[med-svn] [jbrowse] 07/09: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.12.3'

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Fri Dec 8 21:45:36 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository jbrowse.

commit 1e99e9d8a56278af3dd087d1798d928eff243fff
Merge: 2d877c2 cf05f37
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Dec 8 22:38:07 2017 +0100

    Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.12.3'
    Update to upstream version '1.12.3'
    with Debian dir f9df76758e42baf4085b9b7f303b682f64e07fd7

 .bowerrc                                           |     3 +
 .gitignore                                         |    47 +
 .htaccess                                          |    10 +
 .jshintrc                                          |    27 +
 .travis.yml                                        |    29 +
 INSTALL                                            |     2 +
 LICENSE                                            |   667 +
 Makefile.PL                                        |   131 +
 README.md                                          |    94 +
 bin/add-bam-track.pl                               |   196 +
 bin/add-bw-track.pl                                |   284 +
 bin/add-json.pl                                    |    45 +
 bin/add-track-json.pl                              |    94 +
 bin/bam-to-json.pl                                 |   214 +
 bin/biodb-to-json.pl                               |    68 +
 bin/cpanm                                          |  1051 +
 bin/draw-basepair-track.pl                         |   201 +
 bin/flatfile-to-json.pl                            |   211 +
 bin/generate-names.pl                              |    90 +
 bin/jbdoc                                          |    21 +
 bin/json2conf.pl                                   |   134 +
 bin/maker2jbrowse                                  |   281 +
 bin/new-plugin.pl                                  |   143 +
 bin/prepare-refseqs.pl                             |   132 +
 bin/remove-track.pl                                |    59 +
 bin/ucsc-to-json.pl                                |   628 +
 bin/wig-to-json.pl                                 |   195 +
 bower.json                                         |    19 +
 browser/main.js                                    |    44 +
 browser/menu.js                                    |    83 +
 build/Makefile                                     |   177 +
 build/format_release_notes.pl                      |    10 +
 compat_121.html                                    |    50 +
 css/combination_tracks.css                         |    38 +
 css/export_dialog.css                              |    10 +
 css/faceted_track_selector.css                     |   271 +
 css/file_dialog.css                                |   154 +
 css/genome.css                                     |    24 +
 css/hierarchical_track_selector.css                |    57 +
 css/icons.css                                      |    42 +
 css/main.css                                       |  1093 +
 css/maker.css                                      |   197 +
 css/menubar.css                                    |   160 +
 css/protein.css                                    |   299 +
 css/sequence.css                                   |   128 +
 css/toolbar.css                                    |    42 +
 css/track_styles.css                               |   516 +
 css/tristate.css                                   |   130 +
 docs/config-desc.html                              |    62 +
 docs/config.html                                   |    11 +
 docs/docs.css                                      |   106 +
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 docs/examples/config/Dmel.json                     |   250 +
 docs/examples/config/yeast_genbank.json            |    74 +
 docs/examples/embedded_mode.html                   |    12 +
 docs/examples/format_tomato.sh                     |   111 +
 docs/featureglyphs.html                            |   166 +
 docs/index.html                                    |    18 +
 docs/screencasts/demo_script.txt                   |   162 +
 docs/tutorial/conf_files/volvox.json               |   229 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/bookmarks.conf            |     2 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/functions.conf            |    21 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox-paired.bam         |   Bin 0 -> 844 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox-paired.bam.bai     |   Bin 0 -> 96 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox-paired.bam.conf    |     9 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox-remark.bed         |    16 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox-sorted.bam         |   Bin 0 -> 395273 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox-sorted.bam.bai     |   Bin 0 -> 248 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox-sorted.bam.conf    |    12 +
 .../data_files/volvox-sorted.bam.coverage.bw       |   Bin 0 -> 213750 bytes
 .../data_files/volvox-sorted.bam.coverage.conf     |     7 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.2bit               |   Bin 0 -> 14103 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.fa                 |   897 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.fa.fai             |     2 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.filtered.vcf.gz    |   Bin 0 -> 2409 bytes
