[med-svn] [r-other-valdar-bagpipe.backend] 06/07: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.34'

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 27 17:05:55 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-other-valdar-bagpipe.backend.

commit cd7d085fc0a7a8d8b236232ae8e4612f45e80491
Merge: 3a66c69 8b89899
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Dec 27 18:04:14 2017 +0100

    Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.34'
    Update to upstream version '0.34'
    with Debian dir 2f4b8a09c3315a1eacc58bae3f8aaaf7761236d9

 DESCRIPTION                                        |  14 +
 NAMESPACE                                          |  11 +
 R/DiploprobReaderClass.R                           | 219 ++++++
 R/WVhash.R                                         |  41 +
 R/WVmisc.R                                         | 383 +++++++++
 R/WVmisc_mdlist.R                                  |  70 ++
 R/WVmisc_stack.R                                   |  43 +
 R/bagpipe_exception.R                              |  13 +
 R/bagpipe_formula.R                                | 425 ++++++++++
 R/bagpipe_genome_scan.R                            | 825 ++++++++++++++++++++
 R/bagpipe_happy_graphics.R                         | 550 +++++++++++++
 R/bagpipe_posboot.R                                | 153 ++++
 R/bagpipe_undernull.R                              | 212 +++++
 R/bagpipe_utils.R                                  | 222 ++++++
 R/cmdline.R                                        | 119 +++
 R/configfile.R                                     |  85 ++
 R/lmmultiresponse.R                                | 295 +++++++
 R/read.happy.core.R                                | 466 +++++++++++
 R/read.happy.derived.R                             | 868 +++++++++++++++++++++
 R/read.happy.genotype.R                            |  66 ++
 R/read.happy.reserve.R                             | 103 +++
 R/unify.R                                          | 458 +++++++++++
 man/DEFAULT.REDUCE.DMAT.CUTOFF.Rd                  |  28 +
 man/DiploprobReader-class.Rd                       |  82 ++
 man/ENV.Rd                                         |  56 ++
 man/SS.Rd                                          |  58 ++
 man/apply.permutation.matrix.Rd                    |  72 ++
 man/apply.transform.Rd                             |  65 ++
 man/assert.happy.Rd                                |  59 ++
 man/bagpipe.backend-package.Rd                     |  43 +
 man/bagpipe.data.error.Rd                          |  58 ++
 man/bagpipe.define.posboot.loci.Rd                 |  77 ++
 man/bagpipe.expand.formula.Rd                      | 204 +++++
 man/bagpipe.extract.loci.Rd                        |  72 ++
 man/bagpipe.formula.decipher.Rd                    |  88 +++
 man/bagpipe.formula.encipher.locus.Rd              |  62 ++
 man/bagpipe.formula.error.Rd                       |  58 ++
 man/bagpipe.formula.extractor.lookup.Rd            |  82 ++
 man/bagpipe.formula.has.abstract.loci.Rd           |  58 ++
 man/bagpipe.formula.reserved.variables.Rd          |  58 ++
 man/bagpipe.get.design.Rd                          | 115 +++
 man/bagpipe.init.posboot.file.Rd                   |  78 ++
 man/bagpipe.input.error.Rd                         |  58 ++
 man/bagpipe.parse.sdp.string.Rd                    |  72 ++
 man/bagpipe.posboot.scan.Rd                        |  90 +++
 man/bagpipe.read.configfile.Rd                     |  65 ++
 man/caught.error.Rd                                |  57 ++
 man/cmdline.flag.Rd                                |  40 +
 man/cmdline.has.option.Rd                          |  40 +
 man/cmdline.integer.Rd                             |  42 +
 man/cmdline.integers.Rd                            |  43 +
 man/cmdline.logical.Rd                             |  41 +
 man/cmdline.logicals.Rd                            |  42 +
 man/cmdline.numeric.Rd                             |  41 +
 man/cmdline.numerics.Rd                            |  40 +
 man/cmdline.option.Rd                              |  78 ++
 man/cmdline.string.Rd                              |  39 +
 man/cmdline.strings.Rd                             |  49 ++
 man/cols.as.Rd                                     | 104 +++
 man/configfile.get.Rd                              |  72 ++
 man/configfile.has.Rd                              |  60 ++
 man/configfile.integer.Rd                          |  63 ++
 man/configfile.integers.Rd                         |  63 ++
 man/configfile.logical.Rd                          |  63 ++
 man/configfile.numeric.Rd                          |  63 ++
 man/configfile.numerics.Rd                         |  63 ++
 man/configfile.string.Rd                           |  72 ++
