // Assume autosome
-  knownAA = 2 * t[0][0] + t[0][1] + t[1][0];
-  knownAB = 2 * t[0][2] + t[0][1] + t[1][2];
-  knownBA = 2 * t[2][0] + t[1][0] + t[2][1];
-  knownBB = 2 * t[2][2] + t[2][1] + t[1][2];
-  unknownDH = t[1][1];
-  int total_chroms = knownAA + knownAB + knownBA + knownBB + 2*unknownDH;
-  // From Haploview code:
-  // Likelihood surface
-  vector_t lsurface(101);
-  //   // Assumed
-  //   // denom = of D'
-  //   // 4 haplotype frequencies pA1, pA2, pB1, pB2
-  const double LN10 = log(10.0);
-  string sA1 = PP->locus[a]->allele1 + PP->locus[b]->allele1;
-  string sA2 = PP->locus[a]->allele1 + PP->locus[b]->allele2;
-  string sB1 = PP->locus[a]->allele2 + PP->locus[b]->allele1;
-  string sB2 = PP->locus[a]->allele2 + PP->locus[b]->allele2;
-  double pA1,pA2,pB1,pB2;
-  for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) 
-    {
-      if ( PP->haplo->haplotypeName(i) == sA1 ) 
-	pA1 = PP->haplo->f[i];
-      else if ( PP->haplo->haplotypeName(i) == sA2 ) 
-	pA2 = PP->haplo->f[i];
-      else if ( PP->haplo->haplotypeName(i) == sB1 ) 
-	pB1 = PP->haplo->f[i];
-      else if ( PP->haplo->haplotypeName(i) == sB2 ) 
-	pB2 = PP->haplo->f[i];
-    }
-  double pA = pA1 + pA2;
-  double pB = 1 - pA;
-  double p1 = pA1 + pB1;
-  double p2 = 1 - p1;
-  // Estimated haplotype counts 
-  double D = pA1 - (pA*p1);
-  if (D < 0) 
-    {
-      double tmp;
-      /* flip matrix so we get the positive D' */
-      /* flip AA with AB and BA with BB */
-      tmp=pA1; pA1=pA2; pA2=tmp;
-      tmp=pB2; pB2=pB1; pB1=tmp;
-      /* flip frequency of second allele */
-      tmp=p1; p1=p2; p2=tmp;
-      /* flip known array for likelihood computation */
-      int tmpi;
-      tmpi=knownAA; knownAA=knownAB; knownAB=tmpi;
-      tmpi=knownBB; knownBB=knownBA; knownBA=tmpi;
-    }
-  double dmax1 = pA * p2 ;
-  double dmax2 = pB * p1 ;
-  double denom = dmax1 < dmax2 ? dmax1 : dmax2;
-  for (int i=0; i<=100; i++) 
-    {
-      double dpr = (double)i*0.01;
-      double tmpAA = dpr*denom + pA*p1;
-      double tmpAB = pA-tmpAA;
-      double tmpBA = p1-tmpAA;
-      double tmpBB = pB-tmpBA;
-      if (i==100) 
-       	{
-	  /* one value will be 0 */
-	  if (tmpAA < 1e-10) tmpAA=1e-10;
-	  if (tmpAB < 1e-10) tmpAB=1e-10;
-	  if (tmpBA < 1e-10) tmpBA=1e-10;
-	  if (tmpBB < 1e-10) tmpBB=1e-10;
-	}      
-      lsurface[i] = ( knownAA * log( tmpAA ) +
-		      knownAB * log( tmpAB ) + 
-		      knownBA * log( tmpBA ) + 
-		      knownBB * log( tmpBB ) + 
-		      unknownDH * log( tmpAA*tmpBB + tmpAB*tmpBA)) / LN10;
-    }
-  double loglike1 = unknownDH * log( pA1*pB2 + pB1*pA2 );
-  if ( pA1>0 ) loglike1 += knownAA * log( pA1 );
-  if ( pA2>0 ) loglike1 += knownAB * log( pA2 );
-  if ( pB1>0 ) loglike1 += knownBA * log( pB1 );
-  if ( pB2>0 ) loglike1 += knownBB * log( pB2 );
-    loglike1 /= LN10;
-  double loglike0= (knownAA * log(pA*p1) + 
-		    knownAB * log(pA*p2) + 
-		    knownBA * log(pB*p1) + 
-		    knownBB * log(pB*p2) + 
-		    unknownDH * log(2*pA*pB*p1*p2))/LN10;
-  lod = loglike1-loglike0;
-  if ( lod < 0 ) lod = 0;
-  double total_prob=0;
-  double sum_prob=0;
-  int high_i = 0;
-  int low_i = 0;