 .../tutorial/data_files/volvox.filtered.vcf.gz.tbi |   Bin 0 -> 126 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.gff3               |   268 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.gff3.conf          |     7 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.gtf                |    40 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.gtf.conf           |     8 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.raw.bcf            |   Bin 0 -> 2518 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.sort.bed.gz.1      |   Bin 0 -> 642 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.sort.bed.gz.conf   |     8 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.sort.bed.gz.tbi    |   Bin 0 -> 112 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.sort.gff3.gz.1     |   Bin 0 -> 3114 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.sort.gff3.gz.conf  |     8 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.sort.gff3.gz.tbi   |   Bin 0 -> 135 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.test.vcf.gz        |   Bin 0 -> 45591 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.test.vcf.gz.tbi    |   Bin 0 -> 99 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox.vcf.conf           |    29 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox_chrom.sizes        |     3 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox_fromconfig.conf    |     7 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox_microarray.bw      |   Bin 0 -> 100245 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox_microarray.bw.conf |    18 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox_microarray.wig     |   502 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox_sine.bw            |   Bin 0 -> 27463 bytes
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox_sine.bw.conf       |    16 +
 docs/tutorial/data_files/volvox_sine.wig           |   503 +
 docs/tutorial/index.html                           |   335 +
 img/Empty.png                                      |   Bin 0 -> 142 bytes
 img/JBrowseLogo.png                                |   Bin 0 -> 91479 bytes
 img/JBrowseLogo_small.png                          |   Bin 0 -> 11977 bytes
 img/cds.png                                        |   Bin 0 -> 251 bytes
 img/cds.svg                                        |   155 +
 img/chevron.png                                    |   Bin 0 -> 316 bytes
 img/chevron.svg                                    |   113 +
 img/chevron2.png                                   |   Bin 0 -> 322 bytes
 img/chevron2.svg                                   |   195 +
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 img/chevron3.svg                                   |   442 +
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 img/dark_20x3.png                                  |   Bin 0 -> 168 bytes
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 img/dblhelix-red.svg                               |   262 +
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 img/glyphs_white.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 9990 bytes
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 img/helix-green.svg                                |   268 +
 img/helix2-green.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 844 bytes
 img/helix2-green.svg                               |   356 +
 img/helix3-green.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 655 bytes
 img/helix3-green.svg                               |   137 +
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 img/herringbone-pal.png                            |   Bin 0 -> 220 bytes
 img/herringbone.png                                |   Bin 0 -> 410 bytes
 img/herringbone.svg                                |   320 +
 img/herringbone10.png                              |   Bin 0 -> 491 bytes
 img/herringbone10.svg                              |   167 +
 img/herringbone11.png                              |   Bin 0 -> 453 bytes
 img/herringbone11.svg                              |   202 +
 img/herringbone12.png                              |   Bin 0 -> 417 bytes
 img/herringbone12.svg                              |   206 +
 img/herringbone13.svg                              |   205 +
 img/herringbone14.svg                              |   197 +
 img/herringbone15.png                              |   Bin 0 -> 618 bytes
 img/herringbone15.svg                              |   527 +
 img/herringbone16.png                              |   Bin 0 -> 6087 bytes
 img/herringbone16.svg                              |   545 +
 img/herringbone16m.svg                             |   545 +
 img/herringbone2.svg                               |   319 +
 img/herringbone3.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 488 bytes
 img/herringbone3.svg                               |   330 +
 img/herringbone4.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 461 bytes
 img/herringbone4.svg                               |   282 +
 img/herringbone5.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 564 bytes
 img/herringbone5.svg                               |   282 +
 img/herringbone6.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 420 bytes
 img/herringbone6.svg                               |   282 +
 img/herringbone7.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 708 bytes
 img/herringbone7.svg                               |   281 +
 img/herringbone8.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 584 bytes
 img/herringbone8.svg                               |   315 +
 img/herringbone9.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 415 bytes
 img/herringbone9.svg                               |   316 +
 img/left_arrow.png                                 |   Bin 0 -> 361 bytes
 img/loops.png                                      |   Bin 0 -> 786 bytes
 img/loops.svg                                      |   347 +
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 img/minus-cds0.png                                 |   Bin 0 -> 408 bytes
 img/minus-cds0.svg                                 |   173 +
 img/minus-cds1.png                                 |   Bin 0 -> 394 bytes
 img/minus-cds1.svg                                 |   173 +
 img/minus-cds2.png                                 |   Bin 0 -> 406 bytes
 img/minus-cds2.svg                                 |   178 +
 img/minus-chevron.png                              |   Bin 0 -> 307 bytes
 img/minus-chevron2.png                             |   Bin 0 -> 419 bytes
 img/minus-chevron3.png                             |   Bin 0 -> 867 bytes
