[med-svn] [btk-core] 12/15: Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.1'

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Sun Dec 24 22:56:56 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository btk-core.

commit a19bffbf084d223be3f5e831ce3f0f38ce529c93
Merge: 13d3da4 cdd09b1
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Dec 24 23:37:44 2017 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.1'
    Upstream version 0.8.1

 AUTHORS                                            |    21 +
 COPYING                                            |   463 +
 ChangeLog                                          |     0
 HACKING                                            |   231 +
 INSTALL                                            |   105 +
 Makefile.am                                        |     7 +
 Makefile.in                                        |   428 +
 NEWS                                               |    73 +
 README                                             |    73 +
 acinclude.m4                                       |   304 +
 aclocal.m4                                         |  1140 ++
 btk/Makefile.am                                    |     1 +
 btk/Makefile.in                                    |   322 +
 btk/core/Makefile.am                               |   100 +
 btk/core/Makefile.in                               |   630 +
 btk/core/algorithms/predicates.hpp                 |   152 +
 btk/core/algorithms/properties.hpp                 |    89 +
 btk/core/algorithms/rmsd.cpp                       |   134 +
 btk/core/algorithms/rmsd.hpp                       |   647 +
 btk/core/algorithms/selections.hpp                 |    77 +
 btk/core/algorithms/transforms.hpp                 |   212 +
 btk/core/atoms/atom.hpp                            |   279 +
 btk/core/atoms/default_atom_dictionary.hpp         |    37 +
 btk/core/atoms/pdb_atom.hpp                        |    38 +
 btk/core/atoms/pdb_atom_decorator.hpp              |   282 +
 btk/core/common/assertions.cpp                     |    70 +
 btk/core/common/assertions.hpp                     |    84 +
 btk/core/common/debugging.hpp                      |    51 +
 btk/core/common/exceptions.hpp                     |   115 +
 btk/core/concepts/atom_concept.hpp                 |   299 +
 btk/core/concepts/atom_iterable_concept.hpp        |   258 +
 btk/core/concepts/atom_iterator_concept.hpp        |    94 +
 btk/core/concepts/atomic_structure_concept.hpp     |   232 +
 btk/core/concepts/btk_container_concept.hpp        |    49 +
 btk/core/concepts/chain_concept.hpp                |    49 +
 btk/core/concepts/chain_iterable_concept.hpp       |    90 +
 btk/core/concepts/chain_iterator_concept.hpp       |    55 +
 btk/core/concepts/chemically_typed_concept.hpp     |   324 +
 btk/core/concepts/monomer_concept.hpp              |    89 +
 btk/core/concepts/monomer_iterable_concept.hpp     |    90 +
 btk/core/concepts/monomer_iterator_concept.hpp     |    55 +
 btk/core/concepts/polymer_structure_concept.hpp    |    87 +
 btk/core/concepts/system_concept.hpp               |    77 +
 btk/core/concepts/type_id_concept.hpp              |    47 +
 btk/core/concepts/type_system_concept.hpp          |    82 +
 btk/core/config/btk_config.hpp                     |   112 +
 btk/core/config/btk_core_config.h                  |   121 +
 btk/core/config/config.h.in                        |    65 +
 btk/core/config/depcomp                            |   436 +
 btk/core/config/install-sh                         |   251 +
 btk/core/config/missing                            |   336 +
 btk/core/config/mkinstalldirs                      |   101 +
 btk/core/elements/default_element_dictionary.cpp   |   154 +
 btk/core/elements/default_element_dictionary.hpp   |    50 +
 btk/core/elements/element_types.hpp                |   200 +
 btk/core/io/cached_logger.cpp                      |    45 +
 btk/core/io/cached_logger.hpp                      |    74 +
 btk/core/io/default_type_system.hpp                |    84 +
 btk/core/io/dictionary.hpp                         |   207 +
 btk/core/io/filter_logger.hpp                      |    60 +
 btk/core/io/logger.cpp                             |    51 +
 btk/core/io/logger.hpp                             |   114 +
 btk/core/io/logger_level.hpp                       |   124 +
 btk/core/io/logger_stream.hpp                      |    84 +
 btk/core/io/logging.hpp                            |    55 +
 btk/core/io/pdb_file_parser.hpp                    |   765 +
 btk/core/io/pdb_system.hpp                         |   166 +