-  for (int i=0; i<=100; i++) 
-    {
-      lsurface[i] -= loglike1;
-      lsurface[i] = pow(10.0,lsurface[i]);
-      total_prob += lsurface[i];      
-    }
-  for (int i=0; i<=100; i++) 
-    {
-      sum_prob += lsurface[i];
-      if (sum_prob > 0.05*total_prob &&
-	  sum_prob-lsurface[i] < 0.05*total_prob) {
-	low_i = i-1;
-	break;
-      }
-    }
-  sum_prob=0.0;
-  for (int i=100; i>=0; i--) 
-    {
-      sum_prob += lsurface[i];
-      if (sum_prob > 0.05*total_prob &&
-	  sum_prob-lsurface[i] < 0.05*total_prob) {
-	high_i = i+1;
-	break;
-      }
-    }
-  if (high_i > 100){ high_i = 100; }
-  dp_lower = (double)low_i/100.0;
-  dp_upper = (double)high_i/100.0;
-  if ( par::verbose )
-    {
-      cout << PP->locus[ a ]->name << "   " 
-	   << PP->locus[ b ]->name << " : ";
-      cout << "Rsq= " << PP->haplo->rsq(a,b) << " : ";
-      cout << "D' = " << dp << " CI = " << dp_lower 
-	   << " to " << dp_upper << "; lod = " << lod << " " 
-	   << loglike1 << " vs. " << loglike0 << "\n";
-    }
-void PairwiseLinkage::calculateLD()
-  dp = PP->haplo->dprime( a, b );
diff --git a/test.map b/test.map
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/test.ped b/test.ped
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/webcheck.cpp~ b/webcheck.cpp~
deleted file mode 100644
index dd26882..0000000
--- a/webcheck.cpp~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-//                                                              //
-//           PLINK (c) 2005-2008 Shaun Purcell                  //
-//                                                              //
-// This file is distributed under the GNU General Public        //
-// License, Version 2.  Please see the file COPYING for more    //
-// details                                                      //
-//                                                              //
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "plink.h"
-#include "helper.h"
-#include "options.h"
-#include "sockets.h"
-using namespace std;
-extern string PVERSION;
-extern string PREL;
-#define  PORT_NUM                80     
-#define  IP_ADDR    ""  
-#define  GET_STRING "GET /~purcell/plink/version2.txt HTTP/1.1\nHost: pngu.mgh.harvard.edu\nConnection: close\n\n"
-void Plink::webcheck(CArgs & a)
-#ifdef SKIP
-  printLOG("Web-check not implemented on this system...\n");
-  return;
-  //////////////////////////////////////////
-  // First look for a local .pversion file in 
-  // the local directory
-  // Get today's date
-  time_t curr=time(0);
-  string tdstamp = (string)ctime(&curr);      
-  string buf; 
-  stringstream ss(tdstamp); 
-  vector<string> date_tokens; 
-  while (ss >> buf)
-    date_tokens.push_back(buf);
-  string thisDate = date_tokens[0] + date_tokens[1] + date_tokens[2];
-  bool hasRecord = doesFileExist(".pversion");
-  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Web-based message (but may be cached in local file)
-  vector<string> tokens;
-  bool connect2web = true;
-  printLOG("Web-based version check ( --noweb to skip )\n");
-  ////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // If we have a record, are we up-to-date?