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 img/minus-herringbone11.png                        |   Bin 0 -> 452 bytes
 img/minus-herringbone12.png                        |   Bin 0 -> 420 bytes
 img/minus-herringbone13.png                        |   Bin 0 -> 578 bytes
 img/minus-herringbone14.png                        |   Bin 0 -> 776 bytes
 img/minus-herringbone16.png                        |   Bin 0 -> 2289 bytes
 img/minus-pacman.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 500 bytes
 img/path11828.png                                  |   Bin 0 -> 480 bytes
 img/path2160.png                                   |   Bin 0 -> 166 bytes
 img/path3415.png                                   |   Bin 0 -> 445 bytes
 img/plus-arrowhead.png                             |   Bin 0 -> 212 bytes
 img/plus-cds0.png                                  |   Bin 0 -> 375 bytes
 img/plus-cds0.svg                                  |   208 +
 img/plus-cds1.png                                  |   Bin 0 -> 353 bytes
 img/plus-cds1.svg                                  |   208 +
 img/plus-cds2.png                                  |   Bin 0 -> 349 bytes
 img/plus-cds2.svg                                  |   208 +
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 img/plus-chevron2.png                              |   Bin 0 -> 322 bytes
 img/plus-chevron3.png                              |   Bin 0 -> 593 bytes
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 img/plus-herringbone11.png                         |   Bin 0 -> 453 bytes
 img/plus-herringbone12.png                         |   Bin 0 -> 417 bytes
 img/plus-herringbone13.png                         |   Bin 0 -> 417 bytes
 img/plus-herringbone14.png                         |   Bin 0 -> 544 bytes
 img/plus-herringbone16.png                         |   Bin 0 -> 2253 bytes
 img/plus-pacman.png                                |   Bin 0 -> 520 bytes
 img/plus-pacman.svg                                |   540 +
 img/pluswalk-green.svg                             |   355 +
 img/pluswalk-orange.svg                            |   355 +
 img/red_crosshatch_bg.png                          |   Bin 0 -> 225 bytes
 img/red_x.png                                      |   Bin 0 -> 3302 bytes
 img/right_arrow.png                                |   Bin 0 -> 490 bytes
 img/right_arrow.svg                                |   115 +
 img/scroll_zoom_sprites.png                        |   Bin 0 -> 6945 bytes
 img/spinner.gif                                    |   Bin 0 -> 1542 bytes
 img/spriteArrows.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 295 bytes
 img/tracklist_bg.png                               |   Bin 0 -> 150 bytes
 img/transcript.png                                 |   Bin 0 -> 210 bytes
 img/transcript.svg                                 |    75 +
 img/tristate.png                                   |   Bin 0 -> 2707 bytes
 img/utr.png                                        |   Bin 0 -> 224 bytes
 img/utr.svg                                        |   107 +
 index.html                                         |   116 +
 jbrowse.conf                                       |    93 +
 jbrowse_conf.json                                  |     9 +
 package.json                                       |    14 +
 plugins/CategoryUrl/README.md                      |    29 +
 plugins/CategoryUrl/css/main.css                   |     0
 plugins/CategoryUrl/js/CategoryUrl.profile.js      |    62 +
 plugins/CategoryUrl/js/main.js                     |   117 +
 plugins/DebugEvents/css/main.css                   |     7 +
 plugins/DebugEvents/js/DebugEvents.profile.js      |    62 +
 plugins/DebugEvents/js/main.js                     |   139 +
 plugins/HideTrackLabels/css/main.css               |    23 +
 plugins/HideTrackLabels/img/eye_bl.png             |   Bin 0 -> 1253 bytes
 plugins/HideTrackLabels/img/eye_open.png           |   Bin 0 -> 1289 bytes
 .../HideTrackLabels/js/HideTrackLabels.profile.js  |    62 +
 plugins/HideTrackLabels/js/main.js                 |   140 +
 plugins/NeatCanvasFeatures/README.md               |    56 +
 plugins/NeatCanvasFeatures/css/main.css            |     0
 .../js/NeatCanvasFeatures.profile.js               |    62 +
 plugins/NeatCanvasFeatures/js/main.js              |   352 +
 plugins/NeatHTMLFeatures/README.md                 |    66 +
 plugins/NeatHTMLFeatures/css/main.css              |    45 +
 .../js/NeatHTMLFeatures.profile.js                 |    62 +
 plugins/NeatHTMLFeatures/js/main.js                |   314 +
 plugins/RegexSequenceSearch/css/main.css           |    31 +
 .../js/RegexSequenceSearch.profile.js              |    64 +
 .../js/Store/SeqFeature/RegexSearch.js             |   151 +
 .../RegexSequenceSearch/js/View/SearchSeqDialog.js |   172 +
 plugins/RegexSequenceSearch/js/main.js             |    71 +
 plugins/SVGLollipopTrack/js/SVGFeatures.js         |  1309 +
 .../js/SVGLollipopTrack.profile.js                 |    62 +
 release-notes.txt                                  |  2722 ++
 sample_data/json/.exists                           |     0
 sample_data/json/modencode/.htaccess               |    10 +
 sample_data/json/modencode/modencode2csv.pl        |    22 +
 sample_data/json/modencode/modencodeMetaData.csv   |  1868 ++
 sample_data/json/modencode/modencodeMetaData.json  | 30027 +++++++++++++++++++
 sample_data/json/modencode/names/root.json         |     1 +
 sample_data/json/modencode/seq/ctgA/0.txt          |     1 +
 sample_data/json/modencode/seq/ctgA/1.txt          |     1 +
 sample_data/json/modencode/seq/ctgA/2.txt          |     1 +
 sample_data/json/modencode/seq/ctgB/0.txt          |     1 +
 sample_data/json/modencode/seq/refSeqs.json        |    18 +
 sample_data/json/modencode/trackList.json          | 18752 ++++++++++++
 sample_data/json/modencode/trackMeta.csv           |     3 +
 sample_data/json/modencode/tracks.conf             |     2 +
 sample_data/raw/Dmel.json                          |     1 +
 sample_data/raw/ideograms/human_cytobands.gff      |   863 +