 man/configfile.strings.Rd                          |  72 ++
 man/dfapply.Rd                                     |  71 ++
 man/do.scan.Rd                                     | 107 +++
 man/drop.formula.vars.Rd                           |  73 ++
 man/elem.Rd                                        |  64 ++
 man/find.peaks.Rd                                  |  83 ++
 man/find.windowed.peaks.Rd                         |  82 ++
 man/fit.gev.Rd                                     |  69 ++
 man/force.logical.Rd                               |  66 ++
 man/formula.as.string.Rd                           |  56 ++
 man/freeman.tukey.Rd                               |  58 ++
 man/general.multiscan.Rd                           | 111 +++
 man/general.scan.Rd                                | 146 ++++
 man/genotype.to.count.Rd                           |  73 ++
 man/genotype.to.factor.Rd                          |  65 ++
 man/genotype.to.hier.Rd                            |  70 ++
 man/get.phenotype.data.Rd                          | 196 +++++
 man/happy.check.bp.Rd                              |  78 ++
 man/happy.clear.reserve.Rd                         |  61 ++
 man/happy.get.allele.freq.Rd                       |  71 ++
 man/happy.get.allowed.models.Rd                    |  53 ++
 man/happy.get.bp.Rd                                |  61 ++
 man/happy.get.chromosome.Rd                        |  62 ++
 man/happy.get.chromosome.length.Rd                 |  87 +++
 man/happy.get.design.Rd                            | 134 ++++
 man/happy.get.design.old.Rd                        | 134 ++++
 man/happy.get.diplotype.tensor.Rd                  | 116 +++
 man/happy.get.first.marker.Rd                      |  70 ++
 man/happy.get.genome.location.Rd                   | 126 +++
 man/happy.get.genotype.Rd                          |  90 +++
 man/happy.get.interval.length.Rd                   |  99 +++
 man/happy.get.interval.midpoint.Rd                 |  69 ++
 man/happy.get.interval.over.Rd                     | 111 +++
 man/happy.get.interval.range.Rd                    |  76 ++
 man/happy.get.intervals.Rd                         |  61 ++
 man/happy.get.intervals.in.range.Rd                | 112 +++
 man/happy.get.last.marker.Rd                       |  65 ++
 man/happy.get.location.Rd                          |  65 ++
 man/happy.get.markers.Rd                           |  99 +++
 man/happy.get.markers.between.Rd                   |  98 +++
 man/happy.get.models.Rd                            |  59 ++
 man/happy.get.next.marker.Rd                       |  86 ++
 man/happy.get.position.Rd                          |  62 ++
 man/happy.get.previous.marker.Rd                   |  73 ++
 man/happy.get.reserve.limit.Rd                     |  58 ++
 man/happy.get.reserved.marker.Rd                   |  65 ++
 man/happy.get.strains.Rd                           |  58 ++
 man/happy.get.subjects.Rd                          |  58 ++
 man/happy.has.chromosomes.Rd                       |  64 ++
 man/happy.has.markers.Rd                           |  64 ++
 man/happy.has.model.Rd                             |  62 ++
 man/happy.has.reserved.marker.Rd                   |  66 ++
 man/happy.has.subjects.Rd                          |  61 ++
 man/happy.init.reserve.Rd                          |  74 ++
 man/happy.is.auto.reserve.Rd                       |  60 ++
 man/happy.list.chromosomes.Rd                      |  72 ++
 man/happy.load.data.Rd                             |  83 ++
 man/happy.load.genome.Rd                           | 146 ++++
 man/happy.load.marker.Rd                           | 136 ++++
 man/happy.make.colnames.Rd                         |  82 ++
 man/happy.make.genome.location.Rd                  | 111 +++
 man/happy.matrixop.diplotypes.to.full.Rd           |  73 ++
 ...happy.matrixop.full.asymmetric.to.diplotypes.Rd |  61 ++
 man/happy.matrixop.full.to.diplotypes.Rd           |  64 ++
 man/happy.num.strains.Rd                           |  58 ++
 man/happy.plot.intervals.Rd                        | 261 +++++++
 man/happy.plot.ladder.Rd                           | 146 ++++
 man/happy.plot.ladder.chr.list.Rd                  |  80 ++
 man/happy.reserve.exists.Rd                        |  58 ++
 man/happy.reserve.get.Rd                           |  64 ++
 man/happy.reserve.has.Rd                           |  73 ++
 man/happy.reserve.has.scratch.Rd                   |  58 ++
 man/happy.reserve.marker.Rd                        |  76 ++
 man/happy.reserve.markers.Rd                       | 102 +++
 man/happy.reserve.memory.usage.Rd                  |  61 ++
 man/happy.reserve.put.Rd                           |  74 ++
 man/happy.set.auto.reserve.Rd                      |  62 ++
