[med-svn] [libswiss-perl] 08/12: Merge tag 'upstream/1.75'

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Thu Dec 28 22:53:56 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libswiss-perl.

commit 5f03f5a891161bf46f1fd0527feca2429ee2978b
Merge: 8c3295d 2c5747e
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Dec 28 23:49:59 2017 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.75'
    Upstream version 1.75

 Build.PL                        |    26 +
 COPYING                         |   340 +
 Makefile.PL                     |     9 +
 PPM-Swissknife-1.75.tar.gz      |   Bin 0 -> 202403 bytes
 README                          |   100 +
 Swissknife.ppd                  |    10 +
 debian/changelog                |    11 -
 debian/compat                   |     1 -
 debian/control                  |    30 -
 debian/copyright                |    22 -
 debian/libswiss-perl.docs       |     1 -
 debian/libswiss-perl.examples   |     1 -
 debian/rules                    |     9 -
 debian/watch                    |     3 -
 docs/ACs.html                   |   109 +
 docs/BaseClass.html             |   201 +
 docs/CC.html                    |    94 +
 docs/CCalt_prod.html            |   393 +
 docs/CCbpc_properties.html      |    93 +
 docs/CCcofactor.html            |    97 +
 docs/CCcopyright.html           |    96 +
 docs/CCdisease.html             |   125 +
 docs/CCinteraction.html         |    81 +
 docs/CCrna_editing.html         |    96 +
 docs/CCs.html                   |   172 +
 docs/CCseq_caution.html         |    81 +
 docs/CCsubcell_location.html    |   119 +
 docs/CRC64.html                 |    91 +
 docs/DE.html                    |   149 +
 docs/DEs.html                   |   206 +
 docs/DRs.html                   |   141 +
 docs/DTs.html                   |   153 +
 docs/Entry.html                 |   220 +
 docs/FTs.html                   |    84 +
 docs/GN.html                    |    96 +
 docs/GNs.html                   |   228 +
 docs/GeneGroup.html             |   158 +
 docs/IDs.html                   |   104 +
 docs/Journal.html               |    24 +
 docs/KW.html                    |    78 +
 docs/KWs.html                   |    85 +
 docs/ListBase.html              |   294 +
 docs/OCs.html                   |    82 +
 docs/OG.html                    |    86 +
 docs/OGs.html                   |    76 +
 docs/OH.html                    |    83 +
 docs/OHs.html                   |    69 +
 docs/OS.html                    |    73 +
 docs/OSs.html                   |    84 +
 docs/OX.html                    |    79 +
 docs/OXs.html                   |    92 +
 docs/PE.html                    |    78 +
 docs/RCelement.html             |    84 +
 docs/Ref.html                   |   145 +
 docs/Refs.html                  |    81 +
 docs/SKlogo.gif                 |   Bin 0 -> 10421 bytes
 docs/SQs.html                   |   111 +
 docs/Stars.html                 |    85 +
 docs/Stars/DR.html              |    72 +
 docs/Stars/EV.html              |   118 +
 docs/Stars/aa.html              |    72 +
 docs/Stars/default.html         |    72 +
 docs/TextFunc.html              |   130 +
 docs/index.html                 |   499 +
 examples/SWISS100.dat           | 53014 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 examples/benchmark.pl           |   118 +
 examples/evTest.pl              |    57 +
 examples/example.pl             |    46 +
 examples/varsplic.dat.gz        |   Bin 0 -> 175631 bytes
 lib/SWISS/ACs.pm                |   172 +
 lib/SWISS/BaseClass.pm          |   385 +
 lib/SWISS/CC.pm                 |   283 +
 lib/SWISS/CCalt_prod.pm         |  1708 ++
 lib/SWISS/CCbpc_properties.pm   |   213 +
 lib/SWISS/CCcofactor.pm         |   181 +
 lib/SWISS/CCcopyright.pm        |   120 +
 lib/SWISS/CCdisease.pm          |   247 +
 lib/SWISS/CCinteraction.pm      |   155 +
 lib/SWISS/CCrna_editing.pm      |   139 +
 lib/SWISS/CCs.pm                |   510 +
 lib/SWISS/CCseq_caution.pm      |   144 +
 lib/SWISS/CCsubcell_location.pm |   229 +
 lib/SWISS/CRC64.pm              |    99 +
 lib/SWISS/DE.pm                 |   210 +
 lib/SWISS/DEs.pm                |   821 +
 lib/SWISS/DRs.pm                |   415 +
 lib/SWISS/DTs.pm                |   254 +
 lib/SWISS/Entry.pm              |   630 +
 lib/SWISS/FTs.pm                |   436 +
 lib/SWISS/GN.pm                 |   119 +
 lib/SWISS/GNs.pm                |   989 +
 lib/SWISS/GeneGroup.pm          |   376 +
 lib/SWISS/IDs.pm                |   195 +
 lib/SWISS/Journal.pm            |  1073 +
 lib/SWISS/KW.pm                 |    93 +
 lib/SWISS/KWs.pm                |   120 +
 lib/SWISS/ListBase.pm           |   859 +
 lib/SWISS/OCs.pm                |   118 +
 lib/SWISS/OG.pm                 |   106 +
 lib/SWISS/OGs.pm                |   164 +
 lib/SWISS/OH.pm                 |   104 +
 lib/SWISS/OHs.pm                |    99 +
 lib/SWISS/OS.pm                 |    95 +
 lib/SWISS/OSs.pm                |   218 +
 lib/SWISS/OX.pm                 |    96 +
 lib/SWISS/OXs.pm                |   152 +
 lib/SWISS/PE.pm                 |    99 +
 lib/SWISS/RCelement.pm          |   110 +
 lib/SWISS/Ref.pm                |   554 +
 lib/SWISS/Refs.pm               |   127 +
 lib/SWISS/SQs.pm                |   242 +
 lib/SWISS/Stars.pm              |   470 +
 lib/SWISS/Stars/DR.html         |    60 +
 lib/SWISS/Stars/DR.pm           |   116 +
 lib/SWISS/Stars/EV.pm           |   261 +
 lib/SWISS/Stars/aa.pm           |   116 +
 lib/SWISS/Stars/default.pm      |   120 +
 lib/SWISS/TextFunc.pm           |   620 +
 lib/SWISS/dr_ord                |   139 +
 t/DEs.t                         |    75 +
 t/DEs.txl                       |   374 +
 t/DEs.txl.expected              |   108 +
 t/FTId.t                        |    42 +
 t/FTId.txl                      |    14 +
 t/GNs.t                         |   132 +
 t/GNs.txl.expected              |    25 +
 t/annot.t                       |    62 +
 t/annot.txl                     |   568 +
 t/annot.txl.expected            |  1088 +
 t/crc64.t                       |    52 +
 t/evidence.t                    |   125 +
 t/evidence.txl                  |    66 +
 t/evidence.txl.expected         |    86 +
 t/fasta.t                       |    45 +
 t/fasta.txl                     |    59 +
 t/fasta.txl.expected            |    15 +
 t/formatProblems.t              |    99 +
 t/formatProblems.txl            |  2315 ++
 t/formatProblems.txl.expected   |  2344 ++
 t/identity.t                    |    73 +
 t/identity.txl                  | 19181 ++++++++++++++
 t/identity.txl.expected         | 19185 ++++++++++++++
 t/test.pl                       |    27 +
 t/util.t                        |    46 +
 t/util.txl                      |   201 +
 145 files changed, 121627 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/libswiss-perl.git

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