 sample_data/raw/ideograms/mouse_cytobands.gff      |   438 +
 sample_data/raw/ideograms/rat_cytobands.gff        |   267 +
 sample_data/raw/pop_demo/pop_demo.gff3             |     8 +
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 sample_data/raw/volvox                             |     1 +
 sample_data/raw/volvox.json                        |     1 +
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 sample_data/raw/yeast_chr1+2/yeast_chr1+2.gff3     |  1363 +
 sample_data/raw/yeast_gbk/NC_001133.gbk            |  6254 ++++
 sample_data/raw/yeast_gbk/NC_001133.gbk.gff        |  4282 +++
 sample_data/raw/yeast_genbank.json                 |    74 +
 sample_data/raw/yeast_scaffolds/chr1.fa.gz         |   Bin 0 -> 71467 bytes
 sample_data/raw/yeast_scaffolds/chr2.fa.gzip       |   Bin 0 -> 254005 bytes
 sample_data/raw/yeast_scaffolds/chromosomes.gff3   |     5 +
 sample_data/test_snippet.html                      |     1 +
 setup.sh                                           |   215 +
 src/JBrowse/BehaviorManager.js                     |   118 +
 src/JBrowse/Browser.js                             |  3331 ++
 src/JBrowse/CodonTable.js                          |   118 +
 src/JBrowse/Component.js                           |   138 +
 src/JBrowse/ConfigAdaptor/AdaptorUtil.js           |    37 +
 src/JBrowse/ConfigAdaptor/JB_json_v0.js            |    59 +
 src/JBrowse/ConfigAdaptor/JB_json_v1.js            |   259 +
 src/JBrowse/ConfigAdaptor/conf.js                  |   115 +
 src/JBrowse/ConfigManager.js                       |   320 +
 src/JBrowse/Digest/Crc32.js                        |    65 +
 src/JBrowse/Errors.js                              |    53 +
 src/JBrowse/FeatureFiltererMixin.js                |    95 +
 src/JBrowse/Finisher.js                            |    22 +
 src/JBrowse/GenomeView.js                          |  2498 ++
 src/JBrowse/JBrowse.profile.js                     |   155 +
 src/JBrowse/Model/ArrayRepr.js                     |   316 +
 src/JBrowse/Model/BGZip/BGZBlob.js                 |   138 +
 src/JBrowse/Model/BGZip/VirtualOffset.js           |    52 +
 src/JBrowse/Model/BinaryTreeNode.js                |   153 +
 src/JBrowse/Model/CoverageFeature.js               |    19 +
 src/JBrowse/Model/DataView.js                      |    47 +
 src/JBrowse/Model/FileBlob.js                      |   102 +
 src/JBrowse/Model/Location.js                      |    63 +
 src/JBrowse/Model/NestedFrequencyTable.js          |   120 +
 src/JBrowse/Model/Range.js                         |   148 +
 src/JBrowse/Model/SimpleFeature.js                 |    97 +
 src/JBrowse/Model/TabixIndex.js                    |   287 +
 src/JBrowse/Model/XHRBlob.js                       |    82 +
 src/JBrowse/Model/modEncodeTrackMetadata.js        |   115 +
 src/JBrowse/Plugin.js                              |    20 +
 src/JBrowse/Store.js                               |    50 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/BigWig.js                        |     3 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/DeferredFeaturesMixin.js         |    42 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/DeferredStatsMixin.js            |    57 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/Hash.js                          |    99 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/LRUCache.js                      |   302 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/LazyArray.js                     |   130 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/LazyTrie.js                      |   273 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/NCList.js                        |   262 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/NCList_v0.js                     |   225 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/Names/Hash.js                    |   176 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/Names/LazyTrieDojoData.js        |   208 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/Names/REST.js                    |    68 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/RemoteBinaryFile.js              |   438 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature.js                    |   191 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BAM.js                |   123 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BAM/File.js           |   503 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BAM/LazyFeature.js    |   478 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BAM/Util.js           |   133 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BAMCombination.js     |    60 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BED.js                |   191 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BED/Parser.js         |   137 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BEDTabix.js           |   191 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BigWig.js             |   352 +
 .../Store/SeqFeature/BigWig/RequestWorker.js       |   410 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BigWig/Window.js      |    79 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/Combination.js        |   240 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/CombinationBase.js    |   207 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/Coverage.js           |    82 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/FromConfig.js         |    77 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/GFF3.js               |   223 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/GFF3/Parser.js        |   216 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/GFF3Tabix.js          |   223 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/GTF.js                |   223 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/GTF/Parser.js         |   244 +