 man/hasS3method.Rd                                 |  63 ++
 man/hasS4method.Rd                                 |  68 ++
 man/hash.get.Rd                                    |  61 ++
 man/hash.has.Rd                                    |  61 ++
 man/hash.keys.Rd                                   |  58 ++
 man/hash.memory.usage.Rd                           |  62 ++
 man/hash.put.Rd                                    |  64 ++
 man/hash.remove.Rd                                 |  61 ++
 man/ifow.Rd                                        |  66 ++
 man/igrep.Rd                                       |  73 ++
 man/incidence.matrix.Rd                            |  57 ++
 man/interpolate.Rd                                 |  86 ++
 man/interpolate.Sys.env.Rd                         |  51 ++
 man/invlogit.Rd                                    |  57 ++
 man/is.formula.Rd                                  |  35 +
 man/is.informative.predictor.Rd                    |  67 ++
 man/is.nullOrEmpty.Rd                              |  65 ++
 man/is.wholenumber.Rd                              |  60 ++
 man/list.has.Rd                                    |  64 ++
 man/list.subdirs.Rd                                |  65 ++
 man/lm.multiresponse.Rd                            | 168 ++++
 man/lm.multiscan.Rd                                | 107 +++
 man/load.gscan.Rd                                  |  94 +++
 man/logit.Rd                                       |  57 ++
 man/make.parboot.permutation.matrix.Rd             |  95 +++
 man/make.parboot.permuted.responses.Rd             |  82 ++
 man/make.parboot.responses.Rd                      |  88 +++
 man/make.permuted.responses.Rd                     |  74 ++
 man/make.posboot.summary.Rd                        |  79 ++
 man/make.posboot.summary.ci.Rd                     |  69 ++
 man/make.reduce.dmat.fun.Rd                        |  74 ++
 man/make.step.data.Rd                              |  78 ++
 man/map.eq.Rd                                      |  79 ++
 man/mdlist.get.Rd                                  |  67 ++
 man/mdlist.has.Rd                                  |  78 ++
 man/mdlist.put.Rd                                  |  78 ++
 man/new.hash.Rd                                    |  53 ++
 man/object.sizes.Rd                                |  76 ++
 man/permutation.matrix.Rd                          |  97 +++
 man/polygonh.Rd                                    |  68 ++
 man/pop.back.Rd                                    |  60 ++
 man/pop.front.Rd                                   |  60 ++
 man/push.back.Rd                                   |  67 ++
 man/push.front.Rd                                  |  64 ++
 man/read.configfile.Rd                             |  67 ++
 man/read.scan.file.Rd                              |  83 ++
 man/reduce.dim.Rd                                  |  72 ++
 man/scan.phenotype.Rd                              | 119 +++
 man/se.mean.Rd                                     |  63 ++
 man/split.formula.Rd                               |  42 +
 man/split.pathname.Rd                              |  50 ++
 man/strcat.Rd                                      |  61 ++
 man/string.trim.Rd                                 |  56 ++
 man/tr.Rd                                          |  56 ++
 man/unify.aic.Rd                                   |  58 ++
 man/unify.anova.Rd                                 | 104 +++
 man/unify.anova.list.Rd                            | 197 +++++
 man/unify.bic.Rd                                   |  61 ++
 man/unify.deviance.Rd                              |  65 ++
 man/unify.fit.Rd                                   | 120 +++
 man/unify.generic.model.type.Rd                    |  59 ++
 man/unify.has.model.type.Rd                        |  58 ++
 man/unify.is.multilevel.formula.Rd                 |  67 ++
 man/unify.logLik.Rd                                |  68 ++
 man/unify.model.types.Rd                           |  58 ++
 man/unify.num.obs.Rd                               |  59 ++
 man/unify.num.params.Rd                            |  59 ++
 man/unify.simulate.Rd                              |  79 ++
 man/unify.simulate.lmer.Rd                         |  71 ++
 man/which.wide.ci.Rd                               |  76 ++
 man/wlm.multiresponse.Rd                           | 157 ++++
 man/write.configfile.Rd                            |  62 ++
 man/write.delim.Rd                                 |  66 ++
 man/write.multiscan.max.Rd                         |  65 ++
 man/write.scan.Rd                                  |  74 ++
 219 files changed, 20513 insertions(+)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/r-other-valdar-bagpipe.backend.git

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