-  if ( hasRecord )
-    {
-      ifstream VER;
-      VER.open(".pversion",ios::in);
-      string oldDay, oldMonth, oldDate, webVersion;
-      VER >> oldDay >> oldMonth >> oldDate;
-      if ( thisDate == oldDay+oldMonth+oldDate )
-	{
-	  printLOG("Recent cached web-check found...");
-	  connect2web = false;
-	  // Read rest of cached web message
-	  while ( ! VER.eof() )
-	    {
-	      string t;
-	      VER >> t;
-	      if (t=="")
-		break;
-	      tokens.push_back(t);
-	    }	  
-	}
-      VER.close();
-    }
-  if ( connect2web ) 
-    {
-      //printLOG("Connecting to web to get version...\n");
-      tokens = socketConnection( this , 
-				 IP_ADDR,
-				 PORT_NUM,
-				 GET_STRING);      
-    }
-  bool print = false;
-  bool print2 = false;
-  bool version_okay = true;
-  for (int i=0; i<tokens.size(); i++)
-    {
-      if (tokens[i]=="END") break;
-      if (tokens[i]=="END-MESSAGE")
-	{
-	  print2=false;
-	  continue;
-	}
-      if (tokens[i]=="WARN")
-	{
-	  if ( i < tokens.size()-1 ) 
-	    {
-	      i++;
-	      if ( a.find(tokens[i]) )
-		{
-		  printLOG("\n*** ALERT ***\n*** A warning flag has been set for: "+tokens[i]+
-			   "\n*** See http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/purcell/plink/warnings.shtml\n");
-		  warnings = true;
-		}
-	    }
-	  continue;
-	}
-      if (tokens[i]=="FATAL")
-	{
-	  if ( i < tokens.size()-1 ) 
-	    {
-	      i++;
-	      if ( a.find( tokens[i]) )
-		error("A serious warning flag has been set for: "+tokens[i]+
-		    "\nPLINK has been instructed to stop"+
- 	            "\nPlease see http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/purcell/plink/warnings.shtml\n");
-	    }
-	  continue;
-	}
-      if (tokens[i]=="MESSAGE-ALL")
-	{
-	  print2=true;
-	  continue;
-	}
-      // Display any other messages
-      // Either conditional on old version (print)
-      // or a broadcast to all users (print2)
-      if ( ( print && !version_okay) || print2 ) 
-	{
-	  if (tokens[i]=="\\n")
-	    printLOG("\n");
-	  else
-	    printLOG(tokens[i]+" ");
-	}
-      // Check version code
-      if (tokens[i]=="PLINK-VERSION") 
-	{
-	  print=true;
-	  if ( i < tokens.size() - 1) 
-	    {
-	      if (tokens[i+1] == PVERSION)
-		printLOG(" OK, v"+PVERSION+" is current\n");
-	      else
-		{
-		  printLOG("\n\n          *** UPDATE REQUIRED ***\n\n");
-		  printLOG("\tThis version        : "+PVERSION+PREL+"\n");
-		  printLOG("\tMost recent version : "+tokens[i+1]+"\n\n");
-		  printLOG("Please upgrade your version of PLINK as soon as possible!\n"); 
-		  printLOG("  (visit the above website for free download)\n\n");
-		  version_okay=false;
-		}
-	      // Skip the version number
-	      i++;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  // did we get the information we needed?
-  if (!print) printLOG("Problem connecting to web\n");
-  printLOG("\n");
-  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Create a record that we've checked
-  // First line is date-stamp; then simply copy the 
-  // whole message
-  ofstream VER;
-  VER.open(".pversion",ios::out);
-  VER << date_tokens[0] << " "
-      << date_tokens[1] << " "
-      << date_tokens[2] << "\n";
-  for (int i=0; i<tokens.size(); i++)
-    VER << tokens[i] << "\n";
-  VER.close();

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/plink.git

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