 .../Store/SeqFeature/GlobalStatsEstimationMixin.js |    80 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/IndexedFasta.js       |    87 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/IndexedFasta/File.js  |   119 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/Mask.js               |   226 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/NCList.js             |   282 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/NCList_v0.js          |   167 +
 .../Store/SeqFeature/QuantitativeCombination.js    |   189 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/REST.js               |   339 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/SNPCoverage.js        |   199 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/SPARQL.js             |   167 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/SequenceChunks.js     |   129 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/TwoBit.js             |   151 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/TwoBit/File.js        |   502 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/UnindexedFasta.js     |    81 +
 .../Store/SeqFeature/UnindexedFasta/File.js        |   128 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/VCFTabix.js           |   155 +
 .../Store/SeqFeature/VCFTabix/LazyFeature.js       |   117 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/VCFTabix/Parser.js    |   440 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/_MismatchesMixin.js   |   205 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/Sequence/IndexedFasta.js         |     2 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/Sequence/StaticChunked.js        |     2 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/Sequence/TwoBit.js               |     2 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/TabixIndexedFile.js              |   224 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/TiledImage/Fixed.js              |   135 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/TiledImage/Fixed_v0.js           |    20 +
 src/JBrowse/Store/TrackMetaData.js                 |   792 +
 src/JBrowse/TouchScreenSupport.js                  |   271 +
 src/JBrowse/Track.js                               |    31 +
 src/JBrowse/Util.js                                |   607 +
 src/JBrowse/Util/FastPromise.js                    |    32 +
 src/JBrowse/Util/FeatureFilters.js                 |    27 +
 src/JBrowse/Util/GFF3.js                           |   158 +
 src/JBrowse/Util/GTF.js                            |   162 +
 src/JBrowse/Util/RejectableFastPromise.js          |    47 +
 src/JBrowse/Util/TextIterator.js                   |    59 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Animation.js                      |    65 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Animation/Slider.js               |    27 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Animation/Zoomer.js               |    47 +
 src/JBrowse/View/ConfirmDialog.js                  |    57 +
 src/JBrowse/View/DetailsMixin.js                   |   253 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Dialog/OpenDirectory.js           |   174 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Dialog/Preferences.js             |   125 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Dialog/QuickHelp.js               |    78 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Dialog/SetHighlight.js            |    83 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Dialog/SetTrackHeight.js          |    74 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Dialog/WithActionBar.js           |    38 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Export.js                         |    51 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Export/BED.js                     |    83 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Export/FASTA.js                   |    42 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Export/GFF3.js                    |   224 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Export/SequinTable.js             |    78 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Export/Wiggle.js                  |    59 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Export/bedGraph.js                |    40 +
 src/JBrowse/View/FASTA.js                          |    89 +
 src/JBrowse/View/FastaFileDialog.js                |    92 +
 src/JBrowse/View/FeatureGlyph.js                   |   189 +
 src/JBrowse/View/FeatureGlyph/Alignment.js         |   197 +
 src/JBrowse/View/FeatureGlyph/Box.js               |   334 +
 src/JBrowse/View/FeatureGlyph/Diamond.js           |    79 +
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 src/JBrowse/View/FeatureGlyph/Segments.js          |   124 +
 .../View/FeatureGlyph/_FeatureLabelMixin.js        |   122 +
 src/JBrowse/View/FileDialog.js                     |   283 +
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 .../View/FileDialog/TrackList/BEDTabixDriver.js    |    21 +
 .../View/FileDialog/TrackList/BigWigDriver.js      |    55 +
 .../View/FileDialog/TrackList/GFF3Driver.js        |    54 +
 .../View/FileDialog/TrackList/GFF3TabixDriver.js   |    21 +
 src/JBrowse/View/FileDialog/TrackList/GTFDriver.js |    53 +
 .../FileDialog/TrackList/IndexedFASTADriver.js     |    34 +
 .../View/FileDialog/TrackList/TwoBitDriver.js      |    55 +
 .../View/FileDialog/TrackList/VCFTabixDriver.js    |    19 +
 .../FileDialog/TrackList/_IndexedFileDriver.js     |   156 +
 src/JBrowse/View/GranularRectLayout.js             |   199 +
 src/JBrowse/View/InfoDialog.js                     |    74 +
 src/JBrowse/View/LocationChoiceDialog.js           |   108 +
 src/JBrowse/View/LocationList.js                   |    84 +
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 src/JBrowse/View/Ruler.js                          |    84 +
 src/JBrowse/View/StandaloneDatasetList.js          |    38 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Track/Alignments.js               |   181 +
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 src/JBrowse/View/Track/CanvasVariants.js           |    40 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Track/Combination.js              |  1034 +