 btk/core/io/type_system.hpp                        |    97 +
 btk/core/io/type_system_proxy.hpp                  |   133 +
 btk/core/math/btk_matrix.hpp                       |    93 +
 btk/core/math/btk_vector.hpp                       |    99 +
 btk/core/math/common_functions.hpp                 |    76 +
 btk/core/math/constants.hpp                        |    46 +
 btk/core/math/linear_algebra.cpp                   |   149 +
 btk/core/math/linear_algebra.hpp                   |   140 +
 btk/core/math/rotation.cpp                         |    97 +
 btk/core/math/rotation.hpp                         |   115 +
 btk/core/math/vector_math.cpp                      |    74 +
 btk/core/math/vector_math.hpp                      |   115 +
 btk/core/molecules/atomic_structure.hpp            |   254 +
 btk/core/molecules/chain.hpp                       |   146 +
 btk/core/molecules/default_monomer_dictionary.hpp  |    34 +
 .../molecules/default_structure_dictionary.hpp     |    34 +
 btk/core/molecules/molecule.hpp                    |   138 +
 btk/core/molecules/monomer.hpp                     |   181 +
 btk/core/molecules/polymer.hpp                     |   312 +
 btk/core/molecules/polymer_structure.hpp           |   227 +
 btk/core/molecules/system.hpp                      |   357 +
 btk/core/molecules/system_base.hpp                 |   189 +
 btk/core/utility/btk_container.hpp                 |   198 +
 btk/core/utility/btk_sequence.hpp                  |   111 +
 btk/core/utility/chemically_typed_object.hpp       |   158 +
 btk/core/utility/grouped_element_iterator.hpp      |   382 +
 btk/core/utility/type_id.hpp                       |   110 +
 btk/core/utility/type_id_traits.hpp                |    67 +
 configure                                          |  5705 ++++++++
 configure.ac                                       |    50 +
 debian/changelog                                   |    24 -
 debian/compat                                      |     1 -
 debian/control                                     |    24 -
 debian/copyright                                   |    29 -
 debian/docs                                        |     3 -
 debian/libbtk-core-dev.examples                    |     3 -
 debian/libbtk-core-dev.install                     |     2 -
 debian/patches/00list                              |     2 -
 debian/patches/100-Makefile.am.dpatch              |    16 -
 debian/patches/100-btk_core_Makefile.am.dpatch     |    31 -
 debian/rmsd.1                                      |    53 -
 debian/rules                                       |    94 -
 debian/transform_structure.1                       |    22 -
 debian/watch                                       |     3 -
 examples/Makefile.am                               |     9 +
 examples/Makefile.in                               |   358 +
 examples/contact_order.cpp                         |    87 +
 examples/gyration_radius.cpp                       |    74 +
 examples/rmsd.cpp                                  |   306 +
 examples/transform_structure.cpp                   |    86 +
 tests/Makefile.am                                  |    45 +
 tests/Makefile.in                                  |   516 +
 tests/atomic_structure_tests.hpp                   |   129 +
 tests/btk_container_tests.hpp                      |   173 +
 tests/chain_tests.hpp                              |    42 +
 tests/multi_model_test.pdb                         | 13791 +++++++++++++++++++
 tests/polymer_structure_tests.hpp                  |   113 +
 tests/system_tests.hpp                             |   136 +
 tests/test.pdb                                     |  1417 ++
 tests/test.short.pdb                               |    33 +
 tests/test_atoms.cpp                               |   155 +
 tests/test_btk_container.cpp                       |    58 +
 tests/test_common.hpp                              |    59 +
 tests/test_dictionary.cpp                          |    85 +
 tests/test_grouped_iterator.cpp                    |   160 +
 tests/test_molecule.cpp                            |    61 +
 tests/test_monomer.cpp                             |    60 +
 tests/test_pdb_output.cpp                          |    99 +
 tests/test_pdb_system.cpp                          |   231 +
 tests/test_polymer.cpp                             |    32 +
 tests/test_system.cpp                              |    54 +
 tests/test_vector_geometry.cpp                     |    67 +
 139 files changed, 40120 insertions(+), 307 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/btk-core.git

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