 .../View/Track/Combination/CombinationDialog.js    |   466 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Track/FeatureCoverage.js          |    26 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Track/FixedImage.js               |   147 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Track/FixedImage/Wiggle.js        |    52 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Track/GridLines.js                |    74 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Track/HTMLFeatures.js             |  1424 +
 src/JBrowse/View/Track/HTMLVariants.js             |    29 +
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 src/JBrowse/View/Track/_TrackDetailsStatsMixin.js  |    29 +
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 src/JBrowse/View/TrackList/Faceted.js              |   876 +
 src/JBrowse/View/TrackList/Hierarchical.js         |   328 +
 src/JBrowse/View/TrackList/Null.js                 |    16 +
 src/JBrowse/View/TrackList/Simple.js               |   369 +
 src/JBrowse/View/TrackList/_TextFilterMixin.js     |   110 +
 src/JBrowse/View/_FeatureDescriptionMixin.js       |    70 +
 src/JBrowse/has.js                                 |    50 +
 src/JBrowse/init.js                                |    18 +
 src/JBrowse/main.js                                |    33 +
 src/JBrowse/package.json                           |    23 +
 src/perl5/ArrayRepr.pm                             |   223 +
 src/perl5/Bio/FeatureIO/bed.pm                     |   373 +
 src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/Cmd.pm                       |    71 +
 src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/Cmd/BioDBToJson.pm           |   164 +
 src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/Cmd/FlatFileToJson.pm        |   251 +
 src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/Cmd/FormatSequences.pm       |   605 +
 src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/Cmd/IndexNames.pm            |   598 +
 src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/Cmd/NCFormatter.pm           |   113 +
 src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/Cmd/RemoveTrack.pm           |    96 +
 src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/ConfigurationFile.pm         |   165 +
 src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/ExternalSorter.pm            |   195 +
 src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/FeatureStream.pm             |   167 +
 src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/FeatureStream/BioPerl.pm     |    95 +
 .../Bio/JBrowse/FeatureStream/GFF3_LowLevel.pm     |    74 +
 src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/FeatureStream/Genbank.pm     |   140 +
 .../FeatureStream/Genbank/LocationParser.pm        |    53 +
 .../Bio/JBrowse/FeatureStream/Genbank/Parser.pm    |   625 +
 src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/HashStore.pm                 |   474 +
 src/perl5/Bio/JBrowse/JSON.pm                      |    47 +
 src/perl5/FeatureTrack.pm                          |   277 +
 src/perl5/GenomeDB.pm                              |   376 +
 src/perl5/ImageTrack.pm                            |    94 +
 src/perl5/ImageTrackRenderer.pm                    |   371 +
 src/perl5/IntervalStore.pm                         |   228 +
 src/perl5/JBlibs.pm                                |    34 +
 src/perl5/JsonFileStorage.pm                       |   212 +
 src/perl5/LazyNCList.pm                            |   314 +
 src/perl5/LazyPatricia.pm                          |   207 +
 src/perl5/NCLSorter.pm                             |   100 +
 src/perl5/NCList.pm                                |   129 +
 src/perl5/NameHandler.pm                           |   113 +
 src/perl5/TiledImage.pm                            |   698 +
 src/perl5/TiledImage/DBPrimStorage.pm              |   298 +
 src/perl5/TiledImage/MemoryPrimStorage.pm          |   129 +
 src/perl5/TiledImage/demo-tiledimage.pl            |    74 +
 src/perl5/TiledImage/gdtile.sql                    |    43 +
 src/perl5/TrackImage.pm                            |   101 +
 src/wig2png/Makefile.in                            |    20 +
 src/wig2png/configure                              |  5887 ++++
 src/wig2png/configure.in                           |    48 +
 src/wig2png/src/MeanRenderer.cc                    |   119 +
 src/wig2png/src/WiggleParser.cc                    |   218 +
 src/wig2png/src/WiggleRangeParser.cc               |    19 +
 src/wig2png/src/WiggleTileRenderer.cc              |   111 +
 src/wig2png/src/config.h.in                        |   168 +
 src/wig2png/src/functions.c                        |   100 +
 src/wig2png/src/macros.h                           |    42 +
 src/wig2png/src/opts_list.cc                       |   444 +
 src/wig2png/src/opts_list.h                        |   174 +
 src/wig2png/src/wig2png.cc                         |   162 +
 tests/data/AU9/seq/refSeqs.json                    |    10 +
 tests/data/AU9/single_au9_gene.gff3                |    10 +
 tests/data/Btag.bam                                |   Bin 0 -> 800 bytes
 tests/data/Btag.bam.bai                            |   Bin 0 -> 568 bytes
 tests/data/NG_009246.1.fa                          |   186 +
 tests/data/NT_077402.2.fa                          |  3684 +++
 tests/data/NT_077402.2.gb                          |   360 +
 tests/data/NT_077402.2.gene.gff3                   |     5 +
 tests/data/SL2.40ch10_sample.gff3                  |  2198 ++
 tests/data/T_ko.2bit                               |   Bin 0 -> 522226 bytes
 tests/data/au9_scaffold_subset.gff3                | 10000 ++++++
 tests/data/au9_scaffold_subset_sync.gff3           | 10591 +++++++
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 tests/data/base_pairing/mahoney.fa                 |   109 +
 .../mahoney_formatted/seq/mahoney/0.txt            |     1 +
 .../mahoney_formatted/seq/refSeqs.json             |    10 +
 .../base_pairing/mahoney_formatted/trackList.json  |    12 +
 tests/data/conf/includes.json                      |    10 +
 tests/data/conf/no_includes.json                   |     9 +
 tests/data/embedded_sequence.gff3                  |   122 +
 tests/data/empty.2bit                              |   Bin 0 -> 16 bytes
 tests/data/empty.bam                               |   Bin 0 -> 589 bytes
 tests/data/empty.bam.bai                           |   Bin 0 -> 40 bytes
 tests/data/empty.bigWig                            |   Bin 0 -> 410693 bytes
 ...inal.merged.sorted.rgid.mkdup.realign.recal.bam |   Bin 0 -> 308097 bytes
 ....merged.sorted.rgid.mkdup.realign.recal.bam.bai |   Bin 0 -> 344 bytes
 tests/data/foo.2bit                                |   Bin 0 -> 209 bytes
 tests/data/foo.bed                                 |    20 +
 tests/data/gff3_with_syncs.gff3                    |    22 +
 tests/data/gff3_with_syncs.result.json             |     1 +
 tests/data/gstmu_full_record.gb                    |   390 +
 tests/data/gstmu_region_from_chromosome.gb         |   274 +
 tests/data/hash_store/test1_sums.json              |     1 +
 tests/data/hg19/database/knownGene.sql             |    52 +
 tests/data/hg19/database/knownGene.txt.gz          |   Bin 0 -> 255872 bytes
 tests/data/hg19/database/trackDb.sql               |    57 +
 tests/data/hg19/database/trackDb.txt.gz            |   Bin 0 -> 589288 bytes
 tests/data/hg19_chromosomes.fkfa                   |     1 +
 tests/data/hg19_formatted/trackList.json           |    26 +
 tests/data/hg19_formatted/tracks.conf              |     0
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/hist-100000-0.jsonz      |   Bin 0 -> 977 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/hist-1000000-0.jsonz     |   Bin 0 -> 213 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/hist-200000-0.jsonz      |   Bin 0 -> 613 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/hist-2000000-0.jsonz     |   Bin 0 -> 139 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/hist-500000-0.jsonz      |   Bin 0 -> 333 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/lf-1.jsonz               |   Bin 0 -> 28439 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/lf-10.jsonz              |   Bin 0 -> 27081 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/lf-11.jsonz              |   Bin 0 -> 8738 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/lf-2.jsonz               |   Bin 0 -> 29561 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/lf-3.jsonz               |   Bin 0 -> 26090 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/lf-4.jsonz               |   Bin 0 -> 27495 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/lf-5.jsonz               |   Bin 0 -> 26372 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/lf-6.jsonz               |   Bin 0 -> 25335 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/lf-7.jsonz               |   Bin 0 -> 28221 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/lf-8.jsonz               |   Bin 0 -> 25769 bytes
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/lf-9.jsonz               |   Bin 0 -> 28009 bytes
 .../hg19_formatted/tracks/knownGene/chr1/names.txt |  5000 +++
 .../tracks/knownGene/chr1/trackData.jsonz          |   Bin 0 -> 610 bytes
 tests/data/lazyarray-0.json                        |     1 +
 tests/data/lazyarray-1.json                        |     1 +
 tests/data/lazyarray-2.json                        |     1 +
 .../1F/contig-dpp-500-500/contig-dpp-500-500.gff   |   668 +
 .../contig-dpp-500-500.maker.proteins.fasta        |    33 +
 .../contig-dpp-500-500.maker.transcripts.fasta     |   193 +
 .../05/1F/contig-dpp-500-500/run.log               |    83 +
 .../dpp_contig_master_datastore_index.log          |     2 +
 tests/data/names_REST/trackList.json               |    49 +
 tests/data/quantitative.gff3                       |     8 +
 tests/data/redundant.gff3                          |     2 +
 tests/data/rest_store_test/features/ctgA           |    17 +
 tests/data/rest_store_test/stats/global            |     3 +
 tests/data/rest_store_test/stats/region/ctgC       |     8 +
 .../stats/regionFeatureDensities/ctgA              |     7 +
 ..._deletion_2_0.snps.bwa_align.sorted.grouped.bam |   Bin 0 -> 188125 bytes
 ...etion_2_0.snps.bwa_align.sorted.grouped.bam.bai |   Bin 0 -> 152 bytes
 tests/data/tomato_features.json                    |     1 +
 ...omato_features_nclist_with_chunksize_10000.json |     1 +
 tests/data/volvox-largedel.bam                     |   Bin 0 -> 729 bytes
 tests/data/volvox-largedel.bam.bai                 |   Bin 0 -> 112 bytes
 tests/data/volvox-long-reads.fastq.sorted.bam      |   Bin 0 -> 36616 bytes
 tests/data/volvox-long-reads.fastq.sorted.bam.bai  |   Bin 0 -> 128 bytes
 tests/data/volvox-remark.bed.gz                    |   Bin 0 -> 234 bytes
 tests/data/volvox-remark.bed.gz.tbi                |   Bin 0 -> 115 bytes
 tests/data/volvox-rnasim.bam                       |   Bin 0 -> 141299 bytes
 tests/data/volvox-rnasim.bam.bai                   |   Bin 0 -> 152 bytes
 tests/data/volvox.2bit                             |   Bin 0 -> 14103 bytes
 tests/data/volvox.sizes                            |     3 +
 tests/data/volvox.sort.bed                         |   109 +
 tests/data/volvox_formatted_1_2_1/names/root.json  |     1 +
 tests/data/volvox_formatted_1_2_1/refSeqs.js       |    11 +
 tests/data/volvox_formatted_1_2_1/seq/ctgA/0.txt   |     1 +
 tests/data/volvox_formatted_1_2_1/seq/ctgA/1.txt   |     1 +
 tests/data/volvox_formatted_1_2_1/seq/ctgA/2.txt   |     1 +
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/0.png       |   Bin 0 -> 323 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/1.png       |   Bin 0 -> 331 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/10.png      |   Bin 0 -> 332 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/11.png      |   Bin 0 -> 355 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/12.png      |   Bin 0 -> 348 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/13.png      |   Bin 0 -> 334 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/14.png      |   Bin 0 -> 346 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/15.png      |   Bin 0 -> 330 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/16.png      |   Bin 0 -> 328 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/17.png      |   Bin 0 -> 338 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/18.png      |   Bin 0 -> 350 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/19.png      |   Bin 0 -> 349 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/2.png       |   Bin 0 -> 335 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/20.png      |   Bin 0 -> 336 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/21.png      |   Bin 0 -> 329 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/22.png      |   Bin 0 -> 327 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/23.png      |   Bin 0 -> 321 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/24.png      |   Bin 0 -> 333 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/3.png       |   Bin 0 -> 329 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/4.png       |   Bin 0 -> 335 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/5.png       |   Bin 0 -> 337 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/6.png       |   Bin 0 -> 332 bytes
 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/1/7.png       |   Bin 0 -> 335 bytes
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 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/10/1.png      |   Bin 0 -> 806 bytes
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 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/20000/0.png   |   Bin 0 -> 237 bytes
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 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/5/2.png       |   Bin 0 -> 567 bytes
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 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/5/4.png       |   Bin 0 -> 538 bytes
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 .../tiles/volvox_microarray.wig/ctgA/50000/0.png   |   Bin 0 -> 221 bytes
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 .../tracks/ctgA/Alignments/names.json              |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/Alignments/trackData.json          |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/CDS/hist-50000-0.json              |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/CDS/names.json                     |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/CDS/trackData.json                 |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/Clones/hist-200000-0.json          |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/Clones/names.json                  |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/Clones/trackData.json              |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/EST/hist-50000-0.json              |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/EST/names.json                     |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/EST/trackData.json                 |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/ExampleFeatures/hist-10000-0.json  |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/ExampleFeatures/names.json         |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/ExampleFeatures/trackData.json     |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/Genes/hist-200000-0.json           |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/Genes/names.json                   |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/Genes/trackData.json               |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/Motifs/hist-10000-0.json           |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/Motifs/names.json                  |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/Motifs/trackData.json              |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/NameTest/hist-50000-0.json         |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/NameTest/names.json                |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/NameTest/trackData.json            |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/ReadingFrame/hist-50000-0.json     |     1 +
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 .../tracks/ctgA/ReadingFrame/trackData.json        |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/Transcript/hist-200000-0.json      |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/Transcript/names.json              |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/Transcript/trackData.json          |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/bam_simulated/hist-100-0.json      |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/bam_simulated/hist-1000-0.json     |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/bam_simulated/hist-20-0.json       |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/bam_simulated/hist-200-0.json      |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/bam_simulated/hist-40-0.json       |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/bam_simulated/hist-400-0.json      |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/bam_simulated/lazyfeatures-0.json  |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/bam_simulated/lazyfeatures-1.json  |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/bam_simulated/lazyfeatures-2.json  |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/bam_simulated/lazyfeatures-3.json  |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/bam_simulated/trackData.json       |     1 +
 .../tracks/ctgA/volvox_microarray.wig.json         |    85 +
 tests/data/volvox_formatted_names/.htaccess        |    10 +
 tests/data/volvox_formatted_names/names/007/e.json |     1 +
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 tests/data/volvox_formatted_names/names/06e/7.json |     1 +
 tests/data/volvox_formatted_names/names/072/7.json |     1 +
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 1209 files changed, 194345 insertions(+)

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